Eastern reflector, 11 July 1905

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C. T.
Greenville, C,
h Ho
; Stock to be Sold in DAYS by the
Salvage Co., of New York and Chicago
ever held in N. C. Ten unequaled undersell.,,, a
, will .
lit -i economizers
, and be never again will such an opportunity be presented to you to save seasonable
l S. does not often occur. Reductions that take in every department and
; I, store An event that will blaze a trail through the tangled maze of competition
urn, Hating regular price without cessation
C. T.
Greenville, N. C,
A Supreme Effort
Given Without a Counter-
part. Sale opens on
Friday, July 7th, a. m.
.,. k Greenville from to circumference. The wreckage of Value is complete Tee price ore beyond
The our bitter . I l surprised, for more than you can possibly anticipate will be realized. Head every one of these
i fa K done in years. our by prices below.
To Mark Down and Arrange The Stock.
, l in the this Store. The immensity of our offering proves the vastness of our enterprise. The lit
every P J and every at,,; ,,, Jg to he ti This Sale opens Friday morning, July 7th, at
the supremacy of this store a Center, was never presented.
No a Taste for Economy, can afford to Overlook this
Only July 7th.
A Big
. .
;. Is Ho
J, Cl
cut for Mile
Worth lac
India e t
India Linen
Check Dimities, Values up
to saw price
Wash Chiffon Were
considered excellent val
ties sale price
hie i.
.-. . r
Staple Department Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
Silk and Velvets.
A Murrain silks that prove
an interesting topic.
Black yard wide
worth 1.25 now
Japanese silk, all colors
worth at
inch velvet, a shades,
in. silk worth 1.00
Easy, graceful form
fitting Corsets, in all the
makes, in military
and straight front including
the celebrated R Q B
Other Beauties
All the new toes are
sen in the lino of Lad es
oxfords and slippers we
showing at to
. .
. IS
Line i
. e II . .
; ti for
. tin Dam-
r to 1.50
de ii i
I . sale
sale price
l .
Ki, . lute Bed
. . Marseilles
I rim value for
;. Bleached Towels
. value; sale price
nod yards
it yards Bleach
n yards ed Seal A P C
Checks, extra value,
Calico American IndigO
Carmine lied, all
Dress Goods
Crape and Voile
Coverts and Damask
. wool
c value
Novelty Fancy
Mixtures Voiles and
late Spring
desirable shades
Black Cheviot in.
Aide, worth a yard,
-ale price, yard
The imported English
Poplins, Mohairs, Sicilians
Mohair Serges and silk-
warp values up
to sale price
Ore pairs of very
of this seasons goods,
hand sewed lace or button,
all weights sole. French
kid. patent Russia call
They are tare the best
of any shoe brought to this
market, and they come in all
sizes and widths, worth from
to Come and
pick them out from
down to We
Ladies tine kid shoes,
button and lace. toe
and patent tip wort Is
of Ladies Oxfords,
in all popular leathers, also
white canvas, worth up to
vale price to
Men's Hats
f, , a and Hats in
able shapes, worth up
I .
M in-
values ranging
from and at the
. . ,., prise of
bi;. and Denver shapes,
come in and nutria
price fl-W
All st spring shapes
as ell as staple styles in
Hats -y
where marvelous
sale price
Men's Pants
Men's latest
and Fancy Worsted Pants
in all shades and pretty
all sizes, rag. price
all no on this sale at
Fine Fancy and Plain
Pants that regularly
sold for aid sale
price J-
Fine Pants that sell
for and stein,
cheviots a fancy worsteds
all go in this sale at only
Men's Pants of in
desirable patterns, regular
sellers; sale
Knee Pants
pair of Knee Pants
worth up to price
pair of Knee Pants
sellers; prise
A consolidation of several
lines of Long Pants,
value and
sale price only, pair
Hose, Hose, Hose
Ladies fast black seamless
hose, regular price now
A line cotton fast
black hose reg. price now
tine plain lace
styles black hose, worth
Ladies beautiful
hose, worth pair
Children's fast black rib-
bed hose, reg price at
Children's fast black tine
hose, regular price at
Children's French
ribbed hose, regular price
Men's good last black
regular made,
price at
Men's good fast black lace
and plain socks, reg. price
two piece suits,
single and double breasted
jackets positively worth
during this sale only
The novelty in styles is
that were always sold at
all go in this sale at
Thirty distinct
in Ultra Fashion-
able Knee Pants Suits, in
all the of novelties
and staple styles, sale price
Men's Suits
will secure for
you. many patterns
i if men's good, strong fabrics
of merit and fashion.
for men's business
suits an immense range of
fancy mixtures, in small
checks plaids and
ed effect Single and double-
sack styles These
are certainly the val-
in the state it the
for men's line suits,
comprising a grand assort-
of single and double
breasted sack- suits, in black,
blue and brown cheviots,
some solid worsted, in
and brown, tweed
mixtures in all the newest
and mast shades,
all superbly perfect
to suits that sell for
our peace
for men's tine dress
suits, extra fine, equal in
every respect to fine
work- This season's best
style and best
Serges and Scotch
mixtures. Better value or
made garments have
never offered by any concern
in N. C. , We claim them to
be the equal of any gar-
in the this
sale only, for
Notions and Small Ware
Hooks and eyes, black and
white, worth at
The best pins ever
sold, at only
Pearl Shirt and Dress but
tons different styles, per doz
Braid worth
to bunch
Hone casing for dresses
were a now
Cotton Elastic, black and
white regular price at
A cabinet of good Hair
Pins for
Ribbons, No. to worth
to now to
Shoes for Men and Boys
Men's shoes for business
wear means service and
comfort newest shapes,
worth sale price
We offer the lust shoe on
the for the price-
certainly to any make,
latest toes and style, in all
the latest leathers, all go in
this big sale
Shoes in all the up to
date leathers, new style toe
and shape a nice shoe
for Sunday wear, regular
j values, only
Men's heel and lace and
single and double sole,
l sale price
and Furnish-
Men's Egyptian
doz Men's
underwear and rib-
bed and drawers,
in many shades, all are
in the best
manner, all sizes,
regular value; during
this sale, your choice
Dozens of high grade under-
will be placed
on sale for ten days at
proportionate price
Men's Suspenders worth
Men's Suspenders worth
Men's Socks worth only
Men's Fancy Shirts, regular
Man's Fancy Dress Shirts
regular values
Men's Fancy and Dress
Shirts worth
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts
Men's wort
Men's worth
THE AMERICAN SALVAGE CO., Must Sell C. T. the Entire Stock
IN TEN DAYs OUR Articles guaranteed to be just as represented and will be exchanged or money refunded. Don't forget the date
Friday, July 7th, this wonderful profit sacrifice Sale.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor
and Friday.
it learned that
Min y h.
beau n- ti- years
ha as
one of He
it i not to r i lei m lo
the n . .
That her capacity. was
and h r o
faction to and v.
is the universal
at every
hand that she do
one Mm
the roe.
A party from
to their homes in I The is sold in
Vance county, around be out
night, win-ii the on th ordinary by an
side of the baggy in which were cU we
Mr. ,. . . , , , , .
,. . , j c sit of
ran oil the Hide he
hi Falling mid ,,, men lo SM
to the below,
of or fret, sad to
other y done except
Mr. ard van
. .
Covenant Lodge O F-
The following arc
and into a beautiful .
K , , . that
bouquet of her worth and
only faded flowers for j
with large enough lo swallow
a whole man st one gulp. The
article from the Record is as
For the past few months
gator baa limes boas seen in
what used to lie known as
pond, pond.
me. I join in tribute to I
one so worthy in every attribute j
a h h-s be. A
bright vivid gentle, i
yet Arm nature, returning
sense of avoiding publicity
Only those who knew her
and fully appreciate tier true,
virtue and Christian
graces. She made many friend
who will mas her coming and
going as the shadows into
light to be again by-
bright g prime. May she
ever see smiling fields,
grant beds of flowers without a
single A
Bernard in Norfolk.
V, July ii.
M. ex United
district attorney, of eastern North
Carolina, and a well known lawyer
of that state, who mysteriously
disappeared from Wilmington
tragedy at Raleigh, with the
of name
has been associated
whom there now in the
of native an
for t tie
alleged betrayal of a
grocer, arrived today.
He came on the boat
from Old Point and
R. L. V.
F. Evans. K. S.
I. W.
J. G. Watson, Warden.
J. H.
C. K. Bradley, O. G.
K, H. Evans, I. G.
D. L, James, R. S. N. G.
D. C. Moore, L. N. G.
L. H. Chap.
J. E. Warns, R. S.
U. G. L.
C. E. Lincoln, R. V.
J. R. Corey, L. V. G.
N. C. July
spent a day or two ibis week
with Mrs. E. B.
H. B. Phillips left this morning
tor Salisbury, Md.
Jenkins, of Washington,
man who saw it was not
about what it was, so he kept quiet
about it. another nun saw it
being alone, be was
finally two saw it plainly
were sure of it. Then all of them
compared Holes. this it
been seen several the last
lime being a week ago, be
swam out to the bank was seen
by some young men fishing. They
aver that while they were
quietly on the he came out j this morning.
close to them, but moment he
saw them he scampered away.
did not measure his but say
his jaws were big enough to take in
a man with no trouble
Numbers of colored people declare
they have seen him at divers
times and two well known white
men shot at him once a shot
gun but did not phase
There is a theory to how he got
there Some fifteen years ago, may
be more. gentleman came here from
a visit to Florida and had three
young Two of them died
-Nun went
C Harvey went to Seven
Springs Wednesday evening.
W . F. Evans returned u
Wednesday evening.
Lizzie went o
Harris returned from
Mrs. Blalock
F. If.
for Ga , to the
Oregon exposition
Friday, July 7th.
J. A. Lang has from
T. R. Moore went to Norfolk this
Claude King left for New York
this morning.
Q. F. Brass went to Norfolk
was town Thursday.
Joe Bobbitt and wife, who he to
Uses Visiting Mr. and Mr. j. and did. The
Bobbin, returned to home V f
in Williams.,,,, or
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Phillips he
Margaret and Mrs. way him will
F G. Whaley spent Wednesday in , f
heavy guard around lo keep Lin,
ii,. i u- . , I the woods.
u. IS. Went to
ville Thursday.
Mr. Mrs. Arthur
Miss Hilda went to
folk this morning.
Ur. H. E left for
Miss Isabella Clark, of Tarboro,
is visiting Ethel Skinner.
Mis Emma Hardy from
Greene county Thursday evening.
daughter, who been visiting
t Tar
several hours here, leaving at noon i in returned home I Ho. were Installed
for eastern Ca. h-re he Thursday sight Thursday nigh by U. G. C, A. Ii
intimated be would have a-
conference with iii-- lawyers, In
an interview he with a
reluctance and considerable
the larges of
immorality against him. He was
decidedly He declined
to admit or buy guilt or
at length any l the details, Be
referred the shooting of John
in n pathetic manner and
denounced the act. He appeared
lo the of
and hoped that he would
recover. As to where he came
from or where he is bound for the
fact that he was here did not
disclose. Save admission that
he spent last and the day
before at Old Point, he declined
to his itinerary, past or
future. Bernard bore the effects
of crucial anxiety and his
statements to the contrary, there
were evident marks
of awful strain.
