Eastern reflector, 8 November 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White edged all
with ; Inch Lace, big
values pent, i his Sale for
checked Homespun, all colors you
want, ii will cost you cents the yard, this
per yd.
Witter color opaque window i- .
rend fringe, fixtures complete, feet
feet wide, worth Hus Sale
Dark Be
for, we the market dining
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, fringe sizes
Others must have ft each, this Sale two
towels for cc.
bi-, Pill, seamless,
welted fine j values for cents
per pair, this Hale j per pair.
High hunt English Corset, jeans, fl honk
steel ca hie cord bust aid gore
trimmed top, et tilling. Sold the world
tor thin Sale
spun gloss, full
width in. plaited flounce, none for The,
this Sale S-j,
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents
This Sale cents per Dozen.
suits black fancy worsted. Men's
that always bring four and five dollars,
this Sale
Big line of fall underwear, can't implicate these
anywhere, for big values, this
1,900 pairs of guaranteed solid leather
anybody will price to where from
f I to Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at those
pi ices, this Sale
Inspect this Sale . if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the bleaching, as long as we
this Bale m
Shirt you will say are cheap for
all colors you Cat ask for, this
We will ell a guaranteed, full 10-4
bed, you pay for, this Salt
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
-e will have to sell them also.
I will have to include
for years we have kept pace with our country's growth,
the; q a in d i v
A union of such
merit as to plant it mighty foot upon
the pinnacle of Popularity and Success In
Square Garden. New fork City. It
m there you now will It bare with Even
Greater Feature Forthcoming. Bach and all
exhibited by It, every one
an promised, excel-
Miraculous Chasm-Vaulting who executes
a flying- bicycle leap f fifty feet In The
heroically I
hit now for the time lo
Th Martial of the World.
Pronounced by Military
net by our own
Went as
only appearance I I In the only
of those seven male LA ii In any
female . . , . more than
th to the Grand Ric,
Tho Cycle,
The Monumental Mystery el Circling Motion on wild, wheel the
absolutely perpendicular aide of Devil's
The Seven
Of Nina Hungarian Magyar Dancing Acrobats and The moat
of grace and
r. The Only North , ,.;. . . ,.,. u ., la a raw
Pole Discoverers, We Have H Ferocious, Arctic Terrors.
To make how before -w-r a, am
you also J- e V w
The Greatly Original Juggling Equestrian, mighty, merry Due and Sulky act, whom
phenomenal Curt act, are the moat and of features.
The American Champion A h of the World,
now their own original aerial
acrobatic high stage act.
Its three elevated aerial arena and coliseum rare presenting, In a hundred
champion ravels, an absolutely complete Equestrian Acrobatic
Military Circus, Clown Track Elephant, Wild Beast, Animal
and the Hippodrome of day; the only Dancing
the only Hells Soldier Elephant; hugest combined herds of their kind, with
full of wisdom and trunks full of tricks; a real World's Fair of Steeds of every strain, which
in numbers, beauty and Intelligence outshine all Blue Ribbon Shown.
la the Free Street Display Old Glory floated
Open at I and P. II. the and Grand Promenade by
hour later. On day Coupon.
actually Beat, may In- secured at th regular prices at
We sell t public auction on
Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1904, th fol-
lowing named buildings belonging to
the town- the guard Mm
, .
formerly used uh a fl V-w
log old house. cash, i
right lo any all U I let.
This November 1st,
W A. i
R. Move, Market
T. E. Hooker,
t w mot
let. is
Of N .-. It
am Fountain,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
o door east of post office,
n . rail.
to Van Ma. upon
Wood Sons,
m S i
UM y
D. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Greenville, N. C, Nov. 4th, 1904.
To the Citizens of Pitt and
Information has been received in Greenville that an epidemic
of smallpox exists in our town, and we are informed that reports
are current throughout the county of Pitt and adjoining counties
that there cases of this disease in the town of Greenville.
These reports are without foundation.
There is only one case of smallpox in the town of Greenville,
and this one case is of an exceedingly mild type and the party is
now practically well and will be discharged in a few days.
There were formerly three other cases in the town of Green-
ville, two of which were not residents of Greenville, but came here
from elsewhere with already develop id before they
came here.
As mayor of the town of Greenville, I take this method of
erroneous reports and to further state that the
physicians our town have the thoroughly under con-
troll, and no one need have any fear whatever. Greenville is not
under quarantine and has no need to every one who desires
to do so can come to Greenville with perfect safety as all the re-
ports in regard to smallpox in Greenville are erroneous
and absolutely without foundation.
W. R. Mayor.
Brown, Supt. of Health.
Brilliant Entertainment at Opera House.
from staged by
J. S. Atkinson under the local
management of Mr. J. B
presented in opera
Thursday night, was a most bean
and attractive
Victim of Street Car Accident.
N. C , H. A.
salesman of the
In- and Coal
dud morning at o'clock
at bis home Biltmore as
the result of
afternoon 1-y being
row it from a street oar on the
Biltmore of th
railroad company. Mr.
boarded the o'clock,
car at the squire yesterday after-
noon fur his home in
more. He lad made several
purchases during the and
carried in bin arms these packages.
chased the Gazette which paper he
years. While editor
of the he was twice elected
reading clerk the house of
Later he sold Ga-
and moved to lei
remaining there a short while
moved to which
wan the former home of his wife.
Mrs. Latham,
and a Mrs. J P.
now live in i iii
of bis here in Pit
A Punctual Man.
A certain Mr. Scott, of Biter,
whose business required him to
travel constantly, was in the
At is known v, the. Good- for
lake curve, or where car the kingdom, his
turns into Avenue, j methodical habits v
there is n spring switch that i- be act
to allow the Biltmore fort One. For a great
lines, but which the
turned ill order to let the depot car i Com wall or Devon that he
follow the track in knew the day
Avenue. This had either; ht- would arrive. A short
tampered with or else before he died at
had gotten into who
groove and did permit the making a journey through
perfect working of the Cornwall put up at a small at
when the Biltmore car started Isaac for dinner, be
over the switch the car wheel the bill of found
suddenly Into to his liking. He had,
Avenue. Mr. Latham, seen -luck roasting
on platform not expecting on the the. have
the car to was thrown to the sail he. Sir, replied
brick pavement and struck on the the landlord; n Mr.
hack of bis head of know Ml. Scott
ed by the fall was very replied the traveler,
taken to the is in your house
of the line and thence taken to his said the landlord, six
a carriage. He lingered ago, whet; he was last here
till this morning and died. he ordered the duck to lie ready
Mr. Latham came to for this day, exactly M
years ago from And, to the .
when- tie was engaged in
a newspaper. He was
a light writer and one of lie was it i
most men ibis taring the inn live
Business Transacted by the Aldermen.
The board aldermen were in
regular monthly Thursday
night, the mayor and six
Under the head of streets the
Com pi sin's of Hooker
A large audience filled the hall and and Mrs. G. B. King for alleged
the entire a delight damages were but
from start to finish. It was a definite conclusions reached,
wonderful performance of home. The market committee
men and women, beys and little the sale of a tenement house on the
girls. Only one week ago At-, market lot, and that material for
began these for construction of the guard home
had received work would
purpose of assisting in building j begin a few days,
the new Methodist church. Th,. finance committee reported
the result of their efforts have funds low- in the treasury and it
been is pleasingly attested by ordered that be
very large audience that greeted rowed from Greenville Banking
them. j Trust Co. thirty days, to en-
The performance has never been the treasurer to pay all bills
excelled this town. The perfect until the tax collector can make
splendor with which
large group of people, large end street lights and wells were
small, were a. I i. .-i reported in condition.
by Mi. Atkinson, was white cemetery was reported
marvelous. The renditions were sold during past month. No
excellent. The people of Green- J have been done in either cemetery
ville and Pitt county may always during the month,
be relied upon to do their very j A pair of rubber gloves was or
best all they undertake the purchased for engineer of
attentive showed their fire engine.
appreciation of high class enter, j The tax collector, treasurer,
Too much praise could not be
given the untiring efforts of the
management. The beautiful
women and girls, g cos-
were simply charming.
made their reports for the
month of The amount
sales at the the
month was 83,736.15.
