Eastern reflector, 11 October 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchief edged all around
with i Nottingham Luce,
for cents, this Sale for
yards checked Homespun, all colon you
can want, it will cost you cents the yard, this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures complete, feet long by
feet wide, worth anywhere, this Sale
About yards Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market during this
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, fringe ends,
Others must have cents each, this Sale two
towels for Sc
welted n. fine
per pair, this Sale
hose, full, seamless,
Rip for cents
per pair.
High bust English Corset, hook
steel cable cord bust and has gore
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Sold the world
over for this Sale
Black mercerized, spun gloss, Petticoats full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This Sale cents per Dozen.
suits and worsted. Men's
Suit that always bring and five dollars,
Big line of fall underwear, can't implicate these
anywhere, sold for big values, this
1.900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to you any where from
to this Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best bleaching, as long as we
nave any, this Sale
that yon will say are cheap for
all colors you can for, this Sale
We will sell a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big of rubber goods, just re-
e will have to sell them
I will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Di it's the same every-
whip ; can't guess little enough
Mr. O. Columbia,
C, employed an experienced paint-
to paint his house. The painter
on seeing the quantity sent to the
there wasn't
enough. There were ten gallons
left, when j b was done.
It's the common experience.
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
Will its on
October In the elegant new
building modern comfort
and convenience new furniture and
equipment throughout. Literary.
Scientific Classical
courses. School of Music, and
Expression. Full corps of able and
experienced teachers, In
their several departments- Kinder-
methods taught by a
K in i mod-
further information apply
to LUCY H.
special representative, Mr.
J. A. Turner, will be in Pitt and
the adjoining counties some
time for the purpose of collecting
for the The Tobacco
Mutual Co. Please
be prepared to settle with him
when he If should rot
see him you settle with Mr.
R. J. Cobb.
T. P. M. Ins. Co.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
Dr. IT. O. Hyatt will be in
Farmville, at the hotel, October
17th. 18th. and 19th.,
Tuesday and for the
purpose of treating diseases of tic-
eye and fitting glasses. Those
not able to pay a will be ex-
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Raleigh, N. C,
OCTOBER to 1904.
For the above occasion the
Atlantic Coast Line will sell
round trip tickets from Green-
ville to Raleigh at the low
of includes one ad-
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
1904, with final
limit to return October 24th.
Ask the Ticket Agent.
H. M. Emerson, W. J
T M. G. P A
Wilmington, N C
Having qualified as administrator
of Annie L Smith, deceased, late, of
Pitt county, N C this is to notify all
persons having; claims the
estate of said deceased them
to the undersigned on or before the
27th day of August or this notice
will be pleaded their recovery
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make ate
This 27th day of August 1904.
j will sell one tract of land situated
in Beaufort county, on th water, con-
acres more or less-, about
acres under partly
enclosed with a good wire fence, with
a country residence thereon and
tenant the land adaptable to-
the growth of cotton, tobacco, truck,
com and the like. About acres
the timbers on which have
not been on over in several
For full information address
It a wk wk. Washington, N. C-
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
of Pitt county, made in certain
Special Proceeding therein pending,
entitled and others
against Jesse I
day. October 2-th before the
court door town of Green-
ville, expose to public sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, a certain
tract or parcel of land situate in
swift township, Pitt county,
adjoining land of Gaskins,
Thomas Elisha Lang, W. L.
and Mill Run, contain-
forty-six acres, more or less,
and the B.
This 17th day of September, 1904.
k hi
Cur . HO
Harps, n-pt.
M M Ail
Of Ike l i
Sile Co.
Complexions of perfect purity are made
Hancock's Liquid The value
in the toilet been known for
but much of its value was lost until
the discovery of
not It produce a and
oil but me a hair bath will cure
all scalp promote a new growth of
healthy hair and the coloring matter
in the hair as to check and avoid premature
gray hair. Buy Liquid Sal
a any reliable drug
Hancock's Liquid Ointment
Prepared especially Burns, Scalds. Open
Sores. Chafed Parts. Raw Surfaces, Boils,
Piles, Roughness of Face and Hands and all
Skin Diseases.
Writ for book on mm of In
the cure for all
Go To St. Louis
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis. Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all its beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
-VOL. No.
Castle Hall, Tar River Lodge
No. Knights
Whereas God, His Supreme
has seen fit to take from
home of our brother, B. L.
Carr, hie devoted wife and loving
be it res-
That each member of Tar River
Lodge, No. Knights of Pythias
deeply the loss sustained by
brother Carr, while we bow
humble submission to the will of
Him who rules all things aright
we extend our tenderest
heart felt condolence.
That a copy of these resolutions
be forwarded to brother Carr, h
copy he spread on minutes of
this Lodge, and a copy be fund-
for publication-
This day of September,
P, C. Harding,
C. L. Wilkinson,
W. H. Bagwell.
The acme of openings Green-
ville has been the fall display at
O. T. big store the last
two days Hundreds of ladies
hive visited his store and they all
express at the superb
play. Nut only are latest
style- in millinery shown but also
the very newest of fashion and
shade in dress goods,
laces, ornaments, coats and
furs and just pretty thing as
the ladies admire.
Especially attractive were the
trimmed hats, among them being
noticed one of velvet in
the shade of mahogany. Another
large violet hat in four shades of
velvet. A not her is a French
turban in brown four shades
de. Then a
large hat in mahogany velvet
the burnt onion shades. One of
the handsomest was a black
velvet hat with high collar of ecru
lace edged with black beads,
handsome ostrich plume and tulle
Still another attractive feature
of the display are the exquisite
center tables.
Com Fair Speech Would Not Do For
PoPulist Convention.
Prof. C. B. Williams connected
with the state agricultural depart-
at Raleigh walked in at The
Reflector office this morning to
inquire when the Pitt county corn
fair would be held. When told
that the 13th was the date
fair a look of astonishment came
over his face. said he,
I thought it was today. Home
one wrote the department it
would be held on the 8th
requested that I be sent
to make ft speech, and here
I Is wan explained to him
that , h, was the date for
convention here and
j that as the of the
list convention the leading
mover in the corn fair, he might
have mixed in his letter
and given the department the date
of the convention instead of the
corn fair.
Chairman A. J. was looked
up later in regard to mistake,
the joke was on him. The
speech Mr. Williams had for the
corn fair would not fit a Populist
convention, even if his political
faith had not been different.
Mr. Williams will come again
on tn when the corn will
he held.
N. C, Oct. 1904.
Mrs. Louise Langston came yes-
to spend sometime with her
son, C. H. Langston.
The farmers are very bu y
hay and cotton.
Mrs. Charles and
children left to visit
and returned Sunday after-
Miss spent Sun-
day at Standard.
Mr. and Mrs. L F.
spent afternoon here.
Misses Langston and Annie
Henry Langston, attended the
at Shepherds Saturday.
Madison Smith was over a while
Some of oar people attended
church at Reedy Sunday
and some at Little Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. C. rod
Lucy spent Sunday with relatives
near Reedy Branch.
E. E. went to
Mr. Mrs. Sile spent
Sunday at Joe
Mrs. J. H. Cheek and Julian
spent Saturday night in Winter-
The Bazaar.
The executive committee of the
Ladies Guild, of the Episcopal
met at Hotel Wed-
night perfected
for bazaar which they expect
to have about the middle De
The various booths were
definitely determined and assigned
to the several ladies who are ex-
charge of them.
Sub-committees were to
attend to the details of the work.
The ladies who are managing the
bazaar have the matter well in
hand and their forces organized.
Judging from present prospects
the bazaar will be a success, it
Is hoped that their many friends
will help to make that success as-
Hon. E. Watson, of
Georgia, Populist party candidate
for president, will address the
at Tarboro on Thursday, Oct.
27th. Everybody is invited to
hear him.
