Eastern reflector, 7 July 1905

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Why Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Should be used.
Low Shoes and
No preparation on the mar-
today can show en
from North Carolina.
It has been on the market
more than twenty years, and
made more wonderful cures than
any known.
Its field for usefulness is
unlimited, as it will cure any
thing that can be cured by
building up the system and
purifying the blood.
It is a line Tonic; as an
there is none better; as
we offer our entire stock of Children's Ox-
ford Ties and t Greatly Reduced Prices.
No b it v i Shoes. A chance o buy good, new shoes
At Reduced Prices
in to meet your Is, the stock
in down, is a rare opportunity,
early in t
is broken an
s e a
that d m
if buyers, who appreciate gen-
a Purifier or the Blood it has no
equal. It is a line and
and give good natural sleep to
those who restless. This is
merely the affect of the
properties of the medicine, as no
narcotic enters into its
Wash is of the utmost
importance, in connection with
the Bitters, in eases of
sores, ulcerations or itching
Miss returned from
G. Prichard will from
Panacea Spring Friday night.
J. L. Hearse, of Tarboro. came
id Wednesday evening and return-
ed this morning.
Misses Mary and Mattie
Phillips, of Kinston, are visiting
Mis Tunstall.
Mrs Harry Skinner and sob.
Francis returned Wednesday
evening from Beach.
Mrs. J. Allen, of this
Can it be That Most of the
Ills of Life Can be Cured
Through the Blood
have confined the
seen them perfectly cured, after
having used my Remedy and
Wash for about a
I have known it to cure a great
many cases of stomach trouble,
that had failed to to any
other treatment
I known it to cure four
cases of nurse's sore mouth,
after all medical treatment had
place, left for Raleigh
to spend some
this morn-
time with
you t
m i
are over
we n and want
r to clean q we.
my Remedy to failed.
troubles that had their have known the Wash to
in impure blood, a cure a case of bladder trouble,
system, and yet I know it can do when the physician said an
more. alone could it.
Five years ago my Remedy In the beginning
cured Mrs. J- S- Thompson, of career, twenty one years
Hasty, N. C, of trouble, ago, what u powerful
and since then she has used it as agency far relief to the afflicted
a family medicine, and now I was D my hands, I went to the
have bar testimonial showing medical fraternity of Raleigh,
that it car lied two of her child and invited them to invest gate
ran safely through an attack of my I had a specific for
fever troubles came from blood
My cured a case of impurity. I invited examination,
kidney trouble in my own family, to the end it might be gen
of six standing, alter used by the profession,
all medical treatment failed if d substantiate my claim
and the party was regarded as a offered to accept any number
doomed man. Finding that he of teat cases that would satisfy
was rapidly reclining, ho tried them in regard to the merit of
the Remedy, and in two weeks a my Remedy, and I would cure
g eat change was apparent, and them free I only asked them
in two months he was well, and to agree to watch the result of
the cure was permanent- my Remedy, and if cured every
I known it tried in a well one, to acknowledge publicly
know a this state this they said would be
name am a liberty to and an
for puerperal fever, when and they
four doctors in consultation said therefore declined, although
could not live many offered to give them officially
hours, and it cured her The full formula.
reaction was immediate. goes to prove the
I saw Mr. of , d i m
Goldsboro, M C, when he was .
down with l saw Remedy in the beginning of my
him again recently, a well man. work, and it is now established
after using the Remedy two u pedestal none can
veins. Ms JOE PERSON,
I have seen two ladies, suitor
Charlotte, N. C.
,, i. Tie for
., Tie Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
plain 2.50 far 1.85.
Strap Sandals, plain kid Scrap
; tip tan kid Court Tie ail
a per pair, to be told for
in or lack Ties, plain kid Sandals, patent
tip or s tip Oxfords, dressy styles and plain common sense
Hid sizes, that are selling for pair,
or 1.1 pair.
All th styles f Ladies Oxfords and Sandals that are selling
for 11.00 to 1.25 we offer in this sale for to per
All the Children and Babies Slippers are offered in this
Sale and are in proportion to the Ladles as
Those early will get first pick at this beautiful line of
goods. The are beautiful, the makes are of the best, and a full
line of sizes await your inspection.
seen two ladies
and know of a and have January 1st,
with cancer of the womb
Special Remarks. reeling any benefit a great
r . many tell me they have fell bet
I am sine my Remedy will the -dose; most
perfect satisfaction in cry case benefit on second or third
where a Tonic. Purl
tier of the Blood, or is j, cure indigestion and
needed do not believe its troubles It will conn
equal can be found for nervous poison In such
prostration, and when one is full every
it will certainly minutes or o minutes until
build up and restore to perfect is felt in the head.
health. to direct if half urgently recommend
dozen bottles of my Remedy be Remedy to every one suffer
taken and no benefit felt to stop
it. that it was useless to try
more, but have met with a
great many chronic cases, where
no perceptible benefit was fell
on first half dozen bottles,
and its continued use effected a
In chronic cases of long stand
frig where any of my Remedy is
needed at all the of a dozen
from any trouble that comes
from impoverished,
or poisoned blood, or for a
The use of the Wash is of the
utmost importance to he in
with the Remedy, in
case where there any external
trouble, inflammation, or itching
humor. Send
For further information,
bottles is necessary, and in many ply to
more. Some take half MRS. JOE
dozen bottles more before Charlotte. N. C.
For Sale by the Following
Baltimore Jobbers. The Drug
Dunn Co., Charlotte, Manufacturing Co., Charleston,
N. 0- John M. Co., Char- S. C W. H. King Drug Co.
C. Purcell, Ladd Raleigh, N. C. Goldsboro Drug
Richmond, Va. Owens Minor Co, N. C. L.
Drug Co, Richmond, Va. Greensboro
Powers Taylor Drug Co., Rich- N. Drug C,
Va. burg, R. R. Bellamy,
Drug Co., Va. the C.
Murray Drug Co.,
R. W. Lawson Co.,
Boston, Va. Williams, Martin Also by druggists and dealers
Gray, Norfolk, Va. The generally in North
Drug Co., S. 0- South Carolina and V
Saturday, July
A J. Moore went to
G. W. Baker left this morning
for Lewis ton.
Miss Mary Bernard went to New
York this morning.
Claude King came in Friday
evening from New
Harry Skinner returned Friday
from Raleigh.
Miss Tyson to
Beach this morning.
Mies Janie M. Brown went to
Ga., this morning.
Miss Mabel of
1- waning Miss Pattie Skinner.
Mr. Mrs, L.
went to Beaufort Friday evening
Dr. R. L. has returned
and can lie at bis office
any time.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allen,
arrived to visit
Hi K. L. Carr.
Mrs. T. R Moore and M Inez
h I I'm nun went
Norfolk this
Clyde and Julia Farmer,
. of Wilson, came in Friday even-
visit Mrs. D C. Moor.
Thus. E Move, of
died in the hospital in Wilmington
from poison.
Dr. K L. Carr and son,
Mn. Alice Harper, and Miss
from Beaufort to-
Miss Whedbee, of
arrived Friday evening to
visit her brother, II. W.
Misses Jennie and Ruth Brinkley
Mamie Ruth Tunstall and Frank
Brinkley to Scotland Neck
Mrs. W. Barton, of Edenton,
who has Mrs. E. H.
Tali, left this morning for Ply-
Miss Katie L. of Wash-
who has been
Bertha Patrick, returned home
this morning.
Miss Moore, of Browns-
ville, Tenn., who been teach-
school in returned
home Friday morning.
J. D. Bundy, of
Mount, alder of the
Washington of M. E.,
came in Friday evening.
Prof. W. H.
Annie Mamie
and Hooker
this from
where been attending
of Framing It, z Id ft.
German Siding, Ceiling and
Partition and all kinda
lamber for building a
house complete Bills cat to
an abort
lumber I Co-
White Front Barber Shop
a. a a.
Sharp clean
sod all for pas
and your
la TO
UP of
red white
flank and on tail,
with in left ear slit
right, bar light him is shorter
than left, wears
let Cox villa, N.
I hi re been j by the
beys the town who
field sad bi crop la
of fruit, sad take this opportunity
to both the boys their par-
I will
any boy who repeat I
r any
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor
and Friday.
. L
Scar Wat in of
It was through ii of
Thompson was de.
sated in Washington
He pitched a that under
ordinary circumstances is bound
to win. At every stage of the
he was master of the situation
had twirler
completely outclassed.
People had been talking Hobbs
and Hobbs son e of them
were looking for wonders.
was Hobbs superior at
hitting, at base, running and on
the rubber. the little
He wan not in it at all when com
pared with Rowe, whose
was a to the of
is greatly superior to
the Washington aggregation. Our
battery is stronger. fanned
men Rowe bad no pass
balls, the pitcher, fanned
ten of our men, and Hobbs, the
catcher, had several pass balls.
Our team eight hits; their
tram made five. Oar errors were
theirs were cosily.
seems to be our
for we never play the
ball them that we are cap-
able of playing.
The tun begun for and the
trouble for us when Turner, E.,
misjudged an easy right
field, and then threw wild at. home,
allowing Springs to SOON from
Note of the team except
son, the pitcher, and were
at their mutt of the other
had their off
days will come tie best
of men and they us
day. Washington was proud. The
were closed,
there was an Immense crowd, men,
women and children, but
was much for
there was nothing for them to
root for.
John Ivey Smith not up to
usual form by a long way. He
made a Mil throw was off with
the stick, but made a couple of
Forbes played
game and swatted sphere
two safe ones. the new
fielder, was tip lop; everything
that went his way counted against
Washington, and he faced
for a beauty hum.
Turner, J., made one excusable
error, and the grand
at his feet by robbing Washington
a hit.
Bert at second, although a little
off on the diamond, up for it
at the tint, scored one of
Thompson, at first, was off on a
couple of but threw
well was in the game all unfit,
but for that. He is a good man
and will be all right.
Turner, E., played the greatest
dumb base ball ever seen in these
parts. He misjudged, muffed and
threw them away. He partly
himself with the stick,
The Washington people were all
right treated the team nicely.
The team makes no guarantees,
make no promise to the future,
offer no the past; it will
do its bast.
Opinion Not b Held by
However, Ne-
Not Ripe Apple
St. July S, a.
for in armistice
between the of Russia
Japan, it can be definitely stated,
are now in progress, presumably
at Washington; but they have not
reached a stage where any further
announcement can be made.
The decision seams to rest with
Japan, which country is weighing
the of the pros-
of bettering her present
advantageous position against the
enormous cost of lives and money
of another great battle.
The for a decisive and
final Japanese victory, it is be-
here, are no better w
than before Lino Yang and
den, and it is pointed nut that It
is idle to talk of
falling like a ripe apple into
Japan's hands before the
of Secretary
N. H., July
body of Secretary of State
Hay, whose death early
today ha sorrow
out the land and evoked
of sympathy and regret the
world over, lie tonight in a room
of the quaint Gain
roofed mansion, winch for
fourteen years, had been the slim-
mer home of Hay family
Just one week ago tonight the
Tragic Affair from Momentary Rage in a
. Street.
Baltimore, Md., July
E. Ream was shot and killed today
in front of his horse his brother
Harry, who tired a second shot, it
is said, intended for another
brother, William.
There bad a love affair
between Harry Beam and
Mis Jennie Hutton, . eider
of Mrs James E. Ream, at
whose home Mi Hut ton became
a guest, and Harry Ram became
because the others re-
fused to receive him there today.
He is under arrest.
Death of Mayor Munn.
N I.
Major Angus formerly of
Tar Heel, died in
Norfolk, V , at
St. Pauls, recently, Before
Major Munn was one of
living alumni of the
University of North Carolina.
After his he began
teaching and devoted the greater
part his to that
He was one of the
educators of his day in North
Carolina. Polished la manners,
dignified in
courteous His friends were limited
only the number of his ac
nil of on will lei
of his death
gills, so
that lie refrained
a f
Visit Prom
Sunday school was
delighted to have a visit
from M. A. Alias,
Danville, who while a
hare was superintendent of the
school. Sunday afternoon he also
visited lb school in the country
of which he win also once
Off On Trip.
