Eastern reflector, 20 October 1905

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Should Consider with forethought the suit he is to bay
and the store be is to buy from for the coming season
general appearance will depend largely upon the tit of his
clothes, and the he wears
is tin- foundation of your suit Avoid
those unreliable who deal in shoddy and pin your faith
w Clothes
is one that you should exorcise
with more care than all others. A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property. But it matters not how tall you are, how
slim you are, how stout you are. how short you are, we hare
to tit your form A suit has the distinction of
distinctly stylish
All the new things are here. At any price from to
We will make it very interesting to you.
shoulders with you.
The Man's Outfitter.
AN kinds of Dress Goods, Silks,
Laces. Embroideries, Etc.
a i
H. A. White,
Insurance. Greenville, N.
Send films and to me. I give f ah
and return the work promptly. Send a trial
W. H.
City, N.
Every day Is a day with us. wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than can bay them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been bailed every evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
C T.
I have taken stray shoat
that has been running with
stock about two months. The
shoat is sandy red color,
about pounds, has slit in right
ear and bob tailed. Owner is
notified to call for same and pay
charges. EVANS.
The Death Penally.
A little thing sometimes retails
ii death. Thus a mar
insignificant or
hare paid the death penalty. It
is wise to hare
Salve ever handy. It's the fees
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when barns, seres,
and threaten. Only Me at
J, L. Drag Store.
Putt an End to It All.
A grievous wail
as u result of unbearable pain from
over taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint and
But thanks to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
end to it all. are
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by Jno. L.
A t MO plane for sale at a sac-
the instrument which is one
the heel makes handled by the
Slier plan was
months ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lest his little girl.
Party willing to over a
dollars. Cash time, apply
to G. G. W. A
Greenville N. O.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
stubborn tight with an on
my right writes J. F. Hughes
of Du Ga. gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
come. As a last resort I tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit I received
was striking and I on my feet
it a few days. New entirely
regained my
all colds, and throat and
I nag troubles. by
L. Woe druggist.
Km, and 91.00. Trial battles free.
Silk and zephyr shawls, all
extra heavy in black. D.
M. Johnson A a. C.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
diet-overt ill many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide
has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
It being a great
will strengthen
the nerve and build the steal.
It's else a stomach, liver and
regulator. Only Me.
guaranteed by Jan. L.
ate Cotton Basket when
yen gel Sheets at
half the price. Sam With.
at s w
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
I No.
W. B. sent to
II. O. Whit
Saturday's Meeting a Great Success. Announcement of Engagement of In Honor of Misses and Cotten the Towns Will Accordingly
If the success of a movement or. Dr. Zeno Brown gave an The announcement Is mad.- by
may judged by j On last Wednesday rate dinner at bis home on I the Atlantic Line I hat the
the earnestness and enthusiasm to Miss Winnie Si inner enter- Cobweb street, Tuesday night, train on this will
with which it is begun, it is already j a party of friends at bi i i complimentary to Mary Wat ; be held at Weldon until some after
an established the home, the occasion being the an- of Baltimore and Mi-s p. m. during the Weldon j
meetings of Pitt will be I of the engagement Cotton, The I fair Trains on Washington g, ;.
more interesting an beneficial ; Miss Pattie Skinner to Mr. home was brilliantly land Plymouth i here
lighted, and the dining j to wait on this delayed train
r. tor the occasion. at -o passengers ,
Mrs. Robert R presided and nun iii all
the table, under her direction, delayed, Tl. is is an outrage, J. L. Hear us I
with the occasional of
the being busy
with other many
courses were served.
the party adjourned
i -e. . u h. n
. h today to
i tie f ii-
Mrs Man i
E i Cox, i
the past u . i
Monday e; ,
and Mrs
, returned
a returned
during the ensuing year than they Carr.
have ever been before. If Supper was served at o'clock,
meetings interesting and j the tab e being profusely decorated
beneficial, the educational spirit occasion At each place
of the county win be stimulated
and quickened, will indeed
be a good year.
On Saturday morning, Oct. 14th
were cards in the shape
hearts, with an appropriate verse
on each. Also shaped above
wire presented to each guest.
the teachers of the good old county In the parlors a large red heart
Mi el
i . m the Content.
Bishop Strange left this i net Sue also attended
as held at
Hear Grass. She is vi
a the department ought this morn
to be appealed in order to
pi event such i it no
other means will The rail
of Pitt met in the Greenville
graded school to bold
their first meeting for the
tic year 1905 and The
carefully arranged program began
with by nearly
a voices, followed by a
reading of the first Psalm and a
prayer by Rev K.
Prof. W. H. then called
the roll, eighty-seven teachers
answered to their names.
Prof. O. E Lineberry, who
occupied the chair pro tern,
Prof and Misses
Agnes Moore and Lucy Manning
as committee for nominating new
officers. The following officers
President. Prof J H
First vice president, Prof. i. W.
Second vice president. Miss
Agnes Moore.
Secretary, Miss M. C. Taylor.
Reporter, Miss Dora A.
After a few encouraging words
by the county superintendent of
schools, the question, Shall
We Grade Our was ably
discussed by Prof. W. B. Dove.
Prof. Dove brought out the weak
point in many of
told bow this
weak point might be overcome,
the requirements of good reading
were given, the necessity of
grading all pupils equally in all Jr.
studies was urged upon
teachers; a list of books for each
grade was given, alter which
Imped box was suspended on parlor, where the banjo was
wall, on which were smaller hearts,
each heart having a number which
corresponded to that the cards
given to the ladies. With a large
Cupid bow and arrow, arch gentle
man took his place across the room
from the heart tried his skill
at shooting hearts, must of whom
were far less a success at such
pastime they bad
engagement of Miss Skinner
and Mr. fan was announced by
Miss Winnie Skinner all had
seated at table, in a clover
and original verse giving Dec.
as the all important date of the
marriage. After this announce-
Miss Skinner passed a large
silver loving cup each
guest drinking to
happiness of the guests
Those present at Miss Skinner's
delightful supper
Miss and O. Stuart
Miss Dora Carr, of and
Dr. Zeno Brown.
Miss Mary of Baltimore
and P. S. Cut I en.
Miss Bailie Gotten,
and F. M. Wooten.
Miss Nell Skinner and J.
Miss Lottie Skinner and Harry
Dumpty Was Great.
Saturday is not considered
questions answered la show night, but
What Extent Shall We
Attempt to Supplementary
the next question on
the Prof.
always to do his part, made
an talk.
Shall Our Discipline
be this was then d
by Prof. ;, ;. Lineberry. n a
way Prof, Lineberry
advised the teachers on this
important subject, insisting that
they do not threaten, praise m
censure too much, nor tolerate
disobedience, suggesting
that they look ahead and avoid
great difficulties.
The rules for teachers were then
read, after the contract
blanks, report blanks, letters from
the state superintendent of public
instruction and registers
were distributed and explained.
The following committees were
Executive committee,
F. C. Nye, T. .
O. Miss Delia Smith and
Miss Lucy Manning,
committee, W. EL
W, B.
Miss Rhodes and Miss
Ada L. Tyson. the air of th
Dumpty drew a large
audience was well pleased. It
was one of the most
enjoyable shows that has been here
in a long lime.
Visit From Former Resident.
T. C. Davis, came in
Saturday to spend a day two bI
bis old home. Mr. Davis
the old timers, now being
old, and lived In in ante
helium days. He left here forty-
five ago and tins is bis
visit since then, yet he finds some
things that are familiar to him.
Borne of our oldest citizens
him and are glad to see him
and talk over the old times. It
was Mr. who a years
ago gave readers such
interesting reminiscences of the old
times in
handed out and walls rang
with a chorus of old Southern
The following guests enjoyed the
doctor's hospitality and pro-
him a model
Mrs. Robert It. Gotten, of Cotton-
Miss Mary Watson of
Baltimore, with Dr. Zeno Brown.
Miss Sallie D. of Cotton-
dale, with Rev. W. E. Cox.
Miss Skinner with P. S.
Cot ten.
Miss Brown with F. M.
Miss Pattie Skinner with C.
Stuart Carr
The infant child, aged about fix
months, and Mrs. George
hi Spruill, of Branson, S. C, died
at the home of Mr. and Mis. J. L-
Moore, parents of Mrs. Spruill,
The little one had been sick
must of its life. a month
ago Mrs Spruill brought it here to
her mother's in hope that the
Change would improve its health.
The child grew worse and last
Mr. Spruill was summoned
parents watch in s now as the life
of their little one passed away.
The remains w.-re interred this
road ought to pin on an extra train
ii do work for toe
Another Teacher Employed.
The of of I be
school decided that another
was needed and
Harding was elected to the
position. She has had valuable
experience and is a good teacher.
W. Baker came in
evening from
G. W,
I K. Moore.
G. W. Biker returned lo
ii today.
u New
Charles Skinner returned Tin s-
d evening.
Mr. Peter Smith Dead
Scotland Neck, N. C. Oct., .
Mr E. Smith died at his
home in Scotland Heck Saturday
morning from a visit Mrs. J. B.
y, w .
Is visiting bar sister, Mis k
i lodges.
