Eastern reflector, 18 October 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchiefs all around
with I inch Lace, size big
values for cent, ibis Sale j. for
Homespun, all colors you
can it will cost you cents the yard, this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque Window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures complete, feet long by
feet wide, worth anywhere, this Sale
About, Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market Anting his
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents,
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colon clucks, fringe- ends, sizes
Others must i ave ; each, this Sale two
towels for
hose, full,
welted top, fine Big values for rents
per pair, this Sale per pair.
High bust .
cable but
trimmed top, perfect
over for tins Sale
suits black and fancy worsted. Men's
baits that always bring tour and five dollars,
Big line of fall underwear,
anywhere, sold for big values, this
1,900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to yon any where from
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best blenching, as long as we
have any, this Sale y
Shirts that you Will say are cheap for
all colors you can ask for, this Sale
We will a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell them
I will have to include
Black mercerized, spun tS
width in. no.
this Sale
N. O.
r Sir; A great many people
will see your house the course;
of the next ten years. We
it to show what
will do, We should like you
to paint it, and then not paint it
again for ten it needs
We'd like such a sample as
in every town in the country
with a notice about it the local
house as
painted ten ago with
and never been
repainted. The color is not so
bright as it was; but the paint is
as perfect a coat as ever, to keep
A good lead-and-oil job is ex-
to last three years; it is a
good one that lasts three years; it
does not. lead-
twice as long, if
you have any fault to find
with paint, either now put-
ting it on, or here after in the
wear, tell your dealer about it.
authorize him to do what
is right at out
your house as
and as a witness.
F. W. Co.
P. S. II. L. Can pant.
Whole a and
Cash paid tor
rats, Turkeys. ere. Bed-
steads, Pit-M,
Carriages, ails,
Tables, Lounge, darts, P
and Gail Ax So nil,
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Unlit, Gar
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Now
Gaudies, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents-, Glass
and China Ware. Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Beat Butter,
I loyal Sewing Machine and nu-
other goods. and
quantify. Cheap cash, Come
see me.
S. It
The county canvas v. ill
on Friday.
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for c
This Sale cents per Dozen,
A Power For Good
The pills that potent their
and pleasant in effect are
DeWitt's Lit tit Early Risers. W.
S Philpot, of Albany, G.
bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did me
more good than
or any other pill I ever took and at
lime the i fleet was pleas-
ant. Little Early are
Sold by
Drug Store.
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of its kind issued in America. It
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
and profit in the Fall. Mailed free
to Farmers upon
request. Writ tor It.
Wood Sons,
S Nealy,
d kidney troubles have en-
t i made me well and
x lea or Tablets,
.,, tore.
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay or ex-
change and hulls fur Seed,
and pay all
Write us when
you are ready to sell
Washington, N. C.
R. L.
Go Jo St. Louis
Now is the time to see World s Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful and the Exposition
complete in all it s beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be See that
read via the
C. and Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and best w teat train
service W. O. D. P. A.
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of
our will insure sweet milk, T ,
butter, cool drinking water dainties ,
would be unattainable without the
If you you will want, a Mower
soon, and we've made it easy for m own ohm.
There is no need to borrow h mower when rs
we sell a machine with knives
a price, and to do
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Main. ;
everything else in hardware
a cS
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
N. C, Oct. 1904.
A little rain would be much
Mrs. C. H. Langston Mrs.
afternoon near
E. B. went to Greenville
Gold Medal Offered.
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes continues
the offer of the
Medal for the best paper on his-
The following conditions
must be complied with it you de-
sire to contest for it.
All names of those who wish to
enter the contest must be sent to
me by December 1904. All
G. W. of was over, papers must be in my by
February All those who
write must confine their papers to
unwritten North Carolina, or
Fernanda Tucker and Wood
of Winterville, were in
the neighbor Sunday afternoon. I Pitt county history. The
. D, I papers when sent in are be the
Misses Alice Baker j r
, , property of the B-ard of
came Sunday to spend several I; J
. r I two. twenty-
lone any
Misses Langston and Annie may
teachers are urged to en-
Oscar and their pupils to contest for
Mrs. E. D. Braxton Miss
Dollie spent Friday Winterville.
Mrs. C. and Miss
Annie we; t to Ayden
Wine and Women.
That is the text. The sermon is
brief and is found in the arrest in
New York a day or to ago, of Ed-
ward M. Field a sou of Cyrus W.
Field, who, unshaved, unkempt
and looking veritable tramp,
was arraigned before a e
on charge of stealing an overcoat.
the motley crowd of drunks
and outcasts that filled the court
says one account
would have recognized Field as
the once prosperous business man
who owned a fine home and had
plenty of friends. taken
court Field wore a dirty shirt
minus a collar, which he concealed
threadbare soiled
coat about him. His eyes had a
wild, glassy stare. His bloated
countenance told of dissipation.
When arraigned Field, in a
voice, gave his age us and bis
as a broker. he
was led across the bridge to the
prison he said to the
Try and get bail for me if you
can, but you never
the three meals I will get in the
prison will be a
Wine and women is the text.
The pitiable plight of a man who
started out early life as a
is the
this medal. I would like to see
one hundred boys and girls enter
this contest with a determination
to win. Mr. Grimes is
the medal as a stimulus to the
study of history, and is thereby
doing much along this line in his
native county. in your
names by Dec 1904 and your
The Remedy be Worth Trying.
The has printed
this before sometime in the past
when smallpox was being discussed
but just now, as there seems to be
some danger from the disease, it
will bear printing again. We do
not know how oil the recipe is,
but doubtless it had its origin years
years and ago. It is better to be
vaccinated and thus prevent small-
p but if you will not do that
catch the disease just so, this
is said to be a remedy. Here is
the article.
correspondent of the Stock-
ton ; Herald wrote as
I herewith append a recipe which
ban been used to my knowledge in
hundreds of cases. It will
veil or the smallpox through
the are When
discovered England,
the world of science hurled an
of fame upon his head, but
when most scientific school in
the world, that of
ed this recipe as a panacea for
smallpox, it passed unheeded. It
is as unfailing fate, and con-
papers by Feb. 1905, and win in every instance. It is
this beautiful medal. harmless when taken by a well
N. C, Oct.
Misses Emma Ballard and Annie
Cask ins, of are guests of
their relatives, Mr. and Mis. H.
H. Stanley.
Phillips went to Washington
William C. Capps, of Norfolk,
is Home special work the
shops of the Beaufort County
Lumber Co.
Mrs. Stokes, of Black Jack, is
visiting her sons, N. T. and J. T.
Emma Ballard, Miss
Mr. Charles D. Baker,
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Stanley, attended church at
Chapman's Chapel Wednesday-
Tue D. V. Davis Co. gave a
tent show night
more tent then show.
Joseph Rawls. of Greenville,
spent Thursday night here.
W. P. Whaley, of
Md., came Thursday night to take
a position with the Beaufort
Lumber Co.
George Adams, of Florida, is
parents near here.
W. H.
Co. Supt. Schools.
The Corn Fair.
Considering the short time it had
been under there was
a tight good number of farmers
here today at the corn fair.
of them brought fine
mens of corn to exhibit. C. B.
Williams, the state agricultural
was here and made
an instructive talk on corn culture.
We hope this is the beginning
of a association among
the of Pitt comity. We
believe meetings of this kind at
which specimens of their crops are
exhibited and methods of
are discussed will be
to all who attend.
Bet a
Against a
Hat en the
Brick Warehouse.
