Eastern reflector, 22 December 1905

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With Unparalleled Success
The bazaar which hits been hi
progress since Tuesday evening Id
oMni house, dosed Fri-
day night,
night cold and rainy, a very
large crowd greeted the good ladies
t tin- different sales
were interest in Solo Black
Home, Good
in the
Cold Misses
Where Art
voting was high.
At an early of the evening
it was that the voting
at all booth wool I he dosed
promptly the lime
Preston Gotten.
Immediately after the closing
song of the concert, Rev. J. A.
a very appropriate
of announcement, j manner, to Mrs. Chas.
increased and large,
promptly o the different i the s Aid Society, in
at each of voting I of the society, a
booths. I silk This was especially
the hour for interesting, as Mr.
closing all ballot arrived, it completely by
, , . i ,. ii
ceased. lie i . ., , .
mini she was called to tin
count then followed, showing the g-W beautiful
following young laities ax love and esteem of her co-
The net proceeds of the
in the
Bliss Until doll house.
111--, -fa have not yet been counted, as I
. ,, ,. , . . ,,, , . sale will l had Monday
Miss May v hit held, silk . i
to o, at which lime at
articles will he sold at one hall
Miss James However, is safe lo lay
the evening a delightful i the total of sales
Folk's was given the receipt
anything kind ever held n
by talent, which greatly
pleased the large crowd present,
each being
in colonial The
program of the concert
Like Cakes, 111-- are going
thing holiday hue at
John A Bro.
The man who is always
of his lo right for hi.
is usually trying to make
people believe that some of his
Tyson and Messrs. are right.
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
The time being at hand when you will want some
or mules to meet your the coming season we solicit
We have SALE STABLES at Greenville and Ayden
re will carry n full stock of GOOD HORSES and
during the entire Come to and we will show
it is a to with fir we get our
Block direct from the stock faints, thereby caving you the prof-
its the middle dealers have to make and which you
by buying from n. It would not take much of your
to pay us a and familiar with our methods of doing
businesses e feel it would result in making you a per
customer, and we ate sure we can make it benefit you
for so doing. We are prepared to suit your needs and what if-
more we guarantee satisfaction.
Winslow Mills,
and Mules. Sales Stables, and Greenville.
Liver j, Feed Stables
Near Five
Greenville, N. C.
FIST TEAMS f-r drives, or to take pas
to nearby point.
Good Drive and Work Horses and for sale. buy
in large numbers and can sell as low any dealer, either
for Cash or on Time.
When yon an in and want your horse and buggy
properly tor, put at ray stablest,
They are made of wool and you need never fear fading or turning colors. They make you feel com-
pleased with your purchase. in and try on a suit if you if you wish.
The demand Suits has been heavy but we have bought heavier in order to secure the lowest possible
prices. We. have already placed large orders for our next Spring and positively must move stock now
on hand. DO YOU NEED A SUIT or would you buy a Suit at 1-3 less than you have ever bought the
if to see us and convince yourself. We set the pace, others follow. You can never tell what the late
unless you come to We are always glad to see you.
Your choice of a lot of mens durable suits made of good
strong fabrics of merit and Sale price
A sensation in mens fancy mix Cheviots and
medium of and fa my mix-
snail and plaids aid effects. These
Men's tine suits, extra tine, equal every reaps is to tine-
custom work. This season's latest styles and best sellers.
Worsted, Cheviots, Scotch mixtures
Better mad- garments have never b-ea offers by any concern
North Carolina. We claim the u to bi th of any
garments on the market. We are now selling then at,
We have put on sale at suits that no others can sell
for more. They come in single and double breasted sacks.
certainly the grandest in St at this An-, made by , and
. , , and the latest shades of gray, brown and mixtures, and tail-
Mens suits, comprising a grand ass single an a
r--d to a turn into Bar pissing style. Others consider
double breasted black, blue, gray brown. u .,.,,,
in all the. newest and most
shades, all tailored, coats French face finished. A
perfect tit guaranteed. Values that are equal in every respect
suits that sell for C. T. special price
good values at Our special price is
Come in and ask to see clothing. We are always
glad to show them. It costs nothing to look and when
are tired we a nice warm stove and chair for you to rest.
The heavy advance in cotton and wool will necessarily force goods to advance
price. Be wise and make your purchases at the earliest possible date. In our determination to give you
better others we have not overlooked any department in our mammoth store. Don't fail to see our
dazzling values in SHOES for men, women and children, UNDERWEAR for everybody, DRESS GOODS,
GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, fact everything that you can't eat.
C. T.
Strenuous or th;
Simple Life
Trousers are made for either. No
life is too wear too hard
Dutches Trousers are the most strongly
made garment in the world
only ore offering the Genuine
button RIP
There are piles of them on our counters in patterns
to suit all tastes at to
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Having; duly qualified before Um
Court of Pitt county as
administrator i
i given lo all
Indebted t the estate to make
said estate must present Hi I
payment twelve
this date or this notice will he ail
In bar of their
M. Q,
Ad mi- t
Having duly qualified before Hi
Superior court clerk Pitt county
administrator d h n of the
John a. Parker, notice i
hereby given ail persona Indebted
ti said estate to make Immediate pay
neat to the undersigned, and all
sous having claims the
are to to tho under-
signed within m. iv. months from
date or this will plead In
bur of This Nov. 24th 1906.
W. D. B. N.
John a. Parker, deed
is hereby that I
apply n the in
the hoard of of
I Mil county to tho board of
of the town of Bethel for license
tn retail spirituous and malt
in quantities of less than five
In the town of N. r , in a single
story frame the
of railroad it the property
of Staton it Bus to be
run in the name of T K.
day of Nov.
. K.
J. Smith
acre, loss. t vacant land in Swift Creek
t at
m mm Isaac Mill's patent, at.
J. Smith.
or title In or In
In Hie
with me In within the next
she a
hay will he
lath. It
Inker for Pitt Co.
D. J. WHICHARD, and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Ayden and Winterville Believe in Two Members of But Happenings of Interest in North
Making Their Advantages
Troupe Killed.
Ayden a hustling, troupe that tour-
town, The log the South and flat-
conceited to think that the Greenville last month, giving
efficient wink J. M. Blow, the
of our Ayden
in no email
g era here
lion, hail to cancel its
of a Toe
to the progress of the in S. C,
work of at
the hotel, of the
that is well worthy of and Mia.--
by other tow us. Throughout the Bishop, were a
year now closing that town ha- to gel in mom,
occupied Dearly an entire page in insulted by him.
the semi-weekly edition of The. At the table next
and a part of identified
time their apace covered a page Hatty, of the
a half. And tells j the who
the clever business of his to over the transom, after
town are just fairly started in this tried the door and window,
Shows Educational
Throughout the State.
lo Establish an
Educational Journal.
as the, coining year will show
even bigger things from down
there. He works faithfully for
the of bis town is
entitled the encouragement of
bis people.
Winterville is another enter-
town that has several
years regularly occupied a large
department in our
edition, and the progressive mer-
chants and manufacturing enter-
prises there have patronized it
liberally. They realize the ad-
vantages of publicity the
benefit it is to the There is
no wonder that it is one of the beat
known towns in South. For
some months J. H. Fry has bad
the Winterville depart-
and looks well to the
the people be serves.
He a wide-awake young man, an
energetic pupil of Winterville
High school, and merits
of every one.
There are other towns in Pitt
county that could profit by follow-
the example of Ayden
Winterville having a
department in their paper
Violation of Law May Lead to
Cutting Off Their Fun.
It is strange that the stow
such little appreciation of what is
in to get in her room.
Kennel, musical director
of the the hotel
keeper about this latter
proposed that they walk out in the
nail to talk it over.
While the two men were talking
together in hall, Miss Bishop
Abbott the
of the company, came along
their way to the dining room.
Stopping to ascertain what
going Miss Bishop recognized
Hasty and said he was man
had insulted her the previous
afternoon. called her a liar
when struck Hasty
drew a pistol shot
seriously also
shot the heart,
killing him almost Dav-
has since
Kind Words Spoken of the
tor by its Exchanges.
The Daily Reflector, of
Greenville, 1-1 years old and
has enlarged from four to eight
pages. It is a good paper and
Landmark is glad to know that it
is doing Land-
Monday near Bottom,
county, several men
when a Mr.
and Mr.
cousins, struck Brown
over the head with a piece of
ling, effects of which he
week the reports of the various
Herbert a well k
showed progress
young farmer of county,. . , ,.
s. i . hues the state.
had a experience with a
supposed mad dog near hi. home Pitt of the
Sunday afternoon. Te d g hi- made. Superintendent Rage-
tacked the was dale spoke visitation of
knocked down several times, bat association and
not until Headman had ,,., , ,
upon the establishing at once of a
bitten about the face.
North Carolina Journal of
Of Those Going; and Coming.
