Eastern reflector, 24 January 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

American Monthly
The more there are, the
Indispensable is The Review of Reviews
one I feel I must
world under a education in public affairs and
cut-tent of the phrases one bean from noted
who read cf Reviews. there are, the
owe U the Row of Reviews, because brings together the best that
monthlies of the world. Such is the flood of
periodical people the only way to keep up
with m to read th- Reviews. and above this review-
section. I has m . original matter and than most magazines, and
the most timely am .-ml article in any
Probably the BO sect ion of is Dr. Albert Ska I illustrated i
i public events and issues are authoritatively and lucidly
captained in i . Slam a subscriber writes, alone a I
worth more than t-. price of the The unique cartoon department.
I e is favorite. Tie
i cTr continents, and yet is American, and
J Men in public life, the members of Congress, professional men, and the great
I r o. who must keep up with the intelligent men and
I v ail have decided that it is
IS New York
per yard.
To the Public
J A. , h rig a
Bakery of E. El.
lo announce that they will furnish
and anything in the Bakery Line .-it short notice,
delivered at home. Orders kn and
promptly from date.
We Also have
anything in first class GROCERIES. New goods
arriving daily
Baking will be conducted by Mr. J. If Kens.
will appreciate your patronage and give
good and satisfactory service.
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Monday, January 1805,
J. T. spent Sunday
in Bethel.
A. M Mom went lo
Sunday evening.
In and Letter of U-
E. Captain B. E. Le
C, Jan. 16.1905, father's return to private
Mi-- Mary of Vance- of
, , fox. He
bun., visited Sunday j -a day or two altar the surrender
and went to Greenville lo spend I General 1-e started for
week with friends i I. so
, , we all war. He so
A Kin, Several of our tow n people had by some of bis staff. On
Kr. a. i. left this morn to attend court this week in Green i e be Hopped house of
log W Forest. eldest brother. Charles Carter
i a . on in Tow-
Harry returned Dr. Kicks spent Tuesday p county. Ha apart the evening to
day from Washington Washington. talking with bis brother, but when
dry. Mr. of Tarboro is in cam-
ah I i host to take room and bed
Miss Martha of to do papering for he insisted on to
her r I I Calhoun. t. by the roadside.
, r that be was to. On April
Mill and Miss Bertha Cow- be arrived in The
Manning, of Bethel, of j pis there soon him Men.
has been visiting Mrs. D. C. I f . , . . women and around
and If left this f -t and ml
Moore, from near handkerchiefs. It was own like
c, Baker welcome to a conqueror than a de-
, Mis, Lucy Brooks, Kinston, j A lot of Indians,
Saturday and Sunday here Robeson county, in today to and rode quietly to bis home on
with Mrs. F. C. Harding and left for the B. C L Co my mother and
V t. ,. awaiting him.
Sunday evening.
i Misses Olivia tin,
Bertha teacher-
in the graded at
spent Saturday and Sunday here
and left Sunday evening.
T. of Dunn, is in town.
Long on sick
W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, is is
i town
Tuesday, January 1903.
W. T. Sledge is up again.
J. U. Richmond,
visited his brother, O. Bobbitt
last Sunday to
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jennings are
Thus be returned to that private
life for which be had always
and became what he desired to
be a peaceful citizen Id a peaceful
L C Wilkinson Co.
Oil OB the Coffee.
cup of black coffee bad on Its
P. H. Harrington's appetite has surface a little oil. This oil
improved. lakes u forth delicate,
colors, like oil on water. man who
was about to drink coffee Razed at
It with delight.
he said, me all I
want to know about the coffee. Now,
without tasting It. I am sure It is
whole secret of making
he went on, In extracting and
improved. It takes
or hours t get at
hotel. See.
F. G. Whaley is looking thin.
He is living alone now.
Train pot in last night at
R. O. Cobb returned Monday j o'clock. Very late. I hear J T.
from , j , i
iron, , ,.
Tap Starkey came in this morn- delay. gives coffee Its aromatic and delicious
taste. This oil it Is also which
i lutes you. Which makes you feel after
have drunk strong
coffee the kind with oil afloat
from Wilmington.
Joshua to Win-
Charlie Boyd has taken a
with Baker
W X. Coley, of Raleigh
Psst, came in morning.
Mrs. C. George and
left this morning for Norfolk. H Fumes and Ella M. Page.
H. B. Hardy, of the
Observer, is in
end Mr-. L. H. Le
r B It-can only be made by excellent
Register or Deeds R. Williams I in or in
issued licenses to
week i U
last weeK. I u,,,,, m
WHITE. how to make this oily kind of coffee at
and Rosa Bulletin.
Of the many cheap and simple
proposed for the use of the
, , , . I People one of the most Is
Jones and i i House. soot. Soot is of
W, L. Nobles and i formed by the hot
and i hydrocarbon from
Monday n G or i the walls
J . and of chimney or stovepipe and coo-
Henry am. Addie Van-; It Is a very light.
Julia Lee of Ham-
i who has visiting Mrs. i W. C. Lewis and
j J. returned home
Mrs. Savage and Mr. Elam, of
Wilson, who have been visiting
Mrs. C. T left
Miss Sadie of Rocky
Laura A.
J. T. and
Alford Grimes and Car tie Moore
Jo-. Smith and
Warren Parker and
Utah Baker and Julia
t porous Impalpable powder and,
j like charcoal, which is the same
. in n different form, possesses
the properly of absorbing mid
In j wonderful amount of pas. The
dancer of about sewers.
I drains and other places is almost en-
due to gas given off by
matter. If soot l-
about these place it absorb tits
foul Mall.
Pity man woman f
but ho or she who allows
j the too et liberty In
comas it subject rather its mas-
Jr. and Nellie The man who wears a
on the pedal attachment bis cork
lex I the cork foot
Mount, who bas visiting her . ,, , ,
sister, Mrs. returned I
home this morning. w,
Mrs. George Hadley little William,
son, LaGrange, who have , Paul Clark and Mary
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and Stella; as
Alfred Forbes, left today.
Miss Nell Skinner returned;
Monday evening from a to .,.,. ,. , ,.
n ii , u, . ,. . of this Mention
Goldsboro. Misses Pearl Ford, of . , , , I
,. . . . i are for to raise For , People.
Vary V. ,.,., not las,
worth. Of ,.,., ., . . people, and they have a very good way
h-r home for a J of who can but won't
matter of raising sheep. The If a pauper who Is able to work
Wednesday, January 1905 auditor tells us that there a
J . j to which a pump Is unit
C. B. Lincoln went to m a
I In the as there are flow cistern Just slow enough
Boats That is a b-
account of the beat in church the
Sunday after set up.
though n Hie had been lighted in
I any of
person by lively
pumping to keep water from get-
ting up over bis
Tuesday evening.
s, m ii , rS
Q. M. of Snow Hill, is u,
court. j well ,
Miss Joyner came in from i as this is. There is money j A fl T II T
Tuesday wool and there is a saving and a O N N IV r M r I
, be in I.
day evening from Norfolk. I. of I h iv my market I,
would fake this
. n ac
I went to Tuesday evening. they will L -H -i
Miss Emma Brown, of Ayden, low prices of I my friend and
who has Miss Nellie Tuner.
returned home Tuesday i
Notice .
For Old Brick store,
cash or time. Good in-
vestment. Apply to R. Greene,
Washington, N. C. 1-17 d
bowling alley baa begun
fur patrons ire
ill-y in
and now them
to favor me with
in T will a
complete line of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Notice is hereby given that the
will petition the leg
to town of
Farmville, N. C.
r- n t I and wants.
S Li kG any
C. Barrett, J. D. Jones, John
It. Joy Com miss toners.
