Eastern reflector, 28 March 1905

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On. . . . Th
Uses In His ,
Tl,. modern agent Not all th. fakirs
a sort painless method of extract- ma beings. Holy com and
i , ii., that have a fine share m
a policy. Here worn . , . ,.,.,,,.
where a good many others tau;
game and . some
an Insurance agent, rare . , .
the peoples beliefs in their awn
At K . on ; Indus, there is
, . j old beast
p ,;
he meets Brown, who abhors solicit-
n of kind. Says
are not looking well those
so didn't Know it.
What's the matter with
weight. a
could pass an examination in- J
, ,. , . ., there and
Brown sniffs . cent. ; . f ,
I don't think y appreciate how on
Have Come to
Hi-- H-st in town offers them t
,. , your Every dime you
that and benefit yon.
fill urns
f i;
r .-. -v
do ex c i
money spend
And unless each ten
I--. t-in cash font brings a STAMP
., .- ;,,. ,,, mil value or your
Brown Stamps are compound
without effort on your part,
. hi Undid . urns they bring will
. a free or pleasure.
Just such things an yon w other
. i . .,; n r- offered for Brown
I i s give your
,. v you can best use or
,.,. . . you already Ii
I n store . d ii and the
f ,.,. i, Thai worth v
. . ;. a . I
., . . ; you have w .
. ill. . ball
spend cash; pond ii where Brown
h you ; y
. . i, . . . i es,
. i .,.;. B i B S a In ex-
V ,, . to
. , . y lid
tamp do not apply on purchases of
and ons.
N. C.
,, , , think j a . now ,,
strict insurance examinations are, ;. by .,.,,,,.
good deal harder to a , of choice
into the
, T friend of the was -lose
though not e. .
touched him . a tender for L. n
to he a athlete. , f
r up toll. and see say J.,,
Jones. take out any I is The shop-
Lave a little e . .
see whether you can pass.
,.,. curiosity on t not I am a poor man,
the he goes to t o ,.
with a anxiety. , , .,.
the any
over, w him .
a specimen of physical j know art a hoy
. man. and I give thee nil thou
And Brown is pleased at his in heaven already
little that he takes out a. i ,,.,,,. i , ,.,
k man, and this morning I gave a
; pee to very holy brother Ra-
why we Grow old. armed fakir of the re,
because we do and thou shouldest come m
know enough to keep young, just as r moon.
we become sick and because A great hole in the.
Trenton, N. J. March
T. of
the recently deceased Richard D.
Dana, yesterday filed in court
h lull l have set
aside as illegal the merger of the
American Company, the
Consolidated Company
and Tobacco
Company into
Company. Mr. Dana holds
fifty shares of stock original
American Tobacco He
claims the
without the of himself or
Richard S. Dana that the
merger is violation of the State
He further claim the
merger violates th Federal con-
in tint it is an impair-
of a contract. names
not only the bat the
directors, as defendants in his
salt, and among others names
James Duke, Thomas and
Thomas F. .- party defend-
Greenville. H.
Dear Sin A in
has teaching two hotel-
men how to paint.
Mr. is the barber.
Three years ago h- painted bis
house and shop
A year afterward, the hotels
across are all on
painted, not
story don't tell the first
half of the how much the
three paints coot per square foot.
Ii tells how I hey looked la-t year.
The laugh was not on the bar-
His house and looked
the hotels had to look
become sick ., , . , -Pi ,
we do no, know enough to keep pile on the f shopkeeper
well The time will come when a picked up a stick and blew
he only
Se animal galloped come pretty
,, lowing, through the
adopt the sundial's motto, record
none but hours of Never .,.,
mind the dark or shadowed hours.
the unpleasant, unhappy i It. I, h
days. Hem only the of total r
rich let the others drop him on
into oblivion. There is longevity in Hello I
I t .
Whip It Out Him. Sir
In schools of ii . measures -.- vow
I were recently taken to lest the black
i As doctor tin
i l
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
II. I., fair sells our
The hens have become smarter
the of is lower.
They can lie no
ea h school he save the
a list of the whose eyes
needed attention and requested him bat I
. . . . it
lo be in ii
the ; t n.
I . . , .
to notify the children's parents to
One n I after opening
of the fall t. rm n .; He boy cam i
home and father the
lowing d j by
ii my lo In-
. . i
no mu .
how the
cent i
She wen
gave i i
Tl, . In , though I aw and I
I .- it
i . i
calmly k. pi on .
knelt. i
if for plea it n
of If he it and
an rending reports, re
via Atlantic Coast Line.
, ., int.
Havana, and return,
iii Greenville, N.
s meals berth
, ii. . Tickets will be
sold which
will reach T Pin. the
of h b. cm
b m saving
Tick, la
mu o-i any steamer leaving
I until 13th Inclusive,
v. in, limit in reach
, ii., April On return
, . ,, to over v ill be allowed
The Classics.
r lie. led in th
I . , ,. . ., , sloth she held ; I II
,. i i i- . l . . . worn .
i. j i kind to freeze
the people.
In 1850 devoted mother wrote
i- her boy, after lie had gone to
preparatory school fit for col-
m you are reading Pinto
Herodotus. Communing with
the dead, u will learn how
Net Um Came.
. H. Mr, J
e dead. Mai win learn now me. .-.
the worldliest lo; I In,
in letter to a W of fifteen, ex- to mi Ii .;
news, account of crime. . t in
palling. She , within final
limit ticket.
Take advantage of
to visit Queen of the
in reasonable cost,
which will afford excellent
to business
in i republic.
c party will be limited, so make
. pamphlets or any
mi., call on your
were falling. And
her i ho
Mary hi-,
office floor, he I on re.
. -.- .
an injunction to id.
his month of
foolish of sweets
London hi
in to .
i , after i
i open,
o I
a lent i
earl U you haven
of it there ii n thinking i in
Brooklyn that has, and to
leather he i . n fer id.
of the street on alternate is
make sum that will be
worn off York I
Miss re
S- I V
i I
.,. .
n; i ii
If Kin
w I to one of I
the i St. J
who had a i ion a .
to a i ;
i one day hand bound
to ask-
ed on of his
. trying to hold bis
v ; the ready response of a
-i i agent, or write,
J. . J.
Wilmington, N. C.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
J. J. USE.
Pit County. Member of House of Member of the House of
, From Pitt County. County.
James I son born
in Pitt in 1887 He was horn hi Pitt J w
at 26th, 1864. horn near
f and com m the
Dieted i
College. He was June
Greenville, N. March 23rd
Ii is a of congratulation
the town Green-
ville and to and
tile of
. .-. . .
for Die timely cordial to Mi Lain It White, bill h.- and Miss
lion to the teachers of public a. . t. i-iv. . capacity and Ci J.
. . law. power not by many men them.
Mr. i. who bar- e-joyed in
he received only at Oxford He
in all bi lite, May II. 1870, in
schools of the county of Pin to
hold institute this summer
in the town of Greenville in
graded school building, s-u h
time as may hereafter ct
And we the teacher-
of the various schools of the comity
that desire fr
them to upend a month In our town
has been so sincerely manifest by
our town the
that prompts invitation i
cordial. The
life is not always the good
women who are doing so lo
the lives and train the
children who are to he th- men
and women of the country for weal
or woe me entitled to the very heal
of every I he people can i
making their ville
together mice a year as pleasant, band
instructive and as their lie his
time and means will permit. There Mr. I. M
is nothing that can be
those brave, heroic Rood Mr. i. e by a
women too good for their reward of is
in service so well done. effective and .-,
ts sincerely of her splendid and a ready
women and well she has a right Mr.
t hr. the i
baa not heretofore H u .
been n a fitting position to offer lo
school the advantage fairs. Mr. in mi
S. S left morning for
Waller Render left morning
or ii.
Hi- service in re Tn
for the lib i.
be fought to Ayden
. i- ii-. excellent . i in an .
-be W. B. returned this
News Kinston
fighter In and in war.
above the . give
hut he believes m-
i m is in i.
was born to lead sud to i- in d,
inn his leadership has t. it the
lift of those Mill be
lie In fin his Si and c
,,;, He w. mar long pr. Ill th
i, January 1898 lo
. Loin , of Pitt H- Mr. Mr.
nod a member of . Id . lb . in
church. Be and u by
. LOCI .,.,,.,,.
-i member earnest and aggressive campaign.
,, ,,.,. in He is one most I has it,
1903 and by farmers in Carolina. He .-delightfully lime left for
2.400 la he deep all move- ,,
meats to bettering th-
. . , , . . Mrs. h, A.
and of farmers and
u, j ii delegate in and
Ni-v-, in a of
v. evening from
Ms. Lee this
for b-r home in
G. who has been
Lewiston this
Mis. J. G. and children
hostess evening from
if n en , ,,.,.,
, ., , . ea in receiving her guests by Misses ; ,
leading refer, M Dr. L. O. Skinner, of
v. More, of Wilson ,.,., here and re-
invest in the work of farmer-. H in the general I ed on the evening train.
, ,, . . ,,. , . and decorated
en-t and I assembly a ,, . .,,. M's. who has been visit-
I ,,,,, her daughter, lira. J. Par
their glow upon the I to today.
s. Judicial
., d
. . . in-
and mat these women t-
me the teach- n promote
were worthy of b u, an .,
there hum.-.
y lo make meetings air, I.
Now Greenville has in
the men n
th.- grad.-d building,
of the town have
of i. w I
-s nit; cynosure sue- . . . . i
. ml I
He was
bills ;, --e; i house
bill In reduce fares
changed his bill and
the change m i -r
fail flitted
hither thither.
to the absence of
and vice-president,
Mi-. L.
Arthur presided the nu ling,
The inly of evening was
Shakespeare as roll
c died each member
Dr. W. H. Bagwell went to Nor-
folk to day lo lake Carl Alice to
hospital to be operated on for
Mrs. W. K. and Miss
Fleming, who have
K. M. Hearne, left
. for
lie ,
t . I her name a quotation
Al the usual routine
st in n exerted Himself in way to
i.; i i promote load building in the
. . . , i suite, lie was n advocate
. -f th-
in, us of -tali. His
and in house in 1908 was approved
;. ii favor of his He W-8 one
,, and respected
ha, the tiers of miss of
class far
rare. It is Sp
of I
nu ,
. . literary
the fight on . . . .
