Eastern reflector, 13 September 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i mi ii
Consolidated Tobacco Co.
J v r
derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
BECAUSE- owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
farmers, ,.
BECAUSE-On any of our floors a e guaranteed the highest legitimate market
price at all times and under all circumstances,
enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
certain as night follows day we Know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
I co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reaped and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your can be had.
THE FARMERS, formerly run by n-r THE R, formerly run by Hooker
Co. and THE JEFFREY, run last year by MR. H. A. TIMBERLAKE, who
, B number of years bus been connected with tin Star as auctioneer, no better one ever sung to
the bids of will have personal charge of MR. s. F, who was one of
the of year at The Jeffrey will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. will be at t be Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and
. ,
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Sept. a. m.
Japanese column
numbering approximately men
while marching night on a
road in the valley between Long
Hill and Division Hill met a fright-
disaster through the explosion
of an electric mine,
The mire was carefully
laid by the Russians three weeks
ago. It covered nearly a mile of
available marching space. The
explosive was placed at the bot-
tom. The rock placed
and on top of these cay was pack-
ed so carefully that the ground
gave the of not having
been disturbed.
The indications of Japanese
activity in this put the Russians
on their Near midnight
the out-post and re-
ported that the Japanese were
The Russians with
held their fire for sometime. Sod-
The hearts of the people of
town and community
to learn of the death f toe of our
aged and most highly esteemed
citizens, II A. ton. Mr.
was found dead his bed when
called early this morning by His
wife, having of heart failure
during the night.
For forty eight years
has been a citizen of Greenville.
During much of that time he was
in our to and was
known his and loved
for his
He was active member of the
Baptist church, and was a type of
the old fashion Gentle
man, with a high souse of honor,
and knew not it was to stoop
to thing low.
M.-. Button was seventy
years old and bad been very feeble
for several months. Only
day he superintending some
they threw a searchlight up j work being on his premises
the valley. The Japanese opened when asked regarding his
with a rifle fire. The
waited until apparently the whole
Japanese column was in the danger
zone. Then the mine was exploded.
force of the explosion
knocked a number of Russians
health, he replied that he felt bet.
than he for several days
The deceased leaves a wife aid
one daughter, the daughter being
the wife of of our editor, D. J.
arrived at Weldon safe and
Mod, and shall go Into the school
room on the 12th inst, with the
ever recurring sense of that awful
responsibility which haunts the
mind of every
teacher. But in spite of myself I
cannot be interested in the
outcome of Saturday's primaries.
regret exceedingly, sir, that my
is such that I cannot par-
in same as is my want. I
shall pray, however, that justice
shall prevail and that worthy men-
men allied with no questionable
be chosen as
tort. Being from the
county I have candidate to
to the voters I shall content my-
self by that the enclosed
stamps induce you to register
my name for the time being, as a
subscriber to your most valuable
paper The Eastern
and shall expect to receive copy of
the first issue after receipt this
letter. Yours in haste,
John F. Stokes.
Principal Weldon High School.
A Beautiful Horn
Last evening at nine o'clock at
Chicago, Sept. strike of
the butcher workmen, which had
the home of Miss Lelia Cherry, a demoralized the meat packing
beautiful marriage was celebrated, industry throughout the country
the contracting parties being Mr. for the two WM
Lawrence Hooker, one of Green- declared off tonight by
vale's most successful business, President Michael J. Donnelly, of
men, and Miss Delia Erwin, one Meat
of our most charming
ladies. Rev. W. E. Cox, the
language of the matchless
and the sight of Japanese Whichard. Also a number of
rifles, legs anus hurling grandchildren survive the
the lighted space made ed.
by the searchlight was an awful I In the death of Mr. ion, we
spectacle. ; feel that our town and
Some rocks landed the lost a good mid useful man,
Russian lines. land to the bereaved fatuity
There was one appalling mo- extend the heart felt sympathy
during which the garrison The and thee, the last week
itself was stunned into a death jut large. j All report a nice time.
like silence. The searchlight ,, went to
N. C, Sept. 1904
Miss Barnhill is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Miss Dollie Is on the
e sick list
Several of friends went on
-of the Episcopal church,
pronounced the vows.
The bride gowned in a
creation of white and
real lace, over white taffeta,
on the arm of dame of
honor, Mrs. Snell, of Rocky Mount
the parlor, to the strains
of wedding march,
which was superbly rendered by-
Mrs. J. B. Cherry, where she was
met by the groom with his best
man, Dr.
The bride was given away by
her friend, Miss Lelia Cherry,
with whom she has residing
for some time. Miss Cherry,
dressed a handsome gown of
black chiffon black taffeta,
received guests in the
front hall. Miss Rosa Hooker re-
in the sitting room, where
t many beautiful presents were
displayed. Miss Bettie Hooker
received in the dining room,
where elegant refreshments
of Norfolk, were served
by Rosa Erwin and Emma
The decorations consisting of
ferns, palms, and bride roses
coldly lighted up the road and
hillsides, strewn with dead. i
The follow day the Russians
dead but to
their dismembered mutilated
condition, the were
able accurately to the
of killed. A few Japanese
escaped however.
The information is
contained a small sheet d
September by the Port Arthur
a breakage in the press
having made it impossible to issue
a lull edition.
A Chinese arriving here at mid-
night confirms the above to the
extent of saying that he the
report that Japanese had
killed by a mine, but he did
not learn the details. the
Expression of Regret. i Greenville Monday.
It is with genuine feelings of Carl and Guy of Grain-
profound regret we of spent Saturday and Sunday
the intended removal from with Henry and Ernest
; midst of our friend and to
M. A. Allen, and while his I Greenville
promotion to other fields of larger m ,
young , Workmen of
This Mr. Donnelly telegraph-
the members of the national
committee, asking their
consent to an announcement of the
end of the struggle and tonight,
received favorable
from eleven, he declared that the
strike the members of his or
would end at midnight.
The of the members of
the affiliated unions at the stock
yards quit work in sympathy
with the butchers, will officially
lie called off tomorrow at
a meeting of the conference board
of the allied trades. This was
decided upon at a meeting of the
body of the allied
held tonight. The general body
was at first in favor continuing
the strike, but Mr. Donnelly, who
was present, announced that the
men were and order
to save his union from being
entirely disrupted he would order
bis men to return to work in the
morning no matter what course
might be taken by union. v.
As the other unions had
grievance of their own, but had
gone on strike to aid the butchers,
there was left for then
but to follow the lead of Mr. Do-
and they, too, decided to
unusually beautiful and artistic.
The color scheme in the front the strike
hall, red and green; in the parlor, j
blue white; in silting
and the
usefulness is a matter of
and pleasure to his friends,
we can only choose these feeble
to faintly express our deep
and serious loss. We
Mr. Allen n gentleman of highest
I character and frank open conduct.
