Eastern reflector, 6 January 1905

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A. E. TUCKER, the man who has
made so many people happy with his low
prices during the year 1904, wishes to re-
turn sincere thanks to his many and
customers for the liberal they
have given his store. At the same time
he takes pier sure in advising them that he
can be found at the same place through
the New Year ready to serve them with
the best goods to be had for the money.
Come to see me and always find a
hearty welcome.
received by Mr. and Mr.
will in
A Beautiful of a Popular;
N. C. Dec 30.1904
Pr. f C, L Hornaday, of
I Trinity Park School, Durham, N.
C, and Mis Bessie Jones, of this
city, were married at o'clock
last evening. The wedding took
place in Ann street Methodist
church, Rev. J. A. Hornaday,
the and former
pastor of officiating,
assisted by the pastor, Rev. H. M
Mr. once lived in
Greenville and left here when a
bey tor Asheville.
Friday, December 1904.
O. D. Hooker ban returned
O. E. Warren went to Norfolk
J. key returned to
and the today.
school room of the large Richard Randolph went to
which was handsomely i today,
decorated with evergreens and returned Thursday
plants, were filled Norfolk,
who had
, ,. ceremony. Miss Jessie Lee Sugg returned
at the today,
the J. F. Smith returned Thursday
Ola Forbes returned Thursday
evening from Williamston.
S. J. returned Thursday
a trip up the road.
Misses Elite Brown
i by m suits by Miss Lottie C
it. Then the strains of
Lohengrin's wadding march pealed
from in.- large organ at which
I Mrs Hew laud, of Durham,
pi.-i I'd As the measured rouse
filled the ch, iron the pastor's
We extend to you our many Thanks
for your kind patronage for the past
year. Wishing one and all a Merry.
Merry Christmas and a happy New
stud came the first of the bridal turned this morning flora
I Theodore Cox spent Thursday
These Mr. Paul ebb, Kev. W. E.
Morehead City and Raj Mt ,
Browning, of Durham. Next .-ante
Have You Hated Ye Owing the
How have hated yourself
during the past year for doing the
mean, contemptible,
things Yet you have tried to
console yourself with the great
good you could do with the
you made by it. It is astonishing
how men will with the palm
of dishonesty, which is so insidious
at first, which intoxicates and
one, bar p and kills
later. If every were
taught that to be successful a man
must be greater than his
that his character must not
be for sale at any price; that he
will always rich a. long as lie
retains it, and just proportion
to its strength and integrity,
weak and u and a failure
no matter how money he
may have, just in proportion to the
weakness of his if he
only started out with the
that only real is
, mat is the lost f
the of one's
character, fr pleasure or
were only
that b- cannot a fluid lo
deceive a lit bit
quality of goods he is selling, or
the the lie is
what a revolution would
come Ex
two of the bridesmaids These
were Misses
Beaufort and Dora of
Greenville. were fallowed
by Messrs Tom V. Lindsay, Jr.,
of Ne-v Bern and Leslie Davis, of
Morehead City, Misses Pauline
Sheep, of City and Mary
of the same place.
came I lit lie
girls. Minces Annie sud
Lucy who preceded me
bride, win. in leaning upon
the aim f Miss
Mr. mid Mrs. R. M. Jones, el
Durham, who have visiting
their daughter, Mrs. B. E. Par-
ham, returned bone today.
Harding and little coo,
Charlotte, who have visit
lug his parent, Maj. and Mrs. H.
left this
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter F. Hard-
who were
Tuesday, here
Me. urn Mrs. F. C.
Di. and Mis. W. H. and
of tint., Forge. Va ,
r Mi. F. M. lion
; I no
long veil, and
u In of
who have beau Mr. and
Mm. C. T. left this
Mis. M. S. Greene and daughter,
Mi-a Betsey, who have
rose-, which Were tied I Mm. F. M. Hodges,
The bride's maids wore white Ida their home in
silk mull, and carried
holly tied with red ribbon,
Rev. J. A. Green-
ville Station, the care-
in but m
observing presentation
wedding ring
Mrs. Harry daughter,
, Miss id Heading, Pa., who
have attending u Louse
Mat left
; It ell
December 31st, 1904.
A. J. Moore went lo Bethel to-
Hr. Bowen, of Washington, is
in town.
After the ceremony the
party went to the home of the
i bride's parents, where i
given the irons
who bud come to the
u i H. T. King went up the road
This morning the happy couple . h
left on the early train for
where will spend a few Mrs Cobb, returned to
with the parents be- I
i lute going iii ii Do-1 Dr j l from
ham, X. C
The bride mid groom
recipients of many
were i
valuable I
day evening from Bethel.
Miss Cobb, of Tarboro, is
Mr-. Fannie Jenkins.
P, T. returned Friday
The marriage of Mia E. i m Scotland
Miller and John I. which K L Strickland returned Fri-
celebrated Sunday evening at j .
the residence of the
I Mr. and Mrs. J A. Miller, No Mr. and Mrs. L.
Drive, was an unusually rived this morning from Bean.
, picturesque event. The fort.
was performed beneath
a wedding bell of mistletoe amidst
an effective Christmas netting
holly, mistletoe, cut
and various evergreens i Mr, and Mrs. G. J. Woodward
bride was gowned cream I evening from
silk mall, with to match, and Durham.
carried bride's roses. Bey A. T. g of
Bell, pastor of the street I Mt
church, was the official- j Friday
Following the ceremony, a sup
per was for the bridal par
and a few invited guests. A
a Cure at Obtained, After
. a Investigation,
by St
A tow months ago the attention of ft
few scientific and philanthropic gen-
of St. Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
of all diseases, tuber-
Out of cases, were complete-
cured have shown such
that their ultimate
is but a question of a few week.
So have been the results
and a in cases pronounced
by all old methods that a
company been formed and is no
pared to furnish at a normal cost
this cu e to all sufferers of the
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain
rounded by friends and relatives, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early of the
j pursue their daily
I and become cured.
receiving the treat-
I moot hero in St. have complete-
I recovered as rapidly as in
New Mexico and
I The wonderful results in
, been accomplished by the
I and which controls this
marvelous medical located
; the r main Nor h Seventh
street, St. Louis, hey have also lo-
a factory on and
has built at
side, Mo. The cure will be known us
I Lung ore, and
i P. i the the
h are u ed, ill person
I ally nun. of the of the
Mr. Benson will personally
I met all who call st the of th
on Seventh and will
all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the Louis Globe
en r
N. ,
-i L Mn,
Miss of
is visiting Silts Alice
variety of beautiful
Hattie of
who has been visiting Mrs.
J. A. Brady, left even-
announce rate of
One and One Third Clan Fare.
Tickets on -ale De-comber
and Final
i limit rat anting to January i
To teachers and students of
on presentation
i surrender of certificates signed
j by or
pals, tickets may be sold at
above December
, to inclusive, with final
Until returning to January 8th.
For full information, call n
ticket agents, or address,
H. M. T. M.
; W. J. CRAIG. G. P. A.
I N. C.
f. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
A. e-be same force FIRE.
M A D. C.
W. .
and Continuance, for the New B H. continues
c o Houses and Several Small-
Mrs. W. B. Greene and
. to. Blanch C and ,
I insurance
Half Million Pounds of Tobacco
. , Go Up In
position with WM. A. Brad, aid m Fire at Tuckers.
own H.
