Eastern reflector, 6 June 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

we offer our of Children's aid Infant's Ox-
ford Ties at Greatly Reduced Prices.
No trash, but good, New Shoes. A to bay new shoes
At Reduced Prices
early in the season, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock
is broken and styles and sizes run down, is a rare opportunity, and
that demands the attention of all careful buyers, who appreciate gen-
The we give is simple, plain and We are over
stocked, have too many Summer Shoes, we need room and want
you to have the and in order to clean them quickly we
make this
u . leather Court Tie Oxfords, worth for
leather, Court Tie worth for 2.25.
r and plain kid Oxfords, 2.50 for 1.35.
Oxfords, all
In Theory
a Result.
M him that
live . per l
i I week
day. So, M
he rot
II, had the good luck to
girl ton wife who had
ambition. At the end of th
months they were in debt
,,, who trust I
held com as to
would be wiser to go into
toy or move over lo Jersey.
.-,,.,. retrenchment
, every meal,
lice I i
and I
., have a and
evening he came home with a
bundle under his arms, his head
int and a
gleam of triumph in his eye. His
wife was glad to we him thus and
certain that he had at last got
t. raise in salary tor which both
. him and waited tor
him to mi thing.
r last, when
I . ., ii no longer, she
it is
out I w live on
tea .
-I n
ii. .,.,
-I. tor
i and SO
I know it's
. . to I re, why,
be i
pet it
. hi e to-
, . . m to t it's h .
. .
-w, ,. l don t think we re
built for
Thai v
Ki Press.
At the Newly Appointed Poet-
A now bad
opened in small town in
Canada, for want more
applicant, son, ignorant,
yet appointed post-
Shortly after the countryman a
installation a commercial traveler
appeared at the wicket, re a
I i and produced
from a money order, which he
presented tor
I,,.; order, read
ad it, suspiciously
, . traveler from time i
r the sheet.
Al length ventured, Arc ye
the this ks about
. -I
-W. II. have ; got anybody t
i . .
but I don't that it is
. the knight
road. -You saw me take the
r from the letter. It could
. . lie for an; Ii
-I just know about that,
l,,. want somebody to identify
Don't take me tor no jay. Ye
may bet know just a little about
The commercial traveler
the point for awhile, but to no
pose He must be identified. But
. He had never been within
thirty miles of tho place before. Ho
was retiring in disgust
had already reached the Boor when
a brilliant flashed through his
Quick a- thought ho was k at
the wicket, whore rustic
eying him e
he shouted,
II,. ,. id and pro-
From this he
he said, shot II
r. i- my p
T . the card and care-
A beat-
en into his face. At
length he
it he ain't the right man
after all. And the order
was cashed.
of Literature.
v. unchanged to
end of tin
;, you ever heard
Bi time hi
Blanc with one
, . and no
of r.
; . did he tell you
evasive reply.
f l-k woman came to mo
. ., S tho I day for her bottle. She said
lost bis by
lire Tuesday bight W U
was occupied by Brewer
at the whole was lost.
The people began to give so
be soon ready for house keep-
again. Dr. residence
came very near being but
by bard work it was saved.
Misses Effie and Mattie Grimes,
and Mayo spent
last Sunday with Miss
Carson left Saturday
to visit
A. Cherry spent Sunday and
Monday in Washington and re-
turned this morning,
Tom spent Monday
with some young lady in
ton. He is all smiles to day.
C. Ward spent night
in Some young lady was
I be cause it all.
W. J. Sunday in
with his lest girl.
Bethel base ball crosses
with next Fri-
day. out for the sore. No
will a hard us
will happen no their ground.
W. Canon spent part of Sun-
day with his girl.
Harper left this morning
for Greensboro to attend to special
Mr. and Mrs. of Ply
month, came in evening.
Mr. has the office
Mi. Harper is gone.
Mr. and Mrs.
T Norfolk, spent Thursday in
low n. their sister, was
also with us.
J. K. Hudson, of Washington,
spool pan of today with us.
Wonderful Hair
one lime several years ago,
Akron business man, was
with several
, in ii. manufacture a hair
i-. We had a fakir selling the
I remedy, and this was one of
. then bf
the rest of I way,
. I
. . . sun suit,
the en- it.
I to i ---v.
she the taste of it so well.
was nod and took her into a
The Hone
.,. , . little places
. your
the reason you call cm
.,. . replied I
, . j dreamy,
private and told her t-
her She stuck it put,
and there was a half inch hair
keep from hurting the
had to teed her cam-
balls all summer p
tho moths m i of her stomach.
Akron rat
; for In
what are
it were,
k to l
nth. ; red Fred as
nut down the top he was spinning.
j . Diplomacy,
plied Hie old man
;. the ht
I lie right l
I u-ed y last night.
. I heard
mother she was going to
inc. Now, you
know. I generally sleep on c out-
ride of i ii
I . ,;, ,,,,;, r upstairs
,, my and
i ; f bed.
i i . Johnny
Reflector. a
D class of
the Baptist Sunday school bail an
enjoyable picnic Dear the bank of
the beautiful Tar on Friday, May
There never gathered a
of and the day
was spent in lively tames
both and old
member of the class was
present with an invited friend.
As the farm bell was ringing mer-
gathered around the
table where a dinner
was served.
Alter dinner we took
-11- iii and the time
passed so quickly that we were
loathe to leave, but like all things
pleasure must end.
Pain takes its own time for com-
the round ride
Tuesday I for the benefit of
public library got caught in a
shown- that on, it,
The receipts consequently
D. J. Editor and
V . .
DI .
B f
. .
. . ; . .
; ,
, . p
I v. . reported
, entertain
d,. . , i, i, found
g it.
in lights and wells
. were in
The market com it tee reported
that a fewer number of stalls are
. t led, now the dull seas a
. ,
. t
r . i
. ti i . i .
Two i-
.; it . H III lilt i .
he e, hi
n , i-
other r.
Thursday en urn .
young men. the audience
i .-.
-I C
i i i
Ii . i.
bail i
h I and . ii t. in v .
with In r. came p
the car and
able to eel no
i i . i,;.
. I ;.
on i In
s, given.
en ii. t i
s.-l I
In v
pistol a bullet crashing
through ball , n, j . ,.
id. I
made is c
Water baa en
for the purpose
of flushing
ii e market
The cemetery committee report-
the summer house In the white
Attempt to of
Pans. Jut e An at tern pi to
assassinate King Alfonso made Ai
buyer if on this H His Davids. e .
market, I lo ,;,, from a Smith the
potato in j.,;., performance at a by
in good Opera House. A bomb thrown by Andre
an exploded with deadly the college
. . . S
Ii i. Sin I i .
V i . .
M . Mid Mis. i. L. K am
. A; i ; . .; . ll
I iii I u. m V.
j . . . loin Hal
i i V. . T.
b ,.
. i . . AI-
i. i i I If lb. it
John ii-
from . h his
,,,,.,., -i, ;,;, . .
returned home take a on the electric light
evening from school cu n.
. . am II l.
II,, i u I mid .
. . . in-
yesterday. it
i. i I lie yea i- Is
la i he i n.
. . l. Ma
i evening,
. -i.
Mi-. W ;
., tun ti home
j .
, roll rural tree
j mail e it is in Si
leached the i U
about completed. By reason large stock of effect Deal I lie toy carriage, its as an
Tin- special committee appoint i j i, ;, both the King and
ed to confer with the water and acreage of the the; escaped but
light commission relative to of potatoes necessarily fragments of
to be charged against the town The situation, however, live killed or
public an light service, . by ship- maimed a number of cavalry hors-1
reported that the rate agreed upon only large filling es the escort, and knock- sub-
Charters Issued
A charier was issued
for the Greensboro Fire Insurance
was per year for each full and keeping culls j out a child's eye. intense ex-
hydrant and year each at borne. followed the
electric arc light. The present By shipping small stock you King and
number of and are lights,; , ,., , nothing their presence of mind. Hi- Ma
Including eight additional lights prices ending buck a member of
to make inquiry as to
i the condition of the wounded.
The person who is believed to
have thrown bomb has been
arrested, with two others who are
in have been implicated
in the plot.
fours truly,
recently ordered installed at ,,, potatoes well,
given in
make a total for public
vice of a year. This
gives town Use use of water
needed for sprinkling and
public watering troughs, and
lights graded school building,
market house, and other places
by the town without
The fire department committee
reported the hose reel stations
nearly completed.
