Eastern reflector, 20 January 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i pi
Far la Canada the Ck
made of water . ow Th. wall
and MM r
were very ear i ,,;.,,. on tab only
are hot pumpkin prepared
served with a great deal of
to. keep It company
I wine, elderberry, gooseberry,
i quince, plum and apricot p u
v are old fashioned varieties. I i, to
nips and turnips produce a very now-
brandy. t who are
Cowslip and rhubarb wine are very The gifts
different the former weak and the lat- are wrapped up with huge
Mr very heady. packets of maple candy, and
Fir tree tops, green nettle tops, birch Kn t .;
beech sap. bog myrtle, heather-all um oW fairs
produced And did not a New , Dealer,
rhyme, meant to encourage
the patriotic boycott on British goods, j
Spanish children Fattier
can liquor to sweeten our Up Christmas. They think It Is the
pumpkin and parsnips and walnut y of who
tree chips
Sloe gin and rue gin are queer drinks.
Is sherry, hot water, lemon.
sugar and nutmeg. The London Out-
look says that Derbyshire
to drink secret a
potion made out of the poison-
as York World.
All hall the time -r year
When every heart U
When far and near I rood cheer,
And care Is left behind
Old feuds forgot old h aside.
Now hearty f --ind.
While far wide at
throughout the land.
forget, a to pride;
are all rifts.
M gay Ml every
Wore for Christmas
New York Journal
No -You bachelors are fool-
Now, when n married man gets a
few Collars saved op he doesn't go and
spend It or. sonic woman ho admires.
Ho buys wire.
their gifts.
It Is to be unlucky to leave
Christmas decorations up after
Twelfth Night
There Is Island called Christmas
Island In the Pacific ocean, called
because Captain Cook discovered it on
day, 1777.
Plum pudding was originally plum
porridge and oaten for breakfast, not
for dinner.- Philadelphia Ledger.
Taking Time tor the Forelock.
Magazine is time to
range for stories.
Assistant -1 have seen to that.
the authors at
they clubbed together, hired a
room and I send the
office boy round twice a day to Jingle
Didn't Brats.
of people are getting
married nowadays. Hy-
men is doing a flourishing business.
he sell Carpets and
house Courier-
To the Public
J. A. Rick Bro. having purchase i the
business Bakery of E. H. wish
announce it they will furnish
anything in the Bakery Line at short notice,
delivered at home. Orders taken and filled
from date.
We have
anything in first class New
arriving daily
Baking will be conducted by Mrs. J M Rams.
We will appreciate your patronage and give
good and satisfactory service.
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Friday, Jan.
Hot bread today at Kicks A
T. M. Billiard went to Bethel
Mrs. F. G. of Ayden.
spent here
Mrs. J. B. Cherry left this
root sing for New
Miss Emma Brown, of Ayden,
came in this Minting to visit
Nellie Barnhill
Senator J. L. Fleming came
from Raleigh this morning
to spend a few days.
B. B. Hearne, a of the
who has been out. West for
I he past six years, bus returned
here on a visit to relatives.
R. L Strickland, who has been
bookkeeper Parham
for the last years, left this
to accept a as
for a
concern in Newark, N. J.
Mr. made many
friends in Greenville who
see him leave and wish him much
Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1905.
D. has moved to
West Greenville.
returned Friday
evening from
Nell of Halifax, is
Nil a
Miss Lucy Manning, of Bethel,
Is visiting Miss Tucker.
Miss Ohio Boston, of
came Friday evening to visit
K. Williams Friday
from He had been
the grand
F. C.
general Home
i ., this
The Grand of Masons re
cent in at Raleigh
the following
W. Lidded, grand master,
F. W. Winston, grand
master, Windsor.
M senior grand war-
H N Hackett, junior grand war
Wm. Simpson, grand treasurer,
Leo, grand
Drewry, secretary,
A Visit to M vines k
In the interior of tho of
Mindanao, in the Philippines, then
re many natives who in
in tho tree tops. Where tho
are thick the entrances to villages
are often at considerable distances
by way of suspended bridges
from tree to tree. Thus one may
walk directly beneath a cluster of
houses, says the author of
Gems of the without suspect-
its presence.
On one occasion, by more lack,
while struggling through a bamboo
forest he came to a piece where,
resting against the thick growth,
severed bamboo of great
was a
height, with notches cut in
it as a ladder, he
T. N. Ivey, grand Bl- mounted it to see what was at the
B. . Hatcher, lecturer,
B senior
F. M. Winchester, junior
Deacon, Charlotte.
W. J. Roberta, grand marshal,
M. D. grand sword
J. B. Briggs, grand
Elizabeth City.
To his amazement there lay on
the top of the vegetation two
horizontal bamboos on which mud-
feet had trodden and beyond
. these other bamboos, forming a
grand path or bridge. He signaled his men
to be quiet and follow, then
J. D. steward,
F- D. Jones, grand steward,
It H Bradley, tiller,
proceeded to cross the first length
of the rickety way, twenty
feet above the ground. When he
had gone about thirty yards he came
suddenly out into a clearing where
j were four large elevated houses. The
path he was on led to the nearest
I one, and they were all connected by
Lewie Laird wan shot and
To cross the shaky bamboo over
the open was s problem for one less
birdlike than the tree dwellers; but,
taking off his shoes, the traveler
went ahead. He had scarcely reach-
ed the middle and most ticklish
part when the in the
houses detected his presence. With
a chorus of yells they sent stones
arrows at him, and one old
man crawled out on the bridge and
shook it so that only both
A charier has been for a hands it. At last
at he was to stand up and
. i the sign of peace. The old woman
. , , . . I stopped and stared at him, while hi.
By of a In on
A-lie three, a boy j to discharge their guns
were killed. i into the houses if necessary to pro-
, . , i him. The traveler called his
he jury of M county J
found a true Mil for murder her she must not be angry
i. Bairn , the
H. ,
a. H. a
with be said. her she
looks ugly when she is angry. Tell
her I friend and carry no
nor even a spear. If they lay down
AT this season, the close cf the Old and opening of th New
Year, wise and prudent men take account of their assets and
liabilities. In taking account of our assets end liabilities w find
most assets to be th -still of our
patrons and friends.
In like manner, we find our greatest liabilities,
we owe our friends for the kindly and interest they
have manifested in this store.
This good will we heartily reciprocate and trust mu-
relations will not only continue, but show a marked
increase for 1905. To realize this trust, community of interest
will bind us together in indissoluble golden bonds.
We feel that the growth of our business is due to the
ally of our friends, and we now thank them heartily for their con
to our success,
In conclusion we shall ask to expect better thing
from this store for the year 1905. With the season's greetings
and our best wishes for your and prosperity we are
Your Friends
Co. have purchased a novelty
in machinery for the of
culling and splitting foe the
away with i lie old
time cutting wood.
you ever see so much
wet and
Many of folks
in not being able to at-
tending the party
of in- weather.
Mr. of was
the ii- vacated by
Mi. roughs and family.
Ha. -f was
in town Friday.
Mr. Mr.
of. committed their arms,. I will kill no one.
suicide He The old woman, who still had
i. . ,. i. , stones clutched in her hands,
shot the brain for then re-
home after i- dropped the missiles. The
ed her face. She seized h
G. Manor presented hand were trembling,.
with a bring in the
i up. houses stilled their racket.
. , The old. woman the chief
dead am, the of
in a barn He bed She they bad mistaken
tilled u with and wax the party for slave trader-. Being
placed in. barn by companions rod., she turned and led the
; par-- into the village, and there
at a feast. She
While-insane John L. I even offered to adopt tho traveler
his wife and make bin chief if he would
but he declined the offer
of shot
through the head with a
blowing of her
head off was
Mt the bf did not
move after being
The cf
Am of the
Hen Living In ;
from the heart of
lbs con
i . nest b
. . the
. i Tho bushmen
a trip to
bank quit., , -j
were d half
Mi. of South
has a with the
t County Lumber Company
succeeding Mr. Hob OS.
Mi-. H. Cole little
daughter, Emily, borne
Friday night.
u the lower-, order of
he January, men They are
. t, a . that they do not know enough to
Of Mis. of hut
being the-first of the The nearest they can
were to it is to gather a lot of
Mies and grass taking them
into a thicket or jungle, build u nest
for a home. The nest is usually
enough for tho family,
and if latter is very numerous
then the nests are of largo size.
Sometimes the foliage above will
form u natural covering, but there
is never attempt at construct
a protection from storms.
secretary, Miss
Ti- Mia- Ellington,
Mist L-e Brown,, and
general committee were
After all was
were served
Among many enjoyable games,
I was played, after
which we sojourned to meet Feb.
I have taken a dark bay
about or , ears old,
weighs or pounds. Owner
can get same by calling at my
house and proving property,
cost. C. Elks.
Jan. 2nd. 1905.
Near Cox's Mill, Jan tit, 1903.
at p. m. at me of
Guilford Page, his daughter,
Notice is hereby given that and Mr. Leon were
undersigned will petition the leg married by H
to recharter the town
Pitt county, N. C.
J Smith, mayor.