This sold its entire break
of tobacco Friday, scrap all,
Weighing pounds, at an
average of per pound. You
want averages and not big prices
on some pile. Fancy Iota sold as
at st lie, at
at at at at
at at at
at at
at at at
at at at
Sell your tobacco at the
Brick warehouse and you get
the market. 10-15 ltd
of the most peculiar
beta that has been recorded to
date was made yesterday. A
undertaker of the city,
who also a very enthusiastic
supporter of Parker and Davis,
bet against a that
Parker Davis would be elected.
person It will also cure scarlet
fever; here it is as I have used to
cure smallpox; when learned
said the patient die, it
Sulphate of zinc,
foxglove, one grain;
halt teaspoonful sugar; mix
with two tablespoonfuls of water.
Take a spoonful every boar.
Either disease will disappear in
twelve hours. For a child, small-
doses, according to age. If
counties would compel their
to use this, there would be
no need of pest houses. If you
value advice experience, use
this recipe for terrible dis-
No Genius For
The Republican party North
Carolina will cut a sorry figure
the election returns, The reason
is that It has not courage of its
conviction The leaders think
they to do something,
but seem to take it for grant
ed that only in sight is
to make a deal with Democrats
who may be with
faction on account of tome local
friction. Iris with the greatest
confidence that we assure them
that they not make any in-
; he bat was duly recorded and
if is roads on the Democratic party by
elected the other gentleman will
have supplied himself with a
funeral box, at
County Canvass.
The Democratic ct
dates will speak at the following
times and
Tuesday, 18th.
Gum Swamp, 19th.
at night.
Get your saddle horse for
the rally on Saturday, 22nd.
have just from
I my fall mil-
notions. Opening Sept
1904. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
Grimesland, N. O, next door to
When come to town
Saturday. next Governor j tobacco or cotton don't forget to
Glenn will be here. pay for your paper.
such tactic-; and if that plan of
procedure represents the extent of
their genius for politics their party
will grow smaller by degrees and
beautifully less until all that will
be left of it will be the federal
office holders and the few who are
ranging up to the pie counter with
their mouths wide
Beaten and Robbed.
N. C, Oct.
W. of Spray, N. C, was
and robbed here last night
t the fair with whom
he had He
Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty
Four Killed on Railroads.
Accidents on cost
lives lost in the United States
year, according to statistics
gathered by the Inter-State Com-
Commission. The
began to keep statistics of
fatal casualties in 1894. Since
that year persons have been
killed in United States
It is clear from the yearly re-
ports that the number is
The total this year is the
highest for any year since the
commission began to take the
figures. The yearly number of
deaths from railroad accidents in
the past decade appears in the
1895, 1896, 1897,
1898, 1899,
1900, 1901, 1902,
1903, 1904,
The cm mission is concerned
only with the loss of life
makes DO return on the number of
cars destroyed or the amount of
property lost by railroad accidents,
If s well known, however, that
th grand is well up
The commission received
reports from England on railway
casualties The English have less
than milt s of track to out
yet do a greater per
mile business than we do, and
there was not one passenger killed
last year.
Thursday, Oct. 1904.
J. N. Gorman returned
day evening from Richmond.
C. E. Lincoln went to
R. J. Little returned this morn-
from Kinston.
J. L. Ludlow, of Winston, came
in this morning to look after the
town improvements.
Friday, Oct. 1904.
J. Y. Monk left this morning for
D. C. Moore returned
evening from Bethel.
Mrs. W. J. Redd went to Kin-
Thursday evening.
J. W. returned Thursday
evening from a trip.
Mrs. J. W. and children
left this morning for Mt. Olive.
Cox returned Thursday
morning from a trip up the road
W. T. went to
don and Mis. Lipscombe
went to
Lizzie u turned
this morning from Ayden. Hiss
Lillian Bland accompanied her
J. W. of
who been visiting her
father, J. D. Gardner returned
home Thursday.
Miss Mamie Hurst, of
county, who has been visiting Mrs.
W. J. Redd, left Thursday even-
for her home.
The train was off minutes
Thursday evening. We hope it
will do better than that during
the winter months.
Mr. Mary E. Savage, of Edge-
who has been
fives here, returned home today
Her daughter, Mrs. Minnie War-
accompanied home.
Saturday, Oct. 1901.
James left this morning
for Weldon.
Miss Quinn came home
this morning from Winterville.
D. D. and
went to Mount today.
Miss Helene Battle, of
Mount, is visiting Mrs, It. W.
Mrs. J. and little
left morning to her
parents at Conetoe,
Miss Nina of Beaver
Dam township, who is suffering
with taken to
hospital at Norfolk today.
Mrs J. T. Matthews, of Wash-
arrived Friday afternoon
the steamer Myers to visit her
daughter, Miss Lena Matthews.
I have learned that at the Pop-
meeting in Greenville the
8th inst. I was nominated as a
candidate morning.
This was done my know-
and I wish it
Profs. W. B. Dove and W. H.
went to on
evening to the educational
was robbed. was knocked. be ft , .,
senseless a bacK His in-
juries are not permanent. No clue
to the robbers has yet been found.
for said office. I
Democrat and support the
Democratic ticket. W.
Sale hand Brooks
Press, in good running The Pitt county corn fair will he
R. L i held on the 13th. Every
v. Greenville, G. j should a sample f bis best,
8-20 lid M w
I hays moved my -lock of goods
from to Calico, and
will be g hi to have all persona
wishing to buy to call mid examine
my nice line of new

D. W.
And Provisions
if Cotton Bagging am
i Ties always on ham
Fresh Goods kept ton
ll in stuck.
lit Produce Bought and Sold
Sour Stomach
When the quantity of food taken
is too large or quality rich,
oar stomach is likely to follow,
especially so it the digestion
weakened by
Kat not too free I
easily digested food. Masticate
the food thoroughly. Let five
hours elapse between meals, and
when you feel a fullness and weight
the region of the stomach after
eating, take Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets and the
sour stomach may be avoided.
For bale by Wooten's Drug
D. W.
i North Carolina.
all do wise mens in die
locate in B small settlement
still be lots houses
The man who insure We
for his family.
man who insures his health
is wise both for his family an.
Yon may insure health by guard
log it. It is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
Itself in Innumerable
Not Quite
Flow often you can get a
t not
rail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could and
we will bob that your tool
box d H R net lack a single
Of Course
You gut Harness,
Horse Goods,
A Power For
The pill that urn
action pleasant in effect are
DeWitt's Early Risers, w.
Philpot, Albany, .,
a bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did
more good blue
or any other pill ever took and at
the same time the effect was pleas-
ant. Little Early are
ideal Sold by
Drug Store.
Some folks is all time let
manage other hit
de Lewd made Man, mi Prov-
can't cut i hi in.
And save your health.
Please say that the use of my
name by the late Populist
was without my knowledge.
I am not a Populist and
have been. I was voted for in the
Democratic convention, not
a candidate, and do not want any
office. J. E. Nobles,
What's Ir a Name
Everything is me mm
I conies to Witch Hazel
DeWitt Co., of
i some years ago how
a salve from Witch Haze
I specific for Piles. For Id
e, E C.
. iv-
o malt
i- H
d. bleed-
itching and files,
cuts, burns, bruise and
j all skin diseases, Salve
has no equal. This has
I to worthless
I j for DeWitt's, the g
Sold at Wooten's Drug
It is easier to spend somebody
i else's to make your own.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. Cain paid for
Fur. Cotton Heed, Oil Bar-
el. Turkeys. etc, Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suite, h
. Carriage a.
. . , Tables, Lounge, Hares, P
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
route, George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Magic Food. Oil,
Option Seed Meal Gar
lea Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents.
Ware. Tin and
Ware, Cakes Crackers,
Cheese, Butter, New
announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a t
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily., except Sunday,
at.;.,, in for leave
Greenville daily, Sunday,
v, m.
