Eastern reflector, 29 December 1905

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D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
and Friday.
Marriage in Wilson of Prominent
and Popular Young Couple.
Wilson, ., Dec
night in Die Methodist at
Dine o'clock Dr. W. H. Anderson,
one of Wilson's moot
physicians, and Miss
per, were united in the holy bond
of pastor, Dr.
Swindell, officiating The church
was beautifully decorated
potted plants, festoons of white
and lopes of holly.
Just s the wedding reach-
ed the church Mrs. R. P. Watson
Bang most sweetly
Then to attains f
Mendelssohn's wedding
played by Mrs. Harriss, the
bridal party entered the east and
west entrances as
Misses Rosa e
Pace, Mama, Charles Harper d
Steve Misses
Woodard and Smith, of
Goldsboro; Messrs. Walter .
Of Norfolk, and Titus Harper, of
Goldsboro; Rowena Watson
and Lucy Sam
Parker and Hardy Robinson; Miss
Lillian Carr, of Greenville followed
by the dame of honor, Mrs. Stew-
art Carr, of Greenville, handsome-
attired in her wedding gown of
chiffon cloth and carrying a large
bouquet of American beauties.
At their elegant home Green
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Darden
entertained the bridal party and
a few friends in a most happy
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson left on
night train for New York
and other cities where they will
their honey
News and
Little Girl Has Narrow Escape,
evening Maggie, little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.
was right painfully
burned. The accident occurred
about supper time. While Mrs.
bad stepped in the
dining room little girl began
ticking straws the grate the
lifting room and set her dress on
fire. The first from the
child her mother
and to her side
the file was quickly put out. Her
bands and face were painfully
buried but injury is not
thought to be serious.
And Merry Visit From Santa Claus
At the Baptist church Tuesday
a entertainment
wan given by pupils of the
Sunday school which was followed
by a visit from Santa Claus.
following program was well
to the
Recitation Wish You a
Merry Woolen.
Christmas rive girls.
Bout; The
. Us tie
a Little
Reel tat Ban That Shall
A five girls.
Wonder Of The
Gifts To
Mary Hart.
Recitation-The Old Old
Annie Tyson.
Recitation Little Christmas
Elmo Smith.
Song To Santa
During the of this last
song Santa Claus appeared. This
good friend of the children was
splendidly impersonated by W. T.
Burton, who after making a short
jolly talk distributed presents to
he scholars, greatly amusing
audience with bis remarks to the
children as each went up.
The program preceding dis-
of gifts was arranged and
children instructed by Miss
mil Mrs. Lula
Cleve, its excellence reflected
credit upon them.
For the Interest of Own People
We congratulate our neighbor,
on its enlargement growing
It has just completed
its eleventh year as a dally and
has to pages. No
paper in State is truer to the
bent interest of its own people,
from all is more
and better patronized.
All hail good cheer to our
prosperous neighbor. May it con-
to grow in every feature of
its good Neck
At o'clock Sat. morning
little son of Mr. and Mis. J. J,
Jenkins, died at their home
West It is thought
bis de in. was duo to tetanus
caused by i dart being accidentally
stuck in his side while he was
playing with some boys about a
week ago.
Governor has pardoned
Simon an old colored man
who was sent to
from this count the charge o
barn Col. A. Sugg
has working to
a i ft r the old man.
Large Audience Entertained at
Christian Church.
At the Christian church Monday
a large audience assembled
to the concert given in
observance of the joyous
A delightful program was
heartily enjoyed by all
present. The program was as
Bells of
Instrumental Solo
Miss Elise
the Starry
Misses Spain and
Power of
Miss Lizzie Anderson.
and Won-
Miss Nina James.
Solo and Chorus
Miss Mary
June Tyson.
By child I en,
Solo and Angel
Mrs H. Moore.
Miss Lizzie Anderson.
I m-11
Miss Helen
by the children.
Heavy Travel,
A railroad man of many years
experience told us he had never
seen so heavy as it was this
Christmas. It indicates the good
tunes among people.
The Presbyterian Sunday school
had a tree
Tuesday night. The tree was a
beautiful and the scholars re-
Southbound Freight Train
Smashes Tender.
Hacks Co After Passengers And Mall And
Bring Them In.
Wednesday night gave the pub-
another long tedious wait
tor the incoming train, with a
downpour rain to add to
discomfort of those who waited.
Passenger No. was
thirty minutes late, which
was not considered very bad for
the time of year. The crowd of
passengers to go away, those
who to meet people coming
in, gathered at depot
for its coming. There it was
that, freight train No.
overdue five bad not got in
and as it was then hearing dis-
was believed to be stalled
ahead of passenger train.
Waiting then became
The half hour lengthened
into an hour and yet no
About o'clock a bedraggled
brakeman came walking up
track to depot and reported
that the freight was wrecked
about a mile beyond river and
could not move, and the
was up right behind it.
The hacks put out for the scene to
get passengers and mall and
bring them over to town, and all
got in after awhile.
wreck was not extensive
resulted only in damage to the
engine of the freight train. It
seems that the train was too heavy
for the engine and stalled when
the grade beyond river was
reached. engine was
and came over to tank
water, leaving cars standing
track. No light wan on the
front car and when the
back in the darkness it run
cars with such a that
tender was smashed and
trucks knocked off the track.
passenger train pulled the
freight cars back to House
put them on the sidetrack,
while log engine went
over from here and pulled
disabled engine out of way
cleared the truck, so that by II
o'clock the passenger train could,
get by;
Another engine had to be pro
cured freight train it
could not proceed until early this
Change of Firms.
The store of J. B. Co.
is closed for the purpose
inventory. With the
of new year this firm, that has
had a long and prosperous career,
will pass away and be succeeded
by the firm of J. R J. G.
who have the junior partners
of the old firm. The
brothers are among our very best
business men, and their integrity
and square dealing have won a
reputation that is known far and
near. They will business
the same occupied by the
old and will receive the
favor that was accorded their
To Merchants
I beg to that I have
accepted a position with the of
In of
Va., as traveling salesman,
expect to call on you about
Jan. 1st. with a com-
Hue of
you for your past pat-
hoping to be favored
with a liberal share of your
future, I am
Yours Truly,
T. D.
Beautiful Home Wedding at
For some days the eyes of many
have been turned towards
Bethel, where social event of
season vita to take place on
Tuesday 26th, it
being the marriage of Mr.
Lafayette Mayo and Miss Mattie
Grime The bride is the lovely
mill daughter of Dr.
and Mi-. R J. Grimes, of Bethel,
and is a favorite of a large
host of friends all over the State
and especially The
groom is a handsome and popular
business man of Norfolk,
Va. He was formerly from
county in this State, where
he was always a favorite.
At a. in. a large number
friends gathered at the
borne of bride to witness the
marriage, The parlors where Hie
daintily in Christ
hub evergreen, beaut ferns,
graceful plants were placed
here and there, the scene
one of marked simplicity and
i e When i lie moment
rived came sweet strains
of music from deft fingers of
beautiful Miss Blanche Mayo,
the sister of the groom, as she
and from the hallway
advanced bridal party,
groom with bis best man, V. K.
of Kinky Mount, bride
on arm of charming sister,
Miss Grimes. They were
met at -he in the parlor by
Rev. J. T. Eubanks where with a i
ceremony he
made one to walk life's
The was attired an ex-
of de
over elaborately
trimmed with and
imported Shu carried
hand a bouquet of bride
roses ferns. maid of
honor wore an u plaited
with ribbon trimmings.
The wore conventional black
with, gray gloves.
Just across the bail was exhibit-
ed the display of pres-
which attested popularity
of the happy couple. There was
exquisite collection of cut
a chest of silver,
many other handsome designs in
silver. The china display was
beautiful, conspicuous among ii e
sat china.
in real lace, batten
burg, etc., and a purse
of geld.
The following out of town guests
were J. Mooring, Prof.
W. H. and Mi-s
of Greenville, Miss
Shields, of Scotland Neck;
Miss Fannie of Wilson;
Miss Sidney Davenport, of Pact--
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith
and Miss Alice Grimes, of
i Miss Mr.
Mrs. Karl West, C. S.
ard, of Tarboro; O L. Whichard
of Mrs. J, R.
mi, Misses Winnie and
of Mount
Olive; Q. M. Limp, of B
den Herbert of
sell ; of Hamil-
ton Miss Allie O. Little, of Slate
Normal Greensboro and V. K.
of Rocky
Those who were will
long remember occasion with
great delight. The and
groom are well known loved
and they go to their new home
with wishes for R long life of
No Discrimination in Regard to
Sex, Says Postmaster General.
