Eastern reflector, 30 September 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dissolution Sale
. i i
Goods Go.
Almost Regardless Of Price.
MA- .,.
. B
Door to the Bank of Greenville
It la Much to Awaken -Woman
Than Man.
is immeasurably harder to
Wholesale On- and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
I will have to include
As I have more Goods than I can handle
. Z Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil
waken men in the morning than it . Beg, etc. Bed-
women, said a hotel proprietor, j Mattresses, Rt.
tap or two at a woman's door in
the morning is sufficient. No mat-
how late she may have retired,
no matter how exhausted she may
have been, no matter how faint the
in answer to the knock that
tomes from the bad, you can bank
on it that within a half hour or so
that woman will walk into the din-
room bright eyed and cheerful,
but with a it's different.
man may leave u call for
o'clock in the morning with the
warning that he be up
hour. A few minutes before you
detail n boy for the purpose and tell
him not to stop pounding until the
man awakes. The room may be on
the top but you can hear the
thump, thump, thump on the door
away down in the Does the
man wake with a faint and
scramble out of bed Not he. The
boy knocks until his knuckles are
tore, and then suddenly a stentorian
voice roars from the
what in blazes is the matter with
you Do you think I'm dead The
boy retires, turns in his report at
the office and goes to ease his hand
in cold water.
hours later a swollen eyed
individual with wrinkles in his brow
walks up to the desk. T thought I
left a call here for o'clock in the
did, and the bell
boy woke you promptly at
a little too is the answer,
Carriage, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Bates, P
and Gail ft Ai
Tobacco, Key Went Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,.
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,.
Meal and Hullo,
Reeds, Oranges, Apples, Now
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Ola
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, and Cracker.
Cheese, Best Batter, New
Royal Sewing Machine and nu-
other goods. Quality and
quantity. for cash.
see me.
S. M. Schultz
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We call
and after you've argued with him hams. Everything
for half an hour you haven't con- s by its name.
him that he was actually
awakened as he had ordered. So
it goes day after day. The women
get up promptly in response to a
call, while the men invariably turn
ever to have another
Louis Globe Democrat.
Settled Society.
After the war a Huston man was
stopping at Hie house, the
corn in
Five Points.
principal hotel of Fat
coming down to breakfast late one Hip W I
morning he partook of that
with the landlord.
said the land-
lord, do you like our western
it very said the
ton man, would if society here
were in a more settled
said the landlord.
society is as settled as that of
then Anthony burst into the
dining room and out of a back door,
with pumping lead at him
at every jump and following him out
into the outbuildings in the rear
of the hotel.
about society being as set-
here as in said the
Boston man as he and the landlord
crawled out from under opposite
sides of the table.
had forgotten about that An-
said the
landlord, if Doc has
caught up with Anthony that is
settled by this Her-
A Bookkeeping Triumph.
dearest, just Mrs.
I commenced
keeping our accounts we haven't
got nearly so many bills to pay.
Now. see, you haven t got any butch-
bill or milkman's bill to pay at j
all this
;, darling, we certainly had
of meat and milk all the
replied SI New-
v them f
gr i I
Convention Fraternal Order
Eagles, September 12th to
17th, Rate, one first
class fare 11.86. Tickets
limited for return to Sept 19th
with of extending
return limit to
Account General
Convention Protestant
pal Church, October 28th.
Rate one class fare
Met MM Tick-
on sale October 2nd and
3rd, limited for return to
Season Tickets. Day Tickets, Day
Tickets to the Worlds St.
Louis on sale every day.
Coach Excursion Tickets or. sale every
Tuesday in
Rates sad Other Information given
cheerfully by Ticket Agents
and the undersigned.
FT. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. A
The following points can now
he reached over the lines of
. .; i
nigh ; i o'clock In I i
t m . i , m, i . a. Bait more Md. . Tenn, Ch C. i. b e It v. Va, c . .
i . i
I . .
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No. i
Saturday. October 8th. 1904-
The first the
Association will be held in Green-
ville, on Saturday, October 8th,
at o'clock a. m. All the teach-
in the county are earnestly re-
quested to be present at this first
meeting. J. D. Everett,
The following program will be
a. m. Devotional exercises
by Rev. F. G.
a. m. Enrollment of
Election of
and organization
September Term in Session.
The h cases have been
disposed of since last
Charlie May, Lee John
Henry John Lewis
Staten, John John Henry
Daniel, Manning Daniel, and
Warren Daniel, affray. Warren
John Henry Daniel not guilty,
others guilty, Manning Daniel,
the others find each.
Zeb Gatlin, assault with deadly
weapon, not guilty.
Elias and Leon Patrick,
gambling, guilty.
Charlie Jones, carrying concealed
weapon, guilty, sentenced
a. m. people, I and assigned to
the teacher, the by Rev. j ,, ,,
J. A.
a. in The of the
association daring roe year
General discussion.
p. in. social
Above will be seen the call of
president fr the Brat meeting of
desire to
say to the teachers of county that
the board of education has passed
an order making attendance upon
these meetings compulsory and in
the signing of vouchers I shall be
by this order. A little
later will lie the
and regulations which may be ad-
opted fr government of
schools, will also furnish
ed with these at this
meeting. It is for you
to be present to get these rules or
you will not he able to conduct
your school in accordance with
them. I desire also at this meet-
to get an list of where
each teacher will teach and when
her school will begin. Many of
the teachers have been faithful in
the meetings of this as-
Some have been very
negligent. This year it is p-o-
posed all shall aid in making
this association what it has already
proven to be, the power
in the county for its
Let every teacher in the county
know that attendance upon
these is as much a part
of their work as that which they
do in the school room and no one
will be regarded as sufficiently in-
in the work who does not
aid by he. presence in making
Yon are in-
cordially, and expected to be
present on Saturday, October 8th.
Will you come We await your
answer on the above day.
W. H.
Co. Schools.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol-
lowing couples last
C. E. Hart, and Mary Jackson
Louis and Mamie Worth-
Merrill and Lee Branch.
and Addle Parker.
Edward and Annie
Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char-
N. C, will lie in
at Hotel Monday Oct. 3rd
and until of Tuesday Oct. 4th
for one day only. His practice is
limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and
Threat, and fitting glasses.
William secret assault,
Utility of assault deadly
weapon, sentenced months in
jail to tie to roads.
John W. Carson, retailing with-
out license, guilty, sentenced
in jail.
Jones Thompson, larceny, guilty
sentenced months in jail to be
assigned to roads.
The murder case that was
set for trial today was
N. C, Sept.
Mrs. T. H. Harrell. who has been
visiting parents in Gates
returned home Saturday night.
Miss Susie Aulander,
arrived Saturday and began teach-
Monday. Miss is quite a
favorite here and is gladly
William Sledge attended the
marriage of bis cousin, Mr. Bob-
last week and returned with
J. O. and bride
Miss Annie Boushall, of Elizabeth,
City will return this week from
their wedding trip.
Baker and Mr.
spent Sunday in Washington.
Mrs. Cooke, of En field, is very
ill at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Miss Moore, of Grimesland,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie
Mayor's has been very
busy lately.
H. H. Stanley, chief of police,
several for rid-
bicycles on the sidewalk.
Asheville has got into the high-
way lad.
High Point had another fire
A Car Full cf Tramps
a man his head
out of I be small window of a
Sealed box car at South Rocky
Mount lust Monday pleaded
water. A dipper full of the night in which
blessed fluid was given him, but lo the value of was destroyed.
and behold more and more was j j. w. Grainger, of has
called for and it became unto j elected president of the At-
water into a rat's hole, J North Carolina railroad
and it was found that the under new management.
was full of men. The car was , ,, .
At in Wake county
up to Rocky Mount and
eight men, three white
the others colored, were arrested.
They stayed in the calaboose
Tuesday, when upon what
the fare from would be
and costs they were released.
They were carnival attaches
were making their way to
Washington, Mount
Young Reporter.
The editor's little daughter,
aged wanted to try her hand at
reporting Monday afternoon, and
went to the train to get personal
items. She came back with a well
rilled note book, but one of her
first remarks about it was
I some of the folks told me
stories about where they were
going, but I tonic them all down
just like they told Her first
lesson in reporting was a good one,
and we print the items in personal
column just as she got them. If
there are any as
says, the render can locate them.
