Eastern reflector, 30 January 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

In that old
lax, thin it it belief lo pin
gay mi the coal I while
l in than tn H given DOOM
i in . I iIi-iii-
i-. you i-i--
people in mid an mid
their no
kindness Urn two years
of our stay among them.
The, that neighbor
could be nod we will
ever remember them must pleas-
a illy huh lovingly.
And our removal from their
n fur good reasons
and coital from their cause.
We will h them for
i help during the
s in family last summer.
full here to express our
we go, we
0-inly superintendent J. E-
man, Snow Hill, gave M a nail
Pi,. of
v i
Mia who
been visiting at the home of J. T
returned to her
Washington today.
Dr. T. M. of
spent a few titan here last week
He once lived in
practiced in this and
bin many friend and old patrons
glad sec him again.
Misses Waters, of
Taylor, of
Nannie Taylor, paid
a visit last
Elder K I. AIM
regular appointment at Bethany
T went to Ayden to-
ever back In them one day,
all, aid the blessings of Superintendent
them. tier, of an Interesting
it is educational lecture here hut Bat-
then we t of them. evening In the interest of H
Now A den have graded school. An election bat
received ii- i y and been called for in February on the
.-in -mink our May I quest ion. Mr. is a
Hum pleasant earnest, reasonable and forceful
that speaker and did to
home all light.
Monday a movement the state. He plead
b of pie came to our home and earnestly for the people to
gave m ii- ii c schools
I a fur them to in the conn equal to those in
m my absence the towns so that will stop
g the look thing I to town to educate
home and on my i I will children his advice ha
them for this time prow helpful to t
We me almost like the man heard it.
teal i the Bible, who
thou h enough laid
God in r
the iv
White Goods
A Sale You Will About
For i Many
II many
Many, many thanks dear friend,
blessings be upon you.
B. E. Stanfield.
, V. C. 20th, 1900.
Greenville Boy Promoted.
J. M. who has for
months bean agent of Atlantic
Marriage license.
Register of Heeds K. William
issued to the following
since last
J Manning and Lucy Jone.
Frank Randolph Kim
Bryant Hooks and
a-t at a little ; Bell.
Station Rocky
Mount, has la-en promoted to the
for the same company at
boy who made his start in this
and climbing upward nu
the ladder of We Con-
warm started
of the trees to
In an at
Via , rd
pi a mile
j,,, a of p
A containing
of at Mis.,
B The 1.- is
placed at
J. T. Brown and Sallie
Lovelace Blow and B.-
Lewis H. and
Jim. and
Fernanda and Mary
Windsor Daniel and Sophia
W in.
Allan and i
Yd Best Calico
A Big Line s Light i
A. F. C
Beat Sea Island
Inch Penal Kc
A Galilee Cloth
A Full Lin if Mens Buys
tall Linen C liars JO A
ice Come ea
in this Store.
receiving arid assorting CM
Block to place
We i begin lo
-II so rm
This Sale en braces ever i-
a number days v-e
ea upon cases of New Spring
tell of nil the which we are
Ladies Mixed Hose
Extra Heavy Hot
The j
today places the number of
cotton of lbs crop
Binned up to Jan. at
Future declined about
Lisle Thread
doz am
Ribbed Hoe
We are prepared, through
value- we know
where you v ill. compare price
inch White
is going Re
sale price
Plain and.
welted Piques j
Closing out all up to K
at the small price of
Closing out all up to at Bi
the small of
early and heavy purchasing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Wide White
at this sale
Wide Heavy no
aid Best Grade Bleach-
now at c
Few more Extra Sire Bed
Wool Blankets Bought
the Advance at
n Price
Heavy Jean Corset
reeds Steel, in
Length Corset with
med quality of Hose
Made Corset
Trimmed with
Lace, 1.25 value
w going at
Driving .
j Golf
Fine Dressed and
Since purchasing the interest of W. H.
Kirks in this business I have decided to
add another line. Therefore I want to
reduce my present stock of Groceries to
about one half.
In order to do this we offer for CASH,
day, my entire stock of high grade
Thanking all for a liberal patronage
during the past year and especially during
the Xmas trade.
I am your friend,
in all styles and Colors, Plenty J
to Select From
At Your Own Price.
It Will Pay You to Vis out.
Millinery Department
can Furnish
to Bottom and
will Give You
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Testimony in the Case
Jerry Cobb and Sylvester
Jerry the other
jury found
a Hue bill for murder, for the
W. J.
near Saturday night,
on surrendered
to Officer T.
H. Smith Cobb, and
other as in Hie
case, to Greenville, reaching
a o'clock. w
Judge and an the trial for
Mt for
this rimming both were
There wen a large crowd in the
courtroom this when
case was nailed.
Mr. V. O. appeared
Solicitor L. I. Moore for the Slate
Col. I. A. Sugg. Meters. F. f.
Harding and Julius Brown
for defense asked for severance
the ease given them separate trials,
bat this was not granted
selection of the jury began. The
regular jurors for the we-k
first called and five of
ed. The of forty h then
Called. Out of these the
were leaving the
two of being
The consisted
of Jesse A.
Henry Edwards, Charles Dudley,
J. F. Boyd, Jr., J. H J.
M. William, A- B. Kittrell, J. C.
Stocks, James Harrington, J. B.
Jenkins and J. I. James.
The first witness called was
I d body said to be
at bis father's home
near Farmville, Sunday afternoon.
in upper part of ab-
four inches above
navel, a inch
ranged to right of middle
line and Wit.
extracted shot from wound
which were exhibited They are
shot. Hemorrhage resulting
from wound caused death. Some
fragments clothing were also
found in shot was
fired at near range.
exam I was called
there by These shot
are all I from wound.
no through
body. It wan clear, solid wound,
nearly round, or little more
in diameter, f know no
of the The wound
was from a gun almost against
I was near of killing also
at house it body was examined.
It was r Levitt's body. He
was constable of Farmville town
ship. I saw
Barrett bet sunset dark
Saturday Hi Was driving
along road d saw them and others
mad, II-v stopped us from
passing at t, I got off wagon
with shovel o push them out of
way. They i the advantage
me, Cobb
snatched shovel from me and began
with it, broke Mr. Smith's
arm knocked my thumb out
of place. Cobb Barrett bad
knife and pistol. I went back to
Saw Wallet Lovitt
there to go after I
was deputized and on, also
Pick Lovitt.
drove by these want to Jerry
house, k.-d at door,
no one, went back
an ft as Watt I
stopped there and Cobb and B
passed me walking side by
side towards Farmville, saw no
i -e pans in same direction
This was or steps from where
-hooting occurred.
During the examination of this
win took recess until
At the afternoon session of the
F. Case continued bis
Ir are very short time after
i-f-i dints passed me before gun
it was between and
o'clock. I saw the body of Lovitt j
after, was lying on back in
his clothes were scorched
Dick Carr
L father were in buggy. I
persons through
no alter gun fired, sounded
people I heard de-i
cry three times
after I did not see
gun tired. Watt
was standing with me, he
had a by which I recognized
I also their
Tragedy occurred near
house. I was not present
Iii-ii Barrett was arrested.
went to
F one o'clock Sat u r-
and left about sunset. The
with inroad was
sue dark. Several
were the road, were walk-
in j. Bill and two colored
nun with me. I
hot drank some bat was not drunk.
went buck lo Farmville after
borne and lo help find
ti e i I was in yards of
noting and beard three shots
ed. This was about miles
my home, was in of Parker's
use the shot fired. When
be passed I halted them;
m threats and beard no
threats. Parker brought lantern
out house. Could Dot tell
u shots were from or
I was of defend-
ants when
I Walter Lovitt and
he was killed. He
was constable and to show
bun where Jerry Cobb lived. We
stopped at places on the way to
houses for him. and
Bluff road. A short dis-
Watt house we
saw men walking in rad
Lovitt told them halt that be had
lain for them. Lovitt got off
buggy and fired aim -t
mediately. My
but i stopped him back;
heard men running woods.
I the light near Parkers house.
men were side of road next
to Parker's I did not
parties who did
Shooting, We searched
Barrett's the shooting took
place about yards from Bar-
Mr. Carr tired a shot at
the parties running Lovitt lived
only a minutes after shot. He
was lying wheel track.
boggy was over
feel from In road. Lovitt
s ff his buggy in
and . in; almost in
loss were
live or six w
Lot Farmville. I knew where all
ed and went to show the way.
One of the men we met the road
did I did not
fie gun. I saw Case after
shooting I thought he was
I did not see the smoke from
gun but know one of two men
fired it.
K K.
I knew Waller A
S o'clock lie
me to go with him
I a about a
. . e
some at Parker's I or
men. and some I did not see them have a gnu.
houses, Barrett's . did not see a in Dr.
bis wife and . buggy. I saw a gun some of the
were there, looked for crowd carried to the
none. We down road, j shooting. I do not know if Case
When near Watt Parker's j was No one
Lovitt, who was buggy ahead we were front of
me tell some road to halt,
he stepped off of buggy.
saw two men near in road,
of them shot him.
oil in woods and I tired a shot at
them. They were over or l
feet from Lovitt the
fired, I was at Was
not when Barrett was
Cross do
bow many had war-
rants for, be called Jerry
name. We stopped one crowd
road to see if Cobb was them.
Later we met two men where
the shooting was Case came
from toward house a
minute or so after the shooting.
Walter was my ton.
told me be bad warrants for Bar
and Cobb asked me to go
with him to serve them. Several
of us went Met crowd in
road where some were
made. We went to Barret's house,
started on towards Cobb's
house. Met two road
near Parker's. Walter baited
them stepped off buggy. I
did recognize men. Gun
fired almost as soon as Walter got
off. I went to him as the men
were running off, I tried to shoot
one of them bat pistol I had would
not fire. The front, t.
One of them bad light coat
dark coat.
Cross examination My son and
myself were in Dr. bug-
There was a in this
I know AI. mi
before the shooting I
was standing in front of my house,
within feet of road, talking to
Case. Two men T
had lantern and recognized them
as Jerry Cobb and Sylvester Bar-
It WM or Yards from
shooting took place. No
one else passed in the meantime.