In January Post-
master General take
to point out
for women in postal
department. He ways; have
in the service this
try men and
most three times the combined
forces of the army navy.
No other single with tie
exception of the school
system employs as many women
or gives them a better average
pay, and in no work outside of the
home and the school do they show
a larger usefulness in he general
scheme of progress.
share in postal work is
If visited Washington yon
would find d- in
divisions. Go in your own
and either mail may be
handled by women or a woman
be dependable in the
who keeps
maintains the efficiency of the
office. In every direction e have
woman as a trusted well paid
employee. yet you may
search annual reports and the
it postal
without discovering how many of
the employees are and how
many women The question of
sex does u I III the showing.
is a u not only
in the United Stale-, but
other country, Unit in em-
woman does not
pay of a man when she docs
of u Him. The United
States Government makes no
discrimination. may
say the salaries are not
what they ought to be,
remuneration is deserved in many
places, but whatever the sum paid
t is the to man or man.
We sometimes forget this equality
and do properly estimate its
significance, for in the end the
Government's standards will be
the standards of private business
aid the day must come
justice will establish a more
is a gratification that the Govern-
is doing by example what i.
in to bring about
tor. lire
Here's to the DAILY
gives us all news,
Six times a m a tonic, to drive
away the blues.
For Greenville, last and
it booms old home
And no matter the issue, it
cannot be put down.
Here's to the.
on time, and to
What's use in trying to give
another name
The engine, track, depot, to the
Coast Line may h I f
But the train wouldn't
running, were ii f b
Now here's to another
come boys, have a smoke
I didn't say
don't make a broke.
Ho won't lie if you pay your sub-
and buy fragrant
on the and
lust good bye, to
good bye, old I'm gone,
VikI won't he back Tuesday to
view the grind old town.
V Merry Christmas to you; just hold
down tight,
So when get back from
I'll things he.-e, alright.
Pleasant Christmas.
Greenville bad exceedingly-
pleasant Christmas. The day was
beautiful everybody seemed to
enjoy It. Gift making was at its
highest and many hearts were
made happy. There was no dis-
ting was very
This Season 9.320,456 Pounds,
Against Last Year.
According to the figures furnish-
ed us by Secretary C. Harvey,
of the tobacco boa id of trade, the
of leaf tobacco on the
ville for the mouth
December, up to the close on the
h, were pounds, at an
average price of
The total sales the sea-on
from August 1st to December 30th
were 11,320,4.111
same live mouths of lust year the
sales were pounds.
Sunday School Entertainment.
There will he an entertainment
for the M. K. Sunday school at the
night 88th inst, at o'clock.
As the hall is only large enough
to accommodate the Sunday school
and a immediate friends, we
have been obliged to limit the
invitations. Tickets have already
been issued to members of the
Sunday school as far as p
If any have failed to get their
tickets they can them from the
assistant secretary, Mr. Dumber,
at the door Thursday night. All
members of the cradle roll, home
department and of
of the Sunday will be
admitted without tickets.
Appreciate Courtesies Shown by
Covenant Lodge.
Ala Aurora
1.18, I O. O. K. held Tuesday
a com mil lee was
to a letter of
think- to Lodge of
Greenville for the hospitality
Hie members of
I. viola attending the District
committee reported
e of Aurora Lodge
hereby tender our thanks to the
of Covenant Lodge for the
kindness and courtesy shown us
while attending District meet-
at on inst.
We feel that much good result
o us from seeing the work done
Covenant Lodge in conferring
the degree,
Tile many brothers of th-
were unable to attend missed
a treat in the speech of welcome by
James, of the
Secretary, Bro. I. H.
and others.
After the inaction of all
before the meeting a motion
was made to adjourn to the dining
room where a sumptuous supper,
by Lodge, awaited
the visiting brothers we
were met sisters of the
who presided at the table
with due care courtesy. Alter
-upper we our way to the
hotel each that he
been greatly benefit by the
and with kind feelings in
our bosoms Inwards the brothers of
J. M,
J. R.
J, H. Starkey, a retail
made an Tiled K,
O, Harding being named
ate about
not stated.
Postmaster Canned.
Postmaster K. Flanagan
the of a beautiful gold
In ailed cane as a Christmas present
the clerks and rural mute car
of office here. As clever
a as Mr. Flanagan is
appreciated not only by em-
of the office but by the
generally. There are few like

Greenville's Great Department Store
Is always to the front with new and desirable merchandise, and finds us ready to meets your
demands in the most satisfactory manner. Christmas shoppers will do well to pay
our store a visit before purchasing.
My a Worth
Stop and
Greensboro, N. C. March 1903
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl
a very bad case of which
covered a great part of her
She bad
the time she was three old.
until she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I speak too highly of
it She has not had a symptom
it for six Respectfully,
merit is sparkling with beauty and richness.
The STERLING SILVER display is
and very handsome, containing many use-
and artistic things.
The TOYS AND are all
required. Here the children
and grown folks too can all be suited.
In the GROCERY will
find many things to tickle the palate. Good
things to eat in abundance, and all of the
best quality.
Look through our FURNITURE stock before
deciding on a Christmas Gift. would
you like a pretty Chair
GUNS; Loaded Shells and Loaded
for holiday sport.
Our Dry Goods Store
greatest. J
Beautiful FUR Scarfs of
and sizes in black. Isabella
Fox. Sable Sable Opossum,
to each.
FUR SETS, scarf and muff to
Linen Mexican DRAWN WORK in Doilies.
Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs. Tray Cloths.
Stamped Linens, Embroidery Silks. Sofa
Pillow Tops. Pillow Cords.
Tapestry Table Covers, Lace
Net Curtains. Silk Mantel Drape-
; ii mid Tapestry by the yard.
Gillette Safety Razors, Silver Plated, a
fine for
Guaranteed Kid Gloves, in black,
mode, tan and white, at per pair. Golf
Gloves for ladies. Knit Gloves and Mittens for
Great values are offered in our De-
Long and short Cloaks for ladies,
misses and children. Infant's Cloaks in white
and light colors.
Our Notion Department is very attractive,
showing lovely things in Shopping Bags,
Belts. Handkerchiefs. Fans, Hosiery,
Quilts, Towels. Table Linen and
Fay Stockings for children and ladies.
Shoes you always want and a pair of those
stylish, elegant DOROTHY DODD Shoes
will be just right for a Christmas girt.
Make our store your headquarters, look through our large and select stock and let us help to make
your Christmas a happy one.
P. R. L.
Notice is hereby I will no
Monday in Jan. 1906 Apply to the
of county commissioners for
License to retail Liquor in the town Of
N. C.
This Nor. 1905. J. L. Gibson.
fl How Many People You
Reach Without J
leaving your own office
By of a decree made by D.
C. Moore, Clerk Superior Court of
Pitt County, on the 12th day of
in a certain special proceed-
wherein Isaac Gardner and wife
Fannie M. Gardner, waiter Gardner
and wife Fannie Gardner, are petition-
I will on Saturday, the
13th day of January 1906, at o'clock
noon, expose to the public sale at the
House door in Greenville, to the
highest for cash, the following parcel
of land to in Swift Creek
Township. Pitt county and beginning
on the O C line and runs to a
marked pine by the roadside, then a
line to north west course to a
knot, centered by a
black gum and a stamp,
then about a north with an greed
line made N T Cox and Smith
to said Smith's line then with said
line to the beginning corner,
with the old line back to the
containing acres more or
and being the same land conveyed by
N T Cox to Smith by deed
dated March 22nd as of record
pears in the registers office of Pitt
in Book V page
will be made Partition.
This the 12th day of December, 1905-
P. Harding.
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford
IT ct. Yin
For Rates
Hem Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
The man who life Is
for his family.
The man who Insures his health
Is wise both for his family
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It Is worth guarding.
Ai the first attack of
which generally
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable
And save your health.
Steamboat Service.
Summer L. leaver
Washington daily
at a. for Greenville; leaver
Greenville daily
at in. for
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norfolk, Philadelphia
w York, Boston and all
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all point West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. R.
Bailing hours subject to
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. M.
j Surgeon
and Printers
We have entirely
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Rafted g Column and Head
Bakes regular each
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches in
and over per lb;
A sample of refaced
Rule, wile full parties-
will be cheerfully
on application.