The chairman of the water and
presented a state-
showing of some
Flashed Mis Knife
X. .
The o vagrancy
law Monday night by
police came near resulting in a
tragedy in one instance. Armed
with a warrant, i
a while man
one oil lie pool on Water teacher in county is required
street and requested his company. aw to be present during the
The man refused to go, and, after entire session of four weeks. A
some words, pulled u knife and DUmber of lectures will be had at
threatened chief, who prompt night. The public is cordially
and authorized.
I The incorporation are J. Fry,
i. C. w. K. Alien, J. A.
Odell, . A. n. W. K. M.
H. J. B. Cox, B. .
It, King, A. Kimbell.
Another charter was lo the ripe
Bending Company
capital by
J. Conway, H. Hail and
II. Head
The Club, of Folk
at Raleigh.
ii Pei it in home
from school at Durham
. B. Turner, the stop
the base ball team, came Wed-
W. T. Lipscomb, Jr.,
home Wednesday evening
sellout at Kali-iii.
Tap Starkey and mother, lira.
out to Kinston
Wednesday evening.
Mis. II. P. Hill this
in for Norfolk,
Ii. C,
in this nun
C B. Line weal t
May 1905.
I, a. returned from
Wash, be
bad lo consult a physician.
We me glad lo know W. J.
horse is much
Mrs. S. G. Williams
gave a reception last evening In
of the young ladies Misses
i; Lee Skinner and Daisy Par-
visiting their home. Ice
cream and was served
and greatly enjoyed. Huh
bad to draw for the
girl he was to take to supper and
I the following repaired lo
Teachers Institute.
begin Winterville
great meeting is expected.
county, is incorporate, for evening. and j M Lee Skinner,
purposes without Miss
L. are
the i lull
thing over 1,700 Incurred by the am to each and ,,,
which it was v,,,,,,
ought to be charged to the officer shot p an
account of the plan at . The in the education progress
the knife the county.
and requested that and led ,,,, j.,,,. of education and tho
on that had been ad- are entitled
of and
the general the town.
The board of intern improve-1
presented an Itemized state- Corporation Commission Clerk Removed
of the cost of construction of a letter to council for A.
Eight more Street Lights.
The and water commission
and committee of aldermen have
selected locations for eight
arc lights on the
Hie following Intersection
Second streets, inter-
section of Greene and Third
K and Miss Corey,
E. Miss Alma Jen-
kins, and Miss
W. Jen-
kins and Miss Mary Taylor. K. B.
and Miss Pearl Jenkins,
and Miss Lydia
the support of all people.
The ladies were again con fronted streets, and on
the valor and plants, which i,,,,.,., clerk of win. bad weather at lawn party lane,
was referred to the finance commit-1 Corporation of and merry-go round ride
returned home Miss Daisy Parker,
PM- left
to visit
Mis. Irene son I
Lewis, went to tins morn-
II. wife Carson, Frank and Miss
went to Seven Springs Thursday Alma Congleton, Ben Jenkins and
Miss Corey, Z. V. White-
and Mrs. Brown.
r and Mrs. B. .
intersection of spent today here Miss Lucy
streets, intersection of Latham and Johnson. Ida Parker. J. II. Barnhill
Fifth streets, Dick Misses Ada and n the eleventh was
bison avenue and streets, , In having two girls to
Thursday evening. take him to supper. After return-
Miss Harris left this morn- Ii II to i e Claude Brown
the steamer Myers to visit added lo the of the
Mrs. W. J. Boyd,
of South
the announces day night. The squall New Tribute to
Our people nevi i forget,
The different officers tiled their has been removed I and threatened rain a little
monthly connection with that body, e o'clock hurried most of the
The hand fire engine and street resignation had been crowd home and out down receipts
Commission lie correspondingly, but under the
cause made against him circumstances very
the chief clerk of wt-ll.
alleging use of his official
for private purposes
refused by who Constantine's merry-go-round
., sand announces that set up here May 10th shipped
he will bring suit th today lo Kinston. has
. I for images, i
, i
sprinkler were ordered to be paint-
A communication was read from
the of the
mid light plants showing mini
of customers being tarnished.
The finance committee was in-
lo have all accounts
prepare lb
and words fail to express who ,.,., x
pi of the in el-
. loving reception
the hands of your
loyal people. God bless am
prosper them
is tho language t-, a
Ii Her .
. I from a mil inn, a i n
i he state
friends in Washington.
and Mrs. T Jan is
returned evening
a visit to bis old in
Miss Bessie ill
bis dace,
o. Williams making the
. his life on
of May. John F Moseley,
Mr. Moseley had
ed to bi- bed con
i i l
With hi wife hi
ere i
. . i .
a few
n fiscal year for Bound Over to Court u was used for the I id. Hi- death
Horn the W. . . New, , the
being made ,, ., ,
to give electric cm . y hi S , .,,
,. ,, . . ,. . . the.
the plant he run from n , . ,. r ,. ,
lay l. I iv. J
H until
i I
labor Hi
. I
I ii . .
. might h .
ii In
. K, W.

.,. .
You Can Live
A torpid liver deranges MM
s stem, and produces
Dyspepsia. Costiveness.
There Is no better
Register Of Deeds-
Take No Substitute.
Telephone Service
And Time Is the Stuff of Lira
For Rates
,. . tens and
i ,.,
. . see I tool
box a
. . .--. P,
ft Of Course
You get Harness,
j Horse
Whole sue retail Grocer.;
Dealer. I ash id
Bide-. Fur. Cottonseed Oil
leads, .
and ill ft A I
Life I
roots, i
Peaches, Am-.-
Pine a pi e- i,, Jelly,
Ly. Magic I
Candi. .
an. t. I'll-
Ware. I tea I
com, . ii
Royal .
.-. v ;.
J- Elk.-.
Chairman, W. B. Home.
J. B. Spier, J. R. Barnhill
J. W. Page.
Clerk Superior C.
W. Tucker.
TreasurerS T. White.
J. Cox.
upon u Surveyor- . .-------
S Bo I j.
,. . d B. K. vs Cox, B. M.
S. T. Hooker. be will ex- L. C. Arthur,
potato -.- the curt
. i.
on Mom Isl i a l May.
. I or par-
S i. . ; e town
between HI ire H and .
II . . III
i. t. I . i
mi, b eel l I i east II-
l,. r w a Hike 1.1 feel i at an
. east
;. . . in a
, Hi u i Hi . in old
W. H.
keeper OB. Flem-
S. Congleton,
Charles Col b, J. B.
W. A. Bowen, A. H. Taft,
C. s. T. B. Hooker,
J. c. Lanier.
row, i ,. D .,.
line Mayor -F. M.
. .- feet to s. i. J.
Savage L.
. Tax
the J. T As
i u.
. Chief Ki-
prop- Forbes.
s Dis
. Bryan, J. Hart,
. .
I Insects Not Injured by the Lowest of
The severe has no terrors
, for ins has I
v. ii insects may be
or mil n,
. lo low
or even
tin in which insects
the winter, are perfectly
I mime lo
common idea cocoons
of serve as a protection
I this 1- entirely
. mis. They, like the summer
of are a protection
against bird- and insect parasites,
I i- . old. The
r broods ate as n and
thick as of the generations
pi tin inter, sloths, but-
and oilier insects build stout-
, r mid more cocoons in
ill. do in where they
. iv inti There are
. M the builders
. make no such
u- or chrysalis be-
exposed. And so
, lie 1- maintained by the
. no matter how
I they are always
. t in I
I. s of frigidity seem
In dill effects on
, insects,
in in lie inter sun-
am f
. . . skim
; a ml wind
it over
It, . peep from
hi stones I roll logs, while
c vast majority in
. ., . ., J in lethargy of
Prayer meetings each .,. M
. . . if common-
day night. Sunday ;, ., .
a, m.
ii tor. Services every Sun.
w n.
l- lb . . , ,. j
i, . . . . U. ii.
. tor. Services every Sun
day. Parker Super-
,, . iv v r
rector. Services every
and third Sunday. W. H
Brown Sin
Sunday School.
