Eastern reflector, 2 February 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Slight Damage to Drying Machine
before G o'clock Thursday
treeing In
the of the American
co G . near
caught ii; a snap
was ling dried the ma-
is thought lo have been
caused a match i in
way got in tobacco ignited
the first heating
of the machine.
was quickly discovered
ant factory whistle gave an
The well equipped
with its own light-
fire and from these the
town the corner
th factor; streams were
i, , g .- in and the
s. in damage was lo
machine t e but no
wan done by the
which it was
the tobacco in the ma-
chine, jet the damage
is in t la lire.
Buried the Red
J. Winterville, i-
spending Mil- week in
Little Oakley Inn
kepi school week w
sickness. We hope he
ill recover.
Harrington left An-
. ,;. i j ii. having
h i ; ii to of bi
sick father.
The resilience Dr. L. K. Ii
is undergoing some c
will nuke it larger more
Henry Adams and Mr. Moms,
Dear in town
H. B Phillip went to Green
J J. Oakley Son have
from the no business.
lost a valuable
Sunday night.
X. T. -v enlarged
their store improved the Block
of goods.
who has In en visiting s brother,
Ogle Minton, on Jackson
returned t. In- home Thursday
Fred Von of Ch co-
M-. of
was r
ti who about to
ago gored by a vicious Richard Robin's new resilience
a the Winterville en Jackson avenue, has been com-
and the family moved in
L. A. Fonts, of and i
Aimer of Clay Boot
went to Greenville Friday.
Mrs. A. who has n
sick for days, is slowly
Mis- is the guest
of Mrs. J. O.
Mrs. A. wife of;
millionaire oil at .
was shot and almost instant
released the grave which. B ,
I was
was present to lead the monies
for the Red Men, and the religious
service was conducted by Rev. Mr,
Corbel t of the Free Will Baptist
It Was d Busy Term.
The January of Pitt
court Saturday after-
noon, occupying the fall two week
allotted to the term, and Judge
Line left for Junes to hold
court there. This court transacted
a large amount of business and
disposed of many cases. More
than was collected in fines
and coats, about half sum
being lines and going to the school
fund. The collected
tax was about
Other cares disposed near the
close if the court and not hereto-
fore reported
John Lewis Hooks, larceny,
pleads guilty, sentenced to jail six
months to
T. B. Cherry, nuisance, pleads
guilty, placed under bond
at term and show
good behavior.
S. P Humphrey, selling liquor
without license, not guilty.
The sentence of six months in
jail against W. J. James for selling
was changed to
a of and costs,
Wheeler Dead.
New York, Jan.
Joseph Win the famous
Confederate calvary leader and
brigadier general of the United
Status army since the War with
Spain, died at o'clock this
afternoon, at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Sterling Smith, in
Brooklyn. The veteran of two
wars, was years old, but in
spite of his age, there was nope
until yesterday of his recovery
from the ; of pneumonia
which caused his death.
e died Friday night
from his injuries. The funeral
am Sunday near
about miles from
Mr. Smith was a member f
lie Tribe Red Men and
ans bulled with the
Older. twenty-live
be. s of
Greenville attended and took part
in the that was beautiful
and Impressive. During the ex-
a white pigeon
was emblematic
flight typical of the spirit's return I
t th
The G, e. Sachem F. M. Hedge. HAT IS
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible fin Modern Science
to produce The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
scientific investigation of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
symptoms of fatigue
are the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
as direct
ed. Live a temperate life.
If you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor s bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a cent, however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for Fill in the coupon
under tin- advertisement
and it us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what t i-. write
to us i con
Co., Now York.
. Wooten will give his
personal guarantee that you
will receive a free bottle if
you coupon.
sin . i address.
My disease la.
f you think you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it. it is to be had
at first class druggists,
Special by
J. L
Wholesale for the
state of North Carolina,
Charlotte, N. C.
bu Talk About
For Many Years to Come.
The preceding
bad spell put peach trees
in some sections of the state.
Yd- Best Be
I n Checker tin 4-
A g L lie s
Hid lie
i ii A. K.
I ,.
ii ch Peen's
A B R e of Cloth
l, . HI.
A Full Mei s
buyers, Come early. This Sale embraces j
in this Store. For a number of days v
receiving and assorting cases of New Spring
Stick to piece for days of quick
We can't begin to tell of nil the gt which we are
going so low.
Mixed Hose Tc
Heavy Hose
. i. . .
Lisle Thread
Mies and
We are through
offer which we know
yon will, compare price
lore inch Lawn
is now Be
sale pi ice
Plain and
welted Piques
out to
the small price of
Closing out all Up to at
the small price of
early and heavy purchasing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Wide White
j at this sale B
Wide Canton
i Flannel to
Wide Best Grade Bleach
low at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
in all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing;
At Your Own Price.
A Heavy Jean Corset
hooks reeds Steel, in
white only
Medium Length Corset
Hose i-attached, Lace
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, 1.26 value
now going at
Men's Work Gloves
Driving v.
Fine Dressed and
dressed Kid Gloves 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay to Visit our
We can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
No. II
W put n on
church at
Ill the latest killer, with
I.,.;, In
all town.
Ami when dedicated, why we planked
ten down;
That a we paid live every deacon
did bu
And the Society, It promised fill
the Mat.
We've an In the
In the
tot . . ii- . . or more, ill melody
K and.
when we nit tin pawl and hear
the play.
It carries n t. realm
It a coot three thousand, and W flood
. I
We'd pay a on Aid
i he
No Meeting Will Be Held Saturday
At Hie last meeting of the Pitt
C mi Branch Col
to on the
Monday in February, 5th. Not
this meeting
for, President
ii-.-iii .,. called a
for thin county on Satin
Mrs. S. J, Parham
J pave a de-
card party at her home on
Wednesday after from three
to nix o'clock. On the
nail the were received by
Parham, by Mrs.
Parham. After served
. and
too. and leap;
Lake a
ton. they'll freer.
They'll i- toll fur
years or more.
And all o'er attain, for a carpel
f r ll-e
like out m
When the Aid and
pay the
Of proud of our big church
It la the of our the B
when see the wore to raise
that lack.,
sometimes l the church la on
And sometimes I can't help thinking When
we reach the regions
Thai will get the toll a and the
Aid rest
punch by Misses Nina James and
they were ushered
i and j where they played
i .-ti, baa written to President The score cards
this, the most appropriate to
. . called been the the fifth an.
to conform with the mar-
made by the j The same idea carried
requested to in The first, a
notice the meeting will wood box, containing
held on Monday, 6th. was won Mrs. Richard asked, all for
Percentage of Cotton Yet
Atlanta, Jan.
dent Jordan, of the South-
Cotton Association, today gave
out. a in which he takes
severely to tusk Bureau
at Washington for alleged short-
He says in
of Director North of
the Census Bureau, in failing to
make public all the information he
Mooted from January
and his persistent refusal lo do
so, face of repeated demands, is
considerable Indignation
throughout the South. Mr. North i
Protest Against Appropriation to
Exposition Because Negroes
Down to Table With whiles.
Boston, Jan. delegation
of citizens of the state
called upon the chairman of the
committee Federal relations of
the state today
protested against the appropriation
of any money by the state for an
exhibition at the Jamestown Ex-
position in 1907 as
Curtis until
the -lute obtains from the common
wealth of promise
all citizens i f Massachusetts, what
King and the consolation, a match
holder in wood, was won by Mrs.
R, O.
MM. B. E. Parham then asked
the guests into the dining room,
Messrs, White, 2nd Whedbee where dainty refreshments were
served. The rooms were tastefully
decorated lighted by many
candles in
each lady was presented
with a Souvenir bearing the dates
The guests were Mesdames
Forbes, Carr, Jeffreys,
Vines, Wilson,
j Stancil, King, House, B. E.
Parham, and Mrs.
Fulford, of Washington, N. C.
I, for
H. A. White,
F. W
H. W. Whedbee were
hosts at a delightful informal
given in the Carolina
looms Wednesday evening.
i and cards furnished delight
entertainment, and at a
was served in
tin- club dining room. No form of
more en
a hie than these informal affairs
n club, and night the
event especially . , , .
Those present j
M S. F. W. Clare, Mr. and Mrs. C. j
Curr, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
V. ii ho. Mr. Mrs. C Forbes,
Misses Martha Nina
James, Mary Lizzie
Mi. and Mrs. B. J. Mr. and
Mia, H. W. Mrs. E. B.
Misses Cotten,
many bales ginned for
the season of
is the weight of
bales ginned to
is your estimate of the
percentage of cotton remaining to
public received the result
of the answers to the first question
on ii statement
bales had been gin-
The result of the other two
have been withheld so
far. I wired Mr. North as follows.
what purpose was average
weight of bales and estimated
amount of cotton to be ginned alter
January suppressed in your
recent report As this is
pubic official kindly
wire me today the result of the
estimates as
reply to the above Mr.
North sent the
e weight of bales will
be made as soon as can DO
compiled Estimated amounts to
. w
F J lowing sent-from Atlanta
the, same by Harris Jordan to a
Haves, of Charlotte, V. S,
Moore. here- on
It is claimed that at St. Louis
Deposition colored people
served food at one place and
i f the white race at another, j
members of the black race
were otherwise
Papers for Gold
All person- contesting either for
Grimes or Arthur medal will
bear in mind that your papers must
be In my hands by lo a. in.
