Eastern reflector, 25 October 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Lawn edged all around
with i Mich Lace, big
values for ibis Sale for
y- checked Homespun, nil colors you
want, it will cost you cents the yard, this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque window Shade with id.
thread fringe, complete, feet
feet wide, worth Sale
yards Dark Calicoes yon pay
and for, we have the market this
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
Assorted colors docks, ends, sizes
Others l each, this Sale
towels for
bow, fill, seamless,
welted top, tine Big rallies for mill
per this Sale j per pair.
High bust English Corset, jeans, book
Heel cable cord bust and has goto
trimmed top, perfect titling. Sold the world
over this Sale
Black spun gloss, Petticoats, full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This Sale cents per Dozen.
TOO suit and fancy worsted. Men's
J- in- always bring and live dollars,
I hit Hub
Big line of fall underwear, can't
any for big values, this
1,900 pairs of guaranteed solid leather
oles, anybody will puce to you any where from
In Mi Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to dollar, big value at
prices, this Sale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best blenching, as long as we
have any, this Sale
that you will say are cheap for
all colors you can ask for, this Sale
We will sell a guaranteed, full 10-4
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber just re-
we will have to sell them
N. C.
are so well known
that the people have put j on
office. They knew what they were
They didn't do it by ac-
Wouldn't it be a handsome
to do to paint house It is a
nice house, has a good substantial
commodious look, and isn't
all you know; but a fresh coat
of paint would make it so bright
It's a pity not to.
is beautiful but
j the beauty of it it lasts so long,
and does so much more than adorn
an already interesting
edifice. House out buildings
and There isn't a man
a woman in town, who wouldn't
see them and make some
Of course, you will paint the
town property; nothing would
mark your administration more, n
the eyes of the people; and, having
done the same thin at home, it is
the most natural thing in
world lo do it for them.
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. H. L. Carr sells our paint
-4, After
of a
I will attend at the following
times and places for the o
collecting taxes lot the year
Gum Swamp Church,
township, Wednesday, October
X Roads, Swift
township, October
Tuesday, October 25-
May's Chapel, Beaver Dam
township, October
Stokes township, Thurs-
day, October
Bethel, township, Fri
I day. October
Falkland, Falkland township,
All taxpayers are requested to
meet promptly
O. W. Sheriff.
and t Blow Sale of
vs land for
M. I
By of a decree the
Court of Pitt county, made by
D. C. Moore, Clerk, on the th day
of October, in a certain special
i proceeding wherein H. A. Blow
other are plaintiffs and C. M. Blow
and are defendants, I will, on
I Monday the 21st day of November,
at o'clock If., expose
l sale before the court house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
the following real property to
On certain house and lot in the
town of Greenville. North Carolina,
, adjoining the Masonic on the
least, the J. B. Johnson lot on the
i north, Washington the west
and Third street on the South and sit-
on the corner of
and Third streets, mid known as th-
in-. William Blow lot. If
chaser prefer the following
i terms he had to wit t cash, the
balance iii months. This
I sale is made for division.
This the 18th day of October,
F. C. Harding, Commissioner.
A Care at Last
by St. Lout
A few months ago the attention
few scientific and philanthropic g
of St. Louis was directed to a
entirely new method of combating
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
j Out of test cases, Tl
j cured and have shown such
. that ultimate recovery
is but a question of a few
So astonishing have been the results
I and in cases pronounced
Incurable by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is nor
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
this cute to all sufferers of the
One of its chief features is
I that patients can remain at home,
rounded by friends and relatives, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and become completely cured.
Patients the treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
I recovered as rapidly as those in
I Colorado. New Mexico and
The wonderful results in question has
been accomplished by the
i and the company which controls this
marvelous medical
, their main office at North Seventh
, street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
j rated a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will be known as
the Lung c and Mr. C
V. Benson, the discoverer of the
which ate used, will person
ally charge of the of the
company. Mr. will personally
meet all who call st the office of the
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
tonal the St. Louis Globe
Free on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St ,
St. Louis,
and retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
rel. Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
i and Gail Ax
Key West Che-
George Can-
ed Peaches, Apples,
Syrup, Jelly,
flour Hum, Meat, Soap-
Ly. Mimic Food, Oil,
Upturn Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
Dried Applet, Peaches,
Currents, Glass
and I Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, and
mm, Lei New
and nu-
other ponds. Quality and
for cash.
Phi -e f R
have to include
County, Green
ville Township.
vs V
The defendant take
notice that a summons in the above
entitled action was issued against the
on the 15th day of October,
by H. Harding, a Justice of the
Peace for said county, North Carolina,
for the sum of 1108.80 due the plaintiff
i v the defendant, which summons is
returnable before said Justice at his
office at Greenville, in said county of
Pitt en the 18th day of November, 1904,
when and where the defendant is re-
quested to appear, and answer or de-
to the complaint, or relief de-
will be granted
This 15th day of October,
II. Harding, J. P.
N. C,
OCTOBER to a 1904
For occasion the
Atlantic Coast Lino will sell
round rip tickets from Green-
ville to Raleigh at the low rate
of which includes one ad-
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October 14th
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
22nd., 1904, with final
limit to return October 24th.
Ask the Ticket Agent.
H. M. W. J
T M. O. P A
m .-ton, r.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
applause It was just such a speech
as they to hear and it baa
done good la cause of
racy in county.
The People Turn Out in Great
Numbers to do Him Honor.
More weather
not have been asked for than
which favored this section for the
Glenn rally today. The rain two
days had relieved the dust, the
air was bracing, the blight
and auspicious a
great holiday. At an hour
people from all parts of the county
began pouring int. town and
continued turn lb-
formed lion, in IV mi of
the court an
pageant. ere
a large of ladies dressed in
while, red. white and
blue d Miffing Hag.
The were
orated. In the procession were
also traps and carriages festooned
with bunting and hags.
It was h before twelve
o'clock when pr cession moved.
Headed by the man-balls and
band it hist to
he appeared he
was I with a shout from tit
and he was
No Danger Here f torn Smallpox.
It is how much ex-
Mr. Glenn poke for two iteration has gone out the
and was followed by Hon. W. M. smallpox in Greenville. To hear
Bond, presidential elector of this the reports think the
district, who made a short speech.; town was in the throes of an
Mi. was once a citizen of and the people wild with
Greenville and people were The fact is there have
glad to bear him.
N. C, Oct.
C. H ion went to Winter-
ville Tuesday afternoon.
Ed passed through
Tuesday, but no one ran to meet
Mr. and Mrs. John of
Russians Losses Figured At 60.000.
The fact is there have -f Mr
been only two cases to develop in Mfg , R
i he town and two other
These were j of q.
night Sunday with
E went to Greenville
Oct. dispatch properly taken charge and is.
fro states that General i lated. All but one of the cases
ha. ordered are well. The people of the town
bank of the ; generally have bee.
Hun liver to railway and there is or Malone and
the alarm. The fear people in Ml Greenville, are visiting
about , . .
relatives this vicinity.
ii I the river of their
I all Ho-
the of Una Yang
to beginning of Hie battle
of Russians received
toe enemy lacing
has been
The says that the
fact only dead
were field from
to October the Russian
casualties were upward of
I he paper remarks that lo
country or have
coming is entirely without
Miss Bryan, of Winter-
ville. spent Sunday afternoon with
A. Roscoe Flem-
u mate of has another
band After Mi. Glenn had . u I not to retire Horn
with Major Sim river. From the Japanese
sea. In
W. It. Parker and Hon. L. I.
More, county
executive committee, the pieces- Post.
