Eastern reflector, 6 December 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Meredith, whose
with English high life, Eves
. He built himself a
long u-o. It is charming, but
a A. young woman with a let-
l. . of introduction visited Mi. Mere-
. L as his home was being
. With some pride he showed her
o. r the building, but she, a little
your books
you describe huge castles and spa-
baronial halls, but when you
come to build you put a little bit
of a like this. Why is
is replied the
an- cheaper than
Phil Grave.
The only tiling that marks the
where General Phil Seamy fell
in the bottle of Chantilly, Va., is a
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief wan the condition of
an old name , J. J.
k, U. For
be wan v. Kidney dis-
ease and neither
cine gave relief. length
he tried Bitter-. It
him on bin feet in short order
now he on the road
t- Be-t earth for
Liver and Kidney and all
forms of Stomach and Bowel Com-
plaints. Only Guaranteed
by J. L. Woolen, druggist.
Prices Almost Talk,
. V V
and that was
rough cress of pine.
placed there by an old Johnny Rel
Captain J. N. Bollard. General
old chief of scouts, Captain
has told the story of
how the tears came into the eyes of
Lee and Stonewall Jackson when
they heard of death, lie
had been with j i the Mexican
campaign, and they I him.
Sailors n., Sf
When the British Mediterranean
squadron of forty-three war-hips
visited Smyrna at end of
March the got a day ashore
and squandered in the
town. sailor at the end of his
day he had left. So he
hired ten boatmen at cents each
to row him out to his ship and
rived there in style.
A Ball.
Two thousand disciples of
Wilton held recently on the banks
f the Seine the greatest fishing con-
test ever known. After the contest
there was an ball. This is
the greatest fish ball on record, and
since there was a bouquet, too, bread
on this occasion went with one
Help introduce
the automatic steam pi
chine Carolina
Guaranteed to do a family's awn-
in minutes without labor or
attention, to cleaner than
washing machine or
beard. Will not harm IDA most
delicate fabric. Sells sight.
Big money for Customer
happy. For particulars address
H. B Adams,
N. C.
Bole agent for North Carolina
A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
To who this may
persons are bid on the
old Clark,
and Hams land in Pitt
with dogs or otherwise,
under the law.
This Nov. 1904.
by It. J. Cobb, Manager.
11-3 d
My price,
O. O Newman,
baby was did not grow.
Our doctor Hollis-
Mountain Tea. Now
she's Strong, rosy and healthy,
to your Tm. cents.
Drug Store.
Handsome fancy worsted all wool suits, sizes to big values
My price,
Ph. D., Principal.
Winston Salem. H. C. March 9th.,
M. N. C ,
It is a unusual in life order tins late
in more which
we add to our the i at
in the work. We added quite n i r id your
during few and i
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
yards checked homespun, others price
My price,
instrument during I be last few Mid thy have all q Li -II others
given good sat Ion. a piano of unusual merit, Sample ail Oilier
the constant us.- h ch all pianos have within
JUT -u- .
School, but we are glad l- to that your
have stood i m. w will continue to purchase
front Your urn. a need arises.
think . dozen now in the school.
J. II. Clew ell, Principal.
X rare i magnificent
play cs
; i n-
They are fully
and up.
w guaranteed.
factory tale will
close before many more
Title, m lowest days, when factory prices will
and e promptly withdrawn, and if
the Moor slight, you any earthly use for
It at piano r organ it
preen from pa you to take a look around.
hen in Mis
is guaranteed for years. B Patrick, who is
fine display with us during our stay
of at low here, he glad to on
ranging In price from a tune.
fl. Q.
My price
Boys pants, all sizes. Others price
My price
pair Leather Shoes. Others price
My price
Report of the Condition of
At tho close of business, Nov. 1904.
Furniture fixtures, 1,241.86 ,.,.
Due from Capital StOCK paid in 19,000.00
Gold Coin Undivided profits
Coin 201.71
Bk other U S 4,014.00 to
Total Total
Site of North
Pitt County. j
J R Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
the statement is to the bet of
to before .
Next door to
Greenville, N. Q.
For Neat and Attractive
Job Work
Send your orders to this office.
and Friday.
Five Institutions i i Finance.
Tee recent establishment of
banks at and Bethel
five bunks in operation in
does not hesitate to y that these
banks are as solid and make as
any in the
the condition of these banks at the
close of on Nov. 10th,
made in response to the call of the
n commission,
gives public an idea the
excellence of institutions
The reports ave all beta publish-
ed la Reflector and the
N. C., Nov. 1904.
Charles is spending
the week on his farm over the
Mrs. Lorenzo after
spending several days no Green-
ville, returned
W. E. went to
The report of
Hutu- Dudley and Bill
were here Sunday.
Mi-b Allie spent Saturday
night Sunday with relatives in
O. H. sou,
Sunday ear
D-iii attended church in
people of the feel a j
K. E. went to
V party will he at
school house Friday p. m.
Dec. Every laxly come.
A of our friends attend-
ed church at Sunday.
the es of
their amount f
money in
also gives an r u
of the people th
The Bank of Greenville the
-oldest of these being
establish-d in 1896 which time
it bank of
every year has shown fine progress, Reported for
today its are Club was delight
a little than by Miss Winnie
The deposits of this bank are Tuesday afternoon,
while the and 122nd, at her residence on Fourth
undivided profit are nearly The guests were
Proceedings of Board of Aldermen.
leg the new guard house end
; the payments on avenue.
The were to
; meet all trains, to patrol
The board of aldermen met in every section of the town, and to
monthly session Thursday be places
all the members being where Honor illegally
sold or gambling carried on; also
J S. who had been that the ordinance prohibiting
alderman for the on the streets la more
first ward in place of Buck, rigidly enforced.
resigned, qualified by taking the
official oath and entered upon his Service at Christian Church Sunday Dec.
duties. 4th.
The street committee reported; The morning service
that only little work had been J be in charge the Christian
done on the streets as it was Board of Missions
thought best not to do much until the first Lord's Day in De-
the laying of water set apart W.
that the claims of Brinkley p,
Hooker for to their A lo
bad j prepared and will include an ad-
been by the ton paying by A
them Two other adjustments map of the world has
with property owners b j been prepared to
the avenue were made, work of M.
Mm. M. M. Harriss to be paid Following is the
and James Lout;
The and wells
Scripture lesson.
in t stock.
a few bank
anywhere i . make.
The Greenville Trust
reported their in
The market committee reported
that the old buildings the lot
need a market
guard house had been sold
that the new guard house was
nearly completed.
The white cemetery commute
reported work done last
Tue tax collect r, treasurer,
police officer,
chief of
reports for The dis-
received by Miss
invited the parlor, which
WM beautifully decorated
Beauty roses.
Co. was established in 1901 and The was to order,
been remarkable. r the transaction of
Beginning with capital, was entertained by the
the end of the second it in- reading of a short selection by
Creased to If 5.000 At that time j Mis. Haywood and a de- sales daring the mouth
its was J musical program by
among the stock holders, and; Pal tie Skinner and Sallie Gotten,
since its u nu i profits The had the pleasure of
reached To-1 having with
day its total are to Skinner
and deposit and Miss Dickinson, of
After the program the hostess
Bank of ii less then served dainty and
two years old, y- ts total re- the club adjourned to meet with
this sh time show an Mi-6 Lottie Blow Dee.
above and its
those women
which labored with me in the gee-
the Very Thought
of Travis
E. Hooker and Mrs.
Preaching by the pas-
tor first of a series of sermons
Footsteps of Sub-
for Dec. 4th. Fathers
H. H. Moore, pastor.
amounted to
J. R. C. S. Carr W.
A. Bo wen were appointed a com-
with the city attorney
look over the town charter re
commend sch changes as thought
advisable to ask the next
to make in the charter.