Free Will
regular service
Methodist Rev A
I . II n
II bring out
Si. N
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
v Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Threw In the
In iii re
. , . . . an . In
,;,,. He to and k own
in cl
It. Elks
South, on
. . and on
. y I- id,
sen n of
, Did.
. May
b I racy.
. ill
mo. x it
-i.-i m. hi
. -i i-
ice .
. oil
r a summons In above
, i. Inst
ll .
. a the
county, N for
. in, . said
. . . . bi
,. before his
i , . 1.1- county and
ill.- n the
M I will
., .,. . . . that of at-
l -a id
1.1;. April, a
day Services every Sunday
s Pritchard
dent of Sunday School
F i Hart-
man pastor
Sunday t first
Sunday in W
B Superintendent
Greenville Lodge No. A
F A M, 1st and
3rd Monday nights in each
month B Williams, W
Wiley Brown, See
Covenant Lodge No. O O
p Meets every Tuesday
night. T B Moore. N
W F Evans, Sec
. -I,
. a
i an am.
on r was
in ;
1- called
my lie said
on n he bad
a gallon . .---. ye just
throw in of I'm
Young looked him
for a hi then bis eye i in-
lie said, and. uncork-
i ,. a handful
of chewing cured the
man of his habit of asking r a
if in i of the habit of cl
I lb
Baker Hart
N. C,
N. C
and Discounts
Stocks, seen etc.
from Banks
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Ham V Harry Jr.
I . I
p, Jr,
. .
Norfolk, Va,
Brokers In
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
v Sew
Chicago and Sew Orleans.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold
Dr. L. flames
River Lodge .
hi h warrant U , every I
at v tun. and . iV.,., C
h l
lo . n
, J. P.
;. T J N of R
Tribe No
I B M. every
Thursday night J R Co.
wards, C
Council U A
M. meets Friday
. .
lie by j
. i I
,. , . ii or
. , . . duly
d, or notice will be
p u I liar i All
to said are
-ii payment
day of May
Steamboat Service.
He Fault.
-lie me for almost
moaned wife.
The friends lo comfort
her, she v. lo
her sobs she told of how
her husband bad expressed very
favorable opinions of her ball
you said ho you
fur argued the
-So he Here she gave way
to a fresh outburst of sobs,
he said I was wearing
An Anxious Youngster.
A young was ans for a
watch. her bad
said, I . Mar; . I
give my gold
be was visiting with
hi-r and,
,. . r . . , I -i
. ,, . her legacy,
h relative b;
when are yo going
to die and go into a hole, I can
wear v
paid in
Undivided Profits
Paid 8,088.98
Deposit subject to check 175,964.26
standing 1,624.73
of Pitt.
L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 23rd day of March, 1905
W. II.
L. leaves
, . I a. in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at m. I'm A
l K Norfolk Southern Railroad for
.,.;,,.,,,. i-. Boston
,. of on the
In July, 1905. for license to
retail liquor In N- C
87th day My, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that I Will
make application to the Hoard of I
Greenville, I of on th
Monday in July. for license to
i retail in N. C.
I This 27th day of May, 1905.
North. a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
A Southern K. R,
Sailing hours to change
without notice.
T. II. Agent. Washing-
ton, N. C.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. O.
B. O. General T. and
Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
Tho Cheerful Idiot's Poser.
1- ill I asked
the idiot, an old.
of trousers and a bad
I,,,. ,. . in throwing stone
at a beehive
responded tho
i In idiot. keeps bag-
ll I other
Ce the
H Victor L-w
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the Enquirer.
St. Loins, Mo., Oct. Victor Safe A Lock Co., o
Cincinnati, received, to-day, Grand Prize-at the World s
Fair, for Their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes
general line of fire and burglar-proof safes and vaults,
their magnificent display taking first prize over all
tors for modern Improvements, construction, workmanship
and finish . ,, . .
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
said a lawyer to a
witness in box. time
i uh you were
speculating, were yon not
wore in
what are yon
ti i tho solemn re-
The Reflector
Is Read By in and
It reaches people money to p for what they want
if yon have what they want it and you are sure to
get part of their money.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. AYDEN, N. C.
N. C, June 1905.
As authorized agent for Daily
and we lake
I do know that R.
Bro., have prettiest S
cent calico ginghams In a.
Thai choice J.
If. received i- fine,
Lee lime i- good for any
crop a farmer it
. Smith Bro.
Don't fail to see Cannon That lace and embroider
bod's w crockery both plain sud be in I . n
decorated. Prices are R.
ii.,., -hoes are the lies.
to -i you n ll em J J.
The sensible carriage
buyer I
knows that a little often
laves many dollars, He know
that there which a
good baggy owe I
Our represent a
In style and
. i-1
Milling f i,
n c
lie wan , mid Li urn
point i-h . many our .
ill, I . i I. . i
; N.
of business March 14-th,
lo but wan
pleasure m receiving r .
. we
and n
those in arrears.
of ail who receive mail
this office, orders
for job
When yon need a nice, light,
pole, for buggy or
,. we o
goods, Hail Jenkins.
For can
tomatoes, a I i
v. have plenty
.; J.
k apt cloth g Smith i i . ,
J,. Ed id heal .
,., sit. i m tot gel join
on us and make a wheels and will sell them as cheap
HI j one,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
N c.
The ladies say
one the line
Notice you
cotton ginned nice and clean.
selection. Milling
Co. N.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, v
If you need anything m way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come in see us, Jenkins.
Call examine our line of
grade buggies, You can be
easily convinced of superiority
of material and
Milling Co. , . one
exercises impressed and
Will Baptist college , , . ,. ,. . .
pleased with the result Work
done by the convict force on
public road. It la first clans.
In .
Lo day e will
regular high d hi .
lot ii . .
no lake, Inn bus i s
Mi Co,
n, C
Tuesday we n
J. N. and
Burns . accompany lo be
. store R. a i
i they showed ti- . sum. i
i.-i live i paints.
The paints were each given tin
; be . j ,.,.,.
; e t ii
is . . ; i in,
. Bro. giver me
moil .
.- .
den and all .
I ll s i
h . It.
the Will Baptist
closes tonight. There was a large
crowd here yesterday and all
log the week very much interest
bus been sin the
occasion. Everything passed
smoothly and harmoniously.
the fall
are said to good and indeed
they lie for this school Isa
credit to its people and should
receive their liberal patronage.
K. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you With
their new line of heavy fancy
We arc Headquarters first
class, neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C.
in miler i hat you might realize.
. , . on-
better prices fur it, it to , . . s Hog cholera cure
. . ,,.,,. ,. . ., , , necessaries, then applied to a pane
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., . lie I don't cur.
, j of glass. Not telling
of either they requested our
knowing hut little
such mat lei we heath hot
i hey insisted, after a careful ex-
hes; we thought, in our opinion
and wan to the
paint we perceive
Tyson are displaying
tho most up date line of
brought in this market.
Go to E. E. Bail Co's new
J ll. Smith
Bro . Ayden and all on
I A. C. I. i e. box.
rock sail . R. Smith
. is tiling I van gel
for mi They only what
of a I line.
The soda
now In the end tin
of a smoother surface, thicker and The newest latest drinks will
market for beef, fresh meats, fa . you
sage, fresh fish. m
others did. We were
as a tip top judge by two experts
nice them
to serve yo
anything wanted
A high grade, smart
well made durable buggy can
in any style at any
Milling Mfg. A.
These suffering with their eyes
or eyestrain in should
fail to call on J. W. Taylor,
a graduate optician, who
will lit glasses properly and
Will deal with yon
received our spring stuck of
pants. J. J.
H. sure care for bog
cholera, box at J. R. Smith S
Bro., Ayden, Dr. B. T. Cox, Win-
also all druggist on
I lie Coast Line.
. . i and . ., . ., ,. .
Just received, line of bar-1. . , ,. , One most elaborate and
, it not satisfied. Procrastination . ,
and can fit yon up In any style . . ,. . lines dies,
with eye troubles is . , , . , , ,,,,,, it
,, ,, , . to Ayden is
Mrs. Hardy, of Green
has visiting her brother, W.
J. Mumford during week.
We continue to build
now on display at the store of W.
Jackson Co. See them before
making your purchases. They
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Hi. Pat of
Mount is here on a visit to his
Mrs. , M. Saul, Every-I Z
I buggies for we do . . , .
body is glad lo see Pat, , and fashion sheets.