Meeting at Baptist Church.
Dr. M. H. Wharton, of
arrived Saturday evening to
hold a meeting in the Baptist
church. The meeting began Sunday,
held morning, after-
noon and night. Dr. is
a delightful speaker and preaches
the gospel plainly and forcibly.
He is known throughout the
country as a great and
much good is hoped to result from
his work in Greenville. Set vices
will be held each night this week
beginning at 7.30 o'clock. Those
who fail to attend the services are
the losers.
R. lost seven barns by
fire. The barns were filled with
grain and farm implements. The
loss is
Miss Elocution-
It was indeed a pleasant enter-
given in the chapel of
the graded school building, Tues-
day night, by Tomlin-
son and the baby elocutionist, little
Viola The latter
is a little Pitt county girl, only
years old, her gift of
is wonderful. Her selections
rendered a manner that
would do credit to a person of
many practice. Miss Tom-
is an elocutionist of
power and her selections were
much enjoyed. She is the teacher
the baby elocutionist. A large
audience enjoyed the
A to Any
The mayor of Raleigh is making
war on public and why
is one of the worst crimes
a municipality for people
to stand around on the streets
cursing and using indecent
in beat
of passion otherwise good men let
slip an but it is over with in
a minute and be is sorry for it.
But the is a
nuisance in any community and
should lie to the pen
Point Enterprise.
He the Republican Party.
Congressman W. W. Kitchen,
of the fifth North Carolina district,
spoke to a large crowd in the
house this afternoon during
the recess of court. He was in-
by Solicitor L. I. Moore,
chairman of the county executive
Mr. Kitchen a strong and
telling speech, theme being
principally on national issues. He
drew striking comparison of the
principles of t parties, show-
the Republican policy
protection to be robbing the
and fostering and
trusts. Practical illustrations were
to show how this is done.
The extravagance of Republican
administration also came in a
sharp thrust from the speaker as
he pointed out the alarming rate at
which expenses are
piling up burdens on the people.
President Roosevelt's
policy was severely arraigned,
he said that wile the president in
one sense may have had the right
to ask a to dine with him,
the criticism following bad done
good in that it had prevented a
repetition of
This incident, the president's
of a to second bis
nomination at the Chicago
the appearance together on
the platform of that of
a white girl and a boy, the
persistence of forcing
position of collector of the part of
Charleston, post
office affair, were all referred to as
showing the utter disregard of the
president a fixed Southern
Mr. Kitchen is an
speaker and was heard with much
lest by the large audience.
For Sale hand Brooks
Cotten Press, in good running
R. L. Nichols.
Route No. N. C.
8-M ltd
A Trip to Palestine.
Dr. H. M. who is now
conducting revival services
this city is organizing a party to
visit the Holy Land next spring,
He will sail with his party on the
white Star Line steamer
from New York City February
A few years ago Dr. Wharton
went to Palestine and took a party
with him. Before he leaves
Greenville be will deliver bis
lecture on that trip horse
back rifle through the Holy
This lecture has
delivered many towns and cities
in the United States and has never
failed to draw a large audience.
Colored Association.
The colored teachers of the
county have formed a as-
and held their first meet-
on last Saturday. The
meeting will be held on the fourth
Saturday in October.
Killed Bear.
A large bear was hilled last Fri-
day near bridge, in Beaver
Dam township. The had
a big time bunting the hear and
enjoyed a fount after the battle.
I have fr
more where I my full mil-
and notions. Opening
1804. Mrs. II.
N. C , door to
Dr. D. B. Clayton came in this
Fred Forbes went to
Monday evening.
J. H. Smith went
Monday evening.
G. H. Ellis went to
Monday evening.
Rev. T. J. Moore went to Ayden
Monday evening.
Mrs. H. L. of Ayden,
spent today here.
Pearce left Monday even-
J. S. Pittman returned to
ton Monday evening.
F. M. Kilpatrick returned to
Grifton Monday evening.
Miss Lena Anderson returned
Monday evening from Washington.
L. H. Cox and Joe
returned to Ayden Monday even-
J D. Garden went to
ville Monday evening to enter
Miss Irene Lacy of Raleigh, who
has been visiting Miss Lottie Blow,
left Monday evening.
F. M. Hodges. Warren and
Haywood Dal Monday
evening from up road.
Miss Lola Duke, of Raleigh, who
has been visiting E. II.
Thomas, returned home today.
A. E. Wadsworth, of Craven
county, who has visiting W.
T. Hunter, returned home Monday
Mrs. Abbott, of Grifton, who
has visiting her daughter,
Mrs. L. H. Rountree, returned
Rev. P. R. Hall, of
spent Monday here with Rev. W.
E. Powell and returned on
the evening train.
Mrs. G. B. King
who have relatives
Here, left this morning for their
home in Washington City.
Mrs. H. C. Walker and
Miss Adele, who have
visiting Mrs. T. Vincent, left
this morning for their e in
SEPT. 1904.
W. B. James went to Halifax
Harvey Jones has been sick the
last few days.
J. R Moore left this morning
for Wilmington.
Mrs. of Tarboro, is visit-
Mrs. J. B. Cherry.
Carl Parker Tuesday
from Bethel.
Miss Mary Bernard left this
morning for Wilmington.
Mrs. F. G. Whaley, of
dine, is visiting friends here.
Henry and little son
returned Tuesday from
Miss Julia Shack. If ml,
more, who visiting Miss Mary
Bernard, returned today.
who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Webb, left this for

D. W.
And Provisions
Ties a
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood cannot
be good health.
With a disordered there
cannot be good blood.
D. W.
the torpid LIVER and restore
I ts natural action.
A healthy means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take do Substitute. All Druggists.
Not Quite
How often you can fret a
nail or screw driver or .
lacking. Have a good he
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies, our line of tools
is all could and
w.; will see that your tool
doe not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
What Is Lite
Id the last analysis nobody
knows, but we do know that it is
under strict law. Abuse that law
even slightly, pain results. Companion
living derailment of
the organs, resulting in
Headache or Liver trouble.
Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly
re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet
thorough. Only at Women's
Drugstore. j an
Defending Hi
It was commonly aid of Silas
that after he had talked on
any subject for awhile he so
wound lie didn't know which raj
he was facing.
those three old
i Hocks o yours do much besides
. scratching up the gar-
demanded en irate citizen
of one day. Mr. Boggs
looked at with mild reproach,
three he said
quickly. they don't scratch,
not to amount to anything; they
like to walk round here and there
and kind feel the ground, but I
I don't believe they've ever hurt a
, flower seed; no, sir, or anyway not
, excepting where there was so many
planted they actually needed thin-
I out. And u for laying eggs,
ain't a hen hereabouts I'll
I wager that can beat on size.
i Why, that biggest one, sir, she'll lay
; eggs as big big as hailstones,
i right along. can believe me or
not, jest a.; you
Warning to Poor Penmen.
There should be no excuse for
I legible handwriting, yet there is
i much of it. A certain Columbus
j club a friend who was
Dealers for the Next
Will offer some very low prices en all stock.
The chap who thinks he knows
it all is an easy mark for the
an indifferent scribe, attempted to j
I break her of the habit in a very
Quick Arrest
J. A. Ala.
was twice in the hospital from a
case of piles causing
tumors. After doctors and all
remedies failed, Am
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured It
aches kills pain.
I at Wooten's drug Store.
Worth 83.00,
el manner. Worth
Receiving a note from her friend
one day which was except ; our
to conceived the of t
pretending it was an invitation
dine, and accordingly wrote this re-
lake great pleasure in
ace ; our invitation to dinner
A short time
after this note had l delivered
y voice j
.; the red of the wire.
i. ware
our price
our price 1.95 i
our price 1.35
Womens Sunday Shoes.
You pay elsewhere.
All the latest styles in Mens
and Boys Hats and Caps at very
low prices.
