Eastern reflector, 24 October 1905

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Should Consider with great forethought the suit he is t buy
and the store he is to buy from for tin-coining season. His
general appearance will depend largely upon the tit of his
clothes, and the CLOTHES lie
ClOth; is the foundation of your suit. Avoid
those unreliable firms who deal in shoddy and your faith
to Clothes
GOOd you should exercise
with more care than all others. A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property. But it matters not how tall you are, how
slim you are. how stout you are, how short you are. we have
to tit your form. A suit has the distinction of
being distinctly stylish.
All the new things are here. At any price from to
We will make it very interesting to you. Bring your
shoulders with you.
c. s.
The Man's Outfitter.
issue here Fidelity and Court. Bonds. Life--
it Property insured against
Y i never know when reverses will come therefore, prepare
f i- m NOW.
We the best companies and are prepared to
yon prompt an I careful attention at most reasonable
r- Thinking of Insuring give contracts a
f and careful examination.
Hornaday, No. 3.--
N. C
are going to be ALL THE this Winter,
don't fail to Call and have us place one
in your home before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters For Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAK I NO SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
hits baa hailed with e try evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week; and
you couldn't get waited on conic again, call our attention to he fact and we sec that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
I have taken up a
that has been running with my
stock about two months. The
shout is sandy red color, weight
about pounds, silt in right
ear and tailed. Owner is
notified to call for same and pay
charges. MOSES EVANS,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometime
in death. Thus a scratch,
cuts or piny boil
hare paid the death II
is wise to have
Solve ever handy. It's the best
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores, ulcers
and threaten. Only
J. L. Wooten's Drug Store.
Putt an End to It All.
A grievous wail comes
a a result of unbearable from
over taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint and
Rut thanks to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
end t- It all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by Jno, L. Woolen,
A 1850 piano for sale at a sac-
the instrument which is one
ml t Sr handled by the
Co, was bought i
ago by a gentleman who,
unfortunately lost hi little girl.
willing to
dollar, or time, apply
to ;. or A.
Greenville N.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad a long and
stubborn fight with an on
my right writes J. F. Hughes
Du gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
come. As a last resort tried Dr.
King's New Discovery Con-
The benefit received
was striking and I was on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung trouble, Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Wooten, druggist, Price
and 11.00. Trial bottles free.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide bad been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric Hitter. It being a great
aid will strengthen
the nerves up i he system.
It's also a great stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by L.
Silk and zephyr shawls, all
colors extra heavy in black. D.
M. Co. C.
Why use Baskets when
you cur. get Cotton Sheets at less
than half the pi ice. Sam White.
m v
VOL. Na.
of a
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readers ,
-c. a a
man well . has i
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the Churl . die Co., to
have . in
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Free Will I i union
meeting will with
, b in Greenville mi Thursday
of this week and through
A good attendance Is
ex peeled.
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A Hi e I lie E g
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A I mi I led with oil
In , u
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Oil i-purled the cir
i a large stream unit people
null and handy
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in . is. 1905.
Jon ed
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Several Christian
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Ii a . tared saw
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local agent you pout
facto a c.
for one mini .
twenty lie
Surry Swap
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we k. the ii
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Mr a. .-, I, n
morning from
T. R T
to K ; day for
h- F. G.
a few
Jr. Km. mi. .
h, W. i
a re with a.-.
B a
Mm t e
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Tim -la ,
Z. V. U ; cam in
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M E h Bro is and child,
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her I A. Sac.
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man w . -1 t
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if he regular rail-
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legal way
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he f county,
i . ii fined
B. . I . .-. . t. A. r
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I- n j paint
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Chan . i .
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deal it. Be Will keep -I c
lean hire . .
or . any
1.1 . He will also ;
on drive
work I I will be
Bold e
them, i dug in from the
n ill find
his it go place tn up
and have their teams well looked
. .;
. . .
I Si re
. .
el Iv . I, I. , ed
Sum . m in lie
an Offer Worth Quick At
. H . .-1.
save hall . price . e .
paying. We c in send
The R Rev
The Woman's Home
The American
all l ad lies a year
over list and
think you can gel for
small price. decide at once
while there is a chance at
IV .
I . . ,
hut on ti
th fin
I rule
St. I. mi . Mo., Vi.
. l , s. ;
to, ; .
R it four mis to
i. on U .
Russian Battleship
. 1-. The Ruffian
lip h-Ii
j the in t ha
Ai in tin. i
Tho a
of tons.
. have been
,. ; , captured I -a ad
Lu .
he .
, ,, At Port J
man u id ti .
, , . . , . were I ind ii
toil , , , ,.
by lire.
; , . A was . from the
n, . jail . Ky., and
With Te had shot
. pi
Ki . . dealer.
Dr. Hyatt Coming
. A. W. Dr. H. O. Hyatt,
ii Neck, died Greenville at Hotel
. Mr, Bertha Oct. 30th and 31st, Monday
from Pitt coo . mid his purpose of
up him in his eye, ear,
nose and . Parties under
years of age who will need
Mr. is now his attention are requested to come
reports say he i a warm I Monday if possible, older people
reception. can come any .

to visit our store and examine our magnificent stock, selected with
a view to meeting the every requirement of those in search of
Goods that have Value and gives the purchaser Entire Satisfaction.
Ha Consist of
Notes Than
A naturalist most
musicians of entire
orchestra belong to the lo-
the long horns, which
family comprises green grass-
those species whose
nae are extremely long, fragile and
hairlike. The musical apparatus of
the males is situated at the base of
Ha Lighting Was of Avert-
a Serious Panic.
A good story is told of a sea cap-
who dud ii number of years
ago who was formerly com-
of a ship in which passengers
were earned from London to Ids-
Don. Oil one occasion the ship
caught the passengers and
crew were compelled to lake
to boats. The
remained cool throughout
all the and of
the wing and consists of a
curiously developed debarkation, and at every
Undoubtedly the most fa- except himself was got safely
member of this family is the boats.
katydid. This little creature is a the time ho was ready to fol-
day as well a night singer, but it low the passengers were almost wild
is the night song with which we with fear and excitement. Instead
are better acquainted, and with ex- hurrying down the ladder the
reason, for during the latter Captain called out to tho sailors to
part of August and throughout on a minute and, taking a cigar
the night is made resonant from his pocket, coolly lighted it
by the sound of their garrulous, s hit of burning rope which
quarrelsome voices. There is a farm- fallen from the rigging at his
myth concerning this insect et. Then he descended with de-
that exactly six weeks from the time liberation and gave the order to
tho first one is heard will occur the on-
Dress Goods, Silks,
Ladies and Jackets
first frost of the year.
insect's call more often con-
of but two notes instead of
three, and these two arc of equal
and quite extraordinary emphasis.
When the three notes are given
you stop to light a
cigar at such a he
asked afterward when some of
passengers were talking over their
lie answered, saw
however, first and second are of if I not do something; to
length and last a trifle minds of those in the boat
louder. The note an repeated shave likely to a panic, and,
sate of about a minute, and
when t to consider that this
is kept up, practically without a
stop, during the entire night
night of tho insect's life we
may what an enormous
amount of energy and strength
must he contained in this diminutive
in his habits is the
and . night song ii delivered
from among .- loaves of our tall-
est trees. Daring the day, how-
ever, he i content to mingle with
hit lowly brethren, and it is
may him
of the
overcrowded it was
sf boat being upset, The
act took but a moment, but it at-
las it the attention of everybody.
