Eastern reflector, 21 February 1905

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D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
vol No.
Killed By a Bomb.
Moscow, Feb. a. m
Tuesday. Peaceful Ends of a Beautiful Lie. ,
almost unanimously. At o'clock at Kremlin palace and almost under-
passed the substitute bill the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. the historical tower from
of T. on Second street, which the Terrible watched
migration, the spirit of Mr. Sallie A. Mose- hi enemies the
One of bills introduced ; enter-d peacefully into rest, on faun u- Red Square
was to prevent the traffic of She was year- of age and bad within a stone's of the
es and cigarette paper in a life filled with beauty great bell of Moscow, Duke
North Carolina. of true Christian character, the and brother-in-law
Among new bills the j end coming as a sweet from of Emperor Nicholas chief of
house were For pro- bodily affliction and being met the met a terrible
of whose father is j with calm resignation. death shortly before yes
dead; to amend the code relating to j Mrs. Moseley's home was afternoon,
in clerk's bands; to enlarge j Drakes Branch, Va. With The as committed by a
state to amend law , husband, Mr. C. H. Moseley, single terrorist, thew beneath
to Farmers Mutual ; who is now years old, came
Association; to amend the law sol to Greenville last fall to visit her
as to wire Mr. Being
boards are on top; to feeble at the time the was taken
mend the law relative to the pay j sick while and was never able
of teachers in public schools; to to return to Virginia home,
provide enlargement of Several of her have visit-
The hauling of fertilizers has
public school to make it
unlawful for banks to combine
together; to provide protection of
restoration of deeds by
interested in their contents.
Among the bills in sen-
ate were To erect a suitable
monument to the memory of Wiley
contracts in North Carolina; to
provide fir the participation of
Nor. n Carolina in Jamestown
In the house moot of the day was
consumed in discussing bill to
increase salary of judges. It
finally pawed. All new bills
int roil need h local nature.
The senate passed the scales bill
for the establishment of a
for criminal youths. The
bill carries with it an
No new bills importance were
introduced. Quite a number of
bills passed third reading
There were a number of new
bills in the they were
an void of general interest as were
the senate bill.
offered a bill to establish a stock
law around
The senate another day
handling Only local hills. Among
them were two bills by
Senator Fleming, one regarding
the courts of Pitt county, and one
to provide for a permanent light
and water commission for town
of Greenville
The senate also discussed the
report on the bill to re
mice passenger fares on railroads
and it was made a special order
for nest Thursday.
the house also there were no
new bills of importance in-
The bill restricting
peremptory challenges of jurors in
criminal cases to twelve on the
part of the defendant and four on
the part of state passed the
house by a to
Two Papers For Price of One.
Some of our readers who have
taken advantage of the offer to get
the American Agriculturist free
by paying a year's subscription to
The in advance, have
expressed themselves as well pleas
with premium. The
Is of special value to the
farmer, and all who want it should
not delay, as supply to be given
free Is limited.
ed here during her sickness,
and son, Mr. C. A. Moseley,
of Charlotte, accompanied by bis
wile, was here when she passed
Mrs. Moseley married in
1847, and n wedded life of years
is remarkable. Ii is also remark-
able that her death is first to
occur in immediate family
circle in years.
Beside toe aged husband, she is
survived by eight children, six
sons and two daughters These
are H. C. Moseley, of Va.
H. E., B. E., and G. Moseley,
of Drakes Branch, Va., T. B.
Moseley, Raleigh, N. , C. H.
Moseley, of Charlotte, N. C , Mis.
W. T. of Greenville, N.
C, and Mrs. W. B. Oliver, of
Florence, S. C.
The remain will be taken to
Raleigh Friday for there
Battle Within a Month.
Russian Headquarters,
Mountain, Feb.
During the bombardment of
a projectile from a siege
gun en i-. and underground hut,
burst inside and off head
of a lieutenant and wounded a
colonel and i staff captains who
were playing cards.
Io front of the
right flank retrying
the effect of concentrated siege and
mortal batter lei with good results,
tiring as many an twenty mortars
According the the
Japanese reverse brigades are be-
moved eastward
of Japanese offensive
it Reports from the
source say that General
will command extreme right.
While the nights are still cold
the days are warmer and the time
is approaching for ideal
Spring is not
marked by a rainfall. The
battle which all are expecting and
which may spell ruin to either
army should within a month.
carriage of the Grand Duke a
bomb charged with same high
power explosive which wrought
Minister The
missile was packed with rails and
fragments of iron and its explosion
tore the imperial victim's body to
ghastly fragments, which
for yards around. Every
window in the great, facade
of the Palace of Justice was shat
tared, bits of iron were
deeply in the walls of
Arsenal, a hundred yards away.
The assassin belongs to noted
gr the socialist
revolutionary party which has re
moved other prominent officials
and long passed sentence of
death upon Grand Duke
Grand Duke knew that be
stood in shadow of He
was the recipient of repeated warn-
and elaborate precautions
were taken to his safety.
Telephone Directory.
We have received from General
Manager F. C. a new
and complete directory of the
Eastern Carolina and Virginia ex-
change and toll stations of the
Home, Carolina, Inter State and
Southern Bell Telephone and
graph Companies showing
with long distance lines of
the and the Southern
Bell Telephone and Telegraph
Companies. The many points
reached the rapid develop-
of the telephone system
throughout this section.
Troops From North Carolina.
Washington. Feb. in-
of the South the
of Roosevelt was
evidenced today when word
was received North Carolina
that the Wilmington of
Wilmington, and Light Battery
both of the North Carolina
National Guard, will march the
parade behind Governor
Glenn his staff. Governor
Louisiana, will head
a of the militia in the
parade; Governor of I
Maryland, will lead at least two j
Maryland Governor j
Montague, of Virginia, will com-
mind a brigade from the Old
Brigadier General j
Clark, of the Alabama National
Guard, is a
regiment to the
Please pay Promptly,
We are seeding statements
to those of our subscribers who
owe The for a or
longer, and the special request is
made to each one receiving a state-
to pay as promptly as
The two months- of this year
have been hard ones on the paper
from the fact that so bad
weather has made collections come
in slow. addition to this we
have gone to considerable expense
in in a press and
to improve the paper
and money is greatly needed to
meet bills.
Remember all who pay up their
past dues add a year In advance
for The will receive as
a premium a years subscription
the American I
is a splendid paper for the
Don't wait if you want to receive I
New Hue and pictures
Taft Vandyke.
It is too early predictions
the fruit crop.
Celery, cabbage, onions,
toes, turnips, at M.
You can get a big slate or a
tablet foe cents at Reflector Book
Red, rust proof, seed and
Peanuts sale J. B.
No. IS
Thursday, Feb.
W. H. Hackney returned from
this morning
Dr. Charles Duffy returned to
New Bern Wednesday evening.
H, W. returned to
New Wednesday
J. b. James came home Wed-
evening from Chapel Hill.
K. Barrett, route agent of the
Southern Express Company, spent
last night
J. Firmer, representative of
the Biblical o Raleigh,
We expect new lot Art squares n
rugs on todays boat. was
Vandyke. Dr. J. C. Greene, of
dry pine wood. J. J. Jenkins,
2-20 Greenville. S. C.
