Eastern reflector, 31 March 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have Come to
The best store in town offers them to you
ii pin chases. Every dime yon -pun i
there i I do extra
that pleas- and b-in-ii; yon.
c you spend money spend ii iii.
gut fill returns And unless each
it in p., STAMP
vi. fill value
Hi like win pound in- .
without mi your
i. . lid ; u; I III V ll I
a pleasure ; . .
. such things as you w aid
i t mi, sir-offered I Iron n S . n
. ; to give you
of yon can best u e
-I n-ed
h i i ho . I . i i v
ii . . it
HO I .; i b II, lid presto
. you have 50.00 h
;. is ; th ball rolling et
; . spend it where
Stumps are and
This wants ; yow
. i b f i
d an i i Sta Us in
to a -s.
re here.
The ; do not apply on purchases of
and Pro vie ions.
. II h
. . .
are we. know what
make; y u know all it, V.
. paint hi-you know your
H o know what it K bow it acts,
bow ii Mini bow
I led to;
j-1 I.
Ii i we rake the risk of
; lull OUght not In
ii I; ii-. abuse t,
draw the line
i h We
Hi mug. is to them us they
-l- III
We I,. I. i tided by
We the i Urn ; i the
. In get I. We them
i . ii. decree of eon
mill cue.
We expect to lie lo
pain as . n
I . n- cm.
d. .; i i way,
y ii a with and
A few me mi i i
o it m u-i
pill lo I .--;
will ii . fir how
, Mud p i-.
b is in nil- ii- paint
in the world. Ii is our
. .
with little.
i. a-1 n. . .
KALI WOKS. tun. Si., N. v., w
Atlanta, South Si.
F. .
P. d. II. i.
s-IN mil
f D
of i I In the
County. court.
Hook i. Sawyer
V-. Notice of
T On isle,
A. A. M. i
By of an execution
to the Superior
court n in ill
action, I Mon-
day, the 24th day April,
I o'clock. M. t
of id tell the
. cash la satisfy laid execution,
all the title and which
the said Lodge A, S
A. M . defendant, in the following
real estate, to wit
Thai par; of Lot Mo. Ir the town
N. Beginning
Third St. at the southeast corner
r with said street a
course feel . line
on th. same Lot, thence a northerly
with said
of Lot. No. with the line .;
Lot No an easterly course to
tin I i Lot from the
.-. on . No. then .
I a southerly course
. inning, nu i the Lot
ii own i- i. v Lot, ii.
upon in the Masonic
mi an l all improvements
. d iv of March,
L. Vi i
Ink Spots, Iron Mold and
While wot sprinkle
or on the mid
moisten ii with milk. Another
method is in sprinkle with suit and
with half a lemon. Wash off
acid and rinse at once.
When ink baa been allowed to
get dry place the stained part in a
saucer containing n little boiling
it r. moisten and cover
with .-alt- of lemon. Let remain
a few then pour boiling
water on carefully to the
acid spreading, which would burn
and rot the dry threads, it ii
able for this reason that the article
should be well rinsed in warm
No alarm need be felt if iii-
of taking it out clean the, acid
turns it out a pale green, Boiling
will the process.
Iron mold ran he treated in the
way, and ii disappears once.
Muriatic acid is most useful in re-
moving red ink stains. Ink must;
be removed at once from colored
materials, as the dye is not proof
against the method needed for dry
stains. Steep the stained part in
boiled, milk, rub it I
lightly and change the milk us it be-
Visitors In a little la
England a relic In
of a stool with a leather
top like a The parish clerk
shows not a pride In this relic and
tells Us story with relish. During the
seventeenth eighteenth centuries
the country parsons were
to spend of their time hunting
with their squires. Often-
times the fox got more attention than
the sermon on the following Sunday.
Sin-h the with parson who
left the saddle stool as a
relic of the days of fox hunting par-
sons. He was a good deal
In the saddle than In the pulpit,
so in order to Introduce some of the
life and spirit Into Ids discourses which
he felt while In the hunting held, the
reverend gentleman had tills saddle
Stool made. It was placed In the
pit before the parson mounted the
slops, once astride this hobby toe par-
sun was able to roach it much higher
degree of enthusiasm and eloquence
than he have unmounted.
A . I
Ferdinand the father of the
United States cast survey system,
was once waited upon by n committee
of congress to Inquire Into the
progress of the work. The committee
reached New and wended their
way upstairs to the room where
was drilling bis classes
them for the work, Sassier, who
allowed no intruders, met them at the
door and inquired their business. They
answered that they come to in-
part of the work do
you wish to Inquired the
Swiss mathematician. Congress had
no on Hint point.
you had go re-
as be shut the door In
the faces of the
tee. The committee looked each
other on second sober thought con-
Hint was about right
quietly wended their way down-
stairs hack Washington.
ii lo
I . lily, ii .-I-
Cheese Strata.
Take two ounces of butter, two of
extra good Hour, two ounces of par-
in.-an cheese and the season-
of salt and cayenne. Hub the
butler and i well into of It-
add the and sufficient yolk
egg in make the whole into a
paste, out thin and cut in
hair an inch wide about
four or live inches long. Cut also
torn rings of the paste, Lay them
on n sheet of paper and bake in the temperature has
oven live or Ion minutes until they
h., a u When
cold arrange in little bundles, stick-
or four straws through
A l Canning.
A Scientific Journal tells this story
of a toad's A of chick-
ens was fed with moistened meal In
saucers, and when the dough soured a
little it attracted large numbers of
flies. All observant had evidently
not this, and every day toward
evening ho would make his
in the yard, hop to a saucer, climb in
roll over until he was covered with
meal, having done width be awaited
developments. The flies, enticed by the
smell, soon swarmed around the
and whenever one pass-
ed within two Inches or so of his nose
his tongue darted out and the fly dis-
The plan worked so well
that the toad n regular business
T i
;.,. ,. 9,721.13 s.
ii ii I'd
F i fixtures
One fr. ti f I
Cash 10.1.88 , .,,, .
. no
silver c i
In typhoid fever Intestines are
the of the trouble, all solid
fond- should he debarred, Here
broths and are needed,
meal should given until the
u normal for
days, in fever avoid all
i en his i bee kl
and are those are
us that Their
v. I.- . n it , i ed.
For this r any . the legumes,
la .-. pr. or ml I . it be
used. Broth made from them would be
while beef or
broth, which i- less can be
A worthy spa et Dundee,
In order to i her gas account
was in the oar blowing down the
phis thus the bands of the
registering meter All went
well o came. After
examining, the las ciphered long
mid earnestly. At ma old lady
a big this am
the Inspector. the
other way The company's
you have surely been
Slewing hard Oils
Ii T Mi
X i I
. ob i mi i.
above is . i , , i.-- i
nod b ;
me, . .
. I
Notary OH
i suppose y tell your wife
when you get home
No, . everything, Grimes -01
course but she wants
to . My dear fellow,
are i I don't tell her. I use
. mil tin o i ins- her things
she care to know that there Is
n i i f to question
Bl ml things she tines want to
At close of business Mar. 11th,
; is
. i.; stock a I in
r divided
I .
I worn
i .
Gel of lie
It Is i . . he i t travel in a rut. It
. ii destroying.
x , pie eh . lite
or If Hi r d must be traveled they
I ; . I . I ii Stones and
a thing as get-
tin nit, and the w
it ii If move of
i . .
i i to
love. If i e than i for
I of
. i of bacon
. IN
-I . bin
I ., .
of the
Ti. Mask
i I l
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Timely From Mayor
Tic business men of
at Mil be to
mine i needs f he
in those things
H might be benefit to it, in
the men are alert in th.
I no
are willing helpers. Thee is
now in of people of
Greenville the teachers summer
iii v I will be o f i
et ks the
aid will be by
id . hundred and twenty
H hi bet-. In order to secure
school the housekeepers of Green-
ville provide homes at a very
rate, ten dollars
There is eel i i
thus in an old, Ii i
well i
sen away In i
One who has the heal
burden of the day living a r It business and life.
the friends th r
all his life, more i ban eighty
living upon the same homestead
from his birth, sharing the love
and good will of all who came
Within his living
plain, honest,
lib ma farmer, .
living by work
no man one
peony, a living of
u approval.
A- S morning
Hi,, s in; of Tyson look the If homes can
the be had at I hat is but
peaceful he was ready doubt the school
to r. who Hi.- Master called him to Even
borne. , that low the school here
Tyson as born in the wean four
year MM, on the same plantation eek, for homes alone, these
Then- he died on Saturday, I people would leave twelve
of Match, 1905, being about hundred and In addition
years old. He was twice J , that sum, each individual would
His wife wits, Mary on all average, five dollars
by w hum there were ban. two I incidental expenses, making a
daughters, both of whom are dead. ,,, eighteen hundred dollars,
The second wife Celia Flake. at least, that would left tie
who him, no the weeks of
have been born by marriage, As h business venture
and steady per- atone, the school would bring into
severance he accumulated some
estate. Scrupulously he I dollars in the very dullest reason
believed in rendering , n,,. ,,.,,.
things that are his, and to Cod the Then, ll of the
things that are God's. He was u, n ,.,,,
tot leading vastly, social life, for the
of the Free Will Baptist eh u p,,,,.,. i two of these
near his home Be- ladles or in a home
sides the estate he leaves behind raw,., numbers of
bis o- and eons . v IN,
m be leaves h Heritage of L B ,;. ,
lies nod honest integrity that is d i.
an. sled by all
Truly a d
n- aid.
who bin
Isaac A,
A c . In
i t i;, i
; ., In fleets
I people o
Ii van in reference to
de woman In the
railroad ravine, the Inference being
that she was neglected during
sickness allowed lo suffer far
want of attention, woman
win. mouths
know she bad nil needed attention
and was ii. in any way neglected.
To.- e
-o i
are I n hit I. i i en ,
being leaders ii nil movements
the social, . e I
and i in. in
th- it in ii i
. ht I'll I
the i I'S ii- .
building i i i
in a y Ii ill g
these i In . i i i ii
N the j
bus b, ii i in
commodious build-
there me few
suitable III- pill p. so
iii any in stale.
By a nulled on the pan
everybody in
inch ,. which one belonged th
was very attentive to bad f h
well cued for day night, and can
We Would Like to Have Living
Pitt Who Surrendered
st Appomattox.
the approaching
event the Confederate
Work of The Grim Reaper.
Arthur Kennedy, aged years,
oldest of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Kennedy, died at o'clock
day night after an illness of about
two weeks with dysentery. He was by V ed Cox in Tuesday even-
their born and death , Carolina on would be E. D. Cherry came tn Saturday tug
shadow upon the home, know the names of
M, in., tied to Norfolk
Monday 1905. ll. A. White went to
O lb evening.
C. came
w. Alien weal to Smith field in Tuesday evenly.
Arthur was a bright, Confederate
Pitt . In. surrendered
J. L. Casper returned to Lea is
left thin morning for
Mrs. J, L. of Kinston,
spent Sunday here.
W. J. left
morning for Georgia.