Gov. Mrs. I. J. went
to City Thursday even-
Jennie and
went to Morehead
Mis. Nell of Raleigh,
who has u Mi-s Lottie
Blow, returned home
R. M. Kennedy and
red, of Palm is
visiting he, parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. s. M, Schultz has
been her
M of Halifax, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Cole,
Miss Myrtle Waits Wed-
Mr. of Charlotte, same
Friday to spend several days with
friends Sui
J. Mooring, V
E Q. Flanagan, M W.
C. L. Wilkinson, M. of A.
W. B. I
M. G.
Wm. Fountain. I
at Church Sunday.
a. m., Sunday school, con-
ducted by D. D. Assistant
superintendent; a, preach-
by the pastor. After the
sermon the regular monthly
conference will held. As matte, s
of importance to the church may
come up conference, it desired
that all members be present who
can do so. p. m., devotional
exercises of the League,
led by Bits Cromartie;
p. m., preaching by the pastor.
A cordial invitation is hereby
extended to the public to attend
Bat H
Wednesday the In idea
parents, Mi. Sidney Jenkins and
Miss mi
marriage st o'clock and for
Wilson,,,, the
Pardon for the seeming
but are you The
new every
hour some we are learn-
that theft is a tar more com-
term than when first
coined by our forefathers. Tom
Lawson shook us up some with his
ions on the astound-
and yet his tales are as
twice told in comparison with the
paint manufacturers,
who claim their frenzied stuff to
be the equal to Harrison's
and Country paint, the
of which were in business
president and in ye olden
days how to make town and
try paint, which is a perfectly
pure paint. Harrison Brothers
were making paints long
before the fathers of the present
manufacturers were born.
. r. ,,
V. M. Ho, ,. .-,,
Dear Bin
Saturday, July Mb.
v. lie i i- e t to K
Rev. W. to Grifton
Friday night.
Miss Minnie
. Bros n.
Rev. F. in Friday
evening I the seminary at
in Front the Grand Stand.
here he has Blade evident the
he i- ore of n best
Eastern Carolina. We all
v mm, bin
II . .
Wednesday and Thursday m
next week If you cm take
trip some ard cue e
boys In then in .
Old is M
me, girl. Ask him who he low.
II know
we leave for Wrights-
ville. Go with us.
Another new will be here
in a days. He c ones with a
played with A.
the last season.
but he is
us. Much
The two are crazy over
i here ought to be
one more just like he,, but that is
Poor Bert after Saturday will
have to change his course from
A. W. lo M. B.
Ask Turner, J., what corner be
lo I topping now.
Jim old say then
are some houses that
look alike on all aides. Where ate
the trout
says there are tome
If you y to see them,, I .
Rowe, the ladles hate to me j u
of Chin lie
. now Howe has gone
will print ,
f extras for the few weeks
lo able the . the f-am
t e who at.
away potted on the games. Mr.
Flanagan put the one cent
nips to
Here's to the fan- who
us on our Ma; we give
them good
Tho Leader Was a Man
of Remarkable
Whatever may be said of
to . a great
gem , a i leader of i
and a
We may
, the
results. men
had tors
ion fa i on a
e, , thou the .- ea
of die i
j- ; from
from the Indians
famine, a ere r-
mo e,
i imagination an mi-
i i;
in i that his f lore up
inspired all hi- fat-
r so in i he
w -e can afford r
it r even when
is not unaccompanied by
; res.
Mrs. J. F. left tins
morning for and
I that I own a policy Legion,
in your company, The Security i
Life Company, of
Greensboro, N. C, and I prise Bowen went lo Scotland
highly. The features of my policy I
st a. M. ah
are as attractive as those of
other old line company, and the
rate it much cheaper.
I am glad that North Carolinians
have built up a strong
Company in their own state,
thereby keeping their money in
circulation at home. lam exceed-
gratified at the rapid
of your company, and with
you and your all the
success possible.
Yours Very
Tuns. J.
Pitt Council No Jr. O. U.
meets every Monday night
K. council,
H. B. Tripp, R.
Jr. O. U. A. M. meets tonight
Whatever you tee in our
find our store.
Prank W The King Clothier.
Mable Rawls, of
who has Mils
Skinner, left this morning.
Mr. Mrs. H. A. White and
children and Miss Alice White
went to this morning.
W. F. of Charlotte,
who hat been spending a days
here with bit F.
left this morning.
Misses Mary
have been
visiting Miss Katie
returned home Friday evening.
Child Slept 4.0
A two year old boy, tot of
Lemuel Morrow, in I eland
county, hours this week
from the wild cherry
poisoning. The little follow
from Wednesday evening until
Friday morning.
colored, shot in
Thursday another
named Badly, m i-
The Hackney Wagon
Wilton, has increased its
stock from to
J. K. a prominent
merchant of hat been
bound over to the Federal roil it
Greensboro for retailing liquor.
The state has Hit
Bank county
capital stock to con,
The man who slew tin
venerable Mi. Alford
is to be put on trial for his life
next week in Raleigh Superb r
On account of the death of n
child of one of the jurors, a mis
trial yesterday declared in the
W. Dewey, alleged
wrecker of the Farm
era Bank at New
matchless bravado of the
mer Before hit follower I ad
en, to eat, before they knew
r th, would ever see
r. was tending out
ex and scouts to bring re-
concerning more distant val-
already planning for the ex-
Mormon empire far
I where the first
sett acre made, now Salt
I. . I
mo m by was
In a tort diabolical
shrewdness, first reached out
v hands to secure con-
of the within a
mile or more Great Salt
I. this would give
. i I of all
kc ; supreme die-
tutor u lies of travel and of
the so supply, a power
no a time
re a I
freight u
. Stan-
. r in i
Joseph L. of Carolina
township, had his dwelling de
strayed by lire about
today. bat little hit
furniture veil.
A Batter ,. Cook.
TI i of i
es . . wits had
n e to students
pi I i lie
i ii
. ling
i . i
count; com at
-loll. i.
bin i . ll I
lake . v plied the, pk.
that Id
. i
to r make a note
of iii
TI i l-ii looked scorn-
i. e, thing want
lo remember i make a note of
in this book, must I Then
,. you think blooming
A Story.
The mob In ed Baron
child's house in during the
upheaval in 1848, and
the I m run begged the ringleader to
enter. Tin d, an equal dis-
wealth among all
tin- male adults of France, Ii was
clear that the safest way Baron
was tho .,.
the baron, working out the sum,
found that it came to much lost
than a bead. how-
ever, call ii n he said.
the installment with my
m-. And now, gentlemen,
will allow me to resume nit
There was no longer am
need to and for l
a Rothschild bought tho good
will of an mob.
What Did She Mean
Tea, said Johnson, reading,
a great pity that certain
are becoming extinct.
some of our domesticated
arc dying off. Now, t here's the don-
key, for Instance. I very seldom
drop scion one
Mrs. J.
is strange. Why, I see one nearly
Johnson is still wondering if she
meant anything personal.
-S -v.

Low Shoes and
we offer oar entire of and Infant's Ox-
ford Ties and Sandal at Greatly Reduced Prices.
No trash, but good. New Shoes. A chance to by good, new shoes S
At Reduced Prices
A Large Audience Greeted Aunt
The Was
Ch aunt Well
last i end the it
la it to the beat local
play here in year. It went
t without a perceptible
i wan thoroughly enjoyed
the food audience that wan there.
The play was and
entertaining from the be-
until the dropped.
There Dot a weak character
in the eat. Tom Moore, Donna
floe, the fin.
character on the It was
rich to twitch
hi and try mo bard to con.
his ankle.
Cot ten deserves special
mention in his of
With his short tine for
reparation it is that
he did e well. Hit part seemed
spontaneous and through-
out; there was nothing mechanical.
Dr. Frank Wooten, us Jack's
father, m audience
rejoiced in bis luck in the
hand of the real Donna Lucia.
Fred was indeed tie
typical weak college student,
Gives rest to the stomach. Cure indigestion, dyspepsia, sour
tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
Stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
U t. to-
UM ml
alt. I
Sold by JNO. L. WOOTEN, Druggist.
eras a good example the old
tether arid guardian. lie
be as strict as a
early in the season, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock try school tie wee dope
indeed when trying to pay hie
to the fake Donna Lucia.
Mis Win Die Skinner .
and Mi Lottie Blow as Amy were
that demands the attention of all careful buyers, who appreciate gen- characters.
; did their parts well, and were
well worth the trouble and
had to undergo for them
Mrs. as Donna
Miss Alice While as her cote little
Balm, cane in and
lend a new clement to the play.
is broken and styles and sizes run down, is a rare opportunity, and
The reason we give i simple, plain and We are over
stocked, have many Summer Shots, we need the room and want
you to th , in to clean them out quickly we
make this
I. lies patent lea her u t Oxfords, worth for
Ladies; Court Tie Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
Ladies patent leather and plain kin Oxfords, 2.50 for 1.85.
patent Strap Sandals, plain kid Strap Sandals,
and pa Mil leather tip Oxfords, tan kid Court Tie Oxfords, all
and worth and 2.25 par pair, to be sold for
91.60 per pair.
Ladles tan or Ties, plain kid Sandals, patent
Up tip dressy styles and plain common sense
styles and sizes, that arc selling for pair,
we offer r pair.
AH the styles of Ladies Oxfords and Sandals that selling
for to 1.25 pair we offer in this sale for to per
All the and Babies Slippers are offered in this
Sale and are in proportion to the Ladies as quoted above.
Those who come early will get first pick at this beautiful line of
goods. The Styles are beautiful, the makes n of the best, and a full
line of sizes your inspection,
The North Carolina
Literary Commercial
t Domestic Science
Scientific Manual Training
Three Courses leading to degrees. Training School for
Teacher. Faculty numbers Board, laundry, tuition, and fen for
of text etc., year Km- SIN. For
of Mate, nth annual begins
in tin. I a I free-tuition
he mad before invited from desiring
stenographers. For and address
CHARLES D. President,
Could You Ask
Than to drop i n m a a
Brown's Furniture Store, next
door tn post office, and have
Standard Sewing Machine Ad
justed Free
of cost. Other re
paired and adjusted .-it reason
rates. Call and sea me and
let's talk the machine business
Everybody w to see Bab-
take off In woman's dress
and la were
both attractive and added greatly
to the piny.
The sieging between
Hisses White, Blow null
was by all.
are and of
nun The pro-
of piny
ii lat i ins credit, the r mil
speaks well for t
The will greatly its-
rove library, aid people
t the town show
of the node
in due to
Mini, of Mi--. Pal Skinner and c a-
individual effort of those
in ii. Ii a thorough
and lei-l
. i over it,
. IS
l went
hi I. Corbett services
Greek morn-
at in t lie
went to Bevel
Springs and
with a smile on, Thai
indicating k all fourth at Seven
Ii moil Turnage to Hook-
R. I. Corbett and wife returned
From thin
they have bean on a
loan visit.
are quite curing
tobacco I his week. This is the
third weak wits
There above an average.
crop section.