Asa aim child re
turned evening
H. W.
evening Rocky Mount and
W. E. Ho R. L smith
left this morning for Raleigh to
the state fair.
May Whitfield
to Rocky
morning and his remains were I today for a visit, and
interred in the Episcopal cemetery J from there go to the fair in
yesterday afternoon at Raleigh.
Mi. Smith was years old, and
was one of best known and
meat beloved men in Halifax
Lost at Sea.
Bo-ton, Mass., Oct. story
of a North Atlantic shipwreck, in
which eight seamen so
fearfully from exposure, hunger
J. A. of Scotland Neck,
who has been a days
with E. B. Higgs, returned home
this morning.
W. W. Perkins name over this
morning to spend
his off duty days here.
Solicitor L. I. Moore left Sunday
six of them either I evening for Beaufort where
died outright, were washed away, court is in session
or crazed by their fearful this week.
K. nun II. Moore.
Invitation to
Mrs. R. W.
of Kentucky, who have been
I visiting Mrs, M, V. Forbes, near
town, left Saturday
Misses Bessie. Mooring and
Barnes accompanied by Prof. G
. E. Lineberry, of were
pleasant visitors at this
themselves into the
sea, was told today by the to
survivors of the coasting
Van Name King, of New Ha-
which was pieces by
a gale off the South Carolina coast
the Moore family on
burial ground near borne,
vices conducted by Revs. Response to Invitation.
With your permission, Mr. I Saturday afternoon.
I'M I tor, I should like to to Mr.
through Tub
The superintendent Inmates .,,, .
of the county home desire
, .,, ,, , preach a at the county Raymond left this morning
minuter to the inmates ,,.,, Thanks- ,
county home, J. A.
day. Any one who w volume
can notify J. A.
Tuesday, ct. 17th.
Odd Fellows meet tonight.
Daisy Tucker
went to
Rev. F. w
Mount today.
II. A. White went up the road
W, G. Lamb and son, of Wilson
who were here a day or two left
Miss Cornelia Manning, of
Bethel, came in Tuesday evening
to visit D C. Moore.
Mi. V. N. Seawell, Faison,
who has been visiting her mother,
R. Dancy, returned home
-Mis. Win-tend, of Rocky
Mount, came in Tuesday
to visit her parents, Mr. Mrs.
W. M. King.
J. daughter,
Mi-s Ida, of Ayden. spent Tuesday
here Mr. and Mr. J. W.
Brown and returned home on the
evening train.
Rev. a D. o.
Moore, W. If. D. L.
Bawls went to Raleigh today to
attend the fair,
Mrs. it. R. Gotten, Mrs. G.
Prichard, Misses Gotten,
Mary Lena King, Bennie
Sugg and
Dice Lee
Forbes went ,
to attend the fair.
Social committee, G. K Line-
berry, Miss Grimes, Miss
Annie Perkins, Miss Melville
Gibson, Miss and
Miss Blanche Mayo.
Literary committee. W. B. Dove
G. E. Lineberry, Miss Mary K.
Johnson, Miss Cox and Miss
At one o'clock p. in. the teach-
to meet again Nov.
All seemed lo enjoy this meeting
and real and lasting good
from felt that was
good to
Opera Mouse
There is the
the apple blossoms and the clover
all through the story of
and one seems to
as many
are being
enjoyed. You must see this play
sec how much better you feel
after witnessing the scenes on the
old in, and the natural ailing
of a company of capable actors.
You will find the comedy the
genuine ail a. no
old a goer you may be,
you will smile, smile loudly,
at the many lines and funny
situations with which the play
Majestic Exhibit.
Housekeepers will interested
in be . be made
at More of a Hart of
Work that can be
next week, of
Decides to
W. B. James went to I the Mai -lie K . . v ;,
,. ,, ,. Monday evening.
Kev. Moore announced to
Halloween Party. in the Christian M. Hornaday
The ladies the Baptist church ,.,,,.,.,, be .,,, today,
will party on the,, ,.,,.,, the ,.,,,
went to
night of the of this month.
will be something novel and afford
much interest to all
Scotland Neck Inlay.
cooking indeed an an and the
happiness of th household rests
I largely upon It To have food
pt, pared the beat
needed, mid nothing helps
this particular than the
Many are glad of this.
Beaufort Western. M .,,, ,,,
Beaufort, Oct. I Roanoke Rapids today. .
Marriage License, A Railway . M to . . . y . ,
Register of Deeds R. Williams here today a charter granted L attend there. Wilmington W,
issued licenses to the following by the lust legislature. to lost Saturday night.
couples since last wen elected as Fred I. F. D. Foxhall returned Monday found him
It P Foster, M from a trip Up the load.
Baker and Maggie W A Mace and CD Jones.
Eugene Mamie
M. Lewis and Julia Lewis.
William Staton and Lula Turner.
P, W. S. Spell and
Albert Barrett
Thus. Perry and Lucy Wilson.
Tyson and Forbes.
The directors elected the follow
officers; Fred L
dent, It P Foster, vice president,
and M secretary
treasurer. An immediate increase
of the capital stock of the company
to was authorized. This
company will the bridge and
railroad from City to
Beaufort and perhaps extensions.
Mission Service Closed.
The week of mission
conducted by Bishop Strange in
the Episcopal church closed Sun-
day night. There were large con-
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. II. o. Hyatt, of Goldsboro
will be in Greenville at Hotel
Bertha Oct. 30th and Monday
and Tuesday for the purpose of at each service and the
treating diseases of the eye, ear, sermons of the Bishop were in nob
nose and throat. Parties under enjoyed. lie is an earner, fluent
forty years of age who will need speaker and a man of great ability.
his attention are requested to A week's services like those he
Monday if possible. Older people
can come day.
conducted leaves
impress for
Ex and J. Jarvis
went to today to attend the
C. V. York Matt
returned this morning Kin-
A. J. and W. H.
Sieves went to Scotland
Mrs. N. K. Davis, of
this to visit her
daughter, Mrs. B. L. Bomber.
Mrs. K. L. of Ports-
mouth, who has been visiting Mrs.
J. White, returned home to-lay.
Col. F. G. James left this morn
for Raleigh to be on the
governor's stall at the fair and
reception to the president.
Johnnie, Paul Ma. Ham-
left this morning for the
Episcopal orphanage at Charlotte.
midnight day in a closet where
be had gone and fallen asleep.
n. Got.
Miss Mary of
is visiting in the neighbor-
Miss Harding left Friday
to take charge her school at
Black Jack.
Mrs. Ed to her
home in Ayden Saturday after
spending a days with Misses
Maggie Cox-.
Miss Sail Bryan, of Dover, is
visiting Misses Lucy and Emma
A tenant house containing three
bales of cotton belonging to M. M.
Stokes was burned last night.
A new supply of pearl buckles
for belts and trimmings.

to visit our store and examine our magnificent stock, selected with
a view to meeting the every requirement of those in search of
Goods that have Value and dives the purchaser Entire Satisfaction.
Dress Goods, Silks,
Ladies and Children Jackets.
FAY for Ladies and Children. FAY STOCK-
are something good. They button at the waist. They never
wrinkle or come down. They need no supporters. They are the
best for wear, health comfort and economy. We guarantee every
pair of FAY STOCKINGS to give the customers perfect satisfaction
after a fair trial of not less than four weeks. Yes Four Weeks.
are made by responsible makers and
can be relied on to give satisfaction.
Our Line of Crockery, Glass Ware and House Goods Is complete. We
are also offering special inducements on Mattings, Carpets, Furniture, White Iron
Beds and Children's Cribs. Call and examine our reversible Carpets, they are cheap
in price, beautiful in design and splendid wearers.
Come to see Hart A
when yon need to
your feet, we can save yon money
and yon something to fit the
foot. We carry the nicest and beet
shoe yon ever saw. Try a
pair and be
on Hart A Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be bad anywhere.
Rev. T. H. King is now at
in a pro-
meeting at that place.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. R.
Smith A Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy-
Mrs. R. W . Stancill and children,
of Hickman, Ky., spent Saturday
night with the family Stancill
Merchandise Broker.-I carry
a till line of meat, lard and
good. Don't buy before giving
a trial. Frank Lilly.
Since W.
A received and
old two car loads of American
wire fencing thirty thousand
each and are expecting a third
every day. See their ad in
Wear Corliss Coon-Collar-.
cents. J. R.
It is expected that one if not to
more rural routes will be establish-
ed at this office.
I always keep on hand a full
line feed stuff at
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly.
That Ayden is no shoddy town
and that gas is not one of the in-
of her make we
invite special attention to her
Ayden, N. C.
N. C
At the of business August 1906.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixture
Demand Loans
Duo from Banks,
Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid
Surplus fund
Undivided profit lees
expenses, SO
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to check, 23,755.22
Cashier's 3.30
I. J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my be-
lief. K. Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 80th of August 1905.
