Eastern reflector, 16 September 1904

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. . . J.
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co
derived from the business arc returned direct to the farmers.
BECAUSE--t is a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
BECAUSE-On any of cur floors you a e guaranteed the highest legitimate matte
price at ail times and under a circumstances,
BECAUSE -The enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
BECAUSE-So certain as night follows day we know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
BECAUSE-By co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reached and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your can be had.
THE FARMERS, formerly run by Joyner THE STAB, formerly run by Coward, Hooker
Co., and THE ran last year by Foxtail MR. H. A. TIMBERLAKE, who
or a number of years baa been count with the Star as auctioneer, no better one ever sung to
the bids of will have personal charge of the MR. S. B. WELL, who was one of
the firm of Foxhall year at The will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. JOYNER will be at the Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Delegates to County Convention.
Below is a list of the delegates
alternates selected by the
primaries of the several townships U C Cannon, H L Blount
to the county convention to be Cox, J W Can
Tucker, Henry Dixon,
Delegates W W J R
Harvey. R R Jackson, Ed
W C Jackson, E G Cox, B J
held in Greenville on Thursday,
W Smith, W C
Joyner, Jesse L Smith, W A
lard, D L Crawford.
A Nichols, B W
Erwin, J S Hoffman, Me
Arthur, J F Allen.
Executive L
G T Tyson, J A Smith, S V
Joyner, L Button.
Magistrates--J W Smith,
Arthur, W Joyner.
W Bullock, D J D
S Walker, Char-
Parker, Rich-
ard Harris.
Executive J Turn
age, D J Holland, Frank Clark,
Richard Hams.
J Turnage, W
Bullock, D C Barrow.
L Parker.
H Barnhill, UH
F L Brown,
J IS M A James, R R
Alternates-M O
Moore, C R J J Carson,
J R Boating, H A Cherry, S C
Foul, daddy
A Gainer, S T
B M V.
L Taylor.
R R J Per-
kins, A H N Gray, J B
Roebuck. It B
l, J B Vt bite-
bunt, H A Gray.
James, A
Page, L J
look, Page, Little, A
J A Grand, it
Little, D B
Executive N
Gray, LR Barn-
hill. S R Ross, L.
James. c U Page.
S Ross.
Grimes, H
B J H Mills,
J Marshall Cox, W E Tucker,
F Chapman, Haddock,
Bred Mills, Albert
Moore, W P Buck. L E W
E Proctor, W L Clark, J B Gal-
J B Tucker, C II Jones, H
Jr, W ft Galloway, h Woolen,
Mills, J A
II C Venters, IT J Stokes,
Smith J B William-,
G Buck, Jeff El-
wards, W S Elks, J A Hudson,
Jesse Wilson, Richard
II Cox. L Alston
Executive L
Women, J Marshall Cox, W K
ion, D G Berry. Jesse Cannon,
F Hart. J A
Dixon, Calvin Tucker, W B Win-
Kate, A D Johnston, J D Cox, R
G Amos Joyner, G E
Jackson, J J May.
Alternates B T Cox, M C
Jackson, Jr., J B Smith, J F
Hart C L Tyson, R Allen, W J
J Z Brooke, M
A L Jackson, C J J
C Gordon, J R Sugg, J R Spier,
I J Frizzle, Amos Braxton, J S
Hines, R C Cannon, J J Stoke,
A G Cox, II E Ellis,
David Wright No-
L Blount, J M
Blow, J L Hobgood, J M C
B F Jenkins, A D J J
Stokes, H C Cannon.
B Tucker.
Jesse JR Smith, H L
Blount, J Z Books, J W Call Don.
No A G Cox. H Kill, B
Cox, J J May, G E
L Fountain,
L Brown, W N J B Gardner,
Jonas R A Fountain, J a
Owens, Tom Jefferson, John
J Merrill, T
Williams, R R J .
W S Norton, W II Moore, L B
Arthur G W
II Moore,
Dr J Morrill,
G V Smith.
Town II Bagwell,
L J G H L Cow
aid, E A Jr., Brown,
F G E Harris, John
C T Frank
son, Bonn tree, J L Wooten,
J i Sugg.
Hart, C
H L Carr, J G
Bowling, J Z Gardner, A A Au-
U A Tyson, TM Hooker,
G Evans, A A Forbes, R L
Bomber, J F Brinkley, W J
D Rountree, H
Harding, T R Moore.
North Side E
Fleming S A Dudley, W J Briley,
Booker O W
ton, Peter Brown.
Harrington, J
I Fleming, W E Moore, J J Jones,
W Wainwright, Robert Brown.
Magistrate Briley.
South Sine i. Joy-
net, Paul Harrington, Allen,
J Tucker, M G
Marion Crawford, J c Ai-
Joseph Tripp, J A Harden, Jose-
Harvey Allen.
H May, Win M
F M Ernest Forbes,
W F Evans, Brooks, Bryant
J J Nash
Augustus Forbes, J W Higgs.
I. F Evans, J J
R Davenport, W
L Ross, J E Barnhill, J T Moore.
Alternates L Nobles, W T
Mason, N C Barnhill, David
Executive T
Spier, J R Davenport, J R Over-
ton, J R Barnhill, W T Mason.
J Williams, A I
Roach, B A L H
Smith, Moore, David Fleming,
Fleming, James Mm re, J A
Stoke, J T Williams, R Corey,
Ernest Smith.
S Moore, L
C H Cox.
Moore, J B A Gard-
W B Blind. W S
Adopted by Greenville Memorial Baptist
Sunday School.
When as, our Sunday
superintendent, Bro. M. A. Allen,
has accepted a with
American Tobacco Company
in Danville, Virginia, and hence
will not live in Greenville, N. C,
any longer; therefore be it
Resolved That we do hereby
express our high appreciation of
his labor among us as a Christian
citizen. We bear willing
to his noble spirit, his
devotion and unswerving y
under all conditions
Reported for Reflector
An event of unusual interest in
social circles was progressive
whist party given by Mrs. E. B.
on last Fri lay evening.
The recipient of this honor was
Mrs. Lewis Morgan, of
Ala., a ho is visiting Mrs.
Mrs. Morgan is a well known
beauty in her native state and has
made a number of during
her visit here by attractive
manner and charming
The guests served with
in the hallway by Misses
Gotten and Pat Skinner.
After the conclusion of the game
refreshments were served by Mes
dames James L. Little, F. G.
Jame-, A. E. Tucker and C.
Other amusements were
ed for who did play
The first prize was won by Mrs.
Morgan, booby by Mis Lizzie
Jones, the was drawn
by Miss Mary
Those present
N. C. Sept. 1904.
B. E. and J. P. Fleming return-
ed from Baltimore Friday.