Rat Tom link
Hall wet to creek
Tuesday night on the
They earned a and
ill spend few days The
boys were anticipating a good time
and we sincerely hope they are
having it.
Negro Killed at
Million Tyson, a was
Tuesday about o'clock,
b Policemen Smith. The trouble
over another
on the sidewalks. The policeman
arrested the ow when Simon
interfered with a drawn
knife, whereupon
Smith shut him to
Secretary arrived at this village j for the
from Washington, wearied with which he, with
the cares of State anticipating and
a summer ability as a
the same launch in which Mr. Hay
made the short trip from
I to at
conveyed relatives of Mrs, to
the cottages, where they brought
sympathy and help to the stricken
woman her only son.
The only the
family at when yesterday,
the end came were Mis. Hay and Jas J. retired
Hay, Ml. James A acted a
Had Knock Out Root.
Marion Hart, of
now weight champion ling-
of the world, has detested
in the
twelfth round in Kern-. Nev.
I hey Know How to do the Right Thing
Tub extends it
to the
Washington ball team for their
courtesies and royal entertainment
our representative
y the 4th. He reports
trip and is grate-
When it come to
are not found wanting.
. Chapel Sunday.
July 3rd
Key Brown went to
J. L. Joyner to Parmele
tins morning.
R. O. to Old Point
this morning.
Dr. M. I. Fleming went to Oak
City this morning.
went to Winter-
ville Sunday evening,
Jack Smith Nor-
folk Saturday.
Charlie James to Seven
Springs Sunday
Italian F. Smith went to Seven
Spring Saturday.
Josh Mills went Sat-
W. F. Harding eon
came Saturday from Charlotte.
Mrs. K. O. went to
this morning.
J. S. Tunstall returned from
Seven Springs this morning.
Miss left this
afternoon for
Miss Linda Buck, of Ayden, i
visiting her brother, Walter Buck.
Mrs. O A.
from a visit to New Bern
this morning.
Misses and
of Washington, are Mis
Julia Harris.
Mrs. J. Woodward returned
Saturday evening from Scotland
Miss Ague
d N. V., a
bus been ill recently and
be belling; odds were to on
Root, but it hard punch just
had not been at Lake this j
season. Mrs. Payne looked like op till the lust
daughter, is on her way to
Mr. Hay died at
tins morning,
Good Preacher.
The Baptists arc to be
having secured the
vices of Rev. John K. to
supply for the of July.
He is a man of ability
that would
coveted belt.
near the
Sunday School Statistics. i;, j
At the Sunday school J. C lib Sunday.
the Lillie May Cash visiting
read the record the school near
the past quarter, This Prank Pollard returned
showed that the average at
the quarter was and a- of Standard, was
and personality. He took fraction including the cradle roll, Sunday.
both the Bachelor's Master's 35- collections for the went to Ayden
Misses and Helen
N. July 1906, Jones went to
filled Ins Springs Saturday.
it May's p and two
iii, Misses and left
this id term. to
attend the Carolina Virginia
Tuesday, 4th.
w. F. Evans went to
Monday evening.
J Smith Monday
Col. Hurry Skinner went to
No. Monday evening.
Lucy and Mary John-i
went to Ayden Monday evening,
Miss Tyson returned fr
visiting his Beach Monday
Mr. Mrs. T. It. Jenkins
this morning for a visit In Edge,
Miss Helen Galloway, of
is visiting Mils
Miss Leo
Carr were Visiting
Smith Sunday.
T. E. of
here Sunday.
I. Tyson family,
Ayden, were here Sunday,
Mini from
neat visit lug
.-1 and Smith.
So-, c, of Greenville
j was here Sunday.
Forbes, is
his grandfather, J.
G. W. Hearne, who has
sometime a position with
resigned and after
a few days test experts to leave
for the West. Hts purpose is to
go to Chicago and complete hi
trade one of the lame printing
establishment in that city. He
is not afraid of
work, and will win his way
degrees at Wake Forest, and
recently graduated with
Chicago University, the
Bachelor of Divinity degree.
While at Chicago he preached
regularly at with
satisfaction good results.
He preached Sunday to a
audience, and gave them a good
He was in his classes at
college, is popular among
young people, will do good
service while he is here.
Dewey Case
New Hem, N. C, July
case of Thomas Dewey will come
up Wednesday. Today counsel
for Dewey moved a continuance
case because of the appeal
made to the Supreme court in the
matter the refusal of the judge
have the solicitor give a bill of
particulars to the defense, but the
solicitor opposed
holding the appeal to be inter-
The judge decided
against continuance the ease
is set Wednesday.
quarter an average of
94.24 for each The R. A. Smith went t.
amount contributed to the orphan
age was
Miss Lillie Stewart, of Peters-
Dr. William
was called to Saturday
evening to hold an inquest over a
youth killed by a train.
The boy was sitting on the railroad
track and was struck by a passing
No one could Identity
him or tell where he came from.
He was ginger cake color, had en
overalls with a base ball mil bis
A Socialist Ticket.
Richmond, Va., July
ha named a ticket
For Governor, George M, Non
of Richmond;
William Oath, of Newport News;
Secretary of Commonwealth, Max
Newport News; Trees-
area Jas. H. Cooper, of Newport
Pardon for the seeming
but are you The
new every
hour with some we are
that theft is a tar more com-
term than w hen
coined by our forefathers. Tom
Lawson shook us up some with his
the astound-
rottenness of
and yet Sis tales are as
twice told in comparison with the
the paint manufacturers,
who claim their stint to
be the equal to Harrison's
and Country paint, the
of which
president in ye olden
days how to make and
try which it a
pure paint. Brothers
Co. were making paints
before the fathers of the
paint manufacturers were
Hart, agents
burg, mine in Monday to
visit her sister. Mrs. J. A. Webb.
Mrs. J. II. Mitchel
of Suffolk, who have been visiting
Mis. W. Johnson, returned
home this Mrs. John-
son and sou, Herbert, accompanied
her home.
Wednesday, July 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T.
to Tuesday.
J. L. Fleming went to Hassel
Prof. G. K. of Win-
Is in
Mrs, C. Y. York child left
Miss Mollie Manning, of Bethel,
who has spending a few
with Mrs. C. returned
home this
Miss Lillian Carr returned from
Wilson Tuesday Miss
Susie accompanied her
borne to a few days-
. J. Whichard.
in tithe Grand Stand
You should have beard
Forbes and Dr. singing
got coming from Wash-
last night.
The fat
but I wish I
I'd make it warm fer
old boy yon know I'm
you. What do at Caro-
next year will be A. P.,
in lie, too, again next um-
Gene, we know you were a
But then we all lost the
name the Dr
hurt in he first inning
did count for anything for he
was e game.
Gene, Gee but y m like the
Can't out them out
Old Rick din bunt one,
mil did n t be run He is a peach
hi anyway,
Tr. Rowe we
team, but Washington ii our
j ways.
got a two bagger, single
a sacrifice. Well what do
think We know ho
can hit.
Jack Ivey says he was a
IV. But we all know he. is a star
in and uses the stick like a
By Did you s e those
beautiful sacrifices he golf
. .
It look ; line inning,
we crossed rubber, but oh,
third three
Boys we want three out
if tour next week.
didn't gel
you know he
Say what you the
buttery look mighty
nod tome and surely they deserve
of the credit for winning
tame, for what we didn't give
hem the boys look.
-Nearly all th.
going to
Dr. Howe
entitled to milk shakes
liter his long
go an first
base, can't He is all to the
evergreen any
tine young was beard to
remark Friday night that Rowe
was so bashful that be was actually
the popular
salesman of Co.,
in our this week. He
one the oldest and most
men on the road.
Vanceboro Went Wet.
New Bern, N. C, July Last
May an was called in the
of Vanceboro to determine
whether that locality should have
saloons or no saloon. was a
very light vote, only votes
being cast; for saloons and
vote against.
Harold Crewel, engine dispatcher
at the round-house at Spencer,
was run aver and killed Sunday
to death at New Bern Sunday

Low Shoes and
we offer our entire stock of Children's and Infant's Ox-
ford Ties and Sandals at Greatly Reduced Prices.
No trash, but good, New Shoes. A chance to buy good, new shoes
At Reduced Prices
early in the season, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock
is broken and styles and sizes run down, is a rare opportunity, and
that demands the attention of all careful buyers, who appreciate gen-
The reason we give is plain and We are over
stocked, have too many Summer Shoes, we need the room and want
you to have the slippers, and in order to clean them out quickly we
make this
Ladies patent leather Court Tie Oxfords, worth for
Ladies patent leather, Court Tie Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
Ladies patent leather and plain kid Oxfords, win 2.50 for 1.85.
Ladies patent leather Strap Sandals, plain kid Strap Sandals,
and patent leather tip Oxfords, tan kid Court fie Oxfords,
styles and sizes, worth and 2.25 per pair, to be sold for
per pair.
Ladies tan or black Court Ties, plain kid Sandals, patent
tip or stock tip Oxfords, dressy styles and plain common sense
Oxfords, all styles and sizes, that are selling for pair,
we offer for pair.
All the styles of Ladies Oxfords and Sandals that are selling
for to 1.25 pair we offer in this sale for to per
All the and Babies Slippers are offered in this
Sale and are in proportion to the Ladies as quoted above.
Those who come early will get first pick at this beautiful line of
goods. The Styles are beautiful, the makes of the best, and a full
One of sizes await your inspection.
as ho evidence of appreciation
of menu-vices of women as teach-
in the schools of Pitt county,
the of the very beet ban
been attested throughout the
county, mid in hardly a
instance hut the teachers have
been solicited to return to the
they have taught. It U
of the people who
have been he patrons and
are we proud to mention the
worthiness if
who are doing so much
good in the development and
training of the and girls. We,
and when I say we, I mean all of
those who have the pleasure
of meeting knowing Miss
Annabel who has left
Greenville, more than regret to
learn there is some doubt of her
returning to resume position
in the guided school in Grenville
next tension. We have
come in contact with a more lovely
and lovable woman, and
charmingly lovely, a most
type of southern womanly
splendor. For two years she has
grown into the of the good
people of the community and by
her many graces and charming
personality, she hail become so
much one of us that the body
politic is very much shaken by
the intimation that she will not be
with us next session.
Miss Moore was chosen us one of
the teachers Of the summer
school that has just closed Win-
So splendid was she in the
school room and the social circle
that was Induced by the man-
teachers institute
to become one of the faculty, a
well deserved recognition of her
true worth merit, well
did she acquit herself as she had
in all the departments she had
before labored in. Yes, we will
are by If you sat a
too much, or if you are subject to
attacks of Indirection, you no doubt
had shortness of breath, rapid heart beats,
heartburn or palpitation of the heart
Indirection causes stomach to
expand swell, and puff up against the
heart. This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in the court el
time th heart becomes diseased.
Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat, takes the strain off
of the heart, and contributes nourishment,
strength and health to every organ of the
body. Cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the Stomach and
Tract, Dyspepsia and Catarrh
of the Stomach.
After easing, my food would me by making
my heart and I would become very weak.
Finally got a bottle of and It gave me
relief. After using a few bottles am cured.
MRS. NICHOLS. Penn Yen, H. T.
I had stomach and was In a bad state as I
had heart trouble with it. I took Dyspepsia
Cure for about four months and It cured me,
D. Nevada. O.
What You Eat
tines a much a
trial, or M
as the Lab
Sale By
all little woman
lo she ii
the Old Stand.
I have stork of
W. J.
Thigpen and rill carry on the bus-
at hit old stand on Five
I will add to the StoCK to meet the
the trade and will at
nil times carry a complete line of
Heavy and Groceries.
Cigar, .
Call on when you want the
beat Groceries the lowest puce
which tan lie fold.
