Eastern reflector, 3 February 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Big Store
Is too full of goods and they must be con-
into cash at the quickest possible
Priced on everything marked right
down in plain figures.
Every purchase is a BARGAIN and
you can get your share of them by coming
Greenville, N- C.
Dear How it is get
things mixed This comes from
our agents, Messrs B. K. and Q.
W. Stickle, Rockaway, N. J.
A Rockaway man was going to
two houses, a year lead-
They induced him to
paint one by to
any loss it might bring him .
One of bis houses chalked off,
and he c. lied for a settlement.
The boot was on the wrong foot.
is the not
It was a mistake, not a
If lead-and
oil dues, it wouldn't stand a ghost
of a chance in the market.
Yours truly,
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. sells
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and sell
of Dr. King's New Dis-
for Consumption, Coughs
and and other medicines,
thereby defrauding the public.
This is to to beware of
such people, who to profit,
stealing the of
remedies which have been success-
fully disease, for over
years. A sure protection, to you
is our name the wrapper. Look
for it, on all Or. King's, or Buck-
if medics, as all others are
mere initiations. H. E
Co., Chicago, and
Original Observations,
Evil communications corrupt
the mails.
The world is learning that book
education the least of nil.
True friends umbrellas are
seldom at hand when wanted.
This would he a poor world
were it not the pleasures of
The hopeless pessimist is he who
can see no good body's mo-
Yon can't your
in the flowing of them
The man who goes bed after a
sin ill bird does not about get-
ting no with the lark.
It needs bin little foresight to
tell that be stomach and
liver r badly grave
trouble ahead, unless you take
the medicine tar your dis-
ease, as Mis. A Young, of
Clay, N. Y., did. She
of the liver
heart Was weakened,
I not eat. I a very
ban for a long lime, but
Bitters, I found just what I needed
for they quickly relieved
oared Best medicine for
weak Women. Sold under
by J L.
at a bottle.
Dr. Missing.
Richmond. Va. Feb.
Dr. E. E. assistant store-
of Baptist mission
board, is missing. He left here
weeks ago for the South on
business. He a- in Montgomery,
Ala,, ten days ago and was going
to Georgians
Ala, He did not either
place, and m ran be
obtained regarding him. wife
and children reside here.
are instantly and perfect
Salve. C. Rivenbark, Jr., of Nor-
folk, Va., burnt my
knee that it blistered
all over. Book s A mica Salve
stopped the vain, and healed it
a Also heals all
wounds sores, at J. L.
Wooten's, druggist.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
HUE IN 0.1.
and by water.
loss on ding
is fully He had insurance
for the entire
I The damage to his stock is
n I W M. Move Co., are damaged
fire Could Have Been Put out,
But Steam Engine Would j. p. Smith
Not Work. land clothing in his room had
About ii night; The ,,;
fire broke out in the upper story of i .
. B. L
E. M. T. H.
Jew-e I
Points and destroyed half of
building before I he flames could be ,.
This building wag a two story Co., and
ville Livery Co dam-
age in moving but most of them, ii
not an, hail insurance.
Mr. will rebuild as soon
stores and an office on the first
floor. The coiner-tore was
pied by W. S Co.,
other store by W. and j
the office by Jesse eight and J.
B. Higgs Over the latter
and is a lodge room occupied
the Red Men and the Junior
Older of American Mechanics
Over the comer store were several
small rooms. One of these was
used as a bed room by J. F. Smith,
a clerk for Mr. another as I
a bed room by E. L.
and his brother. Between these
two was a room used by Mr.
in which to store empty
boxes barrels. It was in this
room that the fire started,
how it originated cannot be
Mr. Smith had closed the store
am gone up to his room, and
ed back to the store to do
son writing. The
also In their room and he
topped to talk with them on his
down stairs. talking
the heard something roaring and
h back to his room to
He found his
as he had it, but as he
How about a handsome chair.
See our felt
Taft Vandyke.
See our chamber suits before
Taft Vandyke.
Matting and rugs arriving daily.
1-24 Taft Vandyke.
Celery, cabbage, onions,
toes, turnips, at M.
This is the second and shot test
month of the year, and may be
the coldest.
A number of colored people here
have sent a memorial to the leis
asking that no changes be
made law.
For Old Brick store,
either cash or on time. Good in-
vestment. Apply to R. Greene,
Washington, N. C.
A colored man fell oil t he
returning by the storage room I Myers at Washington, Tuesday
i light over the
the alarm.
A soon as the door of the
age room was broken open the
flan as burst out across the passage
ma it impossible to get the
con -tits of the room out.
A as the alarm was given
firemen and of
responded. The steam engine
to the cistern a block
i and had steam up in a reason-
time and a line of he run
to i e burning building, but when
the was made to turn a
stream on It was that the
e from some unaccountable
would not water.
y effort was made to get the
to work but failed.
The colored firemen also took
baud engine to the
and had a stream on the fire.
worked faithfully it is
due largely to their efforts that
the rite to one Motion
of he building. There was a
brick wall between the
two stores, but a door through this
the upper floor gave en-j
trance to the lodge quarters. Keep j
the fire from passing this door
night, and was drowned. It is sup-
posed he had gone the boat to
The Industrial Battles cl the World Test
the Steel in the Man.
A Boston business man, con-
among the successful
men commercial world,
grain m. not remain In
elevator not coal in the
The expression translated means
that something must be doing In I
world all the time. The purpose j
of world is keep moving,
The more we can do in the general
pushing it along the
greater success in life,
nearer we have come lo achieving
I our divine destiny. It docs not
noise and bluster about it.
names may never seek us
from the. midst a waiting throng
lit can ably do our portion in
world's work.
The point to remember
world i destined to move and
that each i us w individuals
most find hi certain work to do,
so that in the end it can be count-
ed in as a necessary valuable
portion of the whole. The best
lives are the most active. The
world is not a great resting place.
The best n en, the most successful
and those that accomplish any-
thing, everlastingly keep at it.
They never let go except to
for a new start, and mote
Vigorous, A good way to consider
it is that them will be plenty of
time, to rest and idle when we are
longer able to work and to do
for the great is in
Wars and claim few;
it is in Industrial battles where
most of us are required to test our
steel. he who best equips
himself for the fray aim continues
unceasingly is most often claimed
for the greatest victories.
not remain in the
nor the coal in the
New York Commercial.
A Remarkably Good Showing,
Rev. J. A. Hornaday called the
attention of the congregation at
the Methodist church Sunday to
the fact that the Sunday school
star class chart showed an
broken row of gold stars for the
day's To win a star a
class must an attendance of
per cent, or make good by get-
ting visitors who are not members
of the school or new scholars, an
exception made favor of
the class which has a
of about GO and is being
on an attendance of
to per cent. The officers
and teachers and several of the
have unbroken lines of
stars from beginning of the
chart, but i dry one of the
classes the officers and teachers
to win stars last Sunday is the best
showing that could be made.
Greenville Gets Grand Prize.
In the awarding of prizes at
was good work, the sec- j St. Louis fair, four grand prizes
of t he building had came to North Carolina
much adjoining property ville one of em. The exhibit
would have been destroyed with of leaf tobacco made by
guesting where the fire would ville tobacco board of trade, was
have stopped. It looked this prize. It is a
time like many in that, to Greenville that this town made
section would be lost, and best exhibit of tobacco. It
occupants moved out. j shows we have the best I in
It is hard to correctly estimate the world.
C, Feb. 1905.
Miss Lizzie Jones, who has been
visiting Mrs. Frank Whaley for
several days, returned Monday to
her home in Greenville.
E G. Cox, of was in
town Monday.
