Eastern reflector, 12 May 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. ,
The re
of style and
Hie realization
of comfort
Good Taste is Always
Good Style
The Criminal t Completed.
The have been
of aloe report.
A. Bell, not
Had Fred Hardy
with deadly weapon,
judgment suspended on pay-
co Is
A J. without
plead- guilty,
suspended upon pay meat of
mortgaged property, guilty.
I. F. Anderson, with
not guilty.
Sam larceny, guilty.
Charlie William. not
minder, not
I. gambling, pleads I
payment of
This com pie t criminal
docket and the rein-under of the
term la given to civil
paper cur-
The iv
I i m
Lave obtained is dun principal
their S
hi prior
It is t is suit- ex
and taxi, that is
not true. Dr.
New j
la a cure II lung and
throat trouble-. ind can
testify to that, i;. Van.
W. Va.,
bad e of Bron-
and year every-
thing ; beard of, bat got no relief.
On bottle of Dr Slug's New Ii.
cared rue
It's Infallible fur Croup, Whooping
Grip, Pneumonia null
and Try
guaranteed by L. Women,
Trial tree.
Comfortable From the Time You Put Them On.
n ; ill In
given i .
grades mad
ugh probably ail have tried,
highest The
they will last as long and hi
i mi
I; i- -u-
as the no
Program Services Sunday.
A crowded h again gr
the Friday nigh I
at the Co rial and the
evangelist delivered
sermon on Greatest
Miss delighted the
c with one of tier line
violin Mi- Man
with deep Mi.
famous by inn. Tell Mother I'll
This afternoon a a special
wan held for the children
which special wan
given to n chalk talk by
Dr. Martin and an by Mr.
Greenville, N. C.
Yon all about shoes,
Ho many customer have you
who know
You have i old
for ears, and have learned what
ion know y customers,
liking tort, not liking
They find out by
So will, we h
Mai. old ill
and we make, not
make good deal
Wu paint a go. share
railroad Meant, i- property in
the I State, may as
well paint tin- private
Yours ill In h.-.,
De ; your
pain half a hi
paint lead oil ti
a lakes fewer callous wen is
ice ;
Mr. Kara Williams
. us- , gallons of
well-known for
house; he
w . Co.
d. II. I. i sells our
New Firm
Salt, Soda and Go to It
National Drink.
Tea of the principal
articles of commerce throughout
Tibet and Mongolia. The I is
miserable without it and w en it
be obtained is willing to
cheat himself by various
such as boiling dried onion
heads, herbs or even an infusion of
of wood in water, in order
that be may not lie at lea-t without
a suggestion of his favorite
age. The tea imported from China
is pressed into small
bricks, made up into cases of nine
bricks, securely sewed in
and not only i it u-ed as a beverage,
but in fact forms a staple of cur-
as negotiable Hank of Eng-
land notes or American
The native method of preparing
this delicacy is not appetizing. The
tea is first ground to a fine powder
vigorously pounding it in a
until do splints of wood or
impurities are risible to the
it is tin n put into the kettle, when
the water is hot, to boil ten or
teen minutes. By way of giving in-
flavor, sail or soda is added,
and, this part of the operation being
the all important
drinking commences. The
family gathered around tho
fire dung, in order that at-
as the painters would say,
should not be la. long, each
draws from some hidden recess in
the folds i f his sheep-
skin coat a little wooden bowl, and,
with a satisfaction which must
seen to be appreciated, fills his
dish with the liquid. All this,
however, is by way of preliminary.
From a skin full of butter, placed
within convenient range, each per-
son lake- a piece of oleaginous
and lets it melt into his
owl of steaming tea. Then, oh
joy oh rapture with furtive gusto
he draws I he nectar to his lips and
is opened unto The
bowl is again Oiled; into the steam-
liquid he throws a of
barley and,
; drawing forth sodden lump.
i works it into a ball of brown dough
with a movement of his left
hand, and bites
of I hi delicacy and drinks
buttered tea until the visible
supply has vanished, when, in order
hi- etiquette may not
impugned, he licks hi bowl clean,
wipes -fat he has
go on his face on his hoots,
and eagerly looks forward to tho
mom, when gods and fate shall
again become
take.-. fur ii
from tin- cheapest
ban Also
have a -in -I, library,
ii mid parlor picture on
the Foot,
the Head
and the Pocket- Book
To save a life, Or. T.
No. Pa. Pa , made
n teal Ir. a won-
cure. Up
attacked with
caused by of the atom-.
ah. I bad often Warehouse.
ii t excellent for acute stomach
and liver troubles so i prescribed
them. The gained
I the first, and not had an at-
tack ii Bleat no Bit-
j guaranteed for
I lion Kidney troubles, Try
tin in. Only at Jno L Woo-
hand all time-. All grades
picture mi and can
frame any picture to order mi
Work or no
pay. Give n-a trial Older. Will
i come and to
I lie framed
evening wore
man who was telling tho
interrupted the
would be wit. ca i you tell us
tho evening wore on that
know that it i.-
replied the story teller.
if you know. I believe it was
close of n summer
Commercial Tribune.
-bop next to
Bynum School.
The school near Dr.
; Helen
with a picnic
and a speech by Prof. W. II. Bags-
dale reports a day
with the of the speech.
J. A. Verbena, Ala.
was twice the hospital from
of piles
After doctors and nil
remedies failed,
Halve quickly arrested farther in-
cured him. It con
aches and kills pain.
L, Woolen,
Handsomest, and largest stuck of
Iron Bedsteads at a. M.
of King's Now Life
each night for I weeks has
rut me In my writes
They're bast In the
Liver, and
vegetable. Never Gripe, Only
at L.
cured by
Under all
Mr. D. of
Nevada, was
cured by
had effected
his heart.
Mrs. W. W. Lay-
Pa., was cured
use of
For Sale By
A Compliment.
Miss received
quite a from Mr. Tiger
Miss you don't
people of stripe
Miss and
why not as good as the best.
lie looked at so admiringly
Then he -aid. congratulate you
on the I'm I beauty is skin
sweet of him
Boston Transcript.
A Great Scheme.
was a great scheme old
Shrewdly worked.
didn't hear of
gave it out Unit the first one
of his eleven daughters to be mar-
was the
elopements in one night.
They determine which one was
the so Shrewdly gels rid of
the girls and keeps the
Liverpool Mercury.
A Civil Answer.
The news butcher, a box of chew-
gum in his hand, stopped in
front of a rural passenger,
he ask-
ed, slicking the box under his nose.
The passenger addressed looked at
him solemnly a moment, stroked his
heard, expectorated a long stream of
on the Moor replied i
Little Ruth visited a large whole-
sale ill re i her
While there a gave her a small
sample bottle of catchup. Thai
evening ho tasted ii mod
time r. n you go to
that pi tell the
clerk I would
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Large Attendance of Confederate
Program of
Splendid Addresses by
Gen. Roberts and Dr.
Dinner for
Old Soldiers.
May 1905.
iV. T. Fleming went to
At the conclusion of the
Harding called the
veterans to attention and they re- ; Miss Irma Cobb and Miss Annie R. Long
with I at Peace Give
and audience also Sunday a busy day with .
, , ,, , l-tic given
I--. which
at the opera and at and which showed M. .
church again a. night e value of the given . I. Over.,, l.-f, this morning
Memorial day Z a of was on .,. O. to Kins. S-
back the to reach that so i, would , evening, , . , ,
Ir recalls vivid incidents; yet i valor heroism and , ,. ,.
write ii up. In the charming recital they were came home Sui day of Indiana, who been at
T. H.
of n graded school, spent
today here.
Mrs. L. C. King, of
who has been Visiting here, re-
turned home .
There present a inter-
effort, nod full attested and program
by most p
of greatest struggle in he was the peer of any. In
the history of our add. be went over again
few survivors of the bloody war ,,, the incidents of the war, danger.,
together again to gave due to the
greet comrades in arms and soldiers and paid a
thrilling events the noble women of
which they passed and Booth, to be the
which cemented them as a band of real soldiers of that great war. His
brothers. It la an occasion of delighted the veterans and
both sadness pleasure-sad frequently applauded.
because the hand of time Dr. Martin's address was a gem.
to thin the already depleted rank- He of Americans,
and leaves fewer to participate in f Southerners.
each successive reunion; pleasure that all travels he
The address at opera house b evening
one and .-
quarter us the able orator unfolded
his theme.
i by and
L-mg. During recital Miss
Long rendered Selections from
I. of
is visiting Mrs, K Tall.
Mis. C. Moore been quite
sick some but is now some
Mr. and Mr-. J. E. left
visiting her mother,
Mis. spent today
relative- in
Mr, 1905.
B. left ibis morning for
Gov. T. J. Jarvis far-
Miss Genevieve and Mr. Sunday to summer In this morning
Martin favored the large audience
with their violin
i duets.
At church night Dr. Mar
made a appeal to
while Indiana
were from Schumann, Deputy Sheriff H. I. Dudley re-
laud Weber turned evening
bulb young ladies doing Raleigh.
both young ladies
work. Mis delight
full. I
Morn I
a K-c
confession and prom
to do so later.
The musical features were of the
Mis. I. Ii. sou
Donald went to Ayden Saturday
Smith left this morning for
Norfolk to take a position as clerk
i Xe i- Observer, in a betel.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Tunstall, of
K i list en, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Tunstall.
hands once more, while those Come up At
young to be in those with bursts of applause. , the close four men made
trying and know of them were over
as handed down from our I dinner w, served on,
or through history, can court This was
do our part in honoring these and elegant all ate to order and aided
surviving heroes and scattering, their content. Many of the of WHY NOT HAVE A BOARD OF TRADE
sunshine about them in their de I veterans declared that they bad Number of Confessions has Reach-
days. attended no ed Eleven. Editor
are glad to have the old Dr. I- it the
memorial much credit for Moo the Mon- o Ores and
e proud to great. ,,. of the m.,. day night, was certainties of when I say business men, I do not Mrs w. , ,.,
mined their duties well. ; the mean the merchants alone, but returned Saturday evening from
j was strong and delivered with bis ; class of business men win.
