Eastern reflector, 10 February 1905

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m j
Hi ii u i
C T.
To horn It flay
GREENVILLE, N. C, January 1905.
m win Now York City's Bargain
extreme of the season, the conditions and ordeals which Greenville has coped with ring the two
, , ; position, having bought thousands Dollars worth of merchandise from Philadelphia, Baltimore
es . .,.,. .,,; season and no drawback and hereby notify you come once, take full possession of my entire stock,
ind for the I demand you to your own disposing of same, bell at price you Bee fit,
r i Greatest Sale Conductors and Bargain Dealers with their entire staff of Skilled stock
Experts and appraisers. The above plain notice speaks for its self, effort, Every Idea
Method and Plan will be restored to carry the to the letter.
A I K-
. -v
a w
hi all our tine,
in i I the if 1-h us-
an buyers i will o .
; p
. i i i i . i
r; i.
Selling off Bargains, Thursday
TO SOLD ON I ft C P k b I
Terms and Conditions to be Made known the day of sale.
nor persons allowed in or without permission
Bros, Sales people seeking position will be received from
. m Wednesday and proceeding day of sale, New tables as
. . in time for first
ion h of now
merchandise on hands,
the Big jammed and pack-
ed to Bros.
.;. ires while in-
vested h full power to
the will the
of I free surround-
ale i bargains
i given. lifers
for the who or part of this
stock will In received first day
of Kale, ii o'clock
sharp Sure gel to the right
place Look Bed
Banner ., r it ire Front.
f. II
I y a a g Mays.
fie col ion of n C
. .
.-; i Hi value, question o a few lays
ill oil -i color
Solid value No i room for
All sizes, some I, .
. OH
only few
. i dark men
ii i In
Wool and dark colors, would be cheap,
i Questions of a
grade, questions of a few For dress, grade percale
Double . ; Grade for a
short time,
if u few is, lie
a days,
. not over p
Heaver worth W This lot of will not last
Big Store Closed, Under Lock and
. represents this winter's purchases, everything conceivable for man. woman, hoy, girl or children. Carpets, Furniture all to subject-
i. Instructions to Wood Bros., to sell everything; Allow not a single person to the building unless perfectly
oil. Doors will be open one hour before time of for inspection.
Public Sale a. m. Thursday January 26th.
-25 Sales Ladies, only those capable of standing the strain of h terrible crowd and rush. Can use Extra wrappers
D. I. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
, Greenville,
A Bill to be Entitled an Act to Amend
Being an Act to Amend and
Consolidate the Charter of
the Town of
Assembly of North
Carolina do
chapter f
th- private f amending
Motion chapter of the
laws of he b
as the board alder-
men to th of tax.
as lit laker and the
one lo till places
to fix the
as Md Motion
chapter US, private laws f 1899
the. -hall proceed to
a collector and a
are., each of whom he a
elector in said and
serve one year from the first
day of July the year in which
occurs, or until his
b qualified, he is
sooner removed the board
cause t which the hoard shall lie
the judges- And that said board
said office of
tax tax list taker aDd
of the board, to
u M ouch lo such
position duties of keeping the
of said o nil. listing all
property for taxation,
all taxes and other dues
to said town from any and
all sources, and to such
other duties as the board may
deem proper, fix the
of such person chosen for
the of said
Section That sub-section
section chapter private
laws 1899, be by
at the end of sub-section
after the
the following words,
to the
Section That section
chapter private laws of
be amended by striking out in the
ninth, tenth and eleventh lines
said the
tax shall not be less than
one hundred dollars, more
than five dollars for one
year, or halt these amounts for six
and insert in lieu
the following tax
shall not be one thousand
dollars for one year, or half that
amount for six months; and
all persons or corporations so
required to close
their place of business at sunset of
each and every day, and not open
the same until of the fol-
lowing day; and person
or corporation o licensed woo
shall sell any vinous or
malt liquor between said hours of
sun rise shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon con-
shall be fined or
ed in the discretion the court,
and in addition thereto shall for-
his license so granted.
Section That section
chapter private laws of 1899,
be amended by adding at the end
of said section the following words,
that no general
or special law elections in
cities and towns in this state shall
be applicable to the election
aldermen in said town of
ville, but that all elections
shall beheld and conducted under
and in accordance with the pro-
Visions of said charter, Provided
further, that all
special called in said
town for any purpose also lie
held and conducted in accordance
with provisions chapter
private lawn amend-
consolidating the charter
of said
Section That this act shall
be force and alter its
Dreamed Thai he Was Robbed.
Washington, N. U., Ken
queer but true story emanates
Aurora, Washington's pros-
Mr. F. F. one of the
merchants there, dreamed
recently that, his store was broken
into and robbed. The dream was
a very realistic one, even the
identity the thief being
to in. The after he
went to the store with the spell
the dream ill him
to bis utter found his
a realization. A number
of articles bad been taken,
several watches and a suit of
clothes. So strongly impressed
was he by the vision that he got
out a search warrant which
served on the he bad
dreamed. The suspect protested
but his was searched and
therein were found
Tins unusual story is properly
vouched News and
Adrift and
Norfolk, V., Feb.
United States gunboat Newport is
helpless somewhere off
th- Virginia coast
lies at the bottom of the sea.
report came the coast
to the navy yard today and th.
naval tug was once
dispatched to tow the disabled boat
in. The returned to-
night reported that the New-
port could not be located in
us of seventy-five miles the
capes and tomorrow the gunboat
Hornet will go out to search for
the vessel.
The Newport is attached to the
Squadron and was m
mute South from Boston under
command of Commander
The Depot it Consumed
Asheville, N. C, Feb. . The
and freight depot at
was destroyed by
at o'clock The
buildings with the con-
tents a total loss of nearly
It is believed that
fire was incendiary origin and
that persons who the
structure first committed robbery.
I have taken up a sow,
weighing about one hundred
pounds, marked smooth crop in
ears. Owner can get same by
calling at my home on the Tee
place near House station, proving
property and paying charges.
Feb. 6th, J. T.
2-6 ltd
Si many of ii.-e senators
home to spend that Ii i .
was present.
bill fixing of cot .
meal passed third reading. It ,.;
previously painted
Among the new bills offered
To authorize executor and
to provide grave
for deceased tiers. a join
resolution to memorialize the Unit
ed States to inter
state in adulterated
I to inn of the
code so is to Interest
ed a till to provide a court
the house
Little presented petition i
by teachers
association no
be made lo
school taxes.
of the bill to amend the
relative to for
the races, presented, several
letters citizens of the
portion of the state urging th-
passage of t be bill
Among the new bills introduced
were To amend the law
1899 lo tires on wagons;
to amend the school law of
u regulate rent land by the
year for agricultural purposes; to
prevent the import at ion of liquor
into North .
A quiet day was passed
with only a few lulls introduced.
Senator Mason offered a bill to
punish This prohibits
lawyers from going about busying
themselves Id working up law
suits for the sake of feat.
Senator Fleming by request in-
a bill to amend the char-
of town of Greenville.
The also had a day of but
interest. More bills were
introduced than in the senate, but
they all of a local
Representative Winborne offer-
ed a hill placing of each
A from Governor Glenn
urged the establishment of a pro-
bureau of
and also a passage of a far
The Jamestown exposition was
endorsed and an appropriation for
an exhibit from this state was rec-
Senator Boyles offered a hill to
d the law relating to ware-
house charges.
