Eastern reflector, 14 October 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchiefs edged all
with i Life, big
values fr cents, this Sale for
yards Homespun, colors you
it will you cents the yard. this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque Window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures G feet by
feet wide, worth tins Sale
About yards Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market during this
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted clocks, ends, sizes
Others i ; each, ibis Sale two
towels fur
Bum, seamless,
welted top, line Big values rent
per , this Sale per pair.
High bust English Corset, jeans, book
steel cable cord bust and has
trimmed top, perfect Sold the world
over for this Sale
Black mercerized, spun gloss, Petticoats full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This cents per Dozen,
BOO unit and fancy worsted. Men's
always bring tour and five dollars,
line of fall underwear, can't implicate these
anywhere, for big values, this
1,900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to yon any where from
to Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best bleaching, as long as we
have any, this Sale y
Shirts that you will cay are cheap for
all you can ask for, this Sale
We will sell a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell them
I will shave to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
N. O.
Dear Have you found out
you paint a job with fewer
gallons than of anything
else, lead-and-oil
Mr. Floyd
Sign painter, N. Y.,
it out three years ago; he
have us d lead-
and zinc for the past three years,
and cannot say too much its
I am using it on a Dig
job that i by contract, and it
has saved me at least in the
cost of
is the strongest paint we
know of; goes furtherest; takes less
of it to do job.
Lead and-oil is pure; lead-and-
zinc is stronger; covers more; goes
Have you out you can
paint a gallon in less time
than a gallon of anything
That means less time for the job.
Lees time; leas
Less paint; less for that;
less time, less for that.
lasts do you mind
the less for that I You are
surer of it.
Yours truly
F. W. to.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
A Cure at Last Mined, After
a Searching In vest Ration.
by St. Louis
A months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic
of St. Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out of test cases,
y cured and have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
but a question of a few week.
So astonishing have been the results
and in cases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
this cure to all
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain at home,
rounded by friends and relates, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those In
New Mexico and Texas
The wonderful results in question
been accomplished by the
and the company which controls this
marvelous medical device have located
their main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will be known as
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the fluid
will person
ally charge of the of the
company. Mr. Benson will personally
meet all who call st the office of the
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable Jo make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
Free booklet, on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St ,
St. Louis, Mo
There was a large audience in
I the opera Friday night,
H. M. deliver
bis famous lecture on his to
Palestine. Our people had been
hearing Dr. preach for
nearly two weeks and were so
that they
. to hear his lecture. And
i as delightful as a
I as preacher. For an hour and a
half be graphically described many
i investing scenes incident to a OCTOBER to
j trip through the Holy Land,
t.-nutting from pathos to humor in above occasion the
a manner that held the closet at- Atlantic Coast Line will sell
N. C,
ten of every bearer.
round trip tickets from Green-
Dr coming to at the low rate
been a blessing to the of which includes one ad-
town and he will long be pleasantly
remembered by the people here.
The influence of his labors here
will be a power for good through
time to come.
Subscriptions to all papers and
magazines are taken Reflector
Book You can save your-
self the trouble of if you
remember this.
n c
Will its 58th annual session or
October 5th, 1904, in the elegant new
building with every modern comfort
and new furniture and
equipment throughout. Literary.
Scientific Classical and Business
courses. School of Music, art and
Expression. Full of able and
experienced teachers, specialists in
their several departments. Kinder-
methods taught by a
K r. inns mod-
further information apply
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October 14th
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
22nd., 1904, with final
limit to return October 24th.
Ask the Ticket Agent.
M. H, Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P A
Wilmington, N C
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
change meal and hulls for seed,
and furnish bags pay all
Write us for terms when
you are to sell Jot
Washington, N. C.
Go To Si Louis
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all it s beauty. An not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and bust with fast vestibule
W. O, D. P. A.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
An Effort to Get Coast Line to Put on
Another Train to Reach Kinston in
the Forenoon,
The business people and all
of this city will be interested
to know that an effort is being
made to get the Atlantic Coast
Line to put on another train on
the Scotland Neck branch, to reach
this city the return
to Hobgood the afternoon. This
will give the people along this
road a double service in pas
and freight traffic is
Winterville, N. C,
Ed Smith was here a short while
Sunday evening.
Miss Bessie Chapman is visiting
relatives at
Harvey Cox, of Ayden, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Evelyn Cox.
Bill Dixon was here Saturday
and Sunday visiting relatives and
shaking with his old
Rev. W. K. Cox, of Greenville,
Beaver Dam, If. C, Oct.
Four families this section are
quarantined on account of small-
pox. The doctors report all rick-
en with the malady as doing well.
No new cases are reported. AH
suspicions parties will be watched
and reported to the authorities.
One poor fellow said he had
much needed and if done j came Monday to see his mother
prove a great benefit to Kinston in the
many ways.
The advantages to be derived
from he daily are
many, union then, it will put in
closer n t
along this Hue and
to come to out city and transacting
their business return home the
same day. This of course will turn
to a large volume of
that now goes elsewhere. Another
advantage is that from
Norfolk and the north will leach
Kinston to hours sooner than
now, besides die
inadequate facility for hand-
ling the freight this branch of
the road.
A great many her benefits and
advantages will
service, but folks don't
just it's up to
business men to get together
and ask of the officials
this thing.
The Free Press is in a position
to state that the officials would
more than likely act favorably on
the request if made with the prop-
backing. That would be the
chamber of commerce, the Free
suggests, hold a meeting
and make the request formally
and officially.
There is no doubt but the
men citizens
of the city, are in favor of the
proposition and the time to act is
Kinston Free
church night.
It. i. C was town Saturday.
L L. el I went, over the
Olivia Cox left to-d j for
to take charge of a school.
Miss Bertha Dawson left Tues-
day to visit relatives at
H. A. White, of Greenville, was
Id town Monday.
Miss Helen Cox, of Ayden, who
Lost fifteen Years.
Mr. Luther N. White has located
a handsome gold watch which lie
nearly fifteen years ago, and
in a few days his property will be
restored to him The discovery of
the after this lapse of time
and the by which it was
accomplished furnishes quite an
a preacher
Louisburg carried the watch to a
nothing but the itch, and that be
had rather go to the penitentiary town it re.
than smallpox. All The jeweler noticed that
whites are becoming converted and
being vaccinated, while the color.
ed people are it the go by
as they are picking
A colored association at
Warren chapel the 10th. If
the colored people should happen
to have smallpox on the ground
there be more work for the
medical fraternity.
Another bear has been sen and
chased, but escaped all his
A dog hydrophobia passed
J. H. Cobb's store going north.
A message was sent to Ben
has been visiting Miss Magdalene Joyner, at Polls to look for
Cox, returned to her home Sunday the Ben armed
with a gun stood on guard and
quickly dispatched the dog when
of Greenville
and Charlie Boyd, of Bed
were here Sunday sporting
Jerome Oscar
were here Sunday to see
Mr. Mrs. B. P. Manning,
and child of Ayden,
Sunday here.
Charles Smith came home Sun-
day from a trip off.
Frank Harrington and George j
Kittrell went to Rocky Mount,
Quite a number of the students
of the W. H. S. Saturday
Sunday with their parents,
Cotton picking is progressing
with a vim. It will soon be over
if fair continues, as the
crop is ten percent, short.
All sunshine and no rain enables
the farmers to save lots of bright
Cotton is being ginned and sold
as fast as picked. If Sully can
hold thirty days he will again
be a noted Southern bull.
There is a very poor crop of field
peas but a fair crop of corn.
We want Uncle Sam to sprinkle
our roads, as there is more dust
than ever before.
Farmer are all smiling as they
c line home from Greenville. To
is selling well. That is the
fruits of a small crop.
it was of expensive workmanship
and examined it closely. He found
that it had at one time been re-
paired at store of H. Mahler's
Sons, so be wrote here making in-
Mr. Mahler, after re-
to his books, reported the
matter to Mr. L. iN. White. Mr.