The mayor was. ordered to have
N. C, Nov. 1904.
Miss Bessie is visiting;
her sister, Mrs. Chas. Lawhorn.
and Cornelia
Nobles spent with Miss
Mr. and Mrs. E.-E. Hail
the Union meeting at Black
J. R. Smith and family, of
Ayden, spent Sunday afternoon
at Lorenzo
Miss Annie went to
Miss spent Sat ox-
nigh with Miss Annie
Sile and Frank
born were in the neighborhood
a number of our
attended church at Black Jack
Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
was here Sunday.
W. and W. A. Nobles,
was in the vicinity Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. J. II. Cheek spent
Sunday Greenville.
E. Braxton and d
Dollie, went to Saturday.
Miss May Anderson in the
neighborhood Friday afternoon.
Teddy's Lamb.
The men were gallant to land The an
extreme, cavaliers and knightly in article Betting forth the exact con-
of court
It was a
of r smallpox Green-
ville nut extra copies of the
without a of discord p.,,.,., said article were
or friction to mar or jar the ordered I he circulated,
enjoyment. Such pleasures committee was appointed lo
do not come often, but this one has expense incurred
Shown beyond cavil that is the town incident to smallpox
much stage talent among our home patients and same to the
Mrs. desires to thank J members of lied Hawk
every who took- part in the Fire Company were exempted
Mb- Bessie ,,,,., p , lax for year
special tax of per day
on merry-go-rounds was reduced
lo per day.
The sum of taxes for 1903
j collected of J. S, through
was ordered refunded.
The prohibiting the
Teddy had a little lamb,
A I Tick was he,
A cute curly-headed pet.
Whose name was Booker T.
Now, Teddy him very
They made a charming pair,
And everywhere that Teddy went.
His little lamb was there.
Teddy said unto himself,
great White house is mine;
Why I care what people
I'd him in to
Then Teddy's friend-, the Lilly
Began to kick
you turn that black sheep
Look help from
when they saw their
. frown,
N. C. was ordered refunded. H soon they changed the cry
Dar Why, do you think, i The ordinance prohibiting the with Win, we'll be
can sell pure paint as low fire works in town Rood;
tiers sell adulterated paint to be suspended from G-111 ,; p eating
There are or or different I o'clock p. in., Dec. 24th t. fl B, Tyler in Norfolk Virgin-
makers of paint, that rank, in a o'clock ;. id., Dec. 27th
way, as they have provided that pop
of traveler, who
look he Window, Hit,
Heel in.
Mr Latham was the eldest son
of I he hue Kev J
He was born Pitt, county, in
lour miles of Greenville, and spent
his early life on the farm. He at-
tended male
afterwards went to the State
University from which he
After his graduation he
waived to Washington and
minutes lief
lite appointed
K Table,
Postal Information.
Postmaster R. Flanagan
for distribution a bandy little
book, issued by the de-
the government, giving
much serviceable information on
postal rules and The
book be had tor the asking
regions; one's region is large
another's is. small; everyone is
its region.
or or one is
best next, and so on
but i he prices are all same or
about the can buy one
for thin another though; a
matter sometimes.
Ii w do you think, can
j sell tin for no more
than the answer is it
i-i-ell ii; more to make,
lo Ml . helps sell i
II, Its years help sell It.
Go by Yours truly,
P. t. c-
Thomas Settle Gets Knocked Down and
or cannon exceeding
inches length shall not be permit
to be sold or used in the town
The special tax of per year Thomas Settle or Ash. ville and
on bicycle dealers was Democrat
Necessary uniforms a overcoats laud, this in-a
for policemen were I personal in the lobby Sf
. the Hotel this evening
he amount of about i about Mr.
1650 were allowed and ordered Mr. into of the large
paid. plate glass windows or. the east
side of the office, then kicked
him on to the stairs leading to the
bar of the hotel. The was the
Mule's Kick Kills
N. Nov.
Beatty the of political
ion of Joseph it Mr. Mettle first
kicked a mule yesterday after- Cathey with a
P. S. II. L. sells our paint d kilted. He was a field
wheat when he h a blow ct
the injury It is not known just. that the
bow It occurred, tin ,, .
. the window light. Both men were
relatives , ,
,. cut Horn the
i Post.
I section of the
idled suddenly Thursday night. For
i She fell while ironing young calf. H.
some N,
Dropped Dead.
a i ; i . i . i being dead
Ann Daniel, an aged s, . . . .
. , fire
residing in the
New seeded pitted dates,
ii I B-l i

d. w. mm,
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock.
Bought and Sold
H. w, v
and Blow I Sale of
vs land for
C M. j
and Blow. j
By of a decree the
Court of Pitt count v. made by
I D. C. Moore, Clerk, on the day
of October, 1904, in a certain special
proceeding wherein II. A. Blow
are and, C. M. Blow
and other are defendants will,
Monday the 21st day of November,
a. o'clock M., expose to public
sale before the court nous door
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
cash the following real property to and restore
natural action.
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood.
D. W.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All Druggists.
Not Quite
often you can get a
nail screw or
lacking. Have a good
too box and be prepared for
em. Cur line of tools
is all you could desire, and
will see your tool
box not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. It
i wit One certain house and lot in the
I town of Greenville. North Carolina, I
I adjoining the Masonic on the
least, the J. B. Johnson lot on the I
I north. Washington street on the west,
and Third street on the South and sit-
on the corner of Washington i
. and Third streets, known as the
I Dr. William Blow lot. if the
chase- w prefer th-- following
i may be ad to wit J cash, the
, balance in, and months. This Republicans Prosed.
sale is made for division
This the day of October, 1901. I must be a great deal of
F. C. Harding, Commissioner. L sent out by
press dispatches that Judge
LAND SALE. Parker angered aroused
his Monday night
special proceeding pending, speech at Madison Garden, in
; Tucker and wife and hers. I shameless. Their party managers
i Monday, December Sit, 1904, before
i the court house door in the town of
Greenville, sell at public to the
highest bidder for cash, a tract of land
township, adjoining the
lands of V. S. Galloway, O.
, way and creek, and known as
Lot No. in division of the lands
of James deceased, and
which was allotted U
way in said division as appears on
have bee driven to the necessity of
attempting an upon the spot-
less character of the democratic can-
The person picked out
for job is no than
lion Odell, whose
record is so rotten that
record the Superior court many own party have refused
This the day .
John B.
of M. M. Galloway.
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
Steamer K. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday,
a. in for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers far Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
tail all points North.
Norfolk railroads for all
Hint West. .,
Shippers should order
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern B. It.
Old on Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from
Line and Chesapeake Line
Baltimore and Merchants
Hid Miners Line from
Hailing hours subject to change
P. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
I. J.
T. B. Walker, Vice President
81-85 Beach Street. N. Y.
By virtue of a Superior
court of Pitt county in special pro-
No. 1312, entitled.- T. , R.
