Eastern reflector, 6 October 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

m w
At a. m.
Is the Opening
I Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Stock of Clothing, Goods. Shoes, Hats, Fur-
etc. IN TO ONE
. the sub is to buy
and for season His
ill his
,; suit Avoid
those do; and in your
Good exorcise
h . , i is poor
piece of pro . . arc, how
slim you . . we o
All IV .
i . ,. . your
sh alders . .
I ave ; u i the people I'm adjoining Counties r the Pal Nineteen Years and herein give
you my that during this SPECIAL BALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in North Carolina.
New and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
Hut for of space we can only quote a few of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we are now offering
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Mon's in Si Suits at tho following
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
Special Celebration Sale
The Man's Outfitter.
C Stoves Ranges,
Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Plows, Heat Cutters and
S In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Youths Long Suits Age to cheaper than
the quality colored taffeta
Knee Pants Suits and Width
Knee suits. inch regular and solid
v Mixed suitings, worth doing at
1.27, 1.47. Plaid worth
Men's Pants. Full line panamas, worth
SI. 1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98. inch all colors ladies broadcloth worth
During the A line velvets, now
Celebration Price on Shoes, Men's
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair. Light colors in yard wide
Brogans worth now Good Dark colors for
Fine Dress Shoes Heaviest IS outing light cotton
Pat. Leather latest toes
worth now Extra Sensation
Shoes Ladies Ladies tailor made suits worth 7.50 now
Per pair, made 22.50 now
Shoes from per pair up. ft
, r IT yards best calico
and Boys Hats Blankets for double beds each
A Carload of men's hats in all shapes and Colors at
your own prices. line hamburg
. . Ladies kid gloves
Boy's hats from up. Misses fancy hose
Men's Overcoats now Best quality table damask
Hoy's Overcoats as low as Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
Trust Company
business 1905,
Loans and . ts Mock paid in
Overdrafts, fund 6,500.00
Undivided profits, less
at fixtures expenses a 2,709.50
All i. payable 15,000.00
Due from Bank Time certificates
Cash items I
Hold coin
Silver coin 155.35
National Bank notes and
U, n i 13,0711.00
I -tits
to check 1,725.79
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who buy worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday, Sept. 28th, at a. m. sharp.
North Carolina, County Pitt,
I, It. Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly
swear that the above is true to the beat my knowledge
and belief. It. J. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this -It day of Sept., 1905. ,
C. S. CARR, Notary Public. I
J. I.
CHAS. conn
O. T.
I have taken up a stray shoal
that has been running with
stock about two months, The
ii Bandy red color,
pounds, has in right
car tailed. Owner is
to call for same and pay
near Greenville.
The Penalty.
A little results
Id death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cots or puny boils;
have paid the death penalty.
is wise to have
Salve ever handy. It's the
salve on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, sores, ulcers j
and threaten. Only
J. L.
Putt an End to It All.
A grievous
at result of pain from
over taxed Dizziness,
Backache, Liver and
Hut ks to Dr.
King's New Life Pills they put an
end to it all. They are hut
thorough. Try them. Only
by L. Woolen,
A piano for i-ale at a sac-
instrument which is one
of the best handled by the
Co, was
moil Ii- ago by a gentleman who
unfortunately lost in-
Party willing to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
to G. Q. or W. A.
Greenville N. C.
End of Bitter
physicians had a long and j
stubborn with an on
my right F.
Du gave me up.
Everybody thought my tune had
come. Asa last resort tried Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con-
The I received
was striking and I on my feet
a few days, Sow I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed by
Jno. L. Wooten, druggist. Price
and 11.00. Trial free.
Suicide Prevented.
A announcement a
preventive of suicide bail been
discovered will Interest many.
A down system, or
invariably precede and
something has been found that
will prevent condition which
makes suicide likely. Al first
of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
It's also a stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Wooten, Druggist
Bilk and zephyr shawls,
colors extra heavy in black. D.
M. Johnson Co. Grifton N C.
Why use Cotton Baskets when
yon can get Cotton at less
than half the price. White.
id b w
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Interesting Service in Episcopal Church
Sunday Morning.
A very interesting and impress.
service was held in St.
Episcopal church Sunday
during which Rev. W. E. Cox
was ordained to the priesthood, he
b advanced by from
the order of deacon
be has served the church for some-
The ordination was conducted
by Rev. Robert
Bishop of this Rev.
F. Smith, of Washington,
D. C, a native of this county
uncle of Rev. Mr. Cox, preached
the ordination sermon. Rev.
Harding, Washing-
ton, N was also present to
part the service.
The sermon of Rev. Mr. Smith
was form the text
the basis of bi discourse being
words be unto yon a my
Father bas-sent me, so s- l I
It was a sermon and
was listened to with marked
e-t by the large congregation. His
remarks addressed to
R-v. Mr Cox, as latter Stood
before him near the close of the
sermon, were beautiful.
The music at the service
excellent, especially offertory
solo sung by Miss Nina James Io
which the chorus choir gave
splendid support.
There was not a happier soul in
the congregation than Mrs. Mary
Smith, of Winterville, the year
old mother of Rev. Mr. Smith and
grandmother of Rev. Mr. Cox.
She remarked afterward that she
bad looked forward with joy to
the day when she could look upon
tier son and standing
t. gel her as- ordained priests.
Verily she is a in
and were brought
In the nurture admonition
the Lord. She
look with pride upon the two
before her on this occasion. Both
are mi u of consecrated lives and
Christian character, and are
an honor to their county will
faithfully fill the sacred calling in
which they have enlisted.
It is well enough for the people
to keep in bounds and Dot
because this is carnival week.
are not given license to
just what they please.
Association Drew a Crowd.
Sunday's train was like an ex-
There were two extra
coaches and were crowded to
the steps with colored people going
to an over
mill. The crowd around
was immense.
Primitive Baptist Service.
Elder L. H. of Bid.
ville, a visiting minister of the
Primitive Baptist church, will
preach in the church
here tomorrow night.
Bearish Report
The bureau report
Issued places tin condition
of the crop at 71.2.
was much i expect d
and in consequence a sharp decline
in price followed.
Mrs. Opening.
Mrs. Griffin's fall opening
millinery today was cent r of
for the ladies. Ho
stock is beautiful.
Wilkinson's Opening.
C L. Wilkinson Co. tin ii
opening of fall and winter goods
They one of the best
to be found of the
kind of goods that please the
New Officers Elected.
After the regular meeting of the
class Sunday at the Baptist
church there was a business meet-
held. The following officers
C. E. Bradley, president.
R. F. Betts, vice president.
H. B. Tripp, treasurer.
If. Abbot;, corresponding
J. W. Allen, reporter.
Asa music director.
J. W. Bryan, teacher.
Z. P. Vandyke, assistant teacher.
There was it large number of the
numbers present and a groat
of interest manifested. It is
that every should
attend regularly, unless
hindered, e have one of,
the in-, teachers In the state
The Bold Bank Robbery Show.
Was seen last night by about
of our s and all were well
pleased. Tonight will be
the where you can
see a distillery in lull operation in
the mountains with
the revenue officers in of
the moonshiners. A to
place at the still, the
killing the moonshiner and the
litter's wife killing the . dices.
The g scene ever
Also tonight can be sen
the great Chicago strike, and
whole Dam and the Dam
Mission Services at Episcopal Church.
I m it a pie. me and
lee to able to give ton.,
p f . i
Rev Rotten D.,
of the i.-is. . trill e u Greenville
the whole . I . i.-
s and mons at tie
Episcopal I he ability
th.- i, a preacher and
teacher, as well as deep spirit-
and m
well known here, a d I sure
that all good people in
this coin rejoice at bis
will avail
I he opportunity to the
vices week.
trended to even man,
child i Greenville i
he and a hearty .-Iconic
ill In- given all cine.
r-e services Will begin Sunday,
Out. 8th. p, in , a u
i lie ugh we-k
ding th in i no
Holiday, O principal
I s-i m will l-
v i.-es
on mi. he there
i hi break
i ii Com in union
i y Friday, and a
.- in ii. . at tin-
. i on Sunday, h.
tins ,,; , ,
b in. r in i a will be a
mornings the week.
I It later.
Tile el lei- is to
deep, tin- nu I life of all who
a i i I for
ion o I fun-
line of Hie Christian
Faith and
f including the
i o on Sunday,
tie as
The Church
Heart of
repeat i cordial
to generally
services, and to all
A Huge Success
he . no
he II i s.- . Ii
hundred i.,. , h
b led .
e new m
Ii Hi w V.
affair is In
a- Mr A . t,
when u
pi to do h
well and this event sill I
Hie d ell i ii-e.
and the c
111- III
went up the road
.- ill
W p
K -t i
net I returned f i. m
e a ;
o .
nu ml i
H M of Norfolk, an e
s Urn , bricked in red n
I i. ft ibis morning
visit , Norfolk.
left ibis for
l- .
V M; Raker to Lewis-
I, this nun nu g ,
Junes is visiting
Mrs. R. j.
F C. of
general of
e system is m
Mrs. J, M
Miss Hen lord,
are on e. i u. ii
lug the Una . v an n,
I- r. h l ,. ,,.
now K i e Yo k, I.
are an i.
Bile at low w .
store, n. is go nu i . o,
packed a-tin- sale
Brained With Axe.
