Eastern reflector, 25 November 1904

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hats once worn by
I. -u OM existence. That is
by Prince Victor Napoleon, who
answered an inquiry. One of
.- seven was bought for
; mes by whose monument
o, the was unveiled
Waterloo last summer. Three
are owned by the Eugenie,
Prince Victor Napoleon and Prince
Louis Napoleon. Two arc at the
and one in the Military
Prince Victor Napoleon owns bills
for hats supplied to the great em-
They cost francs each.
Napoleon them back at times
to the to done up. In
the bills inures the item, re-
pairs, The Gerome hat
may now be Been at the mu-
Sound From Star.
That the tin as they
in their courses is a poetical idea i
which is not h extravagant as it
A d astronomer I
in fact has an ingenious,
apparatus for the founds;
which come from The in-
by which the sounds are
recorded is a combination of
graph, telephone and telescope and
h the outcome of the discovery that
light falling on a polished steel
plate produce a musical note.
machine, which is too complicated
to in detail, is declared to
musical sounds from the
start and planets, the sweetest tones
being produced by the most
of the fixed The notes given
out by the bright are stated to,
far less clear.
The Poet Salary.
It may be comfort to
men to know the
the poet laureate of England is
a year n hogshead of
thrown in. court this
seats a fractional of
Ha Know No No j
It Mattered Not.
don't see how the count could
propose to you when he can't speak
and you don't speak
it was very easy. We were
sitting in the parlor. Pointing up
at an oil painting of papa, the count
took out a piece of paper and a
pencil. Then he set down a dollar
mark and after it placed a
Looking at me out of his big, deep,
eloquent, lovely ryes, he began
ciphers after the dollar mark
and the figure When ho had made
four ciphers, which with the other
figures meant he stopped.
nodded my head for him to go on.
Then be made another cipher. That
meant I nodded my head
again. He made another, which
raised it to I nodded
for him to go ahead. He put down
another cipher, making it
Then smiled and took the
pencil from him. and he caught me
in his arms ah, it was so
lovely It almost seems like a
dream to think that in three weeks
I shall be a real
go Record-Herald.
Prices Almost Talk,
Mr. Alfred Austin real
earns. Still
being poet
h speaking
it was
it is all that be gets
laureate to the En;
This salary is
prospect of a raise,
increased to its munificent
proportions when Lord Tennyson
died. Some time before his death it
was decided to increase his salary to
that amount, but the government
did not decide till after his death.
Thus the present poet laureate
came in for the rise intended for
Lord Tennyson.
His Widow.
our mail this morning a
writer asks if a man can marry his
brother's says the editor of
reply that lie can, but that it
ally badly. Men do many things
in which at first thought
seems unlawful, although it is not
in fact prohibited by statutory law.
That is why King Herod had
the Baptist's head cut off. John said
it van for the king to mar-
his brother Philip's
wife. Bat John was
it seems, is rather small
potatoes home and not the
Tor he was thought to be. He made .
large demands while his captive was;
in bis hands, and this tended to in-
crease the outside estimate of his
importance. He got none of the
provinces which he asked for in his
terms of settlement, but did get the
and hangs on to
it yet. There is a on his head,
and the prospect that it will stay
long on his shoulders is held in Mo-
to be a slim one.
A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
My price,
Handsome fancy worsted all wool suits, sizes to big values
My price,
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
Oratory at a
There is no legislative body where
oratory is at a smaller premium
than in the senate of our time. In
the house the few men who control
business gained their mastery in the
instance in open debate. But
in the the speech-
is at its lowest mark. The
proceeding of the chamber are
largely a show. Host of the real
is transacted in com-
rooms, in and
the dinner table.
Globe. , .
Corp. TWee.
H,. What would you be if I
pressed the stamp of love upon those
sealing wax
The boy with the grimy
leaned over the back yard
fence and made faces at the with
the new suit of clothes, whose
tier was a
he said. dad's
paid fur them
all right, dirty re-
the boy. dad
didn't help pay fur
In of Harmony.
do you think of the noble-
man horn your daughter is to mar-
refuse to be an-
Mr. is a
tacit understanding between the
young man and myself that neither
of us will express his opinion of the
A Go.
there any new improvement
in the auto line since I was
inquired the enthusiast.
said the
came in this morning. It is a
folding horse to he earned under
the seal used case of
Free Press.
seems rather strange
that should be so down on your
best friend as you appear to be
ply because he look your part.
an actor, sir, and
wanted that part for
was sorry to hear you
tell that Harry does not say
his prayer
doesn't need to. He
never gets to bed until after day-
York Times.
doctors have ordered Bil-
king to be and under no cir-
e use la
how be boss the
l writing a mm.
yards checked homespun, others price
My price,
Sample hats, all colors, others price
My price
boys pants, all sizes. Others price
My price
pair Leather Shoes. Others price
My price
Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
facto Which Show How Much Better Off Below will he found an outline for Reflector
We Are Today. a talk made by Prof. G. E. Line- At the Mrs. J. B. Cher-
Not until February did berry at the recent meeting on afternoon of Nov. 15th,
the of Kentucky know Con Association the End of the Century Book
Madison was president
the previous
on Art of It hi Id moat delightful meeting.
ought to bi preserved and studied subject for
In 1834 one of rail-j by every and followed the afternoon was the Women of
United States their work so the and many In
on it very best results may be of information
tire will the c every day I Kinds of heir manners and customs
if weather is
; formative. the present were
The first received Qualities of a good Pritchard,
by the public with It question, then pa- Clare nod
con- Have no regular or pi. Cotton and Mis-
A reporter who order. Avoid of
into a c Int. proved its a n veil asked. After heartily the
re worth. asking before repast furnished by the
lowing pupil. Avoid j the club to
if ordinary without
,. i meet on at the
permission, from one Should dear. of W. A. Bowen.
to in of or
better wages, be bi with
a hot iron.
thought of t in
Should ha brief. Should be
of answer. Marriage
Should be IT Williams
lion the lesson he to the following
Should be week.
Philadelphia many individual capacity of
advised it, j pupil should j ,, .
., , ,, F. G. and Bertha B.
was a paper well as test I.
of them that Question be T , , .,
J. P. Fleming
Wm. W. and Era
and Emily
Gardner and Queenie
country would able to l Should be
One yens tie j B. as
fastest land ii the I as to Ks-
on the Offal North Road, lit
England, l put in habits. write
to its There Bead j
York along at i n on the
rate of m day, and ask ourselves
Divine on such aDd
baste. Return Engagement. . O. C. Eugenia Moor-
Thomas wax. By special the .
elected president of the Stock Co. baa .
States, February 1891, engagement for three nights, UM
after one of most j commencing on Thon-day, j
Heat campaigns in our history, play on Thursday
gratifying did not retell the night will be for the
for as many tit of the temple and
days as it now takes h to people them a crowded
Mitt tun of a j audience. me the
, E. Warren recently
j purchased properly in West Green
ville be is preparing to
erect a large and
t, whole troupe that house nod offices of
been their again All
, in 1809, Richard meet u patronage.
thick following Ticket, go ,, sale lay morn mm , u,
tor a long time, will be moved
The present generation will u-e Foolish to Resist Law.
-no next will prefer rail-
were who considered Coward
him an
new quarters during the
People living in smallpox next month and after January 1st,
wad. with horses, but their ,, Mr w . f w
employ can at the
Steam mi railways an I he
vaccinated. Ann her man was and floral gr-
of the art of ., public with
,., be I, and bad
Next door to
n Hie
Sunday night.
A S old till mi Cumberland
by falling in a tub of
Greenville, N. G.
