Eastern reflector, 17 January 1905

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Tourist Calls Attention to a
Railway Gang at Prayer.
T have often tic fervor
Mohammedan.-, Jerome
rt in the Argonaut. Their strict
i to their religious rite-, ii
. among denominations so far
r.- my observation goes, for when
hour of prayer comes, whether
they find themselves public
not, they go through their
I admire a man who has the
courage of convictions, religious
M well as political, and the
devotion of the
has always impressed inc.
On the outskirts of Cairo one day
we a row of workmen on the
railway Using up just as the
call to prayers out from
as adjacent mosque.
cried I. is an-
other instance of devotion
their religious
I was asked.
you mean What are they stand-
in row
I replied sententious-
you see y are facing
Now, they were all landing in a
row. As I spoke, as if t a given
they all went
I cried. pm-
themselves. In a moment
you will see them begin to bow
tin sacred city and go through
all i forms of
prayer. Ah, is it not interest-
to sec a group of ordinary work-
men interrupt their toil in the mid-
of the and furn to their
We were all much impress d. I
was particularly so.
as we gazed on them, with re-
Hex religious interest, the row
men arose. With a grunt
they rose, bearing on their
a long steel beam, which they pro-
to walk away with down the
railway track.
An awkward silence i Slowed. I
imagined heard a fain nickering,
but I not U- L-serve it.
are momenta it is just
as well not to be too ob
W to IS.
Wagon loads of gifts are received at
the White House Christmas time.
come from parts of the
try, the of them from persons
to the president and bis wife.
These miscellaneous articles are. the
private property of the recipients, and
the numerous parcels placed one
the family moms for examination.
They generally contain the names of
the and to oil these notes of
thank, ire sent.
On Christmas eve nil the employees
of the house-tho staff, the
ushers and the domestic
given, through the established
of the lent, a fine fat
key. Fifty fowl selected from the
best In the market, are for
this event, so that everybody about the
famous mansion has reason for
No one expresses his happiness
a more beaming than doe.
Jerry Smith, the old colored man who
has been a member of the presidential
household since the beginning of
first term. Jerry was
dent cook, but these
he dusts the offices of the White House
and keeps tilings tidy there as the
The presidents and their are
usually men of advanced years, it
is to be second generation from
that the White House looks for the
of childhood on Christmas
Home Companion.
N. C, Jan. Reflector
Messrs. Moore and Chapman Saturday evening
Monday in Washington.
Mr. Lancaster, t
Chapman's Crossing Sun-
If you want a special bargain in
a pair of pant or shoes. Try W.
Ladies A Society of Method- ,, , , .
. Jackson Co
Frames for photos
each. Nice of picture
received at W.
At Vs.
W. V, will paw
A Quaint
The burning of I lie ashen is a
curious custom observed In Devon and
somerset on Christmas eve. The
fagot consists of green ash sticks cut
and neatly fastened Into
bundle with At
o'clock In the evening this Is placed
Oil the with much ceremony, when
be family guests are
round the hearth. The flames
lick bundle, and, when the
first green withe holding the fagots
bursts, glasses raised and emptied
to Merry The break-
of each h Is the for a
fresh toast. legend for this
custom by the story that n Are of ash
wood Warmed stable at
while local tradition tells of a green-
wood tire kindled by Alfred the
his lonely wanderings in mo-
it Church South held
their Annual Reception, at the
delightful home Mrs. H. L. Carr
Mr. tilled regular cordial
in Sunday farming
; the than invited into the library I y
and served coffee by Mrs. E., . m
V, H. baa resigned bis . The beautiful
position with the B V. L Co. and nation of hot house plants, w g, c
will leave low fl For cotton seed hulls, meal hay
Early returned to everything a scene not soon to be ,,.,, lo
Saturday, after spending the
holidays at her home in Tb business importance KM
her regular school
morning. Pies. Mrs.
Mr. F O. U expected pres.
the A- J,
; Baker were H- C Hooker, treasurer
at Crossing Mrs- F-G-
evening. At of the
public l De was highly
was opened Monday with a foil Thirty quotations Ir-III
attendance. the bible were in the form
I J. U. C
Hooker highest nu
was a
book of
were and at a
hour all declaims the
Ayden N. C.
Open the traveling ;
Nice Booms, Good Table Fare
and First-class Accommodations.
Terms per Day.
I am now to
the as
our town Monday.
Miss Bessie of
is visiting her N. F. Cox,
I I his place.
I Miss Browning, of Halifax, U hour the Any one to work
sister Mrs enjoyable one done in this lino will please call
i I the time had me at any
Miss Lula Sexton and Mn
i iii-k ens Mist. Eva i
Yours to please;.
Ayden, , Jan
Her Father.
Irritable to marry
my daughter, bey I suppose she
thinks I am fool enough to take
such a young man as you are into
my family, does she
Young sir. She didn't
think it would he of any use for me
ask you. She said you were so
cross and so contrary you would
order inc out of our office the mo-
I spoke lo you about it.
Irritable she said
did she Well, I'll show that
impudent young tiling she
know what she is talking about. Von
have her, sir, any day you
There are two at the
Russian bat the real
c on Jan. . The fact
festival is. by reason of the-use
tin- calendar, be-
lated dues not. affect the en-
the Us
carried At I when most of
her American friends at removing the
greens from their homes
of the n I-
the of a monster
Christmas tree, laden with
presents, and the distribution of
is followed by a grand
dinner which is
its appointments as pro-
as some of the-celebrated all
night in the of the czar
Stokes, of week Cotton Back Home.
Mr. Ferrell Peary, j
W. T. of farmers-
O. G. will leave county, at
day on hip In Nash, j warehouses in ibis city and
Halifax and asked of cotton be-
H visited Washing-; to him Its oven to
ton last Thursday
the Beaufort C. Co. to his
basket party He at any price less
have been lat Friday ; hod j.
Chapman's Chapel the benefit a the price
lot the church, e This in
keeping with the action of
who in
the warehouses are the
Mr- Tread- k to
I re alive u the day Week in
of year, there will be u ,
is .,.
of the aged couple the 73rd the portion of it which is preserved. Is
of their I h. aM W that
. .- he the stable-trough In
The occasion will a most wisest- d the to bold the for the
one, and it is M the court where animals fed there. It became the
, Friday next. Ail
Put tits Old Cannon Away
i Ii is lime old
win buried Being left
our where it shot every
time a have
a bit -f makes it to a
is of
dining-being done that prove
or to
of old and put. It aw y
it be used
Part Of Hell
in Roma.
La holy
will be Hi the K e,,,, h
j annals of North
; Mr. At the tint
bids fair to life's of
i In s t I lie
AT season, the close of the Old and of the New
Year, wise and prudent men take account of their asset and
liabilities. In taking account of our assets and liabilities find
cur most valuable assets to be the good of our
patrons and friends.
In like manner, we find our greatest liabilities, are tho
we owe our friends for the kindly and substantial interest they
have manifested in this store.
This good will we heartily reciprocate and trust our mu-
will not only continue, but will show a marked
increase for 1905. To realize this trust, community of interest
will bind us together in indissoluble golden bonds.
We feel that the growth of our business is due to the
y of our friends, and we now thank them heartily for their con
to our success,
In conclusion we shall ask you lo expect better thing
from this store for the year 1905. With the season's greetings
and our best wishes for your and prosperity we are
Your Friends
Wilkinson Co.
shadows to linger yet
good wile, who for ha
observed the marriage- to
cherish and is but h
year her
sh, too, is hale and hearty, and
fast the
j is strong of and
I Had, Mr., nod Mrs.
i cradle of the Saviour when he
was In hi the rough trough by
his mother came in lime to he re-
one of moat
things on This
the was taken I rum Bethlehem
at the. time of on
In tin year was carried to
Rome, where
I ray , m mun
or not tile grating now
i a man on
n-en no one under the-
o whiskey to any ex-
tent. i
inn ii mi the
mi, the
Madison j in this and we
hen the that many of subscribers
west of the Mississippi river the county will in
I little else graft I week and. get
ground of the braves, they
spent and peacefully we ate a year
I their long lives amid the surround- to the Southern
I of their Ml and there force to who pawn
I they expect lo remain till the year in advance tr The
nod then rest side have a hundred
U the true ft Is certainly
j old Ii interesting for
that hare It since It be-
one of the cherished
till- Imperial City. It Is one of
if the
of Santa
o warn bars.
are of worm and gray,
that looks it might
powdered with Hour. The ban in
about a yard la and the entire
grating Is in a crystal ens
by silver
This ease Is on t gold
and silver and Its full length is a
meter. Its height n Is
by n
statue of the Jesus,
be year this re
i ill u g.
side till the resurrection subscriptions farm . t the share of Ilia
When Mr. and Mr. they will be At time It is
their anniversary j.
, it U that there will he a
j large it.
present to wish them j
a of life and happiness. Twenty years
w lib an
procession In relic is carried.
I the i being presided
. by u
Senators V. O. M
county, and W. T. Mason, of
Notice is hereby given that the I Northampton county, were
will petition leg- the and
I have taken up a dark
int S ears old,
weighs or
lo recharter the town birthdays the same day. It is a
Farmville. Pitt C. I that gentle
, i are again in the Senate, H
R. Ii. Davis, ii. . , ., . house and
Barrett, J. D. Jones, John relatively the they
It. Joyner. occupied in the long N
I News and I id
f, i. WHICHARD, Editor Owner.
and Friday.
Fertilizer Company Will Extend Notes.