We also have a full line of Sta-
and Fancy Dress Goods
which we are
low prices.
offering at very
en in my note. asked you if you
The title hunting heiress is never I would to the
satisfied until a gold brick that it answered the
; woman. t make out your
note, and wanted lo answer some-
has world wide tame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other naive,
ointment or balm for Cuts,
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington dally, except Sunday.
at a. m for Greenville, leaves-
Greenville dally, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with ,
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,;
Philadelphia, New York Boston,;
all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
joints West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
York and Richmond
vi . . v.-,, When you talk ah t
Coins, Burns. Boils, Sores, Felons, j never saw any thine; to beat the In-;
, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever; the old said
i Sores, Chapped Hands, regular army soldier who was in tbs .
infallible for Tile-. Cure I campaign the Sioux after
guaranteed. Only at the Custer in 1816. lie
Drugstore. explained Indian enterprise this
We bad a
as they were quite useful.
They had their own ponies, hut
sometimes I hey would up in j
the morning with a pony
their credit. They would start out
afoot, and they always back
at night with plenty ponies. No-
body ever asked where they got the
We a full line of MENS
Boys Suits worth 11.60,
our price
Boys Suits worth 12.00,
our price 1.18
Mens Pants from up to
per pair
Shirts worth
Shirts worth
our price
our price
Work Shirts from to pair
Hens Underwear.
Heavy fleeced lined, worth
our price per garment.
The first time a man falls
in be wonders what struck him
of man as we find
what we
Let us speak
Remembering that no one can
perfect, I
Unless he uses Rocky Mountain e
Tea. His Objection.
Wooten's Drug Store. Gabe the
We seldom realize the value men in my family are men. Don't
also carry a full line
that will be sold as low as can be had anywhere.
money until we
Norfolk and Sou It. R. and your blood through your
Old Dominion Line from with jumps and bounds,
Clyde Line from Philadelphia, carrying warmth and life tn
Bay Line and Chesapeake part,
Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
Cherry, A gt.
N. C.
Vice President
81-85 Beach Street. N. Y.
Rocky Mountain Tea. cents, Tea
or Tablets. Drug Store.
I will sell one tract of land
some, none of write poetry as I know
Young Gentleman is
your objection to men who
poetry, may I inquire
Undo Gabe the
questioner .
You wouldn't if I . , ,., ., inn,
you. eon. But hit's like peddling Gainesville, Ga., May 190-1
perfume tor when a M.
might be Orleans
county, on the water, con-
acres more or leas; about
acres under partly
tenant Douses; the land adaptable to
New Fall
lamed August 1st, is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of its kind Issued in America. It
nils all both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted
In the Mailed free
to . upon
request. Write for it
Wood Sons,
the growth of cotton, tobacco, truck,
corn and the like. About acres
the timbers on which have
not been cu over in several years
For lull information address
It a wk wk. Washington, ST. C
N. C.
Notice is hereby to the public
that application will be made to the i complexions
Governor of North Carolina for the
pardon Simon Tyson convicted at
January term of the superior court of
Pitt county for the crime of barn
and sentenced to the pen
for a term of five years.
This Aug. nth
U It S. w atty for Simon Tyson.
The Be-t Blood Purifier Known,
In valuable as a wash
I'll J
is greatest
Its value been known for . ,,. r,.
centuries, but It was never successful-
produced as a liquid until the dis-
of the method of making Han-
It is the blood purifier known.
Hancock's Liquid will save
hill sand make clear, brilliant
Taken internally it Is
invaluable in the spring. Used as u
wash kills and cures am
heals eczema, acne, itch, dandruff,
prickly heat, diphtheria,
burns, scalds, and
sores. Ask your druggist for it or
write for booklet to Hancock Liquid
Co., Baltimore, Md.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers and in
Cotton, Grain and
n. to New Tor
entwine and Orleans.
Norfolk, Va.
St., Baltimore, Md.
Dear I b--g to
you i
for the at
Pianos, to be delivered
This will
the Conservatory with
Pianos exclusively,
he exception of
which we have on band.
When I began to investigate
with a view of taking
mt all and putting in an en-
new supply, the
to my notice. I have
pianos closely during
the last ten years and have
purchased ninety instruments
that time. After visiting
-he factories in a number of
cities, I inspected your plant
n Baltimore. I felt sure that
factory in the United States
was better equipped to produce
a strictly piano
than the Stuff factory.
We have had one of your
instruments in the
for one year, and have
tested the tone, quality and
mechanical construction.
thoroughly testing it, for
eight or ten hours per day, I
have placed an order for
new Pianos. I find the
action of this piano ill every
way desirable to the artist and
k the student.
While the cost of your piano
is considerably more than I
have to pay for others, it
greater merits, and consider-
ed best none ton good
for Conservatory.
I take pleasure in saying
that after we have secured the
pianos ordered all of our
rooms, both for
and students, will be supplied
with excellent
Yours very truly,
A. W.
Barest display of these pianos n w on
ville. N. C, fact, at factory price.
a. Q.
Sept. 1904.
Our roller board is a
it if without a
-and is to take the
lead, try one, is lo buy one,
and to buy one, is to be
without one attain.
den Milling Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, hair, windows,
doors, blinds aide lights at
. J. B. Smith Bro.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Milling Mfg.
Co. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go they need the finest
quality dress goods
J. M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
I to my many
and customers that my
of new seek wear, fancy and
belt of different colors, a
specialty Have J.
A. Davis.
received, line of bar- Go to E. B. Go's
and can fit you up in any style market for beef, fresh
or price. sage, and fresh fish.
Milling Mfg. Co. class hand made brick, by
Fancy oranges, apples the wholesale retail trade
desiring first-class work
the .;.
here at
the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture for
and banana at K. E. Co's. Stock always on your orders
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar solicited. J. A. Griffin,
rel of Columbia Flour, none better I Why suffer from intense head
to be bad anywhere.
B. M. Johnson bas been
Goldsboro and returned.
at the home of Claudius Jackson,
a short distance from town. Mr.
Clarence Hart and Miss Mary
Mr. Garris and
Miss Mamie Worthington.
, E. T. Phillips officiated and made
Mrs. Jackson and children four hearts that were happy, hap
returned from visit in J pier still. After the a
the country. j good old fashion country wedding
J. S. Hart and daughter supper was spread and everything
spent Saturday in a expected and at
Grifton. nun u the of festivity
As for barely
great pleasure u. sub Tor peaches, apples, corn
j apply to E. E.
those arrears. We have a list Co.
of all who receive mail at Mrs. J. A. Flanagan is on a visit
this office. We take orders to friends and relatives here,
for job printing. Cannon Tyson wish to call
number of pie- special attention to land plaster
i ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
to when you can
ed pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
I eyes, in need of glasses,
ways go in bad to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
J. B. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body. j
come in by car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is wide, I
that are simply the
the Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big as well as doing good
Mrs. A. L Harrington, of
was friends
for peanuts.
Remember, if you do not secure
one of our high grade buggies,
your loss will be than ours.
Ayden Milling Mfg.
den, N. C.
We me Headquarters for flint
you can lawns, light neat Harness,
nicker piques and Ayden Milling Co., Ayden other line of goods I ShaH
i. . . . . . v .
narrow, nice and cheap, J. B.
Smith Bro.
W e hope soon to see our friend
Morrison at bis old stand,
quite sick with
Come to see us when you wan
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
Mrs. Edwards has returned
from her visit
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. hue of pants cannot be
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I handle exclusively is
net surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
ether ton numerous
mention at J. it. Smith Bro.
Call to see our
burgs, J. ii. Bro.
Do you know J. it. Smith A Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
bat it is so.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer-
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
The railroad authorities are
making their warehouse larger at
J. H. Flanagan, of Farra-
is here visiting Miss Lou
Crawford who is very sick.
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
be able to please you and sell you
J. J.
A big stock of cook
and heating stoves and repairs
same at J. B. Smith Bro.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, rot-ken, dining
reduced prices. Note these bitting chairs, mattresses,
Pants that were 3.00; straw, felt and cotton at J. B.
