Eastern reflector, 4 April 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

f. I Mach vicious due to
been volumes of
Ki Hew aDj arc- tokens of
for MO,
and and of Ken passed a
r the
i- beware m hE,. threatened s
. tunnel i
, it M 1- beware ,.,.,.,. threatened a gen-
people, The governor n-
I throne of -j , until an
winch rectified this
For the Reflector
At five o'clock sharp Molding
to agreement our wagon well loaded
with and
in the rear we started
four and
half mil town. With
filled to if
have lei. re, I , .
l,. g was would have let
,., it, Dr.
want to buy right, if you want to be treated right.
our store headquarter, We Keep a stock at all times
and solicit you, Peonage. We have hundreds of articles that we
have not space enumerate, but your attention to the
cord; by continued
quietude prevailed until
we police null
after which we said serve
From u you can
imagine the rest, the crowd
six grown girls, five
, from the copy
w for a
. K j, blander the COWl
On and robbed of a large
tun of its jurisdiction two
r . B M
Hilton, of low j to
and killed by a the mi-take. A repealed or
the officer was tiring
to prevent from escaping.
Th- f
hi. to date maiden in no longer met
. , . It. A
commend if.
. dainty with it beau bottle.
I little foresight
tell mat when your stomach
are badly grave
trouble i ahead, yon take
the prop, your dis-
N- V. did. She
bad -l
heart weakened.
eat. Ml a very
Bitten, a
for relieved nod
eared for,
weak women. Sold under
More often it of
or f
tendency to amend
makes law U the sands.
S. P. in Atlantic.
The Spread of English.
Li- wife. Eating, all
balking at once, what real
experience Our train going a
little fast we
arrived too and were com-
to to to the home of
Trim and Shapely Shoe
Prices and
Use for ii the
away p
a twinge
all .
a. j. I. drug
spring make-
people ell. all
A family
,,. Mia.
Some people that English We b-m in ac-
will be the universal
W. found get-
to learn English in her Meg rend for the
old as another proof of this. I B we repaired to the from porch
had some remarkable violet were
and down- in Ml home
rears it as
from Norman on to
when it eras introduced u tie
the law. When the
of Hanover installed it
rat there
another suppression of the
the wife of George
-on English,
,. i-
on the throne, to be son meat
couple could be Men here and
there enjoying a sweet chat in the
twilight hour. Ere long we
rived at the Frog Level school
and found a huge crowd of
Pitt beat people
bled. had an
feast is store for us.
A program rich in and
from to
The pupils did splendidly,
on the throne. .
speak German as often and as skilled training.
on Election Batting
An old .
that if any one shall make any bet
,, the result of etc lion
the commonwealth or shall
to the rendition
My To in
Mr. F. Harding, spanker for
evening, added to
inch bet by A
, . , . i and
even I
. . v-.
before the superb
,., e d
I the e
.;.,. a W
f .
cairn, d
will In bar
This .,
a Kim
.,, notice is
Saw Ha of the
the Conn. .,,
,. our grim, s
pro In r
under it.
one who f to
. by n m
Fellow Graft Shoes
Guaranteed equal to ether grade
v., rm. peace, for it com
The same Iron Uncut
our attention to our line of Side Boards, prices
-P ,.,. cured, by hot application.
00- Hall Racks. to White Enameled Iron Beds .-
t Sadie Seats. Cobbler and Veneer Seats. Rockers-Prices
to Extension Dining Tables to Bed Spring and
a idles- a hive
i were
of our
within iron,
date or notice will be plead
day of March
of T. Harris.
A of ten dollar- will be
,. with
a or remove- ant
portion or part of the Pin
fence or leaves
law gales on
older of tin-
J. K. Bee.
county have In aid it. -lust
before the wonts were spoken
Mr. Harding light-
rain were i
twelve pairs Ii pretty
, . . ,,, m
a B looking in one direction
a in what
I all I
By the kind ass stance of a
r I journey.
ad light, by the of
we learned boy
boggy read in due. Such
bis with
Her of Thinking. is
have called, doctor, to on
that dental bill, but think it's o .
good higher than it ought to
When Tired to Sleep-
If yon are -1- tired
to an say
bet the i lb hot
water. back of
seems relax
muscles and the veins
ply the brain with blood.
the back of
yon will remember, madam,
that the tooth required a good deal
of treatment, and took the greatest
care to make operation pain-
remember it didn't hurt ma a
particle. the bill
o Tribune.
Double Face
Matting, Etc
A, the clone of Mar.
d , paid in
, IS BEST hi .-.,,,.
Gold i
you to call on u for any
thin y need.
We at last t home
of Mr. Tyson again.
him we would with
until the moon or be
h. a few nice old
wood lire wee built,
then drying and singing the
bloated sunshine and other
equally appropriate songs. Mr.
Tyson bad not our threat,
g, on our way
home, though wet,
the girl
B song- the intense
darkness. twelve o'clock
w. freight to
,. home, to
,,, id Hie, which
,. . the people
of that
as Mini Dora
,. II .-
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
President Roosevelt the sepia of
the to m
Celebration to he Held in
the Vicinity of
Washington, are b
in the vicinity
Vs. from May
tier. the
a loll I Johnnie
B, in. Pr
A PR f
United ha- an
Approved March e.
Of School Month of
nut Burt n, Effie
Willie Jack-
Closes with Splendid Entertainment.
Miss Coward's school
near Greenville closed Thursday Washington dirt net will I this
night with an entertainment. in
Meets In Greenville 25-30.
Te of the
March SO.
M. we road
am, in such meal
way a-to do urea, credit both be devoted t Hie c I-.
Thirst I teacher mod ;.,
f pieces were exceptionally other work -t
It- and will teat
wan a barge present. I Among the visiting minister-
AM- Kiev.- are to attend
the that was done show- l Dr. Io.
at Williams, i hand of and t- j
Spam, Myrtle j ad talent let the Greenville
. set f.-r Moore, Keel, Marj tile exercise- prises
I on. 1905.
The in. i- re very
K. I. meet to
Sarah Barker, of Winter-
. h. Am i
in. Toes
T. I. I I .
. Ml- AI Rail-
II II r i-. ville,
s in
i i o. e- people win nave
the Dupree. D j which bad been offered by ,
. per-m M teacher, presented M daring his stay o-
,,,,,, p- p evade Sadie Exum, J These
. , .,. . . i .--U . .-.
the of
in c- of J
a Hampton
in of to
c Me and p-r-
i- m of said
and to
Hie mini
i n of
I H-i reads foil
The .
people will have an
Mrs. A. I. Sun and child-
of who have vi-
the of J. H.
returned home
Sixth grade. j b, and ought to be proud f then , T of
and they showed their K has eVer
grade.-Lee Brown, by present almost
Pender their out
K. ti. Ii . returned from
K. II returned .
evening from trip up of the
road. B. Seminary, spent
Mis, Fannie who baa beau lay and With Miss
Miss Mary Dall
Move morning for t
were won hard and
looniest I
is, and ought to proud of
Two Horrible Death.
Darlington, N. March
about noon one of the mo-t
Centennial Notes.
i -rounds will prove of to
V- S is d . . . , a
, ., , who visit the Lawn and
to f-a
t k . . i .,. lark
bra. -n to
spoken appreciation of the enter-
Lewis and Clark Exposition will
ill It will
held In Portland, to celebrate the A j,,,, ,
Oregon to domain C., m they are -II
S by right of in their
A model dairy operated on the .
city happened
Mrs. Edward wife of ore
of our most citizens,
so burned that death
rive o'clock.
Mrs. was a
man servant in cleaning up her
I lawn. pile of leaves Lad
been raked up and set D in
Mis- returned to
. .-r i-Hr
We learn of
death of Tanker, who
Sue a
Mrs. Lorenzo
and liked by all who
May God the
child, of Wilmington, who j ones,
been visiting J. J. Gardner, left Charlie Ayden, enter-
Wednesday evening for j young people of our
Friday, bis phonograph
,, ., at home of K. E. Dall. The
Mis. D. E H-u-e went to Bethel .
I music of aim
evening passed off pleas-
ma s. by
n naval v-----s and
. th
.-. he pr
therefore, I. The
of I be Di
h --f
Vi .-. do herein
Four snow capped mountain
leaks Mount
dams, Mount
Mount ire visible from
Lewis and Clark Exposition
way the flames look
The Silk Season of 1905.
i tore she had lime to
North Carolina silk growers
advised that toe mulberry
B. s. left tins ,,,.
for Rocky Mount.
the lower her
them wind hid fanned
. into a that completely en-
is come into
is before aha
spring weeks so earlier . , .,
i was
than last year. Preparations for
oaring for the silk worms
he made at once. If the -am
A the pr. v.-s used las. year of am.
. h . . . U . . .-
V i
. el in
, . -i ,
. .,. . It .
I in
I .
of the Philippine Islands ,,, again they ft ,.
i . . , bill u-d alive till
Mil washed with hot .
with a w
me Lewis and f The loom e
;, i
. i. ;
B Mm dug
X- b .
i, p i ii. .- in
d . . l Ma.-.- ii
the lies
and had let tire to some s and
abate the norms
should be clean .
fire and before assistance . Id
-1 I Lewis and
o on T-.-v. of
and exposition ii i- summer. ,. but
. her -i e. .
,.,,.,. expo-H C. y ,.,
held, is as ,. U Q, , v
T it fell from It.
here the year growers free of mat and will also
Ike Lewis and a.
, baa received a shipment of highest which
iD. souvenir dollar hearing per pound
Abe Einstein came ii. from K i
then this morning.
l, Hooke- came in from
land night and
Hie Raleigh Post, in this
M. ii, of Bid.
She evening. His
many friends d to a e him.