Notary Public
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
They save stock, they save land, save neighbors
they save worry, they save time, they are
they are best steel, they have the only perfect
joint, easy to build, no expense for repairing, last
life The American is the best square mesh o
the market, car load just received. Come to see us
department in The Rb-
and the and one
f her
eek alter Certainly, If
not an index to business, we
are The business men
of this not done in this
line, bin will proceed further and
meant and ends as
conclusive will convince our neigh-
we are no vain boasters, bat
a spirit of vim, push and
enterprise has found a foot hold
in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
a nice hue of Zephyr
ors at J. R. Smith Bro.
D More has opened a
in one the new brick stores
re by Dr. Dixon.
We handle New Singer Sew-
on easy terms, J. H.
Tripp Bro.
A. Jenkins and family left
yesterday Raleigh to visit
relatives and take in the fair.
Our line of Groceries Con-
i complete. Call and
see us. J. H, Tripp A Bro.
We keep Furniture, Mattresses,
Cook Baby
etc , up stairs. Cannon
The police Saturday night In
attempting to arrest Richard
fount, who proved very
and to use
us result of which the
has a very badly beaten
Ii i- a taut J. R. Smith
Bro have store full of nice
and you can get almost anything
you your house or farm
of have as nice, polite
clerks as
an be anywhere i ad the i
business would do credit to a large
town. tell toe they are
selling a big lot of goods.
Rev. D. W. Davis tilled bis
regular appointment here in the
Disciple Sunday,
I will pay highest cash prices
for eggs, chickens and
sell you see me. Frank
Highest prices paid for chickens
and eggs all country produce
by J. H. Tripp
Buy one of our
Hats. Sold under a guarantee.
J. R.
V. paper rooting,
Pumps with long or joints
and pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
A fall line of trunks, tel-
e-copes, hand bag,
and suits cases at J R Smith i. Bro
Tobacco thermometers,
etc. for sale by Cannon Tyson
Large crowd were several
days last week passing through
den on their way to and from
the colored Free Will association
which was held near here. It is a
sad reflection that many of the
men saw iii to visit the dispensary
they were passing.
Carload of heaters and
pipes for and wood, heaters
from II stoves C to y
price you want.
H. Biggs, Of Scotland Neck,
has been a pleasant visitor here for
several days.
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your
and guarantee price.
who are
see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. lardy
Floor Manger
His Wife
he repeated
shrinking strangely from her
you harp on that word be-
cause your silly conscience drove
to marry
I have attained the highest
he continued bitterly.
know myself a gaunt, hollow
nested, bloodless wretch,
fifty at thirty-five, chained to hi
chair by injured
wish you would not such
charming husband for a beau
woman. But if bought you
as I bought that Titian over the
mantelpiece I have at least treated
you with the same respect shown the
picture. Not even a kiss have I
claimed from those red lips of
She knelt beside him, looking
wistfully into his eyes, which were
till handsome, though dimmed by
years pain.
I can't leave you in this
said mock-
even for an ill sister
I had a twin brother wild
fellow. How would he have man-
aged I wonder
brother, Paul A twin
thought you were an only son. Has
he been dead
don't returned the
sullenly. I think
be is not dead at all. Enough of
this fooling. I said you must go to
your sister. me my drops and
go. The carriage has been waiting
Six months later Elizabeth stood
alone in her luxurious suit of rooms
rereading the letter which had
brought her home. The half year
she had spent with her sister, Paul
having suddenly determined on go-
abroad. He had sent her his
commands very briefly a week after
she reached her sister's side, not
even giving her his foreign address,
merely informing her that his valet,
went with him.
I told ran the letter,
am not yet ready to return. But
I have asked you to precede me, that
you might receive my twin brother,
the fellow of whom I spoke at our
last parting. He has turned up,
greatly to my surprise, will
with you tomorrow. Treat him
kindly for my
Next evening when she heard the
newcomer's step in the hall she
came out, calmly to meet
him. His resemblance to Paul
found less marked than she had an-
This man was broad of
shoulder, deep of chest, with a well
poised head and frank, happy
eyes. Then she perceived that in
features, height and general color-
the similarity was exceedingly
striking. He might well been
taken for Paul, though the voice
was fuller than her husband's and
far more resonant.
good of you, said
the stranger joyously, welcome
the prodigal. I may call you Eliza-
beth, may I not I'm Beverly Van-
demon, you
His warm, strong fingers drew her
quickly to him, and lie pressed on
her lips an eager kiss. It was only
the joy of a returned wanderer,
told herself, not seeing the passion-
ate look of admiration which
fastened on her lithe, rounded
figure as she preceded him to tho
library. And indeed Elizabeth's
beauty was of the Juno type, com-
instant attention.
She found there was no
chance to lie formal with Beverly.
He brought his dogs into the
and romped all over the library with
them, drawing Elizabeth into the
game, teasing her and jesting with
Daily they rode together, and
Elizabeth, putting both past and
resolutely behind her, entered
with all the delight of a perfect
horsewoman into the joys of the ex-
Beverly's mount seemed often
half horse, half tiger, frequently
starling capriciously at a leaf and
Writhing angrily on the bit.
Once as Elizabeth watched her es-
cool mastery over his terrified
and angered horse a voice whispered
in her
is a other is a
who had now quieted the
black, glanced at her as though
reading her thoughts.
thinking I'm not much
She started, and answered
are very much alike, but
hope so If I were hut
counterpart I'd bury my-
are staying in his house,
mid Elizabeth significantly;
are riding his horse, and you
to be talking to his
pretty shrew snub
me. If had been damaged as
was, I'd have
as generous and noble,
let us hope
turned in his and
at long, deliberate star, his
lace coloring slightly.
. old Paul's horror he
saw me risking your precious
on a he
lift a
are said
hotly. you possibly
your own strength without saying
says what one thinks about
one's relations. That's a family
you please But you shall
not sneer
say, Elizabeth, don't
angry. I do care for old Paul
more perhaps than you think. Be
good, and I'll sing to when we
get home. What Paul didn't tell
you I sing of him, I call
And, indeed, Elizabeth herself
wondered her husband had not re-
to it as, an hour later,
magnetic, compelling tones
brought before her the desert
speeding to his rendezvous
I tho love but
With . love that not .
The wind of the desert brushed
her cheek. As she listened a new,
overwhelming, passionate joy of
mere living seized her. She was in-
free, she and Beverly
Till tho arc old
Ami Um nun grows cold
And the leaves of tho book
The word shocked
her back to herself. The vision
faded. In it's place Beverly rose
from the piano and came swiftly to-
ward her, his eyes aflame.
stood still. She must
face this man coolly, indifferently.
He must not guess that she, the up-
right Elizabeth, longed to crawl
across the room to him and lay her
head on his shoulder.
go away, she
said bravely, locking her hands to-
because they wanted so much
to rise to the throb in her throat.
are not enjoying yourself
us forget his existence for u
week at
you understand, you love-
He from the
table and caught her hands in his.
She wrenched them loose, staring
at him with wide, horrified gaze.
look at me like that,
You love me. Why deny it
I'm rich, Elizabeth. Leave this
stupid place with me. Let him scold
his parrot and his valet
yon shouldn't have said it;
you shouldn't have said she
cried in a harsh, strained voice.
was all I self re-
He was so close now that his
breath warmed her cheek, his exult-
ant personality radiated power. She
grew faint with dread of him. that
abysmal dread which only those we
love have power to create in us.
Then from its spoiled city of
peace her self rose blindly.
She could not him to leave her.
She had for the moment lost all
power of speech, but she caught a
carved ivory fan from the mantel-
and struck him heavily, cruel
y, across the face a blow that made
him stagger back from her.
Then she found speech.
a coward He's no
match for you. the reason
will net or wrong him. He
trusted she added,
with exceeding bitterness.
Beverly, wiping blood from his
face, received the blow very strange-
His eyes shone as those of
do who have been a kiss.
His action was stranger. He tore
the covering from his right
exhibiting a peculiar long red
you know that. Eliza-
beth And here's the hole where
spilled that acid on
stammered Eliza-
beth. you arc
mad, you great hearted,
beautiful woman Oh, Elizabeth,
don't you understand Why, Eliza
are awfully stupid, dear-
est I had no brother. I spoke of
myself, of the man I used to be.
And a friend, a common servant,
dragged me into salvation.
I'll be able to repay him.
I'm Paul Beverly
Don't like that; you frighten
me. Listen,
He dropped into an armchair, let-
ting his chest cave inward and bis
shoulders slouch with feigned weak-
while he said in impatient,
me my drops and go The
carriage has been waiting this
The transformation was perfect.
Elizabeth, half swooning, threw her-
self into her husband's eager arms.
Clinton Dangerfield in Town Top-
North Carolina I Id Superior Court
Pitt County Not. term 1905.
Harrington, J. i
Barber, I
I. J. Publication
Bar- of Summons
D. A. Henderson.
The defend nut above named will take
notice that an action entitled above
has been commenced in the superior
court of Pitt county, to recover certain
Personal property, in claim and de-1
livery proceedings. And the said de- j
will further take notice that I
he Is required appear at a term of
the Superior court of Pitt county to
e held on the Monday after the
1st Monday In September, it being the
day of at the
court of said an
or demur to the complaint in said
action, or the plaintiff will apply to
the court for toe relief in
aid D. c. Moore.