I was set nearly unconcerned as
I seemed to be, but was in reality
in a of My little
plan succeeded. all forgot
because you were think-
about behavior, and
off Stand-
then that
the Ion it
where he i
giving hi
; V. i for Ladies and Children. FAY STOCK-
are good. They but tun the waist. They never
wrinkle or come down. They need no supporters. They are
for wear, health comfort and economy. We guarantee every
pair of FAY STOCKING S to give the customers perfect satisfaction
after a fair trial of not less than four weeks. Yes Four Weeks.
are made by responsible makers
be rel to give i Hon.
re i i
De the real need of the body de-
such quantities of food each
day as tho ordinary dietary stand-
r heard ff from his
quired has become accustom-
ed to A alight excess of food be-
tho true physiological require-
is no doubt desirable as tend-
to prevent any danger of under-
nutrition, but any great excess must
of necessity be detrimental. The
ideal diet is that which to
all the wants of the e.,
the maintenance of body weight,
equilibrium, health, strength,
vigor and and in the
period of adolescence to ma-
for tho growth develop-
men of tile tissues of the body.
Anything beyond quantity is
just so mm Ii of excess which
inn-1 inevitably do harm if
indefinitely and detract in some
measure least from high de-
of efficiency which every en-
lightened desires to attain.
Russell IF. in Century.
. . . .
If f
Is what Mrs. Lucy
said taking
Cure. Hundreds
of other weak
b n re-
to perfect
health by this rem-
YOU may be
well if you will take
nearly all the sick-
that women
have. It deprives the system of nourish-
and the delicate organs peculiar
women and become
Dyspepsia Cure
enables the stomach and digestive
to digest and assimilate all of the whole-
some food that may he It nourishes
the body, and rebuilds tho weak
ring health and strength. cures
In dyspepsia, sour
and ail stomach
Digests What You Eat
People in wore used to
Uncle Randolph Green's way of
r and enjoyed at In.
the re i nine n- a I the sum-
l I
A That Was I
Under an
Why certain have
celebrated and others are
to be almost would
make a study. Such is a
fact, the duel
is connected with a joke, as that of
and when the
becomes more under-
It was at the time when
was writing in the and
was one of the stockholders.
The latter took offense at tho
tendencies which the celebrated
writer was giving to the paper.
were exchanged by
pen and word of mouth, and a meet-
was judged necessary.
On arriving at tho meeting place
was seen to carry-
a pair of flintlock pistols of the
sixteenth century, sheltering
himself under an umbrella. It was
raining steadily. con-
to hold up his umbrella even
to the moment when the word
was to be given. Tho wit-
protested. in-
am willing to he
said, I am not willing to catch
a fold in tho
They were forced to accept the
and the great writer shot
from his umbrella. Pour balls
were exchanged without result.
latter en, when had
rallied to the empire of Napoleon
III-, while remaining faithful
of he did not bee-
to defend his in the
Preach One of
considered himself
and provoked a duel. But
the friend of tho Princess
wittily refused to fight, except with
the n which he was most
In recent times Paul do
the sharp tongued editor of the
after having
roved his courage in seventeen en-
made use of the same joke
when provoked by a fellow journal-
who was a notoriously bed spell-
He had the choice of weapons,
be orthography.
She Won.
She was corpulent and on her way
Chicago from New and was
traveling with her two children,
aged respectively three and four
rs. As far as she had not
asked to pay for children,
but st point the train crew
changed, and the new conductor, a
gruff, surly looking individual, look-
ed askance at the children and asked
for their tickets.
have said tho
old are snapped tho
man in blue.
girl is three, and the hoy is
look pretty big for
was the gruff rejoinder.
said .-lie of tho
pois, you're collecting faros ac-
cording to the you'd better gel an-
other i For
o say, she did not pay
for the I .
BO cot it,,.
st ti-
I'd I
i said
ii I.-, in ii
be i . n that
coll ; in
where i i- tty young
fur a .
Lei Common Sense Decide
Ideal Woman.
Iii n n
II bid . I ll S
woman i- not the
featured hello,
u-e in to keep
n nor I lie
of fashion, u t n tor-
t disease h Ii smile.
No. My i- a woman who has
a In r . n d trust
h ho obi the laws of nature
for the preservation of her body and
soul. you know, my knee in-
voluntarily bend- iii when
I meet t lie nun run who mid-
in complete preservation
That woman is rendered beautiful
by eel health, and stalwart
n by her
That's ideal
Our Line of Crockery, Glass Ware and House Goods is complete. W-
are also offering special inducements on Mattings, Carpets, Furniture, White Iron
Beds and C Call and our reversible Carpets, they are cheap
in price, be. and splendid wearers.
Do you honestly believe, that coffee sold exposed
to dust, germs and insects, passing
through many hands of
them not
you don't know how or by whom,
is lit fur your use t Of course you
don't. But
Is another story. The green
berries, selected by keen
at the plantation, are
roasted at oar
precautions you
would not dream are taken
to secure perfect cleanliness.
From the time the leave
the factory no it till
it ii in your kitchen.
has made COFFEE the
Millions of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE daily.
is no proof of merit than and
popularity. survive
only in lb. Lion-hood on
Did Curran Meant
k ii- the w
humorous pall Curran, the fa-
Irish orator and lawyer, a
biographer mentions the following
Curran was
i an Iii -i jury in important
case. i lie
ed that the judge shook his head.
Fearing t the gesture should
n adverse influence on the jury,
warmed up for the moment
and sec, gentlemen, the mo-
of his lordship's head. But, be-
me, if you remain here many
days you will see that his lord-
ship shakes his there's nothing
Particular About His Critics.
I always make it u
point to submit my poems to friends
tor suggestions criticisms be-
fore publication, I have brought
some pages for you to look over.
I'm Yet, of course.
But why not take it to
a born
idiot The last time I showed
a poem he found fault with it.
New York. Weekly.
mt AM
A should be returned
one may be
for one , and to the
cat as s of which
Bo person good should
be guilty. It it perfectly easy to
a with each
dignity but brevity of glance as to
plainly show that one docs not
to have but a very formal
with the person spokes
A ma always raises his list when
to a woman or to another
man. He should also raise it when
meeting or leave of a woman,
she to him for
when he offers his
serviced in any way, even though she
may be a stranger to him, as
when entering on elevator where
women are present or in opening a
door for a woman to pees through.
In fact, a man cannot be careful
In showing this little act of courtesy
whenever the least apology would be
In order, says the Philadelphia
A man always lifts hie hat when
a woman under his escort receives
courtesy from stranger or
if she hows to a person that he is
not acquainted with. He also raises
his hat upon ac-
who has a woman with
him whom he does not know. A
man should particular in bow-
to his mother, father or sister
when meeting them on the street
or in taking leave of them as he
would be with his friends or formal
Men shake hands with each ether
t introductions; women only when
desiring to especially cordial. A
man, of course, always waits for tho
woman to offer band first, and if
possible he should remove his glove
before doing so if her head is
de net kiss earn
when and parting unless
are vary anal area
it is in
acting as a r assort
a say all the
any he elks aW
to hiss,
a she ea. la leaving ear
Always to
are certain
and recognized by Use deer in
forests called says
an writer. are
peaty which the stags
resort often at night to wallow
have a
have them
on their backs, though
black bubbles bursting sluggishly ea
the of the water have
roe that I have
miss their late was
spying a distant one nay hat
when some bright
flashing in the run caught my
and, looking through the I
saw it was a stag. He was
shaking himself by the edge
of these pools, the water flying off
him in all directions. It was
sun flashing on this which bad at-
my attention. pools
are much used in the fall of
year, beginning approximately
known in as
day of the though,
course, the exact date varies very
much according to the season.
have hoard stags roar as early as
Sept. though this is rather
usual. It is more of a bellow than
end is quite awe at
close quarters, more especially if the
roarer is himself hidden.
end of the season is always
the most exciting time for stalkers.
then are all on the more, and
great fights bake place. I have never
had the luck to witness a bin
pitched bottle between two
I doubt whether they
fight to the death, but the number
of stags with broken and damaged
horns which are met with after the
autumn season over
pretty severe contests de
Stags always maneuver when fight-
to their opponent down hill.
