Eastern reflector, 1 September 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Greenville League Highly En-
Friday at the ill
Mr. and Mrs Wiley a liter
and social meeting of tin
was i- i. Not-
s and pi of Mr.
Brown's beautiful home r
crowded by the people,
mil with then tome
The feature of the evening
a contest,
out, Bad the an-
to question a
of n flower. Many of the
very sod
answer, with i vend it
i ii A-
price were to th
one who and i
in.-t. Tin ti Ten
of lb -mi
to Nellie Pender, mid. t c
booby became Mi
Mr. and Mm. Brown, by i h r
and h
were Ideal boats,
felt borne The will
be glad when another social
literary meeting la he'd a
following program ten-
daring; the end tin
were it
Solo, Mi-- en
tilled by i.
Recitation, by Mr-. L.
who was twice more,
rendered suitable recitations
to the all present.
Beading, by Mas mice II
The Church.
Pointed Paragraphs.
D ready to
bind in
the victims
of devotion.
It's a wise man ho patches U
b.- instead f
Beware of the financial
points wrung way.
a weather there is
superior t. a healthy corn.
i. a that senna
to cover up much moral
with man who j
i- u dentist.
ii a pity that the average
hit neglect to begin big
Cigarette, II properly d,
Inn's ill I lie air.
Any small I can make a i
time be knocks big
through a pane
Nothing Mouses a
wrath an a a man
appears to be well satisfied
if automobile is known
borne power, airship d
ii- power,
Ii tail follow
i mill i- rich In cause he
have in ire money than brains.
One man may be aide to break a
bone, but later the bone does a
nut mi a racetrack and a
dozen men. News.
Mi-s Nina
zanies . . i c
i s pi ii .
Corn . in
tire at
bone of
S, a i r man of
; died there
ii ii o'clock of fever,
Salisbury la to have anew
modern depot, built by the Booth
i; v. H. a prominent
M. I minister, Oil
i -i died i here i
Blanche now
I in Baltimore taking a
in bat making and will
select some of newest things in
In the interest of my
My goods
i i ii that I have
riled Ope i
later. Mm L,
F. E Richmond, Saw
was .
h P. B . Pi
i i-
for Mr. who
is off on a vacation.
w in
E Boyd T. Proctor,
of v i d town
. i
N Ida, I -i
. i id, had
the , t. bis dwell-
H i d family left
ere in town
. turn tun
Miss Olive
ding me time
Rev. II Ii
pa- i eh ,
i in V a. th
be la iii week
Orphan Burned o Death
There was a horrible accident at
Orphanage morn
a which In
of one of I be orphan-,,
There girl attempted
a lire in the with
The were
or hot ashes in the stove
which caused the nil to and
the vessel exploded, burning the
child to badly -he died
o'clock today, The news of toe
accident reached the city
; . i and much .- d I
was for the little girl, I
High Point
House Patty.
Mis. ll. A. on
street, u house party
ladies while Mr. White
out of town. attending
lie Mis-e- Lizzie Jones, Maud
zoo and Mary
the Prices
IS m Mi
Big Store, Greenville, N. C. Where you will find a line of Dry Goods, Notions,
p Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Caps and Trunks, with prices to suit the
We also carry large and complete line of Furniture
II Will
We rill half each in
i i taken from
. tobaccos m
with fever tied up
. . i e ill
ed while .
but i- now i
the breezes the on th Market Equal to
Mr. Mr-. and
to return to Greenville rho
last of so as to be on band fact la veil known to drag
the Lord's day in September. and nine out of
ten will their
when beat i- naked
.,, .
been like letter from borne M, a
them, and looked for
any paper.
Hick from .,
disordered condition of
and is Hired by
lain V and
For sale by Jno. L- Woolen, drug.
of Mo., in
to pills that act as a tonic,
nothing on market in the
Way of medicine which
era and for
We sell a d
recommend this For
by L. Wooten, druggist, i
A little ti results
In death. Tims a mere scratch,
have paid the I
la wife to have
the in-i
mi fa
when burns, sores, ulcers
J. I. Store,
After a hearty a dose of
. Cure will
mil as a attack of
Little They cure is a thorough and a
Headache, Constipation, Bill Mil I guaranteed cure for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Gas mi the
an End to it All,
A grievous wail dunes
n a result of unbearable pain
Backache, Liver complaint
lint to Dr.
King's Lite Pills they put ail
end to U all. Tiny are gentle hot
Try Only
Guaranteed by Wooten,
Jaundice, etc.
are and easy to take and easy
to act Sold by John L. Wooten,
Weak Heart, Hour
Breath and all Stomach troubles.
Sold by John I. Wooten, druggist.
A Mart ling am a
i m i I iii-i ii
will Interest many.
A run down or n-
Invariably precede suicide
-i baa been found that
will i that condition which
make suicide likely, Ai the
of sell destruction lake
It being a great
tonic and will
the nerves and build Up system.
It's also a stomach, liver and
kidney regulator. Only BOO.
Action guaranteed by L.
v I ii i-t
Bitter Fight.
T i i had a long an I
in an
my F.
On. gave me up.
c me a I Dr.
The In I
and I w-sou my
I a few days. Vow I've
I all colds, and and
Guaranteed y
i Jno. L. Wooten, Price
and Trial free.
Don't you need a ledger or other
blank They are cheap at
Book Store.
lucky carve fountain per, bad
made. Reflector Book
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Murderously Lady Poet Conducted by a Woman Near the River. Horse Dodges and Throws Them From
master. The Negro is Lynched. Saturday there was a Buggy.
New Bern. N. C, Aug. between some of white Miss Lillian was
While Mis. o. T. the
postmaster at a place
miles west of this was in
office attending to her a
man, John Moore, entered
the office and demanded
Mrs. refusal to give
any money, the struck
the face and on head
with a batch--, inflicting wounds
which ate very dangerous and I To
fatal. Mrs
of ill
in vicinity of th
Annie Smith
and beat Harriet Taylor.
made Taylor woman .
mad, and in talking about the
matter she also told that the Smith a, .
woman was selling whiskey. Chief e ,
police Smith went to horse dodged,
and found th. found, i on one side of the buggy
woman, finding ,,. ,. .
admitted ,.,. ., . .;,.,
to town afternoon, her
home -ix miles in the
Mrs who
hail visiting tier mother.
were on the
to the river bridge tin
Condition Poor and Price Too Low.
In looking over the government
G. Maker left Ibis morning
resort tobacco and con
I'll bun the d
n nil .
her husband had twenty-four of whiskey. was not injured, but
Smith saw some the empty Mrs in fell on a stake and
c no to her rescue, capturing the
He bound hi hands with
and gun in hand
the to New Bern
bin and I hey f
Paul, u, X.
woman said the whiskey was
i ii rued hi over to sheriff sent up to Saturday. She was
John Moore is It is before Mayor Wooten morning
opposed becomes from Greenville,
Ne Bern, N. , Aug.
was painfully hurt The harness
so as to free horse
Hie buggy the minimal
ran a short distance before stop-
Saturday night one
mob about ion men
town and demanded
jail keys. They the
bridge where they hung him to
the draw and riddled Ins body
were mole by the officers
tn prevent the lynching. Th
naval mere called but
too late prevent the mob from
Carrying out its purpose.
under two warrants, for the
assault and one tor whiskey selling.
bound over to Superior
d I
.,. , She Served the Young Man Exactly
the being
in each, to give these
bonds was a pa-sport to jail.
Bright Future in Ministry.
Kev. B B- Fleming, who during
mouth has been supplying for
Memorial Baptist
Here is a rainbow bubble Boat-
on the o the social
swim this city. A time
since a girl from another of
the state was the guest of a leading
family, a girl full of
hard sense, and well able to take
care of herself. the
leaves today to lake a vacation in
l lie western part of I he State be-
fore returning Chicago
during the
mouth have been excellent and
Mrs. is living and may.
recover, bat will to
blow gave
with hatchet.
lions, He is preparing
for his high calling
and bis prospects In the
an- most promising.
Their Child Dead.
It was a sad mission on which J.
Kinston, N. V., Aug.
homicide occurred about
midnight Saturday night.; Allen, foreman
a young
man, was the victim and Harry
Watson, also colored, is
K, went to Princeton last
week in response to a telegram
from his wife that their baby was
Charged he crime. I very sick. When he reached
Thin- are said o lie eye witnesses I Princeton little one was beyond
to tragedy, but denies hope and passed away Sunday.
that be II guilty. The coroner's
jury late Sunday afternoon render-
ad a verdict that death
The remains were taken to
field, their former home for
interment, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen
was due to a pistol wound, returned to Monday
was found dead on the
street Sunday morning.
Popular Man and Popular Shoe.
W. Shannon, representative
of the Geo. Witt Shoe Co., of
Va., is town wait-
On Sunday afternoon the Baptist
Young People's Union elected J.
his trade. Mr. Shannon is Bryan as president,
evening. This was only
Child, their having died a
few years ago.
B Y. P. U.
one the most popular Salesmen
who comes this way, as is also his
famous Dixie Girl shoe for which
he takes large orders time
becomes around.
Dr. Nobles Doing Well.
Dr. J. E. Nobles, who went to
Norfolk last Friday for treatment
in the hospital fur appendicitis,
was after
arrival there is to be
getting well. This is good
news to bis host of friends at home
E. Lincoln who recently moved
away. Mrs B. R. was
elected secretary the union.
meetings are held each
Sunday evening just before the
regular hour for preaching.
Almost a Homicide.
He Deserves
W. J. is generous with
his bus. He lakes reporter of
Daily from the
any time she wishes to go
with Ho is very popular
with the traveling men, and lo go out the door, Miss Ethel
always- is to our coin made a misstep sprained
people when they need conveyances ankle. She has not been able
invited her to take a bug
ride, and, alter they had pro
on their way a
yards or so, he turned to her and
said, with unpardonable
I have heard that you are pretty
you have re-
plied, a look at him,
me the reins, and I'll a
you how He
the reins, supposing
she would put the horse out at a
gait, to illustrate her rap-
On the contrary, she de-
a circle, taming
the vehicle around, drove back ti
the gate of house,
jumped out, swept escort
formal courtesy, and disappeared
leaving him to his ride
alone. It may be imagined
young man took
good pains to this
episode, but has got
the general Verdict
of the of 1906, issue I
July we id r
yellow North Carolina old bell is
estimated at per cent of la-
year's crop and com i i i
la Bright yellow North
new belt Is estimated at
per cent of acreage which
in- an lag p I
over last year, tin
is I pi r i, . ill
j. i .; .,. . .
ion per
As t increase in
the u belt in Carolina we
are inclined the
acreage is larger, i-
i and by
section we mean the Counties
Beaufort, Craven,
Green-, live of the largest b
tobacco producing counties in
East, but we do not believe th
condition anywhere like
cent of what it lat ye . o
course the report i-
July and was not
and c report.