Moore and wife and others vs,
son Pittman and others, the under-
signed commissioner will sell
before court house door in Green-
ville, at public auction on Monday,
Dec. the following described
tract of land situated in the county of
Pitt and in i lie township.
Bounded on the north by the lauds of
And yet present Governor
New tolls certain reporters
that Parker has been in
the promotion of a trust, and that
his bank book would show how he
came out oil the deal
is it possible for a man like Par-
to by such a vague charge
such a man as Odell
We think not, and the mere fact
that the Republican bosses are en-
such talk shows they are
badly wared, with all their cock
H. C. Harris and W. W. Col- and vain
ville, on the east and south by
hind and on the west by the
lands of w. w. Harrington,
more or less, lying on
both sides of the road as
the Said
land sold for partition.
This WOt.
G. James-, Commit
announce that we are
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
Notice is hereby giver tint we will,
on the 22nd or November,
sell at public sale, at the residence of
the late T. C. Cannon-in town-
ship, the personal property belonging
to the estate of C. t deceased,
consisting of household
and kitchen corn,
cotton seed, horse. mains, buggy,
wagon, carts,
This day of October,
J. and
of T. C
What is Life
last analysis nobody
bur e know that it. is
law, Abuse mat la
If i or trouble.
Dr. Lite s quickly
x fin yet
Only at
REV. II. Ph. D., Principal.
Winston N. C, March 9th., 1904.
Mr. M. Stiff, Charlotte, N. C,
Bear It is a little unusual to tile on order this late
j in the season, but find that the more Pianos which.
A talented boo of North Carolina H our department, the better the results at-
baa become chief justice of the added quite a number of your
of Arkansas. last and they have all
is Morrison Hill the . a piano of unusual merit
I will sell of situated ,
in Beaufort county, on the water, eon- Mechanical College of
ti acres or low; ;
acres cultivation, partly
enclosed with a. good wire with
a good country residence and
tenant the to
the growth of cotton. truck,
the like. About v
the timbers no have
not been cu over several -ear
For full information
B. B.
It wk wk. N. C
young- use which all have within our
school, but wet. re glad to be able to say that your
army, and also a broth- j have stood i lie test, and we will continue to purchase
of the I your from lime to time us the need arises.
think there lire about a now in the school.
J. Principal.
Buyers and
Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private to New Tori
Chicago and New Orleans.
Norfolk, Va.
and handlers of
Bagging, Bags.
Correspondence and
The following points can now
reached over the lines
N. C
Rock; Mt.
A For
that are potent in their
loll i ml ill Hie
H. v. W,
s Albany,
a an ink look
one. Small m it it did me
A and magnificent and up. They are fully
play of these pianos can now guaranteed,
he heard Green- This factory sale will
ii ., i. t more
at lowest prices u . .,;
vs, when factory prices will
. we also promptly withdrawn, and if
Atlanta, Ga
Chattanooga, Tenn.
S. C
Cincinnati, Ohio
Columbia, S. C
New York N. Y.
New Orleans, Ls
Philadelphia, Pi
Richmond, Vi
St. Mo
more than blue n i several slight- you any earthly for
used upright pianos at piano or organ it will
prices ranging from pa you to take a look around.
to 1238.00. Each instrument lien in Greenville
is guaranteed for years. ; p,. Patrick, who is
hue us during stay
of organs at surprising low here, will be glad to give you
figures ranging in price Iron a tune.
Factory Representative.
an other pill I ever took at
the same time effect was pleas
not Early are
an meal Sold by
j Drag
Cat paper at Reflector Book
Made Am
One of Dr. New
Pills each for two weeks hat
pat Die my
writes D. H. Turner of
town, Pa They're the best
he for Liver, Stomach
Bowels vegetable Never
gripe. Only Women's
in Size Lots.
And all otter in
east the
We will either cash
i change and hulls for
Greenville, N. C. freights. Write
pay all
i. Jame-.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Washington, N. C.
R. L.
N. C.
Nov. 1904.
We went to
day Io hear the county candidates
speak. They were on hand and
were met by a very respectable
crowd. They acquitted themselves
nicely and the crowd seemed
-pleased with their speeches. Es-
did Fred Tucker, A. D.
and Joe Blow make a ten
strike in presenting their claims.
The people are v with them,
and these three last are
themselves all over.
Our roller board is a
it is without a
end f destined to take the
lead, Ml one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, hair, windows,
doors, and Bide lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
While in
we visited the cotton seed oil null.
The visit was very
UH, we wire I Y
and Mr.
through all I he and
the in I he ma
was It is a
credit to Winterville and should
be so to any town.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
Call on us and make a
Ayden Milling Mfg.
J. J. Edwards has come home
As authorized for Daily
and we take
great pleasure receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those an ears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this We also take
for job
Raymond ha been
visiting the country.
From the large of
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big as well as doing
Remember you nod lawns,
nicker zephyrs, piques and
nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call wee our laces and ham-
J. II. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
town. Their customers tell me
that it is so.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Beat
given, Hut Bros., Ayden,
N. C.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
dome Io see us, Hurl
Several ear loads of brick
shipped from hue Ibis week. The Zephyr
of oriole h quite
profitable here.
Ask E. O. about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Yard wide sheeting for at W
M. Edwards Co.
Call and examine our line of
high grade You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
William Smith went to re-
turned I mm Bethel Tuesday.
E. E. Bail Co. will do all they
possible to please you with
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
bulls at
Just received, fine line of bar- j Go to E. E. Co's
and can fit y up in any style i market beef, fresh meats, the enlargement of pictures will j a w. C. Jackson and Co's
potatoes an
beer are in demand.
Cotton seed meal and
J. R. Smith
The ladies say that Cannon
have the prettiest of
dress goods in town.
desiring work The latest thing in shoes. Call
or price.
Ayden Milling ft Mfg Co.
Dr. Sauls never tires of adding
to the his drug store
For and neatness it
thing beauty.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Call for
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be bad
Haywood Smith and Robert
Willoughby spent Sunday with
Charlie Tyson.
We are offering good values for
the money in shoes, bats, caps,
rugs tables and
floor oil cloth Tyson.
The Masons held their regular
meeting last night.
can p apples, corn
do well t Hart Bro,.
manufacture for .
and fresh fish.
the goodness Bill
gone Io Richmond and w the trade, that are
hope i ever to on the market
First Class hand made brick, Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
the wholesale retail large W. E. Hooks Wednesday
stock always on hand, your orders in Scotland Neck.
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Corn, bay and oats, at J. R.
Now we have plenty of the
and cart
Mill's large new stables are j wheels and will sell them as cheap
complete and Mr. Mills to j as any one.
be doing a thriving business.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon
percales and ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
tot or ply paper rooting see
J. R. Smith Bro.
Drummers are on the increase.
If it doesn't give you
satisfaction your dealer will
pay yon for returning it.
R. F. Johnson,
suffer from intense head They every day.
ache, eye ache smarts and burns, j If needs pair of pants new
the time to buy them at W. M.
m, apply to E. E. cue pair of properly j Edwards Co.
Mrs. W. spent Tues-
I day Wednesday in Greenville
visiting friends.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will he than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. V,
Dixon, of Fountain Hill,
Greene county, was in town Wed-
We are Headquarters for first
class, light neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
H. C
New line of men's suits,
suite, boy over-coat's to
fit ever j body at. Cannon Tyson.
Streets opened up south of
factory and north of Hart
t would add much to those
sections of Ayden and no doubt
enhance the value of pro-
lying in that town.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Just a few more thousand home
made cypress shingles for sale by
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-1 For next days you can
Optician, C Weak buy a at cost from W. M.
eyes, in need of J Edwards ft Co.
ways go rim bad to worse. A lit-
tie piece of glass properly i
ed will often work wonders.