A. Corbel went lo
soldiers in
boy. For sometime previous their mus-
he served as on April 9th,
the carriers for
and performed his duties Mr- H
faithfully and promptly. sod of
The place , , was in Mon-
o'clock Sunday Cherry j this thought.
Hill and was He Io know
by a number of sorrowing are now living
were held at I no under Col. G. B.
the home and grave, conducted I Singletary and followed the vary-
Rev. A. T. King. The active pall ; fortune's of the evening.
bearers were B. M. T. W. close at Appomattox. E, B, Thomas returned
Skinner. K. F. Bet is, L. P. Van- Mr- volunteered April evening Virginia,
Hugh J. Ml, enrolled in Cox
Higgs, K. W. Cobb ad W. took part in morning from Ayden.
and honorary PH of the battles of e. H. Thomas left morning
beaters we e G. S. F. I surrendered at i for Durham
W. Clare, Wiley Brown, B. E I April and reached T
Hodges, b. O. home on evening of April evening from northern markets
E. B. and W. D. . from home and at the
front during the period Lena returned
Sunday evening from Washington.
S, Forbes has returned from,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. I he name, of tao trip after goods,
died Saturday of meningitis at i who Mr, and Mrs. Spain and
the war.
Cecil, the little year-old son of i TIE be glad
their home L. who rod left this morning
The remains were by We will appreciate this John Tail came in Hob
Sunday morning to Whichard,
and interment look place that
afternoon the
burial ground, in Carolina town-
Information from any and every
good Saturday returned tins
Mrs. Moore returned Sat-
evening from ii visit to
II. returned this
Rev, and Mrs. H. H. went
lo U this
F. Col returned Tues-
evening from H
l. L. Dumber son,
to this
Sr., left morn-
on a to Wilson and
W. II went down the
load last Highland this
J. A. and son,
Fred, returned Tuesday evening
Ex Senator R. Williams, of
spent yesterday and to-
day with friends.
J. Barker, of
who has been spending some days
here, left Tuesday evening.
Mr. Tyson, aged about Excellent Showing the Pad Quartet. . D. W Davis, who has
, , , in town a few days, returned t.
years, died at d o'clock The report of the of I Washington today,
morning at bu borne four miles the Methodist Sunday school for , ,, , ,., . ,.,.
,, Z
live grandchildren. makes M. at
two daughters both
them One of his grand j
is J. F. Sin it ii, of Green- teachers
The funeral ink place I scholars cradle roll ,
j i n. Membership at c
and idlers
Mr. roll
i farmer of
died Collections
lion, lie had been in poor health ,, school
for sometime, taking a sudden supplies missions
change a lo. before ins death total
the end soon came He was about Attendance excellent. C. M.
ins old and leaves a wife won a star for every
several children. Sunday during the quarter, Two
classes missed only one Sue- the Mel
MAKE READY FOR TEACHER, day and several others only two
Sundays. No single class has been
able to win the monthly
during the quarter, as
cal classes showed a month I v
Census Bureau Report on Cotton Ginned,
Census today issued a
bulletin showing total crop
cotton ginned for season of 1904
to be These fig-
Include and
round biles as half bales and the
total is t.
bales of pounds. The figures
fur the different states on running
h lies
Alabama Arkansas
I Georgia
Kentucky Louis
Missouri North Caro-
. Oklahoma
who hi been s
Texas Virginia
Harding, who had
in en home for u few days, re
turned to Washington
in bad health left ibis
lug to be with his
p i rents,
c. M. Jones returned Saturday
evening Iran New York where he
hail been sing new goods
for is. Cherry .
In the
Nichols Hardy.
The following cards have been
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Hardy
request your presence
the pastor, who was In marriage of daughter
Durham it ii a sick son, Rev.
I. Barker, preached
i-l church here Sui
win ii she died she was given a de
cent burial. write this in justice
to those who cared for her.
T e King's do a n
all dull but
the th .; pair in our
neglected reflects upon
the town, as it is well known
Greenville a gem runs hand
to every cane of suffering or need
exist in the community.
J. w
be i. as the is to h secured for Greenville
The People do Their Part Well.
Mayor a
men their part
gelling the teachers of the county attendance of percent.
here to the Church
me quarter, have come
the school, snowing
are concerned. made a creditable more than ball growth of the
. there is something the citizens Coming fl On that
it d appreciable i, must do towards it. most I
would accrue to J important thing is to open their
vane doors and provide teachers
place to board at a reasonable rate.
price agreed upon by the alder- licenses to
d nun
Norfolk, is
J. Hines
tor Halifax,
K. in
loll this morn-
Mr William B. Nichols
April the
Fifth nineteen hundred and live
at eight o'clock
Residence In
sou ice.
of can be t
In ii , would ii
Marriage Licenses
i o
an. .
hi .
. . . . h lake , Ii
. day evening ii ,, , , ,.
.- W II Lunching- ., . , .
bride, In whole I
. ;. ,;. a id
M Nor it
i. by Rev. B. pi I , . . .
. i hie
T couple It ii today l i he home
of the father, about l
Season End.
ill the t-
to; is pr. near at the C
Most of
I I will
to sell inn
be wise make a , effort I men I r the four weeks and Couples since
to induce these s and gentle- and it Is to find places for WHITE.
weeks as the teachers at this rule The R. L. and
I In n committee of and those
and will make .
en n van of the town this week hi
find places for teachers to board
and the c -i ii , help the
work along with cheerful and
pr Ii
meant let
i e to help along the
. f J on e m I
. I i report I the fuel
a n i ,.
on , a.
I, i m
u ii r
lay, i
. .
I la.
I Vine- and fa I lie
Plenty of Water.
It is much to kip I he
street now i s hen water a
i bard lo get. Now the p
o iii drive up
be filled in a few ml tiles,
of water I
reel can in I ten
to keep down i. dust.
Who Is Guilty
It is awful to think that people
will go a cemetery and pull
that have been
there to the home of the
dead, but we sometimes hear of it
being done In the la-t few days
flowers have been pulled in Cherry
Bill cemetery. Surely no grown
One of the children of Mr. and person of sound mind or propel
Mis. s. T. is very sick. self respect would be guilty
K B. and James, committed Iv
this morning for Scotland children sh
in Monday evening.
John L. returned to
to Scot.
laud Neck
i in wrong
Dr. I. and
per rel . .
Mrs, I. i II.
be I it mi
i i
A i and a
cook . . .;. i as
pit ;, n Lit tie
lie lag Oxfords in , . i L.
leather and kid. . .
Homes Being Oil .
t pi people
in him i
ll . i . Is many
m begin, ,,,
in , . R
Mrs rate for
who attend
ii Mai .
Iron Bedsteads M.
t j. March 1905,
K, e ii
Boggy on
road between Cobb- tore and
Roads, black on the
i ii I.-., .
be . urn
ling in J. Ki

We Have Prices,
N, C, March 4th,
Wood Brothers,
Sale Conductors,
New York, N. Y.,
While have received considerable financial relief from our over stocked stores and maturing
ugh the sales you have conducted as since February 1st, we are still in n unpleasant over stocked
position relative to disposing of the merchandise and shall be pleased to employ you to map out a further course for
us by which we may be to dispose of the remaining lots of choice merchandise and enable us to get the quickest
relief at the possible moment before receiving Spring Shipments we have agreed to take. Please give
this your best efforts and let us hear from you at once.
Yours very truly,
C. T.
NEW YORK. X. Y., March 1905.
Mr. C. T.
Dear Mr
Your communication of the 4th is before us at present- Low prices and holding back the cotton
crop market has dace hundreds of Solid Southern in just your position The only course we can ad-
vise, is to throw your entire stock on the market at prices so low you can dispose of the stock quickly and tAke the
sacrifice best you can together thousands of dollars of idle merchandise means final ruin to any merchant
Advertise diligently give your the best of values Thereby protecting both you and your interest
With best wishes for your success We remain.
Respectfully yours,
New York Sale
Here is a Few of the Many Bargains we are Offering to
A Saving from toll per
Ail i . will be
i it prices
is sale
I. lowest price-
Fancy Linens, Lawns etc cheap
BO Kind
I kind
Many stylish pattern to select
From m one-third off
and kind All offered
Quilts and Comforts.
II Blankets must go at ll
All remaining styles at one-
half price
j l kind to close at
C. T.
Greenville, N. C
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Ca
The following points
tie reached over th
can now
i of
Relations to Math- I
Fractions have never occupied my
mind lines golden age out of,
which was rudely thrust tome
jean o. But recently the
personality they used to have
for my childish terror was recalled
to me. know my niece,
Marjory, declared In me the other
day, with mi.
arc two fractions
and decimals. All are not
common or
or The for-
gotten names hack from afar,
mere conjunctions of curious
but j -1111 j
i of in. I
suddenly have mil up me
a c and hum.
among b one r
should be assigned the ex-
and the shibboleth,
even among boys- that single class
of humanity to whom look for a I
virgin and therefore a true
all the rest of
mathematical world should be
tagged with a double derogation
Whence is the sinister power and the
smug respectability of the decimal fl
Has ii to do with the money that it,
stands for Has iii- calculating
arithmetic done this human thing
there is such a thing,
ii there not, an improper
yes, there is. know- about
too. An improper fraction is a
vulgar fraction whose numerator is
than ii
It would appear, then, that
arithmetic appreciation of good be-1
is close to the human. A
traction has no business to be great-
than it appears to no matter
how many integers it may actually
contain. Having the body of a
common frail ion. a common f
ii shall he, and an improper one
case of explicit
grafted upon a genera
to the
Wagon loads of sifts are received at
House time.
They from of the
try, i e of persons
a.;. a to i; resident bin wife.
j., f . article the
pi lie pi i of tin- recipients, and
the is placed In cue
of the family for
generally names
and to all of
ii. . sent
ere all the employees
f the -the clerical staff, the
Ushers mill the domestic
given, through the established
of the resident, a tine fat
i key. Fifty fowls, selected from the I
; best in the market, are toe at Other prices to
tins event, so everybody about the with these.
famous mansion has for Come while tho bargains are
No one expresses bis happiness with
ii more countenance than
Jerry Smith, the colored man who
bus been a member of the presidential
household Since the of
Grant's term. Jerry was
dent Grant's cook, but In these days
he dusts the offices of the White House
keeps tidy there as the
presidents and their advisers are
usually men of advanced years, mid it
if to he second generation from them
Mint the While House looks for the
of childhood on Christmas day,
Home Companies.
lean fort
Hook Mt-
Warrenton, J
Atlanta, Gs.
Baltimore Ma.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S- C.
Obese city. Vs.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Columbia, d. C
Danville Va
Nashville, Tenn
New York N. Y
New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va
Petersburg, Vi
Philadelphia, Pi
St. Gouts, Mo
And all otter Important and in
points east of the Miss-
F. C.
Selling Out
At Cost
Owing to the the recent tire in
which store was burned
compelled to go out of bus.-
So our entire stock of
will be out at
Cost within the next thirty days.
We have el mice lint; of Pickles
and Canned Goods,
Sodded Raisins and Currants
Our stock is in tho old
brick store, opposite A. E.
