Eastern reflector, 22 November 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Lawn B edged all around
With , Hull i . 11- big
for this Sale for
yards Homespun, nil
want, it will oust yon cents the yard. I Die
Sale per yd.
Odd Vests, Worth This Safe cents-
Cot i on Towels, woven
assort i ends,
Others inn- each, Sale
, . seamless,
welted top. it wipe.
per pair, in gale i-ac per pair.
High bust jeans, hook
cable cord bust has gore
trimmed top, perfect lilting. Hold the world
over for Sale
Black mercerized, spun full
width in. plaited flounce, Mime
bin Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This S cents Dozen.
bring -iii ii
this Sale
Big f
I r big values, this
pairs of Sim", solid leather
will any here from
i i
We have u big lot l hats t hat. we sold from
ninety rent to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are Below
Any Price Don't Buy.
VS p will Hit It ; mug, as as we
1- y.-n are fur
el can ask this Bale
We will n guaranteed, lull
unbleached, you for, this Salt.
We have a big lino of rubber just re-
vi- will have to sell I hem also.
I will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Mn. Burnett cam ft
doer called
Alice, deer, and
it was tiff-
Mrs. e
Water color opaque window Shade in
thread fringe, fixture complete, G feet long by
wide, worth Huh Sale f
Calicoes pay Be
and for, we have the market this
Sale at
tell you, Frank, ifs got to
the point where something be
said Mrs. Burnett, and as she
spoke she nipped at the small
that were moving toward the
bowl. Morton, aged nine,
Jerked his hand out of the way and
at his mother, who purged
up her lips to conceal a smile.
do that, said
Mr. Burnett. Then, turning to his
wife, ho asked, have they
been doing
boy and some more of his
crowd put tin cons along the top of
the fence and then threw at them to
knock off. About every other
stone went over tho top of the fence
and went sailing across our back
yard. If one of them had struck
anybody he wouldn't have known
what hurt
The lived next door, and I
although there was a dividing fence
it had not kept the two families
In the year during which the two
households had dwelt side by side
there had been a growing enmity.
Yet Mrs. Burnett had never spoken
a w to Mrs. and her
band knew nothing of Mr.
except that he worked with his
bands for a living and spent a great
many evenings at home.
There were two
Lawrence, or Larry, aged ten, and
little Willie, who at the tender
of three had learned to regard the
Burnett tribe with scorn and hatred
and suffer to some degree under the ;
indignities heaped upon his family;
by that arch fiend of
Morton Burnett.
when the sat around
the supper table up the ac-
counts of the day it was Larry who
posed as the persecuted and abused
child, while Morton Burnett was
pictured as an infant of dark in-
tents, headed straight for the bride-
I was a man, Tom
said the wife, warrant you I'd
go over to that house and give no-
things are simply going too
far. Today that boy got up on the
fence end called Lawrence all kinds
said that his mother had
that ma didn't have clothes fit ;
had begun hard during j
the recital of his grievances.
don't try to make j
myself look like a peacock every
time I start to said Mrs.
This comparison of Mrs. Burnett
to a peacock tickled the children,
and they laughed immoderately.
Tom restrained them with a
quiet and said that the
proper way to get along was to pay
no attention to the neighbors.
like to know how you can,
help said his wife. boy is
up to come mischief every hour of;
the day, and his mother seems to
encourage him in
docs. He throws things over into
our yard, teases Willie and makes
faces at
time I him pick on
lie I'll another
do untiling of the
mother. you
talking to I gave you
exclaimed i
with him
Lawrence remembered the mild
and his inward resolution
was not changed. Tom went
for his pipe, oppressed with the
thought that he beer, very
lucky in his select ion of neighbors.
These complaints had come to
him day alter day from the down-
trodden members of his family.
The lend had grown from a thou-
sand aggravating circumstances.
Suppose Morton Burnett to be on
the fence. His mother would open
the back door and say loudly enough
to make herself heard through the
open windows of the
get down from that fence
Haven't about
Mrs. would hear and
Then would wait her
opportunity to appear on the back
stoop and retaliate.
In summer time, when both
en were out of doors much of the
time, they occasionally exchanged
glances which were significant
Mr. put her
she knew Mm.
a organ in our sense, hit
haven't any in yours.
Mrs. has frequently in
formed that the Burnett organ
was a cheap secondhand thing.
One day when Mrs. came
home from a funeral in a covered
carriage there was consternation in
tho Burnett family, and accounts
were not fairly balanced until a new
coat of paint was put on the Bur-
nett house.
The children told
Burnett children all that their
mother had said about the probable
character of Mrs. Burnett. likewise
the Burnett children repeated to the
children all that they heard
at the supper table. Mis. Burnett
know that she was being reported
Mrs. and Mrs.
it her duty to learn what the viper-i
thing had been saying. Frank
Burnett and Tom
convinced each that the other's
was probably more to blame over
the fence, clothesline and garbage
box issues.
Alice Burnett started to run
across the street one day in front of
a delivery wagon. She fell, scram-
bled to her feet again, and the
horse's knee struck her in the back.
She fell on the block pavement and
lay quiet.
Mrs. saw it all from her
front window. She ran into the
street and gathered the muddy child
in her arms. The frightened driver
had left his wagon, sad he followed
her timidly to the front door
Burnett house.
Mrs. Burnett screamed and then
began to cry.
for a doctor, you
said Mrs. to the driver as
rue placed the limp little bony on a
bed and then ran for cold water
When the girl opined her eyes she
found her mother on ore Fide, Mrs.
on Hit other, peas.
physician smiled at over
a little jolted up and
bumped her head when .-lie fell, bat
it was mostly he
I saw fall heart
just my
cry, you ain't i bit hurt. The
doctor says sen some more
e on your bed old
get said Mrs. Burnett.
you sit still. You arc as
pale as a
That is how it happened
Frank Burnett, coming home from
the works by the back way, found
in his kitchen the hated vixen, the
trainer of criminals, the woman
She told him what had
and begged him not to frighten his
wife, as there wasn't real
Mr. was likewise surprised
upon arriving home. Supper was
not ready, and his wife had gone
over to the enemy. He went after
her and was taken in.
Mrs. told him she couldn't
come home because Mrs. Burnett
was all upset, and some one would
have to take care of child. So
Mr. and his two boys ale s
cold lunch with Mr. Burnett his
Mr. Burnett sent Morton out to
get two cigars, and while the women
sat by the bed in the front room the
men sat in the hack room and
smoked, the three boys, awed
by the revolution, kept very quiet.
Morton ever bothers you, Mr.
said Mr. Burnett,
just let me know, and I'll tend to
was just going to to
that Larry's apt to too gay now
and then, if ever hour
Slicking on your children I'll
In the front room Mrs.
was thanking Mrs. who
hoping that her children had
bothered Mrs. Burnett very much.
The little girl went to sleep, and
family went home.
That the end of the feud. In
each household there was a general
order that in case of a
riot punishment should ho visited
upon those at hand.
These two side by side,
the water of the west
The were at lib-
f on
the feud, the
me t or he
ft. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
beautiful Home
Seldom do e a more
wedding than that which
t the hospitable
home of just
miles of
Wednesday afternoon, when he
youngest daughter,
. C,
of the most
marriages ever in Win-
place this morning at
half past o'clock,
O. near Scotland
-Nook, so in a gin
few days ago.
The Merchants A Farmers bank
Luke's church, , . J. .
m. v n . . declared
Mr. F. G. of
and Miss Bertha of ibis
place, were united the bonds
united in the bonds ,
,., M. T , . . The
to Mr. Julius of j . A ,
.,. . beautifully decorated
All through the i
h. a . . , clear crisp morning
be seen of palms. i. , , ,.
. lent love q the
ferns and trailing ivy, whilst Um K
parlor was a of u . . .
in quantity Dawson,
Just as Mis. Higgs,
Carey and
dressed bite
u. . Lena Eureka
the parlor b. Kite t., ribbons. ,. Kl , TI-
Then M s h ,,
log, lull
Fleming, S
Washington, dressed in silk f
or, Mis. T
wearing a
a , where they united
bride MM i the
. , a extended
vent and a receiver appointed.
Safe the
m a few nights ago, and
secured 1200 in and stamps.
Two boys, age sad years
have been convicted
of at Asheville. They
fire to a school house.
George W. been
of the murder of Will Max-
well, in and seat
to be hanged
Hunter Arnold, a rural mail
route in North
Carolina, boa been for
writing letters to the col
T a
lost his
four two horses,
three four hogs, to
and bis farm by fire.