Frank and S. A.
have been this
bales of cotton on an average
All percales for at W
M. Ed ft Co.
. Sure cure for In-
and for sale
It. Smith and Bro. is pro
. ii need be the best in the mar-
per day is w hat the Milling j is guaranteed to do all its
and Mfg. Co., gin. They give j claims
gone lint the public have I perhaps just at this E.
found it out. may not possibly be as
Our stock of ribbons is wide, I busy as a Wall street broker yet
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R. It is plain an Insurance man
Smith Bro. gets He is not only a MM
Miss Dollie Adams came up on but has found it necessary
the train Tuesday and is stopping assistance. His companies .
with the family Dr. Dixon are first and every body.
Come to see us when you wan; realizes the fact, he Mr. Cox I
to buy Independent Manufactured lie to be congratulated being a
we handle Trust I hustler and something
goods, ft to hustle.
The public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
T and Elastic Ti us
es, Beet stock of Brush
es of all kind- Pie
Cannon ft Tyson.
Joe went to Winter-1 me a call and when
ville Wednesday. j shown you my dry
ft are displaying
the must up to date line of
ever brought Ibis
ville yesterday.
l to calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
A Lit i ; I in I in
cheap W. M. Edwards t
Tin and daughter,
I take ibis method of informing
the public that as Summer sea-
son a in i ever I offering
special inducements in order
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
excelled, end the Edwin
shoe which I handle exclusively is
surpassed by any other
I have
oilier line of goods I know I shall
be ah e to please you and you
J. J. Hines.
Mis. who has
been visiting near hear
returned to her
is reported the Republican I
spoke t
justs mile b low here yesterday,
to They kept the appointment mighty
Don't fail to see A
son's new crockery both plain and
and Misses slipper
it M Edwards Co.
A election of rugs at W.
W want your hams chickens
J. K. ft Bro. j FOR MASONS ONLY,
An nice line of
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, Host
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Jennie, of have of suits, steads,
Mrs. W. M. Edwards. laud chairs,
intention is called felt end cotton at J. B.
shawls, cups
of ribbons at
J. A.
Large quantities of cotton have
brought to I his market
the past several days. The
buyers are busy and happy accord-
One lot of shirts for
u . M. Edwards.
J. R. Smith ft Bro.
New up-to-date and
Wilson sewing machines for only
at W. M. ft Co.
their new of heavy and fancy and CB
Men and suits at cost at W.
M. Edwards ft Co.
Notice yon want
your ginned nice clean,
order that you might
hitter price for it, bring to the
. ft Co.,
N. .
and Fixtures
Due from Hanks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National bank notes and
other U, S. notes
at Mrs. I.
A big stock of Richmond cook j Rom and wife cf
bay then. I and healing stoves and repairs for are Ore
at J. It. Smith j visit Io I In uncle, L. B. i
Large stock of furniture We to build
buggies for we do not
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N.
on. line of
I to rein my many
customers that my line
Of new collars and
belt of
specially nave
Cold underwear
prices to suit nil. Fits guaranteed i
at W. Jackson and Co's.
Your ville
about bis Rob Glenn
and baby Parker in a
that ain't
not hi we've the
John Smith win. married
and a if little
Smiths. Can he
To make loom for fall stuck e
will dry goods, hit-
16,188.09 Ht greater prices. W. M.
and Co.
The Masonic Mutual
Relief Association,
The the
rate and the
A. P.
Ayden, N C
N. C.-r
At the of business Sept
Capital Block paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
Certified check
f bar, 3,000.00 , line old god king the
of all who .
S. M.
Wholesale retail el
colors, a j furniture Dealer. Oath paid el
J. i Hides, Cotton Oil
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
Meads, Oak Be
-nits, Tables, Lout gas, Safe, P
and Gail Ax
Key One.
a. .
Apples, Jelly, ,
Meet, Soap-
by, Food, Gil,
. Heed ind Halls, Gal
Ohio Ware, Tin sad
Ware, Haas
Ch me, Ran Batter, Hew
end u-
ether and
-e B
W. C. and On

Editor and
p. J.
Entered he post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
desired at every post in Pitt and
dent, George N. Taylor, Iowa- Vice
President. William C- Payne,
Lincoln Party President,
E. P. Wt Virginia; Vice
President, John J. Jones, Illinois.
The President issued the Thanks-
giving proclamation, setting aside
Thursday, November be ob-
served us a day of festival and thanks-
giving by all the people of the Unit-
ed States at home and The
The Reflector has a time or two proclamation the
referred to the gross exaggeration of dent of the Tinted States of America
N C day, November 1804 smallpox situation in Greenville., A
. Cm ; . Las .
bring the American people in safety
i preference to
Not many more days to wait to see
who it will be.
Watch for Republican tricks when
election day comes.
The nearer the election comes the
worse the Republicans get on a run
Vote the straight Democratic tick-
et from President down to township
Wilmington must like them, as
we see that city is going to try an-
other carnival.
pride in by
helping to roll up a big vote at the
election Tuesday.
Take the country over we expect
there will be more politics that
talked tomorrow.
Tom Watson is continuing to
core both but his
real intentions plain.
Work earnestly from now until
the election for the success of the
Democratic ticket from president
The Thanksgiving number of the
Raleigh and Observer be
a woman's edition. It will be some-
thing good.
board of is
composed of business men and they
transact business whenever they g
in session.
The campaign i- practically
It is now the-duty of every Democrat
to vote and make the majority as
large as possible. .-
and honor through another year,
and. in accordance with the long
unbroken custom handed down to
The working people of Charlotte I circulated and neighboring towns
own their own homes in greater j been using them to the
proportion, population considered. . Greenville.
than in any other place in the United i
State Philadelphia and Baltimore exaggeration has gone on to s by our forefathers, the tune has
excepted The building and such an extent that the board of come when a special day shall be
loan associations and the savings aldermen felt it their duty to take apart in winch to thank Hun
banks did Chronicle- j notice o the matter and they i J f
r I of If is hand the mercies thus
is the belief that it will benefit the mayor to publish a; us. the
a community for people to own their I the true situation j am a our national
homes that led The disease in the town. Mayor ; we as a people have been bless-
several times to say that Greenville
should have a building an loan as
The finding of the court of in-
appointed to investigate the
killing of two soldiers and -wound-
two others while riding on top
of a car in returning from the en-
at City, has
been made public. The opinion
given by the court is tint ,.
of the regiment were remiss in the
discharge of their duties in not
precautions to enforce proper
discipline. This finding of the
court shows that the railroad on
the accident occurred is in no
wise to blame for it.
Parker publishes such a card today.