Pitt County Boy Advanced to
Higher Position.
Monday, Dee. 18th.
L. James spent V. King, w. fr ,,.
, mt, has been manage, o, the Western
K. J of Kinston spent. Union telegraph , Dice t
here. j,,, promote,, ,,, of
Miss Lena Matthews spent Sun. the office for the same
At the in Washington. Charleston, W. v. of
i Raleigh last Will Patrick came home Sunday ; that state, and will go to his
evening from school at Mebane. position in a few days. Sam is a
John Ivey Smith came home
Sunday evening from Wake Forest
Mr. and Tyson
Pitt county boy, and a sou of Capt.
John King, of is
one of old Pitt's lest product in
sterling young men. In his early
returned evening from telegraphic career he was assistant
i n- Ht and got
John T. Gregory, for thirty years , his foundation
Superior court clerk, of Halifax here,
The Fret Press the loss
in Kinston Saturday of l f With I at
in the
We glad t see
going higher, and know he
Ward ha been . richly merits the promotion. Mr.
by J. F. Homer, a of j who to with
County. Mr. Homer had the
a homespun sack his over-
coat pocket and when be felt
it the sack was
likely stole it.
Charlotte has reversed the order
in sweetheart stealing. Up there
pleasure or words
more weight with them than the
of Pitt. Prof.
was again selected
dent of the Northeast division of
this third time
other day the bride stole that he has thus been
groom runoff and married her.
Preston Daniel, colored, who
murdered another named
Will at Parmele last sum-
mer, was in
The residence of John Fields
near LaG range, was by
fire Friday morning. Nothing
saved and the loss to
The grand jury, of
found a true bill
Dr. Mathews, who
recently strychnine
to bis wife caused her death.
case will be tried at Greens
in February.
of Wells-
concern, at Wilson, has ad-
that a controlling
in the company has been sold to
W. M. Carter. It is believed that
this means the c is
into the of the American
Tobacco Co., trust.
While responding to a lire alarm
by C. G. Bradley, of
Monday was birthday
of Greenville Reflector.
occasion was celebrated in a
manner by the paper, as-
done for the pleasure. The board j an eight page, form. The i one of the hose wagons of the Dur-
of aldermen suspended the firework a newsy, bright tire was smashed
ordinance for a certain period at hustling sheet, the success it
but the very first is enjoying is well deserved. It
chance the boys to get fire- has the Journal's congratulations.
New Bern Journal.
Us they shunting
contrary to law waiting
for the time prescribed
suspension of ordinance. Such
conduct the of the boys is
paving the way lo cut out their
fun with fireworks in future, for
the aldermen would only
them right by refusing to suspend
the ordinance unless more
appreciation of the law is shown.
On the 11th instant our esteemed
Reflector, celebrated the
eleventh year of its existence. It
as a very small sheet but
kept growing as the town expand-
ed, so that its comes
out as eight page, five coin inn
paper. The Star congratulates
men were the wagon when
accident occurred and six of
them seriously
The of
chartered in this state
year has leached
factories have been started.
Other from the
Friends here have received
Mr. Mrs. Albert
request the of
your presence
at the marriage their daughter
Leila May
Mr. Charles Samuel
the afternoon of
the third of January
at three o'clock
First Church
Shelby, North Carolina.
The last few days several other
little city for calendars for have
in it the advantage of collection,
daily one A T;
furniture and stove dealer,
ARM. a pretty girl entitled
Rev. A. Hunter, of Slips j J. L. Sugg, insurance agent, left
on His Front Steps. two that were sent out by the
,, ; Mutual Benefit One
A. Hunter,
Don't be a Kicker.
Remember that
force, the express force, the rail-
force, and some other folks,
human beings and be
this week, Hold
patience and do your part toward
making everything run smoothly
tithe boll lay rush.
Rev. A. D. Hunter, of
was seriously hurt yesterday morn
his being broken.
Mr. nut- i- was a hurry to
catch a train so as to keep an
to preach at
Lister, in Chatham county. He
ran down the I rout steps of his
mid slipped on sleet
was there, bis It-It arm being
broken the elbow and
shoulder. Raleigh News
Observer, 17th.
Mr. Hunter some years ago
pastor of the Baptist church in
Greenville, and his friends here
egret his
of tin in has a picture of H ashing-
aT. J.
L. H. Pander, tinner and
gave one with a handsome
lithograph colors representing a
hoy returning home from a fishing
trip on which luck had been food.
It is entitled the conquering
9.282,000 Bales.
The government
issued today places the number
bales of cotton ginned this season
up to Dec. at
honored. He been president
since its organization and at this
meeting declined to be re-elected,
but was in spite of this.
The association passed the fol-
lowing resolution which shows
that they are moving forward.
The committee will be announced
by state superintendent a
few day
Realizing that the day has come
in Carolina when the
of tin--late
be served having some better
means f-t the
regards to
schools, for practical suggestion as
lo methods and means, for com
of every pan of
slate with every other part,
the wide distribution of the facts
of the schools as they are, and
the expression of the best thought
educators the
ion.- and pi i hat now con-
us work, therefore,
Resolved 1st. That a committee
of live be appointed by the chair-
man of the state county
with the state
superintendent as chairman of
said committee to take in
ad vi of
a Carolina
of devoted primarily to
educational of
Resolved, that should said
co ii urn deem it and
dent that such a journal be pub-
they are hereby empowered
directed to such steps as
may deem best for issuing the
same as early a.- may be found
W. H.
O, W. Massey.
Kate today
for Pueblo, Col., to visit her sister
who lives there.
Mrs. J. M. Moore and Mrs. K.
F. Betts left this morning for Dur- President of State Cotton Grow-
ham to spend th- holidays. Association to the Growers.
Miss Eleanor White,
ton, Va., who has been visiting
Mi- Minnie Taylor, Carolina
Mrs. If. J. Rowe, Newton Association
who has been visiting her
Mrs. W. B. left today Growers of North
Miss Willis of K- President Jordan has
Bern, who has
a call for county ions
H. c. Hooker, returned con
Miss Mattie Hays, of
N. J., who ha been stenographer
in the office of Dis.
H left this morning for her
and Bascom Wilson came
home Sunday evening from
more where they had been attend-
Tuesday. Dec. 10th,
f the to he held the inst.
This is to request grow-
of North Carolina to meet at
that time to select delegates to
attend New Orleans convention
Jan. II -1.1, mug.
I wish to ask that if any
has failed to
I gates tn the State meeting which
be held in the capitol in
city of Raleigh, January 3rd,
they will appoint their
J. W. Higgs went to to Reduced
rates have been secured for the
Mrs. Mary Lang went to Kinston, f iD
today. every growing county
E. H. Thomas went to represented to
a wave of enthusiasm and
F. J. went to Ayden
S. J. went to
Monday evening.
H. J, Hester, of Wilson, came in
Monday evening.
T. H. of Norfolk ii
Monday evening.
Mrs. J. L. Moore returned Mon
day evening from Raleigh.
the entire State.
Next year will be the critical
year and all cotton farmers must
stand together or they will lose
j much of the vantage they have
now won.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Smallwood Christian Church Will Hold One
Heavy Shipments.
Express shipments are very
heavy. Mote pounds
of tin key- were sent from Green-
ville tin- morning, to my nothing
of other matter. Incoming ship-
arc also huge.
went In Norfolk today.
C. L. Wilkinson from
this morning.
Mis W, J. of is
visiting Miss
Wednesday, D-.-c. 20th.
A. A. went to
i. W. Evans went to Tarboro
B. B. went to Richmond
r. S. Harper, Kinston,
II. F. Keel went to
Tuesday afternoon.
Next December.
It seems a little late the day
to be talking a Christmas
baiter, but it's not this Christmas,
s it is early to announce it, not
The Ladies Aid of the
Christian church I
on opera tor
week preceding Christmas
and intend to hold a
which will be first class In every
Arrangements are mad.- far
in advance in order that ample
time may bad for the work of
It Will Be
What cannot be cured must be
endured, and when things do not
go just to our liking is wisest lo
make the best of it we can. It is
just that way now with the weal her
Being so close to and
right in th midst of the holiday
shopping, buyers and sellers alike
regret to see the rain and generally
disagreeable weather. It could be
much worse and will be better
a little.
Joe has returned home UP Mas and bringing
at Oak Ridge. things together for an exceptionally
Joe Tucker returned Tuesday display of holiday goods,
evening Institute. will h-
William Freeman left today everyone if edit to
Pennsylvania to the holidays of Greenville, nod the
c. Benjamin returned do
D. C. James returned home
from Baltimore Tuesday evening,
Tom came home
evening from Bingham at
L. M. Savage little
returned Tuesday
evening Baltimore where tin-
child had treat-
a hospital.
not say that their efforts will pro-
duce greater results in way of
line production than the efforts of
Others, but they at least expect to
equal all and , none
Mrs. E. B.
went to NecK to
spend the
prices oil
go-.- at

Christmas Store
Greenville's Great Department Store
Is always to the front with new and desirable merchandise, and us ready to meets your
demands in the most satisfactory manner. Christmas do well to pay
our store a visit before purchasing.
is sparkling beauty and richness.
