Eastern reflector, 31 October 1905

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. .
Should Consider with eat forethought the suit he is to bay
and the store he is to buy from for the coming season Bis
general appearance will depend largely upon the in of his
clothes, and the wears.
His i the foundation of your suit Avoid
deal and pin row faith
Good Fit one you exercise
with more care than all others. A poor fitting suit is post
piece of property. But it matters not how tall you are, how
slim you are, how stout you are, how short are, have
to tit your form. A suit distinction
being distinctly stylish.
All the new things are hero. At any price from to
We will make it interesting to Bring your
shoulder- with
c. s.
The Man's Outfitter
i m GO m FOUR
We Issue here Fidelity and Court Bonds. Life--
H insured against
e-Fire. ;
I i . , n .- .-;
f. .
p -l to
and .-. n th
if thin iv.-i; contracts a
it r
r.--- .
Phone No.
are going to be ALL THE this Winter,
don't fail to Call and have us place one
In your home before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or misled-Stop,
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAKING SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. If has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina,
The Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respect fully.
I have taken up stray shoat
bat been mooing with my
stuck about two month, The
shoal Is sandy red color, weighs
pounds, has silt in right
car bob tailed. Owner is
unfilled for same and pay
charges. EVANS,
near Greenville,
Putt an End lo II All.
A wail conies
a of from
over taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint
constipation. Bat to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by Jno. L. Woolen,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes
in death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cats or piny boils
have paid the death penally. It
Is wise to have
Halve ever handy. th
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when niters
threaten. Only at
L. Drug Store.
A piano for sale at a sac-
instrument which is one
of the beet makes handled by the
piano was bought
months ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lost his little girl,
Party willing to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
In G. or VT, A.
Greenville N.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an on
I my right writes,;, p. Hughes
of Do gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
conic. a last resort I tried Ir.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit received
was striking and I was on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my K conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Woolen, druggist, Price
and 11.00. Trial bottles free.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide bud been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
I Electric Bitters. It being a great
I tonic and will strengthen
I the nerves and up
It's also a great stomach, liver and
I kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Woolen, Druggist
and zephyr shawls, hen
you get at less
extra heavy In black. than half the price. Sam
M, Johnson A Co, N, j i s w
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Th force I ho North
y met in annual
convention with
a f from
all o
The first over to
the in of
Mission- the convened at
a. m. in full session.
vice led by Mrs.
H. ii. ,
which Mm. T. It delivered
The add res i f president,
Mrs. J. w
both able a d earnest, and Was
to with close attention
The of the
secretary a id showed
the work at large to
Mrs, T. E of
which Mr-.
Bail H ill, won, reads
most and
on This
paper i- Ml v by
Mrs. H ii M t O villa.
on W Mn
close i
and helpful.
The nit.
With SB Mi-. IS.
of . I
people's department by
Miss Alice Hi ins, of
in this U.
The banner tor heel
went to i h
ville Mission
Miss Lillian
Mason following a beautiful
by Him Mary of
lbs symposium on mission field
W. B. M. was conduced by
Ito-a Loftin, of on
Mrs. If.
of Lake, on
Mrs. J, It. Tingle,
Belhaven, on Mis A.
B. of
Thin part of the was
especially entertaining
tire as the great
work of our women, and their far
O. of
our preacher there, and a native
Japanese, unable, on account
of to be was
to have delivered an on
Life of the of the
The convention was
disappointed at not being
able to hear in in.
H. H.
The Christian church building
being too to accommodate
the increasing crowds the Baptist
brethren tendered their
for future meetings of
the convention
Wednesday night Mrs. Ida
stale president of I lie
Kentucky W. B. M., delivered
an able to a large
enthusiastic audience.
The Wednesday session
with the of
and response. A letter
the mayor of was
read welcoming the
The address of the president,
A. of Greenville, was a
and helpful delivery, and
by Preston Bell Hall on the
was an
and able of this
subject. The
that followed was spirited end fall
of interest.
J. A. el Winston-
Mi I addressed the
hone missions.
The afternoon session opened
with a powerful address on
Model by A. I. Cunning
ham, of Washington. This was
discussed by Prof. J. P. Harper,
president of the Atlantic Christian
college, Wilson
W, T. of Atlanta, Ga.,
addressed the convention on
for the
churched congregations throughout
The night service wan given over
loan address on Mis-
by Henry
pastor of West Km church,
Rich in ml, Va
The convention is the largest and
most enthusiastic In the history of
he state work. H. H. Moore.
N. Oct.
The morning session
of convention was given over
ill ii fly to reports and discussion
symposium on state
The e board was re-elected
as President, E A.
Greenville; vice president,
c. W Howard, res
lending secretary, J. Boy i
r-curding secretary, L. O.
Kinston; treasurer, H.
the session John It.
Harper, president of Atlantic
Christian col Wilson, i p-
the annual report of the
i e year the enrollment has been
doubled and college is steadily
growing in efficiency and in
favor lie institution is a
credit to Wilson and to the
the state.
The is
Ai ills will be made to
bonds to aid in the
of this great educational
A large audience greeted A. B.
who spoke at the
service on
The next will be held at
in Oct.
H, H. Moore.
gone who are not par-
as to the form of entertain
they so long as
assured of their money's worth
find no attraction more pleas
Thoroughbred which is
the next theatrical offering at the
opera house Friday, Nov. 3rd.
While this play is not boasted of
as a Literary Art, the play is de-
novel In its
the pathetic scenes are of interest
and so well played as to bring tears
to tho majority.
The climaxes are of a drama,
though comedy
throughout the four acts.
The third has been altered, the
scene now being laid in a Hospital
ward for the Minded.
This i a unique act, idea
being new to tho stage, the action,
though not lively, holds the
spell bound until the climax,
when curtain calls are frequent.
Cotton Statistics.
New Oct.
weekly cotton statement
of today shows for the days of
October a decrease under lust year
of and an increase over the
same period year before last of
For the days the season
that have elapsed the aggregate is
behind the same days of last year
and ahead of the same
days year before last
The amount brought into sight
the past week has been
bales 547.000 for
the same days last year, and
year before last.
The since September
receipts at all
State ports to be against
2.587,105 last year. Overland
across the Ohio and
Potomac rs to Northern mills
and Canada against
last year; interior stocks in excess
of those held at close of the
commercial year against
last year; Southern mill
takings against
last year.
total movement since
is against
last year.
And Suffered.
Wasn't that a delightful wait
the passenger in had Thursday
It was only about three
half late. The Wei-
don fair have been great to
the train so long.
Reported for
The club was
by Mis. Hay wood
1905. This meeting being the fir-i
of the ensuing term, an election of
officers was held and following
were unanimously Miss
Pat Skinner, president, Miss Win-
Skinner, vies president; Miss
Janie Miss Lizzie
and treasurer.
On motion, the amount realized
from the production of
lie used in buying
for the library a com-
was appointed to select and
present them the library at an
early date.
Visitors present were
J. L. Wooten, H. A. White, B. W.
Moseley, M. H.
Harry Skinner.
After serving delightful refresh-
the club adjourned to meet
with Miss Glenn Forbes, Tuesday
Nov. 1905.
The and lb Community.
Speaking of what a newspaper
does a community, United
Slates Senator Davis, of
Illinois, made an address that re-
mains ever green in the memories
of newspaper men He
year every local paper
from to 5.000 free lines
for the hem-lit of the community
III which it is located No other
agency or will do this. The
editor in proportion to his means
does mine for his own town than
any other man.
He ought lo be supported not
because you happen to like him or
admire his writing, but because a
local paper is the best investment
i community can make It may
not he crowded with great thought,
but it is more benefit
than both preacher teacher.
Today editors do more for less pay
than man on earth.
Disc your home paper, not as a
charity, but as an investment.
Knocks Woman Down and Her
Williamsport, Pa., Oct.
Mr. B. Frank an aged
at a Pennsylvania railroad
crossing, today the life of an
old woman by knocking her down.
She had slipped under the gate,
and was in the path of an
locomotive when saw
her. He leaped to the track,
struck her a blow on the back that
sent her clear of the rails, then
clutched the of
locomotive as it down upon
the pilot.
His blow stunned the woman,
but when he saw that it had saved
her from an awful fate, she thank-
ed her vigorous rescuer. She was
stone deaf and had not heard the
Potatoes That Are Potatoes.
A day two ago The
spoke of a pound sweet
to, but Superintendent J. A.
of the home, has
it one better. He brought us
three that are something to look
at, as they weigh pounds each.
who has charge of Cherry Hill
Cemetery, is having the
cleaned and says all lot owners
also have their plots
so the improvements can all be
made at the sane time. If lot
owners will act on this
the cemetery will have a much
better appearance.
J. K II . s, ,
in this
B. this morning for
Charles w
fair today.
Mr. and Ii. O. Moor--
to Baltimore today-
County II
w. t B be i .
W. Brown
returned morning from t i
to u
this in o
to take a no i
store the
Friday, Oct.
Z. V. II returned to B h
President in Collision.
U. S. Flagship West Virginia,
New Orleans, Oct.
At o'clock last even-
through of signals
the fruit steamer collided
with the lighthouse tender
which was conveying the
president, Secretary Loeb and Dr.
to the West Virginia
The rail and port bow of the
Magnolia were and two
or three boles made in the hull
below water line. No one was
Range Exhibit Closes.