The to about
At New Bern Abbott, a
year old boy riding bicycle
close to a morning A
pushed the boy under the cur and
one of bis arm was cut off near
was arrest
At a coin
bucking in
Two Cars Derailed at Siding and
Show Was Unable make
A wreck to the second
of bearing
sod Hells circus this
at Hyman's siding, six miles
west of and the circus
was unable to meet its engagement
to show Greenville today.
wreck caused a delay of traffic
all trains and it nearly noon
the mail from Morehead
reached this city.
the wreck is
clearly but is thought to
have either from the
track the switch or the
heavily laden car breaking in the
middle. Two ears were derailed
but no nor any of the animals
were hurt. first section had
cleared mid come on to this
where i has up all day
await arrival the other sec-
as it would be useless for it
too to Greenville without the
other There were four
sections in all two following
section which wrecked, but
they flagged and no hurt was
done them.
two cars derailed were flat
cars loaded h poles and tent
fixture,, they were so badly
damaged that they will have to go
the shops for repairs, and the
loads were transferred to other cars.
The time required to remedy
trouble woe long that circus
Jordan, came
Mrs. J. L. Moore left this morn-
for Raleigh.
in a difficulty. One through t.
I. a. . . a
Shower b. t of bride and
lilies was a picture
of The A. T.
bridal tour, bearing with them
the hearty congratulations and
good wishes of all their host
i j
and impressive An
joined them as man and J
ring- u ,,,,
drew a, pistol fired at
soother, the ball missing the mark
intended and striking a white man
and stop in Greenville at all.
the circus closes its
and has been sold and will
sou will
named Craig tho wound-; to new owners, said
lug him fatally.
marriage T. H
d of Ayden, o. L,
for an extended bridal tour. R. p
Mr. Fleming is one of Pitt con-,, New York, B. C Pearce
most popular and H. O., Dr J. B.
young men Baltimore. Misses Olivia
of her mo-t
. best i
A Paragon,
Convict Drowned.
, N is
Q a in .-,.
a of logs
ridge liver,
. to
. twelve fell over-
and drowned today.
body las ml beau
wan free of
i and shackles the time
Look at the Ads
are Mm, for
the men-bunts
By way
many nights do
often will you scrub
wash the
a lire every
in in,.
and Sells Stopped by
Greenville held crowd of dis
appointed people Thous-
ands were here from all directions
to sud
Hells Brothers big show. When
it was that of
circus in a wreck on
the Atlantic Carolina
railroad there was much
All the H
crowd was collected around
depot waiting to hen the
come in and unload, but l
never came, disappointment
ii creased each passing hour
It Was when the
reached from
wreck and then ii was learned
lbs Show would not stop in
all, but would go on
through , moved
Greenville been
tho j upon having a date
I tho biggest and best show
traveling Ibis season,
e was all the greater
circumstances interfered with
the show here.
to be headed by Al G. Fields,
great minstrel showman
President Howland went from
Goldsboro to the of wreck
on a special and Mr. Sells being
on the ground the to will probably
a conclusion as to the
of wreck
difference the spot. Mr. Belle,
in speaking f the accident, was
disposed to treat it
and did not fret much, remarking
that it all come along
business, accidents, etc.
his com pan v had been very
the wreck in months.
The had a
Newborn Thursday and
it is sail, a very Ur crowd had
gathered in Greenville
there today and of course their
disappointment was
stun Free Press,
were you in your lust
go heating to hunt;
t yon want to buy, but
time by looking at
start out trading. Yon
advertisements of live
this paper and
yon want.
did you
people went to Europe
much did you
can yon
Just t u keeper from in-
sane asylum rushed and said-
you her hand
and loot
Dr H. O. Hyatt will be
at Hotel Bertha
6th, 6th Monday
Tuesday Wednesday for
of of
Those not
o pay a l, will be examined
11-U It a wk
H. M. Grand Rapids-
wife could eat or All
run Three packages made
her strong and healthy. cents,
Tea or Tablets.
N- C, Nov. 18.1904.
Mrs. and children,
who have visiting Mrs.
age, left today for their home in
public visited the
public school here this week
everything going well.
are being made to
give the Sunday school children n
Christmas tree sometime during
tie holidays.
Mrs. L. K. Ricks mid little Savage-
daughter, Mary Belle, are visiting
relatives in Greenville,
Mis Stokes is the guest of Miss
Mrs. W. H. Ricks is visiting
her parents M
W. came home Wed-
evening Littleton
Mrs. Emma Everett of
ton, is visiting her brother, W. E.
Booth Greenville.
Mis. M. little son, of
Washington, came in Wednesday
evening to visit her mother, Mrs.
Mary Foley.
Friday, Nov. 18th, MM,
W. I. Tender returned to
B. C. Pearce, of Sanford, came
this morning.
D. B. Jarvis has taken a position
with E.
Gillian, returned to
Mis Tyson has taken a
position at
Miss Jennie Harrell, who was
hero, Thursday even-
Little Miss
of Ayden, is visiting grand
mother Mrs. J. U. Barnhill.
Mrs. A. Rawls and Miss
Maggie Everett, of Hamilton, are
visiting Mrs. D. D. Gardner.
A. of Norfolk, who
has been visiting Ms L. H.
Fender, returned home today.
Mrs. Ewell who was hero
wedding, returned to Washington
Bey. and Mrs. B. Stephens,
who have been visiting Rev. W.
H. left Thursday
Miss Mabel of Bethel,
is visiting parents, Mr. and
H. Barnhill,
Saturday, Not.
W. J. Hunter left this morning
for Virginia,
Joe Rawls went to
Mis Barnhill
to this morning.
Dr. J. Greene returned to
Mayor Parker was today
trying yesterday's drunks.
Herman of Ayden
spent Friday in Greenville.
Frank came in from
Washington Friday evening.
J H. went to Tarboro
this morning to attend the circus.
Misses Lena and Carrie Forbes,
went to Kinston Friday evening.
J. B. sister, Miss Mary,
went to Kinston Friday evening.
T. B. Wilson, of Washington,
the of W. A,
There will be no sales on the to-
market Thursday and Friday
Nov. and
Box for Orphans.
The and their friends of
Greenville will send n
box to the Oxford Orphan
asylum next Tuesday. Any
wishing Io make a
can leave it at jewelry
store of J. Griffin,

. MM.
resell Grocer an
Cash paid fat
Cotton Reed,
.- Egg,
e . Mattresses, Oak Salts,
Tables, Safes,
Gall Ax
Life Key West Ch
Castries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Jelly,
virtue of M order of lie
court of Pitt county, made a
proceeding therein
needing, entitled B. Moor BA-
of Allen Warren
Warren and other.
on Monday, December
the noun- door in
at sale to
bidder, two certain pieces or
, r. and situated in and near
I the town of Greenville
L-p. Food,
. boa lead Men I I Hulls, G ;
m .
toadies, Dried ; plea, Base
Oar eats, Beasts.
China . I
are, tracker. Ma,
Co-, Bern 5.-
Royal Machine and
Cheap tor cash.
. .
Li. D. ti
r .
t m.
N, rib Of Third
i l e lands
-r, I ho heirs Of XI L.
x u.-res more or lea; and
or pared adjoining
and J.
more or
, h
E. B. Moore.
i Mien Warren.
So Tired
It gamy
are Kn front an in-
active LIVE
with a wed
one can do
It adds a p to
ones capacity.
R can If
lag tract of land
Ons it in the town
OF adjoining the lands EL J- w. t
Jesse w. and Nancy
Also one piece of land in Bethel town-
of a degree the I-
or term.
1904, in a therein pending en-
titled J. K
Ann Bryan ea the
at law the aid
Bryan, the undersigned will ex-
In the course of an address the
other day on how to obtain success,
the president of a prominent street-
railway company do
not make the man, hut good clothes
have a man a good job.
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store you get Hon-
est Goods at Honest Prices.
for your;
table can be supplied promptly j
H you call, or No.
assured that you only
hip, adjoining the lands i
Thomas. I- A.
Cherry am others, the same
i e land said Ann
inherited from her rather,
acres o
ID -j-- ca-h.
This November IS.
r. n James,
want a job. it is better to spend
twenty dollars for a suit of clothes,
four dollars for shoes and the rest
for a shave, a hair cut and a clean
collar and walk to the place, than go
w. i. with the money in the pockets of a
dingy suit Professional men, solid
tor-;, salesman, reporters and young,
in in general, business
brings into
with say it
sighted in the world
to go shabby, out
of-date or soiled clothing. Economy
able virtue and should
especially encouraged in youth,
proceeding therein b , where economy
to baa Sim reach,
kc tucker and wife and will, on ed when one tries to on
Monday, December before clothing or clean linen
tery door in the. town of
announce that we are
Wholesales and Retail
White Lead,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
By virtue of the Superior is an admiral
Pitt county. ma especially
I soil at public sale to the
bidder cash, et of
in township, the
I lands of Galloway, J.
fresh good
a her. A Heavy
To lift that of stoat-
I way n said division as appear on .
in the Superior Clerk curable, aw e
Ill-veil a-l
There is In the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
-II reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
The following bow
reached over lines
A lid
S. V
York S, V
Now ., I
St. Louis,
nod Li
points Mies-
office of Pitt county In resort I
John B.