The Pitt county corn fair will be
held on the 13th. Every farmer
should a sample of his best
Meeting of New School Year.
The Pitt County As-
after a vacation
the summer held
first meeting today of the
school year. The attendance
good, about sixty teachers
The devotional exercises were
conducted by A. J.
A committee was appointed to
recommend officers for the year.
The committee recommended the
following who were unanimously
Nancy Coward.
Assistant Leila
Rev. J. A. Hornaday delivered
an interesting address 0.1
School, Teacher and the
Following this there was a dis-
of of work for the
for November
First H Thomas. W
H Ricks, R C Cannon, L A Ran-
B F Cobb, D H Moore,
Moses W Tyson, J Proctor, W T
Ed R
John Harris, Staton, J S
Hudson, J A Odum,
J W Harper, Craft.
Second week ll Bryan, C
Ellis II Butler, Henry
J I James, B D
G A Moore, Mat J W
Oscar Tucker, H F Keel, R A
Fountain, A J Simons, J F Clark,
Cox, W
N. C, Oct.
Mr. Salisbury, a drummer of
Norfolk spent Monday night here.
Mrs. Frank G. Whaley left yes-
to spend the night in Green-
ville and this morning left for her
father's in Suffolk for two
week's visit.
Mr. an employee of the
Beaufort Co. Lumber Co, was sud-
taken quite sick yesterday
but is much better today.
Dr. of Greenville spent
yesterday here. He visited a patient
in the country later was the
guest of Mrs. F. G. Whaley. Dr.
is such a genial
gentleman he may always be sure
of a warm welcome here.
Mr. Cook, who has been quite
sick with fever we are glad to say-
J. W. Cox went to Washington
today for the Beaufort
Co Lumber Co.
Lumber is
in this week.
Be there for some time p
Reported for Reflector
as has been the custom for
years the End of the Century
Book Club held its first meeting
at the residence of its president,
Mrs. R. R. Cotton, Tuesday Oct.
as usual spent the day
delightfully with their exceedingly
charming hostess.
It is needless to say that the
swift gliding were saddened
by but our regret, the fact that the
club is to lose one of its most
valued members in the -departure
of Mis. M. A. Allen from Green-
club loses a valuable and
highly prized member, while re-
our own loss we feel that
her is only transferred
to another community which will
receive additional blessings by her
The tenderest expressions of
sympathy were embodied in
to be to Mrs.
Allen touching the death of her
beloved daughter, Mrs. R. L.
Carr, who previous to her demise
had been filling so acceptably
office of in the young
ladies book
The End of the Century Club
wishes to push with vigor every
effort to make their newly
library a source of enjoy-
and instruction to
of our town. The members are
pleaded with the evidence already
manifested by our people.
The next semi-monthly meeting
will be held with Mrs. L. C
Arthur Tuesday, Oct. 18th.
I have just returned from
more where I bought my fall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
1804. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
N. C, next door to
Dr. office. Ira.
This Kind Counts.
Yon may talk about good sales
of tobacco, but the Liberty ware-
house makes the kind that count.
G. W, sold at the Liberty
today here is the
way his lots and prices
pounds at cents, at
at at at at
at 45.34 at at
at at at at
at at at at
at at at
at at at
at at
This was an average of about
a pound. It what W.
T. Co , those
who sell at the Liberty.
The Populists met here in county
convention today as advertised,
but had a smaller
at the mass meeting in September.
The convention started off its
work without speech making.
A. J. e was elected permanent
chairman and F. Ward secretary.
A committee was appointed to
retire and select candidates.
While the committee was out
there were two or three efforts to
get a speech, but the calls met
with no response. They called on
W. J. Pope, of the Republican
nominees for the house of
only to find that he was
not loaded either.
The committee after along
and recommended
the following ticket.
For senate, A. J.
House Representatives, Shade
Cox and Dr. R. J. Grimes.
Sheriff, no recommendation.
Treasurer, W. J. Thigpen.
Register, D. T. House.
Coroner, Dr. J. E Nobles.
Surveyor, J. L. Ward.
Commissioners, II. S. Tyson,
W. L. Smith. J. F Tyson.
Thursday, October 6th,
E. G. Barrett, of Kinston, spent
today here.
W. B. Brown left Wednesday
evening for Raleigh.
J. L. Little left for Raleigh
Fred Cox returned Wednesday
evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. J. F. returned this
morning Kinston.
Prof. W. H. returned
this morning from
Mis. Ed. H. Taft and child re-
turned evening
visit to Jamesville.
Miss Bettie Warren returned
Wednesday evening from Conetoe
where she had been visiting
Misses Carrie Vivian
well, of who have been
visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. B
Greene, returned home
Friday, October 7th,
C. B. West, of Raleigh, is here.
B. E. to Kinston
Thursday evening.
G. G. lineman left Thursday
evening for LaGrange.
E G. Barrett, returned to Kin-
ton Thursday evening.
Miss Nancy Coward left Thurs-
day for Ayden.
Miss Gussie Harrell, of Tarboro.
arrived, Thursday evening to
Mrs. J. G
Mrs. Martha Latham, Grifton,
came up this morning to visit re-
Saturday, October 8th,
J. N. Got man returned to Rich-
Rev. W. E. Cox went to Grifton
Friday evening.
J. L. Little returned
from Raleigh.
W. B. James returned Friday
evening from Halifax.
W. L. returned Friday
evening from Raleigh.
Miss Peebles went
Friday evening.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, will he in
Farmville, at hot October
17th. 18th. and Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, tor the
purpose of treating of the
eye and fitting Those
not able to pay tee will be ex-
Go Deep.
While digging a well,
day, Willis Clark found a lot of
long mulberry roots at a depth of
feet. There was a For hand Brooks
, . . running
mass of the roots and it shows to u L b
what a depth they will penetrate No. n. C.
the earth.
B. E. Parham returned Friday
evening form up the rend.
Ben Savage, of Lawrence,
rived Friday evening to visit
Mrs. J. D. Weeks, of Scotland
Neck, arrived Friday evening to
visit friends.
J. J. of Farmville. was
here Friday and left on the evening
train for Ayden.
S. O. Jones, of Kinston, who has
been here in the interest of an
insurance company, returned
Friday evening.
H. Moseley, of Virginia,
who has been visiting
Mrs. W. T. return
ed home today.
Dr. U. If. Wharton, of
who has conducting
meeting in the Baptist church,
left morning.
Mrs. Mary L. of New
York, arrived Friday evening to
be with her sister, Mrs. Boyd,
here, who is very ill.

And Provisions
So Tired
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an In-
active LIVER.
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
by, and only by
kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
I Not Quite
How often you can pet a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
is you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
I Co
Steamer L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville dairy, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points Connects at
Norfolk railroads for all
joints West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York mid
Norfolk and Southern K. R. and
Old Dominion Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line mid Chesapeake Line
Baltimore and Merchants
And Miners Line from
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers, Ant
Washington, N.
T. J. Cherry, A gt.
I. B. Walker,.
Traffic Manager,
81-85 Beach Street. N, Y
New Fall Catalog
I August 1st, is the moat
helpful and valuable
of its kind lamed America. It
tells all both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
and profit in the Full. Mailed free
to Farmers a. upon
request. Write for it.
Wood Sons,
To The Public.
Owing to the law recently pass-
ed by town, forbidding any j
buggies to be left on the street,
and our room we
are forced to quit feeding or j
care of any horses.
And as we are and be-
that our stables is the cause
of the law being enacted, we re
request the Board of
Aldermen to repeal the law as to
all stables except ours, that the
public may be entertained.
Sept. 1904. A. Co.
t-d m-w
It brings to the little ones
priceless gift of healthy fl.,
solid bone and muscle Tint's
what Hollister's Rocky Mountain
does. Best baby on
earth. cents, Tea or
Drug Store.
