Eastern reflector, 13 January 1905

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Want Data About Cotton.
C, bi sac
General Charge at for
Port The
Roams garrison Port
out t
able one occupied by report on
v f officers for
I, i parole. Th remainder tbs data for the rep i
STATE news
I h prisoners of
; a hi probably be la
I the
r much now .
. I
ill I
Blending t b be
Durham city and official
today are at war over a division of small-
vaccination expenses.
,, e indebtedness of City
a- t, Charlotte Is with
lases due amounting to
I r II
OH lucre fifty-four inmates
the inane
the penitentiary. department
baa a capacity for only fifty per-
Tm dwelling. and a large
Storage house on the farm of
N. C, Jan. 1905.
The Beaufort County Lumber
Company begun work Mi today.
ad alt resumed
their respective duties.
Mr. and Mm. J. O. Bobbitt re
turned home Tuesday after
spending the holidays with
C H. will leave tomorrow
Tarboro and Hoc Icy
F. P. of Richmond,
in Monday night
Twenty years ago on
Senators W. O. Everett, of
county, and W T. of
Northampton county,
of the Senate and their
birthdays the day. It is a
happy coincidence
men are again in tint Sonata,
relatively the same seals
occupied in the long
News and Observer.
I taken up a dark bay
mule, about or j ears old,
M. A. of Suffolk, in weighs or pounds. Owner
; town tonight, can net mime by calling at my
O. of bag and proving property and
a Beau-1 .
, . ,. , ,,. X
A. E. TUCKER, the man
made so many people
I rices during the year 1904
turn sincere thanks his many I
customers for the liberal n i hey
have given his store. At the time
he takes pleasure in advising then it he
can b found at the same
the New Year ready to serve them
the best goods to be had hi
Come to see me and find
hearty welcome
A. E. TUCK- ,
Bynum in Jail
I foil County L Co.
Jan. 2nd
d D. charged Tuesday night.
J. H. Dr. L. at. Kicks spent
by B. O Hut H. H.
following iii a of Hi
of Gate, ,,,; an Tuesday,,.
her. k and U now in n n arrived of mile-
.,,. ; i i . i t. ; by and the u allowed
count v J last night.
out Early will begin school
I up the platform to a , h.
wan. carriage merely
M, A On y Sober Man in the Crowd Shot and
the and, . ,
at Hie to meet
In in.
Ii is in jail today and I
urn trial. Wake j
i mi next but II
i liable that the case a ill KM j
P Fuller Argo
have dud for j
is a bad physical
I Union flow
, me I lie nil III
ha kill-
i limes.
N, U., J.
M. W a merchant Pine
died laM night from the el-
of a pistol -hot wound which
he on the previous.
The took
member as commissioner t th fiscal
j. hath attended day.
J. It.
J. W. Page
i. it. r
It. Home
Amount allowed J. J.
For day as commissioner.
at a eta. WHO
Amount allowed J. It.
big For ll commissioner
;. nod t lie store, and West brook
had the crowd out bis
plan- id
k mi m i in some one
tired ended the life
of the only Miner in the crowd.
I la claimed as
Ion part of the relatives
lot dad mail mat e
u i tic fatal intend
Boys and
The lot lowing from the
may read with
by parents.
Pi Officer W. O.
d to kill Tim
oner of Johnston county
a jury aid held an Inquest last
night, but result not be
U City, an
j in Dial said cigarettes
all th downfalls
V ll
I I i i -.-
I- -ii it i
i i c it
i i l i
n .-., u inn.
. r i in i
i t- if
V . I . I
I i
i . I I
Ti i r
, ii
it i
I j i
I Hi
; i
it I.
. I
I .
I .
r i
I; been taken into the
said Mr. per . .
i Saturday
j were cigarette smoker-, I never January 14th 1905.
saw a boy played from H exercises
store. There Sana in the days as
tore at i be time and hey were ail 14.00
, . . . . . i For miles
-lints bad been tire already Amount allowed J. W
For days as commissioner
at 2.01 428.00
For days a
at 2.01 14.00
For miles
at els.
Amount allowed J. R.
For days as commissioner
For days as
at 2.00 22.00
For miles
at acts.
Amount allowed R. I
For days us
at no
For day as
at 2.00 8.00
For miles
at a its. So
Total amount allowed Hoard 1388
Stat- of North Cm I
Pitt County i
the Board of tor tint
aforesaid county, hereby certify that
doth appear of record my
Given under my hand and seal, thin
November 22nd,
Clerk com for Hill Cm
learned. t la expected that some
toys who will be charged
Kev. U II Moore.
v rap
fill We
lie a v
h. n a
, . ii nil
ll we in
school who lid not also sunk
Thai habit be-1
i a,. call.
know a little the , a.
i n He bus H,
., to the habit he j wise in have an in
-III .
I West Side who lies on bed
two and three at s time
Curt at
a Investigation.
by t Louis Inter t.
i i; i w
mil school where be
he l tings.
ling In n store not long ago
it smoker.
A div months ago the attention of a
and en-
I in sent to ; of Mt L was directed to an
wind, any ; e.
can no
of the work may
led There may many
the teachers would .
hear have
never suggested lo us,
very .-.- where a breaks ft ,,,,,,,.,, , r
. .
. ,. in
into i store thing he. steals
quest any and every
w method of combating that
most dreadful of -11
y cured have shown such
ultimate recover j
is but of few week.
So e bean the result
In pronounced
by nil old methods that a
bus been and is
I an . lo furnish at a normal Cost
I county any e to all sutlers is of the
injury of , k ,,. of its chief
in., i. . . . that at
to n is not ,, will rounded friends and
Is into
r annual lo
i . . mid, is will give
., ,,. . . V who pays for The
,,. ,,.,,, . year IN ADVANCE. If you are in
, ,,.,,. ; v- got Ibis valuable
If i In i in your
onto, is withdrawn
mid subscription price is
Is published at Nashville, ll issued i times a year
It contains read-
matter dollar is edited by Southern
men who know the needs of farmers. issue
i; meeting, the
by such men as MaJ. Tims. J. Key,
Agriculture of end Prof. An-
drew M. Director of the Virginia Experiment
The Home Department is conducted by Aunt whom all
readers soon learn to love.
Hat you must hurry. This
indefinitely THE
Sample copies of Southern Agriculturist free at our
associations that pervert his ideas
he done this We
in a many
I the or early stages of
quest Hun any teacher disease,
Mud it at once to aw
ii .,.,.,. F ,. . t a treat
A secretly T. H. here In St. Lou a have
N, thereby give him an as
of gang M
I There is magic power in the ,,,
to all to the level You no,
of i lie lowest. ; hut simply your request to
The boy who thinks it is as
to smoke has U wrong u attention to the
lies training
self lo ire and emulate man's
floes instead of his virtues. He is;
1905. We do because the sec-
i Saturday comes the day
fa failure instead of WM of
Found Dead. came Saturday before
Dr. William Fountain, coroner, i Second If you will
received a telegram this send in your this will be
advising him that; an interesting and profitable meet-
j oh u Duke was found dead rear, mg. us keep those meetings
railroad about two miles from up water
The coronet vent out to It the
been accomplished by the
and the coin i which controls this
marvelous medical
their main office at Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on avenue sad
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. known
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Benson, the of the
h are will
ally of the of the
Mr. Benson will personally
meet who call it the office of
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are to make a par-
the Louis
free booklet on request.
K. Seventh St,
D. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
I be committee on salaries and fees ,
v. Little's bill, patting solicitors on h
I i the bill to increase salary of hundred
salary lo 5.00 a out tees, was read
year put aside the present.
nor-elect Glenn sent a
Warships Sail South.
Norfolk, Vs., Jan.
by the first-class battleship Rear
before the flying the blue pennant of
While committee at once de-1 It r Admiral A. J. Barker,
telegram Hist bill be to defer on the warships of the United States
not pissed for his benefit , more suitable occasion, j navy are on their down the
A few bills were introduced but the only to the winter
these were of lord o to bill after been in-
In the house further announce , i at the amount and reviewed in Hampton
of s was carried and not the salary
Little made
chairman of the mi In- two
for the blind and is a thousand was a plenty
. Ii s . t .-. .
a a
of the committees on pub- said tin ml red was
lie roads and turnpikes, on on j ample h That is a question.
Rads today by of the
Navy Paul Morion and Admiral
The made up of the
coast squad
and the second flotilla
ties, cities towns, fixes it tn, bowl moat powerful ever
is a of committees on .
fish and on seems lo an impression
Is not enough, boat ix one
will have to Hampton U mils under i .
is ii serious j American flag, the
of the review as
witnessed by f people
. . iv people
fees, health, on traffic, on , have greatly ad j on both i-ides of one
of laws, on and judges because they can of grandeur. big white hulks
. I . a m . I at. I .
corporation commission, on their time in
finance, practice and have so much
Among bill introduced was besides
one by Little to getting a civil practice
pay a stipulated salary
instead of fees.
Representative of
introduced a till to
reform the divorce laws of North
of Bun-
a bill to prevent
fraudulent sates of Hooks of
was not much business in
on Monday.
F. O. James, a
visitor was extended
courtesies the senate.
Fleming introduced n
bill to authorize
of Pitt to levy u special
In the house
introduced a bill to
ti- ii with the sale of merchandise.
a bill to make the
ti fourth class
A prominent legislator
aid yesterday that lie knew three
Solicitors who the salary
principle, if it was made
and several who would Ash I it to
the end.
Toil member declared that
some solicitors old sot get exceed-
eighteen bundled out
of office while homo were
credited with four and
He tint it wrong
t J at tempt to i these officials
of the lull fruits of their official
position it would lie best to
adopts bill to go into effect
at beginning of the
present one, so Unit
id the battleships, the
monitors, the high cruisers mid
rakish, dark torpedo
stood out in bold
and the
blue sky, three co th.
right being made up of the Mast
of the battleships and the
left of torpedo craft
The as
flagship of Hear Admiral Baker,
beaded central i while
Stewart and W
the were reached
Dolphin dropped out from the
head of the column, and as
flagship panned in review, a seven-
teen gun salute was fired.
The ships impacted and
today represented a tout ton
of and carried officers
Farmers Preparing to Put Out Large Crop
Spring Lettuce.