D. C. Ross spent at
C. E. returned from
Good many from h-e went to
Swamp church
Messrs and Broken, of Be-
town painting.
Pratt's poultry food the best
egg producer, at C. E. Bradley
season has about come to
an end with a long neck one.
t bale of brought
in town yet. Guess it will come
this way within a days.
Mr. J. H. died last
Friday and was buried
by the Masons at his old home
piece. He was years, mouths
and days old.
single horse wagon, good as
new been used but few times
apply to C E. Braddy.
J. J. having the
MM. Lewis Morgan, A
Ala; Mrs. R. O. Misses add much to
Annie Elizabeth Thomas,
Nashville, Tenn; James,
Mary Lizzie Jones, Winnie
Skinner, Nell Skinner, Pearl Fort,
Pikeville, N. C, Lottie Skinner,
Margaret Skinner, Ethel
Bailie Gotten, Pat Skinner, Mes
dames W. V. J. C. Tyson,
A. L. Blow, Laughing-
N. 12.1904.
We are reliably informed that
there will be exhibition of Pitt
county corn by the farmers on
Thursday the of October, 1904
in Greenville. Ore dozen years
F. James, R. J. Cobb, J. j of be
Resolved That in the depart- M. H. E. to compete
of esteemed brother and j Jr; H- ,, This is
bis wife this church has lost e, Che. Skinner, A. w-H simple f. n mere
. . . I IT IT A I I. . .
day school faithful and efficient
Resolved That
. . i XV Hi i . . .
Baptist church has not only
lost a and affable friend, a
faithful and earnest Sunday
S. L. Then. W. Skinner, deeper in
Nelson, Mi- Martha j the or the b--t
it i. c. w. Bar- planting. It is hoped the people
j. Garden, W. B. Hooker, of v give
Jr., Monte Latham. encouragement to that
Lieut. Annapolis; bettering the farmer
a worthy A
practical chairman of the c s- Carr, F. M.
committee, but one of its most at
ten live and I deacons
Resolved h- town of j
Greenville has lost u ,. Your PaPer-
whose conviction-, a life of I hopes many
and in bis its over the county
tore, we j egret to have will call me while attend-
him leave, we commend him In
the confidence and esteem of
who may be so Sn In
Resolved Thai a copy
I hare be on
record of this and a
copy be furnished the papers for
A. T.
S. Committee. Notice.
W. If.
log Con I
i -r. Ii
I y r now v. h
d being
will en. to see
comer near the court house,
convenient for all to call in.
More will be said in a short time
concerning these matter and the
farmers are invited to oiler
concerning the best methods
and experiments they may have.
and settle
i the tune
they should be
y save
; if they
The is
Kitchen Coming.
Congressman W. W.
will speak in Greenville on
Sept. 28th. Those who
want to hear a good speech should
tie on hand.
Big Attraction.
The auction of jewelry and
silverware held at the store W.
Ii. Brown by Dive of Nor
are large crowds.
Many of the ladies the
afternoon sale have received
handsome prizes, three or tour be-
given every The
auction is just
of the town.
I plenty for all
and buggies and tin take care of I
keep them out of rain and
Mil ii. Come to see me. I am doing
business at the same old place. I
have also good box stall
horses am a new
lively the best vehicles
horses and can accommodate every
body, plenty homes
and mules for sale or trade, tile
best can lie gotten. J. F
Dr. W. II. of Char-;,,.,., A. .,,
N. C., will be in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha Monday Oct. 3rd
and until icon of Tuesday Oct. 4th . ,
for one day only. Bis practice Is I d f ,,.
limited Ear, and Rocky Mono
Throat, ad lit ting glasses, Tm. Now
led, healthy happy. cents,
A hand Brooks Tea or Tablets.
good running
New Superintendent
On Sunday morning Baptist
Prut. II. sup
to succeed Mr. St, A.
Allen who had moved In
position the a
Educational Rally at
Tin will
rally at Ayden,
which speeches
to be present.
. i . a C
ill lie made by
crowd is expected
For Sale
Press, in
R. L.
Route Ne, Greenville, N. O.
8-26 ltd
I returned from
I bought my fall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
1904. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
Fruit jars, jelly -tumblers N. C, next door to
atone jars at M. office. In.

A light purse is a
Sickness a II; ht purse.
The LIVE is the seat cf nine
of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid to the body.
Take No Substitute.
R. L.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
y i
D. W.
North Carolina.
New Chief
Greenville Fire C
held its regular monthly
Monday night. A. J.
Griffin having declined at the last
meeting of the board of aldermen ;
to accept the position of chief of j
the fire department and the mat- I
being reported to the
to make another
the company recommended
that Ola Forbes the present
assistant chief be appointed as
chief and a committee was
to present bis name at the
next meeting of the aldermen.
The roll the company was
purged of continued absentees i
until the membership was reduced
to twenty. This is not large
membership as the j
should have. More of the
men and property owners j
should become interested in the
To The Public
Owing to the law recently pars-
ed by the town, forbidding
buggies to be left on the
and our room being limited, we j
are forced to quit feeding or i
lag care of any horses, j
And as we are and be- J
that our stables is the
of the law being enacted, we ;
request the --l
Aldermen to repeal the law
j all stables except ours, that the
I public may be
I Sept. A. Savage Co.
t-d m-w
New Fall Goods
Arriving Daily
Line Before
Not Quite
H w you get a
l v , or screw driver or
K-r lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
i . Our line of tools
y- .; ,
will that tool
not lack a single
useful I . ,
. .
Of Course t
get Harness,
Horse Goods, S
J. R.
What's la a Name
is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C.
DeWitt Co., of Chicago,
some years ago how to
salve from Witch Hazel is a
specific Piles. For blind,
itching and files,
eczema, cuts, burns, and
all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve
has no equal. This has given rise
to numerous worthless counterfeits
Ask for the
Sold at Wooten's Drug Store.
A spinster hasn't much love tor
a widow who has had two
bands g
A weak stomach weakens the
man, because it cannot
the food into nourishment, j
Health and strength cannot be re- The partnership heretofore existing
stored to any sick man or weak of
man without first restoring health
and strength to the stomach. A. content. The business at
weak stomach cannot digest enough IN. C., will hereafter be owned
food to fee; the tissue and revive j conducted solely by Goo. W.
a.- a j -i I same name and as
the tired and run down and j ton ard the at
I and organs of the body. I hereafter be owned and conducted I
Dyspepsia cure digests what yon solely by M. O Blount under the same
eat, cleanses and the and
glands and membranes of the J
stomach, and cures
dyspepsia doubles. I
Sold at Wooten's Drug Store.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
M. O. Blount,
It always safe to tell a
gill you her blooming
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
daily, except Sunday,
at a. m. for Greenville, leaves
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in, for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
New Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
railroads for all
joints West.
rs should order their
by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern It. It. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Line
Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston,
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. B. Myers, kg
Washington, N. C.
