Eastern reflector, 10 October 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Greenville's Bargain, Harvest
Should t with great forethought the suit he is to buy
and the store he is tn buy from for the coming season Re
appearance win depend largely upon the ht of
clothes, CLOTHES
This la the foundation of your suit. Avoid
who deal in shoddy and pin your faith
to Clothes.
Thursday, Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Sept. 28th,
Stock of Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, mi-
ls the Opening I
I have been selling goods to the people of Pitt and adjoining Counties for the Pat Nineteen Years and I herein give
you my guarantee that during this VERY SPECIAL SALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in Eastern North Carolina.
New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
But for want of space we can only quote a few of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we are now offering.
being distinctly
AH the new, f Vt any
i very interesting to you. Bring
shoulders with you
c s
The Man's Outfitter.
Trust Company
. -a A 1906.
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Men's Good Seasonable piece Suits at the following
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
Youths Long Pants Suits Age to cheaper than
the cheapest.
Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
At the following Celebration
Men's Pants.
1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98.
During the
Celebration Prices on Shoes, Men's
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair.
Brogans worth now
Fine Dress Shoes 1.25, 1.50
Pat. Leather latest toes
worth now
Shoes Ladies
Per pair,
Shoes from lie per pair up.
Men's and Boy's Hats
A Carload of men's hats in shapes and Colors at
your own prices.
Boy's hats from up.
Men's Overcoats now
Boy's Overcoats as low as
Special Celebration Sale
Best grade black taffeta silk
Full line quality colored taffeta
Extra quality and Width
inch regular plaids and solid
Mixed suitings, worth going at
Plaid worth
Full line panamas, worth
inch all colors ladies broadcloth worth
A big line velvets, now
Big line dark colors
Pretty patterns in tapestry worth going for
Light colors in yard wide
Dark colors for
Heaviest outing light cotton
Extra Sensation
Ladies tailor made suits worth 7-50 now
Ladies tailor made suits worth 22.50 now
10.000 yards checked homespun,
yards best calico
Blankets for double beds each
Best apron check gingham
Big line hamburg
Ladies kid gloves
Misses fancy hose
Best quality table damask
Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
Overdrafts, 4,274.60 fund 6,500.00
All other estate payable
Doe from Hank rime o
Qua items
Gold coin .
subject to check 74,725.79
National Bank g
S. notes
Carolina, County of Pitt,
I R above named bank, do solemnly
that the above state is rue to the best of my knowledge
and belief. R. J. Cashier.
an worn to
me, this day Sept., 1905.
Notary Public.
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who buy worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember this Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday. Sept. 28th. at a. m. sharp.
C T.
For t Stoves
Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
I have take. a A wall comes
hit has en with my ran Iron.
about two months. The taxed organs. D
. i. i- Liver and
,. I. .
The Death Penalty.
A little sometimes results
in death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cuts or puny boils
have paid the death penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve ever It's the best
naive on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, wires, ulcers
and threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug Store.
V piano for sale at a sac-
the is one
I of handled by the
Co, was bought
by a gentleman who
lost hit, little girl.
-rilling to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
I to Ci. O. or W. A.
Greenville N. C.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad a long and
stubborn light an on
my rig. F
gave me
Everybody thought my time had
come. As a resort I tried Dr,
King's New Discovery for Con-
The received
was striking and my
in a few days, Sow I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung trouble Guaranteed by
L. Woolen, druggist. Price
and Trial bottles free.
I Bilk and zephyr shawl, all
I colors extra heavy in black. D.
I M. Johnson Co. Grifton M. C.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
Invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
It's also a great stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Why use Cotton Baskets when
you can get Cotton Sheets at less
than half the price. White.
m s w
I Service and Baptist
Tarboro, N C, Oct 6th
This week been notably a
one for At I
Her. Perry
in the I. compel Maine
the rule governing a
in be present. I desire hi sT
The first of the Tench-
for the
echoed year will t held in the
in Saturday, Oct.
in all that a
will to he
dared for each absence should there
tie any. I believe, however,
you will come you love I
work. A teacher's Interest In
aisled the rector Rev. Mr. Hard-
a mission which
s of nearly a week.
Mr Webber is an able divine.
On the of the last
bath, In audience composed of
men exclusively he strongly
daily celebration o. toe hundred and
Much interest
Hiss, were the product of a
I cultured mind and made their
on all heard
throughout the
the spirit of piety was
annual of the Tar
-o of the Mission,
was convened
day in by the moderator, Rev
T. M of Rocky Mount.
Revs I Taylor, Warrant
a standard of morality,
work is shown by theme embraced his
a congregation of the
The meeting- will he ,,,,. sex the following afternoon
needs to be here. The
are to fol and all u will in
if yon are
and blanks for all the
will be distributed
from wt i
be given you winch i u will
forbids m i
voucher leg
properly kept and
this lie done Will ti give
this meeting. It
be present and have a-y tr
ab these you will
to b except yourself.
I also to have a ii. it
you day as to j u
are going to leach.
etc. It may be
lo you and your school hi I
report to
Corded for reference tori he l
of ed neat ion,
will done this j
have not been required here-
that they be done. It
know what they are I
how you can do I hem. This meet
log will be the time and
where site- Information i I
you are not here I don't brethren. Rev. U It
what you will do. A meal me. , discussed an inter-
is what we wish and what eating report on temperance State
missions was the subject of
by the association for
such missions for the coming
At the Wednesday
the association
to employ an
at a salary of one thousand
dollars and traveling
and Piney Grove were
admitted as new churches to
The devotional Wed-
evening were conducted
by Rev. W. W. Barnes
Rev G T. read and
discussed a report home mis-
embracing the Southern.
states and the island of Cuba
A report on the orphanage was
read and discussed by Rev, Mr
Martin, of Spring Hope. There
is said to be a debt of about
eleven thousand dollars against
this institution. The association
Km tor
Pleas space i. yon
payer to the of
Wiley C., son M. G. and Flor-
Maye, who was taken so early
from by a fatal
at the Building ft
Lumber Co. where he was an
and also a
Wiley was bore- September
26th, died August 17th,
1905; making his stay on earth
years mouths and days;
He was wounded august
about o'clock a. m. and died at
f- in. A loving father,
brother and skilled physicians did
Thin company will
show in
A. D. left
H. H. Wilson, of is
visiting relatives here.
Cum. left this
for a trip the road.
Visa of Fremont
is visiting In. K, S.
Rev. F. D. and James
returned Wednesday
evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. V. Seawall, of Faison,
came Wednesday to visit
Mi i hi to
Friday evening.
Misses d Effie Grimes,
Bethel, earn in Friday evening
t i visit Mi-
i I Hamilton,
in evening and re-
home this morning.
all they could ft his recovery, hut
alas, a higher power laid a he Mrs. P. E. Dancy.
baud upon his life and his
soul away so peacefully to another
world, and left a lifeless corp-s to
be to so many broken
hearts fur their last look upon his
cold Inc.
thirty-two dollars to this cause.
The session Thursday morning
was opened
conducted by Rev. Kev. Manning August
formerly pastor of the
Tarboro church. Reports and
discussions were heard on
H. T. Ki g went to Grifton
Wednesday evening to attend the
district convention of the Christian
Mrs. aim
Funeral services were conducted Ruth of Bethel,
came in evening to
. ti at four p
host of many friends
and E E Burner, of Richmond, led
in prayer The introductory
delivered by Rev I. Lump
kin, of
The r II id the churches wan
called and delegates from of the
enrolled Rev.
Mr unanimously
himself as moder-
for ensuing year.
Three new pastors were intro-
these being Revs. J E.
of Greenville, W W Barnes,
to their loss, but we hope
cation, relief, our loss is his Heavenly gain
woman's work, digests of church blooming youth he was so bright
letters, other topics.
The association claims a
ding ten thousand
And treasured a a flower,
But was taken this world Of
By a stronger baud than
second largest in the world. . .
. . , . lie was noble, strong and brave,
A resolution of thanks to the ,. .,,.,
I Tarboro and the people
I generally for their hospitality
was unanimously adopted by
rising vote
Dr. then pronounced j We can meet earth no more,
the benediction and the But hope to meet some day,
W E Cox left this more
for being ed
wire too a funeral
Mis, Frank Carr and dangled,
A blue, of Greene county,
-pent today here with Mrs. J. W
With no afflictions Hamilton, and k Manning,
But as brought so early to w,., have
grave y i. ; Moor-, left this morn-
By an awful accident.
Miss Barnhill, of
; who has been visiting her parent
to meet next year Beyond the toils and cares life, I Mr j Barnhill, re
with Red Oak church in Nosh
. brighter land than day.
Written by his loving titter.
of Elm City, and J T Eubanks of a, the Church.
Bethel. . ,
In the after. u report on Sun-1 As announced in pap. r
schools as read and discuss., j the Mission services at the ;
by the Rev. J T. Jenkins. A report by Bishop
of your schools .- ii, , was then read by Rev. will next Sunday
the next If j T and discussed by
night sermons through the follow-
turned home this morning.
Mis. Nannie dimes and Miss
Fannie of
who have Mrs T.
Vincent, returned home today.
