Eastern reflector, 21 April 1905

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We extend
o you a
., .
U IS n t
. .
L r.-t K
were never
and Think hardly so pretty.
Is to show You
Every u
Salt. Soda and utter Go to It
Their National Drink.
Tea c of the principal
am. lea i n e
Tibet Mongolia. The native b
i a and when it
obtained is willing to
cheat I. various
such as boiling dried onion
or n an of
in v. in order
i not be i ant n
I . hi favorite
age. Tile u n China
is into sum I oblong shaped
bricks, made up into of nine
. i sewed in
. need as a beverage,
Inn in fact forms n staple of cur-
r.- negotiable as Hank of Eng-
land notes or American paper cur-
rent y.
In native method of preparing
this delicacy i- not appetizing. The
ii i- ground to a line powder
vigorously in a
tar until splints of wood or
impurities are visible to the eye;
it into the kettle, when
the water i- hot, to boil ten
minutes, of giving in-
creased flavor, salt or soda is added,
ind, this pan of the operation being
completed, ail important
of drinking ii commences. The
family being gathered around the
fire of yak dung, in order that at-
as the painter would say,
should not be lacking, each one
draw- from some hidden recess in
the folds voluminous sheep-
skin coat a little wooden howl, and,
with a satisfaction which must
seen lo appreciated, fills his
dish with tin liquid. All
however, is by way of preliminary.
a skin full of butter, placed
within convenient range, per-
son takes a piece of oleaginous com-
and let null into his
of steaming tea. Then, oh
joy oh rapture with furtive gusto
draws the nectar to his lips and
is opened unto The
bowl i again tilled; into the steam-
liquid lie throws a handful of
barley and,
draw forth the sodden lump.
works ii into a ball of brown dough
with a id movement of left
hand, and successively bites off
nieces of ibis delicacy and drinks
his buttered tea until the visible
I, w III n, in order
I may
lied, be . lean,
wipes it he baa
not got on hi .
and en; for the
and fate shall
again come ions- I
i wore
ed man who telling the
pt the
I be wit. can you us
do know i is
if you mi . In o it was
the close of ii summer
Charles of London is
M the With an
ample his ambition is to
gut u complete collection of
mens of all the float in the world.
His antic expedition to collect fleas
has returned after a
four cruise with many new
It was who, when
returned from
his central Asian trip, asked him
some and
fleas. had disposed of hit;
bad seen quite enough of them. Per-
haps bis native servant could
F No. lie also was out of
stock. Then made bis
final proposal. Would
of familiar to be
pastured upon bis Asiatic servant
to see if they would become modified
in size, color or structure by change
of diet
Talk of ignorant prejudice against
science refused.
Chicken Broth For an Invalid.
Remove the skin and fat from
half a young fowl, wash and cut
into small pieces, put them into a
with one quart of water.
bring slowly to the boiling point,
skim carefully, then place on the
buck of the range, whore it will
simmer for three hours. Strain and
season with salt to suit the taste.
For Boiling Meats.
Mutton, per pound, minutes;
potted per pound, HO to
corned beef, per pound,
minutes; ham, per pound, IS to
minutes; turkey, per pound,
minutes, chicken, per pound, IS
minutes; fowl, per to
N. 1905.
.-s. Galloway spent
Tin in Greenville.
J. R. Proctor. Tom Talley and
Ben Mayo have to to
spend a short White.
Levi Holliday aim A. O. Clark
Josh of was
in today.
Miss Myrtie Proctor, a student
of W High school,
spent Sunday at her home in
Porter, of Black Jack,
spent Tuesday Greenville.
Fred as in town
It needs hut little foresight to
tell that when your stomach and
liver are badly Inflected, grave
trouble is ahead, unless you take
the medicine your dis-
ease, as Mrs. John A. Young, of
Clay, N. Y., did. She
neuralgia of the liver
stomach, my heart was weakened,
and I could not eat, I was a very
had for a time, but in Electric
Hitters, found just what I needed
for they quickly relieved and
pared Best medicine for
weak women. Hold under
by J L. druggist,
at a bottle.
Of the inn Republican in
Asheville MO voted to keep the
in operation.
Don't f . n us for goods.
A man can make him-
self a of misery
wrong Shoes
and it often proves the
when one
Man insists on having ii
just like sonic friend ,
There are several radical families of feet. Let us
fit the fitted looks better than one
fl cramped or twisted into u wrong shaped
Straight lasts, Sense lasts.
Any normal foot can be well
one of these three
This Seasons styles
They are specimens of ran
loss Footwear. r , .
Such Men's Shoos are sold anywhere else tor tea
than a half to a dollar more in price.
All leathers in o galaxy of stylish toes.
Mi-s received
quite a from Mr. Tiger
Miss Hope you don't I
associate with people of that stripe
Mi-s and
why as good as the best,
lie looked me so admiringly
Then he said. congratulate you
on the beauty is skin
Wasn't that of him
Boston Transcript.
A Scheme.
was n great scheme old
didn't hoar of
gave ii out that first one
of hi- eleven daughters to mar-
should have his entire
was the result
i meats in one night.
They d Ii one was
the first, so Shrewd j rid of
i be girls and keeps the
Mi n
A Civil Ar.
. .
in hi . I in
. .
.;. . If
. ,. Capital stock paid in
rum i , II 1,337.88
o-i i
i. u,
p.,, a sub I, 10,125.0
i re
At the of business Mar. 1905.
Why Esteem One Dy Above Another
Why observe Good Friday
Why one
day of more importance
The of certain days
for the in -rat
cant Is is native to the hum m
heart and common people in
all walk, of life. The child
the used man celebrate the
anniversary their birth. Pen
pie life
their wadding day. The
f and
Lincoln Lee an- observed. On
tin- tenth of May we leave
shut our
hour en, and lo honor
living and the dead who fought
our battles of Hie sixties. July
the fourth is made a National I
holiday. closed.
officials are from
duty. Business is Suspended, and
private are laid
All rally round the flag of Liberty, I
with long stirring
and sweetest music, lay
our of praise thanks-
giving upon the altar of our conn-
And for what is all this display
Is it ludicrous or t Certain
it is that should
every day. We should never for-
get the heroism and of
Lee and bis armies, or Washington
and the liberty lie won
for us. ii is equally certain
of I hen
and their glorious
refresh quicken
our love, and deepen patriot-
Ian, In this sense sued
me right and proper,
but measure
Without them the , r
i and Lee would
dim in our memorial, and dimmer
still In the minds and hearts
A d If it is fitting that we
the of
Lee, is it a thou-
more to that
the death and sacrifice of our
Savior we
not esteem it b a privilege and
a to assemble together the
of His one supreme
sacrifice, Invoice
quicken our love, and deepen
our faith in Him who died that we
We profess faith in Christ; we
profess to love and honor
proclaim it as necessary to
salvation that such faith lie a
reality, a vital force in life; that
such love be deep and true. And
shall we reflect upon that faith or
deny that love by ignoring and
ranting to commemorate the very
events upon which faith and
love forever i Shall we
the liberated
from the George ill, and
ignore that most momentous event
of all history, secular or
Which liberated u.-i from Hie
of and gave to us
the liberty of the so. a
Friday of this week,
km Friday, lathe
I. .,, i
, ;.
ti the
o .
a ., the .
. . .
f i
and i . .
. Presbyterian Church Makes Good Show-
The in church reports
A bank with ca
been u
The dispensary red
daring the Brat following for the
d this year. yen ending Slat,
New 18.6
Street carnival, and the J. nine I
cries to be delivered from
The Durham fellow
The following new have I
been recently added to the public Monday, April 1905.
library under the auspices of the
Bod of the Century Book club- M Fleming is quit.
by Tom DIxon. I levers went to
., . ,
Home , ,, .
kicked -be top a c ii
f, ex-
A r, ward . f is offered for
the ii f the of Senator
coin y, who
disappeared in February.
Original Observations.
A good j need a let In
of Introduction.
by Mary John-
of by
from a membership These
show . decided gain from
In submitting this the I Henry
pastor hie purpose to Misdemeanors of
ask to dissolve pas-1 by
relation between Eternal by Hall
himself and the Greenville church.
people V
. . the lat., when Ibis
request will u- considered.
r. Orren formerly of
died at tie
I home of his Mrs W. T.
on avenue,
with whom be has lived for some-
words indulge g but small
Did you ever that a man
with a black e always Dairies an
I explanation.
For some Weeks jet the man,
with the boa will have the
on the man with .-now shovel.
Some people couldn't find work
if they sent after ii aimed with a
search warrant and a writ
You know will make
i laugh and drive away every ear.
Why, go out and sec the
; kill a bear
Why should Virginians com. and was an
plain about the Carolinians of Temperance Ball
being at Bethel I Methodist church in that county.
of Loyalty
by Herrick.
by Tom Watson.
Sunny Brook
by Kate Wiggins.
These and all oilier books in the
o'clock this morning.