No Day.
will observe
log Thanksgiving day with the
suspension The
will be closed and the
market will have no
ready to
t twenty
to Day coats as submit tie in your mind, nor-
to his arm Where- ., 4th and
ever is ordered it la ll d
a to to
with it.
Almost a Fire.
The residence of E. B.
of i lie depot, caught fire
Their Sister Dead.
By telegraph Saturday was
learned the death of W. T.
Cunningham, of Petersburg. She
h sister of Mrs. J. T- Meadows
morning. .; Kn E ,, of
work the fin; place
the heater hot was put out.
Then- was damage and
in w given.
Fresh Meats. Pork and
in Town Market. Give a
. R. L.
N. C.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
in main section
the town.
la operation each
presided veer by a skilled
Oar place sharp
ear towels clean.
We yea for past patronage
ask yon
goad wanted.
Dr L.
Run Over.
a little son of VT. H.
was run over by a horse
on I be street a few evenings
When annual remembers j young people had a very he escaped serious Io.
S post his wife's letters it is a jet in the old opera
and was
sign he can tell with a Tuesday night, with music
Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
cast of
Third street. Pawns
He H. O. Hyatt will be in
Hotel Bertha
r 5th, and Monday,
Wednesday for the
of diseases of the
re and fitting glasses. Those not
to pay a tea will hr examined
by the Italian A
ii urn her of couples participated.
Braces body and brain, strength-
ens, soothes, cures while you sleep.
That's what Hollister's
Mountain Tea will do. Makes you
well, keeps you well. cents,
Tea or
Wooten's Drug Store.
Dr. W. H. of Char-
., N. O., will be in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha on Monday, Dec.
one day only. His practice
is limited to Eye. Ear, Nose and
Throat, titling
is turn-
oat some nice job
Bettor give us your next order.
21st, 1901.
W. B. Hooker went to
Saturday evening.
Miss left Sunday
for Ayden.
Mrs. Walter Buck is visiting on
Indian Well this week.
Mrs. II. B, Harris, who has
quite is improving.
J. Norman this morning
for a trip on road
J. H. of Henderson,
h flatting E. H. Thomas.
Solicitor L. I. Moore went to
Saturday evening.
Mis C. George two children
left Saturday evening for Ayden.
L H. Lee and hie mother, Mrs.
L. Lee, left evening for
Judge w. B. who held
the i term of court here, left
B. C. Pearce, who
has been here a days, left this
George Ellis went to Winterville
Saturday and returned
this morning.
E. T. of Norfolk, who has
a few days here,
left this morning.
Mis. H. C. Hooker and little
i daughter, Mud, left Saturday
for LaGrange.
Mis. of Ayden,
l who bus been visiting Mrs. T. L.
I Bland left Sunday evening.
Emmet Savage, Edgecombe,
who bus bees visiting his brother,
L. Savage, left this morning.
Rev. P, G. returned
Saturday evening from Durham
where he had been attending the
Stella been
the family of Rev. J. A.
left morning for
Will ion.
J. S. Hester left this morning for
in response to a
telegram the critical
of bis father.
Misses Rosa Bullock, and Katie
Jones, of Bethel, have been
visiting returned
to home- this morning
Mrs. G. Baker, of Lewiston,
is Mrs. J.
Mr. Baker
hen- and this morning
Mrs. Vi. Cherry and little son,
of Wash who have
her mother, Mrs. Mary
Foley, returned home Monday.
November 23rd, 1904.
C. Tunstall went to Raleigh
W. S. went to Greensboro
Mm. G. J. Woodward this
morning for Richmond,
J. N. Hart left this morning for
Boykin, to intend the roar-
of his
Mrs. W. of
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice
T. I. Wilson, of Washington,
who has been visiting the family
of W. A. Savage, returned home
Mr and Mrs. Charles J.
gnu, of Ga., arrived
Tuesday evening to visit hie sis-
Mis. J. J.
Miss Martha
T. M. Hooker, D. W .
R. A. Tyson, Jr.,
Harry Jr., H. A.
White went to today
sec football
Some Flitting Rot.
A good deal of rot is going the
rounds of the
declaring its political independence
of the Northern and Western wings
of the party. Of course, it is all
nonsense but some Northern papers
take it seriously.
The time when the South
WM glad to have the Northern De-
and independents to come
to the rescue, and the badly digest-
ed editorial which pass current
for the real is no indication
that the Southern Democracy as a
whole is not the elbow
touch Northern Democrats, many
of whom are more fundamentally
Democrats than some of our South-
howlers whose noggins are stuff-
ed full of socialism and paternalism
while they don't know it.
There is no occasion for the South
lo further alienate itself from its
Northern friends, and of
there is no serious movement along
that line, for the South will keep its
shirt on and await issues that the
next four years will bring to the
front, calling for its operation
with similar political sentiment and
convictions in the North. That is
what will do, too, flop-doodle
editorials lo the contrary
Mis.-. Catherine Jonas, of
more Miss Bullock, The New York World, the New
Bethel, who have teen visiting York Times and other Independent
Mrs. B. M. returned and Democratic newspapers in the
to their homes this morning. North are wasting time in
November 22nd, taking note of of sore head
H.,, ,. ,., ., , emanating from
. w, Whedbee wont to Bethel .
. Southern newspapers. The South
this morning. . .,,,,
is going with its business
J. F. King and R. L. Smith wen is neither flinching or
to Norfolk today. alarmed. The political hash an to
Miss Mary returned and Dixie will wait
moating from for developments. All
of the further isolating it-
Key. II. editor of the the m
Tower, was town today. its friends in
Dr. W. H. who bus is merely flitting rot
been sick the past week, was
At the Graded School.
J. W. went . . , . ,
. i . i i of the graded school
Sunday and returned Monday
evening. the chapel this
Mrs. W. F. Burch and
. . . , , , A present
left this morning for Raleigh the
make their home in cm-

. ,
Wholesale ea
Dealer. paid j
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil
Turkeys, Egg. etc. Be
blonds, Oak B
Carriage, Berk
unite, Tables, Lounge,
and Gail A Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key
roots, Henry George Obj
Pine Apples, Jelly, 31-
Flour Meat, Boa;
Ly. Magic Food, Matches, O
Seed Meal and Halls,
Ca Oranges. Apples, N-v.
Candies, Dried Apples, Peach.-
China Ware. Tin and Wood-
Cakes and Crackers, Ms.-;.
Cheese, Beet Batter, He
Royal Sewing Machine and at
Quality run
quantity. for cash. i
S. M.
The Five Grocer.
By virtue of an order of
i of Pin county, mads in a
certain special proceeding therein
pending, B. ad-
of Allen d.
against Warren and
will, on Monday.
the door in
i Greenville, at to the
i bidder, two pieces or
I parcel of land sad Dear,
that part of the at
piece or pan-el North street
and adjoining Tar riv lands of
U. D. Gardner, the
Warren, J. K. .
containing el acres B
one Other or par
the lands of J.
mow or
less Termed Beta
he day
K. B. .
of Allen
Jar-ma Blow. At
Advice to the Aged.
to perform functions
to the and liver,
adapted to sad
V. C, Nov. 22.1904.
H. H. Stanley spent Monday in
Mr. Baker. of is the
guest of Mr. D. C.
Mr. of in visit-
ion his Pat Harrington.
Ph. D. Principal.
Wilts-row N. C, March 8th., 1804. .