White sent a full description to
the Louisburg jeweler and he re-
plied that, the watch was the same
one Mr. White lost. this way
Mr. White will soon recover the
watch which is supposed U have
been from his store or the
premises years
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol
Edward, and Ed-
Allen and Emma
Alex Bullock and Langley.
Moses Grimes and Martha Tel-
Caesar Joyner and Fannie
Will Tyson and Laura Parker.
Ned Brown
Editor Reflector;
I see in the of the
more than two ago convention published in
was interested in
this kind. The He-
at, that time
petitions from the business men of
Greenville, Winterville, Ayden
to the railroad officials
asking for the double service
and Capt. W. II. Newell, of the
Coast Line, came here fir a con-
about it. At the time it
looked like the petitions would be
complied with and the doable
vice put on, but for reason
the matter was sidetracked.
The needs of such a service and
the benefit it will bring to all the
towns along this branch of the
road is apparent to every and
the railroad would also increase its
own business by putting it on.
The merchants association of
Greenville should at take
steps to cooperate the mer-
day's issue of The Reflector that
I was named as a for
treasurer by that convention. I
wish to state that the use of my
name by the convention was with-
out my knowledge or consent,
I am not a candidate of that or any
other party for any office.
W, J.
Reminder of the Good Old Days.
A good woman remarked this
morning saw something in the
Methodist church Sunday night
that Greenville has not witnessed
in When what it
was she said, man went in
penitence to the altar and was con-
while kneeling there pray-
for the pardon of his
The incident the good old
days f the
el of Kinston in the move-
to get the double service. If Smallpox Patient Escapes
all the towns along the road will; named
wort fr it we believe it last week
The Graded School.
Those of our people who do not
visit the graded school
have little idea what are
missing. The splendid system by
which everything is and the
of the superintendent
and teachers is well worth witness-
A visit to the school will
increase your pride in it. Your
presence occasionally will also be
an encouragement to your children
by shoving you are inter-
in what are doing in
Services at Falkland.
Thee will be services in the
church at Falkland
every night next week,
with Sunday night, Oct,
A cordial is extended
Gone to Arizona.
Hon. B. E. Lacy, state treasurer,
has gene to Ari-
to consult with his brother,
Dr. John H. Lacy.
Mr. Lacy is suffering greatly
from catarrh and in tour months
has not had two consecutive nights
of sleep. The climate of
Arizona is expected to help him.
Raleigh News and Observer.
Join the Procession.
Every township in the county
Monday. Oct. 10th., 1904.
J. S. Mooring spent Sunday in
J. E Hughes, of Danville, came
in Sunday.
W. B. James left this morning
for Halifax.
Mrs. A. J. spent
in Washington.
Rev. J. A. Hornaday left this
morning for Saratoga.
J. S. Campbell returned to
Washington this morning.
Miss Jennie of
is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. W.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
Grimes returned to Raleigh Sunday
District Attorney Harry Skinner
evening from
Mrs. Harry Miss
Winnie left this morning
for Richmond.
C of who
has been upending few r,. -here.
left this morning.
J. K. came down from Hob-
good Saturday evening and re-
Sunday morning.
Mrs. G. W. Baker of Lewiston,
who has been visiting Mrs.
Whichard, returned home today.
Mrs. W. B. Brown and children
returned Saturday evening from a
visit to her father, near Ports-
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. of
Williamston who has visiting
Mrs. R O. left this
morning for home.
Miss Kathleen of Prank
who hes been
Nina returned to her
home this morning.
Misses Nina White, of Scotland
Neck and of Tar-
who have been visiting Mrs.
J. G. this morning.
Rev. H. H. Moore, of Newport
News, arrived Saturday evening
and preached both morning
night at the Christian Sun-
J. M. who has been
working for Ed. the
should try to have the largest years, bas accepted a no-
number of horseback riders in the
procession at rally in
Greenville on 22nd.
Make it a big day and give our
next governor a royal greeting.
Some Improvements.
W. B. is having a porch
Educational Rally at
There will be an educational
rally at on Friday night,
14th. will be made by
Dove and and per-
haps others. The school will begin
in the new building on Monday
following the rally.
Mr. Ames Dead.
Mr. L. D. Ams died -l
Vie secured.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
H. O. Hyatt will be in
with a case of smallpox and was
placed in station,
made his escape Sunday night. It
is supposed that he vent back to
at toe betel, October h
17th . 18th. and Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, for the
, of treating diseases of the The Pitt county corn fail will be
and fitting glasses. Those held the farmer
able to pay a lee will be ex-. should b. inK
built the front of his at his home near Portsmouth., Va.
on Dickinson avenue,
J. A. Andrews i having hi
residence on street newly
I returned fr mi
more I my fall mil
and notions. Opening Sept
IS, Mrs. U. L. Boyd,
N. door to
He was years
the father of Mrs. W
of Greenville, and u
much of his lime hen
winter months.
He was
, Brown,
d to spend
during the
For hand Brooks
ten Press, good running
aider. K. L
Hunts N. N. C.
at aid left for his
new home Saturday evening. We
egret very much to him go.
Tuesday, Oct. 1510.
Rev. H. H. Moore returned to-
day to Newport News.
Rev. W. E. Cox returned this
morning Winterville.
J. T. Matthews, of Washington,
spent the morning here on his re-
turn home from Kinston.
Mrs O. Brown, of Henderson,
arrived Monday to visit
her sister, Mrs. A. H. Taft.
Bertha Savage, of Scotland
Nick, who has been visiting Mis.
Z. T. Vincent, borne to-
Mi-s Harper, of Wilson,
who has be-n Mrs. H. L.
Carr, led even for
Mrs. J. Grimes, Hal-
has visiting her
Mr. and Mis. J. J. Laugh-
this morning.
. .

D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Advice to the Aged.
hive a specific effect on these
stimulating t ii o causing
to perform
in youth end
to the Matter
are -J young.
Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
How often you can ,
nail or driver or
lacking. Have a good
t box and prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
all could desire, and
we will see your tool
box do lack a single
I Of Course I
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
C. T. and V. Johnson
having old to A. K. Tucker their en-
tire interest in the firm of A. K. Tucker
Co. heretofore existing in the
of Greenville. N. C, the said firm
hereby dissolved by mutual consent
from and after this date.
In the firm of dissolution the said
A. B. lakes all
and assumes all the liabilities of said
firm. All persons owing said firm
will therefore make payment to said
A. Tucker and all persons having
claims against firm will present them
to said a. E Tucker for payment.
Witness our hand and signatures
this Sept 17th
I C. T.
Having purchased the entire inter
of T. and V. John-
son in the firm of A. E. Tucker Co . ;
I will continue the business in my own
name at the same place- i
our nations for their favors and to
solicit a continuation of the same.
, shall endeavor to plea I one who
me with their patrons w and to
make it to their advantage to come
All persons having data Greenville.
the old Arm of A. B. Tucker and Co. . .
will them to me tor I
and all persona owing the
make to me.
This Sept 17th
Monday from a
will continue the business at the same, trip to S. U.
old stand and we take pleasure .
mending him to the favor am patron Baker spent inlay
age of the , G u y i
This Sept 17th 1904. J
C. T. Marsha Dickson an of
Z. V. JO. j Co. Lumber Co had
Ins right arm quite badly mashed
. A. Harris of Halifax, spent;
N. O., Oct.
B. field filled his
regular appoint met I here Sunday.
j D C. L and Mrs.
Annie Baker Friday in
wont to
will I Mount Monday.
H. B. Phillips general manager
I of the Beaufort County Lumber
REV. Ph. D Principal.
Winston Salem, N. C, March 9th., 1904.
Mr. Chas. M. Charlotte, N. C,
Dear is a little unusual to file an order this late-
in the season, but we find that the more Pianos which
are add to out music department, the better the results at-
in the work. have added quite a number of your
during the last few years, and they have all
given good satisfaction. It requires a piano of unusual merit
for the constant use which all practice pianos have within our
school, but we are glad to be able to say that your
have stood the test, we w ill continue to purchase
your firm time to time as the Deed arises.
think there about a dozen now in the school.