C. C. It. L. G.
C. Barrett, J. D. Jones, John
B. Joyner. Commissioners.
1-9 ltd
I v
a s
A large number of i
friends were present to
the marriage.
Immediately after the
the left for tho home of I he
in where a re-
was held night.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
January Term in
-n, pleads guilty, ed
Geo. currying
weapon, pleads guilty,
The January term of Pitt Rape costs.
emit for the trial of both j Edward Mills, assault with
criminal and civil W. weapon, pleads guilty,
B. Allen, if presiding wk
L. I. concealed
ting state, began weapon, pleads guilty, fined
In calling the jury six
The grand jury Orange carrying eon-
was as G. Barry, fore- weapon, pleads guilty, fined
A. B. F. am. costs
rick, J. H. V B. Don- Ellie, assault with deadly
Novell Cobb, B. Oar- guilty,
CO. Brown. W. T. Keel, ,., and Red-
Calvin Mills, H. H. Craft, Ne plead guilty,
some W. W. Matthews, .,, payment of
W. B.
W. O. F. L. J. A. Knox, with dead
weapon, pleads guilty, motion
W. II I officer of the f. j upon
jury and L W.
crier. Webb, assault with
The weather being told
the jurors, Judge suspended payment
Alle- did deliver a ,
tn the grand jury, but what be Robert King, pleads
Said wan clear I sentenced six months lo be
While the law genera to roads,
was briefly touched, Golden Edwards, carrying con-
bes were owl e pleads guilty, fined
Judge Allen made point
touching the of the grand M H.
when he said they should not ed ,,,
returns true bill after ex- continued upon pay-
f the state's M, of and
are folly the guilt bond to at January
of the person whom me, that be has
bill is his know, at i violated the law.
grind juries who Look the i
that it mi difference weapon, guilty,
a true bill found, as the and costs,
juror could correct any error j John
if one had been made. But, assault with dead-
judge, it does make a differ- j Pete Hew born
for its a reflection on a man j n-t
for the grand jury to a true; CoW, Frank Buck,
bill and they . Hi-
do o unless fully
and William
Judge William and Fr
Allen sail of worst feat Buck
this is the Sim and
futures, but h thought the Sam i-en-
law an was end months and
for that reason he did not months, to be to
juries He thought j road-,
the law be amended so
to reach gamblers in futures. guilty, judgment
the provisional carrying
of the Watts law, he said, weapon, plead- guilt v. lined
their attention. It natters and .-oat-
-hat jury may of Andrew Pittman, n-
law what he may sentenced t ins
law for him- to work roads
self be U good
it is a law is sentenced t-
violet ions under it should assigned
the legislature-
bill to impose a penalty on
graph companion for the non de-
livery of
This bill provides that it shall
be the duly of each telegraph
doling in hi
Strife i
and deliver to the
see or all for
it has accepted or bad
P iv no mi of same by
sender an I upon a f t.
promptly r deliver ma
same it shall be liable to t
to the addressee of and to
the sender of recoverable In
action in the court of a justice
of the peace.
th. house
introduced a bill
to exempt the town t Fountain
from lie act prohibiting sale
of liquor iii one of Lang's
bill is to allow to
Little introduced
it bill for
of to make
to the institution
wain day of little doing
The was in
than and only
e introduced. There was a
The Excuse Holds Good.
have married a wife and
therefor- I an
given in Holy writ nearly
two years and an
incident court Tuesday recalled
that parable and shows that the
same excuse h good until now.
A case came for hearing and
Solicitor Moore announced
names of the witnesses which
were taken up in order by Crier
Lawrence called. One it-
failed to answer. him
out, Mr. ordered the
yes Oh,
began the crier to the form
of but just before
the of entering a for non
attendance wan reached
tor th- ht that had
been looked for the moment
addressed the
it please your Honor, I
r-id overlooked the fact that this
witness was married a few days
ago and is on a bridal tour from
which he has not yet returned
All Judge
Allen with a smile. I
have to admit that excuse and
overlook the absence of the witness
time being
The Murray trial .
was halted temporarily
of two of the jurors.
At Apex
stores the Apex News
were destroyed by fire.
The planing mills Ta
River Lumber
Mrs. Dicey Jones Dies Suddenly.
Ms. Dicey Jones was found
.-dead bed morning at
Horn . North I where
Confidence asking for
awe, and waR no
had clean- the eD Deaf
ad up and was ready to adjourn did not get up at her usual
hour after meeting. am, home one
was appointed to breakfast when it
and report number
pages, and I
In to the duly of
jury to examine the county
offices he said they should be care-
executors file their
reports promptly with
or com clerk. lie also a
thorough inspection of the county
pointing out in-
of that were
entitled lo as good us the
county could afford to give them.
The following cases been
disposed of.
Sam Mills, affray, guilty,
Oscar King, failing to list tuxes,
pleads guilty, judgment suspended
upon payment of costs and taxes.
James to
list taxes, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended payment of costs
and taxes.
Thomas carrying con-
pleads guilty, j I-
affray, plead
fined and
jury returned
bills against
Wiggins for killing
and against lieu for kill-
In Again.
As will be seen from
our advertising
A. II. Tuft, recently sold his
business to Taft Vaughn, has
opened for himself. He can
be found door to Sam
near Five Points, and will handle
furniture and furnishing
goods exclusively. He will carry
largest and best line ever
handled here.
r e pluses of the house
roll for same, and lo
bow many in opinion
to do.
A bill
m case stand
f I rial th first terns if the sum-
. awl complaint is
-sued days prior,
in he t.-i
to in-1
he . f in
e from cents to
On merely
was that she was dead Her
appearance shoved that she had
away simply
falling never to awake in
this world.
Mrs. Jones grandmother of
Mis II. B Mr. J. F. King
laud Mis-cs Lena and Mimic Kim.,
all of Greenville She had many
friends who regret her death.
remains were taken to
Farmville today for interment in
family burying ground there
Subscribe to Tub
In among the
bills offered was one for i in- relief
of soldiers; one
better government North
Carolina for Ills deaf,
dumb and blind; one to pie-
vent lam and sale of
liquor in Scotland
In house Representative
Woodard introduced a bill lo
lie law to
under promise of marriage.
I were a number of new
bills in but of a
local nature and little interest to
the general public.
Child Burned to Death
This the
child of Mr. Mrs. W. J.
live about five miles from
town, was accidentally to
death. The child while
stuck a broom in lire
and in playing with this its cloth-
caught. The child lived about
five hours after accident.
Getting in New
w. j. me
man, is a good one when it comes
to moving heavy freight. He is
well quipped handling
mat cornea along,
inn how II be. He
has transferred The
new press from depot de-
livered it up tin- printing room
with The press came
knocked down securely ed,
yet packages were very heavy,
largest box weighing nearly a
ton. job of the press
together is the next thing,
it is our purpose to miss
issue of the paper white this is in
progress it may take all the week
to get it ready for work.
Climbing Up.
were destroyed by fire
The grad.-d
colored race at New gem
destroyed by fire Monday after-
Mrs. Burton, aged
years, and L-win Key
both a
Several suit- have been
against the city of
damages by the. buss-
reservoir there some week-
of Ova Town
i an item t
a from
city the other day. can very
easily curry cents h in my
arms, added. Wage-
and money is more plentiful in
big manufacturing city If it
not so people
and a living
between city life n
favor latter. Get
schemes do not revolve
farmer's heads and are
bothered with
and ways of fast living.
In rural district e
that natural simplicity among
that goes with a plain, simple
and honest life, there's a better
opportunity to develop a
free from on ant
It's true
have lo fed ard tbs
world furnish means g
mate big corporal ions, speculators
ind rich, but they gen-
ally have enough left to get along
with and these long winter
nights they can build on a
fire of wood without
where the next will
those who make the farm
by producing the; gap
plies at home are about n de-
pendent as it is possible for I-
of means hi be.
The Coming Law Ridden.
It's iii r hi. If be
upon the earth
will be so of i
the in which laws aB
England, for
the same law making power is n-
changed from year to year.
in legislators
for the most part, new
at each session of legislatures,
and each one of feels
the existence of the country de
pends upon his contribution
statute books. And so
subjects upon which legislation
proposed year- by year.
The water is sol
close to court house that work
on it has to suspend the
hours that court Is setting because
of the noise made by hammering
on rivets. But the pipe keeps
up is now
than the temple.
Capt. Sutherland
Capt. Robert A.
died Sunday afternoon at
ville, where be bad lived for six-
teen years. He was the con-
that brought a train -to
Greenville when Atlantic
Coast Line built their road here.

. at the door of laid
v the highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said execution all the
and interest which the said J B
defendant has the following
described real estate to wit
A certain or parcel of land
Mean L. Myers
W daily, except Sunday
h. for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
VI tn. for
Connecting at Washington wit
for Baltimore,
New York Boston,
all North. Connects at
with railroad for aN
. nit-. Wast.
if should order
Old Dominion lands of w A Clara,
fork and Mi ore and the Matt James
V ,. i. u heirs containing Eighty-fire
and B B. M m, re or of the
Old on Line from Norfolk; j said j B smith which has been set
rte Mia Iron apart to him and described as follows
--Beginning in the main leading
to Greenville and with the
lines Matthew lands
a westerly to J. J Moore's
line, thence South with said
line down the creek to w. Calvin
James corner, thence said W. C.