Miss n . h
has Lull
hi -i
On Tuesday last it
pleasure to attend the
of the Reunion school.
The of entire crowd
was that lb had
been more highly
of the
e, i Mis And. teacher,
as the a lovely
dowers m
Nursery by i the
pupils. Prof
presenting the bi- most
. ii language, the
. with very
s u. t.
. . remarks education.
is l
i. -i. aid I
I- ill I
the I- -l I III in
1906 elate. The should watch
of tree- and soon
town, , i and other aide that j emerge front the
of William They sell it I Those whom have bed no
vi I it
which have there- or a. for six. previous
from . .- el to
am .
An .- ii iii en i.
Cream or Milk.
A appeared in the fr Wilson,
office morning and said
he had the joke that would
during the
His milk boy yesterday
Saturday, April
i Hill
K. II. Danville, i-
iii town.
Mo.- I- morning
J. J. Jr., left this morn-
P. W went to
,,, County. Washington, attempt than ounce , a n.
lamed as fertile fruit raising of eggs the year. left. This
county, Carolina Department i
the boy came around and found
a r
clean, and
win in-ii j . r, ,, . , . came
f an, apple Lewie and left a few copies
A p.-. United fruit Ho. on Silk Culture, dean, and then Durham
. ,. confident that people to any dispute arise. Finally the b-y, i .,
I . it., o an . , . . i i M II.
f , ,,,, who have once lasted a Pierce asking for It examining cans, said be
.,,.,,, County or apple, distributed ., only one can. I his evening h I i
. . that county is an i the ,. a of Jack Reed, of PI
l bail a
on in- i . .
in lug their i
the said
In where.
A. Monk r -i in eel
evening Durham.
v Ft i
he convinced that county is an tho Carolina Department i a of Reed, of
. .,,, locality for raising, Agriculture in 1902 and 1908 and on opening it be found quite sick at Hotel Macon
i products. may be this year to furnish can half inch of cream r, g, Greer, of Baltimore,
I. ii in bottom.
. . i i.
J .
-i ii
April Weather.
weather that will pay i
lave April promise- to lung mild to grow the Bilk,
I f t . . . . 1ST II V
food for -ilk There is in ,. bottom.
abundant demand fr all Hie .-ilk the purchaser him to it up
that can be produced the State
. .
. , T
T. Ii j Drug
W. J. Turnage,
Z he Soiled . , . and heavy
interfere locally with farming N. C. 1906.
of operations. From the
this twenty day Warn 4th of April be and
one l and pleasant. A storm pet Will
H,,. and In He l advance 4th Io
the United one Ii weather local
ninth. 7th to 9th wan., and
18th to 14th local
thunder to 18th
.- hi
Atlantic .
I b
cold wen ,,, trip fate from
Fire in
Fire start m o'clock Wed
morning most
tobacco section of town
Louisburg. tobacco ware
two Ii three
r, d a numb
i to
were covered
bis round here.
Mis- Farmville,
U visiting Mi-s A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Peel an I
child let this morning for Bethel
Mis Parkers tn ind child
. left this morning for
visit relatives,
Mar. 1906
Dr. L, K. .- called to
Pantego lay t he with
hi- who l- sick,
mis. W. A. Dow. i. son,
France, and Mi. K. B
f Mis. G.
ibis w-
John continue
. e; sick .
Hyatt, on, is in town
Dr. E. A.
ll it I and J. D,
re in town this week
of n. was in
ii today.
to that Mrs.
who baa been --v-
weeks, is no
Will Tyson and Ellen
id, were
-1 Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. F. G.
Sunday in lib
Mis. L.
Mis, Ed and Mrs
of K n. ho i e
home .
Alter Our Preacher.
The fl
ha ad
p. Kev. A. T King,
Memorial Baptist church in
town. He ha the call u.
has not y. I
what hi ill do It, G n
villa want to give him up.
Reward Offered.
For D st bi d dog,
,. -v .-. I
hair. C Io.
i. . I'm
28th eh.
W . B
gentleman h
v. Found Alter Sew.
In grape tune las
.;, , lust a
farm, miles ;
. days ago
I. lost t h id I
t r, mowed over and
I en one e i-
I in and the , n
. r.
the a ate
. ll
rot k i l
i i d i
id to gel hi
A . I
in ;
. it. h
; . .

pL-M p
. SR
An Occasion When tho Practice of
Economy Seemed
II. Daniels the New
York railroad know a man
die e
reputation for extreme i
the N. w York
One day the man of frugal tend-
, a who
observed that the i
wit in his best attire,
We Have Prices.
GREENVILLE, X. C, Match 1906.
Wood Brothers,
Sale Conductors,
Sew York, N. Y.,
, ,,. ,
While h v- received considerable financial relief from our over stocked stores maturing
a have o for as sine- February 1st, are still an unpleasant over stocked
. , . . . . ,.,, of Use and I lease I to employ yon to a further for
. . o m and enable to gel the quickest
;,. . . ;. . before receiving S r H
Scaring Him Away.
The musical young and
her father were on their way h
after Professor piano
all the pupils I U a
at lesson m I
ties to play in rt can
t, the ; .-
that five
wolf lab s at his
;. n m tare to my
. . does
now, .-. d
i to Bi
He I life
I i ill kill
,. . . mi n-
, mist's shop, and
you ma; i II buy the poi. of
him. It Jack
i to me.
London Ti
Applying . Test.
-1 h iv ambition,
n young man who had finished
,. . and was ready lift
ti. ,. ;, from the
parental shall be my
ambition and my motto to keep the
family name e from
tho old man.
the to give you the
f. at mis, and then go
and polish up the brass door
London Star.
C. T.
. C-,
D i.
, i holding back the
i ml; can ad-
tho stock quickly i I k i the
. rein ans final ruin to an mere ml
, both n I ;
in a We ,
hat that was taken out of its
on only the most festive
The stingy man said, tho
What is
it he jerking
his his shoulder in the
. he.
i. . the u.-
; . , ; . . e
On C
. i
. in I
and veiled, i
t. Again the
; , . in of a
arc u . his
s e lure, ho yelled.
I mean by me this here
. . Don't you know n
I transfers ain't no good on this ear
No-.,, then, your money or
R git off
Mr. . Mrs. C, have home
with nay, even cheer-
bled, in locks that v. re
r hours I ind time,
Tit n,
bowls, j and this I
at, when you give
c -s for breakfast I
A . nil
., ; lo when little
ii I r, to
the r of the
; man hit at
woman with
. ,, re-
plied t
, I. i
New York Sale
Here is a Few of the Many Bargains we are Offering to
A Saving of from per
All remaining clothing will be
closed on at startling prices
BO kind Tl is o Sc
Large .; at lowest
Fancy Linens, Lawns etc cheap
kind M
to select
from at i off
and kind All red
-1 do
Quilts and Comforts.
Blankets moat go at i
All remaining styles at one-
half price
I kind lo close at
C. T.
Greenville, N. C.
All the while the meek man
smiled pleasantly.
a he now said.
gel ruffled, my good friend.
I didn't give you that ticket You
took it. I paid my fare ten minutes
ago. You gave me that green trans-
fer ticket for Fifty-ninth street.
Now, just give me another to
it. Quick, please, this is my
And as the man made a dash to
the cross town ear the con-
said something under his
Poor Lo
A. P. Murphy, the newly elected
I Republican congressman from the
Sixteenth Mi was
down in the t h S in not long
ago law business.
V . he saw n
, I Indians, who were
., i tribal
i in-
on ti in regarding the council,;
pip of peace, etc., he approached a
j full blooded squaw and said.
the action to tho word. The
man looked at him stolidly for s
few momenta and then said
the matter with the man
Can't he talk Murphy
beat a hasty Bee.
. -1
. . nary
. i
. . i o
,,. her ii ca-
i Town r
D. W.
I, And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept ton-
tn stock. Country
Produce and Sold
North Carolina. .
The following points now
. reached over the lines of
No In Palestine.
The late Bishop of
Georgia was fond of his and
spent much f his hunting,
n representative from that state.
One day the was with
dog and gun and met a member of
his parish, whom he reproved for in-
attention to bis religions duties.
should attend church and
read your said the bishop.
read my Bible, was
answer, I don't find any
mention of the going
replied the bishop,
hooting v vi bad in Palestine,
they went ashing instead.
Nashville Banner.
Hew Bern,
Hooky Ml.
Atlanta, Ga.
Baltimore Md.
s. C.
i Ohio,
S. C.
Danville V
Nashville, Term
Hew York. N. Y
New Orleans, L
Norfolk, Va
Petersburg, Vi
St. is, Mo.
all other Important and in
F. O
you v.
umbrella d lawn
ruffle mined with two row
mini and law-
Best quality up to
umbrella shaped lawn
ruffle, trimmed with tucks, two
of wide lace Insertions and
lace ruffle J
Cambric umbrella shaped lawn
trimmed with line tucks,
deep heavy embroidery Bounce
Better qualities up to
Bought a bargain In about
dozen shirts that retail for
while they last
style, trimmed with
. bun and lace edge
, .;,. ,, with wide embroidery
i, p d all colors t.
sells everywhere for a spool, while it
lasts, our price
We've decided to put a regular five cents
vi m i
We have t bu
of I lam . and Insertions I
wait your
Black Fancy and tan, we have
open for a few days to retail for
We have the strongest line of
i., braid on sale for a few days only, to retail all I in town, more patterns
. to select from than most any
this goods for I
this for
Now. Not week old.
Greenville, M. G.
Everything now and Up to Date
A large lino of ladies
is By iv, r, body
,,.,;,.,, , , , l
I advertise it and auK w
,. a I., 111- y.
. i i
At a Year cents a Month.