Printers Supply Co
Manufactures Type lid
Printing Material
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January 1st. 1902, I took
down with and
and gradually grew I was
by my family physician that my case
was My and
had given me up CO die. My
limbs and body were swollen to one-
third larger than normal else, and
water had collected my heart.
For at least throe months I had to sit
propped up In bod to keen from
I sent for five bottles of Dr.
Heart Curs, and by the time I
had taken them all I entirely
cured. I feel better than I have for
twenty years, and I am able to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending physician told me that If ft
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cure
I would now be In my
L. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the tint bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad
Mow a Country Gentleman Lived
the Year 1629.
have an interesting of
in which gives a
good idea of the manner in which a
country gentleman of the period
lived. Dinner supper were
brought in by the servants with
their hats on, a custom which is cop
by who,
writing in 1508, says that, being
a knights house who had many
errant to attend him, brought
in the meats with their heads cover-
ed blue caps. After washing
their hands in a basin they sat
down to dinner, and Sir James
said The viands seem-
ed to have lax-n plentiful mid excel-
lent, pottage, kale,
or white Kale, which is cabbage;
powdered beef, roast
and boiled mutton, a venison pie in
form of tin egg, Then they
had cheese, cut and and
But the close of the feast was
the most curious thing about it.
The was removed, and
on it were put a the whole
breadth of the table and half the
length of it, a basin and ewer to
wash, then a green carpet laid on,
then one cup of beer set on the car-,
pet, then a little long lawn servitor,
plaited over the corner of the table,
a glass of hot water set down
on the table; then be there
three boys to say grace, the first, the
the second, the pater-
the third, a prayer for a
blessing to God's church. The good
man of the house, his parents, kins-
folk, and the whole company they
then do drink hot waters, so at sup-
per, then to bed, the collation which
a of The whole ac-
count, it must be said, is not very
intelligible, and it must have been
a somewhat formidable prelude to
the postprandial toddy. Scottish
Coated Boots.
Everybody has remarked that the
matter applied to hoots and shoes
a dull blue black
substance entirely devoid of gloss,
but when the leather thus coaled is
tubbed over with a dry brush the
boot begins to shine like a bright
luminary. What is the cause of this
phenomenon is a question
which not presents itself to
every well regulated mind. The
a- everybody knows as
recent experiments have abundantly
proved, is nothing more or less than
crystallized carbon. The chief
in blacking is likewise carbon,
in the shape of lampblack. The
of the dry brush on the leather
electricity, which has the
Property of crystallizing carbon.
leather, coated with blacking
and brushed, is covered with mil-
lions i f microscopical diamonds.
which give to the blacking its
brilliancy. Accordingly
wears diamonds on hit
C to tho Flea. Thou Athlete
As an illustration of industry the
ant hi-, in compliance with the
Scriptural injunction, been held up
us n shining example to the slug-
As r, proof of the saying that
practice makes perfect science offer-
the in evidence. The flea's gait
i; a . in. He never walks or can-
or runs. A- a supreme result
of his practice as
n per we are told lie is now
to hop times his own length.
Ye boastful college athletes, to the
wood If the average broad jump-
; our athletes should achieve
the of the ordinary flea In
would be able to jump about
feet, while, as i-. he has never yet,
even n running start,
passed twenty-five feet. to the
ant, u the flea.
thou Track
Son Last Mather
lo our
and through it I lost
write K. B. .
Ms. For the five years,
however, on U of
i, cold Ht Wild, I
w hi- h unfed me
front ii ling Hi-
l'S for
Mr. If. id. that lung
bow i.
cure for nod
Price and at
L. Woolen, Trial
i often ms meat as hot
Tho. S Ant-tin, Mrs; of the
u In
refused lo allow the loop
on his wife, for female Iron
hie, J he eon
eluded In try My
wife was then sick,
hardly leave her id. and five
had to
her. Alter
she ran
now perform all her
In J, L.
I Not
it How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or nu-
w. lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
JR emergencies. Our line of tools
Is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
I Of
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
By virtue of a decree of the
court Pitt county, made- la a
Special Proceeding therein
entitled, J. at. Williams and
others versus Lewis Williams and
we will on
before the court house door in Green-
ville, tell at public sale to the highest
bidder that certain tract or of
land situate In Greenville
county two the
town of on the road lead-
rug from said to the low of
bounded o the east by
the lands of Jesse K Move, the
south the lands of Mary on
the west by the lands of warren
In the
G E. Harris vs Samuel Obey
by virtue of an exec
to the from the superior
Court Pitt county in above
will, on the
of a
M at Hie court cu- f aid
to satisfy said all the
right, title Inter said
Samuel has in
lo wit.
no Hi Me-
Avenue at South east
lot No. 4-t being feet from
thence running west
and others, . feet thence feet
acres or the , thence east parallel with Brat line to
lands formerly by Jackson Avenue thence North with
Hams deceased. west side of y Ave
Also one other parcel o land con- in el
It acres more or less m from I. w. wife Helm
Branch, which contains marl deposit. J. Samuel recorded in
of One third cash an I book w
the in two equal
tone paid in one and two years respect-
the deferred payments to bear
interest, payable n . from date
of deed, and U secured by
gage upon said land. This December
I. A.
ALB L. Blow.
One other tract In west Green-
on and
Washington Avenue-Block No. be-
the and
Avenue with the
western line of avenue
a westerly course parallel
with Washington ave, thence a
parallel with
lea- fit f-el In Av
an easterly course with Wash-
Ave See deed
of wife He en H.
By virtue of decree made by D C. i kins to Samuel Obey lo
Moore, Clerk Superior Court of Pitt MB,
on the day of December This Hi day of Due,
in a certain special proceeding I Sheriff,
wherein Joseph Jones, wife I
j Mary Jones. Jim Jones and others are .
; petitioners ex-prate-1 will on
the day of January at
I O'clock noon expose to public sale at
the Court House door in Pitt I
the highest bidder for cash the
Having before the
Court Clerk t f county as
administrator of the estate John t
lowing parcel of to wit-lying and to the es-
being in the of Pitt in Con- at to make immediate payment to the
Rt the undersigned, aim all persons
Franklin line on the in the claims said estate are
Frederick white Held, thence running the
up said big ditch to for before the 1st day of Us
line, thence with his line to Lorenzo 1906, or this notice will b.-
line, thence with Lorenzo plead In bar their
line to I 1st day of December,
line, thence with the Jones and Dale
back to the beginning containing
This is made for Partition.
This the 12th day of December
F. C.
W. H.
of John F. Which a rd.
J. P
Norfolk. Va.
Notice is hereby that I will on
the day of Jan. soil at public
sale, at K M tin
personal property belonging th
estate ofF M deceased,
cattle, hos, household and
kitchen furniture farming;
cotton, corn, hay, and
personal property A mules, horses
of sale cash.
Cotton Factored handlers of; i. day of
Bagging, mid Bags. I Ashley
of P.
solicited A
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
It strange, very strange, to me
many men should devote them-
selves exclusively to tho study of
their own particular callings, It
seems n if they thought a mind
must grow narrow before it can
come to a focus. We send our young
men abroad lo enlarge and modify
their notions, but those who stay
homo shut themselves up the
and catechisms their pro-
die ore stiffened into
machines f specific ; s. Tin.
knowledge of u man who confines
himself one object bears tho s i
relation that of the liberal
that the red or ray of t
. lo the blended light of a
IV. Holmes.
Scared Him.
isn't to
t they had oven
gone so far at to rehearse fr the
was the real trouble.
They had rehearsed five times, and
said Hie preparations for
mi were such work
w ; raid be couldn't stand the real
. T I
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are very fortunate In
to arrange with the pub-
of those well known mag
to offer a subscription for
the coining year at tins
price. We have decided
to let our readers have full
advantage of tho reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in advance subscribers.
t Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
Don't Neglect This
Many other publications arc
desirable, and may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
art publication, but the Review
of Reviews is necessary.
American and
men are going to keep up with
the times and they are to
take the shortest which is
the Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for
With the recent change of owner
ship it been improved. is
far better in every and
aims to be the best in the field.
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among the many mag
This year it is the Cos
The Woman Borne Companion
is every member of the
For our bright, earnest,
cultured, home loving American
woman it is an i entertainer
and helper in n th
ways; but the fathers
i and sons join in its
perusal by the children
turn to the pages
are written for them,
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper the country, an i pertains
it. farming, live and poultry raising. Every tanner should have if
. . our with The Daily Reflector a year for 15.00, or all tour
, y
The Cash Grocers.