W. S. CO.
A Quaint
burning of the fagot is a i
observed in Devon and
Somerset on Christmas eve. The
consists of green cut
and neatly fastened Into
bundle with hands. At H
o'clock in the evening this is placed
n the lire with much ceremony,
i. e family and Invited guests
round the he i flames
I, mill the i i ltd, n I en the
it green its
i en i
i i Merry Oil in k
; ; I Is for B
, I.- . this
custom by the story I t of
the stable at Bethlehem,
while local tradition tells of green-
wood Are kindled by Alfred the Greet
lonely wanderings in
At the Old Stand.
I have purchased the stock of
of W. J.
and will carry on the bus-
at his old stand on Five
I will add to the stock to
demands of the trade and will at
all times carry a complete line of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
Fruits, Tobacco,
mi etc,
I ill on me when the
iii-i till price
which they can be sold.
J. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
What He Did Know.
The blustering, browbeating
examiner has gone out of
ion. Ii is the mild, calm, dignified,
persuasive, polite examiner who nos
the better, although there
are times, of course, when a little tin
prove advantageous. An
amusing example of the former
method is given in
Law and which runs
omen hat as follow
sir, do you know
between a horse a
shrieked the angry cross examiner.
who was growing impatient at his
acknowledge my
replied the witness, who
a clergyman. hardly do
know the difference between a cow
and a or between a bull and
a bully, only n ball, I am told,
horns, and a bully n
fully to the luckily for me,
A S. i
A r I ill
i in
d from u
N -i ,
groin I an I
from SO in m
acre, d II
and nil It I
f. j and I t
i ever i
dial c
never l
I lost I
l have
alto pops
for seed, and i
few in-
to Southern i
It C. P.
o .
I In-
i c
with One
How Leoncavallo Got a
little those who go to
opera and see the smiling
Composer think of the mental, if not
suffering through which he
as very likely gone arriving
at fame. For instance, Leoncavallo
and the arc taken as a
mutter of course, but the
of the open was obtained only
when was knocking at the
door of the composer.
Several years ago Signora
had just made her first
us a singer when one day n
friend came to beg her good
with the great who is
such a power in the musical world,
for an unknown genius, whose opera,
the was driving him
mad because he could not get it ac-
The friend drew a touching
picture of the young man, who had
Bent his opera to
great rival, who had pigeon-
holed it and had forgotten it, while
the young composer was eating out
his heart.
Mme. required a great
deal of persuasion, as
and had just declared
that be would not even hear any
more new operas. However, she in
the end gave way. was herself won
over on hearing the music and spent
a couple of fatiguing hours in a In pursuit to avenge
cholera ad
Mi ;. fowler of tower.
K In., relates on he
title serving on a jury in a
scat county. A-
He there I
all some I'm Mi meat some
vii-c l gave me cholera
in very severe form, I
more sick in life and
ti iii- bra certain
me a of
that he
nail what I sen for, tint that
medicine wan so much he
would rather it tome in the
fix I a in. I look one dose of
it a in five
The second dose cured me entire-
Two were afflict-
ed in same manner and one
mall bottle cured the three of
Killed his Girl Wife.
Q . March
Jasper, tin., says; A
bis bride evening
Have Held the Record in North Carolina.
BONE, For Cotton. ORINOCO, For Tobacco.
See the Trade Mark is on
. Every Bag. None Genuine Without it.
Ask your dealer for GOODS, and don't take substitutes. For sale where.
N. C.
in with To pet rid of
her he consented to hear the score.
The young composer came with a
timid, almost supplicating, air be-
fore the terrible and taciturn one
and was received with a coldness
most glacial.
Leoncavallo at once seated him-
self at the piano, while
walked the Soot, and those present win
waited anxiously for a of inter- to return live with Her
est, which they knew would be a; mother aided Ins and
pause in the dreadful consented. They had
The act was las-ed. and still
the deed. who is about
year old, had been married
but time to his wife, four
years junior. They bad
fur Home unknown cause,
she bad to live with her
mother. Came the h -me
In the second act the
came, the
the tramp, tramp went on, the com-
poser scarcely being able to
the notes,
longed for
was over, never to lie resumed
where Leoncavallo is concerned.
Thus the was born,
the composer took his step to-
ward and Berlin. Pall
Mall Gazette.
Bank Rune.
A good many ago in
en old woman fell in front of a
bank and broke her leg. A crowd
collected, and report got about
that there a run on the bank.
In a very brief space there really;
was one. A disastrous run on tho
Bank of England in tho time of the
pretender in the eighteenth century
was prevented by an ingenious de-
lay. When Prince Charles was
marching on London depositors were
in a frantic hurry to draw out all
they had in tho Bank of England.
Every call was met, hut in sixpences
and shillings. So long did these
coins take to count and so pro-
were the of bullion
which to I cat that public
re i in news
of the retreat of the
coming to town, the situation was
Many persons have difficulty in
making a good mayonnaise, but
there ought to be no reason for it if
you know your oil is good before
you Marl. Mix the yolk of a
f-i; with a little salt and dry mus-
and stir continually with a
fork while you odd ll t oil, a It
should be only drop by drop.
gone but a abort distance when
heard the young
woman was found dead in
shot Che heart.
has and the sheriff of
the with an band
of men is for him. Both
families are well connected.
codfish , Persian dates in
packages. peaces and apples, prunes,
and raisins, also anything wanted in canned goods can be
found at our place at the lowest prices for first class goods.
In Vegetables our stock is replete.
In Fruits we have the best of orange, applet
grapes and grape Ask at for
Anything You Want in the Fruit Line.
have also Premier and double cream
Cheese, than which there is no better.
nor Baking Department by Mr. J. M. He
is excelling himself in baking pies, buns bread,
late macaroons, jumbles, cream puffs, etc.
very truly,
J. A. Ricks Bro.
There is no need asking the question It is enough
that the enterprising business man uses the columns of
The Reflector
for making his announcements to the trading public because
IT Brings
New Spring Goods
A Dinner Invitation.
After a hearty meal a dose
Dyspepsia will prevent
a. of Indigestion. i-
h thorough and a
teed cure fox Indigestion,
sin, on the Sour There is one thing that do not claim in our do
inn. Bream nod all stomach j that i- i soil goods cheaper Mi in they be
N. j do we want to create the oar store is
Ky testify to worn, out of style goods nor by out store
o in the cue boards will we try to impress false
ideas in mind we are going out of business, but we
do wish i that we are receiving daily shipments
Is Pend By Everybody In and
it reaches people who have money to for what they want.
If yon have what they advertise ii and yon are sure to
get a part of money.
in the cine of
I was afflicted
Trouble far fifteen
years and have six i tiles of
year Core, of the newest things in
which The
e- I to
At a Year cents a Month.
The E
rows Bin Tins j
i justly entitled in all
iii. remarkable cures, j
Hold by J. h. ten's
with the folk
yo l Will
these things.
of the wholesome -o wit
Pitt county and-d.
favor us with a to see these
Pulley Bowen,
A-V- I
At a Tear.
You are e r ii you fail to one of these.
The v i- to Mil a notch in
the side of ll i of the bottle and
let oil Mow ; .
vents the oil from
than you it. After
a w of vine, am
expedite n v- in
to the and
Consistency. t
oil almost ad i
to add
dressing mus be eon y I.
rue The or.
and Harmless
I Don't lo cure
whole our deepest sympathy for
so recently
She Off
-You kn
I It ed t o
I o
i I did hear
. , i a Voted and
iii I loving father. with sorrow
will hearts, bow with you and
his eternal gain,
neath are the everlasting arms and
He shall beat thee
yon In His t nine, soothed
so wounded hearts, He with
i band and tender love
V ill heal j ours
lo His Name,
One Cure
, a
,,,. lungs mil
hi express as n ; tubes,
A quick cure tor Croup
and Whooping One Minute
minute on
membrane right where the
on the Sold
L. Store.
A Jersey judge has decided,
that a woman's tongue is a
We appeal from a
part decision, for while we admit
her tongue is a weapon, yet we
that it is impossible or a
woman to keep her mouth shut long
enough to conceal
i taken
The railroads are peculiarly bless-
ed in having more business than
they know what to do with. If they
were conducted on the same
that other businesses are,
would apply the same remedies that
these do when they
they are When
m ugh nods, he
i more; lieu a fuel
o demand
u i t i
i ,
A Fire
To draw the fire out of s burn, or
heal a cut without leaving a seal,
use Witch Hazel
A for piles, the
, I, Tucker, editor
II T, Ala., t
used Witch
Hazel Salve in my family In
ii burns, Ii is the
keep it on Bold by
i, I. Wooten.
ll .
T .
i ; Inner
1905 OFFER
We have purchased a number of annual subscriptions to the
Southern Agriculturist, and. as long as they last, we will give
one, tree of charge, to every subscriber who pays for The
Eastern Reflector a lull year IX ADVANCE. If you arc in
arrears, pay up a year ahead, and get this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, send in your
order at once, before this great offer is withdrawn.
Is published at Nashville, Tenn It is issued times a year
and the subscription price is cents It contains more read-
matter than must dollar papers and is edited by Southern
men who know the needs of So farmers. Every issue
is like a big experience mi the questions being
answered by such men as M J. Key.
Commissioner of and Prof. An-
drew M. Director I Virginia Experiment Station.
The Homo by Anne, whom all
readers soon ea
But you must hurry. on will hold open
t . I at our
I n
Ink i

eastern reflector
J. Editor and Proprietor.
I.-. at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every in and adjoining counties.
U fiction
I i E, Pitt County, S. C, March 1905
time Mrs Chad wick serves
her ten she may for-
get how to work the banks.
liners, moonshine
tills and in mat-
ten are lively at
Trying t take its Durham
i the courts is Follow-
the old I ill the Southern
Ten dollars per head is the
of admission of membership in the
Tar Heel Spencer Blackburn's
Republican organization at Greens-
The faithful are coming down
with the price, as the line of promo
to a government job runs
through the club roll.
The Slate Agricultural Depart-
has issued a circular regarding
labor in the State and also in the
line of securing immigrants, if the
people desire them. With the cir-
god out a question blank, the
answers to which will give the De-
an idea of what the North
Carolina people really want, and will
show whether the immigration of
faun labor upon a wage basin is de-
sired by the laborers. Thousands
of the circulars mid blanks will be
sent out.
A small hoy. living ill East
Durham, died Friday afternoon as a
r -ult of drinking too whiskey.
The little fellow, Elbert
who was about years of age, was
playing with his cousin when they
found, in an old unused outhouse,
a pint of corn whiskey.
found the whiskey mid lie liked it
so well that he would allow bis
in but a small quantity. He himself
drank the remainder the whiskey.
As a r, he went into a sleep from
which he could not be aroused and
died late in the afternoon.
The penitentiary authorities an-
that two convicts, both
escaped from the convict
camp a, One is James
Wilson, from Pitt county, serving
ten years for burglary, age He
n sear on the hack of the
baud. The other is Lee Jackson,
from Mecklenburg, for burglary, ten
years, years old, a broken
i machines and nose.