The pipe has been laid from
Third street to stand pipe. It
runs through the drive way of the
of who use i
. spent Wednesday on
Pi i.
the evening tram.
W. L. Best returned
day evening from
t today.
-V s. R. Greene and children
left today for Washington where
the Reflector cigar is then home.
It is best cent smoke is
town. Sold only st Reflector Book
Misses I K Warren,
of Who have oven visiting
Mrs. Warren, Jr., returned
home morning
In a few days more the arc
lights on streets in
place, and s soon as the Friday, Feb 1904.
house is ready the lights cm be went to Washing
ton today.
W. H. Hackney went to
Thursday evening.
An 8-year-old sou of State Ben I Miss Jo came in
Beasley, of conn- Thursday evening from
mysteriously disappeared from Th. j. B
home last Monday and has not vet jg,
been found.
In Wilson Thursday evening B J fa
O. superintendent of the L B RaB.
milts, was killed by Wiley , a
House and The
murderers were captured.
C. G Joyner, of Baltimore, who
been visiting his sister, Mrs.
Nathan of Sampson A jg, morning.
county, working at his saw mill,
was killed by the saw catching a
large splinter and it int
his brain through no eye.
Ms. M. Smith and daughter,
Dora, returned Thursday
evening from a visit to Norfolk.
Iva of Rocky
He Is Right. Mow it and Rosa Wells, of Wilson,
John gives the grand-parents,
lowing sen- advice Ml- u M-
To. m- is only one way to O. W. and B.
and that la r hammer of Mount, spent
your location, Thursday Lire. They will
constantly, an insurance office Green
so thoroughly, into the
people's heads that if hey walked Feb. 1904.
their sleep they would constant-;
turn their faces toward your; M of Norfolk, is
store. The newspaper is your
in spite of your criticism. Cox went to
It helps to build up the evening,
that supports When the Winnie Skinner left Friday
day comes that the newspapers are evening for Mt. Airy,
dead, the people are the edge j
of the grave with no one to L Friday
their from Raleigh.
V, E. Bradley returned
Evangelist Wm. Black J evening Iron
For a year several of the . , r u
. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry
ministers and laymen in the differ- , ,. ., i
. . . J ,, this morning for Raleigh.
churches in Greenville have
talked earnestly about inviting I Ex-Senator F. G. James, who has
Rev. Wm. Black to visit was out today.
Ex. Gov. Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
premium a only
number can be given.
ville again. About six months ago
an invitation was extended him
and now our turn has come. He
to be here on Saturday
Feb. 26th, begin the work Sun-
day morning the Let us fix
date, the last Sunday in
month, the fourth Sunday.
We have waited long to secure
him. He will remain but a abort
time, eight days. Therefore, let
limited all who expect to hear him make
their plane accordingly.
left Friday evening for Raleigh.
Miss Bailie Cot ten, of
took the train here morning
for Raleigh.
C. L. Wilkinson was back at his
store today after being a week in
the grip of the grippe.
Mrs. W. P. White and children,
of Hobgood, who have visit-
her brother, R. L.
returned home this morning.

no. ; nos
T. I
v M
. N. la M. U. Me-
i at B
i. . I .
A. K.
X hen B
. i
id I
. ; . . i Boston.
Ill .
ii Notice.
. . .
J. c
On X.
Cm it i i lid
I Ear
rue i
. .
. . . .
.;. II US . ,
. , u
I. Ml
; .
K i . ., . . ii
V ice
. M . n- old
X. uh X. V . i .
r v rids
Al. i
. i
;. Ob . d i
Cotton Seed. Oil , ; county.
Egg, etc. Bed- Edward S. is
stems, Suits, Ba
. . as J. I.
g A. Gray
tinges, Bates, P
Lori -I and Grail A Ax
Hi Key West Che
WORD that
i to Dr. Liver Pill and
. d
i .
the LIVER.
A c No Substitute.
c we
ii i y,
it- very
tin late
We beg leave . we are
Wholesale Retail
for -r s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
Carol i Notice of
i Exec
roof Henry George dear,
Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly,
on and Hulls,
r, G.--
and Tin
Ware. I U .
i Batter, Sen
.-. and
Notice of
m I
-i w
ill in.
tin .
gel will .-I
large s
Southern trackers
to make of I
other early track is one
they should not fail to ad-
vantage of. Early ate one
the first to in can
be safely planted soon as
the ground can be ready.
ii .
We Keep
alias I
F. Ross. I
virtue of an execution directed
to undersigned from the Superior
court of Pitt futility In the above
action. I ill. on Monday the
20th day of March 1906, at o'clock
in., at the court house door of
m to the blithest bidder for
to satisfy said execution, ail the
title and interest which the said
C. H alias H.
defendant has In the following de-
scribed rial
A certain tract of land in the county I ,.
of Pitt and slate of North P the rest restores the
bounded as to health. hive
a stake, the county road west of T. when taking
Dyspepsia Cure. D. B skim-,
a stake at the county roan, in-.-
No Moore Stomach Trouble
All Stomach trouble is removed
the use of Dyspepsia Cure.
It the stomach perfect
by digesting you eat without
the Stomach's aid, The food builds
to a stake In S. A. K
hams line, the her line west
ii south
county road to the
lying near the
containing one half more or less,
and same land conveyed to
said C. H. by deed from
John l. James recorded in hook
page the of Pitt
This 18th of February, 1903
L. W. Sheriff.
If You Need
had trouble
and eat for six
weeks. She lived on
water. After taking two hut ties of
Dyspepsia due she was en-
cured. She now
and is in good health. Iain glad
say gave Die instant re-
in Bold at Women's Drag
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
an Book
We've It.
All Kinds Of-
this Company;
and anything carried in
a Book Store.
The following points
over the
Not Quite
How often you can get a
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box he prepared for
our line of tools
is all you could desire,
Y we will see that your tool
does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
. Littleton,
Warren ton,
Explosion on a Boat.
n, Thursday,
this morning on
the British known
las Five, which was in this harbor,
of It Is reported that six of those
aboard were killed.
Atlanta, Ga The explosion occurred while
Halt-more .
Chattanooga, Tenn. the were filling a
tank. A second explosion occurred
as the party of eleven rescuers
up the dean and In-
Danville Va from the hold. The original
Ly Va I crew of the submarine heat
, , ,
New York Y j ten. total
New Orleans, ; including those among I be rescuers,
Norfolk, Va I
Petersburg, V M said to be twenty.
Philadelphia, Pi
St. Louis, Mo Heroic Work of the Crew at Cape Look Out
Charleston. S- C
Chase City, Va.
t. C
and Discount securities, etc. 2,768.65 3,560.00 Stock paid in Undivided Profits 25,000.00
One from
Cash subject to check
silver checks
Important and in Washington, Feb.
at he
bureau, that after a desperate
twenty-eight boar battle, Thurs-
I day and Friday, the Cape Look.
a heavy sea the
and succeeding in taking ashore
from the standard four-masted
schooner, Sarah her cap
and five of her crew. One
man was crashed overboard
Wednesday and drowned.