Mr. M. Charlotte, V. C,
Dear is a little unusual to file an order this
in the season, w find that th Pianos which,
we add to music the the result at-
in the work. We have added quite a number of your
instruments during the last years, and they have all
good satisfaction. a piano of unusual
for the constant use which all practice pianos have within our
school, but we are glad to b aide to say that your
have stood the test, and we will continue to
from your firm from time to time as the need arises.
I think there ale about a now in the school.
J. Principal.
A rare and magnificent, and They are fully
of these pianos can now
h rd
Mrs. who k been , at lowest factory prices days, when will
several H reported lunch We also withdrawn, and If
Mi. a of High
virtue of -i degree of i-
or made th November term,
ion, in a cause thereto pending en-
promptly withdrawn, and If
other heirs law of the have on the floor several slight- you Wave any earthly use for
Ann Mr. a of High at piano or organ it will
Wednesday, is in town. price ranging from pa to take a look around.
of Del-em tier, l. K home J w Each hen in Greenville Miss
H guaranteed for years. I Be Patrick, who is
e also a fine display elated with Me during our stay
I. .
the of H- J- W. Car-
ion. w. Carson Nancy
lot on which said ,
Ann Bryan lived.
Also piece of land Bethel
ship, the lands of W. L.
low here, will be glad to give
from a tune.
W. J.
Whitehurst, Thomas, E. A. I
and others, being the same
piece f land which said Ann
inherited from her father,
I Brian,
i less. of sale -cash.
This November W, 1804.
F. G
At this store you get Hon- h. w. I
A Heavy Load-
To lift I hat load off of the
what eat.
on stomach
are me
and cured by
the of Iv . Cure.
P. Stun a, at
Main street, New Britain,
Cure is
. of M. M. against B. r.,. , t cure
Rest assured I m
fresh Roods every ti me the court door lo the town of that lama
y-a buy
figures ranging in price
est Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted for your
By virtue a decree of the Superior
. . a. i ., i
j-- i u virtue ii a decree , .
table can be supplied
if or No. entitled John i- Galloway ; m
V . . .- and
The following points DO
re-ached over the lints
Atlanta, Ct
Baltimore Md.
Charleston. S- C
S. C
Nashville, Tenn.
New York N. y.
Petersburg, Vi
St. Mo.
Lot No. division lands
of James
which was allotted to Madison
way in said division appears on
in Superior l Clerks
Of Pitt In record f
vision of No. . pane
This the 24th day .
of M. Galloway.
vis Attorneys.
blocks, securities, etc.
; d
,,. One Banks
hecks cash
tills to how no well remedy j 1.110
is Coin
pep.,,, after
y lira mi ,
pure all stomach
by Jno. L.
I Monday, Don-inner . .
the court in the town of that I urn always sine to
I Greenville, sell at nubile to the lay by re-J
bidder tor cash, a of land it , m. I write
in p, .,.,., ,,.
Stock paid
Undivided Profits
Individual deposits
subject to check
Demand f
Cashier's cheek- our-
of for men
. North Carolina, j
dates, I Pitt.
citron, I L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
i 8- the above is true to the best of my knowledge
. . f .
Cured of Lame IS of;
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
LAND SALE. aim sworn to net
B, virtue of a the Superior -I had been troubled me. this
virtue u , . . .
court of Pitt county in special pro- for tea re and I
needing, No. 1312. entitled, T. is. recovery in the u
And nil Important end in
I mediate points east the Mis-
. River.
F. C.
I found
use of
sell John fl Ind.
I before court door In Green- is also without an equal j
at public suction on Monday. bruises. It is tot
Dee. 5th. , I Store.
tract land situated in the county
and in Greenville township. I Greenville, j
Bounded on the by the lands of
ill. and Mr. W. Col-1
I on the curt and south by the a
Ian.-, and on the seat by the
lands -f W. Harrington,
more lying
both sides of road and known as l n
This Oct.
I lire-tors
. eves and
using Lift lei
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay or ex-
meal and for seed,
aid and pay all
freights. Write us when
you arc to sell exchange.
Washington, N. C.
. .
N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Notice that will,
on Thursday, Dec. sell at
public minion, at Maple Cypress,
Craven county, K. the personal
property long to the estate of
j. Gardner, deceased,
of the following, to wit b P.,
holler, H. P., steam
press, shafting,
etc., horses, s, bug-
ties, carts, fanning utensils, com,
i . cc. household and
furniture, and also stock of
r S. P.
Moore, Tex. A
a t
Bold by Jno. L.
Do it For You.
our book you all
it your own
Instruction. Book
postpaid on receipt of
Bldg., Norfolk, Va.
This October 20th,
Mrs. L. C ti.
virtue of a decree of the Superior
COUrt of count-, in the prO-
DR. T.
V. C
I i I
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyer and Brokers it
Blocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New
and Now
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of
entitled, John R Hack and and Bag.
r sell for cash at public auction ; solicited
before th- court door in
viii. on Tuesday, Dec. 1901.1
following tract f laud
and in Swift Urea town-
the lands ff M.
I employment
This 21st day of November.
I t s w, 11-21. N. C.
Our buyers arc keeping their eyes open
on every sale in the Northern Markets
they every opportunity to give you
Call and see us before you do your
I hi warn any mid all persons,
th- land deeded
hi bar mother, Mary A. Hues.
This November
F. King and
R. J. the of
J. f. have this day.
mutual fl.-m
and terminated the . All
of any arid every due said
have been transferred and assigned to
R. who is now th sole owner
of and all persons
to said firm will make payment to
This the Mad day in
H. J-
E, A. Coward.
. Surgeon
William Fountain, fl. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
N. C
one doer of post
J. M. Manager and Agent.
H. C, Nov.
Newer in lives have we
anything wore highly
than the kind extended
as by sweet little seven
friend, Miss Thelma The latest thing in Call . Go to E
to attend party to given W. C. Jackson and Co's. j market tor meat.
Wednesday ., by of ,,
Of the graded school. is visiting Mies Ida M.
dent is allowed to invite a friend, j Edward.
Little asked her mama to i to g, Ty
let invite Mr. saying he son's new crockery both plain and
would be home all alone with no
one to talk to and she wanted him
to and have a nice time. How
How kind. She is
Indeed d and never will
we, forget her kindness
remembrances are rare in one co
young and to he the friend, thus
rem-inhered is Indeed.
Little is as pretty and
sweet she is kind.
As for Daily
and we take
great pleasure receiving sob
willing for
those arrears. We have
of all who receive at
this office. take
for job
yon a nice, light,
pole, f-r your buggy or
Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden b Mfg.
N. C.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co ,
A N.
H. Brown want
ville with Turn-
age the with the
latter's parents.
or no charges made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros.,
K. C.
yon need in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see u, Hart
are cheaper
The electric for
d for fire use, put the
decorate. I. Prices
than formerly.
Come to see when
to bay Independent
Tobacco, we handle
goods, Hart Jenkins.
Thad Manning, of Winterville
was here Saturday.
Now we have plenty of the
and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Killing Mfg.
N. C.
There were services in the
and Lurches
day. In the
Rev. Mr. preached and
Disciple to
the of the pat-tor Mr.
Davis, a layman, conducted
machines at J. K. Smith
One hone wagon good as
for sale by J. K. Smith Bro.
seats for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
J. B. Smith Bro. are offering
first day. After become special inducements to the trade in
are cordially invited to and
both price and quality.
id prices at j.
And Provisions
it they will better. is
u by no meat
a reality
our R. Smith Bro.
lie Ayden Milling and Co,
Our second order of gents youth
children bats and caps are
First Class hand made b, j DOw on at J. B. Smith ft Bro
-he wholesale and retell large- Carpet and
always on hand, orders at R. Bro
Tyson and family spent j J. R. Smith ft
Co's new R. Smith Bro
line of dress goods taking the j Hay, cotton seed and hulls
They JR. Smith A Bro.
and stoves at J.