Mrs. Chas.
house read a of
Ill .
train t J . i .
Ph. then pr. p
with n paper en I
a. Ian the
ill , .;. ., be with tin
Prof. Vt . II. to
i i mi evening to
diver an address at closing of
a s
I ii ,. i. , i
Iii- in all, . ,, i , .; .-. m
physical and i.
rel gin.- i -o .-
in would be
delight. In all who would attend. o i t
As a feature the
would las greatly benefited and as ;,,, i .
a social lire I lie people n i
town would be honored to have i
this array of womanly tin s-
constitute a pail of our force . p
body politic for Urns as
w. We
sincerely the people of
the town community will
graciously cordially respond
to request of the commutes
aldermen to
range great
we do hope and believe go
people of town and I J
t open their ,
their ,,
of great service
are great
of Put
The writer only regrets i he
situated to
, in- welcome i
each ever; one of the. at hi
own i-.,
. . ore and a I, he will . i
Iii ate .-; . th
, ll i
tin The
. legislation, Hews
. i
n -lie ii-
d for
. its or
. . i Ion
will, i hi
1- in
. i
Several Buildings Burned Loss Between
d N. Mar.
mis morning
this i s by a fire
Swamp school, near there, at
P. and daughter,
. la
. P din to visit W.
Mrs. Dancy has been
for some time, and
i he health will
be es restored.
be w.
X i w .
value of
to the
a a. which there
I a nil small in-
Tin in old
ii originated
Mi 1905 , , ,,, ,.,
M a. It.
n V. A. sore, lb-
S-u a. Johnson's a number
. P. R i. Petersburg, shops lost
i . i is v. I, all bis while Alls-
. I Ii
ii. .
class I
Mrs. .
one lo i the
i , she i- a
to Mrs
I of
Hum- tin- i cot-1 invited her guests
wisdom nod iii running Into the dining m-mi
debate at every sere served With dainty
point. h by a bevy, of girls.
th- industry In the invited guest were ales
river Dutch dames Dove, E. G. Thursday evening
pound made an earnest Earnest Parham, Hugh where they
fight for it. I., and Snead, of banquet of the Tar
in every I Louisburg,
, March
I. I. went to
Mr. in Mrs. j. L. Casper, of
la in, came in
Mi of Rocky
XI nu., i Visiting her sister. Mrs.
S, .
Skinner and It.
,, ,
w all ill hi
brook saved of hi-. Both
. in lid
he own.- Lewis
in spent several ,,
days in ; week and
matte, that I farm I. Moore, Will Ricks,
farmer and m Mat Ion of the John Kicks, II. A. While
session I ad hearing Brown, and Misses i
what lo the Taylor,
of ii failed I For lies Wow, Jones, Mary
lo find sup- Fail Fleming.
porter. He took interest likewise The next meeting club
in i ill be on Tuesday, lib,
iii the execution of the criminal with Mrs. J. L. Wooten.
low, am
for p f
th f per-
oil ill
Saturday, March
Miss Smith is ill.
came in this
in ruing.
II. Meridian left this morning
M s- a Cox left Friday
i i
Ira in
,, i.-
sinus will in- replaced brick
i ass
ii d
With Bride.
v i
. . I I
1.1 .
i, i es,
-in he ll I
much v i ii much. and h.
house was in with his
i o cm
pressed, ill
I r , I
. .
Rev. K. Cox left this morn-
i . City.
J. G, Garden returned Friday
evening from Virginia.
iii-r Moore came m
great and evening
neglect hi me h r. Mr
, t col from
i in r .-.
i was I I
write I ;.,.,. Tar o
. f ii
I r

We Have Prices.
GREENVILLE, H. C. Moron 1906.
Wood Brothers,
Sew sale
York, N. Y.,
have received considerable relief from our over stocked stores and maturing
the sales you have conducted for us since February 1st, we are still in an unpleasant and over stocked
position to disposing of the merchandise and shall be pleased to employ you to map out a further course for
s by winch we may be able to dispose of the remaining lots of choice merchandise and enable us to get the
relief at the possible moment before receiving Spring Shipments which we have agreed take. Please give
this your best efforts and let as hear from you at once.
Yours very truly,
C. T.
N YORK. S. Y., March 1905.
Mr. C. T.
Greenville, N. C-,
Dear Mr.
Your communication of the 4th is before us at present- Low prices and holding back the cotton
crop from market has place hundreds of Southern Merchants in just your position The only course we can ad-
vise, is to throw your entire stock on the market at prices so low you can dispose of the stock quickly and the
be-i you can Holding together thousands of dollars of idle merchandise means final ruin to any merchant
Advertise diligently give your the best of values Thereby protecting both you and your interest
best wishes for your success We remain,
A Powerful Disinfectant Mad. by Na-
From and Water.
All down through a when
nothing was known the
cause putrefaction end when
unheard of, and streets
house and men were u dirty
,. ii, j an in of
or China, sickness death,
ml, were not so
as they would been with
tut I care over her
Ignorant children.
A bough own knew nothing
it. there powerful disinfectant
; c mat ed in
the world oratory out of air and
wan r, and i burned up
ii,, i, i, man did know
enough ; . troy. This purifier,
which the chemists discovered, is
ozone. It it made up of oxygen
atoms in a modified combination
urn i- sometimes called active
gen e h oxidizing
power. It i- produced during
by the action
discharges and is also formed
during tin rapid evaporation of
Boa air, therefore, contains it
in small and air in the
,.,, of -alt works,
large amount water is constantly
being evaporated in order to get the
sail, b i- produced artificially by
passing an electric spark through
oxygen or, better, by tin action of
u high tension current of electricity
without shirking. It is also
in decomposing water by electricity.
A mixture oxygen an-
pears at the positive pole.
has a peculiar odor
its name, from a Greek word mean-
tn which any one may
have noticed who been near
where a lightning struck. It
also he smelted sometimes
a snowstorm. It is disinfectant
by reason of its power of ox-
many substances, especially
when they are moist, and so ill
their offensive and poisonous
character. It is especially
in destroying the noxious
from putrefying substance
and thus acting as a deodorizer.
When breathed, even in small
quantities, ii irritating to tho
i mucous membranes, and it is be-
some physicians many
of the respiratory troubles and the
influenza prevail in damp win-
weather are owing to a weaken-
of the of the
mucous men through tho re-
spired oxygen. Youth's
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
New York Sale
Here is a Few of the Many Bargains we are Offering to
A Saving of from per
All will be
closed startling prices
;.; I . sale
Large n lowest price.
Fancy Linens, Lawns etc
hind H
Many stylish pattern to select
from at ons-third off
and kind All offered
A wife, a doctor wife
and a traveling man's wife met
day recently and were talking about
the of their husbands,
The wife thought her
band was the most forgetful man
living, because he would go to
church and forget his notes, and no
one could make out what he was
trying to preach about. The doc-
tor's wife thought her husband was
the most forgetful still, for lie would
often start out to see a patient and
forget his Mid travel
nine miles for nothing.
aid the traveling man's wife,
husband beats that, lie cams home
the Other day and patted me on tho
cheek and believe have seen
you before. What is your
Banner Bulletin.
The following points AMI now
reached over the lines of
Atlanta, Ga.
Beaufort Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. 8- C.
infield, Chase Oily.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Henderson, Columbia, B. C,
Sew Nashville,
Oxford, New York N. Y
Raleigh, New Orleans,
Rocky Ml. Norfolk, Va
Winston, St. Louis, Mo.
Augusta, Va
all Important and iii
mediate points east of the Ms
F. G
At the Old Stand.
l have the stock of
GROCERIES and of W. J.
and the bus-
at his old stand on Five
I will add to stock
demands of tho trade will at
all times carry a complete line of
BOo kind
Heavy and Groceries.
Fruit, Confectioneries, Tobacco,
t etc.
Call on you want the
Groceries for the lowest price
at which they can be sold.
The Five Points Grocer.
Quilts and Comforts.
BO Blankets mast go at
remaining styles at one-
half price
to close at
Deed of
A story i- told about
Parkman. the historian, which
in spite of impaired eyesight he
was not blind to injustice. A friend
met walking along the street,
holding two street boys
collars. In ply to his friend's
fur in
boy had an
without dividing with his
. Sow I'm ; to buy
one for the i I i
o . ii. lie cuts it.
i. i
should I of I
in histories. St.
Mi-- A-, urn Your poi ma arc
ginning to attract wide attention,
I should think it would
scare yon
alias Scare Why
Miss if you gel
famous they'll be wanting a
graphical of you for an-
. and then you'll have to tell
tho year of your
Selling Out
At Cost
Owing to the tho recent tire in
I which our store was burned we
are compelled to go out of bus.-
Ho our entire stuck of
will be closed at
within the next thirty days.
have choice line of Pickles
and Canned Goods.
Bedded Raisin and Currants
at ii pound. Other prices to
com pare with those
Come while the bargains
the old
store, opposite A. E.
W. S. CO.
Congressman of
Kentucky i droll and
Be sad Mm.
walking in avenue,
Washington, one afternoon when s j
dandy little Frenchmen who was 01-1
in front of them slipped and Au. ,.,,,.,
Jell The tumble was a spent
one Mr-. laughed Sunday Greenville.
heartily. The little EM preached a
picked himself up daintily and, Beth my
handed the
card Dick looked at it thought.
and asked, What's this
-she at me. de-
Mr win- Saturday night with
handed back the card,
-The lady is no blood relation
Tell you what you do. Yon
hunt up her brother and kill him
K. C, March,
Mia. i. Braxton
are much
Mi- Mars But-
of was
in ibis vicinity Sunday.
Rufus Dudley, of Greenville,
of was
Stocks, securities, etc.
Furniture Fixture
from Bank-
Silver Coin
H. J.
over Sunday.
Mis Lena spent Sunday
with Allie Dell.
Miss Allie is
friends in week.
Miss Tessie
i home on a
Capital Stock paid in
Undivided Profits lees
Expenses Paid 8,688.98
Deposit to check J 75,904.28
checks out-
standing 1,624
There is no need asking the question It is
the enterprising business man uses the columns
The Reflector
for making his to the trading public because
IT Brings
Filipino English.
of letter to
his as an excuse for Ins
failure to his duty at the
morning o'clock spent and
office Your etc. with lier parent a Mr. and
Another I Mrs. H.
