Eastern reflector, 21 March 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

. . . .
.;. r-in t iv i IV -1 -i t i to you
ca I you spend
., -i- i
h j nu.
. yon spend money spend it so that
urns And each ten
p mi I k- n DROWN STAMP
full value your
Brown Stamps like compound interest.
hunt -Iron on part,
a ;,,. ;,. . .-m they bring will
many a dollar free for pleasure or for
saving, such things as you w aid oilier
i buy offered for Brown Stamps
i to give you your
;.,.;. . r can best use or
w Unless yon already have
. nil our midget it and
dollars worth
, , ;, hill, and presto
ii you have ill
the ball rolling every
. . . ii ii where Brown
ii arc ,
. . . , your st .
. . ;
; a I
; Ciro-
. c.
C--t i I
Two Interesting Experiment
Candle Smoke.
For your first experiment lei the
is quite
long, having placed it where there ii
draft. Sow blow the candle out,
and of smoke will rue from
it. the gas, the burn-
, the flame. To
is pas put a lighted
; blow-
. I it will ignite
relight the can-
match hi Id
Again letting
wick is
. c, hold
f .
over tin
sill r
, , . . inch
j . and
I will
. . . . will not
I reason
Blind Pro Game.
Tin in a row, , Keep
be The second one a further argument is found in the
in the Ii fitly places her hands ,. ,,;
overt eye and which, it is suggested, is due to
Tr lion h of prophet r;, . the elevator muscles of the
art . caused by the constrained
r works.
or flu Tl
easy and requires less muscular
fort than movement in a vertical
In r . must make plane. All this to show that
some f cough or I muscular strain is involved in
Caused by on the Elevator Mm-
of the
is not uncommon experience,
some observations of
Si . a; pear to throw some light on
Its Allowing that
instances astigmatism or other
of am is a factor in its
pro he yet argues that there
In r icing In
support the
of a lady who always suffered
from seven headaches after visiting
the beater when she had occupied a
seal in the pit, but was free from
disturbance when she sat in
the dress circle. In the first
it is pointed out, sustained ac-
of th of the
1- required in order to see
the and this is exactly the ac-
i- required in studying
collection of pictures and more
in looking at those which
are hung the
fame experience has been not-
ed by Mr. Snell in the case of
, ts, those who lean
on r the handle bars with the head
lowered and ho. then fore, in look-
in; ad keep the eyeballs upward.
. ea by the cc
At the same t m another prophet j,,, ,.,;., which the mine
; or her place in can be no
prophet's hair physiological fact lateral move-
prophet then in- I of the eyeballs is much more
easy and requires less
fort than movement in a v
r . . must make All this goes to shot
may cough or I strain is involved in u-
grunt make any upward movement of the
kind leases. balls, this nay well result in
try to identify sense of weariness or more pro-
It is. If
the sound nil
I prophet i- released
and cant take the j
A Comprehensive
wines this dead fly
How to Lamp. ,.
Mix con with spirits of
win a cup and set it
r a When the cup
U spirit ignited it
will strong yellow
. . . made more or
less n the greater or
small r suit added. All
will In . thin; a ghastly
hue, the of
i- a rent and giving
to r In k of health the ca-
, e of de
If full f attain be used in-
stead of salt, a red light h
Eskimo Candy.
In E-kin there is a kind
of I It
is ab ml lie . of a duck and
quite k, w ti I feel of a
W hen the nil
I the women
I heir i feet and
tn .
fact, sir, I have no
positive idea how the poor thing
came by its death. Perhaps it had
not taken any loud for a long time
dashed upon the soup, ate too much
of it and contracted an
of the stomach that brought on
death. The must have had a
weak constitution, for when I served
up the soup it was dancing merrily
on the surface. the
idea presents itself only at this mo-
endeavored to swallow too
large a of vegetable. This, re-
fast in the throat, caused a
choking in the windpipe. These are
the only reasons I can give for the
death of that insect.
Interest in Meeting Baptist
The meeting which
U being conducted in the Baptist
church by Rev. T. Jenkins, of
Wilson, continues to grow in in-
power. Tuesday night
be took for his subject,
as a text a sentence
from Proverbs. in vain
is the net spread in of
The devil never says what he
means nor menus what he
He offers man just his
wants but man get just what he
docs not want. devil never
got a man to commit a sin until he
deceived him as to the nature of
the act or as to results. Eve
thought she was getting great good
instead of great punishment when
she ate the fruit.
There is not a person in
ville expects to b lost,
there is not one In hell ex-
to go Here.
Thinking you are right does not
make you right. is a way
which tight onto man
thereof are the ways
not thyself of tomorrow
for thou nit what a day
will bring Hell is Oiled
by people who have good
expect to be saved some
tine, some way. This the aw-
mistake. nearly all of
these it ill be said of them,
The services this morning was
well attended and exceedingly
helpful. The was worship-
ltd, the prayers earnest, the
profound and ii
gin promptly at AH per-
having a Mm. like the
kind used in the meeting will
please bring tonight. At
the dose of the sermon an
will be given the
ed to flee the Coming wrath of God
All persons expect to begin
the Christian life should do so to-
t by on their heart's
faith in Jesus Re-
aim , , , , .
, , . and looked down.
en in bin. .--, . .,
C. ell , I I
Missed a Trip.
Mr. Haskell stood before his dress-
table arranging his tie when
cries of d grief and rage float-
. up to him from the living room.
He Vent to the head of the stairway
. dried
ill . r .
. e re-
In d an
the ho called
patiently. is
d .
I you bi . d
lie voice of
. r
in J
will bro
. .
, lie
. .
. . of the tin ill
lei; bronchitis. . p I
;. pi
f i t i
. . .
i .
; hi
Queen I lite of
II. I linking of
I v
i t do so, i
j nib on ti
the m I
; . mi be
I I. I
me near To
. .; d,
I i r N. 1805.
Mr. W. A. ox left today for
a l
T in the
northern t p ., .; bis
an I Ml I
r . t v
V, it .- .
Ii .
Bib Smith,
his , T.
Mis j ; ire,
Paul Join i o- led
from I . arc
glad to see hi .
Miss Dorothy I . of
was the gun I of
s n m . , Sun-
We are all to have
with us Bey, Mi, and
family of Petersburg, V
In s
V . to
. .
Bald M I nm
bi do b
My Ned I
In I
Hoc. I y
I ill 1.1
I inc.
And now r la
r i th
Jewel . .
run id
o I . i . k under
in right, to It it, I as taken
ill with i please
c ii for Hum am pay i
M h. B.
I nm. s N. U.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Mr. Jenkins a Preacher of Power.
in. Va.,
days I
Castle Hill,
Tar Lodge, No. K P.
A larger than
greeted at
Board of Stewards of Method- People Requested to it More
Closely. p ,,,,,. t, . ,,
March 1905. Whereas, On Monday. Owing to
lath. the of part of the town to oh-
in the Baptist .,. and loss swept down and bore on brother, j serve section seven, chatter twelve
Wednesday night. or and James Burton Cherry, from the of the ordinances the town of
one hour a- a Mitt.
it profit a man
W. P. Jr went up the
A. M. M i .
members. Again the portals of sorrow of to which is as
our Castle Hall have been visited the joys and of Heaven. All seen-
mutation within limits i h
y went to i
gain the world by an Providence
lose his soul The j M; Not only a Whereas, He was for some time town shall I e plan-d i
was riveted to worthy brother Hie of Steward for the town
his eloquent words from start to ,.,. a, command M. E. of
finish. He discussed points
of the
and the time of hi death an each week, and d
in the sermon. First the most ex- honored Trustee said church I shall be lb-duty
the value of a true friend
third, the son may . .,,. ,,.,., ,.,., ,,.,. , In eve
or the of a soul being
Many eminent ; --.- lave
preached in nit ill. ha none
more earnest, i Her prepared and
more eloquent than Mr. Jenkins
Those attend the meeting-
are a rare treat by tying
till was
. h
keeper, agent, . other per-
relation of son
I. W.
from i Bern,
Hr. O. II. t i
Pi due-
It, B -1 returned I
in the vernal spring-tide of Cod's in the ti i I j ming
eternity. In I church or-late, he was ever either of said days, i h es. Dar-
be by the gentle mid ill i
and members of Tar ions, bill
ii I.-.