The Eastern Deflector,
At SI a Year.
You are the loser if you fail to one f
Pleasant and
Reported tor the Reflector.
The regular of I he Sans
club was held. Tuesday
with Mary as
In the absence of the president,
the vice president, Mrs.
presided, business of which
she pelf in. st
The literary of
of Olive.
Goldsmith i
and a very o.
woe it
by Mi- Bertha j
Kicks Blow said
The will meat
Forbes April
Don't the stomach to a
One Cure
out of Mini j
s .- for
W Cough, One
c i- i It. i i one
,., ,, i mil i nil- sin-, at or
.; in S Id
. mi Urn
.,.,. paid in
,. .
A Dinner
Married in House.
t lie- if.
as called .
u .- in I .-
. f in- . did hi-
,,. .-i i Hi
.,. Mr. c and
Star; W- s. Mr. i is
ii mail
d.-. , Ba-l i
bride m e-u
line B i
live- Coin
1,471 lit
subject to check
We have purchased a number of annual subscriptions to the
Southern Agriculturist, and, they last, we rive
one, free of to every subscriber who pays for l be
Eastern Reflector a IN ADVANCE. If you are in
arrears, pay an and for a year and get this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, send in your
order at once, before this great offer is withdrawn.
Is published it Nashville, It is issued times a year
and the subscription price is cents. U contains read-
matter than most dollar papers mid is edited by
men who know tho needs of Southern Every issue
is big experience meeting, the far ran being
answered by such men as Maj. J. Key,
Commissioner of Agriculture of and Prof. An-
Sonic. Director of the Virginia Experiment station
I The Home is conducted by Aunt Anne, whom all
H readers soon Learn to love.
I But you must hurry. This proposition will not held open
b i
i l
a thorough
the Stomach, Sour Bis-
Had and Mil
troubles. N.
St. I a
i r h
years and have taken six -f
Dyspepsia The
A Fin
To draw fie pool f a burn, or
ii i-m leaving ii i
UM- W Hell
nil,,. J.-l. l
in in. family
, i; hi.-. ii the i eat
on In-
should k.-i-p . Sold by
L t .
Carolina, I
County of Pitt. I
Little, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do
that the statement above true to the best of my
Sample w f
i i i i t
st at our
sad sworn to before
this 23rd day of March,
By Tonic Route
., a
which entirely curs me The six
bottles were worth to me,
any quantity f all the
food want to ml While your
a draft a
They cure
etc K are small,
to i ii-y toad I
pill Mi. hotel clerk
to Justly . all. , ch. c
of is many remarkable 8- L
i- ; . i .
To Clean Cemetery.
The town will boob bare Che
Hill D i
out, and cemetery I
all i. ,
have I bet r fl Or
, . . I ran the I
,. Lo-n
bl iv
I. .
tin qua ii ii h,
OS Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. The Victor Safe A Lock
Cincinnati, today, the Grand Prize at the World's
Fair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese steel bank safes
and general line of Are and burglar-proof safes and vaults,
their magnificent d splay taking first over all
tor for modem construction,
and finish-
The Safe has never been Burglarized.
J. L. SUGG, Agent.
The Reflector
Carries ledgers, Day Books, Books and other blank
books, Box Paper. Tablets, Slates, Pens, Inks. Mucilage, Legal
and Abstract papers, Carbon paper and numerous other things in
lob Printing
At Close I ii,
and i tat paid s
Furniture and I II I
p.,,. . I
Cash Items to cheek
i. r s t
The Reflector was never better prepared than to
Printing. New presses, new type and plenty of
Our work is done right and prices are
Send ,
tamed bank r do
eat in-. 1.1 .
J. i

O. J.
Entered in post at Greenville, N. as second class matter,
rate i de upon application.
A correspondent desired post in Pitt adjoining
in to
THE ASSEMBLY ism, that justice be done to
j those deserving of all honor, all
Interest in the Meeting to be Held praise end all glory.
In Greensboro. June II, IS and Send these contributions to the
Interest continues to increase in Committee in Charlotte,
the great meeting the North V or to
will in June
The Executive
Pitt X. c. Ties oat, . MOB
Possibly there will be peace in the
East alter
Heb II weevil I be forgotten
in potato bug
And the Southern will ma
pay their tare fr m Durham to
Virginia should not gel too huffy
over the inscription on North
monument at
that James-
town is only two years ahead and all
North Carolina will be wanted
den there.
Kinston is going at the matter
right by ordering
If the w Greenville
receipts would not running UP took that step last fall with the re
bales a lay that the threatened invasion of
smallpox was quickly and
none has been here since
A ,.,. pi . dent Fairbanks is
the ice trust king, it was his
presence that frosted the banquet. The from an exchange
The great in this country to think about it. where
are the men ho earn their wealth can y find
by the sweat A mien's brows anything except medicine
It strikes us that a good
The fellow who says bomb many down this way uses it for
destroyed the Maine is ordinary plain drinks
through the bars, lie is already in
jail. It is said a banquet will be
. with- President Roosevelt Dallas,
the which will be
i see how the cost
Greenville is
out it. Inn would gt along much
better with a building and loan P
is going to get to unless
it is for extra high
Surely in one man can eat anywhere
the neighborhood of it.
Durham i.- the excursion
season early. Tin city officials will
have one to Saturday. So
fool about
They are having a great
Asheville over the dispensary
campaign There may
pulling before
he sonic
is milking extensive preparation for
the occasion
The city of never does
I things by halves, sad it was
decided Assembly should
meet iii an inland city. Greensboro
decided that the meeting should be
held there, and it should be the
greatest educational gathering ever
held in the State. She put one
thousand dollars into the treasury of
the Assembly for the meeting, and
thus enabled the Executive Commit-
tee to begin the large plans which
are under way.
The program that is being
pared guarantees a most significant
meeting, a meeting that will certain-
mean a vast dial to the education
progress of the State Several
men and women front outside of the
Slate, who arc known throughout
entire nation, will be present to
art in the work. Prominent
among these will he Dr. W. W.
Stetson, State of
Maine, who will be present during
meeting Dr. Stetson will work with
the Department of County
in all of their an
will address the Assembly
once or twice. He is a vise man.
has a attractive personality,
and is an aide Speaker. He has
lone great things in his work in his
own stale In his letter to President
Foust. accepting the invitation to
come to the meeting of the Assembly
he will come when you
want inc. and speak upon the sub-
you name, if The
committee is very fortunate
curing such a man. They have been
equally fortunate in securing other
r within few days.
An address in regard to the meet-
continuing to cause . ., ., ,
has been mailed to live thousand
, North Carolina, and See
Should a Newspaper Make Money.
The Herald
town might even up a
prohibiting the
The acceptance of that f
which Rockefeller contributed to the speakers whose names will
time in Congregational church
missions is
are on both sides of the question of Dur-
sine arguing for acceptance and ham, says that lie is receiving nu-
the i responses every mail from
little by
The Greensboro is making
teachers saying that they expect to
attend this meeting.
blowing the trains passed promoters
Club Fair
The Gastonia Gazette says
Monday, April
bunks banquet in that city.
The says t he was such
The Mothers of the Confederacy
the Veterans, their Sons
be trying to work-IT an April fool; promo
joke. Our calendar says it comes on
It is now order to ask the
who is to font tin- bill for that
special train which is to the
President on a h
through Texas.
a failure in its purpose to make Re- i Daughters, heirs of their glory, are
earnestly and cordially invited
accounts of such instances as
tors are very sore over it Speeches
of the kind that occasion
make the Democratic party stronger
than ever.
are known to them where the women
of North Carolina showed, during
the war, their patriotic heroism and
patient fortitude. Such contributions
are intended for the
which the Press of North Car-
The exploitation of The Washing-j ,
, ,, ,. j early date
publish, devoted entirely to true
government employed for the . . ,,. . ,
ii- i i i history of he women in the War.
I U published
The fruit i interesting, but the reason- why
the city has this peculiar form
the cold spell to come in April will government is also interesting. The
catch it at about
kill it, lie
ed awhile to tell ii-
lit have wait-
The Raleigh the ice
u ill iii. u
ii We
though it cold tor
them bi ft
stage to of Washington by
commissioners under is
said to he the same reason that
the Southern States have
ed grandfather and other similar
peculiar clauses in their
who hound their sash
when they went forth to light; i
suffered worse than death a thousand
inner-, who were stung and wounded
by privations that the hardiest so
These editions will be published
with tin endorsement of all the
Whether j t in jail or not,
the Durham officials gel a trip
to at tin- expense of the
city to answer to the charge
tempt in the Souths railway mat-
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
the Russians worried be
lions, to put limitation, on the Veterans and Sons the
political powers importance . . , ,.
brother. various cities and
Just as the people of the all these
Slates generally Perhaps many of those who
how Washington is governed and the and crowned their
why, so also do the the
i states not understand
sufferings with the grandest i-in.
or those who knew of such, arc not
the of the art
began in Washington, was write for lien
rated by Congress and that the in
of the congressional plan
exceeds the subsequently invented
by any Southern
A prominent leader in the
State, who keep., on all the
I his race, the restless
cause they have lost the Japanese which has been so apparent on
army- They are worried possibly the change of
i lion in North is last
because they don t know what min- his people finding out that
they may run across it. Governor Glenn is a just maw. I toy
i ii Glenn's conduct since taking
the of office has inspired
in the this reason
there will he a very mo
of the race from North Carolina this
year. There is no better in the
world for the than the
and no better in the South for
him than North
and how to is the
heading of an article in some of the
papers. It is the what and not the
how that troubles us down this way.