San- Smith A. Bro.
bushels field
pen at J. B. Smith Bro.
Cotton Bagging
Ties always
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
are beautiful.
Big meeting at Hancock's
day and a hi crowd from
was in attendance.
The ladies especially ran be
pleased f they will visit and pat-
J. U. Smith ft Bro.
Dr. celebrated tablets,
best on the market at J.
a Bro
Cold weather underwear at
The ladies say that A prices to suit all.
Tyson have the prettiest line W. and
goods in town.
Notice Fat you want
ginned nice and clean,
order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to he
Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
Polite clerks, good goods j
prices at the store of J. I
B. Smith
D. W. Davis will preach
in the Disciple -lunch Friday
We continue to build
are for we do not
most up to date line of set apace we
about it. Life ever . ,
Health cotton an
cotton average
r the
Mfg. Co., gin. They
lint public have
it out.
Bettie Moseley is visiting
Mrs. J. J.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can be permanently
one pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad
Fire, Accident
Call and examine our line of
high grade You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling
Freddie Tucker, of Grifton,
is here on a visit to her sister,
Mrs. W. B.
E. E. Dell Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line Of heavy and fancy
J- t fine line of
e.-in lit up in any style
or pi ice.
Milling Mfg Co.
Fancy candies, oranges,
and B. E. Dal I
Cull Hart a a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had
We are offering good values for
the money In shoes, hats, caps,
Examine just
colors in white lead,
turpentine at J. It. Smith
J. If. Smith ft would es
teem it a favor if par-
ties who last borrowed their pump
would return it at once as
The public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods the best
are very in need of it.
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak hey not
. but us a matter of y
feel t. make this re
AYDEN, H, c.
eyes, in of glasses,
ways go bad to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders. I
Miss near Parker's
is visiting Miss
I just at this E.
Those desiring first-elms work G. may not be FOR MASONS Y
in the enlargement rues will j busy as a Wall street broker yet
t is plain at an man be I The Masonic Mutual
produce to
B. Smith Bro.
carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
.-es, Beat of Brush
es of all kinds.
script com-
Not Quite I
How often you ran a
thing net none
nail or screw driver or ow-
Have a good
tool box be for
we see that 5-our tool
ox dos not lack a
Of Course
Yon get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
do well to see Plan Bro,.
J. It. Smith A Bro treat all their
with the
mattings, tables u p an
oil cloth Tyson.
For can peaches, apples, corn
c, apply to B. K
ft On.
if you do not
one of high grade
your lose will be than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
too, If. C.
We are Headquarters for Brat
class, light neat Harness,
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
New Hue of men's suits, youth
suits, boy and over-coat's to
It everybody at. Cannon Tyson.
I take ibis method of
at their store.
Car lime, aDd Portland cement,
a J. K. Bro.
doz Ma sou Jars and
Rubbers at J. R. Smith Bro.
Julia returned to
school Monday.
Baby Misses and ladies
cloaks at J. H Smith Bro.
gets there Me la not only a sue-1
bur h found it necessary to ;
are first Hies every body
the lie, hence Mr Cox
i to lie I elated a ,
having something
to hustle.
tried wife returned
Relief Association.
best plan, the best
rate and the
offered. Se
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
from Charleston evening. ;
Mr. spent in
the public that us the Summer Bea- i T , .-,, d
r . i Loans and Discounts,
son is about over I offering r , t- .
., M . and Fixtures
in order to n
,. ,, , I Demand
sell. My. line of cannot n. ,, ,
. ,, , ,. Banks,
excelled, and the U IteM .
N. C.-s
At the close of business
Steamer R. L.
at n, m for leaves
daily, except
at Vi tor Washington.
at with
Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New Boston,
all points North. a
Norfolk with
Shippers should order
j freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
; Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
i Bay Lice and Chesapeake Line
Baltimore Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
r. H. Myers, Act
Washington, N. C.
I. J. Cherry, A gt.
I. B. Walker, Vine President ft
raffle. Manager,
81-65 Beach Street. K, Y.
If give you absolute
dealer will
pay you for it.
R. f. Johnson,
Dint. A Ayden,
. . v t i . I warn
which I bundle exclusively
surpassed by any other make
Give me a call and when I have
shown yon my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall.
be able to please you and sell yon I
Silver Cain,
National Bank notes and
U. S. notes
Capital paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check, 28,091.42
Certified cheeks
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician a
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
School Supplies

. .
Editor and Proprietor
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post in Pitt and adjoining counties
Greenville, Pitt N.
of i who was accustomed
the daily use of apples.
From a personal j Remedy For Mild of C-
covering a period of more than end Threat
yours, the physician says lie never
has known a single instance where
a person who was a free user of
acquired the liquor habit,
has he known a person addicted
to the free use of liquor who was
fond Times.
That .
sounds fishy.
The turkey is in a way to
Lees prestige as the chief at
dinner. If he gets to
Injuries from foot ball games come strutting around for much higher
along with the other news.
Greenville also his our sympathy,
Durham Herald.
What for
Tom Watson keeps right on
speeches just like the election
was not over.
The members of the nest
have walking ahead to satisfy
all who want places.
The administration takes credit
for the prosperity. But suppose a
change should come.
Chicago is not going to be outdone
by New York, but is moving to have
a of her own.
We have nut seen it explained
how come cotton to he lower no
than it was at this lime a year ago.
Hooker Washington gives good
advice to his race but kills the
of it by failing to practice what
he preaches.
A Sunday fire in the heart of the
business section of Cincinnati de-
property to the value of three
of a million dollars.
We don't feel like letting the sub-
drop, therefore remark again,
that Greenville ought to have a
building and loan association
Greensboro is adopting city ways
Dud has passed an ordinance re-
quiring telegraph telephone
ires to be placed underground.
The new York Journal of Com-
has made a telegraphic can-
which estimates the cotton crop
K- this season at bales
The farmers not plant
tobacco this year are calculating how
much they lost. Hut if a big crop
had been raised the price might
have held up so well.
Brooklyn is following New York
in the way of tenement fires, not
other side of the r
to got Twelve lives was
record in cue lire.
The slut of Frederick the Great
which was presented to the United about it.
Static by the Emperor of Germany,
was unveiled in Washington City
on Saturday with appropriate
Many newspapers scum busy
a cabinet and ether appoint-
Much it may nut he
prices a substitute will take his
place on the bill of fare.
The result of putting Italian la-
borers in place of around
Wilmington is said to have proven
very satisfactory. There are several
Italians at work in Greenville and
they seem to be getting along all
An idea of how bad they want it
may be had from the fact that Gov-
Glenn has received up-
wards of five hundred letters asking
To the Bright Girls of the Country.
The expenses fur one year at a
lending will be paid
for a bright, worthy girl of Pitt
county, N. C, who will for
rue one hundred and fifteen sub-
to my book, am Long-
at High The college
expenses include board, books
laundry and incidentals- I jg but it will stay on.
For the double purpose of giving j i, ., treatment for nose and
the people the truth of our civil war; throat and when mild
history, and of extending a helping; symptoms are noticed.
band to the struggling ambitious
Several years ago an expert in
throat diseases e a
remedy for mild cases of catarrh
or the common cold. It is not
to cure cases of long stand-
The has been widely
printed and is as
Bicarbonate of soda, as a snuff,
the nostrils kept well smeared in-
side with The bicarbonate
or cooking soda is to be as
Jar back into the nose as possible.