Connecting at Washington win
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
all points North. Connects .
Norfolk railroads for all
Shippers order their
freight by Old Line
from New York mid
Norfolk and H. and
Old Dominion Line from, Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Hay Line and, Chesapeake Line
Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Balling hours subject to change-
Without Notice.
I. H. Myers,
I. J.
N. C.
I, B. Walker, Vie
81-8.5 Beach Street. N, Y.,
a girl breaks an
generally it is hi
By virtue of a decree
of In
Special Proceeding therein
entitled others
against Jesse m
1904, the
house door town of Green-
ville, expose to to the
bidder for cash, a certain
tract or parcel of land In
swift county,
the land of
Holton, W. L,
and Mill Bun,
forty-six more or less,
the ii.
This t 17th
virtue -f a decree
court of Pitt In
entitled Often Warren
j other i
engage-j fur
Norfolk, Va
Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton of
Bagging, and
Correspondence and
W. J.
The Five Points Grocer.
At this store yon get lion
et Goods at Honest Prices.
Anything wanted your
vs and ethers. ch I table can be promptly
will sell;
auction before if you coll, or
court house door n on
Rest that you get only
pure, fresh goods every time
you buy here.
Nov. following
described land situated In n
of That place known US
the Allen Warren Nursery. Bounded
on the North by Tar river, on the
East by the Atlantic Coast Line Rail-
on the South by Third street,
and on the West by the Jack White
place, containing seven acres, more
This the day of October 1904.
REV. Ph. D., Principal.
Winston N. March 9th., 1904.
Mr. Chas. M. Charlotte, N.
Dear is a little unusual to file an order this
in hut we find that he more Pianos which
we odd to our the better the insults at
mined in the work. We have added a of your
during few years, and they have all
satisfaction. It requires a piano of unusual merit
tor constant which all practice have within our
school, but we are glad to b able to say that your
stood i tie- test and continue to
your time to time as the need
i think are about a dozen now in the school.
J. II. Principal.
will sell one tract of land situated
in county, on the water, con-
acres more or less; about
acres under partly
enclosed with wire fence, with
a food country residence thereon and
tenant Douses; the land adaptable to
the growth of cotton, tobacco, truck,
corn and like. About acres
the timbers on which have
not been over in several years
For full information address
It a wk wk. Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Raleigh, N. C,
to 1004-
For I above occasion the
Atlantic Coast Line will sell
round trip tickets from Green-
ville to Raleigh at the low rats
of 14.80, which includes one ad-
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October 14th
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
22nd., 1904, with
limit to return
Ask the Ticket Agent.
H. M.
A rare and magnificent 139.00 and They are fully
of these pianos can
, . .,, . This factory will
be seen and at , . .
before more
ville, at lowest factory prices will
and terms. We also promptly withdrawn, and if
have on the floor several slight-1 you have any earthly use for
used upright pianos either piano or organ it will
prices ranging from pay you to take a look around.
to 9820.00. Each instrument. When in Greenville Miss
is guaranteed for years. , Patrick, who is
also have a fine display elated with us during our stay
of organs surprising low here, will be glad to give you
figures ranging in juice from a tune.
Will its annual session on In Any Size Lots.
October in the new
building with every modern comfort. . . .
and new furniture and I W or ex-
throughout. Literary. I hulls for
Scientific Classical and Business
School of Music, art and I and pay all
Write ti when
courses. or art
I Expression. Full corps of able and j
October 4th. ; experienced teachers, specialists I freights
their several department. Kinder-; , M .
; methods taught by a pr- fen- j you are ready to sell exchange.
W. J K mod-
T M. G. P
further Information apply
Washington, N. C.
N. C, Oct. 1904.
roller wash board is a
it is without a
i destined to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
W. E. Hooks is off on the road.
Lime, hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
-J. B. Smith
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
-carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
etc. Cannon
As authorized for Daily
and we take
great pleasure in receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. have a list
of all who receive mail
thin office. We also take orders
Mrs. Robert formerly
of Asheville, hut now Wilson,
is visiting relatives in
From the large number of
the Hart Bros, carry out
-every week they must be doing a
big business as well as doing good
Remember you can find lawns,
nicker zephyrs, piques and
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. It. Smith Bro.
Call to see laces and ham-
J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith Bro,
keep the complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
that it is so.
Miss Verna after an
absence of several weeks visit to
friends has returned borne.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charge made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
IT. C.
If you need anything in the way
Of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see at, Hart Jenkins.
Ask E. C. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Ayden.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
Mis. C. A. Fair and Mis
were visiting in
ville Tuesday.
Now is the time to advertise.
We be pleased to hear
our friends.
examine our line of
grade buggies. You can be
easily of superiority
of material
Milling Mfg. Co.
Cannon Tyson handles
mixed paints, the best.
Milling and Mfg. Co., made
a raise in the wages of their em-
recently. This company
employs good labor, who turn out
good work, using good material
and thereby a tale.
Kick salt stock, at J. ft
Smith Bro.
E B. Co. will do all they
can to please you with
Hue heavy and fancy
We call special attention to our
new Hue of Tan and Ideal
Cannon Tyson.
Men boy suits at coat at W.
M. A Go.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received, fine line of bar-
and can fit you up in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Upon receipt of a telegram an-
the illness of his
mother, M. M. left yesterday
for Fremont.
Fancy oranges, apples
bananas at E. E. Co's.
prospects for a double pas
train on this road seems to
be good. We sen up our little
mite yesterday.
Call on Hart s fur a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none
to be had anywhere.
Rev. F. Q. and wife
came n from Wed-
I evening and at night Mr.
Hart man preached a very able
sermon in the Missionary Baptist
For can peaches, apples, corn
fee, apply to B. E.
ft On.
Hon. C. A. Fair your
with his presence Thursday.
Remember, if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will he than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. O.
Miss Eva Wilson, of Greenville,
after visiting the family of Elder
Stephens has returned to her home.
We are Headquarters for first
class, light Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C
J. D. and G. A.
of here one day
this week.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. If.
Smith Bro.
Cotton is a little off but a few
make their appearance.
The farmers are by no means in a
hurry to sell at present prices.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J.
Smith Bro.
A. P. has been solicit-
insurance around
during the past week.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon
Julia spent
day in
We hear the young say
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by Cannon Tyson.
Think of it, twenty-five years
ago there was hardly a man in
worth ten
thousand dollars, now a can
seldom turn mound without
knocking one down worth double
the I at. the tax
books and see. Whew don't we
grow What a glorious change.
percales ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
Go to E. E. Go's Dew
market for beef, fresh meat,
and fresh fish.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
sutler from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts and bums,
be permanently
ed pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes, when in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
The latest thing in shoes.
I at W; C. Jackson and Co's.
Dr. Sure cure for
and for sale
i by J. R. Smith and Bro. is p
be the best in the mar-
and is guaranteed to do all
Those desiring work
in the enlargement of will J
do well to see Hart Bro,. Co's new
line of dress goods are taking the
j fancy of all who see them. They
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg Co.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Smith Bro.
J. and family return-
ed yesterday from a visit to Kins-
ton and New Bern.
Now we have plenty of the
and cart
are beautiful.
tie piece of glass properly them cheap
ed will often work wonders.
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body. They
come in by car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Come to see us when you
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart
I take this method of
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
excelled, Edwin
shoe which I handle exclusively is
surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and sell you
J. J. Hines.
If it give yen absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
Dist. Ayden,
as any one.
Ayden Milling ft Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of pants new
is the time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co.
For next fifteen days you can
buy a suit at cost from W. M.
Ed wards Co.