The Virginia Carolina Chemical
Co. offered to extend term
on cote enable
farmers to their an
increase in pr president
of the the
to that ex-
Va., Jan. f-h, 1905.
Division Man-.-
Chemical Co.
mer wants is o make his
lowest Toe profit
derived from growing cotton is not
so moo i i be price of n he
oust at crop baa been
A special from Governor
was read in both branches,
grown. horses are t. .
m wInch he opposed the enlarge
much higher than a years e
the price farm labor is d
scarce. every acre
means Urge
I an to mm
of d of a
one glowing a ban-
In Utter
grows up and la ml
and d
r .
of r j
, , . . I Toe run u
is ex-i
lie inn o I-
z-r-. n-t
tend notes
ed paying bills, an
desire to bold heir f
they they a he here.
m more later
hive not finish-
to issue n
ma ill vision money
and who cotton which he de-
Hold, ii liberty
extend in for six
from Lat, in
rate o cam. per
an n ii in, provided n ill
in i note in
any reliable m e, and
turn over to f u t re
V mi
pay OH sail
make no cu ire
your net for this
pretend in offer ad-
vice o bold out-
ton, we do to offer
facility and
In power to cotton,
if in inch if is be-r
Whatever i i lie
ii b
is d
e coinage
in l ere .-e i
p per lie Ii
, our inter
ax we d . iii it t i way
t .- cotton
S to
idle- around iii bales
notion, of they will find in a
two the of
world in
growing this Maple, and our for-
supplied from
that now produce but a
limited quantity.
Wishing for a happy and
prosperous New Year, and also
oar customer and patrons, I am.
Yours truly,
T president,
file on
which a committee appointed
In h
seined of
H-king it I be
all churches,
lores other buildings in the
ti us to
vent r a other animals
under them sud
i o county
permitting that
to tax dogs, the axes to be
lief of Slate to re-
him embezzle I
Mum ii
In house ii bill was intro-1
if a pension for vet-1
have n arm or a
leg. may hive it
Representative a
bill Hi gov to p-
point women is
a bill lo i- pay of
in u- M
cl i
A dill
held the
return s ale
This i-n day all
oilier mailers f r th-
How it Stands
Order New Fire Host Purchased
Charter Amendment.
The of
to i urn-net home ii-f over
from i e last u i meeting.
Mayor W. R. unable
to May-
pr J. R presided.
I'll- commissioners
h of business
e the W five slid a
if in u up I-1 We
give the
Amount of
The Annual Reception Moat
Cardin Slab are. e-u e l m
royal tn-y lord
a hand int-it i, he
a re-
was an occasion seldom
I e 11-r--- i q ii t. j
tn i t
it, a will v
line from
put l
for genii u i, t in
of the lady r
much -I
d t e
I Hi
of sales on 20,836.60
dispensary commissioners
over town treasurer
for one half of
goes to general fund of
lie loan and one half to the pub
lie school limit county.
of several fire
makers were before board
to submit samples and prices
fire hose use on the hydrants.
The department recommended
purchase of 1,600 feet of new
and a committee was appoint-
ed to different
Au elegant sapper was
in furnished ea w,
tie no mi i n it
style-, cold
cakes, mil
u p and ti i
ii l. I
ship Dumb-ring
is in making tn
All p
indebted lo club bit
the splendid , and
the c
to come
eventful f. Lieut. and make pin chase.
i S
in n
wile i-i t
Id n
from V
in ii
It i
ll In,
. at ii p
, t
at t v tin
e ill Oil
V d
iii V
i a.
r ii.-
ti u-
n i
i a ii j
from i
i lie
, we
J. L. Stable and Several
Turn and Cattle,
P. D. Winston preside over the
senate in for the
first t in- and muon
rounded the change of presiding
It coming to inn ice that there
were too
offered a res that the
number be ascertained.
Ward a bill
to permit married to make
their other faun
i ii in in
We me also of opinion that
the last year devoted to
cotton was too large, that it
never I have been
in u normal The good
weather the spring enabled
the farmers to cultivate
they planted; consequently
tremendous big crop of tin year.
As it would be
to such
we believe it would be
wise in this year to material-
decrease the acreage. If it was
per cent it would
mean a reduction of than a
million bales next, even the crop
yielded as mac a per acre it
ibis year
About o'clock this morning
the burn and s J. L
lain, Falkland, were destroyed
Ii IV i two mules
Hire-, cows, in the
tab.-, and ail cm and hay house discovery was
in not
IS .- . . incendiary
. ,, . sun n .-r had lo be
gs s. rapidly from s open
i- ., h no
. c
Our Premium.
I. t e offer. l a
In chatter of
town of ., aid n-
tuber of our are H , Ha ff-c
a to a
lo number of insane
A nil
that splendid
. in e by paying a
In in jails of North
In I lie
in voice. All who ,. bis
dollar in advance
the premium. We the assembly in
limited number I which an increase, of
mid Drat hundred who p judges is
advance get them. Sample
of can
be this ,
more one to convert partnership proper-
the senate a bill was
to make it indictable for
price, null this
paper given is offer
that should not be missed.
A young named O.
The appointed to
look over the of town
any amendments need-
ed reported. N many
changes sere men tied. About
only ones importance were
consolidate the offices of x
lister, collector aid clerk into
me i and to change
of so the
only ball members
will expire at the same time.
A Pretty Afternoon Mar
Wednesday at
o'clock Mr. D. G. Moore, of
land, and Miss X
Greenville, were unit-i in
bonds of holy matrimony.
m I place at the lover
country home if p-
rents, Mr. and rT
Ward, Rev. U W. of i
forming the ceremony.
After the host of friends
iii the.
the f the
to uses.
Senator Iredell bill
to a man whose wife is in-
sane to convey bis property freed
of dower upon the certificate of the
Indiana, committed at of the
Bingham school, near Asheville.
Whittaker was brought lo
school only a few days ago,
and growing homesick went In
wood and commit teed suicide by
It strikes that what the far- banging himself.
Severs Important Subjects
be c unity bad
i lie unsocial to-
day, h good w re in
I be proceed I nits
devotional were
Rev. II. U. Moore.
There was no pro
gram for today, but a general din-
of suggestions
a of
Some the questions
were may improve
themselves during school
to i their
studies girls who ate almost
Which is better, to have
a summer institute the
or compel the teachers to a
summer may be
required in a standard
for county
What is the secret of good govern
t in
this subject, as well as some
others of less importance, several
the spoke much
interest. It was well lo
next to enter wen
W. K, flog,
Ada Ward, sitter
Miss Lillian
v. i
bride mil g
who to k
aim w pi
mi a a d wit
At i Ii c i of
Mr. lire,
facing the deceive i
who showered
lifelong wishes. The
party and a number friends
couple to Greenville
took the evening train an ex-
tended bridal our to Richmond,
Baltimore Washington
The and handsome display
of wedding presents attested
wide popularity of the bride
the man of choice. Both
well known in Greenville few,
if have a larger Dumber
friends or more well-wishers here.
lucky curve, spear
head feed, are features you in
other pen except the
Parker. Large assortment at var
Rook Store. I today.
of the Cape Fear Ma-
Company, located
was destroyed by
Monday night. Loss

Wholesale Grocer an
Dealer. paid
Hide. For, Cotton Seed, Oil Ba
Turkeys, etc. Bad
suite, Hf, r
and Gail At Sun
Key West
Pine Mi
Magic Food, Matches,
Seed Rolls, Or-
Ware. Cakes
. ,
K. , . ills-
i it
.-I; .
Advice to the Aged.
bowels, k
and L
bowels, wk kidneys and
have a specific effect on three organ,
u t the bowels, causing t hem
to perform their natural functions as
in youth
to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER.
They are adapted to old young.
old lime notions
the secrets f the oceans,
The following
K. C.
the Hues .
Bait M
h. S t
S. t
an Va
New York N Y.
New Orleans,
Norfolk, Va
;, X
Philadelphia, P
Richmond, Vi
St. Louis, Mi
the North by S. S.
the East by Laura lauds,
on the South by J, L. lands,
and the A eat by S. V.
land, containing about
j s. The same being the share
points east Of Mm-, j lotted to Mary E. Rasberry the
Whereas. Mary E. and
husband Samuel t. did on
the day of August, execute
and deliver to Albert U.
Trustee, a trust deed on certain lands
in Pitt stale of
therein d, to secure the sue.
said Man E. n
and Samuel
American Mortgage i . I in
said trust is n
in Pitt county, in Deed H i
to which is
whereas default has been
payment of the
said trust deed, and the t-aid
has been requested to .
trust therein c , . , .
Now therefore, , . u Education Up-to-date,
that virtue , .
i said trust deed, I, the Danish;
the 11th and
the .
Hid i p. m., at the court house u
the town of Pitt cot ;.
North will, by . ,
sell to the highest bidder cash the And the cuneiform
describe., property , From
in Swift Creek tow ship adjoining , , ,
the la of B, Johnson, P Quid- j the date of every battle;
and o a part of lot , Know the of the cattle;
which was allotted to Mary E. . .
wile of S. in the Know the date of every crowning,
division cf the of L. B. Pub, the of
d. her father, the whole of lot ,, . . ,
n ed as follows g show a preference
at a stake entered by a poplar the 2nd I branch of science;
lot number and runs North . . .
