Eastern reflector, 18 April 1905

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O. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Best Section of Extern
By J. M, Correspondent
St. Lou a Daily World and Indus-
trial Syndicate
Lawn Farm-
N. C.
enterprising business city of
Greenville, that i located on the
bank of the commonly known
as Tar river, the capital
the banner agricultural county of
the as it in
from ocean lo ocean mil
from Canada no Cuba for bright
golden tobacco, taking pi
ever exhibited
We boarded one of trains
the treat Atlantic Line for
This system gridirons
Eastern with it many
branches leading to any habitable
point that the tourists, commercial
messengers, and
investors may desire to visit with-
in the limits of the old North state
and Carolina.
After crossing the Tar river at
the tourist, and es-
the agriculturist, become
interested in the features
of the him lies
broad fields of many acres of fer-
tile, level land, where can be seen
the plowman at handles and
other laborers engaged in firm
work preparing for the
seed, on the other hand can be
seen thousands of woodland acre-,
not yet touched by the woodman's
and saw. But are
of enterprising lumber
men left to show that he has been
there. As we pass alone this line
of stumps I hat row
stand, where the lull forest
pines reached their lofty tons
towards the and gathered the
sighing through their gm n
the story enterprise,
the trees have been cut and con-
Into commercial lumber.
When Is reached a
change of can is made for Tarboro
and Farmville. A short stop is
made at this plane to trains
for other points. When the con-
gives signal fol leaving,
a smile pleasure over
each passenger's face much as
to say thou
art absent but still
From h-re start for Tarboro,
passing over a fine country, with
many Inducements for settlers
investors. From old town,
Tarboro, the head of navigation on
the Tar river, we start for the new
town of Farmville on a branch
road, which has its beginning here
and ending at Farmville,
through what has long been known
us the finest farming
and Pitt counties. Al-
though the road has not been in
operation abort time tin re
are many evidence developing to
show what gnat advantages are to
be gained the people by con-
baa opened flue
count for agricultural and Indus-
trial pursuits.
A gentleman in Iowa wrote me
the other day asking what was the
best Section of North Carolina to
ale where he could raise
garden market, lie
aid be wanted land enough
eight families and not more lean
lores to the tract. They mi
lo I rail a I water it i-
POI lie . I .
win c i ii ed gt i
people In the Northwest to I
g i
II o
Mil. Ill Bald he I I I.
into a section s.
l i, i to n n III
i-111 i N
I, i i
tin tune till it . i.
nth, by
c i
, Lou .
Highly Respected Citizen Passed Away.
Mr. n i died I
home about three miles from
Greenville tin- morning
three k. Mr. i
retired a- u-t. lust night, and
was rang i g in bed ill
and died in a
deceased was a good
a highly respected u.
He was tin active of h
Free Will Baptist church, -.-
a man of high Christian r.
He was about live years
and leaves a wife, ad three grown
son-, ad of w live el
The funeral will take place
morrow afternoon but the
sent time we me unable to And mil
the interment will be.
Some o the Work of the Commissioners.
Ii his no; proceedings
of the last meeting of the hoard of
county commissioners c mid he had
for publication earlier than now,
At a meeting of the executive
committee of the Confederate
veteran-- association of
Story of a Check.
About I years ago Mr.
W. l proprietor of tin
Hotel cashed a cheek for a
stranger who w i- visiting in
The cheek was deposited in a
local by Mr. who was
surprised several days to
that the in the north
on which the cheek a as drawn,
had returned the with
information stamped on the bank
or words to that
Mr took the matter In R
philosophical manner
posted i . eh in eon
plan at his hotel, and waited.
yesterday Mr. learn d
that i be i inker of the ch k, win
had not been seen b, him sine
paper v.;, n i
Mr. I.
counter In hotel ;.
c a i; . ii-
to see Magistrate ma n.
The es
lo the u l Irate, tin
picked and
for tin
who chi ck.
Mi. It .
and apparently
Magistrate i ed
your inn Said tin
the w closed.
Colored Man Drowned.
Thursday night Ben Banks and
Reeves, both colored, went
down to Bed Banks, two miles be-
low town, skimming for shad.
had caught several and were
striking for another when their
-kill filled With water. Beeves
jumped out of the and
ashore, Banks could not swim
and was drowned. The body bad
not been recovered last
Bank Officers.
At the meeting of the
stockholders of the Greenville
Banking A Co., L. I. Mono
It. J, were re-elected
and en respectively.
I, Bpi r was. .
i I, C. I promo lo
. T .
to the clerical for h
it keeper.
j a
and as it Is late only the moat P in the office of
Important mailers are given. j w- L- April
A election was ordered i was appointed
May 6th In a district of of s funds
Farmville township on qua- for dinner on May
taxation W to L A. A. J.
R. I. was appointed
and Richard J.
N. judges to hold the
A special election was also order
and R. W. King. Col.
he had invited
B. I Tillman, of South
Carolina, to the veterans
on that occasion A big crowd
ed on May 9th in Hie Barney's X bi expected on that
Roads Swift Greek town-
the town and county will come up
liberally and help to make Ibis
an occasion long to be remembered
the question of extending
the stock law boundaries. W.
R was appointed registrar and
j. W. Gannon ad J. W. Kirk-
the lives of those who staked
man judges to hold this election. rights and
Joseph Rosa, A. and omen.
J. D. Cox were appointed , Senator to be
stock law on that day, a man
all know to in- Southern to the
W. L. Brown was appointed
cotton for Greenville and
J. A. Harrington for Ayden.
The following were appointed
to takers for the
D. Smith.
M. Jones.
G. Nobles.
C. Gannon.
H. Smith
K. Barrett,
M. T. Spear.
Swift II
N April II,
Mi-- Annie White arrived Mon-
day to visit Mi. and Mrs. Skinner.
I. II. Cower came in
Mr, Mi. W. J. Manning
pen I I'm-day as guest
I Mr. and Mrs. C. i. Brown.
K. Barnhill spent Tuesday in
; d P.
i in. Skinner returned
day from Washington.
Miss Parker left
I y an extended visit to Tar-
Mrs. C. II. Ross, of Charleston,
Wednesday for Tarboro.
and Mrs. J. E. gave
a house party Thursday evening
complimentary to Miss Annie
White, of Greenville, Those par
dance were as fol-
lows; Eli Rodgers with Miss
Annie White, Barnhill with
Miss Alum Jenkins, C. Williams
with Miss Mary Taylor,
Miss Pearl Jenkins, J W.
Jenkins with Miss Minnie White-1
K. Barker with Miss
Corey, B. Jenkins with Miss
All Have Them.
every town contains per-
who it seems, would rather pall
down than up. And they do
not b top at way Hurraying thorn
helpful to the town, but they go
and to do what
c . i Bonn I h
. are never m I ti j ;.; to
fellow i long, bill
j-1 hough I to
Such are
lo -1 the
in live.
core, people may expect some-
thing of coming out to hear,
and to their tastes. Senator Till-
has been before the public
many years and has fought
many hard battles the cause
the Smith since the war, in all
the bitter conflicts bus never come
out second best in any contest.
His course in the Senate of the
States has been open at d
well u inlet stood, and his pitch
folk has mo-t weapon
against those who trend upon the
sacredness of Southern rights.
We hope l be people will not wall
tor the e to see them, but
will bring and send their means,
turkeys, hams and any
edibles can make the
old soldiers happy The time is
I and hope the spirit
that has always
itself in our people, will be
manifest In their i
in j ear i May
A. J. Griffin, i
R, W. Kim.
Joins the Company of Road Builders.
evening Sheriff
lipped another able bodied band
, to Ayden to under Guard
I Joe who keeps a
j t eye over the road gang.
I This now recruit was Will
a gentleman of color who had been
banging too long around
ville without visible means of sup
I port. Joyner was taken before
i an interview. The sized
hi in up and concluded that it
would good for Will's health
and healthy for the the
community If be muscled out a
shovel on the roads awhile,
A Correction.
Ayden, N. c, April
naturally presume it was a mis-
take, not Intended, on
of the Winterville correspondent
to the New-, and hut the
Mrs. I'd wards would
be carried to ii i
Mrs. Ed . .
Ayden and her hit n Mr.
Is l
mid most
Be Ii.--i a me lien
and h is been .
. W e v. ere I
e I when
Will Have to Answer Charges in Superior
C. had
j complaint before I tins morn-
that stumped him the lime
, and put him back to
W. P. Edwards w is ti c c m
be wanted a warrant
against Jordan Davis, colored,
inhabitant of New Town.
had lately been an-
the family of L.
in South Greenville, by prowling
the windows peeping
through the blinds. One Mi-.
Smith thrown i pen the b .
and frightened the intruder off.