One of the had on light suit
and the other dark suit. I got to
where shooting occurred within a
minute after gun fired.
Cross was or
yards from my gate to where
shooting occurred. I don't know
if any wad in woods or field.
No else went by but these two
Case and Fulford
to my gate together. Case
t I'd men to stop but they did
i not stop. did not see them have
I a gun.
went to Farmville Saturday
evening. Lovitt asked me to go
out with to serve warrants.
I went out with Case. We went
to Jerry Cobb's house and found
no one there, We left there and
Hiring along road saw a light at
Parkers stopped there. Par-
came out with lantern was
t liking to Barrett and Cobb
came Case told them to
slop as there was a warrant
them. did not A
minute later the tired. We
and found Lovitt lying
on ground. Am certain as to the
Identity the men who passed.
They were on side of road next to
Parker's. I saw Barrett again
about one o'clock that night when
he was arrested.
Cross saw many
other colored people that evening;
do know how any of them were
between the time defendants
passed and shooting.
R do not know if gun
was Lovitt had
but .-ad be did not need it
did not load it. Case told us
he came up to where shooting
occurred that and
had just Hissed in that direction.
My brother carried Walter
tack to Farmville
before shooting occurred.
was a it which he said was
Dr. Joyner's.
I Sylvester Barrett. Ha
came to my between and
. o'clock Saturday night, knocked
at my door, told me he to
leave a gun there, that some parties
bad been alter him. be had shot
but did not know what he bad
done. I took the gun went
back to bed. Later I was awaken-
ed by hearing dogs and some one
was taken out of bis fathers
ed on my place, have known him
since he was a boy. Cobb married
Barrett's sister.
R. H
I was present when Sylvester
was arrested. Had
same tin n as now. He
made to me of bis
whereabouts that night. No in-
was offered or
made. He said he and bis
started to a ball but got there and
ball so went back home,
w. H. SMITH.
for i
v ii. I, .,.
statement to witness. The curt
ruled the out so far
it applied to Barrett.
Cross examined was at
time k said to have taken
place. two miles from I here.
I have about this police
and solicitor. I was here
as and guard
in guard
shooting t ,, me. Don't
know when was
was hot
for Barrett moved
tor severance trial,
deuce of H being ruled out as
to Barren, the evidence was
made healing of the aim
was prejudicial to Barrett. This
mutton was
W. C.
I ii member the day of homicide.
I am a justice of peace war
was shown I issued that
it was sworn out by W.
H and I gave it to Constable
Walter Lovitt Just before o'clock
Saturday The constable
asked bis father, Henry Lovitt,
Or. Joyner and R. R. Carr to go
with him to serve the warrant.
Cross issued
warrant Saturday night, it came
Hack to me Sunday morning at
preliminary he , in meantime
Lovitt bad been killed. held
preliminary trial of Sylvester Bar
Tim Hunter was i a wit-
was not at the trial.
I got the warrant in
my possession Sunday morning
from T. ii. Smith. The paper was
wet. was given cross
as to names in the
warrant the warrant was offer-
ed as
Here the Stale close its
Neither of the defendants,
Cobb or Barrett, offered any
i U
I went before Justice for warrant At o'clock the attorneys be.
for Cobb, Barrett Kn before the
this evidence is objected to
and to out, also of
fight in
Does not defendant-, wen;
back to Farmville that night.
Don't w bat time Lovitt left
to warrant. Did critical.
defendants that night. Have never Mies May Brooks,
seen Took several i by Misses Lacy Bell and
N. C, Jan.
Joseph Smith's condition con-
at Baker's bar.
Court here look recess to resume
session at o'clock Friday.
At Friday morning session of the
court the State
of witnesses.
I defendants Cobb
Barrett, saw them evening before
killing at cross roads near Farm
ville. this about half mile from
Barrett's home. I left Barrett
Myrtle spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents
Misses Delia, Bessie, Laura and
Smith spent Sunday after-
noon with friends here.
Johnnie Griffin of Ayden,
Saturday night with Luther
Mrs. Nancy Buck and family,
of moved in this
Miss Clara and brother
Barrett Convicted of Murder in
First Degree and Cobb in Sec-
Degree. Both Take
Appeal in
may God have mercy
These the . sing
Judge B. F. Lone in passing sent-
death upon Sylvester Bar-
convicted of the murder of
Constable W. j. of Farm-
ville date execution
set on Friday, h, lie
hours of a. in. mid
p. m.
t of in the
murder was completed Friday
Long made bis
charge and gave the case to the
jury at o'clock. A past
o clock at night ringing of the
court b II that a
verdict had been reached. A large
crowd hurried to the house
and in a few moments loom
was packed. A solemn
prevailed as the was
and the verdict
The verdict was defendant
Sylvester Barrett is guilty
the first
defendant Jerry Cobb is guilty of
murder in second
Barrett display ed no emotion at
any time during the progress of
was rot moved in the
least by verdict, while Cobb
smiled as if pleased that bis neck
bud been saved.
prisoners ordered back
to jail, Long reserving pas-
sing sentence until this morning.
At opening of morn,
for Cobb moved for a
new trial, which motion was de-
and be was sentenced to
years in the penitentiary at hard
labor. Appeal to Court
far ma was taken.
Counsel for Barrett also made a
motion for new trial, which was
denied, and sentence was passed
upon to be by the
neck until he is dead on the date
above stated. Appeal to Supreme
Court was also
bis case.
spent Sunday
his home about dark, left Jerry at
Will Barrett's, Cobb bad on cap.
I saw Cobb again S o'clock
at Peyton Barrett's house told
me be was going to stay out of the
way Monday I
next saw Sunday morning
ii near my He
called me to come out to him. I
asked him what be bad doing,
that, a man was killed up the nail
last night. Cobb said he did not
know anything about It. Hubert
Foreman came up Cobb
Foreman lo go see anybody was
killed. then asked to
get to eat. I told
him my wife said her father told
her a man bad been killed
he Sylvester Barrett were ac-
of it. I got Cobb some
breakfast I told you fellows
are accused of that killing and
asked him about it. He said he
and dill kill a man, that
Sylvester shot him.
g spent Sunday
afternoon with C. H.
K. K. son, Harvey, and
Smith went to
Monday and returned Tuesday.
Miss Bessie Smith a few
lays of this week with Miss
R. I, Corbitt filled his re-
appointment at Bethany
H. J. Corbitt was the neigh-
Cox's Mill, N. C. Jan.
A basket party was given at the
school house on the night
of the 19th. A large and well
behaved crowd was the
handsome sum of was the
result that will be applied to furn-
room with desks and
a library.
Farmers of this section have
killed lots of pork, a plenty to last
them, with plenty of corn, fodder
and hay to go along with it.
Our will noon He Second
to none
ham, laud to eat and
pretty girls.
Violating Postal Laws.
It seems that some people do
not know that they violate the
postal laws when they pack
ages through the mail marked
merchandise and also include writ
ten letters in the packages. First
class matter must be sent separate
from merchandise and tilde is a
of for sending letters
with merchandise
Fell From Gallery.
An amusing accident, as long as
it did not turn out seriously, hap-
in the court room Friday
evening. Just as Jud e Long was
about to begin h s charge to the
jury in the murder trial, a colored
man in the gallery leaned over too
far and tumbled down on the
heads of on the below.
No one was hurt.
A man who is a friend only
himself has but few friends.

lie GREAT DEPARTMENT STOKE prepared to meet your requirements. this
line of Merchandise. Our first shipment of
New White Goods
here and ready for your inspection. We are showing some splendid values, a few of which we mention.
in. wide, the best value on the
market in plain wash material for yd
in. PERSIAN LAWN, smooth fine
count goods, for yd
Finer grades for to yd
in. INDIA LINEN, to yd
PLAIN from to yd
to yd
in wide, from to yd
ART LINEN, Round Thread, in wide
for yd
IRISH LINEN, in wide to yd
Heavy Soft Finished DRESS LINENS 1-2
yards wide for yd
Fine quality soft sheer figured MADRAS
STINGS, small neat designs from
Our LACE and EMBROIDERY Stock are
full of good things as usual. We always
carry a complete assortment in this line
and it will be to your interest to look
through our showing.
J. R. J.
u often a a but
Tho. the
publican, of
an . when a
refused to allow the doctors to op
on his wife, for female
he says en
eluded to try Electric
wife was tick,
hardly leave her I hi drive
physicians had tailed to
Alter i-
now perform all household
J. L.
surprise Is one to
the undesirable neighbors
lie not
Son Lost Mother
runs in our
and i it I my Moth
write- it, B. R-id, -f i
Me. live year-,
however, mi the sign
a Cough c Id cold, I have taken
Dr. King's Few I for c n
, h has saved
from sen us j; His
a sad loss
Mr. he that lung
trouble must mi lie neglected,
mil how to cure It, Quickest
i f cure
ind at
L. Trial
i ii- In e.
My friend. This n Worth Rearing
Suppose You Stop and See
Isn't it
is ; I take ideas-
entirely little girl of
a very Ind case which
Si. hail
id- she wit. i, r . . I
i vi i, i. She
a well and I feel
that I cannot speak mo of
it She has not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or vS
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for J
emergencies. Our line
is all you could desire, and M
we will see that your tool
box does not lack b
useful article. .;
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
How Many People
f Can Reach Without V
leaving your own office
D. W.
in u I k IN
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties on hand
Fresh Hoods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
N. C.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
on patents
Sliding, whereby we
reface old Col
and W
pi. and and make
hem fully as good a now
an i without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It .
For Rates
Horn Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
Column and Head
Rule regular lengths
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches in
and over
tier lb
A sample of refaced
will be cheerfully
on application.
Printers Supply Co
Manufactures of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
Steamboat Service.
Simmer L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. in. I'm leaves
at in. fur
at Washington with
Norfolk Southern
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North. a Norfolk
with nil Went.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern It. B.
Sailing hours subject lo
without notice.