If the what to eat is forthcoming we
can show you how mighty quick.
and would shrink naturally fr.
such an to
i an only say, write down in
own way the incidents as y re
member them and send them, and
what you write will be edited
clothed to company dress. Just such
contributions are most valuable.
participants as
to make true history.
Contributions are asked, and es-
for by April 10th, from
those of the most brilliant literary
from those of modest
culture; from those who cannot oven
spell and from those who
cannot write at all and must get
some friend to write for them. We
only ask a true history of what our
women how they suffered and
all that they endured with such hero-
A should lie B i we cannot
tell, or where it came from we do t
know, but there is an opinion more
or less prevalent in the public mind
that the chief business of a; news-
paper is to lie a moral educator and
an advocate of industrial enterprises,
and the like. Along with this
ion is the other opinion that a news-
paper has no use for
just enough to printers, rent and
postage and barely bar the wolf from
the door. In what we are here say-
we do not hive in mind the
great metropolitan paper, such is
are printed London, Paris, blew
York, and other great cities; but we
have in mind the country papers,
dailies and weeklies, such as are
printed in the ordinary North Caro-
town. We heartily to
the proposition that newspapers
should be moral educators and ad-
of industrial and agricultural
progress; but we do not see why
there sh mid prejudice against
a newspaper having a good bank
account. Almost any man will tell
you that a good newspaper one of
the most helpful influences of any
town and community; hut the aver-
age man is sure to act as if he cans
little about the paper other than that
it exist and do good work for its
community The average subscriber
prefers to lean his paper a year be-
fore he pays for it, when the fact is
lie ought to pay the cash when he
subscribes just as readily as he
would pay cash h r a but. The
hat will last him a year, and he pays
for it before he uses it. The news-
paper will last him a year but he
docs not want for it until he
has used it a year, and a great many
refuse to pay for then- The aver
age merchant in a country town will
kick like a Texas steer on paying
live dollars a mouth for a half a col-
advertisement to be changed
every insertion, but will plank down
seven dollars and a half to some
sharp talker who prints just one
card three by four inches for the
same merchant, slips it in the hotel
register and leaves it just so
all the year. The average man
who patronizes S newspaper has the
attitude trying to beat in
price, whether it be for advertising,
job printing, or what not. The
average newspaper in North
does twice as much service to its
as any other institution
for the same money, and then has to
take much criticism and abuse
cause it doesn't exactly please the
whims of everybody in the
All things considered, we be-
that a good, safe newspaper is
entitled to a good bank account just I
as much as the merchant or the
manufacturer, or the professional
man Scotland Neck
Japan's Tobacco
Japan has t . . to
n iii in the in inn
tun- and tie tobacco in the m
cry kingdom. It has strengthened
her credit wonderfully Now that
another war loan is asked for we find
prospective invest in London lit
clamoring for the opportunity
lo take up the proposed loan,
indicates financial value lo
pan of the big monopoly. With
this as security she finds all the
money she wants at easy rates.
To be sure this step is somewhat
socialistic; but all monopolies point
to that end. The artificial
lies in this country which so
nearly under the name of
are the powerful breed-
of socialism possible. They point
to an ultimate assumption of many
socialistic activities by the govern-
unless their power can
broken and a wholesome degree of
competition Free
Burma, Has anal
Moat Known.
Unsurpassed in all the world in
number, size and virulent activity
are the mosquitoes of s
town of according to V. C
Scott lie
first visit to in the mosquito
season if an experience, and to see
them under the flare of an electric
searchlight come over the ship's side
in hordes and occupy like an
army every fraction of its
surface, to see them hanging in
from the white awn-
tin- mosquito nets, the table
linen and the from
every object on which they can
cure a footing, is lo have lived in-
deed. How to continue to live after
the novelty of the spectacle worn
oil i.- the definite problem that
pies even mind in It
is achieved in the main by
oneself within an iron fortress
of fine mesh. In seine houses there
is a special room, a kind of inner
citadel and lust refuge, which is
of iron gauze, and within it
the master of the house sits like a
vanquished lion in a cage.
enter this fortress in
of the enemy calls for the exercise
of agility of a high order. The doors
have .-wing bucks and arc made lo
close the instant that they are re-
leased. Outside the light
of the enemy hover in clouds.
The man within, this Englishman
in Ins strange castle, observes your
approach with furtive and anxious
eye, and if you he a newcomer he
begs you to lie careful in entering.
Immediate you enter he falls with
an astonishing onslaught upon such
of the enemy as have come in on
your back, in your hair, in the
Cresses of your clothes in an
of cloud shout your brows.
one end of the chief
house there used to be, when
I was last a long room
thus defended, iii which he sat daily
to dispense justice, and great
in entering was expected of the
prisoner under trial, the assembled
witnesses and the counsel employed
in each cast. a sentence, it is
win-piled, has fallen with enhanced
severity from judicial lips, many a
has come away with a light-
punishment as the consequence
. entering the
. .-.
Treatment For Colds,
Camphor is one of the good old
time remedies which is fine where
there are children. A flannel wet
with it and bound on a sore throat
at night will generally effect a cure
if there are no
In case white patches
pear, a gargle of potash with a little
tincture of iron added is
effective. Add water to
rate of potash. The quantity isn't
material, as the water will dissolve
a certain amount of the potash
About one of
iron to a three ounce bottle of the
potash gargle is the correct
Gargle with this preparation
every hour or two.
A Humid
tine and grease is also good for sore
throat. Turpentine also acts as an
antiseptic in ease of a wound from a
dog a nail, u splinter or a knife
cut. Cleanse wound thoroughly
with warm water and pour on
It will burn for a time,
but is a healing and effective remedy.
Turpentine rubbed on the chest
of a child night will cure a
croupy cough. Keep a cent
solution of carbolic acid in the ma-
chine closet, for external use. such
as healing bruises, burns, an abscess
or a nasty wound of any sort, it is
wonderfully effective.
Hard Soap, Cold Process.
Dissolve two pounds of caustic
powder in a jar or earthen
in nine pints or pounds of cold
water. Stir with a wooden spoon or
sink while dissolving, The liquid
will become very hot. Do not use
it Until it becomes cold. Weigh out
fifteen pounds of clean grease,
low or oil. Let it melt slowly. The
temperature of the grease should not
be raised higher than degrees
F. requires no Pour
the caustic soda powder preparation
in a small stream into the liquid
grease, stirring all the time with a
paddle or piece of stick
the mixture is of the consistency
of honey. It w ill lake about fifteen
minutes. Pour ii at once into wood-
en boxes or pans dampened with
in a warm place. The
next day it may be cut into cakes.
A Rare Plant.
A yea or two ago there were
among the boarders n mountain
summer hotel a a botanist
and a certain pretentious rich
man, who liked to make it appear
to the guests she was very Well
informed on all subjects. The rich
woman affected to take an interest
researches of the botanist
among the flora of the mountains.
suppose, Mr. said the
lady, find almost the
flowers around
have found a great many,
said the botanist.
there's one kind of
that I've read a great of as be-
always on the hills, I've
ways wanted to see it. Perhaps you
sou Id pick me
is it
The head of a matrimonial com-
glanced at a bill from his wife's
I proposed to you, less
than two years he said, was
rather wild, you said you con-
it your duty to marry me for
the purpose of making something of
me, did you not
answered the wife.
he continued, of-
forts have not been ill ii. You
BO ill she said.
have I made of i on,
i mi ii ed the bill.
he replied, w t
deep sigh.
Haw Ho Used
All Irish lull
requested his master to allow him
nothing like
it In the said ho.
However, n few minutes later his
muster chanced to pan through the
room and, to his surprise, found the
empty, he
asked, the
Jon see, said Barney, not in the
nut out, this way, I drink
then l breathe on
Startling Result.
think you told me Miss
fore was taking elocution lessons
from Professor
she was, but they came to a
sudden stop, and the professor has
was the
it seems he was showing
her how to read the balcony scene in
and and he did it so
naturally that she accepted him be-
fore he could stop
Tribune. ,
Scrambled Egg and Bacon.
Lay as many pieces of sliced
con with the rind removed as
frying pan will accommodate, fry
lo a delicate brown and take up on
a plate. Break four eggs in a bowl
add to them four
of cold water and a little salt
pepper. Beat them a little and
turn into the hot bacon fat. Lift
and stir lightly the white is
set and the mixture is thick and
Creamy. Take out carefully and lay
over the bacon.
Care of Copper
A furred iron or copper kettle is
easily cleaned. Place it empty over
a clear lire for a short time. This
will loosen the chalky deposit, which
can then he removed. To prevent
the kettle from furring again keep
a large marble in it or an oyster
shell will answer the same purpose.
Homemade Bookcase.
Wooden boxes such as shoes or
soap reach the storekeepers in may
he used for bookcases. These boxes
are three feet long by one
foot deep. The boxes may he stain-
ed or painted inside and out and
placed one over another until a case
of height is obtained.
Ivory Blancmange,
Dissolve one ounce of gelatin
for ten minutes In cold milk, n
quantity to cover it. this
into a pint of thin cream and add
a small cupful of sugar, two
of sherry wine,
into molds and set away to harden.
Sen e v. whipped cream.
Bass and Meat.
A dozen .-.- are worth in
mi of a a
half of meat, so ii is wise to u-e
eggs at nil packing down in
salt a supply for that in
early winter, when their prices be-
come fabulous,
When a slightly damp
cloth, for it will her up and hold
the far in than a dry one.
This plan, however, should not be
followed in the k polish-
ed the dump cloth
gives it a smeared appear-
Disinfect Linen.
A common cause for the spread-
of disease is the fact that in-
is trashed with
the common laundry. It should
ways be dipped in disinfectant be-
fore being sent to the
A Blood Purifier.