Misses Sidney and Pattie Daven
P rt, o Pact Ann's Fleming,
hope to bare that day.
that you are prevent.
County Supt. schools.
Week being as
kilowatt to cents. The patron-
what lengthy after ii
report thereon had been read by
Mr The Heart
resolved to raise one thousand There will also he morning
dollars in the next sixty days for the week begin.
i at o'clock. I.-
three sermons at morning
vi. es will be on growth,
M P Davis, of ,,
. , ,, ., , subjects
I to Rev. L. . . , , . .,
hist three
f the morning will be on
Married near Bethel on
day 4th, residence of
Mr. T. C. Grimes, Miss Nina, bis of House, Staton,
amiable daughter to Mr. T V. are Mrs.
Mayo, one of p. Davenport.
will he the last day
Thursday evening from
The ceremony impressively
formed by . T. Lawrence
of Hamilton. march
of i c
of the Aldermen.
were in
session Thursday
as much
business as usual and the of
t was reached earlier.
The reported
t hat r t had made
in- the money
needed e the sew-
. a I for
the be made in a
few days.
The at reel
o et h work, but
t the -i.,. in fair cot
the sidewalks need-
log most at
in -i- . f lb- street from
Die in-. v he to a point near
house came up
was p it to next meeting.
The mat f exempting firemen
in poll was referred to
to report at next
. made their
.-t h.
he clerk and tax
fixed at
mo. collected tor water
service has heretofore
been . .-1 o the on lit of the
water and commission, and
n ordered hat these
hereafter lie turned to the
of the town.
The salary the police-
mail was Increased from to
per moil II,
Aldermen and
H r were appointed pun-
i I lo .
J. Willis Has mantel all
u i the treasury
Plant ii Prospering and are missions
Given the Benefit. The address of welcome made by
The price of electric current lot
use business
has been reduced cents per
wan softly
Grimes. Owing to there
mourning in family
u only a marriage
popularity of couple was j spending a few days with
louse returned September showed
-lock on baud i
hand hi 1.00, bill
Thursday the
Mr- from July Is to Oct. lit
be i
and was respond
Morgan on behalf of the
A prayer made for the Rev ,
age of the municipal plant has so ,,,, been I
increased that the water and light
commissioners, their monthly
meeting night, found
that this reduction could with
safety be made. It speaks e i r
H plant has been hi
only ii few months, and
ti, u in price means a
saving to tin For
those who have
used kilowatts per mouth at a
co-i will hen net
same for those using
kilowatts at no
for and so for whale
the customer At
this low rate of cents kilo-
watt the number of customers
doubt further Increased
Lot Examination.
mined at home by the illness
daughter. to have mad. the
historical address
The devotional exercises which
opened the tea ion Tuesday evening
were by -I
c of the hi
of the Tar River old
Sandy Creek seventy years
v. Mr For. t,
made a splendid address on he
I outlook of the Baptists
Sod, through the
and III.
the Approach
in r d nun s i ill
and I ho i
many . ill hen thorn,
K. Cox,
Tobacco Sales September.
mat t by cent- per
while the Liberty's average
as thereby showing an
cent's per
I y
I in mid i the
hey lo d k
s, They
days in
will re. urn in
i M home.
M i h i in
Lost Three Finders
Jo W .- . . . f
. . iii t lie factory the Build,
Lumber Co., lost three
of bit left band, Thursday
afternoon, by getting his band
caught in a in around which
u at work.
Almost Ready.
Superintendent F.
us the new telephone
The Wednesday morning
opened with exercises advantage of
conducted by Rev. II. II. March- to the tellers who were wise will be ready to cut over by
burn. enough to patronize the Liberty, Monday. The new system is
foreign was Oar books are open to the In- going to lie a Improvement
special order business Dr the public. no one. Bo far as they
i I k. We are here with e been tested phones
a cheap talk. We are
Only next I pared missionary map of the world tie money to back our every suite- excellently,
rill be held examination and delivered an able from moot, to convince you that
of the year for white teachers. of missions, One I Liberty is place to sell
those who have not been examined sand and live dollars were tobacco if is any
voted to be raised during the next Why
year for foreign
missions was special
order. D
the report recited some
i highly interesting statistics
must he present then,
Friday, Oct. the
teachers of the county will be
examined. expect to
you bad better be here that day-
This will be your last chance.
W. II.
Your friends,
W. T. ft Co.
Alien's minstrels h id a .
crowd under tent
night was up
Better Send Him On.
A man going through this section
lately claiming to represent art
schools iii cities has been
working a slid he people.
people love lo be hum.
slater, Mrs. W. Allen.
v. and Prof. W
returned Thursday
evening from the the
far River m
i ii . in T II
, , in from Rule
i ; in i
i A. d in
i, . o
have been v it it g hi i m, II.
White, returned In me today.
Miss Maggie
more, who been visiting
uncle, K. I- Humber, left this
morning Littleton.
sod Mrs. II Moore and
from Grifton win re have been
attending the
Mrs. J. l.
who has be. n visiting her sister,
W. Allen, home
tins morning.
Mis. Julia Baltimore,
who has been Mi. and
X. C. i ,
County Supt. Schools. Three thousand dollars were
everything they hear.
M. Levy, if Norfolk, in
hero, tow a
Mail Si. . -pent
i, v, i i-
.- It a . i lei, Its
i-s i owl.
I ii -I . III I
i iv tn oh
. in t ibis week.
to I
home ilk I h is in
II A. Blow, of .
Ill to. II I .
I. V iv
; to visit I
sick at hit h Stiff V
j id, is i
In r son, Hi Is . , . ho i- .-
at the home el Mi. .- .
t-. A. and family s I mi e
the lust,
Arthur Willi mis and fan
moved to
There was Friday
night from this place to Green
for the bent lit of those who Wished
returned home . of
who attended were Dr. L. B.
Bethel, Ricks, H. Stanley,
and Miss Mary raj Raker, W. T. Hart ell, Bar
in It. T. l Cecil
i. Harrington.

, .-. .
Special Low of One
First Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
Richmond and
Return, via
Tickets on sale October 13th to
inclusive, return limit
October 23rd. All tickets
one admission coupon to the Fair
October has been designed
as Day, on which
President Roosevelt will visit
there from a. m. to
p. m. An will be made
the President at a. m.
the day of hid visit to the Fair.
Special low rate of One Fare
fins Fifty cents for the round
trip to and return, account
tor Horse Show via the Atlantic
on sale October 13th to
21st, final limit October
All ticket
ion coupon to the Horse Show.
K lie to Richmond Ac-
count Horse Show.
The Atlantic take
pleasure in announcing .-penal low
rate of one far cents
for the trip to
Va., u return account of the
Morse Show, 10th to
Tickets on sale October 9th to
with final return limit
15th. AH tickets include
admission to the Horse
The Horse Show is a
State and should lie
missed by all lovers a
display of superb horses; lie-
sides i- a place of many
historical it h well
n visit.
For further information write
w. j.
Genera Passenger Agent
W N. C
A Shoe for
is made with careful reference
to the most minute details and
so perfected in its numerous
styles there is no other
shoe on the market selling
at the price the Ultra does, its
superior, if its equal.
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
scientifically constructed
to meet tie- closest variations
of width and size in woman's
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
whims of
SHOE, for men, In Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bowen,
Whats the Use to Cry
DO suffer
and look over our elegant
to cut. or
. u . ; by
l H v
or Organs, Youthful Errors,
I'm of Tobacco or Opium
r of
get nil
fur u ml r
a hundred at
Art Squares, Curtains,
Carpets and
We sell
The Buck stove,
You tin-
We'll furnish the
Home Outfitters.
Ayden, N. C.
to ate Jenkins
you nil- .-- i. e to
feat, we can save you
iii-f to fit
We curry
ever Haw. Try a
mid lip convinced.
Call Hart i a bur
none better
in when .
Old I i--111 j Hand-made
Paw Bread II.
W will i. p a fl lit III IF OH
ill the Hie k t Till
of lit, draft horses. tine and
We tile mules that be bought. We
buy or kind of or
will buy anything from a to 1900 driver.
to us. If we have not gut want we
R. L CO.
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Funnels bring US
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
mid guarantee price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
B. T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
Ed. Harris
Clip Calculator.
Cloth An
u. hi lull. A new
manager to rive the
and, In,
ii a . tum-
the and. after receipt-
it, into
hand, it the
if .-. for
you had horn
a little harper it would have
been two. on get your mas-
clothe worn out half quick
enough. time he ought to
on that
bin, and it M worth your while
to Kt a
With a halt grin the earl replied,
I'm thought my truth
hard, and hit
the man-
but eon r. . ion up to a w
that may an
into . pocket. Just look
here a this bit of
I just taken from
the Well, roughened
on purpose, i that and give
your I a good
about the every day end give
I about
and it at a in your
pocket rear. needn't
think that n hall forget
hi- i d run lid
the a
may very kind
In abet, though I fear
he in lay
will not l. . to by them.
A for I not
Ron with . n ii
be the Ear t------. I wish you good
nut .
do in an all
almost i
I'm not ii .
count for in
The other
paper, but
was the
given the hi
a light
i with a friend on a
, ear. things I
t t repeal. 1.0,
can't as-
that way. j
took a cent I
out of to pay a newsboy
for a paper. to read the
Caper, hut . there and
I up to see what I
and fun ml that I had
the penny my-
self. night I did the worst yet.