Cured of Lame After Years
had been troubled with lame
back for fifteen years and I found
a complete recovery in the use r
I Chamberlain's Pain
liniment is also without an equal
for sprains and bruises. It is for
sale by Drug Store,
Something f the Life History of an In-
and Curious
The expression flat as a
has become proverbial, but it
does not apply to very young
which differ so much from the
adult ones that they can hardly be
recognized as belonging to the same
family as their parents.
The flounders begin life do or-
fishes. When they first
emerge from the egg they swim
with the head turned up-
ward. Their bodies arc symmetrical,
and their eyes are on opposite sides
of the head. Gradually the position
of the body change from vertical to
horizontal, and the fish remain thus
for some time. swimming like
But while still very
small there is foreshadowing of the
bottom life they arc destined for,
and they enter upon a series of re-
markable changes. The most
of these changes is in the
of the eye. The eye of one side
or the other but
moves over to the side of
the head and takes a place beside the
other eye. In some flounders the
eye moves around the front of the
head; in others it moves directly
through the head. This shifting of
the eye's position is accompanied by
n change ID the position of the body,
which ceases to be upright and he-
conies more and more oblique. The
side of the body from which the eye
is moving gradually becomes
to the other until by the time
change of the eye i complete
the fish swims with its side
underneath, position is
ever after maintained. The
then ceases Hi free habit
and to bottom.
Some specie of Sounders are
right sided, and others arc left
sided. In the right sided forms the
left eye moves to the right side and
the side becomes undermost. In
the left sided the
conditions prevail. It rarely hap-
pens that sided species have
left sided individuals, and vice
In a few species I m i right sided
and left sided h r in about
equal numbers.-St. Nicholas.
beg announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Bake Hart.
What's in a Name
i very thing is in name when it
I comes to Witch Salve. B. C. j
; DeWitt of
some years ago how to
I live and let live,
With all good v th me.
Unto the poor some cash I give,
give salve from Witch Hazel that is a
Tea. Drug Store.
specific fur Piles. For blind, bleed-
itching and files,
cuts, burrs, and
all skin DeWitt's Salve
This has riven rise
numerous worthless counterfeits
n for DeWitt's, the
Sold a Wooten's Drug Store.
furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Ba
Turkeys, Egg, err;. Bad
Mattresses, Oak Baits, Bu
Carriages, Go-Cart,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, I
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
root, Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apple
Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
A Power For Good
The pills that are potent In their
action and pleasant in effect are
Early Risers. W.
S Phil pot, of Albany,
bilious attack I took
one. Small us it was it did me
tint. Little Early Risers are
an Sold by
Drug Store.
more good than blue mass
Sugar, Mel, ,. aV ,,. , j ever ,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil. . H ,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and China Tin
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Man
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing t and an
morons other goods, and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
M. Schultz
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods
are offered. We call
shoulders hams. Everything
y its honest name.
good corn just in
Five Points.
REV. J. H. Ph. D., Principal.
H. C, March 9th.,
Mr. Chas. M. Charlotte, N. O.,
is a little unusual to file an order this late
in the season, but we find that the more Pianos which
we add to our music department, the better the results at-
in the work. We have quite a number of your
instruments during the last few years, and they have all
given good satisfaction. It requires a of unusual merit
for the constant use which all practice piano have within our
school, but we are glad to bu able to say that your
have stood the test, and we will continue to purchase
your hint time to time as the need arises.
think there are about a dozen now in the school.
J. H. Principal.
Mrs. P. Hal vernal,
Was sick for live
agreed me. Ricky
Mountain strong, healthy. I
Gained thirty five
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Drug Store,
William Fountain, H. D.,
e door oust f poet office,
Third street
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Dr. D. Xi. Jame-
A rare and magnificent dis-
play of these pianos can now
be seen and heard at Green-
ville, at lowest factory prices
and easiest terms. We also
have on the floor several slight- j
upright piano at
juices ranging from
is guaranteed for years.
We also have a fine display
of organs at surprising low
figures ranging in price from
and up They are fully
factory .-ale will
close before more
days, when factory prices will
promptly withdrawn, and if
you any earthly use for
either piano or organ it will
pay you to take a look around.
When in Greenville Miss
Bessie Patrick, who is
with us during our stay
here, be glad to give you
O. G. Factory Representative.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of j, WM,
Ties and Ba. Cotton, and
Private to He Yuri
and New
H. C, 1904.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a pan-lei
cut is destined to take the
lead. try one, is to buy one,
to buy one, is to never be
one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. E. Smith Bro.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. N, C.
Moore and family, of
have been in
town this week.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
hamburg etc. Cannon
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure receiving sub
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a lint
of all v. receive mail at
this office. also take
for job
J. W. Bros, sold
wagons Saturday and still have
calls for more.
From the large number of
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big business as well as doing good
J. R. of
was here yesterday.
Remember you can find lawns,
nicker piques
-ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
that it is so.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. refer-
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Eugene Edwards has been quite
sick for sometime, but is now able
to come out.
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building,
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Cats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Now is the time to advertise.
We be pleased to hear Hon-
our friends.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
The Milling and Mfg. Co., made
a raise in the wages of their em-
recently. This company
employ good labor, who turn out
good work, using good material
and I hereby a ode.
alt stock, J. R
E E. C . will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
We call special to our
new Hue of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon Tyson.
Men boy suits at cost at W.
M. A Us.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received, line line of bar
Dees can fit you up in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E.
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
at the home of Claudius Jackson,
a short distance from town. Mr.
Clarence Hart Miss Mary
Jackson; Mr, Louis Garris and
Miss Mamie Worthington.
E. T. Phillips officiated and made
four hearts that were happy, hap-
pier still. After the ceremony a
good old fashion country wedding
supper was spread and everything
realized as expected at
early morn the scene of festivity
rejoicing had barely ceased.
We lender congratulations.
Pal Bar has come back from
For can peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
for peanuts,
Miss Coward has return-
ed to home in Greenville.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. C.
We are Headquarters for first
class, light neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Miss Mamie. of
who has been visiting friends
near here, has returned to her
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now
and 1.75. Shirts that were
each are now
each. A few pair of in
both low high cuts at
your figures. Lawns, white
goods all trimmings at almost
2-3 their value. Come and see.
Mrs John doom went up the
road yesterday.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil at J. R.
Smith Bro.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
Go to E. E. Go's new
market tor beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
First Class band made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large the trade, that
Those desiring first-class work I
in the enlargement of pictures
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture seats for I
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can be permanently
ed cue of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes, in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will work wonders.
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come in by car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Come to see us when you warn
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
W. E. Hooks is off on a trip.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
excelled, the Edwin
shoe which I exclusively is
net surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and sell you
J. J. Hines.
A big stock of Richmond cook
stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Bro.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and sitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Smith Bro.
One lot of shirts for
at W. M. Edwards.
A. P. has insurance
business around Black Jack for the
next week.
doz Jars and
Rubbers at J. R. Smith A Bro.
are simply the
at J. R.
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Com, hay and oats,
B. C. Pearce, or
been here this week.
Now we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
New goods, new clerks, new
and tobacco, w these there
is no reason things shouldn't
hustle, and they are hustling
is getting every day.
The longer we here the better
we like it, if we stay much
longer, we shall grow here.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of pants now
is the time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co.
visiting friends town yesterday.
For next days you can
buy a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards St Co.
All percales for at W
M. Edwards Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. Smith Bro.
perhaps just at this E
G. may not possibly be as
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain an Insurance man he
gets there. He is not only a
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated in being a
hustler and having something
good to hustle.
Overcoats, flannel cold
weather. Three fellows well met
Ladies Misses slippers at
costs it W. M. Edwards Co.
at W.
wish to remind my many
friends and customers that my
of new fancy and
belt of different colors, a
specialty have J.