The simplest blood purifier a
sliced two i of
bl end i in red
haves to n quart of boiling
Sweeten to taste and it is not
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
price for cotton seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart bubs to A. G. Cox Co.
A lot of chairs arrived. up Mr. Cooper a-k him
A. W. about prices anything you
Jugs, flowerpots and andirons are interested in.
A. w. is -be
tat He a s d
wood earl hubs. A. G. ox Mfg. giving free open sir concerts all
ed and prices at the
Go to T. if. Manning Co. for
candies, nuts,
Co. Fat kind A large lot of new goods, d f seed a
use. calico-, and A W, Go.
Don't worry over that little lot at A. W. A Co. The A. C. Cox Mfg Co. have
of cotton you had over when try to meet received a lot see i
Hi rough ginning your last, buggies in pi ices. A few try In
lots. be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys them in any y call -e It.
seed cotton in any the none undertake bolls. Is here.
best market price paid everyday- Pitt Oil Mill is We sent through toe Winter
we pay the highest baying Gotten They pay I Mfg Go's fact my one day re
prices for country and highest cash pi or will ex It is the ma
shoulders. A. W. for meal. When yours things they do there. The plain, i
It is a pretty line of dress goods are ready write for prices. humming a tutu
that K. G. Chapman Co. A. G. Mfg Co has two car rough was am
selling this season. up of farm Two men making a
in style, quality their prices are low, in adding and we never
you had better go sud make different kinds. Two i .
selections were busy ,
We carry samples of over live, work Handsaws, steam
bundled styles, wall were all In .
For tobacco, dry goods are prepared to furnish y u as j be batch of men
i o up we've and are the cheapest. Dome on buggy bodies e, .- t .
them every day, examine before buying elsewhere, An-
G. Chapman Co- B. other paint,
Lineberry went to Colic and Kidney Cam, the anvils In soil h
to deliver kidney its if something u-
address at the closing Of MM fr stock and a sure colic cine. doing there. bile Calvin glints
Fannie school. at the Drug Store. your meal or flour, and tie
Our spring and summer Cent, L, and miller e know.
notions ladies and gents hi around, bat don't in
slippers has arrived our stock A few subscribers the
of ladies mess goods area bit arrears.
is more complete eyer j list
before. of mohair t. jg route from
of all our for indigestion at the drug
batiste, weather proof, batiste la ,,, prepared to give receipts W. en- a ti. ii
all the latest designs, i, for the paper. and see me to A. C d Mist
The ladles are respectfully invited , me happy, m Co., that their buggies were
to rill inspect our gel among the beat buggies shipped
Barber Co yourself. I've got a good j there.
The best place in town to buy for all those who pay It would yon to see the
Stationary is at the drug store. , advance.
Keep your warm and com- a Johnston,
and avoid colds, place to gel Win Mfg, Co., but We were In
doctors bills, by buying your The A. G. Cox Mfg o. have a Dig they had a
G. Chapman Co's. American fence aid J ,, f work being
They carry the best shoes at the Pittsburgh perfect also timber line,
most reasonable prices. staples and bard wire. Be sure to mixed punt- and
For seed plow castings and before buying t. . A l.
all kinds farmers supplies, see spring supply of fence. The young men of Hie II. i;.
A. W. Ange Co. J repair Shoes and do good work, i debating society will soon discuss
For quills and quilting cotton Bring them to me either at tan question.
cotton see A. W. Ange and Co. home or at buggy shop.
Henry Nelson.
Stock salt at
For Plymouth Rock
per dozen. Fob orders
tired as fast as the hens lay. O. H.
I an and Simple C. i
A i I u
tin e, it
exception. on
and in ten i
out i
I ; i
tOO I'll to I
. to allow it
the way for the men
i Main in
from Friday
I'm a ma -a
number of and carts that
i being shipped and sold by A. G.
Those v. b r- of
ed at
this a count, and
it mid i ; n a
pi way. can be laid on
plates and put out of eight in a
bu ii. f i- another
refreshing disinfectant for a sick-
i any room has an
pen a ling Put
sol h ground i e in a i r,
and in the i enter ; I p
. . gum, which th
a match. As the gum bin n
t coffee to consume with it.
The is very pleasant and
i i breadcrumbs make a most
. e when scattered
over a rib roast or fried fish. To
have tin-in they should
n brown and absolutely free
from crumbs should be
dried, then rolled and
I'll through a coarse sieve, to re-
the liner ones, that may be
saved for breading or other
s. Mi-It a of but-
in the spider or use the same
amount of olive oil, and when
I put in the crumbs that re-
main in the sieve. Stir and shake
continually over the lire, us
as they color take up.
west of
i iii new Spring Suit n
ti. i. ii
Collie -i
It will pay you i
to your
i be admired or
, Tailors,
prices do
a Mirth
Nose, Nose, Who Is
number of children can play egg and beat it well. Add v
the game of who to taste and serve very hot.
Nichols left Friday for
Car load nil lira just
A. W. Ange Co.
For clothing for your body,
shoes for your feet, hate for your Winterville ,
beads and food for stomach we are, Mr. and Fled left behind the other. The eyes of th
headquarters. today for their home in Homestead one in front me covered by the one
R. G. Chapman Co. At the drugstore there we think behind by both hands over
For com and seed oats go to be pleased m. Then
. ., ., . . creeps out tiptoes to
Ange Co. in silverware jewelry. leader, gently tweaks
White's Black spec. paining ,, ,,,,, all, sneaks back into place.
Hot Slaw.
This is a good way to cook cab-
when a change is Cut
a firm, medium sized cabbage in
half and cut half of it into thin
strip-, using a very sharp knife if
you have not a regular sheer, Sea-
son it with salt and popper and
sprinkle lightly with Hour. Pot
half a tablespoonful each of butter
and fat into a saucepan, pat
in the cabbage and cook for ten
minutes, stirring constantly to
vent burning. When done, remove
to the back of range, break in nil
egg and beat it well. Add
An event of first importance, the
result of careful planning and weeks
of faithful work.
The formal opening of the
recommended for the human or can gel any style at any
family, line for perfectly t Harrington Co,
balanced, com your eyes feel like there
sale by is m it in Do they you
B. T. Cox it Bro. tired on rending Do
The lot if ever mattered and adhere
brought to Winterville, your style, denote
our lit, at j our W. paired and should be rein
Ange Co, Billed by wearing glasses. H.
Mi-- returned j ,. a fall line of
Friday evening. spectacles can in your
white good-, ladles collars, proper
handkerchief lie.-, go lo A. t Or lo solicit
W. Ange v Co , they have a order for nursery stock
assortment. county. For particulars enclose
For stone wine, jugs, bowls and Box Winterville; N. .
pitchers, see A. W . Ange Co. Spanish peanuts fol seed ill T, i
For nice of all kinds
The leader's eyes are released
then, he walk up and down
the row try to tho who
pulled his no-, by studying tho faces
of all mid picking the one who
When I. d. I
Here is a recipe for mending chi-
which has stood test of long
time. The House Beautiful
reels it. Tie the article to be mend- j
ed and boll in skim
milk for an hour. The lines china,
being hard throughout, will not
join, but the Meier pastes will mend
perfectly. M mended may
be washed in hot water.
-.- and
I r I
lowly have In-
i i
lay, m ,
cat, -In he -u- by tho nose, for, la -I Soap wt
If he ha- found III rigid one, In .
take, he place in the row, and .
captured r go in front
and In In- an i I in ; turn
if he i
one i. I phi; i i
take- him no u and ads
him back to iii original
go to Ange's they have a large as-
For axes hoes shovels forks
spades go to A. W.
Car load of Flour, just in Hui-
limber Co.
Miss Leila Roach went to Cox-
I've just returned from the
northern market where I've
a full line of up-to date
millinery. bargains
ever saw in ribbons and fancy
collars. Laces and dress
invited to call and me. Mrs.
Large of pants
than shoes, All men stock at A.
W. Ange Co.
N. Manning Co's.
handle T. W. Wood and
Sous and millet
T. Cox and Bro.
The A. Cox Mfg. Co. expect
to reduce the pi of their
co truck for the coining season
until it is in easy reach of to-
have moved into my
new store the depot. I keep
a I'm d line hardware. Haves
black smith and repair shop
and lively stable council ion.
L. House.
The A. Cox Co.
leaking heir v shipments of notion
you need anything In Ml it
line you better oilier at once.
A Foil, Game.
The players nil u a
die, I by edges, The
one who i- oho en a leader says
I fish nil kinds of When
I i., . i must hold fast.
When I you must
the leader to speak
saying comes
into his fiend, until ho
lays, or at
a lime v In a he he can
catch the others off their guard.
Those who are caught must pay n
A traveler iii Siberia noted
that among the natives along tho
northern coast wood in n certain
form la u most common and con-
article of diet. Tho natives
II hi-i th I. it. n
when II ill are it
forms part of the meal,
many cleanly stripped lurch
near every hut
was a triumphant success
surpassing any similar
occasion of the
The unanimous expression of
delighted visitors was that never
before had an opening exhibited so
vast and charming selection of
The Ladies of Greenville and
vicinity are to appreciate
styles and fine go
in i ii
n In
i I
i a bacon rind
flesh up mi u ml d pi o a
largo th It. Every
time if n i i tram H e
r,., i edges on n and
th, I, on cloth and tin
be a smut on the most delicate
Whooping Cough
Tor whooping nigh make p i
stable by n . an I i a
mid after with
brown tar allow the onions to
stand b hot under a
press all the i- forced
Lima to tho
Lime I on
will keep and In the
storeroom be, min moldy.
i m ed occasion-
ally, as u lo tea its power.
Dee For Invalids.
stock and
of two
fill if
. .
The Reflector
Book Store.