I wanted in the pantry J
quite late .; the evening, mid as
were no there I lit a lamp to j
take in When I got inside
eases are
ha; .
treat I
a moral
l i- l l
if k.
he pars,
one of th.
than .
of ;
the i
joys the
grows to .
lie is heir
will make
master h
from the
ram.-. I
Men ran-
i hatter ii
told t.
make- mi
ii as n
all of
that he lit
obliged to
ten made .
of t.
able to i
of his pr
In ht
is the name of a little town
near where the demented
arc cared by the Belgian govern-
It a town of fools,
a town t fools dwell peace
with about the
their noonday re-
M the The town-
ship about 1,500 lunatics,
who are I -i as by the
. ugh all the dangerous
rd on outlying
in the asylum,
-g only the harmless,
of the patients is but
arcs due to the
set of the townsfolk.
taking in the
are called, vary from
to year, the
degree of I i in which the
i. No matter how much
i he is the spoiled
. lily, for the people of
d to understand the
-f insane people better
r known
a This is due to
i of handed
her to son.
is really the guest of
is given the armchair
. eat table and
so that he
the esteem in which
mi extent that he
greatest efforts to
. i-a.-i lest he should
. The children
riser than others,
ml with elders
their equals in
i of children may be
hand in hand
men, to whom they
familiar manner.
patient is often
tare of the baby of
and in most cases he
ahead of any other
e fully honored and
i.-e for their fancies.
left legs and is
. bis boot- and
himself the
i says he is perfectly
hut that for
i. is too fat. land-
i M.-t him in making a
second floor window,
thinks better
V to wait
find that j
on coming
carried in
drawn inst.
had lighted.
or I was to
.-till in darkness, and i
again found i
. of water I jut
I of the lamp that I
something for
r red Indeed.
it rental for little girl to
if equal a
. Hunt. Of course
she spoke childish union
where the I essayist wit
used his rip. intellect.
Hunt, in describing an exceeding-
warm d will be remembered,
spoke of ii one which tempted
him lo and sit in
his bones.
The little miss had been
romping running all day, To-
ward night II her father met her.
you n. tired, little
not very tired, she;
replied. in of
-In- I do
feel as though I'd like to take my
legs off and In -111
Melissa tall, line looking col-
girl, Mr.-, with
whom lives as cook, 1- a
sin ill, fair hailed The mis-
tress respect for her
maid's powers, and Melissa
adores Mrs.
reckon done learned
lot iii I to lib.
Missy mid tn-
no done
I. anted hot
like de iv folk.- u Inn I gout
mil. An iii-1. mi-
handsome yo II r I
I'm id I wall; mil
under it do lister step up to me
. , in.-, Inn am I
V. Companion.
Reptile Farm.
In .-1
reptile Linn ever instituted
was one ii existed for n lime in
Bengal. The government, wishing
in keep the breed of dead
h make, offered n
for every deed-cobra which should
lie brought in lo a police
wily saw an
of milking money. Therefore n mall
syndicate was formed nut or;
fur cobras was. established.
receipt for .
they were
was n
On on
a I
of it eon lie
over the mi
t rifle large .
Bill That Grew.
i. r res never noted
o detail in business
well known failings
advantage of by
who gave no
bills, simply because
demanded. Webster
of this, but it seemed
. very little.
a creditor tire-
ii h seemed
this bill
replied the maker
I Webster, handing
time I
i has seemed to me u
A st on
mil .
organ grin
of an actor who
home rather early in
clime lo an early
A piece of green
etched over the top of
the organ, a miserable monkey
gathered in receipts. The actor
saw he cloth, stopped and
put down a -liver dollar, which was
immediately grabbed by the monkey.
The actor stared a minute, nibbed
his and walked away mutter-
ever ran up
against in t
the farmer,
who really should be culled an
has been a vast
change in the methods of those who
till the soil. As Instance,
days we have machines that out,
thrush sack the wheat, whereat
other cradled
The visitor nods
I believe there has not been
such groat progress in other
branches of agriculture. Am not
right in opinion that you still
put cm in a
A Conversion.
Mi. lei
lowing of the conversion of n
girl, When she as asked,
you she replied,
hope so.
makes you think you
sir, there Ii a great
in me from what there used to be.
is the
don't know, sir, hut there la
change in all things. Hut there is
one thing, always sweep under the
1,906 nO
Duo from Banks
Nat. US.
Capital stock d in 110,000.01
Undivided profits
to check 18,616.36
I, J. R. Cashier of above-named bank, do solemn
swear is true to th. bet of my
knowledge- and belief. J. K. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this 26th day of Au-
gust, 1905
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
All Work Finished With Pneumatic Tools.
for Designs and Prices.
Everything want in the way of
Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
, our store
We carry a supply of the Best
i Goods
The Cash Grocers.
Made to Measure.
Cleaning, Dying
and Pressing.
a specially.
I also clean and dye
ribbons, father, etc.
PAUL Tailor,
Greenville. N. C.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A for
Health and Renewed Vigor.
and Kidney Trouble-.
Mountain Ta
n by
A hoy who wants to learn
is not
to can find a place in
c. i f.
Is to-day an admitted Business
At Your House
It's at once and a Ne-
that cannot measure
by any money
One Emergency Call, in
One Year, Pays the Rent.
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
The Eye and the
Some one Bays that
pair of frame-
too large or two small, not
exactly In front of each eye.
acts as a and do as a lens,
produces nausea, vomit-
headache and even
So many abnormal of the
eye, or its involved.
that not only
named symptoms, but other
digestive disturbances, and
even may be due to
the inadequate nerve supply to the
digestive organs. there
amount of
energy is consumed in
the or refractive errors.
is due to
of eyes
canals rather than from any
thing in stomach itself. Dis-
orders of the digestive system
affects the vision as is often wit-
after too a meal.
For example
join glasses are properly lilted
and they will always give sat-
When they are not
correct they give you trouble. Dr.
Odom corrects all refractions and
guarantees to every
body. Office now at Hotel,
Greenville, N. the
est day you can to see him.
d s w
furniture Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur. Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg,
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
y Carriages, Parlor
Tables, Safes, P
and Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West
Henry George Gan-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Meat, Soap-
Magic Food, Matches,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
China Ware, Tip and Wonder
Ware, and
toil, Beat Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines nu-
goods. Quality and
Cheep for
Coffee and Tea Maker
A Patent Appliance
which fits inside of any
fee Pot- dies away with Eggs
or Sack, and Needs no Settler
Try One and Your Coffee Will be better.
ask them, ii
Let Common Sense Decide
Do honestly believe, that coffee sold loose exposed
to dust, germs and insects, passing
through many hands of
them not
you don't know how or by whom,
is fit for your use t Of course you
do;, u But
story, lite green
berries, selected by keen
lodges at Use plantation, sure
roasted our
where precautions yon
would not dream of taken
to secure perfect cleanliness,
flavor, and uniformity.
From the time the coffee leave
Vie factory no hand it
it it opened in your
the ST
of Americas Homes welcome LION COFFEE daily.
is no stronger proof of merit than continued and
popularity. all
only In lb. packages. lion-head on every
I Kara
CO., Toledo,
Greenville Banking
Trust Company
At the
paid in
4,274.00 6,500.00
Stocks, etc, Undivided less
and 2.415.114 taxes paid
All other real 250.78 Hills payable 45.000.00
Due from Bank
items 781.32
coin Oil
Silver coin
National Bank a and
other S. notes 13,079.01
abject to
State Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, It. of above mimed bank, do solemnly
wear that above true to the heal of my knowledge
and belief.
and to before
me, this 4th day of Sept .
I I.
v. T. MINI i.
The Reflector
Tub Is By Everybody In and
it pay what Want.
you what they want advertise and Mire t
a port their
Subscribe to THE ELECTOR

in peat at
ll N
n h in
of e
d W using
ingenuity to d
,.,. prim The
continue IO do so if ft Bud
maintained by the people If the
advance lb a
i I'll- crop in cents to
y aid require
e. S. C,
class matter,
A desired at m Pill
in l to
County. Tuesday, 1905.
Coll n Spinners of Britain but little co operative Hi Insecure
Herald a
f-r the president
such a suit ill of e
towns hit Southern trip, that h
it I- and therefore
time is limited.
Cotton Merchants
a of the Executive
of the Commits of the Southern Otto.
. held at ,
era back to It. L fl
. . ., pages, and that just
ten day after the union
strike. The News and have
d e as well. Pretty record
The has derided.
from each cotton
State and Territory were present
a report on the condition of the
ton crop made up to August
compiled from returns of
more than correspondents
a condition of per cent
om Dewey, the Sex hank as compared with a condition of
not have a percent for a corresponding period
of 1904. An i f the
new trial, but meet toe six
, t i- w n i n from
sentence d
year penitentiary
a him by the lower court. Bo he
will at -t part of whet he
nil has advanced a cent a gallon.
And bow d after Rockefeller's big
donation of 110.000.0011 to higher
pi,. i ,, men who argued for
a carnival h ground of it being
a trade puller for the merchants are
re went to
Charlotte is getting over
t-,. .,,, . the president will
at p half an hour in that city instead
of five minutes.
