Eastern reflector, 10 November 1905

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Y. M. B. O D.
But Blues and are her i to stay. The median with
vent in back, single or doable breasted is the coat that you should
wear this season, It should be made with Military shoulders
to fit the body medium loose Me have it, made in all the now
fabrics Of course and blues are good this season, yet a
dark blue ground with n slight tint of green, makes an attractive
suit And the have come to stay; everything will lie
next season
PRICES, 37.50 TO
COATS -This coat is the only well dress
ed wear; this coat is light in weight, yet it gives
comfort than a. many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
are going to be this Winter,
so don't fail t Call have us place one
in your horn before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters For Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
F. M. Hornaday,
Pioneer Greenville
Home Insurance Companies. Special attention given to Life, Fire,
Health and Accident Insurance.
Phone No. 3.-
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in ail things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in blast a most RECORD-BREAKING SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most libel and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
I taken up n stray
that has been with my
stock i.- the
shout is sandy red color,
about pound, ha slit in right
ear and tailed. Owner is
mil to call for came and pay
charges. A
near Greenville.
Pub an End to It All.
A grievous wail conies
as a result of unbearable pain from
lover taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint and
constipation But thanks to Dr.
New Life Pills they put no
end to it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
by Jim. L. Wooten,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
in death. Tuns a mere
insignificant or
have paid the death penalty.
is wise to have
Salve ever bandy. It's the bast,
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when barns, sores,
aid threaten. Ma at
J. V Wooten's Drug Stave.
A f piano for sale at a sac-
the instrument which on
the bast stakes handled the
plane was A
months ago by a gentleman who
lost his little girl.
Party Tilling lose over a aim
dollars. Utah or apply
t Q. O. W A.
K. O.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
stubborn Hunt with an on
my right writes J. F. Hughes
of gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
As a last resort I tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit I received
was striking and I was on my feet
la a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my
all coughs, colds, and throat and
Guaranteed by
Trial battles free.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement a
preventive of suicide bad been
discovered will interest many.
A down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
wakes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Bitten. It being a great
ionic and will strengthen
the and up the system.
It's also a stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Me. Sat-
guaranteed by L.
Bilk shawls, all
extra heavy in black. D.
M. A If C.
Why Baskets
yea can get Cotton Sheet at leas
than half pries.
II w
i y f r
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Civil Term in Session.
November term of Pitt
for the tr a of civil
teases, began this morning
Judge E. B. r.
In calling the eighteen jurors
the first week only o e foiled t.
answer. Of the seventeen there
were five with excuses. who
was sick and a anther who was
running a public gin, which bad to
close during h's absence, wore
excused for the
in torn ease
man were let off for being,
the judge advising would
be sent for Deeded,
When the calling Bel on
the calendar for the Best day
it found mat one lids
or the other was not ready
looked for a time that there w
be little doing.
advised the bar that he wanted
than to them to
do, that after
regularly take up the as
arranged and the he
or the cost would he levied
One case was non-suited
of failure of plaintiff to appear,
judgment was entered In a
that had been com promised, a
divorce case a few min-
more, and recess was taken
until afternoon.
There is a very small
at court, civil terms not usually
having much interest them
Wilmington Mutiny Trial On.
Wilmington, Nov. -The trial
Arthur Adams and Saw-
two of the three seamen
charged with and murder
rot Captain E R. and four
members of the crew of the
Harry A. off this coast
early in October, began in the
Federal court today. A true bill
was returned this evening against
Scott, the third of the
mutineers, who was the
witness today against his
i shipmates, charging each of them
with the murder of one man and
firing simultaneously at the
third and throwing all their bodies
overboard. He confessed to toe
killing cf one seaman him
self, but claimed that it was in
self-defense the mutiny was
over. The trial of Adams and Saw-
will be Monday, and
Scott will be placed on trial
day, counsel having assigned
by the court today.
The witness today, besides Scott,
were Captain J. W. Taylor, master,
Mate of t in. schooner
Blanche H. King, which took the
off the schooner at sea,
Captain I. F. Hewett, of New
Jersey, managing owner of the
The cases are being
prosecuted by District Attorney.
Harry Skinner, while the prisoners
on trial are being defended by At-
George L. of
j league Highly Entertained All Ai are and a Pleas-
Th -n. it literary of ant Attend.
I the League, of Greenville Everybody no Is looking for-
church, was j ward to the Mg dace find
evening at the hone of the third to held K. i-in i Nov.
vice president, i
Bar i
an pr h id ii
prepared and a Urge of
the present aid
every one y the evening.
Th ,.,;,. been
vii i I chairs Co
famish set's lover
literature ind , an the l re
st . o
treat lute in
is I r th e to have
he head i i , y depart me
lies who not only
and knowledge if literature
hot o a rare
and to interest
other in this work she is so
The program rendered
of choicest selections of music,
reading and The
music was
by Miss with a
charm and ease th it snowed grace-
and talent
Mrs. II. Hooker sing several
solos to of all
present. Mrs. inker u
voice beauty richness
always maim null
and applause.
The reading of selections fro
poems, and by
Miss Bessie Harding especial-
and Miss
with a was
equally pleasing.
View of the
w. recited by Miss Dora
recited. Old Sweet-
heart of
The entire was interest
and instructive, all who
attended the meeting End
are delighted to note the
progress tho literary department
is making. F. M. Hornaday,
Bolt Party.
Va , Nov.
today have confirmed the
report of an
the the immediate result
of which will be the practical
elimination of the
vote from the State
next Tuesday. The is
that of an independent party,
the idea being for the members to
themselves from the polls
for the present as a rebuke to the
white leaders of the Republican
party in the State for the
in The white
leaders say they are glad to get rid
Of the represented in the
new party, as their present effort is
to build up a whits Republican
party in the State.
Wheel Run Off
Saturday Mrs. F. M.
Hodges and her two little girls
out as
started up Third street at the
corner of of the front
wheels run off, of the
girls out in and the other
one fell caught in the loot of
the buggy. Mrs. Hi I res,
being the opposite side
in the
the horse in a short
None of were hurt
at ail.
H- I is lighted by
being decorated
the occasion.
Over -ix . c have
checked tho visitors that
H. , of the
and is doing
things up i i. vie, and e ate
to f the
. r h-ll in this state,
taking orders
ii B- or-
v-ii the
to be taking
a going
fl. S. Pl I
fir f i r ii
h e
to h ii
in c int of a letter
saying . tie we will be
there P lay evening Sue
with full , and guarantees
i Prof
by far the
beat in i
This is ; . a card and
couples a.- to be there
at nine die
will begin at
If there are only five
Lets -iii together and get
there pi on time and secure
good for the hop
Several me Babes in
T Co
Girl be rendered for the
of audience from
until lime if
are n at
Drug store, Id each.
Transacted by the Commissioners.
of i
met in regular mo d
on the 6th, all the
Order wire drawn the treas-
as roll
home court coats 931.04;
conveying prisoners and insane
Hi OS; roads
bridges and ferries 1337 jury
men reg-
i tor of record
a; tickets coal
W. M. Skinner was granted
lift n-e lo run a distillery a y
Passing Upon road re-
reports of a ft-w
In tax valuations and x-
the remainder
of s at the
The has lien turned
mill and people
in the caught large
many fine
being taken. L R. Whichard
brought one that measured
nearly feel in length,
It Was All Right.
was a large well
pleased audience in Masonic
opera house, Friday night,
to Elmer Walter's
part of the performance was good.
Manager is to be
Mrs. Ann Moore, wife of
Worrell Moore, of Carolina town-
ship, died this morning. Mrs.
Moore was quite old and had been
feeble health for sometime.
Last Saturday she was painfully
by accidentally falling
a stove. She leaves a
who is also very old.
son and four daughters. All the
children are grown.
The Columbian Club
requests presence of
at a o be given
November the tenth
hundred and five
in the Perkin's Hall
Greenville, North
The invitations are very
The I Issue of
for season has
The Baptist
will meet in
Is holding a
nesting in New Bern.
The Western North
C inference
this week.
A new Methodist church at Ox-
ford was Sunday,
of Virginia, preaching
the sermon.
A the
a check to
Oat for th
Alex. Port, an
expert tailor, has opened
in Greenville
Frank Wilson's He is
to do all kinds of work
en's clothing. Those who want
their dress suits neatly pressed for Monday
Monday, M iv. 6th.
Mooring in
C. L. Wilkinson rent
this morning.
Miss C-a . -d
morning from
Rev. W. x o .
Sunday evening
G. , .
day and . n
W. T i. i
f ;,
Miss Lizzie r n in.,
this a K u e .
Misses Nannie and Cell a
left this morning f--.- B i
T. L. Bland and wife
this morning from a.
railing Be b I.
Tom morn.
for -i s
at that
Mrs. Ski-me; i i
S j
Mies I, if .-,
the school at
Miss Dora Hornaday, of Ayden,
came in Saturday to
with her and rimer
Nov. h.
J. Higgs went m
O or
want to Hamilton
J. A. Ricks to
C. C, King went to
this morning.
P. T. went down
r ad Monday
Miss Pearl went to New
It Was In
men In Maryland.
Bet Urns from the held
Tuesday nave been card to get,
owing to the result being so close
in some
Both -i
i was governor of
bf majority and
Demo gains
I all . ,
Pea . v. i was i , ed by the
New was In
t , III I
vi out the ;
mat is mayor,
led in
i t for
i the
r. Nov. 1905.
Quite a number of our people
went f.
J. It of Ayden,
j. for Ham Hill.
flailing friends.
is sick at the
home of bar mule, Mr. Patrick.
wan liters a visit g few days
ago tins t keen able lo return
hone We her illness may
Bay held the
M I-. i. a
and credit to
lite managers.