I degrees est poles to a st acreage of Sweden,
in Tucker's line None de- And wiles in Eden;
East pole to a black gum in ,
line, then with And the other thing-, we leach
line North degree Hake a mountain an
poles to a stake, his corner,
then S. degrees East poles to I have no moment
a water oak then. South teach them common sense,
i decrees Last to the 3rd , ,.
of lot thence with the reverse London lines.
d of lot south j
degrees We e pies to the be- . ,
ginning, one hundred and j
ex-; v . . . , . . ,
from the above boundaries from I A ,
the operation mortgage thirty-
seven acres of land which No remedy effect. iv-
heretofore i i. i. . out i,
eel to Dr. D. D of , .
county, North . , .
by mortgage dated
in court; of Pitt and
North Carolina, Book Y pa. Win's Hie only gen
hounded as on i Be
The more there arc, the
Indispensable is The Review of Reviews
The one I feel I must
world under a public and
current of . ons hears from noted
people who the Review of Reviews. he more there are, the
more i the Renew of Reviews, it together the best
is in all the monthlies of the world. is the of
literature that people say that the only to up
with it is to read the Review of Reviews. over and above review-
section, it more original mailer and than and
the most timely and important articles printed in any
Probably the of all is Dr. Albert illustrated
of the where public events ard ere and lucidly
in every issue. Many a subscriber writes, This department alone a
worth mare than the price of the The unique cartoon department,
depicting current history in caricature, is favorite. The Review
covers live continents, and yet is American, first and
Men public life, the members of Congress, professional men, and the great
captains of industry who must keep up with the intelligent men and
women all over America, have decided that it i
Astor Place, New York
If- if, they ate dune
Drug Slur
en It
And nil otter important ma
of t e lands of hot
L B Pugh. from Dr, man, of South Caroline,
In reply to an inquiry as to the
cotton situation, Senator it It ill
At Cost
As I have decided to go
out of business I will for
the next ten days sell
my entire stock of
At Cost. This is your
chance to get groceries
at a low price and it will
pay you to take
age of it. Phone
The Five Points Grocer.
Harper's mortgage
will be to satisfy the
debt secured by said trust deed,
such title will be given as is vested
u said trustee.
This Jan. 1905.
Albert R- Trustee.
F. G. James, Atty.
Of real estate
above date J will offer for at
public to the bidder
one hundred lot. allies
suitable residence and business
also Hume aid hits,
store buildings. This i my fifth
s Its of real et e F the las two
rare will be
i has a of
an- U one of the liveliest towns u
North i
doll a has
building here In i i st two years.
The is fur
. n
r This will
be the best sale I ha ever he d.
the most attractive be f-
farmers in th- South are hold-
their cotton. It costs too much
to burn it. I predict that cotton
j will go back to cents inside of
I days, Will be It iii hales j I
that will not come t. the market
even that price. There is
no need for anywhere,
and none but idiots will bum cotton.
Southern planters are in a bet-
condition they
have ever been within
had a d price for
Most men
are out of have money in
the Lank k is lo
We Keep
School Books
School Supplies
If You Need
in Book
We've It.
AU Kinds
and anything carried i
a Book Store.
I filed.
j tend this . w
I an .
tin or address
North i
Louis Henri- i
est mill a
hi km y
N. C
i lie
US I .
appear i
is .
II 3.36
Stock, etc.
; ii i
paid in
Deposit to cheek
County of Pitt.
I. James L Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
the statement above is true to the of my know I
and sworn before
i- day of Nov. H-1
C. S. C
R. W.
i ii ;.
n .
am . i.
ii i ii
i .
k .
The named will
take notice, n tied r
baa been e . no. d in
unit of by the
plaintiff . . ob-
a decree absolute
and said further
take notice that h is required to
par the next a if th
court of j to be held on the
Mi lief first. Mon-
day In March, of ,
at court house In
and answer or d to the complaint
in action, or plaintiff will
apply to the i for the relief de-
in said complaint.
h lay of Den.,
; U. C. Superior Court.
j F. O. for
. i in
M i-v
take n
b is
p. i. ii
. in m
For C Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am
munition. One and Horse
S eel Heat Cutters and
Stutters. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
l. c a r i
Norfolk, Va,
Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
one. Private Wires to New
and New
Superior Court.
George Vines,
Pitt Ci
aim t- in.-
ii, m lo ii
pear at tin m f I
court mi i. iii. . r on the
seventh In the first Mon-j vs
day V. .-. . Delia Vines.
day of Jan a court house above named will
N . and answer or
in Size Lots.
demur lo it it aid action
or the pi. i.; ii i. to court
I demanded said com-
This December 1604.
Ii Superior Court.
G. for Plaintiff.
will either pay cash or
meal and hulls for
furnish bags and ail
I will sell at public ion on
i Write us I'm terms hen at my home in nearer
,. , J Dam township, all my corn, f
Oil lire V to sell i change. ; fanning utensils a
i and two thorough-
bred Jersey heifers and a few fine
M C Also a portion of my and
. w. a. Pollard
take n. tire an action entitled as
I above commenced in
Court of Pitt County by the
against the defendant to ob-
an abs lute divorce, and the de-
ft will further take notice that
she is required at the next
term of the Superior Court of said
county to held on the seventh
Monday before the first Monday in
March 1905, it being 10th day of
January at the court house
N. C. and answer or demur
to the in said action, or the
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments,
Greenville, N. C.
plaintiff will apply to the Court for MAORI p
the relief demanded in said complaint
this Dec. 17th, D.
Clerk Superior Court
V. Q. Jew, for
. .-
for job pi
J. W.
and K. V
select ion.
J. M.
this morn
If you i
to i
Ask L
Fire. Ac
Call a
been a ii
E. K.
their new
ii o a v;
C, Jan. 1909.
ail for Daily
we lake
receiving sub
willing for
s. We have a list
ire their mail at
e take orders
W -T Jenkins
I spent day in
need light,
y for your buggy or
oil its and make a
Milling Mfg.
tiling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, C.
d In Bethel
anything in way
, Hart Jenkins.
ox about it. Life
and Health
our line of
You can be
ed of the superiority
tilling Co.
Dudley has
visitor heard
i Co. will do all they
. please you with
of heavy and fancy
d, Hue of bar
tit you up any style
Mfg Co.
her brother, J. F.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
A. M went to Hi. lo K K.
ville Wednesday. i market, beef, fresh meats,
late-t i;, Cali sage, and fresh fish.
hi W. C. and
Don't fail to Cannon Ty-
new both plain and
decorated. Prices are
than formerly.
Come to see when you
in here on a to
Dr. celebrated tablets,
First Class hand made brick, by medicine on market at J
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on baud, your orders If you t a special bargain in
cheaper solicited. J. A. a pair of pant-or Try W.
a year V. A Co
old lad while a play at the
I am now nod to
the public as
Any wishing to have work
done in this lino will please call
on me at any time-.
Yours to please,
Ayden, N. C, Jan 1905
to buy Independent had the
we handle Trust fall and break bi
g Han Jenkins. arm jot bl the Dr.
Carlos is here -el injured limb
etc of ways he will s be
very admired. and Deed fret. Hi
Now We have plenty a plucky fellow.
wagon and the col-
and will sell them j. and have a
a any one. of
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. they with me public
Ayden, N up inn
Sewing at J. B. only newest and
in line To try them ;
One horse wagon as good us new will induce yon to
for sale by J. R. Smith Bro. them again Ad is
on the front first trial then you
of E V. is their friend Try I hem.
pretty. Tue Is
ate of
having in
Polite clerks, good and
suitable prices at the of
R. ft
to build I
center pearl. The for we d
ti of i
a .
las e stud km thing
he sees it never fails
i proper advantage.
ladies say mat Cannon j company m doing u flourishing
have Hie line of and while the pat year
drew good
net apace we
Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. C
j At a of lit- director
of the Milling Mfg
o evening it dividend of
per cool we declared. This
in- ginned and clean.
ha proven directors
anticipate with the added
and more advantages sir-
tea, oranges, apples order you might j them to make the coming
an ii
. ii.
oil .
e-, iv
it K. E. Co's.
tit h for a bar
ring good value for
shoos, hats, caps;
, mattings, tables
Cannon Tyson,
apples, corn
apply to E. B.
tine ever brought this
Johnnie Nobles
position as salesman ii tin
. Co
i, secure
I grade buggies,
.- ill be ours,
ling Mfg. Co.,
flt i
you i
de ,
King, has
ii ere i week.
Wear Headquarters for first
Muling Mfg. Co., Ayden
J. K. Smith Bro treat all their
custom the greatest respect
and all a e extended
to call their store.
The place lo wire fence
The A. Cox Mfg J. have a big
lot of American
Pittsburgh perfect
staples bard wire. Bo lo
git prices before buying
your firing supply of fence.
Car lime, and cement, I
a J. Ii. Smith Bro.
Car -alt, line and coarse at J.
E. Smith Bro.
Cold weather underwear
prices to suit all. Fits
at W. Jackson and Co's.
town and
in oil, white lead, i
at J. K. A
Frames for enlarged photos Loans and Discounts,
each. Nice assortment of pictures j Furniture and Fixtures
each just at W. Demand Loans
The public to know that
I hand's only a first-class
stools n
p. to date- line of i A
all kinds
goods the
Also Garden
Dye stuff, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
f Pi es. Hard
Robber and
sea, Heat lock Brush
es of all
M. M. S
N. C.
it Turnouts
public amble price
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
kept ton-
inst-ck. Country
Produce and old
D. W.
North Carolina.
price- for it, mote so.