All told there have been only four
cases of smallpox in town, two being
citizens of the the others
be ; who came here from
elsewhere with the disease already
contracted. The physicians and of-
took prompt steps in the mat
the infected persona were
ed beyond all others, and for this
we owe humble and heartfelt
to the author of all blessings The
year that has closed has been one of
peace within our own borders, as
well as between us and all other
nations. The harvests have been
abundant, and those who work,
whether with band or brain, are
prospering greatly. Reward has
One of the laws passed by the
legislature provided a tax upon all
outsiders who coin into this
State to hunt. A landowner cannot
waited upon honest effort. We have
and nearly everybody in town j mg our.
who needed it was vaccinated. At B Xever there
lib has there been the slightest, been a time when religious and char-
dancer to any person coming and effort has been more evident,
going throughout the town at will.; Much has been given to us and much
i i l j u be expected from us. e speak
All the persons here who had the
disease, except one, have been d
of what has been done by this
in no spirit of boastfulness or
charged by the physicians and the i glory, but with and
one is well but remains lent realization that our strength is
isolated a few days longer out of nothing unless we are helped from
abundant caution. It is currently ; Hitherto we have been given
stated that one town in particular
that has helped to circulate the false
the heart and the strength to do the
tasks allotted to us as they severally
reports about Greenville in an effort I are thankful for all that
invite a friend to hunt nu land ; to draw business that would come been done for us in the past and we
unless the sportsman's tax is paid. here, has more smallpox within its pray that in the future we may be
The Times does not like limits than has been here,
this law and contends that it will
result in nothing t to keep
men out of the State who would
The Kansas newspapers are happy
as in barrels of corn, under con-
giving each pig a barrel to
itself. A series of misfortunes, such
as new floods,
drought, grasshoppers, caterpillars,
, had for over a decade prior to
1890 the effect of steadily reducing
by emigration the population of ha-
state In the last two or three years,
however, says the Richmond News-
Leader, the wanderers have
coming back and population
figures have been continually climb-
This is the cause of the felicity
of the Kansas papers, but there is
one thing that puzzles us, which
our contemporaries do not explain.
That is why any ons who ever left
Kansas should desire to return.
Some folks are monstrous queer,
and Kansas folks seem to be among
the queerest of Sun.
The the pendulum is
manifestly toward the Democratic
side. The speeches of Judge
Parker, and other influences, have
put a different face on toe situation
within the last ten days, and , Demo-
prospects improve daily. The
against Parker in the betting
in New York have fallen materially,
and the betting in favor of the Re-
publican candidate for Governor of
that Suite has changed to odds on
the Democratic candidate. This is
stated for the information of those
who think that election betting
The news from the doubtful
States grows better and better, and
there appears to be good reason for
the cheerfulness which our New
York correspondent represents a
prevailing at national headquarters.
Charlotte Observer.
In the Review of Reviews for No-
Prof P. G. lea, of the
Iowa College of Agriculture,
tells what has been accomplished
that State, with the of
the railroads, in the matter of
the farmers in corn-planting.
strengthened in the unending j the have been made
honestly, with charity and good will,
The State auditor has completed for ourselves and with
an in a prob- showing the valuation I this
ability aid in the development of estate in North Carolina for great the effort to combine
It adds that 1803, as it will appear m the report with personal free-
duty fearlessly and i,
entirely too much of the shall
legislating done, any
There can be no doubt about the
soundness of this last proposition.
We arc a law-ridden people. Char-
It looks like the of Port
Arthur is near at hand The down-
fall or the port and Teddy may come
pretty near together.
, . , , ill
Quito true, and could
. towns, the v;
It need not be said that the nation
will be sure to get a president out of
the many candidates to be voted for
in Tuesday's election. There are
nine president tickets in the
though only two of them come
in for consideration The tickets
are as
President, Alton B.
Parker, Hew Vice President,
Henry G Davis, West Virginia.
President, Theodore
Roosevelt, New York; Vice President.
Charles W Fairbanks, Indiana
President, Silas
Swallow, Pennsylvania; Vice
dent, George W. Carroll, Texas.
President, Thomas T
Watson, Georgia; Vice President,
Thomas II. Nebraska,
V. Debs,
Vice President, Benjamin Han
It comes around once, n year and ford, New York
it. familiar face has beamed upon Socialist President, Charles
t. m H New York; Vice
ks once more. We to I urn or t
dent, V. Illinois.
The president has issued his
Thanksgiving proclamation. If he
gets beaten in Tuesday's election, as
we hope be the case, he will not
feel so thankful.
The Hying machine scored a
brilliant success at St Tues-
day, best test in aerial
navigation- It looks and more
like we will all fly h
for the year ending November is ,, . more
190-1 The number acres is in
and the valuation history. Our success will
This is the valuation ;,, .,, not only for ourselves,
in the country. There but for future
are acres owned by eve woman j our Land
establishments outside responsibility
of this being f u or her, for m
the to meet only once in . . . . . . i
mineral tins success must de-
ten years it would be a goad thing. and timber interests is pend upon the high average of our
, The number of town lots is j citizenship, upon the way
NINE CANDIDATES. the valuation of these being in of
The total valuation of real neighbor,
estate in North Carolina is therefore, i, Theodore
The previous year it was President of the United
only The increase do set
during the year is over Thursday, the twenty fourth
which is by Ear the greatest ever re to be observed as
corded in any one year his shows a thanksgiving
the great prosperity of the State and I the of the
the marked advance in the value of at home or abroad, and do
farmlands. It is a very practical recommend that on that day cease
proof of- the prosperity of North .,,, occupations and
trains, so called The result is a
greatly increased yield of Iowa's
staple product.
you where I can get a
This is the question we hear
on all sides. The probability is that
the difficulty of getting servants will
increase rather than otherwise. The
colored people are moving away, and
those who remain are unwilling to
work. The only way to compensate
for this perplexing situation is to so
arrange our rooms and
apartments as to be able to do
the work ourselves. Times.
quit mess is
plained He met with accident
while out on a horseback
that came near costing him his
life, and had to lay for repairs.
s and- -thank , . President,
Co. for a Georgia; Vice
of the 1905 edition of this use- A. King, Missouri.
it budget of Information- . National Liberty
One of the blessings of the good
road movement is, that who
now Live in towns and in cities will
be a to the country.
I he tendency been in past years
to move from the country to the
towns. This change in the order
will be better for both the
and also for the
Judge Parker's words of
and encouragement should
every Democrat greater
exertion determination to do his
whole duty during tho remaining
days of the We cannot
expect to win the victory without
hard Sun.
gather in their several places of
worship or in their home, devoutly
to give thanks unto Almighty God
for the benefits He has conferred
upon us as individuals and as a
and to beseech Him that in tin-
future His Divine favor may con-
to us.
witness whereof T have here-
unto set my hand and caused the
seal of the United States to be
at the City
this 1st day of November, in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine
The Democratic party is doing
more than any party ever did to
educate every white boy and girl
in North Carolina. Will the white
men of North Carolina vote against
the Democratic party and thereby
help the Republican party in its
desire to keep all these boys and
girls in Dis-
To the Voters of Pitt County.
In spite of the fat that I nave-
every township
in the county, except in Greenville-
how I on
until e t y in -ii
g ii-. me
No m-iii or Bin
a stock law ti in;
no r. in
mi.- . to white
rs raid territory hi
to upon waiter.
of it
hundred and lour, and of the
of the United States If th
one hundred and twenty-ninth juicy k-
lot gel i-.
the President. j Very .-
-John Ha, Secretary of J. J. L
. .
This department is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
C, Nov.
Mrs. Jerry
daughter. Mis- Lula, of
spent Mr-.
Then is the selection of
library pa-u and
at the drug of Dr. B. T. Cox
A Pro. ever brought to Winterville.
Protect your by
of those eye at Hie
Store, price cents.
J. M. Blow, of was here
For underwear that will make it
warm for you cold weather call
at John Whitty Son's.
Highest price for -cotton seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
If in need of a good barrel of
Hour or pork see Kittrell and
Don't forget to bring or send
cart to A. G.
Co. Fat they
worry over that little lot
of cotton you had over when
you through ginning your list
Jots. he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
-seed cotton in any quantity the
market price paid every
Finest line of goods
G. Chapman and Co.
G- A. Kittrell and Co. have just
received a tar load of No. Tim-
was here
T. N. Manning Co. are carry
the medicine that will cure
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
wood cart hub. A. G. Cox Mfg.