All percales for at W
M. Edwards Co.
William Worthington one of our
oldest best farmers attended
the com fair and took along with
him a sample of corn that would
prove a credit to any community.
Mr. Worthington is a tip top
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. ft Bro.
perhaps just at this E.
The public to know that
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA
ail kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
Noah Cox, of Calico, stopped G. may not possibly be as
over a short while Tuesday on his busy as a Wall street broker
way home from a meeting of the
Baptist association near
It is plain an an Insurance man he
gets He is not only a
but has found it necessary to
A big stock of Richmond cook assistance. His companies;
heating stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Bro.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and bitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Smith Bro.
One lot of shirts for
at M. Edwards.
Robbers at J. R. Smith Bro.
To make room for fall stock we
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated in being a
hustler and having something
good to hustle.
Overcoats, flannel cold
weather. Three fellows well met.
Ale Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars. Ci-j
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of ail kinds.
IV. C.
What is the matter with Ayden Qr Joseph
id people. r
Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
and Ayden people, f
haven't we got a factory, and
snore industries t Is it because
is no here or is it
will dry goods, shoes and Sometimes
at greater reduced prices. W. M. J we are a loss to take it bat
Ed wards and Co. after reflection we have con-
George Worthington there is plenty of
work in this line money too if properly utilized ;
Dr. Lou is Skinner,
A lot of edgings in
remnants. Yon them
cheap at W. M, Ed aids Co's
Special attention is called to
zephyr shawls, infant caps and
general assortment of ribbons at
Mrs. J. A. Day
Notice you want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order that you might realize
better prices for it, bring it to
One lot, of calico at W. M. Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. C.
Edwards Co.
At the of business Sept 6th,
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
The Mutual Masonic
Relic Association.
The best, plan, the best
rate and the oust induce-
offered. See
A. P.
Ayden, N. C.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided less
expenses, 0-1
Dividends unpaid
Individual sub-
to check, 10,183.02
Certified check i prices to suit all
of of bar,
will necessarily become one
of the leading towns the state.
Try it, you and moneyed
men Ayden, and if
don't come true then we will FOR MASON ONLY.
agree to to live on razor soup the
of our days.
Ladies Misses slipper-, at;
costs it W. M. Co.
A nice selection rugs at W.
M. Edwards Co's.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
An line of
waist hats at Mr. I.
We continue to build
buggies for we do not
set apace we cannot maintain.
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N.
Examine our line of notions just
and Co.
I wish to remind my many
and customer-that my line
of new fancy collars and
belt of different Color, a
Specially have arrived. Mrs. J,
A. Davis.
Cold weather underwear at
Fit guaranteed,
at W. O. Jackson a d Go's,
New up-to-date d J
Wilson sewing machines for
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, i the
helpful and valuable
of Its kind
all about both
W. M.
mi and Garden
which run be planted to advantage
and in the Ball. Mailed tree
to I a. upon
request. Write for u.
Wood Sons,

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
altered in the post office at Greenville, N. C. as second class matter,
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
Pitt County, N. Tens day, October 1904.
VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC the campaign in Pitt
a of the ad-
ministration of county affairs under
In a former issue we gave the list rule and under Demo-
of nominees of the Democratic party rule, and in the light of this
and a brief account of the manner comparison the Republican melted
time the dispatches say the
are gaining ground again.
thoroughbred horses have
recently been selling in New York
at from to Look
like there is money in them.
Davis is doing as lively
campaign work as any of the young
bloods. He is on a tour and makes
average of a dozen speeches a
thy to editor of the Golds
upon the death of
his 11-year-old daughter, of
men, with more tongue than brains,
talking about breaking up Demo-
rings and smashing Democratic
machines. Such talk cannot, with
any show of truth, be to the
party in Pitt county for the simple
reason that the people am the
alone laminate absolutely
control the Democratic primaries I
and the Democratic conventions in
the county. In these primaries and
conventions the least and the hum
are equal to the greatest and
most distinguished. The Demo
candidates are therefore the
people's candidates they
should receive the united and
dial support of every voter who be-
that people should rule.
That was just like President j What can any voter hope to
Roosevelt to make several statesmen by sulking in his tent Mid
wait on the until he could j tIle
finish a conference with some He can
callers. lie working for the
of their nomination. We now pro-
pose to give a list of the opposition
nominees with a brief account of the
manner of their nomination. As the
Republicans were the first to name
their candidates we will take them
up first.
away, its followers deserted it until
now there are barely enough left to
When the meeting reassembled
on the a committee appoint-
ed to suggest candidates; and
names above was the result of.
r labors.
Why were no township
held Is it because it is impossible
to muster enough Populists to hold a
fill the Federal offices to be bestow-1 respectable township meeting And
ed county and it is very doubt-
if those this skeleton
want any new corners. Certainly
then then is nothing in this field
On the 1st of October a few men inviting to Democrats
to be dissatisfied with something the
party has done or with some of its
It is a thousand times
calling themselves Republicans met
in Greenville and named candidates
For house of representatives, W. J. i better to remain in the party, vote
Pope, of Grifton, and E. E. of
the regular ticket and seek to make
such changes in the party as may
We have actually got a white
man in North Carolina who says he
God Mr. Roosevelt is a
man good enough and great enough
to eat lunch T. Wash-
a representative of a race
who helped t save the fortunes of
self nor his country. Yea, more
What can he hope to by
staying off and voting for the can-
of the Radical machine or
the Populist remnant no dis-
Democrat will be silly
do this. He had about
For county commissioners, J. W. j be desired. In the party which con-
Smith, of F. of state and county each Demo-
and II. S. Tyson, can have a voice in shaping
Falkland. public affairs. Outside of the party
Now just why they did not name j he can have no influence and no
candidates for all the places to he j voice which counts,
voted for we do not know, unless it. In a subsequent issue we will
be that there are not the names of the Populist
enough in the county who are not with a true account of how
already in some federal position. If j they were nominated,
meeting was held in any town-
in the county to appoint
gates to a county convention we have
not heard of it- The men who
that service came of their
on ii accord, acted upon their own
responsibility and departed as they
came. By the way, would not a
Republican township meeting in
Pitt be a funny looking thing
When, oh, when was one held The
We have heretofore given the list
of the Democratic nominees and a
list of the Republican nominees,
with a brief account of how each
was chosen. We now propose to
give a list of the Populist nominees
time was when they could j a brief account of their
as- well attempt to role of
. the various township
Don Quixote. Hie would
as much for himself or his
this leads us to ask has become-
of the Populist party in Pitt It
was numerous and and
many of our best people.
Could a stranger who saw it in
and have looked in on it the
he must have been struck with
amazement to have seen this forlorn
remnant of a once aggressive party.
If the question be asked of what
death did it die, the answer must be
of fusion. The state leaders like
the Butlers and the Skinners tied
their party on to the Radical party
as a sort of Republican annex. Of
course two parties professing
so diametrically opposed to each
other as the Populist
parties could long work together.
These leaders got into the
can party and the great rank and
pile of Populists came back home
where they belonged and where they
are now doing good for
Democracy and good government.
There are just n few in the county
who still stand aloof. They number
a couple of dozen or so in Pitt. They
have too much of the Jeffersonian
Democracy in them to into the
Republican party and they are a
little too proud or stubborn to come
backbone. We beg to suggest to
they are throwing away their
a respectable number of respect-
the 8th of October, 1904, the position they
in. country in practical of men, appoint their couple dozen or so call. I occupy they can have no influence
T . life. the and have in their
man is Oscar J. Spears, a former
assistant attorney, whom
your say
y there. If things did i the court house and put out It they would come along
with us where they belong they
,. . f to suit you this year stay where conventions prior I
the Republicans of the sixth district . i . . i . d i a i
. . ,.,. yon can make yourself felt next year. mow this to be true, For the senate, A. J. make felt for
have nominated s candidate .,,,,, r . 1876 the Republican party has been I
for congress. The white man who of . . ,,,.,.,,
will vote for him. deserves to J h Democracy and to in , there . For
a con- of Creek and Dr. H. j.
is only place where the ,,. according to their plan of Grimes, Bethel.