We understand there will baa
wadding soon, we arc but
hops to lie remembered.
James Brown.
The Carolina
And Mechanic Arts
i practical rial
Indus t rial
Chemistry, and
Art. Tuition inn n year,
Board t- a month.
W. H. t
Institute for
Women it m
Peal v. X
sad Brokers is
Grain and
r ate Wires to Haw
steel; of Framing i in
Also Siding, and
Partition and nil kinds dressed
for a
house compete, bills cut t or
short notice.
Lumbar Veneer Co-
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
el the town.
Four in and
over by n skilled
Our place inviting, razors
our clean.
We thank you for
Mk you
good service wanted.
UP 25th
I red saw, wait,
under flank and on tail.
with left ear
right, bar light ham is
than left, wean
ti 1st V. C.
BUFFALO, N. Y., return
B P O E N. Y.
July Tickets on
wale July 8th, 9th 10th, final
limit July 15th. Ticket will be
in each of
final limit to In. may be
obtained by of ticket
with Special Agent and
of of STOP V KR at,
Washington, Bellini re end
on rending
i points ill
lowed on going trip within
transit limit, and on return trip
within limit, July II
been stop
be not lo ex ten
days, not later then 4th.
July 7th. on tie
Iv ii
final July lOin. Tick
n In
in each in i
I i. limit run; he d
to , I ., I.
n. iii ii i
V on ii
ii fed i
lien luted by j
Par I .;
i i . ; .
liter I
., ii ion i f
i i . tit, mi
. . V
. . . b.-j Hid i-t
I v. I .
i . i ii
. , . mi
in l bin final
In . ; i id I la b
be i ; i ii i ii it .
i i . in.-, t ion days not
I ll
. W.
And Provisions
Ties always oh hand
ID Stock, Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
h Carolina.
Attendance Largest In As- n. u.-
History. snot . n
. i
Will I I'll I-
i ha very
Mayer Barnard to in and
for ti a
The n ii
H. C, July The
i the
is tn in .
Barnard's address of welcome
reaps were cents.
i- up and
state's progress and Its
problem-, lie that
Carolina in was
rapidly coming to be the New
England of South, A to its
I'm he declared a lack j
of confidence on part of
people f t- of justice Si
life in entirely in
North He
jury from
one of the that c
benefit judicial
The speech of M U . H. Cope-
land, of
patch on the relation between
North in Una and Virginians
and strong k-pt the
convention in an u pi oar
pianos Other
read of
toe Patent Outside Upon
by l. J.
of Greenville
of .
per. by . of the
J. A
Durban Sun;
by W. B. Copula id. the
Ilia a i id over
city an at
Club the
At Hi. II.
auditor, representing i
Slate's welcome to
the Virginia editor in a greeting
as eloquent
SB beautiful in diction. The
by J. II. the
Va. who
formerly editor of the
ville, N. Newt, wan one M
happiest of its kind I
ever beard. J.
An invitation has be-n
received a committee
of Way headed, by
the for his
as lull player, Ii- i a
gentleman, ad was well liked
the people knew
He fall of life, is in
in game, and shall nil.- on
the club, on
the streets.
AS the
of weak. The
new the
bat i enough any
in Carolina down
street. lie good
in Vail at
this n i g when lie w .
hi prime, and yon need save no
fear th and
E. will 1.01 make a
i no.
I verdant bills of Western No-ts
would say the Atlanta
Is on tile
, and to my certain specific.
he is a
will a
with u
-ion, and the time be comes
hat yon
I back toward in
of a spirit,
and bis name,
lie just drops out; back of third base
before -in prised fielder
the inch spin re, lie has
perched himself on the second bag,
lie win be a decided addition to
our team for is a and
in outfield or Infield
vein lie m A. M ,
I led there, Hilly is,
nine babies say, lo the
Don't feel discouraged for the
learn is all right will make
Norfolk play last
or lake the games from them, and i
just tell Washington, when
happen to pass I hat way, lo keep
and for as.
The Store
If you Had to Get Your
In the Old Way I
In old times people had to go from t
to tell the news meet at cross in .
what was going on. Th-y slow days
It Is Not So Now
p and rural free delivery
news every day.
an no i
hr to
i county paper
But in this day
mail tomes you can tin
This is age
a frond news pa per. Every man on
know what is going on.
The Reflector
can supply you with the in s. print two editions. Daily
and Semi-Weekly
is a page paper and costs i is a large
only a year. page paper, a year.
Don't lie without a paper when can one so cheap, j
f yon not a subscriber send in your order today.
The Famous Pills EARLY
cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, etc. They
early energy,
Children or nil u I Is. Hold by Jno
Col. B. A. L
editors Waynesville Friday
and has been accepted. as
first that Visitors
Delivered Address on the Fourth.
Great Sachem M. Hedges,
should he to Lake returned Thursday night
on that day, but owing to county, where he went
stances this plan was I to deliver the of July address
A tram will take the j before the gathering of Bad Men
bars of the two state editorial
associations to Waynesville for the
When yen want a pleasant
laxative that is easy to take and
certain to act,
Stomach Liver tablets. For
sale by Jno. L. druggist.
To Play Norfolk and Suffolk Next Week.
The bate ball team plays Suffolk
Norfolk week. Monday
and Tuesday at
day Thursday Norfolk.
The team is in good trim, after
the for the remainder
the week it will be ready the
games and expects lo at least
two out of the four games they
play with the battery we have and
the individual players that we
have, we a good team.
These individual players
together like a team of veterans,
and they hit far better than the
average team, so Suffolk Nor-
folk may look for warm straight
forward base bull, and they may,
unless they are strong,
give our team one a piece any a
in advance.
to the i rain bid
goodbye, and good luck
greatest system renovator.
Restores vitality, regulates the
liver stomach. If
Mountain Tea
fails to your money back.
That's fair. or Tab-
lets. Drug
Mr. reports a line trip and
there were over three
Mi-u the procession,
besides something like four
died pale faces. procession
over two miles and trailed
from o'clock
to six in the a distance of
about twenty one in all.
They trailed from to other
in the vicinity and at
o'clock stopped in camp and
partook of corn and We
are altogether
what kit. Hedges reported it was
the grandest celebration of any
thing held
Nothing But Right.
Col. I. A. Sugg has for a long
time kept closest touch
he cotton situation than
any other in that section.
tic has much good advice
free lo the people who have not
appreciated it. O d. Sugg save he
is now done giving free advice,
but he is closer touch now and
more capable advising the
ever, but he has no
more free advice or suggestions to
make. Those who want lo
what his opinion of what to do in
cotton can pay for same they
will than appreciate and profit by
it. The is right.
few who appreciate free lie
almost invariably
on look.
Job Department
To Produce Glass
me real Printing.
FREE To All Our
A beautiful Line
not to be matched
in town At The Price.
A. E. Tucker
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
Within the Next Thirty days We Offer Two for the
Price of
Both One Year For Think of It.
This unparalleled offer is mads to all now nil
old ones who up all arrears renew within thirty
Are Suffering
From Indigestion, Constipation, or do you have any
with your Kidneys or Bladder if so Drink the
Buckhorn Water.
St. Hospital, Va., Maj II,
Buckhorn Water
It me to state I have been
myself and for the Buckhorn
freely for several months inn I do not to
ii iii terms.
In in rheumatic and and In
certain eases of constipation I have seen excellent results Folio
its use. It la exceedingly peasant drinking
v v,
K. L. PaYNE, M.
The shippers that, of ail the mineral waters so far
known, is the most powerful diuretic.
They will furnish a case of any other water, regardless of its
reputation or price, and by actual, practical, scientific
comparison, that there is not a water known to the public
that will equal in uric acid diathesis,
R, II.
This Water is on sale at J. A. RICKS
n as
Skinner. Jr.
Harry Skinner,
II. W.
j Temple
We we
with us, in the ,
the Law, Mr. Harry Jr, Bags.
The will n s ,
k and
Lawyers. j d
h, w. Tea Has
Norfolk, Va.
Factors and handlers of
Everything want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.

in the post at . N. as .-la s mailer.
made upon application.
A correspondent desired pool office In Mid adjoining
in to
Pitt N. C, Friday, 1905.
The Tarboro Southerner is com
plaining about the dis-
till t. Tin- Southerner
in several district the roads are
by the plowing into
the road We join in the kick the
Southerner is making. Good roads
cannot be kept good condition as
long as ibis of goes
on The tax for keeping up good
roads it already heavy enough and
this will increase the burden.
r Correspondent.
Kenilworth Inn. N C.
pi , ,., i f
nod at from the moat prominent families of
much to more women of the
the friendly relational very and with
the two States I is
o.,. .,, n was a happy one, and its fame and
The greatest raid in the history of
American cities made in
Sunday night. Over
were made, of then
lies were arrested in houses of
It is this state of affairs that is
undermining American lift. The
best of the country
in such disgrace for years, and
M,. s. I have been a
. Press
re a quarter or
y. II never seen a I in
than The country was at the
North Cur- suits, and yet Philadelphia
mill was considered one of the most
, m in cities in America
there are
Virginia, while many ladies from
I,,.;. . .,; present. Chicago, Denver and San Francisco,
herself in cities are boastful of their
such a
N would
in New YorK,
A- i is a
cordiality u- the editors
thing being done for pleas-
Mayor Barnard's address of
n, i. me was fully in keeping with
this spirit He said that of many
conventions had entertain-
ed the city had never felt m re
honored than by this gathering of
North Carolina and Virgina editors.
Responses to the me were made
for Virginia by C. f,
Salem, and for North Carolina by
H. A London, of
Following addresses and
S Copeland, of Richmond,
of which were brilliant and witty.
the North Carolina association took
up business program.
The first day's consisted
several essays and addresses
were exceedingly interesting and
beneficial to the members.
In addition to the business of the
two the editors have
found much in the way of pleasure
more is yet is Store for them.
Tuesday they were given
a special nip to Riverside Park to
games by Indians, which
was a novel scene. This afternoon
they bad at ride over the
and a lunch out at
try Club. Tonight there was a com-
in the elegant
ball of Kenilworth Inn. To-
morrow afternoon the
will be open to them for a
drive and Mr- will enter
them with a lunch at his dairy
house. At night there will be a
banquet at Kenilworth and Friday
s trip and entertain-
by the people of that
The Western Union Telegraph
Company, in keeping with its liberal
policy, two associations
the free us of its lines for social
personal messages while here, a
courtesy fully appreciate
Manager Moore, of Kenilworth
Inn. is doing everything possible for
the pleasure and comfort the
guests. To say that it is among the
finest, best equipped and best kept
hotels in the South is speaking only
what is true. It is an ideal and
commands a view of the
scenery surrounding the
progressing rapidly
commercial and material
and is forging to the front of South-
Philadelphia under Mayor
is standing the dawn of a new
day. The money of the
night victims will them
fun. punishment, but justice
will come to enough of them to have
a good effect, and perhaps it will
have a restraining on the
influence that is growing ill the
cities of South. We Cannot be
too we cannot be too string-
Raleigh, for one city, has been
too loose, and regretting it.