In the house bills making
to state institutions
were offered, as
at Morganton hospital at
218,868.80 hospital at
Goldsboro Greensboro
N. L College
Representative Little presented
a petition from the medical society
of Pitt county against the
of a state board of
M. L. Starkey Submitted and Was Fined
and the Cost,
L. Starkey, who was
charged with beer
without pa , .- license,
u ,. n,,,.
n the c -1 be r
red i pay the
month of January which
He did not deny that
two bar; of beer wire sold from
bis but he
was not in the wholesale liquor
and I bat gold was
U two men who pretended to u
going he let
I b it to befriend them.
Mr. Isadore Bear, a . .-.
charts I with b i
submitted but
license 1st,
is he w.
He also p the slate
is 0200- Mr.
he. thought be bad a perfect
to lake for; he beer and have
it shipped here and if he had
known was in violation of
the law to do s. he would have
toe license. Readmitted
only being guilty
White Paper Hurts the Eyes.
spectacles would be
an our
would Use a brown a
Instead of a white paper.
on a glistening
white surface is bad for the eyes,
whereas on a
surface is restful and pleasant,
It has been demonstrated by actual
test a man can
on the
this account the French, a
wise people, have taken of late to
printing books on paper an
agreeable dun hue. Fifty
hence, I prophesy, dun will
be used for printing
paper then, will be
known, and spectacles will be
most now
Wild Duck.
The recent cold weather filled
the sounds with ice and drove
many wild ducks up the river,
The sportsmen around here have
Next Tuesday
How about a chair.
N at
streets i . from
loud to by July
Be out
Taft Vandyke.
welcomed when it does come.
See ow before
Much cotton on street every
day the price got better.
and rags arriving daily.
b T.-n Vandyke.
Celery, cabbage, onions,
toes, turnip, at S. M.
After several d work on it
the d. been put in
shape for throwing water again.
The snow predicted for last
night did not strike down
way, but we trot a morn-
The number of smokers who use
Reflector cigar increasing,
it is the beat smoke
town. Sold only at
lining a round
finish gold button. Finder
ill be liberally rewarded by re-
turning same to
2-8 Its
Sermon by Japanese.
Mi. Japan, who is
this country preparing him
self for work, arrived in
Greenville Sunday evening and
preached In the Baptist church at
night. He recently graduated
from a Texas college and will
the Southern Baptist
Seminary at Louisville next fall.
In his discourse he gave an account
of his conversion to the Christian
religion that was most interesting
He is a very entertaining speaker.
From here he went to
Two For The Price Of One.
Quito a number of subscribers
to the
taken advantage our offer
to give the Boat horn Agriculturist
one year free lo who pay a year
in advance for
There are only a limited
of these premium subscriptions to
be given and those come in
first get them. II you want the
two for the price of one do
wait too long.
New Type.
Till, has just put ill
a lot of new job type which puts
us better shape ever to
turn out nice job printing.
killed several the last few your orders and they will re
days, I prompt attention.
Feb. 1905.
Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson
and Mrs. Joe Robertson, of
are of Mr. and
F. G Whaley.
F. P. Sta lings, of Richmond,
Tuesday We
fear Mr. Stallings has been a
wreck as he has several patches
his face.
Jay Scott, of Elisabeth City, was
in Tuesday.
Mr. Dawson, of Washington,
was in town Tuesday.
G. W. Savage, of Henderson,
his father, J. A. Savage,
of this place, who has been sick.
He returned home Monday,
Mrs. J. A. Stanley, who is visit-
son, H. Stanley, has
sick several days, but is
some better.
Mrs. J. R. Jacobs is quite sick
Mr. and
who have been
the guests of J. A. Savage, re
turned to their home Tarboro
J. D. Cox arrived in
Tuesday night.
Mis. Fannie has
been sick for several days.
II. Phillips and sou arrived
in Tuesday.
Ed went to Hobgood Mon-
day Tuesday night.
It yon haven't seen any mud
come to
and Fund
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. The
will of Wm. Clark probated
yesterday disposes of
to the arid or-
fund of Osborne Lodge No.
Independent Order Odd
lows, of Elizabeth City, T. C.

One of School Building Destroyed.
W N. C, Feb.
i i
Have Come to
The s r .
n ;
I g . j
cent ca ; I i
n, yon .;
Brown Stamps a
y am Ii
and Bi
n;. M-- e r
sat st such ii ;
e uh bu
a .
IF-- h
i. -i . you -1
I r It iv
I .
Ill spend t
foil value for r
.- ;
a you w aid
-i for
I y. u
II he r lire
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Prettiest line ever Shown on
this market
They are worth your Attention.
Matting, The Line ever carried in this town. Art
, Square from t. they are the richest and prettiest de
I ever carried
Chairs, all kinds, cheap to the highly polished
and leather seats. Side boards, Hall racks,
; suits and
I The Royal Elastic Felt and
j three piece Bed, Are acknowledged to best in
the World and sold on positive guarantee. If no sat-
money refunded.
am better prepared than ever to
my cordially
invite you call at my store,
and o'clock
file -s discovers in the hi-
public school The
bad headway Ilia they
Ml b -becked and the
destroyed. It was a
structure and a
f by
i and
It library.
y is estimate at with
Tin- near
owned by David Hill
by Bow.
, damaged to extent
of Mr. Oven
nit ore.
other caught
fir- were put without
of the graded ml
net thin morning and to
grades the
building until a new can
be erected.
Ml large
fa must large
Mate thanes
reach the y u a; at.
the i
steady job at
salary. mm
have that men c n
I attain d have
their aims to
keep with sell
confidence and at
they did
not believe r i I
ii i i.
to nave large T-.
tr la ad
i tit
China, that tbs
one of
We have BO r ills of M I . . .
Chamber are very Blah
i asks. Don't fail to them. We h
. . where ; u
. . .
i; .
. It is a n are I Yon
to and i n- or m i ,. . u
b R . also,
An i. the n as.
. everything
Oak and
i- large or the quality too rich,
i- to
especially ii the
baa teen weakened by
and not
h . easily
l.-i ii-
I between weals, i
mere yon feel a weight
, . , t the after,
In new building fur the , I by a and drank a
grad-d .,.;, Liver and the of the snake would die
-our may avoided unscathed.
Tor by Wooten's Drag Store, trouble
Greenville. t man knows
For liver
Individual; y la
The . i
d in iii-
a i value to
After It is spirit
pleasure i
The .- j.- ribbon. Hie slip of
toe, of paper aw- at g
be card bears cannot afford to mis- our line,
express love and well
It Furniture, Rugs and Lace Z-,
Entirely and a
. .
Colonel Henry
told u story of an old down
south who was informed that if he
inn to
r ;
Lours i
ii t
Tonk to The System.
Cold in Manchuria Intense
tin- no; mi
Witt's Little Early the
famous pill.-. They do St. Peter-burg, Feb. a.
weaken the Their action ,
system la .
harmless. Bob Moore, of La. I latest reports, which m-
Fayette, Ind. says, the of a thud
Little Early Risers Russian general, the operations
do work. pills and the
have used gripe and make me sick i have
the old man said
plenty snakes, but I
git de
At close of business Jan.
. at
The firm F. XI. Hodges B. P., j
as Greenville St
f riming House is day dis Doe from
solved by mutual consent. All
d bis owing by the said firm
stock paid
A. H. Taft,
Silver coin,
m t he stomach and never cured me by the B. Bowie g to
suspended. The and all ; to the said
to be long sought relief- They fully repulsed the latest attack of
are simply Persons the Japanese eastward with heavy
paid to aid P. B.
F. M.
find Little Risers
remedy to carry hem
Sold at Store.
. i I
. .
j i.