A Co., with h m. i the
Han. J. R. ,.,,
to there fl. destroying
J. H. .,. K B. , .
c,,. Bro. returned to
M. s. . pounds of leaf
B. The fire in the
of Ins stock. . . by K. U.
B. h. his
A. BO, and m none ad L L Like ; w w fr
One new clerk
. M. will I-, I. of Bait.,
of the for i he new firm
changes as sales- J. G. continues with T
from H L Carr to J. F. E. Ca.
Davenport. Alice There i bat one
continues Mr. Frank Carey barren
O. L Wilkinson continue with slopped . go to school. J
the lore, W. U A J I. per, J L Home and Eugene
Wilson can found there
h withdrawn
Lumber . Th- only change at the store of
J V. i Has-
j ,. ; Tin-old fore.
will move hi stock B A P.
to . store the building C M -loots. Charlie James. John-
Hugh m sales-1 ale and Lena Mat-
T. It. Cherry j U Forbes with
hits to g the and j Mooring.
saved injury to th
but much the WM
both by fire and
The first persons reaching the
store finding the luck door open
near where the fire was lends lo
the be that some rat had
broken into the Wore to plunder
set the go- its on
Building A Lumbar
saw gave the
alarm. Tub were
under being
frame con
much material
n spread The three
prize houses a id warehouse of
Greenville C.,
storage build-
belonging lo I.
h grading house b.-l. t M.
in d
to H site were
all aides
all the prize ware-
there were huge
Of tobacco, ill bulk and ho-
j heads, but very little of it could
N, t;
of N Caro-
mi t
II of New
of house,
Senator . A. Webb, of Bun
collide, t of the
s mile.
F B. of is
rending clerk of the house; Frank
priori pal cl M.
of engrossing
In the Senate A J. Maxwell is
principal clerk L.
both succeeding
Bob. Tana W. Mason was chair-
man the senate caucus.
Mai tie
has to g. ; . . I e saved. a few i the hogs-
goes bunting J HI Joshua Manning takes a p f,;,
Everett comes us u Jew
W H Hicks. U
Ty-on, May, Mrs M D will engage i i at
Misses i and Ada; ville. B L
o. the big store. I of the m
ll-n- -ins Hill II
J I. ti
B F m the Bee
i U
bill for
I K H Z P have . g ti
the business of A
Brown, gone
to I
e Nellie
L formerly a lib H g charge
If any hive bun overlooked
I kindly call our lo it.
Lawrence with ibis store, the bold
Miss Joyner
Pulley A a,,,.
lakes a position wishes the new
A K Tucker 1-F Waters happiness pros-
Tin- of e has the
Back to His Former Business,
same clever force m U
Liitle. C W Wind and L. II. Pander who last year was
M L Building Lumber Go.
P Vandyke will resign has returned i the tinning
a Halt's to go in business j nest and ill do a general roofing.
A G with the J repairing plumbing buss
j at Ins stand in the corner store on
head could be rolled time.
A brisk wind blowing from
southwest and
to lull bail root's over on
Dickinson avenue and beyond, and
would doubt been m-r
cs burned. Several did
from Hie cinders but were put out.
We could not get at an
of the loses,
bur H. A. White's which
the bulk of the insurance
gives us a
the can led by the
mates that in- Mt of each will be
Marriage Licenses.
r Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
Couples last week.
G. L. Burroughs and
A. and S.
W. F. and P.
K. Fold,
I. L. Corey and Lucy Gray.
W. H. Damp Clark.
0.0 Jones and Lou Chapman,
Moore and Florence Cox.
Erma Jenkins.
Win. and Mary C. Vines.
and Nettie Ran-
Elects New for Last
morning the Baptist
Sunday school elected the follow-
officers for year
Supervisor, C. D.
W. H.
Assistant J. G.
Treasurer, J J
Secretary, J.
E. B.
Librarian, U. P. Vandyke.
Granular, Mis Fannie Bagwell.
organist, Miss May
The statistics the school for
the past year acre lead.
show school was open Sun-
days. The average attendance
a fraction above and the
age a fraction above
if The total amount
by the school during th
year was for the orphan-
age 197.50
At of
the Hugh Shep-
in behalf of the
in appropriate words
J. W. teacher of the
class, with a gold
pin set with pearls Mr. Bryna
made a feeling response accept-
the pin.
Program for Teachers Meeting Saturday
January With
by Rev. H. H. Moore.
a. minutes
and roll call.
The committee on program be-
I hat at this stage of
it be wise to have an
meeting which any
of the school work may
John and Lena Crawford, led. There may e tilings
Ben Daniel and Eula Moore. which the teachers would like to
Hives and Lucinda Thomas, bear discussed would haw
Warns and suggested to us,
therefore we have decided to
quest any and the
suggest any phase the
school work which he i v be may
desire to hear and it will
i-e done at this meeting. We re-
quest that any teacher desiring p
suggest send at to
H. Daniel Jane Hardy
Boas and Fore
and Sarah Clemens.
Tip Person and Grimes.
John and Linda Hardy.
Alex Fleming Henrietta
John and Ida -.-
Bit Berlin the president, T. II. King, Ayden,
During me month of December N. C, and thereby give bin. in
to above the a Ml licenses were issued, opportunity to select for its-
for white couples and the son best luted to do
l., mil
in . ore w
a position Eva street opposite the store Ha mo Ware
K. A. Ty-on,
Thomas Co., B. H.
Thomas and Go.
S Forbes and L H J. B. Cherry Co. Mr. Pender is R p mo.
continues there i well know., Greenville an l FUt R R
L Baker I nil us with S M county, having been among US M
i and has the
continues his drug
business as before He has not
or made h
resigns at B. F.
Pal rick Go's, to attend school.
Miss Bertha Patrick takes a
there as book-keeper.
Forbes continues with
A Brown.
is preparing to
go out of business.
J. F. Smith continues with D.
of the i I I d s w
and Greene
B. An-
1,500; Co. 1500.
The Word. I There was some small
A word to the wise is sufficient, beside this, making the
So here is the word to the wise estimated loss about and
Program of Institute
to be held in the court house at
Greenville, Friday, January
Morning session will open
o'clock sharp and afternoon
A word to make merchants,
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Moses
Turnage, one mile from town, died
suddenly Monday night. It is
1.1 no change at the store thought the child had eaten
, r W. S. Co. thing that must have been poison.
so. You need give your
but simply semi your request IO
as above directed.
desire to call attention to the
date of this If,
We do this because the
Saturday comes the day
the 3rd Sunday. Last year when
this case some of
teachers came the Saturday before
the Second Sunday if you will
send in your questions will be
by .
II. H. Hume, state horticulturist. an interesting and profitable meet-
shall we use our corning. Let us keep these meet
insurance about
About o'clock people were
returning home from the tobacco
town lire another alarm was given
down town, fire having been dis-
covered in the store of A. E.
Tucker. A large lot of clothing
on a table at rear end of the
store was burning. Prompt
up to the water
reached in the last two.
stover cotton seed to get the
most out of by Butler,
state veterinarian.
by H. II-1
Hume daughter
and earn of farm work- j Governor baa
stock to prevent by Dr. land the executive mansion is
Tait Butler. it is expected the
Changes and additions to this-complication will prevent
program may be made those elect Glenn from occupying the
present desire. executive before Feb.