The chief police was instructed I Wilmington is soon to lie have
to notify owners of the paper.
op which Gorman factory
that the excavation must
be filled so that it will
An ordinance was adopted pro-
boys under i g years of
started nu. l been doing Reported
only a f when End of the Century Book
report was made ah a resource held a most delightful meet-
above i i posits above Tuesday afternoon, at the age entering or in pool
Mrs. W. A. Bowen or placing games therein
The , Trust j fourth Street. under a of an equal
Co. business about the first ; were for the I to be imposed ii on keep
of November, in less than tan j, nil banquet, which be I era of pool or billiard who
days showed of nearly at boys under the prescribed
nearly evening, Dec. 8th. age to loiter in or play games in
Taking statements of the
live banks together show re-
sources de-
posits of nearly which is
a can be
he literary program for the, the pool room.
was post until the The manager of the telephone
next meeting. was given
Miss Dickinson and Mis. A. E.
fucker were the present.
Most delicious refreshments
Of. The banks are all welt officer I served, after which the club ad-
The home it is
to be enlarged.
The Baptist State Convention
will meet Elizabeth City on the
December 23rd will be observed
as North be the public
schools the state.
A movement is bot to make
Beaufort, N. C, a great seaport.
Senator Simmons other
men of stale are taking
much interest in the project.
The County Superintendents of
Public Schools of North Carolina
trim such of the trees holding their annual session in
under police direction, intern i
with the telephone wires.
J. C. Lanier was elected a
ed, and by thorough I to meet with Mrs. L. tee of graded school to fill the
this week. We see from
the daily papers that tho
is quite large.
business men.
Over Twelve Million Bales.
Fleming on Tuesday. Dec. 13th.
vacancy caused b; the resignation
of M. A. Alien. Mr. Lanier
i Dr. It. L. both placed
Small fire.
The bureau report issued today J About o'clock the
places the estimate of the cotton night a belonging to Eliza
crop this season at a colored woman, out in
In of this j colored west of
heavy report there was a limits, caught on fire and was I
decline of about a quarter cent in ; nearly destroyed. An alarm was
Wine. given down town and many people
New Deacon. j went wan
tar that the fire was
carried there.
At a in the Baptist
church Wednesday night C. E.
Lincoln was elected to fill a
i i i f i We have lbs of Bel
tie board of deacons. Cream cheese that we close
The church made an admirable out at lbs far at Johnston
selection. I Bros. 11-30
Help introduce
the automatic steam washing ma-
chine North Carolina
i he greatest invention of the age.
Guaranteed to do a family's wash-
in without laborer
tent ion, and to wash cleaner than
washing machine or wash-
Will not harm tho most
delicate fabric. Sells on sight.
Big money for agents. Customers
Night policeman Buck For particulars address
J. E Adams,
N. C.
Sole agent for North Carolina.
vote was tie for live ballots.
It was ordered that the note to
the Banking A Trust
, for borrowed be
ed for days.
abandoned the position the
office was declared vacant, and W
H. was elected night
Accounts allowed and or
drawn on the treasurer
amounting to something
Much of this was for
Thursday, Dec. 1st., 1901.
J. Thigpen is quite sick.
Haywood Everette, of Roberson-
i in town.
J. White today for
son to visit his son and attend the
Ex-Governor and Mrs. T. J. Jar-
vis went to Henderson today to
the conference.
Mrs. Asa has arrived
from to join Mr.
in making their home here.
Friday, Dec. 2nd., 1904.
B F. Sugg, of Washington, was
here today.
Mayor W, R. Parker went to
Ray A. Tyson left this morning
for Wilmington.
Capt. Swift Galloway, of Snow
Hill, was here today.
Mrs. W. G. Lang, of Farmville,
is visiting Mrs. R. L Smith.
Mm. A. H. left this morn-
for to her par-
attend the conference.
Saturday, Dee. 3rd.,
Mrs. C. F. Manning went to
den Friday evening.
B. T. of came
in Friday evening.
A. C. Monk returned Friday
evening from Tarboro.
Harry Skinner returned Friday
evening from Raleigh.
W. W. Perkins came in Friday
night from Richmond.
K H. returned Friday
evening from on the read.
Mr. Mrs. J. H Warren left
this morning for a visit to
Mrs. O. B. Baines, who has been
visiting Mrs. L. W. Tucker, left
this morning.
W. returned
from Raleigh where
be had attending the meeting
of county superintendents.
who has been spending some days
here inspecting the in
the county, left this morning.
A. H. Wooten, factory manager
of the A. T. Ce. here, been
to and left
evening for new poet
W. L. president
H. B. Walker, vice president of
the O. D. S Co., of New York;
agent at Norfolk;
T. H, Myers, at
M. K. King and H. B.
of Norfolk, officials of the N. A ti.
railroad, were here today.
Now doth the Small Trade Dis-
count Stump
Improve each shining hour
And gather premiums for the wise
Who know that cash has power.
cost yon too
unless you get Trade Discount
Stamps with them. cash
purchase made of J. B. Cherry A
Co., will give you stamps to help
fill your book.
A young man puts in a
lot of time looking at his new gold
It is not what you earn but what
yon save will make you rich
If yon will boy your groceries of
J. B. Cherry Co., you will get
Trade Discount Stamps which,
when saved, will make you rich in
pocket and your homo rich in
handsome things.
i .

Fur. Cotton d. Oil K
Turkeys. eta
Oak K
Tables, Safe,
High K i West to-
rOOtS, Henry
tine Jelly, to.
l.-don Seed ilea;
needs. Orange,
Candies, Dried Apples,
slid China Tin Wood-
Ware, Cake and Cracker, Much
Bet-i butter, He
Sewing and m
goods. Quality an
quantity. Chew f sash. Co--
see um
Rails, Oar
By virtue of an order of the
court of county, made in a
proceeding therein
entitled B. Moore a-j-
of Allen Wan-tn
against Warren and other.
will, on Monday, December
lbs nous door in
Greenville, sell it sale to the;
nighest bidder, two certain piece or i
parcels of land lo and near
that part of the . ;
I as t wit One
piece or parcel North of street
; and adjoining Tar river, tie lands of
D. Gardner, the heirs of M L.
J. B. Davenport and others,
confining six acres more or
on other piece or parcel adjoining j
the lands of Josiah and J K.
live acres more or
less of
This the 17th day November, 1904. .
Allen Warren.
A Blow. At
t w. N
parse a heavy
Sickness makes a tight paras.
The LIVER is the seat of aloe
tooths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole not-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
By virtue i decree of the Superior
court Pits county, made in a certain
special proceeding therein pending,
entitled John II. Galloway
M. against B. .
and wife and others. will, on ,
December 1904, before that time the play has
Several years ago, the daughter of
the poet Longfellow paid a visit
the Indians, on the north
shore of Lake and for her
benefit the Indians gave a present
of their play Since
been pi veil
The following point can no
reached over t lie lines of
the court h use doer in the town of
Greenville, sell at public sale to the
I highest bidder for cash, a tract of land
in township, adjoining the
lands of v. s. Galloway, o. J.
and creek, and as
Lot No. in the division of the lands
of James deceased, i
every near the village of
on Georgian Bay, and
those who have been privileged to
see it arc enthusiastic in their praise
of the interpretation.
N. C.
Bock; Mt.
Warren ton,
V, ii
Baltimore M
S- C
City. Va.
Columbia, . C
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn
New York N. Y.
New s,
St. Louis, Mo
all important sod it
I mediate points east of the Mia
F. C
Jumps . . , . ,
to Madison j play and its accessories are fully de-
u said division as appears on i the December number of
in the Superior Clerk s i . s-
of Pitt county in record f the Review of by Mr.
pace Edgar, and his article is
from photographs of the
actors in
John B.
of M. M. Galloway.
Blow, Attorneys.
