Eastern reflector, 7 October 1904

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Dissolution Sale
Goods Go.
Almost Regardless Of Price.
I will have to include
As have more Goods than I can handle
Don't Wait Come Early
Get your Choice
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
We beg announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
in mil
Go To St. Louis
C. Route.
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all its beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and best with fast vestibule train
service W. D. P. A.
Wholesale and
furniture Dealer. paid
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
rel, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba
y Carriages, Go-Carte,
wits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing Machines and nu-
other goods. Quality
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M. Schultz
The following points can now
De reached over the lines of
N. C.
Rocky Mi.
Angus a,
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S- C.
Chase City. Va.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Columbia, S. C.
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York
New Orleans, L
Norfolk. Va.
Petersburg, Va
I Va
St. Mo.
And all Important and in
points east of the Mis,
Milling i i
t. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
vol. No
Tribute to Judge Brown.
Wilmington, Sept.
the adjournment of Brunswick
Superior court at Southport today,
at noon, Judge George H. Brown
closed a distinguished service
yearn on the lower court bench in
North a fact which was
adverted to by Hon. Jno. D. Bel-
in a and most com-
speech as the final act
of the term was about to transpire.
Mr. Bellamy personally, and in
behalf of the bar of the state,
thanked Judge Brown for his
form at all times during
his long as a Superior court
judge, and referred in most com-
terms to the urbanity
and to others which
his judicial
His elevation he Supreme
Court bench of was
spoken of in gratifying terms, the
remarks of Mr. my having
been seconded by Mr.
Meares and other of the
Wilmington and Southport bars
in attendance, all of which was
gracefully acknowledged. Judge
Brown came up to the city this
afternoon and is spending a short
while with; friends on the sound
before going to bis home in Wash-
Bethel, N. C , Oct.
The share holders of the Bethel
Banking and Trust Company met
Sept. and perfected
by electing the following
President, M. O. Blount;
vice president. J. R. Bunting;
cashier, H. H. Taylor. The fol
lowing gentlemen were elected as
the board of Dr. R. J.
Grimes, chairman; Robert
F. G. James B. W, Moseley,
Greenville; T. T. Cherry,
S. C. Whitehurst, S. M.
Proceeding of the Commissioners.
The board of county commission-
were in monthly session on the
3rd. all members being ores-
usual pauper allowances
were made and claims against
were audited and paid.
The treasurer and
dent of health both presented their
monthly reports which were ac-
and filed.
The of Greenville
Volunteer Fire company were re-
Jones, W. J. Teel,, . , . , ,,.,
, leased from poll taxes for 1904.
E. A. Cherry, J. J. Carson. ,. . . . . .
m , . The sheriff made report show
row. d. .,. f.-. .
To Cook Carp.
Many person have been dubious
Hie value of
the carp, which is so abundant in
the Columbia. As much of the
flavor is lost through careless cook-
it is important, to enjoy the
fish, that a good recipe be strictly
adhered to. The following method,
which is in use at a local
rant, is the fact, the only
way to cook carp so it will
be appreciated.
Take a good sized carp and clean
it well. Get some stiff clay, make
a paste of it, plaster around
carp to a thickness of two
inches. Bake in oven until clay is
very hard. Then get a hammer
and I; off the clay. Throw the
carp away and serve the clay.
laud Oregonian.
will be ready to accommodate the
public in days. The cashier,
EL Taylor, had some
in a of Nor-
folk, and will conduct the business
with that skill honesty that
characterize all his dealings with
his t el low man.
Bethel is awaking from her
lethargy will not go into win-
quarters her army of busy
toilers shall have won in the in-
Mr. Mrs. H. H. Taylor have
begun house keeping their
beautifully painted little
front of the academy.
Mr. cotton gin has
running day this week.
The farmers are selling their cotton
as s they can get it ready for
A new brick store on Railroad
street will soon be and
will be occupied by Taylor, Smith
and Thomas.
There is one in the flesh
that he had established a public-
road in township ville g- i
accordance with an order issued at
September meeting of the
R. M. was released from
es on solvent credits
It was that a certain
public road in
ship, laid off in 1889, be
Richard P. Moore, t Jones,
Win. Hazard John Dick
ens were released from poll tax for
Richard Anderson was added to
pauper to receive per month
and Sallie Baker per month.
J. L. Fountain and S. M. Crisp
were ordered to appear before the
at November meeting to
give information concerning
J. F. Allen and J. U. Kittrell
were employed as guards for
A consultation was had
with the board of physicians to
Woodland, N, C, Oct,
Mrs. E. E. Lail spent Sunday
with Mrs. H. B.
Mr. Mrs. Manning
were in the neighbor-
hood Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith went
Mr. and M-s. B. T. spent
afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Smith.
went to Green-
ville .
Harvey was in the neighbor
hood Sunday.
Benjamin Craft went to Green-
H. B. Smith went to Winterville
Mrs. C. T. Kittrell went to
Winterville Friday afternoon.
Misses Evelyn Pattie button
were in neighborhood Sunday.
Miss Nina Smith has been slight-
ill for past few s.
Henry in vicinity
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol-
lowing couples last
Chis. J and Laura
B Jones Caroline Morton
Flunk Williams and Katie
J. Allen and Lillie B.
James Pender and Par-
John Button and Dawson.
consult as to best steps to take in
. to smallpox-
Commissioners Barnhill
Spier were a committee
with the superintendent of
as to the location of pest houses,
An order was passed that
shall be paid cents for
each the county to
Dispensary Profits.
The total sales of the e
dispensary for the month of Sept-
ember was and net
profit, This average
for a year will give the county
school fund the county
of the fits. When
had bar rooms they
paid a tax of that went to
the county, so that it will be seen
that a not gain of is
added to the county by the
At the same time you only
have to look about you
streets of Greenville to see that
there is not near the drunkenness
here dispensary was
established as existed when the
town had eleven bar rooms.
Unmistakable evidence was
that one certain man of
Bethel has flagrantly violated
law against sale of spirituous
liquors in Bethel. The court found
this man guilty -aid imposed a
sentence of-twelve mouths in jail.
But within two days after this
who has so ,,,,
persistently violated the said laws,
found the court re-
turned to his home. Toil manner
of has been tried and
failed to correct the evil until it
seems time for the good people to
Inquire should have mercy j
shown them by the com Shall
it be those who try to protect the
interests of the state and
to her industrial and Intel
and growth, or
it be those who violate laws
and out those deadly
that the citizen,
and bring disgrace upon the com-
Bethel graded school has
just completed a very successful
mouth's work. With new piano,
new desks and increased faculty
A resolution was adopted order-
compulsory vaccination in in-
towns or districts in the
Jurors for November court were
A Great Sermon.
There was another large audience
ft the Baptist church, Monday
night, to hear Dr. Wharton. His
sermon was Prodigal
and in idea deep es-
on the many men present.
It teen that there was
deep interest in all the speaker
said. The sermon was strong and
even more effective by apt
illustrations, Some of the
met by a young man when he
the work gos on with Increasing j to Md makes up
interest and with increased success, j w , ,.,, to niB
Many visited were , BUg.
Friday. Shows do draw some these may
people's money. overcome.
The service at o'clock this
County Canvass , was delightful. Tonight
The comity candidates the i usual at
Democratic party will Hi
N. C, Oct.
Miss Lula Sexton returned Sat-
from a visit to friends
and relatives in Halifax
J. D. Cox is in town this week,
H. H. Stanley spent in
F. P the popular
drummer, representing Harvey
Blair grocers, of Richmond, visited
last week.
Joseph Rawls spent Sunday with
friends here.
Frank Whaley George Cal-
we are sorry to say are on
the sick list.
H. B. Phillips, manager of
Beaufort County Lumber Co., will
this week in in
interest of his company.