They have tremendous power in
their hindquarters and this
can use it to the best
Deer de net fight only with
their horns, as bath will rise
erect their bind and strike
savagely with their
sharp edges the Water s
to the between tear,
KT ton.
So Tired
a watt
one de at
H adds a war la
It he
by, and
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
on which patents
are pending, we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head
and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Special Low Rates of One
First Class Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
S Richmond and
Return, via
rate of Pare
Fifty for the round
trip to and return,
hie via
on to
return limit October
-ion coupon to the Horse show.
The Atlantic Line
In low
rate one plus tidy
for the round trip hi
mill of the
and Tar River to be held at
that to 27th,
1905. sale
Hint for trains
In arrive In Weldon before
27th. Final limit
for return 29th.
For further information write
W. J.
General Passenger Agent
Wilmington, N. C
defacing Column and Head
Rules regular lengths each
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches In
over per lb-
A sample of refaced
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Pointers Supply Co.
of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
Monumental Work and Cemetery
All Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
for Designs and Prices.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipment
la l.
it at the
aw have If
e farm
fad W a
had Urn UM .-. .
Out, ;
and flash vase leased
. I In Court
I Nov. term
of Summons
In the
grows a species of Use gigantic
stature, railed by the the
family the
is very man. The trunks of
these trees at the height a
hoed above the ground are
eight or ten feet in diameter, and
of them rue from
feet before a branch out. The
is exceedingly thick, as much
five or six inches in many cases,
and it contains an abundance of
milky juice which stiffen into a
of The large
of the inedible fruit
tree are very rich in a greasy sub-
stance that can be turned into soap,
while the product derived from
grinding the seeds and compressing
them into cakes makes a valuable
manure and also be used as
for cattle.
Columbus Fridays.
Most of the principal events
the great of hap-
. on Fridays. On this day he
weighed anchor and set forth upon
his quest, and on a Friday he saw
tome tropical birds, tho first
of land ahead. Friday, Oct.
1492, he discovered land and
planted the cross on the soil of the
new world, and on the 16th of tho
following April, another Friday, he
turned bis course homeward. On the
same day of the week lie made his
triumphant entry into Barcelona,
on other Fridays he set sail for
Europe, discovered the was
invited to Lisbon by the king of
and returned to the port
from he first set sail
wonder is it, then, that he
Friday his fortunate day.
taker at
dear the
opened his Wag beak. A
girl of about eighteen the
door blinked as hist
people live barer he
lives here. are
staying through the hop
many you are them
here. Father's wood
shed, and Bill
here, my I to
know how many inmates there are
in this house. How many people
slept here last night
slept here, sir. I had
the toothache dreadful, and my lit-
brother had the stomach
and the new that's helping u
got sunburned so on bis back that
he has blisters the size of eggs, and
we all took on so that nobody slept
a wink all night
M Index at
Young Mr. Whimper, who had a
worthy ambition for public office,
had closed his canvass his
state. He felt sure of his
was waiting good
at his father's fireside to receive it.
He had been to tell his ex
as a and had
willingly consented.
on the his mod-
est conclusion, rather sue
And gratified ma par
was in the
where I was least known I neat with
the warmest
It was several seconds before Mr
Whimper understood why his
and the girls laughed, even
mother smiled.
Pitt Count,
Barber, Cox,
I. I.
log s Bar-
D. A. Henderson.
named will
that as
baa bean commenced in Superior
court Pitt recover certain
personal in elates and de-
livery said
will further take that
be is required appear a term
the Superior of Hilt county to
held Mender after
1st in It
r day at
court house of said and an
demur said
action, or will apply to
court the relief demanded in
said B C. Moons.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Brokers Id
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
and Orleans.
N. C.
Fencing Sold
Trust Company
We Want your Account.
No Trouble to Answer Questions.
We Are Always Glad To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
When You Want And
We Pay per cent on Time Deposits. Months
R. J.
This is to notify public that we
bought out the interest of H. P.
in the Greenville Pressing Club.
All Who due the will please
come settle same at the Club.
Any one who has claims against he
will lie. paid by MS,
Fleming Bo
Letters Testamentary upon
of James C deceased, having
been issued to the undersigned by the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
and having dull qualified n
executors of the and testament
the James notice is
hereby given to all persons holding
claims against estate to present
lo the undersigned for payment,
duly on or before the
of 1808, or this no-
will be plead in bar of their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate are requested t make
payment to us.
This the of October,
It. J. Conn,
J. H. Conn,
of James C. Cobb, deceased.
retail and
furniture Dealer. Oath paid
Sides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, Bed-
leads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
y Carriages,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Key West Che
Henry George
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk
lour Sugar, Meat, Soar
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gui
Dried Apples, Peaches
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
China Ware, and
Ware, and
Cheese, Best Butter, Nov.
Mewing and nu
ether goods. Quality
Cheap for cash.
We will keep a fall stock of horses and mules on
all the season. We are prepared to furnish any kind
of horse you want, draft horses, fine drivers and farm
We keep the finest mules that can be bought. We will
buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a plug to driver.
Come to see us. If we have not got what you want we
will set it.
R. L. CO.
A man went into a
and bought s bottle of some patent
which was advertised
more coughs, no more
One shilling the Three days
later he went to the om-
his throat was stepped
up and that he could scarcely
breathe. drunk all that pat-
cough be said.
that's an rubber
put an the soles of you
A la
An oriental died, leaving
camels. He willed u
his eldest son, one-third the see-
and and sue ninth to third sou
While disputing about the
a driver and offer-
ed to settle the question. This hi
did by loaning them sets his own
camels, thus making eighteen all
when the division was easy. Ne.
took nine camels, Ne. six
Mo. two
and the was
restored its earner. Hear earn
explain the fast that sen
his share ff
Everything you want in the way of
j nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Grocer.
C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, duns. Am-
munition, Two Horse
Steel Plows, neat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
The Reflector
The Is Read By Everybody in
it reaches people money to pay for what they want,
If you have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.

Eaters I a. -V C US BOOed .
i lips
as ever in Pitt and .-.-
f in nut
Le day th of
Raleigh as
ill, the president W there
MM attracted crowds .-
i of the
lair p is full Early Than
i iii -s, .
. day Owing la
Glean the
n ail . n
i. d . u d .
i . b i I i- i .
Hold ii tight
Hold there's
j i. . i.
. . I Ci
if i anted
a ii
., L I
i r ho I
i Sin
. i
I t i
id w rived
union l
; . i m. T. i v
i Lieut I i
or r. Y
rs i ti
ll i I
who v
press in t
the i I I .
. i .
In sand
than i
sh. II d In hi r i I
Ii n vi
. U
. . Li
y bit rut
led G i V i IX
; e
. I ; I
. Una
tract i r i oil u d.
Ti i n it a
will the b i
ire are on
Hi v h- f i-
ii to with
in . k .
.-i ii. trouble
ex a
N n .
in D.
i lay
i He brother
i .- Well.
. , bl t
. l. . . hie
K lit i i.
to i r
man or v i .
i Inn i i . L
i. d, a a i . i ii
Tin- i war
r to in the French
West to she
may doing tame if
nut home
They we
ems given -Mice
Li r are
tin- jewel and
i. i given by
the of be
in for f
will rut down big
The grail strike down
keeper and clerk in the
i J the treasurer of South
Carolina been I on a war-
charging with the theft of
In hi. to of lie
be given a job in the
to in a
bile A Pus pretentious country
brother pill roller behind a
and mule
met iii the r d, and not liking each
other there was trouble. The mule
mid d the baggy into a
ditch, much to the injury of the
Country doctor ho the
vehicle, and in consequence a suit
for been instituted
against the owner of the automobile.
Those who did not get to the
by at kit
We -j . .
r f. road law vim very
Thia i coin pi boy I
l one to .
out , . I, be
. the
at ballot A boy
father hi
that under d
i hand, t- e ton is
;. wort, la not that
doubt of road duty
look that nay r.