For sometime Mr. has been
in bad health, and while his death are for the tree use of the
. comes as a great shock to his
friends and relatives, St was
, altogether unexpected.
The deceased was a resident i I
being at Bethel and lust
the stickers in the world
Orange, Va., Observer.
N. C. April
Mi. of Greenville Supply
Company, i, m town
Mis. and daughter, Miss
spent and Sunday
J. left ibis morn
Miss Cox from
Moore and son, David,
slant Sunday in Bethel.
Fred Cox returned from Rich-
G. W. Baker returned from
Lewiston Sunday evening.
Harry Skinner returned from
Saturday evening,
H. Farrow returned from
Saturday evening.
w. II, return
Saturday evening from i,
went to
Saturday evening and returned
i I. Jr., went to Hob-
in, i
I, . ., son went to Kin-
i evening.
J S ; , and B. A. Tyson
B. F and son, James,
left lie i evening
Mis Abram, who has
been sister, Mrs. S.
M. this for
M not.
f ids has
ii ice use the following
i. es -i ice last report,
J. i. and Smith.
B. P. H. Pitt-
j F. and Clemmie
May and Dora Harris.
u Greene and Clyde
Lance Carr and Charity
J. F. and little i--
lei returned from Scotland Nick
O. King, who here
for a few days visiting relatives,
left this morning for Blackstone,
He was about years old and is
survived by two slater, and other ,
all have i, ,
The burial will take place to-1 Joe Bawls, of Green visited
the Methodist
Car Load of Common Seed.
load I com. Jr. Dixon and
mo known Jerusalem . moved to
shipped from , H. B. Phillips is in town
,.;. ye ha-, given up another week.
This common seed, being made to
oak, who are give . In Sunday
due for a
family c
I. T e La an Hopkins.
Arthur Farrow and Mary E.
Sim,, i and Mel-
Va. Joe Given and Hat tie Williams.
Tuesday. April 1905 , Charlotte
Skinner went up road ;
i morning,
E. Lincoln went Kin
G. G. Fl returned from a
up the road.
B. W. ,.,
ii; Yew
N. C.
Yon give full
. d
long as lead oil; and allow
to sell it on
have any fault to find
this ii either now in put-
ii II or hereafter the wear
M i if mi dealer about it.
Mn lay dug authorize him to do what
I ,. Hit- house ,. l-.,,,,. . , , ;
Th. ear was J i vacated by Spivey. in,, M ,
have been Uh has moved to Grime-land. left this ,;, R .
Sheriff for vagrancy. I ., in
ii i, M , , ,,
for Baltimore in
public egg hunt on which will
which sold color, whose be Easier Monday.
the Mrs Fannie and
It is used , number of are into th,
near the foot of and
M , C
I .
from .
lei ;
It ti ,
seeds Here obtained
bin the town hid a claim
Brunswick county,
cents per pound. r and the
The Jerusalem oak grows ,
and when frost diet s
at temped suicide last short
and but for
discovery of act by
I women prisoners the effort at sell
Ha hill church
Almost , Fire. the church
this to increase the salary of man
fire burning under h a year. Two J
one the small was increased ,,. . J ,
the Blow i. . from t. 88.-,. .
in Buncombe Jail,
major gave hi,,, order for N. ,
I Minnie who was in
Then the seeds, which jail yesterday
are numerous fall off. They are I
gathered and packed Id sacks and Increased Salary.
Dispatch. At a of the members
. to the In
H. M. Parson, St. Louis, a Ii i
has . j, . f . .,,.,, h
left i is i,
Col. K. G.
complaints, actually
exchanged the coal when complaint
made. He had half the
a dozen firms had the
We are J ears old. but
Frank John-ion morn-
Hi Johns II In
In Baltimore where he will s
go an operation for appendicitis
lours truly,
W. Co.
II I, arr sells our
lot that Is occupied by from to and since that if Paragraphs
Top ii,,. the has i.,. in the census g
ion in the at
I he woman tin- cord, Washington City, came in Monday
A. Blow. The fire was burning the church has so nor eased
one of the , , ,
building and probably taught by a make the further L ,
cigar or cigarette stump being voted on Sunday. Every . of
thrown in trash pear building of church work J ,
was on, any l-K-sing. St
alarm being and the
was only slight. Docs
. . .,, ., ., .
com snap is playing havoc and the noise and cries the over to the
the attention of M, a
the rout a man pays
keeps him moving.
to the man who
The more woman ha,
,., ,. ., ,. ,,. . more m.
object was discovered by women be is annoy
inmates shortly before o'clock p . . ., . A , , , i
Mini .;. ., turned , ,. v meets a
The fellows hi I ave been stand.
i . . . ,
up odd jobs,
Ills i d ti
Hi there ff
. a . . ,. ,.,.,.
I I . . .
. p
. morn
r and a

. i
The Number is Constantly
be Added to
Call OUR I ,
ht purse.
of nine
In nu
. . . ;. .
. a . a of the If
iii. .
. to ;
. body.
. ,
Hi of Carolina I In .;
i iv. I i court. j
Book and
Have Held the Record m North Carolina.
BONE, For Cotton. ORINOCO, For Tobacco.
See that tho Trade Mark is on , I EL-. Every Bag. Genuine Without it.
Ask your dealer for GOODS, and don't take substitutes. For sale every where.
For Rate
Home Telephone and
By virtue an ex i
p to
n n th
i milled action, I will, m Mn
or 24th April,
o'clock, M-. i I
. .
for cash to ex cu
all the right, at v wt whirl;
the said L e
S, oft, i. . can jet
at. nail or ti
w. . .
tool box and be i
lire, and
iv, ., SI I your
i, ix does not . . .
on and
running with Mid street a
Hi -i
co said
Lot. thence with the line
. an
f. divides Lot from the
. i- i i. then
i a now . I
Of Course I
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
H- L.
Special Sate
On Rugs for
One Day Only,
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
, ii .
in .,, i . i ii
on 10th d U
I the Superior court P It
s i. i
I i
i i null
o preset I i ;
i i
Everything you want in the way of
A r or J J
nice Canned Goods, Pickles,
r err.
indebted to said are re-
k t sled to mill ilia i
paid v , , ,.
Bides, Fur. Cotton Seed Oil Bar-
Egg, Bed-
i Safes, P t
I ten
B j-
f .
. . .,.
I to I'll
I, . . . ;
i I i .
he pi
arch, 1.0 .
of the , i
j fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
David s. at
Samuel S Store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
i Goods
RUGS will be
Sold at
Prices Unheard Of
IF YOU need a RUG you cannot
afford to miss This
One Day Only,
tag Goods
. i at
ft Creel .
S. m of I
and i ed on
i Dudley,
and Alfi l
s n . . Ii a n Mo
containing J acres more or less. This
March lS. An
i . t to or rest
. i e above land must file
, r protest in
You Need
m Book
We've dot it.
Ml Kinds Of
and anything carried in
a Book
r. R. L. Caw,
r . i v
to u .
on ill day I'm
estate of Alfred deceased
ii is hereby all
to the estate to make
, to
estate to present
, . i , within
of this notice, or
There is one thing that we do not claim in our do
. that is to sell Hoods cheaper than th-y can b bought-
do we want to create the that our store is
of shop worn, out of style goods nor by Tilling our store
show bills and sUn boards will we try to impress false
in your mind that we are going out of business, but we
do it understood that we are receiving daily shipments
of the newest things in
mid kindred Materials so desirable with the. folk of I
and Pitt county, and we do hope-that you will at
least favor us with a visit to see these many new things.
Pulley Bowen,
A. H. Taft,
Greenville. N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Harry Skinner,
H. W.
Room. and i
. .,, in
I . Harri
i will i i
it the Old Stand.
i have pun t he stock
I I W. J.
. ill mi i be bun-
I Hie
. ,
en . of
Heavy and
. i
in me you the
u can be sold.
The Five Points Grocer.
E Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
St. Loris, Mo., Oct. Victor Safe a Lock Co.,
Cincinnati, received, to day, the Grand Prize at the
Fair for their exhibit solid Manganese Steel bank
line of tire and burglar-proof safes and
their display taking prize over
tors for modern improvements, construction,
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
four Household Cleaning
, , Lace Curtains
Commodities. Yours truly,
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A EM, N. C, April
A. for Daily j
fail to see Ty-
son's new plain
decorated. Prices cheaper I
are take
griM in receiving sub-
and willing n i
in arrears. We have a list
receive their mail
i printing.
When yon nerd a nice, light,
ton. r
. us and make a
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
S. C.
Ii ii need anything in the way
of Ct i Tin ware
in see us, II it A Jenkins.
Come to see when yon wan
to Independent
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Han
Per apples, corn
We also take orders ,.,,. ,,,,,,. K. K.
Dixon and wife, of Hook-
it ii. the with
x have plenty the
leaf wagon and earl
wheels and will them cheap
; one.
Ayden Milling -t Mfg.