K. Corbitt wife leave today
fur r rat id Conference
lo be held church
and Pausing
the dance should call on him. All
work guaranteed at reasonable
prices. S
J. J. Edwards, spout
Monday Greenville.
E A. to
evening and returned
Mrs. Davis, of
who been visiting her
Mrs. H. L. Hum her, left
Monday evening.
Miss A. Weaver, the trained
Back In His Old Place
W. F. in from
Tuesday evening.
returns to Greenville to take his
old place as foreman of
i i a posit inn he tilled
for nearly twelve years. He is
glad to In in Greenville again and who was here the
luted on securing this excellent , there a
play and can always expect a large
house when he has this kind.
A who owns a great big store
With stocks of goods every door,
May, to his keenest sorrow,
The public to his wares is blind.
And though he add all he may
Would likely to his success,
His bank may never rise
Till he to
Fine full St. Bernard
puppies seven weeks old. Price
females tea dollars, males twenty,
d, It H. C. Moore,
box Greenville, N. C.
number and cm be secured by
calling at Coward Wooten's
Drug Store at each.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples last
Daniel and Lena Bradley.
Joseph Tillery and
Aaron May and Fannie Barrett.
Robert Fields.
A man who was
convicted com t of an affray felt
that he had disgraced and
committed suicide.
his host of friends are equally glad
to see in in back in our midst. He
is here business and our pit runs
will him ready to serve them
with his old time cordiality.
Six and Millions Bales Ginned
The government report
issued today, places the of
bales of this season crop up
to the of November at
bales. The future quotations
took considerable drop after the
report out.
W. F. M. Society
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of the M. E, Church will
hold an informal reception the
of Mrs. Wiley Brown Wed-
afternoon at o'clock, the
occasion the opening of the
mite boxes. Every member is ex-
to be present and all the
ladies of the church are
invited. will be thank-
fully received.
A Lump of Logic.
The time to quit seems to me
This truth is past
Our ought to be
When all the world quits buying.
child of Mr. and Mis. J.
left this morning for
lay, Nov. 8th.
Mrs. A, G. of Greensboro,
Tuesday evening to visit
Mrs. H. A. White.
J. W. returned Tuesday
evening a trip up the
Mrs. Paul of Si, Louis,
who has been visiting Mis. F, W.
Clare, returned home this
In That Climate.
believe in giving; devil
the old fellow might
prefer a little
Marriage Follows
At this term of Superior court
there was a divorce followed quick-
by a marriage. Mrs. Margaret
Forbes obtained a divorce
from her husband,
Forbes, to whom she was in o i led
about a ago. Curtis
Harrington was attendance upon
the trial and as soon as the
in divorce was he
Mrs. Forbes went to the register's
office a license.
C. Rountree was culled
In married the couple.
Chicago Tribune.
It hut
know a sufferer
rum lot an J never
has bad dime fur it. Well,
bis wife bus it now, she makes
such a about be had to
gel u doctor fur her, but makes
her divide the medicine with
He gels two course of treatment for
the price one.
Reported Assassinated.
A was sent London
today mat M. Wine, the Premier
Russia under the new order of
things there, had been
The rumor lacks
is not believed.
The who
in June lust shot and killed another
Will on an
excursion train at will be
hanged at
A good Three
lots x on Washington
street, 12th 13th.
Just out of the corporate limits.
d, I U.
N. C.
Dear It you paint two
houses alike with two different
Minis, and one takes twice as
much paint as the other, you
which paint to buy
far as go far
One of these paint is the
is average The
worst are worse than that; the
better are not much better; no
other is any
where near in go fur.
is go further; the rest are
go short go middling go three
Your truly,
F. W. CO.
P. H. L. Carr sells our
X i

to visit our store and examine our magnificent stock, selected with
a view to meeting the every requirement of those in search of
Goods that have Value and gives the purchaser Entire Satisfaction.
Dress Goods, Silks,
Ladies and Jackets.
Why th.
A gentleman who was traveling
from the north had occasion to slop
at a country tillage tome fifty miles
from London. Having a few hours
to he wen around inspecting
the places of interest in the neigh-
to pass the time pleasantly
away. About midday the bell of
the village church began tolling.
His curiosity being aroused, he stop-
-tied to be pass-
. time and said, you
tell me, man, why that bell
is t II o tree i said
the lie, the
pulling the
Spare Moments,
. Id up the
it on bit
ran.- have been a
fr r. n No man could do
that DO
aw different
there was but a
mall part of the world
when he held it
People who have a wide
with the ordinary summer
boarding boa in a place where the
season i.- and hay must be
made the shines have
to enact too much.
There are, however, certain limits
beyond . economy seldom goes.
.- are evidently
known . in mountain
in which a meek Bostonian
n alter her arrival
she i. I I at the breakfast
. stirring in her
of a ; more than
the la ; . supper. The neat,
Item featured waitress brought her
a of breakfast food and
bent over her.
have mulling or
white mm or she
said, with in of
of her
.- a
, of a
. . HI was
i i.
the dean
i j a sermon on
. . of i he Edict of
in i. . nil i . a. I Mrs.
. he
lie into French
a bed on the day in that
rag I distinguished persons
lord mayor, who
to be dean at the
fir, I do not know one
word of h, I understood you
No Tim. Waited.
Farmer Whipple was said to
have had more than any
other man in Mendocino county. He
boasted that, for more than forty
years, he had never missed a meal
or neglected to say grace. It was
aid religion and his
merged closely that it was
to tell where the one left off
and the other began. When the din-
bell summoned the family and
the help to the dining room,
ways led the charge. While the
themselves at the
table the old man would start
Lord, we thank thee for
given us such a beautiful day.
this food to our good.
Amen. the Fran-
The Friend So old is
dead, eh What did he die of
Why, I never heard of such a
The Doctor- Well, it is a form of
insanity only discoverable after it is
found the ed has left the most
of hi money to charitable
A That Was Fought From
Under an Umbrella.
Why certain encounters have be-
come celebrated and others are
to be almost forgotten would
make a curious study. Such is a
fact, however. Sometimes the duel
is connected with a joke, as that of
and when the
popularity becomes more under-
It was at the time when
was writing the Globe and
was cue of the stockholders.
The latter took offense at the
tendencies which the celebrated
writer was giving to the paper.
injuries were exchanged by
pen and word of mouth, and a meet-
was judged necessary.
On arriving at the meeting place
was seen to be carry-
pair of flintlock pistols of the
sixteenth century, while sheltering
himself under an umbrella. It was
raining steadily. con-
to hold up his umbrella even
to the moment when the word
was to be given. The wit-
protested. in-
am willing to be he
said, I am not willing to catch
a cold in the
were forced to accept the
condition, and the great writer shot
from under his umbrella. Four balls
were exchanged without result.
on, when had
rallied to the empire of Napoleon
III., while remaining faithful to
of he did not hes-
to defend his beliefs in
French senate. One of his col-
leagues, considered himself
offended and provoked a duel. But
the friend of tile Princess
wittily refused to fight, except with
the arm with which he was most fa-
In recent times Paul do
the sharp ton-rued i of the
I after having
proved his courage in bi en-
counter-, made ate of the same joke
when provoked by a fellow journal-
who was a notoriously bad spell-
He choice of weapons,
and he chose
for Ladles and Children. FAY STOCK-
are something good. They button at the waist. They never
wrinkle or come down. They need no supporters. They are the
best for wear, health comfort and economy. We guarantee every
pair of FAY STOCKINGS to give the customers perfect satisfaction
after a fair trial of not less than four weeks. Yes Four Weeks.
, are made by responsible makers and
can be relied on satisfaction.
, . . .
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We arc very fortunate in be-
able to arrange with the pub-
those well known mag
to offer a subscription tor
year at this
price. We have decided
to let our readers have the full
ad the reduction in
order to not quickly a body
of paid in advance subscribers.
Reviews of Reviews
Many ions arc
ruble, and y ii may prefer
or prefer notion and
art publication, but the Review .
of Reviews la Sub- aims to
American m and Every
men are going I Keep with m n
the times and are
take the is
the Review av i
s Offer
II I i .-.
v and home loving America
. in the field, woman It is an ideal entertain,
Is years The Woman's Home Companion
owner is for every member of tho
ed. is For our bright, earnest,
so there's and helper in a thousand
ways; but the fathers and
In the forward . , .
brothers and sons in its
.- th. many mag ,
it is the Cos eagerly tarn to the pages, that
are written for them.
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper of the country, and pertains
to farming, live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all four of these papers with Daily Reflector a year for or all four
with The a year tor
It Shooting Bird and
Dining on rS.
The olive tree around are
not nearly so old or gnarled look-
as those familiar to visitors on
the Riviera, probably because, owing
to the proximity of the mountains,
the climate in which they grow is
more temperate. The earth in which
they grow is a reddish gravelly soil.
In fact, for olives the drier the earth
the better, and they do not require
much depth. It takes the fruit of
five of the largest trees to make only
one barrel of the pure oil containing
thirty-six liters and a is,
about pounds in weight. And
even this amount cannot be reckon-
ed upon oftener than once in
two years, Moreover, an olive tree
baa to be planted grafted four
years before it will produce fruit
There would be a great many
beautiful Ringing birds in the groves
and mountain sides around
were it not for the passion which
the Tuscan have for hi
chase. The sport
indulge in all day long is shooting
at goldfinches and linnets and other
birds, all of which are sold and
eaten. In the markets at I
have seen jays for Upon my
expressing a doubt is to their sue-
was assured that they
were excellent when boiled. Fancy
boiled jay a repast
There is apparently no rule in
Tuscany as to not shooting on the
highroads. Indeed on every mile or
two of roadway you will probably
meet at least one with a
upon his shoulder. They will
fire anything, even a bat. I my-
self saw my friend's cook. Tito by
name, shoot a bat on the highroad.
lie said if he could only get enough
of them they would make a good
pie. Ye gods Rat pie and boiled
a dinner
ascertained that there is some
excellent trout fishing to be obtain-
ed not very far from many of
the trout being of good size. The
trout are already in season in the
month of February and rise very i
veil in March and April to a fly.