J. gt.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice President
81-85 Beach Street, N, Y.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
t Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
i j Carriages, Go-Carts,
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
West Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat, Soap-
Magic- Food, Matches, Oil,
I i Meal and Hulls, Gar
Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Sewing and nu
other goods. Quality
Cheap for cash.
i. M.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton handlers
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and are
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
by its honest name.
good corn just in
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three yearn after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest,
second No Restrictions. S. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
o Increase Insurance, or
To make payable as an during the
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
Five Points.
Go To St. Louis
Now is the time to see the great World's Fair at St.
Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and the Exposition
complete in all its beauty. An opportunity not to be
missed and never to be forgotten. See that your tick-
read via the
C. and Big Four Railways,
Shortest, quickest and
host fast vestibule train
D. P. A.
M. C, Sept. 1904.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
is destined to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without one
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Last Saturday we had the pleas-
of meeting so many of our old
friends from Winterville and else-
where we a special mention
impossible. It was a very pleas-
ant day with us.
This fickle weather takes a
low It makes him change-
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
When you a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. S. C
The ladies have out where
to go when need the
quality wow laces,
As authorized agent for Daily
and we take
great pleasure receiving sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
From the number of
the Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big as well a doing good
Miss Battle Denton.
ville, earns over t is and
left on the train for
s-e will school.
you find lawns,
nicker piques
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
. Do you know J. K. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete Hue of
and ginghams
in town. customers tell me
hat it is so.
If you need any tiling the way
of Crockery, ware
come to Bee us, Hart Jenkins.
Pictures satisfactorily
or no charges made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
N. C.
I wish to remind my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, that my Tessie
girdles, and new kid
will all. Give me a
call, J. A. Davis.
Ask E. G. O is about it. Life
Fire, Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
seed bulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
and Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Rock salt tor stock, at J. R
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new Hue of heavy and fancy
We call special attention to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
Cannon Tyson.
Men and boy suits at cost at W.
V. Co.
Dr. Sure cure for In-
N r
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
be the best in the mar-
and i guaranteed to do all
received, fine Hue of
and can fit you in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Joe of Farmville, is
here on a visit to his brother,
Call on Hart Jenkins for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
For can apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
for peanuts.
Bert and Mr. of
were here
and ordered a baggy of the latest
in from Ayden Milling and
i IS Co.
We carry a splendid assortment
of body various
patterns, which make
excellent hall rugs, at a normal
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, your orders
solicited. J. A.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts and burns,
when you can be permanently
el pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes, in need of glasses,
ways go to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body. They
come in by car load.
Our stock of ribbon is wide,
narrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
No sickness, no death, no
in marriage and but little
what can one find to write
Nothing literally
t and he who doesn't believe it,
Ladies are cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now ,
and 1.75. Shirts that were
and each are now
each. A few pair of shoes in
both low and high cuts at
your own Lawns, white
and all trimmings at almost
VS-3 their value. Come and see.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. R.
Smith Bro.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Do you to know how it
feels to think more of yourself than
ever before See W. E. Hooks and
find out.
Mrs. Sarah Taylor, Winter-
ville, spent last night with Mrs.
C. A. Fair.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
per day, near depot on West Ave-1 Smith Bro.
had better try.
Come to see us when you wan
to buy Independent
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
I take this method of informing
the public that as the Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements in order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot lie
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I handle exclusively is
net surpassed by any other make.
Give me a call and when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other line of goods I know I shall
be able to please you and sell you
J. J.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
home Friday morning from a very
pleasant sojourn of a week at Beau-
fort. The atmosphere of that
clime must be very
if one may judge from the
of the doctor and his home
A big stock of Richmond cook
heating stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Bro.
Large stock of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
and bitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cotton at J. R.
Transient custom solicited
B. F. Early, proprietor.
Walter Gardner, of X
Roads, has been here this week.
We hear the young men say the
cheapest and best fitting clothing
is sold by Cannon Tyson.
percales and ginghams for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
Cue lot of calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
R. H.
Garris went to Greenville
One lot of shirts for
at W. M. Edwards.
doz Mason Jars and
Rubbers at J. R. Smith Bro.
To make room for fall stock we
will sell dry goods, shoes and hats
at greater reduced prices. W. M.
Edwards and Co.
work in this line
a specialty. Work
A lot of hamburg edgings in
remnants. You can buy them
cheap at W. M. Co's
Those desiring first-class work i
in the of pictures will I
do well to see Hart Bro,.
e seats for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market I
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Smith Bro.
A prominent physician whenever
he takes a vacation from his
is certainly entitled to, and
fails to receive an ovation upon
his return by those who know how
to appreciate comings and going.
We witnessed a scene of the kind re-
and the feelings manifested
by all parties concerned seemed to
be mutual, especially on the part of
the patrons.
Now we have plenty of the
leaf wagon and cart,
els and will sell them as
as one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
We are told that
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
If you need a pair of pants new
it the time to buy them at W.
Edwards Co.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for
at W. M. Co. I
For next fifteen days you can i
buy a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards Co.
All percales for at W
If. Edwards A Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R. Bro.
Have some bred white
and Plymouth Rock chick-
ens for sale, call, see chickens and
get prices. C. A. Fair,
Ayden, N. C.
While perhaps just at this E.
G. may not possibly be as
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain as an Insurance man he
gets there. He is not only a
but has found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated being a
hustler having something
good to hustle.
Ladies Misses slippers at
costs it W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of at W.
M. Edwards Co's.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
If it doesn't you
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for it.
Dist. Ayden,
The public to know t liar
stock of DRUGS, an
line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET article, best
quality of RUBBER
goods the beet
Also carry Garden Bead
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pi Hard
Rubber and Elastic Ti
R-.-st stock of
es f ail kinds.
script com-
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Block, Best Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner,
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Styles Hair Cutting
N. C
the close of business Sept 6th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and
Due from Hanks,
Check and Cash Items,
Hold Coin,
National Bank notes
other U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub-
to check, 16,183.02
Certified checks
of depot, of
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel
They save stock, They save land, The save neigh-
They save worry, They save time, They are
guaranteed, They are best steel, They have the.
only hinge Easy to build. No expense
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The American Is
the best square mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Come to see us

don't your party
I the query of a
and can met with on the train the other
Editor day. lie was told that
was issue enough to fill any one
campaign and Democrats found
Entered in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties, enough in that to go before the
and ask for i change in the ad-
Pitt County, N. C, September 1904.