, usual Tin- sermon a pride and interest In the welfare
was followed by one confession, property tho town, have
Miss Margaret Hayes, formerly
of Washington, has located here as
a trained nurse.
to march h to the home of
the dead and spread fresh
garlands of love upon the graves
departed. Greenville has
done herself proud in the enter-
provided for the veterans
hours the morning
saw many of them coming Into
tow- from all
K. M. w up the
load this, morning.
Frank Johnston Tues-
day evening Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Forbes went
; to Tuesday
F. M, Tuesday
evening from Panacea Springs.
P. K. Arthur, Va,,
is visiting bis brother, L. C.
John Guy, who been visiting his
mother, returned to
ibis nun nine.
W. If. Si., of Snow Hill,
is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Governor Glenn has received
received . . . , . , . .
no. ice iron, the governor of New and ed a
to effect that it b The,, b
been decided in connection with he muon exerted by
the ceremonies for
to the
unveiling a
New I
i. Ian j,, the New Bern,
field, others battle scarred, many j to present to governor
with feeble steps, but all
hearts and gallant spirits, battle flag that was
f t o'clock members by the Ninth New Jersey
Bryan of Confederate battle of
Veterans met in the court house when a gallant charge was
and held a short business session. volunteers. It
When the roll was called seventeen restored by Governor
deaths were reported since last Glenn to of
B. A. first as having been made.
H. A. Blew secretary.
At o'clock the cession
command of Ma. Henry Harding
and matched to Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. L. Link- and
Mr. and E. House spent
Mi-s Bertie Taylor, of Trenton,
an in-;
many things lb a, Georgia Joyner, of Ayden, I The was called to order
are vital to growth ,,., was visiting Mrs. T. K. j the president, Miss Bernice
home Saturday evening. After transacting all
The T. Jarvis Chapter
Daughters of Confederacy, spent a
very enjoyable afternoon, Friday,
. , . . . very noon, Friday,
noon the best been Miss Minnie M . .,
L. . . . May 5th. with Shel-
est of the town and left Saturday evening. , J
lug town, by
the combined efforts and efficiency
N. C. Kay
H. B. Phi Hips was called
Salisbury, Md., Saturday.
Mrs. P. is
her in Suffolk.
Mr. King filled regular an and those
here Sunday morning j n due aces of would
and preached an sermon. I concentrate a body of m n,
Mrs. and daughter, would be and
I who visiting in r other organ ii
and Mrs. T. Vincent
business, turned our attention
of those who would
acting. II. Harding was Plow or to of
commander camp I by inscribed their home in Suffolk. are many hi
a r. . would and
camp addressed of tobacco
by Lieut. B. A. The M various points.
in town aim.- If the I w
. put forth concentrated force, and
Mrs. Early has been I energy wool I give
her Mi-s Susan Gaily, ville a sue has long needed
has returned to Aulander, after h and no
pleasant railroad
who has heed the persistent efforts
for several days, is improving. , well died d b of
Mr. preached here in matters
To Establish Tobacco Factories.
The North Carolina
Bill c and laced in around j Protective Association had a well
the Confederate After meeting at the
by a
urn Mi.-s
Sunday evening from Scotland Our hostess had prepared, for our
Neck. a enlivening
,,. ,. , . . , which was conducted
Keel, who has been here . m D , i . i ,
,. . by Mi- Bessie Patrick. Misses
for visiting his a her, , ,, ,
,, , u- , i re ii- Jamie Bryan, Lee
n eel, left Sunday .,. , . . . . ,
Brown and Margaret Skinner tied
fur the prize. Mac
Mrs J, T. i;. Hoover, of Hen-j drew tho lucky number and was
-son, who has been visiting prize.
liter, Mrs. A. II. Taft, return- in her
home today. usual entertaining manner, favored
Mrs. II. A. White and children j
, Saturday evening from
Miss Alice White repaired to dinning
accompanied her home. l tempting
refreshments were served.
I; Livers, superintendent of
the center tier seats, the Sing.-
Chapter of the Burial of Child
Confederacy to their right and the
I. J. Jarvis Chapter were on The remains of the 10-month-
stage will, choir and speaker.-. child of Mr. and Mrs. K. L.
The following program was ear- were
lied Greenville on Sunday morning's
Song. Laud Battle taking place
by choir. at in Cherry Hill
Invocation, by J. A. was
by J. A. and the
choir. PH were Messrs ;.
Welcome behalf of Mayor. Flanagan, L.
Stanley was reappointed chief official to cm
,. , , one and much enjoyed.
police tar another term. suit win,, one authorized
D. A. Leggett is do heller at speak fur the Tuesday May
this writing. o whole, consequently we are not Jesse Smith left this
Mrs. L. E. Hicks and daughter, considered, and regarded as not Norfolk.
Mrs. Annie Baker, Misses worth considering,
and Dickens, and Charlie won't provide for his n
visited Greenville last has denied the Lets have
a board trade.
ISA A . i .
I acknowledges
an to
L. lo Scotland
Track Hands Scarce.
farmers are having no
tilth Double about getting
ti pick The scarify of i.-U,
l selection J-M. Booker, W. B, Wilson, J. principally to so many col-1
tin Family. ; K. Ii , .,.,, , , into the straw- ft
of speaker, by Col. bee ;
Neck today.
V. Lincoln went to
Monday evening.
P. H. Ball, of Kin -ion.
i; v. W. Shields of Golds
i c in Monday even
a lad-
Maj in
II. sends The i ., .
tor a handsome invitation to the
commencement Whit-
j Maj 80-22.
Ki i ii . ii u
receipt to the
. ii . i. of At-
I. A.
Add rest. by Gen. W. P.
I on . Old North
r. B, S. I
. on the Old Camp
Groan .
ill By
Red Springs Incorporated
Bed I i Mi i
my, of . i- been
; i
raters, v. ,,
In i
. ii in .,
all i .- id. are with-
o u I . i.
VI hi .
a ell i .
Pei II,
. A.
,, i i- .
Mrs. Harry returned
evening from I-- grand
i . May bull n i-.,,
today to i .- mph-
On .
Iron Bed
. A. n ,
a I

an Reach
Telephone Subscribers
For Rates
Telephone and
. Company,
What Is known as the
occasioned by actual
but in the
majority of cases by a
which may be
by trying a course of
They regulate the LIVER.
bring to the
mind. They bring health elastic-
to the body.
. , tan gel s
. done a
. . or
. . Have a pod
;. . u
. re. and
. your tool
la a single
B, i
in the m. Greene A Bro
. Q the
He, . I i
, . ,
l .-.-. said
Brown all account.
and --.- I tin liabilities o I
, . , mil i Brown All per-
. .,., . .
.,.,. ,,.,., m to lid Brown,
and all m ha
,,.,. . Brown will
. in .-.; will Brown tor pay-
u .
Brow n.
; ii d
W. II I ;
, . . , ; it
I id
in I lac
. a ill ; II a-i
. l .
mi d in; I
. .,
in Hi, Wile Hi
The circumstances that led t
Ernest withdrawal from
London never n properly
explained. day lie was employed ,
at an office in It was there found the mixture of friendliness
that made his i Our pity with which she treated him
duties brought us good ,. to- fancy, lie knew
Hi I her, and a i inn
Twelve months before he had
Henderson mi offer
under the impression, the
girl mu madly devoted to him.
Whether he loved her he was
that time sure. Within a I
his rejection- he had been refuted
he for certain that he did
not. After that he had met
Henderson frequently and had
i -w
ii a-.
re ii inn
In. -1
mailer had I.
was ii i drawing I mm.
an join
thought she had darkened
i i, forever, and he had
em her in notion, Ho
fell that lie acting the paW of a
i Major Dobbin and playing
, ell. one
lie had sung Devout
presence with so much
i row an n ,. in .-- m.
could hear voices of feeling as to lime affected even hi
two men i alter
After a lime Mr. II,
. iii drawing room and asked .
me to a that Mi-
; i, the i
me with a grab
till .-.
. i ti
iii- conn d my i
, r, . i you to
friend of Mr. I
. friend is
only ell,,. ,
l-j i, mi nut of was paid
in mi in gold and
K out I ii I progress by no
private room, a safe rap
i t told her out
ii p r loved
i her at the moment she
. If, r, he doing a great
,., this posing h had never iv-
II,. had not dreamed
Ii feelings to-
i ml him acre undergoing any
. n she had proclaimed
hi r Ii for him that night he I I
v at ilia-in
; , . fore him.
.,. vim i. he concluded,
I , to the robbery
I a hat the
. . I Mi I . . I I I .-.- .
culprit. At half to do with I replied
would you have done in
n I n
. Ill
course i
You harness,
Horse Goods,
J- P
v, ,. and an
.-,.,., Dealer. uM
,. Cotton deed. Oil
, . . etc. Bed-
. Oak
. , i
. Gail As
H. ii . .
root-, v; Ge Ca
,. , Peaches, Apple
p ., .- Jelly, -Milk.
t . lee,
. in
v, II. Gil
i -.- ., i; conferred
. an
,,., . .- . .
i; n
., .-. I u .
. . . . i . .- mil
door in the
. ; . .;., ill May,
tract i n i
. I i land to wit
Situated in the town I
. . ; III III . .
., . . of
. street, so
. i-
., i . . u
old ii-n
; i Moon . oil
.-. -a;
Moore S. T.
