Eastern reflector, 29 September 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

in N. C,
There is n i e I
now. -1 M
Mis. Charles
. v.-r me river.
i ion.
n Mm u with MU
M Marc a mm earn
i. l.
;. . John V, hi i.- ii- B
Batu i
her HI Mr.
Mis. V I
spent Saturday night and
the i-
Will Seaman and i
Snow Kill.
with .
. d
Button, . U I
and with
Miss Eva
came I'm to v
If, Jo VI II i .
H i
I . ,. ,. r
be lib ii
There is no h km ;
. i i
i et i
tile, lost
. . .
-N. C,
a Km Keeper of Your Reputation
is i-t
la ;.
A In i HUM i
t e mi.- the full.
The reputation I Be
his .
are keeping bis pan
dealer he is lie i
less except in
the of y at will.
The truth of above
. evident when it is
the who He
ii v-i tin- pm i
granting tin
i i
many have
equipment and i
i teal
They I do
the skill of I e
If the skill of
pad i so
t. . ,, ii ;
ii ii. i ii in lake any
i i the or the
n Kurd mi
it ii IT l
I k II U . Kill
Wei I It I he In
ti ma i
o a
had over year i i
in re lira
and guarantee that
i . i Mile 1-
i- by the label c in
ire ii offer Ilia
town C
Dear Mr. Frank doe i .
P.;. l vii-
it dial of
i. of iv u
i I'll,
Co, him do He
I am more than pleased with
Job. I bad third of the t
fat over now of druggist,
job, a old or more, palmed
h e, ; i
Win t a we have in all
through the same same to
find v. i on ii
house Experience
Yours truly,
p. u. .-. i O
H. . i
. lie
sunburn, letter and all
and wee, Witch
M I Pull ll. I- II
ii .
itching and i
drew Are of n
mil heal
I I . old sons, .
quickly cured by
i. no
iii , and lie-
Sold by John L. Woolen,
After ii v
an attack of K .
is a thorough .
-ii ; j
Dy, en a, i
Weak , I
Breath nM n
i. . J .
I have opened up u new
in tin meal market, mill
an- to furnish nice,
fresh, fat, beef and pork, also
The Southern Father Cleaning
now located In and
are mil with la teal ma-
for washing and cleaning
Feathers process doe
not injure the feathers W .- call
for and deliver your work
i I'd or no charge made
. also pay cash
prices for old new
Th. Southern Feather
Cleaning Co,
N. C.
Nice Choice Steak
Lu per pound.
Roast Bed at per lb.; Greenville Lumber ft Veneer Go
Stock Framing I-. ti x ft-
Also German Siding, and
Partition and all kinds
i es for building a
house Bills cut to or i
Stew Beef at per lb.
My terms are cash
we a share of your
s tor honest dealings,
Central Barber Shop.
Fleming, Props.
Located In main
the town.
Pour operation and
one presided our by a
Our place is inviting, ran
our clean
We thank yon fur
and ask yon whet
service in
p. R. L. Caw.
Chew the tobacco
Li. v
The Reflector Job is
place to set your work done.
i lie
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
Colossal Sacrifice
f Beyond the Pate
Ordinary Expression.
The Entire Stock
Greenville, N. C.
At on the Dollar by The National Salvage Co.
Thousands embraced The Golden Opportunity Presented during the past four
you numbered among those present. There has never been in the his-
of Local Merchandising a sale that will compare with this. The best and great-
est values now stare you in the face. The Important question is, can
justice to yourself overlook a chance like this to save at least per cent, of
your that you will need these goods for fall and winter wear.
The most Array of Mystifying Bargains
ever gathered under one roof now your
Inspection. The living present is the
Golden Opportunity.
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furniture, and Matting
must all go at your own PRICE. Ask any one of the thousands who have been to
see even better still, come and see for yourself. Every article guaranteed.
Purchasers of THE BEE HIVE Stock,
Y TA K KN UP. Pub an to It All.
I have taken up n A conies
I'll- been i with a from
End of Bitter right.
bail n long and
i my right
Live, am, am, , G .,,
Pi my time had
i, r, Ai I tried Dr.
t. i all are gentle New tor
by .,,,. l, I
The Death Penalty. lea few days. Now I've entirely
A little .,. A
two mouth. TI
boat ii red
pounds, baa
em mill boo tailed. Owner in
notified to en II for name and pay
over taxed organs.
in death. a mere I
cuts or the handled by the V ,
have death penalty. . M. . Price
Trial bottles free.
piano Co, its
is wine to have ago by a
Salve ever It's the lost little
salve on earth and will prevent fa, to lose over a
when burn, Bores, dollar. Cash or time, apply boy at
Only at to G. O. or W. A. Western to
J. L. Drug Greenville N. C. i begin Get. 1st. Apply at office.
Suicide Prevented.
A Startling announcement u
preventive of suicide had been
discovered Will interest many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide
has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the drat
thought of self destruction take
It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
nerves build up the system.
also a great stomach, liver and
regulator. Only Hal-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
W Druggist.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Why ii-i- when
you can get n Sheets at less
than half the price.
s w
September Term in
Noah Forbes,
Lizzie administratrix of Can Be Had With Proper United Effort
The following cases have been Wooten, tor H ha been apparent that
since U. W. King, of a daily train is needed
The grand jury o Saturday I Anne ice, for branch of Atlantic Coast
afternoon made the following re- j Jr., failure to and The be-
port to the keep up bridge across road, the time ripe to
We the Grand Jury the term Dot the proper effort is
beg leave to report; that we have
I acted on ail bills aiming n
and reported to court;
that we have no other bill to be
acted on.
That we have visited
I home the poor, and that we
Adopted by Lad et Baptist i h.
Whereas, it pleased Sod t
remove from our midst Miss Myrtle
Wilson, our beloved sister and
friend, therefore be it
1st. That we bow in hum-
to Hun who
two years all things well, we, in behalf of the
an effort was made to get members of the Missionary and
train on road that for a time Aid of Memorial Baptist
Jim Wiggins, disturbing-religions like would meet with sue- church, feel we have I- st a
not but other came along j valuable and member,
Ransom Mobley J. ; the movement a sweet and noble
Gray, affray, guilty, fined tune bring. A Sunday train all who her an earnest
Jim Wiggins, assault with dead-
weapon, guilty, lined f and
found the premises an excellent half costs, Gray lined put on, but this was of no and whose
condition. We called on
wife and asked
to visit the room of each
Inmate, which was complied with
and we to inspect each
room and see each inmate. Of
each we asked these
yon get plenty of food and clothing
and comfortable
To which all
save two, and these two said
such as it
But there are two inmates we
wish to call to. One a
fourteen years of age
idiot in deplorable con-
She is unable to walk or
talk be kept in a char
tied during the day, she is in a
with a woman not less
than years of age,
i a helpless condition, but
conditions make it necessary for
to wait on this child, both
and day, such as putting her
to bed dressing The
other i insane girl confined in
a in with shutters and
bare, in which not
be comfortable
recommend these two
girls, inmates be arranged for in
ion Mr. Hardy deserve credit
for the way the home is kept.
Also, we nave visited the con-
camp found it in good
condition. of
prisoners i good. Ann we believe
that the camp is properly ordered
and kept.
W e have visited county jail
and found that it is kept in
did condition, mm that the prison-
are well cared for. We have
inspected court and
found that the building need some
little the way of re
pairs to the walls, II ion, shutters,
etc. Also, we recommend a
be bought the clerk's
office that bis business be
more transacted to
both the clerk public.
following cases have bee;
disposed of since last
L. E. Smith, carnally knowing
female under years of age,
lined ousts, and also
to pay and In
Zeke Harris, disturbing public
uncling, guilty.
Prank Anderson, not
Scott Tun age, larceny, not
Frances larceny, not
Severn cues against the
tic Line railroad arising
of the tr tin
Brace, having been settled
c came up for
to lie. entered. These
Mike Atkinson, administrator of
Jackson Atkinson,
J. W. Allen, administrator
Adelaide tor
V. G. of
George Walker, for
Flanagan, administrator of
Alex Bullock, for
B Ar- Moseley, of
Nelson Peebles, for
B. F. administrator of
W. E. for
and half cost. benefit except life was a constant and unfailing
Vines and Sundays and to give people source of and comfort.
Vines, larceny and receiving, not who desired to do so 2nd. Thai we extend Io the be-
guilty. , to travel on yet family deepest
Samuel murder, not
Bunch forcible
pass, guilt v, judgment
pended upon payment of costs.
Charles Williams, not
Hid not help the congestion of. cay in this hour of pain
;. lit and the slow handling
and eek days
Then there was a of
in evening Connection with trains
from Kin-Ion that
relief to passengers and mail
Sam Brown, assault deadly when the c could la-
weapon, plead guilty, sentenced
to jail with leave to
be assigned to work on roads.
Sam Brown, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty,
suspended upon payment of costs.
Nathaniel Raid, , guilty,
sentenced jail will,
leave to lie assigned to road-.
Alonzo Barrett, with
deadly weapon,
Will Wait Half Hour
It has been given out that trail
on the A. N. C. road will wail
at Kinston until p. in.,
the arrival of the A. U. L. trail
This will enable connection to In
made if the A. O. b. is
over half hour late.
dues SO lie good.
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds R. William
issued licenses to the
couples since last
J. S. Wooten and Mary Gardner.
Redding Edwards and Nelia
Daniel Blount and Ella Fair
H. M. and Fannie
Nathan and
Frank Lewis and Martha A.
and Louisa
mule. Now by of
mad this
to- .- bloke .
teal all this
branch Co
line is e , i ii and on
ad. and I hi HI
mad In of th
. -i u r d. I works
US of
t ;. travel.
T --r on mi
road twit c
nail a d And on
, rain I ha, i compelled
e I cal and
III before,
could be remedied with
i i rain p mail
--lid car t laving Wei-
don morning on a
return In the evening.
This Improvement, however, i
led our people continue
n keep Silent n-n i-k for
With proper it be had
i In now tune to be
pray that of
may and them in
their ii re a
3rd, That a copy of
lie upon the
of the societies, j copy be sent
for publication, also
me to t he tarn
Miss i
Mrs. W. Baker, -Com.
Mrs. B. Ernest
Chewed Ear Nearly Off.
Pope, tin-man
Jones, porter, on the A. C. L
passenger got
on the train before it reached
Kinston night, Pope
chewed ear off The
row was squelched and the two
putting up the
train, but they started oil,
in the presence of Capt. George
Jones knocked
Pope down, thus renewing the
row. wore however,
anything more serious win-
done. Both are colored men.
Kinston Free Press.
Monday, September
W. B. James went to Kinston
Sunday evening.
W. H. went to Ayden
Sunday evening.
A. M. Moseley returned this
morning from
Mrs. H. W. of New
Bern, is relatives
J. B. returned Saturday
evening from a to
Mr. Charlie skim n returned
Saturday evening m a trip to
Miss Essie of Bethel.
i in Sunday evening to visit
Mrs. J. Keel.
Rev. J. A. went to
Rocky Mount this morning to hold
a there.
J. Y. Monk returned
from a visit
and other points.
Mrs. C. E. Bradley and
returned Saturday evening
a visit to Tarboro.
J. V. Brine ant son Frank
returned Saturday evening from a
visit to Scotland Neck.
Frank and Bi-c-mi Wilson
ibis morning for Baltimore where
they will attend school.
Kev. W. Washing-
ton, who bus been preaching
home tin-
The Great Van Show.
will have
opportunity of visiting one of i lie
-bows of the The
tire-, Van Show will
pitch lent in Greenville ;
Oct. 10th. show promises
year and
than ever before. The many up
features by
show are novel and Pb
horses and trained ponies an ill
best. camel, lions
and a large collection of trained
are to be seen the grand
free street parade, in the forenoon
on the of exhibition.
J. B Cherry Co Entertain the Ladies
B. Co., held
op- fall and
opening at
Ills are always
ward to pleasure by tin
ladies for know Ibis drill
Coming Next Week.
The Vaudeville and
Comedy Company, with a strong
corps of special stage artists, will
appear Masonic Temple opera
house for one night only on Friday.
Oct. 6th.
. i. i i, i .
