Eastern reflector, 28 November 1905

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Read very word of tide. will prove most profitable have mad; in For months and years capital, brains, genius and enterprise have con-
planned and curled out to e successful culmination a tremendous trade triumph that knows no in the annals of commerce. We now lay before you
he rich result of this long tireless effort.
We balk at no quantity if the quality is standard. A World Marvel of Twentieth Retailing
The Buying Organization
I is t. , -l i t- f, r in strokes in Its fame U national. c strength is respected. We bait gob the turn eat thing
a Carnival of Under
That will i i la i T- of. ill with whirl-wind velocity. Typo is All printed prices are patient paper. Our achievements are in our Store
not in our To lo this sensational, money an event fall j yon m la person coma early.
Sensational of Hens Clothing.
Your of a lot suits made of good
strong of an f Sale price 11.00
A sensation in ens scotch mix-id Cheviots and
medium shades of and Looking fancy mix-
in small and plaids and mingled effect. These
ire certainly the grandest, values State 3.49
Mens Mae suits, comprising a grand assortment single an d
double breasted Baits, blue, gray and brown.
tweed mixture in all the newest most desirable
l-i. all superbly tailored, co-its Preach face A
perfect fit Vainer that ate equal in every respect
sups that sell for special price
Man's fine suits, extra fine, equal in respect to tine
custom work. This season's latest styles and best sellers.
Worsted, Cheviots, Scotch mixtures and ever reliable
Better made garments have by any concern
in North Carolina. then to be the equal of any
garments the mark-i. We are Q selling them at 7.85
We have put on sale -it suits no others can sail
for i more. They o i i i in I I sacks.
clothing -m It St in black nil
and tile latest shades of g i i I n i . i, ind tail
to a Into Others consider
good values a pi a is 111.60
Come in and ask ; i see our clothing. We are always
glad to show the in. It co i ti look n I slim you
are tired we hare a nice warm for to rest.
Youth and
For want of space we quote these. We
have on hand an of styles
and qualities to the most We
guarantee you a tit and a convincing bargain.
We have on band new a lot of hoy pasts
snits worth to all of which will be
before you. Age to 1.48
Mens Extra Pants.
We have now extensive and attractive Hue
ranging in price from to per pair.
These are bargains, every pair.
Overcoats, Storm Coats, Rain Coats.
We can fit you up in these so comfortable you
will enjoy bad weather like sleeping under a tin
roof a rainy night, for per cent less thin
Mens heavy underwear at
heavy underwear at
men, women, children.
Al. we ask is that you see our new line
buying you will away a ,
advertisement for us.
now .
Mans patent dress .
Ladies patent . .
fresh and styles.
Surpassing Values.
yards good Calico, per yard
good k Homespuns
bail grade ,
Yard wide white
bolts assorted colors Outings
Best Apron in this sale
Heavy Canton Flannel at
Best Feather bed Tick at
Dress Goods.
Best row
01.00 Broadcloth now
Big line 1.00 colored Taffetas ,
all wool now .
Ladies Goods,
new styles now .
good Corsets going now , . .
Ladies fleece lined Underwear now .
A big line of Trunk ail Bag at a saving of per cents.
The price is only half the story, quality is the rest.
TO CEILING and w give you wholesale prices.
You ha- in can. to us take your an I , s , will find . w want
, or money refunded,
J. WHICHARD, EAter Owner.
and Friday.
Mouses of th Confederacy.
Out of tin- ii
i s j
lion of
. i-
M, Mo re went I
It's Growth is Prosperity is General-Green- . ,, , ,
I lie r J
d is by the Most Magnificent , n
Gathering at ti area in Not Carolina.
Miss Pattie Skinner, Of His pM and t should go where I
III ll J .
P. T. i w.
Cotton in Five Minutes Nets
i the Hadley Tool Eight
I lie of
Al Mr- and Mrs. i d in the gave i
Mm Sallie, but work com-
. . in two om-
oaths party it
U, P .
if town of
is a marvel To those
lake i ; u tun of
an ii mi ii i hi
ii is- on Its seven
by in i I up
ares la the state,
I II- J I Ii f Slid ;
it made. . , ,.
Ii m in--- in in there i do
F. M. went
y evening.
Million Dollars, and
Lose out.
j- US m l
the tow ii, long will
In- till border and
in hi
Mrs. B.
Jr. in
Oars marriage Mr. O. on
being the Dan
the I bars
if tat ht Bustle i with Tub
. , , u spreading to
st seven and after adopting to
i- of her an the work, wanting h
dinner was nay s
midst beautiful leave orders.
county in the one of the
notion and is in
the state, and the best people on
earth to make a country the
question where i
ville, the tear, going to
fr. White, a-
young, .; man
a- a pin l . the tow ii,
i prop Try on th
market, ii horn
and I he
The an an Io
dictate Mr. While, Inn
-j. ant h
A. M. went lo
B i o
dinner and before tearing bare a complete let of the
i is ball Skinner us books in a f days can be
by tbs the victim seen ibis office
in b many
of Miss had
Wini at
great Bomber rare
fill for
Mr. Mis.
. of held an
elect Thursday on the question
dispensary open saloons.
And it is Indeed problem.
Leaking me matter square in
the face, the carefully
I observed and closely watched does .
where the trend of residential tract of land should not be grown
outlook set-med sod where crop when the lows
most opportune location could n, ., U area for homes. We
believe upon area honest, serious
ville in by far in lead. West consideration of future
Greenville is b the little Moore, T. White, F. M.
filled a out town, regard- I- A. , L. Pender and W.
S Can, Miss Skinner; Dr. The dispensary by a vote of
Brown, Mies to W. are four saloons In
and have to
Alice Whits, of January when lbs
Dr. LouiS Skinner, Mrs. K. It.
Charlie Lena
Matthews; W. K. Mis
Mis Winnie Skinner; J.
Moire. J. Gardner and J.
nary rill
will pleats
afternoon at o'clock,
no afternoon the following masting is especially desired
before the party bads as new t to elected,
the was I this first regular meeting
served on the bank of Tar River, in the season,
the home, to a clone
nil or
in in n 1-.
f .- the crop
wish Increased
II tin Mud his pool
f I em profits
. Mr.
ville, came in
, , lore . Price and hi.-
and , A. . .,,.
lo-i millions,
we . to ,. , , . ., ,,
J. Bully was a heavy
B. V. no-. .-- ford, who
i- h h
M Nina of Hew
Bi . . who has visiting Miss
A Lang, left
l. M lore, n. I,. Jam.-, T. K.
men in
k a e the
. id in lo mass-meet-
colored settlement, and Bouts j tens of the few
lithe only bops of the I and
future of that The town .
that makes a nod ;. your heart and lei
offers the beat location for homes. , , towards South
A more beautiful addition La j Will you do lit Many want
future cannot be f Will do the
James properly, thing and the town lie
by S. T. White Sigh, opened and spread out There are
level the must of means who will boy If
in every Why; will . rest terms, and
Mr. While has not laid out and whole would be
made the iotas a most bountiful bettered by such s citizenship as
building locality is a mystery, would be purchasers of
town of Green ville -o beautiful lots. X. X,
.- mi December 3rd, when an
. i- esp etc i lo made
lo hob a
pounds a above me
high id- of
so was caused
it's report of
the of ginned to
S Wall had
the Odd In that town In
went to Ayden
Its beauty,
inn never he
forgotten by those good
fortune ll be the guests of
genial and home,
Hand Mangled
Oil Friday b y who
works at Lumber
Veneer O-i., his band
in a and badly
and first two days
in tin lo market,
me west her lb n follow
ed up It, M fur taken
nil the w iron bad u
good Week, l wars
huge on I'M lay. Many
farmers who were
n had to through
tho sale of the Barmen
fr the
we k, and we a with
there was day
the week on tot
But Sentiment Is in
That Direction.
for night, were
carried to grave yard,
miles tin town, today for Inter
J. A.
Free Press speaking
teen dispensary
In town .-l
which foul will close
January 1-1, says the
passing of the at
Pit dimly will have r saloon
in it. In tins his the Press is
mistaken, as are yet
Pact in and
about lit all after at
is grow-
it h a quest in of time
when all will be closed several weeks ago,
mil lie county freed the
saloon evil.
Brought Home Burial,
The remains of Edward
Liberate and infant,
by Mi. and
Supreme Court Upholds The Raleigh
Board of Aldermen.
The Board of Aldermen, who
their new ball.
Friday, 34th.
J B. Thursday
from up the road.
Dr. M. I. Fleming returning to
Hamilton this morning.
O. B. Hadley returned to La-
Thursday evening.
V. H. Attorney Harry
returned Thursday evening from
Mrs. Rowe, of
arrived evening t vi-n
her Mrs.
O K.
evening from Southern Pines and
g I e r lo show
soon i H The fig-
in This
. crop j
. .-. Sew Journal,
Greenville always observes
by u general
t of business. The
tom w prevail next Thursday,
on which day the stores,
aid business
will be Closed. People
observe this not come in on
that day to transact
Mr-. Leah, veil and secure an election r
lure lay from I Unless he vote in sin-a
The remains have bean by the
held that no petition Wilmington where he had been
Non Suit in s
The bits been reached HI
In the of v.
T. vs.
aid grape
Saturday, Nov.
el i- Mrs.
i. U. ye.