A. B. Miner, of Suffolk,
dent of Greenville Lumber and
Veneer company, spent last night
with O. G. Calhoun.
Regulation for Election Ballot
Section chapter, laws of
North Carolina provides that the
ballots to be used in the coming
election on Tuesday, November,
8th. shall on white paper
and may be printed or written
partly printed and partly written,
and snail be without device.
It is ordered by the County
Board Elections of Pitt
that the ballots for Legislative
officers shall be inches wide
inches That the
lots for the county officers shall be
inches and inches wide.
That the ballots for Township
Officers shall be and
inches long.
Ordered this toe 5th of 1904.
County lid. Elections
J. Smith, Secretary.
Monday, October 1904.
H. A. White went to Rocky
W. M. Lang went to Kinston
Sunday evening.
Miss Lydia Thigpen left this
morning for Tar bore.
O. L. Joyner Sunday
evening from Raleigh.
Miss Clyde Cox returned
morning from Ayden.
Mrs. C. F. Manning
this morning from Ayden.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown left
this morning for
Miss Estelle Thigpen is visiting
her sister, Mrs. G. E Cherry.
Mrs. J. F. Joyner took the train
here Sunday evening for Kinston.
J. A. Lang moved into Mrs
new house in South
D. H. came in Sunday
night to deliver several speeches
in this
Jenkins and child-
returned Sunday evening front
a visit to Tarboro.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor and
child, of Ayden, are visiting Mr.
Mrs. L. H. Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Laughing-
house returned Sunday evening
from a trip to St Louis.
Ex Gov. T. J. left this
for Durham to deliver an
address at Trinity college.
Miss Ruth Everett, of Farmville
is aunt, Mrs. W. E.
Harris, in Greenville
J. K. Williams has accepted h
position with the Chicago Portrait
company and left Sunday to take
the road.
Mrs. G. Baker, of
arrived Sunday evening to visit
Mrs. D. J. Whichard. Mr. Baker
also Sunday night here and
returned home thin morning.
Tuesday, 1904.
Fred Cox went to Norfolk today.
I. A Sugg, left this morning for
St Louis.
J. Campbell, of on,
is in town.
campaign next week. They will
speak at Fountain on Friday, Oct.
and at Farmville on Saturday,
For Sale hand Brooks
Gotten Press, good running
R. L.
Route No. N. C.
I have just returned from
more I bought my fall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
Mrs. H. I,.
N. C , neat door to
The Sick.
Supt. W. B. Dove, of l be graded
was on the sick today.
Miss Janie Tyson hat been sick
the last s
Mis- Mary Lee Smith is sick.
Far rail one of Tn Rb
Fruit jars, tumblers I r, has been kepi
stone jars at M. home with the past week
R. L. Smith
for Norfolk.
left this morning
J. R. Turnage, of
was here today.
J. F. King, left for Norfolk on
the morning
E. S. Philips returned to Winter-
ville Monday evening.
Mrs. E. A. Sr, returned
Monday evening from a visit to
Miss Nina White, Hobgood,
Monday evening to visit
Mrs. Mary Smith, of Winterville
spent Monday here with her grand-
son Rev, W. E. Cox, returned
on I lie evening I rain.
Rev. B. Stephens, Ayden,
who conducting a meeting
in the Free church
Mi- weeks, left
The temperature is pretty close
frost these mornings.

D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept ton-
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Not Quite
How often you can pet a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
After eating, of a habit
will derive treat benefit by taking one
of these If you been
they win promptly relieve the
and restore
the appetite and remove gloomy feel-
Elegantly sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
To The Public.
Owing to the law recently paw-
ed by the town, forbidding any
buggies to be left on the street,
aDd oar room limit d, we
are forced to quit feeding or
care of any horse.
And as we are informed and be-
i oar tables is the cause
the law being emoted, e re
request the Board of
Aldermen to repeal the law as to
j all stables except ours, that the
j public may be entertained.
j Sept. 1904. A. Savage Co.
t-d m-w
Hew a
A Wild Ride For Life
With family expecting j
; him to die, and a sod rising
life, miles, to get Dr. King's consent to an interview
I New Discovery fat Consumption, sues of the
I Coughs Col-is, w. H. Brown,
agonies from asthma, but
wonderful medicine gave
relief soon cured He
j cow sleep every
night Like marvelous puree l
the Agent of
Own Defeat.
One of qualities which gave
to the late Senator Matthew
Quay of Pennsylvania was a won-
ability to judge human
An incident which the Brook-
Eagle recounts the
humorous side of Quay's ability to
turn men to his own uses. Shortly
before General a personal
friend of was nominated for
the governorship of Pennsylvania a
political writer one of the
papers went to
for an interview. He met Mr. Quay
on the train.
are you hunting this
asked the senator.
I'm going to interview Gen-
Bearer, was the reply.
that said Quay thought-
fully. wish you would
take a note to him for mo. It would
save my getting the train
The newspaper man promised to
do-CO. Mr. Quay borrowed his pad,
wrote a few words on a sheet, folded
it loosely and addressed it on the
outside to General Beaver.
give that to him if you
he said, banding it carelessly
to the writer. is all I was
going to to . . m
Ushered into the veteran's office
in the newspaper man .
asked General Beaver if he would ;
x Dealers for the Next
Will offer some very low prices on all stock.
the great
was ready reply.
we said the
our price
our price 1.05
our price 1.35
our price
pleasure in the I
Mens Calf. 1.75
Patent Colt
on the i-
I Coughs, Colds aid Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
M Throat Lung troubles.
bottles and Trial
bottles free at Drugstore
t. t. t. s. w.
porter. must give you this note
from Mr. Quay, whom I met on
General Beaver the note and
opened it. is face broke into a
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday.
m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
all points North. Connects at
with railroads for ail
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk R. It. and
Old Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
Baltimore Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice President
81-85 Beach Street. N. Y.
Fearful Odds Him
Such, brief was the condition of
old soldier by Dame of J.
Havens, O. For years
he was troubled with Kidney dis-
ease and doctors no.
gave him relief, At length
he tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on his feet in short or and
j now he on u e road
t- Best on em ill for
broad smile.
have changed my he
said. have decided not to be in-
Then us joke grew upon him
he laughed aloud. this is
good to he cried, and handed
the note lo the reporter.
Dear Beaver Don't QUAY.
Mr. Quay had assumed that the
newspaper man, being a
would not read the loosely folded
note, and that he would give it to
General Beaver before the interview
to get it oil his mind, and perhaps
to impress General Bearer with his
acquaintance with the Quay
had judged correctly, and the inter-
Sunday Shoes.
You pay elsewhere.
We carry a full line of MENS
Boys Suits worth 11.50,
our price
Boys Suits worth 12.00,
our price 1.48
Mens Pants from up to
per pair
All the latest styles in Mens
and Boys Hats and Caps at very
low prices.
We also have a full line of Sta-
and Fancy Dress Goods
which we are offering at very
low prices.
Shirts worth
Shirts worth
our price
our price
Work Shirts from to pair
Hens Underwear.
Heavy fleeced lined, worth
our price per garment.
, Liver Kidney troubles all I view not given o till he had
i forms of Stomach Bowel Com- j had time to advise his candidate.
plaints. Only Guaranteed
by J. L. Wooten, druggist.
What's la a Name
I have plenty room for all
j Everything is in name when It and baggies and an lake care of
j comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. and keep them oat of rain and
I DeWitt Co., of Chicago, j sun. i-- see me I am doing
i some years ago how to at the same old place. I
I a salve from Witch Hazel that is a good box board-
specific for Piles. For blind, bleed- and am opening a new
itching and protruding riles, livery with the bear vehicles and
; eczema, cuts, bums, brakes and hon-es and can every
all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve plenty
has no equal. This has given rise an., mules for or trade,
I to numerous worthless counterfeits I best can lie gotten. J. F. Kim;.