The ill
but clubbing
has ever made.
us J
offers the
Watch out for it. The offer will in
elude several good at ball
President K- nil
an I he dead
in earnest when lie d
would n t st f r a third term-
counting mi
term. We arc I a
People know v. Ii ii Mm t
enough a tool thing.-
ton Star.
Te Form
An effort is to In made to form B
socialist party in state A state
convention to be in Greens-
on I this month It
claimed by the ,
are good for a large
dance The attempt will made
to effect a thorough organization
the party in this Mate Eugene V
socialist candidate fr
president lust year, is expected to be
i other leading
of tho national patty.
same i indicated a
yield of 0.88, babe of cotton.
Taking this information a guide
in connection the
demand f r t c n by the
spinners the world,
high prices of cotton good, the
heavy cost to the product is for
and harvesting this crop,
the committee agreed that eleven
cents as minimum price, basis mid-
at p would lie
i ream i I c price
to be asked t tins
season f -i It Inn been
r. ; and hot
denied, that spinners can pay twelve
I.-- u r p middling cotton
at the present time and still make
I it in the manufacture of
the raw material into the finished
fabric. been recently de
eland between Russia and Japan.
The n hole civilized world is in a
most prosperous condition and the
all the cotton mills of
Europe and America are running
night and day to supply the tr.
demands for cotton goods.
The enormous crop of American
cotton reaching unprecedented
figures nearly hales
has been easily absorbed by the
-I rs average price
is per p Of crop there
was only a small reserve stock if
little more than a million hales to be
carried into the season of C on
first day of September, if no
more than ten million hales of cotton
ire harvested this season to be add-
, t., the small n serve stock carried
n. from the crops of 1904, the
mills of world, the present
rate of e n, face a
in raw cotton before another crop
be planted, cultivated and placed
hi n the i . i The mills I ave
for many months
for delivery of goods to lie man
ii i it ton yet lo l
In from the he
i have sold to the spinners
to he i livered the
months which is to be
have combined to crush the
efforts of the f inn. rs to maintain
prices, and Exporters
all in their power to hammer down
the market. The of the
is easy and simple.
ability of the farmers Vi win this
I as for the pro
I of your firesides and your
homes, your wives, children and your
country. Stop selling at
present prices Call upon your
merchants and bankers to aid you in
the heroic straggle lies ahead
Store your cotton in the seed
ever and do have it
ginned until later in season
St the lint cotton under good
sheds to keep it dry on the farm or
place it warehouses, where the
receipts are needed collateral to
money to meet maturing
obligations All other lines of
borrow money, why not the
farmers. hen by so doing they can
hold their off the market and
materially advance its price,
no attention to the
lure being printed circulated
broadcast throughout the South.
Thia is done with one object and
that is to discourage and induce you
less eleven cent for
bale crop
Let people know the
know the power of their strength
and then lit them act promptly and
the victory for higher prices will
soon lie won, then their great staple
will be selling at its real value to
the world.
Overwhelmingly Defeated
It seems strange to us
where we have had the law
for so long, that there are sections i f
the State, especially in eastern North
Carolina, where opposition to the
Stock law is very strong Al out
one fourth of Moore county is under
Block law and an election was held
Tuesday to pass on the cf
putting the reminder of the county .
under law. The proposition
overwhelmingly defeated and the
denizens of Moore will continue to
fence their crops against
fence the cattle from the
crops While the campaign was
going on the Moore county papers
were ltd with communications for
and against the stock
old argument, that ii
is i n to nature, outrage ant
a crime, to prohibit cattle running
to sell your cotton prices
, I on the range was used powerful
II has been
As producers
its value.
that is and
, , the law was passed for
set got d prices, at least eleven
. , . . i . was not
cents per pound, mere will be but
little or profit in this crop.
ck up the
present heavy receipts to , w for Ir d. II and he
put n through Ii was his
in; it could not have
been at that time nor for many veers
afterward. a member of the
was petitioned
not less than eleven cents for every
pound of middling cotton you have
to i The Southern Cotton A i
The Educational
and Co operative The Ann n
can Society of Equity, The
Alliance of Carolina have
agreed on the minimum price
eleven cents and the membership if
these powerful organizations, stand
together in unity and harmony
defy the combinations of the
world and win another notable
the like of which was never wit-
Call your county and district
meetings throughout the entire belt
Build p your membership in the
Southern Cotton Association
stand firmly together for justice and
tin. Corn Association.
protection- it you nu
B de your cotton for or days -pile 2nd annual me ting of Pitt
i Association guarantee an c unity cord association
advance in the price to eleven cents sill meet in th court house Thurs-
per pound. Do rash your cotton I day, Oct. 1905.
on a depressed market, bill sell slow-; Invitation is extended
and prove to the world beyond r,. nu mm ere In c and
question of Southern bring an exhibit.
farmers the ability, the deter A. J.
the lo force
the world to recognize their power
in maintaining a fair puce for
j really looks like something is
The Southern Cotton Association about to lie done. We have been
must he maintained and financed by informed petitions are now
the farmers of th South Its
in the Legislature his last.
did his county a good service,
though bis efforts were not generally
appreciated at the lime Fact is
.-as much bad bl and many
tin, but no effort was made
repeal the law, everybody got used
lo it and now we wonder how we
would do without it The Moore
county folks, if they had pi quiet,
might have prevailed on some
the Legislature to pass the
law for them This is hardly
probable now since I he election
shows such a strong sentiment
against the law
-saw. DEN, N. J.-
At the of business August 26th, 1905.
the producers. The spinners
We Let you Marion finds the Exporters are heavily short
with n hut paper contracts in
that I of some kind compels
him to Greensboro on that day,
and while there, of course, he will
try to make a deal with the socialists,
if there are enough present to get up
a negotiation the state
election in the socialists poled
votes o t of the total of
of the South hold the spot cotton in
their hands and control absolutely
the lo lo the situation. Will the
formers lake advantage of the
did they occupy, and I i
,,, rt ii rights to
to protect the interest of the pro-
is recognized and feared by
all the h speculative and cot
ton interests of America and Europe
If we go down in defeat the enemy
will he merciless and it will take
twenty years for the South to recover
again. Stand by tho Association
and thereby protect your individual hopes a. to see it accomplished
circulated among the towns on
branch of the Atlantic
Line with a view of securing another
daily train- That is a move in the
right direction and if the towns
work together the
train will he sec a red, Tub
roil has been hammering on
this proposition a long time and
Loans and Discounts, paid in,
Furniture and pins fund 1,000.00
Demand profits less
Hue from Hanks,
Cash Items. unpaid .
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin, subject to check,
National Hank notes 3.80
other D.
county of
I, R. of
is i-
sworn to
and financially able to manage Now for a long pull, a strong me f 1905.
t her interests from and a pull all together of Kinston. HODGES,
cast by all parties. was f . m .,,,,,,,, ,
the buyers Will nit the
for W. A. for
governor. This had only one
more candidate in Held, C.
Lindsay for lieutenant governor,
who received votes So there
docs not seem to be much cause for
fear on part of the democrats
that their will be greatly
weakened by organization of the
socialists. If Marion Duller should
succeed in making B deal he will
an i
chants and local hankers throughout
the up solidly In n
ranks with the farmers against tin
combinations that are so actively
work to depress pries and defeat
the will of tho people
MUST ill i. HI
Every man in tin- South, no m ii
I a is
dominating and hands business men to operate with the
of her enemies business men in other towns along
Last January the price of cotton I the Atlantic Coast Line
was depressed to six cents per pound and note the results Ii will he's
an I Si Ci rein, inhered that the of
was a the New Orleans company did not refuse the commit
Convention Jan to bring tee from Kinston, outright, when s
about harmony among the request woe made for this double,, j
and bankers so as to daily A. C. L- and if
the price to ten cents i the business show s united
The world knows front and furnish company good
h this powerful why the extra service should
advanced be established there is little
i July ii will e.
, ,, . be-
i Attest;
to the strength cf his duty during the coming
the Pop-Rep.
t, ten cents in the S on July
3rd, live months later.
it will e.
Tin -c good reasons arc
only this the given business man along the line
by certain properly presented to the com-
rials in the States pony officials will accomplish the de-
Agriculture was exposed sired Let the business men
or this and all co-operate for the,
establishment of this , train H
This work has already saved service and we believe it will be
For c Stove Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition. Horse
Steel Plows, deal Cutter and
In f.- t anything
in come to
and financial in the great dollars to the South Kinston Free
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The painter is following
after carpenters on new
boy's dormitory will soon Vie
done panning the outside of the
building. In a few it will be
occupied already several
rooms are engaged in It.
Mi. M. G. Bryan Wed-
night st Houston.
Nice Silk waist at
Barber A Co.
J. R. Carroll went Wake
Forest Wednesday. He is a for-
of W. H. sad we
predict for nun much success.
B. T. Cox A have a full Hue
of school papers, Inks,
, tablets, day
standard calicoes at
, . t. ledgers, slates,
per yard, Harrington, Barber
crayons, school bags
shawl straps. and see what
have before bringing else-
Mr. and Mrs. Jobs of
V hut night to visit
relatives here.
by B. G. Chapman
car load of which
they will ell very cheap.