The acreage lettuce
crop will he increased fully per
em, over mat of previous year
and the other Hock crops will be
Increased in like proportion.
l present time the farmers
ire bu-y planting their spring
crop of lettuce and some farm-
have already got their crop
The spring lettuce crop
is the the truckers always re-
as ii safe Crop and they
rich returns from it. More money
was derived from the crop last
than ever before. The
last fall was somewhat a
f by reason o fact
it was dry in
fall the farmer had a
time a stand
was late and be
fore it all could be the
Florida crop came in
which meant prices drop so
low that truckers in this
could not afford market the
remainder their
In to planting the let
for Reflector.
Among the many social functions
luring th- past week none have
th given by
Mrs Friday
Progressive flinch was played
and indeed was a moat pleasant
evening fir all present.
Mrs. of
the fir-t and Mrs.
second, the lat-
net prize to the
guest of honor, Mis, F, ed Taylor,
At eleven guests were shown
dining room. table
was beautifully decorated with
ribbon and the
was a cf fruit and at
each end a pyramid of flowers
studded with the
guests seated hostess a i
that it was her pleasure
to have her friends with her on
Her and that the
represented number of vests
Father Tune bud against
Toasts were in her honor
Wishing her many happy returns
of the evening, a life unclouded by
sorrow, that she may
always as charming as on
Those Mrs.
H. L Fennell, Mrs J.
It. Mrs B. B. Mrs.
Mr, Parham,
hi pluming
Crop, preparations are now F. G. Mrs. J. L.
. . . I it-. ti ii.
., lire it w . airs. J. U.
and M- W, King. Mrs.
W Peas, will be planted about J. I
e tor n farmers will Mrs. f M Wt
e i v as i . i .- . . .
The i was undo i
i H i, now until the latter
command of Com man r .
part of next summer there
Johnston the
T hero not a cloud to cast a
all who it.
future would know to expect. boat Dolphin tarrying
It is to note
salary hill up every
legislature, like Hie one making
pistol toting a felony, has
beyond domain
of a sharp Hut it
to at least make a
this Oil-
Second Crop
Elder A. Asheville,
who is down his
native keeps an aye open
for out of ordinal v.
Today he
a bunch of small be
says be a tree at Tube
He Mr.
are no crops to be worried
for a short time.
the Secretary and admiral
this morning and was greeted by a
seventeen gnu salute from the land
batteries of Fort. Monroe and the
Whip the
inspection of the
Dolphin down the line of
between the battleship and
coast squadrons and returning to
take her station, at Hie the
and Texas When she
had dropped anchor, Rear Ad-
Barker, Hands and
made i calls upon
of me Navy and Adm
Dewey They ,.,. by
An lift -i
I. tithe deck the dispatch
. . ,, I .
his attention to the salute of
Little, of Pitt,
on Saturday introduced in the
a bill pay Superior court
sol tors of lees.
As read by the clerk title of
bill pay listers
salaries instead of
Stenographic reporter who by
sound upon his
wrote listen, and seeing Something
it with tax
in of
It. Little
remarked that he ex-
a wave of enthusiasm Would
over the
I the
of getting salaries
of He very, very small for i
p. call j p
Flat In
Asheville, N. I., which in gone about a
Mr mile the got way
the peats, Hie tree
them was in idiom in September
that the pea's had formed
been growing right along
through the tall winter.
Celled to
Montclair, N. i
Kev. I
gnus given, and a
Was hied when
the fort
The visits of these officers re
I. Unwed by calls from com-
officers of the various
alter the Dolphin
Love, pastor of the i i to-
church baa , Mp
like a t disappoint
item by this explanation.
Mr. Little's little bill is designed r
r. pay solicitors a salary of mM of , b-v her
v in place of Ike fees they re- ix
provides for the payment r
treasury. Ion and piles are twins.
sate provides for the
of all fees into the state treasury.
twenty-live dollars
a year is salary a
eighteen hundred is enough
piles twins.
They kill people inch by sap
life away every day. Hollister's
Rocky Tea will positive-
cure you. No pay.
r ,
warn was made by a member of Drug Store.
Alabama, Missouri and Iowa, bat-
Texas, Florida,
Nevada and cruisers
Newark, Denver and
yacht destroy-
a beautiful cover u a
Varied table of contests is a n oat
u urn As a special
Lionel H. gives
n account of its
t ravels, a paper that is full o
humor OS well as of genuine in-
and Strikingly illustrated.
The of Chopin mid the
beautiful Countess Po-
is charmingly related by
iii the
mid in an interesting pa-
per Allan Sutherland tells some-
thing the origin and
Francis With
are also good stories
by Mary Stewart dining,
and Owen Oliver,
in addition to the children's
which includes L. Frank
Fairy and
a Riley story by
Grace Some of
the early Spring styles are shown,
of fin interest to women
is the chapter on Making of
a House containing a world
of suggestion. The department
which discusses,
the forehead, Mrs. Theodore
W. on
of are other
items especially helpful.
M. H.
Register of Deeds E. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples List week;
W. O. Martha
James James.
Jack and
Lewis and Gard-
K S Strickland and E.
F. Jones.
John and Bar-
Luther Cobb and Lottie
us Riots
John Km- and Olivia
John ii and Sophia Liitle,
C Per-
Dr. William Fountain,
filed win. court
clerk the papers the inquest
held Saturday over the body of
John Duke, near
evidence St the inquest
showed that Duke was under
inf liquor, that ho In some
way got on the railroad track and
was billed by passing engine.
of Hie jury was
with these
was u man
leaven three I children. His
wife died about a year ago.
Mr. ii. Vax, an aged citizen
of Swift Creek town-hip, died
Monday night at his home near
Johnson Mills and was buried
Tuesday. He was a good citizen
and farmer.
II brave the storms of
roes plains
be without Rocky
Wooten's Drug Store.

II N I l
Great intent Store.
We sincerely our friends for their liberal pat
given the past year, and solicit a
continuance of their land the
coming year, g hind an d courteous attention to
one and all-
Wishing each and everyone a happy and prosperous
Year, We are Your Friends,
J. B. Go.
Great Department Store.
Victor es
ii .
M i St-
i roof
i vaults,
To the Vic Belong the Spoils.
to the
St. Louis, Mo., Oct.
Cincinnati, received, to u
Fair, for their exhibit of
and general line of fire
their magnificent
tor for modern
and finish-
The Safe that has never been I.
J. L SUGG, Agent.
For Christmas.
Everything want in the of
j nice Caned Goods, Pit
I Fruits, Candies, Nuts, can ha t
or store.
We a large supply of the belt
The Cash Grocers.
Parham, Foxhall and Bowling,
Leaders in
Sales and High Prices on the
market. i
we are making fine
hare purchased a Bomber of annual subscriptions to the
Southern Agriculturist, and, OS long as they lust, we will give
one, free of to every subscriber who pays for Too
Eastern Reflector a full year IX ADVANCE. If you arc in
arrears, pay up and for a year ahead, and get this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, send in your
order at once, before this great offer is -withdrawn.
Is published at Nashville, Tenn. It is issued times a year
and the subscription price is cents. It contains more read-
matter than most dollar and is edited by Southern
men who know the needs of Southern farmers. Every issue
is like a big experience meeting, the questions being
answered by such men as Maj. J. Key,
Commissioner of Agriculture of and Prof. An-
drew M. Director of the Virginia Experiment Station.
Tim Home Department is conducted by Aunt Anne, whom all
readers to love.
But you must hurry. This proposition will not he held open
indefinitely the eastern reflector.
copies of Southern Agriculturist free t oar
A salve that hi in without a near
No remedy
soothes, cool-
barns and In
for Piles
Witt's is the
Hazel Salve.
they a-1
Wooten's D.
eh Hazel Salve.
such re- j
it inflammation,
. heals all
A sure cure
n disease D.-
Witch I fl
are of counter-11
T. Big Store
Cured of Lame After Years of
had Doubled With
back for tears and I found
a complete in the f
John Q
liniment la m-.
for sprains a t
It is for
Drug Store,
The name of u-ii it author would
you use in for an encore
Cough Colds
out l
fa in
in, i
In -I.
to lie
v One Minute
the pa
II ion mid hi
p j
ti. De-
. H not
i-ll. The;. inn
I mild, i
II Mo ire, f La-
other ; Us
make u sick
never c ; me
ti Risen r.
Kim th
mi carry wit
hat name docs -i child
often in calling for entertainment j
of food
is t o or the quality lo
sour is likely to -l o,
and no if the
has Weakened by ;
th. Bat slowly and not to
of digested food.
the thoroughly, h the
between meal . m
when f-H it fullness and weight
in the ii,,
eating, lake Slow
aid Liver the
our may he avoided
For Hale by
What author inhabits the
lands Scott
No Moore Stomach Trouble
All trouble in removed by
toe f Dyspepsia Cure.
It the ti rest
by yon eat
Hi,. th.- restore, lie
t . health. don't h
to taking
I,., Midi., says,
Jr some sit. .
in-law the trouble
was not able to eat for six
weeks. She lived entirely on warm
water. After faking two t
Dyspepsia she was n-
mid is in good health. I am
to gave me ins ant re-
Wooten's Di
Letters of administration the
estate J.
t Issued to me by th.-
of the Superior court
is hereby given to all
parsons holding against said
state to present them tome for
or before
the day of December,
notice will be plead in their
All persons indebted to said
state are requested to make
ate payment to me.
This the 27th day of Dec., 1904.
i I p J- J-
Blow, Attorney.
To Our Patrons and
We wish you, each and every
one, Peace, Prosperity and Hap-
We return our most
heartfelt thanks for your kind
Patronage in the past and hope to
merit a continuance of the same
in the future.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C.
WE want to thank each
and every one of oar
many customers and friend
for the kind words and
Liberal patronage. We will
try during the year 1905
to use our best efforts to
give you more goods for
the same money, and the
same goods tor less money
The Bee Hive,

. J. Editor and
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter.
rates made upon application.
A desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining m.
in t
Friday, 1905
Senator J. L has sent
The Reflector copy of th
bill to increase the pay of jurors
Pitt county aside of
hours after this bill was first
the senate it had
passed both branches and be-
came a law Senator
and Representatives Little and
had everything
in readiness to push it right
through, as it might apply to the
term of court that begins next
Monday. The bill
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section The regular jurors
for the Superior courts of Pitt
county, and such special
and jurors of said
courts as shall be taken in the
trial of capital cases, shall b
paid tin of two dollars per
day and mileage already pro
Tided by lave.
All laws in conflict
with the provisions of the above
action are hereby repealed, so
they apply to Pitt county.