The demonstration of Majestic
ranges that has occupied this weak
at the store of Baker Hart,
closes this evening. Up to the
time of going to press fourteen
orders for these excellent ranges
had been booked and n few others
are in contemplation by the time
the exhibit closes. Mr. Swann,
the special representative in charge
of the exhibit, is a hustler, and in
Maker A Hart he has a hustling
firm to push the merit
College Quarantined.
The announcement is made that
the A. M. college at Raleigh is
under quarantine of an
i of scarlet fever
typhoid fever. This is an
unfortunate condition for the
college and will cause much
anxiety throughout the state, as
boys from every are at
went to V f
H. W. n. tills
morning from
Mrs. A- K -r d I i
went to Scotland N . k h
Mrs Brown, of o
her brother, P. W C
L. C. Arthur i
pears i u
l If I. I'll . i ,
Rev. George h i
been mime tier.,
i left this mot mil I i Ii
Branson S. c.
Rev. K. T. Philip-, of
came up this in n I lo
the union meeting in t Win
P, L. Co ii lo, ,
Here .
Greenville Printing Co .
purchased to move
to engage in the
Oct. -8 h
P, M. Hodge went to
ton today.
K. and B T.
went up the road mis morning.
J. J. this morn-
to take charge of a school in
Carolina township.
Mrs. B. House went to Edge-
today, to visit tier mother.
Rev. J. K. has returned
from Henderson where he went to
visit bis father.
Fire in Kinston Friday destroyed
i .
i and
t of the H . . -i Tobacco
is . i tit
r banks
d m North
i fair one of the
-ad ; i id while
; M The
i-i vi h V in
n . ff the ire
. . at
U .
i . ;.
II d ii -i- private
. J. D.
ti and thirty
d s i t tn perished.
in . i .
i ii gone to
wife of the
. died
lied Mule to Railroad Track.
The passenger on At-
Coast Line Sunday evening,
while on its trip from to
Kinston, ran over and killed a
mule near station. Per-
sons who were at the place soon
after say is evidence that the
mule, which was an old. worthless
animal, was tied there by some
one that it might be run over and
killed. The presumption is that it
was done that the owner might
get damages from
for a good mule when It was a
worthless one that got killed. An
old colored man in sec-
Free Press.
Big Potato.
We have been shown a sweet
potato weighing pounds, raised
by Tripp, this township.
They do not grow larger than
this one
The to the
Missionary convention have all
retained home.
Greenville, N. c
Deal When you can buy
paint for less than
save your money.
Mr. Aaron Higgins,
N. J., always 1.1 of
for his took
Mr. Williams
port, Pa., always used
took t.
Mr. Burt Young, Pa.,
always used a gallon for certain
rooms; took as much
M. Nathaniel Barber, Canton,
Y. bought used less than
You can buy paint for
less i ban don't; save your
The counts the same
way and doubles the
of paint is the
gallon. Weak most;
Yours truly,
F. W. COo.
P. i. H. L. sells our paint,
One of the Asheville prisoners
ho recently but was
caught and pat back in jail, tried
to break out again as as
left him.
t near
i -lo, and
only a
her suit to
A of Asheville,
t . i
it man
the promise
Increased on everything a News-
paper oil Uses.
i in- following from the
tells a big truth in but few
Everything in newspaper
Used, and printers are completely at
mercy of trusts. The Hume
Printing establishments that are
handicapped by labor trusts, type
trusts, machinery trusts, ink trusts,
paper trusts, etc . kn what it is
to for all they are worth.
Last week we ordered a lot of new
type to meet the demands of our
work when the bill came was
put down at cents a pound And
it doesn't take but half a handful to
weigh a pound. The trust could
make money at cents a pound,
but like cents better, and
the publishers have to grin and bear
it. A year or two bought
from an independent type concern
two hundred pounds of new type
that is as good as Iv's type, at
seats a pound, but we cant get
it that way now. It's the same old
independent concern sold
out to the trust and quit business
Concord Times.
Here is an Worth Quick Attention.
We have made a clubbing
with several magazines
by which readers can
save half the price they have been
paying. can send
The Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan.
The Woman's Home Companion.
The American Farmer.
all to address a year II. Look
ever that list and just
think what you can get for
smell price. Better decide at
while there is a chance at this

B. E. ft do all they W of valises,
. plan it band ha-,
their mi of and salts A Bro
b Joe It rood are
All t fr.- hew the
v a k
u there
fearer Mr
Ike tali haver urned.
a -f Bust, lard and
good. Don't firing
me trial. frank Lilly.
j. w Moore look ranker
trips down die
road week W ell, hi- good
ft I- ,
I iii a
line feed at low
price as hay, oats, corn,
and brand
ship Frank Lilly.
David f
is visiting her
brother. Tod K in the
country, near beret
Call Hart s for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, tone better
to be had
being tome difference
floor u;
Buy Kai tress at Can-
tie best.
T. pp-
with or short joint
and Smith ft Bro.
H. F. Brooks, of ha
here to bin
Mi I. T.
Buy paint the beat fur
Car load of fir kale by Can
i id
The Neuse Baptist association
now holding Its annual session
Baptist church at this
place and continue through
Sunday night.
.,;,. of
drug st -e M-
to is -i i,
us it i-
laid w.
f h
i- M-i-e III
fitted e. The
work known U
certainly v
i cl-
per W es and Ladies
also h
tors J K ii Bi-.
Kinston, is
Bin .-
-I i . ran tie
J, K.
Corn Jenkins
when yon dress
your we can sate
and e y in something to
foot. We carry nicest and
. ran law. Try a
E. V. cave bone
day boom the
Federal court at Bern.
Dre Broad cloth,
silks, lining and
J K Smith Bro
Mae Brooke, of cm
Friday and began
house Monday.
Mr. and Mm J. II
child left Monday u attend the coo-
in LaG range.
Jerome attended the
fair in last week.
day afternoon in V
Pail and at
tended near
Mrs H. B Smith daughter,
Bessie, Tuesday at k.
Sunday with friends
Mies Bail
night Sunday
Miss returned
Tuesday after a short to
E E. Bail went to New Bern
day and returned yesterday.
Henry and Ernest spent
Saturday afternoon Ayden.
Mrs Martha Beasley came Mon-
prices for chickens
, ,. . . to bar Mrs. L. A
and eggs all country produce .-.,.
U. Br.
The shipment of
daring last week, in
to this date, daring
,. very little cotton
band, are Informed b
the farmer, to be sold daring the
remainder of crop.
Our line of Groceries Con-
fer i Call and
see us. J. H. Tripp Bro.
O e tip our hat to a
and public
ask they will
send the We aunt to
advertise Ayden
u It takes
do ii .- please help on friends.
Old Fashion Hand-made
paw Bread at J. K.
X Bro.
Mi-p Skinner, who has
been h-re visiting her brother,
Dr. L Skinner, has returned
to her home In
big line of Overalls,
and the best line of pants
for the money on the market at
J. B. Smith A Bro.
best en the market at J. R.
Oranges, apple, all
v i. j pries i kept by
for . is and j
U yon see me. Prank j wife child and
C, left as
We i i N.-. ;. s-.- church
i ii-. H, i con-
at this week.
Man Warns Li tie Here Below
But Wants T at Little Good.
make it a rule to keep the best quality of
goods, roods always give
e have a large and carefully line of Clothing, and
can tit with a Suit or Overcoat at the Lowest Prices
a -ill the and
many other Popular Brands if Shoes,
Try The United Standard and you will have no
keep a on hand.
an- agents for Wire Pence and have prices right
and examine goods and prices before you buy.
Our Mot o i, Thirty Six Pence Is Better Than A Blow
Yours Respectfully,
J. J. son, Ayden, N. C.
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
AU Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
for Designs and Prices.
The Youth's in 1906.
will publish weekly
stories, each a
Itself, reflecting life in
borne, camp Held.
soldiers, sailor-,
and of
thoughtful and timely
id articles public
domestic questions.
stories by the best
fin in. story of
notes on rent events
discoveries in the held of science
and natural
kn. ledge, poems and
is what The Companion
offers its readers 1909. And
quality of it is fully equal to
The paper is
without being
bright without being flashy,
and being
paper for every member
of the family.
A full t- e new
volume will be sent sample
of the p
on The subscriber
for 1908 who sends 1.76 for
new Volume at Will receive
free ail the remaining for
1906, the Double
day r-; The
f .
and cold.
ill Berkeley street, Mass,
a I.
N. AS.
Steamboat Service.
ill, f II ;
i bi. p-
t .
B. I more, j
Mew u and all
a Norfolk
with all points West.
Skippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, earn Norfolk
A. hi re ft. K.
out e.
r. Agent,
ton, N. C.
J. J.
H. C. T.
t. Agent, Va.,
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness, of
breath, weak or spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
r diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January let, I took
Sown with and
and I
By my family my CON
y l-
given ma up
body wire to
water my
U-aMt had to Hit
up In b J to from
I for f Dr.