By virtue or a Superior
court of Pitt county In s;. pro-
No. 1312, T. It.
Moore wife rs Jack-
son Pittman and others, under-
signed commissioner will for cash
before tn house door En Green-
ville, public suction on Mo- day.
Dec. 5th, 1904, the following described
W. J.
Th Five Points Grocer.
Ai this store get lion
eat Goods at. Honest
Anything wanted your
table can be supplied promptly
if you cull, or No.
assured you
fresh good.-- lime
you here.
tract land situated in the county of, hold remedy, and
Pitt in Greenville township. kept on hand
Rounded on the north by the lands ,,
H C. Harris and Mrs. W. Col- ;,, w v
ville. on the and south by the
Inn I and on the west by the
lands of v. Harrington, contain
more or leas, lying on
both sides of read and known as
Stanley place. Said
hind sold for partition.
f O. Commissioner.
is Hie e nine
I W write- J. L.
Tucker, of
used ii fr Piles,
. for and ran
it to lie the heel on
die market. family sh.
keen it, as is an
i N -1 h
Bush, S, Y., bad a level
Bore on my ankle for twelve year
that the coil Id cute.
All and M-A
worthless I c nm
w k for over t
vino persuaded to try
Witch Hazel
cured if a wonder-
I'll W H. j
without a Bold
announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Bake Hart.
By virtue a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt the pro-
needing, entitled, John B Hack and
others, petition tor for ; , flat-
division, the undersigned . , .
w will sell for cash St auction man by he
before the court e door n Green- brain fat.
the following d. scribed tract land . . . . . H
In and in Swift Cree town-, A
hip, adjoining the lands of M. like sued down the
Haddock. the
Bros, Henry Haddock an are
containing acres more or less, and mm ,
lauds deeded to Smith every day H lie. o-
by her mother, Mary A. Buck. to a
This 19th, 1804 I none n good
Son . mid Piles.
j disappear quickly under it
i wt J. i
We, V. King and
R. J. Cobb, composing the of
J. P. King Co., have day.
This week we have in
Wooten's All-Wool Suits at
Boys Suits from a sale. Will
worth Also a big
Many a. man n hack to
mutual said I for ,, of effort
transferred word.
in i Cobb who la now sole owner
Ally LOU. and all person indebted
II o
line of fine Pants, will sell at their value.
Call and sec before you do your purchasing.
We ii pay cash or
change meal and bulls for seed
and i-Ii pay all
freights Write
you are ready lo exchange.
., . ;. .
, id aid firm will make him. i
This the 22nd day
E. A.
J. F,
at private
will at private fine
mules and horses, fine cow and
about of hags, s, carts,
Washington, N. C. tobacco planters,
b ii harrow, one-horse acme
harrow, disc king's,
plow and plow boos,
A Costly
Blunders sometimes very ex-
life itself
is price of a mistake, but you'll
never be wrong if you take Dr.
I King's New Life Pills for
Headache, Liver or
bowel tumbles They are gentle
yet at J. L. Wool-
en's Store.
In Cheek Building.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
I warn any and all persons,
under penalty of law, against shelter-
,. harboring or
bout it. Become j our own to my wife, Laura without my
r scientific instruction. Hook
Our book of tells you all
rake, planter
harness and baskets, corn,
and pen hay.
This Nov. 26th,
R. J. Little.
postpaid on receipt of
Bank Vs
DR. G. F.
This 31st day November.
James Staton,
s t s w, n-21. N. C.
R. L.
N. C.
and Brokers in
Report of the Condition of
N. C.
At the close business, Nov.
, Furniture fixtures,
Cotton, Grain and U Bank-rs 17,508.63 Capital Stock paid in
ons. Private Wires to New Tort aM -00
Chicago and New Orleans.
j . HUT k CO,
Norfolk, Va.
Factors and handlers of
Gold Coin
Nation U S 4,014.00 Deposits subject to check 14,032.00
Total 128,041.80 Total
State of North Carolina,
Pitt County. J
L J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named
that the i true to the of
Sworn to
me, this Jay Nov.
J. T. Notary
do solemnly swear
my knowledge and
J. R.
R L Davis.
F. M. Davis.
As agent for Daily
and we take
great pleasure In receiving sob
and willing for
those in arrears We have a lift
all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Rev. Mr. Bates W. W. Ur-
of passed
through Tuesday on tin Ir way to
the Methodist conference.
When need a nice, light,
tough pole, for buggy or
carriage. Call on and make a
election. Milling Mfg.
N, C.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer-
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
N. C.
J. J. is in
Lil Cannon Miss Ida M. Ed-
wards are at Maple Cypress.
If you need in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
conic lo see us, Jenkins.
Ask B. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident a ill Health
P. G. Ayden.
Charles Smith, of Washington,
was here Wednesday.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. Yon cm lie
easily convinced of th superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Co.
E. E. C. will do all they
possible to please you with
their new line of heavy and
Elmer and Mrs. J. B. Gardner
have gone to Cypress their
old home to attend the sale of per.
property the J, B.
received, fine line of
cu fit in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none bet Her
to be had anywhere.
Mr. aid hare
moved here from Grifton and
a part of the dormitory.
We are offering good values for
the money in bats, cups,
rugs mattings, tallies and
floor cloth Cannon Tyson.
F i peaches, apples, corn
c, apply to E. E
if you do not secure
one of our grade buggies,
will lie than ours.
Ayden Mill ft Mfg.
den, V. C.
J. a tenant on the
ice, Jr., from
if laud ; year
o in t corn,
f stacks has bog
e ate Headquarters flint
ft Mfg. Co., Ayden
K. C
New line of men's suits, youth
suit, and over-coat's to
fit at, Tyson.
. II, . d
lo Wednesday.
perhaps just at. this
G. Cos rosy not possibly be as
busy as a Wall street yet
It is plain HI an Insurance man he
there. He is not only a
but. has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
to be congratulated being a
hustler and having something
to hustle.
The lights have again appeared
the operation for a
time at least hat disappeared.
J. M. Manager and Agent.
D. W.
Go t K R. Co's
market beef, fresh meats,
age, and fresh fish.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, your orders jut J. R. Smith
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
W. C. Jackson and Co
line of dress goods are taking the
fancy of all who see them. They
are beautiful.
C. A. Fair gave the public a
hall with his phonograph.
The latest thing shes. Cab
at W. C. and Co's.
Don't fail to see Ty-
son's new crockery both and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
Come to see as when you warn
to buy Independent
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
Mis Margaret after
visiting friends in Greenville
last Tuesday night here with Miss
Ida W. Edwards left next
morning for her home in
Now we have plenty the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as one.
Milling Mfg.
Ayden, N. C.
Sewing machine at J. K, Smith
One horse as good as new
for sale J. It. Smith Bro.
The ladies say that
Ty-on the prettiest of
goods in town.
Notice yon want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order you
better for it, bring it to JR. A
Milling Mfg. Co., We continue to build
C. j for we do not
bales Of sold on this set apace we
new manufacture for
trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Carpet cloth and
wide sheeting at
J. B. Bro.
J. J. Hines has the most J j
tire store in to n. He keeps
all of the very latent
and freshest. He sells to suit the
free entertainment last night in times to please bis customers.
He invites special attention to bis
The instrument Is the latest ladies dress goods, dry gods and
quite large and it shoes. to go
and see him making your
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on her J M
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
very interesting to hear it.
The ladies especially be
pleased will visit and pat-
J. It. Smith Bro.
Dr. celebrated tablets,
He promises
the fullest. Give him a
Car salt, lino and at J.
D. W.
j Q R
North Carolina.
best medicine on the market at J. B. Smith Bro.
B. Smith Bro. Hay, cotton seed and hulls
Cold underwear at at J. R. Smith A Bro.
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed I Cook Heating at J.
at W. C. Jackson and Co's. Smith Bro.