Snow Hill today.
vein up the read
his morning.
I ill- lieu
Jack Cherry, of Norfolk, came
ii Tuesday evening.
T. S. Rag-dale, of
In Tuesday evening In vi-it
n- brother, W. H.
Rev. K. a c J .
Moore left this morning to attend
the Presbytery that meets
D. C James left morning
for Baltimore Intake a
is going to
a the an.
Dr. J. E. Nobles returned Tues
a;, evening from Norfolk,
has been for
We an- very
o back and well
Governor Glenn has
hi hi- New England
A hundred do
, mill it. m be located m
At Elizabeth City Superior court
ii id tigers.
A aged years a
W. M. Wilkinson who has made I bride HI were the contracting par-
his home in Tarboro, came Sun a marriage at Winston a
day evening and returned there few days ago.
ibis . ,
Evangelist George Stuart has
Walter Sheppard came closed a great meeting in High
day evening from the Oxford Point and I now holding a
asylum to relatives
and near Greenville.
Greenville, N. C
Dear costs as much to
put on poor paint as
saying mid costs
much more to put on poor paint;
more gallon.
Poor paint is paint
o paint or paint aim
carries the best , bad,
of this seas j Or and chalk or
there being a great land or paint
lion velvets and t o-e the
It takes more gallons paint
i d a than paint;
i d t be coat of I he labor
cloaks and ruin much a
Hid many other pretty much as
tilings. fr
deco-l This is the way to reckon your
with autumn for this year; but bow about
g lie i id a-, d
. aid . I.
crochet in all over
ice us and
the railroad truck
Mrs. M. D. Higgs returned Bat- men
evening Baltimore j They were struck I y
where she has to purchase the train and killed.
tall and winter line of millinery
G. to
this morning.
Rev. F. has returner
W. J. Smith and son,
went to Richmond this morning.
Mrs. P. C. returned
evening from visit to M
Mis- Lena Matthews
Monday evening u Visit in
Mrs. W. J. Smith and two of
her children went to Bethel
Pi ii
morning to i
Sent to Roads.
John Henry Gray, a
of color, was a disturbance
on Five Points Tuesday night.
Policeman Clark attested him
when the showed
the billet had to used
over his head, Gray is now paying
his fun with thirty days on
Best twist
paves and r d II over-.
colored chrysanthemums
Liven to the ladies who
i lulled i opening.
Paint and next yea,
nothing; year after nest the same
same fur several years.
Paint anything else, and your
costs according to what you
pa ill with. Some of the mistimes
near one some some
It costs twice, throe times, four
tunes, live limes, us much to paint
with a cheat us to paint with
Yours truly,
F. W.
P. B, H. L. our pain,.
Just received anew supply of
percales ginghams
First of the season, new j for D- M. Johnson
wheat at M. Co. N. C.
Fakers following in the wake of
Ami u g fleeced a
number of people at
farmer was but coed
out of live hundred dollars.
The suit M. Bernard
for damages for raining a
in has been started in
Wake county Superior conn by
i e rather of i be girl.
A colored woman of Elizabeth
left new born babe in
be woods near town. The cries
of tin-child attracted laborers who
were passing and it was found in
to its life. The
was arrested.
A ease nu, of the . e
l Monday. A
a a. mis, a man
man the
hi- home to
e w ah
rial held
no Blown went
Mount this morning
position there.
to Jock,
to take ii
So is Soft Soap.
When e tell
Country is perfectly pure
and can refer on to many of your
neighbor who have used it and
a-e well we offer you
tacts and not soap. We are
sale agents Town Country
paint. Beware of imitation.
Baker Hart.
Wholesale mid distributor, j
of Beth
who has been visiting Mrs. J.
Keel, returned home this morning.
H. Atkinson, Raleigh, can e
iii Monday to gel up an
opera for the benefit of the
Dr. and Mr-. X.
came Monday to
Mrs. Alice Harper and returned
home to la
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Bowen
little son returned Monday even
from market when
Mr. Bowen has been to
fall and winter goods.
C. V. York spent Tuesday up the
Rev. E. Cox i ohm nod
Tuesday evening from a visit to
II I .
is ice wool
com ill d ii tin
in din-form, the man was
guilty and was lined hid
tin- mad h i he pm.
to the
whereupon Hie r- i mo
mi sentenced him to u a ,,.
I. to. iii i mp of com t.
was taken from his home ti
j to the sentence.
The white school will open
colored -cm will open
It is Important that nil children
who expect to attend should cuter
is soon us possible.
W. Dove.
We will pay half cent each in
cash for taken Brown
a Williamson tobaccos in lots of
or more. Togs must be
counted and tied up
before we i
Supply Co.
., W

With Pleasure We Announce OUR Grand FALL
OPENING Will be Mela in
n n
Our buyers have spared no trouble while in the
VI ll I
U j
to procure for your inspection the latest styles and best values in
wearing apparel, You cannot afford to miss seeing this
this display.
A Pretty Souvenir for Each Visitor on This Occasion.
J. B.
N. C,
A. Congleton and wife spent
days at last week.
Miss Mary Taylor
last week after spending a
f.- days in Tarboro.
Mrs. J. T. Jenkins daughter
Mrs. Rogers,
a crowd from here attended
Great Swamp Sunday.
K. Buck left Saturday on
the p. m. train for
to -i Sunday but he found the
mosquitoes so, bad he walked back
same night.
Vi e have i ii
town, no beet o tole
old here known too over
years old, ii
been fed M much is three
in lust
G. B. family,
Sunday here,
Hie u Mi- Sallie Williams
J. W .
pent Sunday here with M.
Saturday toe Oakley and
Eureka team met the
ville diamond. game cloned
in favor o Oakley.
boys l; some team will
over give I hem a little
la tit-- fourth time
these elate have played and it
to in V
lam r
i f r ; I
l I i m hit to lake
the little office bin I to s. e
how I will heat
HI get elected there will he
beau old
time coin shucking.
W. X. . l
Spent last with
A Shoe for
THE ULTRA SHOE for women
is made with careful reference
to the most minute details and
so perfected in its numerous
styles there is no other
man's shoe on the market selling
at the price the Ultra does, its
superior, if its equal.
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
a last scientifically constructed
In meet th- closest variations
of width and size in
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the many
We carry SHOE, for men, In Oxfords, Tans, etc
Pulley Be wen,
Whats the Use to Cry
v -y
One v.
v. . i ,, , i ;,
swallow I in
left ear. left fore leg
i whit Been m sine
Kith, give a id for ill
formal ion leading t
sow. J. W. Smith.
B. F. D. Greenville, X C
and look over our elegant
Art Squares, Curtains,
Carpets and
We sell tin- only
The Buck stove.
Von furnish the family
We'll furnish the home.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on patent
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
and Hi-ad Rules.
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
an i without any unsightly
knobs or left on the bot-
regular lengths each
L. S
Head Ruled Inches in
over per
Home Outfitters.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
September and
A sample of
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co.
cf Type
High Grade Material
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Pa.
UP and
Made to Measure.
Cleaning, Dying
and Pressing.
a specially,
I also clean and dye laces,
PAUL Tailor,
Greenville, N. C.
Don't you need a ledger or other
blank booklet They are at
Reflector Book Store.
We shall have on display on the above
named dates, samples of
of Chic-go. These sure the best tailors
in the world, will have on display
Tuesday, Wednesday and or
the seasons newest goods.
Come and investigate.
C. L. Wilkinson Co.
As Wrong Had Done, Somebody
Had to Suffer.
Did ever hear of the robber
who tried enter story
window in Cairo and broke in- ,
Well, the robber went lo the
and complained about it.
the man's window badly made
or be wouldn't have fallen out, and
so lie wanted justice. The cm
reasonable, and lie .-um- j
mooed the owner of the house. The
owner confessed the was r-
built, hut claimed that the car-
was to blame, not he. This
struck the as Bound logic, mid
he sent for the carpenter.
charge is. alas, too -aid the
carpenter, was at
fault, and couldn't lit a good win-
So the impressed with
the reasonableness of argument,
sent for the mason. The man plead-
ed guilty, hut explained that a
pretty girl in a blue gown had pass-
ed the building while be was at
work mid that his attention had
been diverted from his duty. The
thereupon demanded the
girl be brought before him. is
die said, I am pretty,
but is no fault of mine. If
gown attracted the mason the dyer
should be punished and not
said the
for the The dyer was brought
to the liar and pleaded guilty.
Thai settled it. The told
the robber to take the guilty ti l
to bis house mid lung him from I he
and people rejoiced
justice had been don.-.
pretty soon the crowd returned to
the court, complaining that
the dyer was too lung to be proper-
banged from his
.-aid the who by that
lime was getting tired of the
and find a short dyer and
hang him. Somebody's got to
How Clove Trees Are Raised.
Zanzibar is the principal source
of world's clove supply. The
seed.- arc planted in long trenches
and kept well watered, mid in the
course of forty days the shoots
pear ground They are care-
fully watered and looked alter for
I years, when should be
about three feet high. Then they arc
thirty feet
well watered until they
become rooted. Prom that time they
require only ordinary cure. In five
or years they come into hear-
when they are of the size of or-
pear lives and very shapely.
Then the young plantation is a
sight. The leaves of various
shade- of green tinged with
serve i p set off the clusters of dull
red clove buds.
One Man Who Batter Because It
Was Cheaper Than to Die.
the candle that beside his
deathbed, saying that
was good to die had
worthy rival in the ii
French officer who thus explained
to a wondering Englishman bow he
contrived to live upon a pension of
you, mine friend, it i-
simple you do know it. On Sim-
day I dine on fiend of mine,
and den do eat so much I vast
more Den on
Wednesday do bin one great big
dish of tripe, and make me sol
sick can eat Sunday
Even this masterpiece of
however, is fairly matched
the exploit recorded of a rich bat
parsimonious English merchant who
had been ordered abroad for the
good bis health. But his health
to get very little good by the
for he came hack
la- went was thought to hi
actually dying when ship came
in sight of Southampton, the port
for which she was bound. Hearing
this, the captain himself went
down to see if anything could be
done for his passenger. But the
whose temper was evidently not
all improved by approaching
end, received him very sullenly and
would hardly utter a word At
length the asked
inn Ii do they charge a man
for lauding on
was the reply.
how much is the charge,
then, for h tiding a cot
ed the in man, with
answered tin
surprised captain.
d the invalid, with a
burst of righteous indignation,
you suppose, my friend, that Ii i
-in Ii n . as pay . l id. ex-
for dying, you're very much
n Sooner than lei myself
be upon to that extent
ii is recorded that he did.
Angeles Times,
Secret Good Coffee
the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of
without good material. Dirty, adulterated and
blended coffee such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their
counter won t do. But pure, clean, natural flavored
LION fa sf an
tho coffee that for over a quarter of a century Las been
welcomed in millions of make a drink fit
for a king in this
boll It too long.
it. in tut lire. only in lb.
these Lion-heads for premiums
CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Coffee and Tea Maker
A Patent A. urn in tun
which fits inside of any
fee away with Eggs
or Sack, and Needs no
Try One and Your Coffee Will be better.
The Captain's Comment.
An old tea captain Ins mute.
feeling hungry, the other afternoon
went into a restaurant on the eater
front and ordered dinner. The
waiter, with considerable flourish,
placed a plate of thin, watery look-
liquid before each of them.
fellow, what's this
shouted the captain, gazing
in amazement at the concoction
hi- nose. .
replied the nailer.
shouted the old dog.
to hi- mate
think of that Here
and me have been sailing on ail
our lives never it till
Sun Your Cells.
We need something that by
us and helps us to smile or even
laugh over the worries and
that tides over
the blue mid I ho depressing
Saturday and all the Intermediate
days of fret and source
of positive cheer. Because of the
lack of this people have gone mad
in their chilly, sad colored life cells
These are not always inside of
prison wall-, nor are all the prison-
en convicts. Low spirited and de
pressed views of life may lock as in
as effectually as a
most celebrated
history, uniting miraculous sharp-
with wonderful elasticity, are
undoubtedly the hi ides of
cue. The sabers of Japan, although
as hard as a diamond and taking an
edge so acute that they will go
through a pillow or poker as if the
were air, cannot compete with the
old Syrian -words because they haw
no elasticity. This elasticity is not
altogether a as even to-
day one may see in Toledo, Spain,
blades packed in coils like watch
springs, Swords won made
the century in that rival-
ed in edge and bending qualities the
famous Damascus blades. At the
imperial factory of in the
I rah, some were turned out which
bent till the point touched
and which would also cut through
iron bar. than this no
Made ever done or can do.