I ; W
i t i ;.
to arc
I re -ii -r
do not apply on purchases of .
cs and i one.
N. C.
There is one thing that we do not claim in to do
and is to sell goods cheaper than they can be bought.
neither do we want ti create the that our store is
frill of shop worn, of style goods nor by filling our store
with show bills and sign we try to impress
ideas in your we are going out of business, but we
do wish it understood that we an receiving daily shipments
of in
and desirable with the folk of
Greenville and Pitt county, and we do hope that you will at
us with visit to see these many new things.
Pulley Bowen,
at The Methodist Church
The services held the
dist church were exceed-
interesting and helpful to
who attended them. ac-
count of the condition of the streets
and only a few persons
were present at the morning
The cold is still intense,
there being degrees of
there are indications that
arc to
inactivity on own account
-o as the weather moderates.
Speedy Relict
A salve that heals without a scar
is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
No remedy effects such speedy re-
lief. out Inn.
P H. Bowie.
7th, 1905.
M. in tie firm known
. Greenville
the at the
and on Fourth Thank-
literal patronage
I solicit
P. B. Bowie.
soothes, cools and heals all
vice, at night the congregation burns and bruises. A sure cure
for Piles and skin De-
Witt's l only genuine Witch j
Hazel Salve. Beware of counter-
are Sold at
Wooten's Drug Store.
was not large. But at each
vice i he congregation was
to presence and
of Lord.
At morning service Dr.
selected Ins text from
epistle of James effect- and Recaptured,
pet vent prayer of a righteous i One of the convicts the
mun j road made his
At night his text was selected day and was caught Monday night.
j I
Norfolk, Va.
Factors and handlers of
and Bags.
Letters from
Stale of North Pitt County.
I, J. It. of named do
swear that the above statement is t beet of my
and belief.
Subscribed sworn to before this 17th day of January
J. V. JOHNSTON, Public
R. L. Davis,
W. M
W. J. Turnage,
from Paul's epistle to the
grieve the
Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are
sealed unto of
As indicated the texts select-
ed for services th two dis-
were addressed Christians
and listened to with
attention by all present.
Services each day at a. m.
and o. People who love
God, desire the salvation of
the unsaved, of
lilies, are cordially in-
l to attend these and
aid In every Way possible, as
far a pi- slide, souls to
The of town
are invited I attend sci-
vices, give an honest bearing
to the thought-provoking
of this gifted net of God.
cured of Lame Alter Years
Sutler lug
been troubled with lame
back for fifteen years and I found
a complete recovery In the use of
A white prisoner also made
escape from the jail Their trouble nearly all begin
by cutting through the wall, but
was recaptured a few hours.
So, Persian dates in
packages. apples, prunes,
raisins, also anything wanted in goods can be
found at our place the lowest prices for class goods.
In Vegetables stock is replete.
In Fruits we have the best of oranges, apples,
grapes and grape fruit. Ask us for
Anything You Want in the Fruit Line.
have also Premier Butter and double cream
lion or other stomach disorder.
If the food falls to give strength Which there IS no better
your body, it Is because the Juices s j DON'T
. Is, tired feeling,
liver troubles.
yon well keeps yon
Mountain Tea will do.
Tea or Tablet.
Wooten's Drug Store
When yon feel a sense of weight
and oppression after it
nation and
John G Ind. Thin
liniment is also without an equal
for sprains and bruises. It is
sale by Wooten's Drug Store,
Greenville. t
by stomach and digestive organs j
are inadequate to transform the nutrient prop-
of the food blood. That iv
Coughs And Colds Indigestion. system is deprived of
, , , , amount of nourishment required to keep up
All coughs, colds and pulmonary and the result is that one or
complaints that are curable are I more of the delicate organs gradually grows
quickly cured One Minute and then weaker, until finally it is
diseased. Here a great mistake is made.
wore, steals of treating the diseased organ. The
doctors tn the land make this very
soul lies ii j mistake. Why should they
ens lungs, wards
Harmless and to
Sold at Drag
to see that the trouble is not there.
or Drug Store
All telephone subscribers will
please add No. Hearne, B, If,,
to their telephone list.
This remedy puts the stomach and
organs In a condition so
rich, red blood is sent coursing through
veins and arteries of every muscle.
and fiber throughout every organ of en
lire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
strength and vigor is soon restored each.
cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
have taken for nearly two months
meal and it is the only remedy
cave relief from he pains I
endured. Alter a time I would take but
a day. and now, keep a bottle
handy, I seldom need it. as it has cured ms,
Mrs. J. W. Center, N. Y.
Digests What You Eat.
Size holding times th
which tor cents.
by E. O. a CO.,
For Sale By
Baking Department conducted by Mr. J. M. He
s excelling himself in baking pies, buns bread,
macaroons, jumbles, cream puffs, etc.
Yours very truly,
J. A. Ricks Bro.
. . V
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to

I I I-
sell stuff. The Herald must
overlook that it is the distilleries
that feed the blind tigers.
in the post office at Greenville. N. C. as second class matter.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
Pitt County, N. C, Friday, 1905.
Henry Berry the notorious
outlaw of who has
long been a fugitive in Mexico,
wants to be forgiven and come back
home. Strikes he had stay
where he is. North has
had enough of him.
The Times thinks it
would unwise for the legislature
to I ho of the state on a
nature is same the
world over, and it would be
natural tor solicitors, if they wen
a salary, to overlook a
good many no corruptly.
bill it would easier for the
lawyers to convince them that the
of justice would be by
ease to gO
by default
Practically the same argument can
be used in favor of salaries instead
of The solicitor being
sated in fees naturally, as lie has the
In do, wants of
office to be as large as possible. The
hope making the fee often brings
trivial matters into court that would
never get there if the solicitor was
working fur a salary instead of
fees. A large number of minor of-
b could and would be disposed
of by magistrates and much costs
saved counties solicitors
were salaries, to nothing of
the eases that never to be
tried a I all
Senator J. F sends Tin
a hill
in and the charter o
the town i and is
published in this issue,
r bill was d in
Mond will be put upon
its p I is given tor
any om . i . ho ma i i
Tin roil thinks t
. an I
good will refrain from break-
the law, no matter how severe
the penalty, and little any good is
accomplished. The peaceful citizen
is. if anything, more at the of
the thug than before because the
former is seldom armed, while the
latter is nearly always prepared for
triable. Another thing is that DO
law can be successfully enforced tin- i
less public sentiment is behind it. ,
and many people believe it is an i
, , , , . . don t.
invasion of the right of a citizen to
say he shall not go armed if he has better luck hurting
wants to
Two weeks ago received a let
from ex Senator W R William
that at the time was accidentally
mislaid which will explain its not
bung given to our readers
now The letter
Falkland. X C , Jan.
a late issue of The
report Judge Allen in his
charge to the grand jury as saying
in gambling one of the worst
features was the gambling
in futures, but he thought the law
The Missouri legislature continues
in a deadlock on the election of a
senator. Such as this could be
avoided if senators were sleeted by ; defective and for that he
a direct rote of the people. did not charge the grand juries up-
Looks like the weather in Mr Editor, is it not Strange how
and thus far m February would
. . , . , . i wrangle each other It
convince the legislators that April ., . . . .
said them as
to meet. Hut it
blind tigers than of the
They are captured and convicted
there in bunches.
Durham is wishing the j
of the dying machine so her
people may a way of reaching
; the depot.
