Eastern reflector, 20 December 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Carol In Investment Company.
Vt Scotland Neck on Thursday
c Carolina Investment Company
i organized with a limit
stack and paid
The purpose of is
i. In farm, timber and mineral
I; id-, also resort property. The
will also seek to induce
desirable immigration to North
Carolina from the North and West
There are forty-one stockholders,
including many of the leading
men of Eastern Carolina, Nor-
folk and vicinity, among them lie-
in k J. Cobb and L. I. Moore of
Good Advice for a Christmas.
The time is drawing near
you must purchase
for lather, mother, sweet-
heart, friend or brother,
No where else can
you find a accept-
gift than Evan Book Store.
At this particular you can
find something Mil will bring
happiness and joy i many a heart
in this our tide. There
will find something that is not
that is first class in
every n
Mass Meeting.
A mass meeting of farmers
of Pitt county is called to meet at
the house in Greenville on
Saturday the 17th inst. to
the present low prices at which
cotton la telling and to devise
some way by which the farmers
can procure Setter prices for the
remainder of the crop.
The Georgia,
and all of the c growing
states are taking similar action.
Let every in the county
who desires to cotton bring bet-
prices attend meeting.
Prices Almost Talk,
Bought Star Warehouse.
The stockholders of the Farmers
Consolidated Co., at a
held here Saturday, purchased the
Star warehouse property. The
Consolidated had option on the
property and had been
the house this season. The com-
constantly grows stronger.
glass is always acceptable in
the home. exchange for Trade
Discount Stamps, you can
many different pi of of this
handsome free.
is on exhibition at J. B. Cherry
Go's, store.
At S o'clock this corning at the
home R. ill West
Greenville, Mr. J. H. Boseman, of
Tarboro and Miss Laura Croat
were married by lie v. H. H.
Moore. The couple on the
morning train
A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
My price,
All kinds of pickles sweet,
mixed, and at Johnston
The Greenville tobacco market
will be from to
Jan. 3rd for the holidays.
What Shall I Give
Satisfy Yourself as as
the recipient.
In loving thought of our friends sad deserving
those dependent upon us or simply as a
the following articles are
as tokens of affection and as
Handsome fancy worsted ail wool suits,, sizes to big values
My price,
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
yards checked homespun, others price
My price,
An Umbrella, Silk
Dross Skirt, Necktie, a
Shopping Bag, Linen
chiefs, Ladies Belts, cotton or
wool Hosiery, a box of Toilet
Soap, a lace Bureau Set, Plain
Linen or Covers, lac;
. or embroidered Handkerchief,
Turkish Towels, Waist Sets, a
Cloak, a pair of C. EL Shoes.
An evening fan, a lace
chief, a gold or sterling silver
umbrella, a pair of La
gloves, Whiting's box paper, la-
dies fancy
and scurfs, bureau scarfs
Sample hats, all colors, others price
My price
cords, rugs, clocks, brooches
hat pins and belt buckles.
a pretty silk handkerchief, four-
in-hand string tie, a pair of link
buttons, gold plated collar but-
tons, a Norfolk cap, suspenders
in fancy boxes, a pair of
can gloves, a pair of C and E.
Silk Handkerchief, dress Shirt
Collars and Cuffs, a pair of Sus-
mocha or kid Gloves,
Men's Socks, Wrights Under-
wear, a gold Fob, a piece of
Stationary, a
Boys pants, all sizes. Others price
My price
Shoes, pure rubber over shoes, a a stetson Hat. a lea her
fob watch chain I Bat-
i tons, A Silk umbrella,
pair Leather Shoo . Others price
a silk belt, fancy box paper,
Rose Cap waist sots, neck rib-
lace collars, embroidered
turn over collars, ribbons for
the neck and head, fan and fan
chain, a pair of golf gloves, a
pair of Fay stockings, a pair of
O. and E shoes, a shopping bag,
a silk shirt waist, a nice brown
linen Collars
or Culls.
My price
Soft house slippers, Sleeve
links and collar buttons, a soft
felt hat, a suit of woolen under-
wear, a warm cloak, black
veil, house wrapper, pair of
gloves, a shawl, comb and brush,
Next door to
wool sacks, a
I handkerchief
necktie, a plain
Greenville, N. G.
A cotton or woolen dress, a A nice umbrella, a pair of
of shoes, a shirt waist, j Wilkinson's Shoes, a bed
skirt, a pair of overalls, room slipper, n leather pocket
v Stockings, a pair of book, cuffs and collars, a pair of
bed comforts, a pair of brown gloves, a leather suit
case, a leather grip sack, a silk
tie, a scarf pin, a pair of link but-
i tons.
pants, a shirt or u hat.
aprons, collars and cuffs, stock-
shoes, skirts, waists, hand-
kerchiefs, belts, corsets, gloves, I picked over
umbrellas and skirts,.
before everything is
Everything ready
for your inspection.
C L Work
For Neat and Attractive
Send your orders to this office.
Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Wort the Pitt
by Miss Eugenia Harris.
f of were to ask of
ear la geography-V
or you mean by the
of wonder
how many get a clear
asked about arithmetic
boy any, studying
about a, and addition and
-compound quantities and exam-
He would have a clearer
answer ready f r almost any sub-
other than g least
have found m, A boy is apt
tO Say, study
about laud an ; stales and
and and
has a confined
mate f Muff his head. Ami
he as I heard
of did book
in to eat applet
f be main to
be not , in
for a minute
of your lessons. you re-
trip your teacher
took yon to bodies
f water in your neighborhood,
plants, tree, life of all
They teach that way our
were given definitions
to it a cape
is and pages
Of questions.
Geography proper, in
the to
this pupils
taught home geography,
principals, as as
take in. In the filth grade the
work teacher be
along this outline.
What Is HI.
Object of teaching it to
teach It. to teach.
Let u talk about what it is.
to be a of the earth
its baa too
us it were the
of where with map draw,
chief glory and the memory
only of Is
with narrow view
take plan. lie bold-
and starts with nature
By nature be the
entire hence he begins
with a simple study of the universe
and system. Emphasize
fact earth either
or the slowest, neither
nor Hie coldest.
as yon know
1.- is a of
the as the home of
tench humanity in-
of locality. Keep
mind constantly. Teach fit
of geography rather
of facts,
descriptions. Principal
always. Nothing you do
make principal mote clear to a
mind wasted. Use
A Urge nail of the teacher's
work is children aver-
classify in logical order
make comparisons
and seek causes and results. Make
work real. of the book.
Ito big geography,
it fer first time since
what are
the leading of Kentucky can be had
Of nun he 1st Bros.
care. Get him first.
Tell him something of interest
you've thought of yourself since
There no law laid down by
which to teach geography.
read of ways,
several others, and next
year go by a new
the freshest knowledge
you can mi
articles, met new
any man to be a systematic
he ceases to be effective
Know in
a way. is
one subject in which teacher can
ll slip and not work.
pupils can't tr p you up a
d in mat or a more
You can make them
anything, but
Dud yon out later. Al
the system study come next
to a study of
upon a nation. Study
soils, and
Principals always. Toe
of soil upon Industries, wealth,
life, and political conditions.
Next study bills and mountains.
Please do not teach a class that a
is a very high hill.
Teach about horizontal and
tilted strata. They'll forget
it. Particularly if you draw
and hills board
with red and green chalk showing
the Infers. Always
of mountains and rivers
human fountains
climate, drainage,
Spend several days on
Next come valleys young old,
influence upon human
affairs. Rivers life
and relation to human
affairs. Then teach lakes and
climate their influence over
Humanity. Right here give a good
written with
example you
could build a city where would
you put it, would your
people do for a living Even
it you t ugh t your principals well,
you will at how nice-
the children will
Study United States next,
beginning in
down Hie
every single y
learned, the patience
you have every
spare u you
very way get out of
tic book, and ail a
great big with tin but
story of earth and mankind.
be afraid to illustrate every
point you can by a rapid drawing
on board.
you close your book at
the end of the year, don't you lei
your class look you in the eye, and
be able to fell they've
learned geography. It's your
if they haven't learned
they never fur get.