From best that we cm -11- i
from all the markets we do
believe the crop one as goon
as it was last yea;, the ex
pressing farmers who are ;
their tobacco now is to i
an x of feelings, tiny
lake an
View of future tobacco
We regret very much that
crop is selling better it i-.
It however, that it is a v
unsatisfactory both
buyer and seller, as neither .
From the standpoint of farmers
it has cost more to in I
of tobacco than ii did the crop
of and unless there is a
material increase in the price
which it is now selling the
of the North Carolina
tub are going to come
i no little of ilia h
cloud, has
lining d farmers
hoping for better prices tobacco.
While most of them are cotton
planters as will ibis N
selling at a very satisfactory ,
in the end will
out, we hope, inner than it
looks. believe tobacco
sell better I lie near future.
At Willow across
the line in Greene county.
day night, Charles Turnage, col-
was struck on the bead with
a club by another and is the cultivation
wounded. The report I quality, They
Go To The Country.
Fresh country air is wholesome
a remedy for
of the ills that afflict the wear
city dweller. tendency in
this country bus been too much to
crowd into the great cities
many of the poor of the slums
overtaxed tenements would be
greatly if they could be
to farms. The
that encourage love of
i oral life are a great
and not the feature of their mis
In reach here was that Tl
had been killed, but u
message today says he is yet alive
though unconscious.
Ankle Sprained.
On Friday evening when about
to the and steamers.
Good Opera Season Ahead
Manager M. tells us he
bas a number excellent troops
booked for the Masonic temple
opera house the coming
Our people appreciate good plays
and will give them liberal
to walk since much
from the injury.
Rid of a Nuisance.
have certainly got rid of a
big remarked Mark
this morning. He was
quizzed instantly for
and replied you
meet now it
love for the beautiful
that will result the
much of the natural love-
the country that has been
too ruthlessly dealt with by the
Utilitarian the
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds K. Williams
issued to the following
couples since last
W. T. Little Gertrude
Jas. Mobley Cow-
Sylvester Williams Cherry
L. I. Moors weir down r. ad
II. A. W ii went
y eve
to e
X Flake I
E II. to
II v F. D. went to La-
Grange Saturday
Mrs. Walter i-
a near
W. T. Sun-
I j
Dr. E A.
evening from folk.
day evening a vi-it to l-t he
Kev. W. H. u-
to evening
H Moore, of
Sunday night and Sunday h i,
Mi-s Bright, Washing
too, is g M- T . E
of Grifton,
Sunday with Mrs. E. A
M ,
is visiting Mrs. J. W.
G. H. K ii-. went to
evening and returned
Fred Forbes the reed
and returned
Sunday evening.
Miss Clyde Cox to
Saturday and returned
Mi. P, Cooke. Asheville, N.
writing the school
of Mebane,
all note such a decided
in my brother,
I take my duly to express;
to you and your associates my
sincere gratitude that he has been
mi can trained and well cared
It was with some
entered the age
ibis nil
Mrs. J, F. Kemp and Miss Jamie
Bryan went to Ayden Saturday
evening nod returned ibis morning.
M. Hodges has been lined
to bib a days
a carbuncle on his
M. I. Fleming,
c to
pan i his parent s, Mr. mil Mis. Leonidas
Mrs. John House, i r d
Neck, who bas been visiting Mis.
II. i i i;. . ii
Sue and Maggie
Savage, who have been visiting In
Tarboro, returned home Sunday
Misses Allie and Minnie
R ho have been visiting in
home Sunday
J. B. Move and C M, lei
ibis morning for northern
of fourteen However, the just markets to buy fall stock II
and kind discipline, Co.
home surroundings the excel-,
. . Miss Bell Harper,
lent boarding department prompts ,,. . , ,
, . i who
me to opinion that it is better , , . , .
here a
to stall a boy with you at an early
. H. s. h ho is teach-
in. county, i- vi-it
his i B. M. W. James, in
and was in to-
day. He had Dot been to Greenville
years says be hardly
the town, there have been
iii ii j change,
. went to Norfolk
A. M. Moseley i to Kinston
. j evening.
I- lo Scotland Neck
i n is morning.
went to Rich-
Mr. in d Mrs. T II. Ty. came
in Monday evening Norfolk.
St. Louis, will be
town u tobacco.
Nell Skinner weal to Tar-
moiling i attend a
d i i-e
i the
S. came in Monday evening
to visit units at
Mis- of
who has been visiting Miss Nina
Junes, returned home this morn-
Mis- Is . of
who n been visiting Mitt
returned home
returned Mom evening
Princeton. We all
no in their bereavement
over the death child,
A. and
b r, Mi Dora, went to Bethel
to attend a school
picnic at which Mr. Hornaday
delivered an address,
Wednesday. A
V. V. went to
tin- morning.
F. M. Hornaday up
road this morning.
John has returned
to Forest Col
J. H, Blow, Ayden, came in
tins morning to visit relatives.
to Bethel
this morning t. spend the day.
Mis- Alice fang returned this
in g from a i-n to Kinston.
Jarvis Harding back to
the a. S M. co Raleigh
i his morning.
C. of Philadelphia,
who been here for a days,
neat to this morning,
Mis. l. and children
returned home Tuesday evening
i Nashville, Tenn. Mrs.
Percy accompanied her
Mrs. J. F. Kemp
Who bas been Mrs. E. II.
Taft, home this morning.
Mr-. Tali and children
her borne for a visit,
In the regular hums
insisted upon, there is a training
is superb. I am glad to see
bat i, in ii is put upon the
Saturday evening.
Mis, IO. A. and little Son
returned Sunday evening from an
extended visit to
the Bible. We note a de- Beach and oilier points
improvement his hand
writing, and it is my in-
to send
with him next
Register of Deeds Williams
has completed the county tax
books for this year and tells us
that the increase m
last year t about
Corporal made up a
part of the increase.
Mrs. B. and daughter,
Miss Betsey, of LaGrange, who
have been Mis F. M.
I lodges, returned home Saturday
r. Nobles, a i Pitt
who has been living
Nash county several years,
today, a visit to
relatives in this section. He says
it has about twelve years
he was last here.
Will Not Submit to Advance in
phone Rates.
II having become current that
the Home Telephone Telegraph
Company would advance the rate
in es in Greenville, as
soon as the improvements now
being made to the plant arc
the puce being el per
mouth higher than heretofore
charged, the business men are
taking action not to to the
advance. A committee today
taking around an for
the business men to sign to the
effect that they will let their
phones be taker out thin
submit to the In rate.
Pars at S. M.

Ml r PI
Telephone Service b
the Modern Genius
For to Local
In Superior
named will take
that an action en M soots
Court of a re,
ii defend-
ant, upon ground l abandonment
and and the defendant
will further take that he I
quired lo appear l
court of flu
be held the court lb Green-
ville on Monday after lb
Mm in September, 1806, it bell s
the September,
answer or demur to the complaint ill
or th plaintiff will apply
I,, the m for the In
ThU day of July,
D. C. Moore, C, B,
Not Quite
How often yon Bel a
nail or screw driver or
lacking, Have good
and be prepared for
emergencies Our line
i . could desire, and
ire v. II m e your tool
boat doe lack a I
U ,
Of Course
You get Harness,
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grower and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
rel, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
tends, Mattresses, Oak Salts, Hit
Go-Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gall Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Heal Hulls, Oar,
den Seeds Oranges, Apples, Mm
Candies, Apples, Peaches,
Prune, Currents,
and China Ware, Tip and
Ware, Cakes and
Cheese, Beat Butter,
Royal In Win an t
j a
,,. m
shads a. enter and
thirty acres, less, of
land Township, I'm
county, lying between the i
Branch Samuel
line sud Well bound-
ed by the lands of c. r
Win. use wife's sod
This August 1806.
Any parson or persons claiming I
interest iii above described
land must file their protest In writing
within the next SO Of they will he
burred law.
Entry for
county, ibis la ,
Tin- lark of Superior of
County having Issued Letter
ii me, the m on
the d iv of August, tho
a of N.
deceased, NOTICE is l. gives
all person ti the to
make lo the
and to all en ad
in in i their claim i
. it Iii twelve months alter dale
Notice, or this be plead
in inn- of their recovery
This the Mil. day or
on the of Albert
The clerk of the court of
having Issued Letter
Administration to me, the
nil the August, the
, t Tucker, No-
i- bet to ii
. make
mi hi in the ed, to all
creditor estate to present their
. i i allotted, in th
l. within month
the notice, or this notice
will he idem in bar their
i h 12th Aug,
E T.
on of F. B. Tucker.
I. a. i; Attorney,
i lei-h
Will of
v A. ceased,
notice is hereby given in all
indented to i to make
payment to the and
iii p hat claim the
must present the for
within twelve month from
this notice will in- plat i m bar
July, m
B, Brooks,
I of Martha A,
On Sale via.
B Extremely ow Rates are
J. B. Spier, J. K. Barn hi
S. M. Julie-.
Sheriff L. W.
Register of
T. White.
tn in.
D. Cox.
Hoard of G
c, x. Chairman, B. M
w B,
Standard K
J B.
Charles Col b, J. i.
W . A. Bowen, A. II
S, T. B. Hook, t
J. l. Lanier,
P. M. Woolen.
H. 1- Can
, a. I v
File -I-
v mull
I -41 -i
J, d H
ton. h.
Prayer each
h. in.
. i wipes
ii iii y. II. Km
-1 II
.-, ; I he ill
ml W. J,
III i- ii i mi the
A the
u d
I v III to I
i ill it
nun i ii of
Heavy and Groceries.
Ci-i's, etc
j en i int the
lies i;, i u I lie price
at can lie
The Five Points Grocer.
Three Bulls For Sale.
One, half and half
I veal- One, hill
hull Jersey,
old. One, full blood
years old.
J. o. Proctor Bro
Central Academy
REV. M W- HESTER, Principal.
W. M Associate
A home and
School for I my men
located in
county, one mile from depot,
mediately on s, A. L., road In a
of or
on a boo acre farm.
For further Information ad-
the o Associate
i ox, white and red.
right ear, silt and In left,
inn- heller, while
color, marked and ball crop in
ii ii ear, III
with I, two or years,
. mi,, is to call for same
j ,., J, A. a
H. N.
I t d I once s w s w,
The of Tunstall A was
mutual consent
1st, r. H. Tunstall purchasing
the Interest In the bus.
ires., c. Tunstall all
s the and all amount
due the bi in bun.
This 28th,
c. D. Tunstall.
Pitt county having Issued lb r lasts
lo me, the on
the day July, on the es-
hereby given to parson
ed ti, the In make
payment lo the undersigned, and to all
creditor of said estate to present their
claim properly to
undersigned within twelve months
after the date of this or this
notice will he in bar
This the day July,
of the.
A iii, e farm lying Tar river U
miles on
and road
tores, This farm is in good has I
on it, a good pack-
house, an-1 out houses,
dwelling with live roasts lately
one coat of paint and every-
thing ready to go work
house mile, church miles.
R, F. D. No. N. O
In it v,
day. W. K.