Miss Eva Nichols after visiting I bushels
Miss Ida Tripp returned to peas at J. B. Smith
home in Greenville yesterday.
was by Miss Tripp.
Polite clerks, good goods
suitable at the store of J.
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. C
Examine our line of notions just
C. Jackson and Co.
There are several grass widowers
Incur town who have requested
to kindly mention them in our
items. Poor fellows we don't
know how to pity or console for
we never bad
It ix; bad. Thank
., ii g.
ed eon pair of glasses properly colors in oil, white lead,
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad- at J. R. Smith A
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak i B.-.
eyes, when in need of glasses, hI- J. B. Smith Bro., would es
ways bad to worse. A lit- j teem it a special favor if the par-
tie piece of properly j ties who last borrowed their pump
market this week.
Tyson are displaying
the most up to date line of
ever brought to this market.
Dales of cotton average
per day is what the Milling
and Mfg. Co., gin. They give
lint the public have
found it, out.
Why surfer from intense bead
ache, eye ache smarts and hums,
hen be permanently rel
ed will often work wonders.
Rev, W. L. of Dover, is
here on a visit to bis son.
Those desiring work
in i he enlargement of pictures will
do II to see Hart Bro,.
J. Ii Smith Bro treat their
lit- greatest respect
and all
to call at their
and child
ten are visiting Mrs. W. J. Jack-
in the- country,
Car lime, and cement,
a J. R. Smith A Bi .
Mason Jars and
B. Smith ft Bro.
wrappers, Misses and ladies
cloaks at B. Smith Bro.
A load of convicts passed
through yesterday on the their
way to one of the State farms.
Our second order of youth
and hats caps are
now on sale at J. R. Smith Bro.
augur would it at as
they are very much, in seed of it
They do not wish to anyone,
but us a matter of necessity th--v
feel compelled to make this re
Mis of Hooker-
ion, who has been visiting J.
J. Edwards, is now on a visit to
friends in Greenville
your turkeys, chickens,
bacon, prod use to
J. R. Smith ft Bro.
J. It Smith Bro. are offering
special to the trade in The Masonic
Th public know that
a first-class
of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
quality of
goods and the beet
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye stuff. Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber Elastic
Best of Brush
es of all kinds.
Not Quite
How often you pet a
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and lie prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will sec that your tool
box does not lack a sing-la
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R
N. C.
in winter goods.
ere cordially invited to nail and
e challenge any point on the
Weldon and railroad, out-1
side of Greenville, In show larger
shipments Ayden, We don't
k Greenville odds. The
depot will tell.
all sizes prices at
R. Smith Bro.
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and th oust induce-
offered. See
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
Steamer B. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
iii a. for Greenville,
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at vi in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Hid all North. a
forfeit with railroads for all
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion
from New York
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk
Clyde Line from Philadelphia,
Line Chesapeake Lino
I Baltimore and Merchants
Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing subject lo change
; without Notice.
H. Myers,
N. C.
N. C.
Vice President
Beach Street. N. Y
N. C.-s
At the close of business 9th, 1904.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Duo from Banks,
Cash items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
Hank notes
other U.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, 28,091.42
Certified checks
If give you
your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician
Office Hotel Annie,
N. C.
There you will
ate gifts.
Give the Boys and
a nice book.
A good game
A book sack
and lots of the
gifts we will have
To your Sweetheart give
a nice hook, a beam if Cal-
a box of nice paper, a
pretty Vase, a Fountain Pen,
etc., etc.
Ta the Girls, we will
Give your a
Good Time. All
f whisk make a.

. I
in the pot at N. C, an class mutter.
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office adjoining counties.
County, N. C., , 1904.
The price of cotton does not keep
pace with other things.
The tariff may get revised but the
prospect is surrounded by plenty of
. seems as hard to keep Genera
dead as it is to make Port
Arthur fall.
The continued decline in price
does not much difference in
the cotton receipts.
When you hang the new
calendar beside the old one for 1904
it a of before and after
The continued strike mill
i in is not in
keeping the reputed existing
of the United
States h; d that guessing
. the of lot-
and that newspapers
such contests are to be denied
privileges of the mails.
Report from the
that it will be moving
many of the preachers when the
are rend out. A
of them have served Use allotted
four years at their respective
show the publisher they did not
want the daily paper to step.
less if they had been showing t ha i
The Cost of Rural Delivery.
Postmaster General Wynne writes
in the December World's In
kind of interest beforehand there when the rural service was
would have been no suggestion of j on probation.
deemed for its Dur-
stopping- A paper must have sup-
port to get
The South is a great
garden spot of the her
own people are the ones upon whose been for
the fiscal year that ended June
1904, nearly f 13.000,000 was
expended rural free-delivery.
For the fiscal year upon which we
have now entered has
shoulders stands her destiny. Out-
side capitalists may come to make
investments and reap part of the
advantages arising from develop-
but if our people wait for this
they will wait indefinitely. We
must take hold and bring things to
pass ourselves, and then the balance
of the country can see what they are
by not being in it.
and extension of the rural mail
service. There were rural
routes in existence at the end of the
fiscal year on June 30th, last,
new routes having been put into op-
during the fiscal year. On
October 1904, there were
routes established, and the service
was being extended at the rats of
about routes a month
Taking people as the average
number served on each route
tit; i is.
Congress meets Monday, to be
followed by agony of the
dent's and the
The campaign in Durham did not
with the election. There is now
a ugh; over the and the
content warm.
Just a month from Monday to the
meeting of the legislature. Then
there will be news of something do-
The Raleigh Post has rounded out
its seventh year and shows vigor
and ability enough to do the same
thing several times over
Another remarkable thing about
the world's fair at St it that
it was a success financially came
to the end clear of debt.
If the vagrancy law was enforced
it might not be so hard to get labor
some, loafers had rather
work than n to the roads.
This month the little write
letters to Santa and feel very
happy in anticipating what he will
One thing vastly to Judge Parker's
credit is that he it baas
any faces since the election.
He accepted the result
and proceeded to business Good
example for scores of other
. i moderate the rural service
There are some manly men yet in j n operation October 1904, was
, n . . , bringing the mails within easy reach
our as well as the brute , , , ,,,,. .,
. . . of the homes of residents
Both classes were in
on a train from Raleigh to
Greensboro the other day. A brute
a husband and his much to-be
of rural districts.
The Tobacco Trust.
According to newspaper reports,
pi tied wife were among the pawn I the tobacco trust is coming south
He drunk and became with its system of establishing shops
to follow.
A York magistrate before
a wealthy woman
for shoplifting I wealth
and social standing came in for no
consideration in court He is
right, and there should be more
judges after his order.
so abusive of his wife that others of stores of its own and starving
, r I j j ; out the independent dealers by cut-
i in-passengers interfered, dragged . ,. , ,
ting rates. It is well for the people
from the seat beside her, cur- , ,,. . , , . ,
lot Richmond and other southern
him into the smoker and told to prepare
him lie did not keep quiet they I to meet this issue.
would make him.
The brute took
In a test case that went through
the courts as to the rights of a pub-
school board to exclude from
Some Facts About State to Con
have been calling on the pres-
and congress to do something
to overthrow or restrain the power
of the trusts This system of trust
tobacco shops presents one of the
most dangerous of nil the trusts in
such shape that the people can strike
st it directly and make their power
State Auditor is busy on his
annual report and in making out ,, n- , .