Mr. William Elks and Miss
were married in
West Greenville Wednesday even-
groom is years of age
and the bride
A good neighbor is one who
lucks affairs are none of
John Poe, janitor of
in Winton, has fallen heir
to property in Indiana worth
Congressman Kitchen
has introduced a bill
lug -60,000 a public
Phillips Spencer
the new of the
Normal and college at
Greensboro, was formally dedicated
Wednesday with
Kemp W. bas been
appointed a Deputy United
Revenue Collector to succeed
James W. who removes
to Greenville, bis former home
Newt Observer
The Davie hotel was
destroyed by fire early
There were several
guests hotel aid of
had narrow escapes. One
jumped from a second story
News comes from New York
that will oppose
movement to secure a pardon for
James Wilcox who serving a
year term the penitentiary
for murder of Miss Nellie
A passenger train on
tic Line was wrecked
Warsaw Tuesday
engineer, G. F. Home, of
and colored
were killed. The mail clerk on
train was injured.
Near Friday, W. E
Street accidentally shot killed
The two men
were nut turkey limiting together.
Mr. was in the blind
when Mr. Street mistook him for a
turkey and tired at short range,
the load Alt.
in side.
The corporation commission is-
sues as that at the
close of business November
tale, private and savings banks
business in this state had
a gain of over the re-
port issued for November of last
war. Mote than of
the increase is in deposits.
rack he Pam-
Railroad is being laid
it the r f a mile a day now,
and a t has been put
n. lie rack is within a
mile of the Neuse river. At pres-
only convicts at on
road, hut the squad will he in-
creased to within next
Christmas for the Poor.
Daughter desire to
give some Christmas enjoy me to
the poor of the They
will appreciate any contributions
of money, fruits or eatables for this
purpose, the midst of your
enjoyment of plenty remember the
A large of
candies, and nuts for
trade, at
f for
At the home of Mr. James L.
Fleming, on Greene street, a de-
meeting of the of the
And Acreage Percent
Though the weather was most
disagreeable, there was a
Club was held Tuesday of here in
interest of the movement to
afternoon, Dec. at o'clock.
Mrs. R. R.
called meeting to order. There
were sixteen members present and
the following visitors, Mrs. Wood-
ward, Mrs. Misses Jones
and Moore. of
avoidable pro-
gram was carried out, so the
was spent in discussing
ways and means for raising
funds for new library
Dainty refreshments were served.
After s; aiding a most
and wishing each oilier
a merry the club ad
to meet Dec. with Mrs.
J. G.
A valuable contribution to
literature promised in the
in a series papers
the famous hymns of world,
begins in the January
with Lover of My
of the most perfect
heart of ages. The great-
est h in us, such as have a
appeal; churches may
differ as to creeds and conventions,
but these exalted expressions
of faith and hope
are common to all.
how came to be written can-
not fail to be absorbingly Interest-
it is especially so case
of Wesley's noble
whose origin, at related
tic incidents A feature of the
article less interesting is
a of anecdotes from noted
churchmen showing the power for
good that the has
throughout world. This
as well as the rest in
series, tins prepared by Allan
Sutherland aid it effectively
Christmas Advice.
Toys, dolls, fancy and plain
candies, nuts, oranges,
hold cotton and sell the
p ice i higher.
G. T. Tyson was made chairman
of the and H. T. King
were made
by I. A. Sugg, Grimes,
A A. Forbes G. T. Tyson.
The following resolution was
Resolved, That we will sell
any cotton within the next
we gel If; par pound, and
we pledge ourselves to exert all
our influence to keep our neighbor
from doing so.
Further we resolve that we
will reduce our cotton acreage next
year per cent.
That we meet again
on the third in J an-
at o'clock.
Men Should renumber,
it takes mote
to make a man.
bigness is not greatness.
That it requires pluck to b
That selfishness is the most
manly thing in the world.
That to follow the crowd is
That street corn era are
real h is worth
score of mere acquaintances.
to be afraid to he
noblest self is greater
it is never too soon to o
business of making a
of one's sell.
That what is put into
today will be taken out of it
years hence.
only manliness worth
shows the life of
Sou of Man- Rx.
To the Boll in Souther.
Washington, Dec.
Will-on today to
House that an
be made to meet
emergency caused by the
of the cotton weevil and
insects diseases cot-
ton; to ti e diversification
crops, of
to be to
money in co-operation the
State experiment stations, the
practical cotton growers.
There is no reason why Christ-
mas presents should be bought
as as you would spend
money for other things. Presents
that are useless cost just as much
as useful ones. best present
is one gives the most
pleasure for the longest time.
When two qualities are com-
with small cost, yon have
the ideal Christmas present.
makes such a
better than books.
novel, the artistically
poem, the latest book of travel,
holiday garb, delight the mind
and please fancy of young
and old.
Christmas for
Superior Court Clerk O.
Moore tells us he bas
for Confederate pen-
in county and is ready
to deliver them on application at
his office.
will extend over
While your are wearing days year. Saturday
out. wouldn't it be nice to feel that eve, followed Sunday
they helped to get some hand- and on Monday.
some premiums that would be use . San is Christina day all
in your J. B. Cherry .,. . , .
ft Co, gives Discount
Stamps you buy , Monday any
doesn't take many to cm the holiday
that premium.
Ran Nearly 49.000 Behind hi
Albany, Dec.
plurality New State at t
last election was as
by the official
the of state
plurality governor
Parker ran nearly he-
hind tho
Gubernatorial candidate.

Wholesale Grower r.
Dealer. Cash f i
Fur. Cotton Be
Turkey, Egg, Bed
Mattresses, Oak Suite, H-
Carriages, Go-Carts,
Table, Lounge, Safes, I
lard Gail Bum
Key Ob-
root Henry George
Pine Jelly, v
Meat, ft.;
Meal and Halls
la Heed. h
lies, Dried Applet, r
Wan, .
Van, Cake and Km
Cheese, S- Batter. K
Royal Sewing . i
i good.
quantity. for ones i
M. Sob
Were M
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store you get H
Goods Honest Prices
Anything for
table can be supplied
if you call, or
Re.-t assured mat
fresh goods every
Is on. where health
cannot be geed blood.
sad restore
A healthy veins pore
Pure Wood health.
Health moans
Take no All Druggists.
Beware Confer ft
count v. i or court
K. B. J. w. j K
Biggs, trading a Greenville
Company, vs. J. B. Smith E. O.
tracing as J. B. and Son
Notice of execution sale.
virtue of an directed
la lilt- undersigned from the
of Pitt county in the- on-
titled action, I will on
day of January, 190.1,
V at tor i
s- the. bidder t
to satisfy execution all lb
title and int rest which the
Smith defendant has in the f.
described real estate t wit
A certain or parcel o; I
and Id the county
of North Caroline in Sail
township in Clay
of the Greenville i
th -am- laud upon I
J H wife live
lauds of w A Smith,
and the
B Smith which has been
a,, to as follows. w . genuine
. leading .,, , . . , ,
running the Salve J. 1-.
lines James lands j Tucker, of A hive
a i J. J j, j my fr I'll, h,
. south f
l- to W,
with said W. C. It to Hie lies
to market family
the main road, keep ii. an h.