Mr. of
visited our town this week.
Mr. Latham, of Washington,
visited Monday.
Miss Coy Hoyle, of
is visiting Miss Laughing-
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stanley
spent Sunday with H. H. Stanley.
Mr. Mrs. Joe Jackson of
spent Sunday with
friends here
E. A. Stanley had quite a
hunt around here Saturday.
He made three -hots and killed
twelve partridges.
Miss Isabel Oakley visited Miss
Mabel Savage Monday.
Miss Lula Sexton spent Sunday
with Mrs. N. T. Cox.
a DAY.
. . i o I be t
in t doing. The
. I . i
i the
re a t a
i I r if he
C i suitable
marks be made Lo position of
Carolina Confederates
Gettysburg and other places. A
resolution was introduced to pay
ire expenses of inauguration.
v i executive
i no nominations made by Governor
new bill of general Stupor.
time the house was by
so Butler providing for an
appropriation of lo be
distributed among the public
The sen-lie almost unanimously
the joint resolution to
authorize Investigation of the
South Dakota claim against North
petitions for re
peal the merchants tax were
presented. Oily a few new bills
introduced, none of them of
In the house Representative
Little a petition from
citizens of Bethel asking the re-
of the act of 1908 prohibiting
i-ale of liquor two miles of a
church in Bethel. A bill to the
same effect was introduced.
No new bills of importance were
introduced. The bill to amend lb
homestead law was discussed but
went over to another day.
Long both the
and house were held. Among the
important bills in the senate
were To require fireproof
repositories for county records; to
repeal laws 1901 relative to in-
of election officers in
Federal courts; to define what
shall constitute of
meditation in murder cases.
the new bills in the
house were to provide for allotting
homesteads for lands held in com-
to register of deeds to
administer oaths on accounts; to
regulate the hours of labor in
manufacturing establishments; to
promote the use of school books in
public schools relating to
Carolina history.
, i e
i of
Couple Wed his at
So i . We. lie
Ian. , I
o'clock I be reside l
. sis of bi i
i be awing
Mr, o
. i S i in
pro iron me .
Miss Sadie Tel lair Pei I
of in n Baptist
for Women, Raleigh,
of No; th Carolina's Ii I
ugh tors.
officiating clergyman a Lr.
B. T Vann, president
University Women,
N. C, who in graceful
and Impressive style
them man wife.
The bride was gowned in green
with hat to
carried a La France
Miss Elise Vincent presided at
the piano, and as the of
the old
wedding march pealed the
bridal party entered the handsome-
decorated parlors in the follow
Misses Katie and
Mamie Helen Perry, of
sister the bride and
The bride was preceded by two
little flower girls, Madeline
and Ruth
The parlors were beautifully
and tastefully decorated with cut
flowers and ferns, color scheme
being green white
The out of town were Mr.
Jesse lather of the bride;
Messrs. U. B. Josey, brother of
groom; J. Y. Savage and W.
all Scotland Neck.
The many handsome pres-
attest the popularity of the
bride and groom.
Mr. and Mrs. Josey left the
train for Florida and other
Southern points.
William a farmer of
Iredell county, committed suicide
by hanging himself in his stables.
The first annual convention
the Southern Cotton Association
will meet in Asheville on August
Washington Duke, the oldest
citizen Durham, fell down in
his home a few days ago and
ed a hip He years
K. O. on
the Southern railway, was instant-
killed near Salisbury. He put
his head out the window when he
was struck by a mail crane.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will petition the leg
to recharter the town of
Pitt county, N. C.
J- S. Smith, mayor.
C. C. Joyner, R. L. Davis, G.
C. Barrett, J. D. Jones, John
R. Joyner. Commissioners.
1-9 ltd
Prof. Dove Vice President.
The North Carolina Association
of Superintendents of City Schools
held a in Raleigh last
week. At the election of officers
for the year Prof. W. B,
Dove, of Greenville, was chosen
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
Wm. Randolph and Hattie
W. E. West
Stocks Little.
Chas. Lettie Worth-
It. C. Josey and Sadie T. Perry.
J. L. Smith Rosa Jones.
Zeno Keel and Briley.
Swindell an Jennie
Aaron W and Lula Peyton
Geo. Crew and Mary B.
John Peyton and Mary Fore-
man .
Wm, Lawrence and Gay.
James Grimes and Hattie Can-
B. Chance Dora Perkins.
L. F. and Mitty Spark-
Polk Miller who has been with
friends here since Friday, loft this
for his home in Rich

At Our
Silks at Reduced
White Goods at
Reduced prices.
Embroideries and
at reduced Prices.
One Table Devoted
Silk Selling at Greatly Re
Waist patterns and Dress
patterns. Fancies and Black. Now is
time for
Is running over with New Goods. Arriving
Daily. Biggest and Prettiest line ever Shown on
this market.
They are worth your Attention.
Mattings, The Line ever carried in this town. Art
Squares from to they are the richest and prettiest de
I ever carried
Chairs, all kinds, cheap to the highly polished quartered
and leather seats. Side boards. Hall racks,
suits and
The Royal Elastic Felt and
three piece Bed, Are acknowledged to best in
the World and sold on positive guarantee. If no sat-
money refunded.
am better prepared than ever to
my cordially
invite you call at my store,
A. H. Taft,
Beautiful Figured Madras Dimities
Linen. all thrown on this
gain Table at
Piece down for this
Special Sale. Some,
Come Early and Get Your Pick.
Everything you want in the way of
I nice Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
I or tore.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Your friends,
Great Department Store.
codfish Persian dates in
packages, Evaporated California peaces and apples, prunes,
and raisins, also anything wanted in canned goods can be
found at our place at the lowest prices for first, class goods.
In Vegetables our stock is replete.
In Fruits we have the best of oranges, apples,
grapes and grape fruit. Ask us for
Anything You Want in the Fruit Line.
We have also Premier Butter and double cream
Cheese, than which there is no better.
our Baking Department conducted by Mr. J. M. He
is excelling himself in baking pies, buns bread,
late macaroons, jumbles, cream puffs, etc.
Yours very truly,
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Saving Virtue of a Bald Head.
A who fell Into
the icy waters of the Charles
recently in being
utilized by the Boston papers to
point h moral and adorn a
It seems that, the man did not I
drown because he was bald-headed.
This may strange at and
even second thought, but it is
pointed the man's bold
head, wet and shiny, reflected the
raj s of a, lantern,
the rescue It. would be
to know whether this;
man has been persistent of
hair-growing preparations, and if
so, if he now that, in Hie
universal order of things, all
work for our good in
of our occasional kick at fate.
Me., Journal.
Tonic to The System.
For liver troubles and constipation
their is nothing batter than De-
Witt's Little Early Bit ere, the
famous little pills. They do not
weaken the Stomach. Their action;
upon the system is mild, pleasant ,
Bob Moore, of La-J
Fayette, I nil., says, use
Little Early
do then work. Al. other pills
have used gripe make me sick j
in the stomach and never cured me
De W Little Early Risers proved
to be the long sought They
are simply Persons t
rind Little Risers
reliable remedy to carry with them
Sold at Drugstore.
Favors Early Adjournment.
A letter from Senator J. L.
Fleming to The states
that be favors an early adjourn-
of the legislature, and
those in this section having any
special legislation they wish con-,
should send the bills
early as possible. Do not neglect
this then blame your
and representatives if any matter
you send late cannot be upon.
The closing days of the legislature
arc usually too crowded for mat-
to proper
and this is due to the
Of sending in bills.
Never before in the history of Green-
ville had the opportunity to Buy
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Shoes
at such ridiculously Low Prices.
