Eastern reflector, 23 January 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Other to be
How us to
think help there i in a
. fee when in a spirit
friendship Or in a word
spoken in a way l-en
in glance bestowed upon a
weak dial brother and
i g with all the messing in
yours the unexpressed, of
The majority of mankind today
ask do for bod, not for raiment, but
for sympathy Ah yon alone
the street you meet a man whose
that he has had some
misfortune cast upon bis life. You
Beet such men day, on tin
Street, in your even at
y. i borne. They are
tic and and distrust
the world, Their spirits are at low
ebb and they need to be inoculated
with c
Again, there are others per
chance are in some vocation which
does not measure up to their
They are discouraged.
look around at i he lives of other
men, apparently successful, and the
dissatisfaction at their own condition
increases. That dissatisfaction of-
ten them to efforts,
but unfortunately it room often
means lost hope and blasted
have some one
on tic and say,
of good
To say to a weak brother some
little word, of often
will make him S moral giant and
assist him to rise above his
ties and hie He needs
words of strength- He needs the
hearty handclasp, the hand upon the
reassuring smile.
What a chanced world this would
he if each one of us would watch for
just these little opportunities for
rood. Humanity is in con-
need of help, and in spite of
the fact that we are living in pros-
times there are men every-
where about us craving for support
sympathy and comfort. Do you
Of all sad tongue or
leave ibis to basin
and she tells you then
line is boa
Job never hid to stand this thing
His patience would have taken
I . some girl heard sing
line is
Oh, yes; the telephone is great
With your beat girl to
If you have make
you wait
The line is
If the line's as .-is they say.
It must be working night and day.
How to me those tiny
line is
I wrote one Hello Girl
The read a line on
She In
then, too
lice is
Montgomery Advertiser.
Field is Not Overcrowded in Our
Own Country.
The boy of today has little t.
fear that the is becoming
overcrowded in our own county.
It is just being opened. It is
the young men who are just begin-
to think what a wonderful
world this is, to study well the
achievements of the past and to
in what manner they are to be
proved. did the world ca
more insistently, for men
with energy and purpose
men trained to do some on
today. every
year that cry grows
insistent, But the times demand
men of large, liberal, energetic
minds, and the man who insists on
doing business in the old fashioned
humdrum way is as much behind
the procession- as is the man
insists on traveling with an ox
team instead of by
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
CLASS TEAMS for pleasure drives, or to pas-
to nearby
Good Drive and Work Horses and Mules for I
In large numbers and can as low as any dealer, either
fr Cash or n Time.
When yon are in town and want your horse and baggy
properly care for, put up at my stables.
A You Will Talk About
For Many Years to Come.
Best Calico
A Big s Light
and Dark Colors
Best A. F. C
1800 Best Sea Island
A Big Cloth
for Suit
A Full f Mens
Linen Coll In
Ladies Mixed Hose
Extra Heavy
Fast Black
i l II
Lisle Thread
doz Misses and Boys
Ribbed Hose
Wise buyers, Come early. This Sale embraces every de
in this Store. For a number of days have been
receiving aid assorting upon cases of New Spring Goods
Arranging Stock to place ourselves ready for days of
Selling. We can't, begin to tell of all the goods which we are
going sell so remarkably w.
We are prepared,
offer values which we know
where you will, con pure
early and h-.-ivy pun-haying, t
will not be duplicated. Look
rice with boil here.
inch While Lawn
is now going
f p rial price
sale price
plain and
welted Piques
out all up to 1.09
at the small juice of
Closing all up to 19.00 at
the small price of
Wide White
j this 2-
Yard Wide Heavy
Flannel to
Yard Wide Best Grade Bleach
j now
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets Bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
A Good Heavy Jean et
hooks reeds Steal, in
white only
Medium Length Corset with
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lane, Regular 1.25 value
now going at
In all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select Fro-n
purchasing the interest of W. H.
Ricks in this business I have decided to
add another line. Therefore I want to
reduce my present stock of Groceries to
about one half.
In order to do this we offer for CASK,
for days, my entire stock of high
Etc., AT COST.
Thanking all for a liberal patronage
during the past year and especially during
the Xmas trade.
I am your friend,
can Furnish
from Top to Bottom and
You Right
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
Fine Dressed and
Kid Gloves 1.37
for Men Women and
It Will Pay You to Visit our
Millinery Department
Greenville, North
i y
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
List of the Cases Tried.
At Greenville Limber
Cos. Plant.
One Negro Arrested for Crime and One Escaped,
Do Good Work.
of cut Mr. Cast's
Constable W. J.
Farmville, was
Saturday night in the per-
of his duties.
Lovitt stable of Farm-
ville three week,
haying by the
the Hist
month to succeed
K Belcher resigned.
ml Smith started a
to their
i. ached cross roads,
nor quilt i
urines foot in
tat toad, to gel out of
told to
way a they were foot,
U told him
, as the
and killed with a knife.
Messrs. Case and Smith
back lo for the
a. m lo be and while
a ore warrant for aid
limed, which wen placed in
hands of Constable The
officer, by C C
Joyner and Mr.
started out to
About a mile bey where the Miles
Charles larceny, guilty,
sentenced eight months in jail A morning
work on roads, lo another the of ville I nm-
Co. A Negro Frail Young and Sentenced
was d. j South if Maw a
Wednesday I. by
returned a bill for murder; g mi in company's
against Will Kittrell for rear factory. The
George on 24th hands the factory to
December. with and put fin
jury also a out damage
true bill f burglary don lo building.
Donald, who broke the H.
house of Lizzie the drive horse in stable and
of Dec. 22nd. ; was by The
store for sometime
the it bad to beard making threats.
to -u road. I be out of stable.
Staton, Andre Hester town
not down tn the to
but lire as about m
to Seven Years in for the Act.
Mr. C. l. Tunstall
on avenue, near
pot. y night i
Young went in the
him Mi. Tun-
stall knocked the down and
made him go nut i be -i
The stood
An hour two later while Mi
w- the back pan i
road belonged as much to then, as Dy
bad they were not going , Sheriffs L Dudley and R. Hy
target of the way. man, went wit there before day
Mr. Case picked up shovel pat the
that was in the and got out the The dogs worked
the give room to the l rail Bar-
Cobb, assisted by lieu was soon, captured. Jerry
got the shovel Cobb was for some time
away, from Mr. when Mr. but there bad been so much
jumped oat of wagon about dogs lost
goto bis assistance. Cobb broke
Mr.-Smith's arm with the Barrett MM brought to
Mr. Case, ville placed in jail.
two road, j H. disposing of. got
off mortgaged property, lire is to have
and ordered to I . B. assault with from which
hall, when one shot weapon, lined went in the stable
killing him costs.
fled and body lb Miles removing the e is
dead officer was carried to guilty, fined and costs.
Mr. Watt near the .
scene the tragedy fined following are the
; weapon, threshed out at
Gilbert, agree-
guilty. of
Norris, with
weapon, not guilty. of Em-
W. H. to at
officer, pleads, guilty, that no
went out and
an ii and
was bulled
Mr. W, C. with his bl
People Are. Buying Those Pretty
Greenville Lots.
White has sold a number of
those splendid lots in South
Greenville, and already some of
placing lumber
on the. ground preparatory to
building. . nets are talking with
Mr. White inn purchasing lots,
which show- that, many are
in the properly. . It the
best, and most convenient
local ion for a e that is
anywhere mid Greenville, and
those the purchase
of lots delay. , It stands
to reason that, when gets
started out i price,
will be than at pres-
and who wait to buy will
have lo pa more. It is the wise
man who bin i while the lots are
some one fired a pistol at
him window. For-
bad stooped
just as fired and ball
went directly over his back and
did no harm.
Young was suspected
doing the and a war-
was sworn out for bin. He
had disappeared in
but as had relative living.
it was thought he
gone m direction
i Mere advised lo look out
i r m
Officer W. found
in Hun-
i d arrested him. The
tried to a pistol on officer
I at the lime a Inn the
wan quick hi in.
i I
Ville and be WU
placed in jail.
i be courts made work
Young. He given a hearing
Mayor Wooten this morning
Kill court now
The grand Jory
only a minutes in a
line bill. The case was called at
nice, Young plead and was
sentenced by Judge Long to seven
in the penitentiary. This is
the kind of quick work that counts
in dealing criminals.
His Gives Him a Surprise.
Friday was Mr. O. T.
suspended When he went home
Donations From Sans Club.
The public library the
auspices of of the
Book Club, recently received a
splendid donation of books and
three chairs from. Sum-i
Club, which were
proceeds of an entertainment
given sometime ago by the latter.
list of books in this donation
is as
by Nelson
by Jack
House of
Vicissitudes of
-to interfere be advised
Morocco. that it was the
Third between of his natal day.
weapon, . , , . . , .
i, . , , I r ranee W. that they go have their
jail twelve months to work o , . . L . . . , . t -t
. tr. photograph together, the
I ward x j good wife knew it was hie birthday
Peter bad some plains own on
weapon, pleads Germany a, yet not wishing to
suspended on it was agreed these, which a excuse would
, -elating necessitate, she c ready and went I appeal careful
assault Morocco confer- j to the photographer's.
deadly weapon, guilty,
four months In j gall to
Ivey Barrett, assault deadly .
weapon, guilty, -sentenced font,
mouths jail to roads.