Clark f Pitt County.
Made to Measure.
Cleaning, Dying
and Pressing.
Ladies and gentlemen clothing
a specially.
I also clean and dye laces,
ribbons, feathers, etc.
PAUL Tailor,
Greenville. N. C.
stock in Pitt
specially selected
pig far sale.
Apply to W. H. B. F. D.
. N. C.
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
. Dental
if Greenville.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Bad Rules,
lit. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
regular lengths each
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches In
All Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
for Designs Prices.
Good Goods Every Day.
Right Prices Every Time.
Send to my store for Nice Crackers,
Assorted Cakes, Canned Goods
and other ready to
Butter on every day.
Kine Pitt county Hams.
Nice Chocolate Candies.
fresh and good all the
and over
A sample of refaced
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co.
of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
Hint it. p
Telephone Service
to-day an admitted Business
At Your House
It's at once a Convenience and a Ne-
that you cannot measure
by any money value.
One Emergency Call, In
One Year, Pays the Rent.
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private Wires to
Chicago and Orleans.
Wholesale Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed. Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts,
units, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Applet.,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware, Tip and
Ware, Cakes and
Cheese, Best Butter, Net
Royal Sewing Machine and nu
ether goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash.
see me.
S. M.
Everything you want In the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
Cash Grocer.
Subscribe to THE
Trust Company
We Want your Account.
No Trouble to Answer Questions.
We Are Always Glad To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
When You Want And Need It.
We Pay per cent, on Time Deposits Months
R. J.
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
We will keep a full stock of horses and mules on
all the season. We are prepared to furnish kind
of horse want, draft horses, line drivers and farm
We the finest mules that can be bought. We will
buy or trade fr any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a plug to driver.
Come to see If we not got what you want we
will get it.
R. L. CO.
The Reflector
The Is Read By Everybody in and
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If you have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their y.

Editor and Proprietor
Entered in DOM at e, N. s class matter,
Advertising rates upon
A desired at ever j office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
Pitt county. N. C. Friday, 1905.
case alone.
Governor Glenn outfit to lei the Charlotte dairyman who is
the city because of the
of the irater supply does not
be careful he will give whole
thing away Durham Herald.
The week does begin with
auspicious weather for the Raleigh
Raleigh will have an eye to
tins week, and so will the t
; the Charlotte dairyman
it will be another example of more
profit in water than in milk.
The Iowa cow that derailed
freight train and killed live of the
crew was causing trouble sure
Like everything else, cotton is
worth all that it will bring, and if
the farmers can gel fifteen cents by
holding it until the mills have to
pay tins price be blamed.
Durham Herald.
The bunting that the towns have
put up fr to look at
as he passes through is calculated to
get wet.
The czar of Russia the em
Japan hoc I the peace
treaty pi rs, and that put an end
to the war.
The investigation has shown
life ins I i be furnished
at a much I than the people
are paying.
When you go to the fair leave your
diamonds at home but hide enough
money about y a to gel back on in
case you lose your ticket
The length of lime some
towns will have the n -i
eat re-
minds a if the was m . I
head with two in the class.
There is m ire prosperity among
the farmers than there has been in
a decade they are in better
to hold their cotton now than
ever before.
The preacher who would not take
the of a pretty girl to kiss her
was just like other folks of his sex.
But the conference suspended him
for six months.
The president the Lewis and
Clarke i recently . .- d is
Oregon making the announcement
that stockholders would receive a
lend of percent, makes
people wonder why other us
in late years have gone so lad in the
The Convention of the
Methodist Episcopal church. South,
in session at
adopted a resolution com.
President Roosevelt's
efforts in behalf of peace between
Japan The resolution
says the president has wrought well
for greater and the
betterment of mankind.
Says the Greensboro Industrial
News, in speaking of Governor
-ii. should stick to his
Advice like that is nothing less than
irony to the Philadelphia shoemaker
was arrested a few days ago for
having two wives. His first wife
had him put jail for sticking to
his hist. Wilmington Star.
Some lime United States
District Judge with
e of a of a
i town. The
H . mi c i the States
reversed the district judge,
holding that i com . .
man asked another, Why is
land in Pitt county so much higher
now than it was ten years ago The
answer given was ten years ago
the farmers were in debt and many
had lei the land go to pay
they owed, while now Hie farm-
as a class are practically out of
debt, ninety pi of them have
money ahead, and many instead
having to land arc trying lo buy
more. There is something in that
answer worth thinking about.
During her trip abroad presents
were given to Miss Alice Raise veil
amounting in value t i It
is said to I pt
hi me will her in customs s
much as her father receives in
salary for a year, which is
presents come high after all.
A St. Louise a pie separated The
woman wanted to get at the man to
ease her mind, but failing in
she stood in the street near the hi use
in which he lodged and expressed
her opinion of him through a mega-
phone. A crowd of street loafers
gathered and cheered hey. Fine
spectacle I r a big city.
Mr. Hearst has it Wis program
to make a tour of the South. He will
hardly create as much interest as the
other gentleman who is
a trip this week.
The board of education of a Penn-
town established a
school, separating the races.
And the were silly enough
to start out lighting the movement.
There have been intimations that
the revenue investigations were only
intended to put on a bit of white-
wash. The matter all being post-
gives color to this impression.
Thomas Dixon's
presented to an immense
in Columbia, C., Saturday
night. In response to repeated calls
Mr. Dixon came before the curtain
for a short talk. When he appeared
he was hissed by a bunch of Eastern
traveling men who were in the
He silenced them and at the
same time received a burst of
when he said had your
scalawags with you in those dark
days, and you have them That
was enough to silence them.
A Fell w in Spokane, Washington,
volunteered to give enough his
skin to cover burned places on a
who had met with an
dent. A doctor placed him under
the influence of chloroform and re-
moved about SO inches of skin oil
his legs. When the fellow
and found much of his hide
gone he got mad and sued the doctor
for I 0.000.
Reentry some observations have
been given in this column concern
building and loan associations.
whose passes the
work building and loan
in the has recently made
the statement that the number
such institutions is increasing. In I
the towns where they have been sue- I
operated their work
own monument. A.
said some days ago in Tarboro
the building and loan
there has lawn of untold benefit
the lie pointed to many
handsome dwellings which have been
erected through the medium of the
local building and loan association
there. Other towns have had similar
Neck Com-
We have been trying to get
ville to take this view building
and loan with
success so far. Hut it is one of
things this town surely needs.
By request we publish the follow
The moonlight falls the softest
In Kentucky.
The summer days come of test
In Kentucky,
Friendship is the strongest,
Love's light glows the longest.
Yet. wrong is always wrongest
In Kentucky.
Life's burdens bear the lightest
In Kentucky;
The home fires burn the brightest
In Kentucky;
While players arc the keenest,
Cards come out the meanest,
The pocket empties cleanest
The sun shines ever brightest
In Kentucky;
The breezes whisper lightest
In Kentucky;
Plain girls are the fewest,
Maiden's eyes the bluest,
Their little hearts the truest
In Kentucky.
rat ore are the grandest
In Kentucky;
are the
Boys are the West,
Danger ever nighest,
And takes are the highest
I n Kentucky.
i he waves the
In Kentucky;
Vet, are the fewest
in Kentucky;
Moonshine is the clean -1.
no means the dearest,
And yet, it acts the queerest
hi Kentucky.
Hie dove-note are the saddest
The streams dance on the gladdest
Hip pockets are thickest.
Pistol hands the slickest.
The cylinder turns quickest
In Kentucky.
songs birds arc the
In Kentucky;
The thoroughbreds arc Fleetest
In Kentucky;
Mountains tower proudest,
Thunder peals the loudest.
The landscape is the grandest,
In Kentucky-
a suit t
Select a Fall
that wit
. j
i do it now. Don't
be one of the lug-
behinds. Come
out in new cloths
in time to wear
the bite styles
.- else has appeared
Longer collars and lapels
more- fullness than ever in the
fuller in the knees and front and less so on the
side-Vest cut slightly lower.
About the fabrics. The richest and most
gentlemanly patterns that have yet appeared
in ready-for-service garments.
Worsteds. Scotch Cheviots, etc
These woolens come in plain colors, neat
and modest broken stripes.
You'll certainly be greatly Surprised to
learn what 810.00. 16.50 or will
do for your lure in buying a handsome, well
cut and well tailored Fall Suit.
Convicts Worked Over Time.
While laying off for the duck sea-
son to open Mr. Grover Cleveland
poked the women suffragists with a
magazine article telling why women
should not be allowed to vote.
Susan II. Anthony made faces at him
n a characteristic reply and now the
somewhat announcement
is made that Mrs. Catt, the Kansas
woman suffragist, has her Lack up
and is making passes at the duck
hunter. We just expected the thing
would wind up in a
Wilmington Star.
The thing just wont get down am
Stay down. Senator Daniel, of
Virginia, in a recent speech,
there is no that Virginia sol-
made the last charge at
Be says that North Caro-
claim lo this honor is based on
a charge made half an hour previous
to the final charge made by Virginia.
He thinks North Carolina ought to
keep quiet on this point, but because
he says so is no reason that she will.