James line an course to
the main road, containing by
about sixty acres
This 13th day of Dec soar,
State f North Carolina, In the
K. B. Higgs, J w. j
as Greenville Supply
Company, vs. j. B Smith and E. O
Smith, trading as J B. Smith and Son
Notice of execution sale.
By virtue of an execution directed
to the undersigned from the superior
I of Pitt county in the above n-
ac ion. will on Monday the
day of January, at o'clock. Hornaday M-n-
Reported for
I he child i en under
twelve years old in the Methodist
held meeting
day afternoon The following
were enrolled at this their
Mildred Can,
Line from Boston.
b -urn t to
I H My. re,
N. C.
. B Vice President
M Bench Street. N. T
, . n. SChULTZ
retail n
Dealer. t -e
t. Fur. Cotton reed, Oil Ra
. Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Dull., suit, Ba
t I Go- arts,
Lounges, Safes, T
lard A Ax
Key West Ch.
i. Peaches, t
idea, Syrup, Jelly, Mil
if Food. Mi M
p d Meal
i range., Km
hi.-. Ware T--
km and Via
and being in the county of Pitt and i , u
state of North Carolina in Swift creek trim,
n Neck on the i Novella Mule.
side of the Greenville road . D u ,,,
the same land upon said Brown, Bro n.
j B I u e
-mill, I n
z. i, Kay
B t o Gordon
C tier-
Or teller, Hi
James, ill
Nina Ada I
F.-i-y, John
Murphy, Mien and
In all.
Lee Liz
i nice
The of is
to a for the new
I bey
meet once each week, h
at each
L. W. Tucker,
North Carolina, I In Superior
Pitt county. e the Clerk.
S. A. Stock administrator of
John S. Susan
horn, Nancy Margaret member Io pay
Dick Evans, Ben .
Evans. Jesse Tom Evans, Ann ting, and spend hour romp
cox, Eva Dixon. John seemed to
smith, Cannon Smith, Dennis
Smith, John S. J Drat as oily
Nobles. cm -y such fan. Their
Sawyer, I , .
e Button, Emily Nob.-, is l held with
John Bottle I Marl ha Lee On el on
Susan Dunn. Louisa . ,,., .
Henry Evans, W B. Jan.
John Henry and Allie
The will take i u in
that an action entitled as-bore
been d before the Clerk
P till H
of tho Superior of Pitt county
to obtain an order directing the
of the late W
to sell f r that piece
land in Pitt which
said formerly lived, con-
more or less. And the
said defendants will notice
that they are request it to appear be-
before said t .
the day of
and answer or demur to complaint
or petition in said action r the plain-
tiff will to the the
lief demanded in said
Tb s December in.
c. Moore
Cl Court.
Cholera with On
Small Bottle
Colic, .-id
vii G. W
in I
on a jury in
in ii rd ca-e j
He I;
meal and ii me
in a very mill, I
never inure Hick in my life and.
M-iii to I lie drug store f--i h
me h i.
f can
it more M
, e V
. . I
J i
. i
c bin- ,
Ii v e, T. i.
Lock .
, Vi
Louis, Mi,
. v.,
A mi
if i
North j In the ;. n d
W he
Notice of. v l this
Moses w Tyson-. ea much he
By virtue an execution i . me
., ., ,.
of in i he ac- i. . , ,
immediate points east the Mis,
N t Quite if
Hon. I . on
O j
h ii d county I in
the for cash I., satisfy
said right, mi.
Muses IV Tyson
ii i, a scribe I
real estate, to On the n e
river, David
11- in no I lids
known .
inane p a d being I
id site
Moses W
in the
i county in . age ,
i. l d and
res more i. s bus -v. r I.,
I the d b b an j
to in laid Mo s
lie- sheriff t county
ii d oat lining ten n
I IS- s
I. W
in d m es
I n.- d do-i-
. lei., j ere
-I -it Ills a
ll lull i i In- lire.-
.-n t
V Ni
t. -X . . C
n l-. i ii I
.-1 ii l-s.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a century
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you w ill favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just r a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
For C Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am
munition. One and Two H
Plows, Heat Cutters and
In anything
in Hardwire come to
H. L.
For Fine Job Printing.
often you tun a t
dona a
nail ., driver or
g. i- a Have a
tool box .- prepared for
line of tools
Is oil could
Mn will ace Unit your tool
box does not a single
Of Course
is hereby
smith enters slid low n.
i-i in I .
, county, N
I, Indian Wail
John Moon-. Mills heirs, i
i heirs, s n an
i j
more or l.-s- Any person, or
s title In or inter.-l in,
above d land, must file
their protest with me in
I the i ext thirty days, issue-
I of a warrant, or limy will be
ed by law. Th s January
U. i-l. Ms,
Entry Taker for County
Letters of a. the
estate of J. Ca son, , bar
t ii day ran issued tome by
i of
r- is hereby to
holding against said
lo pr sent tin in to me for pay-
duly on or before
th of I , or
this will be plead in their,
All persons indebted to said urn i
state are requested to make 1- Wt
ale to
This the 27th day of Dec,
of J J. Carson,
Blow, Attorneys.
You get Harness, AI
Horse Goods,
u in i a
Col ton Buyers Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
Private Wires to New Tori
New Orleans.
Having qualified before the.
Superior court clerk of county as
Executor if ii-1 will and testament of
Mrs. Ada Moore, wife of Rickey I
Moore, deceased, notice is hereby
n to all persons
the estate to
the same for payment on or be-
fore the 2nd of De., 1905, or this no-
will lit plead la bar of
All indebted to estate;
are notified to make immediate pay-,
the undersigned.
This of Dec.,
C. A.
of Ada Moors.
in Any Size Lots.
We either or ex-
change men hulls for seed
furnish tags nod all
Write tis when
are ready Io sell
Washington, N. C.
Dr. T-.
Norfolk, Va.
Ties and Bugs.
Correspondence and
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
m i low lo
j. Ill am U,
and m J. M. Manager and Authorized I h c
picture in receiving sub Ii Surveyor
d receipts for Last Rev T II On t B B- work
in arrears. We have . , Ki, in T
-ho , ., i , t.
lake Mr of hand by t Yours to please,
a, evangelist f he wholesale and retail --Bl ROBT
When . . I M . and. o d fa
J a r Survey.
I W. Q MisS I la i N. C ,
Millie A the v., , u W the
u s. H.
and t-v
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N C
If you anything in way
f Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ware
to us, Jenkins.
wood bad
the in split bis foot
the end of he toes up to the , n i
, ,. K Hi W . C. and
leg. wound i a very serious , ,
one and cannot ye. T-
a- the T
may prove. are cheaper
. ,. i , . . .
Ask K G. about it. Life
P. O. to
Call and our line of handle
grade You cm be
convinced be J Sr., been
of material police place
Milling Mic Co. of
E E. will do Now we have u
possible ch i . please you wagon and cur.
thou line heavy fancy and will sell as cheap
groceries any one.
received, line line of bar Milling Mfg. Co.
Bess and can lit you up in any style N C
at J. U,
Ayden Milling Co.
Robert has accept. mayor a few
d a position W. C. Jackson I ml ice to dispose of
Ci for a snort while. d-y Q unusual occurrence
tie place.
and bananas at E. E. as good as new
Call mi J- B-
g Hides
S. the
church Rev Mr. D j la ,. ice of right much of
in tie morning , Mr. i i. in on our market.
In the church j the ,,,.
M. conducted have a
being his regular
ladies especially
f will visit and pat-
J. R.
Rubbers at J. R Smith
Hay, seed meal and
of at J R. Smith Ur.
wish the They A. of he
, To try then, L, , p ,
lo We., Avenue f.
,., ,.,
the, Try . ., f
Polite clerk-, good and I , We
at the live in a. lea-, we
R A B-o. n v.
of Black f,,, .,
Jack, has Is ugh. goods in the
st,, e and will
lo Hart
We to build
buggies for we it i,.,
set apace we cannot
Milling Mfg. Co., N. C R
Examine our line of notions
r C. Jackson and Co.
When begin suicide
what in in me of heaven are
Wilmington, N. C.
Parties desiring a
will well to
S. I H
N. C
e have no
-love- at J.
rel of Columbia Hour, none better
to be had where.
V e are values for
money in hate,
rugs mailings, tables and
oil chub Tyson.
For can corn
apply to E. E.
if you do not secure
one of our High grade buggies,
your loss will lie great than
Ayden Milling Mfg.
de, u.
family have
In old home in
Greene Conn. v.
Ola-s, light
;., Ayden
N. and
J. R i. at Mm treat ell
greatest reaped
Hi e extended an at
ti u in.-ii store.
M i as n
III , week.
I lie free
The A have a
lo. Am.
laities i hat Caution A
Tyson have line of
guilds in low ii.
II s. Julia spent
day and Sunday with her I
Mrs. c. A. Fair and returned to i
four one and clean.
Ill order Ilia, you
netter pries fur it, n in
Mining Mfg. Co ,
N C.