Mr. who is a in-
law Mrs. Smith, was told what
was going on and once made up
but mind somebody
day night he went to Smith
home hut did not tell anyone his
plans, alter sit ting awhile with
the family left tin house. He did
not leave I he however,
but secreted a
e to do me watching,
The was long. A i u
soon calm- along, slipped iii to I In
I window and peeped in a i
ires. I lie inn passed, then
and back lo
the and peeped in again
He repeated again w u Ml
stepped out of Ills hi
I place ind grabbed him. i-
turned over to an officer and
gave bis appearance i-
through looking up the law he
warrant containing three
and I duct.
it the hi i
hi .- ; mi
. He gal e in tie
of tied was i ea-i d.
I tor.
. net . ;. ii . most
Glen i I'm i , A pi L It it.
fin- guests were received in
hall by Miss Helen K-i- who
; delicious In the
of the II vice-
I, M .
literary program
f afternoon was an instructive
paper on Low Wallace, the author
read by Miss Lizzie
Jones. An interesting feature of
the club proceedings was lead-
of items of by each
Mis Tyson added greatly
to the pleasure of the by
la voting ii- with a vocal solo.
The visitors present were Mrs,
Burl and Mrs. Pill chard,
Misses Neal Connor, Coal-
Taylor, Tyson and Blow.
Refreshments were served after
which the club adjourned to meet
and social
April 1906,
I. P. II.; left this morning
B. A. Greene
eon We evening.
Mrs J. W. Brown went to
n Wednesday
Chas. Skinner returned from a
trip up the road Wednesday.
B K. and I. A.
left this morning for Tarboro.
M. R Lang, who
has lie ii here a few days, left
Mrs. i Hoover, of Henderson,
emu ii, Wednesday evening to,
v -it lo i daughter, Mis. A.
Fib y, April
It. J. went up the road
in i i g
I. A Sugg Thursday
T i
II. B. returned morn-
Mrs. J. returned this
morning from
W. C. left Thursday
Rev. J. A
this from
F. ii. James went down the road
Thursday evening returned
tins morning.
Mr. nod Mrs. J. M. Moon- left
Tbilisi la; evening to spend some
Mrs i L. Buck, of Ayden, who
visiting Mrs.
the .
n the assistant
d Moore, who is spend-
i at Seven Springs.
. . Freeman and
Pa., arrived
to make their home
here. Freeman will take
the box factory of the
lite Lumber Veneer Co.
April 1805,
left Friday evening
for i ii d,
Mi-- Bills Cos went to
r. A. Askew went to Kinston
C C. King returned Friday eve-
from Blackstone, Va.
Mrs A. Brady and little Miss
Maud Hooker this
fur Clinton.
Mi Mile Estelle Greene, of
is visiting Miss Mary
Shell hi ii.
Mi-. B. West child, who
hive la-en visiting her mother,
Mrs, N. K. Anderson, left this
morn for Goldsboro,
A rev I of I
I b I el i us
a bill I
I i ma
N. C. April
W. s, spent
let noon In town,
i ml
I to ml
near here,
i i
V. ;
Hi song and lance.

April and
C. T.
One f the stories John Bur-
roughs, the aged naturalist, loves
loll has to do with a friend of his
named Orr. On Mr.
Burroughs to be m the
town where Mr. Orr live. Meeting
him in the street, Mr. Burroughs
insisted hi friend
him to the h tel for lunch-
As they were M Bur-
i if his was
1.1 any ; i
said the naturalist,
ought have a i
kind, add-
said i.; Ci have
quite o lion. I am
Conic home with ate,
and I'll show ll i m to u.
As e
six line, healthy children, playing on
the lawn, ran to meet father.
-l,. aid Mr. Orr, with
twinkle in hi eve.
of orchids. grant
Jumbo's Toddy.
Hamilton this story of
the I i T. with whom
. .- ;. for many years.
; ii real in his declining
. was advised by his physicians
abstain from all spirituous liq-
. Ho became a upon the
.; of total abstinence,
to many upon this
A who had heard
hit lecture afterward mot him one
at his home in Bridgeport.
do you preach total
to she asked,
ii ii is well Known that yon
low your trainers to feed Jumbo
four gallons of a day and ten
n ;,
thought of said Sir.
Barnum, and he almost ran to the
tel phone, calling up the winter
quarters of the show, and in his
squeaky voice gave the order,
Jumbo no more tobacco or
day he got the following
message from the
build a padded cell for Jumbo and
solid down a once
bromide. He's got D. on ac-
count of T. T. and got the de-
that he is performing in Ken-
Jumbo got his regular four gal-
after that.
Cur For the
An girl said to
her dearest beloved, who was going
to be pone two months. It
was a painful ordeal, for with floods,
fever- railroad accidents and other
women there was no telling
would ever see him again.
She sobbed till the sound of nut
footsteps bad died away, when, feel-
that she needed something to
sustain her. she went out to we-
box mid ate plate of ham,
three pieces of fried chi ken, nail
a cake and a piece of blackberry pie
and drank three ginger
ale. Then she upstairs, slept
well happy
to him a letter
was wretched without
this time the controversy had
the stage of
won the baby is fret-
and ex-
I claimed Mrs. Ferguson shrilly.
;,, she does, madam,
an ; . does. But she inherit
Greenville, N. C
Equal to the Occasion.
Ii was a small theater a small
town. The piece opened with a
scene, t the conclusion of
which scene shifter was puzzle
how to let down v cloth, as a
cottage on the stage obstructed the
Hut the gentleman
came lo the re-. walking
boldly on,
stormy night, and my poor.
humble cottage i- sadly dilapidated.
I must even lake it in and repair
the action l the word,
he off with the
It Happened B- s Boomerang. X
It was at Cambridge, and a II
ton girl was Irving not overwhelm
, b young woman from the ,
a historic she was
earing, as she toyed Inly with her
BO very dear to me.
; v-live year- ago my great- ,
was graduated
Miss Lac,
don't take much interest in an
I like this
much, to tell the truth,
sec, I've been brought
UP on a Harvard
E an minor nun in
rather tired of
In a
pears an am I old in the i
. vi good
. for he i- ah am I lift
.;, D in . i was I l-
ii.- in I I Suites.
The ha by
barber a id noticed the ex-
bluntness of the razor.
said the barber,
blunt, I was out last
night arid the
A Library.
There is a library
ably unique in the world. It is J
in timber, printed on timber
i, possibly from wood blocks,
and deals exclusively with timber, j
The library in question the
which was compiled more
than a century ago by Karl
mid is composed of about BOO
volumes made from trees in the park
Could of
Say, Fred, old boy, I'm
looking for some friend who will
lend me Come, now, you
be of assistance
you ever so
it's going to rain, and if
you'll stop over to my office I'll lend
you one of your umbrellas so you
won't get wet you're
your looks. ,.
her heart, so she noes.
his wife, catching the baby in
her arms and crooning over the
cherub. dear, I lake it all
T n. manlike, he went out and
gloated over this, as if he had won
Z vie ion by superior
Chi ago Tribune.
Ar. Apology-
excited military looking pen-
n en red the editorial
tum i afternoon,
i notice of my death is false,
I will horsewhip yon within an
inch your life, sir, if you don't
apologize in next issue.
editor inserted the following
next extremely regret to
announce the paragraph which
Mated that Major Blazer was dead u
without Tel-
By Way of a Hint.
The man who reads other people's
literature and forgets to return it
happened to find bis friend busy
with paste and
said the caller.
to keen a are
was the unsmiling reply.
lb ink I'll manage to keep it. No-
bode ever wants to borrow scrap
books, yon
He Was All Right
An elder, when asked
how the kirk got along,
well, we Ii rs. Then
we bad a division, and there were
only left, then a disruption and
only of ii- left. Then we had a
trial, and now there is only
me and ma brother Duncan
I great of Duncan's
D. W.
I And Provisions
j Cotton Bagging and
i Ties always on hand
I j Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
j North Carolina.
I A subscriber to Southern I
t I I
from an I la In
I Ti to . r
men Ii j . . fin H
B wrote i
no , . . .
. m DO to I'M hi
. and i u
;. and all II w I
A 1906.
Mrs. eh
spent Tuesday in
Miss Mary Anderson left Sain day
for her home near I
Hiss returned
home Saturday. She was
Died by Miss Annie
Jerome and Oscar
Arden Manning quite ill with
pneumonia. His many friends hope
him a speedy recovery.
Miss Mary Worthington attended
the teacher's meet in t; Saturday.
Ina Johnson, of Ayden, was
S. A Frost, II. J. Corbitt and
Jack Weed, of Ayden, was in this
vicinity Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. and Mr.
of spent
Tuesday night at
Mr. ind Mrs. C. H. Langston
spent Saturday afternoon in
E H. Braxton and daughters.