I. . . Cur, by I
Lad taken them all was entirely
cured. I feel heller than have for
twenty years, I um able to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending physician told mo that If ft
been for Pr. tiller Heart
would now be In my
T. Ky.
Or. Heart Cure sold by
I our who wilt guarantee that
he first bottle will If It fall
Be will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ina
We bet; scare la that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Hired Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has l it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any I
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
W- K. L. k
Many f
your mm off
Having this
last will l of Mose
ii. before II c. Moore,
clerk of the superior c
in estate if vi i,
to make immediate
to the executor,
tin- is hereby given to all
claims against laid in
file the with the ex.
will be in bur
21st .
N. W.
the estate of
K. Attorney.
One three hone farm contain two
good three Tobacco
South of Kinston the
Via Wile Price
Have also to lease
horse farm, or will decide
center containing
eight five tobacco burns
mill pack under fence
rounded with ten of
Hue ranges for h sheep
cattle. on the Dover Si Rich-
lauds It. I. Ova miles of Dover
ii a healthy notion and good water
Apply to C. II. Kinston N.
A Telephone Lint
is a boor to vault
B. W.
Groceries I
And Provisions
IS Hit
Fr sh Oho.
sin n- K n l i
Produce Ho
N or I ti
an You Afford ft
tr OVER WITH v i.
Not Quite
Haw often you get a
nail or driver or
Have a good
tool box and he prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
Ii all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box not lack a
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
Ph in the
pen self-tilling
They can In at
c or Store.
Sold by . Dr, i
Sold By J. W. Bryan.
September I took up a stray
female hog, sandy weight about
pounds, marked with crop
can same by-
pro and pay charges
O. T Evans.
F. F. D. No. N C.
10-11 Id w i
In the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
and guarantee price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
Ed. Hair
Clip Calculator.
n ii
J. M. BLOW, Manager Authorized Agent.
s H. O.
Cannon and
to their load of stoves
and heater.
from the
Philadelphia Optical College and
it a on
human eye, Bad In the
agent for A optics, I feel lolly able and pro
and we Gripe, Satchels and of error
treat pleasure In receiving at J. ft Bro. but other man
and receipts for I Mn j. with I will
those in arrears. We have a list been of weak eves, or eye
of all who receive their mall at went home d,, , burn
office. We also take eyes, or eyes
are or low on a
daily new Bad
Mr- AW. ,,, H,,,. ,.,
patient or no one cent. The
Large yesterday on per cent, of all chronic
of have bean visiting at B.
F. Manning's.
If need the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to sec Hart Jenkins.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware j
at J R Smith ft Bro
Miss Smith, of Lenoir, after
the trains attend the
association DOW in session here.
The freshest loaf bread right
from the oven at ft Me-
Every body seems to to
except Roosevelt. He
a very pleas visit to friends ought tn come and make things
here, has returned to her home. complete.
Go to E. E. Pail ft Co's new
market fresh meats,
fresh fish.
For can apples,
tomatoes, c, apply t E. E.
Frank Ida C
Edwards and Fannie left
yesterday tor the lair.
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and doable, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chain stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
ft Bro
shoes are Every
pair sold under a guarantee
W. C. ft control this
line for Ayden.
W. L. Kinston, is here
attending the and also
visiting sou.
We are receiving daily heavy
and fancy groceries, also a nice
line of cigars and
everything kept in h first
grocery. J. II. Tripp Bro.
For carpenters ton's, grind
I hemp rope pulleys, at J. K.
Ha- corn, oats, meal, balls, lime
windows hinders nails
saws and tools at J
B Smith ft
J, W. Sparks and J. Manning, of
were here this week.
Wear for
cents. R.
Our rugs and art squares are
liner the finest, Cannon and
Rev. Dr. Vann, president of the
Baptist college at Raleigh,
is here in attendance upon the
J. optician is
bow back again from the
Optical College, where he
graduated ii a special coarse in
the science optics, ready to
better than ever before
to those from weak eyes
and in of glasses,
headaches and
errors of and eye
strain. It Is to pro
when eyes call f-r
assist nice. Glasses are
remedy fr errors refraction and
Weak eyes. Any Style or form of
glasses given desired. As good
references as are in the
furnished on
J. W. Taylor, Ref.
We s m of readers
remember our writing about a year
since an overflowing
spool spring on the firm
Mr. Cox near here. The
spring spouted up a ; team of cleat
pure water or s u
diameter a distance some two
high, nor has it sine
been known become dry. Mr
CoX a- -ii Well pleased with ho
had piping put in and other Con-
h plied making it
very pleasant resort for
ins not
taken advantage but highly
appreciated, Ii seems,
that someone last week h
use for the piping and have
piled it. as Mr Cox for
as some might s y the calling
in making moonshine.
is outrageous really
we think a agent in
section for days would
work a wonderful change.
Calico and Gingham at
per yard, r is white
Uppers and summer J.
B. Smith ft Bro.
We call
lire of harness, con
and Ty
Lores go is having
two more built adjoining
The so we are
will boo friends A
Hardy, col. who is la the
business, and John
Andrews unit Henry who
will a wholesale
Shop, Oar h
e in -ii el n mi-
ff or, a l o mixture of an
ii s i
painting them an
. . I
vii i full c kept it J.
H. ft Bro
Boy of Gannon
and tiny nave best
Ellis are
Jackson ft showing
I-.- most line
and i. I's
In the town of Give
hem s They are e
pi you as toe
Gannon have, the
ii,,. of dress
At the of business August
Loans and Discounts, Furniture and Fixtures Demand Loans line from flanks, i lash Items, Coin, Silver Coin, l steak paid Surplus 1,000.00 profits less expenses. SO unpaid Of i to check, 2.1,755.22
National Bank notes and other V. S. notes 2,411.00 Total Cashier's 3.30
Trial. f 36,158.02
I, J. R. lb, Cashier of the i Be solemnly swear
that the above statement Is to the best of my and be-
lief. Cashier.
to lief ire
me, this of
Notary Public
.;. K.
i .
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Brick Blast Mu
Ayden, N. C.
N. C.
Fence Farm
American Steel Fencing
They save stock, they land, they save neighbors,
they worry, they save time, they are guaranteed,
are steel, they have the only perfect hinge
joint, easy to build, no expense for repairing, last a
time, The American is the best square mesh on
market, car load just received. Come to see us
The Five Million
The Security Life and Annuity
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company.
Cosed It's Fourth Year with Over
of Insurance In Force in North Carolina
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
I ,. h won victory tor the cause of life insurance in the State and the South, The belong alike to the Officer.

f V I
Entered it
rate ma
cents. i
that figure
Alice in back home.
s be in
, pres
At the Chad f n
are sHowed
bid for theta I
,.,. .
V . Bi-
ll in ,.
i -I
It van in keeping with the
tin the family that the boat
which Miss Mice came borne on
break the record in the
across the Pacific
A of h found
in n
broke in there without sentence, hut
to a cell and n
Yen can count
II- was star speaker
of a Democratic rally in
where he spoke
the amendment
in dial
time the president com--
to help out the State fair.
might set Charlotte
do the entertaining Or better
still, mere the state lair up to Char-
It is not creditable to
in which of the state
is located, that Judge Cook while
court there found sufficient
grim to declare that the court
is a disgrace to the county.
Th commissioners of that county
ought to get a move on themselves.
j ad the
in. o in New OH to cut off
wind his speech
Miss Alice the Sultan of
i i lier, and seems
worn, d lull h story was ever
in I.
l Oil II
the New York man who lived
and us a woman for thirty
lour years the deception
discovered, shows how
it is to fool public sometime.
Th- president of the University
to his senses-
He it hull as is played today
will have to go Heads of other
college should fall in line with
t uM
Texas authorities on cotton
mates say that the recent
report indicates a crop of less than
t-ll millions hales, while York
speculators say it will reach eleven
millions We will know which is
correct bye and bye In the mean
might continue to hold
f r eleven cents,
A man and white woman of
Maryland who wanted in get married,
which is against the law in their
state, took themselves to Washing-
ton City where they readily obtained
a license for that purpose. It is n
to our national capital that
it permits miscegenation to be legal
Durham is blowing to beat the
hand over a hundred thousand pound
leaf tobacco sale on that market
And Durham is a big tobacco
town and of the oldest
markets in the state Here in
Greenville sales that size come easy
almost every day, and are frequently
twice large.
Governor has decided not
to interfere with the W. ft. Murray
eons at Durham, in which the de
was given a two sen
tease the roads for killing his
sack. Again the governor is right
and Murray will have to take his
The road sentence was
to two years in jail
Troubles seem to be multiplying
in the Republican camp. A
member of that party in
has sued the state chairman for
failure to make good his promises,
and the committee of Durham county
is being sued for failure to pay bills
eon tree in the last campaign.
Kay be that is one of the lines en
which the party hopes to reach re-
in Worth Carolina
And now comes the claim that a
has reduced the
cost of living to a science II- says
he lives on u cents a day and
clothes himself for a year For
breakfast each day he has coffee and
crackers, for dinner a bowl of soup
with blend, and fr supper bread,
butter and tea. This keeps him
in excellent health.
is remarked a
gentleman to The Gazette yesterday,
low well some men have got along
right here in county in face
of great disadvantage And then
he went n to II how that one farm-
near L had laved in
years Another Gaston man he
knew who not so many years ago
was poor boy bound out He is now
worth or it
by hard licks and
in it Gazette.