II went to
Gin House and Other Prop-
The gin house of Mr, F. M.
near was destroy-
I by together
mi his gin machinery and
about bales of cotton. The lire
Is to work of an
s. Hi . this morning The loss is
o S
I see in in your paper
as to the future prosperity
and rill
the people get
this the
writer to property
H. N. V
of of
Kate Wiggins if Salvation Supreme Com t this
Army, has s tic delivered a decision sustain
A log be order of Fred M.
a if this in Wake County Superior
city, her t bis on
the plaintiff had shown
on I he pan of
Having a Good Tim-. Duke in the
p of tin
R went to
S. O. nun . lo
OHO and falls heavily Mr.
as we understand he had
no Insurance.
K -1 his in .
Miss Bessie Harding went
A fall r living e of l
Mi. S pl In wen
y lo visit Is.
Mr-. O. went
lots of sold at the business portion of
Farmers warehouses not
run hi as per
T ram
piles either,
large lots brought fancy
the part of the t
get prices f
Greenville in a good
mis property I did
Intend ll to keep
my own But after giving
careful to ab
Ii lakes I work on I nave
to lay In lots and will
sell people
u , to
same. Vim
SAM White.
No man over shares Ins
m with any all
Tod many think that a crooked
t must lie a one.
is nearer
heaven than when be makes u
child happy.
rural ho taken in-
tails as be la having best and Trait Company.
, today to visit relatives,
time imaginable reading them these The lie
winter AH who Banking and Trust Company, w returned
of a year's read- be found column, shore from Scotland Neck ex
at less than half that the business of this
mil wall too inn, . bulking house is Mrs, W, J. Smith returned
only lime, raj growing. Though Friday evening from
old its surplus
j Undivided t oil Is have a.
nearly hall a is
Electricity Spank Illinois Children.
trio spanking Invented
Mis came b e
this morning from Ayden d
Abbott and his musical
company in
was lit I id at the
opera Friday night audit
proved a Mr.
took the leading role as the Sporty
r , be all that could
e The
by members of the company
order. There
ere a n of encores and
was beard.
a . be
by g dug
by Professor Is use feature of this bank is ii pays
In public school on long deposits, Inn
a suburb of this city, giving your money an earning
operation is to as well as being kept safe,
place the pupil over
press a button and I Notice to Juniors.
thin bring a of paddles into Members o; the Jr. O. A. M.
play. visiting brothers an requested
Tho parents of pupils threaten at
to withdraw their from older lo attend
school It the machine is nut taken j a body the o'clock
out. Baptist church.
E. n. Evans, .
Miss Annie down
from Friday
. Pattie
Mount, came down Friday evening
vi-it Mr. and Mrs.
W. M- King.
Mrs. B. O. Sadler and little
daughter, of Baltimore, who have
been visiting Mrs. J. G.
this morning.
of the
church met Friday at
home of it. ii. Home and
a Junior Guild whose
is to work the beautify.
of the The following
were elected
Mi-. W. H. Dull, President;
Miss Pattie
dent; Miss Vincent,
Miss Lee Treasurer.
The fruits of righteousness do
not grow from tho flowers of

Y. M. B. O. D.
Don't Miss This Chance.
Big Reduction In Prices.
Bit Bargains to Those
Who Come First
We have a splendid collection of Dress Goods of this season's purchases
and have decided to reduce our stock, and in order to do so
quickly, we make the following reduction in prices
Extra fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 2.00 to 1.25
Fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 1.50 to
All Wool Embroider d regular value 1.50 reduced to
Silk Dot black only, regular value 1.50 reduced to 1.10.
All Wool Novelty Suitings, regular value SI. reduced to
Satin black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Chiffon Broadcloths, in black and all colors, regular value
SI. reduced to
All Wool Panamas, in Black, Navy Brown and Green, regular
value reduced to
in All Wool Cheviots, in black and navy blue, regular value re-
Gilbert Flannels, all wool, regular value reduced to
All Wool Pebble Cloth, in black, regular value reduced to
in All Wool Fancy Panama Suitings, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, value reduced to
All Wool Crepe Cloth, black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Henrietta, all colors, regular value reduced to
Also Wool regular value reduced to
Also a splendid collection of Black Dress Good, including the newest
prettiest values not in the above number at greatly reduces prices.
Come and be surprised at the Bargains we have in store for you.
But Blues and are here to stay. The medium with
vent in back, or double breasted is the coat that should
wear this season, It should be made with Military shoulders and
to fit the body medium loose. We have it, made in all the now
fabrics. Of course blacks and blues are good this season, yet a
ark blue ground with a slight tint of green, makes an attractive
the hare tome to everything will be
PRICES, 97.30 TO
COATS-This oat is the only well
ed should wear; this coat is light in weight, yet It yon toe
comfort than a Many times it's weight.
WU Mart Outfitter
Lang and Discount
and unsecured 4,575.80
Stocks, securities, etc.
Furniture Fixture 3,647.32
Banking 4,100.00
line from Banks
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Capital Stock paid
Undivided Profit lees
Expenses Paid 10,179.46
Bills Payable
Deposit subject to check
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement above is true to tho best of my
I lira-ton.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this at Nov., 1905
Notary Public.
The Greenville Banking and Trust Company,
At close of business November 9th, 1905.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, 6,678.81
Furniture and 2,415.04
Due from Hanks
Cash 462.17
National bank notes
and U S notes 9,403.00
Capital stock paid in
Surplus 8,600.00
Undivided profits, 5,237.11
Mills payable 5,000.0 i
Time oar. of deposit
Due to X 125.00
Cashiers ck
Tragic Incident of Ma
In course of giant
before of
sours into a small
red roofed farmhouse, determined
to soil their lives dearly. They bar-
the as strongly
us ere able and from the up-
T Story lire on their
ants. For nearly two hours tho
Prussians were kepi at hay. Tho
storm if rifle bullets riddled tho
roof and upper walls, and finally,
one by one, the were
Concluding that the
of the little stronghold had
at length been exhausted and
pared for a savage hand to hand
tussle with the garrison, the
burst through the barricade
and an entrance.
To their amazement the ground
floor was unoccupied save for a little
girl of five, who looked up into their
faces with a smile of happy
She had been playing with her
doll and evidently thought that the
heavy firing bail been an odd new.
game which the had
been having especially for her
amusement. As the big blue eyed
sergeant caught her in his arms
kissed her the asked, with an
air of disappointment, why they
stopped the
Through the terrible death wrestle
of two mighty nations this happy
little house mother had been pleas-
absorbed in family cares. The
wrath of the savagery of an-
race hatreds, were things
could understand, even the
of lire and lead had seemed
to her but such strange elemental
music the wren in its nest hears
when a thunder shower sweeps over
A ladder led to the upper floor of
the farmhouse, and when the con-
ascended they found among
the wreckage of shattered roof and
crumbling walls the rest of tho gar-
more than nine in all
lying dead. Reside them lay the
mother of the child with a
still clutched in her band.
What H. Bought.
A man in Montclair, N. J., re-
bought a bull pup whoso list
of recommendations was as long us
the pedigree received from the dog
fancier. The was lonesome in
his new and raised a
melancholy make it gen-
understood. Four times
the night tho owner was roused
from his sweet suburban sleep to
quiet and console that bull pup. lie
had conic to believe that the animal
was reconciled, and the pup did be-
have very well the following day,
his owner, who really can sing,
started to entertain some guests
with a solo. The pup promptly be-
gun to howl most dismally.
said the man with intense
disgust, bought you for a dog,
not mi Mag-
Not tho Man.
Colonel Mike Donahue of tho
Tenth New Hampshire was some-
what fond of drink. After the war
the Tenth, wishing bis picture, com-
missioned an artist to do the job.
After the painting was finished, tho
artist, according to the Boston Her-
seeing one of the veterans of tho
Tenth, an Irishman, called him in
to ask his opinion of the picture.
The old Irishman walked up to tho
easel, scrutinized the picture, and
was about to put bis hand on tho
canvas when tho cried
Don't touch it Don't touch
It's not
Not shouted
it's Mike
of Carolina, of Pitt,
t, R. Cobb, Cashier of the above named bank, solemnly
the . lS true to the b I
It. J. CO I ., V r.
I re Correct Ml
ii d j X . f
s . lie. ii A. VI BITE
It. O. U
The Reflector
Is Road By Everybody in reach, and
it roaches people money to pay what they want.
Ii what watt advertise it and yen
apart of their money.
An Odd Wager.
A queer is one popularly
believed to have been won by Sir
Waller Haled i from Queen Eliza-
beth, on tho question of
how much i col led in a
of tobacco, A I
article wad weighed, burned and
then weighed in and the
was held i i
settled by determining it
of the smoke t of i lie
o I . ire Ii mi I, m ii is
the ashes. i I the i
mi i
i lion en of
i by
ll ill
. tin id .
mi n f i i n v-
i i in
o bur. h in a which
. One
I i it . r I
e, him, w i en I . ; there
was a Ii in h. lie i ;
i to ii in
n in mi v he k in
the church, look n start-
ed down I lit to tho
leak, evidently thinking of the base-
cs tho of the good ship
Zion. The captain him elf tells
story with much apparent enjoy-
of its humor.
. ,
. .