About Kissing
A father, talking to bis careless lg and of the F W.
daughter, want to speak seminary, was the neighborhood
to you of your mother. It may be Sunday afternoon.,
you noticed a Joe Smith and Hob-
upon her face. Of course it baa good spent Sunday afternoon with
been there by act go
yours; still it is your duty to, Mrs. II. B. Smith and
chase it I want you to get Sm day afternoon here.
n tomorrow morning and Forbes. and
breakfast. mother John Vincent spent Sunday alter-
f in face of i BOOB with Oscar
go right and kiss, Mies Mary Sunday
heron the can't with Mi
bow it will brighten her dear A. Jesse Jackson
face. Besides a or Miss were here
two. A long while ago, when
were a girl, she Mated
DIN one else was templed by i THE END OF THE CENTURY CLUB.
your b and j
swollen lace. You were not as at- for
tractive then as y u The End of the Century Club
rial be more
than brave, h adds that the
commander in chief is a wise
the only explanation of his a
view longer
lasts ire greater the Japanese
Time is all too short for those
street to Dickinson avenue, then
up the annul lo Ninth street, up
to Evans slid through
Evan- hack court DOOM the band whoa
where the stand was erected To pass lime
All along he , of who art idle; .
tho next governor save time th -f . who
was greeted r- bu-y. Work produces a
Through years delightfully entertained on
and shadows she r Oct. 18th, at
to cur., by magic of a mother's JG en Arthur, the hospitable
the little, dirty, chubby vice president, Mrs. L. C.
who work. It never bungs heavy, whenever ere
pie lining the
Mr was by
. ex Senator F. G. James and began
his speech about one o'clock. He
was quite he first be-
but told the. crowd if
would draw up
. quiet as about fifteen
mini voice
up could way hack and sit
down l he mike noise
for In bear. If
said in- Ml lion HUM
for work; idleness for idleness.
Work grows lighter and lighter;
with h-st
old world
with meeting bad been
railed older and toe usual
hull MM of Hie
About Registration. I literary program was proceeded
Pt-r-ons who were with The subject for the
list noon was the of
changed papers were read
idleness and heavier. J ire not required for me. which a discussion of th
makes a sounder body in manners and customs of
SOD Oder mind. wearies -r become of j these people ensued
age slice last election n i is-j proved very Interesting and
u-r. Also who only
registered fur There a Ml an
must general and visitors.
body and reduces
f the brain Charlotte
20th., 1904.
J. S. of Baltimore, is in
Jesse returned Wed-
evening from Whitakers.
Mis Mattie Abram, of Rocky
Mount, is visiting her Mrs.
S. M. Schultz.
C. B. West, of Raleigh, who baa
been spending a few days here left
Wednesday evening.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of
was here Wednesday evening re-
turning borne from Farmville.
Miss Helene Battle, Rocky
Mount, who visiting Mrs,
R. W. King, returned home today.
Mrs Allie of Baltimore,
arrived Wednesday evening to .
visit her daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Mrs. J. G. Latham returned
Wednesday evening from Washing-
ton. Her sister, Miss Laura
Friday, October
n Suffolk
L. H. went to
R. L. Humber went to Hamilton
Mrs. J. L Blow and child left
Thursday evening tor Ayden to
K. C. Barrett, route of the
Southern Express company, spent
Thursday night ham.
who has been visiting Mrs. A. H
left Ibis Little
Hilt Tilt accompanied
her home.
Saturday, October 22nd.,
F. went to
L. If J-c left Friday
Rev. W. E. Cox left this morn-
It looked like good old Demo.
times in today.
Mrs. T. L. and child left
Thursday evening
Family Needs Help.
U family G i ville
l- real need. The husband
,, mother
municipal registration does
no. for general election.
The Looks close Hat Oct.
District Attorney Harry Skinner
given v.-b-i
Pitt county, as it was the of pro
he had any
where in slate during his call-
Ho said be did to talk
, to the people as politicians but as
patriots and Christian. If they
thought the party had
, given the bet administration it
On the other if
party has given the
best it was their
duty lo support that party. He
then proceeded to draw a
son two and show
which lust sci veil the of
, the country and people.
It is impossible in brief spice to
give even a synopsis of his great
speech. The tariff, trusts,
the unjust
roll, corruption office,
were all discussed-fully by the
Confederate Monument Unveiling.
with I receipt
William Dorsey
U. D. C, to be
. WOW t returned Friday evening
th- adjourned In meet
with Mrs. W. A.
afternoon, N
f if their need
help iii and Hod
of Greenville will supply unveiling of the
need when know it Confederate
Any contributions sent Mrs. Ht Saturday,
will applied to
this need.
His Hand Cut Off. ,,, boy
N. Oct. h, ,,. .-s.-ape Friday
morning while running n While street
cutting on his in j , was struck and
just east of town, Air. Man in Law-j by n but for-
bad bl right en- escaped will, only
off. He was feeding the run- j
chine, when his became in
the the I Late Train.
above News and j the fair
Orphan Burned.
The Orphan Asylum
was destroyed by lire today. Two
children are know u to
ed and others re Injured by
jumping from the windows.
Two children suffocated in
the Peter-
son. lire started in
Si. R. of Norfolk, who
has beau a left this
B. F. came over from
Friday re
Mrs. E. A. Jr,
sou and M. H. lift
v. J. U. h, of
moraine and
out to preach
which was the stove
VT, M. King and L. I
in the dormitory,
bad es. apes.
A Mill.
A telegraph instrument
placed in the ticket at the
speaker. people shewed their depot for in
appreciation in frequent bursts of train reports.
passenger train on this
loud will be held Weldon each
day until m. That will give.
HI trains from two lo three hours race in class the Hail
late each I Wednesday.
Not That.
No, noxious Tills
people are not n d
beating just they walk
more leisurely limn heretofore and
wear their arm
across the is
W. H. Dull Jr's , i h-
. back to
.,, strict which has lawn
Slate i ts
C an
Liver last year hero
I Hie 1,860 get an-
d who gets
same mi hi,

D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Can
Wholesale retail and
furniture Deal or. Oath paid for
For. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
l; Egg, Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Salts, Ba
I Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safe, P
and Gail Ax Snail,
j Life Tobacco, Key
.-note, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
fine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
j Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap-
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
if a Oranges, Apples, Nuts j Give tone to the system and
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches, solid flesh to the body.
Prunes, Currents, Raisins,
and China Ware. Tin and j NO Substitute.
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machine; and nu-
goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
M. Schultz
light purse U heavy
Sickness makes a light pane.
The LIVER is the seat of nine
tenth of an disease.
Tim's Pills
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
To Hear An Old Man Swear.
How often you can get a
nail or screw, driver or
lacking. Have a good
too box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
Is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not. lack a tingle
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
People are more and more coining
to regard profanity as rude and
and man who swears is
generally regarded as undesirable
I company while he is swearing, lie-
I we heard one of the circuit
N fl i I n n I II . out
S I AR I I Y State remark upon
u u u n ii u i the and of
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store yon Hon-
est Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted r your
j table can be supplied j y
I if you call, or No.
Rest assured that you set only
fresh goods every time
I you buy here.
and he mentioned a well-known
lawyer who frequently renders his
conversation unpleasant by reason
of his profanity. All will agree that
swearing is useless and ugly and
that it is to be deplored in any and
all ho indulge in it. Ii is bad in
one. but somehow to hear a man
whose head is fur Hie
under the white
many years, indulge in profanity is
more than in men of
younger years. They seem not to I
have learned with the passing
neither the proper respect for other
people for the Creator,
on whose goodness the life of all de-
pends. men ought not to
swear, for it begets a habit of which
their best friends are ashamed;
sirring men should fir it
By virtue of a decree Superior shows that they learned to give way j
court of Pitt in Special Pro- L ., , , , .- t ,
No 1300, Warns to at u tun
vs W. E warren and others, the t b v should have resisted; old men
undersigned Commissioner will sell , . , , , . , ,.
for cash at public auction the i
announce that we are
for s
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .-
If you the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Ayden ft. C, Oct. 1904
Our roller wash board n
it without a
and is destined to take
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy to never be
without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
Mr. C. A. was a visitor
our town
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith A Bro.
Miss Delia Smith left Thursday
to take charge of a school
Black Jack.
you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or j
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
The latest thing in shoes. Calf
fat W; C. Jackson Go's.
Dr. Sure cure for lo-
and for sale
by J. R, Smith and Bro. la pro-
be the in the mar-
received, fine line of bar j
nets can fit you up in any style
r price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
We are offering good values for
the money in shoes, bats, caps,
rugs, chi pets, tables
floor oil cloth Cannon Tyson.