Without a doubt this is the great
est era of prosperity and plenty this
has ever known. Never
before in our history have the tillers
of the been so
, Mortgages and liens are
fewer today than ever before. It i-
nothing if not, a very common thing
to scores of farmers with snug
bank or money out at in-
. ii time arc fewer
and smaller, the
cotton, is bringing good prices, and
promises to be
arc in North Carolina
hate for several year
is riding on the high
of prosperity, we judge from
logo ,,,. foregoing, and also from
passed in late
The oilier day our contemporary
quoted a citizen who asked why land
in Pitt is much higher now than it
was ten years ago, and gave this
years ago the farmers
were in debt, and many of them had
to let their land go to pay what they
owed, while now the farmers as a
class are practically out of debt,
per cent, of them have money ahead,
and many, instead of having to m
land, are living to buy
will lie observed that the answer
does not tell the wherefore, although
it gives some interesting details of
state of prosperity in tin
of I'm Perhaps it is not an
matter to answer the question,
we are reminded that ten years
ago the nation had a Democratic
president, under whose
lion the country was plunged
an abyss of financial depression and
industrial paralysis. We are not
going to say that the contrast in the
condition of the country ten wars
ago and today finds it cause in the
politics of the national
then and now; but we
mention the fact as a fact, leave
the reader to think for himself.
Greensboro Industrial News
While not saying it in so many
words, it is inferred from the above
that the Industrial News means to
intimate that the Republican party-
is entitled to the credit for the good
times exist. Coming from a
Republican source this is hardly
more than expected, but it is about
as absurd to claim that the
can party is entitled to such credit
us is to say that while the Demo
were in power it did not rain
and while tin Republicans were in
power it did
We bad hoped for better logic
from the Industrial News. It was
heralded all over the state that this
new Republican paper was to
be decent able. We were there
for i i ired to see it so soon
lake up and rehash this I, worn
out. illogical, Republican absurdity.
The merest child in
knowledge knows that the present
prosperity in county is due to
n political influence party
but is outgrowth of energy
and economy pan of in
t n.
V. E of Rocky Meant,
spent Tuesday night with his par
Misses Mattie and Grimes
Friday and Sat ii id night it
They returned
Miss Mayo spent Friday
and Saturday night in Robersonville
w. O. and N. G. Beverly
spent Friday Rocky Mount.
Miss Early, of Scotland
spent last week with relatives
Will and Morton, of
s spent Monday in town,
drumming tobacco
W. Canon has at last bought
Dan Patch, Jr Watch out for the
race track
Mrs Fleming and
Alma, from near Hast ell,
spent Sunday and Monday town.
w. C spent Sunday in
Scotland Neck.
Misses Lizzie Grimes and Venn
Edmonton spent last week in Rocky
J. Barker, of spent
last week in Bethel working
Mrs. Lewis Lawrence and son
-pent Monday town shopping.
F. Foxhall, of Greenville, spent
Sunday town.
Dr. Thigpen spent Friday night
in Robersonville There seems to
be much attraction for him down
that way
Cleon Ford, of Tarboro. spent
Wednesday his parents
About twenty five attended the
fair from here last Thursday. It
was their intention to see the
dent but they got there late
Mrs W J. Carson spent last week
with relatives in Rocky Mount
Mrs of Mildred,
with relatives
Frank Tyson, of Greenville, came
up this morning to visit relatives.
Miss Novella Hunting spent Fri-
day and Saturday night with Mrs
Nelson in Robersonville.
W J. Britton and H. V. Staton
attended the play at Robersonville
Saturday night given by
Stock Co.
Fred Forbes and Jim Mooring, of
Greenville, spent Sunday near here.
They can tell easily where it was.
Don't overlook the smallest op-
It will grow.
The man an cm
of the Adams Express
who took of the com-
money the other day
went and w s later captured,
says he was getting only a
month and that handling packages
containing f
roved too much him; that five
minutes alter he look the money he
was sorry, bat it was too late for
him to return back, etc. Many kind-
hearted pie will excuse
and blame lbs express people fer
not giving a linger salary
laying all that That
is not the point. showed
greed If he had been getting
a month instead of he
would still have desired to steal. If
he had thoroughly honest he
have stood firm no matter
how small his salary. His excuse
is no excuse at
they are return,
i i i
Raleigh should ail lie too
feather over her ability to
keep the state fair, that
she b a lost grip state con-
as mo
The president was gelling down
to the right idea when he said the
South the South alone should
i race A
opinion in certain sections has been
the cause of w of the over
this question.
School eh in-ii can get tablets
pencil, ink, etc. at Reflector
Book Blurs.
Date of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Day falls on Thurs-
day, November this year, the
last day of the month The date has
been a question for some time past,
many being of the opinion that
Thanksgiving came on the fourth
Thursday, which would be
It so happens that Thurs-
day will come live times during
November A question having arisen
as to the date, Secretary Loeb at
as appealed to he
replied that while the president had
no proclamation and there
was no law governing the date, it
unwritten law that Thanksgiving
came on the last Thursday in No-
Orange County Observer re
Us readers that and
. lime Orange county had
two States Ma
sud two Supreme court
judges, Nash, a
Superior court judge, John L-
No the state,
it is to be believed that any in
I. in led Slates, has such a record;
the manifest pride with which
paper declares that
has made more history
other the state ever
will is altogether pardonable.
Charlotte Observer.
r Hyatt
r. H O Hyatt, of
rill be at Hotel
Out. 30th and Monday
us i the purpose of
tenting disuses of the eye, ear,
Parties under
years of age who will need
his attention are requested to come
if possible. Older people
corns any day.
Who will bring the to
go along with oar big sweet
H. A. White,
Insurance. Greenville, N. C
Horses and Mules
The time kind when To will want some horses
or mules to meet your needs the coming we solicit
We hare SALE at and Ayden where
we will carry a full of GOOD and MULES
during the entire season. Come to Ms us we will show you
that it is a soring for yon to trade us, for we get our
stock direct from the stock farms, thereby taring you the prof-
its that the middle dealer hare to make and which you save
by from us. It would not take much of your time
to pay us a visit and get familiar with our methods of doing
business as we feel that it would result in making you a per-
customer, and sure we make it benefit you
for so doing. We are prepared to suit your needs what is
more we guarantee
Winslow Mills,
Hones and Mules. Sales Stables, and Greenville
ii-t at
Harrington, Barber
If you want winter
et one of these d beaters Ht A.
W. Angus A Co. i-c Cheap.
to me I
run a livery fwd and
Miss K- I home
h l returned
V ft lo .
I ii v, e ,, time ville, was la town Thursday.
. ii- fir v
ii b y in at the
This department is in J. M. who rep-
resent the Eastern in id territory.
received . Hour, Did
Harrington Barber Co
When yon lire
trimmings to go to A.
W Co they hove a nice as-
shipments of Buggy
bodies and are being mode
the A. G. Cu Mfg. Co.
Men's and youth's pants, all
at Harder A
Rev. J. r. Waives, f
are always glad to see
Mr d Miss Bertha
n young
were happily m I last Sunday
light. We hope them a and
happy life.
C. Smith and Joe Vanning
t to Kinston Friday night.
Go to Harrington Barker Co.
for coats and jackets.
A new line of re-
by R. G. Chapman a
Clara Lee Stephens,
Gold a student of
R eh went
this morning.
Hiss of
who in now a student of the
this morning to spend Sunday with
unit line of men's
tie at Barber Co,
Quite a large from Win-
attended the Baptist Neuse
Friday that is now in
at Ayden
Nice haggis Harrington
A. of was In
The A. G. Co. has
a ear lead of wire
of and different
heights now is your time to select
the style you want.
Misses Myrtle and B ks.
Holland, of were
pleasant visitors the
ville High school Thursday, they
are both former students
For fresh loaf bread go to H. L.
International stock
horses at f
Call and tn line shoes
buying H. L.
Special price
next day V. L.
Trunks and at
ton Barber A Co.
of boys suits at H. L.
A. G. Cox and J. B. Carroll
returned from the fair Friday
Felix was here Tuesday
yards standard
per yard, , A
Just K n
ft Co., a car load lime which
they will sell very
For Holt time alarm
K. a.
The town tax honks are now
Open at the store G.
Co. Let nil o and pay
promptly. s Smith, collector.
Our line of fail and Winter,
goods are now to. Be our lire be
fore you bay, to please A.
W. Anger A C i
large shipment shoes
all and sizes and
White's Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, for perfectly
balanced, com
B T. Bro.
Don't forget the nice furniture
at A W
White's and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for -lock and a sure colic care,
at the Drug Store
Henry Dixon, of Black Jack,
town Monday.
For hay, corn tin I oats, go to
Harrington Barber A Co.
We have the assortment of
ever brought to Win-
B. T Cox Br .
If the turning of machinery
anything the A. G. Cox
must tie making lots
wagons, carts and far
they have keeping a continual
line of late special prices on hard
ware and mill supplies for
days W. L. House.
Another load of school desk were
shipped out of A. G. Cox Co
AH colors paint, and yellow
hie at Harrington Barber C .
in need nice candies
inns oranges apples and Fruits
kind call on H. L. Johnson.