It was the pleasure of the editor
of to attend the
conference Democratic and
pendent editors, who are support-
Parker and Davis, the past
week. Arriving in Sew York Tues-
day e Wednesday was spent
in visiting the headquarters of the
national committee, taking in points
of interest about the and a trip
through the the under-
ground railroad been built
under the city and recently opened.
Wednesday night the editors were
-given a banquet by the national
, committee in the
one of the finest hotel in the city.
The banquet an elaborate affair
covers tor about live hundred
guests. S. L- Johnson, of
was toast mater and speeches
by Henry Patterson, of
Louisville, Ky., Herman of
New York, of Atlanta,
J. of Indiana, and
r Brooklyn. A letter
also read Joseph
the World.
Thursday morning the editors
. h by train for Hyde
v hero they took a boat across the
Kw U As the
in view of the
b home of Judge Parker, the
i.,. i hers of his Stood in the
I . i and a grandson
i waved a flag. At
Daniels, of Raleigh, was
of ceremonies. He intro-
C. W. Knapp, of St Louis,
who spoke for the editor in no ad-
dress which was responded to by
Judge Parker.
After the sneaking each of the
was presented to Judge Par-
and to the members of his
family. Judge Patter is a man of
personality and made a most
favorable impression on all. lie
had a for every one
he met. About three hours were
spent around the beautiful lawns at
they got an idea of the
judge's capabilities as a
Some of the Carolinians see-
an ox team hauling up hay to
the said that looked just like
down here.
The return trip to New York city
was made by boat down the historic
Hudson and the scenery along the
river was magnificent. On the
steamer one or two meetings were
held at which several editors spoke
of the pleasure the conference and
trip to had given them
the impression Judge Parker had
wade upon them. Another feature
that his North Carolina
brethren prouder of him than ever,
the honors bestowed upon Jose
Raleigh. He
chairman of the editorial conference
and the success of the
occasion was largely due to his efforts
As token appreciation a purse
up for the purpose of
u loving to present him.
North Carolina was well represent
ed in the editorial party that called
There is danger of the Democrat-
party making mistakes in i After meeting the Tar Heels and
county convention that will them Judge
years to overcome do not parker with , mile i
there has ever been a campaign K Selection
marked by so much Carolina m of
representation as the present one.
Men without regard for truth, and
with a to accomplish their Men took part in the
own through Democratic primary here
out the county circulating falsehoods
with a view of engendering bitter-
and disorganizing the party.
The conservative element of the con-
would do well to act with political integrity,
prudence in making nominations
day who have declared publicly that
they would vote the Republican
ticket from Roosevelt down to town
ship constable. Nice example of
It was expected that the
Some of the newspaper folks after cans would carry Maine in the state
seeing Parker are comment-, election held Monday, but that they
on his head and it is not
as red as they expected. It is near
enough to count in that class, bow
ever, some members of his
make up for what he may
lack. A red-headed Tar Heel was
being presented to one of the ladies
at and as they glanced at
other's heads the smile was mu-
this enlarged into a hearty
laugh when she remarked have
our color
did so by a considerably reduced
majority gives comfort to the Demo-
Those who have them can afford
to lose them. The dispatches tell
that Mrs. H. lost a bag
of diamonds and money at Newport.
If wheat keeps soaring we will
have to fall back on hoecake and
It is cause for congratulation that
the faculty of the A. II. College
won out in the recent
i liable with certain students of that
If a college cannot have
of discipline and enforce them
it had as well close its doors. As to
the case in question, it was a foolish
demand the students made for
greater liberty, and President Wins-
ton was right in standing firmly by
the rules of the college.
The State Board of Health has re-
issued a valuable pamphlet on
the causes and prevention of con-
The pamphlet should be
read carefully, as it gives
by which this most fatal of all
diseases can be prevented if followed.
Any one interested can got a copy of
the pamphlet free by
Richard II. Lewis, Raleigh, N. C.
The story that comes from
ville sounds almost like the days of
Sherman's Georgia.
It said the First Regiment of
North Carolina returning
from developed a
of toughs who left the train at
and proceeded to plunder
several stores in the vicinity of the
depot. Is that the kind of big stand-
army we are fostering
President Roosevelt's letter of ac
is out, and as an epistle of
length it takes undisputed rank. He
occupies a good bit of space in tell-
that the Democratic party has no
issues, and at even more length pa-
the greatness of his own do-
High tariff and increased
pensions are a great hobby with
is indeed a great pleasure to
welcome to this of
representatives of the great
can press, one of the mighty forces
in the up building and strengthen-
of a sturdy American citizen-
leaders who have made a
thoroughfare through history down
which through all their
frame will march with giant strides
have been men who, though
moved by hasty of the
hurried judgment of the people,
were, yet guided in all their public
acts by the knowledge of what the
deliberate mature judgment of
the people would be. So the great
papers are those which anticipate the
careful judgment of the majority.
Though the instant judgment of the
people may be often at the
ripe and final decision is always for
the right. And the part of leader-
ship is to know the right and hon-
patriotically, fearlessly and
zealously advocate it. Just as long
as the press can discern and lead the
unhurried and well-considered
of people, so long will its
power grow mightily, and so long
will it hold its place in front ranks
of the unfaltering and vigorous
march of national progress. To the
up building of the power of the press
and to the best use of that power
you have devoted yourself.
am not taking up your time
with any of the great issues upon
which our party, through its plat-
farm and candidates, confidently
peals to the people for endorsement,
but crave your indulgence while
briefly refer to a feature of
the the Republican par
even more by the Democratic party is not a.
and infirmity of purpose it is a body of citizens
shown by its believe I hat on the whole
challenge to comparison of mental principles are best adopted
Democratic and Republican to the conduct of the government,
since par- so many patriotic and in-
came into existence should be men it is inevitable that
welcomed. Fortunately we have of opinion as to minor
eight recent years of Democratic ad- and of view as
.- t. to the correctness of disposition
ministration of the Executive Depart- of found The
of the government which we party is concededly united to-day as
will gladly compare with any similar to every vital article of faith which
period since into the pend-
comparison will show that , .