George alias
to President.
Washington, Jan.
tors, publicists and whose
fame is world wide, have joined
a petition to President
to endeavor, in interests of
humanity and civilization by such
means as may seem proper to him,
lo bring about concert of the
powers Europe with the view of
securing for the subjects of
Ottoman Empire a of
public peace and order.
The promised to give
Mr. Ward, New d,
spending IV w day a
j the taking
lover Mr. to
I i
; hi and Mrs.
very with plans at
ranee what was going on.
time be again
Walker, assault with deadly
en, guilty; to i away
four mouths to on roads. Home but
i Ernest en- of
guilty, for
upon Mr of I aW foot-steps on
N. C, Jan.
C. H. Langston Charles
are attending court in
Greenville this week.
Mrs. John of
Mrs. Whaley, has weeded his way and came last week to visit
the parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B
per while the
th loom. It was long K. E. and daughter, Miss
reading was interrupted j Bertha, spent Saturday Bun-
day in Vanceboro.
punch -of the
door bell. Ibis and
Of costs.
r -a j a. j ,. i in town this week.
Byrd, with deadly ,
weapon, sentence to jail fowl Mis. Leggett left
months to work to visit
James Downs i mother who it quite sick.
in Mrs.
deadly weapon, guilty.; C. B. plan to
sentenced three months in jail to j town Monday. secrecy
work on roads. Mr. Gabriel, of Washington, each them to
Peter R. Hines, con-j town Tuesday. her at at
Lorenzo Tucker, of
is visiting his grandparents, Mr.
The subject of the Philippines
was the topic before the Fortnight-
Review which yesterday
afternoon run with Mrs. Julian B.
club was delighted to have
with it Gotten
brother of who
has spent in the Philip-
pines. He addressed the club
concerning giving a most
inscription the is-
lands, p- and the
which there, tit was a
club and the
ons were entertained by
the address of Gotten.
News and
navy beans, at B, M
An Illustrated set Dickens
Bunny Bide of the
by Marshal P
of Lady by
Servant of
House of a Thousand
e. and His
by Arthur Train.
The library now nearly
and free use
these is to
public. library is open
Tuesday Friday of each week
from to o'clock p. at.
weapon, and Mr. Fair and Mr. Morris,
Isaac Gilbert, retailing Ayden, were in town week. inter
license, sentenced -to jail Mrs. Jacob, who been visit-d He were
months to work on j R room a
E B. resisting
officer, guilty, costs.; , .
u a i j Mr- of Petersburg.
Smith, carrying concealed , , , ,
, ,,. . in town M-i tills week
weapon, pleads guilty,
on coats
suspended on costs led j
good behavior. j Williams, have been doing
Pleas with at the log dark for
deadly weapon, plead-, guilty, j B- L. didn't take
sentenced four mouths jail to, early train Friday morning, dome
work on roads.
have asked
set for
at o'clock, and a special I
There is some talk of offering free
lauds to induce immigrants to come
to North Carolina. We had better
induce people who have money to
buy lands and are able to do some-
thing for themselves and the State.
There are plenty of inducements
hers for that class of people without
inviting the fellows who are looking
for a
of thirty was ordered.
Moore, assault, not
Horsey S. C.
and J. S. Roes,
taxed With
one half costs.
Jim Perkins, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
six mouths in jail to work
John Dunn, false pretense, not
This morning Mrs. Addie V.
Hooks was granted a from
her husband, Charles V.
Misses Baltic Denton
visiting friends and relatives
Miss I has
been visiting Mrs. A.
Stanley, home Friday.
R. R. Jr., Richmond,
was in town Friday.
Mr. Bailey and family moved m
their home on Pine Friday.
A syrup soda
fountain with outfit first-class
work Address Drawer
A, Greenville, N. ox inquire at
we greeted t the -door by all and Mrs. Lorenzo
of stores,, Rufus Dudley was in neigh-
again Sunday.
Misses Eva Langston and Lizzie
are on the sick list.
Malone Tucker was
Herod Hooks visited friends
near Reedy Branch Sunday as
J. A. went to Winterville
George Rouse and Miss Winnie
were married Sunday after-
at the home
David Norris.
Hipper awaited them.
A had place dawned
delighted, and it was
the of merry parties
around the richly
to of tea
The Mrs.
M. D. Mrs. A. Brady,
Miss Ada Wooten, Miss Lena
Harris, J. Savage, W. H. Ricks,
Hugh C. T. R,
S. May, B. L. U. G. Tyson.
Some esteemed are say
that the Southern Cotton
is as muck I trust as the coal
trust. If the Association owned the
cotton and fixed the price
it might be a trust, but it owns no
cotton and its action is only a
to tho people who do own
the cotton. No trust
Real Estate Changes.
C. F. Manning has purchased
J. Z. a house lot on
Latham street in West Greenville
H. T. King has purchased o
J. R. Davenport the vacant lot
West Greenville extending
Third street back to the river.
Two of the stores on
Evans street have been sold to
their J. R, Corey having
bought the store in which he is
doing a hardware business, and
W. V. Evans the one in
which he is conducting
book store
tOR SALE-Three building
lots in South Greenville, just out
town. Apply to R. Hyman.

J. G.
BEG To Announce to their patrons and the public
generally that they are business at the
same old stand and will be glad to have all their old
give them a call. We shall continue to carry a
full stock of the best and newest merchandise Of a reliable
character, striving times to meet your needs in the
most satisfactory manner.
Our inventory has just been completed, and we find we
have too many Winter Goods in stock, for this reason we
will sell this entire line of
at greatly reduced prices for days. This means money
saving to those who take advantage of this opportunity.
With lest wishes for a Happy New Year we are
Yours truly.
J. R. J. G.
Tim Hi.
arts Io
lo allow- In nil
h j em
e Hi
then tick, c mM
hardly bet I -mI. five
n hi tailed to
Ada r e i
nil her
by J. L.
surprise U one re
which undesirable neighbors
are not
Son Lost Mother
mil in our fain
through I Moth
write K. B. f Hum
Me. For the five year-,
however, i the mum
a Cough cold Mr cold, I have
Dr. King's Few Discovery for u n
h has saved
from serious lung Hi-
death was a sad line for
Mr, K-id, lint b lung
trouble must not In-
how Incur- i. re
f cure colds
Price and ; at
J. L.
bottle free.
Not Quite
How often you can M a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prefaced. fur
emergencies. Our Tine of tools
Is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Hoods,
J. R.
f I How Many People You
Reach Without J
leaving your own office
A Telephone Line
is locking rite
Can You Afford It
let our
it even with
For Rates
Homo Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
My Friend. This it Worth
Suppose You Stop and
Isn't it trail
N. C Match 1903.
. I take pleas-
that Remedy
in s entirely rut oil little girl of
. bad case which
r-d a treat put . tier
nail from
ti- Wm r--e old,
she was -ix obi. She
m now perfect and feel
-i. I ii of
She nut a symptom of
it for six year.-. Respect
N. c.
Io Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
defacing Column and Head
regular lengths each
L. S. and
Head inches
over per lb;
A sample of refaced
Rule, witH full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co
of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
N. Ninth ink
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
at a, in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
in, A
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Railroad for
New and all other
North. a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should miler
freight via care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have shortness
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
About lit, MM, I too
down with dropsy
grew told
by foully i Hat my ma
iris Illy
hail up to My
body were swollen to one-
Chan normal and
water had around my heart.
For months I to all
In b.-d to from
I sent for five of Dr.
Heart Cure, and by the time I
had i them all I was entirely
cured. I feel better than I have for
twenty years, and I am able to do
any kind of work on my farm.
attending told me that If It
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cunt
I would now In my
L. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is sold by
your who will that
the first will benefit. If It fall
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
h . ii. m
Labor Heavy That the Strongest
Become Useless at Thirty.
In Warsaw once saw ti troop of
women going back ind forth from a
building process of construction,
emptying hod.- of dirt and currying
in hods of brick or mortar. They
were splendid women physically,
with broad shoulders and hips,
strong limbs and stout ankles, but
they wore all young, and when I in-
quired why it was he foreman said.
work doc- or them a very
short time, and when they break
down they are no longer of use to
At thirty the women are
ready and until for further use-
to the purchasers of labor,
so they .-it at like
waiting the passing of their
time. Indeed, throughout Poland
and Russia one women bearing
burdens which mm in far beyond their
In all the countries of Europe
one sees tin-in engaged in
of the laborious kind.
There is DO more revolting sight
than to sec women doing the work
of dumb animals. Here there
one sees a girl to a
or pushing a heavily loaded wheel-
barrow. On the canals and rivers
everywhere women lake turns with
men in pushing with heavy poles or
in pulling the long freighted canal
boats. Here they arc competing
with on the railroad, and
there serving us Now
and then one sees them the coal
pits and about the iron works. In
certain industries there is no limit
to hours. Oil the boats, for
I bey work both night
and day to gel I he cargo to market.
In this way women become beasts
of burden and remain so until they
arc physically ruined. Robert
Hunter in Cosmopolitan.
Bishop brooks of Boston
used Io surprise those not
acquainted with him by
silently while conversation
going on around him briskly.