Cannon are . .
up dale line
1,1.111. Ill III
from a in ,.
-o s . .,,.
is it,.
A Rio
J K. A Hf call
Iii I bell poultry fencing on
baud for ale.
Our second order
and caps are
Ayden. N. c.
Open for tho traveling
Nice Rooms, Good Table
and First-class Accommodation.
Terms per Day,
All owing taxes to the
r. Hi. ;
DR Ant., Ayden,
III want it all
, tin
t c
I II .
i-e a vi- i I,.
r ii ii, v m i
s r
your chickens,
-n, and other produce to
I. Ii. Smith Rio.
J. H Smith me offering
to trade in
Inter goods.
are cordially invited t call and
investigate price and
Pants nil sues and J.
bushels held
E. S B J Moore
went to and return-
ed S
e manufacture for
the trade. Dial are simply
sent the market
Milling Mfg Co.
b j
o J. R. S .
Yard be a yard
J R. Bin.
M s Lou is Visiting re
s i
inks i Sn.
Win. are
s limes e If
en toy call J.
W a
C N. your glasses
on Railroad Street
I Rest Ace- Turnouts
Tax Collect r. f.
are to and
same on before February
b, or I shall proceed to
by This January
l V-
i her
N. C.-s.
At the close of business
and bard wire. Be sure H An . have said eye
git their prices before haying W. Co, are than poison
your supply of fence.
O. home
from his visit to Cary.
Car lime, and
a J. R. Smith Bro,
Ca. salt, and at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Cold weather underwear
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. Jackson and
B. is at home for
a few from
us town
paints colors in oil, white lead,
J. R. Smith A
a very large number of our
people are attending court this
For cotton bulls, meal hay
Fine oats Ac go to Jackson.
politic know
hand ha only . class
stink nil
all kinds
TOILET . fields,
qua i y of RUBBER
the eat
Dye . j-;,.
n In MM-
son me-. P.,
.-r a , Tins
es, to k of
es all Pie
N. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brick Block,
Ayden, N. C.
Loans and
Furniture and
Demand Loans
Due from Hanks,
Gold Coin,
National notes
other U. S.
ID. W.
Gr series
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Fr sh flood.- kept on-
ck. Country
Produce Bo nut end old
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject lo check,
Cashier's OS
School Books
School Supplies.
If You Need
an Book
We've It.
I All Kinds Of
A. P. land anything carried in
Ayden. N. C.
The Masonic Mutual
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and the induce-

in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired a every office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
To Enclose House.
in to
Pitt County, N. C, Friday. January
Every time a legislature meets
tore arc laws that get on the
statute books that pear useless
and One of these that
passed by a former legislature
a law that a MO
ax on hunters from other
i ho coma into North Carolina
a few days hunting If
of Lhasa men comes to spend a
few with relatives or as the
a friend, or even if they
the state and coma to
boot upon their own premises, the
law to them also,
as being a very unjust
is really proving a loss
state, rather than a benefit,
I. many men from coming
borders. The money these
the when they
is many fold greater than
little game they kill
I all right to prevent
slaughtering game
b for market, but that is
purpose of the gentlemen
time to the state merely for n
t recreation The
lion is k imposed in these eases
ii the Audubon Society the
benefit whatever from
it If die tax should be tor
i of in t be state
C as in the sport better for
hunters when they come it would
more reasonable
In the United States Senate on
Monday Senator M. Simmons, of
North Carolina, made a two hours
speech in opposition to the proposed
union of Arizona and New Mexico
admitting them to statehood as one
state. Senator Simmons argued that
Arizona would suffer from such a
We that the residence of Edi
tor J- G. of the
Messenger Intelligencer, has been
burglarized The burglar must
mistaken the editor for a mil
He did fuel some money
and got away with it, but it is not
said bow much
A bill to be entitled, an act to re-
quire the churches, school
barns and pack-houses of
territory in Pitt county to be en-
closed so as to pi event hogs and
other stock from going and rest-
under them
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section The owners of all
barns, pack-houses, tenant houses,
and the like, and the trustees all
churches, and the school committee-
men in charge of all school houses
situate inside the stock range in that
portion of Greenville township, Pitt
county, lying on the North side of
Tar river, shall be and are hereby
required to enclose said pack-
houses, tenant houses and said
churches and school houses ho as to
prevent hogs and other stock from
going or resting under them.
Section Any person or
Just About
Sam Jones is not only a preacher
and reformer, but ho has MM ex-
good ideas farming as
noted from the following
There is no use gentle
men, unless you kick yourselves
The South can get more money for
a ten million bale crop much less
cost than she can get for a thirteen
million bale crop Now the
comes up, will you do
about it brother I take
the position and hold my ground
that to play the fool and then cuss
somebody else about your
is a mighty poor business. I
heard many a Southern man Hay
last more six and seven
cent cotton in the United States
At least they for many years to
come, and here we arc mired down
in South s business interest
most paralyzed by the calamity
overtaking less than twelve
Meat on the Firm.
persons failing to comply with tho I mouths. When you raise too many
provisions of the above section shall potatoes you will sell them at
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. cents per bushel When you raise
too few you get a dollar a bushel
for them Tho cold snap yesterday
and Upon conviction thereof, shall
be lined not exceeding or
not exceeding thirty I put wheat up, just because they say
days the supply might out off. Here's
Section All laws and one Southern farmer that ain't going
clauses of laws ill conflict with the to raise a bale of cotton next year
Congress gets some speed when I provisions of this Act are hereby Put in corn, peas, sow grain,
bills. prove your laud, act like men f
This Act shall be sense, quit acting the fool and then
in force and effect from and after raising sand with the of the
world because you played tho fool.
Let the South cut the cotton crop
it comes to passing pension
They went through Saturday t
rate of four a minute, or to of
bills passed in minutes.;
It will not long to The foregoing is a copy of a bill lone third I will guarantee you
surplus with a few turns like that, j that has been introduced in the i twelve or fifteen cents a pound for
--------.- I senate by Senator J L. Fleming I your cotton Put in as much acre-
How glad we would to read the opposition to it by any I age next y was this and i will
, ,, , , . . i person in the territory affected t six cents, no
announcement that a charter ,
. persons having these objections more, so to speak know that
been or the of , ,, , f m , c , ,
should write our senators and re- every fellow is some sort of a fool,
my wife's husband included, but to
keep on acting the fool about the
which is Better same thing will soon gel a lo
all sorts of a f and then i hey
a building and loan association in
Greenville It the town's
greatest needs and we hope the near
future will bring it.
. e
The old method of pickling meat
in a strong salt-peter brine is still
very generally used by farmers in
putting up their annual supply of
This method produces a
strong flavored and rather dry and
indigestible product. There is a
popular impression salt-peter
is a very powerful preservative and
that salted meat will not keep with-
out it. In fact salt peter is not u
preservative at all. It is a strong
hardening the meat
expelling the natural juices
and decreasing the nutritious
ties of the meat. Win-11 taken into
tho human body in quantity, salt-
peter nets as a powerful irritant to
the mu. us membranes of
bowels and kidneys Death has
been caused by largo doses of this
substance The use salt peter
upon meat is unnecessary and
desirable A much better and safer
substitute is cream of
Of recent, years manufacturing
chemists have not been backward in
off to farmers an butchers
meat preservatives, sold under-fancy
and misleading names, at
taut prices These meat
preservatives and coloring matters
are all injurious to health and should
be let severely alone.
To make a good, mild and whole-
some pickle the following
materials, for pounds of
Common salt, S pounds;
brown sugar, pounds; cream of
tartar, ounces; water I gallons
First boil the water
for minutes and then stir in the
salt, and i ream of tartar.
Keep hot Until all dissolved Let
the pickle cool before using
Pack the cut meat as solidly as
possible in II clean barn I Place
the larger pieces the . No
should measure over x
I he English and American will lock you I say these short pour ,
The legislature is moving slowly,
but there is time enough yet to do
It has been only a short while
since printed an
tide staling that an account of a
sent the paper could not
In; published because the name of
t. e writer did not accompany the
article, yet we are in of an-
other such item without any name dumb for
are the greatest whiskey drink brief remarks in the interest of and
era on earth the benefit of the farmer Don't
They have more trouble to en abuse me gentlemen, but listen to a
something before the per diem ceases, Curve temperance measures than do fellow who wishes you well,
Perhaps, alter all, the least the any other countries in the world.
better it will be for the state England hat hung and banished The Durham Herald
thousands of people in the last him- Virginia courts have refused
and completely outer lbs meat
the barrel lightly set away
in a cool, dark, dry place. meat
may remain in pickle until
wanted for use to be
remove from pickle after six weeks
and drain for a day or too before
., i , ii a ,,, years f dealing in blockade to grant Mayor a new trial t , . , u , i t.