A f Cd
Mrs Kr- of H d Bank,
N J., celebrated her 111th year
other d; I j spanking her n,
lie. h youth of years, Thia r.
to revive the story
f in North Car-
owl old nun by lb
road, crying, and, upon
him the was, n
r had whipped The Muriel
Id it Furthermore it
that father bud whip
. bias in a fit of r
his grandfather,
Che Herr Jersey Story fair
in along-
tin- V,
I n, P,
. it the i i
I i j y
. . S i Lie ii
ii by . i Governor Aycock in
a hick it peculiar to
tin n
the fair
i . Never a re
aim .; bin. I in
lore. at
M b
try i
r i
ti , i . eras the i
i m i the A
into five
m .-.
. . t -V
d i ; I.-.
k b ii. o
J u
. Ii. to
i for
down South. He probably
. . g SUM
c he addressed
i wish mil
his visit and it an pooh
.; the history of hie spoke
Tit a
ii taken a sew turn.
Tired of t pay out mil-
dollars t claims
of s arc believed to or
some f railroads have
.-b occur
Railroad Company,
wild i . x
I r, i one of its
rs, for
L o
for at
i -coil, d i .-. ii . Ti last
which much railroad
pi I d and severs
rs . i injured
tun judgment for j
he railroad
y .
John Charles a special
writer on the the Charlotte
Observer, has awarded lie
Patterson loving cup offered to
North Carolinian producing the mi I
notable literary work during
year, is with
pen, and we are glad honor
fallen lo a newspaper man.
is valued at
Two deaths occurred that mean
much with events surrounding
state fair. at was about to
a message, banded to Pres
dent Ashley Home of
the death bis And the day
before arrival of President
Roosevelt to be the guest of the
there conies shook in the
death of Governor Glenn's brother.
How closely mourning and
touch together. While Home
heart bow in grief, the great throng
moves along of it
The death of Jas.
us a mum regret, A l
chivalrous, splendid
man. A adjacent of the
troops he beloved. In
truth and . round man.
Lbs death at this ;.
hour, U a and, sad calamity. Tin
an i a to expect
of Gov. Glenn, of
Glenn, today, something that I e
will never have an opportunity to
perform again And Gov Glenn
realized and the
equal to the and
would have honor of the
visit of i
Roosevelt and wife lo the
in such a s nil Caro-
New ;. ire taken a moat
p in direction of
r m of public
sure bus be enacted into
no Ii . a sum
. i
; ii r
p. in ways stale.
. y i- to . rail.
r for i-i- y
iii a great
ii ill Ii in road,
d Kid to still furl hi r
reel n in y. e.
Ii i- e have to come
i, u i n r r later ii-i i
i . I . r ad leaking,
ties a even counties
small for
. But an i towns in c
. a i a
. ii 1-u be lighter. X
. the
people k
into the
a The plan
is by Dr J- ilK,
ii u to I h Observer, a. cat
Lunation of
men hat been formed for
of the price of the
crop Lie county.
hare with the of
the m aid in a
of money to
the cf such farmers s
compelled to in the early market.
farmers have feats a
each lade, by placing On
a warehouse by a
of who
cents a month for keeping it Dr
Mot will suggest that if
adopted every county the
a price
be for the crop. We
I y all the
farmers of the South will be
i I
Longer coll.-m and
more than ever in the
fuller in the knees and front and so on
bide-Vest cut slightly lower.
About the fabrics. The richest and most
patterns that have yet appeared
ready-for-service garments.
Worsteds, Scotch etc
These woolens come in plain colons, neat
anal modest broken stripes.
You'll certainly be greatly to
learn what 10.54 or , will
do for your here in buying a handsome, well
and well tailored Fall Suit.
.- the
A little clock in a jeweler's
day at
would have well done, at d of nine aV-b children,
been of her chief executive, time stopped to play;
The visit of President and to the train,
bis wife a- the governor
, .,,. , i men. to
brilliantly as he I , .
. . . tune and
the betterment the w , j
w.-r; business men, after
on an event in a look at the clock, stopped to chat a
state a history as future I minute with one another; working
would have pointed to with d the time and
able pride But ways are not a longer in the sun-
and all were half an hour
ways , ,. , , , ,
clock bad
r Never bad these people known how
and mourning will bans i., the much they bud depended upon that
page of history today will record II clock, till it led them astray.
is one of the mysteries of God's unconsciously de-
would have
ways, and Hit
lading OUt. The
Mrs. John of
county, Kansas, owns a Gae peach
Last spring neighbors
sprayed their trees as usual,
but while they sprayed,
payed. Mrs. made a tine crop
of while those of her neigh
burs were complete failures.
upon tho influence of
Christ ins; u may you have
influence, but you cannot go
wrong one little act without lead-
can moat an., thing
popular by laws
A Woman ii afraid ti. take out
an accident policy for fear she
get hurt.
A good way to have wife
not display a temper is to do it
f IT
H. A. White,
Greenville. N. C.
things this world their should be employed in
shadows ahead For years it model roads, If the
u a standing joke though it, proves good and
serious muter with the parties in-
what jury does for s
corporation is u plenty, especially if
corporation is rich powerful
Jurors are not so much lo blame,
after all, for they do not have the
chance of judging know-
and the attorneys in case
appeal to their prejudice from every
standpoint. Ii grown to that
that it looks like people have an
idea it is wrong to m a
corporation any event they an
doing it by t ., them
worse than a three card
bier The disclosures made
i made in regard to tho big
insurance companies in New York
that either the gentlemen do
not it is wrong to steal from
them, or status of the morals is
very low. When one man sees an
other steal with impunity it
dens him to try it; it spreads and
until some of them are sent
to tie penitentiary, yet it is easy
to get one inside.
G Record.
it will convince the tax
payers that more such d
ruble, and development in that lino
will follow. the model road
prove would be a serious
setback to the cause.
It has ever been true, at least
the days of the fleeter, that tho lick
populace, winch one day shouts
is as likely as not tho
next to cry
has found it so When be left Japan
to with the
of Russia he was acclaimed by
all pa pie, When ha arrived at
Monday, ii was found
to go through
which he passed by troops, police
and gendarmes, to ct from
the wrath of the The
dent not new in its kind, but
whenever one of the kind occurs it
is Observed-.
shoal children can gel tablets,
ink, pens, etc. at Reflector
This h. i J. K. wk is ax n
it-i weal t
delivery a- l
i. i- i i e
after I re.--
I. , ., . i
i I . y i;.
, .--.-
. f .
.- f
I. B. II
i i
S e
p a
cl .
e v
ll IX
fa -i
. is
W. i. Ci
An ii
ii. . and rices ;
ii-. . i
-I fr anti C
i tor perfectly
i by
A. A Km.
V. tile's Kidney Gent,
for a sure colic
at A W A Si
Mist tease, a
of she
u Some
a few .; to
For hay, pa .
One of our
it w. load of Mead out ten hi
our Put t OH
had ii a bale ls
i y
i i. . and
tor bulls.
he sold
hid i e
a little more than
In put bis meal and his
wagon and borne feeling
If bad Saved much time and
labor and i-as pleased with
We r I . o ;
little ii , ell i i ks
years, on of J. . Spa
a sun
Smith, ran away
Tuesday They t.,
wearing brown suits
and carrying es of
They ll hi n d i.
cause be except
wild to see more of
world, a sad longing which i fin
leads boys sever
known what it is to r any
in i comfort m i Ii re
from their o
out to the
who have not been to bear
anything from them. lei-l sure
that anyone who do an will
gladly aid their parents la
back i where a kind
A telephone Massage
says that
the boys at hi.
stun and will be
ii h
t. it C -r-
Di -w,
hat own
t Hr-
i i m sail ha
I .- feed a
Th Ti mm ii
r en
s, ed i hot
bk led, Kens Care
need nice
r and
of ; en or. II. L. n.
and yellow
Bather a
Ft lit
v .