Slang and Way, of
New boys at must at
learn the school etiquette and tin
long list of slang words peculiar
According to ancient custom, the
new boys have a
they begin their duties as
During time the budding
has no small task to ac-
He must of all mas-
more than words, meaning-
less to i he outside world, but
common use
Among many slang words the
following are some of the most cu-
Dry boy who
Wet boy who boats.
Greek composition.
large room in col-
divided into or cubicles
by the
bed and the Wall, where dirty clothe-
kept bidden by a curtain.
Threepenny when
very in hall is presented
with ii threepenny bit.
Fire boys in chamber
who have to keep up the tire.
Dead Man's little
square hole formed by the steps on
a fives court.
Pepper buttress of s
fives court.
usual name for a col-
e., a boy with u scholar-
An acquaintance with the
shops of must also lie acquired,
for as soon as the fortnight is
the new boy, in his capacity as a
fag, may lie sent on an errand in the
indeed, it will be of
duty to fetch his hot
food from one of the school shops.
This in itself is not so easy as
sounds, and the sooner a new
learns his way to the kitchens
and gentle art of worming
among a crowd to a position when
he can get what he Wants the
for that boy.
In addition to this he must on
account forget Io observe the fol-
lowing essential points of etiquette
To turn up the bottom of hit
To keep the bottom button of hi;
waistcoat unbuttoned.
Never to roll up bis umbrella.
Never to turn down die collar j
his greatcoat.
Always to walk on the right
pavement when going downtown i
i. e., inward Windsor.
The new boy's greatest ambition
is to become u member of
This society, which consists of
possesses and ex j
a of privileges. A
boy in may fag any
boy of any house, may walk arm
arm in the streets, may sit on tin
long wall outside the lit
has also n room reserved for
at Little the confectioner
As regards costume, a member
wear a buttonhole, pat-
leather boots and any ;
Did you the ugly
creamy, mad rock which
hi ; i ii,
a perfect i
above name a-ill take
notice Ilia entitled above
in the
Pitt County t obtain a
from the of matrimony
j between plat n-
and defendant, on
and will
he is required
at next Win of Bu-
Court of aid u lie bold
mi before fl-i
Monday in it 16th
of January, and or
to said action,
or plaintiff will
for the relief demanded in
This day of October.
D. C MOORE, Clark superior
I. k. Pit-
of James C Cobb,
issued to by the
Clerk of Superior Court of Pit
county, and a
executors of and
of the C. is
to all holding
aid to
to the for payment,
On o r l- the
iv of I or no-
, be plead ii o . i.
. v ll i or ll
o make
is, , . ,
ft. J.
Kn in-i of U-f
i-. A Alton,.
In ; Court
Having this day as executor liar Cousins
of last will and testament of Moses vs
Ty ii deceased, before D. C. Moore, ill
the Tho defendant above will
iv. to all notice that an as
to lbs of in
to make air Court of Pitt County to obtain
to the undersigned executor, no- a divorce from the bond of
la given to all fore
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt made in the ease
of R I May and K H May j k
and wife.
the undersigned sell for
rash before the house door in
on Saturday
the tract of
situate in the county of Pit and In
Township the
of Mrs. Arthur Folios. Jerry
Move land and the
Greene lino
and Moe
land i- sold for
y ft r,
, said i-ii.
lie the same with the ex-
properly within
i- . ii . the or
be La bar of
This toe day
L .
of the
F. C. Marc ii ,,
virtue of the of
Hi t diva
by J. R. and wife
to P. C, JAmes. one dab-d
April 11th, and recorded In Cook
X the dated 4th day
of may duly recorded in the
of Dead office Pitt
North Carolina, In Book E
the will expose t
before the door in
to the highest bidder on
tract or of lying and
in the county of Pitt and Slat., of
Carolina as follows, to
That tract of land in town-
ship James
Of the Bald J. It now
toe lands of Jesse Haddock,
and other, to satisfy said
Terms of cash. This
day Nov. 1806.
plaint and on th
of the defendant
will fin-her take not iv lie la re-
to a the of
Superior Court of said to
be on the .
March, it being
tho day of and
or demur to the complaint .
said will
ply to the for th
in said
day of
L. C. i
I. A. Atty fur Pit.
The Clerk the Superior Court, of
I county,
i n., i .
-lay of on tie
of Minnie
is n to ll persons
indebted U the to
Io the and
sent their
to Twelve
Mouths after the of
or this . . las la bar of
Tb s
S M e,
on tax- Bats of .
Isaac A. SC,
North I
Pitt County.
One three farm n; two
mill necessary out build
South East on the
Road Via Vise Pork
Have also to rent r lease
horse farm, or- will suit lite
renter in smaller containing
eight tenant house
and pack all under fence
rounded with ten
tine stock ranges for sheep and
cattle. Situated on tho Dover
R R. South
ma healthy section t
Apply, to II- v r
duly toe
Superior Court of Pitt
at of the last will and
of th lark,
notice Is hereby to all
to the estate to make
date payment to and
estate must present the for pay-
on or the Slat day of
or Ibis notice will plead
in bar of recovery.
This 31st day of Oct 1908.
C. P.
Buy a pair of at
or every button that
comes off during th; first two of wear
we will pay you Ten Cents. If they rip at wait
band, we will pay you Fifty Gents. If they rip
in the seat or elsewhere, will you One
We stand back of every pair of TROUSERS.
with this and the makers are back of us.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Skinner. Harry Skinner. Jr
H. W.
Room and
We hereby that we have
j with us, In the of
Law, Mr. oner. Jr.
i , a- here-
ii . I Una,
. . .
i- v.
Review of Reviews
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
time being at In ml n you will want
or mules to your needs the coming season we solicit your
We have SALE at Greenville
we will carry full stock of GOOD and If
during the Como to r-e.- us and e will show
that it is a saving for you to trade with us, for we get our
stock direct fr the stock farms, thereby saving you the prof-
its that the middle dealers have to and yon save
from us. It would not take of your time
pay us a and get familiar with our methods of doing
business as we feel that it would result in making you a per-
customer, and we are sure can make it benefit you
for so doing. We are prepared to suit your needs and what is
more we guarantee satisfaction.
Winslow Mills,
Horses and Mules. Sales Stables. and
v I
. hot of tin
kind mid are pi
; iv. The word
and i.- applied Io
hollow stones which wit
v- When broker
to lie full ill
pure looking, clear water. Other
appear to lull of yellow or brown
paint, third class are filled
with what appears to be s very fail
quality of No odds what th
filling of he cavity may
of, the arc always
with crystals. Should the Riling bl
yellow the crystals likely to b
of the color, but fur the
greater portion of them are as
us ice or diamonds.
A . -i n
r r
tilt Cl
in I
to lot
order t
of paid In
Everything want in the way of
nice Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
. , tiers
,, M
I v.-
the full
Hard war
reduction in
i n
. r. subscribers.
Don't Neglect This
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
fiction and
Ha Won tho Trick.
A man who started with s
friend on u week's automobile
away two weeks. When final-
got hack to town, he
Ilia wife received tins or prefer
What he dreaded was publication, bat the Review
a.; s Sub-
o glad to be hack here with you.
he said, I pity American and
Poor old is . . . ,
n-. 1.1. men are ti keep up
matter with asked i
sharply. pour said times and they are
her husband, this moment his
wife is giving him the very
And that wily speech him oil.
Valuable Medicine.
want thank you
your valuable
did n
doctor, very much pleased.
helped me
ninny hollies did you
it to
I like of It,
i and am hit
take the shortest cut which
the Review of
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for
With the recent oh if owner
ship it has Improved. is
far better in every and
In be the beat
Every year or an
advance in forward
movement tin
twines. year it is the t
Woman's Home Companion
i for ever
cultured, I
and n
R J a.
of the
bright earnest,
the fathers and
join in
fireside; children
the pages Mint
The American is the leading Agricultural paper and pertain
to live stock and poultry Every farmer should it
you get all papers TE i year tot or
o-it Bl a year
all tour
Tor C
I eaters Pump,
Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two floras
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters
Stuff In fact anything
In Hardware come to
J F.
Livery, Sale
; Feed Stables
Greenville, N. C.
pleasure drives, or to take pas-
Near Five
to points.
Good Drive and Work and Mules fur sale. I buy
them in large numbers and can sell as low as any dealer, either
for Cash or on Time,
When you are in town and want, your horse and
properly cared for, put at my stables.

. . , . at Greenville. C, m class matter,
upon application.
at every post i in Pitt and adjoining
in U
.- . . v
N. C. Toe. Nov.
t . ;.,. i , Turkey struts around ill
. . t ball than ever, of the fad t it i n
. i i . . .
We want to see
all they cm their
ill are i
lie farmer in for a I f fun over
will the postmaster,
there is danger in Ii
While Mr II
Mr not
him me .,
, . . what killed the
at Annapolis after a
i die.
The card in this paper
from S. T. White shows that be
readily accepts the to
open his property in South Green
ville for residential purposes. It is
a piece property and no
better location for good homes. We
exp ct to see Greenville move
along that way.
is as important to educate
the as is Some-
times i is with
the ignorance displayed by
pr It lay be a
estimate to say that more than
half the people
that in life work they are con-
hampered by their ignorance
A person never gets too old to learn.