J. II. Principal.
A rare and and up. fully
play these pianos can
be seen and heard at. Green-
ville, at lowest prices
and easiest terms. We also
have on the floor several slight-
This factory sale will
close before more
days, when factory prices will
promptly withdrawn, and if
you have any earthly use for
J. R.
e y
, OF
By virtue of certain v
Superior court of Hits in
I a cause therein pending, Q
i H.
against J.
G. Ci Edwards and Susie U. Wilson
j and the other heirs-at-law ; the said
B. J. Wilson, the will
expose sale the court
house door in the town of
lion Monday, 7th November for
the purpose of making assets, the fol-
We also have a
of organs at
or years. Bessie Patrick, is
line display I with us during our stay
surprising here, be glad to give you
figures ranging in price from a t
O. Factory Representative.
Bethel. N. C, Oct.
Kindly state to the public that
the use of my name in the
list convention was without my
the purpose of the fol- w, . or I have
lowing described tracts of land, to-, r
wit bad no with the move-
since it fused with the
of the
of B. J. Wilson and is a .
homestead, and described as lands party no many
, whereon the buildings are ad-1. , became identified
joining the lands of S. O.
Mrs. A. D. Johnson, all that party.
acres, more or less. movement to to H
Also one other tract, apart . the Democratic
of the homestead, containing about
acres, described as the any
lands of O. Brown, , ., in patty,
owned by William ad. ,
Steamer it L. leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
at a. Greenville, leaver
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for
Washington with
and known as the Proctor lands, and which tried so hard to
being the sine land Ashley
Teel now live
Terms of sale cash.
This October it,
H. .-ON.
Commissioner and
Skinner bee,
I shall vote the Democratic tick-
et as i nave always done,
at one and don't want any
office sun.
K. J. j
Dealers for the Next.
Dan failing to list
for not
Philadelphia, New York Boston, North Carolina. I In Superior
id all Connects at
railroads for all Woolen,
West. Fannie
Shippers order then above named will
freight by Old Dominion Line I take notice that an action as
from New York and above has been commenced in the
V e m, v v Court of Pitt Count, m which
Norfolk and Southern K. K. Wig plaintiff seeks a divorce from the
Old bonds of heretofore that it the cause
Clyde from Philadelphia. between the plaintiff and the;
The Public.
O Ins h; law recently
ed forbidding
buggies to be left on the street,
and room i i g limited, we
are forced lo quit feeding or
c any horses.
And ate and be-
offer some very low prices on all
i I,
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line defendant; and said defendant will. of the law being enacted, we re 2-n
Ton, Baltimore Board
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
Without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice President
raffle Manager,
81-85 Beach Street. N. Y.
I to appear at the next term of toe
of said County to be held on the to repeal the law to j Worth 1.00,
first in November lull, at the i . that
court house of said county in Groan-
ville, N. C, and answer or demur to public may be
the complaint In said action, or the r u a. SAVAGE Co.
plaintiff will apply to the court for
relief demanded in said
This the -Mill day of September
ltd m-w
Clerk of Superior Court.
J ; , I
j I Superior Conn
I of the la
cf Martha A.
Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pris-
Private Wires to New
and New Orleans.
IS 1868.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and
Letters testamentary having
ten issued to by the Clerk of the
of Pitt county, as ex-
last will and testament
, A. Mills, and
I having duly qualified as such executor,
is hereby to all persons
holding claims against the estate of
said A. Mills, to present them
tome for payment, duly authenticated,
cm or before the 28th day of
or this will be plead
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said are requested
to make immediate payment to me.
This the 27th day of September, 1904.
Executor of Mary A. Mills.
Blow, Attorneys.
our price
our price 1.95
our price 1.35
our price
the Solid
Womens Sunday Shoes.
I Extra
You pay elsewhere.
toga Pounds
One of the most remarkable cases
Of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs j
pneumonia, is that of Mrs.
ti -de E. f u u of h s- ice ,
Z and BOYS SUITS- w , .
All the latest styles in Mens
and Boys Hats and Caps at very
low prices.
We also have a lull line of Sta-
and Fancy Dress Goods
which we are offering at very
low prices.
Shirts worth our price
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I ran down
down in weight from to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
wonderful remedy cured me entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restored me to my nor-
weight, health and
Sold at Wooten's Store.
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
J. A. of Ala
was twice in the hospital from a
severe case of piles causing
After and all
remedies failed,
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cored him. It
conquers aches and kills pain.
at Wooten's drug Store.
Boys Suits worth
our price
Boys Suits worth
our price 1.48
Mens Pants from up to
per pair
Work Shirts from to pair
Hens Underwear.
Heavy fleeced lined, worth
our price per garment.
-We also carry a full line of-
that will be sold as low as can be
. O, Oct. 1904.
roller ask hoard a
it is a
and destined to take the
-lead, try one, is to one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Misses Coward and Eula
Cox returned to Greenville
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and Bide lights at
J. E. Smith Bro.
When yon need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on and
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received, fine line of Go to E. E. Co's new
and can fit you up in any style market tor beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co. First Class hand made brick, by
Fancy candies, apples the wholesale and retail large
and bananas at E. E. it Co's.
stock on hand, your orders
Lil Cannon has joined the happy solicited
gang. He is now one of the
Call on Hart Jenkins fir a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be bad anywhere.
Mark evening
make a i at the Dome of Claudius Jackson,
Ayden Milling Mfg. a short distance from town. Mr.
Co. N. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
Clarence Hart and Miss Mary
Jackson; Mr. Garris and
Miss Mamie Worthington.
E. T. Phillips officiated made
hamburg etc. Gannon and four hearts that were happy, hap-
I pier still. After ceremony a
Johnson has come old country
from a visit to his
As authorized for Daily
supper was spread and everything
as expected and at
early the scene of festivity
I aim rejoicing had barely ceased.
and e lake
pleasure in receiving Bab
We lender congratulations.
aid willing receipts for
those in arrears, have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
From the large number of
the Hart Bro. carry out
every week they must be a
big business as well as doing good
Mr Morrison, of Hyde county,
has been here to see bis
who has been sick with fever.
Remember you am find
nicker zephyrs, piques and
-ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
that it is so.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer-
given, Hart Ayden,
N. C.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Post man has been
our town for several
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, O its and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Now is the time to advertise.
be pleased to hear from .
our friends.
Call and examine our of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily of the superiority
of material
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
The Milling and Mfg. Co., made
a raise in wages of their em-
recently. This company
employ good labor, who turn out
good work, using good material
and thereby a
Rick salt tor stock, at J. R
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy
We call special attention to
line of Tan and Ideal
-shoes Cannon Tyson.
Men and boy auks at east at W.
M. A
W. L. House, Winterville,
was here Sunday afternoon.
For can peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E
ft On.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. C.
There are very many pretty
horses to be seen on one
driven by our livery met, every
day. This with the new life in-
fused by the fall season, certainly
makes Ayden a and a
bustling town.
We are Headquarters for first
class, light neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
N. C.
Registration books are now open.
Those who not registered for
the coming election have from
now until the 25th to do so. J.
A. Harrington is registrar.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. It.
Smith Bro.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Messrs. and Brinkley,
of Greenville, were discussing the
on our streets Sat-
Everett and Joe spent
Friday in Greenville.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
We hear the men say the
I cheapest and best fitting clothing
j is sold by Cannon Tyson.
were several of our friends
from to attend
services Sunday.
in Jet. percales and for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
One lot of calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
J. A. Griffin.
first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
L. and family
from Norfolk Saturday and left at
once to visit friends in
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply the;
smoothest seat on the market
Milling Mfg. Co.
Corn, hay and at J. R.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts burns,
when you can be permanently
ed pair of glasses properly I
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-,
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak Q
. . , , . I Smith
eyes, Then in need of glasses, J.
ways go to worse. A lit- i Mary Hodges, Delia
tie piece of glass properly Mattie Annie
ed will often work wonders. Lee and Cox attended
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
Now we have plenty the
leaf wagon and cart
I wheels and will sell them as
as one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
come by car loads.