M. M. Galloway.
Blow, Attorneys.
i J
. . is, . s t
i.-. New
j I
it ire
I t ix
it id I
I'm. I
By virtue of n
court of In special
No. 1312, T.
t and vs
son others, the under-
signed will sell
. th
at public unction on Mo day.
6th. described .
I tract land situated the county j
; in Greenville township. I
i Hounded on tho by th; lands
; i Mrs.
ville. on the east and south by the
I land and on the u-s t;
lauds of contain
log or less, on
both sides of the road known as
the pis.-1 Said
This Out. .
; mire
i; I
. in. re-
i; i . I write
. ., . well
Ph. D., Principal.
-I. I-
. , I;
. .
, .
I Ml
i lit Jim, i.
it. i
. rs-r's
. i. 11.-.
r i-
Sale. N. C, March 9th., 1904.
Mr. Chen, M.
It l n little unusual to tile an i tins late
in bot we find that the mom Pianos winch
add to the results at-
it-s the work. We have added a number of your
they have all
r it requires a of unusual merit
vb use winch all have within our
we an- glad to b- to say your
and will to
firm time to time as the need
I think re me a dozen now in the school.
J. E.
is given ill,
in the day t
sail at public sale, at the
the in Ch
iii Any Size Lots.
will either cash or ex-
change meal end hulls the t. Cannon in town- v
-.- .
Oil for the sum due the
by the defendant which stun mo s s
said Justice at ins
l- l In said county of
when where tin defendant is re-
A up They are full;
law of these piano, cm now will ,
be seen and m , . , before
lively dose before many
when price
promptly a
you are any v
r i
Washington, N.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
book mils all
. r
ville, at lowest prises
And v,
lie fool -several slight-
ed at
1171.00 to a
,,, Buck instrument hen in
l ed tr years. V- Patrick,
bares elated with
low here, will be glad to
iii price atone.
,,;, Liven on quested or de-
of Cannon, in ,. . i- . .
to the j- p,
hie.;, r the lands ll
U.-- of laid T. C. Cannon.
will on the of;
J. M. COS,
Fountain, W.
oust of
M w
i turn-
gout nice,
upon the
estate of Moore
having to me
of the court of Pitt
comity, notice ii hereby to all
; said
e, tote to them
on or before the f
of November or
will In bur of their
I u
said estate to make
mediate to me.
6th of November
Blow, Attorneys.
Bight in
iv d e i v
it for
B in
and for
those is arrears. We a Ht i
of all who at j at J. B. Smith Bro.
T so orders; The latest thing shoes. Call
I O. Jackson and
Miss Grimes, a. L. of
visiting Miss Berry. day Wednesday.
yon need mes, light.
tough for your buggy or
Call on us and make a
Milling A
Mfg. Co.,
v. c.
made. Beat refer-
J. M. Manager and Agent.
Jars BL for
Don't fall to see Cannon Ty-
son's now crockery both and
market tor beef, sail j the trade, that arc simply
smoothest seat on market
First Class made brick, by A M f Co,
wholesale J. B Smith A Bro. are offering
lock always on j special to the trade In
solicited. J. A. Griffin, l fall winter goods.
W C. Go's new are Invited and
e a decorated. Prices are cheaper lire of drew are taking the price
formerly. of all who see them. They and
L W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Tie always on hand
S. J. R. Smith and
J. A. Davis were character wit-
court at Wed-
Come to see us when you want
Beat gives, Hart Bros., to buy
A- M. went to Farm ville
yesterday looking after
handle Trust
Hart A Jenkins.
u the colored no-
is the largest buyer on the market reported in ear item In
If yea need anything way
of Crockery, Tin ware
Some to see us, Hart Jenkins.
R. G. Cox it.
Fire, n
P. O. Betiding,
Call oar line of
high grade baggies, tin be
easily convinced of the superiority
et material and
den Milling Mis;. Co.
E. E. C i. will do all they
possible please you with
their new line heavy and fancy
W. B. of
through yesterday
way to South Carolina ho
has an in a very large es-
left by an obi bachelor uncle.
Jon received, line of
fit up iii any style
Ayden Milling A Mfg Co.
Fancy oranges, apples
and m i-i at E. E. I Go's.
Call on n for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
We offering good values for
the money in shoes, hats, caps,
floor oil cloth Tyson.
Rev. Mr. Campbell came
day is stopping with Prof.
T. , Kb-g.
For apples, corn
he, apply to E. B,
Mr . Willie Prince, of
after a to relatives here
returned to her home.
member, if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
lorn ill than ours.
Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, U.
Wears Headquarters for Brat
light neat
Milling Mfg. Co.,
M. and Wed-
low I will a hospital
hope she way
entirely the relief she
line of suits, youth
iv suits, and over-coat's to
at. Cannon
Tyson are displaying
up to date line of
. brought to this
I take ibis method of in forming
public that as the Summer sea-
is about over I am offering
inducements order to
sell. My. line of pants
excelled, and the Edwin
mac which I handle exclusively is
surpassed by any other make.
live me avail when I have
town yon my dry goods, notions
her line of goods I know I shall
to please you and sell you
J. J. Hines.
from the country
tip Ute
hi- IR. Smith Br.
R. C. Gannon spent the , Our order
and children hats and caps are
He ladies now on sale at J. R. Smith ft Bro
f visit sod pat- field pea at J. R
J. R. Smith Bro. Smith ft
Dr. celebrated tablets, pet cloth
l.-st medicine on at J. j J. Bro.
P. Smith Bro yard
wool by
wide yard
J. R. Smith ft Bro.
bare been dead, the Meet thing out in this vicinity. I Car salt
verdict that
weather she met her
have plenty of the
and cart
at J.
Tue Ayden Milling a Co., u.
have arranged a upon the. Bay, seed meal and
rear of which they have placed a i at J K. ft
motor the front a Cook and Hosting stoves at
circular saw to connected A Bro.
a inch belt. This they
and will sell them as cheap from house to They then j
as any one. an electric wire to a s-
Milling Mfg. Co. ling wire and then the
Ayden, N C. In motion. whole is perfect
The ladies say that Cannon A; In its They cut
Tyson have the prettiest line of any length,
dross goods in town.
Notice yon wad
your cotton nice and clean,
order that yon might
better prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling; Mfg. Co., Ayden,
IT. M. Wharton,
Tuesday night with his sou-
in law, Barnes
Hides of rotten on an average
v i the Ayden Milling
and Co, gin. They
lint the public have
it out.
Dr. of Baltimore,
is visiting his friend D. O. at
this place. He also came a
guest to
Why suffer from head ,
. . . . J. K. Smiths Bro, would es-
ache, eye ache smarts and burns, , . ,. .
teem it a h cm I par
who their pump
healer they cat a cud
that for one-
third or half of the cost of a
man with It a both a
and time saver.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. and
Polite good, goods
at sore of J.
R Bro.
this Reek ii
in build
f.-r we do not i
Milling Mfg, Go., X. C
Raymond Turns ire has been .
Examine line of notions
received, W. C. Jackson and Co.
Tb to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
ail kinds
TOILET articles, best
goods and befit
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Beat stock of Brush
es all kinds.
ally com-
Freak kept
In Stock.
Prod ace sad Sold
D. W.
North Carolin
one pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes, in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
Several and relatives
from here attended the marriage
of Mr. Fred Miss
Those desiring first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
family have
rerouted from a long visit to
J. R. Smith Bro treat -II
Not Quite
How you pet a
nail or strew driver nm-
Hare a
tool box and be prepared for
Oar line of tool
is all sad
we will that your toil
box not lack a
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
N. C.
augur would l el urn it at once
are very in not in need of it.
They do not
but as a matter of they
feel to this
While perhaps just at this E. j.
may not be , MASONS ONLY.
as a Wall street yet ., ,., .
It is plain at an Insurance man he The Masonic Mutual
gets He is not only a sue-;
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first and every body,
the fact, Mr. Cox I
la to being
and having something
good lo hustle.
Mrs. Charles
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and the induce-
A. P.
Ayden, N. C
custom with the greatest respect Wednesday with Mia, J. R. Smith,
and all are extended an Sewing machines at J. R, Smith
to call at their store.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
m for Greenville,
Greenville daily, except
I at in. fr Washington.
Connecting at
for Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New
all points North. aB
Norfolk with railroads for all
e lilts West.
Shippers order their
by Old Dominion Line
New York and
I and Southern R R. and
Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
Baltimore and Merchants
Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
; J.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice
Street. IT, Y.
N. C.
At the close of business Sept 6th,
If it doesn't give yon
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for inning It.
F. Johnson,
Diet. Ayden,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Banks,
Check Cash
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
oilier U notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 16,183.02
Certified checks
Bills ear.
of men. 5.000.00
Dr. Dixon
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. r.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, M. C.
Lunch Baskets.

MM retail Grocer am
Denier. Oak led
far, Seed, Oil Be
Turkeys, eta.
Smite, W
alto, Tables, Safe, I
Life Key Went Oh
Apples, Jelly,
Ami tags, Meat, Sot.
abide Food,
ton Bead and Hulls, G-i.