In illiteracy in the Southern States
Louisiana occupies the top f the
column with per cent
i . I this list
Durham Sun.
Si 11-11. Ilium
a of on ii cheap
a . , , u ,,. .,,,. then ,
while have to
lid I
. i f I should cause them s warning to the of tit-
T ,. in to to
it . i
ii tint the
talk i . . I ill
not of words
Mark X year is t in; to
i i ii ,;. .; e in the Ins
i i i i We feel it, so
in advance.
We wonder if the
p . given the German
r such a hearty
had they known what was the
cause of her presence n American
The Chicago woman who burned
because she thought hi r
husband married her for in and
then later applied to court I
ought to have been told to
go out and scramble for herself.
Instead of the two new Republican
papers, recently started in Greens-
building up u respectable He
publican party in North Carolina.
they bid fair to further increase th
dissension already existing in the
party ranks. The greatest trouble
with the Republican is that
there are not enough offices for all
get in.
was i o mu for many
sail .- i tone over with
United Heel that accompanied
Prince i. u- his trip to America.
i the I was ready
Bail l hum.-, i h the
ail who had been given h
leave tailed return to the ships,
Some of them lost i air uniforms and
in on the
An I y . hi
value a kiss She .
suit a young man for
i i i i stealing
a t ire getting
the state selling they
nil rm in grafted fruit trees
against the . of in-
and I straw-
The fruit trees, he says
are with it and the
are inferior, or i
II . i u s
to these a; Us
It is I that v i i i
n i use for a in
had a julep mist
some mistake.
I ;. New V . . a It
.; i
hours irk I
how e a .; i ; when
ii a eh nice it it.
Can tell u part
he aside himself
I if to one
is the i in His
success recent
a has ma him the most
in . in i i I
in the States He
i , i I
are they Is his the Jerome
. rm for
j., sometime change th
people, am
l are ii is well to
do so This should be the case
one his opinion of another
is wrong Col. Henry Watterson is
quoted recently as saying
dent is of
brotherhood At a in
New York last year with Col. Wat
a- i of the s
we heard him refer i
Roosevelt as line a gentleman as
ever scuttled a ship.
People i.
Dot; P
I or demon
a i
. I the He
en to . i I the spot, in
at;. . Andrew Jack-
u .
the H
J hi have taken from the
Stale a long . charge
to know, too,
that jar of 17-year-old that they do intend to stop with
n spot The
ii . ah in time I H n I
, , . of ground, will be c i,
in i pat ii. the
i ; intent will erected. The ac-
ts b I
in opposition to
J ads, I
kind go
. tic I lay
Id -i i i ;
I on as to ;.
i marked
.. the proof
d I spot.
. id
A Chicago man i
to Satan. Kn i
the Id
ad, .
i -a in. ii . .
represent him
the i
ramble I t e, I
N. C, November
Ir. Edwin is in Nashville,
Tom., as a delegate Trinity
the Association of Colleges nod I'm
Echo of which Trinity is
a member. He is also on the
gramme of the Southern Educational
Association which meets at the same
time in Nashville deliver an ad
dress before organization.
The committee of faculty on
public has arranged for a
of lei to he delivered
college by members
i invited speakers.
A. i. , i ail ate.
will deliver a lecture in ibis aeries
early in December.
I, Grissom, of Greens-
presented to the Trinity
library a handsomely bound
volume of his new book of I
Methodism in X, rib
This b is the volume of
work it was designed especially
for the library. Mr. is an
alumnus college and
. ids an- gratified
reception which his book
has received. The second
yet come from the press.
President is now South
Carolina. On last Sunday he
J church at and
lime has been visiting
He is expected home
i in of week.
. A has
pi board j
tors the Watts hospital.
L. E.
Good Under-
wear is a hobby
of ours. a
s u e c t very
close to our
That's why you
will find every
is ready from the finest made down to
splendid values in medium grades.
Underwear of Natural Wool, Fleeced
lined, Camel's Hair, etc., etc.
Ever seen our Cashmere Underwear
in colors
Natural Wool Underwear is certainly the
Never mind your size-we've provided for
you. Long, short, thick or thin, come here
for your Underwear.
. n issues i
nip the
n for the insane U ill
. to the i Heel i
s must I u on v turn
enough El b as,
I n h
i or i . for all
in iii n
jails in ins counties. He
also sheriffs in all
counties instructing them to in
lie . i to the
the or st ho
; all n i i
live c in ii i id in the i vent th i ad
mission of any is refused he will
the -e.
j a year, in I
i I. this i
necessary be
in in I
. I I . .
I . .
May; ii will do I h
pay the lay after, you
ii me lime, an i fork
; and be d me w
I I . the f ml- the Kilns There
Several who I
-v,,. a party in Chatham county i,,;,,., , ,
quite a number of n
young gathered. A young have I mil
man, need years, had no more
sense than to pick up an old gun the money.
and begin fooling with it The
result was he shut a young lady
the heart and killed her.
There ought to be a stringent law
with a severe penalty for fooling
with a gun- goes too cheap
when a person is killed this way and
the fool who commits the act is ex
because he know it
and the mi i
Jim Robinson, i
ought to be tied in i
of a big baked gobbler on
giving day, and kept t i. d until din
is over. Just look at what
got off in his paper a few days
November style of turkey
dressing is not cut
f I lie in i
. .
. than a
i I building
. . .
i lid on March
es, as the
. a, n .
. . r that is to
t it can be
. .
I . I
i of the i
I of
i, notably the
instance of de Island but
n resulted that the rule of ex
tending the courtesy to the
of governors will hardly be
broken again.
Mr. Duke can i
. ice of to-
rob the
can i to be I
,. ;,. , ,;. v I i an Is
e i and Mr.
. r old feeble will be
the balance his
11- s not to infirm to do
to pay tin . c d in
; his good .
and Observer.
ft id
Greenville, C
OF S, NOV. 1905.
Scientists are still telling us that
rears I canals upon Mars
both ii just
a is there an n r mils
Pa Atlanta Journal.
and r b
they want an boil in the
ti V Mi have en
I en them.
idling the church quicker
than a t-1 ad l sermon.
at cents each,
Carolina Club
Loan m n
C h in-
Gulf coin
Silver coin
Nat, U B
I stock pd
In I
North Carolina,
County Pitt.
I, J. It. Davis, Cashier hank, do solemn-
swear hat the statement is true to the my
knowledge belief.
Bi d i to be
fore me, this Bot-
J. V.
J R,
W. J
B. L.
Is Read By Everybody in rah.
to tH they
what they v
get a part
This la J. H. who is f rep-
the Reflector in avid territory.
f i, ; we are V t ii.,. .,
rig for there plenty ml
and boots, e . , H r
w a
B. G.
,., ear load l lime
Holt alarm
. I m lee ft. O.
Chap a
tax are now
op,. thee
all come
C H. Smith, collector.
of fail and Winter,
ii mm
S ; .
. i-
j. H
I in
,. mu
are new in.
fore y bey. A-
VT. t
Another large of
all -vies and
unable. Harrington
for the unman
Sue for perfectly
b,. iced,
it. by
For nice apples,
and ante go to
H. L.
sure to conic to lb
night lo he given
by the Vance Literary in
the school chapel.
The A. G. COS Oft, are
getting no many for
and bodies, that
started a plant for purpose
seal they
are continually their
bum liens.
Nice of fr-h
ways on hand Barber
I v
tor, 1511 I
The A. ; c .
by tut- car load.
Shoes arc arriving
Ange sure
their prices before you boy .
If you a bargain pa
go to A. W. Ante Co. ate
gelling out id per out now., ,. .
Best children H,
L. Johnson's.
B r, Cox Several new houses are being
the nice built
. ,,. . ., on the public aw-tn my b
at A W ft Co
want a Tar el cart
bad better about getting
once A. Co
ship elsewhere.
The A G. Cox Mfg Co.
a mile of peril
fence lo one om
They some
If l . d
White's Colic and Cure,
the combination kid u-j
for stock an; cm
a Di
hay, I
Barber Co to
H u in ion
have I
ever brought
t H. T
. i., r desk were
y, ill,
. of
be on bad
ca j A W
tie. B
I stock food
h a id n
R A On.
box House.
Nice of in tits at H T,,
i a
Shoes hoes ft. G. His. ,, ,. B.
Co., are offering cut price on
their large stock which
must be sold a low days in
order to make room for their new; ;.
and c
Mis Nellie
. ,,,
Bi line of bars and just
A nice lot of bats and caps just
at A. W. Ange Co.
be sure to see
Go to m S Co.
Be sure n see the nice Lot
A-furniture A. W. Ange
h received before you
I i
and s a i- R .
. in
dual Co.
Let as set y- matter of
The process for water-
a and every
treated to bean their name,
and when in stamp
n overcoat is s label of Wilkinson the
combination Is one not only a waterproof
overcoat, but also an fine
lo-ks of and distinguish the
Clothing people sort.
A New LI
I .
j.,. d ear load flour,
i r .- C .
new have c- F. G. G Go . I
rooms for spring term Those .
Already and still the come
on i. me same delivered Fr
Carmen are part of Ayden or I
your up- and . in
. when you
I II I V . . ,
. .; , . .
. . k gS
C- i
ii v y either,
Co j- ; .
More in p the
.;. ., he -i. ms ;.