Beet on o. This act shall
in force from and after its
B L. Duke was recently
from wife. A short time r, in
December, he married a
of Chicago, who had
been divorced from a
band Now these two are reaping
the fruits of their double sin But
for divorce laws they would have
been spared their present troubles
Five hundred Japanese residents
of New city held a mass meet-
and celebrated the fall of Port
In thin Lave the
of most Americans.
ever fought more bravely and
heroically than have the in
war with Russia and we want to see
them come out winners.
a great little wife arid
don't know what I would do without
And as he spoke lie put his
anus about her and kissed her, and
sic forgot all the care in that
moment. And forgetting all, she
a she Wished the and
sang on as she made the beds, and
the song was heard next door, a
woman there caught the refrain and
sang also, and two homes were hap
i because he had told that
sweet old story of love of
a husband for a wife. As she sang,
butcher boy who called for the
heard it and went out
on his journey, and the world
heard the whistle, and ore man
hearing it is a lad
who loves his work, a lad happy and
And because she sang her heart
was mellowed, and as she swept
about the hack door the cool air
kissed her on each cheek, and she
thought a poor old woman she
Newspapers as School Text Books.
In an address before the
can Association for the advancement
of Science in Philadelphia the other
day Prof William H. Lynch, of the
Salem schools, presented a forcible
argument for reform in the methods
of instruction in tho public schools with us and stands always ready and
Beginning Again.
It is a blessed to be per-
mil to begin over again the
of every year. What would
of us if we were never given another
chance We are very wayward child-
and forget so often and so soon;
but out Father deals most kindly
of the country. He contended that
too much attention is being paid to
textbook instruction end not
enough to actual study of living top-
such as dealt in the
press each day. latest ad
in scientific said
Professor Lynch, newest
and discoveries in every branch
of human endeavor are all heralded
in the morning or evening dispatch-
es. Years hence the text-books will,
as it were, embalm them their
solemn pages. Why should the child
now be compelled to sit in darkness
with the light of knowledge blazing
all around him through the columns
of tho
Professor idea is not a
For chicken stealing,
drinking and other vices, t , my
odd students Davidson college
knew, and a little basket went over, new u
to that home, with a quarter a j the need
crate or two of wood mo in school
So, because he kissed her and to find the plan being advocated be-
praised her, the song came and the
influence went out and out.
Pass on the praise.
fore such an association as that
which has been meeting in I
The Post has frequently
A word and you make a rift in , of a
cloud, a smile and you may ere ; topic
new resolve, a grasp of the , h j the
hand and you may may repossess a I bag
soul from hell. Washington
have been expelled. That is a de- praise now.
n , , f ff . on in the home. Don t go to the; boards d
state affairs, and the lac- .,. Don't ,
. grave can, to contribute news and opinions
of the school are right in not plead, me, mother; you were j touching of
allowing of such character , a good mother and smoothed away I result bas
to remain there. i many a rugged path for me has u,
Those ears cannot hear that glad j the of
admission. Those eyes cannot see; as an educational
the light of earnestness in yours.; p,,.,
Those hands may not return the em-
As the main purport the bill
tint Ins passed the general assembly
become a to increase t
pay jurors in Pitt county may in t
be fully understood by all our
ere, again refers to
it Toe bill does not increase t s
pay all who serve, but only
provides that jurors,
such ales jurors as are taken
trial of capital shall be
a day.
i. tint a majority
of jurors upon cases in Pin
ore lull juror This is true
from tho f-ii.-i all tho regular
jurors who do so usually gel ex-
to early in term
riff i in tales jurors from
i the court r m.
Th jurors who
ind waiting to bi called in the
box will only receive I per day as
Paying the regular jurors per
day will lesson the number of ex
asked the beginning of
every court The purpose is to pay
good men lo serve on juries and dis-
courage the presence of the
juror No doubt Senator
Fleming, the author of the bill, and
Representatives Little and Laugh
had this feature of it large-
in mind in getting it made into a
General seems to
fallen in bad repute with his home
government and they are talking of
court him for surrender
Port Arthur to the
Mr Duke seems to have gone bad
crazy all of a sadden He now ex-
presses his marriage
to the Chicago lady in December
and says he has no recollection of it.
Mis people at work to have the
marriage annulled.
willing to forgive We believe very
heartily in New Year Resolutions.
It is better to try to mend our way,
though we fail, than to settle down
into stolid indifference or despair.
There is hope for a man so long as
he rise from his falls, but none for
him who lies prone upon the ground
without an effort to stagger to his
feet. We hope the poor fellows who
are slaves to liquor will try once
more this new year to get t he
mastery over their foe; and others
guilty of greater sins there are
will strive manfully to
break tho fetters which bind them.
What if they have tried often and
only hope in the world
is to keep on trying until ore
and Children.
brace you now wish lo give i
Why call so late Pass on Ow in
The South and the Negro
After the President makes his
visit South gets a full under-
standing of the race question, he
will be better prepared than he is
no-to show his
to her. He will find the Southern
people have no ill feeling for the
in fact, they wish him
well, and are prepared to aid him
all they can, as long as ho travels
along a line that doesn't endanger
white supremacy, but that they
against anything that threatens
supremacy The same feeling would
exist in tho North if the pop-
there were lo
cause apprehension. it isn't
for the President or the Northern
people to there is no danger of
praise today Ex
letter in yesterday's paper, says that
a hill is to be introduced by
was a -lick move of
I not in a position to judge. Then
forces at work of which
It is give., out Mr J. j tentative A. Butler, of the
I Murphy, member the House from ; lower house, a brother of ex Senator e
Buncombe county, will introduce Marion Butler, providing for toe
bill in the General Assembly in-1 payment by the State of the
to introduce S bill in the legal rate of interest, Western North Carolina Railroad
Mature for tho Slate to pay those j from to S per cent- lie nays that bonds, on which the State of South
old bonds and enable Mary such a law would have beneficial Dakota secured judgment against
to pull u big fee The other j soils western I Carolina; j North Carolina from the United
that the present law is evaded and States Supreme Court, and also for
members will not be on . . . ., , ,
j that it does not protect the small payment of all other such bonds
thing like We hardly think held of New York,
bill will pass and as are it, it he having given the bonds to South
Governor Clem. He ought not to pass About years the instance of
ago, when the legal rate of interest Pettigrew, Marion Butler and
was change from S to G per cent, i in order to bring suit The Demo
there wore predictions of all rats in the House will fight the bill
of disasters consequence and j and it will, of course, be killed in
there was much talk that money The only result will
should bring whatever anybody was be show that Mr. Butler baa his
willing to pay for it, etc , etc Hut with him in thus endeavoring
I he big scandals come most j to
the high and in the of the J server
the Dukes are now getting their I bas result d since the change
of notoriety on score. do not claim that j a Raleigh dispatch says the law
was solely responsible carrying concealed weapons
woe inaugurated in today
with appropriate ceremonies All
h ii to new governor and may
a brilliant
hen u man outs too many capers
these he is pronounced crazy.
Mr. Duke bas got himself in that
El Governor Lloyd of
Maryland, dud suddenly
morning at his home in Cumber
Whom does the milk punch
Wilmington Star.
The pocket book, of course.
If cotton would take a tilt after
wheat it would change the shape of
some people's faces
j . i -i
If wheat keep soaring it vi
out of sight.
the was solely responsible
these conditions, but the fact re- j j made stronger There
mains tho disasters predicted I are things it does little good
lo legislate against, and the matter
of going armed is one of them. A
better plan is to make more certain
adequate punishment for the
use of concealed weapons Char-
not did n i occur but there
was improvement
ville k
An Extended Chair
u hen in Eliot of Harvard Observer,
toured on the Pacific coast some
twenty years age lie of the West-j protective association the
era seats of learning which he visit-; cotton planters forming in
the University of Washing
ton at Seattle
He became much interested in
Professor B Johnson, a well-
parts of the South may amount
to but hardly believe
it. Organization on the part of tn;
farmers has never been successful,
A resolution providing for a com-
mission of immigration n this State
has been in me
This is one of the most
matters that will engage the
attention of the State law-makers at
the session The
is ripe strong legislation
this important department. And
when the commission is created am-
provision should be made for tho
conduct of business. A liberal
appropriation should be
sin commissioner and his de
such a manner that
there will be no cramping. North
Carolina is badly in seed of a de-
cl t-s of and the
Legislature will no doubt grasp tho
supplying the means
satisfying the
known figure on Sound in any considerable extent, and there
those days, who was one of the col , nothing in the situation now to
leading lights, and in the indicate that the present movement
course of a conversation asked the will be different, in this respect,
ill got I fro. the Sentinel.
all, said Johnson, am pro
of biology, but I also give in
in meteorology, botany, j The board of commissioners of
It is idleness, not work, that is Craven county passed a resolution
and a few others
Hurting the children in this country.
The same is true of many who are i whole
grown-up Times. I Harvard's chief. Magazine.
should say that you occupied a Governor Aycock for
hole settee, not u rejoined action in pardoning the
The Wilmington r
it not funny it the Dis-
of Columbia, the haven the
race, would be first place
to restore whipping post, which
was abolished the Southern
for the benefit of the by tho
military provisional governments of
the States just prior to
Funny or not, it would
according to tho fitness
of for the was
disfranchised the District of Co-
The white people of tho
District wore so determined that he
should not vote, that they
themselves in order to obtain
the of the
They willingly refrain from voting,
just to keep the from
. -i
. .
Fire at
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
plow and
all kinds farmers supplies, see
Cape Pea.
v , Company's ,
For quilts cotton,
Cotton see A. W. and
K, N. C. Jan. me turkeys I pay the
There is best selection of L.
inks, library paste and mucilage F r Oranges, and eon-
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. fresh. A. W.
k BrO. ever to Co.
Protect your eyes by buying one Big of flour
of those eye shades at the just received. Prices
Store, price cents. O. Chapman and Co.
Highest price for cotton also carry a hue of rubber
by County Oil Mill. over boots and water proof
If in need of u good barrel of jackets very thing for sold,
flour or pork see Kittrell and miry weather at Harrington
Barber Co.
A. B. Thomas, of has F. J. Vincent, of who
accepted a position as boggy trim- has been his brother, Z V.
mer for the G. Cox Mfg. Co, left his home this
Town tax-B are Due, I am ready
to give y u F. B. Tusker A. G. Cox Mfg. C . wants a
tax sol buggy trimmer one year
Don't forget to bring or send
cart hubs to A. G. Cox The Pitt Oil Mill is now
Bargains for the next twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox Br.
For Sale store
feet long, call on or write
Whitty Son, Winterville, N. C.