Arithmetic and
Teacher If your mother
twenty-live yards of and
ii dress requiring hut eighteen yard-
how much would she have left
Little can't make
her own dresses. She has tried often,
and they are always either too
she sent it to
a dressmaker, how much would the
-in r -end back
Little Depends on which
dressmaker she sent it to. Some
wouldn't back any.
she m ii an honest one
Little Girl- of the honest-
cut things waste so that
there i- never left, no mat-
how much -end
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
closets. Book Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H. Taft,
c tines
from 6,466.76
v- 1.126.62
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits
sub to check 18,616.36
Carolina, I
I. J. Davis Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
statement is true to the best of
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
and sworn to be-
f--r- this 26th day of Au-
Notary Public.
T. L. K,
The North Carolina
Presidents Office.
Greensboro, X. r , August 1905.
Life insurance Company,
Enclosed you will find a remittance for the full annual
on my policy In your company, and with it I wish to
my congratulations upon the extraordinary record of the company
the month of its life
have taken out this policy for
i the substantial business men who are
backing the company.
Because I like the lorn, of the Income Indemnity Policy.
I desire very much to encourage, so lams I am
North Carolina, in order that we nay send of our capital
insurance companies to build
country instead t our own.
Very truly pours,
a pp.,, to and are bought by Intelligent and far seeing people,
i his the business of the company is
more than a week Since beginning July
o more M
N. C.
A Mean Trick.
the so mean then
the meanest that
ever do you think she
night of her party she
put a phonograph in the
and now she had a record
of ail the foolish things said by no
than seven making
And she won't tell us who
even one of the
in mil cl won .
Institute is.
Women and ,
Com . .-
. Z
The Old Japan.
Two ago i ha traveler
I ad been allowed,
would hue seen in public place-
following declaration Chinese
charm i rs, long as the sun shall
warm the ill, let no be
so bold as to come to Japan, and let
ail know that the
him . If or die Christ
r;, f , v ,, ,,
this command pay fur nil
A Scene
A bishop was once lo din-
at a certain house. During the
course of the meal he was surprised
to hear the little daughter of the
house slate that it was dangerous to
o church.
do you say said the
said the little child,
heard papa telling
Sunday there a i. gun in th i
and the canon was in the
reading and the choir
in, and the
drowned the
We will keep a full stock of horses and mules on hand
all the season. We are prepared to furnish an; kind
of; want, draft horses, fine drivers farm
W e the finest mules that can be bought. We
Is., buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses,
will buy anything from a plug to driver.
Come to see tis. we have not got what yon want we
will it.
R. L. CO.
Hairy Skinner. Harry Skinner,
H. W. Whedbee.
n. w.
I Is
k HP
Longest Name In the World.
The in--. ; Inn of the long-
est name in the world is in Wale-.
name is II II-
which i- uh for
and purposes into
P. The
of r will made
easier If it be n d the
Welch is pronounced like
in e like the
in while tin
pronounced almost like
though more accurately like
of the
. , . I
u ,. ;. i,
I .
e- Will
i i i i-r
Norfolk, Va.
Factors and
Bugging, Ties-mil
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props
Cleanliness our Motto
Only experienced men em
ployed. Opposite drug
Grand v Opening
September 28th, 1905.
the line of Dress Goods, Dress
Trimming-, Silks, plain and fancy and all kinds of Fancy
notions we bare ever had.
Everybody invited to give u-a call, for we have the
r open Thursday morning strictly at
James F. Davenport.
Littleton Female
Splendid location. Health resort Over
pupils las. grade of work. High standard of
and social life. Conservatory advantages In music Ad
courses in An Elocution. Hot water heal
lights and other modern
among pupil,
n Close t , the health and
High standard of
m public occasions.
24th Annual w II begin 18th. For
address. M AM.,
Littleton, N. u.

O. J. and Proprietor
Entered in the post N. C. as second .-lass matter.
rates upon application.
A at in Pitt and adjoining
i is toward the
eleven cent inn k.
Former Governor Charles T
.-I Virginia, died
day in Richmond. That state
of lier foremost men in bis death
in raw to
County 7-. C, 1905.
M .,
With the in of a
f present
of A. G Cox. L. C. Arthur
u may not .,.,,; y is. and with
wise sneer
Mr m
of hi- go is quickly
by two advances in the price of oil
those who have changed from
to electricity are not ought by
what baa see
during i-. in . intent as W. H.
a -u- shown himself to be, we feel safe
ration realized lime
come tn put a m in in burg
schools, giving ail bis lime
them. made daring
two years has shown
of their action. At t tin i
t . , n is public in
county employing more than on.
teacher. Neither a
tax Now i ere is n
school in Greenville i n pi a
com pi teal i
an i I-
I m-r-- i. Al
Bethel there is a with a well
equipped man as i and
assistant with n en-
of more two
At there is a traded m
with .; and
four with an enrollment
two lumen d
I- I he I ii
a and additional
in predicting schools will
to grow more and mere
that at no distant
all have ideal in tin-
entire county, thing remains
he a. coin at
i is hearty support of our
Si e
Criticism as it is generally i
never helps anything, but always
I nils to pull down We know that
the men who have this work in
have at bean the heal interest
if every citizen and child in tin
entire and ii behooves ail
us to loyal support lo the
in so doing we will aid in
giving our own children the best
advantages educationally and there
give them an equal chance in lib
with the most favored
The price of diamonds is steadily
advancing, and we would advise our
North Carolina editorial brethren
that now is the time to lay in their
winter supply Sun-
How many can you buy with a
load of wood
Now that the charge is admitted.
President Roosevelt does not seem
in such a burn talk as be was to
enters denial to Parker's
charge made near the close of tie
last campaign that the big corpora-
were large contributors to the
Republican campaign fund.
Rev. Thomas
Dixon's famous hook which he has
was given its initial
performance in Norfolk on Friday
night and is pronounced a great
success. The audience received it
with great enthusiasm and it is pro-
the best play on the Amer
stage today.
The strike among onion printers
bus reached North Carolina, and on
Monday the union printers in the
teachers, wish an enrollment of Charlotte
hundred or more. At on there
is also a good school with a splendid
sup and three additional
t. i.-hers, between one
no. hundred. At Centerville two
ladies are employed and the
enrolls about eighty pupils At
Ballards X R the school em-
ploys two ladies and roll mi
was seventy eight.
All of those districts, except the
last two. arc local lax districts
more than special taxes
an- paid. The in all these
schools an; as thoroughly qualified
for work, and arc doing as good
work, us any teachers in the sup.
The rural schools have almost
an equal improvement. here re
one hundred and five white is
employed in the schools if the coon
last year, and only three of these
held second certificates
Twenty live or thirty of the rural
s.-h buildings were neatly painted
last year, in the past two
there have been built thirty and
commodious buildings.
In nearly all the districts the old
desks, etc, are being replaced by
Comfortable ones The school
been unusually well looked
after. The last sheriff of the
Harrington, was a fins
tor and was always prompt in paying
the school fund, having at all limes
an interest and pride in
of this department of work in
the county.
appropriations for the an
year will, we ire be fully
as as they were last year
will, therefore, insure a live months
in every district. The enroll
meat and average attendance of the
is increasing gradually all
tin tune. The character of the work
threw up their jobs and walked out
This was not because the Charlotte
printers had any grievance against
their employers, but because the
International Typographical I
i hat is trying to enforce a demand
eight work at a full day a
p iv. ordered them to quit.
This movement, we believe, start-
ed some time ago in Chicago and has
spread to various parts of the
try It is the most absurd demand
of which organized laborers have
been guilty in late years. The em-
pi union printers are right
in their determination not to yield to
the demand the public ought to
uphold them in it. A man has no
If there is any set of men in North
Carolina that every Democrat should
want to see landed in jail, it is I hi
corrupt revenue doodles-- In every
campaign none are more active in
using their position
in an effort to defeat the Dem
Yet we see that ex
Aycock is lo be one of the counsel
try to clear the crowd recently ill
dieted by the Federal court at
Greensboro There ought to be in
stances when Ices will not secure tin
services of some lawyers.
The N trail Carolina
of Agriculture will during the month
of distribute among the
farmers of the state for experiment
purposes, small lots of seed of the
following leguminous crops, the aw i
being in each case ready
with the nitrogen germ and
suitable for immediate planting
without farther treatment Tin-
crops to be with are as
Alfalfa, burr, clover, sand
vetch and crimson clover.
The samples sent out will suffice
sow strip of land i feet or
one rod. As a control test, a
smaller quantity of the same seed
will be sent also.
Applications will be received for
any one of above named seeds or
for all four kinds, but not more than
one s.-u. of one kind will be sent
lo OM applicant Applicants must
enclose with application SO cent in
postage stamps for each kind
s. ed they desire.
Applicants for these seeds must
also send to the undersigned a sum
pie of about one half pounds of
surface soil from the held upon
which they propose to sow
seeds This sample should be made
up from lots of soil taken from
art of the field. The
simple is required to determine the
of soil amount of
ready present. The soil samples
must sent post paid.
Applicants must also furnish a
description of the field and of the
grown thereon during the last
two years Experimenters are ad-
vised to select dry, clean soil which
has this year been hi cotton, corn or
some hoed crop Those who wish
to take part in this experiment
should make prompt application as
the supply of seed will be limited.
Address all correspondence re-
this seed distribution to the
Biologist, N. C. Department of Ag-
R X. C.
Did Mr
If what I
of the New York Life, did in
the funds of bis company for
political purposes was wrong, then
isn't Cornelius N. at that time
treasurer of the Republican national
committee, who received the money,
equally And is it not ad-
lo imply that B.
chairman of the
more right to demand a full day's can campaign committee, also is as
pay eight work than a guilty as Mr. inasmuch as
he had direct knowledge of the trans-
action If one has committed a
grocer has to charge n I r
ten pounds of sugar and only give
him eight or a railroad to
collect fare for a hundred miles from
a passenger and carry him only
eighty miles. The prim involved
is same.
True, a man has a right t-i work
Or work, just as In- eh loses, pro-
he has visible means slip
n but be no right to demand
pay for work which he docs not per-
form. If he engages to do a day's
work and falls short in his time, lie
is obtaining wages dishonestly for
the short time- strike among
union printers can accomplish no
will inconvenience em-
B time, lull just think
the number men out employ
winter coming on and
their families them
I low are these to be supported
The only persona by
these strikes are the officers the
unions who get large out of
I the contributions of the members
. rapidly. The . Wu
given in suitable doses,
alcohol produces a use in blood
pressure is lo a
in the area, in
sell out never there is an , spite of the
to make money for themselves dilatation,
is exerting a wonderful for so doing. Experience has proven I How simple it all
the betterment of the schools. this time and again m late years. J Grocer.
tea arc becoming and.
they will engineer a strike and then
In qualified to do up to date
work. A live n
wrong three arc guilty. Having
g. ibis far. is only fair to ask
the question. Did Roosevelt
that such a contribution was
made ill promotion of his
American public would like lo
hear from him mi this subject. If he
knew of the met hods that were em-
ployed in raising funds for carrying
the Republican it
is not unreasonable lo suppose
be did. then be is just as guilty of
shameful act as Mr Mr.
or Mr. If Mr
Roosevelt was ignorant of these
methods at the time then he certain
can longer enter that plea.
Now that he knows what has been
going on what is he going to
Will he denounce the evil practices
as other honest men have done, or
will he sit silent and allow the
pie to think what they phase. The
Nous believes that be will be heard
from i News
New York's Lost Children.
number of children in the
course a year varies considerably.