, i-
i n y i
ii- ,.
Woolen Goods in all
shoes Justus much
and our own design-
ire ii copied by
first ion, but
for alone.
to a shoe, and in
. the v. Q. Mfg. Co-
Nice, ; I .,.
A G h
oar of r-
. . , ; your
j, .;. . . lam
. u can time J.
,,., j I ii ,, , ,,;. .
Oil Mill.
W . is via
. A.
I -ii-,
n ion's .
i ll
are lice.
. pd no and Kai
Ange C.
i i . . and ex
ti his line of Hosiery nil
Misses Ladles and Gents.
A. W. Ange ft Co., have
rec lot of hoes. Be
, Bee them bi his
For b . tin in ; ml lo H.
;. P. . . Bro. have . fall line
if school ,
itch A ii I
ire, b
chalk, crayons, school bags and
straps. Dome i
they before bringing else
Nice line fresh .-ti
Always I I. L. I
I Ill V Kill. .
, and bottle of Kid- fiX Guardian,
b e, ., . . ii
, In the
,. lire , n. .
X i i .
In i t
. ; ,,., .
ft Co. Una, h mi ;
N. w Tl mi
If yon our to look land upon which
and last Ion I,
who represents the i ma fur partition. Th th
steam laundry.
. .,
If in want runner all winter
. j . North
el of those it County
W are Cheap. B Williams, J. B. N, w
town call ts see mo I and Joseph
J. O. Williams.
By ii leers
slater day of
run livery
stables. W Li.
, , r Sic. on I
lot men ad l ii. U. in
son's. -e. will I
of December, expose to
A line of re at the court house door In Green
, , n . ., to bidder fOr
by i. C . parcel land to wit
Lying and In II
Be sure nut t. forget rat Pitt county, North Carolina, ad-
a the land of t. T.
a w Allen, Thomas N
a., w. others,
,,. or loss, and known as
of Buggy the land on m, ,.
are Bads sides the road. I i. . , , In
This is made for hour I i day of Ms
of sale W o'clock M.
This the November 1908 I .
C. C. f
. ,
. . .
H ii V
a I
. a v . hi . .
f I M l .
. Oil l
. I
the n thin i-r v
U. Mid
i t . t k ,. Unit if
I p. Ii stud
. i id
. it. tho
r,, ;
much t I r
nay Life p ams
nil s for ruby
-r cent.
. W-
Pioneer n Greenville of H
Insurance. go on your
Phone No.
N. C
by she A. . C .
A full u-
es, if at i
Send your to inc. I best finish
and work Semi a trial order to
W. H. Photo-Artist,

It Wee Fatal the Willing
Boy, but Ha Survived.
A man in lower Broad-
way ii a on joker of the most
rabid description. A fear days
youth of about fifteen walked into
hi-- place, which is a wholesale atone,
looked around curiously p-
. the proprietor.
a lie inquired.
wild the ho was
the doorway to
pi pipe
it you got a boy
of the of
Slavery Found on All So.
Evidences of the of
in the time of
an- abundant on ail aide
in The a
of trained fighting,
mid tome of the
for to .-
ere. Her i.- the translation of an
pa on a nail
pairs of gladiator, paid
by Lucretius Va-
prince in the time of Nero.
ion of will light at
Hannah Plant, of little
Ark . the I B feast
It eared
my tearful running sores, which
nothing else would heal, Mai
which I baa suffered tor
It is a marvelous healer for for
cut, hums wounds.
a J L stare.
Patience puncture many a
looking obstacle.
will be a proper hunting J.
and the awnings will be,
The i k the pipe from hie I on the 11th, 13th and
a about. of ApriL
I g j hi could sweep up tin-
Mad the boy. He hustled
Into I of the -tore, got i
i iii about fifteen minutes
bad I r i as that of a j
v he inquired in
sort of nay.
L. loaves
at a. m. be Greenville; leaves
at a, for
at Washington with
Norfolk tor
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia.
gear York. Boston and nil other
North. a Norfolk
with all point West.
Shippers should order
care Norfolk
Written by
i . writer of inscriptions. Wrote
The barracks were am-
pie fir the housing of or 3.000
men, and it is a matter of record
that least were engaged at
Mid lite man, gazing tar or com
, the hat- which over a long
festival. actors in
boy looked at him. sports were
gen. red in bis face and failed, from various of Europe or
away, to into disappoint- Africa.
one picture fades into an- ; museum is a bronze
other with s dissolving view j winch worn
of a man whose
he said finally, lie ,,, m M cellar.
over to where lie had on ,. collar are engraved Latin
hi and real and put them -1 a slave. Arrest
on. He glanced up st the man bops- j me I running
; out. The man. , n, help thinking while
at this and cruel
street. boy looked for s dress that
i n- he walked was the poor wretch
who wore it have been one of
A Calamity
is a disastrous
yon Use n, health, because ind tag .
have sap A .
Prompt relief
be had in Dr New lit
they up
and core headache,
colic. etc.
Guaranteed at J L
is sure to him who
fear failure.
often as great as woman's,
the blond baited
brought home by Julius
to his triumph
before Pompeii
beneath its pall of lava and ashes.
In the museum, Cairo,
one may look upon the black and
do-, ii the sin el. There
. the corner and
turned to ii A moment
later n bid on his
lie turned to face one of
man says here's a dollar
for and stop reading story
lie n id. the joker face that
The I o; , laced dollar in his know the Pharaoh of
j- i face brightened. the of other
It's n long said, kings, priest, and people
tell I lie old for i th it hit common enough. These primeval
conn men, who fur antedated Pompeii
I whistled cheerily .,. in our
he walked ii way. York Press, But Pompeii presents tho
picture of an entire city resurrected
The Bulgarian g j u
lines of life means of pleasure,
Austin, the
of Lea van worth,
was when he
the doctors loop
on hie wife, far
he says
eluded to try Bitters. My
wife was then as sick, she could
hardly leave her bed. and five
physicians had tailed to
her. After taking Electric
she was cured, and can
perform all her household
by J. L.
sailing hours to
without notice.
T. H. Agent. Washing-
ton, X. O.
I. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, aT. C.
II. General T. and
f. Norfolk. Va
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private to New York
Chicago and Orleans.
p. R. L.
N. C.
No man is utterly lost long as any-
one loves him.
In a it
the floors are of mud. The kit
fronting the street, the ;
room. He d there i a
i. ii bedstead in it for tin
head of the house, while
and ugh tern sleep upon mats
stretched on the floor. The
i i insists wooden
I and chests. crockery
and household utensils of every sort
seem of the and coarsest
kind. I should doubt if there is a
house In the whole village in
which English laborer or artisan
earning good wages would not diem
it a hardship to obliged to live.
the time there was no
dwelling which, given the habits and
custom- of the country, could
fairly as unlit for human
Ii . Peasant
Willing to Abolish It,
Mi . a well
i I
I .
Son Lot Mother
runs in our fain
and through it lost my Moth
write K. If. Bald, of
We. For the past live year.
ever, on the slightest sign
ii Cough cold or gold, I have taken
for e n
Few Discovery
comfort, vice . h ,
. I . , in,
Tin- life is out for- J
ever, but the i re-
ml of human in-
frailty. Exchange.
Flea Escapes
One of tin m
asked east side lad what fire es
Capes wore intended for.
sleep promptly replied
the lad.
d to to-
from His
mother's death for
Mr. Held, but he that long
trouble must not neglected,
and how to cure It. re
Ii. f cure for
Price and lit at
J. L. Druggist. Trim
bottle free.
on, to clothe
to Ii . .
guys on
de cop from and
Milt the Settle
with uplift
York I
. to
. de
There i no gaining love without
giving it.
Secretary of J. Bryan
Grimes will speak at Snow Hill
Your Heart
is too Jo,
too fast, U a
yam hare shortness
breath, hungry
t choking
and t hurt
U her any those
oar U weak
cannot get
Dr. Heart Curs
weak hearts, and
rarely eye to cure
it, and
you will find
1st, I
down with and drop; y.
grew worse. I
my that
wan My
had ma up lo die. My
and body were swollen to one-
normal and
had around my heart.
least three months I had to alt
propped up In bed to keep from
I for five of Dr.
by the lime I
bad taken all I was entirely
cured. I feel better than I have for
years, and I am to do
kind of work on my farm. My
me that If it
hadn't for Dr. allies Heart
would now be In my
U T. Ky.
Or. Heart Is sold by
Sour druggist, who will that
i first will benefit. If It fall
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
To Publishers
and Printers
have an
process, on which patent.
are pending. we
can reface old Col
and Head
and thicker, and make
them fully as good a now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot
My Friend. k Worth leading
Yea Stop and Sec
it Wonderful
Greensboro. N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very had case of eczema, which
covered a treat part of her body.
Che had from
the time she was three old.
until was years oW. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
I highly of
it hats not had a of
it tr i ally,
Smoker say the cigar
is the cent smoke in town.
You find them at Reflector Book
Column and Head
Mules length
defacing L. S. and
Head Ruled i Inches In
nor lb-
A sample of
sent on
I . el
. tin
. in to In- neon
I he
per, i .
the lie
. ,.
me i
D. W.
i i; a i. i k
And Provisions
Printers Supply Co
of Type ind
Grade Material
n. street.