Misses Julia and Dollie, spent Fri-
day in
J. A. of Farmville, passed
through Monday afternoon
Miss Clara was in the
neighborhood Sunday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs spent
Saturday and Sunday near Grimes
forget About Your Stomach
If year digestion is bad vital
ins of your body me not fed
as they should
grow weak invite
Iv Cine
dig--is what yon eat, cures
and nil troubles.
Yin yon have a
very day begin
it. is it ;,
re-l p and
grows so hi rung and
it troubles you no wore. K. L
taken a great many
remedies for but .
what you eat, indigestion.
log, heal bum all
trouble.- Us preparation i- the
result veins of research.
Bold by I. Wooten.
. .
Dress Goods
Dress Goods
Clothing, Ladies White Goods, Laces, Embroideries. These goods are-
nothing lo e
I new No shop worn or old stuff, recollect arc same goods of
by other merchants a to pr cent, more
l . . .
in yards l-a
Collides With Boat on the River. e
is lightly j
disabled and not make
up Hie river Alien
on her return trip Collars, Up to Dale, worth
to Washington,
Mayo's boat in the
bend known banks.
The narrow I
ed i place and the current
strong, the I boats collided.
Sill; Finish foe Ladies
wood work on the gas j Styles in Noel; Time merchants
boat was torn and the Myers
was so damaged the bow price our price
to necessitate lay for repairs.
A Ti and True Friend,
One Minute Cure Drawers, worth
mi an of any drug,
and it has been curing a garment, Easter price,
Colds, Croup and Whooping
M long that has proven itself I
be tried and true friend to the
many who use it. Mrs. Gertrude Bleached, taped arm and neck Vest,
E. Minion, ,
tiling and straining so weak-
me that I rim weight
from US to
lug of remedies to no
avail, One Cure en Quality
cured Sold by L.
PEARL all kind, pure white,
Striped Dotted . i our price,
i- of I New
s. Nothing p
in Greenville.
Alien H's, by price
all to goat
i worth price
Sacrificing the High Grade Stock
just as the season opens. The
son is plain. He needs
Ladies White Petticoats, worth to this
j week
POWDER, everywhere
only box to in
r I Sen Island Pen
Won a Name of Fame.
Little Early
famous .-, lave been made
famous by their certain bin u
less action upon
bowels mil liver. They have no
equal fur pi . ,
etc. They do not we Hie .
st III . or ii.
sic. i re ii-. i
Tin i ii ; S
lame is I
i i
b .-, .
ii . .
V. . . .
I .
I .
Bold by J, . i i
Don't wail. Get in the push and be the first
to fret these
Bleached Table Linen, Easter price,
A P.
L Ladies line Easter Slippers, worth
. off. They are

Here is another case of a United
States soldier marrying
, . . man. He a private at
Point, and was a favorite
o much been . . ., ti,
and done and convince
with both officers and men. The
Entered in the port office at Grew lite, K C, as second class matter,
rates made I I applies,
Pot on
. Richmond News leader
r I lb. South when he returned
the ad gr a-
, egg , i 1905 than was
tn his
refused to
I i j years when the fairies
used their power there lived a
man named r. He
end not without wit,
in to
m is. 1905
m ho com- r X
I Ivy
him socially. Further but the poor fellow had one
than that, the men declined to at- tune. He never succeeded when he
the new bridegroom went out hunting, and yet he ob-
persisted bunting all
What was a rare thing among
n people at that time,
allowed I i sent lie
. not notice
v it. Ky
necessity of saying more- And yet
, ,. ,., of such vast
s i with weal or
material I beg , ,
permission the North Carolina
farmers to appeal to
to stand together ,,,, , where-
except in the me.
h. t Orleans convention. The men demanding that
I has been stated time and again , t be
of -and this .,., , . ,
the email. a brags more ,. will End some
not only per pound, but out of the service.
I record breaking crop
may an exception to this rule
-advance, or even remain at
But if the govern-
with a I ;
wolf for ten
ad for
t lie
images, but
recovering it
will k.
nun report in show
die great n I material reduction of acreage,
I straighten sent prices cannot be maintained
, m -There are many estimates, differ-
, . . , widely of amount America
. world look , . . . .
cotton needed for the world a supply.
.,,. what seems to be a
S to a
I ii.-. d
res to a . in-.
r, . railway Suites and Canada,
, ,, ,,.,. Japan and Mexico,
ii tract tor . ,
. t , bales, total consumption,
of American cotton
, . m a branch .,,. b.
number of girls
among others, have sot their email
feet down against the i and
have adopted a that touch t
never touch pi it-
form. So far. it has set them back
many plates of ice but up to
going to press, they were still hold-
Tobacco W The
fiat is that no boy in their set may
smoke cigarette II their
least ,
. me i
id the
v ms, Via. Hie will between
, c dollars
to Ste- by spinners, surplus
. , . n the
one one-half millions still re
mains w d unless
; it can be protected by the executive
committee of the Cotton
n Still this one and a
. i a and
find it the boy i- longer in
their set In b tale case, it i- re-
ported as having come rather hard
for the but they declare
will carry it to a n-
Tobacco Journal.
,., Bank, of I million bales, carried over i
war in the N , next wan. crop, if that crop U
it looked a ;.,. exquisite
illustrations of Norfolk in
the n j also of the Nor-
folk today, together with
next year's crop, if that crop is a
large one, will utterly
prices If o g report
Dr L. on Thurs
day form.
f Virginia
amid ate ii
shall how an
crop, we may expect this panic
and no power on earth can
pretty home Ins own, the
. .- ,,,,,, ,,,,,.
solve the problem by issuing the a ,
gift of ii generous lord
had saved. It was made up of I
beside a little pool full of
. u few of land and a moor,
where doubtless there -as of
under the broom and the
briers. Thia moorland was the tor-
of the poor man's life. It was
in vain that he set out at the break
,. bis rifle on Ids arm and his
dog, at his heels, to beat
the bushel until evening.
Slid bare-slipped away between his
fin ,. while partridges and the
flew before him with-
out hurrying, as if they knew his ill
There ii no need lo say that the
people of the village laughed loudly
when they met with hi-
game sack and lowering
oars. But when he came home
unfortunate hunter even
the country called this -the
because, they said, those mys-
beings held council there.
An idea suddenly entered his mind,
he cried a loud
of the briers, have pity
a wretched man Help me to kill
tomorrow the six hare.- and the
twelve partridges which will permit
me to m. home.
seemed to him that a voice of
crystal mingled with the murmur
of the spring and repeated
hares and twelve par-
yes; nothing but that, ho
answered. shall owe you more
than life
A beautiful flame, brilliant a- I
diamond, escaped from the summit
of the rock, which became dark and
gray once more.
is the fairy who has gone
thought full of hope,
and he turned over and slept again.
The next day when the sun had
arisen he was afraid be bad simply
dreamed, but scarcely had he load-
ed his rule to begin the hunt when
from even point of the moorland
there came toward him in crowds
rabbits, partridges, pheasants,
and Soon the little open
space in the midst of which tho
rock rose was so filled that
had scarcely room to stand.
Crazy with joy, he began firing
into of animals. Every
one of his brought down Too
or pieces of game. But
who bad never seen such luck, shot
. no never seen
His wife, Paul- tiring himself until
. . n
out u lie her II
on .
It ; y
April I--- writer
became I f
I ill rest in the pa-
per prior date
descriptions of both. The Mer- prevent it. The factors now
Dank, by the way, a ones, as I sea
, its present prices, are
,, , . ,. v ,,,. resolutions to reduce acreage
Urn ,,, ,.,.
financial the present
is taking rank with the beat Ii he farmers have never been in
a ago such an independent position for
capital during cotton acreage. Plant corn,
, ion cow peas, make for-
up nearly . , .
, . age for sale, let the land be
an glad its rapid J
growth and splendid thing, to prevent such unwieldy cot-
tun surplus It will be better I
individual w II be better
The tobacco planter's association
is the fa. t
ii has succeeded iii curtailing
the new crop What would like
to know is. how do they know- ii will
I e curtailed. is one thing to
-I taking the past as a
criterion, whenever tins been
undertaken, somehow when tie
crop in there is very little
a worse reception.
overwhelmed him with her re-
Usually bore it all with
grace and was only bent the
more going hunting.
However, one evening ho came
ha.-k in a had humor
spent in vain his whole provision of morning was hardly long
lie found at the cottage enough for him to carry away his
I . although the poor donkey
was the only living being near him.
He left the brave dog guard his
treasure and ran home out of
are he cried to Paul-
. mo our donkey, with
his cousin William, who was wait-
him with all his mates to
ask him t his wedding. After
hack and forth each time with
r load. When William and
.- a .
first compliments Paulette brought came into the yard Lo-
nit a jug which put every l,., , finishing the unloading of
one in a good humor. lost At the of
while w.-re drinking each
. pannier.
this great heap of the mis-
smiles which had on
It appears that die farmers think
have lo have so much money
and if they cannot get for
cotton they will of five
to bring the I
ed Durham Herald.