For peaches, apples, corn
Call us and make a I tomatoes, c, apply to E. E
IA On.
Remember, if yon do not secure
Miss a milliner from one of high grade buggies,
Baltimore, who been with Mrs. j your loss will he than ours.
W. E baa returned lo her j Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
home. N. C.
As went for Daily ; B. S. of Wilmington,
and we inc bis mother
in receiving. Mil. returned to his home
Hid tiling
those in arrears. We have a j am Headquarters for first
of all who receive mail t class, light neat Harness, Sec.
G-toE. K. new, Those desiring first-class to
beef, fresh meats, MM in the enlargement of pictures will, M , .
and fresh fish. j do well to see Hart Bro,
First Class hand made I e
. . . . he thinks he will ma am
the wholesale and retail large trade, that are simply the I
stock always on hand, your orders smoothest eat on the market I
J. A. Griffin. Ayden Mfg; Co. of w
Why suffer from intense head Corn, hay and oats, at J. ; of who we
ache, eye ache smarts and burns, are
v hen you can j m-
ed pair of glasses properly j won balance
his home.
W. C. Jackson and new
this office. We take orders
for job
Joe Ross went lo Greenville yes-
large number of
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C.
New Hue of men's youth
suits, suits, and over-coat's to
fit ever at. Cannon Tyson.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. R.
fitted, by grad-1 Now we of
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak leaf and cart
eyes, in need of glasses, and will sell them as cheap
ways go to worse. A lit- one-
tie piece of glass properly Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
ed will work wonders. Ayden, N. C.
J. B. Smith says his firm has a I. If you need Pair of
pair of shoes for every body. They ; J l buy hem at W- M-
. , I Edwards Co.
come in by ear loads. r. ,
for next fifteen days you can
Dr. Josh Tayloe, of Washington, w M
state smallpox inspector, was Co.
last Tuesday and in company with j
our resident made
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for r turning it.
K. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
big business as well as doing good j Smith Bro.
work. just a few more thousand home
The Mason bad a nice meeting; for sale by
Cannon A Tyson.
last night.
Remember can
find us,
pair double, single and fold-
nicker i. piques and; wire at J. B.
ether nice numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro. j j for
Dr. M. M. Saab and family . .
sale U
E. O. Cox now has the
court door in on I they are growing weaker in the
Nov. 7th following. t i
described land i the town t of morals and manners when . .
of Greenville- That place
m .
on the North by Tar riv
East by the Atlantic Coat Rail-
road, on the South by Third street,,
and on the West by the Jack White
place, containing seven awes, more m. a r i
or less. KEV. Ph. D., Principal.
This 7th day of October 1904. From to pa Pounds
, t , .,
oner. most remarkable cases
j cf a cold, deep seated on the I
pneumonia, is that of Mrs.
LAND SALE. E. M Ind , in season, hot w find that the more Pianos which.
By virtue of a decree of j who w as cared by the use add to the the results at-
mine- n i. i. Cure, Sue in work. We have added a number of your
no special p , , , . , . , , , . , , ,.
entitled and the las-t an
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington except Sunday.
at a. for leaves
Greenville daily; except Sunday.
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, j
Philadelphia, New York Boston.
ind all points North. Connect-
a railroads
should order I Jesse .- me r.,
Old Dominion lb-.
,. . . , . , ,,,.,,,,. ,., ,,
Iron. New and sale, to the . . ,, m,
and Southern B. R. and highest bidder for cash, a certain
Old on Line from Norfolk; tractor parcel of land situate
from township, I'm county,
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line Thomas Holton, .
Baltimore, Merchants and Mill Hun.
log acres, more or less,
and the R.
Winston N. C, March 9th., 1904.
Mr. M. Charlotte.
Dear is a little to file an this late
and Miners from Boston.
hours subject to change
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice President
Street. N, Y.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New Tort
Chicago and New Orleans.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Tits . .
Correspondence sad
Cute. Four
y of cough, my
and met., n 1-
they have all
good satisfaction. It requires a piano of unusual merit
the constant use all r dice pianos have within our
school, but we are glad to be able to say that your
haw stood the test, and we. will continue to
your time to time as the need arises.
think there Hie about, a dozen now in the school.
J. II. Principal.
They are fully
Rome men ate good they
it cheaper than being bud.
will sell one tract of land situated
in Beaufort county, on water, con-
MO acres more or less; about
acres under cultivation;
enclosed with a good wire fence, with j stored to sick man or weak
a good country residence thereon first restoring health
tenant the land adaptable to
the growth of cotton, tobacco, truck,
A and magnificent and up.
play of these pianos can now guaranteed.
be seen and heard at, factory sale will
I close before more
ville, at lowest factory prices . when
the We withdrawn, and if
corn and the like. About acres
the timbers on which have
not been over in several years
For full information address
It a wk wk. Washington, N. C
Having qualified as administrator
of Annie L Smith, deceased, late of
Pitt county, N C this is to notify all
persons having claims the
estate of said deceased to exhibit them
to undersigned on or before the
day of August 1905, or this notice
will be pleaded in bar of their
All persona indebted to said estate
will please make payment.
This 27th day of August 1904.
The mere offer of a match will
light up a girl's counts-
A weak .
man, e it cannot have on the floor several slight-; you any earthly use for
food nourishment. used upright pianos piano or organ it will
Health and strength cannot be re- prices tanging from pa you to take a look around.
to Each instrument hen in Greenville Miss
is guaranteed for years. j Be Patrick, who is
We also have a fine display with our stay
of organs at surprising low here, be glad to give you
figures ranging in price from a tune.
and to the stomach. A
weak stomach cannot digest enough
food to fee the tissue and revive
the and run down limbs and
and organs of the body.
Dyspepsia cure digests what yon
eat, cleanses and strengthens the
and membranes of
stomach, and cures indigestion,
dyspepsia stomach troubles.
Sold at Drug Store.
It is easier for some men to es-
a paying business a
good reputation.
The is out, extending
the of life, hope, and
happiness. Reaches around the
globe. Rocky
Mountain Tea. cents, Tea or
Tablets. Woolens Store.
Q. Q. Factory Representative.
. s
In Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
change meal and hulls for seed
and bags pay all
; freights. Write us when
you are ready to sell exchange.
Washington, N. C.
William Fountain, H. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
Office ons door east of post office, ob
Third street Phone
haw Fremont.
Call to see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you J. II. Smith Bro.
the most complete line of
bleaching ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
that it is so.
thorough examination small-
pix epidemic a it exists here.
They report only one case, that
confined isolated part
town. No Is allowed to
go near it or come it. Our
citizens have all, readily without
been vaccinated and every
precaution to prevent its spreading
has been taken. Our physicians
have requested us to make this
explanation they are gentle-
men who be fully relied on.
There is of fear
and going among us
While in Winterville yesterday ;
we were very much edified by
of the private lectures of B. j
W. Hatcher, Lecturer of I
the Grand Lodge of Masons of
North Carolina.
All percales for at W
M. wards Co.
no use to howl, your
medicine like a little man.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. K.
The ladies say that A
have the prettiest line of
goods in town.
perhaps just at this E.
G may not possibly be as
busy as h Walt street broker yet
It is plain ho Insurance man he
gets there. He is not only a
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Hi.
Come to see us when you want
to buy Independent Manufactured
Mo,, books those who wish t goods, Hart
register for coming election
can do so between now the
and ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
son are displaying
the up to
title ever brought to this
Tobacco, we handle are first class and every body
the fact, hence Mr. Cox
I take this method of informing is to be congratulated being a j
the public that as Summer sea- j hustler and having something
MB bl about over am offering hustle,
special inducements order lo J. is in attendance j
sell. My. line of cannot be Upon Raleigh fair this week,
excelled, and the Edwin the wealthy enjoy such.
hoe which I handle exclusively M not far poverty-struck we;
Give me a Call and when I have to remain.
public to know that
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
KEY, all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the rest
carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Hard
and Elastic
sea, Best -took of Brush
es of all kinds.