V K. Cox
rector, Hrs
an I I bird W . I
Free Will Rev. W.
.-very Sunday i
ii ml fourth n i
Met Rev A
day Services every
pastor. W B Dove
1st, 3rd
service at
Lodge No.
F A M, meets 1st am
3rd Monday In
month R w
M; M. Sec
Covenant No, I l
F every
night, W N H
L Curr, V G W
Tar River Lodge No. K i
P, Meets every I
T J Moore, i d B
R Mi meets every
Wednesday Bight J ll
Harris, W
of R
Council U A
Mi meets every Monday
night E B
B R B.
The of Superior
having issued letters of
to me, the
on the 22nd day of Aug. 1906, on
estate E.
is hereby given to
all persons indebted to the
to make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and to all
to present
their properly
to the undersigned, with
in twelve mouths after date of
this this notice will
plead in their
This Tl day of
F. G James, U F. Jolly
atty. on tin- estate of
announced by the South-
Railway from points
on its lines for follow-
in i i Spring,
lo 1905.
Philadelphia, , Hill-
Hi d
I. o. V . September
Portland Ia
Hill I
June I 1905.
K in-, hi, .
for the above
I lie
Pickets tie sold to these
ah millions on the
mini III i-ill be bull
H, any Ticket
em i the Southern
, e Is Hi -a ill
. r- -i i
R. L. VERNON, T. P. A.
Cb i
J. H WOOD, D. P. A.
Steamboat Service.
i; . fin I In mi
ii. . I LI . Ion
I., will.
, i ii
New V sud all oilier
North, ii Norfolk
i all points
Shippers should order their
via Norfolk, car Norfolk
Southern K. K.
Hours to
ii. my Kits, Agent, Washing
J. t Agent,
N. C.
I, T. and
f. Agent, V.,
Dr. Heart Cure has
made many hearts well after
they have been pronounced
hopeless. It has completely
cured thousands, and will
most invariably cure or benefit
every case of heart disease.
Short breath, pain around
heart, palpitation fluttering,
dizzy, fainting and smothering
spells should nut neglected,
Dr. Heart Cure
and sec how quick you will
he relieved.
It cannot make a new heart,
but will restore a sick one by
Strengthening the heart nerves
and muscles, relieving the
unnatural strain, and restoring
its vitality.
I Very i t In- n I
i, ml
I Hi
I t July
Una Kid nil
nut m, i
I could nut
I in lay
I II Would
I id difficulty In
In-, I h
of Cur,
i ii id ii -i it i could
had In I up from, live In
u I
mid my Is regular us
work, i new
work rim-Id, for an old
in hi, MM year
H, H. Frost, Ohio.
Or. Heart Cure Is sold by
i- -1. who will that
lie first will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for- s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
AT THE OF BUSINESS 29th. 1905.
man mid
me Kin urea
All real estate
Hue Hunks
paid In 125,000.00
Profits less
Paid 7,250.73
Deposit to check 181,484.46
check out-
have a suit of clothes,
pair of pant to titan or ureas,
i ii I turn out
work. Also
altering Prices
very r
your me a trial.
Hack Davis
North Carolina, I
County of It. I
I, James I,. Little, Cashier of the shove-named hank, do
that tho statement true to beat of my knowledge
ind belief JAMBS L. LITTLE,
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 7th 1906.
Notary Public.
Try a Pair
our VICTOR SPRINGS one our OS-
TRESSES if you are not more than satisfied we
will refund th price.
Yours truly,
K. L.
General Insurance.
and Best Companies Represented.
A share of YOUR Patronage Solicited.
The Reflector.
Is Read By Everybody i and
it money o pay for what they
If yon have what they want advertise it and yon are sure to
get a part of their money.
J. M. BLOW, Manager Authorized Agent.
a AYDEN, N. C. -t.
N. Aug. k. Books baa
Lat Friday the old j street In Bis new office
town was alive from center ll .
A has lie.,,
in style our I ,
a in limit out
in full regalia paraded our
principal streets. In t he alt t.
they bad an address,
band I he town
added to the
the n trains
trains with a very
crowd here from the
to participate u.
es a gala old
indeed. We are proud to ,
there was not a
ii break to mar the
of the occasion. Thia
well for our colored
they at least need no
T. lo teach
As for DAILY
great in receiving sud
boss to arrears, We have a list
all who receive their mail m
this office. We also orders
for Job
an old shell
and in its descent made a
noise, many people in
fearing lest some buy
who were playing near by mini,
have bean under It, but
mi one was Inn I is
relieved of another
so forcibly a the days
of Otter
If you need in
Tin an
come to us, Hail Jenkins.
J. W. and J, W.
h from the north,
K. B. Dall Co. will do all they
possible can to you with
their new lino of heavy and
Crawford, of Win-
in on a visit to
j. A. Harrington, cotton
at this point, noted his
and an intern
and purpose In the public III
awhile and we were
to part with him. We foam
companion, easy i
with and a high toned
lo every re-peel. ,
with him unlimited
rent a up
Hod get,
A. A. Johnston
mil W, all
villa, were. Monday.
The seem to be on
white man along the
Saturday night
--tiled one over in the edge
county and Sunday i
the brethren had i
booting frolic over In
Truly seems the brother in black
mil got his on .
of land near
Scree la cultivation
sale by J. It.
and Mis. from the
country spent the day in town
moved into their new brick
iii south side Main street
J W. of
was here Friday,
list received, tine line of bar
and can lit in any Style
i price.
W. Books and family, who have
men weeks
Hay, Oats, Corn, Bran, Hull
mil Mel at J. K. A Urn.
Mr. of Norfolk, has
several days
in and
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply I be
on the market.
The mammoth showcase in
It Smith store is heavily
loaded with pretty goods
notion, lie sure lo call and see
l he in.
old Rand-made Paw
Paw Gum Bread Trays K.
Hulls and
a and creditable manner
has a large pair of a
pound Fairbanks scales.
our friends can rest assured
Mr. Harrington's weights wilt
always bear the test.
Toe hist two new bales of
were t, this market yes
and were sold at
brought W, Bro,
Hart A Jenkins is the place lo
get your tall, us t lie
handling K. H.
and can give you a nice
It lie-ins to Iii I and look like
fall- weather has been
right many more an-
coming to especially
day. are beginning n.
and everything
are re
daily new groceries
light from the
Tim and the i
picture men have folded per reductions in while
tent and moved and goods, at J.
The former carrying many a dollar Bro.
that could have well A beautiful line of
right here at home and think Negligee shirts and fancy hose, at
much better advantage.
i i from Ml cents per
pair up, and ft cents per
up, at J. H Smith Bro.
Save your own hay. gel a crass
fork, hoe, shovel, .-pane,
ii-ii or post bole digger, at
J. B- Smith
A new line and Cribs.
to at J. It.
A No, Timothy
Oats, Cain, Bran, Cotton I can supply yam wants in
Meal, at anything in furniture.
We keep Furniture,
Bed Spring, Cook Stoves,
etc. up stairs
Tobacco line,
fin ,
Having just returned tin
Philadelphia Optical College aim
a special course , n
the human eye, and in the science
if optics, I aid.- sod p e
I la correct any id
f i u other
en. e ll ml I w II
case weak eye,
dull hurling, but i
or lo Vision, nil u
in lie
, d give lo tin
or not
per cent, of all em n
errors of refraction and
tram, it is lo pro
when your eyes call
c . Glasses , e
for errors of refraction -1110
eyes. Any style or form
lasses desired. Ah good
references as are iii the county
J. D.
Those squares, Ac. that
Tyson have just received
Oranges, apple.-, and all
kept by A
Cannon Tyson are guilty of
their pretty enamel
steads Cheap. They daisies.
Those n
hat Cam. Tyson handle are
anyone the market.
We will
lay June 21-t offer for cash
entire -tuck of dry goods
shoe- hats at prices
of in the
Our is too large
and this means of reducing
-nine. We have just gotten a
large Int plaids we
at do white sheet-
per Jackson
cotton planter the
best on the market at J, Smith ,
K. Dall A new
market beef, fresh meats, sail
sage, and fresh fish.
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new both plain am
decorated. are cheaper
W. Taylor, our optician is
now hack again from the
Optical College, where he
graduated a special course in
the science of optic, ready to
better service than ever before
to those from weak eyes
and in of
Slippers, lawns and straw hats
are being sold extremely cheap
cash by Cannon Tyson.
Don't forget that Cannon A
a Bro.
you a pump and pipe with
point I feet long, and drink pure
at J. It Smith
A of Trunks
scopes, Gripe, Satchels
Cases, J. It. Smith Bro.
For carpenters tools, grind stones
I pulleys, at J. H.
-Sum la Bro.
Calico and Gingham at cents
live to learn and learn to regret,
The loaf bread
from the at lie
Call on Hart A Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none
to be bad anywhere.
William went to
Come to see A Jenkins
when you need to
your feet, we can save you
you something to lit the
foot. We carry the nicest best
shoe you ever saw. Try a
p. and tie convinced.
Mrs. Manning has been
visiting relatives In
J. R- Smith A Bro.
your buildings by
painting with
Town and County lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
B, Smith A Bro.
For can peaches, apples, com
tomatoes, apply to F. K. Dull
The ladies that Cannon
have the prettiest line of
dress goods in town.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at K. ail GO'S.
The soda fountain
will be in service
from now to the cud of the season.
The newest and latest drinks will
he there. If you want
something nice try them.
Hay, oats, ship stuff, wheat
brand, cotton seed hulls and meal
on band. Cannon a Tyson.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brisk Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, C.
One Bradley Filer, good
as new, cheap for cash.
L. A. Edwards,
B. F. No.
business May 1905.
Loans and i
I. us s
hie from Hanks,
-I i in.
silver f loin,
ii i a Hank notes
other I . S
stock paid in.
Sui plus ;
Undivided profits lees
Dividends unpaid . f C
Do posits subject to check, 33,068.91
Cashier's 196.82
Everything you want in the way of
I nice Ca Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had
our store.
carry a large supply of the Best
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always hand
Fresh Goods kept tun-
In stock. Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol in a.
The Cash Grocers.
THE ULTRA SHOE for women
is made with
to the most minute details
a perfected In its numerous
style.- there is other Wu
man's shoe oil the market soiling
at the price the Ultra does, its
superior, if its equal.
A Shoe for
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
a last scientifically constructed
to meet the closest variations
f width and in woman's
The Ultra Shoe meets every
requirement of the
whims of
I- e i S V.
. II l-l
. . .
. new, W. M,
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props
experienced men m
I i
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc.
Pulley Bowen,
your Minis plate to I best finish return
the promptly, send a trial order to
II. Photo Artist,
official Information has
l., at this department that
ii that the s
limn- lied tho State, or in con-
law be served upon h m.