Give us pure city life sail our conn-
try is safe. If city life is impure it
will leaven the country at large with
its pollution.
Those held their cotton for
cents have a right to feel good,
hut will they it for cents
and do like some did a little over
a year ago when cotton was bringing
from to cents, slick and
hold for higher prices still A great
many farmers hid to sell for
cents when could sold
for over cents. You may gel
over a cents and may not.
No lime like the present.
Bernard ought to have taken
advantage of Joe Daniel's absence
from Raleigh and paid the City
Oaks s short visit. Some the
of are very
to see him.
If Mayor Weaver could only
the cooperation of the Governor of
Pennsylvania he would woo put the
grafters out of business thereby
destroying the Republican machine
of that state
you suppose that fellows
who are to edit those Republican
dailies at are getting
mighty tired waiting
We are not playing the markets,
but it strikes us very forcibly
now is a good time to sell your
Cotton is still soaring. It is hi
over two dollars a higher
than it was Monday. In New
Wednesday, October cotton
cold at January at .-ems.
continued advance in cotton is
intense excitement.
Ii is strange to us why the good
people who me putting up such a
strong light against whiskey
. up the poisonous and deadly
If is keeping up the
gait he was going when hi left
Wilmington, he'll be crossing North
Carolina again having made a circle
of he globe
The casualties of the of
are conspicuously absent in the
newspapers. This is good news.
When we read of a woman to be
hung it is with regret, considering
that there are co many men who go
that deserve this punish-
It's getting the time of the year every-
thing Summery must be put on the ired
as this store is concerned; yet, two
full wearing months are ahead
A better to buy Men's Clothing, for less than
actual value
Our Suits and Trousers must vacate.
We don't want a of Spring or Summer stock
when we open the Fall and we wont have it
if we can help it.
Note a few of our cut prices.
j We take the following paragraph
from the Washington Post.
they are building a double-
ended automobile the design being
to enable the drunken to
bank upon the pedestrian he may
miss in the forward
It's a pity that the automobile
manufactures have to go to ibis
extra expense. The chauffeur's
must be getting mighty careless.
The hanging of a wife murderer
on the 20th in Winston has been
ordered public by the county com-
missioners. It is surprising that
the intelligent people of Winston
would think of allowing anything
like this to take place. A public
hanging belongs to the barbaric age.
Such a thing taking place thirty or
forty years would brought little
if any surprise, but in this age of
enlightenment it is
met a fellow
who he looking for a
cool place. We met the same fellow
again late last evening, panting and
still looking for n cool
place. He had melted down a dozen
cellars and taken half dozen baths.
We suggested that he sit down a
while and rest, and ha said that it
strange that he had thought
of that before.
While there is so much
lion among the newspapers as to
who will succeed late secretary
Hay, Rout should not be for-
A dead whale was washed ashore
last week on Long Island, New York.
We expect the people cf Long Island
would much rather have a live
lobster roll in.
When we think of the heat in
Home chills run up and down our
back bone. The
there in the
The circulated report that the
trial of Dewey in New had
been postponed o account of the
death of one of the jurors children
proved to be untrue.
Senator of South Caro-
says the legislature that
State got to reorganize the
dispensary and make it decent, or
he will stump the State to kill it.
Thia sounds very strange since
sir. is tie father the
We don't find everything in the
laborer that we desire, but
let's be careful that we do not get
something as or worse.
A judge Indiana has purchased
a news paper plant There is no
doubt but what his opinions here-
after will carry some influence-
There were thirty drowned on a
Spanish ship a few days ago. This
must have brought to Spain memo
i i
The only strange thing about
bank robberies is that occasionally
one is robbed from outside.
Yankee ingenuity is just now re-
for a Mississippi
that be peculiarly embarrassing
to Governor he who hates
a only less than he does Mr.
Roosevelt, Governor has
spoken, written and lived consistent-
any rate. Fie made his cam
on issue against
education, roasting the
President to a turn on his
policy, was duly elected an has had
the good taste not turn about from
abuse to fawning when success came
to u friend of Hooker Washington
The nay the sensation arose was
that the Text Hook Commission
which Governor created
with the announced purpose of
securing only such books for the
schools as were free from
of the South and the poison
of equality, has adopted
arithmetic which is worst ever.
While the books will be stricken
from the list and other selections
made, the mistake must be a dis-
heartening one to the Governor.
Naturally no one looked for sec-
bias arithmetic.
carefully scanned for
and the were
subjected to searching examination.
It now appears, however, that even
examples in addition and
may be made the vehicles for
slander and abuse. Many of the
examples in the arithmetic in
which is that of Stone and
are stated to be of harm-
sectional character.
there are live hundred and ten
children in a school, and three
o them are white, how many
colored children are Like
When is it recalled that the Text
Book Commission was one of the
Governor's pet projects, and that he
appointed its members personally,
the facts will be seen almost to put
him into disgrace with himself.
as the matter is, there can
not be restrained a smile that this
should have happened
It shows the old need, however, of
Southern books in the schools before
there be hope of justice. Who
in the world would ever have ex-
to run up with social
in an arithmetic That is the most
innocent sort we- d pile in
yet been discovered.
Yet as long as the text books are
written by folks of the Boston
it may be expected that the
in will figure somewhere
between the lines, if not in his
and Observer.
Men's Coat and Pants
value, now 85.00
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pauls
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Peg Top Trousers Swell Pat-
tens value, now
Ail Wool Crash Dark Plaid
3.00 value, now
All Crash
value, now
All Wool Crash Gray
value now
All Wool Crash Linen
value, 12.00
The Jape closed Pert Arthur, and
the only way to is to enter
like Japan did.
One why the Czar is so
indifferent about peace is that peace
is unknown to him.
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat St Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Coat Pants
value, now
Men's Three Piece Suits
value, now
Men's all Wool Serge
Piece Suits value;
Men's Gray Piece Suits
value, now
Men's Gray Piece Suits
value, now
Men's Gray Slim Suits
value, now
Can you to miss a sale, where the touch
your purse so gently
Frank Wilson,
The blackberry crop
an evidence the scarcity of labor
in this section, or of the laziness of
the labor that is available. The
roadway are lined with bushes
ladened with Tea
thousand quarts of berries, worth
five cents s quart, will waste
in Mecklenburg alone,
year Charlotte Chronicle.
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, neat Cutters and
Staffers. In fact anything
In Hardware come to
J. and his mother Oar spring and summer stork
her grand daughter
pleasant visit
at the of B.
at returnee, to their
home Friday evening.
The session of Winter
ville High school will open Sept
notions ladies and item-
Uppers baa arrived and our st
of ladies dress goods
Ac. is more I
before. of
weather batiste i
The prospects are brighter than all the designs, voiles
ever before. Several rooms are invited
been engaged. call a-d inspect our
Kittrell is home from Barber Co.
; Seven Spring. We wonder if he For hay, and oats, go to
had as fine a time there a John Barber A On.
Nichols. HOW abort it new corned herrings,
There is no reason Co. Harrington Barber ft C.
farmers should such
, . . , Corned
; nigh prices For dour, they
can raise their own wheat the
I Mfg. Co. is thoroughly time alarm
equipped making splendid see; It. G.
i flour Co.
Mr. aid Mrs. R. G. Chapman Highest price for cotton seed
For Holt time
spent a few days this week down
at their old home
All c of paint, and yellow
by Pitt Canary Oil Mill.
A few subscribers the EASTERN
bit in arrears.
Cholera By
L and Coward Woolen
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern in and territory.
a. O, July
Mrs. A. O. Cox and Mrs. M. L.
Cox spent Thursday in me country
at the home of G. K. Jackson.
Look up Mr. Cooper ask him
moot of anything that yon
arc interested is.
Prof. K.
principal of the High
school, left Thursday morning for
bis home
he will spend about two weeks.
Spanish peanuts for seed at T.
If. Go's.
Late Thursday afternoon, old
Aunt Coward, the wife of
the A. G. Cox, Mfg., Co's
and n much res peeled old
fell dead. Apoplexy is thought
to be the of her death.
We have bean informed that
A. W. Ange Co. pay the highest
price for country prices.
J. A. Nichols his from
Seven Springs but some else
has not yet Don't
worry too much, John, She'll
come buck sweet
Car load flour just
Harrington Barber Co.
Prof. O. Nye, accompanied
by his wile and children left today
Chapel Hill and other places
to the summer vacation.
wish them a very
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sons and millet
T. Cox and Bro.
Miss Laura Cox, who has been
visiting her sister Ayden, re-
turned home Friday morning.
Just another shipment
ladies, men and children shoes-
Thursday night, E. F. Tucker
went out to his father's and spent
the night his brother who is
quite ill.
Don't eyes feel like there
a grit in Do they pain you
feel tired on reading Do
they become mattered and adhere
while That denotes
paired vision be rem
died by wearing eye glasses. B.
T. Cox and carry a foil line of
spectacles and can fit your
with the proper lees.
Mrs. Polly Smith and her
daughter Mrs. Cox left
Friday afternoon for Seven Springs
w ere they expect to spent several
or men to solicit
orders for stock in Pitt
For enclose
stamp. Box Winterville; N. C.
Nice lot of glass ware and crock
ways on hand. Harrington
Barber ft Co.
Great progress is being made on
the new brick stores. They will
lie handsome buildings and will
add much to the appearance of
our little town.
White's Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, fine for perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Mr. of Camden,
N. J., representing the Columbus
Boot Co., was Friday.
Go to T. N. Manning Co. for
candies, nuts, raisins and
choice, confectioneries.
B. C. of Sanford. stop-
over hers a abort while Thurs-
day morning.
We carry samples of over live
hundred styles of wall paper.
We are prepared to you as
cheap as the cheapest. Come and
examine before buying elsewhere.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reuse and
children have gone over Lenoir
comity to relatives.
Have on band nice line of
glass and crockery ware, all very
cheap. Harrington Barber Co
Redaction sales made on
goods an; mil. U. C.
a, Co.
Barber Co. r have the Winterville list and
Bliss who routes from
visiting in the country the of all our subscribers
week came home ed to receipts
hamburg the piper. Come and see me
cheapest A. W. A. Ange ft . up, nuke me happy, make
L. ti. Kittrell was in Greenville editor happy, get Lapp
one day this week. got a good
W have on hand a lot of fr all those who pay for u
gents straw that will now go V advance,
below cost. fail to see them. I A. D.
I We will sell you at some price. Special pries on ire
lit. G Chapman A Co. cream at B. O. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Manning Co.
left afternoon to visit relatives For hardware and mill supplies
I near w- L-
paint, guaranteed and feed Stables, huge
the at Harrington Barber whips and spreads. W. L. House,
it. M. Williams, of Black Jack,
was here
For Pine Tar honey, Walkers
tonic, Dr. Bell's Pain killer,
Dr. Bell's Eye salve, and a
sure cure for all heart troubles, see
T. N. Manning Co.
Mrs. S. Smith has sick
this week but we are glad to know No Pity Shown,
that she is much improved.