The largest number of children
ever sheltered at the Central
in the of year was in 1892,
the year of c
when, during twelve months,
more than five thousand six hundred
children wen- under Mrs.
fully two thirds more children
ire lost during the summer than
daring the winter, and at the time
the Italian feast of St ROCCO,
in June, the press of parents
waiting on the steps of Police Head
quarters is so great that, according
to the officer who tends the door,
you have to drive them down so you
can come Indeed. Italians
divide with the honors of losing
their little ones. About
of all the children lost may be safely
to these two.
Rill the of all the year
is the first opening of the public
s. after the summer vacation.
Many little ones go to school for the
first time, and are too small to find
I heir way home at noon; so the
mother doubtless gives the teacher
very explicit directions to keep
or until her
val at noon Now to bewildered
teacher, all pupils, first, appear
alike, therefore it is not strange that
sin- fails to remember which is
be kept till called so. when
school is out, many little ones find
themselves in the street, not only
totally ignorant r how to reach
home but ally home
is located They aimlessly
about, sometimes
distances, and finally, tired out and
discouraged, they begin to cry. Here
some officer takes a baud and, by
light, the majority of them will ho
enjoying the city's hospitality at the
Central Office Pearson's Magazine
Gone North
Watch This
Coming on It's Own Train.
Will positively exhibit at
a Magnitude never attempted before,
its vast entirety. Bigger. Better, Greater, Grander
ban. ever before Display of Entirely New
F Mini-.-. Moral Museum of The
New Golden
Many Strange Zoological Specimens
Including Rarest Animals in Captivity- The Lioness, Queen
mil her family A -the
largest living MUS in weighing
A Monster I Sweating Behemoth, of Holy Writ,
captured In th densest Morass of th wild region of the
A Zoological Garden
Brought your oily on wheels. The Human Meters, the La-
Pearl Family of Japanese
Mons. great Ladder Artist
Wheelers Marine Band
finest Musical Organization traveling with any in
Grand Street Pageant
The new and costly Piano to he seen daily in our Free
Spectacular New Street Parade. A Mala Day. Prepare
for the ming One ticket admits to all
shows. All Children Half Price. No Gambling or Swindling
allowed. Honest and Fair Dealings the mot of tins vast
Two Performances Daily. Doors open at I and p. m.
Remember the day and date
A contributor us his version
of what Governor of North Caro-
said to the Governor of South
Carolina. It many
mills have York Com-
Institute for
Women and
Music. The
for Your
Oil. I
This department is in f who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The painter folio lug cl--.-
after carpenters on the new
boy's dormitory and will moon
done painting the of the
building. In a few days it will be
and already
rooms are engaged in it.
yards standard calicoes at
per yard, Harrington, Barber A
Mr, and Mrs. W. S. spent
Sunday at B G.
by B. G.
Co., a car load lime which
they will sell Tery cheap.
W. H. Kilpatrick was town
For Holt time alarm
clocks and see B.
Chapman o.
Waller through
shipment of shoes
all styles prices very
O. C. formerly the
firm of Taylor, has
a as at B
G. Chapman's.
White's Black Liniment, spec-
for human
family, tine for perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous com
i. For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Mr and Mrs. B. G. Chapman
Friday in Greenville.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock am a .-lire colic cine,
at the Drug Store
Mrs. sparks to
Washington Friday.
Big line hats and cape
received, latest styles. Harrington,
J. C. Galloway as in town
For hay, corn oats, go to
Hamilton Harder it Co.
J. F. Harrington went to Hus-
ton and returned Monday.
Cue our up to date farmers In o-
a wagon loud of teed to
our Pitt County Oil Co. and
had it making a bale of lint
that weighed pounds.
He paid dollar and fifty cents
to gel it and exchanged his
seed tor meal and hulls. And
he had sold his bale of
to our leading merchants for
a little more than pound
he put his meal hulls oh his
wagon and returned home feeling
ill ii he had saved much time
labor and was pleased with results.
Leonard Jordan, House,
here Sunday.
Mis. L. A. recently re-
turned from
where she a
line of dress
and Her fall
opening display of the new styles
will be held in one of the new con-
store on Saturday, Sept-
Mr. and Mis. G. A.
little sou, Herbert, spent
and in the
Buggies were seen rolling down
one of our streets
route fur our neighbor good
luck them.
Mrs. P. H. and
Pat lie Button went
K. G.
Co., are offering prim
their large stock hi-n
must be sold within a days in
order to make room for their
apply to be received,
Miss Carrie Chapman, of fox-
came Sunday to
Winterville High
of Mint, and yellow
Mrs. Mis, I
Nannie Nichols, spent Saturday at
We have the of
stationary ever brought to
B. T Cox Bro.
Miss in Cox. who las
visiting at Springs, returned
home Monday, accompanied by-
sister, Mrs.
Nice waist patents cheap at
Harrington. Barber Co.
Misses Minnie Eva
Cox and Maggie Brown spent
Sunday with MUs Hattie Kittrell.
B. T. Cox Bro. have a full Hue
of school books, inks,
pea tablets, day
ledgers, account book, states,
chalk, crayons, school bags and
straps. Come and see what
they have before else-
L. L. Kittrell spent Monday in
Our streets are alive with wag-
ons carts hauling cotton to the
gin and seed to the Oil Mill. This
has made
and is its just reward.
Miss Sarah Barker and Mis.
I Sarah spent Tuesday
When in town call to see I
run a first livery feed
I stables. M L.
Kate Chapman has resigned
position as clerk B G.
j Chapman ft Co., and will teach
, the She is
one of our popular
holies and we for her lo
leave us.
Try a of Flour
sale by B G. Chapman Co.
T. H. King filled his,
regular appointment Sunday
morning and night and preached
two very able sermons.
Just a few more cloaks at cost at
H. L.
Last Saturday the school boys
played a very interesting
base ball with the
team. The ire stood to in
favor of the school buy Ii was a
nice game from start to finish and
enjoyed by those who
saw it. They expect to play again
. afternoon
may expect even a
I than before, Lei everybody e
out and the game,
When -d nice
bananas orange apples
of any call on H. L. John MM,
T. H,
A. G. G. K.
attended services at Hopewell
evening. They report a
good sermon by a Rev. Crater,
Hopewell the most pros-
of the county
of our are found
in that community. Not only do
attend the preaching
Mr. King has on fourth
Sundays, but they have one of the
best conducted Sunday in
the county. Ii la presided over by
that quiet, conservative,
ed man, Mr. Ayden,
who has
the people in the community.
Call at II. L Johnson's ex-
his line of Hosiery
Misses Ladle and Gents.
J. II. Hudson, Black Jack,
left Monday morning for Baltimore
Where lie Will resume his medical
studies. He expects to return a
full pledged M. next spring. He
was once a student here and has
many will rejoice at
his well merited He will
be the one of our students to
in medicine, but several
are studying for noble
profession and ere long will belong
to the
Fall goods arriving daily A.
W, Ange Co's. Come
and see them. Motto Beat go.
wan in town
If you to t your
fur meal you can same time
by meal far sour seed
have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
of Greenville, wee
In our town yesterday buying
Mrs. Minnie wife W. B
died here Friday a id
buried Sunday. She leaves a
husband two Mrs.
Kicks was a daughter Mrs. Bet.
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
Albeit Creswell
Washington county.
here today.
If you nice or some
furniture see A. W. Ange
J. K. Greenville,
will preach in Baptist church
Thursday night. He is . of
ablest and most young
ministers in slate and our
will be glad to hr him.
Call and see my line of shoe
before baying elsewhere II. L.
Johns n.
B-HI -ill W M. King was in
We are always
glad met-r as he is of
Pin best
In., el i, suits at H L.
R-v. s Of Washing
l., preach in the
church Sunday night.
I He will be on his
and our people will be glad to see
and hear him again.
Our line of fall Winter,
goods are now in. See our lire be
fore you buy. to please A.
W. Co.
We have been Informed that
prices on pants at A, W. A
Co. has cut 1.00.
Another load school were
shipped out of A. G. C x Co.
A Progressive Institution That is th
of This
It la always a great pleasure
to us u unto
along lines. S
greater can come t
any people than the establish.
of an educational
hi f U E
j principal of the since
This his In art and
I in work
i lied when a
had to be laid
which la tn be
conducted and surrounded
influences tend to I
character while it is developing
brain power. No better illus
if this kind of an
been the
another i Tins.
us the
was built the next
three and equip this
Is indeed
having such a at its head,
Ina are selected
to their ability and
i . in I i
an outlay school has Indeed remark-
. i i. i. I. i .
During the year
r of pupils
enrolled reached which
M were boar rs and
six were represented.
If turning of
means anything A.
On mast he making Iota
and far
have been keeping a
line la-e prices on bard.
ware and mill for next
day a W, L. Home.
Don't forget the pule Sept.
next Mis Sarah
Taylor will have u.-r opening
She has a
which she selected
in days ago aid
will be prepared to unit everybody
in goods and prices. Come along
ct, you can get just what
you want l bat special
as well as . v i , oily else
When in need of fr.-sh meals
fish heel call If L,
strengthen the
t a bowels, and are
m. an
In districts their
lire as
peculiar properties in
that poison.
No Substitute.
North t i in
i in County i term 1805,
s i
Barber. Cox, l
Harrington, Bar- , of Summon
D. A. Henderson. i
will take
notice that an entitled as above
has been commenced In the
property, In claim
And the laid
will take notice that
he a term i
county lo
V held on the 19th Monday after the
1st Monday in s,. mis r, it the
ii h i. v.
court house hi said count., and an
or demur
or will apple to
Court I'm
Cholera By
Jno, L. and Coward Wooten
object of this sketch, The
at Winterville, a splendid grow-
town, about six miles South
is in our opinion
one of the first Institutions of its
kind in North With a
board of trustees composed of
the beat men from a number of
counties, with tine moral and
religious surroundings, with
elegant Christian gentleman and
scholar of marked ability at its
bead assisted by a competent
and consecrated teach
its, with equipment,
both in buildings and furnish-
Is preparing and sending
out young with character
and education to take their
places in life's work. ready
its Influence is being fell in allot
Eastern North Carolina and is
with pleasure and
are giving to the public this f
and Inadequate account of its
and progress.
The of Winterville
High School since its foundation
baa been remarkable The tint
beginning of the school was in
the fall II opened
with a two room
house that hail been rented fur
that Tills was only u
temporary tin-
permanent quarters for tho
school could be made ready
Prof. Q and one
other teacher tin-
at that
A G. Dr T Q
bad donated u four acre tot
tho citizens tho community
joined In building tho house
on property This wits h
well two building
containing tour recitation rooms,
four smaller for music
art and a chapel. This
was completed early in 1900
at meeting of Baptist
in that year
and grounds were do-
to association to equip-
and become associational
Ii that early pro
vision must be made for
for the pupils, and In
following summer what is known
us tho girls dot was built.
will continue. It is
already the pride county
and the Neuse Association, and
we see do reason why it should
not become the educational
for all Eastern North
There is ample room for
more and equipment;
and with the moral and Christian
surrounding it we ex-
pact tn see Winterville High
without a peer in North
There is wisdom in
money and teachers in one
school lather than
both over a large territory
a number of schools The
cry best advantages can be had
in this way The
made upon every hoy and
in a rung is en-
i i different from what it is
i i n i Everything fa-
bringing enough boys and
e it to them tho
the , very best at the very
I least This is what is look-
,, , for in Winterville High School.
Its friends good
I, w v on there enlarged
and until it shall in
needs of
reached with
s.-, ,. .,,
Two of these yea h arrange
was in for i i
, . ,, I
the district to in
admitted which accounts tin
enrollment being larger in
The school has so in
way tot i lie educational
Tho In a IT a
for people willing to
The re i- demand for
nun union printers;. i
of energy can
readily learn, and can find an
learning almost
i . i In
he line I he
of t
till v can In- imagined hen the
I l
present, M i l i lion r
i hoarders
so i .
Mill's all
at I u-i
The Co, Mill
to be far aid
near, and general satisfaction
to prevail,
A. W.
Hut;, th
was ;.
for i.- mid
another on ml n .
V this is iv. i
for use and every room
in it is engaged by pupils wait
Tl y now
is none n
I have opened up n new
s in the meal market, and
prepared to furnish nice,
fresh, fat, beef and pork, also
Nice Choice a
per pound.
Beef at per lb.
Stew Beef at per lb.