A. Davis.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for only
at W. M. Co.
Dr. Sure cure for Io-
and fr sale
by J. R. Smith and Bro. is pro-
be the best the mar-
and is guaranteed to do all
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
K. F. Johnson,
The public to know that
I handle only a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET article, heat
quality of
good-- and the bust
sale by Gannon
We hear the young men say the
cheapest and lest fitting
is sold by Tyson.
percales ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
lo t of calico at W.
Edwards Co.
lo make room for fall stock we,
. , . . . . A nice selection of rugs
will dry goods, shoes hats; M .,. . ,
. M. wards Co's.
at greater reduced prices. W. M.
Edwards and Co.
George Worthington Bro
Tinkers, work in this line
a specialty. Work
A lot of ham burg edgings In
remnants. You can buy then,
cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's
Special attention is called to
zephyr shawls, infant caps and
We want your hams chickens
eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
Watt went to Green-
ville Tuesday.
Au nice line of
waist hats at Mrs. J.
We to build
buggies for we do not
set apace we cannot
Milling Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. O
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
AYDEN, m. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Office Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Lou is Skin
Office Hob Annie,
N. C.
general assortment of ribbons at
Mrs. J. A.
Notice you want
your cotton ginned nice and
in order that you might realize
better prices for it, bring it to the
M. Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
N. C
At the of business 6th
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Ranks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 16,183.02
Certified checks
Rills I ml
of of 5,000.00
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
They save stuck, They save land, The save neigh-
They lave worry, They save time. They are
guaranteed, They are steel. have the
only hinge Easy to build. No
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The Arm Is
the mesh on tie market. Car load just
received. Come to us

J. WHICHARD, Editor and
Entered in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining conn tie.
in to
Pitt N. C, Ti October 1904.
a mouth and
tell their own
tho will
There is yet a place on the map
in Heating the presence of Port
What a Rat Did. The rather of Children.
A small-sized riot was caused in Mr. William Richardson, ex-Sen-
the West End last evening by a I from Johnston count- tells a
story of a big family fan that county
A neighbor's boy captured a rat in
the cellar of his house. The rodent
puts in the shade all the big families
was alive, the trap being a sort of I that have been writing to Roosevelt
lie state fair at Raleigh begins
on the 17th an continues through
the week.
Tom Watson is lifting his voice
in North Carolina, but lie finds
Populism too dead to arouse.
Roosevelt will have fewer teeth to
show when he gets the of his
defeat. The dentist is already at
work on him.
This writer will not forgot scene
he witnessed at
summer. It was a banquet given to
an association of editors. That noble
son and splendid citizen of
Carolina. ex-Governor Jar vis, was
responding to a toast relative to the .
proposed Jamestown Exposition in
1907. The speaker supposed there
would be gathered in the waters of
The Populists did not carry a sin-
county in the recent Georgia el-
And that in Tom Watson's
Secretary not yet shown
the honesty to apologize to R. C.
Glenn. He knew that he was wrong
when lie denied that Roosevelt said
Postmaster General Henry C.
Payne died Tuesday night in Wash-
He had been in poor health
for two years but his last illness
covered only a week.
The most encouraging news is
coining out from New York. The
coming together all factions in
united support Parker and Her-
rick indicates a sweeping victory
Democracy. The prediction is
mode that the majority in that state
will be anywhere from to
county commissioners have
taken a commendable step in
for the working of
the county by convicts, Not only
will convicts of Pitt be worked on
tho roads but those from some of the
neighboring counties will also be
sent here. Better are much
needed and the work is begun none
too soon.
to be doing the
correct thing in regard to vaccination.
The people are readily going to the
physicians for the application and
very little objection is heard to the
rule ordering vaccination. That is
tho wise course to pursue and the
best, against an epidemic.
Carry out this spirit and there is no
danger to apprehend.
f has. F. Murphy has given it as
his opinion that New York state will
give and Harrison a major-
of There is reason to
believe that this is accurate and
cause to hope that the State will also
for Parker and If it does
well, goes York so
is a pretty reliable
diction. All in all, there is no doubt
that the outlook has recently mate-
improved from the Democratic
Charlotte Observer.
Hampton Roads from all of
the earth to engage in some
time displays. Gathered on the
shore as spectators are
of the different nationalities.
Amid other ships is some proud
monster of the sea flying the colors
of Russia. ship is
queries some one of a Russian citizen
standing by. ship, in
reply, to his majesty,
czar of all the Yonder i ti
the distance is another i vessel,
flying the of Germany from
her staff. ship is
queries some one of a stand-
by. sir, k the ship of
his royal highness, the of
speaks the Dutchman.
Another ship heaves into view. It
bears the triumphant colors of Great
queries someone of an
standing by. that ship is a
part of the English navy and be
of course, to his Royal High
the King of responds
the Englishman. And then there;
comes by in noble of
the sea flying from her staff the
stars and stripes. you tell
says some one to an American
standing by, ship that
And then, though it be tho hum-
American in all this broad
land, he proudly and truly responds.
sir. That is our And
when Governor had finished
the word the hall resounded with
applause. wonder. They were
true words, fitly spoken. The sen-
that such words convey
makes such citizens as the noble
Jarvis and make this our land and
country, the greatest and most be-
loved on-the face of the earth. This
is our country. No czar or emperor
or king owns or can rule it. We
are freemen. Which means that
possess our own souls, our own
minds, and we dare to think some
and develop some on our own ac-
count. If this thought will not
make true men, patriotic
men. nothing will. bless our
native laud with its boundless op-
its infinite promise, its
hope, its splendid traditions,
its noble J. O.
Atkinson in Christian Sun.
cage Two rat terriers were on
hand to do the killing, and a score
of men, women and children to see
the sport The rat was released and
managed to escape both dogs. The
dogs ran into each other, because
angry and started to light The rat
meantime was chased by the young-
and given one or two blows
with stones, but kept ahead of his
pursuers. He finally ran into the
open door of a near by, and
the woman occupant of the room it
entered fainted. The boys caught
the rat and killed it. The blood of
the rat spattered over the carpet,
the muddy shoes the boys J
added to the scene of destruction. ;
The fainting woman recovered and
chased the from her home. It
about big families,
How th. Named HI Beat
There ii something singularly
captivating to the imagination int
the names of many of the old time
sailing vessels, and ocean
which once spread their
Mr. Richardson says that Mr. plentifully against
Richardson, a distant w of
live of his, lived in
, ,. , , can help at the mere sound
county and died a few years ago was, of such names as the Lively Jane,
married three times and was the fa- j the Lovely Peggy, the Laughing
thirty four children and Modest Ann, the Constant
his had thirty two living the Fair Sisters.
m So
great-grandchildren, and over flower and freshness of their forgot-
great-great-grandchildren ten charms Many indeed are the
This is a partial explanation why loT the romancer hid-
the Democratic majority in y brief M
I. I.-. v lists preserved here and
and there m faded and tattered
Sometimes, too, one catches
elsewhere an echo of their name and
In one old New England seaport
there was a few years ago an aged
seaman Whose favorite tune
the many chanteys he was in the
habit of humming as he went about
the domestic chores of his tiny,
federal Court. It house was a scrap of refrain set
i pears that some time ago the chunks to a taking air, all he could
A case has just come to light that
rivals the old story of wooden nut-
i i , i t A company that has been
was over an hour later before peace,, .
i ti i government with cork
was restored. I he woman whose,, . .
i i i -ii preservers has been in-
carpet was soiled says she will
the father of the boy who
the Journal
f cork were suspiciously heavy for
the size and an examination resulted
in finding that one had a piece
of iron in its center, iron
exactly at o clock yesterday, j than cork. The dis-1 And her home from
t hour set for a the Sea-; a and Perhaps the most curious story of
Consolidation Stopped.
her of a once popular sea song in
honor of some fair
Hey, the Sally O
Boston bound who'd O
Sally the foam to my Sally at
board Air Line Railway general
here, by which majority stock-
holders of the Seaboard and
Railway, the of the
sent Seaboard system were to vote to
merge the Seaboard and Roanoke
have been set to work to try to find
out how many preservers are
loaded with iron. Tho indications
are that somebody is going to get
properties fully and completely with j A
the Seaboard Air Line, destroying valuable thing-
courts will see who has been getting T U
. ,. f, . . . K I that pertaining to neither fishing
lie Steamboat inspectors craft nor merchantman, but to a lit-
tie skiff familiar in the long ago to
the waters of hay. It
was owned by the good a
little shore village, who for fifty
years had persistently courted a shy
maiden of the name
So shy was she that often when
he called she would not even see
him. He would find tho sitting
room empty and the chair from
which she had fled at very mo-
of her yet rocking
by the window.