, t. ,. . , , . Our adversaries are entrenched
under Democratic control the in full possession of every depart-
parity of the tethers was of the government, and it
observed in the conduct of the gov-1 mistaken policy that would drive
eminent; that no one of its depart- voters. The cause cannot be
was permeated, as of J on others with-
. ,. in the with whom we have had
corruption rivaling the days of the disagreements, but who are now
star route frauds; that a successful working with us for a common cause,
effort was made to check the growth men who have attained any
degree of prominence have their
friends, and the exercise of ordinary
prudence forbids the alienation of
allies who are willing and anxious
to The coming election
not to be determined by the
vote in hopelessly Republican
States, where issues and
dates even are grievously handicap
ed. but the in Vermont on
Tuesday admonishes there
I can he harm in
honesty, marked a
i j .- . co-operation of all and the
ability and thorough devotion to
of expenditures; that it resulted in
each department of the government
below that of the preceding
comparison will
show also that each succeeding Re-
publican administration after 1898
increased expenses, and in some in-
stances so greatly as to indicate
reckless extravagance and waste of
the people's money.
principle of all those in high places
during those Democratic
may without be
ed alongside the qualifications of
similar officials in any and all other
administrations. Who, I pray you,
would hesitate to compare the
of the cabinet of those years
with the present one, with any
one Is the fame of Man-
Fairchild, Endicott, Whitney,
Garland, members
of the 188-1 cabinet, and Car-
lisle, Lamont, Smith, Francis, Her-
Wilson and of
that of 1892, dwarfed when contrast-
ed with the cabinet officers of today
When the comparison once com-
you will be eager ask the
people which is the better. They
ill declare the victor in the contest
between the administrations to be
the one which, in addition to other
excellencies, saved many millions a
year to the nation.
is running riot in
Federal, State and municipal gov-
in spite of the well direct
ed efforts of some excellent officials.
The indebtedness of the municipal
governments are still piling up,
bond issues are increasingly
and the people have not the
satisfaction, in many of a
full equivalent in improvements for
the money expended. And the Fed-
government is leading the race
of great expenditures. Ere long the
people will demand a reform in ad-
ministration expenses.
they will do it now if they
are made to appreciate the whole
factional and
important differences involving no
surrender of principle, are essential
which it
U t
van. It but
Is the cornea.,
to weak and
c v n g
I o c h
troubles mad
Juices of digestion and I
doe work
stomach, relaxing the
nervous while
the Inflamed
and membranes of that
organ are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures
indigestion, flatulence,
of heart,
all troubles by
cleansing, purifying and
the glands. I
membranes of atom-
ash and organs.
Year Better Tat.
. 11.00 Sir. K
th. trial Hz., which tOo.
ft. ti CO,
Sale By
Greenville, N. C
Loans and Discounts 4203,553.77
Overdrafts 4,856.98
Stock, securities, eta.
Furniture Fixtures 3,657.32
loans 10.047.40
Due from Banks 25,570.08
Checks Aether cash Items 3,314.80
Gold Coin
Silver Coin 088.06
notes 16,466.00
paid in
Undivided Profits, less
Expenses Paid 3,509.03
Individual deposits
subject to check 189,716.16
Demand of 20,000.00
Cashier's checks out-
standing 335.21
Bills payable,
of for
borrowed 20,000.00
platform opens with a de
duration of that party's many years
of control of government, coupled
with the assertion that has dis-
played a high capacity for nil and
which has
County of Pitt. j
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above true to the beat of knowledge
and belief JAMES L.
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 80th day of June,
J. O. MO YE,
rent is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
v the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
and I spite of weather the j
Or. G. Co. are hipping
I out wagons and buggies almost
to Par- W
Stoves, and All
i -a styles, lowest prices. See our
r eves buying one .
. , L before purchasing and save
at the Drug, Co.
for Co. a-e
A. Kittrell keeping up a with
here Son
Mr. at r
of those e;
Store, p-
day to
Try .
S .
loaf -I
to .
flour or p
L. B. K
If yon
fail to get
I. N
Mis. .
has bent. , ha
some ti no
I to notify
C. Sept. 13.1 The Winterville Mfg Co. are
. of n a big lot of wash boards
if here with
a lot of saddle Mocks for economic
, back bands, and a lot of those fa-
Little Mies Tucker,
daughter of Mr. and
Tucker is quite
and cheap.
work at
R, G. i- Co. say they
doing more business than they
t ever
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
lop of the market for your graphs.
lime and stoves see A. W.
k Co.
Jerry Nichols who bus been
here went to
their machinery, catting and Um. Monday
paling for guano
planters, other things ft., , om bub,. A. G. Cox
that are manufactured by
Boarding, J. D.
One. Board per day.
hi to
ft Jack,
at John
candies a specially at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Kittrell Taylor have just re-
and , g o y
; if you want a nice knife, see them.
.; m
t a
a. I
a barrel of,
will cotton
Chill Tonic
Our First C
; now only
Beaver Dam is g q Chapman and co.
Fine line window shales just
and lemons by B. G. Chapman Co.
from Kittrell pots, Wash pots and
preserving and
of Black ware tin am and
, Elder T. M; ware. Barber
t A Co. are curry- now have a line of
will and
ah A pair i me-
mules. A. G. Cox.
void hand cheap. If
to buy a second hand
b- sec the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
Fur and Lime see A. W.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
shafting a lot of Hue timber for Tar
and re
aim u large supply of
v- so they till a big
demand the proper
Mr. and F. C.
their bridal tour
Gel h per
T. nod Co.
u re a a ti re frames.
Harrington Co.
; of heavy.
. ail hats and umbrellas, Ill; light.
Will take
with fever fat ill one and nil
through our line.
Barber Co.
Window door porch
brackets all kind, of
public t I gr every
Frog i
day at a .
I house trimmings at rock bottom
j prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
L. L. Kittrell, Joe S. and
A. D. to
ville Monday.
If you want a good Quill
, or cheap see A. W. Au
at i pENT One shop with
been i
low fig i -i
i. place.
iii-ii Tripp.
. s Mamie
. . has
I ; K,
tun be con-
shop and
K t. Co., say to
make for stock U at all
goods will he sold at a
Being in position to first
class raw having
with which to do our
work, end save and
work up i.-ll of our
a. i it few lb. why we
s i o
Mfg. Do.
Cur flour
b ,
We're now ready for Fall Business.
We've got just the finest display of CM g,
and that ever graced a clothing V e.
We'd like to place you inside of one of art
Suits or Handsome Overcoats; crown you i of
New Fall encircle your neck with pi i Tie,
and then gently lead you to the mirror.
You'd certainly be surprised to learn n Land-
some fellow you are.
Come in for a look and you'll that we are fully
justified in crowing long, hard and often.
We'll crow our other crows later.
In the meantime we'll be looking for you.
and of all
be found the thug
i study horse
and ft
The Mfg, Co., puts work, The wood shop
op pi-u safes, x GO ft. is mar a rail road two ago
i and convenient. is a place for Color,
r to order Apply to a. G.
The King Clothier.
on the sick list, j Mrs. Sarah Taylor, our u-t
eggs. Highest I date milliner has returned from
Co. cities, where be has
latest of
, , , Ladies to call be-
week. Two J
money and give satisfaction
Yours truly,
Mrs. Taylor.