Ayden, N C,
Tim Cannon
editor of ,
Wayne county Courier and hi town.
wife were the y
of is here for
i days.
I do know J. Ii. Smith
Bro., have the prettiest
cent ill town.
white and tan
J. It the
for children l have seen
Hut mi choice ii J.
K. Hi,., received i- ii .
Lee lime if good for
crop and a fan an r i i;
freely, J. K Bro.
lace em I
is the i i town f .
n l J, l .
King Quality are
will ii id i ltd
cl tin
A i G
ii k i to make i I hi
tin days we ill tell our
regular high d a
. low ii i, ,
no lake, but I
Oranges, apples, all
We know and
Come to see us
oil ii not. If you i-i i
la re it,, ii i
MI I i . I . I
I, N.
bin M
n , ;
IT ii
i tore
I i mi in-r
i . path
T. f
Bi . N
i kn
. d I. ii i I II I
you it J. R
. i . a
. i . I pi
I Ii e.
H and examine our line of
j r it ton ginned idea .
in that yea might i
better prices for it. it to
Ml you can Milling A Mfg. Co.,
a- of the superiority q
of n. and w
. Cm, , i ;
, a, S. C . .,.
J. Ii i n i s me
for ii
. than anybody
if you do nut secure
one of our buggies,
V. K. will do all they your loss will be than ours.
can to please yon with Milling ft Mfg. Co.,
the; w line of heavy and fancy ,,
Misses Mamie and Lena
v ,. ,. Brat who
light neat Harness, ,,,,, to
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden j
M e i , I In
men who walk or i hi
men who will believe inn
i. ,.
their price.
Then ware something more an
I oil bale- of cotton sold here
the past week.
Life and Annuity
Old Line, I.- i vi,
Capital 1100,000,00.1
. line line of bar-
in evening in
. e alt
i i In
till n .
I . i
i ml y o f u,
l ill ii Ti i h in
I ,,, -i hie cm
i. . i run a Mil
it many He
; i I In re I p Ice m ii -i. .
; V i lie
HT well o
i ml
. in
. n t.
l can lit you any style
Milling ft Mfg Co.
Coward, Greenville,
i ii on a visit in friends over
has I
in tie,
at K. Dall Go's.
it are re-
ft Tyson are
in, .-t up to line of
till ever in this
tin to ft Go's new
market fresh meats, sail- i
sage, fresh fish.
grade, smart graceful,
well made durable buggy can be
in any style at any at
the Ayden Milling o.
We continue to build
daily new groceries and ft, for we do not
tight Iron the
Milling ft Mfg, Co., Ayden, N.
We manufacture boggle scats for. was a
we dispose
are simply here Sunday.
Smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
We lave of
shoes for ladies, livery
pair guaranteed.
J. J. A Co.
j P, and family came
M, B. Tripp Bro, make horse
shoeing and a specialty.
see M.
Tripp The best.
Carlos Harris says Harrison
Town Country paints and
are by far the best
up train yesterday from a he ever that it
visit down the road. I knocked out several other leading
We a-e Offering good values Greenville last
the money in shoes, hats, caps, paint is sold by J.
rug mattings, tables R
floor cloth Cannon Tyson. of
A large plaining outfit and latest have been
imp tools with which to do the of Capt. G.
work. Satisfaction have home-
M. B. Tripp Bro. .,, A
so a very , service
and prominent farmer from neat
on a visit to bis
son, Sauls.
from now to the end of the season.
newest latest drinks will
he found there. If you wan;
Thai medicine called try them.
Smith ft Bro. to J. J. A Sun
is tin i thing I have ever tried
nut sold at end
indigestion and j. a. would in-
J. T. Smith, Jr.
planters and rep kin at J. B,
Smith a Bra.
n king cultivators,
. . extra at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Old man what makes you always
go to J. U. Smith ft Bro., to do
your can
always get any thing I want from
the boys.
form I he public that be is prepared
to move on abort notice
without damage at reasonable
i. Edwards and wife,
spent tie better part
of last week here with relatives,
Wrong eyeglasses are Worse
than Ml. If your
eyes tire, they call for help. J.
W. Taylor a graduate optician,
N. C. Hi your glasses
Deposited the insurance
commissioners of North Carolina, j Our i
home .
. . -S g. Aid ,
give you as sum protect us . .
any company We have not
the absolute safety a legal re
serve addition we
with He
insurance commissioner of North
Carolina to all policies.
Per further information
Agent, I,
There were regular services
the Methodist and Disciple
Any and all kind of supplies I'm
sewing machines at J, II. Tripp
Ladies children black
Ian and white slippers all sizes at
Smith Bro.
Dr. r a. Standard,
paid us a very pleasant visit
iii day.
Continental Disk
for corn, cotton and tobacco
culture, has no Makes any
shaped either Hat or crown-
a simple, durable,
labor saving tool for the
cultivation of See J. W.
A Bin.
Do you want a nice suit,
pair pants, shit, low
quartered shoes, of the latest
If so go to Jackson ft On
have them in great quantities,
will please you.
F. g, Jr., has I en ti
r owing machines are the
lie I made H. Tripp Bro.,
agents, Ayden, X
I'm general wood and
work, buggies, wagons I carts
M. B Tripp
lib,, this lime months
Ayden hasn't a population of 1600
we shall be vary
ed In our calculations.
Say neighbor have you seen
Simples; distributor at
i Hi
. . y i. iv
. i. . .
N, C.
i i i mi ion, Tin i
I i. i , i i e a vi i i i i.;
i I ii 11- , lie
That rock salt at J. R, A right at reasonable prices.
year we start
usual with all new,
What you going
to seed f Let its
M 1ST,
N. C.
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All w, to me will be
and A
latest Wall Paper,
N f.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
In calling attention to their men line of make
mention of apples, , ti and fruits
i ,. n, . . i .
. t . by
h ind i on time.
. . in
Anything you Want in the Grocery Department.
.;, r. u .,. i-i i .,. lie beat to cheapest
ground and green of each grade. Our
and blond is tine.
In goods v- keep H. ft Co. and
Austin Nichols, beat we can buy. tomatoes,
aid com, ti tripe, salmon,
a teak, etc. All as cheap they can be sold. Will
your order,
Breads, buns, rolls, and all kind of cakes on hand,
Yours to
J. A, Ricks Bro.
N. C.
It . .
. .; . pi
, .
Cholera with i ,, n
Small II of
Colic, .
Mr, W. Fowler of
Ala., relate ob he had
while on a In
murder case at
Bro., is the best thing I can get
for my stock. They only eat what
they of it at a time.
No matter the weather, rain or
there are always large
doctors have said that wrong eye
glasses are poison.
J. W.
have sold a
load w ire fencing. This firm is
J. B, Smith a Bro, puts ii , , ,
in any quantity you want and does He say there
nit .,
paid in
i Profits leas
. I
Deposit subject to check
checks out-
crowds here every Saturday and am the most substantial the
the last was exception to I county.
new in Ayden J. R.
Smith A Bro., have bought a whole
car load of and beating
stoves, and you can get your choice
by coming at once.
G. A. Kittrell, Henry Ed
Nelson, Ola D, Hooks,
Alex all
were here Sunday afternoon,
B. V. D. Hooker-
ton, was on our cotton market last
J. W. A Bros, have
just received another car load of
American Wire
This fencing is the best in the
world so admitted by all who
have tried It and all who have
seen it.
waste at the ends of row
aim it is a cheap machine.
the Cox planter the
best on the market Smith
J. H. Tripp sell Sing-
machine on the
Pitt. i
I, I.- L, Little, re-named bank, do s lei
In very severe hum, I sweat that the statement above is true to the beat my knowledge
was more sick in mi I. and and JAMES L, LITTLE. Cashier,
ate some fresh meat and tome
meat and it gave me cholera
sent to the drug store a , , ., ,
cholera mixture, but the druggist
sent me a bottle of --id day March,
. Remedy instead, saving that he
meat or ease plans. Terms easy, j , M,,
J. B. Smith one I medicine was no much better he
gallon milk each day to parties ; it tome in the
living in town.
The loaf bread i
from the at A Mn-
received spring stock of
pants. J. J. Edwards A Son.
ti v i was in, i took one dose
It and was better in live minutes.
The second cored me entire-
Two fellow jurors were
ed in manner and one
The Ref
Is By in and
tall bottle cured the three reaches people money u- pay for what they want.
at Drug j have what they wan and are sure to
t got a part of their money.
m .

J. i
Entered in the post office M Greenville, N. as matter,
Advertising rate n . application.
A i it every pol office in ed oil Ids
o in to fiction
i Pitt April 1905
Mr. R. II. Kick, of Nash, and Dr.