W . B. James went to
Mm day evening,
i, t., , . I been visiting her son,
II. returned o . , .
, , e, led
evening Ir. In t e.
Mr-. K, Bond and Mrs. II-
Ii Nick; Mes-
M. A. Dundee, Jame- Swell
B L Long, B Sherrod,
K. Jones W. T. Grimes, and
Blown, e
after which she i
on a
and i to it.
her throat with a knife i
on the burning bed
Neighbors rescued m
so badly Hi
soon she had
Ion. The eldest
at ins.
e, Ii
. i an a
i cm dies
in . ;, coal mi
She hacked
a ii
i In
Fire at Rocky Mount.
warehouses at Rocky Mount Men-
destroyed by fire The loss
mated at about It is .
known how lite
Large Ear Corn.
County Commissioner W,
R. Home brought to town with
him one of the largest ears c
we seen. It was Inches
Hen C returned Monday
V. W . kins i t-
K son Monday
K. House left this
i t. Bethel,
v D. this
i i
II i i-
d in visit
ii k n lei in tied
i i l Ii iii
i- U H, II will
ii the on a rub tonight.
M. Blow, of the
n of I ii k
Sir and Mis.
tamed evening from
Ml-s Ma of
Mount, is her sister,
W. Tucker
day Raleigh to take a
in the
Mrs K. L. of Forts
mouth, came In Saturday evening
to visit Mrs J
sod Mary
name In evening to be
ii Hie Sunday,
home morning.
ad Mrs. J. L. of
Mr and Mrs. M.
of Seven Springs, Mr. and
i-. Mrs. and
Col. Pop.-, M,
Mis. F O. of
Mary Smith, Mis. Evelyn
D Misses Olivia,
Oil, Thomas and
.--, ere here
Sunday to attend ordination of
W. E. Cox. They all left on
the train Sunday evening.
The Eye and the Digestive
Some one says that an
lining of spectacles, frames
large two small, lens not
exactly in front of each eye. It
acts as a prism, not as a lens,
produces dizziness,
I,, i Moors left Satin-1 in headache and even
day evening New Hem win re
Is In week.
W. II. Si., sou, Fred,
of Sun Sunday
who may dime will be given a I long, niches in his , II Jr.
nearly welcome. W. E. and was filled with grains to
The Carnival.
F M. h-ts moved his
office to Fourth
has up quarters.
carnival open-; manicure set to be given , ,.,, ,
ii.,. ., , , Gilbert, nil in c , arc
Mrs. l. Kicks
Vote for the Queen.
the most comical picture
ever witnessed. The Greenville here Monday night and kepi to the Queen of the carnival nu
young man who went to New York a racket a Lour Saturday night o'clock.
disguise and advertised for is a ferris wheel, a cent each at Coward ft Women's
So m my abnormal it of the
eye, its muscles involved. He
thinks not only the above
named but
digest and
may b.- to
the inadequate to the
digestive s l
m overcoming
is ,,
Carrie of the
wife, which was answered by a
multitude f old maids
round, a number of fairly good drug store, Si me
side shows and a lamer number of,
widows him at I booths to catch your dimes atone
tomb and chase him borne j device or another. There was
will afford a of amusement. I quite a large crowd to go out I be
Tonight at the carnival. night. The aggregation will
be here all the week.
School Opens.
The graded school opened
for the lull session
Vaudeville Busted.
The vaudeville show was
billet the house on the
will not be here; us 0001-
Greenville, N.
Dear Let's have a little
business; nobody else, please, read.
Von want to to do a
cheap job of painting, and have it
good. Here it is; Th,. is for a session of
cheapest thing there is in way
of a good looking not bin i
about its being good i- Opening,
the regular thing in The fall display of millinery and
The reason is; Devon goes fancy goods big
further Hum anything else. Lead yesterday and today, has afforded
and oil it good don't of pretty things, as usual
so far and costs more. The other his Stock is carefully selected and
Bold Bank Rubbery.
At the Hold Bunk R. lent
t the carnival t ill u
prevented Jesse and James
robbing Hie bank
Minnesota Yon see blow
open Mile, i be
of Petersburg,
evening to visit
A. Webb.
arrived Monday
their ulster Mrs
E. Prof. W.
II. pi
lo the River
as nut,
,, -I vi- I n
for Morganton to the
con of the
i f Hie I .
canals .,
I ill In-Ill any-
thing in the itself. Dis-
orders of th.- system
affects the vision Is often wit-
after too hearty a meal.
i, , See that
ii you a-
When they not
correct Dr.
e R ,, and
,,.,,, , ,
Governor made a short ad- Jesse, ,.,, visiting Mrs. hi Hotel,
dress to the school at j i Fleming, returned home N. Call the
the bank's money. tonight , Hamilton. day you can , seat him.
a w if,
about pupils in attendance. h and ,., u ,.,,,,
two ii robbers killed
lusted on way. But the
b f minstrel show will lie here I paints are more or less short in one represents the very best styles that
Whole Dam and the
Greenville young man in New
York advertising for a wife. Ail
of this cents. t d
earl I-
night, and the carnival win still be
in progress, so the will
not be missed.
The presentation of from
operas in Masonic temple opera
house. Tuesday night, was a de-
success. Every pint was well
rendered and the large
audience. The receipts amounted
to nearly
way or another; go so far the fashion centers produce. The
and costs more. The other paints j ladies his store are de-
are more or less short in one way lighted with what find there,
or another; don't go so far and
Rev. Nathaniel
Washington, who has been spend
a days with brother,
H. Harding, returned
Better Send Him On
A n.
duties as teacher
in the
more than
costs least of all; you
don't mind its lasting longer, d
There will be a subscription
dance tomorrow night, Thursday,
5th, at Perkins opera
house. Music by carnival niche- I Mrs. R. W. child-
The dance given In honor Ky., came in
l the home girls, so buys will morning to visit Mrs. M. V.
lately claiming to represent art
Miss Annie schools cities has been
day for to begin her working a slick fake on people.
Hut the people
love to
Let Us Know.
This week of carnival, late trains
you We help it; paint and general push will cause
that goes further lasts long; we number of personal items to again, as reminder that the box New year.
please take notice.
Tickets at the Window.
The got the
can't help it. Our friends
Yours truly, jean help remedy this if I hey will
K. W. ft I phone or send us If they have
P. S, H. L. Carr sells our paint, j visitors.
rent carnival is on once inure. The
is, general SO cents,
reserve d Performance
repeated every quarter.
Don't Miss It.
Do not miss Great Van
which will arrive
, here on its own special s and
live two performances in Green-
ville on Tuesday, Oct. one at
o'clock in the afternoon aim one
at o'clock in the evening. Tho
B. Weinberg doors to its big teats opening one
returned hour earlier. Grand tree street
rooming from where the , parade the day of
been lo new year.
Forbes, near here.
Mr. and Mrs. and child
ten returned Sunday evening from
Mount where they went to
and L. Mum in. u

Special Low Rates of One
First Fare Plus Fifty
cents to Raleigh,
Richmond and
Return, via
Tickets on October 13th to
return limit
rd. All tickets include
to the
October has been designed
as President's Day, on which date
President Roosevelt will visit
being there from a. m. to
p. m. An address will be made
by the President at a. in. on
the day of his visit to the Fair.
Special low rate of Pare
Plus Fifty cents for the round
trip to and return,
toe Horse Show via the Atlantic
Tickets on sale October 13th to
Slat, final return limit October
23rd. All include
coupon to the Horse Show.
Reduced Bates to Ac-
count Show.
The Allan tie taken
pleasure in announcing special low
rate of one fare
for the round trip to Richmond,
and return of
10th to
Tick is on sale to 1-1
inclusive, with final limit
October 15th. AH tickets
one admission coupon to the Horse
Horse Show is a
State occasion and should not be
missed by all lovers
display of superb horses; In
sides is i place of many
is well
worth a visit.
For further information write
General Passenger Agent
Wilmington, N. C
A Shoe for
is made with careful reference
tn the most minute details and
so perfected in its .
styles there is no other w.
man's shoe on the market
at the price the Ultra does, ii
superior, if its equal
H if is die fundamental
we employ
own expert designers, and
Ultra Shoe is over
to closest variations
of width and size m
The Ultra Shoe
requirement of the
a of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Bowen,
Whats the Use to Cry
I Ii . c
. . . r
, i
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Railroad
Ayden, N. C.
and look over our elegant
Art Squares, Curtains, Brie
Carpets and
We sell the only
The Buck stove.
You furnish the family
We'll furnish the homo.
N. C.
to see Hart Jenkins
hi ii Deed to dress
your feet, we can save you money
ind something the
foot. We carry the nicest and best
5.00 -line ever saw. Try
lie convinced.
Call on Hart s for a bar
I Columbia Flour, none
lie had
Old I land-made
Gum Bread at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Home Outfitters.
We keep a I ; t , n
all the season. We are in . ,
of horse yon want, draft horse-, ii . , v .
We keep the finest males i e i I
or trade for kind of
ill anything from a plug m
see If we I. r.
ill set it.
L. v .
s . i,
i I
s m
R. L.
In the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
ID. S. Spain
T. Bailey
We will always work for your
and guarantee price.
. S. Hardy
Proprietors Calculator.
Curious Tidal That Might Pea
a Niagara.
We long known that cu-
freak of the Fundy tides, the
or tidal wave, appears at
N. at
every tide, twice a day.
