Eastern reflector, 5 January 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ace This Aft -noon.
The of young
Jarvis, who was killed at
Wednesday reached
here on Friday night's train, and
were met at the depot by a large
cumber friends, being taken
from there to the home of hie
rowing mother, Mrs. M. A. Jarvis,
on Second street.
The body to
by B. B. Jams, a
r of deceased. aid H. S.
Baker, a fellow of the
railroad. From those it U learned
that David's death was by
his run over by a shifting
engine on the railroad yard on
which he yard conductor.
Just how it Manned c id not he
told as no one saw the accident.
and when he was missed and search
him tis body was cold
when found.
The funeral was
o'clock inter-
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
we conducted In Rev.
W. K Con and the
,. ,. c in I.
It. W. H.
K. W
Brown, and Frank
Many sympathy
have l-en extended to the
Miss Shad Meets Her Match.
Christmas at the Center
K. for Tin
Some one has said that
are of a
and we think this
philosophy in more than one sense
Anyhow, the grown may hold
to their assumed dignity for
time, but when the Christmas tide
rolls around they certainly limber
they get a chance.
At th i pry
the Sunday of the Christian
church at Brick ware
house, Friday night, the grown
folks had a chance to shake off the
twinges of and gel
k of old
you I were
seems to be
abroad that stout people tun
Now I to tell you that then
in weigh
outclass the -viii
weight, it just adds
o ;. momentum a
you happened
the h a solid j
ii . matron, with the idea
-to- eaten up
you simply mi set your
e a.
Do think all the fun
with those who have added
to maturity, all had a royal
time, from the y to the
and of
of the warehouse in
loaning it for this occasion
wit full appreciation among tho
joined in games,
Col, I. A. la u-. remark-
able inc dent that
Streets of morning,
which caused a breach of
the ; e ice. The colonel c
down town about K; i
when he met a large roe
the sidewalk. is his
raising his hat
t-fl. Where-
up a -aid with ii
emphasis am not mg to
the Greenville public, sir, and I
n advance- am look-
for Col. sane A. who
always pays great to the
first season.
Thereupon the said
many thanks. I am the
you are looking
And many bows aid
they bade each other good bye
until they
win sup together.
This is the first breach of the
peace of the that has happen-
ed this reason, and the colonel
always has she first experience of
this son.
Of Clans paid the
i i a, pi puny visit, much to
of the gathering, especially
ho awaited the usual bag of
e and fruits which the
jolly follow always carries
with him on these occasions, i
had their fill of
n left out,
Santa was ably Impersonated by j
who, while
naturally a stout the good j
saint was able, the
in of an ample
of pillows and bolsters, to give the j
needed appearance of that
when he laughed, like a
b full of and made the
grown man say
a lo
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Trains a Day
Great Gift Sale.
Train No. from Kin-
arrives at Green-
ville 8.28 a. m. Train No.
leaves Greenville for
Kinston at 5.47 p. m.,
hours to do your
shopping at,
Greenville, N. C.
Is the ocean to which all Traffic Rivers
Flow. It has our good
fortune to a sale at
such savings at a time when they
would be so highly appreciated as now.
Train No. from Tar-
arrives at Greenville
11.18 train No.
for Tarboro 4-27 p. m.,
giving you hours do
your shopping at
Greenville, N. C
would I Wen
Is upon us and with the thought comes smile, born of keen pleasure afforded us in an
to remind our friends that we still in and memories for them.
Presents now to be found at
Big Store, Greenville.
Dress Suits, Tuxedo Suits, Business Fine Underwear, and Stiff Dress Gloves, Driving
shirts. Silk Scarfs, Silk Suspenders, Silk , Linen Handkerchiefs, Full Dress Protectors,.
J INC'S Silk Mufflers, Umbrellas, Dress Suit Cases. Women's Wearables at underselling What could be more
Sal Feed appropriate for a holiday gift than some nice Furs. Full line of Waists and Skirt Patterns, Millinery, Women's
Near Five Greenville, N. C. Chairs, Bed-room Suits, Rugs, Matting, Pictures, Trunks. Be careful don't overlook
No Cleaner Paper.
The is
eleven years old and the State has
do cleaner
ard i not only a good
high Christian gentleman.
Charity Children.
FIST CLASS TEAMS f pleasure drives, or to take pas
to points.
Drive and Work and for salt. I
them in large Bell as low as any dealer, either
for Cash or on Time.
When you an in and want you horse and
properly oared i i my
Shoe and Department or you may never what you might have saved till it is too late.
Horses and Mules
The time being at when you will want
or mules ti meet your needs the ming season we solicit
We have SALE STABLES at Greenville and Ayden whew
we will carry a full stock of GOOD HOUSES and MULES
during the entire season Come and we will show you
that it la a to trade with us, for we get
took direct from the stock thereby saving you the prof-
its the middle dealers have to make and which you save
by buying from u. It would take much of your
to pay us a and get familiar with our methods of doing
as we feel that it would result In making you a per-
customer, and we are we can make it benefit you
for so doing. We are prepared to suit your needs and what is
m re we guarantee satisfaction.
Window Mills,
and Mules. Sales Stables. and Greenville.
raft Pleat, d Bo.
tearful whir
aloe and
I bod art
It tea for
and wound-.
J L it
duly before the apply ti in
Clerk of the o
of C. d.- county nod to tho board of
Is hereby to all
hi-., hi i to the to
to retail spirituous and
hi quantities o
if less five gallon
and all persons having claims in tho town of , in
-ail estate must present the same for story frame bulling on side
payment within months of railroad it twine
date or thin notion will be plead Staton A to b,
tn run in the name of T K.
M. G. h He 27th day of O.
of B-
J. and
i In Swift
ii Ida up
Any ft or In
Id Amt
mo In .- next
buy ho by law.
Tills It
Large Holiday List of
f During the lost two week n
Register of Deeds P.
issued marriage
to folio
D. M. Newell and Mattie
Jesse and
M ill Hi
W T and
Harris Annie
John King and Mary E Taylor
Joyner and Lula Hearne
aDd Nita
E I. Mayo aDd Mattie Grimes.
Jethro Mills Lucy J
Myrtle Turn-
Wilfred Buck and Mary Aim
Alien and Emma Harris.
B V James Mabel M
Gardner Nina
J H Jenkins and Magnolia
Root Gray and Nannie
T Flanagan and
Walter Smith and Stella
George and Mattie
M H Teel J Everett.
FA Mills Henrietta
Go won.
Bonnie and Jane
Ernest and Lena Badger.
and Alice House.
Henry Frizzle and Annie Wig-
Geo. Jenkins and Lulu Weaver.
Henry Vines and Martha Jen-
Allen Lee and Georgia Ann
Frank Moore Carrie Walker.
Susie Hunter.
John Whitaker and Annie Cox.
Walter Franks and Bettie Gib-
Warren Clark and
Henry Rogers and Katie
Henry Chapman and Lillie
Joe H Wilson and Delia Got-
John Warren Adelaide
Warren Coward and Alice
Edmond Vines and Rosa Fields.
Samuel David
Jesse Edwards and Polly King.
James and Martha
Peter Boon and Moseley.
Silas Moore Nettie Cox.
J S and
David Daniel and Mary Smith.
Nathaniel Williams and
William Phillips
Richard and Maggie
The total number issued during
the mouth was
The Chief Events of a
Notable Year.
f. Labor Collision bet wren
strikers In various of
A In
End of tho
on the reported for the
three and
women killed and h
ed by the collision of a sleigh with a
train N V.
Prime the
of tho Interior of
Oswald w-M
known painter of the
last the War la
at Bakery.
Tho Bakery heretofore operated
by J. A. Ricks Bro.,
with grocery will
hereafter be by J. M.
Mr. had years ex-
in this Hue, and in
to the bakery he will carry a
stock of fruit and confections in
one of the stores i-i the Jarvis
A flairs,
Sport Ins;
of Life- and If by Accidents,
Shipwrecks, Stores and
Chronological Review.
If u period to date
from the history of the war between
The year opened
with the fall of Port Arthur after a
prolonged and contest In
which men took part and the
The Russian laud force signally
defeated at In March, and In
May the Baltic fleet was
annihilated In the strait of Korea
by the Japanese Admiral
Togo. On the Initiative of President
Roosevelt negotiation for a con-
were begun In June,
were opened In Portsmouth, N.
H., In August which ended In the con-
of a treaty of peace signed by
the emperor of the emperor
of Japan Oct. Hostilities
war continued approximately one year
and four months, and the estimated
cost of the conflict Is over
The total battle casualties are
placed at over
During the year the Internal troubles
of reached an acute stage and
result In the granting of civic
which In their entirety amount to
a social and identical revolution
of the autocracy.
Among the political events of the
year were the dissolution of the union
under one crown of Sweden Nor-
way and the establishment of the
pendent kingdom of Norway with
Prince Charles of Denmark on the
throne. Venezuela became Involved in
disputes with the and
France over concessions to the
of those two countries, and the
powers, with the exception of
Germany, united In a demonstration to
bring Turkey to terms In tho matter of
The obituary list of the year Includes
Joseph Mary
I lodge. Mary A. and
John Hay. In America, and
Sir Henry Irving, In
Pour crops made new high records
for the year In this country as to value
corn. hay. wheat and rice although
In amount of production the corn crop
Is the only one of the four that exceeds
previous yields. In every crop the gen-
level of production was high and
that of prices still higher.
Offend to surrender Port Arthur to
Port Arthur.
i. War. Japanese
took of Port Arthur.
Theodore Thomas, noted or-
In Chicago; To.
Buses Wan
of foes at Port Arthur.
and Officials to return to
on parole and tho men held as
prisoners t war.
In Kansas City, loss of
by the burning of a wheat
Port Arthur prison n
and 23.41 nun surrendered.
U- coal miners on
a In
Labor Troubles; of tho cotton
mill operatives at Fall River. Mass.
which began July x.
through of
Americas artist in in Lon-
ll. Labor Troubles Strikers In St. Peters-
burg repulsed In an attempt to
S petition to the
South American The
States temporary protectorate
of the of Santo Domingo.
Labor Striking Russian
workmen, led by Father tired
upon while attempting to the
to present their heavy
Arthur K. of
lowered th world's
bile, record for live miles held by W. K.
from to at Or-
St. Petersburg declared la a
of on account of revolution-
demonstrations. chief
of of Moscow, appointed gov-
of the troubled capital
t. Maxim Gorky, the Russian
author, as one of the leaders
In the revolutionary movements.
Fighting began
on the army taking
the offensive.
H. Russian
on Japanese line on the re-
pulsed by army, with heavy
e. Louis Barrios, noted
French sculptor. In Paris; .
a Santo A pact revising and
amending the convention of
between the States and Santo
I at Santo Domingo.
King Oscar of Sweden and
Norway handed over the reigns of
government to hi son. Crown
Russia; between troops and
the people at Russian Poland.
IS. The historic ho-
tel and other properties burned at Mo-
bile. Ala.; loss.
Cold wave in the northwest;
many persons to death
Fanny former-
well known opera singer. In
C noted author and
editor. In New York city. Sylvester
noted war correspondent. In
William Cullen Bryant,
known newspaper man. founder of the
American Newspaper Publishers as-
at N. J.; aged
IS. Jay noted at
Pa.; aged Gun. Lew Wallace, sol-
diplomat at Craw-
aged ;. Daniel
well known caricaturist, In
New York city.
Grand Duke uncle of
the czar of Russia, slain by an
sin's bomb In Moscow.
miners entombed by an
explosion In the Virginia mines at
Birmingham. Ala.
At loss of
by In the wholesale district.
Tho students of the
of St. Petersburg suspended
studies for the tho
year In sympathy with the
strike of the
Fire; At tho tunnel piers.
Charlestown. Mass.; loss.
Mrs. Isabella Hogg Parker,
niece of James Hogg, poet, child
friend of Walter Scott, at Ring
burnt on, N. Y.; aged
M, Meeting of tho Swiss
boring working
from opposite sides of the Alps.