At length Rhoda died, still a
The top crop is an inconsiderable
factor in cotton estimates for the
present season. The harvest will
practically over by November
and it is plainly evident that instead
of overproduction, there in barely
enough of the fleecy staple to meet
the minimum demands
those quiet men who think before
they vote. Richmond
the corporate existence of the smaller
road D. A. Kelsey, court
agent, served upon President
A. Barr and General Counsel Watt, Every North Carolinian of the age
of the Seaboard Air Line system an of years should vote for the party
injunction granted by Federal I conserves the best interests of
Judge Waddell, stopped people and ensures the future spinster, and her bereaved lover do-
meeting called for and prosperity of his to honor her memory by be-
am en an v acts that might Everybody with as ranch brain as her Mme on
, . , , . , , j . . . . , i he encountered a
result in th; formal merger of be poked into a gnat s eye with permission could not be
Seaboard and Roanoke railroad with ; paint of a cambric needle knows
the Seaboard Air Line and the de- h party is the one with Bob
of the corporate existence j white plume waving at the
of the Seaboard head of the
Post. ton Star.
asked, and since in life she had
never accepted him was it fair or
courteous to her to dispense with it
He solved this problem of chivalry
and avoided the least shadow of
by naming vessel and
painting the name in conspicuous
black letters on the stern, Rhoda
,. . i t a to heart talk with the
I lie get together attitude of . ., , . . ,.,,,,
., . girl fresh men of College the
men is not without its i ., , r. , . .
. . other day Dean gave them
to forces. I. , . , , ,
. . . . . . . r. . I this up
It. is noted the Liquor , ,. . . . . vet
, . . , ,. don t look at tho keep
Association has planned to raise, , .,,,, . .
c i . t l ii-ii- tied; don t let your
to light William II. ,. ,
. , i i . There may be a bundle of
who is seeking the democrat . , . , , , ,
i in that; but why should a
and . .,
girl have to go to college to
Warning to Poor Penmen.
There should be no excuse for
there is
much of it. A certain Columbus
club u friend who
an indifferent scribe, attempted to
i break her of the habit in a very
iv nomination for governor and . ,, , i
, . ., Kill have to go to college to learn el
whose tern views so well . . , , n unto tram her
i i I i her mother ought a now
brewers and wholesale . . ,,, . one which was hard
liquor dealers all over the to conceived the idea of
having agents in Virginia arc
to be to raise the proposed The establishment of the depart-
reserved the amount the creation of
against the brewers being agricultural stations;
and that against the inauguration of the rural free
pretending it was an invitation to
dine, and accordingly wrote this re-
shall take great pleasure in
accepting your invitation to dinner
This is certainly a p
originated under Dam-
way to go about it and it role; and yet the
a successful opposition to these ; the her to claim credit
interests must be just a shade more
practical and
The Washington Post, which is a
truly independent, non-partisan
paper, with no excess of admiration
of or affection for the Democratic
party says i up the present
political situation, that would
appear that the Democrats are
perceptible progress, although
victory for them is far from being
that party is certain-
in better shape than it been
since that while it is difficult
to heal serious factional difference
in a few hours the re-
which have already been ac-
along this line are re-
and at least
The emphasis with which Judge
Parker insists the government
must be run on a more economical
basis is Republican
some All of which,
coining from The Post, signifies a
good Observer.
for everything good that has come
through the government to the mas-
Russia, it is said, recently con-
for a supply of bullet-proof
breast-plates for the protection of
her men in the far east. Recent
events would seem to indicate that
the other side of the body is in need
of the greatest Ob-
Our special representative, Mr.
J. A. will be in Pitt and
the adjoining counties some
time for purpose of collecting
for the The Tobacco
Mutual Co. Please
be prepared to settle with him
when he If should not
see him you can settle with Mr.
R. J.
T. P. M. Co.
First of the season
grapes at H. M.
tomorrow A short time
after this note had been delivered,
the telephone rang, and on answer-
it she recognized the voice of her
friend at the other end of tho wire.
it said. were
en in my note. I asked you if you
would subscribe to the
was that it answered tho
woman. couldn't make out your
note, and I wanted to answer some-
Preaching and Practice.
hear, my boy, that
have told your mother
falsehoods. This grieves mo
to the heart. Always tell the truth,
even though it may bring suffering
upon you. Will you promise me
well. Now go and
sec who is knocking at the door.
If it's the rate collector, say I'm not.
at Tit-Bits.
A Willing Substitute.
am much bothered. I
marry a rich widow whom I don't
love or a poor that I do love.
What shall I do
to yo heart and marry
the one
Ton light, friend. I
hall marry the
This department Is in of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The Joy of Feeling Fitted.
, There is the selection of
inks, library paste and
at the drug of Dr. B. T. Cox
ever brought to Winterville.
Protect eyes by buying one
of those eye shades at the Drug
Store, price cents.
For underwear that will make it
warm for you in cold weather call
at John Whitty Sou's.
Corn, Oats and nay for sale
cheap for cash, O. A.
and Co.
Highest price for cotton seed
paid by County Oil Mill.
G. A. Kittrell and Co. pay
The A. G. Cox Co. are
building a new department to their
that will contain
A good wood. -The .
A. G. Cox Co. wish to cod-
tract to have five hundred cords of
of floor space. This will be a wood cut Any cutter wish-
great improvement to their
and give them greater capacity for
Stoves, heaters ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our
before save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Boarding J.
Cox. Board per day. Best
house in town.
For are now fully
moved our new
rent smaller shop with en-
per bushel for No. grapes
glue boiler attached ready
and others according to quality.
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
If in need of a good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
If you want ice and lemons
fail to get I hem from
Bents would be
you bad better
drive machines,
reasonable, and
apply soon.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Penny candies a specialty at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Car load flour just received.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Kittrell Taylor have-just re-
A. G. Cox is offering a a nIce assortment of cutlery
horse for sale. j if you want a nice knife see them.
Caps the very kind are
for front to
G. Chapman Co.
I have been informed that A.
W. Co. has the nicest
line of dress goods silks, ribbons,
and lace town.
For nice Silks and Dress Goods
Bee A. W. and Co.
G- A. Kittrell and have just
received a car load of No. Tim-
Dinner pots. Wash pots
preserving crockery and
glass ware tin wood and
willow ware.
Ladies looking for h
first class material and de-
signs, should call at If. G
and Co.
We want your egg at per
We now have a complete line of
can them at
For nice picture j
and we've got cheap.
A. W. Co.
and valises cheap.
Harrington Co.
For dress and work at
If you need a wagon don't fail
to one A. O. Cox Mfg.
G. A. Kittrell Co, will pay the
top of the market for your grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W .
Ange Co.
cart hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg.
For A of me-
size mules. A. G Cox.
Second hand buggies cheap. If I
wish to buy a second hand
buggy cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
American Leading
Why halt between two
Ion A. W. Co. have j and
fitted. W
Glass ware, crockery, tin, c j pleasure in showing one and all
hoods, Shawls See through our line.