At we stepped upon the wharf one
of us said to the other, there
comes the And there it was,
three miles away, beyond the bend
across which we were looking, a
long, white, level streak, cutting
across the river from bank to bank.
Sighting by houses and trees
along the shore, we could measure
how swiftly it approached, and in a
vary few minutes it needed no such
help to see that it came rolling on
with the speed of a railway train,
showing the low, tumbling outline
of a broken on the beach.
Hester and nearer, with a sharp,
hissing roar, we almost held our
for the moment when
it should pass beneath our feet. Ten
minutes from the time we first saw-
it the moment
down upon it, what we
saw was a bead of water, as though
from a broken dam, stretching
straight across the channel and roll-
tumbling, foaming, as it raced
along, just as a great breaker races
up the beach after its fall. Before
it the surface of the river low,
quiet, rippling gently downward
toward the sea. Behind the water
level was nearly three feet higher
and courting up from the sea with
the speed and fury of u miniature
gorge. At the tides the
foam brawn mud turn
from the banks, and nil the
current came after was
bid and dark.
We watched that magic white line
receding, twisting and turning us
the channel curved between the
wastes of mud Hut, and moment by
moment the level of the racing Hood
below us climbed higher on the
A group of boys who been
until the last possible sec-
out on the Hats scattered into
trailing lines of black dots, making
for the shore. At last, when the
while line had grown quite
in the distance, we turned
away. We had teen the bore m
Ha Him the
It is related of the famous Jonas
that, on being politely re-
by a nobleman for not
coming to dine with him, he
lord. cannot afford
On another occasion lie was pay-
the string of servants, who, as
appealed on the scene as he
was leaving the house he had visit-
your said one,
upon which he paid a shilling.
umbrella, mid n sec-
another shilling.
your another shilling.
may keep the gloves. They arc
not worth a Tit-
A Letter of Thomas Hood.
A letter written by the poet
Thomas Hood to very dear Ma-
changed hands at a public
sale in London the oilier day for
consideration of The letter
has the following quaint
is a talc of a little prince
who a ruby heart, and whatever
he wished was instantly grant-
ed, but it is not so with mine.
Neither have Aladdin's lamp, or n
should have been scrubbed bright
ere the ball, now it
is a dark and the of
fairyland is forever, duly
the fiery dragon- remain, which are
many and fearful, and the black
cats and the demons and imps and
the ogres, who arc the booksellers,
except that have no eyes in
An Ungenerous Question.
The o of had been
cut, and minister of the Zion
church looked it with as keen
anticipation a- was displayed in the
faces round him.
fine a goose us ever
saw. ho said to
his host. did you gel such
a fine one
now. said
the cm it the goose, with a sud-
den in. . . of dignity, you
preach a special good sermon I richer
you where you got it.
to mo a trivial matter any-
In a Hurry.
She was a of three and
the had not been behaving at all as
the authorities considered that
young billies of three ought lo
After a hectic day. during
which she bad been I
whole sin of the .
win; and said the
pro; i i. She was not annoyed nil,
to end the
i me
f n for
Indiana and Frontiersman Learn From
Signs and Observations.
There is undoubtedly a practical
art of discovering springs. Indians
or frontiersmen can find water in
the desert where a can-
not. Mexicans and experienced pros-
can similarly find ore. These
arts consist mainly in the
of superficial which es-
cape the ordinary observer.
It is not necessary that opera-
tor should consciously note these
signs separately and reason upon
them. No doubt he frequently docs
so, though he may not away
the secret of his method to others.
But in many instances he
by association and memory the pres-
of a group of indications, great
or small, which he has repeatedly
found to attend springs or ore de-
This skill, due to habit, is often
almost unerring for a given limited
district, but under new conditions
it break down. Old miners from
California or Australia have often
made in other regions the most fool-
and hopeless attempts to find
gold, because they thought this or
that place just some
other place in which had mined
Apart from the magnetic miner-
there is no proof that ore
its exhibit their presence and nature
by any attraction or other active
force. With regard to water, how-
ever, there may be an action affect-
the temperature and moisture of
the overlaying surface. here.
however, it seems more likely that
such effects are manifested visibly to
a close observer rather by
system. The favorite fields
Water diviners arc legions in which
water is abundant, but not gathered
upon given horizons of impermeable
strata underlying porous rocks.
Winter Buds.
The infinite variety of nature's
laws, the nice adaptation of all
forms of life to varying
stances and conditions, the wonder-
inventive genius which nature
displays in devising a particular
meant to every special end, is no-
where more forcibly illustrated than
in the development of the buds and
in the various means adopted
their protection during the long
sleep of winter. Observation
these winter buds will disclose am-
evidence that the trees arc fore-
handed, having completed t licit
preparations for the spring adorn-
months before the season
rives. It will also show that, while
the trees appeal to
ed in the winter blasts, the
ties, tender and susceptible to cold.,
are most carefully and cleverly pro-
each according to its needs.
Frank French in Scribner's,
Food Courses In Ireland.
The etiquette of the fashionable
holds bus not yet penetrated
the hinterland of Ireland. A
who, with his wife, put up
ill an inn in the darkest interior
served the lint night with an
orate dinner of live or six courses.
Unwilling to give trouble,
begged landlady not to cook
much, as a single dish would gen-
do. They were taken at
word. Next evening the soup, fish,
joint and .-weds were serve.
in a chaotic mass in the same dish.-
It has been th
brazen mini on record
capable of asking u
tell him the way. A X
per gives instance
lo most
A doctor's night bell
rote professional
In the window.
you inform me
man on the step below,
tor next door makes
I've been ringing his
minutes, one
at the most
is the
driver i
the next
rang, and In
and went
the doc-
night calls
bell for ten
Due from Bunks
Cash Items 846.00
Gold coin 107.32
Silver coin
Nat, notes 4,359.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 161.47
sub to check 18,616.36
State of North Carolina,
Comity of I
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 26th day of Au-
gust, 1900.
Notary Public,
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
you want in the way of
nice Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under not the
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards
Closets, Book Cases, Parlor
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H. Taft
Coming on It's Own Train.
All to
One morning Mr. coachman
was very in filing to work, and
on being questioned for an
of he
tell truth, boss, dun
got and
it I got
employer said,
is your an
you nut oil mi your honey
mid Jim. dun
gone on do She ball
all de M
Clerical Wit.
v bishop of Oxford was
waited on Ii r man who
to loci a
Mil r
m r
, . . Stub
bet r f com
ill positively exhibit at
Combined n a scale, of Magnitude never attempted before.
Coming in all it.- vast entirety. Bigger, Greater, Grander
than ever before. Magnificent Display of Entirely New
Features, Moral Museum of The
Great Golden Menagerie.
Many Strange Zoological Specimens
Including Rarest Animals in Captivity. The Lioness, Queen
her rurally of young cubs. A FEATURE--the
largest living HIPPOPOTAMUS in captivity, weighing 6.000
A Monster Blood -Sweating Behemoth, of Holy Writ,
in the densest Morass of the wild region of the mys-
A Zoological Garden
Brought to your city or. wheels. The Human Meters, the La
Pearl Family of
Mons. the great perpendicular Ladder Artist
Wheelers Marine Band
The finest Musical Organization traveling with any in
Grand Street Pageant
new and costly Steam Piano to be seen daily in our Free
Spectacular New Street Parade. A Grand Gala Day. Prepare
the c event. One ticket admits to all advertised
Knows. Ail Children Half Price. No Gambling or swindling
allowed, and Pair Dealings the motto of this vast
TWO Performances Daily. Doors open at I and p. m.
Remember the day and date
For Male and Female.
. course in Vocal and Music. Art,
Elocution Hid Physical Bookkeeping, stenography
and A complete course in Ancient and Modern
Languages and Literature Three courses leading to A B
Degrees. Faculty of
opens September 5th, 1905.
i . or other information,
J. J. LL. B. President N.
Coffee and Tea Maker
A Patent Appliance
which fits inside any
fee Pot- docs away with Eggs
Strainer or Sack, and Needs no Settler.
Try One and Your Coffee Will be better.
your them.
Grand v Opening
September 28th, 1905.
will snow the prettiest line of Dress Goods, Press
Trimming.-, Silks, plain and and kinds Fancy
notions that we have ever had.
Everybody invited to give us a call, for we have the
newest things.
Door open Thursday morning strictly at
James F. Davenport.
Littleton Female
Splendid location. Health resort Over
pupils last year. grade work. High of
and social life. Conservatory advantages In music
courses in Art Elocution. Hot water
in n not water
lights and other modern
Remarkable health record; only one death among
mi Close i attention to the health a d soda
development of High of sh
All pupils dress alike on all occasions I'll V
will begin 8-pt. I iii,
President, Littleton. c
The Reflector
Tm. Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
t roaches people money to pay for what th. v want
It you have what they want advertise it and you are to
get a part their money.

D. J. WHICH and
Entered in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second class mailer.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired St every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in U fiction
i ii .
i i hi ion I
. laid down l
of Morion Ne
York Sun
Pitt County, NO., Wednesday, Oct. 1905.
The pumpkins
in month.
j. be well to go on
hold in to
the and silence
j-;,. tram in
and wont line once. Thai
. first leis
m cur
l i
Charlotte are paying out
in court fines and of the
big money they have been making
filling for
Raleigh wants to leave nothing
undone when the president
They are even talking to fire a salute
to lit in from an old Confederate can
Greenville baa not put in an
plication tor a date with the
dent when be comes to North
Carolina. We nave attractions
the present.
community will have the
of celebrating its connection with
the Capital of the State and its direct
touch with the coast.
