Eastern reflector, 6 February 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Hold Delightful and Successful
Baby Show.
The good women f the .
Aid Society of the Met
are thoroughly enthuse
desire work tin
progress rapidly, and with
m i I I
a certainty
On Tuesday afternoon a delight-
by -b w held at Perkin-
The day
one sad tin- little folk,
i g a prise for beauty in
there promptly
a i the refresh
wen d, i
lag with much interest. A law
Bomber babies were entered
tin the fee being
lei cent, and
near the cl. of he
ii interest greatly
e ran
When the ballots were rinsed
It was found Mi-
Mar b id
c the
to; tie tin prettiest baby u tie
two years while Mm M
re; Gnu i I ad the I .
eat the
one m -i i over two old
I the pi w
me ii- which
The excellent manner
the little one behaved deserve-
mention. Every
present seemed res
the on test was going
behavior was an issue, So ,
nut occasion of I In- .
i hat i lie ladies are u u
plating holding another within
The Time Has Come for One in
We see by that tin
bad a
and it be-
hooves the of Greenville
to vet busy and one lieu-
a number of our citizens
that are take stock am
get a home. Head
following along line taken
the normal man
ii to lord aid
of bis own vine and tree.
this is what
ire are going to write about,
ha- made of Ii
little lord and of go-
lasting to
their love of order.
mm want homes, but
of them ate not possessed
for lack of mean- to acquire them
hi purchase. On the
hand the of men
are a little bit more.
cornea bit by bit,
Irregularly, and it would take
weary for the driblets tn
make j to
the lot and call in the architect
and contractor.
i- tit ind, the m
at want home.-, but have
only per month t
expend on N for I n
supply, re i a here l he I
big and loan ii Ion
Ii . I r that
r and above a
n I i the
final of a instead i , h
may co
the tn
rather Ii tn lie a
more. I i cud of a few years
is u piece properly to
BOW it. This ii wealth,
wealth is property. But at the
end of a period of rent paying
there l nothing to show Have
hap- a soured temper as the result
of frequent disagreements with
landlord and consequent moves
the household lures and
which latter also
Buffered grievously by the several
February Weather Forecast.
The Post has a
weather prophet, who esteems his
forecasts I i such an extent that he
copyrights predictions. w .
Marsh is hie name.
he say, will he a
pen month, ii quite
ill be mild, with i .
raves and heavy s aw, the
ins eh i to i and j
causing over the
portions of the country.
Damaging Honda will
i he Ohio along the Ohio
and bead waters
duo. Those living along the
and should
be prepared It the rapidly
liver- dining February.
Mild weather to weather to
old waves and heavy storms.
Blizzards, changing to
it times, causing high rivers
ll over the Western streams.
Mild weather winter storms
snow, changing to
storms over
Wisconsin, Missouri,
and the and
States west of the Mississippi
i and
r in s ii, Southern and
ill rail
; i m i in u
i . v. i n.-i-i heal y rains
Hie ins over the
no and oilier
will lie quite severe and
I I rains are
for this m. followed
. i. r from d lo Ii
to severe ins
pi sh-el visit this
i in- Atlantic coast, while
will general over the
States from 13th to
three day a of generally fair
followed on the to
violent storms over In
cyclonic winds
he interior and great on .
Fair weather
on the 25th and The.
month ending with
the country
A You
II Talk About
or Many Years to Come.
pi i
Big Line a
and Dark Colors
oil A. K. C
in Bent Island
V e Cloth
. Suit
w i me early. This ale every
in ibis a number
receiving upon f Kw
to for days of
h begin lo tell of all which v- are
going to H low.
N. Jan,
F. P. of Richmond, j
was town night.
Engine No. has been
undergoing some repairs will soon
ii on the road again.
W, H. Officer
V-t, Of Hooky
is several days with his
lather, J. H. Savage,
II. and wife spent
Sunday lo line with Mr. i
a Mrs. Bail-; on Pine street.
Harrington received a
telegram Sunday that his father
was dead, and left Monday to i
the burial, accompanied by
Baker fell from the
story of B. G. L. Go's, store
g several bruises, painful but ;
baa accepted a,
position with B. C. L. Co. and
. night to
hells are ringing
in i
General Merchandise.
Country Produce
keep on hand a
fresh supply of Chickens, Turkeys,
Butter, Cheese, etc.
delivered free in any part of
city. Phone No.
H. A.
d. Greenville, K. O.
Mixed Hose
Heavy Hose
Fast Black c
. . .
Lisle Thread
dot and
In all Styles and Colors, Plant; ;
to Select From
We me early and heavy pun basing, lo
values will be duplicated. Look
pale I bell Die here.
White Wide White
is HOW going a; ibis sale R
ml got
loon Hi ft Bleach
ft loci . ,
-Ti Blain and;
waited Piques BLANKETS
a Few more Extra Size Bed
Closing out ah up to 11.00 Blankets
the small juice of Wool Blankets Bought
Closing out ail up to at Before the Advance at Your
small Own Price
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Beys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
A Heavy Jean Cornet
books reeds Steel, in
while only
Length Corset with
Hose Supporters attached. Lace
i good quality of Hose
A Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, 1.90 value
now going at
Men's Work Cloves
Fine Pressed and
Kid Gloves 1.37
Shoes fur Men Women and
It Will Pay You to our
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Col. John. S. Cunningham in
Favor Forming Organ-
Threaten to Kill Two White Men.
if of
Col. John S. Cunningham, one of
of tobacco in
North Carolina, the
of the tobacco growers and is
of the opinion that the tobacco
will soon become organized
a practical basis. He says that
tobacco like young widows,
are to take
The wonderful success of the
Southern Cotton Association has
object of extreme
value to the tobacco planters, and all
over the South these are
forming tobacco
The necessity for co-operation
among the growers, the
of a reduction of the acreage,
better methods for working, and co-
operative warehouses are among the
objects of the proposed
Daring the past year there has
been much talk of organizing the
Virginia sod North Carolina
co into a strong association.
News and Observer
A bun o'clock Thursday
noon a message from
Mill, about from
town, advised him I
that several were there
armed with and threat-
to kill Messrs. A. Q. Which
and Ernest Dudley. Deputy
S. I. Dudley and K. Hy-
left at ones for the
Arriving there they found
and Dudley in the
yard and afraid to come
our About yards distant at
a ii him- on Mr. place
The board of aldermen met in
regular monthly Thursday
of the
The street committee reported
streets in bad but about
as good could be expected
weather as his prevailed.
No work of consequence could
the past month.
The committee reported
they were to
the for sewerage, and did
think they could in
occupied by doing so owing to a defect in the
Factory and Dwellings Burn.
Cleveland, Ohio, Feb.
starting an undetermined
cause on the sixth floor of the knit
goods factory N. J. Rich
Company, avenue and
street, late this
destroyed that building with
estimated of sent at
least girl in a semi
panic from several lower floors,
before the fire gotten
nuder control destroyed twenty-
one dwellings adjoining the
colored, they
and three Sam, A brain
and Chester, armed with shot
pistols, ugly mood.
Shells that the bad were
loaded with heavy buck shot.
Toe trouble grew out of Mr
wanting William Moor-
to move of
William's brothers went there to
help bid Officers during January
Hyman arrested the four j damage
and them to jail.
A preliminary trial was bad Ibis
morning before Justice C. D.
and they were bound
over to Superior court in the
of each.
The water light committee
reported that two old wells had
been tilled up.
The other committees had no
The different officers made their
reports for the month.
report of chief fire depart
showed there bad two
N. C.
Mrs. O. returned
Wednesday after spending several
weeks in Del. and
J. A. Savage and son, Geo.
Jr., Wednesday in
N. T. Cox J. T. Adams
Friday Greenville.
n were
Ai the Methodist
Sunday s awarded for
ill having
or a
., and ended eve-
i bu one received a
badge. prizes were
a off-red the of year by
brought a half in the
ranging from to x years and were
Bob Taylor, Ten-
Most Successful Since it Gets Off Something
Began Business. Good.
In piper will lie the A good old Northern preacher
of the hank- once the South to
Trust Company at the close the Dixie. At the
of January 89th, close In- n. he d
as made t. Slate would I lie children if
Commission. A of their would them
the in ibis statement with forward. There eras a crowd
a year a. .- Hie to
be most this
bank bu- In 1905 the
Sunday by G iv. T. J
total I h. hand with a and
ha 1806 the deposits an bead of
was the reply. The J are be-
ting a very beautiful design, and
are provided a substantial
pin for fastening to the clothing.
Toe lettering
medals consists of the words.
It has been the policy of bank
to every legitimate enter- the
prise for the of its patrons j this taking
the at large. It has next one bis arms.
provided every possible safeguard Sydney The smile
C. L. Burroughs and wife spent
factory on Payne on Friday in Greenville.
both sides Seventeenth street.
Prominent People Jailed.
Barnwell, C, Feb. J.
My rick, Wade C. W.
Hogg Tom all prom-
farmer-, of this county; post-
master Joseph
and Constables W. J. and
Lee, were lodged in jail
today, with having
assisted the lynching of Frank
and John colored, father
son, of December
The young was accused of
baying killed a
prominent of this section,
at the command of his father.
ll. B. Phillips went to Washing-
ton Friday.
Frank and
N were quietly mar-
at Chapman's
Mrs. J. T. is right sick
with grippe at her home.
Mrs. J. B. Smith, who has been
sick for several weeks with typhoid
fever, is slowly improving.
Mrs. D. A. Leggett returned
Friday from where she
attended the burial of her mother.
The report of the superintendent
of water light plants
that eleven new light customers
an new water customers
bad secured and total income
for the month was about
The report of the dispensary
commissioners showed
during the month of
sales of
J. S. was released
payment of poll tax because of
The of the market
petitioned for electric lights to be
placed in and
the matter was referred to com
Accounts were allowed
to 94,206.90. Of this
was for borrowed money and
for fire hose.
for the protection of its funds
its are as sound the
est of the country.