Congressman John Small has; ,., . . ,. . , . smoking. smoke use green
I Scot i the best article wins lie will hang unless the cover- ., . , , , ,, u ,,
1,0.11, I,, V i i wood if ii Kc a
bean invited to deliver an address now on the market. And interferes. It certainly looks i . r i . r
. , P i , i may add a few or
on the inland waterway before the i prisons are constantly being b id for vet it is hard to he- ,
. . . , i berries I lie smoke house
II. I II v . k k I., moil iv ho , ii I . I f
Merchants and Manufactures by men who have violated our that a man of his former
internal revenue laws. lion and influence Will not a
.------- the government levies way out of it. lie Would fare better
An exchange says an Indiana of North I last sen-
ii r. In M.- the tax used to have in
bus j list recovered her voice of tori icon nun in in
J be oil the gallon but was re
years. Pity to the
aiming with it As many tunes as s, it before leap I present lax
tun deal sol
emu truth in it, as could he proved
year departed.
Chis matter has been referred to in
it does like people would
learn that papers do not print Prom heard on the street
unless they know who sends the people of the county are not talc-
The name need not be pub I favorably to the idea of an in-
with the article, but the crease in taxes with cotton around
know win Rends it
cent murder eases. lint
So there are two great incentives U nut a as had in
in two countries for the block- Influence and
to deal in whiskey. in do not carry much weight
he profit to star tho dispensing of justice in
with, and in this country that. tale I he and the
Ami, secondly, as before stated, the cases are living witnesses to
no trouble ill hut It
, of his stock, for bis customers
Is Russia baa in her laws, her
her best, the outside world looking
. a good field to I
The insanity dodge is to tried
to gel clear of the killing of
for tie Coast Line religion, or her social organism, to
attract And set she manages her; some excuse hide in order
X do not want better than to the ends of
office m very badly after all either notions, which Greenville Ki
talented editor of the Progressive, hag the appointment of eight to be in the world's crazed with liquor it
offered a directors on North Carolina first rank Russia says my people said had
hard for
i Railroad, and he has only 1,710 will drink whiskey. And since they
pi on a new magazine
New York, and has gone there for the position. The
, , . . . emoluments consist chiefly in a
a conference the ., . . .
free pass over the Southern
It is an honor to Mr. to
have such a position ho will
do the right thing for himself to
accept it, but very much regret
for North Carolina to lose him.
some time before the killing.
who was to blame for it, mill who is
responsible for his net hut
That matrimonial com plication of
Brodie Duke's at New York brings
CUE more-talk about
They ought, to send Major Bernard
a pound for the
will, the government shall it
and dispense it pure, in a limited
quantity to each individual. Com-1 The plea of insanity should not
way. It would be interesting to pare the two systems of dealing operate in case He is
know how many of these this troublesome question, and j guilty of murder and ought to be
cants care a cent about the place decide which is tho freer from oh- hung tor It. Vet there will he law-
over and above the free
it carries Greensboro Record.
Raleigh Times to aid him in cheating the gal
lows, people will submit.
President has whipped Henderson Odd Leaf.
It was thought at first that in on tho side of the women with a
Skinner's hurried trip to Washing- j demand for the whipping post for The Woman's Christian Temper-
ton had something t do with the; wife beaters. Tho isolated instance urge the government to
proposed attack of the department where the old man puts tho quietus discharge all soldiers from the army
of justice on the American Tobacco his scrapping partner who are to This
d Major but now it is hinted will make it incumbent upon to sis the most suggestion for
good was his scalp was in dim- i get well posted upon the the army that has yet
Wilmington I Morning Star.
beta Sun.
must he dark except
the chimney should he
end with mosquito nutting.
The which farm
cured meat most often attack the
meat in tho smoke house The par-
of the is a which
infests meat houses, but which may
be easily kept mil by means of wire
netting and well framing
After Brooking until alight brown
Color is attained wrap piece of
meat in brown paper and enclose in
bags made of mi bleached muslin.
Tie or sew securely, then dip
the bugs for two minutes into a
thick lime or wash which has
been added a little salt and some
liquid glue. The water in
in this wash should have been
boiled Instead of bagging the
smoked meat it packed sol-
idly and deeply in clean rials or
It is not generally known that
fresh meat and sausage kept
sweet and sound during the cooler
months by boiling or frying until
about half cooked and
solidly into earthen jars. Pour over
the packed meat hot lard until com-
covered finer the jars
set away in a cool, dork, dry place
C, Agriculture.
It is now claimed that if South-
cm farmers can hold for sixty days
will cone to peas,
certainly they can manage tide
over this
This department Is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
There is the lest selection of
inks, library and
at Dr. B. T. Gas
Bro. r to
eyes by buy inc. one
Of those at the Ding
Store, price
Highest price fur cotton eel
paid by Oil Mill
If in of a
lour or pork See and
Town Due. I am ready
to give P. B. Tucker
col. eel hi .
Don't to or send
your k. U. Cox
Co. Fat kind
worry over that tie lot
of cotton you hail over when
you a t your list
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill,
seed in any the
best price paid every
Finest Hue t elms in
ton n. It. U. Co.
Rat biscuit to kill the rate
and mice at Barber A
We have on hand a nice
line of goods at remarkably
low figures, come, see and be con-
Yours truly
Km r.-ll and Taylor.
For A gentle
horse, safe and sound, apply to
W. B. Winterville, N.
Box farts for is
Mu- season when y.-u may
want a em I In Ii ml your
in products to the or
The A Cox Mfg. are
sad selling them and yon
had iii older
at once.
in need of
flannels, waist
cull on and Co
A. . ft On hays just
received a ear load of sad prices
Just d the
shipment of shoes this fill, all
mid ail id lo k over.
We Cull Mill.
and An-
A Loud
A. C. h en.
tract to have live bundled cord of
H job can see I hem at
Protect f-et
good shoe. R. G,
Co. have the kind and size yon
School honks, station pen-,
pencils supplies of ml
kinds can be found the drug
baud buggies cheap. If
Veil to a land
cheap see A. ti. Cox
Mfg, Co.
candies H. I-.
to T. X. Manning .- Co. for
fresh candies, nuts,
B in position to
raw in
Inn. i ii which to do
work, sod being totem save
work up nearly all of
the why
save our money.
Winterville Mfr. O-.
The its in
cayenne pepper, and sage in i
New just
A. W, Ange and Go.
me your turkeys I pay the
highest L. Johnson.
Big consignment of Royal floor
just received. Prices
G. Chapman and Co.
we also carry a line of rubber
over coats boots and water proof
jackets the very for sold,
weather at Harrington
Barber A Co.
I he Pitt County Oil Mill is now
Bargains for the next twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery
B. T. Cox A Bro.
geese highest
market price paid for same.
A new lot of chairs arrived
A. W.
wood cart hubs. A. O. Cox Mfg.
having Cotton Seed. They pay Miss went to
the highest cash price or will ex
ch for meal. When
are read write for prices.
Santa Clans baa a
in B. T. Cox drug
For nits go Xmas. He is not
to K. O. and Co. They
a choice lot.
A. Q. Cox Mfg. Co. hive
received a lot of bar
bed wire and poultry ft Their
good looking but he loves the lit
tie folks. Come and see what bu
has on exhibition.
If yow want a first class pair of
cart wheels you can get them at
poultry fence is of course strong A. O. Cox Mfg Co. Better call at
and men glove and
latest style neck ties at Harrington
Barber Co.
R. O. Chapman, Co, say that
they have a full assortment of
general and price
are right.
At Bed need A. O.
Cox Co. ire closing out a big
lot wire reduced prices.
They have the finest most
have them in
A Cure at Last Obtained,
by t Louis
A few months ago the attention a
few scientific and philanthropic gen-
of St Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
substantial fence made and you , most dreadful of diseases, tuber-
. . a ,. if , . i commonly called consumption.
can get a bargain yon apply at of cases,
y cured have shown such
,, r i . . . , i
For freak meat beef, and but a question of a
barbecue. Go to H, L. I So astonishing hove the results
,, . . . and in oases pronounced I
Car load nice Furniture just incurable by all old methods that a
A. W. and Co. company has been formed and is I
,,,. , , . . to furnish at a normal cost I
door frame-, p cu-e to all tho I
columns, brackets all kinds One of its features is
. , , l patients can remain
trimmings at rock button. by friends and and
prices, Mfg. Co. in ll great many Instances,
., . . . early stages of the I
Bargains people Prices I disease, pursue their daily vocations
Blight H. L. Johnson. I
u , , , i tie same treat-
Stoves, beaten and A II men here In St. Louis have
Style, lowest prices. Sec stack l as rapidly us iD;
I New Mexico and
mousy. he wonderful results
We Be t the World on
Overcoats, like men, character
Some, after gone out into tho world awhile,
look at the elbows
Some deceive by their appearance, and prove false to
their trust
Some look jaunty, but won't wear
If we could bond our Overcoats for character with
the guarantee of Back If You ant there
would be nothing remarkable about coats
have absolute confidence in our Overcoats and so
we bond them
Come here select your inter Overcoat.
Our price won't keep you from buying
Frank Wilson,
Winterville Mfg Co
Boarding J.
Cox. Board J per day. Win at Ml Nor h Seventh
street, St. J hey have also lo-
been accomplished by
and which controls this
marvelous I
house in town.
on sail
Penny candies a at has been built at Hill-
,, side, Mo I In- -lire will lie known
of B T. Cox fit Bro. Lung Mr.