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
ind belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, day of Jan. 1905.
Notary Public.
Hi rectors
Victor Receives
Dr. D.
-a. f
Norfolk, Vb
i Buyers Broken
j Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to
and New
N. C.
it is the right thing for the town.
Water and Light Commission.
The bill for I lie establishment of
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the Enquirer,
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. Victor Safe a Lock
received, today, the Grand Prize at the
Fair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank sates
a commission to have charge of the general line of fire and safes and vaults,
water and light in Green- magnificent display taking first priM over all
Iron Fencing Sold.
ville seems to be a popular one. tors for modern
It is being much commented upon, and finish
The Safe that has never been
J. L. SUGG, Agent.
The bill should be passed by the
N. Feb.
As authorized agent for DAILY
and we take
great pleasure in receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call us make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
in Insurance Ask
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see u, Hart Jenkins.
Jerry while on a
drunken spree out at the cross
roads east of here, got into a
lam Sunday with some
and was severely cut on the
neck and of face,
seriously we have been able to
learn. The attention of a
was called to him.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
For cotton seed hulls, meal bay
Fine oats go to Jackson.
The latest thing in shoes. Call
at W. C.
regret very much to learn
our young friend,
is suffering another attack of
appendicitis a second opera-
is being seriously considered.
His many friends for him a
speedy recovery.
Our people are listening with
open ears and beating hearts for
news from the capital, When the
news arrives we expect a mighty
shout from the winning side. Well
we shall see what we shall tee, so
don't let us get mad. We are all
friends, even if we do differ Some-
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new crockery both and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
Go t- E. K. new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and
W. C. Jack Sou Co. will pay
a special bargain in
a pair of pant- or shoes. Try W.
i- .- . .
j. H. B books . H.
morocco J W.
For Sale One syrup Soda
cause sale ls of
Terms cash or ins i
also entire stock at and plow
cost consisting of jewelry, musical
I instruments, guns, pistols, riles,
shirts, other specialties,
Christmas toys, rel
hand beg or between
Our order .
hats and cape are
Winterville Finder K
will lie rewarded by re- The
Ayden, S C.
mi the
for was
Singer Sewing Machines
to Miss Julia
K. C.
and have a
hue. of Christmas good. b Supplies. Needles
They be. We me all friends and the Han Is for all ink
firm ,. Heaven let us remain machines
and your turkeys, chickens, Call or write for them a
sensational, ye. we be- m
ear citizens
n -x-
; of
latest in their line. To try them
once will induce you to try
again All I hey a-k is the
first trial and then
their friend forever,
eggs, bacon, to
I- B. Smith
I I III i tie our line n, , . n,,.
you will i. Jackson Co.
Cry them. Yard wide sheeting be s yard m
Polite clerks, good goods j. i; S; Bro
Come us h you wan. prices at the Wore of J. evening at the
j Smith ; , H w
we handle Trust j We verily believe nice weather street, Miss Joyner i
You can be Hart Jenkins, has come and now the
easily convinced of the superiority In the pallor of the aw hotel will l heard and the
of material and the depot will j whistling of the wood chopper i Morrison
Ayden Milling Mia. Co. -p make welkin ring. The old
B. B. Co. will do all i hey The for will out of his ever a
possible can to please you with received its knock om meet of the Splendid music was by
their new line of heavy and fancy legislature refused to lake any j maiden the old maid will oust o. A. Fair on his and
her innocent be
the while all earth will rejoice guitar, Those who graced
cart in it glory What a beautiful with their ores
nm ; i.
I in. her
It u
one of the
J. Ii. Tripp bro,
store w . en
matted on West i,.,. Si
st h ,
public for pi w.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
sell them cheap world
J. X Smith R
Edwards, Annie
D. W.
groceries . U.
Car and w ha
seed oats at J.
Smith Bro. wheels and will
received, fine line of bar J. Bro. are Lee Pen.-.
and can lit you up any style Ayden Hilling . Mfg. Co. special to the trade in Man i-
Ayden, N fall winter goods. The M. I Mm.
Milling Co. Sewing machines at J. H, Smith to and and B. F.
Fancy candies, oranges, tipples Bro, and quality, and Hr.
and bananas at K. E. k One wagon m good as new, Pants all sizes end p ices at J. J meats were .
Call on Hart A bar by J. It h . ,. Bro.
rel of Columbia Flour, none better The ladies
to be had have ,. i at J. R. Bro
J. A. Button and family nave good ii t. pleased I will visit and pat- Cotton Bagging and
field ;
all vote
thanks in ii
ladies illy be
Groceries j
And Provisions
Dome home from s recent
ice in
J------ Cm I I
I in yen
pi s i
good fur Ayden Milling Mfg.
shoes, hats, caps, j C.
Mrs. i Kit It
I he . , .
or . i
B. K.
Just a ii to Cox will
We are offer
the mm in
rugs , mat to gs, tables and
floor oil j so .
For i an flies,
you do i
one v i our high . red
your ii i. , ours,
. Ck.,
We an I
class, light H
lit r Co , A; lien
It, Smith Bro
the greatest rt
and all n e I an i
to call their store.
Wed-W, V , n d Miss tin
to a while Md, for i in
h me
,. seal i h i . t
I .
y u
nigh i
l . n i L
. Ami-, , M .
. sum el i . . .
near Oak i
the Bro,
i lie ii in,, stoves at J.
h a.
hum J. . c Bro, call e i
i i Ii g
, , i .
Urn up
Ties always hand
fall I help, . Kit I'll ; mug
Seed . . . .,
i i
j. w .
i sell, .-.-.
I s ea Ii j i i i ,
i . Ill i
. ,
W. . J-i . Co.
-v . i
men. i mi i a el
Sin a Bro.
A. Cox,
her home.
The place to wire fence
The A. Ii. Cox Co. have a big
lot of the American fence aid
Pittsburgh perfect fence, also
staples and bard wire. Be sure to
get their prices before buying
your spring supply of fence.
Artistic treatment applied by
Cox, the insurance, specialist. Pop-
Car lime, and cement,
at J. B. Smith Bro.
Car salt, lino and coarse at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Bed and white Bliss potatoes at
J. B. Smith A Bro.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. and
town and country
paints colors oil, white lead,
turpentine at J. H. Smith
. ; e. I k-
Mrs. C.
and Mis- Julia
. .
. i i
I lei
e ,,
K. B-,
r i
i I
i ti i
Mi I ling i i i
up .
e ink-
. . I
ii I
sh ; ,,. kepi on-
in at d-. Country
Produce , u . Sold
N .
. .
. I
V y e ii , H.
. -a ladies
or of
. .
i. i . i
I I.
la hi i
ii s .
I. ., Hi
., ,,. , , .,
in. ii, tin,.,, i proceed to No. in tin
All pa . i h . . the
i i v up ii i he ;. ear
I lorn ii, and
. , . a or before
. ,.
