Eastern reflector, 13 June 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Low Shoes and
we offer our entire stock of Children's and Infant's Ox-
ford Ties and Sandals a Greatly Reduced Prices.
No trash, but good, New Shoes. A chance to buy good, new shoes
At Reduced Prices
early in the season, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock
is broken and styles and sizes run down, is a rare opportunity, and
that the attention of all careful buyers, who appreciate gen-
An That Non-
a School
In the days when board
visit tree paid to.
those schools by local
who had on the subject of
Scripture lessons. He requested tho
head master to pick out a
dull and lot him ask that
lad a few questions, whereupon the
Now. my do you
by a
Hoy. looking hopelessly at visitor,
makes do answer.
Visitor to head
see, it's I've always
maintained- Scripture be ex-
plained and illustrated if any com-
of it.- meaning la k pen-
this sort of skull, lie can't
tell me what a miracle is. No.,
hear me make him understand.
Mead Muster sarcastic ire
Pat's In Golf.
Pat had been helping the n
keeper construct several at the
new golf links and during the noon
hour had been given u I moos
in driving. A day or taro later ho
was tailing his friend Casey about it.
be said,
game they call do be a
game. have a little white ball
long stick aid a knob on
ind yea put the white ball
on a little at sand. Thin the
game is to haul all
ball so far
did yes hit ball
asked Casey.
said Pat. a the
funny thing about
the hit at
Two Point of View.
you know you gave me a
sovereign a sixpence the other
day. ft ell, made a
I knew
you do. sir.
have wrought a miracle yourself, idiot paid out the gold
haven't a duller boy in the school j piece a
If you'd question sonic of the I didn't, but passed the
, r. sixpence on, somebody for half a
no; show yon sovereign, and I bought a
what do with till one by using of with the money, and I've
common sense methods. Sow, my still got the
pay attention to me. You don't well. I wouldn't worry about
know what a miracle is, oh it. We're likely to make mis-
confesses by his silence. takes London Tit-
listen to me. Suppose you Hits.
got up in the middle of the night
and saw the shining, Spoiled Romance.
you say it are looking for the
should say it explained the young man on the
was moon. porch as father of the young
Visitor man came out to see what was de-
bless said the kind
old gentleman, comet i- in an
entirely different part of the
And lie look round lo the
oilier side of the house, showed him
the not of ; and talked
t for about half an hour about
Even a will give you
ad vice freely.
Never j edge the covers of a box
by itS coll
A spoiled child is to be pitied
more than its parents.
Home wen are born and
become little of own accord.
Frequently a chorus girl's sue
depends her understand-
If haste makes district
messenger boys will never coma to
When a man keeps bis own
counsel he hasn't much use a
Talk la said to be cheap, but
any married man will tell you it
When a man seeks notoriety he
usually more than he can use
his business.
every woman
has figured out what she will do
when she becomes a widow.
Chicago Daily News.
The r so we give is simple, plain and We are over
, . j . . C I widest
you to hi th slippers, end in order to clean them out quickly we
make offers
La lies leather Court Tie Oxfords, worth for
patent leather. Court Tie Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
Ladies patent leather and plain kid Oxfords, wilt 2.50 for 1.85.
Ladies leather Strap Sandals, plain kid Strap Sandals,
and patent leather tip Oxfords, tan kid Court Tie Oxfords, all
Styles sizes, worth and 2.25 per pair, be sold for
per pair.
or black Court Ties, plain kid Sandals, patent
tip tip Oxfords, dressy styles and plain common sense
Is, all styles and sizes, that are selling for pair,
w; offer for pair.
Ai. the Styles of Ladies Oxfords and Sandals that are selling
1.00 to 1.25 pair we offer this sale for to per
th c Slippers are offered in this
Sale are In prop II is I quoted above.
The . get first pick at t line
ire of , and
couldn't, you know, if saw
bus sun.
should sec it
Visitor from a die-
pawn i suppose
one I old you ii was the
should say
In- ii liar.
such persistent
; I told
ii n win.
n loll I was
a liar, would n
in in
lion, should say
was London
Grant and Queen.
V. ii an, in Lon-
don on In- trip around wold
In u I to cat i
the Saturday
i; . i ;. re
th in of pi
nil I r u few momenta
he fore dinner i
Jesse i, runt. mall .
behind him. -v tin- general was
j ii. at
his coal tails n of times.
the I turned
-.- I, I
r in ii lid the general,
, em
I'll ; en look Jesse's hand
. . i man, think-
id .;.
in, Iv
I Pica.
i i-, t
e of
I to
Useless Phrase.
Bobby returned from his first
tea party, hi round allied
in smiles. hope you were polite,
said his mother, re-
membered your
when were
passed to
lien I please,
mid it I
hare ml; yo m
I , ever;
time ii pas.
Low Rates to
Not only will the and
North Carolina railroad sell low
rate linked Kinston
to Morehead and in, good
till on account of the
opening of the Atlantic Hotel,
City, next Friday even-
hut of the
hotel also rate
of 11.50 a day
the dance. The hotel is now open
for season and indications
are that the opening this year
will he brilliant and
largely parties
have been made up from points,
not along the line of I lie A. N.
C, but from Henderson, Wilson,
Greenville and as far west as
Not Uncommon.
heard you were at the
said the girl as ho mot
the evening.
think of the
liked everything but the
was mutter with
I knot of. The
people in fro . u putting
on thin; and i could u
were elbow
ex nun in I
e air in In into
. Hi, n plied the
oil it, are i
irate man. on t, I know
M hi eye i- hurt, I
i ;
fellow, know my
ii n I one from
; friend today Tim.
Why Ha ad to Di.-.
in the year I p
Don ii
act of
hi St. Si r. in
lb note which
u- In on , the
; ; In d to go in the
r I
the v
kn our file cony
Friday. If .
I ii will l
Seven were
burglarized Monday
of Wayne
and Craven have adopted
deciding to contest the
r of it Out-
it given nut the Atlantic
line Wilmington
placed a big order for
pew i
ti idled a of
new . cm .
m of h
mi order for I public
drinking and
fountains lo be placed
Street, the court
one near Five Point.
will also be placed
in the I cf the
Thee will prove a great
to be public
. . . ;
Murderer Captured.
The who
ed at
Saturday, been arrested and
lodged in jail as
the scene the crime
d in Mm I ill
Lout.- lost my gold an
lune 1st between
ii mill by way of
i ; , The watch was
nit face.
Willing to p reward.
s Smith's Mill, N.
pa; when you buy
I rep conies up
., . .
work of
On . u-
j. Editor mt Owner.
The Turner Brother and Rows Bid Pine
The Washington aggregation
wee aim ply outclassed Thursday
at Arthur's park. At
part of game did they lave
to win. Our boys shewed
in great shape,
the fact that
son, our crack right was out
game. Turner J. and
E. did excellent work,
while our catcher,
did stunt beautifully behind
bat. His be
The home boys started in at
first and made three runs, White
making a Beautiful single in this
inning. Washington failed lo
reach the initial sack.
second Turner
Heine Wedding.
Wednesday at o'clock
at the home of Mr. H. F. Keel, in
South Greenville, a large
f friends and relatives assembled
to witness the marriage of bis
daughter, Miss to Mr. A. L.
Thigpen, of Penny Hill. They
were married by J. A. Horn-
The attendants Miss
Keel with Van Fleming;
Miss Haskett with J. F.
Mis Sallie Knight, of
Tarboro, with J. H. Miss
Nannie with L. L.
Wedding March
was played by
Job MM.
The pallor was beautifully
orated with ferns aim ivy.
After were
Blow by a beautiful hit, while tended the bridal left for the
Rowe, for one more, bit
the spheroid for three sacks
Washington their
runs in this inning by three bases
on balls, a man hit and an error.
to cross the.
rubber third. Washington
ed this inning two two-
luggers and two errors, After
this our did think
making a round
home of groom, a
was tendered
-Mi. were the
of many
N. C, June
Miss Lee flail is a
Miss is
relatives over river this
Miss Annie M
Henry the
at Bethel Saturday.
Mrs. B. K. spent
and Sunday with relatives in
John Phillips and son
has been ill fur peal w
Miss Nora Harder is the
Misses Lena am Bessie
am. Edith Broadway, of
Nannie of
spent, Sunday with
Belle Langston is
visiting Misses ed
Mel reek.
O. Dill, of and
Official Will Compelled
York, Jane F.
who lo
Thursday, J a f.
W. went to Golds
He Makes a Speech Abounding m Sound
H. attorney
of the Retail
Bland and family of Carolina
grand visit to Ayden.
jury Tom borne from
gallon of trust, Baltimore Wednesday evening Mr. Johnson
meat answer more than an hour, and every
d-M-i-ion ,. A. of M in the a,,, county
ought to have heard faint. He
told them they
should have heard, an
aka and Of the com- J- T and Miss that effect
f uh ch be in
R. Parker
Judge Wallace
Slates circuit court.
la, compelled
the of J. T. and that effect
o. II
were in Saturday we would
advise nil who me farced i ii to
Bethel is well at
the fifteen
Sunday and this
on u two bagger by James B. mid mouth Will ha for we
a single
failed to score.
In the inn drew t
blank and followed
her example, Turner fanning
Greenville scored three
the sixth by hits, a
want them back.
C. S, Robt.
Howard, spent Sunday
in town.
and Walter of
Sunday afternoon
at the hotel.
W. J. Mayo and Miss
when they are selling for 1.00.
Ward has on the
He is some
sacrifice and in error by Maxwell j t Sunday in town.
at first. again failed potato men arc here but
to score, Tamer funning two out i won't buy. The farmers;
of three. mud gel behind them ft s
In the seventh mi looking to see I hem
not Washington was unable
to. W.
scored one the ibis week.
eighth by error left fielder, better now
Washington do anything, i W, J left
In White started off. for Manchester lo be beet mail
with a two-bagger, to third his brother's marriage,
and scored on block ball. Miss Hazell had her linger badly
tried to hit bail hard bruited today while the
this inning, Turner showing parrot. The bird the linger
them he was teasing,
Mr, and Mis. Frank of
Ayden, Mr.
and Mr. J. ,. Haul,,.
was well represented
at closing of Bern.
