Eastern reflector, 1 November 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Lawn edged all around
with I men Luce, .-
values for this Sale far
y checked Homespun, nil minis
ran it cost you cents the t t-
Bate per yd.
Water color opaque window in.
thread fringe, fixtures complete, f--t
feet wide, I Ins Bale
v k pay
mo for, we have the market during this
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, ends, sizes
Others must have cents each, this Sale two
towels for
hose, full, seamless,
welted top, fine Big values for cents
per pair, this Bale per pair.
High bust English Corset, honk
x steel cord and gore
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Bold the world
over for this Bale
Black mercerized, gloss, full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
ibis Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents
This Sale cents per Dozen,
worsted. Men's
always end five
Rig line of fall underwear, can't duplicate
anywhere, sold for big values, this
1,800 pairs of Shoes, o mi run teed solid leather
Mm, body ill pries to you an; v. her from
l his Bale
We have a bin lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at
this Sale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
will sell the best as m
have j , this Hal
that t ray me
all colon yon can in, this Palo
We sell a guaranteed, full 10-4 i
you pay for, this Salt
V have N bin Of rubber goods, just re-
d, c will have to sell
will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
N. C.
Dear The handsome mi-
; deuce of Oliver on
Main Portland, was
in with
i again
There's there are
of such; the difficulty is to
hear of
Reminds of another. The Far-
, was painted years
I the paint was fair condition
I years ago, when we saw it;
any more. Our agents
Messrs Farrand, Spear
Co, know. a stamp, if
you write
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. if. L. Carr sells our paint
Under a new in
visit the public
London inspect pupils.
that are clean are
home. But already it has been
found that some of the
smear themselves with mud before
entering school, in hope that
will pay a visit.
If a young man monopolizes ton
in a girl's time i.-
I to get rid of hi hi by u
bis wife.
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this yon get Hon-
est Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted for your
table can be supplied promptly
if you call, or No.
I Rest assured that you get only
pure, fresh goods every time
you buy here.
By virtue a decree of the Superior
court of Pitt county, made in a certain
; special therein pending-,
entitled John
i tor of M. M. Galloway against B. W.
Tucker and wife and others, I will, on
Monday, December 5th, 1904, before
the court h u-e door in the town of
Greenville, sell at public to the
highest bidder for cash, a tract of land
n township, the
ands of Galloway, O. J.
way and creek, and known as
Lot No. in the division of the lands
of James Galloway, deceased, and
which was allotted to Madison
way in said division as appears on
record in the Superior court Clerk's
office of Pitt county in record
vision of No. page
This the 24th day of October,
John B.
of M. M. Gd
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys.
A Cure at Last obtained, After
Searching; in
by St. Louis t.
A few months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic gen-
of St. Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out of test cases,
y cured and have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
is but a question of a few week.
So astonishing have been the results
and in cases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
this cure to all
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain
rounded by friends and and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
here in St. Lou s have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those in
New Mexico and
The wonderful results in question
accomplished by the
and the company which controls this
marvelous medical device have located
their main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, The cure will lie known as
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the fluid
which will person
ally charge of the of the
Mr. Benson will personally
meet all who call the office of th
on Seventh street, will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the at Louis Globs
free oil
N. ,
Louis, Mo
paid for
Hide. War. Cotton Read, on Bar.
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits, B
Go-Carte, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gait
Cherries, Apples,
Flour Meat,
Magic Food, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar.
den Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
and China Ware, Tin Wooden
i, Butter, New
Sewing nu-
Quality and
see me.
K. M.
Ph. Ti.
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of its kind issued in America. It
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
in the Full. Mailed free
to Farmers a- upon
request. Write tor
Wood Sons,
I will attend at the following
times and the purpose
collecting taxes the year
Bethel, Bethel township, Fri
day, October
Falkland, Falkland township,
Saturday, October
All taxpayers are requested to
meet me and pay promptly.
O. W. Sheriff.
Get in Line.
The Atlantic Coast Line will
sell special rate tickets,
OCTOBER 24th. to 27th.
inclusive, Rood on trains
riving in before noon
of October 28th. Final limit
returning, October 30th.
from N. C,
for the round trip, including
one admission to the grounds.
For full information, call on
Ticket Agent
W. J. G. P. A.
Wilmington, N. C.
William Fountain, D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
Office one door east of post ob
a J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
No. CL
Monument to Soldiers
N. C, Oct.
the intersection of the walks lead-
tn--it, portion of the
town on the east side of
Main plain to the view of
passers, there hand-
some a heavy granite
base mounted with the
statue of a Confederate soldier
assuming a graceful posture, to
enhance the admiration of per-
and incite the
. passions of
This mark of memory Is the re-
ward of the tireless activity
the members of the Wm.
Pender Chapter of the
Along educational lines wonder-
progress been mane, as the
following facts I torn a
statement issued by Mr. J. Y.
Joyner, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, will show. The
comparison is made between the
years 1900 and 1904.
The school term has increased
from 14.6 weeks to weeks.
The number of local tax districts
has increased from to
The amount raised by local tax-
has increased from
The public school fund has in-
creased from to 8.1,765,
The value of public prop-
Daughter of
noble of women whose
are ever foremost
that held dear in
the hearts of sunny Southland.
They striven earnestly,
gently zealously tor this par-
memorial of perpetuity and
their accomplishment indeed
been a glorious one, for in this
monument we have a befitting
token of the love appreciation
of the valor of gallant heroes
county has
always felt snob h great pride.
At a procession led
by a of police, with chief
U x and six aides,
marched Main street. Follow
in lit-- in order were
the baud,
Guard-. J. S. Carr and
Mayor and county
Commissioners, veterans,
sf Confederacy, schools, lodges
firemen and citizens.
At loot of monument a was
erected gully d with
National Confederate
Na.-h presided Kev.
Craven opened the
with after
Tue sum spent for new school
houses has increased
The number of has
decreased from to
The number of districts without
houses has decreased from
The school enrollment has in-
creased from to
The average attendance hes in-
creased from to
The of school libraries
has increased to with
75.000 volumes of good readable
Solid Delegation Predicted.
States Senator F. M. Simmons,
of the slate
Executive Committee, who spoke
here tonight, in interview this
evening stated that North Carolina
would certainly return a solid
I Democratic deletion
be re-elected in
the Tenth district by a largely in-
majority, and W. C. New-
land will defeat
Blackburn in the by
or two
Senator, urns in
till was
Certain win.
said that the Democratic majority
in the State very large,
that lie bad never
in liner shape than now since he
bad been
The Most of at Arm.
In connection with the various
feats and features so notably com-
Great Adam Fore-
Sells Brothers
United Shows, tor
November will
be forthcoming the champion Au-
Zouaves, the astonishing ex-
pert American soldiers,
who from Madison Square Garden,
New City, to St. Petersburg,
won unqualified
the and
plaudits of all military authorities,
as expert- drill
complex celerity movement.
return from
their European tour they were
secured by the
as a most
arid appropriate feature of the
military department of their great
nod their reception
therewith in greater New York
was a red-letter one both
and applause. The New
York American and Journal tersely
hit the nail on the head in twining
them huge, red-legged
whose celerity precision
have astonished military
Recruited from the bet
the city name
bear and made so hon-
they were
but a day's march from
the of the
Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth's Chicago's
who, justly
pride and wonder day,
is or overpraise
to My far by
agile and amazing Aurora
Mrs. V. h Harding Deed.
The sad
here Dy wire that Mrs Lillian
Harding, wife of Mr. W. F.
of died at
this in hospital at
Oct. 1904.
K W. to
Salisbury. She was formerly Miss
Lillian Long, of Chapel Hill, and i The wind today was a regular
was married In Mr
December, 1809. After marriage
lived in a little
more then two years Mr.
home here at arid
then moved to Charlotte. Mrs
Raiding as recently taken to the
and here
had given
aging reports condition.