We want to buy your Hides,
Board J
Cox. Board 81.40 per day. Best
Penny candies specialty at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
G A. Kittrell went the
Kittrell have just re-
a nice assortment of cutlery
u yon want a nice knife see them.
Window door frames, porch
brackets and all kinds of
house at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg.
-Shirts apt
Harrington Barber Co.
The county B. Will-
J. L. Fleming, Leon Tucker
and J. J. spoke to
a of about to her-
Mr. Williams and Mr.
lacker simply thanked the people
for the nomination they had
ready given them and fir the vote
that they would get in the coming
election. They are both
button-bole politicians and good
officers Mr. Laughinghouse
ed by saying Mr. Little was
sick had to go home
morning, he regretted very much
not being able to be present. Mr.
devoted most of
bis time to state issue-,
Republican and
in the dark days of the
and under fusion rule of
the nineties, showed
Carolina's progress and advance-
under all of the Democratic
administrations. He
Sheep Skins, Goat Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese. Chickens
Eggs and will guarantee high- j
est market price for
Second baggies cheap. If
you to bay a second hand
buggy cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Being in t-o first
class raw material -cheap, haying
machinery in do cur
work, being to save and
work nearly all of our Umber,
are a few of the reasons why we
can save our customers money,
Winterville Mfg. Co.
For store
feet long, call on or write Jno.
Whitty Son, Winterville, N. C.
Floor oil cloth at A. W. Ange
the County Oil Mill is now
buying Cotton Seed. They pay
the highest cash price or will ex
change for meal. When yours
are ready write for prices.
Jesse and Joe Nelson were
town Thursday.
Cheap shoes dry goods, notions,
and rubber goods. H. L. Johns, n.
Young Men like to keep up
with the band wagon.
They want the thing in
They like new styles.
They like moderate prices,
Our new Fall and Winter
the Fill
We are ready with a magnificent display
of Fall We will Post a
forfeit that no other store in town can show
such a stock and variety as we display.
We hold the title of Champions in points
of style, quality and general excellence.
Young men will find all the latest style
kinks worked into our Suits.
Tasteless OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cent- per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, N. C. 3-22
I the Watts law clearly that say-
diseases of the h art in any state, body could well understand it.
We now have on hand a was the
line of dress at the occasion, he told e
low figures, come, see be con-1 got the laughter, exposed I newspapers
in N. Carolina.
There toned from the office
,; Printing last week n summary
The King Clothier.
Kittrell and Taylor.
For cabbages, apples, mullets
and fresh groceries cheap. Bee T.
N. Manning.
B L. Cox was here Thursday.
Box Body Carts for is
now season when you may
want a cart to haul your
farm products to the or
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are
making selling them and you
had better send them your order
It you are need of
flannels, skirt and waist
call on iv G. Chapman and Co
A good chance to cut wood. The
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. to con-
tract to have five hundred cords of
wood cut. Any wood cutter wish-
a job can them at
Protect your feet by wearing
good shoes. B. G. Chapman and
Co. have the kind and size you
School books, pens,
pencils and supplies of all
kinds cm be found at the drug
S e G. A. Kittrell for feed stuff
of all kinds.
At Reduced A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co. closing out a big
lot wire fence reduced prices.
have the finest and most
substantial fence made you
get a bargain if yon apply at
Big of Royal flour
received. Prices
Q, Chapman and Co.
We me prepared to pay highest
prices for a chickens and
A. W. Ange Co.
boots and shoes all de-
us at A. W. Ange Co.
robber and total published in
usurpation of powers in Carolina, with
him by the constitution. T. e connected
Democrats have made mistake in the state, the
in the ticket and will chapter of the
give them a handsome majority annual report of the
Ex-Sheriff Harrington his b e . for the past year,
here two days week el action- The circulation
Wears mighty sorry a of Carolina papers
good like him ill lie Oil that
mongrel Tucker will i
get the majority a daily
ever got in Pitt county.
Best market in town.
to he
This statement
i Semi-weekly
Oranges and fancy
candies at H. L. Johnson.
Bargains tor the people Puces
Bright II L. Johnson.
Cur load Salt for sale cheap
A. W. Ange and Co.
me your turkeys I pay
highest L. Johnson.
For fresh meat beef, fish and
barbecue. Go to H. L. Johnson.
; Semi-monthly
Of the above, there
Democratic, Republican, In-
dependent and two Populist in
The Store and
the Stock.
This has a reputation to sustain. It is a
safe and place to buy, a place where
newness i triumphant, and where goodness and
j bands with prices, wherein fullest
satisfaction is given. Think of it as your store,
your place to buy.
Unprecedented values in high class Goods,
Broad Cloths, Cheviots, Series and fancy,
I popular for suits and
Fine Jackets. lie most
Jackets for fall and winter are here. The
are different from those last season. Too many to
attempt description.
wear Clothing. We carry the
of Clothing made for boys, and
I We system and tho
made y Co. Try a suit of these i
clothes and if not satisfactory, money will be r-

All of to
We claim to have the largest and most
stock of Shoes in this town. are now showing large
of styles in the best makes for Men.
Children and Infants. We can't tell yon much about
them in tins space, but we want to call your to
the famous
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
i-i enough
but that
convinces is the test.
We make strong
for this Shoe, and ask a
trial that our claims may
be proven. We claim a
unique, common sense
sole construction, found
in n other shoe. A sys-
last m
makes a shoe
tits the foot as nature
We also claim that
while quality of material
and workmanship may
possibly be equaled, they
cannot he excelled at the
price, and that a good a
shoe cannot be made and
is not sold tor less.
are, ho
the tangible results of
many years study of the highly complex needs of the
human foot They appeal to common sense a warrant
a trial by every one who desires foot and good
Ruined by Bucket Shop.
Allan Parker the defaulting
of the National Bank
, himself
el to authorities last week and
dial he was abort in
j the amount of
A from
I to Hi New under
dale of the Parker a
, have the money in
P speculation bucket shop trans-
I led into hf other;
i I men this
; and I carried my trade
i t. time of his de-
y had an unsullied
E reputation for honesty and
and stood high in the
I Fearful Odds Him
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, a the condition of
mi old i by name of J. J. i
Havens, V. O. For years
he was troubled with Kidney die-
and neither nor
nave nun relief, At
he Hied If pt
him on his feel ill short and
now hi on I he load
earth for
i Liver Kidney trouble- and all
; forms of and Bowel
by J. L. Wooten, druggist.
J. B. Cherry Co
has world wide tame for marvelous
I com. It
I lotion, i Of balm
Coins, Burns, Bates, j
, Ulcers, Teller, Salt Fever
infallible Piles. Cure i
guaranteed. Only at W
I Drug Store.
For Cook Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
H. L.
U. H. St.
was a, nothing d d any
we used
strong cents, Tea
t t-ck paid in
Due i. in 26.670
t ab
a gets
Hf, take
Rocky Brings V
I lie tea
Letters from
t r.
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C.
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, L. the hank, do solemnly
wear that the statement is true to the of my knowledge
Md belief L. LITTLE,
Cured by the received daily.
3,509.03 I Their troubles nearly all begin
I or other stomach disorder.
you eat falls to give strength
It is because the juices
20,000.00 by the stomach and digestive organs
are inadequate lo transform the nutrient prop-
of the food into blood. That
Indigestion. The system Is deprived of the
amount of nourishment required to keep up
strength, and the result Is that one or
more of the delicate organs gradually j
weak, and then weaker, until finally it is I
diseased. Here a great mistake is made.