Mi. the secretary of Com
and of the United
States, was a guest at the banquet
given by the club of
High Point, Monday night, and in a
speech delivered on that occasion
said that North Carolina had made
wonderful progress along There are those who say they
lines during the past decade
than any other state . in backbone to
union He give figures to bear out
The fellow who advised the far-
to hold their cotton is getting
the assertion This is a high com
to the state, and that it has
been accomplished by the efforts, ,
the push, the energy of her own
people is all the more credit for such
achievement. North Carolina is in
Col. Sugg is the most jubilant of
the cotton bulls He says it was
a great state and possesses the . , .
just bound to come. a
of becoming the leading
state of the union.
i the bill introduced by Rep- breathe
. . Li .
all e
i . the use of Dutch nets in
riv r was . ii
legislature, the
r said re was much re
in tint K II Von
these lawyers differ, dissent and
scribes shall decide
when doc-tors disagree
Their opinions are like their watches
never alike yet each believes
In the legislature of saw
the need of doing something to pro-
the bucket shops and gambling
in and easily understood
the difficulty of drawing such a bill
that would stand the test of the courts
So I visited and
requested him to draw such a bill
and would present it. lie
ed, because he was an associate
justice of the Supreme court and
circumstances might bring some of
his own work before inform
ed him that it was well understood
the legislature intended to increase
the judges of the Supreme court lo
five members. He laughed and said
all right. The speculation in futures
was the vilest in all gambling and
ought to be Stopped
In about a week he gave me the
bill and said that he had prepared
it with great care and had submit-
it to the attorney general, and j
i had no doubt it would stand the
I test of the courts.
Mr- please turn to
aW, of 1889, , B chapter
Just expected, Don.
The legislature has passed half its
d time and the state can soon
. nation did not explain.
a letter
i wrote every word of it. He was
one of the very greatest lawyers old
i ever produced, and
No tears are being shed over the one of the beat and men in
in cotton. m Superior
court judges going around tacitly
i informing the people the man
who was almost elected unanimously
as bad i the i.
no depriving many people on the
in Ore ll placing of of a
. . ii . i n them is
needless, is not b i n cl
view it is r h Me
the r turn to u
saloons, ll of an
election being held on the question
,., In and in the event
the i i i win the charier
fixes the license tax without leaving
ii to the discretion of the aldermen
The change consolidates the
office of list taker and
clerk will a n to the town.
The Charlotte Observer takes a
position on the question of carrying
concealed that we believe
is thoroughly sound That paper
paper in which he says the
rejoicing U . general as Favor
He declares that the The proposition toe to the highest position by the voters
i nets have bu up a to on at the ballot box-that of
battle to Henry A. Wyatt, of did not know how to write a
I North Carolina, first bill that would Or a;
f tidier kill d in the Civil war, leas that is the plain inference.
should enlist tin favorable attention For years I watched
of the members of that body Wyatt I this bill, and I have heard
was mt ;, boy. There are men two judges ever noticed or
m today who saw him to have remembered that we
shot down as ha advanced across an had such a law upon our statute
open to sol lire to a house behind I books. These two were Judges
which a body of Federals were mass- Connor and John Bridgers, the lat-
ed, and from which position they whilst presiding over the
Laughinghouse bill
bill Ii i hi come law.
will hear something now
ii ind It quarters Rep
resent has intro
at bill to put a tax of per
hi ad on d -gs He will cussed
fr in one end of the state to the
other dog owners but U
able to bear it. He is on the right
trail and if he his bill there
ought to a monument erected to
hi- honor-
were able to command the
position. Hie story Wyatt a
court, of county
Recently I sen in a newspaper that
bravery and of hie death is familiar quite
. . , , nous m urging it to the
to all North but not to
the outside world. all means,
have a monument.
bill to reduce passenger fares
on railroads to cents a mile will
bring on one of the hardest lights
of any matter before the present
legislature The railroads are uniting
against but looks to like a
uniform rate of cents and abolish-
second class fares would put money
ware b to make more
the of the man who
used the weep m against his fellow pockets in the, long run.
than to continue to legislate against I
the mere act of carrying the weapon. wants
If the weapons
could be rigidly enforced, the theory
upon which it was enacted would
probably be out is, only
know why the distilleries are
such on effort to continue in
business when nobody is allowed to
Ninety Sixth Birthday.
Mr John of
ville township, celebrated bis nine-
birthday recently About
one hundred of bis neighbors and
friends participated in the
which proved to be a most en
event Mr. has
four children living. They arc
Filmore aged Mrs.
Mary K. Crater, aged CO; W. H.
aged I'm, and Mrs.
line Spaugh, aged years. He
makes his home with the latter.
From present indications
bids fair to reach the
lion of the grand jury.
I firmly believe Judge Allen
is incapable of making a decision
not in accordance with his
conscience or his most thoughtful
convictions, and yet I cannot help
believing in this matter he is
mistaken and his judgment,
We know Judge Allen is a good
judge and an aide lawyer, but we
also know that perfection is an en-
that neither Providence or
evolution has, as yet, vouchsafed to
man. W. R.
Notice .
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will petition the leg
to recharter town of
Pitt county, N. C.
J- Smith, mayor.
C. K. L. Davis, G.
O Barrett, J. D. John
R. Joyner. Commissioners.
1-9 ltd
Optimists believe that Dr. Ste-
Smith, Burgeon of the eye de-
Nottingham, has dis-
covered a new treatment of the eye
which will practically abolish
It is styled of
the and is gentle and gradual,
occupying s minutes daily,
no pain and having no injurious
effect of any sort. Some patients
are cured in u week, and in all cases
improvement is rapid.
Thirty patients who had been
obliged to wear spectacles for a long
time have so far been treated by Dr.
Smith, and. with a single exception,
all have discarded glasses and can
now read at either long or short
distances, as well as people who have
never needed assistance.
The cures of myopia,
and astigmatism are said to
graph. .
An Elephant's Strength.
The elephant is great as a
power. Experiments have
shown that a horse pulls about one-
sixth of its own weight, whereas an
elephant can poll its entire weight.
This might be emphasized by the
fact that an elephant is six times
as big as a horse. In India
it has been the custom to
utilize elephants to push instead of
pull wagons, but now it has been
shown that they are as
pullers. Two of them in carefully
arranged tests raised pounds.
One raised a safe weighing more
than n ton. That was dead weight,
and the feat, as one will see, is
from mere pulling.
at Bridgeport there was a tug of
war between elephants and a loco-
motive, in which the huge beasts de-
surprising pulling power.
The engine was nearly wrecked.
An Business.
When a established
is spoken of, fifty or a
considered a very re-
continuity ibis
try. In though, they
have just set About repairing a
building, the of the Stag,
which has been constantly occupied
as a though not, of
course, by the same ever since
before in which year a
-till if to
the fast an
apothecary, carried on Ids business
there. The old in the course
of its on-, restorations has yield-
ed up a tree of i Id coins dating,
however, only far bock as the
reign of Louis XV. Cleveland
African Lake,
In distance southeast
of Lake in central Africa,
Livingstone red Lake
a body of rater about thirty miles
long and miles which
has now entirely disappeared with
the except ii n of a ponds in its
bed. Lake discovered by
Livingstone at the same time, has
also disappeared. The cause of the
change appears to be a gradual dry-
up of bodies of water in central
Africa. As marking the of
a single half century the changes
named, with no doubt other equally
important, but show
a rapidity of i ion in e in-
land waters no; c cl in
the o o. ti
The monarch who
can boa-t of . . i-
raised in his i the
man emperor. . ago when
the . In.; ., Pi
iris, tall and
strong, formed elves into a
mount ed and offered
their services Their
offer was . b the number
of the to
The uniform of the regiment was of
navy blue cloth trimmed with gold,
and the effect was decidedly
Getting to It.