She leaves a husband n
about three years old, who have
the heartfelt sympathy of a host
friends here
Mrs. Harding was a woman
lovable r and was held
in esteem by the people of
Greenville. The announcement
her death to many
My as
rendered by the band and choir.
S amps Howard delivered
the address of welcome and
monument was unveiled by sweet
little Miss Katharine W. Boa no
master U. Pender, Jr.
Hon. II. C then made a
presenting the
which accepted in well
by P ml Jones. Serious Accident.
Alter the band played Leon u son of H.
Old Col, John of Went Greenville, met
Bridges, introduced the Orator a this
the J Carr, In with bis
made an speech to cousin went out to bis
comrades, recalling much farm a As they were
of the great struggle of
The was pronounced
F C. left this
The tobacco had bi
H. Harris,
Miss Harding
for Norfolk.
v. returned Wed-
from .
Y. J. Lee, if Norfolk, a
here a day or two ting
Miss Gladys of Kin-
wit over this and
went out In to the
A. T. left morn-
for Wilson ti roach in-
. .
of lights
works today
fur in response to a
grain of
New at Library.
The new bare
been added to public library
by Thomas
Heart of by
by Marian
Proud by
Speckled by
Evans Wilson.
of by
Stanley J.
Rose's by
Mis. Humphrey Ward.
by George
the by
Mr. and Mrs. . O,
attending the Weldon fair.
Dr. E. A. Move, of Greenville,
spent a few i-i
Mrs. Ricks and daughter are
visiting relatives dam
Charlie is on the sick
Mi. a
wire drummer, of Va
was in town a day or two Ibid
H. B
of .
he will with his family, attend
the horse show in k.
Josie a ford, who bus been
several weeks, bus mi-
is .
Dr. L. K. Ricks Tuesday
H. H. Stanley won to Green-
J. D i-
id take
. J.
It . ,
i to .
December 23rd North Carolina, Day.
he e X. Cam
Day i. i f
. la,
s ,
. Pin- in tel true
g from G;
w t;. lanes came home Friday
evening i Halifax.
Bishop J. B. Cheshire.
Tin- band closed the
Among the
conspicuous on speaker's
stand Bishop Cheshire, ex-
Gen. W. R. Cox
the Mrs.
W. Pender, of Norfolk.
Alter the ceremonies the
of the Confederacy with others Tyson, Ty
visited the graves of dead heroes
placed flowers thereon.
riding along the road Leon Book Club, under whose an-
leaning against a round that conducted,
la the wagon. of the
round broke and he fell out to use and a
heavily on in library.
back of his head. The
rated his spinal column and
partially paralyzed from
Arm Dislocated.
Wednesday in
the Ii
Pi t Burned Out.
Tobacco Ahead.
Tobacco is now beat inn cotton
price. Farmers express much
satisfaction the prices are
getting for tobacco, while they do
not like to be selling cotton at less
We learn limn the Hickman,
Ky, in a fire
in t few nights
Allied the occupied by
, Rev II W. Stancill,
right Put cm was
which is
printer and
honed, not
d M,
ii and
to got
hand caught In a gin belt and lugs de
badly dislocated bis arm at the
elbow. V Bagwell was furniture, nod Hie family
the neighborhood at time and escaped being suffocated
quickly summoned and soon smoke woke Mrs,
bad the boy's Injured arm sit. Their friends bum with of
the loss sustained.
men to cut wood.
We will pay weekly. Good I First the
Hon. Fran i s
of burg,
date at St ,. .
with p .
Ii, B. tilt. in ,.
best . p
been delivered Hi
A . e
was present am . mi
by Mr.
i f-i
R. Q. Chapman AS in,
10-25 w N. C. M.
. in the
; Nichols Co. new buckwheat at . ., n
., if
a at .
scud rt

ii mi m
. g
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
By virtue decree Superior
court ii. a certain
proceeding therein
entitled John
tor of M. If. Galloway -t I- W.
Tucker and wife others. I
, Monday. December before
court door la the town
sell at to th-
h bidder for a tract of
in township, adjoining th
lands of W. S. Galloway. O J.
way and creek, and k own as
Lot No. the division of the lands
of James deceased,
which was allotted to Madison
In said division as appears on
record in the Superior court Clerk's
office of Pitt county in f
vision of No. pay
This the -4th day of 1804.
John B. Galloway,
of M. V. Galloway.
Blow, Attorneys.
D. W.
North Carolina.
I Not Quite
Bow often you can get a
thing JR
nail or screw driver or
. r lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
an i Our line of tools
is i you could desire, and
we will see your tool
not lack a
By virtue of a decree Superior
I court of Pitt county in Special Pro-
So 1300, entitled
vs W. warren and others, t.
undersigned Commissioner will sell
at pub lo auction before the
door Greenville on
Monday, Nov. the following
described land situated in the
of Greenville place known a-
the Allen Warren Nursery. Bounded
on the North by Tor river, in
Bast by the Atlantic Coast
road, th South by Third street,
and on the West by the Jack
place, containing seven acres, more
or less.
This the th day of October
r c. JAMES,
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness, M
Horse Goods,
J. P
I Co
By virtue of a decree of
of Pitt county, made
, Special Proceeding therein
against Jesse i
, day. October 1904,
court house door i
I villa, expose to public
. I highest bidder for cash,
tract or parcel of land
i s-ft township,
adjoining the land of Clam
Holton, Elisha
and Mil Run
, forty-six acres, mo
and the H.
the nth
In certain
. the
to the
i certain
situate in
W. L.
Or less.
Vend rid-
ft s.
Steamer B. L. Myers lea.
Washington daily, except
m leave-
d . except
at in. for W
Connecting at Washington
rs for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York
and all points North.
with railroads for
joint .
Shippers -It Id
freight by into i I
from New York n I
Norfolk and K H. an
Old Den. in on bin- from
Clyde Lin phi
Buy Chesapeake Lin
Baltimore an Merchant
and Miners lane from n.
Sailing ii to
T. H. Myers,
f. J. Ch
; ,
I. B. Walker, Vice i-
Beach Street. N. Y.
Notice is hereby given i; .
on the 22nd day of . II .
sell sale, at the d m i t
the late T. C. Cannon in C
ship, the personal
in thee of P. ion
of cattle, .
and kitchen ire,
cotton seed horse, hi .
wagon, carts, farming Imp
1.1 ale Rash,
This i day of . i.
J. X and I
T. t
will ell Ian I
I'm on th
, s n . i j
mull r
. . with good .
r com try n I
the land . In
ii h toll
com an the About n u
d, the s
hi. ii over In
or full
B. B. Ml
ii It a wk wk
a ti
Norfolk. Va,
and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
on. Private Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
IN 1866.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
Saving qualified ; a i
c N C this h u
persons tin
estate of said deceased
to the undersigned on or re I ii
47th day of is .
be pleaded i j
All persons Indebted to said -t ii
will please make i
This day t in
i EN i I'd.
i i
New Fall J
Issued August 1st, is the most J
helpful and valuable publication j
of its kind America. It I
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to
and in the Full. Mailed free
to Farmers upon
Wood Sons,
Persimmon beer will be ripe
m W;
H i
PO n o j
V Q y O M
Who Shall Do Jury Service
It is worth while to notice bow
many of the jurors in the
trial in Virginia, are
failing to qualify for jury duty. A
large percent of the special
has been stood aside for the reason
they claimed not to believe in
punishment under any
stances. Not a few were rejected
because of their opposition to con
on circumstantial evidence,
others escaped because had
read the papers and had therefore
made up their minds and could not
he induced by evidence to change
opinions concerning the guilt
a innocence of the prisoner
a it. In u
i n. who, offer all, do jury
If ii tin;
concerning the facts, as reported by
the press, is to disqualify a juror
sitting on a case, then it
pear that the most intelligent part
of the community lo have little
part in this most important duly. Ii
w to be absurd juror to
dare he would not convict on cir-
evidence where capital
was the penalty. Cir-
evidence, when com-
. u . is i lie most lain of all other
mis evidence carries its
ii conviction Ex.