The Strenuous or the
Simple Life r
Trousers are mace for either. No
life is wear too hard
for them.
Dutches Trousers are the most strongly
made garment in the world
only ere offering the Genuine
cents a
There are piles of them on our counters in patterns
to suit all tastes at to
The King Clothier.
Reflector Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
r no en people m ray for what they want.
i have what they want tire it and you are sure to

II J. and Proprietor
the at. X. C, as second class matter,
Advertising pates made upon
desired at post oilier in Pitt and adjoining counties
Congress has done practically
nothing since it met and is ready to
for the holidays.
It -s tacky hubby who e;
cape the fan of paying lie bill for
the Christmas present he got.
They Miss Alice has
gone to inking dancing lessons. Too
now, since her is
You do toil have much
look the tobacco
Hales on Ins t.
IV week
la after more
than tn -e that no holes
left in
Those who did not observe
pay as go policy can pet ready
to feel in their pockets and pay their
Christmas present bill.
If the man makes good
his claim of self defense in killing
the two men, he ought to be sent to
the penitentiary for insulting lady
guests in his hotel.
The Kansas fellow who went
claiming to be true
prophet of did not prophesy
fie coal of tar and feathers that
gave him.
James A. Lockhart died
Christmas eve at his home in
Wadesboro. Another noble North
Carolinian has fallen. He was one
of the state's most truest men.
Christmas conies but a year
everybody from the smallest to
the largest welcomes the day
Yea, Christmas comes
but a year, but we feel like ii
to e oftener. The feel hit
l and consideration of
others, which Christmas brings with
makes us feel like it ought to be
every day, for Christmas
brings into action the high virtues
make people better Christians.
The coming of Christmas but once
a year is of grant value to all human-
and would be far greater if it
every With the coming
of Christmas one feels that he or she
is not forgotten bill is held in esteem
and affection, thus creating a love
one for the oilier.
Some of us have been fortunate
while others have been unfortunate,
mt don't let this cause you to forget
your less fortunate brother. Re-
member that the Master has caused
to prosper. Therefore
those who have not prospered
are needy. It is Christ-like
The joyous bells of Christmas can
be made to ring in many, many
hems every day with but little
and self denial. A hearty
greeting, a word of sympathy, look-
after the suffering, helping those
in adversity and those who
are down in poverty. These
things that Christ would have us do
not every Christmas, but, every day.
Let us all be as happy as we can
and strive to make those about us
Drinking ind Society.
A mighty good man with some
money to invest was in Greenville
Tuesday with an eye open for
thing he could invest in and at the
same time get profitable-employment.
i He had not found his object when
talking with and we
are not informed as to what
he arrived at later. Some
. ,. , other town get him, hut he is
The Greenville which ,. , , .
. . . , ii i,., ;,., lust the kind of man that
is j eleven years oM, on its j
list as a prepaid subscriber King needs. One big trouble here is tin
and the train for which of manufacturing enter
has battled so long has been named , if o had these there would
The year old Tennessee hoy
slut and killed himself because
his mother whipped him to correct
his din many have saved
the sheriff the job of hanging him
had he lived to be grown.
be good openings for men like the
the In this
of honors, The Re-
, , one in question,
should take heed lest
envious corporation puts its name
on a cigar that will be a reflection
and a News and
Oh, you are away behind. The
cigar has already been
named, and it is the best center
on th list.
Sew Commercial re
marks poor, overworked
government in Washington
want lours reduced
from light to seven. A Tennessee
ha- introduced a bill
to and asks, not
hi then ; and hire
somebody to do necessary
It doubtless almost come to this
here for manufacturing enter-
prises to be conducted profitably.
Graded School Must Secure An-
other Superintendent.
Prof. W. B. Dove, who has
been superintendent of Greenville
graded schools ice the schools
were established, baa tendered his
resignation, and at a meeting
the board of trustees, held Wed-
the resignation was accept
ed with the understanding that h.
is to continue until successor
can De secured arrives.
The reason of Prof. Dove's
nation is that lie ha received and
accepted a very
from Silver, Co.,
book publishers of New York, t
and yet tie average government clerk
who is not attending school with a act as their representative in
view to becoming a lawyer, doctor and South Carolina.
or something of kind is by no Tue
means the most fortunate citizen of G , to sue
imaginable. A government clerk- Prof- bat
ship, even with only seven hours of.
work, should he by
men rather than sought
Observer. so one who starts out to hunt
; trouble has use for a gun.
It is no longer good form to drink
hi polite society.
At some houses nowadays no wine
it all is served. Scotch and soda
has taken its place, because the
doctors say it is the least injurious
of all tipples, but very little of that
is consumed The butterflies of
fashion have at last learned the
lesson that a drunken is
as as a drunken tramp and
that a society woman who
in drink is as disgusting as
she were an of
Street Police Station. They
have learned, too, that there is no
fun in the word like the fun of
ways being sober. The women, es-
have also learned that drink
rapidly and inevitably destroys their
physical as well as their mental
The result is that today drinking
is decidedly had form among rich
and fashionable persons, in Chicago,
at any The occasional man
who makes a practice of drinking
too much is soon The
woman who is only
under the influence of liquor is
tabooed thereafter.
Those philosophers who hereto-
fore have never been able to see that
what is called is of much
use in the world will have to admit
it now it is of some use, in the
good example it is setting. For it
is useless to deny that too often the
lone of morality in the mass is given
to it by those persons who are con-
because of wealth and
f. Now that they have made
temperance fashionable, they will
benefit the community as a whole
in a very important respect. Chic-
A German Physician Believes
Fighting the Devil is the
Principal Occupation
for Christmas.
St. Louis, most unique
church in Christendom is to be
in South St. Louis by Dr.
August Schmidt, a German
who has come to the
that all church denominations
are good and all creeds
penally correct, and that there
should be a church in every city
n- people of every
may go and worship the one
In Dr. Schmidt's church, which
he will build and equip with his
own money, there will be no
no choir, no ceremony, col-
plate or fixed service. A
set of chimes and a pipe organ
operated by will furnish
constant music of a kind calculated
to men and turn their
thoughts toward things spiritual.
Dr. Schmidt believes that the
churches err in confining their
efforts too st I j to the worship
of God, which he holds is a
form worship after all. He
holds that main duty of a
Christian is to light the devil, mid
he maintains that the devil is
within and that
who spends all of hi- days in
will himself absorb-
ed into and become a part of the
evil alter death. He ha- no
fa i III in a literal hell and does nit
believe the Bible to be entirely
inspired by God, although he
accepts it as a of faith. In
his opinion himself is
responsible for parts of the Bible
which he thinks are contradictory
to the pints inspired by God.
l he devil exercises a
tic ii over the souls of men
and that many crimes an-l sins are
committed when under Ibis
is of his
Of Those Going and Coming.
R L. Johnson went to
Miss Annie to Nor-
folk today.
Miss Joyner returned to
G. A. Clark went to
Tarboro today.
Miss Clyde Cox returned from
Ayden this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G spent
i i-i ma- at
Dr. J. C. of LaGrange,
pent here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. House
Christmas Edgecombe.
W. B James came home from
Columbia to Christmas.
Miss Sophia Jarvis went
Bethel today to visit friends.
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg left Toes
day alter noon for n to
W. Wiggins, of who
has been here on a visit, returned
home this morning.
J. E. went to
Christmas day to spend the
eek l h relative.
Prof. W. S. Bernard came
from Chapel to Christ-
mas his mother.
Prof. G. K. pi in
of High school,
spent the morning here.
Mrs. Alice Lee, of Smithfield
who has been Mrs. T. B
Hooker, returned home today.
Mr and Mrs. J. W. Allen who,
made Greenville their home i h.-
past year, left Sunday for Raleigh. I
Miss Kathleen rial In of Louis-
bare, who has been flatting Mis
James, home today
Mrs. Dara Warren
county, who has been visiting Mrs.
W. P. Edwards, home
On Christmas eve Mrs. P. E.
Dancy, one of our most esteemed
her 74th
J. S. Mooring returned from
Bethel Tuesday where he
had been to attend Mayo-
Grimes marriage.
Prof, Mrs. H. P. Harding,
of Charlotte, name down to spend
Cm with the
Prof. W. If. and
daughter, Miss retained
had been to attend the Mayo-
Grimes marriage.