New York pays per thousand
cubic feet for gas which costs but
cents to manufacture, per
year for limited telephone service
when London gels an unlimited
service for less than hall the price,
and C cents for Q two and n half
cent on the street car, half the
time without a seat. New York has
become to corporate
extortion that it submits with all
1.1-.-- of
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C. Feb. 1905
Highest price for cotton need
paid by Oil Mill.
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart hubs to A. Q. Cox Mfg.
Co. Fat in kind
Don't worry over that little lot
of cotton you had over when
you got through ginning your bast
lots. he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton in quantity the
r best market price paid every
Finest line of dress goods in
G. f and Co.
It you arc in need of
skirt and waist goods,
call on R. G. Chapman Co
R. G. Co just
received a car load of salt prices
Miss Lee Nichols, of Standard,
was here last week visiting Miss
Protect your feet by wearing
good R. G. Chapman
Co. have the kind size you
School books, pens,
pencils and school supplies of ail
kinds can be found t the drug
at H. I,. Johnson.
Go to T. N. Manning Co. for
fresh and
load of No Timothy Hay,
just received by Harrington, Bar-
Being in position to
class raw material cheap, having
with which to do our
work, being able to save and
work up nearly all of our
arc a few of the reasons why we
can save our
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Prof. F. C. Nye be he-
Mine heir to a fortune. It is boy.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save .
Winterville Mfg. Co.
For seed oats, plow castings and
all kinds of farmers supplies, see
A. W. Co.
t For quills and quilting cotton
t cotton A. V. . and Go.
J. F. Allen and Crave
of Greenville, were Friday.
Window and door frames, porch
columns, brackets and all kinds of
house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Bargains tor the people Prices
Right II. L. Johnson.
For fresh meat beef, and
Go to H. L. Johnson.
Car load nice Furniture just in.
A. W. and Co.
J. L. of Greenville, was
here Friday.
A full line of T. W.
Sons garden seed always on hand
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
For corn and seed oats go to
, Ange Co.
Bring me your turkeys I pay the
highest L. Johnson.
Big of Royal dour
just received. Prices
G. Co.
Pitt County Oil Mill is now
buying Cotton Seed. They pay
the highest cash price or will ex
change for meal. When yours
are ready write for prices.
Miss Sissie of Grifton,
-is visiting Miss near
, . For axes hoes shovels forks
spades go to A. W. Ange's.
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. Ange a Co.
wood cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
G. R. Dixon got his hand
fully mashed at the lathe, of
A. G. Cox, Mfg. Co.
Alex Blow Jr., and Carl Parker,
of Greenville, were our town
For shoes at a low price and best
quality. See H. L. Johnson.
A few sieves at R. G.
Co's. cheap.
road overseers
of supervisors of public
j roads will meet in Ayden at
a m. Feb. at J. L. Stokes office.
J. L. Hobgood, Chm.
biscuit sure to kill the rats
mice at Barber X
Car load of oats just received.
j Harrington Barber Co.
Best Hue of plows and plow
castings. Harrington Barber Co.
A large lot of MI dress goods,
j percale at A. W. Co.
Car load of Flour, just in
Barber Co.
Nannie of near
Jack, was here Tuesday.
Sam Runt, an employee of the
Winterville Mfg. Co., had his
hand cut by the band saw, a few
days ago. It was right painful
Dr. Cox had to take a few stitches
on it.
We also carry a line of
overcoats, boots and
jackets the very thing for
rainy weather at Harrington Bar-
A. D Johnson, George
and F. B. Tucker, went to
in the snow Saturday.
It would surprise you to see the
number of and carts that
is being shipped and sold by A. G.
Mfg. Co., bat we were in their
shop yesterday and they had a
nice lot of work just being com-
their limber was fine.
Dr. Cox, W. Ange, Frank
Harrington L. L.
went to Greenville Tuesday.
A. G. Co- has two car
loads of different styles of farm
fence and their prices are low.
had better go and make
selections soon.
White's Colic and Kidney Care,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock am a sine
Miss is
teaching at Forbes house,
Was home Saturday and Sunday.
For fruits go
to H. G. and Co. They
have a choice lot.
have just opened up a big
line of shoes, styles up to-date.
Prices from to
Harrington Barber Co.
had as pretty streets
as any city the United States
Saturday and Sunday.
For white goods, ladies collars,
ties, go A. I
W. Ange A Co , they have a
I repair shoes and work,
to me either at my
house or the buggy shop.
Henry Nelson.
For sale sows and pigs, write
o. apply to K. F. D.
No. Winterville, N. C.
John of Washing
was here Tuesday.
Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, tine for perfectly
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
R. G. Chapman, Co, say that
they have a full assortment of
general and price
re right.
Change of Telephone Managers.
II. M. Phillips, who for the past,
year has been local manager of
Home Telephone Telegraph Co.
here, has and left
Sunday morning for Henderson.
He is here by II. P. J.
Williams, at who has
arrived and entered his;
duties as manager of the Green- j
ville Mr. Williams has
manager at
two years and has proven
efficient in telephone He
comes, well recommended is
I Cordially welcomed to Greenville
Frank Wilson's,
Snow at
Wilmington, N. Feb.
Wilmington was visit-
led by the first storm of the
season last night.
the thermometer registered MS low
degrees, some damage
was dune to the cabbage crop Li
I North Carolina, Bat
extent of will lie known fir
several days.
Lettuce under
damaged in lie
In, I, in Hies i
Comforts the heart,
the Is gin, ill ell.
Makes the face bright a- he j
mer morn,
Kooky Mountain Tea will
Cures when all else fails, cents
C. L
At the close of business January 11th.
Loans and discounts Capital stock paid in
Overdrafts, unsecured 2.44 Undivided profits
Furniture and fixtures 609.94 Time certificate of 600.001
Due from 16,938.42 Deposit es sub. to check 20,827.80
Cashier's 267.251
Prices Govern the Sale.
We are showing, this week, a
new line of white goods in all
We have a special in White
Pique for this week, worth
we are selling for
New Ginghams, Laces,
A. F and Hanover
worth and
assorted lot for
126,651.22 Total
Slate of North of Pitt,
f, H. H. Taylor, of named hank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief H. H. TAYLOR Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to before Attest,
me, this 20th of 1905 R. J.

. .
Program for Saturday, Feb
B. L Myers
Washington daily,
a. m Greenville, leave;
ill d except B
M . .
it Washington with
fork, Ba ti
Philadelphia, New York loath,
v. . Ii ad
,. by OM
If, II I K
x. i;
i . on from
following ran
111- of
Le X. C.
. i .;
, from
i. I
v Notice.
. .
N. C
Vice idea
Beach Street. H. Y
. . .;.
And all .
m ire M-1
S- C
I ; el bin Va
. v, an
. N Y.
. . . L-
. .
Si Mo
i Hi Mi-s.
. .
. IV. d
Turkeys, . .
by i .
M; I U
quantity. t
. m
, e .
k . den, iii .
. ;,
; Ha-.-
.-. batter, Ne
; d
i., ,, .
have sold my market
t James
I my friend and
tor the
they me in the market
i-u-ii and I now them
fa me with their trade
airy a
id. work,
Mi Kai v s.
Fourth p on
i tor
M i
work, Hod e
Presentation history
All be present
the opening if they to ten
i In entire The will
be assigned us if they wore in a
It will lie shown
that a
can and to be If not
do not if you
Cannot use re of .
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
grade hist
I White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line, ft has behind it a
reputation for wares and honorable
dealings. .
Heavy and Groceries
and can supply your wants.