Mr am very sorry
that I could not no in our office be-
cause am very ill from Sunday j A Dinner Invitation.
night now, so you me big B of
excuse. Very truly your em. will prevent
The lane- ,. not at bat I an. V is
compares lag
language a written the
ago American. Manila Nun.
North Carolina,
County of Pitt bank, do solemnly
I, James L. Little, , knowledge
wear that the statement above.
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 23rd day of March. 1905
Notary Public.
J. Q.
A Canadian
One of the popular
to Canada is of
H- for
Judge of horses V all have taken six bottles of
i hay.-at one . j Cure.
at bench show ill The six
At the exhibition there .
hi- won will dices.
hearing which ., f said M
codfish Persian in
packages. a peaces and apples, prunes,
raisins, also anything wanted in goods an be
at our place at the lowest for class goods.
I can testify to Vegetables our stock is replete. .
In Fruits we have the best of oranges, apples
grapes and grape fruit. Ask us for
Anything You Want in the Fruit Line.
have also Premier Butter and double
Cheese, than which there is no better
I on the Stomach, Sour Ki-
Bad Bream and all
his,; food you by Mr J. M. Reuse He
theology as do Irish set tors u Drag Store.
j. A. Ricks Bro.
Is Read By
it reaches people who have money to pay
If you have what they want advertise it and yon
get apart of their money.
At a Year cents a Month.
The Eastern Deflector.
At SI a Year.
You are the loser if you fail to read one of these.
Ancient Letter.
i- the most an-
letter in the world has boon
discovered in be-
the of
Negro Made 2nd Lieutenant.
Washington, March The
president has appointed
the Austrian
who has
ciphering it, sworn Hint it was writ-
ten four before t It
j. ,. ,.,. . i ii leaden leaf, folded
in two. ii on the outside
tho following the received
tor of to de-
livered either m Stasis to
-h- or son-.
,. of II I i
,.,.;,.,,.,. U in- to
tho I m
he i- in
me u i ,; V f
. l
kind, As soon
tin ;
I he
. lieutenant in the
in thus adding one none to
pointed bis merits,
heroism and dining the
is the Philippine.
He i- one of the shots In
medals do
There is one thing that do not claim in our to-do
Mi T
do v,. Li the ., our
, , f worn. of style
i mind that we are out
He i- BO
regiment at l
Pleasant and Harmless
was sold and Mrs.
son the Bale. When -ho
returned, her face was radiant with
join tho Cremation
were word-
aid her husband.
on earth for
Mr. Wilson.
replied his loving spouse,
bought such n lovely vine lo
can't think
how it will oft the
i irked
A tn the Bout
Agriculturist A I
seed from an old it iii
with it SI l ll
ground and ll
from in i to
acre, I cut
stalk all ii will re I
feed bi . I than any-
thing I ever T old In-
never i
not lost u f iv
since I
fur i -i
few b W
in i
D C. P. j-
you Will i
ii me
I he I
to h
One Minute L-ire
outs draws the mil
throat, lungs
tubes, heals,
A quick for
;. Cough, One Minute
Cure loom
ads on
mucous membrane where
cough trouble toe r
on BoW
L. Store.
Russians Oct a Respite.
Japanese appear to Have given
a temporary respite from
pursuit, probably for the
I hey
we art
of the newest thing
kind-ed s d with the won.- folk
Pulley Bowen,
purchased a
this great offer is withdrawn.
is conducted by who,,, all
readers son,, learn to love.
will not bold open
free at our
A Destructive Fire
The Reflector
Book Store.
Carries ledgers. Day Books. Books and other
I fan individual had taken the law
his hands like the Southern Rail
To draw the fire out of a u, or j night
books. Box Paper. Tablets, Slates. Inks. Mucilage Legal
A . to wear the paper and numerous other things in
nine, Tucker, editor of the The
Witt's Witch
. favorable Her
; home,
. .,,.,. , her n-
will, the
did alter the pursuit
north from fan. The
Russian front
I much the railroad
left, the position
Hell driving innocent stationery.
I have used at the of
keep ii on by m Sunday are all on
Jno. L. Wooten L nil these examples tend
produce nihilism and
i ill.
The Boston is the
opinion that we shall soon hi
the owners of the I
din Islands, because they cost i
mark a pretty penny-
The here Is I III , ,,.,,
easier,, man
You will i
in ,
while Hie we em in i
way, Uh
he main line
wind its , i i
U, the outcome
i, I-
Japanese on tin Mukden
i ii
upon as a up n whom
bin i i
I. r.
., i
, Ti i i ml
iii lie
I i. W
-i -I
Everything ;
. i.
family lo I
, .
Tl -pills I is a to
, ,
, I
. .
i ;
ii f
. K . op i
. .
our s .
in the
be had .
of the
a ii in
i ii n
i. i
. .

a Ml
Entered ill the post at Greenville, X. C as class
upon application.
A correspondent desired, at every post in and adjoining
in to
H. C, Maw-h
fort to gel
The Southern railway and the city
of Durham
The last legislature exempted the i
Following jury
Practicing physicians, drug-
gists, telegraph operators in regular
employment, train dispatchers em
To Cuba via Florida
money, intelligence and well
directed energy it has that
man can anything
on this earthy hall. It has not been
more than thirty year that the tick
people of the North and middle
West knew that there was such a
delightful winter home, for health
and pleasure, the peninsula of
Florida. knew there was such
long as the could vole
in this State the white Republicans
their favor and votes in
possible, hut now that
they are they have no
rt of use for them. As long as
while Republicans could
office on the shoulders of the
they would do almost any-
thing for them, now all that is
changed. No Republican
could be held, county or crop
State, u ml having delegates
it Negroes were elected
Pleasured in dollars, the 13.000,000 ; Why th stout Mn For
of the cotton crop the
worth ten than the bales He was a short, .-torn man mid
of the 1903 crop. The difference in was nil hut out of breath as he rush-
total value ii enormous. A pound ed up to a policeman on tin corner
of ran cotton which la-t February
told for I cent is worth only s
Cotton i- selling a bale
as compared with a
car Ai rate the total
YOU MB a tall, man,
wearing a brown suit clothe,
round here a few minutes
law fifty such men as you have
replied the officer.
Hut this man was in great
a place lined on the map and
graphically designated Florida,
and often written about in poetical
sentiment as the land of and
wild jestingly the
ponder over these days are taxes and of the gospel, officers or employers
ployed in handling trains, regularly borne of the flies and i
licensed pilots, regular of of intended
We I Joke
i I. It has
age limit
going it will be I advertised
town on the
of hospitals for the insane, ac-
members of a lire company.
lie war between Russia and
Japan I as Bur i the whole
w rid. While the chrysanthemum
kingdom has made wonderful strides
toward modern civilization, this
over Russia was
and even Congressmen, but now the
white Republicans are not willing
for any to have any or
political honors whatever.
This positively and plainly set
forth in a series of ma adopt-
ed by the Republican members of
our late Legislature and published
in last week's issue of the Winston
In their fifth resolution
w bite Republicans recommend
to annoy the a ins and daughters
This condition of affairs existed
until the Atlantic Coast Line rail
with its extending branches
of transportation, reached forth no be selected a delegate
grasped the to any political convention our
a and penetrated this new party, or to any
field of wealth and health There
lies just across rs of the gulf
The Greensboro Tat Heel . Russia has learned one
forgotten tiling and that is the fact that it
before . heavy odds I overpower the
The r their lives. I
the beautiful queen of the Isles of
i a, on h is 1- rated the
Havana Notwithstanding
the inducements it IT. red for Amer-
U tin re m rear that
could not . re me Its sanitary
condition up I
tat American at a
meal for fertilizer . J r peril to many co the
make a greater I Stat.
States District Attorney
II New succeeds in rial of the speak-
the a yet era at the of th Tar lb.
reform in
the city.
the N.-w England and
Ii an i i s were afraid
their winters on this lovely
of the
i devise a way to reach
sud we further recommend that such
as do now held in this State,
whether by appointment under
Federal officers otherwise, be
displaced ass i a as
Now, what do you think such
a it Does anybody think
am i resolution would have
been i led when the
rote VA if a copy was sent to
The Republican legislators who
led the above re assert
in their address that they
at the intelligence of the
an I this is probably true.
hence significance and
Me, I hear. Case of loss of memory.
i He bad even forgotten his own
It i paradoxical that as one re-
suit roused ind of the he wear a full beard and
planters i receive have a large asked the
I. t icy had plank
. i dies and allowed the That's the man,
boll i. ,. flourish the would i then
have been The did. sir. He came up to me
U lie lo discourage half an hour ago and said he
lo diminish didn't where he was or who
the value in international exchange
of the States p . pal Scott it's true
ex I consumers of Where is ho
I be the . to the hospital, just
York around the corner, and had bet-
hustle around there if you know
To Is he brother.
at i Ii lie made this win- relation of said
tor lo m com- the fat man as he mopped his per-
ii rt lo k up spiring brow and looked to be on
it it is pro- the verge l
i you seem to take the affair
club at Greensboro, at Vice- Florida and Cuba as an outlet for of their It verities
,, . , ,. . , , , for and the frequent assertions of Democratic
President Fairbanks was the cues- r
. . . . Pk, made for many
Skinner responded rears tall the use the while Re-
at B me use m
to the toast Republican .- . . . . . I for the was to
el I the biggest
rascals in the city t e I mean for tin We d ;,. passing
try to remedy the ti by praying not know what he said this sub- through New York, Philadelphia.
but take it for granted that h , n,
made a good speech, he usu
only thing that But the beat response to
Pittsboro Record.
i I the terminal
I . la w hen i .
nil . ii must led
. re en, rood- or
. All of i e arc already
s from the mails.
S ; the publicity
it h.; i Ii. i go ids ind
to flourish. Like the e
la k, gold
re and sit it
n the cupid of the
and it- safe workings depend Lewis ha Philadelphia Caricature.
on i i . .-. of the victim
and hi unwillingness to let bis She i. the
know the kind of man he
an ho i- It -t is
protected by that very fact from all
such forms of swindling.
very much to heart,
it's ii terrible thing to hap-
pen to my poor friend terrible
think of ii His memory may
be a blank for rears and years, and
mat never remember
that he borrowed five i from
groaned the fat man
us lie mopped bis brow again and
started for the hospital. A. II.