. Mm
Great Department Store.
h .
sincerely thank our friends for their liberal pat-
given us during the past year, and a
continuance of their hind during the
coming year, Promising hind and courteous attention, to
one and all-
Wishing each and everyone a happy and prosperous
Year, We are Your Friends,
J. B. Go.
Great Department Store.
Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
St. Louie, Mo. Dot Victor Safe Look Co., of
Cincinnati, received, to day, Grand Prise at World's
Fair, for their exhibit of solid Manganese- Steel bank
and general line of fire and burglar-proof safes and
their magnificent d taking first prise- over all
tor for modern improvements, construction,
and finish
The Safe that has never been
J. L SUGG, Agent.
For Christmas.
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
fruits, Candies, Nuts, can be had at
or store.
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
Parham, Foxhall and Bowling,
Sales and High Prices on the
Sales Now.
No Offer Will be Refused. Goods Must Co.
We have Long OVERCOATS, good quality,
will be sold at worth
Fifty Quality Overcoats, regular price
will be sold at
Over Two Hundred Fine Suits for men, latest
worth from to will be sold from
Also a big line of Cloaks and Furs at
prices ranging from to
New York Bazaar.
In Check Building.
rascally Misrepresentations.
here prof
ally this week received a call from
h lady living near Aurora who In-
formed him that a man
representing elf to he
Hyatt had s d daughter a
pair of and tried to
sell her a pair also. She was very
much when she saw
real Dr. Hyatt. It there is do
law, ought be one to
rascals who no through the
country themselves
as men who have sequin d and
earned reputations for purpose
of swindling confiding people. Dr.
Hyatt is not the only on- to suffer
from such tat ions, Dr.
Lewis, of Raleigh, and Dr. Wake-
field, of Charlotte, et their share
of Washing-
ten Progress, Dec.
No Suffering.
If you are with
get a bottle of
Cure and see how quickly
it will you. Geo. A. Thomson,
of Spencer, had
Dyspepsia for twenty years. My
case was t
Dyspepsia Cure recommended
I used a few of
it is the only thing that has re-
me. Would not he without
it. Have with local
and also at Chicago, and
went Norway With hope
of getting some relief, tut
Dyspepsia Cure is the only r.
that has done me any good, I
heartily it. E-r
person with
or Dyspepsia should use it Sold
by J. L. druggist
C. T. Big Store
What this country is a
more people who are
to practice after they get through
is too or the qua ion rich,
likely l.,
and especially so if the digestion
has Weakened by
Bel slowly and nor
of digested hard Masticate
the L-t five
hours between meals, and
when yon feel a fullness and weight
in the region of I hi. after,
eating, take
and Liver Tablets mid the
sour stomach may be avoided.
For sale Drug Store,
To Our Patrons and
We wish you, each and every
one, Peace, Prosperity and Hap-
We return our most
heartfelt thanks for your kind
Patronage in the past and hope to
merit a continuance of the same
in the future.
C. T.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C
the meek and lowly
man gels i-tr. when she sees
a Chance to strike a bargain.
A Pill.
No Pill is as and
ax De Lb el y
era. Me
are so lot child-1
pie enjoy g Hi -l
While strong
the best pin sot i. S by
J. L. .,
The has resumed
Mother Be Careful
m lour -i
Look out for
in Minute Cure
is the s
Sold J. L
North Carolina,
Pitt County. In Superior Court.
Mary m
Louis Henry Cannon.
The defendant above named will
take that an action entitled
above been In the
court of Pitt county by the
plaintiff defendant to ob-
a decree for absolute
and the said defendant will further
take that he la required to
pear at the next of tho
court of Pitt county to be held on the
before the Mon-
day in it the
IS , the court house in
and to the
the action, or the plaintiff will
to the Court for the relief do-
In aid
This b lay of Den.; .
, D.
V. for
E to thank each
and every one of our
many customers and friend
for the words and
I patronage. We will
try during the year 1905
to use our best efforts to
give you more goods for
the same money, and the
same goods for less money
The Bee Hive,
I, ,

J P I. I-
t Editor and
The Olden Woman Dead
In the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
Bl desired at every post office in and counties
in to
B, Pm County, K
i of;
is ;.
hat depot is
Texas ha in burn
hot. every not leaf has kept spot-
less until now.
Do your beat o bring things to
pass in Greenville this year
Greenville well last year, out
should ahead of record
Holiday Reason all over now and
everybody should buckle down t.
Arthur has fallen at last,
having surrendered to the
Mrs. Lucy the cost money, as many
woman in Charlotte and probably
the oldest the State, died j To have a good time on this earth;
day afternoon at her The best of its pleasures are free to
near the Gingham Mills,. all
northeast of the city. Ms
was nearly years old and her
death was due to a stroke of
sis she received about
months before she died. Mrs. Par
i is survived by a husband, The loveliest of flowers grow
Sir Henry is The of drink gushes out of
years old, and who is still a spring-
lively old man. She is All free to man, woman and child.
survived and several
No money can purchase, artist
can paint,
Who know how to value their
The sweetest of music the birds to
us ting.
The organization of a Republican
club at Greensboro must be keep-
ins up appearances so as to get a
pull with the administration f most of whom are;
, , , . I now living in
patronage. Surely cannot be in tho life of Mr. pictures as nature
figure in the all interesting l
politics of Tits state.
the hope of any figure in the ail interesting
, . . . ., i. ho use to advantage their eyes.
one, beginning in the early years of
the last century- They were Doth
As of attention has been J natives of county, where they
called to it, people will continue j lived until a few years ago
Kind words and glad looks and
wiles cheery and brave
Coat nothing at all;
could save
Can make no such pleasures befall.
then send articles to More than years ago in the j Monte
, . settled districts of Anson
newspaper, without signing -heir
names This week The R fog her students being
received an a wedding few a rites. One of fa fa to breathe
that cannot be published because J students wan Henry a I the pine air,
wed., not know who sent it. man just finishing his the of
i try education before enter-
i the arena of life Here as slumber refreshing these
c- ran not see where there is any Jen d fl . j we
to be gained by burning ,. three-, Without any portion of wealth.
the cotton It is too much of a century.
Let a and loan
be one of the things gained for
Greenville ibis year
they burn
ton Over this way it is
u in
school and shortly after I Communion with friends that are
wards his hoc In tried, true and strong,
his Hie consented To love and be loved for love's
Hid sines that little wed sake
ding in nearly four score I In fact, all that makes a life happy
before you can get a good price those people lived and long
your cotton. together in virgin love, Are free to whoever will
like burning up dollar ten
Just store it away and go to
corn, potatoes all Other
ascent and it wont n long
. yesterday at noon. The only;
have certainly won break of separation of the couple
a gnat victory in surrender war- Mr-
Port Arthur. Though
against superior
he Sc
for u very handsome
calendar -nit us i y dial
Their is plenty about
bad roads, but ii not reach the
of net ion lo
If Mr Chad i. aid only
out and an mid pi little,
could s plank up rush bond,
served in the
I he was passed I he limit
by for
. .