. . ,, set apace we cannot maintain. ,, e , ., , i,,,., ,.,,.
body likes him and he's a jolly ,, heart
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. C. . , , , ,, .,. ,, ,. .
rood low too ,. r . i lo
ion. Fancy candies, oranges, apples ,
Mel are re-
daily new groceries and
tight from the
seals for I
the are simply the
and bananas at B. B. Hail
For guano sec M.
Tripp t The best
Carlos Harris says Harrison
Town and Country paints and
colors arc by far the best goods
I hat be ever used and that
The mi I of Ayden Milling
and Mfg. Co. which has been
repair is now in in first
and they are prepared to
may honor them with
They also call special
Tin- lay away winter
clothes soon. Better
see to it that they are protect
ed from moths until they are
wanted again. We have
A moth can't near any of
them. They're cheaper than
Inlying new clothes.
M. M. SAULS, Ph. G.
smoothest seal on the market
o.-i . .
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. , , th, Hue of beau
We have full line of
brands in a test at last
summer. This paint sold by J.
R, Smith ft Bro.
Go to J. J. Edwards Son
your spring clothing.
who holds
shoes for ladies. Every
pair guaranteed.
J. J. Edwards Co.
Cotton king cultivators, Gopher
plows and extra blades J. B.
Smith Bro. la as express clerk on
I A Richmond and
Is on a visit to
i his parents.
Do you want a nice suit,
pair pants, shut, hat or low
will be strictly understood we are
We are offering good values for
money in shoes, hats, cups,
rugs, mattings, tables and I
oil cloth Cannon L , w, to Co.
A large plaining and latest
improved tools with which to do
our work. Satisfaction
teed. M. B. Tripp Bro,
Miss Battle Randolph came up
Wednesday from for
f you contemplate
your property wait. While
are waiting your house or us
Hog Cure guaranteed, house may by
. . I
The Time to Act is Now
while properly is valuable an
when you can gel a
fire Us to., late. I write
mice that insures. Let me explain
to you
J. B.
Ayden, and all
keep it.
Jesse Peyton, a convict serving
sentence on the mad
gang, has made his escape. He
black, weighs about pounds,
a inches, years
old but looks old. Guard
I horn will pay reward for Ids
capture and return.
Did you know you could get one
of the old time Gophers and
blade you J. B Smith
A- Bro.
Say neighbor nave you seen that
Simplex fertilizer distributor
J, Smith a Bro. puts it out
Painter and Paper Hanger.
the oven
Orphan singing class will be
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia none better
in be bad anywhere.
Needles, oil, and
all makes of sewing machines
at J. II. Tripp Bro. Ayden, N
if you do secure
one of high grade baggies,
your loss will be than
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den. N. C.
B T. of Greenville, has
pitched his tent near the and
and i- prepared to take the
lures any everybody.
Be sure and June 10th
Orphan singing class
will US
and it is a cheap machine.
We know interest
great quantities,
will please you.
Oranges, apples,
fruits kept by
, . ., , I in any quantity you want and does
Ladies misses and children black ,,, , .
. not waste any at the ends low
tan and white slippers all at
R. Smith Bro.
The freshet I loaf bread right
who prefer to walk or the
men who will not believe our
buggies are the most economical at;
Mrs. Dora Lee, Kinston, is , .
, I , ,., ,. their price.
we also know the buggies we build I
. that we gladly
Come to see
i planter the ,,.
All work lo n
Can fit out your whole
A. Taft,
In calling your attention to their line of Groceries make
j special mention apples, bananas, oranges and fruits of all
kinds in season, also Irish potatoes and cabbages. A full
lino of Pickles in bottles and by measure, just
received and very cheap. Best of butter on ice at any time.
bilge we CUM
Anything you Want in the Grocery Department.
j Flour, meat, sugar and coffees from the lo
. ground and green coffees of each grade. Our
he and blend is fine
on the market at
If you can
bi elsewhere we do n i cl
promptly and neatly i . A
latest design, in Wall
If it give
your dealer will
pay you refill ll.
It, IX,
In canned goods keep H. Co. and
Austin Nichols, the best can buy. Baked beans, tomatoes,
and corn, pork and Sun Beam corn, tripe, salmon.
steak, etc, All as cheap as they can be sold. Will
date your order.
Breads, buns, rolls, and all kind of cakes on hand.
Fresh every day.
s to lease,
J. A. Ricks Bro.
. no distributors, I
Old you always
go to R. Smith Bro., to do
your I can
always get thing
Tripp SI Bro. are boys.
prepaid to make wooden legs h IV
cripple or Their cheap cash or on children have
latest was a decide , Ayden sea
your i
Ayden Milling aid Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
A, Willis would lag to
; form the public he is pared
to move houses on short .
I without damage at SHINGLES
J,, . A and i
Dr. Joseph Dixon s the Best Too Good for You
lice I i
Ayden, N. C.
Lit l Bro.,
F. K. CO.
. i gel an E P. The
v, . More Hold n one yea r i J.
it her for
Subscribe to

upon application. .
t office In Pitt and adjoining counties, j so much
The treasury for was IV daily Fayette-
about sis, to
Secretary Gage column paper. On beat
t, J few month; hack it would wishes, Brother Hale.
., , had better gel .
pencil and go to figuring
in to
, . . Pitt County, x. c,
, wiped off
of the water an Ids people at home
ladies who revolting.
t the coming
San Patterson in the
n the
be in
The people in Oklahoma who are
building cyclone cellars, may be
, . , visit from Carrie Nation.
staying at I We have heard if
, . ; to bi
in this
The way the Wilmington
Friday mixed its headings
t. i -i -ill Council
, Till, is V
like Brother u
l Carolina. lie horse show.
i If i ire Block holders i
will have more
papers than she knows what
I , do with if the fun keeps rolling
That Republican
daily w be published ought to b
railed the the
i K
hi e n
I .
e ,,.
H taste
.- as to th i
them better
. . i I
. that is to
The catch a U
,, now if
their drag nets.
i th
i . now
;. in Greensboro the looking for trouble gen-
els on into.
light y
i ill was l.
i .
Jeff am he
; this i
i as e l .
I tin
I ;
iv If till
. i
. a law. If
in hit
II Mail .
Kill i
ma, i t j
ti A
. lend ; LI
I; a little over
i it
I hi
,.,. .,; in l stock
i that d i is bring-
As We Bu So Do We
, .,
i- re ed I toll
repeal Dr. a . v., to I I Clark
.-, h . I any II
, ins priding
i .
; in I be a
i ;
go run i i
I. II win i . , i,
Mil n in Tori e .;., for gov, again,
by ti use girl con- ,. . trip.
. S r
mil in I at John
Togo can go an I receive the
is l T
, v , . . . I l. rot
i-i i . i
. i iring the of
fl dull mi i
;. , , offerings produce lively selling.
is thing on earth, but the follow-
you n.
. I ended taking ,.,,, ;,,., has got
. . the trip, but as near found money i advantage
is not pi n law to ,,,,. , . . the month's bankruptcy law.
cover be necessary I
of the
and .
If Roosevelt decides to visit the
rd that the Standard City of during the lair
Mayor Weaver l
Reductions in the Millinery
All and Lawns sold at a great
chi Hats In straw and
duck price
The opposition did in i
In tin
have .
leak out for the price of admission I
. i;, North to be raised. It t be Raleigh I . .
upon the Asia f the Pacific. ,. million if it didn't. plenty of legitimate
Still, we a .-,., which along nil industrial lines. In
nation like at a notice that Togo is the j w notice that the
.- i
;. .
I e.
in the i
r but in this case we h Carolina and Virginia Tobacco and
plant to be established on den Associations arc Trunks, Gripe and need the pace w
the projected suppose the tiling. . to organize facto- for a days per cent
Misses and Slippers.
i all Lawns
Laces one hair.
Special Reduction on Ribbon
Reductions in Other Departments.
Clothing reduced per cent.
are maturing and fast and are
. . -i. we reduce
a Carolina Coast railroad, which his
lions peak
i to run into Norfolk.