A. W and Co.
X. Manning are carry
lug medicine that
of the hf art in any
Harrington, Barber Co.
T. N. and Co. have
fresh cheese, nice mullets and a
full supply of Groceries.
Will be your experience if you gt into one of our new
Fall Suits.
You will see style and quality galore in them.
Every garment is a model product of the
Plastering hair and cook stoves; best materials and cleverest tailoring skill.
at A. W. Ange The difficulty will be, not in making a selection, but in
The A. G. Cox Co. are knowing what to reject,
chasing a lot of line timber for Tar i
Heel carts and wagons. They are j
also making a large supply of They are winning admiration from everybody who sees
these wheels so they can till a big them.
We can Suit you at or or lead you along
up to Suit luxury at or
Every new Suit says,
The New Browns are Here.
Notice-I wish t notify
Window door frame-, porch
, , ; ,, columns, brackets and all kinds of
at toy one mile sour., 2.-2
Frog place, j U
One wood shop with
A Q Cox Mfg. Co. are offering shop and plainer at-
wheat red mud prices. Get I heir
prices before buying
We now have on hand a nice
line of dress goods at remarkably ,
. and is a nice place for
lo figures, come, see aim OB
; . horse boiler
for work. Toe is
to x ft, is near a road
winced. Yours truly
Kittrell and Taylor. I
Box Body for Sale is
now beacon when you may
want a part to
farm products to the or
market. The A. Mfg.
and selling them and yon
had better them your order
at once.
That old reliable Elk Vinegar
for sale at R. G. Chapman
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
up nice fly proof kitchen safes.
They are cheap and convenient.
Get your dealer to order you one.
G. A. Kittrell Co., will be on
the market this season as grape
buyers and will pay the highest
Bee the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Go's. Prices right.
Light wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
We want your every day
up to Friday at o'clock a. m.
Don't bring after that time
Fridays on Saturdays. We
pay per pound for No.
ken per pound for No-
Yours truly,
G. A. A Co-
For Nails and Lime see A. W.
Ange A Co.
Apply to A. G. Cox
The Pitt County Oil Mill U now
baying Cotton Reed. They pay
I lie highest cash price or will ex
eh for meal. When yours
an ready write for pries.
At Reduced A. G.
ate closing out a big
lot ii in if puces.
They have the finest and most
substantial fence made and you
can get a bargain if you apply at
demand when the proper season
Picture mid picture frames.
Barber Co.
R. G. Chapman Co. say they
are doing more business than they
Tar He- seams to
lie a victory over other
wagons Strength and
We a complete of heavy.
fancy prices
Barber Co.
Bring position first
class raw having
wit It which to do
work, able to save and
work up timber,
are a few of reason-, why
can save ,
Wittier ill Mfg. Co.
School pens,
of all
kinds can he found at the drug
Tar Heel a Try
a pair and be convinced of their
won n. R. fit Chapman
is the on
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22
Fay Stockings.
For Ladies, Boys and Girls.
Need no supporters.
We sell and guarantee them.
Look at them and try pair.
Ask for Fay Stockings at
our Counter.
All the newest things in
Dress Goods and Clothing.

We claim to have tho largest and m st complete
stock of Shoes in this town. are now showing large
variety of styles in the best makes for Men,
Children and Infants. We tell yon much about.
them in this space, but we want to call your attention to
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
It is easy enough to cry
but that which
convinces is the test.
We make strong claims
for this Shoe, and ask a
trial that our claims may
be proven. We claim a
unique, common
sole construction, found
i n no other shoe. A sys-
of modeling
a shoe that
tits the foot as nature
We also claim that
while of material
workmanship may
possibly be equaled, they
e at the
nice, and that as good a
shoe cannot be made and
is not sold tor less.
They are, however,
the tangible results of
many years study of the highly complex needs of the
human foot They appeal to common sense a warrant
a trial by every one who desires loot comfort and good
service combined.
J. B. Cherry Co
and Discount
Stock, securities,
Demand loans
Due Banks
cash items 3,314.80
Silver Coin 038.08
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
subject to check
Demand of
Cashier's checks out-
Bil's payable,
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public.
Cash Value,
Extended Insurance that automatically,
C. Is
Will be re-instated if arrears paid within on month while you
an living, or within three years after upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the
The newly married man looked at
the old bachelor and there was a
sadness in his eyes.
said, are living
wasted life. ail wrong,
old fellow. it isn't too
some woman yet found who
will love you and be willing to take
your name. By Jove, old come
home with me and in-
I yon to the sweetest young
woman you ever met. She's my
wife's sister, the dearest and gen-
girl. Why. they still call her
lie name of her babyhood,
The old bachelor moistened his
lips and hi- eyes brightened.
like he said,
with mint
And then the newly married man
know it was useless to waste any
further words the confirmed old
Plain Dealer.
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post
The Remounts.
you talk about enterprise,
I never saw anything to beat the In-
of the old said a
I regular army soldier who was in the
I campaign against the Sioux after
the Custer massacre in 1876. He
explained Indian enterprise this
had a lot of Crows employed
as they were quite useful.
j They had their own ponies, but
sometimes they would wake up in
the morning with nary a pony to
their credit. They would start out
I afoot, and they always came back
I at night with plenty of ponies. No-
body ever asked whore they got the
Suitable Name For It.
The artist of the impression-
school. He had just given
last touches to a purple and
canvas when his wife came into his
said he, is the
landscape I wanted to suggest a
not call it slit-1
said after a long look.
there's no place like
she replied meekly.
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture. Groceries.
We Pay Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
I Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
j thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C.
famous remedy
does for the
that which It
Is unable to do for
Itself, even if but
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies the natural
Juices of digestion and
does the work of the I
relaxing the
nervous tension, while
the Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
palpitation of the heart,
nervous dyspepsia and
all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
strengthening the glands. I
membranes of the
and digestive organs.
Dyspepsia Cure
Tour C
Cue holding times
tho trial which Mils
E. CO,
Tobacco has Prices
are Higher. We are well
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
Sale By
Cold Comfort
land sale.
Hy virtue of a decree
curt of Pitt county In Special Pro-
No 1300, entitled Warren
W. K warren and others, the
t will sell
public, before the
door in Greenville on
Monday, Nov. 7th the following;
d In the town
of known a
Allen Warren
no North Tar on
East by Atlantic, Nine Rail-
road, on by Third street,
the West by the
containing seven more
or .
the day of October 1904.
P G.
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for to own
There ii need to borrow a lawn when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at
a satisfactory price, It to lo the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream freezers, and
everything else in the hardware line.
H. L.
Dam, N. C, Oct.
Jesse Smith was In our neighbor-
hood yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bateman
and children, of Greenville, spent
Sunday with Mr. Mrs. O. T.
The children In our neighbor-
hood went hunting
Miss Maud Tyson spent Sunday
with her parents and returned to
her uncle, G. T. Tyson
Ruth Tyson, of
is spending with her aunt,
Mrs. S. V. Joyner.
Eddie Smith, of was
in our neighborhood Sunday.
Sunday with
bis cousin, Carl Tyson.
Another bear bout place
out here this week. The hear was
traced for sortie was
not ii
with One
burial n's
Of Cholera
Small Bottle or Chi
Colic, cholera
Mr G. W. Fowler of
Ala., relates an ex per U he Lad
while serving on a jury in
murder case at
seat of county.
He there I
ate some fresh and
souse meat and it ave me
very severe I
was never more sick in my life and
sent to the drug More fore certain
mixture, but the druggist
sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's
Remedy instead, he
had what sent for, but that
medicine wax so much hi-
rather Mud it tome III
fix I wee I took one dose
it and was better in five
The second dose cur-d me
Two fellow jurors
ed in lbs same manner and one
small hot lie cured the three of
From i to Pounds
Of a cold, deep Heated on the lungs
; is of Mrs.