M. Gen.
Japanese attacked tho Russian
left southeast of Mukden.
North Sea The International
commission of Inquiry Into the North
sea incident rendered a decision which
was a pew Meed favoring
Great Britain.
M. Desperate light-
Che Ta passes between the
Russians and Japanese, the Russians
holding their ground.
Sir Reid. noted English
and journalist. In London; aged
In New Orleans; loss of
by along the river front. Hot
Springs. Ark., suffered a loss
Ex-Governor S.
of Massachusetts, former
United States senator from that state
and former secretary of the United
States treasury, at Mass.;
Russia; Peasant riots In various cities
of Russian Poland. Maxim Gorky,
revolutionary agitator, re
leased from prison immediately
rear rested.
deaths In a mine explosion
at Vs.
L Mrs. June Lathrop Stan-
ford, of United States senator
Leland Stanford California, In Hon-
attacks by the Russians at
den temporarily
pushed his upon tho Russian
left Hunk held i
cavalry suddenly at
the neutral city of miles
northwest of Mukden, on the right
Hank of army.
a The issued u liberal re-
script promising to convene u
assembly of representatives.
turned the Russian right Hank at
Gen. with
the Fort Arthur soldiers, swept down
from the northwest upon the right
Hank of the Russians Mukden,
forcing to retreat.
Close of tho Fifty-eighth con-
Theodore Roosevelt
ed president.
killed Injured In a
wreck on the Fort Wayne at Baas
worth. Pa.
a Wat. Fierce
under Gen,
under Gen.
Judge It Reagan, sole
survivor of the Confederate cabinet,
Palestine, Tex.; .,;. d
ii-i repulsed In desperate attempt
to retake their positions north of the
At t la., the Amer-
Cereal company's plant destroy-
id; loss,
Train station men of the
elevated and subway transit lines In
New York struck for shorter
hours Increased pay.
a A. M. Palmer, well known
theatrical manager. Iii New York city;
aged Gain l I Jules Thomas, noted
In aged
my abandoned Its positions south of
Grand Chief Warren S. Stone
of the Brotherhood of En-
ordered tho striking members
on the New York transit lines to re-
Tho Russians
continued to dispute with the
the roads leading from Mukden
Ninth national Congress
of Mothers In Washington.
Mukden occupied
the Japanese army, the Russians
In full retreat.
Strike; Striking men in
fork by the
of their leader
Is. British ship Khyber
on the roast during e
hurricane; of tie
i- . the key
to the around Mukden, ruptured
by the
f. Japanese War
to in
command of th army Manchuria.
Failure of new Russian loan In
send m-n
The ii. . sailed
Joseph R. Hawley. ex-
form, r of that and
a veteran th- in
St At workmen killed and many
Injured by of a in
the R Grovel company's
stopping the of
French property; French or-
n. South The United States
proposed arbitration in the
R. Verne. French
at aged
South President Castro of
Venezuela refused to arbitrate with
the United States
IV Maurice Barrymore, noted
American actor, st N. Y.;
aged M.
U. In a speech to German sub-
at Tangier the kaiser declared
the Integrity of Morocco would
be maintained,
I Tunnel at tho
pas tn the Alp, the longest In
the world. Inaugurated by the passing J
of trains from the Swiss and Italian
a deaths reported by
an In India which affected
an area TOO square miles, rendering
every building uninhabitable,
a Labor strike be-
gun at Chicago
t. Personal Edward VII. of Eng-
land arrived in and held a con-
with President of
a Sarah
writer of children's
stories, at Newport. R. aged TO.
U. Fifth triennial meeting of
the National Council of Women open
ed In Washington.
M. Fire. Business section of
burned. loss,
The remains of Paul Jones.
naval hero of the American
discovered in Paris alter a live
search under direction of United
States Ambassador Horace Porter.
la Labor Troubles- Strike of railroad op-
In Italy.
The Russian
tic fleet reached bay. Cochin
Convention Fourteenth congress
of the National Society of
of Revolution met in
SO. V university burned at
N loss.
Fatal deaths In tho burning of
k convent Ste. Genevieve. Quebec.
B. M. Paul Russian
minister to China, at Peking; aged ill.
Collapse of the May
wheat deal In
Severe shocks In Virginia.
Joseph Jefferson, veteran
American actor, at Palm Beach. Fla.;
Shooting men of prominence.
Including a congressman, killed In a
political shooting affray at Hemp-
stead, Tex.
Fire at Milwaukee; loss.
Labor Over Chicago
teamsters out on a strike.
Meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
H. miners by
In the shaft at Big Run.
General Lee, noted
Confederate former United
States consul general at Havana,
Washington; aged
II. Special train bearing
gates of the educational conference at
Columbia, S. C. wrecked Green-
ville, s. trainmen killed and
prominent persons. Including St.
editor of the Brook-
Baste. Injured
Labor s nous strike riots In
Nearly people killed,
1-0 houses
destroyed by a windstorm Laredo.
W. W. Russell appointed
minister to Venezuela to succeed II.
W. Bowen, who was recalled to meet
charges made by former Minister
o Religious liberty granted to
certain denominations by
miners killed In an ex-
st Okla.
L Workmen's riots suppressed
by troops in Warsaw.
a Sixteenth annual con-
of the Sons of the American
Revolution opened Philadelphia.
Riot and bloodshed
by strikers hi
Tom Jenkins for tho world's
wrestling In New York.
L St. Joseph, Mo.; loss of
by tho burning of
a deaths Tornado at Mir-
One hundredth
of the death of the poet
celebrated in Germany and
tho United States.
Thirty-seventh re-
union of the Society of tho Army of
the Potomac at
N. Y.; loss of
, Agile won the Kentucky
Over deaths In n tornado at
Bible society
held its eighty-ninth annual meeting;
In New York.
H killed and Injured In a
on the Pennsylvania railroad
South Pa.
II Bennett,
writer of fiction, In Philadelphia; aged
U Crook, last surviving
soldier of the of N.
y . aged
it. the
light opera in aged
i. H. M. i educator, lecturer
and Journalist. Tn San aged
U. American Federation of
met In Detroit.
la First Joint meeting since
the civil war of the Baptists of
north and south at St. Louis. Tenth
annual meeting of the National
association at Atlanta. As-
of American Physicians met
In Washington.
IT. Yacht Contest for the 15.000
kaiser's cup began Sandy Hook.
General assembly of the
Presbyterian church opened at
n. Mrs. U. ;
formerly prominent so- the same
In that city; aged Albion W. ; r
noted writer and , sales people jut as I bey
and States consul at . , ,
In that city; aged Sf. Ben
Pa.; loss.
II. Mary A. writer
and at aged
Trust company
closed Its doors In New York.
. Burnett. A Co.,
bankers, failed In Boston; liabilities.
Delhi won the Brooklyn
Battle In the
strait of Korea between the Russian
fleet under and
the Japanese under Admiral Togo;
Russian raptured or
Russian loss estimated 10.000 to
killed, wounded and captured.
Togo reported n loss of Japanese
torpedo boat and Japanese killed
and wounded.
wounded and captured. Admiral Ne-
captured and Admiral
SB. National conference on
agriculture opened at Rome.
The Lewis and Clark
opened at Portland.
American schooner yacht
Atlantic finished first in the
race for tho kaiser's cup; time,
U days and hours, the fastest ever
made by a sailing yacht for the dis-
BO. Kin,; Alfonso of
rived In Parts.
workmen burled by a
In an Irrigation tunnel at
Cicero won the English
L Attempted assassination of
King Alfonso of Spain Paris.
U deaths by tho sinking of
tho Mississippi river steamer II. at.
Carter at tho mount of river.
a Shipwreck; u lost by the sinking
of the British burst Afghanistan in
collision Caesar
War. Three Russian
cruisers under Admiral which
escaped the battle In the strait of
Personal Ibid, the new
American ambassador to England.
arrived In
Obituary II. V
journalist Federal veteran of the civil
Pars In Atlantic
. aged
a Fire Milwaukee, loss of 1300.000 by
the the Milwaukee
a Personal Crown Prince Frederick
William of Prussia married to the
Duchess Cecilia Mecklenburg-
Convention The national council of
the General Federation Women's
Clubs met at Atlantic City.
editor and
proprietor of the Washington Post, in
Washington, aged
a Shipwreck. British submarine boat
A-8 lost off Plymouth with of her
Obituary; Prince Leopold of
whose nomination to the throne
of Spain the
war In In Berlin; aged
a Thomas F. Ryan
a controlling Interest In the Equitable
Life Assurance society; Paul Morton,
former secretary of navy, chosen
of the board of directors.
Sudden rise of the Mississippi
river caused a loss of in
Iowa. Illinois and Missouri.
War; President
for a peace confer
accepted by Russia and Japan.
At Fort Tex.; loss of
by the burning of a
it. Convention Reunion of the United
Confederate at Louisville,
Sporting won the Suburban
handicap Bay.
At Fort Francis, tint.; the bust-
section loss.
Act killed many Injured
In a on the Western Maryland
railroad at Md.
Obituary Maximo the
Cuban lead r, Havana;
is. At loss of
by the bunting of tho Armour Ice
sen tho meeting of the
The Interstate National
met in St. Paul.
Political; II, W. former j
later to m. dismissed from
Axe The Twentieth Century
Limited wrecked by an open switch at.
. ,. .
Battle between troops and I ope Ct.,
strikers at Poland;
killed and -m wounded.
SO. The chin,
defined by the president
At Nashville; of In the The Bank has two-
Wallace, chief or three The
What Has Taken Place Among
The Business Houses.
Id making round the
finds fewer for ibis Dew
ear have in the
a majority
firm of J. B. Cherry Co.,
is succeeded by the new in of J.
most of the
old with the
new firm. A. retires
to engage in fur
D. K. House retires to engage in
other and Has-
will go t school. E, B.
Thomas has taken a position with
the firm.
G. K Jackson, who has been
with J. J. has moved
bark in country,
to his old position
this store.
j d Foil, formerly with Jame
is now the Pitt. County
Boggy Company.
Blow, Jr., formerly at J.
w. Bryan's drugstore, is now with
in the drugstore by Ben
L. Clark, who with C. T.
returned to his home
in the
Otto retires from
to take a
I inn and is
Jack Boyd, with B. K.
Patrick Co., has gone to
his home in the country.
Mies has resigned
at photograph gallery and
in by Miss Km ma
At the J. B. Randolph
and is succeeded by
At the Miss Lena
Anderson retires and is succeeded
by Mrs. J. A. Brady.
Cromartie, with
Wiley has his old
posit with
L. P. Dudley, with A.
H. Tali, has returned to his home
in in succeeded by
W. P. Edward-.
C. H. Gurganus, formerly with
S. Forbes, is attending a
II college and is succeeded by
Wake county
hut lately of Ayden.
L. Z Fleming has taken a
with Johnston
Moore A have sold
tin business to A. Ellington
w. b. Greene, with A.
K. Tucker, bas resigned to take a
position as traveling
T. L. Blond, with
H. Brown, has resigned to take a
position an traveling salesman.
last mention of
Her ford, able
exclusion law pad
of the Panama canal, j given us ft
in colon
Yale to
at at New Haven. , .
B m a dynamite ex- by a
beside a
Ben ard dog.
Cornell won tho oared
at time.
miles, id minutes seconds;
miles. minutes
at Odessa; loss
of by fires. The
In tho of mutineers,
In tho harbor trained her guns
en the city.
S. Tho National Equal
association met at
Yale defeated Harvard In the ,
varsity boat at London; by the people
time, i minutes 2-5 seconds. J
John k. Stevens appointed what he has for trade.
chief engineer of the canal. M ,,,
Charles K. Installed us sec. to your advertising and
rotary f vice Paul . . .-i.
bi the people.
There is money in the country
and prospect for a good spring
trade. The wise should
look alter a share

R. J. G.
BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their patrons and the public
generally that they are business at the
same old stand and will be glad to have all their old
Customers give them a call. We shall continue to carry a
full stock of the best and newest merchandise Of a reliable
character, striving at all times to meet your needs in the
most satisfactory manner.