That of treating the diseased organ.
best doctors in the land make this very
mistake. Why should they It U so easy
to see that the trouble it not there.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, 20th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears He paid within on month while you
are living, or within three after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To Premiums, or
To Increase the or
policy payable during the
remedy puts the stomach and I
digestive organs in a condition so j
that rich, red blood is sent coursing through
veins and arteries of every muscle, j
and fiber throughout every organ of the en
tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
strength and vigor is soon restored to each.
cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all
I have taken for nearly two months
that each meal and It Is the only remedy
gave relief from terrible pains
endured. After a time I would take it bull
once a day. and now. while I keep a bottle
handy. I seldom need It. as It has cured me.
Mrs. J. W. Center. N. Y.
Digests What You Eat.
by E. O. GO.
or Sale Ry
Greenville, N. C.
has Advanced-Prices
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted, houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
Mat door to Poet
A Ii an
The Democratic national ticket la
likely to pick up one electoral vote
California year. It came
about this manner.
The Republicans of California
the mistake of nominating
one of their presidential electors a
federal office-holder. Such a person
ineligible as an elector, and if
elected will be disqualified. In that
vent the next highest elector will
be elected. If all the Republican
are elected and the one who
is disqualified is ruled out the next
highest man is bound to be a Demo-
The Republican managers in
California did not discover their
mistake until too late to correct it.
has ten electoral votes, a
gain of one since 1900. In 1802 that
State gave Cleveland n plurality of a
little less that three handled and
eight of its nine electoral votes were
for the Democratic nominees.
years it also elected a
Democratic governor, so that yon see
California is by no means a hopeless
proposition for the Democrats.
A Wild Ride For Life
With mound expecting
him to die, and sou rising for
life, miles, to Dr.
New Discovery
H. It-own,
of endured
agonies from hut Ibis
wonderful medicine
relief and Boon cored him.
now soundly every
night Like marvelous cures of
Consumption Pneumonia,
Coughs, Colds and Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and trouble-.
bottles and
bottles free at Drugstore
t. t. s. t. s. w.
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be up-to-
date in every way.
We are sole agents for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
From toga Pounds
One of the most
of a cold, deep sealed on the lungs
pneumonia, is of
B. ,
who was entirely cured by the use
Of One t Cure. She
so me that I rail down
down weight from to lbs.
I tried a number remedies to no
avail until I used One Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottle l this
wonderful remedy cured me entire- j
of cough, strengthened my j
lungs and restored me to my nor-
weight, health and
Sold at Wooten's Store.
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
Fabric to be found in any city.
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, Bees, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
call for in this line.
m i
C. T,
Evans Street,
A weak stomach weakens the
n an, it cannot Inn
the food
Health and strength cannot re-
stored lo any sick man or weak
man without first restoring J
and the stomach. A
stomach cannot digest
food lo fee lbs tissue and revive
the tired and run down limbs and
organs of the body.
Dyspepsia cure digests what yon
eat, cleanses and strengthens
glands and membranes of the
stomach, and cures
I ton
Sold at Drug Si ore
The Bee Hive
What's In a Name
is in u , ,
comes lo Witch B ,
Co., of r L .
some year-
Hazel ma
For blind, bleed-
and protruding files, I
j, cuts, bums, bruises and
, diseases, DeWitt's Salve
r This has given
worthless counterfeits
DeWitt's, the genuine.
Sold at Wooten Drug Store.
I Read here the most Startling; Price you ever
Quick Arrest
J. A. Ala
was twice in from a
severe case of piles
tumors After and all
rein-dies failed, Buck ten's
Salve farther
and cored him. fl
and kills pain.
drag Store.
once liberated
it a Baal
effect. worth one's
last doll, lo feel pleasure of
life by
Mountain Tea.
Wooten's D Store.
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price I cent.
Feather Stitch Braid, white and colors. Bee Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose. cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and our price
Men and Boy's Fine Sunday Shirts for cents.
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants
Men's Fine Worsted Pants for cents.
We mean what we say. The above are only a few of the many
good Bargains we are offering;. Come to see us.

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White edged all
with it i ii x I M,
values for cents, this Sale for
Homespun, all colon yon
ran want, will cost yon cents the yard.
per yd.
W color opaque window Winnie in
fringe, fixtures complete, C feet long iv
wide, worth anywhere,
About yards Dark yon pay
On for, we have on the market
Hale Ml
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted checks, ends, sizes
Others Lave each, this Sale two
towel o for
how, f-ill, seamless,
welted I up, fine for rents
per pair, this Sale per pair.
High best English jeans. hook
x cord boat and
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Sold the world
over for this Sale
Mack span Petticoats full
none better for
his Stile
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents
This Sale cents per Dozen.
TOO dint- hi and fancy worsted,
Suits that bring and live
this Sale
Big line of fall underwear, these
anywhere, for big this
1,900 of SIMMS, solid leather
anybody will price to you any where from
to Sale
We have a big lot of bats that we sold from
cents to one dollar, big value at
pi Ii, I bis bale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Mans Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the beat bleaching, as long as we
have any, this Sale i-ac.
Shins that you Hill nay are cheap for
ill colors yon can ask for, Sale
We a guaranteed, lull
you pay this Salt
V. lave a big line of rubber goods, re-
we will have sell also.
I will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Nine People Killed.
N. C, Nov. .
The n horrible catastrophe in
the history of
at ck t is
when he north aide of old
reservoir on
collapsed, the street
river of death,
which bore persons to doom,
caused the serious injury of eight
others and washed away a cumber
of small house in its path
The list, of the dead is as
Mrs. Louise aged
seventy, who moved to Winston
yesterday from Greensboro.
Mrs. Martin Peebles, aged fifty,
crushed by the collapse of the wall.
Miss Selina aged
Mrs. John Toe, age fifty.
Twelve-year-old daughter of Mrs.
John Southern, young man.
Octavia young While
Lucile Malone, young
Caroline Martin, colored.
T. L. Payne, ill Greensboro,
traveling salesman, buffering mum
shock and perhaps
Martin Peeples, whose was
killed, dislocated thigh.
Walter boy, back hurt.
Air. Jordan,
Lizzie colored,
Abe colored, bad
in abdomen.
Poe, slightly injured.
Len Malone, injured.
Abe Martin, slightly
Six houses were more
or less damaged Raleigh News-
and Observer.
The Y. J Companion In 1905.
II la min even
I in paragraph the
v-tried attraction which The
Youth's Companion announces tor
the year.
A a cries of articles planned to
especially the forty five
millions of Americans who look
directly to oil for their sub-
will treat Field's
for Voting
of the Future of
American Women
Make Money on the etc.
Seven serial stories and
short stories by the most talented
popular A writers of
Motion will form part of the con-
tents of the new for 1905.
Full Illustrated Announcement
describing the principal features
of The Companion's new volume
for 1905 will be sent with sample
copies of the paper to any address
The subscriber who sends
now for a year's subscription
to The Companion receives free all
issues of The Companion for
the remaining weeks of 1904, also
for 1905, lithographed in
twelve odors and gold.
The Youth's companion.
Berkeley St., Muss.
Hand Blown Off.
Durham, N. C, Nov. W.
Tilley, a farmer living near Ba-
in the northern part of thin
county, was seriously hurt ester-
day. He was handling a stick of
dynamite when it exploded and
his hand was torn off about the
wrist. arm was shattered so
unit it had to be amputated near
the Post.