Carries ledgers, Day Books, Books and other blank
books, Box Paper, Tablets, Slates, Pens. Inks, Mucilage, Legal
and Abstract papers, Carbon paper and numerous other things in
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

v .
M r-
. i.
M. n.
. i II. I,.
lice i. T as
. III i,
. . at
J . .;.,.
. i .--.
i. . .-,
I i. . . .
. i lbs following
Thai ; of No. Ir town
of fir-c S. on
I corner
torch mi and
r lining with said street a
. i mi
. the mi thence n
. I. . ,.,, II
I. So. with the line
,, . ,,. I Lot No an easterly to
Lot from the
Forbes, courthouse Lot on Lot thence
. . i to
I the beginning. being the
It, i, N. Hart. J. as the Lot, dot
i . being the Lot upon sh the Masonic
Temple stands sud all Improvements
. This day of March, 1904.
meetings each L. W Tucker, Sheriff.
i. Sunday schools
h. in. NOTICE.
A. T. King, pas j . . . ,, , , , .
i enters and claim
tor. services the following described vacant land
W. f. to Swift Creek county,
of N on
.,., n .,,.,.,,. .-,
White Lead, Paints,
r many
Colors, and and
is doing work
i ,. . . i
G o I
in.-. . i-
I .
an I
F .
Ci- .
C. . ,
be.- iI. i, i i i-
J. J. ;. WAGE,
., Sense river,
; . , v Q by Charles Dudley,
a on bi
Sim Esther Smith. Job amid.
; r move or. This
. I, of March,
Milt lay or lining title
; W R Cox
. then
i Services every first or they will be barred
is law. It. the air in n minute and
of . then slack up and repeat
I . I tO
i I in
he called
T .- ii . v t, is not con-
, for I e horse would have to
back up after u h pull to lower the
line of the pulley, and thus he would
work tour hours ii in pulling
I lie l i lie rate of
Ii a minute and four hours in
up rope. Consequent-
i horse can actually perform
com in vital is generally call-J
ed one horsepower. The hone was
in at a rope
for eight hours a day, pulling
pounds feel each minute with-
out rest or change. Consequently
when speak of horsepower we re- j
fer only to the average work a horse
can do in one is to I
say, the rate at which he can work.
A man might pull half;
weight feet in the air in
two minutes, but he could not re-
peal the operation many times with- j
out exhausted.
For ail needful purposes the ex-
of one r is
rate enough and practically .-hows
the measurement of an avenge
ii for working. A- a
strong man can in eight hours
work at the rule of about one-tenth
of i is. ii would
require ten men to pull pounds
Country Ready Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
-Mi . i y
Will B W.
H I.-, i
K v A
If You Need
an k
We've It,
AH Kinds Of-
ard anything carried in
a Store.
The of n
Pitt It
. i u Hit
day i
S . ,
. , , ii to i -nip nU
v.; .-film
. I i . . i . i- a I mil i.-i ll, an
ii t ii en v
, , . claim riv
Sunday t the ,. . ,,. ,. twelve
. lay in each month. ibis notice, or
B In re-
u School ; the 17th day of March, .
LODGES of the estate J. II. .
Lodge No. A
V V M. and
3rd Monday nights in each
month If Williams,
Mi Wiley Brown, Sec
Covenant Lodge No, O
. duly
i court clerk of m
of the last will and tel I
A. Corey,
to nil p. ,,
P even Tuesday to estate to make
Moore, N u
. , ,, and ii- -i, s i.-l
Sec the estate must present the same for
Tar River Lodge No. K of within twelve months from
a i Flanagan, C ThU day of February,
T J Moore, K of R r.
Tribe No
K M, every
f It. A. s.
Thursday night J K One largo red
rev, Sachem; W Ed Wk-
st . n-n .
J I.
Cotton of
Hi; S r.
Council Jr A
M. meets every Friday
night J H Randolph, Conn
J Watson, It s
in right, sin to
with Owner
conic ii pay
K. B.
ltd. ii . w Whit-hard, K. C.
throughout the eight hours of
r. working day. The world's gain
in labor when were em-
to help man in hi- work was
tenfold. St. Nicholas. -i
As She Would Have Been.
Everything you want in the way of
v woman
paid a I Ca Goods, PickleS,
n in mom be
fruits, Candies, can be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
law n of a I
say. and
. at ;. re n the lady
visitor i, i . her if th
re was a y portrait and
was told that ii r her de-
ceased daughter.
ii long since you lost
asked the man.
. n i the lady,
died after her i-. had
n portrait painted In her
a- sin would have appeared she
had lived until
A Dearth of Oxygen.
The wide awake student in his
haste occasionally puts a question
which the next minute he might
The New York Tribune re- W
us of the story of u Harvard
instructor who was on .
oxygen. B
said he, essential
l no life without it. Yet, strange
to it was discovered only a
asked, it
i i .
i r. -.- ii .
I h .
c . and also
. ii.
A anti ii
oxen and
W Proctor.
. I .;
. .
. ha i been
vi lie i . . to the ;
; i of
, and the i lid mi
feel real u mid I In-1
I . . And n i
I r, I thought
ii rend ii . at I
i .
Johnston bros.
The Cash Grocers.
For C Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stutters, In anything;
in Hardware come to
I put it in hi
. .
in . kill
Your Household Cleaning the
and in
, Cot a, Grain and Pu- i
ii to New
Orleans that v are Headquarters for High Grade and medium
i ii i
. price
Greenville, N. C. . Art Squares, Curtains a. ho,
MONUMENTAL i i horn case con- Commodities. Yours
, soda tie con-
Iron Fencing Sold.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
v AYDEN, N. C.
s- L
; i ; . i I,
i hi ml l-i
I'll .
A, N. C . March Tl
and wt
neat pleasure in receiving sub
script ion- aid willing receipts
those arrears, We have a ii-1
of all who receive their mail
take orders
. we id .
Pi ices cheap i
Com i i
.- .
office. We also
tor job
When yon a light,
tough pole, for your boggy J-
Gallon make a boy, paid
election. Milling Mfg
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Anything in Insurance f hotel
., jut-t opposite the you
If you need anything in Ike way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins. rt
Mrs. Calvin Tucker, of Gnu ,,,, u
, , . , as any
W to lie;
Mfg. Co.
N C.
. .
r- t J. It.
. I I
. .-. r nil other
. CO I
; H
J. J.
A lb . .
pall pints the day,
. ti i . hi pair be I.
made Ions free right
Al. SAUL .
.,. i in
i M C.
c .
It. I .
hi Ii ii
. I v a hi
low ii .
A . i; ;. . i, v- their
. tin
came up again
with her brother, Claude
who is still quite sick.
Call and examine our line of
Ugh grade buggies. Von can l-
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Milling Co.
. p of
i . notes, tie; . So. i-e
a- y kind
I t . v. c.
at J. B, J
t I,.,,. ii
. , . I-mil lock paid in.
u we arc tree
really, can Be
t- Ton when
t lie
en pant, ti lie
, . j n ,
I . ,
; . profits less
. to lit II
treatment by
. i, -c
Cox, the insurance specialist. Pop
Car and
t B. Smith Bi .
Cm salt, tine and a J.
K. Smith Br i.
Rev. x. i h
, i
;, i.
. town
i. . ii, t; . i.
Weal. , in
. . mi .
, ., .
II ,;
. 7-
t to
I. c IS
M . .
. day.
St . . ,; ; . .
I ii . . i the trade it
fill. I . pi
are illy i to call i .
ills i . ;
i all sizes I
H. ; Bro.
. . i. bet
i .
. .
. -1,
I . in to i ; i
new line of heavy and
class, light neat
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Car and
seed oats at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Just received, line line of
and can fit you up any style
or price
prepare ballot,
y in May.
. it mil lei
i e
Whichard to ,, ,,,,,
We mil mad up to date line . tore, i urn . .
lute ever brought to this is so .,.,.
little off. Same , d. He able to be .,,.,,,,. .,,,;
J . out yesterday eve. j,,.,,,., ,. ,, ,, i
tot Nice assortment of pictures h ., rifles,
man ii . eyeglasses Hie Worse ,, , ,, .,.,
c each just received at W. C. ,, specialties,
era. ere. than none. It your
i in. Jackson Co's. , , , , , . ,
call ,., ,, i i,, .
Carry your egg. ,; M r. .
is cat high J W-
ii cases prices. Noted , .,
shoes for , , u ,, ., , ,,, , IN. V.
have said that wrong eye
women and at J. B.
Smith A- Bro.
iV. J. been con
Ayden Milling Mfg Co. lined his home during the week
Fancy candies, oranges, apples with chill and lever,
and bananas at K. Dall J. B. Smith treat all their
arc re- with the reaped
daily new groceries ill are an
from the to call at their
You will have dreams I
If Cox writes
. , . bull
B. A
I glasses are poison,
J. B. Smith Bro, call attention
I to their poultry fencing now on
Polite clerks, good goods and
at the
B. Si A
Cold e . seal at
peas at ,. Smith Bin
on the brick ores has
been suspended owing
to a lack of cement.
blooded Plymouth
I . iii I hi
in . i ell
Singer Sewing Machines
on easy terms . .
Old machines taken in ex
. Oil,
Ban of
Call ;
J. ii. Ti
. in high grade
exceptionally low prices. This Is Buggies,
. Pet d ti.
In-t medicine on market at
B. Smith Bro.
tire. Samuel is away on lake,
eggs, W, Ayden
Ayden, y.
seats for in Pitt on approved securities Interest
Cox will arrange it. prefer to walk or the
to be voted a golden medal. men who will not believe that
Go to B. K Co's new arc the most economical it
their price,
We know vehicles and values,
we also know the buggies build
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Pr ever Shown on
They are worth Attention.