The Five Points Grocer.
f C fa Can. Oft
the Right Thing.
go she w ill
b, and we will
genial smile, bet charming grace-,
her lovely presence. There will be
a She may do
in some other Held but she
will never be more beloved by so
intensely by some
be our with
her memory
the vase In which roses
have once been
may break, you may shatter
the vase ii yon will,
scent of the roses will
linger there
i ii great delight to have such
among us. A
N. C. July 1st.
Or. Chas.
Greenville, was in town a short
While Thursday.
Mrs. O. G. has been
sick for several days, but is report-
ed better today.
Mr. Stalling, of Richmond,
spent Thursday
Mr. H. B. Phillips and family;
came Tuesday night will spend
weeks in
Mr. George Robins, who has
been critically HI for several days I
is slowly improving.
Mr. Braswell, of Tarboro, made
us a visit this week.
Mr Joe Bobbitt and bride,
Miss Daniels of Williamston,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bob-1
Mr. Lipscomb, of Greenville,
was in
Dr. L. H. Ricks visited Green-
ville week.
Mrs. Jennings and child-
who have been visiting
in Portsmouth,
home Friday night.
J. T. is in town this week.
X The North Carolina
And Mechanic Arts
Offers practical industrial
education in Agriculture,
Engineering, Indus t r i
Chemistry, and the Textile
Art. Tuition year.
Board w a month.
President Wins-kin.
W, Raleigh, N. C.
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton Buyers Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
Institute for
Women and
Music. The
Beat Place
for Your
When it comes to keeping
you will invariably find
the bill collector on the spot.
June, red cow, white
under flank and on end of tail,
with crop in left ear and slit in
right, her light ham is shorter
than left, wears yoke.
Cox rills, N. C.
I was with Nervous
for eight years When I was
taken I weighed pounds,
it reduced me to I could not
touch solid food. I believe if I
taken solid food it would have
killed me, and I had to live on
and lightest kind of diet.
I baa severe spells near-
every day and would have
doctors to treat me, hut they did
not me one particle of good
not even to relieve me.
I was so weak that for
months was not able to walk
across the room. I bad rather die
than to suffer it over again, I
felt that I was in a condition
than any one who ever
Mis. Joe Person and my wife
persuaded me to use Mrs. Joe Per
son's Remedy
I bought a dozen bottles it
was three months before I felt
relief at all. Then I commenced
to improve right along.
I took thirty fire bottles and it
cured me.
It has been two years since I was
I never had a
the trouble since, can
eat anything the sun, and at
much of it as I want.
If any one will stick to Mis.
Person's Remedy long enough
build up the system, I know ii will
cure the st f
dyspepsia or nervousness can
be found.
B. M.
Granville N.
N. C, R. W. D., No August
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
All grades and sizes, in car
tr less to suit purchaser.
N. C
BUFFALO, N. V., return
920.20 Annual meeting
Lodge B P O E Hull lo, N Y.
July 1905 Tickets on
sale Ii, 9th and h, final
limit July will lie
restricted lo continue ii-
in each direction of
final limit to 4th he
obtained by ticket
with Special Agent and me t
of fie i STOP OVER
Washington, and
Philadelphia i tickets
pot is will be a
lowed on trip within
hunt, and on return trip
within final II
tickets have u extended, atop
can he taken not In I d-d tell
days, urn then August 4th.
rod return
July 7th. Tickets on sale
June 39th to d inclusive,
Anal limit July l i. Ticket
restricted lo passage
in each Extension of
the final limit ma he obtained
Li A us u Slat, v deposit of
payment of fee of cents
lime of deposit. i over
New return trip
be ticket
baa i validated by
agent. k and is
with Jon.; Agent New
V n k i inter one day
validation Park
ii upon t of tee
at time of deposit, hut in
in case shall stop over at New
York extend beyond August
stop ova's, Washington,
Baltimore and Philadelphia will
lie permitted on the going trip
within going limit of the ticket
not to exceed July 3rd and
the return trip within final
limit of if tickets have
been stop over may lie
taken period of days nut
to exceed August
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol
One Man Reading of City Directory
Excites Him Unduly.
Slid wearing
the medical Vandyke. my
friend, don't monkey with opiates or
sleep in drafts, just take a copy of
the city directory, start at A, and
before yon have read many pages
you'll fall asleep Try
just what another fool
told me to retorted the man
with the dark circles under his eyes.
Wasn't successful,
not by jugful. Only
last night I took a copy of the city
started up and down
the monotonous array of names. I
got through the A's all right, and
was just getting drowsy when I hit
the II.
long came to the name
J. Browne- Well, sir,
that man is my landlord I don't
mind telling you that I am behind
two months in the rent. Do you
think that jolt to my memory was
the slightest aid to slumber, hey
you persevered
did, sir; I kept right on a
fantastic tool and that's why I am a
nervous wreck this morning
long my optics were trail
down the l column and my
head was wearily inking on
the pillow then my eye lit on
the David EL, M. D.
that happened to the
name of the medico who pulled me
through a bad case of the grip last
winter. I owe him for medical
attendance, netting wiser, I skipped
the K bunch, because I knew it con-
the names of a coal man and
a grocer have been writing me
a sort of delirious
nation started through the F
department and in less than five
minutes I struck the name
J. a gentleman who went
bankrupt recently and swindled me
out of a lot of hard earned money.
Of course that recollection had a
sweet. effect on nerves.
then you stopped
kept right on and received
a most crushing to my self-
esteem right column, where
ought to have been at home. My
name, sir, the name of Archibald
was not in the blame
directory. Think of that, sir, think
of that And it will be a whole year
can have it inserted Cure
for insomnia,
Whereat the sleepless one Stalked
angrily out of the York
Digests all classes of food, tones
and strengthens the stomach and
digestive organs. Cures
Indigestion, stomach Troubles,
and makes rich red blood, health
and strength. Dyspepsia
Cure rebuilds tissues.
Gov. Q. W. Atkinson, of W. Va.
says; have used a number of
bottles of Dyspepsia Cure
and have found it to he a very
effective, and, indeed, a powerful
remedy tor stomach ailments. I
recommend it to my Sold
by Jno. L. Woolen, druggist.
by the fact the late ex
of the navy, Paul rill
receive a salary as bead
Equitable double that the
dent of the Stall's Although
The Citizen is not an advocate of
extravagance in national
circles, ii believe the pay
of the chief executive of the nation
is iii i iii keeping with
of his office. It has been asserted
that many of our Presidents came
out of the White House in
lively poor circumstances, we
are ready to the truth of that
statement when we look the
expense which the
pant of the presidential chair has to
incur, lie must conduct the social
unctions of his office with all the
ceremony foreign courts,
vet his salary is hardly more than
try as rich as the United States
ought certainly to be in a position
lo give adequate pay to its chief
ruler, and thus enable him to make
a respectable showing when called
upon to do so
V bile it may be argued, and
some show of reason, that a demo
people should not encourage
the aping royalty, there is still
room for the plea that the
of a retiring President leaving
office poorer than lie entered
should ho forever removed
ville Citizen
A beautiful Line
DeWitt's Witch Basel Solve
the pores of the skin,
by its antiseptic,
healing Influence, it subdues in
and cures Boils,
Hums, Cuts,
Worm and all skin diseases, A
specific for blind bleeding,
and protruding Piles. The original
and genuine Witch Hazel
Is made B. O. A-
and sold by Jno. L. drug-
It's up to young men with the en-
ring habit to boycott the
When e'er you feel an Impending
And need a magic pill,
No other one will Hie bill
Like Li tie Early Risers.
The Famous Little Pule,
cine Constipation,
Headache, etc. They
never or sicken, tint impart
early rising energy. Good for
children or adults. Bold by Jno.
L. druggist.
Thirteen may be an unlucky
but one sewing machine and
twelve phonographs will do the work
of a women.
If you Had to Get Your
In the Old Way
In the old tinier people to go from house to house
to tell news or meet Hi th crust roads one a week
lo rind out what, was on. They slow days
It Is Not So Now
But in this day of and rural free delivery
mail you can get tho news every day.
This is leading age no home is complete
a good newspaper. Every man ought to take his county paper
know what is going on.
The Reflector
can supply you with the new-. We print two editions, Daily
and Semi-Weekly
is a page paper and costs
only a year.
t is a large
page paper, a year.
Don't be without a paper when you can get one so cheap,
if you are not a send in your order today.
not to be matched
in town At Price.
Your food must be properly
and assimilated to In-of any
value to yon. If your stomach is
weak or diseased
Cure. It what you
eat and gives the stomach a rest,
enabling it to recuperate, take on
new life grow strong again.
heart palpitation and all
disorders. Bold by
L. Woolen, druggist.
What is Hope
A In n light the dark-
of night
Stretching far over the sea,
Shedding its beams with a radiance
to you and to me.
Ah, sweetly it sings it never
takes wings
gladness and joy fade away;
How gently it holds bruised hearts
in its folds.
And clings to tho souls gone astray
Tho the darkness of night
the light
Yet ever a beam from afar
O'er the low drooping heads soft
healing balm sheds.
Like a gleam from
And the world-weary eyes in a tend-
To hope and its visions of love.
While softly beams like child-
hood's sweet dreams
a message of peace from
Gusty Van
A woman can't understand why a
man should want to wear tailor-made
clothes when tho other kind
To Produce
me real Printing.
FREE To All Our Subscribers
A E. Tucker
A new Idea a syrup is
the Laxative principal and is orig-
with Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. Tail syrup
assists in expelling colds the
system by gently moving the bow-
els. Best colds, croup,
etc. The red clover blossom is
eve-y package of the original Lax-
Cough Sold by
Some men possess so much
that they are unable to their
hands on a certain brand in time to
utilize it.
The Famous Little Pills
cure Constipation, Sick
Headache. Biliousness, etc. They
or sicken, but impart
children or adults. Sold by Jno
L. Woolen, druggist.
anally a businessman
that it's cheaper to marry his
than to increase her
it isn't.
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
Within the Next Thirty days We Offer Two for the
Price of
Both One Year For of It.
This unparalleled offer is made to all new and all
old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within thirty days.
Are Suffering
From Indigestion, Constipation, or do you have any
with your Kidneys or Bladder if so Drink
Buckhorn Water.
Buckhorn Water Co.
I N.
Gentlemen; It elves me to stale have been
and prescribing for my patients
very freely several months and I lo not hesitate
mend it in highest terms.
In in and
cases of constipation I seen excellent result
use. it is an exceedingly pleasant drinking water.
Very truly,
U. L. SB, M.
The shippers guarantee, that, of ail the mineral waters tar
known, this is the most diuretic.
They will furnish a cane of any other water, regardless of its
reputation or price, and by actual, practical, scientific
comparison, that there is not a water known to the public
that will equal Buckhorn in uric acid diathesis.
This Water is on sale at J A. RICKS BRO.
Harry Skinner,
Marry Skinner.
H. W.
j and Temple
We hereby that we have
associated with us, in the
the Law, Mr. Hairy Skinner, Jr.
The firm will continue as here-
January 2nd,
. w.
J f. CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Barton And handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bag.
and shipments
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.

O. J. Editor and Proprietor.
Entered in the post at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates mads known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every Pitt and adjoining counties.
i SB error to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, Jolt 1905.
i in one little town, have never
I met with a discourtesy This might
The whole mourns for the well be called an eulogy on man
. , . i i. And know that those year
death of Secretory Hay, . .
. , hare met the approval of man n
occurred at summer home r
gratifying, beyond expression, to
day. for they are zealous critics.
A the announcement i U is remarkable and gratifying
was made that the statesman had , that the courtesy to woman is
in Carolina. It is t
of acute this general
uneasiness, owing to the low
of health.
In the sudden death of the
the in loses one of
its servants and adviser, and
the whole country one of foremost
men- a diplomat he was
passed His equal were very
lie was a man with fine intellect,
believing in America's ability to
become one of the greatest world
bringing Ins long expert
in service to his aid in
helping to place this nation in the
exalted position among the powers
of the world which she now occupies
He was far-seeing, broad-minded,
and honest in hi diplomatic work.