I ltd so. I j s Keel.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
I bean
Extension of Graded School Copy be to
At a meeting of the of
schools it deter-i A bill to be entitled, Act
mined to ask legislature to en to extend and define the
large th- boundaries of graded boundaries of the Graded School
district. At present District the Greenville Graded
town limits are the boundaries. and to amend chapter one
The proposed boundaries are a- hundred six of the
Begin on Tar river at Laws of hundred
Smith run, then up said run to and three establishing said
the bridge near the residence of L
C. Arthur, thence west ward I v assembly of north
along town branch under the rail- j ix
road trestle to the Kinston Section That the first sen-
south along the Kinston of section thirteen of chapter
road to the nil plank road, tn-n one hundred nix of the
to the Laws of nineteen hundred
road at the point where the fair and three, commence with the
road comes into it, thence word in line one and end-
along the road north lag the word in line
to the river road, . i. be and the is hereby
to the bridge repealed and following
across the ravine ice down substituted in lien thereof, to-wit.
ravine to Tar river the boundaries of said
down Tar river to the beginning, graded school district shall
If the legislature passes me bill on Tar River at the month of
making; these the boundaries then Run, thence
every child living within the up the various courses of said Bun
boundaries will have an equal to bridge across the same
right to attend the graded school, near the residence of L. C. Arthur,
At no child living outside thence with the various
of has the right to attend the c town branch under the
school. It is true the board of trestle to the Kinston
trustees have by an a road, thence a
made county board of straight course to the junction of
education to last for two yearn, and Fair grounds
children living roads, thence along
within these boundaries t- the the load to the river
benefit of the but that road; thence along
bl June so the river road
that after June they the ravine; thence down the
be left without proper school fa- e to Tar river and thence down
unless the Tar river to the
be enlarged. It was lo meet this Section That section twelve
very condition and to provide of said act be amended by striking
facilities to
living outside of the town and said in lines one and t- o, George Taylor, assault with
within of the grade school and Insert line thereof deadly weapon, not guilty.
that the trustees the words of the graded
school propose to extend the school
January Term in Session.
The following cases have
John Jones, with deadly
weapon, guilty, and
Henderson Combs, larceny,
t .
Oscar Jones, Smith and
Lewis Ellis, assault with deadly
, ail guilty, Smith sen-
months lo roads, Jones
fined and costs,
pended over Lewis upon payment
of cats,
Oscar Jones, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended payment of costs.
Joshua Williams, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced months to work
William Cobb and Frank Buck,
affray, Cobb sentenced
to work on roads.
Thomas Moms, abandonment,
pleads guilty, judgment suspended
upon payment of costs.
Alfred was arraigned
for murder and case set for
Monday, 23rd, a of forty
being ordered.
Ben Dudley arraigned for
case set for Tues-
day, a of twenty-five
being d.
Charles Harrington, Wiley
and Harrington,
trespass, all guilty.
William carrying
children out Hie words limits of weapon, not guilty.
parts of laws ii conflict
act be and are hereby
Section That this act
be in force from and after its
sentenced months and
assigned to work on roads.
Julius Moore, carrying conceal- C, Jan 1905
pleads fined j H. Phillips and son, F. M.
and costs. Phillips will be in for
John Jones, alias Paul Venable, several
larceny, not guilty. representing H.
Jim carrying conceal-, M. Co , of Norfolk, Va.
ed weapon, plead guilty, fined ; pa d our town a call Wednesday,
and costs. of has ac-
E. B. a position with C L.
concealed weapon, pleads guilty, Co.
fined and costs.
An bill was one the
Manning, of
Greenville, was in
Mrs A. Stanley. ville.
i is visiting her son, H. H.
if I his place.
Senate by Mr
Long forbidding the manufacture w
and sale of whiskey in G p of
having less then qualified ,
voters. ,, . .
,,.,,, I an party as
A number of bills minor ;. . , , r . ,.
at the of
Br-k, Thursday
to Miss Browning.
There will be at
Pleasant Hill Saturday night
Mr. Griffin, of New Bern, was
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and
Mrs. Bobbitt, Mrs. Leggett and
Miss Early were pleasantly
entertained by In. lira.
Ricks Wednesday
Miss ton and Master
Lassiter made a flying trip in the
country OB the Salisbury
William carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
and to give these children Sections. Th.-i section six of and to
said act be amended by adding at
the end thereof the following
any qualified voter
living within boundaries
I said school district shall be eligible
work roads.
Will Burton, concealed
Benjamin Tripp and Jas.
Lawhorn, assault with deadly
the right to attend.
Of course the property owners
within these boundaries will be
glad to have their property
ed within these boundaries, because
the moment all children within election or appointment on mid weapon, not guilty.
these boundaries have a right to, board of John Warren, larceny, pleads
attend schools every acre T at four- guilty, sentenced months in jail
land within boundaries will teen of said act be amended by ; u. be assigned to work roads,
be increased in value. There are; to the end thereof of said; Allen assault with deadly
two elements of increasing the section the following words, j weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
value of these to which we he shall not he entitled to , days and ed to work
wish to call attention. first receive or other; roads.
place when it. is that those f-r receiving Shade E ell, assault with dead-
living outside of the town limits guilty,
but within these boundaries have That the or ; pended on of costs,
a right to send to these schools, j persons appointed to fa Julius carrying concealed
that they do not. have to Day town of taxable property in said town j weapon, pleads guilty, fined
taxes but that they are entitled collect toe same, shall also laud costs.
all the benefits of the school, it, take tax list and collect the; Charlie Sr., removing
bring these lands into taxes of crops,
for resident purposes. graded school and; Lena Wiggins, larceny, not
again when it is known that W same to the treasurer, guilty,
children these to be by him Aaron Cox, assault with deadly
have a right to attend these schools law for of said grad- i weapon, guilty.
it most result in the land schools. ; John abandonment, not
being able to secure tenants Section That in levying the with learn.
and better servants. Bo for the support of said grad- Jim Whit field, assault with
that the property owners within ed schools the board of aldermen deadly weapon, judgment
these will be glad to of the said town of Greenville continued on payment of costs and
know that the living shall levy the same tax on all real giving bond for
their land are to have a right to and property within the I Burton, concealed
attend these schools and that they boundaries of said graded weapon, not guilty,
will cordially approve of this whether said property be Williams, assault with
of the board of trustees. j within the corporate limits said deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
. town or not, In levying said fenced months and to
; tax, the valuation fixed by the work on roads.
state co shall George removing crop-.,
the valuation for this pleads judgment suspended
vestment. Apply to R. Greene, assessment. upon payment of costs.
Washington, N. C. 1-17 d Sect Thai all John Warren, pleads
acre introduced and much
done considering bills
previously offered.
The house had busy day.
A request
our senator and representatives
action relative to
in cotton
The committee made a favorable
report on resolution
an of
to erect a monument to the late
General Ransom.
to send to the the
evidence in
of A. N. C. railroad.
Among the new bills was one to
allow governor to discharge
from the penitentiary criminal in
sane who may become sane.
Representative Graham offered
a bill to tn.; of capital
cases by giving lo the and
defendant ten peremptory
challenges a d that
no at the foot of the
He also offered another
bill to facilitate the trial of capital
the In his
discretion, t- have a special
Mom any county in an
adjoining judicial district.
This being Lee's birthday both
houses held short sessions and ad-
In honor of his memory
Among the new bills in the
was one creating a board of
control for Carolina
trial schools; one to
amounts per capita to laud
naval for
Among the new lulls the
house was one to revise,
date amend the pharmacy law; one
to abolish tenancies by entireties
and make com-
one to prohibit fishing with
dutch nets, In sound and
Tar river; one to protect telephone
messages by punishing
listeners; one appoint a
cotton weigher for Staff,
to amend law and punish the Glenn yesterday announced
K. of P. Officers.
The following officers of Tar
River Lodge No. Knights of
Pythias were installed Thursday
night by D. H.
A. B. Ellington, P. C,
F. G. Flanagan, C. C.
W. E. V.
Joe Rawls, M. W.
C. S. Carr, II.
B. K. of F.
T. J. K. S.
C. L. Wilkinson, M. of A.
C. S. Forbes,
J. F. O. G
Something to be Proud
The Daily is proud
of its home advertisers, has n
right to be. We doubt there is
another daily paper published any-
where in a town no larger than
Greenville that can show Such an
array of large advertisements as
this paper has today. The Green-
ville merchants are using twenty
two columns of space ranging from
a lull page down, h the
enterprise of these merchants and
also indicates their faith is their
home paper as . advertising
u in.
offense of taking a horse for tent
use; regard to tun-
freight trains on one
to regulate dealing to
establish a convict system for
making roads in
Bank Statements.
The of the town publish
new statements today showing
Bounding of their business on Jan.
the date the statements were
called for by the corporation com-
mission. . reading of these state-
the progress of this paper will
are making.
the appointment of his personal
Col F. G. James. Greenville.
Col. U. Raleigh.
Col. John S. Cunningham,
Col. sod, High
Col. John L, Cobb.
Col. W. Poll, ck, Kinston.
Col. U. Ward, New Bern.
If you don't believe that the
j Greenville arc the real
thing a glance through

ii i
R. L. Myers
daily, except Sunday
at r a. m for Greenville,
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New York
and all North. Connects fa
Norfolk with railroad for all
Mints West.
Shippers should order
freight by Old Dominion
trow New York and
Norfolk and Southern B. B.
Old Dominion Line from
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Line
Win Baltimore and
mi Sf biers Line from Boston.
h to
without Notice,
r. H Myers,
Greet S.