I We know that wherever he ma
i go he will soon become well and
favorably known for his many
manly excellent parts.
representatives of the board
of trade it is our duty and
to take this m-ans of
of August Ti a ill, regrets in loosing him
disaster befell the Japanese j we know that we voice
near Redoubt No. it is reported, of the
but no details have been
Biltmore Exhibit.
Burial Service.
Asheville, Sept.
are being made on the Van-
estate for the sending of
the Biltmore farm exhibit to the
St. Louis exposition. The
it will be in charge of Reuben Gen-
try, one of Mi Vanderbilt's
and will consist of Jersey cat-
Berkshire pigs, fine poultry
and farm It is expected
that the exhibit will bi sent to the
exposition shortly after the return
to Biltmore house the middle of
this month of Mr. and
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N C, will be in Greenville
at Monday Oat. 3rd
and until of Oct. 4th
for one day only. His practice is
limited to Eye,, Ear, Nose and
Throat, glasses. and W. B. Wilson.
both town and
when we wish for him the fullest
measure of success and happiness
in the Held to which he has
been elected.
Ola FORBES, Committee.
The funeral our
esteemed citizen, Mr. H.
an account whose death was
published yesterday, took place
this morning.
The impressive service was ton-
ducted by Rev. A. T. King, in the
Baptist church, the choir render-
suitable music.
Immediately after the service, a
lie of sorrowing
and friends accompanied the
corpse to Cherry Hill Cemetery,
and there paid their last respect
to one whom all knew would be
Saturday night Sunday with
relatives near Greenville-
R. I. spent
night at E. E. Dad's.
W. A Nobles was here awhile
A number i from this
neighborhood attended church at
Branch Sunday.
R. I. Corbitt will begin a
meeting at Bethany Sunday f,
j The Republican Vote in Vermont What
Was Expected.
The Associated Pi gives out
Mr. R. Howland, the lessee of J he following statement by Chair-
the Atlantic North Carolina of the Democratic
Railroad gives out the formation I National Convention,
that the present Hotel republican majority in
will be entirely turn down, and re-
moved to A syndicate
is now being; at ranged and organ-
Beaufort to conduct the
hotel there, Mr. Howland
j desires that I be hotel shall be
and as elaborately
las possible.
result in Vermont is not
surprising in view of the
efforts made by the republic
cans and the quiet campaign con-
ducted by the democrats. The
administrate.;. concentrated all its
force and upon that
Much Interest Being Taken in the Pub-
Since the last report the follow
donations have to
The Company, a handsome
sign giving library hours.
Mr. J. B. Cherry, a set of
Mr. G. W. a set of
volumes of poems etc.
Mrs. W. B. Brown, the
of rent for the library for
Mrs. J. B. Cherry, the amount
of for the for August.
All donation money, books,
etc. will be cheerfully
accepted by the management, but
the lady want the pub.
lie to fully understand that
the people of the town
to use the books of the library and
no pay is expected. The library
Is in every sense a public one and
greatly missed midst.
The pallbearers C. T. to book
J. N. Hart, W. Li, . . .
Brown, J. J. J. O. fr of day-
Mrs. M. H.
It being Mr. desire slat-, holding the last week two
for Morehead to have an hotel hundred meeting.
suitable Mr an resort, j was proclaimed throughout the
a suitable one will be erected at state that the had prom-
that point, This is to be some the candidate for governor to
smaller the hotel, i attend his Inauguration in case he
but is to be thoroughly equipped j obtained a majority of
with all modern improvements, view of the efforts, never
with a attachment. An j made before by party in a
of New September it is remark-
is to charge of it, and patron- Able that the administration did
age will be sought the year round.
With Again
C. W. has accepted a
position with The
Mr. Hearne was with Re-
several months , but
resigned his position to accept a
position at Beaufort.
not succeed the re-
publican l, it
did not even
can vote. That does
while in it
and in 1900 it was
S. J. Sampson.
daughter pale and
We are glad to have Mr. Rocky Moon-
back with us, for we know some- Now e . cheek-
. and happy. cents,
tiling of his ability by hrs former Tea r Tablets.
I have just returned from
more where I bought my fall mil For Sale Brooke
and notions. Opening Sept j Press, in
Mrs. H. L. Boyd, R. L. Nichols.
Grimesland, N. O., next door to , No. Greenville, N. C.
Dr's. office. 8-26 ltd

R. L.
I r. L.
Norfolk, V.
Cotton Buyers and Broker in
Cotton, Grain and Pris-
ons. Private Wires to New
Chicago Saw
Since Township
been it ha- been
iii a for Winterville beet ion
N. to suggest
table for the township about
of the time. Some of our
people wish us to remind th
Ayden or No. l
stable for the past f years and
we are ware they are expecting u i
to hint this time.
Although we have been a little
low yet we have t lie
and are bare if elected will
give most faithful service j
to the duties of the
Mr. Fernando Tucker is man
we are glad to suggest, for our next
constable township.
W give you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in st ck. Country
Produce Bo. end Sold
D. W.
Not Quite
How often you can a
or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
p Trips to the
BALTIMORE. MD. Ac-count Rational
Convention Fraternal Order i
Eagles, September 12th toll
17th, 1904. Bate, one first
class fare plus
11th and
limited for return to Sept 19th
with of extending
return limit to September
Account J
pal Church, 28th. f
Bate one first class fare plus
the round trip. Tick-
on sale 2nd and
3rd, limited for return to
totter SI,
Season Tickets, Day Tickets. Day
Tickets to the Worlds
Louis on ale aver day.
G Tickets on sale every
Tuesday in August.
and Other Information given
by Ticket
, and
H. Al. J
T M. P. A
This is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
interest being studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
Mens Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line Youths Clothing
He-t Blood Purifier Known,
as a wash
is greatest
value has been known for
cent but it was never successful-
i produced as a liquid until the dis-
j of method of making Han-
It is the best blood purifier known.
Hancock's Liquid will save
make clear, brilliant
complexions. Taken internally it is
Invaluable in the spring;. Used as a
wash it kills germs, and cures and
eczema, acne, itch, dandruff,
heat, diphtheria,
urns, scalds,
lores. Ask your druggist for it or
write for booklet to Hancock Liquid
Baltimore, Md.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leave
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
by Old Dominion
New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Lino from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
B. Walker, Vice President
Beach Street, N, Y.
Louisa Hargrave,
vs V Summons
The defendant, Hargrave.
will take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in the
Superior for Pitt county, for
divorce, and the defendant will take
notice that be is required to at
the Superior Court for the county of
Pitt to be held at the court house in
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
the 1st Monday in Sept, 1904, and ans-
or demur to the complaint, a cony
of which will be deposited in the clerks
office of said court within the first
day of said or th plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de-
in the complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this July
1904 D. C.
Clerk Superior Court.