Chicanery and double-dealing in bis
intercourse with other nations were
unknown. lie firmly believed in
strictly to American
idea of open fair dealing with
other The following is a
sketch of his public
John Hay was born ill Salem,
October graduated at Brown
University in 1858, and studied law
in Springfield, was admitted to
practice before the supreme court of
Illinois in but immediately
came to Washington assistant
secretary to President Lincoln, re
with him until his death,
acted also as his mid aid-
de camp, and served under Generals
Hunter and and was
vetted was appointed
of legation to Prance March
1805; retired March IS, 1867;
pointed secretary of legation to
Austria Hungary May
where he acted as charge
until August appointed
secretary of legation to Spain June
1869; retired October 1870;
then became an editorial writer on
The New York Tribune, remaining
live years, during seven months of
which he was editor in chief; re
moved to Cleveland in 1875 and
took an active part in the
canvasses of 1876. 1880 and
1884; was appointed assistant
of state November
retired May 1881, in that year he
represented the States at the
International Sanitary congress in
Washington, of which he was
dent; was appointed ambassador
extraordinary and plenipotentiary
to Great Britain March 1897;
retired September 1898; appoint
ed secretary of state September
be regretted that in even a
instance this good woman failed
to receive the courtesy to which her
worth and her sweetness of temper
and virtues entitle her,
But with two millions of courteous
people, we ire not yet perfect, though
are going on to
News and -r
We learn that the United States
has issued a new series of
bills, which promises to be very
popular. However we will be
with a few of the old ones.
When you haven't anything else
to do but gossip and tattle, just get
you a good book and read it
Possibly you will read something
that will greatly benefit you.
Mayor Wearer say he is deter
mined to turn out every rascal in
Philadelphia It ho succeeds the
Democratic majority will be over
whelming in 1908.
years, ever since it been in
existence, and one year at the private
school which Prof- Boyle run before
the establishment of the graded
school, and that h has not missed a
single day or has he tardy
during those five years This is
a remarkable record, especially so
f i a boy. To show his
the little fellow, though having
the mumps, would not be deterred
from stand i his laminations at
the recent closing of the school
As he could not go with the other
children Prof Hoyle allowed him to
Stand the his private
Mount Record.
Cotton took another leap
yesterday we suppose will con-
to go up until the coming crop
is ready for the market, then she
will take a tumble.
We heard whether tin-
Yale Athlete have discovered any
oiler about that big gift or not
Of course no one knows vet who
will be Mr. Hay's successor. We
arc glad to see the papers have
observed more decorum than usual
in circumstances. They have
respected Mr. Hay's memory to the
extent of refraining to discuss the
question of until after
his burial. Usually such respect is
paid to a high official.
The following sketch in
News and Observer from the pen of
Hon. R. L. Gray will be commended
everywhere. It should encourage
every young woman who is com-
to make her way in the world.
Mrs. Person in a private note to the
is a fearful risk for a woman
to go among men to do man's work,
a risk of rendering herself
and probably misjudged.
it can be done, and safely. In
my career of twenty-two years on the
road, have met with nothing
respect and kind treatment, and ex-
We learn that ex-Congressman
Bower, of county, has
served his connection with the
Democratic party and gone over to
the Republicans. This is a free
country. A man has a right to go
where he pleases. He even has a
right to go crazy,
The lo-date, high class
that was to have appeared July 1st.
has no made its appearance vet. or
at least there were none to be had
at any of the news stands
Saturday, the
and of
those people.
i. .
Don't put all the blame en the
town officials fr dirty streets and
tide walks. family in Green-
ville can help prevent dirty littered
streets. Just get out of the habit
of throwing scraps of paper and
other rubbish on the streets.
The calamity which has been
threatening Greensboro has been
prolonged for ninety days.
The climate may lie mighty
in Panama, but a can risk a
great deal for
An English court has
that no man is a gentleman who
earns his living.
We don't believe the of
is near as bad as she
Hot Stuff.
Carolina has appropriate
the glory of opening and closing the
fighting in the civil war, and now
lie has. to bar own satisfaction,
abolished the Fourth of July as the
anniversary of American,
by substituting May 20th, the
date of the Mecklenburg Declaration.
The Old North State has such taking
ways that after awhile hot stoves
and measles will be in
I Index- Appeal.
North Carolina hat arrived at a
knowledge of the truth that unless
she speaks up for herself it won't be
done. She is therefore saying to the
world, with the proofs to back the
that she opened and
closed the civil war and that the
Mi-i Declaration of
was the first ever. She
took the measles when young, and if
she sees any of her stoves sitting
in other States, she will take
them, too, whether they are fired up
or are just out of a refrigerator.
Facts, contemporary, are fair notice.
Charlotte Observer.
Nobody see Butler's hand
the game in called
Asheville is giving
good time this week.
Claudius hasn't got
address just now.
One of the main of Japan's
was due to thorough
And we might say in this
connection that Democracy has a
great battle ahead of her and now is
the time to begin the work of
The Agriculture Department of
this State to issue a bulletin on
Carolina Hogs But there
is no cause to be uneasy, since the
bulletin to the four-
legged kind.
It now crops that the
has been paying salaries
In dead men. This is not out of the
ordinary, for in Philadelphia and St.
Louis dead men are voted in every
Just now Japan is not Russia's
only foe. Her on the high
seas and in hundreds of cities have
lined up as one man against
racy and demand that impositions
A certain newspaper declares that
is no But there is
thousands of people who be
tickled to death if they only had a
chance at a square meal occasionally.
North Carolina is rapidly growing
importance as a textile
State. New mills are being
built and mills now in operation are,
many cases, changing to a finer
product. All of them are busy.
The Textile Department of the
A. M. College, Raleigh, N. C is
educating young for the textile
mills of North Carolina. The grad-
of this department who have
gone into mills have met with sign I
success. Within the past year three
former students have been made
superintendents of cotton mills in
this State. There is a demand fir
the services of all the graduates.
The courses offered in the depart-
are as
year course
Two year course cotton man-
Four year course in dyeing.
Special short courses in cotton
yarn manufacturing.
Special short courses in
and designing.
Farther information about these
courses and the Textile
will be gladly furnished, if you will
write to Prof. Henry M. Wilson,
West Raleigh,
Many improvements are being
made, including addition of new
machinery to the raise of
The textile industry
Carolina a large and varied one.
It affords to young men practically
and technically trained a satisfactory
and career. There
are many opportunities for advance-
and many calls for of
and industry.
A Boy Who Will Succeed.
Some time ago we run an article
about a girl attending school for
nine years, net a single day
or being tardy at any time. Prof.
Boyle informs us that Whittle I
Clary, of this place, has been going
to at the graded school four
Germany's attitude toward the sit-
in Morocco is rather peculiar
is calculated to cause suspicion
on the part of the French govern-
She asks for an international
lo settle the relations of
powers toward
each other in refer-
interests there Yet
. to give her reasons for
such conference or to say
rs she expects to bring
id it be held or what
make before it.
hand. France is willing
e such conference held if she
forced to go into it blindly.
She wishes to know what the powers
are going to be asked to confer
about. She has certain rights which
she thinks the other powers are
concerned in These she is
to leave to arbitration. All
other matters she is willing to leave
to the conference. Hut Germany
will say nothing but that she wants
an international
It is all very well to make fun of
Davis but he at
least disproved the Osier theory and
defeated an objectionable
can De Grace, Md.,
Feinted Paragraphs.
Many a man acts foolish who isn't
a professional actor.
The seldom seeks the man,
but the situation frequently seeks
the cook.
A spinster worries because she is
single, and a married woman worries
It doesn't take a young man long
to discover that miss, kiss and bliss
rhyme together.
Many a crooked man is supposed
to be perfectly straight because other
men are unable to get into his
is man's says a
feminine magazine writer. Well,
that depends on who the woman is
and who the man is. She may be
his News.
I hi been by the
boys of town who
my Held and our bit crops search
of fruit, and I take
to both the and their par-
that positively I prosecute
trespass any boy who repeats the
offense hereafter James
and largest
Two Piece
Men's Two Place Suits
in constantly.
Neither comfort nor
gentility demands a Vet
Summer wear.
The Vest has no
when the
says degrees.
and Trouper
Suits in Double
Breasted styles in a
of patterns.
You'll find there's
Not An Ounce
of superfluous cloth any-
where, while the
lines and natty appear
of the garments are
up to our usual and
e Clothes
Frank Wilson,
Gratifying News.
Biggest Bargains in all kinds of Merchandise. The cheap-
est reductions we ever offered. The sale t a great
loss of money, but it is one way of cleaning the shelves odd
lots at price and loss Silks, Dross Goods, Trimmings.
Linings Braids, Laces, Embroideries, lawns, Men's and
Slippers, and Clothing. All reduced i some
i. Improve your chance by coining ear y
and Slippers to go
in black, tan white
He Lawns
He Lawns
quality all color
Lases and Hamburg
one half
Men's suits that were
to 18.00, 10.00,
12.00 and On
All shirts
ed and shirts now
Men's and boy's Straw
Huts, reduced one half
Umbrellas steel rods
full inch were BO and
1.60 and 2.00 Urn
IS, a- Ladies Hand
kerchiefs all at one prise tie Big murk down in Milli-
Talcum powder nary. 1.00, and
why pay more
C. B. R. Q. Corsets
Special prices in all sum-
to the
Men's Patent Leather and
Tan Shoes and Slippers
and to quick
Men s and all wool
Serge suits, worth
we close them at
1.76 Hals now
white Dark
I Big lot baby caps
One hundred ladies
, white Hand-
I kerchiefs, worth
each, now for
S H Suspenders, the
best kind row
Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pius,
Ladies waist sets all go
at half the original price
The Dundee so
much used, black
and navy, now
G. L. Wilkinson Go.
For C Stoves Ran,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, neat Cutters and
In fact anything
in come to
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
IN. O, July
Annie is spending a
few days the country at the
home of G. K. -o.-i
Look Mr. ask
J. A. Nichols is building a
two story on k weal of j
the dormitory, Say. John, i
what meaner h these thing-f Per-
old father time will have
prices anything that you
ore interested in.
John Pea ice, of one of
the oldest and most highly respect-
ed Put county spent i
Tuesday town, the guest of A.
G. Cox.
p. aunt- seed at T.
N Manning Co's.
R, W. Davis
were in our village
We have informed that
before. t mohair
batiste, weather proof, batiste .
all the late-1 design, relies
some secrets to
Go to T. N. Manning Go.
fresh caDdies, nuts, raisins
A. G. Cox Mfg. On. over Jibe are respectfully
with orders for tobacco to call inspect oar
flues and tracks. They have Barber ft Co.
justly earned the reputation For hay, corn and oats,
Baking the best Hues fan Barber ft Co.
might have been almost any
eighteen, even twenty.
id probably attained her full
I- i,. , n feel three inches,
h i little i . held promise of
. an ohm eye. She
notions ladies and Kent- , ,. a lance, her
slippers has arrived and i shaped, her
of ladies areas goods I rim in I Mall, tor the
c. is more complete than ., related up with string only
at and
Our spring and summer of
At the dote 1905.
Capital stock
Overdrafts, .,
Due from 4,316.40 certificate of 780.00
go to
market the Truck
a rapid seller wherever known.
We samples of over
hundred style wall taper.
new corned herrings,
received Barber ft Co.
Corned herrings cheap, at
-a la
T um SiS
it t
called to bis home near on ,
account of the illness his The Pit ;
Car load flour just received. They pay M by Oil Mill.
Co flash price or will ex i A few subscribers the Eastern
Notice- have moved into for When a bit in arrears.
i are ready write for prices.
The next session Willie
I ha the Winterville list and
the list on all the ail route, from
now store the depot. I keep
a good line of hardware. Hayes
., . . . . ; . open Sept of nil our P
smith and repair shop
and livery stable in connection.