. ,
. . n
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co.
Carpet all cloth and market, beef, fresh meats, sail-
at J. R. Smith Bro. j sage, and fresh fish.
Miss Jeane Morrison, after a Miss Annie Dudley Co. will
long visit to her home in Bertie, I hive their spring opening April
returned here Tuesday and re-15th and 6th, The public are
her in her millinery Invited to attend.
We have full line of
shoes for ladies. Every
pair guaranteed.
J. J. Edwards Co.
We are offering mines for
W. Co. will pay
you highest prices for your Furs,
A high grade, smart graceful,
well made durable buggy can be
any style at any
of aV done on
shortest notice and I styles.
Large ill latest
ton v. to
Ion G i i
n. c.
N. C.
hoes, hut, caps, the Milling ft Mfg.
rugs mattings, tablet and
floor oil cloth Cannon Tyson.
Miss Lula is
sell that we gladly guarantee
them. Come to see tis whet
not. you . v. Street.
better elsewhere we do nit expect Best Turnouts
your patronage. i furnished the traveling or sporting
Ayden Milling mid Mfg. Co. i
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
of none
to be had when.
Just received our spring stock of
Royal Elastic and
I , Bed, best in
the World and sold en r guarantee, no sat-
I am better prep than ever to
my cordially
invite you call at my store,
public for reasonable price.
J. Edwards A Son.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
A. H. Taft,

r s i
to the farmer who under- I
stands how to feed his
crops. for Corn
must contain at least
per cent, actual
Send for our
tell why Potash Is as
to life as
sent free, if you ask.
New Nassau Street, or
South St.
Attorney For more
question. Mr. Have you
any prejudice in cue one tray
you should be ac-
as juror do you think you
could render a verdict in accordance
; with the law and the mi e
think i could.
Attorney whispered confer
I with bis homo.
I we'll Mr.
. y
i i Ai j
H S In
At the saturnalia, heathen pro-
of It the Roman
custom to decorate the house with
evergreen. This done i give the I
spirits refuge from the cold, j
hi Atlanta. it u the
t free all prisoners whose
offense baa against the
The mistletoe that we use
for Christmas decorations show the
of the customs of the Druids.
In branches of trees are
used for decoration. In most parts of
southern Europe evergreen trees are
while In India the English
churches are decorated at Christmas-
tide with all kinds of
I r-
i i
a his
i i,
yest and most de
The eastern mistletoe Is parasitic on j
deciduous trees as far north as New j
jersey. It grows in great bunches i
from one to three feel across and soon
disfigures a tree. The people of
la., have free mistletoe. The city
authorities cut it out of the shade
trees that Hue the streets, and any one
may take it away by the load.
The plant Is In n d of
, as we are with a
small despite in
which ought to
make ii r. demand. The
trade is wed handle about 10.-
inn 1- Life ID America.
The Way
by Small
This incident occurred during one
of flights in
No. Everything was going
smoothly, and the airship circled
like a hawk, when the spectators,
who were craning their news to see,
noticed that something was wrong.
The motor glowed down, the
spun less swiftly, and the
fabric began to sink toward the
ground. While the people gazed,
their hearts in their months, they
saw scramble out of
hie basket and crawl out on the
framework, while the balloon sway-
ed in the air. He calmly knotted
the cord that had parted and crept
back to his place as unconcernedly
if he were on solid ground.
The earth seemed to lie leaping up
stared him in the face. A hand
air pump was provided to till an
air balloon inside the larger one and
to make up for the compression of
the hydrogen gas caused by the
denser, lower atmosphere. He start-
ed this pump, but it proved too
small, and as the gas was compress-
ed more and more I he
of the balloon increased the
thing became unmanageable. Th
great ship dropped and dropped
through the air, while the
no longer in control of his ship,
but controlled by it, worked at the
and threw out ballast in a
vain endeavor to escape the
table. He was descending directly
over the greensward in the center of
the race course when
he caught sight of some boys thin
kites in the open space. He
to them to take hold of his
guide rope and run With it against
the wind. They understood at once
and as instantly obeyed. The wind
had the same effect on the airship
as it had on a kite when one rims
with it, and the speed of the fall was
checked. Man airship landed
with a thud that smashed everything
but the man. The smart that
had saved
helped him pack what was left of
the wrecked airship into its bas-
and a cab took inventor and
invention back to Paris, From
N. C, March 1905.
D. J. went to Washington
Tuesday evening.
Miss Susie Moore went to
II. H. Proctor and N. W Camp.
lien c none to Seven
for their
D. G. Moore is on the sick list.
Boyd was in town Sun-
Miss of Wash-
as hare Monday.
L. Y. Holiday went up the road
J. K. Proctor went to Washing-
too Tuesday evening.
Mi. and Mis. W. M. Moore west
to today. .
A. D. Clark went to
I, went to Greenville
The Key. John B.
Washington, preached his regular
sermon hew Sunday, Hew plain
and forceful III his preaching.
II. G. Campbell, of Norfolk, has
been here a few day.
Died in the Woods
To Tell Their Age.
To ascertain the age of pheasants,
partridges, grouse and black game
in the early part of the season hold
the lower part of the bird's beak
firmly at its extremity between the
forefinger and thumb. It the bird
he an old one. the beak will sustain
its weight without in slightest
degree yielding, but if, on the con-
the bird a young one the
beak will yield perhaps break.
Scotland Neck, N. C, March
Grey, one of the most
highly esteemed citizens of Scot-
land Neck, died alone in the woods
Wednesday evening. He was
spending BOOM days at his a
miles in the country and about
o'clock in the afternoon went out
to the woods as usual to look niter
his turkeys. It was noticed
that he had not returned until
o'clock. Search was made for him
and about o'clock he was found
not far In the woods dead. He
seemed to have rested a log and
tell dead. There was a slight
scratch on bis face, doubtless
by the fall. Si years
ago Mi. Gray lost Ins wife, and
has been under cloud of sorrow
aver He had not been up
town more I bun once or twice
since, and what lime be spent out
of hi- home here he spent on his
farm. He was something more
sixty years
S Us
N wen
for your
and every Lad
can Should Come.
There we do claim in our
; m I m- Hi-n m
r in the
of shop . it of g nor by
show bill- Ii inns v.- try t
ideas in out of bu-i
w s b
I w
b- h
.-s, I
S In
lore is
. store
I'll I Si-
ll I we
. the 11-west
kind-id -o lb- with the folk of
and lo you will
vis I to new
Pulley Bowen,
Greenville. X.
l have been
Mr L. builder, Port-
laud, Me, line- houses in
a of
exactly alike Painted two lead-
The he
at neat . f be
The of be
w ill ;
in good condition.
Me didn't believe in
O into ii. Ask
hi a
Yours truly,
F. w.
P. ti. II. I. sills our
Two Tar in Trouble.
Norfolk, Match
Fentress, William and
members of
B. Virginia Nation-
Guard, were held for jury
on breaking into the
armory and stealing
upwards of seventy five military
shuts, which are alleged to have
been in pawn by the defendant
calling your to th-ii n h line Groceries make
special mention of apples, in nits of
; in hi-b 1-- A full
Hyman's In and by ware, a
very cheap H.-i . -r. I.
Don o. can mail
you Want in the Grocery Department.
, III oil in i I. III
n ii Mu a
Charlotte, N. , at d
job ed Hie Virginia
ii . .
mil . Ii
I n keep i tan
mil I
I Up
i. ; ;. . . I l I . U I
V . i-a
,. ;,. V ind
I can-,. be n ill
; . . ;. , , . to
m be
. . Interest
11101.1 ii-it
a failure,
J. A. Ricks Bro.
mil on ski
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Invited and will be Cordially Welcomed
to Greenville.
On Saturday the 8th the public
school teachers of this county will
decide the teachers institute
which convenes next summer
shall be held. to the
of county, Mayor
Woolen in behalf of the town ex-
tends a cord lid invitation to
institute in meet in Greenville,
and it is hoped that this will be
lb the teachers
were unable to meet in
fuel that a suit-
able g could not be had, but
our now a very
building, and our people arc,
great Interest in the movement
to the for Green-
A invitation has been
extended by the
Carolina with the promise
that the Club rooms will be
open This promise of
hospitality Las been joined in by
citizens f our town, and every
one seems willing to help in
this meeting of institute
most as well as the
most profitable held.
offered to
teachers by Greenville
ably -in ins- hose offered by any
other town in the Excel-
lent board can be had here cheaper
than while the
passed. The
many of our town offer
those I every an
opportunity to worship a church
of their selection, and we
h e that the teachers
institute will in Green
villa thin ;, ear.
Small is Best.
It ii belief that
we have too many cities which are Edenton Holds First Meeting,
too large a country which Association of
We Need it, Will We Get
press many of the
, .,.
Monday, April 3rd. , ,. ,
r rived evening to
Dr. L. James spent Sunday in a in with C. T. as
prophesy a coming disintegration . this year, the to trimmer in his depart.
massed populations Ag. the follow J.
too meagerly populated. Superintendents men of are
a more sane and
which comprises several
by S. S.
To whom it may concern ii.
Rich- Bethel. Mi and Mrs. J.
Thomas left this x v J. II. left
mill in
for Tarboro,
came in
fashion. for the
The small is next to interchanging ideas,
country. It is a better and giving
the young man than is of school work,
the great metropolis toward which The meeting of
so many turn their eyes. Trolley , ,.,,, t
cars, deliveries, trade ,
and mail periodicals
have done very much to change i; attend II i- and all machinery attached there
the isolation which formerly wen j he mailed j capital of
with life in country. , i you sill sum of -W. linker came in Sunday
interest of a col
I have this offer
will subscribe . build day evening.
cotton mill in your city, H. A. White returned Sunday
s; in. evening from Atlanta.
with looms, and all
morning from
tin- in lining for Oak City, to be
burial of Mr-. Mary
K man, which place
is improving, with it lo more machinery here, build Waning Iron. Lewiston.