Ii is
ting e more developed than for the farmers at large
fa Last remind as I in man He hears
I make this appeal with the
deep conviction, and
i me
the s ., th indicate other block ton
i lire alarm, cam's the
ii they indicate some other block
Toga will M that in he losses not belong
, , t in the fire and again I
, his work. A Calcutta
to she i.
th. lead a Di
family was awn Ii m home
a com put an organ
in th, Iii is. a the husband
. . .
out i i
sound I
pro i
obstacle in the way
the tells 10.000 united action is the
I their lives in a th. farmer, themselves that
they not all bold Ii
the town of I individual farmer w
the whole body will lake care
The man who will de-lib
X. April
Mr. Booker, of Norfolk,
Mr. Pritchard, of Hamilton, was
in town this week.
Mrs. Pitman and little daughter,
Kinston, who have been visiting
Mrs I. K. Kicks, returned home
Mrs. Early, of Lewiston,
Mrs. Ii. week.
. . s. .
health, present you their lips changed to open mouthed
me lo make you for your mar- stood there,
. . their arm- hanging down, looking
in- cousin red each other and not knowing what
I'm not hard to please.
I mo a f. w fine pie of aim beside hind II joy,
for the wedding breakfast. That bands and hushed with
for a I inter like heart, lie fell hap-
Tl is displeased a king when Ins friends,
quite angry he saw recovering from their astonishment,
or . So, striking the a their warmest
heavy blow with Ins list, he said. he hares were so line,
you b if wish I I partridges so fat, the pheasants and
to trouble I ,.,.,. , state
hum of nil feeling of the
. . . . . i . i. i .-.,
. . it, an their hands.
man. who was much amused n surprise The little
dwellers of tho moorland all jumped
at In I dwellers an
retorted their feet at once.
to run, the partridge- and the
the r, carried
self after two days I
do not bring six and
Iv. partridges shot with own
hand will give you my house and
they all cried. And
voting men came one after an-
other to take the .-pen hand of Lo-
a sign of the agreement.
Tl all away.
Paulette laughed no longer. Al for six and twelve partridges,
soon as William and his You have without mercy all
ions had disappeared she filled the these poor guests of my moorland.
give them hack their life and leave
other birds lo fly, in every direction
and in such confusion that the wit-
of the scene knew not what
become of them. At tho
game had all disappeared, and tho
voice of crystal, which had
heard, pronounced these
remember that
the rock you asked only
that the population of
; loss , are to
. o.
reads f this fellow, in and. while they
human life ore striving for the nun
. lie advance hi. ill
. . Vet a seek to take oh
I his cup
y pi
cling s i
i ii v, and a I
pat in i . ban Land to writ-
inn m law.
The optician landed in jail and the
colored doctor bound over lo
Superior court.
i the cause
fell i I.
is not worth i to n
this i in till
I appeal t the fa i to
. . . their cotton i
east r I i
,. their crop.
turn soon to their old home m Sea
Mrs. John who ha
been . i slow
Mrs. I- U,
Calhoun Friday in
with Mrs Harper.
wretched and loud. But finally, seeing me
answered sharply, though poor
et heart be trembled, asking him- ,.,,,. forward with outstretched
how he should get this
plight. he said, give you
. no . j
With the morning he forth, ,.,, k word. Our was only
if by his Pa mid. a of us would ti .
who said plainly in tho i ,., from a bravo I
logs, we go again to n tour Jut let me add a co
. . . . to the om you have already
the bulls eye bell a
The windy, hot air.
ling of
u,.; i in hard luck don't count
for much in this world and will not
to any ice in die
i Time-.
c to diversify their
Such a policy will bring a d. of
prosperity to the State such as baa
not been known since the war.
of Agriculture
The r I nay's results show must never promise to
S S been with j the was do what is
ii with fur or bad
the inly Lumber Co.
for several will to
Love all kinds of freaks
sometimes. Al Winston a license
was issued for marriage of a
51-year-old boy and a 1-1-year-old
woman Tho affair interrupted
before the could be per-
formed. The youth was very much
his and
offered a policeman to help him
get married.
look whether in
Him to Sleep.
Tired his playthings
Wen be see creep,
lie climb kiss his
Sing him sleep
Den it is he always
her a heap,
her arms
Sing him sleep
is full
Home's de place keep
Wen de
Sing him sleep
Atlanta Constitution.
On the scaffold they usually an-
that they are going straight
to heaven, hut we have come across
n exception in the case of a man
who MM hanged in Pennsylvania, a
few days ago. He mad. He
said that certain had sworn
his life away, he prayed the
not to take him to
heaven, but let him return to earth
in the shape of a so that he
could make these men miserable day
and night, until they If his
enemies are at all superstitious it is
likely that they will spend many an
uncomfortable hour in
of a visit from the
Sour Stomach
When the quantity of food taken
is too large or the quality too rich,
sour stomach is likely to follow,
and especially so if digestion
has been weakened by
Eat slowly and not too freely
of easily digested food. Masticate
I lie food thoroughly. Let live
hours elapse between meals, and
when you feel a fullness weight
in of the- after
eating, take
Liver Tablets and the
sour stomach may lie
For sale by Drug Store,
William, to yourself
been touched by tho Lo- ,,, , u you, my friends, an-
He did no dare go back to have Wen an
the house, where nothing awaited and a vain man. shall
but the complaints and r- probably be all my life long the
preaches of Paulette. clumsiest hunter of the country, but
pr he said j know a way of getting good
dog as shared with him tho today you may hunt
of his bread, think on ground. shall U
shall have t get used to poverty. .,,.,; -ah your luck as if it were
Tomorrow shall certainly have lost m
I he property which I risked so fool-
When he had finished his frugal
j .
Strange to say, from the
when showed himself so gen-
and simple in acknowledging
meal tho fresh water of a spring was wrong he had good
bubbling nil from a gray rock allow- in hunting, lie seldom went
ed him to refresh himself. Then he . through the moorland In the com-
Stretched himself out sadly on tho v f without
where sleep did not delay a well filled game bag.
Philadelphia Press,
Cleanse your system of all
month. Now is the
time to take Kooky
Mountain Tea. It will keep
well all summer. Tea
or Wooten Drug Store.
finding him.
It near midnight when the
hunter awakened with a start. He
wok stupefied at the sight before
him. In the midst of deep dark-
for the moon did not
that night, the rock had grown
luminous, while the water of the
Spring, sometimes some-
times rove learned to
with and rubies.
renumbered that the old men of
Something Jut as Good.
Justice of the Pi Now, little
you are about to take oath.
you know what an oath is
Little Susie on-
but maw says them ain't for
folks. But I kin say what
maw said time she scalded
foot if you wants mo
more American.
This department is in A. D. Johnston, , o rep
resent the Easter . Reflector in territory.
C . April
op Mr. Cooper and ask him
about prices of anything that n
arc la.
peanuts for seed at T
N. M
Mr. Met and
. were to
om town Friday,
went the M i
mi t.
A. ; Cox
. . hi
,,.,. ml
an ;.
i , ,
Ml Go's factory one re
V. ,, J cash price or will ex
it is the ,,,,
do there. The plainer
merry tune a-
lumber was smoothed.
were making a lot
of and we Dover saw
Some try to meet
in prices. A I
quality and
But none i do both. worry little lot
A K. , , . lei when
I hit-
day ii he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
c County Oil Mill is . . j,, quantity the
ohm k s. . . .-. , t, . .
r i spent
for meal. When years Sn day with Guy Taylor,
re .; for prices. I i- a p c My u go -d-
A. G. in. two car that It. G. Co.
m different kinds, Two lath-
were busy doing beautiful tin.
worn Hand ripsaws,
were all In the- .
A. lei batch of were i
on bodies
book desks. An-
other man a as merrily paint,
the In the blank smith
as . g
doing there. While Calvin I
or Hour, In-is the
miller we know. Walk in
an. look around, get in
the the men are busy.
;. y Dr.
for the drug
Cobb, of Mallard.-.
Boa Is, was here He
by Misses ;
lie Taylor and Carrie
of the W. H. s.
We were shown a letter from a
Virginia Arm to A, G.
Co., that their buggies were I
the best buggies shipped j
r, m
fence and their prices are
. better and make
i .- i-i- i inn rood
Mrs. Joe Smith received a
usage s day
ii on icing the her n . ,
ii Baker, near Greenville
We carry samples over live
d e. Wall . r.
re prepared to y u a-
as the Come sod
x e before buy a.,
ii x Bro.
Colic and K ,
he combination kidney m
o- and a .
at the SI ore.