The STERLING SILVER display is
and very handsome-, containing many use-
and artistic things.
The TOYS AND me nil
that could be required. Here the children
and grown folks too can all be suited.
In the GROCERY Department you rill
find many things to tickle the palate. Good
things to eat in abundance, and all of the
lest quality.
Look through our FURNITURE stock
deciding on a Girt. How would
you like a pretty Chair
GUNS; Loaded Shells and
holiday sport.
Our Dry Goods Store
Offers you to make splendid selections of useful gifts and of course you want
to buy here where the variety is the greatest.
FUR Scarfs of
shapes and sizes in Isabella
Sable Opossum, from
to each.
Children FUR scarf and to
match, from to
Linen Mexican DRAWN WORK in Doilies.
Table Covers, Bureau Scarfs. Tray Cloths.
Stamped Linens, Embroidery Silks, Sofa
Pillow Tops. Pillow Cords.
Tapestry Table Covers. Lace
Curtains. Net Curtains. Silk Drape
lies and Tapestry by the yard.
Gillette Safety Razors, Silver Plated, a
fine present Christmas.
Guaranteed Kid Gloves, in black,
mode, tan and white, at per pair.
Gloves fin ladies. Knit Gloves and Mittens for
Great values are ottered in our De-
Long and short Cloaks for ladies,
misses and children. Infant's Cloaks in white
and light colors.
Our Notion Department is very attractive,
showing lovely things in Shopping Hags.
Handkerchiefs, Fans. Hosiery.
Quilts. Towels. Table Linen and
Fay Stockings for children and ladies.
Shoes you always want and a pair those
stylish, elegant DOROTHY DODD Shoes
will be just right for a Christmas gift.
N. C, Dec. 1905.
M. wont lo Green-
ville Friday.
J. K. and Z. V. Whit--
made in
Bi c Greenville,
pent one here week.
Henry Harris, of Greenville,
Mrs. O. B. of
spent one day
in re was a neighborhood dance
i lie Tuesday of
Good many from are taking
trips on passenger train on
and branch.
J. K. Hines returned Friday
spending a days in Rich-
Norfolk and Goldsboro on
I'll ft II Ml,
P. L. Mizell bus in off of
load to upend a days with
his father.
We judge tin- of
courting here there will be
bout three marriages soon.
An exciting occurrence happened
lie. e bile Thursday afternoon
Andrew Corey cut Gay
Ii appeal
ran having a with an-
up In chip quarrel. Hew
I Gray a cut
very bad. Dr. c
called, rendered every
At this time Gray in
getting along nicely. The young
men are years old and of very
So, we did not write to The Re-
but week. We could not
borrow a pencil in but where
there is a will there is a way. The
clever railroad agent has loaned
his marking pot for week.
The friends of Mrs. John
will be glad to know she
la very in
State of Carolina, I In the
Pitt County.
G. K. Harris vs Samuel Obey
By virtue of an execution directed
to the underlined from the superior
Court of Pitt county In above
action, I will, on Wednesday, the
January, at o'clock
M at court door of said
county, sell to th highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said execution, all the
title and interest which the said
Samuel defendant, has in the fol-
lowing described real estate to wit,
Beginning on west side of
Avenue at the South east
of lot No. it being feet from
Ave. thence running west
feet thence running feet
thence east parallel with line to
Avenue thence North with
west side of Ave the
being west
deed from I. w. wife Helen
S. Perkins Samuel Obey recorded in
book w. page
One other tract
Place on and
Washington Ave No lie-
tunning with the
i -I-in avenue feet
course parallel
with ave. w a
parallel with
live feet tn Washington Av
an easterly course with wash-
Ave Baa dead
of j and s.
ins In Samuel Obey in book P Page
This Hi of
i. w Tinker sheriff
Make our store your headquarters, look through our large and select stock and let us help to make
your Christmas a happy one.
Having duly qualified before the
parlor t Clerk cf Pitt county
administrator of the estate John V
deceased, is hereby
given all persons Indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment to the
and all persona having
claims against said estate an notified
the the
for payment before the 1st day of
Somber. or this notice will be
plead in bur of their recovery.
This 1st day of 1906.
W. II. WhichaRD,
John K.
My virtue of made by
Mourn, Superior Court of Pitt
County, on the day of December
1906, in a certain proceeding
wherein Joseph Junes, wife
Mary Junes. Jim and others are
petitioners ex-prate- I will on Monday
the day of January i, at Is
noon expose to public sale at
Court House door in Pitt County
to the highest Udder for cash the fol-
lowing parcel of to wit-lying and
being in the County of Pitt and in Con-
Township, beginning at the
Franklin big ditch in the
Frederick white field, thence running
up said big ditch to Henry
line, thence with his line to
line, thence with Lorenzo
line to Stocks
Hue, e with the Jones Dale
back to the beginning containing
acres more or less.
This sale Is made for Partition.
This the 12th day of December 1906.
F. C.
By virtue of a decree of the Sup
court of Pitt county, made
Special Proceeding
pending, entitled. J. M. Williams
others versus Lewis Williams and
we will on
MONDAY, January 1908
before court door in Green-
ville, sell at public sale to the highest
bidder that certain tract or parcel of
land situate in Greenville township,
Pitt county and two miles of the
town of Greenville, on the road lead-
from said town to of
Farmville, bounded the east by
lands of Jesse R on
south by the lands of Mary on
the west by the lands of warren Cher-
and others, containing sixty-seven
acres more or being the
lands formerly owned by Jackson
Also one other panel of land con-
I acres more or less on School
Branch, which contains marl deposit-
Terms of One third cash an-
in two equal installments
to be paid in one and two respect-
the deferred payments to bear
interest, payable from date
of deed, and to be secured by
gage upon said land. This December
I. A.
L. Blow,
On Wednesday, Dec. 27th. at
the Moses Joyner farm in Farm-
ville township, I will public
fore-tab all the team, carte,
farming implements, com, fodder,
hay, cotton etc., on farm,
any the articles will he sole
privately before 27th if
so desires.
W. S. Fleming.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Monday in Jan. Apply to the
of county commissioners for
License to retail Liquor in the town of
N. C.
This Nov. j. r,. Gibson.
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued Letters
of Administration to me. the under-
signed, on the Dee.
F. u. Whichard,
ed, notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and to all creditors of estate to
present their properly
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date of
notice, or this notice will be plead in
bar of their recovery,
This the of Dec. 1905,
Mrs. L. M. Whichard.
Ashley on the Estate
ofF. M. I. A, Sugg Atty.
Notice is hereby riven that I will on
the day of Jan. sell at public
sale, at F M the
personal property belonging to th.
estate fF M deceased. MB
cattle, hogs, household and
kitchen furniture farming
corn, and
personal property A mules, horses etc-
Tarns of sale cash.
This day of Dec.
Administrators of F. M
I A Sugg Atty
By virtue of a decree by D.
C. HOOK, Clerk Superior Court of
Pitt County, on the 12th day of
in proceed-
wherein Isaac Gardner and wife
Fannie M. Gardner, waiter Gardner
and wife Fannie Gardner, are petition
I will on Saturday, the
18th day of January at It o'clock
noon, expose to the lie at the
Court House door in Greenville, to the
highest for cash the following parcel
of land to in Swift Creek
Township. Pitt county and beginning
on the C Nobles line and runs to a
marked pine by roadside, then a
line to north west course to a
knot, centered by a
black gum and a stamp,
then about a north course with an greed
line mads N T COX and Smith
In said Smith's line then with said
line to the beginning corner.
With the old line back the beginning
containing acres more or less
the same land conveyed by
Cox to smith by deed
dated March 22nd of record
pears in the registers Office of Pitt
County in Book V page
This sale will be for Partition.
This the 12th day of December,
P. C Harding.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
When yon get the host fountain
pen it is a Parker. Nice assort
at Book Store.
D. Lt. -fames
. Dental
A Profession That Requires Nerve,
Tact and Knowledge.
the life of said girl
at the counter to the girl
the the chiffons,
can't make out whether a shop-
lifter, a purchasing agent or a store
indicating n
said friend-
aisle manager. not any
one of those tiling. She's u store
We them in this ea-
ourselves to spy on
stores, only rail just don't happen
to know it. The out in various
disguises. Sometimes they are the
most fashionably dressed women
among the shopper, sometimes
are quiet, little, unobtrusive women,
who don't look us if knew a
bolt of cotton from a yard of wool,
and sometime the store spy is a
clever man buyer. They start out
curly every morning to see what is
going on in other store-. If Mr.