For Brushes From Ears.
of utilizing odds and
end which had formerly been dis-
said a St. Louis man, who
i.- identified with one of the big
packing houses, shown
tn my line.
thought that had long
steamers of the com glide .
come out of the trust ,.,,, -M the waters of the I Sunday m
is who are ,,, jobs fa r
conducting it men like tut the
N. 10-15. I by the proper dis.
the many that went from el products, etc., but
Booker Washington the
trouble in is, they raise
too many chickens.
f. W Moore. T. F
r, Hi and others.
t. went t i
American railways have taken an .,
interest in the as leanly
If Dr. wants to tho
knocked his striking
limit, lei him but up
as a matter of fact, they have fallen
in the i progress.
v illustrated by the
a days with us.
H. II Proctor is on the sick list.
are know that A
Clark has recovered fr hie illness.
W. E Proctor and B. C. Mayo
went ; u Monday even-
The pretty weather thus far in
March has compensated to some ex-
tent for what we had two
preceding months this year.
A Chicago scientist says the
man race will be extinct on this
earth in the course of three million
years. need give of the
present day crowd any
Russian defeat i fact
that he I to war by
a Japan's success
is due to i that was con
When Vice
d that
he .-aw
party it n
i that is
calculated to ad
The New York Commercial Dr.
credited with the line M sanitary condition at
line separates conservatism from American city the same sire
retrogression. Many merchants and boarding
imagine they are conservative, when, are kept on the American
plan and run up to date in every
particular. Thousands of .
who a few years ago went to the
lie, that some merchants pursue from the now g j
toward advertising. It is an and Havana and L m
known it is of health . , . . , .
tin i. it is avoid-, r We hear there is to be a wedding
is summarily discarded as
No buyer was ever who has
reading an announce times who said he had found
in a newspaper about goods in
which be -w fin come nearer up to what he wanted
. , , , firm Bros., of House,
than he ever expected to . ,
. , .; ,,,., ,. , was in town
He said he loft New l via i . ,, , , . , , ,
Misses Jarvis and
e that the
hair iii the ears of r- i- of a
which permits used in
th l ire of
And now the hair is re-
in I from the cars of the steers been in love
that art may flourish well as the how would I have known
house Louis-
ville would have told you.
Tough Gian.
can be heated white doesn't object
hot and then plunged into cold ; to coming up and
without breaking seems an evening, docs he
possibility, but it has been
Edna- sin mid say not. He sent
ho has gone to the modern
that makes known its wares.
Harrington, of Greenville,
was in town
made an accomplished fact. It is ; UP coal and always brings a
mule from Brazilian quartz , electric lump that sufficiently
heated red hot and then thrown into parlor without
distilled water. Then the purest
are selected and welded with
the blowpipe into
His Trouble.
sighed Mr.
and has passed by the
merchant who feels that the
limit of publicity is reached by
displaying a sign
over the door.
From the
in the
that S . sec-
in the production leaf tobacco
in the United States. Kentucky is
first, North Carolina second and
third. The number acres
in North Carolina last year was
the yield per pounds,
and the price cents per pound.
If you have lost anything
for it through the of
A Young Colored Giant.
Austin Ramsey, who works
in Mr Ed, shoe shop, baa
just finished what is probably the
-t pair of -hoes ever made fur a
person in North Carolina- The shoes
are and had to be made on a
specially an I butt, there was
not a last in the shop large enough
for the shoes, The sh es were made
for a colored youth only years of
age, John Huntley by name. John
lives with Mr Albert Smith, of I
ledge township, and is not only
noted for the of his
feet, but for his gnat height as well.
He is fee and Bight and three
quarter inches tall and weighs
Line for Florida, expected
spend only a few days in that
try, but was so much charmed with
what he saw in Florida that he was
induced to visit Cuba, and said he
did not regret having made the trip.
Havana is as healthy a place as
want to live in. It is almost
can and growing more so Florida
is my dream of a lovely land. The
climate and soil are just what is need
A Yadkin county man and his
wife were in jail for
is not the husband man-
aged to give bond and get out,
his wife in jail. The conduct of
the husband has been severely
as is natural. He should have
been gallant to allow his
wife to pass out maybe he
know the woman bettor than the rest
of Landmark.
The argument some people
put up against the dispensary that
it is wrong f r a town to engage in
the whiskey business for profit, is
weaker than water. This can no
worse than allowing some private
individual to engage in it for a large
part of tho Her-
Cigarettes are now absolutely pro
in Wisconsin and Indiana,
and they are forbidden to minors in
this State. Tho possibility of
tic legislation against cigarettes may
be due to the fact that their especial
devotes are too to
Philadelphia Press.
b Mills and Ed Patrick,
to it popular with ., ,. . ,
, . i i. , spent
are the I
its streams are alluring to the
fisherman wild woods are tho
paradise of the hunter
stem- like straws, from which glass , , ,
vessels of any shape can
fry A test made j Hf bUt
in this way will no, break
hot coal is dropped into it. i -I
A House. An Explanation.
The house in which modern . Sister What is
originated is still standing , . . .
on a farm near the village of . r is the
Ville, in New York Hate. It h in the of
keeping with it- mysterious char- to
that ghosts appear in the S any disappointment-
neighborhood, telling stories of old New
time wonders done there and where D ,
tho hones be looked . .
for. The . n nailed up
by its .; till , , the first
i I be till , , .,.,,
to what t to dot i th ,,
,,. , , . other. Yon k., them so
look longer than they really
Williams, of Chocowinity, who were
visiting Miss Susie Moore, returned
home Monday evening.
The water in the river is falling
and the seines and skimmers are
catching shad and herrings very
F. D. Foxhall and Hooker.
of Greenville, passed through tho residuary bones may be lo i i
Farmers are taking every
advantage of this beautiful spring
Dr. who has recently
ed here seems to be very busy, lie
i.-, tilling a need in this sec-
R. Corbitt returned from Eliza-
beth City yesterday, where he has
been with bis wife to visit her par-
Mrs. Corbitt will return soon.
Mrs. Faulkner, wife of Her-
Faulkner has been on tho sick
list for a few days.
A Bottle of Cream.
Cream front a .
to particular patrons in . i
Easily Pleased Then.
their is off
She he was too
known that in om
least a bottle of cream, I- Nell my. must
ed to reach the person to to
If Mr. decides that the
oil trust is not taking in enough
money to make ends meet some
people might be induced to chip
a few dollars just to infant
business on its
consigned, mode n turn
voyage and I
in New three
after it- departure, perfectly
good. Throughout the
entire journey it was kepi at
temperature by artificial means.
from by
For a Better Purpose.
another pound of that
Mrs. Bright.
that it's the same I bad
I you like it
Mr.-. indeed I Three
of my who have been con-
borrowers utterly neglect-
ed me since I loaned them
batter. I have two more
rowing lib n . you see. and they
may drop in for butler any moment
sad with a self sat-
air, poet born, not
replied the man.
a pity his income Isn't
San co Examiner.
Up Against Him.
could hare married Box-
but her
lie put
lie Ins foot up good
hard. That's what hurt.
Pretty Bad.
Foote you call him
her t
Sue I him her
This department is f A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the in and territory.
i ill I III lilt mi i n n
To realize the high plane to which
Si has bro
I'd art of wood
in set his b
Ii tier's pi r
price fur
County Oil Mill.
Don't forget or seat
your con s t., Q. Con Ml
Co. is the
over that little
of cot in ii bad over when
you n i your t
lots. he Pill Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed o it ton in any quantity the
bet murk t price paid every
v. c pay the i
fur country and
shoulder. A. W A
B. P. Johnston and W. Hooks,
of Ayden, were here Thursday.
Is b t go
that R. G. Oh p an Co. are
tins up
to date in
ed and p- a the
r N.
i n, ,.
c el I ll-r-.
tie-ore i. lie-, is u
mine n- i i. n
toting every .
It e.
Rev. Ii Jackson, a former
Winterville boy but mm pastor of
the Baptist has
been visiting relatives near
Our -tool; of
A t I Look up Mr. Cooper and ask him
A. A about prices of anything yen
are Interested
huh-, A. G. Cos f
V I-
i ,
I. A
of die s
in d
A. W.
Mrs. N Nobles, who has bee;
her Mrs Jerry Kick
returned this morn-
or men to solicit
for nursery stick ill
cm For particular-
. stamp. Box Winterville; N.
the Pitt county oil mill, told us a Spanish peanut-for seed
fen-days ago they had on hand N. Manning Go's.
pounds of cotton seed Oats and for seed
and although the mill runs night A.
and day. the pile does not grow J- Mack Dixon went to Greenville
much -mailer They just keep j this morning
In me. ; II
f. A few try to
i Ii i
lake do P., I.
i he Pitt County Oil is mm
having Cotton They pay
I cash pi or sill .
buying them. We went through Winter-
So. try Mfg factory one day re
in A few try to Ir is the main
they do there. The
t none take to lo i- a merry
r was being d
I a nice lot
ii we never saw m
When yours kinds. Two
me rile for p ice,. era were busy In tut tin .
v ho I.,.,.,.,.
. t
id low,
, your ii kitchen
We on in over
n mp-r. while the anvils in smith
U i to furnish y sounded if
. pus the Mid doing there. While nines
before buying here, j your meal or flour, and he is the
dress goo. ladies and u. , ,
Jackson, of Ayden, was and look around, but don't get
here one night week. the way for men are busy.
White's Colic and Kidney Core, There not a dwelling
the combination kidney medicine house for rent in Winterville. Some-
for stock an a sure polio cure. body with cash will a in-
at the Drug Store. vestment right here.
A. few subscribers the Large assortment of pints sud
a tut in than shoes. All men stock at A.
I bare the Winterville list W. and Co.
the on the .--ail r from Rowan Cooper is building a nice
Winterville Of nil our new residence on Tar mad near here.
and am prepared to give tie going to nave a nice country
for the piper. and see home.
I r
the I cry
r's hi
there. Yet Mr, rt
had . . i the
re .
a great
is a i
Ill -i
the I tone
in art.