It is not n pleasant sensation, but
clears away the mucus, which should
be blown out. The in the
nostrils i- also In
addition to this, the bicarbonate of
soda is used on the throat us a gar-
and in bad cases blown dry
through a tube inserted through the
month against the upper part of the
throat. The tints you do this
you may think the top of your head
Pickled Red Cabbage,
girls of the country. I am pleased the outside leaves of a
to place a year at college within
nice red cabbage, cut in quarters,
remove the stalks and cut it across
in very thin slices. Lay these on a
dish, strew them plentifully with
reach of a girl of this county who
desires an education earnestly,
enough to exert herself a little dish.
Should the girl availing herself of; them remain twenty-four hours,
this opportunity prove particularly turn into a colander to drain and if
deserving, I pledge myself to the wipe lightly with a cloth.
,, , . r ,, them m a jar and boil up the
appointment. Most of them will find to open the way to -u,
out there are not enough places to the college course. pour over the cabbage. Seal secure
i The who is interested in j- , in a cool place. It
. . he fit for use iii a week or two.
For one head of cabbage take one
quart of vinegar, half ounce of
ginger root, one ounce of whole
black pepper and, if you like, a dash
The Republicans do not seem to
be satiated
all the balance if the country and
are trying to devise plans by which
they can also strengthen party
in the South. The South is too
strongly Democratic suit them
and will remain that way.
the college course.
The girl who is interested in
offer should communicate me
it once, and her
should be accompanied by the en-
of her county School Com-
missioner, the editor of this paper
the teacher of the last school
she attended.
I would be glad to communicate
with every ambitious girl this j
An Opinion.
Brown hasn't been
looking well for sonic time.
indeed And I
who is struggling to educate , think she looks as if she felt worse
, than she
BUT. Lost Control.
Gainesville. Ga. you hear about his
A woman may be as chaste as a
sunbeam, as pure as the soul of a
snow Hake, v. lion drifting from its
stainless home in the sky, an I t. a
blot and . f m
blur and y and . , insurance
The insurance Commissioner has
; losing control of his automobile
sheriff got Yonkers
purity and glory of her reputation of .
by a low and wicked thrust
virtue. Raleigh Times.
lit her
With won d expecting
; . a
is not licensed i and lg toad Dr. King's
not be. I hey are a New Discovery for Consumption,
I and underground concern of the Coughs and Colds, . H. Brown,
Murder comes to the sun ice soon I worst character, and are attempt Ind., end urea death's
. . , a-M. lull
or later. A man named William by similarity of name to get .,
K Cure at Last Obtained, Altai
it Searching;
by St. Louis
A few months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic gen-
of St. Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out of casK, wore com
y cured and have shown such
that their
s but a question of a few
So have the result
cases pronounced,
incurable by all old methods that S
company has formed and is nos
to furnish at a normal cost
this cue to all sufferers of the
One of its feature is
that patients can remain at home,
rounded by friends and relatives, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
pursue their daily vocations
ti become completely cured.
Patients receiving the Fame treat-
here In St. Lou-s have
recovered as rapidly as those in
Mexico and
The wonderful results in
been accomplished by the
and which controls this,
marvelous medical
their main office at Nor- i. Seventh,
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will be known as
th Lung Cure, and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of too
inhalants which u-ed, will person-
ally charge of the of the
company. Mr. will
meet all who call at the of th
on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a
the tit. Louis Globe-
Free booklet on r-quest.
417-19 N. St ,.
Louis, Mo,
Bread, Cakes Fruit Cake
The h of this city will do
well to call at the corner of and
South Pitt and see if we
can satisfy them.
All orders promptly attended to.
Thanksgiving; Cake
can be upon short order.
Our thought is cleanliness.
The I. X. L. Baker.
pave instant
at in relief and soon cured him. He
because of the eta nil ins .
CaL, has confessed three
others were implicated in a murder
committed at in this state.
the Conn Like cares
i .;
no and us o
, , i and Grip
no character, and the general p ,.
sixteen yrs ago At the tone of on t hi-u
the confession he pave him- even the s Mks m l
., . . Any one representing feet I
self up to the officials t. t s. A t. .-.
Hub will not only defraud
his neighbor, but lay
ti lino and imprisonment. Good advice Is well In
The i r also a If.
Ex-Senator Marion Butler, M- I-
Mott mid ex Congressman C
the were
to warn the people of the
together u tut president a .
. every registry
few days It was given out ,
they had merely called to
stands at the pie counter before
odds Him
company attempting to do ,.,
v i Keg-1 Such, in a ins c-i hi ton
who Company, the Commercial old soldier J. J.
and ethers seem u Havana, O. For years
The Habit cf Apples Destroy;
Craving for Liquor.
determined to tn do
, ,
was Kidney dis-
ibis Slate complying with h
the law, the are
i relief, At
ht tried It put,
against them, pit-ions f h short order and
their propositions appear the load
. . , . . , --t
i i i i-., i ,,.,,, i-,,,,,. .,.
A well known who bis . , ,. .,., an
.,,, ., ,, ,, for the citizens i tins Nate. I lie; ,,,, ,,
held to the theory i , . ,, ,
. not. understand I i
opinions of tuber medical nun con-
the efficacy of the habit of
eating apples to destroy the taste
for liquor he has with
ninny medical men living in various
States. He received replies from all
but three.
From a majority came an
that they had newer known a
liking, the president where a person accustomed
doubt nuke appointments to sail u the free use of apples a
nor they ever known
Commissioner dots
why they should continue to flood
the Stats with their literature and
I offers of business, they
view of learning the j written him that ll
in the caption of this item,
been telling the Evening Times
After July 1st I ii h
pared to furnish . con-
B la town at
P then only run
wharf and u
I I bat will be
Central Barber Shop.
v Fleming
Lot-ate . i
i , . i
perm h snob
n v ii . killed
tow is clean
We thank yon fur i
on when
Bel vice is v
would not attempt to do any
in State until t
with its laws These registry com
are going so far as to oven
publish advertisements in of
i he reputable journals of the
The papers of the Slate will eon
A ill many
mail ii
Slid- l-i
A rates
ha, world lame
Si. p. .- ; I
, I . . hi. II. IlK Gut.
fer a favor upon the Be .
MM -.--- .,
do a great service to U hi, J.-v. i
of the Stale they publish ,
above warning and f r
people to them
Mountain If
A Pay tit
i nM
. .-
, .
hi u.
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
N. C, Nov.
There is the selection of
inks, library paste and
at the drug stoic of Dr. B. T. Cox
Bro. brought to
Protect eyes by buying one
of those eye shades at the Drug
Store, price cents.
Highest Hies for cotton seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
Mrs. Fred alias
Bertha Ayden,
Monday Tuesday here.
forget to bring or send
your cart hubs to A. G.
Co. Fat kind they
Don't worry over that
of cotton you bad over when
you through ginning your
lots. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton in any quantity the j
best market price paid every
Finest line of dress goods in
O. Co.
John Back Jack, left
here Monday for Augusta, Ga.,
where make his
G- A. Kittrell and Co. have just
received a car loud of No. Tim-
P. N. Manning Co. are tarry
the that will cure
diseases f the any state.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save
Mfg. Co.
house J. D.
Cox. Board per Best
house town.
Pocket tablet cutlery
crockery and tinware
Harrington Barber Co.
A. Kittrell went up the road
Penny candies a at the
store of Bro.
Wind. and door frames, porch
I columns, brackets nil kinds of
house trimmings at rock
prices, Mfg. Co.
Shirts and apt
Harrington Barber C.
A. B. Kittrell down dun-
day night.
in town.