The of bank examining
iv the corporation
state is as exact-
as any the Union Banks
have to furnish statements to the
commission five times a year
are examined by the bank
at least once a year, more
frequently. There is no safer
weans of protecting your money
than depositing it banks.
Silver and Jewels for the
dent's Daughter.
the audience grew broader, i
the face of the preacher red
as he went with the
this he gasped.
The next was a little girl, and
the preacher heaved a of re
lief. mis he t-aid
tremulously. Stone-
wall came the proud
The audience preacher
President for protection, and took
the first train the land of
Small Beginnings of Rich Americans
Cornelius Vanderbilt ferried his
own boat.
John Jacob sold apples in
the streets.
Jay was a book agent.
John D. Rockefeller worked in a
machine shop.
A. T. was a school
Meeting of Cotton Association.
There will be a of the
Pitt County Branch of the Cotton
Growers Association the court
Gr Monday,
at eleven o'clock. All
cotton business and pro-
man interested are
invited to this meet-
Hon. C. C. president
of the Norm Division
Southern Cotton Association is
invited to be with us. Come out,
we wish your
U. B Cotten,
President County Branch
Southern Cotton Association
Pounds to Feb. 1st.
See W. Harvey
us with the following fie-
sales of leaf tobacco on the
Hie mouth of January
pounds at an average price of
97.71. In the same month last
year there pounds
at an average price of 87.81.
For this season from August 1st
to February 1st the total tales
have reached
John Wanamaker began lite at
Reed, of I j a week.
N. J. was in town this week. j Carnegie life at
Improvements have been made; a week
at hotel, which
made it more
North Carolina day was observed
at public school
day Feb. 2nd. Au
program bad and
the were enjoyed by all
A collection was taken
for the H.
which will tie forwarded to
Prof. Ba
Quite an unusual
the depot here Friday
night, two men got off the train,
one blind the other drunk. The
drunken man the Wind
F. G. Whaley to Suffolk
Wednesday to attend the funeral
terries of Mrs. father.
Willie Haddock, near
who has been sick for several
with is
Rare jewels in unique designs,
which friends of Miss Alice
Roosevelt have selected for her
wedding gifts, are being set by
skilled workmen at Tiffany's
For Hill plant.
Life a Century Ago.
One hundred ago a man
could not a rile on a steam-
He had never seen an
The largest presents are a light or dreamed of an car
was a blacksmith.
Abraham was a
James J. Hill began as a
William A. Clark as a young
man was a miner.
Henry was a reporter
Thomas Edison us
graph operator.
Thomas F. Ryan clerk a
dry goods store.
William Lloyd Garrison
j printer's devil.
Daniel Drew began as a cattle
H. Rogers a
delivery boy.
New York
magnificent silver service, one
of the moat beautiful ever made
by Tiffany, which has been or-
by the Rough As-
and a
fashioned of karat gold,
an exact full size working model,
to presented to hT by the
officers of the States
Among the other jewels are a
pearl collar of ten strands, the
largest ever made by the com .
and worth A
diamond tiara, containing
stones, is said to be another, and
there are two diamond collars
and two of diamonds.
Two diamond lockets are be-
to have been ordered by
Secretary of H
Taft. Miss sister of
Mrs. Roosevelt, is having
made, as is also Mrs, Douglas
Robinson, sister of the
dent. Most of the gifts have
been ordered by well known
persons living in New York,
Washington and Cleveland.
New York Dispatch.
Large Turnip.
Mrs. Joel Tyson, who lives on
R. F. D. No.
turnip that weighed
pounds. It was grown
from planted the latter part
of September, is
large for a turnip.
was run by a
seriously hurt.
It Pay to Resist
Saturday night Will
colored, disorderly and Chief of
Police J. T. Smith went to arrest
The very
boisterous made light at the
officer to resist arrest, and Capt.
Smith had to use his billet to
bring him into subjection. Mayor
He didn't talk through the
He could not send a telegram-
He could not ride a bicycle;
could not call in a
and dictate a letter;
He had never heard the germ
theory or worried over bacilli and
He had never heard a phonograph
talk or saw a turn out a
He never saw through a
dictionary with the
aid of a ray;
Ho had never his wife a
sewing machine;
He had never struck a match-
He couldn't take
and have his leg cut oil without feel
He had never seen a reaper or a
He had never crossed an iron
the en-
graving la exceptionally beautiful
and artistic The Bible are Ox
lord I.- the latest
a-id most improved helps the
study of the
The large number of members
receiving is evidence the
great interest and that is had
in the work of this most excellent
school For perfect
received prizes; for attend
with the exception of one
Sunday received prize.
Supt. Geo. S. who
ever awake to the interest and
development of the school,
by a corps of officers and teachers
who are m-u and women of rare
ability and integrity, is doing a
work that is already being felt in
our town and community, and that
promises to yield more abundantly
the days go by.
same offer of prizes for
been made, the
are that even a larger number will
be entitled to when
year shall
F. M.
An Institution That Ranks High in
Banking Circles.
this paper will be
found the statement of the Bank of
Greenville, at the close of business
on Jan 20th, as made to tic
Slate Corporation Commission. A
fact brought out in this statement
is that the and undivided
profits amount to
which is times as
large as the capital stock. It is
excellent on the best bus-
principles that
results as this, and banks are few
indeed that are able to make such
a showing.
This institution high
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
G. Sarah Williams.
frank Laughinghouse Nan-
J. O. Keel Dora A.
R. C. Butler Cora L. Leg-
Henry Daisy Gar-
Joe Little and William.
Woolen lined fa throughout
bound him ., . ,.,.
over to Superior court for resisting
the officer.
has the fullest
deuce of its
Pointed Paragraphs.
A bank note often supplies the
key mile to the situation.
Yon may lead a fool to wisdom,
but cannot make him think.
No, sour grapes were
never known to cause
The elevator boy to
reach the top, but he isn't allowed
to stay there.
a millinery bill fright mi n
almost as much as a mouse
ens a woman.
a wan his
older that insurance
may live the fat of the land.
The average gill would
marry in haste and leis-
than lo never have a chance v.
Washington is to
factory to can
Friday night u Chinaman in
Rocky Mount was by
, n parties.
New Jewelry Firm.
Capt. A. J. Griffin has associated
bis nephew, R. L. with
him in the jewelry business
tie style of the is Griffin
Stewart. Opt. has had
years experience at the
is in his line. Mr.
has had years
experience and is a of
and The ad.
. id the will be
Dime area wiles
on the family
Mr. leave one child, J. H.
Boyd, lour children
Hi was nearly seventy old,
has a resident of
about sixty
of the grafters office
holders people to look
down burglars highwaymen.

II I i , .,.
As this store will go
new after
1st, we will offer
entire stock of high
due Merchandise
Then the great big
White Good Sale.
You can save money by
coming early
TARBORO, North Carolina.
Tin Dutch At th. Um of
those who
i of
I .
i i.-
I .; tin
beau the Ike
I- . . m.-j.--
distance I
to mi. ii and such a plat . i
.-,, main
v you r I m ., the
H ii you lake row .
another sad often in-
Mis Oiling your . ,., ,
In I r. t- i.
a freak cigar with the
in their walk and the
bust of people rug do not
o KM a moment of tune r a
mouthful of go to
sleep with pins in mouth,
if in tin- night again
in Um morning before the step out
it really J-k appear
i- for u
vital function.
Many people so
dull- the intelligence. Mover-
tin I. i if i in re be a people, u
justly observe,
i of ti. and
n i- l ii people.
-aid a
our tie-
lined the I iv linger of
the i. Weekly.
U a heavy
Sickness nuke a purse.
I he LIVER the scat of nine
tenths of all disease.
to the root the la mat
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the action of the
to normal con
Give tone to the . tern and
solid flesh to tin body.
No Substitute.
TIm- Clerk of Dip
i f I'm having
I n to the under-
on the of n
estate t. u. d.-.-,.
ad, notice Ii hereby riven t n
Di to t. make
on; to ail in
t-. within
twelve Bit.-r the dale th.
or tins i,
of Id
L. m. w i, . i .
Ashley i. .,
of V. M. I . ,;,
North Carolina I in
I'm Bate
W A. and Mar- p
w. R. Ford, I. .
rife Florence R. u
hunt, Jolly nun
folly, John Ed h u
, Teal. H. v.
L. Kurd, J.
It I- one of tin of
life a pule, high
tin- should be lbs worst
in the of the
tier. in to nail-
ed of real Ins name
stand forth u the
of I. 111.-.-. Borne of the gun
i n of frontier killed in do-
mid killed
in or Inflamed an-
tin- the only
man who flow out of pure
Throe of
to s.-c he
Arthur Chapman in Outing.
III. mid the
before In- reign usually ad.
dressed a- and
The latter was orig-
It upon Henry
.-Ill-ill given lion-
n I., mid
to II., which
Henri VIII. About the
of tin- nun nil wore ab-
which I I. addressed kin;
at Interview in 1580. I.
coupled to title
How Maps Mads.
Large man making
every and In every
ho i map of
in region is s
highly valued the moat
map, In making n map
of any region the com-
i- others are hardly
, toil lied. Rt ; arc
every detail i- n
from ll , in in ,.
i -.-
arc but
to take long
tin Ir n they think ii
in s .
Ni wilt made In Lon-
don by n from Spain In the
i Mary. He died,
r. I Ii the
I hit art. Io i until
; i n i -1 -I
. and I
mi ; it tin art Io
then i n to Kn
n about 1630 ii
II i
n at I., i
mu hire.-
Baiter and Baker
A. M,
j r w U
Mo ii While-
burst, ll T mill wife
s W Canon.
it ll W A
Taylor, M. C. K D. Mann-
t. U. Mo. U. Ford,
Mary B. Ward, John
Battle j M Manning, Kit
Monte, j Harriett I.