J. J. Agent,
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
D. W.
North Ca roll
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
About January i
down with dropsy,
and grew worse. I was
by my family my cum
sins hopeless. My and
me up die. My
mid body were to one-
around my
For least bad to mi
i. iii to from
t for of Or,
Cure, by the I
had all I entirely
cured. I feel than I have for
twenty years, and I um able to do
any kind of work on my form. My
physician told me that If It
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cure
would be In my
L. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is told by
four druggist, who will
h. first bottle will If It fall
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Some of the Incidents of the Street Life
of the Neapolitans.
The commonest people of Naples
seldom buy anything from the
stores or shops, but patronize
and street hawkers ex-
At the portable kitchen
booths a of fare is offend to the
hungry wayfarer that is laughingly
reasonable in and varied in
kind. Besides the ever present
macaroni, the principal articles of
food are the
including mussels,
and sea spider.-, all regarded as most
tempting delicacies by the
Then there arc roasted fishes of
all kind-, maize dumplings, so called
and the national
food, called which is
really a dumpling or cake made of
lamb meal and lard. soup i-
well a- cheese
with bacon Like all
southerners, the Neapolitans shown
marked fondness for sweets of all
kinds, and they would be quite lost
without their portion of a
rather tough cake made principally
o honey. Then nothing appeals to
the appetite so insidiously
as the famous cake of
which is sprinkled most
temptingly with fluid pork fat and
in which whole eggs are baked, shell
and all, n questionable dainty to
educated palates.
The woman arc seldom
beautiful and generally not even
They are usually poorly
with swarthy complexions
and irregular features. Now mid
then one finds a lustrous pair of
eyes of beauty, but rarely.
The Neapolitan women are not to
be compared with the women of the
a- seen iii Home and In the
whose trim figures,
graceful movements and frequently
charmingly fascinating faces so
often greet the eye of the traveler.
Their fullness of form, proud bear-
and line profiles are all
absent in the wives of the
And how could well be
Are they not
for of
Arc the by reason of their
occupation, much more than this
Home and Country.
What He Was Worth.
This story is told about Robert
Burns was standing on a
long pier the water front of Ed-
A well known and wealthy
merchant, walking by, stumbled and
fell into the water, lie could net
swim and so sank. When he arose
for the third nobody dared to
save him, but an old weather beaten
sailor, at the risk of his own life,
ran up the pier and, jumping in,
rescued the
The gentleman had been worked
over quite a while before he became
when he realized the
situation he rewarded his rescuer
with what in our money would
amount to cents. At ibis the
crowd which had gathered, knowing
his wealth, hooted and jeered. Hut
Bums, who standing by, quiet-
them and
the gentleman knows
what hi life is
Testing a Horse's Wind.
While talking about horses the
other day an old
I'm a pretty good judge of horses
can always tell whether a horse
is short winded or not. Before
buy a lie continued, just
borrow for ill an hour or o,
then I gel on some lonely
road mid see kind of. i ulT he is
made of. I lie i I i him choose his
own gait for -i of mile posts
ii . of rein,
making . i n for nil lie is worth.
All the lime l keep my eye in
his haunches, if I see any
motion if u sign he's
thick winded, and of course every
one kind much
The oriental monarch amused
by ii Ii ii. a
banquet. Squire Hamil-
ton, I lie I'm i -11 d, one
that known of u
profession many year
ago, once n laden
board, and In ibis case Ilia
guest was the humorist. The din-
room had been newly and
furnished, whereas tho dinner
Was slender. While some of
the guest were flattering ho i
on his in decoration
my purl would rather
less gilding and more
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over with me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Never heard of a man who did. It's about
this date trousers get house-sprung, shiny
this time when the
wear comes or when they're ragged round
the bottom.
A pair of our new Perfect Fitting
or will
give you almost a now
Suit Effect.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
of Habit.
over money,
quick shout laid the robber mi
the cashier.
The bank official sneered coldly.
dear he said, Call
give you money when you
haven't been properly
Pierced to the marrow by
chill professional manner, the foot-
pad Blank guiltily
um paying th market price for Seed
in quantity.
I also Cotton Meal Hulls, in car lots or
less, sacked or loose, to suit or exchange for
kinds feed on hand. In Oar
Cur of Golden Heed to arrive, White and Black
Oats, Red and Oats.
I have had n large warehouse near the depot
tor this line.
I will to carry h line of Groceries the
game stand occupied Bros .
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
e are very In be-
ins able to arrange the pub-
Ushers of these well known mag
to offer a subscription for
year this
We have decided
to let our have the
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in advance subscribers.
Don't Neglect This Offer
The Reflector
Is Read By and
h. readies people money to pay for what they want.
If yon have what they want advertise It am you are sure to
got a part of their money.
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications an
The Cosmopolitan Woman's Home
. r , The Woman's
are a is for member of the fan,
desirable, and yon may prefer With the recent change or owner y ,,,. ear at
this prefer that fiction it has been improved. It is homo
art publication, the Review fur better in every it is an ideal
Sub. nuns to be the best in the Held and helper in a thousand
American men and Every or so there's one ways; but the fathers and
men to Keep up with notable advance in the forward sons loin in I
the times and u movement tin many mag
lake the shortest which is This year it is the Cos turn to the
he Review of . h.
are written for them
The American is the paper the country, and pertain
to stock and poultry raising. should have it
you get all four of these papers with The Daily Reflector a year for or all tour
Eastern Reflector a year tor

In post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
advertising made upon application.
A desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
ft in Preference to
wanted cold weather
are getting what they want.
As Pitt county is to have a hang-
let us all hope that it will not
be public.
The Durham Herald will please
not that county is going to
have a hanging.
There is jest do excuse for loaf-
when everybody can get work
who wants it.
Most any the papers will sell
space cheaper than it cost not to get
space in Town Topics.
We do not Got. Glenn is
at all alarmed over that
scare sent out from Philadelphia.
It is getting time Durham to
report a hanging. Another murder
has been in that town.
As his appearance is
between courts the ground hog can
out without tear of being
The say cotton must go
to cents, but the other fellows,
seems equally persistent in keeping
it in,;
Ill a wee. or to more exact
February Ground Hog
will appear on scene and have
sum to say all tit it.
not taken hold of heart sufficient-
to make him love that little boy
enough not to disgrace him. lie
ought to be an honor to his boy and
set him a good example, but instead
of that he was disgracing the child
day he lived in debauchery.
The past week has spoken volumes
to the credit of the people of
county. On last Saturday night
two dastardly crimes were commit
one the attempted assassination
of a merchant in Greenville and the
other the brutal murder of the con-
stable of Farmville township while
in the discharge of his duties.
In the instance, in less than
forty eight hours after the
of the crime the would-be as-
was captured, tried, convicted
and sentenced to twelve years in the
penitentiary. In the second in
stance, in less than a week after the
crime the murderers are
and to death
and the other to the penitentiary
for years.
Though the people felt outraged
at these crimes, they were calm and
waited for the law to lake its course,
Not a word of rash talk have we
heard, nor even a hint that any one
desired to do violence to the
of these crimes. I-urge
crowds were in attendance during
trials in court and at no time
was there any indication of disorder.
The people were at the
progress made in prosecuting the
cases, and are satisfied that the re-
meets the ends of justice. It
shows law abiding Spirit that
Newspapers are the queerest
things in the world for making a body
say what he did not say, and why-
all authors of them are not bald
headed is because some have a nice
growth of red hair so well rooted
that it can't pull out As an illus-
The word was
wanted to be used in a certain
When the proof sheet came
down the word was It
was plainly marked and sent back
for correction, only to go out to the
world as that one
word wasted all the gray
that had been expended on the
Wasn't it too bail We were
so glad that Sunday came between
to give a brief time for
greatly n i--e I by h s family and ;
firm of Rodger,
who c been a
mercantile business six years
have dissolved Mr. Hodge re
goes in w nil I. B Jenkins
Mi. Gray will continue at
same old stand
J. K. who hag yen
master at for MM lime
past, spent t v. lien- Ibis
week with his . l.-r
morning P Mm rs Point, V i
E. on of n .
spent t
day here this week. We
to he t doing a nice
He moved this place almost a
The still c is moving
their plant from this place to Li-
Grange it will resume
the corn business.
We have received a
telegram that tin-re will be a mar-
soon, ore man has
bought h-gs, pig
Yes, we have faith enough in the
and Sound railroad
to believe it is coming, and not be
any great while about it, either.
Nick spoke out and
says he had no idea of going to
Wilmington. Perhaps it is another
case of burnt child dreads the
Wonder if it would not be a good
idea to gel the to try his
hand at hunting timers ill some
of the dispensary and prohibition
towns before be goes to Africa in
quest III the real article.
The old a train knocking
a cow off the track and throwing the
animal with such force against a
man as to kill the man, has been
received. This time it is reported to
have happened over in Virginia.
A writer are the
light tho world It's ail right,
the world wouldn't have any
matches it weren't the boys.
In this saying the Major shows he
has a level head, as usual.
is in order to remind the folks
who paid their taxes,
all who tali to pay their pull tax by
the Ural cannot vote in the
fall. There may be
running for office you
halo in it to vote for, so keep
the poll tax mind.
An exchange rightly observes
if u man has anything to give
away and will let it be known, be
easily all the hogs the
luring the progress of the court
during the past two weeks Judge It
F. Long said many things that left
an impression upon his hearers. A
trial for illegal selling of whiskey in
prohibited territory came up for
judgment and the usual plea for
leniency had been made by counsel
for defense. Judge Long re-
marked that this was a business that
should be broken up. Any stranger
could come in Pitt county see
that whiskey sold, legally
illegally, at little villages over the
county making large business
for the criminal court dockets. II
he had the privilege of a vote in the
matter it would be cast against the
sale of liquor anywhere that ample
police protection could not be had.
The little towns and cross roads
villages have no protection. They
may have a constable or police officer
these places, but they are not go-
to do anything against the man
who sells whiskey, being under their
influence with eyes and months
ed with a liberal supply of free
whiskey These officers will never
slop whiskey selling.