. This . . ,
acres more or l us,
w. F. This Jan 24th,
Town Tax
S. A. stocks, Cot
P. G. James, y
At the close of bit in Jan. I 1908.
Loans and Discounts,
r , ii-, , stock paid in,
and Fixtures
Demand Loans j Undivided profits less
Duo from Banks, i expenses,
Cash Items, i . ,
. unpaid
Silver Coin, Deposits subject to cheek,
National Hank notes and Cashier's
U. S. notes
Notice Is hereby s s
Smith enters ind the following
described vacant land, wit n
township, I county,
Carolina, on W
DAVIS COMPANY, Branch, the lam
Wilmington. N. C. John Moore. Wm. Mills heirs,
p. ,, ,. . , . Cannon heirs, John n and
a first-class I containing
more or less
persons claiming title to or -1 in,
the above land, i
their protest with mo in writing within
the nest thirty day s,
of a warrant, or will
ed by law. This January
it. ms.
Entry Taker for Conn t
N. C.
will ti see me.
Ayden, N. C.
If it give you
your dealer will
pay you returning it.
B. F.
n. R. L.

I. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville. K. C. as second class matter.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every poll in Pitt counties.
to fiction
Pitt Tuesday,
Ice will be in much a Our neighbor town, a, g I
few fuel is now. tor an
I for a public building. Free
use of losing sleep over delivery baa already been es-
big diamond X-me of us can on there. We like to see
legislature could do the state
a valuable service by passing a gen-
law would give the boards
of county commissioners and boards
of education power to attend to
minor local matters instead of
to take them before the
A session of the legislature
coats o much for its time
I to be consumed over these purely
local matters. the Legislature
had only general matters to look
id i once in live years
u h ii Id be i u saving to
Wheat looks as large as peas with
the price bobbing around per
The ground bog has made enough
reputation this time to last for
Eastern North Carolina poshing
If the man would diver-
it would be more
notice that when the anti jug
law for the state was up in the house
then-wen- unties
Pitt being among them If that
law passes with Pitt county out
we expect somebody will have to
tell how come.
The president was a
Tuesday and got his
on the East side.
It is to be hoped the president
will not spoil it all again by another
Booker Washington act.
If the bad roads of this winter
do not make everybody in favor of
good roads, nothing else will.
There is no need of the weather
man showing too much ground hog-
We are all willing for him
call it off.
Every time die weather gets favor-
able enough to brag on it turns
worse, so the subject has to be
With caution.
If the committee
counts fur much, the legislature
may do something to lessen the
evil before it adjourns.
Will somebody please tell ins what
this spell of weather is a sign of.
Durham Herald.
Yes, the Artie Circle, ft has a
grip, too.
If the round between Hearst and
Sullivan had been announced in ad-
congress might have raised a
good bit of revenue by selling ad-
mission tickets.
A lot o Berkshire was sold
at Vanderbilt's farm, near
Asheville, a few days ago, and the
average price paid for them was
per head. No doubt it was
the name more than the value that
brought the price.
The people of New Bern must
have grown tired of the city owning
light and water plants. They held
a mass meeting and adopted an
amendment to the city charter
the aldermen to sell both
the light and water plants to private
Gen. Lew- Wallace died
day night at his home in Crawford-
ville, Ind He was prominent as an
author, being has mi st
noted production. He once
this country at the court of
Turkey, and was a veteran of both
the Mexican and civil wars.
A Bountiful Harvest Follows Bad Winter.
There is an old adage that a
bountiful harvest follows a winter
of ice and snow. Let's see how that
is. The crops in 1889 were a com-
failure. The winter before
was not unusually mild. The win-
1889-1890 was one of the
mildest on record, people worked
all the winter and many remarked
how fortunate it was after
such a crop year. Yet
the crop in 1890, following the mild
was one of the best and all
farmers say it was the easiest to
There was scarcely any grass
or weeds and we told that year
by huge formers that they could
easily have cultivated a largely in-
creased acreage if they had only-
known how it was going to be. So
it is not always a safe and a sure
rule that abundant crops follow
usually hard and severe winters.
Electric Globe as Heater.
A man who bad Fort
telling here yesterday how
Mr Thomas th it r-
mis I b a, bead against the
Ii was a most severe night
when he let himself into his bed-
room, and, when be bad disrobed,
bis feet were as ice. The only warm
things at Land were his heart and
the electric Mr.
scratched his bead thoughtfully,
i hen rose, tucked the light globe
the covers, bopped into bed,
jammed his feet down against the
grateful heat, and surrendered him-
self to dreams and visions. How
long he slept he, of course, is not
qualified to testify; but at length his
dreams became so fierce that he
his feet from where he had
deposited them, and waked. He
smelt an odor of broiling flesh and
felt aggrieved in his feet. The fact
that the bed was on lire. The wire
had been so burned as to cut off the
current. Mr Sprat could not One very prominent member of the
ate effectively in the dark. He was House, the other day, threw out a
put to it his way downstairs ; strange in the form of the
after a lamp, by the assistance of statement that he was happy to
he extinguished the fire. He to the good character a dis-
east his bed linen into order, tiller and his whiskey. Just think
disposed his alabaster limbs about it, men and
the bed, and resigned himself once Christian Advocate.
without, any of the modern
up to dreams of June
and green grass. Charlotte
There is one thing in connection
with the personnel of the present
General Assembly which puzzles us.
W e do not understand how men
who fear not God nor regard men
can come session after session to the
Legislature, and that, too, through
the voles of Christian people. These
men seem to take advantage of their
stay in Haleigh to flaunt their cold,
defiant impiety in the face of the
whole State We imagine, however
that in the next election they
will show a different side
of their nature on the stump. And
our Christian voters have such short
memories. And political sentiment
is so tyrannical. This explains it.
What Amazed th Young Only
th Elderly Benedict.
you ever
the bridegroom, astonishing
places a woman chooses for hiding
ceased noticing and ceased be-
astonished anything years
replied the elderly Benedict
Well, the oilier went on
the bridegroom, was a small
fire in the apartment below us.
Somebody upset n lamp, and while
they were it out my wife
and were gathering our valuables
together and r to flee. For
five minutes we re ill like
The I did
lo open my wife's bun an drawer
for her jewel x.
it isn't then sh i
out. in the n d
the low i
she replied, that's the
only place where n burglar wouldn't
think of looking for
are yon trying to take
down oil painting I asked
will is behind it,
tacked to the wall, and I can't
budge .-he answered, with tears
in her voice.
don't come to help she
went on. into the parlor and
get the deed to the Brooklyn prop-
It's pinned in the top of the
lace curtains. bring i
that hat with the white feather t
it. No, not my best one; the
It's got my marriage certificate f
the contract for your book and
first love letter sewed in the crown.
And, oh, John, do look in that box
under the bathtub and find the
manuscript of your play and your
diamond sleeve links. Yes, that's
the one cracker
box. Well, I chose it because it did
not look the least bit suspicious.
Who would ever think of looking
under the bathtub in an old cracker
box for diamond sleeve buttons
Now come on. We've got every-
we I replied.
that hundred dollar bill I
gave you to deposit yesterday and
the check from Bradley and all the
If the legislature wants a bill of
a general nature some member
might introduce one to prohibit the
weather man from having a mono-
of blizzards.