. de; . i i- I I i v
. II . . I ill .
I i, . , . -i .-,
; . ,. .,.,.; In
r on et,
i ,, , of . re- i I de-
. , . i I
i Mr. Inn
the a Mr. n,
whom work in my
went I en minutes later.
I . . clerks in
outer no one r I
. . n
hour. The -1
was but when I opened
found the Id had dis-
appeared. I hi Mr. Mi r-
it if I nuke i win
, i. ind rest
i mi I
it nit seal
i I upset me a
ii j up tor mo
was Mai
. then, h i
i out of the
i; he said, e-
been and her
pride has not wounded.
A or me, I an go to another town
and Henderson has
n . . I have -mi him,
and he and his r
me a all will know anything of this
I of course, in;
; of .- I in; hat to leave.
-it ion in I ho lei this interfere v.
m . A I- our said
I . . . I
. i oh i d M I replied, u
r-e. which, by are the greatest saint in i ca-
ll. i i. I l r .-. i i I II
I . I . fl II .
I of jacket. I i
. I . II ll tO tin of-
. . k. I i
hound. I
h hen I a-, .
I . M u and Hails,
.-. ; Nut-
. ,
, , . . . and
War-1. Cakes M
Butter, Ne
; , . . .- and
, . . r.
degrees east
Matches, Oil, , ; .
. . , now u
., . . .,, , . i . i, . war
in, i- i,
, III Ma.-.
. I
, r-.
We Keep.
School Books
School Supplies.
If Need
an Hook
We've It.
All Kiwis Of
and anything carried in
a Book Store.
, , i. i l . . i i i
, .
i . on north s e I .
. , if Swill
i . Hi . Hen
. r
,. . , . . in i urn
i . I
they v
i-x-i -i i .
then written
to me urn e or i ii but I have
him. I annul
up i mind i behavior.
Thai was wrong to followed
i n I-- -i he knew that
did no her is beyond
bis so, ii i- clear lo
n , ought have
. n d and his eon-
mid f duct n credence.
up an unpleasant duty he
dishonored his own name. At oilier
times ii i- equally to nm
hi- have married
return of her affection wan
not to U i x and he chose a
method of
ell pride. As have said,
I am us mi a decision . r,
i and all th bile old
.,. , din in cl mi. i I ring my I
I i the neglect.
i, question
i, How was
. . i on
on owed
r of Mr. sane-
.- door, mean,
mo the passage
I iii ml out without .
. . n tin outer .
. i Mai
i, ad me upon ll a
. . i ., ; em into ilia
I not I .
la-en Tn real re-
lief. Mar-d
. ii ware, no
t, , I feel a
. . a
I ice. and
the .
. I Till
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
y a-- for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready nixed Paints.
There is in-line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
N. C,
and u lull, proud
lo the hall. I
spite of . I
t . I, In . in in;, friend
money m; -elf.
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
St. Mo. Oct. Victor Safe Luck Co., of
Cincinnati, to Grand the World's
Fair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes
and general line of lire and sales and vaults,
magnificent taking prize over
tor for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
and .
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
eyes i
i i r i vet-
I I tO
-I her
I h
Norfolk, Va.
Buyer and Brokers In
Grain and
on- ires to New Tori
Chicago and Orleans.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Pitt . -la-
torn the on the
o .
i Chi . i a--
. i all pi
to tile estate to make Immediate pay-
men ,. . . i and to all
. -an to
i pr But to the
, . ,.; i, vi- mouths
I,,,, ill- notice, or
notice . I-- plead in liar re-
I I ,. AMI-.
. J. it.
r- administration on the
having Issued to the
mi of April,
i of iii-- Superior of Pill
county, Is hereby given lo nil
creditors said estate lo their
. lo
on or day
of April, or this he
plead in bar All
indebted lo said re-
quested to make
to the
This 10th day of April,
of the of Samuel
rill, diseased
lo I
I d. Ta-
n. i if
id given her i iv
. . and
that tin re their
low II
lowed ; by d to
II the
At ll
girl would I
I, I
her with a Re-Hi
touch me, I. he I
Two r I I
hi- I I my
friend not
I found him but
putting his
I n you have h
said after an on b in i i
people think at
like, but c not bear hat
should con r ma n
ii e i i
i I will
The of Prayer.
. , place in a
ho ire in ton in ll re
i. .
on that ii
. Ii I m in
I do one I d think of ii
the a girl
of Ion
, ii do mu and I i i o
. ; ; i .
e said,
or me lo say ll r and
think of n inn i any thin i el-e I
to. I do ii every
liar,, r's Week .
Judicial Indignation.
Police Justin-You ore charged
with drunk and trying to puss
yourself off a
What have you tn
your was not at-
tempting to put on any airs above
my station. N- ultra
Police that I
fine you W fur swearing In this
Chicago Tribune,
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
A Companion In Need.
When two New Hampshire
live seven years
pi lost and the night in
woods with only the family cat fur
wore asked the morn-
if were not afraid tin
younger one no. i
had kitty u Many an
person alone in the save for
tin- . ii
the . .
Your Household Cleaning for the Spring
Remember that we are Headquarters for Grade and medium
Alto Art Squares, Lace and numerous other household
Commodities. truly,
First ala-
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
I do know that J. K. Smith First and
Bra, have the prettiest J. H.
cent calico and ginghams in to Bro. N. C.
white and Ian slippers , you know you could yet one
J. R Smith A Bro., of the old and any
for I have seen this j blade yen want at J. K Smith
X. C , May 1906,
authorized tor Daily
and we take
great pleasure receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those In arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
office. We take orders
for job
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
Gallon as and make a
selection. Ayden Milling
Co. N, C.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. 0.1
Don't fail lo sea Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Come to see us when you
to buy Independent Manufactured
we dresses at J. B. Smith Bro.
goods, Hart Jenkins. King Quality shoes
For peaches, apples, corn
That lust cat choice hay that J.
K. Bro., received i-
lime i- for
crop a should us- if
freely, R. Smith Bro,
Thai ah. lace
Is the in town for
M, apply to E. K.
ft On.
Now we have plenty the
leaf wagon and cart
wheels and will them as cheap I
will them at
Complete stock spring
at J. J. Edward A Son.
Prof. W. B. bat
in attendance upon
e the
J J. Ed-
Call on Halt s f-i a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none
in be am where.
There were services Sunday
the Fm- Will Baptist Seminary Furniture and Fixtures
conducted Prof. Peden. Demand Loans
i have Seen
Simplex fertilizer distributor
. J. E. Bi
N. Case-
close of business March 1905.
Loans and Discounts,
Due from Banks,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
Last Saturday morning a colored
We are informed that Helton,
If you need anything in the way
of Tin ware
to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Call and examine our line of,
baggies. You be,
easily convinced Hie superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
The closing exercises of the
were just splendid.
, ii , A Co. of were
Bach and every pupil rendered
their part to perfection. The
marriage was simply grand. We
can't give justice. The
tot-, ti and year- of age. did as
Dice as nice could he. The little
in full evening dies-,
Hi.- girls ail becomingly
long dresses and the,
lovely bride, oh she just I
beautiful. Her trousseau was J
from abroad and of Worth's Latest
design. The whole
could not have been carried out
more perfectly by those of maturer,
years. Th- questions and
were to the point, plain and
distinct. There was I lie not least
Closing exercises of the graded
Iii to make room
Go days we
I lash Items.
It puts it I Coin,
any quantity mu and Silver-Coin,
not waste any at th ends of row
SO -10
by the f Blount,
while in swimming in regular high grade buggies
creek was In a whirlpool low prices.
it is a cheap machine.
the C i-.-r m planter
best on market Smith A
J. can furnish one
gallon milk each day to parties
living in town.
has ace-
will fell J.
to S. v-.-i i's for
ware, plain and
National Bank notes
other I. S notes
Capital stock paid
Undivided profits lees
-ix. paid
Cashier's i
i he
i cheap
The was rood lake, lint strictly business,
covered buried Ayden Milling and
Boon. N. C.
The ladies say that Cannon John Bart and family, of Kin-
Tyson have the prettiest Hue here
dress goods in town.
on last
cotton planters on their
various farms In Greene and Pitt
counties. They have the same
time reduced their cotton acreage
from last year. This is a large
firm and their farming Interests
immense. All capital good
men, too.
Notice you
your cotton ginned nice and
order that you might
better prices for it, bring it lo
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
it-member, ii yon do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
week lo attend the Alexander
inn n marriage.
J. Smith A Bro. gives me
mine for my hams, shoulders
chickens and eggs than
We know we can't
pleasure is hard to find without it; don't neglect
that Nervousness, Sour Stomach,
other well known symptoms of that greatest all enemies
1-01,1 American health, Indigestion, when
a mid in la-t
iii.-iii. to see a trial . , ,. , ,, . , ., ., ,, . ,
, and has cured the billowing;, and
will y hi B. W . wonderful and a contrail to
Simplex guano distributor, C-ix or rel urned.
cotton planter- and repairs i. K-
Smith Bro. , ,,,,., .
I am reel a now woman seven of
old nm a what makes j on always torture of lone ling Mr. V. HIS Potomac Win, I C.
go to J. B Smith A Bro to do I And Sure Cure will all you claim for It. M.
your L can months I believe your has my .- of lades-
any thing A. II. Attorney, Va.
the boys.
Mis. Kin of
no i v. in. prefer to walk or I was visiting here last week
men who ill nut believe that OUT Tho sensible carriage buyer
I knows i hat a little often
wives in dollars.
most economical
their price.
That salt at J. B. Smith j
is tin- lust ming can gel
fur my They only eat what
I hoy of it at a time.