Mia, Will
in Greenville shopping.
. Co.
pi .- t be bottom.
I. f Go,
. s. . His, ti i-iii- an
c ,
ti.-; I.
. Dun
o a
those lb i
. and
. of Ii. sac
. id
I ,
i a tin
l av. I he -on of
fill lira . .
or . to procure.
Other f .
I . d ham-
. . I i .
v. inter rs, on h I
feed during waking intervals in the , Boys Von . ,
H. ,
St Of I'M
to be d
n .
i ii
a- n t; com.
d-ii ii I
ii now and
Relative to Clothing
ion i so n d i r so
. i-i , ii . ii.- of tho
ex y ii
.- however, yet
. dry good fr, toads among . .
we've and are and tho west African Inn, i
if th in every day. . among fishes, which apparently mi-
ll Cm Co- my up a
of food during their period tor-
i . . . stock
i s I in and g
hi d and
of ladies goods
batiste, weal her proof, batiste in
P. all the designs,
The are invited
that will en, e iii I
to aid inspect our
coughs, Barber Co
Miss Guy who The best place in to buy
I visiting her uncle, J. H. is at
I lei Friday for Ayden, Keep your warm and
A few I avoid colds,
I are ii bit doctors bills, by buying your
If the and I shoes at Chapman Go's
I yon to see the th, f,,,,,, j ,,,,. ,,. w, . ,
of all our reasonable prices,
and am prepared to give J. It. Smith, of Ayden, was here
for I be paper. and me Wednesday
yesterday and had pay up, make me happy, make A watch free to all Who will
nice lot of work being coo, happy, get buy a pair shoes u A. W Ange
and their timber got a good
Ready paints and fr
A. W. Do.
Large assortment of pants
shoes. All men Stock at A.
W. Ange and Co.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. expect
which in tho case of all of
them is unusually prolonged.
for instance, n. re-
main torpid throughout tho
months, while the African lung
the whole of the dry season
i seal. up a n --i
formed by tho caked dried mud
fiver bed. In
en-, . tho fa- must accordingly be
u. II
n .
i i n
s . .
, i in-
h as goal us
.-. r ii- -i .
y ill
-i I . in ; . i
s I
V.-- lit Mid km . ,
i-i us, our store
of Serge ill ;
I fur seas hi
HI iii an I Checks at
prolonged of a severe type. anted by the makers.
i News.
number of wagons and carts that
is and sold by A. G.
Cox Co., but In
Who Was Punctilious.
I small town
ml a r nor a
lender i- lion I in the
eh than in .
to a story ml I i,. n ,
formerly a
of that village.
Tho worst offender, she was.-,
. village know as
c i i until
it'll and suit is
NEW Hats Coming In Every Week.
hats or i. select from All the
a.-. here. very low
P tip think i i is
to reduce the ice of
for the
i it is in easy reach of all
Frank Carroll, of Black Jack,
was here Friday,
have moved into i
new store the depot. I keep
a good line Of hardware. Have a
black smith and and repair shop,
and livery stable in connection,
W. L.
Thy A. G. Cox Co. are I
heavy shipments of cotton I
year advance.
A. ii. Johnston.
Miss return-
ed from a visit to Ayden.
The place lo get wire fence
A. G. Cox Co. hive a
lot the American fence Bud
Pittsburgh perfect fence, also
staples bard wire. Be sure lo
prices before buying
your spring supply of fence.
Sarah Barker I. Baton
to spend sometime with Miss Car
lie House, near hill.
I repair Shoes and do good
Bung to me either at my
homo or at buggy shop.
Henry Nelson.
machines I rakes by
SO she i.
ii she p
; ions in the I
v. sic borrowed,
. d lo lie a .- In i.-; a
fancy to on one and in duo
and ready mixed paints at time one of Aunt Sally's young
nieces I to return
of the borrowed dainty,
the child said the
housewife who had made the loan.
Sally you a nutmeg lo
for one you lent her. She's
I .-. piece one
plain.-,, and ground A Co. call and
Should yon need In that
line you had better once.
your feel like there
in Hem Do pain you
and tired on reading Do
become matter d and adhere
while asleep; denotes
paired vision and should he rein
wearing eye glasses.
T. . , a lull line
see I hem.
A i the drug store there we
the most cm I e
in table d j .
, was
here Friday.
hunters or p I
e iii gel t;
price b v .
R i
spectacles and fit a,,
with the proper lees.
Hisses Nannie House and Sadie
Carroll left Friday to visit Miss,
There is no why Pitt Co.
nay to visit
i high prices their Hour, they
can raise own wheat and the
or men to solicit
orders for nursery stock in Pitt
county, For particulars enclose
stamp. Box N. C.
Farmers who raise their hay can
be supplied with the well known
We handle T. W. Wood and
Sods and millet
T. Cox and Bro.
Holier of Ayden, was
here Friday.
The door with rails is the
place to buy cheap goods and save;
money. Furniture a specialty.
Mfg. Co. is thoroughly
equipped making splendid
Mi-a Abrams, of Green-
ville, arrived on Friday's train to
spend a few days with her sister,
Mes Joe Smith.
White's Black Liniment, spec.
tally recommended for tho human
family, line for perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous com
For sale by
B. T. Bro.
Co Watch how long they last.
pay for a I Com, hay. oats, lime, salt, poultry
W. Ann Co.
el. for your body
shoes for your feet, for your
and food for stomach we are
For Bock
Bugs, per Fob orders
ed fast i- the hens lay.
Jackson X. V.
blank hoar weigh-
fro ii i pounds,
id .-. allow m ear,
i in right
j i gel inn for no
J. W. near
N. C.
Jim Moore, I. ii, stopped
. a -I, i
A in prices.
I ,
. I lie, met.
l . i . . . r
clothing j, pen
I . tippers for 1.5 i,
f, i All
hi i
,. u.
milliner, hi- the
most fashionable hue
eve- brought to
Her back hats and M
ate lovely. Her notions am I
as belts, Collars and lace-,
hamburgs, ready made shirt waist,
corset ribbons and etc., are
unsurpassed in quality and puce
All are invited call and
convinced. Sarah
It you want to a pretty
see cm glass, its
and ii
wasn't hi
Her Apology.
English magazine asked
men to ti II what was their r-
a. Among tho r- a
of coarse If only
what long, rt i n
This n in mo of u I o
I I lei a i i,
and -r. one day
by meeting on street, she
was hurrying along to reach i
i id's ho it she
vi. hi
of i ha
I r start u id
i cream i to
nil . . I .
A. W. Ange ft Co. Car load of Flour, just in
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have I Barber A Co.
just received a lot of We are over stocked on spring
poultry fence. If you are la need goods, prices way down at Ange
of any you better call and see it. Co.
hap-, you don't realize
many pain poison-, originate ii
food, but some day you may
feel a twinge dyspepsia, a ill
convince you, Dr. King's Was
Life Pills are guaranteed to
all sickness due to poisons of
food or money back. Sac
at J. L. drug store. Try
o . . .
in .
ed with
. v Mrs. II, ; . ii
lid, i I.
f. How, I . tear him
IS, -1 7-. us
Very U u
l Our own
If it- i-1
u-2 on to Ki
st Style Corsets.
If r i v r
have th right kind, i i . .
and sold the right
The C ii Spirit
i i st in
On, ii,, lo
vi I iii properly
by high s
the R and G for
and qualities,
Plain tn
i ii.
f-b c for spring, admits no
c M hairs in Brown,
an ;, inches
inches wide,
ill id ii.
ll i.-
H ll
W i
p col es ill d
I- and w
iI colors, I i ,
. I i . .
from tin
.-. need Bo
were you,
and you said if e didn't make
haste wouldn't get here until
l Harold,
i melt,
i . . ml .
BO .
ion; quite ll
Ai lorn on
earth arc , .
Artist's i
of course.
Impressionist Artist Gracious,
man. isn't my
i pick of a season's
i a and i
p i is,
. u.-b
i n Mi H
BOo. Bilk, W I.
i, he i
an, while.
in i used so much for
New lace bi . nil.
, and
may i-l. . I, I, and
I., iii em Be
about to choose i i
White Oxfords . Misses and children, all
sizes, New Oxfords, Black
in kid, S styles, Patent lent her tans in Bin
, here Have a friend
you would like to remember by sending them an
Easter card. are and
lie, and
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

fallow Many People You
This popular remedy never tails U
N. C.
Jean Reach Without f Dyspepsia. S
leaving your own of f ice e
is I
Headache, Biliousness
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The Miami result Is
and wild Dow art-
No Substitute.
no; K
i f
Can Ye
Homo v.
in n i
no I
i u
, o , ,. , , or par-
U It . . ,.,
s . town i
. nod
the Hoe cu
street, line
. . , . . ., me east it.