News Leader.
pension rolls, says the News and
Observer. Tho warrants for pen- j
sinus will be paid on the 15th oft
December and will come in good,
An Evasion of Taxing Laws
We hope our next Legislature will
children who had not been i,
Christmas for the old a stop to traveling shows giving
vaccinated, the Supreme court range in for churches in or-
rendered a decision upholding amount from to a year, to escape the tux. usually
the largest amount being given per cent to some church
those destitute old soldiers who are and laugh at the sheriff The church
school board in such a
Do not opportunity to
visit is-
land, a it i I not only the
f you la make a de-
trip bu , I
lurer of the South, will the
additional opportunity to
gate the of Cuba with
the view of developing their
i that country.
excursion Havana. Jan-
D C Richmond and Norfolk, Vs.,
a points in the
states of Virginia, North and South
Carolina, cc met with
Peninsular and Occidental
ship V steamer leaving
Port Tampa, Fla , the night of
January 5th, 1905.
The party limited to
therefore reservations
should be made promptly, in order
to secure proper
the Steamship the
most s hip of
Company, will convey the
party to Havana.
will limited for re-
turn pat-sage on in steamer
Havana until January
1905, privilege of
st point in he of Flor-
south of Jacksonville, within
final limit . v. will be
January 22nd. 1905
The rate, from G i ville,
, for the round trip includes
in. a the steam-
Mr. A. W. will meet
Jacksonville and
them to Havana. Mr F. not
speaks fluently and will
place disposal of the
party, furnishing soy
Trains for ticket- for this
will lie -ill leave
M. a m., Jan.
up your go and
should you desire
books, on
or to in Spanish
how to
H. M f. If.
J. O. P. A.
Wilmington, N.
It like adding fuel to the either totally blind or have suffered the advertising nine times
for the president of die Si
exposition to wire Governor
Mississippi, that
greatly admired tin
the of both arms or both legs.
A sixty-dollar pension is given to
totally disabled and unable to
work The other pensions are grad-
ed to the amount to fit the
Mississippi building. There has comparative necessities poverty
teen such congeniality between
these two, you snow.
If Spencer Blackburn is not
en some part in the distribution of
the jobs he will not amount to
in the approaching Congress
ought to give Spencer some hand in
this work since job letting seem ; Io
be the most important pan of the
business. Lexington Dispatch.
It matters little if lie does not
amount to much, he will lira
five thousand a year salary, there was a left from
bring them. It is hoped Santa will possibly lie will not care much for pensions after the distribution, there-
are now 1800 old veterans
on the rolls and the appropriation
is f sum is increased
by which remains over from
distribution last year, not
for, and the probabilities are
there will again be a surplus this
The fact many of the needy
pensioners do call for their
is a pathetic witness to
I the ravages of death among the old ;
i soldiers the South. Two years
out of ten, the local editor
for not giving more space to puffing
the thing before it comes Then if
it. turns out to be a fraud, which is
usually the case, the church
cuss the newspaper that dares
to tell the world that they have been
taken in one time
ville Scout
lira Patrick Reed, of Jacksonville,
Tex., is the mother of three children
who were born this
11th and twins November
This is a curious fact, but. it is no
joke to say that the Heeds must feel
a little shaky about I lie rapid growth
of the Star.
not disappoint them.
If cotton is no all the patch
now it cannot be because there has
not been plenty of pretty weather.
The fall has been a favorable
one fir housing crops.
Two men made an
agreement during the
that they would wear their straw
hats until Christmas if
was elected- They are still slicking
to their straws.
the balance
They do not mix every time it
tried in the north either In a
school at Allegheny, Pa., a
pointed two girls to do some
class work with u
also a pupil. The white girls
refuted flatly to study with the
and tho teacher said they
must or leave the school.
The white girls stood pat and there
is brewing around that
particular school.
The world's fair at St. came I The daily Tribune
lore the auditor added many names
of needy veterans to the and
drew his for In
the increased number there
remains a balance last year's
warrants of Anticipating
the deaths of pensioners during the
who jar, Auditor Dixon bus in
creased the number on the rolls and
this year lie will issue warrants for
or more money
than tho appropriation calls for with
tho added balance.
to end today having been some days ago that it would
Scientists tell us that the greatest
danger about a dollar bill is that it
contains several thousand germs,
lint to the average man the greatest
danger about a dollar bill is that ho
won't be able to keep it
open seven months. It been
the greatest exposition the world
has and may not be
to tome.
be discontinued on the first of De-
but it did not stop. The
people of the town in the meantime
had got together each a way to
Says the Washington
is a pretty big The
dent has traveled miles with-
out going through a Democratic
If his route had been
through Democratic Dixie instead of
u country given to landslides, it
wouldn't have required men
to the President on his
And Now They'll Live Easy
The mayor of Greenwood, Ohio,
ordered to find some
menus of support or leave the town.
They all got marriage licenses the
next Post.
is always
is tho latest statement by Speaker
Cannon. Now let some one say
always wear
and that perfect body will be
A Cure at Last Obtained, After
a Investigation.
by st Inter-m.
A few months ago the attention of a
few scientific philanthropic gen-
of St Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most of nil diseases, tuber-
commonly called
Out of t
y cured and have shown such
is but a question of a few
So astonishing have been the results
and in oases pronounced
incurable by all old methods a
has been formed and is
prepared to furnish st a normal cost
this to all sufferers of
One its chief features
that patients can remain
rounded b nils and and
in a great many Instances, especially
tho incipient or early stages of
disease, pursue their daily vacations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
hero St. Lou s have complete-
recovered as rapidly us those in
Colorado. New Mexico and
wonderful results in question ha
been accomplished by tho
and company which controls this
marvelous medical device have located
their main office at North
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on avenue and
a laboratory has been built at
Bide, Mo. Tho cure will be known Bl
the Lung and Mr. C
P. discoverer of
will person-
ally charge of the of
company. Mr. Benson will personally
meet all who call st the office of
company Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who to a per-
St. Louis Globe
Free booklet on request.
417-19 N. St,
St. Louis, U,
The serves notice
that a fight is to be made before the
Legislature for a county, with
as the county-seat.
Dr. O. L.
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Stoves, beaters and ranges.
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
N. O., Dec. before purchasing and save money.
There la the beat of Winterville Mfg. Co.
Inks, library paste and Boarding J. D.
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox Cox. Board per day. Best
ever brought to Winterville. town.
Protect eyes by buying one j Mies Chapman has gone
of those eye shades at the Drug out in the country to spend
Store, price ; d iv and Sunday with Miss Lela
Highest price for cotton seed Roach,
paid by Oil Mill. Penny candies a j at the
If in need of a good barrel of store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Hour or pork sec Kittrell and Best market In town,
Croom went to Oranges and
Thursday. candies at H. L. Johnson.
Don't to bring or send B roe I pay the
your cart nubs to A. G. Cox Mfg. highest L. Johnson.
Co. Fat kind Fr candies and con-
m. fresh. See A. W.
Don't worry over that lot Co.
of cotton you had over Big consignment of Royal flour
you through ginning your list just received. Prices
lots. be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys G. and Co.
seed cotton any quantity the we also carry a line of rubber
best market price paid everyday over coats boots water proof
Finest line of dress goods in Jackets the very for cold,
Q. Chapman and Co. rainy weather at
A. W. Co., are jobbers Barber Co.
for spool cotton. them your Alice Baker, wife of
orders. Baker, died Friday. She lived
Carl Parker of Greenville, was near hero and was twenty-three
here Friday. years old.
G- A. Kittrell Co. have just A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wants a
received a car load of No. Tim- buggy trimmer of about one years
We have on baud a nice The Pitt Oil Mill is now
line of dress at remarkably buying Cotton Seed. They pay
lo come, see be highest cash price or will ex
vim-id. for meal. When yours
II are ready write for prices.
Box Body for is For fruits and go
now th when yon may to ii. G. Chapman and Co. They
a to haul your a lot.
farm products to the barn or A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have just
market. A. Cox Mfg. Co. are received a lot of galvanized bar-
milking and selling them and you bed wire poultry f see. Their
bad better them your order poultry is of strong
you are In need of There will be preaching at Reedy
flannels, skirt I Branch Sunday.
call on R. G. Chapman and Co I shoes, dry goods, L sold.