There was honor enough, however,
for all Southern soldiers without
any squabble over it now.
News comes from Wadesboro of a
remarkable ease of mistake in the
ice and punishment three
The county of Anson has
just paid them sixty dollars apiece
for working them six months over
time on the chain gang. These three
men were convicted at the
term, 1904, of Richmond county
Superior court of some
sentenced to twelve months on the
Ai-. county chain gang. They
were taken to Anson county
at and turned over to the super-
of the convict cam p. Later
in the term of court the presiding
judge reduced the men's sentences
to six months, but the Anson county
officers were never notified of the
fact, so they kept the men at work
road building for a whole year. They
made claim against the county for a
dollar and a quarter a day for their
over time, but Dually compromised
their cases for ten dollars a month.
We reckon they got good pay for
their labor. They were clothed, fed
and housed during the six months
and now get sixty dollars in a lump
what their lawyer charged
them. Had they been working on
their own Look for the last six
months they would not near so
much money to show for their labor.
Hut, on the other hand, it looks
hard for a man to lo compelled,
through somebody's negligence, to
servo convict for six months
when he was entitled to he a free
man. It is well that this was a mis-
take which could be so easily
Gets Twenty
Suffolk, Vs., Oct.
the that was
in a series of robberies at
Gates, N, about
miles from here several we ks ago,
tried before
W. Van and given years in
the stale penitentiary,
It will be remembered that the
after the robbery
station Branch and his
bloodhounds were telegraphed for.
local went down in
a abort while bis dogs struck the
trail; they ran down into s swamp
where the was
found, While the dog was at
the he passed by Branch
who ordered lit to stop, which be
did not do. A Millet I lie de-
revolver brought the man
to the ground seriously A
large amount of booty was
on, ii on his person and lie was
carried to the county jail where I e
was kepi until be well and to
wait for trial, which came off last
There was another c night
with this one also
years in I lie penitentiary. On
account of the place of trial being
in a remote part of the county this
name could not be
More Good Ones Coming.
Manager J, M. is securing
a series good attractions for
Masonic temple opera house this
season. Those he has put on since
the season opened have been very
satisfactory and enjoyable.
good ones are on the way. For
Friday and Saturday nights of
this week he has the Charles King
Co., a company of
splendid actors, who present
Southern aid
Lighthouse Lovers if
good drama should not miss these.
Ask to see at
Book Store.
H. A, White
Greenville, N. C.
N. C
Dear Bin Hardware Co.
Hickory, N. C. bought a oar load
of after selling it a few
mouths, measured
seven pints a
Returned it lo the maker and
credited customers with what they
had lost from short measure.
What do you think of a short
measure paint Don't you think
it I whitewash; Half the paints
arc part whitewash.
Go by the name; lead and
sine. No whiting or clay in that;
lull measure besides. A gallon
Devon is worth two of whitewash
F. W. COo.
P. H. L. Carr sells our paint.
The young man who deliberately
jilts an innocent girl deserves to lie
henpecked by her successor.
Don't you need some old news-
papers office is
overstocked with them and for two
weeks will Bell them In lots of
at cents. Don't miss this bar-
gain counter.
Here is an Offer Worth Quick Attention.
We have made a clubbing
with several magazines
by which readers
save half the price they have been
paying. We send
The Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan.
The Woman's Home Companion.
The American Farmer.
The Reflector,
all to a year for Look
over that list an fully and just
think what you can gel for
small price. Better decide at once
while there is . chance at this
Two young men walking on the
railroad track in Greensboro were
killed by a passing engine. The
administrator has sued the
company for in each
A Durham man kept a jury
ticket twenty years, and upon its
presentation to the county treasurer
a few days ago it was promptly
m i u.
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Reflector in and territory.
man for yen
to run one horse crop, and
11.-1 leisure time superintending
raw tn i also to manage cotton gin
fall Mus have knowledge
machinery. to
W Smith,
R. P. No. N . I
E. A. and B. i. Chap-
man went to Raleigh today to
attend lair.
The painter is following
after the carpenters on new
boy's dormitory will soon be
done pouting outside of the
building In a few days it will be
occupied already several
rooms are engaged in it.
J. c. Galloway, of i A new line of re-
Sill; waist interns cheap at by R. Chapman Co.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Misses Fannie Roach
Burney spent Saturday nigh and
Sunday R. G. Chapman's.
Nice line f at
Barber Co.
Miss Helen who has
been visiting relatives and friend
Mis- Mollie Bryan and turned lo her home
D. Cox left yesterday R
attend the state fair, see friends international poultry food at
shake hands with j .,,,.,.,,, Barber Co.
yards standard m,. Mrs. A.
to per yard, Harrington, Barber Saturday night in th
Miss Cm and Mrs. P,
If ye went lo Greenville today.
Just by R. G. Ch
car load which
they will sell very cheap.
The furniture for the new
dormitory is here the building
is ready to occupy. Nearly all the
rooms are engaged-
For Holt time alarm
clocks and see R. ti.
Chapman .- Co.
C. T. Randolph, of ; s
a pleasant caller
The town tax are now-
open at the store of K. G.
ft Go. Let all com.- and pay
promptly. collector.
Mrs. R. L. Little and Miss Sadie
Our line of fall and Winter,
goods are now in. tie our lire be
fore yon buy. joins to please A.
W. Co.
Another of shoes
all styles and sizes and
reasonable. Harrington Barbel
Little were in town Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chapman
was here
White's Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, flue for
balanced, com
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
White's die and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock a sine colic
at the Drugstore
Big line hats
received, latest style-. H ,
Bather Co.
For hay, corn and oats, go
Harrington Barber A Go.
Lang went to Greenville
One of our tip lo date farmers bro-
a wagon load of seed cotton to
our County Oil Co. ninety and
had it fined making a bale of lint
that weighed pounds.
He paid one dollar and
to get and exchanged his
seed for meal and hulls. And
after he had told his
to one our leading merchants for
a little more than per pound
ho put his meal and hulls on his
wagon and returned home feeling
that he had saved much time
labor and was pleased with results.
Shoes shoes Chapman
are offering cut price on
their large stock shoes which
must he sold within a few days in
order to make room for their new
supply soon to lie received.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Go.
Another load of school desk were
shipped out of A. G. Col Ml; Co
B. T. Cox iv Bro. have a full line
of school books, papers, inks,
scratch pen tablets, day books
ledgers, account books, states,
chalk, crayons, school bags
shawl straps. Come and see what
they have before bringing else
Mrs. B. T. Cox and Miss
Cox went to Greenville today.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor has her nice
line of goods now,
also a special line of
invited her many friends to see
her. Her stock is well
and prices always right.
just received car load flour, nice
fresh Harrington Barber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. B. spent
with then grandmother,
Jane Harden.
If you want rummer all winter
et one these good hi A.
A Co. they arc Cheap.
o went
and returned
Mi. and Mrs. Sun-
day with William Sparks,
II it or snows are all
light for are plenty of
coats, and boots, at A
Ai; CO
in town to see me I
in livery feed and
. . L. House.
Mist Nannie Nichols was in town
Miss Bertha and Mrs.
-Me were here i
When Ml need nice
applet and Fruits
of H. L.
Call at H. L. Johnson's and ex-
ids line of Hosiery
Misses Ladies and
Good work will always lave it-
n ward. The oil i- starting on
big work.
Don't forget the nice furniture
at W
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, at Barber A Co.
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways hand Harrington Barber
A Co.
When nice dress goods
and trimmings to catch go to A.
W Anne Co they have a nice as-
Mrs. L. A. Sparks has opened
her complete line of dress
trimming, and notion-, in
one of the new concrete buildings,
is ready, willing and waiting
t till any order that may come to
Arid The Rot Own Unpainted or
Painted Houses.
Remember these facts that
Country paint is
perfectly and
from to thirty percent,
surface than prepared
hand and see
about paint. Baker Hart.
Wholesale and Retail Distributors
of Town Country paint.
in Superior Court.
Emma Crimea William
Altos Grimes
daft at -iii above named will lake
notice an action entitled as
b been commenced in the Superior
Hoe has a well elected Court, of Pitt County, against him
needed In the
business, and price to suit quired to appear at the term
the superior Court to
on the 9th Monday after
1st in s. it Win- the 8th
lot November 1905, the House
laid County, lo Greenville, N
i- or demur to tin
By virtue of power of sale eon- .
la a certain mortgage I
delivered by Crawford
wife, . to Henry In the complaint,
on the of If. James, t . Moore.
and Only recorded in the Register of Atty for plaintiff. C. U,
Deeds of Pitt m-
in Book Kit. i 1.-
will ex. to public Bale i NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
In-fore the house door in
to th-highest bidder on The Clerk of the Superior Court,
day, Nov. a certain tract Pitt county, baring issued
or parcel of land lying and I me, the
the county of Pitt and state of tin I I la of 1905, ti.-1
Carolina and described as follows, of Minnie deceased-
hit parcel of land Beaver j Notice is hen So given to all persona
Dam t adjoining the to the to make
place and containing acres j to the undersigned, and
more or less and being ti creditors of said .-state to pie-
rd by Henry sent claims
and wife and this mortgage taken to j J, to the am
Mouths after the date Notice,
or this Notice will In plead in bar
their .- coy This day Oct. 1903
tin the
Isaac A. Atty.
tin- purchase money,
said mortgage Terms sale
This 11th day 1901.
t Mortgagee.