Smith, up the street, is selling shirt
waists cents, we want to find
out bow he ran do it. If the newest
tiling in full -nits is going at
and have just put a lot of ours
in for send the store mm
tn see how it can lie done, how much
of it is cotton mill how much wool.
There is not a position in s depart
store which takes more nerve
and more knowledge of goods.
hand can go around from the
kitchen utensils to the carpets and
be capable of judging all the fine
shadings without knowing some-
thing about the dry goods business,
besides, the store spy has to
things in her eye. She has to
lie able to tell when she back
to own shop how much
or worse the other stores are
selling for the same price. The job's
worth all III they pay for
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factor and handler-
J I. Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
t we will tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
You get Harness,
ft Horse Goods,
J. R.
Sos Lost Mother
runs in our fun
through it I lost my
write- V. B.
Me. For the past five years,
however, on the slightest sum of
a Cough fold or cold, I have taken
Dr. King's Few Discovery for c n
has saved
from long Him
mother's death was a sad loss for
Mr. but he that lung
trouble most not be neglected,
and how to it. Quickest re
and cure for coughs and colds
Price and guaranteed at
J. L. Woolen, Druggist. Trial
bottle free.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
The Strenuous or the
Simple Life
The Retort Courteous.
One afternoon at the
club member en raged Henry Guy
the plat might, in
ton n great dislike to
the r mentioned, whom lie re-
a- being
o it with delight
at the member whenever the
latter lo l- facetious at
the expense of the author. On the
occasion referred to the
saw morning lugging your
poodle Madison Do
it for Seems to me that
I'd nit her let sonic one else do
ton. any one sees 111-1110
carrying m-my dog they say.
with But if should .
see say, SUM all tastes at tO
that in-infernal idiot
of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
e are very fortunate in be-
able to arrange with the pub-
these well known mag
to older a for
the coming year at tins
price. have decided
to let oar readers have the full
advantage of the reduction in
order to quickly a large body
f paid in advance subscribers.
Don't Neglect This Wonderful Offer
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
or prefer that fiction and
art publication, but the Review
-f Reviews is Sub-
American men and
men are going to keep up with
the times and they are going to
take cut; which is
the Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan Woman's Home
A leading magazine for The Woman's Home Companion
is for every member of the
For our bright, earnest,
With the recent change of owner
ship it been improved, is
far better in every and
aims to be the best in the field.
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among tin many mag
This year it is the Cos
cultured, home loving- American
woman it is an ideal entertainer
and helper in a thousand
ways; but the fathers and
brothers and sons Join in its
perusal by the children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written for them.
Trousers are made for either. No
life is too wear too hard
for them.
Dutches Trousers are the most strongly
made garment in the world today-the
only ore offering the Genuine
There are piles of them on our counters in patterns
all tastes at to
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
The American is the leading Agricultural paper of the country, and pertains
to farming, live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you pet all of these papers with Daily a year for or all four
a year tor 83.00
And we take the liberty of suggesting a few of our before making
Xmas purchase. Every article we sell is an Xmas present and will be useful
as well as appreciated.
Our line of Umbrellas from to
line of Silk Mufflers to 3.00
Our line of Glove from 1.00 to 2.00
Our line of Fancy Vests from 1.25 to 4.00
Our line of from to 1.00
Our line of Men's Sweaters 2.00 to 4.00
Our Line of Eiderdown Quilts, at S
In addition to our line of novelties, we have the finest line of Clothing, Rain
Coats, Footwear and to be found anywhere. A suit clothes, b rain coat
a pair of shoes or fine hat would make a nice present.
art caused by Indigestion. If you eat a
too much, or if you are subject to
attacks of you have no doubt
hid shortness of breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart.
Indigestion causes the stomach to
expand swell, and puff up against
heart. This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in the course of
the heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat. takes the off i
of the heart, and contributes nourishment,
and health to every organ of
Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes Stomach and .
live Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
sf the Stomach.
would distress me by
my heart and I would very weak,
finally I EM i it save me
list reset Alter slaw I cured.
I had stomach trouble and In a bad state as I
Had heart trouble it. link Dyspepsia
Sure about lour month and it cured me.
D. Ii erase. O.
What You Eat
We beg leave to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
U t
trial, T ft a
P B A.
Your Presence is Earnestly Requested,
It often as great
I lie
I ml.
tun Inn
mi in- in
iv In m
h ii tn
her. AI. i
full J
i ow i fin hi her hi
Ml. -IT J. I.
Tin- . K lire
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
if you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever yen want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,

ft. J. and
-.-d in post at Greenville. X. C, as second class matter,
Adv- made upon application.
desired at every in and counties.
in to
It is now in Mr.
to and p to Congress
This i the week that all are glad
is here mi. I will be equally glad
when it is over.
New York is out with her bank
examiner must have been ex
mining some the banks.
The hanging of Mr. Mary
i few in Vermont is
mill exist in
that state.
The Henderson Gold Leaf has
up its twenty-fourth year.
It rinks with the best weekly papers
in suite.
The windy city is coming around
for more notoriety.
It is well enough to arouse Wall
street even if it takes a
Chicago bank failure to do it.
Three Chicago banks failing with
combined liabilities of
is enough to give that city a financial
Remember your greatest
is derived through making
somebody else happy. Let this be
your Christmas motto.
A building and loan association
and some factories should be organ
ed in early in
of a
well, tint's
And Mi
To the of it. that
S. C. keeper deserves a hemp
necktie and it on ht to be given to
Just as well poking fun at
the mother in-law until it seen
how it turns out with the Winston
man who married his.
Buying for Christmas is easier
than paying for it. Don't over do
your pocket book in the effort to
make an impression.
If South Carolina does have a
hanging as a result of that hotel
tragedy at it will lie
miscarriage of justice, in which
that state has already noted.
A New Jersey woman dreamed
that were in the house and
leaped out the second story window.
Wonder what she would have done
had I lie dream been about mice in-
stead of burglar
The large state dailies issued
mammoth Christmas editions on
Sunday. Some of them were equal
Of course the hotel keeper
was going to put up the plea of self-
defense, or else. He ought
to hang just the same.
The National Republican party is
about for a political funeral.
Mr. Cleveland could preach a nice
There will be activity in real
estate around Greenville the coming
year and demand for building
material Good time for somebody
to start a brick manufacturing plant
We shall rot take at a
New York preacher for saying that
a man cannot honestly draw a salary
in excess of a year. He
certainly could not have anybody in
this quarter in mind.
It continues to be hard to predict
just what the price of cotton will do.
It may go to fifteen cents, but those
who buy it are acting just like they
do not believe the reports as to the
of cotton ginned and think
the farmers are holding more than
is claimed. is going to
get fooled
Charlotte is making a spread be-
cause a lull grown deer was seen on
a street there the other day. That's
nothing. Greenville's streets are
alive with dears any day, some grown
some that are not grown.
Do you owe anybody anything, if
so hurry and pay it so they will
have something to enjoy Christmas
on. Don't think that because the
amount you owe is small it makes
no Every little counts,
and one small payment may be the
means of getting others paid.
The president is realizing the
spirit of the crowd he has to deal
with. The last rumpus between
leading North Carolina Republicans
who have rushed to him with their
grievances has provoked from him
the expression that he wished to the
very bottom of his heart that there
was no patronage to distribute
among the Republicans in the South.
If his wish were granted there would
soon be i Republican party on this
side the Potomac, for it is only the
hope of patronage that keeps the
in it.
General F. I. Os-
borne, of Charlotte, has located in
New York for the practice of law.
In his leaving the state North Caro-
loses another of her able men.
The Girl.
If people would atop and think
about the heart-aches they cause;
the needless they give when
they rail out against the telephone
girl or the local manager, they
have a more care.
The girls in central are laboring for
their bread. They are doing the
best they know how to do, as a
rule, and it is
wants to curse them through the
or who is short and
dent in bis demands and answers,
The is always trying to
make his success de-
pends his position and salary. If
find that something wrong
they could call attention to the fact
in a way that would not cause
for the girl or the
they could understand that if
their ungrounded kicks reached
headquarters that off would go the
heads of the subordinates, and after
the dismissal would be too late to
regret the haste and anger. Every-
There is much common in
the foregoing and it applies not
only to telephone service but in
other positions where the public
must be catered to. Persons are
prone to forget the thousand and one
courtesies shown them from time to
time by those who hold such
and will almost kick their
heads off with impatience over one
instance of imaginary inattention,
when the one serving them is at the
time burdened with demands equally
as important, The public n-eds to
learn a little lesson in i ml,
as suggested, stop and think some-
vital Importance to the future
kin- of the South that will command
the attention. Many eminent
speakers from all parts of the
try will take part in the
program All agricultural
are invited to delegates
No restriction on number of
gates to be appointed. County
meetings should be held throughout
all cotton states on Saturday,
23rd, for the purpose of
of electing county
gates- Heads of the various State
Agricultural organizations and Far-
can appoint delegates
from the at large.