The Worlds greatest Clothing Sale is
now on in Full Blast at
Frank Wilson's,
And Unheard of Bargains in Ladies Goods
Sour Stomach
When quantity of food taken
is too large or quality too rich,
sour stomach to follow,
and especially so if the digestion
has been weakened by
Eat slowly not too freely
of easily digested food. Masticate
the thoroughly. Let five
hours elapse between meals, and
when you feel a fullness and weight
in the region of the after
eating, take Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets and the
stomach may be avoided.
For sale by Drug Store,
Greenville. f
High Prices dead below death reveals a of the
which can be found at our store
Cough And
All coughs, colds and pulmonary
complaints that are curable are
quickly cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm,
draws out and heals and
the lungs, wards off
Harmless and pleasant to
take. Sold at Drug
There's a girl pretty than Al-
A sweeter girl with a sailor
But the handsome girl you'll ever
Is the sensible girl who uses
Rocky Mountain Tea.
Drug Store.
It makes no difference how many
medicine have failed to care you,
if troubled with headache,
kidney or liver
troubles, Hollister's
Tea will make you well.
Beautiful and handsome
face are eloquent commendations.
Bright eyes are to a
man's heart. Hollister's
Tea makes bright eyes.
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Ding Store.
e have bought out the firm of A H Taft Co., and at their
former stand in Phoenix building will continue the
We have two stores, one Devoted to Dry
Goods, Shoes, and and one devoted to
Furniture and Stoves.
all wool cheviots inches wide to be sold at
quality of inch broad cloth to be sold at
quality of inch mohair cloth to be sold at
1.50 quality of broad cloth inches to be sold at
cloth all colors, to sold at
pieces of I oil taffeta silk guaranteed, to be sold at
pieces of 1.00 taffeta silk guaranteed,
Crepe de chine waist pattern l quality to be sold at
tin patterns 1.26 quality all colors to be sold
Into madras quality to be sold at
A P brand gingham fast best quality
inch percales grade opening day only for
prints the world over opening day only for
quality this sale
sheeting quality this sale
pieces Lancaster apron checks He quality this sale
and quality of inch drapery to be sold at
white linen finished waisting to be sold at
Our new line of Spring and white goods, Swiss
and Hamburg embroideries, For-
Oriental and Irish crochet laces.
and lot of Embroideries and lie qualities to be
sold this sale at
quality full width and length will be sold at
quality will be sold at
quality will be sold at
quality will be sold at
Ladies fleece lined this
grades best heavy cotton ribbed, this sale,
and G corsets best in the world grade, now
La Tosca and Vigilant corsets, sold opening day only
in pat and stock tip
Regina pat leather fox top
Auto tans,
Auto have blacks
child rim shoes
Don't fail to look at our table linen with napkins to match
full line of Ladies handkerchiefs and hose, etc.,. will
the bargain table.
Any article needed in your Parlor, Whose to get these Bargains, You or Your
Sitting Room, Bed Room, Dining Room o
Kitchen, we can furnish promptly.
Give us a call and we will you,
Having dull qualified In-fore the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
Executor of hist will testament of
Mrs. Alia Moon-, wife of Rickey
Moore, deceased, notice Is hereby
en to all persons having claims
against the estate to
sent the same for payment on or be-
fore the. of Dec., 1905, or this no-
will he plead in bar of recovery.
All persons indebted to the estate
are, notified to make Immediate pay-
to the undersigned.
This 22nd day of 1904.
i c. A. Tucker.
Executor of Ada
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
change meal and hulls for Heed
bags and pay all
Write us when
are ready to sell exchange
Washington, N. C.
A Square Deal, Satisfaction or money back-. matter how-
low the price. Style, Quality, Workmanship and correct
Sale doses in Days.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pres-
Private Wires to New
t mid New Orleans.
J f. k
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence shipment

K V.
Id it.- port at Greenville, H. I ., m matter,
advertising rates mads upon
correspondent desired at every oilier Id Pitt end adjoining count
u to
Pitt Count, S. Friday,
Charlotte raises
Yon do nut catch the nap Mr. Page's Plight
time, as B Page, N
in attempting Lo Hank C, is in a plight, comes
i , rarely v of congress. He
shows i.
is tin- treasurer owner
Mr. Duke's side of the muddle and Aberdeen Bail-
baa been given. Mrs Duke's is f
wrack that road other
evening, in which O. A Ogles-
pastor of a neighboring church,
By the way, what has become of h ,,.,.
that Baltic Beet was over led on the road
. Mr Page was doubly grieved over
A Two And A Cent I the occurrence because it was
for road and also foe-
timely point the matter of the The bill of Representative Laugh- the victim was his warm
There no questioning the fact lease of the Atlantic North W of Pitt.-to make friend.
.,, the f But, to add to hi. troubles, .
that mi railroads in North Carolina except page y the
of the town are ago, and the action independent lines, one that v. was that the
some Greenville, other towns along the road , congress should be the
and it is attracting attention to the have the legislature set the lease railroads have wished away with administrator of the estate As the
town from far and near The large aside comes too late
advertisers here shows that the town i
has progressive business men. The Atlanta Constitution is fixing class car provided ii involve
Their liberal use of printer's ink not to give telephone exchanges plenty increasing the fare charged to poorer
two fares and two sets of ears, and
the public will approve an act per-1 Ml. p.,, j
mining the abolition of second j in delicate position to have to sue
his own road. At the same time he
only draws trade from quite a dis-
but also arouses the interest
and admiration business men in
does not like to refuse compliance
of applicants for operators. That; people who travel lint they will not a dying friends request.
paper says that soft at; permit the increase of the rate from ; Washington
i ii- cents to cents per mile, even
central is a winning thing, and. .
i , i , i some other States permit railroads I
Other towns Nor doe- it Stop there, that percent of the telephone girls,
for even a number of wholesale get married every year. three cents.
In uses and manufacturers in North-
and Western cities who do
with the merchants of Green-
ville have written for copies of I III
they might get a
better idea of the spirit
among our business men.
The statement made in
of Saturday, January, 21st,
that it had twenty-two columns of
home advertisements that day, was
The Black
Some time ago the physicians of
, . , this organized and got up a
I he tune has come when travel-. .,, , , , ,
,,.,,,, , i list All who had
The question of how much cotton public nave a reduction, , . . .,
H to pay doctors bills were put on the
he will this is a more passenger rates. I en years .
win s a r list, and the medical men agreed not
one with the farmer than
the income of the railroads alter de
ducting operating expenses was
i to visit any one who was oil the
how long he will bold his last year's on miles of road.
crop. Cutting down the next crop income after
will be the lever to raise prices.
The and the are doing
some more but the re
port of it like it was
upon by papers in some made up for the purpose of taking
black list until the a count of the
physician who had put on the
black list was settled. The doctors
have stuck to their agreement
well, so well that a petition is
of the neighboring towns tine of
these, the Williamston Enterprise,
called attention to the that the
issue in question had even two
columns more advertising than we
claimed. This was due more
attention from the trouble in St.
operating expenses, had grown to ,
.--.,;,, -i r i have stuck to their agreement
on 3.808 miles of road I. ., .