At Wilmington several runaway
freight ears crashed into one of the
office buildings of the Atlantic Coast
Line and demolished the brick wall
. I for four stories. It happened at. an
hour when only two clerks were
lint a the stuff, editor, Mai. W. II. Bernard, ., . . o , ,
. the aim those had
f . are hampered now
with lack fears to handle freight.
what an when
Some Virginia camps of
ate veterans have taken exception to
inscription for monument to
erected by North Carolina at
because ii does credit to
North Carolina, and have decided
not to attend the unveiling. That is
all right, let them stay at home if
they want to. The Tar Heels may
show that they are able to pull -ff
More talk is ming out of
taking event without them.
shape, bu late save
The Wilmington has so
brightened up as to hardly look like
As the over, j ;, former self. It has installed a
an ice ; . ring talked. The j
between I;.
entire new dress giving the
and New
Mrs is writing the bis-
paper a decidedly improved appear-
The Star is the oldest daily
paper in the state, hiving been in
nearly forty years, am
Km v. . will divulge ,;. longest in continuous
secret ho to fool those service of Any editor in North
a narrow
The s. Louis millionaire who
Bays getting rich is a bad habit,
might k this bad habit in him-
distributing wealth. But
t if he lakes this view of it
For the lack of funds it is air
Una. In all these years the Star has J that no summer school will
never changed in style or policy, be bell at the A. M. college in
It occupies a place in the esteem of Raleigh this year,
the of North Carolina that no
oilier paper can fill. -May prosperity
continue with it.
Tie Republicans who
came down m Washington to the
Tar Heel banquet intimate on
their return the affair was a
frost so far as the wining converts
to Republicanism goes.
The legislature of New Jersey
appropriated for the state
to in the Jamestown
u in That exposition
is going to he a big affair and will
mean much to all section.
The Number of Presidents.
is curious note the number
of mistakes made in well informed
said a thoughtful man.
is a Boston paper which
our twenty-ninth
He is not. Nor is his the twenty-
ninth presidential term The facts
One editor in Memphis,
publishing concern
in that city
his feel have been
Hut he should not
wan; so remuneration all at
one time
A Ii . am
spend ii ; of dollars the
have decided
i II not i e
;. if let along p
ha i an help the
. i that big cotton
The if Durham is about
to be d i of court
for it the Southern
railway. If all of them going i
in jail a once might be built
around the town and save expense
enlarging prisons.
New York gamblers endeavor-
to work a slick ruse. Being de-
barred by the laws from carrying on
their operations within the city they
chartered n steamer to take them
three miles out to sea, beyond the
legal limits, where it Was proposed
to receive racing news by wireless
telegraph. At last accounts the boat
chartered for this pool room
had not sailed.
Mixed Peoples.
On of this week Mar
Peoples, of this city, was married
to Mrs. Anna of Old Town
It requires some expert figuring to
keep track of Peoples, us a
rule and in this instance it looked
like he had thrown US On the second
of last November the reservoir was
blown up or exploded and bis wife
was killed. Peoples himself Lad to
be carried the for several
of repair. Getting on foot
again be purchased a line team of
bays, hail their tails wrapped in
ribbon and kept the ice and snow
moving between Winston and Old
Town. And now we find things as
above stated. Now Marl Peoples is
not a bad man, but lie is the worst
mixed up we His bride
was his last wife's stepmother, and
hence he become his own daddy. He
not only becomes bis own daddy,
but he is now his stepson's grand-
father and his mother-in-law's
band, and the father of late wile.
Hi- wile is in nearly as bad a Bx as
sic-is her husband's mother and her
mother also. Hut
I, and no more, Mart Peoples can work it all out,
these nine have been elected for and will no doubt give a
but two, Lincoln and m in the wind up. lie i-
were killed soon after the a man destiny. Win
are thus The first
term began March 1789,
though the President was not ac-
inaugurated till April
On 1906, twenty-nine terms
of four years each were completed
and the thirtieth term began. As
to the separate individuals who have
held the of President of the
United Stales, they are, in their
order, Washington, John Adams,
Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John
Quincy Adams, Jackson, Van Huron,
William Henry Harrison, Tyler,
Polk, Taylor, Filmore, Pierce,
Lincoln, Johnson, Grant,
Hayes, I Arthur. Cleveland,
Benjamin Harrison, and
second term Tyler, i
Johnson and Arthur became
dent without having been elected I
office, and each served but a
fraction of a term. Mr.
became President in the same way
but has made a new record by
to the which he
r held by succession under the
constitution, New Orleans Times-
The N and all
m n. to up, not to de
We have been following
this rule of. nearly forty years
with this we have been
trying to build up tho Democratic
and destroy the Republican party.
Wilmington Star.
The Third Regiment band at
Reidsville will act as special escort
to Governor Glenn and party at the
unveiling of the North Carolina
Confederate monument at
April 10th.
Daily Thought.
If you would increase your
and prolong your life, forget
your forget the
slanders you have ever heard. For-
get the temptations. Forget the
faultfinding, veal it tic thought
to the cause which provoked it.
Forget the peculiarities of your
friends, and only remember the good
points which make you fond of them.
Forget all personal quarrels or
histories you may have heard by
accident and which, if repeated
would seem a thousand times worse
than they are Blot out as far as
I all disagreeables of life;
they will come, but they will grow
larger when you remember them,
and the constant thoughts of acts of
meanness, or, worse still,
will only tend to make you more
familiar with
A campaign for a nomination has
never opened so early in this
try as has that for the Republican
nomination for the presidency in
President Roosevelt having
taken himself with emphasis out of
the calculation, the friends of other
national leaders are not slow in
bringing them forward. It is not
too much to say Vice President
Fairbanks is a
date, an I undoubtedly one of the
prime objects of the Greensboro
banquet Wednesday night was
advance his fortunes. The well-
informed W correspondent
of The New York livening Post is of
the opinion that at this time the Vice
President has the call of the board
After Mr. Fairbanks, the willingness
of Shaw, of the Treasury,
is perhaps most apparent.
ail and are well
understood to be in receptive mood,
and it is thought that Speaker
docs not believe he will be
too old four years from now. There
are and will be others, of course
It is too far in advance to make
speculation worth while, but
one cannot but be impressed
by the fact that the time of
dent Roosevelt's inauguration for a
term of four years a campaign for
the succession was in full swing, and
by the other fact that tho
cans are conducting it as if there
were no opposition to be reckoned
with. Parties have entered upon
campaigns before now under this
and experienced
Reward for Criminals.
Governor Glenn has written this
letter to every
many requests for rewards
are being made, some of which do
not seem to be in perfect faith,
that I deem it best to make a rule
that no request for rewards will be
granted until it receives the endorse
n solicitor of tho district. I
therefore urge you, before endorsing
any application reward, to look
carefully into the case and
whether in your judgment a
should he issued.
deputies and constables
should he aide to apprehend any
criminal in their own county, and
should see to it that if tho person is a
fugitive in another county, a
be issued to that county, and the
arrest be made. Also if they can
locate the fugitive in another state,
they should ask tho authorities of
that state to apprehend and hold the
criminal until I can make requisition.
It is getting too common for them to
take things quietly and ask for
rewards, when by diligent search
and inquiry, this cost to the state
might be
confidence as an officer of
the state, will be governed largely
Color of Cigars.
Probably there is not one smoker
a thousand who would not be
prised and, in fact, incredulous, ii
he were told that the color of a cigar
is absolutely no guide to its strength,
such is the case, and a fact Well
known to cigar manufacturers and
i The belief of smokers
cigars dark c are
and Be of a lighter are
milder, is in point i fact, u.
as it is general This is but one
of many delusions harbored by con-
Burner of tobacco, and which
cigar men have smiled at and
indulged from time immemorial.
But years the inclination
smokers toward light lined cigars
has assumed the proportions of a
craze, and the producers arc finding
much difficulty in meeting the de-
The manufacturers and Cu-
ban tobacco growers would now
gladly correct the error; but, after
carefully classifying their products
under the style of Colorado,
etc , for decades, they find
it next to impossible to dispel the
The town council of Parson, W.
Va , is trying to find a chief of
lice that never swears nor touches
intoxicants. Why, don't they try to
discover motion. That's
easier. Wilmington
It was past midnight. The city
streets were deserted, and it was
time to go home. So thought
No. shivering in his rusty over-
coat. He had watched the electric
light on the corner until it- ring
if rainbow needles to slab
eves and the big shadow- on the
street below it to shake with the
a fare this blasted
he muttered, reaching down
pulling the blanket from his
As he did so be felt the carriage
give a great jar on its springs. Ho
turned quickly. Some one had
himself into lite scat behind him.
do you said the
There was a pause; then a voice
through the darkness, thick
and nasty as a gurgle of black
me to Judas
and. in the name of heaven, drive
Withers has been dead
and his soul with the devil this
many a answered the cab-
mun, staring behind him.
house still stands, but I
have lost my way. Go on, you
The figure reached over and,
catching the whip from its place,
gave the horse u lash. The old beast
plunged forward, hanging and rat-
down the street, while the
cursing tried to clutch at
the reins, but a hand, chilly and
dinging as the belly of a snake,
fastened on his wrist, and the thick
voice came close to his
will you show me my
The driver sank into his place
again, while the old cab rocked like
a ship.
On they rushed, past closed stores
and blocks of houses, DOW
ripping and wrenching across the
car tracks and now swinging along
the deserted road, on and on, until
the pavements bad been left behind
and the frost looked hack from the
ruts like a million little green eyes.
At last came the command,
I see it And the next
instant the cab was empty.
yelled the
leaping down.
Tl re vat no answer, lie looked
i. . Ii very dark whore
he stood, but the waning moon,
with its gnawed and crumbled edges,
hung on a lino with the tops.
Before him rose a vague blackness,
the house of Judas Withers, tenant
less but for the old wife, who still
clung like some pale lichen to its
stones. Perhaps she, too,
was dead. The did not know.
He did know, though, that Judas
Withers had been a miserly carcass,
grudging the very skin that hung
his hones together.
The house stood hack from the
road and was surrounded by a gar-
den, now lying gray and lonesome
under the moon. As the peer-
ed toward it he saw the figure of a
man come into tho moonshine. It
sprang across the open apace in soft
leaps like a great black bubble, its
every movement full of, a dreadful
vitality. Then it was gone. As the
driver himself turned to go he saw
a red spark flush out from the
house before him, and one after tho
other the windows on the lower
glowed red, as a blotch of
sparkles will cat soot.
The man man
owed him nil fear lied
bat the fear of loss. The tied
his horse and went creeping up the
path under cover of the hedges.
When he reached the house lie
ed himself gently and looked in at I
one of the him lay
on empty room. hi the throw a
i u inflow v i o
in; nil I blue
i i km .
So, i I lie en I d his
, for I i I H man had
I into I he p
a i high head, and
his i . bloated and
Id IS a curd.
The i b ill in ii hod low. A
of t trees
and a shutter slammed far
in the
I out of he
muttered, rising. But he did not
go, for the ire that stood in
Candlelight had turned hack to
the window and was digging union;,
the bricks, ripping and scratching
like a leopard, while his long shadow
clawed on the ceiling above
said tho be-
tween his teeth, pressing his car to
the broken panes. is treas-
hidden gold,
Just then tho man in-
side gave a joyful grunt.