Now. therefore, I, it. H,
Slide of
i a. by authority in me
vested by do Issue this
a reward or
for th i de-
livery of tho said i limn, in
the e i a; tin-
mi I do enjoin
ll the State
citizen -i in bringing said
criminal lo
at our .,; the
I day of. in the of our
in-ii one nine I. ind red and
and in one hundred and 20th
. Private secretary.
is a dark mulatto
about or
stooped shouldered,
i some in f in nU eyes, ii-h
the being
COBB BROS. CO. wood wood
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
Norfolk, Va,
Buyers and Broken in
Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New
and Orleans.
Dry, Split Pine Wood, cm
length, delivered it ill
Your- for
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
F Hi People.
Brings ll , Vigor.
r n . In II it
n ; , Tea In
i ii-h by
in the
for our
and their team.
Greenville, N. C.
Farmers bring us your Tobacco
The Brick.
We will always work for your interest
ind guarantee lull market price.
The following
Constitute our
Force who are
to see you
ID. S. Spain
I. T. Bailey
. S. Hardy
I. Harris

Entered in the Si N. C, as second class matter.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A, Correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties
in to
County. N. C, 1905.
The aldermen of Wilmington run
up against the and then
Japan is about to take water in-
stead of cash.
Those peace envoys are having too
big a time to be in much of a hurry
about it.
two who
made i assault on Deal
have time to reflect on ii in jail.
Front the the papers keep
talking there must have been some
bad in that Charlotte encamp-
n i
Net a cent, says the czar, while
a billion. Plenty of
margin between two
a raise.
As the Equitable has also
for an investigation it may be forth-
If the mosquito scare grows much
larger people will have to be per-
to carry weapons to defend
The lynching at New is re-
just condemnation through
out the state Heath was worse
punishment than the deserved
the crime, as his intention
to commit murder, bat the manner
of his execution by a mob was add
another crime as bad as the one
he had committed
We have always wondered why
people would go away from lion e
and make a spectacle by getting
drunk. Atlanta is just now won-
that same thing about her
Two years ago the safe of the
treasurer of county
of about The treas
appealed o the
relief and an act was passed submit
ting to a vote of the people of the
County the question of the county
losing half of the amount and tin
treasurer half The election was
recently held and the proposition
defeated This means that public
officials are responsible for tho safe
of funds in their hands and it is
their duty to keep such funds where
robbers cannot roach them.
X a it is in order for New
to stand and take her share of the
lambasting from the Northern end
of the pike.
If the sou to rise in partial
eclipse, Thursday morning, that's
his business We shall not rise to
interfere wit h it.
II e nun i t ; crimes
in the last few the
is Satanic Majesty
has turned i kiss again.
if. us the judge says
calling a man a liar is equivalent
blow, Mr. Fife has hit a big
bunch of North Carolinians.
products has taken a deeper
cut. It started in our cotton
goods, but has now struck flour.
Pacific coast mills say their trade
with Chinese ports has been para-
It will give the president's feelings
a jar for all his efforts in the peace
matter to fail. The should have
been move considerate, especially
after the exuberant thanks he ex-
pressed when the president ten-
his service.
The president's is
manifest in his persistent efforts to
bring about peace, even in the face
of gloomy prospects of success.
A Paris newspaper arose with the
s that Rockefeller come
forward and pay the indemnity for
The oil magnate is not
hurrying to respond. It would cause
too sudden a rise ill the price of oil
to make so large a sum.
Asheville is realizing the benefits
that come from a city judiciously
advertising its advantages and at-
A recent census of the
visitors shows that the city was en
guests, who, at a
low estimate, were turning loose
a day in the city. When
you have a good thing it pays to let
the balance of the world Know it.
Even a small town can profit by the
example of Asheville. Such benefits
come only through CO operation and
talking up the advantages of a town
for all are worth.
The Greenville turns
itself toward Raleigh long enough to
if the jail is too confining
for Mr Rogers and Mr Sorrell, and
that their health has been very much
impaired by the Confinement,
the matter of sending them to the
roads This would afford plenty of
air and exercise for
We beg to inform our friend
comity officials are in the
it of obeying the orders of the court,
in this was presider
over by Judge W II Allen,
who expressly declared from th
bench that he would not send them
men to the roads.
And that's what's the matter
it Raleigh
Then it must have been the
of the judge that they should son
where they are. So let the
over it stop.
Solicitors that prosecute and
that convict should keep their
names off of petitions for executive
The Russians seem to put up a
stronger the peace
t i did on the battle Held,
Put the may succeed in landing
The Char tie list n
voice in favor of pie.
The fellows waiting to reach the
counter would h to gel any
Russia's last is the bead
i. a in one the sin lay papers to
the proceedings ; o pence c infer-
We did I . Russia is
dead, even she is licked.
i lie I say a sch m r
Massachusetts and
down. How about when a man
strikes a bar swallows a
He is likely to go down I
The secretary sends oat ;. very
handsome premium list of the state
behold in Raleigh I cl
The list of premiums offered
is very liberal. Having
dent Roosevelt for a drawing card
gives promise to a very large at
at aching fair.
A South African has come all the
way to this country to search for
diamonds in Kentucky and the two
Carolinas. He says they are here,
and we hope he will find them, yet
every land owner should not get
crazed with the idea that there are
diamond mines hid around his
The two revenue officers who some
time ago made a vicious assault upon
Editor ft. A. I of the
Chronicle, have been convicted in
the Superior court. One of them
got a sentence of six months in jail
the other throe months.
It is said that B.
way, president of Vanderbilt
i at Nashville. . has
his engagement there and
to New as a volunteer
in the yellow fever scourge t help
relieve the suffering. True i
character marks the man in such a
step as that
should not stay behind
the other progressive towns of the
state. I eta get together and have a
Pitt county homecoming week. It
will give old friends long separated
a opportunity for mingling
i besides be a big time fer
the town and county. The business
in n would do well to make a move
in this direction.
Almost every day sonic business
man speaks to s about the need of
a co-operative spirit in Greenville to
work for the advancement of tho
town. All admit that a chamber of
commerce board of trade
accomplish much in this direction
The Reflector likes to hear the
business men talk about these things
but would much rather see them
taking action. There many
things right now that could
brought about to help the business
interests of the town if there was an
organized effort behind them. As
long as we go on without action
there cannot be much progress.
In the suit tried
at Greensboro last week of Osborn
against Leach and the Raleigh News
and Observer, the jury returned a
verdict for against the two
The court though the
verdict excessive and offered to re-
it fifty Hr cent, if the defend-
ants would agree to that basis. This
the defendants declined, arguing
that the evidence showed that the
plaintiff had suffered no damage
whatever, and the case went to the
Supreme court on appeal. the
first ballot half of jurors voted
for a verdict of one penny and costs
A first-class man cannot afford to
go to Congress for a year
He is not willing to surrender free
and affluence at homo to take
poverty and slavery at Washington,
prefers to make Senators than to
being a Senator
Courier Journal.
Let Your Fall Suit Have
Label on Inside Coat Pocket.
Fall Suits Now Ready.
The man who can sit for two
at a theatrical performance am.
stand on his feet for the same
of time at a political speaking some
times himself unable to spend
half that much time discussing ways
and means to advance the interest
of his Sentinel.
Dave Whichard, of the Greenville
always looks the
bright side of things. He laments
that the watermelon wagon will soon
disappear, but finds comfort in the
fact that it will be followed by those
bearing sweet potatoes and pump-
kins And then there is the luscious
the famous James
a that Brother Whichard might
have taken count of. These will be
coining into market later on.
Goldsboro Argus
yes, the is already
in evidence, and our appetite is
whetted in anticipation of the early
arrival of the luscious James When
these have passed away Jack frost
will have the persimmon mellow
enough for to be
followed by Thanksgiving day and
Christmas. Always something to
be thankful for if we will only look
out for them.
A reward of has been offered
by the governor for the arrest of a
murderer in Pitt county. This looks
like a small reward for the
of a murderer, and yet it
might be just as well not to offer any
at all. If arrested and tried it is
doubtful if the punishment would
be greater in proportion than
reward offered. Human life is
mighty cheap in North Carolina.
Henderson Gold Leaf.
It is to be considered that Japan
is today in a position where she can
enforce absolutely every demand she
makes of Russia. is not
asked to give up anything she has
possession of, save the indemnity.
An indemnity is not more costly than
war, and it is all that Russia
choice about. Louisville Post.
In view of the
in South Carolina, The Charles
ton News and Courier has sent to
for ammunition. It is found
that in
counties in that state. I option
and county dispensaries without
state control appear to solve the
liquor question in
lot.- Chronicle.
Those who think that it is
to seek the mountains or
healing springs for long life are
hereby reminded of their mistake by
the fact that Greenville has n col-
resident who is years old.
Reflector says that last, year
had a touch of rheumatism and
in order to gel rid of it he cuts
wood, saying wood is a good
cure for rheumatism That is a
cheaper remedy than journeying to
the and
The Naval Intelligence Bureau at
Washington has issued a revised
table showing the naval strength
the seven chief nations of the world
The United States in total tonnage
fourth, being outranked by Great
Britain, France and Germany. This
country stands fifth in the number
of battleships, seventh in armored
cruisers, fourth in cruisers above
ions, seventh in torpedo boats,
in boat destroyers and
fifth in submarines. If any of us
tremble over these standings below
the top we may console ourselves,
however, with the reflection that
stand first in marksmanship and
quality of the men behind the guns
and in two or three years we shall
have doubled our number of battle
ships and have multiplied our big
armored cruisers by six.
I have lost two shoals-one sandy
red borrow weighing about
pounds, marked iii both
ears and bob tailed; the other a
frizzled sow with white feet,
marked both ears,
pounds. Will
reward any one who will up
these shoats and notify me so they
can be recovered.
Six miles from
Beginning Saturday July 18th, and for days only we will
sell our entire stock for k off.
values values lie.
-Tic values w values rt
and Laces reduced in tins sale.
Colored Lawns value,
A big reduction in all dry goods and notions.
Ladies Oxfords and Sandals in Patent Kid.
98.00 values 12.35
values W CHI values
1.60 values 1.15
James F. Davenport.
The young man loves the young lady.
That s his business
The young lady loves the young man,
That's her business-
Soon they will marry,
That's their business
The minister will marry them.
That's his business
When married they will need-
All kinds fancy groceries, bread, cakes, fruits, etc.
Thats our business.
I have taken up a -nay shoat
that has been running with my
Stock two month-. I tie
shout in red color,
about pounds, has silt in right
ear and boo ruled. Owner is
notified to call for pay
charges. MOSES EVANS.
Blanche is now
u Baltimore taking a special
course in hat making and will
select ROOM of the newest things in
millinery in the interest of my
business. My line good this
fall will surpass that I have
Opening announce-
later. Mrs. L. Griffin,
This department is in of who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
M. Aug.
Prof. O. E. Lineberry attended
a picnic in Lenoir county
day, where he found five
students tor the Winterville High
A. W. Ange Co., arc selling
They sell a pretty
shoe cents.
Friday afternoon Miss Olivers
gave a party honor of
Miss Irma Panel of
Ayden. All the little folks
thoroughly enjoyed it.