Mrs Smith, o Charlotte,
was burned to death
her dress catching on fire while she
was in front of a grate. She
was years old.
The Durham Herald observes that
are some cheap men in the
legislature who are not aware of the
But they cost the state just
as much as tho other kind.
The fellow who made out a bill
against the Y. M. C. A. for
for the discovery of a new
en and a new earth, ought to hare
been able to locate them before
his bill.
The president has given out the
assurance that he desires to promote
good feeling between himself and
the people of the South. Let him
bear out this assurance by his future
acts, and avoid a repetition of the
Booker Washington and Gram
dents, and much will be forgiven
The country has witnessed
spectacle of a rope breaking at a
hanging. A man was about to be
hanged at Bridgeton, When
the trap dropped tho rope broke and
let the victim fall. In the fall his
head struck a beam that broke his
neck, so the hanging not have
to be repeated.
John Rockefeller is said to be
approaching the time when lie will
be a billionaire It is said that his
Senator Simmons today introduced ; income now is six million dollars a
an amendment to the river and bar-, month. At that rate he accumulates
bill, asking an additional seventy-two millions a year. Then
fr improving and Tar all these millions make their aw
rivers. Senator Simmons is also j cumulation; so if he lives a few
seeking to have the bill so longer he may become a
as to provide for survey of the pro billionaire But so far as he is
posed inland waterway from Norfolk personally concerned the bulk of his
to Beaufort, with view to construct-
channels of the depth of ten,
great possessions is no more to him
than old junk or a last year's bird's
Several members of the Democratic
state executive committee have
written a letter to chairman Simmons
asking him to call a meeting of the
state committee in Raleigh on the
21st, to consult about the Ward bill
that is now before the legislature.
Chairman favors the bill,
but some members of the coin in it-
tee are opposed to it and are leaving
nothing undone that they think will
accomplish its defeat.
In Massachusetts a man who earns
only a week has been ordered
by the courts to pay a week
The like of that ought to
have a clogging effect on the divorce
twelve fourteen feet respectively j nest. He can only eat so much, and
upon the most advantageous route j we believe it has been stated he has
between the points named. j to live on milk and crackers, or some
survey is to be made by a detail simple diet; he can only sear
army officers, who will perform this j go much; and so for that matter,
service under the direction of the j many, many thousands of poor men
Secretary of War. Engineers in the world are far and away hap-
this route after the passage of than Rockefeller. But almost
the bill introduced by any of these fellows would like
live Small, authorizing the work, to change places with
but the survey made last year was Neck Commonwealth,
for a greater depth, with tho con so
that tho cost involved was so
great that the Department would
not recommend the construction of
the channel. The other surveys
asked for at Edenton bay and
Shallow Bag bay Washington
tor. Charlotte Observer.
I will he at the following places
the dates i for the
Out of the Ordinary
Some visitors to Mecklenburg
chain gang saw some-
thing out of the ordinary at the Bar-
die camp this afternoon. A con-
who had been on the chain
gang thirty-seven times and has
been a Baptist preacher twenty-nine
years, held services. Ho preached
with great earnestness and looked
as pious as a saint. He urged his
fellows to do
See our new lace curtain to
Taft Vandyke.
pose of Meet me
Beaver Dam township, C. D.
township, Swamp
Church, March
Bethel township, Bethel, March
Carolina township, stokes,
Mai eh 4th.
Falkland township, Falkland,
Farmville township,
March 8th.
Swift Creek to
Cross Roads 11th.
O, W.
Tax Collector.
Oh, they're all she replied
nonchalantly, pulling me out of the
door. dollar bill is in
my and the check is pinned
under by hack
what do you think of
patent to those hiding places
expired ages said the elderly
Benedict, yawning. New York
Success Life.
It is now well known that in-
creased complexity of life with in-
creased expenditure distinctly aids
longevity. Luxury, fertile par-
of a who.- family of
modifies it greatly, of course, but
this is a manageable factor. We
have only to recall personal
to realize the force of
stimulation. The interest of
sport will sustain men without fa-
for distances they otherwise
could not traverse. The excitement
of strife will often mask the pres-
of wounds. Self
in all the walks of life under the
stress of love, chivalry or accepted
duty doubles human endurance.
gives new vitality, new powers,
and this is another name for new
York World.
interested in many
tries, I
ho in the shoe
ho has quite a foothold
about the glove
recently took a hand in
selling of
has them on his mind
puts up umbrellas and turns
out Plain Deal-
Utilizing tho Camera.
gave yon a
camera for your birthday, didn't he
and we took it with us
on our stroll through the country
yesterday. Oh, what do you think
He proposed to me; actually flopped
down on his knees and
did you say
I said, pleas-
ant, and I do hope tho
will turn out well.
. I
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
you ii
to .
day I
II i
Pi e
CHI d i
J, K
c. I
be i .
Bern. I
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. Ange ft Co.
C. Feb. wood cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
ah Taylor spent Co.
ville. For shoes at a low price and best
for cotton seed See H. L. Johnson,
County Oil Mill. A few stoves at R. G. Chapman
Hit to bring or send Co's. cheap.
I to A. G. Cox Mfg. Mr. W. L. House children
is the they went to Ayden Friday evening.
road overseers and
y over that little of supervisors of public
. had over when i roads will meet in Ayden at
ginning your last a. m. Feb. at J. L. Stokes office.
ft Co. Oil Mill, buys J. L. Hobgood, Chm.
any quantity the W. L, House is up a
price paid every store near the depot.
e dress goods in j Rat biscuit sure to kill the rats
and and mice at Harrington Barber A
Smith returned Tues- Co.
i i i-it Car load of oats just received.
in need of Barber Co.
and waist goods, of plows and plow
Chapman Co i castings. Harrington Barber Co.
just L. L. Kittrell went to Green-
load of salt prices ville Friday.
A large lot of new dress goods,
, feet by wearing calico, and
R, G. Chapman percale at A. W. Ange Co.
and size you Car load of Flour, just in
Barber Co.
stationery, pens, We also carry a line of rubber
i supplies of all overcoats, boots and
found at the drug jackets the very thing for cold
i rainy weather at Harrington Bar-
ranges and her Co.
I. L. Johnson. O. A. Kittrell went to Kinston
X. Co. for Thursday.
i, nuts, and It would surprise yon to see the
Dictionaries. number of wagons and carts that
h, of Ayden, was here is being shipped and sold by A. G.
, Cox Mfg. Co., but we were in their
Timothy Hay, shop yesterday and they had a
Harrington, Bar- nice lot of work just being com-
their timber was hue.
position to secure first We have just opened up a big
cheap, having line of shoes, styles up-to-date.
The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
buying Cotton Seed. They pay
the highest cash price or will ex
change for meal. When yours
are ready write for i
For axes hoes shovels forks and
spades go to A. W. Ange's.
Dr. C. A. and George
of Standard, were here one
day this week.
A. G. Co Mfg Co has two
buds of different styles of farm
fence their prices are low,
you had better go and make your
selections soon.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cine.