Wanted-1000 geese highest
market price paid for same.
Kittrell Taylor.
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. Co
Miss Oscar
Mi Mae Anderson and
i i of
i was
y fire
at o'clock and
Warn, the building,
and door frame, porch , , fr
. . , . , . was a frame was
brackets kinds of , . .
Mfg. Co. Ti-
candies at H. I.
says h-
girl in
ville last Sunday.
Go t T N. u Co
fresh nuts, and
J a of sec-
W. K. Cox preached in th-
Episcopal Sunday night,
wood cart hub. A. G. Cox
bas accepted a
in B. T. Cox drug lulu louse.
store until after He is not
good looking but he loves the
lie folks. see what
M. L. has moved
J K.
well broke .
v strong. Apply to
Co. Fat kind buying Cotton Seed. They has on exhibition.
be p . has in v I
Bucket Shop Man.
on, D.
. of the States
.-- ion v
in- Texas was
c let vi a Texas law
. I
lo the
ell that he was
i commerce.
tine in
i A i n e-- at the Federal
i in- late
t in court.
i i
use. the highest price or will ex
worry over tie lot for meal. When yours
of cotton you had over when are ready write for prices,
you gt through ginning your list For fruits go
lots. be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buff to G. and Co. They
seed out ton in any the a choice lot.
best market price paid every A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
Finest Hue of dress goods in received a lot of galvanized bar
G. bed wire poultry Their
Ba. biscuit sure to kill the rats poultry . of course strong
and mice Barber St wire.
Go. Cheap shots dry goods, notions.
A. W. Co., are jobbers and goods. H U
for spool cotton. Seed them your and me., glove
Lumber placed on the
lot. He will b Mi I
up a house there. n b-
Until next Wednesday .,.,
the highest market for .
We now have on hand a nice
line of dress Ht remarkably
lo figures, come, see be con-
Yours truly
II and Taylor.
For A good
horse, sod sound, apply lo
W. B, N. C.
shell confection
tries at A arid
W. J bus moved his
fondly accepted a position
with A. G
Box B for Sale is
want box-body to
farm products to the lain or
market. The A Cox Mfg. Is . are
selling them d you
had send them your order
at once.
yon are in need of
flannels, and
call R. G. Chapman and C
B. G. Chapman Co have just.
o oar load of
Just d the third
of shoes Ibis fill all
o .--Mini Come
one and all ind look them over.
We please
Harrington Barber Co.
If, A, W K.
B. l. Forrest went down
Sausage mills and
lot of
condition. Apply
to J. A. Manning, ville, N.
neck ties at Harrington
Shins for birds at W.
B. G. Chapman, A Ci, say
they have a
general and price
are rigid.
The oil mill Mon-
At Reduced A. G.
Cox Mfg. a e ; out a big
lot wire pi
They have the fines
fence made and you
iii get a if a
eggs, chickens, ducks, etc.
Kittrell Toy
We want to buy your Hides,
Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Chickens
and and will guarantee high
eH market prices for
and Taylor.
Jerry Nichols
S C , Mon lay.
If yon want a first class pair of
cart wheels gel them at
Mfg C. Better call at
once while them in
A id- e line toys a-d
at II Bar-
Blight H.
Mises Emma Kittrell and Alice
went to Greenville Mon-
heaters and ranges. All
ply ii prices. S-t our stock
before and money.
liver and
Moo i
That's fair. Tea la
let- i St
I Carr received telegram
w aim
. Mr. Samuel
v. i eh last night In ,
For Mi.
. i with the family of Mr
M A the latter
Danville, and he had
i in
The Cake Is Ours.
For fresh meal Mfg.
Go to El. L Mrs J.
Being to in-i Board par day. Best
class raw rial cheap, g
machinery with which ii m
work, mid being able mid
up all I I-1
the reason vb
can our
Winterville Mfg.
Wot leaded
and single guns. K
to A A
The drug Stop In k
cayenne pepper, and sage both
powdered lo -in.
entire snip
for cash or
A. Kittrell O.
For paper nails
A, W. ; Po'S, place
house lo n .
Mrs has moved
her Tucker
on Main .
Penny candies a the I
f B T. C- R
. i harp your
u own price.
H mat ii in town.
Kn red A
Minnie and Clyde
o in. gave very enjoyable
young last
till hinds of
cheap as the cheap-
. A Taylor.
Mi-. Bryan returned j
from Hob. Monday night, j
We claim cake this Sens m. We think we haTe
a right o it. We are alone in thinking it
either. e are hers
A good cut wood. The j
A G. Cox Mfg. Co. wish to con-
to have five hundred cords
wood cut Any wood cutler wish-
a job can see them at their
Protect your feet wearing
good Shoes. B. G. Chapman
Co. have the kind lite you
book-, stationery, peas,
a ad school supplies of all
kinds can he found at the drug
Second baud cheap. If
wish to buy a hand
buggy see the A. G. Cox
Any who has looked around will certainly say
that our Suits and the most elegant gar
in town. He can't say otherwise and tell the
Then our Hats and the
every man The newest, the choicest, Hid
of everything is right here.
Then, as if to tho whole matter, our fair
mid reasonable prices. heard a single man
or Take u look yourself and
say with rest that Cake is Oms
For Fine Job Printing.

D. J. Editor and
in the office t N. C, as second
rate made upon application.
A correspondent a every post office in Pitt and adjoining
in to
a great little wile and
don't know what I do ill
And as lie spoke he put Lit.
anus about her and kissed her, and
fagot all the care in that
moment. And forgetting all, she
as she washed the dishes, and
on she made the beds, and
the song was heard next door, a
woman there caught the refrain and
Newspapers as School Text Books.
n Km oat, LA
In an address before the
I can Association for the advancement
of Science in Philadelphia the other
day Prof William Lynch, of the
Salem schools, presented a forcible
argument for reform in the methods
of instruction in the public schools
of the country, lie contended that
too much attention is being paid to
textbook instruction end not
J. L Fleming has soul
The a copy of th.
bill to Increase pay of juror-
in Pitt county Inside of
hours after this bill was first hi
the senate it bad
passed both brooches and be-
came a law Senator
and Representatives Little and
had everything
in readiness to push it right
through, as it might apply to the
term of court that begins next
Monday. The bill
The General Assembly of b
Carolina do
Section The regular Jurors
for the Superior courts of Pitt
county, and such special
men and tall jurors of laid
courts as shall be taken In tin-
trial of capital eases, be
paid the sum of two dollars per
day and the already pro
Suction All laws in conflict
with the of the above
are hereby repealed, so
I. as apply to Pitt county,
on S. This set shad be
In force from and after its
As tho main purport the
his passed the general assembly
and become a law to Increase t
pay jurors in Pitt county may net
fully understood by all our read-
The again refers
it bill does not increase i h
of jurors who serve, only
provides jurors,
such jurors as are taken in the
shall ho pin-
a day.
Ii i , u majority
jurors mi upon cases in
are lull juror This is iron
from tin that nil the regular
jurors do so usually gel ex-
no early in tho term
riff Ii is to call in I rum
bang --on the court r in,
I'll mil jurors who
wailing to called in tho
box i. ill only receive per day as
I regular jurors per
day will the number of ex
asked for the beginning
every court The purpose i to pay
good men lo serve on juries and dis
courage tho presence of the
juror No doubt Senator
Fleming, tho author of the bill, and
Little and
had this feature of it large-
in mind in getting it made a
lo e
fallen in bad repute with his home
government and they are talking of
court him for surrender
Port Arthur to the
also, and two homes were hap enough to
because be had told her t as dealt in the
B I-. Duke was recently I
from a wife. A short time I r, in
December, he married a lOw
of Chicago, who had
bean divorced from a
band Now these two reaping
fruits of their double sin Hut
for lax divorce laws would have
been spared their present troubles
Five hundred Japanese
of New York city held a meet-
and celebrated the fall Port
In this Hie
most Americans. So
ever fought more bravely and
heroically than have the in the
war with Russia and we want to see
come out winners.
old story of love of
husband for a wife. As she sang,
e butcher who called for the
I heard it and went out
on his journey, the world
heard the and ore man
bearing it is a lad
who loves his work, a lad happy and
And because she sang her heart
was mellowed, and as she swept
press each day. latest ad
ranee in scientific said
Professor Lynch, newest
and discoveries every branch
of human endeavor are all heralded
in the morning or evening dispatch-
es. Years hence the text-books will,
as it were, embalm them in their
solemn pages. Why should the child
now be compelled to sit darkness
with the of knowledge blazing
For chicken stealing,
drinking and other vices, i my
odd students college
have been expelled. That is a de-
state of affairs, and the
of the school an right in not
allowing of such character
remain there.
Mr Duke seems lo haw gone bad
crazy nil a sudden lie now ex-
presses astonishment bis marriage
the Chicago lady in December
and he has re of it.
His people at work to have the
marriage annulled.
That via i a .-lick move of
Butler to introduce a bill in the leg-
for to pay those
old bonds and enable
to pull Ii fee The other
members will not be caught on a
thing like
It Governor Glenn, St
was inaugurated in Raleigh today
appropriate ceremonies. All
h ii lo new governor and may
his lo a brilliant
about the back door the cool him through the columns
kissed her cheek, and she of
thought a poor old woman she I idea is not .
i blew, and a little basket went over, new bu. .,
I to that home, with S quarter I have urged the need of more
I crate or two of wood i mo
So, because he kissed her and find the be
praised her, the song came and the I an aB
influence went out and out. which has been meeting in I
on the praise The Post has frequently
A word end you make pointed the desirability of
cloud, a smite and you may ere j
; a new resolve, a grasp of the it the
hand and yon may may repossess a ti. been quite adopt.
soul from hell. In the Washington
Pass on the praise now. Pass it j.,
in the home. go bulletin boards and invited students
grave and call, Don't j to contribute
j plead, me, mother; you were, of
. good mother and smoothed away The bas mM
many a rugged path for me and has done much to attract
Those ears cannot hear that glad the of
admission. Those eyes cannot see flu
light of earnestness in yours.
Those hands may not return tho em-
brace you now wish to give i
Why call so late Pass on the Our Raleigh correspondent, in his
praise today Ex i letter in yesterday's paper, says that
a hill is to be introduced by
is given out that Mr J. A. Butler, of the
Murphy, member of die House from lower house, a brother of ex Senator
Buncombe county, will introduce a Butler, providing for
j bill ill the Assembly in-1 payment by tho State of tho
legal rate of interest Western North Carolina Railroad
I from to S per cent. He says bonds, on which the State of South
a law would have re- j Dakota secured judgment against
in western I Carolina; Carolina from the United
the present law is evaded and States Supreme Court, and also for
that it does protect the small payment of all other such
I borrower. We hardly think the held Schafer, of New York.
bill will pass and as see it, it he having given the bonds South
Beginning Again.