Ho lifted an iron box from the
hole be had been digging. There
was no in the lock, but at his
touch the cover flew open, and out
poured the green
gold, like a glittering rush of
water broken beneath the
The cabby's heart stopped beat-
he cried softly
Then he grasped at the window
ledge, for the creature gave a howl
of anguish.
God They give no
And the echoes chattered
There was a long silence. The
huddle on the floor rocked to and
fro. his face buried- in his thin
had sunk, and the sky
was clear us dark glass. A cock
Crowed somewhere in the east. At
that sound the wretched figure
ed its head. Opposite him was a
with a fan shaped transom
over it, and as he looked it grew
gray and then rosy. Some one was
coming. -Now even the
hear the light creak of steps.
Nearer they came, nearer. The door
opened, a little figure peeped
into the little figure of
a woman, shriveled and very old.
The man by the fireplace sprang
up. As the woman's eyes met that
ghastly face she gave a cry.
she screamed, Then
she tottered and slid in a heap at
hi- feet, lie kicked at her, but she
only lay there, do
you want What do you
At last be answered her.
was black choked me
it was so so dark
come back for the light they prom-
me. They said should find it
here; that without it my soul will
be blind -blind Do you hear mo
Help me find it As you were my
wife, help me
The woman crawled to her knees,
In r eyes raised to bis, and the
watching through
the window, saw that the kerchief
folded across her bosom was bright
as if a lamp glowed it.
The other man saw it, too, and
his white claws shot out, burying
themselves in her breast. When he
had finished he held in his stained
and dripping hands the woman's
heart. It quivered, like the bruised
human thing it was, but the light
shining from it never wavered,
lighting the hollow of the man's
hand and the hollow of the great
room, his face and his loose, white
lips smiling widely, and the pit of
his throat, that was black as the
gale of hell; lighting, too, the tum-
bled, trampled body and the star
dust of spilled diamonds.
lie paused an instant, he
name was that of the dead. Then
he turned and bounded toward tho
window. There was a smash of
glass, and the felt those
smeared lingers at his own neck.
lake me buck where I came
from. Be quick, or He did
not finish bis threat.
The gave a sick gulp, as if
his throat were full of paste. Then
he was dragged over the ground and
Hung into the seat of his cab. The
creature sprang after him, grinding
him against the dashboard with its
bony knees, where the poor
clung, frantic with terror, as they
fled, pounded, Bow down the road.
When the opened his eyes
again there was a great of sun-
shine. Above his head shone the
heavens, deep as the core of a sap-
and far away he could see the
haze of the city streaked with
gray plumes of smoke. In the grass
shattered cab, and high over
his head, its pearly summit seeming
plunged in the eternal rose
a marble shaft. On it were carved
these Judas Withers,
Erected by his loving
The letters were of gold, but the
morning sun bad touched them into
words of
in San Francisco Argonaut.
home to cried s
good housewife to her husband at
work in the field.
be shouted, soon
as I have hid my
At dinner his wife remonstrated
with him for shouting so loudly
about hiding the hoe. am
said she. have
heard you and some one ha- already
Struck with the remark, the man
returned to the field, and, SUN
enough, lbs hoe was gone. On
to hi- house, impressed with
the wisdom of bis wife's previous
caution, be whispered in her
a boo i- stolen
A tourist in Inland who slaved
overnight at a wayside inn
visitors informed tho
landlord in tho morning that his
boots, which bad been placed out-
side nil room door for cleaning, had
not been touched. sure, MM
the landlord, you put
your watch and chain outside your
room door in this house and they
A Lucky Find.
Albert Winter, an Englishman
working in the mines in New Zen-
land, was returning home from
work two months ago and picked up
s atone to throw at a bird. Some-
thing in the stone attracted his
0-5 r or i-.
hi ind lo gold. I to once
staked out i claim for the and
has just sold it for
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Highest price for seed
paid by County Oil Kill.
Don't forget to or send
your cart hubs to A. G. Cox
Co. Fat
Don't worry over that little lot
you hail over when
you got through ginning your list
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buns
seed cotton in any quantity the
best market price paid every
Remember we pay the highest
prices for country
shoulders. A. W. Co.
It is a pretty line of
that R. G. Chapman Co. are
selling this
to date style, quality
ed and prices at the bottom,
Mrs. Jno. of Wash-
been here on a visit.
Go to T. X. Manning; ft Co. for
fresh candies, nuts, raisin,
For tobacco, groceries, d goods
to us we've and
them every day.
It. G. Chapman S Co
A. new
i or chairs arrived. and ask him
A. Ange Co. about prices anything that you
Jugs, flower pots and andirons an- interested in.
at A. W. Geo. Kittrell is circus do .
tat light- He has a gasoline bicycle i
wood can huh-. A. G. Cox Mfg. giving free open air concerts at
for feed for u,
A. W,
G. Cox Mfg.
Co. have
A large lot of now goods,
calico , and
at A. W. Co.
Some to meet received
buggies in prices. A few try j poultry
them In quality and finish any yon better call and sec it.
But none undertake to do both. We through Winter-
Sidle of villa factory one day re
awl Mrs. Nora Hart, of It la surprising, the
have been visiting Mrs. W. L. j things they do there. The
W humming a merry tune a-
Pitt County Oil Mill is now lumber was being smoothed,
having Cotton Seed. They pay Two men were making a nice lot
the highest cash or will ex I of and we never saw mi
change for meal. When yours many different kinds. Two
are write for prices. era were bus-, beautiful Una
A. has two car work. Band saws, steam
of different styles f farm augers were busy then,
fence and their prices are low, j Another batch of men were at work
yon had better go and make in baggy bodies
Business Enterprises cf To n Pros
Rev. A. T. King and
weal over to Winterville
i and at night I
meeting the
is being conducted by B v.
In, since i he
of we . there
great Mud pie
pi i of the Holy has
truly maul
after an excellent
ire were several pi i
when an a
was given to lug
a lot request prayers far their salvation,
you are d scores of pressed forward
response, it an inspiring
such an awakening as we
had and
caused the mind logo back
Pentecostal day.
Friday morning we spent a
among the business house-,
and industrial plan b of iii town.
The A. G. Cox C , is in
the midst of their spring rush
turning oat the famous Cox
planter and articles of their
The shipment
of cotton planters is large,
to and orders
I a back bands other
book desks. An-
selections soon. wardrobes
We carry samples of over live other man was merrily paint. are heavy
hundred of wall pap-r. i while the anvils in
to furnish y shop sounded as
cheap as the cheapest. Dome and doing there.
Winterville Mfg.
if something was plant was another
While busy place having
Our spring and summer of examine buying else here. I your meal or Hour, and he is the bun -ales of their In
dress notions ladies and H T. Cox .-Bro. best miller we know. Walk in addition to their general line of
Slippers and oat f f arrived on and but don't get in manufacturing, wt notice
of ladies areas goods trimming for the men are some nice L book
C is complete eyer Colic and Kidney Care, G. Campbell, of Norfolk, has eases, wardrobes and cabinet
nous h
Our now Spring S
We've the best
Como-see the new- comers.
pay you well, you'll our i
to your Spring S
ready to be admit
World's bust V ;
before. Consisting of
batiste, weather prof, batiste
all the latest designs,
The ladles are respectfully invited
to call and inspect our
Barber Co.
mohair kidney medicine been here a few days.
net k.
Co. was
busy supplying demand for
I their popular Orders
I come So they cannot keep
buggies ahead.
newest enterprise at Win
om a the Pitt County Oil Mills
The best place in town lo buy of all oar Virginia firm to A. G. Cox Mfg. and it is doing
stationary is at store. to give Co., stating that their buggies were
Miss Lena Spain, of Kinston, and Bee the bu
came Saturday to visit at the make i here,
dormitory. happy, and get It would
mi a cure,
at the Drug Store.
area bit in arrears.
I the Winterville list aim
the list on all the trail routes from
We handle T. Wood
and millet seed.-is.
T. Cox and Bro.
Try a bottle of Dr. sure
for indigestion at the drug
We were shown a letter
x business.
e were shown through the
shipped its working interest-
Something like la
surprise you to see invested in this plant and it means
Keep your warm and got a good number of wagons and carts that much for the town
and avoid colds, grippe W being shipped and sold by A. The High School
and doctors bills, by buying your year n advance. Cox Mfg. Co., but we were in their j doing the
shoes at Chapman Co's. A. D. Johnston. shop yesterday they had a history and
They carry the best shoes at the C. Purser and children,; nice lot of work just being com- .-
most reasonable prices. of X Roads, spent Ban. plated and their timber Was fine.
For seed oats, plow castings J- H. C. Beady mixed paints and vain-
all kinds farmers supplies, see The wire fence- A. W.
A. W. Ange Co. he A- Cox Co- ft We have said and still say that
For quills and cotton
lot of the American fence and I is by far the most de-
cotton see A. W. Ange and Co. perfect also nil able place in the county for the
Car load in. staples and bard wire. Be sure teachers institute. The
A. W. Ange and Co. before buying j are fully aware of her ad
For clothing for J of fence. vantages. Hut Winterville people,
shoes for your feet, bats for your I repair and do good work. you will have to do some work,
them to me either at my for other towns their best
home or at the baggy shop. j , get j, yon
Henry Nelson. i-Th A. G. Cox Co.
Stock salt at j making heavy shipments of cotton
For Plymouth Book j planters ground sowers.
E.-gs, per Fob orders ; Should you need any thing in that
heads and food for stomach we are
B. G. Chapman Co.
For corn and seed oats go to
Ange Co.
Miss Geneva Forbes, of
was here las; Sunday visiting filed lay- line you had better order at once.
Jackson Winterville The A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. expect
Nineteen persons were to reduce the Ice of their
in t he Baptist church truck for the
Miss Kittrell.
White's Black spec,
recommended for the human
family, tine for perfectly
For sale by
B. T. it Bro.
The Digest lot if ever
brought to . your style,
our lit, at yon, W,
Ange i
For goods, ladies collars,
ties, go to A.
W, Ange A Co , they have
For jugs,
see A. W, Ange Co,
result of the recent
we think
night as a
the can I
in table silverware and
Paul hunters. panting smith and and
for pants can get livery stable con
W. I., lb . e.
coming season
until it is in easy reach of all to-
Notice-1 have moved Into my
new re n .; the depot. keep
a line of hardware. Haven
work its
history and is justly the pride of
the community. The
principal, Prof. Lineberry. with
Prof. Nye as assistant, the
doing a noble work, the
of which will extend ages
to come.
Winterville has a cups of good
business houses, and
are as clever and as
in am aw
An event of first importance, the
rot. Wye as assistant, the . r K
them, are Of planning and
The opening of the
Can be found anywhere.
i Manning la hi m
Glad a him back.