With an increased net income of
over in ten yearn, is it ,
. , i Legislature to enact a law which
not, clear that the passenger . ,
should be reduced It will leave compel a to attend
the sick when is tendered
now being circulated asking the
the railroads large The
increase in travel is steady and j fur his services, if the physician has
would grow a reduction of the no reason for fusing to an-
the call than that the one call
The people of North Carolina him owes another
It looks like the legislature is go- that railroad should be Monro. Journal.
lug to ignore the numerous petitions j so regulated as to give a fair return
asking the repeal of the money invested, but when Must Tell Where They Get Liquor.
defendant henceforth who
advertisements coming in after the divorce law existing in this slate, M roads more than
article was written. The Enterprise it he a bad for them l is th
. . i increase in the mileage tin- peace for drunkenness must
congratulate The i PP his where
in u . . whom the whiskey
to deal with, men who that have come to rates caused bis intoxication was obtain
brings dollars P that they gave a lit- Pass A statute of the State law
he South Does Not Want It.
K a note at the end of two years
experience with an immigration bu-
the Columbia Slate had to
draw its keen blade in or-
to defend perpetuate its
further existence in the State. It's
a sort of thing that Southern people
do net like, they will not
ate it for any considerable time. If
people want to come to this country
on their own volition, let them
hut we do not want them in car
and at that. We have
before stated that the individual
slated for this position is the only
man to be while the best
interests of State are lo suffer.
And the question to determine
about this immigrant agent will be
is he an assistant passenger agent
for some railroad, some land agent
speculator, or an immigrant
agent Which is he. or is lie all
Raleigh Times.
He Congratulates Terrell.
New Orleans, Jan
this evening sent the fol-
lowing telegram to Governor
me to congratulate the
white people of Georgia upon the
character of their chief executive and
to commend you, my dear sir, most
heartily for your conduct in refusing
to allow the Slate of Georgia to be
dishonored by represented at
the inauguration of the President
by the military company. I
thank God that a few of the faithful
old guard are with us still, South-
gentlemen in authority who can
not be bribed with Federal
or debauched with President-
c a magistrate the privilege of
j putting a defendant or witness on
I his oath to answer the questions
en-j .
i . i. i i. i , ; that be. put to him as to where
in a discussion I resident J
While the country has I
Roosevelt's that
intoxicants were obtained.
to their pockets, but brings tie to the towns making
and prosperity to the town The president given it
Men who believe a thing and back ,.,,, , ,.
their judgment with the .
In another article written with a
view of awakening an advertising The Chicago man arrested in
interest among the merchants for bigamy, having the
the Enterprise charge against him of marrying
Greenville merchants in twenty times, will have his hands
i tame I Ml with the m full if Ac has to face till the women
merchants, hut they are not ,, one trial.
Instead of cutting out their ads from
they twice and The farmer, can make just big was the sentence imposed government that
quadruple the space knowing that . . . upon Joe Wade, who was triad and
lo answer imperils the
wife-beaters in the . .
i . , .,, i , ,, defendant with a term of days in
should he dealt with the
whipping Judge Gage, of South
,, , This statute Will be the biggest
Carolina, comes to the front with a
, , bus-hear in the ears of
severe sentence. Ac-
fill Sellers of whiskey. I
j cording i a special the
State from Corner,
ten years hard labor in the
, pays its way adds In the govern
their advertisements are then best convicted of wife too-, ,
. i . to,, this year as they did on went revenue it has
salesmen, n beating- In passing sentence upon
are losing every day their cotton crop last year. Wade Judge Gage took occasion to
let Greenville merchants say that ho was sorry the did
their territory with these Booker T has had another social not provide proper for
and meet them with Teddy U. But one who wife, that he
g is said to the lunch table be
spread time.
It may he added in passing that l.
on Thursday, 26th, Win ft fOB
had twenty-eight of
in en turning into the treasury of the
United Stales large sums of money
the amount this year approximating
This, it will be under-
stood, is a surplus after all expenses
a j of the department are paid. It is
penitentiary sentence, hut he would in patent office that the
do the beat he could by giving the exceed all others in
Governor Glenn is being pressed e number of patents issued. More
is had the courage were issued in 190.1,
Using, the record of any to say the i,
-I r edition of the paper u, willing, but should there was about either,
shows that the business men of not be worked over time. as there doubtless was not idea of of
Gil arc surpassed in no town
and they are making a reputation The way temperance sentiment
which can be pointed to with pride. to grow throughout the
They the value of ; state the might to be able to
tag. sec their finish
chastisement of his wife Charlotte
It would be all right to have
The news the czar is permitted to
receive as to what is g ling on in his
capital seems to he as effectively
censored as is that allowed to be
sent to foreign newspapers. He
has very little idea of what
The recent cold extended for
larger and handsomer stale capitol. ., . , ,
bu, so main of the r I
, . fruit crops in both Georgia and around There are
provided for other pressing ,,. . . ,. . . . . .
Honda strong indications of a widespread
needs upon the state for funds the, ,,, among the nobility to depose
legislature may come to the Mrs. says it will take .
that the present capitol is months to tell her side of the story lo throne. Wilmington
for the time being. Please don't start, then.
the United Sun.
Advices from throughout tho
Florida orange bell show that
boxes of oranges and
fruit remaining on the trees, about
per cent., have been frozen and
made unsalable. A large portion of
this loss falls upon the buyers, who
bought the crops on the trees. He-
ports from county points say
on young trees and
all vegetables were killed, but
the grape fruit was only slightly
damaged. Exchange.
It is the day of the child. The
Legislature is knitting its brows
trying to better the condition of the
children of I he poor. The
the child labor law, an i the
improving of the public school sys-
are among the biggest things
in the budget; and the churches are
straining every nerve lo help bless
and brighten the lives of the
and the outcast. the
man who lends his aid in a work so
worthy. Is he ml right in line with
the teaching spirit of Jesus,
who loved the children
and n.
The Legislature has repealed the
purchase tax on merchants. It has
done a good thing- The purchase
tax was a double burden and it
worked a great hardship on the mer-
chants of . on Carolina There
was a strong appeal from all parts
of the Stale for the appeal of the act
and the Legislature very wisely
heeded the call While the tax
brought a large income to the State
treasury, it was not and placed
a double obligation on the
business. The merchants have
reason to rejoice their victory
Wilmington I
Col. J. Bryant rimes bus prepared
and printed a c and
able pocket manual for the use of
members of the It
is full of interesting facts,
many things would
like to know . and facts that are in-
dispensable to It re-
quired much time end care to
pare it, and is en-
tilled to will the thanks
of the for his painstaking
and thoughtful
The Legislature seems doing lit-
outside of passing or
local acts. This is well Make few-
laws, repeal a good many already
made, amend and strengthen others
and adjourn. e have too many
laws and too few of them en-
Gold Leaf.
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Mayor K G. Chapman is on the
sick list.
There is the best selection of
Inks, library paste
at the drug of Dr. B- T. Cox
ft Bro. ever brought to Winterville.
Protect your eyes by buying one
of those eye shades at the Drug
Store, price cents.
Highest price for seed
paid by Pi it County Oil Mill.
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart hubs to A. G. Cox
Co. Fat light-nod kind
worry over that Hale lot
of cotton you over when
you got through ginning your last
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton in any quantity the
best market price paid every
Edward, the little sou of Mr.
and Mrs Eddie Nelson, who was
badly burned by fire in
bis cradle about a week ago, Is
along nicely.
Finest Hue of dress goods in
Q. Chapman and Co.
It you are in need of
flannels, skirt waist goods,
call on K. Q. Chapman Co
It. G. Chapman just
received near load of salt prices
Protect your feet by wearing
good shoes. G. Chapman
Co. have the kind and size you
School books, stationery, pens,
pencils school supplies of all
kinds can be found at the drug
at II. L. Johnson.
Go to T. . Manning Co. for
fresh candies, nuts, raisins and
Prof. Lineberry lo Green-
ville Monday night.