-i iii ii name when ii i
s ; E. C
of Cl
. how to
i mi i .-in i
. ti For i ii. bleed-1
, files,
i . ;,
i I V. i Salve
. is ha
mi i hi hit .- counterfeits
,. Drug Store.
the i children in the
mi belong to the neigh-
e mother will inform j
New Life
. i for two weeks .
i i i H of
l . . in I . .-
h win ii r Liver,
i Store
announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
. There is nix line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
REV. Ph. D., Principal.
N. March 1904.
Mr. M. Charlotte. N. C,
Dear is a little m usual to file an order tbs late
the but we find that the more Pianos which
a-i add to Hie better the. revolts at-
in the work. We have added a number of your
instruments during the Jut few years, and they have all
n god sat is I'm it requires a piano of merit
r the constant use which all pianos have within our
school, but we are glad to be able say that your
have stood test, and we will to purchase
your firm time time as the need arises.
I think there about a now in the school.
J. Principal-
Man absorbs knowledge as
sponge does water, and like h
I h needs an occasional
Quick Arrest
J. A. Ala
vim twice ii. the hospital from a
severe case of piles
After and all
remedies failed,
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It
conquers u-hes and kills pain.
at Wooten's drug Store.
has world wide tame for marvelous
It surpasses an other salve.
lotion, ointment or for Cuts,
Coins, Burns, Boils, Bores, Felons,
Ulcers, Quit Rheum, Fever
Sores, Chapped Hands,
infallible for Piles. Cure
guaranteed. Only at Wooten's
Drug Store.
A rare and dis-
play of these pianos can n w
heard . Green-
ville, at factory prices
and easiest terms. also
on the floor several slight-
upright pianos at
prices ranging from
to Each instrument
is guaranteed years.
We also have a line display
of organs at surprising low
figures ranging in price from
and up. They are fully
This factory sale will
close before many more
days, when factory prices will
promptly withdrawn, and if
you any earthly use for
piano or organ it will
pa you to take a look around,
hen in Greenville Miss
Be sic Patrick, who is
with us during our stay
here, will be glad to give
a tune.
G. Q.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
change meal and hulls for seed,
and famish, bags and pay all
freights Write us
you are ready to sell exchange.
Washington, N. C.
R. L.
N. C.
AYDEN N. C, Oct. 1904.
few days several
parties have here prospecting
for the purpose of location with
the result that right much real
estate has changed hands, received, fine Hue of bar-; Go to L. E. Co's new
capital circulated our midst and can fit you up in any style market for beef, fresh meats, in the enlargement of pictures nil
The latent thing In shoes. Call
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
Cotton comes slowly and the
buyers are having an ea-y M
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
the prospect of our
population being greatly increased.
This is as it be and if
proper means are used the effect
will Let loose, j
Our wash board is a
Jackson and Co
dress goods taking the
fancy of nil who They
Those desiring work are beautiful.
William Phillips has gone to
and fresh fish. do well to see Hart Bro,. Norfolk return wife
First Class hand made brick, by ; seats for there in a I.
or price.
Ayden Milling S Co. -j , mi
W. E. yesterday th wholesale and retail large the are simply the I for treatment. We ate to
from a business trip to Fremont, stock always on hand, your orders smoothest on the market learn Mrs. Phillips is very much
Raleigh and solicited. J. A. Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
candies, oranges, apples May baa returned Corn, and oats, at J. Wall has come home
visit to
Farm- Smith
from N w Bern.
it is without a bananas at E. E. Co's. j fr quite a ton.
and is destined to take the Call on Hart . ville. Now we have plenty of the evening at the how
rel of Columbia Flour, better pair double, single and wagon and out of the Manning
to be had anywhere. wit bed springs at J. It. wheels and will sell them as Mi M Dennis were muted
We are offering good values for j Smith Bro. as any one. I in the holy bonds matrimony,
j the money in shoes, bat, caps, Hart Cypress Shingles for i Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. Mr.
Ayden, . mattings, tables sale by Cannon Tyson. Ayden, N. O. will poll
i . hair, windows, oil doth Tyson. percales and ginghams for j hot or ply roofing see our pounds, while hi
For can peaches, apples, corn at W. M. Edwards Co.
lead, try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
Without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
doors, and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
tomatoes, apply to E. E
When need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or if you do not secure
carriage. Gallon us make a boggle,
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
As for DAILY
great in
and Hilling for
those arrears. We have list
of all who receive mail at
for job
your loss will e than ours.
Milling Mfg. Co.,
We are
Av Mfg. Co., Ayden
H. C
J. R. Smith Bro. eh bride will balance them
A large crowd went from hereto at something over
the rally the 22nd. We wish them a long happy
If you need a pair of now
New line of suits, youth
take boy suits, and over-coat's to
I fit everybody at. Cannon
went to Washington Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil at J. R.
Smith Bro.
From the large number of
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
Just a few more home
made cypress shingles for sale by
big business as well as doing good Cannon A
Work Another spoke in the wheel of
The stove brigade were busily The Ayden Milling
engaged yesterday, and they don't Manufacturing Company
feel at all out stoves have Hie erecting of
I; two story brick building in
W. L. Tucker I. J. which to separate their electric
hon i hi u the
The cool snap makes a fellow
feel good.
Why Buffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts and burns, is the time to buy them at W. M. i
you can be permanently Edwards Co.
ed cue pair of properly , For next fifteen days you
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-; a suit at cost from W. M.
ante Ayden, N. C. Weak Edwards Co.
eyes, when need of glasses, All percales for at W
ways go bad to worse. A lit- M. Co.
tie piece of glass properly Cotton seed meat and bulls at
ed will work wonders. J. R. S Bro.
B. F. Early is back Bertie, The I say that Cannon
halts of col Ion on an average Tyson have the prettiest line of
per day is what the Ayden Milling die in town,
and Co., They give Those of our towns people who
lint the public have attended the Christian convention
found it out. have about all home from
Our stock of ribbons is wide, Washington,
narrow, nice cheap, J. R perhaps just at this E.
Bro. may not possibly be as
W, H. was here busy as a Wall street broker yet
from Greenville inspecting the If is at Insurance man he
graded schools. gets there. He is not only a
to see when j but ha- found it necessary to
to buy Independent Manufactured His companies
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction dealer will
pay you n t.
B, I.
Di-i. Ayden,
light plant. They have Tobacco, we handle Trust; are first class and
ed fur a dynamo, four Hart Jenkins. realizes the fact, hence Mr. Go
large as the one now in use, with I I take this method of Informing is to he congratulated m
twelve light power, public that as the Summer mid having something
more wires will be run out son is about over I am offering to
the whole system greatly special inducements In order to Don't fall to see Cannon Ty
enlarged. They have purchased sell. My. line of cannot lie soil's crockery both plain and
another horse power engine excelled, the Edwin are cheaper
large engines shoe which I exclusively is j than
The of this com- j net by any other make. I. idle and slippers at
i is truly wonderful, composed Give me a cull and when I have costs it W. M. El wards Co.
v of men of great energy all the shown you my dry notion A nice-election of at W.
visiting in Greenville capita all heir command necessary joiner line of goods I know I shall M.
went to and
returned Tuesday.
your hams chickens
B. Smith Bro.
Abie stock of Richmond cook
be court at New Bern Tuesday,
Remember you can find lawns,
zephyrs, de-oils, piques and
nice goods too numerous to
at J. R. Smith Bro.
candidates filled their
here Friday and had
nice crowd to hear them.