Our haS just been completed, and we find we
too many Winter Goods in stock, for this reason we
will sell this entire line of
at greatly reduced prices for days. This means money
saving to those who take advantage of this opportunity.
With best wishes for a Happy New Year we are
Yours truly.
J. R. J. G.
My It Worth Reading;
Sup You Stop Sec
it Wonderful
Greensboro, N. G. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cared our little girl of
a very bad case eczema, which
covered a part of her body.
She bad from
the time she was three weeks old,
until she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well arid I feel
that I cannot speak too
it She baa not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
f How Many People You
Reach Without V
leaving your own office t
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It
For Rates
Homo Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
. N. C.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
The who Insures his life is
wise for his family.
The map who Insures his health
Is wise both for his family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It Is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable ways
And save your health.
Notice hereby I will on.
Monday in Jan. 1906 Apply to
of county commissioners for
License to retail Liquor in the town Of
N. C.
This Nov. 1905. J. I Gibson.
By virtue of a decree made by D.
C. Moore, Clerk Superior Court of
Pitt County, on the day of
1905, in a certain special proceed-
wherein Isaac and wife
Fannie M. Gardner, waiter Gardner
and wife Fannie Gardner, are petition-
I will on Saturday, the
13th day of January 1906, at o'clock
noon, expose to the public sale at the
Court House door in Greenville, to the
highest for cash, the following parcel
of land to in Swift Creek
Township. Pitt county and beginning
on the O C line and runs to a
marked pine by the roadside, then a
line to north west co to a
knot, centered by a
black and a stump,
then about a north course with an greed
line made N T Cox and Smith
to said Smith's line then with said
Smith's line to the beginning corner,
with the old line back to the beginning
containing acres more or less
and being the same land conveyed by
N T Cox to smith by deed
dated March 22nd 1900 as of record
pears in the registers office of Pitt
Count in Book V
This sale will be made for Partition.
This the 12th day of December, 1905.
F. C. Harding.
Dr. f
To Publishers
and Printer
We have an entirely new
on which parents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head
and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or on the bot
Column and Head
Rules regular lengths
L. B. and
Head Ruled inches in
and over per
A sample of refaced
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Manufactures of Type III
High Grade Printing Material
N. Ninth Street.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for
Connecting at Washington with
Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours subject to
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
P. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
fainting, bothering or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it. and now
quickly you will find relief.
January 1st, 1st, I took
down with dropsy,
and gradually grew worse. I was told
by my family physician that my case-
was My neighbors and
had given Up to die. My
limbs and body were swollen to one-
third larger than normal size.
water had collected around my heart
For at least three months I had lo
propped UP In bed to keep from
I sent for five bottles of Dr.
Heart Cure, and by the time I
had taken them all I entirely
cured. feel better than I have for
years, and I am able to do
any kind of work on my farm. M
attending physician told me that If It
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cure
would now be In my
L. T. CURD. Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is sold by
. will guarantee thorn
the first will benefit.
. v. p. i
who will guarantee tn.
he first bottle will benefit. If It foils
ho will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
. .
You Must and Not Do
When happens.
By cinder we mean any minute
article of whatever nature which
in eye, where it cause
much pain and distress.
In most when I foreign
body into the eye it creates u
little discomfort time, but if
soon washed away by the tears with-
out doing any harm.
when the particle has
sharp corners to it, us is often the
with the One cinders from a
locomotive which burns ft coal,
the conjunctiva i cut and the body
becomes lodged in it, oil
nature's simple efforts to remove ii
re ineffectual. -Man then tries to
tome to nature's assistance and
often make- bad very lunch worse.
The sufferer winks the rub
it with bis linger, inserts
and does whatever else
he can think of to drive the particle
deeper into the conjunctiva and
causes swelling of the
immediately surrounding the
offending particle, with the result
that the foreign body becomes
and can be removed
only by the little needle or knife of
the oculist, or else it loosens itself
exciting an ulceration of the
cornea, and this ulceration, when
healed, leaves behind it u minute
white scar. Lucky is the man if
Ibis sear is one side not
in front of the pupil.
One who a cinder in tin eye
must first of all exercise self con-
lie must not rub the eye. lie
may take a glass of clean water,
throw in u pinch salt, then put
the head down so that the eye is in
the water and wink several times
rapidly, if this does no good the
particle can sometimes be
by taking bold of the la-lies and
drawing the upper lid down over
the lower and Letting it slide back
Into place.
if the speck can on look-
ling into the mirror it may often be
by the tip of a cone made
the handkerchief several
limes. Sometimes a friend can see
the by looking Into the eye
with a magnifying glass and can re-
move it by gently touching it with
the handkerchief cone.
This is any one should at-
tempt, if these gentle efforts
fail lo dislodge the cinder no time
should be lost in seeking the help of
a physician, who may take it away
inflammation or ulceration
come- to complicate the accident.
Son Lost Mother
runs in our
and through it I lost my M
write E. B.
Me. For the pi five year,
however, on th of
a cold cold, I nave ink en
Dr. cm
i. ii
from us lung Bis
was a sad for
By virtue of a decree of the
court of county, made in a
Special therein
pending, entitled, J. M. Williams and
others versus Lewis and
we will on
MONDAY, January 16th, 1906
before the court house door Green-
ville, sell at public sale to the highest
bidder that certain tract of
land situate in Greenville
Pitt county, and two miles of the
Mr. Reid, lull h net town of Greenville, on the road
must not lie neglected,
and how lo cure Quickest re
f and cure for colds
Price and l; guaranteed at
J. L. Women, Druggist Trial
i often as great woman's
Tho. Austin, Mm of the
publican, of Leaven worth,
was not when he
refused the doctors to op
his wife, female
he says con
eluded to try Electric My
wife was then so sick, could
hardly leave her and five
physicians tailed to
her. After taking
she was cured, and can
perform all her household
by L.
Woolen, Druggist.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
Is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box docs not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
from said town to the low of
bounded on the east by
the lands of Jesse R on the
by the lands of Mary on
the west by the lands of warren Cher-
and ethers, containing sixty-seven
acres more or being the
lands formerly owned by Jackson
Also one other parcel of land con-
. acres more or less School
Branch, which contains marl deposit.
i Terms of One third cash an
the in two equal Installments
to be paid in one and two years respect-
the deferred payments to bear
interest, payable annually, from date
of deed, and to be secured by
gage upon said land. This December
I. A. Sugg,
A L. Blow,
State of North Carolina, I In the
Pitt County. I Court
G E, Harris vs Samuel I b f
By virtue of an
to the Superior
Court of
Ration I will, m the
day of January,
M at the court dour n
east to satisfy said ex cation, all the
right, title and inter-st the said
has in
lowing estate to wit.
Beginning on th st sine of Me-
Avenue at the South east
lot No. it being from
Washington Ave. thence west
feet thence running So th feet
thence east parallel with first line to
Avenue North with
west side of
deed from I, w,
S. Perkins Samuel Obey recorded in
book w
One other tract being In west Green-
Place on and
Washington No
the M and
Washington running with the
western line of avenue
South a westerly course parallel
with Washington ave. HO feet thence a
course parallel with
ave feet to
an easterly course wash-
Ave to the See deed
By virtue of decree made by D O. of J. w. and wife Per-
Moire, Clerk of Pitt kins to Samuel Obey in book p-T Page
on the 12th day of December
1905, in a certain special I This day of Dec,
wherein Joseph Jones, wife
Mary Jones, Jim Jones and others are
petitioners ex-prate-1 will on Monday I
day of January I at IS
j O'clock noon expose to public sale at
the Court House door in Pitt County
to the highest bidder for cash the fol-
lowing parcel of land to wit-lying and
being in the County of Pitt and in Con-
Township, beginning at the
Franklin line on the big ditch in the
Frederick white Held, thence running
up said big ditch- to Henry
I line, thence with his line to Lorenzo
line, thence with Lorenzo
I line to Biggs Stocks
i line, them e with the Jones and Dale
, back to the beginning containing
I acres more Or less.
This sale is made for Partition.
This the 12th day of December 1905.
F. C. Harding,
L w Tucker Sheriff.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers oil
j Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
Having qualified before the
Court Clerk t f Pitt county is
administrator of the estate of Join, V
Whichard, deceased, notice is hereby
given all persons indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
present the same to the undersigned
for payment before the 1st day of
comber, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their
This 1st day of December,
W. H.
John F. Whichard.
Notice is hereby that I will on
the day of Jan. sell at public
sale, at F M the
personal property belonging to th
estate ofF II deceased. JOB
cattle, hogs, household and
furniture firming
corn, hay, and
personal property mules, horses etc
Terms of sale cash.
This n day of Dec.
Mrs. L
Administrators of F. m
I A Sugg Atty
Couldn't Smell Anything Wrong.
James in
with the who used;
manage his lecture tours, was.
once examining a hall in a town in
where it was proposed Mr. I
should give u reading. The
two men had as their guide a colored
janitor who was quite talkative. Mr.
observed that ho janitor made
use of long words o whose meaning;
ho ignorant. So the poet de-
lo have a little fun with
him. All at once Mr. Riley began
to the atmosphere critically.
Bosnia to mo, he said
sternly, the acoustics in this
place are pretty
said the janitor re-
shore must be
mistaken. don't smell
Success Magazine.
Original Alarm Clocks.
Mr. in his of u
Journey Through Mongolia and
mention a curiously
device employed by Mongolian
letter carriers.
These make very long
journeys on foot and within a time
which allows them only the briefest
intervals for an occasional nap. To
insure themselves against oversleep-
therefore, they tie a piece of
joss stick to one of their thumbs,
it and lie down to rest. When
he stick burns down to the flesh
he pain them, and they
resume their journey.
We beg leave to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
arc very in be-
to arrange the pub-
of those well Known
to oiler a subscription
year tins
price. have decided
to let o i, i-read have the
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in advance subscribers.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
The Strenuous or th
Simple Life
life is too wear too hard
Trousers are made for either. No
life is
for them.
. Illustrating Phrase.
. is meant, John, by
the phrase coal to Hew-1
is n metaphor, my
showing Hie doing of some-
that is unnecessary.
. don't mid
Give me an familiarly is
it l wen to bring American men and
Don't Neglect This Wonderful Otter
home a book entitled to
Norfolk, V.
Buyers and
Cotton. Grain
On. V Veil
Reviews of The Cosmopolitan
Many other publications arc A leading for IS years
desirable, and you prefer With the recent change of owner
this or prefer that fiction and ship it has been improved. is
art publication, but the Review far better in every and
aims to be the best in the field.
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement man; mag
This year it is Cos
men are going to keep up
. times and are to
he Review of
Woman's Home Comp an
The Woman's Home Companion
is for every member of the
For our bright, earnest.
cultured, home loving American
woman it is an ideal r
and helper in a thousand
ways; but fathers and
brothel's and sons join in its
perusal by the fireside; children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written them.
American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper t and pertains
live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
most strongly
only ore offering the Genuine
Dutches Trousers are
made garment in the world today-
cents a
There are piles of them on our counters in
to suit all tastes at to
The King Clothier.
et id r with The Daily Re
tor .
The Reflector Is Read By in reach,
reaches people money to pay for what they
you have what want advertise it and you are sure
g t a part of their money.

J. Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at S. C. as second class matter.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A co. respondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Coal w up make it
all th i harder to meet fuel bills.
is coughing up and
boom -f the insurance money
It is noticed that new year's I
passed with only mayor
of New York.
A lot has been purchased for
purpose, it begin to look like
may really get that auditorium.
move yourself and be n
original instead if an imitator,
and you will see tilings happening
Yea sir, there is talk of both a
brick manufacturing plant and u
building and loan association
Greenville. They are coining,
By actual
shook hands with people
at the While Home new year
Must have been tired when
he got through.
The troubles Russia are about
as slow reaching the end as ma the
disturbance the
Who is moving for a building and
loan association Greenville should
hare one and not be long about it.