The bishop explained his
taciturnity by relating that
on one occasion while seated a
railroad train opposite an intelligent
looking man the seemed about
to say something. beg your par-
said the bishop, you
to make a
the reply. thought you
looked us if you were going to say
something to answered the
bishop apologetically. um
said to be very deceptive that way.
used to say things and make re-
marks us soon as thought I
have often thought I had something
to say and discovered after had
said that I i have kept
And the bishop would con-
his story In saying, have
found myself in the same position
more than once, so not spunk
until I am reasonably sure Unit
have something to
Safe Investment.
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over with me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
Tho Now Candy Girl.
way we escape the
of having all our goods eaten
by our a say the man-
ager a wily shop, to
place i. I-, i what-
ever, indeed, a
girl an large sweet
tooth tell her or let
her that she
Hi.,, i . help She lakes
i license fur a
ran nil two d
to II
lain r
The Strenuous or the
Simple Life
Trousers are made for either. No
life is too wear too hard
for them.
Dutches Trousers are the most strongly
made garment in the world
only re offering the Genuine
deed, . .
.; i
a full i .
. .
;. i
i i
;. I
. gets
. II. i
. I I
.-. in
i i de-
ii much as
i .
A little
i . palate, but
. . ill lo u full
cents a
There are piles of them on our counters in patterns
to suit all tastes at to
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
re. in -la.
. , , about
tho . They
make ii m a r . t earthen
ii ml drink i. i tumblers
of gins so d lb. I tin I
no the I , Ii , I breaking
them, i In i mad
water ll I b . an imp
matter. The ten brewed in
i strong, but ;
tea . arc bill one-third i
With lea and up i
boiling water. This;. u
line cup of tea no sir.
enough to have u rank In
A who
had the lie to lose a
a shark
he with questioners eager
know bow, when and where he had
met In Ion, He anally invented
an expedient for suppressing his tor-
mentors, lie would promise to an-
lb-in one question, but only
one. on the subject. The question
was, did you lose
your and the invariable an-
was which of
course left his hearers more curious
than ever.
am paying highest market price for Cotton Seed
ii any
also sell Cotton Meal and Hulls, in car Iota or
less, sacked or loose, to suit purchaser, or exchange for Seed
Ht oats. BRAN, STUFF and all
Kinds of bond, in Oar lots.
Golden Outs to arrive, also White and
Oats, Red and on day Oats.
have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
for Hue.
same stand by Johnston Bros .
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
are very fortunate in
to arrange pub-
of these well known mag
to offer ;. subscription for
year a tins
in let . readers have the
advantage of the reduction in
order to got quickly a
of paid in advance subscribers.
Don't Neglect This
Reviews of Reviews
The Cosmopolitan Woman's Home
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in o.
it reaches people money to pay for what they wain.
II you have what they vast advertise it and you are
gel a part of their money.
Many other publications are A leading magazine for in
desirable, and you may prefer With tho recent change of owner
this or prefer that and ship it has been Improved. It la
art publication, the Review far bettor In every and
of Reviews Is Sub. alma to be tho in the Held
American and Every year or one
men are going to up with notable advance In the forward
the limes they are going to movement among till many mag
take the shortest cut which is This year it is the
he Review of
The Home Companion
U fur every member of the
for our bright,
cultured, home loving American
woman it is an i entertainer
and helper in a thousand
but the fathers and
brothers and sons join its
perusal by tho children
eagerly turn to the pages that
re u ton for i
The American Farmer is tin leading Agricultural paper country,
to hunting, live stock and poultry raising. Every tanner should have it
you get all four of these papers with The Daily a year tor 15.00, or all tour
with The Eastern Reflector a year tor

D. j.
North Carolina is usually a in-
in the cock light
Georgia at Covington, Ky , she came
out worsted
In the it a Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates application.
A correspondent desired SI every
in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
The Government may have its
own way A doing tilings know
what it u doing, nut that ii no
son why tho with no voice it
no thinking now and
then way things arc done and
even be forward enough tool
suggestions certain improve-
or reforms-
Just now we have in public
buildings. The reports of the pro-
of Congress show
time to time hill
to establish a public building
tome place or other. These
carry with appropriations
large sums of money and
more or less
purchase. Mies new. n
of the buildings. It is line
Government puts up a building
it is well and substantially con-
not so much
being given to the cost just so
plans and car
lied it goes saying
that ill the majority of private
could have the same
buildings put up for themselves
half what the Government pay.
These public buildings call
the outlay of immense
that only the larger place, are
Hate enough to secure them, nod ii
considered a shrewd congressman
W gel or more in
A better plan for the Gov-
would of
a hundred thousand
or more for a single building
and erecting them only in
divide the money into
and erect more build-
livery town that reaches the
distinction of having a presidential
ought to have a public
in which to keep the pi st-
transact any oilier business
the Government might desire in
connection with it. Fifteen thous-
and dollars would lie a sufficient
appropriation for a site and build-
for is purpose, so that where
the Government now expends
hundred thousand dollars for
i in one town, it could erect
six or seven creditable buildings in
as many different towns. In the
large cities a larger building might
be required, but there is no occasion
for lavish expenditure in them. The
Government should have interest in
the towns as well as in the
some plan like this would be a y.
way to it
Marshall Field, the millionaire
merchant prince who died a few
days ago, is reported to have had
lain inflexible rules for conducting
his business. Two of these were
borrow and
give a not or As lie
already bad millions to do
these rules were all right for him,
but fully half of the business of the
country would stop unless money was
borrowed to tide over
emergencies. True, debt is a hard
wisely used, but there
are thousands men now owning a
home or a farm, who cold never
have owned them without giving a
note or mortgage at the time of
the purchase. Notes
gages have ruined many people, but
have hem the making of many
more. Mr. rules were good
fur a man rich, but it will
not apply in all eases.
Dr. J the most
minister in the Slate, and
for years the pas or at Salisbury,
died Saturday at Red Men
of his high type ere few.
Dealer Down in Texas Sells Them
by Weight.
If it was notoriety Senator Till
man wanted he got it.
As Senator resolution
down he may weep some more
With Wilmington's fifty-odd
it looks like the city ought to
In enough in the whiskey line,
it is slated tint the distillery
plant of the Williams Co is I
be located there, The city may b
expected to old then.
Saturday was a good day for
issuing charier by of
Grimes. Hut nearest any
of them came ibis way was
It is tune
was pushing up and getting on that
charter list, and we would like to see
one a building and loan
head the list-
With cotton and the
South has a combination
i cat.
hard to
Lexington is continuing the good
work of exterminating dogs. That
fever ought to spread over Slate
It for Greens
to forward with
else, is ahead of
them so far.
The spurt in cotton Thursday
gives farmers who ore holding
hope that they will get their
II much building is to be done in
Greenville ibis year a brick malting
plant ought to come along and gel
ready to supply the demand.
the ill-fated schooner that stalled
off with thirteen people tor a pleas-
trip, gives the superstitious
cause to dread the unlucky
devil seemed at Urge in
county Saturday his subjects
sulking around in
the law or of the court. The
attempt to a merchant
Greenville, the murder of
die and burning of a
church at are dastardly acts
alarm, people. Let the guilty
ones be tried and punished as-speed
as possible.
of New
has introduced a bill l in-
crease ti e salary of the
the United to a
year and of the vice-president to
a year, the change to take
effect March, There are
men willing t lake the office for
less, yet are many who
that much in a without
the work or the danger
President undergoes.
An Editor's Toast.
At an editorial convention ore-of
the offered the
save an editor from
take his newspaper and pay
him for it promptly. To save him
in. his
I aper To save f-om
despair send him every item of
of which you get hold. To save
him from write your
on one side
the sheet and send it in as early v
To save him from miss
lakes, bury Dead people,
not the only ones that make mis-
take i. readers would
do well to remember that there aw
P. F. Armstrong, a
snake and wild collector,
has more than a ton of rattlesnakes
at his camp, near here. He
sells his snakes by weight instead of
by number. He is preparing
make a big shipment to northern
and eastern points. He sup-
plies large of rattlesnakes
a snake oil factory that is in
operation at Corpus Christi, Texas
Owing o the mildness of climate
down here, he can carry on his work
of capturing the snakes throughout
the whole year. He has a number
of who are experts in cap-
luring them. There assistants are
Mexicans, who are thoroughly
with the and haunts of
the raiders which are always taken
alive. Even those are intend-
ed for the oil factory are not killed
until just before they are- to be put
through the boiling process
Thirteen Bales on Six Acre- How
it Was Dene.
in ii N. of
Lumber Bridge, who made thirteen
bans of cotton on six acres, is
leas, as no other equal yield bus
bees reported. It is desirable to
know how be did it.
being asked about it. Three
are recalled. He put
pounds acid phosphate,
pounds and
seed broadcast a
each scat, all which cost him fit.
teen dollars. The was no pet
lot been highly fertilized
a number of yearn.
The land was than
of the the sec-
in it lies Very much of
the causation for the large yield is
due to the hoeing and plowing. In
a word, the cultivation, II calls for
as much and good judgment
to be a successful as to
the the State. There is
more in tho ruin than in the land.
The same fertilizers and
seasons will famish the same yield
if men of the skill are
farmers, but Mo one is more
tho mare will get the
yield every
Bridge County;
Reaction Against Imperialism.
Men come here
for Clothes, and,
many of them
could not be in-
to go else-
We take great
pains in having
our Young Men's
The Young Man wants all the late style
kinks in cut, make up and fabric, and he
gets them all when he comes here. The
longer coat, wider collar and lapels, and
the loose trousers are some of the features
the Young Gentlemen will want in
in his Suit.