Dried Apples,
Md Chin Ware, Tin and Wood
Ware, Cake and aw
Ben Batter,
Royal Machine and
melons good. Quality .
quantity. for
By virtue of an order of tie
court of Pitt county, mM
certain special proceeding therein
entitled B. Moore
of Allen Warren d,
against Warren and others.
will, on Monday, December
before the- door in
Hell at to the
bidder, two certain pieces or
of situated In and near
hat pan the town of Greenville
to One
v , -eel North of Third
and p. Tar river, the lands of
D. lit the heirs of M I
. Davenport others,
x acres more or less; and
.,. ., Ce or parcel adjoining
and J-
C. acres more or
i; i
, ii of
B. Moore,
at At
t w t w. N lb.
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store you get Hon-
est Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted for your
table can be supplied promptly
if you call, or No.
assured that you get only
fresh good every
u buy here.
virtue of a degree of the 1-
or court made the November term,
In a cause therein en-
titled J. K
Bryan vB Bryan and the
other heir at law of the Mid Malissa
Bryan, the undersigned will ex-
pose to before the court
house door In Wednesday,
21st day of December, the follow-
described tracts of land to win
One lot situated in the town
adjoining the lands of K. J-
ton, w. Carson and
being lot on which the said
Ann Bryan formerly
Also one piece of land in Bethel town-
ship, adjoining the lands of w. U-
Whitehurst, Jesse Thomas, E. A.
Cherry and others, the same
piece of laud which said Ann
inherited from her fattier,
Bryan, containing t o-
less. Term
This November
virtue of the Superior
of county, i certain
So Tired
ft may bat
the are tram
With a well
one can do of
It adds a kindred per
ones earning capacity.
It can
by, and by
take no
la the course of an address the
other day how to obtain success,
the president of a prominent street-
railway company do
not make the man, but good clothes
have got many a man a good job.
If you have twenty-five dollars and
want a job. it better to spend
twenty dollars for a suit of clothes,
four dollars for shoes and the rest
for a shave, a hair cut and a clean
collar and walk to the place, than go
with the money in the pockets of a
dingy suit Professional men,
tors, salesmen, reporters and young
in general, whew business
brings them into frequent contact
I with others, say that it is the most
short sighted in the
to go about wearing shabby, out
of-date or boiled clothing. Economy
is an Admirable virtue and should
Bounty, n especially encouraged in youth,
proceeding therein pending, b-t w a point where economy
entitled John reach.
ceases to boa virtue, and it is reach-
when one tries to on
necessary clothing or clean linen
following points
reached over the lines
C i
Bait-more Md
s u
City. To
ft. C
i nut e, Va
New York S, V
, Lt
St. Ah.
. r
tor of M. -M. Galloway B. w.
Tucker and wife and others. I
, Monday, December 5th, 1904, before
nm the court door in the. town of
Greenville, sell at public to the
h-chest bidder for cash, a tract o. land Heavy
To lift -bat .,,;. . of the
way and creek, and as, ,,.,, Cure.
Lot No. S in the division of the lands , you Sour
of James Gal i.
was allotted to . .
way in said division as appear on ,,,, ii ad l-n as
record in the Superior Clerks
office of Tin county in t Pi-
vision of
This the 24th day . H.
John B,
of M. W-
Blow, Attorneys.
announce that we are
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is in the world better than
the line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Ami In
t points Mis.
Any Size Lots.
We will either rush or ex
change meal hulls
and bags pay
freights Write us win n
are sell exchange.
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Our book of receipt yon all
about it. Become join-own
instruction. Book
postpaid on of
Bldg., Ta.
G. r.
k. o.
By virtue of n Superior
court of Pitt com in
No. 1812, r. K.
v. if. VS
Ron Pittman and others, the under- j
slimed will , .
U-; th court b- use door
at public auction on . nay. I
Dec. 6th. the .
tract of land situated In the county
in township.
j Hounded on i by tho lands
H. c. Han-is Mrs. Col-
on the east south by toe
land and on th-- the
lands f Harrington, contain
am acres more or less, lying on
both sides the and known at
the y
I sold for partition.
This Out,
F t-
cured by
i. . ,., Ht
i-ii and an re
,, is- I
I. -UH-
.; in in. write
. ,. , i. v
. ,.,.
I i, , i-- . I'll, i
j i lie
v. cure nil r-.-i
. . . hi Jim. .-co
i;. i-
i I
Ii L
H t
. put
may lie
. ,
r i-
Ph. D., Principal.
N. C , March 9th., 1804.
Mr Chas. M. Charlotte,
is n little unusual to file an c this late
, but we find the or Pianos which
the the result, at-
the work. We have added a number your
few and they have all
H requires a pm-n of unusual merit
far all within our
we .- to b- able to say ins
the and we will to
firm rime to time the
i re me about a now in the
Notice is hereby
at the
he ,,, i Cannon in Ch c d
n, the late Cannon in i.
all t above named
I notice a summons in the above
of hog, action was issued the
kitchen d
cotton i n , . , H u Justice of fie
1804. the mum of
U the defendant, which is
and cannon. said at Ida
Executors P. C Cannon. ,, county of
tho of November, 1904,
when and the defendant is
. r the lands belonging to
th of laid T. c. Cannon. i
on Hie cay of
They are fall
A tar sad db and p
can now -m, will
it and many
ville, when factory price
promptly withdrawn, a
you v
, ed upright at r or organ
from pa to a
H Each
for years. P- w
low hew, be glad to
in price from
Q. C
it J. P.
ea of
Phone M
U .
us your order.
Letters of upon the
estate of Moore
having day been to me
the clerk of court of Pitt
con v. notice Is hereby to all
c said
to them to
for meat on or the
notice will iv plead bur of their
recovery, indebted ,
estate to make
nth of November
A Blow,
High in
if tits
id i v
i Hen
n. H. TH
s for Daily
gee we
and for
those arrear. We have a lit
of all at
this orders
for job
Min Alien Grimes,
When need ; met, light,
tough tor your buggy m
a. Call on us and make a
Milling A
Killing Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
or charge made, refer-
A. M. went to
yesterday looking after He
the buyer oil the market
If yea need way
of Tin
some to see Hart A Jenkins.
H. G. Cox Life
Fire, and Health
P. O. Budding,
Gull examine oar line of
high grade buggies. You em be
easily convinced of the superiority
el material and
Milling C.
E. E. C . will do all they
i Io plea-Mi you with
their new Hue heavy fancy
W. B. Wingate, of
pasted through yesterday his
way t South Carolina he
an in a very large es-
left by an old bachelor uncle.
received, lino line of
fit yon up in any style
or price.
Fancy oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. I
Call on s for a bat
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
We are offering good values for
the money in shoe, caps,
rugs mattings, tables and
oil cloth Tyson.
Rev. Mr. Campbell came
day and is stopping with Prof.
T. H.
For can apples,
e, apply to E. H.
Mr-. Willie Prince, of
after . to relatives has
returned in home.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your will be than ours.
Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N.
We are Headquarters for flint
class, light neat Harness,
Muling Mfg. Co.,
N. C
C. M. and wife Wed-
for where
n Holton wilt enter a hospital
entirely tho relief she
line of men's suits, youth
suits, and over-coat's to
at. Cannon Tyson.
a Tyson are displaying
up to date line of
ever brought to this
I lake ibis method of informing
he that as Summer sea-
is about over I am offering
In order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
and the Edwin
which f exclusively is
surpassed by any other make.
live me a call when I have
low n my dry goods, notions
her line of goods I know I shall
to please you and ell yon
J. J.
s the
train morning
It the
D. W.
at J. R. Smith A Bro.
The latest thing shoes. Call
at W. C. and
A. L. of Kinston,
spent the day
Don't fail to see Cannon Si Ty-
son's crockery both plain and
decorated. Prices are cheaper
than formerly.
If. T. i. R. Smith and
J. A. Davit were character wit-
court at Wed-
Come to see when you wain
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart A
of the colored
in our items to
have been found dead,
jury returned n verdict that
weal Sunday night she met her
w have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them
as any
Mfg. Co.
N C.
The ladies say that Cannon A
Tyson have the prettiest line of
goods in town.
Notice you want
your cotton ginned and clean,
that you might
better prices for it, bring it to Hie
Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
H. M. Wharton,
Tuesday night his sou-
ill la, Barnes
dales of cotton on an average
is v hit the Ayden Milling
mil Co gin. They
lint tho public have
I on lid it out.
Dr. of Baltimore,
is visiting his friend D. G. at
this place. He also name as a
guest to
Why suffer from intense head
J. Manager Agent.
Jars H. A Go's new j manufacture boggle seats for
market tor beef, tail j the trade, that are simply the
sage, and fresh on market
First Class hand made brick, by i A Mfg Ce.
wholesale and retail large J. Smith A Bro. are offering
always on hand, orders to the trade in
solicited. J. A. Griffin. I fall winter goods.