Pitt, of Edgecombe, in
the different points of interest
Every man in our present
; except myself, and were paroled
i there forty years ago that day
in the least degree f e
lonesome, though. over
the ground Air. Fleming
walked to a spot on the mad side
and said, I am now not
six feel from the spot where stack
my gun forty ago today at
about this hour
from the tablets placed there it is
easy tn I. fate the position f two
n that there ,, ,, , armies f visited the spot where the
If one law ea , ,
. f apple i n i u I nave beat i
rt, ,, was apple M
North fa and over asked by a number of there was, and every piece of wood
the A the old soldiers who followed the ii even u the roots
I from Northern Virginia to the I quickly taken away as souvenirs.
the and to give was under this tree that Hen
i cm one your paper an outline Lee waited for the whom he
I of the exercise incident the J had sent with a message to Gen.
unveiling ceremonies of the Grant, looking to the terms of
render, this spot is some six
hint charge hundred yards from the court house
that was mar the .- art house, which
i few years ago, was the
had i with our ,,. ,; . , . ,.
I I friends cot , . , at ,
i., . ii v setup for their fired any organized was
I el ween the i;, m of that army house in which Generals
Stale.- II L tint I were capable of ex and Lee I the
wean I the . , i meat which ended the war. This
It is very like lovers but In i is wholly inadequate house has been torn down but
q n m I
bur. tic Observer, the
Char. Ii I a
Raleigh Sews i I I i
hut n awful,
greeting with
re i
. return
North , .,
i- the are piled on I he spot and
a rd is kepi it x
court house stood just midway
between where lieu Lee had his
head i n occasion and
known I where Gen. I made the
of indeed
is one of the
looking men aver
tall, straight and handsome U
like a
Every muscle of Ins fat.
bespeaks bat in his large
expressive n eye then is all
hidden the of friendship
but when awakened by kindly
peal off most charmingly
otherwise iron features. There , re
also quite a
who were ;.
with Grant at the surrender,
them Maj Arms of the States
retired Maj Arms owns th.
battlefield and i
the state a deed for tho land on
which the stands Hi
made a very nice and
talk for the praising the
soldiers commend
the North Carolinians for the
spirit that I them
the monument. After these exert-in
i he monument unveiled by Mrs.
Mary Grimes Smith, daughter
Gen. Bryan Grimes, after whirl
several smaller memorials wen-
veiled commemorative of
deeds of valor an I pet
I by the brave men
fought the last battle of the .-
of civil wars
nothing I n few
though the force the explosion,
if. I threw him back and his
rang tin thundering up-
. a
at the end
of our string.
Hut to roll for such a by finding no disaster.
Car lino pr- J
ass there
Is a matter i
present to
hi t charge, and from inform,, IS a coaling station
I gathered from those who were
it m- a part of the Fed-
us, and we i
better. by at desire, Mn lay
move on which they stacked during the night thrown
the North Association arms i to go home itself across the Confederate lines
and the to the thread right at the court house, cutting
hold a joint summer of HI countenances, oil en Grimes from army.
Why not i the of From Gen to Gen.
whether the at
Virginia the art effort,
soil, just so the bred the . and tear
n As face eyes met
that, we might one State; once again th familiar objects and
this year a d r State next scenes of forty years the alert-
year, I that if and vigor with which they
id I but mm together once agreed, yielded or approved
would t the contentions about the final
,.,.,. of that and most
N terrible of all upon
brethren ind . the the mind n feeling of wonderment,
brethren t an and an n
This uttered in words
much less ill on paper fell as
truly was no historic ground
ground was bathed in the
As the time in i . the meet
the North t n association
has hell
let the
s headquarters the distance is
n one and one-half to
hence in the light of these
he cause for fancy i
our people. This is tin
. to make great
Its natural advantages are just as
sure i i made as,
government night Pol
I n It is one the
harbors on the roast, land
locked on two sides i an
average depth of In The en-
ti tee is guarded by a which i,
facts ; plain why general Grimes e, an construction is
did not understand the order absolutely preventing the
withdraw and cease firing after he
had his way and
ii -on to Lynchburg.
The monument unveiled there on
of ship There no
other it in the world. The
g graphical location oft
is adapted to
is right on or near the mere, and in times t., is
where this last lighting by
men took place. Maj. II. A London,
who-was tn Gen. was
r of on this
destined to be a great port.
It bide its time Many of at
may not to see it. the
will have great
last ebbing life blood
an heroic
brethren, sisters, meet that held beneath its Virginia,
i n a master of the art indeed piers quays and waters -if
h vi-. After force
and vigor slating the reasons for the
inscription on the he in
with us m
ct n met i
next time.
y. Then
Mr. W T.
I from p over
paper which he lo
It is a copy
fan old
. , Daily
i ii h
bosom the bones of
offered a to
lived hut brilliant young republic.
I y to to portray
iii on occasion were
I and useless, but for the sake
of the Id of the country for
i f will tell as best
I can in dents the occasion
left C Sunday morning
with Messrs, A. A Forbes and
made a most appropriate speech
lie staggered tunnel to
find himself surrounded by a star-
crowd, whose foam were re-
There was woman among
who u the camp,
baring only arrived th before,.
who lingered when the others drop-
away one by one.
me the scratches
please, I have court plaster here.
want to do with a- petulant
childishness as he objected.
After all, she seemed more child
than woman as he observed her
to do it an
tell me my bus-
hand to Ii is death ill Dial way.
Wasn't that dreadful And he
got rich, never made money
enough to pay back that he
I., iv well ; lake care of mo as
he bill it seems too had,
for i if he had just lived
day he would have owned
the mine here. The bargain
was nil wailing to be
finished. Don't you think that is
bard on m
did need the name to tell
him was the stranger's wife
nor of her artless chatter to
put him in possession of all the cir-
of her it had
been love at sight and hasty
between the young pair
without the cost; bow the
I fat her. who was
her on relative, had advanced the
capital of his small store
. husband had started
how they had
nailed. Imped and eared till sick-
trouble brought them to
such absolute want -he had
started to trace a
the rend few papers missed
I the new- would have
now how the story had ended
Mini is down We have sunk
three times much apiece, be-
sides our hard
friend, hut it strikes
would be tougher to tramp back
to the States. Nobody hut a green-
give a thousand for that
hole in the ground it stands.
We've got to close with him, that's
of it. and, for my part, I'm done
with mines and mining. I'll strike
back for he old farm soon as I
get safe in my
concluded to take you
said Homer Croft, the bigger
and the two men. when it
came to the final transactions,
feel it in my hones that we arc
doing a mighty foolish thing. If
I i d wit Ii here
not to hold out beyond this date I'd
o back on the bargain now. was
a fool not to-stand out in black and
for a couple of thousand more
in ease you strike it rich before our
ks are
This was only intended to keep
the newcomer up to the mark, as
Willard very well knew, but the buy-
sympathy touched, and he
give you my wordy gentlemen,
in a like that I should offer a
onus in proportion to the value of
your work in mine. As it is. I
am putting dollar I com-
into this if my
luck as yours did LI be worse
off than you are. as have n wife
down in Denver depending on
It was late in. tho day when the
transfer was made, but the new pro-
pulled off hi.- coat and went
to work as his predecessors
left the mine.
lie tamped in charge of giant I,
powder and ct working ,, u,,,,, ,,,. no
as one it la-, ; h,
and failed
hack distance, for the f u,.
.-. and kid- , . , h , f
d him instantly.
The two miners, packing their I
few u tin In. .
near the heard the
and look other. U , them fir no
he. powder ,,, ,,,.,, l;
and he dwell upon that
UM thought,, and he lest
. . era should hear it as it f him
There was n moment of ,
dismay when saw what had but his cars
occurred. moped down I y .,, v
him press hi- band to Us head or
he i ,. e e t-
enough to guard
em . . We steps
which after him were tho
gin. to wring ii from him,
harbor will teem with die ships of
commerce. There is a future of
immense possibilities in st n-
ward hi-
i . W Look her
It's the lead, in lead. I say. It's
a no one in the
camp knows v made the transfer
asked dry
Russian Beets in the
A leading article in was At Parmele
an editorial on i of were joined by It. K. Fleming,
Jefferson Davis I the article the of At Weldon we men
that a,,,.,. fold Confederates,
eighteen m . t
W. r
of it today
I then exist
i i he
i Mr Frank Barnes, i I
approached Peters
aid think burg we passed along the
the where many the battles of the
war re To me it was at t
g ind ed to In and i
th, ii the
to better purpose and better
than he did on this occasion.
with force and strength
I ired love labor and deep co
His description of
we of North
soldiers at the tattle of Gettys-
burg was simply
grand and sublime. In explaining
the claim made by Carolina
at Gettysburg he the
. ordered ts go to a
. e in front of Me enemy that
the fence so curved
v -r it;
that's why. Here deed a bis
pocket. It ii no to it
is often and pin bis thousand in its
place. A I a
,,,. Why, Willard,
it's richer than we ever It's
a plain of
behalf, Tb think bus near
And V, feebly
allowed to be overruled by
i his partner, but
sore over list
welcome. His talk of
ind excellence, him Gov.