-1 -e .
. sis a-
l t S
t- I j
A n i re-
by R. A Co,
and i,
leek, at Hair . k C .
j t. dress .
go to A,
W On have nice a
L. S
g ill B
f I h i c e
e m
t All any older en
h-r. j
needed in the mil
kc , .-. price to
Ki is . . th
g machine
ix town doing
;. .
w W I
fee ill
a e- desk
.- of A, G. C x
a r of he
set kt been the hall
r--- we- n
;. r, x
Las i she
this Will he Mash
and mi. We
two la
. tea
. the
. of
anS wall tar few
far or
a .- it.
tar meal
by a far your when
yon ginned at the
Oil Mill.
It ll Betas we are all
for here ere plenty of
at A
John went t
The A. G. Cox Os,
Si many orders for baggies,
seats and they
-Hi-e a tin the
m the
on bad fl
when yen get at a W
desks and better
school desks being ma .- and
sold by A. G tax On.
W- have the beet
ever brought to Win-
B T C x Bro
Daly, Hattie
man Mrs. P. O. hi
Greenville today shopping.
If the
anything the A, Cos
Ob. aunt lie mm -i
and far
hey have been
.-. C
P .
. I .
r- mi . I;
A. W. C .
lei . out .
H I ten Hi; cl
Ki vi
r .
ale.- lint
bar. Is
mm prices always right,
.- . in
lee a
school, . i lo
ti -i.
. with h.
Alia, in cat price
wast be . a ft days
for their u
u, b
Call at B. L and ex-
air line of Hosiery
and Grata
t. A if
T a.- . a
Mil night B
earns to s bis eon, is
was highly
o ; good bands and
In s s ft
lots. H school
morning and expressed hi-
at SO tat
Whether up .
d the gin a .-.
day jest iii-
Tom Gardner, of was In
own baying building
material from the
A Bro. Hie
of school limits. b
A pea tablets,
,.; ii, book, states,
c school bags
awl straps. Come r what
they before else-
t here.
Jut received car load nice
end fresh C .
Oar was
. t. of our honored sad
I. K
He taken
ill Morning
u i lock that
u ii .
L id .
i . . .
loon end leg.
. u and lot-
. . lb .
A y s j to-
in ding.
rs. .
t Oil -i-is it
. .
. . , in town
J .
. .- .
T. Mi,
. e
, N. C, and
aid shall pair.
pay more . ti ., they
D One.
A .
. f
v s
. .
l. mi
. . I
i l
I if
. . V,
I Ii l
. . .
d It
n ii.
. c. .
T s
Mrs PUt.
a in . J Bi . boil
-ti tie ;
ti report like
pistol nun a
him the d
a alight Chore
Mr that
. ;
plane with Mom
man for year
run hone and
c- .
T . c ton
iii. have
F. D. Ki. If . .
I .
M. c.
A for
ii made with reference
a minute detail sad
so perfected in
there is no other
man's mi the market selling
the price the Ultra
superior, if
And The or
. l
i Tic n d try pa it
pure and wide -v-
t percent.
prepared u
paint. Bart,
v Retail
Town Country pain .
Grimes an
ho will take
that action as above
i-i aced In the Sup r m-
0.1.1, of against for
and tho defendant
i- lake notice lie i i-
at the t rm
lie Con i
. the Mb
1st It the Bill l
i- IS, the Court
County, in Greenville, X .
or demur lo the
I action, or the will
for the I .
C ire
Ally for c. S. U.
is the basis
of a perfect shoe. employ
own expert and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
a last scientifically
meet the closes variations
of width and in woman's
Tho Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
We carry for in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five Greenville, ti. C.
FIR T to take
re to ,
Drive a a for
hem in can sell as as ;, , ,
r r T m.
When you town want your
properly care-1 for, poi u at my
By of the p on-
, .-
line of late special prices on hard- delivered Crawford
, a on the 30th ll,
nays w. u. , K,,; . ,
For hi L.
Book K ii Iii
J oil's. will to ale
stock food r
ville, to the blithest bidder on
at Nov. a tract
A or parcel of land betas In
sew. the county of of North
j B the indebted to to
place and SO acres to the
tine Use boys sells st H L.
w so
and wife this mortgage taken to
Ti k Superior Court, of
me, the
on tho day Oct. on th
y lino of shoes Carolina and as follows, lo Minnie
II. L, land in Beaver Notice Is to all
fr satisfy
id seed. of e
a days L.
m s Basher A
This 11th day -t.
P. e.
alt of said estate to
sent properly
to Urn Twelve
the of this Notice,
or Notice will be plead bur
their recovery. This
Saints of
We will keep a full block and mules on
all the season. We are prepared to furnish an kind
of horse yon want, draft horses, line drivers and farm
We keep the finest mules can be bought. We frill
also buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a plug to driver.
Come to us. If we have not got what yon want we
will get it.
R. L. CO.

Come to see U.
when you need to
your feet, we
to tit
foot. We carry the nicest and best
shoe ever Try u
pair and be convinced.
One of the for the
town just now an
efficient staled. Already w
lack of it. Take
lest we more and that to
Ball on Hart A Jenkins for a bar
Flour, MOM
to be bad anywhere.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. R.
A Bro.
Mis spent the day
in Greenville Wednesday.
E. B. Co. will do all they
possible can U please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
a lull line meat, lard and
good-. buy before
trial. Prank Lilly.
Mi. W. J. and children,
of are visiting Mr.-.
Wear for
cent. J. K.
I keep on hand a full
line at
prices u buy, oats, corn,
mil and brand
ship stuff. Frank Lilly.
Last morning Mr. Joe
C. Tripp tr It lie at work bis
factory bad misfortune to get
his left baud very badly torn. All
of the akin top of the
a off and
hand Mr.
has suffered it intensely but
is now
styles in clanks and wrap
per fur and
also a
ton M . M.
W. handle U Mincer Saw-
easy i. It.
J. J. Suits, W. J.
and Mack
Taylor are taking in the
fair and President
Our of Groceries Con-
feet is Call
us. J. H. Tripp k Bro.
We keep Mattresses.
Bed Cook Baby
etc , stairs.
I will pay highest cash puces
for chickens and
Don't sell until yon see sue. Frank
Frank Lilly to at-
Masonic funeral of Mr.
In-low Cox-
ville. Mr. died
Highest prices paid for chickens
eggs all country produce
by J. H. Tripp Bro.
Buy of our
Hats. Sold under a guarantee.
J. It.
As can be seen from
column a reward of
has been offered for
and conviction of the thief who
broke into the dispensary
Tuesday night, 17th inst.
L , -M-l
A full of trunks, valise,
fans cases at J K Bro
Carver, of
and left on the train for
for sale by
Prof. ha a visitor
ibis week.
Car load of beaters
pipes for coal and wood, heaters
and stoves Ki to any
price you want.
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with or short joints
and pipe at J. K. Bro.
The dispensary commissioners
the town Ayden offer
reward for evidence sufficient to
convict to- a ho bloke into the
Tuesday night Oct.
and stole certain quantities
Done by order board of
J. J.
W. B.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, Railroad St.
N. C.
Ayden, N, C.
The salve that heals without a scar
is De Wilt's Witch Salve.
rented r effects such speedy
lief. It draws out
cools and all cute,
burns and bruises. A lure cure
for Piles and skin diseases. De
Witt's if genuine
Salve. Be ware of counter-
they are dangerous. Sold by
John L.
Sever judge a man's salary by
coat of his desk.
There is no way to maintain
health and strength mind and
body except by nourishment.