Arch Forbes was here Saturday
and H. A. White Monday.
Our stock of ribbons is wide, I
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Come to Bee when you wain
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
Ayden, N. C.
New goods, new clerks, new
cotton and tobacco, with these there
no reason things shouldn't
hustle, they are bustling
is getting better every day.
I take this method of informing j The longer we here the better
the public that aB the Summer sea-j we like it, and if we stay much
son is about over I am offering longer, we shall grow here,
special inducements
in order to
The infant child of J. S. Ross
Examine our line of notions josh.
C. Jackson and Co.
I wish to remind my many
friends and customers that my line.
of new fancy collars and
belt of different colors, a
specialty have J.
A. Davis.
Cold weather at
prices to suit all. Fits guaranteed
at W. C. Jackson ard O's.
J. R. of
was here last week.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for only
W. M. Co.
The latest thing in shoes. Call
at W. C. Jackson and Co's.
Dr. Sure cure for In-
and for sale
by J. R. Smith and Bro. is pro-
be the best the mar-
and is guaranteed to do all its
W. C. Jackson and new
line of dress goods are taking the
fancy of all who bee them. They
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F. OH
Dist. Ayden, N. C.
sell. My. line of pants cannot be j, j a . ,
r,, Saturday evening and
excelled, and the Edwin . . . .
T L ,, , . , . buried cemetery Sunday
shoe which I handle exclusively is
nut surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
you my dry goods, notions
other of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and sell you
J. J. Hines.
A big stock of Richmond cook
and heating stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Bro.
J. J. B. Cox, of was
here a short while Saturday.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and Bitting mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Smith Bro.
One lot of shirts for
at M. Edwards.
doz Mason Jars and
Rubbers at J. R. Smith Bro.
To make room for fall stock
will sell dry goods, shoes hats
at greater reduced prices. W. M.
Edwards and Co.
Rev. W. E. Cox, of I
I services.
i We are told that
keeps the best and most
complete line furniture in town I
If you need a pair of now j
is the time to buy them at W. If,
Edwards Co.
There were services in the
church Sunday morning and
evening, Rev. Mr. King preaching
i on both even-
ling Rev. W. E. Cox
services in the Episcopal church.
For next, fifteen days you tan
a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards Co.
All percales for at W
M. Edwards Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
Lizzie of
I ville, is visiting the Misses
George Worthington Bro perhaps just at E
work in this line G- not be as
a specialty. Work . street broker yet
Guaranteed. j as an Insurance man he
A lot of hamburg edgings in ; He is not only a sue-
remnants. You can buy them but to
cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's I assistance. H
c, , . .- i, j I are first class and en body
Special is called . .
. u , . c . realizes the fact, hence Mr
zephyr shawls, caps and . .
The public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET article, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes.
Rubber and Elastic
sea. Best to-k of Brush
es of all kinds.
general assortment of ribbons at
Mrs. J. A.
Notice you want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order that yon might realize
better prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. C.
At the close of business Sept 6th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
National Bank notes
other V. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposit sub-
to check,
Certified check
Bills car.
f bar, 5,000.00
are first class
is to be congratulated id being
hustler and having something
good to bust
Miss May Anderson is on a
to friends in Beaver Dam township.
Overcoats, flannel and cold
weather. Three fellows well met.
Ladies and Misses clippers
costs at W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W.
M. Edwards Co's.
Miss Helen Cox spent the
bath in Winterville.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
An nice line of
waist hats at Mrs.
Sid Moore to Kinston Sun-1
day and returned Monday,
We continue to build
Ac. f.-r we do not
. q apace we cannot
S Milling A Mfg. Co., A j den, N. C
E. G Cox been at
for week in attendance
a meeting the
Dr. Joseph
Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
A Boy's Wild Ride For Life
With family expecting
tn die, a son riding for
life, miles, to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, II. Brown,
Ind., endured death's
from but this
wonderful medicine gave instant
relief and soon cured him. He
writes; now sleet every
Like cures
Consumption Pneumonia,
Colds and Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung
bottles aid Trial
free at Wooten's Drugstore.
1.1. a. t. s. w.

Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
i to
Pitt County, N. C, October 1904.
The Durham Herald got back
fr . doing the at St. Louis.
Mr. Bryan agrees to be the talk
inn Aaron for the leading
It is known by now that there
were some diamonds in Asheville.
When it is not one thing with
J Peebles it is something else.
Port Arthur is feeling now,
j list like it never had idea of
The automobile is making the
highest percent of fatal accidents of
any engine of travel
If the fairs are only as fair as they
are pictured in advance they will
he better than in I he past.
It is too bad that the Japanese are
force i to retreat The tide
seems to be changing in favor of
the Russians.
Sunday's Raleigh News and Ob-
server sent a supplement a
pretty lithograph picture el Judge
Parker and Iris family.
Tom Watson, Populist nominee
for given the country
a long teeter of acceptance. He slaps
at Parker Roosevelt.
The Republicans in this state
have actually resorted to the
of cartoons Such .
things do occur in these times.
A new Republican paper has been
started in Raleigh. While the
Enterprise is we do not see
the need of another of the same
gain is
It is said he has claimed
up to pound Guess ho will
feel small enough after the 8th of
We cannot say what condition the
farmers are in to hold their cotton,
but there are of predictions
that it will sell cents before
another planting rime comes.
We hardly see the need of trial
by court martial of the soldiers at
Ga., for not shooting
when they had been instructed not
to shoot. Looks like they obeyed
It should be the aim of every
township in the county to cast the
largest vote possible in the coining
election, so as to increase the
of delegates to which the town-
ship is entitled in county
The number of delegates is
based upon the number of votes
cast, so taut the larger the vote is
in each township the greater number
of delegates the township can have.
Let every township do its best.
Ex-Senator W. Ransom,
North Carolina's foremost citizen
and greatest statesman, died sud-
Saturday morning at his home
in Northampton county. He was
years old the day of his death.
Gen. SI. W. Ransom was burn on
Oct. 1828, in Wan en county.
He became Attorney General for
state of North Carolina in 1852,
being only years of age at the
thus being the youngest man
to hold this position in th history
of the State. By reason of Gov.
Vance being unable to qualify as
Senator after his election, Gen. Ran-
became United States Senator
in 1872, which position he held con-
until 1895, immediately
which he was appointed United
States minister to Mexico, in which
capacity he served for two years.
He was a member of the board of
arbitration in the Venezuelan
with Mexico.
lie leaves five sons one
and. a wife He was probably
the largest landowner in the State,
the acreage being variously
ed from to in fact,
he recently is
person who knows how
much land own and is my-
In both public private life
and in the Confederate army
General Ransom was a great man,
and his reputation cove rod the
bounds of the nation. The influence
he wielded in the United
Senate was by few men. Ho
lived to a good age and measured a
life, and to the grave was
crowned with the honor love of
his fellow men.
The will give a warm
and cordial support to nominees
of the Democratic party from
dent down to township constable,
and it is our purpose to give, from
time to time, reasons for the
faith that is in us.
Our county candidates and
canvas come nearest to us and we
will first try to demonstrate that it
is not only our duty but that it is
likewise the duty of every Democrat
in the county to vote for their can-
There was assembled in Green-
ville on Sept. the 15th,
Democratic convention It was com-
posed of delegates appointed from
every township in the county. How
were these delegates chosen By
the Democratic voters themselves.
He in the Big Fair.