Milling ft Mfg. Co., Ayden, Examine our line f just
N. C. , C. and Co.
are chickens, FOR MASONS ONLY.
the most up to date line of to;
f mm
Not Quite
J. K. Smith Bro.
J. B Smith Bro. are offering
i special to the trade in
; fall and winter
bales an to
day is Milling investigate price and
Pauls all sues and
K. Smith Bro.
bushels field
peas at J. B. Smith bro.
manufacture seats for
the trade, I hat me simply
and Co., gin.
j. t public
e ladle especially e-n ha
t will ml
r K. Br.
doz Ft nil Jars
at J. It. Smith H
Hay, and
B. t J. B. Smith b Bro.
Cook J., yard wide sheeting a yard at
Smith ft Bro. R. Smith Bro.
J R. Bro call attention
lo their poultry u on
The Masonic Mutual
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
the induce-
A. P.
Ayden. N. C.
on market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Carpet and
Our second order you'll
bats and caps are
sale at J. B. Sum h Bro.
Mrs. Willie if P. i m.
who has bean her
i returned to her home.
Sheriff Tucker a doctors that wrong
i visitor in our town yesterday. classes wot- than poison.
B wrappers, Misses and ladies
ii J. R. Smith Bro.
are worst
a--nil limes than none. If
lire, i bey call to help. J.
W Taylor a graduate optima .
N. C. can fit your glasses
right able prices. Noted
Wilmington. N. C.
Parties desiring a first-class
fertilizer will do well to see me
Ayden, N. C.
At the close of business 9th, 1901.
If it give you
your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
K. F. Johnson,
I list. Ayden,
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that, your tool
box does not a
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
W. C. Co. will pay
yon highest prices for your Furs,
Carry eggs chickens
W, C. Jackson ft Co.
For cotton seed hulls, meal hay
Fine oats go to Jackson.
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock, paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, i
J Ayden, N. C.
j Open for the traveling public
Nice Rooms, Good Table Fare
and First-class Accommodations.
per Day,
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Block, r
i Ayden, N. C.
K L. Myers
daily, except Sunday,
ltd a. in for Greenville, leaves
daily, except
in. for
Steamers for Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
all North, Connects
Norfolk with
mints West.
Shippers should older their
freight by Old Dominion
from New York and
Norfolk B. K.
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line
Baltimore and
Miners Line from Boston.
Bailing subject to
Mont Notice,
r. H. Myers, Act
Washington, N. C.
I. J.
. B. Walker, Vice President ft
-a Manager,
Beach Bi H, T.

. J.
in office at Greenville, N. C, as class
rates upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and counties.
in to
N C,
In tin retiring of Governor C.
B Aye-el. North Carolina loses one
V its hot Mid public
ante. Me it one of the ablest men
i the today, and has always
groat his state, and
t, private he will re-
to bus home in
j the practice of law Hut
Hot for long, for the people of
Carolina cannot and will not permit
dropout of public
Phew i a bright future be
him; there is groat work ahead
man do it. Mr.
hat been true to hit
and made ft noble and
light for what lie believed
b needful and and North
The Durham does not be-
Mr. Duke is crazy. Same here
If you give Greenville a fair
shake it is going to be a worth
talking about
David H Hill seems to have kept
hi word and retired, but the news-
papers keep trying to dig oat
Just think of it Texas must
meet state expenses
this year Hut they raise things
The death of an man in the
I county jail is a reflection
Carolina has no honor great that j
s Mat well afford to bestow upon fey hr
this class of unfortunates in the
v V ; no that it will not be necessary
to confine them in jails
If marriage to Miss Webb
gets annulled possibly he can make
another matrimonial venture
Washington, cam-
of repression which President co t i . ,
. , . . 6,273.382 bales, as compared with
has set in motion against . i .
Why Is Lew.
On November the total
supply of on hand
he found things in
gather d shape, the result of fun
i management lint he wan the
Those people who been
man in -dace, and he mac, to say about the dis
purifying things and in Greenville a
this the whole Stale owes failure should read the statement
ft,; it t gratitude the published else- j
where. The dispensary has been in j
operation a little less mouths i There are some folks who base
corporations said to be operating in
of will he carried
into several States in tin-South The
movement, which the ear
marks of an insistent Idle House
demand for reforms, vi ill par
affect North Carolina,
ion of officials of tin Di of
Justice, much fallow for op-
District Attorney Harry
Skinner to day mad- lengthy slate
before the Interstate, torn
Commission and presented to
the commission certain data which
was some time ago placed in his
possession. Mr Skinner hand
ling matter in which the Department
of Justice is concerned and there
for declined to disclose the exact
lure of his mission here, hut there
is good authority for saying that
either the of rates
or the affairs of the American To-
Company were under
and it is furthermore known
that there will he an investigation,
inasmuch as the question of rebates
hat not been a live in North
Carolina, and inasmuch as the com
commission confines its
to railroad
move opens up a wide field for spec-
lint it is certain there will
lie something doing along the Hues
indicated. The commission in
executive session while this North
Carolina matter was under
n. The affairs of the tobacco
trust are now under investigation in
Tennessee by an assistant attorney
general who a few days received
his commission from the President,
tor. Charlotte Observer-
bales o November
1303, and bales on
1902. The net overland
movement for the first months
of the cotton year amounted to 302.-
bales in 1904, bales in
1903, and 1902. Up
to November of the present sea
son domestic spinners have taken
bales, which was a
ed increase over the takings for
responding periods in both 1903 and
1902, and was largely accounted for
by heavier orders from Northern
Total exports for September,
October and November were
in excess of those for
and 1902. At Memphis, Tenn , the
cotton receipts for the present season
up to and including December
amounted to bales, as com-
pared with bales during the
same part of the season of 1903-
and bales in 1902 Ship
for the same periods were
J bales in bales
in 1903 and bales in 1902
This movement was largely
by the use of the
facilities afforded by eleven
railroads and three rivers although
large quantities of cotton are brought
into the city each year from outlying
districts by mean of wagons.
Prosperity in the Home.
The Other Side
Many remember vividly how how
it was a few ago when cotton
sold at five but perhaps not
so many are willing to come back to
the which such prices
ed upon us. The economy which
was practiced in of
such low prices is tho chief cause
why the persons ho suffered
then are more independent
Many a farmer who felt driven to
the wall under live-cent cotton is
Opinion of a Great Marty U.
The Twin City Sentinel u of the
opinion that we have too math law,
an opinion which a good many of as
have. The Sentinel
may seem strange but it Una
that there are a large number of laws
on the statue books that are never
enforced and more are constantly be-
added all the
Our contemporary will, we hope,
let us add a word. Each legislator
supposes he must a bill, and
too often who vote for a mail
to go to the Legislature consider
that if he do not get some bill
through he is hence
they want to send somebody else in
his place The fact about every
other citizen of this country has
his mind at least two or three pet
ideas which he would like In sen
embodied into law. They may be
impracticable; but that makes little
difference; this is a free country and
this government is not only the
people and for the people, but it i-
also by the people. Every man has
the right to want a law passed and
to get a generally
is seeking a job of this
put it through
What we we quote above from
the Sentinel is true; as also is thin
which ii we need in
fewer laws and a better enforcement
of those already on the statute
hooks. Charlotte t
tho fill introduced in f in ; their ideas of the prosperity of the now able to hold his cotton for a
by It o ,. . ;, a country on fact that there is better price than he get. The
more, money--in the saving banks which came as a result of
That is prosperity all right, and low prices a few years ago had as
frugality and care for the much hand making farmers Aim
It is gratifying to note the success and that surely comes. independent as did the nigh
A Murphy, of Buncombe to in-
Crease the legal o interest from
C to tight is unwise Six
J- n is as mill h money is
north, and both lender and borrower
re l the i -Ex Senator
IV H Williams, I is the
lather of six p.-
jeers in it
and not withstand
C lira
in a la ,
Keeping it to Ourselves
Those have the heaviest
dens to bear, talk least about them.
It is the younger
years or in experience--who think
their load is a little heavier than
any one's else. The real
carriers have not time or to
waste in talking about their bur-
dens Their chief interest lies in
accomplishing, not in publishing
abroad their hardships. The
dents of the United States, of what-
ever they may be, have hard
ships and burdens that perhaps
equal of the average man or
woman; the presidents say little
about that base of their work The
very dwelling on the hardships or
unpleasant ft stores of one's work
increases those hardship They
and prosperity among North I But. there is another kind of s- j of cotton last year Thai same sou
newspapers. The past year j of economy will again do the of talk.
a one with most of them and average American ts better c thing for those who will practice II , too We
rile i-
worked for
i that figure.
is he-
j gone
many improvements have been the I
his family and himself be-; Scotland Neck i
fore He has put some money into
are not bidden to add our burdens
to our we are I to
bear his, . by so doing we shall
The Wilmington Dispatch j he . have
h s just celebrated its tenth of his own in phrasing their in ems listen our own E change,
by enlarging from four stead of remaining a tenter. And they would be were it not
pages and installing a line per- he has purchased more comforts and for the real gravity of the matter in
The Dispatch is m eat ever An instance of this is shown
to III the
to this i .
f ten y mid i from
ii Editor
found Christmas
a bill of la t r a new press,
which he. is by
is one
most valued exchanges.