W C. Go's new are cordially invited to call and
lire of dress goods are taking the price
Pants aims and at J,
And Provisions
Cotton Bogging and
Ties always on hand
of all who see
R. C. Gannon
in Tuesday.
ladies specially be
f will visit and pat-
R. Smith Bro.
Dr. tablets,
R. Smith Bra
Our order of youth
and children hats caps are
now on sale at R. Smith A Bro.
bushel peas at R.
Smith A
Carpet and
b-st medicine on I he market at J. j J. R. A Bro.
P. Smith A Bro will t
Sawing wood by electricity J. B. Smith Bro.
the latest thing oat vicinity. Cut salt, toe and
Tue Ayden Co., U. Smith A Bro.
have arranged a upon the ; Hay, seed meal and
rear of which have placed a j at J B. Smith A Bro.
Cook n-l Heating stoves at J.
Smith A. Bro.
In stock.
Produce Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
motor and tho front attached a
saw two by
a inch belt. This they move
from house to They then I
an wire to pars-
wire and then set the machine j
in motion. The whole is perfect
its They i
wood any length. For
heater cut a cord In
that for one-
third or one of do- cost of a
man with an It both a
money and time saver.
Cold weather underwear at
prices to suit all. Fits
at W. C. Jackson and
Polite good. and
suitable J.
R Smith Bro.
W. Hart b i i o
this ices bit one- .
Bo, fur we do not
set cannot
Milling Mfg. Co.
line of notions
received. O. Jackson and Co.
J. R. Smith Si, , would cs
ache, eye ache smarts and hums. H
when yon can be permanently
cue pair of properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. t. Weak
need of glasses,
ways o to worse. A lit-
piece of properly
ed will often work wonders.
Several and relatives
from here tit tended I he marriage
of Mr. Fred Miss
Bertha hi Winterville
Those first-class work
in I be ; of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro.
John family have
returned from a long visit to
A hankie.
J. R. Smith Bro their
with the greatest respect
and all mo an
to call at their store.
to know that
I handle only a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
rip-to-date line of TA-
ail kinds
quality of RUBBER
goods and best
carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigar
Tobacco, a large as-
sort of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best of Brush
es of all kinds.
ties who last harrowed their pump
would let urn once us
they are very mi need of it.
They do not in anyone,
bur as a matter of
feel compelled to make this
perhaps just at E. I
may not be ONLY.
busy as a Wall street, yet; i .
It is plain as an Insurance man he The Masonic Mutual
w. c.
Not Quite I
How you get a
nail or strew driver r a-
Have a cooS
tool box and be for
Oar line of tool-
i. all desire,
we will see that your too
box does not a
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
J. R,
gets there He is nut only a
but bus found it necessary to
employ His companies
are first class and every body
the fact, Mr. Cox
is in Congratulated in being a
and having something
good to hustle.
Mrs. Charles
Wednesday with Mrs. J. R. Smith.
Sewing machines at J. R, Smith
ft Bro,
At the clone of business Sept 6th,
Relief Association.
The best plan, the host
rate the induce-
offered. Sen
A. P. At.
Ayden, N. C
Steamer R. L. leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
m for Greenville,
Greenville dally, except Sunday,
at in. Ir Washington.
Connecting at
steamers for Norfolk,
New Boston,
all points North. Connects
with for all
Shippers should order
by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Soul It R.
Old Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Line
Baltimore and Merchants
Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours to change
without Notice.
t. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
, J. Cherry,
N. C.
. B. Walker, View President
Hi -hi Beach Street. H. Y.
If it doesn't give yon
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Banks,
Check and Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
oilier S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits lose
expenses, j
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 10,183.02
Certified checks
Hills tor.
of 5,000.00
Dr. Dixon
Office Block, float
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Lou is Ski
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
M. C.
School Supplies
Lunch Baskets.

. J. and
in post office at Greenville, N. C, ms second clans matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
a man's title to consideration rests The news from various portions of
on the color of skin and not or I the south is to the effect that though
his character and his achievements the fields are white with cotton, the
The World hopes that this farmers are in need of help to pick
has finally been thoroughly
i to
County, N. C,
Judge Parker Las moved to Tho gold brick who are
York and opened law office sorting a term in the penitentiary,
are moving again to get a pardon,
To deny the child even that little
training and leave him in absolute
ignorance, unable to read a printed
page or to even write his name,
cruel beyond utterance. Do not, if
you have a spark of love for your
child, deny him the privilege of
learning to read and
roe Enquirer
about your taxes and what Sleigh to interview the governor
yon owe the newspaper to be . . m Our ad-
paying, vice to the governor is, don't
an Arkansas lawyer now being in The New York Herald estimates
that the election cost the two
cal parties more than twenty-two
if sends all of the boys a
If more people would catch the
of shoes ho will have to enlarge o praise things
his factory. I instead of kicking against them, the
i town would along faster. His
idea is to say something good about
The president is entertaining a
Japanese prince who over to it is a good idea.
gee. bow the country looks; and the
pet pay the bills
divorce evil argument fails
to bring about corrections to the law
The people boar their own
over the circus not com-
but no doubt the show will get
pay out of the railroad for losing the
million dollars. We have always
been in favor of popular elections,
it. Good prices are offered to pick
but the demand exceeds the sup
ply. Meantime in every southern
village and city are healthy
strong idle men and women who are
complaining that they can find no
employment Perhaps this means
no employment that they are willing
to do. Many people want easy jobs,
in other words to
with as little work as possible But
all these who are willing to take hold
at anything that comes handy, many
find jobs of various kinds on farms
that unskilled help may do. Of
course the lazy and worthless, the
professionally idle, the tramp
element won't work at all. But
there is no in this country
but if the Herald's figures are any
, . , ,; for any man remaining idle long if
way near correct we shall . ,
, I he is of the right makeup and dis-
to lean to the theory that the goods, r
. r. i t i ,
coma too Post.
by . b next legislature, then . q had being a Supreme Conn
m not worth much. L, of the ,, Minister, so
A farmer in Pa., has
raised bushels of white
toes en a farm of acres. Value
He used tons of fer-
and half a ton of Paris green
to kill potato beetles. The total cost
of the crop was and the
profit as That, is better
Conn Judge
. .
freely as God has prospered them.
at our city of Haleigh this,
the seventeenth day of November, in,
the year of our Lord, nineteen
and and in the one
and twenty-ninth year of our
American Independence.
Charles B.
By the Governor.
P. M.
Private Secretary.
T eighth district is still in a
mud with both sides claiming it.
Doubtless, a contest will result
who hold the scat in
In man has been heard to
. that his troubles seem
he got elected. Those
must be alter him
v the dispatches say
p at Wonder what the
r. tie with him after tore
h letter put their ponies to
. ti i
The Washington Gazette
r, a paper just a few weeks older
than The Daily Reflector, recently
completed its tenth In its
career it has enlarged from a three
column sheet to seven columns, The
Gazette-Messenger has been an
factor in the advancement of
its town.
Semi the to the Public School,
The public schools are, in all prob-
ability, not to your liking. They
may not be what they should be, but
they are a great deal better than no
school and you cheat your child out
of his rights when you keep him
away from school more than eight
months out of the year The
is used that your boy who be-
comes of after 1908 cannot vote
i unless he can road and write, there
I fore yon should send him to school.
It is Hist sixty yours since the first; would mot use that argument on
telegraphic message was sent from
Washington to Baltimore. Now
mom than a million messages are
sent he wires every twenty-
four hours. In for all
tries the enormous total was
Great Britain leads with
92.471,000 dispatches and the
United Slates conies second with
to something did hap
pi. i he president rather discredits
tin prophecies of what is going to
It is no wonder that Pennsylvania j
and Presbyterians, have declared l The Philadelphia Record;
a man, for a father who really has
his child's best interests at heart
hardly think of that when it
comes to the education of the child,
but for higher reasons than merely
preparing them to cast a ballot we
urge every man to send his children
to school. The public school is the
only means the great majority of
children have for getting any train-
whatever in books.
Three large religions bodies in ;
this state, Episcopalians, j I Confederate Flag Rearmed.
majority. The Philadelphia Record j A large Confederate flag which
A Cur at Last Obtained,
a Searching Investigation,
by St.
A few ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic
of St. Louis was directed to an
y new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases,
commonly called consumption.
Out of test cases,
j cured and have shown such
that recovery
fa but a question of a few
So astonishing have been the results
and Id cases pronounced
by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is no
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
this sure to all sufferers of the
One of its features i
that patients can remain
rounded by friends and relative, and
in a great many especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their vocations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the treat-
here in St. Lou's have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those in
New Mexico and
in question hut a
been accomplished by the
and the company which controls
marvelous medical
their main office at Seventh
street, St. Louis. They also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will he known a
the Lang Cure, and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the
Inhalants b are will person-
ally charge of the of the
Mr. will personally
all who call Rt the office of
on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the Louis Globe
417-19 N. St ,
. St. Louis, Mo,
against the existing divorce laws. It
is the of North Caro-
that divorces arc so easily ob-
and strong pressure n ill be amp and
were as places residence tor
brought to bear on the next intimates that
to change the present law.
hays one ward with a total during the early days
nation of had fraudulent; f the civil war from a house near
further that j Laurel. Md , will in the near future
n dog kennel be formally presented to the
veterans of Laurel For more
than fourteen years the flag has been
are helping on to a
-i . i of the war by blowing
u i more of their own boats.