Walker, Vice idem
M Beach Street. X. Y
retail Grower
Dealer. Cash pal
Hid Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys, eta. Bed die operation of this mortgage
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Whereas, B. Rasberry
husband Samuel S. did
the 5th Of August, execute
and deliver to Albeit B.
Trustee, a trust deed on certain
in county, stale of North Carolina
d, to secure the
said Mary E.
and Rasberry t i die British
American Mortgage Company, Mm-
said trust deed is
in Pitt county, in Deed Book K o. pace
to which i is hereby
whereas default has been n
payment of the moneys cured by
said trust deed, the said trustee
bean duly requested to execute the
trust therein lined.
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given
and by virtue f the power
contained h trust need, i, the
trustee, on the day -if
Feb., the
p. in., at the court house door in
the town of Greenville In Pitt county,
North Carolina, will, by public n
sell to the highest bidder for cash the
following described property,
In Swift Creek township adjoining
the E. J.
o hers, being a part of lot
which was allotted to Mary E.
wife of S. in the
division cf the lands of L. Push,
her father, the whole of lot
.; ed as follows Beginning
at a stake entered by a poplar the 2nd
of lot number i and runs North
degrees est poles to stake
in Tucker's line thence de-
, greet pole to a black gum in
line, then with
s line North degrees
i East U poles to a stake, his come.
; then S degrees Ea st poles to
a water oak stump, thence South
East -1 poles to the 3rd
of there-verse
of lot number South
i. areas be-
ginning, one hundred and
y-two acres more or less, ex-
from the above boundaries from
The man who Insures hi life Is
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his health
I wise both for his family and
You may insure health by
log It. It Is worth guarding.
At t h e first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself In Innumerable ways
And save your health.
Mrs. Kate Dead
Mrs. W.
B. died .
of tuberculosis i
O Go-Car, .
lea, Lounges,
seven acres of land which
i been sold o IT and
I .
Pin i .
i Mi
n . I .
P.,.,. . i . .
I .
I .,, ,
ed to Dr. Harper of the
by mortgage December
corded in th of fill
North Carolina, Book V page 243-246
i. Hounded as on
j . nil v S. . lauds,
mi e E st by Laura K. Pugh lauds,
tin Si . by J, j. Tucker's lauds.
land a by s.
. .- land, containing about
s. The same being the ;.
h to Mary Rasberry in the
e of deceased
I father, L- Pugh. from Dr.
I Harp
. land will s- Id to I
s by said trust deed,
sin be as is d
, id
This Jan. II.
.-. bi it H. Trustee.
G. s, Atty.
daughter, M- J. W, ll .-
She had been con lie i lie.
for some time and her i
been n-v-i i
last days.
She was -ii
age had been
years. Coining; to town
Pitt count v. i
William s t; ;.
and c i-n
for many yea iii
She leaves two d u h
M. i V
Move, both its if i-
I o II,
No Stomach Troubles
All Si.
i removed ,
the use of Dyspepsia
Ii gives the ii perfect
by digesting yon
Mi l
the The
up the body, the rest t
t health. do
to diet when
Dyspepsia Cine. J K
Mich., says,
trouble I line. My
had I b
t county
,;. en-
X. c.
Ibis con
bar ll
ii . I i-t
In .
; cl
. i I .
.,, .,, ii
; lord,
. i .
ll u,
list a.
Vi I
II , ,
, , .; ab named will
. tie it an d as
i has h r mi d In t in
i hi Pitt county by the
n in feudal to
, o from
. the will t
. , I. is i to
at the next i mi of tin
of Pitt to I on the
seventh Mi . e the
Mi it i be th
at I
Hi C, answer or
to th In .
. tin i. will apply to the
. i in said n
i Dec-1
D C Mi i s I
j , . for Plaintiff.
I Ms. ,
Cinch . i
. ,
f .
S v V.
New . I
. .
s i , V's
Phi . ;
St. Louis, Mo
Of real estate Jan
. I , ii b Carol I .
all other important . id ;.
. mediate points east of the Mis- ,., date, I will offer for
River. highest bidder
;. O. Toe . as,
i to ten ; can get a
nail driver or
lacking, Have a
tool box be ed for
moles, tools
is all you desire, and
we will see that your tool
box docs not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
one mi. lot of various
for residence and
building, also some houses and lots,
st ,; a, i This is my fifth
n . estate In and
some b s will bi
ha population of
and Is one of the liveliest towns in
. Carolina. Several
thousand a n
ll p two years.
The community is
l. estate In
value almost every year This will
ale nave hi Id, and
the most attractive lands will be of-
it I, Ci . j our and at-
this sale, i ml I the day
am i
1905. For further Information, call
vi i-i ks, S
and i- in
to aw
I lib
ii. six
m ll-
i .
I ii
mid -i -1. paid in
Furniture Profit
from Paid 6,820.28
subject to check 207,717.74
to Banks,
Silver checks out-
County of Pitt. j
James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
., 1-. . . i. . , . .
swear that the statement above is true to the best of
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
of Jan.,
Notary Public.
my knowledge
J. A. Ricks Bro., parch the Gr
cry business Bakery cf E. H.
to announce that will furnish
anything in the Bakery Lino at short
delivered at home. Orders taken filled
promptly from date.
We At so have
anything in first class New goods
arriving daily
Baking will be conducted by Mr. J.
We will appreciate your patronage and give
and satisfactory service.
J. A. Ricks Bro.
See hi
i- He n
At the close of business Jan.
Saved From Terrible
of ,
, ere i v
The in- .
every n
hour K
v. . I,,
V- T
. ii
Loans and Capital stock paid 110,000.00
Fixtures, 1,640.70
Loans and discounts,
Due from bk- 22,983.88
Gold coin, Undivided profits,
bk, other U S Deposits sub. to
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
on or address
will BI ii public ion on
Jan. 25th, at my homo In r
Dam township, nil my corn,
binder and two thorough.
brad v heifers and ft
use completer
, -in.- i
all ;
; c
New Press Running
The on
its to
h i-1-1 is
on if mi we get
the press c
A Gall
my engine, although
ever joint netted every
was I with writes
W, Bellamy, locomotive fireman,
Iowa. was weak
and pale, any appetite and
all run down. A- I about to
I a bottle Electric
Bitters, and after taking it, I felt
Stale of North
I, J. II. r the above named bank, do solemnly
-wear that the above statement in true to best, of my knowledge
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before rut., this 17th day of January 1905.
J. V. JOHNSTON, Notary Public
Corner Attest
R, L. Davis,
W. M
W. J. Directors.
of my household and ever did in my
furniture A. , ,
Weak, sickly, run down people
Will yon want a new ledger for
next year Book more
can supply
always gain new life, and
vigor from their as. them
Satisfaction guaranteed by j. L.
, ice
For C Stover. Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
As authorized for Daily
and e take
great pleasure receiving sub
willing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
office. We also take orders
for job
Rev. S. B. and wife
have returned from a visit down
on the seashore.
When yon a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
Carriage. Call on us make a
i .
I I am now prepared to serve
the public as
J. M. and Authorized
Land Surveyor
one wishing to have
A very large number of our Go t K A new tablets in please .
people are attending court ,. I.,., miN on the market at j
week. and B. Sin it it ft Bra.
For cotton seed hulls, meal hay J Fir- mail- f yon a special bargain in
to Jackson. retail large a pair Try W.
J. R. Spier, of Spring, Block always . In id, Jackson A Co Surveyor,
has been here during the week. . A. The ladies especially N. , Jan
The latest thing in shoes, dill j W. O ks. pay will visit and pat-
at W. C. Jackson and Co's. p i y Furs, J. It.
Yours to
Don't to see Ty- Hides
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg. both plain It. II.
Co. N, C.
den Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
If you Deed anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart
Our townsman, Capt. D. G.
Berry, is foreman of the grand
jury this court.
Ask B. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
decorated. Prices are Cheaper j and A. ft. bee
than formerly. lane- ii Hie pr . .
A great many people from
Swift. Creek section boarded the;
train here Tuesday morning d
Greenville to attend line
Come to see us when you wan wish Mu- pub
to buy Independent Manufactured are an u v,,.
Tobacco, we handle Trust . . children and caps
goods, Hart in r line T try then
Now we have plenty of sum- In to
J. B. Smith Bro
Hay, cotton
at B. Smith Bro.
lie Move
h Bro
J. K. call ion
lo their poultry on
The Masonic Mutual
Relief Association.
The best plan, beat
u induce-
A. P.
Ayden, N. C,
P. O. Building, Ayden. wagon and cart. them
Call and examine our of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
Braxton who cut his foot
so badly with an last Sunday
is able to be out on crutches.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new of heavy and fancy
Just received, fine line of
BeSS and can fit you up in any Style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Robert has accept-
ed a position with W. O. Jackson
Ci. for a short while.