Goods delivered where in
J. S. Keel.
School Books
School Supplies.
If You Need
an Book
We've dot It.
All Kinds Of-
and anything carried in
a Book Store.
Not Quite
How often you get a
nail or screw driver or
larking. Have a good
tool lox and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is all you desire, and
we will see that your tool
box dos not a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Notice is hereby given that s. S
Smith eaters and claims the following
described vacant land, to Lying in
township, Pitt county, North
Carolina, on Indian Well Swamp
flat Branch, adjoining the lands of
John Moore, Wm. Mills heirs, Claude
heirs. John S n and
Containing seventy-live
acres more or less. Any person,
persons claiming title to or interest in,
the above land, must file.
their protest with in writing within
the next thirty days, against the issue-
of a warrant, or they will be
ed by law. 10th,
Entry Taker for Pitt
, Small Bottle of Chi
j Colic, i
Mr G. W. I
; Ala., relates on he .
while serving on a jury in
in tinier at
scat of Ala-1
He there
ate some fresh neat and some
souse meat and it gave me cholera j
in a very severe
was never sick in my life j
sent to the drug store for a certain j j
mixture, Gut the
sent me a of i
I Remedy instead, that be
; Sad I sent for, but that this
was so much he I
j rather send to US in he
i I a hi. I took dose of
j it and was better live minutes.
second dose cured me entire-1
, Two fellow jurors were afflict-1
tbs same manner and one I
If you use the Harrison
never worry quality.
Paints you need
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
mail i cured the three of
For fide at Drug
Did Not Advertise.
The st is told of old
who bought pair of lock
found attached to one a piper
with these words. am a young
la of twenty would like to
Letters of administration on the es-
of W T. deceased, having
is hereby to all persons having view The
on or before the 7th day of wrote a few days got this
February, or this will be
of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate are
report. married
twenty years Evidently the
quested to make immediate payment ,,.,. bought those
to me,
the 7th day of February,
H. W. Smith
Jarvis Atty.
socks of did not or he
would have sold them long ago.
My mother me your letter
and said possibly might suit. lam
No Moore Stomach Troubles
Having qualified before the
Superior court clerk of county j
Executor of last will testament of I
Mrs. Ada Moore, wife of Rickey I
Moore, debased, notice is hereby Ail Stomach is by
en to all persons having ,. Dyspepsia Cure.
U- I It gives the perfect rest
by digesting what you eat without
the aid. The food builds
no the tin- rest me
I t health. hive
I to diet yourself when
j Dyspepsia. Core, J.
Mich., says,
Dr. D. L.
e estate to
lent the same on
j fore the of Dec., or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery.
All persons indebted to the estate
are notified to make Immediate pay-
to the undersigned.
This 22nd day of Dee.,
C. A.
Executor of Ada Moore.
Heartburn Stomach
Mil My
has bed the same trouble
Greenville, N. C. notable to eat for six
i no. a i, weeks. She lived entirely on warm
; MARBLE MONUMENTAL WORK After taking two bottles of
OF DESCRIPTION. Dyspepsia due she was en-
Cured. She now
and is in good health. lam glad
to say gave me instant, re-
Sold at Wooten's Drug
and 9178,741.48
Stocks, securities, et.
Due from Beaks 42.502.18
Cash 2,511.08
silver Coin 6,261.82
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, day of Jan., 1905.
Notary Public.
J. G. MO YE,
Iron Fencing Sold.
If ducks were turned out
they could plenty of
Stock paid in 825,000.00
Undivided Profits
Expense- Paid 6,829.28
Deposit subject to check 207,717.74
Due to Banks,
Cashier's checks out-
North Carolina,
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the Enquirer.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. Victor Safe Lock Co.,
Cincinnati, received, to day, the Grand Prize at the World's
Fair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes
and general line of fire and burglar-proof safes and i
their magnificent display taking first prize over all
tors for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
M. C, Feb. 7th 1905.
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern take
great pleasure in receiving sub
willing receipts for
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive wail at
this We also take orders
for job
Swift Creek,
the day here
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, By for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
N. C
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Anything in
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, ware
come to see us, Hart
Call examine our line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the
of material
Milling Mtg. Co.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy fancy
Car and
seed oats at J. R.
Smith Bro.
A. P. Murray
Just received, fine line of
fit you up in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Call on s for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, better
to be had
E. G. Murray, who has been on
a visit to relatives here, has re
turned to Ms borne In
Just a to will bring
We are offering good values for
the money in shoes, bats, caps,
rugs eat pets, mattings, tables and
floor oil cloth Cannon Si Tyson.
For peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to B. E.
ft On.
if you do set secure
of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than ours,
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co.,
den, N.
Wears Headquarters
dais, light neat Harness,
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C
Joe is a c
visitor to Greenville.
J. It. Smith Bro treat all their
custom with greatest respect
all st e extended an
to call at their
Large shipment spring dry
goods and notions just opened at
J. R. Smith Bro.
The place to wire
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co. have a big
lot of the American fence and
Pittsburgh perfect fence, also
staples bard wire. Be sure to
get their prices before buying
your spring supply of fence.
A D. Johnson, F. B. Tucker
and G. A. Kittrell. of
were all here Saturday.
Artistic treatment applied by
Cox, the insurance specialist. Pop-
Car lime, and
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Car salt, fine and coarse at J.
It. Smith Bro.
Bed and white Bliss potatoes at
J. B. Smith Bro.
Harvey Cox came over
Sunday evening.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
town and
paints colors in oil, white lead,
turpentine- at J. B. Smith A
u lam now prepared to serve
the public as
J. M. Manager and Agent.
For cotton seed bulls, meal hay, Go to E. E. new
Fine oats Ac go to Jackson.
The latest thing in shoes. Call
at W. C. Jackson and
Anyone wishing to have work-
done in this line -will please call
f you want a , on time
Don't fail to see Cannon Ty-
son's crockery both and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
Come to see when you
to buy Independent Manufactured
we handle Trust
goods, Hart us.
In the parlor of the ; hotel
just opposite the depot you will
Cox, the insurance specialist.
W F. Hart o
Thursday and returned Friday.
Now we have the
and cart
and will sell
hi- one.
Ayden stilling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N C.
Hewing machines at J. B. Smith their friend forever. Try them,
j Bro.
One horse as good as new
I for sale by J. B. Smith A Bro.
A here attend-
market beef, means, a pair of pants or shoe. Try W.,
sage, and fresh fish. Jackson Co. Yours to please.
C. Jackson Co. will pay The ladies especially l
you highest prices for your Furs,. pleased f will visit sod pat-
Hides J. R. Smith , Surveyor.
Last Sunday it was reported a Peter e. e torn N- c Jan- i;
very popular young couple bad New and
slip ed out in the country and went back last night. . . g M I A
were married. Later development Cook Heating J. I II, t.
proved a myth some folks Smith A Bro. AYDEN. C
ate not quite so gad a they might j J. R. Smith c ill a tent ion
have been. to their poultry now on PERUVIAN CO V PAW
the con- for sale. COMPANY. In porter.
and grocers a Bead at J. B. A Wilmington, N C.
special of u.,;. j, n
, . , , . , desiring a Aral
the public to see. They G. E. Jackson on I is way will do well b
up no-date firm handling to Is
only the freshest, newest J lately fell down sprained his
latest in line. To try them badly. We hope be
will you to try , may he all right In or I
them All at k is the J Mr. Jackson is an gentle
first trial then you will be man and best c.