, . . ,. of the races.
ti. i i. ml better than lei ting I
, i re i hem.
and intimates
j chickens, dogs and fleas were voted.
I And this is the Republican strong
The president, to a hold Charlotte News.
reap indent, his expressed
as feeling hurt over the criticisms
., may up the
v , i, J an, bat if she does some
must be put up than
. for shown,
,. ways a thing.
This paper much opposed to
against him in the south, divorce and we note with some
ally the charge that he favors that a Detroit woman is so-
For tho to break the mar-
, , bond on the ground that he is
unable to see who .
of US We . . ,
. o the chief grievance being
president can blame for time having years ago worked in a
but himself. If his own for a short while. Suppose
sous I acts in to tho dot this elegant and aristocratic dame
show his inclinations win her suit, how many mis
, loss to know what it dies show. matrons could
,,. net divorces because their husbands
, . .
I bud once performed manual
to the South it is to be Imped; The -n glory of
Hut as be is now
in the possession of a veteran of the
Sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, in
Boston. It was recently expressed
to Charles dicker, of
Washington, who was also a member
of the Sixth
and one of the two men who
captured the flag. Kicker
flag was near
Laurel in the very beginning of the
civil war by Nut Story and myself,
who were both privates of I he Sixth
The lino measures
about eight by twelve feet, and con-
of a of ten while stars on
a field of blue cloth, and three broad
stripes, two red and one white.
Baltimore Sun.
After July 1st I he
pared in private con-
to and depot for
persons in town at
The will
then only lull hotels
I depot and wharf on
S ill be
Norfolk. Va,
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton. Grain and
Private Wires to New
and New Orleans.
he i- sincere in it.
our News.
, irk men digging the trench- j
. . in the water
of lookers on. If all Those people of the South who been that
s would take a shovel their money for the the solid S would one day
Id of reading the New York
World, may read with relish the
dirt the work woo
a railroad gets where it ran
dividend ii
progress and prosperity.
That is what the Atlantic Cent Line
I But there are
, , -1 quid to one.
following slur at their section which ,
id in o recent issue of that
broken. solid South we moan
practically those extreme Soul
States that still hang on to
ticket, but if the
Governor's Thanksgiving Proclamation.
It. becomes n free people, prosper-
and content, in the midst
their prosperity to pause at least
once a year and make
of the source whence come all
the blessing which they
; in Greenville ought to
ore, rt. , can have their way it is in its acknowledgment of better
going to remain for year to things
and various were the Whenever the Republican Charles B Governor of
contributed to the w the true the State of North Carolina,
precedented i gained j this part of the country and his love, issue this proclamation set-
by Mr. But none of the alone, eliminating tho ting spar Thursday, November
minor influences helped him more altogether, the South will break as n day
which the South-1 up its solidity, not before We giving and prayer, on which day I
era newspapers J think that j request all people to meet in
nil a after the heaped for entertaining and his like fear a disruption of the respective worship and
i f ; A, Hera the T. at the White j South on political lines, and that God for the blessings which
. lit III . . i, t 1- 11-.
. , . not altogether for lie has given tn them
of get wood cut is
I their solicitude is not
The will never the knowing that should to ask for Hi
knotty problem, sad that that a j South ether would , protection and in the
make the f j inferior cf a white do thing on tho other side I I earnestly that
of the wood niters- would ,,,, that n gentleman is the of o this day all -hall cut
of a white blackguard, that I I of their stores ante the needy
J W. RUT k
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and
Bagging, Ties and
Correspondence and
Rocky Tea
A Bur for Buoy i
Mid .
mm. Br.
. i in, .
in m
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Stoves, heaters ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Boarding J. D.
Board per day. Best
house in town.
tablet cutlery
crockery and tinware big
line, cheap.
Harrington Barber A Co.
Penny candies a specialty at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
O. A. Fair, of Ayden, Will Fair,
George D-. Walker and Mr.
of Atlantic City, N. J., from now on. Taylor.
N. C, Nov.
There is the best selection of
Inks, library pate and
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
Bro. ever brought to Winterville.
Protect eyes by buying one
f those eye shades at the
Store, price cents.
Highest price for cotton seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
If in need of a good barrel of
float or pork see
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart hobs to A. Q. Cox Mfg.
Co. light wood kind they
worry over that little lot
of cotton yon had over
yon ginning your last
lots. he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
aCed cotton any quantity the
best market price paid every
Finest line of goods in
Q. and Co.
Thorn of V are over
here to spend Saturday and Sun-
day with th MUses Mooring.
Q. A. and Co.
received a car load of No. Tim-
T. N. Manning Co. are carry
the medicine that will cure
diseases of the in any
We now have on hand u nice just received. Price
line of dress goods at remarkably j G. Chapman and Co.
low figures, come, see and be con- We are prepared to pay highest
Yours truly I prices for eggs chickens and
Kittrell and Taylor, keys. A. W. A Co.
For cabbages, apples, mullets boots and shoes all de-
and fresh groceries cheap. Bee at. a. W. Ange Co.
N. Manning. A. G. Mfg. Co.
Box Body Carts for is buggy trimmer of about one years
now the season when you may
want a box-body cart to haul your B. has gone to
farm products to the barn or
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are j pit, Oil Mi is now
Being in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
work, and being able to save and
work up nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers
Winterville Mfg. Co.
and water proof coats
boot and shoes a specialty at
Barber Co.
For store
feet long, call on or write J no.
Whitty Son, Winterville, N. C.
We are paying for turkeys
were here Wednesday on a bird
Window and door frames, porch
columns, brackets and all of
house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Harrington Barber Co.
market in town.
Oranges and
candies at H. I. Johnson.
Bargains tor the people Prices
Bright H. L. Johnson.
Car load Salt for sale cheap
A. W. Ange and Co.
your turkeys I pay the
highest L. Johnson.
Carload of salt just received Q
Harrington Co.
Big consign meet of Royal flour
L. L. little boy,
wood, who has with
typhoid fever, i improving.
Dress goods, triad rigs and
all cheep at Harrington
Floor oil cloth at A. W. Ange
geese highest
market price paid for
Car load of best patent flour
just received at Harrington Barber
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Paste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. 3-22
making and selling them and you Seed. They pay
bad send them your order , cash or
C, Nov. IS 1904.
Misses Worth
spent Saturday in Green-
Mis May Anderson
and Miss Annie
over the river.
Miss Keel from
Monday with Mi s Ms
at once.
. u u-e sent to Com tie
i. ii need f titling
mil t
can on It i. Mid C
A. G. C--x Mfg. to
Mrs Louise after j
sometime with hat son l
returned to Grainier-
Mis. IS. i George, I
spent Saturday night j
with relatives near Reedy
R. T. and faintly,
for meal. When
arc ready for prices.
For and
to K. G. and Co. They
have n
A. G. C. have j oat
, . ii, client. Saturday
a lot bar I .
. . t-. bi- brother,
lied wire and poultry
tract have five hundred cm., of H
, . fence is course strong
cut Any a
a job can see tin at Heir v. day- In Her .
Cheap shoes; dry goods, notions. ,,.,, lier ,.,.,,
Protect by and U. I.
Mines. R. G. An rugs and went to
Co. have tie kind and size you clocks and rubbers
need Co.
School books, stationary, pens, Paper rooting, etc.
pencils and school supplies of all, a. W. Ange On.
It want a
cart wheels you cm get them at
kinds can lie found
a the drug
See G. A. for feed stuff A Q Cox Better call
Greenville Saturday.
art- glad to that Mrs.
is about well.
K. K. Gail went to Greenville
Henry spent Sunday
of all kinds.
The oil mill is now day .
At R A. G.
a Co. closing out a big
wire fence reduced prices.
have he finest and most
substantial fence made and you
tan met a bargain if you apply at
For fresh meat, beef, and
wood cart hub-. A. G. Cox Mfg.,
We want lo buy your Hides, j
Sheep Sins, Goat Beeswax.,
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
ad will guarantee hUh-
r t for same. Kit-
h. it c
band buggies cheap. If
0.1 i buy a second
see A. G. Cox
V. o.
once while they have them Isaac was In this
vicinity Monday.
I -k.-
Nothing affects a man's comfort and health more than
his underwear.
If badly cut it's a and a burden to
Every Garment sell is Correctly Cut-
we're Clothiers and know.
there was any such thing as the
of it.
best kind
But what's bes for Brown may irritate
-we have many bests.
The best materials-Wool and Cotton, and
all their combinations.
Underwear from fifty cents per all the
why up to
The King Clothier.