It is a blessed to be .
to begin over again the first
of every year. What would
of us if we were never given another
chance We are very wayward child-
and so often and so
but out Father deals most kindly
I with us and stands always ready and
willing to forgive We believe very
heartily in Hew Year
It is better to try to mend our way,
though we fail, than to down
into I indifference or
I There is hope for a man so long as
he rises from his falls, but none fol-
who lies prone upon the ground
without an effort to stagger to his
feet We hope tho poor who
are slaves to liquor will try
more this new year to get the
over and others
guilty of greater sins there are
greater will strive manfully lo
break tho fetters which bind
What if they have tried often and
hope in the world
is to keep on trying until they are
and Children.
ought not to bum About years
Dakota at the instance of
I In- lug scandals coma most lie-
the and
the Dukes are now getting their
share notoriety on score.
hen ii man outs too cap rs
these d pronounced crazy.
Mi. Duke has got himself in that
Ex Governor Lloyd of
Maryland, died suddenly on Sunday
morning at his home in Cumber-
Whom does the milk punch
Wilmington Star.
The pocket book, of course.
when the legal rate of interest Marion Butler
was channel front to per cent, I order to bring suit The Demo
there wore predictions of all sorts cats tho House will the bill
of disasters In consequence and it will, of coarse, be killed in
there was much talk that money short order. The only result will
should bring whatever anybody was he show that Mr. Butler hut his
willing to pay fa- it, etc , etc nerve with him in thus endeavoring
as a matter fact the greatest era I to favor hit brother. Charlotte Ob
of development in the history of the server
Stale has result d since the change
the law. p do not claim j A dispatch says the law
the law was solely responsible ii-1 carrying concealed weapons
condition but the fact re- be made much stronger There
mains the disasters predicted .,. things it does good
not did occur but there u legislate against, and the matter
The South and the Negro
After the President makes his
visit South and gels a full under-
standing of the race quest ion, he
will be hotter prepared than he is
no- to show his
to her. Ho will find the Southern
have no ill feeling for the
that, in they wish him
well, and arc prepared to aid him
all they can, as long as ho travels
along a line that doesn't
white supremacy, but they
against anything that threatens
supremacy The same would
exist in tho North pop-
there were large enough lo
cause apprehension. And it isn't
for the President or the Northern
people to y there is no danger of
I anything of that kind They are
not in a position to judge. There
may at work of which
I they know nothing. Savannah
; Nevis
A resolution providing for n com
mission of immigration n this State
has been introduced in
lure. This in one of the most
matters that will engage the
attention the State law-makers at
the present session The
is ripe legislation crest
this important department. Ami
when the commission created am-
provision should be for tho
conduct of the business. A liberal
appropriation should be made to ens
j commissioner and his de-
in a manner that
there will la-no cramping,
Carolina is badly in need of n
of and the
Legislature will no doubt grasp tho
importance of supplying the means
for satisfying the demand e
ville Landmark
If cotton would take a lilt after
wheat would change tho shape of
some people's faces
j------ mi i
If wheat keeps scaring it will get
out of eight.
An Chair
W hen Elliot of Harvard
toured on the some
twenty years ago. no of the West-
seals of learning which he visit
of going armed is one of them. A
better plan is to make more certain
adequate punishment for the
use of concealed weapons Char-
lotto Observer.
These protective the
cotton planters forming in
ed tho University of Washing j parts may amount
ton at Seattle j to hardly believe
He became much Interested in it. on the part of
Johnson, a well-
farmers has never been successful.
It is idleness, work, that is
hurting the children this country.
Tho same is true of many who are
known figure on Puget Sound In I to any considerable extent, end there
those days, who was one of the col nothing in the situation now to
leading lights, and in the indicate that the present movement
course of a conversation asked the j be different, in this respect,
i Western man what chair he held. ,, , c. . ,
no i i , from Sentinel.
said Johnson, I am pro
foster of biology, but I also give in
in meteorology, The board of commissioner of
Physiology chemistry, entomology c ,
a few others ;
should say that you occupied Governor for
whole settee, not a rejoined action in pardoning the
Harvard's chief. Sunday Magazine, f City
The Wilmington
it. not funny the Dis-
of Columbia, the haven of the
race, would be first place
to restore the whipping post, which
was abolished in the Southern
for the benefit of the by tho
military provisional governments of
the States just prim- to
Funny or not, it would
according to tho
of for the was
disfranchised in the District of Co-
Tho white people of tho
District were so determined that
not vote, that they
themselves in order to obtain
the of the
They willingly refrain from voting,
just to keep the from
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
feet long, call on or write
Whitty Son, Winterville, N. C.
Wanted-1000 geese highest
market paid for same.
Kittrell Taylor.
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. Ange Co
Episcopal Sunday night.
wood ran hubs. A. U. Cox Mfg.
Santa t bas accepted a
in B. T. Cox drug
store until after He is not
good looking but be love the lit
K, N. Jan. 1905. turkeys I pay the
There is the best selection of highest L.
inks, library paste and mucilage F r Oranges, candies and eon-
St the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox fresh. Sea A. W.
Bro. ever brought to Co.
Protect your eyes by one Big consignment flour
of these eye shades at the received. Prices right. It.
Store, price cents. ti. and Co.
Highest price for cotton also carry a line of rubber
by County Oil Mill. over coats boots and water proof
If in need of a good, barrel of jackets the very for cold,
flour or pork see Kittrell and weather at Harrington
Barber it Co.
A. Thomas, of F. J. Vincent, of who
accepted a p as baggy trim- has been visiting bis brother, Z V.
mer for A. G. Mfg. Co left his home this
Town are Due, I am ready
to give y mi P. B. Tusker A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wants a
tax collector. bug v trimmer of about one years
Don't forget to bring or send el
your cart bubs to A. O. Cox Mfg. The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
Fat buying Cotton Seed. They pay has on exhibition.
highest cash price or will ex
worry over that tie lot for meal. When your
of cotton you had over when are ready write for prices.
you g it ginning i-t For fruits and go
lots. I be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys to n O and Co. They
seed cotton in any the bats a choice lot.
beat price paid everyday- A. O. Cox Mfg. On, have
Finest line of good in received a lot bar
bed win and poultry Their
list biscuit sure to kill the rats poultry is strong
and mice Harrington Barber ft wire.
Co. Cheap shoes dry goods, notions,
A. W. Ange Co., are jobbers end robber goods. H L. Johnson,
for spool cotton. Seed them your and men glove
style neck ties at Harrington
We now have on hand a nice
line of dress at remarkably Shins for the birds at W.
lo figures, come, see be con- Ange
Bargains for the twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox A Br.
For store Winterville Mfg.
oats, plow
all of farmers supplies, see
A. W Anne Co.
For cotton
A. W. and On.
Ml Mae and
Jerome of
sere here
Window and door frames, porch
all kinds of
I at rock
Orange I
at Johnson.
h- sport-
the in
ville la-i Sunday.
Go la T N. Manning t Co for
fresh ruts, and
the Cope
gaged i i the manufacture of I
material, was
by fire tonight.
over the boiler
o'clock and the building,
a frame wan
entirely in an hour, J.
i of Vs.,
. the company and
J a of Greensboro,
a. d
Rev. W. K. Cox preached th- choice
are for turkeys
from Km;. Taylor
M. L. ha- moved h;
Into If.
Mi. has moved
d well sum d
strung. Apply A
folks. see what lo- .
I be p .-I has in iv
Lumber being placed on He Bryan -i-ref win
doom's Int. He will soon Mi Whitty. I
op n house there. I i. -ii
next Wednesday
Against Bucket Shop Man.
D. C, The Sn-
the United States
for want of
i. u, case of vs
Hi-St of Texas. was
c i t o a Texas law
. i pi. k bucket shop,
i mi that he was
commerce. The
in dismissing
. ti e i he Federal question
i in- a raised late it. the
i in the
. rt
Yours truly
and Taylor.
For A goon gentle
and sound, apply to
W. a I he, N. c.
trim at A W, Co.
J. bas moved his
family here accepted a position
with A. G Mfg. Co.
Box Body Cm Is for ii
now season when you way
want ii box-body cart to i. ml
farm products to the or
market. The A Cox Mfg. are
and selling yon
had send them your order
at once.
ft you are in need of
flannels, and waist
call B. G. and Co
ft, Chapman Co have just
respired a ear load of prime
Just d the third large
shipment of shoes fill all
sizes, prices right. Come
one and all and look them
We win please
Harrington Barber
P. A, W B.
B. l. Forrest went down
and at An
in good condition. Apply
A. Manning, ville, N.
A wood. The
A. U. Cox Mfg. Co. to eon-
to have rive hundred cords
wood cut Any wood Cutter wish-
a job can see them at
Protect your feet went
good shoes. K. Chapman
Co. have the kind sue you
School hooks, pen,
pencils school supplies of nil
kinds can be found at the drug
buggies IT
yea wish to buy s hand
baggy see the A. ti. Cox
B. G. Chapman, A Co, say i hat
the highest market for
eggs, chickens, ducks,
Kittrell Toy
We want to your Hides,
Sheep Skins, Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
and Eggs will guarantee high
et market price for
and Taylor.
Jerry left
S C , Mon lay.
If yow want a first class
cart wheels you get
Mfg Co. Better call at
once they have them in
Ml nil I
Kooky Moo i no r
ha k
fan. e-in ., la
let . ills t
Mr. Dead.
of Mr. Samuel
v. , eh List night .
Km Mi.
I hen with i lie family of Mr.
M A so, the latter
i o ii Danville, and he had
i In Greenville,
they have a fall assortment
general and price A ii e
are right. , Bar-
oil mill
day night people
A Reduced A. H.
Cox Mfg. s e a out a big Misses Emma and Alice j
lot wire c price. went to Mon-;
They have the finest mil moat day
Substantial fence made and you Sieves, heaters and ranges. All
an got a if apply at styles, lowest prices. S-e our stock
The Cake Is Ours.
For fresh meat mi
Go to H. L. John-on.
Being in position to
class raw cheap,
with which in
work, and being able . and
work up nearly nil l
I are a of e
can save our easterners
Winterville Mfg. On.