. I
l; ;,. an I
ii ; Mi. Vein i Alb n u to
A; de evening.
;. . id of
the at and w r pi
in id night.
licit ho l
home few days, re n to
Chapel ill this morning.
. v j. who has
Si h i Keel re
to K i
. A
III of R.
i . , ii lay la visit
i Veil lies. ii. .
if the feeling and of
every word and a.
primarily for Christian, At o'clock, after
unconverted also interested.
K of P. tint we
deeply and tie
lost of beloved Brother, Past I his life,
James Burl Cherry, Therefore be it,
who departed this life March Resolved by the Board of Stew-
1905, just a weal Greenville M. B.
g and I south.
A lit i. That, la tho death of Brother
useful life of ions.
willing and able of excel- Cherry hut
his life and death is I truest and best members, ad
the community at large one of its
wisest and useful
save the sinner. We should
Mini to save wicked men, ltd-
est and worst of them, by hundreds
and thousands. The revival
was referred to In
have surrendered loving
t. the will o God.
Sod can save a beloved order
tow as easily as He can pick the
tiniest dew drop from the we tender his Borrowing wile
rose of spring. All these . , sincerest sympathy i to he seen among
mournful to th We will
ever his memory in our
hearts as one who was loved and
r in t inn e . as
all u
refuse of kin e
e pi liquid I.
matter, and th sh ill lie n
moved town c . A
person who all viol pro
visions of shall be
lice dollars each
The police will be
to i iv attention
to this matter tint the
ii , i point
i Hi
Mi. and Mrs, A.
. have been visiting their
mi . U, this
. Black Mountain,
Mr. . of
mill . i of S
, have visiting her .
Hi . for X w Y k.
V Alton VI n .
tier I-
Di. t
son, Charles, left this r K. iv editor of the
Common wen
. .,. ,. , , ,. through this morning re-
Mrs. Sallie i
. , ,. ,. g limn whom lie
is her daughter, Mis. J
. . I delivered a speech on temperance
H. That while with-j may be duly complied with. I,.,.,
out a murmur to the will of Him This ordinance was passed by the Mr. Mrs. and I
by all. whose we are, at the same time we aldermen for purpose of this morning for
That we will set apart a page in cannot but feel keenly th- proving the sanitary Baltimore,
ed, by God's willingness
power to save men, but entirely
and only by our
people of mime
Should avail of ill-
meeting for the glory of and
the salvation precious
Daily Reflector, 19th.
No Lights
Everything about
electric light plants was thought to
be in read es and i
led nun i
be t lined on H I
dynamos ml vi
found, ho
tie I
h i
the ;
try the
boys, ii
loss that ha befallen as in the the towns, also the back lots
death our friend and brother. street might be clear of waste
while bis genial face unsightly rubbish
no more Alls the gutters and
and this the saddest of all his gentle voice tone heard a drainage of the streets.
and a copy of these we will ever F. M.
resolutions lie sent to his family; I cherish in our the pure
That the Castle Hall be draped upright life be lived among ITEMS
mourning, and the usual badge and endeavor to emulate his.
he worn in his memory. worthy example in our own live
ISAAC A. Thai we extend to Hie
B. Committee. sincere
i in their sorrow,
Hem y , i
them to Hun who is
Reinforcements for the Russians. ,, goodness and
bi. Much
Decided anxiety is felt here regard v , of t he.-
the fate of I he army in Man- upon our s,
its . ;.,. B, ;,, ,, ,
no . nil , to Ha
g been with
N. C, March, Keel, returned to
Lorenzo m
day eight near
i i, nm
Miss are u the sick
Mis. Lena Matthews recently .
, , ,, . , , . II Trams Cannot Run Present Schedule,
returned Iron. and .
, , . , . . Make One Can Run.
today lo
Ii was asked to
S. Forbes left this morning .,. of
for Philadelphia and New York to Coast Line to the
purchase spring people.-f this section, we would
Mrs. M. a Nelson, who to say it is the miser-
been visiting family of J. S. bl schedule.
Bethel this train is due to
re i hi iv p. in, but it i
as certain not to
yr. Blow, manager of the income all. nor
of K can it be with any degree of
over i
Wednesday the ell v.
spell I
the I vi
i . vi d her.
. ,
i e
inside i
certainty when It will conic.
ii is exceptionally rare the
is i nu hour or
nu a thing as a train
hue -I in .
. I -e. nil
i . .
I . .
; I
Hon. E. W, to Speak.
B. W.
has an
to the address at the
close Greenville graded
on Maj 19th. Mr. an
speaker and a rich la
in e for our people.
Pleasure Park.
. c Arthur and D. C. James
will locate a pleasure park
town. There w II be a
base pall ground and .-
am dancing pavilion.
ground will lie lighted
I. b,
red blond. I i
and happiness in the whole ;.
Mountain a u
. .; i ,
p . . .
i.- the
and relieve tin
to that
gossiper an
No man is just to hi- children
w give i hem the b cal
Fire at paper.
March 17.- Fire man is good who
early this morning did consider- does not take
damage to the store stock ville News,
of A. II. and the printing
plant of Die Wayne county
which occupied the upper
I of the building, The lire
originated in a closet under
and is supposed to have
Law Regarding Dispensaries.
The legislature passed a law
the of
managers to keep a record of the
names of persons who make put-
chases at dispensaries.
It made unlawful
any person lo knowingly
much headway a hole was
burned through floor gave
. .,. i I Honors front a
The damage to the building is
about The any minor, or for any other person
Courier's loss consisted mostly sale liquors
which was melted. This j i the
loss will reach Mr. Craven m, ,,,. , ,.,.,
m i indent, how.
, issue of the paper
will be missed.- News a d B.
a id fiver.
was ill .; white gown . . . nil
was In full suit. e
In wore f
i h h i. h i ml of
lace on the bodice
on the Bin h
tulle veil
Where wen j .
Mr. Fergus m, hi
resumed the
reading of . i paper n id said
nothing, i a.
I h e
milch . id i also a
hi and beef i
, C.
Saturday, M
, th. i
lid .
lei by
i i e .
i ii w
i . the
. . . return to X
. . i Wiley . . the
. j nays late em
-.- wail ii g was on Hi
of Hobgood Instead of i i
, this
, ,., we had
for . . , ,
has returned the train would
mi in be
H. Bail, Jr., went up Hi hours late,
loud i Ins morning.
II. I la and son, Died.
Mr. Frank Johnson, of Rocky
h. I I bis home
m S evening. The
fuel. and tin. home in
,,, Friday even-
, Mrs. r. Bo,,,,.
i i. airs. r. d.
and i e, of an I
for Rock; u, . ,,,.
. y

Sate of North Carolina, t Notice
T. L i t d i i his entire
interest in the fir in
i the town
Gown i E
J r l I
Edward s.
as . it I t,.
the u of ii
Notice of
at ;. I
A Good Substitute For Meat and
of Digestion.
Aim. t-i c . eggs. T
i- of that a i
i .
I e. . arc
used ; II
oat duck i gas,
all I SO
a K. Me-
. . i ,. ,, ,
PI Boston, . P- i alias f. II. I
ml i Connects W , , ,,,,.,,,.
it -I- . mi.
. . ., .
S i
a. H order
A. K.
certain of lam
and He North i
i am bounded awn at
a i l r i i
house, thence
Hi to i a la S. A. K
;, I l w. .,.,. with her line
on- yards to a. stake then -e south tH a
; i i. -.-.
. same
,,. i Mel I'D i ,, rm favor m.
i B talon.
. V
. . .