F. James, Attorney.
Between cur S . beauty is considered,
as Every model is a thing of perfect beauty.
, .
The perfection and beauty
of coloring cannot fail to to elicit admiration.
are developed in Tine Materials and every type
of face And in our display.
Can Find It Mere
N. C.
N. C
A Shoe for
Whether cotton up or goes
d the in here night and
the same.
f you expect to exchange your
for meal yen can same time
taking meal far your seed when
Ii at the
Co. Oil Hill.
The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are
so orders for baggies
and bodies, they have
a plant the purpose
i seals and bodies, they
re their
on had
can get at A
school desks better
school desks being made and
-old by the A. ti. Cox Mfg. Co.
We have the best
ever brought to Win-
I T Cox Bi
If the of machinery
mean anything the A. Cox.
Co. must be making lots
wagons, carts and far
have been keeping a continual
line of late prices on hard-
ware and mill supplies next
days W. L. House.
Ion- lush loaf mead go II.
international stock food
horses and cattle at Harrington I
Barber Co.
Call and see my line of shoes
before buying elsewhere II.
Nice line of boys at Ii L.
Special prices on guns far the
ext days V. L. House.
Trunks and valises at
ton Co.
The Pitt Co. Oil Mill
seems to be fur aid
near, general satisfaction
seems to prevail.
Nice frames and
A. W. Ange Co.
. t BO
securities, etc.
Furniture A
Gold Coin
I paid in 135,000.00
Profits less
; 106.06
4,100.00 .
to check 152,320.63
I lat ii is checks out-
of j
is made with careful ref
to the most minute details and
so perfected in its numerous
styles there is no other w
man's shoe on the ma sell In
at the price tho Ultra does, its
superior, if its
James Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement above is true to tho best of my
Subscribed and sworn to before
we, this 2nd of Sept.,
Notary Public
kinds of Dress Goods,
Laces, Embroideries,
Hero is the fundamental basis
perfect shoe. We employ
on- own designers, and
every I It 1.1 Shoe is over
ti last -1 ;.
width and size in w
Ultra shoo meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bo wen,
Livery, Sale g Feed Stables
Near Five N. C.
FIRST CLASS TEAM E drives, or to take pas-
nearby points.
Good Drive and Work Hones and for sale. I buy
hem in large numbers and can sell as Ion any dealer, either
for Gash on Time,
When you arc in town and wan; your horse and buggy
properly cared r. put up my stables.
will keep a full of and mules on
all the season. We are prepared to furnish any kind
of hone want, horses, line drivers farm
We keep the mules can be bought. We Mil
buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a flu plug t driver.
Come to see its. f we have no got what you want we
will get it.
R. L. CO.

Can P
Not Quite
you can jet a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
too box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tool
is all could desire, and
we will that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Makes writing
lucky curve fountain peP,
made, Book
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Brisk Block, Railroad
N. C.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leave
at o a. m. for Greenville; leave
Greenville daily
at in. for
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
joints North. Connects n Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
A Southern B. R.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
T. H. MYERS, Agent, Washing-
ton, N. O.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
. R. L.
N. C.
An a Monkey
In Africa.
The German naturalist, Herr
tells this story of his ad-
venture with baboons in
dogs, beautiful, slender
greyhounds, accustomed to fight
successfully with hyenas and other
beasts of prey, rushed toward the
baboons, which from a distance
looked more like beasts of prey than
like monkeys, and drove them
up the precipices to right and
left. But only the females took
flight. The males turned to face
the growled, beat the ground
with their hands, opened their
mouths wide, showed their glitter-
teeth and looked at their ad-
so furiously and malicious-
that the hounds, battle hardened
and usually bold, shrank back dis-
and almost timidly sought
safety beside us.
we had succeeded in stir-
ring them up to show tight the
of the monkeys had changed
considerably, and when the dogs
charged a second time nearly all the
herd were in safety.
one little monkey, about
half a year old. had been left be-
hind. It shrieked loudly as the dogs
rushed toward it, but succeeded in
gaining the top of a rock before
they had arrived. Our dogs placed
themselves cleverly, so as to cut off
its retreat, and then we thought
that they would catch it.
was not to be. Proudly
and with dignity, without hurrying
in the least or paying any heed to
us, an old male stepped down from
the security of the rocks toward the
hard pressed little one, walked to-
ward the dogs without betraying the
slightest fear, held them in check
with glances, gestures and sounds
that seemed almost like intelligible
speech, slowly climbed the rock,
picked up the baby monkey and re-
treated with it before we could
reach the spot and without the
slightest attempt to prevent him on
the part of the dogs.
the patriarch of the troop
this brave and unselfish
the other members, densely
crowded on the uttered sounds
which I had never before heard from
baboons. Old and young, males and
females, roared, screeched, marled
and bellowed all together, so that
would have thought that they
were struggling with leopards or
other dangerous beasts.
learned later that this was the
battle cry. It was intend-
ed to intimidate us and the dogs;
possibly also to encourage the brave
old giant who was running into such
evident danger before their
Youth's Companion.
Acid, and Water.
Acids have a strong affinity for
water, which they will even extract
from any substance containing it
with they are brought in con-
tact ; hence when an id comes in
contact with the mucous membrane
of the mouth and throat the watery
secretion which keeps these parts
moist and flexible is so far absorbed
as to give rise to that dry, harsh and
stringent sensation which is com-
spoken of as the
mouth, and so as a result a copious
supply of fresh saliva is produced.
Mineral acids, by their chemical
action, not only draw the mouth
and set the teeth on edge as they
are taken, but also injure the
el of the unless the
is taken to sink them in
through a glass tube or quill.
His Punishment.
Father has gone into the
pantry unexpectedly and finds
aged ten, stealing
Now, William, what do you mean by
this Do you know that the law
punishes people for small offenses
you stole once and did not
father. Yon stole mother's
my son, but, remember, I
got severe punishment for that.
got a life sentence and am at it
Quito Another
Uncle of wear-
diamonds, don't you think it
would be more becoming to pay your
tailor's bills
if I paid my tailor's
bills how could I afford to
And if people didn't buy
diamonds what would keep the
merchants from starving to
Uncle you don't pay
for your diamonds either.
now you are wander-
from the point.
Two Professionals.
When Professor of Vi-
was asked if he had any sons
he answered,
what professions have they
howl and two was
the laconic reply.
A couple of his sons were preach-
and the other two were doctors.
A Strange Threat
Policy holders in one of the
life insurance companies are
receiving with their notices of
due a little pamphlet sighed by
the president, which he warns
that any insurance that
may be passed and any statement
may lie uttered reflecting against
the management or of the
company will affect the interest of
every policy holder
Evidently he is perfectly serious
about it. but in view of the unsavory
secrets which he and the other
of have been
compelled to before the in-
committee in New York,
his suggestion that the policy balder
lie still and let the go on
unchecked is rather curious.
To those who pay his a
year salary and furnish him with
campaign contributions, lobby funds
and other little luxuries, be imputes
such a low order of intelligence that
after going on the stand and admit
ting that he has been deceiving them
for years, he coolly addresses to
them the threat that if they don't
keep quiet they may be hurt worse
than they have been.
If there is anybody who wants the
companies reformed, it is the policy
holders. They are the investors,
the owners. They are the ones whose
welfare and the welfare of whose
wives and children depend upon the
wisdom and economy with which the
affairs of the companies are
They know, as well as the
dent knows, that there will have to
be a tooth pulling in the companies,
and that it is going to hurt all over;
but they also know that they will be
vastly better off when the tooth is
North American.
New York Loves Tar Heels.
The North Carolinians of ability
who have gone to Ne York have
That is a city that
coddles nobody and helps no man
until he shows he has brains and can
help himself. The young man who
goes there must realize that he must
make his own way or be lost in the
thousands who are struggling for
success. Where one young man rises
above the waves many fail and are
lost sight of. It is particularly true
In New York, that there is a
val of the of the men who
have the capacity to meet and con-
the obstacles the way.
The nomination of Mr James W.
Osborne as Attorney by the
Democratic organization in New York
city is the strongest testimony of the
high place he has won in the Demo
Gratia party in that Democratic me
He enjoys a large practice
brings him an income of nearly
fifty thousand dollars, so it is
and us Assistant District Attorney
made reputation by his brilliant
conduct of tome of the most
cases that have attracted the
attention of the whole country. lie
will make that will show
his resourcefulness. His chief op-
Mr William Travers Jerome,
is a man of strong individuality,
ability of high order, and as District
Attorney has won an honorable
lion. Ill him Mr. has a
worthy of his
News and Observer.
Leads The Country.
The Carolina Fruit and
Journal says that North
Carolina now lends the in
the production of sweet potatoes
with a crop last year of more than
five and a half million bushels.