There Is way to nourish except
through the stomach. stomach
must be kept healthy, pure and
sweet or strength will let down
and disease will setup. No
loss of strength; nervousness
headache, constipation, Dad breath
sour rifting,
dyspepsia and all troubles
that curable are quickly cured
by the use of Dyspepsia
Cure. Sold by John L. Wooten,
The W
The visit of President
to the State fair today recalls the
visits James K Polk, James
Buchanan Andrew Johnson
President visited the
State He was met and
welcomed at by Governor
Ellis, other citizen-
run from Weldon to Raleigh,
which is now easily made in two
and a half hours, required more
than hall a day for this train. By
the way, the conductor in charge
of this special was Captain J. B.
Timberlake, who served the Mine
railroad this position tor half a
century living
an honored beloved
The first of consequence
alter leaving was at
where a crowd had
In his a
President Buchanan was
cheered when be said
swear by memory of
our fathers that we will resist any
attempt tear a star from the
of states of which
this union is composed, and let
man all
who shall attempt to break up this
A happy incident occurred at
a station near the
Neuse depot. the
train stopped there a score of
fresh, country girls were
waiting to catch a glimpse of the
train is behind time and
the president cannot said
conductor. but I'll take
cried bachelor
as he sprang from the platform
and began kissing the
maidens, whom are now
grandmothers in that community
For all skin
scalp diseases, Do Witt's Witch
Salve has no equal. It is
certain cure for blind, bleeding,
itching and piles. It
sill draw the ire out of a burn
and heal without leaving a tear.
Boils, old carbuncle, etc.,
are quickly cured by the use of the
genuine Witch Hazel
Salve. Accept no substitute as
they are often dangerous
Sold by John L. Wooten,
The Reflector Book Store has
received a new supply of tablets,
pencils, pens, things
needed by the school children.
Never in the way, no to
carry, easy to take, pleasant and
in results are
Witt's Little Early Risers. The-e Saturday
famous little pills are a certain T
The pills that act a tonic, and
not as a drastic DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. car
Headache, Constipation, Bilious
Jaundice, etc. Early Risers
are small and easy to bake and easy
to act. Sold by John L. Wooten,
i in September 28th I took up a stray
female hog, color, weight shout
pounds, and marked with crop in
right ear. can get same
proving ownership and paying charges
G. T Evans.
F. F. D. No. Greenville, N. C.
10-11 Id v it
Tax Notice.
I will attend at following
and times for purpose
of collecting the taxes of the year
1905. Meet save cost.
Tax appointments October
Beaver Dam
Dam, C. D. Smith's Store, Wed
pi I
guarantee head ache, bilious-
torpid and all of the ills
resulting from constipation. They
tonic and strengthen the liver.
Sold by John L. Wooten, druggist
A word to the otherwise is a
word wasted.
Man Wants Little Here Below
But Wants That Little Good.
We make it a rule to keep the best quality of
goods, as good goods always give satisfaction.
We have a large and carefully selected line of Clothing, and
can fit with a Suit or Overcoat at the Lowest Bottom Prices.
sell the and
many other Popular Brands of
Try The United States Standard Flour and you will have no
other. keep a supply on hand.
We are agents for Wire Fence and have prices right.
Call and examine our goods and prices before you buy.
Our Motto Is, Thirty-Six Pence Is Better Than A Slow
Yours Very Respectfully,
J. J. SON. Ayden, N. C.
Saturday Oct.
Swift Creek
son's Mills Wednesday Oct.
Church, Thursday Oct.
Friday Oct.
day Oct.
Saturday Oct.
Tuesday Oct.
L. W.
Sheriff Pitt County, N. C.
After July 1st I will be
pared to furnish private con-
to and depot for
persons in town at
each person. The will
then only run hotels to
depot and wharf and fare on
that will also be g
Steamboat Service.
L leaves
a. u. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
Vi in. for ion
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad
New York, Boston sud all other
joints North. Connects a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care k
Southern K. K
Sailing hours to change
without notice.
T. U. MYERS, Washing-
ton, N. C.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T.
f. Norfolk, Va.,
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
you will find relief.
January 1st. 1302, I took
down with and
and grew I told
by jay family that my
m My and
ma up to die.
body ware swollen to
larger than
water had around m-
Far at months I bad to
propped up In bad to keep from
I for five bottles of Dr.
Heart Cur, and time I
I was
cured. I feel Salt ex J bare tar
and I am able ks de
kind work en my farm,
me that If Is
been far Dr. Cur
I would now la m
L. T. CUltS, sir.
r. la
h U refund
Vila Co.,
Dr. O. Lt. James
f Surgeon
We beg t we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
v. Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has J it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging-and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Good kept con-
in stock. Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It
For Rates
Hem Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
Dry, Split Pine Wood,
delivered at year door.
Tears far
I f r-
P t a or mall.
Not Quite
Haw often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
tr lacking. Have a good k
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
Is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R,
In the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your
Mid guarantee price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to sec you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Clip Calculator
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Agent.
v -e W. C. -a-
As agent tor
and we take
treat in receiving sob-
and writing receipts for
those in arrears. We bare a lit
fine line of bar-
ran fit you up in any style
or price.
Immense of
now received by our
of all who receive their mail all are doing a
this office. We also take orders and
tor job
lily trade the
George of
gave a call yesterday. A full supply Trunks.
I Telescopes,
If yon the way M j R .
of Crockery, ware ,
come to see OS, Hart Jenkins. re Every
pair sold a
A line of w. C. Jackson Co. this
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware for
at J R Smith A Bro ,, , r . . . . .
Mrs. J. D. eeks, of Scotland
Miss who is Neck, who baa been
charge of the sick ones out at Mr. mother, here, returned to her
Mack was a very
visitor in our yesterday. For
Go to E. E. Co's new j J rope and pulleys, at J. K.
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, c, apply to K E.
A Co.
Tuesday some one having
a and we presume a fair,
thirst for
turn broke the dispensary, by
breaking out one of front
windows, and stole quarts of
good old licker value of
There is no clue to
thief, but what a good old lime
some folks must have been
since Tuesday Bight.
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
and split-bottom chairs wash stands
dressers tables at J K Smith
We are receiving daily heavy
and fancy groceries, also a nice
line of con feet cigars and
everything kept in a first class
grocery. J. II. Tripp Bro.
A Bro.
Those Royal Mattresses
that Tyson handle are
equal anyone the market.
Tuesday a great
Bore left to attend
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
R Smith
Rev. W. R. Ford who has been
delivering a series of lectures I
past week the Methodist
church the customs habits
of New Zealand m
whee he claims to have been a
resident for years, closed
Wednesday left Thurs-
day. Those who heard speak
very complimentary t
Don't fail to see Cannon Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Get planter the
th. R Smith
evening i
ti ion, N Mr.
W. K. , , m l
Mint Anne I, e
former place. The
were Mr. Lawrence tad
Mis- Neva Boyd,
arrived Be e
I be tin- groom
in . Blake
h We c
ill, us
in a
I lie human eye, in c-
of I in able and pie-
pared la correct any if error
an other
Can glasses. I will
take case of weak eyes, or
strain, dull burn
lug or eyes, or eyes win
or low on a
guarantee. In
and give entire satisfaction Io
patient or not
largest per of all
from errors of and eye
strain. Ii is i- pro
your eyes call t
assistance. Glasses
remedy of n
weak eyes. Any or form
glasses given desired. As
references as are in the
furnished on
J. W. Taylor, Ref. D.
Cannon n have received
J Edwards and r,
Miss in Green-
Oranges, apples, bananas and
fruits kept by
Cannon ft Tyson are
their pretty enamel bed ;
cheap. They are daisies.
e back frets it
College, he
is a
th e of ready to
ever before
from weak eyes
I i g
Slippers, awns and straw hats
re a., extremely cheap
by Cannon Tyson.
ratio can wants in
anything in
Tripp and John
j -em Greenville Wednesday.
hay, nits, ship stuff, wheat
brand, notion seed and
i hand Cannon Tyson.