Ayden last week.
Misses and Mary
Monday to m
N. C. June
Mr. Feather-tone,
a shoe firm, gave us ,
Ball week.
Mrs. J, o. Babbitt left
morning for attend
the Babbitt-Dallied wedding
Mrs. John ha-
I liven ill past
reported a very better.
Mr. and Mis
I of spent
with Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Babbitt-
Mrs. Jacob
To Potato Growers of lit.
W wish to stale Hi
on strictly prime
toes are s
New W,
Bill en
mil over . o. Ii owing
d of the
mil -11. as to.
secure orders to buy t. n, b., . Mis. P. M. Jon peon ad child
would, left ibis morning for
B, Baker, went to
. morning to operated on
sell low prices I
p lo
N V Urge
l n d, deal
In m
, II p
Inez. Croon, of Durham, Mr Johnson
night to visit Mrs j of
J. M. Moore. and pointed out
Rev. and Mr. F.
and Miss Baskerville,
left this for different
points In Virginia,
Friday, June
If. W. went to
I In- H
Ore a d
Rev. Me, of Ayden, until
of food. She knows how
Greenville. Washington.
it toils. The poor will miss
. ; guests o
. . ., , , .
Mr. of
filled their regular
They were
a I
M in
he ,.
do Hi-
e la
the Hairs
ii d nil call
s He
i ii
, into
e i-. .
Id oil the sin
a in
in a ,
s ii mil a
June 10th,
is If yon W. Ward from
aid will this morning,
Bill Smith an I Watt Duke went
ti Baltimore ibis morning,
Mia as Mamie Haskett and
Keel re; from
a visit near Hill.
Mrs. A. V. Johnson, of
Week, is her
Mrs. A B. Tucker.
Mr. and Mm, A. L. Thigpen,
Hill, Clime in today lo visit Mr.
mid Mr-. F Keel.
Mr. i
. light
things ii had since
organization. There is mil a
who has not saved
money through it.
of several thing;
that threaten the of the
Hal- mid urged a
thorough and
f and
to thwart the Intent
dangers the parcels post
bill Hint is pending before
and that becoming a law
would mean driving retail
merchants not of
another subject considered. North
Carolina, ho paid higher
freight than any other Hale.
in win in- through
North Carolina to In other
states cheaper than will be
topped at any point in the slate.
Men have been driven from North
Carolina tn cities in other stale to
engage la wholesale with
own people can
snip much from
stale than
Mary B, Ward, Bethel, in Hale. There is mote North
i capital invested in Nm-
Virginia capital.
North he said, is one
of the seven stales that bus no
law which debts
can be collected, We may cry
aloud for higher but
ideas are
S of Baltimore, has, .
The homestead also has
w ho has been Mrs
I, lo b
, home
i .
so t ti ii t A. Gary, formerly a resident
one bu now of Danville, is in
cried town. His many friends are glad
to him again.
. I
e shew face here
I of good things.
I Mi.
James, B.
Tamer, R.
I Whaley.
and Mrs. F.
Andrews has improved .
rapidly last few days. Glad
. . I. h j . L I Greenville Monday,
hear the news. Hope he
Wooten, soon be again.
u S. t ., is loan
Carter, Baker . . ,. ., .
Maxwell time
was his only trouble.
I Blokes.
Mrs. John
ail last to he he
Found On St
This g Ned
know c i , in in w
shoe up when potatoes are ripe.
its mission, is shield
for the man who does not want to
pay bis debts. is a differ-
between man w ho on pay
but and Ilia win,
lo pay but
He to poor
Car row,
Greenville, runs. so, mouths j daughter, Mis.
hits,,, errors; Washington, I and days, of Mr. and Mrs U. who is critically ill.
run., hits, errors. Struck oat, ft
Turner U, Wooten Cutter at their home in Hat-
Hit by nine. , Wooten , ; on ,,
Aimed rune, Greenville S , sympathy is expressed fur
parents In their bereave-
of game hours. Umpire, The will label
Lewis, floorer, Attend-
Dwelling Burned
dead oil a reel the edge of A dwelling b Mr. W.
He H. burned
Minion, of Georgetown, between the market house and Urn this morning o'clock
branch, Ned was a very super. Are in a closet and train
and was afraid to been caused by and they were the of
sleep in house at nils or mice, with tow ii
himself, When his was house occupied by tenant, a i Line. can be if
found this it had on only lady and children, and she the will unite for
night clothes and was wrapped in found it mil in lime lo save about get the co-operation of oilier
a blanket, is supposed two thirds of the
during the he got scared Press Mil.
left his house, Death is
Another Held-Up Reported.
k n ll j Guard Turlington.
A. C. L. Robbed. , . . , .,
. , the house t
in ii e. n.
11.1 r. June
Lin Gallic
lo the station
early hist night on I tie mad, m-at
lie by a
double daily service between
Weldon and Kinston.
Mi urged the
pliant lake more Interest in the
association, attend tin-
put more
safe in . ,., .,;.,,.,., In it, and wort together the
-will play Washington
Washington 13th.
and Lena mil I
place Friday In Cherry -1 wards the u where he is watching he was held the town and
in Ayden
this b was and
Nice Monument.
A has
been th grave
late H. A. Sutton I
Walsh, e marble
in two men and it boy,
fur. believes that
bis restaurant,
. killed
.,.,. I superintend
Killed Another.
N. C, June
a young
Bitting in the r r
occurred on
-i the
ii- ill of a
., men
. . .--.,.,,. , . aim ii
. Miss who is attack upon Mr. heard Mr.
Ni. w repulsed, or Ml
Portion of last week Ayden , . shots to t them to
nest of M an. hull ;
M. A. Wood, one of .
bit Another Railroad
mother road tn
K, v. M. A. Wood the
. its I
Prime Who Dead
m ill go at the
Rev. It. I. Co
ii the
Bribe ti
, of
. Hill
1.1 B, Can
. . v

C. T. Big Store.
I w
1.75, no SI
i Oxfords, worth 2.00,
now II. Id.
Tip worth
I no II no
Collars, Collars.
all linen v all
rallies, ti v cents, h
toy s
I in
i V
chiefs, i In if
plain, p
to K
i o i.
. i v
w .
price. .
i hi
i ii d
Cut Prices on Millinery.
Sailors now
Men's Furnishing-Things you need.
Plain white shirts, shirts, Fancy
shirts, and one especially of
laundered shirts with linen bosom and strong
facings, the value is easily and only
From the strong light H-eight Underwear.
kind the working man likes, the garment,
through the line of rising to the finest,
i stock t.
to Collars, to
Hosiery, to Suspenders, to I'm
and all trinkets of men's wear
are here, Can we finish talk the r
Remember our Embroidery
department. We have an
stock such as All overs,
edgings, insertions, corset cover
effects and fancy items. Come
and inspect,
Wash Goods.
Lawns now
Lawn now
Organdies now
Organdies now
Organdies now
-----t-t- .-.-
s . c
Hon. John H. Small.
Me a and Wat a
Vary Man.
Mr. George ill I personal
on Herbert Silencer in the
tells characteristic
When the pi visited
America in in his sixty-1 carries at its masthead the
third, year. His lair, com- Oldest Republican
Rave little token of delicate r r ,, it
ill ii ,, . ,
i when following to say of the democrat
of who has for the fourth time been
In lie was rather I elected to congress from his district,
The Wilmington Messenger
One of
Ml have ever seen n Car
comes to our
member from the First
ii re cold and
to friend he was
dial, and lie could be
downright jovial, listen-
in humorous stories with
glee. habit of
dictating to an he had
come to a Most
of Ins sentences might well have
been printed just fell from
his on, in my bearing a
friend who had not seen him for
Tears congratulated him on his good
health, as evidenced by his rosy
cheeks. in said he.
complete with incomplete
Because some healthy
are ruddy, all ruddy people two eon-,
healthy, whereas a red com
denote a Hubby
A fair specimen, this.
we agree with this
newspaper. Ii would be a
and a misfortune to the
of Pint district should
he he defeated. Those people down
then have a good representative.
He hits done things for eastern
North Carolina, Then, why turn
him for some moss back
who wants to be candidate only
when there is a wire draw-
inn the pay whose ambition as
a member of congress soars no high-
The Carolinian well
Seven years ago the Pint
district was represented
in congress by a republican The
democratic party it a
how he might at any moment task to in ousting
drop into When he
was in the critical mood the school-
master in bis blond came nut plain-
his long, bony band, raised in ob-
teemed seedy to wield a
ferule, whereat ever rejoiced that
had learned my rule of three under
other auspices.
lie was a man. At
Montreal told him that the view
from the summit of Mount Royal
commands superb of the
St. Lawrence and Ottawa valleys,
lint l lie view from halfway up the
contented Mr, Spencer.
lie had found views thus restricted
more pleasing than wider vistas, and
one step farther would he budge,
although invited, far
away n costly mansion was being
finished for a multimillionaire
whose fortune had been won with
little scruple. When n was
his carriage pass
mansion he was indignant.
is he said, admiring
the ostentation of such nun that
makes them possible. Baron Grant,
tie Hon. Hurry Skinner.
The nominal ion went
one of the professional office-
could be found who was
willing to plant a few hundred
in a campaign which everyone
thought meant certain defeat
devoted patriots, ever loyal
to their and the machine, were
nut willing to be sacrificed on the
political altar. They were hungry
for office, but each one preferred a
certainty. The result was that the
democratic party was forced to go
outside ring of the few
lo name a candidate to oppose Mr.
The district met, and
offering the nomination to each of
perpetual candidates without
Securing one, the nomination was
finally tendered to the Hon. John II.
Small, of Washington. N. C. Mr.
fraudulent speculator, sent me Small realized that it was only an
an invitation for the inaugural of h , , .