Miss to Ayden last
lo visit friends.
For Hull time alarm
clacks nod see R. G
for near House Ibis
A. O. Cox sad G. F.
attended the Tar River Association
Wednesday ind Thurs-
day report a very pleasant
The of Winter-
ville, was consecrated
p Strange preached
by the large
who hoard It, Tin-
were very pretty, the
Another Urge shipment of shoes
nil styles prim ,,, . ,.,,. f.
,,,,. ,
lo her K-e-e. If CUD Id
be the wife
how more Ibis
of God,
Men's and youth's
The Pitt Oil Mill
seems lo be far d
near, and
seems to prevail.
Nice and
A. W.
MUs Perry, one of the
Friday evening to
Trunks at
ton Barber Co.
of salt just
ed at R G. Chapman Co.
If yon a nice coned, or some
see A. Anne A Co
Sp, c . prices a gin s far
n. l . House.
I l stock In.
s . .-, at u
. Ward e Clara Lee
Sieve-is Greenville this
las entered,
g I full it.
Harding, C V
-lid I-;,
up places
recommended for the human ,,, IS. T
family, e for
Black pee.
e of
re II. L.
i In-
i j , ,
suits i; I .
to Win-
For sale by
B. T. Bro.
Mis- Anna L tile went to her
Kinston night.
-o d E Cure,
for stock and n -ore colic cute.
the Drug S. -re
went hone to Sunday
Our line fall and Winter,
When la town call to see me I goods are now in. See lice be-
iii ii s livery feed fore you buy. joins I o please A.
. lo . . L. House W. C i.
Regardless the opinion of
strictly as lo
puses as
j- i. i in opera In
by Mr. S. sou, I
eel I h . ., ii i-i lug I in-
s. mint all
I in w s
i from start in
and Hie id all,
wall girls and bow.
is capable
. a very high
. in mm
Tl h fully and hip
it the graded
school planted only
a year ago h bearing
The o j
of those engaged
In the
name was
people Greenville
and all were present. The
splendid attention by
large audience a special earnest
of the audience felt and
and the audience was a
very select
of Pin.
Such nu more
lie and
In Hie
Reduction and
-ii These ailments are common with most retailers at the
Ops closing of the season, but with some of
be mill lid h
i so long
and made splendid
Ii .,
all and c lent
u-i this
splendid pleasure
;. in. lull
Pill Well d-i r.
Mrs died at her
d nice candle, borne Thursday
o inn
call on H. L. John
Another load m school desk were I
The beautiful new residence of ,,,, A Cox
W. i. rapidly
Make Fool Print on The Sands
his line of Hosiery cull-
Big line of hats and caps Ladies end Gents
styles. work will gave its
oil mill is starting on
Ha i Co.
L. F. of Hugo,
hen- visiting his brother;
U C.
For hay, corn and oats, go to
Burlier Go.
A. and Miss White
I were ill town
One of cur up to date bro-
ugh. a wagon load of reed to I
our Pitt Oil Co. and
of machinery
the A. U. Cox
Co b making lots
wagons, cuts far
they have been keeping a
line of special us on hard
ware and mill supplies for next
Full goods arriving daily A. days W, L. House.
W. Ange Come
and sec
at lowest
Whether cotton goes up or goes
down gin here runs
When need fresh men;
fish heel call on II.
Will Washington has moved his
barbershop into one of tin-new
concrete stores, and he is now
pared to do you good work any
For fresh an to II. L,
Kev. Smith, of Washing
ton, D. C, has been visiting
friend and relatives town, re-
turned his home Thursday.
For nice dress goods,
If you expect to exchange your
for meal you same lime
glued making a bale I ,.
licit weighed pounds, yon have at
He paid one dollar and cents Fill Oil Mill.
to get it and exchanged his The one the touching
seed for meal and hulls. And in with the
after be sold his bale Of nation and services at
to one for I re
a little than per pound of family
he put his meal and bulls on bis f Mrs. Mary Smith, including Lice, Hamburg, and kinds of
and returned home feeling nearly forty, a a dinner under the Ladies and Gent's furnishings go
that he had saved much lime and grove near the at to A. W. it
labor and was pleased with results. The consecration of If you want winter
H. II. of St. Luke's church was concluded get one of those good healers at A.
in town Friday. a o'clock on Monday and the W. A Co. are Cheap.
Another of Hunsucker family and at A o o
Buggies were seen rolling down to borne of Mrs. IS. K. ,, A
one of our yesterday en. JG. x, the Kev. . K. it i
route far our neighbor county good her
luck to j was cad received ear Hour nice
Rev. T. King through around board . fresh Harrington Barber I .
town Thursday evening on his way near pronounced by Nice line of fresh groceries
home from ; Kt. Rev. ways on hand Barbel
If. Q. Chapman The near Co.
are offering cut price on old grandmother here celebrated i,. A Sparks has opened
their large stock shoes which her eightieth birthday, declaring hex complete Hue of
must sold within u few days In happiest one her trimmings and notions in
order to make room for their new It was tho culmination a
supply soon to be received. of endeavor and and la ready, willing and waiting
A. P. Keel was lit n Friday, supreme all he. days. flu order that may come lo
All colors of paint, yellow Four generation represented selected line
at Harrington Barber Co. lo mother, daughters, everything needed in the
Misses Bertha and grand and price . suit
it has become Just think of a Store
selling at cost the whole year. affect
the patients pump, can't tell the truth.
develops a mania for talking
and the germ is in some stores in Greenville all the
creates a reckless gathering of
and stuff of inferior qualities, no matter
buy that is what its antecedents, most of it prepared for the
with Red Sins and
A Veritable Boarding
House Hash.
We shall expect our methods to hold.
We are neither reformers philanthropists,
and for young fellows, rather than old-fashioned.
But we are determined to build up this store
on principle statements based on facts and values
be constant-
reminded this fact when you
compare of your
you neighbor, who
Town and
because ii n
paint Urns. S
Co , who have bad over a
experience in the
of Town Country paint i
with paints the
balance in Town
Country because of
wonderful covering cap city. Ask
Md Merchandise beyond my competition.
, , .
country paint. Newspaper space is too expensive to use for
Our little comparisons, such us reference to
are very serious statements, and we take
this method of calling the attention of the most critical and
intelligent purchasing public to these abuses.
It is time for better business methods any how.
Grew i X. C.
The eh. up taunt I-
buy is the mi.- Mini covers more
you thin.; cheap one lo
wear is the one Unit I young when
Mrs. Moore, d K -is, N. y.
bought pain, i
he. house two c i s painters that to-day. did and
said it would take that, Had shall
call ma left.
e are never because we do not buy
merchandise because it is cheap.
It must be or it will not be admitted in this store.
condition then. II i. reduce every week, yes every day. if we think it necessary.
paint, lust we knew, though ,
new goods are here. Now for a general shake-up all
along line.
Mi. Janus house, in
Cairo Wu X. Y.
was painted sore
years; am goal
That's the way i a on-e
it paint no
If. W. COo.
II. I. C Is our p nut.
s Sunday at home.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor baa her nice
. mill ,.,.,
went in House this
Interesting indeed.
several photograph were taken
line open now, I , , Bishop, the
and also a special line of tore, and Harding, Claudius F. Smith I Barber ft Co.
invited see w B. Cox. Mrs. Smith also
her. Her stock is well selected
and always right.
Nice line
Barber A-
Ill food
c wide
ii picture with those of silk at D. M. Johnson ft Co,
Mrs, Smith .
Mrs. J. It. Jackson and little first gave herself to her God in the
daughter, . after a education of her own children. She ,, who to learn
week's visit to mother-in-law, I given one son and just now n and is not
Mrs. Bum returned to J grandson to the sacred ministry afraid to work can a place in
her home Friday. and on day she Luke's office.
North Carolina i In
Pitt County i 1905,
K. S
r, i ox,
I i Publication
as ; .-
Ii. A.
shore will take
not. i that nu action entitled as above
baa been commenced In the superior
court Pitt county i to n cover
personal property, Pi claim
livery And de-
will further take notice
be n i a term of I I
the Sup, . unity to
,. hold on i i alter the J ,
1st ii i ibis the i
i. ii .-ii ,. i. the I
court house as and an
en r I In laid
sell, n, or will apply to
court In
i , Superior Court .
N. C.
N. C.

Over I
r .- I
Not Quite
How often you get a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
is all could and
we will see your tool
box does not lack ft
useful article.
Of .
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R
and Printers
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as as now
and without any
knobs or mi h
Refuting Column and Head
Rules regular lengths
L. S and
Head Ruled
and over lb-
A sample of
Rule, fol
et o i
P Supply Co.
High Grade Material
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
N. S.
Steamboat Service.
S nut-1 leaves
Washington dally
at ti a. Greenville; s
Greenville daily
at fin A
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New fork, Boston and all other
Ninth. a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers hon order their
In lo l
Si I. I It.
hours ch
without lie.
T. II. A W I ll
t A i iii
II. C. i T ft
Agent, k. V i .
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Railroad
named will take
i titled as above
obtain a as
Pit i
s s-oms
an action
ll. one . .