. .
to ii i-o I.
t he to I
a near the .
cine hall .
.- I . c
I c . i i . . . I
. . . .
ii., . III I Oil Of
. .
of i-y.
. i. w. . i it,
ill i, Mi. i. .
. H. In I
con l
f tin . A.
to i . the .
II .
for It
I'll at
to ho
or i
l . . . i .
. mm. .
. . .-.;.
and It-
We leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
t ii
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and Town and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. t has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
course I
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
tut i hi ;
i -i-
. I o i oil i
i a raw
to I i Ii
to i b hours.
. .
and r r. to , j. s. line, the
i u . . ., , , .,,;,, .- . . , . r , must
landed id half to
. . . ; , . . Kit . . .
ll a stall .
ii. . he,, n j Tunstall I a ii
. ;. .
.-. I .
L. v Si
The clerk of or C in of
mi IO
. .
. the. lie u of th s
. ; . ,. . ,,.,
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. .
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
DOS. Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
. . n. Cur-
. i v.-
f r
i n v. ere
ii . of mi
a i-
r . I in- lead
h m r
i- ,., ;
; , i fir the
. ., . . to
i Did
I . on . within I .- .,, . . . . .
I-. et. Ir roe very. ,. , ,. Ii.,
it . . , . . a ., . , .
I I I I . .
r tin
pi n n
.-, .- c i i
, ii I
a t ii . I
., I t will .-
. I, till
me It
i i
II Victor Receives
.; . , . ., . , V. ,, j
. Moore and W. . in
In of . .
; . I . in whom i- i
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
Special to the i.
St. Oct. -The Victor Safe A Look Co., of
received, to day, the Grand Prize at the World's
i Fair, for their exhibit of solid bank safes
general lino of and burglar-proof safes and vaults,
splay taking prize over all
for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
rid finish-
The Safe that has never been
J. L SUGG, Agent.
1.0 i
; will
mi meal to the X. G.
R. La , Ho Could
This January, .
e, Hi I. . , .
on the i.
i i
i , i I .
One w
i, ii
tor .
Ties and Bo
and shipments
Dr. D. L.
clerk county ;
tor or th bI I and testament
R A. Corey, deceased, notice is
to all
die estate make
Bad all persona having claims
present the name for
months from
ii this notice will plead
bar i r.
This of 1908.
. . warns,
of II. A. S. i or
Greenville, N. C.
SOU ill. I .- Hi
Iron Fencing Sold.
Norfolk, Vs,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New Tort
Chicago and New
For C Stoves Ranges,
Pumps, Guns, Am-
and Two Horse
Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
are come to
Your Household Cleaning for the Spring
old man Remember that we are Headquarters for High Grade and medium
ts, there pointer teller price
is n fine
Also Art Squares, Curtains and numerous other household
Commodities. Yours truly,
impressed you his
was n he call-
ed I swan, it
was that that I hadn't looked
it three minutes before my corn,
begin Lead-
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. AYDEN, N. C.
For cotton seed hulls, meal hay
; Fine oats c go to Jackson.
The latest thing in shoes. Call
We continue to
Ac. for we do not
set apace we cannot
A Co., N. C
cloaks J. B. Smith
food-and just opened
R. Bro
M ii I Who
Quality i-hoes re
will id J. Ed-
Our order
N. C , IT, 1905. w and
As for Daily Don't fail to see Ty-
we take son's new both plain and
great pleasure in receiving suit decorated. Prices are cheaper
and willing receipts for than formerly. and children are
those in arrears. We have a list Come to see OS when you wan n .-.
of all who receive their mail at to buy Independent
We lake orders we handle Trust I
goods, Hart Jenkins. If
When you need a nice, light, Fm can peaches, apples, corn a patrol pants or shoes. W.
tough pole, for your buggy or j tomatoes, apply to B. E. Bail Co.
Carriage. Call. us and make a I Co. yon, turkeys, j
selection. Milling Charlie came up from and to
Co N. C. Kinston Tuesday morning. B.
Milling Mfg. Co., the pallor of the . hotel Complete stock spring
Ayden, N. C. just depot you will at J. J. Edward A
Anything in Insurance Ask find Cox, the insurance specialist. The soda a
Cox Now we have plenty the he in service
If you need anything in the way wagon and from no to the end or the
of Tin store ware win els and will sell them The I latest drinks will
u ., X- ins I He If you
come to see us, Hart as .
Call and examine our line of Milling Mfg. Co. something try them.
high grade Ayden, Union
easily convinced Sewing machine at J. B. Smith There have something like
of material and A Bro. i en the
Milling Co. Cook and Heating stoves at J. list or
I the death of James B. Cherry Smith Bro. Examine our notions
Pitt county loses a valued; The I dies that Cannon Jackson and Co.
and useful citizen. In no section have the prettiest line Yard wide be s yard
is his death felt than dies good- in
W. Hooks
attended the of
mi s B, Chen Wednesday.
Tho carriage buyer
knows dim a judgment o
navel many dollars. He known
there i- a pi Ice below h el. a
good or sold.
Our buggies a
in and
N O.
John A. I i
spoke I-.-
We handle seeds
w dispose id
not sold end of the
This we stall a
II new, s-I el
. I. are j g i
in in .-;
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All w entrusted to me will be
promptly and neatly executed. All
designs Id Wall Paper.
and E. K of
Neck, here tonight.
Seem Life Annul y Com
puny. Old Line, Li . i Be
. ii ranee
e . ,,, i- ,, of Cm i i,
i. ii i -hit you iv.
. v you J i
,. c till an i
v I . lea ii iv
, i . . i Inn in add i
pep Ml .
j- sin
i policies
For I d mi
call mi K -I S;. rial
Aid . N.
you or r. mi it.
B. F.
N. C.-a-
in business Inn-
Loans and Discounts,
XVi Capital stack paid in,
-1 A v n idle,
-i Demand profits leas
in township. Every-
body knew Mi. Cherry and honor
ed him. In the intercourse
business relationship of life
he wronged no man. Kind, affable
and in an unusual degree, extreme-
gentle, he made an imprint
upon Hie minds of all whom
Notice Farmers If yon The ladies especially on he
your cotton ginned nice and dean, j will and
age B. Smith Bro.
Oranges, apples, bananas and all
by A
B. Smith Bro. have just
in order that you might
I prices it, bring it to he
Milling Mfg. Co , Ayden,
Mis. T. B. Carney and Mi-s
Maggie Moore are visiting received a load of
brought . contact n Greenville. pared
was not easily forgotten. Honest, if you do not secure i would m-
deny; charitable, ask the one of our high grade buggies, i form the public that he is prepared
pool and needy, who halted loss will he than ours, to move . and
a friend, the vast Ayden Milling Ai Mfg. U., it In. t damage at
who attended the la-t sad rites in den, N. O. j prices.
his donor fully attest. Indeed Cannon A Tyson are displaying Just received our spring
people realize they have sustained the most up to date line of punts. J. J. Edwards A Son.
serious and irreparable loss, ever brought lo this market, j Thai factory. Lei n keep it
The memory Of Janus Burton Frames for enlarged photos ft
Cherry will live long with this each. Nice assortment pictures Wrong eyeglasses are worse
people, the recollection of each just received at W. than none. If your
inestimable will be Jackson Go's. eyes tire, I hey call . help. J.
incentive to move and prompt an Carry your eggs chickens Ac Taylor n optician,
earn.- desire lo emulate his W. C. Jackson Co. Ayden, N can your
and practice bis precepts. u cases right at priors. Noted
To his bereaved and loved , for have said that wrong eye
out- . in hearts apathy and J. B.
and e hope Great Smith A Bro.
One who all things well will has en in
prove their solace and comfort in
this their- in m .-I. J. ; H
c by
Cox, ,;. ii . ,; A
all . . aim
. . i
En Way.
Ti. New I. Tim.
of a white in, n
before . l
during r i-i
in-- a man
The comparative cm-
. ; ; .
which III
case the devil was done in
the border.