J. B.
mil v.,.
Co., arrived
last work and on two
loads of Anginas and a system of
gins came from Co. They
will be ready to gin the
first of next week.
G. A. Kittrell Co., will be on
the mat t iii season as grape
buyers will pay the highest
Tho W. H. ft. gets student so
fast you correspondent can't, keep
with All we know
about it is our town is fall of
pretty girls and the boys are not
so awful ugly.
Bee the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Co's. Prices right.
Taken small
black, male pig, unmarked. Has
been with my about weeks.
O. J.
r. A. Mfg. Co.
will please notify
OIL sold.
Taste as aw Maple Syrup.
per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox. 3-22
The New Sea
We have received all the newest
things for the new season.
New goods awakens an
which follows where constant
changes take place. We will show
this season, the most up-to-date line
of Dress and Clothing that
we have ever shown. At prices
to please all.

i Aw
Department Store
Our buyers have returned from the Northern
markets and our new FALL and WINTER GOODS
are arriving by every train and boat.
v expect in a few days to have the most
complete and elegant stock yet shown by us.
Every different department has carefully
looked not one slighted. The display of
good things to eat, to wear and to beautify and
lament the home will be well worth your in-
A Few new things in BELTS,
end SHOPPING BAGS have come in for early
Afar which you should see at once. Be
first to get some of the new styles. We will an-
date of our very shortly.
i-The Guilty Pair Came Here
r i Away.
Tuesday, the 6th, Marion
and hi wife came here
Norfolk aid at the
Hotel The next day
left on the train to visit
lathes That same
brought B. M. from
Norfolk. When the 2.31
for Norfolk stopped that same
s day, Mrs. Tucker
boarded it.
When Mr. Tucker heard of his
wife's disappearance, he telegraph-
in every direction
official to arrest both.
. Co
I they have eluded It is
known that they left the N. O.
at. Suffolk, then took the cars for
j is a member of th firm
i of H. M Hard. t Co., of Norfolk,
and Tucker, up to a few days ago,
lift traveling salesman for the firm,
land related lo and to
his wile, being the of the
i former, and cousin of the latter,
i He Mid his wile with
Undue be-
tween and made
I him suspicious, and caused him to
sever his connection with the firm.
I He here with a view of look-
to engage in some
business. is a man about
years old, has a wife, and four
children. Mrs. Tucker is years
old, weighs between and
is about five high,
has light h and a fair complex-
ion. is what one would call
good looking, but not beautiful
by any means.
She has no children. A morel
wanton guilt cannot
lie imagined. The greatest
is who deserted his
four children and excellent wife
who is about to become a mother.
For him no can be
i j too severe Southerner,
Office opposite depot.
next door to Post Office
Complete Line Clothing Furniture, Groceries.
We Fay Highest Prices for
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
ville, X. C.
The Baptist Female University of N. C.
July 1904.
Chi. M. j
St., Baltimore, Md.;
heir t n-i
close y i hen-with mi i id r
executed for
i. thirty new
S. i- and one new Bu ff
Grand, to ,;
vise quip
t he- I for is
a d with your
b in-i laments, excepting
one t It is ti -cl-
J ;. .- y we a
of the. pianos
you shall i-Hid us. the
ion we
given tin- matter the
greet satisfaction which we
find your pianos have given in
other schools, feel sure that
we shall not be disappointed
in our expectation.
The Baptist University for
Woman being among the fore-
most schools of its kind in the
South, places us in such a
that our patrons expect
of us the best equipment that
can be had in this country, and
we sure that they will not
be disappointed in sending
their to our
to find it equipped with
Pianos exclusively.
We you will able to
deliver these instruments to us
not later than September 10th,
so that they will be in place in
ample time for the opening of
our fall session.
Yours very truly.
It. T. Vann, Pres.
A Power For
The pills that are in their
and effect are
Little Karly Risers. W.
S. Philpot, of Albany,
a. bilious attack I took
one. Small as it was it did me
more good than mas-
or any other I ever look and a
the time effect was pleas-
ant. Little Early are
an Sold by
Drag Store.
People blame others are apt
to praise
heads of colleges with whom we entrust
our for education select the Artistic Piano,
would it be wise for you to profit by their knowledge and
The Piano is a Southern production and
old factory to fireside, thus saving all in-between
Besides our own matchless we have several other
standard makes at exceedingly low prices and lenient terms.
slightly upright, pianos and organs at surprising
low prices.
w e here for a limited time only. Take advantage of
rare and timely opportunity.
j. G. PIN EM AN, Factory Representative.
To my friends and patrons I wish to say
lam now receiving an elegant line of
new Tall will be better
pared to suit all the people in styles and
than ever before Mrs. Greene will
be with me again. Announcement of open
Mrs. L. Griffin.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
as lust will and testament
of W. W. Tucker, deceased, no-
is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the under
signed, and all persons having
claims avail st the estate am
to present the fur pay
meat on or before the 18th day
July, 1905, or thin notice will be
plead in bar of recovery
This 18th day of 1904.
w. B. Tucker,
of W. W. Tucker.
Tobacco has Prices
are We are well equip-
fur selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please yon.
Having qualified as administrator
of Annie L Smith, deceased, late of
Pitt county, N C this is to notify all
persons having claims the
estate of said deceased them
to the undersigned on or before the
day of August or this notice
will be pleaded in bar of their recovery
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make payment.
This 27th day of August 1904.
a bull took up with my near
Haddocks X Roads, last spring, and
having become mischievous notice
hereby given to the owner of
animal to take him The bull
la young, black with brown streak on
back, horns, marked in
ear, slit and crop in right.
This 18th day of Aug.
J. D. COX.
N. C,
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and tho possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Laws Mower pretty
soon, we've made it easy for you to own one.
There Is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
As next Thursday is convention,
and as it is the duty of the delegates
to select or nominate five county
commissioners to serve for the next
two years, I write this to name a
from the North side of the river
who would make us an ideal com-
We all know that our roads are
in bad condition, and getting worse.
I travel the roads right much and
know this is We need a set of j
commissioners who will lend some ;
help to the road supervisors and
overseers in this effort to bet-1
roads, or at least to work in
with them in order that the j
best results may be accomplished.
I will suggest to the convention
as one the commissioners from
the North side the name of Lewis A.
Mayo. The people of Pitt county
know Mr. Mayo, and know him to
be a good an intelligent
man and a true democrat. Mr.
Mayo has been a magistrate for the
last ten or twelve years, and has
been a road supervisor during that
time, and he knows what the county
needs along that line. If something
is not done in the next two veal's
the roads will become impassable in
bad weather. The road
and overseers arc powerless to do
unless they have the cooperation of
the board of commissioners.