, . ., el east an
, known
the William an oM
. . . . -on It
Stock In
Undivided Profit i
expense Paid 8,88.8
subject to check
Cashier's out-
North Carolina, I
the bank, .,.,
L, James L. ens. , f knowledge
the statement above is true
belief . i,,.,.
sworn to before j. ANDREWS,
me day March, G. MO YE.
Notary Public, j Directors
with said William
;,. ;, a Hooker's line
New Spring Goods
then g, V
The- d n.-.,. in our
U U will see
not lack a
Jr useful i
Of Co .
s ., b- bought,
, our of style ore
h anti rill w try to
,.,. , bus mt w
,;.,. . s
. . in
,;,,, county,
In see ill
It I lie Winner
,;,,, Pitt
. , .,. us n vi
in ., , ii you will
s, iii new
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is no, line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a century-
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you UM the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We that you v. favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can Rive you Special Prices.
Bake a
Pulley Bowen,
NEW if N
M the Old Si
i in
H in N-
v. I of
the in
. , ail lie stuns
i . e
I ,
I out Rt; .
. . i i- i
F. .
bet- On i
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, Horse
Steel Plows, Cutters and
fact anything
in Hardware come to
J. J.
School Books
If You
an E
We've Go
Ml Kinds Of-
II Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
. ,,,. ., Tin Victor Look .,
he Safe has never been Burglarized.
J. L. SUGG, Agent.
and by just
you want in way we furnish
; nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles, iv Anything you Want in the Grocery Department.
B t fruits. Candies, Nub, can be had at I .
. pa-1 t
. . . T . i . . i In,. n
; . i .
. Oil
, ,
, it. , . lie it,
, , ., ., .
i i ma i
. I .
.- to
, . n ,,, . ; . . v., .
, to III , within
, ,, III
. ,, , in
i K.
n B
. iv
, i , the s i- V in of
. . .,., . . to all
. . , i ares
and an in .
be lead
. I .
our store.
We carry a large supply the Best
e ,; sh Grocers.
I Austin Nichols, Hi- best wee,,.
rolls, and all on
ever.- day.
V lo n-c,
U nun
v i .
f , ii, on all .
.,. ii. i , . . I
A- fin I ,
. i
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
AYDEN, N. C. ,
N. April 1305.
and we lake
p-eat pleasure in receiving sub-
receipts for
those arrears. We have a
all receive their mail ill
rift office. We also take
for job
When you a nice,
pole, my for your buggy or
Call on us and make a
election. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. X, C.
Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
If need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin
lo see us, Hart
examine our line of
high grade buggies. Von can lie
easily of the superiority
f material and
Ayden Milling Co.
B. B. A will do all they
can to please you with
new line of heavy and fancy
We are lot
light neat Harness,
Ayden Hilling ft Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C
received, line line of
and can lit you up in any style
or price
Ayden Milling ft Mfg Co.
Owing to unavoidable
the remains of Mrs.
Edwards did not arrive here
Wednesday evening. The body
was conveyed at once lo the elegant
residence her husband, Mr.
J. where it lay in state
until noon the following day.
Then by a host of
relatives and friends she was cur-
to the family burial ground
laid to That Mrs.
Edwards was a woman of unusual
qualities, possessing traits of
Character lovable and attractive,
that she was blessed with the
faculty of making friends
and hear.- was fully
attested by the attendance and
tender sympathy manifested at the
last sad administered in her
honor on yesterday. We do
haw to draw on our Imagination
in the high
regard and esteem in which she
was held by all so fortunate as to
s her friendship, was
a home. by
the luxuries of life, the love
led husband, the affection of
dutiful children, the
i- and earnest respect
friend acquaintance. was
Indeed lovely We
hall miss her, bin bow much
more so those dearer
A h home bus been
it pi to
row friends are for
the. , but the consolation of
the i sit in d i-
parable, e can but
believe is to her
i and we bow in humble
sub , knows
i only those whom
He . e In
and et may draw
and all for the
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at K. K. Co's.
are re-
daily groceries and
confectioneries tight from the
manufacture for
the trade, that are simply the
Smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
We have full line of
shoes for ladies. Every
pair guaranteed.
J. J. Co.
are offering good values for
the money in shoes, hats, caps,
rags mattings, tables and
floor oil cloth. Caution
A large outfit
improved tools with which to do
our work. Satisfaction
teed. M. B. Tripp a Bro.
Don't fail to see Cannon Ty-
J son's new both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
Come to see us when you wan
to buy Independent
we handle Trust
goods, A
I'm can peaches, s, con.
tomatoes, fee, imply to B. K.
For quietude and blissful peace
us He next suitable
place for the meeting the teach
institute the beautiful village
of Frog Level, Provided always
the suggestion meets approval
of the monopoly and the combine.
Now we have plenty the
will sell them as cheap
ii- any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg, Co.
N C.
The ladies say that Cannon
Tyson have the prettiest line
dress in town,
Notice you warn
your i .; i m nice and
in order you might
better prices for it, bring n t. the
Ayden Milling A Ayden,
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be limn ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg.
den, N. C.
Work will commence on the
second block of new brick stores
next Monday,
Cannon Tyson are displaying
the most up to date line of
ever brought lo this market.
Co lo B. K. Co's new
market beef, fresh meals, sate
sage, and fresh
A high grade, smart
well made durable buggy can be
in any style any C-mo at
the Ayden Milling
We continue to build
buggies tie. for we do not
set apace we cannot
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N.
M. B. Tripp ft Bro. make horse
I shoeing and specialty.
The lour recruits from Green-
shady streets hi rived safely
Monday eve are now doing;
valiant in the interest i
of and their country, i
So far so good, but there are more.
For guano sowers see M. B. I
Tripp The best.
Carlos that Harrison j
Town and Country paints
colors are by far the best goods
that he ever used and that it
knocked out several other leading
brands in a lest at Greenville last
Bummer. This paint is sold by J.
IR. Smith Bro.
Something new in Ayden J. It
Bro,, have bought a whole
car loud of cooking and heating
stoves, and you can get your
Thai medicine called
Sure Cute R, Si ill t ft Bro.
Is the thing ever tried
in my Indigestion and
sour stomach. J. T. Smith, Jr.
Mis. J. W. Brow i. Greenville,
bus been here in attendance on j
the funeral of Mrs.
Simple guano distributors, Cox
Cotton planters and repairs at J. B.
Smith ft Bro.
Cotton king cultivators, Gopher
plows extra blades J. It.
ft Bro.
Old man what makes you always
go to It. Smith ft Bro., to do
your I can
always get any thing I from
the boys.
Last Monday night the lumber
mill of Jr., near
was destroyed by tire.
We could learn particulars.
That rook sail at J. B. Smith
Bro., is the best thing I can get
for my stock. They only eat what
they of it at a time.
Anyone wishing to hare their
gardens or of
any kind will do well to see W.
C. J. C.
I do know that J. Smith
Bro., have the prettiest and
cent calico and ginghams town.
Those while and tan slippers at
J. R Smith Bro., are the
ties for children I have this
That last car choice hay that J-
B. Bro., received is hue.
Lee lime is good for any
and a farmer should use it
freely, at J. K. Bra
That auxin lace and embroidery
is the prettied goods in town
dresses at J, Bro.
King Quality shoes are the beet.
Von in Mud them J. J I-M
ward Son.
Complete stock spring clothing
at Edward Son.
sods intimate
will be service
from now to the end of the season.
The newest an latest drinks
be found there. If you wain
something try them.
Go to J. J. Edwards Son for
your spring clothing.
A. u i from
Washington Wednesday.
J. A. Willis would beg lo in-
form public be is prepared
to move houses on short notice and
without damage reasonable
Wrong are
none. If
eyes tire, they call help.
W Taylor a graduate optician,
N. can lit glasses
right reasonable prices. Noted
doctors have said that wrong eye
glasses are than poison.
since Monday evening J. W.
ft Bros., have sold a car
load of wire fencing. This firm is
among the most substantial in the
Ain't Joe Daniels stuck on Gen-
i Julian S. Whew
What's the salary
I. W. ft Bros, have
j iii received another car load of
American Wire
This fencing is the best in the
world so admitted by all who
have tried it and who have
seen it.
In order to make room for I he
next days we will sell our
regular high grade buggies at
exceptionally low prices. This is
no but strictly business.
Ayden Milling and Mfg. Co,
Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. Craven, of Fremont, is
visiting MiSS Ida W. Edwards.
J. B. Smith Bro. gives me
mine for my hams,
chickens and eggs than anybody
We know we can't interest the
men who prefer to walk or the
men who will not believe that our
buggies are the most economical at
I heir price.