N. C.
or no made,
given, Bros., Ayden,
S. C.
Sid A. P. Edward ft Co.
Raymond Turnage and i A edgings in
Joe went to Winterville m.,, .-an buy them
Thursday. ; cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's
If you need anything in the way j ,, , ., beating stoves and repairs for,
-of Crockery, Tin ware
to see us, Hart ft Jenkins.
Ask E O. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
J. P. and L. F.
of Winterville were here
One lot of calico at W. M. j shown you my dry goods, notions What 1-the matter with Ayden pr
and people. T Why
Office Block, Railroad,
Richmond I m Ayden, N. C.
. .- Sometimes l
The family of J. T. Jr.,
other Hue of goods I know I Ayden people. Why
be able to please and-ell you j haven't we got a factory,
J J HInes m. industries t Is it because
in brain, here or is it
have gone lo Kinston f-r a few
Special attention is called to
Zephyr shawls, infant caps and
general assortment of ribbons at
Mrs. J. A.
A. U Tripp. of has
J. K. Smith
we are at a loss t take it in, but
due reflection we have con LOUIS
Mr. Allen .,.
money utilized Practicing Physician
wide sheeting for at W. j visiting ins brother, J.
Edwards Co. i
Call and examine, our line of Mis. O. children
high grade You have gone to Oak City to
easily convinced of for quite a while.
of material and mAke fa we
Milling Mfg. Co. ; M,,
nun in for
visit relatives.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and sitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, and cotton at J. It.
Smith A
M. Edwards.
Fin it Jars and
Ayden will necessarily become
of leading towns to state.
Try it, yon and moneyed
men Ayden, and if our
don't true then we will
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
agree to hi live on razor soup Tn, Masonic
at w
, . , . of our days.
shirts for J
fail to sec I
J. It. Smith A
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Dr. D. I-.
W Greenville,
Insurance and other affairs of a
more serious nature seem ts keep
our friend A. P. con-
the go, with R. F. John-
son as a close We, too,
used t enjoy the exercise but alas,
for us no more.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their line of heavy and fancy
Men and suits at cost at W. i
M. Edwards Co.
Miss Hallie Tucker is visiting
her sister, Mrs. W.
Notice you want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
at greater reduced prices.
Ed winds Co.
W. M. Wilson sewing machines for
at W. M. Co.
N. C.-s
At the close of business Sept
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
other U. S.
sou's new both plain and ,
decorated. Prices are
formerly. j
Ladies and Misses clipper at
costs at W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W.
M. Edwards ft Co's.
We want your hams chickens
i egg. J. R. Smith Bro.
Au nice line of
waist hats at Mrs. J.
We continue to build
j buggies for we do not
LIABILITIES. apace we cannot
Ayden, N.
Examine our line of notions just
Undivided profits less
Relief Association.
The best plan, the best
rate and the induce-
offered. So
A. P.
Ayden, N. C
Capital stock paid in,
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to cheek,
Certified checks
of of
C. and Co.
I wish to remind my
j friends and customers my line
16,183.02 neck wen-, fancy collars and
TS belt of different colors, a
specialty nave arrived. Mrs. J.
to suit all Fits
at W. C. Jackson aid Go's.
New Fall Catalog
Issued August Is the most
helpful and valuable
of its kind issued in America, it
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
and profit in the free
to a.
request. Write it.
Wood Sons,

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
i to
Pitt County. N. C, 1904.
The state fair is over once more.
The Japanese-are also doing
thing along the recruiting line.
Cotton all uncertainty. You
cannot tell what the price will do-
has had good weather for
it and is doing herself proud with
the fair.
you want to cast a vote you
will be proud of, let it be the
Straight Democratic ticket.
The next governor is with us and
the town in his- The latch string
always bangs free to R. B. Glenn.
Republicans are noted for claim-
but this is one time they had
better wait for the votes to be count-
Mr. Bryan, who has just finished
tour through Indiana, says Judge
Parker will certainly carry that
Ute. -j
One day the run and two
days the Russians take to their heels.
That seems to be about the condition
at the seat of war.
Recently Judge Christian, of
Virginia, published an article that
discredited North Carolina's record
in the war between the states. A
committee of prominent Confederates
in this State was appointed to
the facts and publish an article
in reply to Judge Christian. The
committee has given its answer to
the public and it clearly maintains
the claim of North Carolina her
soldiers were at
at Gettysburg and
and last at Appomattox.
We take it attention
having been culled to the fact that
Major Stedman is taking active part
in the state campaign.
The Democrats of Pitt have
ed a manly county ticket to be -voted
for. But what mixture the
pulling together.
When Tillman gets to preaching
we guess lie frill not use as an illus-
the particulars of how he
killed Editor
The improvements talked about
by the Improvement Com-
are enough to make everybody
along the road glad of the lease.
A member of the grand jury at
Beaufort county superior court got
drunk and the judge sent to
jail. It be a good lesson.
Janus II. the slayer of
Gonzales at Columbia, S. C,
is said to have made application to
join conference and
enter the ministry.
Senator Nathan B. Scott Par-
is going to be defeated worse
than Greeley was in and even
worse than Bryan was in 1890
1900. That fellow has got it bad. Next
thing you know the claimers will be
Roosevelt will get every
vote. Just wait until the re-
turns come in.
Hon R. B Glenn, Democratic can-
for governor, was
guest Saturday, arriving on the
morning train In former campaigns
he has visited Pitt county is
known to our people. They
his eloquent speeches and love
him for his efforts in unite
supremacy and good government
Pitt county may be upon
to do her full duty in the majority i
given him on election day.
Tobacco Com-
formed by, a ; of he
three great companies, is said to be
capitalized at Looks
like that ought to be enough for
them to retire on.
There are some people who will
steal at every opportunity, but who
ever thought there was a man living j
who would steal flowers f r a grave
in a cemetery This has been going
on for years and a newly made grave
at Greene Hill; if covered with beau-
flowers, is almost sure to lie
robbed. Sunday afternoon
man happened to visit his plat rather
late the afternoon and caught a
man removing some of the choicest
specimens from a grave
and made put them back.
this practice is not new; it has been
going for years and the keeper
has done his best to stop it, but has
never been able to do so. He gays
the work is done mostly at night.
Greensboro Record.
The cemetery flower thief must
exist around every town. At least
there have been instances almost
like the above in Greenville. We
heard of flowers being
stolen from one grave and placed on
another. i
Roosevelt has found an imitator
in North Carolina. A special from
Statesville to the Raleigh News and
says that J. A- Sisk, the
Republican nominee for Senate in
that county, visiting the
homes of and taking meals
with the table
It is surprising that the Southern
people, are displaying so much
apathy in regard to the coming
election. To our mind it is
the important one that has occurred
i many years. The South will go
solid for Parker, but this fact should
not cause any man to loose interest.
No Southern man can afford to miss
the opportunity of casting a vote
against Roosevelt,
the and tried to
force upon them.
Olive Tribune.
The Democratic ticket, as we have
j heretofore shown, was nominated by
the people in open daylight, in open
convention, in an open court house,
in the presence of the assembled
There was no secrecy or
mystery about it. The men chosen
are well fitted and qualified for the
positions for which they were
They are worthy of the sup-
port of every citizen who desires to
secure and preserve the blessings
of good government. From the very
moment they were nominated there
has been no doubt as to who were
the Democratic candidates.
were oar candidates then, they are;
now, and will be on the day of j
With us there has been no
shifting of candidates, no nickering,
no trading, no taking one down and
putting another up, and indeed, j
there can be none, for our candidates
were put up by the people and no-
bod j- can take them down or change
them. They are now going from
place to place in the open day and I
in speech telling the what
they stand for and what may be i x- j
petted of I hem and the people hear j
them gladly. That is one picture.