.- buildup, and put in A. of Scotland Neck,
power plant operate Sunday
counties, as
our young men, lank, Be. tie.
have lei. the country for the Oily.
Some of are obliged to i Hertford,
to succeed in chosen
line of work. For the young Nash,
of the above
offer, we are willing lo
Halifax, Dare, cell, lo me inspection of
who has a business view
there is possibly as good a
small city s he may hope for
a great one. II he has much
capital, his personality, nil char.
Pitt, Hyde and
State Sunday School Convention Meets.
The twenty-first annual
of the slate Sunday school
will more readily atone for j be called lo order in
Presbyterian church
a small town. This is
especially true professional
man. Indeed, any of
may hope for greater
the small
of population the large.
As to social life the general
decency and comfort of passing
through Ibis vale of tears as con-
exist even today and
will be far better ten years from
self family has
ten times chances a town
, i Mr. Patch, we are advised
this evening at
any expert mill operators,
actual of Being duly
authorized by s of said
to consider or accept any
proposition in disposition of
evening from a visit to
This proposition is signed
Mrs K House returned Sou-
day evening from
and Mrs. H. H. Moore
W. who has been
here a few days, left this morning.
Mis Mamie King returned
o'clock by Hon. B. It. Lacy, who
will preside.
Mr. D. J. Young is chairman of
the entertainment,
and visitors will be met at the
station today.
Dining the session there will be
a meeting of from
young ii 11.11 . classes
over stale. There are many
classes in North Carolina, every
the machinery is now for of San ford, who
transportation to this point. a kw . left
We cannot say what will ,
betaken on matter by Mrs. T. B. Jenkins child
business of our but cue left Sunday evening for Goldsboro
thug i-ran aid do say is lo spend a days.
Mr and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, of
spent Sunday here with
that we need a cotton mill.
relatives at house.
Presentiment of Danger.
a last Sunday the
Mi Ruby, of the Pint
Christian church in Sedalia, used
the lug to
a point.
1-11 years ago I talked
with a man in Henry county, Mo.,
who gave me
of bis. He Was
corn, and about mid-
of I came
to end of field, I had
peculiar of dread or fear.
I unbooked my learn drove
home. I could give little reason
for what I was my
work in the middle of the alter
I was ten
minutes until I was my
wife and children into a cyclone
cave. Our house was swept
aw y, bud I not what
seemed a vague impulse my family
have been
City Journal.
Marriage Licenses
of Deeds B. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
F. It Mallard and
Geo. Lizzie Had-
J. H. Mayo
A ill Moore and Susie Proctor.
Samuel Harris and
Matthew and Mollie
W. T. Pitt Nora Peyton.
Grimes and Mary Tel-
David Lucy
Carolina Club has joined the
invitation to the teachers to hold
their county institute here this
summer, and extends the
courtesies of the club rooms to each
teacher during institute.
Of ten to tit y thousand is city in the state haying at least
almost any where in America
it can be any possibility hope Durham and the Southern Hold Consul-
n j . u . u Mrs. Boswell daughter, writ
Passed Away I his Morning at the , . . . , ,
, have been visiting brother, K
cl Her Daughter. . , ,
O. --11 this for
Mis. Alice E. widow
the late Mr. died at
Reported K Hector.
Due of the most enjoyable meet-
of the year was held Tuesday,
in, home Mrs.
Join, which was made
more than usually attractive by
lb-addition of plains,
an shaded
Mrs. Gotten,
after a-i absence of
s w
During Hie there
-a -01 e of the pubic
v. and of further
club other
Twelve new books were
ed, and will be placed in the
library ween.
The subject for the next year's
literal y pr was also discussed
and d
There being no literary program
for the guests and
members ware entertained by
ever given
tin- club. Thirty beautiful
oil silk
to have v city of th.-
class. small is a
tor environment in many way.-.
Not the least desirable
ties fact it is closer to
out doors. who
bass his own, with, u
horse ii buggy and
some place a few thousand in-
habitants, is better off a-a ma.
and a citizen than one who is
big Field and Si ream.
Col. A. B
dent of Southern Railway, was
in Durham in
the mayor and of
of her daughter, A bang,
in South Greenville, whom
she had made her the
Mr.-. was 7.1
M. D. Biggs returned Bat-1 all patriotic
evening Iron. Baltimore enough I readily locale the float-
where she had been buying spring and stripes, several
I it,
i. no
for T.
V. Monk, who has been em
aldermen regarding a of of
me differences oily of ,,,,. , character, bud b
Durham and the Souther. Bail- invalid for ,. and
is I ployed here past sea-
son, morning for Durham
where be will spend tin
b .
Ii is a disgrace;
To ball do things.
bore w b
She .
Tuesday and . . . few
Mis. i.- survived . lour
sous and daughter. sons
are Messrs C. U , J S. B.
Tuesday, April 1905.
J. S. Higgs vent up the
this morning,
u the afternoon statement
was made by both sides that there
was no statement to give out to
public, indicating no agree-
as yet bus been reached.
License Renewed.
D the office of Insurance a. . A.
J. It. Raleigh, of Texas, and I hi
Not to develop our possibilities, licenses were issued for 6.657 A-
agents in will i.-. place
To do poor, slipshod, botched ; North Carolina during the ensuing Thursday J ob Neck Ibis
work. year, April 1st. Many j burial near
T. give a bad example to young I of these wire renewals of annual
people. which the insurance laws Teachers Saturday.
To of be u
out before an agent is allowed lo a. r . x
To hide a talent because you do business the state. Prof G. E-
The University Accepts Carnegie's Gift, j lib
At a inc. ling of I In- trustees of loll call.
Tin prise, woo by Mrs.
Skim . us a beautiful edition of
in. poem
Adrian Savage left this morning partaking of the delightful
Norfolk. ha club
j to meet Mrs.
y the
In lo
D. left this morning many guests were present
. j Mrs. I. Mrs. Ed
Mrs. . I. B. Cherry left this morn Kan. Mis. . Mis
Baltimore, Mr.-.
. , . , I Mis. H. H, Moore, Mrs.
J. H, Farrow went lo Scotland ,
Mrs. Herbert
White, Mis Jan is Mrs. R.
Geo. S, Pritchard went up the ,. .;,. Potties, Mrs.
mad -ins Mi Mrs.
W. W. Perkins came in this Vines, M . Mrs. Woodward,
To live a half life when a whole
life is possible.
. , , , , ; state University on April 1st, m.-o
Not to be scrupulously clean . ,,
,. I the gift tendered by Andrew Car-1 m-w
person and
from Kinston.
Denmark lo
Monday evening
On of sickness Editor
J. has not been
A minute's talk by Ms today.
Mies Seal, dulling,
Wooten, Blow and
Ski ,
A Southern Industrial to Meet
The Indus-1
J gift tendered by Andrew Car- U The Sun he. n Indus-,
of for a library was Prof. H ;. Mrs M. Higgs, who returned in
a unit Teacher and from Baltimore last Saturday, 1- D. C. on May 33rd Great
is given U that Prof. J . Ki.-i.-n. k her home on the of j ,,., ,,,,,. . ,., d f
to those who have helped us.
To go life a pygmy
when nature intended you for a I
I giant.
To kick over the ladder
which we have climbed to our
To be grossly ignorant these
days of free usages of good society.
Miss Ned.
directed a careful
be made at to raise
this sum.
No Summer School U. N. C.
Dr. J. W. Bryan left this morn- is expected to alb
as , to be present II ill be
h Sower, Gov. T. J. Jar vis.
Big Fin at Rocky Mount.
Rocky N. Q , April C
A lire which burst out at three
o'clock this in the dry
kiln of Tar River Lumber
Company, laid the mammoth plant
of this hue industry in ruins and
consumed other property nearby,
entailing a loss of upwards of
This loss is partially
covered by insurance of
Deciding by vole where
On last Saturday executive shall be held.
committee of the board of trustees, No
in a meeting in the executive office
. I year, and we would every
of Governor Glenn, decided to be
there will be no summer school for Don't slay at home and In n
teachers at University you wish the Institute bad been
the Sunday school convention and appointed by the go
Carolina this summer.
This does not effect the summer
school of law, which will be held
as usual.
Much as Ever.
Since farm work has got well
under way it to look like
fertilizer sales this season will bi-
as large as ever. it
are being hauled out.
held elsewhere and vole
your preference.
Reward Offered.
or which convenes in
that my 6th and
Dr. Id is a delegate from the
class of the Memorial
Wednesday, April 5th, 1905.
O. W. Baker left this morning
for Lewiston.
W. K. Moore left this morning
for Snaky Mount.
R O. returned Tuesday
evening from a trip to Richmond.
Mrs. Jack Reed, of Plymouth, is
here to be with her husband who
is sick at Hotel Macon.
C. M, who has been
visiting his sister, Mrs. A, L.
about Short
hair. while black.
Set near May's Chapel Tuesday,
28th March.
W. A. B.
Route No.
Greenville, N. C.
State.-, . j,,,. .
mayors of cities,
boards of
and banks, railroad -n,.
planters and
The object of the
plans for the net
of the material resource ,
the Southern Slates.
Large Collection.
The A, M, If, church had
a grand rally on Sunday last, for
the purpose of raising money to
liquidate the indebtedness of the
church. Rev. A. R. Roberts is the
new Dr. O, H.
Thomas. A mat collected at this
rally was

Eastern reflector, 4 April 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 04, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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