Don't your eyes feel like there
in Do they pain yon
and feel tired on reading;
become mattered and adhere
M-. and Mi-. L. O. of That denotes
township, were here paired vision and be rem
Saturday night and Sunday visit by wearing eye
relative-j T. Cox and carry n full line of
For nice of all kinds spectacles and can lit your eyes
go to Ange's they have a large as- with the proper lees.
sort men t. Several of oar young
For axes hoes shovels forks attended the closing of
spades go to A. W. Miss May school, at
Car load of Flour, just in -tension last night. They are nil
Barber Co. very enjoyable ail.
I've just returned from the or men to solicit j could be learned no one was fatally
markets where I've ac- orders for nursery stock Pitt injured.
a full line of For particulars enclose
millinery. bargains H Winterville; N. You will need to prepare your
ever saw in ribbons fancy peanuts for seed at T. system for the coming hot weather,
and to
special are cordially Urge sud
to call mid tee Die, Mrs. than All men stock
Sarah W. Ange and Co.
Peanut Factory Blazes.
Norfolk, Va., March The
Immense live story building
occupied by the Farmers
folk county, a short distance
cit of Portsmouth was
Completely destroyed by lire lo-
night a monetary loss
of over and created a panic
among three thousand spectators
when several large boilers in
binning building exploded and
large pieces brick and
air. far as
was a triumphant success
surpassing any similar
occasion of the past.
unanimous expression of
passed away the inn seems to delighted WAS that
shine with renewed N .
Raymond of Opening exhibited
came over yesterday and his sister Charming Selection
accompanied beck.
Hisses and Cora
and Parker, LadieS Of
are not sow to
styles end fine goods.
were the
Lena last
Bid J. M. Id, manager of
the Free Will Ba Piling
Co., of den and
Saturday and Sunday visiting
relatives in this section, This i;
their old home and the people are
always glad to see them.
An unusually large I
Ion attended the quarter, meet-
Delight Sunday.
were conducted by the
i ,
nun lea tea taken month will
do business. Tun
nets. cent.,
Drug store.
Mrs. Lydia who
lived near Marlboro, died last Fri-
day night and was buried near
home on Sunday evening. The
funeral services were conducted
by lid. B. I. Corbitt,
High School is
an The build-
has been very much improved
by placing a new floor and a full
supply of the modem improved
is a place for
a as do such
temptations offered here as in
the tow us and cities.
the largest and prettiest stock
I have ever carried, in Pine Flowers a specialty,
Everything in Sailors and Ready to Wear Hats.
Mrs. Greene will Boon take charge of
Trimming, after which we will show you a -ran
display in Dr s Hats.
Will invite yon to the
rs. L. Griffin.
Subscribe to THE ELECTOR.

Steamer R. h.
Washington daily, except
at a. m for Greenville, lea
daily, except
at m. for Washington.
Steamer for Norfolk.
Philadelphia, New York
Norfolk with railroad- to nil
joints West. hi,
freight by Old W
Norfolk and B.
Old Dominion Line from
Clyde Line
Miners Line from
Smiling subject
T. H. Myers, A.; ,
B. Vice S
el Beach Street. N
Not Quite j
often you can B
or ore-, or
, lacking. Have good
,. box and
emergencies. Our no oil
, . -on could
ire see that your
box does not lank
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
ft of
I J. R
After eating, persons of n bilious
derive great benefit by taking one
of these pills. save been
they will promptly relieve the
appetite and remove gloomy feel-
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
The Clerk of the
issued at
to me, th undersigned,
,. the Hi. sol on lbs
estate d rt deceased
. Is hen to all
indebted to tin to make
n to the undersigned, and u
all creditors said estate to present
their claims
the undersigned, within IS months utter
the date of this notice, or tins notice
will be plead I i their N
on the estate Alfred Williams
Superior Court of
counts i
.,, ,,,. .
the day 1905. on the
estate of B. deceased,
,, .-,. is hereby to all persons
I, ed to the I i
the undersign ,. and
. rs of raid estate lo
,.,. d, to th n n i i 1-
r date notice, or
this will be plead In their
This the day of February,
W. P i a,
of the of B. F. Anderson
J- Elks.
Chairman, W. R. Home,
J. R. Spier, J. K. Barnhill
J. W. Page.
Clerk Superior C.
W. Tucker.
Register of
T. While.
D. Cox.
Hoard of G.
Cox. Chairman. B. M.
L. C. Arthur.
Standard C E. Flem-
J. B. My.
A. B- wen. A. H Taft,
C. S. Curr. T. B. Hooker.
J. U.
Mayor P. M. Wooten.
Tax l. Rountree.
Famous In All From the Most
Remote Periods.
From the most remote periods the j
apple has been the subject of prime
among writers and poets. The
of knowledge bore
and the
of Hesperus, guarded by the sleep-1
dragon, it was one of the
triumphs of Hercules I i slay, were
Among the heathen gods of the
north then wore apples fabled to
possess the power conferring
which were
In the goddess
kept for the especial dessert of
the gods who fell themselves grew-
As the mistletoe grew chiefly on
the apple and the oak. the former
ire,, was looked upon reverence
by the Druids, and even to this
in some parts of England the
tom of saluting the apple tree in
the hope of good crops
The apple is most perfectly
in America, and in the
northern and middle portions of.
the States succeeds as well J
as r. as we believe, better than in
MY Other part of I he world.
No is more universally liked
than the apple, is
wholesome mid medicinally is con-
and laxative and use-
in nil diseases. As
the son- ripen about the
Stock paid In
Stocks, securities, etc. Hue from Undivided Profile Paid 8,088.98
Cash subject to check
Coin Coin checks outstanding 1,624
County of Pitt.
I James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the beat of my knowledge
JAMES L. LIT LE. cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of March,
Notary Public.
The clerk of the Superior Court of
county, Issued letters
ire, the undersigned,
. a. ,,
D deceased,
i, hi to all persons
to to make pay-
to all
. estate lo present
. . authenticated, i
ii twelve m it aft i tn date of
not. s notice be plead
bar ll very.
day of 1905.
A John Duke
last of June and the latest can be
W preserved until season, n may
J U. Sieves. . m perfection
the whole year.
Besides its merits for the dessert,
the value of the i is still greater
for the kitchen, and in sauces,
tart-, preserves and jellies and roast-
trait i a constant
. resource of
Chief Fire Department
w. Bryan, j. N. Hart, J
L. Sugg.
Prayer meetings each
night. Sunday
a. m.
Objected to Hath.
A Nev Palace hotel
ii k the
A. T. King, pas I ,. h
tor. Services every Sun. Captain
day W, H. who chief of staff
of Sunday i during the civil war.- said he,
H. H. M.
day. W. H. Parker
Sunday s
and of that
old who re-
. bully, and
I the pieces de resistance
of a n . . . was a wealthy
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
St. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. The Victor Lock Co., of
Cincinnati, received, today, the Grand Prize at the World's
Pair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes
and general line of fire and burglar-proof safes and vaults,
their magnificent display taking first price over all
I tor for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
The that has never been Burglarized.
J. L. SUGG, Agent.
A Simple Remedy For Acquiring Hard
Muscles and a Sound Body.
furniture Dealer. Cash
Hides, Fur. Cotton
units. Tables, U
pad Cherries, Pest
sec I
School Books
School Supplies.
If You
We've Got it
Ml Kinds Of-
an-1 .
hi. J
,.,,, I, gnu when
, , , .- if
h I. id
double this
r- H I.
I i- .- ll, nil
,,, ., de , II leaves
n hi . .
, . . i e
el . hi
. .,
i. I
II ; ii.-
I nut Ii . an-
. i- , ,. ,; and H
. ,;
. . ,.
V. ii .-.;.
j, Ill, I h-
. .
y, do to he to
Deed K Cine.
i-f and millions
. ,
,,,. I ll , I
A In tic K . .
Mud digestive
.- d He
, every all f wholesome
hat may i.- e
will e.
iii the
n. , . m I In lo I nil its
, . ii in. toe
r , in.- blood
,, , i full quota
I of your
. , .-.
, . hold on he
man day celebrated a happy
close a e . e old sea lawyers
and third .
Brown of
p Will
Methodist J A , , .
day Services every , ,
the captain
. . .,
want to ye, sir. said
had saluted,
. I given
but we think to call
ii I
dent School
man -v--
the fir ;
,,.,; month.
B Dove Superintend-.
I Pi ah of
Had Si it Bet-
A Col
.,.;. the
incident a
-tore and
H , , . , . . r to
F A meets ,. ,. man
Monday in each ,,, , . . . ed at first
month B Williams, W that he was slight by liq-
M- Brown, After sorting over n
., . , v I of bolts on the threw
v down what I wanted, lie looked at
, r v N do I, for a minute, meanwhile
T Moore, ,,,,,,, . ,,. ,,,. ho
W K Evans, sec ,,. must have
Tar River Si- i,., f this. I'm
I, Meets every And with he
night B G Flanagan, C j,.,.;,,, his hears across the piece,
T Moore, K of H and from thee he sold
y I me the quantity
Tithe No ,
I O K M, meets -vi i;. ;, R
Thursday night J Co A
Sachem; a V ,. ,,,,
Everything you in the way of
nice Groceries, Ca Goods,
fruits, Candies, Nuts, be had at
our store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
A i .
ray, up
winds. C l K . .-. .-l-
J I with a r
y;, . even with
,, B Randolph, Com
. t; Watson, H
. V.
,. liter-
. L
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am
munition One and Two
Steel Plows, neat Cutters end
Staffers. In fret anything
in Hardware come to
l ,
N. C.
. .
. M. BLOW, Manager and Agent.
We continue to build
baggies for we do not
set apace we
Milling A Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. Deposited
Life and Cm
Old Legal Reserve;
N. March
As agent for W-
and we take
pleasure in receiving sub-
willing receipts for
those lo UM. We have a list
I wrappers. Misses ladies of Carolina,
cloaks at J. R. Smith Bro. home office Greensboro North
Large Can save you
and notions just opened at i and give you as sale protection as
For cotton seed hulls, meal hay J. R. Smith A Bro. any We ban-nut
Fine oats c go to Jackson. King Quality shoes are the the safety In legal re- i
The latest thing in shoes. Call Yon will find them at J. J. serve rate, addition we hi
ward Son. Deposited with the
Don't fall to Our second order youth . S
son's new crockery both plain and and children bats and are Carolina to oil
A. P.
Painter and Paper Hanger
handle s.- K i
All to will be
year we disuse of and , An
sold at end the . Paper.
This we P- MURRAY,
all new . .-.
i W at lit.-
decorated. Trices are cheaper
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We take orders
for job
When you need a aloe, light.
tough pole, for your baggy or
Call us and make a .
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. N, C.
Ayden Milling Mfg.
Ayden, C.
in Ask
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery,
come to see us, Hart it
Mrs. Mason, of House, IS on a
visit family of Her father, J.
T. Smith, Sr.
Call and examine our of
high grade buggies. You can lie
easily convinced of the superiority
of and
Milling Co.
Com,, to see us when wan
to buy Independent Manufacture
we handle Trust
goods, Hurt Jenkins,
peaches, apples, con.
tomatoes, e, to B. B,
ft On.
In the junior of Lew hotel
I just opposite the depot you will
I find Cox, the insurance specialist .