It has served its town well de
I Hi
Senator bill to increase the
pension from two
ville to the Virginia Supreme court of tired thousand to t ed
f the Wilmington ,, fourteen years the population I petitioner, s I pass.
has Samuel Some pensioners, incl ding worthy
The imports of sen is that lie nun been greatly widows of soldiers, are said o be re-
f ting press. The Dispatch is a
afternoon paper its, K of bi blowing taken man the
good not only for himself, of the former mayor of
i v i -notes list it high . . ,, ., . . .
f j the wife children
an article regret to see L, and which by a judgment of ton only one dollar
take leave of his office ,
has had tho best chance of any .,,
man who has ever occupied
Governor's office in the Slate I crease than the
More silk is worn in America than
supply the people
I drink shows a much
he hits made the heat of his
His has been
glorious because it rested on the
eternal principles of truth, justice
and mercy The only reason he is
allowed to retire is, ho is not
to re election God be thanked
the support, it receiving. fr a Times.
is baa stood the ,, . L
home and for virtue Burlington, Iowa, the other
Vi public life and has steadfastly two whetting their
to duty preparatory to performing an
material gain operation for appendicitis. The
patient, suffering great agony, had
As tho criticism boon raised been already prepared for the Opera-
are too many needed all but the Just
c i u i i as everything was about ready tho
tho pay roll, the gentle , J.
,,,.,, . . tire alarm sounded. I he patient
tan legislature . , . ,
jumped up land into his
tho force to id M, , mile lop
ever before In
of coffee was it
head Now it is twelve pounds;
there is a large per capita
in the consumption of sugar, teas
The life of the American
by birth or adoption is
contains more comforts and
than any other nationality
The result of feeding and
clothing and housing must show in
the development of the
Keep your money in circulation.
Don't salt it away. Pay your debts
as fast us you can. Have patience
what what was on. He with one another Buy your goods
stood an hour in the cold, and then I of the home merchant. Encourage
that fellow who wants torus appendicitis was industries and homo enter
beak cm the en ho never felt another pain and give homo lies mothers lite see their son
his whistle. Thorn is a pointer for appendicitis j nil work have t kt out warded mark honer and
ration court of the city of month. North Carolina cat. do bet-
ville, pronounced, to wit, on the 9th tar than it No
day of November, 1904, whereby reasonable , ere -n criticize the
petitioner was condemned to be Democratic for a liberal
hanged on the 20th day of January, course toward in- old soldiers and
I Observer. their dependent- Hie pity of it all
is that in t my eases it is too late
I hi more the past year main- tho helping
mined her of second place hand which haw been an
to New York in the exportation of bad it been in
also, during
first eleven months of 1904, main-
her usual position of third upon the fact that
ace in the shipment of provisions, the probation of the will of J. II.
Alford, recently hilled by
Raymond one of his
partners, reveals the
circumstance that his interest
the business Raleigh, is left to
his two partners, one of whom slew
him. The Columbia Stats
what was the cause of that
deadly between friends Was
it an and
whiskey, with
It was whiskey
iv ; that always
but mere so i.-
to ton hand a
including cattle, hogs and sheep,
New York taking first position and
second The great Southern
city holds its own, and it is a pleas
to note it, for many North Caro-
have been identified with tho
of Baltimore W
The mother of Governor Glenn
was present the inauguration yea-
She enjoyed n rare
department is in A. O. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Bring see turkeys I pay
highest L. Johnson.
Big of Royal flour
just received. Prices
U. Co.
w carry a line of rubber
boots water proof
J. K. of Ayden, spent
is the beat selection of
Inks, library paste
the drug t-tote of Dr. B. T.
brought to Winterville.
eye. b, buying one,
of eve shades at the .
Item. p. tee Conn on Mi h now
for seed
paid by Put 0.1 MIR b J
. . t.
Bin need of n . for
or pork see and q
Town One. I an ready
to give y F. II. Tucker
i mi; t-i A U. Cox Mfg.
Co. Fat kind
worry that Ii tie lot
of cot I-i. i hid over
you i in your
lots be Put Co Oil Mill,
seed in any quantity the
best puce paid every .
to attend funeral of little Eva
. o. dress . of Mt. mat
. L. Moore. Eva was
are ready write for prices
Fur confectioneries
I to K. O. Chapman and Co.
I a choice lot.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Go. have just
u bar
bed wire and poultry
fence is of
Cheap shoes dry
H. L.
Mrs Tucker, Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mr. H.
Rn sure to kill rate.
and mice at Barber
J. W . l m Ks oil
a 0-
of Mi. and Mrs Smith
and . of Mrs. and Mis.
She was a sweet
Bargains for next twenty
tn jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox Bro.
geese highest
market price paid for name.
A new lot of chairs just arrived
A. W.
good tat
wood cart hub. A. G. Mfg.
Miss went to Green-
has a
in B. T. Cox drug
store until after Me not
looking but he loves the lit
tie folks. Come and see what be
Lam her being placed on B-
lot. He will soon
up a house there.
We want to your Hides,
Sheep Skins. Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow. Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
and will high-
est market prices for
and Taylor.
If yow want a first class pair of
cart wheels you San get them at
Ons Mfg Co. at
once while have them in
An Open Letter to the
A bill has been intro
into the our
labor law as It aims to
tn age limit to
fourteen for to nine the age
limit from twelve
who can m d y
and to forbid work
in the untie, fourteen
years of age. have
I have talked this , cases
from over i.
as a ,
well a s me u
make an t
co-operation Mud
regret your opposition i
bill. If this x law
Car at Last Alt
A months ago the of a
of St. directed to an
new method of
dreadful of all diseases,
u n.-is. commonly called cons
y cured and bar shown such
f- that their ultimate recovery
bet question of a few
ante by all old methods
; any has been formed and in no
; i ; . red to furnish at a normal cost
this e to all
by I
One Of its chief feature, is
.,,. . can remain Ml In. inn.
r. . friends sud s
ally in a many especially
th incipient or early of the
disease, pursue their daily
sad be ired
i us
In St. Louis bare
to see there shad no M rapidly a- In
further agitation of d- r New Mexico and
., , . The wonderful
for a ., by the
at the in ,.,.,;. any which controls this
u, , , , , marvelous medical device have located
f Si r main office at tn Nor h
catching up street, St. have also ls-
. ,, ., , , factory on avenue
of pa- , I a has built M Hill-
shall a f I side, Mo will be known as
along tins Hue l Ii
returned I--n
where id a.
past yew
line lie--
Co i
V III.-,
nearly and of Tyson left for his home
., in,
be thy goes out to bereaved
. i nice and gloves and
i . mm latest style neck ties at
, -f iii-rt la- A-Co.
R. G. Chapman, Co, say
Taylor, have n full assortment of
F a. . A t Sf general price
apply In Sf right.
i vii e. N.
Or. en vi lie this morning.
Bargains for the people Puces
Bright H. L. Johnson.
Stoves, and ranges. All
styles, low-st prices. Se our stock
before save
Winterville Mfg. Co
Boarding J. D.
. per day. Bet
low n.
Penny candies a at the
of B T. Cox S Bro.
Bet market in town,
i ml They have the finest A Taylor
am or substantial you all kind of
x M i .-. tarn if yon at a.- cheap as the
At A. G.
years in order
every human and a
and in i
law. I
much as you
will not
task of saving the
tender years who otherwise
be the victims of om
I to your y
. J.
Lung Mr. C
V. sou, the fluid
h-L h will parson
of the of
i u Mr. will personally
asset all who call the office of lbs
; company on Seventh and will
ail communications
. f who are unable to a pat
; the St Louis
I Democrat.
to j on
w N. Hey. St ,
Be, Mo,
d kicked
ii p cut.
B- j K Calls for dale I is Cox Mfg. Co. are closing out a big
hen y a may lot wire reduced prices.
ii en
pr t
Disuse . A
sellout s
lie ;. i -end yon
St .
i i- Pearl n it ills
ti-i. ii i
f ton
f g
m nil
v i
t p-
i i
fl Oil
in ii ;. i
ft. . a
i ed -i
iv d thud Loire
of a
sty pi bi.
one nil -i lo k
We can please i .
B ft Co,
and An-
A Wood,
to it-
lo have live hundred of
Wood Any wish- pi ices, Mfg. Co
rot fresh meat beef, fl-h and
barbecue. to If. L.
Being In to
clans raw cheap, u
with winch in ii m
work, iii ho,
up nearly
few of the
c hi nave our e
The ding store s in k
cayenne pepper, sod sags
leaf and powdered
Heed just are v d.
A. W, Co,
f f oats, plow s and
Kn quilting
e I to A. W. fin.
The Cake Is Ours
Cod Wanted.
j b can see them at
Protect f et by venting
good shops. Ii. Q.
Lo. have the kind mid you
lief I
stationary, pens, i
and school supplies of all
i. lie found the drug
d hand buggies cheap. If
yea wish to u second baud
buggy cheap see the A. C. Cox
Q. and F. C.
up to
t II.
to T. H. Cm-
ants, raisins and
e men are hook
t u. sold for
hook will use.
Th holies will make
of the town to collect
Car load nice in. and will the
A. A o furnish
Window and door of any rented
unit u have Get
house trimmings at men ready no may gel them
i claim the oak-
a right to it.
We think we
ore not alone in it
Any man who has looked around will certainly say
that our Suits and most elegant gar
in town. He can t say wife tho
Then Hats and the
that every man Tho newest, the
smartest of everything is right
Then, to tho matter, our fair
and reasonable prices. We I heard a mun
or Take a look yourself
you'll any with the real that Cake in Ours

Greenville's Great
Department Store.
A beautiful line PERSIAN LAWN to
wide at to per yard.
Special values in inches WHITE INDIA at
to per yard,
Beautiful, dainty designs in figured MADRAS, entirely
new designs for waists at popular price
Bleached DRESS
Plain checked checked and
striped DIMITY.