February the 6th, or they
cannot be considered Ibis
Don't fail to in
paper on time. These medals will
be at the teach meet-
on Saturday the 10th of Feb-
The program for this
meeting will be published the lat-
part of Ibid week.
W. H.
C . Supt. Schools.
The Si. Can Can-outsell.
The South is wealthy enough
in our opinion, to attend to I
all her educational needs. The I
. movement and others of a
similar nature are doubtless in-
Spired by good motives
people think the South can get
along better without assistance
Mi kind in educational or i
matters. It is much same ,,.,,
and philanthropic went to Baltimore
Many people-in other he an ad.
look upon Smith as a
and they feel
that missionaries should sent
as to other The
of sections, however good
their motives may do not
South and the
of Christian, King of the Canes.
Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan.
Ninth, the aged
King of Denmark, dean Off
crowned Is of Europe,
of King George, of
or Great Britain and Ireland,
and of the Dowager Empress Ma Infant of Mr. and Mrs.
of Russia, grandfather Dead.
the Seventh of I,
Norway, and related blood or it
by marriage tn moat of the
rulers, died Startling
suddenness in
Pal. this The
of Prince Fred-
his eldest son, who will be
known as Frederick the Eighth,
will be aimed tomorrow.
dress to Woman S College bis
subject being Life of Sidney
will begin a series of
meetings an the evening of 31st,
in tho association bull under the
auspices of the Young
l Association. Dr. being
a able and appealing man, will
obtain bountiful results,
as we n-l have to agree there is
a wide for such work here,
Jordan's Advice Cotton
By request we publish fol- be ginned were obtained only
to enable census
office to determine what counties
must again be canvassed final
report not for public use.
Will be published if congress
it. Resolution was intro-
to that
President says that
Jules of the crop were ginned
prior to September J, were
eon ii led the crop of
out have been made apart
of the Bureau report of
Deducting the
bales from the published total
9,998.11,1, leaves to be
counted the crop of 1908 W.
Add to this bales, and
there remains a crop under
ten million bales. He says wide
investigation that spot hold-
are not selling their
practically there is no
for sale in the face of the
present depression.
and result of extreme bearish spec-
Spot strong as
ever. Dry goods much higher pro-
unprecedented. If spot hold
stand firm .
and persistence
by trying to help
S mill solve her problems.
discussion of
for Instance, show that they do not
conditions here. Win
on Sentinel.
among the boys
Trinity has B very notable
ball schedule this season, as ate will
play Harvard at Richmond. Va.,
Saturday, 14th, we also
are to take a Southern
Mary Burgess, aged three months, we two games
Congressmen Claude W.
Kitchin Supporting Bill to
Allow Farmers to
Their Own
Tobacco With-
Thomas J. In a
Washington to The News and
Observer sends the following which
is of much Importunes to tobacco
grower in this
has introduce I in house a i-n.
by general
assembly of North
the State delegation to support
a bill, which to farmers the
right lo manufacture tobacco of
their own growth with tax. In
pursuance of this resolution Mr.
W. W. Kitchin has int rod need a
bill, embodying the legislative
demand, reads as
growers of tobacco shall
have the right from taxation
to stem and hand twist or hand
press or in any other nay, and in
i any quantity, form, or shape, make
prepare for market
their growth and to tell
same to any persons
and the payment any
tax thereon; and that said tobacco
so prepared by the grower thereof
shall Dot be subject to taxation
tinder the internal revenue laws
so long as it, remains in the form
and Condition which the grower
prepared it, that in such form
and condition any person may buy
sell, or same tax
Kitchin rep
resent possibly the two largest
tobacco growing districts in the
State, entire delegation is
much in favor of such legislation,
which, it Is believed, will afford
great relief to tobacco
The state delegation will give its
earnest support lo the
a of Interest in North
i is Inches of snow.
Friends here have received the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ii
announce the of their
Elizabeth Ray
Mr. Paul Allen Tillery
o the evening of Wednesday,
the fourteenth
nineteen hundred and six
at ball past eight o'clock
At Home
Washington, North Carolina.
Hereafter i b persons
the street be arrest-
years, died
Ed. Sellers, a man
died Monday
of an of laudanum.
Recent Hoods in Mitchell
washed nine mi-e of the
track of South a.- Western rail
W. W.
son, of the Durham Her.
aid, by eating cheese
and came near dying.
John Smith, h Durham boy, ran
away from his went to
On his way back h was
killed by a train.
Miss Stella Hopkins, of Wash-
Saturday at
the Slate Normal and Industrial
where she
was a
D. a news-
paper man and editor of the
suicide Saturday Financial
troubles is given as cause of
his rash at.
The sleet broke d
over poles between
Charlotte and Fifty
linemen were pat to repair
the damage.
A was found dead a mud
hole at Greensboro. It is thought
that he was drinking fell face
down the mud.
A home for and aged
railroad men is to be established
at Greensboro,
The City Economist
says that Mr. F. F. has the
oldest Bible in the Slate. It was
brought to country 1728 by
William Swain, who landed at
Mass., and was given
him to his sou, John Swain,
who settled in county in
1780. gave it to his grand-
son, who ed it with
him the War.
been carried through three
wars by of original
Jones which convened
Monday morning in special term,
was adjourned for the term
after c of I he absence.
through illness, of so many of the
litigants and their attorneys and
witnesses. was deemed better
by judge to adjourn conn
than bold the attendants for
Governor Glenn Coming.
Our Winterville correspondent
states that Gov. will
deliver the address at the close of
High school on May
17-th. This announcement will
bring pleasure lo people Of
county. Governor Glenn has
many staunch friends among
Pitt they are all glad
to know that he is to visit the
Calendars for 1906.
Do you throw away your old
calendars A Paris statistician
bus discovered that it is a
take to do so, and of an
economical turn of mind has dis-
covered further that calendars
for 1900 will equally well
As a course, a calendar
is only of use eleven years later,
and leap year
county and give them an pretty often, But as 1900
. . v. days wailing those who
dill lit of her pa- ii . . i . ll
, . t x . also two gamin not at
re its, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Latham, University of the
Second street, m o i . w
v. Several lion; New
tty of hearing him Speak. Tin
Winterville school deserves both
thank and congratulations on
securing him.
Mrs. Bailie A. Keel, aged
years, died Tuesday at the home
of her daughter, Henry
in Carolina township, was
buried Wednesday. She was the
mother J, S. and H. F.
Peel, of Greenville.
,,,. The funeral look ,, ,,
f, o, tho after- ,,,, were ,
n,., at conducted by j
A. pastor friends of Trinity College
Citizens of Island,
Core Sound, became indignant at
efforts of Mormon missionaries to
establish a church in that vicinity
and set lire to the building where
they held and destroyed it
will be glad to hear that
a paper recently es
by the two literary societies
here, has met with such high
both among present
student body, and tho graduate who
feel so proud of their Alma Mater,
when learning of progress Trinity
has made in any branch.
present at the opening of com t
as also were quite a number of
witnesses and some litigants, so
Judge Long dismissed those
present adjourned court. The
term was a special one week term
of civil
Free Press.
February starts all right enough,
but may do a plenty before it winds
was allotted
of the days of the 1906 week
tit exactly those of
Daily Express,
,. , Danger in the
t. Arthur says these
bright days with a hazy east re. to
mind him of what an old of bis-
his father's on
in Virginia used to say. Forsyth
When this kind of day w come i a of
the old would shake recently a man
head and declare dis looks a of
party, but
If these pretty days are
breeding weather you may look
ling him.
A big memorial meeting will lie
held Atlanta on the in
honor of the late Gen, Joseph
The sheriff Jackson county,
Miss., was killed by a who
he was to arrest.
buildings in St.
W. Va., covering two blocks of
town, were destroyed by fire Wed-
The loss is

DEPARTMENT STORE prepared to meet your requirements in this
line of Merchandise. Our first shipment of
New White Goods
are here and ready your inspection. We are showing some splendid values, a few of which we mention.
in. wide, the best value on the
market in plain wash material for yd
in. PERSIAN LAWN, smooth fine
count goods, for yd
Finer grades for to yd
in. INDIA LINEN, to yd
PLAIN from to yd
to yd
in wide, from to yd
ART LINEN, Round Thread, in wide
for yd
IRISH LINEN, in wide to yd
Heavy Soft Finished DRESS LIKENS 1-2
yards wide for yd
Fine quality soft sheer figured MADRAS
STINGS, small neat designs from
Our LACE and EMBROIDERY Stock are
full of good things as usual. We always
carry a complete assortment in this line
and it will be to your interest to look
through our showing.
J. R. J.
i a often it eat but
publican, of Ind.
was when lo-
refused to allow to op
on bis wife, for female
bis, be
eluded to r i v Electric Bitters.
wife so sick, she could
bed. and five
physician bad tailed to
her. Alter taking Billets
she was cured, can
perform all her household
by J. L.
Woolen. Druggist.
A woman's seldom estimates
husband's at their real
Son Lost Mother
in our fain
and through it I lost Moth
writes E. B. of
Me. For the past five year
however, on slightest sign of
a Cough cold or cold, I have taken
Dr. Discovery for con
l as saved
from serious lung His
mother.- death was a sad loss for
Mr. but be that
trouble must not be neglected,
and how to cure it. Quickest re
II f and cure for cough colds
Pi ice and guaranteed at
J. L. Woolen, Trial
bottle free.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
how Many People You
t leaving your own office i
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol
My Friend. it Worth
Suppose Slop and Sec
Greensboro, N. C. 1803.