2.00 and are now j Smith Bro.
and 1.75. Shirts that were One lot of shirts for
and each are now and I at u
each. A few pair of shoes , .
doz Mason Flint
both low and
your own figures.
high cuts at
Lawns, white
this The freight is goods all trimmings at almost
rapidly the old depot was 2-3 their value. Come and see.
you need anything the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
to see us, Hart
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and. Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Walter of near Wash-
has accepted a position as
salesman Cannon
Call and examine our line of
high buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
Cannon A handles
ready mixed paints, the beat.
Miss returned
to her tome in Goldsboro
It -it Mr stock, at J. R
Smith Bro,
E E. Co. will do all they
possible to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
We call special to our
sew line of Tan and Ideal Kid
Cannon A
Men boy sails at east at W.
M Q.
Harrison ready paints,
colors, lead, oil at J. It.
Smith Bro.
There were services in the Free
Jars and
at J. B. Smith Bro.
To make room for fall stock
smoothest seat on the market
Milling Mfg. Co.
Corn, bay and oats, at J. B.
The protracted meeting still con-
in the Methodist church.
J. A. Hornaday. Green-
ville, is assisting the pastor.
Now we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of new
He is is the time to buy them at W. M.
El wards Co.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
sewing machines for only
30.00 at W. M. Co. I
spent a couple of
days in our town last week and ,
while here sold bales of cotton I
on our market.
For next days yon can
boy a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards Co.
All percales for at W
M. Edwards Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. B. A Bro.
spent Wed-
night with J. R. Smith.
perhaps just at this
may not possibly be
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain at Insurance man he
gets mere. He is not only a sue-1
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are class and every body
realizes the fact, Mr. Cox
i to be congratulated being a
hustler and something
good to hustle.
Ladies Misses slipper at
costs at W. M. Edwards Co.
W. E. Hooks left for Goldsboro
Dr. Sure cure f-r Io-
by J. B. grail Bro. is
be the beat
and is guaranteed to do all its
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction dealer will
pay you tor r turning it.
B. F.
Diet, Ayden,
The public to know that
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles. bet
quality of RUBBER
goods and the nest
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigar
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Robber and Elastic True
Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
ally com-
IV. c.
we yesterday,
will set. dry goods, shoes and hats j A selection of rugs at W
at greater reduced prices, w. M. I Mi
wards and Co
r-.,, TO m- . . e want chickens
George ft Bro J Bro
i Infers, work in this line
Will Baptist church last Work
A lot of edgings
remnants. Yon can buy them
cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's
Special attention is culled to
zephyr shawls, infant caps and
general assortment of ribbons at
J. A.
Notice yon want
your cotton ginned nice and clean,
in order that you might
better prices for it, bring it to the
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., Ayden,
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. U.
Smith Bro.
Hart Cypress for
sale by Camion Tyson.
We hear men lay the
cheapest and best tilting clothing
is sold by Cannon
and ginghams for
at W. M. Co.
One lot of calico at W. M.
wards Co.
j An nice line of
I waist hats at Mrs. J.
We continue to build
I buggies for we do not
set apace we
Milling A Mfg, Co., Ayden, N. C
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Block, Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
N. C.-s
At the close of business Sept
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Hanks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
f. . 1,677
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits lens
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 16.183.02
el .
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel
They save stock. They save land, The gave
They save worry, save time, are
guaranteed, They are best steel, They have- the
only hinge to build. No expense
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The American Is
the best square mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Come to us

Editor and
wordy, but goes straight to the point
on every topic considered. He states
the issues and asks the t
choose between them. In
his letter Judge Parker
economy of administration
Entered in the post office at N. C. as second class
rates made known upon application.
desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining be demanded or shall extravagance
Pm County, N. C, Friday, Z
SO. 1904.
There is a feeling in the air that
this i a Democratic year.
Sully is getting back on the market
and there will be something doing
in Cotton circles.
Election forecasters are now set-
ting New York down in the certain
Democratic column.
Georgia cotton planters because
cf a scarcity of hands have been
picking cotton by moonlight.
The Monday paper got ahead of
the push again by being first to
print Judge Parker's letter of accept-
With holding meet-
in Greenville, the stronghold
of Satan should be thoroughly
The pie will not be allowed to
grow dull dining October the
lack of speaking. It will be the
warmest month of the campaign.
Webster's Weekly, of Reidsville
now cornea donned in a bright new
draw a handsome appear-
The Weekly is an ably edited
paper and is a power for good .
The colleges hardly get opened
before the foot ball announcements
become the most prominent
emanating from the institutions.
The colleges need reputation in other
Awful disasters continue to occur
with frequency. A wreck
on the Southern railway near Knox-
ville, Tenn , Saturday morning,
killed upward of fifty people and in-
many more.
In this time when the party seems
better united than ever before, we do
not see where it will accomplish any
good be saying that the
of any particular candidate is a
concession to any particular faction
of the party. There are no factions
now, but it is one great party united
to win.
The best improvement of a good
thing is to have more of it. That
is the case with the Scotland Neck
Commonwealth. It was good as a
four page paper, and now since it
has enlarged to six pages it is in-
creasing a good thing. It is the
kind of paper that does good where-
ever it goes.
Spencer Blackburn, Republican
candidate for congress in the eighth
North Carolina district, has been to
New York conferring with the chair-
man of Republican committee.
Doubtless from the confidence Black
burn expresses of his election he got
the promise of campaign funds to
use in his district.
Widows and Pension. The Democratic candidate for
The most amazing fact about the Governor of Now York a
of name such as probably no-
pension disgrace, says American
Medicine, is the professional widow-
business. Women lire a
body else in the country enjoys. It
is D period after-
Listen to this song from the bard
of the Raleigh
most beautiful season of the
be encouraged
the wrongdoer be brought
to bay by the people, or must
wait upon political oligarchy
our government stand for
equal opportunity or for special
it remain a government of
law or become one of individual ca-
we cling to the rule of the
people, or shall we embrace
calmness and confidence,
ere await the verdict.
called to the office of
dent. I shall consider myself the
chief magistrate of all the people
and not of any faction, and shall
ever be mindful of the fact that on
many questions of national policy
there are honest differences of
I believe the patriotism,
good sense and resolute sincerity of
all the people. I shall strive to re-
member that he may serve Ins party
best who serves his country best.
it be the of the people
I undertake the duties of the
presidency, pledge myself, with
help, to devote ml my powers
and in the do tics of this ex
or so longer than men on the aver- the D to indicate that it is an
age, but what shall one think of for it is not. This results,
ludicrous fact that pensioned j we are told, from a difference be-
soldier of the of now lives, I ween the father and mother about
while widows continue the name for the baby. The latter
to draw pensions wanted him named simply
The old soldiers of the Herrick. The father wanted a
are evidently in greater demand as double name. The old got the-
husbands than the youngest and better of the controversy and; the
handsomest men. During last
invalids has decreased by
boy, when old enough, wrote his
five years the number of civil war name Herrick and the man.
continues to so write it though the
but there has been an increase of I D stands for nothing except parental
widows, and the less the
number of the pensioned the greater
the amount of the total disburse-
What a demonstration of
is made by this show
Nothing would be easier than
to stop the of these
adventuresses mocking at death,
love and decency, with
their waving marriage certificates.
Difference. It is an odd case, isn't it.
Charlotte Observer.
The Chiefs of Police of North Carolina
To Meet October 19th.
Raleigh is to be honored on
19th by the annual meeting of
the chiefs of police of the state. Re-
to the plans for the meeting,
the Asheville Citizen
of Police Jordan, of Ashe-
ville, who is secretary and treasurer
of the state organization of chiefs of
police, is today mailing to all
a notice of the annual meeting
of the body at on October
1st. The meeting of the chiefs of
police at Raleigh next month will
Stop Thinking of Yourself.