Fancy candies, oranges,
is lie
s ore of
sill-- at B.
roan -.-, Hie
s none, If
lire, hey call to- help. .
Taylor graduate .
N. .
able pries
hare sail that wrong
wheels and will sell them as cheap j AM
as any one. friend I
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. Polite . . I
Ayden, at
J. J. B. Cox, of A Ho.
been in town this week.
Sewing machines at U. our f r
Bro- conducive tome angelic
One horse wagon as good as new natures public. A w apace we
for sale by J. B. Smith Bro. the plaintive e-v. j Milling Mfg C N r
The ladies say that Cannon Carry j our line
Tyson have the prettiest line line n, to C.
Bi. They
J. t offering maybe so, yet if
.-11 , fool,
fa and .-.
N. C
Wilmington, N. C.
s desiring first-class
fertilizer will do well to see mo.
N. C.
dress goods in town.
Notice you
your cotton ginned nice and clean.
that you might
better for it, ii to
Milling M- Mfg. Co., A den,
N. C.
Lat Tuesday evening while out
bunting Woody had
Ayden, N, C.
Open the traveling
one -v -ii . , , . . ,
I- w of
First-class Accommodations.
,.,., I
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Gall on Hart A s for a bar good fortune to bag
rel of Columbia Flour, mallard ducks
to be bad where.
L. L. Kittrell,
while hero Wednesday made a
very pleasant visit. He is one
our best and oldest friends and we
are always glad to see him.
We are offering good values for
the money in shoes, hats, caps,
rugs cat pets, mattings, tables and
floor oil cloth Cannon Tyson.
For peaches, apples,
A- r
rue . ii
e .
and quality. of
on, d ASK FOR
re. If this i- as .
may claim you
Perms per Day, .
Cannon Tyson are now hi- name in the category of
the moat up to date line of ever been . muses, and call us what yon n .-
ever brought this roll fir th-m Dec. for we've got iI bad. T.-i-y wore
J. Cox is on
Mr. Cox is a and
is out of be is missed. I ail Cleveland
our people imbued with ,
same of enterprise as Jar. Dixie .
would be a of a ending Jan,
. as follow
When rude,
r and Clara For
honor roll
I II i j
right. I was
j of cotton an average Hart; r
apply to B. E. day is what th Milling ho.-; Forest,
Co. and Mfg. Co., gin. They 7th Dixie Can
if you do not secure I ii m ;.
one of our grade buggies, found it out. Allen Cam
your loss will be than ours.
All owing taxes to the
tow ii of u for the year
are notified to forward end
pay same on or
Hi ii, 1905. I shall proceed to
collect by January
16th, 1905. F. Hart.
Town Tux
If ii
your deal
pay you for it.
. on Rs
for I .
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N.
We me Headquarters fir at
class, light neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C
There has been for the last two
or-three days an unusual lot
cotton our market, considering
low be staple.
It is to be regretted that so many of
our farmers find it so necessary o
make this sacrifice.
J. Smith Bro treat all their
custom with the greatest respect
and all are extended
at their store.
The place to wire fence
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co. have a big I
lot of the American fence and
Pittsburgh perfect also
staples bard wire. Be sure to
get their prices before buying
your spring supply of fence.
Car lime, and cement,
at J. It Smith Bro.
A. P. is off on a trip
of insurance.
Car salt, line and coarse at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
II it us town and country
paints colors in oil, white lead,
turpentine at J. B. Smith
Mr. Dart man, of Green- for
ville, is here the prov the mule, are simply the
traded meeting. e i-h market
Frames for enlarged photos Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
each. Nice assortment pictures
each just received at W. ; n J.
Jackson Yard i
Carry your eggs chickens j ,. Smith
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Beat ii .
Ayden, N. C.
W. Jackson Co.
Little a lid
about, eight years old, unfortunate-
had his left eye put out with a
stick in the hands of a little
about years old. Snob
accidents, are be deplored and
more cine should be taken by
parents to have their
avoid such.
a rappers, Misses ladies
J. it Bro.
meeting in the
Baptist still continues
and while mere seems to be a
of much interest
the part the so
far no otherwise baa been
At the close of business 9th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand 1,1.10
Due from Ranks,
Cash Items, oil
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
Other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check,
Tin public lo know
stock of DRUGS, an
of ;
BUY, all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of
goods the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Cigar .
Chewing and Sin
Tobacco, a large as-
Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best of Brush
es of all kinds. Fie
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
Produce Sold i
North Carol i
B. R. L.
N. C.

J. ARD, Editor and
Entered in the post at Greenville, V. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Pin- County, N. C. 1905
gets a respite and way yet
escape the callows.
Mrs. seems to have dropped
out sight but not out of mind.
ills. sidetracked both
Mrs. Chadwick and Miss Patterson
the time being.
President Roosevelt says half of
government is unnecessary, but
he does not say which half.
The Kinston Free Press in not
arrival of the first load of
of season, says
trouble has begun
some other fellow may want
George Gould down to North
Carolina and shoot him, if a wife is
to be included in the recompense.
The national house of
has voted to impeach Judge
of Florida, and the matter
is now pending before the senate.
Several republican legislators in
Missouri bolted the caucus nominee
and prevented the election of
to the United States sen-
ate .
Some of the papers keep on talk-
about the legislature being over-
with and
And the laborers keep on, too-
holding their jobs.
Duke has been declared
sane and will return to North Caro
Perhaps the most insane thing
about him was leaving the state to
a better place.
The Raleigh Post has found a
penny dated 1793 and is wondering
what the size its fortune is. That
is too much money to idle.
Start it to rolling.
There are now less than twenty
counties in the state that permit
open saloons. A little later there
will be none. It is a business that
is fast being pushed out.
The offer of the Kentucky and
Maryland distillers to take one mil-
lion bales of cotton at seven and a
half cents and pay for it with
key will not catch many farmers.
The Tar Heel club, a Republican
organization at Greensboro, has
secured a promise from
dent Fairbanks to visit the club and
make a speech on the 22nd of
There are too many small matters
to occupy the time of the legislature.
A large percent of the bills intro-
pertain to matters that might
well be left to the jurisdiction of the
governing boards of the respective
towns and counties-
Mitchell, the head of die miner's
union, is being denounced as n
traitor by some of the members of
the union. Nothing strange about
that. It always struck us that about
the biggest thing about these labor
unions was the salaries the officers
and walking delegates got out of the
hard earned wages of the laborers.
Senator Tillman, of South
keeps bis good eye on the look-
out. He has served notice that the
statehood bill will not be allowed to
go through until it is so amended as
not to authorize mixed schools in
the proposed new states. Mr. Till-
man asserted that the bill as drawn
permitted colored children to enter
public schools, and said Southern
men could not agree to this.
The house on
amendments has made a fa-
report on a bill introduced
by Representative to
amend the constitution so as to per-
m race to poll and prop-
for special school purposes for
the race so taxed. If the bill passes
the proposed amendment will be
voted on at the next general election
and we believe it will be ratified by
a tremendous majority.
was not money well spent. The
promptness with which the matter
was taken in hand and the general
vaccination that required ac-
counts for the outbreak being con-
fined to two or three cases and a
quick stamping out of the disease.
That another case has not since re-
shows the benefit of prompt
Governor W. L Douglas, of Mas-
has done a good thing
i settling the strike among the Fall
River mill operatives that has been
in progress since last July The
operatives struck against a per-
cent reduction in wages and they
held out against it for six months,
suffering all manner of privations
in the meantime. Governor Douglas
took charge of the matter as media
tor and effected a settlement of the
trouble, the accept-
the cut and returning to work, the
manufacturers agreeing to pay a
dividend of percent on wages if
the earnings A remarkable
thing about the settlement is that
both sides regard the outcome as a
victory. There is great rejoicing at
Fall River over the ending of the
An Error Regarding the Bond Issue.
In another column we publish a
bill, which Senator J. L. Fleming
will introduce by request, to change j
and enlarge the Greenville graded
school district. The proposed bill
is published in advance to acquaint
the people interested with its pro
visions, and to give any who may
oppose its becoming a law an
to express themselves. We
do not think, however, that the
who will get the benefit of the
graded schools should object to pay-
their part of the taxes needed
to support the schools.
In his speech to the jury, when
the son of a prominent citizen was
being prosecuted under a bill of in-
found against him and
stress having been laid upon this by
counsel for the defense, Solicitor
Moore said he felt it his duty to
show no discrimination in a prose-
and regardless of how he
might feel personally toward any
one the obligation rested
upon him to endeavor to enforce the
law and that equal justice was
done to all. It is this principal that
has made his career as solicitor so
successful. The Reflector does not
believe the district has had a more
conscientious than
Solicitor L. I. Moore.