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Hag-
S. in
Divorce In Burma.
There is something to be said for
Burma. If the Burmese husband
and the Burmese wife come to the
conclusion that they have
increased the marriage rate
their procedure is simple and direct.
The does not go to her so-
but to the tallow chandler.
From him -he obtains two little can-
Those she brings home, and
she and her husband sit down on
the floor, placing the candles be-
tween them. One candle represents
the husband, one the wife. They
are lighted at the same moment,
and the owner of the one which
goes out first leaves the house,
only his or her clothes, while
the owner of the more enduring can-
remains, also the owner of the
house and all that therein is.
Thus divorce becomes simple
charming. It will be observed that
the wife always selects the candles.
Chicago Law Journal,
Turn About.
depositor in a neighboring
trust said a banker,
an eccentric farmer of middle age.
This farmer, though he is wealthy,
overdrew bis account one day to the
tune of
of the overdraft
was at once sent to him.
me have overdrawn
my account Well, I know it.
So what is the necessity of bother-
me about it Why not trust
me as do you Do I go to you
when I have money in your
and shout, have of
Such Statements are super-
either En-
must find that impediment
in your speech rather inconvenient
at tunes, Mr.
n-no. Everybody has his
little peculiarity. Stammering is
really I am not aware that
I have
you stir y-your tea with
your right
yes, of
that is y-your p-peculiar-
Most p-people a t-tea-
The State and the Individual.
The stale is by nature clearly
to the individual and to the
family, since the whole is of
prior to the part. The proof
that the state is a creation of nature
end prior to the individual is that
individual, when isolated, is not
self sufficing, and therefore he is
like a part in relation to the whole.
But he who is unable to live in so-
or who has no need, because
lie is sufficient for himself, must be
a beast or a
H a Fierce Battle and Again
In 1832 James Bowie and his
brother were prospecting for gold
along the river in Texas
when were attacked by Indians.
The lighting lasted only one day.
but for seven days longer the In-
surrounded the party to
vent their escape. In the
the Makers of ii
is recorded as the most desperate In-
battle in the history of Texas.
The number of I he Indians being
so much greater than ours -Ml In-
to eleven white
agreed that should
go out to talk to them and endeavor
to compromise, lie and David
walked to within forty yards of
where had halted. He request-
ed them in their own tongue to send
forward their chief, as we wanted to
talk with him.
Their answer was, do you
in English and a discharge of
shots, one of which Buchan-
leg. returned their
with the contents of a double
barreled gun. Then, taking Buchan-
an on his shoulders, he started for
The Indians opened a heavy fire
upon them, and when their shot
failed to Howie eight In-
on foot took after with
When the Indians were close upon
him his companions rushed forward
and brought down four of them.
The other four fled.
The Indians now opened a heavy
fire. Their chief, on horseback,
ed them to the charge,
cried out, is All oar
guns were empty with the exception
of Mr. He was told
that Indian on
He did so. His shot broke the In-
leg and killed his horse. We
saw him hopping around his horse
on one leg. with his shield on his
arm to keep the balls.
By this time we had reloaded, and
several balls pierced the shield and
he fell.
Finding that we would not be dis-
lodged from the thicket, they set
lire to the dry s to rout us from
our position, lire came down
upon us wind, and our
situation looked desperate. The
sparks flew so thickly not a
powder horn could be opened. Rut
when the fire reached the ring
around our wounded men bug-
gage we succeeded in smothering it
with buffalo robes, deerskins and
It was now sundown, and we had
been warmly engaged with the In-
since sunrise. Seeing us still
ready for light, they curried off their
wounded and gave up the battle.
A Wonder of Antiquity.
One Of the greatest wonders of
ancient was the famous
body of water called Lake Moe-
According to Herodotus,
measure of circumference was
furlong-, which is equal to
the entire length of Egypt along tho
The excavation, which
was made in the time of King MoO-
of the Greeks and
was of varying depths,
and its center was occupied by two
pyramids, the apexes of which were
feet higher than the surface of
the water. The water for this
artificial reservoir was ob-
from the Nile through a ca-
which months of the
had an inflow and the other six an
outflow, corresponding to high and
low water in the river. The canal
gradually filled with sand, and
lake has long since evaporated, bu
its bottom is one of the most
fertile tracts in
In Fit Array.
Talk as cue will on vanity of
clothe-, the consciousness of being
well dressed has something of moral
force in it. your hair and
things won't look so was the
wise counsel given by a friend to a
woman whose husband had lost his
The little child in Mr. B. J.
hit or
this great truth when she
her mother, who reproving her.
Katie, why cant you be n
good little girl See Julia, now
How nice she i-l Why can't you hi
as go id as
I could, an-
Katie, dress had little
pink bows all over
Never Had Driven a Solicit.
The manager of Hie
laundry had advertised for a man.
Early next morning a mild eyed
young chap appeared and referred
think you can till the bill,
do you asked the proprietor.
dunno, boss. I've a
dry wagon, but I never one o
them other
other things
And the applicant handed him I
clipping of the ad., which
man to drive
dry wagon and
m-i-i ti i i-
l Mr. .
. i i
ill mine. hi
I. Ii. I .
t h. in
your right
m y j
p. R. ,
B virtue of th.
,. ,
and v.-r.-i by K. W J.
. i p M s n I,
and duly record in the d- it
ii f it Pitt count Vi Hi Car-
page r-
d will t sale,
the door
to the b on Thurs-
day Nov two lots or
of Ian i tog and being in the
Pitt State Car
aid a follows,
Both being in the town of
ton, N
a. stake on St. SO fast from Tin
St., an I g N K feet,
thence s l- K f.-t,
with first to Queen St. thence up
lei the beginning,
Second It. on K s
of Water St. at a pump J It.
and runs S. K. said
with Bridge St. N K. feet to a
stake Chapman's first corner,
N W. St fun ii
corner, tin-lie
line feet to Chapman's 3rd corner,
the.-.- h and M.
line 3-12 fast to a stake in
M. L. ad J. J B. lie.
n i the be-
ginning, lag t a.-re. more or
to mortgage deed.
f sate cash.
This the day
I. K. JENKINS, Mortgage.
K. Attorney,
, N.
If you are too fat it is because your food
turns to fat instead of
If you are too lean the fat producing foods
that you eat are not properly digested and
Lean, thin, stringy people do not have
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the juices that are
found in a healthy stomach, and in
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. is not only a perfect
but it is a tis-
sue building tonic as well. cures
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will like it
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomach, rebuilds tho
tissues and gives firm flesh.
as sack M
at the Lab-
oratory of
I Co., A
Most cf us want to get square with
our enemies before we forget them.
Letters Test mm.
ti to the by the
of the Court f I i t.
Rod us
f the lust will and
the James notice i-
hereby given to all persons holding
said to
to the undersigned for payment,
duly on or In-fore the
or this no-
will be plead in bar their re-
I- very. All said
requested to make immediate
payment tons.
18th day October,
K. J. Hint,
James .
far via s; Hi w. Attorneys.
Having as executor
of the last and
decease before l O. Moore,
clerk f Superior f
notice is hereby to all
to estate f Moses son,
deceased, I make immediate payment
i the executor, no-
ii hereby given to nil persons
claims said i to
. the with ex-
mo the or this
i in bar of recovery.
This the day
N, W. Tyson,
of the estate of Ti -on,
F. C. Harding, Attorney.
v Hi .
I II pro ill
Ii.- l
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
B if t. pod-
n .-x
mil In
on Nov.
mil duly recorded of
Deeds of Plat
in BOOK K ii RS, Hi
iii expose t- isle
before house door in sen
to ill highest bidder on
or of land and in
the county of Pit and state of North
Carolina and described as Follows, to
of land in Heaver
Dam i the
place sod in acres
more or less and being the land deeded
to by
wife sod tins taken to
secure money, n
said Terms of
This Hi of let.
It may be from o .
the chances arc Its from I
active LIVER.
With a well conducted
one can do
without fatigue.
St adds a pt r
ones earning capacity .
It can .
by, and only by
This is ti notify the public that we
have bought out the Interest II. V.
Keel In the Club,
who are due the Una please
coma settle same Club
Any one who has claims against the
will be paid by us.
Trust Company
We Want, your Account.
No Trouble to Answer Questions.
We Are Always To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
When You Want And N
We Pay cent, on Time Deposits Months
We will p d full of is in
all the season Wears prepared to furnish kind
of horse you want, draft horses, drivers and farm
We keep the finest mules can be bought. We
buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a plug driver.
Come to see us If we have not got what you want we
n ill it.
R. L CO.
By of a power of sale con-
in u Mortgage Deed
by It. A to J,
on the day of
and recorded In toe
Pitt . In X page
The undersigned will on Saturday, the
of Nov., at Ii o'clock
M., expose to public sale before the
court house door in Greenville, to the
bidder for cash, the
ii real property wits The
parcel of land situated in Swift
township, county, North Carolina,
and as
the south by the lands of
n the north by the lands of Allen
on the by
on the west by the lands of
O. containing is sores
less and better known as a
one-third undivided Interest In a
ire tract of sad formerly belonging
Dawson This sale is made
satisfy tho terms of said mortgage
Iced. This 23rd of October, 1906.