I. i -i, In- gift to
don. lie lore a of kind of men who willing t
tore the card in piece-. Such men serve bis party in hour of defeat
S as Cram try to compensate for rob-. a the hour of certain triumph,
bing by giving Paul what they I g,,
do o
Silks of all Kinds.
in China Silk, worth mow
inch China Silk, worth
now I
worth 81.25,
now cents,
Silk, worth
Men's Straw Hats.
much to his surprise, and to the
Another Insurance Fraud. Utter astonishment of the
n doctor lo sec what who had turned down the
ho could do for the family, WM
b; whom he had been sum- s the same
he Mrs. in
I,. r and with
p r and Mr. Her- Mr. Small on the political altar arc
sitting in stolid at her busy resorting to every scheme to
In r u the doctor,
pull Ii nil rigid.
h r any bones
Sample hats at factory prices.
Only a few more left.
Come and see
be I my in lo e m
moil I darkly,
r. Here
Hi i ;,
of i i ago
ii oilers us
pr i Hum i i
i e falls down
i now
In r. i ind lo
ml Ii union.
A rich called upon
i , ;,,., of his life
; mi c night of
I the i n play.
I can't .
not, M. Sin II I a,
j en b .
, . her
francs if your i hi r in
i s wife; then, being the
iii of the author, I
have a right i ml r of the
of i e lo ii i I on
e first n Is i
defeat him for
next Hut will the
people of the First district
submit to any such The
Carolinian a republican paper,
Mr Small a democrat, but we do
not hesitate to say that ho is the
hardest working and most capable
representative that the democratic
party has ever sent lo congress from
I lie first district of North Carolina.
John Small is the representative if
whole people He deserves to
remain in congress as long as bis
party is in the majority in this
More. i
Greenville, N. G.
Of Cholera with One
Small Bottle Chamberlain's
Colic, cholera
en v
Mr. i. High tower.
In,, relates on he bad
lie i on a jury in S
murder case
teat county.
nun ; i meal and some
. i -i- , and roe cholera
in very severe form.
v i more in life and
to limn
. i i
i i i am
I he
. . i for, Hi Ibis
i mu b ho
I .
i . . i .
I ii re
Two fellow . fillet-
ed in and one
Roosevelt's Diplomacy.
The Wife Bater
The New York Evening Sim
thinks that displayed
a rare bit diplomacy in handling
the case of the vessels
It says these ships
as good as and that if
impression obtains Si
there will only pro-
test against the refusal United
to pro-
Aurora, Oleg
to make repairs at
iii the purpose
afterward Admiral Train reported
ii would days lo pat
the Oleg in a condition,
thirty fur the Aurora seven
the so that if the rule
applying to a combatant seeking a
friendly harbor wen to lie
n have o
P one by one n iI fall n
v prep . my The
i, i. ., d
tn ban-all her
, . Hied by Japan f war it
n proves the victor, as most
now seen fated, tins
he ii sea The I In cc cruisers
could only
if they wen i . . he i i
of I be Japanese, is
in be In loll Russia,
should be deeply grateful to
the United States for deciding to
keep i bes, reset way,
is really a friendly act Japan,
con of being able to dictate the
terms of peace, the Aurora, Oleg
already under her
her Hag The States ids
row, if only a works, with
Japan for countenance and
aid to enemy solution of
a perplexing says The
Sun, give satisfaction
everybody even to Admiral Ku-
bearded like a venerable
and stiff in joints as a grand
father, which no doubt he is The
futile old gentleman ought to ho
dreaming away the evening of life in
the shade, or toasting bis shins by a
Wood lire, instead of being asked lo
12-inch guns, torpedoes and
Quilting mines. Such is the inhuman
cruelty of n
Quality vs. Quantity.
Bard muscles and g do
not ml on of
you bill mi led
you take
all the i
remember once was
choked by papa. He wanted her to
go to town she did not want lo
go. He hit her and she was sick s
long time Ami once papa had gone
lodge and we sat up waiting for
him I to and when I
papa was striking
He hit her twice in face and her
lace bled
This as part of the testimony of
s twelve year old girl in a divorce
suit brought by her mother against
her r in a I She
heart touching scenes she
bad beheld when a lot, and more
evidence was produced showing
cruelly on the pert of s brutal
band cruelty long by a
mistreated mother for the child's
sake. The divorce was granted
A divorce in a case of this kind is
justice i woman but ii is n t
punishment man. There
be some way of reaching an
inhuman brute of Inn With
of death no
is too great for the man
who adepts the love and rare a
woman and treat her in manner
would shame the heathen,
it is an open question such a brute
does in i deserve death, for be min-
tier happiness in this world and
leaves her a wrecked being. The
lash appear and oven
cruel, but after all ii is probably
only remedy for the wife beater, and
even then gashes and that
t would inflict would not he equal
lo the physical and mental torture
that woman
ton Dispatch.
Bilious Bill sleepy head,
Dearly loved to lay a bed;
wake bun if you shook
When his slumber overlook him,
Suddenly he stalled waking
a when day was
What's Ibis manic m f
The Famous Little Pill.
cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, etc., by
their tonic on the
They never gripe or sicken,
impart early energy. Good
for Sold by
John L. Drug Store,
Cu i
-ii out i if nil I lie
CM p
I. hut you
of In, mention of the
ii the
lo blood
Tins builds up and
sin- hens system, over-
and cures
it, Stomach,
etc K Cure
m sometimes filled
ii is
to eventually work s woo
and l 11-lit in
from ibis and
mind condition. Sold by
Jim L. Woolen,
One On the Physician.
said the doctor, address-
knowingly at the clerk, you
know anything about Ibis stamp
replied tin- druggist.
do you want
continued the
want to express my
opinion; I have tO stamp
the express
answered the
druggist. if you will allow
I would that you for-
ward your opinions by
why by the
replied the
they have no weight
would be much
The Children's Favorite.
Fur Croup, Whooping
Cough, One Minute Cough
Cure the favorite.
This is it contains no
opiate, harmless, tastes
good and cures. Sold by Jno. L.
Wooten's Drug
in the Branch.
in the branch there
tanned face, straw hat
Suspenders made cotton, bun
one, at
Takes you back to old limes -to
the country ranch,
like feller, you was
in the branch I
What i nil
piled so
the Joy you've left behind you is
cannot buy
A bird's song in the
meadows of delight
That barefoot
Oh, Time it keeps on swill
no more you'll youth's
summer, where the
An the bright, barefooted fellers
there, at the country ranch,
Meet till- blossoms the
go -plush in the branch I
you Had to Get Your
In the Old Way
In the old people had to from t., h aw
to tell the news or meet at store week
In cut was T j ;
it Is N it So Now
in this day of numerous and rural free delivery
mail tomes you can gel the -w- every day.
This is the leading age an no complete
newspaper, man nu iii take his county taper
know what is going on.
The Reflector
supply you with the news. We print two editions. Daily
and Semi-Weekly
The Store
A beautiful Line
is a page paper and costs
only a year.
is a large
page paper, a year.
Don't be without a paper when on so cheap.
f you are not subscriber send in your today.
Job Department
To Produce
V V-
not to be matched
in town m The Price.
E. Tucker
I this opportunity to in-
form our
growers generally, that the Nelson
I'm in Truck is on
in.- will be furnished
lo farmers at same as before.
you past favors we
are soliciting your orders tor the
your. Manufactured by
Co., Winterville,
N. and W. L Smith,
dine, N. C.
Hotel and Mineral
Watt Will 1.25 each
fair size Foxes.
Write the above
at Chase City, Va.
The of
a business
In the town of Greenville, has
consent. All per-
sons the can
either party are to come
present to
L. M.
This HI
Louisville, Ky.,
Reunion, It, to
One per mile
distance traveled, plus cents,
Bate from Greenville. N.
for tin- round trip.
Tickets on sale June 11th,
Hint Until limit
June of
limit lo may be ob-
by tickets with
joint Ky., and
of fee of on
ticket. Slop our iii he allowed
Va., Hot Spec-
service through
cats will be operated
from convenient points. Fur
other ion sec or
N. C on ac-
count of Summer School, June
IS to 1906. Tickets to
will be sold June
14th, 15th and with fine
limit June 24th, for one
class fare, plus for the round
trip Hate from Greenville, N
C, to Wilmington, N. and
return 15.00,
D. W.
k in
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fr.-sh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
There is one thing that do not claim in do
and that is to nil goods cheaper than bu
do we want to create the our store i-.
full of shop out of style goods nor by filling our store
with show bills boards we try t. impress false
ideas in your mind that we are going oat of but we
wish it understood that we are receiving daily shipments
of the newest ill
kindred materials so desirable with the women folk of
Greenville and Pitt county, and we do yon will at
least favor us with a visit m see these many new tilings.
Pulley Bowen,
About the of April them
strayed from my firm near
X Roads u sot e pi,.,
SOW is White, sill ill
one ear swallow fork In the
other. Suitable reward for in-
leading to recovery
sow and W.
w N. c
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors handlers of
Ties and Bags.
All grades in u
lees suit
F. E. A I'll.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Candies, Nuts, tic., can be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.

J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties
in to
Borne people
live always mid then never learn
Admiral i safe and
Japan and is perfect-
la remain there. He will
ii a little more about
Pitt County, N. C, Ton 1305.
Nobody said anything about
As a ship boomer Togo
a drawing card.
Poor old learned that the
war go
Several state fairs arc trying to
gel the president as drawing card.
The grafter in
up against the real
anyone profited by the
asks the Chicago
No one but and
. , holds his breath
Miles and Capt
II to do. No
. ii would end hie
The are call
American fast
the way they are
. . j.
root of the thing tin . i
arrested a whole -1
team for vagrancy.
i in
. My If be
ii without a
. d-
h there i- no
I v i and the rest
. hare
If the Governor would instruct the
railroad commission to demand of
all railroads lists of all
who are furnished
the result would be astonishing
provided those who ride on free
passes did not surrender their passes
to publicity. When rail-
roads furnish free transportation
they invariably expect something in
Since the Oxford Or
Asylum was established,
children have been under its care.