The Society of America
will join in prosecuting the murderer
of the two members of the
But troupe at S. C.
be a abort while before
ill ire would be several more coal
yards. A enter
; i lie mentioned it is
lie Name way
This ill-duration put us to think
n ; ought to every one who is
in welfare of the
at experiences of
there re illy more truth
fancy in what
said. This is not written in any
of complaint at any one in
particular, for every person has th
right to engage in whatever business
he pleases, but the purpose is to call
attention to an existing condition
that does not tend In promote
t There should be more of
helping each other and
i. sh u the spirit of against
other. Every enterprise that
is should have the en-
and all
business interests and not be choked
by As the gentleman
suggests, let us have
tors and fewer
There is enough idle capital
around Greenville to put a number
of enterprises in operation if it was
Mad for that purpose. The town
and the promoters would both be
by such a movement.
The who are going to
build an air ship which to make
expedition to the North Pole
have more prospects of success than
in the past have attained.
We have faith in the coming air ship.
Tom is up for another
round in the public eye. A com-
of cheap performers i Raleigh
has been giving a production of his
play on a small
scale, and Dixon has come forward
to put a stop to it.
In a recent decision in Now York,
Judge holds that the
signing of another nun's name to a
ticket sold by a railroad is not for-
when the holder of the ticket
it for value from the
ml The sale of the
ticket by the purchaser, holds the
judge, is equivalent to conferring
the right upon the man who buys it
to sign the name in which the ticket
made out.
The effect of the decision is of
course, t render practically nu
on the part of the rail
roads to sell special and return trip
tickets with the travel there
on limited to one person To those
who feel that a ticket is a
which calls for so much trans
and that it ought under
all circumstances to be negotiable
this will go mows. The effect
if the decision will be, however, to
greatly facilitate the business of
against which all
roads have long waged a more or
less effective warfare Raleigh
News an Observer.
1905 IN BRIEF.
I an observing mm to The
tell one thing the
matter with the town
few originator and too many
r Ho went on to explain
mean I y originators, of which
there are to few, men who new
ideas n ml enterprises will
be helpful themselves and
helpful ; community. The
of which there are too
m my. are those who never think out
themselves, but wait until
somebody else has started and an-
and then rush into the same
thing, opposition and
com; us to destroy what pro-
fit there might be that particular
s . an
man should a coal ard
that e some sh of success, it
of Hint, N. II.;
Rev. May. noted
w u
or In w I
i i in i I v
i. n M
National educational con-
met N. J.
m geographer, in aged
Sport Ins; New record autos
Morris park. York, by
Webb Jay. who draw Ms a
In 4-r
Christian Endeavor gathering In
pant . Baron homo, the
new to the
ed and one czar's
arrived in Now
M. won the
national auto race Gordon
I;, cup at France.
a tornado which
county. Tex
The craw f
land defeated the crow of rial-
glum for Challenge cup at
formally delivered to tho United States
government by
Seventh annual
of at Den-
Disaster at French submarine boat
in tho port of Ad-
Tunis, carrying down men.
Waiter author
en ting Tom Man . r
Fir- At ; in, n of t
by the burning torn-
i .
The hip
dell d to th
. i i-
Sport I i ii of
i . i i
tn. Art-
; ion handle tip.
k .; Japan hoisted
her over oil by
the of
John scout,
who was with Zachary Taylor In
war, Wash.
U. killed by the ex-
of fire
Count prefect of
at Moscow.
Fire- Th mansion at
Ma., destroyed; loss.
is July is on record In
York from heat.
Per Root s
of i
Labor The Chicago
strike, which April
of rs
b. Paul Jones; The States fleet
the remain at Jones
rived In Virginia waters.
Of the
States lying at
Baa IS ego CaL. exploded, the
math, all told, of of bar crew.
C File A DUO In Auburn. N. T.
i A would be
I i narrowly the
sultan of Turkey and killed of his
death in an oil Bra In the
Humble Tex.
Daniel Scott Lamont.
of under
kt t bi
Conference of Czar Nicholas
and near In
the sea.
chief Japanese
to the peace conference, arrived In
New York.
Obituary Gen. William
commander In chief of the G. A. H . in
Ida .
Personal M. Russia's
chief plenipotentiary, arrived In New
I. Fire. The Delaware and Lackawanna
railway terminal destroyed in Hobo
ken. N J ; loss
Peace Russian and
envoy met on board the yacht
Bay. N.
W. W. CO of Boston put a
pound stone feet U Inches
Portland. Or., breaking the world's
record of feet Inches.
Roy Stone noted civil
war veteran a en-
on public works, at
N. ed
a. Peace First session held
at the States navy yard. Ports-
mouth, N. II.
Archbishop of the
Roman Catholic diocese of New Or-
leans victim of yellow fever; aged Cl.
The National Catholic To-
Abstinence association met at
Pa., and addressed
by President Roosevelt.
i Rear Admiral E. K.
C. S. N. retired, at Lake Ma
N. Y,; aged
Now treaty of alliance con-
elude between Japan.
Accident killed and many injured
in an accident on the Nickel Plate at
to colon d kill
ed and as In an open
drawbridge accident on the Atlantic
line at Va
Fifth and concluding race
the Canada cup won by the Amer-
A national representative
summoned by the czar.
killed and many missing In
a storm which swept over southern
Mary Dodge, author,
poet and editor of St. Nicholas, at
N. Y.; aged
Severe shock felt
southern Illinois. Tennessee and Ken-
S. Twentieth annual meet-
InK of the American Bar association
Pier. R. I.
President Roosevelt went
down the submarine boat Plunger
In Island sound.
Peace The ultimatum or
Czar Nicholas that Russia Would not
pay Indemnity received by the peace
envoys at Portsmouth.
won the
at Bay.
; Peace President
wit mad a final appeal to the mikado
to modify Japan's peace terms.
an drowned by the
of tho steamer off
opened In
The mikado ordered
further to Russia In order
to insure
p. Tana agreed upon
by the at Portsmouth, Russia
half f the I of
and no Indemnity to
Japan for coat of the war.
At Johnstown, Pa.; loss of
by the burning of the Traffic
Shocks felt along the
New Hampshire coast line.
. Ernest French sugar
Total eclipse of the sun lasting
from two and one-half to three min-
observable from northern Africa.
Francesco noted
at Italy; aged
John Baldwin his air-
ship blown to atom by dynamite
feet in air at o.
L people killed and hurt
In wreck on the Great Eastern rail-
way at William, England.
At Portland, Ore-i loss of over
burning of docks
the H v
a Firs; burned in Adrian
. city of European
Tin t .
a a thirty-ninth encamp
lie U A. opened at
. I Swedish diplomat and
legislator, Stockholm; M,
noted Amer
lean author and editor, at Warren.
R Li aged oft.
a In Tokyo because of
with the peace treaty.
a IS destroyed tn
tin of Italy;
mined and people killed
or Injured.
James Tanner elect
ed i in r of the n. a. it
Accident IV workmen killed by an ex
In Hand powder mills
Fain la.
Fir Al loss of
by r. iii the freight yards.
U. Accident; ii people I ii-d or fatally
Injured by the fall of a coach from
the i I ck In New York city.
y Admiral flag-
d by an explosion,
following In harbor;
and man The
bridge, the highest In tho world,
at . t Is, on
i in ; y Ill noted
French explorer at Dakar,
. i U
Ac ii by III and lo
; the i work I
wind and rain
; I Ni i . . ;
. . i. i , deal a
an . .
mini, to i e States, In-
by the explosion of a bomb In
At Mont.; loss of nearly
by flame In the business dis-
A destructive and fatal
swept r and other
Philippine ; and
a property loss i at
The rewarded
for his services the peace
by count of the
L At Hiroshima. Japan; loss of
j; by the of military
tori i
Dan Patch paced a mile
j. . breaking his own record of
Louisville, Ky.
Thirty-first annual con-
of the American as-
met in Washington
Shaw Lowell.
Well reformer and
in York city; aged
U. Sir Henry Irving, the Eng-
actor, at Bradford. England; aged
Worlds Fl Ir Close off the and
Clark exposition at Portland. Ore.;
for the entire period.
Missouri building at the
fair, with valuable ail
The emperors of
and Japan the peace
treaty, ending the war.
Accident; -v people in-
by a tornado at
Personal; The Danish court
ed Prince of Denmark
would the clown of Norway.
Centenary of the naval
of Trafalgar and the death of
the British commander. Lord Nelson.
celebrated in the Britten dominions.
Admiral Togo made a public
entry of Tokyo to report to the
do the return of his fleet from
Personal; Miss Alice Roosevelt arrived
at San from Yokohama.
Jerry Simpson, former con-
and noted Populist loader, at
Wichita, Kan.; aged
persons killed and BOO wound-
ed In a riot at
strike of railway
m n followed by rioting In the great
killed and Injured In a
wreck on the Topeka Santa
near City.
Tho czar Issued a manifesto
granting liberty.
Ed Bryan broke the world's
two mile record by trotting In at
The railway strike committee
to continue the strike in
of the czar's liberal and de-
L Riot and disorder at Odessa
vicinity, no by attacks
on the Jews,
a Prince Louis of
bearing n message from King Edward
VII. to IT.-idem Roosevelt.
at the White House,
Nicholas granted the de-
of Finland for autonomy in gov-
as it i led before Am-
prisoners and censorship
killed and many Injured by a
tornado at Mountain View. O. T.
William T. Richards, fa-
American marine artist, at New-
port. R. I.; aged
George Williams, found-
of the Y. M. C. A. In London; aged
Lady Florence Dixie, author, ex-
and woman's rights champion,
at Ohm Stuart, Scotland; aged
Mutiny of Russian sailors at
accompanied by rioting and
pi Hugo.
Martial law proclaimed
throughout Poland. Political uprising
and riot at Vladivostok.
Congress of the American
Federation of opened at
Political I The Isle of Tines seceded
from Cuba and a govern-
under United states laws.
The czar granted land
to the peasants,
Sporting defeated Princeton at
football at New
Chart of Den-
mark king of Norway. Korea
yielded to demands in the
mi r of government.
Over by the loss
i the steamer in the English
Mutiny of of the
fleet and of garrison
at Sevastopol.
Personal; Norway new king.
VII., royal into Chris-
rt Harvard at foot-
ball, t; to t. Cambridge.
K. ID and hurt In a
wreck on Boston and Maine, near
Lincoln. Visa.
Tho of
the i of Jews In America ob-
throughout the country.
King formally as-
the at
Edwin V. Morgan, former
United States minister to Korea,
pointed minister to Cuba, vice Herbert
. resigned.
mutineers at
conquered after a severe battle.
T. Army and navy football
game Princeton resulted In a tie;
core fl to fl.
a John compiler of
Familiar at
Cambridge. Mass.; aged
Premier tendered
the resignation of the British cabinet.
former minis-
of war. assassinated by a woman
neat occupied
th- Turkish Island of Sir
lb Campbell accepted
the task of forming a new British
in reached
Alaska, overland from Herschel
Island, having sailed the north-
w. i passage i . in- sloop
in killed and is Injured in a
wreck of Overland Limited on the
Pi R Springs.
a O Slates Senator John
of -it ind;
well known In Now fork
i .
tool i i won the Fix
day . ii. in w city;
score mill's ; laps.
i of
Au. I i ii; i pi a
pi v I
mil political in
Chan of ministry In
land. i the ti ms of
r . , ml
tied On i h i In L i Ion;
a-, d M,
. i . i
i .-.
at City; i i
I coal miner
bog n La Pit
i i tn I In
.- i.-i . in fore
o it
While our
is large
and prices
stand first, last
and all the
time on the
superiority of
fabric. style
and workman-
The new
b e breasted
Driver will be
a popular coat
this season.
Come here
for your new
y o m i s s
nothing that's
weather is here
and so are the
handsome new
were never of-
to the
genteel and
Coat or the
It you buy your Overcoat here, you'll appreciate
the Overcoat excellence we give you more fully, after
you have worn the Coat a few months.
prank Wilson,
To Our
and Customer.