It is regretted that tire details of
the deal cannot now be given. It is
. that it been i
id. Whatever the result in the
of railroad economics, the
assurance the line between
and Washington is a practically
certain will be pleasant reading
lo the thousands of people
along the line proposed
and Observer
Charles of Salisbury,
men, died week. Ha was ;.
general attorney of the Southern rail-
way in S i- i mill has en
The of the South during
the past years have received an
e I a year for
their cotton, to say nothing of the
seed. This has enabled them
fortify themselves financially that
they are able as never before to con-
tho price of their chief crop. A
good price for cotton and a good
price for pro of our mills
and helps every line of
trial activity in the Smith. When
we learn to send less money away
front home for insurance and other
things that can be obtained at hone
our further
succeeded in iii it
W. B. Rodman.
pip-i-s of have won
in the fight made against them
by striking union printers, and
they deserve congratulation. v
hampered none of I be
a single issue
v are a i
condition. ; mi
prim hi by
the i i ti i lit profit by ex-
of in
It is a bard matter for the man
who wants keep from show
no it harder him
i ,. fr in is sole
after bis d-l at
d th SOU
The cause of pi in
Carolina is supported by another
paper which just appeared in
Elizabeth City, under the name of
Great Issue The new paper
is edited by Rev II M North,
the City Road church, and will deal
with certain people who may not be
reached in mass meetings held in
behalf of the cause The Economist
states that no regular subscribers
have but that numbers
of boys have been employed to make
a free distribution of the organ.
Almost before you know it a cold
snap n ill catch you.
Sew i has spent nearly half
a million dollars lighting yellow
and will not win until Jack Frost
ends a hand.
This is the lime of year when sub
ought to send in what they
owe for their newspapers and not
wait to be asked for it.
They are tinkering now at Durham
to keep Murray from serving the
sentence the has passed
him for killing his uncle.
the insurance
bis contributions have been exposed,
the Republican party must look to
other Ids for its campaign
rut it will find them.
K, co Sound
T and
;., I ins
some lo tin I
the corporation.
of a
ii i S ill d
i a band
vii nor,
I las
if which c
;. in,
fin miry ii i ;
it has ii ; ads,
u. but has Ii
During the last few days there
have been a number of meetings and
a in the city Is-tween tin
of either the Stan I
ard Oil Company or the Coast Line
.,. ;. . tors if the new road
It gathered on
authority, these I
reached a conclusion which means
that the Sound becomes a
branch of Atlantic Coast Line.
There n rumor in Washington
e president's visit
will have political significance. It
will be more than a mere social
. It is said be
the two or set speeches, which
lie nil make, one of them to be in
in which lie will lay down
m. principles. III
so-i s. so the rumor goes, will
mi line the proposed
policy regarding or three
mil measures which will come be
i at the
session, them tariff revision
and federal supervision of railway
rates If the president is
to attempt In Ins ideas
he will need the aid of
in the upper house He
hi n, lie counted on to do what
during his tour of South
ingratiate with our
t i lay Ins plans and ideas
them for the purpose of Be-
their approval and endorse-
When Mr Roosevelt goes back to
Washington in November he will be
more popular at the South than he
and in ire S congress
I lie read to back him in
bis two i el n
printing offices that were
frighten into accepting the de-
of the union printers are want-
to kick themselves since seeing
bow the Charlotte offices won out in
the light.
Ii was tin ii I hat the recent ex-
I of s of the A.
college at for hazing
be a sufficient example to
Ii any others from engaging in
practice, but not
so. There has since been a fresh
outbreak of hazing and the faculty
have the expulsion of live other
under consideration. The
chain gang i be a more suitable
place some young men than
yesterday, down today,
And again tomorrow;
i it makes the former glad.
next he's full of sorrow.
Respectfully referred to the Char-
Observer's strike poet for
The New York young man
obtained by forgery
learned to make big figures.
folks part with their money very
easy at the carnival and get but little
in return for it.
As Secretary Taft has returned
from his junket he can hold down
tin- lid again when the president
comes South.
Rockefeller has made good his
promise and turned over that
to higher education. There
will be something doing in oil.
In North Carolina none of the
lay houses are large to hold
the crowds who want to see Tom
It looks like North Carolina to
become a great insurance center.
The insurance companies already
organized arc meeting with such
success that many new ones are
bi ringing into distance, Re careful
arid don't overdo the thing
really looks like something
about to be done We have been
that petitions are now be
lug circulated among the towns on
this of the Atlantic
Line with a view of securing another
daily train. That is a move in Hie
right direction and if the towns work
together we believe additional
train will be secured
has been hammering on this
proposition a long time and hopes
Boon to see it accomplished.
time is ripe; submit the
question of prohibition to the people
of North Carolina and I believe it
will win by nearly will
canvass the state for prohibition
These were the words of Governor
K Ii an address before
the state convention of the Woman s
Christian Temperance Union in
There might not just now
be altogether so large a majority as
the governor predicts, but
is one of things is coin-
sooner or later.
It is also gathered that the
n-d plans as -i t forth by the t-
e of the road will be followed and
the line from Raleigh to Washington
may be said to be assured. By next
May, if the weather permits, the
r tad will have l completed lo
Wilson and the trains running be-
tween that city and Raleigh. After
the Wilson connection work will be
rapidly to
and Snow Hill It is
expected that the Washington
minus will be established by Christ
mas, 1906 and in all probability at a
much earlier date
The already to
Wendell, Wake county, mid it is
proposed to hold a ti m at that
t next month at which that good
The Rebate Evil
to said District
v Morrison in yea-
I ; lay, the government is in a
fair of breaking off the entire
rebate evil in this country What,
without more laws Has it been all
a mistake tin n, to mix up the PI bate
question with the project lo give the
Interstate Commerce Commission,
or some other the power to
decree So it would
seem. existing law, , see
a i v
Greenville, indicted, brought into court
compelled to plead guilty and to pay
lines No
bill was necessary, no extra
id Congress, but a plain en
of the statute now on the
books we note, also, that it was
not an impersonal corporation
was indicted and lined -not the in-
definite Packing but its
The Raleigh correspondent of the
Charlotte Observer says that the re-
p sale of the Raleigh and
Sound railroad to Atlantic
Coast Line is denied by of
the former, tin the contrary, the
correspondent states, there has only
been a reorganization of Raleigh
and Pamlico Sound company which
has infused new blood and more
capital with a view of pushing the
road to quicker completion. The
Reflector most confess that was
a bit disappointed when it was an-
that the Atlantic Coast
Line had come in possession of the
II and Sound, from
the fact that while we want to see a
new load built through this section
we believe it should be a competing
line and not controlled by the one
road already here.
The heart of every true North
Carolinian is always made glad at a
reminder that the old North State is
making a name for itself. And such
reminders are not at all infrequent
in these times. In educational pro
state made strides
and has written its name oh
servant people in every state in the
union can see it. at present
its record in insurance is exciting
comment and admiration. A
has lately II quoted us
saying that tho hat h
Carolina has made in establish
of home insurance com p. lies
is receiving very general notice
commendation. North Carolina is
leading in many things Let her
strive to lead in everything
o Telegram
Gone North.
Watch This
. A.
M the of business August 25th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts.
and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Due from Banks,
Cash Items, 180.63
Gold Coin, r
Silver Coin, 1,860
National Hank notes and
other S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to check, 23,755.22
Cashier's 3.30
I, K Smith, Cashier the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
the is true to the best of my and be-
lief. U. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
of A
A Wall street thief baa been
rested for stealing Now,
if he bad only called himself a
and opened up an office, he
would never have been pulled for
taking a little sum like
Atlanta Journal.
The calling himself
et whom some of the papers
humor by printing his silly
must be trying to cut off the
attendance at the Raleigh fair when
the president conies, lie says that
one thousand people will lost be
New Bern and Raleigh before
Oct. There is no other time
this month when so many
will be on the road at onto during
the fair. Hut no one need be fright-
at what the prophet says.
H. A, White,
Insurance. Greenville, N. C
The lending wide
taffeta silk at D. M. Johnson Co,
. C.
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody reach, and
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If yon have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.
This department is in charge of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Miss of
spent Saturday Miss Hattie
The painter following
after the carpenters on the new
boy's dormitory and will MOB be
painting the outside of
In a few days it will be
occupied and already several
room-are engaged
Misses Lela
If ii could
be the wife
of bow much more tins
saint of
Men's and youth's pants.
at Barber Co
have a full line The p,,, q,, Q,
of school paper, m, to be far d
scratch pen tablet, nay
ledgers, account books,
chalk, crayons, school and
Nice wait cheap at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
children, of were in
town Monday.
near, and
to prevail.
A. W. Ange it Co.
of Vane
born, came mi put
i hum n in school.
and valise at Marring-
spent Saturday and shawl straps. and see what
Sunday with friends and have before bridging else-
; where.
yards calicoes at Rev. W. K. to
per yard, Harrington, Barber Greenville
Our streets are wag-
Mi e Mabel Kittrell went to care ,.,, n Barber Co.
home near Greenville Friday and to Mill. R
I mill has made on furniture we A. Ange A-
and Is reaping I and my of shoes
The church of elsewhere L.
was consecrated
Xii-c line of suits at H. L.
huh J in
Just K. G.