St. Loins, Mo Oct. 8th,
When Uncle Sam, a few years ago,
made that little deal of the Louisiana
some of the sap-head
pessimists were disposed to
The Greenville corrects
those of its of
whom The Observer was which
which had published that the recent
Pitt county Democratic convention
lad, before making nominations.
ugly faces and ugly remarks. In adoPted a resolution instructing the
fact there is a record of some things he for the legislature to
not pious said. Well, did not urge a county a vote
know what our old Uncle Sammy
was looking out for. What a pity
some of them are here today,
on the Watts law.
says that the convention adopted
resolutions at all. How do such
greatest day of the I et
ton Messenger printed what
to be he very language of a
and Maine day- Sorry they are not
I am more profoundly glad and
proud of an American than j resolution, of this
ever before in my short life. port, adopted by the Pitt county
. e k i convention, The Observer
is a great occasion for America, and . . .
all nations are here doing homage
to Uncle Sam. If the
and Hawaii turn out as well as the
it. It is certain that The Messenger
did not fabricate the story, but it
pears to be equally certain that
m i . . . . i . i -.-. .-. . . . , j
It had been fully all little deal made years ago, then Jr Charlotte Observer.
over the county meetings would I there is luck in dealing in real estate, , Messenger did not
be held each township on even from the home base. Had the i this story. It could not
St. Louis worlds fair taken place done
day, the 10th of September, at two
o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of
pointing delegates to the county
convention. Every Democratic voter
in or the war between the
states would never have been.
Everybody is here, everybody is
in each had good humor, all brothers and
of attending his township meet-
and participating in the
of these delegates if he chose to
do so As a in tier of fact large
numbers did attend So
u hen the delegates assembled in
sisters in the same household of i
faith. This is the greatest nation
this side of and no one
in j. . . . . fabricated by he the
will dispute it if he comes to St
statement that the Pitt county con-
had adopted such a
appeared in a state paper, which
published the n, one or
more days before it was copied from
that paper in The For
another reason it could not have been
Louis this mouth. In fact there is
too much here, for all Americans
proprietors of this paper and the
men they employ on its staff are
gentlemen of honesty and integrity.
The latter are not given to
Greenville on of September to see and know at once- and
i i. . I, I . . lotto i;
came direct from the can t be done. A fellow . . ., , .
,,,,,, . . . news items nor would the former
and had full to represent American inquiring mind , . ,.
., . , ., . . i, I i it were they so inclined. The
them in the selection of candidates, gets tired too quick in trying to take ,, t i i
In all instances hen the voters in. I get breakfast and get
back to my room after
supper, and then I know how tired
I am.
The Pike, the Pike, Oh, the Pike
From to a radiance of
Messenger is a clean, sheet
we do say it not i
to fabricating items or by cowardly
innuendo falsehood
against other members of the news-
paper fraternity of the state. We
splendor and a throbbing mob of thank The Observer for its positive
and women, sweet
hearts and old maids, widows am
assertion of confidence Mes-
integrity in this It
widowers, rushing, pushing, scram-1 if of PP
were as honest and truthful and as
There is time enough for the
Populists and Republicans to get to-
on their county ticket, which
they will doubtless do before the
election comes. But their
strength make much show,
and will only bean incentive to the
otherwise stay-at-home Democrats
to come out and vote. And let us
say in passing that every Democrat
in county should go to the polls
and vote on the of November.
No matter if the going to
be elected anyway, put in your
lot to swell the vote as large as
possible On the basis of tho vote
cast for governor in the coming
trill the county's standing in
conventions during the next four
years be determine Tho number
of delegates in these conventions
will be on a ratio of the votes cast.
Therefore let every township in the
county bring out the full vote.
It is said ex-President Cleveland
is about to yield to the pressure and
will make one speech in York
is the interest of Democracy. The
old man will certainly say something
if he speaks.
their township meetings had ex-
pressed a preference for any
candidate this preference was
faithfully adhered to The
thus chosen proceeded to name
the following
For the senate, James I. Fleming
of Greenville.
For the house of representatives,
Joseph J. of Green- bUn to toke U look
rill and I I I , of . i U-S from start to finish, j and
For I H , account for
P-fl There are many appearance of the. item the-
f-V ,., n ; paper which first published it is
,.,,. t lanes nut very many, tine r
i I have that the reporter of that paper made
For register of deeds, Richard seen my money's worth j -take in saying such resolution
Williams, of Greenville. I am here to see and am
For county commissioners. a
J. Elks, of R for
A line specimen of man an i
mankind are here and in great
sorts and kinds of men
and when the thinking
man takes it seriously his heart
swells with emotion and says three,
r . , . I the error have not had the courtesy
cheers America, the only nation . .
,.,., i to notice our correction
in I be galaxy. . R
v r i i ton
to be ft
poorest state from the amount .
of show she makes in the exterior,
but don't forget, when tho A who was in the recorder's
are made the old North Slate will ires-
ahead of the hounds. The tho the
bill, of John W. Page, of
Carolina; John Spier, Content-
R. Home, of
For surveyor, John D. Cox. of
For coroner, Dr. William
of Greenville
Every Democrat in the county
bad lie opportunity to take part in
die selection of candidates and we
steadfastly maintain that it is the
duty every Democrat to beat the
on the day of election and vote
for the persons named by the con
We did not all set
was adopted instead of saying u had
been introduced, but not acted upon,
as we learn from the
were the facts. It was
made announcement of this matter
last Wednesday, but some editors
who were quick to take us up on
. of and Greenville is advertised I Southern Railway, had it d
We not all get i than any oilier county to the
choice. That was impossible. Mer is a ,
did not get its choice the J he
but what matters that. We are j that we are the biggest wanted to be address
as much in honor bound to sup- of bright tobacco in the
port those whose nomination l heard a fellow with his
opposed as we are those whose in passing, is
nation we favored. They were all i proceeded tell them in
named by the same convention and my own particular and when
I was through they asked if
owned the county. I told them yes,
for the time being.
Well, if I you all I know I
wont have anything to say next
time, so good bye. But oh, the Pike,
the Pike, the Pike.
I. A.
are the nominees of tho party. We
fought it out in the primaries and in
the convention and that should be
the end of the light by all men call-
themselves Democrats. From
the moment the convention adjourn-
ed it became the duty of all of us to
close up our ranks, touch elbows
and in solid column under
the Democratic banner against a
common enemy to a glorious
victory. We shall urge this duty
upon our Democratic brethren, and
while we shall do this with earnest-
we trust we shall also be able to
First of the season
grapes at H. M.
It looks as if the republicans had
given up New York to the democrats
on the state election and that they
have small hope of carrying the state
m trial, objected to the sharp
manner in which a policeman had
a off, and told him
This is a reminder of the
estimable Mr. Bishop. It
will he recalled that just before he
killed Wilson in this city a year or
so ago, he called his attention to the
fact that he was a gentleman, and
objected to being ordered out of
Wilson's house where he was drink-
wine at a late hour of the night.
The word is much appropriated by
those who are least able to establish
title to Observer.
On the day after the election tho
people are likely to go on with their
usual vocations, confident, which
ever way it goes, that the country is
not in immediate danger. And,
course, it not lie. it is the re-
mote dangers that are to he feared.
Governments do not break up in a
lo papers . It the part of wisdom to.
are taken at Reflector , , . .
Yon can your- d man.
elf the trouble of writing if you This suggests that you support
Judge Parker Sun.
This department is in of A. D. Johnston, is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
building a new department to their
at the of Dr. B. T. Cox I y that will contain
Bro. ever brought to Winterville. feet of floor space. This will e a wood cut. Any wood cutter wish-
Then is best selection of
inks, library paste and
A good cut The
A. G. Cox Go. wish to o n-
tract to have five hundred cords
Protect your eyes by buying one
great improvement to their
of those eye shades at the them greater
Store, price cents.
For underwear will make it heaters and ranges. A ll
warm for you in cold weather call .
at John Son's. P-l
, , Winterville Mfg.
Corn, Oats and Hay fill sale
cheap for cash, . A.
Co Cox-
, . , , , house in town.
Highest price for seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
, . , r, our new factory
G. A. Kittrell and Co. i pay
, . , , i rant smaller shop with en-
per bushel No. crapes . ,
. attached ready o
and others according to quality, , ,. .