He'll Get Them All Hero
Moderate prices, always
pleases the head of the household.
Young Men's Single or Double Breasted
Suits to
The Young Man who has never been
here Clothes, will do well to come.
It like the
imperialism had begun is earnest
when B stalwart
as Mr. Mule, of Maine,
taking sides with and
in their efforts restore to tin
Senate its and
in treaty-
making power. It. is true
the the
legislative branch began to
shape ii ii. r a
Pulley Bo wen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladles Woolen Goods in a
tint latest styles and weaves.
Boys and Clothing and
Novelty Suits.
The managers of the
Lave planned for good luck a
They have centered on Mr. a.-
the drawing card for the next fair.
II- will get back foreign
tour j before the dale of the fair
and will have thin to tall.
if he I aides
here is more good than had
lie world, yet the churches I
not draw such houses.
as the court has drawn day
ibis week.
by the.
editors ,. read, of
was made
Look Up.
in the pauses
the country
this is the worst time of year,
lire companies. The re-
is large.
tor the hotel
man who killed the two I I
S. C , arc . that be
cannot get a fair and
want the ease to another
county- It is a fair trial Hasty
wants, else might hang as he de
serves- Tho of the
is an effort to
in bis favor.
A skating mania has. taken
hold Wilmington and it bids
lair to become an
population, Recently
one has been killed several
This is the year when many
will be wasting much run-
around trying to get an office
The same expended in a
business pursuit would be
The following credited
is too good to We
love the with the OS his
tongue, the man who sees the hoy's
lace but
eyes, your shabby coat
but your us is, the
man who sees all but who is
quick to praise, slow to blame. We
like to mast a man will
whose voice
is full of music the
la an and his
bless you a benediction, lie
makes us forget oar troubles as the
raven's dismal is
when the wood thrush sings.
tho man of cheer. There
plenty o trouble bore and need
not increase it. There is a lot of
dying done ahead of time.
You want in Ultra shoes have just as
snap in then as any and our own
are the time- styles are later copied by
all Country. Style is the first c but
if the shoo lit, will not buy it for the style alone.
Tho fitting; qualities art- what is necessary to shoe, an. in
this the
Stands Preeminent
Our pattern and the best In their, re-
Doubtless the reason
in tie streets la that
has stolen its i
the issue in the
of So
the the Democracy, in bar
the-impulse of its party
it as tho
The of such a
leader a tho Senator from Maine lo
the the -imperialist. is
therefore the more significant.
In a
the editor ox New
there, a resident of metropolis
the moment when the
South Stands in such of
Northern capital and Northern
migration it that a
play which is to such an extent a
libel on the best opinion in the
South should permitted to spread
abroad false impressions in regard
to the actual conditions As
if Northern capital did not come to
the South for the same reason the
gold miners go to the Klondike
Charlotte Observer.
Pulley Bowen,
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
At close of business November 9th, 1905.
Loans discounts
Overdrafts, 6,078.81
Furniture and fin ires 2,415.64
Hue from Hunks
Cash items 910.00
Gold Coin
Cash 483.17
National bank
Capital stock paid in
Surplus 6,500.00
Undivided profits, 5,237.11
Hills payable 5,000.00
Time of 10.808.70
to A 125.00
Cashiers t-k 254.35
State of North Carolina, County of
I, R. Cobb, Cashier of tho named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above is true to tho best of my knowledge
belief. R. J.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 9th day of Nov., 1905.
die. H. A. WHITE
C. S. CARR, Notary Public.
hi i ii i ii m .--------1
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and .
R. G. Chapman
Co., a oar load
they will sell very cheap.
Our line of fall and Winter,
goods are now See our lire be-
fore you bay. to please A.
W. Antes- Co.
Another huge shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable Barbel
White's Black spec-
recommended for the human
family, tine for perfectly
For sale by
If it Rains or snows we are
right for there are plenty of rob
lier coats, shoes, and at A
W Ange Co
R T. Cox went over to House
For nice apples,
mils go to
H. L. Johnson's
Nice line of frosh groceries
ways baud
AM m
ft Co.
Ii Cut, tin rue
n owl Kill
j k.
Mil., H. t; Hi-.
S o
lacker, win.
re an
j in
I I will continue on
H ii Li i
Shoe- i F House went to Ms
W. Ange ft . get evening, near House, .
their prices Saturday Sunday
He is a student
Bub is now lb.
formerly b O
Special Sale
On Pictures
And Chairs
Any one need a good cart ., w in pane
mat will last and render good go in A. w. they air
sen ice just ll to see or the selling om .-, o, ,., g Mount.
A. T. p,,., , . ,,.,, .,, Q. R- Buck, Black
Pitt Oil Co i, . , . , .
Miss Mollie Bryan U. price for In
Don't the nice furniture
B. T. Cox Bro.
The A. O. On, are
., V-A II you expect to exchange your Solon b
White's Kidney Cure, meal I
the combination kidney medicine; Ur
for stock and a sure colic
. have at the
at the Drug Store q, mu
We have the best assortment B- F Co are
Stationary ever brought to spring now will
. T O Bro. you the
Buck to Greenville I
this prices see
All colors of paint, and yellow W. L. House,
at Barber Co. Alice was town
Friday shopping.
If you your laundry to look
nice last lake it to H. L.
Johnson represents the
be on bad Hour
when you can get at A W
Ange ft Co
Nicest cheapest mens
ties at Harrington Barber ft
International stock
If you a Tar II. el cut you
bad better it
A. U. will
ship i hem h-re.
Big line of hats and cups just
Miss Kale who is
teaching at Cox mill, came home
evening to Saturday
and with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H G.
A nice lot hats caps
received at A. Ange ft Co.
are nice be sure to see
Tooth and Di-k Harrow at Hat-
bottle of Kid-
horses cattle at Harrington j a Mn M K-a I Barber
Barber Co. I at Barber .
r i o n Street are
Special pi guns far the I ft Co. e nine son
t u y who are
next day a. L. House. , Be sure to to see the nice ,,.
Nice line of boy suits at H l-j of new furniture that A. W. Ange County Oil Co. n
A Co. has just received before y. i when tiny s-e it. go
dent High
Misses May Johnson and
were veil
pleasant visitors at
last Thursday.
are I. Hi in school- Wort
die well the high
ea I
The Bank
ready for business, now.
PrOf. J. L. Is id
bank. He is a graduate .
Wake Purest college an excel
lent man in every H.
pat on all moral questions,
we know he w ill till the place
well, look lo
he is lo serve. We con-
the people
baring tack a man as Mr.
is i-e, ;,
for Shoppers I
will make Special Prices on
Pictures and Chairs for one
week beginning
Lasting until
23rd. AH interested in cheap
Pictures and Chairs call early
And Make
Biggest Stock of in
Town to Select from
Yours for business,
A. H.
2.000 yards standard calicoes
per yard, Harrington, Barber v
Nice ladies at Harrington
Barber Co.
They have nice cheap.
Go to H. L. Johnson's for shoes,
he has a lot received,
hey are nice.
Nice frames and
A. W. Ange Co.
Call at H. L. Johnson's and ex
his line of Hosiery
Misses Ladies and Gents.
A W. Ange Co., have just
received a new lot of shoes.
sine to see and get his
before you buy
Foe bargains in pants go to II.
L. Johnson's.
When you want nice dress goods
and go to A.
W Ange Co I hey have a nice as
Go to II. I., . in son's for nice
s, apples u d oranges.
you a good barrel
Hour yon g- m It. U, a
Co. They only the best.
f wants drop head
i In A. W. Ange
Co. you mis
All oats
and wheat Can la d
mowers, binders
at Harrington, Co.
Minimal ship . i I
bodies and seals mads
by the A. G.
Be sine not to forget the fond
those iron bedsteads
A. W. Ange Co.
villa Canning factor
consisting of cooker,
one third acres of
in of for Jab.
see Dr. B. T. ox
or J. F. Harrington.
We offer out silver table ware.
guarantee at a bargain.
See us, B. T. Box
Try George cigars at
drug store.
Wood's garden seed.
B- T. Cox Bro.
Buy a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
at the drugstore.
buy elsewhere
are dealing ii
of I is i
Special prices on guns for the
Visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. C.; next SO days at A. W. Ange Co
Dixon, this week.
Farmers make m
A new lot of iron bedsteads their cotton seed
a-lived at A. W. Co see-meal at Oil Co,
their stock before you buy if.,. ., , .
J you want winter
If you nave col ton seed to sell of those good at A.
exchange or phone Pitt Co. I W. Co. a-e Cheap.
Oil company, their prices are the ,,.
Floor oil cloth at A W Ange
Co see their stock before you buy. j When in town call to see me
a livery feed and
i Mile . L. House.
Win- It-
Norfolk Cotton
A J V. . .
. ti Factors, Norfolk, Va
line winter
for men and youth's at II. L. Join-
Miss Mamie Little is visiting
Mrs. Bessie this week.
II. L. Johnson is
for groceries.
New furniture a-riving daily a-
A . W. Ange Co.