What needs is more pro-
men of the
Dixon M. M. San i
Ladies misses and children black ear load of and
tan and white slippers all s at
J create, than ours. J- B Smith Bro
M Milling Mfg. Co., Av- loaf bread right
was really wonderful to and L c the oven at ft Ma
realize what training
. the most up , date of ; Disk
of such lender years. The entire
skill and
and nil eels very much credit upon
those instrumental in its execution.
Great credit is also due the teach-
of this school.
K. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Wears Headquarters first
class, light neat
Milling t Mfg. Co., Ayden
received, fine line of
can lit you up in any style
or price,
Ayden Milling Co.
Bum roll are re-
daily new and
tight from the
seats for,
tin- trade, that are simply the
smoothest sent on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
We have full line of
shoes for ladies. Every
J. J. Edwards A Co.
p to Hate line
tare ever brought to ibis market.
to B. E. A Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
A high grade, smart graceful,
for corn, cotton and tobacco
culture, has no equal. Makes any
shaped either Hat or crown-
a simple, durable,
effective, labor saving tool for the
He knows
there is a price below u
gum baggy cannot or sold.
Our represent a certain
iii style and
offered generally.
Milling Mfg. Co,
N. C.
Something new in J. K.
Smith Bro., a
stoves, and you can get join choice
by coming at once.
ill he in service
from now In the end of the
The newest drinks
he there. If you
try them.
if you contemplate
your property wait. V
are waiting your or bus-
may be by
The Time to Act is Now
while the property Is valuable and
n In a you a
lire its too late. I write
insures. Let me explain
If it give yon absolute
your dealer will
pay you r, it.
Located on
id Street, i
Any and all kind of supplies for
furnished the I raveling or J. II. Tripp A
public reasonable
well made buggy can be of See J. W.
any style at
the Milling Mfg. .
The months old child of Mr.
and Mrs, Barnes died
Sunday and buried yesterday
This nu third
last child that has died since
their marriage. Every one
keenly fur them in their distress.
We continue to build
buggies Ac. for we do not
set apace we can not
Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. O.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas E. K. Co's.
For guano sowers see M.
The of the Ayden Milling
d Mtg. Co. which Ins be-n oat of clothes
re Is now in condition
and they are prepared to
shortest notice all who
may honor them with patronage,
feels They also call special attention to
their beautiful buggies.
Singer sewing machines ere
best made Tripp Bro.,
agents, Ayden, N- C.
The teachers from B d stain e
who have been employed
graded school the session,
have gone to home-.
Just received our spring stock of
J. J. A Son.
lay away winter
pretty soon. Better
-e to it they are protect
oil from moths until are
again. We have
A moth near any
They're than
buying new cloth-.
M. M. SAULS, Ph.
N. C.
Furniture Store
Cotton Gopher
J. B.
Tripp The beat.
Carlos Harris that
Town Country paints and Bro. are now.
colors are by far bell goods wooden legs
that he ever used that It horses or mules. Then
knocked out several oilier latest decide
brands in a test at Greenville last eyeglass are worse
summer. This paint is -old by J. sometimes than none. If your
i eyes tire, I hey call for help. promptly i
It. Smith Bro.
plows extra blades at J. It. l m Taylor a graduate optician.
. Go to J. J. Edwards ft Sou . . ,
-t Bro. ; . ; N. C. can ht your glasses
We are offering good values for your clotting. right at Noted
the money in shoes, hats, caps, j would beg lo said that wrong eye
rugs, mattings, tables and form the public that he is prepared than poison.
floor oil cloth Cannon Tyson. to move houses short and f our went to
A large plaining outfit . without damage at reasonable Sunday lo hear
Improved tools with which to do prices. I Martin family.
our work. Satisfaction Do you want a nice suit,; Monday evening J. W.
teed. M. B. Tripp Bro. pair pants, shift, hat or i a car
That medicine called shoes, of the latest load of This firm is
Sure Cure at J. K. Smith ft Bro. designs If so go to Jackson Co. the substantial in the
is the best thing I have ever tried have them in great quantities, county.
In my family for indigestion and end will please you. j ft Bros, have
sour stomach. J. T. Smith, Jr. There were bales of cotton received another car load of
black molasses and beef is -the Wire
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work
latest designs In Wall Paper.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brisk Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
When of food taken
is too large or the quality too rich,
the fashionable dish now past week. There been fencing is the best in the is likely to follow.
one of our sine qua ward of bales sold here since , ,, by all who and especially so If the
prO catching, it ,
We know vehicles and values, I it, of easily digested food. Masticate
in mi i I II . . . 1.11. . a
we also know the buggies we build
and sell that we gladly guarantee
Come to see us whether
you buy or not. II you can do
bettor elsewhere nM expect
your patronage.
Milling and Mfg. Co
sewing machine on the install-
m eat or plans. easy
Oranges, apples, bananas and all
fruits kept by
For wood and
work, buggies, wagons and certs
Ayden, N. C. consult M. B, Tripp Bro.
One of the most elaborate and the ,; thoroughly. Lei live
artistic, of summer elapse between meals, and
good- ever brought u. Ayden is when you feel a fullness
i . f w in the region of the alter
display at the store o W. J
c. Jackson Co. Bee them I h the
your purchase. may be avoided,
are for sale by Wooten's Drug Store,
and sheets. t
to serve you with
anything wanted in
Can fit out your whole
A. H. Taft,
Is Read By in and
people money to pay for what they want.
if yon have what they want advertise it and you are sure to
get a part of their money.

P j
H. as second class matter.
, . D lade upon application.
desired at every post office in and adjoining counties.
in to
Pitt County. May U, 190,1.
go now.
Taft gets off the lid lo re-
it is hoped
trust, care will be used not to let any of
. the
Bare all grants here been
i. . -i been run in Yea might save yourself a bit
, of brain Hf not figuring on
the relative strength of the two
Chicago's newly elected mayor, removed Who would have
the mother children, is a of If such a .
motherly looking Will had happened in the South it I
wonders never tease might have the signal for an
appeal for New missions-1
w Duke, founder of tn ,,, i.,.,,, d urn among us
Duke tobacco industry at Durham.
great fortune in In keeping with the policy of
manufacturing, died in other progressive railroads, the
ham the age of year-. Atlantic A North Carolina Railroad
lie had barn a useful man and Company has established a land and
nerved his generation well industrial department and
pointed Fred L agent of
county made a long with headquarters at
step forward in march of pro- Goldsboro. The of
by voting bonds lo the this department means an organized
build good and persistent effort for the develop
roads throughout the county. of the section through which
Whatever Is Correct Finds Place Here
There will In a feeling of relief
. .-. out I
the public
until after the light.
i, runs, by bringing in a
d e n. ; move I
roads in these days of enlightenment good class of immigrants to settle
is behind the tin la ids and capital t help
develop resources. Mr.
to And hero cornea a newspaperman is a capable man for position
Talk a life and
, . . u want to. but
old not have those thousands
. strawberries that rolled
ideal pet
. . Why a man with
I. course
. lain that said remains are
theory applies
on some I .
. k e nit s a man is
who says be lost his trunk and four i he has bean appointed and
teen skirts in the wreck n sill l are nothing undone is bring
in the depots and were . it. . i .
I train. is wonderful news, success out of it.
Well, we we were pretty
well fixed iii the shirt line, ibis
look a many years to
poor unfortunate just thirteen
th remains of Jones. .
more a
And does any one know for
A Colorado preacher says
A man K
from the isthmus
the declaration the canal will
N. C. May H. 1905.
IV ; Everette is spending I
its, who with his mother near
We wish her no i
harm but would like to have him
We've fresh, exclusive
gathered from t e
products of makers with a
New Shirts, New Gloves Hosiery
and Underwear.
It is impossible to mention
all the Furnishings we have in
Stock for the comfort and
adornment of Men and
who would lie
Well and Comfortably Dressed-
You'll find the exclusive
styles here, but
not prices.
be completed in two hundred
I world has hut two more years to
Grimes I
All th
i found in the .
there are a good
I diamonds.
troubles at home
can i in the i r here
I ask we are not as
Kan trial was a success
in one particular if in no other, and
that was law vi rs m I I
The in I
I at all tunes
Mis- and
undoubtedly has in years. Thinking possibly that this .,,.,, , day in Greenville.
., . . . , I was disappointed in get- school closed last
n, occurs
ting; a job out there we make haste It was the moat
,. . ,. sue. school ever taught
to discount per cent. . ,
in i Had lo know the same
two v. are hi
Chicago's newly elected mayor
I have municipal owner
teachers will be with us again next
As is usually the case with them,
Frank Wilson,
tweet fan-s that we have been
the Chicago strikers are losing their
ship of that immediately, tie
fight. About the only people seeing in the past are staying close
he do i than we ., ,. . .
by strikes are the at to our
the canal- but I to know it wont
leaders, walking delegates .
. last us. for they nave
A. Boston divine says. f m bring then, hack again nest
while the lab have those to September.
take of and bear all as We an glad t. see our old
I n tie has never bad any use
f. has no to W
i hi i .-1. ii
cashiers i all embezzle
W . . . J his . n were
put to lit l hulls
r . i as be never
caught cutting pi J. I
friends from with v
am sure some the can say
Caddell. a writer of marked ,;. ,,;.,,. a,,, around
c. l. Wilkinson
ability and not long ago was editor see anything but smiles
A Kansas man says the Panama of the Raleigh Times, has boys are thinking about moving
trill he completed in of department
years. Then there is no of the Salisbury Sun. We
last Sunday
with A Ward
bear in need of any of us hurrying plans to Sun upon securing the Jones was with n
be present at the opening- services of one of the best writers in last week.
what W. Ward had t
If you are exclusive in your taste as to Spring
you can make no mistake in doing your buying at
There's to Tell You
Tiny . Hid
on the betrothed
list an he ill anchor
and wordy
The president has I thinker, and originator instead re leaving town Sunday f
I bear hunt in Ci and has turned .
state. He is a free
thinker, and is
of an r.
his face ti ward Washington
m re. Then Taft can get off the
The movement on foot to
Ge j ii might have
.- i t th re are me
thing- i I mi that a mil Is
mighty I
i. . sit . n
thing id
t Swamp well
Sunday from on ac-
f had weather.
s about season's goods. Much yon should know
considering styles, varieties and prices of the stores fresh
i, e
We have left no way unexplored, no stone unturned to be
of the utmost Berries to you in your
There's a seasonable of price
all the pencil pushers and scissors Walter spent today in
brigade o North Carolina, South town.