John T Careen I.
n m Hammond Kit-
j s, t.
wife B. Mat-
J. it. Jamie, s r
Carson. Lb Manning,
U It K
Len Davenport, Pm
um i
out guardian,
Major la a defendant to
above entitled rill take notice
ii entitled us
above, has in tin-
County, um
Clerk, a Canal Com-
the defendant rill further
in- i nil to appear
11-- tin-
of County, Inn in
nun petition and
rill in
said Clerk
And the
i sill also take ii
fails to answer petition and
within time
by j apply to tin-
the demanded In tin
petition and
my hand, at office in
Clerk of Flit counts
This is the month you should buy. It
is the month we should selL You should
buy because all lines in this store are re-
from to per cent.
We should sell because we should make
room for Spring and Summer goods yet to
This opportunity is a mutual one and
we trust you will take advantage of the
many Bargains we arc new offering.
These prices will prevail until Feb. 1st.
Tipping a
i fellow in thou that
in. mil mi ii m
irate n i r as , merged from
Um dining room and I
money don n on the p iv desk,
not continued custom-
don't . but
when a about till a
low has nearly eating and
Not Forgot think
it is about I ling B ill
virtue of tin. power
in a certain deed in ex-
and delivered by
mill wife Louisa Greene to J, I,. Little
trustee 2nd day of
and duly in the
North Car-
pans and upon
application the assignee of the Bank
11.- person entitled to
in., money due under said deed In
trust, expose t,,
nubile sale before court house
door In i the
I,, bidder, Tuesday the
day February, the
to wit. a id In-
in that certain lot in the
lorn Greenville
th,. North-weal
corner o lot
and running northerly with
street eighty-five hat,
an course para I, , Fourth
our hundred and thirty-two
Feet, ton of lot
a southerly course eighty-
, s i., i t,, xi. ., net
iv iii ii, Una
two lS one hundred thirty-two
to th,, beginning,
,, , i J acre more or leas, u
known as r i of lot numb r eight
one plan of ton
and being Um eon-
vi. ad in Greene j . It.
,. ii . and -iv. by
. dated and
recorded Re 1st r
of rut o In page
U, to reference is
Said sale is made to
deed In trust.
1.1., Trustee,
skinner W bed bee,
I h
laid in l-
ii, mi the
bar on by bar
on south by t, P
nil mania, and on
A Tragedy
enacted. In of I
us in
one, another victim
ion or Pneumonia Bat when
and i properly
of , I tut ,
wife had tin-con
and gave
her aha took Dr
King's New Discovery for ton
Cough and Colds,
which bar and today aha and rill par
is wall tint It kills Um all the former firm
of all One all due the firm art
relieves. at ride to lie paid to bin,
by L Jno. A Kicks
Trial bottle free.
of of
having Issued
to me, the undersigned, on Hie
of Jan . mm
of R. K. Mayo, notice
given to all persona
to the t, make pay
to to nil
said to present their
properly to the
undersigned, within twelve months
after Hit data of this or ibis
will plead ill their re-
This the 17th, of Jan.,
;. A.
on Estate of R. E Mayo.
The Hun J. A. Bra.
on the tiny of
1906, by sent,
J. A Kicks
Kicks in the
J. A. Hicks I he bust
A reward of till will lie paid for In-
. party or rho
or do to or
around law
or who nut fence that
J sec
For c
Pumps, Am-
munition, On and Two
J cc Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
duly qualified the
Superior Court Clark county
executrix and Mala
of no-
i i la given Io all In-
to make Immediate
to the and all
present the same to the
i . ii, for on or he
lie in bar recovery,
This of December,
Mils. Ii.
Having before
p. nor Court Clerk if
administrator of F
i- I
all i Indebted In .
to make payment to the
undersigned, and all person, having
claims said estate i
to same to the
for payment the 1st of Do-
or this be
plead in bar of their
This 1st of ll
W. II.
of John F.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
N. C. . it
As for Daily
and we take
In receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
Hay and G. D.
of Greenville, were here
night in attendance upon
the meeting.
Our and art squares are
finer the and
Mis A. B. Forrest came op
A foil supply of Trunks Values,
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels
Sun Case, at J. K. A Bro.
Miss Willie Harper, of
is flailing Mrs. K. C
Old Fashion Paw
Paw Gnu Bread Trays at J. K.
Mrs. Jenkins, of
is here a visit to friends.
and invites your
attention to then car load of stoves
We call attention to
trow a to friends line,,,
Miss Kate Brown,
the s Friend, has here
daring the week met with good
Our specialties are, staple
Fruits and
Dry goods, Notions
sinus. for
Clothing, made to
dual for
Troy a which
mi be called deliver
fie.-. banking you for past
and hoping to serve
yon in future. F. G.
J. J. went to
mid Tuesday.
your buildings by
painting them with
Town lead
lull line kept at J.
B. Smith A Bro,
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non A have the best.
lire. and Mrs.
i . have come home
a to
V, paper
with or short joints
pipe at K. Smith Bro.
L. II. has had his
n u he
now bus u home.
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Hem i
Silks, lining white
goods at J n Bro
Ex-Sheriff Jennies
was here
and double, rockers,
and tutu chairs wash
dressers tables at J K
Constable D. G. M. Langley, of
Rocky Mount, was here
day lot a colored man right
badly ii his ton n.
Calico and Gingham at
per white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
R. Smith Bro.
C. L. Tyson M. J.
this week.
There is a kind of and
market around
just Some weeks they
l, I weeks they
t, don't.
K. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you
their now of heavy fancy
J. S. Moore has been married
is the happiest daddy
seven kingdoms. Its a
Cir load for sale by
Cannon. Since Bra
I can found on oust
of railroad between office Dr
and Tripp Bro
I a full of general
and fancy
and Froth
and Bah every night on
of train, cull I
you fair. S. Cannon.
The firm of Hart A Jenkins bug
dissolved M. L.
n has interest
of Mr. Han and hereafter the firm
name will be Jen-
kins. They will conduct same
line of business as the old firm.
Misses .-Mime Lee Perry
Clyde Harrison, of the
High school, spent Wednesday
with Miss Ida M. Edward-.
sign N. C.
A suitable for it will lie
paid by C. L. at S mi's
drug N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
Tyson, they have the best and
for Ladies
la nice line of Zephyr
It. Smith Bro.
The of spring is in
brush is
its alga many places
in and mound me made
Can Tyson have
strongest line of dress goods
shoes in torn.
For u nice present boy a novel-
t clock J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion,
A beaut i in I line of crockery, glass
ware, lamps, tinware
at J It Smith A Bro
Get Cox coll on planter
best on the nun H. Smith
have moved in b
ore of J. II. on West
Railroad street just of the
Carolina House. Our goods are
all as our entire old stock was
hurtled in recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends us
well as call
see us. We know we can please
you its to price quality.
W. a Jackson A Co
For certain lot or
parcel of In ml the town of
adjoining lots of J. F. Dixon
d William
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms.
or apply to J. B.
K F. No. or see J. J.
Hay i oats, meal, bulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
B Smith A Bro
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, c, apply to K. E.
ft Co.
have bought grocery
business of and
and will conduct the same
line of business same store.
We invite public to call
cm us. We will sell us cheap s
cheapest best.
Give us a trial. B, Williams.
buy second band
with couple doors, to
not lens than one thousand
W . I, Jackson it Co. Ayden, N. C.
carry I
a fall lira of as,.
Vt l buy
in in. Lu., Co
B . I .
be., mil
d .-
A lull . , I, .-
hind lot ,
and J
The In the
el. h ,., . hi . .
and have
greatly revived. Ii is
revival of
ever know in
I always keep bind
line feed Bluff at lowest cash
prices Such as buy, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal hulls, brand
ship stuff. Lilly A Co.
cars seed,
will pay highest cash price,
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
Go to E. E. new
market beef, fresh meats, sail
sage, fresh
Mrs. after several
days visit to her daughter,
Edwards, returned Io
. J. A came don u
Greenville lust evening to
attend the protracted meeting.
Honor roll of tilth and loin I h
grades fan month ending Jan. m,
1906; Irma
Beulah Mil
My sou William col,
having left my home
my mid said
William col., being u
minor, this is to warn any
persons giving shelter, food or em-
to him and those doing
so will be prosecuted to
law. This January 19th 1906.
William Jenkins Sr., col.
are with
hare a difficulty in obtain-
satiable glasses, it natters not
bow difficult your ease, cull on J.
W, Taylor, an opt onus,
Ayden, N. C, who ha- live
experience with some of the most
obstinate He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over live hundred
of Pitt Greene and
best people to testify to his honesty
and ability. Give him your eye
work if you
Monday, January
we will conduct a special sale
all draM goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and bats. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This
the month yon should buy. It is
the month should sell. All
lines in our state will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our and summer goods
will soon in order Io
make room our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one, and
we I rust you will take advantage
of the many bargains will oiler.
Come to see and be convinced
J. R. Turnage Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block,
Ayden. N. C.
Bow Livery, and
and J Ayden, I
T.-n. Well led I . .
s ,.,., any all
. I. .,, . . d
. At mi .
, .,. ., . I, I . II,,
. I mill . Jon. s. I i ,
.- .
. , , at ,
President to His Warn.
Norfolk, Vs.,
John W. of the
of tile
. f Men in
State-, who assisted in
as an I hit
today announced that the
be as a
I. Ii Ilia No.
I. M , Alexandria, V. .,
hie is
prepared parchment to be
folded and attached to an elegant
a certificate
lug Roosevelt as a Bed
Man entitled all the rights
privileges of th- older.
Same as of
Dry G Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
Practical Painters.
Nothing I Ir- demand
than , h moots
modern blind
system such Dr.
King's New Life are
just what yon need to atom
liver troubles Try
L Woo
store, , guaranteed.
Pay Your Tax.
All lien
are herein Ii I.
d .- in
far Io he added all ,.,
tail pay before time n
have Io pay mote.