The of Mr. Ban
Skinner, of Greenville, Federal dis-
attorney for Eastern North
Carolina, meets with almost
approval. Sir. Skinner is a
polished gentleman and an able
lawyer. The manner in which he
conducted the prosecution, last
month, against the three
mutineers and murderers tailed
forth many congratulatory
and won for him scores of
admirers in
Presented to the State by Com-
John G. Young.
A Confederate Bag that was car-
by a North Carolina Company
the entire war and on the
staff was presented to the
state by Comrade John
G. g, of Winston, for the
Yadkin Gray Eagle. The
bears the Insert pi one
the sordid lust of
And for
Oil the o her side of the Hag an
thirteen stars, twelve forming a
one being in the
II is; is torn and tattered by
shot, hall and shell, and it i-
evidence of many a fearful conflict,
The material of which the Hag was
made is silk, cut from the
of the fair ladies of
Raleigh News and
weather is here
and so are the
handsome new
were never of-
to the
genteel and
Coat or the
The new
I e breasted
Driver will he
a popular coat
this season.
Come here
for your new
y o m i s s
nothing that's
and SI coats
are popular
priced and will
he great favor-
While our
is large
and prices
stand first, last
and all the
time on the
superiority of
fabric, style
and workman-
If you buy your Overcoat here, you'll appreciate
the Overcoat excellence we give you more fully, after
you have worn the Coat a few months.
Frank Wilson,
Pulley Bowen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in all
he latest styles and weaves.
Boys and
Novelty Suits.
You want style in your shoes. Ultra shoos have just as much
snap in them as any shoe, and design
rs are all tin tune which are later copied by
houses all over the country. Style is the first consideration, but
if the shoe does not lit, you will not buy it for the style alone.
The fitting finalities are what is necessary to a shoe, and in
this the ULTRA
Our pattern and last makers are undoubtedly the best in their re-
Ultra Wear.
Pulley Bowen,
Filled Stockings.
Two very happy in town
were proud of their
boys in both
were J. A. Kicks and
R. O. fires.
Gel your orders in for new year
Everybody vetting ready to
wind up the
Yon want to the new year
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
At close of business November 9th, 1905.
Loans an I discounts s I
Overdrafts, 8,678.81
and fixtures 2,415.64
Duo from Banks 25,000.32
Cash items 910.00
Gold Coin
National bank notes
and IT notes
Capital stock paid
Undivided profits,
Hills payable 5,000.00
of deposit 16,808.70
Deposits 102,545.01
Due to 125.00
Cashiers 264.85
State of Carolina, County of I'm.
I, it. of So
that the above i true to the of my know edge
belief. it.
and in ii .-
m i it. lay of No.-., I .-
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Ma. A little son spent
Just received by R. Q. Chapman
Co., a car load of lime which
they will sell very cheap.
Best hosiery for children at H,
Ii. Johnson V.
Miss Dew, the efficient
matron the
the holiday with relatives
The town tax books now
open at the store of Ii,. Q.
Co. nil and pay
promptly. U. S. Smith,
International poultry food
Harrington Barber Co.
If it Rains or we are all
right for there are plenty of rub
coats, shoes, boots, at A
W Ange Co
Misses Harrison, Perry and Joy-
teachers in High
School, spent the holidays at their
homes and La
nuts go to
L-. of
mis been visiting Mrs. Polly Smith.
Miss Kan- Chapman, has lobe as bis teacher years ago and
been teaching at Clay
to Christmas with her
Our line of fall Winter,
goods are now in. Sen our life he
fore you bay. yours to A
W. Co.
he i deeply attached to her
tier faithful training.
Nice line of fresh groceries
hand Barber
Any out- need of a good call
one that will last and render good
Another Urge shipment of shoe to see or Hie
all and sites and pi ices A. Q. Co.
F. F. Cox, C. J. J and J.
B. Carroll, of Wake
home Thursday to spend Christ-
mas with their parents
White's Black Liniment,
tally for tho human
family, fine for perfectly
Calvin Mills,
here Lula.
for the holidays. He is a
noble gentleman th old
ti in- own work
the Sams
i expect to
seed for you can same time
meal far your sued when
sub-cutaneous eon. ginned at the
Try a bottle of Kid-
a sure cure for all Kid-
For sale by
B. T. Cos Br.
Don't forget nice
at A W Co
White's Colic and Kidney Cine,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cute. , ,
Lela home for boll-
Ben a prosperous farmer of days. He is one of our men
Put Co. Oil Mil
A second u-i- -hi;., t of hats
and I his season
newest style
Trunks and valise at
ton Barber Co.
Shoes are arriving daily at A.
W. Cu's. Be sure to
their prices before you buy else-
If you want a bargain in
go to A. W. Ange . On, they ate
wiling oat at now.
If want a Tar Heel curt yon
had better see about getting it at
once or the A. G. Cox Mfg Co will
ship them elsewhere.
The of was
Dec A. G.
J K. Smith, Winslow,
L. L J. May, Chat.
G. .;. J. P.
and It. G.
director. A G. was fleeted
Vice Pres.,
aid L. Cashier.
Big line of bars and cans just
received, latest styles. Harrington
ii Co.
A hats and caps just
at A. W, Co.
are nice be sure to see them
Go to Harrington Co.
costs and jackets.
heelers see
If you your laundry to look
nice and hut long lake it to H. L.
Johnson represents the
steam laundry.
If yon want i all
get one of
W. tin;, ere
When in l., ., , ,. . j
run a eh., livery and
ale L. House.
Iv want nice Christmas
at a you bad better go to J. K
for have
received K. G.
S Co., a ear load of gait. Be sure
lo gel their prices at once.
Mice waist cheap at
i Barber Co.
Nice line of fresh
always on hand at H. L.
Men's all
es, at Barber A Co.
A new line of re-
by E. G. Chapman Co.
Be sure not to forget
tore and those iron at
A. A age ft Co.
bodies and seats are being
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
A full line of
hand at Harrington Burlier ft c.
1905. 1908.
New Year to an. in extending
our and the com-
p of the season, we take the
to express our high appreciation of
your kind and liberal patronage the
year 1905.
As we have endeavored during the
past year by a stick adherence to our
motto, maintaining the t
Standard of to merit your pat-
so caring the year 1906 it stall
b; our highest aim to merit, not only a
continuance, but a large increase, of your
valuable business. We shall make
store a safe and satisfactory place to trade.
That you may spend a pleasant and joy-
s, and that the new year may
bring forth for all abundant Happiness
and prosperity is the sincere wish of this
Greenville. Tarboro.
A Co.
the Fork Swamp section, was here
Thursday night receiving the
degree in the Masonic order.
For corn and oats,
Barber Co.
go to
We have the best assortment of
stationary ever brought to Win-
B. T Cox ft Br.
Louis Hudson, of Black Jack,
came meet his brother John
who came in Baltimore where
he is attending a medical college.
her load of school desk were
Shipped out of A. O. On Mfg
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber a Co.
Misses Dora C. x and Ethel Car-
roll, who are student in the
for Woman Bel-
came home to spend the
Don't be on bid Hour
when yon can gel at A W
Ange ft Co
Nicest and cheapest line of men's
ties at Harrington Barber Co.
You kill your bogs any time
now that you to. for A. W.
troubles at Harrington Barber I . . c w ,. .
Co has salt to save them
that yon hid better see
L l him before buy.
Special prices on gun for the
next days at A. W. Ange Co
has sure conic
and In his community stands out
as a leader all moral questions. If you do not believe ii goto Bar-
Bo noble to stand always for the Barber see
Be sure to see R. T. Cox
That is a nice selection of Christ-
nice assortment of goods goods at Harrington Barber .-
they have a nice selection, I Co.
If yon want nice presents; Be sure to go to see the nice lot
for your friends, you sure find of new furniture that A W. Ange
anything you at Co. has just revived before OS
Just received car load Hour, nice
and fresh Harrington Barber .- Co.
Tue increase in sales of Tar
wheels to date
has been percent more than
International stock food
horses and cattle at Harrington
Barber ft Co.
Special prices on guns far the
next days W. L. House.
Nice line of boys Baits at H. L.
yards standard calicoes el
per yard, Harrington, Barber ,
Floor oil cloth at A W Ange ft
Co see their stock before yon buy.
Nice boggle Babes at Harrington
Barber Go.
They have nice one cheap.
Goto H. L. Johnson's for shoes,
he has a lot jut received,
they are nice.
frames and
A. W. Ange Co,
Call at II. t m's and ex
Hosiery iii
Misses 1.1 j ,
Barber ft Co,
Mr. of Ayden,
preached an sermon here
last afternoon.