When in need of anything in j writes A.
the crockery and glass ware line ; Verbena, Ala. had a terrible
be to ate as before buying. ls tumors.
R. G. Chapman Co.
r , Salve cured me. Equally for Burns
Very many drummers have been , all ,,,,,,,
around town I his week. It seems to at Drug Store.
be quite a time around ;
here now.
Some try to meet.
buggies prices. A few try to
them in quality and finish.
But none undertake to do both.
Another large of shoes
Working Night and Day.
The busies and little
thing that ever was nude is Dr.
King's Life Pills. pills
change weakness Into strength,
into energy, brain fag
, into mental power. They're won
all sty es and sizes and prices very . , , . . ,
in building op the health.
Harrington Barber Only per box. Bold L.
A Co.
Paint your house how is the
time, Ange Co. have the old
reliable Town Country paint.
Three years ago my system was
Uncle, where are going, such a that I had a
I am going to A. W. Ange ft succession of Boils in all, sixteen.
they are selling goods way f
. . shoulders and on the neck, though
down cheap now. j , had on Mgr my
Try a bottle of Dr. sure. eye. As fa-st as one would gel well
for indigestion at the drug another would come and they
,. t ,., . and caused me to
Don't worry over that little the
of cotton you had left over when they developed int- a large Car-
you got through ginning your last right
lots. Pitt Co. Oil Mill, the teacup.
seed cotton in any quantity the arm and
J J me great I had
best market price paid every to my .,, pillow It
For Sale Pure Plymouth Rock was September when the Carbuncle
gs, per dozen. Fob and for fir had to
filled as fast as the hens lay. H.
T , ,. . .,, ., Knowing the the trouble came
Jackson Winterville N. C. , , box of Mrs
At the drug store there we think Joe Person's and took a
she moat can be pleased dozeD bottle before I stopped,
table and and ii cured me. By the time I
,, six my Carbuncle
White's Colic and Kidney Cure, well r have never had
She combination kidney medicine touch of the trouble
for stock and a sure colic cute. Mrs. K. TAYLOR
at the Din Store N. C. Now of High
Point, August 1904.
Farmers who raise their bay can
be supplied with the well known
Osborne Mowing machines
rakes by A Co.
call and see them.
The Pitt Oil Mill is now
buying Cotton Seed. They pay
the highest prise or will ex-
for meal. When
are toady writs for
Buy It Now.
Now is the time to buy
Colic, Cholera and
Remedy. It is certain to be
needed sooner or later and when
that lime comes yon will used it
will need it
yours Buy it now. It may life. For
L. Woolen, druggist.
How Ar Blown Off
During a
The of the United States
weather bureau have photographic
proof of the accuracy of statements
ii i.- possible straws and
feathers to be driven deep into hoard
fences, trees and other mate-
if camera to be on
appears to bu the
i- .
joke iii sonic I ii n our
country u o
blow i Ii hers kens
other luckless birds.
A scientist in i the lows
of air pressure, which account for
many of freaks of cyclones,
air pressure iii sea level is
about pounds each square
inch. The pressure on the of
objects, even the human is
equal to that on thus
preserving a proper equilibrium.
Disaster immediately follows the re-
of the pressure.
to the popular belief,
the danger attending is
created From within and not from
the outside. During a tornado
rushes along at a terrific speed,
so the vacuum is created in the
center of the storm. The sudden
exhaustion of the air in t Iii fashion
relieve the outside pressure from
all objects in the of the dis-
the ease of a building re-
is shown iii the bunting out of
walls by the force of the
led inside pressure. This is the
explanation for the presence of so
many without that
ale found in path of tor-
is the same way with chick-
ens. The air is exhausted so quick-
from the outside the inner
pressure blows oil the feathers. In
the sonic way straws, feathers and
other trail substances are made lo
penetrate much harder materials.
nave a photograph of it splinter of
wood buried itself in a steel sec-
of I lie Bads bridge, over the
Mississippi river, during the St.
Louis Louis
Persian Customs.
or, Annals of
the Emperor written in the
Persian language, contain
of various customs which
during the Mogul period.
Among these was the use of per-
fumes in religious observances, and
the emperor look a personal interest
in the preparation of the
Among vegetable products
aloe wood, was
then, as now, valued for the
resin agar and an oil known us
Sandalwood was used as a
powder, and perfumes were distilled
from the rose, orange, jasmine and
broad leaved willow,
from the .-perm
tin- secretion of the
civet cat and the of certain
known as
were important animal products.
England Imitating the Lobster.
Great Britain follow- the
of the lobster. At intervals
the lobster casts his shell, and until
a new one grows he i- absolutely
helpless and has to conceal himself
in a bole. This is our case, only we
have no sheltering hole. We gel an
equipment, usually in a hurry and at
abnormal cost. We take no note of
what science is doing until some line
day we discover that our equipment
is as worthless for defense as
son's wooden hulls would be against
ii modern ironclad. Then vie
point a committee, which discovers
a number of things previously
known to all oilier nations. We
ourselves with a new shell.
if nobody attack-- us in tho
meantime, and then we go to sleep
At the dote of business 1906.
Loans and discounts 112,078.24 Capital stock paid ii
Overdrafts, unsecured , , ,
furniture end fixtures 938.18
from 4,315.40 Time of 780.09
Cash items 1,818.71 sub.
V S j
922,078.49 Total
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
H. II. Taylor, of the named bank, do
swear that the above abatement Is true to the of my
and belief II. H TAYLOR Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before Come Attest.
I. this 6th day of June, 1905.
Gratifying News.
in all kinds of Merchandise. Tl
est reductions w ever offered. Tin a treat
loss of money, it is one way of cleaning th ed
b at and loss Silks. s Goods, nines.
Linings Braid, Lies, Embroideries, lawn-. Men's
Slippers, Clothing. All id
i. Improve your ear y
and Slippers to
in black, white 11.00
A Hint to tho Bishop.
A bishop, in his carriage on
the Isle of Man, to a convict
in his striped clothe.- breaking stoned
on the road. The bishop talked to
the convict a little while, giving him
some advice and encouragement;
then, us he got ready to drive on,
he said, with a smile and a sight
my nun, wish could
break u the stony hearts of in;
people as break these rock- on
From bis lowly altitude the eon
looked up the proud bishop
in his magnificent equipage.
haps, he you don't work
on your
Lawn -lo
He .
Lawns lie
in quality all colors Bo
and reduced
one half
A Ladies Hand
kerchief atone
Meaning Talcum powder
why pay molt
C. B. Corsets
11.25, now
prices in all
mer lo, SO,
Men's Patent her and
r-hoes and
tut lo close quit k
Men a and all wool
Serge suits, worth
we close them at
Man's suits were
to 10.00,
12.00 and
All hi r.
ed now Mo
i Men's and
Hit, reduced one half
s-el rods
lull in-h were
and 2.00 Urn
Big mark down Milli-
1.00, 1.60 and
1.75 Hats now
white Duck
Big lot baby saps
One hundred ladies
kerchiefs, worth
each, now for
S H Suspenders, the
best kind row lie
Cuff Buttons-, Scarf Pins,
Ladies sets all go
at half the original price
The Dundee o
mush used, black
and navy, 1-1 now
e. L. Wilkinson Bo.
For Male and Female.
course in Vocal and Music, Art,
Elocution and Physical Stenography
Typewriting. A complete in Ancient and Modem
Languages and Literature. Three courses leading to A. B,
Degrees. Faculty of
opens September 6th, 1905.
For or other information, Address. J. J,
Harper. LL. D., President Wilson, N. C.
A Modern Version an Old Tale.
A small maid returned from
school tho other day tilled with the
enthusiasm of discovery.
she began, told
us about a boy who said,
lots of times when there
wasn't any wolf what
did the story inquired
ma. said the child, greatly
surprised at her mother's inability
to two and two
it moans never be a teller but
Littleton Female
Splendid locution. Health resort Over boarding
pupils last year. High guide of work. High standard of
social life Conservatory advantages in music. Ad-
courses in Art Elocution. Hot water beat.
lights and other modern
Remarkable health record; only one death among pupils
years Close attention to the health and social
development of every pupil. High standard of scholarship
All pupils dross alike on till public occasions. CHARGES
24th Annual Session will begin Sept. 18th, 1905. For
address. REV. M. RHODES. A. M ,
Littleton, N. C.
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for
persistent mid unmerciful torture
has perhaps never been equaled.
Joe of
writes, I endured
and nothing relieved me
though tried everything known.
I across Electric Bitters and
the oh earth
for that trouble. A few bottle- of
it completely relieved and cured
Just as good for and
troubles and general de-
Only Satisfaction
by L.
Night Was Her Terror.
would cough nearly ail night
writes Mrs. Apple-
gate, of Alexandria,
could hardly get a sleep. I bad
consumption so bad that if I
walked a block would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but,
all other medicines failed,
three 11.00 bottle-i of Dr. King's
New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained It's ab-
guaranteed to cure Coughs,
Colds, La Bronchitis and
all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Price and Trial bottles
free at J. L. drug store.

Is to-day an admitted Business
At Your House
This popular remedy never fails to
effectual cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
ALL arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result Is
and solid flesh.
sugarcoated easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
It's at once a Convenience and a Ne
that you cannot measure
by any money value.
One Emergency Call, in
One Year, Pays the Rent.
For Rates
How Telephone and
. , b Company,
. N
., or wren
too box and
lilt .
; s
we will w
does no
.,. e
Son Can.
tit J
Superior i
i ;, , attachment.
i . Pollard, will
on the day of
I . . ., r. a m I
-i him, in ill above entitled
lion, the i k
I able i. September Ill
Pill Superior i which convenes on
II , .,. after the Brat
in H
the 19th day of said month, I
summons was by the
of i i v and with
thin end lit E. J
Pollard not to d n m county.
The n alleged
by plaintiff l
defendant sum three I
dollars for hi j
certain d. ruled ff
on tin th . ii
., Mi th- o
Hook the register s
The said E J.
aforesaid, will i u
hi l
under i on Unpaid ll
f June, i the ;
iv id E J, I
. ., . . a . r or aid i
at your tool turnable Si m r term
single hi
On Sale via.
Extremely low Rates are
announced by the South-
Railway from points
on its lines for follow-
Christian Endeavor
Buffalo, N. V , Annual
Grand Lode B. P. O. B.,
Inly I-
Denver, Colorado springs. Pueblo,
Colo., International
League Convention,
Denver, Colorado Pueblo,
Colo .
Grand Hie Republic,
her to 1905.
Louisville. .
Tenn., Bible
Training School, July i
J. Elks,
Chairman, W. B. Borne,
J. H. Spier, K. Barnhill
Clerk Superior C.
Register of
T. White.
j William
D- Cox.
Board G.
Cox, Chairman, B. M.
Superintendent Education
beeper C E. Flem-
Engineer, Charter- Cobb, J. R.
W. A. H. Taft,
C. S. Carr. T. B. Hooker,
J. U. Lanier.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
I White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
I v.
Ready Paints.
Not Quite I
i. Mayor-P. M. Wooten.