Too Buy to Love.
mother d love me a whole
lot, too, if she wasn't too
ally declared a small who
had hungrily watched the
leave-taking of a little companion as
they set off for school. has
pretty much housework to do
The and other
work seem to precedence of love
in many households where
would be shocked if they fully
realized the fact. Love their
Of course they do, and all the toil i
for the sake of beloved ones.
they say, and really believe And
yet the work has become a
not something for the family com-
fort, but something before which all
else must give way, to which every-
else must sacrifice. Wash-
ironing, sweeping, dusting,
must take their appointed course
and be finished according to
time whatever becomes of life's
higher needs Them is no
in the system, no time for tender-
or sympathy; for the hour's
talk that might clear away doubt
and misgiving; for sore
hearts or binding up wounded
its. There arc usually notable
in such households
women of whom neighbors speak
admiringly, and recount the won-
they there is
seldom any deep homo Work
c for everything until some
dreary day when the inevitable
shadow falls across the threshold,
and all things change values The
t that seemed so important only
what do they Waiter
oh, for the touch of a an-
An J tin sound of a voice that is
a pr man in
Halifax county suggests that the
heroically made
to h -Id
We hope the l . n Wilson or. the bi thing to remedy the cotton
. . trouble is large
An by the win win . ,
Wilson, of the in every county Note to organize
, d war . , nu, penalty, to plant
of i. ,. in raise live acres cotton
-to.- an I burning a part of j I support of his suggestion the
w prices Into writer It would run tho price
think of the present crop up to ten cents,
tin the
should he
; are g mm to burn much should the coming crop bring
They ill see the wisdom of holding there w be a j for
their the past ,.,,, over would try to i s much on
Is oil PI
end Texas
n cotton I
. ,
a . so- .-I lie l.
on ,
i, ii
ii.-y have I crop over
The want lo help the far- in order to acres as they have been making
get bettor pi ices for cotton, of u higher market, which on ten.
bin the same time they have ill probably
e i-s which it.-, .
and .
, i
I . ,
t. we u I
would V.--1 . i .-. I II ill
I el
v. v i
I e;
Certainly the Southern farm, rs,
will in the face of prices, will
of em-j greatly reduce the acreage At
cm s i entire crop will plant j the farmers do average
and other -ash one third of bale to
in the mm- This year farmers planted
k t was created by in acres in cotton the
interest in illy . they have put
heavier weight of f c t- cotton The hi. -st of
; , The same bulk of -n.- crop is which
i is heavier should about two nod a half
ii i . of last year, all of which were for the of one bale
have a of cotton with exceptional
by insurance and w.- ,.,,, . market In order o seasons from start lo finish
will come to the make plan of raising the mar With the and increased
kit. price it would as well us the
. s this lo. one will
Alter having year practically
. i the new year
. ,. a hi
ii. Fortunately the are
Tho .
Pa .
. ,
tie i i
, o .
in. l-
. men ii to
t of this fire,
out o
be necessary them to burn prices for cotton, the acreage
least two million the total reduced, even if prices are
pi by it, but places should for it is essential to t the
for as The price of poor of
The loco ii t is a great j cotton lo day i-. in the more,
P t. the town, and the town per bale so that the burning
in turn help the hale would mean
o u cm it
loss to the Southern planters which
they need not b iron The Teller.
j selves, but could avert by M , j,
be a , for another .
. lei to full of of
I I f-J I t
i- making a
,. ii, i
I .
n y i at ,
I Nor find it anywhere.
, The sun in the west,
-ho as the embodiment of I Although pound I f ,,
, . u. . i less than a .,,.,
as base s sin Exemplary i in Fall aim still insist m mU ,
j in one or two in ., they are the the wages must be .
I of hypocrites in others and reduced en account of -the increased I all our lives we pray for
Nor it anywhere,
Then conies the night with balmy
soothes us
wonder i it
Or an answered
; I
thing it all is of raw
think are fooling j ton Post.
one, but even if they
fool man they ought know
are no f
is r; e run .
, i i
.-ti, . r ran b-- wife In
H I. i
b . ii .
Reward for Capture of Two Murderers.
Raleigh, N. -The penitentiary
directors ibis evening tiled their
report with showing
a net surplus
ed in this is penitentiary
debt bonds purchased by the
tors. Other assets, consisting main-
of cotton, are estimated at the
present market value several crops
b-i .- out the estimate, so as
to offset any further slump on cotton.
for the slump the surplus would
have been the directors
state. They recommend that
of tho lit bonds they hold be
devoted to the establishment of re
far or The
gov approves
t .
governor offers if reward
f fl, the murderer of
J i. at Raleigh, who i.
now hiding somewhere in North
Carolina, and for William
who murdered Park
man S H Cole -at, park,
The State fire
headquarters at Greens-
is grunted license by
Commissioner Young.
Our can always
he depended upon t i reflect credit
on his State whenever he goes out
of it to till an appointment, lbs ad-
dress last Friday night at Jackson-
ville, Fin-, before the Southern Ed-
cent one, as all his public
are He made a hue
on the Florida people, and other
state that held his
as Jacksonville audiences
are seldom held
to Governor
Charlotte Observer of Sunday
is all right and
here is mi likelihood lint his re-
sill mi even
That in exactly the
I inn hi- and
This department is in charge of A. IX Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
There Is the best selection of me your I pay
inks, library paste highest L. Johnson,
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Ft candies and con-
ever brought to Winterville. I fresh. See A. W.
Protect your eyes by buying one; Ange
Of those eye shades at the Big consignment of Royal flour
Store, price received. Prices
Highest price for cotton need Chapman and Co.
paid by County Oil Mill. i carry a line of rubber
good barrel of over coats boots and water proof
flour or pork see and the very for cold,
rainy went her wt Harrington
Town taxes are am ready , Barber Co.
give yon. F. B, A. G. Cox Mfg. wants s
tax collector. -buggy trimmer of about one years
Don't forget to bring or send
your hobs to A. Cox The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
Co. Fut kind I bey buying Cotton Seed. They pay
aw the highest cash price or will ex
worry over that little lot for meal. When yours
of cotton you had over when are ready write for prices,
yon through ginning your For go
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill, bu a to . Chapman and Co. They
seed cotton in any the a choice lot.
best market price paid every la- A. Q. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
line of dress goods in received a of bar
Chapman and Co. bed wire and poultry fence. Their
biscuit sure to kill the rats poultry fence is of course strong
mice Barber
Cheap shoes, dry goods, notions,
A. W. Co., are jobbers and rubber goods. H. L. Johnson,
for spool cotton. and weirs and
orders. latest tie-
have on hand a
line of dress at Shins for the birds A. W.
low figures, come, see and be eon-
tinned. Yours truly B. O. Chapman, A Co, say that
Taylor, they have a lull assortment of
For A good buggy general price
horse, safe sound, apply to right.
W. P, N. i At Price- The A. G.
Guns shell and Cox On. s e closing out a big
at A Ange Cm, prices.
Box B CartS for is They have the finest and moat
row me when may fence made mid
a to your can get a if you apply at
farm to the or once.
The A. Co. For fresh meat beef, mo
them you On to H. L.
bad better send them your order in position to secure oral
at once. raw material
It you are in met of machinery which to do
skirt aid work, and being able to save and
Bargains for the next twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox A Bro.