Ci., a car load lime which
they will sell very
from Mount.
pi cached
Kr Holt tune by the
clocks o is see U. who It. The
Co. services were very pretty, the
here .
l of I I i,; fro
all styles and pi ices
reasonable. Barbel
Dr. Mrs. Walter
were in u Monday.
V the b-.; assortment of
i . to Win-
e T x Br .
fall and Winter,
of church
See our lire tie-
to please A.
ii bf
lS en tend. The hap w- C-.
; the lead was followed by A load desk were j and made more
Nathaniel Harding, C. F Smith out of O. Cox Mfg Co. southland
Regardless the opinion of
strictly as lo
poses of sued
. be . . Th.
due by .-. J. S. I
tin. I am
w all r ii.
t t-i w
i s- to
th- of ,
girls and boys,
hows i- capo-,
Mi.-.-i-c i a very High
i iii urn
I have full. hip
the .-;
school planted in only
a year ago i-
The and
deportment of those engaged
in entertainment, their
name was a delight
to the good people Greenville
and all who were present. The
splendid attention given by
large audience was a special earnest
of what the felt and
and the audience was a
ship of the comity of Pitt.
Such an I
often will be readily and
appreciated by the mod
the Of Mi. Nina
James who was chief
much ca not be She
simply a very sue
s beautiful I modest type
of splendid Southern woman-
that has so Ions
id u .
for the human .
, , , the eel and
family, tine for perfectly
For sale by
Ii T. Cox Urn.
Mr. aid Mr. Walter
in town.
White's Colic and Kidney Cine,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock am a sure colic
at the Drug Store
Mrs. Jesse ii visiting
Big line of hats and caps
received, latest
Bin her Co.
s. r vices.
When in town call
run a first class livery feed I hey have been keeping a
Side St ii blue. W L. lint la e on haul
town Monday. ware mill for next
marched yesterday.
if ,;.,, of
the A. G. Cox
lie making Iota o
Iii in- I wagons, carts far
I. J,
Try a ban ell of Flour
House and Carrie
Davis spent Sit night and
Sunday with Minnie
When in of fresh men's
for sale by it ;. Chapman call on H. L Johnson.
I'm fresh go to L.
T. P Field, of Ki was
Just a few inure
ii , . . I best
H. i. s.
ever smoked at H. L.
V hen e el lice
apples Fruits
all kinds
Call at II. L and ex- Ladies and Gent's furnishings go
bis line of call- A. Ante Co.
For nice dies
To in one who lent
and to
splendid event ii; pleasure
these is but one
well lb i-.
Fathers and Mothers that Head the Re-
Those of yon, who know
of St.
Washington, K.
all who In do no, I i
you lo him. Ask how many
X have lined hi for
and Ida many esteemed
friends. I Hi suit every-
body, old mill vi u
, defects cm
. -out glasses,
Muses Ladies Gents,
Fall goods arriving dally it A.
For hay, corn and oats, go q.
Barber On. ,,,, . j,, j.,,.
K. H. went
Tuesday evening.
C A. in town
If yon want winter
get good healers at A.
W. Co. they are Cheap.
A new lot of Ballard's
just in at A W. Co.
it is reliable get prices.
Just received car load floor, nice
and fresh Harrington Barber
Nice line of fresh groceries
h-put his meal hulls on his
wagon and returned home feeling
that he had saved much time and
labor and was pleased with results,
Theodore Cos, of Sun, came
down night spent
Monday with his mother, Mrs. K.
Another siting of
at lowest
If you expect to your
seed for meal you lime
by taking meal far your sen I
up lo date farmers have at the
, , . . . Put Co. Oil Mill,
a wagon teed to I
our Pitt County Oil Co. and The closing f the Barber
had it making a bale of lint scenes in connection with the
that weighed BOO pounds, nation and consecration at Mis. Sarah Taylor her nice
He paid one dollar and cents Greenville and re Hoe goods open now,
to get if and exchanged his wan that the family and also a special line of tins,
seed for meal hulls. And Mrs. Mary Smith, including invited her many friends to see
after he had sold his bale of nearly forty, a under Hie her. Her stock well selected
to one our leading merchants . grove near the at and prices always right,
a little more than per pound of L A
St. Luke's church was concluded
at o'clock on and the good., and
family and mends sojourned at the
once to the home f Mrs. E. K. Bod ,,.,,,, Milling waiting
mother the Kev. W. . , mi any , that may come to
Just she a well line
table was spread , ,,,.
soon gathered t be price to suit
hear the pronounced by
the of the diocese, i
were rolling down . . ,.,.
Robert near i . ., ,, ,.
. e that another fan-
old grandmother here celebrated .
her eightieth birthday, declaring and it reminds us that
that it the happiest one of her and other towns on tail
life. was the en a , branch of Line are in
life of earnest endeavor and the being imposed on again by
supreme moment of all her days. tho one train M
the group,
grand and great grand
daughters, the occasion
interesting indeed. Alter dinner
photographs were taken in
groups, the being composed
the Bishop, the
I Claudius K. and
one of our streets en.
route far our neighbor county good
luck to them.
M. W. Seven
down Sunday morning and
returned evening
by wife and children
who had been visiting Mrs. B. E.
Cox for line
H. O.
Co., are Offering cut price on
their large stuck shoes which
must lie sold within a few days in
order to make room for their new
soon In be received.
Miss Olivia returned to
school at Monday evening. I ,,., .,, ,.,, f
All colon paint, and yellow present. Mrs.
at Harrington Barber Co. gave herself to her God the
Hill, of j of her own children. She
and Em of i .,
spent Sunday night and Monday to
children, when you does
letters run eyes
burn, water, Ills stick
at and headache all
to give
to everybody.
examination free. Du.
office now hi Hotel.
the I
d a s w i f.
yon cm get old
papers for going under carpets f-n
cents a hundred
Is where health abounds.
With Impure blood there can-
i it be good health.
. disordered LIVER there
cannot good blood.
with Mr. J, D.
on this day she Luke's
to serve excursion
wait on the fair until late every
Tim people ought to rise up
right now and ask the railroad not
lo put tins imposition on them.
A preacher in Kansas declines
to accept fees for marrying people
on the ground that it is wrong to
profit by the misfortunes of others.
Raleigh Poet.
A hoy who wants to learn
tin- printing business and not
afraid to work can a place in
LIVER and restore
lie natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
blood. M
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists.
North Carolina j In Superior Court
Pitt County i Nov. term
Barber, Cox,
and trail Publication
log as Bar- of
D. A. I
The above named will take
notice unit mi action entitled above
has been commenced In superior
court of Pitt county, to recover certain
personal property, i claim de-
livery proceedings, And the laid de-
will further take notice that
he la required to appear at a
Superior court of Pitt county to
he on the 19th Monday after the
1st Monday In September, it i the
day of November, 1905, at the
court of an
or demur to the said
action, or the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief demanded In
said complaint.
Clerk Superior Court of County.
Reduction and
These ailments are common with most at the
closing of the season, but with some of Greenville's re-
it has become Just think of a store
selling at cost the whole year. affect
the patients pump, can't tell the truth.
develops a mania for talking
and the germ is in some stores in Greenville all the
creates a reckless of
and stuff of Inferior qualities, no matter
what its antecedents, most of it prepared for the store
with Red Signs and
A Veritable Boarding
House Hash.
We shall expect our methods to hold.
We are neither nor philanthropists,
and for fellows, rather than old-fashioned.
But we are determined to build up this store
on principle statements based on facts and values
and Merchandise beyond any competition.
Newspaper space is too expansive to use for
Our little comparisons, such as reference to the
are very serious statements, and we take
this method of calling the attention of the most critical and
intelligent purchasing public to these abuses.
It is high time for better business methods any how.
This store has demonstrated that to-day. did and
shall to-morrow.
We are never because we do not buy
merchandise because it is cheap.
It must be good or it will not be admitted in this store.
We reduce every week, yes every day. if we think it necessary.
new goods are here. Now tor a general shake-up all
along the line.

Can Reach
Telephone Subscribers
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have u good
tool box and for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
The defendant above
notion, tint an as above
in superior
court of county a decree
l solute from said defend-
ant, the ground of abandonment
aim and the said defendant
further lake notice that he is re-
Hired to appear at the next term of
he Superior court of county to
be held at the court house ii. Green-
ville on the Monday after 1st
Monday in September, 1905, being
the of September, 1906 and
or u the complaint In
-aid action, or th- will apply
the COUP for the in
-aid complaint.
This the of July, 1905.
P. C. Moore, C. S. C.
shade A. Stocks enters and claims
acres, more or less, of
vacant land in Township, Pitt
c King between the second
d Samuel Kites old patent
Indian Well hound-
ed the lands of C. P. Smith and
Wm. use wife's land, and
This August 1906.
Any person or persons claiming title
i or interest in the above
land must tile protest ill writ
within the next days, will he
barred by
taker for
this August 7th, 1906.
Having qualified as administrator of
Williams, i late of
Pitt County, N. Hi's is to notify
I all n having claims against the
state of de.-eased exhibit them
I to the on or before the
I 30th Angus 1906, s notice
in bar of their re-
cover; All persons indebted to said
estate will ma e
the th day of August 1906.
J. O.
will be next
Tuesday Wednesday
October, 3rd and 4th.