When it comes to EMBROIDERIES we are
Our entire line of Embroideries are
well selected as to designs, quality and
price, but we have a few special things
we are anxious to have see. Our
matched sets of Cambric, Swiss and
are worthy your careful in-
Special values in extra CAMBRIC EDGES a
and per yard that you cannot
afford to miss.
are the prettiest we have ever shown you.
Your friends,
U Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to th F,
St. Louis, Mo. ct The Victor Safe Lock Co., of
Cincinnati, to day, h Grand Prise at the
Pair, for their of solid Steel bank
and general line of fire and burglar-proof and
their magnificent d taking over
tor for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
and finish
The Safe that has never been
J. L SUGG, Agent.
For Christmas.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
o r store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
Great Department Store.
The Cash Grocers.
Buy Space in
We have purchased a number of annual subscriptions to the
Southern Agriculturist, and, as long as they last, we will give
one, free of charge, to subscriber who pays for The
Extern Reflector a full year IN ADVANCE. If you are In
arrears, pay up and for a year ahead, and get this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, send in your
order at once, before this great offer is withdrawn.
Is published at Nashville, Tenn. It is issued times a year
and the subscription price is cents. It contains men- read-
matter than most dollar papers and is edited by Southern
men who know the needs of Southern farmers. Every issue
is like a big experience meeting, the questions being
answered by Bach men as Maj. J. Key, former
Commissioner of Agriculture of and Prof. An-
drew M. Director of the Virginia Experiment Station.
The Home Department is conducted by Aunt Anne, whom all
readers soon learn to love.
Bat you must hurry. This proposition will not be held open
Sample copies of Southern Agriculturist free at our office-
A Mil III. N. C, Jan. 1905.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Jones, of
Grainger, spent Saturday an
with Mr. and Mis. C. H.
Mies Pearl Nelson, of Grifton.
after days
Miss Annie returned
borne Saturday.
L. T. and Exam
of were here
Mary Jerome
born and O-car
a at Fred
Ml from hit-
buggy a few days ago and received
a hurt in bis short
is very much improved.
Listen for the bells
J. C of Vance-
and Frank Holloway, of Gun.
Swamp, Sunday night at E.
Johnnie Crawford, Joe
were in this
G. W. was Friday.
Mary Anderson spent Sat-
Utility and Sunday Ayden,
Hand D, a. Wind-
ham school at
Bethany Sunday afternoon.
Lop went to
Greenville yesterday.
Mrs. K. has limn on
hick list past days.
Mi-n Annie and
brother, Bancroft, spent Saturday
night Grifton.
Mr and Harry Kittrell, of
pent Sunday
Grover was in the
neighborhood yesterday.
will preach
at. school 4th Sun-
day alt at o'clock.
class of the Memo-
rial Baptist school was de-
entertained at their
home in South Greenville, Thurs-
day from to
o'clock, by Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Bryan, the former being teacher of
the As member of the
class arrived with bis lady they
were met at door by the host
and hostess ushered into the
parlor where various games were
pi the guests were in-
into the dining room to a
delicious supper. The con
of stewed and triad oysters,
hot chocolate and pickles.
Toasts were responded to by
A. T. King, B. L. Strickland
and Dr. Bryan on subject of
v in Green
feels highly,
honored iv Ur. M
its teacher. At a late boar
guests t their respective j
homes, spent a very
evening. All thank the host d
hostess for their kind
apples, pear and
ire produced when Potash
Is liberally applied to the soil. To
insure a full crop, of choicest quality,
use a containing not leas
than per cent, actual
Rend for oar practical of
advertising- pamphlet.
u hut are
J. Elk-.
Chairman, W. R. Home.
J- R. Spier, J. R,
J. Page.
Clerk Superior C.
No Moore Stomach Troubles
All Stomach triable is removed by
use of Dyspepsia Oat.
tin- perfect rest
by digesting you eat without
the The builds,
up the rest restores
o diet yourself when hiking
Dyspepsia Cure. J
of Mich., says,
limn, and Stomach
for tune. My state
Ill-S 111-- -Mill.- I 111-
u f to ea for six
weeks. entirely tin warm I
water. After taking two
an. wan
Sh now Ml heard-;
and i- in health. am
any K. me
ll, Dug
Awkwardly Worded
and the
lam idea are
of say it is Mr
fault, lie
pint I hat he o
The at
in aid of the Volunteer
Mr. stage
aim -gr,
fur a win. lint hen
came she found
hi If with a
listing that she lie excused hi the
When place
in reached, Mr Pod-
advanced to front of
s M ill u-mUle in i
and Mr
if III H , I
Way New York
Maintain Two
can't you conic to sec me
any asked a physician with
an office in a fashionable street just
off Fifth avenue of a patient.
be frank, was the
reply, cannot afford it.
salaried man. When I came to see
you us a I believed it
i would be only for a short time; but,
as you say, my case is an obstinate W. Tucker.
one. I have already far exceeded Register of
the. amount I calculated to pay. You Ham
have been very kind about arrears,
but I don't wish it to continue TreasurerS. T. White.
The money must be paid some j William
time, the patient added,
with an attempt at cheerfulness. t
The physician pondered for a Cox.
Then he Hoard of Q.
I am glad you have Cox, Chairman, B. M.
been frank with me. I shall be Whitehurst, L. C.
equally frank with I will in- Superintendent
you with a secret. am in- I
in your case for Q .
reasons. Go this keeper C- E. m-
over a card with an address far
downtown on the west side,
tween I and o'clock in the after-
A S. Congleton,
Of Cholera with Out
Small hi
Colic, ad
Mr . W
Ala., an he
while mi a jury in a
He say.; I
ale sum and
Farmer Institute
; h a
here ids at the
and the h helpful o
ii. Tut
H. II. if
meal II c II l
in a very n. in. I
was never more nick In my life and
Hem ii-e
bill tin-
me a of
in and n
-e.-t for, lint mil 1-
so in
it and bettor ill five mi
The me ins
Two fellow jurors were
ed in mine ml
Fin It at
H wets
in.- ii as his are
Fur r
he s ii
l be y
a id
in -I-
t the
are .
ell. i .
r I
c to The System.
i lie I
e Bi em, the
hi III, pie i- in;
Kin . j-e, L.
. X
. e Rim-i--
lie.- pills
i-e n ii make
i-l a n
in v d
r P--
. i- In
. i, re
noon, and I will see you there. But
, must ask you not go except be-
tween the hours name,. My fee
there will be what it
is here, and you can take your time
a great do
said New physician who is J. Whichard.
rich that he need not practice at L. Carr.
once. If a doctor aspires to a ., . .
fashionable practice he must live in Chief, J. T As-
a fashionable neighborhood, among J Q.
other fashionable doctors, where H.
there are always plenty of carriages f p,
lined iii on c-
when a man moves into a house or
even an apartment, costing any- Dispensary J.
where from to a year, J. N. Hart, J.
his practice will not pay his rent L.
expenses. ,
course he must keep up up- . .
in his uptown office. f each
j Downtown he may do as he pleases. night.
Uptown . for instance, Dr. Cav- a. m.
I hours from A. T. King, pas
Cobb, J. More,
u. A. H. raft,
O S Carr. T. E. Honker,
Mayor- W. R. Parker.
every v
the r
in en
. nil I a
eyer one tn held.
f r sic
z l v 1.1 take
., .
. is
lie quality ton rich,
l likely to fill ,
I d ; . . if the ,
i ll is
I rim . nor lie
i-are and
i I I and
tin. .- -i in- after
j may he
j in
The of A Friend.
i.-m f lb .
Miller, a ,
Wife and children, In
Mary, two and
year old i
then tired millet His on
bis throat. His wife
Children are Miller in Court Home
o If is said that j hallway in the lower glory
was if a de i the court has been white-
i placed in tin- 1-0 and
Inn and piles are on
Thy kill inch by inch,
life away every , ,
Mucky Tea will of
No cure no pay. ,, , . . ,
I'll cross the plains frozen glass.
I'd my will and cross the sea,
than be without
sin v
Te. or Tablets
Will want a now ledger for
next T nit Book
en mi ply you.
to the
Y. J . . Mr.
. n
B L .
his i- . .
Will f C
ed c d
inn- his v
I- l
Kiel. I
net n
. j;
man. I- ins
Hie S ft A
ll W l I-. O H lilt id
, .,
M is link i- 111-1 l
In in-. . d
iv tie
urn I lie and it II
Lame of
had been with lame
buck I'm Ill mid I found
a in the n-n
Iain's in
hi if also without Hit equal
for bruises. It is for
Male Score,
a. in. and until p. m.
tie is Dr. Jones, office
to p. in. Frequently in
of l i- kind
plate is on the downtown win-
Ins hours as toll p. m.
h; way is
easily able to meet the deficiency in
his uptown house expenses. He
; makes his calls, of course, between
I and I and drives home to lunch
eon in his brougham. The man who
pay.-, his a visit to Dr. Jones in
i never dreams that
ho the services of the
distinguished Dr.
he may hove heard of as a
j specialist .;. his particular trouble,
but whose i- were prohibitory to
day. H.
II. II. Moore,
I Mm
day. W. Parker mi per-
Sunday Sch
. -Rev. iV. E.
rector. Services every
mi i.
Brown i
H No
day Services every day
Sunday Sob
i by Kev F Hart.
e- we y
i at
day hi W
, daily
or disorder.