At another time man of good
raising and line intellect plead
to the charge of being a nuisance
through common drunkenness
Judge Long said this was one of the
cases that positively made him sick
and he did not know what to do
with such a man lie had shown
that there were times he could
control himself, even for a long e-
and again his appetite for
drink made a hog and a nuisance of
him, The man professed to lore
his little five-year-old boy, who was
motherless, bettor than anything in
the world. The judge said the acts
of the man did not support this
power of had
Oh, the roads, the beautiful roads;
lit for ducks and tends.
I town here we got rain and slush
out of the bad weather, while up the
State they had snow, sleet and
most a blizzard
The town folks cuss the bad streets
and the country folks cuss the bad
roads, but nobody moves to improve
tie- condition of either.
G Glenn knows how to
talk and does his share of it. lie
has also learned ho keep his
mouth shut when there is no need
fur talking.
To the Colton Growers of North
The automobile record is getting
to the running off point The
last report was a mile in sec-
These kind of runs are cal
to make business for the
If people appreciate the privilege
of having mail delivered at their
d I rs every day on the rural routes,
they should stirring to make
more business for the routes.
hen women begin to marry
women the encroachments upon
man's domain has reached the limit.
But there's no telling what Kansas
women will do Sun.
Possibly this can be accounted
for by there being some women
who cannot find men who
will marry them.
N. C, Jan. 1906,
J. T. and B. J. Jenkins made
business calls in Greenville
Tom of Greenville,
-pent two days here this week.
Miss of Everett, is
spending a few days with Miss
Sallie Williams,
W. M. returned Friday
after attending business in La-
for seven days.
The new store now
is near Completion, and will be
occupied Ell and R, J,
Jenkins, young men this section.
We ate glad to welcome Nash
Hardy and of
in our town.
Mr. and Mis. Luke Mills,
Greenville, visited Mr, Hardy and
family here Sunday.
The Air. Samuel
were laid to rest in the family
burial ground here Monday
had in poor
health for or years. He
was loved by nil, always had
plea ant word rendered help
o the distressed. He will be
Every county cotton union
is requested to call a meet-
of farmers at the court house of
his county to be held Saturday, Feb.
at o'clock a m.
Every cotton grower, business and
professional man, and all others in-
in the general prosperity
North Carolina are cordially invited
to attend this meeting, which will
be the most important yet held in
the new year. Business and pro-
men are liberal
thy with the tremendous cotton
movement in the South, and they
are of encouraging the
planters their efforts to win their
rights, and of co operating with
to achieve the of the
Southern Cotton Association. We
are winking for their interests as
well as for the welfare of the farm-
If we prosper, they prosper
Farmers, are you familiar with
the cotton situation Do you realize
i hat we occupy ground which can
be held only by our exerting our-
selves earnestly,
unanimously; and that if you go
backward, this movement, which is
for your emancipation from the
treacherous markets controlled by
gamblers and speculators, will be
lo careful what you do. Learn
the conditions which effect this
mighty crop. Then do your duty.
If you plant more land in
this year than you did in 1905, you
will sell your staple at a low price.
But if you are remain loyal
to the association, your cotton will
bring you a living price and also a
profitable one.
Farmers, this is your work and
your opportunity. It is to support
you and your family, to provide you
with the necessities and comforts of
life and to educate your children.
It is fur all tin farmers. The ten
ants and one horse farmers are
wanted and needed in the association
as much as the larger producers
The man behind the plow is the
salvation of the State, and the hope
of the Southland.
I shall endeavor to secure speak re
for every meeting on the of
February and these gentlemen
lie thoroughly informed in regard to
the cotton situation. will
speak worth knowing and re-
The leading farmers
your will address you.
February the 3rd, is to be a grand
rally day in the cotton growing
counties of North Carolina.
Let the cotton growers turn out
en and
Live King Cot
Charles Moore,
President N
Colton Association.
An Expert Maker
The fabrics are fancy Cheviots and
Unfinished Worsteds, Over-
plaids and Stripes.
Pulley Bo wen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in a
the latest styles and weaves.
Boys and Wrens and
Novelty Suits.
You want in your s In . s. Ultra shoes have just as much
snap in them as any shoe, and our own design-
are all the time producing sly lee which arc later copied by
houses all over is the first consideration, bu
if the slice does not fit. i v i buy it the style alone.
The fitting qualities-iii- whit is necessary to a shoe, in
this the ULTRA
Our pattern and last makers undoubtedly tho best in their re-
If you have IDLE MONEY don't take
the risk of losing it by having your home or
place of business burglarized.
Deposit it in Our Bank.
We have one of the best FIRE and
BURGLAR proof safes which is fully pro-
of the largest companies.
A True Bill.
have water works,
lights and had streets here In
remarked a friend
from the country who dropped in
for a chat Saturday. And every
count in the bill was admitted.
Could not do otherwise, as he
caught us with the goods.
and extend every courtesy consistent with
conservative banking.
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
L. I. MOORE, President. R. J. COBB, Cashier.
I i . j. I
This department is in J. H. FRY, i.-. authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in territory.
U. C. went to
Friday morning.
Just by R. G. Chapman
car load lime which
they will sell very cheap.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles very
A Co
was in
town evening.
White's Black Liniment, spec-
tally recommended for the human
family, Hue f perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous cornier
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Miss Ida ho is a
of the ville
home Friday evening to
spend Saturday and Sunday wild
her parents, who live near
If it Rains or snows we are all
right, for there are plenty of rub
her coats, shoes, and boots, at A
W Co
H S of Greenville,
was in town
For nice apples. Candies,
as and to
H. L.
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on band Barbel
the nice furniture . ,
HOB i Any one in need of a good cart
at A W Go good
White's Coin- and Kidney Cute, service just see or the
A. G. Cox
If you expect to exchange your
ed for meal yon time
by taking meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices on see
W. L. House.
A. W. Anne went to
If you want your laundry to look
nice and last lobe lake it to H. L.
Johnson the I
the combination medicine
for stock and a sure colic
at the Drugstore
On Thursday Bight, M.
of the
High School there will u
moving picture end all who
want to go nod taken nip lb
moon, see some of the hart
luck that to Rip Van
Winkle, and see the capture Friday evening.
several other lb-
to come.
of and yellow
be on bad
when you can gel at A
Nicest cheapest Hue of,
tic at Barber Co.
International stock food
horses at
Bar her Co.
Nice line of suits at H L.
yards standard calicoes at
per yard, Harrington, Barber
Nice Robes at Harrington
Barber Co.
Goto H. L. for shoes,
he has a nice lot jut received,
hey are nice.
Nice frames and
A. W.
Call at H. L. Johnson's ex-
his line of Hosiery
Misses Ladies and Gents.
A W. have just
received a new lot of shoes. Be
sure to see them yet his prices
before you buy
For bargains pants go to II.
L. Johnson's.
When yon alee dress goods
and m . A.
W Co have nice an
Go toll. I. nice
Ii you wont a barrel i
Hour yon go see U.
Co. They o. y beat.
p drop head
machine f. A. U . ,
A Co. lot you gel one I little for
An have before
log and wheat can supplied with I where.
and binders A
at g on, Co.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads
A. W.
Canning factory
of cooker, can-
fork shed, warehouse
and about third acres of laud
in In art of ville for sale.
A Urge of list-
carat this season latest
newest at Barber
Trunks and valise-
ion Barber Co.
Shoes daily at A
W. Be to net
their price before you buy else-
Banning implements of all kinds
at Barber Co.
The County Oil Co.
highest price for seed cotton.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co , are
still shipping cotton planters by
car load.
Big line of hats and caps just
received, styles. Harrington.
bet I o.
A nice lot of hats and caps just
received at A. W. Co.
arc nice be sure to see them
Tooth and at Ear
Barber u.
Go to H. L. Johnson's for fresh
meats, fled oyster.-.
Special prices on guns tor
next at A. Co.
make by ex
their cotton seen
meal at Put County Oil Co.
If you nil winter
get one of those good heaters at A.
The A. O. Cox Co. re still W. A Co. they a-e Cheap.
. t-p M n.
I. i,. . , . . vi n
Clyde II i i -on. i a
two years
puma- i, a-her in
H . in,.
to . I . . ; . . ,
Tl . .,. I j , ,
i am
t a V.
write e Ml. ,
man b,
. on i.,
bet a
a young and paid her
such at lent ions in trying to induce
her to run away with him, that her
took him out, stripped
mid gave a the
bale back with switches.
By Wire to Daily
Norfolk Cotton
shipping planters .
. , . .
need any you bad write on
see them at If
town Friday A.
I Co.
When in town
Mile stables. W. L. House.
Barber Co.
want a g mat, at d
P. was
Try a bottle of Kid-i e me I
troubles at Barber
A Co. j FOB horses seven
Be sure to go to seethe nice lot u
of new furniture that. A. W. h
Co. has just received before you
buy elsewhere L-
J. F. to J
ville Thursday evening.
gel their pi tees at once.
Nice cheap at
Harrington, Barber Co.
A new lot of I ton bedsteads Just j
arrived at A. W. Co see
their stock before you buy
For particulars see Dr. B. T. Cos I that they will always wear
or J. F. Harrington.
We offer our silver table ware.
guarantee at a bargain.
Bee u-, B. T. Box
Try Prince e at
drug store.
, , ,. ,,, ., , Ainu
handle Wood's garden seed. ,, ,, r .
. ., . B. O. Chap
B- Cox Bro.
Buy a pipe from J. H. C.
at the drugstore.
,,. . meal analyzes Put Co,
II you seed to sell or r, ,
i Gil company,
exchange He or phone Put Co.
Oil company, their prices me the A. W. Co., hot all the
highest. j that you need, and
Floor oil cloth at A W Ange
Co see i heir stock before you buy. I pay highest market pries
hie . a Inter Turkey.
for men and youth's at II. L. John-
A. Kittrell, N. C.
A new line of jest received
at K. Co. Be
sure to see you buy
Nice line
always on hand L.
