Eastern reflector, 21 November 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Y. M. B. O. D.
But i are hero to . The with
Tent in .; or I is coat you should
wear this season, it should be made with Military shoulders and
to tit the b i medium loose. o have it, made in all the now
fabrics course blacks and blued are good this season, yet a
dark blue with a slight tint of green, an attractive
suit And the to stay; everything will be
PRICES, 97.50 TO
COATS is the only well
d this coal is light in weight, yet It gives yon
than many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
Remember every Royal Mattress and
bed is under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering o every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Hook Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to Investigate oar stock. Our and
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H.
F. M, Hornaday,
Companies. Special attention given to Fire
Health and
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAK NO SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. II has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours
C T.
I have taken up a stray shoat
that has running with my
two month. The
shoat Is sandy red color,
ha right
ear and bob
notified o call
tailed. Owner in
for imp
near Greenville.
Pete an It All.
A grievous wail
a a result of unbearable pain from
over lazed organ.
Backache, Liver
But thanks to Dr.
King's New Lite Pill they pat
to it all. They are hut
thorough. Try them.
by L.
A little thing
death. a mere
insignificant rate or bell-.
nave paid the death
i wise to have
Salve ever handy, raw
on earth and will fa-
amt threaten.
A M plane for a
f lbs Bakes handled by
by a who
o lost bit
as a a aft
Mats, apply
End Bitter
physicians a long and
stubborn fight with an
my right F. Hughes
Font, gave me up.
thought my hail
Ah a at resort I tried Dr.
King's Discovery for Con-
The I received
I was on my
la a few Say- Now I've entirely
all and throat and
I by
Jae. Weaken,
ft, m fa aft. trial Battle ht-.
Suicide Prevented.
A announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
I A down system, or
I c; precede suicide and
has been that
will prevent that condition which
I wakes likely. At the first
; thought of self destruction take
I It being a great
will strengthen
I up the system
It's also a i liver and
Only Sat-
by L.
lam D.
w r.
Why when
Sam Want.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and
VOL. No.
In Honor of Mrs Sue Hume of
Mrs, Herbert A. White enter-
honor of
her Mrs Sun
. The
home darkened and
lighted can and we
decorated with
America i nod
arrived and at front
where received a
by White,
-.-us and hand-
gowned in lavender and
old then i the library Where
White d from M
very Mis-
a white
Miss Alice While
in violet and
lace and
el with palms, ferns
candles the whole
From Ike hall
In the drawing room
Beauties, whore ail were
introduced to the guest of honor,
Mrs. Home, in
voile, with real and
hand embroidery.
AH guests present were given
hand painted and after
the of
Mrs Jarvis Mrs. B
King for the a
powder box
which was drawn by Mrs. King
and presented to Mrs. Hume.
The consolation was won
by a gold
pill, and Miss S-inner
same to Miss Alice White, of
The dining room was a of
beauty and with
l cut and silver
in long
of the
--Mil-1. . . III.
The End of the Book
held its regular meeting
Tuesday afternoon the home of
Mrs. Chas. The
being absent, the vice-
president, Mrs. Little,
The subject for the after-
noon France, three
read as follows-. of
Interest in and around by
M. of
Note in Mrs.
Carl Fleming. Vis-
were Sum
oral, Hume, While and
Misses Hat and Winnie Skin-
Alice White.
Alter the adjournment the
refreshments were
by the hostess.
The club will be entertained by
Mrs. E. A. Move Tuesday, Nov.
Mm Great Work.
We desire to congratulate
J. T. Joyner upon his work. More
has been for our free
schools under his
than any other
dent Calvin Wiley. Of
ha has had a better chance.
But it is something to make the
best of one's is much
to do well with them as Mr.
Joyner has has spared
himself. He has
diligently as a More-
over, he has managed his forces
it tact. He has also
strengthened his office. fact
every way he baa advanced oar
free schools. Perhaps no one is
so as
the comely hits of the
will at the
opera on evening
Nov. entitled hut
written by of the
fame Abbott
as a sporty
The menu very dainty Ml- is a very
am, consisted of i ;
appeared tor few
number of large
Those preset.
Herbert White, Sue Borne, a
F W Claire, R J B as In
W Mark Opera Co.
Ray wood Q J
Woodward, Vine H Bat
Ian, If Jim hie, II purpose, only,
U Asa i of catchy song-,
bright lines and
The supporting is
posed selected night. I here
and dancing artists of ability, tonight.
especially engaged
talent portraying j
n artistic comedy and musical,
The man
8.1 May
Paine Ned
And as Pastor of Church.
The appointed by
Alexander, of Tarboro, Dr. W.
Morton, of Mount, Dr. Isaac
Campbell, of and Elder
W. B. Dove, of or-
and f. D
as pastor at Greenville,
in Presbyterian church here at
o'clock on Wednesday evening
and with
the chairman, Dr. W. D.
Bey. Mr. delivered his
trial sermon before the commission
from He was examined
and sustained on the following
abject Experimental Religion,
Philosophy, Theology,
History, Greek and Hebrew
languages, Church
The sermon was
preached by Dr. Isaac Campbell
from John his theme
The usual constitutional
were propounded to the
pastor by Li
after which Mr. Visa
was ordained and Installed by the
laying on of hands of the
tery, the candidate
Dr. Morton leading prayer.
The charge to the pastor
delivered by Dr. and to
the by Dr. Alexander.
Both of these charges were
in word and earnest la
and made a
the large
The entire public service was meet
Mr. ha bees
Greenville a short while, but ha
a strong esteem
and affection of the people of
He is a
of scholarly attainments
pleasant address
Christian character. The
here Is fortunate in securing him
as pastor.
The commission in charge Hi
ordination of Mr.
its work last night Kev.
W. Morton, D D., of
Mount will tonight.
Farmers to at Price.
S I . i h.- . j
not recall ever having la- i
fore in Pitt count has
Mr-. C. B.
Thursday, Nov. 16th.
i Kinston, spent
On with Ola
V. is
i id child, of
visiting her
Several times g the past week.
It i- farmer their
to market and hauling it back
. i, , ,, . N. R. n.
co mug in tell
have nut team- hack. Miss Nash, of
h n, and one n who visiting
I the Court
t in sec mil
, at
were mi.--
II i h back ;
owners had been
I evening
for U and finding
the below mat took the hospital.
cotton back home before they
would for less. is
kind determination on the part
of the tamers that will win out in
the against low priced cotton.
The farmers of county are able
to bold their cotton do
have to sell it they to.
In little Margaret
Howard who called to
her horn the mom-
lug November the third, there-
be it
That we, the
of of the Century
Club, do oar
to our beloved member
her husband in their sad bereave-
That while e do deeply
sympathize with this sorrowing
we know that dot
all right,
in His pray
that Hi may comfort them
in dark hour.
That a of these
be sent to the parents, a
copy be sent to the Daily
a copy upon the
of our club.
Mk. M. l v.
Mus. E. A.
Mks. B. W. Williams,
To the Cotton Growers and
Men cf Pitt County.
roil are hereby requested to bold
a meeting each township
in December z,
P. M. to mine from
t en i t.-,. a
g he . .;
II in
in II ii mil
I'd mi . c-i i r
i h union
In ,, and to
r ill n Association which
meets in Raleigh
In January County
will be
as outlined
win elect a
Secretary and Treasurer.
Friday, Nov. 17th. The hem Col ton ion
Col. Harry Skinner went to is now as u prominent
this factor in in cotton
Jesse returned Thursday In keeping
evening from Raleigh, the ,., paying
this I
W. T. Burton and
little Miss went to
Wednesday to be
present at the funeral of his lather.
J. M.
spent Thursday in Greenville.
came in this
to assist F. D,
a meeting.
T. D. of who
beau visiting R. O.
left this morning.
M. L. Brown, secretary of the
National Correspondence school,
came in Thursday evening.
Mrs. T. B. Wilkinson and child-
who have visiting Mrs.
W. T. left this morning
or their in
Nov. 18th.
K. A. returned
Miss A. L. Irwin went to Kin-
Mrs. J. S. Keel returned Friday
from Hamilton.
ii Ices the slay In
basis, and all who are
interested will and give us
i heir
a. u.
Vice first District,
North Carolina Cotton Growers
Reported for Reflector,
At the horn- of Mrs. on
Nov. Hi-s Skinner
most delightfully the
at o'clock the
meeting as called to order by the
president. The part of the
wit, devoted lo
the reading of the of
previous meeting, report of several
com mil lees the distribution of
new books. The literary feature
of l he afternoon was an instructive
and interesting Ketch of Charles
Mrs. E. L. went to by Winnie
this morning. We were very glad lo as a
W. F, Wyatt, of Goldsboro, J member Miss Cobb.
spent Friday he hostess served dainty
Court will probably adjourn this refreshments after we ad.
afternoon for the term. It has A ms went
and therefore Friday evening. . a
afforded little interest to the pub-1 l. L. Smith went West this
lie, as no cases of much to purchase stock.
of sickness among some
expecting to take part, the ladies
cf the Baptist have
decided postpone the exhibition
of Mrs. . Works that
had been for next
were the docket. A consider-
able amount of business was
Tim people of the
c very fond of Judge K. R.
Jones would like him to
come this way again t bold court.
Miss Lucy of
j burg, who ha been at H.
A left ibis S. Nov. 1905,
Pr-d Harding, of the A. Miss Mae Brooks spent Saturday
ml came tight and Sunday in with
While, Greensboro,
Virgin i, Lin
ii r.
To Retire Three Million Hales
New Nov. -Follow-
t rival of P it
. .,, it pis for for Christmas
off he What would lie with-
in by i the its r with the
of pledges ail ed plum i
Dr. W. H. Bagwell this
a telegram from hi-
guarantees this
now or m
; ii
Miss Frances, Is e i-
Female Seminary,
tin- building had
ii . i I., n
tin second lo I c
. ii d late
will not to
i e lot of
con is the
Ts live i
I y
eon N
Eight in Coil Mine.
Moil Pa. Nov.
IS In col sequence of an
this evening in the new shaft of
the Coal e
are dead and three badly
I he d id hi I he
of which is badly
with debris is tiling a
,, n in
i. h . , , ml . i. Ty
. i his to
the vii i of h nu .
i i lug
ii. n. in t the
in eve dug to
Big Ad.
ins her parents.
B. E. and
attended conn in Greenville ibis
Kev. Mr. King Breached
g preached
big advertisement is school house Sunday afternoon
a read and act on II. Corbitt, of A n.
i aim profit. He has the goods Sunday -school at Bethany Sunday
wants to get rid of them, and p ices afternoon.
have beau put at a figure that will Mr. and Mrs. and
move them. at his j daughter, Miss
sine is taking advantage of day in Greenville.
Enjoys II m Mr i.
W. J, i. is . is .
st i i ,
spin; have all nu
He h I IS c its i r
. in i- hit pi it i
will the rs t -j
they hive a.
their calculations
I- I . . v.
. .
. i
I i o where I
; i. a
i Ga., in
. in. ii
Mao I . I mg-
attended I
nil in
well ass. to add to
M nit and made
holiday and
decorations for children's Christ-
mas this very
able department of
A . A S I
. the n de .; in
lie from convict I lot with my hogs. The shoal is
1905. The weigh
promptly pound-. i- notified
for his return by Joseph K sail lot same pay charges,
horn, Public Roads, Pitt j Cox.
B. C.
i r
i i
walk ii
the ox, four days these Chronicle gives showing
set together en every that the population of
case no, om of the d reaches but
objected to and stool . a little more than half of them
re the corporate of
aside by either plaintiff or
i the

Customs and Ideas Nations
In Their
Almost much ran . lour .
b am . at i i i n in loot g
at i in Jo or built a.- by
res In . I ins rip-
. ; Mill
. . .