I kept hand
Km Samuel Gage, th
Si Y., had a lever
Mm- my ankle for twelve
that the not
All and
I could
North i in 11-
n Notice of execution .
w Tyson. sale. j
virtue of an to i
Of count in i he a u. -1 I was to Irv
lion, I . on Monday, the Hazel w inch
1906, at VI o clock, U., the ,, j, w
V itch H
iron, the two
The following point i
lie over . .
more M
i s i
t blue
I .
, i
I k,
, IV, ,
New V
a s,
. .
r. i. ,
Phil I
st Louis, Mo
at ii o'clock, U., the
h use door of county, s.-ll
highest bidder for
which the said Ms. e.
defendant, bus n
real estate to On north side
of Tar river, adjoining I'm
House lands, i and
known m Pie George w. Daniel
olive id by and wife
. M -is w. Tyson , and
in the
t county in Boo Bi ,
s more or sublet
tin- it w-i b i. en duly
s v.
by the sheriff . Said
h in acres, in
eluding home dwelling
day r.-ember,
s u
by .
a man who he's
money a dollar
seven cents.
N. J.
it ,
i sleigh,
I toes Mi.
U i ,
A ml oil .
ii. the
. . MM
inn x
of North a
. P Jones i
J. i
virtue of an ex
in the undesigned i om
of i . in
titled notion, , .
i I
Al., the com I
sell to th I.
lo satisfy i
i. t i ii
I R, ii I.
with In I-
r lo gel a of
-ii fare and sea ho quickly
ii will cure you, tie.-. A
. ma for year. My
n. i I . i i a. o
ii in the only b.-
me. Would lie without
i. nil
We beg announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead. Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
In the
i execution, ale
cay, 2nd
i; sir of mi
hi. for
I ll el. lie ill
I ; in the
.-. H Mil-,
. a Mil lo Norway
I has me an,
ii in
N. C
I LB HI . .
. ml
I tract or
tow, ship
i. and
I'll I HO
i Norris ;. i
This 2nd i I I .
O. v
Ian i f
Down as i
or use ii
L, ill
A a
ll make
I. . Union Imminent
. i or,
II .
In Any Size
will either pay or x-
meal and for seed,
mid hags mid pay
Write us
you are ready to
Washington, N. C.
I ill,
Our of receipts tills . all
it. come your own i
under scientific n- Hook
soot postpaid on
Norfolk, Va. ,
l.-K OF
II. I'M ;
ll hi . lei
m. pi.
i Bi n
We, the Undersigned, J, a nil
It the of
I. V. King have this day, b
and t. the . l
of any kl n said
been assigned to
I. who Is now ii. sole owner
and a I person indebted
to to him.
U. mm.
Attest K.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
J It. L, Jami
As I foe sale
the December i
N. all the stock be.
h, b. II. II.
ill Inventory w ill
liberal from original cost,
This stock will he soul to
bidder f. the date named, or
parties wishing to buy at private sale
before that time can
ii. stock. This is u opportunity for
merchants want lug a st ck a
W. J.
N. C.
I ii in is i
r .-. ac -i
Mil lIt-1 lift
ll -o lie . l Ii
lice . i. s on ., reg II la I. e Ki.
, mil -m-Is, the
j Liver, and . It
j down u
I lie u mil
, its a
i- if . I Due, i
Ii ii i . Lei
by J .
Women, Druggist.
Diplomacy is often a in
the underhanded.
Stock in 625,000.00
l. securities, . M 68.841 less Plaid payable 43,000.00
; . subject to check 226,380.72
check., out-
County of
, L Cashier the bank, do solemnly
that the above is true to the bi st of my
belief LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to before
this day of Nov.,
It. W.
Ail ton Hoy era and ill i is lb
I and
Private New
and Orleans.
Of heath I
Look I'm
land i, g Cough.
i in lino On Cure
I is and
Hold by L.
a man of
many tiling he would rather not
k now.
bear liens
the mind. It's or well.
i Make. face bright, as a. sum
mer west Hollis-
lei's Tea does.
cents, Tea or Tablet.
I rug Store,
Report of the Condition of
N. C.
At close of business, Nov.
Due from 17,803.63 Capital Stork paid in
Gold Coin 80.00 undivided 8.00
Silver Coin 201.71
other 4,014.00 subject to check 11,089.08
State of North
J. Davis, Cashier the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the statement is true to the best my knowledge and belief.
J, DAVIS, Cashier
Subscribed Sworn to before I Correct
me, this day Nov. 1904. B L Davis,
J. V. JOHNSTON V, M. Davis.
i .
. .
K. C, Dec.
authorized agent for Daily
and we take
great pleasure in receiving
script ions arid willing receipts for
those In arrears. We have a
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, b for you r buggy
Gallon H and
election. Milling Mfg. j
Milling Mfg. Co.,
The know has come and we hope
It soon will go.
or no charges made. Beet refer
given, Ii Bros.,
K. C.
If yon need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ware
come to u, Hart Jenkins.
Ask E. Q. about it. Life
Fire, and Health
P. O Building, Ayden.
J. R. to Winterville
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. Yon can be
easily of the superiority
of material and
Milling Mtg. Co.
E. E. Dull 0-. will do all
possible ca i please you with
new line of heavy fancy
fine line of
and can fit y up any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg Go.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Gallon ll A J-ii s for a bar
rel of Flour, none better
to be hail
We are off- rim; good value for
the money bi shoes, bah,
rugs tables and
oil Gannon ft Tyson.
For can peaches, apples, corn
c, apply to E. K.
Gaskins up at the
capital the week.
you do not secure
of high
your loss will lie ours,
Ayden Mfg. f.,
den, N. V.
We in. first
lass, light neat in etc.
Muling Mfg. Co., Ayden
New line men's suits, youth
suits, boy suits, and over-coat's to
, fit everybody at. Cannon Tyson.
Those desiring work
the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
J. R. Smith Bro treat their
custom with the greatest respect
and nil me extended an
lion to call at their store.
Mb Nancy
after spending several very pleas
ant days visiting her brother. J.
F. retarded to her borne
Tuesday evening.
Oar lime, and cement,
a J. R. Smith Bro.
Mason Emit Jars and
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Baby Misses and ladies
at J. R. Smith Bro.
Our second of gents youth
now on sale at J. R. Smith Bro.
ft the cot.-
and grocers have a
special line of goods
they wish the public to see, They
are an up firm handling
the freshest, newest and
latest in their line. To try them
once will sure induce you to try
them All is the
first trial and then yen will be
forever. Try them.
O. A. passed through
Its way to
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
latest thing in shoes.
t W. C. Jackson and Go's.
Don't fail to see
new crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Come to see us when you
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
The pretty sights in the of
st mas tricks makes the little
ones see Santa Claws in their
slumbers and the oiler ones think
of the times that have and
what might have been as well to
wish the future may be better still.
Now we have plenty the
leaf wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Go.
Ayden, N G.
Sewing machine at J. R. Smith
One wagon as good as new
for by J. R. Smith Bro.
The ladies say that Cannon
Tyson have the prettiest line of
dress goods in town.
Notice you want
D. W.
Call Go t E E. Co's new manufacture seats for
market beef, meats, sail the trade, that are simply the
Ty- sage, and fresh lab. , smoothest seat on the market
First Class baud made brick, by Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
the wholesale retail large Carpet cloth and
Stock always on hand, your orders at J. R. Smith Bro.
solicited. J. A. Griffin. Yard wide sheeting s yard
They R. Smith Bro.
i dreams of a most j We were enlightened by the in-
pleasant nature. ; formation that the weather was
For a nice Christmas present somewhat cooler than in August
such us watches clocks, lob-, last.
brooches, cheat. J. J. has the most
jewelry ; store in tors, He
n, N. C All repair-Everything, all of latest
neatly done. d aw and freshest. He sells to suit the
D S. Moore went to Farm vibe times and to please bis customers.