I., are
J charges
ii i
of the
. stand-
are ever
I States
A i. an in Milwaukee, has b en
Bent to the penitentiary years
a- price I rt
is not
.,,,.;, facto- for a few days percent.
than r- . , straw Hats reduced one hall.
be conducted by those more or less, ,
in the enterprises New to p
anxiety in
for the manufacture
Bent to Hie penitentiary . , made for a i
r,.,,, ,.,. detraction. W being adopt- u mad
if he had attempted or I
the life of a he won
even ed. and new ideas an
all time
being introduced. If these factories
to i i men of
prices are made for thrifty buyers and
mode for a d time. Other g
you'll Be
at cut prices to which
them They will lie handy.
j u
have been turned loose on the plea We might say that those should have control
men who are with the s Tobacco
freight rate system are those
who never pay any freight charges
insanity or self-defense
or attempting
i i commit
r Ohio, is suicide is trace of insanity,
. n in is tunny to US.
ha- Great
Wisconsin has passed a bill
I never took anything which misdemeanor to tip a waiter.
people who were many a
able to stand the says defaulter twixt the waiter and the tip.
Smith, of San Francisco. This
We would like to say those
Republicans that hot air don't go
much when it comes to buying Mer-
President Roosevelt thinks that
reciprocity and retaliation can both
Bounds very much like the plea in
china shows abatement made by a society of
crowded with religious people charged with re-
money dishonestly
by the donor.
and fast presses.
We d where this gov-
is in,; to get the Panama
supplies, but there one thing we
do know, and that is that the
States got i lot of its public officials
in rather cheap markets.
We notice that George B Crater,
former business manager the
Charlotte Observer
management of the Raleigh
Times. He also goes on the
staff of the Times The Times
grows stronger and stronger and
this adds strength.
Russia ought to one
in the fact that she not
got but one or two more ships for
Togo to sink.
be adopted by the United States in
the matter of the export trade of
the United stales. He re-
with the
tries that are disposed lobe friendly
commercially, and retaliation for
countries inclined to treat the
States with unfairness. Diplomacy
or no diplomacy, the attitude of the
President teeming with human
. -.-
Our government is actually send-
some to the Philip
pines to run down the colored men
who do not like of con-
trolling them. History repents it-
not a Democratic
One more Hough has been
appointed ton Federal position down that is doing this; nor did
in New Orleans. Wonder how many suggestion come from a South-
Hitlers there were Mt Echo.
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
. .
department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep
resent the Eastern in Winterville and territory.
Pain Wilier,
A For Tar
area bit in anal-, tonic, Di.
, ,., Winterville Dr. Bell's bye salve, and a
Look p M, , f. .,,. . -v. .-.;.
V y
S Co's. s up. ,
have ed . .
A. W. .
co prices.
Oar floor just received.
Barber Co.
I've sol
i. all e hi . i
year ill ad
A. L J hi Ann.
ll hi
Mi I j Nichols, I o has
I,,, i. d j.
Notice- have moved into
new . . the depot. keep
of Haves
repair day.
.,,, i In
of . men and children shoes,
i .,,. i
Mr Mrs. Clyde . i life
Wednesday Iron. known
; .;. C, y O . Jo
,,,,. . , bridal I Kt ;
., , mi v.- l el like there ., i-e.
. I U y , tin you . .
and feel tired r.
. , . ;
. v .
t,, gel ll
I H ;
i em tO
at i shop
HI in .-. i.
Balls Bo day
they I. come I and
while . I Th denotes
t should I e
.-lie i.
X. ton I
., , d can Hi your eyes
y ,, , . ti to
con its I'm
tin dun
ban e
y,,. . millet
. crick
. hand. Harrington
Will I i c
km in human
;. . I.
eons Kl-
. by
T. Bro.
worry lot
f cotton yon had over when
ginning your
Mt Oil Mill, buy.
; , , . ., . .
, . . Col ,
. d
. I
an out I
the public where
i a large,
One very
. , , . vice
., ion the
. t never pi cue
. . . nor men h
Bum j a bra ed
i th
church PI e program
which bad
by the teachers passed off
beautifully and i
it . both
.-. , I deco-
in. J. O. Bobbitt spent
. Call lie.
j , j;. and J, I
town this
i;,;. r. , I
. . i
,.,,. i i
been visit- j
. It
I,, hi Mn .
. ;. ., .,.
. fever,
. Mr. Joe
. Daniels. Th
. . . .
A l
. . .
. T
. W
ll I ll
i I
will pi
k p in. hi
. I
. in I
e V i
morn n June .
. I. . r
j , t, an
i lo n lives and
;. ; . hi
. j .
. . I
and at night
Mi. Si of
. .
I C ,
ii,., i .
. . . i .
re, i i Baiting
the lute i design, .-.
a . i re invited
in-;, v our
Barber Co
s. N of Greenville, wee
her Pi
They Hay V. W.
,,. ion i a la
Startling Evidence.
.,. .-. .,
ll, e the I.
; e. e
seed any quantity the matting all the time,
best market pi ice paid every For and i
A large of dry goods Barber c.
lost at A. W. Co. Another
M, and Mrs L. Jackson, of all prices
Thursday to Barbel
. i
For Bock h. P. Is
per Fob orders daughter, Mrs. David, in
as fast as the hens lay. the country.
nut our
. . a . t . in ill
,., i i . a
. . ,. r. i
e . A
f ,,,,, Ben-
. a- example
I for
three all
time without being hem
Then taking Dr. K
a d a b
wholly cured Equally
all Long and
Guaranteed by J. u.
Trial battle
free, regular
. i.
i don't
. hi
at tin
. .-. c
, popularity.
v I. ,
The . i
. ,,. i ville High Si i.-t
Thursday, May
Hon. Monie, of
In hi e
visitors in the morning, and
tie by the school were
given night.
urn y.
At residence of Mrs,
Young man, why pay premiums
the same for
and lower expense
Lexington K. May I interest rate
, We.; Second j B M AND ANNUITY
this morning at 7.30 o'clock, the
took beautiful borne wed-
dim, the contract parties being
in .
i saving tor you.
Write the Home
her daughter, Miss A. . . ,,
of j against James A. H.
or see
Jackson Winterville new corned herrings Just to Mr. , w , ,,,, ,, B. F.
At drag store we think Boston, Va. . he
the most pleased Corned Hem pro. ,.,. ,
la table silverware and jewelry. lab j
Mrs. to, . K. , the First Baptist one .
W .
arriving at
Ange Co-
White's Colic and Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for and u cine,
at the Drug Store
Mr. Mis. John Stokes and
child are visiting friend here.
Some try to meet
buggies A few try
then, in quality and finish.
Bat none undertake to do both.
Pitt County Oil Mill is now
buying Gallon They pay
the highest cash price or will ex
Change meal. When
are ready write for prices.
We carry of over live
hundred of wall
I.-.- i hi a ,, .,
Mi. J. H. w A-
price for cotton seed I
paid by I'm County Oil Mill.
to T. X. Manning Co. for
Fresh candles, nuts, raisins and
Worst of all Experience
Can he worse . t
feel that every minute will your
Mis Decatur,
inn e she write,
n from In-
stomach and
Death m
doctors all
charging then
win. James Mai
Sheriff on Met
Clark d w
in r ibis ti and
placed men in In Winches-
TI In bailable.
The a re b
; under id here for the
rill. I e it
j- ,
, X. C
. i mil ii i
mat bi .
W. now claim. B t.; , ,.
i Bitters and the result of was the , .;,.
was I improve, at of in county, , .
,. since we now I'm re have been traced to . ,. .,,,.,.;.
none in Pitt county Increase In j, . For Liver, Kidney.;
, ., which and Bowel
public ll has with,
wherever it ha been sold, has In.
us our efforts in e-
a trade on It sad we
means of ll to the not n
-.- home as well as lo the
We are prepared to furnish you as explain why we
ell SI
trio IS
Only guarantee
L. Druggist.
i-i .
tin-only medicine. James
the count
. .
got to
cheap as the cheapest. Come and
before buying elsewhere.
B. h Bro.
Jerry Nichols came in
day evening from South Carolina.
There is no reason why Pitt Co.
should have to such
high prices for their Hour, they
basis same lo
In order to post you relative
merits and quality
B. Harding, of oily,
b is appoint. by Governor
a- commissar Hear for the
tn tin
. i
ii at
judge, Callahan is the sheriff and
A. H. formerly a state
senator. ,,, u A. Moise,
Would yon. if you painter, who had painted m;
used Dr. King's New Life Pills. hone lead and oil awn;
Second have said gallons D.
if Guard, with . , . .-. a m
we will n that where it bus boon
customers come back and call
baud more than we are
to guarantee every barrel tone
is on market.