Thousands of people are out of
good positions and cannot keep good
places when they get them because I he the second annual gathering,
of the weakness of The association was formed at Dur
Many a good business man has been i ham last year with the erection of
kept back or even ruined by his, A. Woodall, of that place as
quickness to take offense or to re- dent, and Chief Jordan, of Ashe
sent fancied slight Oversensitive-1 ville, secretary and treasurer. Ill
whether in man or woman, is I speaking of the approaching meet-
really an exaggerated form of self-1 of the chiefs the secretary and
is Ear removed treasurer said that the indications
It is a matter of general
to note the improvements either
under way or in contemplation by.
the Atlantic Coast Line. The news-
columns of this the past few
days have told about the proposed ,
expenditure of a dollars in
improving the terminal facilities at
Jacksonville, Fin., in order that the-
may have perfect exporting
facilities. Then double-tracking is-
going on on the second division and
south of Rocky Mount. All of this-
goes to show not only the continued
prosperity and growth of the Atlantic
Coast Line but also the increasing
business of the
one wants to know what
Mr. Roosevelt has left for his
It was not
necessary to leave anything. He
will have no use for
is that too many farm-
have to consult the guano man as
to when they shall sell their cotton.
Durham Herald.
year is just now opening up. Deli-
splashes of gold and crimson are
beginning through the fading consciousness. It
green of the forests, and from conceit or self-esteem, vet it I pointed to a good attendance.
fields are bright with waving
goldenrod. There is still more sub-
beauty in the coin field,
meadow, apple orchard and turnip
And he left the golden hued pump-
kin clear out of it.
One of the cheekiest things going
is that the fellows who tried to wreck
the Atlantic North Carolina rail-
road with the receivership snag, now
want the state to pay their lawyer
and other expenses.
New York is giving the best of
her as Democratic
dates this year. The bench of that
state has furnished a candidate for
president and one for governor.
Both of them will be elected.
Raleigh and Greensboro are both
up In arms against the disreputable
women that infest those cities.
Every town is more or less afflicted
with undesirable class and it
would be better for morals to get
rid of them.
This is the time when you draw
Up to read some notice on a tree or
bill board only to find it is a warn-
to pay your taxes or an announce-
for public The tax
Collector and campaigner are both
in the land.
The dispatches say that Russia is
preparing to double her forces in
the war against Japan.
standing she already has a much
larger force in the field th n the
Japanese can number, she found
herself unable to defeat the deter-
mined little fighters, and has set to
work to raise another army to send
to the front against them. Japan
may be finally overwhelmed with
the great number of Russia's forces,
but we hope to the contrary.
Charlotte has made an innovation
that ought to be given hand
throughout tho state, especially in
every town where there is an opera
house. The manager of the academy
of music, the leading play house in
that city, has announced that here-
after no one will be ushered to their
seats after the curtain rises and the
play is going on. Late comers are
given seats on the back rows. The
greatest nuisance about theaters is
those persons who wait so late to go
that they disturb others who have
gone to their seats in time and are
trying to enjoy the play.
Judge Parker's letter of accept-
has been given to the public.
It is a clear, frank, manly discussion
of the issues that ate before the
American people. It n toot
causes one's own personality to over-1 said that while the organization was
shadow everything else A sensitive j scarcely well formed, that much
person feels that whatever he does, I good had already resulted and that j
wherever he goes or whatever he still greater good would yet result
An enthusiastic Democratic friend,
tells us he has very little use for an
independent, no matter what sort of,
a Republican he is. Raleigh Post.
from the annual gathering of
Carolina's chiefs of
says he is the center of
He imagines that people arc
his movements, making fun at
his or analyzing his character
when they are probably not thinking
of him at all. He does not realize
tint other people are too busy and
too much interested in themselves
and in other things to devote to him
any of their time beyond what is ab- In that
necessary. When he thinks j News does not mean to be dis-
aiming remarks at him, put-1 respectful, but it is just the same,
ting slights upon him or trying to A mayor, in the trial of causes, is a
hold him up the ridicule of others and is entitled to respect and
dignity. Indeed, these things he
must maintain if he would be
The town of Wilson has a goad
mayor in the person of lion.
Herring. The Wilson almost
daily heads its the mayor's
they may not be even conscious of
his presence. A man who appreciates
himself at his true value and who
gives his neighbors credit for In
at least as good as he is cannot be a
victim of
Springs Telegraph.
Gen. Corbin's recommendation
live in the discharge of that part of
his duly.
The mayor of Raleigh is Hon. A.
XI. Powell, Sandy Powell by
some of his intimate friends. How-
would it look for the papers in
to report the mayor's court
; the heading
that army officers be not allowed tO, ,. . ., , ,
,, ., . I And how long could we keep out of
jail if, when Judge M. H. Justice
marry until they have secured the
consent of the Secretary of War,
which is not to be given unless they
show to that official's satisfaction
that they can support their families,
has caused widespread comment
At first blush this looks like an in-
with the the army officer's
liberty, but there is no doubt that
there is good reason for such a meas-
Army officers are supposed to
be entirely under the government's
control and if single men are better
suited for the plates they should fill
as is the case with the
enlisted men. One good thing about
it, one need not become an army
officer unless he wants
comes to town to hold court, we
served the proceedings under
A mayor is entitled to as much
dignity and respect as a superior
court judge, and newspapers and
others should accord the same to
him. He should so conduct himself
as to command respect, and when
he ceases to do so he should be re-
moved from office Raleigh Post.
tumblers and
at M.
Dr. Hyatt at
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will in
Farmville, at the hotel, October
. 18th. awl Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday.
of f III
and Siting
able to pay a tee will be ex
u mined free.
The Pot and tho
A young woman who lives in a-
southern slate met recently another
voting woman whose home is in New
place do you come
inquired the New Englander, with
polite interest.
The southerner answered that her
native town was called
whereat her acquaintance went off
into peals of merriment.
where do you come
asked the southern girl.
was the indifferent answer,.
come from
Hard to Kill.
Cot, according to the old
have nine lives, hut are
not the only creatures that enjoy
such a plurality. have
been dried and restored to life by
moistening after remaining inert
dust for twenty-seven years, and
the drying resuscitation has been
successfully tried eleven times on.
one lot of Frogs and many
fishes suffer no injury from
solid, while in a few cases even
warm blooded animals have been re-
stored to life after apparent death
from freezing.
A Little Too Short.
A story is told of a well known
preacher who went to a barber and
I want you to cut my hair
as short as you would like a
On rising from his chair and rue-
fully surveying his bald and shining
head ho was staggered to observe
that the barber wanted no sermon at
Making Him Happy.
exclaimed the happy-
husband after the minister had pro-
the fatal word, am not
worthy of
course, you are she re-
plied; after a ha
her birthday for
five ;
This department Is in A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Stoves, heaters and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
N. C, Sept. before and save money.
There is the best selection of Winterville Mfg. Co.
library paste and D.
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox Cox. Board l per day.
Bro. ever brought to Winterville. j house in town.
Protect your eyes by buying one J Mis. Evelyn Cox went to
of those eye shades at the Drug Sunday afternoon and
Store, price cents. Monday.
For underwear that will make it Foil are now fully
warm you in cold weather call in our new mid
at John Whitty Son's. would rent smaller shop with
Corn, and Hay for sale and holler attached ready o
cheap for cash, O. A. drive machines. Rents would be
Co. . and you bad
price fir cotton seed soon,
paid by County Oil Mill. Cox Co-
G. A. Kittrell and Co. will pay Penny a at the
per bushel for No. grapes of
and others according to quality. Kittrell Taylor just re-
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh assortment of cutlery
loaf of bread. yon want a nice knife them-
Miss Cox has
from a to Miss May Gal-
near Black Jack.
II in need of a good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
If you want ice and lemons
fail to get them from Kittrell
Cap the very kind you are
for; from to
G. Chapman and Co.
For nice picture frames
and we've got cheap.
A. W.
Trunks and valises cheap.
Harrington Barber and Co.
For dress and work at
Jon. Whitty Son's.
wagon don't fail
to buy one A. G. Cox Mfg.
Tar Heels.
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for your grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W.
Ange Co.
tat light-
A. G. Mfg.
Back to School Again.
Dinner pots, Wash pots and
preserving crockery and
glass ware tin wood and
willow ware.
W. S. Johns, contracting
for the Card well Machine
I have been informed that A. of was here Tues-
W. Ange and Co. has the nicest day and Wednesday after
line of dress goods ribbons, the oil mill machinery,
hamburg and lace town.