V rid.
a v o r a i n
me the m
. ;,.,
Tobacco Brown,
Elder Brown,
Nutria, Pearl, etc
I he styli are . ling.
We hardly need toad r entire showing
Most Popular Ideas
a la Worth.
would .
Chicago. I S
i i i , i bloc
. . B I St.
I. worth
and her in
port val
r. in from to
In a i; the i of
I more
-I a
P and M is .-
pi ii for i ire
mm o worth of pro
We can I
choose u
I at or u Der
Sn have both kinds.
None Better at the Prices.
slippers and mil stock
of goods
is mine
before. of mohair
weather pr-of. batiste id
nil tin- late t designs,
The are invited
o our
The lit place ii town to
the drug stoic.
Keep your let warm am
and avoid colds,
and doctors bi la, by baying your
at U G. Chapman ft Co's.
They carry the shoes at the
most reasonable prices.
Did Get Your
If i is were illy
min, h and
in t i I would r
it I n polis u s.
rd of eggs,
of re than h of
to b a bushel of
. i
of r fruits cud berries, three
i Is of potatoes and twO bushels
of beets, parsnips tor-
, heads of ea and
half as much lettuce,
cauliflower, bushels of
corn, usually the u pi of
pork and i b id
America's Product.
A I home office re-
Try a bottle of Dr. sure port on the mineral production of
for indigestion at the drag More. that the
i i States stands second to the British
airs Hell, has been via , i . n
. . empire in of cold,
went to; ting Mrs. II. O. left for j far in tho production of I
An event of first importance, the
result of careful and weeks
of faithful work.
The opening of the
pounds of c six of
wool for clothes i en leather
pay up, in me nappy, in We handle T. Wood and for two pairs of
and get millet
I've got a good T. and Bro,
lion for all those who pay for
year advance.
A. Johnston,
tor seed cats, plow and i
all kinds supplies,
A. W. to visit relatives this morn I Ayden Wednesday evening. ; silver, copper and had. In copper
Ci, who has been 1- would surprise you to see tin- our is the greatest, more
in South Carolina, is back home o get; wire fence number of and carts that s
, ., . coining mines in th
again. , a. o. n. have a big is r-hipped and sold by A. Q. States.
of fence their stands
cotton see . W. and Co. Pittsburgh perfect also j yesterday bad a
Car load nice Furniture just In. pies and bard wire. Be sine to nice lot of work just being com in the lit. The British coal, i UnanimOUS
A. Ange and Co. before buying I their timber s
, i , ., I , . larger price.
For for supply of fence. Eleven persons joined the church of zinc f
shoes for your feet, hats for your I repair Shoes and do good work, as a result of the meeting last first. The Stales ranks sec- an SO
was a triumphant success
surpassing any similar
ids first in the amount of J Of t he
bleed, and Britain is -re- .
expression of
delighted visitors was that never
beads and food for Stomach we are Bring them to me either at my
headquarters. , home or at buggy shop.
B. G. Chapman A Co. Henry Nelson.
For corn seed oats to Stock salt st
Ange Co.
White's Black Liniment, spec. visiting in town
hilly recommended for the Sale-Pure Plymouth Bock
family, fine for B ,
balanced, eon. B, M M
sale i . i, .,
B. T. Cox Bro.
,, . ,. ,, . , , At the drugstore there we think
lieu, and who ., . ,
,,., . , ,. ,. . the most
went out Oklahoma tho first of the , . ,
. . ,. ; in table silverware huh
vi arc homo again. I here is n
vast and charming selection of
which Trill in r go has been
coven d In an inventor in i .
Tho A. Cox Mfg. Co. expect I
to reduce the pi ice of their A win Never Go Out. ; , pi
co truck for the season A thirty-sis candle power light
i In easy reach of all to-
It II went to Scotland
Neck Friday.
Xii have moved into my
re neat the depot. I keep
a good line of hardware. Have a
black smith and and repair shop
an livery -table in connection.
W House.
place like Pitt.
The Digest lot of pants ever
brought to Winterville, your style,
our fit, at W.
Ange Co.
For white goods, ladies collars,
handkerchief nap lies, go to A.
W. Ange Co , they have a
Pant hunt, i -r t p
pant- can get
price at Barber
I've returned from the
northern markets where I've
For wine, bowls and
A. Ange A Co.
For nice matting of nil kinds
go to they have a huge as-
For men hoes shovels forks and
spades go to A. W.
Prof. King, Ayden, has been
of Egypt.
With a trolley towing plant c tab-
on the banks of the Nile to
draw to fro, tho
hi I of Egypt may be con-
a full line of up-to-date tolerably complete. Tho
y centuries which, Napoleon
in ribbons and fancy
Laces and ; rt looking at them
a ii i are no doubt
The Ladies of Greenville
are not slow to
graph me years ago , .
i styles and fine goods.
by a small by
a i I, . . . en-
I low and p i
light by
glass. He says re is
ed to
are cordially long vigil,
invited to call and see me.
Sarah Taylor.
Rev. A. T. King and
Whichard, of Greenville, were here
Thursday night and Friday morn
Don't your eyes feel like there
Mrs. but whatever may have gone by be-
neath them they have never I
forth on electric trolley and tow-
apparatus to multiply from ten
to thirty limes or mere the
and comm of the Nile, fl-
all tho efforts of or
The apparatus may
spectacular as
not no spectacular the
in Do they pain you ,. foil it M ,., ,,,
of late assisting W. feel tired on rending t more useful to
Income mattered adhere
That denotes Africa was by the
in the The people
of Winterville and the
country are nearly all attending the
mooting. is plain and
forceful in his preaching.
Car of in Bar-
Barber Co.
Didn't S t-o I
At i
two I ill i
the yo
In in n
resided in t
Boston P
paired vision rein
A Champion.
Mb I i
Knox toll i
thing I her of
by wearing eye glasses, n. m
an ocean road to India. Bartholomew Hiss II. Oh, did ,
r. . c full line of
i mid can your
with tho proper let's.
little i
I on tier
Hi k ml i
e on Christmas
and thus named it in
am now receiving the and prettiest
ever carried, in i u Flowers a specialty,
Everything in Sailors and Ready to Wear Hats.
Mrs, will very lake charge of the
Trimming, after which we will show you a grand
display in Dress Hats.
invite you t. tin- t
firs. L. Griffin.
The Reflector was never better prepared than now to
Job New presses, new type and plenty of stock re-
work is done right and prices are right.

I Mm
. , Myers leave
Steamer It. U-
except f
a. in- for
Greenville daily,
at in for
Steamer for
Philadelphia. Ne
tad all
Norfolk a-UH railroad lb.
joint West
freight by OH
Old l min
Line Daniel
Mid Miner
Bailing so
I. H Myers,
B. Walker, N v
is known as the
.-. -cm occasioned by actual exist-
conditions, but la the
majority of cases by dis-
which may be
by trying a course of
, R. H
, from
They control and regulate the LIVER.
to the
mind. They bring health and elastic-
to the body.
North Carol I
Putt County, i
Jack Daniel
in Super
N. V
Not Quite
How often OS a
thing sol
or screw
lacking, good
fool and he i
me. ;
i all you could desire,
we will see that i
box does not a -us-e
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
S. M.
Wholesale i a
Bides, I
The named will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been In the
Pitt county by th plaintiff to
obtain an absolute divorce from tin-
i i am the will fur-
take notice that she is to
appeal- at the spring term the
per r court of said county W be e i
on the seventh H inlay after the
. in March. the
day April at the sous,
of said county in Greenville,
and answer or demur to the complaint
said action, plaintiff ell
forth rel I demanded in
This l-Vi. 190.1.
Clerk Superior
F G. James, atty for plaintiff.
The Clerk the Court
I Pitt county having Issued letters
tome, the
17th day Mai, R, on the estate
. I; ; ; o wed. notice
; i all persons Indebted
. ,. to make M
, authenticated, t. th
. ed, o twelve m
r the date of this notice, or mis
notice will be plead In re-
day f March,
r. c. Jambs,
Ex th. estate
In and of Gen-
K. K. K.
his father's return to private
life after the surrender of
A day or two after the surrender
General Lee started for rid-
Traveler, who had canted so
well all through the war. He was ac-
companied by some ins staff. On
the way be stopped st the bones
I . , hi Charles Carter Lac,
Who lived the upper In Tow
I- tan county lie -pent the m
e his brother, hut when
bedtime came, begged by his
l t. take the room sad bed
pared for him, be Insisted on to
I . tent, pitched by the roadside.
and passed the night i the
that he was accustomed to. On April
he arrived In The
soon him. Men.
women and children crowded around
him. cheering and waving bats and
handkerchiefs, it was more like the
welcome to a conqueror than to a de-
prisoner on parole. He raised
his hat in response to their greeting
and rode, to his home on Frank-
street, where my mother and sis-
were anxiously awaiting him.
Thus be returned to that private
life for Which he had always longed
, am. i be always desired to
be a peaceful in a peaceful
Oil on Toffee.
lack coffee had on Its
surface a little ell. This oil shimmer-
ed it gave forth delicate, changing
,,,. . Ion water The man who
lo drink coffee gated at
It with delight
he said, nil I
want to kn about the coffee. Now,
without tasting n. am sure it is
The whole secret of making
e w. on, In extracting and re-
i , tills oil This oil it is which
U delicious
Tl i oil II I which
I.,.,, y m. which makes yon feel after
l live drank strong and gay.
,;,. .,; the kind with
on it can mil made by excellent
,. in or In
hotels i. employ chefs
I, gel it. the aver-
. housewife does not know
make bind of
II Bulletin.
. . . . lore the
; i as
,; dead. no
t i
n n
i if i
I , pr ,
of tin
but . fit.
of tin
. . the use the
.,, .;. i live is
s is composed
and is I inn. by hot
mi lug from
. , walls
. . and con-
i a very
To Wash Without Injuring th.
The secret of so
hat will several seasons
lies in the fibs, of wool
It most not ban um natural on
boiled out it, must the fiber
be broken by hard twining
wrung by hand. There u no
reason woolen
washed often as any
ethers, but they must not be a
water or in a state any longer
than is necessary, tor it is wetting
shrinks Bo
must never be boiled or put into
boiling water. Neither must they
before washing.