Han- j, Whichard.
day Institute, ,, . ,,,.,.
,. L.
you can a
i one a
; or
b .
.-pared for
i me line
W- I I T I . .-
X . on i is m the said
v You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Wholesale and
furniture Deal paid I
of a
,, ii
u Ii i.
. ii lo
,,.,., ., this the i
. I
in A
T nil t i
., doing h.
in he town
v by in .- n All pi r-
tons i wing can
either I and are ti.
at and their ac-
counts. Any one
,, i -11 firm can s. them
either U M. Savage.
June 7th, W
J. S
T .
,, Oil
. Suite,
Safes, I
. ;
root ,
Pine i
Flo. r, M- -S.
Lye. Ml
i. and Hulls,
res, Apple,
Dried Apples,
Prunes. Raisin , Glass
,. . Tip am
North Carolina.
Head of the System.
Mile. Woman's Con-
In 1905.
Philadelphia, Pa. Mill
lull I
, F.,
Ore., Han I.
Han Diego, Pa
i i. mi Clark Centennial
Va , National
Congress, September to
for the above
open to the public.
is sill be sold to
;, in on
Son n
Detailed Information can he bad
n ii any Ticket
i lie Southern Railway,
Agents lilies,
R. L. VERNON. T. P. A.
Charlotte, H. C.
J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.
N C.
H Pass.
M ii W. H. Tayloe,
Pas-. Agent.
Tax Collector D. Rountree,
J. T
, G. W.
i Chief Fire
Bryan, J. N. Hart, J.
Ii. Sugg.
Prayer meetings each
night. Sunday schools
Baptist W,
Superintendent of
School. No pastor.
ll. H. Moore,
pastor. Sun
day. W. R. Parker Super-
Sunday School.
Episcopal-Rev, W. E. Cox,
rector. Services every first
and third Sunday. W. B
Brown of
Sunday School.
Free Will W.
H. Laughinghouse. No
regular service
day Services every Sunday
G S Pritchard
dent of Sunday School
B Dove Sup
Sunday School
No pastor.
There is no, line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
Royal Bet m.
i ons her
e .
.- . I
Library contains volumes
water works. Electric
Central Healing
system. New dorm-
V. M. A. Building
L. H. CO
Tin and
Slate Roofing.
Tobacco Flues and
all kinds of Sheet Metal
The Fall term beg n
Sept. II,
Bill, N
White Front Barber Shop
Steamboat Service.
3rd Monday nights in
month R Williams,
M; Wiley Brown, Sec
Lodge No.
P Meets every Tuesday
T R Moore, N
W K Evans, Sec
Tar River Lodge No. K of
Meets every I
night E G C
T J K of R
Tribe No
I O R M, meets every
Wednesday H
Harris. Sachem; W
wards, C
Pitt Council
M. meets every Monday
night T H Evans,
n, i; .,. m. for leaves I
dally i
it in. lei a
at Washington
Norfolk A- Railroad
Baltimore, Philadelphia,
York, Boston and nil oilier;
joints North. a Norfolk
with all We-1.
Shippers outer their
via Norfolk, care Norfolk
a Southern R, R,
balling hours to
T. Agent, Washing-
J. J. agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
General T. and
r. Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
mocks, etc.
t Fixtures
All other real estate
line from Banks
Silver Coin
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits
Expenses Paid 7,360.72
Deposit subject to cheek 111,484.46
Cashier's checks out-
standing 2,751.35
County of Pitt , , , j i i
I James L. Little. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
the statement above is
mil belief
Shari clean
Thanking one and all for you pa
patronage hoping for your eon
to serve,
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
Subscribed to before
me, this 7th day of June,
J. G.
J. A.
Opposite J. B. Cherry
Greenville, N. C.
Hopkins, Daniel Davis, Props
Cleanliness our Motto.
Only experienced men em
ployed. Opposite drug
at the Shop
H. t Mills
is that I will
make application to the Board
of Pitt on the
Monday In July. 1906. for to
retail liquor in N.
This 27th of May, 1905.
Alter July 1st I will
pared lo furnish private con-
to and flora far
persons in town at
each person The will
then only ran hotels lo
depot and wharf and fare en
that will also be phone
is given I will
make to the hoard of Cora-
of county on the
July, t
retail liquor In N.
J. L,.
This of 1906.
p. K. L.
N. C.
If yon contemplate INSURING
your wait. V
you are waiting your bus-
house destroyed by
The Time Act i New
while the property is valuable
when you can get a
the its to late. I writs
that insures. me
it to yen.
The Ai Hooker by
consent win on the first day
June, dissolved. J.
purchasing Hooker's int. rest
in the Warehouse. The
Warehouse will here-
after lie by J. Frank
This June 14th,
J. Frank
O. D. Hooker.
I desire to thank my friends for
their liberal patronage in the past and
ask a continuance of the same, prom-
that I will always use my best
effort to protest their Interest la the
J. Frank Brinkley.
On Tuesday, 18th day of July,
at the late Laura
I will sell at public
for cash all the household and kitchen
to estate of the
said Laura
Cherry Jr.
This June 27th, w d
Young man, why pity you tan buy
the same contract tor premiums On account of u higher
interest rate and lower expense loading THE SECURITY
LIFE AND ANNUITY can make this great
saving tor you. Write the Home Office, Greensboro, North
Carolina, or see
F. M.
Greenville, North Carolina
t m.,
The Reflector
T Is By
It people ho pay far they
b are to
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
N. C., July 1904. i We spent a delightful morning
One evening this week some Wednesday in our office with
mischievous stretched a two of our old friends, ex-Sheriff
wire across the sidewalk on Main
street up in the western section of
the town. Mrs. Sparks, mother of
W. M. King, of Greenville and J.
L. Smith, of Such
meetings are always more
Mrs. Lon Forrest, is quite an , especially so, when thoughts
old lady, coming down the side
walk ran into wire, tripped and
fell. In the Mrs. left
wrist and knee were both knocked
out of which she
sustained other severe
bruises on her person. She is
now to her bed and
intensely. Such
be very much regretted. While
the children did not think of
anything so serious happening,
yet it does net remedy the
that some means be taken
to prevent a like occurrence.
Children will be children.
remembrances, and expressions
revert to a past so closely inter-
woven as the experiences of we
three taught us. Come again,
gentlemen, we shall be glad to see
Cotton king cultivators, Gopher
plows extra blades J. R.
J. Perkins, of
spent a pleasant half boor with us
A large plaining outfit and latent
Improved tools with which to do
our work. Satisfaction
teed. M. K. Tripp a Bro.
Baker spent
As for Daily day in Greenville.
we Gall on Jenkins for a bar
great pleasure in receiving sub- rel of Columbia Flour, none better
willing receipts to h had anywhere,
those la arrears. We have a list; That was a lawn party
of all who receive their mail out near the Methodist church
this We also take orders by the ladies last
for job I evening.
N. Fulford, of Washington, Needles, oil, band
was here Tuesday. for all makes of sewing
When you need a nice, light,
tough for buggy or
carnage. Call us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling
Co. N. C.
Ayden Milling s Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Mis. J. W, Brown, of Greenville
spent Monday t with Ida
W Edwards and left next mom.
to visit friends in Greene
at J. H. Tripp A Bro. Ayden, N
Miss Emily of K m-
came v to visit Mine
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to R, B. Dull
A certain Methodist friend of
yesterday I
never intend so long as I live to
to see us,
Call and examine our
tan and white slippers all sines at
J. R. Smith Bro
Old man what makes you always
go to J. R. Smith Bro., to do
your I
always get any thing I want from
the boys.
I do know that J. R Smith
Bro., have the prettiest and
cent calico and ginghams in town.
That last car choice hay that J.
R. Bro., received is fine.
Lee lime is good for any
crop and a farmer use it
freely, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
That lace and embroidery
Is the prettiest goods in town for
dresses J. R. Smith A Bro.
King Quality shoes are the best.
You will rind them at J. J. Ed-
ward ft Hon.
Complete stock clothing
J. J. Edward A Hob,
Iii order lo make room
next So days we will fell our
grade buggies at
low prices. This la
no lake, but strictly business.
Ayden Milling and Mfg. Co,
Just received our spring stock of
pants. J. J, Edwards A Son.
For heart
shingles by J. H. Tripp Bro.
The mill of the Ayden Milling
and Mfg. Co. which hat been
repair is now in in first
and they are prepared to
shortest notice all who
may honor them with patronage.
They also special to
their line beautiful buggies.
The soda fountain
will be In service
from now to the end of the season.
The newest and latest drinks will
be found there. If you want
something nice try them.
know Interest the
men who prefer to walk or the
men who will not believe that our
buggies are the most economical at
If you need anything in the way I
of Crockery, Tin ware He
Hart Jenkins. , .
. . I'll be d -d. if I do
Mama him We know vehicles values,
high grade buggies. I ,,, ., , .,.,,
easily convinced of the superiority mil to Cannon Ty- , , v,.
of and WU I boll, and , , . .
Aldan Milling Mfg. Co. Prices are eh. f can do
Miss of formerly. better e.
been her sister, Mrs, Come to see when ton wan , ,,.,. . , .
i I i . t .
W. the week, lo buy Independent Manufactured Ayden Milli
B. E. Co. will do nil they I Tobacco, we handle Trust n
possible can to please yon with goods, Hart A Jenkins. ,
their new line of heavy and fancy Now we have plenty the knows that a
,. He
Miss Helen Cox left j wheels and will them cheap there is a whit.
morning to spend some lime one. good b pan be i r sold,
Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co. Our s w I
Ayden X in style and
I no. mi. .
lie Tyson and Milling ft Mfg. Co,
visiting up in the N,
Sunday. Something Ayden J, It
The ladies that A ft Bro., have bought a whole
Tyson have the prettiest of ear load
kept by ft J R Smith ft Bro., are the
horn. I for children I have soon
Ladies misses and children black
M. B. Tripp A Bro. are now
prepaid to make wooden r
cripple horses or mules Then
latest wan a decided success.
The freshen loaf bread
from the oven at A
Miss Edith is spending
the week out in the country with
her aunt, Mrs.
We will beginning on
day June 21st offer for cash our
entire stock of clothing, dry goods
notion, shoes hats Ac, at prices
before unheard of in the town of
Ayden. Oar stock is too large
and we take this meant of reducing
same. We have just gotten a
large lot plaids that we are run-
at white sheet-
per C. Jackson
Co. Ayden, N. C.
Get the Cox notion planter the
best on the market at J. Smith ft
Did yon yon could get one
of the old time Gophers and
you want at J. R. Smith
The meeting county com I
i fail to draw large
crowd- from section.
My office w ill be closed
one month as I shall he in
purpose of taking
a special in
copy. J. W. Taylor.
hay, ship stuff, wheat
brand, notion seed hulls and meal
on hand. Cannon Tyson.
Those an squares, that
Cannon ft Tyson have jest received
are beauties.
Don't forget that Cannon ft
Tyson can supply wants in
almost anything in furniture.
Tobacco mine, thermometers,
for sale by A Tyson.