I We don't believe we have ever seen a
can raise their own wheat the prettier and higher Hour than
Winterville Co I l-got.,,
Hour we Water Cu. W
on hand nice line of Hour, our endorsement Per-
Is based on this experience
plate and crockery all very
rank of lieutenant. It is a most
excellent appointment, and Mr.
will the position with
ed their matchless merit for sick
and nervous Headaches. They
make pure blood and build up
your health. Only money
if not cured. Bold by J. L.
Wooten, Druggist.
got look
i; w, I
. relate
.-,; i . .
Hi .
, , ; tie . fresh
v meal
I i i pi
in the tin
s l i i, i
i me i h
. , u I
. as
i was lei i
t be co
of Char
U will hen v
-j;, at Hotel n June
good Foxes.
i; of oil. l i fell .
Mr Will Central ed i the
That's bow. s
fours truly,
I. ,,,
Mini , ,
K. K on I
. throat, and tilting glasses.

done I. ma lied limes.
;. .;.,,.
.-. . M re .
., ., Betty W be
oh course lie tub
lie old
n n
i her in I's glad
couldn't cry. I- honey, lease
i hi r
de time go on. an dill rent
, . Buyers
V fL
-Well, do . an
I IV name ,, but i tow
. , . He , i to
. K j. , . . lawn, ii man cam I h
my i man don't m
I . , marry.
. an
i marry i
I i. didn't i no
, to i I do
white .
,.,; r
. I
. war tic in
; ; to
v. ,.
,.,. mi of
. , w-
newest tiling
j I Sheared.
to Wear Hats an I
Fridays and Saturdays.
We have a full Stock of
For Ladies and Misses
ll Blacks. Whites, Tans and Chocolates.
Remember we have the
Goods for the Ladies
Such a Lawns, and
Swisses in Various Colors.
m , c Beys Clothing.
A Complete Line
in Ail Styles and Colors. All Weight, and Qualities. We Also Make a
Remember The Place
N. C
i. i
,. . i i he
no . I
. chit do Bible
lolls oh, but conn I ax
onto Solomon was u
n He looked
. . . , -plain
I , in ; .-,, p , like me; payed
I, i i ii it
i do i h Ii.
we what's de for
,. v. oh
;, . i i mi v. hat dry
lived in a rabbi
my I ;
i ml lo rd on i
i i
,. ,. l n I ha a lime in I
;. ,. In I went
. i. i .
day an
Ill i-l
was in,, with do oh
de knows m heart
,, i yeah- lo pay
I, . all I.
since d. ti-. id do oil
H r., nil de
oh diet In
f .
j r;. by
in he n
an tote de in de
hills in a lamp win
lo I
r in . i
. , ,; . hole
baby. , .
in I I dress her, i
wailed. De people
I i
slopped lo I ilk, I
i-ard look mighty
., i.;,.,. gal V
oh, back an hug do
. pore I
for etch a
urn run.
waited. thing
,,. oh . i, for lo
away, i I ll
.,,,, , I lo r I.
. i ,
n i ,,. Mm . de
ii i- mi. I'll
up i i .
did I
I mi all
,,. come v. , n down
ii-,,. She Urn ii raided in
,;, hi i
o like people. She
. ,.,. i de co
oh tie . r all.
me felt a of
Iron. in ll voice, an d
fin Ii hi r i
tole mi
pi r t
from bu ll i d u de
of i
did IV. hut
, I
She tole I
line ions.
en the nil m I
,. i i
i r
I I don't i
i Veil ii I
f i . . . i
i,. fit. i
en, I,
me do
lime ma-lull
him down d on some
Tom he were
right didn't no
do ho
.,.; him. W. II. de steam I
Mowed up, I Tom done
up, too, for Is
a spell I Joe,
I, .,.,. lively us all
with his jokes, lie play-
, like angel, too, an
. i, a ii as
,.; i beyond de
But Joe
i pond judgment
Do i
time, would do
. i. with
down into for
, ,, . Do
i. ml he didn't
;., . II. was lo In .
dill he was
.,., . la not all I
, . anything but
, n in. In berry
f hail Joe
killed. Might d he'd bad
l,, luck, I him so ho
,. . Joe a
.,,, do will
on him for ha ii
while, when de
lion set free, do
. up, I went up to
I.,. for get an
. t in ; Smith
. . ,. v., re
i .,,. In. struck with
V . I had on my violent
for de lime. At do
, . .,,,. me bed
-ion saved
be bis
I out
do will oh do why
l's now Mr. Smith.
was Obadiah. hut mo for
,,, Mi-lab Smith; saved it
corded do condition ob
woman he to do
man. he
Smith mo we
along till ho died, which
u,. , come I
no fault to line, lie
in do mi
Mrs. Smith. a
oh hers, but 1st
In do hi him. 1- whipped
him once a week
bad, I i
me now, i deli-
I., I m. .,
v. I do ill s.
I but
an a
Tom be h dab. I
j- he Hunk oh
else Mi I .
-I i .
ration tine
we'll .
The light
Th l.
Said an
. .
,. . .
. Runnel
km I he on
nu .
the Door.
Open door, let in the
The art the Bower
abroad in the world to-day,
If your door wide open he may
Rome in way
Open the door.
Open door of the mind, lei in
Strong, pure thought which shall
bullish all Bin;
They ill grow and bloom with
grace divine;
And their fruit shall be sweeter than
of the vine.
i the door.
Open the d the heart, let in
It will make the halls of the heart
so fair
That unaware.
Open the
Dear Bin mile hit of
down Maid
man day
for selling
like bi stale; short measure.
It isn't fair to punish a man for
potatoes, and not
Then is short gallon paint iii
If yon get sen
will you get the law
voe lead mid sine don't
sure and don't last
short. It's full
Yours truly,
F. W.
p s. II. L. out
Quality vs. Quantity.
and g
not depend on tee n I- l
and proper
When N-ii lake
Cure ill the
you . I dig an lint you ,
. f . .
conveys the
to the blood
This builds up mid
entire i
come- cures
is Aim
national is
work u
and to
huh dial leaning and
Bold by
The Children's
Croup, Whooping
etc., Minute Cough
i- the favorite.
i- b cause ii contains
is harmless, tastes
KimmI and cures. Said by Jno. I.
Di hem
Yes. Like It.
are easily hum
. , and s really to
he humbugged if we may
in tin eagerly -rasping
r humbugs.
This thought is suggested by a
very ultra, live picture that
. a whole page in seven. of
oar state dailies, and was distributed
IF you Had to Get
In the Old Way
In I to go t h use I
to tell the news or at th i road .
to find out what going on. Th-y we talon
A beautiful
It Is Not So Mow
in this day of numerous i
you can get the n-w- every d y.
This is the tea ling ago an I no h
a good newspaper. Every man
know what is going on.
supply J with the new-.
and Semi-Weekly
Now Bee what those men win
id the err of money
Mr. donations have
dune. I lay have driven Rockefeller,
Jr., from the work he was do-
in the way of religious
lions to u large -1
men his city
do prick them when
they think of those young men
Christ inn training of this young
man These harsh criticisms
ha,.,, only driven the j Ming
school room, but
Standard Oil Company.
The public informed that he has,
determined to have nothing to
do with concern lie will he
forced to his stock on the market
and sell ii for valuable consideration.
it to charitable or
religious purposes, for if the income
from such Block is tainted how much
more objectionable would be the
properly itself Mes-
in circular form through tho mail. . ,
This picture scat- DAILy j
is a page paper and costs is a
only a year. U n year-
be wit bout a paper when yon n one B
you are not a subscriber sand in order today.
dollars in showers loan eager
crowd, all with outstretched arms
surrounding him and struggling to
gel their share
This picture was, of course,
alluring I the
many modern
schemes nit of
credulous I
not to be
semis dancing
i,, rifling one feels after
i- cents Tea or
Tablets. Stoic.
is almost definitely settled that
President will make
Carolina a visit during the month of
I October, and that he will hem
the Of course
,. people will be glad to see Mr.