Many of those who have received its
benefits are true, active, Christian
citizens. Who can say what many
of them would have been had it not
for the restraining, guiding,
helping hand extended to them in
the time of their peril and weakness,
their need
It is about lime win
e of the;
The author of m
; written a song
more popular than
hope o
How laud could save ids mullet
road a lot of by banding out
a few passes.
Old man loves to raise a
gold dust -not the
washing kind.
Thomas Settle i
scalp, or
as district attorney of v.
North Carolina district.
-i I with their
we would
. i i ho boys to
slick to it.
To find out now and I ice a
child is, ask its I
find out how mean and bad ii . .
l to choke off
as some
lie in now a
It looks very much like peace will
arrive in the far East earlier than it some other boy's mother
will in .
girls love rosy quotes a
writer in a lady's magazine. That's
nothing. Men I too.
Such places are d ,
down, but an Asheville boy has ,
an to the naval g .
academy Meal
acquitted of
m ids deserts,
us event by giving a
he had
Now that they have quit lighting
the two papers, is in o
for a general light over the jobs
i raised a kick because they to
pay for license In Mordant, n
they have lo pay 1,250
is in order,
I . W
It is said that the Duchess Cecelia's
bridal gown is very striking. It
have been made in
of the C let eland
says men are kinder
. in summer than in
oppose it is because
d to chop and loss
has wondered why
the Retail Merchants Association of
Greenville has taken such little in-
in matters pertaining lo the
welfare of the business of its
when so much could be
through activity. We hope
the f Mr Johnson Friday
will awaken new interest
the association and cause it lo be up
and doing, livery meeting ought
to be attended by every merchant in
the community and they should be
alive to their opportunities. The
association can do much for Green-
ville if it will.
General Miles says Li can
hope for th war.
The could
Wonder where Jim -a
in on that Republican daily at,
Never do to leave Jim
of r
I t . i
i, r iii
This is the tax listing iii Ii
you let it puss with ml m,
conies a double tax. an I for this y.-u nil
reaching out to gel all Unit was I have no one to blame but yourself
coming to her, Greensboro has
grabbed one thing that she don't Reports say Russia is getting
want, anxious for peace We are not
. prised since she has only a small
learn of the death
of the Washing-
occurred on the 8th.
broad and
place will be bard
The newspaper among
the ins and onto of the Republican
party in this state is sufficient to
convince the more thoughtful and
self respecting citizens of this slate
that this gang is no more lit or cap-
able of running this state govern-
than it was during the days
of the carpet-baggers. The
rant voters, who largely con-
the Republican majority in
this state, have been disfranchised,
Now this same gang of pie hunters
would make believe that they have
become respectable enough for Dem-
to join their ranks. These
promoters are simply
plundering for political pelf.
The of the year when coolness must be
in all that a to u man's apparel.
You will in our stock of Furnish Goods a
variety of at your disposal, that Hie well
worth the at prices distinguished f r
We can fix you out for all sorts Bummer ports-
tor Outing;, Traveling or for Business. We bare
AH the Little
a man will be sure to wan I for wear during the
Frank Wilson,
suppose the reason
two women so long to say good-bye,
is because they both want last
piece of a once powerful navy
pardon I r i
doing Hue
St. Petersburg says that all
Heel been
where they
r cl brick
I effort to obtain a
he penitentiary, is
We hope I
will let them stay
and continue to make
Governor Douglas, of for. Togo could have give i That big surplus of the Equitable I
setts, says he is not much of a speech Russia this information some time may belong lo the people who had
policies in that company now, but
the litigation is not broken up
mighty a ibis will look
like thirty cents when the lawyers
maker but is right smart of a shoe ago
Wonder if Hooker T. will
Florida has gone into the pine President Roosevelt to the
apple canning business. We guess Raleigh State Pair this fall to deliver
, . , i net through
the opening address at the colored
she will save all she can sad can all
she can.
The two contemplated
can daily papers at Greensboro have
come together, and there will not be
over one.
Japanese wraps hare become
very stylish of late. Russia
has got enough of Japanese raps at
The czar expresses a willingness
to consider terms of peace. A con-
he ought to have arrived at
long ago.
says the Atlanta Journal. Its up to
Delaware to extend her sympathies
hesitated a long time
Togo or not Togo. But he finally
decided Togo and no doubt he re-
it now.
The court of inquiries has decided
The Republicans have decided
not to but one paper at Greens- o
bore. They spend their who were
money better by not starting j the Morehead
encampment about a year ago. A
There arc only three editors who right good
candidates for governor down
in Georgia. Georgia ought to elect We in an exchange that a
one of these editors. She could do husband and his wife in
have not spoken to each other in
just twenty-one years. They have
missed a whole lot. For instance
the usual little spats and then the
kissing and making up.
Statistics show that per cent,
of the enlisted men the United
States Navy are native born, while
II percent, more are naturalized
citizens. This leaves only the small
proportion of per cent, foreigners
a very gratifying condition. The
recent naval victory of the was
due in a large degree to the fact that
t he seamen fought for country more
than for pay. Such devotion was
due to the fact that they were Japan-
born and bred, while the
fleet was full of men from many
nations. Let us keep the American
navy full of Americans.
A London cable says that Andrew
is living like a Duke.
Pretty Hugh on the old gentleman.
We thought he was a good bill
William Ziegler, fourteen years
old, has been left He
ought to at least he able to live
comfortably on it when he becomes
The Davie Record says is
no law to reach those who work their
children in cotton mills and live in
idleness off of the wages received by
their What about the
vagrant law passed by the last leg-
A dose of this medicine
The other day a man of
years married a girl of eighteen in in most cases will cure such parents.
The Hon. Leslie M. Shaw was in
Atlanta Wednesday on his way to
Florida to address the Georgia and
Florida Association. Shaw
Oh, yes, he is the Secretary of
the Treasury who made speeches
during the gloried in
high prices and never wanted to
live to see the day of low prices
again. He was helping to elect
President same
Roosevelt who wants canal material
just as low as he can get it, even if
he has to get it from seas
people who are not protected.
Wilmington Star.
Guilford keeps on voting for rural
graded schools, and it was only last
year that this same county voted
in bonds for good roads.
votes to increase her
public graded school tax. Wonder-
fully progressive county is Guilford.
People are moving there because of
this progress and in order to get to
good Courier. ,
As We Buy So Do We Sell
Our during the month of June is Ii
Special Sales turning a dull business month into one of
greatest activity.
Profit stripped offerings produce lively selling
Free advice is the cheapest thing but th ft
is to put you to on.
Reductions in the Millinery
All summer and Lawns will sold at a great
and chi ready-to-wear Hats in and
duck at price
Reduction in Misses and children Slippers.
in all Lawns.
Laces and reduced half.
Special Reduction on Ribbon
Reductions in Departments.
Men's and Clothing reduced percent.
As summer trips are maturing thick and fast and we
overstocked on Trunks, Grips need the we
them for a few days per cent.
Men's and Boy's one half.
and Umbrellas percent.
Men's and Slippers in Tans and Blacks reduced
per cent.
These prices are made for thrifty cash buyers and are
made for a limited time. goods at cut prices to which
reference is not made. You'll see them. They will be handy.
CL Wilkinson
For Cook Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Cutters and
In fact anything
In Hardware come to
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Winterville and territory.
. O., June
up Mr. aid auk
about prices of that you
Spanish Cm t y
N ll
been informed that
A. W pay highest
puce fr country prices.
Cur flour
Hut Barber Co.
have moved into my
f keep
d line hardware.
black gad repair shop
tr livery in
W. L.
A .-w the I For Pine Tar honey,
area hit in arrears. Di. Bell's Pain killer
I have the list and I Dr. Bell's Bye salve.
the list on tie .-ail route from sure cine for ell e
Winterville of all our Co.
and am prepared to receipts. Jim Mooring of House, is
for the paper. Coin, and Toe Masons held their met
and pay up, make me happy, make eight.
who have ever heard
that bis was a treat. The
lie beat.
A crowd as present at
the concert and enjoyed it very
much. While it was ail impromptu
ii could been
practiced m Month.
following program
duel, Charge of
If Intending Write us for Prices on
Mis Lincoln left Thursday
spend a few days in Greenville.
Just another
ladle-, and children shoes-1
Ha Berber
your eyes feel like there
i i them Do pain you
Mud feel tired on Do
h conn; mattered adhere
asleep That denotes
paired vision should he rein
died wearing eye It.
T. carry a of
can fit your eyes
or a men to solicit
orders for Mock in Pitt
ton For particulars enclose
the editor happy, and get
yourself. I've got a good
fur all those who pay for a
year advance.
A. D. Johnston.
Hay, oats lime at A. W.
Ante Co. right.
A. Johnston went to Kinston
I repair and do good
j Bring them me either at
Good flour Be per lb A.
A Co.
Prof W. H. w I,
One Hundred and ten Enrolled
in Pitt County Institute
The Put County
tote opened at
and up to no
me people the
ready for the indeed,
they felt like it was Hit return of
they learned to like
so well.
notwithstanding the
were all promptly
to boarding places and their
We handle T. W. Wood
Sous yarded millet seed. B.
T. Cog and Bro.
Nice lot of glean warn and Crock
cry always hand. Harrington
ii.-l Cl.
Mrs. is Ten and little
Kicks left
y visit to Greenville.
Black I
for the
family, fl e fur perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
over that lot
I home or at buggy shop.
floury Nelson.
who raise their hay
be supplied with the well
Berber Co.
call and see
How lot or poultry wire, just
arrived hi A.
a holdout Dr. Kelli ma sure
the drag
buys like baggage delivered.
Corn, buy, lime sail, a. in.
cheap, at A. W. Go. met organized s,
A r lot cook just begins each
arrived A. W. Co. closes at p. m.
Our spring and of day Miss
aid 2nd
and stock children reading,
of ladies dress work and language or story work.
more complete than ever Mist Mary O. bat the Sid
before. of mohair And grade I a fractions,
batiste, prof, ii language. Prof. W. B. Dove has
all the late-t designs, voiles, classes of in
i ad ten are fully invited grammar and
to call inspect our the Close of the recitation
Barber a Co Some lime is devoted lo
Miss Smith went to the and in,, i
Greenville Saturday. Opportunity is for
say that A. W. teachers to ask
hands of work and how beat to use ii in
matting all lime. their schools.
hay, and oats, go to of the work done la by the
Harrington Barber Co. very best methods showing the
The blocks are being teachers how to do the fork to the
made here to use In the new block The
Warning, by
V -cal solo,
and Lewis
I s
and Mr. O N
i .