Being in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
with which to do our
work, and being able to save and
work tip nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers money ,
Winterville Co.
The drug store anus in stock
cayenne pepper, and sage both in
leaf powdered loin.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money .
Mfg. Co.
J. R. Smith, of was here
candies a at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
For seed oats, plow and
all kinds of farmers supplies, see
A. W. Ange Co,
For quills cotton
cotton see A. W. Ange and
Window and door frames, porch
columns, brackets and all of
house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Mfg. Co.
Bargains tho people
Right H. L.
For fresh meat beef, fish and
barbecue. Go to H. L. Johnson.
Car load just in.
A. W. Co.
A full Hue of T. W. Wood
Sons garden seed always on hand
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
See those valentines at the drug
Charlie James, spent Sat m day
and Sunday with H. M. Stokes.
For corn and seed oats go to
me your turkeys i pay the
highest price. If. L. Johnson.
Big consignment of
also en m
boots and
jackets the very thing for cold
just received. Prices weather at
ti, i and Co.
The Pitt County Oil Mill is now-
buying Cotton Seed. They
I he highest cash price or will ex
for meal. When
are ready write for prices.
On Feb. 1905,
Council No. Jr. O. V. A.
will present a flag and Bible to
the graded school. Good
speakers will be
A to.
It would surprise yon see the
number and that
awing -hipped and so d A. G.
Mfg. Co., inn we were In their
shop yesterday and they had a
nice lot of jut being com-1
and their umber tine.
A. G. Mfg Co has two
different sty Its of
fence their urban me low.
For fruits and to bad better go and make
lo It. G. Chapman and Co.
have a choice lot.
It. G. Chapman, Co, say
they have a full assortment of
general and price
are right.
for the twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox Bro.
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. a Co.
wood cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Clan has accepted a
in B. T. Cox drug
store until after He is not
good looking but tie loves the lit-
folks. Come and see what he
For shoes at a low price and bent
See H. L, Johnson.
A few at K. G. Chapman
Co's. cheap.
road overseers and
of supervisors of public
will meet in
a in. Feb. at J. L. Stokes
J. L. Ohm.
Miss who has been
teaching school near Jack is
had to close on account
a smallpox sear. .
selections ii
For axes shovel- forks
spades go A. W.
We a lull dim of
school boo. s, inks, pens,
stationery, chalk, col-
ors to the box i, companions, day
books, tablets and,
tooth mid hair brushes,
combs, tooth picks and tooth pow-
razors and shaving brushes,
soaps, pocket knives, silver ware,
jewelry, and anything that may he
found in a well kept drug more.
B. T. Cox Br-.
I. H and L. Gores
are in town
have just, opened up a big
line of styles up lo-date.
Price from to
Harrington Barber
For white goods, ladies collar.-,
Handkerchief ties, go to A.
W. Co , i hey have a
W. II. and
J. C. Hooted, of spent the
Sabbath ill. J. W. Sparks.
I repair and work,
Bring lo nu either at my
or buggy shop.
Henry Nelson.
For sale and write
biscuit sure lo kill the rats j or apply to net H. F.
mice at Harrington Barber No. e, N.
The Greatest Economic Event of the
Whole Season.
The i supremacy of this Store as
a value giving institution, was never more
thoroughly demonstrated as now when all
though of profit or cost is forgotten in our
endeavor to rid the counters and tables
of surplus and slow moving stock.
Genuine sacrifice prices on our entire
stock of
Dress Goods, Shoes,
Hats and all Kind of Goods.
We are paving the way. Read our prices
and examine the merchandise you will be
one a of Whiles
Purgative medicine, put u
in shape to gel full benefit of
two packages days
of Whites Worm minion
powders. You will lie astonished
at the .
Rev A. Tyson, of Blank
Mountain, was
Cur load of just received
Harrington Barber Go.
Best lino of plows nod plow
Barber k Co.
W. II. Elliott, of Norfolk, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday here.
A large lot of new dress goods,
percale at A. W. Co.
The Appropriation made by con-
for the rivers and of
Beaufort harbor,
Waterway from Norfolk the
Bounds of North Carolina,
It Ivor,
and Tin Rivers,
Creek, ODD
Northeast and Black Rivers and
Cape Pear River,
Capo River and below
AT N. C.
At tho of business January 11th. 1905.
Loans and discounts 17,174-54 Capital stock paid in
Overdrafts, unsecured 2.44 Undivided profits
Furniture fixtures 808.94 Time certificate of
Due from 10,938.42 sub. to check 20,327.30
Silver coin 1,926.88 Cashier's 207.25
Slate of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, H. II. Taylor, of the named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief II. H. TAYLOR Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of 1905
Notary Public.
Talcum powder
Ladies skirts
China silk
All goods
All dress
and DO shoes
inch Black
Table damask
Waist, sets belt pins
were and all one
calico and
hams one
no and Ladies
jackets all one
Mens over that, were
and B one
price now I is
A good rain Boat for men
and boys with cape, we
close at
I and Umbrellas now
A good with
rods one price
All ribbons more
than half
Ladies black
shirts wore and I
Mens heavy shirts
and drawers, were
Wrights health underwear
always the reduced
Ladies and under
the knife
Mens and shirts, in
white and stripes, all one
A minis all wool suits will
wind and rain
on on suits
out price
A John Stetson hat,
we close
lames A Banister shoes
and we close
Men a suspenders
Colgate soap
Any corset was
and now
Mens and
Suit ea-es and trunks marked
Comforts and cotton blank
good as wheat and
very desirable just sit
this time,
especial 1.20 and 1.09.
Mens i hose, that wen-
that were now
A big lot of towels to go in
the slump, See the
and you Will buy
of yards of
and Insertion,
and goods, now
Best Bleaching
Ladies vests and pants to
match now
We have plunged the Price Knife on
Our Entire Stock.
Can't Be Undersold.

Steamer L. Myers
Washington , Sunday
at a. in for Greenville,
Greenville daily, except
at iii. for W a-
at Washington
Steamers for
Philadelphia, New Fork
Norfolk i
rs order
freight b Old I.
New V i v -11;
Old D on Line Norfolk,
Clyde Line
Line ml
ind Lute from Huston.
S i i to
i. n, S.
J. Ch Try,
N. C
I Vice
Bench f. V
Reported for
c follow ii
. i hi,
lit ,
all i
over i line
Atlanta, Ca.
Halt more M I.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
t s c;
i i. I
a, Tenn
Now V
Orleans, Ls
Norfolk, Va
urn, Vt
Richmond, Vi
St. Mo
s Va
I t l I , I oil II
iii- i .-I I he M
i iii
r;. .- i vet w
Hide. Cotton Oil
i keys, etc.
it,. . . It
a , lo-i
i . . Safe ,
, . . .
. miry par, C
. I b,
Pin. A
Ly. Oil.
Heed Hulls,
i Apples,
am Tin and
Ware, -mI
mm, VIi-i New
Quality and
have my
y at dips
I thank my friend mid
for the
ill. y in the
w-; s. I now -.-k them
tn in., with their trade
hi I will carry a
v line of
Heavy and Groceries
and ran your
Moods where in
J. S. Keel.
School Books
School Supplies.
If You Need
an Book
We've Got It.
Ml Kinds Of
and anything carried in
a Book Store.