B. T. Cox A Bro. have a full line
of school books, papers, inks,
scratch pea tablets, day books
ledgers, account books, slate-,
chalk, crayons, school bags and
shawl straps. Come see what
they have before bringing else-
M Blown, of
ea down night lo
at the
A full line of drugs always
baud at Harrington Barber Co.
W. House makes a specialty
of pipes and pipe tilting.
II you want a good pair of pant-
go to A. . Ange Co., and you
can get them cheap.
U. G. will sell
yon a good pair of shove so cheap
that they will always wear easy
and look good
A W Ange As Go. will sell you
so cannot keep
from buying if you give
a call.
FOR even
years old each, and mule six
years old will sell cash
or on time as suits the purchaser.
W. I,. House.
received K. G. Chapman
ft Co., a car load of salt. Be sure
lo get their prices at once.
Nice Sill; waist patents cheap at
Harrington, Barber A Co.
Our s Co.
Oil company.
A. W. Ange Co., has all
tobacco you need, a-l
cheap to,.
I will pay highest market
for Chickens, Geese and Turkeys.
Have large to fill.
A. Winterville, N. v.
A new line of hat- received
at It. G. Chapman's a Co. Be
sure to see them buy
r s v
Si. Low
ah wired
Bankers and Brokers,
New York
Liverpool Futures.
Dec. Jan.
May Wheat
May Con
May Bibs
Jan Lard
Way Lard
A new line of v just re-
by It. G, Chapman Co.
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, at Barber Co.
If you want a nice sewing ma-
chine cheap see A. W. Ange Co
have nice ones.
Nice line of groceries
always on hand H. L. Johnson's.
Let a price on Mink
Otter and Raccoon skins, also Cow
hides. G. A
Winterville, N. C.
A. W, A Co have been
two of those large brick
stores for some time, but do
not seem lo furnish tho
room needed, so they me having a
platform built on the inside of one
I Of these stores, in order to put
some of those nice mattresses and
iron bed steads up higher, in the
air we mean, not in price for they
are sold right down when they
should be as every thing also Is
that they Bell.
J. R. J. G
A Prosperous

As this store will go
new management after
March 1st, we will offer
this entire stock of high
grade Merchandise
At Cost
Then comes the great big
White Good Sale.
You can save money by
coming early.
Adventure With One of the Terrifying
Marine Monster.
Here is u true story of an
Two fishermen were plying
their vocation Great Bella island.
Conception bay. the Newfound-
land coast, suddenly they
at a short distance from them
a dark, shapeless mass floating on
the surface of the water.
that it was part of the
cargo of some wrecked vessel, they
approached it. anticipating a
able prize, and one of them struck
the object with his boat hook.
receiving the chock the dark heap
became animated, and,
spreading out, disclosed a head with
a pair of large, prominent, staring
eyes, which seemed to gleam with
intense ferocity, the creature at the
same time exposing lo view and
it- parrot like beak with an
apparently hostile and malignant
The men were petrified
terror and for a moment so
emitted the horrible that
were lo make a move
to defend
Before they had time to recover
their presence of mind the monster,
now but a few feet from the boat,
suddenly shot out from around its
head several long, arms,
with them for the boat and
Seeking to envelop it ill their folds.
Only the two longest of these arms
reached the craft and owing to their
length went completely over and be-
it. his hatchet, with a
desperate one of the men
in severing these limbs with
a tingle well delivered blow, and the
creature, finding itself worsted,
mediately disappeared beneath the
waters, leaving in the boat its am-
member- as a trophy of the
One of arm- was
before it- value
was known, but the other when
brought to St. John's examined
by the Rev. M. Harvey found
to measure no I--- than nineteen
feet. Tin fisherman who acted
surgeon declare there must have
at feet more left at-
to the monster's body. The
is preserved in the proceedings
of British Zoological society.
Lord Cook.
In a chapter on verbal infelicities
the author and Rec-
relates an anecdote con-
Archbishop Trench, a man
of singularly vague and dreamy
its, who resigned the of Dublin
on account of advancing years and
settled in London.
He went some lime after to pay
a visit to his successor, Lord
Finding himself bark again in
his old palace, sitting at his old din-
table and across it at his
old wife, he lapsed ill memory to
the days when he was mister of the
house and gently remarked to
am afraid, my hue, that we
must put this rook our
What the feelings of Lord and
Lady were on hearing this
comment hi does not relate.
light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths all disease.
go to the root the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Yoke No Substitute.
n on Her Memory.
She had been a widow a year or
so, and In was . ring for a
tombstone for the departed.
said the tombstone
man. want the date of his
death oil I he day of the
month and lite
sighed the widow, sup-
pose other people mat like to rad
them, but need such remind-
They me indelibly engraved
oil my he in and mentor; .
mis the the
loin man.
The v. hull then she
turned a riotous then .-he
aim I can't
her ii win
or I'll go I rime and
The prisoner ha- inn I e
ample confession. At the of
the the tails the crime
are being gone into.
Judge-Show us how the tiling
was done.
Prisoner pleas-
worship. Lie down on that
bed and i . u yo r eyes in if you
lie- of 10.000
francs lie placed in desk.
me a knife and l us be left
h i r.
You -Me hat seen the face of
the examining magistrate. Paris
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued Letters
Administration to me, the under-
signed, on the day of Dee. on
the estate of V. m.
notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to estate to make
mediate to the undersigned,
.,. to all creditors of said estate to
present their claims properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date of this
net ice. or this notice will lead In
bar recovery.
This the day of Dee. 1906,
Mrs. L. If.
Ashley Adm. on
I. A, Sugg Ally
North Carolina I In
A. Manning, and Marv F. Man
W. R. Ford, M. and
wife Florence R. It While-
Ed. Jolly and wife Melissa
John Ed. White-
W. J. Teel, B. F. Ward and
wife Julia L. O. Ford, J. J.
R Carson and wife Maggie t arson,
v Baker and wife Mollie Baker
and Fernando Whitehurst, Plaintiffs,
C K and wife
Annie James, A. M, Kill.-.
Jenkins, J V Bowers, R Howe s.
Thomas Bowers, Me c. White-
U and wife Susan
S Jesse W Carson, Lucy
Manning, n D Whitehurst. W A
Taylor, M. C. Manning, K Mann-
U, ti Whitehurst, Me, G.
Mary E. Ward, John
Wade Williams, A J
Battle J M Manning,
J Carson, Harriett
ward, John T Carson L
Nelson. N M Hammond and wife Eli-
Hammond, J Jam's, G
Staton. A
and wife Sallie K. Mat-
thews, J. it. Bunting James, s T
Carson, Major Manning,
W O Manning, B F Manning.
Leon Davenport,
the last eight being minors with-
out guardian, Defendants.
Major who is a defendant in. tin
above entitled cause, will take
that a special proceeding, entitled u-
been commenced in the Sup
Court of Comity, before in
Clerk, to Incorporate a Canal Com-
the said will
take notice that he is to appeal
before the clerk of the Superior IS nil
of County, at his in Green-
ville, on February
and petition and complaint
which be deposited in the
the said Clerk within ten days after th.
this summons. said
t will also take notice, that ii
be tails to answer said petition an.
Within the time
by law. will apply to tin
court the relief demanded In tin
petition and complaint.
Given under my hand, office in
Greenville, on the nth Dec-
clerk Superior of Pitt county
This is the month you should buy. It
is the month we should sell. You should
buy because all lines in this store are re-
from to per cent.
We should sell because we should make
room for Spring and Summer goods yet to
This opportunity is a mutual one and
we trust you will take advantage of the
many Bargains we are now offering.
These prices will prevail until Feb. 1st.
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 20,016.83
Cash Items 704.07
Gold coin 530.00
silver coin 1.883.99
notes 0,907.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 809.49
sub to check
TARBORO, North Carolina.
i.-no a
A gentleman once possessed n val-
i , sporting dog, which was ex-
clever iii the retrieving of
game. The owner, however, was
remarkably bad shot, and one day
on barrels hastily at
rabbit he heard a m howl.
The next moment his dog appeared,
carrying a black object in month
and laid it carefully at hi-
feet. The animal had retrieved his
virtue of the power of tale con-
in a certain deed In trust ex-
and delivered by
Louisa Greene to J. L.
trustee 2nd December
and duly recorded In the
Duds of county North Car-
i B-9 page and upon
application the assignee of the
Greenville, the person entitled to
money due under said deed ii
trust, the undersigned will expose
public sale before the house
door in Greenville cash to the
highest on Tuesday the
day of February the following
real property to wit. A one-th in-
iii to thin certain lot In tin-
town of Greenville
Washington street at the North-west
corner f lot eighty-two
running a northerly with
laid street eighty-live feet, thence
an easterly course parallel with Fourth
street one hundred and thirty-two
to a line f lot
thence southerly eighty-
i re feel in the North-east corner
lot number thence
With the line of
two one hundred and thirty two
to the beginning, containing
one-fourth more or less, and
known as a lot number eighty-
one HI in the plan the town
being the same
lo Robert Greene If, w. II
Greene deed Iron
iv. w, Leggett, dated Dec. 1890, am
recorded In the Register of Deed-
in v-1
which need is hen n;
Said sale is mule to
deed In trust.
i- Trustee
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R- DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 9th day of Nov-
Notary Public.