H drive Bents be
See Kittrell Taylor for a
loaf of bread. apply soon.
good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
A. G. Cox Co
Penny candies a at the
of B. T. Cox Bro,
tar load flour just received.
can them at
For nice picture frames
and we've got cheap
A. W. Co.
Trunks and valises cheap.
Harrington Co.
For dress and work whirls call at
If you needs don't fail
to mis A. Cox
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for grapes.
For lime and stoves see A.
Ange Co.
hub-. A. G. Cox Mfg. j
Harrington, Co.
Kittrell just re.
For A splendid pair of me- j j
i mules. A. G
Second hand buggies cheap. If I
hand I
If you want lemons
fail to get them from Kittrell
A. G. Cox is offering a Splendid
look ire for from to Dinner pots, Wash puts and
ii , , , . Plastering hair cook stoves
. Chapman and Co. , v
O. Cox is ottering a t . buy n second
for sale. see -be A. G.
p the very kind you are M Co.
The are
h a lot of tine Umber for Tar
Heel carts and They are.
also n large supply of
wheels so limy van till a
tin- proper season
It. O. Chapman Co. bay
I have been informed that ware tin wale Wood and
W. Co. has the nicest willow ware.
line of dress goods silks, ribbons, Co.
hamburg and lace in town. Ladies looking H nice h-.
For Silks and Press Goods first class material and
see A. W. Co, signs, should call at B.
Q. A. Kittrell and Co. man and Co.
received car load if No, Tun- We want your eggs at
Hay. r
ye two We have a
ion A, W. A ago and Co. have Indies dress goods and
the Shoes. Come right along
and lice nail window Will t e.
Glass ware, crockery, tin, J pleasure in showing one end The Tar lo
shawls and I See through our line. gaining ii vi.-i- over other
A. W. A and Co, Harrington, Butler ft for and
X. Co. are ; f, N. and Co. have
lug the will cure cheese, nice a complete lice of heavy.
diseases of in any slate, mil supply of Groceries. fancy groceries, prices light.
Notice-I wish to notify the Window and door frame, pr-i Barber Co.
that I brackets and all kinds , to secure first
my mile house at rock cheap, haying
Frog Ami place, Winterville Mfg. Co. with which to do our
One shop with and being able to save and
A. G. Cox are Bering shop and plainer at-, wok a of our
Wire at Get engine
We have on baud h nice I'm-work, slop is
line f dress at x fr. is n
lo Blares, sec and be is a nice fr ii.
Yours truly lug. Apply to
K u i ell Taylor. Oil Mi i- now
lit ; Body for Sale-- is Seed. They pay
the Shell you may t lie highest, cash price or will
want a cart in for meal. When
firm products to or ready write for
a. are At Reduced A.
selling and you Cox Co. closing out o
hail 1.1 Join win- reduced
Perhaps you had better stop in and try on your
new Fall Shoes.
We have all and widths, and we want them to
lit you perfectly.
Besides, there several new styles out for Fall
wear and we are not positive which will please yon best.
Everything that's Right in Hen's
Shoes is Here.
and Shoe, as well as the
and comfortable business proposition Shoe Leather.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
men of the reasons why we
our customers
Winterville Mfg. Co.
books, pens,
school supplies of all
be found at the drug
I Heel Shoes a Try
iv Mini be convinced of their
i mm, n j;
at once. They have the and most
That old reliable Elk Vinegar substantial fence made and you
for at R. G. Chapman Co. V. can a bargain you apply at
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts once.
up nice proof kitchen ; r-
They are cheap and convenient.
Gel your dealer to order you one.
C. A. A Co., will be on
the market this season as grape
will pay Hie highest
Sen Furniture at. A. W.
Prices right.
Light wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Co Mfg. Co
We want your grapes every day
up lo at o'clock a. m.
tiring after that time
Fridays on Saturdays. We
per pound for No.
ken and I per pound for No-
Yours truly,
G. A. Co-
For Lime see A. W.
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox. Winterville, N. C. 3-22
Fay Stockings.
For a dies, Boys and Girls.
Need no supporter.
We sell and guarantee them.
Look at them and try s pair.
Ask for Fay Stockings at
our Counter.
All the newest things in
Dress Goods and Clothing.
. j u

We claim to have th largest and most complete
stock of Shoes in this town- We are now showing large
variety of styles in the best makes for Men, Women,
Children and Infants. We can't tell yon much about
them in this space, bur, we want to call your attention to
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
All of the
A New Postal Order.
an order signed by the
postmaster general f day
an innovation made in
portal service
piece of mI matter of the
mill fourth w I
out potage stamps affixed thereto.
N. Oct. 10th, 1904.
Dr. new drug and
and the
It i. easy enough to cry
but that h
convinces is the teat.
We make strong claim
for this Shoe, and ask a
trial that our claims may
be proven. We claim a
unique, common sense
sole construction, found
in no other shoe. A sys-
of lat modeling
makes a shoe that
tits the foot as nature
We also claim that
while quality of material
and workmanship may
be equaled, they
cannot be excelled at the
price, and that as good a
shoe cannot be made, and
is not sold or less.
are, however,
the tangible results of
many yearn study of the highly complex needs of the
human foot They appeal to common warrant
a trial by every who desires foot comfort and good
service combined.
Congress during the last session
made for r he corner of Pleasant and
ion in the of quantities of Main streets will soon be completed,
not less pieces Theodore has gone to
of this character f mail, and the
I older pursuance of
I that act. All firms,
desiring to
; avail themselves of the
new privilege roust make
the exposition at St. Louis. There
he will meet his brother, Tom,
from Texas.
Captain Hill is friends
Miss Geneva Andrews is visiting
application their post I Miss Lizzie the country,
masters, who will, alter first n-l Mrs. F. C. James has been quite
authority from the depart
issue a permit covering Johnson and T.
conditions under which the j Everett of are visit-
may be sent with ill stamps. I,, Misses Beverly near town,
ail cases p on the entire Little Don, sou of J. H. Bryan
quantity of must b.; paid to
at the time it is
at the
J. B. Cherry Co
A Little War Tragedy.
In Franco a
French gunner was
his colonel to fire ; small house
which was believed u retreat
I of the enemy, Lie
it with a shell my
f said
With pale Pierre obeyed
and accurately, tired it.
I hit, my man, well
said the officer, as he looked
through bis glass cottage
could not have been very solid.
It's completely t
Turning around, he noticed
tear stealing down the gunner's
cheek. Why. what's the
he exclaimed,
me, was the
answer. was my own little
I bad in the
I world.
Some of the elderly gentlemen,
near Bethel, think that it is not
fir man to live alone. It
also, that they have been
in persuading op-
sex that it is not good for
to be alone.
It. Whitehurst will erect a
new brick store on Railroad
beside new one no m
of i net ion.
Misses Grimes and Mayo
and Prof. Everett, of the Bethel
graded school, the
teachers association of Pitt
at Greenville, Saturday. Mies
son was on the sick lint and could
not attend.
The Law and Order League will
meet in Hall Friday even-
at Come and help.
Rev. J. E. Hocutt has returned
from the association and peached
at the Baptist church
W. left today for
where he will take a
with his uncle. He has
with Mr. Mount some time
and has made many friends here.
We regret to lose a young man of
such qualities.
next door to Post Office
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
and Discounts
Stocks, securities, etc.
Demand loans
Due from
her cash items 3,814.80
Gold Coin 1.116 mi
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Paid 3,509.03
subject to check 189,716.16
Demand of 20,000.00
Cashier's check out-
Bil's payable,
Oar special representative, Mr.
J. A. Tinner, will ha in Pitt and j
mantles some
lime for purpose f
for the The
Mutual Hail Insurance Co. Please
be prepared to nettle with him,
he If shoo Id not
see him yon can settle Mr.
R. J.
T. P. Ins. Co.
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 80th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public.
J. G.
I will attend the following
times and places for the purpose
collecting year
Saturday. October
township, Wednesday, October 19.1
Barney's X Swift Creek
township, Thursday, October i
Tuesday, October
May's Chapel, Beaver Dam
day, October
Bethel, Bethel township, Fri
day, October
Falkland, Falkland township,
Saturday, October
All taxpayers are requested to
meet me and pay promptly.