. I
. ;. solute v.-. d
I t upon it- t of
ll said
r lain notice that he is re-
quired to it next term of
the court of I'M county lo
be held the court house In Green-
ville the nil Monday after 1st
Kept, it bail g
the of September, 1906 mm
answer or demur the complaint in
said notion, or lb-- will apply
u the for the relief demanded in
This the 19th day of July, 1905.
Moore. C. S. C
Shade A. Stocks and claims
thirty acres, less, of
vacant laud in Township, Pitt
county, lying between the second
and Kites old patent
line and Indian Well Swamp, bound-
ed by the lands of P. Smith and
Wm. wife's land, and
This August 7th, 1905.
Any person or persons claiming title
to or interest in the above described
land must Hie their protest in
within the next SO s. or they will be
barred by
taker fur
this August 7th,
Having qualified as administrator of
Carolina Williams, latent
Pitt N. this is lo notify
all persons having claims against the
state deceased to exhibit
in the on before the
ill of August lot s notice
be pleaded in bar of re-
All persons Indebted to said
estate will please ma
This the day of August 1905.
J. O. Hr i It-y
The Op. k -f Superior Court of
l Is
i me. n; on
the ll III. . on the
, i I in
K given to
-rs II the to
e I III lo the
-ti of said
Estate . claims
. hi date of
this N ii . In- N lie will he plead
in tin lei-very
This ill. or August
K the of Albert
The i I the Superior court of
i- r to me, Mic
on the of August, 1906, on the
estate f ll. Tucker, deceased, No-
is hereby given to all persons In-
to the estate to make
payment to the ed, sod to all
creditors of estate to present their
lain s properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
the date of this notice, or this notice
will be in bar of their recovery.
This the 12th day Aug.
on the estate of B. Tucker.
I. A. BUG j. Attorney.
ii administration upon the
estate of Peasant Parker, deceased.
iii lug this day been Issued u me by
of of
cot n is hereby given to
p holding said
present lo me for pay-
. t. authenticated, on
In. 1900, or this
i ill be pi. ad in bar of their n-
All persons Indebted to said
ere requested in make
to me.
I i tin- day of September
Blow, Attorneys.
The of Superior
having issued letters of
to me, the undersigned
the 22nd day of Aug. 1905, on
tho estate of W. K Jolly,
ed, NOTICE is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the es-
to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of said estate
their claims properly
to the undersigned, with-
in twelve months after date
this is notice will be
plead in bar heir recovery.
This day of Aug. 1905.
P. B K. Jolly
v on the estate of
w. E. Jolly.
J- Elks,
Chairman, W. K. Home,
J. R. Spier. J. R.
M. Jones.
Clerk C.
W. tucker.
Register of
T. Whit.
D. Cox.
Hoard of Q.
Chairman, B. M.
L. C. Arthur,
Superintendent Education
W. H.
Standard beeper C E. Flem-
Superintendent of
J. E. Nobles.
Charles Cobb, J. R-
W. A. Bowen, A. H. Taft,
C. S. Curr, T. E. Hooker,
J. C. Lanier.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Tax C. Tyson.
J. T As
G- A. Clark. W.
Chief Fire Department B.
J. Pulley, J. S. Cong e-
L. Pender.
Prayer meetings each
day night. Sunday schools
u. m.
Baptist Rev. J. E.
pastor. Services every
W. H.
v. H. II. Moore,
I services ever j
Sunday School.
Episcopal--Rev. W. E. Cox,
rector. Services every first
Sunday. W. B
Brown of
lice Will W.
Service every Sunday night
and fourth morn-
day Services every Sunday
OS Pritchard
Sunday School
pastor, W B Dove
Superintendent Sunday
School, Preaching every
1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday,
morn tug and night, except
service at night.
Lodge No. A
F A M, meets 1st and
3rd Monday nights in each
month R Williams, W
M; J. II. Sec
Covenant Lodge No. I O O
F Meets every Tuesday
night. W N G; R
L V Q. Evans,
Tar River Lodge No. K of
Meets every i
night E t Flanagan,
T J Moore, K of R
Tribe No
O R M, meets every
Wednesday night J ll
Harris. Sachem; W
wards, of R
Pitt Council Jr O U A
M. meets every Monday
night E II
N. O, Oct. 1905
U A Gray and W M.
made a business call Greenville
i week.
J. L. of Stokes, was
here last week.
A large crowd from
the association at Bear
Those to learn all about
raccoon will call on E. B.
of for lull
Ed. Moore, of Greenville,
Friday here business.
Sat n i ii j after spending a days
Mrs. S G. William and Mrs. J.
K. Blues visited in Saint-
G. Andrews and Ola
Bethel, were here Saturday.
was last week, but he did in t
tell us the exact date that he will
be married.
The at Moore's
here Wednesday evening was very
much enjoyed by all present It
was gracefully led by Eli Rogers
lie loll, wed by J. Will-
and Miss Corey, S.
and Miss Mary Taylor,
Jenkins and Miss Corey, E
Parker and Jenkins,
Waller and Miss Ron
Gray, Music was furnished b,
the Oakley baud.
Jim Fleming, Stokes,
of .
J. E. Mines here fill
We to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
for ---N
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
A Door of Opportunity.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust you favor us with your
orders whenever want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special s.
Hake Hart
Then are thousands of young men
in the South who are looking for
profitable employment open
ins; is so wide for these or so quick
remunerative as the printing
Printing is enormously in
I r VIII . c,
silver com.
National bank and
other U. S. notes
den, N. C.
Dry, Split Pine Wood, cut every
length, delivered at your
Tours for business,
creasing the South, as industrial
development goes on. The
factories all require much job print-
and those who operate them
require newspapers. In either of
these printing fields the forces
necessary to carry on the business
are short of the demand. This short- discounts
.,,,. , j Overdrafts secured
age is due, to increasing demand ,.,,,,,.,,
and to the influence of the from Banks and
Typographical Union limiting Bankers
the Dumber of apprentices who would Cash items
learn the trade. The proper start is
to learn one of the departments of
the trade. There is ready demand
for pressmen, stereo-
compositors and other de-
of the work. Any of these
trades will not only ensure a way by
which a living may always be had.
hut a really generous income may be
made over and above a living. In
addition to this; the opportunity for
proprietorship and even larger
is as well open to those who
have the talent and executive ability
as in other channels of work.
Of the distinguished people of the
world and especially this country
a very large proportion began life as
printers. It was so one hundred
years ago and it is so i It was
so when Benjamin Franklin was
minister to France and it today
when Raid is minister to
At of business August 25th, 1905.
Capitol stock
Undivided profits 626.59
lime certificates of
deposit 1,955.00
Deposits subj. to check 1-1,421.64
Collier's checks out-
State of North Carolina. County of Pit,
I, H. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. day of August,
Notary Public
K. J.
p. R. L.
N. C.
S. J- Nobles, Proprietor.
door to C. L.
Meals at all hours between ti a.
in and midnight an minutes
notice. Fresh oysters every day
served in any style. Prompt
service and polite attention, t all
in when are hungry.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Good kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January Int. 1902, I took
down unit
worse, t was
by my family physician my case
as hopeless. My
me up to die. My
body swollen to one-
third normal size, and
water had around my
Km- at least three I bad to sit
In bed to keen from
I for five bottles of Or.
Heart Cure, mid by the time I
had taken them all I was entirely
I feel than I for
twenty years, am to do
kind work on my My
physician told me that if it
i Dr. Curs
would now U- In my
I. T. ft-nil. Ky.
Dr. Heart Curs Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first will benefit If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind
Cholera By
Wooten and Coward Woolen
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
Private Wires to New
and Orleans.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Bagging, Ties mid Hags.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized
o AYDEN, N. C. ,
This extremely dry weather will B- V
about with the pea crop. several other parties
It is as this here
years this crop has to a claim
a failure it Is Ph., proceedings before
of l he Boat necessary to the farmer. J H
for fine of
and w. take
in receiving
d riling receipts for .,. wile child. of
in arrears We have a lint r at C. L.
in We have a list
all who receive their mail at
also take orders
job printing.
August J. W.
have and
sold two car loads of American
are expecting a car JO
every . ad in Ba
twine, thermometers,
salt Cannon Tyson
Miss Ethel Pierce
day in Greenville.
A full supply of Tracks.
ion way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey atone were
Some hi see u, Marl
Ii every
one were wen with
pt . I ,. the as
In would tie
Old age, nay, is
Una e
in.- z unit it- draw-
Lac s. Id
K b
then new I,,.
M ,. .
e, I
t . not
d v I
a- a ell
. I-
r i I Hit
east, a .-
I hey
nil a.
I in
hi . tn. i and
in the
III l . n
ii y ii would
e nun
am by C
A. lot will be paid the
hi rat in price.
Miss Maggie Jolly is a visit
to friends in
Mis- Emma a trained
evening to nurse family J.
-Mac. who lives two
from There are five members
of the family down with fever
Mr. Dixon himself.
in Securing the
services of Mi- Our
people HIS well
her us she has successfully i
cases hero every
one seems i have the ,.,,.
in skill.