My terms arc strictly cash
and we ask a share of your
Yours tor honest dealings,
Chew the heat-Cits tobacco.

l .
O J .
Ii . .
Office, and S .-.
For Rates
LOCAL M-.- o.
I Not Quite
f blow often you ran get a .
nail or seres driver or
lacking. Have good
tool box and he prepared tor
emergencies Our
n all could desire, and
we rill see your tool
does lack i single
t useful article.
You get Harness,
Horse Goods, c
, and Grocer and
i . Dealer. Oath paid
KM.-. X-i. Seed. Bar-
rel . Turkey. Egg, etc. Bed-
Suits, Ra
salts, Table, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail As
Key West Chi-
Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
d mar, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
Seeds. Oranges, Apples, Nut-
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Ware, Tip and
Ware, and
Best Butter, New
Royal slewing and mi
other goods.
quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
North Carolina, i
notice, that;
l.-i . . i
of I'm l
i-t solute divorce
i upon tilt
will further ll
quired to appeal
Superior court
lie the to t I
villa on the M
in i
i in- l i day of i r, 1903
i i- or I- m ii complaint i
d or
,, the in- for the relief i
aid complaint.
This the day July, 1905.
n. i . Moore, Ci S. C
obtain i
that In-
, term
i in county
i i after tin
shade A. enters and claim
thirty acres, more or less, of
ant land in Pit
lying between the
Samuel Kites old paten-
in Indian Well Swamp, bound
the lands C. P. smith
H'm. use wife's land, and
This August 7th, 1906.
Any person or persons claiming title
lo or Interest In the above described
land must tile tin r protest In
within the next days, or they be
bat red law.
taker for
this August 7th,
Having qualified as
Pill County, N. C this
all persons having claim
state of sail-, de i
the on
lath day of August
will be pleaded in
All persons Ind
-i tie will please
pay men
day An
l. I
d. late
is to notify
s against the
before the
-i- s notice
i-i their re-
bled to
gust 1905.
The Clerk Superior Court Of Pitt
County having is- Letters
to me, tin on
the day of August, 1906, on the
. of N.
deceased, NOTICE is h given to
persons Indebted to the Estate to
make immediate pa to the tin-
and to all creditors of said
their claims properly
authenticated, undersigned
. it In ii twelve months after date
this Notice, or this Notice will lie plead
in bar their recovery
This the 8th, day August
on the Estate of Albert N-
The Clerk of the Superior court of
Pitt county, having issued Letters of
Administration tome, the undersigned
on the day Of August. on the
estate of F. U. Tucker, deceased. No-
is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make
a t- . tO
--editors of estate to pres-
s to
undersigned, within twelve months
this notice, or this notice
ii be In bar of their recovery.
This the 12th day of Aug.
on the estate of K. B. Tucker.
I. A. Attorney.
ave to announce we arc
Gives rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous i I.
stomach and catarrh of the A guaranteed cure.
ii u
ii i. r M
nil t
. by JNO. L v.
. A, .
AT . N. C
At August 25th,
.,,.,. ;,.,,,,,,.,.
. . f ft ; of
I .-i;
. 14,121.04
i i-.
. .
i I. i
other S
2.00 I
S of County u Pit,
I. -I. of named bank,
the above statement is true to the beat of my
,. ii. It. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, day of August,
l s
Notary Public.
. in I I ii tit
Everything you want in the way of
nice Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruit, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
White Lead, Paints,
j Colors, and Town and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than s
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable I
If you use the Harrison Paints need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with k
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
h, IV. C,
main .
and Discounts 1108,962.27
and 1,668.66
Stocks, etc. 2,500.00
b I Furniture A Fixtures 8,647.83
ft House Oil
.- Coin
At the Old Stand.
I have purchased the sin--
Ti and tin-
old ml
I will lo till III ll-
of the trade and will i
i.- v line of
heavy and Groceries.
Fruit-. Tobacco
on want the
the lowest price
ii v can lie fold.
The Points Grocer.
Central Academy
REV. M W. HESTER, Principal.
PROF w M HINTON. Associate
A Christian home and High
School for buys and men
Splendidly located in Warren
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on S, A. L., road in a
beautiful grove of or
on a acre farm.
For further information ad-
dress the Principal or Associate
Littleton, N. c.
. ii
. . I .
i. --i l-j
if S -1 tin
, . . . . i -i
I, .;
II .
. . H.
. w I Ml I- r
. SI
l-l I . .
n I-.
.; of t i-
Blow, Attorneys.
of Si t
issued . f
to me, iii.- d
in the day of Aug. 1905, on
the estate of W. K Jolly,
ed, NOTICE is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the es-
make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to
creditors of said estate to present
their claims properly
i-at to tin- undersigned, with-
in twelve in after date of
this notice, or notice will be
plead in their recovery.
This day of Aug. 1905.
p G James, B F. Jolly
on the estate of
E. Jolly.
After 1st I will be
to furnish private con- J
to and depot for
. in town
The will I
then only ran hotels to
depot wharf and fare on I
that will also he phone I
Steamboat Service.
on v
K hi i
in. -v
at Washington with
Railroad tor
Rill Philadelphia,
Hi-Moil and all other
. ll Norfolk
all poi Wet.
,, N k
. H. It
subject hi change
-11 notice.
i. u. MY Agent.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N.
I. C. General T. and
I. Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
Stock of Framing x ft.
Also German Siding, and
Partition and all kinds dressed
necessary tor building a
house complete. Hills
short notice. Bind.
Greenville lumber Veneer Co-
Your Life
The power that gives you
life and motion is the nerve
force, or nerve fluid, located in
the nerve cells of the brain,
out through the
nerves lo the various organs.
If you arc tired, nervous,
irritable, cannot sleep; have
headache, feel stuffy, dull and
melancholy, or have neuralgia,
rheumatism, backache,
pains, indigestion,
stomach trouble,
kidneys and liver are inactive,
your life-current is weak.
Power-producing; fuel is need-
ed; something to increase nerve
the nerves.
Dr. Restorative
vine is the fuel you need. It
feeds the nerve
force, and restores vitality.
I Dr.
Pills I to bed. I
of two v. I
h. lint I was
unable to i up. ii- hi-Us would
i-nM c and
would weak mid almost
My poor. I
to away
my was better.
taken In nil seven of tho
and I .
ROSA E. la.
Dr. is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he
wilt refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Stock paid In i u.
Undivided Profile
Expenses Paid -11
Bills Payable 21,01111.110
Deposit subject to check SI
Cashier's checks out-
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain
Private Wires lo New
and Kw Orleans.
Mock of Goods Sale Cheap.
We will sell the H. Proctor
k of general at
t a bi and
will or th- e to
between a d
-.-land, X. C.
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, the above-named bunk, do
-wear that the statement above is true to lust of
belief JAMES L LITTLE. .
this 2nd of Sept.,
If. W.
Plate Glass.
General Insurance.
Strongest and Best Companies Represented.
A YOUR Patronage Solicited.
For Male and Female.
course in and Music, Art,
Kin. Physical Culture, Bookkeeping,
Typewriting. A complete in Ancient and Modern
Language and Three courses leading to A. B.
Degree e. Faculty
September Bib, 1905.
J J LL. D. Wilson, N. C
The Reflector
The Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If yon have what they want advertise it and yon are sure to
get a part of their money.
i i. l l j t s
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
AYDEN, N. C. -t
N. C, Sept. 1905.
As authorized for Daily
and we take
pleasure in receiving sub
and writing; receipts
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail
this office. We also take orders
for job
We are requested to announce
that the will give free
tuition lo two or three boys who
will perform the work
and around the graded school
the prefect session.
is a good
boys we hope it will be
taken advantage of.
If you need the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
conic to see us, Hart
Miss Fannie of
came up Friday to enter
school here.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Ex-Sheriff W. H. Harrington
was here Friday.
Come to see Hart Jenkins
when you need to dress
your It-el, we can save you
you something to fit the
foot. We carry nicest and best
shoe you ever saw. Try a
pair and be convinced.
Mrs. R. Smith has returned
from a visit to
moved into their new brick store
on south side Main street.
There were services Sunday in
the Free Will Seminary conducted
by Phillips. A huge
was in attendance.
If the graded school
hasn't gut the set of
teachers in the state, then mark us
down as no judge of beauty.
opinion on this subject hat never
yet been brought into question.
We can prove all we Prof.
He called at our
Sunday evening, but he didn't ask
for us, still we
what he lucked having a good
time no else need seek for.
dozen eggs by C
A. Fair for which will be paid the
highest cash price.
Wood Kittrell,
was here Sunday,
Lace Curtains SO cents
pair up, o cents per yard
up, at J. Ii. Smith
Miss Minnie Cooper, Wash
has visiting Mrs. J.
J. Him-.-.
Mrs. Marcellus Cooper, after a
pleasant visit to her brother,
Stancill Hodges here, has returned
to her home in Washington.
Save your hay, get a grass
blade, fork, hoe, shovel, spade,
bush hook or pee hole digger, at
J. R- Bro.
Mrs. Crawford, of
a visit to
W. Co ate toe
depository for school books.
Mies spent from
Friday evening until Monday with
friends in
A lull supply of No. Timothy
Hay Oats, Bran,
Seed Hulls and Meal, at J. K
Smith ft Bro.
Mist Ethel Burnett alter
weeks stay with sister, Mm.
Nobles, left
her home in City.
C. A. Fall who has been away
lbs pun two weeks up in
City and other summer
retorts, came home Sunday.
A eat- load of tiling was received
here Monday which will be used
partly in town
the improvement of the road near
Haddocks X Roads.
There were bales of
sold the market here last week.
The price paid was from to
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw
Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
Smith Bro.
On the first call of roll He
opening the graded school yes-
morning pupils
to their names.
received, fine line of
and can fit you up in any style
r price.
Out at he Ayden Lumber camp
Sunday night Tom Purvis, a
the slightest provocation, cut
slashed Elijah Manning, a very
and industrious
a razor and then fled. The
are a serious nature and
it is not yet determined as to what
result will be. Monday morn-
Deputy Constable Bronson
boarded the train with a
warrant for Point, at Parmele
he ought bis man, but while
waiting for a train his
prisoner managed to make his
scape. Mr. Tripp is full of
but he couldn't help it. This was
bis first case.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs
S. A. died Saturday
was the cemetery
Sunday afternoon.
Tobacco twine, thermometers,
etc. for sale by Cannon
John Z. Brooks, of Grifton, was
here yesterday.
A full supply of Trunks,
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Overseers throughout this town,
ship are now busily engaged
roads. Good roads are
a necessity to success and prosper-
and we hope advantage will be
taken of this extremely tine
and all toads in the county put
in class order. Wherever
good toads are seen is a sure sign of
thrift and and we hope
the overseers will realize this fact
and act accordingly.
J. Raymond has a nice
black horse, years old, he would
like to sell. The horse is perfect-
For carpenters grind stones
i hemp rope and pulleys, at J. B.
Smith A Bro.
Calico and Gingham at -t cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
K. Smith ft Bro.
your buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
R. Smith ft Bro.
For can peaches, apples,
tomatoes, apply to E. E.
A new Hue of Cradles and Cribs,
Mattresses to match, at J. R. Smith
The ladies say Cannon
have the prettiest Hue of
dress goods in town.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at B. E. Go's.
Dart ft is the place in
get your suit this tall, as the are
handling M. H. line
and e-iii five a nice lit.
n A Jenkins for a bar
of Columbia Flour, none
to In- had anywhere.
Their is truly an age of
One hundred years ago,
Sunday Sept. their
a cook Stove in Town-
ship, and last week K. Smith
Bro. had to arrive a solid car load
of cook stove-, word
or coal, aid Kettle,
Griddle, and other ware to match
M joints of stove pipe,
these Gentlemen are doing a large
and their success is due
to the low prices and the low
pi ices are due to the fact they
buy in car lots, such as Hay, Lime,
Floor Oats, Stoves Hulls and
Meal, we saw them shipping yes-
Cook Stove Healers,
and to match. This is a
of days shipment.