J. E of wan and rubber goods. H. L, Johnson. Taste as good u Maple Syrup,
here Thursday, on business. j and cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Just the third large latest style Deck ties St Harrington Cox, Winterville, 3-22
shipment of Ibis fall, nil Berber Co.
and sizes, prices right. Come Shirts for birds A. W. F.
tun- mill all look them Ange state of North Car., In the
We can please you. R. G. Chapman, Co, say that County, Superior Court
Harrington Barber have a lull assortment of
Being in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
work, and being able to save and
work nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers money,
Winterville Mfg. Co.
For loaded shells, double
and single guns. Price O. K. Go
to A. W. Ange A Co.
A lot of corrugated bas
arrived to rover and
a big hull for Pitt Co Oil
Pair of well broke males, sound
heavy sod Apply to A.
G. Mfg. Co.
For store
feet call on or write Jno.
Whitty Son, Winterville, W, C.
We are paying for turkeys
on. Kittrell .
J. R. Smith of Ayden, was here
geese highest
murker puce paid for same.
Kittrell Taylor.
A Dew lot of chairs just arrived.
A. W. Ange a Co.
W. B. Wingate has returned
S. C. he said be
bad a, much
wood cart A. G. Cox Mfg.
For paper roofing, nails
A. W. Ange Co's. place.
We want to buy your Hides,
Sheep Skins, Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
and Eggs and will guarantee high-
est market prices for
and Taylor.
If yo want a first pair of
cart wheels you can get them at
A. G. Cox Co. Better call at
while they have them in
what u man wants in Furnishings he is sure to tin
There's no or about it. We spread before
patrons a continuous stream of fresh ideas that are
right in style, quality and price.
Our Furnishings arc Different
Our gloves, Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,
and Cuffs, are different.
Different from the common different in
price, we never ask fancy figures for anything.
We're looking Christmas now. A little you'll
think, but none too early for choice selections.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Sell BU
I .
lot of band ii J
If v virtue of an elocution
Went, in good condition. Apply are right. to the undesigned from the Superior
to J. A. ville, N.
At Reduced A. G. or Pitt county in tho en-
. , , , action, I will, 2nd
Cox Mfg. Co. are closing out a big day cf January, at o'clock,
of lot of wire fence reduced prices. . at the court house door of said
, r sell to the highest bidder for
was Thursday. They have and most cab to satisfy said execution, all
fence made and you right, Interest which the said
i J. B. Morris bus in the
lowing real estate, to wit-
That tract or parcel of land n Heaver
Para the lands
wood cut Any wood cutter wish- j For freed meat Six j Hazard Kittrell, Lawrence Fulford,
a job can see them at their j barbecue. Go to n. L.
A good chance to cut wood. and you
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. to eon-, can get a bargain If you apply
tract to have five hundred cords of once.
office. Go toT. N. Manning a Co. for
Protect your feet by wearing fresh candies, nuts, raisins and
good shoes. It. G. Chapman j choice
Co. have kind and size j i
M. H. Allen of Wilmington,
in town Friday.
School stationery, pens,
pencils and supplies of all
kinds c in In- at the drug
See G. A. Kittrell for feed stuff
of all kinds.
buggies cheap. If
you wish to buy a second
buggy cheap see the A. Q. Cox
Mfg. Co.
are at work
the Methodist church
Window mid door frames, porch
column-, all kinds of
hi one l . i minings lock hot loin
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Bargain tor people Puces
II. L. Johnson.
Fulford and others containing
acres more or less, and known as
the Laney place.
This 2nd day of December, 1904.
O. W. Harrington.
That you have faith in.
The of retailing have changed vastly in recent years,
I despite the old methods. This tore well remembers the first
I axiom of rested to him twelve year ago when
t being into The highest dales
in in
c customer what smart
can what they don't
day bus passed; the modern store reserved old
method; to-day the shrewd retailer follows the of
resistance Instead of buying whatever merchandise
and smart rid of it, he fol-
as the Jaw that exists at
Have just the thing that people want. Our merchandise is
bent and priced of prices that compel investigation. E-
is real. W e not disposed to waste good
mosey you do not cure fur, and that we
do not keep. Columns of talk and paged of pi ices fail to do
justice to the import and magnitude of our pretty stock. We
have right kind of merchandise at the right price. We
ask you to investigate.
C. L
i . .

We have the right thing for every person, the right price for every purse.
A beautiful assortment of new and Goods, perfectly adapt id to the wants and
of cur We have the variety that insures the easy and satisfactory choice.
for selection is the widest. The prices re the generous assortment full of quality
and merit.
TiE Victor Receives
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.
to the
j St. Louis, Mo. Oct. Victor Lock Co of
I today, the. Grand Prize at the World's
for their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes
and general line of fire and and vaults,
; their magnificent display taking over
tor for modern improvements, construction, workmanship
finish- r
The Safe that has never been Burglarized.
I J. L SUGG, Agent
We are waiting to please you with Dress Goods. Have
placed on sale a pretty line of the newt styles and
patterns. It has been our pleasure to show prices,
to per yard.
Our line of Trimmings is complete. We hive no com-
this line. Prices from to per yard.
We are constantly adding to our Good and Trim,
Department the newest and up-to-date things as fast as
they come out, striving at all times to maintain
standard that we have established in these lines.
Look to us for the we will not disappoint
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
We Cordially Invite Your Inspection of Our line of
Jackets and Furs.
PRICES 3.00 to
A Fell Line of
and Jackets.
Our are the newest creations and
the lowest, Quality considered.
The Dorothy Dodd for Ladies, J Prices and
S Ralston Health for
If you do come to see us. We keep every,
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Modern fine shoe m a combination of Science,
and Organization. Many shoe
maker understand the
of good shoe making, they
know how a durable and
stylish t-hoe ought to be
lack the necessary
to carry out their ideals.
Only by combining these three
qualifications can you per-
shoes. Our Fine Shoe
Lines, the Dorothy Dodd and
Ralston Health,
very acme of
shoe making combined with
style and finish.
For Cook Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, neat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
A Full Line of
Fancy and Staple
We Cordially in-
you to call
on us.
Your Friends,
Tobacco has Prices
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
coffee j. B. Cherry Co. for fine job printing
. w
Hit Christmas Sentiments.
The Sweet
Georgia delivers himself as
hear the of Christmas,
talk of matters,
Boys, look out now for trouble
love the merry
Bat many a-e self-willed.
without reason,
A few of us are killed.
therefore, boys, be careful
I warn you, one all;
be as steady-going
As the Apostle
Atlanta Constitution.
No Suffering.
If yon are troubled with
get a bottle of j
pepsin Cute and how quickly j
it will cure you. Gee A. Thomson,
of Spencer, la., bad j
Dyspepsia for twenty year. My
case was almost hopeless. j
Dyspepsia Cure was recommended
tun I used a bottles of it
it is the that has re-
me. Would not be without
it. Have with local
and also at Chicago,
even went to Norway with hopes
of getting sour; relief, but
Dyspepsia Cure is the only r.
that has done me any good, and I
heartily it. Every
person suffering with
or should use Sold
by J. L. Woolen, druggist.
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be up-to-
date in every way.
We are sole agent for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
Many u woman who convene
in is unable to shut
up in one.
Fight Will Be
Those who will
their ears the continual re-
commendation King's New
Discovery fir Consumption, will
have it long and hitter with
their if hot earlier
by Read what
T. It. B all of Miss., has to
fall life had every
of in. She took
fir. New after
Everything else had
came at four
bottles entirely bar.
by J. L Wooten, Druggist.
Price mid Trial bottles
free. t t s d t
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
fabric to be found in any city.
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, Beds, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
call for in this line.
If wires would continue to be
lots of husbands would
to pay their club dues.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C
Revolution Imminent
A of approaching re.