What's in
Everything is in the mime when it
comes In Witch E C
DeWitt Co., of Chicago,
some lo make
a salve from Witch that is a
specific for Pile-. blind, bleed-
itching and protruding
eczema, cuts, Inn in, and
all skin Salve
has no equal. This has given rise
to numerous worthless counterfeits
for DeWitt, the
Sold at Drug Store.
cured of Lame After Years of
had been troubled with lame
buck for fifteen years and I found
a complete recovery in the of
Chain Pain
John G t ill lam, This
liniment is also without an equal
for sprains and bruises. It is for
sale by Wooten's Drug Store,
Greenville. f
AT i
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store you get Hon-
est Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything for
table can supplied promptly
if you cull, or No-
you km only
pure, fresh goods
you buy here.
r HOw to MAKE FER-
book of i-i --i you all
seat postpaid on receipt at price Mats
Hank Norfolk, Va.
Greenville Has
at Last
Got a Book Store.
You can get all lie school books at one place.
You can get anything needed in supplies at
Isn't This Good News to
What is use of trotting all town v h n yon
can everything you want at
Next Door to J. R. Corey.
Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
New York Sun says at
carries New York by enormous
plurality, exceeding
1900. Looks like a Republican
New a
Democratic news paper announces
sit p in that Roosevelt ban been
elected president of U. and that
Higgins been elected Governor of
New York State.
The New York Journal says
ton Herald Globe concedes
of Douglass, for
New York World conceits
election of a House of
Representatives with a probable
of from to
The New World concedes
Roosevelt, a plurality of
Id New York a plurality
New Journal returns
indicate the elution of
Republican, governor by at
of outside of
New York city gives 17-
Same 1900,
New is conceded at
Democratic headquarters
that Roosevelt has carried every
doubtful state in country.
N-w Herald bus
Hashed inn of and
out of In Now
York State, outside of city,
Same in
New York Journal sent
a message of to
sent Ibis message
to President
N. 8th, p. To
President, Washington, D.
The by their votes, have
emphatically approved your ad-
ministration and I congratulate
yon. Alton B.
Roosevelt's reply to
Judge Parker's telegram was as
for your
At p. in., Chairman
you that indications are
the country has an
overwhelming of
In President and his
Associated Wash-
Nov. 8-
tonight after the
returns clearly indicated the
result issued following state
am deeply sensible of the
honor done me by the American
people in thus expressing their
confidence In what I have done
and have tried to do. I appreciate
to fullest the solemn response
1st---- imposes up
ray power lies not to it. On
the 4th of March, next, I
have served three and a half
and this three and a half years
my term. The
wise custom limits the
to two regards
j substance and not the form. Under
j will I be a
flats fur or
H. Senator
Republican State chair-
says, advices from all
parts of the indicates a ma-
of We claim it
ill be if not exceeded
It is a great victory for prosperity.
Scattering returns
consistent republican gains
and indicate that Roosevelt has
state by a large plurality.
precincts give
Roosevelt Parker
Return from first ard
has Dee a strongly I
indicates Roosevelt has
carried it by
is estimated by ex-
perts on the of
vote in Chicago says that
Roosevelt will carry city by over
Debs, the Socialist
date for has polled a
large vote in Chicago.
precinct indicate total
of 4.1,000.
Harrison says
it looks like u landslide for Room
viii, but we hopes for the
out of
1,562 give Roosevelt Par-
Ten cities fend towns in Maine
give Roosevelt 1722.
Same in gave
1700 Bryan a net
gain of 1202 voles.
ham ran
towns d wards
out of
White cities and
towns of
of Democratic
claims the election of Douglas by
and Fairbanks plurality.
Globe at
o'clock tonight says
elected governor iv a
plurality of Roosevelt
carried the State by
the stain by about
The says Roosevelt's Con
majority will probably ex-
which was
New York Journal says New
Coin-., claim
Connecticut by Journal
urns Roosevelt carries
New Jersey Wisconsin,
plurality these
is disputed by the Democrats.
towns in Connecticut.
net gain J
fair, heavy
vote, returns
Committee at o'clock an-
returns the
State indicate that Roosevelt's ma-
would be from to
precincts Hamilton county
Ohio Roosevelt Par-
Same in 1900
can Democratic
voting precincts outside
Marion county gives Roosevelt
Courier Journal
estimates state will go demo-
by about
in the State counted enough
been learned to indicate the
Democratic ticket made heavy
Des of State
Central Committee el diM state by
to Des Moines
Register and Leader
present ratio per keeps up
will have about
Gran returns very
so fur a normal vote indicated
majority for Roosevelt.
south Dakota.
Sioux Falls Senator
claims South
Dakota by
San 6-00 p. m. no
turn ii-- were received from ibis
city or stale. Reports from
Indicate ma-
bus certainly carried State,
Governor Peabody is sale though
bis vole fall short of
St. complete
1,850, Porker
Kansas Republicans
claim the of Re-
publican the
strongly demo-
scratching. At
State headquarters it is
ban carried the state by
Owing to great length of
ticket will be close, but
State is
County ma-
for Roosevelt and
Sydney congress.
bean loss of
Evening News
claims Parker has can-tad the
city by majority. Forty
precincts of gives Parker
Roosevelt net gain of
over 1900 for Democrats.
Virginia elects members
of out of a total of ten
The result 9th
district in in doubt the
In favor of
estimates Parker's plurality the
state from to 20.000 and says
republicans elect their nominee for
congress in the 9th district. All
other districts democratic, vote
Raleigh. Indications are i
heavy vote was polled. Returns
from the first, fourth and
fifth congressional districts a
State ticket
elected by to
has carried
Booth Carolina by not
plurality. Democratic
ticket has been, elected without
opposition. The State legislature
is unanimously
Watson ran behind predicted
Democratic majority about
The few scattering returns o far
Indicate usual Democratic major-
Every district
Democratic except the rib.
New democrats
ha.- curried
and Davis by a prob
ably Seven democratic
congressman elected.
Austin returns show that
the vote cast today will hardly
exceed of which
for Parker and
Roosevelt aid the
All the democratic
for elected in
and I shall do all that in Democrat
Meager returns up to
p. in. show good gains for
but indicates
can on governor, rive
precincts have thus
however they not be
of general result.
Salt Lake
rote ever polled is reported with
The counting of vote's in the
several required so much
time that lull result cannot
given this issue. The vote of
the townships on county ticket
is as folio
Little King Tucker
Harrington White
Fleming Laughing
Little King
house Little King
Little Tucker
Harrington While
Williams Fountain
Tucker Harrington White
Williams House
Craft Cox
Little King
Tucker Harrington White
Williams House
Fountain Craft Cox
Fleming Move Laugh-
Little King
Tinker Harrington
White Williams
House Fountain Cox
Little, King Tucker
Williams, Fountain Cox
Tucker, Harrington
Little, King
alt Cox
Fleming W,
Little King
Little King
White Williams
i the banner township
of the county, having polled a
larger percent of the registered
rots than any other in
the county
Dropped Dead.
Mr. John n, who lived near
Mt. Pleasant, about ft miles from
Greenville, dropped dead in his
field Monday. Mr. Brawn was
out iii the field with some hands
housing his potato crop when he
fell, was dead urban
reached He about GO
years old mid leaves a Wife, six
The following curds have
Dr. Walter Wooten
you to present
at tin- marriage of hi sister
Bertha Drown
Mr. Fredi rick
on morning,
November the b
and four
at b if after seven o'clock
m Lake's Chapel
Ninth Carolina.

Eastern reflector, 8 November 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 08, 1904
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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