The handsomest and cheapest
line of pattern hats ever
shown here.
The Styles and prices will be
to your advantage.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cash paid
Fur. Cotton Seed Oil Bar-
rel. Turkeys. etc. Bed-
Mat i, Oak Suits, Ba
-ii Tauten, Lounge, P
L I ft As
roots. i . . .- -ii-. Can
hum-. lie, Apples
Pi Syrup, Jelly, Mill.
Floor Surer, Soap
Ly, Mr rood, Matches, Oil,
Meal iii
e 11.1.1- . Applets, Nil
I-.-, cuts. Raisins,
China Ware, Tip and W
V. .
. h .- ., in ii outlet,
I-. i ii k I i
i . in .-. ii
, i o . . i
. i i
. . .
. r,,
The Super or Court of
mint is Letters
In roe. n; on
August. on the
e ii N-
. NOTICE is h given lo
all persons Indebted to the Estate to
nuke immediate pa in-lit to the
n . and to all creditors of said
lo the undersigned.
twelve mouths after date of
this Notice, or this Notice will be plead
in bar of their recovery
This the th. or August
mi He Estate of Albert
lbs Superior court of
c Issued Letters of
is r i to mi. undersigned
on the of August, 1906, on the
estate f K. ii Tucker, deceased, No
lice is hereby to all persons In-
e . to
.--. t the l, soil to U
id estate lo
s authenticated, in the
undersigned, within mouths
r the date of this notice, it this notice
win be iii bar of their recovery.
This the 1-th of Aug.
E P.
on the estate of P. Tucker.
I. A, Attorney.
of upon the
Pleasant Parker, deceased,
i this day been issued to me h
i i. the Superior our of
n-lice Is given to
sons holding claims said
i alp, present in me for pay-
i y on or e
day September,
e will be plead in liar of their re.
All persons indebted to said
are requested make
ii to me.
I his day of September 1908.
B Alt ROW,
Slow, Attorneys.
At the Old Stand.
I the
at Ins on Five
I o ill add to the t. i hi
of trade will i
ill times curry complete line of
Heavy and Groceries.
Km ii s,
Call on nit when I hi
best Groceries lowest price
hi which they
J. J.
The Five Grocer.
Subscribe to The
The lock Superior
hi, issued letters
to me, undersigned
on the 22nd day of Aug. 1905, on
a to w. E,
ed, NOTICE is hereby given to
nil persons indebted lo the es-
to make Immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors of said estate
their claims properly
to the undersigned, with-
in twelve months after date of
notice, or this notice will be
plead in their recovery.
This of Aug. 1905.
P. G James, H P, Jolly
on the estate of
K. Jolly.
J. Elks,
Chairman, W. R. Home,
J. R. Spier, J. R. Barnhill
S. M.
Clerk Superior C.
W. Tucker.
Register of
TreasurerS. T. White.
D. Cox.
Board of Q.
Cox, Chairman, B. M.
Whitehurst, L. C. Arthur,
Superintendent Education
W. H.
Standard keeper C E. Flem-
Superintendent of
J. E. Nobles.
J. R.
A. H. Tali,
C. S. Carr, T. E. Hooker,
J. C. Lanier.
M. Wooten.
C. Tyson.
Treasurer H. L. Carr.
fax C. Tyson.
Police Chief, A
G- A. Clark. V.
Chief Fire Department R.
J. Pulley, J. S.
ton, L. H.
Prayer meetings each
day night. Sunday schools
a. m.
J. E.
pastor. Services every
Sunday. W. H.
Superintendent of Sunday
H. H. Moore.
I Sun
day. W. B, Parker Super-
Sunday School.
Episcopal--Rev. W. E. Ox,
Services every
third Sunday. W. it
Blown of
Sunday School,
Will W.
Service every Sunday night
and morn-
day Services every Sunday
dent Sunday School
pastor. W B Dove
Superintendent Sunday
School. Preaching every
1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday,
morning and night, except
service at night.
Greenville Lodge No. A
P A M. meets 1st and
3rd nights in each
month R Williams, W
M; J. M. Sec
Covenant Lodge No. I O
P Meets every Tuesday
night. W NO; H
L V G. W P Evans
Tar River Lodge No. K of
P, Meets every l
T J Moore, K of R
Tribe No
R M, meets every
Wednesday night J
Harris, Sachem; W
wards, of R
Pitt Council
M. meets every Monday
night E H Evans,
B Tripp, RS.
A. new line of Cradles and Cribs,
Mattresses to match, at J. K Smith
ft Bro.
The ladies say that Cannon ft
Tyson have the line of
goods in town.
bananas at E. K.
Hart A Jenkins is place to
get your nit this tall, as the are
Handling M. H. Hue
and can you a fit.
Their is truly an of
One hundred years ago,
Sunday Sept. their
i cook stove in Town-
ship, and week J R.
had to arrive a solid ear loud
of cook stoves, Heaters for
or coal, and Spider,
Griddle, and ware to match
joints of stove pipe,
these are doing a large
business and their is due
to the low price and the low
pi ices are due to they
buy in car lots, such at Hay, Lime,
Flour Oats, and
Meal, we saw I hem shipping yes
Cook Stove Heaters,
to match. This is h
of only one days
f flu cents p- r
and Semis per yard
up, at J. K
That town commissioner
whom we were told had
dream concerning the holes and
we learn has up
and been all over and count-
ed the remit of Which is lie once
happy, for holes
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind It a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
B dealings.
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
Bake. Hart
N. C,
all no. not on
missing and the chief is situ can give you Special Prices.
your own bay, get
blade, folk, hoe,
hook or hole digger,
J. R- Smith Bro
A car loud I tiling n e
here winch USed
partly in tow n balance i
c of I lie mail
X Roads.
Col left Sunday i
present at g the
graded school in Greenville.
S A he o
a nice . id i
I Tom
the and discounts
the stable of T v. i Overdrafts secured
At business August 25th, 1905.
Furniture J Fixtures
other U S notes
Capitol stock 5.300.00
Undivided profits
I certificates of
deposit 1,955.00
Deposits subj. to check 11,421.64
checks out-
Duo from Ranks and
being as , , Bankers
been beaten ii Cash items
so so a- to Gold and silver coin,
National haul; and
the loose in
Mr. Han t Total
the sons up phoned j
Mr. Harvey tn fuels The state of North Carolina, County of Pit,
that annual i- Held i ii. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do
until lie could come.
C. Jackson On
depository for school hooks.
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. H- H- Cashier.
Two a around I he
Subscribed and sworn to be-
at the home of M . fore me, this day of August,
Notary Public
After July 1st I ill he
J- pared to furnish private con
i to depot for m
persons in town at
each pen-in win I
then only run lo I
and and fare on B
that will also
Made to Measure.
Cleaning, Dying
and Pressing.
Ladies and clothing
a specially.
I also clean and dye laces,
ribbons, feathers,
PAUL Tailor,
I Greenville, N. C.
is lending, we lo
that a very happy
Misses Han US and
lot, of Greene county,
Friday with Mrs
V, Han.
A full supply of No. I
Oils, Cotton
deed Hulls and Meal, at
Sin lib a Bra.
E Greene, of s i
we was
In Ayden last weak. His
Coming going was a sly
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol I j
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or docs it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
Symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
I took
down with
grew worse I
by my family physician Hint CM
hopeless. My mid
had mo lie die My
limbs body w.-re lo one-
third normal
had around my
For at least throe I had to sit
up In bed to from
I sent for of Dr.
Miles- Heart Cure, and by the time I
had taken them all I was entirely
cured. I feel heller than I have for
years, I am to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending me that If It
hadn't been for Dr. Heart Cur
would now be In my
L. T. Ky.
Dr. Hurt Cur Is told by
who will guarantee that
he first hot will If It fall
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. m. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
in. for
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight Norfolk, care Norfolk
Bombers K. R.
subject to change
H. MYERS, Agent. Washing-
ton, N. C.
J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
J ff. BUY CO.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
The Security Life and Annuity
The Pioneer Life Insurance Company.
Closed It's Fourth Year with Over d r
Force in North Carolina
and Quarter Million Dollars
Of insurance in force. No other Company has ever made such Record in North Carolina
s progressive Home Company has fought a good fight and won great victory tor the ;., ,
m. the Agency Force and many who The belong alike to the Officer
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized
to bear the
As authorized for Daily
we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-j Just received, fine line of
writing receipts can fit you up in any style
h . i We have a list I or price,
receive th-n mail Mis. H. C. wards who has
is office. We also lake orders i been her sister, Miss
f Cox, near here, returned to her
V . Smith and in Greenville Friday.
I mi Friday Tobacco twine, thermometers
end a meeting for sale by Cannon Tyson
low in at
r u
i need
come to see
Several sights h o
into hen of Users, at it. Smith A Bro.
killed s. Sunday night Strange
I In- bloody services and in the
Misses Annie Dudley, Lena
Harris and Nora Smith are visiting
friends on I be other side of the
A full supply of Trunks,
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
them a trial. They are sine that
they can you as the style
and quality.
are the best. Every
pair Bold under a guarantee
W. C. Johnson Co. control
Hue for Ayden.
We keep Furniture, Mattresses.