Mrs Joe pleas-
stating that your Remedy
has cured our little girl of
a very bad case eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
Slit had from
the nine she wan
years old. She
is now and I
I t. o of
it She has not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
To Publishers
and Printer
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
regular lengths
L. S. and
Head inches in
and over
A sample of refaced
Halt, wile full
will be cheerfully
on application.
Printers Supply Ca
of Type and
High Grade Printing
HIM Strut.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L.
at a. m. for leaves-
Greenville daily
at in. for
at Washington
Norfolk Southern Railroad
folk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours subject to change
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and.
t. Agent, Norfolk. Va-
K. KING, V. P. M.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
fainting, smothering or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and sec how
quickly you will find relief.
About January 1st, 1902. I took
down with
urn I
by my family physician my
had mo to aw.
limbs ward lo one-
than normal mm.
water around my
For tin --f I lo lit
up In bill lo I. . from
print;. I sent for of Dr.
fold by Ibo lime I
bad token them nil was entirely
cured. I feel heller than for
f able to do
any kind of on my farm. ll
it told me that If ft
hadn't been for Dr. Cur
would now ho In my
T. Ky.
Dr. Heart Cur Is told y
your who will that
the will benefit. If It tails
he will refund your money.
Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
D. What Yew Can to Develop and
Strengthen Them.
Few people arc well balanced, well
rounded. A great many have
did ability in lines, good ed-
line training yet have
deficiency in their makeup
cripples the whole life and
dwarfs the results of their utmost
industry. Many of us have some
little, contemptible weakness which
-offsets our strong qualities and ruins
their effectiveness.
What n pity to see a giant in
tied down by some little,
contemptible weakness which
what might have been a mag-
career If parent or teach-
would only point out to a child a
weakness which perhaps will be fa-
if not remedied and teach it
how to guard against it, how to
strengthen the detective quality by
mental exercise, what u tremendous
help it would give to the child, per-
haps preserving it from failure
It is pitiable to see u young man
bowing to what he culls which
he thinks been fixed by the con-
tour of his bruin or in bis hereditary
tendencies. Why should we drag
our weaknesses through life when a
little common sense, a little right
thinking in fixing new habits of
thought, will soon remedy them
If you arc conscious of a mental
weakness, a deficient faculty, using
a little concentration, thinking in
the opposite direction and dwelling
upon the perfect faculties you de-
sire would soon put you in a nor-
condition. It is normal think-
that makes the normal life.
But if you leave your weak
not exercise them,
do not try to enlarge them, do not
think it worth can you
ever to become strong
You develop a symmetrical
body by simply exercising the arms.
The same is true of the mental
Those which are not used
deteriorate. If you long for a thing
and strive for it with all your might
persistently enough and long enough
you cannot help approximating it.
You must get what you wish in some
It Made It For These In-
to Vote.
about voting under
remarked u congressman
from Minnesota u few days ago,
remember in my state in former
times there was a popular law that
Indians who wore clothes could vole.
The woods were lull of Indians, but
suits of clothes were scarce
around especially the In-
Whenever there was no
interest in the election or it was
all one way the ingenuity of man
was not stirred up sufficiently to put
two and two together in such u way
as to get those Indians to vote, but
one day votes were mighty valuable,
and an energetic worker set out to
get Indians.
red men were as thick as
flies, bill every last one of had
a blanket wrapped about him, and
very few of ever had on
the clothing of civilization. The
proposition to lot them vote if they
wore clothes was made in order to
encourage I hem in the ways of
. and also with the idea that
a man who hail on clothes would he
a intelligent Indian.
the demand for votes
stirred up one of the hard workers,
and he got an old suit of clothes
look it to a near the voting
precinct. One by one the Indians
were brought in dressed up in the
clothing of civilization and voted.
As soon an Indian had been voted
he was hurried the hut and
his clothing was transferred to an-
other Indian. The spread, and
other enterprising political workers
up the -nine kind of business.
The number of Indiana that could
be voted with one suit of clothes
was merely limited to the number
-of Hint could he made. Each
suit of clothes was easily good to
vole fifty Indians. The lightning
change mis that were performed by
the Indians would lie an object
son to lightning change artists on
the Star.
A certain English commodore who
had the misfortune to lose a leg
a shark encounter was beset
he with questioners eager to
know how, when and where he
met his loss. He Anally invented
an expedient for suppressing his tor-
mentor, lie would promise to an-
them one question, but only
one, on the subject. The question
invariably was, did you lose
and the invariable
was bit which of
course left his hearers more curious
than ever.
In n
heaven's sake,
put lighted on Hint Christ-
Mrs, not.
Don't It's one of
those potent
Secure a Good Location while there is an opportunity to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over with me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
mi ii
are not cut to save cloth, as is the case with
a great many imitations.
Cloth enough is used in hips and seat to suit the
requirements of the fashion.
In short, to use a tailor's expression, the Trousers
are properly balanced.
Our new for Winter have
the appearance of custom-
made clothing without the cost.
cents a
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
I am paying the highest market price for Seed
in any quantity.
I also sell Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, in car lots or
less, sacked or loose, to suit purchaser, or exchange for
at warehouse.
kinds of feed constantly on hand. Lime in Car lots.
Car of Golden Seed Oats to arrive, also White and Black
Oats, Red Rust and day Oats.
I have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
for this line. .
I will continue to carry a line of Groceries I lie
same stand occupied by Johnston Bros.,
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
arc very fortunate be-
to arrange w the pub-
of these well known mag
to offer a subscription for
year at this
price. We have decided
to let readers have
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a
of paid in advance subscribe rs,.
Don't Neglect This
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If yon have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
art publication, but the Review
of Reviews is
American men and
men are going to keep tip with
the times and they are p ting to
take the shortest which is
be Review of
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for years
With the recent change of
ship it has been improved, h is
far better in and
aims to the best in the Held
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among the many mag
it is the Cos
Woman's Home
The Woman's Borne Companion
is for every member of the
For our bright, earnest,
cultured, home loving American
woman it is an idea entertainer
and helper in a thousand
ways; the fathers and
brothers and suns join in its
perusal by the children
eagerly tarn to the pages
are written for them,
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper of the country, and pertain
to livestock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all four of these papers with The Daily Reflector a year for 3.5.00,
with The Eastern Reflector a year tor

Bern of steal ii u Is
,, ,,. ,.,, OM .
rotas vi;
a. .-.,
th hi
This January baa robbed Man
bat she
I in it to take up
idea. H m
ii direction is slow. nay
; big a e Ii lbs money they a
Mala will
iii tow, it ill a
class of citizens with
in tin- tram
f lot an
and by
us tho building
and as
In l f
JOB may watch out t.
It is tilling many a girl SH
to read about
,.,, u . i i
J go
u.-. a
aim- begin t
,. a Sim
. it an
. ran with
a. . r -11 the
c. i, i
w. ., .
i -v
i . ,. . . iii ii of
i in
making a Mi keep the price
of COlt . i --H UP
L i. v
Sunday had an
rial on need of a
spread over Wales and a portion
l year, and
not a leaders ill
n. vi and prayed
a would cross the and
the be made
iv vi wide spread and genuine re-
val religion. The same
here and there u.
i lull v have been
. . . of the extravagance in the Govern ,
meetings and special justice.
.,,. there has no universal
has accepted a
as ill the Ohio
penitentiary. It is
the i Par-
ham Sun.
It is to hoped aha will be good
about it and bring in the wash on
1- the about to
upon an era of reform It
was only a rt while ago that the
railed a cutting down
such awakening as m
caused business men I l
t U second lo
vi duties.
for of re
m this country, and
When the
there a proposition lo stop the
wages of two hundred
at the Norfolk navy yard.
The Greenville i
us that there will be a banging in
town, which means
pa be tired
v nulling keep the
trial News going. Ring their
to get
the g. i I B
all about BO live Deal
to S
way laying
We get Lincoln's birthday, the
and the
again, all
mouth, with ground hog day
Since I'M I
county appeal the
except in I.
muds of i.
Satisfying the minds He
pie is doing light much l
times of
The longest lane baa a turning,
It is part of nature's plan,
And the river wide, lag
la crossed by a single span.
longest night has a morning;
The sun never fails to rise.
no money or influential friends.
Durham Herald.
t a revival religion, Of means to say
are in about it, it will . justice can be
Hut churches seem ; And is too often Hue.
to have drifted the idea I hut I
lb y are of a The pros did not give
j . is o save the souls of men by j tie brand of the Nan York
leading to and b y wore that his
; And the mountains of doubt we
s. ,
Are stepping to the skies
i in I i
year U .
mile i p II i- paid. i
i i. enough lo n
. . ml put it off, Inn
ii. i ; e p r I
N tie I
seems to have
i; D. H r i I
in per,. r
I i, I Iii I n n time tor n
point me ii i um A. r
t. . . I ii row ii on in use
be commercial
. . pulpit one hears little
in in. nuns of the need
At the meetings
s. the j ting, and ibis should the
. light how con we go out J demand for the
bring a bin
. o make the money.