Some talk has been heard in pass-
that there was considerable
cost attached to stamping out the
threatened smallpox epidemic here
last fall. True it did cost both the
town and the county considerable
money, but who can look at the sit-
nation in its true light and say i
correspondent, who has a
way of expressing himself in terms
that are not subject to doubt as to
their meaning, and those conclusions
are generally regarded as accurate,
says in a recent letter to The Louis-
ville, Ky., Post, that if he ask-
ed what is the most disreputable and
disgraceful thing any State of the
American sisterhood has he
would not hesitate a moment, but
would name South Dakota, which
has assumed the position of one who
has received stolen goods.
of establishing and licensing a
gambling hell as a gentlemanly
community that needed the money
would do, South Dakota accepts as
a gift certain alleged obligations of
an infamous carpet bag government
that stands on the footing of forged
bank says the
dent. Not only this, but the State
was enough to demand
its collection by of a
court of Continuing,
so South Dakota has a
judgment against North Carolina
on a forged check. If I were not a
Kentuckian I would rather be a
r Carolinian than anybody else,
though my father was a Virginian.
The old State is first in war. She
never was much given to furnishing
the man of epaulets, but she had a
great habit of sending to the front
the fellow with a musket in bis
hand, and it was always a danger-
thing to be in front of that fol
low when he was in line of battle.
North Carolina never owed an honest
dollar that she was not anxious to
pay, but every cent of this judgment
is dishonest in every particular, and
its collection will be the infamy of
South Dakota. I have no doubt
North Carolina will pay it, and I
even less doubt that hon-
est man everywhere will look on
South Dakota with scorn and con-
These be nice words about North
Carolina, and we of the Old North
State proud in the belief that
they are true. As to the action of
South Dakota in becoming a party
to the collection of the ten bonds
presented University as a plan
to bring a suit which would not
otherwise lie, it seems to us to merit
severe lending
of the power a State to
speculators of the worst type. The
Evening Post's correspondent is,
however, mistaken in his conclusion
that the bonds in question were is
sued by a carpet-bag Legislature.
They were issued by our own people
in aid of the construction of the
Western North Carolina Railroad,
and while they brought but little
over half par in the first instance,
the were applied to
building the road and the latter
is now one of the principal links in
the Southern Railway system, having
been sold some years ago. North
Carolina along with other Southern
States, shortly after the war,
herself unable to pay all her debts.
The Legislature therefore, proposed
to compromise a number of the
State's securities at what we were
able to pay. This offer was accept-
ed by many bond holders, but not
by Simon Schafer, of New York,
who held certain of its bonds. At
the instance of ex-Senator
he recently presented ten of these
bonds to South Dakota to be sold
for the benefit of the State
Suit was brought for the face
value of the bonds with interest, and
the Supreme Court of the United
North Carolina to the extent of the
stock in the North Carolina Railroad
pledged to the payment of the bonds.
This matter is now before the Leg-
and the whole number of
outstanding bonds may be bought
by the State so as to prevent future
litigation of this
The appointment of a committee
by the Legislature to travel around
in a body to examine into the differ-
institutions maintained by the
State is quite expensive and quite
useless. The managers of these in-
having due notice of the
arrival of the Committee, put on
best clothes and invite their
lady and gentlemen friends to come
in make merry with the visiting
statesmen. A feast of fat things is
prepared, including carriage drives
around town, and every possible
kindness is bestowed on the exam-
He would be an ingrate in-
deed to go back to Raleigh from
such a mount of pleasure as this
and make the least reflection on so
fine hosts as those whose hospitality
he has and Child-
The delay of the Murray trial by
a juror suggests the idea that a
trial by jury might be facilitated in
instances of this kind, by having
teen jurors. The three extra men
to be selected as the others, sit with
them, hear the evidence, and be
ready, in case one should be
by sickness, to take his
place. We throw out this idea for
what it is worth, as it strikes us as
a good plan to carry through a case
without delay that is unavoidable.
Durham Sun.
Are we not in great danger of
centering attention away from the
home as the arena in which life's
problems must be solved The
Legislature may enact laws and or-
may promote causes to
ameliorate evils fostered by
gent homes. Hut the home alone
can produce manhood and woman-
hood that needs no remedies and no
The legislature keeps whacking
away at morphine and cocaine. May
be they will reach cigarettes before
they get through, but it is doubtful,
yet these little devils are doing more
harm than anything on this earth .
This is a broad assertion, but the
facts will bear it out to the letter.
Greensboro Record.
There is a member of the Montana
legislature who has been in office
several terms and who has not yet
introduced a bill. How he ever
managed to be re-elected is a
One poor business man in a town
can drive away trade from a place
that a dozen good ones cannot re-
The way our divorce laws now
stand it is not becoming of us to
throw rocks at the
ham Sun.
The Reflector makes its bow to
Col F. G. James.
While awaiting the
action of the Legislature at Raleigh
upon the bills to prevent hogs going
under churches in Pitt county
forbid the riding of bicycles on tho
streets of Roper, we employ the
in copying this expression
from The Nashville
enact too much local
legislation. Why should they pass
bills providing for an additional
policeman in a country town, or to
keep from under a church in
or to keep bicycles off the
sidewalks in The stat-
are burdened with too many
local laws and absurd provisions of
a crazy quilt nature All of which
is respectfully
An accident bulletin, which has
just been issued by the interstate
commerce commerce commission,
gives an account of railroad
dents in the United States during
the months of July, August and
September, 1904, and shows that
during that quarter there were
passengers and killed,
and passengers and 1,593 em-
injured, making in all
persons killed, injured in
train accidents. Other accidents to
passengers not the
result of or derailments,
bring tho total number of casualties
up to or killed and
Reported for Reflector.
The Geo. B. Singletary chapter
the Daughters of the
and the daughters
celebrated the
exercises with the much loved
president of the chapter on Thurs-
day afternoon, Jan. at her
lovely home, corner Fifth
Greene streets. The cozy drawing
room was patriotically decorated
with Confederate and in most
conspicuous hung splendid
portraits of Generals Lee and
Following the business meeting,
the president read a brief hut in-
sketch of the life of Gen.
Lee, after which a very unique
guessing contest was
conundrums with the
were given orally and
the witty answers afforded great
amusement. The prize, a real
Mexican drawn work handkerchief,
was won by Mrs. L. Wooten.
The quests were then
into the dinning room,
elegant served.
next meeting will
and an
be with
Mrs. B. W. Moseley on Feb. 22nd.
Frank Wilson's Sale
Frank Wilson, the
has inaugurated a ten day special
sale in to reduce stock. This
i will begin on Wednesday,
and the large advertisement
in this issue will give you full par-
and advise you of the great
bargains he will have during the
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
There is the best selection of Bring I pay the
library paste and highest. L. Johnson
the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox Big consign of Royal flour
Bro. ever brought to Winterville. received. Prices right.-R.
Protect your eyes by buying one G. Chapman and Co.
those eye shades at the
price cents
We also carry a line of rubber
over coats boots and water proof
Highest price for cotton the very thing for cold,
County Oil Mill. j rainy weather at Harrington
good barrel of Barber Co.
or pork see Kittrell and j The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
or Cotton Seed. They pay
Town taxes are Due. I am ready the highest cash price or will ex
you F. B. Tucker Change for meal. When yours
collector. are ready write for prices.
Don't forget to bring or send. For fruits go
cart hubs to A. Q. Cox Mfg. to K. Q. and Co. They
Fat is the kind they have a choice lot.
.,, j A. Cox Mfg. Co. have just.
worry over that little lot received a of galvanized bar
of cotton yon had over when bed wire and poultry fence. Their
got through ginning your last poultry fence is of course strong
tots. he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys; wire.
seed cotton in quantity and glove
market price paid every latest style neck ties at Harrington
line of dress goods in Barter A
G. Chapman Co. R- G. Chapman, Co, say that
. Rat biscuit sure to kill the rats they have a full assortment of
land mice at Barber general and price
Co. are
We have on hand a nice At Reduced A. G.
line of dress goods at remarkably Cox Mfg. Co. are closing out a big
figures, come, see and be con- lot wire fence reduced prices.
Yours truly They have the finest moat
Kittrell Taylor, substantial fence made and you
For A good gentle can get a bargain if yon apply at
horse, safe and sound, apply to once.
W. B. Winterville, N. C. For fresh beef, fish and
I Box Body Carts for is barbecue. Go to H. L. Johnson.
now the season when may Car load in.