-mi see laces and
R. Smith Bro.
Do know J. R. Smith A Bro. I such an enterprise. ; be b e to plea- you and -ell yon
keep most complete line of out only the beat work, J. Kines.
de. bleaching and ginghams g satisfaction , Cam Noble- has home from
town. Their customers tell me-v a patronage LaGrange.
that it is so. j have received and ,
PI s enlarged every day. This en-. and heating stoves and repair.
made. Best refer is a to
given, flirt Bros., Ayden,
i same at J. Smith Bro.
Cannon are displaying Large stock of furniture I
the most lip date hue of suits, steads,
need anything in the way I this and chairs,
An nice line
ii t Mrs. J.
R. F. has returned from
in-in. s rip to Richmond.
IV, M. straw, felt at J. R.
Smith Bro.
edgings of Norfolk, is in
Fire, You can buy them town.
P. O. Building. Ayden. at W. M. Co's; One lot of shirts for
to build
do not
public to know that
I handle only a tint-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of TA-
TOILET article, best
goods arid the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar
u large as-
sort men t of
Beet --t it of Brush
es of all kinds.
X. t.
of Crockery, Tin or Grey Stone ware , i let i calico
to see us, Bart Jenkins. Ed wards C.
Ask F, about it. a. lot
at W. M. Edwards.
set apace cannot -1
Milling Co., Ayden, N. C p,,
our line of notions
W. C. Jackson and Co.
i I win lo remind my man
customers my line
dos Mason Jars and new wear, fancy collars and
belt of different colors a
r. Joseph
Office Block, Best road,
Ayden, N.
Mis. Blanche Week, of Scotland attention is
Neck, who has been visit rule infant cups
here has returned home. general of ribbons at at J. R. Smith Bro.
Yard wide sheeting for So at W. Mrs. J. A. New up-to-date Wheeler and specialty have J. Dr.
M. Edwards Co. for sewing machines for only, A. Davis C.,.
Call and examine our line of Mi dry shoes and bats at W. M. Co. Cold weather underwear at
high grade buggies. Yon can be Lt greater reduced prices. W. M. are glad to see J J. prices to suit all. Pits guaranteed Annie,
easily convinced of the superiority wards and the street after his long sickness. at W. Jackson and
of material
Ayden Milling Co.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy fancy
Ben is Ayden.
J. J. Hines who has been sick
with fever for a long while is, we
are glad to learn, very much
and suits at cost at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Notice you
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order that yon might realize
natter prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. Ce-
At the close of business Sept 1904-
i M. Helton has been visiting
Ayden, N. C.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks.
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes 1,577
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to cheek,
Certified checks
Bills r.
The boner roll for the first
month was as 3rd Masonic Mutual
Sheldon grade
Clara Forest, Dixon,
. el Anderson,
Gannon; 8th grade, Cornelia
Mil in font, Allen Cannon.
16.183.021 Dr. Sure cure for In-
and for sale
by J. R. Smith Bro. is pro
Relief A-
The beat plan, v best
rate and the
offered, Bee
A. P.
S. M.
many years with
constipation, and
of d bar, 6,000.00 be the best in the mar -Tea
and is guaranteed to do all i me cents, Tea
Total ; claims Tablets. Drug

Cheer Up.
Cheer up- The world is taking
. J.
The entire machinery of the gov-
is being used to further t
AND FRIDAY, the Republican your photograph. Look pleasant.
AND i;, has even been run j course you have your troubles,
, , .,; kill. I troubles cannot tell the
to expense of footing the bill . . .
One Great Service.
If Judge Parker fails of
he will have one supreme
and that is of having reunited
every faction of the Democratic par-
in the DO office at Greenville, N. C, as second class mailer,
Advertising made upon application.
at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties. . to be need for
poses. Not only this, but the mails,
tO foe government printing office and
.-----,., . other departments are being
H. Tuesday, used for the purpose, and the gov-
j eminent foots the bills. Roosevelt-
, . m whole lot of things bother . That of itself is a great
cable messages from the Phillip- , . . .-.,,,.
you Of course, business worries and it is doubted if tier
the fain j We send felicitations herewith people will
tie Charlotte Observer. No doubt the eighth of November
, ham run out esteemed feels ex- j nave become weary of it.
over the fact that another
flying machine did fly.
The higher price of bread in
crosses the cost of living-
There is
Even the
blind tigers.
The New York sub-way, one of
he greatest undertakings
Mr. Bryan made- a great modern times, was formally
or domestic sorrows, it may be, or; is another living Democrat today
what not. find a rugged road j who could have performed that Mm
whose stones hurt your feet. Never-; service. Before the St Louis
indications cunt for through Indiana and people , to the public on Thursday.
It may be real disease is
Your life is too self-centered. You
imagine your tribulations are worse
than others bear. You feel sorry for
meanest sort of pity.
It is a pathetic illusion. Rid your-
self of that, and cheer up.
What right have you to carry a
picture of your woe begone face and
funeral ways about among your
lows who have troubles of their own
will the
in that state heard him speck. He The comprises an under- F scowl
next m. j
Russia is putting up all manner the state is safe for Parker,
why it
You know there is n straight
take a air and go to the woods or to
expresses the utmost that -round electric railway that
the unfrequented lanes,
i-s the city and is about twenty miles.
Cheer up. lour ills are largely
in It has been four years in j. . T, ,,
J imaginary. If you were really on
construction and cost j brink of bankruptcy, or if there
From sundry accidents people; were no thoroughfare through your
sorrows, you should clear your brow,
set your teeth and make the best
I as important to vote as ticket in Pitt county, one
ll i to One follows the people themselves and j lost their lives while work was
the people are behind it. The duty in progress. Though it was not
there was not the remotest
hope of all the factions of the party
coming together peacefully under a
single banner and supporting one
standard bearer. Judge Parker
brought them together once more,
and the result will probably be hie
election. He has good chances and
his prospects are growing with each
day. The candidate would
make a truly great President.
Wilmington Dispatch.
; n Wat. k on Cleveland of every Democrat is to vote that
is about water .
on a duck's back forlorn hope the
, leans have of trying o gain strength
Maybe when President Roosevelt i .
opposing the i
leaves the h-us,. can get a. .
is one law that has come lo stay,
chair in B college.
of it.
Cheer up You are making a
hypothetical case out of your ; is afraid
to New j leg and from a self inflicted -d he's afraid not to
no amount of Republican opposition
can overthrow it.
Registration is all over now and
the next- thin j is f to the poll on
ember 8th and vote the straight
Democratic ticket
Talk about P rt Arthur falling
to one out of dale. At
last ts it was still at the same decided against her.
A Kinston woman who conducted
a house of ill repute went . i
the courts in an effort to compel the
telephone company to put a
then open to the public, we enjoyed
the novelty of a trip through the
while on a visit
York in September. Such an enter j verdict. You are borrowing trouble
prise has been the dream of j and paying a high rate of interest.
Manhattan, and now that it is real-1 Cheer up. Why, man alive In
I a ten walk see a
A Streak of Cowardice.
Mr. is to be a
man of nerve, and he is on occasions
But all politicians are cowards on
occasions, and Mr. Roosevelt is no
exception. For instance at this mo-
he hasn't the nerve to pass
the case of the white soldier whose
from the army has been
recommended because he married a
the city is to be congratulated.
In a speech at Monday
Judge Parker strongly denounced
the campaign abuses of the present
score of people worse off than you.
And here you are your own
grave and playing pallbearer into
the bargain- Man alive, you must
do your work. Smile, even though
phone in her house. The courts all h- worse
day He said startling changes have, cheer
taken place in the method of con- Journal
noting campaigns, a change not for I
emphasis was given to campaign
contributions by till trusts, and on Every man is responsible for his
I ruck
No need of Looking after your .