, Ask for DeWitt's, the genuine. aw
Sold at Woe-ten's Drug Store. .
I my live.
With all good with in-.
Unto poor some I give.
The give Rocky
Tea. Drug
New Fall Catalog
Issued 1st, is the mart
helpful valuable publication
of its kind Issued in It
tells all about
Farm and Garden
which can planted to advantage
profit in the Full. Mailed free
to Funner a. upon
request. for it.
Wood Sobs,
What i Lite
In last analysis nobody
knows, but we do know that it is
under strict Abuse that law
even slightly, pain results.
living of
the organs, resulting in
Headache or Liver
Dr. King's New Life quickly
. . ., f Worth Carolina.
this. It s gentle, yet
thorough. Only at Wooten's
We also carry a full line of-
that will be sold as low as can be had anywhere.
Ga., high-grade piano
I Drug Store.
Chas. M.
St., Baltimore, Md.
Dear I beg to
you properly executed
the purchase of
Dan Pianos, to be delivered
j at Conservatory,
i Gainesville, Ga. This will
equip the Conservatory with
Pianos exclusively, with
exception of one Concert
. R. L.
Norfolk, Va,
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago and New Orleans.
I I IN 1866.
HUT ft A
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Ties and Bags.
Pitt County.
Aaron Wooten, Jr.
vs V Notice.
tab-6 i which we have on band.
take notice an action entitle- ,,,, T ,
above has been commenced in the hen began to investigate
Court of Pitt in which pianos a view of taking
the plaintiff seeks a divorce from the n ;,. .
bonds of matrimony heretofore OUt all lg
between the plaintiff and the new supply,
and the said defendant will
further take notice that she is required
to appear at the next term of the
of said County to be held on the
first Monday in November 1901, at the
court house of said county in Green-
ville, N. C, and answer or demur to
the complaint in said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
relief demanded Id
This the 6th day of September
Clerk of Superior Court.
William Fountain, n. D.,
Physician Surgeon,
Office one door east of post o.
Third street. Phone COS.
came to my notice. I have
studied pianos closely during
the last ten years and have
purchased ninety instruments
m that time. After visiting
the factories in a number of
cities, I inspected your plant
in Baltimore. I felt sure that
no factory in the United Stales
was better equipped to produce
than the factory.
We have 1-ad one of your
instruments hi the-
for and have
the lone, quality and
mechanical o instruction.
thoroughly testing it for
eight or ten hours per day, I
have placed an order for fifty
new Pianos. I find the
action of this piano every
way desirable to the artist and
lo the- student.
While the cost of your piano
is more than I
have to pay for others, it has
greater merits, and I consider-
ed best none too good
for Conservatory.
I take pleasure in saying
that after we have secured the
pianos ordered all of our
rooms, both for teachers
and students, will be supplied
with your excellent
Yours very truly,
A. W.
on at
Barest display of these artistic pianos
rills, N. direct from the fact at factory
O. Q. Factory Representative.
Oar roller weak board Is a
it is without a
destined to take the
tend, to try one, is to one,
end to bay one, is to never be
without one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Forrest wife, W. L.
and wife, F. I
wife Mrs. T. B. attended;
the circus at Monday.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. K Smith Bro.
Mrs. F. F. Brooks, of Kinston,
has been visiting her brother, J.
t. Bar wick, this week.
When yon need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
The ladies have found out where
to go the j
quality dress goods, laces, ii-r-
haul bur j etc . and ,
A for Daily
and we lase
great in receiving sub-
and receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
J. W. Bros, sold
wagons Saturday and still have
calls hr more.
From the large number of
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big as- well as doing
you find
nicker t. piques and
ether nice goods too numerous In
mention at J. B. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces
burgs, J. It. Smith Bro.
Peter Hines who has been away
for sometime has come home.
Do you know J. B. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
hat it is so.
Pictures enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer-
Hart Bros., Ayden,
K. C.
L. B. has opened a
restaurant on Second street.
If you need anything in way
of Crockery, ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for at W,
M. Edwards Co.
Call and examine our of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
den Milling Mtg. Co.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
The Milling and Mfg. Co., made
a raise in the wages of their em-
recently. This company
employs good labor, who turn out
good work, using good material
thereby hangs a
salt tor stock, at J. R
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy fancy
We call special to our
new Hue of Tan and Ideal Kid
Cannon Tyson.
Men boy suite at at W.
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received, fine of
and can fit yon up in any style
or price,
Ayden Hilling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. a Co's.
Call on Hart s f-r a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
T. Doc. of Greene
county, was here on business Fri-
at the borne Claudius Jackson,
a short distance from town. Mr.
Clarence Hart and Miss Mary
Jackson; Mr, Louis Garris and
Go to E. E. A Co's
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
suffer from intense head
eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can be permanently
ed pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes. Then in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
J. B. Smith says his firm has a
Miss Mamie Worthington.
E. T. Phillips officiated and made Pair of
four hearts that were happy, hap-
pier still. After the ceremony a
old country wedding
come in by car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is
narrow, nice and cheap,
J. R.
supper was spread and everything Smith Bro.
as expected and at
nun n scene of festivity
rejoicing had barely ceased.
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E
Cannon and Tyson wish to call
special to land plaster
for peanuts.
Miss Nancy Coward has return-
ed to her home in Greenville.
if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
den, N. U.
We are Headquarters for lost
class, light neat Harness,
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden
U. C.
Sandy and wife of Kins-
were visiting C. C. Bland
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now
and 1.75. Shirts that were
Si Sc each are now
each. A few pair of shoes in
both low and high cuts at
your own figures. Lawns, white
goods and all trimmings at almost
2-3 their value. Come see.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. R. work in this line
Smith Bro.
A. P. went to W in-
yesterday to see a friend.
pair double, single fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
We bear the young men say the
cheapest and best fining clothing
is sold by Tyson.
percales ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
O lo t of calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
Those desiring work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Now we have plenty the
leaf wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
New goods, new clerks, new
cotton and tobacco, with these there
is no reason things
hustle, and they are hustling
is getting better every day.
The longer we here the better
we like it, and if we stay much
longer, we shall grow here.
We are told Cannon
I Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of pants new
is time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co.
The graded school opened up
well and is moving on with
did regularity. The requirements
for the honor roll are an average
of on all studies. No absences,
no tardies and good deportment.
A handsome will be
given at the end of the session for
mark. It will
be counted to the higher grades.
For next fifteen days can
buy a suit at cost from W. M.
Edward- Co.
All percales for at W
M. Edwards Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
perhaps just at this E.
G. may not possibly be as
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain as an Insurance man be
gets mere. He is not only a
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated in being a
hustler and something
good lo hustle.
Ladies and Misses slippers at
costs it W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W.
It. Edwards
We want your hams chickens
Work Bro.
Au nice line of shut
, I waist hats at Mrs. J.
A lot of hamburg edgings We to
remnants. Yon can buy them buggies for we do not
cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's set apace we cannot
o .,,.; j. . Milling Mfg, Co., N. C
Special attention called to B
zephyr shawls, infant caps
general assortment of ribbons at;
Mrs. J. A.
Notice you want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
In order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
N. C.
I wish to remind Bay
friends and customers that nay line
of new fancy collars and
belt of different colors, a
specialty have J.
A. Davis.
New up-to-date and
Wilson sewing machines for only
30.00 at W. M. Co.
Dr. Sure cure for In-
fr sale
by J. R. and Bro. is
be the best in the mar-
and is guaranteed to do all
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F. Johnson,
Ayden, N. C.
Come to see us when you warn
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
Several ladies and gentlemen
from the Centerville section came
up yesterday and left the
for Greenville.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot be
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I bundle exclusively is
surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and sell you
J. J. Hines.
A big stock of Richmond cook
and heating stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Bro.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and sitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Smith Bro.