HOB will cover the of
holding the balance of the unsold
crop for fifteen cents- extending the
organization of the Southern Cotton
associations; relations between
the producers mid spinners; build-
warehouses to facilitate the
handling of cotton; diversified
culture raising home supplies;
maintaining the present area of
cotton for 1906; closer relations
between farmers and ex
tending our markets for American
cotton in foreign countries. These
matters of vital importance need
the attention of the Hold
your county meetings on Dec. 3rd,
elect strong delegations, and send
list of names to the general office of
Southern Cotton Association,
Empire Building, Atlanta, Ga Let
every county in the South lie well
represented and let the begin
to acknowledge the business ability
of the Southern planter.
Railroad rates be one fare for
the round trip from all sections of
the belt. Yours truly,
Jordan, Pres.
Southern Cotton Association
The South s Manufactures.
.-. i to have gone
a . ad I in the use of
i reports
show the i farms in that
Mate have in the
last I .; .-. A note should be
made this happened
in state.
Tl time of year and kind
of M. i brings on the annual
talk bad roads. If them was
a b. i of road working and
more attention given the highways
d . good feather of summer
and lull, would net get in such
dreadful condition when the bad
r winter comes Dad roads
Impose, a far heavier tax upon the
people than would bond leans
build good roads all
Reflector is not going to do
much crowing over its esteemed
contemporaries, some of them
must come along if they want to
keep up. It has not been long since
we told that King Edward was a
subscriber this paper, and now n
train has been named for it. We
will just say in passing that King
Edward paid his subscription in
advance, and the Spec-
runs right square on schedule
The Raleigh Times stated at the
time that it only took over the
mechanical equipment of the
Post and agreed to fill out the
unexpired subscriptions
it seems that the grudge against
the News and Observer went along
with the deal. We never could see
why newspapers in the same town
should keep fighting each other in
stead of working to build up
their town, public does not take
much inter, st in such quarrels.
Scientists claim that electricity
can make a man forget
No doubt about that, if he only
gets enough of the stuff he will
forget that he ever lived.
Call for Mammoth Convention.
The cotton producers of the South,
bankers, merchants and
of other business interests are
hereby called to meet in convention
at the City of New Orleans, La.,
11th, 18th and 13th,
We want five thousand delegates to
be present, representing the entire
cotton territory of the South when
the convention is called to order at
one o'clock P. M., on Mil
in the splendid auditorium of the
Washington Artillery building.
The farmers generally have ex-
pressed B desire for this convention
similar to the one held at New Or-
leans last January. The South has
won a notable victory in handling
her great staple crop since that time
and it is but meet and proper that
the people should come together and
rejoice over great blessings which
they have enjoyed and to emphasize
their determination to continue the
present reign of prosperity through
the future. There arc many things of
The great development of
in the fourteen Southern
States is set forth by figures
taken from The
Record, of Baltimore, and secured
from other sources, all of which are
reliable. In manufactured products
the from 1880 to 1890 was
from a valuation of to
in 1900 the figures
were 11,000,000,000, while for 1905
the valuation is placed at
The output of pig iron in
1880 was tons, and this
year it is
In the Southern States had
invested in cotton mills,
operating spindles, while
ten years later
the amount invested in the
industry and the
of spindles; this year
is invested and there are
spindles. These mills now con
bales of cotton, as
against only bales in
The possibilities of the industry are
shown in the statement that there are
in the world a total of
spindles and the South can supply
cotton for while there
are in the section in which the
staple grows but spindles.
These figures would seem to indicate
that, other tilings being equal, there
is no danger of too many mills be
built in the South. This sec-
raises the staple and it should
also manufacture the greater part
it, thus to greater extent reaping the
benefit to be derived therefrom
Twenty live years ago there were
but cotton oil mills in the South,
with a capital stock of
and in most places cotton seed were
regarded as worthless, being used
mainly for Idling gullies and
fertilizer. Now there are
cotton oil mills in operation and
their total capitalization is
more than half the amount in-
vested cotton manufacture in this
sec ton.
The figures quoted above give
me idea of the rapidity with which
the Southern States are coining to
the front in the matter of
and are indeed gratifying.
Taken in connection with the fact
this development may now be
said to have only fairly begun they
paint a most glowing picture for the
future. Charlotte Observer.
A woman nays her
o. coo w in u In
lams the door without
breaking the
A Man's
What most Men
want for Christ-
mas is something
that they can
Mufflers, Rain
Gloves or any of
that you can
so well
from our our
Bring your and, if the garments
do not tit, we'll cheerfully make any exchanges or
refund your money after Christmas
Come to a Man's store for a Man's
Frank Wilson,
H. A. White,
Greenville, N. C
Pulley Bowen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladles Woolen Goods in all
he latest styles and weaves.
Boys and and
Novelty Suits.
You want in your shoes. Ultra shoes have just as much
in them as any or shoo, and our own design-
tine producing stylos which are later copied by
houses all over the country. Style Is the first consideration, but
if the shoe does not tit, you will not buy it for the style alone.
The fitting qualities are what is necessary to a shoo, and in
this the ULTRA
Stands Preeminent
Our pattern and last makers are undoubtedly the best ill their
Policy Bowen,
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Just received by B. G. Chapman
chi load lime
they will sell very cheap.
Best hosiery for children at H,
The town tax are now
open at the store of Iv. G. Chapman
Co. Let all come and pay
promptly. C. Smith, collector.
Our line of fall and Winter,
goods are now in. See our lire be-
fore you yours to please A.
W. Co.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and and prices very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
A Co
White's Black spec-
recommended for the human
family, tine for perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Don't the nice furniture
t A W Ange Co
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the combination medicine
for stock a sure colic
at the Drug Store
hay, and oats, go to
It in melon Barber Co.
We have the best assortment of
If it I mi- or snows we are ail A Second large shipment of hate
right for there are plenty of rub land this
newest style at Harrington Harder
ft Co.
Trunks and at
Shoes are daily at A.
W. Ange Be to get
their prices before you buy else-
coats, shoes, boots, at A
W Co
For nice apples, candies,
oranges bananas and nuts go to ton Barber Co.
H. L. Johnson's
Nice of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
ft Co.
Any one need of a good cart
one that will last and render good If you want a bargain in
service just sail to see or the go to A. W. they
A. Q. Cox I selling out at per cent off now
If you expect to exchange your If you want a Tar Heel cart yon
seed for meal you can same time see about getting it at
by taking meal fur your seed when once or A. G. Cox Mfg Co will
you have cotton ginned at the elsewhere
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
Try a bottle of Kid-
a sure cure all Kid-
troubles at Harrington Barber
Be sure to see B. T. Cox Bro.
nice assortment of goods tor
they have a nice selection,
If you want some nice presents
for your yon sure find
anything you want at
Barber Co.
Rev. Mr. Stanfield, of Ayden.
excellent sermon here
Stationary ever brought to afternoon.
B T Cox A Br,. Cox went to Green-
Another load of school desk were j ville Monday shopping.
Shipped out of A. G. C x Co
C. A. of was in
Ail colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Don't be on bad Hoar
town Tuesday evening.
J. L. was in town
Tuesday evening,
Have you been to see the Christ
you can get at A W i mas goods that Burlier
I Co. has. If you have not you
are mining a thing.
Nicest and cheapest line of men's
ties at Barber Co.
Int. i national stock food
horses and at Harrington
Barber On.
When you nice dress goods
and trimmings to go to A.
W Anne they have a nice as-
A new lot of iron bedsteads just
prices on RUM far at A w Ange gee
next days L. House. yon buy
Nice line of boys suits at H L. J. F. Harrington went to Green-
Johnson's. Monday.
yard standard calicoes at I K Warren, of
v Harrington, Barber h
, e have been told that
Clause leaves his shoes at A.
Floor oil cloth at A W Ange Ai ft Co's. every night.
Co see their stock before you buy. t who is traveling
Nice Robes at Harrington for Slaughter Bros., of
Barber Co
They have nice one cheap.
Goto H. L. tor shoes,
he his a nice lot jut received,
they are nice.
Nice frames and
A. W. Ange Co.
Call at H. L. Johnson's and ex-
bis line of Hosiery
Misses Ladies and Gents.
A. V, v Hire ft Co., just
receive a new lot of shoes. Be
to see them and get his prices
yon buy elsewhere.
International poultry food
Harrington Barber ft Co. ; .
ginning cotton mid making
Far bargains pants go to H. and day.
Big Hue of hats and caps just
received, latest styles. Harrington-
Barber ft Ob.
A nice lot of bats and caps just
received at A. W. Ange Co.
are nice be sure to see them
Goto Harrington Barber ft Co
for Rubber cats an j jackets.