Glenn spoke for about an hour, and
believe the time or is the latest stat . have
will o cur when ha on.
n ill be able to use Ins great talents, battleships, with
a total of and
gnus count if twenty
four inch, four eight
; faith,
of to principal No one appeared to the
. , , . . . ,,. it was in th pa-
thirty .,,.,;,, as
Observer. i ,,,,,.,
may he a g preyed upon, hut not. to the extent
of the Russian prompting him to
to the Virginia whereas being
tuba, and that the
it. t late.
. i
participated in what is
the trenches.
ht little
a great about o'clock Monday
. far visited morning spent the of
in I has
, a i
fl .,,,, u. , ,, ,,. ,,; , ,
b ,., Carolina the more his back, with o
, pg was farther off,
the and to get to
the night sitting in the hotel office
waiting for day, as even- room in
the town was filled early Sunday
the i towns There was ii large number of
withe . ids in, the more I those who could not get rooms, but
,. they had to further.
That the from states
did what tin were told I do, they
went to the fence but force of
circumstances were just such that in
doing duty the Carolina
troops had to approach nearer
enemy, that in making the .
North Carolina intended no dis-
no reflection on the be-
patriotism or glory and honor
convinced . wisdom of; were made as as tho of tho Virginia soldiers.
the board Greenville
circumstances would admit. Karly
Monday morning the little town was
sit the and after the crowd was
served to a splendid breakfast they
began moving out to old battle
th to do this
town. A i nuisance any-
Of all view to which men
bee me is
tho least. U is a rice easily
in youth am I hard to off in
manhood r old age.
it is Dot generally looked upon as
evil in that
It was known very soon that .
the evil that has of our
Craft, and it will tome
on you, too. if you done make res-
that ire near to
death tee clearer than the living,
and U yo . th it won't rest
In my grave unless you hunt up
Woman give her hack her own.
ling are evils, vet its ,, , ,, ,. .,
. If you lie to mo, I raft, if prom-
to do and fail, tell you
ins wit I pillows and
the ghostly tramp, threaten-
ed in i thousand louder
in the camp
something wrong it r him.
lie net him they said.
He was off his and
could do better marry s
pi . I toward
i hint i .
Hut did and, turn--
am tiling, the cabin
she a
i as . .
It was the . and
i it in bat
but i
the dead by Craft.
The mine was bit . as I hops
to he forgiven for my -bare n
No one ever-knew
Ii was Bill who came along
a- Craft rushed out into tho
And with the be a bullet
through bead.
As to tie money and the mine, of
course tho woman got both without,
legal but it as heir to.
her husband, net as Craft's
widow, put in her
influence is no less certain break-1
down character and sapping
physical and intellectual powers.
New York Tribune.
field some miles inland from
the railroad station. Mr. Fleming
Mr. Forbes and Hon. O. P.
of Winston, and went out together.
At old court near which
the terms of surrender were agreed
between Generals Lee and Grant,
we discharged the driver and joined
bis speech in a magnificent climax
he turned to Gov. and
they clasped and pledged the
everlasting friendship of both states.
Gen. W. P. Roberts, the youngest
General in Confederate army,
who made last cavalry charge
and captured last at
Appomattox, was present and spoke
eloquently of the fortitude, bravery
and forbearance of Confederate
soldiers. His tribute to the women
A plainsman named Jim
consented to scalped by the old
Apache chief Geronimo for the de-
of tho National Editorial
Association which meets in Kansas
City in June. That will truly be a
hair-raising spectacle for ya editors
that my footsteps shall haunt you
till iv . f your
He had simply to quiet
Willard and had no intention of
keeping that promise.
time the fever did
work, Willard was laid at
in the apology for o cemetery, Craft
seemed to he the only claimant for
his partner's earthly belongings, and
be availed himself of hit
While work one day in the
mine, now punning out in
there was a premature
Which who heard it believed
had ended Craft's career.
Vet amid the shower of bursting
rock which around him he
Poor Bachelor;
There's no u.-e talking, I'm going
to get said a bachelor to
a married acquaintance the other
day while busily engaged in sewing.
have worked just twenty
minutes by the watch trying to get
this needle threaded, and then, just
succeeded, pulled the thread
out. Finally I got it threaded, and
now, after sewing on this button fast
and strong, I find I've got it on
wrong side, and have my work oil
to do over
At he cabin Chi day;
Ax i- all
hit look
day got do table sot
meat turkey.
All brown
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
ITEMS. j tat i,.
wood earl A. G. Cox I., p, i Oil ill.
i or send
Some try meet cart A. O. Cox
in in . ,. i is the kind they
i hi quality and finish, n
I But undertake to do both. Miss Taker, of
i ,
C, April
Look Mr. and
th i
Spa seed at T
N. Go's.
Taylor and Car-
I from a
Tier Cross Road.
Dr. in- in
for at the
letter from a
,, firm t,. A. Cot Me.-.
Co. their baggies were
would to the
f wagons and cam that
II en Sin here.
Pitt County Oil Mill i now
having Cotton Seed, Th.-y pay
cash price or will
Change for meal. When yours
are ready write for prices.
W. Sun h,
a- line -d i
S II n
t up road
worry over that little lot
yon over v. lien
n t ginning
if farm lots. lie Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
A. O. hi
loads of different styles
shipped . ,, , . .
and prices are low, seed cotton in any quantity the
yon bad better and make your best market price paid every
elections moo. . is., , ,,,
, five Co. an
. , , .
i ., we were i , their , . , . ,
. , , , , v u as
and they had i
, o the el i it. fun
irk i -t being , , .
examine lien
nice I
pi id I timber
R mixed paint- and
i o.
art i. . f pants . i
All men tee.- at A.
Q, Cm Mfg.
of the r
for mine twos
it in easy reach of all lo-
have moved into my
the depot keep
hardware, Hayes
and repair ,,,.
ibis i up
B r in Hi
d B re.
b. i
k ii i i . . . , .
i ii i i v ii r. m n-
hill . . ; en e
mi h ii v. r
and e.-.
A f. w I beta the
area bit in arrears,
I the if
the h-t on nil the ail routes from
. . our In
ant ;,
. n it he bottom
Potts That Took Root and Bo-
growth of the I
a i last . ,.
Iv think of the wonderful
growth of r domestic
re it. ,
hi from a tree, thrust
in into .-. i i i i any
month every one of tho I
Will have will mil
have , a
of i . in
Male where II ,
i in height lo. d .- i
. i- n i
i . , ;
at , I hunt
i; other ;. ,
I Live r r ow.
I In- if
v. bi
Thor i
Will ii
Place y. ii
rush .
i i ;
. Hat now i
n i
void the
in more n-i c is
known tn on
of its ,
e for in. king r
ii is
r vii tin , , . . .
ii . I, . . I into
. d to Si
i it and Una i .-.-
saw a f
f Tues consisted of a row of
. I . I, . j, f ,,,.,.,
feel The r r
on the sick
Smith and lit
r i-.
iv r l town
I Jo
i b-i-s tow
. .,,.,. i.
e I . .; iii , . ,
We don
i .
i for t
i E
i- paper, c n i. -i-e me
j tip, m i. i, in
i I I , ;
arable in connection.
W L.
Smith, of was
L. Sunday.
A. Cox Mfg, Co.
heavy of cotton
and ground sowers.; A D.
yon need in that- T u .--
Jesse Greenville, w
The place to wire fence
yourself. I've got a good
for nil those who pay for a
id -i
i N. Co.
ti, an
e i
. . i
i mi I and ;.
.- iv, d our
i mill IT
in e , .
e. k of in,, t
. v lane
i II ,
i , .
. . i
line you had better order at once.
your feel like there
. . ,. m wire .
In Do they you , . .,.
., A. Cox Co. have u in.
tired on , ,. ,
lie a. d
tired on ii.
th, mattered and adhere
That denotes
should be rein
wearing eye glasses, It.
T. and carry a full of
and can tit your eyes
with proper lens.
C v
of was hi
wan or men to solicit
for stock in Pitt
For particulars enclose v
tamp, Winterville; K. C,
raise can
with the well known
v.- bundle T. Wood and
and millet
T. Cox and Bro.
Oscar of was
hen- Sunday.
with iron rail. U the
,, fence a.
Pittsburgh perfect also
in wire. Be to
get prices before buying
spring supply of
I repair Shoes and do good work.
Bring them me either at my
homo oral ho.
Henry Nelson.
Misses Evelyn and Battle
spent Saturday at
Mis home near
machines, and rakes
Barber call and
-i I hem.
At the drug we think
iii tattle silverware jewelry.
pants can get any style any
price at Harrington Barber
There will be in the
, , or
t tiny cheap good and save ,,, , , , , ,.
,, hen Sunday,
money, furniture a specialty. i r
, . i . r . i. is ii I i
A . ft , ., ,
r, . i- , w ., . IV. ti
A Mfg. Co. have
received a excellent
pool i-. nice. If la need
of i better call and see
, who has
bee Mrs, F. Smith,
left y for her home in
Black Liniment, spec,
recommended for the human
family, the for perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Car load of Flour, just in
Barber A
We are over stocked on spring
goods, juices way down at Ange .