Let me make you a price on Mink
Otter and Raccoon skins, also Cow
hides. A. Kittrell,
one in need of a plow will
do well to go to A. W. Ange Co ,
and get one of those Chill,
ed They are the lest on
the market.
account of the rough treat he
Friday night, Jan. 28th,
got Rev. B.
of to postpone his
for that dale, and secured him
night Feb. Prof.
is always looking out
for the interest of his pupils, and
knows the value of a good lecture,
it is this reason that he is
noxious for every one to hear
Mr. So the pubic Is
cordially invited to present
next Friday night. Feb. Mr.
at excellent
is going to you with him
through Florida, California,
and Salt Lake City. Be sure to
come on time at DO p. in. in the
chapel of the High
School. Come and bring your
II. L. Johnson is headquarters
for groceries.
Joshua Vanning made a business
trip this week to Vanceboro and
surrounding vicinity.
New furniture daily at
A W. Ange . Co.
B, T. Cox it Bro. have a full line
books, paper-, inks,
tablets, day books
account books,
straps. Come and see what
bringing else-
St. Low
Bankers and Brokers,
Jan. X- Fib.
July Ribs
May Lard
July Lard
A J. G
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
When you get best fountain
pen it is a Parker. Nice assort,
mint Reflector Look Store.
hand at Harrington Barber ft
W. I. House makes a specialty
of pipes at pipe lining.
If you want a goon pail of
go to A w . Ange A and yon
can tin in cheap.
R. O. Chapman Co. will
you a good pair of shoes ho cheap
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Thomas herein-
fore composed E. II. Thomas and
W. T. doing business at
N has this day dis-
solved co partnership by mutual con-
sent. This dissolution including all
the interest of the Bottling
Works. All persons indebted to
said are kindly requested to
make settlement Thomas
This January, 8th,
H. Thomas,
W. T. Burton
Carries at all times the most up-to-date line of
House Goods
in town. New goods arriving daily.
Special attention is called to our new line of
and many other things too numerous to mention.
Our motto, a square deal with lowest prices, make our
store the Leading Furniture Store in Pitt County.
When in need of anything in the Furniture line give us
a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours Truly,
A. H. Ta
We have just received our full line of WASH GOODS
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially invited
to inspect these goods,
and look good to you.
A. W, Go. will sell you
so cannot keep
; from buying if you only give them
A new of just re-
man A- Co.
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, at Harrington Barber Co. with you.
Help Wanted
Have you ever suffered loss by fire
If so. did need the help of any one to assist you in securing a prompt
and settlement
My experience in the adjustment of fire losses has been very and it has
always been my pleasure to render every assistance to my patrons when were
in need.
I desire to call the attention to the fact they get the
benefit of my experience when they Insure their property in Companies represent-
Greenville, N, C.

As this store will go
new management after
March 1st, we will offer
this entire stock of high
grade Merchandise
At Cost
Then comes the great big
White Good Sale.
You can save money by
coming early
Hard Labor a as Fins a
Factor In Us Production.
There are vet some pawn left
who fancy that poetry i- the prod-
of a fine frenzy; that the poet
genius awake from a sublimated
trance nape after
page with effortless beatitudes. A
number f manuscript sheets of
Longfellow's which
may be found in Harvard, should
not only explode this theory, but
give to many a discouraged
amateur. As Longfellow con-
the first of this poem
.,. wet falling
A an
A youth who, .- it c
n. pp. d In an unknown
This was manifestly weak, as the
only obvious reason why the Alpine
peasants sung was they might
afford a rhyme for the youth's re-
in an unknown tongue. A
arm trial at the verse, however,
not only failed to improve it. hut
arranged it in such form that it is
difficult to believe Longfellow guilty
f fault. The last two lines of
lite Verse were made to
A with who bow a of
A banner with the
There are not many even among
the magazine poets of today who
would consent to refer to a banner
pearl of But the poet
had by this time three lines to his
liking and the substitution of
who bore mid snow and
completed the verse as it has been
read and spoken throughout the
length and breadth of the land, all
of which goes to show that the gen-
of the is in the conception
that the production of the
quite another matter.
lie in the direction patient
ll-ht purse U a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat Dine
of all disease.
. y
to the cf v mat-
restore the of the
Give ton j the system K -i
id to the body.
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt issued Letters
of to me, the
the of Dee. on
of K.
ed. notice given to all per-
sons indebted to lea estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and nil creditors of said estate In
present their claims
to the
twelve months after the date of this
net ice. or this notice will had
This lbs IS Pee.
Mrs. L. kt.
Ashley Adm. on
ofF. M. I a,
North Carolina I in
in the Afghan war of 1878 some
British under the late Sir
Gregory came upon the
. heard of the laying
of i.- ;.;. from a member
of the warrior tribe.
A Sikh who had saved life of
the then reigning had re-
permission lo erect a shrine.
One of native prophets in-
to be present at the laying of
A. Manning, and Mary V. Man
W. Ford, II, O. Blount and
I wife Florence It. It White-
Ed. and wife Melissa
I Jolly, John White-
W-. Teel. F. Ward and
j wife Julia Ward, L. G. Ford, J. J.
i Carson and wife Maggie t arson.
I W II Baker and wife Motile
and Fernando Whitehurst,
C B and wife
Annie James, A. M.
Jenkins. J V Bowers, w R Howe s,
Thomas H. Bowers. Me G White-
H T and wife Susan
S Jesse Carson.
K D Whitehurst. W A
. i Taylor, M. C. Manning. K D. Mann-
lug, Ii. U Me. G. Ford.
Mary K. Ward, John
Wade Williams. A J
Bettie J M Manning.
Moore, J Carson, Harriett I.
Ward, John T I,
Nelson, N M Hammond and wife Eli-
Hammond, w J Jam. s, G
William Staton. w A
Matthews and wife K. Mat-
thews, J. R. F C James, S T
the cornerstone of the building; but, Major Manning, Lit Manning.
w O Manning. B F Manning. Carrie
Manning, Davenport,
the last eight being minors with-
out guardian, Defendants.
Major who is a defendant in the
above entitled cause, will take notice
j that a proceeding, entitled
This is the month you should buy. It
Is the month we should sell. You should
buy because all lines in this store are re-
from to per cent.
We should sell because we should make
room for Spring and Summer goods yet to
This opportunity is a mutual one and
we trust you will take advantage of the
many Bargains we are now offering.
These prices will prevail until Feb. 1st.
being unable to accept, ho sent four
bricks, one for each comer of the
temple, and the message, will be
with you in the
To make assurance doubly sure
the prophet explained that by the
sound of the rushing of horses
Clerk, to incorporate a Canal Com-
the said defendant will further
lake unties that he is required to appear
I before of the Superior
. r of Pitt County, at his office in Green-
Sir at tins point of the
through the air the people on the
scene might time the arrival of him-
self and his disciples.
you hear
., . .
, in day of February 1908.
recital. I and answer the petition and complaint
but saw the re- I which will be deposited In the office
plied the native, with perfect com- . the said Clerk within ten day after the
r issuing of this summon.
t will also take notice, that
I he fails to answer said petition
A Family Mix Up. I complaint within time en
This always seemed to me a very . by law. will to tin
court the relief demanded in the
. i . . petition and complaint.
married a widow who u. .
In passing sentence Wednesday
upon convicted of the illegal
ale of whiskey, Judge Long said
the record of this court has con
him that bur rooms are a had
thing for Pitt county
grownup daughter. My father vis-
it J .- i. in love with my
stepdaughter and married her. Thus
he became my son-in-law, and my
it, r I i n. my mother,
was father's wife.
after this my wife gave birth
to u ii, which course wan my
r's son-in-law and my uncle,
i r he the brother of my step-
mother. My wife also be-
came the mother of a sou. lie was
. . . nurse brother and my
i Id. for he was son of
my daughter. my wife
was my other, In cause she
was in mother. was my
an grandchild at
e, and, is the I ml of a
-i. is
I i. grandfather,
of Fun.
Given under my hand, office in
Greenville, on this the day of Dec
camber 1906,
A Grim Tragedy
is- daily enacted, in thousands of
I ii as
i mo,
Death claims, in each
another victim of
or Pneumonia But when
and properly
That Town Topics fellow in New
York was good on a when it
came to dollars.
Many fins like that one at Jack-
son, Miss., will reduce tho cotton
crop to high price basis.
When young husband reached
home he the parcel he
can . m I u number of
I others
i xi
; i that I
his wife
TARBORO, North Carolina.
. . .
Show u
have i
repeat h the world do
you inn do II.
I,, b in in
he n I, you . an put
th. ii on the various
tho ho p.
,. , . . of water. Add
to just pi
to your to
water so your much it,
then wink ice. and the eye will be
Do wipe them. This
refresh the they feel
like new pair. Do not the
good old rule. As soon as you
our stop using them. By
following I hi tn . wry little
tin will be wasted waiting
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed in trust ex-
and delivered by
and wife Louisa Greene to J. L. Little
trustee the 2nd day of 1901
and duly recorded in the of
Deeds office of Pitt North Car-
to book B-U page and
application of the assignee of the
the person entitled to
money due under said deed ii
the undersigned will expose
public sale before the house
door in Greenville for to the
st bidder, on Tuesday the
day of February, 1906, the following
property to wit. A id in-
t. rest In and to that certain lot in the
town of Greenville on
street the North-weal
coiner of lot eighty-two
and running a northerly course with
said street feet, thence
easterly course parallel with Fourth
street one hundred and
f.-el, to n line of lot number
thence a southerly eighty-
live feet to the corner
of lot number thence
with the line said lot number eighty-
two eS one hundred and thirty two
feet to the beginning, containing
one-fourth acre more or less, and
known as a of lot number eighty-
in plan of the town of
and being the tame con-
lo Robert Greene . w. it.
i ii.-. no and J. C. Greene by deed from
v. v. dated Dec. -22.
in the Register of Deeds
of county, In book-
DO, which need reference is hereby
made. . ,
Said sale is made to
in trust. January
Skinner Whedbee,
treated, is averted
P. G. of ,
wife bad tho con
and gave
her up. Finally slip Dr.
King's New Discovery for ton
Coughs and Colds,
which cured her and to day she
is well and It kills tho
germs of all diseases One dose
relieves. Guaranteed at and
l by J. L. Wooten, druggist.
Trial bottle free.
Jacob may think he is play-
a card in suggesting
President Roosevelt for a third term,
hut we do not believe the President
will encourage it.