Wednesday i-i order to assist a j He invites special attention to his
friend in the movement from j ladies dress goods, dry goods
to a double state The especially shoes. Be sue to go
event took place and see before making you
Jackson and Co's new He promises
dress taking the fullest. Give
fancy of ah who see I hem. They trial
are beautiful. J. R. Smith Bro. call attention j
Polite clerk-, good goods j to their poultry fencing now on
suitable prices at the store of J. hand for sale.
R. Smith Bro.
is here
on a to ml relatives.
We continue to build
And Provisions
Cotton a id
Ties always on hand
Fresh Good kept on-
in st ck. Country
Produce Bo and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
your cotton ginned nice and clean, boogie for we do
in order that you might I set apace we cannot
better prices for it, bring it to . Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden, N. C
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Examine our line of notions
N. G. C. Jackson and Co.
Tyson are displaying
the most up to date Hue of
ever brought to this market.
The nice two story of
Cox West Railroad
Miss Sue of
came this week t take charge of
a school at
Garry your turkeys, chickens,
bacon, and produce to
street is about finished j j B Smith Bro.
presents a very nice i , ,, a . .
J. II Smith are offering
special to the trade in
invited to and
Hales of cotton on an average
per day is a hat the Milling
and Co., gin. They
lint and the public have
found ii out.
The ladies especially can be
pleased will visit and put-;
J. R. Smith Bro.
The pictures have an
appointment to move i
investigate price and
Pants sizes prices at J.
R. Smith Bro.
Car salt, line and at J.
R. Smith Bro.
The new year will bring about
Dr. celebrated tablets,, many changes if position and lo
best medicine on market at J. ration in Ayden but things gen-
ii. Smith Bro will remain as
Cold underwear I the weather of excepted.
Hay, cotton s.,. meal and hulls
at J R. Smith Br.
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson and C's.
The held regular
Semi-monthly meeting yesterday
town and country
paints colors in oil, while lead,.
Tb public to know that
I handle only
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date- line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
A carry Garden Seed
Dye stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
sea, Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
U all could desire, and
will that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
N. C.
and Heating stoves at
ct Bro.
Wanted.- bushels field I
at J. R. Smith V.
Christ ma Santa H,
U Tripp, the largest store, the big.
supply, the variety j
and sold cheaper than any Where
We are under several obligations
i to our Robert A i and
others for favors
during the past week
none. If your
tire, call for help. J.
Taylor graduate optician,
Ayden, N. can tit your glasses
right at reasonable prices. Noted
doctors have said that wrong eye
glasses are than poison.
John Masonic Mutual
Old Santa's patron.
Toys Vises. Wagons, Cart, Drums,
to make the
welkin r,.
old and g. Candies, con-
feet fruits, sugar, c flour i
snuff and all can be found j
at Christmas in i
den, corner of MaiD
and West Railroad reels by J.
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and the
offered. See
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
Steamer R. L. Myers leafs
Washington daily, except
at a. m for Greenville, lea
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Baltimore.
Philadelphia, New York
mil all points North. Connects St
Norfolk with railroads for
Shippers should order
freight by Old Dominion L
from New York
j Norfolk Southern R R. an
I Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
I Clyde Line
j Bay Line and Chesapeake L
Baltimore and
j Miners Line from
Sailing hours subject to
without Notice.
H. Myers,
Washington, N. k,.
f. J.
I. B. Vine
81-80 street. . Y
N. C.-e-
At the close of business
Loans Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Due from Banks,
Cash Items,
j Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in.
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
If it give yon absolute
your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
Dist. N. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Brick Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Deposits subject to check, 28,691.42 j Dr.
certified checks D- Practicing Physician Surgeon
Total. Ayden, N. C.
There you will find
ate gilts.
Give the Boys
Girls a nice book
A good gum;
A book sack
end lot a of the
gilts we will have
To Sweetheart giro
nice book, a beautiful
a box of nice a
j pretty Vase, a Rn,
etc., etc.
To Girls, we w
Give your Beau a
Good Time. All
I of which make a

The North Carolina legislature TO TURN IMMIGRATION SOUTH.
Entered in the port office at Greenville, N. C, at class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspond . Mired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining
will assemble on Jan. There
will be in the senate Democrat-
and Republicans. In the
house there will be Democrat
and Republicans
ft to diction
vi ii
Nan Patterson the actress, who
has been on trial for some time in
New York charged with the murder
.-.--. N. C, Tuesday, December V Young, a wealthy book
maker, is accompanied by some
I . J IN
Th alder. , of have
passed an the
keeping of hogs in ho limits,
which the business portion
of the town The
respondent of the Charlotte
say- the ordinance isn't popular,
and this isn't surprising. The
of Lexington some time ago
passed ordinance prohibiting the
keeping of hogs in that town, and
the Dispatch at the last meeting
of the board the ordinance was re-
pealed because it was so unpopular.
Statesville aldermen Lave wrestled
with this same question different j
times for years Fact is, there is
Greenville business en are p
and long suffering, but it is
time they wore rising a body
against the treatment
from the Atlantic Coast Line. Tide
way of
that several hours behind time, and
freights delivers a day lute, all I
gruesome scenes.
Talk about people having a
time, what do you think a it
I freight train crew trudging
only one thing the average citizen through most of the night In
guards more zealously than his right i snow It looks like the railroad
to keep a hog, and that is the should have enough mercy on
of his do. And the in their to put m a,
A movement was inaugurated in
the Department of Commerce and
Labor, Monday, the
authorities assert, if the
plan proposed is enacted into law
by Congress, will result in
industrial conditions in the
South and aid partly in solving the
problem. It is proposed to
divert the tide of immigration to-
ward the Southern States, infusing
new blood into their industrial and
agricultural life, and at. the same
Urn York, and other
large cities of the congestion of pop-
which is becoming more
acute year by year A number of
Southern railroad men, and some of
Eastern and Western roads having
Southern connections, were present
cause the railroad authorities will j may not think to. but there and promised their cooperation. The
not put on enough trains t. handle an plenty more people who could plan is said to be simple, but will
. r l require money and the consent of
th. business of the road prompt,, . have put Carnegie s money to much
setting almost intolerable. better use than Mrs. C seems. of unfolded
to have done. his idea to the meeting. pro-
poses that the government shall to a
We suppose
gets out of present dilemma,
she will either go the stage or
give a series of lectures on financial
j . i
Uncle Sam is considering the add-
of more stars in his crown.
Oklahoma. Indian Territory, Arizona
and New Mexico are applying for
enforcing hog laws and similar reg-
in the small towns is due to
the fact that most of the citizenship
is from the country, and when the
average countryman goes to town
it is natural for him to want to
keep a hog; a cow, chickens and
other things as he kept about
him in the country. By by the
modern ways will win; hog pens
will be banished and dogs
will be kept on their
premises, not on neighbors; but
these must come by degrees.
States ilia Landmark.
These get an ex-
ample from Greenville. Hogs were
ruled entirely out of this town some
years ago and the aldermen have
had nerve to stand by a prohibitory
ordinance. Cut dogs and chickens
continue to a neighborhood
considerable extent control the
movement of aliens after their
val in American ports, but would do
tilts by moral suasion rather than
by force. He would have it so
ranged that immigrants would be
j sent by officials of the government
A picked squadron of from forty j the sections that would prov
to fifty men from the President's old most advantageous to them. He
The Star that
John Davis, who some y.-a.-s ago
created such a financial a
that city and ; tried in court for
misappropriating funds place I in his
custody, is now endeavoring to make
restitution to those lost
by him Davis is now practicing
law in Washington City and is meet-
with success there
on this road, even if they can-
anything the i j will would establish at Ellis Island a
would be to the patrons of I. . j bureau of information to used by-
persons in this country who are in
need of labor and by the prospective
American citizen who is seeking a
home for himself and his family.