. i I
. I
. made
. . .
. . i who .
it from
i I re Asia i r
nation had many
. ; I r kind
I it their re-
t, n I. nation
and money on
pram convents and
iii the was
a iii poi p-eat were, built by
h where war great
in ancient Greece, there
were no n private buildings, but
was into great
for the people.
Ye, if the books and record;
in the world were burned should
still he able to trace the customs
and of ancient the
and works of that
they Ames Mead
Id St.
Tl ; f .-. family
an I . ; known spec es of
i.-r . . bears .
name of i . . .
attain-. .; i of and is
pi . .,; i in ocean's on
; buoyed by bladder-
like the stem, which
are tilled . i air. As the plant
grows older tin-.- bl id .
like excrescent i -well into
shape evil at rs to
feel m length and tour I
five in diameter. Whore this
plant grows in any
quantity it becomes impossible for
small to pass through in
on account of the density of the
Hi mass of vegetation. The
natives of tropical islands use the
bladder-like enlargements I
for water vessels and for storing
away grain.
Ha la Mm of All the
Homed Animals.
After all has been said about the
horns of the world's greatest horned j
animals there is positively none I
Unit equals in impressiveness the
mass that crowns the head of
a really big Alaskan moo.,. Take
them in situ, as the go say,
on the head of their owner,
and in length, breadth and thickness
i. inspire in the mind of every in-
I human being a feeling of
genuine awe. do not see how even
an intelligent dog or horse . be-
hold a pair of seventy inch moose
antlers without being profoundly
impressed. The antler springs
from upper corner of
the head on a stem of solid bone
that is like the trunk of a hickory
sapling. A foot or so from the bur
it throws oil toward the front-
quite gratuitously, as it
or three big spears of bone Jut ire
of much use in a light. As as
there is room for real development
the main stem flattens out into an
enormous slab of bone, perhaps two
inches in thickness, from twelve to
eighteen inches wide and from two
to three feet long. This is the
and a very appropriate
name it is, too, for in the center it is
hollowed like a human palm and
studded along its upper edge from
six to twelve fingers mid thumbs of
solid bone.
In sheer exuberance of strength
and excess of horn material an Alas-
moose antler occasionally
throws off from the lower surface of
its or it may be from the front
of the beam, a big. spur root
of bone, which always has an extra
impressive effect the beholder.
The largest antlers of Alaskan
moose are in the Field museum at
Chicago. They have a spread of
and ii inches and
weigh ninety-three and a half
pounds. V. T. Hornaday in
light purse Is a
Sickness makes a light
The LIVER Is the seat of aloe
tenths all
CO to the root whole mat-
thoroughly, quietly
end restore the of
LIVER to normal condition.
tone to the system and
flesh to the body.
No Substitute.
Never in the way, no
carry, easy to take, and
never failing in nip
Witt's Little Early Risen. These
Unions little pills are certain
guarantee against
torpid all of the ills
resulting from
ionic strengthen the liver.
Sold by John L. Woolen, druggist.
Even isn't an
cure for laziness.
All women should strive to be
Beauty rules mankind.
Rocky Mountain Tea
brings red bright eyes and
cream like complexion. cents,
Tea or Drug
say- ii
the chair
to i
mind frets for
liter. nun it
relief to take their
own little
lawn. Others, like Rich-
I coll in the servants and
match in the hall;
in a r -om and fly n r
Sir i Hold, d
rent .; of r
Duke of was
very fond of practical in
his younger flays. Once fie called
at a and d the farm-
. who was ;. for a
I ; ;. .
. r vis i iv i.
the milk, . . ;.,,
h i ; . n and threw
it, with ii into the churn.
W the woman returned he
drank i milk a id walked away.
A year later the same
the house in a different dress
and again asked for a glass of milk
and inquired whether some one
hadn't once secreted a cat in her
churn. The farmer's wife laughed
yes, and I wouldn't mind
him doing it again at tho same
did you do with the but-
were churning
I sent it to the palace,
they take all my
Makes digestion
perfect. Makes red blood and
That's what
Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A
tonic for the sick and weak.
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Drug Store
Never judge a woman's beauty
If you want a pretty lace and de-
Rosy cheeks and lovely hair,
Wedding trip across the sea,
Tired out, worn out woman
cannot sleep, eat or work; seem-
as if she would fly to pieces.
Rocky Ten
makes strong nerves rich red
blood. cents, Tea or
Drug Store.
L. leaves
at a. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for
at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and nil other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shipper should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
Sailing hours to change
without notice.
T. H. MYERS, Agent. Washing-
ton, N.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
a. C. Gen T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk,
Ia VOW pulse weak, too slow-,
too fast, or does it skip a
Do you have shortness
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in
and shoulder; or hurt
lying on left side
V you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure h-0
ii, and
quickly you will find
1st. 1912. r took
flown with and
gr.-w I wan
by my family that
My neighbors
bad me up to My
and body were swollen lo 0110-
than normal and
water had heart.
For at least I had to sit
up In bed to keep from
. of
Miles Heart Cure, by limn I
all I
cured. I fool than I have for
twenty years, I am lo do
any kind of work on my farm. My
told that If it
for Dr. II Cure
would now be In my Brave
I- T. Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is told by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
Diplomacy Is of
gracefully to the Inevitable,
Greenville, N. C.
iron Fencing; Sold
d r
at oil. .
time I
. ; ;.
.- .
A., d
; did not
; . At
. . y
. . lion-
. nothing
At another
Swinburne if
lie used
eloquent e-
but it nil
never find that
line of
power of .
language. I i ,
he w foil
. not beautiful.
How It .;. be when by their
run; back to king of the
keys and a hobgoblin
ray- of ;., very are
The type u mid-
way between the and the
bridge; no
skins, hair as
coarse and as and
these are the of the an-
pleasing picture.
If you too fat it la because your food
turns to fat instead of
If you too lean the fat producing;
that you eat are not properly
Lean, people do not hare
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people hare too much not
enough Pancreatic.
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the digestive juices that art
found in a healthy stomach, and In
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. is not only a perfect
but it is a tis-
sue building tonic a well. cure
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn. Palpitation of the Heart and
You will like it.
What You Eat
the stomach, rebuilds the
and gives firm Saab.
There it no way to maintain the
health and of mind and
body except by
i way lo nourish
through the stomach.
must be kept healthy, pure an
sweet or the strength will
and disease win -i -i;
if -in. ; ,., i m
headache, u, had hi
and .
by the of .
Sold by John i.
salve heals a
is itch
So remedy m ch re
soothes, e ., ,.
burns bruises. A sure
for Piles De
Witt's U the nine Witch
Bezel Salve, Be ware of counter.
they are Sold
John L. . ill insist.
D. W.
j And Provisions,
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
sh kept con-
in stock, Country
Produce Bo. Sold
D. W.
N or t h C a r o I i n a.
There no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. . .
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Price.
Baker Hart
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the hot
Most men are the better for
knowing the wont of
Per sunburn, all skin
and scalp diseases, Witch
Basel naive no equal, It in a
certain cure for blind, bleeding,
itching and piles. Ii
iii draw Ore out of -.- burn
heal leaving a
Bulls, old sores, etc.,
are quickly cured by the
genuine Witch Hue
salve Accept substitute as
they are often dangerous and
Sold by John L.
Refacing Column and Read
Rule regular lengths each
r. S.
Head Ruled inches In
and over lie
A sample of
e full
will be
on application.
Not Quite
low often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
la all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box docs Dot luck a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R J
ft How Many People You
Reach Without f
o leaving your own office
Take advantage of Tub
offer mid get a
year's good reading at half price
Dr. O. Lt.
Telephone Line
Can You Afford
Pointers Supply Co
of Type and
High Grade Material
N. Street. p
July 1st r HI be i
pared private con- S
to and f i om depot fir
persons lo town at
each person The will
then only hotels
depot and wharf and fare on
will also be
W. J.
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
J. M. BLOW, and Agent-
-.--- If. C
As A Trunks,
and we j Grips,
treat pioneer Bull at J. B. Smith St Bro.
and written j
those In arrears. dally new groceries
of all who receive their mail at
thin office. We
for job
shoes are the
take orders
right from the file
loaf bread
. i . from the oven
pair sold under a
O. Jackson Co. control this
For carpenters grind stones
line for Ayden
finer than the finest, and
. t rope and pulleys, at J.
rugs and art squares are H
,. A Bro.
J. our optician is
now back again from the
Optical College, where he
graduated la a special course in
the science of optics, ready
better service than before
to those from weak eyes
and in of
We are receiving daily
and fancy groceries, also a
line of cigars
everything kept in a first
J. H. Tripp Bro.
Bed steads, mattresses,
single and rockers, dialog
and wash
dressers tables a
Friend Luther says
he will freely admit he Is not
so good looking as we, bat that
young man who came to his house
Tuesday morning says his daddy
is the proudest and happiest
daddy in we
it is so, for friend has bed
a turkey gobbler and been
wearing high water pants ever
since, there is in bis
neck, That boy must be a
Having toe
Philadelphia Optical College
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Gross
i cut saws and mechanic tools at
B Bro
If yon need the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to Bee its, Hart Jenkins.
In south
west Out be seen the
work of the carpenter in course of
construction. Handsome
nice and neat cottages and
various other buildings, all
denoting the progress,
and development of our beautiful
little city. Thrift and growth is
the watchword and onward we
A crockery, glass
aW Start
H M. Ml A sew
tar beef, fresh weans, San-
fresh a. h,
r corn
w. . .
Oat load salt far sale by tun
hotter that Is
The of J. R. Smith A Bro.
h pretty to look at.
graduating in a special the best line of
human eye, and the j M and
of optics, I feel able want
to correct any term
of refraction that any ether
can correct with glasses. I will
take any case el weak eyes, or eye
strain, dull hurting, aching, burn
tug or eyes, eyes with
bad or low vision, on a positive
to relieve the trouble
and give entire satisfaction to the
patient or not charge one cent. The
largest per cent, of all chronic
headaches and
from errors of refraction and eye
strain. It is dangerous to pro
when your eyes call fr
assistance. Glasses ate only
remedy for errors of refraction and
weak eyes. Any style or form of
glasses given desired. As good
references as are in the county
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, Ref. D.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
We call your attention to our
line of Cannon
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss Coon-Collar. for
cents. J. It-
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have tho best and
W. Jackson A showing
the most complete hue of
yo and suit's ever
all H in the town de .
. trial. They a.
pi use y i m the style w yon m
yon n
foot. We . y i and
shoe ever saw. Try a
pair and he convinced.
Dress . ids, Bra cloth,
M , albatross
silks, trimming, dog and white
goods at J R i Bro
I always keep an hand a full
line of fend stuff at lowest cash
prices as hay, oats, corn,
seed meal and hulls, brand
ship staff. Hank Lilly.
to see them.
We handle the New Singer Sew-
Tr n I he on easy terms, J. H.
Tripp Bro.
A big line of Overalls,
Jumpers and the best line of pants
for money on the market at
J. R. Smith Bro.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. It. Smith
Oranges, apples, bananas all
fruits kept by
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
Paw Bread Trays at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Our line of Groceries and Con-
is complete. Call and
see us. J. H. Tripp Bro.
Highest prices paid for chickens
and and all country produce
by J. H. Tripp Bro.
Call on Hart s for a liar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be hat I anywhere.
styles and wrap
for Mises and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at R. Smith Bro.