W. L, House.
Mate Dew, the genial
efficient matron of the girls
tors . has gone to visit friend and
relatives at Fremont to take a
much Deeded rest. She was ac-
companied Miss Nannie
Just received another shipment
if men and child ten
Frank and Miss Lizzie
of Stokes, were visitors
in our town Saturday and Sunday,
Mrs. Susan A. Jackson, who for
some weeks has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John
Grifton, returned lo the borne her
daughter, Mrs. A. Q. Cox
Don't eyes feel like there
is grit in Dot buy you
feel tired on reading Do
they become mattered and adhere
while asleep That denotes
paired vision and should be rein
by wearing eye glasses. B.
T. Cox carry a fall line of
spectacles can fit your eyes
with the proper
Miss Clyde Harrison, near
who for several years, so
successfully music in the
Winterville High school, has been
visiting Miss Molly Bryan.
here she purchased a piano
will be pleased to learn
that she will hive charge of the
again next year.
or men to solicit
orders for nursery stock in Pitt
Bounty. For particulars enclose
Stamp. Box Hi, Winterville;
Last Saturday the teachers left
by the car load. No tie i or a
more consecrated body of teachers
has ever met in the state. -Our
people are delighted to have had
with them stay among
as will ever be m
be red.
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sons and millet
T. Cox and Bro.
Our have
decided to put several car loads of
gravel our streets, For this
they justly deserve the praise of
the entire as it is one of the
wisest and most progressive steps
yet taken. Now give us
lights and we will sing
your praises forever.
lot of glass ware and crock-
always on baud. Harrington
Barber Co.
White's Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, fine tor perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Last Saturday evening Miss
Mariam Johnson gave a birthday
The prospects are brighter
ever before. Several rooms
already engaged.
am prepared to receipts
I, u,. for the paper. and sec me
pay up, make me happy, make
There is Cm.
j farmers should have lo inch
I high price for their they
raise their own wheat and
Winterville Mfg. Co. is thoroughly
equipped making splendid
All Colon of paint, yellow
at Harrington Barber .
Have now on hand nice line of
glass crockery all very
cheap. Harrington Barber On
Lace and cheap as the
cheapest at A. W. A.
Reduction sales made . while
goods and
a Co.
We baud a lot of nice
gents straw hats that will now go
below cost. fail to see them.
We will sell you at sonic price.
It. G. Chapman Co.
paint, guaranteed
the at Harrington. Barber
For Pine Tar Walkers
tonic, Dr. Bell's killer,
Dr. Bell's Eye salve,
sure cure for all troubles,
T. N. ft Co.
When need of anything
the crockery and glassware line
be sure to tee us before buying,
R. G. Chapman ft Co.
Some try to meet
buggies in prices, A few try to
them quality and finish.
But none undertake do both.
Another large h; of shoes
all styles sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington
ft Co.
Paint your house how is the
time, Ange ft Co. have the old
reliable and Country paint.
Uncle, where are you going.
I am going to A. W. k
they are selling goods way-
down cheap now.
Special prices on ice
cream freezers at R. G. Chapman
A Co.
Don't worry over that little lot
of cotton you had left over when
yon got through your last
lots. Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton in any quantity the
best market price paid every
For Plymouth Rock
gs, per Fob orders
filled as fast as the hens lay. O. H.
Jackson Winterville N. C.
At the drug store there we think
she most can be pleased
sable silverware jewelry.
White's Colic and Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a cure.
at the Store
Farmers who raise their hay can
be supplied with the well known
Osborne Mowing machines and
rakes by ft Co.
the editor happy, and get Lapp
yourself. I've got a good
lion for all those who pay for i.
year in advance.
A. D. J illusion.
II am i
L Coward
W. II. Johnson enters
one acres or land
more or less, enjoining the
Jesse Button, A. G. Cox's
wards or Sophia land
others in and car the Horse
and the Great opening In Pitt
county, N. C . and
W. H Johnson.
Any parson or persons
title interest in the above
land, must life their protest
with in writing within the next
thirty days, against the Issuing f
warrant or they will be barred law
This June It. Williams.
Entry Taker fer t Co
Night Was Her Terror.
would nearly ail
writes Mrs. Chas. Apple-
Kate, of Alexandria, Ind., and
could hardly a sleep. I
consumption so bad that If I
walked a block I would cough
spit blood, but,
when ail other medicines failed,
three 11.00 of Dr.
Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained It's ab-
guaranteed to cure Cough.-,
Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and
all Throat and Lung troubles.
Price and 1.00. Trial bottles
free J. L. store.
No Pity Shown.
years was after me con-
writes F. A.
Verbena, Ala. had a terrible
ease of Piles tumors.
all failed
Salve cured me. for Burns
and all aches and pains.
at Drug Store.
party to her many friends. Re-1 call see them.
served and all j Try a bottle of Dr. sure
report a very pleasant for indigestion at the drag store.
Working Night and Day.
The busies, mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Di.
King's New Life Pills. pills
change weakness into strength,
into energy, brain fag
mental power. They're won-
in building up the he
Only per box. Sold by L,
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that tor
persistent and unmerciful torture
has perhaps never
Joe of Calif,
years I
pain from
and nothing relieved me
I tried known
I came across Bitters and
it's the greatest on earth
for that trouble. A few bottles of
it completely relieved cured
Just as good for and
Kidney troubles and general de-
Only Satisfaction
guaranteed by L. Wooten,
pinched as the face was,
it um have been almost
it not such an old.
look. Her eyes were Ion
and arid their resign-
look given one a heartache to
write it.
new lodger on the ground
r or, who had only arrived the
i In fore from the other side
i world, with a considerable
of luggage seemingly
pounds in hi.- pocket, push-
brown bands into
r.- rattling the coins, and
looked at Cinderella as she washed
the steps before the house.
little beggar Poor little
Cinderella looked up and saw
I warded face at the window
r a moment forgot the March
and her stiffening little tin-
you, Sophia, you're not
ions out there in two twos I'll know
reason observed Mrs. H.-
thought that purring old cat
el growled or
Sophia made us though he
had not heard. She finished off the
list step neatly carefully,
the house with much clatter
if broom.
For some hours, with hi
moment's interval, the voice of Mrs.
Billing could be heard upbraiding,
admonishing, advising, poor
ii upon the of
upstairs, and he
looking down
into the kitchen premises.
I Bi ling bad unlocked and
i m i cupboard, taking
ii to remains of u shoulder of
mi that u few I
mi a i it. which she scrape
a plate of cold potatoes,
h she put down before Cinder-
. stood over her
while .-lie her meal.
i you enough
thank you, And
the viands were hidden away.
T; m evidently a daily
ion answer
j a. those of the catechism.
very good mutton, So-
good unit ton.
ill up the dill i things.
going to attend to tin .
And I In; Australian into
his own room.
lie expressed himself perfectly
satisfied with the arrangements that
had -ii far been for his
fort, ind when the woman, who
purred, said she had a Ion;
standing engagement to go lo
theater, which would practically
mean leaving him alone in the
house, the amiable colonial declared
In- could get a chop somewhere or
can sit up for beam-
ed Mrs.
servant Ah, to be sure
What time will you be
isn't it rather lute for that
child to sit
And the purring
ed. eighteen, and a lazier,
more impudent baggage I Her moth-
died this Very house, and I've
had her on hands ever since.
Child indeed
mother run away from her
husband when the child was a baby,
He used to have a market garden
almost opposite and almost de-
poor man, and spent nil he
had trying to find her. Then In
disappeared. It was said her
were i u superior station of life to
his. and she went back lo her own
folk. No one knows. Anyhow, she
came back here to find his house
pulled down, where the school is,
She'd been with the play actors,
and took her in and was kind to
To Mrs. Billing's huge astonish-
the man limply gasped as if
cold water had been dashed in his
he said. did
not any of her people inquire
her or the
you, no Here the child is,
and she'll stop, I suppose, till
little under his
The eccentric Australian
the afternoon shopping, but not ill
the neighborhood, and returned to
find Mrs. Hilling had already de-
parted, so perhaps
tea was included the
and he had paid that morn-
Silver coin
i i x
i sub. to check
of North
I, H. II. Taylor, bushier he named
that the above it o is true to the best
Subscribed and to l for
lb I -i I June, 1905
Nolan Public.
bank, do
of my know lodge
H Cashier.
W ON, . C
For Male and Female.
in and Music, Art,
and Physical
and Typewriting.
Languages Literature.
or o
LL Pr-side i U
in Ancient and Modern
r leading to A. H.
Address, J. J.
Littleton Female
Splendid I
pupils last yen-. k
and social
Ii re
years i .
Is on
Over boarding
o work. High of
vi advantages in music. Ad-
in i i n. Hit water heat.
lights an i
I; one death among pupils
I i tit on the health and social
II standard of
Se-it. 13th, For
V J. M. RHODES, A. M.,
President, Littleton, N. c.
That would purchase tea
things, he thought
I um coming downstairs
to haves cup of tea with And,
not waiting for reply,
the tea is locked up,
He was
packing tea, cakes,
pie while he glanced round the bare
pin some coal on the fire,
The J bun red
.- eves oil tin
girl's face. Ii . ti awe-
struck. But sin- Bushed
looked pretty. man's eyes,
were -o kind his e ton bed In r.
i What will
v raked cut half tin
ii . . the little in
the stairs, a I
Been us the I I never known
before. Me j- the Ii on
Ii ill hull kill me
I'm- i i girl, mill quick
tears filled I r i-s.
The eye- were moist i i
lie had seen the glance the girl
cast the pie.
I In docs
back her sleeve showed him half
a dozen black marks.
shall never pinch you
And the blaze in the man's
eyes frightened her.
sit he said gently.
He watched every mouthful she
ate. heaping her plate up. In
minutes Sophia was chattering per-
frankly happily. The
man drank m every word. How the
girl had managed t pick up
retain such n pure accent he could
nut tell. It smacked of cockney bin
lie calmly lit his pipe as he drew
to the tire and stared first at
the reddish gold the girl's hair,
then at the
not one of the fainting
kind, are
The question lie felt was abrupt.
fainted in life,
We been near awful
dropping tune.-, giddy and sick
you may
Ii of growled tin
Australian. -soul I
mean if I were lo tell you
good V in I he cleared hi
throat. Her little mouth was agape
I were lo give you
of your father
She had clasped her hands. Her
pretty, thin, little face looked rap-
and i
would give him mother's
wedding ring
And she took from her
purse ii wedding ring. It was en-
graved mi the inside, . lo .
I . .
you do it I ere to
tell you your father was I
mi . and prosperous and now .
u happy What would do ii
he were to walk into this in now,
As he .-poke the girl I. conn
from the other side of tin hi
and sine. in lore him.
had Hushed.
I should kiss and hug hint
we'll have the kit
laid the mu . in t
. d voice, I'm our dud,
The girl threw her arms
sobbing I. .
his a riled . In . t-r . . . a a
mother does to a child, I mil n
. in look him and .
and again.
They talked for a long lime
the he had left, h re In
was to lake her i
ii. healthy. open ail
life. She was sitting on his
d i hear Mrs. Billing, who,
hearing Mine-, bad ill on up
in a shrill key
burning, the range
hot. my store cupboard emptied
Sophia, you of my
Jim rose from his
from behind
here, my good
he draw led.
so, Husband Mrs
as she tailed hi If, nIt
died in your from
want, if what your i-
true i r of So
lie k the .
and ; to the bruises.
Mrs, Rilling had at I herself
all bundled up.
your he I, I
half starved Cinderella. on . g
and look for n cab. run
stair- and put on the warm cloak
Inn you find in my room
Mrs. Billing, before you
p me drag port man b .
hall. It has been
will Bleep at a lion
Bill Mrs. had
Punishment of
The Japanese schoolboy who is
naughty is not obliged stand in
a comer with a paper cap on his
head, hut i. given a piece of lighted
punk must stand in front of
class and hold it until it is all
l saw to ed. The length of the punk
on the
into the

. i
You Liv
On Sale via.
The who b. in. RAILWAY.
wise his family.