. th a
Carrie N ma in-
I as
. th .
r W remarks Carolina and Virginia in a bunch iii
that, bile I travel the whole the mountains around Asheville
in summer will be productive of much X. 1505
might echo back that he mean- good, for what will a nice run
whole bear kingdom is in to tell afterwards will be worth which made
i much about
t i an keep
i .; , insulting
iii ten
reading. lo
ind then she
It is stated that the printers have could use that she in-
joined in the strike Warsaw. .,,, boom and advertise Ashe
Wei we much blame them .
j id tn set day A striking example of inadequate Miss Moore went
transportation sh in Saturday and returned to Sun-
day evening
Sunday in
went Winter-
I. V. Holliday has g lo
iii. re for a few days.
an honest, earnest desire to be helpful to you that
we sure will meet with your fullest appreciation.
Yon will find the
Stylish Weaves Here.
You trill find the right coloring here.
You will find prices reasonable and just.
An early inspection will prove to you in this
Trimmed Hats.
All styles and prices.
Dress Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings.
We carry Everything that you may need.
r in the but
his own
a tax I
The in lion lines will he
the c atone
Atlantic Coast Line between Golds-
h i . d
will not compensate the farmers for Wilmington. The ship
the v M sustained through strawberries were
facilities for getting the f
berry crop to market could not be famished, and
retard the result was that thou n of
An exchange quotes Minuter worth of berries rotted at the
Good Claims have
he ii
bill i- I .
Phew . I
that .
t. I is a few
la; it o
A. O. Clark spent Sunday in the
We are lo knew lien
Mayo is rick today
after drinking
a Colas last night. Ml down
stairs and hurl himself very had.
Miss Myrtie Proctor, a student of
Ii is said that nothing IS lure ex-1 J. A. Ala.
death and taxes, hut is was twice in the hospital from a
f not true. Dr. case of piles causing
ant accommodate the d H-e planters should be h-v of jg for tumor-. After and all
wanted in Well, we arc been i Id against the express I the Win lie High School, came
exp him , few M recover every the lea.
The only ; i i-1 a man ever
he kisses a i is in
the after married life.
We may talk about a scarcity of
hand-, ii it there were enough of
to gather more berries than
the raid
they arc very scarce.
they Sustain through fa-
The only way I Attorneys
Jerome and Rand can What strange things we iii
selves with the public is Renter no latter Why the
objection to Patterson's release
on bail and quietly let the
against her be
arc saying that the the
prims cause of tho great trouble
riot in progress in Chicago.
of the large packers put on
drivers and there was an
T. J. Tall. v. j citizen of
tended church at Salem Sunday.
is a cure fur all lung remedies failed,
throat troubles. Thousands can Halve quickly arrested farther in-
gone. testily to that. Mis . B. Van- and cured him.
much to see him leave. W. Va., ashes and kills pain.
Mr. and J. Gibson St- h, U
and tor a year every-
thine heard of, but got no .-.-.
One bottle of Dr King's New j
cured me
It's Infallible for Croup, Whooping I of Dr. King's New Lite
all the generals in the world,
in peace or in war, the is
Amnesty, lie
upon the field of action until the
other generals have had
but be does coma all
A newspaper writer, and by the
way, she is a woman, is at
fact that the wife of Mayor Dunne. I to work any more until the i the St
Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and, Fills each night for two weeks has
Consumption. Try it. put me in my writes
guaranteed by L. D. H. Turner of Pa.
Druggist. Trial bottles tree. the world for
Beg. Si Liver, Stomach huh Bowels,
. vegetable. Gripe, Only
uproar, the white teamsters by d at L. Drag
Wilkinson Co
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern In Winterville and territory.
The Wooing
Or Margery
Look up Mr. him
price anything that you
are interested in.
N. . Co's.
Dos I u bring or set d
tat ,.; . or ., . .
cart A. O. Cos Mfg. -art hubs to A. O. Cox Mfg. j ,
Pat kind
Some try to meet see.
boggles in pikes. A few try to Go f., T ST. Co. f,,
to quality and finish. candies, nuts, .,
Bat none
F. It. i-
of .
. . .
County Oil Mid i now;
buying Cotton Seed.
We hate informed that I W
A. W. Ange C,. pay
price for country prices. for When
W. were shown a letter a for prices.
fins A. Cox Mfg.
Co., s that their buggies were
the best baggies shipped I and
with Miss Minnie Me-
would surprise you to see the
carts that j G- Co
shipped sold A. o. of
days to hi-
new corned N
u and band nice
House, students of the and ell
fore her, ;
Hie nest i , . .
Co., hut were in their and their prices are low.
Shop yesterday and they had a had better and make
toe let of work just being com
and limber was tine. We over five
Gar flour hundred of wall
A- Co. We u a-
Misses Carrie and Nora Davit cheapest. Come awl
left Saturday their home near
Pink Hill.
The A. G. Co. expect
lo reduce the pi ice of their
truck for the
it is in easy reach of all to-
nave moved into my
new store neat the depot I keep
line of hardware. Have a
black smith and and repair chop
and stable connection.
W. L. House.
A. G. Cox Co. are
making heavy shipments of cotton
planter- and ground sowers.
Should you need in that
line had better order at once.
of ladies, men and children shoes.
Ha Lt
Mi-s came home Sun-
day ma
before buying elsewhere.
B. T. Cox k
A the
area bit In arrear,
I the Winterville and
the list on all the ail routes from
f all our
am prepared to give
for the paper. Come see me
and up, make m
the editor happy, and pet
yourself. got a good
lion for all these pay for
year advance.
A. D. Johnston.
Miss Chapman Mrs.
Sarah Taylor went to
Hay, and at A.
Ange Co.
The place to wire fence
The A. G. Co, have a
lot of the fence ; i
ryes feel there Perfect
Do they pain you and bard wire. Be lo
and tired mi reading Do before buying
mattered and adhere spring supply of fence,
while asleep Thar denotes repair Shoes do good work.
and should he them tO me either at
by wearing glasses. B. or at he baggy shop.
T. Cox and Hi. carry a full line of Nelson.
spectacles can your eves There was a large crowd at
with proper lees.
or If men to solicit
orders for nursery stock Pitt
particulars enclose
Stamp. Winterville; N. C,
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sons and millet
T. Cox and
Nice lot ware and crock-
always on hand.
Barber -o.
who has been
near Black Jack came
The A O. Cox Co. have
received a lot excellent
If you are Id need
of any better call and it.
Black spec.
and rakes by
A call and
sec them.
Farmers who raise their hay can
be supplied with the well known
Then is no reason why Pitt C.
should have to such
for their th-y
can raise their own wheat and
Winterville Mfg. Co is thoroughly
equipped for making
Smith's is
much worse.
I he best place in to bin
stationary is at the drug store.
The best tobacco truck at
Customers that buy their
ladies and gents
and our stink
of ores g -1
a than
re. Consist ii of
i i .
the ire re-; invited
a-d i; -ti. our
in Barber k I'd
Another large shipment . f
II and i . and
One May
m. SI- p. j will
con ii
be ch, II-
Some ,. a and gave one . f
the b -t . we
Seeking a
line, OS
ha several new ones a
U not better. ,
honor, it
you . j
ready II old
to listen
it imp re who you an
i I hare
no need to
led. a
time. . I
The Tried tit C-.
Ha He H
. i
. town
I f;.
et . ,
II- would i a
f a do ; .
, for I, j .
that he v. .
. in
ton, a comb, a
-on .
., he v.; .
But the
like raw.
t I .-.
I him.
work hi.-
I'd it .-el
e vaguely r
. ,
for two years. i
pass my gate en r for j .
two .
do . as d my led ,; .
then iii I
lie add . up
For hay, and
Barb r A
A n -v lot-f took
arrived A. W. Ange A Co.
They say tint A. Ange AC-,
band a large assortment of
matting all tin- lime.
for the human
family, Hi e for stock-
balanced, tut
by j at 111.50 per set of three trucks.
B. T. Cox A We are using steel and
worry over that little
of cotton had over
you got through ginning your last
lots. Pitt Co. Oil Mill, barn- w-
any the growing and the
best market price paid every arc
of wire, just
arrived at A. W. Ange A Co.
Try a bottle of
for indigestion at the drug store.
Corn, hay, oats lime and. salt.
cheap, at A. W. Ange Co.
Mrs. W. B, is slowly
A large assortment of dry goods
just arrived, at A. W. A Co.
For Plymouth Rock
per dozen. orders
filled as in-t as lay. U. H.
Jackson Winterville N. C.
Mrs. G. L. children,
who bare been
Mrs. J. II. Smith, lift Monday for For Pine Tar honey. Walkers
their home near Dr. Bell's Ami Pain
At the drug store there think salve, and
the most can be troubles, see
table jewelry. t Tl N- A Co.
and all kinds of cheap,
goods, arriving daily at A. W 8-
Ange Co. Highest prise for cotton seed
-s ; ., Kidney Cure, by Oil M
fir stock
I sure c .
at the Drugstore.