Miss Cox went
ville Monday Shopping.
Have you been to see
mas goods that Harrington Barber
ft Co. has. If you have not
me Using a good thing.
ever before, this establish the
A. G. Cox Mfg Co, are making the
curt wheels on the market.
Their is no back band use
When want nice dress goods ; coming so much in general
and trimmings to eaten, go to A. made by the A.
W Ange they have a nice as- i Cox Mfg and it is
possible to an up farm-
Anew hit of iron bedsteads the
arrived at A. W. Ange Co
their before you buy
If you want a nice sewing ma-
We have been told Santa chine cheap see A. W. Ange Co
Clause leaves his at A. W. have nice ones.
A ft Co.,
received a n f
to . .
Ange ft Go's, every night.
We love to the A. Cox
Mfg. Co shipping out so many
their school disks.
It only a car load of these
desks that were shipped out today.
Our Mr. has been
kept of late and
shipping baggies,
That was a broad smile on Die
face of E. A, Stanley as he
Into his pocket 171.10 for one bale
of cotton which he had sold.
KG Chapman ft Co
The Pitt county Oil Co., are
still ginning cotton and making
oil night and day. r
Nile line of winter
for men and youth's at L. John
seems like nearly is
trying to get a buggy
ten new ones left to
Barber s Co. can
surely please and yon friends
if you will just go there and buy
some of those nice presents they
have. II. I,. Johnson's is head
quarters for and
For bargains in pints go to H.
B. T. Cox A Bro. have a full line
of school books, papers, inks,
scratch pea tablets, day
ledgers, books, States,
drill., crayons, school bags an i
shawl straps. Come and see what
they have before bringing else-
A beautiful double home wed
ding witnessed by many
friends a the home of A.
Dec. when Miss
Winded Back and Miss Mabel
Cox and Frank James were mar-
The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. T. H. King. It
very impressive scene. Th. v re-
many nice presents from
iv evening. 8.3 I
tho and their
friends gathered lo the
chapel lowliness the arrival
of Santa The occasion
a for the school.
Miss Georgia Joyner had charge
the decorating a more
fully decorated stage have
seen. The old lire-place, the
forest with the deer wading in the
and the slats
clear moon showed great skill in
credit on Miss and
Children who aided her.
A. White,
Greenville, N. C.
here is cold
ii . ., pair
i- our ii n t his
lap i g,
a fail . i ,; ., or
i rd pi ml
i I'd Ii no mil . you . p i;
. ii., .
; . . i.
trustees of the Winterville
High School ere always thoughtful
about the the student
so they ha decided to have all
drinking water on the school
grounds examined each year by
the State Board Health.
They have just heard from
the first examination which shows
the water from the pump at
each dorm hi excellent water
j and neither has germ of
Tory had water from a
I Shallow veil near the girls
examined which was
polluted and
however wan never
d drill I .
Miss Maud Mooring played a
selection and
T. Ii. King, of LaGrange, gave a
half hour's talk which as full of
excellent thought and was forcibly
delivered. He made a strong plea
high ideals and showed clearly
how this developed the high
Then a beautiful Christmas
two was played by Misses
Cox and the lime
children repeated some beautiful
verses came down
chimney and i. Mrs. Beats cum
too. They called out children
to aid them and in their
able way began to unload the
beautiful tree of its many nice
presents. After all the presents
bad presented old Santa went
back up the chimney unit Prof.
King, in a few words, presented
the teachers the nice presents
en I r grades, the exercise,
Closed and all wen I with
pleasant memories The grand-
mothers as will as the wee Hi tie
tots all were pleased
Santa declared they had
never Been part acted better
an this
Notice la h n j we will
apply to the Board
I count j at t . . . , , ;., . . I,,.,,
on in.- tint in January,
i-eta l
of Bethel, r.
M. Co.
Begins Monday at c; O'clock-Will
last Four Days only. We just
received a new Lot and Pretty
Come early and get Your pick.
Yours Truly,
; f

read this space
It is only a few days
December 25th, more
end every one friend or friends
to whom he or she will present with a pres-
and you could select no better store than
And we take the liberty of suggesting a few of our before making
Xmas purchase. Every article we sell is an ideal Xmas present and will be useful
as well as
Our line of Umbrellas from to
line of Silk Mufflers to 3.00
Our line of Glove from 1.00 to 2.00
Our line of Fancy Vests from 1.25 to 4.00
Our line of from to 1.00
Our line of Men's Sweaters 2.00 to 4.00
Our Line of Eiderdown Quilts, at
In addition to our line of novelties, we have the finest line of Clothing,
Coats, Footwear and to be found anywhere. A suit clothes, s rain coat
a pair of shoes or fine hat would make a nice present.
Your Presence is Earnestly Requested,
Furs, Dress Shoes,
Table fie.
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Fancy Vests, Gloves
Your father, mother, brother, sister sweetheart or
friend can find here a present that will make one
of the above a nice handsome gift.
One visit to this store will show you exactly
what we have and at prices not be discounted In
Greenville. Hoping a look from one and all.
By of a the Superior
court of Pitt county made in the pass
of R May and K II May J K
and wife, Harmon.
the undersigned commissioner sell for
cash before the court house door in
Greenville on Saturday
1905, the following described tract of
land situate in the county of Pitt and in
Township adjoining the
lands of Mrs. Arthur Jerry
Fields, the land and the
Greene county line containing
acres, and known as
laud is Ming sold for
Nov. 23rd
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Sold coin
Silver coin
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
m . Brokers in
ons. Private Win Hi V.-ii
dun in
r ; In I
,, . i,
, Hi It ll OHM
A Disastrous Calamity
I i m when
j in nap
Prompt f
. in Or Hew Ufa
Pi ; build
. , run-
z , . colic,
;.,. i-l Li
How the Laborers Become the Slaves
of the Planters
Of labor condition in South;
America Frank author of
A Commercial Traveler South j
planters I
of Ecuador complain but
., part their crop every your
through inability to get la-
borers to harvest it. As In moat
tropical the question of
labor i- most serious, for among the
lower classes the necessities of life
are so few and o easily obtained
that there id little or no incentive
for steady application. In Ecuador
nil, solution of is the,
introduction of the vicious
which our government found
iii force in
peonage or service
-To pain hold the laborer the
planter him small loan,
which he with characteristic
providence eagerly assents with the
understanding ha Is to
the of tho planter and pay
back the debt little by little. Until
it j- paid he cannot enter the employ
of am fine else. It Is to the
of the planter to keep the debt
unpaid, and it seldom happens that
debt once contracted In this way is
ever canceled. Moreover, the debt
. for lines are constant-
against laborer's ac-
If ho misses a day or breaks
a it results that
the longer he works the more deeply
IS i in debt. ,
the members of In
family are drawn Into the employ of
the plainer for the ostensible
of helping to lift the debt, and
they, too, bound
body and soul. The peons are not
This Is assorted
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 302.4,
sub to check
State of North Carolina, j
of Pitt-
I J Davis, of the above-named bank, do solemn-
-wear the statement is true to the beat of my
knowledge J- R-
see tors
and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Nov-
J. V.
Notary Public
For c
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows. Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
,. L,.
; . ml ah
for if
I their
through sir d
. and a t
of a loin eon in get
I ii
the amount of indebted-
This transfer of and
en ii t Is a common
Superior of Pitt
of last and tests-
,., Alfred Forbes, n
given to all
. t lira
,, the same to tho
on or be
.,. WOO, or He null
, in bar
T, . ST,
of estate Alfred
Harry Jr.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
N. C.
The tree at the
As for ,
at pleasure sub- and to M
and for J
as in arrears. We have a list
all who receive their mail at A fall supply of Trucks
m office. We also orders Telescopes, Grips,
Suit Case-, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw
Of the vast quantity of
is brought to Ayden our mer
ate have but very few left
hands. Friday J. F. Warwick sold a nice
rugs and art squares are, residence to W. A. Darden, of
than the finest, Cannon and Greene county, who it as a
Christmas present for his steps, n,
ho clerks for J. R.
Arab Davis, Davis, 11,500- A nice
present and surely a clever
Cannon and Clarence Can-
are borne from their various
the holidays.
Our specialties staple and
Fruits and
Dry Notions
Shoes. for
A Clothing, made to
dual fr
will also be called for and deliver-
ed free. Thanking you for past
patronage, and hoping serve
yon in the future. F. G.
A Co.