B, and J. T. Smith, of
were here Monday and Tues-
it. ii , j such
for their they
can raise their own wheat and the
Winterville Mfg. Co h thoroughly
equipped tor making splendid
. is ti i let. .;.
for egg hunt Monday.
A watch free to Who will
buy a pair shoes at A. W. Ange
A Co long they last.
Corn, hay, r, suit, poultry
fencing ready mixed paints at
A. W. Ange Co.
For Plymouth Rock
Eggs, per dozen. Fob orders
filled as. fast as hens lay. H.
Jackson ville N. C.
black boar weigh-
from to pounds, murk
ed swallow fork in left ear, crop
and right em. Will
and inspect our line
i Barber .
The in tow-i to
Station is at store.
I In re i ire id .
traveling in. n here
Joe Manning is happiest
i in ville. It's a iii l
A. rt , Ange, who has been away
several days relatives
near t , , i in u l i a
Sarah Tin attended
Bethany Sunday.
Mr. Smith
It want to set pr-tty
see glass, it-
We have endeavored to i
our s, i gem
. Oxfords a i He
lad th. . ,,
Secure ; i beautiful line wit
their x I. ea-i ti.-
us a feeling of pride when
then, on customers, u i
Mm i- make the wearers
shoes proud a d because
the i-r comfort i
n d i-i
s in ; . imp it
will dressed,
Don't forger we carry
dies goods a trim-
If. I
was -o
I red how the trees
so, in Iv the
I .,, ;. ,,., ,. ,;,
i tin in and ml tin
I from ire. lo tree, e, i-
. i i n division r
owner of th . . ;.
din i in me how the tn ; ad
come to grow in so perfect .-. line.
ten year- a. . . i.
d to r.-i-. a bars wire fen,,,
a. the hue of my property lo
. from
i IV
I dawn i lot ii -n ,,, .
the. i I,.
I . id el
at base, and sawed the
Off II, HI . . St .;,
et long. Tin.
into e ground in the row you
av. and attached oar barb re lo
them. Inside of .-. every
Make I hi to sprout,
tin n i in- fence stakes bate
grown into
i no
plea and char
It is i ;
appealed to in . I
The soil of Se ,
W h th o.
s., ,, , ,
by makers,
will h sh i
i i b it
Bill this .
.-. I v in i.
th-y stick to Hi
;., us.
v and
oil as
ii -tore
until worn out.
The Raise .
Mr. Leo Knott, in high o
much annoyed by
. for
In e morning a pretty young
man asked to be pres-
before him.
have to see she
, smiled, an increase of
people worry me to
I exclaimed Knott. frowning
up her he suddenly bunt
with, wish to goodness you were
a man
She smiled him even more
are the very m n,
sin- has ever d
It i- hardly necessary to add that
she received her reappointment and
rise in
NEW Hats Coming In Every Week.
No old to -elect Ail the
newest goods ire uric very low
t in
i. TS a
Very stylish
r I i .
T f
to oil
store mines
A great reduction in prices. I anyone get up for inc.
I t
Hamburg, and
mens fancy hoes lie,
work Kay's ready
made clothing percent,
ladies slippers for yard
wide homespun for All are
invited to come and see the great
reduction at A. W. Ange Co.
N. C.
Tucker, near
S .
In re ii in . . Paris
named Wallace who still
in the cradle he was rocked
in when a baby, and he never
slept one flit of n- long in
any other bed, I of a
of his
place the cradle as ho pros older,
tie soon too tall to lie in it
full length, he overcame this
difficulty by drawing hi up-
ward. II .
reel hi. el h
of the . o and
fro and himself lo . as be
did when a small hoy. The habit
was formed in babyhood and never
Youth terms
Winterville, are
Landlady But consider the
. pot into eon-
n the sub-
. .
la half
I inn a I
name ind ad-
J. B. Williams, new, sir.
dine, is v siting at G. It. W
s a cemetery right opposite. I
tobacco, groceries, dry goods don't call that very cheerful.
come to us-we've and are yes, sir. Reflect
them every day. and it will
It. G. Chapman Co to think that
you re not there.
n. i
Tito fell
I ; . .
. , misplace,
i . . . . ii
. II j. ed me your.
that I may satisfy
a ti ,
am a dire, tor in the royal
Wei ht and . I
great I , p m
tire i- not
by law, so that, Iii . our
in legally ml I,
you to a fin So Please
give me mi
,.,.,. dress will not properly We
have the right km , , by high makers,
and sold the right pries
C B a la ,,., ,. , .
are in style and
I SB and I up to
That Mohair i for admits no
dispute bum Lairs in Blue. Brown
Gray, White dot el an I Black, inches wide
Mixed blue and brown and white, inches wide,
It is always c,. ,, fir t pick of a
newest , tinted
.- in frock ism ms.
I e- i, v
h French
Se Tc
who . to
a or
of your family. do i serve tea
with The acid hardens
Tea should not .
lobsters or i of shell
. n properly made ten
doc com i . amount
of this
on f-i
effects, plain and with h knots
sheer The the most
. en, .
R . Th black so much for
. ;., .- , . pr
. ., -w he-
yards IS
choose in I. i.
, s nice
about dozen from.
White canvas for Misses and all
, New Oxfords, ion-
Kola In kid, styles, BO Patent leather and in Bin
The ,,,,.,, ;,,, , ,.,,, H
Myles end
in. Be, ., for
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

. r. T.
How He Quieted o Panicky
At Hill.
On It, 1- of
.;. were l I
i ilk.
aid sup L
, , A brilliant
I rd l
. In line, per
. ,; .,,;.
I o i prepared tor
t ,,. . on ii d
and i
j I, p v i hero
and In look a seal among
i the
. i came
. i
r the
d, acre I p
sod and
I. i
. . I i n ii
. Pin rented,
,, , , . in
He was in doubt. He didn't know
whether he should be or pleas-
ed, and a great deal depended upon
were sitting on the sofa to-
once, when the
seemed to drag a he
,. you think rather close
. . ,
which to n who
Sh mid ha U
to get a to r, or
I he I at beta termed
Boy Was.
I been in her I
i .; i a v. -i side mother
in In i
Nome, i sun the
dogged n ply.
. n ;. can tell by your
have in
j . all scratch i up.
You must . ,
ain't no story. .
wasn't in it, I
burg w.
i. i
I .
v V,. i r. by
, . . i Y I to tIn
. t, pro
II . , , . Hi
i , carried i to eve
,,. ,.; at i throng
mob became n
a Comet
man was
, . . i his
vi I and his people
,,,,. . rely to the other aide,
but i . . d In- host re
. .; i , And Pharaoh
lift. up eves and -aw
Handing safely on the other Fide,
and he cried and said, Oh,
gale let on
he v.- ring him. And he
tried again and mid,
And turned
at hint and said, I
think T n yon
Scottish American.
famous remedy
which it
Is unable Io Color
Itself, even but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
Ir, the SKy comes
, the of health
y to the weak and
troubles and
k Plenty to Select From Yet
will have tor dinner,
said Mr-. to In
husband as he for the of-
. ,.
make own
he replied, giving her
, fond
will. , ,
George, dear, bad
pork Monday, lamb Tuesday
and beef la.-t
can't invent some
more animals It's hard to
I choose from three.
His Ancestor.
Were your men of
note , .
Mr. madam, i
should o. One of them was the
most admiral of Ins day and
commanded the allied of the
world. ,
Mi--. Parvenu altered tone
of ii Mr.
j mil Noah, madam.
Tho Plant- of
laughing plant produce
black, seeds, small
h. when dried p red, in-
to The per-
supplies the natural
Juices digestion an J
does the work the
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, white
the muscles
and membranes
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence.
of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the
sch and digestive organs.
Ci Tee.
trial else. ace.
For Sale By
D. W.
And Provisions ,
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
floods kept -on-
in aft ck. Country
Produce old
in tin drug
C. T.
Greenville, N. C
ghoul like f madman
fr an hour, when
exhausted and into a deathlike
which often several
and l lb i;
awful state of nervous
Hi Wouldn't Tell.
I n i
r ; i ii out of mi that you i re
wearing false hair. My
A on the principle of
Be. For there
the Privy Councilor Mullet-.
worn hair tor the
twelve months, and I have never
breathed it to a living soul.
Succulent Bamboo.
To know bamboo only as a
cane of varying thickness and
an we
know it, i- not by any
to its limitations. As an
of food, fur instance, it an
entire its native heath
and at an early stage in its growth.
It is boiled briefly, like tender a-
and I
cream after the manner
of that succulent vegetable.
North Carol i n a.