The partnership heretofore
between Geo. W. of William
N. C, and M. O. of Beth-1
el, N.
consent. business at i
N. C, will hereafter be owned and
conducted solely by W.
under same and Style as hereto-
fore d the business at will
hereafter be owned and conducted
solely by M. O under same
name and heretofore
This August 17th
M. O. Blount,
Geo. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors h ml handlers of
Ties and Bugs.
Correspondence and shipments
The undersigned, having this day
been appointed by, having duly
qualified before, the Clerk of
Superior Court of Pitt County, as ad-
of the estate of Allen
Warren deceased, notice Is hereby
given to all person holding claims
against said estate to present them to
me for payment, authenticated,
on or before the day of July 1906,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
Immediate payment to me.
This the 13th day of July
E. B.
Administrator of Allen Warren d.
it Blow,
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of Its kind issued in America. It
tails all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to ad vantage
and profit in the Fall. Mailed free
to Farmers and Gardeners, upon
request. Writs for It.
Wood Sons,
Loan Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that work, automatically,
Is forfeit able,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or N
To make policy payable as an during the
of insured.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will Insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, and we've made It easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
Ayden Sept. 1904.
The graded school will open on
the mil.
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and is destined to take the
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
without again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
This fickle weather takes a
low It makes him change-
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
Josh Mills, of Greenville, has
been during the week.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for buggy or
Call on and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden. N. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure in sub-
and willing receipts for
those arrears. We hare a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
From the large number of
Hart Bros, carry out
every week they must be doing a
big as well as doing good
Remember you can find
nicker piques
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call t see our laces ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith Bro.
keep most complete
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
hat it is so.
Jesse Coward has opened a gen-
merchandise business in one
of the new brick stores just across
the way.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best refer
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
I wish to remind my friends that
I keep a very nice line of millinery
goods, and I that my
girdles, and new kid belts
will please you all. Give me a
call, Mrs J. A. Davis.
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
P. O. Building, Ayden.
Cotton seed hulls, and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Call and examine our of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Milling Mtg. Co.
Cannon Tyson handles
ready mixed paints, the beet.
Rick salt Mr stock, at J. R
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all
possible to please with
new line of heavy and fancy
We cull special to our
new line of Tan and Ideal Kid
shoes Cannon Tyson.
Men a d U v suits at cost at W.
M. Edwards Sc Co.
Cull on t a fur Q bar
rel of Colombia Flour, none
to be bad anywhere.
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
received, fine line of
and can fit yon in any style
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
Mrs. Taylor, mother of
oar townsman, Mack Taylor, died
at his borne last Monday evening
and was buried day
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes-, apply to E. E.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
for peanuts.
We a splendid assortment
of body carpets in various
styles and patterns, make
excellent bail rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies are cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Miss Lizzie Anderson has gone
to Wilson she accepts a
as teacher of elocution in
Christian college.
W. C. Jackson Co., are offer-
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now 2.75,
2.25 and 1.75. Shirts that were
and Sc each are now and
each. A few pair of shoes
both low and high cuts at
your own figures. Lawns, white
goods and all trimmings at almost
2-3 their value. Come and see.
Misses Esther Cannon and Irene
Sullivan are visiting the family of
R. W. Smith.
Harrison ready mixed paints,
colors, lead, oil and at J. R.
Smith Bro.
pair double, single fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Do you want to know bow it
feels to think more of yourself than
ever before See W. E. Hooks
Mud out.
Rev. Mr. King, of Greenville,
is here assisting th,
ed now in progress
in the Missionary Baptist
Hart Cypress Shingles for
sale by Cannon Tyson.
Carolina 81.50
per day, near depot West
Transient solicited
B. F. Early,
Telephone lines are becoming so
numerous Id this place the
a central office is
more evident every day.
We hear the young men say the
lining clothing
is sold by Tyson.
percales and gingham for
at W. M. Edwards Co.
Miss Lima Patrick Is spending
the week here with her W.
E. Patrick.
lot, of calico at W. M.
Edwards Co.
Go to E E. A Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
J. M. Dixon says he sometimes
wishes be two or
boggy factories here, so he could
i meet the made upon him.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale retail large
I stock always hand, orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache h mar is burns,
when you can be permanently
led cue pair of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W. Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. Weak
eyes, need of glasses,
ways no to worse. A lit-
piece of glass properly
ed will often work wonders.
J. B. Eli J. B. White
were yesterday.
J. R. Smith says bis firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come in by car load-.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Mrs. George of Washing-
ton, who has been Mrs.
M. E. near here, left for her
home Thursday.
Come to see when you want
to buy Independent Manufactured
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
I take this method of informing
the public that m Summer sea-
son is about over I am offering
special inducements order to
sell. My. line of cannot be
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I exclusively is
nor other make
Give a when I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
Other line of I know I shall
be to you and sell you
J. J. Hi ties.
We much to hear
that Mrs. J. i. has a serious
case of
A big stock of Richmond cook
and heating stoves and repairs for
same at J. R, Smith Bro.
Large Stuck of furniture consist-
of suits, steads,
bitting chairs, mattresses,
straw, felt and cot ton at J. It.
Smith Bro.
Walter Wilmington,
bi visiting bis brother, W.
One lot of for
at w. M. Edward.
Jars and
Rabbets J. R. Smith Bro.
I To make room for fall we
will shoes and
at greater reduced prices. V. M.
Edwards and Co.
George Worthington Bro
work in this
a specialty. Work
A lot of hamburg edgings in
remnants. You can buy them
cheap at W. M. Edwards Co's
Those desiring first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on the market
Milling Mfg. Co.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Mrs. E L. and children
are visiting the parents of her
at Kelford.
Now we have plenty of the
wagon and cart
wheels will sell them as cheap
as any one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
complete line of furniture in town
The damage to crops from ex-
rains still continue.
If you need a pair of pants new
is the time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for only
at W. M. Co.
For next fifteen days you can
buy a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards Co.
Dr. Helium's Sure cure for In-
and for sale
by J. R Smith and Bro. is pro-
be the best in the mar-
is to do all its
If it doesn't give you absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
Dist. Ayden, N. C.
All percales for
M. Edwards Co.
at W
Bishop and wife, of
have been visiting the
family of our handsome constable,
Cotton seed meat and hulls at
J. R. Smith ft Bro.
Have some bred white
and barred Plymouth Rock chick-
ens for sale, call, see chickens and
get prices. C. A. Fair,
Ayden, N. C.