Then win In
the stales, colored j
tried to preserve an ill in frame
of mind.
got two kinds law
yore aid
law. V. h I
The pi i-iii-r thought minute
and then id he . d would
take sis law.
ii, n I discharge you
de mule hang you de
on n minute, judge called
the prisoner. would rather have
, the Texas
right. law o i
a l line you de man
bang you do
i from
I lash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin.
National Hun u and
S m lee 3.505
Deposits subject 28,026.68
. .-1
Business asset, and pleasure hard to find without it; so don't neglect
that Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Blues
and other well known symptoms of that greatest all enemies m
American health, Indigestion, when
urn's Sure Cure
for Indigestion and has cured the and we
can send you whole books of wonderful cures, and a contract to
cure you. or in- returned
I am cured, feel Use a mm woman alter seven years of Indigestion
standing Mrs. V. Farr, Wash
I Sun, Cure will do a I you for M.
months I Medicine has cured my .-as-
Hon ,, ;. II. Attorney, Va.
B. Smith A all u
i- c on
For Sal. . S ff- I I I f
i gill ;.
. I- I
Polite good
the n
lei n U. Br.
. II
j .
Spec .-,. i
. , . . I l i
.,,, ,
,. . ; .
. lei i at J
. , Bro.
ii ford, . c
and a-
Ayden Ayden
K will do all the
canto please you with rugs cm p. ts.
their new line of heavy and fancy floor oil db Cu
We are Headquarters . Bi
el. . Harness, , . Cox,
Milling A Mfg. Co., Ayden lectured here last
Tm lay on ten
. . .
i- . . . ti . . .
III ,. , In . .
I not
New Goods. Arri
; .
I ,; ,
seed oats at J.
Smith Bro.
Carlos Harris, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday.
Full blooded Plymouth
,. .
the trade, that are simply the
Mattie i .
tins in Km-. . came
We know vehicles u nines,
know the ; we
mid sell we
to see ii
you buy . not. If yon can do
better elsewhere we do u
Just received, fine line of bar- Ism sent on the
hi d can lit you up in any style
Milling Co.
Fancy candies, orange-, apple
and bananas at B. B. Ob's.
Milling Mfg Co.
Carpel and
at J. B. Smith
The bread right
from the oven at A
are re-
daily new groceries and Call on Hart b for a bar
light from the rel of Columbia Flour, none better
,,., be had anywhere.
your patronage.
Milling and d.
Ayden, N. C.
h grade, rt graceful,
well made durable boggy can be
in any style lime
tin- Milling Mfg. Co
wishing to have their
gardens or p
any kind will Well lo W.
c. Ayden, N. C.
tin i i J. -i. Edward i on for
RE . IR v.
. f
In v. the v. . I guarantee.
en r
work. Satisfaction I
lair, b
of my customers co
HART BROTHERS, invite you call at my store,
ion. I u
-e n-ting
public pi
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Block, Best
Ayden, N. C.

, J.
crops are daily laid before the far- government A section of come strike, I riots. AB the man woman
mer. a of the the mi removed strikes are Hue to Mr Lawton continued
the free use now, it
land silver of dynamite and no one might rest ,; build of a
, i core from such danger, i
Like on electric current Pope Leo W could
tin ill, whereas if he
i I a field
every post onto a a a his would be one the were to rile
., heads i l modern times. but I'd always bring her around
e . . . , in. . . TM
to to
q. , ;, , Pitt
C, T M 1905.
Jefferson, the pit I Vs it is. if the dominates the by telling how, if I'd married
I all -i bis lays and saved m or . ,.,;. . .
is. I
her army
. an-
them .
Bat Ark . Academy Decide I, it.
L F. Livingston, Georgia, Is
the F u Rural
By J. .
t friend
was the
,. lie lived ten miles from map oft hi I
i . i no lull v
a week. After the rural mail let the
med Is,
r as he id i his children t I
. i. I I over its i
that a party
lists iv id leave St.
y f r Ai to
in mini lauds He invite I i,
. He never i t ell
i i ts. . ,
i came a I piece great content bad conic i j.- -n
music by Miss Vivian M
i i
. led his inn
is an th. , the J
pleased with I
sum for i-
. n
. ,
is d poke
in I An
I at boy i
I to lean
hit for
in u
to In f by
the haters. These were
. . .
I in reply. .,; , n a . .;
not lier with
. to id add have
you ; i,
know how mar-
Of i . . VIS
; rt .
I. I . . lit
you i up
that it
v ell ;
ever heard I
one oft
tin .
an- i
.,. .
i I he could find the man years
n i roll be free rural, to the
. won sen I him a suit
., card r hi . I ;
taken b i I .
brain I
great I tin I . K.
for the country I sue .
It seems upon fact not to exp us.
I Leonidas is n u, int
.- ; well cu inti
.- e first person to advance I pleasure in es
et. It nearly thirty the operation
ear I hat he addressed a meet- i the small buy and
of farmers in his slate. In the exhibit with their
is noted, and I when u ; , ;.,.,,.,, h. uM h- . useful
re speaR that before the close of I e. Mr. Downing will have
aired their views i n this
It lined for the long, lean.
lank, cadaver as red headed
century the farmers and their child-
I . y the same benefits
carrier service as th.
. . mint ex
. and
Judges Decide tor the Negative.
idem , I
S . . did and would
got t his remarks usual apology .,. . ,;.;,. ,,.,.
is one lime of not being able to compete with When the was a
the high bred fellow ft n. Cow creek ,. n
who was born with a silver, gold and told if S C, March
. , I or down his ho did not stop his foolish talk his
the,, syrup at the first would send to
. A t Inn- t
win met his baby blue eyes when
be first saw the sun over
the top o f i
Bat, said j.
l from Hoist, I mi u
to dip down ; into th soup bowl
of I i wit
spoon . ; ; i
suits, as
i . I ;
I .
;, . .
. .
Ti . i yo I . I
I for So
as soon a
her to urn i
promise to I m.
. . .
y. i ti
quite . for . lie
i u. i
She look down
. H i laid
it Ii.
She i I to Ii .
I i
in ii sob.
TI i ii with baste the
;. . . .,, back
aid a m; . i. re-
p TI tell follow-
ed. .
and far fro ii d i id
the I d-
. I .
loin i; f up
., place- a . I i
with set eves-and an
constant not . not
have got I
tin .
i store
, i em-
n I
a re-
i tin
. ,
am it to the memory of
. high as the
the figure of a
. . .
Vance Literary So
gave its public debate on the
of the and a
crowd pres to hear it.
The . on the
F F. Cox He g I
of settling the race
. the bill through, and then very and i-
. ., the delivery
. established in the
id the
. I it,
I. said n
y send in.- to rs to
this mail e I ha,
n in
ire it he n as a eon
. as in i I
. . in i be hear
lime n step on the It
v. . i . n do r and
a voice spoke
guiltily, clasping the silver frame
to her ti it- contents might
lave come ;. p my violin
. -very
. . Is as
papers a I-
read a to positions, declaring
. even for gold th , not
I he children . poor . . I by the
man today their let I
. I
. ; v;
. by the tho States to the
i ; dudes an I belles . , . ; .
States a i. i , . ,,.
the at the don , ,
Then he stated clearly the
. an I Li facts led
I., i I
is the inly true He used
solid id o . an ii
ii. Buck for the
n, II he u-
i the
ii . the part the n
. I in it, and the result it
were sent . wed i Ii
i, sen
that the white race might not
to J . work, that i
not the work, that tho first
lingers of a woman's hand
ii. I the I st cotton p king ma-
chine, and that our swamps and
. ad aid. t the- j
at . an
she had cherished the mi of
pron i and hop-i that
on day hi r low r would I urn.