This store has a reputation to sustain. It i a
mate and a place to buy. a place where
i- triumphant, and and f
with prices, wherein the fullest
sun.-tact Ion it given. Think of it us your store, j
to buy.
value in high class Dress Goods, .
Cloths, Cheviots. and fancy,
for soils and if
for fall and winter are here. The
are different from those last season. Too many to I
Ready fa wear Clothing. We carry the fines
of made boys, youths and men
W carry the system and the.
Bade by Try a suit of
and if not satisfactory, money will be r

We have the right thing every person, the right price for every purse.
A beautiful assortment of new and G adapted to the wants and
of our Patrons. We have the variety that insures the easy and satisfactory choice.
The Held for selection is the widest. The price are the fairest-a full of quality
and merit.
W art to with Flare
m tale a pretty of the new-t sty and
pattern. It our to price,
to per yard.
Our of Trimming it We hr ha
line. to per jar,.
We are constantly adding to Trim-
Department the and up-to-date
they coma oat, striving at all to th high
Standard have established th-.-e
Look to us for the we ho; disappoint
Ion Value,
Item Value,
Extended that automatically,
IV. Is
Will be if arrears be paid within on month
are living, or within three years after
of and payment of arrears with Interns.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable-.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the and -h
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid
may be To or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable an Hi
i insured.
J. L. x,
H. C.
We Cordially Invite Your Inspection of Our line of
PRICES to 180.00.
A Fall Line of
For Cook Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact
in Hardware come to
St are the newest creations and our Prices
Quality considered.
Good, Fresh Groceries
,. i c .
The Dorothy Dodd for Ladies, Prices and
Health for Men, Price
making in a to of i-
and Many ho
makers the
plea of d making, they
know how a durable
stylish ought to be made,
but lack the
to carry out their
Only combining the three
ran yon yet per-
Our Pine
Lilies, Mi- Dorothy Rid
Health, represent the
very acme of
making combined with
style and finish.
A Full Line of
Fancy and Staple
Groceries always
ff on hand.
A e in
you to call
on us.
Your Friends,
B. Cherry Co.
j I If you do come to see us. We keep every- J
thing in the grocery line and sell It to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Tobacco has
arc Higher. We are well equip-
for Helling your tobacco to
fine advantage. have, com-
men and, one of the
est and, beat lighted in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
Doctor, what is matter
with The man who bad
led together all expert
be collect to on con-
raised up anxiously
That able practitioner smiled
and bis head.
la too soon t to
be replied.
exclaimed the pa-
Why, my
air, yon have exam-,
toiler me with
me now for the lust forty-
Aren't you in a
to name my
yet, was the
when van I
able doctor rented bis
reflectively upon the bed-post.
dear be replied,
as we can together nod
determine the by a two-,
thirds Lite.
Praia It.
Mother everywhere praise
Co tilth for tn
baa the lives
little ones it baa saved. A
certain cure for croup
whooping COUgh. A. L,
Postmaster of Mich
girl was unconscious
from strangulation daring
-and terrible attach of croup. One
Minute Cure quickly re-
cured her and I cannot
praise it too One Minute
relieve- makes
breathing easy, cuts out phlegm,
draws out re-
moves every cause of a and
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed to be up-to-
date in every way.
We are sole agent for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
, I'll
Mold by Jno. L.
A Bo's Ride For Lite
With family around
him to die, and
mils-, to Dr.
of endured
a-r limn, but
gave j
relief and cured tie
now deep every
night Lit cures
its merit
and Trial
bottles free at
t. s. t. s. .
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shewn. Embracing every new
to be in city.
Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chain, Beds, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Beds. you
call for in this line.
m mm
Fearful Odd Against Him
in brief
an of J
J For
h- with Kidney
and nor
him relief, At lei nth
b- tried I put
on In-
now the id
earth fr
Liver Kidney H
forms of Stomach and
by J. druggist.
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C.
cured of of
if oar an writes H.
of Tex.,
l it t t of Pile.
me Bold
lotion, or for
Sores, Felon,
Suit Rheum, Fever
infallible for Core
Only at
by DeWitt's
ft Tex. A
attain cum for
lion, etc. to
t to mi. Sold by b.
Read here the most Startling Price Quoting you have ever
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price cent.
Braid, white and colors. Be Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose, cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and our price
Men and Boy's Fine Sunday Shirts
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants
Men's Fine Worsted for M
We mean what we say. Tho are only a few f the many
good Bargains we are offering. Come U see .
Lock For The Bee Hive.

hats once worn by
I. -u OM existence. That is
by Prince Victor Napoleon, who
answered an inquiry. One of
.- seven was bought for
; mes by whose monument
o, the was unveiled
Waterloo last summer. Three
are owned by the Eugenie,
Prince Victor Napoleon and Prince
Louis Napoleon. Two arc at the
and one in the Military
Prince Victor Napoleon owns bills
for hats supplied to the great em-
They cost francs each.
Napoleon them back at times
to the to done up. In
the bills inures the item, re-
pairs, The Gerome hat
may now be Been at the mu-
Sound From Star.
That the tin as they
in their courses is a poetical idea i
which is not h extravagant as it
A d astronomer I
in fact has an ingenious,
apparatus for the founds;
which come from The in-
by which the sounds are
recorded is a combination of
graph, telephone and telescope and
h the outcome of the discovery that
light falling on a polished steel
plate produce a musical note.
machine, which is too complicated
to in detail, is declared to
musical sounds from the
start and planets, the sweetest tones
being produced by the most
of the fixed The notes given
out by the bright are stated to,
far less clear.
The Poet Salary.
It may be comfort to
men to know the
the poet laureate of England is
a year n hogshead of
thrown in. court this
seats a fractional of
Ha Know No No j
It Mattered Not.
don't see how the count could
propose to you when he can't speak
and you don't speak
it was very easy. We were
sitting in the parlor. Pointing up
at an oil painting of papa, the count
took out a piece of paper and a
pencil. Then he set down a dollar
mark and after it placed a
Looking at me out of his big, deep,
eloquent, lovely ryes, he began
ciphers after the dollar mark
and the figure When ho had made
four ciphers, which with the other
figures meant he stopped.
nodded my head for him to go on.
Then be made another cipher. That
meant I nodded my head
again. He made another, which
raised it to I nodded
for him to go ahead. He put down
another cipher, making it
Then smiled and took the
pencil from him. and he caught me
in his arms ah, it was so
lovely It almost seems like a
dream to think that in three weeks
I shall be a real
go Record-Herald.
Prices Almost Talk,
Mr. Alfred Austin real
earns. Still
being poet
h speaking
it was
it is all that be gets
laureate to the En;
This salary is
prospect of a raise,
increased to its munificent
proportions when Lord Tennyson
died. Some time before his death it
was decided to increase his salary to
that amount, but the government
did not decide till after his death.
Thus the present poet laureate
came in for the rise intended for
Lord Tennyson.
His Widow.
our mail this morning a
writer asks if a man can marry his
brother's says the editor of
reply that lie can, but that it
ally badly. Men do many things
in which at first thought
seems unlawful, although it is not
in fact prohibited by statutory law.
That is why King Herod had
the Baptist's head cut off. John said
it van for the king to mar-
his brother Philip's
wife. Bat John was
it seems, is rather small
potatoes home and not the
Tor he was thought to be. He made .
large demands while his captive was;
in bis hands, and this tended to in-
crease the outside estimate of his
importance. He got none of the
provinces which he asked for in his
terms of settlement, but did get the
and hangs on to
it yet. There is a on his head,
and the prospect that it will stay
long on his shoulders is held in Mo-
to be a slim one.
A genuine Black Worsted Suit, sizes to Good values
My price,
Handsome fancy worsted all wool suits, sizes to big values
My price,
Black and fancy all wool Suits, sizes to big values
My price,
Oratory at a
There is no legislative body where
oratory is at a smaller premium
than in the senate of our time. In
the house the few men who control
business gained their mastery in the
instance in open debate. But
in the the speech-
is at its lowest mark. The
proceeding of the chamber are
largely a show. Host of the real
is transacted in com-
rooms, in and
the dinner table.
Globe. , .
Corp. TWee.