Now look on the other. It is said j
we are to have an opposition ticket I
on day of election Who knows
what that ticket will be Will it be I
Republican or Populist or a little of
both, or of neither Who can j
now say what names will be on it ,
name will head it for senator
Will it be our friend who said any-
thing to beat the Democrats, or will
it lie one who is less outspoken in j
meeting Who will boon the ticket
for treasurer Will it. be a
a or a skeleton or
fragment of hi fact, who,
can tell us who will be on
for any position The last set
names we hoard of bear very little;
resemblance to the first, set of names
A skeleton of the Republican party
was first to its candidates
were to antagonize the Democratic
candidates. Then a fragment of I
the Populist party took a hand in
naming candidates. of them
have been r. tired and others have
snapped about. By whom and how
was this done We know how Mr ,
W. J. Dr. R. J Grimes, I
Dr. J. E. Nobles and Mr. W, L. i
Smith were retired. They retired
themselves, lie it said to their credit
they all published cards declining
to permit their names to be used in
any such connection and for any
such purpose. It was manifest that
undue liberty Lad been taken with
their names and they were prompt
to say so. But how about the other
changes that are said to have been
made. Who made them and by
what authority What secret agree-
and influences brought them
about Who knows What other
changes are to be made before the
election and what influences are to
bring them about Who knows
This much, however, we do know.
The people have had nothing to do
with making this Republican
list combination ticket, nor with
making the changes in it. They
have not been consulted, nor per-
to take any part in it if they
had been so inclined to do. We
the assertion that out of the
four thousand white votes in Pitt
county are not today forty who
can name the whole of the mongrel
ticket they will be asked to vote.
On the other hand we venture the
further assertion that there not
forty voters who cannot name the
men on the Democratic ticket. One
ticket will be of a trade.
The other will be the work of the
people Voter, which will you take
It is for you to say.
Herald Loses Faith.
The New York Herald has been
doing some marvelous stunts since
the nomination of Judge Parker.
Up to a few days ago the Herald has
been supporting the
date ardently and predicting his
election Now the Herald has lost
faith and declares editorially that
President Roosevelt's election is
most a foregone conclusion. The
Herald is a great political
results. The last attempt at
on the part of the was
during the mayoralty campaign in
New York city two years ago. That
paper announced that Greater New
York would give Mayor Lowe
majority. The Herald only missed
the result eighty thousand. Geo.
R. was elected Mayor
over Lowe by sixty thousand major-
So it is a case of guess with
the Herald after all. It is a pity
that the paper has lost but
there are enough of us left on this
side of the fence lo keep things
lively until after, the election any
way. Wilmington Dispatch.
Senator Bacon, of Georgia, in-
interview printed tn the Chi-
that if
people south ill be in B
state of dejection almost amounting
to Senator Bacon talks,
like a t lie alter, with-
a dark blown taste In his month
and deep blue darkness
his mental o.
he was suffering from dyspepsia.
The south has do notion of
dejected or of despairing matter
who is elected president. She la
too st to be
people yet live within her borders
who have seen hr come through
the war, days of reconstruction
the times of five-cent cotton and,
three commercial panics. She
lived and struggled onward and
upward under Grant and she will
not despair because of Roosevelt.
Annie from her deathless
vitality and source of
strength, he has absolute
the wisdom of the
of the whole county and in their
ability to demand a halt before
any warfare against her or her
institutions has gone too far.
Richmond News Leader.
How We Apples Swim
It has not been so many moon's
since Republican newspapers
that the Democratic
was in its tendencies.
Now we behold the Republican
organs lauding the Populist can-
for President and using
and his party for all they are worth
to Roosevelt The Populist party
and the Populist allow-1
the Republican party to use them
to their advantage, all of which is
understood by men who art not ac-
to too much lope. The Re-
publican party is willing to do any-
thing to win and the so called Pop-
arty is willing for the G.
P. to do it we apples
Wilmington Star.
A grand jury down in
recommended the printing for gen-
distribution of the names of all
the taxpayers and the amounts they
give in We believe this would be
eminently wise and effective, or, to
speak more precisely, wise because
it would be effective. If a man when
he gives in his taxes knew that the
amount was going to be exposed for
the whole world to see he would
give his conscience more latitude
and its result would be a decided
increase, in taxables One of the
loosest features of the government
today is the slack-twisted way in
which the taxing is done. We
that the North Carolina
ration commission in its capacity as.
a tax commission is working some
reforms the taxation system of
this state but of course it is at pres-
nowhere near the root of the
trouble Greensboro Telegram.
Railroad Casualties.
Washington, Oct. report
issued by the Inter-State Commerce
Commission today shows that the
total number of casualties persons
on railroads in the United States
during the fiscal year ending June
1904, was comprising
killed and injured.
shows a large increase. The
total number of collisions and de-
was involving
of damages to ears, en-
and roadways This is an in
crease of collisions and derail
meats. The casualties were an in-
crease of killed and of in-
over the preceding year.
One thing For Farmers To Do.
Not satisfied with almost
lute control of the prices of tobacco,
the largest tobacco companies,
the American Tobacco
Consolidated Tobacco Company and
the Tobacco Company,
have merged into one great trust.
There will be little more competition
in the buying of the raw material
and the farmers can have very little
hope of the future in the way of high
prices unless they cut down the pro-
That is the only way they
will be able to hold their own
against the big
Fifty Fatal Spree.
Fifty drunken goats caused a
great deal of excitement in Old
Forge. Some men dumped a
of fermented wheat in a vacant
lot near where a number of
were pasturing.
The odor arrested the attention of
the goats as being very tempting.
They swarmed down the mountain
and had a glorious time eating the
wheat, The effect on the
proved fatal, as they had eaten so
much that they were poisoned. The
residents feel the loss severely, as
they derived their milk supply from
the goats Independent.
It's saying a good deal when the
Republicans declare the Democrats
unlit to rule the country, when the
truth is, not enough white men have
voted the Republican ticket any one
year in the last forty to elect a Re-
publican President. If Mr. Roosevelt
is elected this year it must be done
by the in Ohio,
New Jersey, West Virginia and
Maryland. If the vote in those
states were deducted Mr. Parker
would be elected without
Raleigh Times.
The Raleigh News wild Observer
which is the and
less knows says that the Associated
I was in error stating that
the decision of the U. S. supreme
court in the South Dakota bond case
would the other bonds of a
like nature to those held by South
Dakota. The News and Observer
says it will do nothing of the
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have
about finished their new addition to
factory. They now have over
The buggy has made
such a reputation among the court
chaps it is impassible for a
feet of floor space engaged in buggy to stay in their factory,
manufacturing and their The A. G. Cox Co. are
are much better ever before. a new department to their
There is the beat selection of, factory that will
inks, library paste and feet of floor apace. This will be a
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox great improvement to their factory
Bro. ever brought to Winterville. nod give them greater capacity for
Protect your eyes by buying one j work,
of those eye shades at the Drug I Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
Store, price j styles, lowest prices. See our stock
Kittrell and Taylor have just before purchasing and save
received a of flour. Winterville Mfg. Co.
Bee them get their prices. umbrella, trunks
For underwear that will make it aid Barber
warm for you in cold weather call Co.
at John Whitty Sou's. j B. W. Hatcher, of Liberty, will
K. H. has put on a deliver address in the Masonic
new coat paint on his hall Tuesday at o'clock.
which adds very much to that part I invited.
of the town. Boarding J. D.
Highest price for cotton seed Cox. Board 91.40 per day. Best
paid by County Oil Mill. house town.
See Kittrell Taylor for a candies a specialty at the
loaf of bread. store of B. T. Cox Bro.
good barrel of Kittrell have just re-
flour or pork see Kittrell and a nice assortment of cutlery
you want a nice knife see them.