Bed Springs, Stoves,
etc., up Cannon
Mi. i racket and
with pistol in appeared on
Episcopal church. There was a
very large present in hear
Having just returned from the
Philadelphia Optical College and
graduating special course on
the human eye, and in the science
of optics, I feel able and
pared to correct any of error
of refraction that any other man
can correct with glasses, f will
take any case of weak eyes, or eye
dull hurting, aching, burn
itching eyes, or eyes with
had or low vision, a positive
guarantee, to relieve the trouble
and give entire satisfaction lo
J. W. Taylor, our optician is
now from the
Optical where lit
graduated ii a special curse
optics, ready to
better service before;
to from weak eye-
and in of glasses,
Slippers, lawns and straw hats ,
Mo extremely Clothing, Dry Goods, Cress Goods, Shoes,
The Fall Season has opened and found us-with a select
line of
he scene dispatched him and he impressed those who
patient or not charge one cent. The ahead a
largest per cent, of all
tor Cash Tyson.
Can,. A
can supply ,, j
almost anything in fa nut n re.
buy, ship m -11 if, when I
brand, seed hall and meal
OH band. Cannon
The freshet loaf bread right
Tom oven
fail to see Va. Ty.
new mockery both plain and
decorated, Prices are
lb in men .
daily new groceries nod I
iron, air fas-
Thai B, Hooks is all .-.
a happier dime where
chicken- do grow.
B. U. Dad c. will do all they
i to please you
their new line heavy and fancy
W. . and wile returned
yesterday from a visit father
K. T. of
was selling cotton on oar
by C
A. Fur for which will be paid the
highest cash market price.
Grover has accepted
a clerkship with J. R. Smith
There was the greatest influx of
drummers lo leave here on the
morning train yesterday we have
seen for some considerable length
of time.
E. L. has moved with his
lo Fast Ayden DOW
lives his own vine and
Miss Daisy Fred Bub-
heard him most favorably as a
and learned man.
J. Raymond has u nice
black i years old, he would
like to sell. The horse is perfect
The colored Odd Fellows had a
big day here Friday. Speech
making, parading and baud play-
were the day.
The crowd was estimated at some
thing like considering
the large number good order
generally prevailed. We
pleased to see realize Unit of
whore large crowds
assemble rowdyism
are gradually dying out. Indeed
the people, both while and colored,
me becoming more civilized and
the slate of morals are
most gratifying.
For grind stouts
J hemp pulleys, at J. H.
Smith A Bro.
W. C. Co. showing
the most complete line of
and suit's eve.
question. I'd i hi
nm has .,
from f and eye i th-r.-t .,.
strain, i.-, pt the
when your eyes call section . stale is
assistance. Glasses only by the call
remedy for errors of refraction to bis and these v in
Any style or form page ad which ,,,,,
glasses given desired. As He is ,. K, but
i- alive the the moat style- the the .
Go to E. E. Co's new
market beef, fresh meals,
Mrs. went to town of Give sage, and fresh fish.
references as are in county
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, D. Calico and Gingham at
Those art squares, that Per yard, great reductions in while
Cannon have just received slippers and summer goods, at J,
are beam lea. It. Smith Bro.
Oranges, apples, and all your buildings by
fruits kept by them with
Cannon Tyson are guilty of
selling their enamel bed
steads cheap. They are daisies.
Those Mattresses
that Tyson handle are
the equal of anyone the market.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. Smith
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods.
Our Dry Goods line is complete and we ;.;
In you will find us Head quarters. . i
better satisfied than for three.
Shoes. Shoes. shoes
Our stock of shoes, arc as we can . i
to Ilia . Oil T
Town and County lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
K. Smith Bro.
For peaches, apples, corn
min your money
AYDEN, N. C. Leader in Low Prices.

Greenville's Bargain, Harvest
Should t with great forethought the suit he is to buy
and the store he is tn buy from for the coming season Re
appearance win depend largely upon the ht of
clothes, CLOTHES
This la the foundation of your suit. Avoid
who deal in shoddy and pin your faith
to Clothes.
Thursday, Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Sept. 28th,
Stock of Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, mi-
ls the Opening I
I have been selling goods to the people of Pitt and adjoining Counties for the Pat Nineteen Years and I herein give
you my guarantee that during this VERY SPECIAL SALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in Eastern North Carolina.
New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
But for want of space we can only quote a few of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we are now offering.
being distinctly
AH the new, f Vt any
i very interesting to you. Bring
shoulders with you
c s
The Man's Outfitter.
Trust Company
. -a A 1906.
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Men's Good Seasonable piece Suits at the following
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
Youths Long Pants Suits Age to cheaper than
the cheapest.
Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
At the following Celebration
Men's Pants.
1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98.
During the
Celebration Prices on Shoes, Men's
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair.
Brogans worth now
Fine Dress Shoes 1.25, 1.50
Pat. Leather latest toes
worth now
Shoes Ladies
Per pair,
Shoes from lie per pair up.
Men's and Boy's Hats
A Carload of men's hats in shapes and Colors at
your own prices.
Boy's hats from up.
Men's Overcoats now
Boy's Overcoats as low as
Special Celebration Sale
Best grade black taffeta silk
Full line quality colored taffeta
Extra quality and Width
inch regular plaids and solid
Mixed suitings, worth going at
Plaid worth
Full line panamas, worth
inch all colors ladies broadcloth worth
A big line velvets, now
Big line dark colors
Pretty patterns in tapestry worth going for
Light colors in yard wide
Dark colors for
Heaviest outing light cotton
Extra Sensation
Ladies tailor made suits worth 7-50 now
Ladies tailor made suits worth 22.50 now
10.000 yards checked homespun,
yards best calico
Blankets for double beds each
Best apron check gingham
Big line hamburg
Ladies kid gloves
Misses fancy hose
Best quality table damask
Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
Overdrafts, 4,274.60 fund 6,500.00
All other estate payable
Doe from Hank rime o
Qua items
Gold coin .
subject to check 74,725.79
National Bank g
S. notes
Carolina, County of Pitt,
I R above named bank, do solemnly
that the above state is rue to the best of my knowledge
and belief. R. J. Cashier.
an worn to
me, this day Sept., 1905.
Notary Public.
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who buy worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember this Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday. Sept. 28th. at a. m. sharp.
C T.
For t Stoves
Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
I have take. a A wall comes
hit has en with my ran Iron.
about two months. The taxed organs. D
. i. i- Liver and
,. I. .
The Death Penalty.
A little sometimes results
in death. Thus a mere scratch,
insignificant cuts or puny boils
have paid the death penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve ever It's the best
naive on earth and will prevent fa-
when burns, wires, ulcers
and threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug Store.
V piano for sale at a sac-
the is one
I of handled by the
Co, was bought
by a gentleman who
lost hit, little girl.
-rilling to lose over a
dollars. Cash or time, apply
I to Ci. O. or W. A.
Greenville N. C.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad a long and
stubborn light an on
my rig. F
gave me
Everybody thought my time had
come. As a resort I tried Dr,
King's New Discovery for Con-
The received
was striking and my
in a few days, Sow I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all coughs, colds, and throat and
lung trouble Guaranteed by
L. Woolen, druggist. Price
and Trial bottles free.
I Bilk and zephyr shawl, all
I colors extra heavy in black. D.
I M. Johnson Co. Grifton M. C.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
A run down system, or
Invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
It's also a great stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
Why use Cotton Baskets when
you can get Cotton Sheets at less
than half the price. White.
m s w
I Service and Baptist
Tarboro, N C, Oct 6th
This week been notably a
one for At I
Her. Perry
in the I. compel Maine
the rule governing a
in be present. I desire hi sT
The first of the Tench-
for the
echoed year will t held in the
in Saturday, Oct.
in all that a
will to he
dared for each absence should there
tie any. I believe, however,
you will come you love I
work. A teacher's Interest In
aisled the rector Rev. Mr. Hard-
a mission which
s of nearly a week.
Mr Webber is an able divine.
On the of the last
bath, In audience composed of
men exclusively he strongly
daily celebration o. toe hundred and
Much interest
Hiss, were the product of a
I cultured mind and made their
on all heard
throughout the
the spirit of piety was
annual of the Tar
-o of the Mission,
was convened
day in by the moderator, Rev
T. M of Rocky Mount.
Revs I Taylor, Warrant
a standard of morality,
work is shown by theme embraced his
a congregation of the
The meeting- will he ,,,,. sex the following afternoon
needs to be here. The
are to fol and all u will in
if yon are
and blanks for all the
will be distributed
from wt i
be given you winch i u will
forbids m i
voucher leg
properly kept and
this lie done Will ti give
this meeting. It
be present and have a-y tr
ab these you will
to b except yourself.
I also to have a ii. it
you day as to j u
are going to leach.
etc. It may be
lo you and your school hi I
report to
Corded for reference tori he l
of ed neat ion,
will done this j
have not been required here-
that they be done. It
know what they are I
how you can do I hem. This meet
log will be the time and
where site- Information i I
you are not here I don't brethren. Rev. U It
what you will do. A meal me. , discussed an inter-
is what we wish and what eating report on temperance State
missions was the subject of
by the association for
such missions for the coming
At the Wednesday
the association
to employ an
at a salary of one thousand
dollars and traveling
and Piney Grove were
admitted as new churches to
The devotional Wed-
evening were conducted
by Rev. W. W. Barnes
Rev G T. read and
discussed a report home mis-
embracing the Southern.
states and the island of Cuba
A report on the orphanage was
read and discussed by Rev, Mr
Martin, of Spring Hope. There
is said to be a debt of about
eleven thousand dollars against
this institution. The association
Km tor
Pleas space i. yon
payer to the of
Wiley C., son M. G. and Flor-
Maye, who was taken so early
from by a fatal
at the Building ft
Lumber Co. where he was an
and also a
Wiley was bore- September
26th, died August 17th,
1905; making his stay on earth
years mouths and days;
He was wounded august
about o'clock a. m. and died at
f- in. A loving father,
brother and skilled physicians did
Thin company will
show in
A. D. left
H. H. Wilson, of is
visiting relatives here.