Why halt ye between two J We want W at
ion A. W. Ange and Co. have Barber Co.
the best Shoes. Come right along We now ft complete line of
and bee fitted. ladies dress goods and trimmings,
N. Manning Co. are carry and umbrellas, rugs
the medicine that will cure window shades. Will take
diseases of the in any state. in showing one and all
Notice-J wish to notify through our line,
public that I grind every Harrington, Barber a
day at my mill one mile south of Window and door frames, porch
Level on Sam place, columns, brackets all kinds of
Tripp. house trimmings at rock bottom
Miss came bank Winterville Mfg. V.
from son ville. Fort Pent. One wood shop with
wood cart hubs.
For A splendid pair of me-
size mules. A. G. Cox.
hand buggies cheap. If
wish to buy a second baud
cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
L. L. Kittrell went up the road
Plastering hair and cook stoves
at A. W. Ange Co
The A. G. Cox Co. are
chasing a lot of fine timber for Tar
Heel carts and wagons. They are
also making a large supply of j
these wheels so they can fill a big I
demand when the proper season
Get Sum soda Sets per pound.
T. N. Manning and Co.
Pictures and picture frames,
Barber Co.
A U. S. flag floats from the
of the foot smokestack of the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill. .
C. Co. say they j
business than they j
lave ever done.
we carry a complete of heavy.
fancy groceries, prices
in position to secure first
class raw material cheap, having
How time flies He it is September again and your
Boy must have some good School Clothes.
The growing, romping School Boy is an expensive
proposition at best. Parents, who have raised a few. know
all about it. They know, too, the real value of
Good School Clothes.
We have the satisfying kind, with all the style features
to please the Boy, and back of it the sold, substantial wear
the parents always insist upon.
We insure you by back, if anything
goes wrong with the Clothes.
Frank WilsOn,
The King Clothier.
machinery with which to do our
We now have hand a nice blacksmith shop plainer
line of dress goods at remarkably Also horse
low figure, come, see and be con- and horse
vim-ed. Tours truly for work. The wood shop
Kittrell and Taylor, about x ft. is near a road
Box Body for is and is u nice place fur
the season when you may Apply to A. G. Cox
want a cart to haul Mrs Sarah Taylor, our
farm to the lain or date milliner has from
market. The A. Cox Mfg. Co. are the northern w here she has
making and selling them and yon selected the latest styles of supplies
bad better send them your order nary. to call he at the
at I can save you store.
old reliable Elk Vinegar money and give satisfaction
for Sale at G. Chapman Co. V. Yours truly
The Winterville Mfg. Co., Mrs. Sarah Taylor.
up nice fly proof kitchen safes, j At Prices-The A O.
They are cheap and convenient. ,. R b
Get your denier to
U noise , .
. and being able to save and
, . . .
, . j work up nearly all of mil-
wood shop is I . ,
area of the reasons why we
can save our customers
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Car load flour just received,
i Co.
School books, stationery, pens.
Heel Shoes a s; Try ,
a and be convinced of their
worm. R. O. Chapman On.
be ready to bay your cotton seed substantial fence made and you Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
and will pay highest cash prices can get a ., yo apply R, j u g, Dr R T
wire reduced juice-.
The Pitt County Oil Mill Boon have
is the on
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
for then.
G. A. A Co., will be on
the this season as grape
and will pay the highest
Sec the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Go's. Prices right.
Light wood Cart
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
We want your grapes every day
up to Friday at o'clock a. in.
Don't bring them that lime
Fridays nor on Saturdays, We
per pound for No.
and tic per pound for No-
If. picked.
Yours truly, j
O. A. Co-
a tine line of goods
yon Should see R. G, Chapman
C j
Lime sea A. W.
Cox, Winterville, 3-22
The New Season.
We have received all the newest
things for the new season.
New awakens an
which follows where constant
changes lake place. We will show
this son, the most up-to-date line
of Dress and Clothing that
we have ever shown. At prices
to please all.

Greenville's Great
Department Store
Rules For
If your wife at
at her.
If she t- i at you, laugh with
If she is soothe her.
If she is gnu ions, thank her.
If she is lier.
If she is economical, commend
If she is extravagant, explain to
THREE times a day you sir.
down with China ant
Glass. That is the best we
can think of for having plenty
and for having it dainty and
There is a saying
oft on dainty and if
this prove true in your case
and j not he able to fill the
just call in our Grocery
Department the very best
for the inner man. and if
should eat too much we
expect yon will if you our
examine our immense
Furniture where you
will find Lounges, Beds,
Chairs, on you can re-t
until you are cured of the Gout.
If you don't, believe this call on
If she sacrifice her pleasures for j Office opposite depot,
you, he gem-mus with her. i
If she is beautiful, appreciate
if she cooks well, compliment her.
If she is stay home with
If she is tired, tend her.
If she doubts you, he frank with
If she grieves, be tender with her.
If she is hysterical, ignore her.
If she is flighty, be with her.
If the is good, adore
land Press.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post
A Great Drawback.
tests show it to he a
did medicinal said the
there's only one thing
wrong with said the owner of
the taste is
course; that's the trouble.
No one would believe it was a me-
water if it didn't have an
unpleasant Philadelphia
Complete Furniture, Groceries.
; We Pay Highest Prices for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
J. B. Cherry
Loans and Discounts
Stocks, securities,
Demand loam
Due from Banks
rid paid in
j Surplus,
cash items 3,314.80
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
individual deposits
to check
Demand of
Cashier's cheek
Bills payable,
of for
C. T. and V.
j having; sold to A. t en-
tire interest in the Tucker
Co. heretofore existing th .-.
of Greenville, N. C, is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent
from and after this date.
In the firm of dissolution said
A. E. all the
and assumes all the liabilities of I
firm. All persons owing said firm j
will payment to said .-
E. Tucker and ail persons having
claims against will present them I
to a. E Tucker for payment. j.
Witness our hand and signatures
this Sept 17th
C. T. M
Having purchased the entire inter- j
est of O. T. an V. John-,
son in the firm of A. E. I Co .
I will continue the business In my own
name the same I bis
our for their favors and to
solicit a continuation of the
shah endeavor lo please those who
favor me with their patronage and to
make It to their advantage to come
All persons having claims
the old of A. I-. Tucker and
will present them to me for
and all persons owing the firm will
make payment to
This Sept 17th 1904.
We have our entire interest in
the firm of A. E. Tucker Co., who
will continue the business at the same
old stand and we take pleasure in com-
mending him to favor and patron
age of the public.
This Sept 17th
c. T.
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, X. C.
u m
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June,
Notary Public.
J. G.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be if arrears be paid within on month while yon
living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
ff and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during
Dan failing to list poll
tax, not guilty.
North Carolina. In Superior
Pitt County. Court
Aaron Wooten,
vs Notice.
The defendant above named will
take notice that an action as
above has been commenced in the j
Court of Pitt County, in which j
the plaintiff socks a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony heretofore sol-1
between the and the
defendant; said defendant will
further take notice that sh Is required
to appear st the next term of the
if said County to held on the
first Monday in November at the
court house of said county in
ville, N. and answer or demur to I
the complaint in said action, or the
plaintiff Will apply to the court for j
the relief demanded in said
This the of September 1904; I
Clerk of Superior Court.
The partnership heretofore existing j
between I; omit, of
N. and M. O. Blount of Beth-
el, N. O., has mutual
The business at Williamston
N. will hereafter be owned and
solely by Geo. W,. Blount
under same name and style as hereto-
a- d the business at Bethel will
hereafter be owned and conducted
solely by M. O Blount under the same
name and style as heretofore
Th s August 11th
M. O. Blount,
Geo. W. Blount.
Tobacco has
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We. have com-
men and, one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
My son aged
teen has left me and ray
without my and I hereby
forbid any all to feed.
or in any way harbor the said
under penalty of
la pro-
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and tho possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the I
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made it easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn when
sell a good machine with best steel knives such
a satisfactory price, and to do the work.
Water Coolers, Cream Hammock and
everything in the hardware line.
H. I.
To The Public.
Owing to law recently pass-
ed by town, forbidding
buggies to be left on the street,
and our room being limited, we
are forced to quit feeding or
care of any horses.