B-at in town
P. the discoverer of the
Inhalants ti are u ed, will person
ally of the. of tin-
At the close of business Jan. 11th,
Ml no ,.,,, j ,
. , Mr. Benson will
all kind who call st
confections the on Seventh and
i- ii a n i all lost from aid
Quid profits,
Silver em ,
Sail U sub, to 22,810.82
Kin red
who are unable make a per-
For Seed oats, sand
on i
417-111 X. St ,
Si. Me,
i k mils supplies, i
A. W.
For quilts and cotton
c see A. An and
Lumber i being ed . R- F R C N S II M P T I N .
lo. He will
up a house t hi re.
We to , piles are
. c . i. i inch, sap
. ., ., . .
K every nay. lister's
Tallow. Turkeys, Geese, Chickens will positive,
and and will pay.
est market prices cents, Tea or
troll Store.
Stale of N i ii Cur , Pill
I, I , above bank, do solemnly
swear ins v- U r beat my knowledge
a hi b-f mi, this 17th of 1906.
J v
At tea
H. o. Davis.
. M
Buy Space in

Greenville's Great
Does Wealth Breed
According to rep rt in jester
day's paper these are two of the bills
introduced in the legislature
According to the 1905 tax books
in New York there are only i-even day.
people that great metropolis require churches and other
have property worth one million houses in Pitt county to be enclosed
dollars. Andrew heads so as to prevent hogs, etc., from go-
personalty list at under them. Referred to the
John Rockefeller is down for committee on education
f Russell Sage is listed
to pay taxes on Pier-
Morgan gets off with
and Henry II. Roger, commander
in-chief of the Standard Oil Com-
market battles, is assessed a
only Four its attention
prevent riding bicycles on
sidewalks in Roper. Referred to
committee on lions and
And is it to such matters u these
legislature must
and on which it
and seven figure on the anti its committees must spend
lists. The seven are Why don the trustees of the
j assessed for a total of churches of Pitt fence out the
the at hogs And why don't the aldermen
Everybody knows that the above commissioners of
are ridiculously low and ever with the
everybody knows equally well that bicycle riders Observer.
there are many other millionaires in Legislatures are expensive
A beautiful line of PERSIAN LAWN to inches
wide at to per yard.
Special values in inches WHITE INDIA at
to per yard,
New York, but their names are not
If they met only once in ten
I the better for
the state
found on the tax books. they . i i i
J it would be
pay the tax assessors to let them
dodge How do they manage it
Is it any wonder that a spirit of five involved
socialism grows when the toiling , by
masses, who never escape their or people have
taxes, witness such examples of dis
; honesty
It suggests the Does
I wealth breed dishonesty
News and Observer.
Beautiful, dainty designs in figured MADRAS, entirely
new designs for waists at popular prices.
Plain checked checked and
striped DIMITY.
When it comes to EMBROIDERIES we are
Our entire line of Embroideries are
well selected as to designs, quality and
price, but we have a few special things
we are anxious to have you see. Our
matched sets of Cambric, Swiss and
are worthy your careful in-
Charity and Children deposes
j says among other interesting
are told that m wants
a quarter of a million for his
school, and that I r.
with that bland and benignant smile,
will demand even more The
which is the most deserving of
i I J j the three, is lost in the shuffle.
been idle for six months or more,
have conferred upon the textile
council fall power to settle the
trouble This doubtless means the
end the content and another fail-
of a costly demonstration against
a reduction wages. The strike is
a notable one from the number of
people engaged and the unusual
unanimity of
is familiar with the wires
and knows how to take fare of him-1
self; Dr. Winston is smartest
man in the State and will plunge
I the into oceans of
I And our eon temporary
I if these gentlemen get what
I they want, as they may.
will carry the Slate at the
next Observer.
A New Se Machine.
Huh never
Will be sold fir
Ht this office.
At Cost
As I have decided to go
out of business I will for
the next ten soil
my entire stock of
At Cost. This is your
chance to get groceries
at a low price and it will
you to take
age of it. Phone
The Five Points Grower.
Special values in extra CAMBRIC EDGES at
and per yard that you cannot
afford to miss.
are the prettiest we have ever shown you.
I am glad to announce that I cm
in business and can be found
m in the store next to Sam White near
Your friends,
Department Store.
J If
I will carry the largest and best line
Furniture ever handled in Greenville. New
ire coming in daily.
Will be glad to have you anything in
my line is needed.
A. H. Tail
r v
From J. P.
It stated on good authority
last night that J. Morgue
of and
that he may make
gift to the in the
near fut United States Senator
is said to paw
to the university j
the past few day, and u I
was stated that a similar j
bad received from Hoe.
hen B. Senator from
A ha
circulation that Mr. Morgan
offered to lend me
or s
the Woodley tract of
whose are ling adjusted
the bankruptcy O
to b- e-
by a deed of trust on the
Wood property, executed t.
secure the institution for the money
due it from Mr as its
treasurer. The rumor could not he
confirmed yesterday, the
official either co affirm
or deny it Mil rector
university, had rim
story, decline, M.
Gibbon I- quoted as
tie a heard the rumor
aid it may prove true.
So far as could be learned,
n re not
aware that Mr.
plates by toe
rumors, they consider that
the report, if true, is good
M Society.
of the S. S. Mis-
Society of
An lien
by Mrs. H. L
of the fourth
president of the
I n- i urn in called
. S. as I
Prayer by Wiley . B
j i- mum and readings l Wilfred
Maud Hunker,
s Elvira and Mis
Can. Ail with
Ever he was
ii an
Th lat item in t program
was the call of the S classes for
by Miss D
the largest
t for th-
Wiley Sh-.
Tonic to
For liver troubles and constipation
Mi an
Little Bi Hi,
famous little do no
weaken the stomach. action
upon the system is
and of La
says, us-
do then work. Al oilier pills
have gripe make me mi-i
in never
De Wilt's Little Early Risers
t lie the relief-
are simply per P.-
No Stomach Troubles
All removed
the n-e of Extol Dyspepsia Care, j Hirers
h perfect rest to
by digesting et r Ding
aid. builds
up nit- th- rest restores tie . ,
t. Poll h Counsel
to die, -hen . j .
Care. J K
Mich., rt
mayor of Charlotte.
some time. to be banned v tor l
th. a. , i
-I ,. for IX . . ,,
. j i thy ass G
weeks. S entirely on
water. two t for i . m i
i was i-I in. m i v i
Sh. now eN hearts
gave in- ins am re-
Sol-I a
on Coast Line.
K. I n
Iran. X .
line l t.- t f.
in. ,.;. d at Waldo
I e
i ill Inn-,
H i W Mil
led line been k n-i ; u .,. Kat a mil e
into i. a and some. t ;
H lee
. I e lie meals.
V too car mi I In- sit l . , .
W. ran out main u ,,. .,. .,,. .,.,,
front if Mi e I Haling, take n-
he and
of l he train
damaged mil the bag
tin i.
I A salve tie I. without it soar
Have and mail j De A Salve.
No remedy iv-
cools a I its,
burns and bruises. sue cure
Toe went up
from Fat I- ind took passengers,
mail on. track
was cleared by p, id. Engineer
and his firemen escaped
ii Sf not almost Mid-
den by jumping.
cured Came Alter Years
had troubled lame
I found
a the of.
John U This
is also without an equal
for sprains bruises. It is
Drug Store,
for piles skin diseases De-
Witt's Is i be only genuine Witch
Hazel Sal ye. Beware of
fella, me Sold
For Hale Pure white
Tobacco need at Z. V.
Hooker's Pool
I'll brave the storms of
I'll cross the plains
I'd my wife the sea,
than lie without Rocky
the most delightful meet-
of the End of the
Book Club was Tuesday after-
January n-e at Hie
home of its first vice-president,
Mrs. F. G. the
Mis. presiding. There
was a Urge of members
visitors present to enjoy the
hospitality of the In
After the usual routine of
of the program was a lead
of a history of Greenville by
who is the
this sketch. Under
the title of on he
It is to be and .
will lie very interesting ti u who
live or have lived in Greenville.
Throughout the whole runs vent
humor, for which the is
and it
pictures n by herself.
tie its were served the
the cub adjourned lo meat
Mrs. F G. James,
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoil.
St. Loon, M The Victor a Lock Co.,
rec-v A. today, Grand Prize at the
Fair, for of M Steel bank
and general line of fir and and
their d pr over all
tor for imp workmanship
arid finish
The Safe has never been
J. L SUGG, Agent.
Coughs And
Al c colds and
C that are curable
quickly cured by One unit
Clears the phlegm,
the affected
longs, wards off
Harmless to
k . Sold at Drag
. regulates the
liver and If
II. Rocky IVa
ii t y Mir k.
fair. ii fate
For Christmas.
Everything want in the way of
Ca Goods, Pickles,
I St Hi
a X K i St
ii. a dry powder, .-t . M.
ii i
it .;. pile, i i-
Th kill people
away every
It T-i will p
IV t r Tall ts
n Store.
Candies, Nuts, be had at
We carry a large supply of the Best
Tie Cash Grocers.
N. C.
i cu sever
persons It ts n-
l Cue's C.