While perhaps just at this E.
may not possibly be as
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain a an insurance man he
gets He is not only a
bur ha found it necessary to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr. Cox
is to be congratulated id being a
hustler and having something
good to bustle.
Ladies Misses slippers at
costs it W. M. Edwards Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W.
M. Edwards Co's.
We want your hams chickens
eggs. J. B. Smith Bro.
ed from Seven Springs Tuesday
public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of all kinds.
N. C.
Dr. Joseph
Office Block,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Stylos Hair
Shaving and
At the close of business June 9th,
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo from Banks,
Check and Items,
Gold Coin, ,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Demand certificates of
Deposits, .-
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel
They save stock, They save land, The save neigh-
They save worry, They save time, They are
guaranteed, They are best steel. They have the
only hinge Easy to build. No expense
for repairing, Last a lifetime. The American Is
he best square mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Como to us

D. J. WHICHARD, and Proprietor.
Entered in th port office at Greenville, N. C, class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and
in preference U
Pitt N. C, Tuesday, September 1904.
If Russians can't they
can run pretty well.
Sow that the editors been
seeing and hearing let them lo
From reports from Danville, Va-,
it is not wise to attempt a lynching
and fail.
The cotton this year is good.
The biggest trouble to be to
get pickers.
Carrie Nation seems to he keep-
quiet. Maybe she an
this time.
We rejoice to note the favorable
conditions under which the schools
and colleges of our state are open-
Well, yon certainly have been pa-
The editor has returned,
and trill resume of The Re-
after this issue.
The of a citizen to his party
is a very sacred duty, one that
be done with careful
am manly
the editors now
think of Said one of our
townsmen to us today. V are won-
what Parker thinks of the ed
asked the Per feet
the resurrection whose wife of them
is she
Augusta, Ga., Sept. special
to The Herald from Atlanta, says that
in discussing the refusal of a Georgia
soldier to salute a officer. Gov-
Terrell to-day
what I call Georgia
grit. He is made out of the proper
True, it is Georgia
and it somewhat resembles the grit
that can be found in the Old North
of grasping the truth that to a true
man is infinitely beyond
When any moral question
itself to a man without
his only will it pay
will it advance my personal interest
If so I will contend for i, unless a
larger price is offered on the other
side, in event I reserve the
to flop over on the side that the
largest price. Such an individual
is a dishonor to his creator, a
on man and a curse to the
On the other hand, when any
question presents itself to a true
man, his only inquiry is, is it right
And if so I shall stand for it no mat-
what may be the immediate re-
to myself. Such a man cannot
be bought, he cannot he hired, ha
cannot be is
a mart is an honor to his
a blessing to the world-
President has made a rule that will
help the college, and our advice to
students is not to rely on their
to get President Winston to re-
H. C. and R. I- Bridges, of
have donated to
Wake Forest college, to go toward
the erection of an infirmary build-
The people of the state know of
the great work this institution is do-
and it is not necessary to com-
thereon. Suffice to say that
we know of no nobler cause to which
one their money.
card to the public, of A.
age and Co., found on another page,
shows a good spirit. This firm does
not want their competitors to
on their account.
Only two days and re hold our
Primary. Let every Democrat of
Pitt county remember the date and
place, Saturday, Sept. 10th. in the
C house in Greenville.
The manner in which Ed.
son, who was recently hanged in
Mobile for murder, nit death, only
shows the cool manner which
fiends can do murder. He died
smoking a cigar.
The Biltmore exhibit to be sent
to St. Louis, an account of which is
found on another page, will add
much to North Carolina's exhibit.
We have always known that we have
the best of everything, we
want other to know it
Tomorrow the date set for
holding the the different
our county, we wish to
especially emphasize the great
every democrat doing
his duty. This is the critical period.
and every citizen should do his part.
The name Theodore Roosevelt
ton Parker Jones was recently given
to a hopeful in one of our sis-
reminds us of a question once
In why Parker will
New Jersey, Clarence T.
of that state, gives tome
distrust of Roosevelt, the
dinner pails, reduced
wages, number of unemployed, high
pi ices for what you eat and
and besides, the public is tired of
Republican rings of New Jersey.
I hey will not elect a Pennsylvania
Railroad lobbyist Governor. The
coal trust has taxed me on
for my hotel, and the beef trust
on beef. This is fact, and no
statistics can wipe it out. know
what ought to be the price of coal
and so do all the in
our land.
A visit to the many shops, factories,
and mills of our thriving town makes
one feel like a different man. We
have recently had the pleasure of
visiting a number of the leading
business places of our town, and we
can truthfully say that we know of
no town more wide awake, or more
systematic in business than is
Perhaps nothing is more essential
to business success than is a correct
system. Realizing this fact, the
various companies of our town have
invariably selected as their officials
men who have executive and
who are systematic in their work.
Much of the wonderful
success of our town is due to the sys-
manner in which the work
is done, and in which the business
is carried on.
The willing manner in which the
And Getting Rudy for
New York, Sept. 0,1904.
North Carolina has not moved to
New York, but about twenty editors
from the Old North State reached
here this evening to take part in the
editorial conference and go en the
trip to and so many being
here together makes us feel very
much at home.
Taking supper in Greenville, fin-
an after supper smoke in
Kinston, loafing an hour in Golds-
and another in Wilson, sleep
through Richmond, breakfast-
in Washington and getting din
in New York, looks like moving
around through space quite lively,
but it is only an instance of what
the present day facilities for travel
The North Carolina editors who
are here met in Washington and
came on to Now York in a body.
Arriving here our mind went back
to what a Pitt county sheriff once
said upon visiting the city looks
court week in New
Well, a big crowd is nothing
for it mutt he remembered
that above people
around here, beside the
non-residents who come and go every
At this writing I have not learned
just what the program is for
row except that the editors from the
different parts of the country will
confer as to the best plan to pursue
in the campaign to secure the
of Parker and Davis
day night there will be a banquet at
the and Thurs-
day a trip up the Hudson to
the home of Judge Parker, where
the editors will be presented to him.
Mr. Knapp of the St. Louis
will make a speech for the press-
men and Judge respond.
A great deal more is seen up
way to indicate the activity of the
national campaign than has yet been
manifested in the south. Campaign
banners for both Parker and Davis
and Roosevelt and Fairbanks are
seen floating everywhere.
clubs opened headquarters
showing that the battle is on in ear-
nest. It certainly is an inspiration
to come here and listen to the many
confident expressions of the certain-
of the election of Parker and
vis, and one outcome of the confer-
of editors will be the spreading
of this enthusiasm over the country.
D. J. W.
Read The
The new management of the A t
and North Carolina Railroad
Company, the Howland Improve-
Company, have given out the
news that the old officials and em-
will be retained in the
vice. This, together with the great
improvements that are to be made
along the entire line, is very gratify-
to the people of the entire state.