And as we are and be-
that our stables is the cause
of the law being enacted, we re
request Board of
Aldermen to repeal the law as to
all stables except ours, that the
public may be
Sept. 1904. A. Ravage Co.
t-d m-w
A Wild Ride For Life
With around expecting
him to die, and a sou for
life, miles, to net Dr. King's
New Discovery Consumption,
Coughs Colds, V. H. Brown,
of endured death's
agonies from but this
wonderful medicine gave instant
relief and soon cured him, He
now Bleep soundly every
night Like marvelous cures
Consumption Pneumonia,
Coughs, Colds Grip
prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
bottles and Trial
bottles free at Drug Store
t. t. t. s. w.
There is always room at the top
of a head for an ache the
next morning.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs
causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Marion, Ind.,
who was entirely cured by the use
of Minute Cough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I ran down
down in weight from to lbs.
I tried a number of remedies to no
I used One Minute
Cough Cure. Four bottles of this
wonderful remedy cured me entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restored me to my in-
health and
Ding Stout.
After a man has reached the
age vi discretion his
revolts at food.
Fearful Against Dim
Bedridden, and destitute.
Such, in brief was the condition of
an old r by of J. J.
Havens, For years
he was troubled with Kidney dis-
ease and neither nor
him relief, At length
he tried lie Biller. Ir pot
hi in on bis feel in short and
now he on the road
t Best on earth fur
Liver and Kidney and all
forms of Com-
plaints. Only lido
by J. l. Woolen, druggist.
It lakes a gin fully ten
seconds to forgive a man
for k s.
What's in n
is in tn hum. ii
comes to Witch Hazel c.
DeWitt Co., of
some years ago how to
a salve from Witch Hazel that
specific for Piles. For blind, bleed-
Itching and protruding riles,
eczema, cuts, burns, and
all sic in leases, DeWitt's Salve
has no equal. This has given rise
Ask for DeWitt's, the
Sold at Wooten's Drug Store.
have a peculiar way of
slumping the slump Immediately
after you.
A Power For
The pills that arc potent i their
action and pleasant in effect are
Early Risers. W.
Phil of Albany, On.,
a bilious attack I took
cue. us it was it did m
good than
any pill I
same lime effect
ant. Little Early are
Sold by
W Drug Store.
On Au. 26th, 1904. Sale begins at O'clock
sharp. To convert our stock into Cash, we
will until further notice offer our
La Fine Sunday Shoes
Calamity price per pair
Box writing paper
and envelopes to match,
calamity juice per box
pearl buttons
worth calamity
price per doz
pairs boys tine
pants, worth HOc
calamity price
yards best calico
and dark colors.
Your calamity
towel . Red striped,
calamity price
1500 yards wide hum-
worth o and
at this calamity sale
During this greatest of
sales to secure the
matchless bargains don't
forget hat this is a spot
Hate, Hat, en
tire line re I need per
cent, and per cent.
Or vole will miss
These Bargains
Fine steel rod
las, calamity price
Hair pins, large boxes
sizes to box, kind
you know what
they are, worth
calamity price
Spool cotton,
dozen La Fine Hem
Stitched, Lace Edge
Handkerchiefs, worth
each, calamity price
Men and boys tine
Sunday shirts, calamity
dozed late
style ply linen
calamity price
Wash rags were fie,
calamity nice
Feather stitched Braid
calamity price
Cut and slashed prices seen all over the
largest stock in Eastern
Aug. 26th, 1904
C. T.

I Dissolution Sale
Goods Go.
Almost Regardless Of Price.
I will have to include
As I have more Goods than I can handle
Don't Wait Come Early -and
Get your Choice
Next Door to the Bank of Greenville.
N. C.
of Oliver mi
in with and ;
years; there are
of the difficulty is to
of The Far-
Maine, was painted year
ago; the paint was
yearn ago, we saw it;
know any Our agent then-,
know. Enclose a if you
Yours truly.
F W. Co.
P. S. H. i sells our paint.
The Atlantic Coast Line,
Via and O.
Via Petersburg and N. W.
Via Augusta, Atlanta
Stop overs permitted a
on tickets reading via.
Richmond, also at u bummer
I and at Atlanta
and Nashville on tickets via
While catching at a base ball,
Tuesday evening, A. R. Forbes
was painfully The ball
struck end of third finger
on bis hand, driving entire
nail back under the flesh and j
breaking the first joint.
Lewis of
cut xi is wife to death with a razor,
attempted to kill bis old
daughter and then
Whiskey was of
Take Best it Costs No More.
Rates from Greenville;
for season tickets via.
Richmond or Petersburg.
season tickets via.
for sixty day t via.
Richmond or Petersburg.
for sixty day tickets via.
for fifteen day tickets
via. Richmond.
for fifteen day tickets
via. Augusta.
for coach excursion
tickets on September
and 29th.
other information ad-
dress any ticket agent of this
company or undersigned.
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. F. A
Wilmington, N C
Several North Carolinian
killed in the that m-cured I
If yon want to something
nice look at the new
Parker fountain pen- at Reflector
a Special sale. See
A good typesetter straight
newspaper can get a position
at Tub Reflector office.
Had You up Again
King's New Life
Pills each night for two weeks
pat me in my
writes D. H. Turner of
town, Pa They're the bet in
the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels vegetable Never
Only i Wooten's
Drug Store
cured by
Wholesale retell Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
rel. Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses,, Oak Suits, Ba
Go-Carte, Parlor
Tables, Lounges. Safes, P
and Gail ft Ax
Life Tobacco, Key
Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap-
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
ten Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Gaudies, Dried
Prune, Currents, Glass
ind China Ware. Tin and
Ware, Cakes Crackers,
Best Butter, New
Sewing Machine nu-
other goods. Quality
Cheap for cash.
we me.
S. M.
Mr. D.
Nevada, O.,
the of
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
by its honest name.
good com just in
Five Points.
Sale By
Letters testamentary having
been Issued to me, by the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, as ex-
of the last will and testament
cf Martha A. Mills, u, and
having duly qualified as such executor,
notice is hereby Riven to all persons
holding claims against the estate of
said Martha A. Mills. t present them
duly authenticated,
on or before the d
or this notice be plead
in bar o U elf All poisons
Indebted to said estate are
o make immediate to me.
Executor of Mary A. Mills.
A Blow,
J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Slips Away From Officers Between Court
Room and Jail.
The George who on
Tuesday night of last week stole
clothing belonging to one of Faust's
while the performance
was on in the opera house was tried
in court next morning, convicted
and sentenced to two years on the
roads, has made his escape. After
being placed in jail did a
lot of talking, in which another
was implicated in the stealing.
The matter was sent before the
grand jury on Friday, they found a
bill against other he
was arrested and placed In jail t
awaits trial. The ease tilled
before noon when
e s
who beard him talking
brought from jail In the court room
to When the time for
noon recess came officers took the
prisoners back to jail, at least
thought they did. It was then
that gave the officers the
slip his absence was not notice
other prisoners were lock-
ed w court set after dinner
and the officers went to bring the
our again it was found
that had made good his
The San- Book Club had a
called meeting at Faille Skin-
Wednesday morning at
o'clock, when the following
were unanimously
That whereas, by the
an all wise Providence, the
Bans Club has sustained an
irreparable loss in the removal by
death of our honored beloved
president, Mrs.
Carr, whose shining virtues were
at once a source of education and
inspiration to our club,
therefore, be it resolved,
1st. the secretary be in-
to enroll on the books
-of this club a copy of these
testifying to the beautiful
qualities of head and heart of
our lamented president whose
memory we shall ever beat in
tender while life
2nd. That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to her stricken
husband into whose life was
given as a benediction, and to the
beloved mother family who
sit in the shadow of a great grief
3rd. That club
of their sorrow wear a
badge of for the next
thirty days.
Respectfully submitted by Win-
Skinner, Nina James, Marv
Pattie Vice Pres.
After the passing of these res-
s the club at once ad-
September Term in Session.
The following cases have been
disposed of since last
L. A. and Joe
Mabry, assault with deadly
on, guilty, fined
Sarah Spruill and Willie Spruill,
with deadly weapon,
Spruill not guilty,
guilt v, sentenced days jail.