Buy one of Hawes
Sold under a e.
dime to c A
quality. .
and Tyson nave the
Strongest dress good and
shoes in town.
Calico and Gingham at cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and goods, at J.
R Smith Bro.
painting them with
Town County lead
full line of colors, kept at J.
It. Smith A Bro.
Dennis Davis will
services in the Disciple on
regular appointments from now
until January first, alter which the
church here and at will be
In charge of Bey. B. II. Jones, of
E. E. A Co. will do all hey
possible can to please yon with
their new line and fin.-v
Tho Mi- H; in
are exceedingly
learn she has taken a
has had the fever and hid
so much improved a to
entirety out of danger. We
hope she may Boon
a lull line of meat, and can
gods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly.
Hart A Jenkins
smoking tobacco K
We are pleased to
have recently been
suffering with the fever in our
have recovered and
those who have not are the
rapid road that way. We are also
gratified that hoc a single
has resulted from the dreaded dis-
On Jan. 1st 1900 I will
In must
sell my consisting el dry
goods notions, shoes,
boys and children's clothing,
groceries I
at cost. All I is to
see, what I have to offer., Will
Bell all, or i of stock rent
sail see the
prises. Yours la
J. V.
For. 1906.
full Una of valises, tel-
gripe, baud bag,
salts eases at It A
Rev, Hr. of
who has keen a
series of in the Baptist
for the past two weeks, left
for his home
The marrying fever has struck
with a vim, several weddings
are billed for this next
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non A Tyson, have the best.
How nice is to
dwell together unity, even i
one's pug dog does commit suicide
In a near neighbor's fence. It's
nice. Does as well folks have a
If they want So go
way, and we shan't
There will lie enough the
same kind left.
V. and paper
Pumps with long or short joints
pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
Married in this township on the
evening of the 15th at the residence
W. L. Roberson, Wider C. O,
Mr. Alex.
See our of ladies
cloaks. J. It. Turnage.
Spier Co., of Ridge
Spring, several hundred
Dales of cotton from point
Miss Morrison, who
been away some time Visiting
her still home, returned In
Wednesday evening,
You should see line lace
curtains before buying J. .
fart h i h in down
II Island in Craven co
. i g. V her h .
Hie i i w
rugs, carpeting, m
t Hue i;
Ii is of . among
Rev. T. ii. King
leave this v. p.; for
where he will make his home. He
here and at Winter-
villa. Mr. King and his most
excellent family have many warm
friends in and while they
regret losing them it is
gratifying to know they will not
be altogether. i
Wednesday evening at
at the home of Henry Harris,
father of the bride, miles from
Ayden, Mr. Tripp and Miss
Harris were united in mar
by J. M. Blow, Esq. There
was a very large crowd present
We tender congratulations and
wish for the newly wedded pair a
happy life.
paint l-t f-r
curs co
will pay highest cash price,
-ell seed until yon see me;
F. Lilly.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
trick Block, St.
Ayden, N. C.
N. C.
At the-owe of business August 25th,
Lams and Discounts.
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Lo
Due from Hunks.
Cash items,
Gold Coin,
National Bank antes
U. S. notes
stock paid in,
Sin plus fund
Undivided profits less
unpaid .
subject lo check,
o e
r ma,
l. J. B. Smith, of n
that the above statement is true to the best of be-
lief, L J. R
Christian Andersen's Struggle
Recognition by
Hans Christian Andersen was as
loving and simple us a child and as
sensitive. The part of his life
was by the that his
native country had failed to
he wrote,
all my books are flying over
the world and home am so
little appreciated. There I an still
only a poor schoolboy, always in tho
lowest form, I am wronged,
Denmark, it is thy Still, let
mi- forgive as I wish to be
He not at the start personal-
popular among countrymen,
lie too fond of about
himself and the honor- and
he had received. His out-
spoken pleasure In his own pursuits
came from the most candid and in-
interest. Hut it irritated
people. Perhaps they wished to talk
shout themselves.
Yet in time the great men of Co-
came to take him at the
, valuation given him nil over Europe.
He i. privileged friend of the
; king was finally accepted as a
great national institution. His van-
, what to vanity
l but -kin deep, and true mod-
comes in a reflection like
this, taken from one of Iii-
When people hear that I nm
Danish they sneak about
when I say sadly. They arc
the reply is, is still
I feel so small almost be-
it is a vain dream. Can it
that i am mentioned with these
Toward close of Andersen's
life public honors reached their
max. his town, be-
stowed its freedom upon him and
bad an illumination when he came
to it. His seventieth birth-
day was observed M a national
day. Copenhagen was in festal
garb, his was unveiled
there. That year lie died.
me, this Jay of August
Notary Public
J. B.
K .
Man Wants Little Here Below
But Wants That Little Co d.
make it a rule to keep the beat quality off
goods, as good goods always give satisfaction.
We have a large and carefully selected line of Clothing, and
can lit with a Suit or Overcoat at tho Lowest Bottom
We soil tho and
many other Popular Brands of Shoes.
Try The United Slates Standard Flour and you will have no
r, keep a simply on
We are agents for and have prices right.
Call examine our goods and prices before you buy.
Our o Is. Thirty Six Is Hotter Than Slow
S y I give the
tho promptly. S d a order f-i
Truths that Strike Home
Tour grocer honest ho cares to do tell
you that he knows very little about tho bulk coffee he
sells you. How can he know, whore it originally came from,
how it was With What
or when roasted If you buy your
coffee loose by tho pound, how can
you t purity and uniform quality t
and flavor, r r I
has F the In
millions of homes.
at mar opened la
your no
or lo wit
oms. or
In of LION COFFEE you get one full
Sound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting tho
head on
Ike smut
Nat at
Mr. was angry,
he certainly appeared to have
some for
he expostulated, I
always you the kids
coals from the
my best ain't nice,
to mason, if you
his wife coldly.
You the shape of that
with your funny already,
and you're coal all day
t the wharf wot can a little
coal dust in your
don't see the point,
explained William, with dignity.
only wears that in the
if while I'm out I take that
why, it leaves a black hand
around my forehead. the con-
sequence Why, I gets accused of
my face with my on
And it ain't nice,
The Origin of Wearing Liveries.
The wearing of liveries dates back
to the days of gentle service, when
it was the custom for to de-
liver splendid habits to the
of their households. In days of
chivalry a duke's son would wear
the livery of his prince, an
that of ii it not
i in III took
en its i soul use.
v,. re . . v
ed ail , e
oil ii
riding n in i I .
and limit
. i . . j-
Tl ; in i r-
IV i
i i. i
., i II III i. .
or . ti. . j. . .
e lie-i .- for
the of r ; . in irk
. I mini din
. . n idem h
h to i
i ion.
. Tartar.
ii . , ii
n soldier i .
reply. but
i th r.
been tills.
K tho Right Out.
ti and
i . has a right
a wrong You take any
joy it around
trouble; on other tide, or
may take t trouble and by
turning it joy nil
Tho mountain
never casts a shadow on both
at once, nor does the greatest of

Customs and Ideas i
Almost I tear
. .
iii r ll .
H. U
. I
I pal-
. I who j I
I .
Asia r
. ad many
r .
n I. in I
kill and money on
grand convents and
chore the ruler was
II ill M built by
m re was treat
Greece, there
t no private buildings, but
the . was into great
.- for the people.
N 1-. if ho hooks records
in world were burned should
still be to trace the customs
and . of ancient the
structures and of ArT that
they h.- Amos Mead
In St.
kl .
A c
f ii
p l known i
. . Hi Co t and is
at Hie o din's surface on
lit-, i. ; ed ladder-
like us the
are tilled . i air. As the pi iii
like excrescent i well into
retort j ii . to .-.
fen in length and between
five feet in diameter. Where
plant grows in any considerable
quantity it becomes impossible for
small craft to pass through them
on account of the density the
Hi mass of vegetation. Tho
of tropical islands use the
bladder-like enlargements
for vessels and for storing
away grain.
of All
After all has been said about the
horns of the world's greatest horned
animals there is positively none
equals in the
that crowns the head of
a really big Alaskan moose. Take
them in situ, as the geologists say,
the bead of their rightful owner,
and in length, breadth and thickness
re the mind of every in-
human being a feeling of
genuine awe. do not how even
an dog or horse can be-
hold n pair of seventy inch mouse
antlers without being profoundly
impressed. The antler springs
from an upper corner of
tile head on a stem of solid bone
that is like the trunk of u hickory
sapling. A foot or so from the bur
it throws off toward the front
quite gratuitously, it
or three big spears of bone that are
of much use a tight. As soon as
there is room for real development
tile main stem flattens out into an
enormous slab of bone, two
inches in thickness, from twelve to
eighteen inches wide and from two
to three feet long. This is the
and a very appropriate
name it is, too, for in the center it is
hollowed like a human palm and
studded along its upper edge from
six to twelve fingers and thumbs of
solid bone.
In sheer exuberance of strength
and excess of horn material Alas-
moose antler occasionally
throws off from the lower surface of
its or it may be from the front
of the beam, a big, rugged spur root
of bone, which always has an extra
Impressive effect on the beholder.
The largest antlers of Alaskan
moose are in the Field museum at
Chicago. They have a spread of
a half inches and
weigh ninety-three and a half
pounds.- V. T. Hornaday in
light purse Is s
Sickness makes a light
The LIVER U the seal of
tenths cf
I If
, to root of v.
end restore the action
to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
flesh to the body.
fake No Substitute.
mind frets for
say- a writer. nun find it
sufficient relief to lake their pleas-
on their own little tennis court
or croquet lawn. Others, like Rich-
will call in the servants and
have ii leaping match hi the hall;
or, like I Mas
them elves in r and fly
the hair . Sir i
to get . r
f he more active I
A Practical Joke.
t of was
very fond of practical in
hi.- younger days. he called
at a and asked the
v if . v. . for a
gin milk, not know
. r tail t away to fetch
the milk, t . . a
n ii h ; and threw
it, v. i a into the churn.
When the old woman returned ho
drank milk and walked away.
A year later the same prince en-
the house in a different dress
again asked for a glass of milk
inn inquired whither some one
hadn't secreted a cat in her
churn. The farmer's wife laughed
and I wouldn't mind
hint doing it again at the same
did you do with the but-
were churning
I it to the palace,
they take all my
Never the Way, tumble to
carry, easy to take, pleasant
novel failing in results are
Witt's Little Early Risers. These
unions little pills are a certain
torpid and of the ills
ionic the liver.
Sold by John L. druggist.
Even hunger isn't an
cure for laziness.
Steamer L- leaves
Washington dally
at a, m. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at VI for
at Washington with
Norfolk Railroad tor
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New Fork, Boston and nil other
North. Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Y Southern It. K.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
T. H. MYERS, Agent. Washing-
ton, N.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent,
ville, N. C.
All women should strive to be
beautiful Beauty roles mankind.
Rocky Mountain Ten
red lips, bright ryes and
cream like complexion. cents,
Tea or Drug
perfect. Makes red blood and
hone. That's what
Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A
ionic for the and weak.
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Never judge
f you want a pretty lace and de-
light air,
Rosy and lovely hair,
Wedding trip the sea,
Tired out, worn out woman
cannot sleep, or work;
am if she would fly to pieces.
Rocky Mountain Tea
makes strong nerves and rich red
blood. cents, Tea Tablets.
II. O. H DO I T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk,
How Is
Is pulse weak, too
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in MR
and or hurt
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, cannot
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely to
it-, and
quickly you will find
January 1st. 1902. r took
down with weakness and dropsy,
and I
by my family physician that my
had given me up to die.
limbs and body were to one-
larger than normal size, and
water collected my heart.