Mis. and i
spent Monday .
e e e e
We to stuck line
. and
and sad that we
able ti such a
line wit., their
Easy Fitting and
Superior Wearing Quality
feeling pride when
we show them to
chief j- to
of our shoes proud a
because of the
of them and to
ways in that
Impart -hat
Well Dressed
Neat Appeal
you a .
at my age i a- if i
of i treed,
with a i H I list .
boa I hi.- rising, s ii its.
. IV my land-
lady i live
that , the com-
won't ; not
I i. i lb i u
. ill
right, . I .,. so ., . ; to going
hope v. . . me
you . . .-.,. .-. all
.;. T-
. she R
side. Alt
was ; up m a
the ii- it
re of I .
ox I
. I .
before j
. .
. I
. of
lid . .
ii i
hi n you home, th , , , and I .
lo l.
. .-
I .
In . ii
inc. I ling
waters i .
. h the rain I it after
to ten . .
.- . lid. .
. i won .
. It is
was pulling i little, f. v
n . .
on of . . . .
i go of, another moment lie ;
i had groped it. The lock was m i
there lit now, the i Is m. on
At and put to lop, tin
out small. i , . , k. -N -1 i
I all i d la-
. i i . she ad-
mill d, ck-
, . M
. Mr. and
thank- Oh-h-h How
Hi stood
a nice
f rs
Of ,. .
. lei
Negro Graded
Ti.- . mi i c . of grail
ed school for children .
an on
hi Hill Mi
I -ii. by Prof
lie had done more alarming
than raise his she
stood, with cheeks and an-
dowering at him like a
youthful Fury.
the . de-
ed -iv I
But . i in a fresh t . , .
burst of ,
I dare you
to m slid walk home with fat
to I
t mi I.-
. my word I i
You re
court . n.
I . you
I be . . .
.-and I i to i . Of ,. ; ;., .
of for Pitt county.
Patrons and friends of
ire Invited to d.
class concert.
On Tuesday night the
white citizens are cordially
Mud Wear Uniform.
K. May 8- A genera
was by Adjutant
of the North
Carolina Guard, in
future all of the p
and staff the
-in-chief, rill,
him wear the
appropriate uniform, and
equipped will I .
o procure the
by the regulations.
Lit she bin I
if she ii
i a
And I
I M . . .
bad i i
. But his i
me oh .
How old an
i I n
to the i I most
i ail illy coin.
And to I .
u. I II i I
i . m
I Ill,
i .
ii. d
your mind, .
i t is ii
I. I ,
. to .
. on
woman lo , .
inc ilia-
do ;. t
I . Oil r.
hi i
I hi
at. I
Iii -1.
; I.
t mad
. . .
, led scorn
fully. I .
r voice
t. . ,
with . coll
I . . .
d our
hi assented rueful ,
I SI II, . ;
forget rather fad
and just remember, that -that I'm
very much in with
. out.
turning on him in fur
tempt. in . en knew there
. int.
air with a
B A .
of the Trolley.
is . .
kid in front . .
note and in.
be walking
aim j .
I to ,
Mi-- i paddling .
up the saw
I f.
ever . d to
i . ;.
I .
I. I l-y
ii. oil
. a
. I of
. i
I I . I
father . . .
; ;
. . . .
I . .
that was .- I.
go to oner.
An Indignant Romeo
tin liter, i
r, hail I
v. pin . . ,,,.
I It. i II J . ;
After mine
poison he was lying I. ,
f the i .
from the A .
by which he .
f. ti I . he
lo the front the
I can't rT.-
hut I can B
played it in ion ion-
Unction, I play
then lay D am

n m
. T.
Are Advertising U.
.;, . I idling
. i . I i I
Of People Made
By the Saving on Their
it is Just Like
Finding Honey.
You come and be made happy
by our Unprecedented Bargains.
Are Daily Advertising Us, too.
And all other dress
All colors, and
Hi That becoming.
We carry ill i las,
Diana and China
Voile Rhodesia. plain
and figured and
i i kinds Wash Ladies
Really we ha everything a
lady to her wardrobe complete.
big center show window tic
Furnishing Department.
let Us Fit You Up for Your Summer Trip.
s Out and Out on the Inside.
This Great Establishment is Now all Aglow With Bargain
That Boy yours
t the things that
i I .
1.50 up
And the Girls
v. . . i Fairy, dainty
sand Shoes of every and bast makes.
Superb line Everything else to the wardrobe
the Hats, up
m The Store Can Supply
Hats, Hats,
I ; . . la
. i
c i i id go. S
. I- We ll
i hat o
. , , . ; i . beat
to see
Don't Miss Our Baby Caps.
to Wear, this Bi
Store Carries
In Suits or Single Pieces.
Are n
married If v u us III up
vi In line ran I
i the kitchen. II
Furniture to match
some n It we have it.
have from the
highest priced
all Your Wants, Cheap.
Chairs and Couches Leather
Any and everything you want Window
Hall Curtains, great variety in
Tables and Pictures, Trunks, Suit
i . all and grades.
will be pleased with r visit to our
Store. It is complete in every depart-
and it I- a pleasure see the many
clerks dealing out
There am Great Bargains hero for you and
you will great if you don't visit
our store.
Greenville, N C
Of Cholera On
Small Bottle of
J- Elks, j Mr G. W.
W. Home, Ala., relates nu
II Spier, J- B. Barnhill on a jury a
Page. murder ante at
. . ,. of enmity. Ala-
L. H. I
WT. Tucker. and it
of la a severe I
. . as never won sick in Ml life
I to Hie store a
r. White. mixture, bat the
William me a of
i iv in-lead, he
Cox. ,
Board of w- so
Cox, Chairman. B. It tome in
Arthur, of
-it sod was
I W. H. the cured me
a . fellow
I Standard th. t.,, in ,;,.
the three of
Cobb, J. H. I An English tolling it
W. A. A. R. broadcast hows man can live forever.
j C S T. K. Hooker. We .;,,
J. C. Lani.-i. ,
E. M. Wooten.
L. Can.
Tax C. D.
j to say would be an awful
prospect if it a thought that some
men in this land intended living
As Dispatch.
gist ant G. . W
II Hot Pile.
Fire Department Ola Persona situ Piles should
Forbes. at tins of me
, . ,, i tear Hot weather and bad
w leI ,
U . Hi van. A. Halt, Piles more
I;. and
Salve slops I lie pain,
rill draws out and cures.
Prayer each the bearing the name
night. Sunday schools E. in A Co. sale by
a , Woolen.
Baptist Ber. A. T. King, pas ,.,.,,. . .
ft tor. Services every Sun. is boasting a
day. W. II. couple that met, courted married
d within an hour. That's nothing.
It School. A Chicago or Newport couple would
II. II. Moore, have been ready for a divorce by the
pastor. Sub time the hour was
W. II. Parker Super-
I Sunday School. cured of Lame ,.
E rt . h. Suffering
rector. y first had troubled with lame
t; and third Sunday. for I found
Brown i complete recovery In the of
., . Ind. This
w i i Bar. without an
l. N Ii is for
regular sen ice .,, ,. Wooten's Drag Stoic,
i Rev A t
Services every Sunday
and grow- while
School mummy rests if lister's
W U Hart- Mourn sin Tea is it Is the
man pastor Services every greatest Died id e otTer-
i the ed loving mothers.
Sunday in each month. W Drug Store.
B Dove .
No. A
V A A M. meets 1st a in I I
3rd Monday nights in each
month R Williams. W
M; Wiley Brown, Bee
I Covenant Lode Mo. I o i
F Meets every
night. T Moore, N G; j
V Evans, Sec
Tar Lodge No. K of
r. Meats every Thursday
night K C
O. T K of a
Tribe No
R M.
Thursday night R C
Sachem; W P Ed
Council No Jr O U A
meets every Friday
it Randolph,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
North Carolina, County.
P. gee
U. ,
The in iii H Km i named will take
notice that a in
on the day April,
Till v. N tor the
dollars due
plaintiff by
la In said county and
in township mi the
day of stay, woo The defendant will
iii-V. warrant
on the April,
the property of said
which warrant is returnable
Justice at the and
above for return of the sum-
or its agent U request-
ed to appear and or demur to
. or
ill OS It. J. P.
This May 4th,
A New a III.
A to
i ;
nil seed
wrote that i
and i
from In
sere, and
and all
. ,
The tales vi He landmark en-
the . f The Post
that Mr. I be induced to
pension editor
seems to think that by doingS M .
in- s
favor many made
Post. Bat laying jokes
aside, heard of any great
showered upon
men Is there s set
pa who U more and
thanks and pay lot the
amount . service rendered And
how many the men who push the
pencil for a livelihood, except the
owners publications, reach old ace
with an independent support. As
a rule all the money s newspaper
man received from the public i
back to tin- public even before be
has had ii long enough to feel that
it i h about the
a which almost prohibited
the laying u of any great
of earnings for a Let
some create a fund
to take oars of aged men
who are in need support,.
It is never too late to do
Charlotte News.
No appetite. strength,
nervousness, constipation,
bad breath, general sour
and catarrh of the stomach are
ail to cures
indigestion. Tills new
the natural Juices of
as In a stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
Cure does net cure in-
digestion and but this famous
remedy cures stomach troubles by
cleansing, sweetening and
strengthening the membranes
Health to the Sick and
Strength to th
b C. A Co.,
Strictly Genuine.