L. W. Tucker,
d A ill
Spoiled Mr Beauty
Harriot Howard. Rt,
Now York, at one time had her
beauty spoiled with trouble
had --alt Rheum
or for year a, but nothing
would cure it, Until I used Buck-
A quick
and sure healer for cuts, burns
and sores I.
drug store
if tile hip
Sickening Shivering
of Ague and Malaria, can lie
and cured with Electric
Bitters This is a pure, took
of especial benefit ill
for it exerts a
Influence on the
driving it entirely out of the sys-
it is much to be preferred
in Quinine, having none of this
drug's bad after affects. B. s.
Monday, of Henrietta, Tex.,
brother was very
low with malarial fever and
dice, till he took Elect lie Bitters,
which saved his life. L.
drug store;
N. tiny
f miles
I,. As.
Painting is practical work
Skill v ins. It's the same with
paint in
Yon know gallons L. M.
mix oil with i gallons Linseed Oil
makes enough paint for a mode
rat sized house the best paint
money can the L.
M. Zinc hardens, L A M.
White Lead and makes the L.
M. Paint wear like iron.
Bu L, A M. and don't pay
gallon for Linseed Oil, as you
do in ready to paints, but
buy oil from the barrel at
cents, and mix with L- fit
L AM. costs only
Sold by
The of Johnston was
the 5th day of January, 1906,
dissolved by mutual consent, V.
V. purchasing the inter-
est of J. B. Johnston in the
The will be con-
at the stand by V
8th day Jan.
F. V.
J. B. Johnston.
I -i
W. R,
MM i M
J. It. Spasm
, m
J It.
ii. .
Ht M
i N
on ml
i darn
, III. o
North Carolina, I
ll- , .,
Till- Ii y
The Only Its
A Ct i
arc rout and a jar
Massage Cream
a p. t I
become, all Ml
. .
i I Ina dirt,
um Ii
I- h
upon rout In my
. T
Com I'll Co.
p. K. L. Can.
Greenville, N. G.
Cu-.- Way, la V
it t
-i h.,, , tray to
and , ii what
. .-.
i.-t ii
I .
, ii of
it i week.
a iv i .
., . ll
tie The delivery
man n and it to
wrong and the lady
our r. received the
. and kepi it. She doe not deny
it. hut -ii ; f. uses to t lie
ii. she the mistake
not . and nuns i o reason
she should right it. course
Io it with our
woman, also an old
had some expensive draperies
sent o her house on Saturday. The
following our man up
to the hanging them,
and she told him she had decided
i,, lake ill. iii. V. lien the hang-
us they show-
ed signs of having
been used even slightly injured.
The described Unit woman as
having given u big entertainment on
that de-
i- en y to make.
another woman
from our read lo depart-
a handsome k e tit, which
to lit In r
ii i- it one day
it was found to have been worn, and
worn there were
splotches of mini mi tin- bottom
edges. We had reason to
woman bad to
tend a and that in Ii-
avoiding the ., n
black garment.
such unscrupulous
chance to be old cm . usual-
have no r ;.
Tea In Russia.
are careful about
the tea i- made. They
make it in a or
teapot drink it from tumblers
of so that there is
no danger of the hot liquid breaking
them. Their too i- always nude
water at the boiling,
matter. The tea brewed in the
teapot is made quite strong, but the
tea glasses are but one-third
with this tea and then filled up with
boiling water. This gives a delicate,
fine cup of tea not strong
enough to have a taste.
A Short Way With
In former times, when the high-
land were not so prompt
in their payment, u tradesman from
the low country, impatient for his
money, found, with some difficulty,
the way to one of their Ar-
riving night, be had his supper
and was put to bed. On looking out
in the morning lie observed opposite
Ids window a man hanging on a
tree. Asking u servant the reason
Of it, lie Mils told he
who had the impudence
to come here dun the laird. The
tradesman, immediately calling for
his loots, went oil without unfold-
bis errand. The laird had caused
I the of a man to be hung up
in the and instructed Ins
say, which had the de-
c f i. Scottish American.
N. C.-s-
At the of business Nor. 19th, 1906.
Loans and f
furniture and BO
rue from Hanks,
silver Coin,
National Hank notes
other V. S.
Capital stock paid in, f
Undivided profits
Deposits subject to
Cashier's ll
The e is melt common fruit
that very few persona are familiar
with it- remarkably me-
K very one ought
the best thins he
i- in apples k-fore
lo km
retiring f the Persons
in of the fruit
liable . p r hands
in horror at the ions of ;
which such a suggestion may n-
up, no harm con even
to n m of
n ripe . ; i for
The . I lien h food,
in t t shape than any
other fruit.
For Sale at
I, J. It. Smith, of the above-named bank, do sweat
that the above statement is true to the best of my and
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 19th Jay of Nov. 1905.
Notary Public.
Ii. SMITH, Cashier.
J. It.
a y.
Son .,, Ii if
of v i one
of In-
ill, ; t the most
t bad over
D . .
How was ii everybody.
v a hotel, and to
insult u loud stranger. It turned
out he was a fencing master.
or the oilier of lie do-
in tearful wrath, not go
out of ibis room
lei ii I shouted in re-
-p then I rushed out of
the room, locked the door behind
Die and left him there to

O. J. and Proprietor.
Entered in l N. C, as matter,
Advertising nil. .- ma.- application.
A Correspondent in and adjoining counties,
in fiction
PUN TO BUILDINGS, tax dodgers and high taxes.
Ex-C T. Skinner,
of Hertford, tells M a plan be has
originated i. building in
towns loots like it should
prove very successful. He DOW at
work a company or
to erect a large building the
Daughters bis
home town
The plan is The subscribers
to the Hock agree to take any
bar of shares desired at each,
payable one when the
is incorporated, one-fifth when
the material for me building is
placed on the site provided for it,
and one on first of each
month thereafter until all is paid.
Upon payment in full of stock
subscribed for, certificates stock
shall be issued, these being ex-
act size of a greenback bill. TIm
Certificates of Mock, secured by
building, can be Iliad as local cur
by which means the
era are out nothing for the erection
ow and then some State come
forward with a movement to bring
the tax dodger to
all persons to give their prop-
fur idea is to
make the class who give
false lists of their possessions
what they have so that the
greater their properly will
not escape taxation. While not so
intended by the as at pres-
levied and col lei bear very
unequally upon the
least able paying a larger proportion
according to ability than those more
able. We do not believe this will be
remedied unless there is a change in
the method of giving in taxes. The
present method is nil right for the
HONEST man, but not for others. As
long as it is left to people to list
their taxes, there are those who are
going to make false lists of what
they possess and swear falsely as to
A board of appraisers to go from
of building By this means a to and n
handsome building is secured, and
stock certificates equal to the value
of the building placed
Mr, Skinner says if the laughters
of the in Greenville
would like to secure a building by
this plan be will be glad to
with them and the matter over
When went after North
he made hi u wince.
In this quarter the ground hoc
saw ail the shadow lie was looking
You ca on it that Governor
Glenn will display bis good
not .
While siting around the ft
these cold days is n good lime to
talk building and loan
Past defeats do satisfy Sic
I. end he
his desire another yacht race in
American waters
As the men a failure on tho
. it.- re
try I. give a
a little show of success.
tho in farmers i in ace in
i s lit n n
organization, the way s
open for the tobacco to do
i i-to I wanted
sen i the blood hounds to catch
ground hog. The little fellow i.- h o
In way.
of ti
I h g . ., the
ate i lose i-i look up
his h in advance and plug it up
h i me lime.
personal property as well as real
estate would be an improvement.
And as to solvent credits, require n
list of the name and amount of every
n and mortgage, making it
lawful to collect any that are not
listed, also making it a misdemeanor
for a man to possess stocks or bonds
or other evidences of wealth and fail
to disclose the same for taxation.
is will get more property on the
tax lists.
Hut a suggestion on the other
tine thing, and the main
thin-, that leads to so false
of taxes, is that the tax
rate is too high. A high levy puts
people to planning bow they can
much of their property
from being taxed. A low
under a different method
I would accomplish just as
in revenue raising as a high
under the present method. If
all property was put on the tax list
its actual value, the rate of levy
need not be more than one fourth of
what it is in Carolina. There
should lower taxes, an I then a
method that will compel to
List all they possess at it value.
It Made an Run
in Seventy Minutes.
J. Levering Jones, an attorney of
this city, had an engagement with
Western capitalists in his office at
o'clock Friday morning.
was money in it, and he wanted to
keep appointment, but begot to
the Railroad in
-j Atlantic City just thirty seconds
to catch the
liver. Running into
office, Le
me a Never mind
The yardmaster busy, bu t
could no express locomotive.
you chance it with a freight
he asked.
chance it with anything on
earth that will get me to
at Hi replied Mr.
At 8.48 the mogul pulled out with
one car and one passenger in the
car At Mr. Jones alighted in
Street miles in
minutes The special cost
Philadelphia Ledger.
A Ga, physician re-
turning home at o'clock p, m and
finding another man with his e
drew a revolver and shut the
dead. At last, account the doctor
had not been era in d, in t e
officers are showing good t.
of homes deserves to
Ir is to be regretted that the
. the Union south of Mason
and Dixon's lino could not have
s i n the impressive military pageant
which made Gen, Joseph
a beautiful and memorable
If they could have seen the flag-
draped casket on gun carriage.
the escort Spanish war vessels.
guardsmen artillerymen
Hid khaki-clad regulars, who arc
n lither Northern nor Southern, but
they could have seen
be i lines of people as
as population of At-
bare their heads as the slow
line moved it would have been
a revelation f Northern sentiment
to some if our Southern friends.