The man who insures hi health
U wise both for bis family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It is worth guarding,
first attack of disease,
generally approaches
through the and
itself in innumerable ways
Extremely low Rates are
announced by the South-
Railway from points
on its lines for follow-
And save your health.
And Time is of L
For Rates
p. i y i o
r, and
Not Quite
How often you cm gel
thing done a
. rev driver or
--i good
box be a
is nil ill re,
m .; that your tool
box doe ii-k a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
i sT
State f North Carolina,
g w or Court.
Farmville , m
and warn t of
K. Pollard,
I ,, . on the
I ., in th entitled a
by the clerk of
Sup court of county, return-
able to the mix r term, l
Pitt Superior court, which
the after th, Aral
Monday September, it being
the 19th day of said month, which
summons was returned the
this endorsement. E I-
not lo i
The purpose said action as alleged
by the plaintiff Is to recover of
defendant the sum hundred
dollars for I warrant a
certain deed executed to
day of for a
of w I son
street In the town and
recorded in
Book pa
of co inly.
The id E -i
aforesaid, will notice a
attachment was d
e'er . the said
J me, . st the iron r-
ti said I J. Pollard, directed
the Pitt a d t
turnable is d term
in. Superior court, it
mi i
, is returnable, the aid
Ii. j. Pollard will take notice Ii
Is ii. i i -i
. i-1 in and w r; i
, . ,,. i the I
, or t e
will be d,
Done at o i in
i June,
Blow, Plaintiff's Atty.
S. M.
furniture Dealer. Cm paid
Fur. Cotton Hoed Oil
rel-. Curl Egg,
1--i P
and flail ft A ,
Hen -j Cigar, Can-
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Magic Food, Oil,
Meal and
. I rd
China Ware, and
Ware, and Mao
Batter, Nev
Royal n and mi
the good. I
Tin- of Ravage A
heretofore doings mercantile business
in the On has
iii in All per-
owing can with
either and are requested
at once and settle ac-
Any one ace
,, ,, , , Hi ii can present
either I- M.
July -5-lo.
Buffalo. N. I , Annual Meeting
Lodge R. P. O. K.,
ll to IS,
. X
A. my the
s, to 1905.
Louisville. ,
Stall, in
l to l
July t
l, lo.
Ii, 1905.
green, t-
i. Pa., Kill-
tent l
. . o. O. K.,
i; n.
Portland Ore., Hen
in. Die. ii. mI .
Lewis dark I
on Peel tic
June l
. National
Bate, tin- above
1.1 lie public.
Tickets will be mid there
points limn
no- or
in lines, or
R. L. T. P. A.
J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.
N C,
B H Pete. Truffle
W. H.
P.-. Agent.
June 7th,
North Carolina.
Had th State's Educational
Collegiate, Engineering
Sew water work
Lights, Central
system. Now
, Electric
L. H. CO
Tin and
Slate Roofing.
Tobacco Flues and
all kinds of Sheet Metal
in in.
V. M. U, A.
, N C
Steamboat Service.
L- leaves
ii in. for leaves
Greenville dully
York, Boston all
North, t a Norfolk
nil W.-i.
freight via Norfolk
Southern K.
belling t
ii in notice.
T. Agent. Washing-
J. Agent,
ville, N. C.
B. G. General T. and
Agent, Va.,
Opposite B,
Greenville, N. O.
Cherry A Co
Hopkins, Daniel Davis. Props
Cleanliness our Motto.
Only experienced men em
ployed. Opposite drug
by experienced workmen at the shop
H. Kills in Winslow Mills
White Front Barber Shop
j B a co
soil all for you
patronage hoping tor your
S. J. NOBLES, Prop.
not ice
July 1st I will be
pared to furnish private con-
to depot for
persons in town at
each parson The will
then only run hotels to
depot Mini wharf and fare on
that will also be phoned
ii hereby given that Will
make application In Hoard of Com-
of on the
Monday In July. for t
retail liquor N. c.
Thus. J.
el May,
J- Elks.
W. E. Home,
J. K. Spier, J. R.
J. W. Page.
j Clerk Superior C.
I W. Tucker.
Register of WU
Treasurer-S. T. White.
D. Cox.
Hoard of G.
Cox, Chairman, B. M.
L. C. Arthur,
W. H.
; C E. Flem-
A S. Congleton,
J. E.
W. A. Bowen, A. H. Taft,
C. S. Carr. T. E. Hooker,
J Lanier.
Mayor-9. M. Wooten.
L. Carr.
Tax Collector C D.
J. T As
J G. W.
Chief Fire Department
W. Bryan, J. Bf. Hart, J.
L. Sugg.
Pray or each
day schools
a. m.
Baptist- H.
Superintendent of Sunday
I U. H. Moore.
pastor. Sun
day. K. Parker Super-
School, i
W. B. Cox,;
rector. Services every hist
and third Sunday. W. B
Brown of
Free Will
regular service
day Services every Sunday
G S Pritchard
dent of Sunday School
B Dove Sup
No pastor.
Greenville Lodge No. A
V A If, meets 1st and
Monday nights in each
month it Williams, W
U; Wiley Brown, Sec
Covenant Lodge No. I G G
F Meets every Tuesday
night. T K Moore, M
W F Evans, Sec
Tar River Lodge No. K of
Meets every
night B i C
T J Moore, K of K ft
Tribe No SB
I K M. meets every
Wednesday night J ll
Harris, Sachem;
wards, of R,
Pitt Council Jr O U A
M, meets every Monday
night T H
H E Tripp, RS,
Fads Are Stubborn Things
Uniform excellent quality for
century has steadily increased sales of
leader of all package coffees.
Lion Coffee
is now used in millions of homes. Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
positive that LION COFFEE has the
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of
COFFEE survives ail opposition.
LION keeps. It anal
new ones every
LION has even more
than Its Strength, Flavor and
to commend It. On arrival from
the carefully roast-
ed at our and
I packed In lb. sealed packages,
I and not opened again until needed i
I nae in Use home. This precludes
I the possibility adulteration or contact with germs, an.
I dust. Insects, or unclean hands. The absolute purity el
I LION COFFEE Is therefore guaranteed to consumer.
Bold only in lb. Lion-head on every package.
Save these Lion-beads for valuable premiums.
SPICE CO. Toledo,
All other real 8,000.01
to cheek 181,484.44
i Water's cheeks on-
County of Pitt.
L. little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement is true U the best my knowledge
sworn lo before
me. this 7th day of
Notary Public.
j. a.
Young man, pay premiums when you can buy
the same contract for premiums On account of a
interest rate and lower expense loading THE SECURITY
AND ANNUITY can make great
saving tor you. Write the Home Office, Greensboro, North
Carolina, or see
F. M. Hornaday,
North Carolina
i given I will
hoard of
of county on the
Monday in July, for license to
retail in N. C.
J. L.
This day May.
The North Carolina
If you contemplate INSURING
S your property wait, e
you are your house or
M--. house be by
The Time to Act u Now
, while the property i valuable and
when you a
fire too late. I write
that Let me explain
it to you.
The A Hooker by
consent was on the
Frank Brink-
I. Hooker's interest
In the Warehouse. J be
lie run Frank
J. Frank
I desire to my for
auk a continuance of lbs same, prom-
that I will always me my
lo protect their in the
on Tuesday, of July,
the home of late Laura
will sell st public auction
for all the household
furniture to of the
Cherry Jr.
of Laura
June 7th, w d
D. J.
Literary Commercial
Classical Science
Scientific Manual Training
Pedagogical Music
Courses to f,
Hoard, laundry, tuition, am fees for fl
. . ; . ,. . sin. ,.,., students for no,
of he session begin.
as all
Correspondence invited from those desiring romp
tn art For and
CHARLES D. President,
Is Tea
The Reflector
Tax Is Read By Everybody i
to pay for they
if yon want It and you are
a part of their
r. R. L.
N. C.
Dr. D. L. -fame
-v Dental
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Agent.
AYDEN, N. C. -e
AYDEN ITEMS. j Cotton Gopher
extra blade J. R.
N. C, y 1904. Smith Bro.
A ascot for v ; A large plaining and latest
and we lake improved with which to do
great pleasure receiving work. Satisfaction
and willing receipts for; teed. M. B. Tripp i Bro.
those arrears. We have a list; L. is at
of all who receive their mail at Gainesville, Ga.,
this We also take orders
for job
When yon need a nice,
tough pole, sty for your buggy or
carriage. Call on and make a
Co. X. C.
Ayden Milling At Mfg. Co.,
where she will take a special
Miss Joyner is the very
popular music director
the Will Baptist
at this place. She spare pains
or means toward making her de-
part meat a and succeeds
moat admirably too.
Ayden, N. C. Gall on Jenkins for a bar
Our friend J. A. Harrington ; rel Columbia Flour, none better
regrets his inability, be had anywhere,
other matters of more importance. Needles, oil, bands and
accept the portfolio of for all of sewing
held by late Secretary j J. H. Tripp Bro. Ayden, N
Hay, should Hie
his appointment. Mr. peaches, corn
is one of our and I . ti K
most progressive citizens
ill afford to spare Min Rona Randolph, of House,
one enter our Mr Crawford of
earnest protest opposition to Ermine, Texas, spent Thursday
of Mi.
We are free to admit he would
most creditably till the
but we can't spare He is out
door he is
den h hi Id he feel
ed to accept, ii I a calamity
the shock from we
with Hodges and
left the morning for their
respective homes.
Don't fail to see Cannon Ty-
son's new crockery both
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Come to see us when you wan
to buy Independent
kept by ft Mr Lew J. R Smith ft Bra., era the pm-
horn. for children I have this
Ladies misses and children black. season.
M. B. Tripp ft Bro. are now
to make wooden for
cripple horse- or Their
latest was a decided success.
The freshest loaf bread right
f-om at A
Mis Edits is spending
the week out in the country with
her aunt, Mrs.
We will, beginning on
day June 21st offer for ea-b oar
entire stock of clothing, dry goods
notion, shoes hats Ac, at prices
before of in the town of
Ayden. Out slink is large
and we take this means of reducing
same. We just gotten a
large lot Bears
at per yard, while sheet-
per C. Jackson
Co. Ayden.
Get the Cm planter the
beet on market at Smith y
Did you know yon could one
of the old time Gophers and any
size blade you want at Ii. Smith
The meeting of the unity eon
i i i- fail l i large
crowd- from
My office he do-., i
one month a- I shall he In
In i purpose f taking
a special in lip.
copy. J. Taylor,
tan and white slippers all sizes at
J. R. Smith Bro
Old man what yon always
go to J. R. Smith ft Bro., to do
your I can
always get thing I want from
I do knew that J. R. Smith ft
Bro., have prettiest and
cent calico and gingham town.
That last car choice bay that J.
R. Bra, received is fine.
Lee lime is good for any
crop and a farmer should it
freely, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
of Wash-
spent from Saturday until
yesterday here with his mother,
That lace and embroidery
is the prettiest goods in town for
baby dresses at J. R. Smith Bro.
King Quality shoes are beat.
Yon will find them at J. J. Ed-
ward ft Son.
Complete stock spring
at Edward A Son.
In order to make for the
next days we will sell
regular high grade buggies at
exceptionally low prices. This is
no fake, but strictly business.
Milling and Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C
received our spring stock of
pants. J. J. Edwards A Son.
Miss Willie Faulkner to
Sunday to spend the
I day.
For heart
j shingles by J. H. Tripp Bro.
The mil of Milling
-a. AYDEN, N. Cs-es-
At the close of business May 29th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts. S 22.960
Furniture and M
Due from Banks,
Cash Items.