J B,
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows. Heat Cutters and
Staffer. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
H. L.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
v AYDEN, N. C.
agent for DAILY
we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
thin office. We also orders
for job
rugs and art are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
Jasper Smith, of Fort Barnwell,
is here on a visit to J. A.
ton and B. P. Manning.
specialties are, staple and
Fancy Fruits and
A full supply f Trunks
Telescopes, Grips, and
Oases, at J. B. Smith A Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made
Paw Bread Trays at J. B.
Smith Bro.
See our line of ladies and
cloaks. J. R. Turnage.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We your attention to om
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
gold clasp pin.
Dry goods, Notions sign N. C. on it.
and Shoes. for I A suitable reward for it will be
Brown Clothing, made to paid by C. L. Cannon
dual measurement. for drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Troy which
will also be called for deliver-
ed free. Thanking you for past
patronage, and hoping to serve
you the future. F. G.
and sister,
of House, have been visiting Mrs.
Stancil Hodges Ma
your buildings by
painting them with
Town lead
full Hue colors, kept at J.
B. Smith Bro.
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, have the. best.
You should see our line of lace
curtains before buying J. B. Tin
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with long or joints
and pipe at J. B. Smith Bro.
Mia Harper, of Snow
Bill, is spending a few days with
Mrs. B. Coward.
goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
Bilks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J B Smith Bro
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chairs wash stands
dressers tables at J B
We have just received a ship-
of shoes for
women. We ask that you see
them before buying, J. B. Turn
T. W. Kinston,
spent the day here yesterday on
Calico and Gingham at cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
B. Smith Bro.
We are shipments of
fin-nil in e every day. Come to see
u if you want J. B. Turn-
Buy valise, satchels
and suit from Turnage.
Turnage is headquarters for
There Is yet cotton in the land
and right much is earning in,
per is the price here.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
Buy your furniture of n
and Tyson, they have the and
Lutes styles in cloak wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at Smith Bro.
Cannon act Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
hoes in town.
We have received a large
shipment of goods. Come to
see us J. E. Turnage.
Buy one of our Hawes
Hats. Bold under a guarantee.
J. B. Turnage.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J B Bro
For rugs, carpeting, mattings
and see our line J. B.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
If you want a good bbl. of flour
see us, we sell only the best.
J. R. Turnage.
For certain lot
parcel of land in the town of Ayden
adjoining the lots of J. F. Dixon
and William Worthington, con-
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
R. F. D. No. or see J. J.
Mr. Case is acting as police hem
during court in Greenville, as our
entire police force are away as
Hay corn, oats, meal, bulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E
ft Co.
Mrs. W. E. Hooks spent Wed
in Winterville visiting
Merchandise Brok
m lull line of meat, and
Don't buy
Frank C,
l- your a- ell i,,
yon I,, lo us j,,,.
our special which
February lot J K
A full trunks, tel-
copes, hand ,
and suits ii K.
I always keep hand a fill
line k m e-t
hay, oats, corn,
meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Don't forget that beginning
with Monday January we
will a special sale for
teen days on all dry goods
shoes, hats, etc.
J. R Turnage A Co.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly c.
Go to E. E Co's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh fish.
We and Fay
stockings- J. R. Co.
For carpenters grind s
hemp rope and pulleys, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
The following persons received
injuries at recent G. F.
Morrison, bead cut by
bucket; Mr. Browning, hand badly
mashed by trap H. Page,
bead hint by sharp edge of bucket
cutting a scalp wound. There
were several others whose
names we have been to get.
The burned district presents
quite a vacant appearance, it
will not long remain so. When
the brick block is placed thereon
the appearance of our already
lovely little city will be
greatly enhanced.
Beginning with Monday, January
we will conduct a special sale
on all dress goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and bate. These prices
will prevail till Fe. 1st. This is
the month you should buy. It is
the month we should sell. All
lines in stare will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and in order to
make room for our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a one, and
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see and be convinced
for yourself.
J. R. Turnage Co.
T. W. Hart bad a valuable cow
lie killed by I lie train
A. I,
c mi
, M,., H.,. at
ti . ,
ho ha, -iv-
and plant
of a
admirer the other day. The mt-it
on Hie lip f oil Hi
is hi and
waiting for with
; how
Steam mat-are now mailing up
Little k a far as
It is great
to the and farmers
jun at this tune of year on
of their goods and
fertilizers. Generally they were
compelled t. haul several miles
now dumped
at the dour
J. L. Sugg and several
have been here
the week adjusting the
losses sustained by the recent Hie.
Mrs R. G. Chapman and Mrs. J.
H. C. Dixon, of came
Wednesday lo consult J. W.
out oculist optician. Mr.
Taylor has a reputation his line
and he is deserving of it too, for lie
is good.
A. M. of Greenville,
was lure
forget the love feast i f
supervisors and road overseers
first Saturday in February. Come
one and all if you do not wish to
miss a grand old time. The boys
will be there.
Nothing is more in demand
than a medicine which moots
modern requirements for a d
and system cleanser, such as Di
King's Now Life Pills. They
just what you need to atom-
and liver troubles Try
them. drag
store, , guaranteed.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East Railroad at.
Ayden, N. C.
A reward of will be paid for In-
formation sufficient to convict
any party or parties who leave gates
do to or
f around stock
territory, or who out the fence so that
dogs and horses through.
J. It. sec
Having qualified before Having duly before the So-
Court Clerk of Court Clerk county
executrix of the hist and administrator of the estate John F
Of Alfred deceased, notice is hereby
is hereby given to all persons in- given all persons Indebted to the es-
to the estate to make late to make Immediate payment to the
to the and all undersigned, and all persons having
having claims against said claims against said estate are notified
estate present the same to the to present the same to the undersigned
for payment on or he for payment before the lit day of De,.
fore Dee. th or this notice this notice will be
will be plead In bar of their recovery, plead in bar of their recovery.
This of 1st December,
Mils. Ci-aha J. W. II.
Executrix of the of Alfred of John r.
We have bought the grocery
business of and
horn and will conduct the same
line of business at same store.
We invite the public to call and
see us as cheap as
groceries the cheapest and always the best.
., Give us a trial. C.
Car load of salt for sale by Can
non and Tyson. w- B- of Greenville,
Wear Corliss Coon-Collars. for j
J. R. Turnage. buy a second baud
, t t . , . with couple doors, to weigh
Had left Wednesday j not less than one thousand pounds
for Charleston, C , where he has i W. U. Jackson Co. Ayden, N. C.
secured a position for the year.
On January 1st J associated with
me in business my father. Mr. Elias
Turnage, formerly the senior
of firm of Turnage Or-
N. C. The
her will be conduct-
id under the firm name of J. R.
Co., will continue
at the same stand former-
If you are troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
how difficult your case, call on J.
W. Taylor, an expert
Ayden, N. C, who tin- five years
experience with some of the most
cases. He never fails to
y occupied by myself. I wish to.
hank my friends for the liberal or their
have given me this I five
and assure them that our every Lenoir
merest this year will be to please I
J. R. Turnage. Give him
work if yon want
The Only Requisite tor
A Perfect Complexion
arc your hands and a jar
Massage Cream
Soap dirt but not out then the
skin absorbs the soap. is in
is Root the if it remains, it
becomes an impurity is blocked.
searches impurity the
crease, the dirt.
builds the
flabbiness must go.
Gentlewomen UM it in face
Gentlemen use it after
SO . mi .
For Sale at
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of
In lines, as Death claims, in each
one, another victim of
or Pneumonia But when
Coughs and folds are properly
treated, is averted.
F. G. of ,
wife had the con-
and gave
her up. Finally she took Dr.
King's New Discovery for
Coughs and Colds,
which cured her and to day she
is well and strong It kills the
germs of all diseases. One dose
relieves. Guaranteed at and
by J. L. Wooten, druggist
Trial bottle free.
It would hard to make
yourself marry a girl that wore
Harriet Howard, of W. St.
New York, at one time had her
beauty spoiled with skin trouble
She had Salt Rheum
or Eczema for years, but nothing
would cure it. until I used Buck
A quick
and healer for cuts, burns
and sores. at J. L
drug store
If husbands and wives loved each
other themselves there
would he no need of divorce courts.
Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can re-
and cured with Electric
Hitters. This is a pure, tonic
medicine; of especial benefit in
malaria, for it exerts a true
influence on the disease,
driving it entirely out of the sys
torn. It is much to be preferred
to Quinine, having none of this
drug's bad after effects. E S.
Munday, of Henrietta, Tex.,
brother was very-
low with malarial fever and
dice, till he took Electric Bitters,
which saved his life. At J. L.
Wooten's drugstore; price
of f
for No. of in,
mil f miles
I allowed to each, for
cal year
men m
county to represent mid
Hardware put out
samples of our Travel-
Position of
Salary per
weekly, with expenses in
The Columbia House,
Dept. Bldg.
Chicago, III.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing; Sold
When you the best
it is a Pinker. Nice assort
at Reflector Book Store.
W. R.
j. it.
H, M
tn on
Travel lei
Total amount paid
Stat of Carolina. I
t. William., of
the afore-
noon In
it Ii of M,
Cleric Co. Com. Put Co.
R. L. Can,
Greenville, N. G,
N. J.--
At the of business Nov. 10th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Demand Loans
Due from Ranks,
Hold Coin,
Silver Coin, National Rank notes
other U. S.