If county does not pull off a
hanging it will perhaps he because
it aught the wrong man Dur-
ham Herald.
watch us a little while until
tho result of tie trial is
. .
For C Stoves
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
A reward of will paid for in-
formation sufficient to convict
party or parties who leave
open or do ant damage to gates or
fence around stock law
territory, or who die fence so that
docs and horses
j U. sec
Having duly qualified before the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
as executrix of the last and
Alfred deceased, no.
is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
persons having claims against said
estate must present the same to the
undersigned for payment on or be
fore Dee. or this notice
will be plead In bar of their
This th day of December, I bob.
of of Alfred
Having duly before the
Court Clerk c f county as
administrator of the estate of John F
deceased, notice is hereby
given all persons Indebted to the es-
to make Immediate payment to toe
undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate are
to present the same to the undersigned
for payment before the 1st day of Do-
or this notice will be
plead In bar of their recovery, ,
This of December,
W. II.
is John K.
J. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
agent for
we take
pleasure receiving sub-
a, writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who their mail at
this office. We also orders
for job
Cam Nobles left to ac-
a position in Norfolk.
Our rugs and art squares are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
Capt. O. Berry is off a
business trip to Charleston,
for twenty
One specialties are, staple and
Dry goods, Notions
and for Wanamaker
Brown Clothing, made to
dual measurement. for
will also be called and deliver-
ed free. banking you for past
patronage, and hoping to serve
you the future, G.
List M ind evening while out
M Alyce Taylor,
of the graded
school, ban i to lose
handbag containing her purse
with all the money she had
several very valuable rings, one of
them containing a setting of three
very handsome opals, she
prized very highly.
Reserve your buildings by
painting them with
and County lead
and full line of kept at J.
B. Smith Bro.
W. B. Wingate and son were
here a short while Tuesday from
Buy your at Can-
non A Tyson, they have the best.
E. P. Stokes, living in the
try near here, went out lo hit
stable to feed bis stock and while
engaged received a from a
his aim
between wrist and elbow.
V. and paper
Pumps with long or joints
and pipe at R. Smith Bro.
J. R. went to Hooker
lo as grooms-
man the i of Mr. David
mill Taylor. The
w by Rev.
J. A. Pate nod the event w. a
very occasion.
Dress goons, Broad cloth, Hem i-
Mohair, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
at J R Smith Bro
i way back its
per had
ten trains again,
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers,
and lorn chairs elands
dressers tables at J R Smith
ft Bro
Oh, hush. They had to come
here before i i got We
don't trains, either.
men and Gingham at cents
per yard, gnat white
slippers summer at J.
R. Smith A lire.
K. E. I Co. wilt do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Car load -alt for sale by Can
and Tyson.
day for past
two weeks in. re than people
have been compelled to attend
as in a murder
case from Ibis point. It does seem
tons . i might be
mane people would
not subject lo so much loss of
time expense. It is both a
burden a In fact a
little more consideration for
welfare of the public and a little
less solicitude for the of
those might not be
altogether out of place.
Walter and
y of , have moved to
will make this their
A foil supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Satchels and
Suit Oases, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Bread Trays at J. K.
Ralph Johnson, of has
been here several days
several loads of goods to our
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We call your attention to
drug store, N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
Tyson, they have the
Latest styles in wrap
a lull of 1-rd find din
buy giving
i. trial, Lilly Co
Chen s or las
sent them,
A full line of trunks, valise, tel-
and suits cases J R it
of the
L I So ll.-, 1- hen- ill the Hi-
ll i ., i mg-
to our
I always keep band a
due feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
seed meal and hulls,
and skip stuff. Lilly C.
J. B. Co.
cars cotton seed,
pay highest cash price,
sell your seed you see me.
Lilly Co.
Mr, Hawkins
M who have jut com-
line of harness, Gannon j the brick work the brick
and Tyson. of Mrs. E. O. Cox. came
The moving pictures were N lo till a contract with
Tuesday night and showed t the Milling Mfg. Co.
good house. We have heard them E. E Co's new
highly complimented. i market beef, fresh meats,
gold clasp pin. I sage, fresh fish,
sign Rx N. C. on it. i The protracted meeting the
A suitable for it will be i Methodist church here, conducted
paid by C. L. Cannon at by pastor, Rev. Mr.
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
e Mi in J Ayden.
N r T. n, c i-i
-e In Hoy hum nil
i point-. The
in e hi
At ear vice
I.- public ill nil iii d ma.
nod Joins, lively,
a. c.
r or i. i ii . t s .
i In .,. a ;,,.,. .
Smith A
G tally in Demand.
than a medicine which meets
requirements for a blood i
and system cleanser, such as Dr.
Kings Life Tills They are
just what you need to cure
and liver troubles Try
them. At J. L drug
store, , guaranteed.
You cannot give a
out of a pint heart.
f love
assisted by Rev. E C. Glenn,
Is R. D. married Read
this clipping from items to
News and
M. Williams Co. have en-
for Misses and Ladies Urged their mercantile business.
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Cannon and have the
strongest line of dress goods and
in town.
For a present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's, at is
for any occasion.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
the Cox cotton the
best on the market at J. .;. Smith
We have moved in the
store of J. H. on West
Railroad street just north of the
Carolina House. Oar goods are
ail as our entire old was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have oar friends as
well as the general
see us. We know wean please
you both as to price quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
For certain lot or
parcel of laud in
adjoining the lots of J. F. Dixon
end William con-
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
R F. D. No. or see J. J. Hines.
Hay corn, oats, meal, bulls, dime
locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools J
R Smith Bro
For can apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E
ft On.
We have bought grocery
business of and
born and will conduct the same
line of business at same store.
We invite the public to call and
see us. We will as cheap us
the cheapest and always best.
Give us a R. Williams.
buy a second
sale with couple doors, to weigh
less than thousand pounds. I
Jackson Co. Ayden, N. C. I
They have now two store rooms in
Commercial building, one of
which was formerly
R. D. They have
added to their general dry goods
a full line of
If be is we haven't heard -of it.
If he is we tender and wish
we could, too.
Beginning with Monday, January
we will conduct a special sale
on all dress goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and hate. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
the month you should buy. It is
month we should sell. All
lines in our store will be reduced
from ten to twenty per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and in to
make room for our stock, we have
decided to conduct this -sale.
opportunity is a mutual and
we trust you will take advantage
of many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be
J. R. Co.
My son William Jenkins, col,
i. c my home and
without my and the said
William being a
minor, this is to warn any and all
persons giving shelter, food r em-
to him and those doing
so will be prosecuted according to
law. Tin- 19th 1906.
William Jenkins Sr., col.
Jan 1906.
The Raleigh and Pamlico railroad
surveyors are Camped here have
surveyed from the coast to
from here they are
nicking for Wilson.
Mrs. J. Stanley Smith charm-
entertained the
Club on Wednesday evening.
A most enjoyable was
carried out. Vocal solo by Mrs. W.
R. Home.
Reading and discussing current
events by Mrs. M.
Instrumental solo by Mrs. J. Stan-
Reading selection by Mrs. W. M.
Instrumental solo by Mrs. Sam
Very enjoyable original
drums by Mrs. Smith on each
of club were answered
Selections read by Mrs. Will
After the business meeting, and
accepting Mrs. Fannie Joyner as
member of club, delicious re-
were served, after which
they adjourned to meet next time
with Mrs. Sam Pollard.
Mrs. H. H. is visiting Mrs.
S. S. Nash in Tarboro.
Miss of Washington, is
Mrs. Fannie Joyner has returned
from a visit So lier sister, Airs. Mew
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are
visiting relatives in the country.
We are glad to learn that Will
Pollard's two children have
scarlet fever, are much better.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of W. St,
New York, at one time bad her
beauty spoiled with skin trouble.
She had
or for years, but nothing
would cure it, until used Buck
A quick
and sure healer for cuts, burns
and sores. at J L Wooten's
drug store
A shoemaker is a whole soled
man and generally self heeled.
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can be re-
and cured with Electric
Bitters This is a pure, tonic
of benefit in
malaria, for it exerts a true
influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out the sys-
It ii much to be preferred
to Quinine, having none of this
drug's bad after effects. E S.
Monday, of Henrietta,
brother was very
low with malarial fever and
dice, till he took Electric Hitters,
which saved his life. L.
Wooten's drugstore; price
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, Railroad Si.
Ayden. N. C.
Showing if of of
for Mo. of
Mini amount to each, for
you December
I. Ki i, i
i on
w. R.
J. it.
attended if.
a at ;
J it
fl M.
Z ,.
For S--i
The lore meet tilings a
of nature in all living
and hints will run
peat n-ks to ;. it. Bean in
their to . i the honey
in a hollow will sometimes
so ill a
bole us to endanger their live, and
many forest birds, Mich
hi Java and , .
run the i -r to
loath in . .
honey that the bee store
in the hollow trunks of true. Some-
they will attack bee on tho
wing and map them up for the tiny
tar contained in their
tacks. jay often take a
near i all day
for honey. returning is
caught, bill i devoured, for birds
will kill bee only that they may
up the honey. Unless driven
may a few bird robbers would
MOD depopulate u hive.
mid light birds. They issue in a
from the hive and make u bold
the In the
that follows
bird ; defeated.
Indeed they do not attempt to resist
the onslaught, but seek safety in
If the surround one of
the birds quickly enough, there is
little hope for the robber. They
fettle down ill him and sting him
to death. may By away, but tho
bees cling hi back and sides
tenaciously. His flight soon be-
less energetic and inure
more uncertain until at last
to the earth and out his lite
among the haves and hushes, while
the bees return triumphantly to
their home.
In the wild forests the honey
birds sometimes make an organ-
attempt t. drive the bees away
from their home in the hollow trunk
of a tree. They first discover the
place of the hidden treasure by fol-
lowing the bees on a warm, sunny
day, and if there an opening in
tie tree largo enough to admit them
they plunge down the hole in a
Then there follows a sharp con-
inside the tree, the birds snap-
ping at the bees and cutting them
in two at each snap. The only
chance for the bees is to light on
the backs mid sides of the birds.