Notice is hereby given that s. S
Smith enters and the following
described vacant land, to Lying in
township, county, North
Carolina, on Indian Well Swamp and
Tint adjoining the lands of
; John Moore, Wm. Mills heirs, Claude
Cannon heirs, John S. n and
others; containing seventy-live
acres more or less. Any person, or
persons title to or interest in,
above described land, must file
their protest with me in writing within
the next thirty days, against the issue-
of a warrant, or they will be
ed by law. Th s January 10th,
Entry for
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Century Hook and h large
of the people of
by i
The lovely m steM
one of prime
received with winning
cordiality and n The
was with
feminine voices in
Ii. the of the president
land first vice president Mrs. L. O.
presided over the
sol the Club, hushing the
I hum of voices a time with a
stroke gaveL
Alter the business Mrs.
n L. Woolen, following the
ranged read interest.
extracts from the life of Queen
; of wile of
I lam
A Her this the guest were called
j on locate quotations from several
of the world's most
Mis. w. a. Bowen demon-
the most careful reading
and tenacity of memory won the
prize, a beautiful fan.
A later hostess attired
in a becoming house gown led the
way to dining room which,
darkened end tastefully decorated
with evergreens and Sowers,
a beautiful scene, as a
of lovely young
Among the out of town
enjoying this happy occasion was
M. V. of Con-
Miss Pearl Forte, of Wayne,
Mrs. R. L. Branson, of
C, Mrs. J. L. Ludlow, of
The club will hold its next
meeting with Mis. David House.
Not Quite
How often you ran get a
ail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our lino of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
Of Course
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
catarrh of the are
all due to Indigestion. cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the Juices of digestion
they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the stomach.
Of Cholera with One
Small Bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, cholera
Mr G. W. Fowler of
Ala., relates on he bad
while on a jury a
murder case at
seat of county. Ala-
He there I
ate some fresh meat and some
souse meat and it gave me cholera
in a very severe I
was never more sick in my life and
sent to the drug store certain
mixture, but the druggist
sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's
Remedy saying that he
what I sent that this
medicine was so much he
would rather send it tome in the
fix I was I took one dose of,
it and was better in five minutes.;
The second dose cured me entire-
Two fellow jurors were afflict-
ed same manner and one
small bottle cured the three of
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. .
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
. ii j
Loans and Discounts
Stocks, securities, etc.
Furniture Fixture- 3,657.32
Due from Banks 42.502.13
Cash 2,511.98
Gold Coin 2,264.50
Silver Coin 6,261.82
Stock paid in
Surplus, 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Paid 6,829.28
Deposit subject to check 207,717.74
Due to Banks,
Cashier's checks out-
For at
Dr. D. L. James.
Gives Health to Sick
to th
only. Site
Prepare- B. C. Co.,
High May Wheat
The speculators must have a
comer on May wheat. Today
quotations for that month went
above while for July it was
a little below
County of Pitt. j
James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 18th day of
Notary Public.
J. G.
For Sale By
No Moore Stomach Troubles
All Stomach trouble is removed by
the use of Dyspepsia Cure.
It gives the perfect rest
i by digesting what yon eat without
I the stomach's aid, The food builds
up the body, the rest restores the
to health. don't have
to diet yourself when taking
I Dyspepsia Care. J. D.
Mich., says,
Heartburn and Stomach j
I trouble for some time. My
bad the same
and was not able to eat for six
weeks. She lived entirely warm ;
water. After taking two bottles of
Dyspepsia Core she was en-1
cured. now eats
and is in good health. lam glad
to say gave me re-
Sold at Wooten's Drug
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
n fact anything
in Hardware come to
S. C, Jan. 1905.
for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure in receiving
willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
t When you need a nice, light,
pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. N, C.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Joe Smith, of bus
been visiting J. T. Smith, Jr.
If you need in the way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Ask E. Q. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
t their new line of heavy and fancy
Car and
seed oats at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Miss Mary a young
I lady the millinery business
I here, left Monday to visit relatives
at Ahoskie.
Just received, fine line of
can fit yon up in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Call on s for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
f to be had
We are offering good values for
the in shoes, hats, cape,
rugs mattings, tables and
floor oil cloth Tyson.
For peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E.
C. L. a portion of his
family spent Sunday up near
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. V.
We arc Headquarters first
I light
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C
J- B. Smith Bro treat all their
with the greatest respect
all extended an
to call at their store.
Large shipment spring dry
goods and notions just opened at
J. K. Smith Bro.
Mrs. R. W. Smith children
are spending the week in
The place to wire fence
-The A. G. Cox Mfg Co. have a
lot of the American fence
Pittsburgh perfect also
staples and bard wire. Be sure to
get their prices before buying
your spring supply of fence.
Car lime, cement,
J. Ii. Smith Bro.
Car salt, fine and coarse at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Red and white Bliss potatoes at
R. Smith Bro.
Saturday is the time fixed by
for the supervisors and pub
road overseers to meet in
den. Come out a jolly
good time is in store.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
us town and country
paints colors in oil, white lead,
turpentine at J. R. Smith
Charles Smith, of Washington,
bas been here.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
new Dr. celebrated
best medicine the market at J.
For cotton seed hulls, meal hay G to E. E. Co's
oats go to Jackson. , market for beef, fresh meats,
The latest thing shoes. Call sage, fresh fish. R. Smith t Bro.
at W. C. Jackson First Class hand made brick, by j If you want a special bargain in
Don't fail to see wholesale and retail large a pair of pants shoes. Try W.
son's new crockery both plain and stock always on hand, your orders , C. Jackson Co.
decorated. Prices are J. A. Griffin. The ladies especially tan ha
formerly. W. C. Jackson Co. will pay pleased f will visit and pat-
Mrs. Florence Home, wife highest prices for your Furs,
W. R. Hides
spent a day or so Mrs. Lee and two little
Mrs. J. J. Edwards here last week children, of are spending
All parties owing taxes to the
town of Ayden for the year 1904,
are notified to come forward and
pay same on or before February
16th, 1905, or I shall proceed to
collect by distress. This January
16th, 1905. W. F. Hart.
Town Tax
is now a visit to friends
Come to see us when you wan
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart
Now we have of the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them us cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N C.
Sewing machine, at J. R. Smith
horse wagon as good as new
for sale by J. R. Smith Bro.
The say that
Tyson have the prettiest line of
dress goods town.
The intent child of Jesse Broad-
way died and was carried
to Fort yesterday for
your cotton ginned clean,
in order that you might realize
better prices for it, bring it to he
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. C.
Cannon Tyson are displaying
the most up to date line of
ever brought lo this market.
Broadway and d
up on the train yesterday
from a visit down the road.
bales of cotton on an average
per day is what the Ayden Milling
and Mfg. Co., gin. They give
lint and the public have
found it
Frames for enlarged photos
each. Nice assortment
each just received O.
Jackson Co's.
Carry your eggs
W. C. Jackson Co.
Dr. Pat Monday to
visit relatives Richmond.
eases Dixie high
point for
women and children at J. It.
Smith Bro.
Examine our line of notions just
O. Jackson Co.
Miss Evelyn Button, a charming
young lady of Winterville, is here
on a to friends.
Yard wide sheeting yard at
J. R. Smith Bro.
Our second order of gents youth
and children hats and caps are
now on sale at R. Smith Bro.
Carry your turkeys, chickens,
eggs, bacon, and to
J. K. Smith Bro.
I am now prepared to serve
the public as
the week with her father, Elder
CO. Bland-
the con-
and grocers have a
special line of Christmas goods
they wish the public to see. They
are an up to-date firm handling
only the freshest, newest and
latest their line. To try them
once will sure you to try
again All is the
first trial and then you will
their friend forever. Try them.
Polite clerks, good goods and
suitable prices at the of J.
R Smith Bro.
Miss Rouse, of
while from a to
a short while
with friends here Friday.
J. K. Smith Bro. are offering
special trade in
Land Surveyor
Any one to have work
done in this line will please call
on me at any time.