One lot of shirts for
at W. M. Edwards.
doz Mason Jars and
Rubbers at J. R. Smith Bro.
To make room for fall stock we
will sell dry goods, shoes and hats
at greater prices. W. M.
Ed wards and Co.
George Worthington Bro
The public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of
goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
a specialty.
Dr. Joseph
Block, Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Lou is Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
N. C.
At the close of business Sept 6th, 1904-
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Duo from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes
other U. S.
Capital paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 16,183.02
Certified checks
of 5,000.00
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing
They save stock, They save land, The save neigh-
They save worry, They save time, are
guaranteed, They are best steel. They have the
only hinge Easy to build. No expense
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The Am Is
the mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Come to s e us

k, .
I. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
Entered in the post office at Greenville, C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Pitt County, N. C, Friday, October 1904
Between the speakings and the
fairs this month the people need not
Sunday's Raleigh News and Ob-
error was a hammer. It was a
Democratic paper right.
Governor-to-be Glenn is con-
ducting a great campaign in the
state. His speeches not only attract
attention over the state, but through-
rut the nation as well.
DAN HUGH speech.
Senator George Hoar, of
Massachusetts, has passed into the
beyond. He lived to a ripe
old age was a mail of towering
intellect and influence.
The Charlotte Observer has been
caught on the Wilmington
about resolutions
r to have been adopted by the
convention of
let us remind you that
held a strictly
In Raleigh Friday morning Dr.
Thomas Hogg, one of the oldest
and beet known men of that city,
was run over and killed by a rail-
road shifting engine- Hy his age
he become enfeebled physically
and mentally, and Having a
for railroads he unconsciously
wandered into
Monday's papers contained the
letter of acceptance of Henry C.
Davis as the candidate Tor the vice
presidency on the Democratic ticket.
Mr letter is much the short-
est of any of expressions of the
candidates j receding him, but
it is full of meat and to the point.
As a running mate of Judge
he is a strong man. and every pass-
day gives a brighter forecast of
the election of the Democratic ticket.
Judge R. Peebles has brought
more disfavor himself. The
Superior court clerk of Warren
county tendered his resignation be-
of ill health. Mr. It. Rod-
well, who Was deputy clerk, made
for the office, and the
power of filling the vacancy was
Tasted in Judge Peebles It seems
that Mr. as not a supporter
of Judge Peebles in the convention
that him for judge over
F. Winston, and he did
not get the appointment as clerk.
Wanting some excuse
him Judge accused Mr.
of being a defaulter and
said he would regard tit a to
appoint Such a man to This
effort to blight the character of an
benefit man aroused the just
of the people of Warren county
who knew and honored Mr.
and it has not tended to change the
already poor opinion people in other
of the state had of Judge
A large crowd heard Hon. Dan
Hugh in the court
Monday night, and his speech fairly
bubbled with old time Democracy
that brought frequent
After an introduction by
F. G- James, Mr. spoke for
an hour and crowded much sound
logic in that time. He
his audience as a jury before whom
ho tried the issues of parties,
and leave it to their judgment to
whether the Republican party
of misrule should remain charge
of the affairs of government, or the
Democratic party with a clean,
honest record take its
He took Roosevelt's record as a
first and forcibly showed
how he did not occupy his
by the will of the people but
was a creature of circumstance.
He referred to the president's
cation of Southern chivalry in
terms and said he did not see
how even a self-respecting
can of the South could support him.
Any who should vote for him would
be endorsing his denouncing as
traitors the heroes of the
In State matters Mr re
DAY AT TRINITY How Strike Home in
COLLEGE. Country.
The tariff question is a business
N. C, October. proposition that concerns every man.
Today was a holiday at Trinity
college known as day-
This evening ex-Governor T. J.
Jarvis, of Greenville, delivered the
address of the evening in the Craven
Governor Jarvis delivered the ad-
dress at the laying of the corner
stone of the first building erected on
Trinity college campus about four-
teen years ago At that time
upon the Methodist of North
of every age an I station, -to rally to
woman and child, for it taxes the
avenue home a year, or wore
than one-tenth of the average family's
A Bit of Enterprise.
A man an observant eye no-
a bit of enterprise at Rocking-
when the John Robinson circus
was there the other day The only
field that suited the showmen as a.
location far their tents was one filled
the support of the situation and high. But only a very small part
build such a school as should be a of this can be classed as
total income. There is an with cotton pick. So what
of one and one eighth tenths earners, did the folks do but buy the
in the average home. These cotton on the land, as Well as rent
bate thirty labor each, or fifty-, the ground. Then several hundred
four labor a year to the tariff- j men were put to work picking cot-
tax collectors If this Hi went as ton until the field was cleared and
honest taxes to our government to the staple saved. Now this story is
meet necessary expenditures, for strongly.
fault would be found, though
tax would be considered extremely
the Methodism of North
Carolina. he
lated all concerned on the wonder-
achievements made by Trinity
college since that
His address
taxes. Dy far the greater
part goes to million and j Tourist Call Attention to a
tariff trusts and monopolies, Gang at
which thrive now as never before the fervor
, . , of the Mohammedans, says Jerome
country, greedy trusts, Hart in Their
was directed mainly levy a tribute of a year upon; attention to their religious riles is
to the you men and the average home, while the govern- j unique among denominations so far
that he brought were these collects an average of about W observation goes, for when
Live the life of service, and never be j a year in tariff taxes; the col-
satisfied with anything but the last year amounted to S not through their
highest round of success. Governor 6- per family of I admire a man who has the
one day
more than they, we a workmen on the
I love their wives and children If
to give
and total His ad-1 t do not need is an-
was timely and than to keep the for other instance of
in the way of success, the mm
measure of success with which some
arc contended, and the grandeur
an with his living personality pro
a splendid effect upon his
At the conclusion of the address of food- Hot-tag and
President read the list of education. A vote -for the Demo-
for the year just closed. The a vote dispense
amount of donations was something
over one hundred and thirty thous-
and dollars.
railway up just the
call to prayers rang out from
their own families, who do need it
An extra a year would mean
much to the average family in the
with this additional
Every man has a personal right to
choose his own political party. He
I a win m . . ivy
has a right to belong to any party, ard the j
to their religious
was asked.
do you mean What are they stand-
in a row
I replied sententious
you see they are facing
Now, they were all standing in a
row. As I spoke, as if at a given
they all went down.
I cried. are pros-
themselves. In a moment
you will see them begin to bow to-
Parker on Hair,
Judge Alton Brook Parker. be independent, or all the elaborate forms of
democratic candidate for President, if he desires. prayer. Ah, is it not interest-
was recently chatting with an
hearsed the records of both parties his veranda not have a just right to do, though
and over against the corruption New York. are sometimes done. He does
misappropriation that blackened Re the conversation turned to not haw a be a candidate.
subject of red hair, which is a char- votes and as particularly so.
of the family. ; he does not get a But as we gazed on them, with re-
said the of and is not
judge to his guest, hair was nominated bolt his party and
publican rule, he placed the clean,
honest, prosperous administration of
the Democratic and pointed
his hearers to the facts.
The speaker gave in fact, and. in consequence
We were all much impressed. I
flex religious interest, the row of
men arose. With a unanimous grunt
they rose, bearing on their shoulders.
redder than fiery red and work against the people a long steel beam, which they pro-
in fact, and, in consequence, my the convention of j to walk away with down the
some severe raps, lie said the man I lighting instinct were w a part Such a .
who went into a Democratic in school. In the country imagined I hoard a faint snickering,
. . . district where I learned my a course proves a man but I affected not to observe it.
seeking a nomination, and be- j R t fa the who There are moments when it is just
cause he failed to get it announced j When I first at-; is of a tine man. not to be too observing,
himself an independent and ed tended school the boys had a good And still has a man the right to
defeat the party, was no better than
a Republican, in fad was It never failed
of fun shouting and over to the enemy because his
to rouse
friends are not nominated. When
Extending tho Loan.