Paul was one of the few
people who knew the whole story, I
and i-i spite of that he had asked .
her to him
p fore I Paul said
. . It to l a i
come to it tin
aS -1 also lb hop. that
end ,.,,;,; ,,,,., i,,.,. ,.;, i. ,
last have found that
-lie cared more for the present
boy's picture pi-d to breast.
violin . i Miss
than for pink and v
P---1- found Hi id with
was picture clasped to her
vii i
As i i K,,, , Iv. to
in . . it of the studio.
a man. ,.,, , ,. . . , ,,
A . dark, ugly
. lid n d
I h
I not fear that I II I
i hi
ed .
e; i milt .
. not
i n . a-
Tl i man the ease
la ; some ,
her work
i i I I
fever, and urn nil I the
. . .
re nut she ,. .; ,;. pi, . up
a at Ii
d hard for . In r art. H, smoothed it out and laid
on table.
lit Ii fiddle in i I to her -i;,,,,. heavens what does
in the i her visitor
had I, I had not
. ,, and the ii . v
face, . i
, in-
this tin an
held mil , rumpled
face from tho
.- of his
I the
. . ;
. . and i Id I I
n asked the
; ,
paralyzed by this danger at
t or
and most be i . , , grains in their door and
in America U re than IV, in are live movement they were handicap-
ma variety , . Id, in by having this race to care for
. d I and been used
hurried before the sad news reached a the alloy for gold, it
nearly all of it-, n prop
England, were and
ore now being packed for the rural y i the metal
have been received.
The mansion will, in
and an
European court. will
to The
us to that fact almost to the very
Our mothers, wives and sisters
keep daily posted on the
price of eggs, poultry and butter.
They are educated to the market
value, otherwise they would lose en
their Bales. The prices of all
gives the product a more desirable
color The silver coins
the t. S. government are fine.
In the treasury department of the
government exhibit of tho s.
mint the Worlds
the manner of coining gold and
coins were demonstrated in tho
and support, with ton
and drives every statement
with the of one who fully
In what be says
T. F. Taylor closed for tho
live. He, stated the existence of race
hatred and showed why
was not responsible for this I be
whites, lie showed the great danger
of tho foreigners who must come if
the is ed. Then would
ins-it l
mm did
she hi
ti rid
; l . . car-
he x
i the man. Directly he she
I color lie wall, . took down the
dread. I frame i I you there instead
eh i her and into my heart,
o u,
i . the shattering of her
times and b en your
name the illustrated papers we've
hail hi . lint-
in i daughters and of million-
lords and even
a royal princess, Haven't the boys
stared when I've told bow you
and I were going to be married
when my ship I
of me like
Miss thought. it
m or t Pauli
And I I hi It what a
An Odd Mistake.
Twenty-live tons of molasses were
dumped into the railroad water tank
at O., in mistake for
the water cars and molasses cars
being mixed. Several locomotives
took water the error was dis-
covered, but none of them got very
for away the heat in their
boilers began to make taffy out of
tho and the engines were
rendered useless.
This department i. m A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep
resent the Eastern in and territory.
O., Mar.
Hit; ii it price for cotton seed
paid I Oil Mill.
forget to bring or semi
your . i hubs to A. Q. Cox Mfg.
Co, kind they
Anew lot of chain arrived. bin
. A age Co. about anything
Juts, dower pots and interested in.
at A. W. anted men to solicit
tat order for -i ck i Mi
earl hubs. A. G. Cox
Co. N.
Charlie and Frank James, widen t r c son
H. S. students, were here bis navel, and
worry over little lot j the debate last night.
hi ban over when biscuit sure to kill th
yon h rough ginning your i -i and mice Burlier S . ill I
I ii Fry , ad cl ed the i
,; . . i --ii iii e . ,
Better Profits
Better p I pears and
;. To
i . r . I
, . . . j
m cent,
. I .
. i
lots. Pit Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton the
best i-l pi paid everyday- Barber ; ,
line of and i
I Mai
pretty line of good A. lot of new dress
. i
that R. O. Co. are calico-,
is . on. up A. . An C .
ed ii at the t at,
books, p n .
kind i be found the drug
Elder Fred XI left
the i, meet in; Hi,
On morning,
ad of Floor, j in
Barber .
;, v. .
be T
j -e
. nil .
in .-.-i
i-iii of
in prices. A few try to . L. Kl and
to attend hi them in quality and r. an i favor
,,,. none undertake to do both, .
a-Co. for Mrs Seymour, who has been m I
Some try to meet mitt.-
nuts, at I relatives near left N
ii Thu nod oats
We also a line of rubber A W. C .
jackets the very thing for
rainy weather at Bar-
have just opened up a big
a-1-1. groceries, dry
com ti us we've arc
i very
G. Chapman Co-
c id of Timothy Hay,
just re, Bar-
went I W Id
I ,.;, ;
. is the
things they do there. The plain
was a merry tune a-
and avoid colds,
styles up-to-date, rough lumber was being
warm and com- Price from to 95.60.
Harrington Barber Co.
Two men making a nice
of and we saw
i, bills, by Lucy Manning, of Bethel binds, Two b-
era were busy beautiful
work Handsaws, ripsaws, steam
augers were in .
ft. G. Chapman Co's. Warren,
They carry the best shoes at the ville, returned to their homes this
most reasonable prices. morning.
T-e Cox Mfg. Co. seem to County Oil Mill is now batch of irk
be lot of wire fence. baying Cotton Seed. bodies kitchen safes,
rial -111111 our farmers the highest cash price or will ex a desks,
not cut of heart yet. change for meal. When man merrily
J. BI son and family wen; are ready write prices. while the in the black
tend the of r Whitfield, of funded if ;
Frank Johnson, who here Friday. doing there. While Calvin
died in Rocky Mount. A. G. has two car meal or flour, and the
need oats, plow castings and loads of different styles of farm best we know. Walk in
farmers supplies, see fence their prices are low, and around, but don't gel in
. . . .
tr day. -l
. ,. ; .- I-. I . . .
ill to I
V ,. ii hi .
lie . i . ii
Buy ,
. .
I i
S c- . . II
in Men's you.
For and cotton
A . W. and Co.
A. and Co.
A e of T. W.
i id ways on band
; you bud better go and make your
selections soon.
the way for the men are busy.
A. M Mosley, of Ayden, was in
store of Dr. B. Cox
, i- .
of ,.,,,, ;. ,.,,
i while here one day this week. of pants and
White's Colic Kidney Cure, c,.,, .; stock at A.
the kidney medicine and Co
lock mi a sure c die cine.
at the Store,
A few Item the
i are is in ears.
-.- the
i on ill the i route from
of all out
an I prepared to give receipts
for ti. Coin see me
a d p e up, make we happy, make
the editor happy, get
yourself. I've got a good
. . i . i
i. i .;.
. . I ll
cry a bit, . in
. Bud, i -.-. a. . a
. I i d. you
will el i
lass I y yard e snail to
de place.
, .
in. . .-. i .
able t i In t. but I
place You to me
not hit
I ii , an ;
j . . , ,
r -S
. ha
ii g. iii torn it-fa
II. O, Chapman S Co.
n and ed oats go I i
Mis J, W. Sparks children,
who have been visiting relatives
in X Bern, returned Thursday for all those who pay a
. Black spec year In advance.
n ended for the hum i . i- Johnston.
cotton ,
It G How It
I . lip merit.
Hie inn ii ma-
I,., ; , i . ii part of
the i Stale- It i u
i t Cent
ml Santo
. i or I
and Ni run t
,.,,, in i Friday.
., th sat I the man
. no
T Cox, Bro.
if i
we e I
l. . .
I Dick V
-i . i j
. .
. a e n ii
urn i . I .-. . .
. prices I buying
id . .- L,
i w i to
. surprise yon to the
mis and carts that repair Shoes and do good work.