We to
Polite clerks, good goods and Ac. for we. ex-
sun able prices at the of J. change
Bro. Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden, K. C Supplier Needles, Oil,
inclemency of the Baby ladies Bands, etc. for ail s of
to see me.
N. C.
ed the at weather the meeting of the board I cloaks at J. B. Smith A Bro.
The ladies say that
Tyson have the, prettiest of
dress goods town.
Notice you want
your ginned nice clean.
in order you might realize
better prices for it, bring it to he
Ayden Milling A Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. C.
Tyson are
Of of public roads last-----
Saturday was a FOP P
J. P. Smith Bro. are offering s
special inducements to the trade in For S syrup Soda
winter goods. The public Fountain, cants loss of
are invited to call Terms Cash or I
investigate entire Mock at and below j
all sizes and pi lees at J. consisting of jewelry, I
R. Smith A Bro. guns, pistols, rifle,
John A. Cox, shirts and other
W. Va. and Miss of fancy Christmas religious
or write them
J. H. Tripp
Coiner st Ayden
and medical books.
Old Dr. bucks sow H.
Ayden, N. C.
Pair, in
the most up to date line of Md., an;
ever to this market, j their sister, Mrs. C. A.
Frames for enlarged photos place,
each. of pictures bushels
each just received at W, C. I peas at J. B. Smith A
Jackson A. Co's. e manufacture boggle seats for
A dispensary at this is be- that arc simply the
in-agitated smoothest, seat on the market All parties owing taxes to the
Ayden Milling A Mfg . ,., n for the year 1904,
Carpet cloth and tare notified to corn forward and
I at J. B. Smith ft Bro. pay same on or before February
Quail on toast, fry and or I shall proceed
. This January
W. P.
Ayden, N. C.
Open for the traveling public
Nice Rooms, Good Table Pare
and Accommodations.
Terms per Day.
your eggs chickens
W. Jackson Co.
eases high
point shoe
men, women and at j. R. j cream milk aw some of the col
delicacies to be enjoyed at any 1905.
If it give yon
your dealer
pay you returning it.
Ii. P. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
Smith A Bro.
This snow acme respects I
line notions . ,
in disguise.
Yard wide yard f. .
J. B. Smith ft Bro. tiling well as .
second order once at tow
and and caps friend.
now on sale at Smith Bro. s are worst,
Snow or no snow the tax collect 1101.0. If your
or is around knocking at the doors.-eve tire, call help.
Curry turkeys, chickens, Taylor n graduate optician,
Town Tax
eggs, bacon, and prod to
Ii. Smith Bro.
of the
Ayden, X. en
right at reasonable prices. Noted
doctors d wrong eye
pits of the 5th and were
excused from attendance at the
Dr. celebrated tablets,
best medicine oh market at J
R. Smith A Bro.
You wilt
Cox writes
V Is the in ire of an
than Because
be can hold his ease down better
to loan to our of
in Pit on securities, Hay, cotton seed meal and hulls
Cox arrange it. st J. B. Smith a Bro.
At the close of business Jan. 1905.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Demand Loins
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
Bank notes
U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to 38,029.08
to I
stock DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of TA-
nil kinds
TOILET articles,
I goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-staff, Cigars, Cigar-
wing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
es, Beet of Brush
es of all kinds.
script com
Located on Bail road
BI furnished the sporting
public for ; rice
Ana Provisions
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brisk Block,
Ayden, N. C.
Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Goods kept on-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
G R E E N V I L I- E
North Carol i
y pis
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, and
one. Private Wires to New
and New Orleans.

The Big Store
Is too full of goods and they must be con-
into cash at the quickest possible
Prices on even thing marked right
down in plain figures.
Every purchase is a BARGAIN and
you can get your share of them by coming
C. T.
Wednesday, Feb. 8th.
Barry went ii Raleigh
Hi day.
H. left Tuesday
i for Kinston.
B. O. returned this
morning from
S. T Honker returned Tuesday
evening from Washington,
Miss Sadie to
Bin-sell ibis morning. Miss Lena
Sing accompanied her
Mrs Paul Brown, of
who has been visiting her other,
F. Clare, this morning
Mrs. R. Davenport, of
who been visiting her
sou, J. F. Davenport,
home today.
F M. Hornaday came home
Tuesday evening from
College, Durham, to recuperate
from sickness.
J. S. Norman left this morning
for Baltimore. He has accepted a
position with the Standard Oil
Company and will have his
quarters at
Art Calendar.
The new art calendar for
1905 is one of moat beautiful cal-
ever issued. Six sheets of
heavy enameled paper contain on
one side six beautiful color de-
signs of babies and children, while
on the reverse sides are drawings
depicting child life, with spaces
for the of baby's
Sent postpaid by
the Chemical Company of
Baltimore, Md., two wrappers
from soap, or one wrapper
cents; or for cents a cal-
d a cake
will be sent.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following J
couples last
J. T Mobley Lissie B.
J. R. Haddock and
Claude Edwards Elizabeth
Harrison Ada Lang- .
J. Bennett and Mollie
Greenville, N C.
Dear What's the penalty
for selling paint in
What is adulterated paint
Is clay Is chalk paint
Is paint Is lime paint
Is benzine Is water Is soap Is
We know what is; what, is not is
the question. Apparently nothing
is not; but we're only a
manufacturer, not a lawyer.
is paint, all paint; and
lull no whitewash; no
g. We what is; what
is is the question.
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells
Wonderful Nerve
Is displayed by many a man en-
during pains of accidental Cuts,
Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Sore feet or stiff joints, But theres
no need for it.
Salve will kill the cure
trouble. It's the best salve on
for Piles, too. at J. L.
Drug Store.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
vol. No.
Much Business Transacted at February
The board of county commission-
in regular monthly session
the all members being
Orders aggregating the follow-
amount-, were drawn on the
For paupers
county home coroner
42.30; bridges
ferries record 32.-
none jail
convict conveying
officer grand jury
court crier court costs
witness tickets
feeding jury tickets
smallpox clerk
superior court register
deeds commissioners
stock law territory
Monthly reports of treasurer
and superintendent of health were
examined approved.
The Ayden Lumber Co., was re-
funded taxes.
W. H. Moors was released from
school taxes in Farmville town-
Mary S. All n was refunded
cents s law
F. J, Brooks
taxi ,
L. was
taxes charged.
W. It. was released from
taxes on rel estate charged in
M. Dixon and John Dennis
were released from special school
taxes in township.
T. C. was from
taxes on real estate erroneously
T. W. was granted tree
peddler license.
Jesse Fleming and Dennis Chap-
man were released from poll tax.
A petition was presented for a
new public road in town-
rs. John Pollard placid
on pauper list for die month t
paid the pauper allowance
was Increased to
Jurors for March and
courts were drawn. The list for
March i as follows;
First Tripp, G
W I Randolph, J A Moore,
J A Tripp, Smith, John S
W Harvey, G L
Moore, M o Blount, J Dix-
in. J S Higgs, T M Hooker. Alex
J IT Gaskins, Jesse W
James, W S Newton, J B Smith.
week W R Baker, J
Harriss, J B White, Edgar Buck,
L J Jesse T
Evans, A B King. I E Hooker,
Nashville St., H A Tim-
G J H Boyd,
R B I Harrington, W
Galloway, J w Gannon, Jesse
M Edwards, W
J C Norman, W J
Bailey, J B Johnson,
n S. Gaskins,
ft Tyson, L G
B Nobles, M
n, W
; G. B.
i v
per, J H
L O Cox, W A Mill,
Stanley Moore, W H Jr., B
F Anderson, W L Brown, Charles
Stokes, W
Second F Chapman, L
N Edwards, G W Warren
Joseph B Cox, W C
Evans, W E Hammond, J W
W G Little, G F Evans,
Cox, Henry J G
They Enjoy the Class
There was a large attendance to-
day at the monthly meeting of the
teachers association. The exercises
were from former meetings
the Work today was by classes
in arithmetic, lending, geography
and other studies, it was exactly
like a model school and all present
received much enjoyment as well
as the work. The
Pit county are certain-
up with i in- times in their
and they are placing the
schools of the county in the
Bi fore the closed the
winners of the prizes for es-
says North history was
announced. The first prize, the Mary
medal, was award
i Miss Chapman was
presented in no speech by
Solicitor L. I. Moore, The second
a goto pen, was awarded to
Miss Novella Bunting and was
presented in a timely speech by
Prof. T. H. King, the
I each erg ion.