Old Mr. Dobson was if
can at heart. He urged that every lighting
n . . i u . strenuous life
Democrat stand by the es of
the party, that if any objections
to laws that had been enact-
ed let these be remedied within the
ranks of the party and not try to do
so by going to the camp of the
He wanted on the close of election
day the good news that old
Pitt county had been true to herself
and I lived a a convention and
votes or affiliates with it be implied
changed pledges himself to stand by its
the color of your hair, would
asked the visitor, blandly.
said the judge;
is all right. My Referring to fatal boiler ax
has it. and my little grandson there at the Mill at Durham,
is as red as he can be- They say it few days ago, The
is a sign of high temper, but it says it was the fault of an
also a sign of numerous excellent lent engineer, who let the water get
too low and then tinned cold
had two red haired into a hot boiler. Our content
not neighborly, but in the ca-e of
he really felt that a
line must be drawn somewhere. It
was the fifth time that week that lit-
Sammy Perkins had been over to
borrow something, and this was
only Wednesday.
Mr. Dobson, mother says
won't YOU lend her your lawn mower
for about an hoar or
Mr. Dobson scratched his head
dubiously. sonny, I
he said at last. be
needing it now, straight through the
summer, off and on. But I'll tell
water he added, when he saw
and rolled up fifteen hundred ma- said the comment is that next
for the Democratic ticket.
There are no treasures in this sin
Stained world more pure, more sweet,
more precious, more valuable, than
those found in the hallowed Vaults
of a woman's ministry and a woman's
love; for they are the richest gifts
that God ever lent to to show
man in their raptures the ecstasies
f higher and purer and nobler
and Jackson, and they were both
don't you think it's about time we
had a Success.
A northern exchange
can we find the ideal
We haven't got space enough
to mention the nooks in North Car-
where whole bunches of them
can be Star.
Standing for Morality.
The press of North Carolina stands
today more firmly for morality than
ever before Almost every news-
paper which one reads makes some
declaration in favor of high morals,
either in editorial utterances, prints
from other papers or in its own
general policy. A of the
North Carolina editors to-day are
fearlessly outspoken on the subject
of morals, and make moral excellence
a part of their
land Neck Commonwealth.
Legislature ought to make it a
for an engineer who
has not stood an approved
and obtained a license to run
an Undoubtedly a gnat
many lives are lost and much
property destroyed by people
who assume to fire boilers without
knowing what they are doing. The
wonder is, indeed, when one
some of these con-
sider their earnings, that there- are
so few boiler explosions. The
Messenger suggests, in this
connection, that the employers are
criminally Ob-
A good type setter on straight
newspaper can get a position
at The office.
the youngster's downcast
the snow shovel
she borrowed last January; I'll let
her keep that n bit
His Love Letters.
Many men able to write excel-
lent business letters fail lamentably
when they attempt to compose any-
thing else. The relatives of one
such hampered person complained,
not without reason, of the.
brevity of his homo letters.
the offender,
know very well that I never could
write much of a
write long enough ones to
your the
grieved sister. she hue
to pay extra postage on
Tho engaged girl, who pres-;
and then site
rushed to the rosette, i
puts at
top t
Mb th it
I This department is In charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The Joy of Feeling Fitted.
There is best selection of
inks, library paste and
at the drug of Dr. B. T. Cox
A Bro. ever brought to Winterville.
Protect your by buying one
of those eye shades at the Drug
Store, price cents.
For underwear that will make it
warm for yon in cold weather call
at John Whitty Son's.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board l per day.
in town.
Miss Minnie of Green-
ville, spent Sunday with Miss
For hip fully
Oats mid Hay for sale
, . ,, . moved in our new
chap for cash, . A. J
would rent smaller shop with
price for
paid by County Oil Mill.
O. A. Kittrell and Co. i pay
per bushel No. grapes
and others according to quality.
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
If in need of a good barrel of
flour or see Kittrell and
If you want ice and lemons I
, i Kim boiler attached ready
seed I
fail to get them from Kittrell
Caps the very kind you are
for from to
Q. Chapman and Co.
Felix Pitman, of was
I have been informed that A.
W. Ange Co. has nicest
line of dress goods silks,
and lace town.
-J. M. Blow, of here
G- A. Kittrell and Co. have just
receive a car load of N. run-
machines. Rents lie
I reasonable, and you had better
l apply soon.
A. C Cox Mfg. Co.
Penny candies a specialty at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Kittrell lo- have just re-
h Dice assortment of cutlery
if you nice knife see them.
Dinner Wash pots and
preserving crockery and
For nice picture frames
easts, we've got cheap.
A. W.
Trunks and valises cheap.
Harrington Barber and Co.
For dress and work shirts call at
Jno. Whitty
If you need a wagon don't fall j
to one A. G. Cox Mfg.
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for your grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W.
wood cart hub.-. A. G. Cox Mfg.
For A splendid pair of me-
size mules. A. G. Cox.
Second hand buggies cheap. If
wish to buy a second band
cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Plastering hair cook stoves
at A. W. ft Co
The A. G. Cox Co. are
ware tin wan- wood and
willow ware. timber
Harvey Cox and C. A. Fair, of
Ayden, were here Sunday.
Ladies looking a nice demand when the proper season
first class material and latent I
signs, should call at K. G picture frames,
man and Co. Barber Co.
We want your egg at
We now have a complete line of
ladies dress and trimmings,
notions, hats and umbrellas, . ,,,,,.
and window shades. Will Co.
pleasure in showing one ,
W. B. earned
nil of seed to the Pill
Oh and Kt a
the best Shoe,. T. N- Manning and Co.
fresh cheese, nice mullets and a I H ,,,,
full of i
A. P. was here n, ,, M, cm make a bet.;
Will be your experience if you get into one of our new
chasing a it of fine timber for Tar i Suits.
Heel carts and wagons. They are, Yon will see style and quality galore in them.
also making a large supply of Every garment is a model product of the
these wheels they can till a big best materials and cleverest tailoring skill.
The difficulty will be, not in making a selection, but in
I knowing what to reject.
The New Browns are Here.
I. G. Chapman Co. they They are admiration from everybody sees
doing more business than they ,, . .
, can Suit you at
, ave ever done. ; at m or
we carry a complete e of heavy.
or or lead you along
r 25.00.
Every new Suit says,
Why halt y between two through our line,
ion V A. W. Co. have Harrington, Barber i.
and bee fitted.
T. N. Manning Co. are carry
the that will cure,
dike-sea of any state.
wish to window and door frame, in
public that I grind every brackets and all kinds . f cheap, having
day at my mill one mile south trimmings at rock bottom
Frog Level on Sam place, Winterville Mfg. Co.
Tripp. One wood shop with
Jerome of and plainer at-
at L. Sunday.
We now have on hand and horse
Hue of dress at remarkably ed for work. shop U,
lo come, see and be con- x till ft. is near a -ail j
Yours truly laud is a nice place for
and Apply to A. G. Cox Mt.
r with which to do
ark, laing save and
lip nearly
ate a few of the why
gave our money,
l Mfg.
Car till
11-r Co.
try. pen-,
i- of ail
Box Body for isl County Oil Mill i now
now tie season when you may I haying Cotton Seed. They pay .
want a cart to haul your highest cash price or will
farm products to the or When yours
market. The A. Cog Mfg. Co. are ,,. write for prices.
making and selling them and yon; At A. O.
bad better send them order;
at once.