O. W. Sheriff.
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
a m r.
ill HI
t Loan Value,
; Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
j Extended Insurance that works automatically,
, Will be re-instated if arrears be within on month while yon
or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
and payment of arrear with interest,
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second and cf each
the I
i They may be To Premiums, or make clear, brilliant
The Purifier Known,
Invaluable a wash
i nature's greatest
Its value has been known
centuries, but it was never successful- j
produced as a liquid until the I
of the method of making Han- I
Tobacco has
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have con-
men and, one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
To Increase the or
as an daring the
complexions. Taken Internally It la
invaluable in the spring. Used a
wash It kills and cures
eczema, acne, Itch,
prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh, cuts
burns, scalds, and all Ions and
druggist for It .
let to Hancock Liquid
Mr. John
ville. and Miss Cora of this
city, were united in marriage Sun-
day morning at seven o'clock, at
the home of the bride's grand-
father, Mr. Stephen Simmons,
east Caswell street.
Rev. B. Hall, pastor of
the Christian church, performed
the after which the
bride and groom left on the
train Free
Press, 10th.
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedridden, and destitute.
in brief was the condition id
an old soldier by name of J. J
Havens, O. For years
he was troubled with Kidney dis-
ease neither not
gave him At length
he tried Electric Bitter. It pal
him on bis feet in short order
now he on the toad
t Best on earth for
Liver and Kidney troubles and all
forms of Bowel Com-
plaints. Only Guaranteed
by J. L. druggist.
What's In a
Everything is in tn when it
comes to Witch Salve E.
DeWitt Co., of Chicago,
years how to
a salve from Witch Basel t is a
specific for Piles. For blind, bleed-
itching and protruding files,
eczema, bums, and
all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve
has no rise
to numerous worthless counterfeits
Ask for the
Sold at Wooten's Drug Store.
What is Life
In last analysis nobody
knows, bat we do know that it is
under strict law. Abuse that law
even slightly, pain results.
living means of
the organs, in
Headache or Liver trouble.
Dr. King's New Life
this. h gentle, yet
thorough. Only at Wooten's
has world wide fame
It other salve,
inert or balm Cuts,
Coins, Boils,
Teller-. Salt Fever
Sores, Hands, Skin
infallible for Fibs,
guaranteed. Only at
King's New Life
Pills each for two weeks has
put me in
writes l. II. Turner of
town, Pa They're the best In
the for Liver, Stomach
Bowels vegetable Never
Only t
Drag Store
. u powerful ca-
thou mi. The bravest men
thy feet. No wonder
women lake
Moil n Tea lo prolong that j y- j
spell. cents, Tea or i
Wooten's Store.
night Jack told me
that he wouldn't many the best
girl living,
she took Rocky
Tea or
Drug Store.
Folks Must Eat
No mutter bow low the price
of tobacco, find we are the
to supply ,
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices. -J
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods
are offered. We call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
good corn just in
Five Points.
October 5th and 6th, 1904.
The most gorgeous exhibition
of Artistic Millinery ever shewn.
Exact duplicates of Paris, Lon-
don and New York patterns.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Doors open or
The day and date October 5th and 6th, Wednesday and Thursday.
r, i ii . b
i II

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchiefs all around
with I inch Lace, size big
values for cent, ibis Sale j. for
Homespun, all colors you
can it will cost you cents the yard, this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque Window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures complete, feet long by
feet wide, worth anywhere, this Sale
About, Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market Anting his
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents,
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colon clucks, fringe- ends, sizes
Others must i ave ; each, this Sale two
towels for
hose, full,
welted top, fine Big values for rents
per pair, this Sale per pair.
High bust .
cable but
trimmed top, perfect
over for tins Sale
suits black and fancy worsted. Men's
baits that always bring tour and five dollars,
Big line of fall underwear,
anywhere, sold for big values, this
1,900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to yon any where from
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
Inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best blenching, as long as we
have any, this Sale y
Shirts that you Will say are cheap for
all colors you can ask for, this Sale
We will a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell them
I will have to include
Black mercerized, spun tS
width in. no.
this Sale
N. O.
r Sir; A great many people
will see your house the course;
of the next ten years. We
it to show what
will do, We should like you
to paint it, and then not paint it
again for ten it needs
We'd like such a sample as
in every town in the country
with a notice about it the local
house as
painted ten ago with
and never been
repainted. The color is not so
bright as it was; but the paint is
as perfect a coat as ever, to keep
A good lead-and-oil job is ex-
to last three years; it is a
good one that lasts three years; it
does not. lead-
twice as long, if
you have any fault to find
with paint, either now put-
ting it on, or here after in the
wear, tell your dealer about it.
authorize him to do what
is right at out
your house as
and as a witness.
F. W. Co.
P. S. II. L. Can pant.
Whole a and
Cash paid tor
rats, Turkeys. ere. Bed-
steads, Pit-M,
Carriages, ails,
Tables, Lounge, darts, P
and Gail Ax So nil,
Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Unlit, Gar
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Now
Gaudies, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents-, Glass
and China Ware. Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Beat Butter,
I loyal Sewing Machine and nu-
other goods. and
quantify. Cheap cash, Come
see me.
S. It
The county canvas v. ill
on Friday.
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for c
This Sale cents per Dozen,
A Power For Good
The pills that potent their
and pleasant in effect are
DeWitt's Lit tit Early Risers. W.
S Philpot, of Albany, G.
bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did me
more good than
or any other pill I ever took and at
lime the i fleet was pleas-
ant. Little Early are
Sold by
Drug Store.
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of its kind issued in America. It
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
and profit in the Fall. Mailed free
to Farmers upon
request. Writ tor It.
Wood Sons,
S Nealy,
d kidney troubles have en-
t i made me well and
x lea or Tablets,
.,, tore.
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay or ex-
change and hulls fur Seed,
and pay all
Write us when
you are ready to sell
Washington, N. C.
R. L.
Go Jo St. Louis
Now is the time to see World s Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful and the Exposition
complete in all it s beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be See that
read via the
C. and Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and best w teat train
service W. O. D. P. A.
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of
our will insure sweet milk, T ,
butter, cool drinking water dainties ,
would be unattainable without the
If you you will want, a Mower
soon, and we've made it easy for m own ohm.
There is no need to borrow h mower when rs
we sell a machine with knives
a price, and to do
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Main. ;
everything else in hardware
a cS
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
N. C, Oct. 1904.
A little rain would be much
Mrs. C. H. Langston Mrs.
afternoon near
E. B. went to Greenville
Gold Medal Offered.
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes continues
the offer of the
Medal for the best paper on his-
The following conditions
must be complied with it you de-
sire to contest for it.
All names of those who wish to
enter the contest must be sent to
me by December 1904. All
G. W. of was over, papers must be in my by
February All those who
write must confine their papers to
unwritten North Carolina, or
Fernanda Tucker and Wood
of Winterville, were in
the neighbor Sunday afternoon. I Pitt county history. The
. D, I papers when sent in are be the
Misses Alice Baker j r
, , property of the B-ard of
came Sunday to spend several I; J
. r I two. twenty-
lone any
Misses Langston and Annie may
teachers are urged to en-
Oscar and their pupils to contest for
Mrs. E. D. Braxton Miss
Dollie spent Friday Winterville.
Mrs. C. and Miss
Annie we; t to Ayden
Wine and Women.
That is the text. The sermon is
brief and is found in the arrest in
New York a day or to ago, of Ed-
ward M. Field a sou of Cyrus W.
Field, who, unshaved, unkempt
and looking veritable tramp,
was arraigned before a e
on charge of stealing an overcoat.
the motley crowd of drunks
and outcasts that filled the court
says one account
would have recognized Field as
the once prosperous business man
who owned a fine home and had
plenty of friends. taken
court Field wore a dirty shirt
minus a collar, which he concealed
threadbare soiled
coat about him. His eyes had a
wild, glassy stare. His bloated
countenance told of dissipation.