Yon can kill your hos any time
now that yon want to. for A. W.
Ange Co has salt to save them
So Cheap that you had better s-e
him before you boy,
Special -m ices on guns for the
next M days at A. W. Co.
has come
If you do not believe it go to
Barber Co. and see
That is a nice of Christ
man good at Barber
lo go to seethe nice lot
of new furniture that A. W. Ange
Co. has just received before you
bay elsewhere.
Just received cur load Hour. Dice
and fresh Harrington Barber Co.
special prices headers see
W. L. House.
in sales of Tar
Heel cut wheels up to Ml la date
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co are no
for their planter
trade have already made ship-
of about planters today
they are expecting a rush the
trade this seas m anyone
in need will do well either
write at
If you want the sign
Santa Clause now just goto Dr. B
Bro. and you will sic
mat I e has surely been
is another
has been fifty per cent more home of Mr. and Mrs.
little son
Dallas Tex., Dec.
convention of the
Association behind
closed doors at the Commercial
Club here today. The
session was taken up with the
tine business. J. A. Taylor, of
I. T., resigned the
presidency, and Dr. D. C.
Tex is, was
Both Hanger, in.-i vice
president and treasurer, of Dallas,
and N. T. Black well, secretary,
also of Dallas, were continued in
office. It was announced that the
Association from
December 1st to December
was bales of ginned.
The directors were closeted during
the hour in secret confer-
The will adjourn
sine die tonight. The utmost
has been maintained as to
what occurred in the
The Reason Why.
The buyers wen-nut
last night in full force and In pass-
J. A. Ricks Bros, we
noticed their store was full of
people and on taking reason
we were told they were Inning
goods and trying for that beautiful
chocolate set that they are going
to give to the purchaser who
trades the most. It is a
set and well worth trying for.
They haven full can-
nuts, raisins, apples, orange
etc., and their fireworks
last. You had better get busy and
go there before everything U
picked over. You can get a Christ-
mas present the
at A. Hicks Bra's.
I v fit
T-t t
was in town Tuesday. John is
always awake and we know he will
make a success of the business.
We love to see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co skipping out so many
their school desks.
It was only a car load of these
desks that were shipped out today.
Mr. Hunsucker has been
kept bully of late and
Shipping buggies.
That was a broad smile the
face of K. A, as he
his pocket 171.10 for one bale
of cotton which lie had sold.
R G Chapman A
Pitt county Oil Co., arc
L. Johnson's
B. T. Cox Bro. have a full line
of school books, paper, inks,
ft pen tablets, day books
ledgers, account books, states,
chalk, crayons, school bags and
shawl straps. and sec what
they have before bringing else-
Nice line of fresh groceries
always on baud at If. L. Johnson's.
Men's and youth's nil
at Barber ft
A new line of v just re-
, by R. G. Chapman ft Co.
The streets are crowded now
with people who are those
nice things that Clause
left here.
number traveling men
have been in town this
Cox went lo Green
ville Monday shopping,
John Stokes went lo Greenville
line of winter underwear
for men and youth's at L. John
John it is cold
and you have not got a good pair
of to name, you go this
minute to Chapman's and get you
Be sure i forget the . ,,, , , ,
pair I hose pant, or
tare and iron bedstead-, at
tin-e yards of that blizzard proof
A. W.
and lei mi make you a pair
shipments of Buggy with
bodies are being mad- you
by the A. G. Mfg. c .
ever before, this establishes the
A. O. Cox Mfg Co. are making the
best cart wheels on market.
Their is no back band in use
that Is Coining SO much in general
a- the made by the A.
Cox Mfg Co, and it is
to no up to I lie farm-
in the state t nut not use
II you want a nice sewing ma-
chine cheap see A. Ange Co
have nice ones.
Mrs. H. L. Johnson and son,
to Greenville
day spent the day.
We know that is not far
S Clause has left his
sign every store in town, yarn
he sure to go to B T Cox Bin. be-
fore it is ton late
I seems like nearly is
to get a
SOW lo
Barber Co. can
surely please you, and
if you will just go there and
Mime of those presents
have. II. L. is head
quarters for groceries and
Nice Silk waist
Han Barber
If you want your laundry to look
nice long lake it to II. l
Johnson Lo represent the
steam laundry,
if you want summer all winter
gel one of those heaters at A.
W. d Co. they a-c Cheap.
When in town call to tee me l
run a lira; class livery feed
sale stables, . L. House,
ward hiving contracted the disease
Their oldest child had it a
weeks ago
Three more days for
A full
at Ha
y n want some
Jut received B. G. Chapman yon had better go to J. B
nice ones.
North Carolina I In
Pitt Count; the clerk.
W A. Manning, and F
nine W. R. Ford, M. O.
wire I. K While,
Jolly if,,
John White-
wife I. G . ,.
II Baker wife Raker
f it wife
Ann is James, A. M.
II no K lion,, s.
Thomas II. Boners, Mo c. White-
I T wife
s IV i
Manning. II l W A
Taylor, M. C, Manning, Mann-
O. ti. Me. c;, .
Mary Ward,
Williams, A mi wife
a m Manning,
Moore, Carson, Harriett I.
ward, John T Carson I.
N and wife
w a James, G w
iv a
Matthews hi.
thews, u. Hunt nu James, ST
i Manning, bit Manning,
W i II Manning, i
the last el hi hi in
Major n In the
above entitled will take
that a special ling, as
has lathe Sup.
i t. irate a i
the said a will
lake notice that he i-. lo appear
before the the
of Pitt County, in Green-
ville, on day of
and answer the and complaint
which will Iv- deposited In the office
the said within alter the
Issuing of this -us. the
will aim lake notice, that it
to answer and
within lime
1.1 law, will the
court or ii lei demanded
Given under my hand, in
. -i
Le. us straight on the matter cf
Overcoats. The most successful process for water-
proofing a garment is that of Priestley's, and every
treated to their process bears their name,
and when in addition to Priestley's stamp
n overcoat is identified with the label of Wilkinson the
combination is one that insures not only a
overcoat, but also an overcoat of fine fabric, with all the
knocks of and style that distinguish the
Clothing people from the ordinary sort.
A New Line Just Received,
have received there full The holidays are here
like a train it comes quickly and soon
We have a beautiful line this season and
will be glad to show them to you.
Bisque Figures, Lamps, Clocks, Wagons, Carts.
Pistols, Albums, Mirrors, and Toys of every
We carry a full line of Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Nuts
Raisins, Figs, Candies of every kind, Fruit, Pound
Chocolate Cakes, Cakes, Bread and Pies, Can-
dies, a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, in fact
any and everything you may need for
Including a full of FIREWORKS if allowed.
Remember the place and come early as the rush will
be great this season. Prices right.
Th Greenville Banking and
At close of business November 9th, 1905.
Loans discounts I
I I . 1.1 I'll
Furniture and fixtures
Due from Hank-. ti
i items
Block paid in nu
i .-. ,
i profits,
Hills ;, ii.
in .-. deposit
Duo in i .
State North Carolina, County .
l. R. Cobb, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
swear the above is true to the best of my
me, Nov., 1905
C. S. Notary Public I II. K

read this space.
It is only a few days before e
December 25th, 1905, once more
and every one has a dear friend or friends
to whom he or she will present with a pres-
and you could select no better store than
A. E. Tucker's
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brisk Blink, Railroad Ht.
Ayden. N. C.
R. R. CO
Summer L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. in. for leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for
Conned in at Washington
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York. Boston and all other
joints North. Connects a Norfolk
with all Vast.
Shipper should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. K.
bailing hours subject to
J. J. Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
r. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. M.
Don't pull a loaded gun toward
you by the muzzle.
of a decree the Superior
court of Pitt made in the ease
or I May and u II May J K
and Kiln
undersigned tell for
cash before the house door in
Saturday December
the following described tract
in lbs county of Pitt and in
Township adjoining the
lands of Mrs. Arthur Forbes. Jerry
Fields, the land and the
County line containing
acres, and known as the Move
said land is sold for
ion this Nov. 23rd
aims Commissioner,
Dress Shoes,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,
Table Linen, Towels, Side Combs, Trunks, Skirts,
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Fancy Vests, Gloves
Your father, mother, brother, sister sweetheart or
friend can find here a present that will make one
of the above a nice handsome gift.
One visit to this store will show you exactly
what we have and at prices not be discounted in
Greenville. Hoping a look from one and all.
The nun who Insures his life l
his family.
The man who Insures his health
Is wise both for his family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
Itself In Innumerable ways
And save your health.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
i Good kept ion.
j. mat Ck. Country
Produce and Sold
North Carolina.
p. R. L.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
regular each
L. S. Colon and
Head inches D
and over per lb-
A sample of refaced
Rule, wile full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Manufactures of in.