If they fail t do this, they are soon
routed, the rich treasures of
sweets are capture. by the enemies.
These battles terminate in various
ways, sometimes the and some-
times the birds coming out
Animal Friends.
Your Eyes.
If you are troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
bow difficult your case, call on J.
W. Taylor, an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has live years
experience with some of the most
cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money Over five hundred
of Pitt Greene and
best people to testify to his honesty
ability. Give him your eye
work if you want satisfaction,
The Requisite for
A Complexion
re your hands and a jar of
Massage Cream
absorb, soap. I i m aMS
u the italic it remains,
becomes an i
every impurity
Mini dirt.
the the wrinkles and
Gentlewomen use In face powder.
Gentlemen use it altar
SO Mala I SI per J.-r
For Sale at
firm Johnston s
the 5th day of January. 1906,
dissolved by mutual consent, F.
V, the inter-
est B. Johnston in the
The business will he con-
stand by F. V .
This 8th day Jan.
F. V.
J. Johnston.
Total amount
stat North I
PUt County. f
I. clerk of
hoard of for
the Ii a
is . 1.1. r tn my
4th of
Board Do. Com, cut Co.
R. L. Caw.
Greenville, N. G.
AYDEN, N. w.
At the of business 1905.
Loans and Discounts, J
Furniture and Fixture
Demand Loans
Due from Banks,
Cash I fins.
Gold Com,
Silver Coin,
National Dank notes mill
other U. S. notes
Total, I 861,716.71
Capital stock paid ill,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Dividends unpaid .
Deposit subject to check,
I, J. Smith, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to tho best of my be-
lief. J. B. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this Jay of Nov. 1905.
Notary Public.
How Dr. Wallace to Formulate
Dr. Alfred Wallace in his
autobiography tells how during his
long sojourn in Borneo and the Ma-
lay peninsula he formulated
of Darwin his theory of
was from a
attack of intermittent fever
every day during the cold and
hot fits had to lie down for several
hours, during which time I had
nothing to do but to think over any
subjects then particularly interest-
me. One day something brought
to my recollection Malthus
of which I had
read about twelve years before. I
thought of hi exposition of
positive cheeks to
disease, accidents, war and famine
which keep down the population
savage races lo so much loner
average than more
occurred lo me that
I these causes or their equivalents are
continually acting in the case of
also, as animals usually
breed much more rapidly than does
mankind, the destruction every year
these muses must be
as otherwise the world would
long ago have den crowded
with those breed most quickly.
Vaguely thinking over the enormous
destruction which this
implied, ii occurred to me to ask
the question, Why i. some die and
some live
the answer was clearly
on the whole the best fitted live.
Then it suddenly Dashed upon mo
that the self acting process would
improve the i h
cause in i e in-
would inevitably be killed off
and superior would remain
Henry I id so continuously
.- that, says
the New World, his aunt, who
had charge of h in in his mother's
absence, aid know what to do,
with him. In despair she said weak-i
you will not behave I
put you in one of grandpa's nun-
said Henry sturdily,
fore you put me in I want to tell
you that Will not lay any

Slight Damage to Drying Machine
before G o'clock Thursday
treeing In
the of the American
co G . near
caught ii; a snap
was ling dried the ma-
is thought lo have been
caused a match i in
way got in tobacco ignited
the first heating
of the machine.
was quickly discovered
ant factory whistle gave an
The well equipped
with its own light-
fire and from these the
town the corner
th factor; streams were
i, , g .- in and the
s. in damage was lo
machine t e but no
wan done by the
which it was
the tobacco in the ma-
chine, jet the damage
is in t la lire.
Buried the Red
J. Winterville, i-
spending Mil- week in
Little Oakley Inn
kepi school week w
sickness. We hope he
ill recover.
Harrington left An-
. ,;. i j ii. having
h i ; ii to of bi
sick father.
The resilience Dr. L. K. Ii
is undergoing some c
will nuke it larger more
Henry Adams and Mr. Moms,
Dear in town
H. B Phillip went to Green
J J. Oakley Son have
from the no business.
lost a valuable
Sunday night.
X. T. -v enlarged
their store improved the Block
of goods.
who has In en visiting s brother,
Ogle Minton, on Jackson
returned t. In- home Thursday
Fred Von of Ch co-
M-. of
was r
ti who about to
ago gored by a vicious Richard Robin's new resilience
a the Winterville en Jackson avenue, has been com-
and the family moved in
L. A. Fonts, of and i
Aimer of Clay Boot
went to Greenville Friday.
Mrs. A. who has n
sick for days, is slowly
Mis- is the guest
of Mrs. J. O.
Mrs. A. wife of;
millionaire oil at .
was shot and almost instant
released the grave which. B ,
I was
was present to lead the monies
for the Red Men, and the religious
service was conducted by Rev. Mr,
Corbel t of the Free Will Baptist
It Was d Busy Term.
The January of Pitt
court Saturday after-
noon, occupying the fall two week
allotted to the term, and Judge
Line left for Junes to hold
court there. This court transacted
a large amount of business and
disposed of many cases. More
than was collected in fines
and coats, about half sum
being lines and going to the school
fund. The collected
tax was about
Other cares disposed near the
close if the court and not hereto-
fore reported
John Lewis Hooks, larceny,
pleads guilty, sentenced to jail six
months to
T. B. Cherry, nuisance, pleads
guilty, placed under bond
at term and show
good behavior.
S. P Humphrey, selling liquor
without license, not guilty.
The sentence of six months in
jail against W. J. James for selling
was changed to
a of and costs,
Wheeler Dead.
New York, Jan.
Joseph Win the famous
Confederate calvary leader and
brigadier general of the United
Status army since the War with
Spain, died at o'clock this
afternoon, at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Sterling Smith, in
Brooklyn. The veteran of two
wars, was years old, but in
spite of his age, there was nope
until yesterday of his recovery
from the ; of pneumonia
which caused his death.
e died Friday night
from his injuries. The funeral
am Sunday near
about miles from
Mr. Smith was a member f
lie Tribe Red Men and
ans bulled with the
Older. twenty-live
be. s of
Greenville attended and took part
in the that was beautiful
and Impressive. During the ex-
a white pigeon
was emblematic
flight typical of the spirit's return I
t th
The G, e. Sachem F. M. Hedge. HAT IS
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible fin Modern Science
to produce The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
scientific investigation of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
symptoms of fatigue
are the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
as direct
ed. Live a temperate life.
If you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor s bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a cent, however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for Fill in the coupon
under tin- advertisement
and it us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what t i-. write
to us i con
Co., Now York.
. Wooten will give his
personal guarantee that you
will receive a free bottle if
you coupon.
sin . i address.
My disease la.
f you think you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it. it is to be had
at first class druggists,
Special by
J. L
Wholesale for the
state of North Carolina,
Charlotte, N. C.
bu Talk About
For Many Years to Come.
The preceding
bad spell put peach trees
in some sections of the state.
Yd- Best Be
I n Checker tin 4-
A g L lie s
Hid lie
i ii A. K.
I ,.
ii ch Peen's
A B R e of Cloth
l, . HI.
A Full Mei s
buyers, Come early. This Sale embraces j
in this Store. For a number of days v
receiving and assorting cases of New Spring
Stick to piece for days of quick
We can't begin to tell of nil the gt which we are
going so low.
Mixed Hose Tc
Heavy Hose
. i. . .
Lisle Thread
Mies and
We are through
offer which we know
yon will, compare price
lore inch Lawn
is now Be
sale pi ice
Plain and
welted Piques
out to
the small price of
Closing out all Up to at
the small price of
early and heavy purchasing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Wide White
j at this sale B
Wide Canton
i Flannel to
Wide Best Grade Bleach
low at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
in all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing;
At Your Own Price.
A Heavy Jean Corset
hooks reeds Steel, in
white only
Medium Length Corset
Hose i-attached, Lace
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, 1.26 value
now going at
Men's Work Gloves
Driving v.
Fine Dressed and
dressed Kid Gloves 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay to Visit our
We can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
No. II
W put n on
church at
Ill the latest killer, with
I.,.;, In
all town.
Ami when dedicated, why we planked
ten down;
That a we paid live every deacon
did bu
And the Society, It promised fill
the Mat.
We've an In the
In the
tot . . ii- . . or more, ill melody
K and.
when we nit tin pawl and hear
the play.
It carries n t. realm
It a coot three thousand, and W flood
. I
We'd pay a on Aid
i he
No Meeting Will Be Held Saturday
At Hie last meeting of the Pitt
C mi Branch Col
to on the
Monday in February, 5th. Not
this meeting
for, President
ii-.-iii .,. called a
for thin county on Satin
Mrs. S. J, Parham
J pave a de-
card party at her home on
Wednesday after from three
to nix o'clock. On the
nail the were received by
Parham, by Mrs.
Parham. After served
. and
too. and leap;
Lake a
ton. they'll freer.
They'll i- toll fur
years or more.
And all o'er attain, for a carpel
f r ll-e
like out m
When the Aid and
pay the
Of proud of our big church
It la the of our the B
when see the wore to raise
that lack.,
sometimes l the church la on
And sometimes I can't help thinking When
we reach the regions
Thai will get the toll a and the
Aid rest
punch by Misses Nina James and
they were ushered
i and j where they played
i .-ti, baa written to President The score cards
this, the most appropriate to
. . called been the the fifth an.
to conform with the mar-
made by the j The same idea carried
requested to in The first, a
notice the meeting will wood box, containing
held on Monday, 6th. was won Mrs. Richard asked, all for
Percentage of Cotton Yet
Atlanta, Jan.
dent Jordan, of the South-
Cotton Association, today gave
out. a in which he takes
severely to tusk Bureau
at Washington for alleged short-
He says in
of Director North of
the Census Bureau, in failing to
make public all the information he
Mooted from January
and his persistent refusal lo do
so, face of repeated demands, is
considerable Indignation
throughout the South. Mr. North i
Protest Against Appropriation to
Exposition Because Negroes
Down to Table With whiles.