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
other U. S
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 1.000
Undivided profits leas
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, 33,068.91
Cashier's 196.82
Sleep Comfortable
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
th t
I recover. No Mr. President; we handle
I you let our Hart Jenkins.
have plenty prepared to
Trust Wit- which been out of
repair is now in condition
If you in the way
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
Remember every Royal Elastic Mattress and
Bed is sold under not the best, price re-
on shortest notice all who
I of Crockery, Tin ware cart
to sec Hart Jenkins. art them as
Call and examine our line of any also call attention to
buggies. You can be, Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co. buggies,
I Ayden, X C. ha- g lo Pal-
Tyson and went I to contract for work.
visiting op in the section I interest
men who prefer to walk or the We i lure
The ladies say that Cannon ft men who will believe that our Bed .-,
, ., j. i.,
There ell a i
1st I. V. .,
bay, nuts, ship
i seed
on hand Camion . I
Those art in s, . it
Cannon I is in j n
Tyson can i.
for bf C S
t i iv
i . H,. Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Tease f u Closets, Book Cases, Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
E. E. fail Co. will do all
possible to please you with
new line heavy fancy
We are first
class, light neat
Hilling Mfg. Co.,
quarterly meeting of the
Baptist be held
the church this place
and Sunday.
Just received, fine line of bur
can lit no in any style
Milling Co.
are re-
daily new groceries and
tight from the
Jackson and mother, Mrs.
J, Jackson, are visiting Rev.
B. at
prettiest line buggies are the most economical
dress goods in tow n. their price.
Notice you want We know vehicles and values,
your ginned nice and clean, we also know the buggies we build
He Hie
. Ha hi I
better for it, bring It Come to see us whether
Ayden A Mfg. Co., Ayden, you buy or not. If you
C. better elsewhere we do u t expect
Go to K. K. O's patronage.
teachers, n
i to attend t
II t
ii- i
lute held
i colored
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to investigate our stock. Our and Bed
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
market for beef, fresh meats, ten.
and fresh Bab.
A high grade, graceful,
well made aide buggy be
in any style at an
the Ayden Milling A Mfg. .
Mrs. Weeks, alter a pleas
Ayden Milling Co.
Ayden, N. C.
Miss Lizzie Dixon is
friends Parmele.
The sensible carnage buyer
knows a little judgment often
saves dollars, lie knows
week with friends near here, I bat there is a price below which a
returned to her home in Scot-1 good baggy cannot be built or sold.
land Keck. I Our buggies represent a certain
We continue to build in style and
for we do not offered generally,
set apace we cannot Ayden Milling Mfg. Ayden,
manufacture seats for A Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. j N.
e trade, that arc simply the That salt at J. R. Smith A Jesse of
can do the first n 1906,
for two n f desire.
The will lie Prof,
W Bi Hi aid Pi of. B. R
Coward, C. m ,,. arrange-
P , . ,
Allen. I; Ii.
J. H.
It Has Never Failed.
references demand. For
in all country stores and
drug stores. Call tor it. No Cure
A. H. Taft,
hf re Monday.
Something new in Ayden J. It.
Smith Bro., have bought a whole
seat the market Bro., is the best thing I can get
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. for my stock. They only eat what
We have full line of they want of it at a time.
shoes for ladies. Every I Singer sold car load of cooking and heating
air guaranteed. cheap for cash or installment stoves, and you can get your choice
J. J. Edwards Co. i J. at H. Tripp Bro., N. C by coming at
I Miss Jeane Morrison lost a very Simplex guano distributors, Cox j Say neighbor have you seen that
gold watch the streets cotton planters and repairs at J. R. j Simplex fertilizer distributor at
About an hour or so Bro.
Messrs. M. P. Owing to a difference in opinion
d R. W. Smith had the good public sentiment as the
tune to find restore it conduct of the graded
r. j school at this place quite a number
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
bananas at K. K. c
For guano sowers see M. It.
Harris says that Harrison
and paints and
ore are by far best goods
of our citizens a
Hall last Friday evening
and selected the gentle-
men to present to the board of
education for of the
Stancill Hodges, J. W.
Samuel Mumford, R. C. Cannon,
place of
J. W. W. C. Jackson,
Jesse Cannon, W. F. Hart, and
it he ever used and that it
eked out several other J. J. Edwards, the present trustees.
mils in a test at Greenville last aM been we have
not yet been able to ascertain. We
hop-, sincerely hope, the difference
may be amicably arranged to
V. and satisfaction all. This is
This paint is sold by J.
a Bro.
e spent Sunday in
h He boast of once
re haying a good square meal,
if you do not secure
of our high grade
a serious matter should receive
a careful and impartial
The soda fountain a
will be in service
from now to the end of the season.
r loss will be than ours. The newest and latest will
ft Mfg. Co., found there. If you want
N. C. something nice try them.
J. R. Smith A Bro. It puts it out
in any quantity you want and does
not waste any at ends of row
and it is a cheap machine.
Go to J. J. Edwards A Son for
your spring clothing.
A. Griffin has first
class brick for sale and is burning
new kilns constantly. When in
need of brick see him or write
Ayden, N. C.
J. R. Smith Bro. gives me
more for my hams,
chickens and eggs than anybody
A neat 5-room house with gar-
den and all necessary houses
located on main street in a good
neighborhood for rent by J. R.
Smith A Bro.
Pianos and at J. II.
Tripp Bro. We sell them cheap
for cash on credit term, Ayden,
N. C.
Shippers, lawns and straw hats
are sold extremely cheap
cash by Cannon ft Tyson.
A Shoe for
If it give you absolute
your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
K. F. Johnson,
Diet. Ayden, N. C.
THE for women
is made with careful reference
to the most minute details and
i- so perfected in its numerous
there is no
man's shoe on the market soiling
at the price the Ultra does, its
if its equal.
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office. Brisk Block, Rest Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Here is the fundamental basis
of a perfect shoe. We employ
our own expert designers, and
every Ultra Shoe is made over
ii hut scientifically constructed
to the variations
of width and size in woman's
The Ultra meets
requirement of the
whims of
We carry SHOE, for men, in Oxfords, Tans, etc.
Pulley Bowen,
Try a Pair
ow VICTOR SPRINGS and one of our OS-
TRESSES and If you are not than satisfied we
Subscribe to THE

C. T.
Greenville, C,
h Ho
; Stock to be Sold in DAYS by the
Salvage Co., of New York and Chicago
ever held in N. C. Ten unequaled undersell.,,, a
, will .
lit -i economizers
, and be never again will such an opportunity be presented to you to save seasonable
l S. does not often occur. Reductions that take in every department and
; I, store An event that will blaze a trail through the tangled maze of competition
urn, Hating regular price without cessation
C. T.
Greenville, N. C,
A Supreme Effort
Given Without a Counter-
part. Sale opens on
Friday, July 7th, a. m.
.,. k Greenville from to circumference. The wreckage of Value is complete Tee price ore beyond
The our bitter . I l surprised, for more than you can possibly anticipate will be realized. Head every one of these
i fa K done in years. our by prices below.
To Mark Down and Arrange The Stock.
, l in the this Store. The immensity of our offering proves the vastness of our enterprise. The lit
every P J and every at,,; ,,, Jg to he ti This Sale opens Friday morning, July 7th, at
the supremacy of this store a Center, was never presented.
No a Taste for Economy, can afford to Overlook this
Only July 7th.
A Big
. .
;. Is Ho
J, Cl
cut for Mile
Worth lac
India e t
India Linen
Check Dimities, Values up
to saw price
Wash Chiffon Were
considered excellent val
ties sale price
hie i.
.-. . r
Staple Department Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
Silk and Velvets.
A Murrain silks that prove
an interesting topic.
Black yard wide
worth 1.25 now
Japanese silk, all colors
worth at
inch velvet, a shades,
in. silk worth 1.00
Easy, graceful form
fitting Corsets, in all the
makes, in military
and straight front including
the celebrated R Q B
Other Beauties
All the new toes are
sen in the lino of Lad es
oxfords and slippers we
showing at to
. .
. IS
Line i
. e II . .
; ti for
. tin Dam-
r to 1.50
de ii i
I . sale
sale price
l .
Ki, . lute Bed
. . Marseilles
I rim value for
;. Bleached Towels
. value; sale price
nod yards
it yards Bleach
n yards ed Seal A P C
Checks, extra value,
Calico American IndigO
Carmine lied, all
Dress Goods
Crape and Voile
Coverts and Damask
. wool
c value
Novelty Fancy
Mixtures Voiles and
late Spring
desirable shades
Black Cheviot in.
Aide, worth a yard,
-ale price, yard
The imported English
Poplins, Mohairs, Sicilians
Mohair Serges and silk-
warp values up
to sale price
Ore pairs of very
of this seasons goods,
hand sewed lace or button,
all weights sole. French
kid. patent Russia call
They are tare the best
of any shoe brought to this
market, and they come in all
sizes and widths, worth from
to Come and
pick them out from
down to We
Ladies tine kid shoes,
button and lace. toe
and patent tip wort Is
of Ladies Oxfords,
in all popular leathers, also
white canvas, worth up to
vale price to
Men's Hats
f, , a and Hats in
able shapes, worth up
I .
M in-
values ranging
from and at the
. . ,., prise of
bi;. and Denver shapes,
come in and nutria
price fl-W
All st spring shapes
as ell as staple styles in
Hats -y
where marvelous
sale price
Men's Pants
Men's latest
and Fancy Worsted Pants
in all shades and pretty
all sizes, rag. price
all no on this sale at
Fine Fancy and Plain
Pants that regularly
sold for aid sale
price J-
Fine Pants that sell
for and stein,
cheviots a fancy worsteds
all go in this sale at only
Men's Pants of in
desirable patterns, regular
sellers; sale
Knee Pants
pair of Knee Pants
worth up to price
pair of Knee Pants
sellers; prise
A consolidation of several
lines of Long Pants,
value and
sale price only, pair
Hose, Hose, Hose
Ladies fast black seamless
hose, regular price now
A line cotton fast
black hose reg. price now
tine plain lace
styles black hose, worth
Ladies beautiful
hose, worth pair
Children's fast black rib-
bed hose, reg price at
Children's fast black tine
hose, regular price at
Children's French
ribbed hose, regular price
Men's good last black
regular made,
price at
Men's good fast black lace
and plain socks, reg. price
two piece suits,
single and double breasted
jackets positively worth
during this sale only
The novelty in styles is
that were always sold at
all go in this sale at
Thirty distinct
in Ultra Fashion-
able Knee Pants Suits, in
all the of novelties
and staple styles, sale price
Men's Suits
will secure for
you. many patterns
i if men's good, strong fabrics
of merit and fashion.
for men's business
suits an immense range of
fancy mixtures, in small
checks plaids and
ed effect Single and double-
sack styles These
are certainly the val-
in the state it the
for men's line suits,
comprising a grand assort-
of single and double
breasted sack- suits, in black,
blue and brown cheviots,
some solid worsted, in
and brown, tweed
mixtures in all the newest
and mast shades,
all superbly perfect
to suits that sell for
our peace
for men's tine dress
suits, extra fine, equal in
every respect to fine
work- This season's best
style and best
Serges and Scotch
mixtures. Better value or
made garments have
never offered by any concern
in N. C. , We claim them to
be the equal of any gar-
in the this
sale only, for
Notions and Small Ware
Hooks and eyes, black and
white, worth at
The best pins ever
sold, at only
Pearl Shirt and Dress but
tons different styles, per doz
Braid worth
to bunch
Hone casing for dresses
were a now
Cotton Elastic, black and
white regular price at
A cabinet of good Hair
Pins for
Ribbons, No. to worth
to now to
Shoes for Men and Boys
Men's shoes for business
wear means service and
comfort newest shapes,
worth sale price
We offer the lust shoe on
the for the price-
certainly to any make,
latest toes and style, in all
the latest leathers, all go in
this big sale
Shoes in all the up to
date leathers, new style toe
and shape a nice shoe
for Sunday wear, regular
j values, only
Men's heel and lace and
single and double sole,
l sale price
and Furnish-
Men's Egyptian
doz Men's
underwear and rib-
bed and drawers,
in many shades, all are
in the best
manner, all sizes,
regular value; during
this sale, your choice
Dozens of high grade under-
will be placed
on sale for ten days at
proportionate price
Men's Suspenders worth
Men's Suspenders worth
Men's Socks worth only
Men's Fancy Shirts, regular
Man's Fancy Dress Shirts
regular values
Men's Fancy and Dress
Shirts worth
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts
Men's wort
Men's worth
THE AMERICAN SALVAGE CO., Must Sell C. T. the Entire Stock
IN TEN DAYs OUR Articles guaranteed to be just as represented and will be exchanged or money refunded. Don't forget the date
Friday, July 7th, this wonderful profit sacrifice Sale.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor
and Friday.
it learned that
Min y h.
beau n- ti- years
ha as
one of He
it i not to r i lei m lo
the n . .