We extend to you our many thanks for
your liberal patronage during the old year
and we wish you one and all a Happy
and Prosperous New Year and assure you
as the new year dawns upon us we shall -pare
no effort to bring before you the strongest
lines of Furniture and House Furnishing Goods
the market affords.
Yours Truly,
A. White,
This department is in of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Just received by R. G. Chapman
Co., it mi load lime which
they will sell very cheap.
Prof. F. C. Nye, one of the
teachers of the Winterville High
school, attended the union meeting
at LaGrange Saturday and
home Sunday.
Best for children at H,
The ton are now
open at the store of K. G. Chapman
Co. Let all come and pay
promptly. C. S. Smith, collector.
Our line of fall and Winter, the spring term.
F. went Green-
ville Tuesday
ii i r all
right for there are plenty of rub
coals, shoes, and boots, at A
W Ange Co
For nice apples, candies,
oranges, bananas and nuts go to
H. L. Johnson's
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
Several students have enter
ed the Winterville High school for
goods are now in. See our lire be-
fore you buy. yours to please A.
W. Co.
for the A. G. Cox, Mfg. Co., has
returned alter spending
with his near Eureka.
Another large shipment of
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barber
A Co.
White's Black Liniment, spec-
for the human
family, fine for perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous com
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Don't forget the nice furniture
at A W Co
White's Colic and Kidney Core,
combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cure,
at the Drug Store
K. F. the prosper-
buggy builder of
returned home Tuesday morning
from Springs.
is always for his
W. Clark of the firm of W.
Clark Co., of was here
yesterday on special business with
the A. G. Mfg. Co. He knows
a good thing when he sees it, so he
is with this firm.
We have the best assortment of
stationary ever brought to Win-
B. T
Another load of school desk were
shipped out of A. G. C x Mfg Co
Joe Temple, former mayor of
Kinston, has just opened a buggy
factory and was here
day material from the A.
G. Cox Mfg. Co.
All of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Don't be on bad
when you can get at A W
Ange Co
Leon Smith, formerly of Green-
ville, but later trimmer in a car-
factory In Franklin, has
accepted a position with the
Nicest cheapest line of,
ties at Harrington Barber Co.
International stock food
Any one in need of a good earl
one that will last and good
sen-ice just lo see or the
A. G. Cox Co.
If you expect to your
seed for meal you same time
by taking meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices on headers see
W. L. House.
If you your laundry to look
nice last take it to II. L.
represents the
Misses Dora Cox and
Carroll, alter the Christ-
mas holidays with their parents,
returned to Raleigh Tuesday
morning where they will take up
their work again the Baptist
University for women. They are
we predict
for them much success.
Try a bottle of Kid-
a sure cure for all Kid-
troubles at Barber
John Nichols, of spent
Sunday in town with bis mother.
Be sure to see B. T. Cox Bro.
nice assortment of goods tor
they have a nice selection,
If you want Borne nice presents
for your friends, you can sure find
anything you want at
Barber Co.
When you want nice dress goods
and trimmings to catch go to A,
W Ange Co they have a nice as-
A new lot of iron bedsteads just
arrived at A. W. Co see
their stock before you buy
C. J. Jackson and F. F. Cox.
after spending the holidays with
their returned this morn-
to Wake Forest. They are
former of the H. S.,
and we predict for them much
We love to see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. shipping out so many
their Comfortable school desks.
It was only a car load of
desks that were shipped out today.
Our Mr. Hunsucker has been
kept of late and
shipping buggies.
That as a broad on the
We clad to welcome all the
old students of Winterville
High school back again after they
have spent the holidays with their
friends, and still gladder to
come the new ones that are
A second large shipment of hats
and caps this season latest and
i style at Harrington Barber
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
Shoes are arriving daily at A.
W. Ange Be sure to get
I heir prices you buy
If you want a bargain in pants
go to A. W. Op, they
selling out. at per cent off now.
want a Tar
had better see about getting it at
A. G. Cos Mfg Co will
ship them elsewhere.
Big hats and just
received, styles. Harrington
Bailie. A On.
A nice lot of hats and caps just
received at A. W. Ange Co.
are nice lie sure to see them
Go to Harrington Berber
for Rubber coats and jackets.
You can kill your hogs any time
now that you want to. for A. W.
Ange Ci has salt to save them
so cheap that you had better see
him before buy.
Special prices on guns for the
next days at A. W. Ange Co.
Be sum to go to see the nice lot
of new furniture that A. W.
Co. has just received before yon
buy elsewhere.
Just received car load flour, nice
and fresh Harrington Barber Co.
If yon want summer all winter
get one of those good heaters at A.
W. a-e Cheap.
When in town call to see me I
run a first class livery feed
sale stables. L.
The A. G. Cox To. sold
pair of Tar Heel wheels Wed-
and any one in need of
carts will do well Co-re
For in g , to l.
L. Johnson's
B. T. A Bro. have f Mai
of school paper , ink,
scratch ft pen -k-
chalk, crayons, school bag-,
shawl straps. Come and see what
they have before else-
Saturday, January 13th, 1906.
a. m. exercises,
Rev. H. H. Moore.
Heading minutes and roll
General outline of work lo
be future meetings by the
Standard of proficiency in
reading for the first grades, Prof.
W. B. Dove. General discussion.
Home Geography, What
does it include How shall we
teach ill Prof. G. E.
General discussion.
Arithmetic for the first
years, What does it Boa
shall we teach it T.
General discussion.
Report of teachers who
observe North Day. Din.
The weather was so inclement
on the day for meeting
that no meeting was held. The
program that was to have been bad
that day is for this meeting. Be-
ginning from this time the work of
the future meetings of tho
will be based largely upon
General Method of
the The books will
be on this meeting so that
the teachers may supply themselves
with them. We begin this year
the most favorable
of any year in our school
history. I shall be very glad to
every teacher in the county
present at this first meeting
Most of you are
your work dining this session. I
This association is doing much to
make conditions better for you.
received R. G. Chapman j you socially for it and
Co., a car load of salt. Be sure its Your presence is the
horses cattle at of A- Stanley as he
Special prices on gnus far the
next days V. L. House.
his pocket 871.10 for one bale
of cotton which he hart sold.
R G Chapman Co
Tho Pitt county Oil Co., are
Nice line of boys suits at n. L. ginning cotton and making
f. stance.
Greenville, N. C
yards standard calicoes at
per yard, Harrington, Barber
Floor oil cloth at A W Ange K
Co see their stock before yon buy.
Nice Robes
Barber Co.
They have nice one cheap.
Go to H. L. Johnson's for shoes,
he has a nice lot jut received,
they are nice.
Nice frames and
A. W. Ange Co.
Call at II. L Johnson's and n
mine his line Hosiery
Mud Gents
A W. Al Vt et Co.,
received a new I it of shots, ;
pure see
Ii ore yon buy
oil night and day. r
line of winter
for men and youth's at H. L. John-
to gel their prices at once.
Nice Silk waist patents cheap at
Harrington, Barber ft Co.
Nice Hue groceries
always on hand H. L. Johnson's.
only thing for a splendid
meeting. Shall we have
W. H.
County Superintendent Schools.
G. Cox Mfg. Co. is doing
so much shipping these that
they had to employ a shipping
clerk, -Mid they Were successful in
employing J. R. Carroll. John i
one of our best men, and
stands u. for what is right, on all
moral questions. c congratulate
the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. on having
such a young man as lie is. He is
a former student the Winterville
High school, and he is wished flour you go see R, G.
much success hi new work, They carry only the best.
Increase In sales L, Johnson's for nice
Heel up to this date candles, apples end orange.
per cent more Chan A, W Ange A Co. will sell you
ever before, Mils the so cheap you keep
v I'll, the from buying if you only give them
I hi . . .- .;. ,, . .
II you want a nice sewing of Covenant Lodge No q
cheap see A. w. Ange I n n F
they have nice ones. .
II seems like nearly is
trying to get a Hunsucker buggy
Xmas, ten new ones left to
Repainting the depot added
much to the looks of it, but not
near so much as the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co., are adding to it by liter-
ally the platform
the Cox cotton planters. They
only hipped about this week.
Men's and youth's pants, all
es, at Barber Co.
B. F. Manning Co., have been
taking are ready
for new year's work.
A new line of v just re-
by R. G. Chapman Co.
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Continual shipments of Buggy
bodies and seals are being made
by the A. Cox Mfg. Co.
Cox has bought Robert
Griffin's farm about three miles
here. This is one of the
A full line of drugs always on
hand at Harrington Barber Co.
yon want, a good barrel o
Whereas God has His wise
providence seen fit to enter
the home of our much beloved
brother, J. O. Tyson, this time
taking the devoted wife and fond
mother from hint and his dear
little children, and while we cannot
understand the acts of our Heaven-
Father we will try, knowing
that He all well and
all things work together for good
to them that love the
Therefore be it resolved
1st. That we extend to brother
Tyson our sympathy in
the darkest days of his life,
only wish we could do something
for him his sadness, as we
cannot but offer love and sympathy
point hint to the only of
help and pray that he may live so
close to our Father that in the
sweet bye and bye they may spend
their eternity together in His
2nd. That a copy of
be sent to Bi . Tyson, to
in the Orphan
and be upon the
minutes of the Lodge. Jan.
E. K
Greenville, N. C.
Fifty thousand
cloth L. W on IV.
all prices. d
Our entire stock will bond red
at cost for I he next ten days, c
I,. Wilkinson
Have a big stock of
clothing to go -i cost. c. L.
As Mr. Wilkinson will leave Greenville
18th to take charge of our Tar-
store, this store will be under new man-
On Wednesday January we
shall offer this entire stock of high Grade
Merchandise at New York cost. Sale to last
only Ten days. We tire not
but want to reduce stock. Cloaks
and Overcoats will be offered at less than cost.
This is the best stock of high grade mer-
in Greenville, consisting of Ladies
Dress Goods Shoes, Clothing. Over-
coats. Hats Trunks and Valises and Ladies
and and Wraps.
No goods charged at cost and
nothing sent out On approval, but money re-
funded to all dissatisfied customers. Extend-
to one and till the compliment of the
season. very happy New
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in all
the latest styles and weaves.
Boys and
Novelty Suits,
You want style in your shoes,
snap in them any ill or
rs are all i ii it I i i
houses all over Si vi
ultra shoes have Just as much
ti i are o I by
if shoe does lit, you will not buy for the .- alone.
The fitting qualities are what necessary ., s and in
Stands Preeminent
Our pattern and last makers are
undoubtedly the in re-
if Wear.

As Mr. Wilkinson will Greenville
18th to take charge of our Tar-
store, this store will be under new man-
On Wednesday January 3rd we
shall offer this entire stock of high Grade
Merchandise at New York cost. Sale to last
only Ten days. We are not
but want to reduce stock. Millinery. Cloaks
and Overcoats will be offered at less than cost.
This is the best stock of high grade mer-
in Greenville, consisting of Ladies
Dress Goods Millinery, Shoes. Clothing. Over-
coats. Hats Trunks and Valises and Ladies
Cloaks and Wraps.
No goods will be charged at cost and
nothing sent out On approval, but money re-
funded to all dissatisfied customers. Extend-
to one and all the compliments of the
season. very happy New
Very Truly
A Calamity
It is a disastrous calamity, when
yon health, because
in and constipation have
pod it Prompt relief can
be had in Dr Riot's New lite
Pill; they build up
organ, cure headache,
sine, colic, etc.
Guaranteed at J L Women's
Chunks of Wisdom.
all the year round, and the
place to get them is of
The Five Point Grocer.
In goods and shell goods
he the host to had.
and the best is always the cheap
run, besides the
satisfaction of knowing you buy
a pore article. In to
selling the best of everything in
the Grocery line, he pays the
highest price for all kinds of
Country Produce Remember the
Phone Five Points.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
let tie-t fountain
pen it i a Parker. Nice assort-
at B ink Store.