The Carolina Fruit am
here is no question about
w be elected in Pitt county, but j Growers Journal says the shipments contributions by
every should vote just the and trusts mean corruption.
this fall and next spring hey cannot he honest are
will distribute fully 200.000 j solely by business
, . ,, A corporation will subscribe
the growers. It i ,. . , , .
political only because the
neighbor about but ., , or.
ft corporation expects that party,
be sure one who has reg t
votes on election day. Democrat m every town , or to do
ship in the county should vote on i of he
Don't waste your on the election day so that his township or to refrain doing some-
mixed crowd running for office in I may have as large a representation to Us
possible in future conventions be imagined. In the nature of
tiling-, no oilier motive can exist.,
,. . , 11- i i i the minimum; Parker favors a re-
relations established mean the . .
approve it. Therefore he will let the
matter rest until after the election.
This is the man of whose moral and
physical courage we have heard much
in this Land-
The most earnest friend of Col-
William J Bryan, however fer-
he may desire election of
Judge Parker, could not ask better
behavior of the Nebraskan. In view
of the fierce attacks of Mr. Bryan
upon the presidential candidate an-
to the nomination, it was
feared by many, when he
to go into the campaign, that his
it small or great. Every support of Judge Parker on the
Democrat who votes for Parker stump would be of such character
to defeat Every Demo- as to do the latter more harm than
who does not vote for Parker good. It has, however, been earnest
contributes toward the election of j and outspoken, apparently whole-
Roosevelt. On every question hearted, and has unquestionably
which Judge Parker's position is helped cause. In Indiana, par-
open to criticism, President j where Mr. Bryan is very
position is worse; where they strong, lie has been especially
differ, as they do on many live, and it is the belief of the party
questions, Parker is right and j managers that he has succeeded in
Roosevelt is wrong bringing bis followers in that State,
A Word h Democrats.
if not agreement, actual
or implied, that governmental action
Pitt vote the straight; as possible m
Democratic ticket. I The coming election determines this
-i. I point for the next four years.
The divorce mill continues to j
work every time a court is held. And Mr Reynolds, the I is to be influenced by for
This will continue until then candidate for congress in the interests No sophistry
is a more stringent law on divorce. fifth district, says if he is elected he the
. transaction in the minds reason-
I will feel under obligation , , .,
Great Britain says measure to cut down
Roosevelt favors a high tariff; Par
inn. Roosevelt
favors a standing army of at
the army.
Roosevelt has brought the race is-
sue into national politics; Parker
would remove the race issue from
Roosevelt stands for a colonial
policy; Parker favors independence
for the Filipinos and would make
almost in a body, to the support of
the national ticket He is entitled
to full credit for the excellent work
he has done and is
pony pretty quick about of the Southern states in
it, or there will be something else
congress. Sure. That is j what
the Republicans all want to do.
The betting Republicans in I They don't like the straight Demo-
Mew York can be put down as a that go up from the South.
bluff game try and keep their side
in heart.
Whether the Republicans got
beaten or not in the coming election,
they arc the worst that they
have been in many years.
Russia has agreed to make full
apology and pay all the damage, so
that may end the tr caused by
one of her fleets shooting on British
fishing vessels.
Thirty speeches in one day,
ginning at A. M., and closing
before, midnight, is the record
Mr. Bryan made recently. Ho is
patting income effective work for
Judge Parker.
should I a Democrat
pledge to our
through our platform, rest genuine
prosperity, safely, and a return to
the way marked out by the
and we promise, through our
candidates, that, if it the people's
will, our platform shall be carried
the promise now
Roosevelt- took into White and that under our
when to vote calls ,, u management Democratic
for a little time, a little travel, a lit-
tie exertion, is going to be
elected he continues;
is going to carry the
our candidates for Congress, the
Legislature and the county officers
The estimate of the outcome
presidential election made by are going to he then,
Democratic national committee should I myself out to go to the
II Democrat argued
that Parker will get a majority of
seventy eight votes in the electoral
college. On the other hand the Re-
publican committee is claiming that
Roosevelt is going to get all the
votes except those from the South.
Just wait until the night of Nov.
8th and you can see which side is
The Census Bureau reports that
the government has em-
It would be interesting to
know just how many of them are on
Mr. spell-binders
Washington Post.
would substitute for it a spirit of
Pour years of Roosevelt
would make economic and industrial
reform more difficult; Judge Par-
election would clear the way
for economic issues- Let no Demo-
by voting against Parker or by
this to himself and acted upon
the argument, no Democrat would
be elected. But leaving out of ac-
count this view of the matter, it is
the duty of the Democrat to vote,
not only to elect his party
dates but as a protest against the
way the dominant party in national
affairs is managing things. It is
our affair, speaking narrowly, first
to care of North Carolina, and next,
to let it be known to the country
we are opposed to Mr.
administrative methods, and
the larger our majority the more
fervent the Ob-
and Care shall rule the
councils to the exclusion of
rash impulse and spectacular de-
General Lee has been
offered the position of chief of
lice of the city of Richmond, though
refusing to vote, take upon himself j. nm doubt he will
responsibility for four years more of
The next time the campaign is
pitched all the parties will lie on the
temperance side The great, major-
of the white folks of North Caro-
are in favor of temperance, gen-
and thank the Lord that
this is true You need never fear
that you will offend the country
by taking liquor away
them. They are not fools, though
the office. He has been a major
general the confederate army, the
governor of Virginia, consul general
to Cuba, and a brigadier general in
the United States still it
would not detract from his dignity
to wear the buttons of chief of police
of one of the finest cities of the
By Championing the cause of
whiskey the republicans think they
are to the vote, but
some of you wily old foxes thought, if they have sized op correctly then
they were You know better now we confess that we do not know the
Charity and Children. Herald.
This department is In charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry Her
went to Union
meet in at LaGrange.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have
about finished their new addition to
factory. They now have over
feet of floor space engaged in
manufacturing and their prospects
Hie much than ever before.
Our railroad J.
K. Greene has gone to see his
in Martin
There in the best selection of
inks, library paste
at drug stole of Dr. B. T. Cox
A Bro. ever brought to Winterville.
Dr. Cox left Wednesday to
carry Henry to hospital.
Protect your eyes by buying one
of those eye shades at Drug
Store, cents.
Kittrell and Taylor have just
received a heavy shipment of flour.
Bee them get prices.
W. Andrews, f Bethel, is
here as relief agent in place of J.
B. Greene.
For underwear that will make it
warm for yon in cold weather call
at John Whitty Son's.
E. L. Dawson, of Washington,
was here Friday evening.
Highest price for seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
See Kittrell A Taylor for a
loaf of bread.
Miss Hulda Cox has taken
charge of a public school near
good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
Mr. York, spent
last here.
Don't forget to bring or send
your cart hubs to A. Q. Cos
Co. Fat light wood is the kind they
Don't worry over that In tie lot
of cotton you had over when
you git through ginning your list
lots. be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys
seed cotton quantity the
best market price paid every
L. C Arthur, of
was here Thursday evening.
G- A. Kittrell and Co. have just
received a car loud of No. Tim-
T. N. Manning Co. are carry
that will cure
diseases of the hi-art in any ate.
Col. and daughter, of
Seven here Friday
visiting at Mrs. Cot.
Notice- I wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
The revival at Reedy Branch
has closed and Rev. M. C
left Friday morning.
We have on hand a nice
line of dress at remarkably
low figures, come, see and be con-
Yours truly
Kittrell and Taylor.
T. F. Nobles went to the Weldon
For cabbages, apples, mullets
and fresh cheap. See T.
Box Body Carts for is
bow the season when you may
want a box-body cart to haul your
products to the ham or
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are
making and selling them and you
bad better send your order
at once.
Our people are registering very
well, we expect to poll nearly a
full vole at this precinct.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Mfg. Co.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board 11.40 per day. Best
house town.
Penny candies a at
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
tat lit-ht-
wood cart hub. A. G. Cox Mfg.