The less ore rubbed the bet-
Rubbing wool knots the hairs
and hardens the surface.
must not be dried very j
I . re not in very fierce sunshine.
This shrinks them.
Woolens should be washed and j
hung out to dry as quickly as
Leaving them lying about in
wet heaps shrinks them.
Four ounce- of a pure soap to I
of water a-ill produce a strong
cleansing the soap
thinly and pour the
water over it. lo not put m
the flannels until the soap has dis-
solved and the mixture is coot
enough to bear the hand
thoroughly shake each
tree from dust, nut them into
the tub and i and
in the water nil are clean.
Stubborn Paper
Did sees paper wad that
is so stubborn that it will fly
fa,,, of one who to compel it to
.- into the neck of t bottle The
more you try to blow it in the more
u the bottle.
Von can try this with large
and a paper wad or
enough to iii very loosely In Its
neck. Holding so that it
points at your mouth and .
placing the cork in the neck, the
harder roll on the cork for the
i . driving into the bottle
the more forcibly will the cork rush
from its place i
this stunt and see you can
discover what causes peculiar
n of th. pop
I , Hate t make ;
. .
, ti-on
. I lie plead
.; powder and.
I he
. retain-
I, amount The
I is en-
I g given de i-
nil be
Pit. v
r- .
,. i
. ; II
; I a I-;
; a
,. , ,; .
I;. II
X. f
I I.-
i i
ii i
a ii ii-
I.- .
E. r
, . I
i .
, cork
. with
is as
i HI
p In i fin-
mi n
Harry Skinner,
II w,
Harry Skinner. Jr.
School Books
School Supplies.
If You
an 1-
I in
l we
,.,. i lated with is, In the practice of
,. Mr.
a It.,
b I for
I , Ila II I
of i is who can I I
I. who is
. , . . , lb.-. ,
tern. ;
turn . sir. of water.
. the cistern
, , the n by lively
pumping to i from get-
, ting up ever his bend.
Th, Dutch
the ones who .-elected to
be and p , on
then the
. i . t in
lo ; in from mi
eh .-a Hi in I
the hot i
Ii .
i ;
if the room i
an; ll in r to her.
ii . It is bush-
el. In de and
tin ii
pi. -ii in i. o rows op
posit, en n
two n. Id lakes e of
; and one
mo is and is
. i I led, the Ml
end of tin row
Tl start in
; ii
. I. chairs the cal
, mouse. When the
, . mode the cal,
mid one I takes
place of e,
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and Town and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
SI Lulls, Mo. The Victor Safe . Lock Co., J
Cincinnati, today, Grand Prise the.
Pair, for their exhibit of solid bank safes
and line of fire and vault,
their magnificent d over all
tort for modern
, , . ,
The Safe has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
it Feared.
t, Mo y For r
I ; I
. i.
folk, Vs.
. . Bi r-
For C Stover, Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Onus, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stutters, In tact anything
In Hardware come to
l v.
I i be column
ft of.
l i ,
Your Household Cleaning for the S p ring
. ,
I I A. i s.-
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Agent.
.-. AYDEN, N. C.
We to
, w-
. k a .
v.- in ml doll us, i
For cotton bulls, meal bay
Fine go to Jackson.
The latest thins shoes. Call
Match M, at w. C. Jackson Ca's.
As for Daily , bee
Mfg. Co. Ayden, V. C
B ladies
at J. H Bro.
shipment spring
goods and opened
J. H. Bro.
-ho. s in- In
will rind J.
Oar order
e take plain and and children bat and are
great pleasure receiving sub Prices are u sale t J. B. Bro.
willing receipts for Seed at J. B.
in arrears. We have a list Dome to you wan
of ail who receive their mail at to buy independent Manufactured
this office. We also take we dour handle Tim-;
When you need a nice, light, ,. ,.,
tough pole, for your buggy or tomatoes, , apply to K. K. I
Call on us and make s I ,
selection. Milling Mfg The two and
Co. Ayden, N, C. insurance in
Milling Mfg. Co., or the whole country
Ayden, N. C. K W. K. Hook.-.
Anything Ask
If you need any thin
If want u special bargain In
a pair of shoe-. Try W.
j C. o.
Carry turkeys,
produce to
If. Bro.
ii .-iv i-, a below h c i ii
go d lie
i M-- style and
Mi. ling Mfg. Aid, n,
w. If. i
it i. y in
M s. Hi. .
H i Life hi l y i
i id Line, i Be w .
I i H till I; i .
i of North Car.
Can yon
. i .- ii, i
mi j We have on
i. e
of all
not sold em
This we a-
all new, -.-I. .
are you going
in-.- i Let us furnish
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work lo ma sill be
neatly executed. All
t lie- latest designate Wall Paper,
faction guaranteed.
ii give yon i
you for returning it.
stock spring I
at Edward ft Boa.
The fountain
be service
They both live right here u from MOW to the and of the season.
but The newest and latest
class only found If you want
of Crockery, Tin things hustle in special
come to sec us, Hart are
seems teachers will nor be
lacking for u place hold
Ibis summer. Since
den placed iii advantages. In
success so justly merit.
the pallor i
just the depot you will
Cox, the insurance specialist.
a; any one.
Ayden Mfg. Co.
N. C.
Sewing at J. B. Smith
Cook Heating stoves at J.
The ladies say that or
print and extended invitation;
two Other places have come for-
ward, opened laid afresh and
new for I lie consideration
of this grand a. noble band of
workers. One stalls out as if it
were only in to invite
the will go. The other
holds itself in glorious array and
language of one spoken of in
Book, here I
am, none so good as Admit-
ting all a a fact, dress goods town,
not promise a Heaven on earth nor
the companionship of mortal better
they should be, still she
holds good her invitation
promises I he fair ladies gal-
men who compose honored
institute, should they accept, a
pleasant time shall be theirs
the expense incurred will not be
greater than circumstances
demand. We are not angels, but
we do believe we will compare
favorably with most folks. Any
y, we invite you to come
something try them.
Examine our line
and to.
Yard wide s yard
J I ft Bro,
The ladles cm be
. . i
pep. sited with the
insurance of
lo guarantee nil polices
further on
rail mi V.
II .
, name over and lilt
on the i rain . trip up id-
Free Will The
Ayden. C, The
spring of Free Will
we have the will visit and Theological
and j J. It. Hi Hi. mm meat
wheels and will sell them Oranges, apples, all n. m, and continue ten weeks.
fruits kepi by A Terms, higher Branches com-
W and primary
J. I. Smith it Bro. have just I In advance, Theological Btu
a car load of dents free,
pared Thomas E. Peden, l. l.
would beg to in- Miss Delia who has been
form the public I hat he is prepared reaching a in
to move houses on short notice and of the county, returned
N. C
Al the close .
Loans and ; -furniture and u i , i stock paid in, . i profits lei
Cash Items, . Cold Coin, Silver SO. HI unpaid . ii I., cheek,
Dunk notes and other S. outer 11.08
have prettiest line without damage at
I prices.
you Just received our spring stock of
your cotton ginned nice and clean, punts. J. J. Edwards A Son.
eyeglasses worse
order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to
Milling A Mfg. Co., Ayden,
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be I ban
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co., j glasses are than poison
den, N. U appreciate very much
Sometimes none. If your
eyes tire, I hey call for help. J.
W Taylor a graduate optician,
Ayden, N. lit your glasses
reasonable prices. Noted
doctors have said that wrong
reasonable l her sellout having closed for
The loaf bread right
from oven at A Mo
Anyone wishing to have their
gardens i
any kind will do well lo see W.
C. Ayden, X.
Superior conn now in session
Greenville seemed to demand
from section.
to J. J. Edwards A Sou for
Cannon Tyson are displaying I kind Invitation sent us to
most up to date line of
ever brought to this
Frames for enlarged photos
each. Nice assort meat pictures
each just received at C
Carry your eggs Ac
W. O. Jackson A Co.
the exercises of the school dis-
No. i, of Swift Creek, last
Wednesday evening, but regret
exceedingly oar inability to accept
account of previous
We know we missed a good
time surely under the manage-
that most excelled of
Ed Lyons has been a visitor teachers, Miss Bailie Cox, of
occasion was not only
but pi table lo all
so i as lo he present.
return our sincerest thank- and
can we may be fortunate
enough next time attend, as
we feel sure no one will have
a better lime than our little
K. Smith A call attention
fencing now on
goods am
tore of J.
Call our line of
high grade buggies. You be
easily of the superiority
of nil and
Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co.
treatment applied by
Cox, the insurance specialist. Pop-
prices. u high
Car lime, and j,,, for
t J. K. Smith Bro. Md children at J. B.
Cur salt, line and coarse . , , Bro.
K. A j. i. Smith Bro treat all their
Rf and potatoes at with the greatest respect
J. K. Smith and all are extended an
town and country non to call at their store,
paints colors in oil, white lead,, You will have pleasant dreams
turpentine at J. R. Smith A j if writes your
Bro. i Hay, seed and sale.
J. K. Smith Bro. arc offering at J. B A Bro. Polite clerks good
to the in. Dr. celebrated tablets, suitable prices at the
fall and winter goods. The public ,.,, on the market J. R. A Bro.
are cordially invited to call and R, Smith Bro.
Investigate both in ice quality. to loan to our
Pants all sizes and J. in Pitt approved
R. Bro. Cox iii arrange it.
Miss Ella of K. Hail A
Is here n v.-it friends. market beef,
K. will do all they sage, and
possible can to please you with Jackson will pay,
their new line of heavy and fancy highest prices your Furs,
Hides eat.
We are Headquarters Brat Mrs. Calvin Tucker, of I
class, light neat Harness, Ac. Ac. is here to be with her
Milling A Mfg. Co., Ayden Claude who is very sick.
N. C.
Car and money shoes, bats, cap-,
seed oars J. K. rugs mattings, tables
Smith A Bro. BOOT all cloth Tyson.
MISS received a bushels field
message Tuesday the J- K- Smith
serious illness of a in bloodied
asset, is to in BO neglect
that Sour Stomach, Heartburn,
other well known symptoms of that greatest all of
health, when
Sure Cure
for Indigestion and the following-, and
can you whole books of wonderful cures, and a contract to
cure you, or money rot nod.