Prof. W. H. came down
Thursday to help our teachers
I Pirate Carolina day. His address
added very much to the occasion.
your buildings by
painting them with
Town sod County lead
full line of colors, kept at J.
should see our line of lace
ins before buying J. B.
Helen Cox entertained the
of the graded school and a
special friends at her home last
and paper roofing,
i with long or short joints
at J. B. Smith ft Bro.
i goods, Broad cloth, Henri-
cashmere, albatross
s, trimmings, lining and white
I at J B Smith Bro
steads, mattresses, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
t-bottom wash
tables at J B Smith
have just received a ship-
of shoes for
kn, We ask that yon see
j before buying, J. B. Turn,
to see Hart ft Jenkins
you need to dress
I feet, we can save you
Live you something to fit
We carry the and best
I shoe you ever saw. Try a
be convinced.
are shipments of
everyday. Come to see
you want J. B. Turn-
lien and repairs for
of sewing machines at
; Spurn Sewing Oil,
Warranted nut to lost
J. H. a
trunks valise,
; cases from Turnage.
1st priest for chickens
and all country produce
tools, grind s
at J. It.
Our line of Groceries Con-
complete. Call
see us. J. H. Tripp Bro.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
Ms f Columbia Flour, none better
to be bad anywhere.
styles in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
See our line of ladies and
cloaks. J. R. Turnage.
Cannon and Tyson invitee your
attention to their car load of stoves of goods. Come to
It you want a good bbl. of flour
us, we sell only the best.
J. B.
The new train didn't skip Christ-
inns It came right along.
Tin- Christmas confectioneries at
apples, banana-, candies,
Try them and
will give Ibis firm your
day trade.
W. E. Hooks and family have re
turned from to
Hum. -null,
cannot be excelled. Go
Miss Edith Leggett, of Kim
is on a visit to the family c f B. i
In the selection of their Christ
taken great and as a
result have only the Try
nut if you are not pleased it will
be no fault of theirs.
Miss Smith, of Columbus
is on a visit to family of C. J.
Smith, near here-
W. C. Jackson Co.
p., i Their
this season is
clothing, fur-
goods, boots shoes and
sat. Their dress and
everything the ladies like is up to
date of the To see is
to be Give them a call
We have just received a large
Get Cox planter the
beet on the R. Smith
As the past year baa proven a
very successful year financially,
as there will be money in the land,
it our merchants
friends to advertise if they de
sire a part of the proceed The
Ayden department in
tor will prove a great r toward
this and he who fails Io avail
of the privilege need blame
no but himself should tie new
year not come up to his
and heaters.
We call your attention to our
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss Coon-Collars. for
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have best and
see us J. B. Turnage.
Buy one of our Hawes
Hats. Sold under a
J. It. Turnage.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
I for any occasion.
Surely J. W. Taylor has some
nice Christmas presents such as
novelty clocks, watches
Cannon and have fobs, goods,
strongest line of dress goods sod j brooches, emblem, pins, stick,
shoes In town. i brooches and finger rings
Calico and at cents ., ,,,,,
For rugs, carpeting, mattings
per yard, great redactions in white
, , T an., see our hoe J. R
slippers and summer goods, at J.
Foil one desiring to
of of of
No. of
tad to Neb,
w. h.
J. B.
on committee at
J. R.
w. . i;
S. M.
Attended on
lie miles
paid Hoard
Stat of North Carolina. Pitt County.
At a the town
Tuesday of last
tendered his
a mayor of the torn. n
was and K. was
to till tut the
term. Mr. Stokes has filled t
for several years i. s m -t 11-
manner and it is a s
of be should have felt
called upon to resign. He is the
bookkeeper of the Ayden Hilling at
Mfg. Co. and his time is wholly
More Cotton
on Fe we
It begins to appear that the cotton
crop of this county will be little
short of the usual amount this year
in spite of the great reduction of
acreage at was made last spring.
This that more care and bet-
cultivation put on the smaller
number of acres this year bring as
much as that bestowed on a large
number last year, for the seasons
were no better during the past year
than in the former one. Our far
mere are learning that the latter is
the best course, and from now on
the lesson will he increased in the
same direction. This means more
comfort and less hard and
work for the bulk of the
population. Monroe Journal.
North Carolina.
Pitt County
-i XI. J. R. J.
L. U ilium. J. C. Mar
Allen. Henry Allen,
A i. his Sam. Allen
It. N. and Bettie Tripp b
their Guardian, N. w.
Sale of land for partition.
By virtue of a decree made by D. C.
Moors, Clerk of the Superior t oust of
I County, in the above entitled
cause, on the day of November,
will on De-
1905. at o'clock
to public tale at the Court House Door
Greenville, to the bidder
cash g parcel of land to
and being in Greenville
Township, Pitt North Caro-
adjoining ands of Sam Allen,
others and
land upon the M. G. Mill
was formerly Io containing
Seven acres mun- or less. This sale
is made for partition. This the 21st day
of November,
K. C.
clerk of the
of for county afore-
said, do certify that a correct
a doth appear upon record In my
This 4th day of December
Clerk Board Co. Cm. Co,
A hypocrite is a man who prays
with his lingers crossed
Even busy men are never too busy
u and look at a dog light.
-North Carolina,
Pitt County
J B Williams. J. B. N. Williams and
by guardian N. W.
Tyson and Joseph Tripp,
J- C. Williams.
By virtue of a decree made on
day of November, by D. C.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior court of
Pitt county, in the above entitled
cause. I will on Saturday the 23rd day
of December, expose
sale, at court house door Green
ville. to the highest bidder far cash,
the following parcel of land to
Lying aim being in
ship. Pitt county, North Carol in town
joining the land of j. T. Allen, a, ad-
Allen. Thomas Manning, X w Mary
and others. n iii
or less, and known as Moses w.
Tyson place, including the land on
sides of Greenville road.
This sale is male for hour
of sale o'clock M.
This day of 1905.
F. C.
K. Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
purchase a valuable tract of land
partly In town Ayden will
do well to see the undersized at
once. J. A. Harrington.
Turnage is headquarters for
H. W. Whedbee. .
We we
with us, In practice, of
the Law, Mr. Skinner, Jr
The will continue as
, need tho way
pry, Tin ware
us, Hart Jenkins.
line of crockery,
lamps, and tinware
can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and
M ii me carry
a lull line of meat, lard and
goods. Don't before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly.
Three dime, Battles, for cents
Hart Jenkins i of j.
smoking tobacco K. Tripp Bro
On Jan. will
business in Ayden, and must,
sell my stock consisting of dry;
goods notions, bat, caps,
and children's clothing, pant
groceries etc. I offer thing i
Hay corn, oats, meal, bulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
K Smith Bro
Sunday a party of
at cost. All I ask is to come and I just on the edge of
see, what I have to offer., Will I Ayden at the home of
sell all, or t of stock and rent store colored, among the number be-
call and see the
prices. Yours to serve
J. F.
Nov. 1905. Ayden N
A full line of valises, tel-
grips, satchels, band bar,
and cases at J B Smith A Bro
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the best.
I always keep on hand a full
line of feed stuff at lowest
prices as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly.
cars weed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
.-ell until you see me.
P. Lilly.
can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, c, apply ti
k On.
Oar of salt for by Can
iron Tyson.
that ks
our house the
have all left mid it loaves us lonely
like, They've all gone but Mr.
Fred and his folks. Us
and our folks with Bet, the
we are beginning to long for a
change and if happens u
H. now any of teachers would
beef, fresh meats, be pleased for explanation and
i fresh will appreciate accordingly.
and Ed Kittrell,
doubt all of them were more or less
tinder the of liquor.
Sometime during the night lingers
became offended with Kittrell, us it
is supposed, at some imaginary
wrong, and catching up a gun he
struck Kittrell a blow over the
head, felling him insensible to the
fl Those present at once dis-
armed lingers and in a short while
Kittrell recovered and went to his
home where he had his wound dress
o I. About an hour or Rog-
cams cursing and threatening
broke in the house, but being per-
by others present to desist
ho left, but iii a short while return-
still cursing and swearing, this
time breaking down tho door and
entering tho house in opposition to
the earnest protests of those within.
Immediately upon his entrance Will
Kittrell, a son of emptied the
contents of a double barrel gun in
the of the intruder, who turn-
and leaving tho house started for
his own homo. When arriving in
front of his own homo he fell and
attracted by his groans several
whits gentlemen found him mid
carried him in the house where in
short ho died. At tho
trial Ed Kittrell was dis-
charged and Will Kittrell held
to bail in the sum of one
dollars verified.