I The immigrant would be told all he
I wanted to know about the United
I States, the climate, resources, cost of
If the government report of the
i crop is true, what would have been
the size if the weevil had
retired from business.
living and the comparative ad van
Between Man Patterson and Mrs. I of the various sections Special
the women are getting attention would be given to exhibits
their shave of attention in the reflecting conditions throughout the
i. . I country, as far as they might inter-
, est the
This may be the beginning of the
In a few all the world
will be celebrating the birth of
is the greatest event in
the world, an event that brings joy
to the hearts of the little folks; to
them it is the joyous season of the
year Bat many are happy
and enjoying grand occasion,
remember there ace thousands
fatherless and motherless little ones,
and some that their parents arc too
,, , . b, mu OB I turning of the tide of immigration
Waiting until Washington City, and toward the which many
ail that should reach with hie big will do the have long desired
of the; j to see done; and yet, that we
are face to face, as it were, with
by o'clock a m. it, one
disadvantages of the present rail-j
road facilities here. Wonder
long Greenville will continue to sub-
to such business hindrances.
home merchant is the man
you want to do business with. He
ii the one who has your confidence
the subject, what do our people think
of it If we could pick our
grants all might be well enough;
but if the government, through its
Supp sesame of
can who told the to
vote for Row veil and hi ah motion
explain the delay- Cotton has de-
every since Mr Roosevelt was
The farmers are waiting
A woman's club in
has given roast at its every
meeting this season. woman's
poor to provide for the little give the neighbors a roast
Possibly these pictures come every meeting. Atlanta Journal. I enjoys the best
under our own observation right And occasionally the members
hen- n Greenville, Tub ; turn in and roast each other.
tor appeals to all good
people of to look at you
. , , , . desire to rid the cities of the
who expect least in the way, . . .,
of aliens, should turn upon us
of presents stand the L , Goths and Vandals, our
smallest chance of disappointment j last would be worse than the
. . . ; Observer.
If the lightning rods had not .
played would be so nice to continues to go down in
run up our electric light poles J Those who advise the far
; to hold their crops now the
Carnegie has much explaining to i of attempting to know every-
do if he succeeds in clearing his about it Nine times out. of
f the scandal. beet thin n do
to pick out his crops early, gin a
bales at once and sell; pay his
I accounts and put the balance in his
when the largest number
of subscribers have paid up.
John D Rockefeller will make a ; or
folks surrounded in luxuries, high M kinder
. . ., , r , i ., ,; to Chicago
and then think the homes mature I
for advance in the
denied these comforts luxuries
Such pictures are enough to
the hardest of hearts soften- On
occasion remember that it is
blessed to give than to
in the of oil, as the public will
down in the mouth.
pocket. This course pays in the long
run The talk however, of a twelve
million bale crop seems out of
son. W Ledger.
The wealthy Mrs. Chadwick is
The Washington correspondent of
the Raleigh says there is
no hope that the Appalachian
park bill will pass congress, and the
are that it will
come law as the , ,., ,
L It may that Durham will get a
control the machinery of legislation. library in her stocking.
pay this little bill to keep John indulging in the luxuries of a
getting any poorer.
cell in Cleveland jail
The Supreme court of the state Durham is anticipating the open-
has decided Atlantic Coast
Line railroad must restore the
broken connection at Selina. An
order to that end made effective
of the union depot for a new
year's present.
The proposed location of the park
being la the South the finds
no r the present
Durham Sun.
Don't be too sure. You know Mrs
stocking is making
heavy on him at
Port Arthur seems determined to
spend in its own
has seen it all and
taken ship for his home in Japan.
It takes a steady walker to
Li feet en the earth now.
There is a great stir among
over President Roosevelt's
recommendation of a whipping post
for wife beaters any editor
have the hardihood to advocate a re-
turn to the old rule of the common
law that a man could moderately
chastise his better half, provided
the switch was no larger than tho
little finger For ourselves we do
not think the whipping post too bad
for a brute who would beat his wife
The Greenville Daily
has been enlarged to a seven column
folio and is much improved It is
published in a small city but the
that Editor Whichard has be-
come an expansionist shows that his
efforts are appreciated The fact is,
The Reflector most admirably
fill the bill for the demand for u
home daily, considering the
scribed field from which be gets his
patronage- Good lock to him and
his bright Star.
The Greenville Reflector is
years old and celebrates its
by enlarging from six to seven,
columns. It is somewhat of n
mystery how a town the size of
Greenville continues to support a
daily paper of the excellence of
Reflector, but that interesting and
worthy contemporary is doing
than holding its own The
server tenders felicitations and
the of its wishes
Charlotte Observer
The Greenville Daily
is ten years old and celebrates the
occasion by enlarging to columns.
We are glad to see this and wish
brother D. J. continued
success, in the greatest abundance.
He richly derives it.
has over n staunch defender of
the Democratic faith, and an active
laborer for the material development
of its town and
The Greenville has
just celebrated its tenth anniversary
by enlarging from a ix to a seven
column paper. The is
an excellent evening paper and re-
great credit upon Greenville
and upon Editor We
congratulate it upon its growth, and
we hope that the future has much
in store for it. Greensboro Record.
The Greenville is ton
years old and is growing better as
the months and years go by. Editor
Whichard is true to his convictions
and there is no mistaking his
on any question No town in
the state the size of Greenville is
better supplied with a daily news-
The Greenville has
celebrated its tenth anniversary by
an enlargement from six to seven
columns. We congratulate our
neighbor upon this sign of prosper-
hope that its sphere of
fullness may continue to grow as the
years go by Kinston Free Press
The Washington Post
is no hazing in the
doctoral Of course, the
usually very alert Poet
had to give up
the electoral college in
lining Star.
he fact
o u Hayes in th
Do not leave the farm for the
unless you know there is a place.
waiting you, which you can fill.
Rewards for labor on the may
not be but failure will not
be ruinous The labor question will
be settled when each man learns to
use his power to the best advantage.
However, no one succeeds in city or
country unless he does his work
well Resolve to do something use-
and honorable and do it with a
good will. Repel the thought that
you can live without labor. The
most pitiable object in life is the
person who is content to do nothing
and is, therefore, nothing. What a
miserable career it is to a drone,
with no purpose in with no
helping hand to give ind no effort
to put forth to right the wrong.
up your mind to some line of
It is not people
by chance; the wheels of fortune are
often turned by luck; it requires
confidence in our ability and hard
work to accomplish anything. Some
people remain useless through life
because they can not make up their
minds to do one certain thing and
nick to it. One must have a deli
object, in view, and work, dare
sacrifice in order to gain even a
fire fly glow Sun
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector, in Winterville and territory.
W Dec,
There is the beet selection of
Inks, library paste and
at the drug of Dr. B. T. Cox
ever brought to Winterville.
Protect your eyes by buying one
of those eye shades at the Drug
Store, price cents.
of Durham, was
here one day this week.
Highest price for cotton seed
by County Oil Mill.
good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
Town taxes are Due, I am ready
to give you a F. B. Tucker
tax collector.
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart hubs to A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. Fat light wood kind they
that little lot
of you had over when
Bring me your turkeys I pay the
highest L. Johnson.
Ft Oranges, candies and no-
fresh. Ba A. W.
Big consignment of flour
received. Prices
G. Chapman and Co.
we also carry a line of rubber
over boots and water proof
jackets the very thing for cold,
rainy weather at Harrington
Barber Co.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wants a
buggy trimmer of about one years
The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
buying Cotton Seed. They pay
the highest cash price or will ex
for meal. When yours
are ready write for prices.