I am cured, and feel like ii new woman after seven years Indigestion
torture of long standing. Mrs. V. Potomac St. Wash, i .
tin.; Sure Cure will do you for M.
live months believe your Medicine has eared raj cast I
permanently. -A. B, Armstrong, Attorney, Va,
Cold weather
prices to suit all.
Fits guaranteed
at W. Jack sou and C's.
Mil II
Ill order lo make
day-. We will tell our
regular high grade buggies
exceptionally low prices. This is
no lake, but strictly business,
Milling and Co,
Ayden, C.
We know we can't Interest
who prefer to walk or the
man who not believe that our
baggies me most economical at
their price.
We know vehicles values,
we also know the baggies we build
and sell we gladly
For Sale-Due syrup
Fountain, cause of sale loss of
store. Terms cash or installment,
also entire at below i
cost consisting jewelry, musical
Instruments, guns, pistols, rifles,
shirts, oilier specialties,
fancy Christmas toys, religious,
and medical books.
Old Dr. books now i.
Ayden, N. C.
Singer Sewing Machines
on easy terms
old in ex-
Supplies, Needles, Oil,
Bands, etc., or all makes
. in
write I ii them at.
J. Bro,
Corner near Ayden
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Prettiest line ever Shown on
this market.
They are worth your Attention.
Held, Va., left Wednesday
morning in response thereto.
received, fine line of
and fit you up In any style the trade, that are simply
or price. j smoothest seat on the market
Milling A Mfg. Co. Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples Carpet all cloth and
bananas at K. Co's. at J. K. Smith A
eggs, for W. J.
manufacture seats for
A are re-
new and
light from
We have full line of
shoe, for ladles.
pair guaranteed.
J. J. A- Co.
Come to see us
you buy or not. If you do
better elsewhere we do
your patronage.
Ayden Milling and Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N, C.
A high grade, smart graceful,
well made durable buggy can be
in any style at any at
the Milling A Mfg. .--.
Call Hart Jenkins a
rel of Colombia better
i lo be had anywhere.
Buggies, U u l
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
House r
I. u
Inn re,
work. ,. . i
IS, N. i
Located Weal Street,
Best Accommodation. Turnouts
the t sporting
public for leas price.
Mattings, i in this town
richest and de
van i- I
highly polished i -I
and S Hall rack- I m-
suit and i .
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Brisk Block,
Ayden, N. C.
The Royal Elastic Felt and
three piece Bed, Are acknowledged to best in
the World and sold on positive guarantee.
money refunded.
I am better prepared than ever to
my customers cordially
invite you call at my store,
A H. Taft,

Have Come to
The best store in town offers them to you
ii pin chases. Every dime yon -pun i
there i I do extra
that pleas- and b-in-ii; yon.
c you spend money spend ii iii.
gut fill returns And unless each
it in p., STAMP
vi. fill value
Hi like win pound in- .
without mi your
i. . lid ; u; I III V ll I
a pleasure ; . .
. such things as you w aid
i t mi, sir-offered I Iron n S . n
. ; to give you
of yon can best u e
-I n-ed
h i i ho . I . i i v
ii . . it
HO I .; i b II, lid presto
. you have 50.00 h
;. is ; th ball rolling et
; . spend it where
Stumps are and
This wants ; yow
. i b f i
d an i i Sta Us in
to a -s.
re here.
The ; do not apply on purchases of
and Pro vie ions.
. II h
. . .
are we. know what
make; y u know all it, V.
. paint hi-you know your
H o know what it K bow it acts,
bow ii Mini bow
I led to;
j-1 I.
Ii i we rake the risk of
; lull OUght not In
ii I; ii-. abuse t,
draw the line
i h We
Hi mug. is to them us they
-l- III
We I,. I. i tided by
We the i Urn ; i the
. In get I. We them
i . ii. decree of eon
mill cue.
We expect to lie lo
pain as . n
I . n- cm.
d. .; i i way,
y ii a with and
A few me mi i i
o it m u-i
pill lo I .--;
will ii . fir how
, Mud p i-.
b is in nil- ii- paint
in the world. Ii is our
. .
with little.
i. a-1 n. . .
KALI WOKS. tun. Si., N. v., w
Atlanta, South Si.
F. .
P. d. II. i.
s-IN mil
f D
of i I In the
County. court.
Hook i. Sawyer
V-. Notice of
T On isle,
A. A. M. i
By of an execution
to the Superior
court n in ill
action, I Mon-
day, the 24th day April,
I o'clock. M. t
of id tell the
. cash la satisfy laid execution,
all the title and which
the said Lodge A, S
A. M . defendant, in the following
real estate, to wit
Thai par; of Lot Mo. Ir the town
N. Beginning
Third St. at the southeast corner
r with said street a
course feel . line
on th. same Lot, thence a northerly
with said
of Lot. No. with the line .;
Lot No an easterly course to
tin I i Lot from the
.-. on . No. then .
I a southerly course
. inning, nu i the Lot
ii own i- i. v Lot, ii.
upon in the Masonic
mi an l all improvements
. d iv of March,
L. Vi i
Ink Spots, Iron Mold and
While wot sprinkle
or on the mid
moisten ii with milk. Another
method is in sprinkle with suit and
with half a lemon. Wash off
acid and rinse at once.
When ink baa been allowed to
get dry place the stained part in a
saucer containing n little boiling
it r. moisten and cover
with .-alt- of lemon. Let remain
a few then pour boiling
water on carefully to the
acid spreading, which would burn
and rot the dry threads, it ii
able for this reason that the article
should be well rinsed in warm
No alarm need be felt if iii-
of taking it out clean the, acid
turns it out a pale green, Boiling
will the process.
Iron mold ran he treated in the
way, and ii disappears once.
Muriatic acid is most useful in re-
moving red ink stains. Ink must;
be removed at once from colored
materials, as the dye is not proof
against the method needed for dry
stains. Steep the stained part in
boiled, milk, rub it I
lightly and change the milk us it be-
Visitors In a little la
England a relic In
of a stool with a leather
top like a The parish clerk
shows not a pride In this relic and
tells Us story with relish. During the
seventeenth eighteenth centuries
the country parsons were
to spend of their time hunting
with their squires. Often-
times the fox got more attention than
the sermon on the following Sunday.
Sin-h the with parson who
left the saddle stool as a
relic of the days of fox hunting par-
sons. He was a good deal
In the saddle than In the pulpit,
so in order to Introduce some of the
life and spirit Into Ids discourses which
he felt while In the hunting held, the
reverend gentleman had tills saddle
Stool made. It was placed In the
pit before the parson mounted the
slops, once astride this hobby toe par-
sun was able to roach it much higher
degree of enthusiasm and eloquence
than he have unmounted.
A . I
Ferdinand the father of the
United States cast survey system,
was once waited upon by n committee
of congress to Inquire Into the
progress of the work. The committee
reached New and wended their
way upstairs to the room where
was drilling bis classes
them for the work, Sassier, who
allowed no intruders, met them at the
door and inquired their business. They
answered that they come to in-
part of the work do
you wish to Inquired the
Swiss mathematician. Congress had
no on Hint point.
you had go re-
as be shut the door In
the faces of the
tee. The committee looked each
other on second sober thought con-
Hint was about right
quietly wended their way down-
stairs hack Washington.
ii lo
I . lily, ii .-I-
Cheese Strata.
Take two ounces of butter, two of
extra good Hour, two ounces of par-
in.-an cheese and the season-
of salt and cayenne. Hub the
butler and i well into of It-
add the and sufficient yolk
egg in make the whole into a
paste, out thin and cut in
hair an inch wide about
four or live inches long. Cut also
torn rings of the paste, Lay them
on n sheet of paper and bake in the temperature has
oven live or Ion minutes until they
h., a u When
cold arrange in little bundles, stick-
or four straws through
A l Canning.
A Scientific Journal tells this story
of a toad's A of chick-
ens was fed with moistened meal In
saucers, and when the dough soured a
little it attracted large numbers of
flies. All observant had evidently
not this, and every day toward
evening ho would make his
in the yard, hop to a saucer, climb in
roll over until he was covered with
meal, having done width be awaited
developments. The flies, enticed by the
smell, soon swarmed around the
and whenever one pass-
ed within two Inches or so of his nose
his tongue darted out and the fly dis-
The plan worked so well
that the toad n regular business
T i
;.,. ,. 9,721.13 s.
ii ii I'd
F i fixtures
One fr. ti f I
Cash 10.1.88 , .,,, .
. no
silver c i
In typhoid fever Intestines are
the of the trouble, all solid
fond- should he debarred, Here
broths and are needed,
meal should given until the
u normal for
days, in fever avoid all
i en his i bee kl
and are those are
us that Their
v. I.- . n it , i ed.
For this r any . the legumes,
la .-. pr. or ml I . it be
used. Broth made from them would be
while beef or
broth, which i- less can be
A worthy spa et Dundee,
In order to i her gas account
was in the oar blowing down the
phis thus the bands of the
registering meter All went
well o came. After
examining, the las ciphered long
mid earnestly. At ma old lady
a big this am
the Inspector. the
other way The company's
you have surely been
Slewing hard Oils
Ii T Mi
X i I
. ob i mi i.
above is . i , , i.-- i
nod b ;
me, . .
. I
Notary OH
i suppose y tell your wife
when you get home
No, . everything, Grimes -01
course but she wants
to . My dear fellow,
are i I don't tell her. I use
. mil tin o i ins- her things
she care to know that there Is
n i i f to question
Bl ml things she tines want to
At close of business Mar. 11th,
; is
. i.; stock a I in
r divided
I .
I worn
i .
Gel of lie
It Is i . . he i t travel in a rut. It
. ii destroying.
x , pie eh . lite
or If Hi r d must be traveled they
I ; . I . I ii Stones and
a thing as get-
tin nit, and the w
it ii If move of
i . .
i i to
love. If i e than i for
I of
. i of bacon
. IN
-I . bin
I ., .
of the
Ti. Mask
i I l
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Timely From Mayor
Tic business men of
at Mil be to
mine i needs f he
in those things
H might be benefit to it, in
the men are alert in th.