By virtue of the power and authority
vested Will and tea-
lame we will,
on 1905. before
the en art House dour in the town of
Greenville, sell at public sale, lo tho
highest bidder, the following tracts or
parcels of land situate in Beaver Dam
township. to wit,
A tract adjoining the lands of J.
H. Joyner. the Harris tract, W H
Smith tract and others, and known s
a part of contain-
acres, more or less,
A tract adjoining the lands of J S
Harris. Smith laud and Others, con-
acres, more or less, and
known as the Harris Land,
A tract adjoining the lands of the
Isle w. T. Harris, the Smith land and
others containing acres, more or
less, and known as a part of Old
Jesse Smith
A tract adjoining the lands of the
late James C Ivey Smith and
others, containing acres, more or
less, and known as a part of w II
A tract adjoining the lands of s
Norman, Smith, II V Crawford and
there, known as Tyson
more or
less, and to the l
Terms cash
Executors the last will and
of . Cobb
To the Cotton
Men Mt County.
You are i
a meeting in each township
Saturday In n
P. U. to from
two to live to attend u
meeting to be held
hi the
r .
.-, h i. ti
. to v
-h to the
A City Built In n R .
At the time the French
palace exposition n
u i s
in u he built
a perfect plan of the city in WORK
Greenville, N. C
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
If you are too fat It la your food
turns to fat of
If you too loan the fat producing food
that you eat are not properly
Lean, thin, do not have
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people too much Pepsin and not
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the digestive juices that are
found in a healthy stomach, and in
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
eaten. is not only a perfect
but it is a tis-
sue building tonic well. cures
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
. Heartburn. of Heart and
Constipation. You will like it
Digests What You Eat
Not Quite I
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
la all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box lines not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
S J. P,
. --r .-.
i . . . i
etc, powerful micro-
loops was used i
city, and it is
people look poop at the result.-
i Etch these
hi . , deposited a franc
piece in i hand the
i ii, o of the cash
i him u little
It Was Enough.
For I list had keen the best
i , . . n i moment's absent-
in-, was Mrs.
lira, Brumley had
bet -1 fur ii month, and was tailing
her friend all about it.
Mrs. she
very ill. They were afraid of
my losing my
and did you, Mrs.
asked Mrs. with
dial interest.
That was alL
Iron Fencing Sold
if called the
of the cotton I
In Pitt and to
select to the
Una Cotton which When yon get the best fountain
In the pen it u g Parker. Nice
in the 3rd. at Book
organizations will
n outlined by .,, i
will all
President, and Treasurer. i;
The Southern Cotton
is now u
factor protecting the cotton
growers Interest and In
prices of the staple on paying
basil, and trust all who are
will meet and give its
B. Ci
President Pit I Dial
North Carolina Cotton
r i ii n
J V. CO.
Norfolk. Va.
Bagging, Ibis.
and shipments
Many People
Without V
a your office
Rents the stomach,
tissues and firm flesh.
M Mat
m La-
1st I will be ;
pared to furnish private con-
to and depot for
ions in town
eh person The will
then only run hotels lo
depot mid wharf and fine on
will also lie I
W. J. I
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford
For Rates
Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fen rings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and
All Work Tools.
raT A ran f
and we lake
treat plea-are Ht eases, at J. H. A Bro.
; ft re re
tn We a H new
of all who receive mail st
We are informed that Dr. C. A.
a few from here, had
n attack of paralysis Wednesday
is in a very critical condition.
of Kin-ton. has
been here during week
Mrs. W. L. House, of Winter-
ville, after a very pleasant visit to
Mrs, W. B. Alexander, has gone
Tuesday while H. B. Smith was
bis hand in the
this We orders
for job
shoes are the best. t
pair sold
W. Jackson Co. con t id this
line for Ayden.
Our rugs art squares are
finer thou the finest, Cannon and
J. our is
now buck again from the
Optical College, where ha
graduated la a special course in ;
the science of opt ready to
better service than before
to those suffer from weak eyes
and in of glasses.
We are receiving daily
and fancy groceries, also a nice
line of cigar
everything kept In a etas
grocery. J. H. Bro.
Bed steads,
and wash
d re tables a J R
A Bro
just the
graduating an a
the eye, science
of optics, I feel
pared to
of that
can with glasses. I
take any ease of weak o eye
train, doll hurting,
or itching eyes, at eyes
bad or row a
to relieve Ike trouble
and give entire satisfaction so the
patient or not charge The
largest per cent, of ail chronic
headaches and
from errors of refraction and eye
train. It is to pro
when eyes call tit
assistance. Glasses are the only
remedy for errors of refraction
weak eyes. Any style or form of
glasses given desired. As good
references as are in the county
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, Ref. D.
Cannon and Tyson your
attention to their ctr load of stoves
and heaters.
. We your attention to out
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss for
,, Buy your furniture of Gannon
and Tyson, they the best and
W. C. Jackson showing
the most complete line of
yo and suit's ever
shown in the town of Ayden.
in them a trial, They sure that
they can pi up you us the style
and quality.
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of goods and
Shoes in
Calico and u at t cents
per yard, great redactions la white
slippers Bummer goods, J,
K. Smith Bro.
confectioneries right from the far- some and badly The
The freshest loaf bread right
from the oven at A
For carpenters grind stones
hemp rope pulleys, at J. R.
Smith Bro
Hay corn, oats, la Is, lime
windows lock bins-era nails Cross
cut mid mechanic tools
K Bro
If you Deed the way
of Tin or Grey stone ware
some to see us, Hart Jenkins.
t ti a in and bones were
crushed. Mr. Smith over to
have Dr. Dixon
and we were bald he
D. G. up from down
the road Wednesday.
Charlie Ewell, a most excellent
young man, died at home one
mile from Tuesday slid
at J was buried Bid. K.
T. Phillips burial
Mr. died of that
disease, He
leaves a wife child.
A glass
ware. and tinware
at J R h Bro
H. Daft Co's new
rad Bab.
Par saw
to E. R
load for sale by
PA Bro.
I at,
he aN brass as if yon
hour go
We are glad to learn that George
who ha
ill for the past months
is so much improved he spent the
day at a last
Sunday. We are also pleased to
know Robert is very
much able to be about
the house.
Dane Cooper, of
was here yesterday.
Plato Collins, of Grand
Master; B. H.
Secretary and T. W, Briggs, of
Raleigh, were here
night celebrating with the Odd
Our excellent jeweler, J. W.
Taylor, has been to his
borne for the past several days
quite We nope soon to have
the pleasure of seeing him at his
place of business.
Thirty nine on the naked
backs the who cut off
the electric current the night so
prominent visitors were
here would be a dose barely
we take it, to convince
of their if properly
applied it at least be a part
what they deserve.
B. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
a lull line of meat, lard
goods. Don't buy before giving
me ii trial. Lilly.
Hart Jenkins
smoking is O. K.
1st I will
business Ayden, must
sell my stock dry
Highest prices paid for chickens goods notions,
We New Sew-
on easy terms, J. B.
Tare o. Ban.
A big Overalls,
the best line of pants
for on the market at
J. R. Smith A Bro.
the Cox cotton planter the
beet on the market at J. R. Smith
A Bro.
Oranges, apples, bananas and all
Old Fashion Hand-made
Paw Gum Bread Trays at
Smith Bro.
J. R.
Our line of Groceries Con-
is complete. Call and
see us. J. H. Tripp A Bro.
and eggs all country produce
by J. H. Tripp Bro.
Call on Hart is fur a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be
Latest styles in cloak and wrap
for Misses Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
See our line of Indies and
cloaks. J. It.
Buy one of our
Hats. Sold under a guarantee.
J. R. Turnage. I
Come to see Hart Jenkins
when you need to dress
your feet, we can save you money
and something to fit the
hot, We carry the nicest and best
boys and clothing, pants
groceries I alter thing
at cost. All I ask is to come and
see, what I have to offer., Will
sell all, or ii of rout or
to will see the
prices. Tears
J. F.
A frill line tel-
satchels, lined
and suits oases at J R -v Bro
Felt Mattress at Can-
non A Tyson, they have the heft.
attorney general has added
glass front to his
when we can do the same.
I always keep on hand a lull
line feed at lowest cash
prices Such as oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
f 1.1
ale dollars reward will
be paid delivery of
m L. W. Tucker, Sheriff
of Pitt county, If. Description,
mulatto, weigh or
pounds, all around good made
years old, when seen
wore low, crown slouch n
parts hair in middle, lips tolerably
thick; talk clear a id like
fond of ladle-.
31st. 1905 The a Hive
reward in- I I
or Joseph
L. Tyson spent
Mis. Gertrude Bland, of
is visiting Mrs. W. K. Hooks.
J. L received
a Wednesday announcing
the deal h of bis mother, Mi. Mary
A. a Oxford and It on
to be prevent
I In- funeral.
Th- re tree men
iii ins ii trees.
M. not only the
and lie-t ranged store
in bat intends
adding and
appliance to it first in
He already
It of fourth and glades tor
month ending Nov.
May Smith,
Mis. of Vance
and Mrs. Jackson from
the country, have visiting
C. Jackson.
center of the store and this with
smaller lights will make
general appearance very
Dr. Sauls deserves success and lie
gel ii .
in Carbon
with royal glue, visiting
and new line of tablets
Reflector Book Store.