Volt a. d serious in your I
system is j
or stomach Electric
will quickly the
causes. It lo
tone lie stomach, to- Km-
Bowels, the
Liver, and the blood
systems benefit ;
and nil usual attending
under its and
is it BOo, and that is re- j s
ii don't give perfect B
Guaranteed by J. L. g
Druggist. IS
Most of our time is spent in get-
ting used to the things didn't
Be Careful
Of I he health your children. I
Look out for Coughs, j
and Stop them
in turn-One Cough Cure
is the
pleasant. Bold by J. L. Woolen,
old bachelor
married man who is of it.
Little, My
she couldn't keep house
without Rocky
lain Keeps the whole family
well. Haven't spent a cent fur
Drag Store.
bright lexicon of the
such as
Read here the most Startling Price you have ever-
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price I cent
Feather Stitch Braid, white and colors. Bee Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose, cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and our price
Men and Boy's Fine Shirts for cents.
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants
Men's Fine Worsted Pants for cents.
We mean what we say. The above are only a few of the many
good Bargains we are offering. Come to see us.
Lock For The Bee Hive.

v a Smoked With
of England.
of King Edward's little
u sea is said to a fondness for
s lire.
A writer in the Friend
i a f him that when he was Prince
one sToning hearing the
f lire engines pissing hi fol-
lowed them to their operations.
While looking on he entered into
with a reporter
was taking notes of the occurrence,
ad, when about to return home
again he drew out his cigar case and
Fever are longer t-
of water, but, an the
are allowed all want- It
can be given frequently, hut tower
large quantities at a time. It
always be sipped slowly.
food of any kind should be
permitted. Drinks may be varied
by giving toast water, jelly water,
cold whey or lemon or orange
in cold water. Occasionally, when it
is desirable to promote perspiration,
it will be better to have drinks given
Saucers For Plants.
For the who house,
plants then are a growing cumber j
of conveniences. For large and.
heavy plants a fiber saucer or tray
on whet-la will be found of special
advantage,. Not only do those hold
the pot high enough from the floor
to keep the from injuring
the carpet, requiring no other stand
for that purpose, but they facilitate
the moving of even the heaviest
i plant with no injury to the plant,
carpet or the mover.
Prices Almost Talk,
. this time, said moral.
red the reporter a cigar, which
accepted and, tearing
i leaf from his notebook, pro-
carefully to roll it up.
On the prince asking the reason
his doing to he replied, may
never again have the honor of re-
u from your highness
and should like to keep this one as
The prince know
j me then. did not think I should I
Sing his rigor case, sail, you I
The reporter, nothing loath, no-
it again tho kind i the
remarking as i-o,
j to smoke this
I mi
l Stories of
Emerson was a boy he often
helped with the housework. One
day. he was scouring knives and
pa to hum of
j Sweetly This was hardly
In accord with the harsh sounds he
was producing, and he composed the
following lines as a
Melodious knife, and thou, harmonious
by th poet scourer's rugged
y slide alone the
not roar happy bard re-
When a Second Adventist wont
to Concord to warn
of the approaching end of
on the way from the city
ii He met Theodore Parker returning
from a call on Emerson.
him, he delivered his message,
whereupon Parker
that makes no difference to me. I
live in The prophet went
I on until he found Emerson, whom
it he warned that the world would
ft soon pass away. said
Emerson can do very well with-
My price,
Handsome fancy worsted all wool suits, sizes to big values
To Toll Good Eggs.
to ten a good egg from a bad i A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
one hold it between you and the T
light. A lamp or is better
than strong sunshine. The good
egg will have a fresh look all over.
When an egg is old there will be a
hollow space at one end. If yon
find a dark spot which does not dis-
appear when slightly shaken the
has been laid a long time, and
yolk adheres to the shell. Do not
buy eggs which do not look clear
Brown Bread.
A reliable recipe for brown bread
is One cup of soar milk, one
cup of New Orleans molasses, one
cup of graham flour, one cup of
one cup of white flour,
one and a half teaspoonfuls of soda
and a dash of salt. Pour into a
mold and steam for three
muscles, flesh, health
tissue Rich red blood, clears the
kidneys. and liver
Mountain do, cent. Te
My price
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
yards checked homespun, others price
A Story.
Disraeli taken out first
at a party, her husband be-
at the time premier. This of-
of con J era no right of
precedence either on him or his
wife, but courtesy often grants it,
its on this occasion. Lady
ford, whose husband lord
at the time, was heard to re-
mark, is that woman going
into dinner before
The next day Lord
was requested to surrender the
great seal. When he gave it up to
the queen ho began a complaint and
explanation. But the queen stopped
him, saying she acted in ac-
with the counsel of her
ministers in public affairs. It was
that a royal duke who
present at the audience repeated the
The also goes that Mrs.
became Viscountess Beacons-
Add the next week and, of course,
M precedence of Lady
who was only a baron-
in P.
announce rate of
One and One Third First Class Fare
Tickets on sale December
and Jan. Final
returning to January
teachers and students of
college, on presentation and
surrender of certificates signed
by superintendents or
pals, may be sold
the above rate. December 17th
to 95th, inclusive, with final
limit retarding to January
For information, call on
ticket agents, or address,
H. M T. M.
W. J. CRAIG. G. P. A.
Wilmington, N.
My price,
By of a decree if the Superior
court of Pitt county, made day, in
a certain special proceeding therein
entitled, James H. Cobb
W. L. Cobb, deceased, against
It. J. Cobb and I will, on Moo-
day, January 2nd, 1906, before the court
door in Greenville, at public
sale to the highest bidder for cash, a
certain tractor parcel of land situated in
Beaver Dam Pitt county and
of North Carolina, adjoining the
lands of C. D. Smith. J. V. Cobb,
Joyner and others, containing acres
more r leas, subject to the dower
of V. Cobb therein.
This the day of December,
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
Sample hats, all colors, others price
My price
Boys pants, ail sizes. Others price
My price
pair Leather Shoes . Others price
My price
Next door to
Greenville, N. G.
It taLes a severe matrimonial
f t to kill tho orange
in Hi
c Tea or
I Store.
farm containing one
fired Sampson Co.,
on Six
from Clinton and two and
one half miles from There
is plenty of timber and cleared
land adapted to all crops
of or
half cash with security.
O. E. Daniel, Turkey, N. C.
W. J. W. C.
For Neat and Attractive
Job Work
Send your orders to this office.
t ,
, Is,
a Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Supreme Court Says ad is not Liable
Supreme court recently
rendered a decision the case of
Daniel the Atlantic Cut
railroad that is of more then
passing It will be rem-
that at a time when a
man named Atkinson was in the
employment of the Coast Line
the f cashier at the
depot here, a package of money
was lost On the eve lag that the
package disappeared M. Daniel
waited awhile In the depot office
for a train to Kinston. The
loss of the money was not discover-
ed until after the train gone
The remembering to have
in the office a
A Bright Boy Called From Earth
Clifford Tyson, aged about
years, oldest son of M-. and
J. C. died at o'clock
Sunday g at their home on
Fifth street. Neatly three
ago he
He was critically
ill at the time and his life
of, but he the
operation well showed such
improvement as to revive hope
that he would recover. Alas vain
Though he made a brave
for life all that and
skill could do was done for him,
all thee not May the band
f the grim Who will sooner
or Inter us all.
Adopts on retiring Treasurer
and Member Elected.
The board of education of Pitt
c held a meeting Monday for
the purpose having a final set
with the retiring treasurer
and turn over the books to the
it coming treasurer, also to elect a
to a refiling member.
T. White succeeds J, B. Cherry
as treasurer, and L. C. Arthur
was elected a member of the board
to succeed J. L. Fleming.
The board adopted the following
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds R. Williams
be arrested in Kin-tn and searched
The money not being Ion ml
son ordered that be released
from custody.