The press in and out of the State
have made favorable comments on
Judge Justice's declaration to a
Wake county jury that
is less important common sense
as a qualification for jurymen,
respect for God and women
any man for service, that carrying
a sin and that
right thinking folks had much
more respect for men who fought
out their with their fists
than carrying around pistols ready
take the life of a to fellow
The Norfolk Landmark, comment-
on these homely and sensible
declarations by Judge Justice,
are some original and
men among the
of the Old North and
of his utterances These are
chunks of wisdom Raleigh News
and Observer.
Wood's Seed Book
FOR 1906
is one of the handsomest and
most valuable publications of
the kind issued. The useful
and practical hints contained
in the annual issues of
Seed Book make it a most
valuable help to all Farmers
and Gardeners and it has long
been recognized as an up-to-
date authority on all
Garden and Farm Seeds,
particularly for southern planting.
Wood's Seed Book mailed
free to and Gardeners
upon request. for It.
A Prosperous
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
.-. N. C. -j
Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued Letters
of Administration to me, the under-
signed, on the of Dee. on
F. .
ed, is hereby given to all per-
sons Indebted to
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and to all creditors of said c stale to
present their claims
to the within
twelve months after the date of this
n tins notice will be plead in
bar their recovery.
This the of fee,
Mrs. L. M. Whichard.
Ashley Adm. on the Estate
ofF. M. I. A, Atty
Wood Sons,
requiring large quantities or
Potatoes, Early Peat, Snap Beans or
Other Vegetable Seeds, are requested
to write prices.
Known as Garden
By of the powers contained
n certain Deed of Trust made and
executed on the day of December
1903 K. J, to K. H.
Meadows and recorded in the office of
d for Craven county,
c. I will offer for sale to the high-
est bidder for cash at the premises,
as Garden near
on the 82nd day
won at o'clock M.
The following tract of land, known
and designated as the Garden
beginning at a stake on the
margin of Neuse river, and running
South west poles to an
marked the original corner of
tract of land, then south west
poles along a line of old marked
trees to Sn old marked
original corners of the tract of land,
then west along a line of
old trees to a light wood stake,
now the dividing lands
or the late John and
tract of land, then N. east
the line of marked trees
line between said laud now
John and the said tract of d
poles to a gum, then north
east to the river, then down the river
to the beginning save and
so much of laid tract of i
is described in a deed from George Al
Edward Arnold, F. Arnold
and Caroline Arnold to Ann
Arnold, recorded in the Register
Deeds office of Graven count v, rook
to which reference is made for
a more particular description. Also
saving and excepting that part of said
tract of land sh was conveyed by
Edward Arnold and others to
by deed registered Register
of Deeds of Craven county book
page book
to reference Is made for
a more particular description.
three head team, all the
harvested crops of com, hay Ac ail
cans, wagons, buggies, harness and
all farming implements of every kind
and description to and used in
lie cultivation of said Gar-
de in
Dated at New December
E. H. Meadows.
Harry Skinner, Jr., enters
and claims twenty eight
acres, more or less, of vacant
land lying in Greenville town-
ship, Pitt county, on south side
of Tar river Beginning at tar
kiln hen on north side of Black
road leading from county
home to Black Jack at Bryant's
and Harrington's corner, thence
degrees west with Chas.
Smith's line to G.
line, thence with W. G
line north to line of
county home land and Me. G.
Bryan's land, then with
Bryan's land south degrees
east poles to
hounded by the lands of G.
Bryan, Clips. Smith, W. ti
Cowan and others.
Barry Skinner, Jr.
This 83rd day of Dec.
Any son or claim-
title to o.- interest in the
foregoing land must
tile their protest in writing with
me within the next thirty days,
or they will be barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry Taker,
As authorized agent for Daily T. Mason, of Whichard, spent
and Eastern we take from Friday until Sunday in A
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
A full supply of Trunks
receipts for
Suit Oases, at J. R. Bro.
Mrs. W. L. has returned
to her home in Kinston.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. R.
from their holiday vacations and
everything is alive out at the
graded school.
Our rugs and art squares are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail
this office. We also orders
for job .
The teachers have all returned
The following changes have
taken place among our business
G. D. Stephenson goes to
C. S. Forbes in from J.
J Son; J. T. Smith to
J. Edwards Son from It.
F. Noble, J. O. Noble,
Tyson and Charlie Roes have
in order attend to
White and Black
Raleigh Jan. White black
pi i-oner e c I the same
room and sleep in tin a
in some instance are
chained together in twenty of the
convict camps of North
This fact was disclose I live
school; Miss Bake ,, j report of the State
R. W.
with Tyson,
W. Moore, James
Misses Morrison ate away on
visit to friends.
Miss Blanche Cromartie, who
been visiting Mrs J. W.
Taylor, returned to Greenville
Fob brick store in
town lo
on West Apply lo
Our specialties are, staple and J. w. Taylor, N. C. w
Fancy Fruits and Con-j
Dry goods, Our line of Groceries and Coo-
Shoes. for la complete. Call and
Clothing, made to J- H- TriPP
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 29,016.83
Gash Items 794.67
Gold coin 530.00
Silver coin 1,332.22
Nat. notes 6,207.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 302.42
Depot, sub to check
dual measurement. for
will also be called for and deliver-
ed free. Thanking you for past
patronage, and hoping to serve
yon in the future. F. G.
There was a basket party at a
school near
Wednesday night for the purpose
of raising funds to purchase an
organ for the school. The neat
little of was raised.
Preserve your buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
and line of colors, kept at J.
B. Smith Bro.
You should see our line of lace
before buying J. R.
. V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
Dress goods, Broad doth, Henri-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J R Smith a Bro
The ladies of the Episcopal
church had a festival Friday even-
for the benefit of their church
in place, and we learn they
are very much pleased with the
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chairs wash stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
A Bro
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the ease
of It May and K He; against it
and wife,
the undersigned sell for
, . the court house door
Greenville on Saturday December
the following described tract
land situate in of Pitt and in
Township adjoining the
lauds of Mrs. Arthur Forbes. Jerry
Fields, the land and the
county line containing 1.0
acres, and known the
place said land is sold for
ion this Nov.
antes commissioner,
is given that will
Hoard sinners
Pitt county at their meeting to he held
on the 1900,
for m to it lift liquor in the town
of N. C. I
W. M. Co.
North I Id Superior
Pitt County t Before the tier;.
A. Manning, and Mary P. Man
. W. It. Ford. M. O. and
Florence It It White-
t Jolly and wife Melissa
John Ed. White-
burst, W. J. Teel. It. Ward and
wife Julia W-rd, Q. J.
rt Carson and wife Maggie
C I linker wife Mollie Baker
ltd Fernando Whitehurst,
C it and wife
Annie A. M,
Jenkins. J F Bowers, W R Howe s,
Thomas H. Mowers. Me G White-
II T wife I
s Jesse W Carson. Lucy
Manning. U Whitehurst. W A
Taylor, M. C. Manning, K D. Mann-
U Whitehurst, Me. Foul,
Mary K. Ward. John
Wade Williams, and Wife
J M Manning,
Carson, Harriett I.
ward, John T Carson Jeannette L
N M Hammond wife Ell-
Hammond, w j James, w
William Staton. w A
Matthews and wife Sallie K. Mat-
thews. J. R. F C James, S T
Carton, Major Manning,
Manning, F Manning. Carrie
Davenport, Dav-
minors with-
out guardian, ,
Major who is a defendant in the
above entitled cause, will take notice
that a special proceeding, entitled as
above, has been commenced in the Sup-
Court of Pitt County, before the
Clerk, to incorporate a Canal Com-
the said defendant Will further
take notice that he It requited to appear
before of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, at his in Green-
ville, on day of February 1906,
and answer the petition and complaint
which will lie sited in the onto of
the said Clerk after tho
issuing of this summons. said
will lake notice, that if
he to answer petition
complaint the time
by law, will apply to the
court the relief in the
petition complaint.
Given under my hand, in
On this the day of Dec
Superior of Pitt count
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. j
T, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
the above statement is true to the best of my
ledge and belief. J- R-
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 9th day of Nov-
Notary Public.
J. F. has sold out his
stock merchandise to
who will a
business at the same stand.
Call on Hart for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
Misses Annie Edwards. Blanche
Cannon, Jimmie and Davis
and Clarence Cannon have all re-
turned to their respective schools.
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith a Bro.
See our line of ladies
cloaks. J, .;. Turnage.
Sun Jay was laid to have been a
rainy day and it snowed too.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
Miss Clarence is in
Norfolk but will return this week,
We your attention to our
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
Keel with J. J. G. F.
will leave for Hyde county.
If we cm get any more we will
endeavor to the curiosity
so all may know.
Get the planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
a session held today, and will
submitted to Glenn.
The repeat takes a wide range
reviews all the state chi and
penal institution and
many recommendations as to
other matters the
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
H. L.
We have just received a ship-
of Queen shoes for
women. We ask that you see
them before buying, J. R. Turn
C. A. Fair and Mr. Flynn went
down in Craven last week on a
and buck a large
Come to see Hart A Jenkins
when you need to dress
feet, we can save you money
you something to fit the
toot. We carry the nicest and best
shoe you ever saw. Try a
and be convinced.
Harry White, of Greenville, has
n down here to see the girls.
We are shipments of
every day. Come to see
s if you J. R. Tarn-
Master Wilbur Brown, of Green-
who has been on a visit to
here, returned home yes-
Needles bands and repairs for
makes of machines at
H Tripp Bro.
Spurn Sewing Oil,
the best for Bicycles and
Warranted not to just
at J. H. Tripp Bro. Ayden
Having duly qualified the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt county
as executrix of the and
of Alfred Forbes, deceased, no-
is hereby to all persons in-
to the estate to make Immediate
to the and all
claims against said
estate must present the same to the
undersigned for payment on or
lore 8th or this notice
will lie plead in bar of their recovery.
Tics of Ho.
x of the estate of d
Buy your trunks valise, satchels
suit cases from Turnage.
Harry Skinner. Skinner. J paid
eggs and all country produce
J. H. Tripp Bro.
The old year was mug out and
and Temple new year rung in Sunday
hereby that we hut
with us, in the practice
tho Law, Mr. .
The name will continue broke out. I
Wear for
cents. J. R. Turnage.,
your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and;
Bailey Moore, of Greenville, has
been down to see
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
Miss Cox, of Winter-
ville, has been on a visit to the
Calico and Gingham at cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
K. Smith A Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy
a lull lice of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly.
Hart Jenkins
smoking tobacco is O. K.
A full line of valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand
a id suits cases at J R Smith Bro
your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the best.
I always keep on a
line feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
F. Li
W, L. Tucker
tells us he killed three turkeys at
one shot with a and that the
turkeys wen not baited either.
Mr Tucker says he will wager
he can beat any man in Pitt
shooting with a The same
morning he killed the turkeys he
caught two coons and a mink. The
were ring streaked and
If you want a good bbl. of flour
see us, we sell only the best.
J. R.
The Christmas confectioneries at
oranges, apples, bananas,
are fresh. Try them and
you will give this firm your
day trade.
Sugar, rice, flour, snuff, tobacco,
and at
cannot be excelled. Go
and see.
In the selection of their Christ
mas goods
have taken great twins and as a
result have only the Try
and if you are pleased it will
certainly be no fault of theirs.
W. C. Co. are
pared for Their
this season is unsurpassed.
Their clothing, fur-
goods, boots shoes
bats. Their dress goods and
everything the ladies like is to
date and of the latest. To see is
to lie convinced. them a call
We have just received a
shipment of dry goods. Come to
see J. R. Turnage.
Buy of
Hats. Sold under a guarantee.
J. R. Turnage.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for occasion.
Surely J. W. Taylor has some
nice Christmas presents such as
small novelty clocks, watches,
chains, fobs, goods,
brooches, emblem, pins, stick,
pins, brooches and finger rings
For carpeting, mattings
and see our R
For certain or
parcel of land in the town
the lots of J. F. Dixon
and William
two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
R. F. D. No. or see J. J. Hines.
For one desiring to
purchase a valuable tract of laud
partly in the town of will
do well to see the at
once. J. A.