P O i
I Bret
I . i inn,. .
n in.
b Nation
d Maid's
lb .,
Do In
For particulars enclose summer stock of Mien A
stamp. Box Winterville; If. ladies and teaches a class
Don't forget to hear and our stock children in re
Monday night June
Pi eh, J
III S- ;
, by M
d King.
ice is bi
i June
ii laid
to e Ii e
J . Boss
to a. v
ha ea new i
T forget t
Fm- mix.
Is be mill oil, fie
Do., they i
Before Placing Your Order.
,.,,. . , . m m
We are our R . .
the but and m
ad North of
i, daily a on i p
cation. Prompt
l reliable
factory. ThU will not only be the the new I
v v , .------- ,
building baton pf the wot, Pitt county bot of ha oaring t Throat
ids structures in trained and best look , Con lip. . Pneumonia
new herrings, teachers in the slate. Perhaps J. L.
j Barber Co. the last is due to some
bad over when
you git through ginning your last A. W. to w
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys to learning thoroughly
seed cotton the
best market price paid every
A large assortment of dry goods
just arrived, at A. W. Co.
For Plymouth Bock
per dozen. Fob orders
fit ed as fast as the hens lay. H. j
Jackson Winterville N.
At drug store there we think
the most can be pleased
in table silverware jewelry.
G. Q. of Greenville,
is here with a lot of pianos.
Furniture and all kinds
goods, arriving daily at A. W
Ange A Co.
sh test . real
i i
ii U King's Di-cove-y U r
ughs colds to
Ion I T J Ben-
move. a- example
ll. T ha Hi for
years all the
time b i
Tel began k Dr. King's
Xi y, a d a ft bottles
The Secret Good Coffee
the best housekeepers cannot a good cup of
coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly
such as unscrupulous shovel over then-
counters won But take the pure, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader
coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been
welcomed in millions of you will make a drink fit
for a king U
Barber Co. the last is due to some
W. L. Brown, of is tent to the fact that they are s
down bare sporting. to but we feel sure that no
Corned herrings cheap, at where in the state will there
tr year cultured
Highest pries for teachers none receive
paid by County Oil Mill
Worst of all Experience
anything than to
feel i hut nm n be your
for Improving If. Ne Ala.
to T. N. Co. fur their life work. It is
fresh candies, to estimate the re.,
j the training given in such an in- Death seem d
We carry samples of over five
H t mill.
lo cap, ons
fir lit- First lit
too long
ts. pound
old and net
you will only
on every
CO., Toledo, Ohio.
At the dote of 38th.
Mid in
1,810.71 sub.
Overdrafts, unsecured
Silver coin
bk ft
i- no
s. i
. wall For the of tho teachers Mr.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure J to as , of for
the combination kidney medicine V has put one these
far stock a elsewhere, excellent pianos in the school
at the Store
when doctor- and nil remedial fail-
ed. At length I induced to
try Kim Bitter- and the re-ult
was miraculous. I improved at
once and now I'm completely re
For Kidney,
Bro. also one of the and bowl troubles
one at, the hotel, and has h the only medicine.
at the millinery
aDd store and that l
buggies TO THE MERCHANTS and, .
them in quality
But none lo do both I . .
is there ready to music all
Another large shipment of shoes ,. We now claim the sole in the day don't know
all styles and sixes and very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
Slate of North Carolina, County of
I, H. H. Taylor, of named do
swear that the is true to best of
belief g. H
i and to before
me. this day of June, it J.
Votary Public.
this county and a purl of .
counties for
While It has only been I
a purl of the
late at night.
few weeks since we this
The teachers are delighted with
flour in Pitt county the have
B. F. Manning went Green-1 it and the decided that 1st there is no better
public approval it met with, I i . ,
ville wherever it has been sold, has in- market than the
The Pitt County Oil Mill is now It U
buying Cotton Seed. They pay means of bringing the notice unusually 3rd
the highest price or will M
change for meal. When basis on to our talk their sweet
are ready write for price. J Sorter to post you relative to the WOrk
There is no reason why Pitt merits and quality of with an ice cream supper to the
farmers should to such PERFECTION PATENT by the
high prices for their flour the town and community a
can raise their own wheat and the
Winterville Mfg. Co. is ware he enjoyed very
i ii . M every barrel we sell to he much and
equipped tor making splendid good as there is on the market. . y
. we s
equipped for splendid good as there is on the market
ll, We don't believe we have
Have now on hand nice
glass and crockery wave,
I I. , t
we have waited the crowd
i r r r I .-, . . is
i prettier and higher grade lour than I worthy of special
Of A e gotten or-1 , . . , r
tiers from almost merchant . snowed that they knew not
how to do but to do
very sold to.
cheap. Harrington Bar Co After several years in lbs flour bus-
. . M we should something about
of and of Mr. piano
is based ea this ,
now located at
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you
used Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Thousands of sufferers have
ed their matchless merit for sick
Headaches. They
make pure blood and up
your health.
back if cured. Sold by J. L.
Wooten, Druggist.
Washington, ii here to make
music for O. G.
. nun
R. G. CHAPMAN, ft COMPANY, mm his
Driven to
Living at an out of way
place, remote civilization, a
family is often driven to
of accident, resulting
in Bums, Ulcers,
etc. Lay in a supply of Buck ten's
Salve. It's the best
earth, L Drug
The Children's
For Coughs, Croup, Whooping
Cough, One Minute Cough
Cure is children's favorite.
This it contains no
opiate, is harmless, tastes
and sure. Sold by Jno. L.
and alt Drug
Young why pay premiums when you can buy
the same contract for let premiums On account of higher
interest rate and lower expense Loading THE SECURITY
LIFE AND ANNUITY can make this great
saving for you. Write the Home Office, Greensboro. North
Carolina, or see
F. M.
North Carolina.
is Read By Everybody i and
It people what want,
if you have what they want advert it n-M you are to
if r of

Have Telephone Service at
I use, as well as Your
Office, and SAVE TIME at
Both Ends the Line. J- .
For Rates
. I Y
ft C
N Quite ll
II .- . i net e
ill an-
a good
. i fur
i- II
.,. .-. Id in
., .,, that your
hi is not a single
useful article
Stimulate the LIVER,
. the arc
districts their virtue
cm us
.- peculiar in freeing
sugar coated.
sore i.
upon ,. i
Ii. . i ; ll I I
I . . I t .
i i a .
, M u j
, , ,
I , .
in u
I ll I l-U.-l
ill-1 itch . I
. . , . , . . . I I I M I I-
i l ii
. i . . .
. .
. I. I III
, . . km i ,.
Of Course I
You get
a iii- and retail and
Dealer, tin
Heed i D .
r I . i . , .
Carriages, Go-Carts,
-mis. Tables, Lounges, Bales, P
and Gail
Life Key
George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Applet
Ly, Ma
i M urn Hull, ;
i Si
i. a,
. I,,
,. .
. i
. . . .
r .
I .
. i
the Old Stand.
I have the stuck
of J.
carry on the
am at hit on Five
I will add lo block to meet the
of the and will at
times carry a complete line of
Heavy and
Cigars, etc.
Cull on me when you want the
beat Groceries or the price
hi which they can lie sold.
The Five Grocer.
Norfolk, Va,
Buyers and Brokers to
Blocks, Cotton, and Pris-
ons. Private Wires to New York
Chicago and New Orleans.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
;. . the . . in
Him in i-1 i
i and If In v
mi and Morning hi h
i lie i.
and re In tho lieu i
id county Pi
in J, B, Page m
will , in pub I
before Hie lb-use door in
In I in
v ii
j , i lain ii i or I of land .
. , ii I'm
Sin r i, l i l-ill i
at Thai
in i lug on ea
main id
tin Ills in
us i i land . chaw d h J
II. Elk lb I .
i lands ii W. i
Si null, i on I i
hi lands, ml
I he by the s um i d
m re or e i
i ., rash.
This -Mil of Mai III
Mi. v i run -1
V ii. J
th ma, Pitt
II. P. Kill
i . , S
ll i an ii
i ii ii i
I a minions in a
i ml . i in ;
i ll id
lice i i .
, . of I N . for
f , ii
. in .- . i
; . e I I .;, .- i III
., .,, i i i said nun a
ii i;. . i,
day Maj The
i i ii, i
. is i hi ,. i ,.
mi April, ii nil
i. defendant
warrant is re
ii i i
ii lion- named for return sun.
When and whee the t
company i i la i
ed to appear demur in
in. or the d
will I-in II. Harding, J. P
of on
estate H I ox, n
Inn no-, day been issued to me
the Clerk court
county, and having duly qualified
lo law,
ii i in given all
laid estate, t i
present them to me for payment on or
before the i-iii day May, duly
will be
in bar their recovery. All
persona are
requested to make Immediate payment
to the
the day
i Notice U hereby given i will
make to the hoard i i m-
of Pitt on the
, Monday In July, 1805, tor w
retail liquor lo N-
J. I.
Tills 7th day of May, 1806.
it that I Will
make application to the of Com
Pitt county on the
Monday Id July. license to
retail liquor N. C,
Thin day of May. 1908.
W. H. Borne,
J It Spier, J. R.
J. W.
I,. W. Tucker.
surer S T.
. William
v-i J.
i i A.
B. M
, I, i Arthur,
. in
v . i .-.-
,. , Mi
Ii I. T
. . i. I, -v . .
I I is l J
W j. V Hart,
i each
, l In
. . n,
a i T. King, m
s--i Sun.
H v II. .
i . Sunday
. K,
i- .-I- i-v.
ml W, H
i i.