For store SO
feet long, call on or write, Jno
Whitty Son, Winterville, N. C.
geese highest
market price paid for
A new lot of chain arrived.
A. W. Ange a Co.
wood cart bub. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Santa Chin bud a
in B. T. Cox drug
store after He is not
looking but be loves the lit
tie folks. Come and what be
has on exhibition.
next Wednesday morning
highest market for turkeys,
chickens, ducks,
We want to buy your Hides,
Sheep Skins, Goat Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
and Eggs mid will high-
est market price for
and Taylor.
If yow want a Hist pair of
cart wheels you cm get them at
Cox Mfg Co. Better call at
once while they have them in
A line toys art
useful at H Bar-1
Bargains tor the people Prices
Blight II. L
Sloven, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. Set our stock
before save money,
Winterville Mfg. Co.
house -Mis J. D.
Cox. Hoard ill per day. Bern j
house in town.
Penny candies h at the
store .-f B T. Cox
Taylor have your
at your own price.
B p bet town.
A Taylor.
Fruit-, aim all kind of
The last leaf torn
calendar, and
we write down a new
year, 1905, and we be-
gin w here we left off.
Bat we begin right.
There will be no step
Within the year, your
has grown in vol-
end prestige and
commands increased
In wishing a
find i v i-i f our growth and prosperity, we
promise la-tier in merchandise,
an I store service.
won shall be something better than u place to
hand goods and take in money.
M the ear be kind, and when time shall
harvest we all be here and able to say
Frank Wilson,
call Oil K. G. Co work up nearly nil of our
R. O. Co hie me a few of the why we as cheap a- the
loud of prices cm nave eat. Taylor
Mfg. C.
Just huge For bawled
all and tingle gnus. Price O. K. Go Drowned in Shallow Water.
and . in A W Pit r ha in, N C., .
one and nil k Tho in stock baa bare line body
We oh ii ton.
f ii C-.
and i An-
cayenne pepper, nod sags in
Pol let of
me.-ii-., goad
to J. A. V.
A so rim
Cox Mfg. t.
tract to have live of
woodcut Any cut.- i from now Taylor.
a can sec m paper nails
office A. W. Ante Sc the place.
Protect -------tat.
good B. O.
Co. have the kind --m- yen
look, station
pencils awl ail
kinds can he t tie drug
baud buggies If
wish to a
eh up the A . Cot
Window frame-, porch
nil of
If I . I
to I X. Co
on a a-
; and near to
Our entire livery out for sale
security. was
O A. Co. D ll ii water lie
Winter N. C or four inches deep.
I, , i i I He evidently the
of Hell broke mules,
and to A.
are pay in if Her, for turkeys
lard ware.
I- Cook Stoves
Pumps, Am-
it ion, One and Two H m
t ct PI Heat
f n fact anything
. come to
tide of the load when be had a VI
fell into the If ft pool
When go men fail to a
a hit they try to blame it the

Turkeys, Egg, etc.
Oak Ba
by f-o-Carts, P.,
Henry George Car,
potion Reed and
fondles. Dried
lad China Ware, Tin and V
Crackers Mare
Royal Machine m-i
food; i
Carolina, I In the
K. B. j. W. J b.
as v
Company, vs. J. K. O
Smith, trading as Smith and
of s ,
of an execution
fr m the r
above en-
titled on the
Kith day of at o'clock
M. at the
sell the highest, cash
to satisfy said all,
title- and int rest which J B
defendant bi in the. fallowing
described W ;
A certain land
and b.-inf in tie county
state of Creek
On the
road be-
f I
over the
Ball f i
r on-
l hi. t V
J U Smith
of v
m- or
said J
apart t
a west
line, t
line do
In set;
So Tired
It may be from overwork, mt
the are it from an in
active LIVER.-
With a well LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
K adds hundred per cent to
ones capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
Cholera with One
Bottle of Chamberlain's
the main road, containing U
about sixty acres
This, of
X,. w. sheriff. I
North j In C u
Pitt count- i e the Clerk.
, ,
Vs. a
JohnS. Susan
Dick Evans,
Dixon. John IT
Cannon Smith,
John S.
Smith. Louis b. k. Hi Hell lip
. I In. I
wish to thank my many Friends and
for the great help extended to me
in establishing, sustaining and pushing my
business up to its present high standard. In
the seventeen years I have dealt with you I
have tried to be strictly honest and thereby
Merit your confidence and esteem. It is certainly
my wish and intention that these gratifying
be continued. I expect to have an immense
line of Millinery for Spring latest styles and up-
Invite you all to see my goods. You
will be welcomed and treated right. Will also
find prices right.
Thanking you in advance and wishing you
i that each and all a prosperous and bright New
G. W. Fowler of
relates an hp
while on a jury a
murder case at
seat of county. Ala-
He there I
ate some fresh meat and some
and it gave roe cholera
in a severe form. I
more sick in my life and
pent to the drug fur a certain
mixture, but the
me a of
Now L
H. Vs
peters ,
. Mo
.- ;. Va
ii ml
Louisa Evans, m cured me
Evans, W. H.
John Henry and
ed l, inn- one
Tb de-tenants will take; cured the
that an action entitled i for at
beau before j.
of the Superior court of Tit, county . . t
to obtain an order directing the ,
As I have decided go
out of business I will for
next ten days soil
my stock of
At Cost. This i.-. your
chance to
Year. I m very kindly yours,
Mrs. L. Griffin.
c . i;. , i a
of January, . .,,. .,
j lie took, with
in said action -r the pin In- and had
will me re-1 . . ,.
In ;
. .
D. C.
Superior Court
Stat-of arid ins, . the
. Pin i i
II i
. J Notice of execution
Most w Tyson, i sale.
i o. an execution oil- lied to
Pi ; in in ac
f i an of
at M.,
at a low price and it will ,,, i,, of sad county, sell
pay you to the for satisfy
. a I and
i said Moses W
; nut top crusts In them the
Hall, Will
you have
replied John.
ill. I
is -e
II j j
; Ala.
u-e in
I Ill
. l n
paid in 136,000.08
ii. Bin
m e U .
. , i ii
The Five Points Grocer.
in Any Size Lots.
.- ill either pay mail iii
. t. win On nut-in el
river, Id I
stun. H. l
n. . I I
.- . ii ii j, i i.
k yr N v . apt
ii j i-i-p l.-.-i-i. ii
HI i i i Ii ,
two hundred and
I . . I, -I
ii I., in-
Ill I fill
.- Sum
H. n ,
. id
M h
i ii
Lin e, i.
. that the
. and hulls for
Hill ii-
. I
, .
h . M Ii . n i-u j iv s. i v
d . h. a
Washington, n C.
C How T
of r,
of receipts tells
I It
Dank Va.
e real estate Jan
. North On
I offer for at
u to the.
, indeed
i Ii-
,. j, also and lots,
In and
in; rare
1-1-, has u population
an i- mi.-of the liveliest towns in
l North Carolina. Several
thou-and dollars has been sprat in
i. i.
s cine-
. I.
A i
. ,
ism Id
i n
II Will i-
. S
, i i
-M I
i m a i
a . i i d III-
r. in
to- before
U tie
R. W.
hank, do
t of my knowledge
cured Years of.