Elizabeth College, we know they will be taught
Charlotte, N. C. March experienced trained
Mr. Chas. M. i teachers The heads of our
Baltimore, Md. colleges secure the best
Dear have been teachers and equipment
the Upright Pianos
exclusively in the music con- In all our best colleges you
of Elizabeth will find Pianos on ac-
for the past i-even years. The count of its beautiful singing
pianos have given entire perfect action and won-
faction both to and durability. It is mi-
students. Our musicians the piano for artist and
workmen do their work, and the care far the Piano. And for beginner alike,
and interest is very noticeable. They j this reason I have no We will quote from time to
seem to realize that the interests of
of piano into conservatory, extracts of letters from the
Our business relations with leading colleges.
you firm have been both pleas Three carloads of Pianos
ant and satisfactory. We of and other
in use seventeen and can now be
the employer and employee are one
and the same, and by their earnest
efforts they bring success to both.
By these means our town be-
come one of the leading towns of
North Carolina.
On account of President Winston,
of the State and
College, having abridged the
privileges of the senior class this
year, not allowing them to be absent
from the college except at certain
times without permission, the class
has threatened to leave college in a
body. They claim that the lower
So far the polL-y pursued by the classes have sworn to stand by them
in their attempt to get the president
to repeal the law. Four of the sen-
committee that were appointed
to confer with the president and
were expelled. The seniors
also want these men re-instated. As
a result of the failure of the to
new management is very commend-
able, and if continued, will add
much to the convenience of the pat-
of the A. N. C. We can but
note the contract between
of the present management and the
actions of the who held
sway for such a short
From the course of management
mapped out by The Howland
Company, we feel that
the state is fortunate in having made
the lease, and we predict for them
great success.
A man without convictions who is
himself on the market to the highest
bidder, is apt to suppose all others
like unto himself, that every man
has his more some lees.
Such a man is absolutely
get what they the
work has been stopped and the sen-
class barred from the dining room
and dormitories.
For some time we have been watch-
President Winston in the great
work that he is doing, and have
never found him to be a man who
fears his duty. He is not the man
to make a good law, and seeing it to
be a good law, repeal it because it
does not meet the exact approval of
the students affected.
In this instance we behave the
in our Greenville ware-
President. ,
When we send our children rooms, direct from the factory
to the best school or College at factory prices terms to suit.
Q. G.
Loans and Discount. 8183,309.34
Overdrafts 3.239.39
Furniture Fixtures 3,818.57
One from Banks 73.225.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in 828,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the statement above is true to the beat of my knowledge
and belief JAMES L. LITTLE.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public.
J. Q.
Ideally located near MILITARY. by
officers Army Pupil of Increasing
HP par a BINGHAM, R F. D. No. N. C
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
N. C, Sept.
On Friday in the chapel
of Winterville School
a welcome given to the
dents. The following was the
Instrumental solo,
a former
A few words of welcome by A.
O. Cox, one of the Full
of sound advice and
Vocal Mia Tyson, of
Miss Tyson was encored
and sang She has
a sweet voice under her perfect
and if there had been no-
thing else on the
people who heard her were well
repaid for coming out.
Then Prof. A. L. Jackson, a
former Winterville teacher, made
a short of welcome in
which he told much the Win
school had surpassed his
Jno David Cat then made a few
remark- Hy to the country
-cocas ion.
Then your ad vised
to read the to keep
abreast of times.
Tyson sang another
of her sweet solos.
Carrol, a former
dent delivered a well prepared ac
count of her school troubles,
and joys It was fall
of wit and very instructive as well
Then last hut by no means the
least came a to heart
by Prof. V. B. Dove, of the Green-
ville school. There is no
norm of oratory Prof.
Dove's talk hut he gets your at-
and holds it while he
his point m. pin every one can
The Winterville Mfg Co. now
busy on a big lot of wash boards
a lot of saddle Mocks for economic
back bands, and a lot of those
mons kitchen safes.
In spite of rainy weather the
A. G. Cox Co. are shipping
out wagons and buggies almost
every day.
Stoves, healers and ranges. All
styles, lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
The Cox MTg Co. are
keeping up a continued ham with
their machinery, catting and
paring timbers for
cotton planters, and other things
that are manufactured by them.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board per day. Best
house in town.
Jinn of Black Jack,
been visiting at John Harper.
candies a at the
store of B. T. Cox Bro.
Kittrell Taylor have re-
a assortment of cutlery
if yen want a nice knife see them.
Robert's Chill Tonic size
now only
B. G. Chapman and co.
Fine line of window shades just
received by B. Q. Chapman Co.
Dinner pots, Wash pots and
preserving crockery and
glass ware tin wood and
willow ware. Barber
We now a complete line of
He i dress good end trimmings,
puts in tome good jokes, and j notions, hats and umbrellas, rugs
and window shades. Will take
leaves a good impression
Prof. announced that
the was finished and that
acquainted and
was in order.
The school h now about full. If
North Carolina had had such
schools as this all over it at
the close of the civil war no state
In the union could with
her in wealth, power or
There is the best selection of
inks, library paste and
at the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
Trunks end valises cheap.
Harrington Barber and Co.
For dress and work at
fa- Whitty Son's.
E. G. Chapman Co. say they
are doing more business than they
have ever
G. A. Kittrell Co. will pay the
top of the market for grapes.
For lime and stoves see A. W.
Ange Co.
Jerry Nichols who has been
visiting relatives here went to
Selma Monday
tat light-
wood cart A. G. Cox Mfg.
For A splendid pair of me-
size mules. A. G. Cox.
Second hand buggies cheap. If
you wish to buy a second hand
buggy cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. Co.
For Nails and Lime see A. W.
A Co.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
a lot of fine timber for Tar
Heel carts and wagons. They are
also a large supply of
these, wheels so they an till a big
demand when the proper season
Get Sum soda Sets per
T. N. Manning and Co.
Pictures and picture frames.
Barber Co.
we carry a complete Hie of heavy.
fancy prices tight.
Ii. G. X- Co., say to
sake room fall that all
summer goods will be sold at a
Being in position to secure
class raw material cheap, having
machinery with which to do our
work, and being able to save and
work up nearly all of our timber,
are a few of the reason why we
save our customers money,
Winterville Mfg. Co.
Car load floor just received,
Harrington, Barber Co.
A Rio. brought to Winterville.
Protect your eyes by buying one Co.
of those eye at the Pent. One wood shop with
Store, price cents. I blacksmith shop and plainer at-
Co and horse boiler
Try B. G. Chapman and for work. The wood shop is
white wine i x ft. is near a rail road
It is splendid. u i and is a nice place for
See Kittrell Taylor for a fresh . .,, Pl,
, , ,. , Apply to Cox
loaf of bread. , , ,
good barrel of Mrs. Sarah our up-t-
flour or see Kittrell and date has returned from
pleasure in showing one and all
through car line.