, . ii r. ii
. I A I
. i j Sim
nil Sun
In ii-ii P i Hart-
I V i cs
Mm , -i
in l W
r --i . ,
i H ii .
i . nil I. So, A
A.- M I i an
n i. in
ii II W
M; o. i i,
So. ii ii
F i y j
night. T H Moore, N
Tar Lodge No. K of
ii K C
T Mo iv. K of H
In- Tribe No
I K M, every
Thursday J It
wards, u it
Pitt No l A
night J H
Steamboat Service.
, It, leaves
on daily
at ii a. for Greenville; leaves
ll in.
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk iV, Southern
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New York, and all oilier
North. a Norfolk
with all West.
should order their
freight via Norfolk,
H. U.
subject to change
without notice.
T, H. Washing-
J. J.
ville. N. Cl
I. C. Ill General T.
Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
Th. to a Wager Laid on th.
In 1812 an mis by
Gilbert against Sir
and n from bet
made between the parties upon the
in,, of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Mark ten before the ac-
ii. t friends to
dinner, the reverend gentleman be-
one the number. Polities be-
came tin- of conversation,
null the opinion was i press-
ed by of the party Na-
in critical situation at
time that attempts would
be made to assassinate him.
This view was held by the host,
I lid I He considered Bona-
life in such
one would give him
he would i iv i day
I Hi i. Gilbert,
an .
a common II
i race
. I'll
i par on i n i
r who I n on-
i the
or -iv urn
, . m .
. I
. . i I , mil.-Nil-
he i cell
i .
i the laws id
, .,
Id not in have
i lion
. lend in
. i. state. Hi
i i-i consider
i i ii mad . and
If it i . . Mil- i whether in
nil tho circumstances the plaintiff
been paid enough money
tho defendant. The jury look
him mid gave a verdict against
Mixed Esq.
in Ins
i s tulle this incident of
in arc
i I fond of pets, and tho
naval brigade adopted a
null very small.
Inn I dressed in tho full
uniform h bluejacket, which
made I. m proud himself
mid of they had
in . j,. When you asked
hi taught him
to , in attention, in salute
in m quite
ed . . look
the in him
I lie mill
1.1. of child
were u of perpetual amuse-
in nil rank
Island of tho
c-i i group composing the
corner of Brittany ml led
ii contains four towns, live
lighthouses and several coast guard
stations. The crossing from
run inn minutes, and,
the a being usually vary rough,
with rocks stretching
far from the land, there
ways ii spice of danger in making
Indeed, sunken rocks
in render access
except In -mall row boats.
Mark Audiences.
It was on ii train somewhere be-
tween New York and tho west,
Murk Twain was traveling between
towns on ii lecture tour, and u friend
had been drawing humorist out
on the subject of his
In- ask-
ed, like ho, in j our
opinion, make the roost responsive
and i
replied Mark aft-
a thought-
men and
Wonderful Bird Flight.
The most wonderful bird
noted is the migratory
of the Virginia plover, which leaves
northern haunts In North Amer-
and, taking a course down
Atlantic, usually from to
miles east of the Bermudas,
the coast el Braid in one unbroken
of fifteen hours, covering a
distance miles at the rate
of four miles a minute,
The growing number of marriage
advertisements in Austrian and
newspapers teems to in-
an increasing commercial
in matrimonial affairs. A
who the
discovered, however, that i
I, in-,
. bill , ,
u thriving business in pluck
We leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and I
There la no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you um the Paints you need
i never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have a car load and
can give you Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
N. C
ti 857.74
stocks, no
All real estate 9.000.00
silver Coin id
Deposit subject to check
checks out-
County of Pitt. f
L. Little, the above-named brink, do solemn
swear the statement above is true to best of my
and belief L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to before
me, this 7th day of June,
Notary Public,
It. W.
H Victor Receives
To th Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the Enquirer.
St. Lot is, Mo., Oct. Victor a Lock Co.,
Cincinnati, received, to day, the Grand Prize at the World
Fair, fur exhibit of Manganese Steel bank
and line of lire burglar-proof safes and vault
their magnificent display taking prize over all
tors for modern improvements, construction,
and finish-
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
The Reflector
s Read By Everybody In reach, a
ll reaches money . for what they
if you have what they want advertise it and van aw sure
a of their money.
J- M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. AYDEN, N. C. , .
i ,
AYDEN ITEMS. . Don't fail to see Cannon Ty
j sou's new both plain
H. C, 1905. Prices are
As Daily
we ;,,.,.,
great pleasure ,,
those in arrears. list
receive ., ,.; ,, ,
hi m ii- I tomatoes, lo K. K.
take orders c
for job printing.
in , bow we have
When you a , ,,, P . e
earn-. on a
selection. Ayden Milling
Co. N, C.
I do know that J. K J. R Smith A Bro. me
the prettiest more for my hams,
cent Mini in and eggs than anybody
That last hay Unit lee.
H. Um. i flue. a 5-mom how with gar-
it very and all out
lime is good any main it reel In a good
H farmer ii for rent by .
H Bro. Smith A Hi.,
Thai . . embroidery It. King, of baa
ii i toil in town for been .,
AYDEN, N. Cs-f-.
Ii the of business Man
I liar ;
, i; A. v
. .
J ,,
. , ,
I .
Won .;
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co, R. .,,,. J
N. were In Greenville
B. who has cos- day evening evening
at his home for a very The ladles say that Cannon A
seriously ill, we are pleaded Tyson have . p,,.,,,,,. ,
to lean, i a. mien improved as to dress good, in low,,
Notice yon
If you need anything in ,,,
Tin ware . order that you might
come, to see us, Hart Jenkins. ,,,.,. ,,. ,. ,
Call and examine our line of Ayden Milling A life Co., Ayden
I. I., t.,.,., V. . a. .
high grade buggies. You can be
easily of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling
K. K. Co. do all they
I., please you with
new Hue of heavy and fancy
We are Headquarters Brat
Class, light
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co,
Cannon A Tyson are
the must up date line of
in r ii is. market.
Go to K. Dull A Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
A high grade, small graceful,
well made durable buggy can be
in any style at all C-n- at
the Hilling Mfg. o.
The man who don't advertise i
Just received, fine line of not the man to no.
and can tit you up In any style ,,,. He , H,
you if he can, be
Ayden Milling A Co. is
Don t orphan, you The I be
row night. Remember them It ad, will always
a very I r at our
In order lo make room the
will sell our
regular high grade buggies at
exceptionally low prices. This is
no lake, n ii strictly
A; Milling in d Ml
Ayden, N. C
received our st- of
pant-, ward. A Boo.
J H. for bog
i, b K
, Dr. B T.
lib-, also all
u- Lino.
Miss on a visit
to relatives in i hi-
of the elaborate and
line- of
goods ever brought lo is
now on the store of
a Co. See Diem before
your They
a-e for patterns
and fashion is.
Poi he
shingles by J. II Tripp A- Bro.
i l, ti
. Ayden and all on
A. L. box.
Dr. of Scotland is
are a to his
that dentistry.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have
returned borne at
rock ball at J. It. A
Urn, is I he I can el
for ii rat
they of ii at a time.
a id i loam .
he m service
from inn- i the end of in. i.
The an latest drinks
found there. If you wain
nice try them.
W. K. ii home ere-
c A. Kill went to Kinston
Monday and returned Tuesday.
Pianos and organs j.
A Bro
for rash on Ayden
N. C.
Singer sewing machines add
cheap for cash or on installment
at J. II. Bro., Ayden
Mi.-s Burnett, after a
pleasant week spent with her sis-
Mrs. Nobles left i.
Nation .
Capital stock paid in.
I 5.31
r, I
. .
I 22.00
is a duly you owe lo yourselves,
your family and to humanity.
Remember substantially too.
do you well. B cause he
has a clear an
Intent. Having his
are re. lei
daily new
right from the be
Those suffering with their eyes
or in nu way; should
not fail call Taylor,
A e scare for a graduate optician, who
are simply the will your properly unit
seat on the market Will with
Ayden Milling A and your
We have full line of .,.
Madison for ladles. Every with eye troubles la
pair guaranteed,
J, J. Edwards A Co
We to
buggies Ac. for wed., not
den, X. U
king cultivator., Gopher set space we cannot maintain.-
plows extra blades J. B. Milling A Mfg. C, Ayden, N.
k oranges, apples
are offering good values for and bananas E K.
the money in shoes, hats, caps,; guano sowers see M. B
rugs mattings, tables and A The best.
floor Oil Cannon Tyson. There was a sociable at the home
on bullfrog of Mi-s Rosa Bland Thursday
Wednesday u id did evening. Only few special friend's
as well as when we went i were present, hut a very pleasant
Hereafter, henceforth and evening spent,
we ourselves Carlos Harris says that Harrison
to the girls soda water, and Town and Country paints and
don't you forget it, by far the best goods
A large outfit and that be ever used and it
Improved tools with which knocked oat several other
our work, Satisfaction brands in a test at Greenville last
teed. M. B. Tripp a Bro summer. This paint la sold by J.
Gallon ll. i a R Smith a
rel of Columbia Flour, none better suit,
to be had any where. pair shut, hat or low
Needles, oil, shoes, , the latest
for all makes of
at Br. Ad n, N
end Will please you.
If you do not sec,,, Co., shipped a
of our grade buggies, orate huckleberries I
your loss ill be than ours The Brat of season.
Milling A Mfg. Oranges, ban,.,,
and Mia C. which has been
now first
land I hey are to
on who
may honor I hem with patronage.
j also call special attention to
their line of In
Cure guaranteed,
J remedy. Smith
; Bins., all
keep it.
Km., of
and n,
Lenoir are visiting rs
We know we the
i men who lo or the
me who i believe .
buggies are the most economical at
their price.
We aid values,
weals,, know the Ira us we build
and sell tint
Co,,,. Lo , ,.,
you buy. . If cm do
better re . , expect
your pal ion.,
Ayden l i, m . c.
A . N. V.
Mrs. Evans, of
o her from i .
Greene count is ,; , ., i
days with J. T. .-;,. in, Jr.