H,. What would you be if I
pressed the stamp of love upon those
sealing wax
The boy with the grimy
leaned over the back yard
fence and made faces at the with
the new suit of clothes, whose
tier was a
he said. dad's
paid fur them
all right, dirty re-
the boy. dad
didn't help pay fur
In of Harmony.
do you think of the noble-
man horn your daughter is to mar-
refuse to be an-
Mr. is a
tacit understanding between the
young man and myself that neither
of us will express his opinion of the
A Go.
there any new improvement
in the auto line since I was
inquired the enthusiast.
said the
came in this morning. It is a
folding horse to he earned under
the seal used case of
Free Press.
seems rather strange
that should be so down on your
best friend as you appear to be
ply because he look your part.
an actor, sir, and
wanted that part for
was sorry to hear you
tell that Harry does not say
his prayer
doesn't need to. He
never gets to bed until after day-
York Times.
doctors have ordered Bil-
king to be and under no cir-
e use la
how be boss the
l writing a mm.
yards checked homespun, others price
My price,
Sample hats, all colors, others price
My price
boys pants, all sizes. Others price
My price
pair Leather Shoes. Others price
My price
Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
facto Which Show How Much Better Off Below will he found an outline for Reflector
We Are Today. a talk made by Prof. G. E. Line- At the Mrs. J. B. Cher-
Not until February did berry at the recent meeting on afternoon of Nov. 15th,
the of Kentucky know Con Association the End of the Century Book
Madison was president
the previous
on Art of It hi Id moat delightful meeting.
ought to bi preserved and studied subject for
In 1834 one of rail-j by every and followed the afternoon was the Women of
United States their work so the and many In
on it very best results may be of information
tire will the c every day I Kinds of heir manners and customs
if weather is
; formative. the present were
The first received Qualities of a good Pritchard,
by the public with It question, then pa- Clare nod
con- Have no regular or pi. Cotton and Mis-
A reporter who order. Avoid of
into a c Int. proved its a n veil asked. After heartily the
re worth. asking before repast furnished by the
lowing pupil. Avoid j the club to
if ordinary without
,. i meet on at the
permission, from one Should dear. of W. A. Bowen.
to in of or
better wages, be bi with
a hot iron.
thought of t in
Should ha brief. Should be
of answer. Marriage
Should be IT Williams
lion the lesson he to the following
Should be week.
Philadelphia many individual capacity of
advised it, j pupil should j ,, .
., , ,, F. G. and Bertha B.
was a paper well as test I.
of them that Question be T , , .,
J. P. Fleming
Wm. W. and Era
and Emily
Gardner and Queenie
country would able to l Should be
One yens tie j B. as
fastest land ii the I as to Ks-
on the Offal North Road, lit
England, l put in habits. write
to its There Bead j
York along at i n on the
rate of m day, and ask ourselves
Divine on such aDd
baste. Return Engagement. . O. C. Eugenia Moor-
Thomas wax. By special the .
elected president of the Stock Co. baa .
States, February 1891, engagement for three nights, UM
after one of most j commencing on Thon-day, j
Heat campaigns in our history, play on Thursday
gratifying did not retell the night will be for the
for as many tit of the temple and
days as it now takes h to people them a crowded
Mitt tun of a j audience. me the
, E. Warren recently
j purchased properly in West Green
ville be is preparing to
erect a large and
t, whole troupe that house nod offices of
been their again All
, in 1809, Richard meet u patronage.
thick following Ticket, go ,, sale lay morn mm , u,
tor a long time, will be moved
The present generation will u-e Foolish to Resist Law.
-no next will prefer rail-
were who considered Coward
him an
new quarters during the
People living in smallpox next month and after January 1st,
wad. with horses, but their ,, Mr w . f w
employ can at the
Steam mi railways an I he
vaccinated. Ann her man was and floral gr-
of the art of ., public with
,., be I, and bad
Next door to
n Hie
Sunday night.
A S old till mi Cumberland
by falling in a tub of
Greenville, N. G.
No Day.
will observe
log Thanksgiving day with the
suspension The
will be closed and the
market will have no
ready to
t twenty
to Day coats as submit tie in your mind, nor-
to his arm Where- ., 4th and
ever is ordered it la ll d
a to to
with it.
Almost a Fire.
The residence of E. B.
of i lie depot, caught fire
Their Sister Dead.
By telegraph Saturday was
learned the death of W. T.
Cunningham, of Petersburg. She
h sister of Mrs. J. T- Meadows
morning. .; Kn E ,, of
work the fin; place
the heater hot was put out.
Then- was damage and
in w given.
Fresh Meats. Pork and
in Town Market. Give a
. R. L.
N. C.
Central Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming, Props.
in main section
the town.
la operation each
presided veer by a skilled
Oar place sharp
ear towels clean.
We yea for past patronage
ask yon
goad wanted.
Dr L.
Run Over.
a little son of VT. H.
was run over by a horse
on I be street a few evenings
When annual remembers j young people had a very he escaped serious Io.
S post his wife's letters it is a jet in the old opera
and was
sign he can tell with a Tuesday night, with music
Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
cast of
Third street. Pawns
He H. O. Hyatt will be in
Hotel Bertha
r 5th, and Monday,
Wednesday for the
of diseases of the
re and fitting glasses. Those not
to pay a tea will hr examined
by the Italian A
ii urn her of couples participated.
Braces body and brain, strength-
ens, soothes, cures while you sleep.
That's what Hollister's
Mountain Tea will do. Makes you
well, keeps you well. cents,
Tea or
Wooten's Drug Store.
Dr. W. H. of Char-
., N. O., will be in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha on Monday, Dec.
one day only. His practice
is limited to Eye. Ear, Nose and
Throat, titling
is turn-
oat some nice job
Bettor give us your next order.
21st, 1901.
W. B. Hooker went to
Saturday evening.
Miss left Sunday
for Ayden.
Mrs. Walter Buck is visiting on
Indian Well this week.
Mrs. II. B, Harris, who has
quite is improving.
J. Norman this morning
for a trip on road
J. H. of Henderson,
h flatting E. H. Thomas.
Solicitor L. I. Moore went to
Saturday evening.
Mis C. George two children
left Saturday evening for Ayden.
L H. Lee and hie mother, Mrs.
L. Lee, left evening for
Judge w. B. who held
the i term of court here, left
B. C. Pearce, who
has been here a days, left this
George Ellis went to Winterville
Saturday and returned
this morning.
E. T. of Norfolk, who has
a few days here,
left this morning.
Mis. H. C. Hooker and little
i daughter, Mud, left Saturday
for LaGrange.
Mis. of Ayden,
l who bus been visiting Mrs. T. L.
I Bland left Sunday evening.
Emmet Savage, Edgecombe,
who bus bees visiting his brother,
L. Savage, left this morning.
Rev. P, G. returned
Saturday evening from Durham
where he had been attending the
Stella been
the family of Rev. J. A.
left morning for
Will ion.
J. S. Hester left this morning for
in response to a
telegram the critical
of bis father.
Misses Rosa Bullock, and Katie
Jones, of Bethel, have been
visiting returned
to home- this morning
Mrs. G. Baker, of Lewiston,
is Mrs. J.
Mr. Baker
hen- and this morning
Mrs. Vi. Cherry and little son,
of Wash who have
her mother, Mrs. Mary
Foley, returned home Monday.
November 23rd, 1904.
C. Tunstall went to Raleigh
W. S. went to Greensboro
Mm. G. J. Woodward this
morning for Richmond,
J. N. Hart left this morning for
Boykin, to intend the roar-
of his
Mrs. W. of
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice
T. I. Wilson, of Washington,
who has been visiting the family
of W. A. Savage, returned home
Mr and Mrs. Charles J.
gnu, of Ga., arrived
Tuesday evening to visit hie sis-
Mis. J. J.
Miss Martha
T. M. Hooker, D. W .
R. A. Tyson, Jr.,
Harry Jr., H. A.
White went to today
sec football
Some Flitting Rot.
A good deal of rot is going the
rounds of the
declaring its political independence
of the Northern and Western wings
of the party. Of course, it is all
nonsense but some Northern papers
take it seriously.
The time when the South
WM glad to have the Northern De-
and independents to come
to the rescue, and the badly digest-
ed editorial which pass current
for the real is no indication
that the Southern Democracy as a
whole is not the elbow
touch Northern Democrats, many
of whom are more fundamentally
Democrats than some of our South-
howlers whose noggins are stuff-
ed full of socialism and paternalism
while they don't know it.
There is no occasion for the South
lo further alienate itself from its
Northern friends, and of
there is no serious movement along
that line, for the South will keep its
shirt on and await issues that the
next four years will bring to the
front, calling for its operation
with similar political sentiment and
convictions in the North. That is
what will do, too, flop-doodle
editorials lo the contrary
Mis.-. Catherine Jonas, of
more Miss Bullock, The New York World, the New
Bethel, who have teen visiting York Times and other Independent
Mrs. B. M. returned and Democratic newspapers in the
to their homes this morning. North are wasting time in
November 22nd, taking note of of sore head
H.,, ,. ,., ., , emanating from
. w, Whedbee wont to Bethel .
. Southern newspapers. The South
this morning. . .,,,,
is going with its business
J. F. King and R. L. Smith wen is neither flinching or
to Norfolk today. alarmed. The political hash an to
Miss Mary returned and Dixie will wait
moating from for developments. All
of the further isolating it-
Key. II. editor of the the m
Tower, was town today. its friends in
Dr. W. H. who bus is merely flitting rot
been sick the past week, was
At the Graded School.
J. W. went . . , . ,
. i . i i of the graded school
Sunday and returned Monday
evening. the chapel this
Mrs. W. F. Burch and
. . . , , , A present
left this morning for Raleigh the
make their home in cm-

Eastern reflector, 22 November 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 22, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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