Is be and sold by A. G. Bring them tO either at my
Cox Co., but we were in their the buggy shop.
shop ye and they had a Henry Nelson.
nice of work just being com- Stock
and their timber was tine. D. T. House, of Greenville, was
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. here the 16th.
to reduce the pi ice of For Plymouth Hock
co track for the coming season per dozen. Fob orders
until it in in easy reach of all to- j tilled an as the hens lay. 11.11.
j-towers. i Jackson N. C.
of J. T. of Wilmington,
was here yesterday, was Friday
. . .
To om. all we
a c .
more t
. .
; to
of cob
The I i lo
ti i I en t h I
in i . I how-
ever, i t in
ill t r. Hon-
n . i- long
forty et by two i um r,
and tho four foot
limbers i t o. Tl c
-Air Is, arc no
y forests. The I are
grouped way,
trees hi in ; more or
Like other trees, the core
iron bi . ; . i.
i .
only I. .
a Ira
is not
i. i
In, .
A novel
h i
I .
is. i
are led i n
the mi i n i.
d -lie- I,. . . ,
the i It m in in ., q j
that in. lint-
r I
is -a
. , I
in s a i
Everything in Sailors and Ready to Wear Hats.
Mi- Li v. iii very t lake of the
t lei which w tow you a grand
display in lints.
W ill in-, you ti tile I
Hrs. L. Griffin.
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

Why Understudy Did Not Re-
port For Duty.
Paw. the
ager, has had many peculiar
; and
the Louis me-
ant One of them occurred while
I.,. . manager tor the
John I
. . , Kernel ha i
lovable ti I; but, like some o
he was o
et just when was needed to go
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
i-r sh kept on-
ck. Country
Bo. end Sold
-I P
GREENVILLE, N. 4th, 1905.
Wood i
. V V.
our store, and
. ,,.,., W M
I to you to map out a further for
North Carolina.
THE F book club.
Uncouth Antic, of This Unwieldy
In African Waters. tor III
the channels which traverse Bod Century Club
tho in entertained
Mn traveler, the home l v k
are met with so in hi
sixty and
channel widens into a reedy
lake rows . . heads
above the
water r a,.
large number I be club
and invited i., ,.,,;
home m beau -.-.-.
with m securities, etc.
assisted bl
The hostess
Stare t Fixture
pro- G and Li i hie from Banks
M Moore in
the t
i . . From nail
ill- quickest
this en and lei us hear Horn yo
Yours very truly,
C. T.
N YORK, N. V., March 1905.
Mr M
N. C-,
Dear Mr. M
. ,. present- Low holding back cotton
. Merchant, in your position The only course we can ad-
. . v can dispose of the stock quickly and the
or, I i m
merchandise means final ruin to any
, , ,,.,.,. ; , r both you and your customers
. , . i
upon the stage. While the
was in an eastern city Manager
j Davis run across a bright young j
man, who was engaged as the
for lees than
; o week after that, just the curtain
was about to be rung up, the man-;
ager cried out, i
A member of the company, who I
standing near by, said, m
afraid John has gone oat to
paint the town
Quick as a flash Davis cried
right. Whore i his under-
The man looked up in a
to cay that Mr. Ker-
understudy bus out with
in the town-
Davis furious, and he es-
Well, I suppose hereafter
i en an understudy it
. i. an
. r for i it I
. t fill I ;
New S ; I I
lo U.-.;
L i i a story
. I
. ,
i a
mil I .
;. on; points
r . over the
e Atlanta, G.
. . Ball more MA
i Tenn.
. .
., , r Pi nail,
, ,., Va,
. .,, ,
. o . y,
., ,., Ni I
Mi. Vi
ton, r Y
. I. St. Louis, Mo
-ill nil -i
points east of the Mia
f, C
Owing to the recent tin in
which our store was burned we
are compelled to go out
So our entire stock of
GROCERIES will be out at
within the next thirty days.
We have choice line of Pickles
and Canned Goods.
Bedded and Currants
,., a pound. Other prices to
i i pure with these
Come bargains are
red- Oar k is in the old
brick stove, opposite A. E.
W. S.
hem's reappear,
. an-
if a small
e of tor from the
II in e -i. i r, Ling the
back a
the waters in n to be
shall the ts of these ,.,,.
, i i-i , i .
to bid me
roe-. r mo i are
and their
ii be lovely parlor
Mrs. c us ii .
pres m .
at the
At hour all ;.
in to
club meeting u.,. ,., ;,, , ;.
by Mrs. I. C. Ai
the . In .-,
being Mr-. pi
Sided with the a I
of one Ion i t
The ion in of
.- i v.
the e a , ,
, S
Stock paid In
Surplus, 25,000.0
Profits leas
Paid i s;
Deposit to check
D B ,
checks out-
It s
sea th- columns
The Reflector
I, Jan es . ,
ind belief
d sworn lo i
id . . .
J. C.
I .
; el -i
I. A
f. 0.3
k, i
.-.- . . t ,
; . r bodies I t answers witty play on m
seen the. ,
id quarters, .- ,,;. u ,,
kicking and churning up the water a bouquet
in the i out i VI- was awarded to Mrs
in ties mi y be and lira. they
pi l-ll tO M s. , of A I i -.-
i; and . ,
, -S
I, from n steamer, it i-.
a very . r tier if the ob-
server is in a or ii small b
Then I ii v if r-
able r, n- he stands a vi r;
. ; upset.
i.- water all these
ms i n . such a
i is not to . on-
temp . Tin are fully
alive to this risk and never venture
in their dugout canoes into the
reams infested by hippo-
it invariably keep to the
and narrow branches on
side of the main
Dainty . u
serve i by Mi
sh v-
ages, i .
mid raisins, also
. i
. . canned can bi
mime n at place at the prices
h i-, i . u Vegetables our
were out, the cream we have the best . apples
. . .
TI. i
Man n p mi at a
r an.
won I v a a
a bite were cat out, the en-am
In served in American beauty
Coffee was served by
Forties and
tie of the
will i- mi Tues lay March 21-r
K. A. Jr.
A Dinner Invitation.
After a hearty meal a dose of
Dyspepsia Cure will prevent
a attack of i
it line run- and a
, are I tiering
. ;
. .
I to c
I .
I to tho Chi led the
I with a i
. . .
lie i-
i I at
. the
., i ii
J. S,
Five Points Grocer.
ii which i- to be Been
I lie side lie This is
I H I ,;
Sam id n II, friend o
of In i furthering the
of ii ii . II no ;. J over-
loaded and vi were
on , .-.
danger In h tried to
induce to sis
alter mall I, failing to do so, were worth ft to
he , red Cure will
is in and . in ill the
gel . ; I j u
ii id take i
trail . i detain Ml. . s
vessel i . o ii- j j . ;,.; i ,,, j
era , its .,,.
tor . u I J. Drug Store.
., ,. ,., R- Gotten T is s
s Cr
teed cure for Indigestion,
the Stomach, S
Bad Bream all -ton
troubles. N.
Ky., can testify to e
in the Cine
Si.-lunch Trouble. I was
with Stomach Trouble
aid have taken six bottles of
. . i-
that i . , ml loves to
eh to ill
the lay i
some i a dachshund, only th re
more it at the i i r-
re was a
t.-. I from a i I
., ,
for i
v, died of i ,
an You i
ii .
Congress of Children
Washington, March The
of Mother was n
by Mrs. Anna Murray, of
Washington, I tic kin I
children. She expressed the con ,
n great would re
nil to i. . United
i grapes and grape fruit, a . us for
Anything You Want hi the Fruit Line.
have also Premier Butter and double cream
Cheese, than which there is no better.
our Baking Department conduct I by Mi
is excelling himself in baking pies,
late macaroons, Jumbles, cream .
Yours v. truly,
Ar i i , . S .
At. a Ye; ts a Month.
-1. M. Lie
loins bread,
fiE bASTE . .
a-V. i,. i and Friday;,
At a Year.
You are the loser if you u read one of
J. Ricks Bro.
Everything want in the way of
Groceries, C Pickles,
1905 OFFER
to tin.
is they st, will i
ti ; n
. and gel this .
i send i
s ; i is ;,
. ,,.,
. . .