For landed
and Kindle gnus. Price K
to A W Ange i Co.
The. drug in s- ck
cayenne pepper, and sage both
lent and powdered
Our entire sale
for cash or approved
G. A. Co.
paper nails
A. W. Ange Co's. the place
; . i i .-a
before and save money, i
Boarding J.
Cox. Hoard l day. Best .
in n,
Mrs has moved
her ft in t h into Tucker
oil .
Penny candies a at the
stoic f B T. Ox Bro.
i have
r i o your own price.
B in
Kn A Taylor
Mamie and Clyde
m gave i very enjoyable
young friends
Fruit-, all kinds of
h cheap as the cheap-1
Mi-. Bryan
from e Monday
We claim the sake this Season. We think we have
a right to clam if. are not thinking it
either. There are others
Any who has looked around will certainly
that Suits and Overcoats are the most elegant gar
in town. He can't say otherwise and tell the
Then there's our Hats and the Haberdashery,
every man The newest, choicest,
o everything is right here.
Then, as if lo the whole matter, conies our fair
and reasonable prices. W haven't heard a single man
or Take a look yourself and
say with the rest that Cake is Oms
For Fine Job Printing.

folk might save our
Helves a good many needless
by order e ac
The time Las come when a pear ,
will neither nation
seems the two powers
have been sincere in
to Margaret their intentions toward ;
Carolina, In the
. J w. and S.
trading as Greenville Supply
vs. J. B Smith and E. O
. trailing as U. Smith and Sen
hi sale.
y virtue of an execution directed, , . . ,
. the undersigned the Superior in The II one j and two peoples
nil of Pitt county the above en-1 a believe in be have learned to respect one another,
led action, will on Monday the . . , . .
day of at me bond routine, and, in spite of war, are actually on
to at the court house door Skid moves my compassion better terms than have been for
sell the highest bidder tor cash. v i .
said execution all right more than the woman who fret years, ft decisive victory AM
i and interest which the said J B ; fryer it breakfast is I gained, and conditions make
defendant has in the following I , , ,, , . . . . . .
described wit- live hue, and frets every- j unlikely that one be gained ex-
A. certain tram or parcel of land else into rebellion If all the by the bankruptcy of of the;
i ox and being in the county of Pitt and I , , ,. , ,
of North Carolina in Swift Creek i family are not seated a every meal I combatants. Enough blood bus sure-
township in Clay Root Neck be at the stroke of the that an been shed to satisfy tho honor of
side of the Greenville road be-j IT .
the same land upon which the said j it. It is a trite but a true tho duelists. Secretary Hay could
Smith and wife live adjoining the is a bad master no perform a hotter Service o I
lands of W A Smith. Elizabeth Clara,. . , . ., . ,. . a. I
John Moore and the Matthew A. little elasticity in I inanity than to sound St. J
heirs gold that Petersburg to ascertain if the friend-1
or lass, the homestead the I . ,. . ,. . , . ,
said j U Smith which has been set are some of us who scatter united Males would,
apart to him and described n follows I moments about as spend- now be tho interests of a
Beginning in the main road leading , , j , , . r
to and running with thrifts the odd silver to peace that need not humiliate
lines between Matthew James lands , ,, f live minutes
a course to J. Moore s
line, thence South with said Moore's here and ten i-
Hue down the creek to w, Which we might take up the
James corner, thence said . C.
James line an course to j stocking oat needed
the main road, lug by ; j,,,, or of B inland
about acres .
This 13th day of Dee reading, or run over our
L. Tr Sheriff. ;, re or f ahead a wee
bit our embroidery
and would give Japan the assurances
which she has been fighting
New York World.
In the
i Superior court
v. H Elks
vs r of execution
Moses w Tyson. I sale.
By virtue of an execution directed to
he from tho Superior court
it it is a matter gel ting jot Pin co in entitled ac-
re give so lion. I will, on Monday, the day of I
. I January, at o'clock, M., at the
retail that we a I use door of sad county, sell to
nit- M the station when highest bidder for cash lo satisfy
. as t I said execution, all tho right,
ii i d . .-. an lira ism, am
Seed, Oil Bar be a tune to the said Mom w.
r . Turkeys, Bug, etc. Fed- is that on I defendant, ha in following describe
Mattresses, Oh Salts,
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
V Ready nixed Paints.
real estate to On the north side
y large in I of Tar river, David
Tables Safes P work if the custom is House lands, lauds
, r , others, known w. Daniel
and Gail Ax never to waste i be cm-1 Dome place and being the same
I place and
I conveyed by and wile
to Moses Nov. , and I
The pets HI no recorded the Register's office
Key West Che- Irene; of lime and r
not- Henry Toe h
i Peaches , , u ., ,, in Boo A
Pine Jelly. W
Horn Meat, Boa pegs away at a given task and a.-re more or less, subject however to
Ly Magic Food, Matches, CHI, way finishes the daily a dot homestead which been duly
, . rs . . . slotted to the said W. Tyson
Meal and who before sue is exhausted, i by the of Pitt county SaM
who i change ten acres, in
dies, Dried Apple, ,, eluding tho home and dwelling prom-
and Tin . . . ,. .
Ware, Cake and to Robbed m
Best New ; Montgomery.
and , of Coast
quantity. Ch for cash Come
this evening Wat robbed live
A -a,
day of December,
following f
tie reached
T mi
h. . . S C
i V
A fl
of mail s-c-ired
the bandit oh
off the turn as is e. the
outskirts of t
fester, the
shot A
stop was made at Wiley, six
from Montgomery, Hester be-
robber entered the car
i mat .
after leaving there, Bee-
he by a pistol land in Pitt county upon which th
, . i j L-. said lived,
I Wile Va e.-es more or And the
Va grabbed at the pistol and I id will further take notice I Cole
that they arc to appear be-
Now .
Ox d,
And all nil
points rant of the Miss. I,,.,,.
River. .
If AN,
North Carolina. In Superior
Pitt county, i e the fleck,
s. administrator of William
John s. Susan
M n,
Dick Hen I
Tom Jacky Ann I
i ox. m. Maim. John
John S. Smith.
Sain Smith, Nobles, Susan
John Porter,
Susan Dunn. Louisa Evans,
Henry Evans. W. H.
John Henry and Allie
The above named will take ;
notice that an action entitled as above
has been before the Clerk ,
the Superior court of Pitt county
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints yon need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
and Discounts
a derail to throw up I to obtain an order directing ad- etc.
, . . ., . I of the Cullen .
turning, he saw that pi-c
t. ,. I,. t , j , . j are to appear be-
New York v Y g before i
New a, u i palm of the mail; the 20th day of January,
l , , i i u . ,. I and answer or demur to
Vt or petition action or
Pi I u, and the keeping him u the court for the- re-1
V i i. i i i it . lief demanded in said
u helved lo the 10.180.
MO I , , , . . .
Va and v. hen the i t D. C. i ,,
and In I j
Capital in
Bills payable
Deposit lo cheek
Cl- Superior Court. Carolina,
Count j of Pitt.
James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
Carolina, wear that the statement above is true to the of knowledge
i Superior court January belief JAMES L lat;,,
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
Cholera with One
Chamberlain's Jacob
c, cholera and defendant above named day of
take notice entitled
Q. W, has been commenced in tie
relate uh experience he court of by
. . K . . plaintiff the defendant lo
while nerving on it jury a a decree of absolute divorce from
murder caveat him-and the defendant will further
change meal and hulls for teed, seat of county. Ala- notice he la requested to
and all been, He there
no nags pay an y i court of county to beheld on the
Subscribed and t
C. S.
Notary Public.
J. A.
w. a WILSON,
to beheld on the.
Write in. seventh Monday before Mon-
write us meat it me day of March. 1803, it being the
are ready to sell exchange. in a Jan., at the court house .
, M in my life and i Greenville, X. and answer or
HAVENS CO., . ,, ,,,.,; to the u sax action j
. . ., . to store in a certain ,. the will to the conn
C but the relief demanded in said com-
i sent me a bot of Iain's
I Remedy instead,
This 1804,
t i ,,, , ll I Superior I.
saying that he . o. for
our book of tells yon all what I sent for, bot that this j .
it. Become our own medicine was so much lie I NOTICE TO
Book m the j
postpaid on receipt of price T . . . . , Having dull qualified before the,
J took ODe , Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
Bank Bldg., Norfolk, Va. it and was five minutes. Executor of will and testament of
second entire-1 Mrs. Ada Moore, wife of
Two fellow jurors were afflict- Moore, deceased, notice hereby
Dr. lbs same manner and one en
. small bottle cured the three of
Store. t
Greenville, N.
Subscribe to The
against the estate to
the same for payment on or lie-
fore the 2nd of 1906, or this no-
will b plead in bar of recovery.
This day of Dec., 1904.
C. A.
Executor of Ada
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
A. L. Tripp cam up from Vance-
As authorized for
and Eastern take
great pleasure in receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We lake orders
for job
When you need a light,
tough pole, sty for your boggy or
Call on us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. N. C.
Ayden Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, S C
Waller of in
is here a few days visiting
you need anything in way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to see Hart Jenkins.
Ask E G. COX about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Call examine our line of
high grade You be
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
latent thinK in shoes. Call G t B E. Go's new
at W. C. and Co's. market beef, fresh meats,
were services in the aid fresh fish.
Baptist and F and wife spent
by night and with
their respective Kev. T. the family J. B Smith.
H. King E W. Davis.
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new crockery both
decorated. Prices are cheaper
Come to see us when yon wan
to buy Independent Manufactured
we handle
g Hart
and ill sell them
h one.
Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N C.
Last Wednesday evening a
child of Mr. S. A.
easily convinced of tell a id hot stove ard
of material burned, at it
Ayden Milting Mtg. Co. I was I bought fa ally an twit
L. II. of Greenville, while the little
spent Thursday night here aid
attended a meeting of the
E E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you
their new line of heavy and fancy
received, line of bar
and can fit you up in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Go.
Fancy candies, applet
one ill suffers intensely is very
at J. K,
wagon as good as new
sale J. Smith Bro.
First Clans hand made brick, by
the retail large
stock always n hand, your
solicited J. A.
grocers have a
special line of Christmas goods
they wish the public to see. They
are an up firm handling
only the newest and
in their line. To try them
will sine you to
again AH is the
fir-t trial and then you will lie
their friend forever. them.
W. C. Jackson and Go
of goods taking the
of all who
Polite good goods
prices at the store of J.
U Smith
Jasper yesterday
to enter school at Oak Ridge.