If food you em fails to
it it; boo use the M-
by organs
are the
food Into blood. Th- ii
Th; is deprived Hie
of t
ho strength, and the is that one or
of gradually
weak, and Weaker, until finally n u
diseased. Here a great Is
That of treating the diseased organ.
best doctors In land make this
mistake. Why should they ll Is so easy
to see that the trouble is not there.
K v M men . .
in K V
ii. .
, -i
K of It A
Ml parties owing taxes for the
year 1904, are notified to come for-
ward p y or before
Feb. lit or I shall proceed to
collect by
remedy puts the stomach and
I organs In a condition so
that rich, red blood is sent coursing through
veins and arteries of every muscle,
I fiber throughout every organ of en
lire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
strength and vigor is soon restored to each.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach disorders.
I have taken nearly two month
liter each meal and II s Hie only remedy
that rave relief from terrible pains I
After a lime I would take It but
once a day. an, now. while I keep a bottle
handy, I seldom need It, as it has cured ma.
Mrs. J. W. Center,
Digests Whit You Eat.
at a. a a
For Sale By
N. C.
T I M e. N
W bee
111-lit B K
he Tribe No
I O Ii M, every
Thursday night J K Co-
W p Ed-
wards, C of R
Pitt Council No Jr O U A
Ma meets every Friday
night J B
P B Bowie, R S
William Fountain, H. D.,
Physician and
N. C
om door east post ea
Third street.
For Hale Pure Stem
seed as Z. V.
Pool Parlors.

i pi
Far la Canada the Ck
made of water . ow Th. wall
and MM r
were very ear i ,,;.,,. on tab only
are hot pumpkin prepared
served with a great deal of
to. keep It company
I wine, elderberry, gooseberry,
i quince, plum and apricot p u
v are old fashioned varieties. I i, to
nips and turnips produce a very now-
brandy. t who are
Cowslip and rhubarb wine are very The gifts
different the former weak and the lat- are wrapped up with huge
Mr very heady. packets of maple candy, and
Fir tree tops, green nettle tops, birch Kn t .;
beech sap. bog myrtle, heather-all um oW fairs
produced And did not a New , Dealer,
rhyme, meant to encourage
the patriotic boycott on British goods, j
Spanish children Fattier
can liquor to sweeten our Up Christmas. They think It Is the
pumpkin and parsnips and walnut y of who
tree chips
Sloe gin and rue gin are queer drinks.
Is sherry, hot water, lemon.
sugar and nutmeg. The London Out-
look says that Derbyshire
to drink secret a
potion made out of the poison-
as York World.
All hall the time -r year
When every heart U
When far and near I rood cheer,
And care Is left behind
Old feuds forgot old h aside.
Now hearty f --ind.
While far wide at
throughout the land.
forget, a to pride;
are all rifts.
M gay Ml every
Wore for Christmas
New York Journal
No -You bachelors are fool-
Now, when n married man gets a
few Collars saved op he doesn't go and
spend It or. sonic woman ho admires.
Ho buys wire.
their gifts.
It Is to be unlucky to leave
Christmas decorations up after
Twelfth Night
There Is Island called Christmas
Island In the Pacific ocean, called
because Captain Cook discovered it on
day, 1777.
Plum pudding was originally plum
porridge and oaten for breakfast, not
for dinner.- Philadelphia Ledger.
Taking Time tor the Forelock.
Magazine is time to
range for stories.
Assistant -1 have seen to that.
the authors at
they clubbed together, hired a
room and I send the
office boy round twice a day to Jingle
Didn't Brats.
of people are getting
married nowadays. Hy-
men is doing a flourishing business.
he sell Carpets and
house Courier-
To the Public
J. A. Rick Bro. having purchase i the
business Bakery of E. H. wish
announce it they will furnish
anything in the Bakery Line at short notice,
delivered at home. Orders taken and filled
from date.
We have
anything in first class New
arriving daily
Baking will be conducted by Mrs. J M Rams.
We will appreciate your patronage and give
good and satisfactory service.
J. A. Ricks Bro.
Friday, Jan.
Hot bread today at Kicks A
T. M. Billiard went to Bethel
Mrs. F. G. of Ayden.
spent here
Mrs. J. B. Cherry left this
root sing for New
Miss Emma Brown, of Ayden,
came in this Minting to visit
Nellie Barnhill
Senator J. L. Fleming came
from Raleigh this morning
to spend a few days.
B. B. Hearne, a of the
who has been out. West for
I he past six years, bus returned
here on a visit to relatives.
R. L Strickland, who has been
bookkeeper Parham
for the last years, left this
to accept a as
for a
concern in Newark, N. J.
Mr. made many
friends in Greenville who
see him leave and wish him much
Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1905.
D. has moved to
West Greenville.
returned Friday
evening from
Nell of Halifax, is
Nil a
Miss Lucy Manning, of Bethel,
Is visiting Miss Tucker.
Miss Ohio Boston, of
came Friday evening to visit
K. Williams Friday
from He had been
the grand
F. C.
general Home
i ., this
The Grand of Masons re
cent in at Raleigh
the following
W. Lidded, grand master,
F. W. Winston, grand
master, Windsor.
M senior grand war-
H N Hackett, junior grand war
Wm. Simpson, grand treasurer,
Leo, grand
Drewry, secretary,
A Visit to M vines k
In the interior of tho of
Mindanao, in the Philippines, then
re many natives who in
in tho tree tops. Where tho
are thick the entrances to villages
are often at considerable distances
by way of suspended bridges
from tree to tree. Thus one may
walk directly beneath a cluster of
houses, says the author of
Gems of the without suspect-
its presence.
On one occasion, by more lack,
while struggling through a bamboo
forest he came to a piece where,
resting against the thick growth,
severed bamboo of great
was a
height, with notches cut in
it as a ladder, he
T. N. Ivey, grand Bl- mounted it to see what was at the
B. . Hatcher, lecturer,
B senior
F. M. Winchester, junior
Deacon, Charlotte.
W. J. Roberta, grand marshal,
M. D. grand sword
J. B. Briggs, grand
Elizabeth City.
To his amazement there lay on
the top of the vegetation two
horizontal bamboos on which mud-
feet had trodden and beyond
. these other bamboos, forming a
grand path or bridge. He signaled his men
to be quiet and follow, then
J. D. steward,
F- D. Jones, grand steward,
It H Bradley, tiller,
proceeded to cross the first length
of the rickety way, twenty
feet above the ground. When he
had gone about thirty yards he came
suddenly out into a clearing where
j were four large elevated houses. The
path he was on led to the nearest
I one, and they were all connected by
Lewie Laird wan shot and
To cross the shaky bamboo over
the open was s problem for one less
birdlike than the tree dwellers; but,
taking off his shoes, the traveler
went ahead. He had scarcely reach-
ed the middle and most ticklish
part when the in the
houses detected his presence. With
a chorus of yells they sent stones
arrows at him, and one old
man crawled out on the bridge and
shook it so that only both
A charier has been for a hands it. At last
at he was to stand up and
. i the sign of peace. The old woman
. , , . . I stopped and stared at him, while hi.
By of a In on
A-lie three, a boy j to discharge their guns
were killed. i into the houses if necessary to pro-
, . , i him. The traveler called his
he jury of M county J
found a true Mil for murder her she must not be angry
i. Bairn , the
H. ,
a. H. a
with be said. her she
looks ugly when she is angry. Tell
her I friend and carry no
nor even a spear. If they lay down
AT this season, the close cf the Old and opening of th New
Year, wise and prudent men take account of their assets and
liabilities. In taking account of our assets end liabilities w find
most assets to be th -still of our
patrons and friends.
In like manner, we find our greatest liabilities,
we owe our friends for the kindly and interest they
have manifested in this store.
This good will we heartily reciprocate and trust mu-
relations will not only continue, but show a marked
increase for 1905. To realize this trust, community of interest
will bind us together in indissoluble golden bonds.
We feel that the growth of our business is due to the
ally of our friends, and we now thank them heartily for their con
to our success,
In conclusion we shall ask to expect better thing
from this store for the year 1905. With the season's greetings
and our best wishes for your and prosperity we are
Your Friends
Co. have purchased a novelty
in machinery for the of
culling and splitting foe the
away with i lie old
time cutting wood.
you ever see so much
wet and
Many of folks
in not being able to at-
tending the party
of in- weather.
Mr. of was
the ii- vacated by
Mi. roughs and family.
Ha. -f was
in town Friday.
Mr. Mr.
of. committed their arms,. I will kill no one.
suicide He The old woman, who still had
i. . ,. i. , stones clutched in her hands,
shot the brain for then re-
home after i- dropped the missiles. The
ed her face. She seized h
G. Manor presented hand were trembling,.
with a bring in the
i up. houses stilled their racket.
. , The old. woman the chief
dead am, the of
in a barn He bed She they bad mistaken
tilled u with and wax the party for slave trader-. Being
placed in. barn by companions rod., she turned and led the
; par-- into the village, and there
at a feast. She
While-insane John L. I even offered to adopt tho traveler
his wife and make bin chief if he would
but he declined the offer
of shot
through the head with a
blowing of her
head off was
Mt the bf did not
move after being
The cf
Am of the
Hen Living In ;
from the heart of
lbs con
i . nest b
. . the
. i Tho bushmen
a trip to
bank quit., , -j
were d half
Mi. of South
has a with the
t County Lumber Company
succeeding Mr. Hob OS.
Mi-. H. Cole little
daughter, Emily, borne
Friday night.
u the lower-, order of
he January, men They are
. t, a . that they do not know enough to
Of Mis. of hut
being the-first of the The nearest they can
were to it is to gather a lot of
Mies and grass taking them
into a thicket or jungle, build u nest
for a home. The nest is usually
enough for tho family,
and if latter is very numerous
then the nests are of largo size.