Fruits, Candies, N
M y a ply of the
tart I ; ,
The U
. .
. -7 r.-
The Cash Grocers.
is edited
A Bill
h. s T A
i- mi
,. . r
u re plan I ;
unit nil t will i
i an
i .
ii . I ha
for a m
lo i
in l
. i
i ,
It. II
of re-
H i I
by i
i he e were
e. l the h
I , .
I . . I. . .
I h
i r y
y child i
Pleasant and Harmless
Hi- to em ;,
e Minnie r . i ,,,
. . . .
i lion of the tin .
In ii .-
i Cures
ill spring ill ,,.,
The R
Our v
i I than
I VT ,. M
-1 i
. . .
down in the
r for
I mo there is no ho
for me
none, poor
ion iii
i. ii in, n i She
i -i for you than I
A v, I thought
he . ed ; i that prig o a
B ire f ii isn't Inn
ii . . .
ii for mar
A lire
draw the Are a bum,
ll ii CUt ; a
a-.- Witch Hazel Salve
A specific for piles. Gel the gen-
I. Tucker, editor of the
l have Witch
Basel Salve In family Piles,
cuts burns, la the Lest salve
the market. family
Should keep it mi Sold
Jno. L. Wooten.
i i v i o
mill his lie
was twice sheriff and in
was one of the
popular men in his party.
By the Tonic Route
i cos
tumid puss
and kid .
. i . cents,
u ill , . Drug Store.
I A. who
baa for sometime been an instruct
in the naval academy at An
lie, recently assign
J e, five Points
Pit ll i mil mi
Is th i Savage livery
The pills ii a tonic, and
cot as a
Little They cure
are small, A spring mikes rich,
easy to easy tone i safe red blood. Brings strength, health
pill. Mack hotel clerk and happiness to the whole
at N. i Hollister's
lo bottles e of chronic c Tea as M spring tonic
hold Jno. L. can's. Drug Store.
. i i I I I I ll
. i

a i
ft I Al
. ;,.; ; . till U
; I ;
lo ex a
-as- a ill b .
since yon in upon so that
x- g full ; A
, . . in cash put
. 1.11 . nit .
Brown Stamps like mt-it.
accumulate without r y r i art,
the splendid y hi in will
many dollar for
-.-. such i.- a yon w r
.-- t . offered for Humps
and ii G ; five .
. c Of ; U
I . on already h
. v out store i h-
won hi I
w ha Id i i i.
,. . . ,. . . lb
i .
t . .
burg, las
was that
. ill tho
,. ,,
r. ill i
I r his i I
. , in e to the
, ,, an I
. II
i ,
i .
Inn i-l i
, i i n
the and
of for . for,
less of hi was
mi o
h v-
i-c, while Holbein,
or money. r
. , the r
in-. and
ill ill II
I, r unnoticed and
I to Titian was a
,. ,. .;. a of to
. .
I Hie
fan unfriendly. n n
of the r say it i.- Mr.
pa i. but warmly
tho he i no harm.
The b eon.
in aid of the V Ii--
,. . Mr. i was i
mm A ma P
i down f i i o. hut n
eventful i mi
, ml a cold i
t.-e in i ;
I , d to the
. r
of ti
Life la Abundant and Plant
The I
The lit
I with wild
u n i wild i
the pi
, i U a
,. n
;. of k or bay,
lives its i the sup-
port i i r Ir nil has In en
is dry
. p i the I
It i mains y of the
From root he
a ,; of
i i eh
lowers. Water
ml. Or-
, an found in
ferns, the
of ire ten et in
he streams by
i are
. n k f tho
mi on pi mi i same tree
. . ., . on the i astern
. i toward
, . w region
i i and con-
of plants
-i and A.
The Ever are n sports-
man's I'll-. i use
Hint term. animal
life i; ah t at
of the area the larger is-
Deer arc found on both
the . n id edges, and
now then a hear i en. The
panther has
an on finding hie
vi into the ; an p.
are ii if d. i the Semi-
i hunt the otter
for tin r ski .-. derive
I i. I. r revenue from otter
; pp n The alligator is often
seen, his gentle roar is by no
means unmusical. tho south-
eastern edge crocodile i
i- found small
though hi- more favorite
haunts ore long the mangrove
fa . , . the ides and
the bat sounds about Cape
grand B. N
,.,;, ,., of The Gold
N. C. n this
la town.
Mi lames K I. was
Ti it tea hot
in- looked than oilier
. .-. h .
X ii.- h a gal-
.- I. ; H i e
f common
W. Di toe A
p a. II. I.-
Ii bot little to
t-.-ll In n and
liver in- grave
trouble i- u lake
the tor roar dis-
as Mm. hi A Young, of
Clay, N. Y. did. She
had of liver a ml
stomach, my heart was weakened,
I could eat, h very
for ; lone lime, but in
J found I needed
for they quickly relieved
, . Beat I e tr
weak women. Sold m
by . Woolen, druggist,
a hot tic.
. i i. . K . a
. ,. i . i. .
A Simple Remedy Acquiring Hard
Muscles and a Sound Body.
A mi- gun when
loaded with powder
will send n lead and
hoot harder than if doable his
amount of powder used.
powder is used, all
will not explode until it leaves
the of the
That not ex-
proper time, interferes
with the direction, cheeks the
velocity of f id- of the shot.
Hard and a
do not depend the quantity of
food, but on its perfect digestion
If the nutrient ties of all
food l- are
blood and tis-
sues, muscles of the will
grow harder whether
eat much or
mi lie well, hat not strong.
What you want
do not have In sick to
need Cure.
Thousands of men and millions
hi women have need what
Cure will do for
little after will
. ma I
iii end
, ,, . m if Ii
. in
n . mi . Ii to ex-
tract Horn I i
; . ,
to the
will hi roil
. II
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
invite to Hold Here
Other Mitten Before Soar I.
Attendance Expected at Green-
The meeting of the X
The board of aldermen held Or Assembly I I
special to ha held In i . Jane
consider several
win iii to having In-n
moved off the streets. There ii u
much trash pot oh; i
-.- . i Greens
pledge I one h do
HI ;. r.
. . . , , visiting
Norfolk Southern Railroad Buy Old s tint Experience Under Monday, March 20th, Mrs. B T. returned borne
Dominion Steamers. Electric Lights. Miss Mamie g went to Fm in Monday
The Southern railroad Greenville's dream for
now has direct with Pt depart from her old wen R- O. spent i L
,. ,. . . ii.,.,. ,. . . Horn, one of the most
v h- . not rail don tin- of the , .
, ., . . , who visits our section,
steamer line on Tar river. By n age have at last come, R. J. Little came in this
recent deal between the two com- to a The days of the; from
town wagon the Dominion the past and the town now re- . this Kinston, came th
cannot remove it promptly, an cities and will do U 8- a under the of morning to visit her M
the of putting on . the stay of the wharf and ware- Mrs. B. M-
came in this morning.
Mrs. and
P. M. this children, Kinston, came in this
cart was and referred i-
the sire t
The morn b-
fore the meeting era tho
of the teachers . the in
hold their summer
in Greenville,
were appoints i i take
in h of them to id , ,,,. , dollars referred ;. -hove;
to .,.,.,,,,,,.,. ,,. ,,,
and one in the town i able t- one,
ii and profitable.
me difficult lee in th
ii.- .-, lo secure
i- from abroad a In. could
if Iii i ii.
. h solve this pro-
, . the .
both Washing-1 Monday afternoon the for
ton and Greenville. lighting plant was given
the Norfolk first test and o'clock
extends fr. Norfolk to were on.
Nil At the latter place there There was no demonstration
was f the ears by people on the streets
barges across the bay t,, in a shoal when lights
teachers. We hope this mi vein
will the holding tin
Institute here.