The of commercialism in the
churches la crowding out the Holy
Spirit The churches are in
with and the mi m-
, in with
ml with
Until between tin in. Go
. on Friday end
to the minstrel show on Saturday
. you see in mI
hi Ii there who are p u
,, i in the on
Sunday the
sundry kinds of sales have a
. i hi r number of workers than do
prayer and revival
nu. tings.
v. i member the churches
t and
I vi in thing-, and
pi tying for
. rival i d the re
will i I coining,
Mating of
Then will i
in me
tr on
at eleven Al
col ton glowers, and pro
f man
invited to attend this
. lag. Hon. 0.0. boor,
. of ii. Carolina
the opportunity a , Association I.
did say. the to lie with us.
necktie with cotton bat-1 we wish your
bullet, i
manufacturer lost
The fabrics Cheviots and
Worsteds, Over-
Pulley Bowen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in a
the latest styles and weaves.
We to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
i i it. .
all i ti the it every
ban in.- I i- place ii
double on n
i the civil war baa i i
fro H
that h no n on the
people of section. Certainly ii
no i . mi ill.
contrary i i i i tin i lit
shows that the people
inter in bringing .
to and a murder
they do id slop until i
dance en ,. . i I is con
not be of all of the
county, f i while
have in various
a conviction in the degree baa
followed, and the re have
got oil
gO inn hipped of justice.
The i
f the
Raleigh to
i . in their
They have whacked us
just I us in the o.
Tho Salisbury bean
a and
lit -I
now pa r man
i. i iii. I awhile,
, and is now on the
hi the
oat little
U ibis way the
re too much regard
. to eat at the
table with white I
Boys and and
Novelty Suits.
In your h. Ultra just as much
-nap in in as any and out own design
re are all the time which ore later
houses all over the I n lira
If the not not the alone.
Tho qualities i I at Is to a and in
ibis the
Our pattern and last mil i the beat in their re
I car.
There is no line in the world better than
th Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
you us Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
If IDLE MONET don't take
the risk it y having your home or
place of business burglarized.
Deposit it in Our Bank.
We have one of the best I IRE and
BURGLAR Bi which is fully pro-
of the companies.
and extend every courtesy consistent with
conservative banking. .
The Greenville banking and Trust Company,
L. I. MOORE, President. R. J. COBB, Cashier,
This department is in J. H. who is authorized to
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
by R O.
a --r load
they will tall very cheap.
Rev. T. EL King filled hie
and Sunday and gave us an
excellent each time.
ii-1 d
all and
J. L. a prosper-
Black Liniment,
If it or v. nil A large of hats
right for arc plenty of tab and caps season latest
coats, and . t-. at A
W Co
For nice apples, candies,
bananas inns la
S. L. Johnson's
Nice line
Any one in of a good
one render good
ice just to or the
I. Greet
for the viii-
family, tine perfect I your
balanced, com let . for ,. ,,.
For Mia j your seed when
B. Cox , -t
Don't forget the nice Pi Co. Oil Mill.
t A W Ange Co
Colic and Kidney Cure, L House,
the kidney medicine; u seed lush
for am a sure colic cute. p go to
at the ; v
of paint, not the date, Friday
Feb. U, in Hie H. .
hand, Mr. will
If you your laundry to look
nice mill lake ii to H. L.
the men at Pm Oil Co.
The A ti. Cox Ml . ace still
planter, mill
I by loud, null you
you hail b-st rile or
them at
at a Co.
Don't be on bad Hour
when you cm get at A W i Be sure to come.
Ange Co
Nicest Una of,
tie at Barber
horses and at n
Nice line of boys suits at II. L.
per yard, Harrington, Barbel A
Barber Co.
Goto H. L. for shoes, Be sure lo go lo see the nice lot
he nice lot received, of new furniture that A. W. Ange
hey are nice. received before you
, i l- . buy elsewhere.
a. W. Ann at a new of
at L. and ex-
line of Hosiery
and Gent.
newest style at Barber
ft Co.
Trunks and at Harm
ton Barber A Co.
Shoes am arriving dally a.
W. Ange ft OVa, He
their prices before you buy
It want an may a
cut, W .
II. Won king next dour
ma white people
If ii a nice go to II.
I. He has a new lot
inc.- ones,
will joy
price I r seed
A G. Cox Mfg. Co., are
-till cotton planters by
be load.
Big line of huts just
Barber ft Co.
Disk Barrow at liar
L. for fresh
in money by ex
in cotton tor
ll you
at A
X r a 1.1 ii
h I Ike m lie
I i he i
Q . i it
II l . , I. I A .
A line
i to
Norfolk Cotton
n-. AN .
Try a bottle of Kid
a sure cure for all Kid-
doubles at Harrington Barber
If you want a.,
get of those good healers at A.
W. A Co. they a-e Cheap.
Barber A
If you f mat, and
it die,., see A.
All days in large
days, but the largest day will be
u the Kill in . May w lieu Gov.
B. Glenn will
High school,
. i .; i
A. Ange see of beet, it mil
Block before you buy in re that North has
A W. ft
received a new lot of B.
ante to see and get Ins prices
before you buy elsewhere.
For bargains pints go lo II.
ll oil want nice lire-
go to A,
W Ange Co they have a nice vis
I. for nice
candies, apples and oranges.
work always
reward, for Mis Katie Smith,
Fremont, down Saturday
night to
High -eh.
state for ii
Ii you a good barrel
Hour you K. Chapman .-.
only the beat.
If veil a drop head
it a moving picture
bow t Feb. 1st,
i be chapel of w. h . s. He i are to I
aid see U.
If you have cotton seed to sell or
exchange write or phone Pitt Co
Oil company, their prices are the
oil A W Ange
Co sec their stock before you buy.
lie winter
nu ii youth's at L. John-
o i. nays iii I
u i. lo make
con; Winterville
M secured
i ultra a i.
and the kind
on a.,
II. Li Johnson is
for groceries.
L W.
over tin-
years old one mule six
years old ill fell cash
r on time as suits the purchaser,
L. House,
received it.
a a ear load of salt, lie sure
c. A. Fair, of Ayden, s In to get their at once.
town Tuesday evening, Mr. Fall
seems always lo be feeling I
and shows ii by the he moves
me to see hi iii in Our meal Pill d
to n, bl
W. I. House makes vi aped
Harrington, Barber A
up at
A. W. Ange Co., has all the
go to A. W. pipes fitting. you need, and
k you one there a i ,.
to A. W. Ange ft Co., and you i will pay highest marker
and wheat be supplied loan get them cheap. I fur Chickens, Geese and
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders I ,. will H to fill.
at on, Barbel Co. yon a good pair of shoes so cheap G. A. Winterville, N. C,
that they will wear easy We have been Informed
and look good lo you. W. Ange ft Go. Belling ladies
ii i Is jackets at coat, now lime
Winterville Canning factory teaching cine ladies.
Consisting of furnace, cooker, can- Sunday and the day a new line of hats just received
work shed, warehouse with Mb .,,, ;, a Co. Be
A, ft Cu. will sell you .,. i, j ti buy
phi a lie
For see Dr. . buying if you only give them . .,, , e ,,
hand L. Johnson's.
An . Let make you a price on Mink
and ski Cow
Men's and all hides. C A
Barber ft Winterville, N.
The demands for Heel Anyone in n vi plow will
wheels great now, any do Well to A. W. Ange A Co.,
in nerd of same will do well to and get one of Chill.
write o. see the A ti el the best on
the market.
1- M
-i. i.
. M
N U To
n. Prime
Low Grades
v Yolk t el.
May. o.
Way Wheat
Inly T Hi
May Lard ii
July Lard bi
Pay Your
All who are delinquent in tin
axes are hereto. i i to
and Iv . hi in iii
costs lo be added and all who
fail to pay before time will
have to pay more.
L. W. Tucker,
A s. M .-II. i
B. Real Es-
and Loans.
Opportunities and In
vestments. Stock Com-
Promoted and Fin-
N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
When yon gel Hi fountain
pen it is a Parker, Nice assort
at Hook Store.
He sure not to forget
those iron bedsteads
A. W. On.
book, work shed, warehouse
and about one third acres or laud
in of for
or J.
We offer our silver table ware.
guarantee ate bargain,
gee us. It. T. Box . Bro.
Prince George at
drug store.
e h d's seed.
U- T. Cox Bro,
a pipe from II Dixon
the drug store.
hereby that tie
firm of Thomas a hi ii. hen ii
of K II. Thomas mill
W. T. doing business at
N day
solved co mutual
sent. This including all
interest of
Works. Indebted t
said kindly
make settlement with II. Thomas
fins January, 8th,
E. II. Thomas,
Carries at all limes most up-to-date line of
House Furnishing Goods
In town. New goods arriving daily.
Special attention is called to line of
and many other things too numerous to
Our motto, a square deal with lowest prices, make our
store Leading Furniture Store in Pitt County.
When in need of anything in the Furniture line us
a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours Truly,
We have just received our full lire or WASH GOODS
consisting of j
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially invited
to inspect these
;. e
Have you ever Buffered loss by fire
If so. did you need help of any one to assist you in securing a prompt
and settlement ,
My experience in the adjustment of fire liar been large and U his
always been my pleasure to render e t y net to m. patrons w ten they were
in need.
I desire to call the Insuring attention to the fact that they get the
benefit of my experience they Insure sir property In C represent-
Greenville, N, C

As this store will go
new management after
March 1st, we will offer
this entire stock of high
grade Merchandise
At Cost
Then comes the great big
White Good Sale.