I had i- on
in w
two years. It is
i- f is by
Greenville, r t
; almost every year This will
MARBLE MONUMENTAL WORK- be the best sale I ever hold, and
M moat attractive land, win he of-
Or firM consult your interest and st-
this site.
further call ,
or address ;
I j
Vi want a for
He who says he never made a
Fremont, N. c Thy kill people inch sap
No cure pay.
cents, Tea or Tablets
have purchased a number of annual subscriptions to the
Southern Agriculturist, and, as long us they last, we will
one, free of charge, to every subscriber who pays for The
a full year IN ADVANCE. If you are in
arrears, pay u and for a year ahead, and get this valuable
present. If you are not already a subscriber, in your
at once, before this great ofter is withdrawn.
Is published at Nashville, Term. It is issued times a year,
and the subscription price is cents It contains more rend-
mutter than most dollar papers and is edited by Southern
men who know the needs of Southern farmers. Every
is like a big experience mooting, the questions being,
answered by such men as Maj. J. Key, .
of Agriculture of and Prof. An-
of the Virginia Experiment Station
The Homo Department is conducted by whom all-
, soon learn to love.
But nil milt hurry. This proposition will not be held open
Sample copies of Southern Agriculturist true at our office-
As for
and we lake
pleasure receiving
tiling for
those in . We have a list
at all who receive mail at
office. take orders
Miss Bella
ville, is
need a light,
pole, or
Ayden Mil
us nil
George L I
who hag been
W. E. Hook., i.-
Pictures it-
or no n
given, H
If you
of Crockery, T-
lo see u-,
Alice u
is a
A-k B. O. f.
Fire, Accident n
P. O
and ex in
grade bu,
of material an .
Mrs Chane-
from I
then new line
. i-
in t. his
, Ayden,
. in way
x J, ins.
Don't fail to see Cannon Ty-
son's new crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Come to see us when you want
to buy Independent Manufactured
we handle Trim
Miss Mattie is visit-
Now we have plenty the
leaf wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N C
sage, and fresh fish. Sarah
Class hand made brick, by as Visiting Mrs C. A.
the wholesale and retail large Saturday and Sunday.
always baud, your orders
J. A.
We arise to for the
lit of the general that Sun-
was in first l the .-pk,
of Certain
much a ill us
this reminder, Ho
n. i us. j-u know.
I and have a
special line of
wish the In see. They
Conk and stoves at
lire. II
J. B. call
lo their poultry now on
for ante. j,
and i
Monday In
Our second order
and bats and caps are
now J K
A. P. up to-date firm handling
returned from Hie freshest, newest and
For a nice In their Hop To try
such as patches clocks, chains, sine hid you to try
land brooches, chest I hem again Ail is the
call J. W. lot's jewelry Stole trial and then you will be
Ayden, N, C All kinds of repair- their friend forever. Try I hem.
I neatly done, IS If W C. Jackson and Co new
.-,.,.,,,,, at J. B. Smith line of dress taking the
,,, . Bro. fancy of all who see them. They
Big preachings seemed to begin are beautiful,
every direction leading from Polite clerks, good goods and
Ayden last Sunday, H one may at the store of J.
from the Urge crowd seen It Smith Bo.
to build
One horse wagon as good as new buggies for we do not
Smith Bro. set apace we cannot
The ladies say that Milling Co., Ayden, R C
Tyson have the prettiest line of Examine our line of notions just
II rest, goods town.
Notice yon
your nice and clean.
in older that you might
prices it. bring It to
it. Life
, Ayden,
line of
I lie super
km i stun.
. Co.
r ire came up
ill do all they
you with
iv y and fancy I
O, Jackson and Co.
your turkeys,
and t
J. K Smith Bro.
Mis Dixon, of
i Imp of
mil car, any Style
Ayden M . ft Wig Hi
Fancy apples
and bananas K. E. ii Co's.
rel--f Flour, none
to be bad
J. C. after very
vise . has returned
to Bob.
good values tor
the in shoes, hats, caps,
rugs is, bigs, . . I
Hi mi r Cannon Tyson.
can apples, corn
M, apply to B. B,
know that
of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of TA-
all kinds
goods and the best
chemical obtainable
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye stuff. Cigars, Cigar-
a large as-
Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic True
Best to.-k of Brush
es of all
ally com-
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
j Goods kept on-
In st ck. Country
Produce Bo and Sold
D. W.
th Carolina.
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden, is on a visit to rein-
C. lives.
f L. up treat Maple i. e Br. are offering
a short while Saturday, special to the in j
are displaying full good-.
ii. up to dale line of invited o call and
this price and quality. I
bales of on an average; Pants all and J.
day is what the Milling Smith Bro.
mil Mfg. Co., gin. They bushels
lint and public peas at J. R Smith Bro.
found it out. ; seals for
The ladies especially em be trade, that are simply
will and pal- best seat on market
J. It. Bro. Milling Mfg Co. The Masonic Mutual
N. C.
Not Quite
How often you can got a
nail or screw
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
S will see that your tool
box does not lank a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
i j V
Cold weather
Marcel I as Smith left Friday for I
Hewitt, Va.
if you do not secure
one our high grade buggies,
Henry F. Brook and wife, from Mason Pi till and
spent Saturday and Rubbers at J. It Smith A Bro.
Sunday with their daughter, the A. M
I I at has been a
Dr visitor here during holidays.
the market at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Carpet. cloth and
at J. K. Smith Bro.
underwear Yard wide sheeting s yard at
Fits gnu ran teed J R. Smith Bro.
,;. ,.,, -ha., Jackson a. d C's. . Miss Brown and Miss
Milling Mfg. Co., town and country of Greene spent
K. C paints colors mi. white with Mrs. Brooks.
i c a ., i in i if While at Mill
Headquarters for at it.
, , , j we informed by Esquire
class, light neat Ac. . ,, , , , ,
. ., o . t, . j that be had
Mfg. Co., Ayden Wrong eyeglasses are
m, . eleven Chi
N. s than none. If your
A tin teachers who bay been eyes tire, they for help.
away homes during W. Taylor a graduate optician,
the holidays have returned and Ayden, N. C. can lit glasses
resumed the duties at their re- right at reasonable prices. Noted
Relief Association.
The best plan, the host
rate and jest induce-
offered. See
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
mi- that day.
aid had right
. and ladies
cloaks hi H, ii Bro.
Mrs Nets Brook- led yesterday
report doctors have said that wrong eye . to be several
having spent a pleasant glasses are than poison.
T. Moore, after spending the
holidays here has gone to bl home
Newport News.
desiring first-class work
the, enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
J. R. Smith ct Bro treat all their
custom w the greatest respect
all ate an invited.
to call store.
has to Nor-
N. C.-ssH
At the alone of business 1901.
If give yon
you for r. nine t
It. I-.
list. Ayden,
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brisk Block, Bed Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
, G a. in for Greenville, leave
i Greenville daily, except Sunday,
m. for Washington,
I Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
i Philadelphia, New York Boston.
j all points North. Connects
Norfolk with railroads for
r stints
Shippers should order
by Old Dominion
Iron. New York and
Norfolk and II B. and
Old Line from
Clyde Line front Philadelphia.
Bus Line
from and
ii. Miners Line from Boston.
b f to
H Ac
., .
.;. Pie
Beach N. Y
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Lo u i i
Duo from Hanks,
Car lime, .