J. W.
By J. Rasberry, Assignee.
p. Harding, Attorney
Jacob Johnson
The defendant above name will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced in the Superior
Court Of County to obtain a
from the bonds of matrimony
heretofore between plain-
tiff and defendant, on the grounds of
adultery, and the said defendant will
further take notice that he is
appear at the next term of the
of said county, be held
on tho seventh Monday the Rt-st
Monday March it
day of January, and answer or
to the complaint in action,
the plaintiff will to tho court
for the relief demanded in said eon-
This day of October,
D. C Clerk Court.
I. A. Atty. for
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
For C Stoves
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in and
it people money to pay for what they
K yon have what they want advertise it and yon to
get a part of their money.

J. Wit It'll A
Entered in the post t Greenville, N. C, as .-la matter,
Advertising rate, application.
A correspondent at ever; post office and adjoining
in to fiction
By Prince baa Heart is now in the also ran class.
been given an idea what Amer-I
Before election confidence often
I i a jolt when the votes are counted
Don't Gd Mad When Y Art
People Succeed
There one class people If there is in nature
should not for credit, who Id I which the i-i and will
never owe a red that the take nothing lee and you do nut
that get mad when a by the
their is sent to them It habit of deterioration in everything
a very rare tiling that a man you yon will
nets mad and the when Una yo . have the
of account is him and to folios
noun fellow who Hi. I
paid Ins hill, and no in Hit if you hi with the
to pay it, pews band and blotched and
raises merry cam because lie i are particular
man semis at limes nil
to all who owe him and the business
world us
Russia's condition in worse n a
than it war in Japan
was going on.
It is safest to presume that every
gull is loaded and keep away from it
The Greensboro Industrial One arrest for illegal whiskey
a disposition to stand pat on at Durham took in the whole
that police libel suit.
The fact that is bringing They have raised for
eleven cuts puts other- besides the three weeks in Greensboro without
farmers in n happy coming to a finish.
With cotton at eleven the
ought to be happy They
have carried their point
Has the matter another daily
train on this branch of the Atlantic
Coat Line died a natural death
The Industrial News must
money behind it or else Greensboro's
chief of police is mistaken
Greenville will not have all it
Ought to have before it get a build
lug and loan association, even if
Just because has gone to eleven
cents, the figure the farmer was wail-
for, is not in itself a reason
he should hold for it to go higher,
though it may do so.
a quality in your work or in
or in your personal
habits, you to lake
second place, to I II back into the
business and no but a back rear of the procession,
number or a fool it going to get mad People who accomplished work
when he receives such a l worth e have had a very high
If a is odious to you just hi use way do things They
your name off of account pay have been Co teat With
v; nave confined themselves
to the beaten tries; have never
if you been satisfied to do tilings just as
ash as you go and you will puss
single dun
ml never rev a
business with a business man ask
to credit yon and you d u
pay him at the appointed time you
arc sure to get a dun That's
plain business and it is nothing is
ruffle feelings Hut ninety nine
times out a h ad red fellow
do them, lint always a little
They always pushed tilings
came lo tin a little
higher up, tins further that
in the quality work.
It is the constant effort to be
class in everything one attempts that
because his the heights excellence
is called to his indebtedness
gets mad enough to pay the account
promptly. He wants to pay in gel
The Greensboro Industrial News
is progressive. Before it is a month
old it is about lo get a libel suit on
its hands.
A woman's club St Louis says
that women cannot love men an art
the same That's no reason
why they can't love the men and
show the of taking care of them
Greenville has numerous
sites for factories, but the trouble is The millionaire who got his
that they are not being on the pension list to his
that record of honorable service the
civil may get a people to
The High spirit ought to greed was at the
permeate the state. If it did some bottom of it The pension roll of
of the other towns might get
The sick prisoner being kept in a
hospital at Winston and was told to
take a little walk for his health, is
walking yet
It looks like the other nations of
the world should be d some-
thing to stop the horrible butchery
of that is going on in Russia,
A football victory got on the side
of the University team Saturday.
That may encourage the boys to go
to doing something for Thanksgiving
the present day is a big farce.
A part of the will of the late Chief
Justice Edward M Paxon, of the
Supreme Cain of Pennsylvania, baa
been declared void He devised a
large portion of his landed property
for an agricultural school to be
established for poor boys, and under
the law of the State wills containing
charitable bequests must bear the
names of subscribing witnesses.
Such were lucking from this
mad and playing the fool about
it you may bet your bottom
dollar that the fellow who loses his
temper when he receives a statement
account is never las when it
comes to collecting his debts-
Why, if a man owed him and was
is perceived that there is Borne-
doing in Greensboro again
page of the Industrial News
t morning looked like the New
York American Editor Douglas
says he in threatened with libel suit
by Chief be makes much
over it Holier go slow, Bob Win
three behind in paying the
, , . , i i , gets a whack at . corpora
uttermost farthing he would sell the i J n
. . ,. , what is a plenty
poor out soul-and body to i ,. ,
But class , The went up against a libel
coil the debt.
grow lug beautifully small
their continue to decrease
Mi Enquirer
suit some ago and we knew
hat we are bilking about, A jury
not get a chance at us, but the
plaintiff did and that was more than
we wanted. It would not hurt to
recall verdict recently against
tho Raleigh News and Observer.
Greensboro Record.
I lie New York Times is making
this Who owns the
The Wilmington
says autumn girl with her new
frock and bonnet owns most of
Down here about Durham, ilia the The Biblical Recorder, referring
nurses and the baby carriages to the outburst against the Slate fair,
Durham Sun says that papers year by year
While the railroads often claim to
be imposed upon by com-
missions and the like, they are never . This
boost the fair before it takes place
it when We
the Recorder to except The
from the list of papers
it by a
books Durham Herald.
Some tilth in Lilting Rhyme.
it has positively refused do
years. Landmark.
Hero is another one that goes
along with the Landmark. Tho fact
is we have never had any confidence
A Pharisee of gracious men state fair advance promises since
loved of all men to be seen, once to worked that job printing press
the Ins way to pose
will The public remembers that
i fore the world and pray, And lifting
years ago We did not bite then,
will i lie plume . , , w . .
.,.,,, . , i up Ins cunning eves towards
the Will of that great lawyer and he gave loud tho Henderson Gold Leaf did,
great man J. was ,, m not and paper can I ell how it came
attacked and broken.
like tin
use inc
we read that in one of the Western.
,, . . , , I I of whom you read
a Court judge had . . ,
,. , , has for a long, long time been dead;
drawn a statute which was passed . . ,
but in his place in every land some
out if it wants lo
by the Legislature and when it came
before his court for interpretation
They hollered themselves hoarse .
. he agreed with his associates that It
for Mr. Roosevelt when he made his
tour of the South, but they would
not do it if he was running for
President Roosevelt got much
praise for his part in peace neg-
between Japan and Russia,
but something like his big stick is
needed now to restore order in the
latter country.
Some calendar makers have a way
of making holidays through the year
in red, but those who put Thanks-
giving day for this year on the
fourth Thursday in the month did
not recoil that the president would
have his say about it later and put
it on the fifth Thursday.
Mr. Joseph Benson seems
to be supporting the president's
railway regulation plan just like
Sampson supported the pillars of the
The actor should always be strong
enough to take his own part.
other Pharisee will stand, and stand
thus will pray to the
Father, but the then
was unconstitutional. Our lawyer.
, . , , imagine be is viewed with honor Dy
friends, even the greatest, make. , .
. . the
mistakes in their business as others
do in Observer
I once heard of a man who,
cussing a name on the visiting list
said to his know per
well I don't like that
man you think you are a
little asked tho wife
A man with overwhelming gall who arose because ho did
answers to the name swiped j no, ., letter you him,
fifty thousand plunks or more belong- afterward the
to the store, and gave was hung up all summer in
k campaign in hopes pocket your overcoat, and
Whenever two men meet with the
same class of to sell, the one it to a s
show an advantage over his add unto his gain, but raised was sent to him at all.
competitor by way of quality pious eyes on high and
of the goods, or he must he quick in worked graft on the sly.
argument and state his claims with j he said, did not
more force than is possible for his swerve, but strove our honor to
competitor to do. The purchaser as he prayed his pock-
will be controlled in his decision by bulged with wealth secured by
seems to him lo be lo his ad- schemes divulged despite his loud
vantage. This is what every retailer emphatic plea that none were quite
wishes to accomplish by his articles
of publicity. He wants to show the
people that it is to their interests to
buy his goods; that they will save
money by coming to him; that he
has a line of goods superior in
that he offers better opportunity
to his customers for making a good
selection; that he carries nothing but
If If r. Hearst should win in New
York it would not only be a blow to
democracy in that state but all over
the Herald.
so pure as he. And with a nerve
sublime he tried to point to his
with pride.
The of olden time has
since struck another clime, and
all the. world declares with vim
surely hot enough for him. The
Pharisee who grateful feels because
the profits of his steals were spent to
I know was the rejoinder,
it was so long before I found
it out that couldn't overlook his
and never forgave him
and I don't believe ever
There is a good deal of ill-feeling
in this world is without any
The law that gives the prosecuting
officer one tenth of forfeited bonds
does not apply to the city attorney
of Raleigh. He is paid a stated
salary and can have no interest in
any fees or penalties. The law that
governs as to the prosecuting
other schemes will h lo to u
times feel just how it seems.