Don't forget to bring or W. F. Fry is en the sick list.
your cart hubs to A. G. Cox We want your eggs at per
Co. Fat they Barber Co.
j We now have a complete line of
I have been informed that A. ladies dress goods and trimming,
W. Co. has the nicest notions, hats and umbrellas, rugs
line of dress goods silks, ribbons, and window shades. Will take
hamburg and lace in town. pleasure in showing one all
Don't worry over that lb tie lot through our line,
of cotton you had over when; Harrington, Barber Co.
you got through ginning your lint Beady made clothing, hats, cap-
lots. he Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys boots and
in any the and Co.
best market price paid every T. N. Manning and Co. have
You folks may t us fresh cheese, nice mullets and a
with the smallpox but we have full supply of Groceries,
got as much stirring, Window door frame, porch
for the size of our town, any columns, brackets nil kinds of
other place. house trimmings at rock bottom
G- A. Kittrell and Co. have just prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
received a car load of No. Tim- M'S J. B. Carroll is light sick.
Hay. Pure North Carolina pi tie Tar.
Glass ware, crockery, tin, caps. Harrington, Berber and Co.
A good chance to cut
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wish to con-
tract to have five hundred cords
wood cut. wood cutter wish-
a job can ace them at their
Just received, another car load
of flour.
ton, Barber Co.
Finest line of drew goods in
G. Chapman Co.
For nice
easts, we've got cheap,
A. W. Co.
Trunks and valises cheap.
Harrington Co.
For dress and work shirts call at
Jno. Whitty Son's.
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for your grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W.
Ange Co.
It you are in need of
skirt and waist goods,
call on R. G. Chapman Co
Mis Katie Gold Warren left
her home Penny Hill this morn-1
Miss home
her to spend Sunday.
wood cart hub. A. G. Cox Mfg. I
For A pair of me-
size mules. A. G. Cox.
We want to buy your Hides,
Sheep Skins, Goat Skins, Beeswax
Tallow, Turkey-, Geese, Chickens
and Eggs and will guarantee high-
est market price for
and Taylor.
Second hand buggies cheap. If
wish to buy a second hand
cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
and cook stoves
at A. W. Ange Go's.
Pictures and picture frames.
Harrington Umber Co.
hall sideboards, heat-
chairs see A. W.
Ante and Co.
in position to secure first
raw material cheap, having
We're positive It's Here.
We've Suits you can
put right on, wear away,
and be proud of your
Our Suits look right and
are right in every way.
Handsome in fabric,
stylish in cut, faultless in
fit and withal at a
It isn't every store that
can match up to these
requirements--not by a
If you buy your Fall
Suit here, get
We are showing the new Brown Mixtures
in Single or Double Breasted styles, narrow
collars and lapels, well formed shoulders and
handsomely tailored.
Trousers cut correctly.
The King Clothier.
hood, shawls See School Lunch Baskets, the very machinery with which to do our
work, and able to save and
work up nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reasons why we
A. W. Ange and Co. thing you
T. N. Maturing Co. are carry- Co.
the medicine that will cure The Pitt County Oil Mill is now
diseases of the hf art in any stale, buying Cotton pay i save our customers
Winterville Mfg. Co.
School books, stationery, pens,
pencils school supplies of all
kinds can lie found at the drug
wish to notify the the highest cash price or ex
public that gr every for meal. When yours
day at mill one mile south of are ready write for price-.
Frog Level on Sam We pay the of the market
Purnell Tripp. for Barber and j store
We now have hand a nice Co. your feet wearing
line of dress good at remarkably At Reduced Prices-The A. Q. go. E. G. Chapman and
low figures, coin.-, see and be con- Cos mg n have you
Yours truly ,, o price,
Kittrell Taylor. They have ,., .,
Box Body for la fence made and gT
the season when may a bargain if you apply at
want a box-body lo
farm products to the barn or
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are
Big consignment of Royal flour
just received. Prices
making and selling them and you and Ca
had better send them your order
at once.
See Q. A. Kittrell for feed stuff
of all kinds.
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
up nice Hy proof kitchen safes.
They are cheap and convenient.
Get your dealer to order you
See the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Co's. Prices right.
Cottonseed meal and hulls just
A. Kittrell Co.
We want your grapes every day
to Friday at o'clock a. m.
Don't bring them after that time
Fridays nor on Saturdays. We
pay per for No.
ken and per pound for No
Is. picked.
Yours truly,
O. A. A Co-
For Nails and Lime see A. W.
the on
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. O. 3-22
Store and
the Stock.
This store bus a reputation to sustain. It is a
safe and place to buy, a where
i- triumphant, and when goodness
m tit join hands with prices, wherein the fullest
satisfaction is given. Think of it store,
your place, to buy.
values in high Goods,
Broad Cloths, Cheviot, and
lb popular weaves for suits and
Fine Jackets. The no
Jackets for fall and winter are here. The styles
are different from those last season. Too many to
attempt, description.
to wear Clothing. We carry the tines
lines of Clothing made for boys, youths and men
We carry the system and the
made by Co. Try a suit of these
clothes and if not satisfactory, money will be re-

have th- and m t
this town W
of styles in tH halt makes for Men. k
Children and Infants. We t- yon much
them in this spare, hut mm to call your i to
the famous
Free libraries.
The General
to l h
of i
i i ix in
the Unit
applying Cur should
y private
taken from
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen. I
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
I assembly of appropriated the We Fay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
i the win from
t i limiting
for library.
All of the
i v
lies hut hi h
S test.
W make
be proven. We claim a
unique, common sense
in no other shoe A
a slum
the foot as nature
We also claim that
while j nut i of material
and workmanship may
possibly be equaled, they
price, and that a good a
sin e cannot be male and
is nor sold
are, however,
the tangible of
many study of the highly complex needs of the
human it They appeal to c m warrant
a trial by every o who desires foot comfort and good
for the
of upon
the Mime term-, a-d
libraries Ml
thin to
the tit.-
fund. Under,
these two the i
General A- eight
Mil h e libraries
t thousand
volume Selected I
have In C I i
a number
libraries a w la U
cured of Lame Years
back I
John BUSier.
. for sprains Hi-it limited. It is
ale Store,
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, and
butter, cool water and many that
would be unattainable without Refrigerator.
If you you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, d we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when w
we sell a machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Ricky T-h t the
I ever
in ninety
Tea or
L and Discount
Demand Hi
Due from Bank a e
Gold Coin 1.1
Silver c.-
Stock paid in 920,000.00
Profits less
to cheek 189.716.16
County of i
L. Little, Cashier of the hank, do solemnly
that the statement is true to the beat knowledge
belief L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of J
Notary Public.
No strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
and catarrh stomach are
all due to indigestion. cures
Indigestion. new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the stomach.
Health to the Kick an
to the Weak.
lb trial Milt
y a. C. Witt Co.,
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to flee us, keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros, j
N. C.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
. Will be if arrears be within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of y and payment of arrears with interest.
second year--7. No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
. They may be To reduce Premium, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the
N. C.
or Sale By
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
DR. Q. F.
next door to Post Office
Tobacco has Advanced Prices
are Higher. We are well equip
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have
men and. one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell, us, we'll
please you.
The Political Apathy May Not Be
After All.
The of interest in political
matters on the part of the general
public this year is a matter of com
Usually a presidential
year, above all others,
out the people and arouses their en-
to a high pitch, but this
year apathy i- the word all along the
line. In speaking of matter to-
day, an observant
am not at all distressed over
the failure of the to become
excited over politics this year. That
shows that they hare something
else on their it is a good
sign. It is not necessary for people
to go wild over politics in order to
the and when the
country is in such condition that the
people lire too busy to attend all the
political meetings it is safe to say
that things are in pretty good shape-
I am in politics, as all
good citizens should be, but I have
learned that political activity should
not be a predominating
tic of a plain
Cholera with One
Small o Chamberlain's
Mr G. W. Fowler of
Ala., an he tad
while nerving on a jury in h
seat of county. Ala-
He thews I
ale some fresh meat some
souse meat and it me cholera
in a very severe torn. I
was never more sick in my and
sent to the drag store for a certain
mixture, hut the
sent me of
Remedy Instead, Kay I PR that he
had what I Kent for, but that this
medicine was mi he
rather send it to me in
fix I was in. I look one dose of
it was in live
The seem id me
ed in tbs same manner and one
small the three of
For tale at
If the world's a of us
must be at a
When the quantity of food taken
is too or quality too rich, i
sour stomach is likely to follow,
especially so it the digestion
has been weakened by
Kat slowly it ml not too freely
of food.
the thoroughly. L-t five
bums elapse between meaN, and
feel a weight
in the legion of tin- after
and Liver Tablets and the
sour stomach may he avoided.