Don't be on bad floor
when yon can get at A W
A A Ci
More desk and better
school desks made and
sold by the A, G. Cox Mfg. Co.
on the streets of Win
a Green back or
Bank notes, and any one who can
give proof
receive same by
B. H Him.
Mrs. h. . has opened
her line of dress
goods, trimmings and notions in
of the new concrete
and is ready, willing and waiting
to any order may come to
has a well selected line
of everything needed in the
business, to suit
The Pitt Co. Oil Mill
to be cotton far and
near, and general satisfaction
to prevail
If it R or snows we are all
right for I l-ere are plenty of rub
her coats shoes, and at A
W Ange A Co
L. Jan and sons, Frank
and Charlie, were pleasant visitors
in town Saturday and
The A. O. Cox Mfg Co. are
--i mi -a my fur buggies
and that they
a tor the
f making and they
ire th
in Winterville d
H- if a former student f
he Winterville High
Hue of fresh
--I h-id Barbs
A Co.
R. G.
u , are cut price n
ii u
i-; i a in
to make for
soon received.
Big line if tin's us
received, latest styles. Harrington,
harbor A Co.
Nice frames
A. W. Ange a Co.
Mr. and Mrs R. I. Little spent
h friends here.
Mi-, s c-iii Taylor ha her nice
e of go-sis open no
also a special line of furs, and
her many friends in o
her. Her stock is well selected
sad prices always right.
Call at H. L Johnson's nod ex-
his line of Hosiery
Ladies and Gents.
International poultry food at
Harrington Barber ft Co.
B. T. Cox A Bro. have a full line
of school books, inks,
A pen tablets, day
edgers, account states,
chalk, crayons, school bogs and
straps. Come and see what
have bringing else-
North Carolina, ,.,
PM County. Court.
Grimes William Grimes and
The above will take
; that an action entitled a above
Inn, in the Superior
of Pitt County, against him for
a i absolute divorce, the defendant
will further take notice that he re-
quired to next term of
superior Court of said Count; to
he held on the 9th Monday after the
It in September, being the day
of November at the Court
of County, in Greenville, N C,
and answer or demur to complaint
in action, or the will
ply the Court for demanded
in the complaint.
F. G. D. C, Moore,
Any for plaintiff. C. S. C.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain -I ex-
and delivered by Fred Crawford
and . Crawford, lo Henry
Sheppard on 30th day of
and duly recorded in the Register of
Deeds office of Pill county, North Car-
in Book K
will to public sale
before door in Green-
ville, to bidder on
Nov. 11th, a
or parcel of land and in
the of Pill and aisle of North
I and described as follows, to
parcel of land in Beaver
Dam township adj
place and acres
more or and bring land deeded
V by
and wife and mortgage taken to
dead. Terms of
This 11th stay nun.
By virtue of sale con-
in a certain deed
and vend by E. W.
and wife to I. I
Jenkins on the 29th day of October
and duly recorded the
Deeds e of county, North Car-
in page the under-
signed will expose ti public sale.
before the Court House door Green-
ville, to highest b on Thurs
day Not. two certain lots
of land lying and being in
county of Pitt and Stale of North Car
and described us follows, to
Both lots being in the town of
ton, N. C. First at
a stake on Queen St. feet from Pitt
St., and running N U K feet,
thence S E thence
with first line to Queen St. thence u,
Queen St. feet to the beginning.
Second on N. side
of Water St. at a pump point in B.
Cox's and runs S. K, down said
street feet to Bridge St., thence
with Bridge St. N. E. to a
stake Chapman's corner, thence
N. W. feet to a stake Chapman's
second corner, thence with Chapman's
line feet 3rd corner,
thence with Chapman and M. L.
line 5-12 feet to a stake in
M. L. Hellen a d J. J B. Cox's lite
fret to Water street the lie-
containing acre, more or
less to satisfy said mortgage deed
Terms of cash.
This the 23rd day October
I. E, JENKINS, Mortgages.
f. G- JAMES, Attorney,
N. C.
A Dual Was
Under an Umbrella.
encounters have be-
celebrated others ore
a Such is s
however. Sometimes duel
is connected with u joke, as that of
and when the
i lie
it el the time when
was writing in the Globe
I was one of
The latter took offense at the
tendencies which the celebrated
writer was giving to the Vi-
pen and word of a meet-
was judged
On arming at the meeting
was teen to b
a pair of flintlock of the
sixteenth century, while
himself under an umbrella. It was
to hold up hi sweat
to the when tn
was to be given. wit-
protected. in-
am willing be
said, I am not willing to catch
s cold in
They were forced to accept the
rendition, and the great writer shot
from under his umbrella. Four bolls
were exchanged without result.
I on, when Sain had
rallied to the empire of Napoleon
III., while
The Clerk of the Superior o
Pitt having Issued Letter o
Administration to me, the
on the 16th day of Oat. on the
of Minnie deceased.
Notice is hereby given lo all person-
indebted to the Estate to make
payment to the undersigned,
to creditor of said estate to
sent claims properly
Is within
Months after the dot of this Notice.
this Notice will plead in bar of
their recovery 16th day Oct. INS
S. M I'm
on the Estate of Pollard.
Isaac A.
Letters Testamentary upon the estate
of James Cobb, deceased,
been issued to the undersigned by tin
of the Court of
county, and having duly
executors of the
of the said James notice i-
to all persons
against estate to
to the undersigned for payment,
duly on or before I
20th day Of October, 1906, or this no
lice will be plead in bar of their re
estate are requested to make
payment to
Thia day of ,.
It. J.
of C Cobb, deceased
of he did not hes-
to defend his beliefs in the
senate. One of his col-
leagues, considered
offended and provoked a duel. But
the friend of the Princess
wittily refused to fight, with
the with which he was most fa-
In recent limes Paul de
the sharp editor of
after having
proved his courage in seventeen en-
counters, made use of same joke
when provoked by a fellow journal-
who was a notoriously bad spell-
He hail the choice of weapons,
and he chose orthography.
She was corpulent and on her way
to Chicago from New York
traveling with her two children,
aged respectively throe and four
years. As far as Buffalo she hod not
been asked to pay for the children,
but at that point train crew
changed, the new conductor, a
gruff, surly looking individual, look-
ed askance at children and
for their tickets.
have the
old ore napped the
man in blue.
girl is three, and the boy k
look pretty big for
was gruff rejoinder.
said she of the
pois, you're collecting fares ac-
cording sue you'd better get an-
other ticket for
Needless lo say, the did not pay
for the children.
Is In Our Store.
There is such an array of styles, such a pleas-
variety of trimmings and such remarkable
value in our line of.
that the choice of suitable model will be a mat-
of no difficulty. Artistically develop, i
i V i J I
N. C.
Pulley Bowen
New Shirt Waist SilKs, Ladles Woolen Goods in all
the latest styles and weaves.
In response to a question
by a lady great Napoleon re-
ideal woman is met th
featured society bell,
whose physician in vain to keep
her in repair, nor the
fly of fashion, who gilds the tor-
of disease a forced In
No. My ideal w a woman who hot
her as a trust
who the law of
for the of her body and
soul, i n w my
I meet the matron
ape f
That is
by the stalwart
W eve a. W
Boys am hi ens and
You want style your shoos. Ultra shoes have just as much
snap in thorn as any 5.00 or shoo, and our own design-
are all the time stylos which are later copied by
h all over the country. is the first consideration, but
if the shoe does not lit, you will nut buy it for the style alone.
The fitting qualities are what is necessary to a shoe, and in
this the ULTRA
Our pattern lust makers are undoubtedly the best in their re-
Pulley Bowen,
of the condition of
paid lo
Paid 8,381.41
subject to check 152,320.62
peaking of Met
and i
m cue
an as
see. hat k
ed Meat t has
an th
and as.
hat Us. he
ax, if yea
days yea rill r that km
shakes hit
i North Carolina,
County of
James L. Little, the bank, d
, swear that Ike above is true to the best of my
and belief All L. LITTLE.
ate, this of
it a
to Bosnia to
for bu-
and h.-j.,.
some page for to look war.
But net take it ho
Huh a
idiot lout tins shoved
a La with is.
Livery, Sale Feed Stables
Near Five . Greenville, N. C.
CLASS TEAM for pleasure drives, or to take pas-
to nearby
Good Drive and Work Horses and Mules for sale I bur
them in large numbers and can as low as any dealer either
for Cash or Time.
When you are in town and want your horse, and
properly cared for, put up at my stables.

to visit our store and examine our magnificent stock, selected with
a view to meeting the every requirement of those in search of
Goods that have Value and gives the purchaser Entire Satisfaction.
Dress Goods, Silks,
Ladles and Jacket.
of a
On awning week
ons mm a value call i
at the lawyer.
h acid, I sell
yea of
that to be the
I and grew up
is bout
r. .
M ;
Tear a
T Mr.
the caller into wars.
asked. week too great
for m
what I
sobbed If,.,
a of M kick m
on .
the we. I
when gen
a end
i .
spats o- the but
K- in n
region of
la home of one of
botanical freak known
to upon the American
It u a tree
only open the mount, n side and
at of about
feet It lofty and
slander for height ha broad,
leaves of a dusty white color,
give it the of be-
And a of happy ins almost dead. What i- queer
of Scape.
Fine By
forgotten to make
up prescription tor Fran
will ha in a
for bag bean
for of
think it
The at tonic,
Bar ,
Bill b
small ; take e i-;.