The A. G. Manufacturing
are w-king some the
best and most comfortable desks
on the market, which they will
sell at a very low price. We hope
many of the the
will avail themselves of
this opportunity to make their
rooms comfortable and
pleasant before the of the
Misses Mela Dew, Carrie and of Gold Point, spent
Henrietta Wesson, matrons at j s and Sunday with friends
dormitories, are back again getting
tilings in readiness for the
Listen for welding moo.
One of our lair of
age i considering a
prop in fact, she
she it
entirely in of the Lord.
One her ids says,
may know what that
We expect somebody will get a
prompt reply. No joke.
in need of JOBS and
serve go to, Harrington,
J. Jackson and F. F. left
yesterday morning to Wake
forest college. These are two of
ii- most promising men
and we expect much from them in
the future.
All c of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Mrs. Strickland a
few days visit to her
Livery and feed stables, but
whip and W. L. House.
Misses Vivian
of school next Monday.
yards standard calicoes at
per yard, Harrington, Barber
Miss Kale Chapman is visiting
relatives Deal week.
Barber Co.
I,. N. Edwards and sou
yesterday here on business. His
many friends of our village deeply
sympathize mill in his seven
hiss, his house contents having
been destroyed by tire last Friday.
by R. G. Chapman
car load lime which
they will sell very cheap.
We saw Herbert Ellis and wile,
in town yesterday shopping.
n. new lot of tied springs, mat-
tresses and furniture A. W.
Ange V Co.
Misses Cora Carroll, Sadie Carroll,
Minnie and Eva Cox,
near Black attended
church here Holiday.
in need of a good Barrel
of Flower see A. W. Ange St Co.
They have old reliable
Prof, F. C. Nye came home Fri
day night sick, but we are glad to
know that lie is out again and is
enjoying his good health.
Alter purchasing her new stock
of millinery, Mrs. Sarah Taylor
returned Thursday night trim
The oat-look of
the Winterville High
grows brighter every day. The
school has huge dormitories, but
if they were twice as they
could easily be at the open-
our last mail brought in more
for Hunsucker
Ye think that Ayden cm-
respondent was mistaken about
two colored men's having a shoot-
frolic in our low; Sunday
afternoon. We have made
gent inquiry and can And no one
who knows anything about it
One man told UH he had heard
that was a light live miles
our in the At present,
our town limits do not extend that
far, they did, wouldn't our
esteemed friend be living In a
Mrs. Sparks has an excellent
line of millinery goods in the
depot, which she expects to
up in one of the BOW stores a
few days
II. Hunsucker is off on a
business trip to
where he will spend a few days.
Twenty-five splendid Tarheel
wagons for sale by the A. G. Cox
Mrs. Charlie Johnson and child-
of and Miss Gay
in town.
those new tar heel wagon
hut what it
roiled down th
and is
down, at A. W.
will be
Prices cut way
new lot of
A. W. Ange
rant a
We just
re-t and nicest
Youth's and
ii. i-
line f Men's,
, ever
Conic and
rend in Winterville.
Harrington, Bar
tier Co.
Men suits, good values at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Nice line dress goods, such as
Broad Cloth and
of all kinds, at prices way low
down. Harrington,
Nice pater US at
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sons and millet seed.-B.
T. Cos and Bro.
For Holt lime alarm
; clocks and see B. G.
a Co.
Try a bottle of Dr.
for Indigestion at the drug store.
or men to solicit
orders for stock la Pitt
county. For particulars enclose
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles sizes and prices very
the bes. at II n Barber
Tor hay, cam and oats, go In
Barber A Co.
Big line of hats and cap-
received, latest styles.
We saw F. A. Haddock, of Chi-
cod, in town this Inn
plies of A. W. Ange Co.
Several from here attended
services at
A D. Cox Co., have received
the first car load of for the
new livery stables soon to be
erected on the corner of
Main streets.
Pit County Oil
Company can now supply your
man is meal and
bulls at lowest market prices.
f. G. Chapman
Co., are offering cut price
their largo stock l shoes
must lie sold within H few days ii
Order to make for their
soon l be received.
up Mr. Cooper and ask him
about prices of anything that you
are interested in.
We band a lot of
in.--i hats that will now g
below cost. Don't see them.
will sell st some price.
It. G A Co.
Colic, and Kidney Cure,
Che combination kidney medicine
for stock a sure cine.
at the Ding Store
Them is why Pitt Co,
farmers have to pay such
high h their Hour, they
can raise their own wheat the
Winterville Mfg. Co is thoroughly
equipped making splendid
The Reduction
in Dress Goods Known.
Poplin Ho Soil, was for
Suiting that was now
Hamburg that was He, now
Ladies Hose now
Lawn now
Gingham in now
White Dress Goods that was
lie now
Also a great reduction in all
kinds of Spring and Summer
Dress Goods.
and be convinced
A. W. Ange Co.
No Luck In a Ship
That Seen It.
New islands at nine.- rise up from
and fall back into the ocean. An
island i nine to the
coast of Sicily, remained for
mouths and ad quickly disappeared.
near the Azores, retired
from public life before a was
charted. The gulf of Mexico
witnessed the advent and subsidence
of small island.-. These upheavals
of the bid the ocean II
sorts i f mysteries connected with
the unknown depths. An
, U related in the Tail
Our ship a out
days from Manila to the Sandwich
Islands. It was a silent, dead black
night. The lead showed deep
Suddenly ire felt as if we had
grounded. The mate suggested n
sunken wreck, hut the skipper stuck
to the theory of earthquake. Sub-
sequent events that he was
Daybreak revealed s low and
misty sky. We lay as if becalmed
in the midst of an oily sea, i;
discolored in patches. Suddenly the
water trembled. can use no other
word. The ship rolled, and in the
distance rose a huge, balloon slurped
mass of , seam or smoke.
There was not tin slightest sound,
bin a long line of chafing water
stretched acre-.- the streaky calm-
Then the vapor settled over
all, and we could hear bill not sec
the seething and pouring water nil
about us. The captain ordered a
bucketful to be drawn up. was
hot and like gas works.
remarked the skipper us
he sniffed it. poking up a
new continent. wish we were
The air grew more oppressive
moment. The vessel gave a j
tie side roll, and word was
that were aground. Over went
the lead and came up covered with
blue, oozy mud. We were wallowing
in sludge, the darkness was pail-
like and the in suffocating-
close. Then air was rent with
report- awful to hear in black-
Tin re were three of the deaf-
roaring blasts, and all was
again still.
When i he light red and
natural, a strange eight met nit r eyes.
It was as if the bottom of the Pa-
was laid hare. We were help-
less in a sea of thick mud. Tile
fume- were choking, and we
find to take refuge below. Hour
after hour wt gasped, facing tin
probability -f death by suffocation.
Suddenly we felt that we were afloat.
Whatever the hank of mud that held
US, had disappeared, and after n
time we made our way out of the
When we reached Honolulu the
crew- deserted. no luck ill
a ship that has seen the bottom of
the -aid.
Loans Discount.
Due from Ranks
Gold coin 1,190.00
Silver coin M
Nat, D
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits
sub to check
North I ,,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Cashier of the above-named bank, do
y swear the above statement is true to th. of my
Knowledge and belief.
and sworn to he-
re me, this 26th day of Au-
Notary Public.
Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, Hue for perfectly
balanced, subcutaneous com
Tor sale by
Cox Bro.
Have now on hand nice line or
glass and crockery all very
cheap. Harrington Barber Co
Don't your eyes feel like there
in Do they pain yon
and feel tired on reading Do
they become mattered and adhere
while That denotes
paired vision and should be rem
by wearing eye glasses. B.
T. Cox and carry a full line of
spectacles and can th eyes
with the proper
Nice lot of glass ware and crock-
always on hand. Harrington
Barber ft Co.
Redaction sales made on
and Chapman
Who raise their bay ran
be supplied with the well known
Osborne Mowing machines and
rakes by Co.
call see them.
We carry samples of over five
The man who Insures his life In
wise his family.
The man who insures his health
is wise both tor his family and
You may insure health by
It. It is worth guarding.
A. t ii. first attack of disease
which generally approaches
through LIVER and maid
Itself in Innumerable v. j
W Hi
II it I I
And your
A Boy Bee Eater.
A Inn is described in
the Rev. While as having
lived in the neighborhood of S .-
borne, lie urns in d
said to have passed the winter doz-
by the in half torpid
but the lee- and war-pa n
o tO tile life
of their
. ho I
ill bodies, as was
made elf
food, lie
lo the beekeepers
In robbing the of their 1-
cm sot men in
the for the at
the M While this
e enter a- low and
of i and
In . before t man-
hood. Iii- morbid appetite
tin in the outcome
disease. London
The desirable shirt worn by the
average man in is the
Negligee thin.
and the you get the
soft shirt THE SHIRT in all
Our not broken and the
styles are here, and until
15th we
All styles in our
on line will sold for
These will prevail day.
No Shins will be charger at these prices,
Cholera By
Jno. L. Wooten and Coward Woolen
The Man's Outfitter.
Do yon with
constipation, feel mean and cross,
no strength or Hollis-
Book; Men main Tea will
well and keep yon ail.
Xi cents. Tea or Tablets.
Your will need
Why not them Hollister's
Kooky Mountain Tent Nothing
equate It ab bracing, life giving
Tea or Tablets,
hundred styles of wall paper.
of near Ayden, are I are to furnish yon as
visiting Mrs, J. B, Johnson. cheapen the Come and
in need anything In examine before buying this Makes rich, red
the crockery and line k Bro. , and muscle.
If you want t tie to be
healthy, strong and active, give
them Rocky Mountain
The Word
The word 1- believed to
come from Spanish
the of tho
term questionable. in
Spanish a garden or
the where the
Bang. Tobacco usually grown
in a and when the leaves
were rolled Up brought to S
host, specially to
mend product, as careful to
that it was grown in bis own
Thus the word which
means grasshopper a
lied form, to be applied to I lie
of the grasshopper and finally
to the cigar, whose material was
grown there.
lie had been calling at intervals
for I've years, and one when
he and the lady were sealed
in a secluded corner of the drawing
room the front door bell
cried tho young
man; tell the servant you
Shall I n loll her I'm on-
I . Aug.
Johnson and
here on bu-in
meeting will continue at least
nun tonight and interest
demands it.
Ida morning.
Preliminary tree to All.
Dr. J Odom, main
The well known eye
Bridge, spent be in Greenville,
Sunday with bis brother, B. at one of the hotels, Saturday
Sept. will be here
wife and child- or days and if the citizens
of attended services the town count; need his
Hi st. Delight Sunday. He cures all diseases of
Louis Williams, of was. the eye, tits glasses to suit every-
this Sunday. old and young. Duplicates
Mis Annie who lives lenses in you- d frames. The
near Farmville, been spending j Many
several days with friends in
The enterprising
Ormond has recently taken out,
, old oil lamps and planed now can swim down
ms lights in their stead, which stream with the current, but it
gives white light. This one to swim To
store la far beyond the ordinary have a live business, it necessary
diseases are by lo after
your eyes, no- . ears id throat.