Daniel n very much mortified
at this and returning
to Greenville demanded a trial
under the l that had been
issued. At trial he readily
proved himself
charge brought against him. Later
Daniel suit for damage
against the for
W hen matter came up for a
hearing in Pitt Superior court it
was not permitted to go to jury
judge ruling that the only
point issue whether
railroad c
the agent.
An appeal to Supreme
court and following is the gist of
the decision rendered by that
Appellant, vs. A. C. L.
No error.
It is within implied couples last week.
an agent to preserve the white.
property of his and pro
it against theft, tint the
property been stolen, wrong-
employed by the gent
to it are not impliedly
or authorized by the
To render corporation
for the malicious and wrought
of its agent in prosecuting
one property of the
corporation, it must either
that the corporal ion expressly an-
the age ants or that
agent of a rail company
has no Implied authority of the
company tun arrest
prosecution one -opposed to
bare Stolen company's money
The commission by a servant of
gets which he i not employed to
commit, does not render the mas-
liable, even is shown
that the acts were done to benefit
or serve master. The master's
liability does not depend on the
nature of the servant's act, but
whether act was in
line of servant's duty
Within the scope of con-
by the master.
Whereas, the relation between
tho board of education of Pitt j Pitt county Las had excellent
That the board hereby as-
their appreciation of
bis services and courtesies
with them and wishes for him
at success in bis enlarged
field for usefulness.
A. Q. Cox.
B. M.
Members of Hoard.
W. H. Clerk
The wishes to com-
mend of Mr. Arthur
by the board an a member of that
body A man better sailed for
the posit lot could hardly
been chosen. He takes active
Interest in educational matters and
will carry both wisdom
into the deliberations of the board.
. , , Clifford Tyson was a bright by
nun J , a
his death i very id. He was
a little fellow, industrious
obliging, kind courteous to all
and was a favorite with every one.
Funeral services were held
county and its retiring treasurer,
r. J. Cherry, has been
and bis service so long
and efficient, therefore be it re-
1st That this desires to
believes that no
board in the Hate over bad a
better lie has all
the church, of he
was a member, a. Sunday ob ,
conducted by Rev. A. he
King. interment was j j,
Hill cemetery, the pall bearers.
being Messrs. C. Car r D. L. ft R
James, A. E. Tucker. D. J. Which- Th
aid, H. A. and J. . Lang, j
The and scholars of ,
grade of the school m;,,,
which he pupil attended the, m
funeral a body. I, at all
There were many beautiful floral j,
tributes the
pressed for parents in f
sorrow. degree.
2nd. Thai mid every
of this board has u
for him. and as
board if education
Wednesday, December 7th,
B. L. Smith went to Norfolk
J. S. Hester left, this morning
Granville county.
Mrs. Dora Quinn and
Miss left this morning for
Rev. A. T. King left Monday
for Elizabeth City to attend tho
I Baptist Stace convention.
Rev. J. T.
spent Monday night here
and left this morning for
Ex-Gov, and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis
returned Monday evening from
where they had been
with pi ids at the . ;,; did.
progress made their the N. C. conference.
vise administration, and Mr. Ar j
prove a valuable co-lab
office assures him their
licenses to ,
appreciation of his work, their
i re pct and regard for him as an
. officer and a man, and their wish
W. J. Robertson and Martha that he may lb rough the remainder
Hawkins. life fill every station or position
Henry Corey and Etta to which he may be culled with as
ton. much honor and credit to himself
For Meeting, Saturday, Dec.
10th, 1904.
Roll call reading of
Carolina Day, dis
of programs.
m to its value, Miss Mary
Miss Cox.
Geography, Paper by
Eugenia Harris.
Recitation, Liter-
and Language, Miss Eloise
of distribution of
; this
upon day's work, led by
This will be an exceedingly
meeting each teacher
is to be present so that she
Tuesday, December 1904.
Supt. W. II went over
Stokes and Oakley today,
Mrs. J. F Kemp, of Henderson,
is visiting Mrs. A. H. Taft.
F. D. Foxhall returned Tuesday
evening a trip up the road.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warren re-
g from
Miss of New
Bern, this morning to visit
Miss Alice
Mrs. C. T. and son,
Charlie, returned Tuesday own-
from the conference at
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. of
Ca., who have been
visiting relatives left this
Rev. J. A. J. Whit
and W Brown returned Tues-
evening from conference
at Henderson.
W. Crawford and as he as treasurer the
. , , ., may receive a copy of the
a id receive from all , ,, , .,. ,.
. t and program of
Carolina to be
Friday, Dec. You
make any of your reports without
Nannie K. merited love and regard which
he now has from this board.
Jesse Peel and Joins.
Sheppard and Adelaide
A G. Cox
b. M.
Members of Board.
I H Clerk of Board.
That boy of Yours.
Leo Tillery and Alice Gorham. j to
Allied Jane Mi J L Fleming,
having been
Wm. Sat ah man. from Ibis district, has
We our girls and
carefully guard them against
worthy boys, but. we leave boy
to choose for hi Dwell his associates
and his achievements.
Girls are naturally winsome,
and companionable. They
I win their way in hearts and homes.
Bur the boy, awkward,
i- Invited into few
mimic- h feels the worse
f r t.
t door that swings
The vault I bank at Liberty, j , ,,,.,,.,. to
Tall and Ann e James. compelled as a member, in Randolph county, was that
Henry Ward Mary of the bond of education, and open with dynamite the rob hoy, about
total number of licenses is- board bing of expressing bars got away with
Alex S Son, of
shipped on one steamer
for th fiscal year its appreciation of his work, there-
Dec. 3rd, was Of these. fore resolved
were for whites and for col-. 1st. That in the person of Mt. I The was
or. d. This was larger than the Fleming board of of worth
issued during the Pitt county had a member efficient .
iii a . t. The state board canvassers m
year. service, kind courteous as .
J . . ., , . their count of he vote find that
an associate, diligent guarding
the educational interest of the
county, alert seeking
Tho of the for faithful
to remind th.-ii I the discharge of every duty of the
The Bazaar Next Week.
and the public generally
An extra table would certainly
be useful in your home. If yon
will buy shoes of J. B. Cherry
Co., the Trade Discount
given yon there will earn yon a
handsome table free in a very
short time.
that their will be open at
the old Opera Home next week,
beginning Wednesday, December
the 14th, and continuing through
the week. There will be a line
display of fancy work, dressed
dolls, and numerous other desirable
things for Christmas and Christ
mas gilts. Before making your
purchases visit Bazaar. Re-
It pays to boy at J. R.
prices ore
low Trade Discount member the the Old
are given all cash sales. Opera House, next week.
2nd. associate. hereby
express their regret at having to
lose him f o-u board, that they holly and spent
will mist his wise counsel and
Governor received
By the caving of the ditch
being dug tor sewer pipes in Kin-
a colored man was crushed
to death.
A nine-year-old Durham boy got
faithful acts, which can only lie
compensated for the face that his
promotion does not take rim from
work but only enlarge, his op
to serve the people of bis
county in standing for
progress now being made in
which be baa taken no small part.
u night in the woods.
Talk elect railroad
Raleigh to Durham has sprung
Little ten cent purchases;
Small Trade Discount Slump--,
Quickly bring lovely things,
Rockers, Rugs Lamps.
the place where he is sure of
is where he
not to
Ti is one the hardest things in
the world to get hold of a
get n sure on
He is for companionship
and be will have it. You can't
chain him away from it. He wants
companionship of boys,
nothing will take bis place.
If crime of selfishness has so
your heart that joys
and hopes boy cannot enter
into it, the boy is to be pitied, but
so arc Journal.
Heady Yours.
Several of our subscribers have
responded to our request for a
remittance and we thank them.
We hope will do likewise
promptly, ti time all were

Eastern reflector, 6 December 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 06, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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