A line of Overalls,
i Jumpers and the best line of pants
I for money the market at
J R. Smith Bro.
he t loaf bread right
-in oven A He
of has
; men week.
Dre-s goods, Broad cloth,
silks, lining and white
goods J B Smith a Bro
Ai are
dally and
right front we-
Calico and at reals
per yard, great in while
slippers and goods, at J,
ft. smith A Bro.
Mrs. M. M. little Miss
Saul- have gone to Rich-
inn d to visit the patents Mrs.
your buildings
painting them with
Town lead
full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith Bro.
W Jackson it
most complete line of mens,
and suit's ever
in the town Give
hem a trial. They are sine
they can pi yon as the style
i d Quality.
N. w.
At the of business August 1905.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
I Loans
Due from Banks,
Cash Items. 130.52
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other notes
Capital Block paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, 28,766.28
Cashier's 3.30
pit r,
I. J. R. Smith, of hank, swear
that the above statement is true to brat of my be-
lief- J. R SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, of August
R C.
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
They save stork, they save land, they save neighbors,
they worry, they save time, they are guaranteed,
they are best steel, have the only perfect hinge
joint, easy to build, no expense for repairing, last a
life time. The American is the best square mesh on
the marker, oar load just received. Come to see us
The Five Million Dollar Company
The Security Life and Annul
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company.
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over
of Insurance In Force in Carolina
One and Quarter Million Dollars
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
This progressive Home has fought a good fight won great victory the cause of life insurance ill the State and the South, The laurels belong alike to the Officer
the Agency Force and many Policy holders who had faith and courage to lend their support

Sh i ons t the ha is to buy
and the store fan to bay from for the coming
general largely Hi of his
clothe, and U
ClOT J the nit Avoid
those who deal in shoddy and pin tout faith
v that you should
with more care than all others A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property But it not how tall yon art, now
slim how stoat yon how short you w have
to fit form has the of
being distinctly stylish
All the new things are here. At any price from to
We w make it very interesting to
shoulders with
Man's Outfitter
i id Cur Life
. . . . h
i h pare
i t,
. I
Every is a day wit a us. Don't wait a minute, There Is
reason all thing. a Good Reason why I can s-ii you the
for 1-3 less than you can any elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which i i has you.
We have now In full blast a most ,;. which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and i . tin y trade
of recent years.
The Money-Saving Proposition
I .-;,. .,. k i the
Greenville ill . . Pi . Com in
i-. North Carolina.
The i i Magi t will to v . IT i
; I re you lit the that j
J on i.
; t what you I .
m r
And Yours Very
i l i ii . or pi
ill pa ill. . I
. i it I inc i
r . i lbs k-
e earth and will van i u
when barns, core,
, ; In eaten. Only
J. I. Drug
. I
I , II . I
pi ii o. V
End i .
A ii that a
A mi
ii Ii pi lie suicide
. Ii m that
pin no it
II lbs i. v. Ii U one
r the I
. pi HO . l Ii t .
i. -i i
Party willing ii lose over n
dollar time,
lo C i or W, A.
X. C.
, i i
I i
x r tried prevent which
. . the ii i
I , . lake
mi my .- great
ionic i. i . . . I
Tl en I he system.
hi, i , ind re liver and
in lei
. , d
. i i ii- i,
u . Sit-
. mi. L.
W r in is when
. at less
J . . White.
If. Johnson m
D. J.
and Friday.
Murphy and
cal built foe
will its annual
ht Masonic Temple
opera on Friday night
The patrons of this favorite th-at
will be surprised to set tbs
in its new dress of
embellishments and
This is the splendid
company broke all
last season on its fourth trip kettle
Pacific Headed as it is
the original Irish
Murphy and the dancing
girl, If sad too, little
bit of the will
have the satisfaction
David foreman, the owner of the
everlasting he
promises a company of singing and
dancing boys ht would
do credit hi production of much
more pretentious proportions.
Breaks Chain While All are
. Sam the
brothers who have of late been
their escapades, in
again at large, the September
of court
the brothers, was sent to the
While Sam was given a
sentence of twelve months on the
roads. Sometime Saturday night
Sam made his escape from the
where the gang is located
near Falkland. The c were
all shackled and fastened ti s long,
chain when they and in some
Way Sam loose and carried
the shackles off with him. It is
thought he bad outside
assistance. Sam and are I he
two who helped their brother
in a ii escape lie
the it to he taken to New
To The v
With the . enterprise
side at old
home, we can in the
of the id
was col told
The mammoth and
great market is a
in day of surprise h d
to the will power
of the county people always to the
front. While the beautiful
deuces the town proclaim, the
churches the graded
And let us drop a tear fur old
Greenville and its land-
marks that are fast disappearing
with sacred associations and
hallowed memories
who to drink forgetfulness a prey
This anxious being
the warm precinct of
lingering look
T. O. Davis, Wilson,
Big Dance to be Id Here Nov.
One of the swellest dances i
held in the state will lie held
will begin promptly at
o'clock in opera
a hop will be until
the young men will
a until one-thirty.
Prof. L tin's of ten
bars for
the event and frost all reports, we
nut have better
Handsome engraved
have b-on ordered, and
will be here in a few days.
the banquet will be a
German which will
o'clock. Let all come together and
hare tho dance ever held
in the state.
H. A.
Harry Skinner,
F. W. R J. Cobb, Mark
Williams, J. L
Fleming, J. J. S
Chan. Skinner,
Dall, Blow. H.
J. L Geo J.
Woodward, R. C. Flanagan, P
Banquet H. A
While, manager Mesdames u. J.
Williams, M. H Misses
Nina James, HiggS, Bessie
Patrick, Irma
to the expense of
the men, and the limited
-eating of the house
admission will be charged, IS and
and their husbands
will ticket-,
and .- I lie business men of
the town who have contributed
towards getting orchestra.
It is Going lo Great
There has been a great ma
lately but none
has created such a furore in
circles as the one that is going
take place at house;
Friday, Oct. 27th. On this occasion j
millionaire mine
owner Dan will lead the
coy and darling widow, Mrs.
to the altar It premise
to be one of the notable events
the season. There are several
invitations oat and there
expected to be a gathering cf
noted celebrities as
Mack, Button.
and a large crowd of ringing and i
dancing girls and boys. This
lakes great pleasure in ;
t you and all your friends an is-
The company carry their own band
and orchestra.
On Sunday evening Oct. 22nd at
p. iii. at the residence Mr.
T. K near Winter-
ville, Ids daughter, Miss Bertha,
was united in to Mr
Benjamin Forest, one of the
popular salesmen of
the writer
ants were J. Nichols with Mrs.
S null Taylor and Jerome
born with Hattie
i bride was attired
blue silk. After the
c of the friends
relatives several
nice presents, the happy
left for where they
will make their future home.
J, T Grubbs.
Majestic Range Exhibit.
u. w . special
the manufacturers of the
Majestic range, is here conducting
the demonstration this
range that is in progress at I he
store of Baker Hart this week.
Mr. native
a clever gentleman. He
has a mighty good thing to talk
about when it comes to the
tic range, he knows how lo do
Shooting Turkeys.
Some parties went out Monday
and killed three fine wild turkeys.
The most remarkable thing about
this is that people will go do
what they know is contrary to law.
The open season for shooting
keys does not begin Nov. 1st,
and it is just as much a violation
of law to shoot them a week ahead
of the legal date as it is a month
Card Thanks.
We desire to express our
to the people of Greenville
for during the ill-
and death of our little babe.
Mr. Mrs. E.
Savings Bank Incident.
A little newsboy entered
a bank one day and
boldly invaded the private of
said, I
put some money in this bank
yon the
dent answered ; much do
yon want to deposit
quarter exclaimed
youngster, pulling a handful of
pennies and nickels out of bis
pocket. The banker took him
over to the receiving teller ad
introduced him with all the I
he would have shown
a millionaire.