Barber Co.
Window and door frames, porch
columns, brackets and all kinds of
house trimmings at rock bottom
prices, Winterville Mfg. Co.
L. Ii. Kittrell, Joe and
A. D. Johnston went to Green-; School books. Stationary, pens,
Monday. I pencils and school supplies of all
If you want a good Stove; kinds can be at the drug
or cheap see A. W. Ange store.
two months ago
one month heifer. Color,
light red, unmarked. Of her
whereabouts you will please notify
C. J.
Is now in New York
his selections of Ii
and Winter
Wait for his return be-
fore buying.
Frank WilsOn,
The King Clothier.
If you want ire and lemons
fail ii. get them from Kittrell
T X Co. are carry
the northern where she has
selected latest style of
to call be
fore purchasing. I can save you
lug medicine that will cure money and give satisfaction
diseases of the in any state.
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
day at ray mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
We now have on hand a
line of dress at remarkably j
low come, and be con-
Tinned. Yours truly
Kittrell and Taylor. I
The Winterville Mfg. Co.,
Up nice fly proof kitchen safes. I
They are cheap and
yon r dealer to order you
We want your eggs. Highest
Harrington, barber Co.
G. A. Kittrell Co., will be on
the market season as grape
will pay the highest
See the Furniture at A. W.
Ange Go's. Prices right.
Stray Taken small
black, male pig, unmarked. Has
beau with my hogs about weeks.
C. J.
Light wood Cart
Bubs. A. O. Cox Mfg. Co
Mrs. Sarah Taylor.
is the on
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox. Winterville, 3-22
Main Street, Winterville. N. C.
The New Season.
We have received all the newest
things for the new season.
New goods awakens an
which follows where constant
changes take place. We will show
this season, the most up-to-date line
of Dress and Clothing that
we have ever shown. At prices
to please all.
C L Co
. . .

Greenville's Great
Department Store
Our buyers have returned from the Northern
markets and our new FALL and WINTER GOODS
are arriving by every train and boat.
We expect in a few days to have the most
complete elegant stock yet shown by us.
Every different department has carefully
lent after, not one slighted. The display of
good things to eat, to wear and to beautify and
ornament the home will be well worth your in-
things in BELTS,
and SHOPPING BAGS have come in for early
Fa wear which you should see at once. Be
first to set some of the new styles. We will an-
date of our very shortly.
To The Public
Owing to the law recently paw-
ed by me town, forbidding a in
buggies to left on the
room Meg limited, we
are forced to quit or
care of any horses.
And as we are informed and be-
that oar stables is the cause
of the law being enacted, we re
request the Board of
Aldermen to repeal the law as to
all stables except ours, that the
public may be entertained.
Sept. 1904. A. Savage Co.
d m-w
Office opposite depot.
Mrs. Harry Hill, of Portsmouth,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Andrews.
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams.
t its name.
good corn just in
next door to Post
Complete Line Clothing, Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Good, Fresh Groceries
Cherry Co.
beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready Paints.
Wholesale ti I and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, ere. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriage, Parlor
wits. Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ar
Life Tobacco, Key Che-
roots, George Clear, Can
firm Jelly, Milk,
I flour
Ly, Food, OH,
Seed i Hells,
Dried A
Pro .-, Glass
and Tin
Ware, Cakes
Cheese, Beat Batter, New
Royal Sewing and mi
other goods. Quality and
j j Cheap for cash. Come
I see ma.
, f
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
N. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
Superior Clerk of Pitt
last will and testament,
V. W. Tucker, deceased, do-
ice is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate to make
i, j mediate to the
signed, and all persons
claims the estate are
to present the for pay
on or before the day
, July, 1905, or this will be
I plead in bar of recovery
This 18th day of July, 1904.
Executor of W. Tucker.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
N. C,
Having qualified as administrator
of Annie L Smith, deceased, late of
Pitt county, N C this is to notify all
persons having claims the
estate of said deceased to exhibit them
to the undersigned on or before the
27th day of August 1905, or this notice
will be pleaded in bar of their recovery
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
This 27th day of August 1904.
a bull took up with my stock near
Haddocks X Roads, last spring, and
having become mischievous notice is
hereby given to the owner of said
to take him away. The bull
is young, black with brown streak on
back, short horns, marked in
ear, slit and crop in right.
day of Aug 1904.
J. D. COX.
ltd Winterville, N. C,
has Advanced Prices
are We are well ft
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage- We have mm-
potent men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
State. Sell with us,
please you.
west by the Jack White Pit contain
log seven more or less and be-
By virtue a of the
court of Pitt made in spec-
No. 1300
E. Warren, E. Warren
et the undersigned Commissioner
will sell for cash at public auction be-
fore the court house door in Green-
ville m Monday, the 19th day of Sept
1904. that pi--v or parcel of land
the town of Ore known as the
Allen warren Nursery. Bounded on
the South by Third street, on the East
by the Atlantic Coast Line railroad,
on the north by Tar river, ft on the
iv less
all the contained in the
above named except the
two acres deeded to toe town of Green-
ville. Said laud sold for division.
This the day of August.
F. u. James,
Jordan Daniel, i
The defendant above named will
take that an action entitled as
above has been commenced in the
parlor Court of Pitt County by the
plaintiff to a divorce against
the defendant for abandonment, and
the said defendant will further take
notice that she is required to appear
at the next term of the
of said County be held on the 2nd
Monday after the first Monday in
September It being day
of September 1904 At the Court
in said Comity in Greenville X.
and answer or demur to the
in said action or the plaintiff
apply to i for
to said complaint.
This nay of July.
c ,
F- G. James Atty
Carolina, J Court
Pitt County, B fore . C. Moore
H. A. Blow, Lizzie blow and Fannie
R. Blow
C. M. Blow, T. G. Blow and Jennie
By virtue of an order made by D c.
Moore, Clerk of the Superior court of j
Pitt county, in a certain special pro-1
wherein H. A. Blow, Lizzie
Blow and Fannie R. Blow are plain-
tiffs and C- M Blow, T. G. Blow and
Jennie Blow are defendants, I will on
Monday, day of September,
1904, expose to public sale, at the
Courthouse door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder cash, the following
reel of land to that house
in the town of Greenville, North
situate on the corner of
Third streets, and.
known as the Dr. Win. Blow lot, ad-
joining the Mug Temple on the
East, B. lot on
North, street on the We-t
and Third street on the If
purchaser so desires the following
terms may In- made, one third
balance in ti, and months.
This sale is made for Partition.
This the 10th day of August.