These annual prizes me
much in history
tin part of the school children.
ii pea
the two winning our
readers may have the benefit of
Health Condition
The January bulb I in I ate
board of health say tics
have sup health.
In counties, in
hat at l no rest
number in county; t
fever this being very prevail
in Madison; influenza and
with a great
cases Onslow. A ease of hydro-
phobia is reported from Guilford,
aim one lock-jaw from the same
county, Smallpox is reported
counties, Beaufort bases,
Cherokee Craven
Greene Hertford be
Hew Hanover, Onslow
many. Richmond Sampson
Scotland Union Wake
It will be
that low prevails from
the coast In the Tennessee hue.
Hog cholera is reported in
wick, Clay, and Sampson,
black-leg and
distemper horses in Ashe. No
diseases were reported in
Alleghany, Bertie, Buncombe,
and physical power. .
A large number of new bills
wen introduced in the house, but . Aldermen Voted to Have System
they all of a local nature. Putin
Senator Webb introduced a bill Representative of-j The hoard of held a
a bill to protect wood with board of
for the purpose of providing timber land, from fire. Thursday
funds to the .
u ., . , . . . to confer about matters per-
hospital, for th HOW HICKS STOOD. , the wafer work,
new bills to ; .
. . . . . , . ; electric lights I he improvement
the salary of generals; Hi, Predictions for February Weather and r ,,
; How They Turned Out Would soon be in to turn
genera ; to relieve The of h to
Worth of loss sustained by failure, Rev K. hanked on were being nude for
of bank to enlarge,,,, the
powers of the corporation n w-j c s w A
mission. never good
the new bills in weather; he is alway, belting on
were To regulate fishing In devil and high waters he
Tar rivers; to finds good, if
the law regulating telephone com- .,,,.
to amend the law concern for
is that there will be five storm
periods. The first will strike the
east about February or 5th;
the second about 9th or 10th;
third will be February 15th or
18th; the fourth n the to
121st, and the filth re 26th to
by non-residents; to
provide the same compensation for
county commissioners at special
meetings as at regular meetings; to
secure accurate reports of cotton
crops; to make obtaining goods by
false a felony.
Representative W.
Of these fourth, he declares,
,. , i will be the most violent, and will
of county, having died
., . . comprise to storms. One of
the previous evening, the house u .,,
out of respect to him
and no business session of that
branch was held.
The senate also held only a short
these will originate on self,
j and be warns all concerned lo
due notice. Many
i will be to the gales and
tidal waves will around
Continuing, he
barometer will drop to
low readings over most parts of
the country, and general rain
will visit
sis hours of p. m. the 19th.
gales and a sweeping
u and adjourned at noon in
respect lo the of
Phipps. Only a few bills
were introduced, and all special
matters went over to another day.
Fit I DAY.
Alter a stormy debar on the
Ward bill, which is an amend-j blizzard out at-d over the north
I have taken up a sow,
weighing one hundred
pounds, marked smooth crop in
both Owner can get same by
calling at home on the Tee
place House station, proving
property and paying charges.
Feb. J. T. Teel.
2-6 ltd
meat to the. law, that me. s
are passed its second reading in
the senate by a vote of to
Fleming made a fight for
his substitute but found that sen-
was against him and with
drew it,
Mr. Fleming said in advocating
substitute that he was favor
of police regulation for the sale
and manufacture of whiskey, and j
was in of the Watts law,
ii- interpretation by
platform, is in
town that does
not carry out the provisions of the
Waits act. He declared he was
opposed to i he Ward bill,
was to the
Democratic party, and
the temperance people, and
he therefore offered his substitute,
Dot offending the temperance
but showing them the true
temper of the temperance cause.
Se declared the Ward bill was a
fraud upon its face.
Mi. author of the bill,
to physical disabilities, said
be was unable to speak as he
wished but when Mr. Fleming
posed as the champion cf the
I forces and the advocate
I of the Democratic party the
; spokesman of the he was
j mistaken and self-deluded. His
own bill had pending a great
I days, every newspapers
in State had favored it, not
one word had been spoken In op-
position to it.
The Fleming substitute is a mis-
failure, it was intro-
to kill the Ward bill. But
if Mr. Fleming has made promises
to the distilleries of Pitt county,
has performed his duty well,
ii no A. H. Tali were
pointed as water and lights com-
to act with the improve-
hoard in selecting a
and arranging the schedule
of rents.
The aldermen also by unanimous
vote the board of
lo put a of
and instructed
with the committee
named above, which is also
the finance committee, to
for borrowing not lo exited
th s amount t be supplemented
by the town
The to meet
th present town will
cost approximately and
be constructed now
to wait later. the
sewerage there won id i
any renters of for
could not u-e ii
to take It
and light plants will
be for the I of
west should be counted
probabilities, all followed by high
barometer far reaching cold
The mil, who is always predict-
will hit it sometimes; he can-
not miss everything. This is
How about a handsome chair.
A Vandyke.
Bee our felt mattresses.
Tuft Vandyke.
Thursday, February 9th,,
Fred vent to I
It. L. Little, of Kins .,;. . r
L. I. V
veiling for R
J. returned Wednesday
from Norfolk.
W. K. Whichard, of i
land Norfolk, spent Wednesday
j night in town.
A few days of sunshine will put j W
the to work. of Hobgood, came Wednesday
.,. , , , evening to visit her ;. L.
New garden seed at
Bros. a-8
It is a fortunate family in which I Ben of
there is no sickness now. I has been visiting her T.
. , i L. home
our chamber suits
buying. Tuft A Vandyke.
I Gowan accompanied her
Matting rugs arriving daily,.
1-24 Taft j
., . . Friday, February 1905.
Celery, cabbage, onions,
toes, turnips, at S. M., L. I. Moore returned
I b
You can get a big slate or h big
tablet for cents at Reflector Rook
hire loggers to
haul gum logs to railroad. Ad-
dress, S. F. Dunn, Scotland Neck.
The Supreme has granted
licenses to twenty-live law-
Among the number is Pres-
ton S. of Pitt county.
The number of smokers who use morning for Mt. Airy,
the Reflector cigar is increasing.
It is the best cent smoke in
town. Sold only at Reflector Book morning for Jamesville.
H. Phillips went to Suffolk
J. J. Rogers, of Kinston, spent
today here.
Skinner went up the road
this morning.
W . T. Burton went to Kinston
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Harry Skinner left
Rev. A. A. Tyson left this
With three Reflector
force in bed and others hardly able
to work the reader can imagine
and Mr. Fleming has intern- troubles about the
language with all his j office.
Es-Gov. T. J. Jarvis returned
from Raleigh Thursday evening.
J. M. Taft came in from Hob-
good Thursday evening, on sick

Eastern reflector, 10 February 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 10, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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