Sometimes the foliage above will
form u natural covering, but there
is never attempt at construct
a protection from storms.
secretary, Miss
Ti- Mia- Ellington,
Mist L-e Brown,, and
general committee were
After all was
were served
Among many enjoyable games,
I was played, after
which we sojourned to meet Feb.
I have taken a dark bay
about or , ears old,
weighs or pounds. Owner
can get same by calling at my
house and proving property,
cost. C. Elks.
Jan. 2nd. 1905.
Near Cox's Mill, Jan tit, 1903.
at p. m. at me of
Guilford Page, his daughter,
Notice is hereby given that and Mr. Leon were
undersigned will petition the leg married by H
to recharter the town
Pitt county, N. C.
J Smith, mayor.
C. C. It. L. G.
C. Barrett, J. D. Jones, John
B. Joyner. Commissioners.
1-9 ltd
I v
a s
A large number of i
friends were present to
the marriage.
Immediately after the
the left for tho home of I he
in where a re-
was held night.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
January Term in
-n, pleads guilty, ed
Geo. currying
weapon, pleads guilty,
The January term of Pitt Rape costs.
emit for the trial of both j Edward Mills, assault with
criminal and civil W. weapon, pleads guilty,
B. Allen, if presiding wk
L. I. concealed
ting state, began weapon, pleads guilty, fined
In calling the jury six
The grand jury Orange carrying eon-
was as G. Barry, fore- weapon, pleads guilty, fined
A. B. F. am. costs
rick, J. H. V B. Don- Ellie, assault with deadly
Novell Cobb, B. Oar- guilty,
CO. Brown. W. T. Keel, ,., and Red-
Calvin Mills, H. H. Craft, Ne plead guilty,
some W. W. Matthews, .,, payment of
W. B.
W. O. F. L. J. A. Knox, with dead
weapon, pleads guilty, motion
W. II I officer of the f. j upon
jury and L W.
crier. Webb, assault with
The weather being told
the jurors, Judge suspended payment
Alle- did deliver a ,
tn the grand jury, but what be Robert King, pleads
Said wan clear I sentenced six months lo be
While the law genera to roads,
was briefly touched, Golden Edwards, carrying con-
bes were owl e pleads guilty, fined
Judge Allen made point
touching the of the grand M H.
when he said they should not ed ,,,
returns true bill after ex- continued upon pay-
f the state's M, of and
are folly the guilt bond to at January
of the person whom me, that be has
bill is his know, at i violated the law.
grind juries who Look the i
that it mi difference weapon, guilty,
a true bill found, as the and costs,
juror could correct any error j John
if one had been made. But, assault with dead-
judge, it does make a differ- j Pete Hew born
for its a reflection on a man j n-t
for the grand jury to a true; CoW, Frank Buck,
bill and they . Hi-
do o unless fully
and William
Judge William and Fr
Allen sail of worst feat Buck
this is the Sim and
futures, but h thought the Sam i-en-
law an was end months and
for that reason he did not months, to be to
juries He thought j road-,
the law be amended so
to reach gamblers in futures. guilty, judgment
the provisional carrying
of the Watts law, he said, weapon, plead- guilt v. lined
their attention. It natters and .-oat-
-hat jury may of Andrew Pittman, n-
law what he may sentenced t ins
law for him- to work roads
self be U good
it is a law is sentenced t-
violet ions under it should assigned
the legislature-
bill to impose a penalty on
graph companion for the non de-
livery of
This bill provides that it shall
be the duly of each telegraph
doling in hi
Strife i
and deliver to the
see or all for
it has accepted or bad
P iv no mi of same by
sender an I upon a f t.
promptly r deliver ma
same it shall be liable to t
to the addressee of and to
the sender of recoverable In
action in the court of a justice
of the peace.
th. house
introduced a bill
to exempt the town t Fountain
from lie act prohibiting sale
of liquor iii one of Lang's
bill is to allow to
Little introduced
it bill for
of to make
to the institution
wain day of little doing
The was in
than and only
e introduced. There was a
The Excuse Holds Good.
have married a wife and
therefor- I an
given in Holy writ nearly
two years and an
incident court Tuesday recalled
that parable and shows that the
same excuse h good until now.
A case came for hearing and
Solicitor Moore announced
names of the witnesses which
were taken up in order by Crier
Lawrence called. One it-
failed to answer. him
out, Mr. ordered the
yes Oh,
began the crier to the form
of but just before
the of entering a for non
attendance wan reached
tor th- ht that had
been looked for the moment
addressed the
it please your Honor, I
r-id overlooked the fact that this
witness was married a few days
ago and is on a bridal tour from
which he has not yet returned
All Judge
Allen with a smile. I
have to admit that excuse and
overlook the absence of the witness
time being
The Murray trial .
was halted temporarily
of two of the jurors.
At Apex
stores the Apex News
were destroyed by fire.
The planing mills Ta
River Lumber
Mrs. Dicey Jones Dies Suddenly.
Ms. Dicey Jones was found
.-dead bed morning at
Horn . North I where
Confidence asking for
awe, and waR no
had clean- the eD Deaf
ad up and was ready to adjourn did not get up at her usual
hour after meeting. am, home one
was appointed to breakfast when it
and report number
pages, and I
In to the duly of
jury to examine the county
offices he said they should be care-
executors file their
reports promptly with
or com clerk. lie also a
thorough inspection of the county
pointing out in-
of that were
entitled lo as good us the
county could afford to give them.
The following cases been
disposed of.
Sam Mills, affray, guilty,
Oscar King, failing to list tuxes,
pleads guilty, judgment suspended
upon payment of costs and taxes.
James to
list taxes, pleads guilty, judgment
suspended payment of costs
and taxes.
Thomas carrying con-
pleads guilty, j I-
affray, plead
fined and
jury returned
bills against
Wiggins for killing
and against lieu for kill-
In Again.
As will be seen from
our advertising
A. II. Tuft, recently sold his
business to Taft Vaughn, has
opened for himself. He can
be found door to Sam
near Five Points, and will handle
furniture and furnishing
goods exclusively. He will carry
largest and best line ever
handled here.
r e pluses of the house
roll for same, and lo
bow many in opinion
to do.
A bill
m case stand
f I rial th first terns if the sum-
. awl complaint is
-sued days prior,
in he t.-i
to in-1
he . f in
e from cents to
On merely
was that she was dead Her
appearance shoved that she had
away simply
falling never to awake in
this world.
Mrs. Jones grandmother of
Mis II. B Mr. J. F. King
laud Mis-cs Lena and Mimic Kim.,
all of Greenville She had many
friends who regret her death.
remains were taken to
Farmville today for interment in
family burying ground there
Subscribe to Tub
In among the
bills offered was one for i in- relief
of soldiers; one
better government North
Carolina for Ills deaf,
dumb and blind; one to pie-
vent lam and sale of
liquor in Scotland
In house Representative
Woodard introduced a bill lo
lie law to
under promise of marriage.
I were a number of new
bills in but of a
local nature and little interest to
the general public.
Child Burned to Death
This the
child of Mr. Mrs. W. J.
live about five miles from
town, was accidentally to
death. The child while
stuck a broom in lire
and in playing with this its cloth-
caught. The child lived about
five hours after accident.
Getting in New
w. j. me
man, is a good one when it comes
to moving heavy freight. He is
well quipped handling
mat cornea along,
inn how II be. He
has transferred The
new press from depot de-
livered it up tin- printing room
with The press came
knocked down securely ed,
yet packages were very heavy,
largest box weighing nearly a
ton. job of the press
together is the next thing,
it is our purpose to miss
issue of the paper white this is in
progress it may take all the week
to get it ready for work.
Climbing Up.
were destroyed by fire
The grad.-d
colored race at New gem
destroyed by fire Monday after-
Mrs. Burton, aged
years, and L-win Key
both a
Several suit- have been
against the city of
damages by the. buss-
reservoir there some week-
of Ova Town
i an item t
a from
city the other day. can very
easily curry cents h in my
arms, added. Wage-
and money is more plentiful in
big manufacturing city If it
not so people
and a living
between city life n
favor latter. Get
schemes do not revolve
farmer's heads and are
bothered with
and ways of fast living.
In rural district e
that natural simplicity among
that goes with a plain, simple
and honest life, there's a better
opportunity to develop a
free from on ant
It's true
have lo fed ard tbs
world furnish means g
mate big corporal ions, speculators
ind rich, but they gen-
ally have enough left to get along
with and these long winter
nights they can build on a
fire of wood without
where the next will
those who make the farm
by producing the; gap
plies at home are about n de-
pendent as it is possible for I-
of means hi be.
The Coming Law Ridden.
It's iii r hi. If be
upon the earth
will be so of i
the in which laws aB
England, for
the same law making power is n-
changed from year to year.
in legislators
for the most part, new
at each session of legislatures,
and each one of feels
the existence of the country de
pends upon his contribution
statute books. And so
subjects upon which legislation
proposed year- by year.
The water is sol
close to court house that work
on it has to suspend the
hours that court Is setting because
of the noise made by hammering
on rivets. But the pipe keeps
up is now
than the temple.
Capt. Sutherland
Capt. Robert A.
died Sunday afternoon at
ville, where be bad lived for six-
teen years. He was the con-
that brought a train -to
Greenville when Atlantic
Coast Line built their road here.

Eastern reflector, 17 January 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 17, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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