North Carolina, i
In Superior Court.
Pitt county,
John Garrett, i
vs Summons
The defendant above named will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been in the
of Pitt county by the
to obtain a divorce against
defendant for and
the said defendant will further
notice that she is required to appear
at a term of the Superior court of said
county to be held on the 9th Monday
after the 1st Monday in September
1904, it 7th day of November
1904, at the court house in said county
in Greenville, N. C, and answer or
demur to the complaint in said action
or the will apply to the court.
for the relief demanded in said com- I
This the 3rd day of September, 1904.1
D C Clerk Superior court
atty for
Superior Court.
Summon for relief
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
Mary Jane Evans
Charles Evans.
The defendant, Charles Evans, will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced in the
court of Pitt county, for divorce
and the defendant will take notice that
he is required to appear before the.
Judge of our court, at a
court to be held at the court house in
Greenville, on the Monday
the first Monday in September, it
being the 19th day of September, 1904, j
and answer or demur to the complaint
a copy of which will be deposited in
the Clerk's office of said court within
the first three days of said or the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this the
8th day of August. 1904
i; A D. C. Moore,
Atty tor S.
Notice is hereby given to the public
that application will be made to the
Governor of North Carolina for the
of Simon Tyson convicted at
term of the superior court of
Pitt county for the crime of barn
burning, and sentenced to the
for a term of five years.
This Aug. 17th 1904.
D It S. W. atty for Simon Tyson.
On Aug. 26th, 1904 Sale begins at O'clock
sharp. To convert our stock into Cash, we
will until further notice offer our
La Fine Sunday
price per pair
Box writing paper
and to match,
price per box
d buttons
pair boy--, fine
light and dark colors.
at calamity
towel. Bed striped,
1500 yards wide ham-
worth and
at this calamity sale
Hats, Hats, the en-
tire line reduced per
cent- and per cent.
During is greatest of
lam sales to secure the
matchless bargains don't
forget f hat this is a spot
Or you will miss
These Bargains
Fine steel rod
las, calamity price
Hairpins, large H
sizes to box, kind
you know what
they are, worth
calamity price
Spool cotton,
dozen Fine Hem
Stitched, Lace Edge
Handkerchiefs, worth
each, calamity price
Men and boys fins
Sunday shirts, calamity
style ply linen
calamity price
Wash rags were Be,
calamity price
Feather stitched Braid
calamity price. -q
Cut and slashed prices seen all over the
largest stock in Eastern Carolina
Aug. 26th,

. . . J.
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co
derived from the business arc returned direct to the farmers.
BECAUSE--t is a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
BECAUSE-On any of cur floors you a e guaranteed the highest legitimate matte
price at ail times and under a circumstances,
BECAUSE -The enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
BECAUSE-So certain as night follows day we know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
BECAUSE-By co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reached and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your can be had.
THE FARMERS, formerly run by Joyner THE STAB, formerly run by Coward, Hooker
Co., and THE ran last year by Foxtail MR. H. A. TIMBERLAKE, who
or a number of years baa been count with the Star as auctioneer, no better one ever sung to
the bids of will have personal charge of the MR. S. B. WELL, who was one of
the firm of Foxhall year at The will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. JOYNER will be at the Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Delegates to County Convention.
Below is a list of the delegates
alternates selected by the
primaries of the several townships U C Cannon, H L Blount
to the county convention to be Cox, J W Can
Tucker, Henry Dixon,
Delegates W W J R
Harvey. R R Jackson, Ed
W C Jackson, E G Cox, B J
held in Greenville on Thursday,
W Smith, W C
Joyner, Jesse L Smith, W A
lard, D L Crawford.
A Nichols, B W
Erwin, J S Hoffman, Me
Arthur, J F Allen.
Executive L
G T Tyson, J A Smith, S V
Joyner, L Button.
Magistrates--J W Smith,
Arthur, W Joyner.
W Bullock, D J D
S Walker, Char-
Parker, Rich-
ard Harris.
Executive J Turn
age, D J Holland, Frank Clark,
Richard Hams.
J Turnage, W
Bullock, D C Barrow.
L Parker.
H Barnhill, UH
F L Brown,
J IS M A James, R R
Alternates-M O
Moore, C R J J Carson,
J R Boating, H A Cherry, S C
Foul, daddy
A Gainer, S T
B M V.
L Taylor.
R R J Per-
kins, A H N Gray, J B
Roebuck. It B
l, J B Vt bite-
bunt, H A Gray.
James, A
Page, L J
look, Page, Little, A
J A Grand, it
Little, D B
Executive N
Gray, LR Barn-
hill. S R Ross, L.
James. c U Page.
S Ross.
Grimes, H
B J H Mills,
J Marshall Cox, W E Tucker,
F Chapman, Haddock,
Bred Mills, Albert
Moore, W P Buck. L E W
E Proctor, W L Clark, J B Gal-
J B Tucker, C II Jones, H
Jr, W ft Galloway, h Woolen,
Mills, J A
II C Venters, IT J Stokes,
Smith J B William-,
G Buck, Jeff El-
wards, W S Elks, J A Hudson,
Jesse Wilson, Richard
II Cox. L Alston
Executive L
Women, J Marshall Cox, W K
ion, D G Berry. Jesse Cannon,
F Hart. J A
Dixon, Calvin Tucker, W B Win-
Kate, A D Johnston, J D Cox, R
G Amos Joyner, G E
Jackson, J J May.
Alternates B T Cox, M C
Jackson, Jr., J B Smith, J F
Hart C L Tyson, R Allen, W J
J Z Brooke, M
A L Jackson, C J J
C Gordon, J R Sugg, J R Spier,
I J Frizzle, Amos Braxton, J S
Hines, R C Cannon, J J Stoke,
A G Cox, II E Ellis,
David Wright No-
L Blount, J M
Blow, J L Hobgood, J M C
B F Jenkins, A D J J
Stokes, H C Cannon.
B Tucker.
Jesse JR Smith, H L
Blount, J Z Books, J W Call Don.
No A G Cox. H Kill, B
Cox, J J May, G E
L Fountain,
L Brown, W N J B Gardner,
Jonas R A Fountain, J a
Owens, Tom Jefferson, John
J Merrill, T
Williams, R R J .
W S Norton, W II Moore, L B
Arthur G W
II Moore,
Dr J Morrill,
G V Smith.
Town II Bagwell,
L J G H L Cow
aid, E A Jr., Brown,
F G E Harris, John
C T Frank
son, Bonn tree, J L Wooten,
J i Sugg.
Hart, C
H L Carr, J G
Bowling, J Z Gardner, A A Au-
U A Tyson, TM Hooker,
G Evans, A A Forbes, R L
Bomber, J F Brinkley, W J
D Rountree, H
Harding, T R Moore.