John Johnson, not
weapon, pleads guilty, fined lb
Evans, larceny, guilty,
W. H. Tucker, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Jim Wright, not guilty.
Patrick, appeal from
Mayor's court, not guilty.
Leon Patrick Elias Bunn
for gambling were sentenced to
three mouths each to be assigned
to roads.
John assault,
and costs.
Teel, appeal from May-
or's court, pleads
John Stancil, concealed
weapon, guilty, lined and
Cornelius King,
affray, guilty, Moore fined
Cox, a-sit with deadly
weapon, guilty, sentenced days
in j to be assigned to roads.
Zeb Gatlin, carrying concealed
weapon, not guilty.
Sentence against John W. Car-
sen of months in jail was
stricken out and judgment
over he having
rendered his stock of liquors
the of the court.
Court adjourned this afternoon
for the term.
N. C, Sept. 1904.
Mrs. C. Langston spent
day afternoon in Winterville.
E. E. went to Greenville
A number of people have
attending court in Greenville
Mr. and Mrs. Malone Tucker
Saturday and Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lo-
Army worms have done much
to cotton in this section.
farmers are very
housing their cotton.
C. H. Langston, and
Miss Eva, spent Sunday near
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Braxton.
went to V Monday.
Miss Allie Wail spent Saturday
with friends in Ayden.
The revival at Bethany was a
success, fourteen with the
Luther and sister, Miss
Lizzie, attended church in Ayden
Quite a number of people attend-
ed church at
Miss Tessie has come
home to spend a few with
her parents.
Miss Elvin Sutton is visiting
Miss Annie
Mrs. T. B. Allen and
Miss Annie spent n
portion of last week la Greenville.
Miss Minnie Brown of Kinston
and Miss Lou Edwards, of Little-
field spent part of last week with
Miss Allie
Dr. Hyatt at Farmville.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt be in
at the hotel, October
. 18th. and 19th., Monday,
Tue-day and Wednesday, for the
purpose of treating diseases of the
eye and fitting glasses. Those
not able to pay a fee will be ex-
For Sale hand Brooks
Cotten Press, in good running
B. L. Nichols.
Route No. L. Greenville, N. C.
8-26 ltd
N. C.
Dear For house, no
matter the matter with it
it isn't a human you
lead zinc. Apply
with a brush, from one to three
a to do it.
Seven state chemists know all
about have analyzed it
report it pure will analyze it
They it in the
open market like.
You know what color and
dryer are do you know what
the lead and-zinc and oil are for
Not being a painter, you may not
choose to know; but we'll tell you,
Lead-am zinc and oil combine
to form a rubbery waterproof
to keep out dampness.
the whole business.
The oil would do it alone- lead-
would without
zinc; zinc and oil without the lead;
but the
because they wear best.
We say to a
as we'd say to him a
every man to his trade. Can't
all be and doctors; don't
You will be more successful in a
prosperous looking and be
in good health. Take good care of
one another.
Yours truly.
F W. Co.
P. S. H. sells our
Farmville, N. C, Sept. 1904.
The first Pitt county corn fair
will be held in Greenville on Oct.
13th, 1904.
Professor Williams, of the A.
M. College, of Raleigh, will be
present and make a speech upon
corn breeding and help the judges
decide who has the best corn.
J. S. Harris, of Falkland;
Joshua Tucker, of W. J.
Teel, of Bethel; Alston Grimes, of
Dr. J. N. Bynum, of
Farmville; ate requested to act as
Col. I. A. Sugg will be chief
He will appoint his
own assistants.
Each farmer in Pitt county is
requested to bring at least a dozen
fair. Entrance is free and
charge for exhibiting.
As this is first attempt to
to the attention of
of Pitt county the importance
of improving corn plant, it is
hoped will take an
interest in matter and turn
in largo numbers.
A. J.
o. l.
Fernando Ward,
W. M. Smith
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N. C, will be in Greenville
at Hotel Monday Oct. 3rd
and until of Tuesday 4th
for one day only. His practice i
limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, fitting glasses.
Nominates Part of a Ticket.
There was a small gathering in
the court this afternoon in
response to a call for a Republican
W. J. Pope called the meet-
to order and suggested J. J.
for chairman and J. W.
Harper for secretary, both of
whom were elected.
Mr. Perkins not being present
Col. Pope was asked to
until the chairman came in. He
was stating the object of the meet-
when the chairman came in,
and he continued to preside.
a commute of five was appoint-
ed to retire and recommend
dates for the county offices.
The committee recommended
two candidates, W. J. Pope and
Elias for the house of
and three for county
S. Tyson, B.
F. and J. W.
all other places to be filled by
the executive committee.
The executive committee was
called to meet next Saturday
date of the to
decide about finishing the ticket.
N, C, Sept.
Mrs. Ben who bas
been visiting relatives here left
for her home in Halifax
Mrs Cook continues quite sick
but though to be a little better
to day.
H. B. Phillips, arrived
Mr. representative of
piano company spent
day night in
Mrs. Charlie Jennings spent
Tuesday in
H. H. Stanley spent today in
James Bobbitt and bride rived
to day their wedding trip
and were entertained at tea by Mr.
and Mrs. George Cole.
Claude Chapman, a prosperous
farmer and merchant of Pitt
yesterday shipped here
two car loads of tobacco
J. D. Cox, today in Green-
ville on business for
County Company.
Greenville, N. 30th.
Whereas the Board of Trustees
of the Greenville Graded
has received the resignation of
their Vice M. A. Allen,
who is leaving Greenville to make
his residence at Danville, Virginia,
Whereas Mr. bas been
a member of said Board Trustees
from its organization, and by his
experience, ability and willing
service has contributed largely to
the Therefore be it
Resolved that we rejoice
with Mr. Allen in his promotion
to larger fields of responsibility,
it is with regret that we lose him
from our Board and we hereby
extend to him the thanks of said
Board for his efficient work with
us in the past, and best wishes
bis success happiness in
his field of the
secretary this Board a copy
of these resolutions to be forwarded
to Mr. That a copy be
spread upon the minutes of this
Board a copy be furnished to
The Daily Reflector
G. E. Harris,
W. L. BROWN X Committee
F. C.
Beaver Dam, N. C, SO.
Miss Maud Tyson, of Farmville,
is spending sometime with her
uncle, G. T. Tyson.
The people in our section are
busy picking cotton and saving
Misses Maud and Annie Tyson
went to Mrs. S. Joyner's
day evening.
The new school house at
lard's Cross Roads is going up
Grigg and Lydia Tyson are
going to take Miss Mary Tyson
home Saturday.
Miss Annie Tyson spent Monday
afternoon in Greenville.
Mis. Bettie Smith two child-
of Greenville, spent, last week
with Mrs. Chas.
Grigg, Elbert and Misses Mary
and Annie Tyson attended the
yearly meeting at the Meadow
Sunday and reported a good time.
Under Guard.
The man Ed
who came in town some days ago
with a case of smallpox, was here
again Thursday. The county
superintendent of health at once
notified the mayor called a
special meeting of the of
aldermen provision was made
to detain until
arrangement be made for a
pest house, lie will not be
lowed to go at large.
They are Hustlers
Barnaul's warehouse bas
men it and selling
large quantities of tobacco.
farmers know that when they go
I to with their tobacco
effort will lie to make
lit bring the very highest prices.
is kind work that
counts. ltd
September Tobacco Sales.
Secretary C. W. Harvey of the
tobacco board of trade reports the
sales of leaf tobacco Green-
ville market for the month of
at pounds. For
the corresponding mouth of 1903
the sales were pounds,
an increase for this year of
pounds. The total sales for Aug-
and September this year are
It makes a wife to
think what bad habits her
band might acquire if he did not
smoke, drink and swear.
March Boger, a sixteen year-
old white boy, is held under bond
at Statesville, for the larceny of a
Fruit jars, tumblers and
stone jars at M.
good to
sell b book iv r published,
gs and Po-ins of The
Southern Confederate by II. M.
Wharton, D. ate.
Send for circular at d
Elliott Pub. Co.,

Eastern reflector, 30 September 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 30, 1904
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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