Raymond has a nice
black i yearn old, he would
like to sell. The I, is perfect-
Mrs. W. Smith and Miss
came dome yesterday
from Raleigh where have
been in upon a meeting
the U t;
For grind stones
i hemp rope pulleys, at J. R.
Smith Bin.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, ac, apply to B. E.
them a They are sure that
they can please; you as the style
and quality.
shoes are the best. Every
pair sold a guarantee
W. C. A Co. this
line for
We keep Furniture,
Bed Springs, Stoves,
etc., Cannon
Having just returned from the
Philadelphia Optical College and
gradual log special course on
the human eye, and in the science
of optics, I feel fully able and
pared to correct any of error
of refraction that any other man
can correct with glasses. I win
take any case of weak eyes, or eye
strain, dull hurting, aching, burn
mg or itching eyes, or eyes
bad or low vision, on a positive
guarantee, to relieve the
give entire satisfaction to the
patient or not charge one cent. The
largest per cent, of all chronic
headaches and
from errors of refraction and eye j
strain. It U pr
your eyes call
Glasses the
remedy errors of refraction
weak eyes Any or
glasses given desired. good
references as are n, the county
furnished on application.
I- ,
Those ii,. , H
ts j i-o
are beam
apples, ,,
fruits kept et.
Gannon Tyson are guilty of
selling their pretty enamel
steads They are daisies.
Those Royal Pell
that Cannon Tyson handle a,,,
the equal the market.
Get the Cox cotton planter Hie
best on the market at J.
E. Go's new
market for fresh meats, sail-
sage, and fresh fish.
o ed
J. our optician Is
now back from the
Optical where he
graduated is a special course in
the of optics, ready to
better service before
to those from weak eyes
and of glasses.
Slippers, lawns and straw
are extremely cheap
cash by Cannon ft Tyson.
Don't that Cannon
can supply
almost in furniture.
hay, oats, ship Minn, wheat
brand, cotton seed hulls and meal
on hand. Cannon Tyson.
The freshest loaf bread right
from oven at Mo
Don't fail ., see Caution ft Ty
o's new both plan, and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
ft are re
daily new and
right from the
Miss Annie has returned
home from a visit to
Thai W. E. Hook, i- a ,.,.,.
go and in in
in, question. I o i h.-
means and ha- ,
or thereto w, n and
holds the toe ,,,
of the stole is
by the .,
to u
ad wine . j,,
kn .,; ,
; can Is placed i
rep its
i, he ,
a vi-n In j,
in d fill ., ,. ,
redactions in white
Fall Season has opened an ., , M , H select
line of
Clothing Dry Goods, G , Shoes.
is and summer
R. Mm i Hi
Prank i illy w hut
i mil n i , ,
them r.
Town and County Paint. .
lull colon, kepi
It. Smith Bro.
W. Co. arc
complete hue ,
youths, and suit's eve
shown in the town den, v.-
Clothing. Clothing. Clothing.
Our i lino Is completed, I. ; in stock
and these are made , especially It tea
different sort of clothing from
eVerything but price
i., ,;,, the merit,
Dry Goods. Dry Go ,
chM inn I.,., you your fall
Hats. Hats. Hats.
, w and be no
i cm
I -I.
the h I styles for
will find a complete
your money
Leader in
The Five Million Dollar Corr
The Security Life and Annuity
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over
Force in
One and Quarter Million Dollars
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carol.
up; alike to the Office

Greenville's Bargain, Harvest
Should Consider with great forethought he is to buy
and the store he is from for season
general appearance will depend largely upon the ht of Ms
clothes, and the
is the foundation of your suit Avoid
. it. and pin your faith
to S.
Fit- one that you exercise
pr fitting suit is a poor
property it matters nut how tall you are, now
slim you how st m h w you are, we have
being distinctly stylish
All the i w
Sept. 28th,
At a. m.
Is the Opening
I Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, Fur-
I have been selling goods to the people of Pitt and adjoining Counties the Pat Nineteen Years and I herein give
you my guarantee that during this VERY SPECIAL SALE. will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in North Carolina.
New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
for want of space we can only quote a few of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we are now offering.
interesting to you. Bring your
a i
m i hi
. TO
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Men's Seasonable piece Suits at the following
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
Long Suits Age to cheaper than
the cheapest.
Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
At the following Celebration
Men's Pants.
1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98.
During the
Celebration on Shoes,
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair.
Brogans worth now
Fine Dress Shoes
Pat. Leather latest toes
worth now
Shoes Ladies i
Per pair,
Shoes from lie per pair up.
Men's and Boy's Hats
A Carload of men's hats in all shapes and at
your own prices.
Boy's hats from up.
Men's Overcoats now
Hoy's Overcoats as low as
Special Celebration Sale
Best grade black taffeta silk
Full line quality colored taffeta
Extra quality and Width
inch regular plaids and solid
Mixed suitings, worth going at
Plaid worth
Full line panamas, worth
inch all colors ladles worth
A big velvets, now
Big line dark
Pretty patterns in tapestry worth going for
Light colors ill yard wide
Good Dark colors for
Heaviest light cotton
a Sensation
Ladies tailor made worth 7.50 now
Ladies tailor made suits worth 22.50 now
10.000 yards cheeked homespun,
5.000 yards best calico
Blankets tor double beds each
Best check gingham
Ladies kid gloves
Misses fancy hose
Best quality table damask
Yard wide bleaching customer tit
. , Silks,
. i S-
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the tint fifty customers who by worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article f guaranteed and may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come lo see us and we will stud you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember this Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday, at sharp.
up i stray shoal
en i
hi two m The
shoal In sandy red color,
about has In
tailed. Owner i-
i to call pay
charge. EVANS,
neat Greenville.
Pub an J to It All,
A i inc comes
H-. result of
i taxed i i
Backache, Lit i complaint and
.-. But
King's New pal an
it all. I hey are .- but
ll. Try I hew. Only
Guaranteed by I.
End I
i in
H. A. White,
Greenville, N. C.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
in death. Tans mere scratch.
Insignificant eat r puny
have paid the death penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve ever handy. It's the beat
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores, ulcers
and piles threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug
A o for wile a sac-
the instrument which is one
of the beat makes bandied by the
piano Co, was bought
ago a gentleman who
unfortunately lost bin little girl.
Party to lose over a bun-
dollar, or time, apply-
to O. Roseau W. A.
N. C.
stubborn fight at i
my rigid write,. V Hugh
. gave me up.
thought my t I
come. k a last Or.
New for Con.
The I received
and I my
a few Sow I've entirely
regained my It conquers
Guaranteed by
L. Woolen, Price
and 11.00. Trial free.
Suicide Prevented.
A a
p , . bad been
, will many.
A i or
la variably precede suicide
been that
will prevent
i make suicide likely. At the Bret
self take
It being a great
the and build up the system.
also a great stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only n
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Woolen. Druggist.
Silk and zephyr shawls, all
colors heavy in black. D.
M. Co. K.
Why use Cotton Baskets when
you can get Cotton Sheets at less
than half the price.
ma w
Petitions In Circulation are j
ally Signed
bring to
i Hie official -f the Atlantic,
Line t pm
ii m on this branch of read.
i a petition in Greenville Ii
by nil the
the tame the
t .- if and
where petitions are also in
And judging from
ii- of the
p . p Pr.-N that town
in movement
t train.
action the
to secured. Barely
t if-
t. rd to lie to the
i. of towns
in section by
in comply the
i ,
the petition. mad needs an-
i. daily train and the
i- its being put
The Service the
Ben p la
tin K.
. . a on the
Hr principles of
in it, s-e full of live Inter-
well as . value
mi g
, c. g lo .
i tire
ore a must real
i in sin a
u to h.
. w here
i i .
n th d sin is
i i ore can no
ii. H i the lifting of
i ml of fall-
i condition to the
i . c and i
Last t- Bishop preached
aid, a change
i aid change of
ii i d, and a
i. go will. It turning away
in sin in humiliation and sorrow
i I g toward in love,
I ti mi
Hi of tonight's sermon
Km i
Strange preached last
i church
be said, is the
n i. attitude God of
based upon
. conviction a assent to the
ii . being of as re-
i i Only
faith is not
. mg upon n-,
i u h attitude we have
w . art in, either to assume it or
to assume It Whom we be-
r we trust; whom we trust we
j Thai is the way of
The subject of tonight's sermon
is the subject
Of the sermon for tomorrow night
N. Oct.
M. Levy, of Norfolk, i
town Friday.
Mr. of St. Louis,
a few here this
Mrs. Ricks and
Mary and Mi-s Olive
aid spent several days in Green-
this it.-
Mr of
was in town this week.
H. B Ph Hips returned to hi
in Suffolk morning,
H A. Greenville, .-
in town Friday.
Mrs. P. G. left
morning to visit her fuller woo i-
at bis home in i.
Mis. Sykes, of hi, is visit u
In r son, I no is sics
at the home of Mi. Mrs. Hell.
P. A. and family will move
to on the
Arthur Williams aid family
have to
There was an excursion Friday
from Hits plat to Greenville
for i of those ho wished
who attended were Dr. L E
. H. Stanley,
W. T Harrell, Pat Bar
B. T. Pulley and Cecil
Colored Graded S- heal.