W. C. Co. are
the most complete line us
youths, children-nit's v
in the town of Ayden.
a trial. They are in. I
they can please you as the e
and quality.
shoes are best.
pair sold under a guarantee
W. C. Johnson Co. this
line for Ayden.
keep Furniture, Mattress-.
Bed Springs,
etc., up stairs.
Tyson. j
Having just returned I
Philadelphia Optical
graduating in a special
the human eye, and the
of optics, I feel able and p
pared to correct any of
of refraction that any
can correct with glasses. I w
lake any case of weak eyes, or eye
strain, dull hurting, aching, bum
eyes, or eyes with
bad or low on a
guarantee, to relieve the
and give entire satisfaction lo In
patient or not charge one cent. The
largest per cent, of all
headaches and
errors of refraction and eye
Ii is dangerous to pro
when your eyes call
assistance. Glasses are the
remedy for errors of refraction
weak eyes. Any style or hum
glasses desired. As g .
references as are in the ,
furnished on application.
J- W. Taylor, Ref. D.
Those an squares, , t
Cannon Tyson have just r.-- . .
are beauties.
Oranges, apples, bananas mil i
fruits kept by ft Mel. w-
Cannon Tyson
selling their pretty .
steads cheap. They ate d ii- . .
Those Royal Felt Mar. . .-
that Cannon Tyson handle are
the equal of anyone the market.
Get the Cox cotton planter tin
best the market at J. Smith ft
Go to E. E. ft Co's new
market tor beef, fresh meats, saD.
sage, and fresh fish.
J- W. Taylor, our optician i.-
now back again from the
Optical College, he
graduated is a special course in
the of optics, ready to
better service than ever before
to those from weak eyes
and in of glasses.
Slippers, lawns and straw hats
are being sold extremely cheap
tor cash by Cannon Tyson.
Don't forget that
Tyson can supply your wants in
almost anything in furniture.
Bay, oats, ship stuff,
cotton seed hulls and meal
on hand. Cannon a Tyson.
The freshest loaf bread right
from the oven at
Don't fail to see Gannon Ty-
son's new both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than uteri v.
Sun-1.-II ft i
daily ,.,.
light the
M the close of business
Loans and
Furniture and Fixtures oil
from Banks,
Cash Items, 130.52
Silver Coin, 1,668
National Bank notes and
other Li. notes
Capital stock paid in.
Undivided profits leas
Dividends unpaid .
vi in cluck, 23,766.28
I. J. It Smith, Cashier of the above- h
the above statement is true to the lust
lief. ,
and sworn lo
me, this Animal
Notary Pub
y and be-
Mil, Cashier.
And Provisions
The Fall Season opened and found a select
line Of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Shoes.
Cotton and
Ties always on hand
Fresh floods kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
I have opened up a new-
stall in the meat market, and
are prepared to furnish nice,
fresh, beef and pork, also
Net Choice Steak at
A u per pound.
Roast Bed at per lb.
Stew Beef at per lb.
My are strictly cash
and we ask a share of your
our-, honest dealings,
e I .
in stock
Clothing. Clothing.
Out- Clothing line is completed,
and these suits are mad,, from especially
from ready
is the mark that means most in but price
most -the
and the most experience in clothes making cal
and inspect our fine before buying.
Dry Goods. Dry Goods.
Our Dry Goods-lino is complete and we especially invite
chase Dross Goods before you make your fall
Hats. Hats. Hats.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Medicine for People.
Brings Health and Rent-., i Vigor.
t Lire
Kiln.-v Pimples. i. Impure
T.-u in
form. by
In Hats yon will find us headquarters w
high grade hat, why pay
better satisfied than three.
sell the celebrated
a bat and no
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
Our stock of shoos are as complete as can it. and our
purpose is to give the best shoe, best quality and styles tor
the least money.
We also carry furniture In stock. will find complete
with us. Buy one of our Royal Fell
sold under a guarantee.
When you have a suit of clothes,
pair of pants to or press,
remember I only turn out
class work. Also working
over altering Prices
very reasonable. Satisfaction or
your money back. Give me a trial.
Back of Davis Barber Shop.
N. C.
cause they are superior to all others,
IT not the refunded.
Perfect satisfaction when
J. R.
AYDEN, N. C. Leader in Los
with its or your money
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
the town.
Four chairs in operation each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted
Subscribe tn
Dr. W. B. of Char
N. will be Greenville
at Hotel Berlin Thursday Oct.
5th, for day His
practice is limited to Eye, Sir,
Nose, Throat, and
Ayden, N. C
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
and guarantee price.
The following
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
I Bookkeeper
B, T. Bailey
H. S. Hardy
Floor Manager
Ed. Harris
Clip Calculator.

L .
North Carolina, i .
v, lie
n Set
The defend i
in lice,
i o
i . pun the
. M
i. held t the i
on the Mo
iii in
the 18th
,. i- or win
a ii action, or th-
the c for tin-
This tin-
Have c
Your H. .
Office, S .-.
For Rates
ii l
obtain i
las he i- i
,. term
i in Hint,
, I-
. a
relief i
l July,
Moore, Ci S. C
i to announce tint c art
Not Quite
How often i an get
thing done -a
nail or screw driver or
; lacking. Have good
tool box and I prepared for
S emergencies.
is all could desire, and
J we will at your tool
box doe not lark a sins e
useful article.
Of Course
I You get Harness,
S Horse Goods,
. -.- . retail Grocer nod
j . . Denier. Cash paid
Cotton MM, Oil
r.,, Turkey. Egg, etc. Bed
Suits, Ha
Carriage, Go-Carts,
Lounges, Bate, P
and Gail Ax
High Key Weal One
Henry George Clear, Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Syrup, Jelly. Milk,
flour Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches,
Option Seed Meal and Hulls,
Oranges, Apples.
Candle, Dried Apples, Peach.,
Prone, Currents, Raisins, Ola-
and China Ware, Tip and
Ware, Cakes and
Ch-e-e, Best Butter, New
Sewing Machine and nu
ether goods. an.
quantity. Cheap for cash.
see me.
VT K t i
shade A. enters and claim
acres, more or
in I it
lying between the
I and San Kite old
i.- Indian Well Swamp, bound-
ml the lands of C. P. Smith and
Wm. use
This August 7th, 1906. .
person or persons claiming sine
Interest In the above describe,
land must file protest in writ nu
within the days, or the; will be
red by law. ,.,.
taker for I'm
this August 1906.
as administrator
Williams, c late
County, N- V. is in
all persons having claims against the
of said t them
on or before the
null of August node
.,, be pleaded in liar of their re-
All persons Indebted to said
will please mu
j bis theft iii of August
O. I
Gives rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
th. US-
ti Em
j b j L.
u th. I
or w cat
a, Drawls .
and Retail
i- i
N. C.
August 25th,
, inns and founts
i, s i in
I-, mid
I tanker
other U S i
I stock
.-i-i of
i if
i i -1 i ;
White Load, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
The Clerk of Court of Pitt
ls Letters
to me, in on
day of August. 1906, on the
e of N.
deceased. NOTICE Is Ii given to
ill persons Indebted to the Estate to
make Immediate pa the up-
and to all creditors of said
Estate to present properly
authenticated, to undersigned.
twelve months after to
this Notice, or this Notice will be plead
in bur of their recovery
This the day or August
on the Estate of Albert
The Clerk of the court of
Pitt county, having issued Letters of
Administration to me, the undersigned
on the day Of August, 1906. on the
estate P. Tucker, deceased, No-
is hereby given to all persons In-
to the estate to make
to the
estate their
,. ii . b to the
undersigned, twelve months
. i-the date of U is notice, or this notice
be in bar of their
This the 13th day of Aug. W.
on the estate of F.
I. A. Attorney.
s N Carolina, u
l cashier of tin-above named bank, do
statement U true to the beat of my
and sworn to MKS,
I ,. me, this 81--t day of August,
S J.
Notary Public.
At Old Stand.
I have the l
Ti . . the
at his old V
I will to tin In met tin
of the trade H
,, . a complete line of
Heavy and Groceries.
Fruits, t Tobacco
on me when you want the
l.,, i , , i in- lowest price
which they can be
The Five Points Grocer.
Central Academy
REV. M W- Principal.
PROF W. M. Associate
A Christian home and High
School I'm- boys and men
Splendidly located in Warren
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on A U road in a
beautiful grove of or
on ii acre farm.
I--, i further information ad
the Principal or Associate
Littleton, N. C.
, p I
. . I eon i
. ,
. , I M
. ,,. i --iii in
, i ,
i i S. i.
I.- .
sons mi s
i. i
i . . i n o,
of i p
D. .
Blow, Attorneys.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruit, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
fill favor us with your
int good paint for any t.
Baker Hart
I , r. c,
Loans and Discounts
and unsecured 1,606.66
U furniture 3,617.32
R House Oil
. i . n- ii Batiks
I 1,614.81
Stock In . .-
Bills Payable 81,000.00
Deposit subject
Cashier's checks out-
i iii Si unit
tors f
to me, i lie n d
on the 22nd day of Aug. on
estate of W. E
i- to
all persona indebted ea
immediate payment
to the and to all
creditors said estate
their claims properly
tn the
m twelve in after date of
i Ids notice will be
plead in I recovery.
This day of Aug. 1905.
K .; James, B P. Jolly
on the estate of
E. Jolly.
Steamboat Service.
-l I. .
W v
i, . , , ;
. in.
Washington with
V. Philadelphia,
s V 1-. and all other
, ,,, North,
via earn N. k
K. K
subject t. change
r, ii. MY Agent. Washing-
J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
. General T.
I-. Norfolk, Va.,
i After 1st I will lie
I t. furnish private con-
tn and hen depot for
. in town at
I each The will
I then only run hon hotels to
depot and wharf and fare on
will also be phone -16
Stock Framing x ft. i
Also Siding, Ceiling and
Partition and all kind- dressed
lumber necessary for a
short notice.
Greenville lumber Veneer Co-
Your Life
The power that gives you
life and motion is the nerve
force, or nerve fluid, located in
the nerve cells of the brain,
and out through the
nerves to the various organs.
If you are tired, nervous,
irritable, cannot sleep; have
headache, feel stuffy, dull and
melancholy, or have neuralgia,
rheumatism, backache,
pains, in disc st ion,
stomach trouble,
kidneys and liver arc inactive,
your life-current is weak.
Power-producing fuel is need-
ed something to increase nerve
the nerves.
Dr. Restorative
vine is the fuel you need. It
feeds the nerve
force, and restores vitality.
I taking Pr.
I to my I
of inn with
gradually grow that I
unable to mi up. The n- u
with row cl M.
My mi I
alone- hut
and Weaker. The
m mi- away
my circulation was l have
taken In nil bottles of the
I am .
ROSA E. WEAVER, Stuarts, In.
Dr. l sold by your
who win if.
will benefit If It he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
North Carolina, i
County of Pitt. f
James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
-wear that the statement above is true to the In-st of my
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE, i
Subscribed sworn
n. this 2nd d.
Phone no. i.
General Insurance.
Strongest and Best Companies
A YOUR Patronage Solicited.
Norfolk, Va
Buyers and Brokers It
Hawks, Cotton, Grain and
ins. Private Wires to Sew Yuri
and Orleans.
Stock of Goods for Sale Cheap.
We will sell the H. H. Proctor
i k of general m
at a bi ill-con it and
will rent or sell tbs at e to
Be Stock hit.
between d
, Bro .
i; ii, N. c
For Male and Female.
course in Vocal and Music, Art,
Elocution Physical Cull urn. Bookkeeping,
A complete course in Ancient Modern
Languages and Three courses leading to A. B.
Faculty of
September 6th, 1905.
For or other information,
J LL. D. President Wilson. N. C
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody roach, and
t reaches people to pay for what they want.
f you have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
jet a part of their money.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. AYDEN, N. C.
N. Sept. 1905.
As authorized for Daily
and Eastern we take
great in receiving sub
and writing receipts
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
We are requested to announce
that will give free
tuition to two or three boys who
will perform necessary work n
and around the graded school
the present session. Tills
is a good
boys and we hope it will be
taken advantage of.
If you need way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart
Miss of
came up Friday to enter the
school here.
E. E. Hail Co. will do all they
possible to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Ex-Sheriff W. H. Harrington
was here Friday.