Cannon Tyson are guilty of
idling their bed
Cheap, They are daisies,
Those Royal F.-it
that handle
t tie equal of anyone the market.
We keep Furniture, Mattresses,
Bed . gs, Cook Stoves,
Braille, i , up stairs.
I i .
N. C.--
M close business 29th, 1906.
Loans and Discounts, ti
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loons i 500.00
from Banks,
Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
other D, S. notes 1,622.00
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, 24.65
Dividends unpaid
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to ethers.
friends A
are Headquarters first
light neat Ac, iV-
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co., Ayden
K. C.
Mrs. Ga-k us, of h;
been Mr. U,
past week.
Miss Ethel of Oak
came this week to spent
several days with her sister, Mrs,
O Noble.
The quarterly, meeting of the
Missionary Baptist will he held
with the church at this place next
Saturday Sunday.
Cam Nobles has gone to Belle-
field, Va., to accept a position in a
carriage shop there.
Just received, line line of
goods in town.
Notice you
cotton ginned nice and clean,
order you might
better prices for it, bring ii to i.-
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
Go to B. K. Go's
market tor beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh fish,
A high grade, small graceful,
well made durable buggy can be
t and yon . I i h
by coining at once.
in have yon seen
J. H. Bro, Ii pats
in want and does
waste any the t of row
and it i -i obi i p machine,
. Goto J. Edwards A Son tor
your spring
A. baa first
brick for sale and la burning
new kilns constant Iv. When in
ill a held
A ii, V colored
rs, nil are requested
. th commence
l id in n i-i 1905,
a i e t lei. p.
lie r no n III lie la
Q. Smith in d B, H
i mi
ll P, J
J. H.
II Has Never Failed.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
the best
Remember every Royal Elastic Mattress and
Bed is sold under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Book Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
be consulting interest of your pocket book
to Investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection In making. Try a pair.
on do and. For
all i-i and
in Call for I re
If it give you
i at is fact your dealer will
pay you for nil It,
Dist. A-l.,
A for
r, Women.
and can fit you up in any style J- u at need of brick see him or write
a position in the drug store of the
at Washington is
hers on a month's vacation. Mr.
is an excellent
we are to
have him with us,
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.
ft are re-
daily new groceries and
confectioneries right from the
held their regular
Carlos Harris says that Harrison
and Country paints and
are by far the best goods
he ever used and that it
knocked out several other leading
brands in a test at Greenville last
summer. This paint is sold by J.
R. Smith a Bro.
the Ayden Milling A Mfg.
We continue to build
buggies Ac. for we do not
set apace we
Milling ft Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. C.
That rock salt at J. R, Smith A
Ayden, N. c.
J. R. Smith Bro. gives me
more for hams, shoulders
chickens eggs than anybody
a neat house with gar-
is the best I get den and all necessary outhouses
for my stock. They only eat what
they want of it at a time.
Singer sewing machines
cheap for cash or on installment
J. II, Tripp ft Bro., Ayden N. C
cotton and repairs at J. R
Smith A Bro.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at K. K.
For sowers tee M. B.
Tripp A The beat.
Remember, if you do not
cue of high grade buggies,
your loss will be greater than ours.
A Mfg. Co.,
den, N. O.
located on main street in a good
neighborhood tot rent by J. R.
at J. II.
Tripp A Bro. We sell them cheap
for cash credit term, Ayden,
N. C.
Slippers, lawns and straw huts
are being told extremely cheap
for cash by Cannon ft
Ac manufacture I niggle seats for
the trade, arc simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.
We have full line of
shoes for ladies.
pair guaranteed.
J. J. Edwards ft Co.
THE SHOE women
fit i I rein
I its
man's on i
the price the
I in.
N. C.
I lore i- tin I. basis
of a feel shoe. We employ
., our own export designers, and
every Mime is made over
in the closest variations
of width and size in woman's
The shop meets every
requirement of lbs many
whim of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc.
Pulley Bowen,
Try a Pair
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
our VICTOR SPRINGS and one OS-
TRESSES you are not than satisfied we
will refund price.
Subscribe to THE

THE MOTS SENSATIONAL I the eastern reflector
Gash Sale of the
C. T.
Greenville, C,
Entire Stock to be Sold in DAYS by the
American Salvage Co., of New York and Chicago
Will price-cutting Sale ever held in N. C Ten Days unequaled underselling, a
without a economizers will seize opportunities.
never again will such . opportunity be presented to you to save
, V- twice does not often Reductions that take in every department and
in store. An event that will blaze a trail through the tangled maze of competition
annihilating regular price without cessation
C. T.
Greenville, N. C.,
IA Supreme Effort in
Given Without a Counter-
part. Sale opens on
annihilating .
Wait for Our OPENING Friday, July 7th, a. m.
M Prices will shake Greenville Iron, to circumference. The wreckage of Value is complete. Tee price concessions ore beyond ordinary
The of our batteries you possibly anticipate will be realized. Head every one of these items
To Mark Down and Arrange The Stock.
, even- in the progress of this Store. The immensity of our proves the vastness our enterprise. The lit
enterprise enlivens d step s . g
of the prices tit. j, was never presented.
o'clock and lasts Pays this
No Shopper, with a Taste for Economy, can afford to Overlook this
coining July 7th.
A Big
I .
S i
gingham v
Spec in
A n
Wash Fabrics.
Words la- .
India i
. p
at Hue; i e
Silk and
SB .
yard wide
Japanese all i
worth at
inch velvet, shades,
worth line
in. silk worth 1.1
Easy, graceful and form
fitting In ail ill c I-
makes, In military
and front
the celebrated R A
Other Beauties
All the now noes are
in Ladles
oxfords and slippers we
are showing ill
Handkerchief a.
I . . ,, ii We
; j, i
, i, ice, each
i i i
, nu
, . . s, in
and on sale
. .
in -n
. , . id
. , , for
Linens, Linens
in. Ill Ti D
. . value, e
I .
in W hit K
would ; regularly tor
; ,. Bleached Satin Dam-
, a . in-
quality; sale
largo Napkins,
,,,;,, a sale
Extra large Turkish
Towels. ale price
Linen Crash, reg.
Bale price
Pull size White Crochet
Spread, real Marseilles
patterns II value for
Bleached Towels
reg. value; sale price
Staple Department Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
I lope I He
I. i yards Seal A F C
. S nil
i lie ,. value,
i indigo
I i lied, all
Dress Goods
Men's Hats
Mob's and Hat in
desirable shapes, worth up
tn 11.00. at
Men's fine fail H it, In-
from 1st, and f- the
,., low price
Men's Hats
bis and Denver
come In black and nutria
All the newest spring pea
as well as staple styles in
Hats Unit every-
for 8.66, marvelous
Crape and Voile
and Damask
suit i
l .
Sot and Fancy
Mixtures, Voiles and
ashes, late Spring style
, in.
. ,, worth o yard,
sale price, yard
Mohairs. Sicilians
Mohair and Bilk
w up
Men's Pants
and Fancy worsted Pants
in all shades and pretty
strips, all sizes, reg. price
all goon this sale at
Fine Fancy and Plain
Pants that regularly
sold for 8.50 aid sale
Fine Pants that always sell
for 1600 and 65.00, stain
cheviots fancy worsteds
all go in this sale at only 68.08
He i's Pants
patterns, regular
61.76 sale 61.19
Knee Pants
pair Pants
worth up to sale price
pair of Knee Pants
reg. sellers; sale prise
A of several
Long Pants,
value II and 61.25;
sale price only, pair
Over pairs of very
of this seasons goods,
. I sowed or button,
all weights of solo. French
patent calf
not. an- fare the
any shoe brought to tins
and they come in all
sizes and widths, worth from
81.23 in. Come and
pick them from 11.98
in.-, ii in
Ladies fine shoes,
in and lace. too
and tip i
ii of Ladies Oxfords,
in all popular leathers, also
white canvas, worth ii to
61.2 I.
to 61.10
Hose, Hose, Hose
Ladies fast black
. regular p now
A Mar i fast
black hose price now
I. line plain and lace
lea black hose, worth
Ladles beautiful
worth pair
Children's fast black rib-
bed reg price at
Children's fast black tine
hose. price at
Children's finest French
ribbed hose, regular price
Mon's good fast black
seeks, regular made,
price at
Men's good fast lace
and plain seeks, reg. price
two piece suits,
and double breasted
jackets positively worth
during this sale only
The novelty in styles is
that wen; always sold at
all go in this sale at
3.29 Thirty distinct
in Ultra Fashion-
able Knee Pants Suits,
all the swellest of novelties
and staple styles, sale pries 61.26
Men's Suits
will secure for
yon. many patterns
of good, strong fabrics
of merit and Fashion.
64.87 for nun's business
an immense range of
fancy mixtures, in small
checks and plaids and
ed effect. Single and double
Back styles These
are certainly val-
in the state it the price 64.67
for fun-suits,
comprising a grand assort-
of single double
breasted sock suits, in black,
blue and brown cheviots,
some solid worsted, in gray
and In-own.
in all the newest
all superbly perfect
to suits that sell for
our 67.89
for men's line dress
nils, extra line, equal in
every respect to
work- This season's best
style and best
Serges and Scotch
mixtures. Better value or
made garments have
never offered by any concern
in N. We claim them to
be tho equal of any n gar-
in the at this
sale only, for f 9.98
Notions and Small Ware
Hooks and eyes, black and
white, worth ac, at only
The best pins ever
sold, at only
Pearl Shirt and Dress but
tons different styles, per doz
Braid worth
to bunch
Hone casing for dresses
wore a now
Cotton Elastic, black and
white regular price at
A cabinet of good Hair
Pins for
Ribbons, No. to worth
S to bow to
Shoes for Men and Boys
Men's shoes for business
wear that means service and
comfort all newest shapes,
worth -ale price 81.23
We oiler the best shoe on
for the price
to any 64.00 make,
latest toes and style, in all
the latest teal hers, all go in
this big sale 82.68
Shoes in all the up to
dale leathers, new style toe
and shapes a nice neat shoe
for Sunday wear, regular
values, only 61.60
Min's heel and lace and
single and double sole,
sale price 61.17
Men's Egyptian
underwear and rib-
bed Shifts and drawers,
in many shades, all are
finished in the best
milliner, all sizes,
regular value; during
this r, your choice
Dozens of high grade under-
wear a I will be placed
on sale for ten days at
Men's worth
Men's Suspenders worth
Rocks worth only
Men's Fancy Shirts, regular
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts
regular values
Men's Fancy and
Shirts worth
Men's Fancy Dress
Men's Neck wear wort
Men's worth
THE AMERICAN SALVAGE CO., Must Sell C. T. the Entire Stock
IN TEN DAYs OUR Articles guaranteed to be just as represented and will he or money refunded. forget the
Friday, July 7th, this profit sacrifice Sale.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Monday, 10th,
H. . of New n
The Long in Jury Room to be Made to Hive North Carolina Goldsboro Man of Firing Squad at on
war Broken at Half Past Four Railroad Decide on in Norfolk Instead of Condemned
O'Clock Place for Memorial to ,. Killing Twelve.