Se will t e -I i.
if to pa.
r for a
t Hen i
in I V o I
In ,
I Hie
-Mil unit l.
. ii-i 113.86
et, . no
A t
j I on
tin;, is. . -I of
. i. i mi.
i- m-Ii
I Under all curable conditions
Mr. D. of
r of Hilliard.
Pa., was cured
North I
County of Pin.
I. James L Lift e. Cashier of the
wear that statement above is to the l
ml I AMI'S
ilk, do
I i
and sworn to before J
ibis of Nov.
I'm I
W. I.
For Sale By
Greenville, N. C.
William Fountain, H. D.,
and Surgeon,
N. C
out door east post
Third street. tOt.
We purchased a number of annual subscriptions lo the
Southern Agriculturist, as long they last, we give
one, free of charge, to every subscriber who pays for Tim
Reflector a full year IN ADVANCE. If you am in
arrears, pay 11- and for a year ahead, got this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, Bend in your
order at once, before this groat offer is withdrawn.
Is published at Nashville, It is issued times a year
and subscription price is cents It contains more read-
natter than most dollar papers and edited by
who know the needs of Southern farmers. Every issue
is big experience meeting, the being
answered by such men us Maj. J. Key,
Commissioner of Agriculture of and Prof. An-
drew M. Director of the Virginia Experiment
The Home is conducted by Aunt Anne, whom all
readers soon learn to love.
Hut you must hurry. This proposition will not be held
Sample copies of Southern free at our office.

American Monthly
The more there are, the
Indispensable is The Review of Reviews
one I feel I must
world under a education in public affairs and
cut-tent of the phrases one bean from noted
who read cf Reviews. there are, the
owe U the Row of Reviews, because brings together the best that
monthlies of the world. Such is the flood of
periodical people the only way to keep up
with m to read th- Reviews. and above this review-
section. I has m . original matter and than most magazines, and
the most timely am .-ml article in any
Probably the BO sect ion of is Dr. Albert Ska I illustrated i
i public events and issues are authoritatively and lucidly
captained in i . Slam a subscriber writes, alone a I
worth more than t-. price of the The unique cartoon department.
I e is favorite. Tie
i cTr continents, and yet is American, and
J Men in public life, the members of Congress, professional men, and the great
I r o. who must keep up with the intelligent men and
I v ail have decided that it is
IS New York
per yard.
To the Public
J A. , h rig a
Bakery of E. El.
lo announce that they will furnish
and anything in the Bakery Line .-it short notice,
delivered at home. Orders kn and
promptly from date.
We Also have
anything in first class GROCERIES. New goods
arriving daily
Baking will be conducted by Mr. J. If Kens.
will appreciate your patronage and give
good and satisfactory service.
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Monday, January 1805,
J. T. spent Sunday
in Bethel.
A. M Mom went lo
Sunday evening.
In and Letter of U-
E. Captain B. E. Le
C, Jan. 16.1905, father's return to private
Mi-- Mary of Vance- of
, , fox. He
bun., visited Sunday j -a day or two altar the surrender
and went to Greenville lo spend I General 1-e started for
week with friends i I. so
, , we all war. He so
A Kin, Several of our tow n people had by some of bis staff. On
Kr. a. i. left this morn to attend court this week in Green i e be Hopped house of
log W Forest. eldest brother. Charles Carter
i a . on in Tow-
Harry returned Dr. Kicks spent Tuesday p county. Ha apart the evening to
day from Washington Washington. talking with bis brother, but when
dry. Mr. of Tarboro is in cam-
ah I i host to take room and bed
Miss Martha of to do papering for he insisted on to
her r I I Calhoun. t. by the roadside.
, r that be was to. On April
Mill and Miss Bertha Cow- be arrived in The
Manning, of Bethel, of j pis there soon him Men.
has been visiting Mrs. D. C. I f . , . . women and around
and If left this f -t and ml
Moore, from near handkerchiefs. It was own like
c, Baker welcome to a conqueror than a de-
, Mis, Lucy Brooks, Kinston, j A lot of Indians,
Saturday and Sunday here Robeson county, in today to and rode quietly to bis home on
with Mrs. F. C. Harding and left for the B. C L Co my mother and
V t. ,. awaiting him.
Sunday evening.
i Misses Olivia tin,
Bertha teacher-
in the graded at
spent Saturday and Sunday here
and left Sunday evening.
T. of Dunn, is in town.
Long on sick
W. S. Greer, of Baltimore, is is
i town
Tuesday, January 1903.
W. T. Sledge is up again.
J. U. Richmond,
visited his brother, O. Bobbitt
last Sunday to
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jennings are
Thus be returned to that private
life for which be had always
and became what he desired to
be a peaceful citizen Id a peaceful
L C Wilkinson Co.
Oil OB the Coffee.
cup of black coffee bad on Its
P. H. Harrington's appetite has surface a little oil. This oil
improved. lakes u forth delicate,
colors, like oil on water. man who
was about to drink coffee Razed at
It with delight.
he said, me all I
want to know about the coffee. Now,
without tasting It. I am sure It is
whole secret of making
he went on, In extracting and
improved. It takes
or hours t get at
hotel. See.
F. G. Whaley is looking thin.
He is living alone now.
Train pot in last night at
R. O. Cobb returned Monday j o'clock. Very late. I hear J T.
from , j , i
iron, , ,.
Tap Starkey came in this morn- delay. gives coffee Its aromatic and delicious
taste. This oil it Is also which
i lutes you. Which makes you feel after
have drunk strong
coffee the kind with oil afloat
from Wilmington.
Joshua to Win-
Charlie Boyd has taken a
with Baker
W X. Coley, of Raleigh
Psst, came in morning.
Mrs. C. George and
left this morning for Norfolk. H Fumes and Ella M. Page.
H. B. Hardy, of the
Observer, is in
end Mr-. L. H. Le
r B It-can only be made by excellent
Register or Deeds R. Williams I in or in
issued licenses to
week i U
last weeK. I u,,,,, m
WHITE. how to make this oily kind of coffee at
and Rosa Bulletin.
Of the many cheap and simple
proposed for the use of the
, , , . I People one of the most Is
Jones and i i House. soot. Soot is of
W, L. Nobles and i formed by the hot
and i hydrocarbon from
Monday n G or i the walls
J . and of chimney or stovepipe and coo-
Henry am. Addie Van-; It Is a very light.
Julia Lee of Ham-
i who has visiting Mrs. i W. C. Lewis and
j J. returned home
Mrs. Savage and Mr. Elam, of
Wilson, who have been visiting
Mrs. C. T left
Miss Sadie of Rocky
Laura A.
J. T. and
Alford Grimes and Car tie Moore
Jo-. Smith and
Warren Parker and
Utah Baker and Julia
t porous Impalpable powder and,
j like charcoal, which is the same
. in n different form, possesses
the properly of absorbing mid
In j wonderful amount of pas. The
dancer of about sewers.
I drains and other places is almost en-
due to gas given off by
matter. If soot l-
about these place it absorb tits
foul Mall.
Pity man woman f
but ho or she who allows
j the too et liberty In
comas it subject rather its mas-
Jr. and Nellie The man who wears a
on the pedal attachment bis cork
lex I the cork foot
Mount, who bas visiting her . ,, , ,
sister, Mrs. returned I
home this morning. w,
Mrs. George Hadley little William,
son, LaGrange, who have , Paul Clark and Mary
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and Stella; as
Alfred Forbes, left today.
Miss Nell Skinner returned;
Monday evening from a to .,.,. ,. , ,.
n ii , u, . ,. . of this Mention
Goldsboro. Misses Pearl Ford, of . , , , I
,. . . . i are for to raise For , People.
Vary V. ,.,., not las,
worth. Of ,.,., ., . . people, and they have a very good way
h-r home for a J of who can but won't
matter of raising sheep. The If a pauper who Is able to work
Wednesday, January 1905 auditor tells us that there a
J . j to which a pump Is unit
C. B. Lincoln went to m a
I In the as there are flow cistern Just slow enough
Boats That is a b-
account of the beat in church the
Sunday after set up.
though n Hie had been lighted in
I any of
person by lively
pumping to keep water from get-
ting up over bis
Tuesday evening.
s, m ii , rS
Q. M. of Snow Hill, is u,
court. j well ,
Miss Joyner came in from i as this is. There is money j A fl T II T
Tuesday wool and there is a saving and a O N N IV r M r I
, be in I.
day evening from Norfolk. I. of I h iv my market I,
would fake this
. n ac
I went to Tuesday evening. they will L -H -i
Miss Emma Brown, of Ayden, low prices of I my friend and
who has Miss Nellie Tuner.
returned home Tuesday i
Notice .
For Old Brick store,
cash or time. Good in-
vestment. Apply to R. Greene,
Washington, N. C. 1-17 d
bowling alley baa begun
fur patrons ire
ill-y in
and now them
to favor me with
in T will a
complete line of
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Notice is hereby given that the
will petition the leg
to town of
Farmville, N. C.
r- n t I and wants.
S Li kG any
C. Barrett, J. D. Jones, John
It. Joy Com miss toners.