IV. C.
After January 1st I will
found at the Blow House, on e
corner west of the Masonic
Temple opera house, where I
will be glad to all my old cu-
who have patronized me
at old Quinn House. The
house has been thoroughly reno-
and put in neat condition,
and everything that the market
affords will be found on my table-
An Announcement
Dr. Joseph Dixon.
Office Brisk Block, at,
Ayden, N. C.
North Carolina
In Court.
J. B. Cherry Y Co
vs No of Execution sale.
John R. Williams.
By virtue of an Execution directed to
the Sheriff from the Sup-
curt of county in the
entitled action, I will, Monday, the
15th day of at o'clock m.
at the House d or of said county,
ell to the highest bidder to
said Execution, all the right,
title ad interest which the said John
It Williams, has or may
have had, in the following described
real estate, to wit. That tract of land
in Township known the
Moses w. Tyson place, on both
sides the old Flank adjoin-
the land of Noah Tyson, Thomas
Aden, Mary Allen, the John
Lacy land Bother, acres
more or less, being the tract of land
devised the will of late Moses
Tyson to children of his daughter
in Virginia Williams, the said
defendant being one of his children
This Dee. L. w,
Sheriff of County.
F. G. Co., will have from now on a D-livery
Wagon. Those purchasing goods at our store, will
same delivered Free of Charge at their homes In any
part of Ayden or natural suburbs.
F, O Company,
A reward of will be paid for in-
formation sufficient to convict
any party or parties who leave gates
open or do any damage to or
fence around stock law
territory, or who cut the fence so that
dogs and horses may pass
J. see.
end they
vigor, banish pains.
No remedy
Sold By J. W. Bryan.
N. C
At the of business Nov. 10th, 1905.
Loans Discounts,
Demand Loans
Due from Hanks, H
Silver Coin,
National Hunk notes
U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid .
subject to check,
Cashier's 27.40
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of y and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to
me, this 19th of Nov
S. M.
Wholesale retail Grower and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Sides Fur. Cotton feed, oil Bar-
Turkeys, Rf, Bed
tends, Mattresses, Haiti, Ba
y Carriages,
Tables, P
Gail Ax
Key Weal Cue-
roots, Henry George v, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Jell,
Magic Food, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and dickers, Macs
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing Machine and nu-
ether Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M.

i hereby
on on No
Bin r. T.
I u l be
Carolina I In Superior Court
Pitt County Before the Clerk.
A. Mary P. Mar
v. Ford. M. Blount and
wife Flow Blount K White-
Me .
Ed. While-
W. Teel. B- P. Ward
W I. 0- Ford, J.
E wile Maggie arson,
R Baker and wife Mollie Baker
and W Plaintiff.
M K Mil. .
C R it
Annie James, a. M, Bi
j f w w s.
Thorn ii. Bower White-
bur- . B . ii wife
S lease A . aw hi
Manning, it T Whitehurst. w A
Taylor, M. C. I. Mann-
M I o I.
Want, John E
e A J Ma nil I d Wile
e J Want
Mi. .
John T I at n Jeannette L
N, sou, N M am d
cab d . i w
in- i W A
Matthew and E Mat-
thew. J. k. Ba i Jam- . s C
Canon. Inn.
Manning, B K Manning. Carrie
Mi mug. I. i.
top it i .
Out Ban, Del ;
. . a
i . a entitled a
in the
, i i
i i .- . i . i . Com-
tut tut liter
a ii .
ire l . o I
Of Pitt County, at In Green-
vi. . m ;. i I
n I be deposit d In the
II. . an. r six
U- . summon. And ti.
. . .
In- fails to answer said petition
con turn
l; aw, will tin
Court or relief in
. under my in
9th Dre
u .,,
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued Letter
of to me, the under
signed, on the of Pee. 1806, on
F. n.
ad is hereby given to all per
sons indebted to estate to make
payment to the undersign
and to all creditors of said c -ate ti
present their claims
to the within
twelve months after the date of
or this notice will be plead in
This the day of
Ada. on the
M. I. A. Sugg Am
Known Garden
By of powers
u a certain Dead of Trust made aid
executed on the day of
1803 by it. j. to E. H.
Meadows and recorded in of
N r. Twill offer for sale to the
es. bidder cash at s.
as Garden near
on the
of January 1906 at o'clock M.
tract Of land, known
i . as
beginning at a stake on the
of Neuse river, and
west to n Old
n . rum, original corner of
i then south v- m
a line of old marked
old marked
. . r- tile trail of land.
west along a line
ii trees to a light wood stake,
h line the
late John and said
lard, then N.
re marked trees
said now
and said of mi
i. north
east Lo river, then down the river
to the beginning always save and ex-
. ch of of land as
in i in a deed from George Al
Edward P. Arnold
re i Arnold lo
d in the i
Deeds of craven county, look
reference is
mo i Also
. said
wad which was conveyed by
Edward Arnold and other to
I registered In office of
of on us Craven county book
page hook
a more particular description.
three head of team, all the
harvested of corn, hay
carts, wagons, harness and
all of
i to and used it.
the cultivation of said Gar-
Dab d at New Bern, c. December
E. H. Meadows.
At Cheaper Rates
Is offering regular policies at a much rate than other
companies. We will sell you a pay Life policy at the same
premium you pay companies for the pay thereby
taring you premium., or per
F- m-
The Pioneer Representative in Greenville lot home
Insurance. go on your
Phone No.
Four Passenger
Trains a Day
Great Gift Sale.
Train No. from Kin-
arrives at Green-
ville 8.28 a. m. Train No.
leaves Greenville for
Kinston at 5.47 p. m.,
hours to do your
shopping at
Greenville, N. C.
Is the ocean to which ail Traffic Rivers
Flow. It our
fortune to a sale at
such savings at a time when they
would be so highly appreciated as now.
Train No. from Tar-
arrives at Greenville
11.18 train No.
for Tarboro 4-27 p. m.,
giving you hours do
your shopping at
Greenville, N. C.
Livery, Sale Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
FIST CLASS TEAMS for pleasure drives, or to take, pas-
to nearby point.
Drive Work Hones and Males for sale. I buy
in large numbers and can any dealer, either
hr Cash or on Time.
you aw in town and want your horse and
properly oared for, put up at ray
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
Tin time being at yon will want
or to meet your needs the season we solicit
have SALE STABLES Greenville and Ayden
we will lull stork-l GOOD and
during the entire season. lo .- us and we will show
that it is a saving for to trade us, for we get our
direct from I lie stock thereby saving you the
the middle dealers have to and which you save
by buying from us. It would not take much of your time
visit and get familiar with our methods of doing
business as we feel that it would result In making you a per-
customer, and we are sure can make it benefit you
for so doing. We ire prepared to suit your needs and what i
,,.,. re guarantee satisfaction.
Winslow Mills,
Mules. Sales Stables, and Greenville.
Is upon us and with the thought comes that happy smile, born of keen pleasure afforded us in an
remind our friends that we still retain a in and memories for them.
to be found at
Big Store, Greenville.
Dress Suits, Tuxedo Suits, Business Suits, Fine Underwear, and Stiff Hats, Dress Driving
Dress Shirt , Silk Scarfs, Silk Silk Linen Handkerchiefs, Dress Protectors,
Umbrellas Dress Snit Cases. Women's Wearables at underselling prices- What could be more
appropriate for a holiday gift than some nice Fur, Full line of Waists and Skirt Patterns, Millinery Women's
Coats, Tables, Chairs, Bed-room Suits, Rugs, Matting, Pictures, Trunks. Be careful don overlook
Shoe and Clothing Department or you may never what might have saved till it is too late.
Greenville, North
M i
Us he
of lit B
Ark I e
my I
heal, and fro
which I had
It is a for for
cuts, and wound .
J L its D store
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of C.
eased, notice is hereby to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned
all persons hiring claims
said estate must present the same for
payment within twelve months from
this date or this notice will be plead
In bar of their recovery.
Ill O.
of Hey C.
Notice Is hereby Rives that shall
apply the first Monday in January
to the board of commissioners of
county and to the hoard of
of the town Bethel
o retail spirituous and liquors
n quantities of less than live gallon
the town of Bethel, N. C , in u single
story frame bulling on the south side
pt it being the
of Staton Bunting. to be
in the name of T E.
h s the day of Nov. f.
t . E.
, November smith.
will be by

Eastern reflector, 29 December 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 29, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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