Roosevelt. Some
, say now that the South does not care
Mr- Roosevelt. Hut these
will be the patient
when Mr.
does Christian
To Produce
town M The Price, j
Bill sleepy head,
Dearly loved lay a had;
Couldn't wake him if you
When Ins slumbers overtook
he started waking
mow when was break-
What's this
The Tills,
Headache, etc,
then on the
They gripe or nut
Impart e-.-
for children Bold
John i- t. i's on .
Its wonderful power goes to the
l your trouble,
every part
every part of your . .
Mountain Tea does. H l
cents, Ti n or Tablet
Ding Store.
The has sis million dollars
invested in American II
ii comes to the worst the royal
over here live
comfortably on their income from
this investment. It is said
the rulers Europe have large
proportions of their private fortunes
invested in other countries. A
notable case is that of the king
Greece, who has invested largely in
Denmark, lie seems to think in-
vestments in his native country, i
which his father is king, safer than
in the one over which he has been
called to
The Salves That Penetrates
Witch Haiti Salve
the pores the in, and
its antiseptic, and
influence it subdues in-
is, Ti i
nil a v
Witch i
., ;. B CO., and
by L.
Last Friday Captain Bradshaw
and Captain in charge of
the convict camp on die mid
Railroad Lillington. j
county, Judge
Moore and tho the bar a
picnic camp This varied
things for the .
who generally
court meets Wilmington Mar.
Brings b .
That's what i i k;
Mountain Tea will
Tea or Tablets. Wooten's
the Old Stand.
I have the
W. J.
ill carry on the hits-
at his old stand on Five
I will add to to meet the
I demands of the trade and will
times a complete line
Heavy and Groceries.
Louisville, Confederate V et-
I I, to I
1905. Ono cent per mile
from K,
Tickets on sale June
13th with limit
in may l
by tickets
., I., a Ky., and
Slop be allowed
; and
V., Hot Spec-
train through
will lie
from points. For
other information agent, or
Beach, N. C, n ac-
count of Summer School,
Tickets to
will be sold June
and with dual
limit for one Ural
fare, plus the round
trip Hate from Greenville,
to Wilmington, K. and
And Provisions
Cotton B
. id
There is one thin that do not claim in t ,
; cheaper o-
do we want to create the that our store i-
style nor by filling
bow hills and --m we try t. impress I
lea; in your mini aw oat of business, but
, o id that we are receiving d in
. , n -rials o with the I. I
c i ,;
,,. . , v. ,. . new I lings
Fr sh I
e Bo
N or h Ca roll
Fruits, Tobacco Brat of April then it. .
from my farm near
Tall on me want the X see
be. for pries, .
at which th.-y . ear ;
J. J. J. W. Perkins,
The Five Points Grocer. H. C. . v vi.
Everything you want in the way
If Y m i nice Groceries, Goods, I
Candies, Nuts, can be had at
our store.
We carry a supply of the Best I
Goods t
e Cash
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors I . t
Lies and Bag.
. i

on. and N
Tl. Arm
. n . Ox-
. good; new shoes,
I i
is b
st in time to meet weds, before th stock
, -.-. . . ran
. V received and
l Fleming m declined the
. , ion o alt careful buyers, Sen . . .,,,,.
H. Harding f re-elected
. i
K Bi
,. . . . I.
n i for
Oil. I . I
r. en
t, .-. , . . a
. it . i i
.,. mild. A
to . .-
own who i at
. aide mi ii
The in the
.- a- In
I he Hi Mini en led m I
H. . i
i n bi . i K. m was
; The I B.
ii . Leonid. Fleming were
I seined a- candidate.-. Fleming
. -slip
it. And,
. I
. I received
the nominee
lot u. ward.
, i executive
Mint a ;
.,. in
. . is paw and re ,
. long .- -per.
; Summer need the room and .
in order to clean them out quickly we
Court Tie Oxfords, worth for
Heather, Court Tie Oxfords, worth for 2.25.
. leather and plain kid Oxfords
; tent Strap Sandals, plain kid Strap Sandals,
and pa t leather tip Oxfords, tan kid Court Tie Oxfords, U
styles es, worth and 2.25 per pair, to be sold for
Lac r black Court Ties, plain kid Sandals,
ii c tip Oxfords, dressy styles plain co in I
styles and sizes, that are selling for pair,
we r pair.
Oxfords and Sandal that are selling
1.25 pair offer in this sale for to SI per
ens Babies Slipper- are offered in this.
n proportion to the Ladies above.
A l Quartet.
. ho I .- recently
a f-ii It's .
. tin nil;
, . i
Mi r II. W.
and f. B.
l. it. Kit The J. it.
and J. Smith were
Rented. Smith
His Fur ballot
Little was taken,
. . . . .
I Hi.
Cobb Bod were declared
. X i my I. , .
do the ward.
. ; . . Km ward
., J. I. Moore
. . , ; I were . Smith
. ;
for ii- and tor i lie
n .;
. Meeting called to
I .
, ., .,,. . be-
the i. . yo i
want ;
For aldermen of A.
G, E.
. . ii I'm
,. m .
II. Tali. W. A. Bowen were
.-i. . . . .
i i.-; and
in re-elected ward
m in. Tim. of
The Hide ii
-ii i fowl was Meeting called to order by
know ii at a very cat hen King, chairman. D. J.
oysters the
,., ,,,,. . lite bat
. . lea I lift; yearn before
, the that
. off and made a
o of them, a. th
I i, mi I
I . .
are told.
than in.; . or ire
n . i
Those get first pick at beautiful line of
B ., V c m an.
, . . .;. h make est, ind a
i in i.
G i lit y A i
n. it is mail to
,; I lo
.,, . , . . Haiti
Take n I king in
e i
u he m
, .; I who
. r.
; It
aldermen the ofT. K.
Hooker and C Carr were
and both were
ed by
It. W. King was re-elected
l absence of ward
D. L. James
elected chairman, M Moore
The names of 1-
Lanier presented
alderman. received
votes and and
war declared the nominee.
C. on.
,. coted ward
Driven to
Living an i of tin
place, remote from ii II h
Is often to
iii of accident,
, I'm-, l
etc. in I I lie th
ea Salve. It's the on
,;.,;.,. at J. .
. id Coward L
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
That It What One CM
Young America can knock e
Board Aldermen Return. Otto Dehart Fatally Shoots Mrs. Pink
The hoard of aldermen met in. Goode at Va.
old crowd out two to one when it adjourned at noon today ff. June around the depot waiting for
comes to getting off things that land the returns of the j reached here of a
are bright. Since was out I election held J a drunken young man at
the editor's have been showed hat a the
was cant.
The was as
Fleming i
doing little chores about the
to keep in a little pocket
One of a friend
down with her, th other day, and
the latter, like most bight
displayed an Inquisitive tarn of
mind asked n number of
about different thing in the
does do up S. Carr each votes.
the visitor asked one
of the boys in the shop j voles.
Our hopeful began duly
Mis. Goode, a
was shut to death in
the shot going through
Second R. and
Charles each TOWS. Otto was arrested aid
Third Tail and a hearing. He
And Both Come Out Broken. F. M. went to Dur- to Durward S Wilson who
l ham this Laves For West Point N. Y.
Kure to Beau . Reflector,
the train, there h mix-up. Saturday evening. Mr. Mrs. W. U. Wilson
among the horses that resulted in . erring in
damage two buggies, lorn ; honor their son,
Parker and a young man named who successfully
Edwards were sitting a buggy J. A. Lang has moved into bis for the Military
together horse became new residence on Pitt street. will
frightened at something, sud-1 g j returned Saturday j the 13th. From
off. Both man evening from the road, twelve the home was
were thrown out of the buggy but; f I thronged with his many
in-it of them was hurt. The
A. It each voles. ,, ; collided with F.
Hooker and on to th. fraud Jury which was
and went to the Goode home.
the depot. Mr. buggy th morning.
I. A, Sugg moved into one
of the Dupree houses in South
It appears Dehart
the latter off
and threw
mi back of
Taylor went to
evening and returned
and shot a chicken, and when Mrs.
Goode protested against his coo-
was badly smashed a shaft of and
toasting and wishing him all the
at the academy.
The was very appropriate-
decorated for the
in Mac and old gold,
Wist Point colors, the dining room
was a scene of beauty and
Ben's duties with sets type, j elected aldermen of their shell into bis
distributes type, folds papers, Jive for one year her, killing her
bundles the mail, reeds the 1st, 1905, to 1st, instantly.