For at least three I had to sit
prepped up In bed to keep from
i Bent for five bottle, of Dr.
Heart Cure, and by the. time I
had them all I
cured. I than I for
twenty years, and I ion able to do
any kind of work on my My
physician told me that If It
hadn't been for Heart Cure
I would now he in my
I. T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Diplomacy is the art of yielding
gracefully to I he inevitable.
Greenville, N. C.
iron Fencing; Sold
and t did not
set v, . v At
don't , I
am . . .
l . . . n
at all. At another
time he said; Swinburne i
most curio i man. lie used
to and eloquent i-
gays. Ho had very remarkable
power of . . but it was all
language. I never find that
he following line of
If you art too fat it la your food
turns to fat instead of
If you are too lean producing foods
that you eat are not properly digested and
Lean, people do not hart
Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
Dyspepsia Cure
eon ton the contains all the digestive juices that
runs back to the king of the in stomach, and in
and a
, , ., . the stomach and digestive organs
J cry are to digest and assimilate all foods may
i The u mid- h is not only a perfect
the E and the but it is a tis-
., c,, ., . i building tonic as well. cures
i v. , Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach.
bridge; no eyebrow, wide Heartburn, Palpitation of the and
mouths, full I.- . oily hair as
. .
not beautiful.
co when their
and n and
are elements of the
going to make
You will like it
What You Eat
Reals the stomach, rebuilds the
nun and gives firm Cash.
as as a
There is do way to the
health and strength of mind and
body except by
is no wax to
the stomach.
be kepi pure an
or the will let
will up
Ion of
sour mi. indigestion,
all . .
mat me i quickly
by the of K
I in bold by L.
The salve that Heals a seal
is DeWitt's itch Hazel
remedy ts snob speedy re
lief, it d mil
soothe, e ll i all cub
burns bruises, A sure nun
for Piles De
Witt's lithe
Basel Salve. Be ware of counter.
they are Sold
L. ii
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fr sh kept con-
In Stack. Country
Produce Sold
North Carolina.
Must are the better
knowing the worst of
Per sunburn, and all skin
and scalp diseases, DeWitt's Witch
Hazel no equal. It is n
certain cure for blind, bleeding,
itching and piles, ii
will draw lire i Hun.
nod heal leaving a
Boils, old etc.,
are cured by the
genuine DeWitt's Haze
Accept no an
they are often dangerous and
Sold by John L. Woolen,
Take advantage
iii offer and get a
year's good reading at half price
Dr. J. Lt. slain em
Many People
Reach Without f
o your own ice
X Telephone Line
TAt ii over
For Rates
Horn Telephone and
Wt beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
J for -n
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There Is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. .
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders good paint for any
Have just a car load
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
To Publishers
and Printers Not Quite
have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
ii and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the hot
Column Head
defacing L. S. and
Head Ruled in
A of
e full
will be cheerfully
often you Rot a
nail or or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all desire, and
we will that your tool
box docs not luck a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
on application.
printers Supply Co
of Type and
High Grade Material
N. Ninth Street. P
Aft it July I v ill be
and depot for
persons in town at
each person The will
then only run . to
depot and wharf tore on
will also he pone b
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
AU Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
J. M. BLOW, Agent-
. . H. C.
A. t I A
d we , Gripe, and
treat sea- j Salt Case, at J. B. Smith A Bro.
and are re
those In stream. We hare a it j., dally ,. and
of all who receive mail at; right from the toe-
thin office. We ab take orders
for job
shoes are the beet.
The freshest
sue loaf bread
from the oven at
a Stria ;
W. O. Jackson Co. control this j
line for Ayden.
Our rugs and art
For carpenters ton's, grind stones
t hemp rope BOd at J. I,
squares .
Smith A Bro.
finer than tho finest,
. Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks
Elder Dennis
services In the Disciple on
regular appointments frost now
until January first, alter which the
church here and at will be
In charge of Bey. R. H. Jones, of
Blackstone, Va.
E. B. Co. will do all
possible can to please yon with
their new line of fen.-y
many friends of Ml f s
are sorry to
she has taken a
has the fever and b be-n e
so much as lo I
out of danger. We
hope she may soon
a lull line of meat, lard and can
go-ids. Don't buy before giving
trial. Prank Lilly.
Wednesday evening at o'clock
at the home of Henry Harris,
father of the miles from
Ayden, Mr. Miss
Lula Harris were In mar
by J. M. Blow, Esq. There
was a very large crowd present
tender congratulations j
wish for the nearly wedded pi r ;
Ion.- happy
O I he Isn't f-r
cars -ed,
ill pay price,
-ell your seed until you see me;
P. Lilly.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Ayden. N. C.
M. C.
R Smith Bro
J. optician is
now back again from the
Optical College, where he j
graduated is a special coarse Its I If you need the way
the science of optics, ready of Crockery, Tin ware
better service than ever before come to see Hart Jenkins.
to those from weak eyes
and in of
We are receiving daily heavy
and fancy groceries, also a nice
line of cigars
everything kept in a first
J. H. Tripp Bro.
Bed steads, mattresses,
single wising
and chairs wash
dressers tables at J B Bra
Friend says
he will freely he Is not
so good looking we, bat that
young man who came to hie Souse
Tuesday morning says his daddy
la just the proudest and happiest
daddy in Awl we
it is so, for friend Lather has had
a turkey gobbler been
wearing high water
since, there is no In bis
neck, That boy must he a
In Ayden, north, east, south
and wast can lie seen the
work of the carpenter in course of
construction. Handsome
nice and neat cottages and
various other buildings, all
the progress, enter prise
. ,, thine business In mas
and development of our beautiful .
, stock consisting
little city. Thrift and growth la
the watchword and onward we
A line sf crockery, glass
M. OS's new
t, corn
a, at
Cat fee sale Van
Ml .
hatter that w
of J. R. Smith A
Philadelphia Optical College h pretty look at,
in a special L,. the best line of
the human eye, and Id the M and if yon
of optics, I fully able to go
pared to correct any torts f . . .
of refraction that ether
can correct with glasses. I will
take any case ft weak eyes, or eye
strain, dull hurting, aching, burn
eyes, eyes with
bad or low on a positive
to relieve the trouble
and give entire satisfaction to the
patient or charge one cent. The
largest per cent, of all chronic
headaches and
from errors of refraction and eye
It is to pro
when your eyes call f r
assistance. Glasses are the only
remedy tot errors of
weak eyes. Any style or form of
desired. As good
references as are in the
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, Ref. D.
Gannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
We call your attention to
and Tyson.
Wear Corliss for
cents. J. R- Turnage.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
C. Jackson showing
the most complete line of nuns,
yo the, and ever
in the
to see them.
We handle the New Singer Sew-
on easy terms, J. H.
Tripp Bro.
A big line of Overalls,
Jumpers and the best line of pants
for money on the market at
J. R. Smith Bro.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
Oranges, apples, bananas and all
fruits kept by
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
Paw Bread Trays at B.
Smith Bro.
Our line of Groceries and Con-
in complete. Call and
see us. J. H. Tripp ft Bro.
Highest prices paid for chickens
and eggs all country produce
by Tripp Bro.
Call on Hart ft s for a bar
rel Of Columbia Flour, none better
to bad anywhere.
Latest styles in cloak-and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at ft. a Bro.
Hart ft Jenkins
smoking tobacco is O. K.
We are pleased to
quite all who have recently been
suffering with the fever in our
have recovered a d
those who have not are on the
rapid road that way. We are also
gratified that a single death
has resulted from the dreaded
On Jan. 1st 1900 I will
sell my stock consisting t dry
goods notions, shows, hats
boys and children's put
groceries etc. I ester tUg
at cost. All I ask la
see, what I have lo oVer.,
sell all, or i of stock rant share
and see the
prises. Tours serve
J. P.
Hot. 1905. 1.0.
full line of valises, tel-
grips, hand ha,
and salts eases at i H ft
Rev, Mr. of
I burg, who has been a
series of the
church for the past two week,
for his home Wednesday morning.
The marrying fever has struck
with a vim, several weddings
are billed for near this
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the best.
How nice if. is
together unity, even
pug dog does suicide
in a near neighbor's fence. It's mi
nice. Dogs a well as folks have a
mania. If they want to go
way, and succeed, we shan't
hie. There will be enough the
same kind left.
V. and paper
Pumps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. B. Smith Bro.
Married In this township on the
of at the residence
L. Wider
Mr. Alex.
Lawhorn and Ida
See oar line of ladies
cloaks. J. It. Turnage.
Spier ft Co. of e
Spring, shipped several
miles of cotton from
Miss Lilah who
been away for some time visiting
ii her old home, returned to
Wednesday evening,
should see our line
before buying K.
N. w.-s-
At the of business August 1906
Loans and Discounts.
Furniture Fixtures
Demand Lo
Duo from Banks,
Items, 130.12
Gold Coin, W
Silver Coin,
Bunk n
other S. notes
stock paid in, l
Surplus fund
Undivided profits lees
unpaid .
check, i
I, J. B. Smith, of the e.
that the above is true to the best of be
; J. R.
J. K.
Hana Christian was as
simple a child as
sensitive. The part of his Ufa
by the fact that his
country failed to
he wrote,
all my books flying over
the world and at home am so
little appreciated. There I still
only u poor schoolboy, in tho
lowest form. If I am wronged,
; Denmark, it is thy shame. Still, let
me forgive us wish to
Ho not t start
popular among bis countrymen.
He too fond of talking about
himself and the honors and
he had received. His out-
spoken pleasure in bis own pursuits
come from the most candid and In-
. interest But it irritated
people. Perhaps they wished to talk
about themselves.
in time the great men of Co-
came to him at the
valuation given him ill over Europe.
He was a privileged friend of the
king mid was accepted as a
national Institution. Hit van-
what seemed to vanity
but kin deep, and his true mod-
out in a reflection like
this, taken from one of hi-
When people hear I am
Danish they speak about
Fen, and
when I say sadly, are
the reply is, i- still
so small almost be-
it is a vain dream. Can it be
am mentioned with these
Toward the close of Andersen a
public honors reached their
bis native town, be-
stowed its freedom upon him
had an illumination when he came
to it. His seventieth birth-
day was observed us a national
Copenhagen was in festal
garb, and his unveiled
there. That year be died.
and swot
me, thin day of August
Notary Public
. Is
Buy one of our
Hats, Bold under a guarani e,
R. Turnage.
to n
. ,;
., . pi yon a
quality. .
and Tyson have the
Hi . , I line of dress goods
Calico and Gingham at
per j .-id. great reductions white
Uppers and summer at J.
smith Bro.
wow by
them with
Town lead
u rail kept at J.
K. Smith A Bro.
and yon t
ii y the and In h
shoe ever saw. Try a
pair and he
silks, trimmings, white
goods R Bro
I always keep n hand a foil
of fend stuff at lowest cash
prices as hay, oats, corn,
notion seed meal and hubs, brand
ship stuff.
Hog Maud in Craven
for h .
in ., els w in-
; . carpeting, mat t ii
d gen B line J. K
i some., of mg
, v. T. H. King
ill leave this t it I
where he will make his home. He
however, to
lie here and at Winter-
ville. Mr. King and his most
excellent family many warm
friends Ayden and while they
losing then it is
gratifying to know they will not
be absent altogether.
Man Wants Little Here Below
Bat Wants That Little d.
We make it a rub- to keep tho best quality of
good goods always give satisfaction.
have a large and carefully selected Hue of Clothing, and
can Hi with a Suit or Overcoat at the Lowest Bottom
We sell tho -HOLLY and
many other Popular Brands of shoes.