For A splendid pair of me-
size mules. A. G Cox.
We want to buy your Hides,
Sheep Skins, Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow, Turkeys, Geese, Chickens
and will guarantee high-
Grand Lecturer B. N. Hatcher,
j who has been here for the past two
weeks members of
jibe Winterville Masonic Lodge,
I left for Kinston.
Kittrell Taylor have just re-
a assortment of cutlery
I if you want a nice knife see them.
Window and porch
brackets all kinds of
j house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Barber Co.
The Pitt Oil Mill is
buying Cotton They pay
highest cash pi ice or will ex
for meal. When yours
are ready write for prices.
At Reduced Price Hie A. G.
Cox Mfg. Co. closing out a big
lot of wire fence reduced prices.
They have the and most
-substantial fence made and you
can get a bargain yon apply at
Big consignment Royal flour
just received. Prices
G. Chapman and Co.
We are prepared to pay highest
, prices for eggs chickens and
keys. A. W. Co.
boots and shoes ll de-
us at A W. Ange Co.
See G. A. Kittrell for feed stuff
of all
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
up nice fly proof kitchen safes.
They are cheap and convenient.
Get dealer to order you one.
Cotton seed meal hulls just
A. Kittrell Co.
i We want your grapes every day
is the on
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22
What Do You Believe
If you believe in honest,
cal and efficient administration,
If you believe in low taxes.
If u are opposed to tax-fed mo-
If you favor real reciprocity in in-
If you are burdened by the high
prices that result from Republican
If you do not want to pay higher
I up to Friday at . in. taxes to meet ship-subsidies,
bring them after that If you believe in the preservation
Fridays nor on Saturdays. We of the constitutional and legal checks
pay per pound for No. and safeguards against official
ken and per pound for No-
market prices for i
and Taylor.
baud buggies cheap. If
you to buy a second hand
buggy cheap see tin- A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
in position secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery which to do our
work, and being able to save and
work up nearly all of our timber,
area few of reasons why we
save our customers money,
Mfg. Co.
School looks, stationery, pens, j
pencils and school supplies of all
can lie found at the drug
Protect your feet by wearing
good shoes. R. O. Chapman and
Co. have kind and size you
Overcoat Protection.
Overcoat protection is
one kind or protection we
believe in. We furnish it
to our customers.
We protect you from
rain and wind, from heat
and cold.
We Protect
Your Person and
Your Purse.
Each Overcoat we sell
is a lasting
for us.
Any man who has his
eye out for Winter lOver-
coats, and isn't blind to
his interests, should not
mis seeing our new styles.
Lon g or med
lengths, and a size to fit every shape.
Every good fabric is represented in our lines.
Comes here for a look. We'll not urge you
to buy. The Coats will do that.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Is. picked.
Yours truly,
If you want the rascals in high
places who have betrayed the
G. A. Co-1 pie's trusts discovered and punished,
A good wood. The If you would deal fairly with the
A. G. Cox wish to Filipinos.
tract to have live hundred cords of If yon are opposed to unnecessary
wood cut Any wood cutter foreign wars and needless increases
a job can see them at their j the army and navy,
office. If you believe that national j
Finest line dress goods in parity is the God given reward of
O. Co. j industry intelligently applied under
For dress and work shirts call at beneficent conditions of soil and
Whitty Son's. climate, and not the result of
G. A. Co. will pay favors unjustly accorded to
top of the market for your grapes.
It you are in need of outing
flannels, skirt and waist goods,
call on R. G. Chapman and Co
special classes, industries or
Vote for Judge
The Store and
the Stock.
This store a reputation to sustain. It is a
and s place to buy, a place where
newness is triumphant, and where and
m join hands with prices, wherein the fullest
satisfaction is given. Think of it s your store,
your place to buy.
Unprecedented values in high class Goods,
Broad Cheviots, Serges and fancy,
Hal tings. The popular weaves for suits and
Fine Jackets. The
Jackets for fall and winter are here. The
are different from those last season. Too many to
attempt description.
Beady to wear Clothing. We carry the finest
of Clothing made for boys, youths and men
We carry the system and the
made by Co. Try a suit of these
clothes and if not satisfactory, money will be re-

We claim to have the largest
stock of Shoes in this town We are now showing large
variety of styles in the best makes for Men. Women.
Children and Infants. We can't tall yon much about
them in this space, but we want to call your to
the famous
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
AU of the
and the
i i . easy
but that It
is t test.
We make strong claim
for this Shoe, and ask a
trial that on- claims may
be proven. claim W
unique, common sense
sole construction, found
in no other shoe. A sys-
of la-t in
makes a shoe that
tits the foot as natures
We also claim that
while quality of material
workmanship may
possibly be equaled, they
cannot he at the
price, and that a- good a
shoe cannot he and
is not sold
They are,
Welcomed in Richmond.
The following criticism of v
Leftwich is
Mi. lot
I to give an at the
I graded school auditorium Monday
X iv. T, fur benefit of
i L. mads his
hi-i eight at Hie V. M. A. Hal
bet i i- i audience. No
has ever more fully come
up tithes am lard set his ad-
press old Mr.
the was
consisted of clever ,
toll in inimitable
dialect, some the
and r held
them Ire-8 with
smut baritone voice
has a f quality, a
tone power Several
ball i's mid dew s wore i
int I'll i i excel-
lent to Ins melodies, i
Mr. he I
welcomed on hi next visit to
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce
the tangible results of
many years study of the highly complex needs cf the
human foot They appeal to common sense ml warrant
a by every who desires foot comfort and good
sen ice combined.
B. Cherry Co
are yon
the sir,
Fun r--e my is
I need Mime Rocky Mountain Tea.
Even refuse logo
your av I line are it tier things.
For Cook Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
It's like dip in the fountain I
f Touches cheek so
that yon ill Unperson the
Old That's what.
Mom Tea
doe Tea or Tablet.
Drug Store.
Good, Fresh Groceries
I. paid in
Hi.-i. . etc. Undivided Profits less
F. t
I -10
Due II I I'S
i .-r Items
G. Id i
i .--
K. Paid
subject to clink 189,716.16
Demand of 20,000.00
borrowed 20,000.00
of j
I, L. the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to beat of my knowledge
And belief
and sworn before
me, this day of June, 1904
Notary Public.
J. G.
famous remedy
does for the
that which It
Is unable to do for
Itself, even if but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies t h e natural
Juices of digestion and
does the work of tho I
stomach, relaxing the
nervous tension, while
tho Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
palpitation of the
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
the glands, I
membranes of the
and organs.
a Comet
In sky comes
the star of health
to the weak and
. weary
curing all
troubles and
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
j at the Lowest Possible Price,
Greenville, W.
Loan Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears he paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the
Dyspepsia Cure
Tour Outer Ci Supply Ten.
Bottles only. 1.00 Site
the trial size, which sells for
It E. C. DeWITT Ci.,
or Sale By
Greenville, N. C
next door to Post
1500 tons of the very best
Anthracite coal, egg. stove and
not sires. Prices low.
Washington. N. G
Tobacco has Prices
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have com-
men and, one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with its, we'll
please you.
A Boy's Wild Ride For Life
With around expecting
tn die, and a son rising tor
life, miles, to get Dr.
New discovery for Consumption,
and Golds, H. Brown,
of Ind., endured
agonies hut
wonderful medicine gave instant
relief and cured him. He
now soundly v
night Like cine-
Colds and Grip
prove its merit for all
Throat and
bottles and l. Trial
bottles free at Drugstore
t. t. s. t. s. m,
Many a man while walking to
save a i care fare in
a cent
One of the remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the lungs
is that of Mrs.
E. tier, M Ind ,
who was entirely cured by use
Of One Minute
so weakened me that I ran down
down in weight from to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One
Cough fine. Four bottle of this
wonderful remedy oared entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restored me to my
weight, health and
Bold at Drug
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which ii has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be
date in every way.