In an editorial in i organization. What has brought For treasurer, W. J
it was stated that Mr. W. J.
Thigpen and Dr.-R J. Grimes had
the of the county and
for maintaining good government
upon a high plane. We would be
glad to see tin come. They must
be lonesome where they are. Better
come borne and come at once. This
Besides the vote given for Glenn is I of Greenville,
will determine the vote of the party bad record f the party in state, j Fr register of deeds. D. T. House, a
published cards declining to the district and What f Greenville
upon the Populist ticket, and it J for the next four years. is las destroyed the For county commissioners, H. L.
But if they will stand out in their
isolation and
s not unlikely others would The township gives in Pitt and in the Tyson, of Falkland; W. ,. Smith, no inducements to anybody
likewise. After that editorial I determine the strength of that II itS of and J. F. Tyson, of Car- If there here and
was written and n type, two other township for the next four do it-
there, in the county, a disappointed
cards of i similar mature If the Democrats ;,, clean record in state, county For surveyor, J. S. L. Ward, of or disgruntled Democrat is
possible for him to hurt anybody or
help anybody by giving his
to that remnant of the Populist,
therefore urge every Demo
ed to the paper. These wore from stay at
the day of Sensible people
Dr. J. E Nobles and Mr. W. and let Glenn go of the ways want the best. The people j For coroner, Dr. J. K. Nobles, of
Smith, but it was too late to men- with a vote, then nave J Greenville.
will have a small vote and hot little 1871 Republicans It is but fair to remark in this
their names in the editorial
with the others, and this explanation
is made in justice to
influence in the state,
county con vi mi lions. To illustrate
Still If the Democrats on
VOTE FOB THE DEMOCRATIC NOMI- north de of the river stay at
home on the day of election then the
i precincts on that side of the river
We have given, in former issues. I fall off in its and as , ,,,.
the list of candidates in Pitt with a have , vote in
brief and accurate account of the j convention, as the vote of
manner of their nomination. From county is upon
these accounts it plainly seen that j vote to foe candidate for
the Democratic candidates are the It behooves
only ones who have been really be at the polls
had complete control connection that Mr. W. J then if
the county of Pitt. That year wit- and Dr. It. J. Grimes, Dr. J. things have not gone to suit him this
complete overthrow of
the Republican party in Pitt and the
Democrats took charge of everything
in every township in the county
Bated. They are the only ones with
whose selection tin have been
allowed to have anything to do.
Their nomination was made the
on the day. f election and for
It. B. Glenn for governor. He is
worthy of our support and he should
receive a larger vote in Pitt than
Nobles Mr. W. L. Smith have
run upon
this ticket, and it is not unlikely that
others may do likewise. Hut to re-
there are lots of men living who can mm to the meeting that put up this
tell about that memorable campaign, ticket. It could not be called a
It is not so long ago that we need convention, for each person who
forget it. It might be a matter of participated in it did so, us we
people. The people had roan ever received, because we
do with the nomination of the Re- or g to have more Demo-
publican or Populist candidates. county than we
They were selected by a few self ever before,
pointed men who took upon them-
selves the task of naming men for other
to vote for. And yet we hear
A spank in time raves crime.
interest to compare the republican
government of Pitt prior to 1874
with the Democratic county govern-
after 1874, but it is not in our
j plan to do so now. Suffice it to say
that the Republican was one of ex-
mismanagement, con-
increasing indebtedness and
constantly increasing taxes, lawless-
and discontent. The Demo-
government was one of law
and order, honesty, economy, de-
creasing county indebtedness
decreasing taxes. For after
time he will be in a position, when the
next primaries and conventions are
held, to exert an influence in
the course of things Stay in
the family. Democrats, and fight it
out there Settle all difficulties with-
in the party. Our Populist friends
in and made a great
mistake in not pursuing this
course. II id they done so the cause
of fusion had never cast its blight
upon the state.
it, upon his own individual
responsibility. They were not there
as delegates, for no township meet-
had been held to appoint
gates, so far as we are informed.
It is true that some two weeks be-
will.-f the majority should
fore a number of gentlemen met in be the will of the party in all things
the court house, heard a speech from political; and in this democratic
Col. Skinner and some others, and of it there can be no objection
then adjourned to meet Oct., 8th, the will of the
with an understanding that the h
, , ,, , township or The
manes were to be held on the , , , , ,,
i principal f local self is
If a single primary was held fundamental democratic rule.
have not heard of it. i Raleigh Post
This department is In charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have j The buggy has made
about finished their new addition to wen a reputation among the court
factory. They now have over log chaps it is impossible for a
feet floor space engaged in buggy to stay in their factory,
manufacturing and their prospects The A. G. Cox Co. re
are much better than ever before. building a new department to
There is the best selection of that will contain
inks, library paste and feet of floor space. This will a
at the drug of Dr. B. T. great improvement to their factory
Bro. ever brought to Winterville. give them greater capacity for
Protect your eyes by buying work,
of those eye shades at the Drug Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
Store, price cents. I Prices-
J. C. Dickson, of Charlotte, was before purchasing and save
here a short while Friday. Winterville Mfg. Co.
Kittrell and Taylor have umbrella, trunk
received a heavy shipment of flour-, and Berber
See get their prices. Co.
For underwear that will make it j Boarding J. D.
warm for you in cold weather call Cox. Board 1.40 per day. Best
at John Whitty Son's. house in town.
Highest price for cotton seed Penny candies a at the
paid by County Oil Mill. of B. T. Cox Bro.
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh Kittrell Taylor nave just re-
loaf of bread. a nice assortment of cutlery
good barrel of if you want a nice knife see them.
A good cut wood. The
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. wish to con-
tract to have five hundred cords of
wood cut. Any wood cutter wish-1
Just received, car load
of flour.
ton, Barber Co.
Finest line of dress goods in
G. Co.
For nice picture f
we've got cheap.
A. W. Co.
Trunk end valises cheap.
Harrington Co.
and work at
Jno. Whitty Sou's.
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for your grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W.
Ange Co.
in need of
call K. G. Chapman Co
Men's Underwear
flour or pork see Kittrell Misses Mollie Bryan and j wood cart hub. A. G. Cox Mfg.
Cox spent Friday in the country.
Don't forget to bring or send We want your eggs at per
your cart hubs to A. G. Cox Barber Co.
Co. Fat kind they.
We now have a complete line of
For A pair of me-
size mules. A. G. Cox.
We want to buy your Hides,
A. G. Cox is offering a notions, hats and umbrellas, rugs
horse for sale. and window shades. Will take
ladies dress goods and trimmings. Goat Beeswax.