Try Tho United States Flour you will have no
r. n
We are agents for Wire and have prices right.
Call mid examine goods and before you buy.
Our Is, Thirty Six Is Hotter Than Slow
V t ,
Mr. William was angry,
appeared to have
for wrath.
ha I
always basil I won't the kids
is coals from the shed
in my best It ain't nice.
to if you
please, coldly.
tho shape of that
with your funny
u coal all day
at wharf wot can s little
coal dust in
don't see the point,
explained William, with dignity.
wears that in the
and if while I'm out I take that
why, it leaves a black
around forehead. the con-
sequence Why, I gets accused of
my face with my on
And it ain't nice,
The Origin of Wearing Liveries.
The wearing of liveries dates back
to the days of service, when
it tho custom for kings lo de-
liver splendid habits to the
of their households. In days of
chivalry a duke's son would wear
the livery of bis prince, mi esquire
that of n lit, end it was
I lb word k
on i net use.
Li- .
ill .
on .
and the
give best
it order to
W. H. -Artist,
City, N
Truths that Strike Home
Tour grocer is honest ho to do tell
you that ho knows very little about the bulk he
sells you. How can he know, whore it originally came from,
how it was With What
or when roasted If you your
loose by the pound, how can
purity and uniform
LION COFFEE, the leer of
, and l
K A i ON
no-i the In
I id
. he-
M iv, illy
.- r .
. p. .
he I .
. . irk I
I I n
n mi
. . i .
i .
. . .
I of I
IV i
. I
war la
your has no h.
of LION you get one
pound of insist tho
Bf t
. have
. this.
Right Out.
. . . ; and met t cm
, . . a right
You take any
and . it around
trouble, the other side, or you
j trouble by
around Joy the
other tide. Tho
casts a shadow on both sides
at once, not the. greatest

O. J. .
Entered in the post at Greenville, N. as Second class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
in to
numerous loss of lives
v, frequent in New York.
That is a bad rumpus being kicked
up over bud ions Virginia
Military Institute.
It oft behooves a State, as well as
an individual, to look at the past,
that it may realize the mercies for
which it has to be thankful, and to
give expression to its gratitude by
words and acts praise.
If our State will take this back
ward glance, ii will find that during
unworthy of the reputation of the
State, or that will dishonor but
that they deport themselves as be-
ti d citizens a
In witness whereof, I have hero-
set my hand and caused the
Great Seal of North Carolina to lie
in our city Raleigh, this
the day of November.
and in tin one hundred and thirtieth
the las; year the measure of our
mercies has been full to overflow- year of on American Independence,
By the Governor K. ill
i irate A. ,
The Atlanta Journal
dull life insurance president who
can't raise is own whir
,, t.
has come back to the
I . i. in the pa
Tom Laws n k pt on until lie I
a criminal lib
Hut he ill relish I ii d in I
t -id. Grover Cleve
i I i I Hay, in k,
all ting duck for a week. May the
old man have luck
lUg, and that our need of praise
should be given without stint.
u U w
been v- i fair i
prices for farm products have been
above the average, until the farmer
is enjoying a pros seldom be
Papers Can't Print of
Newspapers all over the state are
I is also gradually i, receipt of a circular letter from a
lies Moines newspaper apprising
The I
riots have reached
One in the Nick
case at Greensboro was kept on the
stand a week. He must have a
great deal to tell.
The lent has completed bis
message to congress and will give it
a few weeks to b I re it is
ed out to the public.
what a comparison The
Mexico declare that do
not want foot had as a substitute for
bull fighting, declaring the latter to
be less brutal.
If i; Di I, i m burning col
t th may be r so that
what is left easily bring fifteen
cents Thursday in Columbus two
thou- bales were destroyed by
An exchange says man waste
his time, he It would
be more correct to say ho robs the
man be works
Mr. has
met with such on the stage
that he says he will dramatize an-
other of bis books, One
It looks at like the cotton
picking machine is assured. A
practical test ha been given one in
the fields near Charlotte and the
work was a success, cot-
ton picker is perfected we may ex-
the flying machine to come
in r with the
New York election frauds is
r i one charge I viola-
are putting up cash b aids and
t heir clients away.
When people learn that fire a. ins
are not the proper things for
to have, there will be fewer
tragedies like the one in
comity where a year old lost
life by a rifle in tin- hands of her
year old cousin, A small boy
and a gun are a dangerous
learning the lesson of diversifying
his crops, making his own plies,
tons being able to I. hi duet-,
for increased prices.
In i the
growth of the State been
nominal, over one more
new plants being incorporated this
year than last, and many of them
capitalized very large amounts.
Good dividends have likewise
been den on these investments,
labor has been paid fair wages and
given reasonable working
The of our outstanding
debt upon a and honorable
basis is d a great reason for
thankfulness, as no unpaid
that arc honest, now remain.
There has been no strife between
capital and labor, but peace and
go I will exist between employers
and cs. With only one
exception, good order has been
maintained throughout the State
and tin majesty of the law has been
upheld by the and the courts
No scour -e or disease or pestilence
them that the post-office authorities
at Washington have held that re-
ports of prize winners at euchre and
whist will suffice under the
lottery law to exclude any news
paper from the mails.
The newspaper in question states
that its presses were stopped one
day last week thirty
delay ensued in order to remove
from its columns a statement that
Jones had won a cut-glass
water pitcher and Mrs. Smith had
won a dialing dish at Mrs John
s ma card party.
The Dos Moines postmaster, after
carefully reading his instructions,
decided that such reports should ex-
a newspaper from the mails
quite as much us the report of raffle,
or other device.
He telegraphed the department at
Washington nod was advised it
that I is construction i I the post-office
rule, were literally correct, but that
the department bud never seen lit to
the rule against reports of
society card games. That left the
has to any great extent visited our I question open, and the Iowa edit is
State, but, blessed with unusual are asked to secure the intervention
health, we have been happy their Congressman
No the claim that
.- ling held hack, it is no-
i ha ii receipts continue to
There is a law in Ohio tinder
which the owner of a building can
lie held responsible for money lost
by gambling within the building.
The Supreme Court of the United
States bus recently upheld this Ohio
law in deciding a case. Tie case
to ninety thousand in question one in which a wife
I I a land rd t t fry lost by
her I lit i
I on the I II rd
and th. lei I in I r fa r
n if it would make
I---- if every I i
I i d
R. M Phillips, editor of p lute
i; t. has been ch see
chamber of commerce
of Raleigh. Phillips is any
where y ii put him
Our colleges and schools were
r in a more flourishing
mid. the educational awakening
that now exists is but an earnest of
greater power and wealth yet to be
Temperance and sobriety in all
things ore being practiced by our
citizens, thus insuring industry, and
the high morale of the State if a
blessing beyond estimation. No
graft either in r private, i
has cursed our State.
These extended mercies, shown in
To End Suicide.
Most who commit suicide do
because sec no hope for them
or they ore insane. The day when
suicide was the resort of a courage
man, us in Greece and Rome,
has passed away forever, lint in
this fast-living when men see
I heir hopes of getting rich fa
away, the record-show that suicide
is growing mi re common. There is
little room to doubt that sane men
c suicide who might be saved
I I'm ; of
.-.- and it will t
to kn w
not much
information has h n
i i t in the
-I States by any u
ciliated to i a n y the
farmers this year There is, for in
s from official headquarters ., .,. ,, ., , f
pronunciation of the bushels if I
, i is in three rd Charlotte Observer,
will a silent For
i to
Hi Daughter th Election.
Mi-s Ni
, , J. E. Taylor, a leading farmer of
of . . ,. .
Piedmont, is one the new
ago instituted a of Members in the House
promise suit against G. P. Cannon of Delegates His election is due to
of Concord, state. Recently the efforts and persuasive powers of
the y ting lady died, and it was young daughter, Mrs. I
i iii. Moses, recently a bride.
thong t her death would about end J
. Soon after announcing his
tin lit. the announcement is , ,, . , ,. ,.,, . .
Mr I fell ill with I
i . by the administrator of her ,;,, ;,, delirium when the
he will continue to cam dun was its height,
the suit. Mo-s mounted her a and
h i ea I to hovel, fr man-
It is recorded m the book i f and made a
Holy Writ, that white voter in the
, i i j county
ins T r the destruction . , . . , . ,
nursed t v
of II the Jews in Babylon was fins- canvassed the voters by d .,
by permission being given the S . galloped over bard mountain
v department of
if a helping land were extended at
made n marvel won , . . . .
. the moment An
all. for our percentage . , . . . ,. .
. , . ,, , . de I n, with Mayor
, . , , , .
an I -a been organ-
educationally and ban q A .,, , , ., .
at i It invites
ed. not ex . led, mere t , ., .
. men m dial i Bill-
any r in I ; n
V t the s ; l e
i i a it i , ,
mu employment
hit v to rot urn ,
ml thanks, I ,. . .
I , to do
rat blush I in
it is n ; ; ii sort
I i in
. in most can
ii a in .
could be n d y n friendly and
sympathetic hand, he I
ibis life. Would lie saved to the
ii . Iv the i ii.
our good
To , end. at
their an I ,
i i S rill I . .
Io j in with the
United in . i
sing Thursday, the
as a la;
lay become a useful
. ml and
during which d ,, raise For I , .,, .
it way to keep
the thought suicide from their
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in all
News and latest styles and weaves.
Jews to arm and defend
like this might put a
check on the inhuman butcheries in
Russia, and if the Jews nut
alone able t defend themselves they
have help.
to obscure hollows in the Blue
. and allowed no man to de-
part without promise of his vote.
This is the first time a in
Virginia ever made a personal
canvass. Her father led the
ticket bis district.
I t mercies n I an I
tor oar future, m given and
On this day J therefore earnestly
request nil I
kind be suspended a general Jew York
holiday granted, that through- , ; , recent SuitS.
out the State the gain
in their accustom I places of
lip and render I I lot
High I for His m Id
during this
anew to a life
if industry and
sen. e.
further specially recommend
as Q id hath I then m K ma
. as greatest
has befallen Israel You want, in your slums. Ultra shoes
destruction of Jerusalem snap In thorn as any shoo, and our own design-
time producing which by
the Jewish houses all over the country. Style is the consideration, but
ii Mr. Strauss, If the shoo does not fit, you will not for the
l catastrophe is greater than The fitting qualities ore what is . ;. .
was suffered . . Spain and Portugal, this the ULTRA
or even la the Middle . at the r .
,, Stands
any Jews w landed .,
of their to ,. Md rendered homeless f last are undoubtedly the boat in their re-
and benevolent a , . This is a most revolting
for the enlightened twentieth
century, and yet it is in all
not exaggerated, for the
of for the put
few weeks has boon a veritable
especially to the widows and
I also every one on this
Thanksgiving Day, after have
given thanks, and while enjoying
Silo- Wear.
this holiday, they do Observe
goods are now In,
This department in J. H. FRY, is authorized to re-
the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
I Th Clerk th of
Pin o
t Ia. U-. the
on of . on
I Notion is to a
w to make
e t. i . . d
The Literary society will
give a public debate Nov.
ii or are all A
right for there are plenty of rah
her .-. and
w u. I nutate i i
lb. n
. -i. after n , .-.
i if caps or . in
Resolve i, Foreign W n. ft
should he prohibited. .-,. . apples,
D. J- nM
Pry. T.
F. Taylor. Dr. was town Friday,
President, W. L. Sec- Mrs. Sack has been
received A. W. Ange Co.
I . , .
are be to see then .
Go to Harrington Bather
for Rubber j
. K
De sure to tO I I
Lancaster, L. A.