A p-licit ion having been m no
tor purchase of the haul
engine nose it. tin
board Used price
The tee
Perry where the
load from Muck
Kerry Freights
tins way were transferred
at B to the Old
committee has
-I In assembly In
in, to
flashed and the electric brilliancy
illumined the streets.
tell me this Is
one exclaimed who -could
the had come
over the old town.
The lights were an hour
Wednesday, March 22nd, 1905,
R. W. Ward returned Sunday Miss went to
evening evening from Littleton. Scotland -Nick this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Wm. Edwards, Ayden,
daughter spent Sunday at Tuesday bare with Mrs. J.
Willie and Wilson returned Mrs. . bus been
from a trip to quite sick a few days but is now
Baltimore. much better.
Wilson returned Saturday Miss Lee. of
hem-e there will up the and the test of the plant seemed
i Th
tee K time for using
next r,, Southern regularly has not yet
i. if-
limes ago railroad set, but it will be in a few
H and Colleges.
City Superintendents and
instructed to upon what
term the used
in the
from and
have extended road on lo
Mai key's m th i now its
be handled through from
Teachers. I one to
men; , I i .
Una Woman's Association f-d the
W. T Harris and James B of Public
Die Suddenly. be leas
News reached i.- . to tin .
death of Mr. W. T. and ii shaped
which his home, b have each department one
Falkland, Sunday Mr.
Harris while silting his .
table, taken with
like apoplexy m
men's was dead,
about r years
d i.
widower and leaves
ii ,
Harris was
Me i
in. ,
x t.
He is i
Messrs. ;. Job S,
II- .--i . l el r.
d-i farmer. i . i
Ai other ii ii .
in ii.- i i .
Mr, . S . .
ten on he
died n
the cause
me report h
an overdose of
take. I leaves
and i Ho
bin ii ii
I l.-- -i l, .,. j , ,. ;.,
i ii i is poultry,
to the Methodist Church.
Al i i-. . i
ho I I , i Sin . .
even i.-i we ii .
I el ,
the r Greenville
and nil points.
is as it avoids
and -s-. s to
The Norm k I hen is
i Southward, and w hop
.- ii . ad s. i.-he- out
into n ii will
from his trip north
Dr. Charles Laughinghouse and
more, rived Tuesday to
visit Mrs. J. B. Cheery.
Mrs. J. and daughter.
sou returned Sunday evening been spending a few days
Whereas, our Heavenly
in His all wise providence
s-en tit to lay his chastening baud
Claude came home Sim
day from the A. M.
college at
Miss of
who has been visiting Miss
Hooker, returned Sunday.
here, their home at
Walter Buck has mo-ed into
new house on Mans-
field lot Hie corner of Second
and Washington Streets.
o. two our by taking from the
unto himself their beloved to spend a
need and father, Mr. J
be it Ml. ,,. M- M.,,,,. M, , ,.,,
Resolved, First. That we for Durham to be th-b-d
members her mother
Key. J. T. Jenkins,
J. came home protracted
meeting in the Baptist church,
morning for his home in
a -is steamers,
i a . mil
i-. i
before u
lender them
loving sympathy, praying
the Good Shepherd may be
their friend comforter in ibis
sore bereavement and hey
may feel assured that He
err, but all things
is quite
Arthur y. son of Mr
Mis. a. K. Kennedy, and a
X. Mar. 1905.
and Novella Bunting
. pie in of Mis Ed-
carrier buys, has y and Sunday.
been quite sick several days. his two new
u. ,, ,, , , ,, . clerks, Thomas Andrews and
a. this morn
i- i . mi ,
-e field developing, before it. That e. Baltimore and Philadelphia has for s n
V. u in his taking up,,,. for the . , ,
our department of U daughter will today for th.
given to TUB Judge J. I. Webb wife new home
I i
II o
i . .
of he
i I -I ho n s
y I the at en I of
O i c
hi c .-
R. M Hi II . a -i re-
I I'd III e Norfolk
II I em.
MRS. U-. a. ,
Mi-s. L. i .
Mi.-s. K. A.
. i cairn
this V lecture was by C. .
Webb a I at Bethel academy,
civil of adding books to the
which . y. i
. ii
i rail i d
. .
I . i. s
I cab i
C. Riv , Jr. of
Vii , bur
that i
. .
the pain, d II
ho n H Also hen
Co Line.
; pins
. . return,
in I . X.
. . me d . d berth
, ,. . r. Tickets will be
., i; . n all which
. i ; i I on the
, i March h.
l, o S. -s leaving
Hint night. will be good
i on any steamer leaving
until 13th
final rein h
April On return
journey, r ill be allowed
j oil i In Florida,
nth of within final
limit in-1
Take advantage thin
v to visit of the
at oust,
which will excellent
to the business
. mi of our republic.
p will he limited, so make
H i For
. i. h lo B, pamphlets or any
other informal call on your
i Agent, or w
W. G.
. T. M.,
Wilmington, N. C.
Register It,
issued lice s to
Jacob A in
K. K. and N I
Alonso ii .- , i
Wm. Howell d Mary K
II. Peyton and Jane V.
Hem by.
Wm. Annie
Williams Cm i Gal
of Ne n i
accepted hi
i ii
i ;
eh I.
I Mil
Mr. I Is
bl I i n
and i I'm of I lie I
an it'll
I i tin i
in to
in.- pun e ii l i
. -i
i.- a
. .
. . be
. . II Is
and i are
i ; . . .-
s of l he I Ii .--
mi . , in
tin in in,;,, co
do in
; . ; .
Mis ard I. I. n din Sui
y r ; u H o
hi me . n it. ii aw, Mis.
Si in Km i, u, i i h Green
i two
i . i .
. in
worlds Bloodiest Battle
. i a respondent
i K
i s a i
;, on aides at
i a v., e
I III I I it
K i was I hi
I .- .
I t -i inn r i
r iii battle was
Mrs. Hannah
of lateX. S.
home in
H. L. a farmer
of Buncombe county, was thrown this I
from a wagon and his broken
while on the way to his home from
Tuesday, M ire 1905.
II. Hill, V r is
morning Massed,
left this
i .,
. in ah
Two boys, acid ll and
years, have from
home. When last seen they were
n the
Ii. C. when guns going don
Alexander, river in a boat.
of u is
.-. have
i . u ,
a. i Pi b -i
en .
I war Cleveland i i Woolen,
th in modern history fishing and in Florida.
J. Everette has begun the
for the the
day 2nd,
is invited. The pupils
will be delighted . a few
i Ills II st,
James has his
Postmaster R. C. foe his drug store.
He says he is going keep the
G. G. went down u -.-l this summer.
mail Holiday . enter-
i near
C. A Washington,
in this morning. Addle her sis
Rev. J. A. Hornaday left this Miss were the
for of Miss hist Sunday
In- try.
Mattie Grimes. Blanch
Mayo and went to
accepted a Tarboro night to attend
position at the drug store of J. L,
will noon lie over to
V. Brinkley returned
a up the road.
H. Ii. C
when ,, ,. ,, , , , ;
deflated 71.000 .
.,,,,. was held up and robbed
. u lien .-i .,, a in i i
, , In highwaymen, v ,, . . , . ,
I i h M i. I ; .- ti
By the explosion of a his home for several days on ac-
power boiler in a shoe factory
. Ma hi n -I
p lost lives. The
caught fir i ii i r
causing a I
Greenville to two months,
Wei . a line school
ball II II ;
. ii Fed-
fed I
ii i j-ii i.
nil Ii Is i ml
G. W. morn. , i . . .
I . . . ; .
III.- I II e l
. I .
d, O., Hutch ll
bus h i . i
ha i-
i lent,
or Gold
of J. B. Cherry i
. .
. . .
i-. .
. i
i . . .
com i i
lei ii Conspiracy i ;
loin. Ms.
Reed, of
I b ii i. . ts. E,
i ham.
I . . pie .
. . Iii bee
1.1 I
, with
t th
i to
w treat,
. ,.

Eastern reflector, 21 March 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 21, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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