N. w.-sf-
At the of business 19th,
Ran hem
F. S. notes
f to
C. and and
spent in Greenville
Mis es Myrtle Mild
I Gay Saturday and Sum-
day with Miss
Mr and Mrs. T. ii spent
night and Sunday
Mrs Nelson's sister, Mrs Me-
Miss Norms Sal
night with Eva
Harris and Mis-
of Greenville, attended
church at Bethany Sunday,
Mr. John Miss
spent Saturday night at II.
Adrian Dudley
and Cromartie, Greenville,
attended church at Bethany Sunday.
A. C. Caraway and Henry II
son, night Os-
Delia Smith spent Saturday
and Sunday Miss Allie
A. Miss Mollie
Bryan, of Sun lay
with la here.
Hisses Fannie and Valeria Klein-
spent Sunday afternoon with
Miss Tessie
John Kittrell and Miss
Mary spent Sunday afternoon in this
Several from visited
friends in this vicinity Sunday,
Rev. Mr. Pittman, Ayden. as-
Kid. R. I Corbitt during tho
quarterly meeting at Bethany
IS. E. went to Fri-
day and returned Saturday.
Joe Jones and Oscar Moore, of
Washington, was over last week.
I, J. R. the bank, do swear
that the above is true to the beat of my and be-
lief. t J. H Cashier.
Will begin January Looks
the for the
nomination in Georgia has
already been nil these many months,
II it gets any warmer than it has
been we expect to hear that some-
thing has in Georgia
and sworn to before
me, this of Nov. 1905.
Notary Public
J. u
Man Wants Little Here Below
But Wants That Little Good.
make it a rule to the beat quality of
goods, as guild goods always give satisfaction.
have a largo and carefully line of Clothing, and
can lit you with a Snit or Overcoat at the Lowest Bottom Prices.
We soil the i and
many other Popular Brands of shoes.
Try Tin- United States Standard Flour and you will have no
r. we keep a supply on hand.
are agents for Wire Ponce and hare prices right.
fall and examine our goods and prices before you buy.
Our Motto Is, Thirty Six Pence Is Better Than A Slow
Yours Very Respectfully,
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
K. St.
Ayden, N. C.
Preserve buildings by
them with
Sown and County load
full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith ft Bro.
You should -see our line of lace
before buying J. R. Tar-
Spier of
Spring, shipped several hundred
bales of cotton from this point
V. and paper
Pumps with long or short joints
pipe at J. R Smith Bro.
shoe you ever saw.
pair and he convinced.
Dress goods, Broadcloth, Henri
Mohair, cashmere, albatross,
silks, trimmings, lining white
at J R Smith Bro
J. B. Tripp Bro will sell at
, public unction second band sell-
machines to the highest bider
store Saturday December
2nd 1905 it o'clock p, m. J. II,
Tripp Bro. Ayden N. O.
Try a I and ship staff. Frank Lily.
cars cotton need,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see
P. Lilly.
For rage, carpeting,
see line J. R
Fob one desiring to
purchase a valuable tract of land
partly the town Ayden will
do well to see the undersigned at
i once. J. A. Harrington.
At the close of business nth,
Loans discounts 110,151.115
Overdrafts secured
I profits 103.0
I i
iii ii
. lo check
s out
standing i
M. C.
fall to to our big hand sewing machines
sale of hand, Singer which we will sell at polio auction
New Home, Domestic other
standard makes of searing
H o'clock. Saturday December
1905. J. H. Tripp k Bro.
Ayden N.
to the highest bider. Come and
get a high grade machine at your
own price. Saturday December
2nd 1905 at o'clock p. J. H.
Tripp Bro. Ayden N. C.
furniture t
Duo from Banks
iii and silver
National bank
other U, s.
of h sole eon-
in a Deed
by K. A
on the day of Feb.,
duly in
Pitt ; page
The on , the
of Nov., at o'clock,
If., expose to public sale before the
court door in t,.
bidder for owing
real properly to
pared of land situated in Creek
township, North Carolina,
described as i on
the by lands Ms,
on the north by lam Alien
on the east
the west
A G, IS n.
more or less in a
n H
i.- ,
lo I I .
in Ill, ,, .
I, i .
t .
of North Carolina, .--;
I. II. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above is true to the best of my
edge and belief, II II. Taylor, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
fore me, this day of Nov.
Notary Public.
M. O.
I i
i i in
Una, I , ., ,
III m . . ,,.,,.
the dual In Gm ,,
h .- ill run Tl I , i
i a I ; . . . , ,
and being In and
State of and
follows, . Thai or pi
of or south
ti mud
r c. on t. Gertrude
HI and on south, W. Mist
Main north,
jot an sere, sale
P, G. j, c,

a n r
T. ., ., , van male In years. For months and years capital, and enterprise hare con-
tend every a trade triumph that knows no parallel in the annals of commerce. We now lay before you
e rich remit of this long rel i effort.
We balk at no quantity if the quality is standard. A World Marvel Twentieth Retailing
Has n or n i
-i I
not in i
Sensational Clothing.
strong .
V .,.,. , in ., and
shales of brown n I r
tam Infill mi n
e certainly the gravies fa i
g i
ii i, n . . its i -.-. Eta strength is inspected. We near of and get the newest things first.
Carnival of Under
I l ll print-1 are neutral I on patient paper. Our achievements are in our Store
. .,.,;.,,, ,,,. mil . awl . a. h in come early.
Youth and
pr want space these.
hive hand an of patterns, style-
an qualities please the m st las we
guarantee you a and a o bargain.
have now a lot fen pint
suit, worth in allot planed
before yon. A
Surpassing Values,
Mens Extra Pants.
We have now attractive line
ranging in price mid to per pair.
These bargains, every
fine salts, comprising
double i l
tweed mixtures in ill n av
p. ;. I
a sell for Mn
., ,,. Overcoats, Storm Coats, Rain Coats.
till- snits, m
This season's latent mi best BARGAINS, BARGAINS.
Worsted, o in ; We can fit yon in so c yon
t-W. lb;
in North V- ; . vi-a r iv nil my
will enjoy bad weather like sleeping under a tin
roof a rainy night, for per cent less thin
Mens heavy underwear at.
Boys heavy underwear at .
garments on the market. V-are n .
We have pat on sale i -i an sill
They cm. SHOES-for men,
clothing y i ; i
good Calico, per yard
y g i I
Yard wide whits
as- i Outings
ills n- west ll
Best Apron this sale .
Flannel at
Best be i Tick at
Dress Goods.
Best Flannel Waisting now
Best i l Br u w
I n w .
all wool now .
Ladies Goods,
o a lorn Int wit
i .
,. ;
is 511.60
Come in and ask to s-e on
I o an
are tired h i a i
. ,
we is that you sea our new line
buying and you will i talking
advertisement tor
Listen-Mens 1.25 Brogan, now .
Mens patent dress sh ,; 91.98
La lit tips .
v fr, , . styles.
styles j now
good sty es Corsets going now
Ladies lined Underwear
A. i of frank an I Bags at a saving per cents.
The price is only half the story, quality is the rest.
TO CEILING and give wholesale prices.
,. Came to see as take your time and look yon win find what you want
, I and be exchanged or money
and Friday.
Very Interesting Exercises
at Christian Church
Rally Day.
Reported for Reflector,
At church ,
night, a large crowd assembled to I
witness- th exercises of the
tea of the Sunday school, for t
of Belly
This is set apart for the
raising Of money for Home Mis-
y children of the
Sunday school, and it wan
here for the first lime Sunday.
At the close of the Methodist
School Sunday Nov. the
Secretary read the report
for the conference year;
Number officers and teachers
Number on cradle roll
Number on roll Home De-
Total on tolls
Average attendance during the
year .
While this is the largest the
hoot huh over leached, it is but
A Splendid Report of the Church for the Past
Two Years. One Hundred and Sixteen
Have Been Added to the Church
During the Past Two Years
Sunday Not. 26th. 1889 the net gain has been
last in the year j more than three times as large as
for the Methodist church, at the any like period for twenty yens.
stone of the evening service the The total net gain reported In
pastor read the following statistical membership during the years
report, for the past two year.-; next proceeding my pastorate was
Of Those Going and Com-
j One of the Best Telephone
w. k. went to Exchanges in North
B. Barrett, of pent
were net to say it been
and reflect still bat for the fact that
not only anon those who took part epidemics of whooping and
In but also upon diphtheria cot off the attendance
untiring energy and skill molded In i
When I came to this charge as an average of a little more
pastor two years ago, I the than each period
names of members on the years during the IS years. The
net gain in membership during the
past two years has been nearly fix
limes a large as this average. Bat
for two periods of I years each
church register. We now have
members, a net gain of
the past two years.
my two years pastorate
the small human units into grace-
and pleasing combinations of
location, drill and song.
there were those who
surpassed in their roles; hut the
majority was so large that it would
be difficult to single oat any one of
the for special
so well did they sustain
their parts as a whole. Beyond
doubt the strongest individual
feature was the Interpretation of
hymns by Miss Nancy Coward.
Her pantomime work is of the
highest order, and needs only to be
seen lo be fully appreciated.