J. It. Smith, of Ayden, was
lie at the
I u Heel Shoes a Try
u aid be vine d of
ii. It. G. Chapman Co.
e American Girl.
town Tuesday.
That old Vinegar i
for sale at G. Chapman
Toe Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
nice fly proof kitchen ;
They are cheap and convenient.
Get yon r dealer lo order you one.;
G. A. Kill tell Co. will be
the market grape
will pay the highest
pi ices.
See the Furniture at A. W.
Prices right.
Light wood Cart
Babe. A. G. Mfg. Co
We want your grapes every day
up to Friday at o'clock a. m.
Don't bring them after that time
Fridays nor on We
pay per pound for No.
hen and per for No-
G. A. a Co-
t I Ear Nails and Lime see A. W.
Cox are closing nut a
They have the and
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
substantial fence made you Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
can jet a bargain if yon apply at cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
; Cox. Winterville, 3-22
A Shoe us good as its name. pair
gnu rant to the wearer. This is the
Best Shoe Mace.
C- E. for Misses and Children. Web Bros,
Men and Boys.
Now is Time You Should Think
About Your Winter Shoes.
We can show it to entire satisfaction.

have the largest and most complete
stock of Shoes in till town an- now showing large
of styles in the lest makes for Men. Women.
Children and Infants. We tell yon much about
them in this space, but, we to call your attention to
the famous
Ralston Health Shoes For Hen.
All of the easy enough to cry
, but that hi h
is the test.
and m make strong claims
most for this Shoe, and ask a
I m our claims may
b proven. We claim a
unique, common sense
construction, found
in no oilier shoe. A
u-iii of last modeling
a shoe, that
th foot as nature
We also claim that
while of material
and workmanship may
be equaled, they
cannot be excelled at the
price, and that as good a
shoe cannot he made and
is not sold tor less.
are, however,
the tangible results of
many study of the highly complex needs of the
human foot They ii common warrant
a trial by every one who foot comfort and good
service combined.
J. B. Cherry Co
Loans and Discounts
ill S
Stock-, securities,
me Fixtures
from Bunk
Anther cash items I
Gold Coin 1.1 It.
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Individual deposits
to check
Demand of
check out-
Bills payable,
of for
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement is true to the best of my knowledge
belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
i H mp u
W the
Ala.;,;. Us
m of
aW m aged vita
leaving a pair sf
A the old chop door
his ere lighted upon a most ex-
instrument BOB
placed upon u counter.
The venerable paused for
i momenta in open
I mouthed wonder at thing, the
like of which he had seen be-
fore. After s struggle with hi
curiosity h was Turn-
to the optician, he
j it,
is an re-
; plied the optician in his gravest
; manner.
muttered the old to
j himself as hi backed out of the door,
his eyes still fastened upon the cu-
looking thing on the counter
what was it
The Amount of
A proper amount of sleep is of
course absolutely essential to con-
j good health, but if dietetic
habits are correct it a matter
I which will regulate itself. If a rule
I is needed, one will follow naturally
j from the fact that almost every one
I feels languid on waking and is dis-
i posed to take another nap, no mat-
how long he has been sleeping.
This is n morbid sensation which it
would take too long to explain here.
It is enough to say that lack of sleep
should be made up, if possible, at
the beginning and not at the end.
The best general rule is to rise at a
given hour every morning, whether
tired or not, and go to bed when
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Dry Furniture, Groceries.
W e Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Do yon Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing In the grocery line and sell it to our
By virtue of certain decreed of
Superior court of Pitt county made in
a cause therein II
H. Wilson, of It.
O. Wilson
and the other of
J. Wilson, the undersigned will
expose to public before the court
house door in the town of
on November, 1404, for I
the purpose of making assets, the. fol-
lowing tracts of land, to-
One tract as the
of It. J. Wilson and is a of his
homestead, and described as lands
whereon the building are lo ad-
joining the lands of S. Brown
Mrs. A. D Johnson, and all if I
the home place lying on the west side
of the railroad, fifty-eight
acres, more or less.
Also one other tract, it being a part
of the homestead, containing about
fifty acres, described ah adjoining the
lands of s. o. Brown, the Kind for-
owned by William Whitehead
and known as the lands, and
being the same laud whereon Ashley
Teel now live
Term of sale cash.
This October
H. H. Wilson,
at the Lowest Possible Price,
I Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June,
Notary Public.
in in
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
S. Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the
H. C.
C. T. and V. Johnson I
having sold to A. E. Tucker their en- I
tire interest in the firm of A K. Tucker j
Co. heretofore existing In the
of N. said firm Is
hereby dissolved mutual
and after d it.-.
In the firm of dissolution the said i
A. E. lakes all the
and assumes all the liabilities of said
firm. All persons owing said firm
will therefore make payment to said
V. and all persons having i
claims against firm will present them
to said a. K Tucker for payment.
Witness our hand and signatures
this Sept 17th
O. T.
Having purchased the entire inter-
est of T. and Z. V. John-
son in the firm of A. E. Tucker Co ,
I will continue the business in my own
name the same I beg to thank
our for their favors and to
solicit a continuation of the same. I
shall endeavor to please those who
favor me with their patronage and to
make it to their advantage to come
All persons having claims against
the old of A. E. Tucker and Co.
will present them to me for
and all persons owing the firm will
make payment to me.
This Sept 17th 1904.
We have sold our entire interest in
the firm of A. E. Tucker and Co., who
will continue the business at the same
old stand and we take pleasure in com-
mending him to the favor and patron
age of the public.
This Sept 17th 1904.
C. T.
Tobacco has
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else In the hardware line.
I will attend at the following
times and places for the purpose
taxes the year
Farmville, Farmville
Saturday. October
Tuesday, October
Gum Swamp Church,
township, Wednesday, October
Barney's X Roads, Creek
township, Thursday, October
Saturday, October
Tuesday, October
May's Chapel, Beaver Dam
township, October
day, October
Bethel, Bethel Fri
day, October
Falkland, Falkland township,
All taxpayer are requested to
meet pay promptly
O. W. Sheriff.
One of the most remarkable OaseS
of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs
causing pneumonia, is that of Mis.
Gertrude E. M Ind.,
who was entirely cured by the use
of Minute Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me I hat I rail down
down in weight to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One Minute
Cough One. Four
wonderful cured me entire-
of the cough, strengthened
lungs and me to my nor-
weight, health and
Sold at Wooten's Drug Store.
A weak stomach weakens the
it cannot
food be into
Health and strength be re-
stored to any sick man weak
man without hist restoring health
strength to the stomach. A
weak stomach cannot digest enough
food to lee the and revive
the tired run and
digests what yon
el, the
glands and membrane of the
stomach, and cures
dyspepsia stomach troubles.
Sold Drug Store.
has world wide lame for marvelous
balm Cuts,
Coins, Sort-,
Ulcer, Teller, But Fever
Bores, Skin Ki op-
infallible for
Only at
Drag More.
A. Ala
was twice in I lie hospital from a
sever.- case of piles causing
tumors r and all
quickly further
cured him. it
conquers a lies kills pain.
at drug
Mrs. O. P. n,
Wax sick for nothing
with me. a
Mountain strong, healthy.
Gained five boards
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Drug Store,
It to the little ones that
priceless gift of healthy flesh,
solid bone and muscle
what Rocky Mountain
M does. Best on
Tea or Tablets.
Letters testamentary having
been to me, by the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, as ex-
of the last will and testament
cf Martha A. Mills, d, and
having qualified as such executor,
notice Is hereby given to all persons
holding claims against the estate of
aid Martha A. Mills, to present them
l me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or e the 28th day of
1905, or this notice will be plead
their very All persons
Indebted lo said estate are requested
lb make immediate lo me.
of September, 1904.
of Mary A. Mill.
Jet vis Blow, Attorneys.
, 1904.