Turnage is for
Three dime, Battles, for
of our spun sewing oil, J.
Hay corn, oats,, meal, bulls, time
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools J
It Smith Bro
For can apples, corn
tomatoes, c, apply to E. E.
ft On.
Good Performance.
Winter Stock
before a good home last
night in -The
gave an exceedingly good
performance especially Miss Doro-
thy Wallace in the title role. Miss
Wallace is one of the beat actresses
that has appeared in
and will always be welcome here.
The specialties were all good par-
Baby Hope more
th in repeated her former success.
to the fact that the play
announced for tonight had been
done here picture machines the
management have changed it to
De Wolf Hoppers successful com
Wives to One Hus-
Ayden, N. C.
Happenings of Interest in North
J. J. Britt, Asheville, has
been as United
States district attorney for the
western district of North
W. R. Davis, a man in
the employ of the Southern rail-
way at Spencer, lost both legs by
being run over by an engine. He
died later.
C. B. Lyda. a country merchant
near died of
wounds inflicted by his cousin
George Lyda. The two men had
over the sum of
Rev. J. J. a member of the
North Carolina conference, died
at Tuesday. He was taken
sick while attending the confer-
in Wilson the last week in
Showing number of meeting of Board of
for Pitt county. of days
each member has attended and number of miles
and amounts allowed to each, for
cal year ending December 3rd
J. Elks. Chairman
on committee
W. K.
miles ,
The Only Requisite for
A Perfect Complexion f
are your hands and a jar of
Massage Cream
Soap takes the dirt not the
skin soap. There it nothing in soap
that is for the if it it
becomes an is blocked.
every impurity of the
grease, the dirt, an J
the builds the and
use it in place of face powder.
it after shaving,
BO and Jar
For Sale at
J. It.
days . -at
committee at
miles . at so
J. K.
Attended lo . at
on at lee
miles at so
t VT Pass
; day. at II
I on committee at so
miles ; . at so
S. M.
Attended day at m
. committee at
11- miles . at M
lie lo
North mo Ids.
. . m-,. County
M. Williams, , J.
L. J. Mary
Allen, Henry
Allen by his guardian Ram. Allen
Tripp, and J. U Miami, J.
II. N. Tripp
their general Guardian, N. w. Tyson.
Sale of land for partition.
By virtue of decree C.
Moore, Clerk of the Court Of
Pitt County, in the above entitled
cause on
Saturday, the id Hat of De-
US M. expose
to public sale at the Door
in Greenville, to the highest bidder tor
cash the parcel of laud to
wit Lying and being in Greenville
Township, Pitt County, North Caro-
m Allen,
land upon which the M. G. Mill
was formerly located containing
seven more or less. This sale
is made for partition. This the day
of November, 1606,
P, C. ;.
North Carolina,
Pitt County
J Williams, J. II. N, Williams and
by their guardian N. W.
Tyson and Joseph Tripp,
J. C. Williams.
By virtue of a decree made on the
21st day of November, by D. C.
Moore, Clerk the superior court of
Pitt county, in the above entitled
cause, I will on Saturday the day
of December, expose
sale, at the court house door in Green
ville, to the bidder for cash,
the following parcel of land to
Lying and being in
ship, Pitt county, North Carolin town
joining the laud of J. T. Allen, u, ad-
Allen, Thomas Manning, N w Marv
and others, On acre Tracts
or less, and known as the Moses w.
Tyson place, the land on
sides of the Greenville road.
This sale is made for partition, hour
of sale o'clock M.
This the 21st day of 1905.
F. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
mice Brick Block, St.
Ayden, N. C.
Total paid Commissioners 1371.35
Stat of Carolina,
I. Williams, of
the afore-
said, do certify the Is
as doth appear record In my
This of
Board Co.
N. C.
After January 1st I will
found at the Blow House, on the
corner west of the Masonic
Temple opera house, where I
will to see all my old cu.-
who have me
t old Quinn House. The
house has been thoroughly reno-
and put in neat condition,
and everything that the market
affords will be found on my table-
North Carolina
B. Cher y on
In Superior Court.
vs of Execution sale.
John R. Williams.
By virtue of to
the undersigned from the Sup-
of Pitt in the above
action, I will, on Monday, the
15th day of Jan. at o'clock m.
at the House d or of county,
ell to the highest bidder to-
.-its 1.1 Execution, all the right,
title Interest Which the said John
it Williams, defendant, bus or may
have had, In the following described
real estate, to wit. That of land
in Township known as the
w. Tyson place, king on both
sides of tho old Plank adjoin-
the land of Noah Tyson, Thomas
Allen, Mary Allen, John Thomas
Lacy laud acres
more or less, being the tract of land
devised the will of the late
Tyson to tho children of nil .-liter
in Virginia Williams, the said
defendant being one of his children.
This Dec. L. w,
Sheriff of Pit
A reward of will be paid for in-
formation sufficient to convict
any party or parties who leave gates
open or do to gates or
around II o stock law
territory, pr who th. fence so that
cogs and horses may through,
J. it. sec.
At the of business Nov. 1905.
overcome In.
crease vigor, banish pains.
No remedy R.
Sold by and Moll-
Chemical Co.,
Loans and Discounts,
It in said right many people m the African
a lire
load of fur sale by Can
butter that is unsurpassed.
If you need the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to see Hart Jenkins.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and
at J R Smith Bro
tin to K. K. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For carpenters tools, grind stones
i hemp rope and pulleys, at J. II.
Smith A- Bro.
Furniture Fixtures 01.0
Demand Loins
Due from 30,802.50
Gold Coin, 580.00
Silver Coin, 1,488
National Bunk notes and
other U. notes 2,913.00
Sold By J. W.
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided less
Dividends unpaid . CO
Deposits subject to check,
Cashier's 37.40
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of hank, do solemnly sweat
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be-
; J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 19th Jay of Nov.
Notary Public
Dealer. Cash paid for
Fur. Cotton Seed. Oil Bar-
Turkeys, p, Bed
Oak Suits,
l if., j
and Gail
Key Oh
Henry Can-
led Applet
Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Food, Oil,
lotion Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
i a Seed. Oranges, Apple,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
China Ware, Tin and
Cakes and
Cheese. Butter, New
Sewing and
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Come
W. Sch-
II. W.

The Feeders of Criminal Dockets.
It's mighty sorry parents that
will let their children have
Tradition Points to Captain Kidd. way of all the fool
parents in this world the ones who
for their disobedient
are punished
Chester. Pa., en-
gaged in digging out an old
one of the textile
mills in Captain C. C.
Sawyer discovered and pot,
which was partly tilled with old
coins of silver gold.
He bus unable to determine
in Country the coins were
made, but
believes he ha discovered much
i Captain
Kidd, us pirate, up
Clipper old
Upland tor years
there M nor that he
his Measure the place
where no stand-.
By the pot of
the Captain Kidd stories
For More Years.
Co. Harry United
tie Eastern
District of X Carolina received
a Year's
It s his new
commission as Attorney
at school stand at the heal
of the list. They are the
faithful feeders of the
court dockets of other class
of on this earth. If
do that way they don't
know any better they are to be
pitied, but if they know better,
the rests m
heavily upon them they will
be held to account the day of
m-, v
, r tile I pet
Amen Salve. It eared
fearful sons,
nothing else would beat, from
which I had tor
R la a for for
J L drug store
C, Jan. 3rd, 1906.
W. M. Skinner H. A. Gray
is for t in year
the spent Tuesday in Greenville.
of February. C
was I to the position
by Preside it before en
were forwarded,
the appointment,
sin i he commission coning to
News and Ob
Decision in Greensboro Water-works Case
Washington, D. C. Jan.
Supreme court of the United Slates
J. R. Jenkins and J K Barn
hill went to Greenville Monday.
Sam Whitfield has accepted a
position here with the railroad.
J. E. Hines made business calls
in Washington Wednesday.
Robt Lewis, the man who makes
thinks lively around whiskey
stills when keep things
good shape, Monday night
Eli Mizell and family have
He has
a firmed I decision moved to
lived here for many years.
Supreme of North
the payment of damages
to B. J. Fisher. A. M. Scales
Helen G. Brown and others by the
water for failure sup.
to have such a good and use
man leave us hope he will
find in his new home.
L F and of
ply water resulting in the lo of Hobgood, are a days
other property here with his father, J. B. White
yea is ago.
The main question was whether
these judgments of citizens of
Greensboro, took precedence over
mortgages given the Greensboro
water-works property. A second
mortgage was afterwards executed.
later foreclosed, and the
dance at Gray Corey's
much enjoyed by all.
Ed. Ruck, who has been store
keeper here several months,
left Tuesday for rest.
Oakley is glad to welcome Robt.
Brown and family to this
title to the passed to to live again. They
corporation, subject to the; have living at
lieu of first mortgage. for some
The court today held that th our town-men has a cow
judgment credit rs in Greensboro old that her horns are covered
are to priority of claim, with rings and for the last twenty-
he of the court was writ-j five years the rings have been
ten by Brew r. Three coming on her tail.
While, P i A new enterprise in town, we
Kenna, dissented. sue saving bog to sell to
decree of court is
in I with costs and the case
to court of All wool bed blankets at cost,
Western district. C. L, Wilkinson Co.
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
FIST TEAMS pleasure drives, or to pas
to it ;
Drive and Work Horses and Mules for sale. I buy
them large numbers and can soil as low as any dealer, enter
for on Tin,
i, j m are in town and want your and buggy
properly fur, put at my
Horses and Mules
h, , . ban I when you will want
of .,,.,. , ;, . , your needs the coming season we solicit
.-. LE S A at and Ayden where
, stock o HORSES and MULES
, . ., on. Come to as us and we will show you
is gearing to trade with us, for we get our
to, i is. thereby you the prof-
its th the mil die I. have to make and which you save
from M. it would nor take much of your time
to and cat familiar with our methods of doing
business a a 1-1 that it would result in making you a per-
and we can make it benefit you
for so doing. We an prepared to suit your needs and what is
more guarantee
and Mules. Sales Av den and Greenville.
We wish to extend to all our
customers and friends very best wishes for a
happy and prosperous NEW YEAR together with
our sincere appreciation i f their liberal patron-
age during the past season, which we shall endeavor to deserve.
We are now making n for the biggest year's business any firm in Eastern North Carolina has
ever Leather, Cotton Goods and Wool are advancing rapidly, therefore for the protection of our
we are orders as far in advance as the factories will accept them.
Our clearing and stock adjusting sale will commence with the New Year. The holiday
rushing has left us with broken lots, odd sizes and season goods such as the economical shopper is always on
the lookout for. These goods will be sacrificed during this Great Clearance Sale and the prices will reach
the lowest limit.
C. T.
Muting of Cotton Association.
There will be a of the
Pitt County Association in
the court house in at
o'clock Saturday,
It is earnestly hoped that
all who ate Interested in
the price of will attend
this meeting, us matters of
lance will lie discussed.
B. R. Gotten,
Pitt County Cotton Association.
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm of J. A. Hicks
was the 1st day of
dissolved mutual
J. A. Ricks purchasing the interest
of W. H. Ricks in the business.
J. A. will continue the
at same place, will pay
all claims against the former firm,
all accounts due the firm are
to be paid to him.
Jno. A. Ricks,
W. H. Ricks.
Out in the suburbs
in the colored settlement then- win-
a repetition of the know ii
Vat loaded Wednesday
night. While the old folks were
at church children were plat-
One of them got down a
I and began snapping it at
It of
and Dawson caught the ball
in the neck, giving him ;
wound. The injured boy is
about years old.
A Sad Accident
Henderson, N. C, Jan.
Joe Wilson, a highly respected
farmer, from near got in the
A. L. train, No. to assist
daughter and her child
and before he could get off the
ruin was running so fast that as
he was thrown and the
jar so injured him that he never
regained He died
after the accident.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Daughter of Cleveland County's
Sheriff Married to Prominent
Greenville, N. C.