Tallow, Tin keys, Geese, Chickens
a will h-
I have been informed that A. in showing one and all jest market price for
W. Ange and Co. has the nicest through our line.
line of dress goods silks, ribbons, Harrington, Barber
hamburg and lace town. Beady made clot huts, up
worry over that little lot boots and B i-
of cotton you had over when and Co.
you got through ginning your Prof. W. H. passed
lots. I be Pitt Co. Oil Mill, buys through Friday on his to the
seed cotton quantity the educational tally at Grifton.
best market price paid every d-l T. N. Manning and Co. have
G-A. Kittrell and have jut fresh cheese, nice mullets
received a car load of No. Tim-; full supply of Groceries,
Hay. Window door frames, porch
Glass ware, crockery, tin, brackets and all kinds of
hoods, and See house trimmings at rock bottom
A. W. Ange and Co. prices, Winterville Mfg.
are continually call- Pure North Carolina Tar.
in for cart bodies and cuts com- Harrington, Berber and Co.
now. They seem to have School Lunch the work, and being able to save and
some corn to house or cotton to thing you work up nearly all of our timber,
the reasons why we
T. IT. Manning Co. are carry , The Pitt County Oil Mill i save our customers money,
the medicine that will cure buying Cotton Bred. They pay
of any state, the highest cash price or will ex
wish to notify the en nice for meal. When
public that I grind every write for
day my mill one mile sooth, of. We pay the top of the mark el
Second bend baggies cheap. If
yen buy a second baud
cheap the A. G. Cox
Mr. of
here Friday.
Plastering and cook stoves I
at A. W. Ange Co
Barber ft Co.
F r ball neat-
els and A. W.
Ante Co.
being in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
eager air of Autumn brings
us to the subject of Underwear
the kind that keeps you warm
without impressing you with the
fact that you are bundled up.
Underwear that drags, binds,
pulls and bunches up is the cheap
kind that's sold in dry
We Don't Handle It.
Every snit of Underwear we sell
is from the best and most reliable
No matter what want you'll
find it here.
Jersey Natural Wools.
Merinos, Cashmere,
Medium Weights If
You Prefer.
The of our stock is as
great the variety in the tastes
and figures of mankind.
Every good
kind is here; also the good, old
popular, reliable kinds, that we all
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
School books, stationery, pens,
yours and school supplies of all
kinds can be found at the drug
is the on
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Winterville, 3-22
Frog bevel on Sam place, for Barber and j your feet by wearing
Tripp. Co. B. G. Chapman and
We now have oil band a nice At Reduced A. G. Co. nave the kind and size you
line of dress remarkably Cox Mfg. Co. ore closing out a big j need.
figures, come. Bee and be con- lot wire reduced I. J. Whichard and E. E.
Yours truly They have the finest and -s;, H, cf Greenville, were down here
Kittrell and Taylor, substantial fence and j evening.
Box Body for is can get a bargain if you apply
now I lie season when once.
a box-body lo Big of l
farm products to the ham or just received. Prices
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are G. Chapman and Co.
making selling them and you The weather is very dry and
had better send them your order
at once. y
Si-e A. Kittrell for feed stuff
of all
The Winterville Mfg. Co.,
up nice proof kitchen safes.
They are cheap and convenient.
Get your dealer to order you one.
See the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Go's. Prices right.
Cotton seed meal and hulls
A. Kittrell Co.
We want your grapes every day
up to Friday at o'clock a. m.
bring that time
Fridays nor on Saturdays. We
pay per pound for No.
ken nod lie per pound for No
Is. picked.
Yours truly,
G. A. Co-
For Nails Lime see A. W.
ft Co,
For Ladies, Boys and Girls.
Need no supporters.
We sell and guarantee them.
Look at them and try a pair.
Ask for Fay Stockings at
our Counter.
All the newest things in
Dress Goods and Clothing.
C L Wilkinson Co-
y to

All of the
and the
We claim to have the largest and m st complete
stock of Shoes in this We ire now shoving Urge
of styles in the best makes for Men.
Children and Infants. We can't tell yon much about
them in this space, but we want to call your attention to
the famous
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
It i. easy enough
but that It
is the test.
We make strong claims
for this Shoe, and ask a
trial that oar
be proven. We claim a
unique, common sense
sole construction, found
i no her shoe. A sys-
of lat modeling
makes a shoe that,
tits the foot as nature
We also claim that
while of material
and workmanship may
possibly be equaled, they
cannot be lied the
price, and that as good a
shoe cannot be made and
is not sold tor less.
are, however,
UNION MADE the tangible results of
many study of the complex needs of
human foot They appeal to co union sense warrant
a trial by every who desires foot good
service combined.
J. B. Cherry Co
At the
the occurred
a novel wedding The
part es were Mr. Jno hit and
Miss Patters-n Mis. Patterson was
taken to the hospital on the evening
lief re very sick with typhoid fever
They were to have been married the
1st of November, but the groom
elect wished attend a her sick lied
and so they married e the
bride reclined no hr roach of pain
and the -n beside
by W. sad the only
witnesses resent were nurses
t and the brother of groom
resent say it. was a scene of sad and
. solemnity Ex.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Fay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
South Carolina boasts of a
with feet inches and as
thick as ten hams, bis ad i
dress should be given, fur the
Southern whits man who votes for j
Roosevelt and wakes up mi the;
morning of the of November to
K learn of Parker's election, would
I like to borrow that coon's feet to give
j himself a real strenuous, kicking
Cold Comfort
Wilmington Star.
French, ex-postmaster
Wilmington, ex h of
New Hanover County, at one lime
representative of I, m
that county, and tor years He-
ll publican leader tin-n. died Sunday
at his home in Maine
He had the most checkered earner
politically of man eve lived
in Wilmington.
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Discounts KM
Stocks, securities, etc.
Demand loans 19.047
Due from Hanks OS
Mother cash items 8,314.80
Gold Odd Hi
Stock paid in 25,000.00
Surplus. 25,000.01
Undivided Profits lens
Expenses Paid 3,509.03
subject to check
Demand of depot. 20,000.00
Bit's payable,
North Carolina, j
County of Pitt.
James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of June,
Notary Public.
J. a.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
living, or within three years after upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the
On special n Mr.
J, A. Turner, will be in I'm and
the 1-i some i
time for th i-o.-e
for the The
tie prepared i-- him
he If should I
can Air. i
K. J.
T. P. II mi. Ins. Co.
old l-I O to go I i
under I are i
-f at
a hundred. ; j
DR. G. P.
Hi ice next door to Post
I i
Do you Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
cured by
Under all curable conditions
Mr. D. of
cured by
trouble which
had effected
Tobacco has
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
Sale By
Lover Suicide.
Richmond, Va., October
Mill, of same age, were found
dead this morning three miles from
Ashland, which is fifteen miles
from Richmond, with a bullet hole
behind girl's ear and a bullet
in the boy's forehead.
They Bide by side with
band clasped.
Mill, who of
loved the girl, whose parents
discouraged his Offing
to the extreme y nth f both. The
evidence points murder and
suicide, according to a
arranged plan of the young people.
Of with
Colic, cholera a
Mr G. W. Fowler of
Ala., relates an lie bad j
while serving on h jury in s
aider case at
seat of Ala-
He there I
ate some fresh n eat and some
souse meat it gave me cholera
in a very severe form.
M never more in my life and
Kent to the drug store f-i
bat the
sent me h of
Remedy instead, g lie
had what e-out for, hot
medicine wee so much he
would rather ti me in
fix I was in. I took one dose of
it and wee better in five
The dose cured me entire-
Two fellow jurors were afflict-
ed in tbs same manner and one
small bottle cored the of
For at
Going to school seems very hard
luck till you quit it to try to earn u
A weak stomach weakens the
man. it cannot
and cannot be re.
without restoring health
strength to the stomach. A
weak st digest
to fee lbs tissue and revive
tired Hill inn limbs
ii ml i
cine digests yon
eat, and the
and of the
Sold at Woo Drug Store.
E folks advertised eon-
e.-cs b-r Mil- how many
lines you ii . de
One of the most s
of a cold, deep Mealed on
K ion, ml ,
who entirety cured
of One Minute Cure,
so that I down
down in IV-. to H.