High Grade Printing Material
H. strut.
This u Worth Bracing
Suppose Stop and Se
Greensboro, N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stilting that j. Remedy
has entirely cured our little of
a very bad case of hi inn, which
urea part her
She bad from
the time she wan weeks old,
she was six years old. She
is now well and I feel
I speak too highly of
it nut bad a symptom of
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January 1st. 1902. I look
down with and dropsy,
and gradually crew worse. told
by my that my cues
was My neighbors and
had me up to My
and body were swollen to one-
larger and
water ban around my heart.
For at least three months I had to alt
propped up In bed to from
I sent tor of Dr.
n. i Cure, and by the time I
hail n all I was entirely
cured. I feet better than I have for
twenty years, and I urn all.- to do
any kind of work on my farm. Mr
attending told me that If It
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Curs
I would now be In my
I. T. Ky.
Dr. Mi Heart Curt It told by
four who will guarantee that
homo wilt benefit. If It falls
he will refund your
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
H. A. White,
Greenville, N. C
r. ; n
GREENVILLE, North Carolina
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton Buyers and h
Grain a
ons. N.
Chicago and N-w
t Think the
I; is n hen
I health,
and constipation nave
away Prompt relief can
had in New Ufa
they build up your
, and
for for
i I- s store,
. r the relief I
my tearful I . which
else mid from
I had
It is a
A Disastrous Calamity
f I How Many People You
Reach Without V
leaving your n I ice
Telephone Line
is locking rue
Can You Afford It
IT Wilts VIM i
For Rates
. a
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Raving v
as of the last and
neat Alfred deceased,
riven to all persona In-
j, to ,
to and all
persons having said
must present same to the
for on or
i ,. Hi,. mil or
iii he ii bar
nth of MM.
i f. rim s,
Ban v of of Alfred Forbes
Harry Skinner, Hairy Skinner. Jr.
H. W. Whedbee.
w,. hereby that we have
with us, in the
th. Law, Mr. Jr.
The firm name will a here-
H. W. V.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
As authorized for Daily
ml we take
treat In
receipts for
A full supply of
Suit Cases, at J. K. Smith Bro.
Old Fashion Paw-
in arrears. We have a list Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. R.
t all who their mail at Smith Bro.
take orders; Our line of Groceries and
for job i complete. Call and
Our rugs and art squares J. H. Tripp Bro.
finer than the finest, Cannon and. Call on Hart Jenkins for a
Tyson. re Columbia Flour, none better
Our specialties staple and to be hail anywhere.
Fruits and Latest styles in cloaks wrap
Dry Notions for and Ladies
and Shoes for Wanamaker also a nice line of Zephyr
Brown Clothing, made to R Bro.
dual for See our line of ladies and chi-
Troy which cloaks J. K.
will also be called for and deliver- Cannon invites your
ed free. hanking you for past attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We call your attention to our
line of harness, Caution
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss Coon-Collars. for
cents. J. B. Turnage.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the beet and
Cannon and Tyson hare the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
Calico and Gingham at cents
per yard, great redactions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
B. Smith Bro.
patronage, and hoping to serve
you in the future. P. G.
a Co.
buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
full line colors, kept at J.
R. Smith
You should see our line of lace
curtains before buying B.
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with or short joints
pipe at J. B. Smith Bro.
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Hem i-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimming, lining and white
at J B Smith Bro
Bed steads, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom wash stands
dressers tables at J B
We have just received a ship-
of shoes for
women. We ask that you sec
them before buying, J. B. Turn,
Come to see Hart Jenkins
when you need to dress
your feet, we can save you money
and you something to fit the
foot. We carry the nicest and best
shoe you ever saw. Try a
pair and be convinced.
We are receiving shipments of
furniture every day. Come to see
if you want J. B. Turn-
Needles and repairs for
all makes sewing machines at
H Tripp i Bro.
Best Spurn Hewing Machine Oil,
also the best for Bicycles and clean-
guns. Warranted out to just
guns, at J. H. Tripp Ayden
Buy your trunks valise, satchels
and suit cases from Turnage.
Highest prices paid for chickens
and eggs and all country produce
by J. H. Tripp Bro.
For carpenters tools, grind
hemp rope and pulleys, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
If you need the way
of Tin ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, tinware
at J K Bro
Go to E. B. Co's
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh fish.
For oM peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, HA, apply t K. E. Dull
A Go.
Cm load of for sale by Can
lion and
butter m
Get the Cox planter the
best on the market II.
A Bro
If yon want a good bbl. fl I Pupils Give Present, to Teachers.
we sell the best. . .,,
J. R of
The Christmas confectioneries at
oranges, apples, bananas, candies,
are fresh. and
you will give ibis firm your
day trade.
Sugar, rice, flour, snuff, tobacco.
Friday for holidays.
pi exercises were held in the
chapel and the pupils of
made a Christmas present In
their teacher
made a present to
and n n
horn's can not he excelled. Go
and see.
their Christ STATEMENT.
have taken great pains and as a
MS aviator of
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fanny
Saturday night Tod R. Allen
put bis mule away in the stable
and fed him as usual and then
fastened the door. The
morning when Mr. Allen awoke
he sometime during
night, the stable, male and all had
been consumed by fire. When or
how it happened he does not know.
M carry
a lull line of meat, lard and
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly.
Episcopalians will have a
Christmas tree in their church
Monday night. Anyone wishing
to place presents on it for their
friends will be welcome to do so.
public are invited to be
Hart Jenkins
smoking tobacco K.
Jan. let 1900 I will
business in Ayden,
sell my stock consisting dry
good- notions, shoes, cups,
boys and children's clothing, pants
groceries I offer thing
at cost. All I ask is to come and
see, what I have to offer., Will
sell all, or j of stock and rent
to call see the
prices. Yours to serve
J. F.
Nov. Ayden N
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand
and suits oases at J R Smith A Bro
Buy Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the best.
I always keep on hand n full
line feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such us hay, oats, com,
cotton seed meal hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
F. Lilly.
For rugs, carpeting, mailings
and see out- line J, R
Sale Any desiring to
purchase a valuable tract of land
partly in the town of J Ayden will
do well to see the at
once. J. A.
Turnage is for
Three dime, Battles, for rents
of our spun sewing Machine oil, J.
Tripp . Bro.
mil W. if.
j. It at
A .
at ;
i W
Total amount
Slat of North Carolina, I
I. of
r-. for
I- correct
upon In
This Ii of
Clerk Co. Com. Put Co.
IV. C.
the Try
and If you are , o, i, will ,.
Ive no fault of theirs.
. , J. .
Vs . . ft Co. ,.
pared for
lion this season is unsurpassed.
Their clothing, fur-
goods, shoes
hats. Their dress and
everything the ladies like is up
date and of To see is
to be convinced. Give them a cull
Miss Nancy Coward went to
Greenville yesterday.
Charlie a soldier in the
U. A, at Fortress Monroe, is
here on a visit to his brother, J.
We have just received a large
shipment of dry goods. Come to
see J. It. Turnage.
Buy one of our
Hats. Sold under a e.
J. R. Turnage.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Surely J. W. Taylor has some
nice presents as
small novelty clocks, watches,
chains, goods, locket.,
brooches, emblem, pins, stick,
pins, and brooches finger rings
f children.
Arthur came up
from New Bern Monday to spend
Christmas with his parents.
Major Smith has returned from
He says the cooking
there is just tine.
Mils Lewis, of
came up on yesterday.
Wingate spent part
Saturday in Greenville.
To show the convenience of the
new train, one can leave here
the morning train go to Greenville
and transact business,
he can pass on to Kin-
and have all the time in that
town be wants and get back home
that night in for supper. We
are glad to note the new train is
well patronized.
A great of the teacher
pupils of the schools here ate
at their homes taking Christmas.
W. J. Hem by, of this
anticipates moving his
family and making this his
home. It is right he should do so,
for it is more central will add
much to the convenience
general public.
Mrs. C. L. Tucker, of
is here visiting her
who is quite sick.
Miss Brown
home Friday
remained until Saturday eve-
when they both returned and
have resumed their positions in
guided school.
All the schools will close Friday
take a recess during the
days of one week.
In our items of last week we
should have stated patrons of
the graded school are all invited
to attend exercises on Thurs-
day, Carolina Day. These
will prove interesting
those who attend we have do doubt
will be well pleased.
Last Saturday night Alonzo
a n held attempted to pass a
forged cheek on J. F one
our principal for
on the Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Mr. suspicion was
aroused he for
Dixon, manager, J. J. Stokes,
book keeper, the latter whose
mime was forged, soon the
W. E. Hooks has boon home on
a flying visit from Fremont. Ed
us of life he
life of a first class order.