For and confectioneries go
to ft. d, and Co. They
have a choice lot.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
received u lot of galvanized bar
yon through ginning your last bed wire and poultry Their
lots. The Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys poultry fence is of course strong
seed cotton any quantity
best market price paid every Cheap shoes, dry goods, notions,
Finest Hue of dress goods in and rubber goods. L. Johnson,
Q. Chapman and Co. and gloves and
J. M. Blow, of was here latest style neck ties at Harrington
the past week. Bud Joe can't
stay away from Winterville. Shirts for the birds at A. W.
biscuit sure to kill the rats Go's
and mice Harrington Barber R- Q. Chapman, Co, say that
Co. they have a full assortment of
A. W. Co., are
for spool cotton. S-id them are right.
rs. At Reduced A. G.
We now have on hand a nice Cox Mfg. Co. a-e out a big
line of dress at remarkably of wire fence reduced prices,
lo figures, come, and be eon- They have the finest and
Yours fence made and you
and Taylor, get a bargain if you apply at
For A goo I gentle baggy
bore, safe and sound, apply to For fresh meat beef, and
W. H, Winy ate N. O. Go to H. L. John-on.
Box Body for is Being in position to secure first
now the reason when yon may class raw material
want a box-body can lo bl your machinery with which to V .
farm products to the or work, and being able to save
The A. Col Mfg. are work nearly all of our timber,
making and selling them and you a few of the reason-
had better send them your order
at once.
It you are in need of
skirt and
coll on R. G. Chapman Co
J. R. of Ayden, over
here the other day
Improvements keep going on
here. W. A. Smith and J. Ross
are improving their property.
Bargains for the next twenty
days in jewelry and cutlery.
B. T. Cox A Bro.
For brick store
feet long, call on or write Jno.
Son, Winterville, N. C.
geese highest
market price paid for same.
Kittrell Taylor.
A new lot of chairs just arrived.
A, W. a Co.
tat light-
wood cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Santa Clans haw accepted a
B. T. Cox drug
store until after He not
good looking but he loves the lit
tie folks. Come and sec what he
has on exhibition.
of Kinston, were here
Until next Wednesday morning
the market for turkeys,
eggs, chicken, ducks, geese, etc
We want to buy your Hides,
Sheep Ski us, Goat Skins,
Turkeys, Chickens
and Eggs and will guarantee high-
est market prices for
and Taylor.
If yo want a first class pair of
cart wheels yon can get them at
A. Cox Mfg Co. Better call at
once while they have in
A nice line
useful at Harrington Bar-
tor the people
Blight FT. L. Johnson,
R. W. King, of Greenville, was
here found his
long dog here.
Stoves, beaters and ranges. All
having styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Boarding J. D.
Board per day. Best
Her Reply.
The poet wrote his lore a
Impassioned and
Invited her to come with him
Where waves might wash their
She sent his poem back to
And it made pulses
To real this
Mine do not need it.
There is not a room in your
house that would not be the better
premiums given in ex-
change for Trade Discount Stamps.
These little helps to housekeepers
are given by the best In
town. It will pay you to ask
For Men
flue Clot
R. G. On have just and powdered form.
can our customers money . house town.
Mfg. C. Penny candies a specialty at
For loaded shell, double store if B T, Cox A
and single guns. K. Go, Mir who has bud
to A. W Ange p of school near Black Jack,
The drugstore ear lies in k k home to spend
cayenne pepper, sage h n
received a car load of prices
Just the third large
shipment of shoes this fall, all
pi ices right. Come
one and all and look them over.
Harrington Si Co.
Fox lot of baud
good condition. Apply
to J. A. Manning, Winterville, N.
A good chance to cut wood. The
AC. Cos Mfg. Co. to con-
tract to have live hundred cords of
cut Any wood cutter wish-
a Job can see at
Protect fret by wearing
good shoes. R. G. Chapman and i
On. have kind and size you
need ,
School books, stationery,
pencils supplies of all
kinds em be found at the drug
Second band buggies cheap. If
you to a second hand
buggy cheap see the A. Q. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Window and door frames, porch
brackets and all kinds
house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Our entire for v
for cash or approved
G. A. Cm
Winterville, N. O.
Pair of well broke mules, -i d c
heavy strong. Apply o A.
O. Mfg. Co.
ft Taylor have
own price.
in town.
Kittrell Taylor.
m Oranges
d H I. Johnson.
N. Manning Co. for
o . Gin
Almost every man has read
the of the Cloth-
in the newspapers and
every man has been
disappointed and on
looking ft the Clothes they
pretend to describe.
We invite men to call
at store to be mast
ably surprised
It's easy to draw a picture of Men's as they
should be, but it's not easy to mike . that
look like the picture.
but we do know how to provide oar with
right of t
If you have had Clothes troubles. Sir, we you
to come to this for relief.
We will surprise you with the excellence of our Col h
aid please you with our
h. King Clothier.
nuts, and
We are paying lief, for turtles choice
from now on. Taylor, j and all kinds of
For paper caps and nails confections us cheap a the
A. W. Ange it Co'S, est. Kittrell
prices, .
i i
This week have got in ft A ft Boys Suits from a sale. Will
All-Wool Suits at worth Also a big
line of fine Pants, will sell at their value.
Call and see before you do your purchasing.
New York Bazaar.
In Cheek

I ill
I -1 . J-----U-l I
H r Receives
Christmas Stoppers,
With pleasure we
before making your purchases you
to select from an unusually splendid and. mU stock.
To tor Belong the Spoils.
Co the
Loins, M. The Victor Lock Co.,
to d av. Prise at the
for theft exhibit solid Steel bank safes
and general Hi safes and vaults,
taking prize over ail
term for modern
The-Safe that i never been
SUGG, Agent.
S N. C.
We Suggest That You See Our
Mexican and Japanese
in a Full Urn of BUREAU SCARFS,
b For Christmas.
want in the way of
nice Gained Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Nuts, can be had at
our stored.
can a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
In evening shades of Brocade Silks.
Visit our different Departments and You will be
pleased with our stock
J. B. Cherry Co.
Parham, Foxhall and Bowling,
Leaders in
Sales and High Prices on the
Sales Now.
For Cook Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Plows, Heat Cutters and
Staffers. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
for Vine job
Tip Will flt
Those who will persist in closing
ears the continual re-
commendation of Dr. King's Ne
Consumption, will
have a long and hitter with
their troubles, if not ended earlier
by fatal termination. Red what
T. K. Ball of has t
tall my wife bad every
symptom of took
Dr. King's Sew
Everything else had
came at once four
bottles entirely her.
by J. L
and Trial bottles
free. t t- i t
As a a girl who
be induced to
the title.
i r
like med
dumping r
a handled other are
every day Ii behooves
every bod to have a reliable Halve
handy none M as
Cute, Sores, and , piles,
disappear under its
effect. at J. L.
Drag Store.
men like to hunt,
fish for hunt soft
A Pleasant Pill.
No Pill is as pleasant and
Dew Little
DeWitt's Little Early
arc so mild and effective i tat, child-
delicate ladies and weak
enjoy their -affect,
while strong people say are
the best liver pills sold, by
J. L. Woolen, druggist.
One trouble with many a
man is that the part he talks
with if out of proportion to
part he thinks with.
Blonder are
ally l-f
is Hie price of a hut
never be wrong if you Dr.
King's fa Pills for
Liver or
trouble, They me gentle
yet at J. L. Woo-
A cue to be every-
thing to an young sue
la satisfied to become his better I
No other on is o
good tor children us
Rocky Mountain Tea, them
eat, sleep and mow. eye,
rosy cheeks. Tea or
While the. average man
bud to need he
good enough to
a i
are an infallible in-
to youth, from which
Cupid Ins arrows
a Tea
the automatic Mama ma
r- the t; invention of
Guaranteed to do a family's
in without labor or
Will not harm the moat
delicate on
Big fur agents. Customers
happy For particulars address
J. E
N. C.
for North Carolina
J W. CO.