We continue to build
buggies for we do not
net apace we cannot
of A N. C. rail-
at New Bern, presented ex
president J A. Bryan with a
loving cup.
At a
livery stables and several store-
were destroyed by lire
three horses and mules perished in
the livery stables.
Brodie L. of Durham,
who during last year was
neut in divorce marriage, has
been placed in a New York
having been de dated
Located on West Sin. i
the traveling or sporting
public for reasonable price
D. W.
And Provisions
Milling Co., Ayden, N. C
Examine our line of j Hal
C. Jackson and Co.
Carry your turkeys, chickens,
been, and produce
The ladies f mat
have tho tine
iii town.
your nice and clean,
and at E. E. I It I you I J. K. Smith Bro.
T. W. of Ki Ti heller prices for it, u he j. k Bro. are offering
here on Mining ft special t the trade in
Call on Halt ft n f bar , N. C fall and Aimer
tel of Columbia Flour, none I Cannon a invited to mil and
to be had en v where. the up to date line of
We are off ring value f-r this p y ,
i v
v J. if. St
Z i
put I
in a-
the money in shoes, hat-, caps,
rugs cat pets, malting, tables aid
floor oil doth Cannon . times t . m.-t
apples, corn j There will he
apply to E. E. j change bye bye-.
A Co. lotion on average
if you do not secure per day is m Ayden Milling
one of our high grade baggies, and Co., .
your loss will lie ml i
Ayden Milling Mfg. C., n u
den, N. U.
G.-D let. fr
last Friday to visit his t-
are Headquarters lint
Ayden Mfg. Co.,
J. R, Smith Bro treat all
custom with greatest R
and nil an at
to call at their More. g,,,,,,, A Bro.
Car lime, aid
II. Smith Bro.
i Cox, has from
and bit
position at the buggy
far salt, flue and Coarse at J.
B. Smith Bro.
Wrong are
I bat. none. II your
tire, they call help. J.
W Taylor a graduate optician,
N. C.
right at prices. Noted
doctors have said that wrong eye
and I illy made
assignment to F. James, of
Green villa, week. The
so we understand are
and a Met la we have been,
unable to ascertain.
People are f
a- d s ii m difficult day J.
P all sizes sud pi ices at J.
B. Sin it n
public to know that
stock of an
line of TA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, he-t
goods and the i est
car Garden
Dye stuff.
C lie win a,, nil
iii; Tobacco, a large as-
I e. I lard
Rubber Elastic
.-es, Beat to. It of Brush
es all kin is
M. M. S
, Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fr sh Goods kept con-
in Country
Produce Bought end Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is you could desire, and
we see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
I You get Harness,
i Horse Goods,
I of
N. C.
bushels fie d
pea K. Smith
e seats for
are the
on the market
u and family after
i. n iii home in W i lib
n has come back
The Masonic Mutual
n . f K is on
i .
till e- ill J.
id Bro call H
I Iii their fencing n on
band for
Our second order youth
and children hats and c-i are
now on sale at J. It Smith
D. V. of Hookerton, has
been here on a visit to
i -i
ii .; .
A A. of Black
lulu, and Raw ,
were Sunday
G F. Morrison.
cloth and
J. U. Bro.
Yard be s yard at
J It. Smith Bro.
Baby mappers, Misses and ladies I
cloaks at J, Bro.
B L Myers
bin except
K ii. in for Greenville, lea
. daily, Bond
in i-r
, . , at Washington
Relief Association.;
I Philadelphia, Kev York
I ad m us at
folk for ill
,. I V i .
-II p
I o Sea
ii mm on In
The best plan, the
and tit- Induce
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
i ii and
At the close of business 9th, 1004-
If it give yon
dealer will
pay you for it.
Dist. Ayden,
Mill Line ll- Bi
Mailing h change
H Myers,
pt. i V.
Vie President
N. V
and Discounts,
Dr. celebrated tablets, j Furniture and Fixtures
beat medicine on the market
It. Smith Bro. Due front Banks,
Cold weather underwear
price I., mi ii all, Coin,
W. ll. Silver Coin.
es town unit i notes
paints coitus oil, is. notes
ere turpentine J. K.
Bro. Sold i
as so
Capital stock paid in,
profits less
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
We Keep
School Books
School Supplies.
If You Need
an Book
We've It.
All Kinds Of-
Bagging, Be.
J W. CO.
Deposits subject to
Cashier's Cotton of

Tourist Calls Attention to a
Railway Gang at Prayer.
T have often tic fervor
Mohammedan.-, Jerome
rt in the Argonaut. Their strict
i to their religious rite-, ii
. among denominations so far
r.- my observation goes, for when
hour of prayer comes, whether
they find themselves public
not, they go through their
I admire a man who has the
courage of convictions, religious
M well as political, and the
devotion of the
has always impressed inc.
On the outskirts of Cairo one day
we a row of workmen on the
railway Using up just as the
call to prayers out from
as adjacent mosque.
cried I. is an-
other instance of devotion
their religious
I was asked.
you mean What are they stand-
in row
I replied sententious-
you see y are facing
Now, they were all landing in a
row. As I spoke, as if t a given
they all went
I cried. pm-
themselves. In a moment
you will see them begin to bow
tin sacred city and go through
all i forms of
prayer. Ah, is it not interest-
to sec a group of ordinary work-
men interrupt their toil in the mid-
of the and furn to their
We were all much impress d. I
was particularly so.
as we gazed on them, with re-
Hex religious interest, the row
men arose. With a grunt
they rose, bearing on their
a long steel beam, which they pro-
to walk away with down the
railway track.
An awkward silence i Slowed. I
imagined heard a fain nickering,
but I not U- L-serve it.
are momenta it is just
as well not to be too ob
W to IS.
Wagon loads of gifts are received at
the White House Christmas time.
come from parts of the
try, the of them from persons
to the president and bis wife.
These miscellaneous articles are. the
private property of the recipients, and
the numerous parcels placed one
the family moms for examination.
They generally contain the names of
the and to oil these notes of
thank, ire sent.
On Christmas eve nil the employees
of the house-tho staff, the
ushers and the domestic
given, through the established
of the lent, a fine fat
key. Fifty fowl selected from the
best In the market, are for
this event, so that everybody about the
famous mansion has reason for
No one expresses his happiness
a more beaming than doe.
Jerry Smith, the old colored man who
has been a member of the presidential
household since the beginning of
first term. Jerry was
dent cook, but these
he dusts the offices of the White House
and keeps tilings tidy there as the
The presidents and their are
usually men of advanced years, it
is to be second generation from
that the White House looks for the
of childhood on Christmas
Home Companion.
N. C, Jan. Reflector
Messrs. Moore and Chapman Saturday evening
Monday in Washington.
Mr. Lancaster, t
Chapman's Crossing Sun-
If you want a special bargain in
a pair of pant or shoes. Try W.
Ladies A Society of Method- ,, , , .
. Jackson Co
Frames for photos
each. Nice of picture
received at W.
At Vs.
W. V, will paw
A Quaint
The burning of I lie ashen is a
curious custom observed In Devon and
somerset on Christmas eve. The
fagot consists of green ash sticks cut
and neatly fastened Into
bundle with At
o'clock In the evening this Is placed
Oil the with much ceremony, when
be family guests are
round the hearth. The flames
lick bundle, and, when the
first green withe holding the fagots
bursts, glasses raised and emptied
to Merry The break-
of each h Is the for a
fresh toast. legend for this
custom by the story that n Are of ash
wood Warmed stable at
while local tradition tells of a green-
wood tire kindled by Alfred the
his lonely wanderings in mo-
it Church South held
their Annual Reception, at the
delightful home Mrs. H. L. Carr
Mr. tilled regular cordial
in Sunday farming
; the than invited into the library I y
and served coffee by Mrs. E., . m
V, H. baa resigned bis . The beautiful
position with the B V. L Co. and nation of hot house plants, w g, c
will leave low fl For cotton seed hulls, meal hay
Early returned to everything a scene not soon to be ,,.,, lo
Saturday, after spending the
holidays at her home in Tb business importance KM
her regular school
morning. Pies. Mrs.
Mr. F O. U expected pres.
the A- J,
; Baker were H- C Hooker, treasurer
at Crossing Mrs- F-G-
evening. At of the
public l De was highly
was opened Monday with a foil Thirty quotations Ir-III
attendance. the bible were in the form
I J. U. C
Hooker highest nu
was a
book of
were and at a
hour all declaims the
Ayden N. C.
Open the traveling ;
Nice Booms, Good Table Fare
and First-class Accommodations.
Terms per Day.
I am now to
the as
our town Monday.
Miss Bessie of
is visiting her N. F. Cox,
I I his place.
I Miss Browning, of Halifax, U hour the Any one to work
sister Mrs enjoyable one done in this lino will please call
i I the time had me at any
Miss Lula Sexton and Mn
i iii-k ens Mist. Eva i
Yours to please;.
Ayden, , Jan
Her Father.
Irritable to marry
my daughter, bey I suppose she
thinks I am fool enough to take
such a young man as you are into
my family, does she
Young sir. She didn't
think it would he of any use for me
ask you. She said you were so
cross and so contrary you would
order inc out of our office the mo-
I spoke lo you about it.
Irritable she said
did she Well, I'll show that
impudent young tiling she
know what she is talking about. Von
have her, sir, any day you
There are two at the
Russian bat the real
c on Jan. . The fact
festival is. by reason of the-use
tin- calendar, be-
lated dues not. affect the en-
the Us
carried At I when most of
her American friends at removing the
greens from their homes
of the n I-
the of a monster
Christmas tree, laden with
presents, and the distribution of
is followed by a grand
dinner which is
its appointments as pro-
as some of the-celebrated all
night in the of the czar
Stokes, of week Cotton Back Home.
Mr. Ferrell Peary, j
W. T. of farmers-
O. G. will leave county, at
day on hip In Nash, j warehouses in ibis city and
Halifax and asked of cotton be-
H visited Washing-; to him Its oven to
ton last Thursday
the Beaufort C. Co. to his
basket party He at any price less
have been lat Friday ; hod j.
Chapman's Chapel the benefit a the price
lot the church, e This in
keeping with the action of
who in
the warehouses are the
Mr- Tread- k to
I re alive u the day Week in
of year, there will be u ,
is .,.
of the aged couple the 73rd the portion of it which is preserved. Is
of their I h. aM W that
. .- he the stable-trough In
The occasion will a most wisest- d the to bold the for the
one, and it is M the court where animals fed there. It became the
, Friday next. Ail
Put tits Old Cannon Away
i Ii is lime old
win buried Being left
our where it shot every
time a have
a bit -f makes it to a
is of
dining-being done that prove
or to
of old and put. It aw y
it be used
Part Of Hell
in Roma.