Mrs. J. of an,
has been visiting Mr.-. W. E.
Now we have plenty the
wagon and cart
winds and will sell them as cheap
as any
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
Sewing machine- at J. R. Smith
Cook and Beating stoves at J.
Smith A- Bro.
The ladies that Cannon
further information
call on W. K lo .-. rial
Ayden, N,
. Will B pica
S, Ayden, N
i m of he Will H
i I Se will
c m March
b. in. and weeks.
i Bra lichen o m
and per
the prettiest line
treatment applied by
Cox, the insurance Specialist. Pop
prices. goods in town.
Mi-s of Bostick,
Car lime, and
t J. R. Smith
Car salt, tine and at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Mrs. J. j. Edwards left
for a trip to Fain ville,
K i listen and other
Red and white Bliss potatoes at
J. R. Smith Bro.
us town and country
paints oil, white lead,
turpentine at J. R. Smith
Mrs. T. H. King returned from
a visit last
J. Bro. are offering
S. visiting here several
days, left for her home last
Notice you
your cotton ginned nice clean,
in order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than
Milling A Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
Cannon Tyson an- displaying
now on sale at J. K Bro.
Seed J.
If yon weal
p id mute or shoes, fry W
i . A- Co.
Ill i- j. A. I is mi- i el in
u the northern markets where
a and
line of millinery which she
will lie much pleased to have
her friends and public call and I term advance, The
. dents free.
turkey-, K. D. D.
eggs, bacon, and produce to i Bold heading Ready for
Bro. the galore and
Complete stock spring brass Cheeky to
at J. J. Edward Son. least, wonder if Tl
The soda fountain will print
will be in service Sure, But don't let your jealousy
now to the of the season. I gel the better judgment.
The newest and latent will Thinking see neither a dis-
tie f. hi ml there. If you Wan I of cheek or s in
something try them. I the teachers to come
em line of just
Jackson Co. The loaf bread right
wide Sheeting lies yard at from the oven at Me
J K Smith I
The cm be Anyone wishing to have their
pleased will visit and or of
J. II. Smith Bro. any kind will do well W.
Oranges, apples, all Ayden, X. C.
traits kept by Go to J. J. Sou for
your spring clothing.
J. R. Smith Bro. have just,
received a ear load of
pared are in-tautly relieved,
A. D Johnston and wife, of healed,
were Mr.-. C Jr., of Nor-
,, . ,, ,, ; C. Va., burnt
C. A. Fan, afternoon. . ,, ,, . , .
knee that It
at. A. Willis would beg to in- ., s Salve
form public that be w prepared stopped the vain, and healed it
to move houses on short notice and without a Also heals
without damage at reasonable I sad sores. at J. I.
special to the trade in
fall and winter goods. The public I
are cordially invited to call
; the most up to date Hue of prices.
ever brought to this market. Wrong eyeglasses are Worse
Frames for enlarged photos sometimes Done. If your
each. Nice assortment of pictures
each just received at W. C.
Jackson i Co's.
Julius had
an important
investigate both price quality.;
Pants all sues and prices at
R. Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they ,
.,, i . call here from Greene,
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Miss Mary from
Friday evening to Monday with
her parents Kin-ton.
We are Headquarters Bret
class, light neat Harness,
Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
at J. R.
Smith Bro.
eyes tire, they call for help. J.
W. Taylor a graduate optician,
can fit glasses
right at reasonable prices. Noted
doctors have said that eye
Carry your eggs chickens j glasses are than poison.
W. C. Jackson Co.
and largest stock of
Iron Bedsteads at t. M.
high i to their poultry fencing now
, , ; Claude are both very
Just received, hue line of
,. , . , much
and can fit you up in any style ; ;, ,
or price.
Ayden Milling Co.
Mrs. M. Tucker, of
Mount, been spending several
days with Mrs. Robert W. Smith.
Fancy candles, oranges, apples
and bananas at B. B. a Co's.
Sunned it arc re-
daily ; and
rig I
pea- J. It. S;. iV Bro,
Full blooded Plymouth Bock
hand for sale.
Mrs. J. T. Smith, Sr has been
visiting House.
Polite clerks, good goods and
suitable prices at the store of J.
R. Smith Bro.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fit-guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
order lo make room
e dreams next days we will sell our
If Cox your high grade buggies at
cotton seed meal and low prices. This is
at J. B. Smith Bro. I lake, lint strictly business.
point for
men, children at J. R.
Smith Bro.
J. R. Smith Bro treat all their
custom with the greatest respect
and all are extended an
to call at their store.
We are glad to the
of Josephus Gaskins and
For Sale-Cue syrup Soda
Fountain, cause of sale loss of
J. R. Smith Bro. call attention store. Terms cash or installment,
also entire stock and below
cost of Jewelry, musical
guns, pistols, rifles,
shirts, and other specialties,
Christmas religious,
and medical books.
Old Dr. Gnus books now It,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Perkins celebrated tablets,
medicine on the market at J.
B. Smith Bro.
to loan lo our policy
Pitt securities
Cox id arrange it.
O. i
. i o on v i i-
the car- ii
along the railroad as the planter
Ayden Milling and
John Forbes and W. White,
of tire have d
i B lines
Know we th
who prefer lo the
men a In I e I
Singer Sewing Machines
on easy
Old machines taken
Supplies, Needles, Oil,
H in . all makes
Cull or write i them at.
J. H. Tripp Bro.
. Ayden
, N
Mrs. C. M. and little
Olga, arc visiting in
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply
smoothest seat on the market
Milling Mfg. Co.
Carpet all cloth and
at J. R. Smith Bro.
have full line of
shoe for ladies. Every
pair guaranteed.
J. J. Edwards A Co.
Elder C. C. Bland filled his
regular appointment at Great
Swamp Saturday and Sunday.
We are offering good for
their price.
away on In, We knoW ,
. L. ,.,, , we
and permeating glad, .,,.,,,
fertilizer- so congenial and , ,, . ,,
to see u
to the life aim well being , ,
not. If can
of an admiring and appreciative IT
public one ought at once
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
ii -1 ct
lo be VOted a golden medal.
E. Co's new
market for beef, meats,
sage, fresh fish.
W. C. Jackson Co. will pay
you highest prices your Furs,
A high grade, smart graceful,
elsewhere we do
your patronage.
Milling and Mfg. Co.
Miss Lena Saturday
for Baltimore and Washington
City. She will be about
two weeks.
Tim sensible carriage
knows that a little judgment often
. In -t N-.
Large . a la
Improved too lib M c m do our
n. c
saves many dollars. He knows
the money In shoes, hats, ,
rugs mattings, tables and our spring stock of
Boor oil cloth Cannon Tyson. ; pants. J, J. Edward Son.
well made durable buggy can be;
in any at at
the Milling Mfg.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better I In sty's and
tn be had anywhere. not offered generally.
Milling Co, Ayden.
buyer Located on Street
Accommodation. Turnouts
furnished the traveling or sporting
public for reasonable price.
in in ed Let . .
. you
. i. n. c. i your
you i. tin
ll. i .
i of
N. C
At the dose of March 1905.
Loans and Discounts, ;
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand I., mis I
I in Banks,
Cash Items,
I Sold Coin. SQ. Ml
Silver Coin, r
National Bank notes and
oilier U. S- Dot
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits
unpaid .
sits subject to cheek,
Cashier's 11.06
Toast, t
Business asset, mid pleasure is without so don't neglect
that Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. I ties
and other well known symptoms of that all enemies of
American health, Indigestion, when
I urn's Sure Cure
for Indigestion and cured the we
can send you whole books of wonderful cures, and a contract to
cure you, or money returned.
cured, end feel like a new woman after of Indigestion
torture standing Mrs. Laura V. Potomac St. Wash P i
l Bud Sure Cure will do all OM for M.
After Be months believe baa cured ray case
lion permanently. B. Armstrong-, Attorney, Va.
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Prettiest line ever Shown on
this market.
They are worth your Attention.
M carried in this t,, .
i re the richest and
i suits and Pi
I he Royal Elastic I s and
three piece Bed, re at to best In
the World and sold on positive guarantee. If no sat-
money refunded,
I am better prepared than ever to
my customers cordially
invite you call at my store,
that there in price below which u
good boggy cannot be built or sold.
Our represent a certain Ur.
Brisk Block,
Ayden, N. C.
A. H. Taft,

f. I Mach vicious due to
been volumes of
Ki Hew aDj arc- tokens of
for MO,
and and of Ken passed a
r the
i- beware m hE,. threatened s
. tunnel i
, it M 1- beware ,.,.,.,. threatened a gen-
people, The governor n-
I throne of -j , until an
winch rectified this
For the Reflector
At five o'clock sharp Molding
to agreement our wagon well loaded
with and
in the rear we started
four and
half mil town. With
filled to if
have lei. re, I , .
l,. g was would have let
,., it, Dr.
want to buy right, if you want to be treated right.
our store headquarter, We Keep a stock at all times
and solicit you, Peonage. We have hundreds of articles that we
have not space enumerate, but your attention to the
cord; by continued
quietude prevailed until
we police null
after which we said serve
From u you can
imagine the rest, the crowd
six grown girls, five
, from the copy
w for a
. K j, blander the COWl
On and robbed of a large
tun of its jurisdiction two
r . B M
Hilton, of low j to
and killed by a the mi-take. A repealed or
the officer was tiring
to prevent from escaping.
Th- f
hi. to date maiden in no longer met
. , . It. A
commend if.
. dainty with it beau bottle.
I little foresight
tell mat when your stomach
are badly grave
trouble i ahead, yon take
the prop, your dis-
N- V. did. She
bad -l
heart weakened.
eat. Ml a very
Bitten, a
for relieved nod
eared for,
weak women. Sold under
More often it of
or f
tendency to amend
makes law U the sands.
S. P. in Atlantic.
The Spread of English.
Li- wife. Eating, all
balking at once, what real
experience Our train going a
little fast we
arrived too and were com-
to to to the home of
Trim and Shapely Shoe
Prices and
Use for ii the
away p
a twinge
all .
a. j. I. drug
spring make-
people ell. all
A family
,,. Mia.
Some people that English We b-m in ac-
will be the universal
W. found get-
to learn English in her Meg rend for the
old as another proof of this. I B we repaired to the from porch
had some remarkable violet were
and down- in Ml home
rears it as
from Norman on to
when it eras introduced u tie
the law. When the
of Hanover installed it
rat there
another suppression of the
the wife of George
-on English,
,. i-
on the throne, to be son meat
couple could be Men here and
there enjoying a sweet chat in the
twilight hour. Ere long we
rived at the Frog Level school
and found a huge crowd of
Pitt beat people
bled. had an
feast is store for us.
A program rich in and
from to
The pupils did splendidly,
on the throne. .
speak German as often and as skilled training.
on Election Batting
An old .
that if any one shall make any bet
,, the result of etc lion
the commonwealth or shall
to the rendition
My To in
Mr. F. Harding, spanker for
evening, added to
inch bet by A
, . , . i and
even I
. . v-.
before the superb
,., e d
I the e
.;.,. a W
f .
cairn, d
will In bar
This .,
a Kim
.,, notice is
Saw Ha of the
the Conn. .,,
,. our grim, s
pro In r
under it.
one who f to
. by n m
Fellow Graft Shoes
Guaranteed equal to ether grade
v., rm. peace, for it com
The same Iron Uncut
our attention to our line of Side Boards, prices
-P ,.,. cured, by hot application.