I want a box-body cart to haul j A. W. Ange and Co.
products to the ham or Window and door frames, porch
The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are brackets and all kinds of
and selling them you house trimmings at rock bottom
had better send them your order prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
I at once. Bargains the people Prices
It you are in need of Bright H. L. Johnson.
j flannels, skirt, and waist goods,; Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
j call on R. G. Chapman and Co styles, lowest prices. See our stock
R. G. Chapman Co have before and save
received a car load of salt prices Winterville Mfg. Co.
Boarding J. D.
Just received the third large Cox. Board per day. Best
shipment of shots this fall, all in town,
styles and sizes, prices right. Come Penny candies a specialty at
one and all and look them over, store of B. T. Cox Bro.
We can please you. Best market in town.
Harrington Barber Co. i Taylor.
and staffers at An- candies aim all of
confections as cheap as the
A good cut wood. The est. Taylor.
A G. Cox Mfg. Co. wish to con- For seed oats, plow and
Bargains fur th- next twenty
days in Jewelry and .
B. T. .
marker price paid for
A new lot of chairs arrived
A. W. Ange a Co
tat light-
wood cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Miss went to Green-
ville morning.
Santa Claim has a
in B. T. Cox drug
store until after He is not
good looking but. he love the lit
tie folks. Come and see what he
has on exhibition.
If vow want u pair of
cart wheels en get I hem at
The Greatest
Mfg On. Better call at
once while have In
Winterville, 1905. i
A. Ange, Prof. I
R. G. Chapman, and j
went down to j
to at tend
Manning, and Miss Dora
Manning went to Ins- night,
George of I
was here Friday.
J. L. Home, of Greenville, -pent
a few hours yesterday h r-1
for Prank Wilson.
Charlie and Can mm, j
W. H. S. students have
spent. Thursday here.
is one obj-ct in all sales, and
is r goods. Just how successful a
this kind ran e depends entirely
ill- y of purpose, tit tun back of it
upon th season a of the Mer-
and the price reductions.
We have planned to make this sale an
overwhelming success, planned intelligently.
We have taken into due consideration the
great loss of profit which such a sale as this
means; we take the loss wisely, be-
it to be the very best of business
sense to clean up all winter surplus stock at a
meat sacrifice, and to it now while the weaving
ii is at its height. As we i move we
believe Mi s in b greatest money saving
sale of the and we want you to believe
it If you will compare the printed offer-
with the actual you are
bound to it. The loss is ours, the
yours; we have explained the way of it,
now we invite you to come and look and
the merchandise offered. Come and
buy as liberally as you wish. You can make
no mistake.
Prizes Awarded.
At of the
at the store of A. B. Tucker four
prizes were offered by Mr n
to the clerks making the r-
cord of sales. Be tells that
found the entire in store
very efficient, and come
especially so Tue Solid leather ah
were awarded this afternoon in w
the following order, indicating she
Continues to January 27th, inclusive.
and Misses Shoes Reduced.
Big bargains in silk and dress
goods. Buy them for now, buy
them for spring, buy them for
any season. The whole stock at
awarded i hi afternoon in and w I any season. The whole stock at
he following order, indicating for mercy during this sale.
of the T. W. white- J skirts were China silk, Albatross,
H. B. Mi- Helen and s-M worth so
Forbes, and Miss Gregory, j m m m am, we them
Towels table linen that was Mohairs in black and blue,
remedy used, foiled, while and Boys Clothing under Knife.
consumption was slowly hut u ,. r,,,,.,
tract to have five hundred cords of all kinds formers supplies, SM this terrible
-.-.-.--4-h. w hour Dr. King's How Discovery MM, 1260.1500 and
for Consumption turned despair
into joy, Toe fit at bottle brought
wood cut Any wood wish- A. W. Ange Ca,
a job can see them their For quills and quilting cotton
office. cotton A. W, Go.
Protect feet wearing Lumber being placed on R-
good shoes. E. G. Chapman and Groom's lot. He will soon have
Go. have the kind and size you up a house there
need. We want to buy your Hides
School books, stationary, pens, Gout Skin-, Beeswax
pencils and school supplies of all Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens,
kinds can he found at the drug and will guarantee Only a box, X Ra
N est market prices for j polish, a dry powder, at
Second hand buggies cheap. If and
you wish to buy a second hand
buggy cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
candies at H. I. Johnson.
Go to T. N. Manning Co. for j
fresh candies, nuts, raisins and
Being in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
work, being able to save and
work nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers
Winterville Mfg. Co.
The drug store carries In stock
pepper, and sage both in
f leaf powdered form.
New Garden Seed arrived.
A. W. Ange and Co.
and Boys
dies wide, worth and we
sell them for and
silk colors, inches worth
we sell them for Broad
cloth inches wide, worth 1.00
and we sell them for and
. M.
them now any make All the winter
Ladies underwear to be sacrificed,
jackets reduced one we sell them
Clem up sale of trunks, bags, NOTIONS FANCY GOODS.
. , Box paper, assorted colors
and suit cases, too many trunks
soap j-c,
Talcum powder Ladies
belts heavy ribbed hose all
sizes brooches, belt pins, waits
sets were S them for
Umbrellas with steel worth
to attempt description.
During the rousing bi; clearance
sale it will be impossible for us ,, r . T r
. , ,. , soc sell Ladies and
charge merchandise, or send , ,, -ii . . v ,
, s t , umbrellas, silk top, sterling
goods out on approval. . ,, ., . . . .
ll handle, worth 1.2-,, 1.50
Money refunded to all dissatisfied 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 4.00, sell for
buyers. Any goods will be sent and
C. O. D.
We Pay Your Railroad Fare if Your Purchase
amounts to

A beautiful line of PERSIAN LAWN to inches
wide at to per yard.
Special values in inches WHITE INDIA at
to per yard,
Plain checked checked and
striped DIMITY.
When it comes to we are
Our entire line of Embroideries are
well selected as to designs, quality and
price, but we have a few special things
we are anxious to have you see. Our
matched sets of Cambric, Swiss and
are worthy your careful
Special values in extra CAMBRIC EDGES at
and per yard that you cannot
afford to miss.
are the prettiest we have ever shown you.
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
St. Louis, Mo., The Victor Safe Look Co.,
Cincinnati, received, to Grand Prize at th Work,
Fair, for exhibit of solid bank
general line of lire and and
their magnificent d splay prize over compel
tor for modern improvements, construction,
and finish-
The has never been
J. L SUGG, Agent.
Money, Los Trade.
drop in the price of cotton
For Christmas.
Everything want in the way of
nice Groceries, Ca Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
c i store.
We carry a large of the Best
Beautiful, dainty designs in figured MADRAS, entirely
new designs for waists at popular prices.
beginning now to effect every
of business in the South. It M
confined to the farmer at all. To
sure he is the first to suffer, but
goes on and on until it
aches every business that is de-
indent on the patronage of the
Th merchants are now
Iring it keenly
The low price of the cotton being
Id, and the great amount held by
farmers, means less money, less
de and closer business,
other day we were talking
farmer He said he bad
It sold a bale of cotton, that he had
bales at home, didn't owe
tent and had plenty of and
He is fixed well. He
on There are j
others just like him. Money
n who lend out the money they
for their surplus cotton are
doing this year. And many
who uses his surplus cot
i to build or improve his farm is
his cotton now. l so the
mass of laborers are finding;
to do for the cash-
selling less and all of as are
tat this mus necessarily follow
Constipation and piles are twins.
Tb-v kill inch by inch, sap
every day.
Ten will
No tare pay.
Wool Store.
The greatest system
. regulates the
kidneys, liver and stomach. I
Mountain l
That's fair. Tea . la-
For Nine
Beginning Tuesday, January Ending Thursday, February
As I have decided to go
out business I will for
the next ton days sell
my entire stock of
At This is your
chance to get groceries
a low price and it will
pay you to take
age of it. Phone
Worth of High Grade Clothing Shoes, Men's
to be offered at prices below their actual value.
The Five Points Grocer.
A The Man's Outfitter, is badly overstocked and the IDS must go re
Q. of price. This is our SALE must b a success. And
will be a success if HONEST Merchandise and UNDER SELLING PRICES will make it.
We have the right to boast Oil having the Largest, the cleanest and most selected stock ill
County. You don't get old goods by coming to this Sale.
Tuesday, try 14th will be Gala Day for Greenville. The Store will be clued Monday the
fall SEED.
income from that
have heard so
that we arc almost tired of the
rd Yet it is good. U contains
of wise our
En this situation the and
friends in other lines of
ls need to think with die careful j
ms of the financiers and plan with
j wisdom of a great
Carolina Baptist.
am glad to announce that I
in business and can be
in the store next to Sam White
I will carry the largest and best
Racing ft
Your friends,
Great Department Store.