Sam Parker, F. O. H
Mrs. M. ;. Bryan, re-
turned to her homo Thursday
O. a student of
public is High went home
Invited. t., spend Sunday with
his , ire House.
J. I. n went to Greenville
this morning.
K, O, Bryan went to Greenville
Just by B G. Chapman
car load lime which
will H very cheap.
For Holt time alarm
clocks and H. G.
The town tax are now
open at the store of B. G. Chapman
Lei all come and pay
promptly. Smith, collector.
Our line of fall Winter,
Be our lice be
fore bay. yours to please A.
W. Co.
Prof, J. L. Jackson Went to
Mt-s w- In town
Friday shopping.
Another large shipment
all ea and -ires and price- very
reasonable. Barber
Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the
family, doe for perfectly
balanced, courier
For sale by
We were to have J. A.
of with us
Wednesday night. He came on a
visit to his son who is a Student
the school here. He expressed
himself as highly pleased with the
He is one of the most
and merchants
in Bertie county.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
getting so orders, for buggies
seats bodies, that they have
started a new plant for the purpose
ii . con-
of new furniture that A, W. An
h it. i J,
rec i . . ,,, .,,;.
buy elsewhere.
Just ., . in
if. , . at o.
and fresh g . ,.,., , ,
u . , i
When you want nice dress o
and ; g to
W A tine they have h nit; us
Nice Si.; waist it
If you want your to
nice last lake it to H. L.
the W.-.
steam laundry.
If you want all
Ketone of these good heaters at A.
W. Co. are Cheap.
When call to see
run a class livery feed and
sale stables. W. L. House.
it you expect exchange your
seed for meal you can same tine
by taking meal Jar seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
. I I
I .
land situs , r. i i- .
, North
i it fit on
. la M j.
I by the . . if , u
Adams, m the . i
en a- ., ,,
v. . Boron
. n I. a a
undivided bit rest Id a a
lie tract of Ian former . .
t-i Tins made
to the terms of i
J. M,
By J. C. Ass Knee.
, Let us set yo
Overcoats. The process water-
virtue of the power in a . j .
. , proofing a and every
bear their Dame,
ii. 0-7 the is . Of the
expose . I i i- . .
be court house door in to Is on s waterproof
seats and bodies, they Pitt oil Mill.
are continually enlarging their
Nice line of groceries
ways on hand
Try a bottle of Kid-
n y a cur for all Kid
troubles at
,., . -Cotton i- booming the
for children at If, , , , ,.
farm en are Talk
your ups your downs in the
B. T.
Mr. B. and two little
on, Dowdy and went
Greenville looming.
Don't forget the nice furniture
at A W Ange ft Co
White's and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for a tare colic care,
at the Drug Store
For corn go hi
i Barber .
W have I if
stationary ever brought to
. T S B .
ft Co., are offering cur price
their large shot Which
e a few days in
order to make for their new
supply soon ii received.
Big line of and caps just
received, latent styles.
price, but when you the
highest market here,
day mis week ti. F.
Co., paid for one
i wasn't a i unusual day either,
just sold on a t market and t-.
a man who believes In paying the
far-tier the of their
A sec large shipment of r. its
and caps season latest and
newest style at
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
t i new tot IS
prices before buy
he making lots me Mae them and prices
yon buy elsewhere.
International poultry food
i I ring a Barb r Co.
n in go U. . Orange e m h
. .
C Cox Bro. have a la , Iii P i I . .
i v
. es,
; i i
ware id . till i .
days House.
i. . . let
Shipp A. C
All i of and
I r i Barbe k Co,
be inn
when . get at A W
An Co
Ni.-e i I Hue of men's
tie., a .; Co.
national stock
horse.- it
Special guns far the
next days V. L. House.
Nice line of boy suits at H, L.
yards t calicoes
yard, Barber
Floor oil K W Ange
Go see their stock before j u buy.
i n school desk and bet
desks ate being and
sold f.
The A. Q.
a ear id of wire t
of best grade and differ t
heights year time to select
he style you
T . i a
A. A .
Goto H. L. for shoes,
he has a nice just received,
they are
frames and
X. W.
Call H. I. Johnson's A.
his line of Hosiery
Ladles and i the car load.
Shoes are arriving
i . . have
W. Ange sure to
. school books, papers, inks, In th. id d .
, . tablets, day books Haw two
, account books, states, ., . . ,.
crayons, bags ,. ., .,., ,,,,,, L, ,
shawl strap-. Come and see what .
they have -tore bringing else- .
pulled the bang we-it It.
line groceries j gun and off lifted
always on hand at If. L. Johnson's. I hand,
Mrs. L. A. Spark-, has opened
her complete line of dress -Carbon paper, steno .-
. , . note books,
j , and notion, In ,,,;,.,,
one of the new concrete cards and new
and ts ready, willing and Store.
to lilt any order e
her. She has a well selected line and
the for i
, I Apply to . a In
business, and price to suit
My it worth
Men's youth's pants, all Yes Stop and J
see, at Barber ft Isn't K
line of winter underwear j N. March 1903
u youth's at H. Mrs Joe I pie
I ore in stating that your B
A new re-1 has entirely cured little girl
by B. G. ft Co, a very bed case
,, el great part of body,
Be sure nit. to forge
th at
i fro
time she wot- three awl- Id,
until she was years old.
of Baggy , now fee,
bodies and seats are being made i u. highly
by the A. O. Cos Mfg. ,, t . of
full bus o U tor six
hand at ft Co.
i. W.
overcoat, but .
.,,. a i the
m follows, to Cloth I .
of land In the town of on
Main adjoining th.
n. c. on . . i
Dawson on .
tr north, i
an acre, more or less,
. No . ; -i .
r. ;. A , j i . H.
North Carolina I In
Pitt County f Before the cu--.
W A. and r .
W it. M O.
wife PI. R. It
as i
., illy, John Ed. White-
.-t. . J. T-i IS. r. . ard an I
I. i; l
; ii
Baker an i wife Mollie Baker
an. K T
C rm
i Bowers, w K
. r-i. Me ti
-t, ;. T and wile . i
Manning. i
M. i; Mann-
. . i. Me. G. Ford,
V. Ward, ion
Williams, i
j Man
. I i .
, T
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issuing of this summons, th
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mis quitting
work because, having I , it-
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promise aw will be a
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go i ii .
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that him i r
When it i . i
man lint on energy
and short on the ability In use it be
is to be pitied.
When are i i
properly cared or,
or Both Wood
N. C.
or to pas-
i I s for wale. bay
us dealer,

Don't Miss This
eduction In Prices.
Big Bargains to Those
Who Come First
We have a splendid collection of Dress Goods of this season's purchases
and have decided to reduce our stock, and In order to do so
quickly, we make the following reduction in
Extra fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 2.00 to 1.25
Fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 1.50 reduced to
All Wool regular value 1.50 reduced to f
Silk Dot black only, regular value 1.50 reduced to 1.10.
All Wool Novelty Suitings, regular value reduced to
Satin black only, regular value SI. reduced to
All Wool Chiffon Broadcloths, in black and all colors, regular value
SI. reduced to
All Wool Panamas, in Black, Navy Blue, Brown and Green, regular
value reduced to
in All Wool Cheviots, in black and navy blue, regular value re-
Gilbert Flannels, all wool, regular value reduced to
All Wool Pebble Cloth, in black, regular value reduced to
in All Wool Fancy Panama Suitings, regular value reduced to
Voile, choice patterns, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, value reduced to
All Wool Crepe Cloth, black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Henrietta, all colors, regular value reduced to
Also Wool regular value reduced to
Also a splendid collection of Black Dress Good, including the newest and
pretties; values not in the above number at greatly reduces prices.
i be surprised at the Bargains we have in store for you.
.- a
Y. M. B. O, D.
MM n
Hut Blues and Grays are here to stay. The medium with
rent in back, single or double breasted is the coat that you
wear this season, It b. made with Military shoulders and
to tit tho body medium loose. We have it, made in all the new
fabrics Of course blacks and blues are good this season, yet a
dark blue ground with a slight tint of green, makes an attract We
suit. And the hare cone to stay; everything will be are
next season
PRICES, TO 325.00
COATS-This coat is the only coat well
ed should wear; this coat is light in weight, fat it fires
comfort than a many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Fell Mattresses arc
to all others.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
Remember every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Book Cases,; Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our end Fed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
Greensboro, It
Security Life And Annuity Co., t Greensboro,
regular policies at a much n than
companies. will sell yon a Life polio; at the cam
i i you other companies fr the thereby
you premiums, or par cent.
Pioneer Representative in Greenville.
Phone No.
Action and Inter-
molecular Vibration.
Let us that a stretched
cord or wire axed at both ends, and
Id a sharp Mow be given it. The
hand or other instrument which
parted the blow was set in motion in
order to do so, and its motion was
one of translation, but the cord
which had received the blow and to
which some of the motion has con-
transferred cannot
change its place, for it is fixed. We
know well enough what will happen,
will commence vibrating, more or
less strongly and rapidly, according
to the strength of the blow it has re-
We have therefore hero
seen motion of translation changed
into motion of vibration, but a
and quite as familiar trans-
formation takes place which is in-
Let us take a coin or any small
piece of metal and rub it well with
a cloth or handkerchief. In a short
time will become warm and if the
friction be still continued even
pleasantly hot. The visible motion
of the hand has been transformed
into the invisible vi-
which we call heat. That
is a form of has be-
come a scientific truism, but it was
so the commencement of the
last century, when it was still sup-
no by many to be some
Kind of substance named
proofs to the contrary being
almost simultaneously given by
Rum ford at the end of the
eighteenth century, that of the for-
mer consisting in melting two pieces
of Ice, carefully insulated from ex-
heat, by rubbing them
that of the latter in causing
to boil by the sole means of keep-
It in continual motion.
is hardly necessary to
says anything which
any insulated body or system of
bodies can continue to furnish with-
out limitation cannot possibly be a
material substance, and it appears to
me exceedingly difficult if not quite
impossible to form distinct idea
of anything capable of being excited
in. the manner
heat was and communicated
in these experiments, except it be
W Sal Thar,
It is h listed that mads
the first thermometer about the year
It was an instrument of
glass, consisting of a bulb from
which a slender tube depended, open
at its lower end, and there plunged
into a containing some colored
liquid, such as vinegar or wine.
The glass bulb was heated before
the stem was immersed, and when
the contained air cooled and con-
the fluid in the upright
lube in e to a higher
This simple and primitive apparatus
is constantly use of on the
table nowadays when some
demonstration of the laws of
neat is lo be made.
The of
owe our knowledge of
hypnotism to tho c wise men of the
the to we owe
our language, o r religion, our
philosophy and our oriental as
well as cholera and the opium habit.
Who first in that land of dreams
and dirt made use of
to put his fellow men into in-
voluntary sleep is ob cure a per-
in history a.- the discoverer
of the oyster and as unimportant,
for, while we enjoy all the
advantages of the discoveries of
these unknown heroes of invention,
we are not obliged to consider tho
claims of envious contestants every
Aqua Costs Money.
cents for filling
this prescription Why, at the
drug store i. the street they
charge me . a q i
it's worth
at that stop They put
bout -i in
the bottle and then fill It with
water. I ; tho same drugs and
fill the bottle h th sous
Thanks. Anything
. ting.
to i el
work was i much
i. He con
i p on this i
ho the an i i
vi with t ; God
off s little
Mark Twain
A friend wrote to Mark
asking his opinion on i certain mat
and red iv n. reply. He wait-
a few day and wrote again. His sec-
letter was l o ignored. Thou
ho sent a third note, a
sheet of paper a two cent stamp-
By return mail he received a postal
card, on which was the
and stamp received.