I ltd so. I j s Keel.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
I bean
Extension of Graded School Copy be to
At a meeting of the of
schools it deter-i A bill to be entitled, Act
mined to ask legislature to en to extend and define the
large th- boundaries of graded boundaries of the Graded School
district. At present District the Greenville Graded
town limits are the boundaries. and to amend chapter one
The proposed boundaries are a- hundred six of the
Begin on Tar river at Laws of hundred
Smith run, then up said run to and three establishing said
the bridge near the residence of L
C. Arthur, thence west ward I v assembly of north
along town branch under the rail- j ix
road trestle to the Kinston Section That the first sen-
south along the Kinston of section thirteen of chapter
road to the nil plank road, tn-n one hundred nix of the
to the Laws of nineteen hundred
road at the point where the fair and three, commence with the
road comes into it, thence word in line one and end-
along the road north lag the word in line
to the river road, . i. be and the is hereby
to the bridge repealed and following
across the ravine ice down substituted in lien thereof, to-wit.
ravine to Tar river the boundaries of said
down Tar river to the beginning, graded school district shall
If the legislature passes me bill on Tar River at the month of
making; these the boundaries then Run, thence
every child living within the up the various courses of said Bun
boundaries will have an equal to bridge across the same
right to attend the graded school, near the residence of L. C. Arthur,
At no child living outside thence with the various
of has the right to attend the c town branch under the
school. It is true the board of trestle to the Kinston
trustees have by an a road, thence a
made county board of straight course to the junction of
education to last for two yearn, and Fair grounds
children living roads, thence along
within these boundaries t- the the load to the river
benefit of the but that road; thence along
bl June so the river road
that after June they the ravine; thence down the
be left without proper school fa- e to Tar river and thence down
unless the Tar river to the
be enlarged. It was lo meet this Section That section twelve
very condition and to provide of said act be amended by striking
facilities to
living outside of the town and said in lines one and t- o, George Taylor, assault with
within of the grade school and Insert line thereof deadly weapon, not guilty.
that the trustees the words of the graded
school propose to extend the school
January Term in Session.
The following cases have
John Jones, with deadly
weapon, guilty, and
Henderson Combs, larceny,
t .
Oscar Jones, Smith and
Lewis Ellis, assault with deadly
, ail guilty, Smith sen-
months lo roads, Jones
fined and costs,
pended over Lewis upon payment
of cats,
Oscar Jones, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended payment of costs.
Joshua Williams, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced months to work
William Cobb and Frank Buck,
affray, Cobb sentenced
to work on roads.
Thomas Moms, abandonment,
pleads guilty, judgment suspended
upon payment of costs.
Alfred was arraigned
for murder and case set for
Monday, 23rd, a of forty
being ordered.
Ben Dudley arraigned for
case set for Tues-
day, a of twenty-five
being d.
Charles Harrington, Wiley
and Harrington,
trespass, all guilty.
William carrying
children out Hie words limits of weapon, not guilty.
parts of laws ii conflict
act be and are hereby
Section That this act
be in force from and after its
sentenced months and
assigned to work on roads.
Julius Moore, carrying conceal- C, Jan 1905
pleads fined j H. Phillips and son, F. M.
and costs. Phillips will be in for
John Jones, alias Paul Venable, several
larceny, not guilty. representing H.
Jim carrying conceal-, M. Co , of Norfolk, Va.
ed weapon, plead guilty, fined ; pa d our town a call Wednesday,
and costs. of has ac-
E. B. a position with C L.
concealed weapon, pleads guilty, Co.
fined and costs.
An bill was one the
Manning, of
Greenville, was in
Mrs A. Stanley. ville.
i is visiting her son, H. H.
if I his place.
Senate by Mr
Long forbidding the manufacture w
and sale of whiskey in G p of
having less then qualified ,
voters. ,, . .
,,.,,, I an party as
A number of bills minor ;. . , , r . ,.
at the of
Br-k, Thursday
to Miss Browning.
There will be at
Pleasant Hill Saturday night
Mr. Griffin, of New Bern, was
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and
Mrs. Bobbitt, Mrs. Leggett and
Miss Early were pleasantly
entertained by In. lira.
Ricks Wednesday
Miss ton and Master
Lassiter made a flying trip in the
country OB the Salisbury
William carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
and to give these children Sections. Th.-i section six of and to
said act be amended by adding at
the end thereof the following
any qualified voter
living within boundaries
I said school district shall be eligible
work roads.
Will Burton, concealed
Benjamin Tripp and Jas.
Lawhorn, assault with deadly
the right to attend.
Of course the property owners
within these boundaries will be
glad to have their property
ed within these boundaries, because
the moment all children within election or appointment on mid weapon, not guilty.
these boundaries have a right to, board of John Warren, larceny, pleads
attend schools every acre T at four- guilty, sentenced months in jail
land within boundaries will teen of said act be amended by ; u. be assigned to work roads,
be increased in value. There are; to the end thereof of said; Allen assault with deadly
two elements of increasing the section the following words, j weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
value of these to which we he shall not he entitled to , days and ed to work
wish to call attention. first receive or other; roads.
place when it. is that those f-r receiving Shade E ell, assault with dead-
living outside of the town limits guilty,
but within these boundaries have That the or ; pended on of costs,
a right to send to these schools, j persons appointed to fa Julius carrying concealed
that they do not. have to Day town of taxable property in said town j weapon, pleads guilty, fined
taxes but that they are entitled collect toe same, shall also laud costs.
all the benefits of the school, it, take tax list and collect the; Charlie Sr., removing
bring these lands into taxes of crops,
for resident purposes. graded school and; Lena Wiggins, larceny, not
again when it is known that W same to the treasurer, guilty,
children these to be by him Aaron Cox, assault with deadly
have a right to attend these schools law for of said grad- i weapon, guilty.
it most result in the land schools. ; John abandonment, not
being able to secure tenants Section That in levying the with learn.
and better servants. Bo for the support of said grad- Jim Whit field, assault with
that the property owners within ed schools the board of aldermen deadly weapon, judgment
these will be glad to of the said town of Greenville continued on payment of costs and
know that the living shall levy the same tax on all real giving bond for
their land are to have a right to and property within the I Burton, concealed
attend these schools and that they boundaries of said graded weapon, not guilty,
will cordially approve of this whether said property be Williams, assault with
of the board of trustees. j within the corporate limits said deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
. town or not, In levying said fenced months and to
; tax, the valuation fixed by the work on roads.
state co shall George removing crop-.,
the valuation for this pleads judgment suspended
vestment. Apply to R. Greene, assessment. upon payment of costs.
Washington, N. C. 1-17 d Sect Thai all John Warren, pleads
acre introduced and much
done considering bills
previously offered.
The house had busy day.
A request
our senator and representatives
action relative to
in cotton
The committee made a favorable
report on resolution
an of
to erect a monument to the late
General Ransom.
to send to the the
evidence in
of A. N. C. railroad.
Among the new bills was one to
allow governor to discharge
from the penitentiary criminal in
sane who may become sane.
Representative Graham offered
a bill to tn.; of capital
cases by giving lo the and
defendant ten peremptory
challenges a d that
no at the foot of the
He also offered another
bill to facilitate the trial of capital
the In his
discretion, t- have a special
Mom any county in an
adjoining judicial district.
This being Lee's birthday both
houses held short sessions and ad-
In honor of his memory
Among the new bills in the
was one creating a board of
control for Carolina
trial schools; one to
amounts per capita to laud
naval for
Among the new lulls the
house was one to revise,
date amend the pharmacy law; one
to abolish tenancies by entireties
and make com-
one to prohibit fishing with
dutch nets, In sound and
Tar river; one to protect telephone
messages by punishing
listeners; one appoint a
cotton weigher for Staff,
to amend law and punish the Glenn yesterday announced
K. of P. Officers.
The following officers of Tar
River Lodge No. Knights of
Pythias were installed Thursday
night by D. H.
A. B. Ellington, P. C,
F. G. Flanagan, C. C.
W. E. V.
Joe Rawls, M. W.
C. S. Carr, II.
B. K. of F.
T. J. K. S.
C. L. Wilkinson, M. of A.
C. S. Forbes,
J. F. O. G
Something to be Proud
The Daily is proud
of its home advertisers, has n
right to be. We doubt there is
another daily paper published any-
where in a town no larger than
Greenville that can show Such an
array of large advertisements as
this paper has today. The Green-
ville merchants are using twenty
two columns of space ranging from
a lull page down, h the
enterprise of these merchants and
also indicates their faith is their
home paper as . advertising
u in.
offense of taking a horse for tent
use; regard to tun-
freight trains on one
to regulate dealing to
establish a convict system for
making roads in
Bank Statements.
The of the town publish
new statements today showing
Bounding of their business on Jan.
the date the statements were
called for by the corporation com-
mission. . reading of these state-
the progress of this paper will
are making.
the appointment of his personal
Col F. G. James. Greenville.
Col. U. Raleigh.
Col. John S. Cunningham,
Col. sod, High
Col. John L, Cobb.
Col. W. Poll, ck, Kinston.
Col. U. Ward, New Bern.
If you don't believe that the
j Greenville arc the real
thing a glance through

Eastern reflector, 20 January 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 20, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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