There was in the sight no sadness,
l a deep and patriotic satisfaction
that stirred to tears thousands of
i who looked upon it In death
is in life it was the peculiar glory of
was no other
thought in all the remind
us that this is truly one nation; that
the dead soldier himself, the empty
saddle, the guns, the troops, and the
flag above them all not yours
r theirs, but York
A bill has been introduced in
the Ohio Legislature which pro-
that a person of sound
mind who is sick unto
who is Buffering unbearable pain,
can ask a to administer
an anesthetic until the patient
loses consciousness and dies
The physician must consult three
other physicians before
the drug, and also must
admonish the patient that
death is to follow.
after death
notify the coroner of all the facts
Of the death in signed state
The bill was introduced
at the instance of a
Hall, who it is said made a
study of the subject, her inter-
est being aroused by the long
and painful illness of her mother
from an incurable disease The
bill will hardly pass. There is
something to be said in its favor
but there is more to be said
against it. Hedged with all the
precautions possible, it would
hardly be safe to give such dis-
to physicians. The
even if it was desirable,
could be too easily abused.
Statesville Landmark.
How to Keep an Umbrella.
lo you ever lose your
la Are you in the habit of
your umbrella if so, it is a
bad habit, and you should break
yourself of it. How can it be
done By falling into the habit
of taking care of it It is all a
matter of attention Have a
place at home and at tin-
office to keep your umbrella At
home the umbrella stand will do.
At the office you should hang it
in the same place every time.
When you leave home with the
precious article, tax your memo-
with the tact. If you ride on
the car keep in touch with it If
you stop on the way. do not lay
it down. Stick to it. When you
finally arrive at the office, hang
it in the usual place If you will
do this for a week or so, you will
form the umbrella habit, and the
rest will be easy. Habits once
whether bad or
hard to break.
Hut some may say that all tint
trouble is not worth while All
right. If the umbrella is not
worth its care, leave it to take
care of itself and keeping it
It's your choice. But don't
us for it. We are telling you
how to break yourself the
habit of losing it. If you'd
not follow the advice, it's all
right with us. But Li's very
annoying to lose an umbrella
every week or so, and it's always
worth while, we think, to take
pains to avoid annoyance. More-
over, to cultivate the umbrella
habit, we mean the habit of
care of it, is to cultivate the
habit of care and attention in all
things. And that's worth while,
now isn't
Last of Old Confederate Blockade
Runner Going to Pieces.
Sunday at Richmond, the Rev
Dr. Hawthorne, of that
a very remarkable pennon on the
I angers which surrounded the
youth of that city, in course of
which he said,
must combine for moral
health; as we do for physical health.
We do not value the souls of our
children as we do their bodies. If
we were as much concerned about
their moral insecurity as we are
about their physical perils, we would
raise such a clamor in this old
as would compel powers that
to stamp out the centers of moral
infection that are making drunkards,
gamblers, and
of a large percentage of tho
It has to be admitted that
do not pay a tenth of the at-
to that
they do A
great many people honestly believe
in a town and the
of the fittest To them the
idea of lam looking to greater
moral security are interferences
The beach near
ion was strewn with wreckage
on Sunday from the old hulk of
the blockade runner that has
been lying off shore there for
years. The wreck began break-1
bag up in Thursday night's storm
and among the pieces that drift. I
ed up was an old iron safe. This
was broken open by Mr. H. E.
and others but nothing of
intrinsic value was found therein.
Mr. found an old watch
chain and a rusted carving knife
which he brought home as rel-
It is supposed that the hulk
which is breaking up is that of
the blockade runner
was driven ashore under tire of
the Federal during
the war. The Hebe and the
blockade runner Dee are known
to have gone down about off
but the wreck In
is thought to be that of the
former. The General
went aground farther down
towards Carolina Beach. An-
other ship lost in blockade run-
was the Emma. The safe
which has now been cast up
ashore was probably relieved of
of value before it was
beached tn escape possession of
the enemy Wilmington Star.
An Expert Maker
The fabrics are fancy Cheviots and
Unfinished Worsteds, Over-
plaids and Stripes.
Pulley Bo wen
Sometime ago a prisoner on trial
in Arkansas was sentenced to the
penitentiary for ten years lie
secured a new trial and now
he has been sentenced to death.
. More good work of that kind would
with personal liberty. But we are everlasting abuse which
persuaded that their's is the wrong
view and that of Dr. Hawthorne the
right one Greensboro Telegram.
from the habit of appealing.
Raleigh Times.
The Editor Has Duns Also.
B. Real Es-
and Loans.
. , Opportunities and In-
An exchange says that a subs, StOCk Com-
pr once a dun through and Fin-
m m
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
butting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but I
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours,
Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
At close of business January 29th, 1906.
and it made him mad.
Ho went to see the editor about it,
and the editor showed him a few
dunes of his for
for type, one for fuel and several
others. said the editor,
didn't pet mad when these came,
because I knew that all I bad t i do
was to ask several reliable gentlemen
like yon to come and help me out,
and then I could settle all of
When the how it
raid up and renewed
or another year.
Farmville, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
When yon get the
pen it is a Parker. Nice assort
at Book Store.
Loans and discounts 120,778.63
Overdrafts, 8,788.39
1.1 ii
Furniture and fixtures
Due from Hanks
Cash items 8,081.26
Gold Coin
Silver Coin 1,982.77
National bank notes
and KS notes 16,187.00
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits, 545.10
of deposit
Deposits 117.141.88
Duo to 015.02
Cashiers 369.58
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, It. Cashier of tho above named hank, do solemnly
swear that the above Statement is true to the best of my knowledge
B. J. COBB, Cashier.
and belief.
me, this 2nd day of 1906,
Subscribed and sworn to before I
B. Notary
II. A. Will
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Jim Tucker, of was a
pleasant visitor in Winterville
Friday. Mr. Tucker is one of
leading lawyers of the State.
Just received by R. G. Chapman
a car load which
they will sell very cheap.
Prank Carroll, a very prosper-
farmer of Black Jack
vicinity, was town Friday.
Another large shipment of shoes
ail styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barber
A Co
Among the large crowd that
A new firm is now opening up
in will tie known
as the Eastern i Supply
Co., the members of the firm be-
Messrs. M. G. Bryant, D. .
Joshua and C. T
They are situated in the
part of the town, being
ween the and the pro-
firm of R. G.
On, They are going to do a large
in the line of furniture on
Ike installment plan, and they will
also make h specialty of jobbers
and brokers in the grocery
The members are well
Buy your die-,
Obliges nod Bananas from J. H.
loser o i u mini.
See we have to oil.-i r-
Feb., ii. I i Cot a hr .
attended the lecture Friday night, known in and
was D. J. of Greenville,
who is a man like we need more of.
He is a man that stands four sides ,
to every that blows,
does slip slide around
White's Colic and Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock a sure colic cuts.
at the Drugstore
All colors of paint, yellow I
rounding territory, and we predict
for them much success bus
For nice apples, candies,
manges, bananas nuts go
H. L. Johnson's
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
A Co.
one in need of a good cart;
Fernando Which i
in the Win Hi h
to y
v his parents, who live near
A Urge shipment of hats
and this season latest and
newest style at Barber
Trunks at
ton Barber Co.
Shoes are arriving daily at A.
Be sure to net
i heir prices before buy else-
II you want easy shave and a
neat hair cut, jut call to see W.
H. Worthington, next door to
bank, for white people
If you want a nice shirt go to H.
id's. He his anew lot
of nice ones, cheap too.
The Pitt
price for need
The A G. Mfg. Co , are
have tor year i
and in east Carolina. You
can s ti nil them at the
stoic of B, T. Col Bro.
Try a Prince George, or a Han
Emmett Jim Dixon at the
mine will i-how them to you.
A. H. Taft
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Thomas A Burton, hereto-
fore composed of E. H. Thomas and
W. T. doing business at
Greenville, N C, has this day dis-
solved co partnership by mutual eon-
sent. This dissolution including all
the interest of the Bottling
Works. All persons indebted to
said firm are kindly requested to
make settlement with E. H. Thomas
This January, 1906.
E. H. Thomas,
T. Burton.
one that will last and render shipping by-
service just sail to see or write the, ca
at t Co.
Last Thursday Feb. 1st,
the people Winterville were A. u. xix i g . f
excellently entertained by the If you expect to exchange
York Moving Picture seed for meal you can time Barber
which is under the management by taking meal far your seed When I
of John It was the , you have cotton at the
best ever given here by him. and Co. Oil Mill,
that is saying lot, not Jacks in. Kins-
that the first one he give came oVer Friday evening to
could be beaten. Every time gets Del brother, Leroy Jackson,
better. Come again soon. I who is school at Winterville.
. ,, . f, Mildred is a former student
International stock
u.,.,,., High
horses and cattle at Harrington
always glad to see her.
Nice Hue of boys at H. L. For prices see
L House.
yards standard calicoes at I if you want good seed Irish
per yard, Harrington, Barber go to Barber
Go to H. L. tr
and oyster-.
Farmers make in by
Changing their cotton
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
If you want nil winter
one of these good heaters at A.
i W. Co. they a-e Cheap.
wire to
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts
Cotton Factors, Norfolk, Va
Strict Middling
St. Low Middling
Fancy i
Strictly Prime H
Prime -i
. am.
Nice boggle Harrington
Barber Co.
Friday night in the school chapel
a large crowd
started time with Mr.
on a long tour, through which he
carried and returned by bed
If you your laundry to look
nice last long take it to H. L.
Johnson who represents the
steam laundry.
The A. G. Cox Co. are Still i
shipping cotton planters guano
by the car load, If you
cloth at
Harrington Barber ft Co.
If you foot mat,
want it cheap, see A. W.
SALE Two horses seven
years old each, and one mule Nix
; j ears old will sell cash
or on time as suits the purchaser.
W. I;. House.
i., a
May Wheat
May Corn
May Bills
of salt. Be sure
V ,.
New York
Km in.-.
Jan. A Feb. SO
Carries at all times the most up-to-date line of
House Furnishing Goods
In town. New goods arriving daily.
Special attention is called to our new line of
and many other things too numerous to mention.
Our motto, a square deal with lowest prices, our
store Leading Furniture Store in Pitt County.