Security Life and Annuity Com
puny, Old Legs Reserve;
Deposited With Hie insurance
commissioners of North Carolina,
home office Greensboro North
Carolina. Can save you
and give you as safe protection as
any company. We have not only
the absolute safety in u legal re-
serve rate, but in addition we have
with the
Insurance commissioner of North
Carolina to guarantee all policies.
For further information or
Call on U . K. Hooks, S;. via
Agent, Ayden, N,
all kind of supplies for
sewing machines at II. Tripp
Did you know you could gel one
of old time Gophers and any
blade you at J. B. Smith
ft Bro.
Ladies misses and children black
tan and while slippers all sizes at
B. Smith ft Bro.
Continental Disk
for corn, cotton and tobacco
culture, has no equal. Makes any
shaped either Hat or crown-
a simple, durable,
effective, labor tool for the
cultivation of crops- Sec J. W.
A Bro-J
Do you a nice suit,
pair pants, shirt, hat or low
quartered shoes, of the latest
designs If so go to ft Co.
have them in great quantities,
end will please you.
Oranges, apples, all
fruits kept by ft
We know vehicles and values,
we also know tit. buggies we
and sell , I
Come to see us
you If you can do
i .
Milling and Co. ;
Ayden, N. C II
i of iii el ma id L tis
Inn miner
I- go lo i .-
now . u id the n,
C, k tin em n,
III . t . y .
are tit patterns
and fashion eta.
First us ,,. and
Bro. Ayden, ST. C. J
S; in , i
made Tripp I
d rep . i
, i ea i Is
M. . ,.
. I j ml
mp i child
i in . ail. I , .,
here . d
Orphan .- -.-. ere sent
I till . e.
hi a ; .
. . . i . I ill r
-I. ii. ,. i. I
in any on
not a- e j of i w
and i; ts machine.
He . planter the
best on at J. Smith ASK FOR
J. If. Tripp a Bro. sell the Sing-
sewing machine on the
or i. in plans. T run easy.
J. K Smith can one
gallon each day to parties
living in town.
The Iii shot loaf bread right
from he oven at A Me- ,. ,
i I
sag, Billi Tom
got frightened at a sitting in I
the buggy lat rt and ran
away. over a barrel the
fell Tom he ran
on some bundled yards
fell broke only the
shafts, good buggy
t it stock paid in.
U .
. I
r, s I I
v Iii n. Blocs
and . . . of
Kelli m's Sure Cure
he . . .
you res, n -10
you, or m r
, . SIS Pol in HI . . i C.
. .
. M. us . ;
; . . it . inn. , ;.
If it ; you
y Will
B. Johnson,
Dist. Act. . NO
d i Street.
nun ion, Turnouts
I i . . he sporting
I- ii i rice,
Is running over win New Goods.
good . D- , i j n w i V cu
y Daily. Digest and line ever Shown on
this market.
is right I, don't know.
Call on Bart ft s for a bar j
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had any here.
Just received our spring stock of
pants. Edwards ft Sou.
knows a little
saves many dollars. He
that there is a price below which a
good buggy cannot be built or sold,
Our ti certain
in- in My I
. .
Ayden M S Mfg. Co,
N. C,
We handle Beads Every
year we dispose of all
sol i of the
This -a we . i a
usual sell
a Is at
in in ; Lei us
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work entrusted to me will be
promptly and neatly executed. A
latest designs In Wall Paper.
faction guaranteed.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
office Beet Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
They are worth your Attention.
carried in this town. Art
;. from to n the richest and de
i i
I-. , to quartered
and r seats. Si .- Hall racks,
The Royal Elastic Felt and
three piece Bed, Are acknowledged to be the best in
the World and sold on positive guarantee. If no sat-
money refunded.
n . p . than ever to
; sea cu cordially
invite you call at my sure,
A. H. Taft,
The Reflector
Book Store.
Carries ledgers. Day Books, Books and other blank
books, Box Paper, Tablets, Slates, Pens. Inks, Mucilage, Legal
and Abstract papers, Carbon paper and numerous other things in

We extend
o you a
., .
U IS n t
. .
L r.-t K
were never
and Think hardly so pretty.
Is to show You
Every u
Salt. Soda and utter Go to It
Their National Drink.
Tea c of the principal
am. lea i n e
Tibet Mongolia. The native b
i a and when it
obtained is willing to
cheat I. various
such as boiling dried onion
or n an of
in v. in order
i not be i ant n
I . hi favorite
age. Tile u n China
is into sum I oblong shaped
bricks, made up into of nine
. i sewed in
. need as a beverage,
Inn in fact forms n staple of cur-
r.- negotiable as Hank of Eng-
land notes or American paper cur-
rent y.
In native method of preparing
this delicacy i- not appetizing. The
ii i- ground to a line powder
vigorously in a
tar until splints of wood or
impurities are visible to the eye;
it into the kettle, when
the water i- hot, to boil ten
minutes, of giving in-
creased flavor, salt or soda is added,
ind, this pan of the operation being
completed, ail important
of drinking ii commences. The
family being gathered around the
fire of yak dung, in order that at-
as the painter would say,
should not be lacking, each one
draw- from some hidden recess in
the folds voluminous sheep-
skin coat a little wooden howl, and,
with a satisfaction which must
seen lo appreciated, fills his
dish with tin liquid. All
however, is by way of preliminary.
a skin full of butter, placed
within convenient range, per-
son takes a piece of oleaginous com-
and let null into his
of steaming tea. Then, oh
joy oh rapture with furtive gusto
draws the nectar to his lips and
is opened unto The
bowl i again tilled; into the steam-
liquid lie throws a handful of
barley and,
draw forth the sodden lump.
works ii into a ball of brown dough
with a id movement of left
hand, and successively bites off
nieces of ibis delicacy and drinks
his buttered tea until the visible
I, w III n, in order
I may
lied, be . lean,
wipes it he baa
not got on hi .
and en; for the
and fate shall
again come ions- I
i wore
ed man who telling the
pt the
I be wit. can you us
do know i is
if you mi . In o it was
the close of ii summer
Charles of London is
M the With an
ample his ambition is to
gut u complete collection of
mens of all the float in the world.
His antic expedition to collect fleas
has returned after a
four cruise with many new
It was who, when
returned from
his central Asian trip, asked him
some and
fleas. had disposed of hit;
bad seen quite enough of them. Per-
haps bis native servant could
F No. lie also was out of
stock. Then made bis
final proposal. Would
of familiar to be
pastured upon bis Asiatic servant
to see if they would become modified
in size, color or structure by change
of diet
Talk of ignorant prejudice against
science refused.
Chicken Broth For an Invalid.
Remove the skin and fat from
half a young fowl, wash and cut
into small pieces, put them into a
with one quart of water.
bring slowly to the boiling point,
skim carefully, then place on the
buck of the range, whore it will
simmer for three hours. Strain and
season with salt to suit the taste.
For Boiling Meats.
Mutton, per pound, minutes;
potted per pound, HO to
corned beef, per pound,
minutes; ham, per pound, IS to
minutes; turkey, per pound,
minutes, chicken, per pound, IS
minutes; fowl, per to
N. 1905.
.-s. Galloway spent
Tin in Greenville.
J. R. Proctor. Tom Talley and
Ben Mayo have to to
spend a short White.
Levi Holliday aim A. O. Clark
Josh of was
in today.
Miss Myrtie Proctor, a student
of W High school,
spent Sunday at her home in
Porter, of Black Jack,
spent Tuesday Greenville.
Fred as in town
It needs hut little foresight to
tell that when your stomach and
liver are badly Inflected, grave
trouble is ahead, unless you take
the medicine your dis-
ease, as Mrs. John A. Young, of
Clay, N. Y., did. She
neuralgia of the liver
stomach, my heart was weakened,
and I could not eat, I was a very
had for a time, but in Electric
Hitters, found just what I needed
for they quickly relieved and
pared Best medicine for
weak women. Hold under
by J L. druggist,
at a bottle.
Of the inn Republican in
Asheville MO voted to keep the
in operation.
Don't f . n us for goods.
A man can make him-
self a of misery
wrong Shoes
and it often proves the
when one
Man insists on having ii
just like sonic friend ,
There are several radical families of feet. Let us
fit the fitted looks better than one
fl cramped or twisted into u wrong shaped
Straight lasts, Sense lasts.
Any normal foot can be well
one of these three
This Seasons styles
They are specimens of ran
loss Footwear. r , .
Such Men's Shoos are sold anywhere else tor tea
than a half to a dollar more in price.
All leathers in o galaxy of stylish toes.
Mi-s received
quite a from Mr. Tiger
Miss Hope you don't I
associate with people of that stripe
Mi-s and
why as good as the best,
lie looked me so admiringly
Then he said. congratulate you
on the beauty is skin
Wasn't that of him
Boston Transcript.