E M Ind ,
who entirely cured by tho
of n
so -d I ran down
down II vi from to M lbs.
I a A In no
I need One Minute
Cough Four lollies tins
wonderful remedy cured
of the cough,
lungs ii restored me to my 1-
u eight, health
Bold at Stoic.
Winter is and if
need old the
i dice has plenty of them.
When of food
is too or the quality ion rich,
tour 1- U fl
i lie
has been weakened by
Eat slowly too
of easily digested food. Masticate
the food thoroughly. Let live
hours elapse between meals, and
When you feel a fullness and weight
in the region of the
eating, lake Chamberlain's
and Liver Tablets and the
stomach may be avoided.
For sale by Drug Store,
A weak stomach weakens the
because it cannot
the food into nourishment.
Health and strength cannot be re-
stored to any sick man or weak
without first restoring health
I he A
v stomach digest enough
lo lee the revive
the tired and run down limbs and
of the body.
what yon
and the
and of the
I too
Sold at Drug
and Thursday,
October and 6th, 1904.
w i
g .-
The mos gorgeous exhibition
ever shewn.
Exact duplicates of Paris, Lon-
don and New York patterns.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Doors open u or
I'm i i iii
The day and date October 5th and 6th, Wednesday
and Evans street.

Dissolution Sale
Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchiefs edged all
with i Life, big
values fr cents, this Sale for
yards Homespun, colors you
it will you cents the yard. this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque Window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures G feet by
feet wide, worth tins Sale
About yards Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market during this
Sale at
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted clocks, ends, sizes
Others i ; each, ibis Sale two
towels fur
Bum, seamless,
welted top, line Big values rent
per , this Sale per pair.
High bust English Corset, jeans, book
steel cable cord bust and has
trimmed top, perfect Sold the world
over for this Sale
Black mercerized, spun gloss, Petticoats full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This cents per Dozen,
BOO unit and fancy worsted. Men's
always bring tour and five dollars,
line of fall underwear, can't implicate these
anywhere, for big values, this
1,900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to yon any where from
to Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best bleaching, as long as we
have any, this Sale y
Shirts that you will cay are cheap for
all you can ask for, this Sale
We will sell a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big line of rubber goods, just re-
we will have to sell them
I will shave to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
N. O.
Dear Have you found out
you paint a job with fewer
gallons than of anything
else, lead-and-oil
Mr. Floyd
Sign painter, N. Y.,
it out three years ago; he
have us d lead-
and zinc for the past three years,
and cannot say too much its
I am using it on a Dig
job that i by contract, and it
has saved me at least in the
cost of
is the strongest paint we
know of; goes furtherest; takes less
of it to do job.
Lead and-oil is pure; lead-and-
zinc is stronger; covers more; goes
Have you out you can
paint a gallon in less time
than a gallon of anything
That means less time for the job.
Lees time; leas
Less paint; less for that;
less time, less for that.
lasts do you mind
the less for that I You are
surer of it.
Yours truly
F. W. to.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
A Cure at Last Mined, After
a Searching In vest Ration.
by St. Louis
A months ago the attention of a
few scientific and philanthropic
of St. Louis was directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out of test cases,
y cured and have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
but a question of a few week.
So astonishing have been the results
and in cases pronounced
incurable by all old methods that a
company has been formed and is
prepared to furnish at a normal cost
this cure to all
One of its chief features is
that patients can remain at home,
rounded by friends and relates, and
in a great many instances, especially
the incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their daily vocations
and become completely cured
Patients receiving the same treat-
here in St. Louis have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those In
New Mexico and Texas
The wonderful results in question
been accomplished by the
and the company which controls this
marvelous medical device have located
their main office at North Seventh
street, St. Louis. They have also lo-
a factory on Easton avenue and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will be known as
the Lung and Mr. C
P. Benson, the discoverer of the fluid
will person
ally charge of the of the
company. Mr. Benson will personally
meet all who call st the office of the
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable Jo make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
Free booklet, on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St ,
St. Louis, Mo
There was a large audience in
I the opera Friday night,
H. M. deliver
bis famous lecture on his to
Palestine. Our people had been
hearing Dr. preach for
nearly two weeks and were so
that they
. to hear his lecture. And
i as delightful as a
I as preacher. For an hour and a
half be graphically described many
i investing scenes incident to a OCTOBER to
j trip through the Holy Land,
t.-nutting from pathos to humor in above occasion the
a manner that held the closet at- Atlantic Coast Line will sell
N. C,
ten of every bearer.
round trip tickets from Green-
Dr coming to at the low rate
been a blessing to the of which includes one ad-
town and he will long be pleasantly
remembered by the people here.
The influence of his labors here
will be a power for good through
time to come.
Subscriptions to all papers and
magazines are taken Reflector
Book You can save your-
self the trouble of if you
remember this.
n c
Will its 58th annual session or
October 5th, 1904, in the elegant new
building with every modern comfort
and new furniture and
equipment throughout. Literary.
Scientific Classical and Business
courses. School of Music, art and
Expression. Full of able and
experienced teachers, specialists in
their several departments. Kinder-
methods taught by a
K r. inns mod-
further information apply
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October 14th
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
22nd., 1904, with final
limit to return October 24th.
Ask the Ticket Agent.
M. H, Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P A
Wilmington, N C
in Any Size Lots.
We will either pay cash or ex-
change meal and hulls for seed,
and furnish bags pay all
Write us for terms when
you are to sell Jot
Washington, N. C.
Go To Si Louis
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all it s beauty. An not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and bust with fast vestibule
W. O, D. P. A.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
An Effort to Get Coast Line to Put on
Another Train to Reach Kinston in
the Forenoon,
The business people and all
of this city will be interested
to know that an effort is being
made to get the Atlantic Coast
Line to put on another train on
the Scotland Neck branch, to reach
this city the return
to Hobgood the afternoon. This
will give the people along this
road a double service in pas
and freight traffic is
Winterville, N. C,
Ed Smith was here a short while
Sunday evening.
Miss Bessie Chapman is visiting
relatives at
Harvey Cox, of Ayden, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Evelyn Cox.
Bill Dixon was here Saturday
and Sunday visiting relatives and
shaking with his old
Rev. W. K. Cox, of Greenville,
Beaver Dam, If. C, Oct.
Four families this section are
quarantined on account of small-
pox. The doctors report all rick-
en with the malady as doing well.
No new cases are reported. AH
suspicions parties will be watched
and reported to the authorities.
One poor fellow said he had
much needed and if done j came Monday to see his mother
prove a great benefit to Kinston in the
many ways.
The advantages to be derived
from he daily are
many, union then, it will put in
closer n t
along this Hue and
to come to out city and transacting
their business return home the
same day. This of course will turn
to a large volume of
that now goes elsewhere. Another
advantage is that from
Norfolk and the north will leach
Kinston to hours sooner than
now, besides die
inadequate facility for hand-
ling the freight this branch of
the road.
A great many her benefits and
advantages will
service, but folks don't
just it's up to
business men to get together
and ask of the officials
this thing.
The Free Press is in a position
to state that the officials would
more than likely act favorably on
the request if made with the prop-
backing. That would be the
chamber of commerce, the Free
suggests, hold a meeting
and make the request formally
and officially.
There is no doubt but the
men citizens
of the city, are in favor of the
proposition and the time to act is
Kinston Free
church night.
It. i. C was town Saturday.
L L. el I went, over the
Olivia Cox left to-d j for
to take charge of a school.
Miss Bertha Dawson left Tues-
day to visit relatives at
H. A. White, of Greenville, was
Id town Monday.
Miss Helen Cox, of Ayden, who
Lost fifteen Years.