The of meetings
y use Cotton when
be sure to see us before buying.
K. ti. Co.
For hardware and mill or
House. Store.
he girl shyly- And. Delight you . an get lees
quarter of hour Already twelve have than half fie price. Sam
passed sh -was.
united with said church. Tin l m a w

Every Careful
We have been engaged in the business of shoeing the
and of selling the best and fitting the feet
properly has grown to be such a fixed custom with us
that you may feel perfectly safe
When You Buy Your
Children's Shoes Here.
Our stock of children's Slippers embraces almost every
desirable style and shape of the Manufacturers Art,
suitable for Summer Wear.
These Slippers are all first class in every respect, and of the best
makes, yet we are offering them at greatly reduced reason
is, we are overstocked and don't want to carry them over.
The opportunity is yours. We will be
glad to serve you.
Sunday Trains and Sunday Letter.
The is entirely in
lifting its voice against mail
Sunday in Lumberton. Hie
tn demoralizing to thought
II it is done in town bi
the church members did it
What a thought Either
the teachings of the scriptures w
i deplorable worldliness in th.
must explain it. Km
there delivery, bu
, pi there are
an to an end to i
they are going i d Hun
trains where the gathering u
at where trains
very corrupting Ii is a sham.
handed a practice doe
awaken protest and
Sort The two pillar
which the state and the
real absolutely is the o
the marriage the Sabbath. Tin
state prospers as the Sabbath
properly observed. It in
proportion to the laxity of it-
The church it is concluded
c not in the w but
the Christian Sabbath. He who
loves the church and the state will
contend earnestly for the
Law in The Robe
What Are tit Coming To
We are living in an age that ii
rapidly getting away from the
old homely ways of our childhood
It is very probable that coming gen
orations will never know the sweets
of the when life
was not such a rush and burly
A suburb in New York is now
trying to suppress the crowing
roosters the dogs in
th town between the hours of ten at
night and six in the morning.
The Charlotte Sews contends
people up there are drifting
away from nature as fast as they can
What would this world be without
the bark of it cocks couldn't
crow The thing we bear they'll
be attempting to stop babies in
Well, i if de, and it is a
horrible state of
It is gravely announced that the
foot falls of a can n be
by scientific instruments. It
would be more like business to
in that time cutting off the bills
Say Plainly to Your Grocer
That you want LION COFFEE always, he,
being man, will not try to sell you any-
thing else. You may not care for our opinion, but
What About the United Judgment of Millions
of housekeepers who have used LION COFFEE
for over a quarter of a century
Is there any stronger proof of merit, than the
Confidence of the People
and ever Increasing popularity
LION COFFEE Is carefully
at plantation, shipped
direct to oar various factories,
where it Is roasted and
carefully packed tn sealed pack-
ages unlike loose coffee, which
Is exposed to germs, dust. In-
sects, etc.
you as pure and clean as when
II the factory. Sold only
Lion-bead on every package.
Save these Lion-heads for premiums.
SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
lo Pub;., r
and Printers
We have new
on which patent
arc whereby we
can reface old Brass
lit. thicker, and make
them fully as good now
an i without any unsightly
knobs H on the i f
Column and Head
regular lengths
K. I. S and
Hi ad Ruled Inches
Quite likely newspapers frequent-
overstep bounds in publish-
inn; what is really news. Some do
it thoughtlessly, others do it for
meanness, for spite, in this, part
of the country this class is small.
The London libel law is said
to be discriminating, in ii
lets a newspaper where an
cannot out. -Maybe it
does. All this reminds us that things
in tins world are not put on an ab-
equitable and fair basis.
For instance, were a newspaper In
make such charges against a man's
character as are frequently made by
an attorney in court, it would be
multi-bed in short order. We know,
of course, that sometimes the
is justified by the evidence in
making such charges, but some
fact very is not
justified, yet it is done before a jun
and a court room full of people
There seems to no law to reach
cases of this kind, though occasion-
ally we bear of a man lambasting a
lawyer on the streets for such abuse,
which case, should court still he
in at the time, the
is yanked up for contempt. And
it is that things are not equal by any
means Re ml.
A sample of reface
Rule, e full
will cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co.
Manufactures of Type
High Printing Material
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Made to Mt
Every man who takes pride in his
appearance, will
the graceful, line- of
The I I'll
are and to lit
the world
take measure car, fully .-
you have u i
d . m i i
make garment Id a
will be satisfactory to you.
Greenville. N. C.
i . a Specialty
BUFFALO, N. Y., and return
20.20 A on mil meeting Grand
Loose N. Y.
July 1905. Tickets on
July 8th, and h, final
limit July 15th. will be
in such direction Extension of
final to -In limy be
obtained by of ticket
uh t -Mid payment
of fee of SI STOP
U , re
on rending
points will be
lowed on Inn
limit, and on return nip
within final limit, July H
tickets have been
MU lie taken
l ., t
i i . n
i ii K
July 37th, lick els on sale
June In July d inclusive,
final mini July
restricted to passage
in each of
the limit lie
tn ,
I I, t Blip
p l I- e of
of .-it. at
V- i Yolk in
i. ii i- tied
ii h ties v
agent. A-- o j I'm k and is
., . i Bow
It day
validation -i Park
ii . v h
V e
i.;, lie of
,, inn in
slop r New
. ,
. II
I lie
i i mi
i r-k i- ii
i lie
I . nay s nut
tax Always
Notice I hereby given that the In-
tax lists of
fur the years 1804, will lie sold , .,., i . in
public auction, to bidder Stock of i ft-
for cash, before the court house door Also German Siding, Ceiling
x Hi ft.
for cash, ii court Also Ceiling and
in the town of Greenville, on Monday, Partition and all kinds dressed
September ,,,,,. building a
w; i In- I . . , . . Dill. ,., i .,
house complete. Hills cut to or
short notice.
Greenville Lumber Veneer Co-
B order the Board of house complete. Hills cut to or
of Pitt county. short notice.
I have taken up a hog that
running with my and was
white spotted, weight or to
male. Own r is i-
A barrel tor the
hand out tor the beat,
A knock-OUt tor the r
for the feel-
the name. All
it and the g
White Front Barber Shop
clean rowel- and
to call the pay
It, No. N.
Stock Sale Cheap.
We will sell the II. II.
of at
i at a big and
will rent or sell the to
chaser of the stock. Stock
I between and
J. O. Proctor Bro.,
N. C.
harp i
Work ii.
Thanking one all for you pas
patronage hoping for your eon
Yours to
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
Located in main Motion
the town.
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
i in i.
Our place is inviting,
our towels clean.
We thank yon past pat
and ask you when
good service is wanted.
Institute for
by experienced workmen at the shop
In Mills
. ,
How It Feels to Be by This
Marine Monster.
experience of the octopus,
writes T. m
of the was in a little
in Stewart Island, New Zealand. A
small river flowed into tins bay. not-
able for its line and the
crew of the Ship in which was then
a soon discovered that the
easiest way of catching them was to
wade on the fine Bandy bed
with bare feet, the water being only
up to and when they
the flat body wriggling under their
to tread firmly and stoop,
in the sand until they
flounder safe between finger and
thumb. Then they would raise him
and put him in the strapped
across their shoulders.
By and by we discovered that the
nearer the the finer the
and so one sunny afternoon
was wading in the bay near the
mouth of the rivulet and picking up
some line specimens. Suddenly
trod upon something like a blob of
jelly. Fearing a sting, made to step
Oft only feel both my legs gripped
in several places by something that
clung as if it would cat into the
stooped and felt a long, whip-
like tentacle twisted around my
right leg. tore it off and a
nausea which made me quite giddy.
But no sooner had removed one
thing than another held me
and another and another. The water
was shallow, but began lo feel
if l must be dragged down, drowned
and devoured by this horrible
Fortunately retained some pres-
of mind. and. drawing my
sheath knife, reached n
to where fell
body of the thing, and, avoiding my
bare feet, stabbed steadily Into the
central part of the beast. was
for presently I felt the
clutch of the tentacles around
legs relax, saw the water stained
with sepia, and smelled the odor
of musk, which cuttlefish
emit when disturbed.
I quite certain had I
been laid hold of in water of
depth one of these creature- only
a miracle could have saved me from
The Reserved Scat.
The train was crowded, with the
exception of one seat. This had
been refuged to various people, tile
lady who occupied one-half it
telling every one who tried
down that seat i- reserved
Finally a little girl entered, followed
by an elderly grand-
mother. The child called In r grand-
to take the seat, but the
imaginary owner objected, saying
before. seat is The
eyes of the child were black, and
lighted up with indignation.
She turned on ins woman and
.-aid in a voice loud enough to be
heard through the
care if it is preserved.
isn't fair to preserve s seal when
grandmother has to stand. Be-
sides, every one says my
is a wonderfully well preserved
-o going to -it down
Ami did, to the enjoy-
of every one in the cur
the woman who sat beside her.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Singular Product of Hawaii.
One of the most singular products
of Hawaii is a vitreous lava known
as It U a silky,
substance, olive green or
yellowish brown in color, soft, mil
brittle. It has been though lo
produced by the wind catching the
fiery spray thrown up from the I
crater of the
long Mine personified a- the
fire goddess but the real cause
of the lava forming into such soft,
silky is believed to ho the gas
and escaping the
lava. all the native birds
Hawaii use a- a building ma-
A Queer Blunder.
Many queer blunders are
ed to Marshal of I ranee.
It is related of him that once when
he visited the military -eh ml St.
he encountered a cadet.
The color of his skin at once attract-
ed the worthy marshal, who said,
with some
ires continues de
This might be
see arc a
M, Here the marshal
paused Sol knowing what to say,
he is well. Con-
Burial Place of th
of Bombay.
High above Bombay, on the
and most airy spot of the city and
feet above the level of the sea,
it situated the most peculiar
in the burial place
of the It is called the Tow-
of Silence.
These Towers of Silence arc
found everywhere in Persia, where
the placed under the open
is dried by the sun and
ed by the rain. Hut in Bombay,
where the burial place is limited and
where death and misery invite
in greatest numbers, the dis-
solution is considerably hastened by
these carrion caters.
The tower itself consists of a
thirty feet high, forming
a circle about feet in diameter
a roofless tower. The floor, made
cement, is an inclined plane,
in a deep and wide well. It W
divided into three concentric circles,
within which are standing sale by-
side the low, open sarcophagi. These
circles are connected by wide drain
gutters, leading to the wall in the
center the building. The men are
laid in the outer, the women in the
middle and children in lie inner cir-
The whole inner construction re-
minds one of the inside of a classical
amphitheater, only in this tow-
the corpse the
the place of the
spectators, while the
occupied by the wall, fifty
feet in diameter.
Having the iron
leading into the lower, the
i .
clothing, for Mister has sail,
come I into I he world.
and shall thou deport there-
The i then placed in
of the . .