Our attention has been called to
the fact, that the W. H. S. girls
have won the Grimes medal for the
best essay on X. history for the
pact three years. Miss Ethel Car-
roll won it three years ago, Miss
Dora Cox last year and Miss
Chapman this year. is a
good showing for the Winterville
High School.
I repair Shoes and do good work.
Bring them to me either at my
home or at the buggy shop.
Overcoats Ordered Out of the House.
Here's the of our
Up and the Goats Must Go
If yen want a Coat step lively, please.
If you knew that we were giving away M lulls
you would e me hi for your share, wouldn't you
Well It's just what we're doing, sometimes
we give away
We are closing out our Overcoats.
We won't them over.
It certainly isn't good business to do so.
Our Overcoat prices are cut to cost and often
Now is the Time to Buy an Overcoat.
Here are a few of our out prices In order to give
you an idea of what's doing lure. There are others.
sold at will go now
Overcoats sold Of will now
Overcoats sold at Co will go now
Overcoats Bold st will go now
Here's an Overcoat opportunity a wise
man will not let get away from him.
C. Feb. 1905.
Several drummers visited our
town this week. Among then.
were Win. Ward, Bern, Mr.
i I of
E. L. Benton and A. L. Jones,
of spent
night with H. H.
W. T. Harrell spent Thursday
in Greenville.
Ed Hobgood., who ban
it with the Beaufort Co.
Lumber Company been home I
sick for several days returned to
bis work Friday.
Mr. Vandyke, of Greenville,
All Fall Winter Suits at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
winter salt will go now at
winter will go now at
SO winter will go now at
We are offering these prices on all
Overcoats, Fall and Winter
in order to make space for Spring
i a m
with which to do our Price from to
Work, . i able to save and Harrington Barber Co.
all of our Rudolph Croom has moved his
are the reasons why into his new house on Mill j visited this week.
cat hi customers Miss Allen, of Red Banks,
Winterville Mfg. Co. Winterville had as pretty streets visiting her sister, Mrs. N.
A Jackson went to Ayden ; as any city in the United States
For -i-
V ind
R A.
an -i
e i
u returned on Tuesday's Saturday Sunday.
For white goods, ladies collars,
ranges. handkerchief ties, go to A.
st prices. See our stock W. Ange Co , they have a
and save assortment.
Mfg. Co. Felix Pitman, of was
oats, plow castings and here one day this week.
armors supplies, Bee White's Black Liniment, spec-
for the human
family, flue for perfectly
balanced, sub-cutaneous
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
F. B. Tucker went to
For fruits no
to K. G. Chapman and Co. They
have a choice lot.
quilts quilting cotton
A. W. Ange Co.
c and door frames, porch
rackets and all kinds of
makings at rock bottom
Mfg. Co.
i y in Kinston.
, tor the people Prices
i In meat beef, fish and
cue L. Johnson.
in Furniture just in. i
A. W. Ange Co.
He of Greenville, and
lay putting in an
e in the drugstore.
i of T. W. Wood ft
always on baud
J. a, Grimsley, of Snow Hill,
Wednesday night in town,
George Savage, who has been
quite is much better.
I'M of was
in town Thursday.
H. B Phillips left Friday morn-
lug to spend several days with his
family Suffolk.
are instantly relieved, and perfect-
Salve. C. Jr., of Nor-
folk, Va., burnt my
knee dreadfully, that it Mistered
all over. s Salve
stopped the pain, and healed it
without a Also heals all
wounds and bores. at. J. L.
AT N. C.
At the close of business January 11th. 1905.
Loans and discounts Capital stock paid in
Overdrafts, unsecured 2.44 Undivided profits
of Dr. B. T. Cox , fixtures 009.94 Time certificate of
Progress is tho law of life. When things animate cease to
grow to betterment, decay begins. The store which stands still
is dead. The store of yesterday is commonplace today and
out-of-date tomorrow. Eternal effort is the price of progress.
To do better today the thing done well yesterday, to serve better
j the public which we served well yesterday, is the day-by-
day labor of this store.
Expect for Coming Season the Newest Things.
will have tho best tho mill can make.
They want new homes, we are treating bad by cutting tho
price. They have ordered out and must go. The prices will
pay well for your hospitality.
All the goods are for sale get the prices, note the quality then
you will buy and liberally.
seed oats go to
Due from 10,038.42 sub. to check 20,827.80
Silver Cashier's 267.251
126,651-22 Total
no- turkeys I pay the
nice. H. L. Johnson.
of flour State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
Prices right.-R. H- Tor
and Co.
U Chapman Co, say that and
have a full assortment of 20th day of J.
and A. J. W. THOMAS,
,,,,,. Notary Public. ROBT. STATON,
bank, do ,
the above statement is true to best of my
and belief H. H. TAYLOR. Cashier.
Subscribe to THE REFLECTOR.

. I
Have Come to
The best store in town offers them yon
on Every dime you spend
there will lo service
r will please and benefit yon.
you mast spend money spend it mi
lull returns Ami unless each ten
put out brings a BROWN STAMP
,. , , are not getting fall value fat y.
, .
Brown Stamps are like in
Xi . accumulate effort .
splendid premiums they bring will
v a dollar free for pleasure
.-. things as you weal
. f. buy a re offered for Brown Stumps
and it but stamps give y u .
. of whatever you can or
m need
new book. Unless you already
,, , , , store mid feet it and I r
. Main s. Thai if
w bail hill and
ii v ha
k ho
j . . ---your .
. b i- ff rs w ; i ,
. y . I
should I
do not apply purchases
N. C.
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Prettiest line ever Shown on
this market.
They are worth your Attention.
Mattings. Line ever carried in this town. Art
Squares from to they are the richest and prettiest de
gigs I over parried
Chairs, all kinds, cheap to the highly polished quartered
and leather seats. Side Hall racks,
suits and
The Royal Elastic Felt and
three piece Bed, Are acknowledged to be the best in
the World and sold on positive guarantee. f no sat-
money refunded.
I am better prepared than ever to
my cordially
invite you call at my store,
Everything you want in the way of
nice Ca Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nu ;, car 1- had at
our store.
We carry a large . of Best
h ash Grocers.
. i
There is one thing that we do not claim in our do
and that is to cheaper they cat. be T
neither do we want to create the that our n
of shop worn, oat of style goods nor by filling oar sore
and b we try to fate,
ideas in your mind that we are our l
do wish it understood we are daily shipments
of the newest things iii
and kind-ed materials -o desirable with the folk of
Greenville and Pitt and hope that you wilt at
least favor us with a visit to these many new
Pulley Bowen,
The Atlantic Coast Line Secure, a Writ of
of the North Carolina A J.
to compel f
in t
portion to compel I
Line to operate n
additional . b
i is
State. This fact be.
known I J ice
granted a writ. I
, e Allan i-
the which
. .,.
Pi keeping
the Suit.