A. Willis wool ;
form the public he is
in move houses on
without damage r,
Those white and ii slippers
Mi ,.,, t,,,, ,, , , ,
. , for her home in Oak
Many took the
game ball G
T lay away winter
Clothes ;
see to it that they arc
ed from moths until they are
wanted again. We have
A moth can't near any of
hem. than
buying new clothes.
M. M. SAULS, Ph. G.
Furniture Store
to serve you with
anything; wanted
Can fit out your whole
A. H. Ta;
u special mention of apples, i, I of all
Kinds in Seas. also Irish potatoes and rah v ,
While Hyman's Pickles in bottles and ., j,,,,
you are waning your or bus received and very cheap. Beal of butter n u ,
i. use may be by Don't can furnish
Time to Act ll Now
property is valuable
Anything you Want in the Grocery
H lute. I
J. B. Smith Bro., are insures. Let explain
-j. a, T .-, lit f
on can get a meat, sugar and from the the
i. ,.,. . r. . c nil ire-en r . ,
H, Mumford, of u, born.
fruits kept by . Mel n
Ii .- ;
is hen- on a visit to rel s.
M A Bro. me
prep . ., K, i.,.
, ,
. I mo ,
The it on id ,.,,
Sum thing I am
Get the pi the
. at J, ft Die
Hi i.
Leslie a the Baptist
children I
Mrs W. J. , fun Hie
c Him i i.- mi a vis W
J. Jackson.
The sensible b
n little J em I
doll i . He
lbs is a pi . .
,, i ,
ll In
M give you
your ii- . i will
pa j
K. E.
V . .
.-a- a,
ground and green coffees each i , .
Java is
In canned goods we keep l. ft. A
Austin the we can buy.
and corn, pork and beans, Sun corn,
steak, etc. a, cheap as they be sold
Breads, bum. n. is, all kind ,
; Fresh eve y day.
l a
J. A. Ricks
Joseph FELT MA
i. i .
Is the Best Too Good i You
. .
Subscribe-to THE Q

Low Shoes and
we offer our entire stock of Children's and Infant's Ox-
ford Ties and Sandal it Greatly Reduced Prices.
No trash, but good, New Shoes. A chance to buy good, new shoes
At Reduced Prices
ea y in the season, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock
is broken and styles and size run down, is a rare opportunity, and
demands the attention of all careful buyers, who appreciate gen-
re we g
;. l-
Ladles patent lea . .
Ladies tan or
tip or stock tip i,
Oxfords, ill
we offer for
i Ch Ire Hi
. L are Li pro .
Some veers ago passed
weeks it a Tillage on the
coast of Whet a it
wait Find-
in the
S an of the way
of of
which by a rare
that year ex-
My await promenade eras
ketch, earing on hit
bleak and rocky cHITs and on
my left the of
of- sand
heft b tide,
or times civil-
with house
hi run slung
ewer hie shoulder. I was so regular
and a that the
sen swallows no longer afraid
of mu and. hooped in from of
leaving of their star
feel in the wot I
walked six or eight kilometers a day
returned homo uh my pockets
filled with those dainty shells which
an- found by burying deep
down in the damp pebbles,
This my favorite excursion.
However, on the days when a strong
breeze wan Mowing and the tide wet
very high I abandoned the seashore,
and. climbing the village street, I
strolled along the moor, or
else Milled myself with a book on
a bench in a comer of the cemetery,
which I'M sheltered by the church
lower from the west end.
It a lovely spot, conducive to
and reverie. The church
tower stood out the autumn
sky, over which dark were
inc. no.-, whose nests were
in the Hew out with their
boat . and I he of
their large glided over the
scattered almost hidden
in lira-
In the evening more limn any
other time, the of the act-
ling bathing the sea a-
with i lie i bronchi of
the skeleton of an old apple tree
melted against the crimson sky
and the deep intense stillness of the
wild of . ad Hooded ray
It n i
-in an evening as
ha re j d that, wandering
I hi . many of which
bore under sailor's name
read on a new the following
word. which astonished and
reposes Nona
M i net. Died m sen t. 1878,
at the age of
Hied -ea girl
men ever go out in the Halt-
boat. did happen
-aid it gruff
voice behind me suddenly, are
looking poor
I turned around and recognized
an old sailor with a wooden leg
whose good grace I had acquired
I by the aid of a glasses of bran-
which had given him in the
la m mi inn.
I n I thought
I that you never permitted
women in go v. yon. I have
oven beet I I lull they you
-And is the re-pond-
, i food n . Nona
nevi r wet I into u boat. Would you
like lo km i iv. poor little one
Well, I will tell you.
I of nil, I tell yon that
. father, was n
like myself, and tut old comrade. At
when Admiral
raised bis gulden on
point of i i- saber, and flung our-
, I In i in hand, on i in
battled marched elbow
t., elbow, and I. and n
he who received me in Ida m.
when those d pill a
ball in m; nine i i
d limb,
. i i
, i-i .-ii-
p j ; tit this line o.
e i i i r i
of the , and a full
plain and We are over
stocked, have too m r need the room and want
V .;, I it to clean them out quickly we
this offers
;. i i worth for
Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
I ; 2.50 for 1.85.
bis sill
enough, and boat struck oh
that reef you can see over than
just a lit lie more to the starboard.
There were four men
the skipper, two tailor and my poor
Pierre. But die only give up
three of the drowned men and re-
my comrade. became
orphan, ft go
that did my bed her fa-
first away, did net
acorn, to And do
yen know m Because
Here have. that-a
mast in pain the
in eon-
We men do not
believe in all a-hen we
know happens i a
death on board But Nona
not lie forced other
than the women had her and
to at tN the
pardons in towns
for the repose of her
in of
time is a famous merchant of for-
and Nona after a few
years appeared to mo to
somewhat reconciled. her
grief bad not prevented her from
growing handsomer and taking a
pride in and it is not because
I her like a father, bat. upon
my honor, she was and
prettiest young girl in the pariah.
We lived so happily together. We
were not to be sure, but w
lived, and we enjoyed ourselves all
the I had my pension and my
medal, and then we used to go
for lobsters in the
rock. The trade i a paying one,
and there only one danger that
of being overtaken by the tide. Ah,
unfortunately that how sin
met her death, poor hi lie one
day when my rheumatism
confined me to the house she went
halting alone. It just such a
day as today, the sky clear, the wind
high. When the rock
gathered together with full
they perceived Nona failed to
re-pond call. There
dot lit. in at she
To inn., kin crop
Oil mull
-U ill M
St j. per cent,
and mar, aura
Our an net
but cantata
able to Scat
New York J or
Broad St.
new words are coined for new
so contain
where word have never been
needed. Commander Peary, arc-
tic explorer, one day talking to
a group of friends who were greatly
interested about life in the extreme
urn speak the
asked one.
is it like For instance,
how would an say -good
wouldn't say returned
the commander, with a smile.
say it Are social custom
entirely lucking
but, you said ex-
i- a r i hoy
would have o to use
words only once a year. So, you see,
they don't have
Real am.
Author mo-
his ii ill the head
of the step-, and, t toward her
with a smile, lie again shook
Publisher One moment, Mr.
Von . he was building
had been a lire in the furnace simultaneously
with I lie lender .-mile
a., dear sir,
vi it well. but
V i. ; n Make ii read,
u her. kicked
tin- and swore like n sen
II r yon here.
Set IS. I.
had been d u
by the if lido Sit
drowned Ah. n I
ed, monsieur my n
hard hearted nu n line t
like a i i ii-i
came i In- poor
child's lo go lo heaven
she must In- in i d
ground, Tin i i soon
tide down i went lo the shun
and, with the . d for
the body.
found poor con
old sailor in a trembling lunatic had nu odd fascination,
found It r on a rock us a visitor
with seaweed, where, know- number asylums and lie r.-
that -he go to die, tin- count
Her . i at.
I -in r mind-
Ladies paten, Strap kid Strap Sandals,
and patent up tan kid Court Tie Oxfords, all
styles and a . 2.25 per pair, to be sold for
per pair.
i, plain kid Sandals, patent
and plain common sense
selling for pair,
A the s of I and that are selling
for to 1.25 p In sale for to per
Slippers offered in this
n I
would tell of the
criticism a I in woman made on
a i preached in her
asylum. The brief,
but ii was
.-aid the woman.
toward the
of him out and me
little one had
or death. monsieur, she bad
tied her the a with
her i it and
with her old idea uppermost had at-
herself la the seaweed by
her hair, her beautiful . hair,
certain she would thus be found
and interred in consecrated -round.
And I can say. I. who what
bravery i-. that there is perhaps
a man brave enough lo do likewise.
The old man silent. the
hit gleam of the twilight saw two
tears rolling down hi-
beaten cheeks. We descended to
village side by side in silence.
profoundly -hod by
courage, in the
of death, had the
ii. of her n and the
her nu e. before me in the dis-
tO till I
taut ill the
the heavens and sen. gleamed
out the beacon lights and the star-.
Oh, brave in ii the sea Oh,
noble Prom the French
Francois o.
Bright Man.
be SO many
tear hunt.-v- lost in the
said Jenkins, they'll only carry
i out .
good .
when you
have on Tl a;
Risk Too For Him.
r from in
said the old school to
the patient, down, prop
y i in on a pillow gel some
one lo lake hold of your throat,
, t lie fingers on
each side, and you'll soon
But th-
man if
nil- till
Smith's null by
I Roads,
w t ,
way of
The watch
open face.
v L,. Smith,
be had f
I .
he i
No. I
I i;
i i
ho .
. i.
law, I
t i
Hi. A all lb Id, id
X II., will ii
, i on
for the of i
,.,.,. ,,
it. ,
copy i
l. w
. . , i. M .
Cholera By
c. L. Woolen
. r,
a ;
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Proceedings of the Commissioner.
The board
th regular meeting mi
first Monday transacted the follow-
Orders loaned, for paupers
county 9172.66; court
costs 1298.08;
conveying prison-
To the and of I he Battles That Have Shaped j. most often
II. K Sunday Count of History. I by polluted
school. . prints the water . e
Death again entered our following i of decisive dysentery d diseases,
school, lime our battles of A pun- water
I claimed one of its little B. supply i the
in the s. in defeated tit- Persians and saved good Shallow,
May, infant son of Mi. and Mrs. open wells me very
R. s May. Little did we mink It. dug well is now obsolete id
. June 1905.