Kittrell Taylor.
Oranges and
at H. L.
Bargains the people Prices
i Blight H. L.
j Arthur Mayo down here
Car load Bait for sale cheap
A. W. Co.
me I pay the
highest L. Johnson.
Carload of salt just received. Q
Harrington Co.
Big consignment of flour
just received. Prices
G. Chapman and Co.
We are prepared to pay highest
We now have on baud for and
in position to fir-,
class raw material cheap, having
with which to do t
work, and being able to save and
work nearly all of our
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers money,
Mfg. Co.
Paper rooting, hardware, etc.
A. W.
Leon Randolph and Miss Annie
Fleming, of House Station, were
here Sunday visiting Mis L
Fleming at the
and water proof
boot- and a specialty
Harrington Barber ti
For brick store
feat long, call on or write Jno.
Son, N. C.
We are paying for turkeys
on now on. Kittrell Taylor,
goods, and and
ha burgs all at Harrington
Barber Co.
Mi-s House Forest
Moore and Vain-
wright, returned to school
from a visit tn friends
and relatives.
Floor oil cloth at A. W. Ange
ft Co.
market paid for
Kittrell Taylor.
Oar load of best patent flour
just received at Harrington
ft Co.
For and dinner pots, go
to A. W. Ange Co.,
h. L, have a train
load of Logs to come today. He cot I
if the Thanksgiving
DINNER is well dressed
surely the DINER aught
to be.
A may be just as thank
in his old clothes as in
V new ones, but he doesn't
look it.
How about one of our
or one of our elegant i
for Thanksgiving
Perhaps it's a new Hat, a new Tie, Gloves, or
something else in Haberdashery you're wanting.
The Bet of Everything is Here,
and Thanksgiving is a splendid time to
pear in something new.
Hue of dress goods at remarkably A w A
com-, see and be eon- f u nm .,
V. a. W. . hr Rouses where
load them.
At Reduced A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co. out a big
J. C. of Wilmington,
A. Ci. Cox Mfg. . wants a
Kittrell Taylor, j
Miss Debbie Manning and Mrs.
Charles it b spent Saturday and, Q
Sunday in i of about one years lot wire fence reduced price, j
the finest and
The Pitt County Oil Mill is now made, and f-u,
I buying Cotton Seed. hey pay i-a- bargain if apply at
II be highest cash price or will
I he King Clothier.
-It i
and fresh cheap.
N. Manning.
Body for Sale
Hie when way I
want a . bin I for
market, A. Cox M are
had better order
for meal. When yours
of was here
t. r. Ch. Co.
the and lb
will tie
It need
cull on It. ti. Chapman and C
Flunk Johnston, of
, . . i
A good chance to cut wood.
fresh meat lib and
r-- tat
wood . O. f,
A. C
We war-l to R ,
s. Coal
w t .
at one.
. , . . ,, , , , u l.
be G Po. just
l received a lot bar and will .
bed wire and Their it .
of course pal. i
A Ci hi
while have I hem In
i re,
ed from Grove
, , , . ,
dry ht
II. I. Johnson;
Art and
On. Well . en-
tract to have live bundled cords Ange Co.
wood cut. Any cutter u. G. Chapman, Co,
a can see them at their have a full assortment of
general and price
Protect feet by wearing
good shoes, E. Q. Chapman ,
Co. bate kind and lite you
F. K. went to the circus at,
and returned Sunday I
night. I
School stationery,
pencils and school supplies of all
can be found at the
See Q. A. Kittrell for feed stuff
all kinds. j
J. H. Browning spent Sunday j
ire right.
is on
Tasteless OIL sold.
Taste us good Maple Syrup.
per at Dr.
Thia boa reputation to sustain. It is n
.-, I place to buy, a
and goodness and j
i j with prices, the fullest
r it as your store,
in buy. t
high j
Th for and A
for full and winter are here. The style
are different last Too many to
a attempt
to wear Clothing. the tines
made youths and men
We curry and the
mad by Try a suit of
and not satisfactory, money will be re
The oil mill in now running day;
i per yard.
union Si Or, I
Second buggies cheap. If,
wish I., buy a second
see the A. G. Cox

We have the right thing for every person, the right price for every purse.
A beautiful assortment of new and Goods, perfectly adapted to the wants and
of our We have the variety that insures the easy and satisfactory choice.,
The field for selection is the widest. The prices the fairest-a generous assortment full of quality,
and merit.
Loan Value,
Paid-up Insurance.
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
ft,. Is
Will be re-instated if arrears he paid within on month while yen
are living, or within throe years after lapse, upon satisfactory evident
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning; of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an daring the
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
f .
We are waiting to please you with Dress Goods. Have
placed on sale a line of the newest styles and
patterns. It has been oar pleasure to show
to per yard.
Our line of Trimmings is complete. We have no com-
this line. Prices from to per yard.
We are constantly adding to Dress Goods and Trim-
ming Department the newest and up-to-date an tot as
they come out, striving at all times to the high
standard that we have established in these lines.
Look to for the we will not
We Cordially Invite Your inspection of Our line of
Jackets and Furs.
pricks to 180.00.
A Tall Line of
Our Sties are the newest creations and Prices
lowest, Quality considered.
For Cook Stoves Range,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Morse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
The Dorothy Dodd for Ladies, Prices and
Health for Men, Price
Modern shoe miking a of
and Many
makers understand the
of d shoe making, they
know how a durable and
stylish shoe ought to lie made,
but lack the necessary organ
to carry out ideal.
Only by combining the
qualification can you pet per-
shoes Our Fine Shoe
Linn. the Dorothy I
very acme of scientific
shoe making combined with
style and finish.
A Full Line of
Fancy and Staple
Groceries always
on hand.
We Cordially in-
you to call
on us.
Your Friends,
If you do come to see us, We keep every.
I thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
I j at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Art n. C.
Tobacco has Advanced--Prices
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have com-
men and. one of the
est and best lighted, houses in
the Stale. Sell, with us,
please you.
Cherry Go
m -i-. ------1--
about the custom of leaving cot-
ton bales out in the weather, make
not only risk
a loss for yourself in of weight
by removal of rotten cotton and low-
i price, but you do the world a
vi. You are ready enough to j
when the merchant sells i
-you rotten goods, hot how about the
loan who lets the cotton injure from
which the goods are made How j
would your shirt last after lying j
n the ground all winter Just so;
long will one made of cotton that;
has laid on the ground all winter.
Of Cholera with One
Small Bottle of
Colic, i era
Mr. G. W. Fowler of
Ala., relates an experience he had
while nerving on a jury in a
murder case at
seat of county. Ala-
He there I
ate fresh some
souse meat it gave me cholera
in a very severe I
was never more sick iii my life and
sent to the drag store for a certain
mixture, but the druggist;
sent me n bottle of Chain
and i
instead, toot he,
what sent for, that
was so Wetter he
would rather send t tome In
fix was in. I took one dose of I
it mid better in live minute.
The second dose eared am
Two fellow jurors were afflict-1
M In tbs same manner and
small bottle cured three of I
Store. t
The mid doings of many
a married man depends
the kind of a wife lie has.
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be
date in every way.
We are sole agent for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
Praise It.
everywhere One
Cure for tie
lug it ban the
it has A
A. L.
from a sudden
of croup. One
i Cure quickly re-
and cured I
too One Minute
rel eve makes
breathing cuts out phlegm,
out and re-
mote every of a and
on Hold by . L.
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
fabric to be found in any city.
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, Beds, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
call for in this line.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C
in ;
. -I------- . J-------1 .