In a the place
course an ho. . every vi
of Hie fresh
while blood finds its way
through drain canals n mi
the wall. The skeleton re-
mains. ;
ii had been cleaned in the chambers
of mi anatomical institution.
In a few weeks the burning rays
of the sun and the heavy rains have
dissolved the skeleton and piece-
meal worked ii down tho wall, where
the pieces of bones are
further dissolved in a mixture o
lime and while the blood
and are strained through a
layer of coal and sand and
enter the ground of the
a- pure water.
It is claimed that this mode
burial is the most cleanly of till
methods and. from tho standpoint
of the most sale. Certainly
as ii is practiced in the land of it-
origin, where the forces of nature-
Mill the entire
operation, it does appear m all
Angeles Tunes.
Badly Written Letters.
Comedies without number navel
resulted from badly written letters.
Charles one night when his
wife was desperately ill received a
note from Kan Stanley. He pored
long over it. have even reason
lo he .-aid. it
kind letter of sympathy from
Stanley. am bum is. tho
tWO wolds that even
guess it are -In artless
had a lucky es-
i of Ilia wretched writ-
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Mattresses are
to others.
Beds are
you Had to Get Your
News In the Old Way
In oil times people had to go from house to
. tell the news or meet at cross roads store once a
o find out what was going on. They were slow days.
It Is Not So Now
Bat In this day of numerous and rural free delivery
mail you can get the news every day.
is the. leading ago and no home is complete
i good newspaper. Every man ought to take his county paper
ind know what is on.
The Reflector
We two editions, y
Our piece Enamel Iron
as the best
every Royal Elastic and Ber
bed is sounder not the best, re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Hook Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs or
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
our stock Our Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
an supply with the news.
is a page paper and costs
only a year.
is a
page paper, a year.
Don't be without a paper
are not u
i you
cud in order today.
an lie-
Job Department
To Produce Glass Qom
Littleton Female
,. ad social life. advantages In Ad-
c in up water beat. Blue-
and other modern
Remarkable health only one death among
i Close I . the heath am I so.
alike on all public
will S-pt. For
B Littleton, N. C.
H. A. White
The Limit of Satisfaction.
There was an of i s-
face hot
new to number of
the other day.
with your remarked
some one.
why t I re
ha. been
L like and con-
by the woman I hate most,
. Sending off two letters, he put
them into wrong envelopes and for-
to b relative one which con-
L the He received in
note road a word
f i but you
join i nun you young
And in the letter was a bank
A Marvel.
There arc ill of
varieties. due lo mirage,
and some are A little boy who
was drilling a squad of classmates
at recess found in getting
lo march properly.
your right leg ho calico.
Things went very well until Pat
forgot and his left
leg, which happened to be clad in
in users like the boy next
him, who in holding
no leg.
The drillmaster
can't do that, Pal
he called. holding up both
Remembered Him.
one of tho
diners, having lipped the table wail
or, the wine waiter and even winter
within lit, was co still
another of them.
the the murmur.
me we; . .
. the re
ply a- h i r
rid and i nu i tents,
member ex. th
laying a hand upon
never, never, to
your lovely
OFFER I Greenville, N. C.
I I and Careful attention given to all bus
FREE To All Our Subscribers
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Writers.
Within the Next Thirty days We Off r Two for th
Price of
One Year For Think of It.
This unparalleled offer Is made to all new subscribers,
all arrears renew within thirty days.
For Male and Female.
Elocution and
course in and Music, Art,
Physical Culture, Bookkeeping, stenography
and A complete in Modern
and Literature Three leading to A. B.
September 6th, 1908.
or oilier Information, Address,
J. LL. i. Wilson. N. O
tarry n
I. CO.
J Temple
In the practice
Mr. Harry Skinner, Jr.
will a
ii. W.
Norfolk, Va.
For t Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stuff In fact anything
in Hardware come to

The Circle.
to society wan startled
Monday mooing, the Courier
I. learn number of
of members of
the best families, were up
the for gambling,
Japanese ard Russian Envoys Reach an
Agreement That will ind the War
V. II . Ag
wan practically at this
mM.; . Sunday night, at that
h the ion struggle More likely, adds the
luring the of this s
conduct by the boys their parents
m-re at church
conscious of the out
. It is i i be bop-
h then parents a u
sermon Iron
text, ;. c-- of the word an
. ti. i and they
assisted the mayor doing a
plenty tor the young gambles
Mi. have been moving the
Way lie-vile
society. is probably one
v.- y circle of
in which Ii j have never
moved much as they
circle about i feet In diameter,
with i actively
manipulated from the canter,
while the boy swung the
gait, constantly
receiving inducements to make it
um achieved the victory. For
with a in . .
their hen . a n I H
war, met
Char sad ed
not only
purchase I
Sakhalin. Bus.
agreeing to the island.
The withdraw
a- I
fir the surrender
a and limitation
f the naval power in the
The hi after-
Ci pa
on bis the
is as follow
the session t
peace, I ha u
Mi. legs a
the Foreign of J w in
to d the .-
in- B m hi
Mr. bob ill it
the dis-
position of
the to
have from
divergence of view existed.
difference of upon
i in i
tin cot his .
the Japan, reap
to dictates humanity and
d . of
fed In the
of peace, am i ;
r. w i
t f v-
and base i I
Sakhalin up in terms
it ti In ii
o Hie
Cotten Condition Mixed.
Washington, Aug Tin
Weather sum
of crop
In some counties
In Arkansas and in poi
tuns of Alabama, am
of cotton is
mi In Oklahoma and
ii fair to
help cotton made
are from
-late, of ft. the
from Texas, n mas, I North
Carolina, and i ii
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama
ind The
rapidly generally
the belt and i- ii
In all but
which art
ii- making
to lie
Weather Wet.
The p
the week ending
of in
In general the ha-
for growth
the week hat
in many places rain ha fallen
lay- Cotton baa been i-
the bottom land corn has
been Crowned and the land
washed. On the other hand tut
rain In placer
proved to most
crops, corn, but
bud their bay
fodder cut and the we-U
in that
The average temperature the
week for the ate about
one degree below the average. I n
many the are re
to plow wheat, and while a
deal of land been broken,
it h i- been wet plowing
become general.
Fought the Officer.
Deputy bad a
i -i Joan
Abe Scott, whom be to
arrest Monday afternoon. The
and they were
both down In din for a
bat the officer came oat on
top. The t led
brought to jail. A man i-- a fool
to tight when an draws a
warrant on him.
A Correction.
Under date of Aug. out
correspondence con
Charles and Waiter were ii
. l, they were for
at d
portion of the day In
lockup. After a few strenuous
em they succeed-
ed in convincing the
that were K-, A arrived
here about
has just been
informed that W. O. and
r D. Baker, -i
the paragraph referred to
l cs. and us it contains
mistake the wish it corrected.
e cheerfully nuke the correction
at the same request om
to be to
make Inc statements
people in their items. We are
sorry it was done in this Instance
and hope all will again-t
such in
To Prosecute Lynchers.
Governor requested
Solicitor I- I. Moore to
Bern and make most
aid lull examination to the end
the perpetrators of the lynch-
there, holiday morning, be
brought to justice. Solicitor
is now in New
t the matter.
Fire caused damage to
the Blades knitting mills at New
Bern, Sunday afternoon.
A man near Wilmington
and killed his
him to be a burglar.
Hatch to Run Another Excursion.
Hatch will run another
excursion from Kinston to Norfolk,
exclusively for white people, on
Sept. 15th. The
round trip fare for this two
excursion him reduced to
for grown people
cents for children years
of age.
is Believing.
Big Store, Greenville, N. C. Where you will find a big line of Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Trunks, with prices to suit the times.
We also carry a large and complete line of Furniture.
Puts an End to It All, The Death Penalty.
A grievous wail A little thing sometimes results
as a of unbearable pain from death. Thus a mere scratch,
over taxed organs. out or puny boils
Backache, Liver complaint have paid the death penalty. Ii
Hut thanks to Dr. is wise to have
King's New Life Pills pot an I ever hand v. It's the best
cud it all. They are gentle but on earth and will prevent fa-
thorough. Try Only when burns, sores, ulcers
An election in Vanceboro on the
question of license or no licenses
resulted In a tie vote.
Guaranteed by Jno.
L. woo ten,
The salve that heals without a sour
is DeWitt's Witch Halve.
No remedy effects such re
lief. It draws out
cools and heals all cuts,
burns and bruises. A sure cure
for Piles and skin diseases. De-
Witt's is the genuine Witch
Hazel Salve. Be ware of counter-
they are dangerous. Bold by
John L. druggist.
and threaten. Only
J. L. Drag Store.
After a hearty a dose of
Dyspepsia Cure will prevent
an attack of Indigestion.
Is a thorough and a
cure for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Gas on the Stomach,
Weak Heart, Sour Risings, Bad
Breath and all Stomach troubles.
Sold by John L. Wooten, druggist.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will Interest many.
A down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
something has been found that
will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
tonic and will strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
also a great stomach, liver and
regulator. Only Sat-
guaranteed by Jno. L.
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians bad a long and
stubborn with an
my right writes J. F.
Du gave me up.
thought my time bad
come. As a resort tried Dr.
I King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit I received
I was striking and I was on my
a few days. Now I've entirely
my It conquers
coughs, colds, and throat and
troubles. Guaranteed by
, Jno. L. Wooten, druggist. Price
i and 91.00. Trial bottles free.
you need a ledger or other Makes writing
blank They are cheap at lucky curve fountain pen, best
Book Store. made. Reflector Book Store.
D. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Property Listed for the Year 1905.
The tax list for the year 1905,
as just completed in the office of
the register of deeds, makes the
Number of polls
No town lot- 1,281 value
No value
No m val
No goats
No 7.974 value
So hog value
No sheep 1.589 value 1,572
No bicycles value 1,745
Value laming utensils
Value tools
Value kitchen fur
Value provisions
Value scientific
Money on hand
Solvent credits 775.182
Money investment
Value Cotton
Value liquors
Value musical instruments
Value plated and silverware
Value watches and jewelry
Val goods and n 279.372
Private banks II
All property
it personal
Corporations l
Tot listed by whiles
Number of polls
No acres I'd value
No town lot- value 55.292
No hones value
No mules value
No jacks value
No coats value
No cattle value
No bogs value
No sheep value
No Bicycles value
farming utensils 4.426
Value mechanics tools
Value A kitchen fur.
Value provisions
Value instruments
Money on hand 2,4-10
Money investments
Value cot n 1,819
Value tobacco
Value liquors
Value musical instruments
Value plated silverware
Value watches and jewelry
Value and mdse 1,652
Private banks
All other property
The total all
As compared with last this
list shows increase of white
polls and colored. The
gate increase of real and personal
property by whites is
and by colored Increase
in corporations a total
The value
cotton shows about bales,
while last year there were
about bales. The increase in
this year is
money hand
Bug Had Splinters in His Toes.
Wiley Brown's youngest
a very small fellow, was bitten or
stung by a bug and went to tell
his mama bug with splinters in
his toes got on You can't
get ahead of the small boy.