This life is full of guile strife
But graft lurks in the New York Life
The Commoner
prosecuting attorneys. They ought
to be paid an annual salary, all
fees and penalties should go into the
News and Oh-
we offer
you here is a
the highest
that ha
passed with
high honors
of the
1905 RY
Men who
know every
detail that
t e s
toward Cloth
. That our
kind of Clothing . hi- eminently op
to most on ti market isn't a matter
of chance but of a- well d r effort on our part
to got the very best t sell you that
can provided
Our strong inducement is that we charge no
more for our Clothes than other dealers ask for
the other kind
It's Fall Clothes now Suppose step in.
H. A, White,
Greenville, N. C.
The Reflector
The U Bead By Everybody
people money to pay for what they want,
hT what they Want It ail
C a of
If M-
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville
K . fresh loaf bread go H, L.
stock f-i
nor-. cattle at Harrington
Co. ,
my line of
he .- inlying H. h.
M U.
prices on far the
days L. House.
Trunk and at
Ni- line of suits H. L.
yards standard
par y Barber A
by E. O. Oh
car load U
they will sell very cheap.
Holt time
them see B.
an u X.
The town now
open at store of R. G.
t, u
hue of fall and Winter,
goods me See our lire lie
fore you buy. yours to please A
W L. of Hill, a
i of
Tm- to again
W e ill to see back
with ii-
in town Sunday,
Mi-s Mollie Bryant, who i
teaching now the
Noe Silk waist paten cheap at
Harrington, Barber ft Co.
If yon want all winter
i-t one of at A.
W. Co. they are Cheap.
When in town call to see I
run a BUM and
W Home.
If you expect to your
for meal you
by meal far when
have cotton at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
II it or we are all
of Buggy
and in
by the AU.
Buck went
visiting M S nil Barker.
went I
Wears -e
die farm I It -ix
higher bringing a
prior n-w, with ;
It was considered unusual because
a of hogs at
drank eider and got on a jag
However, the only unusual we
see about the is the cider,
hogs get drunk on
key Wilmington Dispatch.
NOTICE TO foils.
The the Court, o
Pill ft-U-m o
t Um-
in. day IDS , tie
e tale o Mallard,
ii.- all person
k to make
-r- and
ii to
i d, st
of Notice.
or la
Isaac A.
right for there are plenty of rub crop it seem-
bee cants, and st A I
W Co K
t v lie -o
The A. G. Mfg. Co
so many orders for
seal and t-v ave
started a new plant tor the purpose ,
a -id Km
Try a b title of
of making -eats and they y
ii . trouble r
ire continually
A. mil
on the streets-f Win u d H,,.,,,.,.,
at Own or A .,.,., , of Bat
Bank and anyone era Mg ,., and
u proof of its a, Barber
receive by
Nine line of W.
hand Barber shot his little son,
. is
B. G.
are offering cut price
which Mr
nit mU within a few . In
to room for the., lies -as.
G I i
Byline of ,,,., .
1.1 he head hope it
lo lie
Notice in hereby that will,
Hie I ale B. x in Swift Creek
tow .
of C
rum, mules, J
This the i of 1905
. of Louis I.
C x deceased.
At be time will
be sold
bow county,
s Ii.
aces, or
It. he at law
There is such an array of styles, Bach a pleas-
variety of trimmings ad such remarkable
value in our line of.
rimmed Hats
that the choice of suitable model will be a mat-
of no difficulty. Artistically developed Hats
he. parent, Mr.
Mr M G.
Another of
all styles and sizes and prices very
Willie's Black Liniment, spec-
ally for the human
family, die for perfectly
For sale by
L. I- to
B. T. Cox Bro.
the nice furniture
at A W
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the kidney medicine
for and a colic
at the Drug Store
For hay, corn oats, go to
Harrington Barber Co.
We have the beat assortment of
stationary ever brought lo Win-
B. T Cox Br.
If the turning of machinery
means the A. G.
must be
carts far
they have been keeping a
line of late special prices on hard-
ware mill supplies for next
days W. L. House.
Another load of school desk were
shipped out of A. G. Mfg Co
of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Nice frames and Fusees ah
A. W. her .
Call at II. L Johnson's and ex- Head, Saturday and Sunday.
bis line of Hosiery Leslie Smith, of Falkland, was
Misses Ladies and Gents. in town Sunday.
poultry food at Leonard Jordan, of was
Barber Co.
B. T. Cox Bro. have a full line
of school hooks, papers, inks,
crates tablets, day
crayons, school hags and
straps. Come and see what
they have before bringing else- An, ,.,,
Quite a large crowd iron Win-
attended Reedy
Prof. O. K. attended
service at Bathe aid
returned home that
One three horse farm
three barns,
South East Kinston the Trill-
ion Vis
Hive or lease
in. or
renter in contain
i am barns
house all under fence
thousand seres of
ii ranges for h gs, sheep and
cattle the r A Hi h-
lands R. It. live miles South of Dover
a and water
i J N. C
North I In Superior Court
re the
Pulley Bowen
Mew Shirt Waist Silks, Indies Woolen Goods in all
he latest styles and weaves.
Boys and and
Novelty Suits.
was in Sunday,
When in need n good Miring
Miss Perry, one of the teachers w
High school,
in Greenville visiting the M
school. Co their before yon buy.
Miss Lyda of
Point, pasted through town
day on her way to Tripp's OAKLEY ITEMS
to a school. She is well
prepared for her work. N. . Nov. 7th,
Miss Nannie Braxton spent j. q Williams made business
Tuesday Greenville shopping. cans m
Mrs. L. A. Sparks has opened W. M-Skinner and J. E.
her complete line of dress spent Friday in
and notions in; BO Williams and family visited
one of the new concrete at last week,
and is ready, willing waiting Hawley and wife, of Dunn,
to till any order that may come lo are a few here.
her. She has a well lo
needed in the week to her little
business, and price to suit
everybody. Mm e,.
and youth's pants, all Sunday after pending a few in
at Barber Co. Mount.
When in need of nice
oranges apples and Fruits I Go to Harrington Miss of
of any kind call on H. L. Rubber coats and jackets. spent Sunday evening here
Don't be on bad Hour I A new line of just re- the guest of Mrs Williams.
you can get at A W by R. G. Chapman Co.
when ;
Ange Co
More school desks and better
school made and
sold by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Nice I tubes at Harrington
Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. has just
unloaded a car load of wire
of best grade and different
heights is your time to select
the style you want.
Nicest and cheapest Hue of men's
tie. at Harrington Barber Co.
The Pitt Co. Oil Mill
seems to be cotton far and
near, and general
Monday at Green.
EL Williams arrived Monday to
I have a stray male shoat in my
y u . i accept of a position with J,
lot with my hogs. The shoat is
. , , , u on
spotted, unmarked, and weighs
or pounds. is Mary Lilly, we are entry to
tor same and pay charges. ill.
Mines Pearl Jenkins and Minnie
Oct 1906. Winterville, N. C- Whitehurst went u Bethel Saturday
Be sure go to see the nice lot
, . . A. Many thanks Messrs.
of new furniture that A. . ,.,. . i
, . , . i and Whitehurst for tho met fish.
Cu. has just received before you
buy elsewhere.
Just received car load flour, The democrats not going to do
and Harrington Barber go foolish a thing as lo nominate Mr.
When you want nice dress goods Roosevelt, and if they should ha
and to match go u A, would not so foolish as to
W lines they have a It takes two fools to make a bargain
f this kind Herald.
A. Manning, and Mary F Men
w. It. M. O. and
wife It i
Rd. wife Melissa
John Ed. White-
J. Teel. B. and
wile Julia W rd, I. G Ford, J. J.
and wife Maggie arson,
It Hake- and wife Mollie Baker
, II
C k wire Leads
A. M,
J r Bowers, w K Howe s,
H. How rs. Me G White-
H . and wife Susan
S Ban-bill, Jesse iV Carson, Lucy
Taylor, M. K D. Mann-
i. U Mo. G.
Mary E. Ward.
a Wife
Bottle J
Moore, J L
Ward, John T I L
N M Hammond ad Ell-
w j Jams, w
a w A
and wife B. Mat-
J. k. Hunting S T
Larson, Major Manning,
W O Manning, b K tarns
last lit being minors with-
C It who is a defendant
above cause, will take, notice
that a special entitled
has been commenced
of County,
clerk, to a Canal Com-
I he said defendant will further
take notice that he Is required i appear
before the of the Court
of Pitt County, at his in
on the day
and answer the petition and
which will deposited In the
said Clerk within tun days the
Issuing of this ins. And the
t will take it
be fails to answer said petition
complaint within the nine
law, the Plaintiffs will the
limit the relief In
petition and
under my hand, it office lo
Greenville, on this the day
i Superior county
You want style in your shoes. Ultra shoes have just as much
snap in them as any or and own design
rs are all the time producing stylos which arc later copied by
all over the country. Style the consideration, but
if the shoe not lit, you will not buy it for the style alone.
The titting qualities are what is necessary to a shoe, and in
this the ULTRA
Stands Preeminent.
Our pattern and last makers are undoubtedly the best in their re-
Pulley Bowen,
My Friend, This is Worth
Suppose You Slop and See
Isn't Wonderful
Greensboro, N. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take
entirely cured our little girl of
a had case which
covered a great part of her hotly.
She had from
the lime she was three old,
until she was years old. She
is now perfectly well I feel
that I tea of
it She bat not had a symptom of
it for six year.
J. W.
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
The being at hand yon will want some hordes
males to met your needs the coming w solicit
We have SALE at Greenville and
we will carry a full stock of GOOD HORSES and
during the entire Come to us and w will show you
ii is a to us, for we set
stock from i he stick firms, thereby you the
its the have to and which yon
by from us. It would not take much of your time
pay us a visit and gel f with our methods of doing
we feel tint it would result in making a per-
customer, and we are sure we make it benefit you
for so doing. are prepared to suit your and what is
we guarantee
Winslow Mills,
Horses Mules. Sales Stables,
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, N. C.