Boston, Jan. delegation
of citizens of the state
called upon the chairman of the
committee Federal relations of
the state today
protested against the appropriation
of any money by the state for an
exhibition at the Jamestown Ex-
position in 1907 as
Curtis until
the -lute obtains from the common
wealth of promise
all citizens i f Massachusetts, what
King and the consolation, a match
holder in wood, was won by Mrs.
R, O.
MM. B. E. Parham then asked
the guests into the dining room,
Messrs, White, 2nd Whedbee where dainty refreshments were
served. The rooms were tastefully
decorated lighted by many
candles in
each lady was presented
with a Souvenir bearing the dates
The guests were Mesdames
Forbes, Carr, Jeffreys,
Vines, Wilson,
j Stancil, King, House, B. E.
Parham, and Mrs.
Fulford, of Washington, N. C.
I, for
H. A. White,
F. W
H. W. Whedbee were
hosts at a delightful informal
given in the Carolina
looms Wednesday evening.
i and cards furnished delight
entertainment, and at a
was served in
tin- club dining room. No form of
more en
a hie than these informal affairs
n club, and night the
event especially . , , .
Those present j
M S. F. W. Clare, Mr. and Mrs. C. j
Curr, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
V. ii ho. Mr. Mrs. C Forbes,
Misses Martha Nina
James, Mary Lizzie
Mi. and Mrs. B. J. Mr. and
Mia, H. W. Mrs. E. B.
Misses Cotten,
many bales ginned for
the season of
is the weight of
bales ginned to
is your estimate of the
percentage of cotton remaining to
public received the result
of the answers to the first question
on ii statement
bales had been gin-
The result of the other two
have been withheld so
far. I wired Mr. North as follows.
what purpose was average
weight of bales and estimated
amount of cotton to be ginned alter
January suppressed in your
recent report As this is
pubic official kindly
wire me today the result of the
estimates as
reply to the above Mr.
North sent the
e weight of bales will
be made as soon as can DO
compiled Estimated amounts to
. w
F J lowing sent-from Atlanta
the, same by Harris Jordan to a
Haves, of Charlotte, V. S,
Moore. here- on
It is claimed that at St. Louis
Deposition colored people
served food at one place and
i f the white race at another, j
members of the black race
were otherwise
Papers for Gold
All person- contesting either for
Grimes or Arthur medal will
bear in mind that your papers must
be In my hands by lo a. in.
February the 6th, or they
cannot be considered Ibis
Don't fail to in
paper on time. These medals will
be at the teach meet-
on Saturday the 10th of Feb-
The program for this
meeting will be published the lat-
part of Ibid week.
W. H.
C . Supt. Schools.
The Si. Can Can-outsell.
The South is wealthy enough
in our opinion, to attend to I
all her educational needs. The I
. movement and others of a
similar nature are doubtless in-
Spired by good motives
people think the South can get
along better without assistance
Mi kind in educational or i
matters. It is much same ,,.,,
and philanthropic went to Baltimore
Many people-in other he an ad.
look upon Smith as a
and they feel
that missionaries should sent
as to other The
of sections, however good
their motives may do not
South and the
of Christian, King of the Canes.
Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan.
Ninth, the aged
King of Denmark, dean Off
crowned Is of Europe,
of King George, of
or Great Britain and Ireland,
and of the Dowager Empress Ma Infant of Mr. and Mrs.
of Russia, grandfather Dead.
the Seventh of I,
Norway, and related blood or it
by marriage tn moat of the
rulers, died Startling
suddenness in
Pal. this The
of Prince Fred-
his eldest son, who will be
known as Frederick the Eighth,
will be aimed tomorrow.
dress to Woman S College bis
subject being Life of Sidney
will begin a series of
meetings an the evening of 31st,
in tho association bull under the
auspices of the Young
l Association. Dr. being
a able and appealing man, will
obtain bountiful results,
as we n-l have to agree there is
a wide for such work here,
Jordan's Advice Cotton
By request we publish fol- be ginned were obtained only
to enable census
office to determine what counties
must again be canvassed final
report not for public use.
Will be published if congress
it. Resolution was intro-
to that
President says that
Jules of the crop were ginned
prior to September J, were
eon ii led the crop of
out have been made apart
of the Bureau report of
Deducting the
bales from the published total
9,998.11,1, leaves to be
counted the crop of 1908 W.
Add to this bales, and
there remains a crop under
ten million bales. He says wide
investigation that spot hold-
are not selling their
practically there is no
for sale in the face of the
present depression.
and result of extreme bearish spec-
Spot strong as
ever. Dry goods much higher pro-
unprecedented. If spot hold
stand firm .
and persistence
by trying to help
S mill solve her problems.
discussion of
for Instance, show that they do not
conditions here. Win
on Sentinel.
among the boys
Trinity has B very notable
ball schedule this season, as ate will
play Harvard at Richmond. Va.,
Saturday, 14th, we also
are to take a Southern
Mary Burgess, aged three months, we two games
Congressmen Claude W.
Kitchin Supporting Bill to
Allow Farmers to
Their Own
Tobacco With-
Thomas J. In a
Washington to The News and
Observer sends the following which
is of much Importunes to tobacco
grower in this
has introduce I in house a i-n.
by general
assembly of North
the State delegation to support
a bill, which to farmers the
right lo manufacture tobacco of
their own growth with tax. In
pursuance of this resolution Mr.
W. W. Kitchin has int rod need a
bill, embodying the legislative
demand, reads as
growers of tobacco shall
have the right from taxation
to stem and hand twist or hand
press or in any other nay, and in
i any quantity, form, or shape, make
prepare for market
their growth and to tell
same to any persons
and the payment any
tax thereon; and that said tobacco
so prepared by the grower thereof
shall Dot be subject to taxation
tinder the internal revenue laws
so long as it, remains in the form
and Condition which the grower
prepared it, that in such form
and condition any person may buy
sell, or same tax
Kitchin rep
resent possibly the two largest
tobacco growing districts in the
State, entire delegation is
much in favor of such legislation,
which, it Is believed, will afford
great relief to tobacco
The state delegation will give its
earnest support lo the
a of Interest in North
i is Inches of snow.
Friends here have received the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ii
announce the of their
Elizabeth Ray
Mr. Paul Allen Tillery
o the evening of Wednesday,
the fourteenth
nineteen hundred and six
at ball past eight o'clock
At Home
Washington, North Carolina.
Hereafter i b persons
the street be arrest-
years, died
Ed. Sellers, a man
died Monday
of an of laudanum.
Recent Hoods in Mitchell
washed nine mi-e of the
track of South a.- Western rail
W. W.
son, of the Durham Her.
aid, by eating cheese
and came near dying.
John Smith, h Durham boy, ran
away from his went to
On his way back h was
killed by a train.
Miss Stella Hopkins, of Wash-
Saturday at
the Slate Normal and Industrial
where she
was a
D. a news-
paper man and editor of the
suicide Saturday Financial
troubles is given as cause of
his rash at.
The sleet broke d
over poles between
Charlotte and Fifty
linemen were pat to repair
the damage.
A was found dead a mud
hole at Greensboro. It is thought
that he was drinking fell face
down the mud.
A home for and aged
railroad men is to be established
at Greensboro,
The City Economist
says that Mr. F. F. has the
oldest Bible in the Slate. It was
brought to country 1728 by
William Swain, who landed at
Mass., and was given
him to his sou, John Swain,
who settled in county in
1780. gave it to his grand-
son, who ed it with
him the War.
been carried through three
wars by of original
Jones which convened
Monday morning in special term,
was adjourned for the term
after c of I he absence.
through illness, of so many of the
litigants and their attorneys and
witnesses. was deemed better
by judge to adjourn conn
than bold the attendants for
Governor Glenn Coming.
Our Winterville correspondent
states that Gov. will
deliver the address at the close of
High school on May
17-th. This announcement will
bring pleasure lo people Of
county. Governor Glenn has
many staunch friends among
Pitt they are all glad
to know that he is to visit the
Calendars for 1906.
Do you throw away your old
calendars A Paris statistician
bus discovered that it is a
take to do so, and of an
economical turn of mind has dis-
covered further that calendars
for 1900 will equally well
As a course, a calendar
is only of use eleven years later,
and leap year
county and give them an pretty often, But as 1900
. . v. days wailing those who
dill lit of her pa- ii . . i . ll
, . t x . also two gamin not at
re its, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Latham, University of the
Second street, m o i . w
v. Several lion; New
tty of hearing him Speak. Tin
Winterville school deserves both
thank and congratulations on
securing him.
Mrs. Bailie A. Keel, aged
years, died Tuesday at the home
of her daughter, Henry
in Carolina township, was
buried Wednesday. She was the
mother J, S. and H. F.
Peel, of Greenville.
,,,. The funeral look ,, ,,
f, o, tho after- ,,,, were ,
n,., at conducted by j
A. pastor friends of Trinity College
Citizens of Island,
Core Sound, became indignant at
efforts of Mormon missionaries to
establish a church in that vicinity
and set lire to the building where
they held and destroyed it
will be glad to hear that
a paper recently es
by the two literary societies
here, has met with such high
both among present
student body, and tho graduate who
feel so proud of their Alma Mater,
when learning of progress Trinity
has made in any branch.
present at the opening of com t
as also were quite a number of
witnesses and some litigants, so
Judge Long dismissed those
present adjourned court. The
term was a special one week term
of civil
Free Press.
February starts all right enough,
but may do a plenty before it winds
was allotted
of the days of the 1906 week
tit exactly those of
Daily Express,
,. , Danger in the
t. Arthur says these
bright days with a hazy east re. to
mind him of what an old of bis-
his father's on
in Virginia used to say. Forsyth
When this kind of day w come i a of
the old would shake recently a man
head and declare dis looks a of
party, but
If these pretty days are
breeding weather you may look
ling him.
A big memorial meeting will lie
held Atlanta on the in
honor of the late Gen, Joseph
The sheriff Jackson county,
Miss., was killed by a who
he was to arrest.
buildings in St.
W. Va., covering two blocks of
town, were destroyed by fire Wed-
The loss is

Eastern reflector, 30 January 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 30, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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