W hen lie, holiday
conies, people-f this county, where
an it grows, might
North Carolina.
i M ii-11 County
I Shipping
north fr
Other . the state have l.
been a foment, N
found j- ti
B. partition
The man who is always boasting
of his readiness to for bis
is ii- trying to make
people believe that some of his
wrongs are right.
Known as
By of powers contained
in certain Deed of Trust made and
executed on the 23rd day of December
by K. J, to K.
Meadows and recorded in the office of
the Register id for Craven county,
I will offer for sale to the
est bidder for cash at the premises,
on the day
of January o'clock M.
The following tract of land, known
and designated as the Garden
beginning at a the
margin of Neuse river, and running
South west poles to an old
marked gum, the original corner of the
tract of land, then south west
poles a line of old marked
trees to an old marked the
corners of the tract of land,
then North west along a line of
old marked trees to a light wood stake,
now the dividing I i the lands
now or r the late John and said
tract of land, then N.
the line of marked the dividing
line between said la now of
John and the said tract Of land
poles to a gum. then north
east to the river, th-n down the river
IO the beginning always save and f
orating so much Of sod tract of land as
is described in a deed from George Al
Arnold. F Arnold
Caroline Arnold to lid Aim
Arnold, recorded in the
Deeds office of craven county, look s
fol lot to reference is made for
a more particular description. Also
saving and excepting that part of said
tract of land was
ii., or Not.
North Carolina,
Pitt County
J U Williams, J. It. N
Tyson and Joseph Tripp,
By virtue of a made on
day of November, by c
Moore, of superior , our of
Pitt county in the above ., tie.
causal ., on Saturday the
of December, 1905,
Ste f
ville. to the highest bidder for cash
the following parcel of t
hip. county, North
j. T.
Allen, Manning, N w .,.
or less, and known as the
This the day of 1905.
F. C.
A reward of o will be paid for in-
Arnold and others to May to
by deed in office of .
of Of Craven hook s,. ,.,, ,,, to mites or
page and book ti around law
to which reference I made for , or who cut the fence so that
a more particular
Also three head of team, all the
harvested crops of corn, bay fee,
carts, wagon-, buggies, harness
ad farming implements of every Mod
to and Used in
the cultivation of said Spring
Dated at New Bern, N December
K. H. Meadows.
so that
and horses may pass
J. It. sec
An Announcement
Saw fa they
vigor, pains.
Sold and Or. Molts
Chemical Co.,
Sold By J. W. Bryan.
or mall.
Wagon. Those purchasing goods at our store, will have; for
F. G. S Co., will have from now on a Delivery
Wagon. Those purchasing goods at our store, will have
same delivered Free of Charge at their homes in any I
J Oak
part of Ayden or natural suburbs.
retail and
ire Dealer. for
Cotton Bar-
I -its, Table, Lounges, Safes, P
Gall Ax
I Life Key West Che-
P. G Company,
, Mot
Meat, Soap.
Food, Matches, Oil,
I Meal and Hulls, Gar
the business
Furniture and
Demand Loans
Bus from Banks,
Hunk notes
Capital paid in,
Surplus Fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid .
subject to cheek, 60,057.08
I, J. Smith, of the bank, swear
that above statement is true to the best of be
lief. R.
and sworn to before
thin tilth Jar of Nov. 1900.
Notary Public.
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
n I Ware, Tin and
Cakes and
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machine, nu-
i Quality and
Cheap for
He M.
P i.
North Carolina Pitt Can
Cherry c. Court.
John K.
Hie Sheriff from s .,
court of n
day of Jan. at ,
at the Housed or ,
said Execution, all
R defendant ha
-Mien. Mary Allen , .
SHeriff of Pi,

At Christian Church Christmas
concert will l
hi church on
Monday night, December hi
p. m.
The in charge has
delayed announcing this
ill o av lid fixing
a date with any other
church festivities of the
To this end the baa been
trout Sunday to
and has now fixed at Monday
the concert is in charge of a com
which ha fortunate
the services of the best
and most available talent in Green
Mile, ladies and gentlemen well
known in local
admission will be charged,
but a silver offering will be taken
up for the benefit of the
debt, which the ladies the
church are aiding in liquidating.
an evening of enter
ought to he worth, at
taut silver coin in our
r i u-e.
Com Along. Welcome.
are busy times with THE
but there is
time to
Do be afraid it will bother
if you to get one.
We hive a lull line tipple-,
oranges, nuts, candies and
alts-, everything for
paring your dinner
L. M.
went to Plymouth
Large assortment of nuts and
candies at Johnston Bros.
We have oranges
and raisins for Christmas.
The school taught by Miss Nancy
Coward, at Joyner's house,
from town, will a con-
cert Friday night. There will be
-in admission fee of and
cents, the proceeds to be for
proving the school. Everybody
kettle rendered lard
J. J.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
Frank Strickland and
Daniel Stewart aid Mart hi A.
Hunt and Annie Dudley,
Arch Johnson and Francis Bag
John and
Milky and
Sam and Sarah Mobley.
Wiley Brown and
K. Taylor and Mary E. Moore,
and Henrietta
Jerry Jefferson and Jane
Captain Nettie
Haskett and Henrietta
John King and Bettie Williams.
Washington City S
Johnston Bros.
The Strenuous or the
Simple Life
Trousers are made for either. No
life is too wear too hard
for them.
Dutches Trousers are the most strongly-
made garment in the world
only ore offering the Genuine
button RIP
There are piles of them on our counters in patterns
to suit all tastes at to
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
The time being hand when yon will want some horses
mules to meet your needs c ming season we solicit your
W SALE STABLES at and where
we will carry a full stock of GOOD and MULES
during the entire season. Come to us and we- will you
it is a saving for to trade with us, for we got our
stock direct from stock farms, thereby saving yon the prof-
its the have and which you
by buying from us. It would not take much of your time
to pay visit and familiar with our methods of doing
business us we feel that it would result in making you a per-
customer, and we are sure we can make it benefit you
so doing. are prepared to your needs and what i-
more we guarantee satisfaction.
Trains a Day
Great Gift Sale.
Train No. from Kin-
arrives at Green-
ville 8.28 a. m. Train No.
leaves Greenville for
Kinston at 5.47 p. m.,
hours to do your
shopping at
Greenville, N. C.
Is the ocean to which all Traffic Rivers
Flow. It has been our good
fortune to offer a sale at
such savings at a time when they
would be so highly appreciated as now.
Train No. from Tar-
arrives at Greenville
11.18 train No.
for Tarboro 4-27 p. m.,
giving you hours t do
your shopping at
Greenville, N. C.
in slow
and Mules. Sales Stables, and Greenville.
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
FIST CLASS TEAMS tor pleasure drives, or to take pas-
to nearby points.
Good Drive and Work Horses and Mules for sale. I buy
them in large and can sell low as any dealer, either
for Cash or on Time.
When you are in town and want your horse and
properly cared for, put up at my stables.
Is upon us and with the thought comes that happy smile, born of keen pleasure afforded us in an
to remind our friends that we still retain a in our hearts and memories for them.
Presents now to be found at
Big Store, Greenville.
Dress Suits, Tuxedo Suits, Business Suits, Fine Underwear, and Stiff Hats, Dress Gloves, Driving
Dress Shirts, Silk Scarfs, Silk Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen Handkerchiefs, Dress Protectors,
Silk Mufflers, Umbrellas, Dress Suit Cases. Women's Wearables at underselling prices- What could be more
appropriate for a holiday gift than some nice Furs. Full line of Waists and Skirt Patterns, Millinery, Women's
Tables, Chairs, Bed-room Suits, Rugs, Gar pet, Matting, Pictures, Trunks. Be careful don't overlook
Shoe and Clothing Department or you may never know what you might have saved till it is too late.
Greenville, North Carolina
Having duly i I the Bu
Court clerk Pitt county m
administrator of i de-
notice i-1 to all
person indebted to the to make
Immediate payment to tin i
all n against
estate must present i n same
payment Iron
this date r this notice will be plead
In bar of their recover-,
of i I c, Move
duly qualified before
Superior i clerk of county as
administrator i n of the estate
John A. Parker, deceased, notice i
hereby given to all persons Indebted
t said estate to make Immediate pay-
to the mill all per
having against the
art notified to present under-
signed within twelve months from this
date or notice will plead
of recovery, This Nov. 24th
Martin, D. B. N.
of John v. deed
Notice is hereby given that i shall
apply on the first Monday in
to the board of commissioners of
I county and to the board of
f of Bethel for
t retail spirituous and malt
In quantities of lass than live
in the town of Bethel. N. C . in
frame bulling on the south
street, it
of Staton Bunting. to In
run in the name of T K. Carson,
his day Nov.
. K.
Smith enter sail eighteen
less, of vacant in swift Creek
ll we-t Side Mill's up Luna
Toll nth, n
. title to
In the shove
protest me In writing the
the a o
lie I.
i It
tor Co.

Eastern reflector, 22 December 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 22, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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