He then left, but was later
the Interrupted Conference With Former Wife. I rested while his way to
the visitor with O., Virginia. saw tin-
in the world docs the press I I-. Duke returned from very small I
this morning, he went ye- children of Mrs. Goode. Her bus i
Mr. Parker's was broken.
; visiting j being he
Give Both Addresses
We have had several postal
cards and letters from
who reside mi K. F.
routes will; to change
their paper lo the tin-.
of was to hold a conference with band was at work at a saw now their mail on, without
quick explanation,
The foreman was able lo restore
quiet after a few hours.
bis divorced wife, Mrs. Minnie W . , four
Duke. He was asked about his that the
trip and the conference with his
divorced wife, and he said
Miss I lie Tucker.
Miss Mary Bernard, of
In Saturday even-
lo visit In i mother.
Miss Harding returned
home Saturday evening fro.
Washington, where she has been
teaching school.
Miss Mary C. Wiley, of Win-
giving their former address, i
We have tried on several
was accidental, lie is a young I lo And their and make the came in Saturday
; man about years of age. There I changes and some instances have evening to teach at the teachers
Social and Literary League Meeting
The social and literary Meeting
of the Li-ague was he'd
Monday evening at lbs home
Mr. James Mr. Mis.
Brown had made arrange-
for n pleasant even and
their efforts were not in
At a quarter past eight o'clock
the crowd to gather, a. d
sou the young people were n
merrily on I lie law., while the
older ones enjoyed one
company on the porch. At nine
o'clock, the program i
which c insisted a paper Oil In-
life works of
Miss Wilson; a re-
citation, la Now
Miss Jennie
Account of the Beginning of
by Mr.
Jones; and a poem,
Shall Pass by Mis- Martha
Lee Miss Ellie Brown
rendered appropriate
Games were then in In
a guessing contest, Jones
won the prize, a book.
At half past ten o'clock I he
leaguers for their home.-,
that they had spent a I
and profitable
Recovered Speech.
Elizabeth City. N.
Mrs. R. E. Perry, who lives
Beach street, recovered
powers of speech after days,
during time she
his conference with her was considerable excitement, but to look through at least institute at Winterville.
purely business t had dunKer of violence. a or fifteen post offices, and j. a. Lang went to Bit
that nothing would have even then we have failed on some.
this morning.
G. W. Baker went to
been said of this be said. If each subscriber will always give
, , , . ., Fire in . , . . . .
I mind telling the the pest office a I which he has
object of the visit. It was In refer- Sew Bern, N. June been getting the paper and then morning.
i th, and taking o'clock tonight an alarm the office be wants it changed to c. Parker
our sou, Woodward, that I j If re was sounded. The lire was u will save lots of trouble finding this morning.
ed in Uncle representing the
every respect. The
lights from the many and
silver e made it a most
Mrs. Wilson received
in the front hall and gave all a
heart welcome. Walter Wilson,
Jr., and Miss Mat lie Holt, of
ham, received the i
Wilson and Miss Alice White
received in the rear hall. Punch
was served in the hall by Miss
Elba Gotten and Frank
Al ten thirty every one present
was presented card giving
about Went
Point Miss Holt
met Mrs. Minnie Duke in Greens- located in Bryan brick block
Ion the corner of South Front and
their and will be the ,, left after-
means of the paper reaching Seven
new earlier.
be that there is. Middle streets, and its origin is
n certain found in Sew York , unknown. By heroic work of the
a d cannot be distributed firemen the flames were confined; Time is Here.
. I, gal appointment to the corner store occupied by. The time has rived
Mrs. Duke asked Mr. Mr. wife who to visit
a as in tin-
he v
is I hi
I . was her
I mm Si York to Chattanooga
-mil Mr. Duke to meet her.
is mil III New
today proceedings were
by Is. I. Duke to get a
from his third wile, Mrs.
Alice Webb Duke. Ho admitted
the proceedings had been
instituted but nothing
further publication.
Gill Married the Other Fellow.
The North
says that Mr. P. Shore, Vail-
kin Mr. K. . North
had been paying mark
utter a word. About two mouth. attention to Miss
ago she was prostrated by an Wilkesboro, Mr. Shore
attack the grip, one of the in Wilkesboro and
severe cases known in till that he and
section, and the loss speech was were to be married afternoon
be I would accept the child were on the second door
mm as trustee they occupied as a sleeping i a
He then said he told j apartment, had not timely day evening and will preach in
his he would do, assistance been rendered by 0-1 There you get the benefit the Presbyterian church next
. see would have been .,,
tin- fin, embracing climate,
place our ii
mention here
hi Morehead this will
I . a delightful occasion.
there the . resorts,
summer beget
ting ready.
educated and from smoke. The dam
almost total, .,.
the necessary thousand dollars.
went to folk in,; the was
with a beautiful book, en-
the line Miss
El i ml Miss Alice White
lied lot I be sec i d which
Rev. W. E. Cox went a ,.,.,.,.,
Kinston Monday evening- mi-
Misses Florence Felton and one. Forbes
went to the booby. These prizes
Monday evening were presented with
Mon- appropriate words by A. J.
j . were Invited in
the dining l was
in ever, detail, Alter
Misses Annie Perkins, Myrtle j we were given
Wilson, Bliss Harding and Rosa ,.,.,.,, , ,,,,. showing the
. n M- pocket. with insurance five thousand
he dollars.
Toe building is owned by Mr.
James A. Bryan, Is covered by
went to Mon-
attend the institute. ., a-i
likeness at West
o lug iii the national
Robbery Mystery. The Encampment
X. June July 20th to 20th, Inclusive, has
morning Mr. A. V. been officially announced as the
and treasurer, of the Golds- period during which the second
j com puny, went to and third regiments of
Bank of Wayne and 1250, as. Guard will lie
was his custom, to pay off his em- in camp at Col.
at the After will command the
left the bank he came up lo the second and Col. J, N. Craig, the
Ding company's store, regiment,
where he the mousy, which are already under way the
all in silver, in drug store coming of the soldier boys to
wen to
mot nine,
Mrs. Alice and sou,
Alexander, return d fr .
Tuesday evening.
Mis-. Williams, of Beau-
fort, came in is morning lo visit
M Bernice
Harrells- colors.
it- given the long
canons every one had to shoot
a long role Uncle Sain colors
with a
Tin n v., i,. passed the
which aim contained prizes suited
for the The dining
table was n covered In the
beautiful silk attached to the
Bernard, Hill
came in evening to visit cannon balls . souvenirs,
bis mother, Mrs. I. A. Among
Hi of Lenoir, with
expected catcher Forbes.
for the base ball team, came
Cobb with Harry
one of the way In which II affect-
ed her. When she had recovered
from the could
not a word,
people bid almost lost
as to her i .
;.; I o'clock. secured the
license, en i i and
Invited hi- fr ends, mean-
time Mr. Lee i
cation f i ism Miss Few ill nod he
sale. He culled back there this
noon about lock and went
to get his money, but was gone.
A search was bill the
not to be
the money is or who got it i-
mystery, as no stranger was seen
ill the near the safe.
A Tar Heel Wins Honors.
Two Splendid Sermons.
. e Id ml. .
the use of her b D o
; well as r nod she I
fa l ;,
.- to
a i
i i HI
him n on
in i i
drove l is h m ;
W . i i
Wilmington Star.
Register of Deeds has issued
Rev. J. Manning of marriage license to the
Va., preached in the couples since lust report.
Baptist here Sunday morn-
and evening. Large Patrick K. Annie
, were out to bear and the
were well pleased with him, q, I
His sermons were and Smith.
delivered with an c it i it
he situation H Squirt A Startling
. I . , . nils from Len. . Plain Deal
reentry coin
re. so Meek
In an ran now him. All
. . . . school. foul la bit
. nod has b
Wife Did ll on the
I en s
I . .
fill I
. i-
farmers is the
One tell.-. hard
be had to work lo ,
his tin last
i pi, to any
I i a i I
Skinner, Jr.
Miss Holt, of Graham,
w W Wilson, Jr.
tin with W. U.
Mis Al White, of
S. Wilson,
Glenn with
i J with T. J.
. I Blow will
It of Col
. Blow.
. i
i r v
I the
ii. added

Eastern reflector, 6 June 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 06, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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