Smith ft Bro.
Miss Cox came from silver Coin,
Grifton left at once
on the train for Greenville.
Car salt, fine and coarse at J.
R. Smith ft Bro.
National Bank notes
other S. notes
Capital stock paid in.
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject in cheek, 88,691.42
Certified checks
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
I V. CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties Bags.
North Carolina,
court January term,
Tho above named will
take that action entitled b
above bus In t e
court of Pitt county by the
plaintiff defendant to A-
a decree absolute divorce
and the defendant will further
is requested to
pear at the nest term the
court of Pitt county to be on
Monday before tho first
of March, It being the
day of Jan., at the court house
in Greenville, answer or
demur to tho complaint hi said action
or Jiff will apply to the
relief demanded in said com-
P C Moon, Clerk Superior Court.
K. for
head feed, are features you in
Parker. Large assortment Sf Re-

i i. -I
lift- ban
behind it give it caste
I the practice of wear. j, n give it a purpose
A at Heart.
i. a gun in pocket, which
. Hi with
is in a few i-
i-, and is not i com h f a bull
lie the the noise outage a
yon i today.
who depends upon a hatred, a
weapon has little g,, a in
in or respect his .
r a am defies
is a coward his life
Cotton vs.
are lions of North
Carolina where the farmers can
Tuesday, January 1905. ,. . .
i grow well thee or
L. r. Moore left Ibis morning . of
Raleigh. , them often make the mistake of
Warren, Jr., went to Con- j all their dependence in a
crop. To
there i- something in hi
which makes him feel
not of a man, i.-l a o
The in.
I is a the foil.
H. A. went to an farm-
this morning.
J H. Keel this morning for i
Williamson. acres in
peanuts that will me out
T. E. Little left this morning for, mm my ,
Neck. I Ml f, not
left this morning I l at cents,
for Besides the cost of cultivation was
much less. If the excellent
that I made be counted, at
ten cents is
K. I By mini, murderer of H,
f ml in la-t week, was
captured in Monday
at nine at a sister's
he had taken
was for him.
In mentioning those who con
the Tarboro the p for
w Mis. L. Le, should
.-. . .
uh L Bin.
h h dry k ea
wile takes fill Ben Starkey returned this morn
no attention to man-
A. E. TUCKER, the man who has
made so many people happy with his low
prices during the year wishes to re-
turn sincere hanks his many friends and
customers for the liberal they
have given hi store. At the same time
he takes pleasure in advising them that he
can be found at the same place through
the New Year ready to serve them with
the best goods to be had for
Come to see me and always find a
hearty welcome.
Lean Fender returned to school
at ham today.
Senator J. L. left Moo-
any g for Raleigh.
And peanuts have taken a drop
from last year, when they brought
from four to five Now they
are ruling at three and a
to and a half it
J. D. returned j this lower price, this
evening from ; mer could make more mom y
Miss Carrie Gay returned to i eighty-seven of
at Littleton today. on one hundred and
of cotton at ten a
T. L. V. Arthur and
K L. Smith went to Norfolk today.
u not
J B. Harding left this morning ,.,,.
for to return to the A. acreage, should put their
M. College. peanuts,
Mrs. J. F. Taylor and little son, find a drop in prices of
I Fred, of came over this, next fall that would be as
in,; to Mis. B. W. King, as the drop in cotton. The
safety is to diversify
following is a statement the
number of meetings of said board and
number of days ch member
number of mile traveled
each and the allowed each
a com f -r the fiscal
year ending December 4th, .
J. J. Elk hath days-
J. It.
J. W.
. R r
r. Home
Amount J. J.
For days a
For a cont'd e
For miles traveled
Amount allowed J. It.
For s a
For days as
For miles
Amount W Page.
For days a
at 2.0
For miles
st Beta.
Amount allowed J. R. Spier
i visit to Mr. old home in j
Virgil In.
Miss Mary Cobb, of Norfolk,;
who ha been visiting
Mrs. Ola
Report for the Cotton Ginned
W inter Goods
Mr. and lira, II. O.
turned evening from a days a. commissioner
. , hog and Haleigh News at on
For II l us
at 2.00
allowed W R. I
For days as commission. I
Forbes, left this morning for WU- The following bulletin, sent, .-hi
sou M, school. , Census Bureau at j o
will be of especial For -98 miles
cotton of ibis sec . , a
amount allowed so
of North Carolina I
Up to 13th e , county j
of ginned was of the
III Mrs. ac- . ,, , . , .
counting round bales at half . i . V
i., I the is a correct statement a
bales. The items in my
-lib, round and
W. K, taut The number of
all kind, of baton reported was Clerk com for Pit Co
, , , 12,100,823- The totals reported .,.
H. S. l was . . ,. TAKEN UP.
the various slates Ala-1
1,320.326; Arkansas, f bay
K. A. Nichols to n. Florida 713- .
. , i .,. j.,. , i, weighs SOD Owner
folk today. Indian Territory. 481.9440; et same by calling at my
W. B. James this Kentucky, 1,252; Louisiana, i mid proving and
Mississippi, 1,415.824 Mis- s
Mis. S. M.
; Miss Mae, returned Monday even-
from a visit to Mount
Mice a I ii am, of
To Buy
is. North Carolina.
fl Rev. W. h. Cox left this .,. . .,,,
C . , South
These figures cover the ports
made by agents of the Census
Bureau up December last,;
and are the that canvass.
Up to the same date in 1903 J
D. Jones, of Baltimore, crop hi
is visiting her sister, Mrs. R H. j r cent had been j
up to that date.
day evening from a ii the , one taking the work up in Jan
b, a final up
Miss houses
for Henderson.
Rev. W. E. Cox left this morn-
for Hamilton.
I. returned to Wake
Forest College
R. Cherry
Tuesday evening from Norfolk.
Tom Blow and Tom
Ibis morning Baltimore.
It I 2-w
Mi, and and Mrs P,
Miss Jamie Bryan invite yon to lie present
Tuesday evening from a visit to , of their daughter
ALL m HILL I for the Mr. Green
a Lumber Co.
Neil and James
Galloway today to the,
Chapel Hill.
i Ernest of Hamilton, who
been visiting his
H. returned home today.
Mrs. J. W. Manning and
January the eleventh
nineteen bundled and live
at half three
At Hume
t ear North Carolina
famous remedy
docs the
that which it
is unable to dolor
Itself, even If but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies tho natural
juices of digestion and
does the work the r
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the
and digestive organs.
a Comet
i star of health
to the weak and
, weary
curing all
, troubles and
n disorders.
Ci D
the trial which sells
I. d C
a as
D. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
As by the
The county
en was in o 2nd,
all the bet present
The g
Pitt Well In Committee
Reported tor Reflector
Among social events of this
week was Mrs. B. W. K
delightful an
The is now down to
business. On Thursday Governor
was read in honor of her
was paid from tho F remained valuable suggestions. Mr- Taylor, of Kin-
pauper- county home i both branches several bills Mrs. II. Thurs-
1,434.87; Introduced, being chiefly day from t. when
ea and 121.22; to facilitate the work of the home was filled with a
; coroner ; ,
i the senate committees Mm a B
160.53; a were announced and we rind at hot
ticket a of Senator J. L. Fleming, of Pitt, is
o 129.76; j a share of Le is
and printing curt cove chairman of the committee on con-
com J and also
stock law member of committee
try claims, judiciary, on
on salaries and fees, Mn House and Mr.
monthly judicial district. nil Uh Little
important committees. of and tempting
bullion served.
were then ushered
when; Mm King was
receiving by Mrs. Joe
In dining room Mm. T.