I will also second the name of
John L. Woolen of i
was mentioned some time ago as-one
of the board. We all know Sir. Wooten
to be a financier of the first class.,
and if nominated would render
county valuable service in
Let the delegates nominate these
two men and we will not suffer
A Side
A Wild Ride For Hie
With expecting
to die, a
life, IS tone
New I'm t .
Coughs a nil H. Brown,
of Tin., endured
guides hut
medicine gave
relief and cured
Like cares
Pneumonia, Bron-
and Grip
prove it merit fir
a ml troubles. Gun-
anti-e bottles and
free at
Tin- .-, i k of a pickpocket i-;
hat is
In the last
but we do know that v is
under strict law. Abuse that law
Oven slightly, pain results,
organ, resulting in
Headache or Liver
Di. King's New Ufa s
tin. Ii gentle, yet
thorough. Only
Drug more.
A fusty i sours
tho milk
world wide fume for marvelous
carer. It imps any
i or Cut,
Boils, Bores,
Silt Fever
Bores, Hands,
for On
Drug Store.
tie Blood Known,
s a w.-sh
is nature's greatest
Its value been known for
, but it was never successful-1
produced as a liquid until the
of the method of
It is tho best blood purifier known.
Hancock's Liquid will save
I bills and brilliant
Taken internally i is j
invaluable in the spring. Used as a
Wash it kills germs, and cures and I
hauls eczema, itch, dandruff, I.
prickly heat, diphtheria,
burn, scalds,
ores. Ask druggist for it or
write for booklet to Hancock Liquid I
Co., Baltimore, Md.
On Aug. 26th, 1904. Sale begins at O'clock
sharp. To convert our stock into Cash, we
will until further notice offer our
La Fine Sunday Shoes
Calamity price
x writing paper
and envelopes to match,
calamity price box
doz pearl
t rice per
pairs ms-
During t is greatest of Ca
sales to secure the
matchless bargains don't
forget hat this is a spot
c j i
yards calico
and dirk
choice at calamity
calamity price
1500 yards
worth and ;
at calamity S
Fine steel rod
las, calamity price
Hair pins, large boxes
size to box, kind
you know
they are, worth
calamity price
dozen La Pine Hem
Si relied, Lace V
each, calamity
Men and boys line
Sunday shirts, calamity
zed late
ply linen
calamity price doz
Wash raps were
calamity price 3.-
j Bargains
calamity price
n I
at a
slashed prices seen all over the
largest stock in Eastern Carolina
this sale
T .
. .

Tobacco Co.
derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
is a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
BECAUSE-On any of our floors you a e the highest legitimate market
price at all times under el circumstances,
enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
certain as night follows day we know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reached and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier and on account cf such, and more
satisfactory prices for your t can be had.
THE FARMER, formerly rat, by Joyner THE STAR, formerly run by Coward, Hooker
Co., and THE run last year by F MR. II. A. who
or a number of years has been connected with the Star a.- auctioneer, no better one ever sun- to
the bills of will have personal charge of the Star. MR. S. B. who was one of
the firm of Foxhall year at The will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. JOYNER will be at the Farmers. AH gentlemen will follow the and
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
The Law Applies to Pitt County.
The has been request-
ed to publish the act pawed by
the last legislature relative to
squirrels. Chapter
page of the laws of
North Carolina, session 1903, reads
General assembly of North
Carolina do
That from the first
day of March to the first day
November, In each year, it shall
be unlawful for any person or per-
sons to hunt, shoot or kill
within be of
wan, Mecklenburg,
. J. That all persons
found of the of
the provisions of I hi act.
fined not exceeding dollars.
imprisoned more than
That this act be
in force from after its
the General Assembly read
three times, and ratified this 11th
lay of February, A. D.
Two Leave Us.
Georgia Anderson, who for
nearly two years has held a
with The has
resigned h position with the
lo moot a clerkship in the.
Sn is an excellent
lady, was always faith-
and obliging in her
While we regret to part with her
in the priming room, we
late her securing this new
We are sure she will prove
a valuable helper to Postmaster
John Hornaday, who has been
at work for us during vacation,
has n signed to to his
studies in school. John is a good
boy, ambit and deserving. He
is just the kind of boy to win sue-
Nominates a Ticket and Adjourns.
The ring of the court house bell
at o'clock this morning was the
signal for the gathering the
large crowd in town at that edifice,
and all faces quickly turned that
way. All the morning the street
had been thronged with delegates
others who bad come in to the
convention, and there was much
activity among the delegates. The
court house wan soon filled
there was barely standing room
convention was called to
order by A. L. Mow, chairman of
democratic executive
commit lee, who is opening ex-
the hope that
would be
in the interest of the county
state The roil was exiled and it
was noticed that very few were
absent, their places were
quickly supplied by alternates.
For permanent chairman R. R.
Cotten and F. G. James were
placed in nomination. The roll of
townships was called, Cotten re-
votes and James
Mr. Cotten was escorted to the
chair by J. D. Cox and D. C.
Barrow. In hiking the chair Mr
Cotten expressed the hope that
the business of the convention be
conducted with utmost fairness so
the be satisfactory to
all. lie- ht d ii. set speech.
W. Brown and W. ft. Long
were elected secretaries by
D. J. Whichard and H.
T. King, assistant
Nomination for senator being
declared in order the names
by acclamation.
A soon as the nominations were
completed there were some
offered but a motion to ad-
made and carried.
The Nation's Drink Bill.
I wish to deny any and all
statements that have been publish-
ed in your paper for the past week
to my wife Esther
H. M. of Norfolk,
myself. Kindly publish
at least one full denial of this in
your daily paper, and
M. H. Tucker.
The American Grocer, which has
for years kept a careful record of
the nation's drink bill, the amount
expended for stimulants,
and weak, and
has finally summed up the figures
for 1903, and finds that we-paid
for our drink, or as
much as the cotton, wheat, rye,
rice and sugar drops. Alcohol, how-
ever, took the greater part of this
money, as the following details
Alcoholic drinks.
Non alcoholic slim.
Coffee. 156,800.261
This represents a per capita ex-
of or per
Unheralded Deeds.
Not a day passes over the earth
but men and women of no particular
note do great deeds, speak great
words, noble sorrows, like the
pearls in the of the ocean, or
flowers that blush unseen. Of these
Some days ago at a hotel table we
beard the conversation of a number
of gentlemen concerning certain
conditions in the South, and the
conversation interested us very much.