Fancy Sale.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will conduct a fancy sale at the
Perkins opera house on Tuesday,
5th, from to p. m. Refresh-
will also be served
Elegant Midnight Luncheon Given by
Mrs. R. J. Cobb.
There was a very enjoyable
dance given Thursday night by
the men of the town, com
to the visiting
The was beautifully led
by Miss Lottie Skinner Walter
Jr , assisted by Miss
arid Billiard
following couples
Miss Cobb with A. M.
Mils Lottie Blow with Tom
Miss Ada Wooten with Air.
Miss May Whitfield with Frank
Miss with
Miss with
Nil. with
Him Warren, of Wilson, with
Will Parker.
Mary of Louisburg
with Gary Warren.
Miss Nan of
With David C. James.
Miss Jesse Lee Sugg with W.
Miss Alice Lang with Ola
Mis Helen Forbes with W. B.
Miss Ethel Skinner with Charlie
Hill Home, J. D
Richard White, Frank
Skinner, Ned Laugh
R. J. Cobb
II. A. White.
Sirs. It. J. Cobb entertained
at luncheon
of her daughter, Miss Irma, The
dialog room was a scene of beauty
with many cut glass and silver
shaded the pink
and red shades, gave a
The guests at luncheon were;
Mi-s Nell Skinner with Mallard
Smith, Miss Lottie Skinner with
Walter Jr., Miss
Cobb with A. M. Mosely, Miss Ada
Wooten Mr. Scoggin, Mrs.
It. J with J. D. Garden.
The hostess in her charming
pleasing manner all the
the front bull and them
in the pallor where many
fill vocal and
were rendered. time
soon passed u and it was three
o'clock before I made their de-
saying they bad never
been to a more enjoyable luncheon.
Music was by the fa-
Bud Daniel Orchestra
Name Your Farms.
That is a good suggestion the
Farmer makes, that
farmers their farms use
stationery like other
people. There a few
Pitt who do this,
if every one with a farm large
enough would do so it would be
New Firm.
F. M, and P. S.
have formed a
the name of
Gotten. They are fitting up an
office in tho Masonic build-
They are energetic
men aim will build up a
good practice.
Mt. Vesuvius Ugly.
is in full is throwing
enormous masses of lava. Deep
rumblings are heard
of the crater, and lava is
down the right side of the cone.
Over Three as Large as the Same
Month last Year.
W. Harvey, secretary the
tobacco board trade, has
ed us the figures showing that the
on Greenville market for
the month August were
pounds, at an average price of
m r hundred pounds.
As compared with last year a
of over three hundred per
cent in is shown, sales
in August, 1904. being
pounds at an average price of
pounds. It will be
noticed the average price
year is a little lower than last, but
this is due to the fact that the crop
this ear is very common
Prices all grades are higher this
year than last, but so much com
brings down the average.
Tremendous Sale,
Today the tobacco market had
the largest sale of any day since
the new season opened, it
is seldom larger at any time daring
the year. Ail of the ware
house- were nearly the
run between
pounds. The tobacco
in is very common and
doe- not sell at a high figure, but
the price is good the
quality. neighboring
counties were represented on the
market today.
a fact wort of mention at ibis
time is the at tide of the colored
race toward this
A great many of the
best known and respected
approved of lynching, admit
ting freely there must moil
attention paid to the i
The respectable
people complain that they are
posed on by the lawless of their
roes because the of
which is justly their due is
denied them, thus impeding their
usefulness to a great extent. They
would approve of more stringent
laws criminals and more
active of the same.
Must Keep of the Track.
Local authorities of the South
Railway are taking effective
steps toward enforcing
which punishes unauthorized
people for walking on or near the
railway tracks and are having
warrants served on a number of
who persist using the
tracks a public highway. It is
estimated that a thousand people
travels the tracks between the
depot coal chute daily,
the presence of so many
it naturally confusing to en
and trainmen, who have
to keep a constant outlook in
order to avoid accidents. Two ten
dollar were assessed by Mayor
Murphy last Friday in cases of
this Patriot.
Thanks of the Czar.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Aug.
Nicholas of Russia has re-
gratefully the great part
which President played
in the successful negotiations for
peace, in a cablegram received
by President today Em-
Nicholas congratulated and
t baned the President for h s efforts.
The cablegram
ins congratulations and
wannest having brought
the peace negotiations to a success-
conclusion, owing to per-
energetic, efforts. My
try will recognize the
great part you have played in the
Port turnout h peace conference.
for Parents.
Don't expect good in
children if they treated by
their elders an unmannerly
Don't be surprised if children
arc snappish and quarrelsome if
you set them the example by
so to them.
frighten children into
being obedient by threats which
you have no intention of carrying
out. future difficulties
managing your children are
increased by this unwise
not practice.
Don't t e with
yon when you go to pay calls.
is too great a tax on forbear
of your and it has lid
to the severing of acquaintance-
ii do
things yourself leach the
children how to do let your
boys and girls up with
slovenly habits.
Don't that do n-I
make companions of our children
In their youth you
hem to be your friends a lieu
crow up
Newspapers Denounce the Pods
mouth Agreement
Sept. an
independent radical organ, attacks
be Portsmouth settlement, com-
Then recalling the attempt
public will never re-
main quiet when the national in-
arc The
affirms that the nation will be
unless the public
strong action. It asks why the
victor is conciliatory and the van-
arrogant. It declares that
the speedy intervention of the
people alone will prevent national
disgrace following brilliant
by laud and sea. It continues
does not
come brethren killed on
field will have died inglorious
The minor papers generally ex-
press, auger and denounce the
peace as humiliating.
rived at without a rupture can
mean only great concessions by
our envoys. Peace on such terms
can never satisfy the
The are
disappointed. The fruits of out
victories have been lost by weak
Japan, victories
the Held, has defeated in the
One From Pitt.
The Supreme court on Thursday
examined fifty applicant for law
license and forty six of them
passed. The list contains one
name from Pitt county, Stephen
Only Small Crowd.
Little excursion to
Norfolk today WU not very well
patronized, there being less than
hundred passengers on when the
train left this station. The pro-
veil a more liberal pa-
Leave Off Side Strips.
Notice to the i this
We, the undersigned, beg to
state that a deduction of four
per bale will be made on
all cotton packed with side strips.
This is the ruling the
markets. Co.
Moseley Bros.
When time for putting down
carpets comes will need old
newspapers to go under them.
They can be had for cents
hundred at
Thursday, August
Dr. L. Skinner spent
day in town.
O. K. Warren went to Wilson
this morning.
A. L. Blow went to
Wednesday evening.
Hornaday has returned
from a short trip the mad.
Attorney Hurry Skinner return
ed from Raleigh Wednesday
L. A. Cobb, of
this morning to visit his father,
Misses Eva and Helen Williams,
Vanceboro, are visiting Mrs. N.
W. Jackson.
Miss Nell Skinner returned
Wednesday evening from visit
Misses King Evelyn
Hodges went Wad
Mil Me Move King ml
brother, Richard, went to
Mrs. J. O. of
dine, came up here this morning
to go to Williamston.
The arrival of a flue boy at ins
home has A. K. cup
of happiness to overflowing.
Mi-s Neil returned
Wednesday evening from
when- she wen to attend a ball.
T. of St. Louis, who
has been in town the lit few
days, went to
O. Richmond,
who has been here for the last
went to morn
Mrs. E. H. and
daughters, Misses Mary and Ivor,
returned Wednesday evening fr o
a visit, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Winslow re-
turned evening from
Indiana and Missouri where they
have been -pending summer.
Mrs. E. A Darden, of Wilson.
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. II. L. Carr returned
this morning. Miss Mildred Carr
accompanied her home for a few
week visit.
Friday, l.
Miss Rives went to Rich-
G. M. Lindsay, of Hill,
was here today.
L. Smith in Thursday
evening from Norfolk.
Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck,
in Thursday evening.
Mrs. B. R. King, of
came in this morning to visit Mis,
R. W. King.
Mrs. Alice Harper son,
Alexander, went to
Thursday evening.
C. Parker, who has been
home on a visit to his father, re-
turned to Norfolk this morning.
and Mrs. T, Johnson,
who have been visiting
his brother, P. M. Johnson, re-
turned home today.
J. E. pastor of the
Baptist church, returned
evening from Henderson where he
has mouth.
Mr. and Mis. C L. Hornaday,
of Durham, w ho have been visiting
his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A.
Hornaday, returned home today.
Saturday, September
L. I. Moore returned this morn-
from New Bern.
C. V. York has moved to the
Cherry house on Third street.
O. E. returned Friday
evening from a visit to Wilson.
F, W. has moved to one
of the Perkins h uses no
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hock went
to this afternoon to
Miss Mamie Brink went to
Raleigh this morning where he
Will attend the Baptist University,
Harry came in
Baltimore, Friday evening, nod
be here during the fall and
L. A. Cobb, of K Who
Las been visiting his father, J. O,
Cobb, returned borne
I evening.
f; Newark, X. J ,
who bus been here for sen-nil
days, went to Kinston Friday
Mis . C and A. B.
Minor, of Suffolk, came j., Friday
evening to visit Mr. H.
Miss May Anderson, of Grimes-
laved, who has been visiting Mrs.
J. A Kicks, left Friday evening
Mrs. Mary A. Stephen-, of
Dunn, who has visiting Mrs.
Florence Dancy, went to
this morning.
W. Hearne left this morning
for Charlotte, where ho will take
a iii one of the large
printing houses there.
W. R. Smith has purchased
O. Hooker tho house and lot
on corner of Evans and second
streets, known as house.
C. L. Wilkinson went to New
York today to purchase new goods.
Mrs. W. B. James, who has charge
of his millinery department,
ace bin.
Noah Biggs,
who has visiting W. H.
returned home this
morning, He is a very popular
man with the Greenville people,
regret very much that he
left so soon.
The Way Girls Talk.
Rev. P. K. Law, the lumber
bridge editor of The Lumberton
B cannot understand
the way some of the present day
girls carry on conversation. What
he has in mind is the meeting of
four girls who all begin talking at
the same time and keep it up
continuously. he
says, hear but a few words.
Perhaps the girls hear and it is
sense throughout, To us it is a
jumble of sounds and no more.
Bach one appears really ecstatic.
The enjoyment is obvious. By
law no discourtesy
whatever is perpetrated. Each
breaks in upon the of
the at will. To get a hear-
the voice is at times raised
highly. Really, it looks like each
has something to say and
excited for fear some other will
say it first. There in all an
impulse to talk
talk they must Mr.
wonders if this universal
practice was exploded by our
for girls, these colloquial
would not he more
b e as well as less noisy Hardly.
Nor would we like to lie the school
teacher who would undertake to
break up the habit. But, serious-
Mr, Law is not the only one
who has observed this
It is something that man may
comment on, but not interfere
Exactly. Just as soon as we
mentioned that the train had
proved It jumped back late.

Eastern reflector, 1 September 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 01, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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