La holy
will be Hi the K e,,,, h
j annals of North
; Mr. At the tint
bids fair to life's of
i In s t I lie
AT season, the close of the Old and of the New
Year, wise and prudent men take account of their asset and
liabilities. In taking account of our assets and liabilities find
cur most valuable assets to be the good of our
patrons and friends.
In like manner, we find our greatest liabilities, are tho
we owe our friends for the kindly and substantial interest they
have manifested in this store.
This good will we heartily reciprocate and trust our mu-
will not only continue, but will show a marked
increase for 1905. To realize this trust, community of interest
will bind us together in indissoluble golden bonds.
We feel that the growth of our business is due to the
y of our friends, and we now thank them heartily for their con
to our success,
In conclusion we shall ask you lo expect better thing
from this store for the year 1905. With the season's greetings
and our best wishes for your and prosperity we are
Your Friends
Wilkinson Co.
shadows to linger yet
good wile, who for ha
observed the marriage- to
cherish and is but h
year her
sh, too, is hale and hearty, and
fast the
j is strong of and
I Had, Mr., nod Mrs.
i cradle of the Saviour when he
was In hi the rough trough by
his mother came in lime to he re-
one of moat
things on This
the was taken I rum Bethlehem
at the. time of on
In tin year was carried to
Rome, where
I ray , m mun
or not tile grating now
i a man on
n-en no one under the-
o whiskey to any ex-
tent. i
inn ii mi the
mi, the
Madison j in this and we
hen the that many of subscribers
west of the Mississippi river the county will in
I little else graft I week and. get
ground of the braves, they
spent and peacefully we ate a year
I their long lives amid the surround- to the Southern
I of their Ml and there force to who pawn
I they expect lo remain till the year in advance tr The
nod then rest side have a hundred
U the true ft Is certainly
j old Ii interesting for
that hare It since It be-
one of the cherished
till- Imperial City. It Is one of
if the
of Santa
o warn bars.
are of worm and gray,
that looks it might
powdered with Hour. The ban in
about a yard la and the entire
grating Is in a crystal ens
by silver
This ease Is on t gold
and silver and Its full length is a
meter. Its height n Is
by n
statue of the Jesus,
be year this re
i ill u g.
side till the resurrection subscriptions farm . t the share of Ilia
When Mr. and Mr. they will be At time It is
their anniversary j.
, it U that there will he a
j large it.
present to wish them j
a of life and happiness. Twenty years
w lib an
procession In relic is carried.
I the i being presided
. by u
Senators V. O. M
county, and W. T. Mason, of
Notice is hereby given that the I Northampton county, were
will petition leg- the and
I have taken up a dark
int S ears old,
weighs or
lo recharter the town birthdays the same day. It is a
Farmville. Pitt C. I that gentle
, i are again in the Senate, H
R. Ii. Davis, ii. . , ., . house and
Barrett, J. D. Jones, John relatively the they
It. Joyner. occupied in the long N
I News and I id
f, i. WHICHARD, Editor Owner.
and Friday.
Fertilizer Company Will Extend Notes.
The Virginia Carolina Chemical
Co. offered to extend term
on cote enable
farmers to their an
increase in pr president
of the the
to that ex-
Va., Jan. f-h, 1905.
Division Man-.-
Chemical Co.
mer wants is o make his
lowest Toe profit
derived from growing cotton is not
so moo i i be price of n he
oust at crop baa been
A special from Governor
was read in both branches,
grown. horses are t. .
m wInch he opposed the enlarge
much higher than a years e
the price farm labor is d
scarce. every acre
means Urge
I an to mm
of d of a
one glowing a ban-
In Utter
grows up and la ml
and d
r .
of r j
, , . . I Toe run u
is ex-i
lie inn o I-
z-r-. n-t
tend notes
ed paying bills, an
desire to bold heir f
they they a he here.
m more later
hive not finish-
to issue n
ma ill vision money
and who cotton which he de-
Hold, ii liberty
extend in for six
from Lat, in
rate o cam. per
an n ii in, provided n ill
in i note in
any reliable m e, and
turn over to f u t re
V mi
pay OH sail
make no cu ire
your net for this
pretend in offer ad-
vice o bold out-
ton, we do to offer
facility and
In power to cotton,
if in inch if is be-r
Whatever i i lie
ii b
is d
e coinage
in l ere .-e i
p per lie Ii
, our inter
ax we d . iii it t i way
t .- cotton
S to
idle- around iii bales
notion, of they will find in a
two the of
world in
growing this Maple, and our for-
supplied from
that now produce but a
limited quantity.
Wishing for a happy and
prosperous New Year, and also
oar customer and patrons, I am.
Yours truly,
T president,
file on
which a committee appointed
In h
seined of
H-king it I be
all churches,
lores other buildings in the
ti us to
vent r a other animals
under them sud
i o county
permitting that
to tax dogs, the axes to be
lief of Slate to re-
him embezzle I
Mum ii
In house ii bill was intro-1
if a pension for vet-1
have n arm or a
leg. may hive it
Representative a
bill Hi gov to p-
point women is
a bill lo i- pay of
in u- M
cl i
A dill
held the
return s ale
This i-n day all
oilier mailers f r th-
How it Stands
Order New Fire Host Purchased
Charter Amendment.
The of
to i urn-net home ii-f over
from i e last u i meeting.
Mayor W. R. unable
to May-
pr J. R presided.
I'll- commissioners
h of business
e the W five slid a
if in u up I-1 We
give the
Amount of
The Annual Reception Moat
Cardin Slab are. e-u e l m
royal tn-y lord
a hand int-it i, he
a re-
was an occasion seldom
I e 11-r--- i q ii t. j
tn i t
it, a will v
line from
put l
for genii u i, t in
of the lady r
much -I
d t e
I Hi
of sales on 20,836.60
dispensary commissioners
over town treasurer
for one half of
goes to general fund of
lie loan and one half to the pub
lie school limit county.
of several fire
makers were before board
to submit samples and prices
fire hose use on the hydrants.
The department recommended
purchase of 1,600 feet of new
and a committee was appoint-
ed to different
Au elegant sapper was
in furnished ea w,
tie no mi i n it
style-, cold
cakes, mil
u p and ti i
ii l. I
ship Dumb-ring
is in making tn
All p
indebted lo club bit
the splendid , and
the c
to come
eventful f. Lieut. and make pin chase.
i S
in n
wile i-i t
Id n
from V
in ii
It i
ll In,
. at ii p
, t
at t v tin
e ill Oil
V d
iii V
i a.
r ii.-
ti u-
n i
i a ii j
from i
i lie
, we
J. L. Stable and Several
Turn and Cattle,
P. D. Winston preside over the
senate in for the
first t in- and muon
rounded the change of presiding
It coming to inn ice that there
were too
offered a res that the
number be ascertained.
Ward a bill
to permit married to make
their other faun
i ii in in
We me also of opinion that
the last year devoted to
cotton was too large, that it
never I have been
in u normal The good
weather the spring enabled
the farmers to cultivate
they planted; consequently
tremendous big crop of tin year.
As it would be
to such
we believe it would be
wise in this year to material-
decrease the acreage. If it was
per cent it would
mean a reduction of than a
million bales next, even the crop
yielded as mac a per acre it
ibis year
About o'clock this morning
the burn and s J. L
lain, Falkland, were destroyed
Ii IV i two mules
Hire-, cows, in the
tab.-, and ail cm and hay house discovery was
in not
IS .- . . incendiary
. ,, . sun n .-r had lo be
gs s. rapidly from s open
i- ., h no
. c
Our Premium.
I. t e offer. l a
In chatter of
town of ., aid n-
tuber of our are H , Ha ff-c
a to a
lo number of insane
A nil
that splendid
. in e by paying a
In in jails of North
In I lie
in voice. All who ,. bis
dollar in advance
the premium. We the assembly in
limited number I which an increase, of
mid Drat hundred who p judges is
advance get them. Sample
of can
be this ,
more one to convert partnership proper-
the senate a bill was
to make it indictable for
price, null this
paper given is offer
that should not be missed.
A young named O.
The appointed to
look over the of town
any amendments need-
ed reported. N many
changes sere men tied. About
only ones importance were
consolidate the offices of x
lister, collector aid clerk into
me i and to change
of so the
only ball members
will expire at the same time.
A Pretty Afternoon Mar
Wednesday at
o'clock Mr. D. G. Moore, of
land, and Miss X
Greenville, were unit-i in
bonds of holy matrimony.
m I place at the lover
country home if p-
rents, Mr. and rT
Ward, Rev. U W. of i
forming the ceremony.
After the host of friends
iii the.
the f the
to uses.
Senator Iredell bill
to a man whose wife is in-
sane to convey bis property freed
of dower upon the certificate of the
Indiana, committed at of the
Bingham school, near Asheville.
Whittaker was brought lo
school only a few days ago,
and growing homesick went In
wood and commit teed suicide by
It strikes that what the far- banging himself.
Severs Important Subjects
be c unity bad
i lie unsocial to-
day, h good w re in
I be proceed I nits
devotional were
Rev. II. U. Moore.
There was no pro
gram for today, but a general din-
of suggestions
a of
Some the questions
were may improve
themselves during school
to i their
studies girls who ate almost
Which is better, to have
a summer institute the
or compel the teachers to a
summer may be
required in a standard
for county
What is the secret of good govern
t in
this subject, as well as some
others of less importance, several
the spoke much
interest. It was well lo
next to enter wen
W. K, flog,
Ada Ward, sitter
Miss Lillian
v. i
bride mil g
who to k
aim w pi
mi a a d wit
At i Ii c i of
Mr. lire,
facing the deceive i
who showered
lifelong wishes. The
party and a number friends
couple to Greenville
took the evening train an ex-
tended bridal our to Richmond,
Baltimore Washington
The and handsome display
of wedding presents attested
wide popularity of the bride
the man of choice. Both
well known in Greenville few,
if have a larger Dumber
friends or more well-wishers here.
lucky curve, spear
head feed, are features you in
other pen except the
Parker. Large assortment at var
Rook Store. I today.
of the Cape Fear Ma-
Company, located
was destroyed by
Monday night. Loss

Eastern reflector, 13 January 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 13, 1905
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Joyner NC Microforms
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