00- Hall Racks. to White Enameled Iron Beds .-
t Sadie Seats. Cobbler and Veneer Seats. Rockers-Prices
to Extension Dining Tables to Bed Spring and
a idles- a hive
i were
of our
within iron,
date or notice will be plead
day of March
of T. Harris.
A of ten dollar- will be
,. with
a or remove- ant
portion or part of the Pin
fence or leaves
law gales on
older of tin-
J. K. Bee.
county have In aid it. -lust
before the wonts were spoken
Mr. Harding light-
rain were i
twelve pairs Ii pretty
, . . ,,, m
a B looking in one direction
a in what
I all I
By the kind ass stance of a
r I journey.
ad light, by the of
we learned boy
boggy read in due. Such
bis with
Her of Thinking. is
have called, doctor, to on
that dental bill, but think it's o .
good higher than it ought to
When Tired to Sleep-
If yon are -1- tired
to an say
bet the i lb hot
water. back of
seems relax
muscles and the veins
ply the brain with blood.
the back of
yon will remember, madam,
that the tooth required a good deal
of treatment, and took the greatest
care to make operation pain-
remember it didn't hurt ma a
particle. the bill
o Tribune.
Double Face
Matting, Etc
A, the clone of Mar.
d , paid in
, IS BEST hi .-.,,,.
Gold i
you to call on u for any
thin y need.
We at last t home
of Mr. Tyson again.
him we would with
until the moon or be
h. a few nice old
wood lire wee built,
then drying and singing the
bloated sunshine and other
equally appropriate songs. Mr.
Tyson bad not our threat,
g, on our way
home, though wet,
the girl
B song- the intense
darkness. twelve o'clock
w. freight to
,. home, to
,,, id Hie, which
,. . the people
of that
as Mini Dora
,. II .-
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
President Roosevelt the sepia of
the to m
Celebration to he Held in
the Vicinity of
Washington, are b
in the vicinity
Vs. from May
tier. the
a loll I Johnnie
B, in. Pr
A PR f
United ha- an
Approved March e.
Of School Month of
nut Burt n, Effie
Willie Jack-
Closes with Splendid Entertainment.
Miss Coward's school
near Greenville closed Thursday Washington dirt net will I this
night with an entertainment. in
Meets In Greenville 25-30.
Te of the
March SO.
M. we road
am, in such meal
way a-to do urea, credit both be devoted t Hie c I-.
Thirst I teacher mod ;.,
f pieces were exceptionally other work -t
It- and will teat
wan a barge present. I Among the visiting minister-
AM- Kiev.- are to attend
the that was done show- l Dr. Io.
at Williams, i hand of and t- j
Spam, Myrtle j ad talent let the Greenville
. set f.-r Moore, Keel, Marj tile exercise- prises
I on. 1905.
The in. i- re very
K. I. meet to
Sarah Barker, of Winter-
. h. Am i
in. Toes
T. I. I I .
. Ml- AI Rail-
II II r i-. ville,
s in
i i o. e- people win nave
the Dupree. D j which bad been offered by ,
. per-m M teacher, presented M daring his stay o-
,,,,,, p- p evade Sadie Exum, J These
. , .,. . . i .--U . .-.
the of
in c- of J
a Hampton
in of to
c Me and p-r-
i- m of said
and to
Hie mini
i n of
I H-i reads foil
The .
people will have an
Mrs. A. I. Sun and child-
of who have vi-
the of J. H.
returned home
Sixth grade. j b, and ought to be proud f then , T of
and they showed their K has eVer
grade.-Lee Brown, by present almost
Pender their out
K. ti. Ii . returned from
K. II returned .
evening from trip up of the
road. B. Seminary, spent
Mis, Fannie who baa beau lay and With Miss
Miss Mary Dall
Move morning for t
were won hard and
looniest I
is, and ought to proud of
Two Horrible Death.
Darlington, N. March
about noon one of the mo-t
Centennial Notes.
i -rounds will prove of to
V- S is d . . . , a
, ., , who visit the Lawn and
to f-a
t k . . i .,. lark
bra. -n to
spoken appreciation of the enter-
Lewis and Clark Exposition will
ill It will
held In Portland, to celebrate the A j,,,, ,
Oregon to domain C., m they are -II
S by right of in their
A model dairy operated on the .
city happened
Mrs. Edward wife of ore
of our most citizens,
so burned that death
rive o'clock.
Mrs. was a
man servant in cleaning up her
I lawn. pile of leaves Lad
been raked up and set D in
Mis- returned to
. .-r i-Hr
We learn of
death of Tanker, who
Sue a
Mrs. Lorenzo
and liked by all who
May God the
child, of Wilmington, who j ones,
been visiting J. J. Gardner, left Charlie Ayden, enter-
Wednesday evening for j young people of our
Friday, bis phonograph
,, ., at home of K. E. Dall. The
Mis. D. E H-u-e went to Bethel .
I music of aim
evening passed off pleas-
ma s. by
n naval v-----s and
. th
.-. he pr
therefore, I. The
of I be Di
h --f
Vi .-. do herein
Four snow capped mountain
leaks Mount
dams, Mount
Mount ire visible from
Lewis and Clark Exposition
way the flames look
The Silk Season of 1905.
i tore she had lime to
North Carolina silk growers
advised that toe mulberry
B. s. left tins ,,,.
for Rocky Mount.
the lower her
them wind hid fanned
. into a that completely en-
is come into
is before aha
spring weeks so earlier . , .,
i was
than last year. Preparations for
oaring for the silk worms
he made at once. If the -am
A the pr. v.-s used las. year of am.
. h . . . U . . .-
V i
. el in
, . -i ,
. .,. . It .
I in
I .
of the Philippine Islands ,,, again they ft ,.
i . . , bill u-d alive till
Mil washed with hot .
with a w
me Lewis and f The loom e
;, i
. i. ;
B Mm dug
X- b .
i, p i ii. .- in
d . . l Ma.-.- ii
the lies
and had let tire to some s and
abate the norms
should be clean .
fire and before assistance . Id
-1 I Lewis and
o on T-.-v. of
and exposition ii i- summer. ,. but
. her -i e. .
,.,,.,. expo-H C. y ,.,
held, is as ,. U Q, , v
T it fell from It.
here the year growers free of mat and will also
Ike Lewis and a.
, baa received a shipment of highest which
iD. souvenir dollar hearing per pound
Abe Einstein came ii. from K i
then this morning.
l, Hooke- came in from
land night and
Hie Raleigh Post, in this
M. ii, of Bid.
She evening. His
many friends d to a e him.
Miss n . h
has Lull
hi -i
On Tuesday last it
pleasure to attend the
of the Reunion school.
The of entire crowd
was that lb had
been more highly
of the
e, i Mis And. teacher,
as the a lovely
dowers m
Nursery by i the
pupils. Prof
presenting the bi- most
. ii language, the
. with very
s u. t.
. . remarks education.
is l
i. -i. aid I
I- ill I
the I- -l I III in
1906 elate. The should watch
of tree- and soon
town, , i and other aide that j emerge front the
of William They sell it I Those whom have bed no
vi I it
which have there- or a. for six. previous
from . .- el to
am .
An .- ii iii en i.
Cream or Milk.
A appeared in the fr Wilson,
office morning and said
he had the joke that would
during the
His milk boy yesterday
Saturday, April
i Hill
K. II. Danville, i-
iii town.
Mo.- I- morning
J. J. Jr., left this morn-
P. W went to
,,, County. Washington, attempt than ounce , a n.
lamed as fertile fruit raising of eggs the year. left. This
county, Carolina Department i
the boy came around and found
a r
clean, and
win in-ii j . r, ,, . , . came
f an, apple Lewie and left a few copies
A p.-. United fruit Ho. on Silk Culture, dean, and then Durham
. ,. confident that people to any dispute arise. Finally the b-y, i .,
I . it., o an . , . . i i M II.
f , ,,,, who have once lasted a Pierce asking for It examining cans, said be
.,,.,,, County or apple, distributed ., only one can. I his evening h I i
. . that county is an i the ,. a of Jack Reed, of PI
l bail a
on in- i . .
in lug their i
the said
In where.
A. Monk r -i in eel
evening Durham.
v Ft i
he convinced that county is an tho Carolina Department i a of Reed, of
. .,,, locality for raising, Agriculture in 1902 and 1908 and on opening it be found quite sick at Hotel Macon
i products. may be this year to furnish can half inch of cream r, g, Greer, of Baltimore,
I. ii in bottom.
. . i i.
J .
-i ii
April Weather.
weather that will pay i
lave April promise- to lung mild to grow the Bilk,
I f t . . . . 1ST II V
food for -ilk There is in ,. bottom.
abundant demand fr all Hie .-ilk the purchaser him to it up
that can be produced the State
. .
. , T
T. Ii j Drug
W. J. Turnage,
Z he Soiled . , . and heavy
interfere locally with farming N. C. 1906.
of operations. From the
this twenty day Warn 4th of April be and
one l and pleasant. A storm pet Will
H,,. and In He l advance 4th Io
the United one Ii weather local
ninth. 7th to 9th wan., and
18th to 14th local
thunder to 18th
.- hi
Atlantic .
I b
cold wen ,,, trip fate from
Fire in
Fire start m o'clock Wed
morning most
tobacco section of town
Louisburg. tobacco ware
two Ii three
r, d a numb
i to
were covered
bis round here.
Mis- Farmville,
U visiting Mi-s A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Peel an I
child let this morning for Bethel
Mis Parkers tn ind child
. left this morning for
visit relatives,
Mar. 1906
Dr. L, K. .- called to
Pantego lay t he with
hi- who l- sick,
mis. W. A. Dow. i. son,
France, and Mi. K. B
f Mis. G.
ibis w-
John continue
. e; sick .
Hyatt, on, is in town
Dr. E. A.
ll it I and J. D,
re in town this week
of n. was in
ii today.
to that Mrs.
who baa been --v-
weeks, is no
Will Tyson and Ellen
id, were
-1 Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. F. G.
Sunday in lib
Mis. L.
Mis, Ed and Mrs
of K n. ho i e
home .
Alter Our Preacher.
The fl
ha ad
p. Kev. A. T King,
Memorial Baptist church in
town. He ha the call u.
has not y. I
what hi ill do It, G n
villa want to give him up.
Reward Offered.
For D st bi d dog,
,. -v .-. I
hair. C Io.
i. . I'm
28th eh.
W . B
gentleman h
v. Found Alter Sew.
In grape tune las
.;, , lust a
farm, miles ;
. days ago
I. lost t h id I
t r, mowed over and
I en one e i-
I in and the , n
. r.
the a ate
. ll
rot k i l
i i d i
id to gel hi
A . I
in ;
. it. h
; . .

Eastern reflector, 31 March 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 31, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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