Mis Hearing and Ability
to Get Away.
of quick and resource-
animals, the mole leads easily so
far as my experience said a
man who has studied the animal,
dare there are many men
have made observations that
confirm my contention. As you
probably the mole plows in
the surface earth, generally
a i I rid e anywhere from
two lo three inches high, lie moves
with remarkable rapidity even when
groin in he is burrowing
is hard. When operating in soft
ground he moves at a
gait. this is the point
I wanted make. I was thinking
of the remarkably good hearing of
the mole end the case with which
he can away just at the moment
u you think you have him
course now and then yon
drive a spike through the
before he is aware of it. If you do
yon will have to walk as light as a
cut and will have to act as quickly
as the same animal when the time
comes to act. In nine cases out of
ten the mole will hear the first foot-
fall. At once be will quit plowing,
lie is gone. Search as you may you
cannot find hint. I have seen men
dig for fifty yards, following the
ridge and its offshoots, without find-
any other trace of the mole than
the ridge. The mole's hearing is
peculiarly keen, and I suppose this
is so because he cannot see. But
even more wonderful from
Standpoint is the ease and quickness
with which he gets away. How does
he manage it Where does he go
know, the element of
in my makeup is I
don't believe in ghosts, but some-
how I have always inclined just a bit
to the ghost theory when thinking
of mysterious antics of these
blind burrowers. The mole is more
like a ghost in his conduct than
anything I have ever known, though
of coarse the mole is a real thing
and not an imaginary and mythical
One Tiling at a Time.
not m am lime remarkable
cation.; intellectual
now, as he stood before the camera
for the purpose of his
expression was so inane even
the polite photographer was moved
to protest.
excuse he remarked,
do you want this photograph
for a beauty competition or an ad-
for a new rat poison
Because if it's for other
pose you'd better try to look a
just the ex-
Robert. sec, I've tho
misfortune a bandy, and
I'm trying to hold my knees so that
it won't show. When I smile I for-
get all about my knees, and when I
pay attention to my knees forget
to Express.
Tho Height of Clouds.
The very highest clouds, those
called cirrus and rise
to the average of about
feet. A second class keep a
of from lo
above the while the lower
clouds usually float at a height
exceeding feet. In the
case of tho mentioned of
clouds the lower surface may l at n
height not ex. ceding to
feet, while their lowering
will be removed from the earth by
less than f et.
s Y
The above name will take
notice that so action entitled u above
has in
Pitt County obtain a
from the of
and defendant, on the grounds of
said will
ha I. required
at U-nu of
prior Court of said county, t he held
Ml tin. M the first
Monday in March It being the
lay of
demur to the complaint ill action,
the plaintiff will to the court
for the relief demanded la a w-
This of October,
O. C Clark Superior Court.
I. A. fair Hi
as executor
of the lac and testament of Moses
Tyson, Vt C Moore,
clerk of the. Superior c
notice is . to at
indebted to estate of Moses Tyson,
deceased, to make Immediate payment
to the executor, no-
is given to all persons
holding claims estate
the same with the
properly within
from the
notice will be in of recovery.
I This the 21st day
S. w. Tyson,
the of Mom-- Tyson, deceased.
F. C. Attorney.
upon the octal-
Cobb, having
been issued to the by the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, qualified as
executors of the
the James t . notice is
by given to all persons holding
claims said estate to present
lo I-, l for
s on or before the
IS, or this no-
in of
i said
to make immediate
at to us.
. 1905
I H.
Keen . i
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
of the power of sale contain-
delivered by it. and wife
Lida Elks V. dated
11th, 1904 and in Hook
X page the other 4th day
of may 190.1 and duly recorded in the
Register of Deeds office f Pitt
Carolina, in Book K
the undersigned will to public
salt, before the court house door
Greenville, to the highest bidder on
SATURDAY, Dee. 2nd 1905, a
tractor parcel of land lying
in the county of Pitt and North
Carolina and described follows, to
That tract of laud in town-
of the said It Elks resides,
adjoining lands of Jesse Haddock,
Smith, Smith's heirs
and others, to satisfy said mortgage
deed. Terms of e cash. This 1st
day Nov. 1906.
P. Mortgagee
Mary Cousins I
vi I Notice.
Cousins. I
defendant above named will
lake notice that an action entitled as
above has been In the
Court of Pitt County to obtain
a divorce from the bonds of
lore solemnized between
and defendant, on the grounds
of the said defendant
will take notice that lie is
appear at the next term of
the of said
the seventh Monday before
in March, it being
15th day of January, and
or demur to complaint in
said action, or plaintiff will
ply to the court for de
in said
day of October,
C. Clerk Superior
I. S. Any fur
By power of sale con-
a deed
and by I. W.
wife Jim to I. K.
s a. day of October
and in the of
Deeds of Pits county.
in page the r-
will ts public sale.
the Court House door In Green-
ville, lo bidder on
cay 1906. or
of land and being In the
Pitt and North
us U
lots the town of
ton, N. First at
a stake on St. JO bet from Hilt
St., and running N feet.
thence S E feet, thence
St., thence up
St. feet to the beginning.
Tot on N side
of Water St. at a pump point in J J.
t ox's and runs S. E. down said
street to Bridge tit,
with Bridge St. N. E. lo a
stake Chapman's first corner, thence
S. H stake Chapman's
second corner,
feet 3rd corner,
with and M. L.
Hue 5-12 to n stake in
M. L. aid J. J B. Cox's lite,
to Water street the be-
ginning, I acre, more or
let satisfy deed.
Terms of sale cash
This the day
I. E. JENKINS, Mortgagee.
N. C.
Carol Ian, , ,
r Cons,.
One three horse farm two
good dwellings, three Tobacco barns,
and miles
South i on the
ton Via
Have rent or lease
horse or will decide lo suit the
eight ant live tobacco barns
and pack house all under fence
rounded with ten thousand Hayes of
line stock ranges for hogs, sheep and
cattle Situated on the Dover nil h-
. It. live miles South of Dover
a healthy section and good water
Apply II. Pot, N. C
On September 28th I took up a stray
female hog, sandy color, weight about
pounds, and marked with crop in
right ear. can get same by
and paying
G. T Evans,
F. F. D. No. N C
10-11 w
duly qualified
Superior Court clerk of
as executor of the last will and
of Elizabeth Clark, deceased,
notice is hereby u all persons
indebted to the estate make
date payment to the undersigned,
all parsons claims against said
estate must present the same for pay-
on or before the day of
or this notice will bi. plead
in bar of recovery.
This 31st day of
C. F. Chapman,
Executor Elisabeth
Greenville Banking
Trust Company
We Want your Account.
Trouble to Answer Questions.
Are Always To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
You Want And Meed It.
We Pay per cent, on Time Deposits
Wit the Courtroom.
Thomas Flatly of Boston, the
well known lawyer wit,
wits acting for the defense in a
case during the cross ex-
of the asked the
following wish to
divorce thin woman because she
drink my
the witness angrily,
whereupon the lawyer, with face
asked one more question,
you any other
Where Woman Is Lord.
In o tiny island called
off the southern of India, a
most peculiar of society exists,
for woman is lord of all she surveys,
wife is tho recognized head of
the house. She owns it aid every-
thing In it, while anything that
husband, who works very hard, can.
earn goes to increase her wealth.
Her husband belongs to her, too
end when she marries him site give
him- her instead of taking hid.
sobriquet of
was first applied to Ma-
tho Roman officer who, H. C.
HOB and won signal
lover the northern Ma
declined the honor, but the.
twine was given to
then to several more or lee
Roman emperors and finally.
t Washington, his enemies
the of
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are wry fortunate in be-
c with the pub-
. mag
c have decided
have the full
1.1 reduction in
order a large body
of paid i advance subscribers.
will a full of and on hand
lithe season We are prepared to furnish you kind
horse want, drift horses, fine drivers and farm
We keep th- mules that can he bought. We will
buy or trade for any kind of males or hoes
will buy from a plug to driver.
Corns to see as. If we have not got what we
will set it.
R. L. CO.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Don't Neglect This Wonderful Offer
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
art publication, but the Review
of Reviews is Sub-
American men and
men are going to keep up with
the times and they are going to
take the shortest cut which is
the Review of
The Cosmopolitan Woman's Home Companion
A leading magazine
With the recent change of owner
ship it has been improved, is
far better In every and
aims to be the in tho Held.
Every year or so there's one
notable advance In the forward
movement among the mag
This year it is the Cos
The Woman's Home Companion
is tor every member of the tarn
bright, earnest,
cultured, home loving American
woman ii is an ideal entertainer
and helper in a thousand
; way but the fathers and
brothers mid sons join in its
perusal by the children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written for
to finning
The American is the leading Agricultural paper the country, and pertains
ting, live stock and poultry raising. Every tanner should have it
all tour of these papers with The Daily a year tor or all lour
HUSTON a year tor
fruits, Candies, can be had at
I our store
We carry a supply of the Best
The Crisis Grocers.
For Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Staffers. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in mack, and
it reaches people money pay for what want.
If have what, they want advertise it you are sure to
gt a of their mousy.

lead very word of prove the most profitable Investment you have made In years For months and years capital, brains, genius and enterprise have con-
culmination a tremendous trade triumph that knows no in the annals or commerce. We now lay before you
e rich result of this I fort.
, no quantity if the quality is standard A World Marvel of Twentieth Retailing
he Buying Organization
i . o I i .
t v i i th
not in story. To lo
for strokes in purchasing Its fume is national. Its strength Is respected. We hear of and get the newest things first.
r A Carnival of Underselling-
whirl-wind Type is All printed are on patient paper. Our achievements are in our Store
m an printing full you must corns h-r in n and come early.
Sensational sis Clothing;.
Your oh a . m-ins durable male of good
strong fabrics of merit and fashion. price 11.60
A sensation in fancy mixed Cheviots and
shades of brown an dressy looking fancy mix-
in small checks and plaids aid effects. These
are certainly the grander; values Stale .-
suit. grand assortment single an d
doable breasted sack b gray and brown,
tweed mixtures in th n-w -t and most desirable
I--, all superbly tailored, Prone- face finished. A
guaranteed. are equal in every respect
to that U. P. price
Men's fine suits, el ,,; . in to fine
custom work. This season's Styles and best sellers.
Worsted, Scotch ; and ever reliable
Better made garments e. d by any concern
in North Carolina. W the equal of any
garments on the market. at
We have pat on sale ;
for ii. r co n lasted sacks.
., . . m I
and th deal -Ii i las of aid t
or d to a turn into i i Others consider
them good values at r -is
Come in and ask to sen . V always
glad to show them. It tad
Youth and
For want of space we cannot quote these. We
have on hand an of patterns, styles
and qualities to please the most We
guarantee you a tit and a convincing bargain.
We have on hand now a lot of knee pants
suits worth up to all of will he placed
before you. Age 1.48
Mens Extra Pants.
We have now an extensive and attractive line
ranging in prise from to per pair.
These are bargains, every pair.
Overcoats, Coats, Rain Coats.
We can lit yon up in so comfortable you
will enjoy had w. other sleeping a tin
roof a rainy night, for per cent less thin
. underwear at. .
Boys heavy underwear at . .
men, woman, children.
AL we ask is you our new line be lore
buying and you walking, talking
advertisement us.
Surpassing Values.
yards good Calico, per yard
yards best grade ,
Yard wide white Homespun
bolts assorted colors Outings
bolts t He
Best Apron Gingham in this sale .
Heavy Flannel at. .
Best Feather bed Tick at
Dress Goods.
Best Flannel Waisting now
fl Broadcloth now
Big line colored is now ,
plows all wool now .