D -vent to
in .
ft. AT. went to Kinston
i g,
for i
W, returned Bat-laud lie
Nice for Conducting el
the Town.
I in Or h
a suite of rooms on the
ground of Masonic i pie
building in which to locate the
official headquarter of the town.
re foul rooms In the suite,
insane jail -non lime ago when the defeated Antony Cleopatra In in evening loan .
road- bridge and terries d. their civil and towns. It .-.-u d, pi s
little in holy f Hi-world for lbs . lo th. public.
Hope court be so 1571 naval or, mm-ii large room at the end of the
them with for- Don better, i -I-. Mi. Skinner returned-,.,. M ,.
lo lira with God Int. wit. better,
law territory ever. Austria, properly .
resolved we Venice and the -I, i
sheriff and super- tender t. Brother and Sister May the and tight . .
of health presented our heartfelt hies . their checked v ,. w. i.
report, which pray that this sore deer.
H i
d I
. b
Mis I.- Skinner returned ,,,.,.,,,. Ml,. .-,
Sunday ,.,,
Mi- . I. returned I place for h- l
. while
Mi- Minors Blow- returned will . an
ed dray nearer to I Defeat Spanish Armada, Where d.
J. J. Perkins was refunded Him who said the little
lot valued to come unto me and for-
erroneously listed. live
refunded here that they may spend
cents Bethel each other where parting will
he no mote,
J. A. Resolved 2nd, Thai a copy of power,
elect low., of he sent the
hi. official bond in the sum family and la- spread upon tin
which was accepted.
II- -I
assisted by Sir I sud a
John destroyed I form over tin-
channel, sated from
Invasion and established her sea
even from Greensboro.
I . K I., and Miss Lillian
r w. lo Danville ibis
should In- lug.
room and
documents d records the
town. The room
on the porch be the i
city clerk superintend
great Heel in the English water-tight. T casing Mi-. Alice Blow returned wan i end
bard brick ah at least Saturday
of ground,
It should will good
. , Annie and Nellie
went to Port
Battle of Nile, 1780. En
A presented u
public ii in ,
ship, me road to
Swift was presented.
The . . ring were
ed to the pauper list to receive
the am stated per
to Samuel
T. Moore
Win. Bernard
A. J. Kay.
nor VI, u Clark
Tin clerk was in
the i stock
law in Mm if Creek township.
was elected
superintendent roads
J. I., spur was appointed
in investigate the road
minutes school and i
sent In tie,
publication. of England.
12,1905.1 1805-Nelson again
Mi. I. i defeated the admiral
destroyed Napoleon's
sea power and his
; ion of England.
Lake Erie, 1813, Co r
Perry the British
under Captain and
Miss Dora
i u -u
, ,, morning;.
should II w ill
a, statue, pig . Miss Katie Tunstall
such place. No f ii -h u from a visit -o Va.,
located, nor s hen
. i on
Memorial Services.
Lodge Knights
of Pythias held interesting
saved the of the United
exercises Masonic temple;
opera Sunday at
. The lodge assemble
the stage, the audience occupy-
scat- in the reserved section of
tin- hall. The lodge lost one
member during year,
late James B. Cherry, and it was
iii bis honor that the services were
held. Bi-Gov, T. Jarvis was
speaker of occasion
fore. and report a beautiful eulogy
I life and character of Mr. Cherry. I
jury list the county was j During exercises a choir
revised, sang two beautiful anthems and a
by inn.
The eulogy delivered by Gov.
Jarvis will be published in THE
In tin- game at beginning tomorrow,
Monday Greenville lost by a
toil favor Washington., Originated Klux Klan.
Through the tilth inning game Norfolk, Va, Jane
was beautiful, neither side succeed- aged years
login crating the name plate. i the Confederate
the sixth Greenville made who while a prisoner of
error nave Washington two war on 1803,
runs. This seemed to unnerve our I with
boys by other errors they planned the Klux
Washington net four more on Klan, died his home in
i last innings. Greenville lo day. Mr, a native
put at a disadvantage early I of was captured
in game by the Washington during the Civil
pitcher striking Tinner with the and made h prisoner at Port
ball and hurting so that Baltimore from which
Monitor and 1862
tight of
victory established control
st-a Union and
ed naval warfare.
Mobile 1864.
commanding American Union I abound.
cried torpedoes
Go and struck one of
death blows lo the Confederacy,
ground within i
or spin,.
e i-
trailed dry i .
in. u to in in i.
It am .
e should e
a. inn .
d with vein
lie . II II
i water i
, .
-pan i
with I hi i
ah . can j
. y well
tie ii tie
fully ex-
, . . is
ii pigeon
i .-ii defile
ii -lit, and
Sit evening.
Mis. Geo. Dixon and children
came in Saturday evening to visit
W Rims,
and .-on, II. Tripp,
to the Ky., tin.
In- in in ii i loom in
real ibis ail In-
room fur supplies for the
and light plants. lode makes
a nice and c es i- place the
business town to lie carried
Murdered Woman Under Ruins.
to attend
Durward left this morn-
for West I'm
A. L. baa returned
from Louisburg.
B. M. returned from
Kinston Ibis morning.
J. Woodard and wife went lo
polluted Durham this morning.
d waste i i
the Chinese fleet and laid the i Household
foundation their present .-
sea power. ire lie-
Manila Bay, and cleaned
Dewey annihilated the Spanish . he
fleet without losing a man and won s, .
the Philippines for United I
Slates. should t- b i .-
., i
Admiral fleet and given are fatal to
Dated the pathogenic bacteria.
Only one man was killed on the , of balled can
M. returned
day from Durham.
c. Ii. Monday
evening from Seven springs.
Wednesday, June 1905.
X. Jane
News reached lore morning
murder in
neighborhood of Ash. -even
miles from Windsor, in
confederate I A by name of
Charles Mitchell, was
brought tit Windsor today
halved in j ill the charge of
having last night killed bis wife.
Ii is asserted he took n.-r
dead body and it in
outhouse sot building on Are,
I burning ii down upon
When while men went to
house Mitchell was sitting
I dwelling. When asked about his
wife he said that she bad gone off.
They saw considerable blood winch
aroused suspicion, went
to the ruins of the
outhouse, where they found the
larger sills burning. These
found beneath
Irma Cold, went lo Roxboro them the remains a bun an
The supposed was
Dr. I, E. charge and after a
as here today .
tor lime lo Kinston
all known
Harrington went to Rich-
ibis morning.
hearing com mi i led to
jail lurid. He refuses to
talk when about
It is said Mitchell hid hem
consulting root doctors lately.
American ships. I moved by pouring the water a few
Port Arthur, 1904. Admiral times from one vessel Into another
Togo's victory over placed feet below,
the Russian Heel attempting
escape from Port Arthur,
Two Sudden Deaths at Kinston.
Wt learn from the Free Press
A. and M.
Jo-.- Bawls returned from Nor-
folk Tuesday evening.
. ,. . The of the North
0.8. Prichard left his morning rM of A .
Biologist Board of M Beach. m
V, II. went to Agriculture, of Civil
This Week at Greensboro Ibis morning. of Electrical
This week will be ii full week V. Hooker returned from Engineering, of Mechanical
n to the Richmond Tuesday of
he was practically be being that two sadden deaths occurred Winterville.
of the team wore given I and sent to military at Kinston Saturday. One J. regular daily program of work the Joseph Wilson spent
heavy blows with the bull from prison at Rock Island. Ho married W who dropped dead nights will be occupied here with T. B.
Miss Ada Lee, a cousin of yard from apoplexy Tonight u
Robert Lee and lived in assorting Oxford Orphan asylum will give
Ya., up to a j ear ago. The other was W. S. Wallace who an entertainment school
Instantly killed by the
Advertising Is A . A- in of an in which he On Gov i l.
R, nun had his picture in the was at work superintending a Jarvis will address teachers
papers testimonial, saying be
pitch, i.
What Said.
Ai last, after u hip extend
lug a period two years ten
months and seventeen day-, he
bad proposed and sh had bin had been cured
him t. medicine.
,, , . , III- a mouth stop. I
he gurgled, Hi,
are worth your weight in Department declared that a man
I do very completely cured was entitled
she ii plied, it ha h an
hi. ii hie
Now, Did Ever
connection with tho water mail
ti ml
ii i- is an entente
way f refer-
ring to it when a couple of fellow.
i i e best
the crowded train and friends decide lo lei bygones be
had trodden on I bygones and step In to have s
dunk on it Record-
i one
i i j ii;, i suppose
London la
W. U. I
M. C, will
. i. i . . . . i f
he v. dead, diseases ye, ear, u
I throat, and fitting glasses.
Card of Thanks Rev. II. H. license to
wish to extend our thanks Moore, since la-t
to the for the I the
opera on Sunday afternoon Thursday J A. L.
during the Memorial and Bryan Grimes tin v, . I-. Parker and Maj
also to ladies and gentlemen address. Galloway.
who so kindly assisted in the it
V men deal ring
industrial training would do well
Holt, of to for to President
who baa been visiting Miss Irma Winston, West Raleigh, N. C.
Cobb, returned borne this morning
Fed on a Cross Tie.
Marriage License.
By -i of T; i River I.
No. K . of P.
E, mag in. . C.
tin J. Moore, K. R
are i to be William I
at in nil el
. D. Vii he,
who has been spending the past
i, ,. preached Sunday morn-
New . June
ii afternoon as the late ;.
train Morehead City
d through James City, a
.-mull town south ,
m, a i
r, alighted i the
i of the car, fell and
i i is crushing
.-id was sum.
t me w ball
an hour.
Noah L Ti mid
t i
a and Lit . I
Handy Little. J Monument.
Mooring and Barn- Dr. R, L. Carr has had a beau
i ; . .
monument creeled
c . Cherry Hill
. and reflects
u their

Eastern reflector, 13 June 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 13, 1905
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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