HI ST CLASS TEAM for pleasure or to take fas
to nearby points.
Good Drive and Work and Mules for sale. I bay
them in large numbers and can an low as any dealer, either
tor Cash or on Time.
When you are, in town and want, your horse and baggy
properly for, pal up at my stables.

E. K. Dall
possible t- pl
their new line of
do nil v f . f valise,
i yon ,,.,, ., , hand la ,
soils n f
R iv v ill
. t
t lull line of men. pi
nod- Don't
me a trial. Frank
John Hart
V. pip-r
Pump w inn; or joint
pipe it J. R. Smith
line of and
Kinston. have bAn her- ,, J. R. Tunings.
the week, Y -hen -t oar line of
. , . . i e l-f T. R.
T always keen on band i
line feed a lows eh
, . . i
prices Such as corn.
. . , ,., . . our R.
cotton seed meal and tin i ml
and ship Frank
Buy D roe's the best for
Call on t Gannon and
rel of Columbia no
to be had
i to eleven, now for
that will the
Latest I w
M and j To to
also a line of B r who h
tors R Smith . J.
I Smith Br and lives in the
Buy one of our Hives out near I be graded school.
Hats. Sold under a guarantee. Duke h.
R. Turnage. , , ,. II n-e.
Come to Jenkins I Mrs. John
when you need to dress in
your w- pan save money ; Smith l teaching the
and yon something to fit the free at
foot. We the and beat I ,,,,,.,.,,.
on ever saw Try aM, m fluctuates and there
can no regular rte at all
to suit the slates of producers o
j cotton freight-,
Mohair, albatross
Bilks, trimmings, lining and white Oar old and friend. II
goods at J R Smith Bro ; Hamilton, from came
Friday and spent a pleasant bow
T will highest Prices
for and
sell see me. Frank
We handle the Ringer Sew-
Machine on easy terms.
Tripp Bro.
I Barf is growing. A- at
evidence oar chief of police right
In the day light
and had to be a-, to his
The at a tremendous
The success of the Security Life
and Annuity company,
Greensboro, is
Our friend W. K
u- that daring the month of
its issued closed with
over half million dollars, and
daring the year it
has dona more than three and
half million. They anticipate at
the close of the next two months to
make It reach five million for the
year. is and
fleets much credit upon our own
borne Mr. Hooks
hi within the last twenty days
Ins written more than thirty
l-e Bland wife and
. Greenville,
, I., in until Monday
u Idler
. 1.1. CO
. L. leaves
at a. m. for Greenville;
Greenville daily
at in. for
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Railroad tor
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New V Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, Norfolk
Southern K. R
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
T. H. MYERS, Agent, Washing-
J. J. Agent,
ville, N. C.
B. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
Buy Broke Rule Went on
pair and he convinced.
goods. Broad cloth.
e'er so much and hope he Will d
like again.
Late Saturday night someone
a or rifle ball through v
the Dr. M.
M drug store. .
Overall-, sense in such
Jumpers and line of
for the money on the market and the perpetrator
J. R. Smith ft Bro. punished,
Get the Cox cotton planter the Jenkins
beat on the musket B Smith smoking is O. E
Bro. j Only tin to close
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January lot, I took
i down with
and worse. I
in that my mm
in, hopeless,
I had up to die. My
and body were swollen lo one-
. normal and
is water had collected around heart.
i . three I had To sit
I d the up in bed to k from
,, . . ,. I sent for five of
, the there fall Heart Cure, by the lime I
. , e , ,. taken them all I was entirely
for Cover. cured. fool Utter than I have for
,.,.,, , , twenty years, and I am aid- to do
finally taken back any kind of work on farm. My
,.,.,. I physician told me that If It
Ml i been for Dr. Heart Cure
, ,. . . I I would now I In my
i Win de strike I I., t. Ky.
. Nov. Messenger
; I me
Company In this
rule No.
orders yest was
e spot, and iii
n-r otherwise Mes-
. It. a- c red-
s Every thing I
IO I lie IV S told j
e -s no
i they made.
Dr. Heart Cure Is by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Orange-, apples, bananas and ill j
fruits kept A We Law-
Paw Gum Bi
Smith Bro.
Our line
Hand-made Paw.
1st I will
business in den, and must
my stock consisting of dry
It a possible for a man to keep
his iron to h drink
is one of em,
r at J It.
goods notions, h cups, B virtue of the power Of
. r. . I
I . .,. 1-
We beg leave to announce that are
Wholesale and Retail
for ------s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has i I it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
f How Many People You
Can Reach Without V
leaving your own office
in mortgage de executed
I offer every thing I Lida Elks t o, Jame.
boys and children's clothing, pants; a and
see us.
Highest prices paid fir chickens
and and all country prod net-
by t Br.
and see, what I have to offer., Will I and y recorded in the I I
J. Bro. all, o, of stock and re to j
nod i--i will to public
salt, Ii i- tin- door in
lo the highest bidder on
SATURDAY, Dee. 2nd 1905, a
tractor of and lying and
in tin- .-on of Pitt sad State of North
a an I u follows,
That tract of land in town-
ship whirl, James Sr.,
of the is d it Elks now
adjoining tin- lands of Jesse Haddock,
Abner Ninth, Smith's
and others, in satisfy said mortgage
deed. Terms of cash. This
day Nov.
to and see the
Nov. N
Man Wants Little Here Below
But Wants Little Good.
We make it rule to keep the best quality of
ids. us good goods always give satisfaction.
We have a large and carefully selected line of Clothing, and
can tit, with a Salt or Overcoat at the Lowest Bottom Prices.
We sell the and
many other Popular Brands of Shoes
Try The United States Standard Flour and you will have no
r. We keep a supply on hand.
We are agents for Wire Fence and have prices right
liming before
Superior Court counts
as executor of the last trill and
of Elizabeth deceased,
notice i- hereby n to all persons
Indebted to the estate to make
date payment to the undersigned, and
person- having against
estate must present the same for pay-
Call and examine our goods and prices before you buy, of On-
r Motto Is, Thirty-Six Pence Is Better Than A Slow
Yours Very Respectfully, This list day of her.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh floods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
J. J. EDWARDS SON, Ayden, N. C.
r Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fen rings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
C. K. Chapman,
Executor Elisabeth
Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
s and
North Carolina. , ,
Pitt County, fIn
Mary Cousins i
vs Notice.
Will Cousins.
The shove will
that an action us
above has been commenced in the Bu-
Court County to obtain
a divorce from the bonds of
and defendant, on
of adultery, and the said defendant
will further take notice that he is i-e-
to appear at the next term of
the Superior Court of said county, to
held on the seventh
the Ural Monday in it
the 15th day of January, and
answer or demur to the complaint in
said action, or the will
ply to the court for the relief de-
day of
D. C. MOORS, Clerk Superior Court.
I. A.
Cars las, I. a, ,
D. W.
h Carol i n a.
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It
Not Quite
How often you can a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
Is all you could desire, and
we will sec that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
After I will be
pared to furnish private pun- 5-
Norfolk, Va,
Buyers and in
to and for
persona in town at
each person The will
then only run hotels to
wharf and fare on and Pr.-vis.
will be -ts
in t ii n ii t r r Private Wires to New Yuri
in the
for our
tad their team.
Greenville, N. C.
bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
and guarantee price.
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
M. BLOW, Authorized Agent-
lions I
. who r
i, ii
e i
ii f i
at pi- i- I
h ,.
ill it
i, . f
i- i-i p
v i i of l lie A .
it- i i-iv h
i, r. ii
i l
I-. just in
n i h
S -f HIP
I ii o
i m i -i
e e . i
hi i by.
ii lo in-
d ii in- i
a a
joined th- and
the din n f
Sid Moore and J
Blow. The damage a badly
ten-d in top of telephone pole,
a smashed up wagon and a
little hill for the
Sell shoes are Every
pair sold under a
W. C. Jackson Co. control this
line for Ayden.
full --f Trunks
Grip, Satchels and
Suit Case , at J. R. Bro.
t -re re
daily and
right from the
I -m -I pulleys, at J. K.
. H-.
Ha . , meal, hull-, lime.
; . u
i tools at J
I x,, -i, ; k,.,
It V k v . and;
e i i the
If hi i-.-. v . -he way
i. T stoneware
. i-. Jenkins. ,
H glass
i I P fr it .
K K. new
i meats,
-1 ye, and Ash,
-vi corn
e, to E. E.
Cr load of alt fir -ale by Can I
mm and Tyson.
hut that is
The of J . A
is something pretty to look at,
tastily arranged, the best line of j
goods In all bra nones and if
want to spend a pleasant hour go
to see them.
Cannon and Tyson invites
attention to their car load of stoves
just mil from
Philadelphia Optical College ad
in a course u
the eye, and in the
if I feel fully able and
any of error
of other man
can direct with I will
take any case of weak eyes, or
strain, dull hurling, selling, burn
or eyes with
Calico sod at
goods, at J.
R. A Bro
rail foot to our
line of
and in.
. i for
j. r.
At th
N. J.
August 95th, 1905.
Lorenzo is having
more lining
on. K. The so we are
informed will f
Hardy, n . i in
to relieve he U
and entire -a; to
patient or not charge one The , ,
largest per cent, of all
headaches and
of all
Loans and i
L . n
Due from Hanks,
Cash Items,
Silver t loin,
National Hank i . .