The gorgeous exhibition
of Artistic shewn.
Exact of Paris, Lon-
don and New York patterns.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Doors open a or
The an 5th and 6th, Wednesday and Thursday
l Hi I
and Evans street.

Don't Wait Come Early and
Get your Choice
White Handkerchief edged all around
with i Nottingham Luce,
for cents, this Sale for
yards checked Homespun, all colon you
can want, it will cost you cents the yard, this
Sale per yd.
Water color opaque window Shade with in.
thread fringe, fixtures complete, feet long by
feet wide, worth anywhere, this Sale
About yards Dark Calicoes you pay
and for, we have on the market during this
odd Vests, Worth cents, this Sale cents.
Cotton gloss Towels, woven check patterns,
assorted colors checks, fringe ends,
Others must have cents each, this Sale two
towels for Sc
welted n. fine
per pair, this Sale
hose, full, seamless,
Rip for cents
per pair.
High bust English Corset, hook
steel cable cord bust and has gore
trimmed top, perfect fitting. Sold the world
over for this Sale
Black mercerized, spun gloss, Petticoats full
width in. plaited flounce, none better for
this Sale
Dozen Linen Collars, Standard Brand, retails for cents.
This Sale cents per Dozen.
suits and worsted. Men's
Suit that always bring and five dollars,
Big line of fall underwear, can't implicate these
anywhere, sold for big values, this
1.900 pairs of Shoes, guaranteed solid leather
soles, anybody will price to you any where from
to this Sale
We have a big lot of hats that we sold from
ninety cents to one dollar, big value at these
prices, this Sale
inspect this Sale and if You Don't Think these Goods are below
Any Man's Prices Don't Buy.
We will sell the best bleaching, as long as we
nave any, this Sale
that yon will say are cheap for
all colors you can for, this Sale
We will sell a guaranteed, full 10-4 sheeting,
unbleached, you pay for, this Sale
We have a big of rubber goods, just re-
e will have to sell them
I will have to include
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
Di it's the same every-
whip ; can't guess little enough
Mr. O. Columbia,
C, employed an experienced paint-
to paint his house. The painter
on seeing the quantity sent to the
there wasn't
enough. There were ten gallons
left, when j b was done.
It's the common experience.
Yours truly
F. W. Co.
P. S. H. L. Carr sells our
Will its on
October In the elegant new
building modern comfort
and convenience new furniture and
equipment throughout. Literary.
Scientific Classical
courses. School of Music, and
Expression. Full corps of able and
experienced teachers, In
their several departments- Kinder-
methods taught by a
K in i mod-
further information apply
to LUCY H.
special representative, Mr.
J. A. Turner, will be in Pitt and
the adjoining counties some
time for the purpose of collecting
for the The Tobacco
Mutual Co. Please
be prepared to settle with him
when he If should rot
see him you settle with Mr.
R. J. Cobb.
T. P. M. Ins. Co.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
Dr. IT. O. Hyatt will be in
Farmville, at the hotel, October
17th. 18th. and 19th.,
Tuesday and for the
purpose of treating diseases of tic-
eye and fitting glasses. Those
not able to pay a will be ex-
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing Sold.
Raleigh, N. C,
OCTOBER to 1904.
For the above occasion the
Atlantic Coast Line will sell
round trip tickets from Green-
ville to Raleigh at the low
of includes one ad-
mission to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets on sale October
to 21st, inclusive, and for
trains scheduled to arrive in
Raleigh before noon of
1904, with final
limit to return October 24th.
Ask the Ticket Agent.
H. M. Emerson, W. J
T M. G. P A
Wilmington, N C
Having qualified as administrator
of Annie L Smith, deceased, late, of
Pitt county, N C this is to notify all
persons having; claims the
estate of said deceased them
to the undersigned on or before the
27th day of August or this notice
will be pleaded their recovery
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make ate
This 27th day of August 1904.
j will sell one tract of land situated
in Beaufort county, on th water, con-
acres more or less-, about
acres under partly
enclosed with a good wire fence, with
a country residence thereon and
tenant the land adaptable to-
the growth of cotton, tobacco, truck,
com and the like. About acres
the timbers on which have
not been on over in several
For full information address
It a wk wk. Washington, N. C-
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
of Pitt county, made in certain
Special Proceeding therein pending,
entitled and others
against Jesse I
day. October 2-th before the
court door town of Green-
ville, expose to public sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, a certain
tract or parcel of land situate in
swift township, Pitt county,
adjoining land of Gaskins,
Thomas Elisha Lang, W. L.
and Mill Run, contain-
forty-six acres, more or less,
and the B.
This 17th day of September, 1904.
k hi
Cur . HO
Harps, n-pt.
M M Ail
Of Ike l i
Sile Co.
Complexions of perfect purity are made
Hancock's Liquid The value
in the toilet been known for
but much of its value was lost until
the discovery of
not It produce a and
oil but me a hair bath will cure
all scalp promote a new growth of
healthy hair and the coloring matter
in the hair as to check and avoid premature
gray hair. Buy Liquid Sal
a any reliable drug
Hancock's Liquid Ointment
Prepared especially Burns, Scalds. Open
Sores. Chafed Parts. Raw Surfaces, Boils,
Piles, Roughness of Face and Hands and all
Skin Diseases.
Writ for book on mm of In
the cure for all
Go To St. Louis
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis. Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all its beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
D. J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
-VOL. No.
Castle Hall, Tar River Lodge
No. Knights
Whereas God, His Supreme
has seen fit to take from
home of our brother, B. L.
Carr, hie devoted wife and loving
be it res-
That each member of Tar River
Lodge, No. Knights of Pythias
deeply the loss sustained by
brother Carr, while we bow
humble submission to the will of
Him who rules all things aright
we extend our tenderest
heart felt condolence.
That a copy of these resolutions
be forwarded to brother Carr, h
copy he spread on minutes of
this Lodge, and a copy be fund-
for publication-
This day of September,
P, C. Harding,
C. L. Wilkinson,
W. H. Bagwell.
The acme of openings Green-
ville has been the fall display at
O. T. big store the last
two days Hundreds of ladies
hive visited his store and they all
express at the superb
play. Nut only are latest
style- in millinery shown but also
the very newest of fashion and
shade in dress goods,
laces, ornaments, coats and
furs and just pretty thing as
the ladies admire.
Especially attractive were the
trimmed hats, among them being
noticed one of velvet in
the shade of mahogany. Another
large violet hat in four shades of
velvet. A not her is a French
turban in brown four shades
de. Then a
large hat in mahogany velvet
the burnt onion shades. One of
the handsomest was a black
velvet hat with high collar of ecru
lace edged with black beads,
handsome ostrich plume and tulle
Still another attractive feature
of the display are the exquisite
center tables.
Com Fair Speech Would Not Do For
PoPulist Convention.
Prof. C. B. Williams connected
with the state agricultural depart-
at Raleigh walked in at The
Reflector office this morning to
inquire when the Pitt county corn
fair would be held. When told
that the 13th was the date
fair a look of astonishment came
over his face. said he,
I thought it was today. Home
one wrote the department it
would be held on the 8th
requested that I be sent
to make ft speech, and here
I Is wan explained to him
that , h, was the date for
convention here and
j that as the of the
list convention the leading
mover in the corn fair, he might
have mixed in his letter
and given the department the date
of the convention instead of the
corn fair.
Chairman A. J. was looked
up later in regard to mistake,
the joke was on him. The
speech Mr. Williams had for the
corn fair would not fit a Populist
convention, even if his political
faith had not been different.
Mr. Williams will come again
on tn when the corn will
he held.
N. C, Oct. 1904.
Mrs. Louise Langston came yes-
to spend sometime with her
son, C. H. Langston.
The farmers are very bu y
hay and cotton.