Calvin N m. t-., July
New Boru, V. C. reports t if-
jury the W. Dewey ease. Greensboro, July I There I Post, private
the defaulting cashier of the Farm-
and Back of this
city, rendered their verdict of
guilty this afternoon at o'clock
after out for two days and
The his attorneys
were in open court. Judge E. B. a.
Jones before on ago mosey the .
the the a this Yesterday afternoon a Mi
the State and who, in the as
for the manner in which j speaker of of j ,, , and
they had their ease. cant the ,,.
laid it was one of th hardest de rod the arrest of
fought battles that he had ever the been Friday was at Kenly given th- Iring
daring his career on the erected is that the board took a daughter of Mr. Godwin turned officers Miss Nellie
N C, July
Sheriff Stevens reports i i-
July in a Delving a I Private iv,
movement on foot to have the the f of the here.
directors of the North in the employ of which the D. E. of Mo folk, was
Carolina Railroad Company of led to men today.
here Thursday take cl. previously left to death. The . Smith
definite action regard the city and could not. b-i round attempt to carry oat the
the placing of the monument by ,,. Before leaving a death more
lite be erected t the memory failed to state in serious f where-
Calvin N. Graven. inns
Mink Minnie went
upon Sunday.
the executions to and Paul went to
applied for Sunday
Tin- government , ., ,, ,
. , ,, , Mi.-, l. Q, James
rep led that all the mutineers must ,. ,,,,,.
. . . in in Philadelphia.
I be shot a shooting party
hut when the order to
Miss Susie
Judge Jones stated to the de-
that be sympathized with
him and his family in his down-
fall, hut that he had a duty to
perform Io the Slate of North i
at well as to the
lie sentence, Condemn-
the prisoner to six years in the
penitentiary. The defendant's at-
then served notice on the
State of an appeal to the Supreme
court, which convenes in Haleigh
September. A bond of
agree several jg H ,,,
towns along the road clamor- j wife, The young
for it. people think
ought to be erected
the terminus of road,
place where the last spike was
driven. There is a green plat east
instead of on Condemned mutineers
and a officers fell dead.
lady's brother-in-law drove troops, including Cossacks,
the road the couple I he says, were
finally aw the bag; stop. developed, In
for the memorial to the
The of directors will hold
their last meeting here
Al that time the new beard, yet
to be named, will take their
was required of the defendant I Te old TO
which immediately given
bi her in-law soon no
I the scene and caught trying
of the depot, on South Elm street, young lady, so it is
would bean excellent Grady came on horn.
I he weal
with and swore
oat a warrant for Grady V arrest.
Price Of A Woman's Virtue.
Greensboro, V. C, July c
which between and
were killed before the matins was
signed by Chas. Dewey, E. B.
Dewey, P. K. Borden and E. B.
Jr., of Goldsboro.
The defendant returned to his
home Goldsboro on the evening
and take their final
when the board will meet and j ins
are eight directors I
on the part of the Slate four
on the part of the private stock-
ion, stating W. P. Moore, win
is wanted on the charge of
under promise of
Smallpox in State.
The Bulletin of the State Board
of Health just issued states that
was smallpox in seventy.
eight counties dating the past
twelve months, with a total
of which were white,
but With only of which
IS were white. The disease
greatly increased, but is decidedly
loss fatal, though it may assume a
Coast Line Sued.
The condition of Mr John
Wilmington, N July who is lying wounded in Washington, but as Hie
In behalf of the local association of j two ballet was to pull the
truckers at Crisis, a large straw- ,,, , ,,. and the advised by relatives
berry shipping . , Moore's that the case bad been
of the fall down the steps of
Tucker Io
Lena Yow, had been fatal typo at any
the nation's capital end would be I county case-,
until advices were received, having nearly half while,
Chief started Officer being second with
from Bethel
Mis. John
is visiting Mrs. Jane Moore.
Maggie Tucker went
Va., this morning.
F, M. went the
road Ibis morning on
Mrs. Woodard. of i-
her sou. G J. Woodard.
The A. M. E,
Colored, has put in electric lights.
The base ball boys
morning for Norfolk and Suffolk.
Misses Mary Johnson
returned this morning from Ayden.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. re-
turned from Asheville Sunday
Misses Myrtle Wilson
came home today from Seven
J. T. Moore and daughter, Mis-
Daisy, of Tarboro, spent
In n i
J. to Bethel this
in- i
Mayo w up road
G. C went to
I ins
J, I. Carper t
i hi-
Miss Maud Nixon went to
Mis Ii. Wilson w hi to
Miss r, Sluices,
. Mi-. I .
W, K. i ii
S. J returned from
I., Tuesday f
J H re in
l i Tin
t- M. in
in a trip up
I he load.
Mrs. Met and
Ocean View
Ibis morning.
Misses Jennie Mattie
King ed from More-
Mrs. H. L.
Coward and M .- Nannie and
Myrtle Mary
Coward and
Ola went lo Virginia Beach
bis nun long.
in, and
Carr, of this city, Instituted
Ii is learned
offered the
sun Hanover Superior improve. his but the held
Court the Atlantic Coast to My he is out danger. which was paid.
N. C. K. G. and
Chandler was injured at Mrs. tins i
this morning Virginia i
died afternoon
Moo A-in Hospital. M
Lino Company for the I For this reason there will be here, for hue chandler between c.
recovery of 709.39, the of Mr. manager of the Singer pipe when he was from
refused the Justice tomorrow, office in this the bumpers. morning.
settlement offered Armour for ,, ,., has much not one present at the I Miss
berries shipped from May here, owing to the time, when the engineer was
to fourth, incisive, and having . Ml the parties concerned, ,,,.,, he v The
elected sue the
Line lather than for the
not only from May lo
fourth, but also for the fifth and I
The salt ii id the
Dan Hester, trustee, secretary of
the local association in inn ,
represent shipments by
of growers daring the
mentioned in the complaint.
The number of crates Is and Nearly
the plaintiffs allege that Carolina of any considerable
placed on them by the ,,,, ,.,,,
people was entirely small, ,,,. h ,., ,,,.,
do for if the justice
held ilia bail can be allowed to I In Favor of Greenville.
would be to take habeas That's the of the were.
corpus proceedings, I
remains were taken in charge by Point this morning,
the lodge of Knights of Pythias of
which the s-as a member. I
w ml to
desired to obtain the release of
Mi. Rogers, who is now in jail.-
News 9th.
in Norfolk.
N lb, Va,, July
Mr. and Mm.
today Seven Springs.
J. J, Cherry and; I on, Will
. in Ocracoke,
The Orator,
own i
played at
Yin the game
ii won think of the
to iii our favor, mil j Grady, about years B. B. and son, Jams
Suffolk her run on b g nude arrest here for went to Weldon morning,
ball. was thinking of I authorities for the
bis left ml all I county North Carolina, where I visiting her sister, Mrs.
time ilia he was Dinging with attempted j Nines,
ball, He gels better on Miss
all the while and in
notwithstanding tin fact that the
large majority of growers other
B. L. Duke Responsible.
New York, July order
obtained by Brodie L. Duke
a warrant of attachment
ed against bis property by He. 1-
brokers, was today by tho
appellate division of the
The case, which was heard
about the time of the marriage of
Mr. which attracted con-
attention, hinged solely
on the of one
a secretary of Mr. Duke, to give
orders by telegraph which resulted
the sale of bales of March
The relation of to
was admitted by counsel for the
and, under
stances, the Appellate Division is
unanimously of the opinion that
his acts as agent for Mr.
involved responsibility by the lat-
he adds new laurels lo his years age. whose brother, R. L.
F. W. Glare and family left on
Steamer Myers today for a trip to
which is so fortunate as to
the Governor it. principal I the accused to
speaker for the sill go up against Norfolk. Sheriff Ellington of J- Jr., left this
Governor Glenn hi t j Johnston county will tonight carry for Norfolk, to spend a
the invitation tendered him by j to N. C,
I rial, accused having agreed Misses Willie and
return without extradition pa- Nannie Bowling to
I Norfolk is advertising the cam
Salisbury to deliver an
there on September the
occasion the
of Labor Day the various
labor unions and organizations of
that town and Spencer. The two
will unite in one
The Program committee of
Salisbury has other
distinguished speakers and
preparations are being
made for the great
on every street car a- the greatest
game of the season and giving
Greenville credit for having
strongest team North Carolina.
Hanging Be Private.
The county commissioners this
afternoon revoked order made
last instructing Sheriff
to arrange for a public
hanging of J. Mammons, con-
of killing his wife. The
execution will be in the county
jail and will be private.
The question Asked by Uncle Sam.
Are you a good husband
He is a good husband who makes
himself bis playmate.
He is a better husband every time
when he improves his home. He
is the hes husband when he
listens ti bis wife's pleadings for
Varnish stains to
decorate home.
He is an ideal husband who
looks upon life as a duet paints
the home Town A Country
the beautiful tone of the
shades of which perfect
harmony with the duet.
Baker Hart wholesale dis-
Harrison's paints and
He denies his
Miss Moore, Washing-
ton, in visiting Miss Bustle Warren
Five Years for Mrs. Smith
Richmond, Va , July j j South
Smith, of Manchester, Va.,
charged with beating to death her ,
five-year-old son, was
found guilty of man-
slaughter, Tho jury fixed the
penally of live years the
Florence of Tar-
who been visiting Misses
Boas and Maggie
home this
Col, F. G. James has
An appeal will be taken, where he went to
The case was submitted without attend the of the stale
argument because of the
commonwealth's Attorney
Dockery Not Being to Well.
John Dockery the man who was
shot a few days ago, in
was reported as having had a set
back yesterday. The preliminary
bearing of Policeman Rodgers who
shot him has been continued.
bar association.
Mm. S. A. Cherry and
Miss bill, and grandson, T. A.
lull ibis
where they will make their home.
Mrs. M. A. Allen and daughter,
Miss of Danville, who have
been visiting Dr. R. L. Carr, left
this morning.
Stunts in Front the Grand Stand
Old carried his mug
to Norfolk.
1- bean broken,
lie win lie awe from hie lady
five g days.
A trip look-as big
lo Jim I . trip to Shelby
I Charlie ; bee,
Ho a trip to
Mums Flanagan, protein
carried In- sad make the
Norfolk there sis
Old Will see hi- ll
Virginia Thursday
i .
and left
. f .-I . vi the learn
I is up he a to
Only One Car There.
One day as be us leaving his
Dice in Portland the Isle Thomas
B. Reed was accosted
who had been Imbibing so freely
Unit he was things
After apologizing pro-
the stranger to
ask the where he
could gel a car for the depot.
Mr. Heed the
next corner; there you will see two
ears; lake the first one; the Other
one won't be
Paper To Have A New Home.
Washington, N. O, July
The Messenger will soon
have a home or us soon as it
can lie creeled. The editor have
greatly increased the value of the
paper as an item in public
and as a source of news.
To Serve Years
Deputy Sheriff Cox of
county was here to deliver to the
penitentiary Person a white
man convicted the
court last week burning bis
wife to death was
to years in the
Raleigh Post.

Eastern reflector, 11 July 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 11, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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