A Maw HI-
from an
v .-. ,
W it i
. .;
from to
acre, i
ital and
I I l I
I r
nevi r i
i i
also I
quests a
few i u I i
for a
Beat em
M c. i B e
v. ;.
turn mall
Hem We ere Id partnership
with it, N. V., has had it
Mi. D. contra.
bough is gallons i
Thai it's worth, an
far a mm
than common paint. About hall
the i Bun ere painted
De-voe; the other half will be, as
a i hey need
and will ye it -nine way, A
woo ready
F. Co.
P. S. sells our
. . .
. a-
About Your Stomach.
is hail vital
organs of your are not led
and they should i-
They grow weak and invite
and all
You forget u have a
from the y you
it. This is because ii get u
rest and gradually
grows strong and healthy
it troubles you n more. IS, L
have taken a great many
remedies for bill have
nothing equal to
what you eat, indigestion
Dyspepsia, sour
log, Inn ii and all stomach
preparation is
result of many years of research.
Bold by J L. Woolen.
Dress Goods
Dress Goods
Value a Dollar
Borne one there are three ways
to learn the value of a dollar. The
first is earn it, and what you
gave for it. The second is to spend
it, see what y. m get for it And
third to keep it, and yearn for all
buy if you were
enough to buy
Ladies White Goods, Laces, Embroideries. These goods are-
new No shop worn or old stuff, but recollect they are the same goods of
Sour Stomach
by other merchants at to cent, more
When he quantity of food taken
is too large or the quality too rich,
stomach is likely to follow,
and especially so it the digestion I
bus been weakened by yards Embroidery,
Bat slowly and not too freely M
Of easily food. .
the Let five
boon between meals.
when yon feel a fullness and weight
in the region of the after
eating, take Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets and the Ladies Collars, Up to Date, worth
sour may lie avoided.
For Male by Store,
Greenville. t
Swiss, quality, our price,
I tie
A Tried and True Friend,
Silk Finish Lace Hose or value,
One Minute Cough Cure contains .,,,.,. . . ., . . , ., i .
drug, Styles In Mens Time merchants
price our price
and it has curing Coughs,
Colds, Croup Whooping Cough
so long it has proven itself to
be a tried and true friend to the
many who line it. Mrs. Gertrude
E. tier, Marion,
and so weak-
me that I run down weight
from to Alter try-
of remedies- lo
avail, One Minute Cure en
cured Sold by Jno. L.
Won a Name of Fame.
Little Early the
famous pill, have made
by their certain yet
less gentle upon the
bowels and liver. They have no
etc. They not weaken the
or make you
Once always preferred.
They strengthen, Bold by L.
The Name is DeWitt.
Witch Easel Salve
and beats cots, burns
piles all
bad while i bail that
e hone
II Salt ; cured II i
most wonderful salve in
the win Id. of .
Bold by J, i. u u
No . a
i on Tea. I Hi
i , . . . ii
V, ;
Bummer Undershirts and wits, worth
a garment, Baster price,
Full Bleached, taped arm and Vest.
PEARL BUTTONS, all kind, pure white,
quality, , dot
POWDER, everywhere
only l to customer,
Yards Sea island Percale,
i-. a Brand New
Goods. Nothing never before hap
paned in Greenville. Merchants
standing d
Pin 2.1 our .
w m all to a
Gowns, th
. . L
Sacrificing the High Grade Stock
just as the season opens. The
son is U- needs
The Cash
Don't wait. Cut in the push and be the
to get these
Petticoats, worth BO to this
ached Table Linen, price,
A, r.
I. Ladies fine Easter clippers,
I el off. They are
Lock for Banner
Look far Banner
Sale I d Door Bank of G

of Nat-
an.-. Philippe.
luring I
i . This
i i
lieu I
. I
. will
i have
. I
enough to bar
. The do
p head like the
, . .
fr extend to you a
i ii . . ,
. .,
cling near the
of I , ,.
I , I and young ladies
Victoria. The
. from
,,, of I near lbs
, sifter of the
Mm Mi of
I ,. I ad her complex-
ion sunburned, easily
I ago of eighty for the
i. Louis double,
a Italian named
the Cape. I have some-
where b letter dictated by tho
i to and
to me, in which bis
the first lira
w , king he exclaimed,
an ii e of and
is eyes from follow-
him for n whole evening.
we have the false
themselves ml as king
Portugal, who believed to have
been in a battle with the
Moor in Mr. Miss
nth. hi-l century
the legend in a novel, line
-hi, those who held Sebastian to
only and hunt-
,,.,. . Philip of Spain, who
I ,,. false
, . , the
v,,,,. i . thin her
I i avoided
one I. d known
i., i Truth.
H. Beat the Conductor, but
. city, -i w
, and
to throw
I in
I i . i
ting go of ere
myself that I
had overlooked anything.
th. we found I
rain had Bet in boarded
I, m I sent her inside
the platform with
a other. Along came
conductor, and when heard
him I -la.-. Horror
, in.- had been so intent
upon I forgot-
ten to put a cent my pocket
when my clothes. I wast
tone broke. There she
on. of explaining with a
crowd between us, or I might have
borrowed from her -r jumped off
th, car. edged away from the.
conductor as long possible, when
suddenly th re an inspiration.
Tapping the conductor on tho
about my you give
,, something to change in-
I gave you a quarter
to the of and lady
He a mo-
me cent.
was saved, and yon can
remembered that and
bunted him ii day. I told
him whole story
ad him fully. He enjoyed It more
than I did when Hie
which it
Is to do
even but
slightly disordered
or overburdened-
supplies natural
Juices digestion and i
does work of the
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It tuns
palpitation of heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach is by
cleans-g. purifying i
tho glands,
and digestive organs.
a Comet
n the sky cornea
tho star health
curing all
s t o r h
tin Tm.
l-00 n i n
tho SOU
f B, C. ti,
For Sale By
n to
L u
n were
Think hardly so pretty.
Things to
Every Bay
lie Mad For Ho
Could .; Ba
in ii-H-s
. . , in n
i i,. . i
mil a very
, , ,. . . i
I i i . i . . . of it
in ,,,, examination,
I but k an unwary man in-
i i ; day
, . , r Ii an old farmer named
. ,,. the opposite Bide,
the I old
, In- claim that j
j . , , i,,,,;. h win believed ,
he could read u little, and Tun-
I i in trap
i v which old neatly
i ii the changed
i . away front
Suddenly ho
. .
. you a in your homo,
-ii. u family Bible. Had
ii for i
, . in In ll
,. m
II hie, I
-N i . . I i ii i
, ii I man
n. About
,, in iii-
, Thai
i i
Ur. , .;
Think it. Sun-
day Easter Are
How about Suit
Hal right How
are your I etc
Come in op OUT
now Spring Things
for Easier
If you're
ii will pay to
hero tor n p
Here are only
Ii, sh a
among our
M h 14th. M
i in
I Coin
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Noted From An
Unpleasant Situation a Call to the
l i . p II
Rev mi , c u I
G . wall ii n
i id
h. life.
Mi a
em ate to
h delivered lecture at
B . k. i
s ill, a
home Dot
Ali. aim th u
lie .
sooner were two in
e I to i ii
locking the door
key thereto pocket, awl
has to to
D. i ban, Ala., ti i
to lake you ate ti
the ceremony. Thu are
Which we will to i-
a .
here, f yen don't to
i I meal
A tin ii
Annual Meeting Stack He
i hf
. . held In
The company paid n
t. which v ea
vi iv abort crop a re-
in ii k i a
have ire ii
uh that
the House of Thought to Been By
ii inS
r, alter the had retire . It. M. a
h man in lie county and
I, Brown, on n who Buffered a
Mis- Vi
and lier little Bert, aged
ii, room
on floor. fertilizer, a
n Iced the quantity of material
My got closed Mr. the lire
tin king ii of ii at -i i in a stick of fodder near
the time. V Ii. the --1- the a high wind
wider i . before, blowing at the time ii
; to . ii- spread rapidly among the buildings
lam . in had a narrow
i s urea e-cape and w by hard
-In her work.
sin- . that i i and he only
in on -i
Mr. Blown the Mr. is con-
up to the Are originated limn
e I.-. In his arms to from an engine on the rail-
April 1908
fin Kansas City.
Fleming came boon
Wednesday evening from
Gardner and little
returned evening from
i .
inn ill i
. lull till
. -s
he r i an
J , .
men ii
i In
. In
r in- . I o
the .-
if hi y will
n and
w Ii
I, s ii after-
i Mi.-. The occurred about
troy a pack
lions.-, barn, stables, shelters,
smoke house, a of corn, fodder, Hamilton.
M. of n,. u
evening to
brother, B. Fit
Mr. aid Mrs. II. A. White
children this morning
to visit relatives.
e in
I i. i ox i .
. from
.- Taylor,
log I i-s Mn ill.
i. and Mrs. It, left
tin- warning a visit to Wilson.
Brown returned Friday
from tho hi i n mar-
Mi. and Mrs. J. . m left
i ti i n i ling to v -ii
Mrs. D. Gardner and
returned Friday evening from
Mrs. A. Brads and little Mies
Maud returned
from Clinton.
Miss Annie .