Good and the Bad of Royal Folk at
Charles U generally accepted
a gentleman as well us a martyr
because he was mot fortunate in
tin- d to execute
his In real life he was
by no means the mild and
individual he looked on canvas. His
I Henrietta Maria, gate it
One reason for her wish her
ions should be taught that
her husband was harsh
that he had made
through it.
The only Stuarts who shone by
speech were those
who been well drilled in
Mary, of Scots, for one and
Charles II. for another. James I.
of an awkward
familiar, some-
inn, The real Charles
I. a- well as
and was little beloved
outside his own family circle. James
II. was never popular, and as for
his daughters, Mart and
Anne, were heavy women with
but little of the reputed Stuart
about them.
The boorishness of the and
bites the nineteen th
centuries afford such
trust to tin- perfect manners of tho
and simply
the times these Hanoverian
princes lived in, tor at of the
courts of Europe a lack of good
taste was then general, and royal-
ties much as people in
spite of their line clothes.
As kings the old and young
tenders might have rill no hotter
than these Bonnie
Charlie did well, as
he became a heavy drinker early in
life us a downright sot,
with whom his wife could not live.
Somehow the Stuart dynasty never
rooted strongly ill England. In the
person of Queen Mary's son James
it was as a necessary evil
in 1603, and in it was expelled
in the person of James II.
The interval had been
by a revolution, the
of Charles I., the protectorate
of Oliver Cromwell, the restoration
of Charles and an unsuccessful
rebellion in favor of James
legitimate son, the Duke of Mon-
The two daughters of James
Queens Mary II. and Anne,
though of the Stuart line, have
ways been considered usurpers by
James I. came to England in
as a stranger who had never before
been in the country and whose claim
to the sovereignty as Queen Eliza-
beth's successor was founded on his
descent from Henry VII., first of
the Tudor line, his mother, Mary,
queen of Scots, having been Hen-
George I.
came to England in IT as James
great-grandson and the
in accordance with the act of
settlement of 1701 of Anne,
his kinswoman. He had previously
visited England in the reign of
Charles Modern
Sir Wemyss Held wrote of Abra-
ham must not blame
Englishmen too severely for their
lack of appreciation of Lincoln. It
is doubtful if even now he is
his true worth by
cans themselves. Some years I
had the pleasure of taking in to din-
u charming who was Lin-
direct I said to
can hardly understand
how pleased am to have met you.
There is scarcely any man whose
name is familiar to me whom hon-
or as I honor the memory of your
The young lady open-
ed her eves In innocent amazement
and confessed subsequently that she
had been very much surprised at
my little speech. home they,
never anything about grand-
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid .
Deposit subject to cheek, 00,067.09
Cashier's 37.40
to Ins
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the beat of my and be-
lief. , J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
sworn to before
me, this 19th day of Nov 1905.
Notary Public
He Never Told a Lie.
a father
son, you been at tho
pies nut in cupboard
said Tommy, looking
into his eyes, have not touched
how is it mother
found five apple cores in your bed-
room, and there is only one left on
said Tommy as ho dashed
wildly for the door, one I
Down Competition.
There existed at one time a ring
of brokers Paris who, by way of
keeping down competition, hired a
number of pule faced
to every public sale and
the best places in order to fright-
en away the general public. As a
further precaution these mercenaries
were served with onions and garlic
The plan
fort, do

Plan of the Immigration Promoter.
If plan . t the Slate Depart-1
men i i to
the various commercial and
of into.
for the promo-
Hod f immigration
Glenn will lie asked to
fix a date for a meeting to
his organization.
Mr. T. K. secretary
the State Board of
issued h circular letter
in regard to the send
one to every commercial and
Industrial In the
State, and to each of tie railroad
companies The letter outlines
and explains the of the
News and O server.
Smash Trust
Ne-v Yolk. Jan. whole-
ale fresh
has dropped chills it Will
to cents December.
is due
in the South and Southwest, re-
tailing in large the
lot Jan. the
receipts in the market
doubled, as the
I been restricted by
high anew i
i I
that about
thirty of
nil were being
at New
higher pike .,
The result a disastrous.
these goods are now being pressed
for sale at to cent.
On The Tree In January.
The record for the late
to be held by Mr. It. J.
Davis of county. He brought
one day last w two small red
which he took from one of
his trees the day This
tree, be says, bore a couple
dozen as second crop of which these
two was a part They of the
is a as
sear capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
Modern Science
to produce Bro
makes pure blood
is a
but the result of the
greatest chemists the
At the
first symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
And that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
Use as direct
ed. Live a temperate life.
If you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor s bill on de-
proof illness.
We don't want you
a cent, however, until we
have the bottle
for you Fill the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad
dress plainly, and will
tend you without any cost
to you whatever full size
package to try No matter
what your trouble is, write
New York.
I. Wooten will give ms
personal guarantee that
will receive a fie-- ,.
you send Cr upon.
State. .
Street address. .
My disease la.
If you think Bro
at once, or if yen have
used it. it is to be had
at all first class druggists.
Special sale by
Wholesale Agents for the
State of North
Charlotte. N. C.
White Goods
A Sale You Will Talk About
or Many Years to Come.
Fire in Richmond.
d, Va., Jan. IS An
morning lire destroyed
the Richmond Type and
Foundry, seriously damaged
printing department of the
Everett Company, and
slightly damaged the
hotel. loss about
coveted by insurance.
More Rural Routes.
The rural mail delivery
to enlarge and improve
in county. On the 15th a
route was at and
on the first February another
route will be served Stokes,
making two from that point. This
gives the county a total of
Wise buyers. Come early. This Sale embraces every de
j pertinent in this Store. For a number of days we have beet
receiving and assorting cases cases of New Spring Goods
. .-.,, Arranging Mock place ourselves ready for days of quick
Best Calico fie, m a which we
Checked , M, low.
A I V s
and Clots
Best A. F. C
W are prepared. early and heavy purchasing, to
If ml Best Sea Island offer value- we know will not be duplicated. Look
where yon will, price with value-then come here.
Of Interest to the
In the February
is much of housewifely inter.
Isabel Gordon
household serial called Pro-
and its
Delicious receipts onions an
I cakes and desserts are supplement-
led by an Interesting and Instruct
article on
and panes
are extremely
Gardening and furnishing
are other topics of particular In-
in the Home.
The only way to leave the bad is
to cleave to the good.
A Big Cloth
for Boys Suit- now going
W Lawn
A Full Line of MensA Boys a
all Linen Collars
Id A
Ladies Mixed
Lisle Thread
doz and
Heavy Ribbed
Plain mid
welted Piques
Closing all nu to
at the price of
Closing out all up to at
the small price of
Wide White
at this sale
Yard Heavy Canton
Flannel to
Best Grade Bleach
now at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets Bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
A Good Jean Corset
hooks in
white only
Medium with
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
med with
Fine Lace, I value
now going at
n all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
Men's Work
ii Golf
Fine Dressed and
dressed Kid Gloves 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay You to Visit our
Millinery Department
Since purchasing the interest of W. H.
Ricks in this business I have decided to
add another line. Therefore I want to
reduce my present stock of Groceries to
about one half.
In to do this we offer for CASH,
for days, my entire Stock of high grade
S Etc., AT COST.
Thanking all for a liberal patronage
during the past year and especially during
the Xmas trade.
I am your friend,
We can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Extravagant Longing.
I'd like to have sufficient wealth
To ride to yonder tow
There buy myself two
And pay for right down.
I'd to vi-it a
wild as it may
Be able at the second hour
To me some cream
I'd like to own a cake of ice
I would, my
sufficient money left
To buy a ton of coal.
I'd to keep a root
Slate shingled o'er my
Ami buy slut in yonder plot
To test in when I'm dead.
But the Court is Kept Busy.
Cases re not being run through
Glenn Among Intended A freight Train Now
Victims. Operating.
Wane,, the Coast Line is -how- quit his week, because
is News and J a disposition to do something ones
Ob-Hive the -f way, but. the court is kept busy
his. P.,, Jan. 24.- section, fa the the Harder problems
years to passenger train, the j capital coming this weeK
a j was put on
wrath inn might adopt m daily between Tarboro
The rial of Sylvester Barrett,
Mid whom with Jerry Cobb the
for and return gives grand jury returned a true bill for
the admirable Now an Constable at
U. . i I I., I.- I .
N. O. Jan.
A. B. Mil is visit-
O. Q. Calhoun,
Mrs. of Halifax, is visit-
her daughter, Mrs. Geo. H.
Pete colored, had the
misfortune of being accidentally
shot S Painful not
necessarily n serious wound.
Mrs. Fred Harding, of Washing,
ton, was tin- guest of her sou, B.
L. Hull,
Mrs. John B. Smith is very sick
with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Adams, who been
a sufferer for a long time, died
Sunday. The burial took place
Several of the young men this
place attended services at Pleasant
Hill Sunday.
Misses Edwards
tie Denton, have the
Mis H. H. Stanley, left
Monday for their home in- Or-
made many who were loath
tin-in have.
Mrs. Cox. of- Greenville,
who has been friends here,
left for In me Tuesday morning.
Misses ma and
on Pine strew Sunday.
was town night.
Methodist Sunday
e Lodge No. A.
F A. M., meets. fourth
Thursday veiling.
welcome . all visiting
The of the Frank
-Young, Monday, of. seven
years in the for shoot-
at Mr. v. D. was
later to twelve years.