You can save money by
coming early
f the Striking
of Plant
On the Canary island grow
fountain tree, a ties most needed
in tom parts of the island. It is
that the leaver- constantly dis-
till enough water to furnish drink
to every living creature in
having provided this remedy
for the drought of the island. Every
morning near this of the is-
land a cloud or mist arise from the
Mt, the winds force against
the steep on which the tree
grows, and it is from the mist that
the tree distills the water.
China, claim her remarkable
tree. This is known as the tallow
tree, so called from the fact of its
producing a substance like tallow,
and which serves the same
is of the same consistence, color and
smell, grows a
tree, the site common
cherry tree, which possesses the
of changing the color of its
blossoms. At one time the Dover
assumes the tint of the lily and
again shortly lakes the color of the
rose. In Tibet there is a curious
tree known as the tree of the thou-
sand images. Its leaves arc covered
with well defined characters of the
Tibetan alphabet. It is of great
age and the only one of its kind
known there.
The baobab tree is considered one
of the most wonderful of the
table kingdom. It appear- that
nothing can kill this tree; hence it
reaches an astonishing as well
as enormous size. The natives make
u strong cord from the of the
hence the trees are continual-
barked, but without damage, as
they goon put forth a new bark. It
appears impervious to lire, even
the ax is resisted, as it continues to
STOW in length while it is lying on
the ground.
In Mexico there is a plant known
by the name of de It
belongs to the family of
The Indians throw the leaves into
the water, the Hull become
rise to the surface and
are then caught by the native. In
this case the effect of the narcotic
soon pastes off. The milk of this
plant thrown upon the lire out
fume- that produce nausea and
headache. The milk taken internal-
is a deadly poison. It will pro-
duce death or insanity, according to
the size of the dose. There is a
popular belief among the lower class
in Mexico that the insanity of the
ex-Empress Carlotta was caused by
this I
A Model Republic.
are few nun us happy as
you in your family
my household is a model
republic in miniature. You see, the
secretary of the treasury is my wife,
the secretary of war my mother-in-
law and the minister of foreign re-
of course you are the
dent ,
man. due can see from that
question that you arc a poor,
bachelor. The presidential
chair is occupied by the
then, what are
I am the general public
and support the government through
the of Modern
U a heavy
Sickness makes a light para.
The LIVER I the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, issued Letters
of Administration to me, the under-
signed, on the day of Dec. on
F. M. Whichard,
ed, notice Is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and to all creditors of said estate to
present their claims propel
to the within
twelve months after the date of this
notice, or this notice will he plead ll
bar of their recovery.
This the day of Dec. MM C,
mis. I., m. Whichard.
Ashley on
ofF. M.
North Carolina I In
W A. Manning, and Marv P. Man
W. Ford, M. O.
wife Florence It. K White-
Ed. and wife
Jolly, Ed,
W. J. Teel, B. F. and
wife Julia Ward, L. G. Ford, J. J.
It Carson and wife Maggie I arson,
W Ii and wife
C k and wife
Annie James, A. M,
Jenkins. J F Bowers, W H Bowels,
Thomas H. Bowers, G White-
burst. B L and wife Susan
S Jesse W Carson. Lucy
Manning, H D Whitehurst. W A
Taylor, M. C. Manning. K D. Mann-
U. U. Whitehurst, G. Ford.
K. Ward, John
Wade Williams, A J and wife
Bettie j M Manning,
Moore, J Carson, Harriett I.
Ward, John T Carson L
Ni N M Hammond and Wife Eli-
Hammond, w J James, G W
Edmundson, William w A
Matthews and wife Sallie K. Mat-
thews, J. K. F C James, S T
Carson, Major Manning,
w U Manning, B F Manning. Carrie
Manning, Leon Davenport, Dav-
the last eight with-
out guardian, Defendants.
Major who is a defendant in the
above entitled cause, will take notice
that a proceeding, entitled us
above, has been commenced in the Sup-
Court of Pitt County, before the
Clerk, to incorporate a Canal Com-
the said defendant will further
lake notice he is required to appear
before the Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, at his in Green-
ville, on February ISM,
and answer the petition and complaint
which will be deposited in the
the said Clerk within ten days after the
this summons. And the said
will also take notice, that II
he fails to answer said petition and
complaint within the time prescribed
by law. the Plaintiffs will the
court the relief demanded in the
petition and complaint.
Given under my at Office in
Greenville, on this the nth day of Dec
camber 1906,
D. c. MOORE,
Clerk Superior of Pitt county
TARBORO, North Carolina.
Genuine Boston Attitude.
The inhabitants of Hub of
the are said to have their
ideas of their own importance.
The comic artists for years have
reaped a rich harvest in caricaturing
the wise Host on children. A story
which i attributed on good author-
lo Henry James oil this
Boston attitude to perfection. Ai
n dinner party Mr. James the
story of a Back bay Boston lady
who in sweeping classification
of people living below
Beacon street, New Yorkers and that
class of York Her-
When You Speak.
Bishop Brooks of Boston
used to surprise those not
acquainted with him by
while conversation
was going on around him briskly.
bishop explained his rather
by relating that
on one occasion while in a
railroad train opposite on intelligent
looking man I he latter seemed about
to set something. beg wear par-
the bishop, you
about to make a
the reply. thought you
looked you were going to say
thing to answered the
bishop apologetically. I um
said to very deceptive that way.
I used to say things and make re-
marks as soon as I thought them, i
have often thought I had something
to say and discovered after I
said it that I ought to have kept
And the bishop would con-
his story- by saying, have
found myself in the same position
more than once, so I do not speak
until am reasonably sure that I
This is the month you should buy. It
is the month we should sell. should
buy because all lines in this store are re-
from to per cent.
We should sell because we should make
room for Spring and Summer goods yet to
This opportunity is a mutual one and
we trust you will take advantage of the
many Bargains we are now offering.
These prices will prevail until Feb. 1st.
When a newspaper man commits
suicide because of worry over money
matters it shews that he was not cut
out the business. Durham Her-
virtue of the power of sale con-
in it certain deed in trust ex-
and delivered by
and wife Louisa Greene to J. L. Little
trustee the day of 1904
and duly recorded in the of
Deeds office of Pitt county North Car-
in book and upon
of the assignee of the Hank
Greenville, the person entitled to
money due under said deed in
trust, the undersigned will expose to
public sale before the court house
door in Greenville for cash to the
highest bidder, on Tuesday the
day of 1906, the following
real property to wit. A id in-
in aim to that certain lot in the
town of Greenville on
street at the
corner of lot
and running a northerly course with
said street feet, thence
mi course parallel with Fourth
street one hundred and
to a line of lot number
thence a southerly course eighty-
live feel to the North-east corner
of lot number thence
with the line of said lot number eighty-
two one hundred and thirty two
to the beginning,
one-fourth acre more or less, and
known as a part of lot number eighty-
one in the plan of the town of
and being the same con-
to Robert Greene. Jr , w,
Greene C Greene by deed from
w. w, dated 1890, and
In the Register Deeds
of in book page
SO, which need reference is hereby
Said is made to said
deed in trust. This January won.
LB, Trustee.
Skinner Whedbee, Ally's.
The Clerk of Superior rt of Pitt
County having issued Letters
to me, the undersigned, On the
17th. of Jan. on the estate
of It. Mayo, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
to the to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all
said estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
the date of this notice, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their re-
This the 17th, of Jan., WOK
on the Estate of It. K Mayo.
P. G, James,
A Tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of
homos, as Death claims, in each
one, another victim of
or Pneumonia But when
Coughs and Colds are. properly
treated, the tragedy is averted
P. G. of ,
wife had the con
and gave
her up. Finally she took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con
Coughs and Colds, J. A. will continue the
which cured her and today at same place, will pay
is well and It kills the all claims against the former firm,
germs of nil diseases One all accounts due the are
relieves. Guaranteed at and i to be paid to him.
SI by J. L. Wooten, druggist. Jno. A. Ricks,
Trial bottle free. W. H. Ricks.
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of J. A. Ricks I in.
was on the 1st day of
dissolved by mutual consent,
J. A. Ricks purchasing the interest
of W. H. Ricks in the business.
For C Stoves Ranges
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
A reward of will be paid for in-
formation sufficient to convict
any or parties who leave gates
open or do any damage to gates or
fence around stock law
territory, or who the fence so that
dogs and horses may pass through.
J It. sec
Having duly qualified the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt county
us executrix of the and
of Alfred deceased, no-
tier is hereby given to all persons in-
to the. estate to make immediate
payment to the and all
having claims against said
estate must present the same to the
undersigned for payment on or be
fore Dec. 6th WOK, or this notice
will be plead bar of their
This of December,
of the estate Alfred Forbes
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the estate of John F
deceased, is hereby
given all persons indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the same to tho undersigned
for payment before the 1st day of De-
or this will be
plead in bar of their
This 1st of December,
John F. Whichard
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
s AYDEN, N. C. -w.
As agent for Daily
Eastern we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
writing receipts for
those in arrears. We bare a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Our and art squares are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
Mrs A. B. Forrest came up
yesterday from a visit to friends
Our specialties are, staple and
Fruits and Con-
feel binaries, Dry goods, Notions
and for Wanamaker
Drown Clothing, made to
dual measurement. for
Troy which
will also be called for and deliver-
ed Thanking you for past
patronage, and hoping to serve
you in the future. P. G.