When arraigned Field, in a
voice, gave his age us and bis
as a broker. he
was led across the bridge to the
prison he said to the
Try and get bail for me if you
can, but you never
the three meals I will get in the
prison will be a
Wine and women is the text.
The pitiable plight of a man who
started out early life as a
is the
this medal. I would like to see
one hundred boys and girls enter
this contest with a determination
to win. Mr. Grimes is
the medal as a stimulus to the
study of history, and is thereby
doing much along this line in his
native county. in your
names by Dec 1904 and your
The Remedy be Worth Trying.
The has printed
this before sometime in the past
when smallpox was being discussed
but just now, as there seems to be
some danger from the disease, it
will bear printing again. We do
not know how oil the recipe is,
but doubtless it had its origin years
years and ago. It is better to be
vaccinated and thus prevent small-
p but if you will not do that
catch the disease just so, this
is said to be a remedy. Here is
the article.
correspondent of the Stock-
ton ; Herald wrote as
I herewith append a recipe which
ban been used to my knowledge in
hundreds of cases. It will
veil or the smallpox through
the are When
discovered England,
the world of science hurled an
of fame upon his head, but
when most scientific school in
the world, that of
ed this recipe as a panacea for
smallpox, it passed unheeded. It
is as unfailing fate, and con-
papers by Feb. 1905, and win in every instance. It is
this beautiful medal. harmless when taken by a well
N. C, Oct.
Misses Emma Ballard and Annie
Cask ins, of are guests of
their relatives, Mr. and Mis. H.
H. Stanley.
Phillips went to Washington
William C. Capps, of Norfolk,
is Home special work the
shops of the Beaufort County
Lumber Co.
Mrs. Stokes, of Black Jack, is
visiting her sons, N. T. and J. T.
Emma Ballard, Miss
Mr. Charles D. Baker,
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Stanley, attended church at
Chapman's Chapel Wednesday-
Tue D. V. Davis Co. gave a
tent show night
more tent then show.
Joseph Rawls. of Greenville,
spent Thursday night here.
W. P. Whaley, of
Md., came Thursday night to take
a position with the Beaufort
Lumber Co.
George Adams, of Florida, is
parents near here.
W. H.
Co. Supt. Schools.
The Corn Fair.
Considering the short time it had
been under there was
a tight good number of farmers
here today at the corn fair.
of them brought fine
mens of corn to exhibit. C. B.
Williams, the state agricultural
was here and made
an instructive talk on corn culture.
We hope this is the beginning
of a association among
the of Pitt comity. We
believe meetings of this kind at
which specimens of their crops are
exhibited and methods of
are discussed will be
to all who attend.
Bet a
Against a
Hat en the
Brick Warehouse.
This sold its entire break
of tobacco Friday, scrap all,
Weighing pounds, at an
average of per pound. You
want averages and not big prices
on some pile. Fancy Iota sold as
at st lie, at
at at at at
at at at
at at
at at at
at at at
Sell your tobacco at the
Brick warehouse and you get
the market. 10-15 ltd
of the most peculiar
beta that has been recorded to
date was made yesterday. A
undertaker of the city,
who also a very enthusiastic
supporter of Parker and Davis,
bet against a that
Parker Davis would be elected.
person It will also cure scarlet
fever; here it is as I have used to
cure smallpox; when learned
said the patient die, it
Sulphate of zinc,
foxglove, one grain;
halt teaspoonful sugar; mix
with two tablespoonfuls of water.
Take a spoonful every boar.
Either disease will disappear in
twelve hours. For a child, small-
doses, according to age. If
counties would compel their
to use this, there would be
no need of pest houses. If you
value advice experience, use
this recipe for terrible dis-
No Genius For
The Republican party North
Carolina will cut a sorry figure
the election returns, The reason
is that It has not courage of its
conviction The leaders think
they to do something,
but seem to take it for grant
ed that only in sight is
to make a deal with Democrats
who may be with
faction on account of tome local
friction. Iris with the greatest
confidence that we assure them
that they not make any in-
; he bat was duly recorded and
if is roads on the Democratic party by
elected the other gentleman will
have supplied himself with a
funeral box, at
County Canvass.
The Democratic ct
dates will speak at the following
times and
Tuesday, 18th.
Gum Swamp, 19th.
at night.
Get your saddle horse for
the rally on Saturday, 22nd.
have just from
I my fall mil-
notions. Opening Sept
1904. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
Grimesland, N. O, next door to
When come to town
Saturday. next Governor j tobacco or cotton don't forget to
Glenn will be here. pay for your paper.
such tactic-; and if that plan of
procedure represents the extent of
their genius for politics their party
will grow smaller by degrees and
beautifully less until all that will
be left of it will be the federal
office holders and the few who are
ranging up to the pie counter with
their mouths wide
Beaten and Robbed.
N. C, Oct.
W. of Spray, N. C, was
and robbed here last night
t the fair with whom
he had He
Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty
Four Killed on Railroads.
Accidents on cost
lives lost in the United States
year, according to statistics
gathered by the Inter-State Com-
Commission. The
began to keep statistics of
fatal casualties in 1894. Since
that year persons have been
killed in United States
It is clear from the yearly re-
ports that the number is
The total this year is the
highest for any year since the
commission began to take the
figures. The yearly number of
deaths from railroad accidents in
the past decade appears in the
1895, 1896, 1897,
1898, 1899,
1900, 1901, 1902,
1903, 1904,
The cm mission is concerned
only with the loss of life
makes DO return on the number of
cars destroyed or the amount of
property lost by railroad accidents,
If s well known, however, that
th grand is well up
The commission received
reports from England on railway
casualties The English have less
than milt s of track to out
yet do a greater per
mile business than we do, and
there was not one passenger killed
last year.
Thursday, Oct. 1904.
J. N. Gorman returned
day evening from Richmond.
C. E. Lincoln went to
R. J. Little returned this morn-
from Kinston.
J. L. Ludlow, of Winston, came
in this morning to look after the
town improvements.
Friday, Oct. 1904.
J. Y. Monk left this morning for
D. C. Moore returned
evening from Bethel.
Mrs. W. J. Redd went to Kin-
Thursday evening.
J. W. returned Thursday
evening from a trip.
Mrs. J. W. and children
left this morning for Mt. Olive.
Cox returned Thursday
morning from a trip up the road
W. T. went to
don and Mis. Lipscombe
went to
Lizzie u turned
this morning from Ayden. Hiss
Lillian Bland accompanied her
J. W. of
who been visiting her
father, J. D. Gardner returned
home Thursday.
Miss Mamie Hurst, of
county, who has been visiting Mrs.
W. J. Redd, left Thursday even-
for her home.
The train was off minutes
Thursday evening. We hope it
will do better than that during
the winter months.
Mr. Mary E. Savage, of Edge-
who has been
fives here, returned home today
Her daughter, Mrs. Minnie War-
accompanied home.
Saturday, Oct. 1901.
James left this morning
for Weldon.
Miss Quinn came home
this morning from Winterville.
D. D. and
went to Mount today.
Miss Helene Battle, of
Mount, is visiting Mrs, It. W.
Mrs. J. and little
left morning to her
parents at Conetoe,
Miss Nina of Beaver
Dam township, who is suffering
with taken to
hospital at Norfolk today.
Mrs J. T. Matthews, of Wash-
arrived Friday afternoon
the steamer Myers to visit her
daughter, Miss Lena Matthews.
I have learned that at the Pop-
meeting in Greenville the
8th inst. I was nominated as a
candidate morning.
This was done my know-
and I wish it
Profs. W. B. Dove and W. H.
went to on
evening to the educational
was robbed. was knocked. be ft , .,
senseless a bacK His in-
juries are not permanent. No clue
to the robbers has yet been found.
for said office. I
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Sale hand Brooks
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my nice line of new

Eastern reflector, 14 October 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 14, 1904
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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