For sale Drug Stole,
Some men opportunities;
for s lo lake of.
What's in a
Everything is in name when it
comes to Hazel Salve. E. C.
DeWitt Co., of Chicago,
some years ago how to
a salve from Witch Hazel that is a
specific for Piles. For blind, bleed-
itching protruding riles,
eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and
all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve
has no equal. This has rise
worthless counterfeits
Ask for DeWitt's, genuine.
Sold at Drug Store.
We use only the best mate-
rials in our Hence
the Popularity to which it has
grown and recognized by all
well dressed people to be up-to-
date in every way.
We are sole agents for
the best make of Men's
Youths, Boys Suits Over
Coats and Pants.
Dress Goods
The Largest stock of this
season Woolens we have ever
shown. Embracing every new
Fabric to be found in any city.
The Recognized Leaders of Fine
Furniture for a little money, Tables Rocking
Chairs, Couches, BeGs, Lounges, Cribs,
Single Beds, Brass Beds. you
call for in this line.
C. T.
Evans Street,
Greenville, N. C.
When tbs rain came it made
pretentious about it.
A For Good
The pills that are potent in their
action and in effect are
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W.
S. Philpot, Albany, Ga.
bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did me
more good than blue mass
or any other pill I ever took at
tame time effect was pleas-
ant. Little Early Risen are
an Bold by
Drag- Store.
Watch This Space for Prices.

Dissolution Sale
Don't Early and
Get your Choice
Lawn edited nil
with i I-,
values for if thin for
8.000 y m
yOW the .
Sale I--M- per yd.
color opaque window Shade with in.
fixtures complete. t
t worth Sale
untie pay
hi-ii for, the during this
gale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven
assorted colors checks, ends, sizes
Others have cents this
towels for
hose, fill, seamless,
v tilted I--P, fine Big values for cents
p-i , this Sale per pair.
High bust English On-set,
Heel cable cord bust has
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Sold the world
over fur this Sale
mercerized, spun gloss. Petticoat a, full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents
This Sale cents per Dozen.
.- i . bring I. I've
Rig line of fall underwear, can't implicate
Anywhere, Bold for big values, thin
1.000 pail of leather
body ill price from
I i-Sale
We have a big lot bats that we from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at thane
thin Sale
Inspect this if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Mar. s Prices Don't Buy.
V. o sell the In -t ling,
have this
all you call ; is Sale
. . -ll guaranteed, lull 10-4 I
hid, yon for,
m big line of good-, just re-
c. m d. v. will have to them
I will have to include
Greenville, N. C.
Dear The Fair Ground
N Y. were p timed
I Devon last year.
Two otter-paint agents amid the
job would take
I prices was cents a
Oar said not over
It We saved at
least on and labor.
American House,
I vi N. Y., was painted two coats
j lint
Mr. diaries across the
Street put-on coat
Mr. Is
he didn't paint
one was better than
Depends the paint .
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
Lost in a Storm.
Went Palm Beach, Fla
The Florida coast has been
ten days and
vessels have been and
a lives The Mel-
a three
schooner, Jacksonville to
I Nassau ii cargo of lumber,
j was beaten to two pat-
i and five of the
I crew were drowned. Among the
is Mrs. wile of
an in
j n the
West Indies.
When the storm reached the
height of its violence the
J was and all on
washed Another
I lie lost n as Mr-. H. Mel-
a young woman who
i bride. She was
by a falling mast and killed
while clinging to
of the by her
arm. The husband's
arm was broken in two places, but
he was picked
J L.
After h great deal effort
c J. L Wool en, the
Dr. H Co., to
make a special half intro-
offer the fifty
cent size of their
the cure of
ton and
medicine is a recent dis-
tor the cine of all diseases
of the stomach and bowels. It not
only quick relief, but it
makes en e i.
Dr. Howard's specific has been
so remarkably successful in curing
constipation, dyspepsia and all
liver troubles, that J. L. Woolen
ii willing to return the prise paid
in every case it. not
give relief.
The old fashioned idea f
with mineral , cathartic
or harsh purgatives will soon
tiling of the past. The best
are prescribing Dr. How
gives desired and u
t of the small and pleasant
dose that is
Headaches, coated tongue, d
on speck-1
forms cf liver and i
are soon cured by mi- scientific
So gnat, is the. demand for this
specific, J. L. Woolen baa
been able to a limit.
supply, and every one who is
troubled with dyspepsia,
or liver trouble should call
upon him at once, or send cents,
and get sixty doses of the best
medicine ever made, on I bin special
offer, with his pr
to the money if
it docs cure.
A Republican campaigner in
Western North Carolina charges
that Democrats were responsible
for the assassination of
That's about as near the truth as
spell-binders ever get in
I North Carolina Our only surprise
,.,.,. . is the fellow didn't charge that
Looks like n would be money ,
well invested for Dickinson avenue Parker trigger.
to be improved. , Raleigh News and Observer
I will attend at the.
tunes and places forth m
collecting for the year
Tuesday, October
May's Chapel, Beaver Dam
Falkland, Falkland township,
Sat a i day,
All are requested to
meet pay promptly
O. W. Sheriff.
Rodgers. A Co., of Nor-
folk, together with other exporters,
have given their buyers positive in-
to make a deduction of four
to the bale side strips
and excess Imaging on cotton This
is a waste and farmers are warned
against the abuse Kinston Free
i You cannot Wt rid of
skin, pimples, eyes, bad
i breath with paint and
from within.
or Tablets. Woolens Ding Store.
Greenville Has
at Last
Got a Book Store.
You can get all school books at. place.
You can get anything needed in school supplies at
Isn't This Good News to You
What is the use of trotting all over town when yon
can everything yon want at
Next Door to J. R. Corey.
-I. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Master Feat,
when and Sells
Brothers Enormous United shows,
which come to Greenville on No-
introduced in Madison
Square Garden in his
first and performance of
looping the loop on a bicycle, the
press of New York City accorded
the achievement liberal illustrated
and descriptive space as a most
novel and wonderfully
ration of desperate daring and
steel nerved skill. From a point
in the extreme height of can-
dome makes a
a speed
eye cat down mm
feel me, and i. i kt- m
a in mid-
air on bis wheel. On the same
scientific principle a
swings a bucket filled with water
in a circle without Spilling the
loops the loop on
It is necessary to at-
sufficient velocity to overcome
the natural force of gravitation.
Notwithstanding the fact that
looping the loop is a practical de-
of recognized scientific
laws it Is equally true that
is today man he world
who has accomplished this
extraordinary feat, although
have attempted it, and
ably met with serious injury. He
Medals From of F sh and
Game at St. Louis Exposition.
Gold Carolina
Department of Agriculture,
of native
J. V. Lewis,
old whaling
H. H. collection
of animals; If. H
collection of
of fishes
medals; W. E. Stone,
of native
North Carolina Board of
Raleigh, collection of marine
invert North
of Agriculture, Raleigh,
native reptiles
it ins; George l Scar-
Avon, model of
oyster and
A. D. Willis,
Morehead City, of sharpie;
North State Museum,
collection of mounted
game fishes; State of North
Carolina, collection of native wild
animals, mounted,
N. O, Oct.
Miss Chapman, of Win-
who ha been visiting
brother, C. F. Chapman, returned
home Saturday-
Sidney Hayes, of
county, Virginia, has accepted a
position with the Beaufort County
Lumber Co.
Oscar of Ayden,
spent Sunday here.
W. T. Sledge and C. H. Hobbs
spent Sunday in Washington.
Miss Annie Gaskins, who has
been visiting Mrs. Stanley, has re-
turned to her home in Kinston.
Mr. ard M'S. Leggett are visit-
Mrs. mother near
Messrs Alford nod Jacobs spent
today in Greenville.
is spending this
week with his brother in Halifax
and t. ill Weldon fair.