Come to sec Hart Jenkins
when you need t. dress
your we can save you
you Something to lit I Ill-
foot. We carry the nicest and best
you ever saw. Try a
and be convinced.
Mrs. H. has returned
from a visit to Kinston.
Sum i ell a have
moved into their new brick store
on south side Main street.
mere were services Sunday in
the Free Will Seminary conducted
by Phillips. A large
was attendance.
f the Ayden graded school
hasn't gut the set of lady
teachers the state, then mark us
as judge of beauty.
opinion on this subject hat never
yet been brought Into question.
We prove all we say Prof.
lie called at our house
Sunday evening, but he didn't ask
for us, still we the
whet he lacked having a goon
time no one else need seek
dozen eggs by C
A. Fair for which will be paid
cash market price,
was here Sunday.
Lace Curtains cents
pair up, and cents per
up, at J. It. Smith
Miss Minnie Cooper, Wash
has been visiting Mrs. J.
Mrs. Cooper, after a
pleasant visit to her brother,
Stancill here, has returned
to her home
Save your hay, get a grass
blade, fork, hoe, shovel, spade,
bush hook or hole digger, at
J. It- Smith
Mrs. Marion Crawford, of Win-
baa been hue mi a visit I.
W. Jackson Co, ate the
depository for school books.
Mies Dora spent Ii, in
Friday evening until
friends in
A lull supply of No, Timothy
Hay. Oats, Cam, Bran, Cotton
Seed Hulls and Heal, It
Smith Bro.
Miss Ethel Burnett
weeks stay with her slater, Mrs.
c. Nobles, left Monday
her home in Oak City.
C. A. Fall who has been away
pan two weeks up in
City and other
resorts, came home Sunday.
A car load of tiling was received
here Monday which will be used
partly in town and the balance
the improvement of the road near
Haddocks X
There were bales of
sold on the here last week.
The price paid was from to
Fashion Hand-made
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
Smith Bro.
the first call of roll t lie
opening of the graded school ye
morning pupils
responded to their names.
Just received, fine line of
and can fit you up in any style
or price.
Out at he Ayden Lumber camp
Sunday night Tom Purvis, a
the slightest provocation, cut and
slashed Elijah Manning, a very
peaceable industrious
a and then lied. The
wounds are a serious and
it is not yet determined as to what
result will be. Monday morn-
Deputy Constable Bronson
boarded the tram with a
warrant for Gold Point, at
lie Caught bis man, but while
waiting for a train bis
prisoner managed to make his
escape. Mr. Tripp in lull regrets
but he couldn't help it. This was
his first case.
The infant child of Mr. Mr-
S. A. died Saturday
was buried in the cemetery
Sunday afternoon.
etc for side by Cannon Ty-o
John Brooke, of was
here yesterday.
A full supply of Trunks,
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. It. Smith Bro.
Overseers this town,
ship are now busily engaged
their mads. Good roads ate
B necessity to success prosper-
and we hope advantage will he
taken of extremely line
and all roads in the county- put
class order. Wherever
good toads are seen is a sure sign of
thrift and we hope
the overseers will realize this fact
and act accordingly.
J. Raymond has a nice
black horse, years old, he would
like to sell. The horse is perfect-
For carpenters two's, grind stones
i hemp rope and pulleys, at J. It.
Smith Bro.
Calico and Gingham at cents
per yard, great reductions in while
dippers and summer goods, at J.
If. Smith Bro.
your buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
full line of colors, kept at J.
It. Smith a Bro.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, ac, apply to E. E. Dell
ft On.
A new line of Cradles and Cribs,
Mattresses to match, at J. R. Smith
The ladies say that Cannon
Tyson have prettiest line of
dress goods in town.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Oil's.
A Jenkins is the place
get your suit this tall, as the are
handling It. if. line
and can five you a nice lit.
on Hurt Jenkins for a
r.-i of Columbia Flour, none better
had anywhere.
Their is truly age of
hundred ago,
Sunday Sept. their
Stove in Town-
ship, and last week . Smith
lira, to arrive a solid ear load
of cook stoves, word
or coal, Kettle,
Griddle, and other ware to match
and joints of stove pipe,
these Gentlemen are doing a large
and their success is due
to low prices and the low
pi are to the fact they
buy car lots, such as Hay, Lime,
Floor Oats, Hulls and
Meal, we saw shipping Yes-
Cook Stove
and to match. This is a
of only days
W. C. a Co. are
the most complete line l ate
youths, and suit's
shown the town Ayden.
them a trial. They are
they please you as the sly e
shoes are best.
pair sold under a guarantee
W. C. Johnson Co. control this
line for Ayden.
keep Furniture, Mattress--.
Bed Springs, Stoves, Ban.
etc., up stairs.
Having just returned f-
Philadelphia Optical
graduating in a special .
the human eye, and the n-
of optics, I feel able p
pared to correct any of
of refraction any .
can correct with glasses. I w i
take any case of weak eyes, or eye
strain, dull hurting, aching, burn
eyes, or eyes with
had or low on a p
to relieve the
and give entire satisfaction
patient or not one cent. The
largest per cent, of all
headaches and
errors of refraction eye
It is dangerous to pr-
when your eyes call f
assistance. Glasses the
remedy for errors of refraction in
weak eyes. Any style or i.
given desired. A-, w
references as are in the . n
furnished on application.
J. W. Taylor, D.
Those art squares, i
Cannon have just r.-e
are beauties.
Oranges, apples, bananas
fruits kept by w.
Cannon are h .
selling their pretty
steads cheap. They- are i
Those Pelt , .
that Cannon Tyson handle are
the equal of anyone the
Get the Cox planter Hi.
best the market at J. Smith
Go to E. E. Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
J. W. Taylor, our optician i,
now back again from the
Optical College, re be
graduated in a special course in
the of optics, ready to
better service than before
to those from weak eyes
and in of glasses.
Slippers, and straw hats
are being sold extremely cheap
cash by Cannon
Don't forget that Gannon
Tyson can supply your wants in
almost anything in furniture.
Hay, oats, ship stuff, wheat
cotton seed hulls and meal
on hand. Cannon a Tyson.
The freshest loaf bread right
from the oven at
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
St i.
light from the
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Brisk Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
At the close of business iota,
D. W.
Loans and
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
from Banks, OH
Cash Items, 130.52
Silver Coin, 1,659
National Hank notes and
other notes 2,111.00
1.1 TIES.
Capital stock paid in,
fund On
Undivided pr lite less
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits i beck,
Cashier's eh k.-. 8.81
t l XI V OF PUT, j
I, J. H Cashier the i I. solemnly awes I
that above statement is true to and be
lief- II Cashier.
l t . CANNON.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought end Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
The Fall Season has opened and found a select
Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Shoes.
Dr. W. H. of Chat
N. will be
at Hotel Thursday Out
for day His I
limited to Eye, En. j
Nose, and Throat, i
Ayden, N. C.
Our lino is completed, in stock
and these suits are made from u It is a
sort of clothing from usual
is tho mark most in but price
the moat most the the merit.
and the most in clothes on call
inspect our line
I have opened up a new
stall in the meat market, and
are prepared to furnish nice,
fresh, tat. and pork, also
Nov. Choice Steak at
f cents
per pound.
Rea. Beef at per lb.
Stew Beef at per lb.
My terms are strictly cash
and we ask a share of your
patio age.
Yours tor honest dealings,
cures indigestion.,
Rocky Mountain Tea
A Busy Medicine for Bus; People.
Brings and
. Lite
Kidney Trouble,
Breath, non-.-u.
form, ail cents u main i-y
Darn WIs.
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods.
Our Dry Goods lino Is complete and we invite yon
n look at our line of Dress before you fall pin-.
In Hals you will us headquarters. W .- ,. the celebrated
grade hat. why and In- mi
better satisfied than with n for three.
Our stock shoes, are as complete as can make it, and our
purpose is in give the boat shoe, boat quality and styles for
the least money.
We also carry furniture stock, and will find a complete
line with us. Buy one of . Felt Mattresses be-
cause they are superior to nil others, under u guarantee
I f not tin- -price refunded
Perfect satisfaction when you I rule with us or
J. R.
N. C. Leader in Low Prices.
When you have a suit of clothes,
pair of pants to clean or press,
remember that I only turn out
first class work. Also working
altering clothing. Prices
very reasonable. Satisfaction or
your money back. Give me a trial.
Back of Davis Barber Shop.
N. C.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
the town.
Four chairs operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors sharp
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good is wanted
Subscribe to Tut--
Greenville, N. C.
us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always Work for your interest
guarantee price.
The following
Force who are
Always glad
to see you
D. S. Spain
B, T. Bailey
S. Hardy
Id. Harris

Have Decided to Convert my Entire
Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, Fur-
i ON E
and i
general tip. .- d
pin your faith
to Clothes.
Good i
with more i
piece i
slim you are.
to you i
All the n
We i
shoulders with you
i you exercise
i suit i- h poor
.-. tall you how
how you are, we have
. . ins the distinction
, ,.,. to the people of Ml and fining Counties the Pat Nineteen Year, and I herein give
that during this VERY SPECIAL SALE I will give such alluring values as have
never before been known in North Carolina.
New Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Every Day
But tor wan. of space we can only quote a of the many Thousands of Magnificent Bargains we ere now offering.
price from to
to you Bring
The Outfitter.
Pr i , Ranges,
l Heater Guns, Am
m H
Plows, Cutters
K t ft anything
in come to
Celebration Sale of Men's Suits
Men's Good Seasonable piece Suits at the
2.76, 3.98, 4.45, 6.45
youth Long Suits Age to cheaper than
the cheapest.
Boy's Knee Pants Suits.
M the Celebration
Men's Pants.
1.37, 1.63, 1.95, 2.98.
During the
Celebration Prices on Shoes, s
Boy's Knee Pants at and per pair.
worth now
Fine Dress Shoes
Pat. Leather latest toes
Shoes Ladies
Per pair,
Shoes from per pair up.
Men's and Boy's Hats
A Carload of men's hats in all shapes and Colors at
your own prices.
Boy's hats from up.
Men's Overcoats now
Hoy's Overcoats as low as
Special Celebration Sale
Best grade black taffeta silk
Full line quality colored taffeta
Extra quality and Width
inch regular plaids and solid
Mixed suitings, worth at
Plaid worth
Full line panamas, worth
inch all colors ladies bro, worth
A big line velvets, now
Big line dark colors
Pretty patterns in tapestry worth going for
Light colors in yard wide
Good curing Dark colors for
Heaviest IS l outing light cotton
Extra Sensation
Ladies tailor made suits worth 7.50 now
Ladies tailor made suits worth 28.50 now
10.000 yards cheeked homespun,
yards beat
Blankets tor double beds each
Best cheek gingham
Big line
Ladies kid gloves
Misses fancy hose
Best quality table
Yard wide bleaching to a customer at
. 1-2
J 1-2
Trust Company
v . ,. . business August 1906.
During this Great Celebrated Sale we will Give Away to the first fifty customers who by worth
of goods and will give us their names, one large size egg crate. Every article fully guaranteed may
be exchanged at any time or money will be refunded. Come to see us and we will send you back home
well pleased.
Come high expectations and even then you will be for far more than you can possibly anticipate
will be realized.
Remember this Great Festival Sale Opens Thursday, Sept. 28th. at a. m. sharp.
, Capital paid in 88,000.00
;,,,. Surplus fund
Undivided profit, lees
deposit 10,081.20
subject to
Cashiers checks 17.94
Cash item
Sold coin
National Bank notes and
State North Carolina, I of Pitt,
I of the bank, do
the above stat. rue la the my ledge
, . . , R. J. Cashier.
J. L.
c. T.
Subscribed sworn to
this day of Sept.,
C. S Notary
have taken up a stray
that been with my
two months. The
sandy red color,
pounds has silt in light
ear and tailed. Owner i
notified for same and pay
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR
The Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results
In death. a mere scratch,
insignificant or puny
have paid the penalty. It
is wise to have
Salve ever h
on earth and will fa-
when burns, sorts, ulcers
and threaten. Only at
J. L. Drug Store.
Putt an End to It All,
A comes
as a of unbearable pain
over taxed organs.