L F. Fleming also secured the
was released from poll tux and of Paul a Pin county
cents taxes. i boy, of senate p
the were Mrs If H.
and Miss Hay me
The were beau
with evergreen,
and fruit, the color
; Mag in
contrast by soft light of
O. B. Spier was released from
on real
In the house the committee.
were not read e
expect lo bear much rep-
re lea Iron, school taxes I house. They secured
for of Pitt, us
listed real doorkeeper.
in township at
for erroneously listed
W. O. bet J. W.
The of Governor
and State
will take place next Wednesday
and the ceremonies will be ran
P W. J. Pope,
a bill it dim
Among those were Mr.
Gov. Mrs. Andrew,
A by the Aldermen.
board of aldermen were in
regular monthly session Thursday
the members being pres
A. L. Blow for a number of
citizens, presented a petition for
another street from Dickinson
avenue to the branch through the
property of P. Button.
This referred to street
The committee reported
that l was borrowed lo pay
interest on improvement bonds
due Jen, 1st, and the lax collector
had since collected sufficient funds
to repay this
street committee reported
in had condition
work being done at present
The committee bad also agreed
church to pay for prop
belonging to used
by town in widening
son avenue and a deed to town
had executed for the property.
lights and wells
reported repairs needed to
the wells. lamp
were during the
B. M Hook-
Mis White, Mis.
B. Allen were Wright of Rowan, g,. Mrs. B J. Cobb,
I Mrs. Alfred Tucker, airs, J. I.
L. ll. Arthur, Mis. Jesse I holiday laud new globes have beau
Move, Mrs J. L Woolen, Mis.
market e
the guard bad be.-u
poll tax for 1901.
Pauper Patsy Teel
S i. from -1 per month
board refused to consider
petition lit last
lo reopen mail
Bethel, re-
leased tales.
or for a partner to B q I I he a. cemetery
his own ; ,. ,, h c h
without of the .
A bill was also in
IO make the
salary of -u-
prime mart and Mandate
justices judge of
court with fur travel-
A lull.
1-. V. Lie was expenses
except I lie doors
these lie . in a few days
is bad
I b appointed
I In changes in ; he town
Bennett Everett. asked for further time lo
The committee asked for
construction of water and lights
Any person vitiating
shall be to a fine of
or imprisonment for day.;.
The superintendent of t h. con-
st ruction the water works plant
is hereby empowered with police
authority to enforce this
This ordinance shall be in fores
and from and its
The meeting too a recess until
next Thursday night, 12th
The text of
of Arthur garrison
signed by commissioners
baa been made
All marines and
civil officials of the garrison
harbor are prisoners; all forts
batteries, vessels, munitions,
are transferred to the
I bey exist-
ed at noon on
clause to operate as
given the Japanese warrant
to take action; III. I
military to
in the e. -i my
exhibit of all foil under-
I ground and submarine mine-, a
officers, t .
I crews
civilians of sexes r- .
i . i y
as in tons of
to be let in position
as ordered to lay
t-ff a iii town-
h Hidden
Joseph was
at a salary per month.
C. E. Fleming, standard
elect, bis
which accepted.
L. W. Morris.
use liquor
to sixteen
It clerk
the L
tug to ask km i
the of .
tax in is of
real and pi ;
cuts poll I r
d Mob r t
An j
lynched a mm charged with mini-
i, II w
not, however, us i- u
the case, therefore
is not likely to attract
much attention in North. Hut
It shows a spread of mob spirit
that is not at ail reassuring to
Southerners themselves. is
first bills
ed house was provide
for a of public
e; Co Such h ill
. US I. I
on r
n, in
l. lo
y ii v
HI ll
i- I g-
i i ll use
w h ii ii
I . re i o i Is h law.
Scales I
w g governor a
i expenses.
the erection of a to
Matt. . Hanson.
In the id the
t were
I is
of Hi- on
Mr W B. Bennett and Miss
L. r, of j
were Wednesday
in the,
f tow.
i K-v. W Greenville,
Up the r the .
ii- t Mis.-s F
Gladstone d
beaut I Ii.- let
the marriage la
silver Hey
Th. leaning upon arm
i -i-i. i. Mi a Ruth was
by the groom,
v. h cam- iii room,
and was led him to the liar
where I ere made
Immediately a I i. the
M. Bennett left .-;
Greenville h
place I bay expect lo make their
fun time I e financial
mi i
A for m
a a- of
iii- house was e-
Hint-, and
lien Hawks
column lee wan order, d
lo lo b I. e i i
Pull. in properly on
mi iii. nun r.
ordered have
. properly
I. tin deeds
office i f
lire depart
i treasurer, o-a . mi
I pending i
I of the army
land navy t.
then sun of
personal pi open y is
for the . i
with servant, each
may Upon parole
not i aims dining
f war,
v lies be held a prisoners.
i Ii of the Sink
d d c i pa
and the
He i army and ll
be ii to u Her the
for such p.-n d of
lime a- be deemed
Card of Thanks.
A man named
who have been Mrs. Freeman drowned near Grifton
J. J. Corey, left this morning Report says that
Roanoke Rapids. toe influence of liquor
Miss Florence Felton, of Tar he walked In the creek. Cries for
who has been Miss help were heard in tho or
Tucker, returned home to-j but when people reached the creek j JNO. L.
day. I Freeman had I Greenville, N. C.
Get The Premium.
Curt will begin on the third
Monday this month, and we
hope many of our subscribers
over the will
court week and get
for Tan Remember
we are going to give a year sub-
tho Southern
pensions an I a member force to those who pay a
agriculture ant on advance for T
a We nave bandied
only a step from lynching es of the an nib I to farm
men, then I journal and they will be given to
only a step further from first hundred who pay far T
ether than Pitt In
crimes. This H James, of Pitt
is dangerous any way it WM
Observer. u, Qt
mm will teach a -4
AIM U the e hie a
at I. S. ea.
It is hate today that
there was a big is
. e,
t e mime of . lie i
of the coin nut lee.
to thank ill in
ant bled log the in- crowd
no day more Hi i we expected,
It was ordered be so very
to u-ed only en. We fully their
the attain fire engine. presence, the manner they
mailer of a place a m the net pro
which to keep hard fire will show Which
engine was referred to the com- more than To as-
mil tee correct amount Is why
Cox was granted distillery we have In en In late In . .
license for six mouths. Wish you happy pros-
An overcoat was ordered to be new year, we are,
purchased tor the night police.
Accounts were allowed to the
amount of
The board of aldermen of
iv u of Greenville do
it be lawful for
sou or to spit or cast
filth rubbish whatever into
recently crested for sap
plying the town with water, to
with la way any the
light eta
yours gratefully
Mis. W. B. Greene,
A. L. Blow,
R. O.
Richard Williams.
Jan. sen-
ate in executive confirmed
the of W. D.
to be
at S. rate
U, s

Eastern reflector, 6 January 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 06, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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