We are always glad to know that
North Carolina leads in any branch
of useful industry and we are
glad to so- this evidence that
North farmers are drifting
away from the old idea that one crop,
generally either cotton or tobacco
was for their needs. Diver-
crops have been talked of for
years by those who know and we are
glad to see their words are bearing
Industrial News.
September look up astray
female hog, sandy color, weight about
pounds, and marked with crop In
right ear. can get same by
pro ownership and pa vine charges
G. T
F. F. D. No. . Greenville, N. O.
Special Low Rates of One
First Class Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
No Richmond and
Return, via
On account of the fair
and President Roosevelt's visit to
Raleigh, Atlantic Coast Line
will operate excursion train
i the follow ire; points to
sod return Oct.
Leave From Rate
a House
a m Parmele
ti a in Bethel
a m
a m Tar horn
K a m Rocky Mount
El. City
a m
a m
Ar m Raleigh
v a m ti a m Ar a
a in
a m
a in
a m
ti a in
a in
Returning special leave Bel-
at p m dale
Tickets will to on
special train or on regular train
to October 23rd, 1905
All tickets include
coupons to the grounds
Special low rate of
Plus Fifty cents for the round
trip to and return,
toe Horse Show via
Coast Line.
Tickets on n Io
filial on. limit
23rd. All tickets include
coupon to the -how.
Reduced Rates t. Ric Ac-
count Horse Show
The Atlantic e lake,
pleasure in announcing low
of one fare pin- Ally
the round trip to Richmond,
Va,, and return of
to 14th.
on sale 9th to
inclusive, with filial return limit
c AH tickets include
admission coupon t. the
The Richmond Horse Show is a
State occasion and should not he
missed by all lovers
display of superb horse; be-
sides Richmond is a place of many
historical and is veil
worthy of a visit.
The Atlantic Gout Line take
pleasure in announcing special low
of one Hist fare plus fitly
cents for the round trip to
and return account of the Roanoke
and Tar River Fair to be held at
that point October 24th to 27th,
1905. Tickets on sale October
23rd and for trams
to arrive Hi before
of October Final limit
for return passage October 29th.
For further information write
W. J.
General Passenger Agent
Wilmington, N. C
We bee to ounce, that we are
Wholesale and Retail
uteri for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
v Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just retrieved a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
After July 1st I will be
pared to furnish private con-
to and depot for
persons in town at tor
each person The will
then only run hotels to
depot and wharf and fare on
that will also be phone a
W. J. E-
Tax Notice.
I will attend at die
times for the purpose
of collecting the taxes of the year
Meet me save cost.
Tax appointments October
Smith's Store, Wed
Friday Oct.
Saturday Oct.
Township Ayden
Saturday Oct.
Swift Creek
son's Mills Oct.
Church, Thursday Oct.
Friday Oct.
day Oct.
Tuesday Oct.
L. W. Tucker.
Sheriff Pitt County, N. O.
White Front Barber
Sharp Razors, clean and
Work guaranteed.
Thanking one and all far you pas
patronage and hoping for your cod
Yours to serve,
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
Four chairs in operation and each
presided over b a
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
our clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good is wanted.
Correct Dress
The system
tailoring introduced by
L. E. Hays A Co., of Cincinnati,
satisfies good here.
All Strictly
at prices. m of foreign
and w hot
Greenville, N. C.
The durability, beau-
tones and unvaried
high quality of HARRI-
have taught Americans
the great advantage of
using ready-mixed
house paints.
How Is
Is pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January 1st, 1903. I took
down with weakness and dropsy,
and gradually grew worse. I told
by my physician that my
was hop alas, i My neighbors end
had given me up to die. My
limbs end body were swollen to one-
third larger than else, and
water had collected my heart.
For at least three months I had to sit
propped up In bed to keep from
sent for five bottles of Dr.
Heart Cure, and by the time X
had taken them all I was entirely
cured. I feel better than have for
twenty years, and I am able to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending told me that If It
hadn't been for It. Heart Cur.
I would now be In my grave.
U T. CURD. Ky.
Dr. Heart Cur. Is sold by
four druggist, will that
n. erst bottle will If It fall.
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind
J. W. BLOW, Manager and Authorized
a. a N. C.
As authorized for Daily
and . take
treat pleasure in receiving a
script ions and writing receipts
those in arrears. We have a
of all who receive mail at
office. We take orders
for job n i ill j-.
of Winter
was a visitor here
Saturday until Monday with the
family of J. A.
If need way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to see Hart
wanted C
received, fine line of
and can fit you up in any style
or price.
Ayden sent as pretty and as an
delegation to the
at Greenville
Saturday, we venture to sty, as
Mattie Wilson
have been flailing Ma. Allies
A full supply f Trunks
Telescopes, Gripe, Satchel and
Suit Case, at J. R. Smith Bro.
A line of Overalls.
and the beat line of
A. Fair for which the money on the market at
highest cash in J R. Smith Bro
A Get the Cox cotton planter
ware, lamps and heat on the market R. Smith
at J A B
We call f Those Royal
authorities i I e Cannon Tyson handle are
lag if, M -able, i the equal of anyone the market.
K. Dull Ida G. Edwards, Fannie
market . ., -an i Genie Morrison, Annie
sage, and fresh Bali Dudley, Mr Cason Mrs
corn i Burgess attend attended
For can
tomatoes, fee, K E.
a Co.
Bedsteads, springs,
and rocker, dining
and stands
dressers table at J R Smith
rt grind atones
I rope and at J R.
Smith A Br.
Mies Nannie B. , trained
who in attendance
upon l during
long spell sickness, kit for
her home in Wilson last Thursday.
Mr. i much
Improved a d on Hie pro
recovery. Much
credit Is due Mi for the
efficient i Hindi she
bandied the c e.
val Thursday night
Saturday for the first time
our Ayden, a period of
nineteen mouths, there were two
fights in town. While even this
many is a sob roe of regret among
our people, yet it is not so bad as
it be. Indeed it may duly
be said, for the sue of the
and the large number of people
who this is one of
the best, law abiding and
tow us state.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith
Don't fail to see a Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Bate shoes are the heat. Every
pair sold under a
W. C. Jackson A C. ,.,.
line for
seemed to be a day of
much travel People and convey-
of every kind and description
were moving and going in any ind
every direction. If reminded us
very of a instead
of l he holy
We are receiving daily heavy
and groceries, also a nice
line eon feet binaries, cigars and
everything kepi In a first
grocery. J h. Tripp A Bro
Having just returned from the
Philadelphia Optical College and
in a curse on
the human eye, in the
of optics, I feel able and
pared to any form of error
of that any other man
can correct glasses. I will
take any case weak eyes, or
strain, dull aching, burn
Itching eyes, or eyes
bad or low vision, a
guarantee, to relieve the trouble
and give entire satisfaction the
patient or not charge one cent The
largest per of all chronic
headaches and
from errors of refraction eye
strain. It Is dangerous to pro
when your eyes call
assistance. Glasses the
remedy for errors of refraction
weak eyes. Any style or form of
glasses given desired. As good
references as are in the county
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, Ref. D.
There were regular services
the Methodist church Sunday
by the pastor in charge.
Those art squares, , e. that
Cannon have just received
are beauties.
Oranges, apples, bananas and all
fruits kept by
Cannon A Tyson are of
selling their enamel bed
steads cheap. They are daisies.
bow back again ins
Optical College, where he
graduated ii a special course in
the science of optics, ready to
t better service than before
t- tho-e suffer from weak eyes
and in of glares.
lawns and straw hats
are bring sold cheap
cash Cannon
Mrs. R. C Coward returned
a to Friday.
Don't former that Cannon
Tyson can supply wants in
anything in furniture.
hay, nuts, ship stuff, heal
brand, cotton seed hull, and meal
on hand. Cannon it Tyson.
James Alexander after a prolong
ed visit to friends in Bertie has
come home.
The loaf bread right
f-om oven at A
Dre-s goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J R Smith Bro
A are rs
right from
A Nobles have made
for a part of the
office of J. M. Blow. They are
engaged in the brokerage business.
Mrs. John Warren, of Falkland,
with her children have visit.
father, W. I, Tucker, at
this place.
Calico and Gingham at cents;
per yard, great la white,
slippers and summer goods, at J.
R. Smith A Bro.
The Fall Season has opened and found a select
line of
Clothing, Dry Good, Dress Goods, Shoes,
your by
them with
Town and lead
and line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith A Bro.
W. C. Jackson a showing
Clothing. Clothing. Clothing.
Our is completed, in stock
and made from especially designed charts I is a
different -f . I . bin usual
is i . murk that means most in but
the moat style most most merit,
and the xi clothes making. We ask that you call
and inspect our line before buying.
Dry Goods. Dry Goods.
Our Di-v Goods is complete we especially
to look at our line of Dross Goods before you make Tour fall
chase r
Hats. Hats. Hats.
In Hats you will find us headquarters. We tell the celebrated
high grade- hat. why pay 15.00 for a hat and be no
better satisfied than with a three.