Furniture ever handled in Greenville.
are coming in daily.
Will be glad to have you anything it
my line is needed.
We Keep
School Books
School Supplies.
If You Need
an Book
We've Got It.
All Kinds Of-
and anything carried in
a Book Store.
j f. PERRY
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers
Bagging, Ties and
Correspondence shipment
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or
change meal and hulls for Been
bags and pay all
are to sell exchange.
Washington, N. C.
in order that we may be ready Tuesday at sharp.
Tonic to The System.
r liver troubles and constipation
arc is De-
little pile-. They U not
taken the stomach.
Id Bi of
In., h
us. make ;
cued me
L at Drug
., ff
Regular suits, this sale
7.50 suits,
12.50 suits,
4.98 ,
o special permission fr-i
G. Co.
offer for DAYS
ONLY any shoe in our
Your money will be cheerfully refunded at
if any garment is not entirely es.
Cotton Buyers and Broker-, in
Gotten, Grain and Regular 3.00 hoot
ons. Private Wires to New
Regular Specials, this sale,
to Oxfords, this sale, .
S We on hand over pairs, so come at once while we can at
William Fountain, H.
Physician and
N. C
n, east of post j
Regular quality, this sale,
Regular sale,
Regular quality, s-ale,
2.00 quality, this sale,
. feet
L. .-
.,., north Carolina, I
u county. Superior Court.
2.00 quality, t sale,
. , Hawes quality,
Stetson's 5.00 quality,
i- the
, J. . VII ;
r. t me
, re V
. . will
above a c nun
in county by tho
to ob-
u for to
take not it- that h- 1- ii .
o run-
; h .
Coughs And Colds
1- i
Regular price
1.25 grade, sale price,
Regular It nice,
R 2.50 grade, sale rice
R 3.00 grad , sale price,
Regular grade, sale rice.
Regular o grade, sale price
sis shoes, this
rt p , ft
. t. apply to I r
the of De., , , .---------
. . . , . . , . I . . . M O-
pi l d. C. Court.
IN v, Pitt
Wonderful Nerve Superior Court.
floor p V
k displayed by nun
ting paint Vines.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Sen ,
L feet stiff
few will kill and e
It's best salvo on
tn Pile, too. J. I.
Drag .
. above named will
Court of WM
Stiff defendant to ob-
and the .
will further take notice
quired to the next
th Court of
, , be on seventh
before the Brit Monday In
.-. log th
n.,. . j f vb.; be paid n all purchases to the
WANTED Corks, Ten and Ten Gentlemen to us in re
gain Seekers who arc now waiting sale.
at R.
leer, by
O. W.
Tax Col.
hi. Dec. nth, 1904.
Clerk Superior Court
F. G. for plaintiff.

Save this and wait until
. at A.
Worth of High Grade Clothing for Men, Boys and Children to be sold at less than the actual
cost of the raw material.
Greenville's Greatest Outfitter in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes to be sold in the following
ten days, beginning Wednesday, January 25th, and closes. Feb. 4th.
Owing to the awkward season together with an over purchase; find our enormous stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes on
and pinched for room, we are compelled at this season of the year when all are exacting the highest priori for their
goods, to throw upon the market this mighty sale, which will positively close in ten days.
Frank Wilson, the King Clothier, is distribute hi entire stock into of the people in TEN DAYS.
The best and greatest values on earth now stare you in the face. The opening will be a gala day. It will pay you to come a hundred miles to vis
it this sale. The great sale will positively close in Ten days. All goods herein priced can be brought back any time during the sale.
mute our. Prices. Values Wrecked in every nine.
Sensational Bargains
Hat Department.
A fine suit of clothes, all to match. This suit is positively worth or
your money refunded at any time during this gigantic sale,
A fine suit of clothes, all to match. This suit is positively or
your money refunded at any time during this gigantic sale,
Men's fine suits in cheviot and Scotch plaids, worth money
refunded at any during this gigantic sale if not satisfied with your
purchase W
Men's Splendid Suits in Finished all sizes, These
Suits arc positively worth or your money back; in this gigantic
At you are free to choose a Suit or Overcoat worth from
from twenty lots of as finely made and elegantly finished Suits and Over-
coats as the most fastidious dresser could desire. Fine home and foreign
suitings and of style and tone and in a great variety of effects
tailored into garments of faultless fashion. Melton and v
black, blue, brown, drab, diagonal, tan, cheviots, home-
spun, tweed and suits, and double breasted in this sale,
OS represents a lot of suits that are the product of the world's most
skillful tailors They equal and are guaranteed to excel any tailor-
made-to order garment in the world, or we will cheerfully refund your
this gigantic sale,
Overcoat Department.
A Whirlpool of bargains
Men's overcoats of the season, latest design, worth in the sale,
Men's overcoats worth and
Men's overcoats, in heavy black beaver cloth, four-button, single
style, trimmed with black horn buttons, worked button holes
a inch collar, with strong tab Three outside strong pockets with flaps
and small change pocket, lined with Italian cloth, strong sieve lining, chain
hanger, worth at least in gigantic sale,
Overcoats that are the peer of any seen elsewhere at English ulster
clothing, also best domestic blue, black and tan shades,
Italian lined, plain lapped seams, all marvels of goodness, in this gigantic
sale, 4.98
Overcoats, best Domestic blue, black and tan shades, some In-
others with lining, heavy, near silk sleeve lining,
strapped seams, inches long, full backs, actually and positively worth
in this gigantic sale.
Men's overcoats, imported and fancy cheviot and world's best
make, O. to this gigantic sale,
About dozen Men's fine hats all shapes and styles worth up to in
this gigantic sale,
Hundreds of and Caps, worth up to this sale,
Stetson hats, worth
Stetson hats worth 18.08
Men's single and double sole lace and Congress Shoes, London cap,
soles; every pair positively guaranteed for good wear, worth in this
Men's shoes for business wear that mean service and comfort, all the new-
est shapes, in this gigantic sale,
Men's fine dress shoes, made of select box calf and kid, best workman-
ship and sewed, every pair guaranteed actually worth
in this this gigantic sale, i
Edwin and shoes, this sale, 4.49
Furnishing Goods Department.
dozen good Socks, heavy, in this gigantic sale,
dozen Men's good Work Shirts, heavy, in this gigantic sale,
dozen Men's good Work Shirts, heavy, in this gigantic sale,
dozen Men's Dress Shirts, in this gigantic sale,
dozen Men's in this gigantic sale,
dozen good Suspenders in this gigantic sale,
dozen good Suspenders, in this gigantic sale,
dozen Men's Suspenders, in this gigantic sale,
Knox, Dunlap and Stetson shape and Hats, in this gigantic
Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear, plain and ribbed, brown, blue
natural, worth in this gigantic sale
Good Heavy Overalls, worth in this gigantic sale,
Boys Department
Boys suit for School wear worth to in this gigantic sale,
Boys suits for better wear worth to in this gigantic sale,
Boys suits for Sunday wear worth to in this gigantic sale.
Boys pants worth
Boys pants worth
Boys overalls worth c
Price certainly equal to any or make, latest toes and styles, in all
latest leathers. These shoes compare with the most expensive shoes made
All go in this gigantic sale for
Ends in Verdict of Twenty Years.
To grand jury at of
court three true bills
murder. The Bret of these came
on trial this morning end-
ed this afternoon. Alfred Wiggins
was tin- defendant. the hill of
indictment charged him with the
murder f Edwards, both
patties In the trial
Moore prosecuted for the stale
and E. V It O. Flanagan
and I V Sugg appeared as
for i
All the evidence for the state
vie reduced sod suite
rented, uh counsel for the lie-
fen-e Milked for time for a consul-
Returning to the c
lifter this consultation Col.
Snug that the
would offer testimony but had
agreed to submit to a of
murder the degree.
This as accepted by the state
and Judge Aden sentenced the
Second Week of the Term.
Friday and Saturday marl.
very little doing u house of
The following ea-es have been Several hills
disposed were and otters were
Cato Hares, guilty, these were local
Frank Forbes, gambling, their a id of intern only
sentenced month to tie assigned j localities to which they p-
to work roads. The were report-
Arthur Jones, guilty, L for a new Start Chin week.
sentenced mouths to be assigned I
to work roads.
Alfred Wiggins, murder, guilty,
of murder degree,
tensed to penitentiary for year.
Jacob Arlington, carrying
weapon, plead guilty, fined
and costs.
William forcible
pa-s, not guilty.
Pete larceny, not
Home matters on civil docket
have also linen disposed of.