We are sole agents for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
The rose is red, the violet's blue
and is a his note
comes due.
Fearful Odds
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief was the condition of
an old soldier by name of J. I
O. For years
he was troubled with Kidney die.-
Case and doctors nor
gave lain relief, At length
he tried Fleet It put
him on his feet short and
now he on the toad
on earth for
Liver and and
forms of Stomach .-.-,
plaints. Only I
by J. L. Wooten, druggist.
A man seldom realizes the
fa hole after he gels tutu S
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
Fabric to be found in any city. call for in this line.
me ran m
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
A. weak stomach weakens the
no. it cannot
the food into nourishment.
Health and strength t he re-
Stored to any hick nun or Weak
man first health
and to the stomach. A
food to lee tissue and revive
the and inn down sod
and of the
cat, cleanses and the
glands and membranes of the
and cares
Bold at it's
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C.
Did you ever pause to think
how many people there are in the
Id who probably heard
cf you
A Power For
The pills are potent in their
action and pleasant in effect are
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W.
S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga.,
a bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did me
more good than blue mass;
or any other pill I ever took and at j
the same time the effect was plea-
ant. Early are
an Sold by
Money doesn't always lead to
happiness, but it helps in the
search very materially.
What Is Life
the lat analysis nobody
knows, but we do know that it in
under strict law. Abuse that law
slightly, pain results.
living of
the organs, in
Headache or Liver trouble.
Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly
re-adjusts this. It s yet
thorough. Only at
Drug store.
Read here the most Startling Price Quoting you have ever
yards Good Winter Calicoes, only cents per yard.
Spool Cotton. Our price I cent.
Feather Stitch Braid, white and colors. Bee Hive price cents per yard.
Men Women's Fast Black Hose, cents per pair.
Men's Sunday Shoes, worth and our price
Men and Boy's Fine Sunday Shirts for cents.
Boy's Heavy Winter Pants
Men's Fine Worsted Pants for cents.
We mean what we say. The above are only a few of the many
good Bargains we are offering. Come to see us.

VI x
Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Lawn edged nil around
with i Inch Nottingham Lice, big
values for Sale for
j checked all colors you
aM, ii will coat the yard, tins
bait . yd.
color opaque window he III.
thread fringe,
mile, worth anywhere, Sale
Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the during
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton glues Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, ends, sizes
Others nave cents each, this Sale
bow, I ill, seamless,
welted top, fine Big values tor cents
per pair, this Sale per pair.
High bust English Corset, jeans,
steel bunt a t cote
top, et tilling. Sold the world,
over for tins Sale
Black mercerized, Petticoats full
in. plaited fl mice, none for
this Sain
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents
This Sale cents per Dozen.
suits black worsted. Men's
Suits that always bring lour and five dollars,
this Sale
Big line of fall re these
fr big this
1,900 pairs of Shoe, guaranteed leather
soles, anybody will price to you any where from
We have a bin lot f hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at
this Sale
Inspect this Sale if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Mans Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the as long as we
have tins Sale
that you will my are for Sue.
all colors you can ask for, Sale
We tell a guaranteed, full 10-4 rt
pay this Salt
We lave a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell
I will have to include
Next Door to; the Bank of Greenville.
The Hello Girl and the Impatient Patrons,
Considered rightly, the
girl treads no primrose path. Did
, you ever to think that you
not one who turn in
call to central during the
I your lite, no ink
I between o'clock in
the morning and in the evening
an average of about calls are
made. That means that during
the hours that earn of the girls
is duty she answers about
calls a minute or one every
seconds, or, when on
duty at the same time, you can
split those figures two. That's
an average, but everybody
gets the notion to use the
at the same time, at often happens,
it's worse than worse
If you were in the gill's
place then, sit ting before the board
with receiver clamped to your
head, you'd wish you were away
and away where there aren't any
You see, it's like When
you ring, a number drops
down and stays you are given
he connection you want,, and it
does no sort good, for you to
keep fact it causes
delay, for yon can't be connected
while are tinging so the
operator goes ahead
other call.
She's the girl. It you
close by and when -be
is calls dining a
sounds like
H. C.
We know what
paint are all made of, you know;
we have to. lit Wilson, N. C,
are two dealers. One of
thinks he can't sell paint for
fl a gallon; the other
have such stuff in his
lead and-zinc, of course.
The paint is adulterated ts-
per is all lead
zinc linseed oil. with as little
good an possible. A gallon
has in it a little more paint
than four the other. A.
gallon will much as
four of the other. Who wants to
pay wages for painting gal.
Ions for
much is lead-and-
zinc worth in town
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. sells our paint
W. J.
The Five Point Grocer.
At this store yon get Ron-
eat Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted for your
table can be supplied promptly
deed it does.
So be patient.
girl is, perchance, or gone
on a journey, or that she cannot
hear. Just that she ii
dreadfully busy and is doing her
level possible. It is more
likely other calls are
being at the
Statesville Landmark.
connection allow ,, Qr No.
yourself to think that the
Beet assured that you get only
pure, fresh goods every time
you buy here.
retail and
Furniture Dealer. paid for
Hides, Far, Cotton Send, Oil Bar-
Wheel Run Off. mis. Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suit, Ba
As Jesse and J. B. Higgs y Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
were driving up Evans street, Fri
day evening, the right front wheel
of the buggy ran off the
of the axle fall to the ground,
i This frightened the horse so be
began running, when Mr.
threw down the reins and jumped
out. Mr. Higgs grabbed one
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Apples, Syrup. Jelly,
Sugar, Meat,
Magic Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
Swede, Apples, Nuts
the only one he coo Id teach, and,
stopped the bop.-e after going about Current,
a block. No damage was done, Ware. Tin and Wooden
I. . ti and
bill was a close call. , w.
Sewing and
Don't forge that time
year you ought to be paying for
your paper. The best
is the one who does have to be
see me.
S. M.
Greenville Has
at Last
Got a Book Store.
You can get all the school books at one place.
You can get anything needed in school supplies at
one place.
Isn't This Good News to You
What is the use of trotting all over town when yon
can everything yon want at
Next Door to J. R. Corey.
a Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Cordial Greeting to New Pastor.
A delightful interesting
service was held in
church, Sunday night, in formally
welcoming the new pastor. H. H.
Moore and wife. The services was
presided over by E. A.
There were three addresses of
welcome. One of these was by
Col. I. A. Sugg, representing
Mayor W. B. Parker behalf of
the people of the town, one by
Rev. A. T. King in of the
Baptist church and
and one by Mr. behalf of
the Christian and
Each cf these addresses
was st cordial and in most tit-
ting mid appropriate words.
The of Mr. was
indeed impressive, lie is a speak-
of force earnestness and
made an upon the large
congregation present.
Greenville truly a
hearty welcome and hopes his work
for the Master in this field will be
abundant success.
The Gigantic Opera.
to have a
magnificent affair on next Thurs-
day night in the production of
from There will
be one hundred and twenty-five of
out people, and some help, and Sells Brothers United
in the cast. Never before in pitch their acres of tents in
history of Greenville has such an j Greenville on November 18th they
elaborate and stupendous event promise to bring many
Hungarian Magyars. Mons.
When the Great Adam Fore-
to Parents.
The graded schools were
for the children of the dis-
it is the desire of the
board of trustees that all attend.
The board dislikes to exclude any
child from school.
But there are a few parents who
have neglected to have their child-
v The most of the
parents complied with the
orders of the board of aldermen.
It is but reasonable all shall
The executive committee of the
board therefore trusts that all
parents, who have done so,
will have their child ten vaccinated
at once thus relieve the board
of the. necessity of taking any
in the matter.
By order cf the executive com-
of board of Trustees.
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds E. Williams
issued to the lowing
couples last week.