Major and B.
have gone on business.
Preserve your buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith
Misses Emma Kittrell, Winter-
ville and Evelyn Thomas, of La-
Orange, Mrs. T. W.
your Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the beet.
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with long or joints
and pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
J. F. Stokes, of Winterville, was
here Monday.
goods, Broad cloth, Hem i-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, .
goods at J R Smith Bro
Bedsteads, mattresses, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chairs wash stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
Mr. Joseph of whom we
wrote as having been
gored by a vicious bull, since
died. Up to last Friday was
every indication that he would
recover, but Saturday he took a
sudden change and died in a short
Calico and at i cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Large quantities of eggs are
hipped this point daily, and
still the price ranks in the
The poor man and the egg
are not at par.
E. E. Co. will do all they
j possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
CUt load of salt for Bale by Can
All of the parties hanged in Pitt
county since the late civil war, and
as far back as we can remember,
were from the
Evans and Dick Graham
immediately war for the
cruel murder of Mr. Willis Briley;
sometime In the Irvin Lang
for killing Moses Barrett; in the
Elijah Joyner whoso cruelly
and maliciously murdered young
Turnage, and now Sylvester Bar-
must pay the penalty of his
with Ml lite for the killing
of an officer of the law. AH of the
were of I he colored race and
the evidence their trial was of a
most character. This
not should not reflect
upon the section, for
section intelligence, moral-
and high for good law
and good order cannot be excelled.
We simply write as a matter of
and it may be of
We everybody to keep a
lookout in the Ayden department
for some of best from the
business men of Ayden.
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Gripe, Satchels and
Salt Oases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Bread Trays at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We call your attention to our
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
gold clasp pin.
sign Rx C. on it.
A suitable reward for it will be
paid by C. L. Cannon at
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
fast horses seems to be
a favorite pass time with several
of our citizens on West
street just now.
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
Miss Ida Glenn Edwards
Monday in Greenville.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. on West
Railroad street just north of the
Carolina House. Our goods are
all new as our entire old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends as
well as the general call
Bee us. We know we can please
you Doth as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson A Co
They do say Lil Cannon is the
smiling-est little man in town.
For certain lot or
parcel of land in the town of Ayden
adjoining lots of J. F. Dixon
aid William Worthington, con
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
R. F. D. No. or see J. J. Hines.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E
We have bought the grocery
of and
and will conduct the same
line of business at the same store.
We invite the public to call d
see us. We will sell as cheap as
the cheapest and always the best.
Give us a R. Williams.
buy a second hand
with couple doors, to weigh
not less than pounds.
W. t. Jackson Co., N. C.
line of rd Hod Ma
good-. I buy giving
in- h trial. Plunk Lilly Co
Mil Carrie of
after visiting Ethel
Price near here, returned to
borne Monday evening.
A full line of trunks, tel-
grips, hand bay,
and suits cases at R A Bro
K inform
their new brick block will tie two
stories. so, a
Ayden will then have an
for a town hall and the var
ions secret orders can be better
accommodated. This is a long need-
ed necessity and we are sine will
be highly appreciated by
I always keep on hand a
ice feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as bay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Franc Lilly Co.
The protracted meeting in the
Methodist church still continues.
Several have made professions
signified their purpose of joining
some of the various churches.
Great interest is manifest and large
audiences are in attendance at
every service. The good already
accomplished is incalculable and
future very encouraging.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
E. Co's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
F. Lilly left Friday for Norfolk
where he went to carry Mrs. Lilly
to the hospital for an operation.
The many friends this most
estimable lady sincerely hope the
operation may be successful and
mat her speedy restoration to good
health may at once result.
Beginning with Monday, January
on all goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and bate. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This Is
the month yon should buy. It is
the month we should sell. All
lines in our store will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Oar spring and summer good
will soon arrive and In order to
make room for our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a one, and
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see and be convinced
for yourself.
J. R. Turnage Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East Railroad St.
Ayden. N. C.
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
e Mi me and Jones, Ayden,
X t well ft Pas-
e rained to any and all
e points. nod
lie St
the at nil limes and hours.
Joins, livery,
feed and exchange stables, Ayden,
Dr. went, to
on the i. in. and returned the
p. m. train How is
that for convenience He bad
ample lime for his and
as placed to but little trouble
There right now,
if we can't walk, we can ride.
For carpenters grind stones
I hemp rope pulleys, at J. If.
Smith Bro.
My son William Jenkins, col,
having left my home and
without my and the said
William col., a
minor, this is to warn any and all
persons shelter, food or em-
to him and those doing
so will be prosecuted according to
law. This January 19th
William Jenkins St., col.
of Gold Did
Not Save
Among who are supposed to
have perished when the Valencia
went to pieces was J. B. Graham, a
passenger and with him went a bag
containing in gold.
ors of the wreck say that Graham
frantically offered the bag of gold to
any one who would place him on
shore. Hut the others paid little
heed to the pleadings of the
his gold lay on the broken deck,
kicked under foot, no one bothering
even to pick it up.
was one time when gold could
not buy what was said one
of the survivors, as he related the
story on the steamship Topeka.
coming into a safe harbor
shirt have on belongs to another
man, and I have not even a hat
Graham recently sold a mine in
Alaska for 60.000.
C in Demand.
Nothing is more in demand
than a medicine winch meets Mow v- I
modern requirements for a blood
and system cleanser, such as Dr. j A young man in Cologne had
King's New Life Pills They are j murdered his sweetheart and had
just what you need to cure beer
and liver troubles. Try
them. At J. L Wooten's drug
store, , guaranteed.
condemned to death,
by the
There are mistakes it would
a mistake not to make
Spoiled Her
Harriet Howard, of W. 34th St,
New York, at one time had her
-for the
left bank of the was still
the Code to take
place at dawn of day on a public
square between the cathedral and
the and In-fore the eves of all
who might choose k. The
trial had excited the whole
to a degree. Now the
looked forward to the
with almost morbid interest.
beauty skin trouble guardian was of the
She had halt Rheum , ,, ,
or Enema for years but nothing o
would cure it, until I used Buck , BO ,
ton A quick I , he
and sure healer for cuts, burns
and sores. at J L Wooten's
drug store.
Even a piano tuner
about cats screeching on
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can re-
and cured with Electric
Hitters. This is a pure, tonic
of especial benefit in
malaria, for it exerts a true
influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the sys-
It is much to be preferred
to Quinine, having none of this
drug's bad after effects. E. S.
Monday, of Henrietta, Tex.,
brother was very
low with malarial fever and
dice, till he took Electric Hitters,
saved his life. At J. L.
Wooten's drugstore; price
showing number of Hoard of
for Pitt county. No. of
and of
and to faun, fur
cal year December 3rd Ml
A If . U ;, . . at 13-00
s at 2.00
in at
Modern children do not have
Some enterprising publisher
should get out a volume of baby
buggy songs.
senator is not as b; d
nor as good he is
w. B. Hour
mile j
J. It. I
. ., . . . ,,
miles at
J R.
Attended it days . at
s on commute at
Attended days
at UM
is so
at 1300 I.
and together we went to the place
of execution in the morning
light. We found there a dense
crowd, numbering thousands of
men, women and children. Above
them loomed the black scaffold of
the death machine. silence
Only a low buzz floated
over the multitude when the con-
man appeared on the
fold, and then nil silence again.
The sturdy locksmith held me up in
his arms, so that might look over
the heads of the crowds in front.
The condemned culprit stepped
forward. The of the
strapped him to a board
which extended from his feet to his
shoulders, leaving his free. The
victim glanced tip at the ax,
pended from a crossbeam. The next
instant be pushed down so his
neck lay the gleaming blade.
The ax fell like a of lightning,
severing the bend from the
at a whisk. A of blood
spurted into the air, but the hideous
sight was quickly concealed from
the gaze of the public by a dark
The whole deed done with the
rapidity of thought. One scarcely
became conscious of the terrible
shock it was over. A dull
murmur arose from the onlooking
throngs, after which they silently
dispersed. The was taken
down and the blood on the ground
covered with sand before the first
of the morning sun shone
brightly upon the cathedral towers.
remember walking home,
and , and finding it
to cat ray breakfast.
Nothing could have induced me to
witness another execution. Carl
The firm of Johnston was
on the 5th day of January, 1906,
dissolved by mutual consent, F.
V, Johnston purchasing the inter-
est of I. B. in the
The will lie con-
at the same stand by F. V
This 8th day Jan.
F. V. Johnston.
J. B. Johnston.
Total amount Hoard Commissioners
Slat of North Carolina.
I. Richard Williams, clerk of the
board of commissioners, for the county
tin- Is a correct
statement us appeal Upon record my
This day of
Clerk Hoard Co. Com. Co.
R. L.
Greenville, X. G.
yon are troubled with your
or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
how your case, call on J.
W. Taylor, an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has live years
experience with some of the most
obstinate cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or
money refunded. Over live hundred
of Pitt Greene and Lenoir
beat people to testify to his honesty
and ability. him your
I work if you
The Only Requisite tor
A Perfect Complexion
arc your hands and a jar
Massage Cream
Soap th- not
Ha absorbs soap. There ii
i. G
become an i-
of the
mop-all Ike dirt,
the Milne build, and
must so.