Hill, arrived this to vi-it a A. M baa moved
Misses Myrtle Lillie Wilson. lick in her old home on the corner
Third Is.
Mi- Bettie Fleming, who
been visiting Mrs. Ma Z T. daughter.
went mom- e, left for
. Neck to friend-.
in charge, n. is
other business in nor
that will equal ii as a money maker
The company was in
and it has already
paid dividends on the
original .-lock. This, in the
most energetic
Owing to the Increased business
combined of secretary
C. B. who has
quiet her Mia-El lie told him road. The is about
n seen ii man n o. v,, is m a here the here for sometime supervising the
but he at j the freight water works,
thought might have been had just passed when of left morning for
u n mid at a discovered burning on Prof. J. H. of Greens-
dream. This direct to windward of
While Mr. Brown was trying from the railroad and a fence here
her, Dr Ki mil, who net on lira at I he same time at a arranging to open a branch school.
occupies a room first floor, point nearer the railroad. Mia Fleming taken
heard a sound like one This morning about sunrise a
the of the back colored T. O. Moore,
He drove up Mr.
J. T. Smith and wife, of Bethel,
n been letting I
of W. Smith, lo-
V. York baa J i toe
P, house o i
of street where lie
on ;
knock the or and informed
Mr. Jone that he was. which baa his room, He
th telephone. II Jr., to the and in with a load to help him
be to leave the room. r,,. time to man catch on the roof much on his loss, an which
He followed the dept, treasurer were of the dining room disappear Mr. says he
however, by Mr. n, win. w. H Hail, Jr. elected over ii. The man evidently very highly.
arrested there by
Pay n.
Windham, h i bus
inmate an insane
Detective auditor ad K. J. elected detection if be came
treasurer. O. L. porch, therefore he
been ,
Mr. and Mrs. Who have
this morning I been living in the Cherry house,
In Baltimore undergo I have moved to the home of their
tor appendicitis. daughter, Mis. W. R. Smith,
was by her brother, who was
Fleming, Dr. Brown merchant in Greenville and
and Miss Moore. We Bin- away eighteen years
trust the operation will be visit, lie is well
and hope her health j by many our
will soon be pie and they are glad t fee
been three limes divorced
from tile woman he wishes to wed
The o i w
II by between the porch the dining Meeting Open in Washington
men who mi laud t be i
woman to wen , .,.,,.,
again, held a barracks
as ii -n en ms
room, went from the roof
; i Ions.
Was Kenneth Drowned
of the
With Ceremony.
North Carolina Industries
Thai North Carolina Is rapidly
expanding along industrial lines
Will In-seen from the to lowing
lumber and
Orchard company; wood
railway and light company.
supply my.
Rutherford ton Lumber com-
opening the
A i the opening the rs
of society . a visit to the
Academy at Annapolis,
Washington, April JO.-The
kitchen, then on to the roof of
milk from which he jumped
to the and made bis escape,
I, F. II ;,,,,. , e
City, were in Raleigh .
and wen asked u , . ,
elite bad been as lo . . .
he had gone UM door j B WM ,,.,,.,,, ,.
of the children's room through the , ,,;.,,,,. H ,,,,
of appreciation, with the names of
opinion that the young boy WM and this went, who
stolen away, but was am at the recent gun
the many swamp, competition. Inscribed on the
.,,.,. show id some one had been
in .
I on It, which Indicated j The be continued
F. A. went to Edwards
Mi-s Johnson left
for v-ii to K I wards.
Harry Skinner returned from
Raleigh Thursday.
II. A. White
He is now engaged in
business in New York.
a hereabouts of
Beasley, or if he
little Kenneth
is kidnapped.
which he lust seen. Many
plait's in these swamps me
emus, unit it is very p they
aid, that Kenneth had lost
the mini had entered
e in
Greensboro Thursday
Rev. F. i. returned
Thursday e from Raleigh.
Mrs. C. O. returner;
from Suffolk Thursday evening.
Miss is visiting
Misses Carrie and Maggie Brown.
possibly, and bud fallen Into
s stream or hole, and was
d row lied N and
sometime earlier before the doors
were fastened, and bad waited in
this room for family to retire.
to. low.
In the met hod church
i Wednesday afternoon
Mi. P. Loftin, of
mid Miss
i i were married by Rev
Mr. Greening.
The attendants were Mr. Wall
with Miss V.
with Miss Bessie Spier,
M. with Miss
Felix with Kath-
en Woolen, Felix with
wedding march was played
Primary at Tarboro.
Tarboro, N. , April
A College Blazes primary the Domination
Nashville, April candidates
Two convicts escaped from the
I April one a while
Convicted of and the
a serving a term for
V. J. Lee, who has been
a few days here, hit for Mrs. J. C.
this morning. After the ceremony tin
Mr-, f. Laughinghouse
and little daughter, Helen, went
to evening.
M s- Minnie Win
evening train for
will be in Charleston
held from
for offices was.
ti ;
All.-brook retired
housebreaking. The information who has been visiting
of the two Miss Carrie Brown, left Thursday-
he Mrs. J. of Danville,
but mi details wen- sou, T.
. lea and building of
fuel t was gutted by lire today,
cotton The Are originated m the second some time ago and j with the report, returned home this
company story of the building from a predecessor, Junes Pender, Luting the manner of their escape. ,
A high wind without opposition. An animated I Raleigh News and Observer. , . ,
Cut Face. I and a Tew light is in the office of F. of Henderson,
It is believed general
John V. Cotton will be defeated
by Flunk P. Pulley, one of hi
This morning some bile
blowing and a few
boys structure was a mass of flames.
playing together on Twelfth
street South Greenville. A
came along and picked a
fuss with Smith, a sou of
L. K. Smith, and cut Caspar
across one side of face.
general alarm was turned and
every engine In the city responded.
On account of Inadequate water
supply the firemen experienced
much fighting the
fire. The loss is placed at
Retailing Without License. building and furnishings. The
A case of selling whiskey with-1 operation of the will not
out license, from township, be with.
was tried here today before
D. Quite a mini
of witnesses and others inter-
came up to trial.
annual meeting of the
Association will be held in Char
and at the
hotel. Over one
representative publishers ate
expected and the sessions will be
interesting and pleasant, Char-
committees, composed of
members council, emu-
Fire in a Convent. Home Telephone Co., here j club and local new-paper
The little have to the
Montreal. April Ti
J. X. Hart, Ii. F. Tyson, Tom
a delightful time, the pro
by a good majority, village of St. Genevieve is in .,.,. . .,.,
Only a moderate vote was polled. Looming tonight over the loss of Duke and J. F. King went to Tar- T T ,
. . , . , , . . of Palms, the Navy
lives lire winch this morning to take in the , ,
, . . , ha gardens a reception and
strayed the convent St.
Bishop Watson Dead.
Wilmington, N. C, April 21-
early today. One nun, nine
in age from
Right Key. Alfred to years, and four old women Thursday for
C. B. Harris, who has been en
gaged here on the water works
son, bishop of the Protestant perished in the flames.
church of the East Caro-
Diocese, died at bis home in
surprised if something else is heard
from him before many suns roll
Sermon to Odd Fellows.
Quiet Week.
This has been a very quiet week
in Not many people have
come in from the county, possibly
because they expected to come to
court next week.
Cards are out for the
of Miss Emma Green-
ville, Mr. J. L, Hooker, of Scot-
land Neck, on
His Eye On
Deputy S. I. Dudley I this city at p. m. today after
keeps out a good eye for vagrants of nearly two years fol-
and can spot I hem as far as a stroke of paralysis,
next man. You need not be at all
Lightning Burns a School.
Fayetteville, N. April
The large graded school building
hill, was struck by
here for a few days with
brother, s.
this morning.
The end came peacefully after a
, , lightning during a rain storm this
period of unconsciousness of several , . , ,
,, evening and burned. It was a
He was years old. ,, , . I
J I mile beyond city fire limits day.
Fire at Hamilton.
About noon today the dwelling
house of Mrs. Annie Hooker, at
H. who has been destroyed by lire,
the building and contents being a
total loss. The fire originated
from a stove lino in the kitchen.
The store of Baker and
some other houses caught from the
building but were put out without
Saturday, April
G. A. Clark went to Tarboro to-
I and could not he saved.
Reports say that truck
On Sunday April 30th, at around New Bern were damaged A insurance company is to
o'clock p. Rev. N. M. Watson, j about fifty percent by the be organized in Durham,
of Wilmington, will preach a Ber-j freeze. Around Wilmington the
to the Odd Fellows lodges j estimates run from sixteen to sixty The knitting mill at Washington
of Greenville Ayden. I I hag sold.
H. J. Hester, of Wilson, is in
W. L. Hall to Scotland
Neck this
E. went to Oak
City this morning.
damage of consequence.
Early Closing.
We have heard no discussion
yet early closing of the
stores tins season. They usually
begin closing early about the first
of May,

Eastern reflector, 21 April 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 21, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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