P. H. Harrington Miss Early
friends Ayden Sunday.
Mr. Mrs. Harrell spent
Saturday Washington.
Two Practical Sermons.
Rev. A. T. two
practical timely
in the Sunday.
The subject of the sermon
was of the and
of sermon of
till rides with great As friends of the
named, now also do Prodigious I borne he discussed good laws, good
who on an ordinary safety law makers, good officers, good
leaps across a chasm fifty
in width, and the
who miraculously
schools, good neighbors, good
father and mother, the d
Christ, on each of which he made
scales the perpendicular inside of very strong points.
What a Year Brings Forth.
The enemies of the home were
discussed under the headings of
pride, too much business, gossip,
provinces of China were to be
by the troops of Russia, ac-
cording to a solemn convention,
but, I he promise was cynically dis-
regarded. the
and other governments, to say
of the Peking Government,
to get the Russians to adhere to
their engagement
evasive replies were made lo
requests r fresh assurances.
Instead of giving new
Russia seized new points made
cleat late Man bold the
-country by fore . Hence
the present war, which, in
i short space of one year, has shown
that Russia's to China
and disregard of the r q of
Last October the three eastern W drying
and social round
dance the
worship. He especially
ed i be latter said the
barrier Satan entering the home
wan a regular family
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deed R. Williams
issued to the following
con last week;
Robert Jane May.
Haddock and Julia
is and
I Winds-
Samuel Guy and Daisy
nations was insufficiently backed
. . . it Joseph Little and Annie Little.
-with force. Force makes
. a title which is morally de-
defect has
failed to
overrated her might
Her sense of duty, or care for
Veracity was insufficient lo
her out of when she
promised to p., but little Japan
has able to expel her from
the best part of it. The race is
the swift, nor
to the strong if swiftness and
strength not supplemented
by intellectual and moral sound-
Our Mr. R. L. Smith is now at
Norfolk horse show and will
return the latter part of the week
with a car load each of extra good
horses mules. If you want a
good service or pleasure animal
at our stables.
B. L. Smith A Co.
Turner Hemby and Mary E.
Lee and Ellen May.
Ambitious Messenger Boy Tries
Hand Forging a Check.
Mr. W. F. Harding, a member
of the colony of legal lights in the
Trust building, is minus a
boy today, but his bank ac
is intact and he has a shoe-
outfit as an added asset to
the sheep-bound volumes and
legal documents that mark
him as a follower of
The messenger boy was a bright
young colored youth, ambitious
and intelligent for a boy of his
age. He performed his
faithfully and soon learned a good
deal of the routine of bis employ-
office, even to the location of
the check book.
While Mr. Harding was out of
the office yesterday, the intelligent
messenger made a check for
it. payable to F. C.
Abbott Co., and signing his em-
name. After endorsing
the name of Mr. P. C. on
the back of the check, he sallied
forth to receive the cash. It was
e to persuade a sale.
man in a store that the check
regular that Mr. Harding
to walk in. And then the boy
standing not
upon the order of hi going.
In bis haste, the young forger
neglected to go by the build-
for the outfit
which enabled him to pick up a
few my nickels and dimes from
New Pastor
The Christian church here
and Louisa B. extended a call to Rev. H. H.
Ha i
John House Clara Moot.
All Attend Promptly.
The young ladies, and
who are to take part, in enter-
to be given under the
auspices the ladies of the
Methodist are requested to
meet in the Masonic temple
house Thursday night at o'clock.
The children requested to meet
afternoon at
of Newport Va.
has accepted and will arrive
to enter upon his pastoral
duties. H- will preach Sunday
mo and a welcome service
be held at night.
men to wood.
We Will pay weekly. Good wages.
R. G. Chapman Son.
10-25 w N. C.
Arc You Registered
The ration books not
be open many more days. If yon
have changed your residence or
become of age net last election
you need lo be looking after it if
yon expect to vote. And every-
body should
Monday, October 24th, 1904.
Thomas Cotton went to Conetoe
Mrs. Fred Cox left Sunday for
J. S. Edwards returned to
Whitakers Sunday.
Mrs. T. L. Bland returned this
morning from
Mrs. R. O. left this
morning for Richmond.
H. W. Whedbee Sunday
evening for New Bern.
E. H. returned
day evening from New York.
L. I. Moore left
day evening for Pamlico Court.
Mm. L. H. Lee went to Ayden,
Sunday evening and returned this
Hon R. B. Glenn spent Saturday
night here mil left Sunday tor
Mrs. D. E. House returned Sun-
day from a visit to her
J. S. left I his morning
for Baltimore. Mrs. Norman and
the children to Parmele.
J. S. Joyner of Baltimore, who
has been visiting hi sister, Mrs.
J. A. Lang it.-it Sunday evening.
Miss Jennie of Kinston,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. R, W. King, returned home
Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. F, Betts returned
day from
she had been attending the horse
show and visiting relatives.
Tuesday, October 25th, 1904.
G. Moore to Whitakers
Rev. J. returned to
Kinston Monday evening.
left this morn-
for a Bertie county.
Mis Martha went over
to House the morning train to
R. L. Smith and W. A. Pol laid
went lo Norfolk today to attend
the show.
of Winterville,
is visiting her Mrs. Walter
Buck, South Greenville.
Mrs. A. L. Morgan, of
town, has been visiting
Mrs E. B. left Monday.
Sheriff O. W. Harrington went
to Goldsboro today to take a
man to colored hospital for
Mrs. W. M. King, returned
Monday evening, from a visit to
City, Mount
and Wilson.
A. C. left this morn-
for a trip out West and will
take in the Si. Louis exposition
while away.
Mrs. T. J. left this morn-
for Fayetteville lo attend the
state convention cf the Daughters
of the Confederacy.
Misses Nina James and
Skinner went to Tarboro today to
take part a musical there under
bethel, who have been visiting
Mrs. D. C. Moore, left this morn-
Mrs. M. A. Shields, of Scotland
Neck, who has been visiting
daughter, Mrs. E. B. Higgs, re-
turned home this morning. Little
Miss Madeline Higgs accompanied
her home.
Wednesday, October 1904
F. G. James went to Norfolk to
H. B. Phillips went to
J. W. Perkins left this morning
for Hamlet.
J. B, Cherry, Sr., left this morn-
for Baltimore,
R. R. Gotten left this
for Norfolk, Baltimore and New
Greenville has for a long time
a book store. It has been
a great to its people
to have been compelled to go to so
many to procure some
thing in and a
few . books. Have yon ever
stopped to think how have
been and wandering
around these many years for
purpose Will it not be a pleas-
to you to know that Greenville
is to have a book store Of course
it will.
The book store will be located in
the building opposite Pulley
It is to be a book store in
full meaning of word. lb
will carry all the school books and
the largest and nicest line of school
stationery the town It's line
of box paper will be surpassed by
none. Just think, you cm get.
them all at one You will
also be able to get anything
office supplies as well the latest
books, magazines, periodicals, etc.
To the lovers of music it will be a
delight to know a line of the
latest and best music is to be car-
There are too
l mention in this space
yon will be able to procure at the
book store.
At the book store only
has in a stationary,
goods are arriving daily. the
meantime if you
something in the way of office sup-
plies or stationery and can't find
if elsewhere in town you would be
very apt to find it now at Evans
Book ore. ltd
Notice to Parents.
The graded schools were
for the children of the dis-
and it is the desire of the
board of trustees that all
The board dislikes to exclude any
child the school.
But are a few parents who
have neglected to have their child-
y The most of the
parents complied with the
orders of board of aldermen,
ii i- but reasonable that all shall
The executive committee of the
board therefore trusts all
parents, who have not done so,
u ill have their vaccinated
at thus board
auspices of the Daughters of of of taking any
the Confederacy- in matter
Mrs. Sallie Davenport By order cf the executive coin-
First of
Nichols Co. buckwheat at daughter, Miss Bailie, of Hamil- of the board of Trustee.
M. I ton and Bettie Manning,
. in i
. ,

Eastern reflector, 25 October 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 25, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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