Marriage Licenses.
Senator Ward, of Craven,
the most important
I that came up for consideration in
senator. This was an emend-
j went to that only
makes stronger providing
I that whiskey be neither
j manufactured, sold or rectified in
towns Having less than
It also provide
that liquor con it b bought, at a
drug store unless the prescription
I is accompanied by the written
I certificate of the head of lbs family
Stating the faun- is needed for
Register of Deeds R. Williams I the use of some member of his
prisoner t years at licenses to the following j family for medicinal purpose.
in the prison.
Wiggins previously served a
three years term for larceny.
last week.
White and Malissa Camp-
May and Sallie Wooten.
J. B. Williams and Bessie
Senator Fleming presented a
memorial from J. M. Cox, of Pi it.
county, that wants to the
necessity of a mar led sign-
a deed or executed by
her husband.
the house other memorials
frying to Beat a Ride for His Boy
been up against a good j
many skit, games In my were presented on the matter of
Rowland, of the I
A. T. O. vestibule, while go-1,
Friday colored.
I've just struck one that is a Harp Barret and Sarah Howard,
Being asked to explain, John I on Rosa
the captain proceeded to tell that by.
passing through the second Claude Pitt man and Martha
car he noticed that a Langley. I
who occupied end of the seat David and Tyson.
next the aisle had bis overcoat Stanley Fleming and Matilda
carefully arranged on the end
the seat next the Matthew Gray Mollie
Some Timely Recommendations.
Mm. Duke Am
Hew Jan g .
Alice -Duke, ., ,.,,
The grand for o L. Duke, was
court made a rep t that contains,;,. v
some timely issued by
To W. K A
Judge Presiding;
Texas Mrs. Duke
bad been indicted by grand
jury at Tex g
We the grand jury for J. the she sad
time conductor passed
was carefully Chas Harris and Matte
the overcoat, Capt. Rowland's I F. Nelle Whitley.
suspicions were aroused. There- Albert Hurst
upon he dropped into the seat, Anderson.
back of the suspect and made it I Brown and Lizzie Mew-
convenient to shove the overcoat j born.
off the seat. Oscar Andrews and Elizabeth
Lo, behold uncovering Bond.
revealed a b y who must have
been or -years old.
fare for the said Capt.
Rowland. a dirty trick for
a con duct move a passenger's
overcoat, the
conductor The
smiled in an absurd and em-
way while he handed
out the for fare
tried to explain that the boy was
timid afraid and that is why
be covered him up, while the
other passengers laughed outright
at the exposure.
some people think it's all
right to beat a railroad, and this
passenger was not only doing it
but training his hoy up in deceit.
Statesville Landmark.
Norman James Laura Cox.
Davenport's Sale.
J. F. Davenport has planned for
a special sale to begin Friday,
and for one week.
The knife bus been applied to
prices and a cut made on every-
thing stock. A large lot of new
spring dress goods and
just coming be included in
this special sale go
prices. Four lady clerks wanted,
apply before Watch for
further announcements of this
Murray Manslaughter.
The Murray murder trial that
has been in regress at Durham
, several days, to an end Sat
afternoon by the jury re-
Auto Crash.
Fla., turning a verdict that
speeding his racing automobile on i was guilty of manslaughter.
the beach today Frank j ray was to two
son of Richard of New j work on the roads. An appeal I
York, collided with a motor cycle was taken to Supreme Court.
by one
Hotel help. Mr. leg was; Notice.
Among the new bills were
To amend the of the
and sound railroad.
prohibit he operation of
et shops. To regulate the sale of
; patent medicine containing alcohol
I cocaine and opium. To govern
the salt of cider. To encourage
the pure in art.
An interest, incident the
senate was the presentation
made of historic wood, to
Governor by
Toms in behalf of Rutherford
Governor Glenn sent a
to both He recommended
adding a to the or
erecting a building use of
some of the state officers who do
not have sufficient quarters.
Among the n-w hills in the sen
ate were To protect deer,
sod birds within
dates. To repeal merchants tax.
To release the agricultural
from contributing to the cur-
lent expenses of the A. ft M. col-
To provide for a building
for hall of records. To provide a
hall each for veteran
Among the new bills in the
house were To provide for
a building for records. To grant
to soldiers and sailors
and to widows unable to labor. To
extend th time lo settle the stale
debt to 1907. To prohibit drunk-
and the use of
term, 1905, of fin Superior
curt, beg
That we have visited and ex-
home for tin-
aged and and the n-
mates well cared for s fir as
slothing, fuel, bedding and pro-
visions. We some of m
buildings in very in I coo
and would recommend repairs
mediately. With this exception
everything is in good order.
We have examined the jail
find it in as good condition as
will permit. Tie
to be well cared
We hive examined of
the clerk of the Superior court,
register of aid sheriff and
find them all right and he records
well preserve-. We recommend
the clerks office to have cross index
to administrators, guardians, ex-
trustees, etc.
We recommend Jack Teel,
Dow living the house with
lie Wilson, a woman of ill repute,
be bound to Mi. Calvin
recommend that
child be taken from bound
to some suitable person.
We also recommend the
of the county bind over less
witnesses be sure they arc
All of which respectfully
submit and we further ask to be
discharged. G.
Foreman Grand Jury.
Sale at
broken. His chauffeur, was
forty feet and landed on
his forehead, killing him instant-
The chair driver had one
Some men spend a lot of time
wondering why other men work.
Wood Bros., of New York, have
taken charge of T.
big store to a special sale
beginning Thursday, The
Notice is hereby given that the tore ,, ,.,, down
undersigned will petition the leg . . ,
to the town for this sale.
Pitt county, N. C.
J S. Smith, mayor. There is plenty of opportunity
It. L. Davis, to get goods while
O. Barrett, J. Jones, I special sales are going on
R. Joyner. Commissioners. is place for the
1-9 ltd buyers to come for
TUB orphanage at Montreal, near
was destroyed by fire
Louisburg is moving for a
bond issue to establish a graded
in that town.
The Bankers Association of the
state will hold its next convention
in May.
The North Postmasters
Association will hold its second
annual convention at
February 10th and
Max a Cabarrus county
farmer, cut his with a pock-
et and said be did it just for
fun. He. died a few hours later.
Services by Laymen.
Though the pastor was
Sunday, very interesting services
were held in Baptist church
both morning and The
morning service was in charge of
Prof. W. H. who made
a most delightful and instructive
talk on wisdom.
night service was led by J.
w. Bryan who gave an Interesting
synopsis of the life of Esther, nod
was followed by the reading of a
character sketch of this Jewish
of the Persian court by Hugh
The service closed
with a beautiful solo by Asa
and chorus by the choir.
b. of had made
false statements an
on the strength of
holder in one of national banks
in that place induced to en-
Mr. v. notified
that she was under .;,,.
and screamed and
Sin- wife
of bindle L. Duke His family
are bun m-. i
done upon
call in the building as
she bad intended, but rue
would no sad took
her to
a Weeping that
office until
Polk Miller Friday Night
On bearing Polk Miller and bis
in our neighbor-
big towns not long ago, of the
most able et beloved
ministers in North Carolina
after the vat con-
approached Mr. billet and
in a voice full of genuine emotion,
Mr. Miller a man as
you ought to never die. A
thrilling every fiber with so
much cf humanity and
whose presence always brings son
shine and glad nets, and banishes
sorrows and sadness, is in the best
meaning of the word a beneficiary
to his race, a to bis
country. The people Gr
will have opportunity of seeing
ind hearing him at the opera
Friday sight, 27th.
Don't miss It, Ticket on sale
Splendid Entertainment
The entertainment by Kieth's
Moving Picture Co., in the opera
house, Tuesday was
id. cornet playing by Pi of.
was marvelous, and
pictures were almost as real as
life. was troubled
with a cold and could not sing,
but assisted by another little girl
dressed as a boy she gave an
11-resting cake walk. The
dance large everybody
enjoyed it. company expect to
return to Greenville sometime in
April, when with the aid of
lights the pictures
better than calcium lights.
Old Brick store,
cash or on time. Good in-
vestment. Apply to R. Greene,
Washington, N. C. 1-17
Rev G. A. Killed.
In a wreck that occurred Tues-
day at Troy on the
Aberdeen railroad, Kev. A.
pastor of the Methodist
church at Aberdeen, woe killed.
Several others were seriously
injured and a number slightly
hurt. Two oars fell down an em-
and were demolished
Rev. Mr. wan once
presiding elder of this
and made Ins home Greenville
that time Tin- news his tad
brings regret to many friends
A woman's idea of a silent part
nor is a

Eastern reflector, 24 January 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 24, 1905
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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