Capital stock
fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits lows
,, leads unpaid
I Deposit subject to check, 23,755.22
i -is
breeds and a-
and occupation-.
your by
vi-i, .
from errors of refraction and eye
strain. It is dangerous to pro
when your eyes call fir
assistance, re the
remedy for errors of refraction I- i
weak Any style or form full line of kept at J.
given desired. A- good I Smith A Bro.
references as an- in the comity I Boy yon r
on f.,
J. Ref. D.
W. V. Jackson a showing
Our and art squares most complete line of ,
than the Cannon and y Had ever
iii, i have the arid
t v
I i; s
in . v
h f
in , hi-
solemnly swear
and he-
shown the town of Ayden. Give
a trial. are that
.-an pi ass y as the style
and quality.
J. our optician is
do bask again from the
Optical College, where he j Cannon and the
graduated a special course strongest line of dress goats and
science of optic-, ready to in town
than ever before-
to those from weak eyes
and in of glasses. . Dr. Joseph
We are receiving daily heavy
and fancy groceries, also a nice i
line of cigars and
everything kept in a class
grocer. J. H. Tripp Bro.
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and doable, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chairs wish stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
Mrs. E. Edwards
day tn vi-it her daughter in
Brick Block, East St.
Ayden, N. C.
N. C.
F Your Farm
American Steel Fencing
Tb-y -ave stock, they save land, they save neighbors,
they save worry, they saw time, they are guaranteed,
they are b-st steel, they have the only perfect hinge
joint, easy in no expense for repairing, last a
lifetime, American is the be.-t square mesh on
the market, car load just received. Come to see us
The Five Million Dollar Company
The Security Life and Annuity
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company
T Insurance In Force in North Carolina
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over
One and Quarter Million Dollars
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
This progressive Home has fought a good fight and won great victory tor the cause of lite insurance in the State and the South. The laurels belong alike to the
the Agency Force and many Policy holders who had faith and courage to lend their support.

I J lap
F. B. O D.
But and hero to The with
vent in bock, single doable breasted is the- coat that you should
wear tins Reason, It should be made with Military shoulders and
to fit the body loose. e have it. made in all the new
fabrics Of course blacks and are good this season, yet a
dark ground with a slight tint of green, makes unattractive
suit And the have come to stay; everything will be
next season
COATS -This coat is the only coat well dress
ed should this coat is light in weight, yet it gives you
comfort than many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
Remember every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Book Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
F. M. Hornaday,
I Greenville
Homo Insurance Companies. attention given to Life, Fir,
Health and Accident
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. be blind or misled-Stop,
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
C T.
I have taken a stray shoat
that baa been running with my
about two month. The
is randy red color, weigh
ha silt In right
par and hot tailed. Owner is
notified to call for same and pay
charges. MOSES EVANS.
near Greenville.
A thing sometimes
death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cats or boils
bare paid the death penalty. I
i wise to have
Salve ever handy. It's beet
mt on earth and will prevent fa-
when seres, a lean
and threaten. Ma at
A Drag
Put. an End It All.
A grievous wail
a a result of unbearable pain from
over taxed organs.
Backache, Liver complaint
constipation. thanks t Dr.
New Life Pill they pat
end to it all. They are
Try them. Only
Guaranteed by L.
A f plane for at a
rifles, which la
f the beat handled by
Slier plane Co,
oaths ago by a gentleman who
bit girl.
willing U lose over a baa-
Cash lime, apply
W. A.
End of Hitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
fight with an on
my right write. V. Hughes
of gave me
Everybody my t had
A. a last revolt I tried Dr.
New Discovery for Con-
The I ts
I was on u feet
a few day, I've entirely
my I
L. I
In l e Trial .
A On If Q
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
of self destruction take
Bitten. It being a great
will strengthen
the nerves up the system.
It's alt a gees stomach, liver and
Only Me. Sal-
teed by Jae. L.
Why Baskets when
can get Cotton at leas
than half the Sam
m i w
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
In Honor of Mr. Paul Brown.
One of the most delightful social
affair in Greenville fill
wit the o'clock dinner which
Mi. Bert Move gave to her friend-
Tuesday evening, November the
The house was beautifully
ruled throughout with
and chrysanthemum, while
brilliantly illumined th-
whole scene. Mrs. Move, her
own charming way, welcomed her
guest in the front hall and ushered
them into the where they
met her guest honor, Mrs. Paul
Brown, of St. Louis, Missouri
Mr. assisted in
her guests by her sister, Mrs.
M. H.
After some minute of pleasant
conversation dinner was
The color scheme of dining
room nm pink and green, and the
sight on entering was very
cut glass and flower-
being in profusion. Here the color
scheme was carried out in soft pink
pink ices, and pink and
white carnation. These beautiful
hung In a graceful shower
from the chandelier, and
were placed in vases on the table,
while at each plate flowers were
placed for the guests.
The dinner, which was served
in eight bill
dainty. It a happy event and
Mrs. proved herself a most
charming hostess.
Those present were Mrs. E. A
Mrs. Paul Brown, of
Louis, Mrs. J. L. Little,
Harry Skinner. Mm. F. W. Clare,
Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. A. L. Blow, Mrs, M. H.
Mrs. Nana Brown, Mr.
C. C. Vines, Mrs. J. L.
and Mrs. II. L. Carr.
Baptist Stair Convention
The Baptist convention
will meet the
church in December
The Baptist churches of Raleigh
for providing enter
to all delegates who will
notify the committee in time. If
you are a delegate from
church, association, or
missionary society, and expect to
the convention, send
name and address to the
chairman of the joint committee
on entertainment at once. We
cannot promise to provide home
any who tall to send their
Dame December 1st. The com-
will secure accommodations
and special rates at the hotels
and boarding houses for visitors
and others who may desire to do
so. Let all delegates send their
names at once to the undersigned.
J. M.
Chairman Joint Com. Raleigh.
Hearst Will Contest.
New York, Nov. a bitter
fight will be waved In courts
to decide whether George B.
is to be mayor of New for the
next four years is assured.
The complete returns give
a plurality of votes, the
smallest ever recorded for u
mayoralty candidate and a
result which n readily he
by a recount tho ballots
Winter forerunners.
Three foreigners with bagpipe
and monkey struck town today,
was the r looking of
the lot and is supporting the other
three. work Southward
about this time of year.
Later another fellow name along
with a band organ and monkey.
Both combination raked in the
loose pennies.
N. C, Nov. 1905.
Miss of-Green-1
ville, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Misses Effie and Mat tie
Prof Everett and wife, of
were in town Sun-
day attending services at the
church conducted by Dr.
Oxford. We were
glad to have them with
Prof o. k. of
pent In
with friends.
Mr. S. of Tarboro,
is visiting Miss Lizzie Mayo.
J. S. Mooring in
town with friend.
Mrs. R. Nelson, of Roberson-
ville, spent Friday with R.
Henry Staton spent Thursday
night in Rocky Mount with his
Mrs. R. J. Grimes left today for
Whichard to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Worrell Moore.
Mr. Hubert Taylor and baby
left today to visit her parents in
Matthews, Va.
Mr arid Mrs. A. H. Tuttle, of
Norfolk, arrived Monday night.
Mrs. Tut tie will spend a few days
with her sister.
Prof. T. T. Candler spent Friday
in Greenville.
Miss Mary of Gold Point
is visiting Mrs. Staton.
Miss Pink Manning is visiting
in town.
John Will Roberson and
Ward to Tarboro
Monday mi business.
i spent Tuesday in
Tarboro on business.
one visiting Bethel, should
visit park. It is in the
care of Miss Mabel She
will take pleasure in showing you
the beautiful place. The
Drug Oil. serve hot drinks at
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Keel spent
town shopping.
Mis. W. K. Davenport, of
re, spent today in town.
Mrs Willie of
Conetoe, spent today in town.
Maud, Jennie
of Scotland Neck, are
visiting Mm Fannie Jenkins this
Miss Ora of Jamesville,
came up yesterday to visit Mis
The protracted meeting at the
Baptist church closed lat night.
They had many conversion but no
addition to the church. Bethel
should feel proud of having the
tile i-in.- of hearing Dr.
of Oxford. His sermons were very
rich indeed.
Miss Brown and Mrs. of
Tuesday in town
Very Pure Water.
The last monthly examination
by the state biologist of the water
supplied by the plant
here pronounces it pure
No should be afraid
to use kind of water.
infant daughter of Mr.
Mrs. J. W. Bryan, aged two
one-half months, died at o'clock
this afternoon, after an illness of
days. The parents have
the sympathy of many friends in
their bereavement.
The remains of the
of Mr. Mrs. J. W. Bryan, that
died afternoon, were taken
to Plymouth this morning's
train, accompanied by the sorrow-
parents and Mrs. J. F. Kemp,
One of the Delightful
One of the most successful and
enjoyable occasions of
year was given Friday night in
Hall it being a
dance given by the young men
of Greenville. The hall was beau-
over which hung festoons of rid
and bite, and in the the
hall hung two large, many colon I,
Japanese parasols, draped with
red, white and flags and
lit by Japanese lantern.
Dancing began promptly at
o'clock, music being by Levin's
Orchestra, of Raleigh.
Sixteen number were danced,
after which all participating
marched Carolina rooms
where a delightful
served. This and the
profuse decorations of the dining
rooms were managed by a commit-
tee of the ladies of Greenville
headed by Mrs. Herbert White,
and club is to be congratulated
at its good fortune in procuring
able management for this,
perhaps the most enjoyable feature
or the evening. Red and white
were the predominating colors in
tho decorations of the dining
rooms. The walls were festooned
with j aper hangings of red and
white which were joined the
of room, where an
rich red flowers
The tables were set in the shape of
the letter A, and more than one
hundred enjoyed bounteous
supper served, which was in the
reception room next to the dining
rooms, the orchestra playing many
beautiful selections in the mean-
After supper the dancers re-
turned to the ball and
was danced until when the
familiar and much beloved tune of
Sweet announced
of a very delightful occasion.