Ladies Goods,
tire we ii ire a n i i .
v . I i 1st.
-Mens l . in. now .
If ens patent . 61.98
Lad -a tips . .
fresh stock styles
new styles Corsets now .
good Corsets going now , . .
Ladles fleece lined Underwear now .
A big line of Trunk am Bags at a saving f per cents.
The price is only half the story, quality is the rest.
CEILING and give you wholesale prices.
. i
. . ,,. want
i s
J. Colter mi
Twice-a-Week Tuesday anal Friday.
VOL. No.
Given by Mrs. R. J. Cobb in
Honor of Mrs. Hume,
of Greensboro.
On afternoon Mm. It. J.
Sue of
occasion is long to hi remembered
as one of the nicest ever
held here. home was very
decorated with
plains, ferns and
Mr. Cobb received at front
assisted by Mr. rT. A. White
Rave all welcome in ii
own way Mis.
gown of white silk mull
with real lace trimmings and Mrs.
White gowned in over
white china
howl was the great attraction in
hall, a very china bowl
hand painted, back of the bowl,
the flowers in between th shaded
e sticks made a
Misses Pattie
and Alice White at sane.
The library es-
pretty, of
chrysanthemums and ferns.
nil served
chocolate from
to the
where all Sad the
meet inn the of honor, Mrs.
Hume, who was exquisitely
in with
Score were handed to all
present and the
and exerting games of
began in fall force and In
Mrs. Herbert White
first prize, a hand painted
presented sane to Mm.
Hume. The consolation was
drawn by Mrs. Harry Skinner a
band painted china plate.
The dining room decorations
were in red and tho beautiful
Beauty roses tastefully
arranged the table and hanked
in profusion in front of and on the
inviting appetite
upon entering. The menu was
as oysters on half still,
pickles, French salad served from
the hull of an orange, cheese
Wafers, olives,
sandwiches and coffee.
Those present were
Harry Skinner, R
Cobb, Herbert While, B White,
Hay wood Hail, Sue
Hume, L B W King,
H W e, W
Asa Parham, S K B
J L Fleming, It W Will
lams B W G Wood-
ward, Misses Elisabeth Jones, Nell
Skinner, Pattie
Skinner, Mis Morris-. Virginia,
Jessie Lee Sugg, Skinner,
by Baptist Sunday School.
Lula Bryan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryan, died
Thursday, Nov.
rt is meet that Hie membership
of this Sunday pause in the
services of this hour and make ex- out at the Star warehouse Tuesday
There was a Lively Between the Auctioneer and
the Truckers Monday Morning.
There some lively hustling
of their regret and sorrow
of the taking away of this
morning. The Star first sale,
under the regulations had
lovely child, a member the o'clock. night
die roll class of the There d the early of this
fore be It exceedingly
First. That the of the I mads slower than
Sunday school of Memorial Usual getting in, and when
Baptist church deplore the Burton started his to
away of this little life, but we arc
with the thought tint she
is now Clod and the ante's.
Thai we tender to the
father and mother, sisters and
brothers our Sincere sympathy, and
sorrow with them in this time of
them to Him
who has said I will be with you
always, and invoke the blessing of
God them In their bereave-
Third, We make request that a
cony of these resolutions be to
parents, a copy Tub Rb-
and that the resolutions
be spread tho minutes of this
Mrs. M. M.
J. . Com.
S. J.
OR St. Mala, en Coast
London, Nov. The South
western way's
was wrecked yes
St. on
the aorta and It is
believed that mm or more
of her passengers crew were
The eat h angel has taken from
our midst another loved one, Lena
Elizabeth, wife of Lib-
of Richmond, I ml., and
daughter of Dr. John S. Mis.
Taft. This is the second
daughter that Mrs. Tail has
within the six or eight weeks.
The suddenness aim unusually
circumstances tins
death makes it all the greater
to and friends
alike. The life of a dear sweet baby
boy went out with hers and
and babe will away the
same the babe resting
peacefully the mother's breast.
little shall lead
little baby hands may lead
her it up I
waiting arias. a little
three year old daughter, It
to call in vain for
The husband and In lie
daughter and Mrs. Lincoln Leah,
a sister the
the buyers many wagons in the
driveway were waiting hi unload
and not half the break on the
Then there was a race between
the auctioned and the truckers,
and the way trucks rolled from
to the scales, out the
ahead of the and back
was something to look at.
Everything itemed to
President of the
dated, trot him a joined
the whirl. Auditor would
drop bis sales hook now and
grab a for a spin around
circle, to his book
soon with the ticket
marker. Hinton
it looked like good and he
gathered a trunk
run him out his
certainly did hot It, the
push, and ran out pile
two ahead of the
auctioneer. It was lively ll
j Han
Parham A Foxhall are a
flue record at
this season. Up to present
time they have sole
pounds of at an of
This is a high average
on such a large quantity of
especially a like this
the greater part of the crop is very
Seven and Half Million.
The government report
issued today places the number of
bales of cotton ginned up to and
Including Nov. 14th, between
and This was
a bullish report was followed
by a sharp advance in futures.
After Blind Tigers and Moonshiners
United Commissioner I.
A. Sugg is having some violators
of the laws before him.
The colonel is conservative
firm. He has had a
of eases before him since his short
term of office in this
There am several prisoners now in
j awaiting the grand
jury at New Bern, and are
A serious mutter of tearing down
and breaking mail b the
routes by live drunken men,
was before him. The colonel put
bonds of and
appearance court
Several blind tigers cases have
G. Biker rune in Sunday
evening from Lewiston.
Ft. Hauling returned to
Raleigh this morning.
Hinton Best, of spent
Saturday In Greenville.
Miss Mamie went to
Ayden evening.
Negro Boy
in the and
Face with Bird shot
night n
. i v-l . r
Mr. mid Mrs R R, from a
Mi-s Clyde On la Winter
returned this morning.
W. r. Best went to
C II. went lo Ayden
Sat evening and
this morning.
W. T. and Burton
tuned evening from
where bad been to
attend the funeral of father.
Mrs. R and little
daughter, of are visit
Mrs. J. Q.
II. Moor, of
also beta before him. This i a who been visiting her
offense, and the crop of Mrs. R. R. Rouse, loll mis
eases to be fair for a
fall one. In of these oases
there was of selling
the defendant
to show it was
that was not
but did go on the to
In making the judgment
a would give tho
a aha a on the
what is.
It is to the good people
will Sugg their sup-
port in breaking up tigers
and moonshine stills.
deceased, will arc imp my the
James, Alice White, remains to her old home for burial
in the Taft graveyard near Green
villa, N. C,
and Mrs.
This was one of the nicest Euchre
pa-lies ever is
and ill who thoroughly
enjoyed -am, and Cobb con-
h r h h ling
deal l m
he had living it ch
Business the Consolidated
Talk about high averages, the
Farmers operated
the Farmers Tobacco
Co., made one Tuesday counts.
That tins sold between
and pounds, the
our Saviour on sale, In-
the scrap, was cents.
If bad not been I
the average would have gone much
higher. This kind of sale bears
out the claim made by the Consult,
dated the claim is mi
houses average higher sales
all other houses on the market
I Consolidated Ti
b mm i h operative
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
Alex and Ida S.
Kill lei
Zeno and Haddock.
Abram Adams.
and Lula Harris.
H. Buck mid
Pi ham.
Louis Stocks and
Lee Nelson and Sadie Tripp.
Cannon and
Perry Atkinson and Ada
Sylvester and
Miss L. Irvine, one of the
graded teachers, is Kin-
at bedside of brother
who in sick.
Forbes, one of our oldest
is ill at his
borne o-i
gives his
Mine who had
been home la wisH
ton this where she ; caches
in the graded
Tuesday, Nov. 31st,
R. J. Little, spent
today here.
Mrs red Cox returned to Rich-
G. G. left Monday
evening for
Mrs. I. H. went to Wilson
today to visit relatives.
Mrs. E. V. Smith, Texas, is
visiting Mis. R. S Evans.
James went went t
Monday evening.
riot was on and a-k In u to
come down. Tucker and
Deputy off on the
mils drive, did . ti id my
when they re -h i ti; i hi.-land
learn l was i hat
. alley I I to
a Will
Grimes, ah IR ye- g.-.
run to the home of his
brother, Policeman and
Constable John follow-
the policeman Bring two shots
at the running hoy. When the
officers were about yards
the the boy appeared tho
doer with a and Called to them
t slop. They did not top and
the bay rained gnu and tired, a
load of bird shot striking Constable
Galloway side of
the head and nice. The officer's
was bat serious.
The boy made escape.
T. M.
of Line.
Va., Nov.
annual of the
of the Allan Coast
today, T. M. of
It. C, was
dent, vice U. T.
Mr. was for
vice president and
lie succeeded II
c on the-
All the other
directors were
eight Represented
At warehouse today
there was tobacco from eight
counties on the floor. This
house has a reputation that is for
S. King came in Monday draws patronage from
evening from Chicago. a territory.
W. W. Perkins returned
Kinston Monday evening. STATE NEWS
Annie evening from a visit to , pt w-n- Smith, Golds-
man well known throw
Mrs. Men,,,, of Florida, came the state, died
Chester Harriet to visit friends
W. H. Jones and Wiggins.
Arnold Jones and Sophia
Fine Bank
I t short all j the farmers who are
who loved her. and stockholders sharing in the pr II i
Out readers will be in
the excellent
the Bank of Greenville, showing
its standing up lo and Including
he of Nov. nth. A com-
iii this with ii.
previous . shows that Hie
deposits have increased
A not her at g feature
this i- Dial Its sin mid
I i are no
at Falkland. Mrs a
., . ,. , , daughter, of Chatham county,
George Hadley, La- died i,. eating an
Monday to be contained poison
at the bedside of her father, who; peeled
is very sick, ,,.,
the apple and giving it , them.
Miss Helen Forbes came from R ,.;. u,,,,,,.,, a , of Mt
school Raleigh Monday even-
, wove, nave made an assignment
being called by the sickness
apple that
A son is
the poison in
appreciated noble, I made, and it Is no wonder
Something I
i m awaken lo their
and i She was interest the business com.
i ii ; kind- larger and larger. Ii
I . Is of tobacco
iv in own
Ope and give pica the
, in . i-i
. . I, i m i- it can be truly said of
half as its i
Joe The o will be
headed by the well known com
Abbott as
Sport During the action
win, she
. ii
She I id u
line all . . . and passed
away a, live Saturday
of ploy s number of the spec- morning, at the
will be by hospital in To us the
company of operative
vaudeville artist
pain, her the
Sermon lo
sermon to the local
lodge Jr. O. A. M. will be
preached in the Baptist church
next Sunday morning by Rev. J. K.
Tho will attend the
service In a body, meeting in
their hall and, matching to the
the Baptist
her lather.
Wednesday, . 22nd
Ainu n Is in
l. turn, of I; chin
in I
G. W.
today. ,
nearly 138.000 liabilities,
f id been business only
about a year.
a year-old boy
in county, two loads of
his , he
on ii . latter a as ,
farm i
Improve ; . . p ice N
building. he. i .
inn the steeple i
and the i . .
the main auditorium.
Two Days.
Again we call attention to the
fact that tho Greenville
market will be closed on Thursday,
30th, Thanksgiving day, and on
Friday, Dec. 1st. There will be
v. II.
; i lost an the
II. lo his rifle.
Tuesday evening and
this morning.
returned , .
J. W. of Green
ville, Tenn., arrived Tuesday
IO Mrs.
who have been Mrs. Morgan once lived
, i i

Eastern reflector, 21 November 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 21, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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