The col red graded
week with pupils in
dance This is a little less thus
one-third of the c of
in Hit- district, the
is far
in the fact they are d
present pick n null are
work. understand that
principal of the school advises the
pupils to work the early fall
mouths when labor is so
much needed by farmers. It u
well that they should follow his
Cotton Bulletin
Washington, The
bureau has issued a bulletin
. the production and dis
I the cotton of the
United Slates available between
and September
1.1905, to be bales.
Of i his per cent, was
exported, per cent, used in
domestic consumption, leaving a
surplus of per
tic consumption
bales destroyed by fire.
la an altercation between
Fleming and W. H. Littler,
at Washington, the latter
J. R. Turnage, of Ayden, spent
Sunday afternoon with his parents.
George Darden went to Snow Hill
last Sunday. lie seems to have
special attractions over there.
Misses Margarette Ormond and
Elizabeth Carver went to Greenville
Friday and returned Sunday
The series of meetings held
Little Creek last week proved a
the result being live additions
to the church. The pastor, R. I.
Corbett, was very ably assisted by
Rev. King and Crater, of Ayden.
Quite a large crowd people met
at Ridge Springs last Sunday even-
to witness the baptism of the
candidates who recently joined at
Little Creek.
Will been confined
to his room for about ten weeks, is
slowly improving. He bus suffered
intense pain during this long period.
Prominent Citizen of the County Putts
Mr J died
Sunday home
miles Iron Gee H was
ll been
nine win. incident to old
a p. r t Win a
i- and in the
count and e of our
He large
nil fir j
h i tun ma i to i
sons alien he old to
II i.
Mr. Cob i reared a and
i flu., a
by n i limn ii. .-
o tallied p , the bust
These are K. J Gr-e
r I X L. A.
of Kin-ton. J. H. end
P. M .
Ola K rims, of Greenville and M .
The took today
Services d i on by
E. cue.
Hear of
i t e Y p
in Sunday
evening, K. B, i was
and M T vie
made to
of meeting was changed to
o'clock p m. beginning next
W. No.
J . . .
SOCIAL j for teacher
Your Foot on The Sandi of
When you buy that is
to be o Harrison's
Town I yon buy
isobar it Ton I
reminded his fact you
lo o who
a d pane
became it pore
t mad.- b,
; ., ho hare had o vet t
years ex i in
of the c
if Town nod paint is
i i. th.
ii ii . i I in of Mud
II i I I , id II.
n. i c v. K ii iv. Ask
II- . I C ll
Hum . II , i, in a ill
i n f
try pa-
I a;
i s-i
c tin-
Queen of the Carnival
Miss Lulls of
burg, who Is here h-r
later, Mrs. A. Webb, was
crowned queen of the
Saturday She I
1.815 votes and was presented
Two Hurt.
Saturday while
i i if inn n-, the carnival
grounds was torn down a
piece of falling struck two
boys that were pa ling One of
these Durward T of
A. whose head was
quite severely by the umber. The in
other a sou of Allen, j
The Ore
a new a i , . d In
Keel, . be
and i d I T .- will
pet stout co; one
suit v.- k, and n ad r
unit hi
i ember
his friend him. They
will pr. in temple
house Saturday 14th
George B. Al-ons, the popular
and a large company of
and ac vaudeville
d the a
Screams of
are r apt.
was only slightly burr.
Next week is the stale fair
Miss Mary Eliza Dancy. who re-
died in Tarboro, bequeathed
for St. Mary's school at
Daniel J. Sully, of New York,
speak in Raleigh Tuesday on
the cotton situation.
An woman who
recently died, leaving an estate of
willed to her daughter a
l calico The daughter Is
taking steps to upset the will.
Dr. will be here Friday
night Nov. 1905 this time. Tour
eyes, ears, nose and throat and
catarrh, tome mid sec him at
once. Satisfaction in
every cute. Glasses tilted to suit
everybody, old and young
Dr. Odum, Macon Hotel.
Greenville, N. C;
Declined Pastorate.
We see from Watch Tower
H H ha- d
. of Christian
setts as for
r. is lo lie
Mr. Moore been In
Greenville neatly and his
endeared an our people
of We
will lie asked to
Atlantic Line Will Operate the matter and hope he
will do
On account the Raleigh fair
and President Roosevelt's I i
the Coast Line
will operate train
from I be following points to B l
tut urn Oct.
Leave From
on a m
Rocky Mount
lo a m
a m Kim City
ii a m
a in
a m
G a m
a in
a in
oil a m
a m
a m
Ar 10.10 a
Gave Two Performances in Greenville
The Van
hi been on I be mad for seven
1201 ears, gave two performances In
I Greenville Tuesday. In
,, the large was filled toils
ti a
Ar ti a
B m Plymouth
a m Jamesville
a m Everett
ti a
Ar a m Parmele
Returning special will leave
at p m same date.
Tickets will be good to return on
special train or on regular trains
to October 23rd, 1905.
All tickets include admission
coupons to the fair grounds.
full seating capacity, and there
was also a large crowd at night.
There were good some
S about toe show and both perform-
the audiences. Some
T acts were by i In- Hun-
family of acrobats In which the
were especially good, Mrs.
in her us slack
feats, the riding of Cook
Miss Annie Carroll, and the
nurse riding of
The reputation preceded the
circus here that there were many
fakers with it, but we have
Chief of Police J. T. Bin th
on this point and he says there was
nothing of the kind evidence
here but it one of the
cleanest shows has ever seen
B. J the press agent and
of the circus, was a most
clever gentleman.
Miss Bela Cox
morning Ayden.
Mis T f , I W, I e,
today here
d. A. lot- taken i l
Edward Matthews went to K
sum -y t
k. It. id
evening from New York.
M I. h is
in leach i Class n
Mr. a Mrs. T. B. Jenkins lei
Sunday evening for a visit
Mis n, of
Sunday to emit I
Vis. M.
II. H. who n id b.-e i
a few days here, i
Sunday for
Mrs W. P Edwards and chi d-
have gone lo
o visit relatives.
C. I . d P. V H.
w. D. G.
went to v
Federal court.
M y of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Miss Sophia
J returned home this morn-
a i I
of Bethel, who M
returned home
Mrs. T J. Jarvis returned Sun
d from Morganton where
she bad attending the state
of the Daughters f
i tie
returned Monday
evening from
F. M. went the
mad Monday
C. L returned Mon-
day evening from
Mrs. J. W, of Norfolk,
is visiting Mrs. home.
Miss Mi M i visiting
aliases Carrie mid Waggle Brown.
Rev. J. A. is
in a meeting at
W. M went to
this morning.
K W left this morning
tor Richmond.
T. W. Skinner returned Tues-
day evening from Danville,
Joyner left this morning
tor Littleton to intend school.
W and Mr.
of spent today here.
Mi M ye, of
Is visiting her sister, Mrs R. W.
and Harry H.
and I. Sherman return
ed Tuesday from
Miss Bruce Gardner, of Wilson, i
who has been visiting Mrs. J. C ,
Lanier and Mrs. S. T. Hooker,
returned home today.
Mr Mrs. L. A. Cobb, of
Ki who had been here
of his father,
returned home Tuesday evening.
W. J. Pope, of Grifton,
took two here for the circus,
bis friends were glad to see
him in that long. He
thought the circus was to be on
so come over that day.
Finding his mistake after getting
here he decided to stay rather than
go home and come
. to a. i. O i
K . .
H E , i
me I ,. ,,, i
. ,
i. . ,. .
V la- e
-I .- i .-. . ,,
Q . ,.,
M b In. Pi-i
lei i g , p ,
i E Li Hi Q
lion- t -I ii
1230 I . i, ,
US i i ,
l-l . -J. II. I I y
j-i, i ,; , ,
i. ; X An o . s
lank-, rule-, . .
N c . o .
I I- . i;.
h e ens r . ,
F i la.
v , r
. s. Or v ii.,.
Mi , ;. ,
s . ., ,.
seriously hurt.
Lorn ii, .
ha-. S-i r,
J. K. V.
took in the at
r.-p in a pleasant
T F N and J. B.
Be wk.
of W hit evil spent
J. E and left
Thursday to friends and
at Dudley
N. O.
The way to reckon
cost of is to put both,
costs i coat of paint
mg it
It would country bun
of dollars a year;
it would save you alone you
happen lo be a
dollars a
See how ll It costs as
to on as an-
other, lit
Yes, the same number
Well, don't
No, you'll twice as many
of adulterated as of
and you've to pay
twice a- for putting It
Mr. X. every, Delhi, N Y. hat
two alike mid in
condition. Painted one house with
ti gallons, the
otter with a paint was
half gallons.
Same painter, Gilbert, did
both jobs. One costs Hie
Better no by the name.
Yours truly,
P. W. COo.
P. . II. L, our paint.
Don't yon need some old news
Tan office is
overstocked with and for two
will sell them In lots of
at IS cants. Don't miss Ibis bar
gain counter.
Phones Cut Over,
General Superintendent K. C.
returned to
Sunday evening and is now cutting
over the to the new
system. The bell phones with
which you only have to take up
the receiver to call the central
are a great improvement
over the old style that required the
turning of a at every call.
There is hardly any fun at all in
being only as smart as people think
yon are.

Eastern reflector, 10 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 10, 1905
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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