Greenville was delighted to
welcome on this occasion many
visitors from the surrounding
towns and their presence added
to the beauty and pleasure
of the dance. success of this
dance is due in a large measure to
the able management of Walter
Wilson, Jr., led the dance,
assisted by Miss Janie Brown, both
of Greenville. Other dancing
R I Wiggins, of Boston, Miss
Mary Watson of
J D Garden, Miss Sallie Got-
ten, of Harry Skinner,
Jr. Miss Alice White, of Greens-
W E Mis- Lang;
Dr Fountain, Miss
of Wilmington; Stewart Gal r, M S-
Patti Skinner; A M Mi-s
Nell Skinner; W ill of
Kinston, Miss of
Snow Hill; Chas Forbes, Miss Ada
Woolen; F M Wooten, Mrs Hume,
of Greensboro; Frank Webb, or
Miss Mr
gt Miss Irma Cobb; Chas James,
Miss Annie Gray Nash, of Tarboro;
Dr Fleming, Miss Bertha Patrick;
Frank Miss Short, of
Cary Mayo, Miss
Patrick; Fred Forbes, Miss fiber-
rod, of Hamilton; Mr of
Hamilton; Chas. Home, Miss
Mary James; Mr Ward, Miss Mae
Whitfield; Gotten, Miss Lamb,
of A L Blow, Jr.,
Miss Ethel Richard
White, Miss Dickerson; Mr
son, of Washington, Mitt Laugh-
of Washington; Andrew
Moore, Miss Olive Gaskill, of Tar-
Jesse Miss Daven-
port; Will Miss Bryan,
of Mr Fleming, of Hamil-
ton, Miss Mr Williams, Miss
Simmons, of Washington; Mr
per, of Goldsboro, Miss Blow; Mr
Alsop, Miss of
Washington; of
Winston Miss Barlow, of
Washington; Brown Jr, Miss
Mt Hall, Miss
Janie Tyson; Mr Miss
Forbes; Will
of South N
of Hamilton, is of
Hamilton; C L c , Mis- Daisy
Tucker; II T Smith, Nina
Ben of Washington, Ml
Wyatt Brown, W B Home,
Herbert of Washington,
P Davenport, Clarence of
V L I Moore, Mr
per, of
Mr Mrs Herbert White, Mr
Mn Bob Cobb, Mr and Mrs
Ed Flanagan, Mr Mark
Mr and Mrs Mr an
Mr Vine, Mrs A L Blow, Mr and
Mrs Haywood Mr and Mrs
Woodward, Mr and Mrs
Skinner, Mr and Mrs Jim Fleming,
Mr and Williams.
A raid made by revenue
officers Wednesday night, and they
and destroyed
Still six miles from Green-
ville. Several barrels of were
also around the still and
this was poured out. The battered
remnant of the till was brought to
Greenville to be shipped away.
No one was caught at the still, as
the operators in some way got the
hint that the officers were on them
and skipped.
Just a Word
Reflector would
it very much if Its subscribers
especially taking the
weekly who It Is not convenient for
us to see personally, would bring
they owe the paper
waiting for statements to
be sent this season. Making
out and mailing statements
large list of subscribers Is a big
undertaking, and the subscribers
help us much by saving us this
additional trouble and
It is the time of year now when all
h to pay their sub-
and also take
of the low offer we are
making. We do not like to dun
subscriber through the paper,
and hope It will not b necessary
do of it. So we hope none
will wait a Statement but let n
hear from them without to
be reminded of it again.
G. Nichols Dead
On the morning of November
at eight o'clock, Q
Nichols, aged years, a
young man well known in this
vicinity, beloved union his large
circle of acquaintances, passed
away after a brief illness
fatally at the hour mentioned;
it the home of Dr. Blount.
Mr. Nichols had in poor
health for a number of years, but
with few exceptions bad been ac-
and able to go about consider-
ably. He attended state fair at
Raleigh, and while there was taken
returned at once to his
home at Dr. Blount; since that
time he steadily declined. The
immediate cause of his death was
rheumatism together with
cations of an obscure nature and
difficult of diagnosis.
that medical skill and loving bands
do failed to stay the progress
of the malady, and a young and
promising light was extinguished
by the of the death angel.
The burial took place at
family plot Thursday at
p. m, Rev. H. H. Moore, minis-
of the Christian of
Greenville, Mr.
leaves his
three brothers and three sisters, as
well as a large of friends
In Pitt and
Jersey Wakefield and Early
Pilot cabbage plants for sale
Apply to D. R. King. law
mis in.
Nov. 9th.
J B. H went to Belhaven
W. L. Hall to Scotland Neck
tin looming
Mr. V. Taylor to
Wednesday evening.
E. B. left Wednesday
f t Yin
H. B Hardy. tie
New-a Observer, is in town.
Mis- Anna Perry, of Winterville.
spent Wednesday In Greenville.
Mr. Li M. Savage returned
Wednesday evening from Haiti
Cox left this
morning for the Methodist orphan-
age in Raleigh. Their mother,
Mm. Emma B. Cox accompanied
them as far as Weldon.
Miss Vina Basil came in last
evening and is the of Miss
Alice Lang, on Pitt street. Miss
i from Baltimore on her
way to her home New Bern, and
stopped over here for a few day.
Friday, Nov.
Raymond Moore came In
morning from Kinston.
Miss Tyson went to K n-
Thursday evening.
Rev. J. L. of Elsa City,
came in Thursday evening.
Mrs. Emma C. Cox returned
Thursday evening from Weldon.
Mrs. A. E. Tucker
Thursday evening from Scotland
Mrs. Harriett of Farm-
is visiting her sister, MUs
Miss Charlotte Morriss,
Ta., came in Thursday even-
to visit Miss Jessie Lee Sugg.
Miss Alice White, a bewitching
lady of Greensboro, came
in Thursday evening to visit her
brother, H. A. White.
Saturday, No,
F. Brinkley road
this morning.
W. E. Cox to Grifton
Friday evening
Mi-s Olive Morrill is visiting at
W. B. Wilson's.
Rev. J. L. left
morning for Elm City.
Vernon of
came evening.
J. A. Ricks returned Friday
evening from Baltimore.
Mrs. Cox, returned Friday
evening from Richmond.
Zeno came In Friday
evening from Rocky Mount,
Mrs. J. W. Casper,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred
Mrs. A. H. of Norfolk,
came in Friday evening to visit
Mr. J. Keel.
Miss Annie Nash, of Tar-
came in Friday evening to
visit Janie
Miss Annie Lamb, of Wilson,
came in Friday evening to visit
at W. B. Wilson's.
Miss Olive Gaskill, of Tarboro,
came In Friday evening to visit
Miss Nell Skinner.
Col. H. B. Little, of Baltimore,
who has been visiting Wiley
left this morning.
Mr. and Mrs; C. A. of
came in Friday
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs, R.
When yon get the best fountain
pen it is a Parker. Nice assort-
at Reflector Book Store.
Delightful Dinner to His
W. E a
of his dinner
party Nov. 9th
home of Mr. a v- G.
ti Evan Th
was rated
pain--, fern- v r f
bra i- e ti scene.
After being received very
by Mr vi Mrs.
in their own hospitable
was I The
r i.-ii w.-re of
American Beauties r-.- tastefully
arranged on I. hankie
in In of and on
the mantle. plate
planed a of pink Li France
roses and Maiden bait ferns the
Dinner elegantly
in six very dainty courses.
Mr. Hunker proved
host. Those were
Miss Cobb W. E
Hooker, Miss Nina James with
Will Hunter, Kinston, Miss
Alice While, of Greensboro,
Scoggins; Miss
of Columbia, with Tom
Moore; Prank Webb,
with Miss Coward; Miss
L Jones with Tom Hooker.
Ii as Indeed a occasion.
Aggregation Coming
comes here Friday Nov. tor one
performance can be truthfully
termed the quintessence of
fun. moat comedies it has
a plot and this plot is in the main
responsible for the many ludicrous
mishaps and complication that
round out a solid two hours and a
half of genuine merriment.
company that will present
this, the latest mode high grade
wheel mirth, i the original
la a merry, madcap, crazy
of hilarity and as such leads
the world in The
ha yet to be met which has
not been captivated and convulsed
by this uniquely and mirthfully
Incomparable comedy end its many
special feature each a paragon in
The advance will
be large. Considerable talk
is going on for ticket. Fetch
Grandma and the
whole family see
Friday night Nov. 17th.
Meeting of F. M. Society.
The Foreign Missionary society
of the Methodist Episcopal church
South held its annual meeting on
Wednesday afternoon at the hos-
home of Mrs. Wiley Brown,
Soon after the appointed hour it
was hardly possible to be seated,
this shewing the great interest in
the work and the honor due our
beloved president, Mrs. Jack
White. The object of this meeting
was the opening of mite boxes
collection to 192.60,
A delightful followed
which was as
Reading Mrs. H. L. Carr.
Vocal H. O. Hooker,
Nina James,
Vocal Nina James.
Dainty refreshments were served
after which the society adjourned
to meet Wednesday afternoon
Dec. with Mis. Bert
Pitt Keep Ahead,
Occasional we see some of oar
exchanges bragging big
sweet potatoes, but none have yet
gone ahead of
Superintendent J. A. Hat-
of the home, brought

Eastern reflector, 10 November 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 10, 1905
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