Norfolk. Va.
and handlers of
Bagging, lies and Bags.
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be up-to-
date in every way.
We are sole agents for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
to be found in any city.
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
call for in this line.
C T.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C,
Read here the most Startling Price Quoting you have
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price I cent.
Braid, white and colors. Bee Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose, cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and our price
Men and Boy's Fine Sunday Shirts for cents.
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants
Men's Fine Worsted Pants for cents.
We mean what we say. The above are only a few of the many
good Bargains we are offering. Come to see us.
Look For The Bee Hive.

opened t the depart-
today for the construction of
i- battleship New
i rue Armored North
Montana. The
e bidder on the two ships
t e Newport New Ship Building
Mil Dry Dock Company, which
in thirty-six month at
each, or one of the
in thirty-nix at
Pit Clark.
t. A. Stock administrator of
John S.
horn, Nancy ,
Dick Evan, Ben
Evan. Jesse Tom Ana
Cox, Eva Dixon. John
Olive Smith, Cannon Health,
Smith, Louis f John S. Smith.
Sam Smith, Susan
Sawyer, Jan
Catherine Emily Nobles,
John Nettie Porter,
Susan Dunn. Louisa Wm.
Henry Evans. W. It.
John Henry Allie
The will take
notice that an entitled
has been before the Clerk
of the Superior court of Pi county
to an order d tin- ad-
of the IV
to sell f r piece
of land Pitt county th
said formerly lived, con-
Mining acres more or less. And the
North In the i said defendants will further take notice
that they are requested to appear be-
W. IT I before said Clerk at his
ts . Notice of execution the 20th day of January, 1905,
MOMS w. Tyson. sale. and answer or demur to complaint
By of an directed to , or petition in said action r the plain-
Prices Almost Talk,
The apple and orange
that the market will afford at
Johnston Bro.
the undersigned front tin-
H Pitt in the t entitled ac-
I will, ea Monday. of
1905, at k, M., at the
court door of u county, sell tn
highest bidder for i-ash to satisfy
execution, all the and
which the said Mom w. Tyson
baa in following
t estate, to On the north side
cf Tar adjoining the
House land, 8.17. lands
w. Daniel
home p o and being the same lands
by John Flanagan and wife
to Hot. and
the Register's of
Pitt in Book A. page
containing two hundred and fifty-one
ere more or less, subject however to
homestead which has been duly
slotted to the said Mow w. Tyson
by the sheriff of Pitt county
homestead containing ten rote;, in
eluding the boom and dwelling
Tot Mb of
tiff apply to the court for the re-
lief demanded in said con-plaint.
This December
D. C.
Superior Court.
M containing ore
acres, Co.,
bordering on the Six tins, eight
miles from Clinton two and
half mile from There
It plenty cleared
land adapt -l to all general crops
of cash or
half cash with good
C. H. Tin key,
W. J. Burgaw, N
Currant, seeded
dates at
A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
My price,
Handsome fancy worsted ad wool suits, sizes to big values
My price,
What Shall I Give
Satisfy Yourself as Well as
the recipient.
In loving thought of our friends deserving
helpers, this- dependent upon us or simply as a
Christmas greeting, the following ; are
as tokens of affection and as appropriate
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
yards checked homespun, others price
My price,
An Umbrella, Silk
chief, Skirt, Necktie, u
Shopping Bag, Linen
chiefs, Ladies cotton or
wool Hosiery, a box oX Toilet
Soap, a lace Bureau Set,
Linen or Covers, lace
or embroidered Handkerchief,
Turkish Towels, Waist Sets, a
Cloak, a pair of O. E. Shoes
Silk Handkerchief, dress
Collars Cuffs, a pair of Sus-
mocha or kid
Men's Wrights Under-
wear, a gold Fob, n piece of
Stationary, a Suite
Clothing, a Stetson Hat, a leather
Suit Case, a pair link But-
tons. A Silk
linen Collars or Cuffs, Webber
Soft house slippers, Sleeve
links and collar buttons, a soft
felt hat, a suit of woolen under-
wear, a warm cloak, black
veil, house wrapper, pair of
a shawl, comb and brush,
Wool socks, a necktie, a plain
A nice silk umbrella, a pair of
Wilkinson's Special Shoes, a bed
r slipper, a leather pocket
cuffs and collars, a pair of
brown gloves, a leather suit
Case, a leather grip sack, a silk
tie, a scarf pin, a pair of link but-1
Come before everything is
picked over. Everything ready j
your inspection.
An evening fan, a lace
a gold or sterling silver
umbrella, a pair of Le
gloves, Whiting's box paper, la-
dies fancy
scarfs, bureau scarfs
and table covers, pillow tops and
i cords, rugs, clocks, brooches,
hat pins and belt buckles.
a pretty silk handkerchief, four-
in-hand string tie, a pair of link
buttons, gold plated collar but-
tons, a Norfolk cap, suspenders
in fancy boxes, a pair of
can gloves, a pair of C E.
shoes, pure rubber over shoes, a
I fob watch chain.
a silk belt, fancy box paper,
Rose Cap waist sets, neck rib-
lace collars, embroidered
turn over collars, ribbons for
the neck and head, fan and fan
chain, a pair of golf gloves, a
pair of Fay stockings, a pair of
and E. shoes, a shopping bag,
a silk shirt waist, a nice brown
Sample hats, all colors, others price
My price
Boys pants, all sizes. Others price
My price
-U. I. .
pair Leather Shoes. Others price
My price
Next door to
A cotton or woolen dress, a
pair of shoes, m shirt waist,
skirt, a pair of overalls,
socks or stockings, a pair of
bed comforts, a pair of
pants, a shirt or a hat.
aprons, collars and cuffs, stock-
shoes, skirts, waists, hand-
kerchiefs, belts, corsets, gloves,
and skirts,.
Greenville, N. Q.
For Neat and Attractive
Job Work
Send your orders to this office.
Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
i daughters of the
List of Confederate Pensioners.
Below list of the
soldiers and widows of sol-
in Pitt who draw
pensions from the
2nd Joyner, G
S Johnson, William F Mills.
Reported for
Notwithstanding the severity of
the quite a number of
Daughters assembled at
home of Mrs. K. G.
Thursday evening last, and
were cordially received by the
gracious hasten who was c H
by her sister John L. Woolen. John p
Delicious hot was served in H Adams
the entrance hall, while the lurid, Jo- R L Briley,
of the drawing room flies soon I w H Brown
rendered shivering en- B HP Bryan,
The -en nob ft . Jon H
Ins toward a portrait of the A j
I Cannon, Ivey Corbett,
at the Davis w Can-
mi in in the
non, Henry
H W John L
B ks, T X E ks, Lewis
G Evans, T Elks, A
O R B Lucy A
Forties, E W Griffin;
North Carolina room is taking rank
with t lint other i
from all pans of the world. This
ban be of the
ton much
praise, as the museum has been
rendered ab proof j g-
will to tell John Hathaway. Joseph
of tie chivalry of he. an-U,,, Harris,
m long as deeds of r John T Um
shall arouse the admiration id h G W Jones. John-
The quiet life
the man may mil be
and white he dis-
charges his daily duties, but it is
sure to be felt and appreciated by
those among whom it is spent.
The lives of such men teach by
example, day in and day on, and
draw men to them because in them
men see a an
never fails and that no temp
and elected to Mime
office in 1880. He thus held this
office four years and I risk nothing
in saying that it o
verdict f people mat
never had a sheriff.