I number of no
avail until I used
t ii.
wonderful remedy cured me entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restore me to my
weight, health and
Hold at Ding Stoic.
Hit's a good a man kin
sing in his troubles, but bit's
mighty much like a feller a
joke in
S. Newly,
and kidney troubles have en-
left me. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea made me well and
strong. cents. Tea or Tablets.
Having qualified as administrator
Anni- L Smith, deceased, late of
county, N this Is to notify all
estate of said deceased them
lo the undersigned on or before the
of August 1916, or this notice
will he pleaded In bar of their recovery
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make ate meat.
This day of August
October 5th and 6th, 1904.
The most gorgeous exhibition
of Artistic Millinery ever shewn.
Exact duplicates of Paris, Lon-
don and New York patterns.
Come, early and avoid the rush.
Doors open or
The day date 5th and 6th, Wednesday and Thursday.
wt. .
and Evans street.

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Lawn edged all around
with I inch gown Lace, M l;, big
values for rub Sale j for SC.
yards Homespun, nil colors you
can want, it will cost you cents the yard, this
i-c per yd.
Water color opaque window Shade with in.
thread fixtures complete, feet long by
feet wide, worth ibis Sale
Dark Calicoes you pay
and tic for, we have the market during I It in
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton glow woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, ends, sizes
Others I ave r each, this Sale two
towels for
hi, fall, seamless,
welted top, fine Big values for cents
per pair, this Sale i-ac per
bust Corset, jeans, a book
Heel cable cord bust and has
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Sold the world
over for this Sale
Black mercerized, gloss, full
width in. plaited none for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This Sale cents per Dozen.
suits hi and fancy worsted, Men's
that always bring tour and five dollars,
this Sale
1,900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to you any where from
l to Sale
Big line of fall underwear, can't implicate these We have a big lot of bats that we sold from
anywhere, for big values, this ninety cents to cue big value at thane
I prices, this Sale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best bleach log, as long as we
have any, this Sale y
Shirts that yon will say are for
all colors you can ask fur, this Sale
We will tell a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell
I will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Trip Him.
Stories of surprises cross ex-
were exchanged in a
I small group of men the day,
awl following was sprung by
Ian ago one
f the prominent of
Him. was D. G.
justice of the State
Quart. was a
great wit and a very smooth article
Be did not
often get the worst of it from any-
body. He seldom attempted bull-
dozing in cross-examination, but
could back an unwary man
most any admission. day
had an old farmer named
Dave Brown the opposite
and the value of the old man's ten
upon his claim
that he could not read. It was be-
that he could read a little,
and tried to trap him.
After several adroit efforts, which
old Dave neatly sidestepped, the
changed the and
wandered away from the leaning
you a Bible in your
house, Mr.
Cattily Bible.
Had ii for
glad to hear that.
good should have a Bible
Yon use your Bible, I
Peril of Corrupt Politics.
If an is put to the practice
of the United
States will soon have the evil dis-
of possessing tie most
venal electorate the world.
There is a
in which there are not
large numbers of electors whose
ballots are for sale to the highest
binder. It is to this class to which
the ad
dresses himself. Their votes
f r as much as the votes of the
est and best men in the community.
The price paid for their
venality has been steadily rising
the successive campaigns. They
constitute now a
venal class, and their have
to be reckoned with every
The vote of the clergyman,
the professional or business
he, student, the mechanic, the
clerk, the of any
honest man with convictions on
political be offset by
the ballot of a man who his
vote and sells it to the
chaser who afford to pay most
Valuable Suggestions lb the Man V.
A woman may pt a in
but man bis wife
a- leisure. Ii r, lie
that a in in a woman to
marry him he has tie
cannot live without tier, The
Kansas City World; It he
live without her it is bis
duty to do his be to live with her.
This is not always so. as it
sounds. Here are a few simple
rules for the wise
If your wife frowns at you smile
at her.
If she smiles at you laugh with
If she angry sooth her.
If she is gracious thank
If she wise her,.
if she is extravagant explain to
If she floes her pleasures
for you he generous with her.
If she is beautiful appreciate
If weT
It she is lonely stay at home
with her.
If she is tired tend her.
If she doubts you be frank with
If she grieves be tender a her
If historical Ignore her.
If she deceives you lie harsh
with her.
If she is saucy her.
Ir she is good adore her.
Move the Furniture Around When it-Can-
Replaced With New.
One bright woman changes
position of the furniture a
year she cannot afford to
make new purchases. thought
is a happy one, for sameness of
arrangement, the same old things
in the same old places, in often con-
to menial weariness, and
changing the position of things
gives new lite to room. Even
if it do no more than satisfy you
with arrangement, it
has accomplished some good.
night Jack told me
that be wouldn't many the best
girl living,
she look Rocky
Tea or Tablets. Wooten's
Drug Store.
From the looks of the
th-re is not pot ton loft to be
picked the
is going to be shorter than
Greenville, H. C.
Dear It costs two or three
times as to put paint as
to buy it. A gallon of poor paint
costs as much as a gallon of good,
for the work; a gallon of poor
don't go half as Poor, paint
lasts half or a third or a quarter as
and wood
Iron a half or a third or
as well as good.
Do yon buy good painter poor
You don't know any poet
market is full of ii l
All agents have a state
chemist's certificate which tells
just what's in
name; the safe
name; lead-and-zinc.
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our paint.
Go To St Louis
C. polite.
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all it s beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
I C. and Big Four Railways,
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
One Men Especially Fine.
T. Jenkins, of Wilson,
N. C, Oct.
Mr. and Mrs. George
on of the state's most gifted j Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Bob-
preachers, delighted the Baptist attended services at Chap
Sunday with two as man's Chapel Sunday morning.
good sermons as were
in Greenville.
on was addressed to Chris- Chapel.
Rev. B. E. Stanfield bus concluded
a very successful meeting at the
The tribute to character
was masterfully while
appeal for purity of life was
heart searching.
The service at night was under
he auspices of the class.
large and appreciative
listened to the eloquent and
words of Mr. Jenkins
taken from the
the 119th
shall a man
taking heed
i part
It. Almost
done in
clean.-- his
speaker K
thrilling history of
the history of
everything that is
To verify the
be mentioned many
pies that beautify the pages
Mr. Charles D. Baker spent Sun-
day In Washington on business.
Mr. James Ousby, of Halifax, is
daughter, Mrs. Geo.
H. Cole.
Lula is the sick
list, we arc sorry to say.
Om -co scare
in Greenville authorities
have met Mild ordered
Di. Kicks is preparing tor the
Mr. John U. Cox and Mr. U. H.
Stanley have gone to Washington
today on business for Beaufort Co.
Mr. L. R. Ricks Miss Mary
Bell spent in Greenville.
Messrs. R. G. Chapman and son
have been busy the past week
hauling goods their new store.
,. . V Chapman, manager, is a The B
Young men, said he, should t is talk of all the business
N. C, Oct. 1904.
carnival at Tarboro has
been a drawing card for the
people of
Misses and Blanch Mayo,
and Mattie and Grimes re-
port a pleasant time in
Mi- Maggie Nelson is
The teachers and pupils will
be glad to e her back to
lier work.
Mr. Grey of Scotland Neck, who
has been clerking for Mr Blount
i few hen to bis
home. He was making many
friends here.
Theron has returned
from the exposition at St. Louis.
Bis brother, Tom. from Texas,
collie with him to visit his parents
Prof. W. H- spent
Monday at graded school. The
teachers, pupils and friends of the other turn,
school t
Mr. Price, of Williamston, i
the school here.
Mr. Barker able
sermon at the Methodist church
Sunday evening.