North Side E
Fleming S A Dudley, W J Briley,
Booker O W
ton, Peter Brown.
Harrington, J
I Fleming, W E Moore, J J Jones,
W Wainwright, Robert Brown.
Magistrate Briley.
South Sine i. Joy-
net, Paul Harrington, Allen,
J Tucker, M G
Marion Crawford, J c Ai-
Joseph Tripp, J A Harden, Jose-
Harvey Allen.
H May, Win M
F M Ernest Forbes,
W F Evans, Brooks, Bryant
J J Nash
Augustus Forbes, J W Higgs.
I. F Evans, J J
R Davenport, W
L Ross, J E Barnhill, J T Moore.
Alternates L Nobles, W T
Mason, N C Barnhill, David
Executive T
Spier, J R Davenport, J R Over-
ton, J R Barnhill, W T Mason.
J Williams, A I
Roach, B A L H
Smith, Moore, David Fleming,
Fleming, James Mm re, J A
Stoke, J T Williams, R Corey,
Ernest Smith.
S Moore, L
C H Cox.
Moore, J B A Gard-
W B Blind. W S
Adopted by Greenville Memorial Baptist
Sunday School.
When as, our Sunday
superintendent, Bro. M. A. Allen,
has accepted a with
American Tobacco Company
in Danville, Virginia, and hence
will not live in Greenville, N. C,
any longer; therefore be it
Resolved That we do hereby
express our high appreciation of
his labor among us as a Christian
citizen. We bear willing
to his noble spirit, his
devotion and unswerving y
under all conditions
Reported for Reflector
An event of unusual interest in
social circles was progressive
whist party given by Mrs. E. B.
on last Fri lay evening.
The recipient of this honor was
Mrs. Lewis Morgan, of
Ala., a ho is visiting Mrs.
Mrs. Morgan is a well known
beauty in her native state and has
made a number of during
her visit here by attractive
manner and charming
The guests served with
in the hallway by Misses
Gotten and Pat Skinner.
After the conclusion of the game
refreshments were served by Mes
dames James L. Little, F. G.
Jame-, A. E. Tucker and C.
Other amusements were
ed for who did play
The first prize was won by Mrs.
Morgan, booby by Mis Lizzie
Jones, the was drawn
by Miss Mary
Those present
N. C. Sept. 1904.
B. E. and J. P. Fleming return-
ed from Baltimore Friday.
D. C. Ross spent at
C. E. returned from
Good many from h-e went to
Swamp church
Messrs and Broken, of Be-
town painting.
Pratt's poultry food the best
egg producer, at C. E. Bradley
season has about come to
an end with a long neck one.
t bale of brought
in town yet. Guess it will come
this way within a days.
Mr. J. H. died last
Friday and was buried
by the Masons at his old home
piece. He was years, mouths
and days old.
single horse wagon, good as
new been used but few times
apply to C E. Braddy.
J. J. having the
MM. Lewis Morgan, A
Ala; Mrs. R. O. Misses add much to
Annie Elizabeth Thomas,
Nashville, Tenn; James,
Mary Lizzie Jones, Winnie
Skinner, Nell Skinner, Pearl Fort,
Pikeville, N. C, Lottie Skinner,
Margaret Skinner, Ethel
Bailie Gotten, Pat Skinner, Mes
dames W. V. J. C. Tyson,
A. L. Blow, Laughing-
N. 12.1904.
We are reliably informed that
there will be exhibition of Pitt
county corn by the farmers on
Thursday the of October, 1904
in Greenville. Ore dozen years
F. James, R. J. Cobb, J. j of be
Resolved That in the depart- M. H. E. to compete
of esteemed brother and j Jr; H- ,, This is
bis wife this church has lost e, Che. Skinner, A. w-H simple f. n mere
. . . I IT IT A I I. . .
day school faithful and efficient
Resolved That
. . i XV Hi i . . .
Baptist church has not only
lost a and affable friend, a
faithful and earnest Sunday
S. L. Then. W. Skinner, deeper in
Nelson, Mi- Martha j the or the b--t
it i. c. w. Bar- planting. It is hoped the people
j. Garden, W. B. Hooker, of v give
Jr., Monte Latham. encouragement to that
Lieut. Annapolis; bettering the farmer
a worthy A
practical chairman of the c s- Carr, F. M.
committee, but one of its most at
ten live and I deacons
Resolved h- town of j
Greenville has lost u ,. Your PaPer-
whose conviction-, a life of I hopes many
and in bis its over the county
tore, we j egret to have will call me while attend-
him leave, we commend him In
the confidence and esteem of
who may be so Sn In
Resolved Thai a copy
I hare be on
record of this and a
copy be furnished the papers for
A. T.
S. Committee. Notice.
W. If.
log Con I
i -r. Ii
I y r now v. h
d being
will en. to see
comer near the court house,
convenient for all to call in.
More will be said in a short time
concerning these matter and the
farmers are invited to oiler
concerning the best methods
and experiments they may have.
and settle
i the tune
they should be
y save
; if they
The is
Kitchen Coming.
Congressman W. W.
will speak in Greenville on
Sept. 28th. Those who
want to hear a good speech should
tie on hand.
Big Attraction.
The auction of jewelry and
silverware held at the store W.
Ii. Brown by Dive of Nor
are large crowds.
Many of the ladies the
afternoon sale have received
handsome prizes, three or tour be-
given every The
auction is just
of the town.
I plenty for all
and buggies and tin take care of I
keep them out of rain and
Mil ii. Come to see me. I am doing
business at the same old place. I
have also good box stall
horses am a new
lively the best vehicles
horses and can accommodate every
body, plenty homes
and mules for sale or trade, tile
best can lie gotten. J. F
Dr. W. II. of Char-;,,.,., A. .,,
N. C., will be in Greenville
at Hotel Bertha Monday Oct. 3rd
and until icon of Tuesday Oct. 4th . ,
for one day only. Bis practice Is I d f ,,.
limited Ear, and Rocky Mono
Throat, ad lit ting glasses, Tm. Now
led, healthy happy. cents,
A hand Brooks Tea or Tablets.
good running
New Superintendent
On Sunday morning Baptist
Prut. II. sup
to succeed Mr. St, A.
Allen who had moved In
position the a
Educational Rally at
Tin will
rally at Ayden,
which speeches
to be present.
. i . a C
ill lie made by
crowd is expected
For Sale
Press, in
R. L.
Route Ne, Greenville, N. O.
8-26 ltd
I returned from
I bought my fall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
1904. Mrs. H. L. Boyd,
Fruit jars, jelly -tumblers N. C, next door to
atone jars at M. office. In.

Eastern reflector, 13 September 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 13, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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