However, railroad considers
that . big principle is involve,
Md it will assert it. rights before
tho precedent set. The
in the case were presented by
Judge John G. Johnson of
Col. Warren G. Elliott,
general counsel of the Coast Line
Davis of Wilmington and,
Fuller, of
The case is to the
of the state. The
ordered the train to
be put in operation Monday
for the purpose
with the Southern at
The Coast Line asserts, in Us
filed today, that it already
has trains in
each way between
Mount and The additional
train, it is declared, deprives the
company of its rights and works a
hardship. Believing that a
Of in-
to railroads, the ease was
brought to the highest tribunal in
country It is said that
is no similar case on record. The
decision will be watched with Id-
Owing I ho the
to go o
So our entire o
GROCERIES will be out
I Goods.
ma Curr
offer. P mm the oW
A. Bi.
to the
it least
l .
I iv.
., r
. .
; r
. . I
. i over
i any-
the celebrated j
,,, and favorably known -d
Washington, D. c. e WM Test Eyesight
. . th. I have
h. i I
ts tor end now only a
. are Send
a trial
, to Southern
C P.
and you will St
mall, also detail, of
prize seed-growing contest
j i. nm k co.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and handlers
Begging, Ties and Bigs.
and shipments
Special rate of almost one rare
for round trip. Tickets on
.;, March 2nd. and 3rd,, and for
train to arrive In Washington he-
in. of March with
final limit March 8th,
1905 By depositing ticket
special agent, 1202
final limit may be extended to.
Morel. 1905. This will en-
able to of the
low round trip between
Washington, New York, Boston
and other points, combining
with pleasure. The rate from
Greenville, N. to Washington,
D. C. and return, 18.25.
For further in format ion call OB
your nearest ticket agent, or write,
H M. T. M.
W. J. G. P. A.
Wilmington, N. C.
Th. Doctor is a
United States, is .
all modern methods in science, in
Opthalmology, etc., and has
a man of and reputation that per
bis work All examinations me free and .
prices will tor glasses.
You Can Save Honey
the highest of professional service in this line
by taking advantage of this
Read In mind the dates, February and 28th.
B. II- W.
Tonic to The System.
Mothers be careful of your child-
There is no baby medicine
i the world as good as Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. It makes
the one-. Strong, healthy and
active Wooten's
For liver troubles and constipation ;
then-18 nothing better then
Witt's Little Early the
famous little They do not
weaken the stomach. Their action
upon the mild, pleasant
and harmless. Moore, La-
Fayette, Ind. says, use
G, DeWitt's Little
do their work. AI. other pills V
have used gripe and make
in the and never cured me
Risers proved
to bethel. sought relief-
Sing Risers the
reliable remedy to carry with the.
Sold at Drug
the things on, in
Oak and hair.
They are Yon will miss something if you fail to
Art Squares to suit the most In tact,
y everything in
packages. can be
5- Furniture, Rugs and Lace
grapes and grape fruit. u for
Cotton Growers Convention.
The rail roads will give a rate of
one fare plus twenty-live cents to
attending the cotton grow
to be held in Raleigh the 21st met.
Tickets will be put on bale the 20th
21st, to reach not lat--
than noon on the 21st; good to
return on any train up to and in
the 23rd. This will be an
Important convention should
be attended by good delegation
from each cotton growing
in i lie State.
A. salve that heals without a scar
is De Wilt's Witch Base Salve.
No remedy effects such speed
lief out inflammation,
cools and heals all ens
burns and bruises. A sure
for Piles and skin
Witt's is the only genuine W
Hazel Salve. Beware of counter.
Rile, they are Sold at
Wooten's Drug Store.
The number of smokers who use j
the cigar is increasing.
It is the best cent smoke in
town. Bold Only at Reflector Book .
Anything You Want in the Fruit Line.
have Premier and double
than which there is no better
cannot afford to mis- our hue. Yours to please,
our liking counted by Mr. h
is excelling himself in baking pies, a
J. A. RicKs BrO report of
For Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows. Heat Cutters and
Stutters. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
At the close of business Jan. B.
Loans and Capital pain in
ft Fixtures, L,
Due 22,983.89 profits,
Gold coin,
brother it Deposits sub. to J
Total Total i
wear that the above statement is true to the best
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before Ms
R. L. Davis.
M. Lang.

. , .
Is too full of goods and they must be con-
into cash at the quickest possible
Prices on everything marked right
down in plain figures.
Every purchase is a BARGAIN and
you can get your share of them by coming
, T.
Greenville, N-
Lear You hi.
wheat, y,
oats corn We u .
grinding white had aid
zinc. two id i
are not much alike.
eats wheat
in the mill, and yon i age
little about work; do
to; we'd depend on j.
But w paint your ind
mill, and
you'd, be glad to know
paint; for Home
their paint with a stick i n
We use
And our is as tough our
oats. Tub mixers imagine
mix it. They don't;
Taken grinding to mix ad-
They are both white; bpi are
they thoroughly mixed
mixers. don't know it; but
mixed a tn- I of
one alongside a streak rd the
We as you grind; and
our paint is lead-and-zinc UP and
together, mixed intimately; it is
neither lead nor line, but lead-nod
the lead Is lost, and the zinc
is lost; each lot in the other;
in the mixture. Lead
and zinc peels; lead-and-zinc
together hang on and pro-
each other.
We take care of mill out-
side; you take care of it inside
Yours truly,
P. W. Co.
P. H. L. Carr sells our
Is hereby given that application
will be made to the General As-
of North Carolina at its
present to the char-
the of Falkland.
J. Mayor.
A few counterfeiters have lately
been trying to sell
of Dr. King's New Dis-
and other medicines,
thereby defrauding
is to warn you to beware of
such people, who e to fit,
through stealing the of
which have success-
I'll v Curios disease, for over
years. A sure protection, to
is our name the wrapper.
it, on all Dr. or Buck-
remedies, as all others are
mere imitations. H. E
t Chicago, and Windsor,
D needs lint little foresight to
it'll when and
liver are badly grave
j trouble is ahead, unless yon take
the medicine tor your dis-
ease, as Mrs. Jehu A Young, of
Clay, N. Y., did. She
had neuralgia of the liver and
stomach, heart was weakened,
and I could not eat, I was a very
had for a long time, but in Electric
Bit tern, J found just what I needed
for they quickly relieved and
cured Beat for
weak women. Sold under
by J L. druggist,
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
y and Fri
Town Must B Ten Thousand
A bill to authorize the
of the
ville, i
money not i t th ma
and dollars, p of
establishing i
The Gen of N
Be boar I of
I hi t i i i
ville Norm ate
an I r h up were I tn
bit i it ii ii not ex
. i ti mi ii i i he
Us l of i i
i f a the
Sec. Tn ii all laws in c
herewith are h r- .
I o. That
in force and its
SATURDAY. A Delightful Afternoon at the Residence
In the senator there was another of Mo F. C. Harding
day of nothing but local bills. One .
bill provides that the u j
power of governing of any It Mr.
municipality indebted- , the very
vi- for exp shall be restrict- i .
ed to the term of the incumbents the c uh i .- well as
and not l any. future hoar I
e i re pus I hitter
The had a day's Gold, and Howard
work. There were large i I Wilson, and Mis
m v. bills iii i on T papers read were greatly en-
tie e i acted joyed, these being on the
None of the new were of of by Me part of I
c nun it begins to Arthur, and
Ii like the more important
i.,.,,. . he crowded into the last After the
days ; discussed
of the was were daintily and
to divide tin twit pleasant
districts he known as the
-u i and
senate H bill was
The next meeting will he held
with Mrs. R. W. King March 7th
o i.
v Mi
. .,.