Gentlewomen UM in place of lure powder.
use idler
MM cents end per
For Sale at
N. 0.--
At the Goose of business Nov. 19th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts, 16,822.17
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Duo from Hanks, 39,802.50
Gold Coin, 580.00
Silver Coin, 1,488
National Hank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profile loss
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to check, 50,057.09
Cashier's 87.40
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowing and be-
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
this of Nov. 1905.
Notary Public.
What to Do When Mr. Thief Into
these said a retired
who lives in Washington
Heights, where there have been
small burglaries lately, is no
harm for men who live in detached
houses in neighborhoods where the
patrolmen have long to know
one or two simple rules about pro-
themselves from It
is sheer foolishness sometimes
suicide to rush from your bed, light
the gas and run out on the landing,
pistol in hand. The burglar will
you u good deal quicker than
yon will find him. i- wide awake,
while you are only half awake, and
he has ascertained where you are
likely to appear if aroused.
in your room if the burglar
is elsewhere in tho and make
as much noise as you can. The
burglar will know that you are
and get out of the house as
quickly as he can. arc
easily frightened off. don't
want a scrap if they can In it. In
the majority of instances they will
get out of the place as fast as they
can without taking their plunder
with them,
the burglar i.- prowling in
your room and yen. do not
out of bed. Lie still
and try to i in your mind sonic of
the man's physical characteristics.
his height, which it is easy to
do from some article of furniture in
the for instance, his head
comes so far above the bureau.
will give you ample opportunity for
this between tin of his dark
lantern. i is usual-
very useful lo policemen assigned
to burglary work.
your burglar goes
with In- plunder lie usually departs
through i ii d i . r window.
Watch which way ho goes and follow
him in n- quick time as you can
dress, i lie road you may find a.
mil Lite willing to go with
you, or ii i possible you might meet
the on The rest is
point is when you find
a burglar in the house keep if
he is in the room and make as much
noise ii- you can if lie is not in
room. Above all things, do not
light gas and open your lied-
room door the intent of
him. You are at his mercy;
York Press.
. .

Hold Delightful and Successful
Baby Show.
The good women f the .
Aid Society of the Met
are thoroughly enthuse
desire work tin
progress rapidly, and with
m i I I
a certainty
On Tuesday afternoon a delight-
by -b w held at Perkin-
The day
one sad tin- little folk,
i g a prise for beauty in
there promptly
a i the refresh
wen d, i
lag with much interest. A law
Bomber babies were entered
tin the fee being
lei cent, and
near the cl. of he
ii interest greatly
e ran
When the ballots were rinsed
It was found Mi-
Mar b id
c the
to; tie tin prettiest baby u tie
two years while Mm M
re; Gnu i I ad the I .
eat the
one m -i i over two old
I the pi w
me ii- which
The excellent manner
the little one behaved deserve-
mention. Every
present seemed res
the on test was going
behavior was an issue, So ,
nut occasion of I In- .
i hat i lie ladies are u u
plating holding another within
The Time Has Come for One in
We see by that tin
bad a
and it be-
hooves the of Greenville
to vet busy and one lieu-
a number of our citizens
that are take stock am
get a home. Head
following along line taken
the normal man
ii to lord aid
of bis own vine and tree.
this is what
ire are going to write about,
ha- made of Ii
little lord and of go-
lasting to
their love of order.
mm want homes, but
of them ate not possessed
for lack of mean- to acquire them
hi purchase. On the
hand the of men
are a little bit more.
cornea bit by bit,
Irregularly, and it would take
weary for the driblets tn
make j to
the lot and call in the architect
and contractor.
i- tit ind, the m
at want home.-, but have
only per month t
expend on N for I n
supply, re i a here l he I
big and loan ii Ion
Ii . I r that
r and above a
n I i the
final of a instead i , h
may co
the tn
rather Ii tn lie a
more. I i cud of a few years
is u piece properly to
BOW it. This ii wealth,
wealth is property. But at the
end of a period of rent paying
there l nothing to show Have
hap- a soured temper as the result
of frequent disagreements with
landlord and consequent moves
the household lures and
which latter also
Buffered grievously by the several
February Weather Forecast.
The Post has a
weather prophet, who esteems his
forecasts I i such an extent that he
copyrights predictions. w .
Marsh is hie name.
he say, will he a
pen month, ii quite
ill be mild, with i .
raves and heavy s aw, the
ins eh i to i and j
causing over the
portions of the country.
Damaging Honda will
i he Ohio along the Ohio
and bead waters
duo. Those living along the
and should
be prepared It the rapidly
liver- dining February.
Mild weather to weather to
old waves and heavy storms.
Blizzards, changing to
it times, causing high rivers
ll over the Western streams.
Mild weather winter storms
snow, changing to
storms over
Wisconsin, Missouri,
and the and
States west of the Mississippi
i and
r in s ii, Southern and
ill rail
; i m i in u
i . v. i n.-i-i heal y rains
Hie ins over the
no and oilier
will lie quite severe and
I I rains are
for this m. followed
. i. r from d lo Ii
to severe ins
pi sh-el visit this
i in- Atlantic coast, while
will general over the
States from 13th to
three day a of generally fair
followed on the to
violent storms over In
cyclonic winds
he interior and great on .
Fair weather
on the 25th and The.
month ending with
the country
A You
II Talk About
or Many Years to Come.
pi i
Big Line a
and Dark Colors
oil A. K. C
in Bent Island
V e Cloth
. Suit
w i me early. This ale every
in ibis a number
receiving upon f Kw
to for days of
h begin lo tell of all which v- are
going to H low.
N. Jan,
F. P. of Richmond, j
was town night.
Engine No. has been
undergoing some repairs will soon
ii on the road again.
W, H. Officer
V-t, Of Hooky
is several days with his
lather, J. H. Savage,
II. and wife spent
Sunday lo line with Mr. i
a Mrs. Bail-; on Pine street.
Harrington received a
telegram Sunday that his father
was dead, and left Monday to i
the burial, accompanied by
Baker fell from the
story of B. G. L. Go's, store
g several bruises, painful but ;
baa accepted a,
position with B. C. L. Co. and
. night to
hells are ringing
in i
General Merchandise.
Country Produce
keep on hand a
fresh supply of Chickens, Turkeys,
Butter, Cheese, etc.
delivered free in any part of
city. Phone No.
H. A.
d. Greenville, K. O.
Mixed Hose
Heavy Hose
Fast Black c
. . .
Lisle Thread
dot and
In all Styles and Colors, Plant; ;
to Select From
We me early and heavy pun basing, lo
values will be duplicated. Look
pale I bell Die here.
White Wide White
is HOW going a; ibis sale R
ml got
loon Hi ft Bleach
ft loci . ,
-Ti Blain and;
waited Piques BLANKETS
a Few more Extra Size Bed
Closing out ah up to 11.00 Blankets
the small juice of Wool Blankets Bought
Closing out ail up to at Before the Advance at Your
small Own Price
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Beys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
A Heavy Jean Cornet
books reeds Steel, in
while only
Length Corset with
Hose Supporters attached. Lace
i good quality of Hose
A Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, 1.90 value
now going at
Men's Work Cloves
Fine Pressed and
Kid Gloves 1.37
Shoes fur Men Women and
It Will Pay You to our
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Col. John. S. Cunningham in
Favor Forming Organ-
Threaten to Kill Two White Men.
if of
Col. John S. Cunningham, one of
of tobacco in
North Carolina, the
of the tobacco growers and is
of the opinion that the tobacco
will soon become organized
a practical basis. He says that
tobacco like young widows,
are to take
The wonderful success of the
Southern Cotton Association has
object of extreme
value to the tobacco planters, and all
over the South these are
forming tobacco
The necessity for co-operation
among the growers, the
of a reduction of the acreage,
better methods for working, and co-
operative warehouses are among the
objects of the proposed
Daring the past year there has
been much talk of organizing the
Virginia sod North Carolina
co into a strong association.
News and Observer
A bun o'clock Thursday
noon a message from
Mill, about from
town, advised him I
that several were there
armed with and threat-
to kill Messrs. A. Q. Which
and Ernest Dudley. Deputy
S. I. Dudley and K. Hy-
left at ones for the
Arriving there they found
and Dudley in the
yard and afraid to come
our About yards distant at
a ii him- on Mr. place
The board of aldermen met in
regular monthly Thursday
of the
The street committee reported
streets in bad but about
as good could be expected
weather as his prevailed.
No work of consequence could
the past month.
The committee reported
they were to
the for sewerage, and did
think they could in
occupied by doing so owing to a defect in the
Factory and Dwellings Burn.
Cleveland, Ohio, Feb.
starting an undetermined
cause on the sixth floor of the knit
goods factory N. J. Rich
Company, avenue and
street, late this
destroyed that building with
estimated of sent at
least girl in a semi
panic from several lower floors,
before the fire gotten
nuder control destroyed twenty-
one dwellings adjoining the
colored, they
and three Sam, A brain
and Chester, armed with shot
pistols, ugly mood.
Shells that the bad were
loaded with heavy buck shot.
Toe trouble grew out of Mr
wanting William Moor-
to move of
William's brothers went there to
help bid Officers during January
Hyman arrested the four j damage
and them to jail.
A preliminary trial was bad Ibis
morning before Justice C. D.
and they were bound
over to Superior court in the
of each.