Shelby, Jan. bells
rang merrily here, near the
of the new year, and this
afternoon o'clock in the
First church, Mr. Charles
Forbes, of Greenville, N. C ,
and Miss May of
place, were happily married. Rev.
the pastor, in an
manner, performed
ceremony that blended their lives,
in the of a very large
Proceedings of the Board of Al-
The board of aldermen met in
regular mouthy Thursday
of the members
Th matter of the loan with
to pal in the sewerage sys-
was but no action
wan taken.
The finance, market
and cemetery had no
reports to make.
committee reported
no work of consequence being done
now, but with the exception of
mud the streets are in fair
The light reported that
The church was beautifully
ha of potted
plants, ferns palms and evergreen.,
and on each side of the chancel
was a vine-clad ladder illuminated
by The ushers
Messrs. C. C. Blanton, Stough
Jasper Bottle and Julius A.
The attendants were Dr.
of Greenville. N. CM best
Wan, and Miss Ettie an
attractive and charming young
lady of Elizabeth City.
The music was superbly render-
ed on the piano by Mrs. Joseph
and on the organ by Mrs. L.
T. Holland. The charming bride,
a lovely entered the church
leaning on the arm of her father,
and dressed in a beautiful
gown of white chiffon cloth over
white taffeta and bridal veil.
in her hand a shower
b of roses and of the
valley. She the accomplished
daughter of the genial and
A. B. than whom
there more popular man in
Cleveland county. The groom is
an enterprising
merchant of and holds
a prominent place in
Our citizens unite in saying he
ha superb selection in a
bride, who has won here all hearts
by her genial and kind
heart that sunshine around
her pathway.
The gentlemen dressed in
the black, with white
vests. The maid of Miss
looked most bewitching
lovely, gowned in white silk
dress covered with lace, and bore
white carnations.
The out town guests
Miss Hattie Miller, of Charlotte;
of Elizabeth
City; Dr. of
Mr. Herman D of Charlotte.
The bridal presets of cut glass
silver were many and costly,
and bore proof of the high esteem
in which Mrs. Forbes is held. The
happy couple left afternoon on
the Seaboard train for their future
home in Greenville. N. C- Special
to Charlotte Observer.
Mr. Forbes reached
with bis bride on Thursday even-
and for the present
they will make their home with
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. en
The bride is most
to i
already well known here,
a in our graded
re ii of the larger
lights can be procured.
The several officers made their
reports for the past month. The
report of th- dispensary
showed that sales during
the amounted to f 18,374.45
and the net profits three
months ending Dec. 31st were
report of the superintendent
of water and light plant showed
that eleven new light customers
and eight new water customers had
been added during the month, and
revenue from the plant amount-
ed to 9973.28.
The treasurer cf
the town for the was increased
by reason of the extra work
imposed upon him in handling the
funds of the water light plants,
increase to be charged against
the expense account of the water
A correction was ordered made
In valuation of the drug store,
building of J. L. Wooten in
d with v made by
b. of county commissioners.
Walter Buck was exempted from
poll tax the year 1906 because
of infirmity.
Accounts were allowed and paid
amounting to
Proceedings of the Commission-
The board of county
met In regular monthly
session on the Monday, all he
being present.
Orders drawn on the treas-
for following For
and ferries 183.-
conveying prisoners
house and jail record
M small-
pox roads of
Deeds commissioners
stock law territory
The monthly reports of officer
were filed.
Several changes of
valuation of property on tax
list were were made.
Alonzo Allen W. Smith
were permanently released from
poll tax.
Lewis was added to
pauper list to receive
mouth, and John and
family to receive per month,
and the allowance of Titus Elks
was increased per month.
A. G. Whichard was appointed
constable of Greenville township
to succeed J. W. Tucker resigned.
R. E. Belcher resigned as con-
stable of Farmville township and
W. J. was appointed to
succeed him.
J. W. Allen, J. F. Allen, H L.
E. Lang and T. E. Hooker
were appointed Pitt stock
law commissioners for two years.
J. J. Elks was appointed com-
to designate line or bound-
of county home p
Licenses were granted for one
or distillery in Greenville, and
twelve retail dealers in the county.
Prophet Predicts Dire
Disasters at home and
Here are
The dissolution of Russia.
The overthrow of Turkey.
The assassination of the czar
The assassination of the sultan of
The prevention of three ware by
President Roosevelt.
A protracted race war in the
Destructive spring floods in the
A destructive eruption of Mount
The activity of Mount Pelee and
Volcanic eruptions in all parts of
the world.
now supposed to be extinct.
Great loss of life at sea by storms
Destruction of two western cities
by cyclones.
Earthquakes in all parts of the
Destructive in Cali-
and the Philippines.
Rebellion in Spain.
Great all over Eu-
says further that the
summer of 1906 will be hot and
try throughout the temperate zone,
with an extensive death rate.
Of Those Going and Coming.
J. H. Keel cam. in from
Her Progress in Year 1905.
Sunday's Raleigh News and
Observer contained letters from
the of a large number of
towns over the state the
progress the towns made during H. went In Sun-
the past year. We reproduce
following letter sent from Green-. to Bethel
j i day morning.
The 1905 will be d .
. ,. t
with pride by
people of as that year
in which their little city attained
much material and moral
During this year it has
established a thoroughly modern
system of water works and electric
lights; the capacity of the plant
sufficient to supply the
needs of a city much larger than
Greenville. Also, the Home
phone Telegraph Company,
has established in a
pi ion of many volcanoes ,. . . ,
,. . T. modern, cable telephone
connecting with, and
its free service,
all town in Pitt county
points with pride to
these as being among the
very in the Mai .
Atlantic Coast Line Rail-
road baa given to community.
a double daily passenger and mail
service. The fertile soil of Pitt
county h daring this year
large fine quality,
lb. greater pvt of which has been
marketed making
Kev. W. E. Cox went to
Sunday evening.
L. M. Savage went to
J. Z. Gardner went to Bethel
H. A. White left Sunday morn-
J. left Saturday even-
for Washington.
Jesse left
morning for Norfolk.
W. H. left Sunday
Kill folk.
K. M. came Sunday
evening from the road.
T. w. to Par-
. lee Sunday morning.
F. J. Tyson and family left Sun-
day Burning Bethel.
K. G. Barrett came in
to visit
this morning
for Raleigh hi attend school.
That Christ make Ins spirit ,, ,.,.,,,.
felt among the people of the ,,, I K. H. returned
five mouths of tuts from Wilmington.
Meeting of County Association
A meeting Pitt county branch
of the Southern Cotton
Association was held here today
with a large attendance of farmers.
R, R. district chairman,
Books were opened giving all
who desired an opportunity of be-
coming members, and many joined
Those who joined contributed
cents for each bale of cotton they
will hold, and this amounted to a
total of
was much in
meeting when adjournment
was had it to meet again on
the first Monday in February,
cotton farmer in the county
ought to be in the association.
Greenville's New Superintendent.
Mr. H. who has been
Hie principal of the
ville Graded Schools, has
called C, to take
charge of the schools there,
w. B. Dive, who
will take up another lire of work
We hear that the
of the hoard have
i to release Mr. Smith
as a suitable successor may be ob-
Review, of course,
exceedingly regrets to see Mr.
Splendid Residence Property
Now On the Market.
As will he seen by the half page
advertisement in this paper, Sam
White has placed bis property,
just on the eastern border of South
on the market
residential purposes. is not
a prettier or more lo-
cation of building lots any
around i low n, and it is expected
that they will sell rapidly. While
lots are outside the corporate
limits of the town, are a
short distance from the business
sect inn, less than yards
from Five Points by
Thine desiring a good location
for a home and contemplating a
purchase should take advantage of
this opportunity. Mr. White will
sell these lots at a
price, hardly of what is
demanded for property in the old
part of town, and easy
terms. Of course after people get
to out there the property
will be enhanced value and
price will be correspondingly
l so those who want to get
at the first price should delay
States and England, in which
tries there are to be fervent religious
and political governments,
which to overcome in a great de-
present spirit of graft and
That the United States will con-
as a world power and the lead
of other nations.
That Pennsylvania to have an
of the people, and
that discoveries of corruption will
be made, which will drive some of
the guilty to suicide.
That God will wreak terrible
upon the Russians for the
massacre of tho York
the whiskey distillery and ware-
house belonging to C. Page, at
Stokes, in Ibis county, was de
at roved by fire. It is not known
how the fire occurred but is sup-
posed to be the work of
There was no and
t amount of the loss could not be
Smith depart Iron out
it would be too selfish a motive to
attempt him from stepping high
the ladder of His school
work here has been of a very high
order, and Greenville to be
congratulated upon securing his
Frank U ft this morning
for Chapel Hill to attend school.
Thomas O. Dupree left this
morning for . attend
William F. Patrick left this
morning for Mebane to attend
G. Pilchard and son. George,
returned Saturday evening from
At The Baptist Church Sunday.
The sermons by the pastor Ron
Cay at the Baptist church
morning and evening were exceed-
fine and being
the first Sunday in the year. The
of morning discourse
was forcibly treated under the
heads of
was sold here nine millions
three .
at an average price of right dollars
eighty cents per
The above conditions have made
for Greenville live profitable
business men. of
every class, prosperous
The graded annuls, h.-ii-g n the
second year of their iv,
attained an enrollment of four
hundred The various and Blanche Carr
churches of both, the white and , to school at Littleton
colored races have I
buildings, gained strength
and have increased their beneficial Manning left Sunday
i, over the lives of the pen-1 to take charge
, , , . . . her school.
pie, helping to r use the morals of
Die community to that Smith has been at
which drives out contentiousness,; a while, returned Sat-
-i rife and violence, and the good ; evening.
people of Greenville enter
There was quite an interesting
lime at the Christmas tree for the
Free Will Baptist
Friday night- The tree was
the members of the school
pleased with what they re-
We learn that
the town of Parmele refused to
grant licenses to retail liquor there,
so that Parmele is now a dry town.
The travelers through who
have been in habit of
from the train to the nearest bar
room will have to look
for their drinks.
with profound gratitude
to a generous God, for a year
brought them a
of the needs and com-
fort- life; freedom from
and disturbances,
disappointments; companion
ship council of many of their
Mrs. Bettie Early, of Woodland,
arrived Saturday evening to visit
N. Hart.
States Attorney Harry
Skinner left Sunday morning for
Washington City.
U. left this morning
t. take a position his brother,
source and wise aged citizens, I A. W. at Institute.
The night sermon was on the, whom we enter into this new E. B.
Large congregations racing, hoping that in it ha
were present at both gratitude may never be less; that j K. G. returned home this
we are sure every body who heard tranquilly may not be die-,
the sermons felt more like progress hindered.
better themselves doing more M. Mayor,
for others during the year than N. C,
they have ever done before. . .
Mrs. H. W and little
child, who have been visiting
left Saturday evening for
Thank the
The New Methodist Church . . . . ,,,. ., ,
I cried Hannah Plant, of little Rock.
walls of the new Methodist Ark , the relief I get limn
church are up and the roof It cured
completed, so that a sores.,
, nothing else would heal, and
idea of outward appearance of ,
the building can now be had. The It a marvelous for for
her home at Rocky Mount.
handsome edifice will he
to and do
credit to a many times larger
than this.
The Boy Died.
The colored boy, Dawson,
who was shot- by another boy dry goods stolen.
cuts, bums and
L drug More
Robbery at Grifton.
store of J, It. Harvey A Co.,
at Grifton, was broken into, Friday
night, and a quantity of clothing
This is the
while fooling with a pistol last
Wednesday night, was taken to
the hospital in Tarboro Friday.
He there the
were brought Saturday.
third time the same store has been
ribbed in the last two months.
W. C Hines was for with his
blood bounds went down on
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R.
issued licenses to the following
since last
J L and Delia
Leon and Sallie
Joyner and
Alonzo Randolph and Essie
Leslie James and Vivian Wilson.
George and Sarah Bar-
Simon and Mary

Eastern reflector, 5 January 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 05, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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