. by L.
ha home of ;
I . sou i
r. midst of pr
of II the
a other
make tr
tho lowest order of
a wall
a by
a, and
it at
Mai of
U. laid that, to
here a a delicate
or bear in mind, a
ho. tile utmost
tho a
on, a raft
about tree with the tall,
trunk and dead looking leaves and
branches It i- odd enough,
for. although it i a stupid
looking growth, it i. known
the world over the or
famous de
which so
It is an evergreen
and those who hare Mad
pronounce it de-
When the traveler, hunter
of the Venezuelan
la tired, or thirsty he
to cut bark of tho cow
area to bi rewarded with a
flow of which
to be even sweeter and richer
than milk of the host
Jersey. If collected in and
to stand for little lime,
fay from eight to hour, it
thick and and the
stock of ind hosiery will m complete.
Ladies and FAY STOCK-
They button at the They never
They need no supporters. They are the
and economy. We guarantee every l
Sr Y to give the perfect satisfaction k.
than our Weeks.
are by and MADE
relied on to give satisfaction. Combine
try mm
all skis
-.-, Witch
Halve ti ti It a
e for
and tile.
i d ti
i i
doubted the process of
aid as it does
in ordinary milk.
At about the time f sunrise, ac-
cording t scientists, is, the hour
chosen by acquainted with the
An of peculiarities for tapping the
A into hark. At lime the milk i be-
teaching of to be more palatable and nu-
than if after the sun
far another of. has
icon acting for some hours
a to MM upon the Lave-. Attempt have
I at arithmetic in early life. He M been made to cultivate the cow tree
and by his both in Mexico and in the I
Id wires, e
e v e
Vt, s.
e c , in he
in and even
soma therein,
although be is still reminded at
I times of hi liaise . But not
yo in i . n hit i o t m
of the
, sore and d inn
I to hi r and
Hi; t.
ran Iv
TI II. I . raw-en in
. iv in a
. r Ilia to th
liar- n Ad
of lite peace, was by
an older attorney, eloquence
i a crowd I
the courtroom. The justice
freely perspiring, and. drawing oil
If are too fat it your food I j;, the of the
he At-
. down and
want to
Central American republics, but so
far all such innovations have been
failures. As soon as it is removed
from the mountain sides, even in its
Dative land, the native
tried to prow it in the valleys, it
withers mid dies.
a too fat it ii your food
I instead of
. fit ,
I jet Dawes begin t speak. I
thin, do thin out
fat instead of i .,
too the tat producing
Lain. .
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people too much Pepsin net
Horton Her-
Our of. Crockery, Glass Ware and House Goods is complete. We
are also Mattings, Carpets, Furniture, White Iron
Beds and Children's Cribs. Call and examine our reversible are cheap
In price, beautiful in design and splendid wearers.
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the juices a
in he.-. y and
those proportions necessary
the digestive
to digest and assimilate all foods that
be eaten. is not only a
but it is a
tonic as well. cures
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach.
Heartburn. Palpitation of Heart and
Constipation. You will like it.
What You Eat
the stomach, rebuilds the
tissues and gives firm flesh.
AcMe and Water.
Acids have a affinity for
water, which they will even extract
from substance containing i
with which
of I
ex r- . t
a- ;
M m
r went ml .
it . at
a C. a a.
are lit in com
mi id comes
tn icons
In . so
is far absorb l
i 1.1 i
re- a is
is pr I
. ,
. lite mouth
. ll
n tn . them in
On the Honeymoon.
She said something that rubbed
him the wrong way.
Sis look of pique on his.
face, she cried;
my darling, my darling I
have hurt
rm he replied
sly. hurl I feel is duo to
the i ti. I know ii hurts you to
feel that you i hurt
Do in I let that hurt
for instant. My hurl is lie-
i i h is you to feel
haw I. in m, I by hurling
No, mi I. My hurt is
yon In rt over feeling that
i you feel that you
hurl ii and are therefore hart
I. us leave them, dear reader.
I over ii in
Truths that Strike Home
Tour grocer is honest, cares to do
you ho known very about the bulk coffee be
h . you. How can ho know, where it originally came from,
how it WM With What
or when roasted If you buy your
by tho pound, how can
you uniform quality
necessity lit quality,
strength and For OVER A
Has been the standard la
el homes.
our la
your home. Ma o of be Inn
or r ii lull In with
dirt, or
in package of LION COFFEE you get one full
of C upon getting the genuine.
head on every
a . never get oil a
street car the way
day site stepped oil
Hi v. i her, and at the
a. to lit ii fat woman in the
. I off the wrong
i I, and Maria
hi ;, man met face to face
squarely up
against i I man, and the fat
woman fell against Maria, and Maria
clutched the fut woman around the
neck, and fat placed her
fat hand on Mario's shoulder as if
she meant to waltz with her, and
then ii v both went down in a
Struggling Indianapolis
An Invitation Declined.
A keeper in the cage
1st Hall by the a, Ono
of the it proved the
to turn upon the man in an
ugly mood. The keeper promptly
defended himself and, to teach the
manners, gave it drubbing
until ii slunk a One of
ll . dear old lad;. then
i the and
thought lie I acted cruelly. The
man stepped out of the cage and. ad-
to the lady, said.
mum, you'd like to inside and
manage The invitation was
not accepted.
A Smart Girl.
me she had made a
study of
she offered to read
and I
then she told me was go-
to a disappointment in
lore, but would get over it and mar-
n pour
d i foil
i She's rich,
ii tied to
that very
. .
V. .
W-J In
f U.
t era
la. a
all an
i. .
rt- US,
. t boor
a of Starts by by i
laVa, art rt.-t. , ti.
new in
ll. . . I .-.
., .
but it. Tit ti.
. tin ii- I is i-
i that
t nu they h f
with a
heat i very mat, b being
thy, it does not enervate
at out humid does a
lo .-.
to a
i. arc .-,.
cad the c ea
stranger are nth
aC lakes the
eves sometimes of trees and
is a case
where seeing be Kt. v
din . ii , this
the came s suddenly I
the rant
yon m
g .
Li one
Low of One
o Publishers
We have an Dew
on which
can reface Col
t. and thicker, and
folly as good u now
and without any
knobs or f-et on bot
take mo
a tux-
. i
heads and the
their formed
me. n . licker ice,
in-- ml t is
far ii a
ed trees, and in
i tin-.-. .
t r. Ir
I in
s few I
. .
. . -i .-
m tr Wet
let in of it
La At
tor her
her i.- part of
being carried east-
r 1-011 yards per
. i .
First Class Fare Fins Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
Richmond and
Return, via
low lite of Fare
Fifty for Hip round
trip to d
Column amt
regular Me. each
L. S. and
Bead inches in
and over lb
. .,
.-- or.
a in.
.-In s .
. I
the oasis of appeared,.
relieving tie do g of
who it was only a .
Our kicked o his s p-
and very up a
fine palm to pet some of tie
at ft F.
Jerrold, the famous h-i-
moist satirist, and
the well known comedian,
figure in u capital story told i-
a of the latter celebrity.
The two men were on
of friendship and one morn-
went to view the pictures in i
certain gallery. On entering the the
anteroom they found op-
.--, .
s .
id t
. -i
s . I I ll
. i; i.
24th .
. In i
v, before
t r
. . Agent
a of very long look-
ins glasses. Pausing before one
these, remarked to
come here to
works of art. Very well, your
eyes that work
u. u figure i t. J m
glass. it. there's a picture
said Jerrold, it
intently, fine indeed I Wants
The Chinas Way.
In China the entire family is held
fur tho of any of its
members, mid for certain offenses,
such a an on the life of the
emperor, all are executed, even
the babe in arms. The or
dean of the village, elected by
suffrage, is responsible for tin
conduct of the families of his do-
main. The prefect, gov-
and viceroy are
in different degrees. An inundation
and a famine me laid the door of
the governor or the viceroy, who are
and mother to the people.
A number of co a ma
Of.-1 it
c . than .
, . ii be-
. n like cu--
. i truth, what
. .
. . i. to have been
. ; f it war borne.
.-. were Bent to Louis
. who had
v hi imperial robes,
.- tie and
j ii
. days th
.- . really
. i. bee with
is i royal and
.-. . a
. -.-
, In
i Nov. tern 1905.
A sample
will hi-
Mot en
Printers Supply Co.
if Type 2nd
S Street. Philadelphia.
my i
i by.
Cotton Factors and handlers
and Bags.
Correspondence and
. a,
i . r. COX,
I. Publication
. . Bar- of s
a ii, I
The above named will take
mat as
in superior
court recover certain
property, Is claim and
And the said de-
will further notice that
is required t at a of
of county to
e lib the
1st in it the
day of 1905, at the
house of and an
war demur to the said
or plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief in
aid Moore.
Clerk Pitt
Norfolk. Va
Buyers Brokers
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago and Orleans.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing; Sold
j. .
a .
. i
cu. I i
. i, court lo the public Unit we
. ,,.,. t , f . F.
. On ii u-
fa new I r, will please
. i Mime club.
ii claims against the
i Id In us.
r .
T. .
The salve that heals without n scar
is Witch
No remedy effects speedy re
lief. It draws out
soothes, cools and heals all cut,
burns and bruises. A sure cure
fir Piles and diseases. De
Witt's is the only genuine
Salve. Be ware of counter-
are Sold b
John I. Wooten,
Trust Company
We Want your Account.
Mo Trouble to Answer Questions.