The boy left the cit I
opening the account, bill be kepi
adding to his deposit from time to
and as he was
and everything he
undertook prospered. He is back
in now, the head a
successful manufacturing
and one of the hank's most ii
Sixty Weeks For
The subscriber lo The
Youth's Companion
lat once semi- subscription
price To, will re free all th
j remaining issues of the paper for
The-e issues III contain
nearly complete stores, besides
the ope of Grace
Richmond's aerial,
natch a sequel to
story o Second
which appeared in the early week-
of tin-- year. Madame
will contribute an article on
I Have Sung and
there will be three stores by May
Roberts Clark under the title,
of a Pawnee
These will a foretaste of the
good things in for full
illustrated announcement of which
will be sent to any address free
with sample copies of the paper.
NeW ill also receive
a gift of The Companion's
Calendar for
lithographed in twelve colors
The Youth's Companion.
Berkley Street, Boston, Mass
Mr. and B. Parham
Tenth Anniversary of Marriage.
On evening from la
o'clock, -t home on
corner of Greene and Fourth
streets, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Parham celebrated their t in
wedding, it being the tenth an. i-
of marriage.
was long to be
for the it
many who called t
the and extend
for many more
The front if the residence was
richly with colored
lanterns, .-, id within the color
scheme, green and white, was
prominent In each room, and in
each there were ten lighted candies.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wood-
ward received the in
front hall and gave each a cordial
welcome. In the was a tin
scroll on which i guests register.
their names.
In Mr. and
Parham stood beneath an arch
made of tin on which was
in green B. E. P.
Coder I en lighted tapers
Mrs Parham wore a
dress of spa over
diamond and
mid a large cluster bride
id in receiving by
Mr. and Asa Parham and Mr.
Ira. II A
Mrs. and Mi-
A were
d lo i by Misses
Mattie i . and
These were tin spoons hand painted
in green with the initial P. and
dates 1805-1005. I i this room
ii i so a a. . splay of preset
every imaginable
A i and
I i. invited the if nests into
loom here were
ii; ill Junes
mil i . a
i in line were served by
. and Mrs. S. M
Sc lilts. The r also
Ii me color
the iv- being i i n and white
ind bi . noted caterer
in N-i. k
served the guests
returned to parlor where they
were favored vocal
solo.- by Tyson
Nina James.
In bidding the bust hostess
adieu good wishes formally
years nappy married life were
Lost in Sight Home.
It you don't believe Greenville is
what do you
think of The other day n
young lady got lost within two
blocks of home and was some little
time Ii the house.
Preparing to Burn Coal.
The way people around are
putting in coal stoves grates
looks like they have set out not to
worry to death
the coming winter trying to get
wood and hunting for Homebody to
cut it. the wood cutlers will
have fewer jobs.
Fair Receipts Over
Raleigh, Oct. election
of E. L. of Edge-
county as the
State Agricultural Society and the
state fair at the annual meeting
last night, gives very general sat-
Great pressure was
brought to bear on Mr. Ashley
Home to hold over for another
year, but he declined. The
re-election of Secretary E.
and Treasurer C. B. Denson
is alike gratifying. Glowing
were paid to the management
of the present fair, the success of
which is phenomenal. It is
mated that the receipts will be
more than
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
Issued licenses to the following
couples since last
G. M Shirley and Hannah C.
B. Forest Bertha L.
Joe Minnie Blount.
K. L. and Naoma
Wilson Wright and Jane Brown.
James Gardner Martha Cox.
Hose Evans and Carrie Dupree
Since cold weather came
new eases of have
developed In tow n.
You see ghosts ghost at
the old opera house on night of
the 81st.
Revival at Bethel.
A revival meeting in the Baptist
church at Bethel will begin on next
Sunday. There will be preaching
twice each day during the meeting
at o'clock, a. and
o'clock p. m. by Di. A. B.
way, Oxford,
Mond y.
Rev. W. its ii. Hamil-
Miss I. Brown to
Ton Sunday
in Parmele.
Miss Nellie spent San
day Bethel.
Solicitor I,. I. Moore left
day evening for
Will hit supply of
potatoes and went Sooth Saturday.
H. W. Sunday
evening to attend Federal court at
New Bern.
Ex-Gov. Mrs. T, J.
Sunday evening
C. S. Carr to Sun
and returned this
Mi-s Clyde C x wit Ayden
t morning
Mary of
i visiting Mis-e- Susie
and Evelyn Barnhill.
Rev. J. i n this
morning Henderson to his
hit tier who i-
Harry Skinner
evening New
end Federal court.
Ir. L. M. i.
who have been visit
mg Mr d B. H. ; I
r in i.-d nine t ins morning
Mrs. a D
Sunday here
with Mrs.
VI. I. ;.; of
Sunday to
Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas
Mr . Ii. Hudson t t
K. i Sail .- e to spend
lime Mr, Hudson is in
K i. He led for that state
Sunday morning.
Mrs Denmark, of Kin-
who is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mis. R. M.
returned home Sunday
evening. Mr. Denmark came
i pent Sunday here,
Mrs F. G. in
evening to visit Mrs. J.
b. Fleming, and to j tin her
band who came a few days ahead,
From here Rev. and Mrs.
will Southern Alabama where
he is to a pastoral charge.
Tuesday, Oct.
R. E. Smith went to Norfolk to
W. J. Smith went to Roberson-
ville today.
O. L. Wilkinson returned from
Tarboro Monday evening.
Rev. J. A. returned
Monday evening from Raleigh.
F. M. Hornaday returned Mon-
day evening from Greensboro.
W. If, Wilkinson went to Tar-
this morning.
Miss Pattie Skinner returned
this morning from a visit
A. R. Forbes, one of the
of the Southern Express Co.,
is spending a few days with his
mother near town.
Misses Lillie and Carrie Stewart,
of Petersburg, who have been vis-
their sister, Mrs. J. A. Webb,
returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. King, Mrs.
J. S. Tunstall Mrs. A. V.
Newton left Monday evening for
LaGrange to the North
Carolina Christian Missionary
Be, a . Sirs. H H.
airs. M
I ft d
. i to .
c i .
i -1
Capt John K .
In. tram ere
a i . to Little-
J. J. -p id
Adrian w
don ti
S. J. ii.
evening from
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bland I
this morning for We do a and
B. C. -f -n
has been here a I ft this
Mrs. W. P. Edward- child-
and Miss But i I i Is return-
ed l.- .
Warren county.
i m nine
day evening from . n
lie been h
and came home
Dr. J. K. N. hi i
ii g f Norfolk, .
there for treat . . .
pi has e
ti w soon in- i . restored
in heal In.
Centenary d church at
Ne- was
Sum . .
There is talk of the Atlantic
Line extending its road from
Spring Hope to Ki and
i- Wist.
The suit of against L
the Raleigh N an I
has been compromised by
in favor o plaintiff being
withdrawn d
the costs.
be Stales, I;
reports a y i o
picked p ii u Is o i a
day and his j ad
Tn- Hie
county home in . has
lieu indicted for me
inmates. He is l it Ii
old woman,
The sheriff of Greene county
says the report of a being
lynched tout county last week
is escaped
while officers were on the way to
jail with him.
Pick pockets reaped a harvest
at the fair last week.
c. R. Abbott, of Greensboro,
while suffering tooth
an overdose of laudanum from
which he died,
Trains Missed.
Owing to failure in connection of
trains at Weldon, Rev. J. A.
could not jet back home
Saturday and there was
no preaching in the Methodist
church Sunday.
Visiting Preacher.
Rev. George Spruill, of Branson,
S. who with his wife is visiting
the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Moore, preached in the
church Sunday night. A large
heard him and his
sermon was good.
The first oyster boat of the sea
eon came up Saturday.

Eastern reflector, 24 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 24, 1905
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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