Mr. Luther N. White has located
a handsome gold watch which lie
nearly fifteen years ago, and
in a few days his property will be
restored to him The discovery of
the after this lapse of time
and the by which it was
accomplished furnishes quite an
a preacher
Louisburg carried the watch to a
nothing but the itch, and that be
had rather go to the penitentiary town it re.
than smallpox. All The jeweler noticed that
whites are becoming converted and
being vaccinated, while the color.
ed people are it the go by
as they are picking
A colored association at
Warren chapel the 10th. If
the colored people should happen
to have smallpox on the ground
there be more work for the
medical fraternity.
Another bear has been sen and
chased, but escaped all his
A dog hydrophobia passed
J. H. Cobb's store going north.
A message was sent to Ben
has been visiting Miss Magdalene Joyner, at Polls to look for
Cox, returned to her home Sunday the Ben armed
with a gun stood on guard and
quickly dispatched the dog when
of Greenville
and Charlie Boyd, of Bed
were here Sunday sporting
Jerome Oscar
were here Sunday to see
Mr. Mrs. B. P. Manning,
and child of Ayden,
Sunday here.
Charles Smith came home Sun-
day from a trip off.
Frank Harrington and George j
Kittrell went to Rocky Mount,
Quite a number of the students
of the W. H. S. Saturday
Sunday with their parents,
Cotton picking is progressing
with a vim. It will soon be over
if fair continues, as the
crop is ten percent, short.
All sunshine and no rain enables
the farmers to save lots of bright
Cotton is being ginned and sold
as fast as picked. If Sully can
hold thirty days he will again
be a noted Southern bull.
There is a very poor crop of field
peas but a fair crop of corn.
We want Uncle Sam to sprinkle
our roads, as there is more dust
than ever before.
Farmer are all smiling as they
c line home from Greenville. To
is selling well. That is the
fruits of a small crop.
it was of expensive workmanship
and examined it closely. He found
that it had at one time been re-
paired at store of H. Mahler's
Sons, so be wrote here making in-
Mr. Mahler, after re-
to his books, reported the
matter to Mr. L. iN. White. Mr.
White sent a full description to
the Louisburg jeweler and he re-
plied that, the watch was the same
one Mr. White lost. this way
Mr. White will soon recover the
watch which is supposed U have
been from his store or the
premises years
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol
Edward, and Ed-
Allen and Emma
Alex Bullock and Langley.
Moses Grimes and Martha Tel-
Caesar Joyner and Fannie
Will Tyson and Laura Parker.
Ned Brown
Editor Reflector;
I see in the of the
more than two ago convention published in
was interested in
this kind. The He-
at, that time
petitions from the business men of
Greenville, Winterville, Ayden
to the railroad officials
asking for the double service
and Capt. W. II. Newell, of the
Coast Line, came here fir a con-
about it. At the time it
looked like the petitions would be
complied with and the doable
vice put on, but for reason
the matter was sidetracked.
The needs of such a service and
the benefit it will bring to all the
towns along this branch of the
road is apparent to every and
the railroad would also increase its
own business by putting it on.
The merchants association of
Greenville should at take
steps to cooperate the mer-
day's issue of The Reflector that
I was named as a for
treasurer by that convention. I
wish to state that the use of my
name by the convention was with-
out my knowledge or consent,
I am not a candidate of that or any
other party for any office.
W, J.
Reminder of the Good Old Days.
A good woman remarked this
morning saw something in the
Methodist church Sunday night
that Greenville has not witnessed
in When what it
was she said, man went in
penitence to the altar and was con-
while kneeling there pray-
for the pardon of his
The incident the good old
days f the
el of Kinston in the move-
to get the double service. If Smallpox Patient Escapes
all the towns along the road will; named
wort fr it we believe it last week
The Graded School.
Those of our people who do not
visit the graded school
have little idea what are
missing. The splendid system by
which everything is and the
of the superintendent
and teachers is well worth witness-
A visit to the school will
increase your pride in it. Your
presence occasionally will also be
an encouragement to your children
by shoving you are inter-
in what are doing in
Services at Falkland.
Thee will be services in the
church at Falkland
every night next week,
with Sunday night, Oct,
A cordial is extended
Gone to Arizona.
Hon. B. E. Lacy, state treasurer,
has gene to Ari-
to consult with his brother,
Dr. John H. Lacy.
Mr. Lacy is suffering greatly
from catarrh and in tour months
has not had two consecutive nights
of sleep. The climate of
Arizona is expected to help him.
Raleigh News and Observer.
Join the Procession.
Every township in the county
Monday. Oct. 10th., 1904.
J. S. Mooring spent Sunday in
J. E Hughes, of Danville, came
in Sunday.
W. B. James left this morning
for Halifax.
Mrs. A. J. spent
in Washington.
Rev. J. A. Hornaday left this
morning for Saratoga.
J. S. Campbell returned to
Washington this morning.
Miss Jennie of
is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. W.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
Grimes returned to Raleigh Sunday
District Attorney Harry Skinner
evening from
Mrs. Harry Miss
Winnie left this morning
for Richmond.
C of who
has been upending few r,. -here.
left this morning.
J. K. came down from Hob-
good Saturday evening and re-
Sunday morning.
Mrs. G. W. Baker of Lewiston,
who has been visiting Mrs.
Whichard, returned home today.
Mrs. W. B. Brown and children
returned Saturday evening from a
visit to her father, near Ports-
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. of
Williamston who has visiting
Mrs. R O. left this
morning for home.
Miss Kathleen of Prank
who hes been
Nina returned to her
home this morning.
Misses Nina White, of Scotland
Neck and of Tar-
who have been visiting Mrs.
J. G. this morning.
Rev. H. H. Moore, of Newport
News, arrived Saturday evening
and preached both morning
night at the Christian Sun-
J. M. who has been
working for Ed. the
should try to have the largest years, bas accepted a no-
number of horseback riders in the
procession at rally in
Greenville on 22nd.
Make it a big day and give our
next governor a royal greeting.
Some Improvements.
W. B. is having a porch
Educational Rally at
There will be an educational
rally at on Friday night,
14th. will be made by
Dove and and per-
haps others. The school will begin
in the new building on Monday
following the rally.
Mr. Ames Dead.
Mr. L. D. Ams died -l
Vie secured.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
H. O. Hyatt will be in
with a case of smallpox and was
placed in station,
made his escape Sunday night. It
is supposed that he vent back to
at toe betel, October h
17th . 18th. and Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, for the
, of treating diseases of the The Pitt county corn fail will be
and fitting glasses. Those held the farmer
able to pay a lee will be ex-. should b. inK
built the front of his at his home near Portsmouth., Va.
on Dickinson avenue,
J. A. Andrews i having hi
residence on street newly
I returned fr mi
more I my fall mil
and notions. Opening Sept
IS, Mrs. U. L. Boyd,
N. door to
He was years
the father of Mrs. W
of Greenville, and u
much of his lime hen
winter months.
He was
, Brown,
d to spend
during the
For hand Brooks
ten Press, good running
aider. K. L
Hunts N. N. C.
at aid left for his
new home Saturday evening. We
egret very much to him go.
Tuesday, Oct. 1510.
Rev. H. H. Moore returned to-
day to Newport News.
Rev. W. E. Cox returned this
morning Winterville.
J. T. Matthews, of Washington,
spent the morning here on his re-
turn home from Kinston.
Mrs O. Brown, of Henderson,
arrived Monday to visit
her sister, Mrs. A. H. Taft.
Bertha Savage, of Scotland
Nick, who has been visiting Mis.
Z. T. Vincent, borne to-
Mi-s Harper, of Wilson,
who has be-n Mrs. H. L.
Carr, led even for
Mrs. J. Grimes, Hal-
has visiting her
Mr. and Mis. J. J. Laugh-
this morning.
. .

Eastern reflector, 11 October 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 11, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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