. j.
id , of
-l I , his pan i I .
M ii Mm. E I. Tn
I . Ms rt i;. ,.,
orders the . r supper
as to be last night,
U Hodges, a In the
graded at a
d i .
Perhaps you don't realize that
many poisons originate in
food, hut tome day you may
feel a twinge that will
you. Dr. King's New
Life Pills are guaranteed to cure
all sick due to poisons of
money buck
at J. L. drug store. Try
Th i- a copy of a
which has been forwarded t our
representatives author-
the board of the
town of lie bot i w u
thousand dollars to used the
purpose of establishing i sewerage
system for tie town of Greenville.
The authorities of town desire
Jib have this in order
. be ii i question
t i i V i of ill-
. mi hr
d r rage sys-
t, . i . the
tn.- i same.
Marriage License;.
R R, Williams
Bit-I . I
. isl Week,
I ere.
Will i p
of Rev. B. I. C . an
wife one day week.
Thomas Moore, sen.
Snow of
last Friday
U. I. filled hi reg-
and as w then mm
large congregation
the senate h was intro .
Society Gambling,
providing that every rail
load operating the state re- John H. j
living shall Issue I f has created
passes to officers. sensation by hi. l -M H
new bills to the grand jury, Haw- ;,;
introduced none were of Monday, which contained few tax-
at the
local The bill to amend charge yon that society pen- T
passed pie, be they male or female. swallow a If
third reading form social clubs and meet from corrupt as it was
In the house Representative time to time at the borne, of the
member and play for people to go there,
, IA visit there will prove who
. ;.;
I i. n .
ed . fa i i ;
i . . v I i .- l . . i . .
unrated v. . ,.,., .
I . I . .; ,
he . . .
II g ,,, . .
I I ; . nine
id .-, . .
i j m
II For lie .
Ti ; . i
i , s ii On
i ., .;.,
. Leila
introduced a
to facilitate the collection
towns. The bill to extend the
of Greenville graded
school district third read-
also the bill
stuck the town of Win-
flinch, o
any other game can's or like
device- for valuable prizes
chased with funds to which
players have contributed, are as
much guilty of violating the law
against gambling as the veriest
who round a
New line and pictures
A Vandyke.
See our new lace to
. in
Senator Fleming Introduced ; Taft
., -in or skin fur the paltry . .,
tie . Celery, cabbage, onions,
of w-a the ST.
bills wee introduced permitting
Mobley and
ii- an Hal tie son,
Joseph Bur-
Lacy Atkinson-ind Joy
Randolph and
I playing at his or her house is
rending. . .-, , proof, seed and
Arnold the new bills in th keeping sale by J. II. Cherry
house To define fix and maintaining a gambling house,
I lee, of domestic lire Insurance M of the den in
liability of where gambling is
married women. practiced.,
From way the birds are
singing Gentle Annie must he
far away.
Like Moody and
Quit you like men, be . . .
, We expect new lot Art
and when weighed in the and on today's boat.
of duly be found Dot Minting.
Taft Vandyke.
,, -mil Strike at this evil in . . . a i .
part nut r card of split,
I acceptable worship of God is sing-
congregational singing.
Just Like Him.
Boo. M. Superior court
clerk of Wake county, in sending
a for Tun adds
e you lone life, a change in
color h
Thai just like our
friend, to be shedding sun
shine he and we
appreciate his good
ail but ail of it.
sir, don't change our red head.
It La- been that win all these
ear, ever since we
having; a and we would not
it even for a bald head.
low places with all dry pine wood J. J Jenkins,
might. It is not criminal 2-20 ilk. N.
I is the Lord and greatly to tor a silver card case than j D. W. will conduct
Men shall a silver dollar as it comes in the public school house
I utter the memory of God's at on fourth Sunday,
j Everybody loves and j j Feb- at o'clock.
is helped by good Singing. To have Evening Papers as Advertising Mediums. number of smokers who use
An Important Movement
Th re me I
out .-. f do
look to h
of the hi
v c to c
This work is .
only by individual
especially bi Ii
s. o i of i i ons
h and . . .
done iii k of c ti
facts with re I r tn I
I to
be done, fir ii a less
is known of history
Carolina than an
Southern state, Our educators
in I ton
do it that sue n de-
is remedied effective
manner, way which aid
might he given this work
be by insisting upon a more com-
study of North
tiny in
Singing a trained leader is essential.
U. Peck, advertising Reflector cigar is increasing.
manager of best in
j Evangelist Wm. Black brings with j great Chicago stores, j at
, him a director, Mr. An-
Burr. He will furnish also,
free of charge, hymn books for use
all services. He specially
invites ail those accustomed to
singing in the different churches
to assist with the music.
Please remember that music will
be emphasized in the Black meet-
to begin next Sunday morning.
Came Late
Governor Glenn telegraphed a
for a man named Wilson,
who was on the Iredell county
gang upon affidavit that he was
spend a year for
per cent of it is in i Somebody started the rumor
the papers and per cent
experiment has cost us
Replying to an sent out
Some use evening papers
and hod that the returns
turned on Tuesday night, and
the Sunday papers. Even with j era, neck.
our great morning papers we
not make them pay, though the
marriage took place this
some time ago by the Rochester Register of Deeds
Times out. of big depart- . office The couple, George
stores consider the evening ; and Miss Fannie Briley,
beat j came in together for the license
Farmers M. P. I, Association,
critically sick, but the pardon did j The Pitt county branch of the
not reach him in time to do any Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance
good. It and death arrived about
neck am neck. The man's nick-
name was Lucky but that
time luck failed
and let it be known that they
wished lobe perform-
ed at once. Squire C. Rountree
was called in, a few minutes
he had them joined in his usual
Association will hold its annual City soil is said to be superior to
meeting on Saturday before the j country soil for oats.
second Sunday in March, 11th day
of the month. A. full attendance i The sun put in a welcomed
of the members is desired. today.
Special Prayer Services
Ii is the earnest desire of Rev,
Mr. Black aid the
church, who is now
detained In his home by reason of
serious illness of his wile, that
the people of God he found
together with one accord, in one
place, wailing for the promised
blessing. They, therefore, earnest-
request all who are will to
take any sort of part in
prayer services to meet at the
Presbyterian church Thursday and
Friday nights at o'clock, and
unite in earnest supplication for
great blessings upon our people.
Mr. Black has specially
ed that as far as possible the pas-
tors of the other churches,
of choirs in the other churches
all God's people assist in
of the services.
Is hereby given that application
will he made to the General As-
of North Carolina at its
present session to amend the char-
of of Falkland.
J. Mayor.

Eastern reflector, 21 February 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 21, 1905
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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