Long learned that after Mr.
the the
went get a pistol
and bad time to think over it
return to the store
the From
tin- Judge deemed that the
punishment st be heavier.
have attain league. t. has been put on I was set for Thursday
toil. blackmail and I Tarboro early the mo. n-1 morning and a special of
-U the lives of for aid return the ordered. Only
official-in the United States. day. This is known as a
t In. -i-i n through freight,
tic Utters mid cars to and from the different
me ere in t be route.
the regular local Line
lot of Work and will cause Bruce, last August, and which had
shipments to be handled with , with the plain-
in and
ii itch.
f.-u ii
son of Ohio, hi a ,
Include tin-
H North
n. oil -I Hi-
, I be tried now as Cobb has not been
Judgment was taken several
This against the Atlantic
arising from wreck at
Higgs went to this
trial of Lou James
for burglary that was M i-
This through freight is put on j
u . day afternoon did not get to the
the view running it through .
. . jury until late Tuesday.
reason when
Of Those and Coming. in
John G. of Warren-
morning. ton, committed suicide by -hunting
J. went up the road himself.
Tuesday afternoon. Henry a Russian Jew,
W. M. Lang returned Tuesday was and in his
afternoon from Winston.
P. T. Anthony returned Tues- A arrested in
day noon from Ayden Prov,, the robber of the
at Elmore, in
G G. returned
. .
imam a young white
J returned man the
Greene county. i New London, Stanley unify,
. T , hie to hi- cell and fatally
Lucy Johnson returned .
-1. . t. t burned.
from Ayden. , . ,, ,, , ,
the Virginia Carolina
Mrs. C. Forbes -e ; Co., will build a factory
limed Tuesday afternoon from at Durham.
Florida special on the
Dr. M. I Fleming, of Hamilton, I Atlantic Line was wrecked
came in Tuesday evening and left Saturday afternoon.
shipments of this character are
being handled, we hope there
much business as to
in increased I variant continuance. The
if-i-said to come from in- . will come on soon
or known as the liter fertilizer shipments lire over
f avenue, this will make need for
rough freight. Then another
N; J. n which has
l. en h
The the the
Timi- silk riots many
were slain by anarchists
who ears the blame
the sills then on
were today
j for
season comes dose alter
to -be followed
by a new cotton crop. M hoop
up and keep the
had nut at noon
Moore made a bleak
the illegal selling whiskey at
Bethel. There were several
again.-t W. J. Janus and John
James was convicted In
two cases and three others were
continued, was
vie A number of prominent
; people of Bethel as
witnesses testified that illegal
of liquor there had been
bad. was sentenced
to jail for six mouths. James was
also sentenced to prison for six
Ha- victims. In each
ii tunics the victim had refused to
pi-v over money black mailers,
i In list of marked men
Governor Glenn's name is the only
Southern executive mentioned.
Sentenced to Year In
Wednesday night
co Depot Site.
options taken recently upon
property here on which to locate
the depot for Raleigh Pam-
Sound railroad expired on
Wednesday, and we are told by
months. Over both of them
was in other to visit J. R. Moore,
his morning.
of who
has been spending a few days
left morning.
United States Attorney Harry
Skinner returned from Raleigh
Tuesday evening.
Mis. I. A. Pittman of
came in this morning to visit her
Mrs. W. R. Smith.
Mrs. Harry Harding, who has
been visiting Mrs. F. C. Harding,
left this morning for Charlotte.
B. C. Copeland, Columbia
C, who superintended the eon-
b mot ion of the water works
here last spring, came Tuesday
Pullman cars were ditched,
yet only a few of the passengers
ere A freight train
wrecked at the same spot the night
T. K. secretary of the
board of agriculture, is
statement that
nor Glenn will, late In . r
early a rail for
convention to be held in Raleigh
to be attended by
from all organizations and
List of the Cases Tried.
Friendly Howard and Cornelius
Mr. L I. Moore who U interested Newsome, escaped con j
n and acting for the that not
Frank Young, with dead-
weapon with intent to kill
pleads guilty, sentenced to
for twelve years.
Dally Jan.
Sheriff Edwards, of Snow Bill,
j was here today.
G. G. went the road
. . .
t he options were closed and deeds
for the property.
This property selected for the
depot site located on Dickinson
extends across
the jury in the case of Ninth street id the old
on tot Ninth
Mo. and was given f Mi. Moore also tells us mat work j for m Jerry Cobb
to the jury just before adjournment is being, pushed rapidly on the j
the Raleigh Pam Joe dead
Sound road, and he thinks it weapon, plead guilty, lined
J S. Higgs
tori Wednesday evening
H. S. spent
today at arid
A, of
Frank Young, carrying of
ed weapon pleat's guilty, judgment
returned a true
of the Tuesday evening and
day night.
When was rendered
there some between
conn-el and the court as to whether
the verdict should be accepted or
will reach
Greenville in
of Removed From Brain.
Pa., Jan.
three inches in
length, was today removed from in
the brain of John Winston, t n.
M. Preston Gotten
Woolen. The diet as
by he jury was
his morning at opening of
con it Judge Long
in years the prison
at hurt
As to Cotton to the Acre.
We copied Thursday from
The defendant was represented ,
it. the trial A. Sugg,
Statement that last year Mr. N.
Shaw, of county, raised
thirty bales of cotton on six acres.
The Observer has told of some large
yields of cotton in this county
France And
presided at a cabinet
N. at the Hospital
here. An W made to draw
out by means of a
powerful magnet, the steel
so firmly the
w resort
to knife. operation- s
the patient u
to be doing well.
The of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Flake evening
and was at
family a few
from town.
that he had received a
from Ambassador
to the effect that the
United consider a
French naval
Vi In lobe a violation of the
France, it is
pointed out, thin- has her hands
free, but the
for the as
not lake decisive until
of M. th
others of one production of two
bales on an acre, Now comes The
Newton Enterprise and tells of Mr
George of having
made four bales of pounds each
on two and n half acres; and
is further westward than any
county ill tho that grows any
cotton at all. We all talk-and with
good reason- of great progress
North Carolina
in all lines of endeavor, but the
t, in tow-.
Mine Lizzie U
cm. this Mrs.
J. G.
Mr. and Mrs A. J.
Wednesday morning
Mrs., C. J. Forbes, went to La-
Grange, this morning visit her
daughter Mrs. G. B. W. Hadley.
The editor a few hours in
Kinston Tuesday. That town is
pushing right ahead in street
and is setting a pace that
of the wreck cases against the At- ought to be fast to
Coast Line which had been low. Kinston is a enterprising
and costs.
J. H.
, assault with deadly weapon, both
guilty, fined and costs.
. Charlie carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
divorce was and
judgment wast entered la another
Happenings of Interest Over the
An ex on the Brazilian
turret ship near Rio
Janeiro, killed out of a crew
Kentucky has caught the fever
and a was lynched at Hop-
Sunday night.
Miss Pauline claiming
C, her home,
arrested in Kansas City for going
around disguised as a man.
Greenville, C, is excited by
the discovery of a rich gold
in near that city.
A Plymouth Rock hen at
show in Boston sold
TUe grand jury having
ed its work was discharged for the
term. Judge Long complimented
them for their efficiency and
Don't forget the and cents
goods at The Store.
Mr-, Hardy, aged
thanked them the assistance years, mother of H. B.
they have rendered the court.
They Delight Greenville People,
The little folks were delighted
with the given by the
Co., in the opera
state is improving in nothing so home, evening, as wall
much as in its agriculture. It has M reception held by the
been but a few years since a bale company after play ill which
cotton to then refreshments were
Old at
small patches specially prepared
and regarded as greeted by an immense
indeed it was j the largest the engage-
Now it doesn't attract any
lid presently, if our This engagement of
improve their it, the Co., here.
ill I the tho j They our people that
O Rack, may a hearty
. Observer.
Hardy, died Tuesday at lat-
home Raleigh, It has been
only ten days since Mr. Hardy lost
his wile, and his friends through-
out the state with him
in this double
New garden teed at the Racket
store of A. U Ellington A Co.
A dispatch from Cape Beale
the Steamer Valencia, of San Fran
been wrecked near there
and one hundred people
Nine survivors have reached Cape
J. F. King went to Norfolk today
to buy a car load of horses
mules. He says if you Io see
something good in that line call
at his stables near live Points when
he gets back.
Where Lynching Would be Excusable.
A man who will curse over the
phone is exceedingly short on
manners. He a misfit and
a moral standpoint.
The pin lie would be at
the number who do this. It is bud
enough to swear over the phone
when talking to another man, but
when one pitches and curses the
operator at the central office there
should be some law to tit the case.
He might rig up some kind of an
excuse when talking for instance,
in a jocular vein to a
when he gets mad because be can-
not gel proper connection,
when it is known that it is not the
fault of the operator, and goes to
her it is about time be was
taken out and To show bow
unreasonable a man can be, we
recall an instance happened
one Sunday some time ago. A
man called up a certain reside mi
central rang the and no ore
answered. The man yelled at her
again and still no one an
then he cursed her
not satisfied with up the
chief operator and her for
failure to get the number he
ed. Next day it was ascertained
that residents or the house he
wanted were not at home during
entire day. Right here is
where he needed killing. We
it by everyone of the ladies

Eastern reflector, 23 January 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 23, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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