A Scheme.
was n great scheme old
didn't hoar of
gave ii out that first one
of hi- eleven daughters to mar-
should have his entire
was the result
i meats in one night.
They d Ii one was
the first, so Shrewd j rid of
i be girls and keeps the
Mi n
A Civil Ar.
. .
in hi . I in
. .
.;. . If
. ,. Capital stock paid in
rum i , II 1,337.88
o-i i
i. u,
p.,, a sub I, 10,125.0
i re
At the of business Mar. 1905.
Why Esteem One Dy Above Another
Why observe Good Friday
Why one
day of more importance
The of certain days
for the in -rat
cant Is is native to the hum m
heart and common people in
all walk, of life. The child
the used man celebrate the
anniversary their birth. Pen
pie life
their wadding day. The
f and
Lincoln Lee an- observed. On
tin- tenth of May we leave
shut our
hour en, and lo honor
living and the dead who fought
our battles of Hie sixties. July
the fourth is made a National I
holiday. closed.
officials are from
duty. Business is Suspended, and
private are laid
All rally round the flag of Liberty, I
with long stirring
and sweetest music, lay
our of praise thanks-
giving upon the altar of our conn-
And for what is all this display
Is it ludicrous or t Certain
it is that should
every day. We should never for-
get the heroism and of
Lee and bis armies, or Washington
and the liberty lie won
for us. ii is equally certain
of I hen
and their glorious
refresh quicken
our love, and deepen patriot-
Ian, In this sense sued
me right and proper,
but measure
Without them the , r
i and Lee would
dim in our memorial, and dimmer
still In the minds and hearts
A d If it is fitting that we
the of
Lee, is it a thou-
more to that
the death and sacrifice of our
Savior we
not esteem it b a privilege and
a to assemble together the
of His one supreme
sacrifice, Invoice
quicken our love, and deepen
our faith in Him who died that we
We profess faith in Christ; we
profess to love and honor
proclaim it as necessary to
salvation that such faith lie a
reality, a vital force in life; that
such love be deep and true. And
shall we reflect upon that faith or
deny that love by ignoring and
ranting to commemorate the very
events upon which faith and
love forever i Shall we
the liberated
from the George ill, and
ignore that most momentous event
of all history, secular or
Which liberated u.-i from Hie
of and gave to us
the liberty of the so. a
Friday of this week,
km Friday, lathe
I. .,, i
, ;.
ti the
o .
a ., the .
. . .
f i
and i . .
. Presbyterian Church Makes Good Show-
The in church reports
A bank with ca
been u
The dispensary red
daring the Brat following for the
d this year. yen ending Slat,
New 18.6
Street carnival, and the J. nine I
cries to be delivered from
The Durham fellow
The following new have I
been recently added to the public Monday, April 1905.
library under the auspices of the
Bod of the Century Book club- M Fleming is quit.
by Tom DIxon. I levers went to
., . ,
Home , ,, .
kicked -be top a c ii
f, ex-
A r, ward . f is offered for
the ii f the of Senator
coin y, who
disappeared in February.
Original Observations.
A good j need a let In
of Introduction.
by Mary John-
of by
from a membership These
show . decided gain from
In submitting this the I Henry
pastor hie purpose to Misdemeanors of
ask to dissolve pas-1 by
relation between Eternal by Hall
himself and the Greenville church.
people V
. . the lat., when Ibis
request will u- considered.
r. Orren formerly of
died at tie
I home of his Mrs W. T.
on avenue,
with whom be has lived for some-
words indulge g but small
Did you ever that a man
with a black e always Dairies an
I explanation.
For some Weeks jet the man,
with the boa will have the
on the man with .-now shovel.
Some people couldn't find work
if they sent after ii aimed with a
search warrant and a writ
You know will make
i laugh and drive away every ear.
Why, go out and sec the
; kill a bear
Why should Virginians com. and was an
plain about the Carolinians of Temperance Ball
being at Bethel I Methodist church in that county.
of Loyalty
by Herrick.
by Tom Watson.
Sunny Brook
by Kate Wiggins.
These and all oilier books in the
o'clock this morning.
For sometime Mr. has been
in bad health, and while his death are for the tree use of the
. comes as a great shock to his
friends and relatives, St was
, altogether unexpected.
The deceased was a resident i I
being at Bethel and lust
the stickers in the world
Orange, Va., Observer.
N. C. April
Mi. of Greenville Supply
Company, i, m town
Mis. and daughter, Miss
spent and Sunday
J. left ibis morn
Miss Cox from
Moore and son, David,
slant Sunday in Bethel.
Fred Cox returned from Rich-
G. W. Baker returned from
Lewiston Sunday evening.
Harry Skinner returned from
Saturday evening,
H. Farrow returned from
Saturday evening.
w. II, return
Saturday evening from i,
went to
Saturday evening and returned
i I. Jr., went to Hob-
in, i
I, . ., son went to Kin-
i evening.
J S ; , and B. A. Tyson
B. F and son, James,
left lie i evening
Mis Abram, who has
been sister, Mrs. S.
M. this for
M not.
f ids has
ii ice use the following
i. es -i ice last report,
J. i. and Smith.
B. P. H. Pitt-
j F. and Clemmie
May and Dora Harris.
u Greene and Clyde
Lance Carr and Charity
J. F. and little i--
lei returned from Scotland Nick
O. King, who here
for a few days visiting relatives,
left this morning for Blackstone,
He was about years old and is
survived by two slater, and other ,
all have i, ,
The burial will take place to-1 Joe Bawls, of Green visited
the Methodist
Car Load of Common Seed.
load I com. Jr. Dixon and
mo known Jerusalem . moved to
shipped from , H. B. Phillips is in town
,.;. ye ha-, given up another week.
This common seed, being made to
oak, who are give . In Sunday
due for a
family c
I. T e La an Hopkins.
Arthur Farrow and Mary E.
Sim,, i and Mel-
Va. Joe Given and Hat tie Williams.
Tuesday. April 1905 , Charlotte
Skinner went up road ;
i morning,
E. Lincoln went Kin
G. G. Fl returned from a
up the road.
B. W. ,.,
ii; Yew
N. C.
Yon give full
. d
long as lead oil; and allow
to sell it on
have any fault to find
this ii either now in put-
ii II or hereafter the wear
M i if mi dealer about it.
Mn lay dug authorize him to do what
I ,. Hit- house ,. l-.,,,,. . , , ;
Th. ear was J i vacated by Spivey. in,, M ,
have been Uh has moved to Grime-land. left this ,;, R .
Sheriff for vagrancy. I ., in
ii i, M , , ,,
for Baltimore in
public egg hunt on which will
which sold color, whose be Easier Monday.
the Mrs Fannie and
It is used , number of are into th,
near the foot of and
M , C
I .
from .
lei ;
It ti ,
seeds Here obtained
bin the town hid a claim
Brunswick county,
cents per pound. r and the
The Jerusalem oak grows ,
and when frost diet s
at temped suicide last short
and but for
discovery of act by
I women prisoners the effort at sell
Ha hill church
Almost , Fire. the church
this to increase the salary of man
fire burning under h a year. Two J
one the small was increased ,,. . J ,
the Blow i. . from t. 88.-,. .
in Buncombe Jail,
major gave hi,,, order for N. ,
I Minnie who was in
Then the seeds, which jail yesterday
are numerous fall off. They are I
gathered and packed Id sacks and Increased Salary.
Dispatch. At a of the members
. to the In
H. M. Parson, St. Louis, a Ii i
has . j, . f . .,,.,, h
left i is i,
Col. K. G.
complaints, actually
exchanged the coal when complaint
made. He had half the
a dozen firms had the
We are J ears old. but
Frank John-ion morn-
Hi Johns II In
In Baltimore where he will s
go an operation for appendicitis
lours truly,
W. Co.
II I, arr sells our
lot that Is occupied by from to and since that if Paragraphs
Top ii,,. the has i.,. in the census g
ion in the at
I he woman tin- cord, Washington City, came in Monday
A. Blow. The fire was burning the church has so nor eased
one of the , , ,
building and probably taught by a make the further L ,
cigar or cigarette stump being voted on Sunday. Every . of
thrown in trash pear building of church work J ,
was on, any l-K-sing. St
alarm being and the
was only slight. Docs
. . .,, ., ., .
com snap is playing havoc and the noise and cries the over to the
the attention of M, a
the rout a man pays
keeps him moving.
to the man who
The more woman ha,
,., ,. ., ,. ,,. . more m.
object was discovered by women be is annoy
inmates shortly before o'clock p . . ., . A , , , i
Mini .;. ., turned , ,. v meets a
The fellows hi I ave been stand.
i . . . ,
up odd jobs,
Ills i d ti
Hi there ff
. a . . ,. ,.,.,.
I I . . .
. p
. morn
r and a

Eastern reflector, 18 April 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 18, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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