Most of the patent
in- probably The
following notice recently appeared a,,
in the Kan., J
a well known run- JNO. L WOOTEN
and Kiowa, lately appeared in a
big. with a and A I
him lie via
pains in stomach, and thought
he had cancer. His ATLANTIC COAST LINE.
recommended and be says
it cured Kim. recommended
it who also
A. E
The Store
Wash Goods
Early Summer Sale
It needs but a glance to
these really
see what splendid
Dross ams in plain
v . i and pol
dot yd
inch Percales in
and light grounds,
and . ti.- I
. . . s in white
c . red grounds,
Women's Cambric
, i .
mod with lace insert ion
others pretty t m
Stylish Foot
Shoes and Oxfords for
and Women stylish
pi,,, s of apron r,
ham. in yd
. . .
I .
i .
I in
Clothing Department.
s . i- I i .
if its . A II
p I
For IV.
slices i
Kit l
s; iii . i- the i
Same as
per suit
what inn eat stomach
troubles, as surely as Hie
sun shines your can lie
bronchi to its originally pure
and life sweetened by
this and 11-
known. Jno I.
A number counties have re
taken steps looking to a ii-
roads movement For
this they are to he congratulated.
Good roads help everybody and
nobody and money judiciously
for construction is certainly
well invested. Good loads help the
former for they enable tot c
his market
quicker It helps the people in
town for it puts them closer to the
former and establishes a closer
The good roads move-
in has been productive
of great Although are
those who have bean opposed in the
to spending a largo amount of
money for this purpose we are die-
posed to believe that there are now
few who ibis money
has been tin., nay Win
Tournament Southern
May to lath. Bates,
one class fare.
for Hie round nip, from all
points on its Hue. Tickets on I
sale May with,
list I limit May 1905.
Kansas City, Mo., Southern Rip-
ii-i May to
I II lies, one class j
plus peats, round nip.
on sale May to lib,
inclusively, with limit May
27th, Mina.
Bl Louis, Mo., National Baptist
Anniversary, to
Tickets on May i 15th, i
an I with limit
37th, in
N. c , Sooth Atlantic
Missionary May
17th, to 21st. One
lire, cents
round trip. Tickets on sale
it is and I to
noon of
May with
23rd, Tickets will
from points i
South and I,
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
a. m. in Greenville;
at in. A
ii with
New u and nil other
North, a Norfolk
with all i i
Shippers order their
Norfolk, caw Norfolk I
A Southern
balling hours to
I. ll. Washing-
I. J. Agent, Green-
ville, c.
k suit
in k Hue
of olive mid ma-
king a dressy
constructed with
piped facings i
will have tills design,
bell no
us Kr
Sack suit, same as
previous number,
but dark ground with
strip . i
of Wool
of good
in It Oxford
with blue and cl stripe
having satin piped
and a suit will
readily rel u I . Hi all
n darkish brown mixture, with olive and
stripes, per
I in b
int iii-
Paris lace is., also
with deep
v. ho ii. it. extra
am i with
ii is,
iii i
pretty edgings n.
I., extra
dust nil ca
White Petticoats
In addition t,. the fore.
. also show
elaborately trimmed
in t In newest patterns in
class and
tor the newest designs,
w prices
. i
.- . . i
. .
Tl,. . .
sin I
in I to
hosiery Sale
en, Women Children
no Hi j. ii in Ci in
Men's . . ii
blue, slat . red . i
drop and k
I.--, fast spliced
fancy Hose,
p id blue and comb
of ii. blue and in , pal
foot, black per
Next. Door to the Bank of
Bilious Hill was bloated,
And his tongue was y coated.
Companies would him.
All bis were
But their were
For Bill said -and they believed
EARLY him.
The famous lit lie pills
cure I'm Mick
Headache, etc., by
their tonic effect on the liver.
never gripe sicken but
part early rising Good H. O. General T,
for children or adults. Sold If. Agent, Norfolk, Va.,
L Woolen.
All livings are made by working
people. Everybody will absorb
enough working capacity to make a At
living if he is kept in have the stock-of
with working people. Many parents and business of W. J,
think otherwise and imagine that and will carry the bus-
with working people would Five
diminish the a boy. M, , ,
,, i ,, ., . ., I will add to the stock to meet the
I hey hold the boy aloof from work of the trade and will at
people, and there is nothing led tor t a line of
him to do but learn to smoke
cues, about the streets and Heavy and Groceries.
diminish in manhood. If the boy Fruits, Tobacco
be given hall an opportunity Cigars,
choose he will choose work in Call on me when you want the
to cigarettes and loafing, Groceries for the lowest price
r. boy who h
. youth and n i-
also living and
Charlotte Chronicle. The Five Points
Fads Are Stubborn
, Ml a quarter of a
century baa steadily Increased o sales of LION
The leader all package coffees.
Lion Coffee
is now used in millions of Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
that LION has the
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition,
LION old it i.-nil i and
ii. . . new ones day.
COFFEE has even
than Its Flavor and
lo commend it. On
the it Is roast-
ed at our factories and securely
packed in lb. sealed packages,
and not opened again until needed
tor use In home. This precludes
She possibility adulteration or contact dirt,
dust. Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity
COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only in lb. on .
CO., Toledo, Ohio.
I j
Harry Jr
securities, .
i I Coin
. .;
. . .
I I .
o h i
Ci . Pin, .
I. . C
d and
-ii i
J. C, T, SON,
. i
. .
Q. ll
Direct, re
Norfolk, Va.
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
skinner Hardware.
loafing. I best Groceries for the lowest
J. J.
1- R. L,
. and
. i en mi ire have I
us. In ll. pi ,. ,
Law, Mr. r Jr.
; a name will i
.-. Will DI I i.
January 1908,
. . .;
For t. Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stutters. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
H. L.

. --.-- A
of .
the res Hon
Will Exhibit
N. G.
Friday. May
p. m. -and- p. m
Doors Open Hour Earlier.
die. X.
Dear Sir; Ban are two paints
are Hi the -nine price;
known. Six gallons ism
as twelve other,
Mr. N. Delhi, N. Y.,
painted tWO both
the same size; one with
one with that other pain.
ii gallons; the
There are thousands of just such
cases. The house, being alike,
bring out the fuel of the paints;
one covers noes e the
It cost to paint Heye;
for the other; a painting costs
two or i times a- much the
G by the
K. W.
I s II. our
Good Taste Always
Of the World
By Capt. David
Don't forget Day and Date,
The , , . ,, is An, principally to their con.
Comfortable From the Time You Put Them On.
., . all have tried, hi in equaling them. The
. hi I. The price la pair, with full value
hi . . and hold their shape as well as the
;, attention t their line of Groceries make
I octal mention of apples, banana-, and fruits a
i Irish potatoes and cabbages. A fol
Hyman's i bottle and by measure,
and very cheap. B butter on Ice at any time.
we can furnish
Anything you Want In Hie Grocery Department.
Floor meat, sugar coffees from the best to the
and green coffees of each grade. Our
and Java blend is tine. . ,
goods w- keep II. Co. and
nil, the we buy. tomato.-.,
and boons. salmon,
and all kind cake, on hand
i lea
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Why So Few People Die
of Old Age.
It has few men die
of old age and that all par-
tons die of disappointment, person-
mental or bodily toil or accident.
kill men
even suddenly. The common ex-
with ha
little in It, for, even
though not suddenly fatal, strong
passions shorten life.
often die young, weak men Jive
strong, for the
strong use their the
weak to latter
take themselves, former
do As it i with i lie body, o it
is the mind
The strong arc apt to break, or, like
the candle, run; out.
The interior animals, live
live-, have generally
terms of years. Thus the
lives twenty-live x
fifteen or twenty, the lion about
ten or
rabbit the guinea
The numbers Ml boar proportion
to time the animal take- to
grow its hill size. But man. of all
one that seldom cornea
the overage, lie ought
live according to the
physiological law, for live limes
are instead of that
ho scarcely root-lies an average age
of four times the crowing period.
The reason w obvious. Man i not
only the most irregular and most
intemperate, laborious
and hard working of all animals.
lie i- always the irritable,
and is reason to believe,
though loll what an
secretly feels, more than
man cherishes
wrath to . warm and con-
m. him elf of his
own Health Culture.
I Goods
the Foot,
the Head
and the Pocket-Book
, one thing that w do claim in our to do
,, that is to sell go -I. tn ca-. be
we want to create the impression hat U
Shopworn, oat of style nor fay filling store
bow bills and r I we try to impress false
ideas in your mind re going on
wish mi that we r.
newest things
kindred desirable with the folk
Pulley Bowen,
. Ii ,.
, . vii i. Pa-
11- v.-. ea,
e-l i hi r
I . often Bl. i
i m
I bad
ii mo Bit
m, Ci
, On
to The Bi i
Time and Proven.
On,., Cough Us hi on
hi in
l h . p, .
lath. i
i For
I. i.
. ; at n
I .
i .
. .,. ii
and .
ea Tablets
o . ten's Store.
A i said
b ,. . . . so absent-
. lie walked along
for i . , of in the gutter
i,,., . i Me
l ; j I on ill . r in-
I ii i
, f Bro I drawn up
before n i him
, . a .
within a tho
am. I
hi .-. hi
and Ii;
i,. i l drew
a . . I and
l in . ; o H an abstruse prob-
i in mi , . be worked, i
figures, until
y ii Still working, the
followed it. Ho held
to the body with his fl hand,
not until the too
quick for him did lie
was Then he
looked him in a dazed
pocketed his chalk and started
Home Com-
Why Her Balked.
A writer tells a
tho U n to a la-
re . Hon. hostess was
. her n
arrive, heard I
gate . n, In I no u
I he I ;
to see if l
tho i
. and l an I
. On on
; I
I ton
ii I
, .
lordly ,
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Week Beginning Fifteenth
Reported tor Reflector.
and Regulations the Supply of of meet
Electric Current for Lights and Power. of the Century
Section I. All matters j Book Club was held the
to the use, rentals and placing I able home of Mrs. at,
of electric current shall be under j Tuesday afternoon, May 2nd, I the prettiest it week prom Ufa hi give m
the direction of the water and ha- ever been our privilege to see, along the line.