The Bethel Banking and Trust
Democratic Rally
to be present
in Greenville Saturday, Oct.
and take a part in the horse hack
procession In honor of Hon. R. B.
Glenn, Democratic for
governor. will leave
court house ac 10.30 o'clock
day and preceded by will
go under direction of chief
marshal, to meet the next gov-
of our State.
Music by the Osceola Baud,
speaking will begin at
twelve o'clock.
Lei every voter bear the great
speech of the campaign. Ladies
especially to take part in
R. W. King, Chief Marshall
Committee on Arrangements;
P. G. James, L. C. Arthur,
D. C. Moore, O. L.
L. I. Moore
Indian is
Monday, 1904.
W. F. Burch Sunday for
H. left this morning
for New York.
A. R. Forbes left Sunday for
Rocky Mount.
Miss Bale Quinn returned to
Winterville Sunday evening.
County Superintendent W. H.
went to Bethel today.
I. A. returned Sunday
evening from the exposition at
Mis Mamie
from Scotland
Bess high aims, with an
and an immovable courage and
firmness. God has ordained
you must pay the price would you
Wear laurel; would you unlock
the portal of lite you must turn
the key. Toil, labor, these
sanctify. The places you
wrought hardest become the
brightest, memory. It takes
time to build a character. Mush-
rooms grow in a night, in a night
they die. Oaks grow for years,
they stand for centuries.
is not reached by a sin-
We build the ladder by which we
From the lonely earth to
reach summit by
first and best of
says Plato, for a to
himself; to be conquered by
himself is of all things the most
and After the
speaker gave many examples from
bitter; and literature that tailed
to conquer self, he enforced
thought that if we would evolve
ideals Into realities we must be
mindful of the of time.
He who kills time must pay the
this fall. j men and around Bethel. The
W. T. Se lie H. U. deposits for the first
Revenue Collator Os.-u who
is looking alter
for eastern North
about the enforcement of
Watts law, says that none of the
state officials have ever examined
what known as No
his office, which shows per-
sons who have paid special taxes
for the sale of liquor. He says
The Divorce Problem.
It is the credit of the Catholic
church it has never yielded
to compromise with spirit of
name to wreck homes and leave
innocent children
Severe its rule may he called, not
If the
Stanley to Chapman's surpassed the expectations of temporizing If the
most sanguine The;. church, if
a bank pays-the the to set its own
say a
O. ft Brown, Henderson,
Came in Saturday evening to
A. H. Taft.
Mrs. J. G. and little
daughter returned Sunday evening
from Conetoe.
V. W. Perkins rime in
day evening from Washington and
left morning.
Rev. P. s. Coward,
representative of the Norm Caro-
spent Sunday here.
Mr, Mrs. C. C. Vines, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ii. have
. returned from the world's fair at
There will bean the
at the academy Friday evening, reform everywhere will
of music, debate by in
iris . i. . nut . , ,
iris, and
a spelling No
Where the Perched.
A had arisen in the
national uniformity of enactment
to check if not to cure an evil that
me races the very basis of our
Y. World.
Ferguson family,
Mr. wished to invite
that in nine cases out of ten where Aunt Abigail to come and spend
sales of liquor are made in Watts
law territory the government has
got its tax, the liquor being sold
in defiance of the state law.
other words, the revenue depart
has seen that its law has
been complied with and that the
federal tax has been paid. The
records contain a complete list and
is really the only thing open to the
general public.
Charlotte Observer.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol-
failure. face last
of the great el k of time is but
We should our faculties
upon a definite Not many
things indifferently but one thing
supremely is the demand of the
hour. He who scatters his efforts
in this intense age
cannot hope to succeed.
There must be a a iron will for
facing difficulties. There is
impossible to him who will
try. High ideals, concentration
will bring
After the speaker told
tie Greek slave, who
all a. d became
the address was concluded
Robt. Hodges Heath.
W R. Ford and William
Foreman and George
Chas. Harris Peyton.
John Williams and Christie
winter at his house. His wife
She's a old
said Mrs. Ferguson, I don't
want her here. We've got enough
to do to support ourselves, with-
out having another mouth to
to look out for that.
I want you to Understand, Laura,
that I'm the breadwinner for this
family, and I say she shall
I want you to understand
Ferguson, that I'm
for th s family, and I
say she
Aunt Abigail didn't come
the Cost and Were Vaccinated.
Saturday men living
in north the river were
the noble youth before Justice IT, Hard
Greenville-1 would Say, gather Up ling on warrant for refusing to be
upon the , . .,.
failing key your d p
a noble purpose, and j the court was that they
lam ch forth determined pay cost and submit to
though yon may be It for a person
for a tune as a you will j. ,., . , , ,
needing it to refuse to be
The is under last- a goes to them for
obligations to the class that purpose the n
so delightful a service. of the of
Are You Helping to Bury Your Town.
A town that never has anything
to do in public way is on the road
to the cemetery. Any who
will do nothing for his town is
the A man
who will cuss his town furnishes
the coffin. one who is so
selfish as to have no time from his
business to the city affairs
is making the The mer-
chant who will not Advertise is
driving i he hearse. The man
l always back from any
public throw;
t on grave.
The is so stingy and
selfish as to be always howling hard
times preachy the funeral
sings an thus
town lies buried tree from all
row rare. Ex.
The Free Preps congratulates
the people of North Carolina
the Improvement Com-
Gov. Thomas J, Jarvis
has hero made a director of
company. Jarvis has always
closely identified with every
movement for the and
development of this section, in
this capacity he cad do much in for Richmond.
teat direction. His advice to the
company will be Invaluable ant
his efforts behalf of the people
along the Hue will do toward
promoting prosperity in this sec-
Free Press.
Jesse Perry, of Scotland Neck,
who has visiting his
Mn. J. F. Brinkley. returned
homo this morning.
Mrs. J. T. Matthews, of Wash-
has been visiting her
daughter. Miss Lena, left
evening for
Joe Barnhill of Williamston,
who has here on a to
bis parents, Mr. Mrs J. H.
left Sunday miming for
Charleston, S. c.
Tuesday, Oct.
J. N. Gorman left this morning
Get saddle home ready for
Glenn on Saturday, 22nd.
Child Badly Hurt.
Miss Mary Lucy Dupree,
daughter -f Mrs. Dupree
met with a severe accident
day afternoon After school in
with other child-
she was walking up the rail-
road to the water works site near
the river. They saw a freight
train moving along the track and
while running to get out of the
way she fell down cut her face
J. J. Bibs this morning for
Raleigh to attend the fair.
Dr. Chas. went
to Monday evening.
Miss Nell left this
morning to attend the Raleigh fair.
Miss Maggie of
Hamilton, who been noting
Mrs. W. K. Smith, returned home
Mrs. Burton, Winston, who
has been here her
Mrs. M. A. returned home
Miss Betsy Greene, of LaGrange.
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. F M, Hodges, returned home
Monday evening.
H. A. White, W. H. Jr.
and J. J. Jr, left
Monday evening for Raleigh to
take in the fair.
Rev. W. E. Powell, former pastor
of chorea here, left
County Canvass.
The county
dates their can last week,
speaking at Fountain Friday and
at Farmville Saturday. There
were not many people at with his family morning for
but h large heard Newport News, Va, They made
them at Farmville. foe principal a host cf friends in Greenville who
speakers among candidates are to see leave.
gentlemen upon the legislative
lick and these good
Mrs. M. A. Allen, d daughter,
Miss left thin to join
Mr. Allen in Danville and make
that their home. Their de-
can have a good time Greenville
would have if she were having it. I friends.

Eastern reflector, 18 October 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 18, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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