L. and Mary
Joseph Parker Horton.
J. II. Jenkins and
k Pat risk an I Cox.
ward Hat Lucy Rives.
Cu the month of October
licenses were issued to white
and to colored.
been our people are
taking right hold of it with a vim.
Tue scene will be taken from the
most beautiful parts of the Prince
of Oz, Chinese
Honeymoon, Mr Blue Beard, Run-
aways, etc, etc, all
beautifully and a
of the original movement
Blue Bated similar to the
-in I the
from the school girl as well as the
Little Milliner from Bed
Feathers, will be attractive feat-
Mr. J. S. A woo
engaged to train our people,
brings with him some gorgeous
costumes floral designs for the
chorus work. The effects will be
lovely in the
We predict a packed house and
from the interest already it
looks as though standing mini will
be at a premium. When the pro
was put on in a
few months ago large crowds wee
turned away fro u the opera house
doors, rot able to get even stand-
room, the of
the sol I week
to the Rocky
Mount Wilson filled ware-
houses. Let the whole town of
Greenville pull together and make
this an enormous success. The
sate of seats will open at Coward
Tuesday morning at
o'clock. Better get them early.
Monday, Oct.
J. O. Smith went to Norfolk
I today.
Appointment of stand-
new features, committees.
November , 1904.
A M. Devotional Exercises,
Rev. A. T. King.
Beading of minutes
and roll cell. W c- James left this morning
Enrollment of new Warren
A. C. Monk returned Sunday
among which toe following are
La who, in
visit to America,
their extraordinary
equestrian and park j G. K.
brake acts, known as the
Way to the
Using the bare backs of
and the seats and bottom of
the holiday vehicle as
for the of the most
difficult acrobatic feats, is certain-
something new
Model recitation on
with as to the
value method used, Miss
Ty n.
The Art of Questioning,
How to Secure and
Hold attention, J. D. Everett.
Model Recitation on 3rd
Arithmetic with suggestions
circus history. As a and . value of the method used,
unfamiliar acrobatic dancing y., ,.
musical it- Suit- The use of Our Library,
Troupe of Is. Dove.
evening from
Rev. A. T. King returned Sun-
from Wilson.
J. B. Cherry, Sr., returned Sun-
day evening from Baltimore.
Mrs. A. E. Tucker returned
j Sunday evening from Scotland,
11.-20. Model Recitation
g with suggestions as to the I Proctor .,,.,,,,
value method used, Miss Carrie
Your correspondent from Bethel
failed to say everything that lie in-
tended to say in reference to the
Democratic speaking here Friday
Please add to the Bethel items for
this week
to the lateness of the hour
Hon. Jno H. Small did not attempt
to make a
chosen words he thanked the people
for their support in the past, and
assured them of his continued
efforts in their behalf in the future
Greenville, N. C.
Dear You buy horse
shoes and nails; your grandfather,
if h was a back made
You afford to hammer them
out by hand, when can buy as
good, or better perhaps,
made to your hand, for a little
more than the cost of the iron
What think of a painter
who goes oil buying his linseed oil
and and mixing, and I
by hand, and charging I
for work th-it far
done hi he can d It, done by
and nails are made.
Mistake isn't
He is wasting his chance in the
for Id. There is no better stuff to
do with than good horse-
shoes and and no better
j are, at so far as this
is concerned, in a class
entirely by themselves. They come
fr- in their land with the
highest royal and popular en- Cotton Tobacco
No doubt the statement 1- a
Volatile fun loving France North
her four most famous, that the cot ion mills of our Stale
male and female professional tools ninety-seven per cent of
the in a her raw It is said the
nearly fifty crop of the State year will lie
champion clowns. Mons. j between half a million and six
Hubert, making his Am- i-1 hundred With
can appearance, might rapid growth of the milling
at once of in the State we will soon
joggling jockey Samson. As-1 have to draw on the production of
the feats of g from other greatly increase our
the ground to the back Messenger.
while bold lug a sulky by its; That n good for our cotton mill
and l balancing a North Carolina is now
on his chin, in our about seventy
arenas. Even such sir liar manufactured tobacco
is this the are not or the
their new and working up about eighty
mil act is a leaf. We may
Tobacco Sales
C W. secretary
tobacco board of trade, us the
following figures f sales n the
that North i
tiring at least one half of
the Slate's crop of
evening from a visit to
Berkley, Va.
Misses Nina James and
returned Saturday even-
from Tarboro.
Misses Eula Clyde Cox re-
turned this morning from
where they had been to spend Sun-
Andrew Joyner, of Greensboro,,
came in Saturday evening to sew
the here at his camping
It. of. and J. A.
have returned from the St. Louis
exposition and the national Chris-
c invention.
J. S. Not man came home
day from Baltimore and.
Mis. and the children re-
turn, d from Parmele.
Edward Matthews and sister.
Miss Lena, and Burch,
to Saturday f
and returned this morning.
Mrs. R. W. B-st and Mrs. J. J,
and Mule sun, of
have Mrs, W. B,
Parker, returned home today.
Mrs. T. J returned Sat
evening from
where she had attending the
state of the
the Confederacy,
Rey. W. E. left Saturday
evening for. den
preached Sunday. Today he goes
to Wilmington to attend the
Wheel Run Off.
Greenville For mouth I Jesse we were mis- of Bishop Strange.
of October, the sale I ii farmed regarding the runaway
pounds, making a total I Friday, wherein it was stated
for three of that he the and
pounds. In October of of His
by band, charging hi .,, . o no .,. j. . , . , , ,,
r . . , they were 2,702.510 show, version f the I s
a decrease this year of When the wheel ran off sod the
Tuesday, Nov. 1st., 190-1.
A. Savage went to Not folk today.
J. W. Perkins returned Monday
Mn. R. M. to-
horse began running be held the day a
The average price for tbs entire horse and nearly stopped the
sale for October was per animal front of Fleming Moor- i
At Home in the Kitchen.
A editor, desiring a sea
work than uniting teem on. ., . . ,
, trip, went on a yacht an cook.
es well put It's. I lie I mi. . j
Misses Nannie
store and he then Cofield of Hamilton, visiting
out of the bu-y with both sister, Mrs. W. R. Smith,
band u the horse again T. U. and H. D. Potter,
jumped ff Mr. of Greene county, took the train
with He very much regrets here this morning for Norfolk,
that he did not release the reins. a
sooner, as he was dragged Richmond.
es well put t. oh , , . ,
r that deemed re as he was .
putt that makes ,, . ,. , . . Monday evening Richmond.
., , . , , enough for special men- twenty feet before I ho re us were .
no matter . ,. . f , sister, Mi H
ton is odd in the face of the well, forced from his hands her Lome.
, I dint J-.
known fact that an editor is
Who wants to go back to ,
times, and make his own horse- he , ,,,
can cook tip anything at a mo-
P. R. Rives Mrs. Delia,
Going forward. of Hamilton, came-
Work at the plant the Monday evening to visit Mr.
Between us two, that that a j Work Had electric lights now and Mrs W. If. Rives left
know how to make good pa, of Ida life hi in I moving Well. The boilers; morning.
For Sale A good gentle horse,
Will do any kind of work. The
late Mr. John drive
Apply to E. G.
. . . hi
to; but paint j hot u now being in position.;
run a way from him.
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our paint
why he should feel at home pipes and putting up pole
a cook. the streets is also moving along
A few more -eats left for
from Operas tomorrow
Better get them at Coward
U. H. Snowden, St.
sick years, nothing d d any
Change of Express Agents.
D. J, resigned the
agency of the Southern Express
a woman gets so here and henry
-he isn't looking ,, to
until used Hollister's. . .
Rocky Tea. Now him c-
strong and cents or today here making
or Tablets. Drug Store I Drug th of

Eastern reflector, 1 November 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 01, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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