Yours to please,
Ayden, N. C , Jan. 1906.
J. It. Bro
Hay, cotton seed meal hulls j
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Cook and Heating stoves at J.
Smith A Bro.
J. R. Smith Bro. call ion
to their poultry fencing now on
hand for sale.
John has gone to his home
Seed peanuts at J. R. Smith
We to build I
buggies Ac. for we d not The Masonic Mutual
set apace we cannot
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden, N. C
S Cox just about com
a beautiful eight
on West Railroad street and
the outbuildings with which lie
has surrounded it are all in keep
with the nice appearance of
the Last even
of bis small boys went in-
to the barn where a lot hay, But-
ton, was stored, to enjoy the
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and the induce-
offered. See
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
fall and winter goods. The public pleasant delights of a
are cordially invited to call and
investigate both price and quality.
Pants all sizes and pi ices at J.
R. Smith Bro.
There were bales of cotton
sold on the market here Saturday,
the first for days. The
farmers seem in earnest about
waiting for better price.
bushels field
peas at J. R. Smith
seats for j
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on I be market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
smoke. In a few moments there
was a great big smoke and had it
not been for timely assistance
of the students at the seminary
Mr. Cox would have been minus h
home a little boy,
For Sale- One S syrup Soda
Fountain, cause of sale less of
-lore. Terms or installment,
also entire at and
a st consisting jewelry, musical
guns, pistols, rifle
Wilmington, N. C.
Parties desiring a first-class
fertilizer will do well to see me.
N. C.
Ayden, N. C.
mug smoothest seat on me market consisting jewelry, musical --------.-
Ayden Milling Mfg Co. i guns, pistols, rifles, Ayden, N. C.
Carper cloth and J other specialties, ,,.
at J. R. Smith religious, Rooms, Good Table Fare
s HI . , and books. i t- , , .-
Wrong eyeglasses are worse; , . First-class Accommodations.
ores . . ,, Dr. Guns books now Si
I Sometimes than none. If your . .-
eyes tire, they call to help J. J W. MOORE, Terms per Day.
B W. Taylor a graduate optician, Ayden, IN. C.
B .,. . . .,. I , . .,
eyes tire, they call help. J.
W. Taylor a graduate
Ayden, N. O. can fit your glasses
reasonable prices.
have said that wrong eye id;,
glasses are than poison.
Mrs. Cherry, of Va.,
after a very pleasant visit hen- to
I friends left for her home last Sat-
Baby wrappers, Misses and ladies
cloaks at J. R. Smith Bro.
The success of E. Q. Cox as
insurance man cannot be excelled
We are not surprised though for
Mr Cos is a success Himself, seem
having for his
undertake a tiling and lei if prove
a Another noble
of Mr. Cox is he in
and let live.
Elmer Gardner returned
At the of business Jan- 11th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Demand Loans
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Com,
National Bank notes
U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, 38,029.68
The public know that
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of
goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes.
Rubber and Elastic
Best of Brush
es of all kinds.
If it give you
your dealer will
pay you for returning it
R. Johnson,
Located West Railroad Si reel.
Best Accommodation. Turnouts
famished the traveling or sport
public for reasonable price,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.

C T.
To Whom it flay
To M . Mew York City's Greatest
GREENVILLE, N. a, January 1905.
Greenville, N. C.
Cl RY WOOD Greatest Sale Conductors and Bargain Dealers with their entire staff of Skilled stock
Exports and appraisers. The above plain notice speaks for its self. effort, Every Idea
Method and Plan will restored to carry the to the letter.
off Bargains, Thursday, January 1905.;
We are now thoroughly or-
in all our departments
to attend to the wants thous-
ands buyers who will throng
this reliable and popular
Town of Greenville
to experience sensation. Not one
dollars worth of goods to remain.
Buy for months to come.
possible to mention all the lots.
Remember day and date of sale.
Terms and Conditions to be Made known the day of sale.
Notices Posted.
No person nor persons allowed in or out without special permission
from Wood Bros, Sales people seeking position will be received from
to II a. m. Wednesday and Thursday proceeding day of sale, New tables as
advertised in time for first sale.
worth of new
merchandise on our hands,
the Big Store jammed and pack-
ed to the ceiling Wood Bros.
emphatically declares while in-
vested with full power to
the prices will give to the
of Greenville and surround-
greatest bargains
that were over given. Offers
for the whole or any part of this
stock will be received first day
of sale, Jan. 27th, o'clock
sharp Sure you get to the right
place Look for Bed
Banner Over Entire Front.
Not all wool, grade only a question of a
few days 4.30
Stout and well made, value, question of a
few days.
All wool value, turn them all loose
f 14.00 value
value, questions of a few days,
grade, colors, question of a few days
value, question of a few days
Solid value. No use nor room for the;
GA quality, all dark colors
All sizes, some wool goods
soft and derby, only a question of a few
Heavy dark for men question
grade, questions of a few days,
Wool and dark colors, would cheap,
Questions of a few days
For dress, grade percale
Double width, inch wide, Grade for a
short time,
Questions of a few days,
1.20 grade, a question of a few days,
grade, not over pieces left
Heaver worth This lot of will not last
Store Under Lock and
stock represents this winter's purchases, everything conceivable for man, woman, boy, girl or children. Carpets, Furniture all to be
to unmerciful reductions, Explicit Instructions to Wood Bros., to sell everything; Allow not a single person to the unless
satisfied. Doors will be open one hour before time of sale for inspection.
Public Sale a. m. Thursday January 26th.
Sales Ladies, only those capable of standing the strain of a terrible crowd and rush. Can use Extra wrappers
C. T. C.
. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
L No.
Ward early the
lion offered a Mil amending the
law by providing
should not in towns sensitive introduced a bill
presented. Quite a number
of bills introduced but
were all only of focal
The house also had a of
new hills, they also pertained
mainly local matters.
No. II
of less than 1500 inhabitants. A
further amendment was offered
to regulate the tale of wine in Pitt
county. Representative
changing this from 1500 to offered a bill to allow either race
inhabitants. Now Senator I to levy a special tax for school
of rift has offered a substitute j poses for the race so taxed.
for the Ward bill that omits the The bill to repeal the law allow-
I provision the of I jog liquor to be sold i i Hip Allan-
inhabitants. tie Hotel at Morehead pawed
The Fleming substitute reading,
in -very town where the ma i-i FRIDAY,
or sale of liquor is j The on receipt of a me.--
milted a town or city given, me , Governor Glenn,
be maintained an provide., ,, fr of
its charier. At least one police
must he employed regularly
at a salary of not less than per
He must be a man of good
mural character, who is nor em-
ployed by any manufacturer or
teller of dig. nor, nor any -way
court in Cumberland county to try-
Walter Partridge, the who a
days ago ed criminal
assault up d Mrs. Hales.
No new bills of special
were introduced.
bill passed to the
interested in the manufacture or for confederate pen-
, sale liquor, nor related by f, , to S
or marriage to any such
or seller. It shall be the . a of
duty of this policeman, or the
chief of police, in i he event there of general importance were
is more than one policeman in the, maintain the
town, to visit the place where of North Carolina; to
liquor is manufactured or sold at of
least every day aid make a care j amend the relative to buying
thorough and at
with a view
whether the laws are being
Observed and obeyed and whet her
the business is being conducted in j Alderman J. Move a
orderly make a writ-1 at the meeting of the
ten monthly report, under oath, to j board Thursday night, and made
the mayor, who Shall lay these re- brought down the house.