The water light committee
reported that two old wells had
been tilled up.
The other committees had no
The different officers made their
reports for the month.
report of chief fire depart
showed there bad two
N. C.
Mrs. O. returned
Wednesday after spending several
weeks in Del. and
J. A. Savage and son, Geo.
Jr., Wednesday in
N. T. Cox J. T. Adams
Friday Greenville.
n were
Ai the Methodist
Sunday s awarded for
ill having
or a
., and ended eve-
i bu one received a
badge. prizes were
a off-red the of year by
brought a half in the
ranging from to x years and were
Bob Taylor, Ten-
Most Successful Since it Gets Off Something
Began Business. Good.
In piper will lie the A good old Northern preacher
of the hank- once the South to
Trust Company at the close the Dixie. At the
of January 89th, close In- n. he d
as made t. Slate would I lie children if
Commission. A of their would them
the in ibis statement with forward. There eras a crowd
a year a. .- Hie to
be most this
bank bu- In 1905 the
Sunday by G iv. T. J
total I h. hand with a and
ha 1806 the deposits an bead of
was the reply. The J are be-
ting a very beautiful design, and
are provided a substantial
pin for fastening to the clothing.
Toe lettering
medals consists of the words.
It has been the policy of bank
to every legitimate enter- the
prise for the of its patrons j this taking
the at large. It has next one bis arms.
provided every possible safeguard Sydney The smile
C. L. Burroughs and wife spent
factory on Payne on Friday in Greenville.
both sides Seventeenth street.
Prominent People Jailed.
Barnwell, C, Feb. J.
My rick, Wade C. W.
Hogg Tom all prom-
farmer-, of this county; post-
master Joseph
and Constables W. J. and
Lee, were lodged in jail
today, with having
assisted the lynching of Frank
and John colored, father
son, of December
The young was accused of
baying killed a
prominent of this section,
at the command of his father.
ll. B. Phillips went to Washing-
ton Friday.
Frank and
N were quietly mar-
at Chapman's
Mrs. J. T. is right sick
with grippe at her home.
Mrs. J. B. Smith, who has been
sick for several weeks with typhoid
fever, is slowly improving.
Mrs. D. A. Leggett returned
Friday from where she
attended the burial of her mother.
The report of the superintendent
of water light plants
that eleven new light customers
an new water customers
bad secured and total income
for the month was about
The report of the dispensary
commissioners showed
during the month of
sales of
J. S. was released
payment of poll tax because of
The of the market
petitioned for electric lights to be
placed in and
the matter was referred to com
Accounts were allowed
to 94,206.90. Of this
was for borrowed money and
for fire hose.
for the protection of its funds
its are as sound the
est of the country.
The of bank examining
iv the corporation
state is as exact-
as any the Union Banks
have to furnish statements to the
commission five times a year
are examined by the bank
at least once a year, more
frequently. There is no safer
weans of protecting your money
than depositing it banks.
Silver and Jewels for the
dent's Daughter.
the audience grew broader, i
the face of the preacher red
as he went with the
this he gasped.
The next was a little girl, and
the preacher heaved a of re
lief. mis he t-aid
tremulously. Stone-
wall came the proud
The audience preacher
President for protection, and took
the first train the land of
Small Beginnings of Rich Americans
Cornelius Vanderbilt ferried his
own boat.
John Jacob sold apples in
the streets.
Jay was a book agent.
John D. Rockefeller worked in a
machine shop.
A. T. was a school
Meeting of Cotton Association.
There will be a of the
Pitt County Branch of the Cotton
Growers Association the court
Gr Monday,
at eleven o'clock. All
cotton business and pro-
man interested are
invited to this meet-
Hon. C. C. president
of the Norm Division
Southern Cotton Association is
invited to be with us. Come out,
we wish your
U. B Cotten,
President County Branch
Southern Cotton Association
Pounds to Feb. 1st.
See W. Harvey
us with the following fie-
sales of leaf tobacco on the
Hie mouth of January
pounds at an average price of
97.71. In the same month last
year there pounds
at an average price of 87.81.
For this season from August 1st
to February 1st the total tales
have reached
John Wanamaker began lite at
Reed, of I j a week.
N. J. was in town this week. j Carnegie life at
Improvements have been made; a week
at hotel, which
made it more
North Carolina day was observed
at public school
day Feb. 2nd. Au
program bad and
the were enjoyed by all
A collection was taken
for the H.
which will tie forwarded to
Prof. Ba
Quite an unusual
the depot here Friday
night, two men got off the train,
one blind the other drunk. The
drunken man the Wind
F. G. Whaley to Suffolk
Wednesday to attend the funeral
terries of Mrs. father.
Willie Haddock, near
who has been sick for several
with is
Rare jewels in unique designs,
which friends of Miss Alice
Roosevelt have selected for her
wedding gifts, are being set by
skilled workmen at Tiffany's
For Hill plant.
Life a Century Ago.
One hundred ago a man
could not a rile on a steam-
He had never seen an
The largest presents are a light or dreamed of an car
was a blacksmith.
Abraham was a
James J. Hill began as a
William A. Clark as a young
man was a miner.
Henry was a reporter
Thomas Edison us
graph operator.
Thomas F. Ryan clerk a
dry goods store.
William Lloyd Garrison
j printer's devil.
Daniel Drew began as a cattle
H. Rogers a
delivery boy.
New York
magnificent silver service, one
of the moat beautiful ever made
by Tiffany, which has been or-
by the Rough As-
and a
fashioned of karat gold,
an exact full size working model,
to presented to hT by the
officers of the States
Among the other jewels are a
pearl collar of ten strands, the
largest ever made by the com .
and worth A
diamond tiara, containing
stones, is said to be another, and
there are two diamond collars
and two of diamonds.
Two diamond lockets are be-
to have been ordered by
Secretary of H
Taft. Miss sister of
Mrs. Roosevelt, is having
made, as is also Mrs, Douglas
Robinson, sister of the
dent. Most of the gifts have
been ordered by well known
persons living in New York,
Washington and Cleveland.
New York Dispatch.
Large Turnip.
Mrs. Joel Tyson, who lives on
R. F. D. No.
turnip that weighed
pounds. It was grown
from planted the latter part
of September, is
large for a turnip.
was run by a
seriously hurt.
It Pay to Resist
Saturday night Will
colored, disorderly and Chief of
Police J. T. Smith went to arrest
The very
boisterous made light at the
officer to resist arrest, and Capt.
Smith had to use his billet to
bring him into subjection. Mayor
He didn't talk through the
He could not send a telegram-
He could not ride a bicycle;
could not call in a
and dictate a letter;
He had never heard the germ
theory or worried over bacilli and
He had never heard a phonograph
talk or saw a turn out a
He never saw through a
dictionary with the
aid of a ray;
Ho had never his wife a
sewing machine;
He had never struck a match-
He couldn't take
and have his leg cut oil without feel
He had never seen a reaper or a
He had never crossed an iron
the en-
graving la exceptionally beautiful
and artistic The Bible are Ox
lord I.- the latest
a-id most improved helps the
study of the
The large number of members
receiving is evidence the
great interest and that is had
in the work of this most excellent
school For perfect
received prizes; for attend
with the exception of one
Sunday received prize.
Supt. Geo. S. who
ever awake to the interest and
development of the school,
by a corps of officers and teachers
who are m-u and women of rare
ability and integrity, is doing a
work that is already being felt in
our town and community, and that
promises to yield more abundantly
the days go by.
same offer of prizes for
been made, the
are that even a larger number will
be entitled to when
year shall
F. M.
An Institution That Ranks High in
Banking Circles.
this paper will be
found the statement of the Bank of
Greenville, at the close of business
on Jan 20th, as made to tic
Slate Corporation Commission. A
fact brought out in this statement
is that the and undivided
profits amount to
which is times as
large as the capital stock. It is
excellent on the best bus-
principles that
results as this, and banks are few
indeed that are able to make such
a showing.
This institution high
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
G. Sarah Williams.
frank Laughinghouse Nan-
J. O. Keel Dora A.
R. C. Butler Cora L. Leg-
Henry Daisy Gar-
Joe Little and William.
Woolen lined fa throughout
bound him ., . ,.,.
over to Superior court for resisting
the officer.
has the fullest
deuce of its
Pointed Paragraphs.
A bank note often supplies the
key mile to the situation.
Yon may lead a fool to wisdom,
but cannot make him think.
No, sour grapes were
never known to cause
The elevator boy to
reach the top, but he isn't allowed
to stay there.
a millinery bill fright mi n
almost as much as a mouse
ens a woman.
a wan his
older that insurance
may live the fat of the land.
The average gill would
marry in haste and leis-
than lo never have a chance v.
Washington is to
factory to can
Friday night u Chinaman in
Rocky Mount was by
, n parties.
New Jewelry Firm.
Capt. A. J. Griffin has associated
bis nephew, R. L. with
him in the jewelry business
tie style of the is Griffin
Stewart. Opt. has had
years experience at the
is in his line. Mr.
has had years
experience and is a of
and The ad.
. id the will be
Dime area wiles
on the family
Mr. leave one child, J. H.
Boyd, lour children
Hi was nearly seventy old,
has a resident of
about sixty
of the grafters office
holders people to look
down burglars highwaymen.

Eastern reflector, 2 February 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 02, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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