Backache, Liver
constipation, But thanks to
New Life Pills they put an
end t. all. are gentle
Try them, only
I Guaranteed by L. Woolen,
A piano for sale at a sac-
is one
of the lies bandied by the
On, was bought
hi ago by a gentleman who
his little girl.
I Patty to lose over a nun.
dollars. Cash or time, apply
i to O. or W. A.
Hyman, Greenville N. C.
End Bitter Fight.
physician had a long end j
stubborn fight with an on
my right F ,
Du . gave in- up ,
thought time had
come. As a ii resort I tried Dr,
New Discovery for
and I on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
regained my It conquers
all colds, and throat and
lung troubles. by
Jno. L. Woolen,
and 91.00. Trial tail ties lie.
A that a
of suicide had been
discovered many.
A run down or
precede suicide and
has been found that
will prevent that condition which
make suicide likely. At the first
I bought of self destruction lake
It a great
and will strengthen
the nerve- and build up the system.
It's also a i-real stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by L.
Silk and shawls, all
extra heavy in black. D.
M. Johnson Co. Grifton N
Why Baskets when
you ran get Sheets at less
I than half tho price. Sam
s w
O. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
September Term in Session.
following calM have be
of since
W. T. Fleming, obs
public road, not guilty.
Ham Slaughter and Sam Blanch
tar, resisting officer, guilty, sen-
Adopted By Greenville Baptist Sunday
A- we pass our days in
ts of Borrow and
grief when the only thing we can
do is to in to what
we Such
j an now c to our Sun-
leave to be assigned to work j
assault with deadly and
weapon, guilty, ll and
month each in jail with
Ernest and Will Burton,
disturbing religious congregation,
guilty, lined s and hall
costs, Button sentenced days in
jail with leave In lie assigned to
work roads.
The trial of B. B. for
in second degree is in progress
this afternoon.
B. B. Jones, murder, not guilty.
J. B, Haddock, carrying
weapon, not guilty.
Annie Smith, retailing liquor
without license, not guilty.
Slaughter perjury, pleads
guilty, sentenced IS in
James Kennedy, violating town
DOt guilty.
Atkinson, carrying con-
weapon, guilty, lined
and costs, appealed to Supreme
Cornelius Atkinson, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
days in jail with leave to
be assigned to work public roads.
Milliard Mills, carrying con-
weapon, not guilty.
Rebuked the Jury.
Jones rebuked the jury
this in a case for retailing
liquor without license in which a
verdict of not guilty was returned
when the showed that the
defendant was guilty. is
of our infant -lass, is no
more She has gone to her
living Savior, u k realize our
loss and as your com-
we desire to offer a feeble
tribute to her memory.
with our church she has been
a faithful attendant upon the
school, always tilling
folly without a murmur
any place assigned her. When
vacancy occurred for a
the infant class, a year or more
ago, the superintendent
peculiar for
place gave her tuts class. Not h
member the class or of the school
bat feels that no class ever had;,
more loving, faithful teacher. She
possessed qualification which
goes to make a sweet
life. In d like her
Master, she was loving and
giving, in thought she was pure
sweet, in deed she was
and kind, m service she was
end faithful, as a none
knew in-1, and above all as .
sue followed meekly,
submissively, faithfully tow
Big Opera Next Tuesday
One the most
In Honor the Visaing Young Ladies of
ever seen in Greenville will I the
Tuesday a most delightful trip big opera on next night
to Bath on the was given with one hundred m. I
by John a Am in
m j, elaborate one and Mm
Fannie of .,, ever given
Taylor, of Hookerton a i a,, entirely i
of scenes
are the Mrs, J. O. Proctor. J running , New
invited guests were
beautiful new
operas now
York. Mr.
Thursday. Hep.
H. V. Keel this ii i,
a i tip to New York.
W. veil, t
Keck today.
B. C. Wells, of Wilton, bat
been hen- ii day., left this
L. C. Bagwell, of Raleigh, In in
Helen Galloway, Be---
and Daisy Tucker, James
ah it sad
at noon
on oar arrival at I tie old
after we visited place
of A moat pleasant day
was spent everyone declared
Messrs. and to tie
Mis. J. O.
Jewish New Year.
new year will begin
tomorrow evening at o'clock
end Saturday event hi ti. The
places of of out
Will lie C
town brother.
this time. ii Latham, i
about the event ii that came in Wednesday to
the whole town is
of seats will Miss Anna Graff I ed-
,, ,,., i no ii Baltimore
ml is again in the
a ill be
T. Si
J. L. in That
ii a j,,.
went to
;. Allen
Miss wen, to Wash-
Imperial Officials Here.
-I the Imperial
Co., spent
Wednesday in They,
were E II. M. i. and his son,
II s of
d. They
Savior whom her showed she, on their tour by v.
loved first of all. By Him Heed and B wen
earth with charge of the leaf
cares, trials and pains to Heaven of the Imperial company in this
But the Aldermen Declined.
When the per-
for the carnival c. to
is look Hie tax
and lei it free could
have come any by pan-
taxi it was the understanding
that the tents were no lobe put C. this
up in the business section of the
town. A petition taken
around Tuesday asking the board
to by letting the L. Hudson
I go where on evening.
The board of aldermen held J. Parham and
night., left this
Miss ski e-
Thursday evening
i ton.
Skinner returned Inure
day from Baltimore.
m consider the petition that
carnival next week be
put up tents on Evans street.
petition was denied, and the 1-
be occupied by tents.
w it ti its joys freedom from Ills,
1st. That though we miss
cannot now understand why
able that is very Hard to secure she, in the very prime
Country. The party on
evening train.
Convictions cases of this kind.
New Wholesale Firm.
The Long Co., composed
of lite of service, should have,
been taken, yet we bow In submit, j
to the will of Him who hath
One Negro Shoots Another.
Goldsboro, X.
who were mi U street
at that early hour Haw an exciting
scene when pulled a
Mrs Dora Brickell, of
to visit
Rev. W. E, Cox went to Ayden
and retained
An amusing incident occurred
l .
Ii n
r hi
h I- in g
lie 1- c . ,.,,
s-airs be inquired of u bystander
nil . i a,
-bat's them gals
I , ,,.
t he
V W III y ,.,, h u ,, ,,
.-I 1.1 , .
-.-I . .- i -j
i. in , .
g id .
An Old Show Kiln New Feature.
t ,,, vi.
it Shows , .
n -th , ,
; .-i in tins
. -I.- pub c. Ii i-
I ; I
I.-, ills
. S
1111- i-i -de
v i .- the
. r ii, up. great
. . V hi Am burg show
s mil. tug none th in forty
, . 111.11 small show
I s ti , e.
. hi us in .-i e 11- by
I he vi
old time nice 1- just
s . mi, 11.1
ii. i a order end
up to Elephants,
I-, and a large collection of
led and are
I-- in grand free street parade on
e of-the day
Van Am burg's show will exhibit
Fine Show on Tuesday Night.
Everybody in town is talking
pistol his pocket and fired at i
done this and as we gigantic event to be
of Jas. long, will we may not now see on Tuesday night when one
do a wholesale grocery in
the building hearing
Dickinson Aye. Both are
go business
The Cuban surplus is said to lie
the result of over-taxation.
queer. is our
Minstrels Coming.
A. Q. Allen was, here today ad-
for coming of his New
Orleans night,
Oct. 6th. The in
their own car and show under a
large tent.
An Original, Time Minstrel Show.
A. Allen's New Orleans
clean, refined and up.
in date; everything new
season. Clever comedians, comic
and in tis e walkers
greatest galaxy of sweet singers of
the sunny South ever assembled in
one company, presented under a
mammoth theater,
over two people,
for Imposing parade
which takes place at noon on day
of In- Friday ct. at
it, that 11.- all things well.
2nd. That we to the
entire school her life as worthy
imitation, in that it bore such
striking resemblance lo her Lord.
That from the depth of
our own saddened hearts we extend
to the sorely grieved and sorrow
and twenty-live people
will delight a audience at the
Masonic temple with an opera that
is full of lively music and pretty
J. and D. J.
went to
his antagonist o'clock evening.
The ball took In W. X. Col.-v,
the shoulder of the and will the P.-1, was here
not possibly do more day and this morning,
ugly wound. The who did
the known as
darted through an alley mule
his escape as soon as lie fired his
gun. He not wait to Walter Buck and little
s of his attack.
Tax Notice.
mid Smith,
cam to visit
relatives near Greenville.
The fancy
beautiful a ml the cast is executing
them to The open. who was shot was taken to
house is going to be packed from office of Dr. The. L.
friends. dome mid tin- audience Is j where his wound was attended to
Of our departed sister our deepest;
All the scenes lo be given
sympathy in this, probably, the
darkest and saddest hour of their
lives, praying our loving to
give the balm which He alone can
give tho-c dark and trying
hours of life.
4th. That this feeble testimony
of the life of our beloved sister, open at Coward
and -r in-ice up
permanent record
a copy sent Till Daily
with ii request to
lush the same, a copy In the
of deceased.
W. II. ,
Miss Maggie Doughty,
two had bun
A. Wilson went to c
this afternoon.
J. R. returned
now running ., York will ,,.
be reproduces of ,.,, for evening from the Presbytery near
Silver Circus the on the street this
Mars, running at the a
and others. It-
to he treat. The Seats
Found fallow
X. C,, A
cuts . r
serving. lo re reeve I .-
it Q I nil mils ii Mid
a r in settle-
near I.
I Comity, saying then, wen- several
o, d
W. ft.
Carrie Brown Fri-
from visit to Durham
v- II. left
d lo deliver tin
Large Sale and Better Prices.
Tobacco For
This week has been another good yellow ,,,,.,.,.
one on the tobacco market. the last letter she would be
warehouses have had large sales o
and prices have made a decided
Secretary C. W. Harvey of the W what -a. supposed to
board of trade, Tl per typhoid
the following of . M
All In One Week.
The week will tell its
own tale. By the time the folks
get through with the carnival, two
entertainments In the opera house
and a big minstrel aggregation,
they will feel like taking a rest.
the Greenville
Sales month of September
pounds at an average
many deaths that expert examine
Graded School Ready for Opening. was made, in dis-1
Everything Is in readiness for fever. It la
-ii returned
m p
C. I. and chili, , j
in evening
to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Moore.
Annie Kitchen,
who have beau visit
lag ti. .;. Woodward, this
do it.
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N. will
at Hotel Bertha on Thursday Oct.
5th, for day only. His
practice is limited lo Ear,
ed that the disease J
pounds at an Monday and the attendance fever.
average of In is makes the to be large. The faculty
total sales for the two since school for thin session is Well Fitted Cale. f a man oversleeps
the market opened of W. B. Dove, J. J. Willis has titled up that has an accident he
and Misses Annie in the new building on d is it lo his good judgment.
Dickinson avenue. He has three,
The sales for September this
year were nearly a million pounds
in the Mime of
year. i S. O., Cox,
Ayden, Columbia
There ore so many towns trying and Bennett, of Reidsville.
Nose, Throat, Pitting Kt a stop-over from president j Most of the teachers have arrived
When he comes to North Carolina. ready to begin their work.
dinning rooms, of them private A man can lose at the races
for ladies, and serves oysters and j without sum-ring, but he has to
beat of everything Use that wince when he drops a quarter in
the market collection plate.
Do be frost Pint of the new Becker's
come along soon with October. buck, wheat at M.
I will at the following
. t- i for the
of ear
Meet me and
I Beaver
c mi; Score, Wed
lay Gm.
-ii-, .
Saturday Oct.
Sat aid I.-
Mills Wednesday Dot,
Po Gum Swamp
Church, Thursday Oct. M.
d J Oct.
L W.
IT County,
N. C.
Rev. churches ;
lie, have had
their first lesson in
Messrs. ft Lock wood
painted the Presbyterian parsonage
estimated gallons; took
ft Shutter
the Episcopal eh inch;
estimated took
painters painted the
gallons; took
Of course, they estimated from
what they had been using. The
saving in paint and wok is U or
a gallon. Total saving on three
join to painting
costs two or three times as much
as the paint, you know.
Yours truly.
P. W. ft COo.

Eastern reflector, 29 September 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 29, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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