Cum. left this
for a trip the road.
Visa of Fremont
is visiting In. K, S.
Rev. F. D. and James
returned Wednesday
evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. V. Seawall, of Faison,
came Wednesday to visit
Mi i hi to
Friday evening.
Misses d Effie Grimes,
Bethel, earn in Friday evening
t i visit Mi-
i I Hamilton,
in evening and re-
home this morning.
all they could ft his recovery, hut
alas, a higher power laid a he Mrs. P. E. Dancy.
baud upon his life and his
soul away so peacefully to another
world, and left a lifeless corp-s to
be to so many broken
hearts fur their last look upon his
cold Inc.
thirty-two dollars to this cause.
The session Thursday morning
was opened
conducted by Rev. Kev. Manning August
formerly pastor of the
Tarboro church. Reports and
discussions were heard on
H. T. Ki g went to Grifton
Wednesday evening to attend the
district convention of the Christian
Mrs. aim
Funeral services were conducted Ruth of Bethel,
came in evening to
. ti at four p
host of many friends
and E E Burner, of Richmond, led
in prayer The introductory
delivered by Rev I. Lump
kin, of
The r II id the churches wan
called and delegates from of the
enrolled Rev.
Mr unanimously
himself as moder-
for ensuing year.
Three new pastors were intro-
these being Revs. J E.
of Greenville, W W Barnes,
to their loss, but we hope
cation, relief, our loss is his Heavenly gain
woman's work, digests of church blooming youth he was so bright
letters, other topics.
The association claims a
ding ten thousand
And treasured a a flower,
But was taken this world Of
By a stronger baud than
second largest in the world. . .
. . , . lie was noble, strong and brave,
A resolution of thanks to the ,. .,,.,
I Tarboro and the people
I generally for their hospitality
was unanimously adopted by
rising vote
Dr. then pronounced j We can meet earth no more,
the benediction and the But hope to meet some day,
W E Cox left this more
for being ed
wire too a funeral
Mis, Frank Carr and dangled,
A blue, of Greene county,
-pent today here with Mrs. J. W
With no afflictions Hamilton, and k Manning,
But as brought so early to w,., have
grave y i. ; Moor-, left this morn-
By an awful accident.
Miss Barnhill, of
; who has been visiting her parent
to meet next year Beyond the toils and cares life, I Mr j Barnhill, re
with Red Oak church in Nosh
. brighter land than day.
Written by his loving titter.
of Elm City, and J T Eubanks of a, the Church.
Bethel. . ,
In the after. u report on Sun-1 As announced in pap. r
schools as read and discuss., j the Mission services at the ;
by the Rev. J T. Jenkins. A report by Bishop
of your schools .- ii, , was then read by Rev. will next Sunday
the next If j T and discussed by
night sermons through the follow-
turned home this morning.
Mis. Nannie dimes and Miss
Fannie of
who have Mrs T.
Vincent, returned home today.
Misses Sidney and Pattie Daven
P rt, o Pact Ann's Fleming,
hope to bare that day.
that you are prevent.
County Supt. schools.
Week being as
kilowatt to cents. The patron-
what lengthy after ii
report thereon had been read by
Mr The Heart
resolved to raise one thousand There will also he morning
dollars in the next sixty days for the week begin.
i at o'clock. I.-
three sermons at morning
vi. es will be on growth,
M P Davis, of ,,
. , ,, ., , subjects
I to Rev. L. . . , , . .,
hist three
f the morning will be on
Married near Bethel on
day 4th, residence of
Mr. T. C. Grimes, Miss Nina, bis of House, Staton,
amiable daughter to Mr. T V. are Mrs.
Mayo, one of p. Davenport.
will he the last day
Thursday evening from
The ceremony impressively
formed by . T. Lawrence
of Hamilton. march
of i c
of the Aldermen.
were in
session Thursday
as much
business as usual and the of
t was reached earlier.
The reported
t hat r t had made
in- the money
needed e the sew-
. a I for
the be made in a
few days.
The at reel
o et h work, but
t the -i.,. in fair cot
the sidewalks need-
log most at
in -i- . f lb- street from
Die in-. v he to a point near
house came up
was p it to next meeting.
The mat f exempting firemen
in poll was referred to
to report at next
. made their
.-t h.
he clerk and tax
fixed at
mo. collected tor water
service has heretofore
been . .-1 o the on lit of the
water and commission, and
n ordered hat these
hereafter lie turned to the
of the town.
The salary the police-
mail was Increased from to
per moil II,
Aldermen and
H r were appointed pun-
i I lo .
J. Willis Has mantel all
u i the treasury
Plant ii Prospering and are missions
Given the Benefit. The address of welcome made by
The price of electric current lot
use business
has been reduced cents per
wan softly
Grimes. Owing to there
mourning in family
u only a marriage
popularity of couple was j spending a few days with
louse returned September showed
-lock on baud i
hand hi 1.00, bill
Thursday the
Mr- from July Is to Oct. lit
be i
and was respond
Morgan on behalf of the
A prayer made for the Rev ,
age of the municipal plant has so ,,,, been I
increased that the water and light
commissioners, their monthly
meeting night, found
that this reduction could with
safety be made. It speaks e i r
H plant has been hi
only ii few months, and
ti, u in price means a
saving to tin For
those who have
used kilowatts per mouth at a
co-i will hen net
same for those using
kilowatts at no
for and so for whale
the customer At
this low rate of cents kilo-
watt the number of customers
doubt further Increased
Lot Examination.
mined at home by the illness
daughter. to have mad. the
historical address
The devotional exercises which
opened the tea ion Tuesday evening
were by -I
c of the hi
of the Tar River old
Sandy Creek seventy years
v. Mr For. t,
made a splendid address on he
I outlook of the Baptists
Sod, through the
and III.
the Approach
in r d nun s i ill
and I ho i
many . ill hen thorn,
K. Cox,
Tobacco Sales September.
mat t by cent- per
while the Liberty's average
as thereby showing an
cent's per
I y
I in mid i the
hey lo d k
s, They
days in
will re. urn in
i M home.
M i h i in
Lost Three Finders
Jo W .- . . . f
. . iii t lie factory the Build,
Lumber Co., lost three
of bit left band, Thursday
afternoon, by getting his band
caught in a in around which
u at work.
Almost Ready.
Superintendent F.
us the new telephone
The Wednesday morning
opened with exercises advantage of
conducted by Rev. II. II. March- to the tellers who were wise will be ready to cut over by
burn. enough to patronize the Liberty, Monday. The new system is
foreign was Oar books are open to the In- going to lie a Improvement
special order business Dr the public. no one. Bo far as they
i I k. We are here with e been tested phones
a cheap talk. We are
Only next I pared missionary map of the world tie money to back our every suite- excellently,
rill be held examination and delivered an able from moot, to convince you that
of the year for white teachers. of missions, One I Liberty is place to sell
those who have not been examined sand and live dollars were tobacco if is any
voted to be raised during the next Why
year for foreign
missions was special
order. D
the report recited some
i highly interesting statistics
must he present then,
Friday, Oct. the
teachers of the county will be
examined. expect to
you bad better be here that day-
This will be your last chance.
W. II.
Your friends,
W. T. ft Co.
Alien's minstrels h id a .
crowd under tent
night was up
Better Send Him On.
A man going through this section
lately claiming to represent art
schools iii cities has been
working a slid he people.
people love lo be hum.
slater, Mrs. W. Allen.
v. and Prof. W
returned Thursday
evening from the the
far River m
i ii . in T II
, , in from Rule
i ; in i
i A. d in
i, . o
have been v it it g hi i m, II.
White, returned In me today.
Miss Maggie
more, who been visiting
uncle, K. I- Humber, left this
morning Littleton.
sod Mrs. II Moore and
from Grifton win re have been
attending the
Mrs. J. l.
who has be. n visiting her sister,
W. Allen, home
tins morning.
Mis. Julia Baltimore,
who has been Mi. and
X. C. i ,
County Supt. Schools. Three thousand dollars were
everything they hear.
M. Levy, if Norfolk, in
hero, tow a
Mail Si. . -pent
i, v, i i-
.- It a . i lei, Its
i-s i owl.
I ii -I . III I
i iv tn oh
. in t ibis week.
to I
home ilk I h is in
II A. Blow, of .
Ill to. II I .
I. V iv
; to visit I
sick at hit h Stiff V
j id, is i
In r son, Hi Is . , . ho i- .-
at the home el Mi. .- .
t-. A. and family s I mi e
the lust,
Arthur Willi mis and fan
moved to
There was Friday
night from this place to Green
for the bent lit of those who Wished
returned home . of
who attended were Dr. L. B.
Bethel, Ricks, H. Stanley,
and Miss Mary raj Raker, W. T. Hart ell, Bar
in It. T. l Cecil
i. Harrington.

Eastern reflector, 6 October 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 06, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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