A colored servant in the home Had a Bu-y and Acted Upon
A. Barnhardt, at Salisbury, Several Important Matters,
stole from sale in the dwell h board of aldermen in
monthly b n
i night, the members being
and made his escape
The home of Mrs. Sarah Flor-
e n . present.
count v, was .,.
J C T , I K
by lire and both
she and a daughter were burned
Willie Morgan, aged was
killed near by his year-
old brother a
Same old know i;
Three North Carolinians
n the class at
John N.
son, of Waynesville; Louis P.
Davis, of Wilmington, John
J. London, of
Lloyd of Virginia,
was accidentally killed while out
bunting near Magnolia. He
with a friend and while pulling i
gun out of die buggy the
it fired, the load entering hi
Program for Saturday, Feb
report of the street committee
was under consideration, and
ports report before the solicitor
at the next ensuing term of conn
Alf any town fails to carry oat these were being made by the
requirements the County members as to certain bid places
may revoke the the streets that needed at ten
The substitute also follows j Hon. can tell you one bad place
the Ward bill in that it provide that needs spoke
that the of a United Alderman is
license to manufacture or
Bell shall be evidence
asked Mayo; Parker. all
over replied the alderman.
Ten Lives Out at a Crossing.
N. Y., .
passenger train the
A Northern railroad to-
night into a sleigh
i women, killed seven
them outright so
Injured the remaining six that
three died at hospital.
The accident occurred near Ark-
The sleigh was one of three
carrying a party from the
church of this city.
any county, city or town And he bit it right.
the violation of this State law. I
The act is to become effective July
first, 1905.
tot bill in Hie
senate was offered by Senator
Foushee giving the corporation
power to require rail-
roads to keep their road and
equipment in proper condition,
and require all transportation
and transmission companies to es-j
and maintain such public
facilities and conveniences
are reasonable and just.
Ill the house Among the
bills offered were To
late the sale of medicines
containing alcohol and dangerous
drugs; to the laws of 1899
regulating and life
to provide for interchangeable
mileage books on railroads.
bill to prohibit fishing with Dutch
and pound nets Pamlico
was tabled. The representatives
from Beaufort, Hyde and Pamlico
counties opposed the bill and
The senate declined to follow
the house and refused to repeal the
act passed a few days ago to
to Treasurer Lacy the amount
stolen from him by Martin. The
vote was to has since been quite
, Numerous petitions against the from the kick
gale of liquor in certain localities all right.
Opening exercises.
First grade work,
Annabel Moore.
Second grade reading,
Mis Annie
Third grade reading,
Fourth grade geography,
Miss Dove.
Miss Eula Cox.
First grade reading,
Miss Moore.
grade Dumber
work, Miss
Third grade language
work, Miss Hodges,
Fourth grade history,
grade grammar,
Miss Cox.
Presentation of history
All teachers should be present
i opening they to see
entire The work will
be assigned as if they were a
school. It will be shown
th a a classified coarse of study
can and ought to be used. If not
present do not complain if you
cannot use study.
Blackmailer Held.
Jackson, Miss., Feb.
preliminary trial M. L. Bed-
charged with
of perjury connection with
a charge made against Congress-
man Kitchin, of North
Carolina, was held to-day before
a commissioner.
Trading Stamps.
As will tie seen from their ad-
J. B. Co.
are giving trading stamps to
customers. Every purchase of
cents to one stamp and
handsome premiums are given
the stamps books of or more. waived examination, and
Ask for the trading stamps and bond to await
get full particulars Then you go to the action of the Federal grand
their store. jury at St. Louis, in which
diction it is alleged the crime was
W. W
Kitchin, of North Carolina was
present, but Claude
Kitchin did not receive
in time to reach here for the
Kicked by Horse.
While assisting in getting the
horses out of Savage Co's
during the tire in the
building, Tuesday night, E. G.
Flanagan was kicked in the
by one the Mr.
Pulley today tell of
goods at their store. Their
but is advertisement contains facts are
interest, especially to the ladies.
in. street committee reported
I hat some work had done
during past month
dead trees and repairing, bridges.
The committee reported that
the matter between the town and
Mis O. B. King had been
and ii was found that Ward
in front of her property be-
longs to the town and an order
was th t she be notified to
move bar fence m line With
the The committee asked
i farther time on the petition
presented at lust meeting For a
street Dickinson avenue to
branch through property be-
longing to Mrs.
street committee was in-
lo necessary repairs
made to the culvert across Evans
street near the graded school-
The light-aid wells
reported its department in fail
The other standing committees
no regular reports to make at
It being ascertained that the
Home Telephone
Company its properly in
Greenville for at a
of it was ordered that the
valuation be increased to
The market
slight reduction made in
rental price s sum of the stalls
in market house.
The tax collector, treasurer,
of fire department,
t-, chief and as-
police filed their monthly
reports which were accepted.
Thomas were granted
the of opening a bottling
establishment for soft drinks.
An ordinance prohibiting boys
under years of age from enter-
the howling alley was defeated.
License to conduct a billiard and
pool Cheek
was grin to P. While.
The c, previously
pointed to purchase new fire hose
was also to purchase
tour hose reels.
The finance com mil tee in con-
junction with the fire department
committee was instructed to pro-
for hose reel stations in all-
sections of town.
A committee was appointed to
purchase chairs fur use of the
in the mayor's office.
The board internal improve
for a joint meeting
with the aldermen at an early date
to select a for the
electric lights and water works.
The tax collector was Instructed
to collect license tax on
each bowling alley used in L. W.
Accounts were allowed
co 1868.48,
M. L. Starkey Charged Selling
Beer by Wholesale Without
M. L. Starkey,
saloon on Front street opp
Orton, last up-
on a warrant charging bun with
selling Leer without license.
It is thought by the city
ties that Starkey and Julius
who was tried by Mayor Springer
on Wednesday and if i
the costs the same Sew
in partnership. A strong point f
evidence say is Starkey
was allowing hi to be
as a storage room by -tin
was arrested lie hail fifteen
beer stored in the Star-
key Stark y
when pieced on the stand i i
ease, that Balm hi
loon for a storage but said
be merely rented hi mi the u or-
of the store w he no use
for the same. Tin bi
Starkey's saloon is Bud r. .
Starkey was arrested I
o'clock and placed under a
bond for his before
Mayor Springer noon.
The at Isidore is
charged with the same offense ml
who was on Tuesday, will
also come up for trial today,
been co j
Wilmington M- s . 3rd.
The ground hoy
Charley Dudley Dead.
News was received here Friday
from Washington that Charley
was dead. He was raised
near Greenville and awhile was
in business here. He moved to
Washington a few years ago.
Matting and rugs arriving daily.
1-21 Taft Vandyke.
How about n handsome chair.
II the ground ;.
hole h to
h bis
See felt .
Celery, e onions,
toes, turnips, . M.
I. It Cherry Co. arc giving
Hr. Trading Stamp i cash
purchases. t w
a col man
who had i. iii- ma .-
here for set oral died
n i
i,. i ; i
rived, P line
to supply
2-2 i Job on Bi
either cash on Li in . I
v.- to R i t,
N. C. 1-17 ii w
W. S. who re
burned out of a
night, have moved Into the Buie
occupied by J A .
First Shipment of the Kind Ever Brought
to This Section
The Greenville Supply Company
a p load
V Williamson, of
t . The car is
bear the words Greenville
Supply Co., Greenville, N. V One
car Kite, and Me-
This is the first solid car of
manufactured tobacco has
ever come to or even
to any town in this section that we
recall. It speaks well for the
business of this wholesale that
they handle such goods in car lots.

Eastern reflector, 3 February 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 03, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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