A woman isn't good ;
nook she her neigh-1
When the quantity of food taken j
is or quality ton
sour i- likely to
especially so it the
weakened by car
Eat slowly and not
of easily d fowl. irate
L-t five
ween meal-,
you feel a fullness weight
eating, take
and Tablets the
sour may be avoided
by Drug Store,
G rt. ville. f
A ti exaggerate
except her age.
k .
Witch Alive baa
of of Piled.
on the recommendation
of our so C. H.
of Tex.,
pd it for of Piles.
It cured me Sold
by Jno. I,. Wooten.
Sever try to dictate to a
t to work
in a day's time.
lying comes do. Keep on faking
Rocky Mountain Tea.
the face fair and
blooming. cents. Tea. or Tab-
lets. Wooten's Drag Store.
Read here the most Startling Price Quoting you have ever J
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price I cent.
Feather Stitch Braid, white and Be Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose, cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and. our price
Men and Boy's Fine Sunday Shirts for cents.
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants it
Men's Fine Worsted pants for
We mean what iV The above are only a few of the many
good Bargains we are of Come to see us.
The Hive.

Franchise i t
ground Ink., bare been ,
is any
or ten meters number of children can play.
Ti L town or
E h T i in the middle- of
the players ha, taken. The
i seize the
Many Australian the la
k . before it
covered. Similar phenomena are
found, though or, H extensive
in other European
but Australia will
be able to torn hers to
account than any of them.
Distinction Sens
An enterprising tailor.
over whose shop Third avenue.
near Cooper Union, sign reading,
Custom Or-
appears in , gilt
and silver lettering, does hi level
heat toward catering to trade of
both high and low dame. At the f
base of his display window, which is
adorned by fashion plates,
this an is
Directly above is posted the fol-
. The presiding cress legged artist
flays that the letter bait pulls two
to Press.
trencher will fall t and
he must then pay a It is
then hi.- turn lo twirl the trencher.
A very similar game to this is
, my lady's toilet The only differ-1
is that each player must take
j the name of some article of a la-j
i dress, each as shawl, earring,
brooch, etc.
Prices Almost Talk,
number of
i.- a jolly game for a
to Sit
to Goad values
for his daisy, street-------
Haying already stamped his
impress upon most things sub-
lunary, according to the London
Globe, and there at hand no
to him, like Alex-
the kaiser is lo in hand
the minor field of bugling.
His majesty recently i an elk at
and ordered the huntsman to
sound on the bugle On
the man complying the kaiser stop-
hint with, -That's
Being told in reply that there ex-
no particular for elks, the
emperor said, I'll have one
specially composed for next
j The In Salt.
The latest government statistics
state that the Mates pro-
the year is the mull-
est output since 1898 and
that the of salt is
This is probably due to the
disclosures of eminent
people too much salt, that
there is natural salt in the
water we drink, in the air we
breathe and in the fruits and
tables we cut to supply the human j
system it
fully on every dish.
w now traced to the use salt.
A Din Sea Monastery.
of the Ten Thou-
is the name given by the wan-
Arabs of the district across
Jordan to the fortress monastery of
Mar Saba. on the Dead sea.
many years ago there were actually
monk living in this grim re-
treat, and even today there are more
than a thousand left. The
tery is one of the oldest in the world,
baring been founded 1,300
year- by
for his sweet
William, black eyed Susan, etc.
Then let her tall a story
up out of her own in which
site brings in every one of the flow-
names. Whenever a child hears
his flower name mentioned he must
get turn around and down.
Whenever the leader uses the
all the children .
jump up and change places, at which
time the leader tries to capture a
seat. Whoever gets must then
become leader.
My price,
Handsome fancy wonted wool suits, sites to big values
Arrange the players with their
hands behind them along the sides
of a tang extension table, down th
center of which a row of
balk s placed at intervals of about
two feet. Appoint two judges and
them at the ends of the table.
At a given word the players on both
sides begin to blow the balls, en-
to blow them their op-
side of the table and to
prevent balls from being blown
off on their own ball
blown count- live points. The
i inn p.- t .
My price,
; Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes M to big values
My price,
yards others price
My price,
In the picture there is hidden a
certain well known proverb. Can
you read it
A Creature.
A South American is
a queer creature, and to its
has been n block to
many naturalists. To lock at it any
one would the creature for a
large earthworm. It has no ears, as
other lizards have. No eyes
parent, and it progresses with equal
ease forward or backward in its sub-
Sample Hats aS colors, others price
Boys pants, all sizes. Others
pair soiled Leather Shoes . Others price
Report of the Condition of
At the clone of business, Nov. 1904.
Furniture fixtures, 81,211.86
from Capitol Stock paid in
Gold Coin 20.00 , , , r, .,.,.
o . i profits
201.7 J
Nation Bk other U S subject to check 14,035.00
Next door to
Greenville, N.
23,041.20 Total
Stale of North
Pitt County.
J, J. R. Davis, Cashier of tho bank, do
the is to the bast of my knowledge and belief.
sad so before
a. SI day of 1904. f R.
J. J v Daria
For Neat and Attractive
InK Work ice.
D. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
Day Well Liberally Re-1 Reported for Reflector
Though previous day gave u
of different,
day brought pretty
weather with ii in this
Greenville entered heartily in the
observance of the day, and enjoyed
it perhaps more fully than any
like in the past. With
the of the hunting
the day was very
like a Sunday. Business generally
was the and
offices being closed.
Services held in two of the
with Q at each.
In tho
was by H. H. r
The of The
were entertained on last
Thursday by Mrs. Joseph G.
at her delightful home on Third
street. beautiful hostess re-
the Daughters and a large
circle of visiting guests with
. grace and charm of and
soon the rapidly growing chapter
was busily at work.
the voluntary donations tor
the suffering families of old sol-
the officers for the coming
year were elected as
T. J. Jarvis.
let Sirs. Joseph
G Move,
2nd L C.
Sec Mrs. Jno.
of the church, his .
i . v
joining their
people have had the pleasure
Of bearing no better or more
sermon. .
It. was thoughtful, eloquent, one
that wade each individual feel his . .,.,
, . . . , , to the chapter. Miss Flem
indebtedness mid gratitude to God L, . , . , .,
. . ,, , , , T. W. Skinner and Mrs
for his Innumerable m
r. . . , . . IS. H. I HIT.
Pastor A. I. King made a brief, .,
.- ,. ,. ., . After all business was disposed
appeal for
Corresponding J. B.
R J. Cobb.
new members were added
age and the collection was exceed-
liberal, amounting to 935.86.
The music at the service was
At the Methodist church there
was a large audience and
pastor, Rev. J. A.
preached an excellent, sermon
keeping with the
spirit. The collection for the or-
was indeed a liberal one,
amounting to There
special music for the occasion
was much enjoyed.
Beside what was done in
were other generous
of a spirited contest was entered
upon for the quickest reader of
certain questions based
upon a watch or clock, Moore
of the graded school faculty, win
pr-z as she did at
last held with Mrs. David
The to meet
with Mrs Flanagan on the
second December.
A good story is told
. , Morgan. For three i
The czar is the owner of over g
estates, all of winch supply mm p empty , j, u
with private revenues, but he is also to On
Friday, 1908.
H. F. Keel went to
the possessor of palaces and day his junior
O. W. B. Hadley, of LaGrange, tn maintained ,, to ask why he car-
came over to spent Thanksgiving style at a great expense apparently d
e I to the owner. The czar has more he Mop-
servants than any one else m the have tile fa.