I no
are willing helpers. Thee is
now in of people of
Greenville the teachers summer
iii v I will be o f i
et ks the
aid will be by
id . hundred and twenty
H hi bet-. In order to secure
school the housekeepers of Green-
ville provide homes at a very
rate, ten dollars
There is eel i i
thus in an old, Ii i
well i
sen away In i
One who has the heal
burden of the day living a r It business and life.
the friends th r
all his life, more i ban eighty
living upon the same homestead
from his birth, sharing the love
and good will of all who came
Within his living
plain, honest,
lib ma farmer, .
living by work
no man one
peony, a living of
u approval.
A- S morning
Hi,, s in; of Tyson look the If homes can
the be had at I hat is but
peaceful he was ready doubt the school
to r. who Hi.- Master called him to Even
borne. , that low the school here
Tyson as born in the wean four
year MM, on the same plantation eek, for homes alone, these
Then- he died on Saturday, I people would leave twelve
of Match, 1905, being about hundred and In addition
years old. He was twice J , that sum, each individual would
His wife wits, Mary on all average, five dollars
by w hum there were ban. two I incidental expenses, making a
daughters, both of whom are dead. ,,, eighteen hundred dollars,
The second wife Celia Flake. at least, that would left tie
who him, no the weeks of
have been born by marriage, As h business venture
and steady per- atone, the school would bring into
severance he accumulated some
estate. Scrupulously he I dollars in the very dullest reason
believed in rendering , n,,. ,,.,,.
things that are his, and to Cod the Then, ll of the
things that are God's. He was u, n ,.,,,
tot leading vastly, social life, for the
of the Free Will Baptist eh u p,,,,.,. i two of these
near his home Be- ladles or in a home
sides the estate he leaves behind raw,., numbers of
bis o- and eons . v IN,
m be leaves h Heritage of L B ,;. ,
lies nod honest integrity that is d i.
an. sled by all
Truly a d
n- aid.
who bin
Isaac A,
A c . In
i t i;, i
; ., In fleets
I people o
Ii van in reference to
de woman In the
railroad ravine, the Inference being
that she was neglected during
sickness allowed lo suffer far
want of attention, woman
win. mouths
know she bad nil needed attention
and was ii. in any way neglected.
To.- e
-o i
are I n hit I. i i en ,
being leaders ii nil movements
the social, . e I
and i in. in
th- it in ii i
. ht I'll I
the i I'S ii- .
building i i i
in a y Ii ill g
these i In . i i i ii
N the j
bus b, ii i in
commodious build-
there me few
suitable III- pill p. so
iii any in stale.
By a nulled on the pan
everybody in
inch ,. which one belonged th
was very attentive to bad f h
well cued for day night, and can
We Would Like to Have Living
Pitt Who Surrendered
st Appomattox.
the approaching
event the Confederate
Work of The Grim Reaper.
Arthur Kennedy, aged years,
oldest of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Kennedy, died at o'clock
day night after an illness of about
two weeks with dysentery. He was by V ed Cox in Tuesday even-
their born and death , Carolina on would be E. D. Cherry came tn Saturday tug
shadow upon the home, know the names of
M, in., tied to Norfolk
Monday 1905. ll. A. White went to
O lb evening.
C. came
w. Alien weal to Smith field in Tuesday evenly.
Arthur was a bright, Confederate
Pitt . In. surrendered
J. L. Casper returned to Lea is
left thin morning for
Mrs. J, L. of Kinston,
spent Sunday here.
W. J. left
morning for Georgia.
A. Corbel went lo
soldiers in
boy. For sometime previous their mus-
he served as on April 9th,
the carriers for
and performed his duties Mr- H
faithfully and promptly. sod of
The place , , was in Mon-
o'clock Sunday Cherry j this thought.
Hill and was He Io know
by a number of sorrowing are now living
were held at I no under Col. G. B.
the home and grave, conducted I Singletary and followed the vary-
Rev. A. T. King. The active pall ; fortune's of the evening.
bearers were B. M. T. W. close at Appomattox. E, B, Thomas returned
Skinner. K. F. Bet is, L. P. Van- Mr- volunteered April evening Virginia,
Hugh J. Ml, enrolled in Cox
Higgs, K. W. Cobb ad W. took part in morning from Ayden.
and honorary PH of the battles of e. H. Thomas left morning
beaters we e G. S. F. I surrendered at i for Durham
W. Clare, Wiley Brown, B. E I April and reached T
Hodges, b. O. home on evening of April evening from northern markets
E. B. and W. D. . from home and at the
front during the period Lena returned
Sunday evening from Washington.
S, Forbes has returned from,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. I he name, of tao trip after goods,
died Saturday of meningitis at i who Mr, and Mrs. Spain and
the war.
Cecil, the little year-old son of i TIE be glad
their home L. who rod left this morning
The remains were by We will appreciate this John Tail came in Hob
Sunday morning to Whichard,
and interment look place that
afternoon the
burial ground, in Carolina town-
Information from any and every
good Saturday returned tins
Mrs. Moore returned Sat-
evening from ii visit to
II. returned this
Rev, and Mrs. H. H. went
lo U this
F. Col returned Tues-
evening from H
l. L. Dumber son,
to this
Sr., left morn-
on a to Wilson and
W. II went down the
load last Highland this
J. A. and son,
Fred, returned Tuesday evening
Ex Senator R. Williams, of
spent yesterday and to-
day with friends.
J. Barker, of
who has been spending some days
here, left Tuesday evening.
Mr. Tyson, aged about Excellent Showing the Pad Quartet. . D. W Davis, who has
, , , in town a few days, returned t.
years, died at d o'clock The report of the of I Washington today,
morning at bu borne four miles the Methodist Sunday school for , ,, , ,., . ,.,.
,, Z
live grandchildren. makes M. at
two daughters both
them One of his grand j
is J. F. Sin it ii, of Green- teachers
The funeral ink place I scholars cradle roll ,
j i n. Membership at c
and idlers
Mr. roll
i farmer of
died Collections
lion, lie had been in poor health ,, school
for sometime, taking a sudden supplies missions
change a lo. before ins death total
the end soon came He was about Attendance excellent. C. M.
ins old and leaves a wife won a star for every
several children. Sunday during the quarter, Two
classes missed only one Sue- the Mel
MAKE READY FOR TEACHER, day and several others only two
Sundays. No single class has been
able to win the monthly
during the quarter, as
cal classes showed a month I v
Census Bureau Report on Cotton Ginned,
Census today issued a
bulletin showing total crop
cotton ginned for season of 1904
to be These fig-
Include and
round biles as half bales and the
total is t.
bales of pounds. The figures
fur the different states on running
h lies
Alabama Arkansas
I Georgia
Kentucky Louis
Missouri North Caro-
. Oklahoma
who hi been s
Texas Virginia
Harding, who had
in en home for u few days, re
turned to Washington
in bad health left ibis
lug to be with his
p i rents,
c. M. Jones returned Saturday
evening Iran New York where he
hail been sing new goods
for is. Cherry .
In the
Nichols Hardy.
The following cards have been
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Hardy
request your presence
the pastor, who was In marriage of daughter
Durham it ii a sick son, Rev.
I. Barker, preached
i-l church here Sui
win ii she died she was given a de
cent burial. write this in justice
to those who cared for her.
T e King's do a n
all dull but
the th .; pair in our
neglected reflects upon
the town, as it is well known
Greenville a gem runs hand
to every cane of suffering or need
exist in the community.
J. w
be i. as the is to h secured for Greenville
The People do Their Part Well.
Mayor a
men their part
gelling the teachers of the county attendance of percent.
here to the Church
me quarter, have come
the school, snowing
are concerned. made a creditable more than ball growth of the
. there is something the citizens Coming fl On that
it d appreciable i, must do towards it. most I
would accrue to J important thing is to open their
vane doors and provide teachers
place to board at a reasonable rate.
price agreed upon by the alder- licenses to
d nun
Norfolk, is
J. Hines
tor Halifax,
K. in
loll this morn-
Mr William B. Nichols
April the
Fifth nineteen hundred and live
at eight o'clock
Residence In
sou ice.
of can be t
In ii , would ii
Marriage Licenses
i o
an. .
hi .
. . . . h lake , Ii
. day evening ii ,, , , ,.
.- W II Lunching- ., . , .
bride, In whole I
. ;. ,;. a id
M Nor it
i. by Rev. B. pi I , . . .
. i hie
T couple It ii today l i he home
of the father, about l
Season End.
ill the t-
to; is pr. near at the C
Most of
I I will
to sell inn
be wise make a , effort I men I r the four weeks and Couples since
to induce these s and gentle- and it Is to find places for WHITE.
weeks as the teachers at this rule The R. L. and
I In n committee of and those
and will make .
en n van of the town this week hi
find places for teachers to board
and the c -i ii , help the
work along with cheerful and
pr Ii
meant let
i e to help along the
. f J on e m I
. I i report I the fuel
a n i ,.
on , a.
I, i m
u ii r
lay, i
. .
I la.
I Vine- and fa I lie
Plenty of Water.
It is much to kip I he
street now i s hen water a
i bard lo get. Now the p
o iii drive up
be filled in a few ml tiles,
of water I
reel can in I ten
to keep down i. dust.
Who Is Guilty
It is awful to think that people
will go a cemetery and pull
that have been
there to the home of the
dead, but we sometimes hear of it
being done In the la-t few days
flowers have been pulled in Cherry
Bill cemetery. Surely no grown
One of the children of Mr. and person of sound mind or propel
Mis. s. T. is very sick. self respect would be guilty
K B. and James, committed Iv
this morning for Scotland children sh
in Monday evening.
John L. returned to
to Scot.
laud Neck
i in wrong
Dr. I. and
per rel . .
Mrs, I. i II.
be I it mi
i i
A i and a
cook . . .;. i as
pit ;, n Lit tie
lie lag Oxfords in , . i L.
leather and kid. . .
Homes Being Oil .
t pi people
in him i
ll . i . Is many
m begin, ,,,
in , . R
Mrs rate for
who attend
ii Mai .
Iron Bedsteads M.
t j. March 1905,
K, e ii
Boggy on
road between Cobb- tore and
Roads, black on the
i ii I.-., .
be . urn
ling in J. Ki

Eastern reflector, 28 March 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 28, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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