One of the gentlemen was from Ohio,
and of course the conversation had
to take a turn at lynchings in die
South. The gentleman from Ohio
did not say anything harsh about
the South, nor about the lynching
here. the contrary he said that
for the same crimes for which
are lynched in the South, they would
be as he put it, in the
North. He said that the people in
the North do not really care as much
tit as do the people in the
South, lie says the people here
understand the race better than the
people there do. But the most inter-
part of the conversation turn-
ed up on the question of reading.
The gentleman from Ohio said that.
he has much in the J North
and in the South and so has had
opportunity to make observations of
the people in the different sections.
He said that the people in the North
read many times more than the
pie in the South.
Some one, he said, made close ob-
on a railroad car of the
number of people reading as they
leave a city. In the North on a train
leaving a city he observed that
most every one is reading; but in
the South on a train leaving a city
very few are ling. One person
obscure heroes, martyrs and
the greater part will company ventured to suggest
be known until that day when the price of news papers may
the small and the great shall be mar- have something to do with
before the Judge of all the
Universe, when the great shall be
small, and the small great, and all
One Negro Kills Another.
A homicide occurred Friday
evening the plantation of Mr.
H. B. Smith, about six from
town. Alfred Wiggins and Jack
Edwards, both colored tenants on
the farm, got into a difficulty when
shot Edwards inflicting a
-wound from which he died in a
minutes. Wiggins made his
escape and has not captured.
Cards are out for the marriage
of Capt. Edgar Lee Hart, of
and Miss Addie Mo-
of Princeton, on October
th. Capt. Hart is well known by
a number of Greenville people and
is a popular conductor of the
Atlantic Coast Line between
and Norfolk.
J. Ii. Fleming, A. L. Blow
presented, upon first ballot
Fleming received votes and
Upon nomination of
the convention decided
to nominate the representative
from the south side of the river
The names of S. V. Joyner,
II. T King, J. J.
B. M. Lewis, B. R. Cotten and I.
K. Wetherington were
On first ballot the vote
King Lewis Joyner
a fraction.
the result was announced
and Beaver asked
to change their votes to
which increased his vote to
Nominations tor a
the north side of the
river were declared in order and
the of J. B. Little,
Brown and M. T. Spear were
first ballot the vote
was Little
Brown Spear Jones
For sheriff L. W. Tucker
nominated by acclamation.
For register of deeds B. William
was nominated by
For S. T. White
nominated by acclamation.
For coroner the names of C. C.
Joyner, J. K. Nobles, Wm. j
and C. Laughinghouse
were presented. The first ballot
resulted Fountain Nobles
Joyner Laughinghouse
For surveyor J. D. Cox was
by acclamation.
For county commissioners J. J.
Elks was by
J. R Spier on second ballot,
W. B. Home on third ballot, J.
W Page on fourth ballot, J. K.
will receive their full reward. The
cup of cold water given in the true
spirit will be a grander proof of the
greatness of true character than
bags of the world's
great men and
Just about a week young
Russian nobleman arrived in New
York under an assumed name. He
was not allowed to land. On the
way over he became somewhat
in the smoking room one even-
While in this happy frame of
mind his discretion broke away from
its mooring and he confidently in
formed a couple of his fellow
that he was coming to this
country to study American fortifies
and to pick up what
ho could regarding military
affairs. Ho also told them his real
name. All of which decided the
authorities that he was not a
able r, so by the
same vessel without having set foot
on American
Nine hundred country schools
and churches were incorporated by
I he legislature of alone, with
the express view of relieving the
country people of I he cross roads
grog shop and the backwoods dis-
The following legislature up
on petition of citizens simply
completed the good work and the
Democratic State convention ratified
its action. That's the Watts law in
u nutshell Webster's Weekly.
. of
i., lust
Friday, ii.
Miss Estele loft this
morning X
Miss row has
ed from a f i
Ex-Gov T. J, returned
Thursday even i ti m Raleigh.
K. C. re
i vi
night ;
Mrs. J P
returned T
Miss Lillian
is visiting v
Mamie Brit i
of Raleigh, ii
Mrs. N. L. A it
Miss s c I
who has bee vi
L. M.
am an
V even
v, -if ices,
Helen and
. n son,
. i; ii.
of Tarboro,
ting her
Miss I . h, of N w Bern,
who has bee i vi
Nobles, neat town, left Thursday
State J. Y.
Joyner, others will
the educational rally at den to-
Miss May
of Scotland Neck, bus
visiting Mrs J. Ii. returned
home this morning.
I. A. returned this morn-
from .
G. W. Freeman left this morn-
for Washington.
Mrs. B. R. left Friday
evening for
W R. Parker returned Friday
Lieut. L. A. Gotten this
O. E Wane i
Mrs. D. C. sou,
David, left morning for
Mis. T. J. Burton, of Winston,
arrived Friday evening to visit her
sister, Mrs. M. A. Allen.
G. B. King, of
City, who has spending some
days here, morning.
M. A. Allen came from Dan-
ville Friday evening, being sum-
by of his
Mrs. it. L. Can .
I have just returned from
more where I bought my fall rail-
notions. Opening Sept
1904. Mrs. Ii. L. Boyd,
X. C, next door to
the North you can buy a paper for i
penny while in the South you have
to pay five cents for one of equal
size. It was not admitted, however,
that the price of paper could not be
the cause of such a discrepancy be-
tween the reading of the people of
the two sections. The gentleman
from Ohio stuck to his proposition,
that the people in the North like to
read much more than the people of
the South. From his view of the
matter the people of the South are
too they talk too much
and think too little. And when we
come down to the truth of it, the in-
was not made in any
spirit of bitterness or ridicule, for
the most part holds good. The
Suit people not as constant
readers as the Northern people, and
in this lies much of the
which we in being con
behind the times.
We might make good investment
with more of our idle time by read-
books, magazines and papers a
little Neck Com-
N. C.
Dear It costs two or
times as much to put paint on as to
buy it. A gallon poor paint
costs as much as a gallon of good,
for the work; and a gallon of poor
don't go half as far. Poor paint
lass halt or a third or a quarter
as long as good; and
and iron a half or a third or a
as well as good.
Do you buy good paint or
You don't know Why,
the market M full of it
All agents have state
chemist's certificate which
just what's in
the the. one
Yours truly.
Fruit jars, tumblers and P Co.
stone at M. P. S. II. L. Can bells our paint.
M. Republican
date for Lieutenant Governor of
North Carolina, spoke in York
Tuesday, and is quoted as saying
that the Republicans have the Dora
on the run in his State. This
will doubtless be news to both
parties to the race in North
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N. will be Greenville
at Hotel Bertha Monday Oct.
and until of Tuesday Oct. 4th
for one day only. His practice is
limited to Ear, Nose and
Throat, and fitting glasses,

Eastern reflector, 16 September 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 16, 1904
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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