He was gentle and d, hut firm
and positive in the discharge
bis duties. It often that
a sheriff has a great many
pleasant duties perform and
this was true f Sheriff Warren.
But the people soon learned that
can shake. The wicked be was thoroughly impartial, hon-
righteous love such
a man. and every
heart is open to him. His kind
words and his deeds fall
upon willing ems touch re-
hearts because of the
meek and gentle spirit with which
they are spoken and performed.
His influence for good cannot be
computed. His example of right
taken up by one and
to another. It goes oil
and fashioning the lives
of others. The lives of such men
ch were die-
to veterans
-their after
OH Harris, George to any
Horton, Taylor had
a blessing in noble life and
lamented death of beloved
Allen Warren.
It our purpose, nu this his
day, Dec. 20th, to briefly
trace the career of this
good loan. He was
I Son, Jolly,
of st ts on 20th
. A James I , . ii.,.,,. in the
j j I
an interesting c
Christmas Gifts.
J E Randolph,
Bobbin, Jesse Slacks, R
The Charlotte Observer that j g,,., j Herring
-some one suggested that C Tripp, James
women meet in B M J Tuton,
on Christmas morn- Vincent, Jackson
lug and swap This
doubtless made with j J James R
the mind that many people wren, Charles Williams,
mill R Lemuel
Z B t,
Whichard, A Walker, Samuel L
est and just tho administration
of his He demanded full
compliance with the law which be
executed firmly but never harshly.
He trio office after four years
of faithful service with a drove is about complete and
N. C, Dec. 1904
Early has closed her
sh ml holidays
left yesterday her borne in
Mi. and Mrs. Jennings
spent Monday in
Mrs. P. G. today to
upend several weeks with relatives
O. will leave
Wednesday to spend
with her Mr. and Joe
Brushed Ht
H. H. Ohos. Baker
Visited Greenville last week
O. O. residence on
Christmas presents in the spirit of
Irving in pay back what some gave
last Christmas or may give
them this Christmas.
as that is altogether
the true Christmas
spirit and would as well be taken
Florence Biker, Baker,
out in swapping as in Ann Bower-,
other The truth is there are Briley,
unwise things done in Elisabeth Bullocks, Bryant,
matter Christmas rt Millicent Clark,
is all right to Elizabeth
but value of the Clark, Coward,
ought not to be thought of Crawford, Susan Cox,
much as the spirit in which it Jennette Dudley,
given. Thousands thousands Edwards, Emmaline A
of presents have I Flemming, Mary
been selected and thousands L Harris,
more will yet be selected; but Horton, Harrell, A K
Christmas present with Winnie Ann Langley,
it some suggestion that will Manning, E
press the recipient with the great l
Gilt of God to the world Christ g Manning, Sal lie Ann
our most valuable j Mills, Amanda Moore,
of alt, whether its pricey,.,,, Nelson, Louisa Oakley,
be large or small. The Christmas Powell, Barker,
time should be one of real j Louisa
but not be up to sin-
levity, rowdyism and riotous-
us is often the Like
day of it should be
regarded as a day for meditation
on the goodness oft Jed in great
Gift of life through Christ the
Neck Common-
Currants, seeded raisins
dates at Bros.
M Stocks, Nancy Stokes,
M A Sarah Lydia
Wainwright, Mary A
Ward, Sallie Wills, Elizabeth
white boy about
to years old to help on the farm
and feed stock.
W. A. Darden,
Ayden, N. C. R. P. D. No.
large family to support,
Allen labored on the farm he
reached his majority. He attended
the neighborhood schools as cir
allowed and when be
arrived at manhood he attended
the High school at Tarboro where
by diligence and attention to his
studies, be received a practical
After quitting school
tie married a daughter of Capt.
William Edwards and settled in
t district, where he
taught school with usefulness
to his pupils and great satisfaction
to their
When Joseph Cobb was elected
sh riff of Edgecombe be appointed
young W H his deputy,
which position he held for six
year-, duties he dis-
such tact and fidelity
as to receive the commendation of
all with whom he came contact.
He volunteered in the Confederate
service but, owing to a
limb, he was discharged and he
then as Confederate state
tax collector.
In he a farm
Falkland Pitt county, to
which he moved and on which he
lived several years. He was
fond of the independence of farm
life agricultural
He read the best agricultural pub-
applied he
learned with a practical
that made him one of the
best in that fine farming
section of his adopted county.
While living on his farm he be-
came a justice of the peace
Falkland township discharged
its duties with great acceptability
to the good people of section.
In 1878 he was nominated and
elected to the responsible office
sheriff of Pitt county by the Deal-
party. He win again
and without enemies.
When he was elected he
removed his family to Green
he lived bis death
In when the great state ex-
was held Raleigh,
Sheriff Warren undertook
work of collecting an exhibit for
county of Pitt. This was a
labor of love and patriotic pride
ii m, but he went about
work in such a systematic and in-
way that he soon found
people ready and willing to
help him. As a result of this
combined effort of leader and
he took Io Raleigh dis-
played great exhibit-on
hall a collection of the resources
bis county that excited the
pride and admiration of the thous-
ands the exposition
Had he rendered- his no
other service this alone
cause tho people to hold in
grateful remembrance.
It was about time of the
great State exposition that Sheriff
tie of es
the Riverside Nursery
near Greenville. H went about
this work in that same quiet, me
way had become one
of his chief characteristics. His
new enterprise grew and prospered
and ins u ants and bis flowers be-
came his companions and his pets
He lived with them and they
most seemed became more
grant more at his
approach. H worked and lived
among for i years and
we hope soon to have his family
with tis.
Tho Beaufort County Lumber
company will stop
a days before Christmas and
begin Jan, 2nd,
Only Child Dead.
Grimes, aged one year,
infant Sou of Mr. Mis. Henry
T. King, died Saturday night at
o'clock, at their home on Dick-
after a brief illness
with meningitis. funeral
held Sunday afternoon at k
services being conducted at
residence and at grave by Rev.
H. H. Moore, The
in Cherry Hill cemetery, the pall
bearers being Messrs. E. A.
I W. H. Long J. L.
Fleming, P. B. Bowie, E. B.
Griffin, F. C. Harding and W. J.
This was their only child and i
entire community sympathize with
Mr. and Mrs. King in the
that has come into home.
Will Be Sent to Asylum.
Clerk of the court Collins, acting
On made
him, issued an order today to
Sheriff to lake charge of W.
H. and L m
arrangements could he
for to the asylum,
Raleigh. The sad condition of the
fellow has lee k rowing
worse rapidly for the w days
and all baste will be
his with . . . .
, . . him to the asylum, the paper
odor., he has
being forwarded
j Free Press,
Mr. toss recently
Greenville often, end
noticed that his mind
. much disordered.
left behind him a name as
less as their virgin leaves.
Sheriff Warren died on
mot. His and
wife had preceded him
by about four s. He leaves.
five children to mourn his death
and to rejoice in bis good name. Tram
He was my close friend. I The bursting of a pipe causeS
him well. He was a good man, jibe wrecking of h freight train
greatly beloved universally and
esteemed. If had an enemy I the Atlantic Coast
did not know it yet ho made It took work
no compromise with wrong doing.
His life was an open to be
read by all and in it they
read of justice, honor, integrity
and right Hying. We laid his
to rest a bright summer evening
when all was peace and quiet. He
two wrecking trains eight, hours to
get track so trains
Merchants Will
falling on Sunday
this year makes the Monday fol-
,; a legal holiday,
hut his good noble of W
life will long live as a
en inspiration to us. dosed on
N. C,
Yon get best when you buy
a Parker pen. Nice line
for Christmas presents
Book Store,
the market will afford at
dolls, fancy and plain
candle, tints, oranges,
f plea, i M.

Eastern reflector, 20 December 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 20, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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