That her capacity. was
and h r o
faction to and v.
is the universal
at every
hand that she do
one Mm
the roe.
A party from
to their homes in I The is sold in
Vance county, around be out
night, win-ii the on th ordinary by an
side of the baggy in which were cU we
Mr. ,. . . , , , , .
,. . , j c sit of
ran oil the Hide he
hi Falling mid ,,, men lo SM
to the below,
of or fret, sad to
other y done except
Mr. ard van
. .
Covenant Lodge O F-
The following arc
and into a beautiful .
K , , . that
bouquet of her worth and
only faded flowers for j
with large enough lo swallow
a whole man st one gulp. The
article from the Record is as
For the past few months
gator baa limes boas seen in
what used to lie known as
pond, pond.
me. I join in tribute to I
one so worthy in every attribute j
a h h-s be. A
bright vivid gentle, i
yet Arm nature, returning
sense of avoiding publicity
Only those who knew her
and fully appreciate tier true,
virtue and Christian
graces. She made many friend
who will mas her coming and
going as the shadows into
light to be again by-
bright g prime. May she
ever see smiling fields,
grant beds of flowers without a
single A
Bernard in Norfolk.
V, July ii.
M. ex United
district attorney, of eastern North
Carolina, and a well known lawyer
of that state, who mysteriously
disappeared from Wilmington
tragedy at Raleigh, with the
of name
has been associated
whom there now in the
of native an
for t tie
alleged betrayal of a
grocer, arrived today.
He came on the boat
from Old Point and
R. L. V.
F. Evans. K. S.
I. W.
J. G. Watson, Warden.
J. H.
C. K. Bradley, O. G.
K, H. Evans, I. G.
D. L, James, R. S. N. G.
D. C. Moore, L. N. G.
L. H. Chap.
J. E. Warns, R. S.
U. G. L.
C. E. Lincoln, R. V.
J. R. Corey, L. V. G.
N. C. July
spent a day or two ibis week
with Mrs. E. B.
H. B. Phillips left this morning
tor Salisbury, Md.
Jenkins, of Washington,
man who saw it was not
about what it was, so he kept quiet
about it. another nun saw it
being alone, be was
finally two saw it plainly
were sure of it. Then all of them
compared Holes. this it
been seen several the last
lime being a week ago, be
swam out to the bank was seen
by some young men fishing. They
aver that while they were
quietly on the he came out j this morning.
close to them, but moment he
saw them he scampered away.
did not measure his but say
his jaws were big enough to take in
a man with no trouble
Numbers of colored people declare
they have seen him at divers
times and two well known white
men shot at him once a shot
gun but did not phase
There is a theory to how he got
there Some fifteen years ago, may
be more. gentleman came here from
a visit to Florida and had three
young Two of them died
-Nun went
C Harvey went to Seven
Springs Wednesday evening.
W . F. Evans returned u
Wednesday evening.
Lizzie went o
Harris returned from
Mrs. Blalock
F. If.
for Ga , to the
Oregon exposition
Friday, July 7th.
J. A. Lang has from
T. R. Moore went to Norfolk this
Claude King left for New York
this morning.
Q. F. Brass went to Norfolk
was town Thursday.
Joe Bobbitt and wife, who he to
Uses Visiting Mr. and Mr. j. and did. The
Bobbin, returned to home V f
in Williams.,,,, or
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Phillips he
Margaret and Mrs. way him will
F G. Whaley spent Wednesday in , f
heavy guard around lo keep Lin,
ii,. i u- . , I the woods.
u. IS. Went to
ville Thursday.
Mr. Mrs. Arthur
Miss Hilda went to
folk this morning.
Ur. H. E left for
Miss Isabella Clark, of Tarboro,
is visiting Ethel Skinner.
Mis Emma Hardy from
Greene county Thursday evening.
daughter, who been visiting
t Tar
several hours here, leaving at noon i in returned home I Ho. were Installed
for eastern Ca. h-re he Thursday sight Thursday nigh by U. G. C, A. Ii
intimated be would have a-
conference with iii-- lawyers, In
an interview he with a
reluctance and considerable
the larges of
immorality against him. He was
decidedly He declined
to admit or buy guilt or
at length any l the details, Be
referred the shooting of John
in n pathetic manner and
denounced the act. He appeared
lo the of
and hoped that he would
recover. As to where he came
from or where he is bound for the
fact that he was here did not
disclose. Save admission that
he spent last and the day
before at Old Point, he declined
to his itinerary, past or
future. Bernard bore the effects
of crucial anxiety and his
statements to the contrary, there
were evident marks
of awful strain.
Gov. Mrs. I. J. went
to City Thursday even-
Jennie and
went to Morehead
Mis. Nell of Raleigh,
who has u Mi-s Lottie
Blow, returned home
R. M. Kennedy and
red, of Palm is
visiting he, parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. s. M, Schultz has
been her
M of Halifax, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Cole,
Miss Myrtle Waits Wed-
Mr. of Charlotte, same
Friday to spend several days with
friends Sui
J. Mooring, V
E Q. Flanagan, M W.
C. L. Wilkinson, M. of A.
W. B. I
M. G.
Wm. Fountain. I
at Church Sunday.
a. m., Sunday school, con-
ducted by D. D. Assistant
superintendent; a, preach-
by the pastor. After the
sermon the regular monthly
conference will held. As matte, s
of importance to the church may
come up conference, it desired
that all members be present who
can do so. p. m., devotional
exercises of the League,
led by Bits Cromartie;
p. m., preaching by the pastor.
A cordial invitation is hereby
extended to the public to attend
Bat H
Wednesday the In idea
parents, Mi. Sidney Jenkins and
Miss mi
marriage st o'clock and for
Wilson,,,, the
Pardon for the seeming
but are you The
new every
hour some we are learn-
that theft is a tar more com-
term than when first
coined by our forefathers. Tom
Lawson shook us up some with his
ions on the astound-
and yet his tales are as
twice told in comparison with the
paint manufacturers,
who claim their frenzied stuff to
be the equal to Harrison's
and Country paint, the
of which were in business
president and in ye olden
days how to make town and
try paint, which is a perfectly
pure paint. Harrison Brothers
were making paints long
before the fathers of the present
manufacturers were born.
. r. ,,
V. M. Ho, ,. .-,,
Dear Bin
Saturday, July Mb.
v. lie i i- e t to K
Rev. W. to Grifton
Friday night.
Miss Minnie
. Bros n.
Rev. F. in Friday
evening I the seminary at
in Front the Grand Stand.
here he has Blade evident the
he i- ore of n best
Eastern Carolina. We all
v mm, bin
II . .
Wednesday and Thursday m
next week If you cm take
trip some ard cue e
boys In then in .
Old is M
me, girl. Ask him who he low.
II know
we leave for Wrights-
ville. Go with us.
Another new will be here
in a days. He c ones with a
played with A.
the last season.
but he is
us. Much
The two are crazy over
i here ought to be
one more just like he,, but that is
Poor Bert after Saturday will
have to change his course from
A. W. lo M. B.
Ask Turner, J., what corner be
lo I topping now.
Jim old say then
are some houses that
look alike on all aides. Where ate
the trout
says there are tome
If you y to see them,, I .
Rowe, the ladles hate to me j u
of Chin lie
. now Howe has gone
will print ,
f extras for the few weeks
lo able the . the f-am
t e who at.
away potted on the games. Mr.
Flanagan put the one cent
nips to
Here's to the fan- who
us on our Ma; we give
them good
Tho Leader Was a Man
of Remarkable
Whatever may be said of
to . a great
gem , a i leader of i
and a
We may
, the
results. men
had tors
ion fa i on a
e, , thou the .- ea
of die i
j- ; from
from the Indians
famine, a ere r-
mo e,
i imagination an mi-
i i;
in i that his f lore up
inspired all hi- fat-
r so in i he
w -e can afford r
it r even when
is not unaccompanied by
; res.
Mrs. J. F. left tins
morning for and
I that I own a policy Legion,
in your company, The Security i
Life Company, of
Greensboro, N. C, and I prise Bowen went lo Scotland
highly. The features of my policy I
st a. M. ah
are as attractive as those of
other old line company, and the
rate it much cheaper.
I am glad that North Carolinians
have built up a strong
Company in their own state,
thereby keeping their money in
circulation at home. lam exceed-
gratified at the rapid
of your company, and with
you and your all the
success possible.
Yours Very
Tuns. J.
Pitt Council No Jr. O. U.
meets every Monday night
K. council,
H. B. Tripp, R.
Jr. O. U. A. M. meets tonight
Whatever you tee in our
find our store.
Prank W The King Clothier.
Mable Rawls, of
who has Mils
Skinner, left this morning.
Mr. Mrs. H. A. White and
children and Miss Alice White
went to this morning.
W. F. of Charlotte,
who hat been spending a days
here with bit F.
left this morning.
Misses Mary
have been
visiting Miss Katie
returned home Friday evening.
Child Slept 4.0
A two year old boy, tot of
Lemuel Morrow, in I eland
county, hours this week
from the wild cherry
poisoning. The little follow
from Wednesday evening until
Friday morning.
colored, shot in
Thursday another
named Badly, m i-
The Hackney Wagon
Wilton, has increased its
stock from to
J. K. a prominent
merchant of hat been
bound over to the Federal roil it
Greensboro for retailing liquor.
The state has Hit
Bank county
capital stock to con,
The man who slew tin
venerable Mi. Alford
is to be put on trial for his life
next week in Raleigh Superb r
On account of the death of n
child of one of the jurors, a mis
trial yesterday declared in the
W. Dewey, alleged
wrecker of the Farm
era Bank at New
matchless bravado of the
mer Before hit follower I ad
en, to eat, before they knew
r th, would ever see
r. was tending out
ex and scouts to bring re-
concerning more distant val-
already planning for the ex-
Mormon empire far
I where the first
sett acre made, now Salt
I. . I
mo m by was
In a tort diabolical
shrewdness, first reached out
v hands to secure con-
of the within a
mile or more Great Salt
I. this would give
. i I of all
kc ; supreme die-
tutor u lies of travel and of
the so supply, a power
no a time
re a I
freight u
. Stan-
. r in i
Joseph L. of Carolina
township, had his dwelling de
strayed by lire about
today. bat little hit
furniture veil.
A Batter ,. Cook.
TI i of i
es . . wits had
n e to students
pi I i lie
i ii
. ling
i . i
count; com at
-loll. i.
bin i . ll I
lake . v plied the, pk.
that Id
. i
to r make a note
of iii
TI i l-ii looked scorn-
i. e, thing want
lo remember i make a note of
in this book, must I Then
,. you think blooming
A Story.
The mob In ed Baron
child's house in during the
upheaval in 1848, and
the I m run begged the ringleader to
enter. Tin d, an equal dis-
wealth among all
tin- male adults of France, Ii was
clear that the safest way Baron
was tho .,.
the baron, working out the sum,
found that it came to much lost
than a bead. how-
ever, call ii n he said.
the installment with my
m-. And now, gentlemen,
will allow me to resume nit
There was no longer am
need to and for l
a Rothschild bought tho good
will of an mob.
What Did She Mean
Tea, said Johnson, reading,
a great pity that certain
are becoming extinct.
some of our domesticated
arc dying off. Now, t here's the don-
key, for Instance. I very seldom
drop scion one
Mrs. J.
is strange. Why, I see one nearly
Johnson is still wondering if she
meant anything personal.
-S -v.

Eastern reflector, 7 July 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 07, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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