When in need of anything in the Furniture line give us.
a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours Truly,
A. Ii Taft,
at once.
time. It was greatly enjoyed by I need any you had bat write or.
all present, we to give them
just a few interesting notes tho a of Kid. N c. Sill, waist cheap at
trip later on. ; curt. a cult. for all Kid. Co-
Go i H. L. for shoes, troubles at Harrington Barber. analyzes Pitt Co.
he has a nice lot jut, received, Oil company,
hey are nice. Tue n opened
Call At L. Johnson's and ex last Tuesday
bis Hue of Hosiery posit of and daily deposits
Misses Ladies and Gents. have been made since. The Bank
, of Winterville has men behind it
July Lard
Of I
Greenville Cotton
J. B. J. ti MO-YE,
nil to
Winterville opened , , , J ,,
ruing with a de- for and Turkeys.
A. Kittrell, Winterville, N. ti.
Mrs. Catharine Carroll, aged SO
years, widow of the late
that will push it to the
we know it will be a success.
We have been informed that A.
Ange Co., are selling
Ricky Carroll, died la-t night. ,.,. to see lot jackets at cost, now is your time
She leaves three sons, . that A. w. Ange ladies.
Carroll, f Mr. t. i-.
of an I
W. M. Carroll, of
Co. has just received before you A new line of hats just received
at R. G. a Co. Be
I sure to see them before you buy
to r a, A Ange
buy elsewhere,
A new lot of iron bedsteads just
L. Johnson's.
Goto II. L, for
candies, apples and oranges.
you want a good barrel of
float you go see K. G. Chapman a
Co. They carry lbs best.
All farmers ant id Dating oats sow-
wheat can be supplied lib
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at g on, Barber ft Co.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads
A. W. Ange Co.
consisting of cooker, can-
work shed,
their stock before you buy Sloe groceries
., always on hand at H. L. Johnson's.
II you have cotton seed to sell or J
exchange Write or phone Pitt Co. Let me make you a price on Mink
Oil company, their prices arc the Otter and also Cow
highest. G. A. Kittrell,
Chapman went to Winterville, N. C.
Thursday on business. Any one need of a plow will
, do well to go to A. W. Ange A C,
line of winter
for men and youth s at L. John- y
the market.
If you want one of those nice
is i and
. -of
tin- I i
end , contained
. n
it a most
I I to t
ion Gardeners it I
ii tin
date . on
Garden and
par lie i for planting.
Woofs Book mailed
;, Write for ii,
Wood Sobs,
i f
Wash Goods
We have just received our full line of WASH GOODS,
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially Invited
to inspect these
II. L, Johnson Is
for groceries. o A. w. Ange
L. House a Co's. goon and set it, ii u
i pipes pipe lining. j h not got the money he will sell
I it to you on the plan
It. G. Chapman iS Co. will sell out u cheap
and about one of land yon a good pair of shoes so cheap q Farming implements f all kinds
in heart of Winterville for
For particulars see Dr. Ii. T.
or J. Harrington.
We offer table ware,
guarantee a bargain,
ii-. B. T. a Bro.
buy a pips from J.
at the drugstore.
that they will always wear Barber ft Co.
look good to yon.
Oscar Rollins went
ville lay evening.
A full line of drugs always on
Anew line of re-1 baud at Harrington Barber ft Co.
by B. O. Chapman A Co. Mp n Waller, Of
Men's and all i township, this county,
a, at Barber ft Co. gave birth to triplets Wednesday,
demands for Tar Heel
wheel. U great now, and any one M one of the babies are doing
in need of same will do well lo well, two of the triplets died
write or the A Cox Mfg Co. birth, one of the girl,
the tree Press I
Have you ever suffered loss by fire
If so. did you need help of any one to you in securing
My experience in the adjustment of fire losses has been very d It has
always been my to render every assistance to my patrons w the were
in need.
I desire to call the insuring attention lo the fact that they get the
benefit of my experience when they insure their property in Companies
Greenville, N. C

and a glance at their assort-
shown in their is
sufficient to convince any one
that the variety offered is
as to supply every in
FURNITURE for every room in the
house, from the drawing rooms of the
finest mansions to the most modest Amer-
parlor, silting or dining room, can be selected from the pages of the While
the Factories have thus specialized in Leather Furniture, they also
manufacture a complete line of
of every nature description, We Guaranteed Upholstered Furniture including both cloth
and leather covered The guarantee is unrestricted and means satisfaction or money back.
We will be pleased t
have you and let us
convince you the
and elegance of the
make any other
J. G.
Mr-of the
when lit
in i i
emit mi m female turn
be My on
to try Bitters.
wile then s sick, she
hardly livelier and five
hail tailed to
-h- .-.,,.
n i-.
1-v J.
Another South Carolinian has
come forward with a present for
Speaker Cannon and this time it
is a pair Of white socks. Why
don't they present him a
self use, of course
Wilmington Dispatch.
Son Lost Mother
runs our fain
and through it my
write- K. B. f
Me. Fur the just live year,
however, mi Ike Men
a n or cold, I nave
Dr. King's for
b ha me
from His
death was a lad
Mr. It id, hut be lung
in Chi- n. Quickest m
cur.- for
J. L. Trial
Slop aid k
tail Wonderful
N. C Much
Mm Joe lake pleas-
in your Remedy
has rut trail cure-l little girl of
a very case which
h i o
the w n r-e
Mill I nil.- HUM Hurt
Is I
f i.
XI Mm mi. .,
it year.
w Not Quite t
How often yet a
thing j
null or screw driver or V
gar latticing. Have a good .-,
tool box and lie prepared for
our I in- y
is all you could .,
we will Me your
boa does not lack a single ti
useful k
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
Mow Many People Yen
Reach Without
leaving your own office
H Telephone Line
Can You Afford It;
For Rates
Home and
N. C.
To Publishers
and Printers-
We have an entirely new
I which patents
pending, whereby we
call old Brass Col
limn and Head Rules,
pi. and thicker, and make
hem fully as good as now
and unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
and Head
Rules regular i
U s and
and over per lb;
A of refaced
wile full
will be cheerfully
i e it oil application.
Printers Supply Co
Manufactures of Type and
High Priming Material
M. Hilt Unit, mi,
D. W.
Groceries I
And Provisions J
Cotton Baling and
lies always on hand j
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
N or t h C a r o n a.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer I. leaves
at iii. leaves
at in. A
at with
Norfolk Railroad
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Unfit- n all other
North, a Norfolk
should order their
via Norfolk, care Norfolk
It. R.
to change
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. T. and-
t. Norfolk, Vii.
II, K. V. P. M.
w Is
Your Heart
Is your pulse too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
spoils, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January f took
flown with urn
awl illy n re, I
by . i Dial my
v m lib i
hail inn ii. I . ,.,. Mr
body nun i. . m on.
., h.-art.
lit mo I all
In i. . ,,,,,
. of Dr.
Cure, by the I
hail tin-in all I
I better than I for
twenty and I um to do
any kind of work on farm. M
mo that If It
hadn't Ran for
I would now bu In my
I. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure la by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the will benefit. If It
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
of the
by Wheels Each Year.
How i that tiling- we see
u arc
thought of lieu few of
those who i a have
ever thought of i of
and the work it hat to
This little machine to
work day and without stop-
has to work from
till We expect it to
hear m the right time in winter
and Mutineer and in whatever
Now, open U ordinary gen-
horizontal watch
we can sec the boat five-
of inch diameter,
at tick of the watch, so that
the little pin seen in the balance
travels hi every tick of the watch
about one and a half inches, and a
.-. watch that description has lo
make in an hour
the little pin has to make a journey
of ten miles every twenty-
four hours.
Now, well made watches are gen-
expected go for two year.-,
the little pin in the balance would
have made the long journey of
The balance in a lever watch
makes generally one and n half turns
at every tick, and therefore travels
miles. To he aide to
all the materials must he of
the beef and The oil
must be of the heel and so fine and
fluid int one drop will to
oil or and keep
good the h for at least tWO
Equally astonishing are
by h a is regulated. This
is done by lengthening or shortening
the fine spiral spring, generally
known the hairspring.
If a watch should he half min-
slow ii day the hairspring is a
fourteen thousandth pan of u sec-
too long, a watch In
only a minute o week slow it would
then lie the thousandth
part of a second too long.
All that is expected of the user
of a i- ii i- regularly
wound up mid be not too
treated. Everything else has to no
left to tin- mechanism of the watch
and to I ho of the watch-
maker. Pearson's Weekly,
Lone Sample.
When T. Brady, tho
lawyer of New York, first
opened a lawyer's office ho took a
basement room which had previous-
In en by a cobbler, lie
was says tin
writer of American
caller.- by I lie fuel
he bad Inti . of In- own.
One day an n entered.
think he h
i i aid i e c
h in a line ii
A Brit i I
. Hint.
i r ill I e II n-i
on j .- . n ice down,
Tl III e in a
verbose and I I r
point i in while
I it- v were
in ll
no i . .
i r
n en I i
a en;
i in hi.
Tin- .
time lie I
com lie r
. .
I II fee
l h
i in I.
i in hi-
Safe investment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits In South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This properly is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot end
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time HOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville,
m i ii i lama. s- M o on ;
are not cut to save cloth, as is the case with
a great many ii
Cloth enough is used hips and seat to suit the
requirements of the fashion.
In short, to use a expression, the Trousers
are properly balanced.
Our new line for Winter have
the appearance of custom-
made clothing without the cost.
A cents a
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Milan i i or e went
to tin hotel of n lady
who i in I lite
bone Ilia i i I
As as
the scene she
ii i p in
hand on a i em
mod the On it h
a pretty little hunch of violet-.
much, H ll
her Milan paid her
had risked, with a
tool; the from her
hands, placed the in his
buttonhole walked oil with the
tray under arm.