Of the Beauty and of Bible Baptism
on the banks of the
Full of
Holds Business Meeting.
I less
Last week there was an lb-
beautiful Tar river r line in this county at a bold
early assembled to one of; closing of a number of schools. Next Friday night, A. B.
in the A
per cent, of the
light commission, town of The president being absent the every part of the service being On Miss Mary Las- were and
or authorized Tie president Mrs. L. O. I with liter's near Smith's store were from the
representative, the superintendent presided.
grace and ease.
of the water and light plant.
election The water light
The literary program was in- the vocal selections nine n.
closes with a speech various department.
Alter reading and
ally interesting and was as were baptized by Rev. II.
commission will make all necessary of I. the of lbs
connections from it's main Una to I Mr. the Christian church, who
buildings free of charge, but all, women of Comer formed is being assisted in meetings
oilier wiring appliances for; their Mrs. B. by the Family
the purpose of the correct I Mission and was a in
that shall be Airs. L. like graded rice president; Miss Mary
cost of the consumer, and all i. Anthony's criticism on I into the water was
May I. 1905.
H. A. Port returned from
L. Moore went New
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg went to
Wednesday evening,
Gen Roberts returned to
home in ibis morning.
J. P. Brinkley Wei-
work shall lie done according to Cleveland's Mrs. J, L.
the Miles and regulations of the Little. la n
Mrs. Jr.
shall always be subject to
approval of the inspector of the served after which the club ad
town. to meet with Mr-,
Section All repairs and re- Williams on May 18th, 1905
newels of incandescent lamps present were Mes
up oat of the
like I lie chief officer of
e on their
for each had been
with Christ by
Miss Archer's prayer, the session entered
at Falkland closes with dime of from Scotland
musical program. business,
Thursday a Hon. made by A. B. Ellington, j Mr. and J. L. Livers name
R V. delivers the address president; Wiley Brown, Oral vice m evening from Wash-
it being the day of Mrs. Hi. A. see- City.
viii e-.
Berry of
AmI,, this to
visit Miss Nancy Coward.
Bx-Gov. T. J. returned
there, an elaborate Mr-. H. C. Hook
program I rendered by the secret a Miss
pupils of splendid school. i While, Bra agent.
-hi at Winterville reports I an
the of school league work, a
ill begin concert Thurs- six members since
meeting. Several
c. of Bethel,
in Wednesday evening to
Mali hew ,. w
Such a baptism i dual, full and
be paid for by the consumer. Town I dames L. Carr, T satisfactory
III furnish supplies, labor, fix-j White, B. G. Flanagan, y, claim of scholarship and j debate will be had by the The Bra is
and lamps at of Dal I and Galloway, Misses Pal every requirement of the Bible. Vance society. At by a of Lew-1
meter Lee. Forbes, L Moody, greatest p the an mil concert will be era, and several new
century as to t given the direction have been seemed. The vice
Dr. j society. having on
was so On Friday night, Green of numerous other church
Hi. the
Section The so shall j Conner, Moore, Cowling, Suttle,
use due care to pi event any waste I Taylor and Brown,
of the electric current, so the.
town may properly guard its in
A Beautiful Silk. Banner,
n shall at all reasonable preacher, j.,,, address
times, by have A reporter the iv,, i
free access to the in which Manager B. II. i every person so la
light or power is used, to examine Southern Bell Telephone and ,,,.,. , ,.,.
wires and or to remove w the It U written
wires and lamps. shown lb- silk than of
Section The Commission is presented to In that they searched
the to shut off the largest pro- to see
Friday mom- dollars have been expended faun evening,
lug at Hoe. Josephus Daniels the poor of our com- where be had to deliver a
will deliver address. Al and sic; have received memorial address.
Gos of Baltimore,
came so near drowned
by upsetting of the gas boat
last week, was here today.
May 12th, 1905.
C. l Danville, came
in I his morning,
I. II. Parham came ii; this
morning from
Mr, Clue and children
ville graded will Miss D a
ion W. elected to th i . Iii.-e.
play that was in The session then upon
fir Thursday night was abandoned the duties bead of mis-
on account of
the pupils the
bead n decided
the next slate
The banner is about four feet
those things were thou
and do likewise.
supply any of following at
1st, for repairs; 2nd, for
want of for pay-
Lent of bills when due; for long by by
fraudulent representation in the
lion to consumption of light purest white silk. It it mounted
on a polished oak staff, six feet
Supremacy and Demo
in eon
in three-inch of red
which meets Washington,
l C; on May Io
t; ii. Col. Sugg Informs us that
Col I- A. Sugg and lion. J. J.
have been I-
power. ed by Governor Glenn as delegates
Section fl. The subscribers la , Southern
pot permitted to use the current banner
tor any purpose, or any place oilier
tan provided for in contract with-
but having first obtained the writ- o. . w, .,, ., Ml.
ten consent of tin commission, or B . t will also.
and arrange to
an additional
He. I ion In case of d.
of light or power, or defective
Humps, notice of the lac should be
forthwith at the of
The banner will be the personal ha delegate and
gilt of Mr. to
that ho will attend. This B
Interest in Continues.
Thursday night was a repetition
of former ones at the Christian
church large crowds, good music,
and strung and able
The subject for the sermon was
soul-cry of the 20th
was an exceptionally strong
d Christian
a .
divided condition of Christendom.
evangelist deplored can-
brought about
. of different all
I that the League have a picnic ibis morning for Florence,
an early date, and a
C. M.
i es an A. .
appointed to arrange a time
ml place I'm I lie picnic
of i lime,.
other duties, session
. adj by the
Mrs. B. E, of Tar-
who bat W. C.
returned this morn-
shows the m t, of to be ,
Democratic rain, based I and cotton interest, which
upon the election for governor. am, .,,,;,., ., formed . .- a dividing lire
Forsyth will not be eligible. been n very between the .
county will be
the of
permitted to keep
While icy
of higher prices lot
and be managed so
All lights furnished Democratic only
lie did algae for
I mil s in live I i
Maj 1906.
T. Ii. Bateman loft
left Ibis
Hon. ., Bryan Grimes returned
this morning,
left this morn-
lag for point Virginia.
Jessie Lee returned
home this morning from
Perkins returned ibis
No. fl, will go June from a trip down the
with W. Brown as carrier, t road,
i. from out Ex-Gov. and Mrs. T. J.
d road to pine tree coiner for their old
Rural Free Delivery Service Extending.
i Ural free
route Ii a bed to .
vet iii from Greenville, making six
from this
pout. new
the public use, Including street hows the greatest pro- ;,;,, y will have two hull re road turns bi ins home In county,
lamps public buildings and the over other representatives. Col. Sugg t eliminate the divisive place, then Ml L L H ,,,
like shall be assessed at at e to take daughter, feature and unite in cue to English chapel, south , ,. ,
may election.- n. Lee faith, ad one rule of to Noah school house, ,,,.,, ,,,,,,
and service shall be in the that rule and practice to be. to Jesse Baker s corner,
lame manner as private service, The Revival Johnson Farrow. Bible only. to T. b- y.,
. . . . . ;. The Revival Meetings, . ,,,,.,, ,,, T--,, . has been veiling his brother.
sane manner private service,
uses for it is
assessed. It is Intended by ibis
section a value on all
public rendered a base
on which to account for the
and of preach an eloquent sermon on
light plant In all details. of Soldiers and
The Revival Meetings,
The threatening weather Wed-
did not deter a large
audience from assembling at the
Christian to bear Dr. Mar-
to T. P. K. Arthur, Va.,
coiner, south in who baa been his brother,
corner, thence fro b. C. Arthur, returned horns this
Level, thence south to morning.
corner, to the Miss Harding returned
ah. than eleven months In . ,, ,, ,, , . . ,,,., f . , .
l lank thence southwest to evening from Washing.
Crawford's comer, north has been teaching
wist to Mo Art comer, thence for the past year.
. lit in A. c in-
Johnson Farrow. Bible only.
quiet wedding took place at the Nan Free.
of the pastor of tie New York, May
Christian church.
Johnson and Miss mistrials on the charge of
Farrow being t ha parties to the Young, Nan
contract. Patterson walked from Ho- Tombs
The was informal today a free worn in. she
groom cat i tea
of friend.
personal the the attention of the audio their
lion, time commence music.
L. the u being . , . , .
luck dues or The subject for tonight
I, notice was Cry 20th
Special musical I ill be
potion Any failure on the presented at service. Service The
will be
Whiskey In Collars.
of subscriber to , u .
fill, rules mid I
ball annul this contract, and the
her notice, ma j off the
and remove its
. a lies liquor.
, ;.; h . ,
rail I the pi I
fright. lie
route covers a little assertion is well founded and
custody spread throughout the mile and i
pie disease, Much time has been
r II. C. Fl in in ; to
vises person to served nature of the remedy and
this rot i Id proceed i I in
to illy. M. ML
put up, mail i . res have
girl bill a
to see and the
ion re She was ed
aw in cab a ill. .
game of
will he b , Borne
Don't Let Home Suffer Decay.
Ii need u
Country mini
re .,,. ii i i ,
. I I . . i
. . i, I
of over year i I I ,. ,,, , , , .
pain I i enc. an old cot I hat hi v,
nil I prescribed extra horse collars i i
r lull of whiskey. Sheriff L. W. Tucker is
, ,. ;. I'm He ill t two supply on
ton I I ; his head, toll of a collision
i. oil- Capital I with a barbed wire fence.
. i juice of
i in be. i v
, i
i be
, . coming to i,
show there Grow-
the i yet. .,
re I v. oh

Eastern reflector, 12 May 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 12, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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