Our stock of shoos, as complete as we can make it, and our
purpose is tn give the best shoe, best quality and latest for
the least money.
i We also carry furniture in stock, and you will find a complete
I line with us. Buy one of our Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses, De-
the most complete line of
youths, and suit's ever; Perfect satisfaction when you trade with us
shown in the town of Ayden. Give refunded,
them a trial. They are sure that
IS or your
they can pi ass you as the J. K. I
AYDEN, N. C. Leader in Low Prices.
The Five Million Dollar
The Security Life and Annuity Company
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company.
OOrt Force in Carolina
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over
One and Quarter Million Dollars
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
is progressive Home Company has fought a good fight and won great victory tor the cause of life insurance in the State the South. The laurels alike to the
s, the Agency Force and many Policy holders who had faith and courage to lend their support. b

Should Consider with great forethought the suit he is t buy
and the store he is to buy from for tin-coining season. His
general appearance will depend largely upon the tit of his
clothes, and the CLOTHES lie
ClOth; is the foundation of your suit. Avoid
those unreliable firms who deal in shoddy and your faith
to Clothes
GOOd you should exercise
with more care than all others. A poor fitting suit is a poor
piece of property. But it matters not how tall you are, how
slim you are. how stout you are, how short you are. we have
to tit your form. A suit has the distinction of
being distinctly stylish.
All the new things are here. At any price from to
We will make it very interesting to you. Bring your
shoulders with you.
c. s.
The Man's Outfitter.
issue here Fidelity and Court. Bonds. Life--
it Property insured against
Y i never know when reverses will come therefore, prepare
f i- m NOW.
We the best companies and are prepared to
yon prompt an I careful attention at most reasonable
r- Thinking of Insuring give contracts a
f and careful examination.
Hornaday, No. 3.--
N. C
are going to be ALL THE this Winter,
don't fail to Call and have us place one
in your home before the weather gets cold.
We Cary Fine Line Heaters For Both Wood
And Coal. Yours Very Respectfully,
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAK I NO SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
hits baa hailed with e try evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North Carolina.
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week; and
you couldn't get waited on conic again, call our attention to he fact and we sec that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
I have taken up a
that has been running with my
stock about two months. The
shout is sandy red color, weight
about pounds, silt in right
ear and tailed. Owner is
notified to call for same and pay
charges. MOSES EVANS,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometime
in death. Thus a scratch,
cuts or piny boil
hare paid the death II
is wise to have
Solve ever handy. It's the best
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores, ulcers
and threaten. Only
J. L. Wooten's Drug Store.
Putt an End to It All.
A grievous wail comes
a a result of unbearable from
over taxed organs. Dizziness,
Backache, Liver complaint and
Rut thanks to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
end t- It all. They are gentle but
thorough. Try them. Only
Guaranteed by Jno, L. Woolen,
A 1850 piano for sale at a sac-
the instrument which is one
ml t Sr handled by the
Co, was bought i
ago by a gentleman who,
unfortunately lost hi little girl.
willing to
dollar, or time, apply
to ;. or A.
Greenville N.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad a long and
stubborn fight with an on
my right writes J. F. Hughes
Du gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
come. As a last resort tried Dr.
King's New Discovery Con-
The benefit received
was striking and I was on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung trouble, Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Wooten, druggist, Price
and 11.00. Trial bottles free.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide bad been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric Hitter. It being a great
aid will strengthen
the nerves up i he system.
It's also a great stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by L.
Silk and zephyr shawls, all
colors extra heavy in black. D.
M. Co. C.
Why use Baskets when
you cur. get Cotton Sheets at less
than half the pi ice. Sam White.
m v
VOL. Na.
of a
A i. e i h
. Bl o
of an It
s i , .
readers ,
-c. a a
man well . has i
. i l
i- as the. I
and I . P
bond. ft
to afford an
of their
cotton I
ward h. b- en
the ware tie- v V
C. T. i s f n
i I I-a
combine t H V.
T. I
friend- k
e a
at Ki
dent R. I
his .
hand a r who knew h
when ; n
. m e h
church P
M J .
. .-
d i c-
n -U i,
in.-, N i
i ii
. f
m Ti
r.- g
. d
. Re
it G iV ,
w is.--i . i
In f i president's i
it i the Govern
or's i
the train
and in the to
leave the
f . h
i . i. s son I
. Vi .
f F.- . a
s H i i-
. . v red e
m o t
d in . Ii
p.-- c-i i n p e r sis. ii
. . , n -i In
Ha . i- . A i
i i
I , A
id v . i .
Bur I i. -f C id. . J
B .;
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ii. ,
t I
Tl id L .
a .
a tn
. nerved iii
Ami an
S . One
the Churl . die Co., to
have . in
ii. the
;, , I . U
Free Will I i union
meeting will with
, b in Greenville mi Thursday
of this week and through
A good attendance Is
ex peeled.
. I.-. mil ii
v, .
i. r
I i.- , .
. .
A Hi e I lie E g
I -II I. I
h. . K .
ill K I
. nil . V .
. I I . .
i, .
I .; ., P e .-
I c . mi . .
. .- p . ,
lie R h N .
; , r t
. v- ii r
ha ; r.,
. H
.,. , ,.
d h
Id Ii .
. A , iS
h t . . .-,
. ,
. wonder I
whit j r . ; I
known that ks i
.--p- ; f l V
. I.-, .-t
Is the
e it Is a
or e
r to y h
v b .- ii A;
I , ti, jet;
he did
his owe
Tank a
A I mi I led with oil
In , u
-n- k I we
iv . ii he
Oil i-purled the cir
i a large stream unit people
null and handy
-em Mica eh
in . is. 1905.
Jon ed
W alter
, . in here.
e, Mill and
. i . I . I L- .
. Vane
at Lt
e X. Ti
. . ,
, .
-.- f
O . .-
I . will I 1.1 .
. r.-
Several Christian
rill h present
land .-
t- reign A. U
an The id-
T. on
a v
I i
and W. J
s y
far i u i
Ii a . tared saw
. . w I
. .-.-. ail a.
n v . . .
r in
lei plan. V . f
. . ii. f n
local agent you pout
facto a c.
for one mini .
twenty lie
Surry Swap
on . fl. A
we k. the ii
world claiming to
have in i . ., 1.1 v urn
I c mi . .; m ,
r, . . .
. n r to lit
0- n
. i .
, re, i-i,
i , ii
fr K. c eh
I f
Mr a. .-, I, n
morning from
T. R T
to K ; day for
h- F. G.
a few
Jr. Km. mi. .
h, W. i
a re with a.-.
B a
Mm t e
j .
Tim -la ,
Z. V. U ; cam in
.-. j
. t H -l. and WT.
P , . ,
M E h Bro is and child,
r. his
her I A. Sac.
21- .
S uric
. ti in went to
n el n
hf a
T pi
Pi . i -f n
lie I Ir the
.- e hack r
11.- rial.
., a-i of
a r
A . v ,.
.-. p , , . ,. -r WM
aV-d in sear
head w
tried . tea
, kit death,
h m
and . ii at k
v , . .
A in
r filers,
.,. . .-n
M -f . . a v
. .
man w . -1 t
I . . dill , I.
of the
. i. I i-i ion i
in iv -went; and
if he regular rail-
ii . .
.; . . i ;.
d . . I I
. , . ; .,
legal way
. -in
p v p. . . .
R i
he f county,
i . ii fined
B. . I . .-. . t. A. r
,,,. . ,,., f deal prisoner from
I- n j paint
; n- hi-
I, .
I hi ii in
. . .
U. C, . II I . I'll. I .
, . . IS
v m .,.;.;,
lie I-
. or
. . .
and II
. nil
. .
Chan . i .
i . K .
. induct a . and
aim s c iii
,. .
. .
deal it. Be Will keep -I c
lean hire . .
or . any
1.1 . He will also ;
on drive
work I I will be
Bold e
them, i dug in from the
n ill find
his it go place tn up
and have their teams well looked
. .;
. . .
I Si re
. .
el Iv . I, I. , ed
Sum . m in lie
an Offer Worth Quick At
. H . .-1.
save hall . price . e .
paying. We c in send
The R Rev
The Woman's Home
The American
all l ad lies a year
over list and
think you can gel for
small price. decide at once
while there is a chance at
IV .
I . . ,
hut on ti
th fin
I rule
St. I. mi . Mo., Vi.
. l , s. ;
to, ; .
R it four mis to
i. on U .
Russian Battleship
. 1-. The Ruffian
lip h-Ii
j the in t ha
Ai in tin. i
Tho a
of tons.
. have been
,. ; , captured I -a ad
Lu .
he .
, ,, At Port J
man u id ti .
, , . . , . were I ind ii
toil , , , ,.
by lire.
; , . A was . from the
n, . jail . Ky., and
With Te had shot
. pi
Ki . . dealer.
Dr. Hyatt Coming
. A. W. Dr. H. O. Hyatt,
ii Neck, died Greenville at Hotel
. Mr, Bertha Oct. 30th and 31st, Monday
from Pitt coo . mid his purpose of
up him in his eye, ear,
nose and . Parties under
years of age who will need
Mr. is now his attention are requested to come
reports say he i a warm I Monday if possible, older people
reception. can come any .

Eastern reflector, 20 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 20, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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