Tho Letter.
looking for tho an
traveler. Not
exactly in which direction to go, I
topped to Inquire of a
tho name of tho the-
ma entirely, l
obliged to you know
huge theater is near hero It
begins with an The man
at once,
am paying the market for Cotton Seed;
any quantity.
I Cotton feed Meal Hulls, in ear lots or
or loose, to Bull chaser, or exchange tor Si-
at .
kinds of feed on hand. in Oar
Golden Oats arrive, White and Black
Bed Bust and day
have la i had a large near the depot
this line. . , ,
continue-to b line of nice
same stand occupied by Johnston Bros.
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are very r la
Ushers i those well known mag
ales to offer n for
. year ; I this
have decided
to lei the
advantage of the redaction in
order to Rot
of paid In advance
Don't Neglect This Otter
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this prefer that fiction and
art publication, the Review
of Reviews is Sub-
men arc to Keep up with
tin- times and they arc i
take the cut v. Inch is
he Review of h
The Cosmopolitan
A magazine for IS years
With the of nor
ship has been Improved, ii is
tar better in every and
aims in in- the in the Held
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among the many mag
This year it is the Cos
The . dome
is for member of the
our bright,
cultured, home loving American
woman i- an Ideal entertainer
and helper in a
ways; but the fathers and
brother and sons Join in its
perusal by the children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written for them.
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody i reach, and
t reaches people money lo pay for what they want.
If you have, what they want advertise It are Pure to
Hit a part of their money.
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper the country, and
to live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all four of these papers with The Daily Reflector a year for or all tour
with Thy Eastern Reflector a year tor 18.00

olds Business Meeting and
Elects Officers.
The Class of lb Memo-
rial church a
n day after the
i- and elected the
Preside it, W. M. Pugh.
Vic I t i t; P. Vandyke
Teat, W. Bryan.
H. B.
i made that president
lint HUt other com-
next Sunday.
The report of ending Jan.
1st. was successful,
We nave started off a still more
ll with prospects
doing mm -h work.
An Opportune Time.
this time of year the
comes on. There
will be a hurrying out of
present s to make room for
at rivals. The wise
to make quick sales cuts the
prices and a lib-
of advertising
while the the
o see what bargains are
red. I allot
for toe seller
buyer lo get together. Put It here
yon hear almost any
saw me
The Junior Christian Endeavor
Society the church on
a membership
to be very
The society firmed
in two companies, one composed of
and the of girls, and
tn--y are going which side
cm bring i i most new members
-within a given tine. At the end
this lime a banquet is to be
at which the winning side
i he contest will be guests
honor and are to be served by the
other company.
Now, to keep one's
there to be a zone of
around during
some part of every day. It i
s that the great religious
of the world have come out
silence not out of noise, as a
rule, necessarily
apart from nor solitary-
place-, nut away from the tumult
and away from
It is in silence alone that we
come into possession of ourselves.
The lite disturb us as a
cloud of dust intervenes between
the eye and the sky. There ought
to be a cult for the practice of
a body men and women
committed to the preservation of
Integrity of their souls by
neither heating nor making speech
for certain periods, pledged to
the habit of quietness.
Maeterlinck has pointed out the
fad the best things are never
and the truest Intercourse
between Congenial spirits is carried
on without words. If we laid leas
ltd thought more would b
fa fewer thing lo explain, many
of irritation would be dried
at the sources, and the prime
exhaustion or excitement, would
Henry Clark Bridget's, one of ll e
in -t progressive and successful
young men of the State, and the
y railroad president in Amer
is in city. lie advises us
he making
i plans build an extension of
miles the East Carolina
way, is miles from its pres-
t. in
county, to Hookerton, in Greene
bounty, and last county
is to have a railroad. It is
one of the few in the State
that hasn't a railroad within its
and sections of it arc
the best and must fertile lands in the
The new extension will be a
road in all respects, h is to be
with new pound steel rails
will probably be completed this
News and Observer.
The Outlook But En-
for the Planter.
According to reports in
Norfolk paper a
large shipment early potatoes to
to Northern markets from Eastern
North Carolina arc now
The planters c aim that their
experience for the last two years
shown them that there is
enough money to go into any
It by Some dealers who me
in a position to know that the crop
will be less than per cent that of
former years. Railroads and steam-
boat lines which have derived a
source of revenue for hauling
this product will be affected by
decision of farmers as are the
farmers so fir as can
he seen now there are scarcely any
sin of better prices this y It
possible tin t the curtailment
planned by planters and the con-
sequent lightening of
will have its effect in fretting
a better market for potatoes. New
Bern Journal.
Governor Glenn issues a special
personal letter to each sheriff in
S ate urging that they do everything
in power to enforce rigidly and
those arising under Watts and
acts regulating or
the sale of liquor, as to enforcement
of which he says numerous com-
plaints are coming into his office,
lie also requests all newspapers and
citizens who know of any officers re
fusing or neglecting to discharge
duly lo call the governor's
to it and he will at once put
the mailer in the lands of the so
of the district for
and see that the officer is pun-
Ties mourning boxes at
Reflector More.
is a as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce. The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
first symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take yon may
rind that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
have disappear-
Use as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life.
If you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a cent, however, until we
have bought the bottle
for you. Bill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us Cot con-
Co., New York.
J. L. Wooten will give his
persona guarantee that you
Will receive an older en
your nearest druggist for a
free bottle if you send us
coupon Be sure to write
your Dame and address
newest dealer Is
My disease is.
f you think you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it, it is to be had
class druggists.
J. I.
Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N. C.
White Goods
A Sale You Will Talk About
Many Years to Come.
Best Calico fie
A Big Line Light
and Dark Colors
Best A. F. C
Best Sea Island
g Line of Cloth
i Hoy Blouse Suits
A Full Line of Mens Boys
linen Collars
Ladies Mixed
Lisle Thread
Heavy Ribbed
In all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Wire buyers. Come early. This Sale embraces every de-
in this Store. For a number of days w
a-id assorting cases upon cases of New u
Mick to place ready for days of
Selling. w can't begin to tell of all the goods which w- .-
going so low.
We are
offer values h
you will, ion pt re rice
inch White Lawn
is now going
special juice
sale price
Plain and
welted Piques
out all up to
at the small price of
Closing out all up to at
the small price of
early and heavy pun basing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Yard Wide White
this sale
Yard Wide Heavy Canton
Flannel to
Yard Wide Best Grade Bleach-
now at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets Bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
A Good Heavy Jean Corset
, h strong reeds Steel, in
I only
Me Hum Length Corset with
Hose Supporters attached, Lace
good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Wade Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, Regular 1.25 value
now going at
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
Men's Work Gloves
Fine Pressed and
dressed Kid Gloves A 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay You to our
Millinery Department
can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
E. G. Barrett and C. A. Waters
Purchase Stock of C. T. Mun.
An important business transfer
was in city
yesterday, Mr. O. T. Mum ford sold
his large stock business to
Messrs. K. G. Barrett and C. A.
Waters, ho will continue
under the firm name of
Barrett Waters. Both Messrs.
Waters have been with
Mr. for a time, as
salesmen, have acquainted
themselves with every detail of the
and are well equipped and
men ; the
firm are well trade and
circles in city
very popular. Mr. Barren is a
native of Farmville, Pitt county,
and bus been with Mr.
since 1899, working himself up
from an humble start to the re-
position of manager of
Kinston branch of Mr.
ford's a
he bus held since it was
established here several years ago.
Mr. Waters is from Plymouth and
he, also, has been with Mr.
ford several years in capacity
of salesman and has made a
her of friends Free
Under the constitution of 1875
the French is chosen
the Senators and deputies in joint
session. This method of selection
insures the choice of man whom the
legislators and whom they
believe to be devoted to the principle
of the supremacy of the legislature
They habitually select a man who has
long been a member, and has per-
haps served an president, of one or
the other of the chambers; who has
been active in committee work, and
has perhaps held a portfolio in one
or more ministries; who not a
strenuous or aggressive, and has not
made too many personal enemies.
This president, under the provisions
of the constitution, may exercise
certain enumerated powers only in
the councils of ministers, and every
act of his must be countersigned by
a minister. The constitution also
provides that ministers are
responsible to the chambers
for the policy of
and individually
for their own personal
The French constitution vests the
appointment of the ministers in the
president, and does not require that
their appointment be confirmed by
the legislature; but by the mode of
his and the nature of his
the French President is
obliged, to lake his ministers from
the dominant party or coalition in
the Chamber of Deputies, as the
King of Great Britain takes his from
the dominant party the House of
Commons. The list is actually
drawn up by party leaders, and
the President appoints the men
whose names are submitted to him
All the powers conferred upon him
by the constitution are, in fact, ex-
by the ministers. As the
familiar French witticism puts
King of Britain
bat does not govern; the
of the United States governs, but
does not reign; the President of the
French neither reigns nor
From French
Presidency and the by
Smith, in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for Feb-
Holds Interesting Meeting And
Elects Officers.
Am important enthusiastic
meeting Pitt county branch
of Association was held
court house in Greenville
Monday, 5th. B. R. Gotten, pies
of county association,
unable to attend owing to
sickness, O. L. Joyner vice
dent, presided. Mr. Joyner ex-
plained tally the objects of the
meeting and the before
G T. Tyson offered his resigns-
h secretary and
and it was accepted, W. A. B.
Barn being to fill the
Mr. Joyner read a notification
K. B. Moore, president of
the State organization, relative to
a mote thorough and complete or
of the State, county
township organizations, giving the
rules name fees for
membership, etc.
A resolution was passed
general plan of organization
ard pledging the
of the Pitt county branch.
The election of permanent
period of mouths
resulted as
It. Cotten.
L. Joyner.
Sec'y. and A. B.
L. F. Greenville.
L. Nobles, Greenville.
Marshal Cox, Winterville.
J d. Hi den.