We Ate Always Glad To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
When Yea Want Aid
We Pay per coat, on Time Deposits Months
a. J.
Everything u Went in the way of
e nice Ca Goods, Pickles,
; Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Grocers.
e's r. ;, t
in ; ml
l ; I he
As a re-
declared responsible .
beheaded and the governor and i,,,,,,.
treasurer of the province were ex-
e a
Is .
Load of i
i . .
Goldsmith and Boswell and
son having met the usual hour st
the chop house, Boswell
that he had the
of Wales on the street.
of will
is impossible r
great doctor,
do you
doctor, getting rd m tr
cir. the
to be king ho i to be F
i i yourself
and the th
ti in irate ii
think, replied worthy Mr.
amp of In
ires another of the
the court of law.
s to
an eM yea
Two the
T f
Tea, Pet
A eyes are em la
Josh Billings. WM, five ad MM T ,.
Josh Billings in the other V eaten
wrote the ton.
Uriah rilling ala a rule the left.
a man of Only In he p-r-
book fast the f
may hare defect fair
to stand own
And the W bat tar
same the any to the with Ts
Trod Mer
for the way is This book was the
up sell. if do die lino- la
he it sell worry a bundled aha
J. Me., . u,.
in i it is a to by the
. ii superior Court of
.-ill as
the sum James C, notice i
to all persons holding
eh said estate to present
tin in to the Undersigned for payment.
duly authenticated, on or before tic
20th of 1906, or this no-
will be plead in bar of their re-
persons indebted to said
are requested to make
pa meal to us.
is day of October,
It. J
II. Cobb,
i rs
Blow, Attorneys.
North I I . .
Pi County.
vs J
W ill Cousins. I
The defendant above will
lake notice that an action entitled as
baa been commenced in the
p.- Court of Pitt County to obtain
i divorce from the bonds of
v fore solemnized I
and defendant, on
of i-y, the said
will fur her take that ha is re
to appear at the a term of
-in Superior Court of to
U hold on the seventh
in- Monday in March, It
in- 16th day of 1900,
or demur to the complaint in
action, or plaintiff will
to the court for the relief
day of October, UM,
l. C. Clerk Superior Court.
I. A. BUGS, for Pig.
North Carol
In Superior Court,
We will keep a full stock of hot a-s on ban
all the season. We are prepared to kind
of horse you want, drift horse, drivers and farm
We keep the that can be bought. We will
buy or trade f i any kind of mules or horses,
will buy a sin plug
Come to see u- If we not yon want we
By of a power of sale con-
in a certain Heed
executed by R. A in J. W.
on the day of Feb.,
1904, and recorded the
in X pace
The will on Saturday, the
day of Nov., at 1- o'clock
M., expose to sale before the
court house door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
described real property to wit; The
parcel land situated in Swift Creek
township, county, North Carolina,
described as Bounded on
the south hi the lands of
the north by the limits of
Adams, on east by
creek, on west by the lands of W,
A. Gaskins, containing IS acres
more or less better known as a
One-third Undivided interest in a
sere tract of land formerly
to This sale is made
to satisfy the terms of said mortgage
deed. This day of October,
J. W. Mortgagee,
By J. Rasberry, Assignee,
P. Attorney
vs Notice,
Jacob Johnson
The will
notice that action entitled as
baa been commenced In the Superior
Court Of County to obtain a
from bonds of matrimony
heretofore between
and defendant, on the grounds
adultery, tin- said defendant will
further take that be is required
appear at the next term of the
Court of count. t be held
on the seventh Monday before tho first
Monday in March it being the
day of January, 1906, answer or
demur to the complaint In said action,
or the plaintiff will to the court
for relief demanded Id said com-
This of October,
D. C MOORE, Clerk
I. A. SUGG, Ally, for
nil it.
R. L CO.
J Hardware.
For t.
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am
Steel Heal and
In i ct anything
in Hardwire come to
The Reflector
The is By Everybody in reach, and
it reaches people money lo pay fur what want.
If you have what they want advertise it you are to
trot apart, of their money.
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR

Style and Comfort.
are in
A hi i those features that of splendid and you bate a
description of the shows for men.
but i and
Gun Metals are WOO. I Pat KM. all lasts, all
leathers. We in Gun Metal stock
This h- o- vi e. the best in the land and
yet it is a handsome shoo. i-e of this special shoe,
r r
are going to be ALL THE this Winter,
so don't Ml to Call and have us place one
in your horn before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters For Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason In all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1.3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is simple-Why are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have new in full blast a most SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. M has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center m
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully.
We Issue here Fidelity and Court Bonds. Life-
insured against
You know when reverses will prepare
the very best and are
prompt and careful attention at the most
are thinking of give our contract,
fair and
F. M. Hornaday,
No. .
I have taken n shoal
that ha- bean running with my
stock about two months. The
boat l sandy rel enter,
pounds, ha- slit in right
ear and tailed. Owner is
notified to call for same end pay
charges. HOB KB
near Greenville,
an End to It All,
A grievous wail comes
a a result of pain from
over taxed organs.
Backache, Liver complaint
constipation. But thanks to Dr.
New Life Pills they put
end t. it all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by L.
The Death Penally.
A little tiling sometimes results
death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cuts or boils
hare paid the death penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve aver It's best
salve on earth and will fa-
when barns, sores, altars
threaten. Only He at
J. L. Drag Steve.
A piano for sale at a sac-
the instrument which is one
of th bast handled by the
ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lost his little girl.
Party willing lose over a
dollars. Cash or apply
to S. O. W. A.
X. O.
End Fight.
physicians bad a long and
light with an on
my right K. Hughes
of Poet, On. gave me up.
thought y time had
As a last resort I tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for
The I received
striking and I was on my
is a few days. Now I've entirely
It conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed hf
L. Fries
II Trial tattles free.
Bilk shawls, all
colors heavy in Mack. D.
M. Johnson a fl.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of destruction take
It being a great
tonic aid will strengthen
tho nerves and Op the system.
ale great stomach, liver
Only Bat-
Infection guaranteed by L;
Why Baskets when
you cits get Cotton Sheets at leas
than half
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Three Prisoners Escape in Day Time.
Sunday afternoon
three all colored, made
their escape from jail. They cut
through the brick wall mar a
window and by making a rope
of a blanket ii then-elves to
freedom. The escape was found
out about o'clock.
The three prisoners who escaped,
with two others had the privilege
of the corridor in second
of the jail, Where is easy to cut a
hole through the brick wall when
tools cad b had, it is easy to
get tools passed to the windows.
The two other prisoners, one a
white man and one a would
not go out the three who
The jail is not safe, as is shown
by the frequency of escapee, and
the walls ought to be lined on the
inside with a plate of-feel that can
not. be cut through. In its present
condition prisoners get out too
Despotism Comes to an End in Russia.
Th ii u By the u a water main
the Catholic near in. . ., ,
St. Petersburg Oct. Raleigh, destroyed by fire Sunday, I.
autocracy of the and , will be at once.
the old older of cease to R a , . , .
. , . , K. S. near Rocky Point,
exist in Russia. Nicholas I h . , , .
, , . strawberries that
ha- Count W I .; , ., .,.
last netted him
into power H , ,,,.
. He planted the same acre in sweet
and damage was dime to
with an imperial mandate
which will enable him to convert
the farcical assembly into a
legislative b by greatly
extended and to confer
up-n the people civil
liberties, free speech.
and has Housed bu.
The noted Nick Williams
ease at Greensboro has come
to another mistrial. A sick juror
was the this lime.
woman whose
These welcome tidings reached husband, an engineer on the
The Hicks Almanac for 1906.
Rev. R Hicks
will not be shed for
but hie Journal Word and
Works, has been changed into a
large and costly magazine, audit
will contain his storm weather
forecasts and other astronomies
features complete. November
number, now ready, contains
forecasts from to
The January number ready
December will contain the
forecasts July to December
1906. price of this splendid
magazine is one dollar a year. See
it and you ill have it.
November and numbers
containing the Kev R. Hicks
forecasts for the who e year, and
more complete than ever, can be
had by sending at once cents to
Word and Works Publishing
Company, Locust Street, St.
Louis, Mo.
St. Petersburg shortly before
o'clock this evening. Count Wine
had spent the day with the Em-
at going over the
final draft of the manifesto to
which he Insisted certain
minor modifications be made, and
before taking the train for St.
Petersburg he telephoned to a
friend that the had affix-
ed hi signature and that the
imperial mandate comprising the
conditions which he
agreed to accept office was in his
These include freedom of the
press, the right of assembly and
immunity of person, in-
the right of habeas corpus.
railway, was killed, his
brought suit
Large Sale.
The Farmers Warehouse, opera-
by the Consolidated
A mule on which was a
mortgage her name was
was Bold at unction at
Greensboro only
Throws Coal Under Boiler.
Oct. p
Saturday, 2.1.5. R., regards err,
I. ;, ,. . enjoy.
able i k . . v,,., ,. ,.,.,
Particularly did v .
V ,. ,
I, i .
Miss In- re I
from .,,.,.
R. i i i ,, i ,.
A mob of three hundred
a fro n the jail at Run
bridge, G.
lynched bad
a and shot the
Idler went to
on tins morning.