R. D. Cherry went
this morning j on his estates. He possesses do said tho
Mrs. Shelter., of Conetoe, Sf
w v i r o m ti v , , or man j at least one
has been siting Mm. T. Hook-; he has viewed but never with some curiosity. IVe
left this morning.
to a V of to ask me why I did so.
a returned pages, but- r i w began
em- inquirer
Mr and Mrs. Sara Flake return-
inhabited, even for one night, and
another score in each of which ho
. has on only one occasion. The
ed i his mm from where czar's private contains over
they spent Thanksgiving. i horses belonging to him, and
the herds of cuttle feeding on
Mr. and K. R. Tunstall, of, own arc estimated to number
Kinston, spent here Over head,
with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Saturday, Nov. 26th, 1904.
won the money, but in future don't
ask questions about things that
don't concern
Indian Territory Farm Land.
The available farm land in Indian
is estimated at
acres. These figures are taken from
the records of the
H Caught the Of this per cent was in
One of Emperor William's favor- hist year. There are about
Gladys is on young named acres of land where pine
sick list. a student, says Am- Is found in commercial quantities,
. Tower. He and there is an abundance of hard
O. T. found way lo the war lord's woods of all kinds. The latest
morning from Kinston. friendship in interesting man- obtainable give the value of
i net. William, walking one day in farm animals at The
Rev. W. B. C x returned the street near the palace, met the per cent of the population engaged
from i student and said to him abruptly, m agriculture is -ceded in only
do you come three Oklahoma
am n was the reply, and
said the emperor.
Berliners are good for
know two Berlin boys who are ex- The Germans are given to pun-
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Woodward
returned Friday evening from
Mrs. W. H. has returned
from a visit to her parents a
to that returned the after
t, student. their Ian ire
Rev. F. ft. Hart in in has been
conducting meeting Falkland
the pan
Mi-a Minnie Hart, of
Va., arrived evening to
brother, J. N. Hart.
r a ponderous sort, and
well adapted to it,
and The emperor com- Tho eastern war gives them plenty
him to attend at the pal- opportunities. At Berlin the
ace. cat name for the commander of
; Russian armies in
Elder Involuntarily Immersed.
Last week while the funeral
procession was conveying the re-
mains of the late Mr. J. R.
pupils the grounds, near
of the graded contributed church, Presiding
13.26 to Oxford orphan F. over-
turn, and ; he sixth and seventh
grades took a to tho inmates
of the county home.
The in cash
and a to Oxford
my I
The noble of The Ki
Daughter-, following their annual
took a feast to the
h gladness and
as well as to
the inmates.
Lost a Hand.
A living the
liver met an accident,
log that coat him one hand.
He was out hunting, and while
a fence with tho butt, of
his gun resting the ground a
rail Cell and caused the gun to dis-
charge. The load went through
his left band and tore it so badly
i- had to be amputated.
Heat Turned On.
The furnace in the Masonic
fired up Friday for the
first time and heat turned on the
opera The apparatus
worked all right and made the
house thoroughly comfortable.
Dr H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha
Mb, 6th and 7th, Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday for the
purpose of treating diseases of the
eye and fitting glasses. Those not
able to pay a lee will be
free. 11-14 It a wk I
turned in creek, near
cross roads, was
thrown into tho Bold waters of the
stream. The creek as much
account rain
storm the day before, and the
boggy in which the presiding elder
was riding got into a and
turned over. Mr. Smith was at
assisted from water by
those nearest to him at the
lime of and he hat
Buffeted no attack of cold
on account of m remain for
some time wet before he
could be driven In u place
tie procured.
Another good sized audience
greeted the Osman Stock Com
in the opera house Friday nigh in
While this is old play the com-
presented it s excellently u-
to make it very pleading. All
parts were well taken. The spic-
between the acts were of a
high order.
will be presented
The a meritorious
company and deserve to well
patronized. Only praise of
is beard from all who attend their
New seeded raisins, pitted dates,
citron, currants,
nut. S. M.
Steel Wheel Fire Alarms.
Many of the towns in New thereby that he has been
even including ho large a place by
as Branch, have steel wheel the time of the Dreyfus
tire alarms, which arouse too, the Berlin wits asked,
around them in a very wide
radius. The are merely the far has France
steel rims of big locomotive drive was the
N. C, Nov. 1904. i T
j desiring them by the Central
Mis attend- j way from its disabled limp For Warm
-d the big in rolling stock. the alarm The department of agriculture
day. is mounted in a wooden tower frame has recently imported five
Robert and MUs Ia I of a eves and a ram-for
T. . , . . stout post. A big hammer hangs on use in the extreme southern states.
Johnson, were in and any one a A heavy crop of wool is a burden
neighborhood Friday afternoon, j fire clangs the alarm and calls in hot, dry districts, resulting in a
Misses Mary, Bessie, Laura; sens to action. direct ill effect on tho quality of the
Smith Clara were here I mutton. These sheep are being ex-
B tho with by the bureau of
i,. a Golf links to be found in animal industry. They are hardy
Miss Bessie spent , of an They
day afternoon with Miss Annie At there has been a brought from the Barbados, where
j golf club for nearly ten years. The they proved profitable. Country
Miss May spent eighteen hole course, which is laid Life In America.
day night at her home in Ayden. j out in the three mU from
t t u i the city, is said to be decidedly Library
Leon and Mis- j which means, Tho librarian of the of
Emma Brown, of Ayden, in acCording to some, that on loses an deputies at Berlin on being told the
vicinity Sunday. ; immoderate number of balls there, average time for getting a book at
Misses Mary Golf may be played Zanzibar, the Columbia university library in
Johnson spent Sunday afternoon I of ,; New York shall
. . w. M . , Ban, Hon- I go next Two hours a half
Miss j and . . . v one hour Paris
Henry B K British museum
sons, Luther and Harvey, went to- a Woman. and two and a half minutes at Co-
Saturday. Perhaps the Perhaps if he wishes to
It f. accompanied apparatus on record, so far read several books it might save
as human beings are concerned,
his wife, rilled his regular
at Bethany
and Sunday.
A number of our friend spent
Friday to see
the big show
and sister, Miss Carie
spent Sunday at L. A.
Mis- Carrie Rouse and brother
spent Saturday at It. B
Joe and Joe Williams,
Standard, were over Sunday.
Marion Joe
were over a short
while Sunday.
passed out of existence recently
when a certain Mr. Williams died
at Bristol, England, a good
One time, it is said, the lady
seized a box of dominoes and
lowed twenty-eight pieces. an-
other occasion the consumed one
and a half pound.-, of grave, and
later she swallowed thirteen iron
screws. of these things
harmed her.
books it
time for him to make a trip to
York Tribune.
Girls expert remedies to work
a day's time.
lying cornea slow. Keep on taking
Hollister's Mountain Tea.
make face fair and
blooming. cents. Tea, or Tab-
lets. Drug Store.
The Face at th Window.
An American visiting
Norway, gives this sketch of
were driving past the
house of the great man when our
guide casually remarked, as if it had
just occurred to him,
people see Ibsen that
We looked up quick as n flash. There
he was, his wan countenance, pinch-
ed features and while whiskers,
looking like a face against
There will shortly be
ed upon the Alpine peak of th pane.
on Monte Rosa, the most elevated
literary and scientific institute in
the world. Its altitude will be
In the Desert.
In the matter coin-
feet. The library, which will interest is taken
take the name of Queen the expected at
owes its organization to hex motor cars for
supported by ministers m the desert. The
many eminent persons in Italy has been to
abroad. It will all the traveling -over
looks, sculpture, mid n, ll
photographs to lead to a so-
Abs I problem.

Eastern reflector, 25 November 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 25, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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