. M. Jones, Bethel.
adjourned to meet
at o'clock on first Monday
March, at which time a capable
speaker will be present to more
fully explain objects and
Ibis organization, and every
man in this county Interested in its
general welfare an mid attend and
take part in this meeting. The
membership fee is cents
and a tax of cents per bale
on each bile of cotton raised
past season. Au
of this kind deserves
et and enthusiastic support
every loyal citizen of Pitt county,
cotton grower, merchant or pro-
I, if supported
will accomplish, fact, has
accomplished a vast good.
A letter to Tit k
Superintendent if.
the Home, at Raleigh,
the death of Mr. John
Mooring, which
alter a covering
some time.
Mr. Mooring was old,
and went to the home from Pitt
county about four years ago. In
war be was a member of Co.
A, 7th Regiment N. C, pi. He
leaves two U. H.
Moore Mis. Maud
live this county House. He
was also a of G.
Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
At a meeting of the directors of
the Greenville Banking and Trust
Company held Friday afternoon,
the resignation of L. I. Moore, as
was It. J.
Cobb was elected president to
him. C. S. Carr was elected
cashier to till vacancy caused
by Mi. Cobb's promotion to the
presidency of the institution.
Bulb of these have
long been connected with this bank
Mr. since tie organization
and they are officers of
Greenville to Have a National
In pi dispatches sent
from we see that
authority baa been given for the
of the National Bank
f Greenville, N. capital
The gentlemen
with others are the
L. I, Moore, Harry Skinner, F. G.
Junes, L. W. Tucker, J. F. Dav
ennui i and A. Jr.
are will known
and business men of Green-
ville who
means to bring success out of such
in i . Greenville is pro-
rapidly and I here is room
Here for a third bank. This
one, being a bank, will be
under government supervision and
will the town broader
in financial circles of the
The organization has not yet
been perfected, but we understand
that Bank expects to
lie ready to begin about
sixty days.
Error In Posting
Mr. R, O. Alexander, well
known cotton was hold-
tightly one baud a roll of
-I this He re-
marked to News man that
the money had been to
aim by a railroad, and a
t of a competing line thought
be should have it framed.
Mr. Alexander states that he was
a certain station on the
Line several days ago when a
posted a certain train
SO minutes late. of this
the Charlotte man his train
and his expense account was In-
creased thereby. Mr. Alexander
apprised management of
facts in the case. He received a
letter by return mail informing
him that treasurer of the
Bib, 1906.
Messrs Lloyd La and Loyd
Wooten, of Kinston, are spending
with friends.
Dr. L. L. Hendren gave a very
interesting talk Thursday afternoon,
under the auspices of the Science
Club, his subject being
ma Canal
During the month of January there
were to the library more than
three new volumes. Almost
the number were purchased
out of the library fund, the cost be-
several hundred dollars. The
most of these books were purchased
for department of economics.
With these additions the library
now has thirty-one thousand
besides hundreds that
It is almost a certainty that
is to have another game added to
her list of athletic sports in the near
future. The game in question is a
basket ball. Trinity has already
a challenge from Wake
Forest, wishing to arrange dates for
games to be played in February, but
it is doubtful if the team can get
practice enough to be in readiness
for a contest before March.
Washington's birthday will be
observed by the college as a holiday.
It always been of the
college to invite some speaker to do;
liver address on the evening of
this day. The speaker for this year
will be Rev. G. R. White, D. D., of
Atlanta. Dr White is a native of
North Carolina, and has the
of being a great pulpit orator.
Cox's Mill, N. C 1906.
Saturday morning L. N. Ed-
wards was very badly hurt. He
was riding on bis and
ground being frozen made so much
he didn't bear train, and
woods on that side of the road
caused him not to see it as it was
coming down from towards Green-
ville with flat can on Beaufort
County road, until he was
so near that be couldn't stop.
Just before he got across road
the foremost car bis buggy
threw him out on the iron
breaking one or two of hi
ribs and otherwise hurl and
ed him. While be is not thought
to be seriously hurt, yet he is
much pain. His
friends will be glad to he is
getting along as well as could be
A party was given at J.
W. Cox's store Friday for
the of Rose Hill
A large crowd was present with
girls well filled
baskets. The sum of nearly
was result.
No. I. o. B, M. of
N. C.
God in His divine
wisdom seen fit to our
Tribe take from OS our beloved
Brother, Smith, be ii
That our Tribe has lout a
member but still we bow in
humble submission to the will of
Him who nil
a ell,
2nd, That ill
of the Great Si-nil in b
of bereaved family trusting
that they done Hailing
the forest of life that they may be
reunited on shores of the
hunting where Friendship, Free-
and Ch forever.
3rd, That a copy of thee
be placed upon our records,
a copy be to the grief
family and a copy be sent to
Greenville DOW running riot with the cotton
market, the present raid
his been caused by a combination
of spinners exporters and bearish
speculators, organized a few weeks
since in New York to drive the
market down for the distinct par-
of breaking the backbone of
present movement
among farmers the South
and to destroy effectiveness of
the Southern Cotton as
Raw Cotton Should be Cents.
Spinners of yams and print
sloths openly admit that
their finished output
pi ice of H cents for
he raw This lace is well
Known to every Son r ho has
i the puces of
e it ton in It is also
well known all careful students
of question of actual supplies
of spot cotton and the enormous
demands of legitimate consumption,
i hat there will not he a sufficiency
of raw cotton e demands
for consumption before another
crop can lie planted, cultivated and
harvested. The present price
spot cotton is, therefore, not based
upon the value of the
No cotton this season has
been sold on this basis of tin
sic value. speculation
Baptist for publication.
J. A. Mainline;,
E. A. Cooper, p Com.
J. F. Harrington,
N. C. Feb.
J. J. to Greenville
George Savage, Jr., who has been
S n
great staple ,
puny would honor bis draft The of Clerk C. Moore,
amount of his expenses. He re- the courthouse, was these of
the money the occur- g marriage about eleven o'clock
is so unusual that he thinks this the contracting par-
ti cm ion should be made of it.-
Work is soon expected to begin
on the Masonic temple at Raleigh. I third terms.
Holton And
Washington, D. C, Feb. r.
President, acting
of both Republican factious
in the State, sent to the Senate to-
day the names of District
ties being Kittrell Mrs.
Fannie They came
in together called on Register
of Deeds Williams for the necessary
license and let it be that
they did much time
Mr. Jesse Thrown From
On Tuesday evening Mr. Jesse
was returning to town
from side of liver,
and while on the dam just
the bridge met with an
that the time looked very
His horse was trotting
along at a lively gate when i-
one shaft of the buggy came
coupled from axle. threw
the buggy off the dam, lauding
Mr. at the bottom of th
embankment. As good luck would
have it, became out with only a
sprained wrist and scratched face.
accident was due entirely to
insecure the bug-
The horse was also burl, but
returned to bis home in Rocky
Mount Monday.
W. J. Boyd, of Ayden, was in
Mr. Scott, of Elizabeth City, was
in town Monday.
A letter was received here Sat
stating the man of Cecil
Harrington. He will make
his home for awhile, but
Mr. Dawson, of Washington,
was town Monday.
H. H. Stanley hunting
Monday afternoon. He was gone
about two ard
eleven birds, killing several more
that could not be found.
L. K. and A. J. Whitford,
Clay Boot Neck, were in
dine Monday
C. D. Baker and S. P. Alford
spent Sunday in
F. G. Whaley returned Saturday
night from Suffolk, where he at-
tended the services of Mr.
J. M. Shepherd, the father of Mrs.
Whaley. Mr. Shepherd died at
his home Suffolk Tuesday even-
at G o'clock was buried
Friday afternoon at o'clock in
the cemetery at Suffolk. Their
many friends extend sympathy to
Mr. Mrs. Whaley.
Mrs. Mary Lancaster, aged
years, who lives about nine miles
from quite sick
with pneumonia. She is the
Nearly million biles of
present crop has already passed
out of Ii mil of the producers,
furnishing temp nary needs of
them an
advantageous as they
have But this
ion cannot last o This
crop is bales short of the
crop of 1904. Six million
spindles were added to the
manufacturers in de-
for cotton goods is
dented. We sold a
bale crop for ten cents. There is
only a of one million
bales left from the present short
of bales, and
those who have to hold
their cotton face of present
depression will yet
sell it for cents.
President Southern Cotton
ft. Greensboro has been
locked up for having wives.
Raleigh gets next inciting
of the Assembly,
12th to
John a living
near Kinston, was arrested and
placed jail for committing
outrage year old girl.
Two Concord boys were fooling
Happenings of Interest in North
A pointer dog died
burg county recently whose owner
said had been the family for
John C. Dancy, colored, of this
stale, has been reappointed
of deeds of the District of
Mis. Kick-- of
place, and was visited by Dr. and
Mrs. Ricks Sunday, three white
tramps asked tie section master
Washington, D. C, Feb. 1900.
An examination will he
under the Civil Service
of railroad to lei them ride to
with him on dump car.
Permission was given two of them,
but the third, being drunk, was
told he could not ride. The tramp
drew a pistol snot the section
master and to make his
Ion, on February 26th to when one of
getting Kev. F. a pistol. It tired off,
D. was sent for the jg me one holding it in the arm
was soon performed. caused him to drop the pistol
Marshal Milliken for i bride was a blushing widow again, the
I the groom a giddy widower.
boy the leg.
inclusive, for the purpose of
eligibles which to fill
vacancies in the position
in the Revenue service.
when appointed, rant
be not let than nor more than
years of age, physically sound,
and mentally
will be held in Eastern
North Carolina at Raleigh and
Wilmington. Applicants should
apply to the U. S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D. C,
for application form other
information. The position is a
very desirable
Jno. H. Small.
section hands shot him down,
section master tramp
died of their wounds m a
A bashful couple, who
were evidently very much in lore,
a crowded street car in
Boston the other day. yon
suppose we squeeze in
he asked, looking doubtfully at
her blushing face.
you think, dear, we had
better wait until we get
was the low embarrassed

Eastern reflector, 6 February 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 06, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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