I lo L
. ; i-i
at near Raleigh, was
destroyed by fire Sunday. The
loss is with only
insurance. Two boys were fatally
injured by jumping off the roof
four high.
Greensboro is to build a
reservoir holding gal-
It will cost and
take nearly a year to build.
A attempted to
assault Mrs. L. T. Long, near
Winston. She was in her kitchen
at the time and a large butcher
Tobacco Company the knife being handy she used it on
management O L- Joyner, had the with good
wan fire
mm his life iii
New i Is
of yellow fever.
were killed and
in a wreck on tin,
Topeka and Fe
The Roman Catholic orphanage railway near K City.
the best sale today ever seen on a
floor on Greenville
market. There were about
in this one house
and it is worthy of note that there
was not a dissatisfied farmer among
the large number represented on
In fact many expressed
themselves as having received a
higher price than was ever
George W. of Durham,
has made a donation to
the Southern College
and Conservatory Music on con-
that the college raise
The Atlantic and North Carolina
railroad is preparing to build a
handsome new depot at
pated. The One Durham boy badly wounded
Company grows more more in another with a rifle.,
favor with the farmers as they sen
in The ,
of Greater New York is
Proceedings have been started in
the courts of to have
appointed for the Mutual Lite
New York Life insurance con.
The president has appointed
Charles A. of Boston,
Mass , as public printer, to take
November l-r. A.
is manager of the Printing Board
of York City.
log New Bern.
Mrs. J. B. has a rued
home New YorK.
c. Moore
evening from Baltimore.
F. II returned
a trip in Beaufort county.
T. duo
day evening from
Mrs. B returned Sun-
day evening from
lie ,
. i l
if no
. , I,,. ,
was .-K.-1 , .
i i i , ii
in . ., j Ii
el, .
U ,. , ;, .
;. i . .
I i the
r ii
I, I d
r. lie
i I
n it. it,
Mrs. T. R. bite, each
day evening from Norfolk. P w, , souvenir
At I,, of the
m given three
by the
Dr. U. O. Hyatt, of
this l sped a
days here.
W. T. Jr., came home
Saturday A.
college at Raleigh.
engineer and a fireman were
in a head-on col-
on the Norfolk A Western
railroad near Va.
reports the
in during tin
ended SO, 1905, , f j
7,689,887,897 increase Be. W. returned Mod
186,020.437 over the output of ,,,
Unfavorable T
,, Oct.
Mrs. T. and region cup
rec, by Weather
Mr. w. . Bureau,
L where the
us i, ., , , cotton is greatest
Buck, who worked tori,
, conditions of the week
ending Oct. were not
H el her over a large part of
Mrs. Fannie western
Bishop, of who ban belt during fore part
visiting near bore, returned the week delayed notion pick-
home tins . and caused injury to open out
in .
CHE for some lime, Ml
now working on King's
Col. II. B Little, of Baltimore,
the year.
A Tramp Play
Elmer Thorough-
bred a play which gen-
gives satisfaction to its spec
will lie seen at the opera
house, Friday Nov. 3rd,
This attraction, though border
on the sensational, is enriched
with pure of the uproarious
sort and it is seldom the audience
does not enthuse sufficiently to ac-
cord the company several curtain
calls. The stage settings are
third act, that of a
hospital ward, being
the more picturesque.
T. the tramp
though roughly clad and full of
fan and spirit at the off act, shows
himself to be a man refinement
and education who has
pride and to lead hi in
from the thoroughfare of pros-
how their interests are protected
and every effort made to get high
prices for their tobacco.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R, Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
Fire Waller large
dry goods store at Raleigh,
day night, caused damage.
It Amusing and a Success.
lie Law born,
Cleveland Bell aid Millie
John Allen and Hattie
James Taylor and Mary Evans.
Arthur Bills and Ella Johnson.
July Brown and Mary Edwards.
and Tucker.
The party given by
D. S. Perry, aged years, was; the ladies of the Baptist church in
killed by a Seaboard Air Line. opera house,
train near Saturday morn night, attracted a large
He was walking on the rail- people proved quite a
toil in northern Oklahoma
and Indian Arkansas,
northern portion of
Alabama sod western
see. As a whole the week was
coo. Frosts occurred in the
and western districts,
considerable damage Tennessee,
,, . ., ,, northern Mississippi and Oklahoma
Kev. and Mrs, ft, ti. . .
lei. this morning Geneva, Ala. Mk but
none in Texas.
left tins , .
morning for his home in and
Mount. Florida the conditions
ere favorable. Picking is from
John Watson left Monday even-
for his home New Bern.
Harry Skinner aim
Mr. Cotten Here.
Mr. Bruce Gotten, of the
corps, A. ii the
city this morning went down
to Fort where he is
stationed, Mr. Cotten is well and
popularly known here, and his
many friends in the city will be
glad to welcome him here again.
road track the train struck The drill by sixteen girls dressed Belt, left this morning
us ghosts was a good feature and Richmond,
tent and witch's cabin also afford j , Miss Helen Crimes left Ibis
much amusement option for Raleigh on a visit,
candy machine by the.
two gentlemen Ir mi New Thursday,
ml R. L. left for Norfolk
Mrs Delia Bryant Dead
It was a shock to friends and
relatives Greenville to learn
Monday evening of death of much
Mrs. Delia of Vanceboro. real novelty.
No particulars of her death were The were very much
learned except that sue as taken lied a. the financial results of the
half to two-thirds completed in
Oklahoma Territories,
Arkansas and Mi-s
larger proportion
of the cop has been gathered in
other sections,
Completed in the more
southerly districts.
suddenly Sunday and died Monday
evening. Mrs. Bryant Was Miss
the only regret about this
being that they not prepare
Delia before marriage j for so crowd as
lived in Greenville some j
has been only a few day since she
was here on a visit. J. S. and J.
B. went to Vanceboro today
to attend the funeral.
Up Grades in Business,
The locomotive engineer
an upgrade with a
heavy train of ears sets his fireman
to shoveling coal more briskly and I
makes the ascent with the
steam at his command. days
are the up-grades of business, and
It behooves the wide trades-
man to deal with them as his friend
the engineer with up hill
work on the toad. All that is
a crowd as was
Every thing they bad sold at
an early hour all who wanted
to buy could not be supplied.
Town Wiped Out.
Pine Glove, W. Va., Tuesday,
which started shortly
after one o'clock this morning in
the Pine Grove hotel from a
One of the principal attractions
Them to Pitt. , ,. , . ,
at the Perkins opera tonight
An officer brought two convicts will M an exhibition of the famous
from Beaufort Sunday candy machine by a New
to be taken to I'm county to serve , York firm. Don't miss it.
time on the chain gang. They j
were sentenced at court to I Crop Sold.
months and months .
,;.,. , . , . , in a position to express
lively, and there being no road , , .
opinion the subject say dial the
Mrs. Larry and children
left this morning for Washington,
Miss Sue Wood, the trained
nurse who has been at Mr. Brink-
left this morning,
Ought to Have Been
makes yon look so
Jinks -I have six daughters, none
of them married, or likely to be.
gang in Carteret they were sent lo
the roads in Pitt, in the same dis-
Free Press.
needed to keep things going in
Inclement is a little extra
advertising pull. Special induce
makes shoppers
It Is Good.
Cotton Crop.
Atlanta, Oct.
natural gas explosion, has destroy-
ed practically the whole town.
The destroyed are the
Pine Grove Hotel, Commercial
Hotel I Method 1.1 ,, ,,,
church, mines, block, of
seven stores .,, dwellings.
Dynamite is
crop In this section has been
marketed almost as fast as ginned
and not moon is left the
is also said that
tobacco crop is more than two-
Durham Raleigh people
speak very highly of the
bred that will appear
the Masonic temple opera lion -e on
Friday night. You will make no
., I . f . i I .
s ks securing early. the excitement it cannot be W October F Waters in charge.
used to
further of the flames.
It reported several
lost their lives hotel, bin in
Business Changes Hands
ll. A. of
dents throughout the cotton belt, j township, has purchased the I little won't do it all;
estimating the present crop at stock of goods of A. K. You've got to keep going
i, bale-. The I Bro., in the Phoenix building,
estimates that 61.8 per cent of the Mr. will continue the
Rioters Storm Capital.
St. Petersburg, Oct. to
o'clock to night serious col.
had taken place as a result
of the demonstrations over the
manifesto, although there
seemed to be momentary danger of
workmen all over the
left their work dining the after
j noon and drifted to the of
I of the city, massing before the
i Kazan Cathedral.
you blue over it
You are the moat ungrateful mortal
that ever breathed. I have six Uta
daughters, all married, all T
children and
whole crowd. l at Wretch
out like arms on either side.
The spectacle was impressive.
Keen r ,,. gloom
One step take you very far; banners, massed behind speakers
You've got to keep on walking, on the cathedral steps, seemed like
One word won't tell all you slashes blood against the gray
are; imposing edifice. The orators
You've got to keep talking. were mostly students work-
One inch mike yon very tall;, men. Their appeals kindled tho
You've got to keep on glowing wildest in the crowds
which included hundreds of women
em going,
crop had been picked and business at the same stand with L,
Take advantage of
magazine offer and gel a
and girl students. The oratory
continued hours, and while it
ii a procession was
formed students at its head
year's good reading at hall price bearing red flags,

Eastern reflector, 31 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 31, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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