Mrs. Charles and
children left to visit
and returned Sunday after-
Miss spent Sun-
day at Standard.
Mr. and Mrs. L F.
spent afternoon here.
Misses Langston and Annie
Henry Langston, attended the
at Shepherds Saturday.
Madison Smith was over a while
Some of oar people attended
church at Reedy Sunday
and some at Little Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. C. rod
Lucy spent Sunday with relatives
near Reedy Branch.
E. E. went to
Mr. Mrs. Sile spent
Sunday at Joe
Mrs. J. H. Cheek and Julian
spent Saturday night in Winter-
The Bazaar.
The executive committee of the
Ladies Guild, of the Episcopal
met at Hotel Wed-
night perfected
for bazaar which they expect
to have about the middle De
The various booths were
definitely determined and assigned
to the several ladies who are ex-
charge of them.
Sub-committees were to
attend to the details of the work.
The ladies who are managing the
bazaar have the matter well in
hand and their forces organized.
Judging from present prospects
the bazaar will be a success, it
Is hoped that their many friends
will help to make that success as-
Hon. E. Watson, of
Georgia, Populist party candidate
for president, will address the
at Tarboro on Thursday, Oct.
27th. Everybody is invited to
hear him.
The Pitt county corn fair will be
held on the 13th. Every farmer
should a sample of his best
Meeting of New School Year.
The Pitt County As-
after a vacation
the summer held
first meeting today of the
school year. The attendance
good, about sixty teachers
The devotional exercises were
conducted by A. J.
A committee was appointed to
recommend officers for the year.
The committee recommended the
following who were unanimously
Nancy Coward.
Assistant Leila
Rev. J. A. Hornaday delivered
an interesting address 0.1
School, Teacher and the
Following this there was a dis-
of of work for the
for November
First H Thomas. W
H Ricks, R C Cannon, L A Ran-
B F Cobb, D H Moore,
Moses W Tyson, J Proctor, W T
Ed R
John Harris, Staton, J S
Hudson, J A Odum,
J W Harper, Craft.
Second week ll Bryan, C
Ellis II Butler, Henry
J I James, B D
G A Moore, Mat J W
Oscar Tucker, H F Keel, R A
Fountain, A J Simons, J F Clark,
Cox, W
N. C, Oct.
Mr. Salisbury, a drummer of
Norfolk spent Monday night here.
Mrs. Frank G. Whaley left yes-
to spend the night in Green-
ville and this morning left for her
father's in Suffolk for two
week's visit.
Mr. an employee of the
Beaufort Co. Lumber Co, was sud-
taken quite sick yesterday
but is much better today.
Dr. of Greenville spent
yesterday here. He visited a patient
in the country later was the
guest of Mrs. F. G. Whaley. Dr.
is such a genial
gentleman he may always be sure
of a warm welcome here.
Mr. Cook, who has been quite
sick with fever we are glad to say-
J. W. Cox went to Washington
today for the Beaufort
Co Lumber Co.
Lumber is
in this week.
Be there for some time p
Reported for Reflector
as has been the custom for
years the End of the Century
Book Club held its first meeting
at the residence of its president,
Mrs. R. R. Cotton, Tuesday Oct.
as usual spent the day
delightfully with their exceedingly
charming hostess.
It is needless to say that the
swift gliding were saddened
by but our regret, the fact that the
club is to lose one of its most
valued members in the -departure
of Mis. M. A. Allen from Green-
club loses a valuable and
highly prized member, while re-
our own loss we feel that
her is only transferred
to another community which will
receive additional blessings by her
The tenderest expressions of
sympathy were embodied in
to be to Mrs.
Allen touching the death of her
beloved daughter, Mrs. R. L.
Carr, who previous to her demise
had been filling so acceptably
office of in the young
ladies book
The End of the Century Club
wishes to push with vigor every
effort to make their newly
library a source of enjoy-
and instruction to
of our town. The members are
pleaded with the evidence already
manifested by our people.
The next semi-monthly meeting
will be held with Mrs. L. C
Arthur Tuesday, Oct. 18th.
I have just returned from
more where I bought my fall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
1804. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
N. C, next door to
Dr. office. Ira.
This Kind Counts.
Yon may talk about good sales
of tobacco, but the Liberty ware-
house makes the kind that count.
G. W, sold at the Liberty
today here is the
way his lots and prices
pounds at cents, at
at at at at
at 45.34 at at
at at at at
at at at at
at at at
at at at
at at
This was an average of about
a pound. It what W.
T. Co , those
who sell at the Liberty.
The Populists met here in county
convention today as advertised,
but had a smaller
at the mass meeting in September.
The convention started off its
work without speech making.
A. J. e was elected permanent
chairman and F. Ward secretary.
A committee was appointed to
retire and select candidates.
While the committee was out
there were two or three efforts to
get a speech, but the calls met
with no response. They called on
W. J. Pope, of the Republican
nominees for the house of
only to find that he was
not loaded either.
The committee after along
and recommended
the following ticket.
For senate, A. J.
House Representatives, Shade
Cox and Dr. R. J. Grimes.
Sheriff, no recommendation.
Treasurer, W. J. Thigpen.
Register, D. T. House.
Coroner, Dr. J. E Nobles.
Surveyor, J. L. Ward.
Commissioners, II. S. Tyson,
W. L. Smith. J. F Tyson.
Thursday, October 6th,
E. G. Barrett, of Kinston, spent
today here.
W. B. Brown left Wednesday
evening for Raleigh.
J. L. Little left for Raleigh
Fred Cox returned Wednesday
evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. J. F. returned this
morning Kinston.
Prof. W. H. returned
this morning from
Mis. Ed. H. Taft and child re-
turned evening
visit to Jamesville.
Miss Bettie Warren returned
Wednesday evening from Conetoe
where she had been visiting
Misses Carrie Vivian
well, of who have been
visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. B
Greene, returned home
Friday, October 7th,
C. B. West, of Raleigh, is here.
B. E. to Kinston
Thursday evening.
G. G. lineman left Thursday
evening for LaGrange.
E G. Barrett, returned to Kin-
ton Thursday evening.
Miss Nancy Coward left Thurs-
day for Ayden.
Miss Gussie Harrell, of Tarboro.
arrived, Thursday evening to
Mrs. J. G
Mrs. Martha Latham, Grifton,
came up this morning to visit re-
Saturday, October 8th,
J. N. Got man returned to Rich-
Rev. W. E. Cox went to Grifton
Friday evening.
J. L. Little returned
from Raleigh.
W. B. James returned Friday
evening from Halifax.
W. L. returned Friday
evening from Raleigh.
Miss Peebles went
Friday evening.
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt, will he in
Farmville, at hot October
17th. 18th. and Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, tor the
purpose of treating of the
eye and fitting Those
not able to pay tee will be ex-
Go Deep.
While digging a well,
day, Willis Clark found a lot of
long mulberry roots at a depth of
feet. There was a For hand Brooks
, . . running
mass of the roots and it shows to u L b
what a depth they will penetrate No. n. C.
the earth.
B. E. Parham returned Friday
evening form up the rend.
Ben Savage, of Lawrence,
rived Friday evening to visit
Mrs. J. D. Weeks, of Scotland
Neck, arrived Friday evening to
visit friends.
J. J. of Farmville. was
here Friday and left on the evening
train for Ayden.
S. O. Jones, of Kinston, who has
been here in the interest of an
insurance company, returned
Friday evening.
H. Moseley, of Virginia,
who has been visiting
Mrs. W. T. return
ed home today.
Dr. U. If. Wharton, of
who has conducting
meeting in the Baptist church,
left morning.
Mrs. Mary L. of New
York, arrived Friday evening to
be with her sister, Mrs. Boyd,
here, who is very ill.

Eastern reflector, 7 October 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 07, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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