Special attention was given to a
proper background for the
mime portion of the program, and
the convenience and utility of
electric lights was demonstrated
in the most beautiful effects. The
local manager of the light
system. Mr. Dunlap. is herewith
given full credit for his
suggestions valued assistance
the lighting for the
Prizes were awarded to those
raising the largest amounts in the
mite boxes, as First prise
Bible. Miss Mary John-
sou-, second solid gold
Miss third
Those who rained one dollar .-r
over were awarded a badge from
the American Christian Missionary
society. These go on the roll
honor and get Ada Tripp,
Latham, Evelyn Ling,
lone May Hooker; Spain,
Hairy Lucy
midge, Agnes Spain. Mary John-
sou, Mamie Ruth Willie
Gray Lang.
The children were trained for
the exercises by Mrs-
Mrs. T. King; assisted
by Miss Minnie Tunstall, as
Mrs. Moore and Mrs.
King h both had experience in
public school work, and are
exceptionally qualified for the
result do them credit.
The amount raised by the child
was total amount
three months. We are, however,
recovering from this to some
extent, the average attendance
i- about
the year we have had
The following amounts of money
have been raised by the school;
Methodist Orphanage,
On Day
For other purposes
thee of General
Manager F. C. , we
were through local
offices of the It Telephoned
Co., and details of
plant Slid working of the
J. B. left this morning for I exchange were explained, Alter
a trip on the road. going through it we most say that
Sunday here.
F. M. returned
day evening.
W. G. Allen
Sunday evening.
of the charge persons the years under review
this church, of this number
have moved by and
has died, leaving on roll who
have come into the church under
my pastorate, but deaths and re-
of those who were members
when I came to the leaves
a net gain of only
net losses were reported amounting
to This number subtracted
from the total gains reported
would leave a net gain of for
years, or average net gain of
for each period of two years
during the years. The net gain
for the past two years has been
looking over the Journal of times as largo as this
our conference for the past
that period of
time into two years each, we find
the following facts as to net gain
net gain of
N. . Nov.
T. F. and family spent
Sunday In Bethel.
Tim Cherry, of was
here Sun day.
Page and Lewis
of Stokes, was here business
this week,
Mrs W. H. Mizell and children
left for then home at Watertown
Fla. Saturday.
Geo. Taylor, of was
here on business last week.
of United States
Army, visited his brother here
this week.
Mack Cherry, of Hamilton, was
here last week.
Tom of
spent Sun lay with his broth-
Z. V.
W. M. Skinner, J,
k J. K. went to Green-
,. B formerly of
Ira now i Jacksonville,
Flo., i days here last week
Messrs and Wynn
are now a livery stable on
Not Hi Street.
No, we haven't moved to Win
our items came out in
that department one lime. We
feel complimented as e like good
The many Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. will be
1804 1906
net loss of
The net gain for the past two
years is larger by than has been
reported for any other period of
two years past twenty
years, and excepting the years
My object these statements of
facts is not to boast over anything
I have done, or anything that has
been done my pastorate, but
yon may be
by the progress made
blessing of God, and redouble your
that results for the next
two years may be far greater than
those of the two.
have not all the figures at
hand to financial
report at present, but this much I
may say; every claim against the
has been met lull, and
the church sends up a financial
report in keeping with the
report just
left this morning for
Clifton Forge, Va.
F. M. Whichard returned from
Tarboro Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. and
child went to Conetoe Sunday.
Mrs. J. S. Barr, of Kinston,
spent Sunday here with relatives.
M. L. Shu key came In Sunday
evening from Wilmington to visit
his parents.
J. J. Turnage went to
evening returned ibis
Miss Chadwick, of Kin-
spent Sunday here with Miss
Lena Matthew.
Miss Anne Irvine went to Kin-
Saturday evening
ed this morning.
lire. L. I. Moore and children
returned Sunday evening from a
to Washington City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hudson left
for They
will probably locate there.
While returning to their homes
from a party near Gibsonville,
night, L. B. Hornaday
was slabbed to death by his
brother, D. K. Hornaday.
Oscar Johnson, a while man
was run over and killed by a train
near Wilmington.
The appointed to
select a permanent site tor
of the stale guard decided
in favor of
for their in
Near boy put a
nut on the road track the
engine to crack it. The engine
was thrown the track and n
bad wreck narrowly missed.
Big Sal.
The Farmers warehouse had a
record breaking sale today. The
piles of tobacco reached from wall
to wall of the bu there
floor. It was a
very lively sale, and some
good pi ices wen had.
J. P. editor of
u know their
Fannie. b from her Tom hi- recent severe
recent illness. j much to the doUgh.
Tbs tournament here Dec. friends throughout the
, will be a lively day. Some good;
i riders and nice horses are ready. Service
raised, Tbs largest sum
was raised the list Sara Is ahead I
Johnson, to Whom up to this
the first prise.
ran the yards in seconds-
l. A. has bought the town
property of J. I. We are
glad to know that Mr. James will
n leave town. hear he will
creel H Bi
main with us.
The Baptist,
dist and congregations
will worship together in a I
me Baptist church on
Thanksgiving day. The sermon
K v. pas
, in, . c
re- the
day those who this
Copy Misplaced.
an oversight in
copy gating
I Sunday's
vies m lbs church
not in Saturday's One night last week J. O. service may
We K Hi .- we e driving music.
on a. A
ii being N , at
see the Friday 15th
both rigs only. practice is
Interesting children
fr the
i, is a pleasure to state the
completely the
church, sad all enjoyed the.
Mr. Ml i
met, the fright and ran to eye, ear, and throat
nod harness. Mr. Williams and
young i painfully
not seriously hurt.
Mrs. Fannie Moore went St it in
The the M. F, Church
will open Dec. continue
the 15th. will be
the usual fancy articles at reason
able prices, and delicious refresh-
served. The managers are
all In their power to
it a great success.
Cotton and Labor.
N. C, Nov.
special from Halifax
Senator F. M. Simmons addressed
the Herman of
county at the house
ore The house was
an enthusiastic
representative gathering of
who seemed to appreciate the
stand the state association baa
liken, and resolved to stand by it.
Senator Simmons made one of
in- ablest speeches, delighting lbs
audience with his oratory and
more one hour, lie
not debated the cotton
t on, but id to picture to
remedy the labor situation In
which has become one
the i
farmers have had to I
for many ear-.
Mrs. Bettie Harrison and little
James, returned
Iron Washington Sunday evening.
S. P. of Washington,
D. C, came evening lo
visit bis brother, K. B.
L. B Charleston,
who has been spendings
days here, left this morning.
Will Proctor, who has been
a few weeks his
father, returned to Norfolk today.
K. L. Smith returned Saturday
evening from West where lie
purchased several ear loads of
horses and mules.
went to
Warren, Jr.,
Tarboro today.
J. W. Hi went the road
this morning.
Greenville is in be
I upon having c m i
phone system a- one recently
installed. The circuit ale full
and the wires
throughout the town.
The offices of the exchange are
on the upper Boor building
in rear the -u Third
street and the equipment there is
modern. In one room
are the dynamo, motor and storage
batteries that supply the current,
lightning arresters the
frame through which the
of wires are distributed
from the cables operating
room. The operating room is
large well arranged. In this
i. the board, central energy
multiple pattern, large enough to
accommodate with
for three operators. The
calls are made by means of a self
restoring signal.
There are two other rooms, one
used as the manager's office
the other as storage room for
supplies. The whole make a
convenient and well arranged suite
rooms for the exchange.
A marked contrast with old
plant is that each subscriber's
station is now equipped with a
telephone that does
away with the old style of crank
turning, all that is necessary to
signal central office to
the receiver and place
it to when the
is through there is no
but simply hanging the
receiver back in place notifies
the central operator the
conversation is finished.
Another great convenience in
the new plant is that now there
are out town points
to which subscribers of the Green-
have In
These places ate .
land, ville.
Farmville, Falkland.
Bruce, Black
F. C, of Henderson, Gardner's X Bonds, Parker's X
spent here. Heads. House, W Oakley,
Monday evening from Bethel.
Mr. Mrs. O. of
New Bern, came in this morning.
Miss Bessie II returned
Monday from Washington.
Stokes, Chapman's,
Willow Green,
Smith's mill, Smith's store and
The named
have local exchange.-. Free
communication to this points is a
great advantage convenience,
. . the business men
Draper, ,
. ., I To new
sou, is the .
toils high stands
, , . .
represents an
J. A. to about and gives
Monday evening returned this a system
morning. equal to the best city service, the
D, D. . plant being as modern can be
evening returned anywhere. Mans i
morning I n
, . ,, . In it e I i-
M l.
vision h great r part i
Ii mi.- ion, came in . mug
to Mr-. J. Smith, . ,
I he Ion m i e o I
Rev. J. A. . i .
. ti W ion today to
I at tend the i cot i
Strayed or Stolen.
Pointer dog, white with
spots, of tail cut
Answers to the name
Anyone knowing anything
a dog will please notify,
D. L. James.
Business Change, Hand.
Jenkins has purchased the
ice business of Kennedy
and will run it in connection
bis wood yard. He will also make
any kind or of picture frames.
in S. B i;
l I b, i
Maud and
, o
Moore, operator.
There are sub
i to the exchange, A
to the exchange offices will be
Interesting to any one and every
will be shown those who
Wish inspect the work.

Eastern reflector, 28 November 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 28, 1905
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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